End is Near- TimeMagazine


clip_image002_thumb.jpgDate on Magazine: November 14, 2016


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~ by Marianne on November 8, 2016.

8 Responses to “End is Near- TimeMagazine”

  1. Marianne, I believe you to be a woman of prayer. Can we communicate by email privately? I have a concern about post election and I think I would rather share with you before it is posted.

  2. […] via End is Near- TimeMagazine — Heaven Awaits […]

  3. I noticed a concern about the election .yes there is great concern about .all christians need to pray for President Donald Trump.and also for Putin as the enemy wantd to harm them.peay for protection for Trump towers.and all concerend. Thank you all.

  4. Dear Marianne
    Please pray for my breakthrough been struggling past four years: family relationship breakdown, marriage breakdown, loss of wealth, properties stuck, jobless, health issues…all these started after I got married on 1.5.2012, downward spiralling to the pit and never been able to progress again. Kenneth Fernandes my husband has looted us and finally cheated and disappeared, also got his divorce ex parte he is from sydney australia, while I am stranded in India as he cancelled my spouse visa even before I could enter AUSTRALIA. I ask for your prayers for restorations and miracles. Luiza Menezes, Mumbai, India

    • luiza

      I am so sorry to hear of all this trouble ….do you have family in India? if not, where is your own family? how did you end up there?

      I will keep you in my prayers, that you find restoration and a solution to these problems.

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