Dream – Healing at Hanukkah Time?

Hanukkah and Eating Disorder Recovery: Maintaining Through Traditions

Will the suffering finally be over?


May 9, 2023

I have been very sick and I wake up. I am in my rabbi’s house.

It is Hanukkah time, and the house is filled with unlit candles.

I help the rabbis wife light all the candles.. some menorahs do not have candles so I skip them. They are just for decoration.

It is my thought that I will be healed at Hanukkah time.

And I’m being shown my future, sharing the light of Yahweh God to the world.

The world is now in darkness and will be worse by December.

And the world needs the light of Yahweh.

My mission is to give people hope.

End of Dream

21,100+ Memorial Candle Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock | Memorial candle black background, Jewish memorial candle, Memorial  candle blue


I have been suffering for 20 years.

Each year it gets worse.

The last 3 years have been unbearable, so debilitating.

Will I finally be released from all this, this year?

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it abides by itself alone; but if it die, it bears much fruit. He that loveth his life losses it; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.  John 12:24-26

May Yahweh God’s Word be fulfilled in my life.

May I bear much fruit.

22 Responses to “Dream – Healing at Hanukkah Time?”

  1. 5 ~ 9 ~ 2023 On Yahweh’s Earth, Psalm 24:1
    Yahshua His Only Son Returns VERY SOON!
    PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1
    HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    Marianne ~ so be it! Sadly, suffering may not be over for
    all of us until Yahshua the Messiah returns. Most likely
    that will be on a Yom Kippur or Succoth. This COULD be this year or during 2024 – 2027 if dates I have are correct.
    Scripture states that He “tabernacled” amongst us, John 1:14,
    meaning that He could have been born during The Feast
    of Tabernacles during 11 B.C. – 7 B.C. when that official
    first ruled, Luke 2:2.
    My prayers are for healing for BOTH of us!


    • I prayerfully agree that anyone who is suffering now will be healed. I think once we have gone through our own tribulation we will not have to go through a second one

  2. Marianne,

    may God bless you, heal you, and use you to bring the light and hope to the world

    healing of God will come over you very soon. you will have total healing .

    in Jesus name we pray

  3. I just had to start. I am hoping that this is Hanukkah 2023. It might be a future Hanukkah however.

    • I just had this thought. Correction. I am using speaker phone since I can’t type

      • no problem

        God Bless

      • Oh Marianne, I am so sad that you cannot type right now. I pray that that talent will be restored to you very soon.

        • I hope so also thank you it’s been like that for several years.

          • Hi Marianne, I just saw this post. You might try wearing bracelets with magnets which help the hands and fingers. I wear one on each wrist. (They were bought cheaply at a thrift store where I shop.) Sometimes I see rings there where the silver plate is wearing off (so people donate them.) I like to wear these on my fingers, too. This week I bought one for $2.00. Marianne, I pray that you find a way to restore your movement.

  4. this is best version

    holy spirit come

  5. romans 9:4-5

    amp bible

    4 who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons, the glory ([a]Shekinah), the [special] covenants [with Abraham, Moses, and David], the giving of the Law, the [system of temple] worship, and the [original] promises. 5 To them belong the patriarchs, and from them, according to His natural descent, came the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), He who is exalted and supreme over all, God blessed forever. Amen.

    complete jewish bible

    4 the people of Isra’el! They were made God’s children, the Sh’khinah has been with them, the covenants are theirs, likewise the giving of the Torah, the Temple service and the promises; 5 the Patriarchs are theirs; and from them, as far as his physical descent is concerned, came the Messiah, who is over all. Praised be Adonai for ever! Amen.

  6. Isaiah 62 fast.

    40 days fast。

  7. I just heard a prophecy saying that the days of darkness are coming. Possibly as early as June. Then I thought of this dream. I was lightning candles obviously because the house needed light. We were lighting all sorts of candles. On the 2023 calendar this year, Hanukkah starts on December 7th. Possibly the world is dark by then? Just a thought. So have your power generators and your candles ready. Or your kerosene lamps or whatever you’re going to use. Jesus warned us about bad times happening in the winter time. And this is December. Have extra clothing and blankets and other ways to stay warm. Have food. Always be prepared for the darkness. Physical or spiritual.

    • Marianne, I believe that we are NOW living in “the days of darkness.” It still seems to be winter here in Southern Cali at least in coastal Orange County. Brrrr! What you are advising for Hanukkah applies for NOW. Be careful about kerosene. A female ancestor of mine living in Northwestern Kansas came home and lit a match to a device and blew herself up. Very sad! Life there
      was already difficult before.
      I have extra water on hand. With any emergency store supplies will be “Gone Baby Gone!” in a New York City second!
      Something dastardly may happen this Memorial Day Weekend (and Pentecost on 5~28.) It’s a great time to be staying at home where hopefully Yahweh’s Spirit is! Whatever happens ~ I pray that we SURVIVE these increasingly dark days!


      • People might want to consider a Berkey water filter to filter water with in case the water is either old or not good

        • Thanks for the hint! Aldi store has reasonable gal jugs of water that test very healthy. It’s less than a $1.00. It’s good to have an inexpensive water tester to test water that you drink. Aldi’s water has added minerals for taste. The tap water here tests about 240. Aldi’s is 30.

          • What I have done is gotten large containers and fill them up with water from the hose. This way I have large amounts and then I can just filter that. It was better than trying to buy all these bottles of water and having to stack them. In some cases the stacks fell over and cause damage to the storage structure. So I have three or four 50 gallon tanks and one 250 gallon tank. Amazing how fast you go through water just look at your water bill sometimes

            • HA! How do you lift those heavy containers? Buying the bottles is not hard for me. It was more easy when they had plastic pulls on the bottles. Now they don’t! I did
              save some handles from before. I have some empty bottles filled with tap water for emergency use. My
              water bill is mostly for trash pick up. Landscaping here
              needs little watering now because we are still (STILL!) getting rain. ??? I do not use tap water very often except for washing clothes. I am not like my friend who takes daily showers. We just never know when we won’t be able to turn on a tap or flush the toilet. (Best to have large black bags on hand!) I have been through THAT before. After what we have been put through
              the last three years, it should not surprise us what CAN happen! If a major event happens this weekend Yahshua
              might return this coming Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, 9 ~ 26 ~ 2023. This would be WONDERFUL!
              Marianne, may you and everyone have a happy and blessed Pentecost (28th) and Memorial Day Weekend!


              • The largest container has a faucet on it to drain out the water. The others I would have to siphon out the water into another smaller container. This is for maybe non-drinking use but if I put it through the filter and then I can drink it

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