Movement of Antichrist



How does the Antichrist move toward the Promised Land to conquer it?

Does this give us a clue as to where he comes from?

Dan 8:9 ¶ And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the (1) south, and (2) toward the east, and (3) toward the pleasant [land- ie Israel].(only direction left is west)


Points from just looking at maps:

1. Antichrist has to come from the NORTH of Israel, not just east or west of it.

This means it cannot be

Jordan – located east only, does not have to move south to get to Israel

Egypt – south only, would have to move north to get to Israel

Saudi Arabia – south only,

Yemen – south only,

Pakistan – already east,

Afghanistan – already east,

Iran– already east,

Iraq– already east,

India– already east,

China– already east.


2. The immediate north will not work either, because he then has to proceed west to come to Israel.

This means Lebanon is not a candidate. If Antichrist moved south then west, he would end up in the Mediterranean Sea.

3. If the Antichrist came from anywhere WEST of Turkey, the Ukraine, and Russia, he would NOT be able to move south, then east and then west toward Israel.

This would eliminate most of Europe, including the European Union. He would have to, instead, move east, not west, to get to Israel.

This would also eliminate the North and South America, and Africa for the same reason.

4. If the Antichrist came from anywhere EAST only, then he would not have to move south first to get to Israel.

This would eliminate China and India, etc.

Far east countries like China, and North Korea, cannot move more “east” or they would go into the Pacific Ocean.

5. This would leave countries that could move first south, then east, then west (toward Israel):




















Now, take a new look at the map. Think first south, then east, then west to Israel. See who that could be:


Final thoughts:

The Antichrist, and his country, would have to have some motivation to invade Israel.

Right now, unless something changes, I see no motivation for eastern Asia to care about Israel.

So far, east Asian countries have not been involved, or expressed interest, in any of the conflicts between Israel and its enemies.

This would leave the northern, middle eastern countries, and far east European countries that are north, and north west of Turkey.

62 Responses to “Movement of Antichrist”

  1. The description of Daniel 8, which is my discovery BTW, is that somewhere east of Israel the Antichrist will arise. Other texts say north. I believe its northeast. And if one looks at all of those nations, they are all Islamic nations. Islamic nations already do what Jesus said they would do, betray mothers and sons if they become Christians. Behead people, etc. Who has a motive to invade and conquer Israel and in fact destroy her? Islam has always had at their core that mission.

    The consistent picture of the scriptures is that the day of the Lord takes place when people are saying peace and safety. The bible talks about an agreement, or treaty in Daniel 9:27, for 7 years. In the middle of this peace treaty, the AC invades Israel, which is where Jesus says the abomination takes place. At the abomination, Jesus tells the people of Israel to flee to the mountains.

    So we have a picture where an invading army takes over Israel for 3 1/2 years. And lo and behold, the AC reigns from Jerusalem for 3 1/2 years, as both Daniel and Revelation say.

    Ezekiel says that Gog, the one all the prophets have spoken of, invades an Israel at peace on the day of the Lord. Gog and the nations with him, all Islamic, are northeast of Israel. Isaiah states that the Assyrian invades an Israel at a false peace on the day of the Lord. Assyria is northeast of Israel. Then the Lord drives out “THE ASSYRIAN IN MY LAND” when he returns.

    Joel says that when the Lord returns, he will drive the northern army out of Israel.

    Jeremiah states that Israel will be invaded on the day of the Lord from the north.

    The upshot of all this that yes Islamic nations are north/ northeast of Israel, and they do have the motive to invade Israel.

    Its all in my book, END TIME SECRETS REVEALED.

    • hi alan

      I think it is not a new concept to bible students that the antichrist is from the east/northeast. For a long time, the Jews were aware of him as the Assyrian. Walid Shoebat, former terrorist, has made his comments that the antichrist is a muslim. I went a bit further, and wrote my version, not having read yet what Walid had to say:

      The Fourth Beast of Daniel and Revelation – the Antichrist of Islam – the 12th Imam Mahdi

      The Fourth Beast of Revelation and Daniel- the Antichrist- 12th Imam Mahdi

      back in 2007, after thinking about it for quite a while. I finally posted it on Jan 1, 2008.

      here is the online posted pdf file.

      Click to access 4th-beast-web-4-mt.pdf

      I am not sure many others have thought of this, in spite of tradition.

      let me know how this compares to your thoughts, when you have time.

  2. Hi Marianne…

    …today the Temple of Solomon is the spiritual home of every Mason.” [Masonic Holy Bible, Temple Illustrated Edition, A.J. Holman Co., 1968, p. 11-14]

    “Of all the objects which constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most important, the most cherished, by the Mason, and by far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritualizing of the Temple is the first, the most prominent and the most pervading, of all symbols of Freemasonry … Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die … ” [“Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry”..]

    More quotations here:

    The illuminated Masons (the NWO/Antichrist) are behind building that 3rd Temple, doubt it not.
    Shabbat Shalom

    • hi Silvan

      Maybe that is why the Antichrist is allowed to defile it, since it is not the one to be established by the Messiah. We know the abomination has to take place in a temple. So maybe this is it.

  3. I’m thinking maybe he comes from Kenya, by way of Indonesia and Kenya.

  4. Oops I meant by way of Hawaii.

  5. It could be Syria.

    • hi JRA

      You might be right about Syria. I want people to think a little. I have heard so much about those who think it is the President of the EU or the President of America, and I think they are wrong.

  6. Hi Marianne;

    The anti Christ is not something tangible, it lives within us all, sowing the seed of evil. We have power over it for God has shown us the way.

    Evil has no power to those who can say no.

    • hi Ichabod

      Very true. Even if we are waiting for a particular individual, evil has been around for a long time.

      And it is the evil we should reject in everything, at all times, not just at one point in history.

  7. Hi Marianne,

    I have such a theory, that Antichrist moves from (Russian? UN? NATO?) occupied Georgia/Tbilisi; Is it possible?

  8. Georgians would never come against Israel, but its territory could be used as a platform or base for attacking Israel. Remember in August 2008 Russians almost occupied Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.

  9. I think you guys will be looking for this prophecy until Christ returns.
    I has already been fulfilled over 2000 years ago.
    Daniel was referring to two of the beast kingdoms he saw in visions – the Medes and the Greeks. He had just told Nebuchadnezzar that Cyrus the Mede would take over his Babylonian kingdom and now he is describing how Alexander the great would defeat the Medes at some point after that. Check the following:

    Dan 8:20 The ram which thou sawest having [two] horns [are] the kings of Media and Persia.

    Dan 8:21 And the rough goat [is] the king of Grecia: and the great horn that [is] between his eyes [is] the first king.

    Dan 8:22 Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power.

    This describes the great horn (Alexander) being broken (died at a young age – 33) and the fact that his kingdom would be split between his four generals. What follows is a detailed description of these 4 kingdoms for several hundred years until they were conquered by the next beast kingdom, Rome.

    It is all confirmed perfectly by history books. It will not be repeated. His story is picked up by John in Revelation and extended to present day. Its all there, you just need to fit the pieces together.
    The bible has already proved itself. The prophecy is there to prove the bible was divinely written. God did not skip over the last 2500 years and save everything for the end. It would be too late by then.
    Just as the Jews today still don’t recognize that the prophecy of the savior points to Jesus Christ, most Christians today don’t see the fulfilled prophecy either.
    Believe me, once you come to realize this your faith in the bible is confirmed with no doubts, even if you are a skeptic as I was.
    But it’s fun coming up with cool little theories and checking the news reports to see if they just might be happening. I get that. I do the same thing with other prophecies so I can’t fault you, I can only suggest you give this some thought and praise God for showing us that he is past, present and future, and his book proves it.

    • Nice theory yourself, except for the fact of reading the rest of Daniel 8, which specifically states that it is for the time of the end…the distant future (verse 26)…It also states that the Antichrist will stand against the prince of princes (Jesus) and will be destroyed, BUT NOT BY HUMAN POWER…sounds a little like the second coming to me…how about you? For no one has taken a stand against Jesus Yet and no Roman Emperor has been destroyed in a “NOT BY HUMAN POWER” fashion. Ya know context is kinda of important no matter what pet theory you have, which I am not sure what you are trying to say, that everything has already happened? Seems to me that most of the Bible speaks of a time when the Lord will come back in the air and destroy the Antichrist on the mountains of Israel. That to me will be the NOT BY HUMAN POWER SITUATION…And that has not taken place yet

      9 Out of one of them came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south and to the east and toward the Beautiful Land. 10 It grew until it reached the host of the heavens, and it threw some of the starry host down to the earth and trampled on them. 11 It set itself up to be as great as the Prince of the host; it took away the daily sacrifice from him, and the place of his sanctuary was brought low. 12 Because of rebellion, the host of the saints [a] and the daily sacrifice were given over to it. It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground.

      13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to him, “How long will it take for the vision to be fulfilled—the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, the rebellion that causes desolation, and the surrender of the sanctuary and of the host that will be trampled underfoot?”

      14 He said to me, “It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.”
      The Interpretation of the Vision
      15 While I, Daniel, was watching the vision and trying to understand it, there before me stood one who looked like a man. 16 And I heard a man’s voice from the Ulai calling, “Gabriel, tell this man the meaning of the vision.”

      17 As he came near the place where I was standing, I was terrified and fell prostrate. “Son of man,” he said to me, “understand that the vision concerns THE TIME OF THE END.”

      18 While he was speaking to me, I was in a deep sleep, with my face to the ground. Then he touched me and raised me to my feet.

      19 He said: “I am going to tell you what will happen later in the time of wrath, because the vision concerns the appointed time of the end. [b] 20 The two-horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia. 21 The shaggy goat is the king of Greece, and the large horn between his eyes is the first king. 22 The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power.

      23 “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. 24 He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. 25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

      26 “The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.”

  10. Hi Marianne;

    I think the above comment by James Giordano is more true to my mind, that it already happened. Don’t forget Jesus said “This generation shall not pass” or something to that effect.

    In 70 AD there was a lot of stuff happening.

    • Nice theory yourself, except for the fact of reading the rest of Daniel 8, which specifically states that it is for the time of the end…the distant future (verse 26)…It also states that the Antichrist will stand against the prince of princes (Jesus) and will be destroyed, BUT NOT BY HUMAN POWER…sounds a little like the second coming to me…how about you? For no one has taken a stand against Jesus Yet and no Roman Emperor has been destroyed in a “NOT BY HUMAN POWER” fashion. Ya know context is kinda of important no matter what pet theory you have, which I am not sure what you are trying to say, that everything has already happened? Seems to me that most of the Bible speaks of a time when the Lord will come back in the air and destroy the Antichrist on the mountains of Israel. That to me will be the NOT BY HUMAN POWER SITUATION…And that has not taken place yet

      9 Out of one of them came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south and to the east and toward the Beautiful Land. 10 It grew until it reached the host of the heavens, and it threw some of the starry host down to the earth and trampled on them. 11 It set itself up to be as great as the Prince of the host; it took away the daily sacrifice from him, and the place of his sanctuary was brought low. 12 Because of rebellion, the host of the saints [a] and the daily sacrifice were given over to it. It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground.

      13 Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to him, “How long will it take for the vision to be fulfilled—the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, the rebellion that causes desolation, and the surrender of the sanctuary and of the host that will be trampled underfoot?”

      14 He said to me, “It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.”
      The Interpretation of the Vision
      15 While I, Daniel, was watching the vision and trying to understand it, there before me stood one who looked like a man. 16 And I heard a man’s voice from the Ulai calling, “Gabriel, tell this man the meaning of the vision.”

      17 As he came near the place where I was standing, I was terrified and fell prostrate. “Son of man,” he said to me, “understand that the vision concerns THE TIME OF THE END.”

      18 While he was speaking to me, I was in a deep sleep, with my face to the ground. Then he touched me and raised me to my feet.

      19 He said: “I am going to tell you what will happen later in the time of wrath, because the vision concerns the appointed time of the end. [b] 20 The two-horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia. 21 The shaggy goat is the king of Greece, and the large horn between his eyes is the first king. 22 The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power.

      23 “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. 24 He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. 25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

      26 “The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.”

    • Nice theory yourself, except for the fact of reading the rest of Daniel 8, which specifically states that it is for the time of the end…the distant future (verse 26)…It also states that the Antichrist will stand against the prince of princes (Jesus) and will be destroyed, BUT NOT BY HUMAN POWER…sounds a little like the second coming to me…how about you? For no one has taken a stand against Jesus Yet and no Roman Emperor has been destroyed in a “NOT BY HUMAN POWER” fashion. Ya know context is kinda of important no matter what pet theory you have, which I am not sure what you are trying to say, that everything has already happened? Seems to me that most of the Bible speaks of a time when the Lord will come back in the air and destroy the Antichrist on the mountains of Israel. That to me will be the NOT BY HUMAN POWER SITUATION…And that has not taken place yet…

      • Hi Alan;

        Second Coming?

        Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph. That is number one.

        If he was resurrected, that is number two.

        Then you have to consider the billions of people who have already died on this planet. Some in circumstances which would appear to be akin to the end of times, even back in Christ’s day and before.

        Aside from that, New Testament is a supposedly New Covenant, is it not? Daniel isn’t in it.

        The really big quotes that come to mind are Mose’s commandments about there being only one God and not committing idolatry and Jesus comes to earth, for the next two thousand years they slice God up into three divinities, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

        Worshiping the Holy Spirit and Jesus on the same level as God could be construed as Idolatry.

        There are evil people on this world. They have no compassion and are psychotic. That is why we have mental institutions and jails.

        Man kind may wipe itself out and an evil person will probably instigate it, eventually.

        With WMDs and Nukes, the ability is there for the first time.

        Funny, the Western Hemisphere is rarely if ever mentioned. Is that because the writers were unaware it existed?

        Probably so.

        Many works were not included in the book you consider Holy and some books were later dropped.

        No one knows. This is all conjecture based on works translated more than once, copied by hand and not written by any eye witnesses at the time the events occurred.

      • hi alan

        true, this has not happened yet. I am just looking at where the AC might be from. How Jesus defeats him is a different post.

  11. You got it all wrong.Jerusalem means the Roman Catholic church.the beast comes from the European Union for it is the BEAST With the ten horns even thought it now has more than ten horns eventually it will only keep ten, and this horns are nations which form the European Union .Someone in the European Union is the anti far as the west not been invaded .Think again it is already under its power. The spirit of rebellion is already in its midst

  12. It will probably happen in a place we least suspect, at a time we least suspect, by a people we least suspect!
    And I suspect I could be wrong about that too!

  13. Well, in my opinion the Antichrist has nothing to do with the compass but with each human individuum. The Antichrist is as “personal” as Christ. You can find both anywhere in the world.

    • hi philgeland

      The bible agrees with you. The Antichrist spirit was prevalent even in the days of the apostles, and it was addressed as a significant problem back then.

      it is also prevalent today, because one either has the spirit or not. it is just that if this spirit gets in someone who has political power, the effect is enhanced.

      Daniel also predicted long ago a ruler of fierce countenance who would cause Israel, and others, trouble in the last days. So it is this ruler I am thinking of when I write this post.

  14. The anti-christ is Jewish. Think about it…if he wasn’t he would be just another religious leader, of some different new religion. He has to be Jewish to be proclaimed the messiah (anti-christ). If you don’t know the significance of the sign on your forehead and right hand as it relates to ancient covenant…you need to read your bible more and study covenant.

    It was prophesied that there would be a leader in the end times who would rise up among the Jews who would not be in the line of kings…and that he would crush people, all the nations, under his feet (he won’t even care for his own people and that is straight from the minor prophets in the Old Testament).

    Remember too that the Jews believe there are two messiahs, messiah ben Joseph and messiah ben David…they rejected Christ when he came as Messiah ben Joseph (in his own words, ‘so that all Israel’ the house of Ephraim and his companions AND the house of Judah, ‘could be saved’, not JUST the house of Judah).

    The anti-christ will make war on the ‘rest of Israel and his companions’ just like Judah sold his brother, Joseph the father of Ephraim and the House of Israel (the Northern Kingdom), into slavery in Eygpt [just a little FYI, Judah was planning on killing Joseph, his own brother]…but he sold him into slavery instead, which was as good as dead, as a matter of fact, he was so ‘not-worried’ that Joseph would ever be seen alive again, he made up an elaborate story to fool his own father).

    As a believer in Christ, you are an abomination to the Jews…a perversion of their religion, an idolater (comprende?). Why do you think the anti-christ pursues and kills Christians? Who in the world could even imagine that the RCC or Islam would try to build up ‘membership’ by killing its members? The birth of the church of Messiah ben Joseph, Jesus, the Son of Man, was persecuted and tortured by the Jewish leaders…as it was in the beginning so will it be in the end.

    Compare that to the orthodox view of ‘who is the messiah’, a description of the expected character of their ‘messiah’…and you have the anti-christ…a few very good candidates reside in the Rothchild family (red child) and if you don’t know the significance of being the ‘red’ child you need to look into Adam (meaning red and man in Hebrew) the first Man, who fell from sin is ‘redeemed, in Jewish texts, by their messiah.

    The Rothschilds, despite being German Jews, are no stranger to stomping their own people under their feet (they did finance Hitler in WW2, at SOME point you have to figure that they care nothing for the Jewish people and even less for you).

    Still further complicating issues is the abomination of desolation, which is the abomination of the Alter of the Lord in Jerusalem…and who is preparing the alter, right NOW (check youtube)? Why would it be an abomination to the Lord, who has given us His firstborn son already, to sacrifice a mere animal on the alter, in the name of messiah, or to claim the given position of the right hand of God, while you kill His children and servants with the left? (As in the parable of the vineyard, Matthew 21).

    Who was John’s audience for Revelations (I doubt strongly he thought he would be writing to Goyim and Gentiles…or that they would understand the significance of what he was writing or he would have made it clearer…he was originally writing to Jewish believers in Messiah…not Christians aka Gentiles).

    Does anyone else understand the significance of calling fire down from heaven as the role of the Levite high priest (a role possessed by Elijah and Samuel, exclusive as the high priest of the Lord) and the role of the False Prophet in the end times?

    You guys know that the New Testament was written for and to Jews primarily…that you have to have a basic understanding of Jewish law, culture and history to understand Revelations and Daniel. If you attempt to decipher these end time passages without understanding the Jewish history, culture and law…you won’t get far…at least not far in the right direction.

    Beyond that…we have until 2012ish before it is exactly 2000 years (2 biblical ‘days’) until Jesus was barmitzvaed (became a man), but 15-23 years before he ‘officially’ began His ministry, depending on your believed birthday of Jesus, the Messiah ben Joseph.

    Our Lord is exact, precise, perfect, 2000 years to Noah, 2000 years to Jesus, 2000 years to the return of our Messiah (depending on when the Lord chooses to count the reign of Messiah or the ‘evening’ of the 6th day from). If you think it is right now…you could be right…but it could just as easily be exactly 2000 years from the death and resurrection of Messiah to current times (putting the return closer to around 2033ish).

    Also, Jewish ‘days’ aren’t Roman days, meaning that evening starts the day…so if it is counted as 2000 years (2 biblical ‘days’), until the believers in Messiah coming into their inheritance, then we need to be looking for the return of the Messiah on the ‘evening’ of the 6th day (beginning of day 7 [when the Lord rests on Sabbath], or evening of the 6th day, aka now, not the midnight of the 6th day like a Roman would, or morning, like an American).

    It is either going to happen at the count of the adulthood of Jesus the Messiah, or the beginning of His ministry or the death and resurrection, but only our heavenly Father knows the exact time. Whenever it does happen, it will be 2000 years (2 biblical days) perfect to the will of the Lord.

    I know a lot of you will not agree, and even to myself I sound kind of like I am on a diatribe (but I get depressed and cranky when I see the sheep scattered in all these useless and unproductive directions (‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge’).

    You are so far out of touch with the way our globe functions, you don’t even know who rules you currently, or that you are a slave in a system that is far, far beyond anything you can imagine (try thinking about some ‘mud skimmer’ slave suddenly having to appear in the court of ancient Egypt before Pharaoh, then multiply that by billions of living souls…would he know the etiquette, the power plays, the inner working of the courts politics?)…that is how far out of the loop we are, other than rumor, we don’t even know who runs our planet and haven’t for hundreds of years)…

    That is the way it will stay until the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, returns as the ruler of the planet, the Prince of Peace, Just and True, to confront and overcome the soon to be ‘impostor messiah’ as ‘ruler of the world’, and take His place at the right hand of the throne of the Living God. Praise, Honor and Glory be to God Forever and ever!

  15. Hi Marianne;

    Just call me doubting Thomas 🙂

  16. There is a movement in the heavens which raises some concern.

  17. ok I am just going to tell you this once more .The anti-Christ is a religion and someone was right .it is Islam together the Beast and the anti-Christ will soon control the world .and like I said before it has to do with the European union .How do I now? I subscribe with a seer who speaks to Jesus Christ and this are her writings of Jesus Himself.So relax no you know .you can find all the information at this address.T.L.I.G.Her name is Vassula Ryden and I believe that you will find all the answers there .

    • Hi Rosa;

      I look at your comment and those of the others and I remember the words “love thy neighbor”

      I hate to disillusion you but obviously you don’t know much about Islam. The Abrahamic religions all have the same foundation. All the factions of Jews, Christians and Muslims start from the same place the Middle East, which was their world.

      There were civilizations in other places in the world as well.

      The bible itself was not immune to editing. Codex Sinaiticus includes two books that are not part of the official New Testament and at least seven books that are not in the Old Testament. It was found 160 years ago and is the world’s oldest “Bible”

      The New Testament books are in a different order, and include numerous handwritten corrections — some made as much as 800 years after the texts were written, according to scholars who worked on the project of putting the Bible online. The changes range from the alteration of a single letter to the insertion of whole sentences.

      In other research, theologians pretty much agree that the story of the adulteress that Jesus saved from stoning was never part of the original scripture and there is a lot to be doubted as to the accuracy of the bible.

      I don’t think God’s word would be fallible and open to question do you?

      Do you think God would be so short sighted that a New Covenant would be made. The master of the universe and the creator of life had to renegotiate salvation with humanity, when God forgave “sinners” in the old testament?

      Why don’t pastors, priests, rabbis, clerics and whomever tell the truth about this? They would have to find real jobs in order to survive.

      If there is doubt in the bible, and there is plenty of good reason for doubt, there would be no Christianity, no Islam as Muhammad was influenced by Jesus and probably no Jewish faith.

      There are other faiths out there as well, some good ones, yet Christians and Islam like to refer to these as heathen and infidel.

      The book they call the bible has been used to support all kinds of atrocities throughout history and today.

      Don’t worry about the anti Christ. There is enough evil on this planet to make up for the lack of one. 🙂

      Factions of Christianity, Islam, and other religions could be painted with the anti-Christ brush.

      • hi ichabod,

        Can you give me a list of “changes” to the bible, in which the meaning was altered?

        Sometimes translational differences are just done for clarity in reading.

        I agree that there has been times that the bible was interpreted to promote wrongdoing, but that was not the intention of the original text.

        There are some “theologians” who approach the bible with a bias, in order to discredit it, instead of looking at it objectively. Not every writing from ancient times reflected the true gospel of Christ, and so was not incorporated into the final New Testament. There are heretical writings that arose later, after the time of the apostles, and these were rejected. The writings have to be consistent with the apostles testimonies, who were eye witnesses to the life of Jesus.

        I guess I am comfortable with what is written in the bible, because I have seen it be true in my life.

        This is a subjective experience, and so it is hard to relay to someone else who has not had this experience.

        I just hope others will see it as at least a book of wisdom, and read it, and see if it helps them.

        • Hi Marianne;

          The following are just two examples:

          This, by the way, is exactly what most modern translations do with the two most obvious and significant textual variants in the gospels. One of these appears in John 7:53-8:11, the story of the woman caught in adultery. Virtually all translations put this story in brackets, adding a note that says something like: “The earliest manuscripts do not include this passage.” It’s likely that this story is true, but that it was added to John well after the evangelist finished his task. Similarly, the ending of Mark includes a bracketed passage because the old manuscripts do not include anything after Mark 16:8.

          If people get comfort from reading the bible that is fine.

          There are so many things in life today the bible does not address. Issues from euthanasia, test tube babies, bacteria, vaccines, organ transplants, etc as in those times the knowledge did not exist.

          We apply much of what was written then to our life, including sex education for example. Many Christians and Muslims don’t want schools to teach children about that part of biology, yet it is proven that children who are aware have less teenage pregnancies and generally leave the sexual experience to a later date in life.

          I like the fact that Jesus preaches compassion and common sense, especially about God when he takes away the middleman.

          That’s why Jesus was executed. He posed a big threat to organized religion then and now organized religion has taken Jesus and use him to suit their own needs.

  18. […] above was written by myself in response to comments made to the post Movement of Anti Christ. Posted by ichabod at 5:50 […]

  19. Listen as far as prophecies goes ,You people know nothing.It has nothing to do with loving Muslims i love them as much as anyone else but the fact remains that they will enslave everyone and kill all who do not accept their faith .you can try and pesrsuade as many people as you can from believing but in the end .You will see that Christ is not a liar.

    • hi Rosa

      If you look at the maps above, the most likely place for an Antichrist leader to come from is an Islamic country, although that does not rule out Eastern Europe.

    • Hi Rosa;

      No one is accusing Christ of being a liar, but who knows if they didn’t get it wrong or screwed up later.

      It is interesting they waited so long before they documented these stories, as according to most historians and theologians consensus, none of this was written when he was alive and the earliest writings known to us are written at minimum of twenty years after Jesus died.

      I don’t know about you, but I have trouble remembering a quote word for word on the same day, never mind twenty years after the fact.

      How can you claim to love Muslims in one breath and then write “but the fact remains that they will enslave everyone and kill all who do not accept their faith.” Christianity is guilty of the same crime, the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades testify to that fact.

      I knew Native Americans forced to go to Catholic Christian boarding schools and they suffered for the heathen had to be converted.

      Insofar as judgment is concerned, something Christ said was not in our domain, we are all guilty.

      Judging Islam or any religion or faith and the people who happen to be of it is not a healthy thing, unless they are raping, murdering or something like that.

      Recently a Christian murdered a Christian doctor in Church. The doctor performed abortions. Which Christian in this scenario was “guilty” or who should be judged?

      • hi ichabod,

        Typically, ancient prophets, which would have included Jesus as well, had scribes which wrote down what the prophet said, for documentation.

        For example, there were 2 scribes named Baruch, named in the OT.

        * Baruch ben Neriah, aide to the prophet Jeremiah
        * Baruch, son of Zabbai; one of Nehemiah’s helpers in repairing the walls of Jerusalem

        Moses, Enoch, and David, Ezra were given the honorific title of “scribe” as well.

        Usually the Levite priest also took on a scribe role.

        Herod called upon the scribes in Matthew 2:4-6 to tell him where the scriptures said that the Messiah was to be born.

        Jesus used scribes, and said:

        “Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old” (verse 52).

        The scribes were a class of learned Jews who devoted themselves to a scientific study of the Law, and made its exposition their professional occupation.

        Because of the activity of Jesus, and the immediate persecution of believers after his death and departure, there may have been a short delay in reproducing the transcripts for distribution.

        Remember, everything was done by hand, and it took awhile just to reproduce one set of notes.

        The letters of John were delayed, because he was thrown in prison for the rest of his life, and it took time to sneak the texts out of the prison area undetected, so that they could be reproduced.

        For all the apostles, the original notes were there from the very beginning. They just had to be reproduced by hand when they had time. Most of their ministry was done orally, and hand copying had to be done in what spare time they had. Just about all of the apostles were killed for their faith, so that also caused delays in distribution of the copies.

        I do not remember saying that about Muslims, but the quote you gave is what they say themselves. It just bears repeating for those who could be in danger from their threats. This is what their Quran teaches. The bible does not teach this, even if so called christians used the bible to advance negative agendas.

        As for the 2 Christians who killed and were killed, they are both guilty. The abortionist had no right to call himself a christian. And the one who killed him should not have done so, but I can see the frustration and why he did it, even though it was wrong.

        The government approves of abortion, so it does not punish people who murder in this way. If the government had been more righteous, and less evil, the abortionist would have been in prison for his deeds, instead of sitting in a church pretending to be a good guy.

        And if he had been sent to prison for his murders, the other man would not have been able to find him in church and kill him.

        Then there is the guilt of the church, for letting a man who committed murders sit there and pretend to be a christian.

        So there are 4 guilty parties, the abortionist, the government, the church, and the man who killed the doctor.

  20. Hi Marianne;

    I have to give you credit, you are quick to respond with a detailed and plausible reply. 🙂

    I suppose this is one of the things we never know for sure unless we were there on a daily basis to see for ourselves.

    There is tons of material arguing both sides, in the end a person can either decide one way or the other or just walk away from both.

    Will he or she fry from walking away?

    I don’t think so ,for I would assume that God would take into consideration, our shortcomings, as God created us. After all if I can take another person’s shortcomings into account, and I am only a lowly mortal, I think God would be even more forgiving than I. 🙂

    • hi ichabod,

      Well, thanks. I recently wrote my testimony and published it. I had taken it from a set of notes that I had been keeping for the past 40 years. But to include all those notes would have been too distracting for the main point of the story, so I included what I thought was appropriate at the time.

      I guess I could also publish a second edition, and include a couple of extra stories, and it will still be legitimate, since it is still from the original notes. I won’t do that. Maybe my kids would. It will still be my story, just with more detail.

      There was a lot of activity back then. People were more interested in preaching the gospel, than publishing and becoming famous. publications might actually get them arrested, in fact. So, how the followers of the apostles decided to handle the original notes was up to them.

      They may have seen an extra story as validating the already reproduced copies, and since it was all consistent, something may have been added, to make a point. (2nd edition 🙂 ?)

      or, it is possible that trying to assemble all the notes, someone missed something, and they went back and added, in order to make it all complete.

      Who knows?

      It was 2000 years ago, and the apostles, and their disciples, are all dead now, and we cannot ask them.

      I think people are too critical on all sides. It is not up to us who goes to heaven. This is God’s decision, and it is due to his grace, not our doctrines or our works, lest any of us should boast. We try the best we can by following his guidelines.

      This is to give us assurance that we are not too far off track. God does not need this assurance, we do. he already knows who will make it, as he is the judge of our hearts. Man makes lousy decisions. God doesn’t.

  21. About the Christian who killed the abortionist doctor.I am not God so I have no idea who order this person to kill him,but I know that no one has the right to take what they cannot give.That right belongs only to The Almighty God. He alone gives life and he alone has the right to take .however sometimes God does allow certain things to happen in order for evil to end which in this case the abortionist was indeed a murderer and it had to be stopped .The life of the unborn child must be protected at all costs .From the moment that the sperm enters the ova :There is life present ,so if you or anyone else had an abortion and did not repent from this horrible deed ,be sure that you will face Hell with all its force . as far as your views about Islam It matters not to me .You have the right to believe what you want but it does not make it far as the theologists and scientists that you say that have translate the bible .Well let me just say that “They hear and yet they do not hear,they see and yet do not understand” and so on

  22. For the last time listen people .The mentioning here of Israel is literal .for Jerusalem or Israel is the Catholic faith .Observe .I Ex.All the prosecution that the catholic church is now facing and the Temple it is the Vatican as it is mention .”An abomination is seated into My trone ” That means that Rome will be invaded by the ant- Christ and will remove the Pope and everyone else from it

  23. shame upon so called christians that they name the messiah as “antichrist” just because he will be one from the moslem community. the one you call “antichrist” is the long awaited messiah of Turks. you act to be an enemy to the real messiah calling him “antichrist”. what a pity. the antichrist never hates christians or israil. and the book of “the antichrist” never stands for moslems of unconsciousness and unconscience.

    of course the antichrist is Turkey, who will save israil soon from being destroyed.

    king solomon, goat, and the lucifer.

    • dear shiloh

      The bible said the invasion would be from the north, so a look at the map shows who is north of Israel. There is a list. Turkey is only one of them.

      I personally think Turkey, Egypt and Jordan have been the most peaceful countries so far – or at least since 1948.

      Not all Christians think the Antichrist is Muslim. Some think it is the Pope. Others think it is a European. Some people think it is Obama. Others think it is a Jew.

      The bible also does not mention any country that helps Israel, but that does not mean this can occur.

      The bible does not mention a Muslim leader who helps Israel. But if there is one, that would be nice.

      Countries like Iran will keep giving trouble, and I am concerned that this will start a war. They do not want peace. Neither do some other groups. The future of Iraq is uncertain also.

      So, if the Turks have their own Messiah, that is a topic not covered in the bible, which only discusses certain topics.

      From what I understand the Muslim leader is to work with Jesus when he returns.

      The bible does mention that the Antichrist will be opposed by some nations.

      My hope is that many people work for real peace, and unite to fight him.

      In each country, there can be good and bad. In the future, somewhere, the bad will win, and start a time of distress. This was predicted long ago.

      Sometimes I guess which one it will be, based on the current news. But the news can change, so I have to wait and see what happens.

  24. Poor Muslims and Jews .They are still waiting for a Messiah .well He come and went and He was killed for your and my sins but you did not accept Him ,so now wait until His return and be judged accordingly.Christ is the only true Messiah!

  25. i know very little about where and who the ant-christ will be but i would agree with christian that he is or will be a jew ….his blog made a lot of sence too me …

  26. Hi Marianne;

    The anti-Christ may not be a person at all. It may be a prevailing attitude.

    When hearts wax cold.

    You see it on comment boards all over. Couch potatoes declaring war, initiating racism. and justifying in their minds that all is necessary and well as their fellow man suffers under burdens placed upon it by the couch potatoes who have never suffered.

    Evil comes in many forms. There may or may not be a man or woman heading the movement, but he or she could not do so if the supporters were not there.

    While people are searching for the beast, it lives among them and they do not see it for it plays their song.

    • hi ichabod,

      I agree. I see the antichrist mentality as already a prevailing attitude. The idea that one leader, or many leaders displays this attitude is already a reality.

      Daniel describes the “beast” as a kingdom…we could also interpret this as a system of thought that unites countries.

      Now, the question is, what will happen next?

  27. a little hint to all of you and this is true .The king of the East marries the daughter of the west for it is a good thing to do. he enters the senate not because of any merits but bi deceit and treachery and he is protected by very powerful ones. the king of the East is a Muslim who marries someone in the United States because of convenience .Now this man entered a Senate and is, or is on his way to Presidency because it is the only way this man can rule over everyone. His ascend into presidency was not because of education or any other kind of merits but was because he was a liar who knew how to get what he wanted and got read of anyone who stand in his way but he got help for he is protected by someone in power and someone within the clergy .so you see it is a Muslim who married or is about to marry a girl in the united States to a wealthy family.The old bibles before it was removed clearly specify that his name is : DAMION yes just like in the movie but was removed in the new bibles mainly because they new that everyone would be looking for him and so he once again is being protected .so look for someone who is on the way to Presidency with the first name Damion.or you could also look for the meaning of names in Muslim world ,starting with BARAKA or anyone similar.

  28. hello Marianne,

    just an idea this little horn could be from Europe,right?
    why not the Batican country. it has to move south and then east and then towards the israeili nation.
    this also stands for other euripean countries.
    am i right here?

    • hi chryssa

      Yes, that is possible. He would move from a north west position.

      • correction

        As shown in the map above….

        this could mean either

        he moves south, then east, then west to Israel, meaning he is directly north of Israel


        he moves south, then east, then more east to Israel, meaning he is north west of Israel. That then, could include Europe as a possible point of origin.

  29. why many people thinks that the muslim is the anti christ ? the bible said that anti christ is someone who would pose as a prophet that will mislead us. doesn’t that rule out those who different religion to be one ?
    rather than that you should wary those who pose as a leader around you. see as some already makes a big drawbacks by make some gay-homo marriage. something that i can’t really understand as to why gay-homo couple needed to marry at all because they cant bear a child !

    • gguk

      there are some references in the book of daniel that describe the “beast” of the end times. it is a combination of ancient empires, and today these are muslim countries.

      there is also one place where the leader is called the assyrian…but of course, there are multiple interpretations to this.

      the babylonians, assyrians, chaldeans, ottomans were all arab nations that opposed Israel, and the antichrist would be on their side, or represent them.

      there also is the possibilty that the antichrist is not muslim, but he would still be opposed to israel, or a false friend, because he will invade israel and set up an image to himself for others to worship him.

      the antichrist is the lawless one, he opposes the laws of God, and persecutes the christians and jews

  30. To All,

    In posting this, I am not saying that the pope is the AC! Whether he is the false prophet or whatever, his actions show him to be anti-Israel. He is out in the open about it, much as BHO is. Francis is for Iran going nuclear and against Israel having nuclear weapons! That should delight BHO and the United Nations!

    Vatican Releases Pope Francis Official Papal Statement Supporting Obama’s Iranian Nuclear Deal

  31. To All,

    One more article for the day. Israel (the Jews) should be banned from the Temple Mount according to BHO!

    BHO, other countries in the Middle East, and the UN all come down on the side of the Palestinians and against Israel!

    Response from US:

    “United States State Department spokesman John Kirby condemned the clashes on Monday, stating, “The United States is deeply concerned by the increase in violence and escalating tensions surrounding the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount. We strongly condemn all acts of violence.”

    “It is absolutely critical that all sides exercise restraint, refrain from provocative actions and rhetoric and preserve unchanged the historic status quo on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount,” he added. The “historical status quo” Kirby is referring to is a ban on Jews on the Temple Mount.”

    Response From Israel:

    “In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Tuesday evening in a special security meeting that “rioters would not be allowed to prevent Jews from visiting the Mount,” a Foreign Ministry statement said.”

    Is the US blessing or cursing Israel?

  32. Marianne, I think we (the US as a nation) are so far down the rabbit hole, we can’t see the light of day anymore!

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