How to reduce oil and gas prices

Why should one side get all the benefits?

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~ by Marianne on June 1, 2008.

14 Responses to “How to reduce oil and gas prices”

  1. One way to pay less for gas is to just use less gas.
    If you want to keep driving, there’s a technology out there that enables you to run your car on water & gasoline. Yes, it’s true…and you’ll more than double your gas mileage.
    Hey…I didn’t invent it, I’m just telling you about it. Go look for yourself. And happy driving!

  2. HI ken

    Yes… I stay home more now.


  3. Hi Ken, I’ve heard about corn oil, and sugar but not water. The corn oil sounded just as expensive to fill your car up as gas, so Im going to look for this new technology.

  4. Diane,

    I just googled water fuel and hybrid, and I did come up with some sites.

    A cheap wAy to go unless we have a drought.


  5. Marianne

    I can’t remember which site I went to, but they had a video of a man who claims his car runs on very little water. I’m wondering why we’re not hearing more about this technology to turn water into hho. I have to admit I am excited to hear about possible alternatives but I’m leary about some of the websites selling hho books….

  6. I live in Florida and high gas prices seems to be everyone’s ticket to justifying raising prices.
    I find myself turning down the air conditioner, following the kids around the house and turning off unused electrical items. I even consider what I buy at the market based on needs not wants any more – a bag of chips mostly full of air has gone up in price by a dollar…..
    I even search the web for any freebies based on gas giveaways. Like the site I found on – $500 dollar gas card give away … [ ]
    Things are getting tight I’ll try anything…

  7. Dear gas price,

    Although this was a joke, it is a serious issue. I am where you are at. I have to plan every time out in my car. I avoid luxuries also. It seems like if the arabs can raise prices on our oil, we can raise prices on what we sell to them. Seems fair. I wonder why some smart politician has not thought of it.


  8. Diane,

    I guess the best thing to do is to consult car dealers and auto mechanics, and get their opinions. Good luck. I am in the same boat you are.


  9. gas price,

    I sometimes walk to the store when it’s not to hot and I don’t have to get a lot of groceries, and it’s great exercise too! Anything to save a few dollars is worth it. In some ways I like some of the ways we’ve had to cut corners at my house, but I hope this doesn’t continue too long, some families are really getting hit hard.

  10. Steps to be taken in trading exchanges:

    1.) 100% payment on total value should be settled for all contracts within 2 days from entering the contract.

    2.) Delivery of purchased item should be taken.

    3.) A buyer cannot sell for atleast 3 months

    4.) A seller cannot buy for atleast 3 months

    Like this by implementung few simple direct rules in trade exchanges we can reduce the price.

    Else… sector by sector it will affect common man to profit very few individuals.

  11. Dear Ram,

    Good thoughts, you sound like an economic strategist.


  12. I have a presentation in class on Oil price rise. My part is steps to be taken to mitigate the oil price increase. I think we should talk in general what steps should be taken on the world level to reduce pice. Me going walking to the grocery, or not turning on my aircondition will not solve this issue. What should be done as a WORLD not individual?

  13. Dear Raj

    The oil is there in the earth. But people refuse to drill for it. This is because environmentalists claim we will hurt some aspect of the environment ( like birds or deer or fish) if we drill too much. This is wrong thinking because, if people are careful, like they are already careful now, there will be no disturbance of the environment. IN America, we have a law which forbids drilling along the east or west coast. This is stupid, because the oil is there. It is also present in Alaska, but we are not allowed by the law to drill for it. People think the animals will be upset if we use some of the land. So the first thing we need to do is change laws to give permission to drill for oil wherever we can find it.

    In worse cases, the oil well is already there, and people just refuse to pump it out. This is due to greed. They know if they do not pump it out, they can raise the price of the oil. It costs the same amount of money to pay people now to pump oil, as it did 6 months ago. The workers do not get paid more. But the bosses and the owners get more money. In this case, the government should order the oil producers to do their job.

    Also, coal can be converted into oil. South Africa is already doing this.

    Hydrogen converters in cars will convert water into hydrogen gas. These converters are cheap. All these converters do is send electricity through water, and it “splits” the water into oxygen and hydrogen gases. But no one tells us about this, and these converters are not usually sold in stores, to make it easy for us. So, in this case, the government should order the production of these converters and make sure they are available to people to put in their cars.

    People should also be trained in the use of solar and wind power for their homes, and the prices should be cheap enough for them to buy. The government makes people pay taxes. Instead of using the tax money for wasteful spending, like big salaries for themselves, or unnecessary projects, the government should pay for this solar and wind power for people’s homes.

    Each government must be made to be responsible, and do their jobs. If they ignore their people, vote them out of office. I am not recommending hurting anyone. I just want rulers to do their jobs. They have the money to pay high prices, but most people don’t. In some countries, rulers will not do anything unless people complain more. If rulers think they will lose their jobs because people are angry, they will work harder to drill for more oil, and provide other energy sources.

    You are on page one of this topic.

    Here is page two.

    How to reduce oil and gas prices

    Also, there is synthetic oil that can be mined from the ocean. There seems to be an endless supply according to scientists. Here is something I wrote on this:

    The bible and gas and oil prices?

    This is a serious issue, and it affects everyone in the world. I am glad that you are studying this.

    Maybe this information will help you for school.

    God bless you

  14. I think in future developments, people will use electricity to operate cars. and to the word electricity, in future, scientist might found out where to find it without damaging our human resources on Earth. I believe so.

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