Day After


What will it be like the day after the Lord comes?






Eternal Life

True divine prosperity








Self Control





Do you ever wonder why people choose to have the opposite?










Ever wonder what is wrong with people who choose the wrong way?


Choose life !!!

Seek the Lord while He may still be found !!!

Soon it will be too late……..


29 Responses to “Day After”

  1. […] here for […]

  2. No. I think the story goes that we will be hiding in caves doesn’t it?

    • dave

      if you are hiding in caves, then the 6th seal has passed, you have missed the rapture, the day of the Lord has begun, and you are about to be destroyed by the wrath of god.

      See Revelation chapter 6…at the end of the chapter especially.

      I meant when the Lord returns for good, to establish peace on earth, not when he is removing the wicked.

      • The rapture is at the trumpets after the seals. I didn’t realise that anyone still thought otherwise. Just hope I suppose.

        • not sure what you are saying exactly….for me the rapture occurs at the 6th seal, according to matthew 24…..

          this is when the seals end and the wrath begins…..the 7th seal is just a pause….between the tribulation and the wrath….no one will really live through and after the 6th seal…..

          THen the trumpets start

          some believe that the rapture occurs at the last trumpet…..because of an interpretation of the “last trump.”

          However, if one understands jewish feasts, the last trump occurs in yom kippur , to complete the 10 days of awe.

          and jesus said there would be tribulation 10 days, to indicate the tribulation was over at the end of the 10 days of awe.

  3. I think it will be bittersweet. Those that have endured evil will have a hard time healing and it will be serenely bittersweet. Earth will always have evil’s mark (lake of fire) and those that survive will be taken

  4. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

    29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

    30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

    31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

    Note the order.

  5. 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

    24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

    25 Behold, I have told you before.

    26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

    27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    If there has been a rapture already then who is Christ warning about false christs?

    We will all be in caves on the second coming.

  6. Yes yes but Jesus is warning about during the tribulation there will be false Christs. So Who is he warning about false Christs during the tribulation (just before the second coming) if there has been a rapture BEFORE that coming?

    • you and I have different definitions of tribulation.

      to me, seals 1-6 are the tribulation….which includes all the antichrists you want… war, famine, disease, death and martyrdom.

      the rapture occurs at the 6th seal as the earthquake occurs….sun, moon, stars, etc

      then the wrath of god starts and the rapture is over.

      satan’s man sticks around after the 6th seal, but we are gone…..

      satan, the AC and the other wicked are then destroyed.

  7. 12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

    13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

    14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

    15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

    16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

    So you are saying that the rapture occurs at this point ? Why do you conclude that?

    • yes….right before they hide in caves….at verse 14

      matthew 24… about the sun and moon changes when jesus returns

      • I don’t doubt that. I was just asking what is written in Matthew or Revelation that makes you conclude that there is a RAPTURE at this time?

        • 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

          30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

          31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

          **** since the elect are “gathered,” I interpret that as being raptured, especially since we are already up “in the 4 winds” which eans we are not on the earth anymore.

  8. ‘ICE CAPS 22’, All ‘nuclear reactors’ must be closed down immediately. It is an emergency. You were all asked to turn your hearts to the children, in the scriptures the LORD warned you all what would happen if they didn’t turn their hearts to the children. Now it is too late, if humanity is to survive at all on this planet, at any level of existence, all ‘nuclear reactors’ must be closed down immediately. Time is up for humanity to redress the balance, in the way that the LORD chose for it be redressed. He sent you gentle waters of shiloh, and the power of love of shiloh was refused. Now my children come. Isaiah 8.

  9. Dave said = If there has been a rapture already then who is Christ warning about false christs?
    answer = False Christs cannot bring you into the real rapture. False Christ cannot give you a NEW Birth with RESURRECTION power living in you. This is why most do not understand the rapture facts of truth. Therefore they could never lead you to one. How could a unsaved man bring their congregation to salvation when he knows nothing about it himself. It cannot happen and this is the main problem today in this “easy believism” age. If a New Birth is taking us out of this world and we are no more of this world as Jesus said. Then it is a Rapture.
    But if not experienced then you have to think its in the “Future”. That’s why Satan love’s to twist the truth. “Today” is the day of Salvation = means deliverance from evil that is in the world. God has called us all OUT OF THIS WORLD already. Not in the future.

    2. Marianne, you posted what happens after the Day of the Lord come’s. Then you post the attributes below of what it would be like.
    Peace, Joy, Love, Satisfaction, Eternal Life, True divine prosperity
    Freedom, Justice, Safety, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Patience
    Self Control, Kindness, Mercy, Rest
    2. Now I will add Power, Resurrection, Living in another dimension in the “Kingdom of God”

    I say this with a heavy heart – Everything you mentioned with the “day after Jesus comes”.
    That comes with the New Creation and Birth By Jesus Christ living in your tabernacle. You are the Temple of God NOW – If you have the “fullness of Christ living in you NOW. You are Complete IN HIM – Lacking nothing –

    Why cannot my Brothers and Sister’s understand this simple truth. It is because of false doctrines that the church has be infested with for the last 400 years.

    Jesus Gave us the “Kingdom of God” That was His whole Message. Yes you have to understand what the “Cross meant” – It meant you can live in His Kingdom NOW. By HIS resurrection that HE gave you at your rapture and NEW BIRTH =resurrection. Death to Life – We all were in a Grave yard. But our “rapture” put us INTO HIS KINGDOM. We Overcome all the evil of the curse that came by the 1st Adam. Jesus was the 2nd. Adam. Christ came “into OUR tabernacle”. Not just His Presence of the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus Said ” I am” the resurrection and the life. “I am” is a NOW statement.
    Mary and Martha – said Oh we know that our brother will rise in the resurrection. Jesus said “I AM the resurrection”. And raised up their brother that had been dead for 4 days and rotten away. No harder to say to the Man at the pool for 38 years. Jesus says to him – “Rise up” and take up your bed. This day your sins have been forgiven. Them ole Pharisee’s could not stand that.

    Jesus message was – The Kingdom of God is at HAND – hand means NOW.
    Jesus Message – First seek ye the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. That the world seeks. The world is the one who cannot come to Peace, Love, Joy, Faith, Power, = cannot we understand this before this “age” is over.

    We need to take a real study of the “Kingdom of God” on this forum. Till we can understand what Christ did for us – at His “Death, Burial, and Resurrection”. It liberated us, it gave us liberty over all the evil of the curse.

    The Problem with mankind and carnal Christians is that they cannot quit
    looking at the “flesh” and its faults and then they fall into doubt and unbelief. This is why most ALL church’s still just teach do’s and don’ts and never get the victory over them.
    Abraham was called “faithful” by God – go back and take a look at his life. You will see flaws everywhere. Yet God never let him go. God chose him and that was it. Look at David, Look at Moses, Noah got drunk, look at Lot. Look at our Fathers of the faith. You can find flaws in all of them. But the world was not even worthy of them Paul said. The Word BRIDE means PERFECT among other things. The Heart is what God looks at. If it is perfect then the man will come in the “Image of God” right here on earth sooner or later. He has to. But it takes the Holy Ghost Power. To kill the old man. And Rise Him up into His Personal Rapture and relationship with his Maker. The Only thing outside of the Kingdom of God is Dogs and unbelief, whore mongers, liars, etc. etc. Rev. 22

    Lighthouse –

    • lighthouse

      I was referring to a World Wide reality, of peace love etc…..of course it can occur on an individual basis at the new birth, while remaining in a hate filled world

  10. Which “LORD”?

  11. Which Lord? Satan or Jesus – What are we talking about here.

  12. The 7th. Seal is God resting in the Believer. Read Genesis you will find the answer there. Its real simple – Its the 7th. day Sabbath in O.T that God commanded his people they had to do. Now the Sabbath of O.T is the Shadow or REST of the N.Testaments HOLY SPIRIT – It is a MUST HAVE or perish in this day. In this generation the VEIL has been lifted from our hearts and minds and we can see clearly now. If you can Humble yourself and Tremble at Gods word HE will COME into you.
    The intellectual believers are still blinded by the same VEIL that the Pharisees had over them. They wrestle to their own hurt as Peter said.
    And perish having the “Mark of the Beast” and knowing nothing of the Spirit of God in them.

    If you did not partake of the Sabbath in the O.T then you were never a Complete believer. No man or woman is complete without God in their lives. Its the same today. The Holy Spirit is our WHOLENESS and our HOLINESS, and our RIGHTEOUSNESS and we are WHOLE and PERFECT and COMPLETE in the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

    The Holy Ghost is for them that obey Him. Book of Acts

    The “Beacon” of light guides us through the straits safely.

  13. Dear Marianne. Just wanted to comment on you post below.

    29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
    30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
    31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
    **** since the elect are “gathered,” I interpret that as being raptured, especially since we are already up “in the 4 winds” which eans we are not on the earth anymore.

    Here is the way I see it plainly –
    The Rapture had already been taken before 70 AD and the destruction of the Temple. That made Israel desolate. That O.T WORLD came to its END at that time.
    Jesus gave the Jews 37 years to get it right and Christ was collecting HIS ELECT sheep in those 37 years till 70 AD. = the time appointed.

    In 33 AD Pentecost was the RAPTURE – The NEW CREATION of GOD by Jesus Christ ENTERED into the KINGDOM OF GOD. The 120 at Pentecost had the fire come down into them and changed their thinking and lives completely. Into the “Image of Jesus Christ”

    Its exactly the same in OUR DAY – The rapture has been taking place in this generation. But this generation is closing fastly. Think about what Jesus said about Noah’s day- A new age was coming, a new start again. Still had sin in it as well. I think it will be the same in our present day.

    The RAPTURE is a SECRET gathering of Gods elected. Just as Israel the Nation knew nothing of the Rapture of the Bride even though the Disciples were Preaching the “Kingdom of God” through Jesus Christ, and healing the sick, being translated into little Jesus’s, and thousands got “RAISED UP” into the “Kingdom of the Spirit” = God. And never got touched by Nero and or Titus armies because they obeyed the Lords teaching when you see the armies then flee and they did and were saved. Yet many disciples like Paul and Peter died at the hands of Nero. Right before the start of the destruction of the Temple. Giving there lives freely to Jesus Christ as a sweet smelling sacrifice Holy and acceptable to God.

    Heb. 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.
    Sooooo True.

    PS- Moses also led the Children of Israel out of the most powerful Nation in the world at that time. Because it was “Christ’ that was in the Fire and the Cloud. Just as in Pentecost. The Holy Ghost and Fire. The Holy Ghost is as the “Supernatural Cloud” and we know that the “Fire is the consuming God “consuming the enemies of His saints. And also consuming HIS Bride to HIMSELF. Transforming them into the purpose of being the “Image of God”. Because God protected them from their enemies until sin took over Israel years later. Israel set up a “denomination over them” and they were finished at the point. Moses told them NOT to have a King like all the other Nations.
    Moses had “CHRIST” IN HIM. So it was Christ that led them out of the World of Egypt= Babylon and into their Promised Land just like today. God has done this over, and over, and over again the ages of the Worlds.
    BOTTOM LINE – God used MOSES and HIS Message to deliver Israel “OUT of and INTO their Promised Land.


  14. Yes that minority of people is the Elect. Marianne. This teaching is plain and anyone ought to be able to see it. On Pentecost it was absolutely a “Spiritual” event that came Into the Disciples – The Spirit of God entered them and gave them Power as never before. The Spirit entered the physical body. They as Paul knew the “Kingdom of Heaven” had come into them and transformed them into Christs own “Image” of HIS Character. Yes a complete New Birth is a Spiritual experience. Saved, sanctified, then filled with the Holy Spirit is a New Birth. = the Blood , Water, then Life must enter it or it is a dead born baby.

    If you can believe that it is just a minority. Then you believe like me and I like you. The Bible calls it “remnant” . Here is a good example to understand what that means. We will use a rug being laid down for a room. And the little pieces that got “cut off” from the main piece is the remnant. That most just throw away and pay no attention to it. That remnant is what God uses and its a pattern throughout the whole Bible.

    Typed as the “no good” despised, rejected, so foolish that they will believe what God says, and know they are worthless without God. The Unlearned, and ignorant is what God uses. They are stupid enough to believe what God says.
    Jesus was just a “remnant” cut away from most all of Israel and despised, and rejected, killed, made fun of, called a devil, cause they hated His Words of Life and they could not pull away from the mainstream and become a remnant themselves. They went with the multitudes and they are “no more” but the remnant is the saints and are Eternal.

    Beacon – I’m not trying to argue with you just state some plain facts.
    You have to have in your mind and heart what you really believe is truth. You need not be afraid to express it. Or how can anybody get any help period.
    If you can base it from the Scripture in the Bible then all should take heed to it. amen

  15. Marianne – I said God is the same Yesterday, today. and forever. Heb. 13:8.
    Evidently you do not believe that scripture.
    God gave us pattern’s to follow so you would not miss it. Just sending back one liners or 2 or 3 – tells me you are not interested . So be it.
    Satan comes right behind Jesus sowing his seed and taketh away the truth that Jesus sowed in most people . Have you found yourself in the Bible yet.
    There is a “character” that fits you just right. Have you looked for her in your Bible. Every one of us.
    Jesus days just repeats itself over, and over, and over again in the 7 ages. Just different dates but the same enemy always. The same method of operation. Its faith or doubts.
    Jesus fulfilled every Scripture in the O.T . Why did not the Pharisees etc. seek the word to find HIM in it. They could not see the simple ‘mysteries of Christ” coming which was written right in the Word for all to see. They just could not see beyond the veil of their traditions and believed the majority. And crucified their Messiah. Just think about that. Its your eternal life and destiny at stake. I’m just trying to prick your mind as they say. Cause of one reason. I care about people.


  16. The 4 winds do not have a thing to do with a rapture. That means war – Look it up in the bible and see if that is not right. Yes the Old testament as well.
    War on the North, East, South, and West. Global war. Lord I do not know how you all come up with such things. Then say I’m spirtualizing the word.


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