Establish the Work



Who establishes what you do?


Clickhere for more

~ by Marianne on January 14, 2018.

2 Responses to “Establish the Work”

  1. Hope you had a good Shabbos Cannot schlep anymoreAm stepping out on Faith-to get Cheap Flight from Ben Gurion to Miami & try & find my CousinsLord did NOT heal my Blindness-need cataract Surgery- reinstate my SS Benefits etcHave no place to stay or live ^\& probably not enough $$ for Return Ticket Am low on Faith-but have no choice but to step out on FaithPlace that I’m staying- owner fr CA is a Healer—-From Orthodox to New Age

    that’s Israel

    PLEASE PRAY BIGTIME I’m praying that He deposits big $$ in my account this time- I need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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