Kiss the Son Controversy


Christians use Psalm 2 :12 to prove that Yahweh God has a Son.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. KJV Psalm 2:12



Jewish Rabbi Tovia Singer’s argument

Although only one word in Psalm 2:12 was changed, the alteration was sufficient to portray the Psalmist as instructing the faithful to kiss Jesus.
How could such a strange suggestion find itself in Christian translations of the Jewish Bible? Rabbi Singer reveals how an Aramaic interpolation created a very bizarre Christological text.

Conclusion: “Arm with Purity” not ‘Kiss the Son.


A more conservative Jewish interpretation


What is the Jewish thought concerning God’s son in light of Psalm 2? It describes someone as the King of Zion, a world leader, and says that God calls him His son, whom He gave birth to (v. 7).

Further, verse 12 states,

“Kiss the son, lest he angers and you will lose the way.”

Isn’t it thus clear that God has a Divine Son?

The Aish Rabbi Replies

Thank you for your important question.

The term son of God appears a number of times in the Torah where it clearly does not refer to a biological relationship.

See for example Deuteronomy 14:1:

"You [Israel] are sons to the Lord your God,"

as well as Exodus 4:22, where God tell Moses to tell Pharaoh

"My son, My firstborn Israel" (Exodus 4:22).

The meaning is that God has a special relationship with His nation, but clearly the bond is emotional and not physical.

The Torah likewise uses this expression for other great individuals. See for example Psalms 89:27-28 in reference to King David, and II Samuel 7:14 in reference to Solomon:

“I will be to him as a Father and he will be to Me as a son.”

Son can be King David or Messiah:

In this verse, the commentators understand God’s “son” as referring to King David himself (or possibly the future Messiah (Ibn Ezra)), who serves God with the filial devotion of a son honoring his father (Ibn Ezra, Radak), who represents and protects a nation known collectively as God’s son (Rashi, Metzudat David), or who leads the world as an (inheriting) son who controls his father’s property (Malbim).

The notion of God giving birth to him is that when David was appointed king, he acquired a divine spirit and close relationship with God, as a child of a parent (see I Samuel 16:13; Rashi, Radak), or that David was as precious to God as a newborn son (Metzudat David).

(The Hebrew word in question – “yalad” – does not always mean to literally give birth, but is occasionally used figuratively (as in English), meaning to create or bring about. See for example Deut. 32:18, Job 15:35, Zephaniah 2:2, Isaiah 33:11, 55:10.)

Son most likely King David

In terms of “kiss the son” of verse 12, especially based on the commentators that the subject is King David himself, the phrase really does not impute any divine powers to David or to the Messiah.

It just means that the nations should cherish and embrace the king – or risk God’s wrath.

In truth, however, almost all the commentators understand that phrase differently. The phrase in the Hebrew is “nashku var” (var is a variant of bar).

The Hebrew word bar either means “grain” (such as the grain Joseph stored up in Egypt (Genesis 41:35,49)) – or “purity” (see e.g. Psalms 19:9, 24:4, Song of Songs 6:9-10).

The commentators accordingly translate that phrase to mean “gird yourselves with purity of heart” (Rashi), “desire purity” (Rashi alternate, Metzudat David), or “kiss (i.e. cherish, cleave to) me because I am pure of heart” (Radak, Malbim).

Kiss or arm yourselves?

(Note that the first word of the phrase – nashku – can mean either kiss or arm yourselves – both interpretations appearing in the choices above.

There is even one interpretation which relates bar to grain – that the nations should cleave to the king as chaff is adjacent to (“kisses”) the grain (see Malbim).)

Use of the word “bar”

Note that in Hebrew, bar does not mean son, and thus almost none of the commentators (save Ibn Ezra) translate the phrase as “kiss the son.” The reason for the confusion is that in Aramaic “bar” does mean son.

Bar vs ben. Both used in Psalm 2

However, it is never used in that sense in the Torah. (And in fact Psalm 2 itself uses the Hebrew term “ben” in verse 7, which we discussed above.)

Bar appears a few times in the Books of Ezra and Daniel (e.g. Ezra 5:1-2, 6:14, Daniel 3:25, 5:22, 7:13) – but all in the parts of those books written in Aramaic.

The one exception is Proverbs 31:2, where the word bar does appear meaning son:

“What, my son, and what, the son of my womb…”

However, Rabbi Tovia Singer suggests that King Solomon was quoting the advice his mother would give him, very likely using the language she employed.

Thus, that verse uses a more colloquial term for son, possibly based on the Aramaic, but not used anywhere else in (the Hebrew portions of) the Torah.


Marianne’ thoughts

Here is the verse in context

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

David is speaking to the kings of the earth. It is an early psalm, when David was still battling surrounding people groups.

He could either be telling them to arm themselves with purity in an act of reconciliation with Yahweh god, or to kiss the son (King David), in an act of peace with King David.

Alternatively, he could be prophetically describing future time of Messiah, and the relationship of the nations with him.

But as ancient and modern Hebrews consider the Messiah a son of David and also a son/ child of Yahweh God, like the rest of them, the son ship here implied is most likely natural, not divine..

56 Responses to “Kiss the Son Controversy”

  1. 6 ~ 14 ~ 2023 Happy American Flag Day (Does it still wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave?)
    Yahshua The Messiah The Only Son of Yahweh The Creator of
    SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1
    HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    Well. . .I have always believed that “the Son” refers to Yahshua.
    King David was also a prophet and most likely knew that Yahshua would some day come through his lineage. After all, Son begins with a capital letter. A rabbi who is not Messianic might want “Son” to to mean someone else. Yahshua the Messiah is often referred to as “The Son of David.”
    I post publicly and freely o9n MeWe.


  2. Question please,

    I haven’t studied what Jews believe. I definitely agree that no bible in existence is perfectly translated, yet God always perfectly translates it to us and gets his point across.

    So what is the bigger point of emphasis for this message?

    Let’s say this verse indeed is incorrectly translated, please share is it just this verse? Do you believe in the son? I’m not asking to start a debate, I simply want to know

    Thank you

    • I wrote this post because originally there was a rabbi singer who is lecturing and arguing against Christian preacher saying that the Christian preachers didn’t know their Hebrew and so they were wrong about Jesus. Rabbi singer is like many Christian preachers however where he presents the information he wants you to know and omits the information that does not agree with his viewpoint. This happens in all religions with the leadership. I was concerned because I had a Christian friend who actually left Christianity and became a Jew because she thought that Christians were lying to her. Because I thought this was a grievous situation that people would be deceived into converting to another religion because of one flamboyant preacher rabbi that wasn’t giving all the information. So I decided to write a post and just be objective about it. Christians say kiss the s o n means the son of God. And they use this as proof that there is a son of God. Which would be the Messiah. However in context there is no proof in this particular Psalm that this is the case. This does not however establish a case for or against the Messiah being divine. One would have to look to other scriptures. In this particular passage David is talking to the kings of the Earth as a fellow King. They have been fighting with him for a long time and he now says that either respect him with a holy kiss which is typical of the ancient times and some current cultures, or they will face the consequences. However another translation because of the Aramaic involved could be armed with purity. But this was still come back to the same meaning. Unrighteous Nations need to become righteous and become pure before God which would also bring peace between them and Israel. So either whether you say kiss the Sun that is the King David or you say arm yourselves with purity, it has the same message. That is make friends with Israel and have peace before God. It has nothing to do with establishing the Divinity of the Messiah. there’s other scriptures people going to look at if they want to establish that principle or doctrine.

    • I’m trying to break up this answer in different parts so it won’t be so much to read at one time. Jews do not believe that God has a Divine son. They believe that the Messiah will be a man only and he will come and bring peace to Israel and the world. That’s it. This is supposed to Christians who believe that the Messiah must be also God as well as man. And that the Messiah is a Divine son of God. Not just a natural Man created by God. So this is the basis of the controversy of why people are arguing whether God has a son or not. Because they’re talking about the Divinity aspect not the natural aspect. Because of all creations of God are children of God. This would also mean that King David is the Son of God because he is created by God. In the Jewish viewpoint. So if you put David in as the son of God as all Israelites are children of God then this would explain the reference in Psalm 2.

      • Thank you. I agree , from reading the scripture in Psalms , the version of the son…it doesn’t even fit….they way it would be used to refer to Christ.

        It was apparent that was intentional. Which made it apparent.

        From my studies of the bible and old testament, I do not recall any mention of the name Yashua. Only YHWH.

        Also from my studies , something has became obviously apparent by God’s revelation- God works in prophecy, and fulfilling that prophecy…which is doing things today….that are a precursor for things that will occur tomorrow..or in the future. So many of them, that we do not see or recognize.

        That’s what the old testament is, a precursor to the fulfillment of prophecy,
        All those the old testament where laying down the ground, of understanding , for what was to come ahead…the greatest sacrifice of all….the blood, the requirements…

        I cannot speak on why Jewish people would not believe in the new testament, nor do I criticize them for not.

        But what i do know is:
        God uses the new testament for His Godly work. Whether they believe it , use it, or don’t. That I can assure you and them.

        And, here is another thing to think about- in Romans 12 or 13…this chapter talks about a tree…it’s trunk and branches…and how the original gods people would criticize about anyone else’, any other group from becoming Gods people…

        It warns and states and admonishes I’m such a beautiful way- reminding them- they are NOT the trunk, they are branches…
        The trunk is what is holy. Be careful it says, for God can lop you off as a branch…

        For those who have ears and eyes and souls for God, this is a beautiful scripture…it entails that God will indeed bring the Jews and open their eyes, and they are indeed reconciled as one people with the gentiles. They may not see it , not understand it now…not could they- even if they wanted to- if it’s part of God’s Will, but when the time is right they will….and they will thank God even more for his never ending mercy that has continued to hold onto them.

        The new testament may not be perfectly translated, nor the old, but one thing is certain it remains PART OF GODS LIVING HOLY WORD

        it would make sense to me now, that the new testament is not accepted, how can it be? Not until the appointed time. Yet both Jews and Christians remain in my eyes, together, one body, under Christ….because all of us are blind, to one degree or another…we both, each group are BRANCHES , not the trunk…and we would do well in life to always remember this.

        God bless you all

        • I have written an article on why Jews do not believe in Jesus. I can add the link at some point but right now I’m on my cell phone. In a nutshell Jews do not believe in Jesus as God. Because that would violate the Shema. Which says there is only one God. And Christians have turned God into three gods. So they cannot accept that so therefore they cannot accept the New Testament. But however in the New Testament it does not really support what Christians say about the trinity as being three people in one God. Like I said about John chapter 17 there is only one God. And then there is the Lord Jesus Christ. But because Christians haven’t got this Doctrine about the three in one God or three gods and one they cannot accept the New Testament if that is what the New Testament is about. They believe that the Messiah will be a man not a god coming to Earth.

      • Marianne, my understanding is that many (most?) Jews believe
        that the Messiah WILL COME. The whole sacrificial system pointed to Yahshua The Lamb of Yahweh Who takes away the sins of the world (of those believing in Him.) Those called Messianic Jews believe that He came and is returning again. The true Bible faith is Hebraic and has NOTHING to do with The Christian Vatican’s Christianity! One reason the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Yahshua was that He claimed to be Yahweh’s Son, John 5:43. They did not believe Him. The common Jewish people were expecting Yahweh’s Son to come and it is certain that many of them believed in Yahshua before and after He died for us!

        • Again it has a lot to do with theology and expectations. Jews are expecting one thing and Christians are describing something else

          • Marianne, it is important to know that The Christian Vatican began Christianity somewhere in The Third Century A.D. It has distorted, tried to erase the Hebraic faith of the Bible and its believers. And, yes, the Jews themselves believed that when Yahshua came He would be a earthly king freeing them from the Romans which He did not.
            However, many like the thief on the cross believed that He was the Messiah and would have a kingdom some day. Many Bible-believing Jews still believe that Yahshua will come or return as the Messiah.

    • As to my personal viewpoints as to the son of God. I have written several posts on this I think you can search it so I won’t have to repeat everything but if you can’t find it I’ll try to give you the links. But basically the only God is the father. This is according to Jesus comment in John 17:3. However Jesus and the Holy Spirit are of divine origin as they are a very tiny part of the father. As Jesus said the father is greater than I. Indicating that the father is the main central point of all creation and existence. His origin is different than the origin of man who is Created from dirt. Jesus was created directly from the father. He is part of the father as is the holy spirit is part of the father. But neither one are the father. The father is the greatest one. I hope this makes some sense. What is based on scripture not Doctrine created by the Roman Catholic Church which most Protestant churches follow as well. You have to carefully go through the scriptures and let scripture interpret itself. This viewpoint does not take away from who Jesus is because the father gave all power in Heaven and Earth to Jesus in order for Jesus to accomplish his work. Jesus is divine and not of Earthly origin although he came to Earth in order to be among us

      • Thank you for sharing your personal viewpoints. For me, even if we might not agree on a particular point, the more important and essential thing is that we agree and love God.

        Which identify is greater, I would agree it is the Father, by what you have stated…when Jesus says the father is greater than I, and nobody gets to the father except through me.

        I must mention- many religions use the father is greater than I scripture and then proceed to nullify with PURPOSE, INTENT, which is malicious and they know exactly why they are doing this.

        It’s one of the scripture that was always referred to in the Jehovah witness religion… Thereby resulting in no relationship with Christ at all. The one who died, and whose blood atones for our sins.

        Yes the Father is greater, but in order to get to him we need to have a relationship with Christ. Which is why I heard YAHSHUA.

        and again, I have never found animosity, competition, jealousy, among the father, or son, or holy spirit .

        So which is greater, doesn’t matter much…to me at least. Because they are one. What I have , it is yours. Yet within me saying it don’t matter much, i still agree that The Father is central. The most high, supreme commander,

        When we love each identity, the greater identity and it’s emphasis, begin to fade away…as I realized, they indeed are one…they feel my love for each, because they are one…and that love also isn’t greater for Jesus, or the father, it’s equal. It’s the same love- ONE.

        • We are saved by our faith in Jesus and his atonement for our sins. Our Doctrine can be off a little bit but that can be figured out when we get to heaven. However without the father there is no Jesus so he remains still Supreme.

    • This is some overkill, but here are some articles i wrote about the oneness of God and how Jesus seems to relate to the Father.

      Are you In, Permeated and One with God?

      Is the Trinity Equal?

      I AM – Father, Son, and Spirit

      Jesus – before and after earth

      Jesus and His relationship with the Father God

    • Many Jews (still most?) do not believe Yahshua came over 2000 years ago. The Jewish writer possibly wanted to get that point across to the reader. For me this verse must refer to Yahshua the Son. It always has. Without His redeeming us we do not have salvation. Of course, The Christian Vatican’s false teaching and persecution of true Bible believers through the centuries has made TRUE Bible faith much more rare. Maybe this is one reason the final group of saints are referred to as “a remnant.”
      Romans 11:5


      • Well said, very true. Let it be known Vatican, Catholic, Jehovah witnesses, not the people , the institution, the religion, the doctrine of men, is tied to the satanic kingdom….that has taken advantage of people who seek God. The majority are not part of these churches because they know their ties to the satanic, they have no idea…. And then there exists the other ones…that do in fact know…who are running the operations, they know why they are doing.christians have nothing to do with religion….amen.

        God opens our eyes and allows us to see, and recognize these things. Anyone that is proud of their denomination is a religious person who does not yet know how futile and powerless that is. They are not free. But slaves.
        True freedom is , to be in Union with Christ,

        In heaven there won’t be any baptist, mormon, Methodist, just children of God. One body. Amen.

  3. 6 ~ 17 ~2023 Happy Sabbath and Fathers Day Eve!
    Yahshua the Only Son of His Father Yahweh Returns
    Revelation 14:1 HalleluYAH! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    Please remember. No matter what, you will always have
    a Heavenly Father in Heaven Who always loves you.

  4. Hi Marianne and Jayna,

    yesterday , i heard a sermon, the pastor mentioned a thing,

    later they remove the video.

    some “christians” play/operate witchcraft and try to kill a pastor.

    so try to know what is Christians witchcraft ?

    • And Christian witchcraft so-called Christians speak curses over the victim and pretend to pray for them. I knew a church that did this they picked out a woman in the church who was a single mother. They decided that she was an unsaved drunken w**** and so they decided to pray for her salvation. The truth was that she was already saved and she was not a drunken w**** like they accused her. But the condemnation was so great it destroyed her and she eventually died of the heart attack

    • When someone call Christians who are really witches speak curses over you and then claim to pray for you. Example they think you’re not safe so they pray for your salvation when you’re really already saved. Or they accuse you of a sin and then they pray for you when you’re not really guilty of that sin. They put condemnation on you to crush you

    • Hi qt! IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) Christianity IS witchcraft! Yahshua the Messiah said, “Let no man deceive you!” Matthew 24:4 Christianity created by The Christian Vatican in Rome has been a deception since The Third Century A.D.

  5. Witchcraft in the Church ~ Neville Johnson

  6. have you heard about this prophet

    Dumitru Duduman – Prophecy for America


    Numbers 24:1-

    The Prophecy from Peor

    24 :1 When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he did not go as he had done each time before [superstitiously] to seek omens and signs [in the natural world], but he set his face toward the wilderness (desert).
    24 1 And when Balaam saw that it pleased Jehovah to bless Israel, he went not, as at the other times, to meet with enchantments, but he set his face toward the wilderness.

    i just read this verse Numbers 24:1- , felt so surprised , i do not know that balaam tried to use sorcery for two times (bible Numbers 23

    there were three oracles are uttered at these locations – Baal, Zophim, and Peor.

    Numbers 23 The first location , he tried to use sorcery on the high places (of Baal ) , it was an attempt to curse the Israeli people

    the 2nd location, field of Zophim , he tried to use sorcery again , it was another attempt to curse the Israeli people ,

  8. 0:56 / 36:11
    Adoration | Jesus Image | John Wilds

    Check this out

    Obama or macron

  10. hi Marianne,

    i do not believe Kenneth copland

    what is your thought ? thanks

  11. have you heard pastor Dan Mohler | Nations Church ?

    how is he, traditional church or charismatic church ?


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