God’s glory – a practical application

Can the glory of God produce physical manifestations in people?

Click here for more.

~ by Marianne on May 24, 2008.

10 Responses to “God’s glory – a practical application”

  1. this is true and you have blive that

  2. i believe in god and always have all my friends even thinks im crazy believing god xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. […] God’s glory – a practical heavenawaits.wordpress.com […]

  4. people, I say this in teh hope that it may fall apon the ears that hear.. blessed be, the old testement is the word of God and teh new testement is based apon misleading information and scriers vision. Gods Son walks amungst us here on Earth as a Man, The new testement declares him the anti christ … If the Jews had accepted Jesus as the Messiah then we would all be Jews.. The devil apears as an Angel of light to mislead , be on your guard and question what you believe, for God loves those who seek and question, a faith built on lies is like a house built on sand or a brick wall made with wet cement… Ask yourself this , if the Bible is the word of God and the Devil rules this world , why would the Devil permit the bible to be published so widely ? , Answer…. he wouldn’t.. God judges the heart and not the deeds, the messiah will wage war on the beast and over come without sacrefice… the 4 horse men are in fact 1 man, the 1 man is in fact the Son of God who was stolen from heaven and hidden here on earth amungst men, the 1 who was and died and chose to be re born again as a man… much of what we know as truth by way of the bible was corrupted… god and the beast move through people , abuse of the power words and the things hidden have come to pass… we are in a time of great change , wake up and see. peace.

    • P
      what proof do we have that what you say is true? or that your message was not corrupted?

      Over 5000 manuscripts and fragments of the new testament exist, some dating to 25 years after the resurrection. They authenticate 99.99% of what is in the new testament, and the .01% that has not been authenticated does not bear on the theology thereof. That is unheard of for any religious manuscript. So if you are going to make claims about the bible being corrupted, you better have some hard evidence to prove that fact, and not just “Mohammad said”, or whatever false prophet it is that you follow.

    • Matthew 24:5

      For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and deceive many.

    • P
      Here is a site you can read for the accuracy of the Bible. (If you dare)

  5. How can I get permission to put this picture in a book I’m getting published.

    The book’s name is: The Garment of Glory.

    Thank you,

    Tom Kochel, Rev.

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