
Image result for alert

Strong possibility of martial law before end of month, maybe in the next week.

Make final preparations now, and plan to stay home

That is all I can say

Watch and pray.

Get close to God ….now!

I love you all.

God bless you.


~ by Marianne on October 6, 2016.

37 Responses to “Alert”

  1. Following. Joanna (Jojo Mac)

  2. I live right near Air Base-they’ve been building up Planes all winter-They already zapped me with (I think)-Laser/Ultrasound Weapons at 4:30 every morning for months & now all my Teeth that are left are infected-fell out-are Broken etc-I could die-also Heart Problems etc-keep getting EXODUS Scriptures
    On Rosh Morn-someone left me a Bizarre Seder Plate at Door-old & Dirty with Symbols of Obelisks & Dome of the Rock
    Also keep getting that the Lord will be appearing-He will Deliver me from Lions’ Den-(Camp Edward in Sandwich on Cape)
    Our Guv announced that Ma was All set & ready for NWO
    People on this Island really into witchcraft-New Age etc
    They have list of all those who are NOT New Agers
    Recently tried to check out of Library- Bk of Enoch- in System there were about 20 different copies-they deleted all but one & Deleted my Request-so I requested the Only one & they refused to give it to me-part of the Title said- Secret in Bk of Enoch to help New Agers bring in the NWO-Bizarro
    They are now restricting what I read here in MA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HE will Deliver us from every EVIL WORK

    On Pesach we sing

    I will sing unto the Lord
    For He has Triumphed Gloriously
    The Horse & Rider in the Sea (UFO’s Drones etc)

    Shana Tovah

    • I live on the Cape too and I don’t see any of these things you write about are happening. You can easily get a copy of the whole book of Enoch on the web. (I’ve posted a link at the end of this comment for you. Please don’t panic. While the Lord may indeed be coming and the Rapture may indeed be imminent and the Cape is filled with demonic activities and drugs, I am not aware of any announcement by our Governor about MA being ready for the NWO. Keep praying against the sprits of witchcraft which you seem to be experiencing and take heart that the Lord our God has overcome every evil.

      Click to access Lost%20Books%20-%20Book%20of%20the%20Secrets%20of%20Enoch.pdf

  3. why martial law? Because of the hurricane ? — which is at the moment only going to hit the southeastern coast? That wouldn’t be reason for the whole country to go into martial law? While I expect ML at some time, the whole country would have to be in chaos for that to happen, don’t you think?

    The election turmoil….now that’s another thing altogether…

    Do you have some other reason you know about to post this warning? Thanks for sharing. I always look forward to your posts.

  4. Approximately two years ago, Berzerk Obummer signed “peacetime Marshall Law”, whatever the hell that is.

    Seeing roadblocks wouldn’t surprise me

    • They just installed a barrier on part of I5 in California, I have bad feelings about it…. They did it in record time.. And in a weird spot.

      • maid

        you are right in your feelings. they will be setting up road blocks to examine people in their cars.. many will be arrested.

        if you come upon something like this, get off the exit and go the opposite direction

        prepare for attacks, martial law, civil war, economic collapse etc

  5. Does this have anything to do with the upcoming election? I have heard that it may not take place because of a national disaster and Obama will stay in. Thank you

    • jake

      it is my personal belief that yes, it is a manipulation to postpone elections, or a way to use either man made problems, or a real natural disaster to stay in office.

      if O were to leave office, and Trump would win, O and HC would be tried, and found guilty of treason. so if it looks like HC would win, then this may be delayed, because gov still belongs to democrats…but if it looks like trump would win, then they would have to do something drastic.

      america is also under judgment, and it may not matter who is winning. god has made a decision, and will allow some things to come to pass. we are entering the tribulation

  6. I be leave in what you say is there anything more you can tell us I know the dirty less of HD and T. It’s all over TV it’s taken over it but what are you seeing that would start this so soon

    • kathy

      see my reply to jake above:

      it is my personal belief that yes, it is a manipulation to postpone elections, or a way to use either man made problems, or a real natural disaster to stay in office.

      if O were to leave office, and Trump would win, O and HC would be tried, and found guilty of treason. so if it looks like HC would win, then this may be delayed, because gov still belongs to democrats…but if it looks like trump would win, then they would have to do something drastic.

      america is also under judgment, and it may not matter who is winning. god has made a decision, and will allow some things to come to pass. we are entering the tribulation

      government is not announcing its plans. it will be a surprise.

  7. Shalom I would not put it past this present regime to manipulate things so obummer can stay in power.
    Last night I had a dream the details of which I cant recall except I woke up with a name pressing on me, Agur. I just looked up this name and it turns out to be the Hebrew name of the putative author of Proverbs 30. Hebrew names all have meanings and this one is no different, The root of this name is agar (remember the vowels were added later to Hebrew). Agar means to GATHER FOOD. In view of this post I will see this dream as a confirmation.

    • I agree I live with people that seem to have changed over night I was sick want to nursing home only a month to get better came home all my stored food water every thing thy don’t seen to know what happen to be gone months of soft these are people I’ve lived with all most of 15 years we all saved this soft up it belonged to all 16 people so pray that things will come are way a gain when it rains it poor god bless

  8. Martial law during peace time March 16 2012 president Obama amended executive order #12919 national defence what I under stand is thy can take land what ever during that time so watch your for and supplies

    • kathy

      god knows what happened to you

      do your best to get more food and water…just keep collecting it

      god knows you were obedient and he will provide when you run out

      bozo is ready to enforce martial law…if he leaves his office he will be tried for treason

  9. I’ve been talking about this for years……..

  10. Things are sure wrong in my eyes I burst in side I sense things are coming but what I don’t no I ask for answers from are lord I keep sense in like I am lead back to your post two three times a day checking email I know the answers must lie here please pray I fine what I am subpost. To its a vary strong filling were to or more are gathered he’s in the mist thank you

    • Hi, Kathy. The one thing you said that stood out to me is “its a vary strong filling were to or more are gathered he’s in the mist.”

      Since at least 2012, God has been talking to me about the need for fellowship. It was that year that the Lord told me to leave a church (and the church system with it) and that He would lead me to genuine believers and fellowship of the biblical kind. (1Jn. 1.) And since then, He has always shown me that fellowship the most important need for a believer.

      Heb. 10:24-25 tells believers to be sure to meet together in order to love and encourage and support one another and that this command is even more urgent because “the Day” is approaching.

      John defines more clearly what this fellowship really is (and his definition makes it clear that this fellowship isn’t just ‘church’). In 1Jn. 1 he says, “That which we have seen and heard [which is Jesus Himself] we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” He shows that the fellowship that the Bible and the author of Hebrews is talking about is actual fellowship with God Himself “in the midst” of the fellowship which is totally different from what you will find at any standing church of today.

      In the same chapter, John further defines what fellowship really is, showing that you can’t have real fellowship and live disobediently or in sin: “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Walking in darkness, as John defines later on in 1Jn. 3, sums up as ‘having no love for your fellow Christian brethren’. Walking in the light (also expounded on in 1Jn. 3) has to do with ‘loving fellow brethren’; only in that place can people have the fellowship that God intends where God meets them to cleanse sin and minister in other ways. Gathering in His Name means gathering His way and having on one’s heart the things that are on His heart (not church programs or house church non-programs).

      I pray that you will find this kind of fellowship: “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, THERE I am in the midst of them” (Mt. 18:20).

    • Hey, Kathy. You said, “its a vary strong filling were to or more are gathered he’s in the mist.” The Bible does say that fellowship is very important. Heb. 10:24-25 says that believers should make it a must to gather together, especially as the last Day draws nearer.

      I’ve struggled with a lot of things in life; but whenever I prayed about these things, God always primarily pointed to fellowship as the primary need and the place of answers. In 2012, He told me to leave a church (and by implication to leave the church system) and to follow Him, that He would lead me to a fellowship of believers who are both hearers and doers which means they are genuine believers. That is also what you need as well as every believer out there. Ps. 133 says that when believers are together (and not isolated from each other), God brings down blessings and meets their needs, etc. I hope you will find such a place and such believers soon.

  11. People pray and be vigilant, Psalms 27, 23

    Subject: Preparing for Power Grid Collapse, Obama Signs Executive Order On EMP, Space Weather Events – YouTube

    Executive Order — Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events |

    White House confirms this:

    Subject: Preparing for Power Grid Collapse, Obama Signs Executive Order On EMP, Space Weather Events – YouTube

    BREAKING – 10-15-16 Restricted FLIGHTS in Montana / UTAH possible ICBM launch? – YouTube

    Breaking! Obama Signs Executive Order Preparing America for Cataclysmic Disaster Just in Time for the Election | Alternative

    New Obama Executive Order Hints At Devastating Space Event: “Could Disable Large Portions Of The Electrical Power Grid… Cause Cascading Failures” – Freedom Outpost

  12. Any more on alert I’ve been witching the news world news interment for anything no luck yet I sense something is wrong coming I felt that also with Obama but with Obama it was a little job reaching what it was now this is so close I can’t grab it I fell it no it but can’t again reach it

  13. It seems this dire warning is now over 2 months out of date. If the states were planning to enact martial law I’m sure there would be both local and national news stories about it. It is impossible to keep anything that massive from social media with 150 million cell phone cameras out there.
    The space weather reports don’t count since those events are unpredictable and have been happening pretty much since the sun was born. Civilization has gotten through it for thousands of years. It is only a factor nowadays due to the preponderance of electronic equipment that can be affected by solar flares etc.
    This article declares a major warning but it seems to be all guesswork and what they now call “fake news.”
    There is also a lot of “fake prophecy” out there as well and I think the one is being created to falsely support the other.
    Well it is now only 30 days until the transfer of power is complete so if nothing happens soon we will have to chalk this “warning” up to fake news frenzy.

    • itshallcometopass96

      I agree that we should be careful. if something does not come to pass immediately, it is not necessarily fake news….I usually don’t mention things like this unless a military source gives it to me….they are preparing for something we do not know about it….also the main news media outlets will not give any warnings….it will just happen and the news reported will be controlled by the government….currently the military are moving operations off both east and west coast, while leaving many troops still in place….if something starts, the troops will be relocated as well….

    • itshallcometopass96

      additional thoughts….the clinton/obama opposition to Trump’s election has been very intense, using paid rioters, news media bias, recounts, and now the electoral college is being compromised to steal the election away fro Trump

      if they were to succeed in destroying the election results, there would be civil war in this country, and martial law would be brought in….because clintons group is already hostile, and angry trump voters would arise in opposition to the stolen election.

      we have until jan 20th 2017 to find out.

      the military always prepares in advance for possible trouble.

  14. Well, the electoral college officially elected Trump earlier today and Hillary actually lost votes to Sanders! So any thoughts that the e.c. would be corrupted are now moot. Obama is as good as gone and Trump seems like he will undo almost everything he has accomplished in his 8 years in office. Maybe he will take back his peace prize too!
    I suppose you believe that O may still call out the National Guard to keep him in office but such an order would never be followed as it would be illegal and unconstitutional and all military take an oath to uphold the constitution, not whatever the president says. This is not Nazi Germany. Our military would never obey an order to arrest or kill their fellow citizens unless riots or rebellion were to break out. You have to give Americans some credit for their morality. Also, Obama has not tried to rile up the populace as Hitler did and he does not have the types of circumstances that 1930’s Germany were going thru that allowed the people to be swayed by a madman. Face it, if someone came to your house and ordered you to kill your neighbors, would you even consider it? Well, our military men and women are no different from you and I.
    I have found that predicting future political events is a lot like bible prophecy. Many people are willing to believe unlikely and even outrageous scenarios if it seems to fit their interpretations. Many believe that a powerful man, such as Obama, will someday take over the world and rule it with an iron fist. To that end they are willing to believe all sorts of conspiracy theories if they seem to produce the outcome they are expecting. Some people (common on this site I’ve noticed) believe they can calculate time lines by dates or astrology. Personally I think these are silly because there is nothing in the bible to verify them, but these people will eventually learn their mistakes when nothing happens when they expect it to.
    As will be the case here on Jan 20th. All the people who have been expecting Obama to step into the role of Antichrist will be greatly disappointed and will have to go back to the drawing board and look for some other person to fit their misguided interpretations. But as you said, we have until jan 20th 2017 to find out.

    • itshallcometopass96

      I agree about the astrology predictors

      the military has to take precautions, O is crazy, and they don’t know what he will do next

      for awhile , they were at defcon 2, which is the last stage of preparation before launching missiles.

      O has already instigated BLM riots, election riots (democrats are willing to protest and riot, from what we have seen so far, with all the hate rhetoric and actions), told the military to reject trump, promised he was not leaving office, issued over 1000 executive orders, giving himself total control over america, money, resources, food, water, arranged for martial law, brought in UN troops, which are on all the military bases now, accused Russia of hacking into the election, although the CIA and FBI dispute this

      most US troops will not fire on americans so that is why the UN troops are here.

      that is why DHS is O’s private army, and they have been trained to fire on americans if ordered to.

      O is a wild card, we have to see what he is going to do, or not going to do

      he may or may not be THE antichrist, but he is trying hard in america to be OURS..

      • Marianne,

        I have spent the last few hours fascinated by your articles and your community here.

        I am always interested to hear the views of thoughtful people. I have followed your comments on posts all the way back to 2009 and I found the Marianne of 2009 to be thoughtful, engaged, polite, explorative and respectful and I could appreciate the academic approach you intended.

        I’m not sure if something has happened to you in your personal life or if the community around you has changed; I have found over the last 18 months your comments have degenerated in to incoherent anger.
        In that time i have came across countless comment, written with a supposed absolute certainty about things that where “certain to pass” and, of course, as time has progressed have not.

        You have become increasingly hostile, negative, angry and thoughtless. You assertions about Muslims in particular are that of someone removed from the simple joy of meeting people face to face and vindicated by other seemingly wayward thinkers posting here.

        You seem to have become convinced of your own convictions; convictions separate from scripture but justified by a life committed to study of scripture. You have forgotten the practice of the words of Jesus and forgotten that satan is always tempting us in to flights of vanity, pride and ego. You are nothing in front of the eyes of the lord and are an authority on nothing.

        You have lost all ability to try and be compassionate for others and yourself.
        You wrote some beautiful posts a long time ago about how we are to forgive and love all people, forgive and love our enemies. A post spreading the good word that I will not forget.
        I see less of this in recent posts.
        Please, spread the word once again and sow more seeds of hope in the hearts others people in the way that Marianne 2009”s comments has sown hope in my heart.

        Go back to the words of Jesus, remove yourself from this sounding board of angry commenters and pray for peace and the lord will provide.

        Muslims are not the enemy and the Satan is stirring fear, doubt and hate in the hearts of a great many people right now; testing us. Don’t give in. If anything this is the test for all believers can you still hold true the truth of the lord when tested by Satan with every possible fear.

        Find truth again.
        God bless you.

        • neighbor

          you are entitled to your opinion, but I disagree with you

          I am open to everyone, but will not turn a blind eye to beheadings, rape, murder, violence, pedophilia, genocide, disrespect for rights ofothers…..

          I do not call good evil, and evil good, or pretend all is well when it isn’t

          we cannot correct a problem if we do not admit it is there.

          I deal with reality. this does not mean I am all those things you said.

          muslims have violence issues….most are ok, but many are not ok…

          this does not mean other groups do not have issues either

          but if the topic is islamic terror, then I speak on that….in this case, muslims that do this ARE the enemy….it really does exist

          not all muslims are terrorists, but some of them are…..

          if the topic is terror or crime by another group, then I speak about that too

          usually someone else brings up a topic and I just respond to it

          I have also criticized the christian church at times, because of its waywardness from the teachings of the bible, and discussed the negative spirits that can influence it

          my goal is holiness, not appeasement for those who look the other way, or pretend there is nothing wrong.

          there is always hope for those who repent..

          there is no hope for those who refuse to do this.

          it is my job to tell people the truth, so they can change any negative ways, and merit heaven

          god bless you

    • “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”

  15. The last time we were at derfcon 2 was the the start of the gulf war and before that the Cuban missile crisis. We were briefly at defcon 3 this summer but currently we are at level 5, the lowest.

    You may also want to check out
    This is a fact-checking site that debunks (or affirms) all the YouTube rumors and fake news from all over the web. There is so much trash on the internet I find it necessary to double-check on all the conspiracy theories that are floating around. Just because something is put on the web doesn’t mean we are supposed to simply take it as gospel truth. I’ve seen hundreds of YouTube predictions and on many so-called “news” web sites and none of them have come true and usually all they do is change the dates on the predictions and continue publishing their nonsense over and over again.
    I don’t fool that easily so I reject a lot of what you’ve posted above.
    But as always, only time will tell.
    Let‘s see what happens.

    • itshallcometopass96

      we WERE at defcon 2 at one point, but the situation finally went back down to defcon 3.

      I get my information from someone in the military, not the internet.

      what shows on the internet and what the military knows are two different reports.

  16. It seems this dire warning is now over 2 months out of date. If the states were planning to enact martial law I’m sure there would be both local and national news stories about it. It is impossible to keep anything that massive from social media with 150 million cell phone cameras out there.
    The space weather reports don’t count since those events are unpredictable and have been happening pretty much since the sun was born. Civilization has gotten through it for thousands of years. It is only a factor nowadays due to the preponderance of electronic equipment that can be affected by solar flares etc.
    This article declares a major warning but it seems to be all guesswork and what they now call “fake news.”
    There is also a lot of “fake prophecy” out there as well and I think the one is being created to falsely support the other.
    Well it is now only 25 days until the transfer of power is complete so if nothing happens soon we will have to chalk this “warning” up to fake news frenzy.
    Speaking of fake news, I heard that congress is considering monitoring the www to maybe remove some or all fake news stories out there. That would change a lot of what people on this site like to use to interpret prophecy. Of course they could never remove peoples interpretation of bible prophecy since no one knows exactly what will happen so no one can tell fake from real. But I think half of YouTube would disappear if they ever passed a law against fake news. Trump might get bummed out a bit as well but I’m sure he will always continue to exaggerate the situation to make his points, but even that may change once he takes the office.
    One thing for sure, things are about to change for better or worse and I can’t wait to see how many people will attempt to “prove” that the Trumpster is the new Antichrist.
    It seems that this will be inevitable so mark my words, it shall come to pass. 🙂

    • I answered you already on this.

      see response above.

      this is not a prophecy or fake news

      it was a military alert, which was fortunately resolved.

    • I believe we were in very great danger before the election of having riots/unrest which could have been the excuse to implement martial law and keep the current administration in power. I also believe that it is continued prayer by believers to frustrate the plans of all who oppose God at this time in our nation’s history that has seen such a miraculous election result. I also believe that behind the scenes there are enormously powerful people who are desperately plotting to take the victory away from the president-elect and that believers must NOT let their guard down for one moment. KEEP PRAYING.
      1. That God Almighty will frustrate EVERY plan of those opposed to His will,
      2. That God will protect the new Administration and their families
      3. That God will remove from power and influence those who are/will be hindrances
      4. Spirit of Revival would be poured out upon this nation and the world bringing Truth, Repentance and removal of the blanket of blindness and deception.

      5. ANYTHING else God leads you to pray! PLEASE!

  17. So, it’s Friday night and Trump is officially our new president. No martial law. No military action. Everything went just as it has for 200 years. Not a single conspiracy theory came true.
    Obama is now out of power, just a private citizen with no more power than you or I. His opinions may be more respected, but he is no longer the most powerful man on earth. Any path to becoming the Antichrist has evaporated. And already people have jumped ship and are trying to prove somehow that Trump will now become the Antichrist. Certainly no one can show how he is a secret Muslim, so a Muslim Antichrist is out of the question.
    It will be interesting to see what people will do and where they will go with their theories. Obama seemed to be such a perfect candidate but now their hopes are dashed. Unless his secret Muslim army will rise up and overthrow the U.S. I guess anything can happen if you’re into conspiracy theories.
    I’m sure you’ll be posting a few more fairly soon, or someone will post another YouTube video, so I guess we shall see what comes to pass.

    • it

      I post what info I get from the military. there was a chance of a trump assassination and WW3, and other disasters, caused by obama. the liberals were bold enough to discuss this on TV and facebook, and twitter. others were screaming threats in the streets.

      even now, after the inauguation, they are plotting to impeach him for imaginary offenses.

      one man was arrested, who was a friend of hillary clinton. obama had troops lined up on the poland -russian border. one plan was to accuse trump of treason with the russians, the imagined enemy, and this was actively discussed, so they could stop trump.

      the military did its job and trumps’ opposition failed. and god stepped in because people prayed.

      obama was and is an Antichrist figure, but not unlike many other leaders right now, who hate israel, and promote sin and rebellion against god.

      but this does not mean he is THE AC in the bible…unless something changes to prove that

      however, for 8 years, he came close to being america’s AC. god allowed him as punishment to america for all its sin, to force people to deal with the exposed evil, and repent.

      obama is a muslim, he formed and favored ISIS, so he looks the other way when christians are beheaded..

      .he promoted islam in america, and freed terrorists in prison..he even admitted it, after he was elected. I HEARD him admit to a group of muslims more than once, that he was one of them, and he praised Islam, threatened anyone who opposed it, and mocked christianity.

      he has many other negative aspects as well.

      I am glad trump got in.

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