Jezebel – Poor little me

This is a cross between the sneaky, charming Jezebel,  and the Peter Pan Jezebel.

Click here for more

~ by Marianne on February 25, 2010.

7 Responses to “Jezebel – Poor little me”

  1. Hi, look I am not sure I want this published but I am after some info regarding the Jezebel spirit. I have been going to a little church for about 7 mths now and something is not right.
    I want to say right now that I love my Ps and that is the reason I am writing this. I don’t believe for a second that God doesn’t want this dealt with. Just leaving the church won’t help my Ps or the church. Something needs to be done.
    My pastor is female and hears from the Lord very well. However there is definitely a spirit of control there. She is humble, very caring of everyone -too much so. I say that because, she does everything herself, communion, tea/coffee, preaching, she will even cleanup.
    There is only about 20 people, God has led me there for a reason, I am not experienced enough in these matters to know how to pray regarding this.
    The ps quite often says when someone says to her regarding something they feel needs to be added to the church or changed, that she talked to God about it and He said “no” she is right (not in exact words but the inference is there). Myself included. We are big on repentance but I feel that there is no joy at all and I myself have lost the joy that I had when I first arrived.
    can anyone please tell me how to pray, there are many other things I could say but I don’t want it in the public domain.

    • dear Di

      It is not clear who or what the problem is in your church.

      You say your pastor is nice, and that she tells people no.

      Does this mean that she is the controlling one, or someone else is?

      Why do you think there is no joy? Because requests are turned down?

      You will get this in an email. You can write back confidentially to me and tell me more.

      • Hi Marianne, I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back. I didn’t recieve an email from you but if you can do so then I will fill you in on more detail.

  2. Marianne: I really believe that 2 ppl close to me have that spirit. I have been guided by Holy Spirit to look for info on the Jezebel spirit. As I am reading it dawned on me this is the issue right here?! How to approach or confront that person is the hard part.

    • hi Melinda

      They are looking for sympathy, and as you feel sorry for them, it seems inconsistent to hold them accountable for wrongdoing.

      (hard to show mercy and judgment at the same time).

      so just show righteous judgment toward them –

      if they do not deserve any sympathy, since it is just manipulation anyhow, don’t show it to them.

  3. wow….I never knew there was so much information on this. I am struggling right now with a family member who has this spirit. I have been in this family for 17 years and have cut this person out of my life over and over. I have felt sorry, or that the person changed….only to see her manipulate and gain control after seeming so sweet. Anyone she is mad at, she will convince everyone even with lies that this person is awful. There is a spirit of heaviness left ehind when she leaves. When the talking in bitterness starts it almost cast a fog of confusion. I have made the decision to cut ties and war in prayer for her soul. If the seperation is there she can not manipulate me in any way.

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