8 Kings of Revelation 17

Interpreting scriptures using a historical viewpoint

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~ by Marianne on April 21, 2019.

3 Responses to “8 Kings of Revelation 17”

  1. Babylon cannot be the first beast of Daniel. Prophetic dreams and visions always refer to the future in the bible, and never include the past. Daniel’s dream showed the lion coming up from the sea – but he had already been in Babylon for a number of years. Revelation shows ‘Mystery Babylon ” as a woman, not a beast. Isa 47:5 describes Babylon as a “lady of kingdoms” rather than a beast. Also, the head of any creature it its most human part, and Babylon was the head of the great image in Daniel.

    The Lion, the Persian Empire

    The Bear, the Byzantine Empire

    The Leopard, the Muslim Empire

    The 10-horned Beast – the future Beast Empire (coming after World War III)

    • kenneth

      that may be another, more futuristic way of looking at it.

      during Daniels time however, those 4 beasts conquered Israel. so then Babylon was the lion / first beast, the bear was medo persia, leopard was greece, and the last one was rome.

  2. Hi Marianne,

    I like your web site. If you can give me an email address I will send you my detailed article on the great image and four beasts of Daniel.

    One problem with your comment is that the first three beasts are still alive when the fourth beast is cast into the flames. The empires of Babylon, Medo Persia and Greece are long gone, also the Roman empire. And “Mystery Babylon” of Revelation will be destroyed by the 7-headed beast.

    Thanks for your comment,

    Kenneth Heck

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