Dream by Asher–The Ocean Liner and the Row Boat


Guest post – the little boat and the big boat

Dream from 2009

I saw a huge white ocean liner on a sea. The ocean liner was traveling along at a high speed (maybe 100 mph) but didn’t look like it was in moving that fast or in a hurry.

The ship had complete peace about it and moved in the most kingly fashion.

The water of the sea actually seemed to help the ocean liner along and seemed more like ice than water; that’s how effortlessly the ocean liner moved along its surface.

The water was completely still.

Then I saw that fifty yards behind the ocean liner was a small wooden rowboat that was connected to the ocean liner by one of those very thick, strong, woven ropes that you see on ships.


Then the ocean liner entered a patch of fog and sailed effortlessly through on the other side; but when the wooden rowboat entered the fog, it became discouraged and was so despondent that not only did it want to drown but it wanted to cut the rope that attached it to the ocean liner.

Then the Lord told the rowboat to ‘hold on a while’ and not to cut the rope, and so the rowboat sailed out of the fog.

As soon as I saw the rowboat sail out of the fog, the heavy despondency on me lifted, and the discouragement left. I didn’t want to die anymore.

Then the Lord told me that He is the ocean liner and I am the rowboat and that no matter how discouraged I get, all I have to do is not cut the rope (ie. give up) and He will pull me through whatever the circumstances are.

In the vision, He was taking me to the place I need to be and the people I need to be around, and He moved with precision and resolve.

End of Dream



An interesting blog with a similar story:


My little rowboat was my personal dingy that on occasion was capable of taking along a passenger or two.  The rowboat kept me from achieving bigger things in the life.  

The S.S. Hope will have the capacity for hundreds if not thousands of people to go on the journey with me.  What I have realized is that life is done better with others.

Many of you are like me and you find yourself in the sinking ship and busted boat.  You find yourself fighting just to stay afloat. 

You have come to the intersection of despair and overwhelmed.  You have hit walls that you can’t break through.  The end of your rope does reach the end of the dock.  Your ship is sinking!

You are in the sinking ship of a broken and unhealthy life.  You may be in the sinking ship of broken financial situation.  You may be in the sinking ship of a broken marriage. 

You may be in the sinking ship of unsatisfied career choice.  You find yourself in a sinking ship of your life!

What I realize is that an ocean liner takes time, even years to build.  It is not an overnight project, but a lifetime endeavor. 

Building an ocean liner is not something that one man can build alone, heck even Moses had the help of his sons.  

Building an ocean liner takes a team of people to dedicate their time and energies and life to make it happen.

Also, as in the dream, and as Asher says, God can be our ocean liner and guide us safely through the waters of life.

2 Responses to “Dream by Asher–The Ocean Liner and the Row Boat”

  1. The most encouraging part of the vision to me is this part:

    “Then the Lord told me that He is the ocean liner and I am the rowboat and that no matter how discouraged I get, all I have to do is not cut the rope (ie. give up) and He will pull me through whatever the circumstances are.”

    That paragraph is the same as when Jesus said to His disciples, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (15:5).

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