Armor of Light in Days of Darkness


The 3 days of darkness in Egypt during time of Moses interpreted as 3 days of spiritual darkness, as opposed to physical darkness.

Post by DJ Maxwell.

Spiritual Light

“For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness” (Psalm 18:28, NKJV).

“For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light” (Psalm 36:9).

“Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the Armor of Light” (Romans 13:12, NKJV).

This is a brief study regarding the Armor of Light along with a prayer, seeking Father God to shine His Light over anyone, or any place, casting off the works of darkness (evil), overcoming the god of this world who blinds the mind (2nd Corinthians 4:3-4).

Since the Word is sharper than a two edge sword, cutting between bone and marrow (Hebrews 4:12), let us comprehend the Armor of Light, dispelling darkness (evil) and advancing the Kingdom (righteousness, peace and joy in the Spirit – Romans 14:17) by shining His Light upon a physical place or person(s).

Christ is our armor, He is the light (John 12:35-36). However, I think there is more to understand and apply with this spiritual Armor of Light. The testimony and confirmation of the power Light is within Old and New Testament Scriptures.

The Armor of God is defined with specificity by Paul: truth, righteousness, salvation, faith, the gospel of peace and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

The following link presents a detailed assessment, describing each piece of the Armor of God with Scriptures through a specific prayer warrior prayer.

Through prayer, asking for this Light of Heaven, I’ve seen a change in a person’s countenance and behaviors, and a positive spiritual change within a group of people in the workplace and within a church congregation. 

I’ve experienced conversations opening up on topics of salvation and deliverance (2nd Corinthians 4:1-6) as a result of applying the Light of Heaven to brake the oppressive darkness. Thank you Lord


Separation of Light and Dark

Remember Genesis chapter 1, the first “day” of creation, before the sun, moon, stars and earth were made – He said, “Let there be light.”

God separated light from the darkness by the Word (John 1:1-14). He called the light day and the darkness night. He said the light was good (Genesis 1:3-5). But, the heavens (sun, moon, planets and stars) were created on the 4th “day”.

This “light” of Genesis 1:3-5 is righteousness. The darkness, in this context, is evil – demonic and of Satan (John 1:1-14; John 12:35-36, 42-50; Psalm 34:5-6).

Please read this passage from John to comprehend the separation of light and darkness.

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:1-5, NKJV).


Egypt’s 9th Plague

Next to the first day of creation (Genesis 1:3-4), the greatest event in terms of separating light (righteousness) from darkness (evil) occurred with the 9th Plague in the land of Egypt.

We all remember God’s magnificent work through His servant Moses, including the Death Angel passing over dwellings with lamb’s blood placed about the door frame ( Exodus 12). We recognize the act of faith required to apply the blood of a lamb then and the blood of the Lamb of God, our Messiah, today (Ephesians 1:7, Revelation 12:11).

Exodus chapter 10 provides us with the evidence of an oppression of darkness and the presence of Light.

“Then the Lord told Moses, “Raise your hand into the air and darkness will cover Egypt. It will be so dark you can feel it!”

So Moses raised his hand into the air and a cloud of darkness covered Egypt. The darkness stayed in Egypt for three days.

None of the people could see each other, and no one got up to go any place for three days. But there was light in all the places where the Israelites lived” (Exodus 10:21-23, ERV).

Many people suggest this 9th plague focused on the Egyptian’s worship of a sun god and other astro gods.

The lesson: No sun light = no god. No moonlight = no god. No stars in the night sky = no gods. Simple.

Was this a “cloud” – a super dense fog, blocking out the sun, which was felt on the flesh of Egyptians for 72 hours?

I don’t think or believe so and the following are some reasons why I believe this was a mental, emotional, spiritual darkness and not a physical darkness (no sun light by day or moon and star light by night) or a thick, dark fog-like weather event.

This was a unique “cloud of darkness” falling over all of Egypt – it was something that they could actually feel.


Darkness interpreted as spiritual – Reasons

One reason for this spiritual, mental darkness is the Egyptians could not see each other for 3 days.

This event could not be simply visual sight restriction by a lack of sun light because Exodus chapter 10 does not tell us that the sun did not shine or that the sun, moon and stars was hidden does it?

Second, there is no account of God removing oil and wood from the Egyptians.

There was not a plague upon oil, wood or fire. The Egyptians would have oil for lamps and wood for fire, keeping the light burning in their dwellings.

Illumination from a flame was not hampered or removed from the land – that is an assumption.


Other scripture describing spiritual darkness

The King James translation of the event is as follows: “And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days” (Exodus 10:22, KJV).

Let’s examine the original language (“thick darkness”) with Strong’s Hebrew dictionary.

Thick: (Feminine), duskiness, figuratively misfortune; concretely concealment: – dark, darkness, gloominess.

Darkness: the dark; hence (literally) darkness; figuratively misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness: – dark (-ness), night, obscurity.

Let’s examine the original language (“light in their dwelling”) with Strong’s Hebrew dictionary.

Light: illumination or (concretely) luminary (in every sense, including lightning, happiness, etc.): – bright, clear, + day, light (-ning), morning, sun.

Dwelling: a seat; figuratively a site; abstractly a session; by extension an abode (the place or the time); by implication population: – assembly, dwell in, dwelling (-place), wherein (that) dwelt (in), inhabited place, seat, sitting, situation, sojourning.

If you still think these 3 days were physical darkness (no sun light or flame of light), okay. Please, keep an “open mind” and consider spiritual and/or mental darkness.

The book of Job gives an account of such darkness upon the so called wise but are truly wicked.

“He [God] frustrates the devices of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success. He catches the wise in their own craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are brought to a quick end.

They meet with darkness in the daytime and grope at noonday as in the night. But, He saves the needy from the sword of their mouth and from the hand of the mighty. So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts her mouth” (Job 5:12-16, NKJV).

Again, Scripture provides us addition information. Please read Job 3:1-10 for a description of such darkness. This reads like the cloud of darkness that fell upon the Egyptians.

“Let that day be darkness! May God above not seek it, nor light shine upon it. Let gloom and deep darkness claim it. Let clouds dwell upon it; let the blackness of the day terrify it. That night—let thick darkness seize it!”


Applying concept of spiritual darkness to Egypt’s 9th Plague

In such a mental, emotional, spiritual state of darkness the Egyptians would experience – deep depression, despair, gloom, lethargy, despondency, mind-binding confusion, forgetfulness.

This “cloud of darkness” was pervasive throughout the entire population of Egyptians. Their emotional state was so dark that they did not “see one another”.

The Hebrew figurative definition tells us that those Egyptians were not able to “see” – incapable of considering, taking heed, regarding or having respect for one another for 3 days.

Could it be that the darkness was so deep that Egyptians were self absorbed in their personal mental anguish? This suggests they were unable to meet the needs of themselves family, or anyone, which is evidence of chronic depression.

Finally, this state of darkness was so oppressive that it keeps the Egyptians from getting up in the morning, or getting up at all – “nor did anyone rise from his place for three days.”

The Egyptians were in bondage with no relief or way of escape from 3 days of darkness.

At this same time, the Children of Israel, under physical Egyptian bondage, had light in their homes; peace, joy, loving-kindness, and other attributes of the Light – the Spirit of God. They are the Israelites (pun intended).


Triumph of Light over Darkness

We do not know if the Israelites stayed within their home (like the night of Passover a few weeks later) or if they freely “walked in the light”. But, we do know that they were covered in light, while the Egyptian were covered in darkness.

Scripture tells us a great deal about this light and darkness –

“He protects His holy people. He keeps them from stumbling. But evil people will be destroyed. They will fall in the darkness. Their power won’t help them win” (1st Samuel 2:9, ERV).

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday” (Psalm 34:5-6).

In the book of Esther we read this account of light and the impact upon both Hebrews and Gentiles;

“The Jews had light and gladness, joy and honor.  And in every province and city, wherever the king’s command and decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a holiday. Then many of the people of the land became Jews…” (Esther 8:17-18, NKJV).

For You are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God—His way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him” (2 Samuel 22:29-31).

“You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light” (Psalm 18:28).

“Hate evil, you who love the LORD, Who preserves the souls of His godly ones; He delivers them from the hand of the wicked. Light is sown like seed for the righteous and gladness for the upright in heart. Be glad in the LORD, you righteous ones, and give thanks to His holy name” (Psalm 97:10-12).

Please know that the Hebrew word for “light” (H216) in Exodus chapter 10 is the same “light” (H216) as we read in all the verses above.

Therefore, the light within the Israelites dwelling is mental, emotional, spiritual. But, darkness fell over the Egyptians, clouding their minds emotionally and spiritually.

What does Jesus say about this spiritual light?

Our Lord tells a great deal about the power of the light, keeping us close to Him, trusting Him and being children of the light. Psalm 119:105 tells us, His word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if one walks in the night he stumbles, because the light is not in him” (John 11:9-10)

“…’A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he going. So put your trust in the light while you still have it. Then you will be children of light” (John 12:35-36).

Paul gives wise counsel to Believers regarding thoughts, behaviors and actions. Believers are too walk in the light (following and pleasing Him), just as Jesus told us to depart from darkness (evil).

So many souls are in bondage to “the god of this world” – demonic oppressions of the mind. Many people cannot hear the truth (Matthew 13:9, Rev. 3:6).

Therefore, please consider offering a prayer like this one for family members and those souls that you work with because God does not want any to parish, but all to come to know Him as Abba Father throughout Jesus Christ – the light of this world.

With this understanding of light and darkness (comprehending the spiritual significance), we are to put on the Armor of Light, overcoming darkness. We can also pray for those walking in darkness.



“Almighty God, I give You all the glory and praise for Your loving-kindness. You are so gracious and full of mercy to me. You sent Your Son so that He would be my righteousness for my righteousness is but filthy rages (Isaiah 64:6).

Thank you Lord, for I am now clothed in a robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10). Thank you Lord because You are my deliverer (Psalm 140).

Father God, with confidence I draw near to the throne of grace so that I may receive mercy and find grace, helping me in this hour need (Hebrews 4:14-16).

“You are my lamp, O Lord” (2nd Samuel 22:29). Send out Your light and Your truth! Your word is Truth. Let them lead me, bringing me to Your holy hill and to Your tabernacle (Psalm 43:3, NKJV).

I put on the Armor of Light with gratitude because I’m a child of the light” (1st Thessalonians 5:5). Thank you Father God.

Father, the Word tells me, “the Gospel is veiled to those who are perishing” because “the god of this world has blinded their minds, keeping them from seeing the light of the gospel of the Glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2nd Corinthians 4:1-6).

Father God, I earnestly pray that the Light of eternal Glory, the Light that overcomes darkness shine down upon (person’s name), dispelling the oppressive god of this world, keeping them from hearing the gospel.

I say this believing that the spiritual Light of Heaven will shine 24/7 upon them, driving the demonic oppression away, allowing their ears to be open to the message of the Gospel.

In the might name of Jesus, I rebuke the workers of darkness, advancing of the Kingdom and the Gospel.

I pray the heavenly Light of glory shine down, filling (name the home, office, church or classroom), where my dear (family member, co-workers, or friend) resides so that they may experience peace of mind and soul, opening that specific place to the work of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:17).

The Word says, “but if anyone who follows the true way comes to the light. Then the light will show that whatever they have done was done through God” (John 3:16-21). Therefore, I pray that they (name of person or those is a specified location), follow the way and come into the Light.

Please, give me the words to speak to them when the Spirit opens a conversation at His appointed time. Lord, thank You for sending the Spirit, my helper and counsel (John 15:26, 16:13 & 1st Corinthians 12:11).

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”


Days of Darkness to be repeated during God’s end time wrath – a choice to be made for Light

In the last days, during the time of the 5th Bowl with its plague there will again be days of darkness. These are the conditions in that day:

“Men were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory.

Then, the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues because of pain, and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores; and they did not repent of their deeds” (Revelation 16:9-11).

Believers are not of his kingdom and are not subject to the plagues of Revelation just as the Israelites in Egypt were not subject to the plagues, including the 3 days of darkness and the Death Angel.

Scriptures tells us that Believers are like those Israelites in the land of Egypt because we are “children of the light” (1st Thessalonians 5:5). Thank you Father God. Thank you Lord!

Let us pray for those who are oppressed by the god of this world with darkness by applying the glorious Armor of Light through fervent prayers.

“The night is almost over, the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and arm ourselves with the weapons of light” (Romans 13:12, CJB).


38 Responses to “Armor of Light in Days of Darkness”

  1. […] here for […]

  2. […] Armor of Light in Days of Darkness. […]

  3. Wow you have done a lot of work and research. Thank you. Without reading it all I feel uplifted compared to the last post I received on this site which left me feeling very flat.
    Marianne so much is coming through this site.

    • Isabelle,

      Here is the key message, which is within an offered prayer:

      “Almighty God, I give You all the glory and praise for Your loving-kindness. You are so gracious and full of mercy to me. You sent Your Son so that He would be my righteousness for my righteousness is but filthy rages (Isaiah 64:6).

      Thank you Lord, for I am now clothed in a robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10). Thank you Lord because You are my deliverer (Psalm 140).

      Father God, with confidence I draw near to the throne of grace so that I may receive mercy and find grace, helping me in this hour need (Hebrews 4:14-16).

      “You are my lamp, O Lord” (2nd Samuel 22:29). Send out Your light and Your truth! Your word is Truth. Let them lead me, bringing me to Your holy hill and to Your tabernacle (Psalm 43:3, NKJV).

      I put on the Armor of Light with gratitude because I’m a child of the light” (1st Thessalonians 5:5). Thank you Father God.

      Father, the Word tells me, “the Gospel is veiled to those who are perishing” because “the god of this world has blinded their minds, keeping them from seeing the light of the gospel of the Glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2nd Corinthians 4:1-6).

      Father God, I earnestly pray that the Light of eternal Glory, the Light that overcomes darkness shine down upon (person’s name), dispelling the oppressive god of this world, keeping them from hearing the gospel.

      I say this believing that the spiritual Light of Heaven will shine 24/7 upon them, driving the demonic oppression away, allowing their ears to be open to the message of the Gospel.

      In the might name of Jesus, I rebuke the workers of darkness, advancing of the Kingdom and the Gospel.

      I pray the heavenly Light of glory shine down, filling (name the home, office, church or classroom), where my dear (family member, co-workers, or friend) resides so that they may experience peace of mind and soul, opening that specific place to the work of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:17).

      The Word says, “but if anyone who follows the true way comes to the light. Then the light will show that whatever they have done was done through God” (John 3:16-21). Therefore, I pray that they (name of person or those is a specified location), follow the way and come into the Light.

      Please, give me the words to speak to them when the Spirit opens a conversation at His appointed time. Lord, thank You for sending the Spirit, my helper and counsel (John 15:26, 16:13 & 1st Corinthians 12:11).

      In Jesus name, amen.”

      Blessings to you!
      Psalm 27

    • Please watch this video – you will remain uplifted. Blessing to you (Hebrews 13:20-21).

  4. The “Book of Jasher” states in chapter 80, verse 36: “And God sent darkness upon Egypt, that the whole land of Egypt and Pathros became
    dark for three days, so that a man could not see his hand when he lifted it to his mouth.”
    I know it’s not part of scriptures, yet referenced in scriptures (Jos 10,13 and 2 Sam 1,18). Maybe it was both, spiritual and physical darkness? … (my 2 cents).

    • You are correct about the book of Jasher but if you have experienced deeply depressed people, they can’t do or remember or motivated to do much. And I must add they also keep themselves isolated in a dark room. So the concept “Not seeing something right in front of them” is very possible. So the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual would all apply here

      • Hassan,

        I don’t know if you’ve followed the comments on this page or not.

        You seem to understand (maybe you’ve witnessed) the mental, emotional state of chronic depression or Dysthymia.

        Since the date of your reply a bit more information was brought to light from the ancient Book of Jasher, chapter 80:

        “And the darkness was very great in Egypt for three days, and any person who was standing when the darkness came, remained standing in his place, and he that was sitting remained sitting, and he that was lying continued lying in the same state, and he that was walking remained sitting upon the ground in the same spot; and this thing happened to all the Egyptians, until the darkness had passed away” (Chapter 80:37-40).

        The following is a summary of Dysthymia:

        “Abnormal functioning in brain circuits or nerve cell pathways that connect different brain regions regulating mood are also thought to be involved…

        The symptoms of dysthymia:

        > Loss of enjoyment in things that were once pleasurable

        > Major change in weight or appetite

        > Insomnia or excessive sleep almost every day

        > Being physically restless or rundown in a way that is noticeable by others

        > Fatigue or loss of energy almost every day

        > Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness or excessive guilt almost every day

        > Problems with concentration or making decisions almost every day

        > Recurring thoughts of death or suicide, suicide plan, or suicide attempt”

        Looking at the account recorded in the Book of Jasher and Exodus along with this modern, clinical summary – there seems to be many symptoms in common.

        Certainly – this cloud of darkness the Egyptians could feel (Exodus 10:21-23) would be much more effective on the Pharaoh’s personal, executive decision to release thousands of Israelites than the loss of sun and moon light.

        Psalm 37

        • Great comparison of biblical truth to worldly events/diseases. Yes, I have had my experience with deeply depressed individuals. You can stand in the presence of such a person and you will definitely begin to feel depressed yourself and have to remove yourself from the person. If you note that the symptoms you listed of this disease and others are exact OPPOSITE of what the Holy Spirit and the love of God gives to his chosen people.

          The book of Jasher and Book of Enoch are two books which every believer must read in order to get the full details of events and events not even brought out by our current bible. Our bible has so dismantled that we must seek the Holy Spirit for guidance…that is how I came to read Jasher and Enoch; by way of the Holy Spirit.

          I will look into your suggested website. Thank you

    • Harold,

      Your reference to the Book of Jasher is more helpful than I knew!

      The following passage from Jasher provides great details on the 3 days of darkness.

      Note that Hebrew who rebelled against the Lord were subjected to the days of darkness.

      It would seem that the darkness fell upon rebellious Hebrews as upon Egyptians. Therefore, geographic location was not a factor. But, spiritual condition of the heart (rebellion) was a factor in the case of Hebrews. These rebellious ones did not have “light” in their dwelling.

      “At that time died many of the people of Israel who had rebelled against the Lord and who would not hearken to Moses and Aaron, and believed not in them that God had sent them.

      And who had said, We will not go forth from Egypt lest we perish with hunger in a desolate wilderness, and who would not hearken to the voice of Moses.

      And the Lord plagued them in the three days of darkness, and the Israelites buried them in those days, without the Egyptians knowing of them or rejoicing over them.

      And the darkness was very great in Egypt for three days, and any person who was standing when the darkness came, remained standing in his place, and he that was sitting remained sitting, and he that was lying continued lying in the same state, and he that was walking remained sitting upon the ground in the same spot; and this thing happened to all the Egyptians, until the darkness had passed away” (Chapter 80:37-40).

      This mental, emotional, spiritual darkness was extremely powerful – upon rebellious souls.

      “Woe to the rebellious children [Christians?] says the Lord, who take counsel, but not of Me, and who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, that they may add sin to sin; Who walk to go down to Egypt [world?], and have not asked My advice, to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh [government?] and to trust in the shadow of Egypt [Psalm 20:7?].

      Therefore the strength of Pharaoh shall be your shame, and trust in the shadow of Egypt shall be your humiliation” (Isaiah 30, NJKV).

      Psalm 27

  5. I believe that it was both physical and spiritual darkness. It would be a small thing to put them together as they go together. satan works in spiritual darkness, but then most of his work is done literally in the night when there is physical darkness. He likes darkness and shadows both spiritually and physically, therefore, I believe that the three days of darkness in Egypt were physical and spiritual. The physical would bear witness to both Egyptians and Israelites that God was behind it; the spiritual would witness only to the Egyptians with misery and mental suffering.

    • Arendale,

      Yes, darkness is a powerful force applied at night and by the occult. A voodoo queen sent me a powerful attack at precisely 3pm on a Sunday afternoon. They also work while some folks nap on a sunny fall day.

      I appreciate this passage and message from our Lord to Paul,

      “I will keep you safe [rescue you] from your own people and also from the Gentiles [nations].

      I am sending you to them to open their eyes so that they may turn away from darkness to the light, away from the power [or authority] of Satan and to God.

      Then [or …so that] their sins can be forgiven, and they can have a place with those people who have been made holy [sanctified] by believing [faith] in me'” (Acts 26:17-19, Expanded Translation).

      The Egyptians people with all of their pagan, occult worship were vessels filled with “frogs” and then the power of Satan (darkness) overcame them 24 hours for 3 days and nights.

      This same darkness will occur again as we read in Revelation,

      “Men were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory.

      Then, the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues because of pain, and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores; and they did not repent of their deeds” (Revelation 16:9-11).

      Best put on the Armor of Light.

      Psalm 27

  6. Harold,

    Thank you for the passage from Book of Jasher, an ancient record of heroic deeds.

    Here are more details of the plages upon Egyptians from the Book of Jasher, chapter 80:

    “And the Lord sent again and caused all their waters to bring forth frogs, and all the frogs came into the houses of the Egyptians.

    And when the Egyptians drank, their bellies were filled with frogs and they danced in their bellies as they dance when in the river.

    And all their drinking water and cooking water turned to frogs, also when they lay in their beds their perspiration bred frogs” (Jasher, 80:6-8).


    Frogs filled their belly, dancing as they were in the river!

    Their perspiration bred frog!

    Wow, I didn’t know that occurred too.

    Here is another account of frogs – this time coming out of mouths.

    “Then I saw three evil [L unclean] spirits that looked like frogs [reminiscent of the second Egyptian plague; Ex. 8:1–15] coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet” (Revelation 16:13, Expanded Translation).

    Well, I think frogs are a representation of demonic spirits.

    Darkness is evil, demonic oppression upon the mind, emotions and soul.

    So, back to Egypt and darkness that they could feel –

    Certainly the Egyptians could not see their hand before their face. The mental darkness was so “thick” that they didn’t put food before their face.

    This lack of interest in food would be another affect of mental, emotional darkness.

    It was a darkness they could feel, like frogs in their belly. Savvy?

    “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, darkness which may even be felt.’

    So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days.

    They did not see one another; nor did anyone rise from his place for three days. But all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.

    Then Pharaoh called to Moses and said, ‘Go, serve the Lord; only let your flocks and your herds be kept back. Let your little ones also go with you’ ” (Exodus 10:21-24, NKJV).

    Thank you for bringing more details to the text.

    Psalm 37

  7. Arendale,

    The enemy does little or nothing to the spiritually sleeping or dead or neither hot/cold church or to such Believers; They are asleep or dead – so let them slumber.

    The following passage in Ephesians is written to the Church – not to a unsaved, dead in trespasses and sins individual. It is written to members of a body of Believers.

    “Walk up O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light” (Ephesians 5:14, AMP).

    I give thanks for the experience of spiritual battles become it tells me the enemy thinks and believes I’m a man of God, advancing the Kingdom of my Lord on the gates of hell.

    The voodoo queen’s attack came on the second Sunday after speaking the following prayer during Sunday Morning services. It was a targeted attack to maybe kill me or scare me, lasting about 15 minutes with intense pain in the middle of my back. There were maybe 5 pin points that really felt like one large 6 inch around stake deep between my shoulders.

    Her attack (while painful for 15 minutes) was not successful because the Lord was with me in this spiritual warfare battle. The Lord led me to act with my hands and speak, breaking the curse. I left the battle field with no scar. The encounter strengthened me for the many battles that came thereafter.

    I would share more with you on Heaven Awaits about the spiritual encounters (battles) within this and other sleeping churches – but some folks think I’m bragging, while others don’t comprehend spiritual matters beyond a Sunday School lesson of David and Goliath (Hebrews 5:13-14) and repeating words on the screen or on paper as if the words by them selves are effective enough (2 Timothy, “power”).

    Here is a little more background –

    After that particular 3pm voodoo attack, I knew it came from someone who heard the soft spoken, under my breath prayer (as you’ll read below).

    They (demonic spirits) heard and were afraid, advising the witch to rise up to withstand the “spiritual battle” that came upon them within their stronghold.

    So – the following Sunday (the 3rd of many Sundays in prayer within this assembly of Believers), I moved to the second row, within plain sight of everyone that morning to speak the prayer, quietly, softly under my breath again.

    Sure enough, after speaking in prayer – the voodoo queen applied a little pin to her doll during the service!

    I smiled, giving thanks for the confirmation, then rebuked her demonic attack in the name of Jesus. Poof – within a few seconds the little pain in my back was gone.

    I learned over the following year that the voodoo queen (and her daughter) sit in the first row, left side of this particular evangelical church as a founding family, beloved and trusted by the Pastor (Ezekiel 34).

    The voodoo queen and her teenage daughter also placed curses on children’s toys and more.

    After 2 years – with no spiritual prayer support from the church leadership or Pastor – I dusted off my shoes and left. God help them (Ezekiel 11:1-11).

    The following (by way of testimony to this experience) was my prayer, written over prayer and fasting, and spoken softly within this sleeping evangelical church:

    “Father God, I come to you in the name of my Lord and strong Deliverer, Jesus Christ.

    My Good Shepard, continue to led and protect me.

    Holy Spirit, guide me in all ways and anoint me with your Power.

    Angels, I welcome you with all spiritual warfare necessary to advance the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

    Father God, grant me favor as mighty warrior in the Army of our Lord – Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    I proclaim in the spirit realm – Jesus is Lord!

    Father God, in my spirit, I come before you boldly and with confidence.

    Your Word says that when two or more come together in agreement it is heard with greater urgency. For this prayer, I ask a blessing. I ask this prayer be blessed by the Holy Spirit – so that I do not speak alone, but in spirit and truth.

    I pray, that through my heavenly spirit that I am joined by the Holy Spirit and the fellowship of likeminded believers.

    Father, you tell me in your Word that the fervent prayer of a righteous soul is heard and the request will be provided in the portion to the amount of faith is that is applied. I come before you now and proclaim my faith in your Word with great expectations.

    Father, I seek your Favor as mighty warrior in the Lord’s Army.

    Today, I go to battle with the enemy – tearing down strongholds and break chains of the enemy within this assembly of believers. Any man and women holding these spirits and any demon harming your sheep, keeping them from growing, and block the work of the Holy Spirit is an abomination and shall not stand. Your will be done.

    Today, I pray against the demonic spirits of Leviathan, Jezebel, and the spirits of religion and rebellion within the assembly of believers.

    Give Favor with all spiritual armaments – with the Word pounding within my heart and burning on my lips.

    Give Favor with a multitude of mighty warrior angels going before, surrounding me and ready to bind and remove the enemy at my request. Thank you Jesus for the authority you have and graciously give to me.

    I boldly call for Favor LORD – I seek revival.

    Let revival spring forth from this assembly – not for positional power or any earthly pleasures. I seek revival to build the Kingdom and save souls through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit.

    Favor LORD – send the power of warrior angels to break the chains of the devil and his minions that bind revival.

    Favor LORD – let your Holy light brightly shine break forth in the assembly today – as Favor Lord – so that the darkness is exposed and banished.

    Favor LORD – honor this spiritual attack on the gates of Hates, which shall not prevail, for the cause of advancing the Kingdom – give a victory that brings revival to Ames.

    I go into this building to fellowship with many likeminded Believers.

    But Lord, I take a stand within my soul and in my spirit, praying against every unclean spirit, every evil influence, all satanic bondages clinging to the flesh of men and woman.

    Your Word tell us within Psalms 1, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly [Unbelievers], nor stands in the path of sinners [Believers that do not repent of their ways], nor sits in the seat of the scornful [arrogant with their knowledge of scriptures]… the ungodly are like the chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore, the ungodly [Unbelievers] shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners [Believers that do not repent of their ways] in the congregation of the righteous for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish” (Psalms 1, AMP).

    Father, you tell us in Ezekiel 34, “Thus says the Lord GOD to the shepherds: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock. The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them.’”

    This fold, like so many, is not cared for because the pasture [Your Word] is being trampled by the feet of iniquity and the pure water [the Holy Spirit] is being muddy by feet covered with lust for worldly pleasures, as you describe unfit pastors and leaders of the flock (Ezekiel 34). This will not stand – Your will be done.

    Dear Lord, my Good Shepard, I do not stand or sit, or seek council with errant pastors and elders but with just cause and fervent prayers – intercede for the flock. Your will be done. I seek to advance the Kingdom!

    I want to set the captive free! Lord, I want good pastures, clean water and the paths of righteousness to set before the flock for your Glory and Honor Father God.

    The wells have been damaged by the enemy too Lord.

    I seek Favor in the work – to dig out the dirt, stones, and rock placed in this well so the well produces pure water to quench the flock.

    Favor Lord – that you bring forth a spring that fills a dry river running through this city – a river of righteousness into a dry river.

    Favor Lord – where living waters flow into the dry land so our land so that seeds will grow and brings forth a bountiful harvest.

    I declare into the spirit realm – Satan, my soul is counted righteous before Abba Father. You and your minions have no place, station or home within my flesh, within a place, building or property claimed for the Kingdom of God. Thank you, Jesus.

    Father, should there be any soul in attendance that is sold out to the devil – I fervently condemn the demon(s). With your authority and power, reveal the wolf, so that it may be uncovered, bound by your mighty angles and sent out from the flock of true believers.

    It is in the name of our LORD, demons have no contract, no right, and no barging power to remain within an assembly of believers– by the word of my testimony and the blood of the Lamb they are sent out and cannot return. Give Favor and so grant us victory today in this battle.

    LORD, I stand with the Kingdom, praying in spirit and truth that this flock feed on green pastures, be led to clear waters and that this flock is counted with the saints in heaven as righteous.

    Give Favor, bring forth revival! Amen.

    Arondale and anyone who reads this long reply – God bless you!

    Rev 12:11

    • Amen to all that you said. I prayed the prayer though long it was.

      I also have assigned warlocks and witches ‘praying’ against me. I have a friend who has seen the same thing happen several times to him and to others.

  8. Thoroughly enjoyed this article. The Holy Spirit revealed to me a couple of years ago that the first light (Day) was Jesus and the darkness (Night) was satan. I tried to share with many Christians but they reject it.

    It makes perfect sense that the Darkness was spiritual just as Death can also be spiritual as well. That is why Jesus tells the young man to “Let the dead bury the dead.”
    I also learned this from personal experience living in two cities. One was in Tennessee and the other in Indiana. Both had a spiritual darkness but different spirits functioning in each city. TN was the worse; people knew the word of God but the hidden darkness was so heavy that the people looked like they were depressed and financially broke. During the daylight and night time, there was ALWAYS a Darkness present eventhough the land was beautiful.

    Indiana had a different form of spiritual darkness where jobs were low paying, crime, drugs and the people were rude, in a stupor and conspicuous of everyone. These two experiences taught me what spiritual darkness looks and feels like.

    Thank you for writing this article in order to make Christians aware.

    • eyewrist,

      You sure do understand the power of darkness upon the mind and emotions, which impacts the spirit too.

      Yes, the fruit of the Spirit (behaviors of walking in the light) is completely opposite of the affects of the fruit (behaviors/actions) of darkness (mental anguish, depression). That was a great observation. 🙂

      We know that God does not give us a spirit of fear (depression, anger, bitterness, or any such “darkness”) but a spirit of power, and of love and of sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Savvy?

      Since we have some common understanding on the impact of “light” and “darkness” ~ you may find this presentation of interest.

      “How to Idenity the Enemy” by Derek Prince.

      You could skip the first 20 minutes of the video, getting to the meat of the topic at the 19-20 minute mark.

      Derek Prince had over 50 years experience in the ministry with a Cambridge education and advanced education in Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew. He knows what he is talking about.

      You many also find these this page posted within Heaven Awaits of interest.

      This page gives an alternative interpretation (emotional/mental, demonic) to the popular interpretation (a literal star) of a star named “Wormwood” that falls into the sea (Revelation 8:11).

      Wormwood = Spirit of Bitterness.

      I don’t think Wormwood is a star just as I don’t think those 3 days of darkness occured by a lack of sun/moon light.

      The soon coming days of darkness and the affect of a spirit of Wormwood will be demonic oppression. Wormwood falls upon the sea of life, oppressing anyone holding bitterness (unforgivenss).

      Wormwood = Spirit of Bitterness

      Let me know what you think by reply/comments.

      Psalm 27

      • Thank you for the video. I think I have heard of him from a few believers in the past. I will definitely watch it…even share it with my few friends who believe as I do.

        I would agree with you in wormwood is not a physical star but something much more. Chiristians fail to realize God does not work on a single plane like we do but more of a star burst manner affecting all aspects of heaven and earth. In fact there is a herb called wormwood that is actually very bitter to the taste. Was that by accident? No, God knows all and controls all; we are not listening or seeking him for the answers.

        I believe the coming days of darkness are ALREADY HERE. I know and see many people who are angry, bitter, anxious, depressed, gullible, hopeless, fearful, worried, hoarders, antisocial, etc…all are symptoms (signs) of darkness. The need and want for medication (pharmakia) to resolve these symptoms are ever increasing with no end in sight; another trick of the enemy

        • Iwish,

          Even New Age followers (messages within Star Wars) are aware but confused with the source.

          The movie is scheduled for release December 18, 2015.

          Time to put on the Armor of Light.

          Hannah’s prayer came to my attention after watching the above movie trailer.

          “My heart exults in the Lord;
          my horn is exalted in the Lord.
          My mouth derides my enemies,
          because I rejoice in your salvation.

          There is none holy like the Lord:
          for there is none besides You;
          there is no rock like our God.

          Talk no more so very proudly,
          let not arrogance come from your mouth;
          for the Lord is a God of knowledge,
          and by Him actions are weighed.

          The bows of the mighty are broken,
          but the feeble bind on strength.
          Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread,
          but those who were hungry have ceased to hunger.

          The barren has borne seven,
          but she who has many children is forlorn.

          The Lord kills and brings to life;
          He brings down to Sheol and raises up.
          The Lord makes poor and makes rich;
          He brings low and He exalts.

          He raises up the poor from the dust;
          He lifts the needy from the ash heap
          to make them sit with princes
          and inherit a seat of honor.

          For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,
          and on them He has set the world.

          He will guard the feet of his faithful ones,
          but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness,
          for not by might shall a man prevail.

          The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces;
          against them he will thunder in heaven.

          The Lord will judge the ends of the earth;
          He will give strength to His king
          and exalt the horn of His anointed” (1st Samuel 2, ESV).

          Psalm 37

  9. Please consinder,

    Super storm Sandy made landfall on 30th October 2012. Largest storm ever recorded. Casilty figure was low, but massive destruction of infrastructure.

    An year and a few days after , November 8th 2013, super typhoon Haiyan devastates the Phillipines with massive casualty figure (6340).

    Unreportedly unrelated, a polar vortex causes the cold and winter to come early in the USA and Canada, reaching farther south that in ordinary winters.

    In November 2nd 2014, as clockwork, theres another giant storm, super typhoon Nuri. Another special storm that develops, maps out and works its effects, two years after Super storm Sandy.

    This time Nuri is connected to the developing Polar vortex, that the second year in a row is slated to bring anomolous cold to most of the USA, and its the third November in a row that anomolous weather, tied to the shaking of the heavens, is being experienced in the USA.

    This time when the cold hits, it will also be just about the second day after the full moon of the second moon of the current natural year .

    Whats to be expected?

    Is it just storms, and weather anomalies unrelated to theed times and prophecy, or do they serve any prophetic fulfilment?

    Is it just me and my zeal for prophetic fulfilment, or do these events not fulfil prophecies cited about these pages of events slated for about November, before the end if 2014:

    For some prophecies may require interpretation and thus is their fulfilment observed. At 2am could mean, as I before mentioned, two years after Sandy. And thus are we experiencing a second November with both a super typhoon and a Polar vortex causing a cold frozen anomaly.

    The only way to dispel spiritual darkness is to be observant of the truth.

    Its been a period of great spiritual darkness as many fail to observe the truth and nary the truth is appreciated but by very few, or quested out.

    This week im my country, the devil went laughing all the way to heavens door, and back, reaping also where he had not sowed. It happened so when a local televangelist and miracle worker was unmasked on a tv investigative report , in which he was caught coaching witnesses to offer false testimonials on their faked healings and blessings. It was a wonderful job to unmask this wolf and liar, but the sad eventuality is that now most people presume all other of the Chtistian religion to be of like character. And indeed for this fake preacher to be unmasked must have been part of the devils grand plan to confound more souls in to further darkness.

    Id also like to add, that blood shed is increasing throughout all the world, even where before thete seemed to be sanity. The devils main agenda is to turn every man against his brother, and that in slayings, and its been permitted. Thus Isis is succeeding and Christians are changing to militancy, while the word abides that he that kills by tge sword is slated to die by the sword.

    Its humanity who destroy each other out of the earth, rather than natural disasters.

    Be blessed.

  10. John,

    Thank you for your reply/comment.

    I particularly like these statements:

    “The only way to dispel spiritual darkness is to be observant of the truth.

    Its been a period of great spiritual darkness as many fail to observe the truth and nary the truth is appreciated but by very few, or quested out.”


    John 3:21
    “But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

    “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come” (John 16:13, NKJV).

    “He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler” (Psalm 91:4, NKJV).

    Then we read this very insightful verse, which the wise virgins know and apply (Matthew 25:1-10) as they do not share their oil, sending the foolish out into the night (darkness),

    “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding” (Proverbs 23:22-24, NKJV).

    Blessing so you,
    Psalm 27

  11. eyewrist,

    Thank you for your reply/comment.

    Wow? You referenced two place that I’ve lived in during my 50+ years within your short reply.

    I lived in Indianapolis for 14 years and in East Tennessee for 2 years while attending Seminary. So, I can personally affirm your assessment of spiritual darkness over a particular region and a city.

    Indianapolis is a stronghold of Scottish-Rite (Masonic, occult darkness).

    Daniel chapter 9 gives us the reference for demonic oppression on a region and associated with a kingdom:

    “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia…Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? And now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia; and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come” (Daniel 10:13-20).

    You may find the following teachings helpful as you continue to apply the gift of discernment graciously given you.

    The above is one of many within the link below.

    I also suggest you purchase a book, “Secrets of a Prayer Warrior” as soon as possible.

    This prayer is for you too – as it was written by Paul to the saints (holy ones) in Colosse. You can also make this your personal prayer, expecting to receive your request of Almighty God in His name.

    In the name of Jesus, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light (Colossians 1:9-12).

    Psalm 27

  12. A copy for you and anyone reading this thread.

  13. Good afternoon Marianne!

    I would like to ask you for help as I am praying for a loved one’s deliverance, salvation and protection.
    Please pray that God moves mightly in Harry’s life, that He opens his eyes and heart and mind to Him and to His Word and Will. Pray that God saves and rescues him from weird and wicked people and from their evil plans! May God let him know who the real evil influences are and may He help him to stop hanging out with them, please.
    Pray that Harry gets to know the Truth that will set him free, and that God writes His Word upon his heart and mind so that Harry will not sin against Him again, please. May God turn him from his wicked ways, and put full repentence and abhorrence of sins in his heart too. Please pray that God speaks to Harry’s heart in a way that Harry will listen to Him and trust in Him. Pray also that God leads Harry NOT into temptation but delivers him from evil ones, and that God will give Harry strenght and wisdom to resist everything that does not come from God, and that God puts obedience, patience and trust into Harry’s heart so that Harry will be able to wait in the Lord and NOT rush into relationships, for everything under Heaven has its own time! I also pray that God forgives him of his sins, for he doesn’t know what he does or says.
    And very important, I know that God reveals Himself to people in different ways, I would like to ask that God reveals Himself to Harry in a dream that he will never forget and that that dream will change his life and draw him closer to God.
    Finally I pray that God Ezekiel 36:26 I will give Harry a new heart and put a new spirit in him and will remove from him his heart of stone.
    May Harry not resist the Holy Spirit, but give into Him, please.
    And pray that I will hold onto the God’s promises and resist every doubt of the enemy, please.

    Thank you!! God bless u .xx

    • hi daisy

      I will agree with you in prayer for Harry. it sound like you are his “angel” that watches over him. I will believe that his salvation and deliverance comes quickly and he serves the Lord. May God keep you both under the shadow of his wings as well.

    • Daisy,

      God bless you as you fervently with intercession prayers speak love, seeking Harry to be counted in that number – “when the saints go marching in.”

      If you are led to do so – fast and pray for Harry. Fasting puts urgency into our prayers.

      Click to access Derek_Prince_-_Fasting.pdf

      Psalm 40

      • Thank you soo much! I really have a burning desire for Harry to be saved! I would appreciate if you could keep Harry in your prayers for some time…
        Thank you! God bless 🙂 x

        • Got’m covered. This will be on my heart for a few days too.

          Father, the Word tells me, “the Gospel is veiled to those who are perishing” because “the god of this world has blinded their minds, keeping them from seeing the light of the gospel of the Glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2nd Corinthians 4:1-6).

          Father God, I earnestly pray that the Light of eternal Glory, the Light that overcomes darkness shine down upon Harry, dispelling the oppressive god of this world, keeping him from hearing the gospel.

          I say this believing that the spiritual Light of Heaven will shine 24/7 upon Harry, driving the demonic oppression away, allowing his ears to be open to the message of the Gospel.

          In the might name of Jesus, I rebuke the workers of darkness that are oppressing Harry and advance the Gospel of Light.

          I pray the heavenly Light of glory shine down, filling Harry’s home and workplace so that he may experience peace of mind and soul, opening those specific places to the work of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:17).

          I pray his dreams be filled with Devine messages, leading him to read Scriptures and speak with Daisy.

          The Word says, “but if anyone who follows the true way comes to the light. Then the light will show that whatever they have done was done through God” (John 3:16-21). Therefore, I pray that Harry follow the way and come into the Light.

          Please, give Daisy the words to speak when the Spirit opens a conversation at His appointed time. Lord, thank You for sending the Spirit, our helper and counsel (John 15:26, 16:13 & 1st Corinthians 12:11).

          In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

          • Thank you so so so much! You were very helpful! Lord has been answering my prayers with laborers from His harvest to come unto my path to help me praying for Harry! I also pray that laborers from His harvest may come unto Harry’s path.

            Thank You Lord!
            And thank you so much everyone, God bless u! xx Amen.

          • amen

  14. Shalom and Praise God for your laboring for the kingdom. Father has shown me many scriptures, which I have prayed over my loved ones. He has done many things, one being my husband who was in alcohol bondage and demonic anger. Speaking and believing God’s word is truth and walking in obedience to His word has brought forth much change. This is because of belief in Him, not anything I could do. Of course belief requires an action, otherwise it really isn’t belief. The bondage to alcohol and anger are gone, yet he is far away from his destiny in YHVH. You have restored the vigor and passion to do what He showed me through much time in intimacy with Him. I will fast and pray as I used to. I have already repented and do ask for prayer to stay steadfast and strong. My Lord and savior, I have always put in front of my eyes, but have been distracted with work,and other issues for afew years lately. You are right about the darkness and Derek Prince, who I have listened to extensively. Shalom and blessings upon you. Ps . Have you read Rebecca Brown’s -He came to set the captives free? I believe she has 3 books, all testimonies of her surrendered life and how God taught her on the job, much like Derek Prince. Very intense. Abba has been nudging me to reread it. Shalom, Marcyj

  15. Marcy,

    Thank you for your blessed reply. Reading your comments this morning lifted a burden. Thank you.

    I will purchase Rebecca’s book later today.

    So, I have an author and book for you too! This is exciting.

    Lilian Yoemans’ “His Healing Power.” Derek Prince applied her teaching, which is applying the Word. Amen. This book (collection of a few) is filled with pearls of wisdom.

    We make it so hard, “Oh ye of little faith” – sad but true.

    I’m not doing to well lately – been pulled down and struggling, wrestling with some powers of darkness. So, I’ll lift you up in prayer and you me, amen.

    While we’re exchanging messages and resources – please read this link. I believe and think the message within is imparative. As you read into the comments/replies – I think you’ll see why.

    Prayer Over a House

    Blessings to you (Psalm 20).

    • dj

      may the Lord strengthen you and bless you always…tell the powers of darkness they lost the battle for you at calvary…and you do not stand alone…you have the Lord on your side, and friends to lift you up in prayer.

      may the Lord keep you and give you victory over ALL spirits of darkness…in jesus name

    • Amen , I will look into both those resources, thank you. I lift you up my sister and stand in agreement with you. Let there be light and Elohim saw the the light and it was good, and YHVH seperated the light from the darkness. You are the light of the world in Messiah. The darkness has nothing in you..amen Shalom

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