Joel’s excuse

It is one thing for God to speak to us personally through His Word.

It is another thing to claim He is giving us direct, or special, messages for others.

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~ by Marianne on May 17, 2010.

3 Responses to “Joel’s excuse”

  1. The written Word is the primary standard. Any personal revelation given by the true God will never contradict the written Word.

    • for 2000 years christians, actually pagan christians have persecuted Jews.

      Christians – Lutherans- were responsible for the holocaust. they burned down synagogues with people inside.

      The roman catholic church killed many Jews when they could not be forced to convert.

      Christianity – except for recently – has always been antisemitic. They have labeled JEws as Christ killers for 2000 years, even though the bible says that ALL are sinners, meaning ALL our sins put Jesus to death.

      Christians SHOULD seek their forgiveness.

      The jews have a right to see Christians as their enemies.

      But they are also 1% of the population, and they do not control hollywood or anything else. There is not enough of them to do that.

      David Duke is apparently a PhD in history, but not church history. If he had spent time examining the persecution of the Jews by the church for the past 2000 years, he would have a better understanding of the current situation.

      He also needs to spend time in Israel and to get to know the people there. He will find them peaceful, sincere and pleasant. he will not find this if he goes to the Palestinian territories. They teach their children to kill Jews.

      The telephone conversation between Nixon and Grahamn is questionable. Why would that be recorded and publicized? There is no way to identify the two voices on the video.

      As for who is tearing down the morality of the country, I want to point out that it takes 51% of the vote to get a president into office. This past time Obama got in. If Jews are only 1% of the population, then who is the other 50%? The answer is people who call themselves Christians. SO, Christians with weak morals are doing more to destroy the cause for Christ, than the Jews could ever be able to do. Christians abandon their values for a welfare check, or other free benefits.

      Duke has also picked up misinformation about the Talmud and Jesus. The Talmud is a Jewish compendium of law and tradition. There is no mention of Jesus boiling in hell. There is a defense against antisemitism.

      Duke is very misinformed, and to address each point would make this answer too long.

      it is true that Israel, for example, has a law against proselytizing, but this applies to anyone of any religion. There is no 5 year prison sentence.

      I have been to ISrael several times. Jews do not spit on Christians.

      Anyhow, I can only pray that Duke be more fair to Jews.

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