Bad Eyes



If you are blind, you will not see the “point.”


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~ by Marianne on January 13, 2018.

7 Responses to “Bad Eyes”

  1. 1~13~6000 (out of 6000) Sabbath in the LAST YEAR of this Age!
    Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW
    to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1
    HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    Sadly, it’s NOW very much the blind leading the blind!
    In the photo, the eye seems covered with a cataract. To prevent cataracts and possibly dissolve them squeeze with an eye dropper at least three drops of very healthy flaxseed oil (sold in fridges at health food stores) into each eye before bed. I have been doing this for years. Possibly no cataracts at 70!
    False missile alarm in Hawaii this a.m. Brings to mind Yahshua’s words, “There will be wars and rumors of wars.” What is the REAL story about this?
    Sadly, there were likely many more deaths than reported in Montecito and other CA mudslides, just like in TX, FLA, and Puerto Rico!
    Those who keep Yahweh’s Commandments including His Name and His Sabbath have a fence of angelic protection on the borders of their land.


    • I agree. Blessings!

      • Marianne, I was thinking today. What if that same civil defense warning in Hawaii had been on our local TV? What would WE have done? I believe now that I would just, “Pray in Place.”
        Most people in Southern CA do not even have basements (because of earthquakes) let alone bunkers or shelters.

        I like these verses:

        “Because you have made Yahweh which is my refuge, even the Most High , your habitation; There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling.”

        ~ ~ ~ ~ King David in Psalm 91:9-10

        Prophetic times to watch: Martin Luther King weekend: now
        Purim: 2~28 or 3~1

        Yes! Survival Blessings!

  2. Unless Yah opens the eyes the blindness remains

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