Global Intifada planned for May and September, 2011


Violence has more following, and is granted more “rights to exist,” than peace and righteousness do now.

Violence and godlessness are in vogue.

Violence is evil, and from Satan.

The 62 year old hate campaign continues against Israel.

Police forces, if they are worth anything at all, should suppress this violence, and the incitement to violence.


Violence Associated Events:

1. Hamas and other terrorist groups are planning a 3rd intifada, under the false claim of apartheid.

Supposedly, it is against “little Satan (Israel)” but there is also talk of riots against “Big Satan (America).”

2. Also, the Arab dominated UN is planning to declare the Palestinian state on September 11, [notice the date is important to the Arabs in the UN], and remove more right to exist and land from Israel.

This is to destroy Israel, not achieve justice.

This is setting the stage for this prophecy to come true:

Joe 3:1 ¶ For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

Joe 3:2   I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and [for] my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

Joe 3:3   And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.

Notice who God is talking to in this next verse.

It is the Palestinians and their supporters:

Joe 3:4Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly [and] speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head;

Joe 3:5   Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things:

Joe 3:6   The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their border.

Joe 3:7   Behold, I will raise them out of the place whither ye have sold them, and will return your recompence upon your own head:

So here we go again. Terrorism continues under the false flag of “justice” for people who love to kill the innocent.

Jesus said in the last days, it would be as in the days of Noah.

In those days, according to Genesis, violence (in Aramaic , “HAMAS”) covered the earth.

It looks like the same group of demons is back.

They even claim the name HAMAS to identify themselves.




In the past month a Facebook page calling for a “Third Intifada,” sometimes in explicitly violent tones, was the topic of great concern throughout the Jewish world.

While Facebook was initially reluctant to remove the page because it consisted of “criticism of a certain culture, country, religion, lifestyle, or political ideology,” after calls from major American Jewish organizations and the Israeli government, the page was removed.

In the weeks it was up, the page acquired more than 300,000 followers. According to a MEMRI (the Israel-based Middle East Media Research Institute) report released on March 28, the page, which was almost entirely in Arabic, consisted mostly of calls for mass demonstrations on May 15, 2011, the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel.

The idea is for millions of people to mass in neighboring countries like Egypt as well as in territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, and then march on Israel’s borders as well as on Jewish settlements and military installations in the West Bank (Judea/Samaria).

The marches would be led by Palestinian refugees and their descendants holding keys and similar signs, demanding the “right” to enter pre-1967 Israel and live in abandoned Arab towns.

Considering the mass uprisings that continue to convulse majority Arab countries, this threat should not be taken lightly, nor should the possibility that these demonstrations will be buttressed with violent attacks on Israeli civilians be dismissed.

(These attacks, as we know, have in fact already occurred throughout Israel, including a bus bombing in Jerusalem, the brutal murder of the Fogel family in Itamar, and continued rocket attacks on major Israel cities like Beer Sheva and Ashdod.)

While supporters of Israel should certainly take heart at the “Third Intifada” Facebook page’s removal, they should not assume that that alone can extinguish the threat.

We should all continue to closely monitor the situation, providing whatever support we can – especially by talking to our family, friends, and associates about the situation.



The hate filled Arab world is planning an uprising against Israel.

As regimes fall and destabilize around Israel, Jihadist groups are planning for a joint effort to rise against Israel officially starting at May 15 2011.

With the help of some Arab helpers or Jewish haters – "enlightened" European countries, US nationals, Britons, Scandinavians, and more – they might succeed in their plan.

Only question remains – What exactly is the plan, and who exactly is orchestrating it.

There are multiple reports coming in on what is being planned — a new and big "Peaceful flotilla", air planes, buses with refugees penetrating from resident countries, attacks at and from the west bank, attacks from Gaza, attacks from "Israeli Arabs" from the inside, etc.

Meanwhile, as the date approaches, and as most of the world continually de-legitimize Israel and its sovereignty, sinning against the Jewish and only god one more final time, momentum is starting to catch up.

Jihadists have started attacking Israel after a long pause of avoidance and arming.


Marianne’s Note:

I would encourage people to oppose these situations, but do it properly.

Do not send the message of agreement by remaining silent.

Report complaints to local, and national, government officials.

Also protest to local Islamic associations.

But be careful to use anonymous ID in email communications, to avoid backlash.

Be courteous in your complaint.

Consider safety issues if complaint not well received.

If riots break out near you, stay away from them.

Do not try to reason with crazy people.

“Peace and Justice” is not achieved by violence and chaos.

Revolutions usually produce dictatorships, not freedom.

Pray that God manages this situation to His ultimate glory.

The creation of a Palestinian State will be a stab in the back for Israel, and will bring the wrath of God upon all those who comply with this.

I have seen the maps. Their goal is that ALL the land belongs to the Arabs, and that Jews are pushed into the sea.

The creation of a Palestinian state will be the first step in this direction.

And it will initiate the time of trouble for Israel.

God help Israel.

America will also suffer greatly for betraying Israel, which has already occurred, through forcing Israel into crippling concessions for “peace,” and siding with its blood thirsty enemies.

The only exception is the US Military.

They have the guts to make a difference, if not hindered by a godless, and stupid government.


It is your only, and last, option for this time of trouble.

60 Responses to “Global Intifada planned for May and September, 2011”

  1. Agreed. I am glad you made this analysis, Marianne.
    Concerning earth changes which are now underway, the
    changes brought about by ELENIN are due to reach a
    peak in late September, especially just before Rosh
    Hashana. ELENIN may be a dark star but it is hard
    to determine this on “normal” telescopes–infrared
    telescopes do better. For a non-religious discussion
    of “Comet Elenin” see Marshall Masters’ webpage,
    especially the braodcast given last night, May 3,
    20ll. To me it’s interesting that the activity of this
    celestial body and its affect on the earth is reaching
    a peak at a time when the ruin of Israel is planned.


  2. Amen Marianne. So much to intercede for regularly!

  3. Something would have to start the Gog Magog war. Perhaps, we will see Hamas, Hizballah, and AQ elements get their guts stomped which sets up a large regional war that turns into the world war.

    Anyway, the Bible reads this reborn Israel will not be destroyed. Not for the sake of the children of Abraham, but to show G-d keeps his word.

    I feel sorry for the world. It has turned it’s back on the Creator’s love, and worshiped the creation. It’s plans are in vein.

    • Leatherneck, I see the Gog Magog War at the end of the tribulation, with a smaller war against Israel preceding the tribulation. Any thoughts?

      • Dru,

        You think the Gog Magog war is the war of Armageddon? Then, the 200 million man army is part of tha Gog MaGog Axis?

        I thought the Gog MaGog war was where the King of the north get defeated. later, a 200 million man army from the east comes into the Middle East helping to cause all countries to come for one final showdown.

        I could be wrong, but I understood Russia, and the Muslim nations with them as the Gog Magog group who loses a large regional war. Then, the Kings of the east come.

        You don’t see it that way?

        • Leatherneck
          I do not see it quite like that. I see that their will be a regional war, with the nations surrounding Israel attacking them shortly before the tribulation. The players will be most of the countries we are seeing protests in. Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Russia etc will not be involved in this conflict directly. This attack will be swallowed up with Israel taking large parts of Land from Egypt, and Syria and result in the covenent which leads to a time of peace and safety for Israel.

          The Gog war is a war after the Rapture has taken Christians away, and involves the nations of the world. Ezekial 38 places it shorly before Jesus comes again, and will result in Israel losing the war with no hope, till the Messiah saves them.

          At least that is how I see it. The first war is Psalm 83 war. There is also reference in Isaiah and Jeremiah. Search for references to Nile drying up for the first war. I believe the 200 million man army is the world conflict, or the Gog war, Or armageddon.

          • I can see your point. However, don’t you think something like Hamas, and Hizballah must get beaten to bring in a large regional war?

            I am starting to think there is no rapture until right before Christ destroys the armys at Armageddon. Then, we come back to live a thousand years with Christ. If we are alive then.

            It reads there will be one second coming, with a shout, and the world will see as lighting comes from the east, the Son of man will be seen in the heavens coming down.

            There is no quiet Rapture at the start, or in the middle of the Tribulation that I understand. I would like there to be.

            • I believe that God will spare us from wrath, but not persecution and discipline. So yes I am asomewhere in the mid trib rapture person.
              On the other hand, It could all be like Luke wrote 17:33: “whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.”

              I believe Hamas and Hizballah will be involved in the first war. The covenent will be some sort of UN treaty in my estimation, allowing Israel to build the temple? and making the AC figure appear as the Messiah of Israel. In other words, He probably isn’t a Muslim. I am still working out the details though, and do not know for sure.

    • Without any doubt in my mind, Gog-Magog and Armageddon are essentially separate descriptions of the same battle. The Gog-Magog description that Ezekiel gives is a broader view of the final battle which, I believe, will begin as early as the Abomination of Desolation and last throughout the duration of Antichrist’s 42-month persecution of God’s people. Armageddon itself is more of a focused or zoomed-in view of how the Gog-Magog battle will end – with the return of Jesus Christ.

      See here:

  4. Do you have any links calling for an uprising in September? All I could find were links to the 5/15 intifada.

    • dear ICA

      The September assault is more insidious than an outright attack.

      On September 11, 2011, the arab dominated UN will take away rights of the Israeli people and establish a Palestinian state, transferring much more Jewish land to the arabs, leaving Israel more broken and vulnerable than it has been before, and open to final destruction by invading armies.

      The established Palestinian state, in ideal form, has NO room for an Israel to exist. All the land will be taken by Palestinians.

      Any nation that goes along with this crippling of Israel will be punished by God.

      • If the Oslo agreement is broken by the PLO, and Hamas, it leaves the door open for Israel to make a move. Settelments?

        • the Oslo agreement has been broken since it was made. Think of the last intifada in 2000- 2004.

          Although officially “ended,” violence continued in 2005, 2006, and then was followed by the Gaza war. Somewhere in there, Lebanon was attacking Israel with rockets and missiles. It has really never stopped.

          So, the door is open to what? More broken agreements, and more loss of land for Israel.

          • I’m not arguing that the PLO, and Hamas are good people, and I understand they have not done one thing for the Oslo agreement, but there are some big lines. Yes rockets are big lines too, but declaring yourself a state changes everything.

            If it was me, the PLO, and Hamas would have been destroyed a long time ago. They are evil.

            So, if the terrorist claim statehood, and America pressures Israel to support this insane agenda, I think it is a safe bet the weather, and earthquakes will become Noah type Biblical.

            That’s my fear.

            • Maybe it is best I am not in charge. I would have dropped a bomb on Gaza a long time ago. End of discussion.

              • You’re suppose to give folks 48hrs to clear out towards the check points first. Otherwise, you appear to be mean.


      • Please pray for every Gentile and Jew past, present, future and those who have departed without knowing or accepting Jesus i truly believe he loves those from the foundations b/c when he died on Calvary over 2000 years ago he said father forgive them. May he forgive whatever this thing i’ve become that noone recognizes anymore-i have skin, bones, nails, etc share this with everyone you know!

        • I never thought believers could end up in hell just a thought i thought God thru Jesus started a good work in me & his word said he would perfect that which he started even for a black Jew.

        • I’ve been to at least 20 churches in Tampa, FL, AZ, GA and noone has detected this deceptive occult spirit that is trying to pass me off as a black Jesus even in the synagogues when the true Adonai knows how desperate i was for deliverance. Tell everyone!

          • I also thought that Jesus was the reconciler of all and i don’t believe he would allow children or teens since the beginning of time even if they never knew him spend eternity in flames. Eli Weisel & Anne Frank didn’t personally know him but i believe they will be reconciled. Who would ever think someone could be punished for trying to do good. Someone please speak up for my family & relieve us from the lies & spirit of an evil man Ryan Adams commanded by Adonai to stop/leave.

  5. I went on and did a search on the word violence and it is actually pronounced verbally hamas…amazing! you can click on the player…once it shows the verse click on c for concordance and then the Hebrew word itself and you can hear it.


  7. Marianne

    We are reaching a point in time where we one day may no longer say we will see tomorrow.

    I am in tears to hear what they have done and more so to see how blatantly obvious by the news articles out of France and England, the hands involved.

    Some may think they are an anti-“christ” and that they shall shove down the throat of Gods’ children another Holocaust but I say it shall not be so. The arm and word of God shall protect them and it speaks volumes of what God has to say about this and what he shall do.

    I am saddened for our children and the people of this nation and the nation of England as we are the whelps of that great nation Israel. Out of these three nations are many righteous children of God.

    Those who have done this thing and try to tie the hands and the arms of our Congress who is for the nation of Israel are also against us as the people. The Bible says you live by the sword you will die by the sword.

    You can make up all kinds of photos of a terrorist and say he is dead you can even kill him; and then call photo opts at the NY area where the 9-11 holocaust of our own nation happened and you can tell our people to forget it and to accept the hamas and fatah, mark of the beast and you can even take our money but God isn’t going to suffer this whole country to go down. I feel there will always be a remnant of God.

    Last year I had a vision, the first of my life that I know. In this vision I saw babies in diapers lying on cracked earth and I was saying we need gas mask? I was going to get and give a gas mask to my dog that was a puppy at the time. I didn’t get it? Why was
    I getting gas mask for my husband and I and our puppy? Why were there babies laying on the cracked ground and who did these babies belong too. I prayed and sought God, what did this mean?

    That night I had a dream that was to give me another part of prophecy coming to our nation; God took me to Mount Rushmore. I was on a white swing, and I was looking eye to eye with the Presidents. I saw green smoke rising up out of the ground. It went up like a cloud; the cloud covered first over their faces and then rose above their heads. Then white smoke came out and wrote inside the green cloud the words “IN God We Trust”. I woke up saying it and was setting up in bed at the same time.

    I went to my bathroom to pray and not to bother my husband but usually when I get to praying it wakes him up. Weeks later I had the dream about the hillary, joe and about the Hall of Congress.

    God stopped waking me up last week for the first time in over a year? I am not living in sin, I hardly ever leave my home and I watch less then 3 hours of TV most weeks, I am not living in sin. I have consecrated prayer life to God. I spend more time talking with him then my own earthly husband.

    So I say it is because the time to change things has happened. I pray that the prayers that went forth by Gods children will cover the righteous and innocent of these three nations.

    I don’t know it may be that our Father has said that the latter rain is finished and that the children are growing weary of evil people and wicked demonic forces or he may be saying we have strength now to endure the last round I don’t know? How can anyone guess what the “Great I am” is thinking? Let us just be sure to tell him every day Holy, Holy, Holy worthy to be served is he.

    You have to think of that dream the little boy had about Matthew, and he said that Jesus told him half of the people aren’t ready for the marriage supper. I will just keep pressing in for my loved ones until my last breath is drawn in hopes that by faith the Lord will receive them. I feel encouraged to tell everyone pray, pray about everything and thank our Father who keeps us every day.

    I don’t know why I was drawn today to the You tube Prophecy area and I was amazed to see people who had dreams similar to mine but they seemed to have been dreams that more described how the events were going to happen and even some part of who will be involved in their coming.

    May the Lord God in the name of Jesus Christ keep his hedge around the believers in what may be the last days of freedom before the mark and crash of the money or before the people are attacked in someway. If you are cold or lukewarm get prayed up, pray for all of your family.

    It is hard to accept red coats in your own land when it is the land of “IN GOD WE TRUST”. We must trust the Lord he will take us through, if we trust him he will shelter us and tell us what to do but we must wake up to all truths.

    The mark and many things like the money destruction is going to roll out very fast I think.

    It seems to me with the news out of France and England and Israel and Cairo will more then likely not give congress a chance to act. May 20th Pres. Obama has said he is going to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu? Is it to lay down the law? Has anyone told our Pres.
    that god has a rulebook and everyone has to play by his rules?

    • another publicity stunt.

    • Yea…Marianne!!! I have NO PROBLEM believing this video! I wish more people here in the U.S. were “…smarter than a 5th grader…” But unfortunately, they are, NOT! I guess…most people still believe that the Twin Towers “imploded” on their own (r-i-g-h-t-!).

      AS for the “…and rumors of war…”??? What was it Jesus said, “…do not be…???” I’ll let you ALL discover this on your own. As for ME, I’ll just keep my “trust” in Jesus as He has yet to FAIL ME!!!

  8. Here is a You Tube video by Viney Eastwood The state of america with an interview from General Wesley Clark after 9-11 and how we had a plan then to take down 7 nations. It talks about the distruction of our Constitution which God gave me a dream on last year at this time. ( I don’t know who Viney is and don’t think he matters, it is God and his warnings)

    It seems that the desire is to steal the American dream?

    In a prophetic dream in 2010 about this time; I dreamed of our nation being a huge building. The white house in the dream was covered with blood and it had become like a hotel?

    We were standing in flood water and we were being pelted with continual rain drops that were black.

    There were two windows for the office Presidents’. One appeared to have been ripped away. The part that was ripped away appeared to be like some fancy scroll work around the window. I say it was the Presidents office as it showed to be on top. In the office was an insect setting in the main chair at what I would call a presidential desk. The insect figure appeared to be an ink spot.

    The second window was ripped away and it was scroll work representing the US constitution.

    Hope you all can interprest this dream and what God was telling us.

    Take a look at the video and think about this dream and everything going on. The word says we perish for a lack of

    Again odd how a man like Donald Trump can come along and be a threat to this position and get the out come we did. A man
    who has supposedly been gone for 9 years conveniently killed after the pressure?

    I guess we should have figured things in this nation would have to be destroyed to make our people drink the kool-aide of the mark and to destroy our money?

    Lyndsey Williams –fed gov told him to take his site down; 6weeks
    Ago and that he should shut his mouth about what he knows. This link Is his appearance on Radio Liberty—Dr. Stan –this is a current broadcast.

    • THANK YOU!!!!! PATTIE FARM!!! WOW! This interview you posted is “exactly” what, Chase Hunter, on “Photonic Portal 2037”, has been saying for years now! So while ALL that has been said in the interview, “comes-as-no-real-surprise”, it does, “reinforce”, what every other “truth-seeker” has been saying all along!!!

      “WE, the people…”, MUST awaken this nation (U.S.) to what is happening to “our” country…I am simply at a “loss” as how to do this! As “we” all know, writing to “our”, Congressmen and Senators, is NOT going to do any good as they ARE “in-bed” with this “NWO!”

  10. The Anti-Christ will be among us if not already here. I do not know the time or era. For only My Lord and Savior know the answers in which we seek. He has given us the text and knowledge to know what to do whilst we wait. So if you are right with our father do not fret. Not over NWO, not over Reptillians, not even over the anti-christ.

    There is no reason to try and fight it. Like mentioned in comments above all this is designed to happen. When and what you should fight for is Christianity, Your faith, Gods will, and the return of the Messiah.

    Just remember that millions of Christians are going to disappear, and many others will parish speaking and living the Word Of God. The witnesses will be or may already be upon us.

  11. Bob

    I agree I feel we are in a tough spot. The one thing is that we have more input and information from so many aspects but yet God said we perish for a lack of knowledge. Maybe that statement doesn’t apply to the children of the era of the fig tree but it would seem to me it would because it is the end of time. (may be that is a selfish thought)

    I right now I am rethinking if we are going through tribulation or not. DMCAL is writing me back on his take of Revelations, Daniel, he believes we will not. I have always believed we would go through it but my current pastor says no and that appears to be the answer most think today. If you have an opinion and supporting word why! I can use more input knowledge. We are discussing the facts on the seal.

    God bless pattie

    Nice talking with you, God bless.

    • Hi Pattie!

      Since you are obviously, “open-minded”, and in search of the, “truth”, the best place I have found for answers to when it comes to questions about “Scripture” is, “Proof Directory” dot com…it is a “non-denominational” website focused purely on interpreting “Scripture” by using “Scripture” for interpretation! Not some form of “man-made” religion or “biased” interpretation based on Nationality or Race.

      I have “relied” on them for years now and have “yet” to find any kind of “fault” with “their” research!

      As for the “Tribulation”…as I understand it, it is “supposed” to last for, SEVEN YEARS…right? But remember, seven years in Scripture, can be anything from, seven seconds to seven centuries…this was just “revealed” to me recently. I have always had trouble understanding “why” God would submit ALL of humanity to, seven years of hate, mourning, and everything else attributed to the period of “Tribulation”…it simply does not make sense…not even in the “ways” of God Himself! Then it was “revealed” (to me anyways), that the “years” must be a much shorter period of time! Perhaps seven seasons (based on the equinox’s?), or seven months(?), or seven weeks(?)…it could be as short as seven hours or seven minutes!!!

      At first I was thinking, perhaps seven seasons, based on the equinox’s and the 5/11/11 date as referenced in one of the recent video postings here on “Heaven Awaits”. But then it occurred to me, as I was writing this reply to you, I “think” it will be for a much shorter period of time…like seven minutes (or perhaps seven seconds!). My “reasoning” for it being such a “short” period of time “IS” based on Scripture as it says, “…for those who did NOT keep the FAITH…” (paraphrased of course) there will be a GREAT sorrow! Or something to that extent (I’ll let ya’ all look-up the exact phrasing)…but “essentially” the Scripture does NOT leave enough time for “them” to “change” their way of thinking and “…accept Jesus into their life…”

      Of course, what I wrote above IS based on a Tribulation, which I am not sure of at this moment…and have not had a chance to find out what “Proof Directory” has to say on the subject.

      Anyways…these are nothing more than “my” thoughts on the subject…and “what do I know???” 🙂

      God Bless, Pattie! Perhaps “our” faith will be enough to “spare” us…only God knows!!!

      • Hey Bob,

        I think that a “week”/7 days = 7 years.

        This is what I am told….somewhere it talks about 70 weeks are given to Israel to fulfill vision and prophecy. It has been interpreted that 69 weeks have been completed with Jesus’ death and resurrection.

        Pattie brings up an interesting thought that the 3.5 years of the Holocaust could have been the 3.5 years of that last remaining week (7 years) and therefore only leaving us with a 3.5 year tribulation…

        We have to look at G-d’s pattern/personality to see how He will continue to do things in the future. So based upon G-d’s history of doing things, I don’t think the tribulation/wrath will be 7 seconds. We could only hope that His wrath would be quick and painless…

        But looking at the birth pangs which have lasted for centuries and increasing now in the 21st century, we can see that G-d is very PATIENT and Merciful in that He is giving us warning after warning throughout the ages.

        Only G-d knows the timing of His events that He declared from the beginning. A seal may last years or it may last a day…..a trumpet may last years or it may last 7 years….

        • Hi Lyndsey!

          As I have said all along, what I write are simply my “thoughts” a subject…especially that of “Tribulation”…as for seven weeks=seven years, you are absolutely right…it could, or it could equal seven hours, or seven “seasons”…etc.

          My “reasoning” is based on the fact that we have a “loving” God…so why would He “prolong” the suffering of those who are to “perish”??? They Will “perish” in Hell’s Fire…NOT an “eternity” in Hell…right?

          “Truthfully”…I have “accepted” the fact that we are in the “End Times” and that “…not a generation shall pass that will not see the return of Christ…” Therefore, being a part of this last generation, I am “solaced” in the knowledge that it is His Will that “I see His Return!” (barring any accidents, without having to die, I might add 🙂 )

          So as long as I attempt to reach out to those who have NOT accepted Christ and continue to “keep my vigilance”, then the “timing” of; and those “things-to-come”; really have no consequence to me as I “follow the Teachings of Jesus Christ!”

          Does this make sense? Anyone?? If I am “wrong”, then please, alert me to what it is, for I do not want to be caught…unaware!

  12. In France opposing forces are doing the Pig March the day before the 15th Intifida. So far they claim it will be a peaceful march from Egypt, Some Muslims are counting down the days and hours. One even gave Ezekiel 20 as their right to bring God’s wrath upon Israel. However, when I looked at Ezekiel 20 in the chapter the Jewish people have already experienced God’s wrath face to face and the people have been returned to Israel. In Ezekiel 20, God is also telling them that he will prove to them that he is the LORD their God. Ezekiel 20 also links in perfectly with Psalm 81 and how God chooses to go against Egypt for an establishment of a testimony in JOSEPH. In Psalm 81 God tells his prophet (ELIAKIM) JOSEPH(-SOPHIA) that he responded to Joseph by speaking through the thundercloud. The thundercloud hit the USA Easter weekend and seven deer were struck dead on Easter Sunday.

    God gave me his response.

    The book of Malachi tells you that the whole world is under a curse, doing to not honoring the will of God that his prophet delivers.



  14. Bob
    I will let you know the outcome, but you can look at the last pass that Dmcal gave to me and my response on that section.

    I tell you it is a pain but with some other scriptures I read today
    I can tell you God wants us to figure it out. I am having a heck of a time. That other website never heard of it but I will check it out.

    The Lyndsey interview was pretty crazy along with the nuclear leak we have in Mississippi. I don’t like to watch the news. I
    don’t watch that much TV anymore that might be a mistake.

    To me since God doesn’t like gossipers but surely that isn’t this type of thing as this is a without the knowledge you could die being caught unaware.

    Thanks for writing back, have a great week.

    • Hi Pattie!

      If you check out Proof Directory, Bible Answers, Coming Events and Signs of the Times, chapters 68 through 80 (especially 72 – 75), I believe you will find the answer you are looking for. AND you are right! Many WILL be caught unaware!!! As it says in the Scriptures, “…there will be a great gnashing of teeth…”
      Chapter 76 #11. How will the day of the Lord come upon the world?
      “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, . . . and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” 1 Thess. 5:2-4.

      “Coming Events and Signs of the Times” covers most if not ALL the Scriptures written about the “End Times”…and as you will find, “they” do not mention a “…time of Tribulation…”; as I mentioned above “…I am not sure of…” For if you read through this discussion of the “End Times” (as referenced above), “IF” there should be a “Tribulation”…it will be so “short” (like seven seconds) that those who are caught “off-guard”…”SHALL PERISH”

      Otherwise, “Whom in this world would NOT ask Jesus to forgive them when faced with “damnation” NEVER to RISE in Heaven?” YES, Pattie! We ARE to PRAY for as many as “we” can that they should “open” their eyes and “change” their ways before it is “too late!”

      “I Pray to God, in the name of Jesus Christ, every day that He have mercy, as I “know” He Will, on ALL those who have been deceived in His Name for it is His Will be Done!…not ours”

      I have re-read the above-mentioned section many times…it is so “powerful”…if you find a different answer…let me know, as I cannot!!!

      God Bless, Pattie!

  15. […] […]

  16. HP

    I haven’t been on the system till today as my Husband had a heart attack or a heart event brought on my asthma so I haven’t been on line.

    But how could we be Christians and murder people?

    Do you think that the Lord we serve would want us to do such went he says bless those who curse you?

    God bless you

    • “May God Bless You and Your husband and deliver from the illnesses that have fallen upon you, in the name of Jesus Christ, I Pray!”

      I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through, Pattie, and Pray you both have a swift recovery!

      AND, you are absolutely correct about being a Christian, we cannot “murder” AND be Christian…as I tell everyone, when in doubt as to whether you are doing the right thing or not…ask yourself, “What Would Jesus Do? (WWJD)?”…and without fail, you WILL always make the “RIGHT” decision!!!

      Once again, God Bless You, Pattie!

    • very sorry to hear that about your husband…is he ok? How are you?

  17. Glenn Beck sees a big problem in September as well. See video here at around the 19 minute mark:

  18. I am trying to look at some email to catch up. I received an
    email out of Israel they said they need special prayer.

    They are saying tomorrow is Nakaba Day. I am thinking this is the
    Infitada but I don’t know. They are expecting issues with forms of revolt against Israel. I am sure everyone on this site prays for Israel as we were told to do so and we have to remember always that God is for who ever is for Israel and against those who are not.

    God Bless Pattie

    • I agree with you Pattie. However, I Pray for all those of the “House of Israel”…not just the country of Israel…along with all those who have yet to “accept” Jesus into their hearts!

  19. Why isn’t America Helping Israel?

    She is under attack on all sides by enemies.

    I am really sick of these Palestinian savages destroying world peace.,8599,2071599,00.html,7340,L-4068829,00.html

    • Marianne! Do you really “expect” the, United States, to “help” Israel??? When “we” have a, “Muslim”, as “President???” SAD to say, but, “NOT! going to happen!”

      Is anyone helping the Assyrian people??? NO! They no longer have a country! The Assyrian people ARE “Christian”…as a group, probably more-so than any other group on this earth! And they have to “freedom” to express their “Christian” beliefs, for if they do…they “WILL” be killed!…by the “Muslims” that “control” the major portion of “their” country…oh yeah! their country is now referred to as, “Iraq”…need I say more?

      God Bless to ALL!

  20. Marianne

    If we keep praying someone in our nation is going to come to their senses. Even though that is true about our President, it is also true that nothing is impossible with God. I heard God say in a dream; In God we Trust.

    We are nation of roots that believe In God and because of that he still does for us every day. The 20th of May, Benjamin
    Netanyahu appears before congress unless someone has changed the date in the last days.

    Also the people of the nation who believe should pray that God
    saves our President. The Bible says we should pray for the leaders, right. If he knew him he could never go back. Bless him with prayers of love and the salvation of Jesus which overcomes all things. He will get a new perspective.

    My husband Peter had surgery today he was loosing blood from a surgery yesterday and they nicked an artery but the Heart surgeon fixed it with the hand of God guiding him and he is going to be fine. Again thank you for all of your prayers. You
    are a loving children of the most high, our God. I know I am blessed having had the opportunity to communicate with believers
    in the word.

    Be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ,

    • hi Pattie.

      Thank you for letting us know how your husband is doing. It seems like there is a challenge around every corner for both of you.

      For Israel, call your local Republican congressman or senator and express your support for Israel, and opposition to the terrorists attacking Israel at this time. Tell them we should not give up more land for peace because it does not work. Get others to do this also.

    • Hello, Pattie!

      May God continue to Bless you and your family as “we” ALL know He Will!

  21. Bob

    Proof directory worked was a great direction for support.

    Thank you

    • I’m glad you found it “helpful!” Whenever someone makes a comment, anytime on any website, that does NOT sound “right”(?) (“right”, for lack of a better word), I go to “Proof Directory” and ask a “Moderator” if the item in question is in “accordance” with Scripture!

      What you “may” find…is that most religious, “ideologies”, are based on “their” interpretation of Scripture as opposed to “relying” on the Scriptures for “true” interpretation.!!! “Personally”…by doing it this way…you will NEVER find and kind of “contradictions” or “doubt” about what is being “prophesized!”

      Therefore, not ALL “prophecies” ARE physical in nature! Albeit…”most” of them, for the “End Times”, are “social” in nature as rightfully “they” should be! AND, they ALL “hinge” on “belief” in “…God (Heaven), through Jesus Christ!…” OR, this “physical world” and Satan!

      God Bless, Pattie!

  22. Lyndsey

    On the railcar issue it is as I thought. China got a duty free zone in St.louis and from what I can tell they will start production of the Cherry Auto here in the Chryler plants or they have bought part of Chryler and will be reproducing Dodge products or both. I am waiting for final word.

    For sure the Duty free zone is gone through and the purchase of one of our airports about 30 miles from Lambert Airport.

    It is something to watch but obviously for other reasons. As
    last week Joe biden was in town. His visit was suppose to be to
    see storm damage and help the people. He did go and look at damage but he was here to get the duty free deal signed by the St. Louis people as it had failed.

    Let you know more as it goes.

  23. Didn’t know if everyone saw this report.

    Has anyone received any input since the deal is a no go and the meeting with Nato is Sept. The Bible says both men will set at the table and sign the 7 year treaty or peace agreement basically knowing they won’t keep the agreement.

    So do we think Israel will fight first or do we think they will be given no choice?

  24. Sorry,

    This is the link to the music video mentioned above.

  25. As for the peaceful Palestinians, they swore on Allah that they would stop firing rockets into Israel at the end of 2010, just to prove to Israel that they are not aggressors. Here is a list of rocket firings so far this year:

    According to the Israel Security Agency’s monthly summary, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip launched 17 rockets and 26 mortar shells were towards Israel in 25 separate attacks. This represented a decline in number of projectiles fired from December 2010, which saw 15 rockets and 38 mortar shells launched in 30 separate attacks.[11]
    January 1
    In the evening, a mortar shell fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed near a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. A woman suffered from shock, but no physical injuries or damage were reported. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for mortar attacks that day, saying that it had fired four mortars at two military posts in Israel and adding that it would “cling to the option of resistance and confront the Israeli occupation”. That night, Israel responded to the attack and to a separate attack two days earlier with airstrikes on two targets in the Gaza Strip, described by the Israel Defense Forces as a Hamas terrorist activity center in the north and a weapons manufacturing facility in the center of the territory. Palestinians said that two people were injured.[12][13]
    January 2
    A projectile fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip hit the Eshkol Regional Council.[14] The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for attacks that day, saying they had fired several projectiles at Israeli targets late at night in response to “ongoing Israeli aggression against the people of Gaza”. However, an Israeli military spokeswoman said she was not aware of any shells launched from Gaza at that time.[15]
    January 4
    In the afternoon, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip exploded near a kibbutz in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. No injuries were reported, but several greenhouses sustained damage. No militant group claimed responsibility. Israel responded that day with airstrikes on a Hamas militant training facility in the central part of the Gaza Strip and a smuggling tunnel in the south. No injuries were reported.[16][17][18][19][20]
    January 5
    Two mortar shells fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[21] Five additional mortars hit the Eshkol Regional Council that day, according to the IDF website.[22]
    After nightfall, a Qassam rocket hit an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[19][23]
    January 6
    In the morning, a mortar shell fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fell in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[24] The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for mortar attacks at that time, saying that it had fired three shells at an Israeli military base near Kissufim. However, an Israeli military spokeswoman said she was not aware of any attacks in that area.[25] Israel responded that night with airstrikes on two sites in the Gaza Strip, which it identified as a Hamas terror base in the north and an infiltration tunnel in the south intended for carrying out attacks against Israelis. No injuries were reported.[26][27]
    January 7
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a projectile at Israel. No injuries or damage were reported.[28]
    January 8
    At about 2:20 pm, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired four 181-millimeter mortar shells at Israel, all of which landed in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. One of the shells hit a residential area within an agricultural community in the area. Three Thai foreign agricultural workers were injured, one seriously, one moderately and one lightly, all by shrapnel. A number of other people suffered from shock. The shell also killed a cat nearby. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, saying that it had fired six mortar shells at an Israeli military post near Nahal Oz.[2][29][30][31][32]
    Towards the evening, an additional Palestinian mortar shell landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[29]
    After nightfall, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket which landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[33][34]
    Within an hour, Palestinians fired a second Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. Truck driver Yitzhak Zaafrani was lightly wounded in the face and his truck was damaged.[33][34]
    January 9
    In the morning, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[34][35] Israel responded overnight to the attacks of the previous two days with airstrikes on two terror activity targets in the Gaza Strip. No injuries were reported.[36] According to DEBKA, the targets were Hamas underground command centers recently built by engineers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.[37]
    January 10
    In the evening, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired three rockets at Israel. One hit an industrial area in Ashkelon, while the other two fell in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[38]
    Later, Palestinians fired another Qassam rocket which landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries were reported.[39]
    January 11
    In the morning, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket which exploded south of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported.[40] Israel responded overnight to the attacks of the previous two days with airstrikes on two Hamas compounds and a Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant training base.[41]
    January 16
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired three mortar shells at Israel, all of which exploded in an open area near a kibbutz in the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red siren did not sound.[42]
    January 17
    In the morning, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip exploded in an orchard near a community in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[43]
    January 18
    In the early afternoon, four mortar shells fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[44]
    January 21
    A mortar fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in an unspecified location in the western Negev. No injuries or damage were reported.[45]
    January 25
    In the evening, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fell in an open area in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[46]
    Later in the evening, a second rocket exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[47]
    January 31
    A Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[48]
    A Grad rocket landed near a residential neighborhood in the city of Netivot. The explosion disrupted a wedding in the vicinity of the landing site; four people suffered from shock, and damage was caused to a road and a parked car. Another Grad rocket exploded near the city of Ofakim a few minutes later, but no injuries or damage were reported.[48]
    Israel responded on 2 February with an airstrike on a smuggling tunnel under the Gaza-Egypt border. No injuries were reported.[49] Israel also submitted a letter of complaint to the United Nations.[50]

    According to the Israel Security Agency’s monthly summary, Palestinians fired 6 rockets and 19 mortar shells at Israel in 14 separate attacks.[51]
    February 4
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket into the Sdot Negev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red alarm did not sound.[52]
    February 6
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired two mortar shells into the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council.[53]
    After nightfall, two additional mortar shells landed in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported in either incident.[53]
    February 8
    At around 11 am, two mortar shells launched by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. One projectile landed in a parking lot, damaging a car. A second landed in a nearby field and damaged a hose. No injuries were reported.
    Shortly after 2 pm, two more mortars were fired at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council from the northern Gaza Strip. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red rocket alert system sounded during both attacks and residents of the area were asked to temporarily remain in their homes. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, saying the attacks were directed at a military post east of Khan Younis.[54][55][56]
    Israel responded to the attacks with airstrikes on an infiltration tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip, a rocket manufacturing facility, and a third target near Jabaliya. Palestinian sources said that eight people were lightly injured.[57]
    February 9
    The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said that its militants fired a projectile at an Israeli military jeep in the morning. The Israel Defense Forces said they were not familiar with the incident.[58]
    February 14
    Around noon, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[59] The attack, which occurred after several days of relative calm, coincided with the swearing of Benny Gantz as new Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. Ilana Curiel of Israel News speculated that the attack was a signal by Palestinian terror groups that they would not “make life easy” for him.[60]
    February 23
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired three mortar shells at a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. One of the projectiles exploded near a soccer field, another near a pool and the third outside the border fence. No injuries were reported. The Color Red alarm did not sound. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for mortars fired that day, saying it launched two shells at IDF forces which crossed the fence into the Gaza Strip.[61][62]
    Around 9:30 pm, Palestinians fired three Grad missiles at Beersheba, one of Israel’s largest cities. One of the missiles hit the backyard of a home in a residential area, causing extensive damage to surrounding houses and vehicles. Four residents – two adults and two children – were treated for shock. No physical injuries were reported. The Color Red alarm sounded through the city mere seconds before the explosion. This marked the first time Beersheba was hit by Palestinian rockets since the 2009 Gaza War.[62][63][64]
    Israel responded that day with an airstrike on a Palestinian Islamic Jihad cell in eastern Gaza City, wounding three militants. This was followed by several airstrikes on military targets throughout the Gaza Strip, which caused heavy damage to buildings. The following day, a further airstrike on a Hamas vehicle in the Al Salaam area of Rafah killed one person and wounded several others.[65][66]
    February 26
    A mortar shell fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[67] Israel responded with airstrikes on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant facilities in the Gaza Strip. Four Palestinians were lightly injured.[68][69]
    February 27
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red alarm did not sound.[68][69]
    A mortar shell was fired from the northern Gaza Strip Israel but landed in Palestinian territory near the Erez border crossing. No injuries or damage were reported. Residents of three towns in the Shaar HaNegev and Ashkelon Coast regional councils were requested to remain in their protected spaces for fear of additional attacks.[70]

    According to the Israel Security Agency’s monthly summary, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired 38 rockets and 87 mortar shells at Israel in 47 separate attacks.[71]
    March 3
    During the night, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a projectile at the Sdot Negev Regional Council. The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack, saying its militants had fired a C5K rocket at an Israeli military tower near Kissufim. “We choose the option of resistance as the means to attain our national rights, and promise the Palestinian people that we will continue resistance against Israeli forces,” a statement from the group said.[72]
    March 4
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired two Qassam rockets at Israel. One exploded in the Sdot Negev Regional Council and the other apparently landed within Palestinian territory. No injuries or damage were reported.[73]
    March 5
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket at an unspecified site in the western Negev. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded with airstrikes on Hamas militant posts in Zeitoun, Deir al-Balah and Khan Younis. No injuries were reported.[73][74]
    March 9
    After nightfall, a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip landed in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[75]
    March 16
    Palestinians fired a rocket into Sderot. No injuries or damage were reported.[76] Israel responded with an airstrike on a Hamas compound in the Gaza Strip, killing two Hamas militants and injuring one.[77]
    March 18
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired four mortar shells at Israel. Some fell in unspecified locations in the western Negev,and some fell within the Gaza Strip.[78]
    Around 4 pm, Palestinian terrorists fired six additional mortar shells into the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[78][79]
    March 19
    In the early morning, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired 54 mortars on Israeli communities within a period of 15 minutes. A man and his wife were wounded by shrapnel as they fled toward a safe zone. Several homes on a kibbutz were badly damaged. One mortar shell landed on the rooftop of a kindergarten, but the building was empty because it was Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was a response to the death of two of the group’s militants in an Israeli airstrike several days earlier.[80][81][82][83][84] According to The Telegraph, the unusually extreme attack by Hamas was an attempt by the Islamist group to divert its people’s wrath and to avoid being engulfed by the concurrent popular uprisings in the Middle East.[85]
    Israel responded with airstrikes and tank fire, killing one Hamas official and injuring four others.[81]
    March 20
    On the Jewish holiday of Purim, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a mortar and two Qassam rockets at Israel.[82]
    Later in the day, Palestinians fired a Grad missile at southern Ashkelon. One elderly woman was lightly injured, and several other people suffered from shock. Sirens were heard in the city.[86] British Minister for the Middle East and North Africa Alistair Burt condemned Hamas for its attacks on Israel as well as its assaults on Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip, saying: “Hamas should not think that while the attention of the world is elsewhere we will turn a blind eye to their actions. The indiscriminate targeting of Israeli citizens, as they celebrated the Jewish festival of Purim, is unacceptable.”[87]
    March 21
    After nightfall, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[88]
    March 22
    Around 4 pm, Palestinians fired four mortar shells at Alumim and Sa’ad. No injuries or damage were reported.[89][90]
    In the evening, Palestinians fired a Grad missile from the northern Gaza Strip and several mortar shells at Ashkelon; the Grad landed south of the city. No injuries or damage were reported.[91]
    In the evening, the Israel Defense Forces attacked a Palestinian terror cell in the midst of preparing to fire a long-range rocket into Israel, killing four terrorists. Israeli military sources said the same terrorists were behind the Grad missile attack on Beersheba on 23 February.[92]
    March 23
    During the night, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Grad missile at Ashdod, which landed in an open area south of the city. This was the first time Ashdod, one of Israel’s largest cities and relatively far from the Gaza Strip, was targeted since the Gaza War. Sirens were heard in the city and in nearby Gedera and Kiryat Malachi. No injuries or damage were reported. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.[93]
    At 5:30 am, Palestinians launched another Grad missile at Beersheba. The rocket hit a street in the midst of a residential area. A 56-year-old man was injured by shrapnel that penetrated his third-floor apartment, and three other people suffered from shock. Several buildings, including a synagogue, were damaged. Fearing additional attacks, the city closed schools and universities for the day. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, saying, “This is an initial reaction to the Zionist crimes against our people in Gaza.”[90][94][95]
    Four hours later, Palestinians fired a third Grad missile at Beersheba, hitting an open area within the city.[90][95]
    Later, Palestinians fired seven mortar shells at the Eshkol Regional Council and one at the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. Some of the shells contained white phosphorus.[96]
    US President Barack Obama condemned the attacks as well as a recent Palestinian terrorist bombing in Jerusalem “in the strongest possible terms”, saying that “there is never any possible justification for terrorism”.[97] Israel responded to the attacks with airstrikes on terrorist training sites, weapons-smuggling tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border, and an abandoned rocket launcher. No injuries were reported in the airstrikes.[98]
    March 24
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired twelve projectiles at Israeli towns throughout the day, reaching deep into the country. The Israeli cities of Beersheba, Ashdod and Kiryat Gat kept schools closed for the day, fearing additional attacks. The Ashkelon municipality held classes as usual, but the local Parents’ Committee urged residents to keep their children at home.[98][99] EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton condemned the attacks as well as the recent Palestinian terrorist bombing in Jerusalem in “the strongest terms”, adding that “attacks on any civilians are completely unacceptable in any circumstance”.[97] Details of some of the attacks:
    During the night, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket at the western Negev. No injuries or damage were reported.[98]
    In the morning, Palestinians fired a second Qassam rocket which landed in an open area south of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported.[98]
    Shortly before 11 am, a third Palestinian rocket fired from the northern Gaza Strip exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[98]
    Around 12:15 pm, a fourth Palestinian Qassam rocket landed in an open area in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries were reported.[98]
    Just before 2 pm, Palestinians fired a fifth rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries were reported.[98]
    Two Grad missiles were fired at Ashdod. One struck south of the city and the other to its north; the explosion of the second projectile was heard in Yavne. The Color Red alarm was heard throughout the city, as well as in Ashkelon, Gedera and Gan Yavne.[100][101][102]
    A few hours later, a rocket landed in Sderot and a mortar exploded in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. The Color Red alarm sounded. No injuries or damage were reported.[102][103]
    In the evening, Palestinians fired six mortar shells at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[104]
    Israel responded during the day with airstrikes on Hamas buildings in the Gaza Strip.[104]
    March 26
    Early in the morning, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired two rockets into Israel. One landed in the Eshkol Regional Council, exploding three yards from a home in one of the area’s communities. The house was severely damaged but the eight family members who were sleeping inside were unharmed. Another home was moderately damaged. The second rocket landed in an open area in an unspecified location. No injuries were reported.[105][106]
    In the evening, a third rocket hit the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[105][107]
    March 27
    A Palestinian Islamic Jihad cell near Jabaliya was attempting to launch a projectile into Israel when it was targeted by an Israeli airstrike. Two PIJ militants were killed and three PIJ militants were wounded.[108]
    March 29
    Palestinians fired an unspecified number of Qassam rockets at Sderot, but all the projectiles fell within the Gaza strip. The Color Red alarm sounded in the Israeli city.[109] Israel responded the following day with airstrikes on a Palestinian Islamic Jihad cell, killing one PIJ terrorist and wounding another, and on a smuggling tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip.[110]
    March 31
    Around 7:30 pm, Palestinian terrorists in the northern Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket that landed in an open area south of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red alarm sounded in nearby communities.[111]

    According to the Israel Security Agency’s monthly summary, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired 87 rockets and 57 mortar shells at Israel in 63 separate attacks.[112]
    April 5
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded with airstrikes on two militant infiltration tunnels in the northern Gaza Strip. Palestinians said that four people were lightly to moderately injured.[113] The following day Israel carried out additional airstrikes on another militant infiltration tunnel in the north and three smuggling tunnels in the south. No injuries were reported.[114]
    April 7
    Main article: Hamas school bus attack
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Kornet anti-tank missile at a school bus in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, outside Sa’ad. In the explosion, 16-year-old boy Daniel Viflic was critically injured with a shrapnel wound to the head, and the driver was moderately injured.[115][116][117] The boy died of his wounds ten days later.[118] Hamas issued a press release that evening claiming responsibility, calling the incident a retaliation for a previous Israeli strike that killed three Hamas leaders and vowing further attacks.[119] The fact that the Russian-made Kornet is a laser-guided weapon indicated that the school bus was intentionally targeted.[120] The attack opened a several-day stretch of violence in which Palestinians launched over 100 projectiles at Israel and Israeli responses left 19 Hamas militants and two civilians dead.[121]
    Israeli President Shimon Peres said the attack showed that Gaza had turned into a terror state.[122] The United States condemned “the attack on innocent civilians… in the strongest possible terms, saying “there is no justification for the targeting of innocent civilians and those responsible for these terrorist attacks should be held accountable.”[123] British Foreign Secretary William Hague “unreservedly” condemned the attack as “despicable” and “cowardly”, and said reports suggested that the school bus was deliberately targeted.[124]
    Over the next three hours, at least 45 additional Palestinian projectiles hit Israel. Residents were instructed to stay inside their homes, children were ordered to stay inside schools, and police sealed roads in the area for fear of additional attacks.[115] European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton “strongly” condemned the attacks.[124] Details of some of the incidents:
    One mortar hit a home in the Eshkol Regional Council. The house was damaged but no injuries were reported.[115]
    A Grad missile fired at Ashkelon was intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system, marking the first successful interception of a short range rocket in history.[115]
    After nightfall, three Qassam rockets were fired into the Ashkelon Coast and Eshkol regional councils. No injuries or damage were reported.[125]
    Israel responded with airstrikes on terror cells and smuggling tunnels.[126]
    April 8
    Despite the announcement by Gazan terror organizations of a unilateral ceasefire at 11 pm the previous night, Palestinians fired at least 24 mortar shells and 6 rockets at Israel, causing serious damage to a factory and to chicken coops.[126] Hamas, Fatah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Resistance Committees, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the little-known Abu Al-Qumsan Brigades all claimed responsibility for various attacks.[127][128] Israeli children in the danger zone were held in school for safety reasons until the attacks ended. 450 schoolchildren at the “Nitzanei Eshkol” school were evacuated with a security forces escort. No injuries were reported.[129] Details of some of the attacks:
    In the afternoon, sixteen Palestinian mortars shells exploded across southern Israel. One shell hit a chicken coop in the Eshkol Regional Council.[130][131]
    Later in the afternoon four more mortar shells landed in open areas south of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported.[132]
    Four rockets were fired at Ashkelon. Three were intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system.[126]
    In the evening, two mortar shells were fired at a kibbutz in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. A residential structure was damaged.[126]
    Israel responded with airstrikes, killing four Hamas militants and one Popular Resistance Committees militant.[133]
    April 9
    Palestinians fired over 65 projectiles at Israel. Five people were injured while running to bomb shelters.[133] Details of some of the attacks:
    Overnight, 15 Grads were fired into Israeli territory. The Iron Dome defense system intercepted five of them near Beersheba and Ashkelon.[133]
    A rocket fired at a kibbutz in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council damaged homes and a water main.[133]
    After nightfall, two rocket barrages hit the Eshkol Regional Council.[133]
    Israel responded with airstrikes, killing two senior Hamas militants and one Popular Resistance Committees militant.[134]
    April 10
    Palestinians fired about 20 rockets and mortars at Israel.[135][136] Details of some of the attacks:
    In the morning, three Palestinian mortar shells hit fields belonging to a kibbutz in the Eshkol Regional Council. The projectiles damaged electrical cables, causing power outages in nearby communities.[137]
    A Palestinian rocket hit an open area in Ashkelon.[138]
    A Palestinian Grad missile fired at Ashkelon was intercepted by the Iron Dome rocket defense system.[138]
    Shortly thereafter, two Palestinian rockets hit open areas in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council and the Sdot Negev Regional Council.[139]
    In the afternoon, a Qassam rocket exploded in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council.[140]
    Two mortar shells hit an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council.[141]
    Two more mortar shells hit the Eshkol Regional Council.[142]
    Around 9:30 pm, shortly after Palestinian militant groups announced a ceasefire, a Qassam rocket exploded in an open area in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.[136][143]
    Israel refrained from responding to the attacks.[121]
    April 12
    According to the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency, al-Qaeda-affiliated Gazan militant group Tawhid and Jihad claimed to have launched two missiles at Nirim at 7:50 pm. The group said its claimed attack was “a response to Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip”, without clarifying further. However, the Israel Defense Forces said they were not aware of a rocket atttack taking place at that time.[144]
    April 15
    Palestinians fired two Grad missiles at Ashdod from the Beit Lahiya neighborhood of al-Atatra in the northern Gaza Strip. Alarms sounded in Ashdod and nearby Ashkelon. One rocket exploded in a residential area and the second landed outside the city.[145] No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded several hours later with airstrikes on militant targets. No injuries were reported.[146]
    April 18
    On Passover eve, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qassam rocket at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. It exploded in an open area near a kibbutz, and no injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red alert sounded in the area and in Sderot.[147]

    According to the Israel Security Agency’s monthly summary, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip perpetrated only one rocket attack on Israel during this month.[148]
    May 28
    Overnight, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. This was the first such attack in six weeks.[149][150]

    According to the Israel Security Agency’s monthly summary, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired four rockets and one mortar shell at Israel.[151]
    June 15
    At about 9:30 pm, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a Qasssam rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. The projectile landed in an open area, and no injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red siren sounded in the region.[152]
    June 21
    After nightfall, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a mortar shell at the Eshkol Regional Council, followed half an hour later by a Qassam rocket fired at the same area. No injuries or damage were reported in either attack. The incident affected an Israeli national civil defense drill the following day. Israel responded with an airstrike on an infiltration tunnel in the central Gaza Strip, causing no injuries.[153][154]

    According to the Israel Security Agency’s monthly summary, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired 20 rockets and 2 mortar shells at Israel in 18 separate attacks.[155]
    July 3
    In the morning, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council, causing no injuries or damage.[156][157] Israel responded with an airstrike on an infiltration tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip, also causing no injuries.[158]
    July 5
    Mohammed Said and Kamal Abu Moamer, two members of the al-Qaeda-affiliated group Tawhid al-Jihad based in the southern Gaza Strip, were killed in an Israeli airstrike as they were preparing to launch a rocket into Israel from the central part of the Strip.[158][159]
    July 9
    In the evening, Palestinians fired three Qassam rockets at Israel. Two rockets hit open areas in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council; a third landed within the Gaza Strip. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded with an airstrike on an infiltration tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip, causing no injuries.[160][161]
    July 12
    Around 10:15 pm, Palestinians fired two Qassam rockets at Israel. One of the rockets exploded several feet from a home in the Sdot Negev Regional Council, damaging it, while the other hit an open area in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries were reported. The Color Red siren sounded, and residents also received text messages asking them to enter fortified spaces. Israel responded with airstrikes on two Gazan sites identified as weapons manufacturing facilities, causing no injuries.[162][163][164]
    July 13
    In the morning, Palestinians fired a rocket at the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries were reported.[163][165] Israel responded with airstrikes on two tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip and a third in the north.[166]
    July 14
    In the morning, Palestinians fired a rocket at the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. In the afternoon, Palestinians fired three more rockets at unspecified areas in Israel. In the evening, two more rockets were fired at the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported in any of the attacks.[166][167] Israel responded with airstrikes on four Hamas training camps in the Gaza Strip. Palestinian sources said that two children were lightly injured.[168]
    July 15
    Palestinians fired a mortar shell at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[169]
    July 16
    Overnight, Palestinians fired a rocket at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[170]
    July 17
    Starting about 1 am, Palestinians fired three Qassam rockets at Israel. The first rocket hit the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. Two additional rockets exploded later in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. The Color Red alarm did not sound.[171][172]
    July 19
    After nightfall, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket at the Sdot Negev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded with airstrikes on terror targets in the Gaza Strip, causing no reported injuries.[173][174]
    July 28
    In the morning, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket at the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. The Color red alarm sounded in the area. No injuries or damage were reported.[175]

    August 1
    Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket at the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. It exploded near a Bedouin tent, injuring 55-year-old shepherdess Fatma Saria in the lower limbs. The Color Red alarm sounded in the region.[176][177][178]
    August 3
    At about 10:30pm, Palestinians fired a rocket at the Lakhish Regional Council, between Sderot and Kiryat Gat.[179] The Abdullah Azzam Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.[180]
    August 4
    Shortly after midnight, Palestinians fired a rocket that exploded at the entrance to Ashkelon. Five people were lightly injured seeking shelter after the Color Red alarm sounded.[181] Israel responded with an airstrike on a Hamas militant center in the Gaza Strip.[179]
    In the evening, Palestinians fired two rockets at Kiryat Gat. No physical injuries were reported, but two people were treated for shock. The Color Red alarm sounded in the city.[178]
    August 7
    After nightfall, Palestinians fired a Qassam rocket at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. The rocket landed near a kibbutz, triggering the Color Red alarm.[182]
    Later, Palestinians fired three mortar shells at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, damaging a fence.[183]
    August 15
    Palestinians fired a Grad rocket into Beersheba. Israel responded with airstrikes on five targets in the Gaza Strip, killing one armed Hamas terrorist and wounding several others. In a separate incident, several Palestinians were scattered by the Israeli Air Force as they were attempting to fire a rocket into Israel.[184][185]
    August 18
    Palestinians fired two rockets at Ashkelon; at least one of them was intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system. The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility. Later, two more rockets fired at Ashkelon were intercepted by Iron Dome.[186]
    August 19
    Palestinians terrorists fired 17 rockets and several mortars at Israel. Responsibility for various attacks was claimed by the Popular Resistance Committees and Fatah’s Al Aqsa Brigades and al-Mujahideen Brigades.[187] The streets in Beersheba were said to be empty for fear of rockets. Details of some of the attacks:
    In the morning, a rocket fired at a Jewish religious seminary in Ashdod injured 10 people, two of them seriously. Several blocks away, a Grad rocket landed inside a synagogue while worshipers were praying, but failed to explode. There were no injuries. The synagogue was partially demolished in order to clear the rocket.[188] The al-Qaeda-affiliated Abdullah Azzam Brigades claimed responsibility for the Grad attacks, saying they were a response to Israel’s targeting of the Popular Resistance Committees leadership the previous day.[189]
    Around 4 pm, two Grad rockets exploded between Kiryat Malachi, Gedera and Gan Yavneh. One of the rockets started a fire, damaging a building.[190]
    Around 5 pm, a Qassam rocket hit the Eshkol Regional Council.
    Around 6:20 pm, two rockets hit Ashdod and the Sdot Negev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[191]
    In the evening, a Qassam rocket landed near a kibbutz in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.[192]
    In the evening, two mortar shells hit the Eshkol Regional Council.[193][194]
    After nightfall, two rockets hit the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[195]
    Around 10 pm, a Grad rocket fired at Ashkelon was intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system.[196][197]
    Israel responded with airstrikes on four targets in the Gaza Strip, killing senior Popular Resistance Committees commander Samed Abdul Mu’ty Abed as he was on his motorcycle.[198]
    August 20
    As Hamas announced it would renew attacks on Israelis, Palestinians fired 64 rockets at Israel. The projectiles reached Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheba and Ofakim, forcing more that half a million Israelis into bomb shelters. A Grad rocket fired at Beersheba killed 38-year-old Yossi Shoshan of Ofakim, who was on his way to ensure the safety of his his 9-month pregnant wife. Many others were injured in Beersheba, Ashdod and Ofakim, including a 4-month-old baby.[199][200][201] Details of some of the attacks:
    Around 4 am, two rockets hit the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[202] Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.[203]
    Two rockets fired from the northern Gaza Strip hit the outskirts of Ashdod, seriously injuring three Palestinian aliens working in the local industrial zone. The three were rushed to Kaplan Medical Center for treatment.[202][204] Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.[203]
    Around 8:30 am, a rocket fired from the northern Gaza Strip hit an open area in the Be’er Tuvia Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[202][205] Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.[203]
    Around 9 am, a Grad rocket landed in the Bnei Shimon Regional Council just north of Beersheba, triggering the Color Red alarm. Eight people suffered light injuries and shock.[202][206][207] The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility.[203]
    A rocket fired at the Lachish Regional Council at noon exploded on a section of Highway 35, from Ashkelon to Kiryat Gat, severely damaging it. The highway was closed to traffic.[208]
    Just after noon, two Qassam rockets hit the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, one landing in a kibbutz and the other in an open area. No injuries or damage were reported.[209][210]
    A rocket fired at Ashkelon was intercepted by Iron Dome.[211]
    Four mortar shells were fired at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[212]
    A Qassam rocket was fired at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council and a mortar was fired at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[213]
    Two mortar shells were fired at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[214]
    Five mortar shells were fired at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[215]
    A mortar shell was fired at the Eshkol Regional Council.[216]
    A Grad rocket fired at Beersheba was intercepted by Iron Dome. The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility.[217]
    Five additional mortar shells were fired at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[218]
    Grad rockets were fired at Ofakim. One rocket hit a home, wounding a 4-month-old baby, a 9-year-old child, and a 20-year-old man. Hamas claimed responsibility.[219][220]
    A barrage of Grad rockets hit Beersheba, killing one person and injuring at least ten, four of them seriously. The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility.[221][222]
    Two Qassam rockets hit the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council.[223]
    A Qassam rocket fired at Israel exploded within the Gaza Strip.[224]
    August 21
    In the morning, two mortar shells were fired at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[225]
    In the morning, a Qassam rocket hit the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.[226]
    In the morning, three Grad rockets fired at Ashkelon were intercepted by Iron Dome.[227]
    In the morning, two Grad rockets were fired at Beersheba. One was intercepted by Iron Dome; the other fell in an open area near the city. No injuries or damage were reported.[228]
    In the morning, a rocket hit a school in Beersheba, damaging it. No injuries were reported.[229]
    In the morning, two rockets were fired at the Beersheba region. No injuries or damage were reported.[230]
    Shortly before noon, three rockets hit near Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported.[231]
    Shortly after noon, a rocket was fired at the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council. No injuries were reported.[232]
    During the evening, a Qassam rocket was fired at Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries were reported.[233]
    Though a ceasefire has been declared starting 09:00 P.M. that night, two rockets were fired after that time. No injures were reported.[234]
    August 22
    During night, a rocket was fired at the city of Ashkelon and was intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system.[236]
    Another rocket was fired early morning at Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries were reported.[237]
    At night, a Qassam rocket was fired at Ashkelon and landed in an open area. No injuries were reported.[238]
    A rocket fired at Hof Ashkelon Regional Council landed near greenhouses and started a fire. No injuries were reported.[239]
    Another rocket landed in Hof Ashkelon Regional Council just before midnight.[240]
    August 24
    Palestinians fired more than 20 rockets on Israeli communities. Grad rockets fell on the cities of Beersheba, Ashkelon and Ofakim, injuring a 9-month-old baby. Israel responded with airstrikes, killing a senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative invlolved in a recent terrorist shooting attack on Israel.[241][242]
    August 25
    Palestinians fired at least 15 rockets and mortars at Israel.[243] Details of the attacks:
    Five Qassam rockets were fired at the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
    Four Qassam rockets were fired at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
    A Grad rocket fell in an open area near Ashkelon, without causing injuries or damage.
    A Palestinian mortar shell caused extensive damage to the Erez Crossing Terminal, which is frequently used by Palestinians to enter Israel for medical treatments.[244]
    Israel responded with airstrikes on several targets in the Gaza Strip, killing two Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants involved in the attack against the Erez Crossing Terminal.[245][246]
    August 26
    At about 3 pm, Palestinians fired a Grad rocket at Ashkelon, despite a ceasefire announced by Palestinian Islamic Jihad the previous day. Shortly after 10 pm, two Qassam rockets were fired at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. No injuries were reported in either incident. The leftist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for two attacks on Ashkelon.[243][247]
    August 27
    A Qassam rocket fell in the Negev. No injuries or damage were reported.[248]
    August 28
    A Grad rocket fired was fired at Hatzerim in the Bnei Shimon Regional Council, near Beersheba. After nightfall, a Qassam rocket was fired at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. No injures were reported in either attack. Tawhid wal-Jihad claimed responsibility for both.[249][250][251]
    August 29
    A Qassam rocket was fired at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injures or damage were reported. Tawhid wal-Jihad claimed responsibility.[250][252]
    August 31
    Two Qassam rockets hit the Eshkol Regional Council. No injures or damage were reported.[253]

    September 5
    A rocket fell in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties or damage. [254]

    If they were better shots, there wouldn’t be any Israelis left to retaliate.
    No wonder Israel checks every ship entering Gaza.
    Try that with almost any other country and Gaza would be hit like the US hit Baghdad at the start of the war. I would say that Israel is exercising great restraint. Since the end of Operation Cast Lead, 548 rockets and 356 mortar shells have been fired into Israel.
    You can see why Israel might get a bit annoyed.
    Maybe you would feel better if Israel simply lobbed one rocket into Gaza for each one they receive. An eye for an eye – that would be fair, eh?
    God should approve of that, right?
    Personally, i think that might be a good idea. Maybe then the peace-loving citizens of Gaza might be able to convince their crazy cousins to stop firing rockets and start growing food instead.

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