Batman Map and Disasters


The Batman movie Dark Knight Rises seems to have predictive clues in it for severe situations, according to some sources, and thinkers.

**Note: This is just an academic exercise, since it is speculation about a fictional map from a movie.

This is because Sandy Hook was pointed to on the Gotham City map, and then the attack on the Sandy Hook school took place in December 2012.

I had been working on this post and was not going to publish it, thinking it was just academic speculation.

I had also not thought past the shootings / bombs prediction I had read about on the internet until I saw the winter storm along interstate 65, and the tornadoes hit Mobile, Alabama.

The reason for that is given below.

So, in this academic exercise, I am thinking that the “strikes” noted on the Batman map from the movie may be “emergency” or severe situations, which are not limited to shootings, but to “natural” disasters, like severe weather, earthquakes, tornadoes, geophysical issues in general , or maybe terror attacks of any nature.

The “strikes” would then be anything that would disable an area, and create an issue for government intervention.

Batman maps -note: discovered on Jan 26,2014 that links to maps are now gone! pages missing!

So I am replacing those links with this one:

Some believe that the Illuminati place clues in movies as to their plans, before they act.

I am going to follow this train of thought and see where it takes me.

Note: Sandy Hook is considered a lone gunman attack, although there is some indications that it was a team of 6. Not confirmed.

Careful examination of the Dark Knight map, along with the original Batman map, indicates some elements to be considered:

1. Gotham city map is a composite map, made of several cites, indicated by area names, and highways

2. Some city blocks are repeated with identical names, such as Apple St, Flora St.

3. City map seems to be patterned after New York area – especially Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan, with changes added to make it a different city. For example, there really is a Sandy Hook area in New York City. So is Red Hook (Brooklyn), Chelsea (NYC) , Ft. Clinton (Manhattan), and Cobble Hill (Brooklyn), and “the Narrows” a waterway region between Brooklyn and Staten Island. Newark, NJ may also be represented. Other cities as well?

4. China basin is located in San Francisco

5. Highway 278 through the NYC map is replaced with Interstate HWY 35, which runs north to south from Loredo, Texas, to Duluth, Minnesota.

6. Brooklyn Bridge and road is replaced with Interstate Hwy 65, which runs north to south from Mobile, Alabama to Chicago, Illinois.

7. Attacks seem to be near water – oceans, bays, or rivers.

8. There are 5 attacks, and the first one is Sandy Hook.

9. Two seem to be in or near parks.

10. At least one “downtown” area is attacked.

11. The nature of attack (Bomb, shooting, disaster, severe weather, etc. ) is not given

12. One “park area” seems to be named St Mary’s, near the Narrows?

13. One “park area” seems to be named Killer Park (Spelling?), near Interstate Hwy 35

14. Check points at bridges and tunnels

15. Strike zone 2 is the largest area, and covers the downtown sector, and a natural (park) area identified as Saint Mary’s , and the Narrows , This appears to be the New York area, or maybe the area between Interstate 65 and Interstate 35. 

16. Strikes 3 and 5 affect dock areas, or areas directly on the water’s edge (rivers, bay?) near Interstate 65

17. Strike 4 affects what looks like a park, or natural area near Interstate 35, in a city area where 35 is entering in and exiting in a north – south direction, but traverses across town in an east –west direction.

18. Strike zone numbers may, or may not, indicate the order in which events unfold.


Mobile, Alabama is at the bottom of the “trouble” batman map, and its location matches the batman map details.


News story: coincidence?

Tornado that hit Mobile Alabama was one of 40 reported on Christmas Day across the South

“The EF-2 tornado that tore across Midtown Mobile and Prichard on Christmas Day was one of 40 reported across the South, according to The Weather Channel.”

“Fourty tornadoes were reported in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama during the outbreak Tuesday, the Storm Prediction Center said.”

The tornado went through mid town Mobile near Interstate 65, just as predicted on the map

The tornadoes spanned the corridor from interstate 65 to interstate 35, just as predicted on the map.

So which geographical areas would be hit next?

Maybe Kansas city or Oklahoma city?

So many possibilities……….

News story 2:  Snow storm 12/27/2012

“Mississippi and Alabama declared a state of emergency after 200,000 people were left without power.

More than 1,600 flights have been cancelled.

According to the BBC, seven inches of snow caused a 21 vehicle pile-up on an Oklahoma City highway.”

New York City and Pittsburg also affected by snow storm.

The entire Midwest seems to have been affected, but this would seem to be normal for this area?

“The storm made travel difficult from Kansas to Wisconsin, forcing road closures, including a 120-mile stretch of Interstate 35 from Ames, Iowa through Albert Lea, Minn. Iowa and Wisconsin activated National Guard troops to help rescue stranded drivers.

Winds were gusting up to 39 mph in Rochester, Minn., at 4 p.m. The National Weather Service said 7 inches of snow had fallen in Rochester as of noon. The weather service was predicting a storm total of 5 to 10 inches of snow across southeastern Minnesota.

In Iowa, two people were killed and seven injured in a 25-vehicle pileup. Drivers were blinded by blowing snow and didn’t see vehicles that had slowed or stopped on I-35 about 60 miles north of Des Moines, state police said. A chain reaction of crashes involving semitrailers and passenger cars closed down a section of the highway.”

Interstate 35 curves west to east going through these cities:


Kansas city


Oklahoma city


None really, because this is speculation, and possibly coincidence, so far.

But in the meanwhile, just to be safe, keep an eye on the area between interstate 65 and interstate 35.

Note that the new Madrid Fault area is between these two highways.


Also, the Mississippi River

missippi river - batman

Also, note that China Basin is in San Francisco, so that could also be a target.

china basin SF

Added note on 3-15-13 

There is a blurred third interstate route on the map.  At first, I thought was also 35, but looking closer, it may be 15 or 25.  I added one more map to show locations.  Also truck routes are in green on map.

Click Control + on computer to enlarge

batman map and us interstate

118 Responses to “Batman Map and Disasters”

  1. Very interesting to read and think. over.

    There are many that think that Iowa will become a safe haven: along I-35, west of the Madrid Fault, away from Metropolitan large urban centers. I live here now, thankful to be out of Metro Phoenix, thank you Lord.

    Movies/commercials are produced by those with a hidden agenda (deeper meaning).

    So, watch the subtle message at the end commercial. Funny, because they did not know what would become of Twinkies a few months after this was broadcast during the Superbowl 2012. Coincidence?

    The end of the age is upon us.

    • dj

      did you notice that the words twinkie and Chevy were backwards in the clip?

      • Haaaa! LOL.

      • Funny about the backward spelled words. I found videos on youtube of the same commercial that had the correct spelling & a reversal of what was stage left or stage right..wonder why that one released backwards…. 🙂

    • Latest map – Ukraine and X-Men.


      They are disclosing their plans. Hello? Is anybody awake?

      Psalm 27

      • dj

        Russia has a legal right to be in crimea and the province on the sea

        The Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation – by which Russia rents its naval base at Sevastopol from the Ukrainian government – is so far-reaching in the rights it gives the Russians to exercise their military powers that it is seen by many in Ukraine to undermine the country’s independence. In 2008 the Ukrainians said they would not renew the lease when it expired in 2017. But they buckled under the pressure of a gas-price hike and, in 2010, extended the Russian navy’s lease until 2042.

        the ukraine was a province of russia when it was the USSR. the people who live there are russians, so russia feels a responsibility to stop civil unrest there, to protect the civlians…the pro AC media thinks otherwise….

        if the USA would butt out, things would go better….but as usual, the USA has to interfere…..and supply weapons to revolutionaries, like it did in syria

        • ps

          it would therefore not be odd for the urkraine to be considered part of the map of russia, as russia was the USSR and ukraine was a province there.

          x men are based on the marvel comics, written when the russian territories were still USSR

  2. Awesome correlation!

    • Oh there are many insights in Park Avenue marketing, Hollywood, TV and music, if you know what to look/listen for in their productions, realizing there are others (darkness) working their craft. Some of these folks express themselves to amuse/entertain their cohort.

      Just listen to the Hits of rock/roll from the 80s through today.

      Oh my! Worshiping,praising demonic oppression and darkness (lust, night witches, witchcraft, rejection, fear etc). I listen (did) to this stuff and it did sink in. Today, I pick it apart and rebuke the demons associated with the worship.

      Did you know that the voice Daniel Day-Lewis used was developed from hours of meditation? He worked at it for days!

      When Daniel Day-Lewis finally found his “Lincoln voice”, he sent a recording of it to Spielberg with a skull and cross bones on the envelope!

      So, where do you think Daniel got his voice?

      The Joker? “Why are you so serious?” “Introduce some chaos”, was another classic line. I once enjoyed that character. That guy was full of his character, and many realize it when he killed himself before the movie was released.

      “Beloved, I implore you as aliens and strangers and exiles [in this world] to abstain from the sensual urges (the evil desires, the passions of the flesh, your lower nature) that wage war against the soul” (1st Peter 2:11, AMP).

      • Marianne and all,

        Subliminal messages can be within art, music, movies and architecture.

        This is a summary of messages related to 9/11. This video fits with the “theme” of this page.

        I could conclude after watching this video that a new, modern Tower of Babel is constructed in a “mighty city” (Rev. 18:10), and the merchants of the world (Rev. 18:11-17) will stand afar off when the “great city is destroyed” and “shall not be found anymore” (Rev. 18:21).

        I think this link also relates to your recent page on the fall of Babylon.

        “He who overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But, the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (Rev. 21:7-8, NKJV).

        “And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death” (Rev. 12:11, NKJV).

      • Bud Light 2014 Super Bowl commercial decoded in this video. You decide if the decryption is valid or not.

        Psalm 27

        • Another Super Bowl commercial – a car advertisement?

          “We walk out of the darkness and we strike!”

          The brand logo for this car maker is the trident. Forget about the car, listen to the words.

  3. Well clearly the Illuminati not only control Hollywood but the weather as well. Be prepared for them to take over the planet as leaders of the New World Order.
    Run for the hills, we’re all DOOMED!!!

    • maybe I can come and stay with you….. nothing will happen there. 🙂

    • James, please return to Noah and the Rapture. She need you to reply to her daily rapture predictions, which are disturbing on many levels.

      You belong there James, not here. It’s not save for you (or us) anywhere but where you reply within Noah and the Rapture.

    • Dear, James

      The NWO = THE UNITED NATIONS. A dysfunctional, despotic, expensive, political body. The USA out of the UN & the UN out of the USA. Isaias. ch,25, ver3. “Therefore shall a strong people praise thee,
      the city of MIGHTY NATIONS shall fear thee.”

  4. you sure have a way of bring things out to people god sent us a true gift that’s a person that can turn something into a subject to teach us more for some time I was wondering how I could really understand what in the world was really going on in these last days but reading what everyone one these sights and you I ve got a much better under standing of the things that are going around us to all of you thank you

  5. to serilei

    I think why some don’t be-leave in the (n.w.o) is because it really doesn’t hurt them as it does the ones that live pay check to paycheck thy fill the hurt a little more then the middle class and the high class not to say its not hitting them to some are dead set also in there beliefs that thy wont be here on earth when these thing hit thy will be with are lord this world is falling apart at first little by little but its picked up speed the ball is really moving new

  6. Thanks for the reply. My post disappeared somewhere. But yeah the movement in the world has seemed to really pick up, things are going downhill faster and faster, and I really don’t like to see it that way.

    An I know some don’t believe in secret societies or the NWO, but at the moment it is the only thing I can think of that was sadly lead the open path for Satan to arrive. Wether that is true or not I can’t fully say but if it is, people need to wake up and see what’s going on.

    I can only imagine what this Obama term will bring for the next 4 years and I’ve always believed he would be the last president of the US. Don’t know why

  7. they are testing the sandy hook shooters dna for mutations according to yahoo news,,,,,,,,

  8. janelle

    what do they expect to find from the dna testing?

  9. Hopefully you received the links. More government control? We are moving the 19th of January back to Kansas, Wichita, so all I can say is “Father give me discernment, enlighten and quicken me for Your kingdoms sake, all glory be to You.” I knew we were leaving Cali but did not think it was the proverbial frying pan to fire move. I will trust in His will. No faith=Know fear. Know faith=No fear, eh?

  10., this site might be too far fetched for some and too conspiracy theory for others. If it offends or lacks in anyway you may remove it with out offending me in the least. I look in some non-christian, unorthodox venues just to try to get the full picture and put the pieces together my self. Your site has my full respect for giving full pictures to the best of your ability. Shalom

  11. try this again, if not working will try email

  12. Janelle,

    Let me try to explain how I put together the illuminati, new world order, and the like with what we read in Scripture. These are just thoughts based on observations and what I understand from doing a little spiritual warfare (individual and within groups) – this is on the edge of the envelop. Just trying to work out my thinking a little bit.

    Satan has his kingdom (principalities and powers), which “govern” and “administrate” his strategic plan (steal, kill, destroy God’s creation and work of righteousness – His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven).

    Satan is a fallen angle – can’t be everywhere at one time. His kingdom (demonic spirits) use/work through people (individuals in “strategic” positions) and organizations (all), to accomplish his strategy.

    Some people are clueless as to the influence of demonic oppression or to the level of physical possession for those that worship him. A whole lot of Christians are clueless about wolves in sheep ‘s clothing – in their own church. Paul told the Ephesians the wolves would come.

    God is in charge. He knows what is going on. His ways and thoughts are not like ours. His “strategic plan” is “In the beginning…” big. 

    God’s plan already (through Christ) overcomes Satan. His righteousness, Glory, is victorious. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1st John 3:8). A key verse and Satan is really upset when you quote it (too bad looser).

    So here is the deal. These guys (many unbelievers, including wolves), with power, money, positions of great influence in “strategic” positions are inside all human institution.

    They work together (strategic little plans or large plans). Some don’t know why they are doing what they do when they do what they do (demonic influences).

    Some are under Satan’s control (via a principality or power), some are under the influence of drugs/alcohol (addiction), anger/rage, hate/murder. Those in high places take advantage of disasters, killings, destruction to advance his agenda and strategic plans (knowingly or unknowingly depending on “spiritual alignment”).

    For the Antichrist to assume “global” power he must have institutions, systems and key structures in place long, long before he walks onto the world stage. We’re talking a very long range strategic plan by Satan.

    Illuminati is real as a club (association), serving Satan’s long range strategic plans. People born into or placed within systems, associations (local, regional, national, international) advancing an agenda that supports his kingdom and the final conflict that Satan knows is coming. His pride is so big that he thinks he wins! His buddies do to! They buy the lie and live that life (carnal for the pleasures of the world).

    So, walk in the Light as He is in the Light (righteousness), put on the full Armor of God, and cover your mind and soul with the blood of Jesus, washing yourself with the Word. 

    The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Spirit (Romans 14:16-17).

    Who is the King of righteousness? Jesus.
    Who is the Prince of peace? Jesus.

    “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” (1 Corinthians 3:19, NKJV).

    The Kingdom of God is within you, Amen! You are the light in a fallen world.

    The Apostles likewise spoke of “children of darkness” and “children of light” (Eph. 5:8; Col. 1:13, 1 Thess. 5:5, etc.). The children of light are called to be am kadosh – a holy people – separate from the evil engendered by the fallen world and its forces, just as the very first creative expression of God was the separation of light from darkness (Gen. 1:3-4). The children of light “hate evil and love the good,” and conversely, the children of darkness “hate the good and love evil” (Psalm 34:21, Prov. 8:13, Amos 5:15).

    We put our Trust in God the Father, through Christ our Lord, (Psalm 27), not in institutions, governments, clubs or fraternities, lodges, or a church. 

    So, JFK?  Yup, they got him too. It was more about the Federal Reserve (money and military rules the world), more than anything else. Just listen to JFK’s speech on monitory policy. 

    Psalm 23

    • Marianne, Thnx for this incredible post & information. I don’t watch or follow these movies because they seem evil. I am so greatful to you & others who sort these things out..I don’t believe these are coincidences, when we need an answer we can ask, what does God/Bible say? There is no mention of the word “coincidence” in the bible that I am aware of. Infact it would be right above the word “confidence” in the bible dictionary!! Have confidence in discerning the spirits. It IS satan’s game of doubt, etc. that can keep christians from His truth. I remember my 1st “gut” reaction about the “Sandy” Hook shootings before

      • (Oops..reply sent before I was finished!) cont…. I saw the news…I said to my friend, “this is evil, the work of the devil”…I really agree with the observations made here & DJ, you have said it well enough, no need to go on more, really. There is soo much history & current events that are happening here on earth, satan’s kingdom, that It will consume us if we dwell! Afterall, conceptually, he is designed to destroy himself, not US(!!) right?! So our job is of the watchdog/discerning of the spirits as scripture directs us. If anyone is unable to understand the scriptures & how to discern the spirits there is info out there to gain the knowledge. Please, no one underestimate the wiles of the devil & his army, earthly beings of all types, ages, intelligence, from poor to rich, powerful to common, scientists, doctors, the establishment & non-establishment …Satan’s not going down w/out a vicious fight…God created the “Full Armor of God” for a very good reason….suit up we must! BTW, the suit of armor has no back plate for protection because God doesn’t expect us to “run’!! We are full on warriors,God’s army…what a privilege. Thank you, Marianne, for making us aware of these things…I pray for all God’s people & we must pray for our enemies ..blessings, love & peace to all this new year. I am remembering to sit @ the feet of Jesus, like Mary, He has so much to tell….shalom!

  13. Wow, DJ, you broke this down so amazingly! My mom was there to see the Japanese or Chinese top dog say we will invade your homes through patience and product, she also was the only person growing up that saw the Kennedy head shot go back and forward and said they were not telling the truth. She was Mormon which is sad to me, because she put a desire in me to seek the behind surface truth. I can not sell my kids the bright picture. I have to follow the Holy Spirit and hide upon their hearts the right picture. This note to me helps in so many ways and will continue to do so. Thank you again for this eternal blessing. what do I look for to find the Kennedy speech?

  14. mind control of perpetrators of events.

  15. Janelle,

    The first link is JFK’s economic/fiscal policy speech to the NYC Economic club. JFK took on the Fed Reserve Bank. The story goes like this:

    “On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to compete with the Federal Reserve Bank of to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110, returning authority/power to the U.S. government in regards to printing and enter into the currency market without going to or through the Federal Reserve Bank (private bank).

    JFK’s  order gave the Treasury the power “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.” This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. I held one of these bills back in the 60’s.

    This was a major shift in the banking/loan system. The Federal Reserve Bank system (established in the early 1900’s) is a ” private organization” with significant shareholders coming from a small circle of industrialist and stock/commodity  brokers.  

    If those silver notes  entered circulation in large numbers, they would have brought competition in the US dollar currency market. The Federal Reserve would not be the only “bank” to print US currency and loan it to banks. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything but “good credit” and a promise.

    Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the Federal Government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money. 

    Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.

    With that background, here is JFK’s famous speech on free markets. I think this is an excellent speech with clearly stated fiscal policy.

    This next link gives evidence that the head of the Secret Service called off, removed protection of the President moments before shots were fired. We are distracted by “how many shots by how many gunmen” when this video evidence brings more questions about conspiracy. 

    Please, don’t get to deep into this subject. It is not important anymore. As you know, preparing for the end of the age and His soon return (Matthew 24 and 25), is far more important. I believe a great revival is coming soon (Joel 2:23-24) soon. Please read James chapter 5, “preparing our hearts”.

    I suggest applying Paul’s prayer “daily”, fervently.

    Father God, in the name of Jesus, I ask that I may be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. 

    I ask that I may walk worthy of my Lord and Savior, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge Father God.

    Father, strengthened me with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. 

    I give thanks to You, Father God, because You qualified me to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

    Jesus, you have delivered me from the power of darkness and given unto me the kingdom of Your love. In You Jesus, I have redemption through Your blood, the forgiveness of all my sins.

    Father God, thank you for hearing and answering this prayer that comes from Your word as written by Paul.

    In Jesus name I pray, Amen. (Colossians 1:9-14, NKJV)

    Psalm 27

  16. sandy hook a trick?

  17. another hit between 35 and 65, as predicted on the batman map

    Lone Star College Shooting: 4 Injured In Texas College Shooting, 2 Persons Of Interest Detained

  18. quake east texas

    Shallow 4.1 magnitude earthquake rattles East Texas

  19. Power outage at superbowl in new Orleans, with San francisco as one of the teams. Ravens…Isaiah 34:11, Not sure what it means, but a lot of coincidences.

  20. Interstate 25 also on map.

    not included as strike area

  21. sandy hook was predicted on internet forum 2 years before it happened…not by name, by by action.

    In approximate 2 years from today there will be mass school shooting in Connecticut. A lone gunman will kill many children. That’s a trick of propaganda. Step by step, they make it a totalitarian country.

    They have a false flag attack on December 2012 to justify their war on 2nd Amendment. The responsible gunowner is wronged as terrorist.

    The real mastermind of the shootings grins at the soap opera they directed. They treat you like fools. Do not have a logic confuse.

  22. CHICAGO=GOTHAM CITY………..nuff said

  23. Y’a by way of KENYA,INDONESIA &HAWII…!!!

  24. This one has pieces of some of the other vids, though it seems to be more complete.

  25. Here is the most recent updates that I could find on the Louisiana sinkhole.
    It is now 9 acres, and it could grow to be an “underground collapsed Mt. Everest”

  26. sandy hook “disaster” officially on december 14, 2012

    announced as early as september 2012, 2 months before

  27. Boston Marathon Bombing

    planned by officials

    • Marianne,
      Are you saying this was planned? If you look at the video I posted above, Around the 28:25 Mark, and compare this with the map of boston, which you will have to turn and mirror, you will see they are very similar. Notice especially the bend in I93 in boston and the Bridge and tunnels coming off of that bend. As well as the “arrows” pointing between the two highways going by a large “park”. Now not how Boylston St. eventually runs adjacent to boston common. I am Looking at strikezone 4 on the map above. Here is a map I found online to look at of boston. I wonder how many bombs were planned??

      Something to consider

  28. coincidence? inside 35 corridor… WACO texas…..anniversery?

    explosion…lots of damage

  29. boston bombing…..message from Egypt

  30. Amazing how little coverage on this chemical plant in texas. Watch video to see the scope of the blast. only video I could find of it.

  31. In one article I read, 75 homes, a 50 unit Apartment complex, and a school were all destroyed by the blast

  32. Boston shutdown, Watertown under marshall law. One suspect dead. from Chechnya. Expect More second ammendment attacks, calls for internet censorship, warrantless searches. etc.

  33. ALL of Boston now under marshall law, for One suspect….really? I wonder what is really going on?A bit of an over reaction? A trial run?

  34. Note the date on this is 2011

  35. I just heard one of the news ladies botch the name of the suspect still on the loose.
    Dzhokhar= The Joker

  36. problem with waco fertilizer plant now?

  37. 2 brothers were innocent….planned event, but not by them….boston

  38. The following are the start times of the race.
    9:17 wheelchairs
    9:30 Elite Women
    10:00 elite men.

    Time of first explosion on race clock 4:09:44 which started at 10:00 am

    The blast occured at 2:09 EST (correct me if I am wrong on this)

    I do not “tweet”, but is the clock on the above comment at the Boston Globe on EST. If so, then this tweet came 1 hour and 16 minutes before the actual blast. See 15 second mark of video above.

    What this may prove is:
    A. that somebody notified the Boston PD of a suspicious bag at those sites an hour before, but may have been reluctant to interrupt the race???
    B. The Boston PD was planning on conducting a test to set off a controlled explosion/ test during the Boston Marathon at the finish line?? Less likely
    C. The Media was tipped off that an explosion would occur there by someone, so as to get maximum media attention??? This gets really conspiratorial?
    D. The tweet was doctored??? Time and or date altered by videographer.
    E. Someone at the Boston globe rsent a tweet regarding the JFK controlled explosion, but Go the address wrong, thinking it was at the Public Library. The probability of an actual explosion then at the wrong address is ridiculous.

    Any way you slice it it does not look good. I know watching news reports of the event they had said something on tests occurring days before by the bomb squads, but I do not know if this was a CYA attempt after the fact. Then there was the PD saying that there was a controlled blast at the JFK library earlier that day? Again, possible CYA story. I guess the big question is, how reliable are these Tweets??

    Either way, the Boston Globe needs to be called to testify to explain these tweets in court, or congress. Followed by the Boston Police department explaining what “controlled explosion” was conducted that day , and this needs to occur before the trial of the suspected Bomber. There is way too much coincidence, and a whole lot of CYA going on here.


  40. 4 explosions in Mobile, Alabama……on fuel barges…right on Hwy 65, as in map

  41. CDC (Center for Disease Control) predicts zombie virus in Raleigh, NC

    Click to access 11_225700_A_Zombie_Final.pdf

  42. Massive disaster drill for central Pennsylvania May 15th

  43. oklahoma city on 35 effected by huge tornado 1 mile wide going 200 mph

  44. bennington, ok tornado…inside 35 / 65 corridor

    • The highest potential for severe thunderstorms will be on Wednesday and Thursday. Here’s Wednesday’s Severe Threat Level. Supercells are expected to develop across western OK tomorrow afternoon, and track east into central and northern portions of the state during the late afternoon and early evening hours. Conditions will be favorable for any dominate supercells to produce baseball-sized hail, thunderstorm wind gusts up to 70 mph and tornadoes. A strong tornado can not be ruled out within the High risk area. At this time, the High risk area does include western parts of the OKC metro.

  45. Oklahoma may 31 2013

  46. Tornadoes in St Louis , MO

    inside hwy 35 / 65 corridor

  47. more oklahoma tornadoes….this one oklahoma city area , which i predicted as a target region of some sort of disaster

  48. DErecho for ohio river valley….????

  49. wichita and other kansas water supplies have a problem

  50. Marianne, after reading over this thread, have you seen this?

    US Navy Map of Future America:

    The very first map you posted here, looks an awful lot like the area you mentioned…..a lot like it! Almost to the tee…

  51. Where do you live? No specifics, but what state?

  52. missile headed in Oklahoma direction. ?

    oklahoma city recent place of satanic black mass and beheading…now what?

    oklahoma city on hwy 35 on map above…target area

  53. Hi. As I looked at the map of Gotham, I noticed the red-dashed triangle resting on its point. If Gotham is a map of a warped US, it bears an amazing similarity to blue lines on the US map in “US is mapped for a problem”.


  54. What an amazing site. Thanks for all your hard work. Will bookmark and return when Q has finished the clean up.

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