Nibiru (2) continued

Nibitu orbit

This is a continuation of the main page “Nibiru” –


For former comments and content, see first page.


Thank you.


extra pictures:

nibiru and sun 2nibiru 1nibiru and sun sunset westnibiru london nibiru parissunrise togethernibiru and sun filternibiru and sun no filter at sunsetnibiru 2 coordinatesnibiru 2 nibiru_and_moons_google_sky_2009nibiru sun and planets

986 Responses to “Nibiru (2) continued”

  1. james

    you said this

    “Your kidding me!
    You actually believe there is an entire solar system floating around the sun? And none of the objects are reflecting any light from the sun? “

    it is a dwarf star system. the “sun” does not give out any light. it is also much smaller than our solar system , with a much smaller dead star, and fewer planets.

    • Marianne, you wrote:

      “it is a dwarf star system. the “sun” does not give out any light.”

      Hmmm….so this “dwarf star”, a “star” or sun WITHOUT light….sounds sounds familiar…hmmm, like that BLACK Sun, the Black “star” (since the sun is a star) that the nazi’s worshipped…(it’s in their symbology and on the floor of one of their castles -Wewelsburg Castle:

      Well, that is what they are waiting for too….

      • this is not a symbolic object that is supposed to be is a physical one.

        however man worships all sorts of things.

        • Yes, it is not a “symbolic” object that is coming, I know that.A physical one…

          But, the “black sun” they, the nazi’s did and are still worshipping, is “symbolic” of this “dwarf star” or “a sun that does not give any light”… other words, a DARK star or a BLACK sun. Dark or black meaning, it has no light eminating from it.

          See what I mean now?

          • yes

            you have also seen my DEFCON 1 , first trump, asteroid posts?

            • Yes, I saw that. The Defcon post. But I think we still have a couple of years for this to happen….why? Because this is when the Beast (Antichrist) is “revealed” on the world scene. Perhaps he comes with a “solution” to the world tumult at that point. in my opinion.

              The dark star shows up, or is suddenly visible (or so “they” say)….which causes a tsunami to happen, which causes land in the Atlantic to suddenly emerge, which opens some kind of portal or stargate in the Atlantic (under the water) which lets the fallen ones break thru into our dimenson….ie: the “gates of hell” open up….and then all hell breaks loose before….then, after that, their “golden age” can commence with the Beast (Antichrist) ruling as the new world’s top leader, demanding worship and allegience.

              But he’s gotta get rid of those pesky monotheists: Christ followers & God fearing jews) in order to have that total worship like he wants.

              • The “gates of hell” opening are when the fallen angels/nephlim emerge from the abyss or bottomless pit as well. They are released at that point, into our present dimension, to help convince the world to worship the Beast….

                so to me it appears, the coming of this Dark star, is all tied together with the emerging of the Antichrist/Beast, who is possessed with the spirit of Apollyon – (see Revelation 9)that “ruling spirit” who is released from the pit when that “gate of hell” is opened.

                Nibiru, contrary to what some others say, is an important topic actually.

                • right now the gates of hell (in the sky) are opening…we have UFOs all over the place now

                  worse when the gates of hell (in the earth) open up

                  • Yeah, the openings (gates or star gates) in the sky are connected to the openings in the earth.

                    I wonder if the UFOs are just kinda waiting for that time when certain “gates’ open up on the earth?

                    Like they are waiting for a major “prison break” lol? To let their “friends’ out…
                    They are kinda getting a lay of the land, hovering over the skies…..messing with people’s heads…

                    Well, we know that the abyss “gate” is NOT going to open until Father God “allows” it too…..and lets His series of events transpire on HIS timetable..

                    It probably pisses them off too that they gotta wait!

                    That’s why all the illumined ones are always pushing the envelope, trying to “make’ things happen on their time table…well, that’s not gonna happen when Father is in charge.

        • First its a giant planet, then a dark dwarf star with planets revolving around it. Once it is a bright object, then it is a dark object. Can’t you see what is happening?
          Every You Tube idiot has his own twist on Nibiru. Since it is not real, they can make up any story they want about it and throw in a few charts and graphs and a few classy buzz words and they’ve got themselves a following, competing for ‘hits’ on YouTube.
          This is all a lot of fun for these idiots and they don’t care if they are messing with the minds and hopes of faithful Christians in the process. They are no better than hackers who enjoy screwing up peoples computers with viruses and such. They get their kicks scaring vulnerable people into thinking the earth will soon be destroyed and that they need to fear for their lives.
          Ironically, the world is going to be destroyed in part from the seals of Revelation but Nibiru is not one of them. Let‘s at least be afraid of the truth, not lies.
          Believe me, when the signs of God arrive, they will make the news. Everyone will see them, there will be no doubt. We will not have to turn to YouTube to get news of bible prophecies.

          • nibiru is supposed to be a planet revolving around a dark star with other planets…maybe 7 total

            nibiru is not dark. it is visible, and has a red hue to to the high presence of iron oxide

            • Now that is crazy. If Nibiru is revolving around a dark object there is no light to illuminate it. It would appear just as dark as the star it orbits.
              And where do you get the idea it is covered with iron oxide? Did the Sumarians have a spectrometer when they observed it? Don’t tell me… you read it on a YouTube site, right? Some idiot made up a story and claimed to know the size, color and orbit of something they never actually saw. And every so-called photo is either a white circle or a black circle. Not one photo looks like a real planet. Because there is never anything there!
              And where are the other six planets? Why don’t they also show up on these photos? You are claiming that an entire solar system is orbiting our sun and only You Tube idiots have seen them using photos that they didn’t even take. They claim to be smarter than the scientists that took all the pictures. And these astronomers are in the business of finding new objects! But you would rather believe the You Tube idiots just because you think their imaginary planet might confirm bible prophecy.
              You need these liars. They are bad for you and for all Christians.

              • If you read the whole revelation and studied it, you will understand the coming of the ‘Destroyer’ that will be coming from the south, also have you read the manuscript from the Kolbrim (that is the books not revealed in the bible) Christians are already being murdered by dozens. Study revlations my friend. Even the Christians will go through the wrath and only the faithful ones will be marked with tbe seventh seal by an angel coming from the East. Don’t be afraid and just believe. Good speed.

          • Read Professor TImothy Ferris’s, “The Red Limit,” and all these terms will make sense to you. It has been known for a very long time that something has been causing land and marine mass extinctions of varying degrees for millions of years. Beyond a certain chronology due to erosive, and metamorphic forces on earth that have destroyed the physical evidence of previous impacts, we are left with conjecture.

            It is not a lengthy book, but it clearly explains in common language the theoretical forces, their causes and origins, that have wreaked havoc not only on Earth but on the solar system as well.

            The topics I found most interesting and thought provoking were the hypotheses explaining the periodicity of events leading to physical and historical geologic changes on Earth and I think anyone who has an interest in the current debate over Nibiru and any other periodical occurrences should read this book to develop more complete understandings of the topics.

  2. transferring comment from assertio on page 1


    You say that if an object gets close enough then you have a program warning you. My question is it for Brown dwarfs as well? Can you increase the distance on the program?

    • The program is called “Asteroid Watch” and on my Mac it works as a widget rather than a program. You can get it from the JPL website:
      I’m not sure if they have a version for windows or android but the web page automatically detected that I have a Mac and that is what shows up for me. It only shows the next four NEO’s to come within 3 million miles of the earth. Since there are no brown dwarf stars within four light years of earth, they are not part of the equation.
      Maybe I’ll see if they have a version for my iPad too.
      You can scour the site for signs of Nibiru but I’m afraid you won’t find anything that will help you out. JPL has sent probes to asteroids and even crashed into a comet, so if they found a brown dwarf solar system nearby they would be sending a probe there for sure.
      But… nothing 😦

  3. transferring comment from assertio on page 1

    We were told in 1990 that me and my friends are Micheal/Jesus angels that will fight against satan angels on Nibiru in future. Some of has has passed 40 and we start to get litlle old to fight. So Nibiru must come soon. The info we got was lot of prophecies about future and almost everything has been fullfilled. So we know that the info we got came from G-d since the Bible says if someone says something unique about future and it happens then you know it comes from G-d.

    If you look at a map and you will see that G-d choosed a person from Irak/Turkey who is aramaic (Abraham). Sumerians where from Irak probably Aramaic. Thoose persons that told us we gonna fight against satan angels on Nibiru are Aramaic. When G-d choose people on Earth to talk to he Always choose Aramaic/Hebrew people.

    we have started to sharpen our knuckles. We know that time is running out.

    • ASS,
      Your comments are nonsensical and frankly a bit whacky. You seem to be reading a totally different bible than I am, but I’m not surprised since the ancient church fathers rewrote much of the bible, removing commandments among other things then adding the entire catechism of made-up stuff, so I shouldn’t be surprised that I don’t know what you’re talking about (does anybody?)
      If Nibiru does exist, it must be so far away that modern telescopes can not yet see. It. If it does show up, by the time it reaches the earth you will probably be in a nursing home (if you’re lucky) so you can forget about fighting demons from Nibiru with your friends.
      That part of your prophecy is false. You must have heard it wrong or something. Or maybe it was just a dream. All I know is that you won’t be seeing Nibiru any time soon. Perhaps when the Mayan calendar rolls over again 26,000 tears from now… if you’re lucky!

      • james
        you say you seem to read another bible then I am reading

        Rev 12:7-10 describes Micheal (Jesus) and his angels that is me and my friends fighting in heaven (Nibiru). we gonna beat the s-it out of them and they will be trown down to earth.

        how do you interpret Rev 12:7-10???

  4. more interesting info

  5. see the pictures I added.

  6. different filters….from july 17, 2013

  7. Maybe a shadow of Nibiru with IR video camera.

  8. here is someone who believes in Nibiru just as I do and he shows us some info about photography.

    • long video

      he needs to chat less, and just discuss science

    • These are the same idiots from above that use photos from a camera they have no conrol over. They said back in 2010 that the object would soon be visible to everyone on earth. They also said that the object would be slowly rounding the opposite side of the sun, but objects close to the sun travel faster, not slower. His physics are backwards. And yet years later, it still can’t be seen, even though we have traveled around the sun completely four times and still no one has seen it.
      Also, I checked the sky on the date they gave (May 7, 2013) and the planet Venus was right in the area where their object was spotted.
      Anyway, he claims at the end that it could take up to 10 years for the disaster to happen. In 10 years an object rounding the sun could be well beyond Jupiter. It only takes a few months for an object to go from the earth’s orbit, around the sun and back to the earth’s orbit. NOT 10 YEARS! That is physically impossible!
      This whole video is sheer nonsense. He wants to sell you a book. This is simply scare tactics. And see if he offers a double-your-money guarantee if nothing happens. Never trust anyone with an agenda, especially when it comes to money.

  9. starts to get dangerous ro talk about Nibiru

  10. Hey Adam,
    I finally saw Nibiru last night!
    I watched the movie, “Star Trek: Into Darkness” last night and the story began on the Planet Nibiru! Who knew Hollywood found Nibiru!
    Only thing, it was nowhere near earth and had a primitive civilization living on it, not Jesus or John the Baptist.
    Oh well, if Hollywood is right, then you are wrong.
    But if Hollywood is wrong… then you’re still wrong.

    • star trek is based on actual technology and info the americans already have.

      It sounds like you will be one of the first to drown when your tsunami and earthquake hit. too late to be a believer then….

    • James
      Adam is dead after a overdoze of jalapenos. I take over now as Nibiru fan. 🙂

    • James
      Yehoshua will not hold the doom when Nibiru comes here!

  11. james
    you talk about a comet ison coming in in november. have you ever considered that Ison is Nibiru???

  12. comet ison

  13. To All,

    Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Planet of Crossing” or “Point of Transition”.

    “The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq.

    As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk (a demon of great power and authority in Satan’s kingdom).

    This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias.”

    Those who believe Nibiru is approaching say that scientists do know all about it and are just covering it up. They also say governments (US, Russia and just about every nation seated in the UN along with da Pope) know about Nibiru and are not telling the general population the pending impact to the planet and civilizations.

    The original text tells me a great deal about this topic and those that received this “revelation”.

    “The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep” (Enuma Elish, Tablet VII lines 126-127).

    Click to access nibirunew.pdf

    Who is the shepherd and who are the sheep?


    “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long” (Psalm 25:4-5).

  14. good video clear view

  15. I had a dream this night and the dream said Nibiru will come here between the Earth and sun before 14 may 2018. 🙂 :-). 🙂

    • that might be about right……at least the 2018 part

      it will come at the 6th seal, when the sun turns dark, and the moon turns red, and the stars fall from the sky.

      this will be at the end of the tribulation and jesus comes for his saints at that time.

      once that happens, the trumpets and vials start, which is the WRATH of god…..

      i would expect the time of jacobs trouble to start in may-june of some year, and end in the fall of the year 3.5 years later.

      • Yisroel became a nation 14 may 1948 and Yeshoua promised to come back before this generation dies out and a generation is 70 years so the end date is 14 may 2018 and my dreams said Nibiru will come before this date.

        • ok , sweetie pie.

          anyhow….3.5 years before that means things will start in 2014

        • Adam,
          Dude, you swore up and down a year or more ago that Nibiru would get here by Christmas. And a couple of times before that. SO we already know we can’t trust your dreams.
          So dream on dude, at least you don’t have to have another Nibiru dream for another four years.

  16. sweetie pie.
    I am 40 years old and at last I got a titel!


    Now I can die happy!

  17. If you had said that I am in the same age as your daughter I would run after her 🙂

  18. Marianne. this is a great short video. Your gonna love it. Toward the end he talks about Planet X. They still cant see it, but (A Christian Astronomer)predicts it will arrive in march of 2016.

    Awesome video

  19. look at the size of the object…not a planet

  20. 1983 news article on this site, before the government became secretive about it

    Death Star – Planet X – Nibiru – UPDATE

  21. ★Planet X Nibiru Inbetween the Earth And Sun★CLOSEST to EARTH August 2014 – It’s Coming in FAST★Signs of the Coming Apocalypse★Pleiadian Message To Humanity★

    • I missed this post…
      So Nibiru coming in fast and will pass close to the earth in August, 2014 eh?
      Where was it? Where was the apocalypse? Not yet another wrong prediction! When are these Nibiru experts going to get their acts together?
      Slow, fast. Tiny, huge. Light, dark. Star, planet. This year, next year, 10 years from now.
      If one is right, then the rest are wrong.
      Don’t you know a SCAM WHEN YOU SEE ONE?
      You wanna buy a nice bridge in Brooklyn? 🙂

      • I think they put out a lot of DISinformation as to the timing of it….to obfuscate the real truth.

        But still….it is going to influence planet earth whether one believes it or not…

      • I never said anything about august 2014 or any other date….
        I am just watching and waiting…

        • Look at your next post upward:
          ★Planet X Nibiru Inbetween the Earth And Sun★CLOSEST to EARTH August 2014 – It’s Coming in FAST★Signs of the Coming Apocalypse★Pleiadian Message To Humanity★
          You posted it,even if you didn’t write it. Again, you support nut jobs by giving them space on this site. Then they let you down, as always.
          Will you ever learn?

          • i post what people say….I can only wait to see how it turns out..

            SOMETHING will eclipse the sun at the 6th seal

            • First of all it says the sun will be darkened. It won’t be eclipsed. Why not? I’ll tell you why not…
              The track of a solar eclipse is less than ten miles wide and darkness only lasts for a couple of minutes. Only a tiny fraction of 1 percent of people on earth will experience it. Surely any seal of Revelation could never be so specific that virtually nobody sees it.
              The star that falls to earth will be a meteor or comet that will kick up enough dust to darken the sun, moon and stars and may cause crop failures and famine throughout the world.
              Secondly, you should not post what people say IF THEY ARE BALD-FACED LIARS!
              I told you that a little research will quickly prove the You Tube idiots are making crap up. You only believe them because you can imagine a scenario where something like Nibiru could be responsible for prophecy fulfillment. Now you’ve got a dwarf star with 8 planets, many moons and a debris field coming at us. Just to account for a meteor a few hundred feet across. The whole idea is ludicrous and impossible from a physics standpoint. As a real astronomer or physicist what they think. If they agree with me then admit that the You Tube idiots are fakes and denounce them as instruments of Satan.
              I guarantee you you’ll have to do it someday, maybe later rather than sooner, but inevitably without a doubt.
              So there!

  22. “Oh brother, where art thou?”

    Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Planet of Crossing” or “Point of Transition”.

    “The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. (The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq.)

    As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk (demon of great power in Satan’s kingdom).

    This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias.”

    Those who believe Nibiru is approaching say that scientists do know all about it and are just covering it up.

    The original text tells me a great deal about the truth of the matter. It is demonic and not a planet. The above video is a joke – Oh brother!

    “The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep” (Enuma Elish, Tablet VII lines 126-127).

    Who is the shepherd and who are the sheep?


    “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long” (Psalm 25:4-5).

  23. Oh sister, where art thou?

    There is no plant.


    Then, you say the “Father” is in control. Amen. He is sovereign over this work of Babylonian pagan worship, which includes Nibiru.


    If this guy could take a picture of “it” then I could see “it” and millions of others could too.


    His camera created the spot. Happens all the time when you point a camera at the sun.

    Oh sister, how long will you post this work of science fiction?

    August 2014 should be the last time and maybe a retraction or an apology is in order.

    Where did you go to college? Did you earn a degree? Was it an ACC institution?

    Who do you work for – NSA or CIA, trying to spread disinformation?

    Now, I return to watching the closing of Being There.

    If Chancy Gardner was of mixed race, then the movie would be closer to non-fiction than Nibiru.

    I’ve visited the House a few times many years ago, including a picnic near the location where Chancy walked on the water.

    Pick your favorite Psalm

    • i do not know it if it is true or not, but many say it is

      this page is just to monitor the reports and stories.

      i am not living for this event….but I am curious to see what happens or does not happen.

      not everything is a camera flaw

      if it is true, it would explain the 6th seal, which is my real interest.

      i personally do not think anything will happen in august, not like that…other things may happen, but it is too early for the 6th seal.

      yes I got my graduate degree in science from a well recognized school….but it was NOT in astronomy…it was in biochemistry..

      so I am better at molecules than asteroids

      god bless you too. 🙂

    • These guys are real hypocrites. They require people submitting Nibiru photos to have actually have seen it with their eyes or else they can’t use them, yet their whole premise here is based on remote surveillance images from a government camera they have no control over.
      The problem here is that if it is really Nibiru, rounding the dun in a 3600 years orbit it could not possibly spend months or even years in the same location. In fact, every 6 months the earth moves halfway around the sun so Nibiru must appear on the other side of the sun – between it and the horizon or on the “right side” as seen from the northern hemisphere. Yet ever photo is always on the “left” side, at or near sunset. And if you believe every photo, then it is stationary and not orbiting the sun at all!
      And they ask you to use a program like Stellarium to verify their findings, but consider this… if Nibiru were a real object, Stellarium would already have it charted and you could follow it on their program. Their information is open source and comes from observatories all over the world, so as soon as it appears, a new comet or other object shows up in the program. I followed comet ISON from Jupiter till it broke up passing the sun, so where is Nibiru?
      Why does it only show up in YouTube videos and why does it appear in all different sizes, angles to the ecliptic and sometimes bright and sometimes dark?
      You know why…

      • from what is reported, it can only be seen in the southern hemisphere at this time…

        • First of all, if I set my Home Location on Stellarium to the South Pole, there is still no Nibiru anywhere. It is not in the database, which is automatically updated when it starts up.
          But consider this: Nibiru is always seen close to the sun. In fact for some strange reason it can only be photographed if the sun is also in the pictiure. It therefore follows that if Nibiru can only be seen from the southern hemisphere then the nearby sun should also only be visible there. Yet Canadians are enjoying lots of summer sunshine right now, and even in the dead ow winter they can see the sun for much of the day.
          You see, we live on a spherical, not a flat earth so the claim that Nibiru can only be seen from the southern hemisphere will only work on those who are scientifically illiterate. Which turns out is a lot of people nowadays.
          Also, they have been making this claim for years now and the earth has gone completely around the sun more than once so even if it was below the earth in say January, by June it would be at a completely different angle from the earth and would be visible from everywhere quite easily.
          No object can stay in the same location year in and year out except for the North Star which is light years away. For Nibiru to remain below the earth it would have to be self-propelled and not in a natural orbit, and still the many southern observatories around the world would have been tracking it for years.
          You should at least try not to fall for such claims that can be so easily dismissed.
          And finally, as you have already admitted, Nibiru is not wormwood. It would destroy the entire planet if it was. But there are many thousands of near-earth orbiting asteroids, including Apophis, that could do the job. So why believe in a hoax based on a false pagan myth? It is not necessary and even anti-biblical. I am confident that Wormwood is real and it will happen as described in Revelation. But to give any credibility to those liars and false prophets who claim they have seen something I know is not there would not be in the true spirit of prophecy that Jesus spoke of.
          You have let your enthusiasm cloud your common sense. You need to be skeptical of these fakers and be patient until a real sign finally appears.

          • why would you expect nibiru to be in a computer program?

            • Because the programmers add newly found objects (mostly comets) as soon as their orbits are determined. If Nibiru was real it would be entered into their database and would appear on their star charts.
              Unless you think they are part of the huge multi-government worldwide conspiracy to keep Nibiru out of the news.
              And yet the governments of the world are unable to block all those YouTube sites. Seems they don’t really care if people read about Nibiru on the web, so if the secret is already out why bother trying to hide it any more?
              It makes no sense.

              • they put in what they want us to know…

                you ACTUALLY believe the government….wow

                • The astronomy programs are created and run by private citizens contributing from many countries. Their governments do not censor them. They can’t be censored any more than the You Tube idiots who put up all kind of junk and lies.
                  I do believe the thousands of NASA employees, engineers and scientists, regardless who pays their salaries. It is their job to look for objects that may impact the earth and have no reason whatsoever to hide one when they find it.
                  The government has plenty of secrets and many for good reason. I knew things as a technician in the US Navy that were Top Secret and I had to be debriefed when I was discharged and had to take an oath of secrecy in regards to what I knew about Russian communication methods. And many politicians lie to keep their jobs and to get elected so I don’t believe much they say they want to do etc.
                  But as far as a world-wide conspiracy to hide the existence of a new planet, every government, every observatory, every school and every private amateur astronomer on the planet… No of course I can’t believe in such a thing being possible.
                  Given a choice between my government and some You Tube idiot whom I can tell is lying, I’ll take the government every time.
                  Remember Y2K and 2012?
                  Well you can soon add Nibiru to the list.

                  • so you represent the government on this website?

                    • When did I ever say that? All I said is that when I was in the military I had to keep certain secrets but it was not a conspiracy to deceive the American people. So I don’t mind that our government hides certain information from us. I expect it. But a planet on collision course with earth would not be one of them.
                      So what country could you move to where the government openly admits that Nibiru is coming?
                      Yootoobistan maybe?

                  • well, there you admit it…it is ok to deceive the american people and keep secrets.

                    nibiru is not on a collision course…it will merely pass by, and eclipse the sun but will be close enough to cause earthquakes, etc

                    some of its debris field may affect us.

                    • If you must know, the secret we kept was the fact that back in the 80’s we cracked the Russian communications code and were able to listen in on all the transmissions to and from Russian nuclear submarines.
                      Now tell me why you insist you needed to know that. Would you have blogged about it on line (if there was an internet…)? If so then you are not a loyal American. You don’t sound so loyal even now.
                      Do you yjink the State Department/CIA etc should release the names of all suspected terrorists that they believe are plotting against America just so you could recognize them on the street if you saw them?
                      Some things must remain secret. Its how we won WW2. Study your history. Stop whining that you can’t know everything the government knows. They are not out to get you. If so you’d be gone already. They may not be perfect but that is only because it is run by humans who are all flawed. But once the humans are replaced with robots, THEN we will see the type of government we all would like to have.
                      You just wait…

  24. Hercolubus: The Greatest Mystery Of The Modern Era

  25. Nibiru Visible To Everyone Now

    • This is a real joke.
      Note that the suns image is nothing but overexposed pixels or glare, extending out from the center in rings that get darker and redder as they spread out.
      Now notice that the dark planet image appears in front of the flare, blocking part of it out. If the flare is caused inside the camera, then the black dot must also be inside the camera. Anything behind the glare will not produce an image.
      Also note that as the camera moves, another tiny artifact appears from time to time in front of the black dot.
      And the two suns idea is just lunacy. Even the ancient Sumarians never reported two suns so clearly the lens on this guys camera is a cheap piece of crap. This is why astronomers, with expensive lenses, never see Nibiru. It only exists inside the lenses of You Tube idiots.
      And the minds of their gullible followers.

    • More crap!
      Shot with a surveillance camera (cheap lens… not for real photography) aimed directly at the sun. Note that there is bright glare across the area of the sun and the dark spot I’d right in the center – at the brightest point. This reversal effect is due to overloading of the image sensor causing a sort of shut down of affected pixels. This would not have happened in a film camera.
      These seems to be some backlit clouds as well, yet the “planet” is between the ground and the clouds.
      And come on, lets us common sense here. If a dark object actually were out there in space, how could we possibly see it? You can’t see the new moon since it is completely dark, so how would a planet, much farther away, be visible in the daytime with the sun shining right into our eyes? It makes no sense.
      And these guys have been claiming Nibiru on this Antarctica cam for years. If Nibiru has been hanging around the sun for all these years, it would have to be in a close orbit around the sun, not one that would take it out past the earth and then to Pluto and beyond.
      None of these images are acting like astronomical objects. They don’t look like them and they don’t move like them, therefore they ain’t them.

      • Jim,
        It’s unfortunate that you focus on the minutia to the exclusion of seeing the big picture.

        • I do see the big picture… It is all about a bunch of You Tube idiots out to scare as many poor fools as they can and gather as many “hits” to their sites as possible.
          History will prove me right. There is nothing else to be learned from Nibiru.

        • watchthebeast,

          Please don’t believe everything posted by Marianne.

          Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Planet of Crossing” or “Point of Transition”.

          “The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq.

          As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk (demon of great power in Satan’s kingdom).

          This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias.”

          The original text tells me a great deal about this topic and those that received this “revelation” of its proposed coming since 2003.

          “The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep” (Enuma Elish, Tablet VII lines 126-127).

          Who is the shepherd and who are the sheep in this pagan tablet?


          “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long” (Psalm 25:4-5).

        • watchthebeast and all,

          Nibiru was to be here by 2003. Then, it was to be here by 2012.

          What now? 2018?

          Once again –

          Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Planet of Crossing” or “Point of Transition”.

          “The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq.

          As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk (demon of great power in Satan’s kingdom).

          This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias.”

          Marianne suggest that Nibiru is approaching but scientists are not telling the public.

          Here is the history of this myth, pagan legion.

          “This story began with predictions that Nibiru, supposedly a planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. Zecharia Sitchin, who writes fiction about the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer, claimed in several books (e.g., The Twelfth Planet, published in 1976) that he has found and translated Sumerian documents that identify the planet Nibiru, orbiting the Sun every 3,600 years. Sitchin has sold many books about these Sumerian fables, which include stories of “ancient astronauts” called the Anunnaki who aided the Sumerians.

          Then Nancy Lieder, a self-declared psychic who claims she communicates with aliens, wrote on her Web site ZetaTalk that inhabitants of a fictional planet around the star Zeta Reticuli warned her that the Earth was in danger from Planet X, or Nibiru. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened, the doomsday date was moved to December 2012.

          There is no Nibiru.

          “The hypothetical world that may or may not be orbiting the sun beyond the orbit of Pluto has inspired many a doomsday theory. In the run-up to the much anticipated “Mayan Doomsday” of Dec. 21, 2012, the marauding Planet X was scheduled to make a inner-solar system dash, sparking gravitational mayhem, triggering civilization-ending solar flares. Some doomsayers held onto the crackpot notion that Planet X could be the fictional planet “Nibiru” that is inhabited by the Annunaki, an alien race hellbent on re-claiming Earth as their own.”

          1) The pictures of this “star” (as bright as the sun) are lens flare produced when a camera points at a bright source, an artifact also responsible for many UFO photos.

          2) As Nibiru approaches Earth (since 2003?), it should be increasing in size and brightness, visible to the inhabitants of the earth.

          In fact, if Nibiru were going to be inside Earth’s orbit (by 2003 or 2012 or is it 2018?) it should have already reached naked-eye visibility, and tens of thousands of astronomers, both amateur and professional, would be tracking it.

          3) The original text explains this topic and those that received this “revelation”.

          “The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep” (Enuma Elish, Tablet VII lines 126-127).

          Who is the shepherd? Who are the sheep? Who are all the gods?

          When folks get to close to New Age spiritualism, it has an affect.

          “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long” (Psalm 25:4-5).

    • A Sun from a different dimension? Another cheap-ass lens and idiot videographer. Well I checked the sun earlier and there is still only one sun.
      How about you? Seen another sun lately?
      Thought not.

  26. watchthebeast,

    Seems to me the Scriptures hold the truth. We are to ask the Lord and the Spirit leads us to all truth.

    Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long” (Psalm 25:4-5, ESV).

    Reading Babylonian tablets, comsidering visions from New Age religion zealots, listening to witches telling us what is coming (when it did not arrive in 2003 or 2012), do not align with the above verses.

    This reminds me of Saul seeking advise from an ungodly, demonic scorce (witch of Endor) in 1st Samuel chapter 28.

    Psalm 64

  27. How true!

    Nibiru is not a planet but a reference to a demonic portal.

    Nice pivot.

  28. The dates were given by those who said Planet X was coming.

    You confuse God’s work with the works of the devil.

    There is no Planet X.

    This story began with predictions that Nibiru, supposedly a planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth.

    Zecharia Sitchin, who writes fiction about the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer, claimed in several books (e.g., The Twelfth Planet, published in 1976) that he has found and translated Sumerian documents that identify the planet Nibiru, orbiting the Sun every 3,600 years.

    Sitchin has sold many books about these Sumerian fables, which include stories of “ancient astronauts” called the Anunnaki who aided the Sumerians.

    Then Nancy Lieder, a self-declared psychic who claims she communicates with aliens, wrote on her Web site ZetaTalk that inhabitants of a fictional planet around the star Zeta Reticuli warned her that the Earth was in danger from Planet X, or Nibiru. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened, the doomsday date was moved to December 2012.

    Psalm 34

    • sometimes, the natural truth is understoond by those who are not even saved.

      if nibiru is true, then it will show up in God’s timing.

      to me, something huge causes the 6th seal, and I wait to see if this nibiru or its asteroid belt plays a part

  29. Finally, DJ and I agree on something!
    I agree that “if nibiru is true, then it will show up in God’s timing.“
    If my guess at the timing is close, Wormwood won’t happen until around 2030, so perhaps a new planet could fly by at that time. I’ll give you that much.
    But I tell you now and believe me later, ALL of these YouTube videos are FAKE! It is way too early for Wormwood and anything close to the sun right now would be long gone by then.
    I also know this; There is no large planet with a 3600 year orbit that can come close to the earth or even the sun. If there are more planets beyond Pluto they are small, like Pluto and have a roughly circular orbit keeping them at a distance of at least 6 billion miles from the sun. You might as well claim that Jupiter is going to come in close and ram the earth.
    Only comets have the kind of orbits that is ascribed to Nibiru. And their orbits are rarely more than a few hundred years. And I agree that Wormwood may indeed be a comet. One hit in Russia about 100 years ago and did extensive damage in the wilderness. And no one saw it coming.
    So call wormwood what it really is and don’t use fake pagan myths and bogus YouTube videos to try to prove the bible is true. You do God a disservice when you seek out signs from fortune tellers and fakirs.
    You could easily disprove these You Tube idiots if you really wanted to, but instead you spend your time looking for more false prophets to believe in.
    On the up side, you give me a lot to talk about that is right up my alley, so my education is not going to waste. 🙂

  30. From Marianne on the Muslim 666 topic:
    You stated:
    “Ask any science teacher? most have a BS and do not know anything about science, or enough to barely teach their high school class.
    how do you know what is possible? i never said nibiru is real, I said it might be real, and have presented why people think it is. People who saw it in the sky…..from wherever they are on the planet, which seems to be the southern hemisphere at this time.
    I talked to someone who had seen it through the Huble telescope. and they did not take a photo and publish it.
    also Dr. Robert Harrington at the United States Naval Observatory has also testified that planet x was real… after he testified, he “died suddenly.” and russian scientists say it is real. they talk about it on russian TV.
    nibiru, if real, will not come on your schedule or demand, or on anyone elses….
    God is in control of this universe, no one else….and scienists here will NEVER be able to understand all the laws of physics that God has created.
    nibiru is a hoax to YOU….but I have said multiple times that I am taking a wait and see approach… you are not.
    and why would people suspect a topic like nibiru would be discussed on a page about muslims?
    you are a government shrill…and work for O……but I do not care… I suggest you put all your opinions before the Lord, and ask for answers, instead of making them up yourself, or listening to the propaganda you have been submerged in.“

    You say you know someone who saw Nibiru thru the Hubble space telescope? Really? Some guy with his own space ship? And he didn’t bother to take a picture… How convenient!
    But did you know that the Hubble is nothing but a remotely operated camera and all it does is take pictures? So your friend is just as big a liar as the rest of the You Tube idiots.

    You said that maybe Nibiru is not real, you aren’t sure, which means that maybe all these so called experts and people who say they saw it might be liars. And all I am saying is that I KNOW they are liars, just based on what they say. (Stuff that sounds real but is actually just crap).

    As for Harrington, he studied Pluto and its moon and was convinced there was a possible 10th planet (planet X – Roman numeral for 10) well beyond plutos orbit. This was before we had space proes out there which did discover a few largish objects orbiting way way out there.
    But these planetoids newer come near the sun, they are in standard planetary orbits.
    According to Wikipedia:
    They [Harrington and his partner] were both “courted” by Zecharia Sitchin and his followers who believe in a planet Nibiru or Marduk, who cite the research of Harrington and van Flandern as possible collaborating evidence, though no definitive proof of a 9th planet [Pluto was demoted to planetoid[ has surfaced to date.
    So, reports that Harrington discovered Nibiru are lies, plain and simple. Harrington died in 1993 of esophogeal cancer – not suddenly and mysteriously as you claim – way before Nibiru became a popular myth.
    As I’ve been saying, if you do a little research into history and science you will find that all the Nibiru stories are based on lies. Do you know how many thousands of lies you have to believe in to justify Nibiru? Doesn’t the bible say not to believe liars? You agree there is a chance that Nibiru is not real, so why not check into it a little instead of taking every liar at face value?
    Oh, that’s right, you’d rather wait till the Second Coming and then see if you were right.
    You’ve got more important things to do that check your sources.
    It is one thing to simply believe Nibiru might be real but it is something else to believe in lies.
    Sort thru the lies, then decide if Nibiru is still real.
    That advice is for everyone reading this.
    (Adam, you out there?).

    • you cannot take pictures or keep one, without the military’s permission.

      friend had a code to the telescope….control at china lake….to hubble,, all had to to is type in code and hubble would come up….later, this was cut off so that only military could access hubble.

      you have a lot of complaints and claims it is not true…..but no evidence

      just your refusal to believe…

      this is a big secret…the gov does not want public to know….

      • The military has nothing to do with the Hubble telescope. What do you think, they are planning to invade other planets or star systems? They have their own spy satellites for that.
        NASA runs the scope and they are not military. It is their job to look for new objects and study them, not hide them.
        So your friend is a liar, he never was able to control Hubble and it was never turned over to the military. And also, THERE IS NO PLANET NIBIRU, so there was nothing to see.
        The secret is… there is no secret! 🙂
        Just wait till you can personally see something for yourself. At least then you can be sure. Until then, you are just hoping and guessing.
        And you’ll be doing that for a very long time.

        • you believe a government that is planning on putting you in a FEMA death camp

        • Jim. You say no one has ever seen Nibiru.
          Nibiru was found in 1983 by NASA. You can Google Nibiru New york times 1981. Look at the second hit
          Liberty for life.

          • First of all, the article was about a possible 10th planet (X) beyond the orbit of Pluto which had been suspected since the discovery of Uranus due to slight changes in its orbit that were unaccounted for. Recent discoveries show several small objects out there which may account for these variations, but they are not the mythical Nibiru which is supposed to make a close pass with the sun every 3600 years. These are objects that never get within 4 billion miles of the sun so we will never see them. So if you believe this is Nibiru, then don’t count on ever seeing it.
            The Liberty for Life link took the real article (which I found) and made up some lies and republished it for gullible fools who are too lazy to look up the original article.

  31. I do not agree with the antisemitic comments in one of the videos

    but here is some information

    some videos are more useful than others


  33. Marianne,
    Here we go again.
    Well, with all the charts and graphs on this link, it sure looks like these people really know what they’re talking about. So I tell you what, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here since they claim Nibiru will be here on Dec 20th so we will soon know if they are real scientists or just another bunch of liars. I can wait that long to say. “I told you so.”
    But if you are right and Nibiru is the 6th seal, then the first 5 had better get here very soon, eh? I guess we will see.
    Or will we?

    • i am not holding to any dates…no matter what people calculate, God has his hand on things…..he controls when things happen….

      the 5th seal is here, but not yet in america……ISIS is beheading people…..and muslims have been doing it for 1500 years. every muslim country persecutes christians.

      all 5 seals will intensify before the 6th seal comes.

  34. Astro-theology and the Great Cycles of Time

  35. RED STAR KACHINA: The Greatest Unfulfilled Prophecy Of The New Millennium!
    …a detailed article with too much information!

  36. explain these photos…and it is not lens glare.. about the middle of the page

    a collection of links to other articles

    • Sorry but this is all bunk.
      The music video sunset showed nothing extraterrestrial. All common lens effects I’ve dealt with in over 50 years as a photographer. If you did any amount of scenic photography you would know what I’m talking about. All the comments are simply lies that would never convince any serious photographer of scientist.
      The video about Nibiru arriving in December and shifting the earths crust is total bull. The geology, the astronomy and the physics are completely bogus. I found at least 50 bald-faced lies throughout the video. It sounds like the plot of a bad 1950’s sci-fi movie. Complete crap.
      It is also not biblical. It doesn’t match prophecy in the least, and the authors don’t even try to link the two. They say we are controlled by alien beings and that they, not God, are in control of our fate. Nonsense. This is what you get when you depart from the bible to get your prophecy information. The Sumarians etc, were never God’s chosen people and had no insight into future events. Just look at the Mayans. They knew nothing. Kind of like the You Tube idiots that made up all this crap. All they’ve got is a vivid imagination and a knowledge of a bunch of science fiction and comic book stories. The word of God is not in them. They are deceivers and soothsayers.
      They are here to trick gullible people into worrying about stuff that will never happen. Unfortunately they have suckered in a bunch of Christians who are looking for any kind of signs of the Second Coming.
      But realize this; according to the laws of physics, any object that is where they say Nibiru is could never reach the earth in the 4 weeks there is left, according to their prediction.
      So there’s that…

  37. Please – read the fine print:

    “Our seafloors are melting from the magma underneath the oceans, as we see our second sun our earth is in the danger zone as our solar system collildes with Planet X and other planets. The following clips are for educational purposes and I hope we can all prepare in as many ways possible. The Zetas are another race of beings that have been communicating with many people about what kind of earth changes to expect.”

    The devil is in the details. 🙂

    If these are photos of Planet X (is it a planet or a star/sun?) and Planet X can only seen by those communicating with Zatas, then I’m not seeing Planet X as a planet or a star.

    Nibiru is a demonic spiritual event (gatekeeper) known to the Babylonians.

    Zatas (fallen angles) were communicating with humans before Babylon, Egypt and Stonehenge.

    Today, Zatas communicate with folks in Santa Fe and upon Bell Rock, Sedona and other occult locations around the world.

    Psalm 27

    • Marianne,
      To believe this, you must believe in an earth that is way over 6000 years old, which you don’t, so it would be hypocritical for you to endorse this theory.
      And of course it does not match the 3,600 year cycle of Nibiru. The video also supports the theory of evolution, so its got that wrong right off the bat.
      Also, whenever stars are paired (binary) they orbit very close to each other. So if there were an “invisible” star near our sun it would have been observed long ago, just based on its gravity and occultations.
      And finally, if there is a black dwarf, it is so far away fight now that we can’t see or sense it, so there is no way in hell it could reach the earth in time for the Second Coming, so we can forget about it for quite a long time – 10 million years according to the video.
      And besides, you just posted a video that says Nibiru will reach earth on December 21st – less than 3 weeks from now, so I’m really counting on seeing it in the night sky real soon.
      Aren’t you?

  38. Astronomer Insists There is a Planet X Four Times the Size of Earth Lurking at the Edge of Our Solar System

    • Wait a second,
      First you insist Nibiru is between earth and the sun and will be here this month, and now you say there is another Nibiru billions of miles away at the edge of our solar system? At this rate we are going to have a hail storm of rogue planets crashing into the earth in the coming years. God will have to piece the planet back together in order to finish the tribulation,
      For years now you have been trading one You Tube idiot for another with dozens if not hundreds of them proving to be complete fakes.
      Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But fool me a hundred times? That’s just crazy!
      When will you learn that they are all fakes. In the past and the future for all time? Every time you post another sighting you prove me right.
      At this point you are just grasping at straws.
      And I don’t think you’re ever going to catch one.

      • james

        I never said WHERE it was or WHEN it would show up

        i just said it was possible that it exists…..and could explain the 6th seal

        • The problem is that you are trying to prove God’s word with the word of liars. Would you ever use the Koran or the Book of Mormon to fulfil prophecy? No because you know those books are fakes. So why use other fakes and liars to do it?
          You can use the excuse that you don’t know much about science to prove them wrong, so you’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, but you already know that none of these idiots have been proven right, so either learn the science or stop trusting You Tube idiots for your bible prophecy.
          Telling people to believe in bible prophecy because YouTube says something slightly related is going to happen does not qualify as God’s work.
          But exposing false prophets would be more fitting, eh?

  39. Ptolomy was a scientist yet he believed the sun went round the earth.
    Sir Wm Herscel discovered Uranus and believed the sun was cool and hollow and that people lived there.
    The scientists in the video only proposed theories to explain why there seems to be an excess of comets every 38 million years or so. There is no evidence that these theories are true and other astronomers don’t agree that the theories properly explain the phenomenon anyway.
    They are no better than the people who theorize that the ancient Sumarians predicted the existence of nibiru while they have actually been shown to be wrong and have simply made up the story.
    And even accepted theories like evolution can be wrong, so these ideas are so unreliable they are of no use to bible researchers. Its like those people who believe NERO or Napoleon or Hitler will actually be resurrected to become the antichrist. Sure, they can claim anyone will be the antichrist, but it can’t be proven. All they can do is present innuendo or numerology or some other crazy calculations to make their case but a clever person could do the same for anyone who ever lived, so what is the point? You need to wait for Napoleon to appear ressurected and then you can claim he will be the antichrist. So you need to wait until YOU can see Nibiru and then you can suggest it may be the 6th seal. If a newbie was to read your blogs after all the false alarms about Nibiru, he might become so skeptical he would even give up on the bible entirely.
    You shouldn’t link the word of God to unreliable sources or it will make God seem unreliable as well.
    Can you dig it?

  40. Well Marianne,
    With only 4 days to go before nibiru‘s predicted aarrival by
    it is clear that there is still nothing out there. I’m sure people will continue photographing Nibiru by pointing their cheap lenses into the sun for the next thousand years, but nothing will ever actually appear.
    Too bad, this article looked so promising with all the charts and graphs and such, but it turned out to be just one more fancy load of bull by yet another You Tube idiot.
    Oh well. But don’t dismay, there will be another hundred You Tube idiots coming along soon to take this one’s place.
    And I’ll be here to put them in their place. 🙂

  41. Wow, this guy is a real nut job!
    He pretends that a diffuse nebula is a planet, showing us an object that is gaseous, not solid. And he falsely claims that such an object has a magnetic field capable of absorbing light that passes nearby. Something that even the sun can’t do. He either knows nothing about physics or is a bald-faced liar.
    Then he uses Stellarium to show how the stars disappear when he pans left or right on his monitor and claims it is the planet that is the cause! What he doesn’t tell you is that the program is not a live image of the sky. He is simply looking at a downloaded JPEG image used by the program to show the night sky. Does he think that when you tell the program to show you the sky 1000 years ago that it put you into a time machine so you can view the actual sky 1000 years ago?
    The effect is either in his monitor or the program itself, or the camera he used to record the screen. But it is not an actual live effect. It can’t be. And if it worked for Nibiru it should work on many other objects out there, all the time. The effect would be well documented and would be in every astronomy book ever written since such an effect would have to be visible to the naked eye (if it is truly an act of physics) so all sorts of stars should automatically disappear whenever a planet or the sun passes in front of them.
    But such an effect never happens. Why? Because it can’t, according to the laws of physics, So his so-called proof is complete hogwash. In fact it is just plain silly.
    And you too are silly if you buy into it.

  42. what is this planet or object in this video?

  43. The problem with this image is that the You Tube idiot gives us no references as to where the photo came from (just “NASA”) so that we can go there and reaad any reference materials in regards to where it is, what it is etc.
    Right now, black holes are just theoretical and none have ever been photographed. It would be out of context for NASA to claim this is a black hole. We only have this guys word that this is what NASA is saying about it.
    As far as it being a planet in our solar system, it can’t be. It appears to be lit from behind (if it were solid) so our sun should appear directly behind it. But he says it is in the southern skies at a right angle from the sun which means it should appear side-lit like the first quarter moon.
    What it appears to be to me is a dark spherical nebula directly between us and a more distant brightly lit globular nebula, but without and NASA references it is hard to say. But it is neither a planet or a black hole and this dude is just making an incorrect assumption that this is Nibiru. Apparently he wants to be the very first You Tube idiot to finally prove Nibiru exists but just like all the others, he uses NASA technology to get the photos and then claims either NASA scientists are too stupid to figure out what they just photographed or that it is a giant cover-up and NASA was too stupid to hide the photo before it was ever released. With all the supposed NASA cover-ups on hundreds of “Nibiru” images over the last 20 years you would think that they would have learned their lesson by now.
    But go ahead and trust another You Tube idiot over scientists with billions of dollars of equipment and lifetimes of study and knowledge of astronomy.
    See where that gets you…

  44. The above 3 part interview is interesting.

  45. Did you notice that the guy doing the talking was hawking his videos on Nibiru? All he wants to of is make a buck so of course he wants to scare the public with a bunch of lies and get rich off of gullible people. He admits he is not a scientist and all his info comes from other sources, mostly other You Tube idiots and storytelers who are just looking for some attention and their 15 minutes of fame.
    Notice he gives three different arrival dates for Nibiru which means no one has actual orbital data for it and nobody has even seen it yet. This of course is a scam to keep the truth shrouded in mystery in order to keep the myth alive and sell more books and videos. Just wait till the last arrival date comes and goes… I guarantee he will claim he has just discovered new updated information on the orbit of Nibiru and he will extend the dates for another couple of years. Actually, the arrival date has been extended from 1989 to next year already so one more extension is inevitable.
    Talk is cheap. He has no facts that can be verified, only innuendo and secret info that only he is privy to. And quoting bibe verses proves nothing. He makes up wild interpretations and states them as fact in order to try to prove his points. People like FLETCHER HAVE BEEN BEATING THIS DEAD HORSE FOR MANY YEARS NOW AND I SUSPECT IT WILL NEVER END AS LONG AS THERE ARE ENOUGH GULLIBLE PEOPLE WILLING TO KEEP THEM IN BUSINESS.
    Some of them right here on this site.
    Go figure…

  46. So Jim, in summary, instead of no smoke without fire, you think there’s no smoke without mirrors?

    • I’ve been an amateur astronomer since age 6, and I majored in astronomy at Case Institute of Technology so I know something about how astronomers work. They don’t hide their observations or pretend something exists that doesn’t. This guy is a con man with a slick presentation shrouded in secrecy. He is out to fleece the public and should be investigated for fraud. He is either dumb and misinformed or he is simply lying, take your choice.
      I think the latter.

  47. Imam još slika: )

  48. If you are referring to the cyan dot towards the middle of the photo, once again, for the millionth time, it is due to a reflection within the lens. It was generated from a lens element that was coated with a reddish anti-reflective layer which absorbed red light and transmitted blue light. The coating actually worked pretty well, leaving just the one circle of light. In cheaper lenses there would be multiple reflections which would obviously be lens flare even to the untrained eye.
    And here is another thing to think about. If this were a distant planet it would not be visible in the daylight. No planets are. Also, any object between the earth and the sun would show a phase – like the moon. Venus and Mercury always show as a phase (crescent, half, gibbous) but never a full circle. The left side of this object should be in shadow, if it were real, but it isn’t.
    Bottom line… you got nothing here. 😦

  49. 6~16~5997 (out of 6000) in this “Doomsday Apocalypse”.
    Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. Yahshua Son of Yahweh Returns
    VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM!
    Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah””

    RUMOR ALERT! Noticed this thread after doing research on the JADE HELM 15. In connection with it, I came across some videos on YouTube about a comet or asteroid hitting the earth. It is supposed to happen on 9~24~15 which this year is also Yom Kippur (Yahweh’s Day of Atonement). It is supposed to land a couple of hundred miles off of the Venezuelan/Brazilian coast. The closed Walmart stores in the Jade Helm states are rumored to be entrances to the underground built by the elites for their protection. Grocery stores are rumored to be closed by the end of August and supplies taken underground. The strange weather of the last year along with more volcanoes and quakes are said to be portents of such an event.
    The movies “Deep Impact” (1998) with Morgan Freeman playing U.S. president and “Armageddon” are said to be the elite’s warning of this event. Armageddon’s beginning narrator says that an asteroid will hit the earth. The events may be more like the movie “2012” or maybe that movie SHOULD be called “2015”. This movie begins with heavy rain storms in India and later tsunamis, etc. that an asteroid strike could bring. Meantime, the powers that be will be underground (not in a ship!)


  50. Where did you learn your science, in comic books?
    First of all, there is no comet or asteroid hitting the earth in September. The You Tube idiots of the world have made this up to sell books and supplies to gullible suckers. The screenplay writers wrote those movies out of their imaginations, not on orders of government scientists in order to warn the elite. The elite don’t believe those movies are real any more than poor folks.
    Maybe less since they’ve had better educations.
    Speaking of 2012… how did that work out for the millions of YouTube doomsayers? So now it is 2015. How do you think that is going to be any different? I sure hope it won’t be as horrible as that Y2K disaster.
    Wal-Mart as secret entrances to underground cities? Shades of Get Smart!
    You sound like a kid afraid of monsters in the closet. Well, I’ve looked in the closet and I’ve looked into the sky… there is nothing there.

    • jim

      jade helm 15 operation is preparing for something but they do not tell us what it is….we just know it is something serious by the massive turnout of military… we should prepare, and wait and see

    • 6~20~5997 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this “Secret Apocalypse”.
      Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. Yahshua Son of Yahweh Returns
      VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM.
      Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

      How do YOU know what may or may not happen this September?
      You write that there is NOTHING in the sky. It’s YOU that seems to be sounding more and more like an idiot.

      A number of movies have been made about planetary bodies striking
      Earth. I wanted to watch “Meteor” (1979) with Sean Connery and Natalie Wood. But Time Warner’s Demand says “channel problems” and I can’t.
      A really well-made Danish art film (in English) “Melancholia” , 2011, with Kirsten Dunst actually shows a similar situation as to what is now being reported on The Web. It opened in Cannes and Dunst received the festival’s award for her acting. The characters know that the “red body” is coming and will hit earth.Very insightful. I would like to watch it again.

      What is important about a celestial body striking Earth?

      “And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from Heaven, burning as it were a lamp. and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood; and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters; because they were made bitter.”
      Revelation 8:10-11

      Actually, I heard that the name “Chernobyl” is translated Wormwood in Russian. Fukushima is MANY TIMES worse than Chernobyl and we hear ALMOST NOTHING about it.
      It seems logical to me that the powers that be will soon SHUT DOWN The Web because it seems to be the only reliable news source for present and coming events. That. however, will still leave the Bible.

      The BIBLE = Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth!


      • You make the same mistake many here do… they fail to look for biblical signs in the correct order. The falling star is the 6th seal. Before it can happen, half the people on earth must die in the first four. You are rushing things in the hope of an early Second Coming.
        Scientists all know that Nibiru is a hoax – it doesn’t exist. There isn’t a known asteroid that will come very near the earth until “Apophis” comes within 200 miles in 2029. Perhaps it will hit us. If so, there will be plenty of time for the other seals to be opened. That is what I’m waiting for. But I’m not tossing out 5/7 of the seals to believe in a known hoax.
        BTW, I own the movies you spoke of. Plus every other SyFy disaster flick ever made since 1950 -“When Worlds Collide“ was my favorite for a long time. But they are only movies. The screen writers had no direct connection to God. And the Astronomy in the movies was just awful! The writers obviously knew nothing about the laws of physics and none of these movies could ever actually happen. So don’t count on anything similar to happen in the real world.
        So just knowing the bible won’t make you an expert on signs or fulfillment. If you look to the stars for your signs you need to study astronomy as deeply as you do the bible.

    • Hey Jim.,

      Who the hell are you, the hall monitor? How the fuck do you know what is and what isn’t going to happen? Stop trying to be a know it all. There is only one that truly knows, and you my friend are NOT him! So take it easy on people who don’t share your views, BARACK.

      • Yes, I AM the “hall monitor” on this topic. I’ve been studying astronomy since I was 6 years old, including 2 colleges, so I have been rebuking all the “Nibiru” photos on this and 3 other posts for ten years now. There are too many uneducated gullible Christians here that need to know the scientific truth about what is being discussed here. Do you really want to believe in a bunch of lies? Does God want you to just because you think the lies are proof of the Second Coming? If and when planet Nibiru ever arrives I will be the first to herald it. It would be the most interesting discovery in my lifetime, so I would be thrilled. The problem is the planet is a myth. It never existed in ancient times and doesn’t exist now.
        It is a shame that so many people will blindly follow the words of so many You Tube idiots whose only goal is to see how many hits they can get on their silly make believe videos. They are sheep being led to slaughter. And they go happily with great anticipation.
        So welcome to the herd.

  51. According to ABC news it is a joint military exercise for Special Forces and Seal Teams to practice for future operations overseas. You don’t think these teams learn to do what they do by reading it in books do you?
    Here in California there are constant fly-overs and practice bombings out in the desert. I’ve seen many in person while on geology treks. So did I freak out thinking they were preparing to take over the state? Probably not.
    And I don’t think these exercises are in preparation for anything internal. I doubt you could convince the military to attack their own country.
    But if you believe the conspiracy theorists, anything can and will happen. But then they’ve been saying exactly the same things for the last 50 years, maybe longer, and so far they are all batting zero.
    Same is true about the upcoming zombie apocalypse. And don’t forget the alien invasions. I could go on, but you get the picture.
    Too bad you don’t believe it. Guess you will just go on worrying.

    • abc news knows NOTHING….they are guessing….the government has OFFICIALLY said NOTHING.

      if military are practicing for overseas, then why are crisis actors being used as “sovereign citizens” sent to FEMA death camps, which have NOT been set up overseas?

      • Actually, one news station said that Texans were getting “riled up” needlessly about Jade Helm . This news seemed meant to reassure us that everything was just fine with “Jade Helm 15”, a massive military exercise in urban areas. Yeah, sure. And the massive radiation coming from Fukushima, Japan is GOOD for all of us!
        (Uncensored News:


    • Youtube idiots is the right term

  52. Mysterious large reddish sphere appears over California, Arkansas and South Africa (Photos)

  53. More beforeitsnews crap.
    None of these objects are planets. They are all translucent – thin and wispy, not solid, nor do they reflect light as if it were lit by the sun. They are not astronomical objects, nor solid objects of any kind. And they can’t all be Nibiru since they are all completely different appearing in different places in the sky. Two are definitely lens effects, the other is probably just PhotoShopped. But as I said, none look like what a planet would actually look like if one could ever get close enough to appear so large.
    And does anyone actually believe some guy just photographed a second sun that has never been seen before by anyone throughout history? Or that a star just snuck into our solar system without a single astronomer noticing?
    It is an intentional lie and I would never trust anything that this person has ever posted.

    • It is easy to see two suns. Go to a pub. And be kung in the bar. Go putside and look at the sun and you will definetly see two suns 🙂

      There is no Nibiru out there. Period! Case closed. I was one of the idiots that suspected that Nibiru was out there byt as Jim says. They are alk youtube idiots that tries to make money.

  54. Early (EARLY!) Second Coming? I expected His Return in 1968! For several years I have wished it WAS Day of Atonement, 1948, the year of my birth. 2018 is NOT too early for ME! Something very likely will happen on 9~23-24~2015 on Day of Atonement because Yahweh’s Holy Days are never mentioned in the media but THIS ONE IS. Underground shelter for elites has been prepared. YOU do not know anything about what is headed for Planet Earth! That is, you are BLUFFING!

    • Thanks for proving my point. You, like many, wish the lord would come tomorrow. Therefore you will believe anything, however outrageous if it proves the Second Coming is near, regardless of biblical signs that must happen first. I don’t need to tell you how many false predictions have come and gone in our lifetimes, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve said before what you are saying here – something big is going to happen this year… for sure! And I’m sure it will work out this time the same as every time in the past.
      But hope springs eternal. I’m sure when nothing special happens in September you will get back on YouTube and I’m sure there will be a ton of new posts about what is going to happen next year.
      For sure!

  55. 6~22~5997 (out of 6000) in this “Doomsday Apocalypse”.
    Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. Yahshua the Son of Yahweh
    Returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM!
    Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    I am not wishing that “the lord” will come. In Hebrew “lord” is a direct translation of the idol name Baal in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. LOOK IT UP.
    WHY do you use a Blood Moon as a gravitar when you seem to NOT KNOW the meaning of its appearance? The first blood moon in this series (2014) signaled the beginning of the final 3 1/2 years of the final 7 years to be followed by the final (120th) jubilee. And, YOU don’t think that the “star” in Revelation 8 can’t hit earth very soon??


  56. First of all:
    Deu 10:17
    For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:
    And there are a dozen more just like it.
    As for my gravatar, I’ve been photographing the moon since I was six years old. It got me into both astronomy (which I went to college for) and photography, which I’ve done professionally since high school and even now in retirement. I blog on this topic because I recognize junk science and photographic and lens effects that many people claim are Nibiru.
    I took my blood moon picture myself and I have photographed all 3 of the last eclipses, so I know all about these tetrads. Most of my photos were part of a tetrad, which occurs on a regular basis.
    As for this tetrad heralding the Second Coming, that depends on how long you think the gap will be to the actual Second Coming. Certainly not less than 4 years, perhaps more then 15. If that fits your timetable, then sure, these eclipses are a sign of the Second Coming.
    But I’ll bet what will happen will be that people will wait with baited breath for a few months or more after the next one, then scratch their heads and start looking for something else to believe in.
    That’s my prediction,,, What’s yours?

    • “And it shall be in that day, saith Yahweh, that thou shalt call Me Ishi (My husband) , and shalt call Me no more Baali (My lord). For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.” The word of Yahweh to Hosea in
      Hosea 2:16-17 Holy Name Bible, Restored Name Versions

      This happened for me in the early 1970’s!

      Read my posts and you will find predictions in them ALL. The dates on most of my posts TELL YOU where I believe we are on Yahweh’s Calendar.

      Yahshua the Messiah can return on ANY coming Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). You will know that if you understand Bible Eschatology.

      But what does it MATTER to you if you have chosen to have THE MARK OF THE BEAST?
      he Mark of the Beast = the #666 in Greek, Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web = Christos Zeus (Zeus the Savior) with a CROSS (X as in Xmas!) = Christianity’s (The Vatican’s) idol Jesus Christ!

      My understanding is that this cycle of four blood moons won’t be repeated again for 500 years. Past cycles have predicted trouble and triumph for Israel and /or the Jewish people.Jade Helm 15 (7~15~15, New Moon) and 9~23,24~15 Day of Atonement, possible planetary collision are ALL possibilities in these FINAL DAYS.


      • Wow, you really are anxious for Jesus to return. Skip the 21 judgements and the 2 witnesses and go right to the Second Coming.
        Oh wait, at least you are including the 6th seal, so that should be enough. Too bad there definitely won’t be any planetary collisions this year. Anything big enough to do any kind of real damage would have already been discovered by astronomers around the world. So the possibility anything big hitting on us this year is virtually nil.
        And exactly what are you saying is the mark of the beast? Your description makes no sense to me.
        Also, Jesus will return on the Feast of Trumpets and take His throne on the Day of Atonement. How else can He fulfil that Sabbath? Or will He skip it like skipping 20 of the last judgements with one that will never happen?
        I’m afraid this year will be for you just like all years past. A fervent expectation of the Second Coming, but in the end… no dice.

  57. The seals have been happening for CENTURIES! The first seal, the rider on the white horse represented the rise of the Vatican (THIRD CENTURY AD!)

    The Mark of the Beast? Again, for the umpteenth time!

    Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott Free on The Web

    The #666 = the pagan name Christos Zeus (Zeus the Savior) with the MARK of the CROSS (X as in Xmas!) This pagan name has been “morphed” into “JESUS CHRIST” the evil name of the image (idol) of the beast (Vatican).

    “Come out of HER My people!”, Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4

    Having this MARK, you are in NO position to KNOW what is going to happen TODAY, TOMORROW, or during the REST of this brief amount of time left! However, YOU are in a perfect position to RECEIVE THE PLAGUES!
    You seem to just come on these threads to try to knock down any rumor of TRUTH that you can. However, by doing so, you can’t do anything against the truth ONLY FOR IT. HA!


  58. I do believe the Vatican is the beast that will issue the mark of the beast. It will be forced Sunday worship clearly breaking the 4th commandment. If it is simply using the name “Jesus” then the number of churches with the mark will be… ALL of them. It means that the bible itself is the mark. But I seriously doubt that God would send His wrath upon His people just for using the wrong name when talking about His son. It must be the breach of the law. Daniel noted that the beast (Vatican) would think to change laws and times, and the only law with a time is the 4th. Now, that said I’ve always believed that after Christ takes His throne we will not call him by His Greek nickname, but His Hebrew name, perhaps Joshua or even Josh to His closest friends, who knows for sure, but the name “Jesus” will no doubt be discontinued, but not punished for.
    As for breaking rumors, yes, that’s me. I’ve been doing it for well over ten years and so far I’ve been right every time. Do you know how many crazy stories have flooded the internet in the last 25 years. All sorts of doom and gloom, global disaster, world wars and civil war rumors. Not to mention Y2K and 2012 Mayan calendar predictions. Did you see all the 2012 web sites selling disaster supplies? Millions of gullible people were hoodwinked into spending billions of dollars for nothing. And religious web sites were perhaps worst of all. Thousands of predictions of biblical events, and not a one has been true. I will hold my record up to anyone. And when I predict something is going to happen you can hold me to it. But not making false predictions is just as important as making correct ones. Many people on this site have been making bold predictions for years, an so far their score is zip.
    And anyone predicting Nibiru will ever show up is certain to be wrong. It would be like claiming a bolt of lightning will soon hit the great pyramid and it will vaporize and disappear. It just isn’t going to happen.
    Geez – I hope I didn’t just start a new internet rumor.

  59. this is for jim and defender…..interesting about crop circles and what they could mean

    however, this does not mean i agree with any dates

    • I can’t believe anyone would waste this amount of time to come up with these crazy calculations and theories and to put together all the graphics and animation for this nonsensical video.
      But the science is junk. No planet can “hide” behind the sun for more than a week or two due to the revolution of the earth around the sun. And any object coming from deep space could be seen long before it gets close. There is no way it can sneak up on us by staying behind the sun for a year or two unless it is a space ship and can perform all sorts of fancy maneuvers to stay hidden. But then it wouldn’t be a planet and his whole astronomy theory would be a waste of time.
      Plus the guy believes that there are space aliens out there who have travelled trillions of miles just to stomp down some corn. If they really wanted to warn us they would have landed on the White House lawn and spoke to Obama in person. A message that could only be deciphered by a single You Tube idiot wouldn‘t be worth their fuel and time to create the message in the first place. And they would be smart enough to realize that.
      Are you?

  60. 6~24~5997 (out of 6000) in this “Secret Apocalypse”.
    Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. Yahshua Son of Yahweh Returns
    VERY SOON. Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM.
    Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    Jim, at first it seems to me that you are a Seventh Day Adventist because that church seems to be the only one or one of few teaching that
    “The Mark of the Beast” is Sunday worship. But SDA’s have been taught that the two horned beast of Revelation 13:11-18 is the U.S. Government that enforces “The Mark of the Beast”.

    The TRUTH is not defined by YOU or ME but by the Bible!

    Yahweh’s wrath comes on all who choose “The Mark of the Beast” by refusing to be SEALED in the Names of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua. CHRISTIANITY (WHICH IS ROMAN CATHOLICISM!) is the religion of the beast (Vatican). The image (idol) of the Beast is named “Jesus Christ” and in Greek this pagan name contains the MARK of the CROSS. Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott meaning of the #666.
    Apparently, YOU are NOT one of the WISE who has understanding (and can even READ the Greek translation!) in Revelation 13:18. Also, it is blasphemy when you equate Yahshua’s Name with that of the Vatican idol. And, someday soon you will be very ashamed of YOUR own record.


    • I don’t know much about the SDA but the 2-horned beast is the Vatican, not the US government. Its image, the pope (the False Prophet) has a title that adds to 666 in latin. You forget that 666 is the number of a man, a human being alive during the tribulation.
      Who is your man? Just a few words, but not a person. I gave you a prophetic reference that the mark will be a commandment regarding time. You gave me nothing. If you are right anyone who owns a bible will be guilty. Surely God would have given some scripture showing what the mark is. Please show us that scripture. Otherwise all you have is an opiinion.

  61. BP earthwatch does not seem to be an idiot….actual picture uncovered in google sky

    • This object is not a planet. It was supposedly hidden by NASA for many years and only now revealed. So in truth, it is stationary, otherwise it would have traveled a great distance if it was within our solar system.
      This looks like a red giant star and probably quite far away. It is exuding energy – visible light (at least( and probably other types of energy. It is not a planet of any kind, neither rocky (earthlike) or a gas giant. It is not reflecting light from the sun.
      But if this were Nibiru, it would disprove thousands of so-called Nibiru photos showing the planet right next to the sun. This thing is in the opposite direction for half the year and could never appear between the earth and the sun. So someone is lying, but that is nothing new. There are many hundreds of different locations posted for Nibiru, all at the dame time, so there must be an awful lot of liars out there.
      So believe this is Nibiru if you want, but I’m sure you will soon find another, even more convincing video proving they have found Nibiru. So if you believe this is Nibiru, you must reject all the other bozos and follow this object until it finally hits the earth.
      But Nibiru watchers are like babies who like anything that is shiny. They will believe every single video even though they all contradict one another. Just look at all the recent posts and you will know what I mean. Of course, no one here knows anything about astronomy, so to them, all the videos are true since they can’t tell the difference. But give it a try. See if many You Tube idiots are all excited about the same object, observed and catalogued at different times by different people.
      You might be surprised.

      • Hi Jim,

        I have a non-critical question for you.

        I’m one of those people who know nothing about how to evaluate these sky charts. I noticed the coordinates for this winged object were 5h 42m 21.27s 22 36′ 47. 36″ on the following youtube video:

        which was posted three years ago on Jun 18, 2012.

        A few days ago the link at gives the coordinates as 5 h 42m 21.0s 22° 36′ 45.7″

        So I’m just trying to understand this. You said the object is stationary. How can I prove this by comparing these coordinates?

        If it is stationary, why do the coordinates seem to be a little different?


        • The accuracy of the coordinates depend on the calibration of the telescope / mount. Consider taking two vehicles across the country and compare the two trip odometer readings at the start and finish of the trip. It is highly unlikely the two odometers would read exactly the same. So slight differences in the coordinates are to be expected.
          But if this were an object in our solar system close enough to appear as large and bright as this object it would have moved at least 30 degrees in 3 years. Jupiter moves almost 90° in that amount of time.
          So, if the tiny fractions of difference do represent real motion, it is going to take a few hundred thousand years to reach the earth, and that’s if it were heading straight for us.
          Also, I entered the coordinates into a specialized a astronomical web site ( and here is what I found:
          Query : coord from ident 5: 42: 21.27 +22: 3:? 47. 36 radius: 4 arcmin
          Basic data : sendBySAMP
          SDSS J211556.85+215908.2 — White Dwarf Candidate
          DA white dwarfs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 and a search for infrared excess emission.
          Abstract (from CDS): We present a method which uses colour–colour cuts on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) photometry to select white dwarfs with hydrogen-rich (DA) atmospheres without the recourse to spectroscopy. This method results in a sample of DA white dwarfs that is 95 per cent complete at an efficiency of returning a true DA white dwarf of 62 per cent. The approach was applied to SDSS Data Release 7 for objects with and without SDSS spectroscopy. This led to 4636 spectroscopicially confirmed DA white dwarfs with g ≤ 19; a ∼ 70 per cent increase compared to (Eisenstein et al.)’s 2006 sample. Including the photometric-only objects, we estimate a factor of 3 increase in DA white dwarfs. We find that the SDSS spectroscopic follow-up is 44 per cent complete for DA white dwarfs with Teff ≳ 8000 K. We further cross-correlated the SDSS sample with Data Release 8 of the UKIRT (United Kingdom Infrared Telescope) Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Large Area Survey. The spectral energy distributions (SED) of both subsets, with and without SDSS spectroscopy, were fitted with white dwarf models to determine the fraction of DA white dwarfs with low-mass stellar companions or dusty debris discs via the detection of excess near-infrared emission. From the spectroscopic sample we find that 2.0 per cent of white dwarfs have an excess consistent with a brown dwarf type companion, with a firm lower limit of 0.8 per cent. From the white dwarfs with photometry only, we find that 1.8 per cent are candidates for having brown dwarf companions. Similarly, both samples show that ∼ 1 per cent of white dwarfs are candidates for having a dusty debris disc.
          To simplify this report, they are discussing stars that have excess hydrogen and a dusty debris disc around them. The horns on this star are simply extra hydrogen being ejected from the stars surface. Similar to solar flares seen on our sun – nothing all that unusual, but worth studying.
          So now we know the truth about this Nibiru sighting. That’s what they get for publishing the coordinates in this information age.
          So start looking for new Nibiru sightings out there. I’m sure if you look hard enough you just might find some.

        • nice and jim

          maybe this only works well when the planets are in the same elliptical plane as we are. if nibiru exists, it is said that it is out of plane with us by at least 45 degrees. also look at the pictures at the end of the post….EXPLAIN them…they are not all “lens flares”

          • You just proved I’m right.
            You say the object is inclined at LEASY 45 degrees to the ecliptic, but note the Declination – 22 degrees 36 minutes. So this object is over twice as close to the ecliptic than it is supposed to be.
            Plus this object has already been identified and catalogued. SO give it up, its just another Nibiru hoax.
            And what photos are you referring to and what post? I don’t see any at the end of this post.

            • look again if you do not see photos at the end of the post ( article above)

              • I assume you are talking about the photos at the top of this page. In that case they prove my point. There are maybe 6 or 7 photos of the sunset, with lens flare as usual all over the web.
                The 2 gaseous ring nebula photos are a deep space object which I’ve seen thru my telescope when I was 16. It hasn’t moves.
                The last photos, nowhere near the sun,
                The last 2 photos are from a star catalogue were taken in 2007. The coordinates are printed on the photo so I went there and guess what… nothing has changed. The star is in the same location, it hasn’t moved and the array of planets that are supposedly orbiting the star are in the exact same locations – so they are not really circling the star or else they would appear in some completely different orientation.
                Once again, giving away the coordinates (+time) disproves the entire theory. And note that this object is completely different than the one in this video, so someone is definitely lying, but I’ve already proved they are both liars, just like the last 200 photos you’ve posted over the years.
                So there.

    • Did you watch this?
      One of the authors claims that people live on Nibiru (-370°F) came to earth and populated it. So there is no God, but space aliens created man in their image. All of our ancient civilizations (including ancient Israel and Egypt) were built by aliens. And you trust this guy with your bible prophecy?
      There were a lot of videos of meteor falls, which are real. The sixth seal indicates just such an event. You don’t need a planet, black dwarf, death star etc to fulfill the prophecy. So following myths and fake videos (real pictures plus a lot of lies) is just a waste of time. Why do you want to prove God’s words with a bunch of lies?
      Stick with the bible. Reject the You Tube idiots. They are nothing more than false prophets.
      Jesus waned you about them, why don’t you listen?

  62. AGAIN! Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott Free on The Web!


    In Greek, the three Greek letters/symbols = Christos Zeus (Zeus the Savior) from which the pagan name “Jesus Christ” was developed by the Vatican of which CHRISTIANITY is its chief religion (but also Islam is its spawn known as “The False Prophet”).
    The pagan name “Jesus Christ” is the name of the image (idol) of the beast (Vatican). This is the NAME of the anti-Messiah deceiving the world and it seems ESPECIALLY YOU!
    Yes, the Pope MANY TIMES in history has claimed TO BE “Jesus Christ on Earth” and apparently has a crown that says that in Latin adding up to the #666 in Roman numerals. Some SDA’s believe that the Evil One known as Satan will appear as “Jesus Christ”in the final time.
    By the way, the King James Bible is the Vatican’s masterpiece. That’s WHY the Pilgrims LEFT England in 1620 when it was published. You SHOULD have learned that a very long time ago! Yes, everyone that chooses to REMAIN in Christianity AFTER hearing the truth as it is in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua is GUILTY of choosing “The Mark of the Beast”.
    I chose to be SAVED and SEALED in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua A VERY LONG TIME AGO.

    WHY haven’t YOU??

  63. So Islam is the False Prophet? The False Prophet is killed at the Second Coming, so will all Muslims die? And shouldn’t a prophet be a man? Where in the bible did we have a prophet that was more of an idea than a person?
    Your interpretation takes too many liberties with language, and it seems to be solely based on language.
    To you, anyone who calls themselves a Christian is satanic so all of Christianity will have the mark. Well, we all know the true name of the savior and I can program my spell checker to replace “Jesus” with “Yeshua“ if it would shut you up. But would that really bring me closer to my God? You think that using a different word makes you more holy and more loved by God than everyone else?
    Well, I believe that since the word “Jesus” can be translated into “Yeshua” it means the same thing, at least to believers of the faith, and if God knows what we mean He won’t punish us for using a foreign word in a foreign language. (English IS foreign to the bible).
    I think your idea of the mark of the beast is petty and silly and no one here should give it much thought, mostly because it is wrong and there is a real mark they need to worry about.
    And it’s not a chip!

  64. No, Mohammad was (and is!) the false prophet in Revelation. If you do NOT think he was a prophet please tell that to all of the Moslems you meet.
    And, if you tell them he was a FALSE PROPHET, you better run for cover.The False Prophet is thrown into “The Lake of Fire” after the Second Coming of Yahshua. Your brain has a very SERIOUS problem with NOT connecting facts. and translating the Bible.
    Yes, sadly ALL Christians have “The Mark of the Beast” whether they KNOW this or not. They receive the plagues when they have refused to believe In the Father (Yahweh) and Son (Yahshua) and hold on to pagan Babylonian idols.
    Yeshua is NOT A NAME!
    The Son’s Name (Yahshua) contains His Father’s Name (Yahweh) as He said that He came in IT, John 5:43. Yes, believing and worshiping in the Son’s Name Yahshua means SALVATION. You lie when you state that the pagan name Jesus the Christ (Greek: Zeus the Savior) is translated into the saving Name Yahshua the Messiah which is HEBREW for “The Salvation of Yah”.

    CHRISTIANITY being “The Mark of the Beast” is NOT petty and/or silly.!

    In fact, it’s VERY SAD and HORRIFIC to be deceiving most people on earth.

    Because you endorse lies making fun of the truth and seem very ignorant
    and determined to be so, I would NOT take seriously ANYTHING you write about ANYTHING!


  65. 4y
    Messiah is Hebrew and means the anoited one
    Christos is Greec. and means the anoited one

    Stop with this zeus bullshit

  66. 6~27~5997 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this “Final Apocalypse”.
    Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. Yahshua Son of Yahweh
    Returns VERY SOON. Pray NOW to be SAVED and
    THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    DSS, are you meaning “anointed” and “Greek”? I shared with you
    the meaning of the #666 in Greek. You SHOULD be wise and look it up.
    Instead, Sadly, it seems to me that you are choosing to be rude, stupid
    and LOST.

    In my opinion CHRISTIANITY is the MOST DECEIVING religion on earth.

    “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4


    • I’m still trying to understand your interpretation of prophecy.
      You say being a Christian will be the mark of the beast, so how do the verses about not being able to buy or sell apply? If the false prophet is Islam. What do they prophecy and how does it relate to Christianity?
      Do you have an antichrist in your interpretation? How about a 7 year tribulation and a New World Order? So far all we know is that Christianity is the mark of the beast, so what, only messianic Jews are saved?
      What about Hindus and Buddhists, how do they fit in? When is the Second Coming? Will the 2 witnesses appear first? If the Second Coming is this fall, where were the seals? Why don’t Christians have the 7 last plagues by now?
      You say a lot of stuff but you don’t refer to the bible. Of course all bibles are evil since they refer to Jesus and Christ, so what are your references? I can’t make heads or tail of your story so if you want to convert me you must give me more than the same definition references over and over again.
      Come on, show us the meat.
      Or at least a taste.

    • 4yah
      Nt is full of miracles and fullfilled prophecies and the Bible tells us that miracles and fullfilled prophecies comes from G-d. Protestantism is deceiving religion not Christianity. Now they are marring homos in their church.

      Matthew 16:18 = Vatican

  67. 6~28~5997 (out of 6000) in this “Doomsday Apocalypse”.

    It appears that you are some kind of shill and willingly will NOT understand the truth but only try (TRY!) to shoot it down! Many times I explained the Greek translation for the #666 in Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web.
    I really HATE reading like a “broken record” by constantly repeating myself.However, the LIE of CHRISTIANITY is always broadcasted but NOT the truth. Those who keep and choose “The Mark of the Beast” (the pagan name Jesus Christ with the MARK of the CROSS) will be able to buy and sell. After all, pagan Christianity is now the religion of the U.S. Christians will also receive the plagues. Islam works in tandem with the beast (Vatican’s Christianity, Communism, and etc.) They teach some of the Old Testament and expect a savior called a Mahdi. Allah is actually the name of a moon idol.
    Yes, the Pope and world leaders under him are anti-Messiahs , against Yahshua and His Father Yahweh. People like me that reject Christianity and its idols may be called the “anti-Christs”.
    Bush Seniors 34 year “New World Order” under The Vatican’s Christian Cross has been here for a very long time! Web Search: “Bush Nazi Family Connections”.
    Please notice the date I use in most posts. It will clue you in to WHEN I believe that Yahshua will come unless the time is cut short. I do not believe that He will return this fall. The last year will bring most of the plagues.
    The seals have been going on for hundreds of years (especially the first three horsemen).
    You are saying all Bibles are evil. I never wrote such a thing. You will not
    make heads or tails of “my story” because you do not prayerfully consider it. You only keep trying to shoot it down. But you can’t because it is the truth. And, you are lost by your own false belief. I do not “convert” anyone.
    That is the work of Yahweh’s Spirit Who convinces us of the truth.
    We who are “wise” will believe, Revelation 13:18.


    • Once again all I get is double-talk. Does anyone else here understand any of this? What is this 34 year New World Order created by Bush Sr. and the Vatican? Show me a news report on that one. He is not even catholic. And how can the 2nd horseman have happened hundreds of years ago? Jesus described it as the greatest conflict that ever was or ever will be. And that it would directly precede His return. You seem to be generalizing Revelation and not taking it seriously. You can’t explain the buying and selling verses so you ignore them.
      And you claim that Christianity and Islam are working together, yet Muslims are killing Christians by the thousands, so where is the partnership? And if my bible contains the word “Jedud” is it still holy, still the word of God or must I burn it to avoid the mark?
      O.K. I finally found your web page:
      From the page:
      This PROPHECY will happen according to Yahweh’s Timing NOT mine. However, it is coming VERY SOON!
      My prayer is that if it DOES happen on 10~4 Yahweh will shorten the time of Yahshua’s Return to
      Day of Atonement, 2015. For me, 2018 seems like a VERY LONG stretch to continue to endure!
      1948 (Re-birth of Israel) + 67 (Beginning of Final Jubilee Year , 6 Day War Jerusalem totally under the Jews = 2015!
      1967 (Start of Final Jubilee 50 years, 6 Day War,) + 48 (Re-birth of Israel in one day) = 2015!
      So when this was originally written you believed that this would be the year of the Second Coming, but you were wrong, obviously. Yet you claim that even 2018 is too long, so we are looking at next year or else 2017. But the 2 witnesses have yet to appear and since they preach for 3-1/2 years, if they appeared next spring, the Second Coming couldn’t be until 2019. If you are right, the witnesses are in Jerusalem right how, so who are they?
      Don’t tell me you are going to ignore an entire chapter of Revelation to keep your timetable.
      Sorry but your theory is full of holes and can’t be justified by bible prophecy. But you and John should get together since you are both on the same tight time line and use the same dates in history and rely on the jubilee theory.
      Maybe you can cry on each others shoulders when your theory falls apart. You’ll have a lot of company on that day.
      Oh well, I checked you out but found you lacking.

      • in the past 2000 years, we have seen antichrists, war, famine, pestilence, death and disease, and martyrdom……so i agree that the seals are open…

        but to me they will climax and then the end will come

        • We have also seen great earthquakes and meteor strikes, so are we on the 7th seal? Forget Nibiru in that case, the 6th seal is over.
          Jesus gave us a definitive time frame – after the fig tree blossoms – 1948. He also said when we see ALL these things happening our redemption is near. He also said the final war will be greater than anything in history so He wasn’t referring to every war in the last 2000 years. What kind of prophet would He be then? Anyone at any time could have predicted that in the next 2000 years there will be war, famine, earthquakes etc and they would have been correct. Would you put God into that category?
          No, the seals are for the end time only. He spoke of what would happen just before He returns. The first event was the fig tree. Everything else happens afterward. We shouldn’t water down prophecy to the level of commonly occurring events. The seals will be major events of biblical proportions. You can count on that. Stop jumping the gun trying to get prophecy to happen before it is supposed to just because you are anxious for the Second Coming.
          Keep waiting. Be Patient. Be vigilant.

    • 4Yah

      i agree except for the use of the name jesus christ….

      my name in hebrew is miriam hannah….but if someone calls me marianne, it does not mean I am pagan or fake.

      if one follows the original teachings of yahshuah / yeshua, and know him for who he really is, then they are christian, even if they use the name Jesus.

  68. 4yah

  69. Really, I do NOT know what YOU are trying to prove. “Bismillah” in Arabic means, “In the name of Allah”. Looking up the phrase I find NOTHING resembling what you have placed here. NONE of the Arabic characters are the SAME. as the Greek letters/numbers for the #666 in Revelation 13:18.

    Allah is not even a translation for the idol name “God”. It’s the name of an ancient Moon idol!
    In Greek the #666 = the pagan idol name “Jesus Christ”.
    Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web

    Quit TRYING to call it something ELSE!

  70. It does not mean 666. The picture to the right is the oldest picture we have from Rev. 13:18. It says bismi….. not 666. There is no 666

    • 6~29~5997 (out of 6000) in this “Doomsday Apocalypse”.
      Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. The saints believing in Yahweh and
      having salvation through His Son Yahshua are SEALED and SAVED.
      Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

      The picture to the right is the Greek translation for the #666 in
      Revelation 13:18. Greek Diaglott is Free on The Web. IT DOES NOT MEAN BISMILLAH (Arabic meaning in the name of Allah) and NEVER did!.
      You are lying over and over again and are accountable to Yahweh for EVERY false word that you write.


    • Apparently, you can’t or WON’T understand GREEK.
      The Romans (including the Roman Catholic Vatican) adopted it from the GREEKS. like they did A LOT of other things. By the way, the GREEKS preceded the Arab’s Islam by hundreds of years. And, the Vatican preceded Islam!
      You can KEEP repeating this LIE but it will still be a LIE!


      THE #666 = the pagan idol name of Jesus Christ with a CROSS (X as in Xmas!) Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott Free on the Web


  71. Marianne, sadly, it seems that you HAVE missed the WHOLE POINT of salvation through the Almighty;s Only Son Yahshua
    Instead, by holding on to one of the deceiver’s many pagan names, the most notable one, you may have LOST eternal life. ( I sure am happy that I am NOT your judge!)
    I would not write these words now if I had not witnessed to you years ago about the truth of Yahweh and Yahshua. TheTRUE believers, the saints of Revelation 14:1, are NOT Christians and they reject that name! They definitely are NOT believers in the pagan idol name of Jesus Christ (that comes from the Greek idol Zeus the Savior, The Mark of the Beast. )
    Marianne, this may be one reason that you seem to have spiritually ignorant and rude posters on the few threads that I have been on. They seem to attack the truth with vengeance. and keep doing so.
    May I suggest that you,instead of having so many threads (and possible other interests) prayerfully re-consider the spiritual path that you are taking? Really, each of us can always make a u-turn if there is still time. Salvation and eternal life are MOST important! The Evil One does not care if you THINK that you are saved. If you are spiritually deceived and still think that you are saved, he KNOWS that you are LOST and he HAS you!
    This test came to me when I was like 22 and a new mother. There are many decisions in my life that I regret making. However, choosing to believe in Yahweh the Father and Yahshua His Son has never been one of them. And, that was like 43 years ago!


  72. Jim, you KEEP saying that I write predictions with my posts. I always say “may” or “could” but NOT “it will happen then”. I said that 2018 seems too long to wait and it does. However, everything will happen according to Yahweh’s timing and HIS calendar NOT ours. I have been witnessing about Ezekiel 38 – 39 since the early 80’s. Your link reminds me about doing just that.
    It’s possible that the attack will happen this coming Yom Kippur (9~24~15). Actually, the average person on the street might not know the difference between an asteroid attack or a nuclear one. The elites will be in underground bunkers mo matter what happens because they have been warned publicly. (French Foreign Minister with John Kerry at televised news conference in May. Said that there were 500 days to solve the climate crisis. The ending date is 9~24~15, Yom Kippur. YouTube videos)
    You have your prophecies all mixed up and without Yahweh’s Spirit cannot
    understand anything anyway. The powers of Islam and Christianity work together to bring more of the world under the Vatican. Bush Sr. most definitely is Catholic (at least in private.) How else can he serve the Papacy? You really seem to have NO IDEA about what is REALLY going on! SAD!


    • 4yah

      Bush is protestant, do not trow over his sins over my Church. The Pope believes in a 2 state solution for piece and he is not alone with that idea, but I think it is a misstake. The Pope has no evil agenda.

  73. Ezekiel 38-39 won’t happen until AFTER the Second Coming. It may be part of the Armageddon final wars or even later. Note the order of events in Ezekiel and you will see I’m right. And since when is America attacked and not Israel? I though you read the prophecy. Plus, in the end, God destroys the invaders before they can even start doing damage, so there is no need to hide in bunkers.
    Bush Sr. is only secretly catholic in your mind. Reporters follow his every move and watch all his communication. If he were to contact someone to set up a plan to bring people under the Vatican it would have been all over the news. And who go you think he was talking to exactly? Who is in charge of all Islamic affairs? The Iranian Ayatollah? Who?

    And ISIS just declared to Rome that they are coming to destroy the Vatican and the Catholic church. Islam hates all other religions. They would never team up with the pope or an American president for any purpose.
    I don’t know what you think is going to happen and I don’t think you know either. You have latched onto an old antichrist theory about Bush that never panned out. You need to get on the new bandwagon. Don’t you know that Obama is the new antichrist? Next it will be Hillary and then who knows. This has been going on since Nixon was in office.
    Sorry but you are lust another conspiracy theorist relying on internet gossip and You Tube idiots for your information. If it takes lies and gossip to prove your interpretation then I simply wouldn’t trust it.

    • AFTER the Second Coming?? When Yahshua returns His reward is with Him. Revelation 22:10 IT’S DONE! The righteous and wicked have already been determined. No more wars coming!

      Order in Revelation and other Scripture like Ezekiel seems all mixed up. Only those with Yahweh’s Spirit CAN understand the order. You appear not to. I wrote that BOTH America and Israel are attacked. Again, THE VATICAN IS IN CHARGE.
      You better believe that the Bush family is Roman Catholic in reality.
      Why ELSE would the Vatican give them the power
      Islam was started by the Vatican and probably will be destroyed by the powers that fight for it. (Vatican does not have armies of its own, just those of nations like the U.S.)

      Web Search: “Bush Nazi Family Connections”.

      Putin went to see the Pope not long ago. B.O., a Bush puppet does also. ISIS was started (and possibly controlled by the C.I.A.). I have written here what I believe will happen. It seems to me that you just can’t read and/or UNDERSTAND just contend for false prophecy!


      • Yes, after the Second Coming.
        Follow the order of chapters:
        EZE 34 Promise of the Saviour
        EZE 35 God’s Punishment – Day of the Lord
        EZE 36 God‘s Promise
        EZE 37 Valley of Dry Bones – the resurrection at the Second Coming
        EZE 38-39 War of Gog / Magog
        EZE 40+ Vision of the millennial temple
        Your concept that Bush is somehow controlling ISIS, Islam and the Vatican is ludicrous. Everything is based on YouTube videos made up by young kids with nothing better to do than make clever videos and prank as many people as they can. And you’re not in on the joke. You have not a single fact working in your favor and you even need to rewrite the bible to boot! Your whole concept is built on lies. Sure they are lies that you actually believe, but they are in reality just lies.
        But as you say on your site, you’ve been making predictions (setting possible dates) for 30 years. And when they don’t happen you just say, “I only said they were possible.” Same thing. Nobody ever sets “definite” dates in prophecy, they are always just “possible” but if you believe them, then you will be expecting them to go down.
        You sound here pretty definitive, giving them as warnings that we need to prepare for.
        I can only say one thing definitively. Your interpretation will never happen. Like Nibiru, it is only in the imagination of You Tube idiots. If you were even close to the truth I might consider it. The Vatican is Babylon, that much you have right, but the rest of your story is flakier than dandruff.
        Start working on a new time line and stop using YouTube for your news and science.

        • 7~2~5997 (out of 6000) in this “Final Apocalypse”.
          Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. Yahshua Son of Yahweh
          Returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

          SHALOM! Ezekiel 37 has long been taught as the re-birth of Israel
          and revival of the Jewish people. ( I personally believe it is the revival of the descendants of Jews who come to faith in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua in these last of days. ) NO ONE but YOU believes that it is the resurrection at the Second Coming. You misconstrue EVERYTHING possibly because you hold on so stubbornly to “The Mark of the Beast”. I do not have a site. Can’t you tell that is a post like I do here?
          Bush WORKS FOR THE VATICAN that means under it NOT controlling it! I present FACTS. You present LIES. Let every reader here decide.

          You keep pointing your crooked finger at everyone, calling us idiots and fools. And LOOK, you have three fingers pointing right
          back at YOU! Get a clue!


          • I can only guess as to your interpretation of End-Time events, but it seems that you think that both Christianity and Islam will be destroyed together which is why you are trying to lump them together into some sort of a coordinated set with similar goals or something like that. I really can’t imagine your scenario because it is too outrageous to try to comprehend.
            I don’t know what you thing Bush is doing to help the Vatican, and to what ends he is aiming. What does he get out of the deal? Where is your proof of what he is doing? And what IS he doing?
            All you have is some combination of different theories and I think you interpret the term Babylon to indicate the religion of the people who live there today, as many here do. But the term is Mystery Babylon which refers to an ancient Babylonian religion that still persists in the Catholic church to this day. That is the “Babylon” that will be destroyed, not the people who live near the ruins today. The bible doesn’t prophesy that way.
            But until you take a stand on what you think will happen in the next year or two all I have is some babbling on you blog post which you copy and paste from all the time, and it mostly just shows calculations showing the Second Coming on 2015. Everything else is nonsensical.
            Do you have an antichrist? A New World Order? The war of Daniel? Armageddon? All you have is the War of Gog, then the Second Coming. No other explanations, you toss out all the scriptures that you can’t use.
            Well, that just means we can’t use YOU for any reliable interpretation of end-time events until you give us something more then that silly “FREE ON THE WEB” page.
            Lets have it… eh?

        • Ezekiel 28-39 talks about the events during Revelation 8-11 timeframe. You always have to keep in mind where the events run in relation to Revelation.
          Ezekiel 34 talks about false Shepherds (ministers who give milk sermons) and lead people astray. Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
          Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
          It talks about coming out of the church. My favorite passages in 34 is the talk about the New Covenant found in Jeremiah 31:31-36 and the full fulfillment of it in the Messianic Kingdom.
          Here is one that caught my attention.
          Eze 34:17 And as for you, O my flock, thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle, between the rams and the he goats. Matt. 25: 32; Mal 4:1 (Nibiru)
          Elohim judges not only the false leaders, but also those who trample on the poor (v. 18).
          Malachi is the last prophet of the Hebrew canon. Malachi means “My Messenger” in Hebrew. In essence, Malachi is the final “Messenger” who sums up key issues within the Hebrew Scriptures not only in a conclusive summary, but more so in the way of a Hebrew legal summary. The issues stated in the prophetic book of Malachi are all important issues that do not yet have “legal” resolution in the Creator’s agenda: the fate of Esau’s descendants; the restoration of the Temple; the unification of the 12 Tribes; the final Great Day; just to name a few.
          In this idea of a much needed conclusion of the Creator’s legal docket, we can see in Malachi’s last words, at the very end of his prophetic narrative, his legal summation regarding the “Day of the L-rd”, otherwise known as “Yom YHWH” in the Hebrew tongue. What the prophet Malachi states is truly astounding and should put the reader on notice:
          Malachi 4:1-3
          Malach 4:1-6 covers the Day of the Lord and the nature of God’s judgment to the wicked and refine His people (Matt 3:12; 13:24-30). This is a coming day of salvation and blessing for those who fear Him (Mal 3:1-6; 3:16-4:3). 4:1-6=3:19-24.
          Mal 4:1 For, behold, the day cometh (Day of the Lord; Zeph 1:14-18), that shall burn as an oven (a day of purification (3:2) and blessing (3:17)); and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
          The fiery element of the coming day echoes similar images in eschatological passages such as Joel 2:3-5 (see Psalm 21: 9; Isa 31:9). The wicked may seem powerful, but they will be removed, both root and branches, from the earth like dry stubble thrown into a furnace.
          The Day of Atonement Judgement(Armageddon)will be a day just like the day Yeshua died. There will be both a solar and luner eclipse on the same day along with an earthquake in Israel just like it was at the first coming of Yeshua. It will be a time when the sheep nations will be divided from the goat nations. The goat nations will be going to the lake of fire and brimstone but the sheep nations will go into the messianic kingdom and become the guests at the wedding feast.

          Actually Jim, Ezekiel 35 talks about the destruction of Edom/Islam which was the taking out of the Turks and the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1948. Seir is Edom/Islam/Turks who ran Israel between 1517 and 1917. Also Chapter 35 talks about the final cleansing of the land from Edom prior to the second coming of Jesus in the year of Jubilee.
          What is going to happen at the great Exodus or second exodus is that God will provide a super highway for His people to go directly to Israel on the Day of Trumpet and also a parting of the seas and that is when the final cleansing of Islam will occur from the land of Canaan and all of Islam will be destroyed and the Dome of the Rock is destroyed and all Islamic mosque’s destroyed and also all Catholic Churches are destroyed as well including the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem. Only Synagogues will be left standing. And also to be destroyed is all Islamic homes and this is according to Deuteronomy and Levitical laws.
          Chapter 36 is the New Covenant with Israel and Judah which is partially fulfilled by the church age but will fully be fulfilled in the Messianic Kingdom.

  74. WOW! To those who have been anointed by the Spirit of Yahweh, CHRISTIANITY (including present-day Protestantism) is now only Roman Catholicism The Pope believes in the death of Jews (through the ages). SADLY, YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY UNDERSTANDING ABOUT THE SAINTS OF REVELATION 14:1 or history!

    “The Pope has no evil agenda?” WOW again! You are so weighted down by “The Mark of the Beast” (Revelation 13:18) that it appears that you will never SEE THE LIGHT and be saved through faith in Yahshua the Messiah, the Son of Yahweh. VERY SAD!


    • After all sins Bush had commited and tarnished Christianity and the final humuliation is to call him a Catholic.

  75. You can criticize the Vatican to recognize “Palestine”. But you can not criticize pope to work for peace. The Vatican has apparently believes that a two-state solution is necessary for Israel to make peace. The Pope is, as you well know, is not the only one who believes that a two-state solution is a solution for peace. So do many Israelis, I and many others think a two-state solution is wrong.

    The Pope’s statement about the Koran and Islam, choose the media to distort and interpret negatively. It is the media’s strategy against the Pope and the Catholic Church. We, if any, that are friends of Israel know how the media works. But having said that, the Pope’s task is to convey the message of Jesus, to try to find plenty even where there is darkness. He is the one who will highlight the good that is in the Koran (it is, after all, crumbs in it). It is up to others to inform decision-makers about the evil that exists within Islam.

    The Pope has repeatedly condemned terrorist acts targeting Jews, Christians, Muslims and all other people. Do you really missed it? What more can he and the Vatican do? The Pope has no police or army at his disposal. The West has police and armies, but they do almost nothing to protect Jews in Europe or Christians in Syria and Iraq.

    But will the Pope be murdered for it? Or accused of being a Nazi or leftwinger? That he is the Antichrist? Idolizers? And all other taunts and hateful statements directed against his person. When it is not about criticism of what he says but more about some kind of personal hatred against the Pope and the Catholic Church in general.

    • The Vatican through the ages has KILLED the Jews along with the saints of Yahweh in numerous programs and inquisitions. If you choose to remain in CHRISTIANITY which is and always has been pagan, the blood of the righteous slain will fall upon you, meaning that you will suffer the final plagues.
      Oh, and the Vatican started the Moslems, Nazis, and Communists. LOTS of innocent blood on the Vatican’s steps!

      “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4

      • 4yah
        It is like discussing with muslims. Rev 18 is USA. San fransisco and now gay marriage for all states. Vatican is against homosex, abortion, adultery etc.

      • 4yah

        I think it would be more accurate to call the vatican “catholicism” rather than christianity….

        • 7~3~5997 (out of 6000) in “Doomsday”.
          Yahshua Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON!
          Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM!
          Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

          Marianne, please tell me ANY BELIEF in CHRISTIANITY today that is not now in Roman Catholicism. This includes the pagan names of deities, religious holidays especially;y Sunday worship, Xmas, Easter, and on and on! Mystery Babylon is the mother of harlots (false churches). She (CHRISTIANITY) is the chief religion of the Vatican (beast of Revelation 13:1) But there is also Islam and support for other false religions.

          This is WHY Yahshua says:

          “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah
          in Revelation 18:4.

          Sadly, that CROSS you hold on to so tightly could become your anchor in “The Lake of Fire”.


          • it is still catholicism…no matter what name it uses.

            what would you call true christianity, if you have to use a correct name?

            the bible called it the Way…is that the term you use?

            the cross, by the way, was and is real.

  76. From “Jana Bain“ way above somewhere…

    “…If you read the whole revelation and studied it, you will understand the coming of the ‘Destroyer’ that will be coming from the south, also have you read the manuscript from the Kolbrim (that is the books not revealed in the bible) Christians are already being murdered by dozens. Study revlations my friend. Even the Christians will go through the wrath and only the faithful ones will be marked with tbe seventh seal by an angel coming from the East. Don’t be afraid and just believe. Good speed. …”
    I’ve read Revelation about 50 times and I understand it completely (finally).
    Are you claiming that Apollyon is Nibiru? And it is hiding under the South Pole? Say what?
    Of course Christians will go thru the tribulation, but the true church will be protected. Babylonian Christianity will be purged. No rapture, no Nibiru.

  77. DSS, it seems to me that you are now terribly deceived by the beast and his image (idol) i.e The Vatican’s cross with its “Jesus Christ”. Last night I was thinking about it and suddenly I remembered way back to when I was about 18.
    At that time I was really seeking the truth and what to believe. None of my family were Catholic and none very spiritual. I briefly considered becoming a cloistered nun. This was because I heard that they spent their time being devout and studying the Bible. My heart may have been in the right place but if I had made THAT choice THAT decision would have sent me on a very wrong path. Shortly after this experience I chose to go on a path that lead me to the TRUTH as it is in the Father and Son (Yahweh and Yahshua). My prayer is that you, too, will find THAT way or even seek it. It’s NEVER too late to make a U turn towards LIFE!


  78. 7~4~5997 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this secret “Final Apocalypse”.
    America’s Original Day of Independence 7~4~1776
    Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. Yahshua Son of Yahweh Returns
    VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM.
    Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    Christianity is not a word that I identify with as I came out of it 43 years ago.
    (So, you see that these “end times” have been here for a very long time and soon to come to a close.)
    “The Way” sounds great. Yahshua the Messiah said, “I am the way , the truth, and the life. John 14:6 I usually say “Assembly of Yahweh” or “Congregation of Yahshua”. A little more avant-garde term is “of the Yahudim”. I have not used the word “church” either. It comes from the Greek word meaning “building”. Incidentally, “true Christianity” is absolute paganism.


  79. nibiru you tube guy quotes NASA

    • Marianne, thank you for this video! How sadly ironic it is. They report on the (faked) moon landing (1969), Mars, and etc. but NOT about a celestial body that is heading for us! We are in the last segment of time. That “star” hitting earth could happen anytime soon!


    • OK folks,
      Here is the true story on planet 10. (X). As it mentioned, all the distant planets from Uranus out were discovered by the pull they have on the next planet in. So Uranus was discovered by watching Saturn, Neptune by watchng Uranuis, and so on out to Pluto, or planet 9. So after watching Pluto and Neptune for a while they detected something beyond Pluto tugging on planets 8 and 9, so they surmised that there must be a planet 10 out there somewhere. The problem is the outer planets move so slowly it takes a long time to notice perturbations in their orbits making the search very difficult. They estimate the 10th planet to be 60AU from the sun or 5.5 billion miles. So even with a highly elliptical orbit like Pluto’s it will never get any closer to the sun than 5 billion miles, so we are completely safe from any planets past Pluto. Besides, the Voyager probe has already discovered over 50 planets (planetoids) beyond Pluto, so numerous they aren’t worth naming, so I think the search for planet 10 has lost its steam.
      But the point is that it is not a rogue planet that is headed for the earth. Just a big rock, very very far away. It is NOT the mythical Nibiru – that still does not exist.
      As for the other star-like image, that thing is over 3 times larger than our entire solar system so if it passed thru even the Sun would be wiped out – completely, so you can toss that one out as a Nibiru wanna-be.
      From NASA:
      In 1984 Beta Pictoris was the very first star discovered to be surrounded by a bright disk of dust and debris. Since then, Beta Pictoris has been an object of intense scrutiny with Hubble and ground-based telescopes.
      The disk is easily seen because of its edge-on angle, and is especially bright due to a very large amount of starlight-scattering dust. What’s more, Beta Pictoris is 63 light-years away, closer to Earth than most of the other known disk systems.
      Though nearly all of the approximately two-dozen known light-scattering circumstellar disks have been viewed by Hubble to date, Beta Pictoris is the first and best example of what a young planetary system looks like.
      So, it is 63 light years away. So even if it was moving at the speed of light it would take 63 years to get here, so simple physics keeps it from getting here this year. As I said – forget about it! And nowhere does it say it is any closer in 2012 than 15 years earlier. That was a lie.

      So once again we have a liar, liar pants on fire You Tube idiot trying to take valid NASA research and twisting them into looming disasters. People have been doing this since the internet was invented. And guess how many of the tens of thousands of impending disasters have actually happened?
      So why did anyone here think this YouTube video would be any more correct than the last 50,000?
      Thanks… for nothing.


    Now as we come to the conclusion of the study of Nibiru, I am going to post the updated verses from the description of the effects of Nibiru before going further with the article.
    When a large planetary body suddenly changes its rotation, or undergoes a polar shift, the rapid forward movement of the surface of the earth leaves the atmosphere (the first heaven) behind and as it pushes forward into the oncoming atmosphere. It rolls the atmosphere into a huge “roll cloud” leaving a vacuum in between.
    The subthermal outer atmosphere quickly (wind speeds of hundreds or thousands of miles per hour) fill in the huge vacuum with temperatures approaching absolute zero, in an instant quick freeze. Such a mechanism is suggested also just prior to the Noachian flood with the remnants of the frozen mammoths in Siberia and also a sudden change in latitude as a new north pole found a new home on this Planet Earth.
    The dark sun is several times (5 to 8 times) larger than Earth and about a hundred times denser is heading our way on a trajectory that will soon take it close enough to cause global catastrophes which include:
    1) increasing extreme behavior of the sun.
    2) increased warming of the earth core and surface. 2016, 2017 ALL THE PLANETS ARE WARMING UP TOO, NOT JUST EARTH – SO IT CAN’T BE CAR EXHAST OR SMOKE STACKS–Gill Broussard talk.
    3) coronal mass ejections (CME) of the sun, blasting harmful X-rays and UV radiation in deadly doses onto the earth.
    4) failure of the power grid and the entire infrastructure that relays on electricity through a interstellar electromagnetic pulse (CME), may be caused by North Korea as well.
    5) terminal failure of all electrical equipment which is not shielded properly.
    6) the collapse of the earth’s magnetic field which is now shielding us from cosmic and solar radiation. As a result all organisms and exposed plants without proper protection will experience.
    7) extreme heat and scorching from the sun (Rev 16:8; 2 Pet 3:10).
    8) severe or deadly UVA, UVB, and gamma (X) radiation. Boils on the body (Rev 16:1,2)
    9) overexposure to cosmic rays. Boils on the body (Rev 16:1,2)
    10) dramatic increase in meteoric/asteroid impacts on the planet (stars falling from the sky; Rev 6:12-17).
    11) severe and abrupt violent climate changes.
    12) wild swings in temperature.
    13) torrential rains.
    14) huge snowfalls.
    15) record hail storms; hailstones (Ps 18:12-13; Isa 28:2, 17; Ezek 13:13; 38:22; Isa 30:30; Isa 32:19; Hag 2:7; Rev 8:7; 11:19; 16:21). Joshua 10:11-13 stones from heaven
    16) increased seismic activity in number and in strength.
    17) more great and catastrophic earthquakes (Isa 2:19. 21=Rev 6:12-17; Isa 22:5,9; Isa 5:25; 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Rev 16:18=Isa 2:10-22).
    18) widespread volcanic eruptions that will also darken the skies (Ezek 38:22).
    19) mass animal deaths (Zeph 1:3; Jer 12:40; Hos 4:3).
    20) a radical tilting of the earth’s axis.
    21) a tottering/wobbling of the earth in its path of revolution around the sun (Isa 24:18; Isa 13:13; Psalm 46:2-3; Josh 10:11-13)
    22) a short duration stop of the rotation of the earth on its axis. Josh 10:11-13 (Joshua’s longest day) Second Exodus Day of Trumpet 2016.
    23) spectacular lights in our atmosphere from a hyper excitation of the magnetosphere. 2015 latter half
    24) major portions of the planet that experience complete loss of aquifer waters. Ps 46:3 Roar of icecaps (Joshua’s longest Day study)
    25) select parts of the planet that experience a building of aquifer waters and inner aquifer pressure. Lk 21:25 (roar); Nah 1:8 (flooding over); Josh 10:11-13; Gen 7:11.
    26) Change in Orbit around the Sun or Change in Polar Spin Axis (Isa 24:19-20).
    27) Fires (Isa 34:9; 37:7; Isa 25:4; Ps 46:6,8; 2 Sam 16:14-16; 1-4 Trumpet judgments Rev 8; Ezek 38:22; 2 Peter 3:10; Isa 30:30; Rev 16:8-9); Nah 1:5 (burned)
    28) Noise 2 Pet 3:10
    29) Shaken Heb 12:25-27; Isa 13:13; Hag 2:6-7; Ps 46:3; Quaking Jer 4:24; Isa 5:25; Jer 10:10; Ezk 38:20; Jer 50:46 cr Jer 10:10; 49:21; Ezk 26:18; 31:16; Isa 5:7; 15:5; Jer 46:12; 51:54; Ezk 27:28; Isa 2:10-21; 13:6-13; Isa 54:10 (Mountains shall depart); Nah 1:5
    30) a possible solar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17)
    31) a possible lunar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17)
    32) a day of darkness for the earth or even 3 days of darkness as the dwarf star blocks the sun (Exod 10:21; I Sam 2:9; 2 Sam 22:10, 12; Isa 5:30; 60:2; Amos 5:18, 20; Zeph 1:15; Rev 16:10). Dark (Ezek 32:7-8; Mic 3:6). Darken (Amos 8:9)
    33) Change in the Solar System (Ps 102:25-26; Isa 51:6; 2 Pet 3:12); also the heavens shall roll up as a scroll.
    34) Brimstone Gen 19:24>Deut 29:23; Job 18;15; Ps 11:6; Isa 34:9; Ezk 38:22; Rev 9:17-18; 14:10; = Rev 21:8.
    35) Drought/dry ? Isa 42:15; Jer 50:12; Lev 26:32-33
    36) Massive plant/tree dieoff (desolate (of people), waste?) Jer 8:13; Ezek 20:47; Hab 3:17 (Day of the Lord).
    37) Pestilence
    38) a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13–Joshua’s Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be:
    1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
    2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
    3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses.
    4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean.
    5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves.
    6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
    7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
    8) hurricanes over land.
    9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
    10) change of the length of days and of the calender (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).
    A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).
    The records, both in geology and historical, reflect that multiple events will be occurring simultaneously i.e. melting ice in the Antarctic & Greenland, earthquakes, tsunamis (tidal waves), flooding, torrential rains, abrupt (tropical to arctic minutes!) climate change, 200 mph (320 kph) winds, volcanism, the Gulf Stream stopping and dare I say: a pole shift!”

  81. As Jim says, this will just be a local event just like the flood was.

    However, after it hits, we may not have our seasons any more like spring, summer, winter, or fall. And Cristians teach that we will be in it for 7 years, I doubt that.
    The only way you will survive is if you have had survival training in all conditions.

  82. John,
    Your entire basic premise on what a passing body would do to another is bad science. In fact its not science at all, only a vivid imagination. Even if there were a Nibiru, it couldn’t do the thingsyou suggest.
    Now, you said Nibiru would be visible to the naked eye by the middle of September and yet no one on earth has seen anything yet. Other than the You Tube idiots. You claim it will reach earth in November, guaranteed. So we only have weeks to go. Lets wait and see.
    But I’m certain it will never show up, just like all the other things you predicted for last month. What a bust!
    You can’t blame every natural disaster on earth on a planet that is so far away it can’t be seen in common telescopes. Jupiter is far bigger and closer, so it should have been affecting the earth in this way for millions of years, yet you claim that a smaller planet is causing havoc on Jupiter. You can’t use physics only when and where it serves you own purposes.
    And all the events that are happening now such as melting glaciers will take decades or longer to have any real effect. You act like Nibiru will melt all the ice overnight and cause earthquakes everywhere at on once.
    Its all wishful thinking or an overactive imagination. That’s all.
    But you are too invested in your theory to ever change your mind. Your time frame is shot so you’ll have to adjust that, but I suspect you will be looking for Nibiru as long as there are You Tube idiots out there to keep suckering you in.

    • You are right Jim for to your eyes September was a bust but to my eyes, it is just the beginning.

      Oncoming Pole Shift
      There are TWO PHASES to the coming EARTH CHANGES, and they have to be kept in mind when discussing it:
      1. PHASE ONE – The initial phase or beginning of earth changes, over a long period of time, perhaps as much as 80 years or so, said changers to begin first of all deep inside the earth, and those changes work their way up to the surface as we approach the actual SURFACE CHANGES THEMSELVES. These changes SET THE STAGE FOR THE ANTICHRIST, and are part of the STRONG DELUSION CAST DOWN UPON MANKIND BY GOD HIMSELF – as a punishment for Christ rejection. Enough EARTH CHANGE PROPHECY, including a PARTIAL POLAR SHIFT will occur, along with occult prophecy fulfillment, to make the world think that they have arrived on the OTHER SIDE, and have actually entered the NEW MILLENNIAL AGE, THE NEW GOLDEN AGE, COMPLETE WITH UFO CONTACT, A MESSIAH, PEACE AND SECURITY and LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS.
      Earth surface changes might well include many of the dire predictions laid down by a multitude of “seers”, “mystics” and the like, to convince mankind that INDEED they have entered the NEW WORLD. The old world order will by that time have collapsed. The new monetary system, the MARK, coupled to a CASHLESS SOCIETY will have emerged. Alternative energy sources and other signs and wonders will appear during this FIRST PHASE. The earth could will go “quiet” for a short span of time, thus telling mankind that INDEED THEY HAVE entered the NEW GOLDEN AGE. In other words, PHASE ONE USHERS IN THE ANTICHRIST AND HIS ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, MONETARY SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION.
      This has happened since the beginning of the month of Tishrei (Sept-Oct) 2015.
      1) Double Solar Eclipse on the Day of Trumpet connected to an event in Israel. (Aviv Moon prophesies/Endtimes Forum)
      2) On the Day of Atonement, Obama made a pact agreement with Satan and became the Antichrist. Seal 1: Conquering political and or religious force begins to take over the world. (Revelation 6:1,2) 2009 Obama is sitting down in a group meeting and there is a bow and crown present in the picture. To the Islamics, he was showing himself to be their Mahdi in 2015. (Renee M Could it be the Islamics in Islam countries be the political and religious force?
      3) WWIII broke out in the Middle East with Russia as the head. Seal 2: World War III begins. (Rev 6: 3,4) ISIS, Middle East, 2015
      Joel 2 31 prophecy Abib 1/Passover Solar eclipse in March/April 2015 means judgement for the globe and lunar eclipse means judgement for Israel. Also Solar /Luner eclipse in September.
      4) Red Blood Moon over Israel and now there is Islamic War aginst Israel so it could be either Psalm 83 War (which I suspect) or the coming into of the Ezekiel 38-39 War with Nuclear Weapons (Zech 14:20. Time will tell so keep you eyes glued to events in Israel.
      5) Popes visit to usher in the One World Order and one world religion (Agenda 21 on Steroids). I have all the documents on this. They called this Agenda 2030 but it is now called Agenda Universal. Sept. 23-28, 2015.
      6) Ten global Economic coutries stocks are collapsing which I believe is Seal 3 and the end of this is one World currency on October 20th at the end of the 7th and 49th Shemitah cycle. Seal 3: World wide economic collapse, famine. (Rev 6:5,6) September 24, 2015 Year of the Shemitah; One world currency, Oct 20th, 2015. Fed’s are planning for a set date for this to happen. Be ready with 3 year supply of food and water.
      7) Imam’s in American are telling Islamics to kill Americans wherever they see them. Seal 5: Worldwide persecution of Jews and Christians. (Rev 6: 9-11) 2015/2016, ISIS killings coming to America. Luke 9:9. An article titled said Genocide has already begun in America.
      8) UN International Police State formed. Sept 29th, 2015. 13 major cities joined. USA: Cities who are participating include: New York City, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, Paris, London, Montreal, Beirut, Oslo and thirteen others. Welcome to Islamic Sharia Law for the USA. (I Thess 5:3)
      Things to look forward to before the end of December 31st.
      1) October to December (more likely December) USA Martial Law 3 in full effect.
      2) Russia and Chinese going with Nuclear War against America (Nineveh)
      Saudi Arabia (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) Late 2015, 2016. Some call this ” fire” in dreams. Some teach that America is Babylon the Great. I think this article will convince you that it may be Saudi Arabia.
      PHASE TWO – This phase will begin quite suddenly and with little warning – and it will involve MASSIVE EARTH CHANGES, INCLUDING A TOTAL POLAR SHIFT, WITH THE EARTH TIPPING OVER TOTALLY, AND REELING TO AND FRO AS IT ATTEMPT TO REGAIN EQUILIBRIUM AND A NEW SPIN AXIS. This phase is to totally wipe out the FALSE MESSIAH, HIS WORLD GOVERNMENT, AND DESTROY EARTH CIVILIZATION – for almost NO ONE SURVIVES. “men are as rare as fine Gold”, so the Scripture says, and that means ONLY A VERY FEW PEOPLE SURVIVE IT – almost NO ONE. The planetary surface is totally rearranged, and we have a NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH.
      The two phases may actually OVERLAP for a short space – but in no case does phase two last more than a few short years. It is important to remember that PHASE ONE is now underway, and that PHASE TWO is the MASSIVE DESTRUCTIVE PHASE – the phase that DESTROYS MANKIND OFF THE PLANET and sets up the REAL MILLENNIAL REIGN OF THE REAL JESUS CHRIST.
      Time Frame for Phase 2: 2016-2017
      a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8; 54:10; Hab 3:16; Job 9:2-10; Matt 24:29; Mk 13:25; Rev 6:14 =(Isa 2:17-21; Hag 2:6-7)=; Rev 11:13, 19 = 16:18-20). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13–Joshua’s Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be:
      1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
      2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
      3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses (Ps 46:1-3).
      4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean (Ps 46:1-3).
      5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves (Ps 46:3).
      6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
      7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
      8) hurricanes over land.
      9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
      10) change of the length of days and of the calender (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).
      A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).
      The records, both in geology and historical, reflect that multiple events will be occurring simultaneously i.e. melting ice in the Antarctic & Greenland, earthquakes, tsunamis (tidal waves), flooding, torrential rains, abrupt (tropical to arctic minutes!) climate change, 200 mph (320 kph) winds, volcanism, the Gulf Stream stopping and dare I say: a pole shift!”

      Resources: Steward C. Best Pole Shifting. 1997.

  83. You are right Jim, it did not cause The Flood but you did. It did not cause the death to 5 plain cities (Sodom and Gamorrah) with approximately 200, 000 people each but you butt did cause their deaths.
    And it will bring about an act of God so enjoy your short life. I believe in God and the Bible but not your stupid lies.
    According to Gill Broussard, it will be at the earth’s crossing in January arould the 10th, February 12th 40 days from Ninevah.
    According to others, it will be actually exiting in November. I just post what others say if their dates line up with an annual Sabbath, 4th Day, first sliver of the New moon, and 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles and a Full Moon on an annual Sabbath.
    Jim, I know you are a f….l but I will begin posting your lies when it becomes appropriate to do it.
    Since you worked for Nasa, you are bread to lie and tell lies so I will be happy to post all your lies. I don’t like trolls or shills and you are both.

  84. Please tell me how a passing planet could cause 1-1/2” balls of sulphur to rain down on specific ancient cities and not anywhere else? Did the sulphur come from Nibiru or did Nibiru suck it Old Testament of some volcano somewhere and transport it to Sodom et al? Give me a complete astrophysical workup on your theory.
    Wouldn’t the gravitational attraction of Nibiru suck the sulphur upwards to Nibiru itself? That’s how gravity is supposed to work. You’ve got a wacky sense of physics.
    I’m not surprised that you have two conflicting dates on Nibiru. There have been hundreds of wrong predictions in the last 10 years and these two will simply add to that total. If they can’t agree on the orbital data then they are just making stuff up.
    As for my “lies” you will have a hard time finding much. All I’ve done is refute your predictions and so far none of them have come to pass, so I haven’t lied… you have. And now you post two more lies, as we shall see pretty soon. As for NASA, they haven’t lied either. The You Tube idiots that use NASA photos to “prove” Nibiru is real are the liars, just like the liar that wrote this very article. Marianne’s other Nibiru post was also based on a lie. Scientists and engineers don’t lie. They look for truths of nature, that is their priority, not a bunch of conspiracies and cover-ups. But you need to think they are the liars to prop up the stories the You Tube idiots make up and which you desperately need to believe.
    I’ve been debunking Nibiru reports for almost ten years now and I’ve never been wrong. How is that for lies! Do you really think your puny new You Tube idiots can defeat me? NEVER! Gill Broussard is an idiot and a liar!
    Broussard Is Barely A Weekend Warrior Astronomer
    His College Records Do Not Show Any Astronomy Courses
    A Real Astronomer Looked In The Region Of Space Thru Broussard’s Coordinates Over A Period Of 3 Weeks And Found Empty Space.
    His theory is based on biblical stories, attempting to blame Nibiru for dozens of ancient events. It has no basis in fact or science. Total BS>
    Believe this nonsense if you want to look the fool when nothing happens.
    It‘s all up to you.

    • do you think a volcano 300-500 miles away could do it and the sulphur is white sulphur but on earth, our sulphur is yellow.

      Go read the articles at

      Lie one. The flood is a local event says Jim.

      Gen 7:6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
      Here rain and Nibiru was the mechanism for the deadly act of judgment that would wipe off from the face of the earth every living thing. Elsewhere in the Tanakh (OT) Elohim/God as El Shaddai caused burning sulfur (Gen 19:24–Sodom and Gomorrah Passover Week) and hailstones (Exod 9:18,23–Ten Plagues-Month of Abib) to “rain” from the sky as a mechanism of judgment against sinners. The rains would continue unabated for 40 days and 40 nights. The number 40 played a significant role throughout the Tanakh: Isaac and Esau were 40 when they married (Gen 25:20; 26:34). Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights (2 times) receiving the law from Elohim/God (Ex 24:18; 34:28; Dt 9:11,18,25), Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness following their disobedience (Nm 32:13), the Philistines oppressed Israel for 40 years (Jdg 13:1), and several kings and judges ruled over Israel for 40 years (Othniel, Jdg 3:11; Deborah, Jdg 5:31; Gideon, Jdg 8:28; Eli, I Sam 4:8; David, 2 Sam 5:4; Solomon, I Kg 11:42; Joash, 2 Kg 12:1; Saul, Ac 13:21).
      Noah’s age at the onset of the flood was 600 years old. No other human being after Noah will be said to live to this age.
      2273 Sabbath Year (Shemitah)
      1656 2270, 2348/9 BCE 2435BC מבּוּל mabbûl; Flood Methuselah dies year of flood 969 years old; Noah 600 years old *
      In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Bereshit, Genesis 7:11 (1649 years from the fall – Book of Jubilees, Paradise and the Fall iii: 17); Nibiru encounter “The Destroyer”. Isa 24:1, 19-20. Some accounts and teachers say this was at Passover and others say this was in October/November. It caused a 23 degree tilt. The tetonic plates separated.
      Gen 8:4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. Aviv 17th 2347 (Wednesday–Day after First fruits.)
      Flood to Abraham 352 Years

      Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
      Water came from two different sources–one below and one above. Exxactly what is meant by all the sources of the watery depths is unknow, the phrase appears to refer to a massive outflow of presurrized water from underground sources that burst out of the ground with devastating effect. No known phenomenon in nature today corresponds to this description except for the events during Revelation 8 -16 questionably.
      Nibiru events: 37) a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13–Joshua’s Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be:
      tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood).
      In Nibiru’s passing there will be a select parts of the planet that experience a building of aquifer waters and inner aquifer pressure. Lk 21:25 (roar); Nah 1:8 (flooding over); Josh 10:11-13; Gen 7:11 (full earth as an example). But Elohim said that He would never flood the earth again.
      This reminds me that as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. The Flood was a massive kill of people due to sin and in the end we have a massive kill at Armageddon (Rev 14:20ff; 15; 16/19; Joel 3) on the Day of Atonement at the Second Coming of Yeshua which in the Tanakh is called the Day of the Lord when there will be 10 days of tribulation (Rev 2:10) between the Day of Trumpet (Matt 24:31; Rev 6:12-17) and Day of Atonement. This time period is called the wrath of God/Elohim.
      Some teachers teach that it is between the Day of Trumpet Judgment 1 to Armageddon. Others teach it is the bowl judgments and Armageddon. Timeframe: Rev 8-16.
      Isaiah 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
      Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

      Gen 7:12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
      God’s word to Noah is once again to shown trustworthy.

      Gen 7:17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.
      Gen 7:18 And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.
      Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
      under the whole heaven. The prase indicates a universal flood rather than a local one. The promise of 9:11,15 confirms this. There are over 270 flood sories from all the parts of the world. See 2 Pet 2:5; 3:6; Matt 24:37-39.

      Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits (22.5 feet) upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
      Gen 7:21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:
      Gen 7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.
      V. 21 and 22 brings the detailed account of the flood’s destruction to a climax.

      Gen 7:23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.
      Destroyed =Destroyer.
      Lucifer, Satan, The Dragon, The Great Snake, The Destroyer, The Serpent, The Devil, Marduk, Nibiru, Shiva, Hercolubus, Wormwood, The Dark Star, The Death Star, The Red Star, The Red Planet, The Planet of the Crossing, The Winged Disk, The Tenth Planet, The Dark Twin, Black Star, Freightener, flaming sword ?, Comet Elenin (NASA), *P-7X {Astronomer John Anderson, Science Digest, November 1982} *Planet X (NASA Astronomer Robert S. Harrington–Planet X as the Tenth Planet–1993}, Tyche, Nemesis, 2nd Sun. The Blue Star, Blue Kachina, Fiery Red Dragon of Old, Chinese Guest Star 1054 AD, Death Angel that passed-over Egypt, the Terrible Comet, XKBO; Messianic Star; Leviathan; Sakkloth; .Denebola–brings misfortune and disgrace.
      “The Destroyer” in the Old Testament of the Bible; “The Destroyer” in ancient writings of the Egyptians (Ex 12:23; Jer 6:22-30; Jer 48:7-10; Isa 16:4-5; Jer 4:1-10; Jer 51:18; 51:54-58; Rev 12:3-4, 9, 12-15). Other verses: Isa 54:16-17;
      “Wormwood” in the book of Revelation 8; “Nibiru” in the writings of the Sumerians; “Marduk” in the Babylonian religion; “Phateon” in the Greek literature;“Nemesis” in the Greek mythology; “Apollyon” in Babylonian mythology; Rev 9:11; “Apollo” in Greek mythology; “G1.9” as a working title by NASA; “The Death Star” by NASA. Planet GJ1214B
      El Shaddai is His Name. Shaddai comes from the root word “Shadad” shaw-dad’ A primitive root; properly to be burly, that is, (figuratively) powerful (passively impregnable); by implication to ravage: – dead, destroy (-er), oppress, robber, spoil (-er), X utterly, (lay) waste. Strong H7703

      Gen 7:24 And the waters prevailed (surged) upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. 40 days,length of flood rains (Gen 7:17); 150 days, waters were abated (Gen 7:24; 8:3). Though the text does not explicitly say so, the total 150 days seems to include the 40 days of rain. The Hebrew word for prevailed (gabar) is Strongs H1396; גָּבַר; gâbar; gaw-bar’
      A primitive root; to be strong; by implication to prevail, act insolently: – exceed, confirm, be great, be mighty, prevail, put to more [strength], strengthen, be stronger, be valiant.
      Gen 8:1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged/receded/subside.
      200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
      Remembered does not suggest that Elohim had ever forgotten about Noah; when used of Elohim, “remember” suggests the initiation of a miraculous, saving act of Elohim. Other instances of Elohim “remembering” as the first step in providing divine help for His people including His intervention in the lives of Lot (Gen 19:29–Nibiru event), Rachel (Gen 30:22), and the Israelites in Egypt (Exod 2:24).
      Wind. Using language that reflects Elohim’s initial act of creating te universe (Gen 1:2), Elohim caused (Hb) ruach-“Spirit” or wind- to pass over (meaning for Nibiru) the waters of the earth. Immediately the water began to subside.
      H7307; רוּחַ; rûach; roo’-akh
      From H7306; wind; by resemblance breath, that is, a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; figuratively life, anger, unsubstantiality; by extension a region of the sky; by resemblance spirit, but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions): – air, anger, blast (186,000 Assyrians killed), breath, X cool, courage, mind, X quarter, X side, spirit ([-ual]), tempest, X vain, ([whirl-]) wind (-y).
      H7306; רוּחַ; rûach; roo’-akh
      A primitive root; properly to blow, that is, breathe; only (literally) to smell or (by implication perceive (figuratively to anticipate, enjoy): – accept, smell, X touch, make of quick understanding.

      Gen 8:2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;
      Following the 150 days of ever-suging waters, a turn-about occurred: all the sources of water (from above and below) stopped and the water began to subside. The initial downpour ended after 40 days and nights (Gen 7:12), so presumably the rains that are said to have ceased in the present verse were only sporadic showers.

      Gen 8:3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.
      It took 150 days for the waters to receed.

      Gen 8:4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.
      Exactly five months after the flood had begun (Gen 7:11), the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat in modern Turkey or Armenia. The ark rested on land 74 days after the end of the 150 days (Gen 7:11).
      Aviv 17th 2347 (Wednesday–Day of First Fruits.) Risen lamb of Elohim April 28th, 2347 BCE. According to Messianics, Jesus/Yeshua died on Wednesday and rose 3 days later on the Feast of First Fruits because in that year the Feast of First Fruits was three days later. Christians teach that Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday because one minute of day 1 = 24 hours and one minute of day 3 = 24 hours as if the whole 24 hours flew by in that one minute thereby they cut out Matt 14:40 out of their bibles and say: As Jonas was in the whale for 3 days so shall Jesus be in the earth for 36 hours which equals 72 hours.
      In 3476 BCE, the Feast of First Fruits was on a Wednesday whereas at Yeshua’s death, it was on a Sunday

      As Jonah/Jonas was in the whale for 3 days and 3 nights so is Yeshua (3 days of darkness) (Matt 12:40). The fourth candle of the Menorah is called the Christ Candle or Servant Candle. Yeshua died on a Wednesday in Jubilee 80 in the middle of the Jubilee year when there was 3 hours of darkness . Gen 1:14 Creation Day 4. Sun, Moon, and Stars were created on Wednesday. During the 10 plagues, there was 3 days of darkness Exod 10: 21ff. In 2017 Passover/Pesach is on a Wednesday. In 2016 there is a Penumbral lunar Eclipse on Day 4, the night that Yeshua ate the Passover Meal. The Destroyer comes in 2016 near Passover on the Feast of First Fruits. The 10th plague was on Passover. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed near Passover maybe.

      Note: It is at times like this that I love being a date watcher because I see all these connective dots.

      Gen 8:5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.
      Friday ; 3947 BCE; 253 days, to see tops of mountains (Gen 8:5);
      Gen 8:6 And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made:
      Gen 8:7 And he sent forth a raven (expendable), which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.
      Gen 8:8 Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;
      Gen 8:9 But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.
      Gen 8:10 And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark;
      300 days, dove discovers land (Gen 8:10-11); Sept. 13 Month 5, Day 5.
      Gen 8:11 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.
      Inspired by this passage, the image of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth has become a universal symbol of peace.

      Gen 8:12 And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more.
      Gen 8:13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.
      314 days, waters dried up (Gen 8:13); October 25; Day 4
      Gen 8:14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried. Dec 10; Day 1; 3947 BCE. Some 57 days later, the earth was dry. Noah and his family were in the ark 371 days (53 weeks).

      Summary of Account: 40 days,length of flood rains (Gen 7:17); 150 days, waters were abated (Gen 8:3); 150 days, ark came to rest on Mount Ararat (Gen 8:4); 253 days, to see tops of mountains (Gen 8:5); 300 days, dove discovers land (Gen 8:10-11); 314 days, waters dried up (Gen 8:13); 370 days, Earth has vegetation, animals released (Gen 8:14).

    • Jim, you told somebody that if the Bible described Nibiru that you would not believe the Bible either so you are an imposter who is a shill and a troll.
      So you do not believe God or His word so you are already a born loser.

      • No volcano will eject perfectly round pure sulfur balls all of the same size. The sulphur balls found at the city site are all uniform in size, and there are no volcanoes within 300 miles, way too far to reach it. And only the city is turned to ash, nothing around it. It was a directed strike. It was the work of God, not a natural event. Why won’t you believe in God’s power to do whatever He wishes? He wouldn’t need a rogue planet to help Him out.
        As for the flood, read the book of Enoch. He describes the flood as in a container but looking like it covered the earth. There is no geologic record of a worldwide flood, and many people have looked for it. There is not enough water anywhere on earth to raise the sea level to the height of Ararat let alone Mt. Everest if you believe the entire earth was covered.
        Maybe God beamed the extra water into space to make a bunch more comets.
        Yeah, right. And no rogue planet is ever described in the bible. Just acts of God that you personally attribute to Nibiru. If you never heard the Nibiru myth you would never had made those conclusions. And no planet could possibly do the things you think it could do. It is not physically possible.
        Get a new theory.

        • jupiter and saturn are not mentioned either…so they do not exist

          • Jim, you do not believein a pole shift coming and you do notknow the Bible. I believe this: As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Tell me in Scripture if this retranslated sentence is found. I will give you a hint. It is in the prophets.

          • Mariannne, The only witnesses that are mentioned is the greater light and the lesser light and the stars. Pluto is not mentioned. Venus is not mentioned. Mercury is not mentioned. Mars hill is mentioned but not Mars. Saturn is not mentioned. Neptune is not metioned. Uranus is not mentioned.
            But in their Biblical terms, they are all metioned, but you justhave to know the Biblical terms.

            Act_14:12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.
            Act_14:13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.
            Act_19:35 And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?

            I am pretty sure that Jim who is a famous astronomer can give you all the Biblical terms for the planets.

            Jim, how is your involvement into Neurotechnology coming. And you also are into Care Tech solutions. How is that going for you.

            Jim said: Don’t forget that God’s calendar is lunar based. It consists of 12 30-day moonths and no provision for leap years. The Israelites added this feature later and changed the new year from march to fall (Rosh Hashanah). It makes prophesy difficult to figure due to the 5 day difference in one year.

            Actually Jim. God’s calendar is solar-luner based. And God changed the 7th month which was the first month until the Exodus to the first month for the Biblical year in 1441 or 1446 BCE at the time of the Exodus.
            About the time of Hezekiah’s sundial which was a polar shift, the days went from 360 days per year to 365 days per year.
            Also there was a polar shift at the flood that Jim says is a myth.
            Joshua’s long day was also a polar shift.

          • Don’t be a wisenheimer. The bible never mentions turkeys or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but they exist. Just because it is not mentioned in the bible doesn’t mean it will never exist.
            John’s problem, and yours, is you look at a biblical event then you look for a natural event to explain it. Even if Nibiru was real it wouldn’t produce any of these biblical events past or future. This is why I know the bible isn’t referring to Nibiru. You might as well claim Jupiter will jump out of its orbit and come past the earth. At least then you would be dealing with a real object. I’ll bet if some You Tube idiot posted a video claiming the Jupiter will soon start spiralling into the Sun you would jump on that as a biblical explanation. Your gullibility to believe anything posted on line makes it impossible for you to find the real truth. You have to ask astronomers, not You Tube idiots if you want the truth. Scientists have no reason to lie, there is no worldwide conspiracy to hide Nibiru.
            The conspiracy is to pretend it’s real.

            • you think scientists don’t lie?

              they do if the government tells them to because it is top secret

              I am waiting for the 6th seal.

              if there is a large red planet in the sky at the time, then I will know what caused the 6th seal

              if there is not, the cause will be evident at that time

              • How many times have I told you that a passing planet could never cause the events you expect. All it could do is perturb the earth’s orbit. Nothing else.
                There a millions of independent scientists all around the world. So far not a single observatory has recorded the existence of Nibiru. You can’t get a million people to conspire about something as important as the discovery of a new planet. You think maybe a handful of NASA scientists are in the pockets of politicians, but there are far too many others who would love to claim that they discovered a new planet which would make them famous and place them in the history books. This is what astronomers live for. Like botanists looking for a new species or archaeologists looking for a new fossil. If you were a real scientist you would understand this.
                You live in a fantasy world of conspiracy theories and YouTube videos. You see things that are not there. Has Jade Helm taken anyone in your area to a death camp? Yet you claim it is happening.
                The 6th seal is an earthquake and a meteor shower. Heck, we have those every month. Why would we need a giant planet to cause them again? They might not even be natural events but acts of God. So then why create an entire planet for such a simple task? God doesn’t need science to fulfil His will.
                You don’t think He could produce such a miracle?

                • you are making false claims.

                  nibiru was documented long ago, and reports in newspapers of a new planet were recorded, but then the gov stopped the exposure.

                  jade helm is still in place.

                  it is not going anywhere until it accomplishes its mission.

                  your denial is not proof

                  • All you say about Jade Helm is that there are plans to do something sinister. But you can’t prove it. You can only say, “I read it on the internet.” which nowadays means nothing.
                    As for Nibiru, the planet in the news was one well beyond Pluto, not one with an orbit that takes it closer to the sun as earth. If it was real it would have come and gone by now. Halleys comet was as far away and if got here in 1984. One video claims it has been lingering in a corkscrew orbit between the earth and the sun for 9 years and it could spin out and get to the earth at any time.
                    First of all there is no such thing as a corkscrew orbit, and nothing can stay between the earth and the sun for more than a couple of months, let alone 9 years.All to prop up the sun flare photos that are so popular on YouTube. This is ridiculous science. Not really science at all. And every video uses similar bogus science. And none of them have ever panned out. All that has ever happened is that they re-adjust their diagrams and push the arrival date another year into the future. Haven’t you noticed this over the last 10 years? What do you make of all the “mistakes?”
                    Even a child would never be fooled so many times and still believe.
                    Talk about being “stiff-necked!”

                    • i did not say jade helm was set up for something sinister….just they will not explain themselves.

                      it will be involved in something that appears to be national defense, but will also be around for the aftermath of what is to happen, which is martial law

                      i do not know anything about a corkscrew orbit for anything

        • Why do I find seashells at my house in NM 8 feet deep at 1500 feet above sea level.

          5 plain cities were destroyed at Sodom and Gamorrah and there was about 200,000 souls in each city and only a remnant was saved. Yes it was a meteorite storm that took them out.
          I learned about Nibiru from my ex house mate who said it came around at the deluge and would return 3600 years later. Then Gill Broussard research who you discredited with your big smart alec mouth without looking at the research which I did said itcame around every 300-350 years and then when I read in the Bible Isaiah 24 which describes Nibiru, yo call God’s word as BS and throw it back in His face and call Him a lier justlike you call the rest of His word as bogus. So to me you are the loser in the end.

          New theory is that you JIm are a bogus lier.

        • Correction 2000 feet above sea level. I also find fossilized tree branches and twigs that are fossilized.

          Biblical Flood was “TSUNAMI” of 10,900 B.C.
          Major catastrophes that befall Mankind are sometimes spoken of as being of “biblical proportions” to describe their immensity. The words have been used these days to convey the immensity of the calamity that befell the peoples and lands of the coastlines of the Indian Ocean, when an underwater earthquake caused a “Tsunami”, a tidal wave that spread across thousands of miles of ocean waters and, hitting land, crushed all before it.
          Few if any of the news reporters who used the “biblical proportions” terminology may have realized how appropriate the analogy is; for some 13,000 years ago a huge tidal wave, a “Tsunami” if you will, overwhelmed the ancient lands and their inhabitants; except that that time, the tidal wave rose not thirty feet but many thousands of feet and more!
          Then, as now, it was a news story that dominated all news. The Bible, in fact, treated it to be such a major story that it devoted to it three full chapters in Genesis. It is the record of the Deluge — the Great Flood — that overwhelmed the Earth and came close to wiping Mankind off the face of the Earth.

          So, if the flood did not happen, why give three chapters in the Bible if it is all a lie.

          Jim, you lie so much that you are the deceiver who twists things to deceive people.

          • John,
            There are seashells on top of Mount Everest also. The top of Everest is made of sedimentary rock. At one time it was underwater. Then it was covered with more rock until it was deep underground where the heat and pressure turned the sediment (and shells) into rock. Then plate tectonics dragged the land mass to crash into Mongolia. The movement crunched up the rocks on either side of the plate boundary – kind of like when you push on both sides of a rug and it buckles up in the center. This took place over 65 million years.
            A similar thing happened where you are, just on a smaller scale. I don’t have the details so I can’t be specific, but the shells didn’t come from a flood. That is not geologically possible.
            If Nibiru comes around every 300-350 years there would be many astronomical records of its passage and it would have been added to the list of planets long ago. But no astronomer has ever seen it. All you have is some You Tube idiot claiming it is true. I researched Gil Bressard and pasted my findings above. I didn’t write those words myself. But I can tell he I not an astronomer because he uses bogus science in his lectures. He may sound like he knows what he is talking about, but he is lying half the time. But he’s got a lot of people suckered, including you. It‘s how he makes a living – scamming gullible people. Just watch what he does when Nibiru fails to appear. You know this is second prediction for Nibiru. So don’t be surprised if he changes the date as the time approaches and nothing happens.
            As for tsunamis, they have been happening for millions of years. It is likely that the “Mountain of fire that falls into the sea” will be from the Canary Islands. A landslide of biblical proportions will result if the west side of the island slides into the sea. It has happened before and it is ready to happen again soon.
            real truth. You have to ask astronomers, not You Tube idiots if you want the truth. Scientists have no reason to lie, there is no worldwide conspiracy to hide Nibiru. The conspiracy is to pretend it’s real.
            But it won’t be triggered by Nibiru. The bible doesn’t need Nibiru to trigger anything.
            As for the flood, it is real, the ark haas been found and verified. But God did not wipe out the entire world. We have archaeological evidence that many civilizations existed before, during and after the flood. Native Americans and South Americans for example. God had no reason to kill everyone. Only His people who were descended from Adam and Eve. Only 10 generations – a few thousand people all located in the middle east.These were destroyed by the flood which was limited to a container – perhaps a force field which surrounded all the descendants of Adam, leaving the rest of the world dry.
            With a containment field it would be possible to fill it with ocean water, only lowering the sea level a small amount, and returning the water to the sea when the flood was done. Otherwise where did 7 miles of water go? Theoretically after only a few thousand years most of it should still be on earth. Explain that. Did Nibiru suck it all up into outer space? Yeah, right.
            You can’t explain a worldwide flood using science or nature. And there is no record of it in the geologic layers. That has been proven.
            You need to get your head out of the bible for a while and start studying nature – the earth and the planets. You will quickly discover the lies that are being perpetrated on YouTube and before-its-news. Until you do this you will continue to go down the road to disappointment and failure and you will end up looking like a gullible fool. This WILL happen. I have warned you of the lies but you call me a fool. Yet so far nothing you promised has ever happened.
            You know, I went to WalMart today. Funny, you predicted all of them would close last month. Another lie.
            You are still batting .000 while my denials have all been correct.

            • Jim said: With a containment field it would be possible to fill it with ocean water, only lowering the sea level a small amount, and returning the water to the sea when the flood was done. Otherwise where did 7 miles of water go? Theoretically after only a few thousand years most of it should still be on earth. Explain that. Did Nibiru suck it all up into outer space? Yeah, right.

              I think I will go post this information to my Flood story in another folder. Thanks for asking the right question Jim.

              Let your fingers do the walking by asking the internet what happened to all the water.

              Jim, the scientists of our time found an ocean of water under the ocean this year or back in 2014.

              Search: Ocean under the ocean. This is where all the water went.

              About 249,000,000 results

              Web Results

              Huge ‘Ocean’ Discovered Inside Earth – LiveScience

     – Similarto Huge ‘Ocean’ Discovered Inside Earth – LiveScience

              … a vast water reservoir beneath Asia that is at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean. … The crust thickness averages about 18 miles (30 kilometers) under the …

              Oceans of Water Locked 400 Miles Inside Earth : Discovery News

    …/oceans/oceans-of-water-found-locked-deep… – Similarto Oceans of Water Locked 400 Miles Inside Earth : Discovery News

              Jun 12, 2014 … Deep within the Earth’s rocky mantle lies oceans’ worth of water … Ringwoodite is a rare type of mineral that forms from olivine under very high …

              BBC – Future – Are there ‘oceans’ hiding inside the Earth? – …

     – Similarto BBC – Future – Are there ‘oceans’ hiding inside the Earth? – …

              Oct 29, 2014 … For example, is there more water down there than we thought? For decades, scientists have postulated that the Earth’s oceans were created by …

              Hmmm Jim did hit it on the head for this one.

              • Sorry, still not enough water. Do the math.
                Plus water is lighter than rock. Once the water rises above the rock layer it can never go back.
                Laws of geology and all that.
                I have 125 units of college geology – enough for a degree. You can’t fool me with fake hypothesis from Christo-geologists who have an agenda to prove a worldwide flood. There is no adequate geological explanation for a worldwide flood. Therefore either the flood was local, or it never happened.
                Take your pick.

  85. Jim said: So Rev 6:12 most likely refers to a similar event causing a similar dust cloud. Sounds like nuclear winter to me.
    So I think that trying to lock in a time frame by this passage is a colossal waste of time, but it could be fun I guess.

    So Jim, after 5 years and the suspense is killing me, what is your fun guess as to when this will happen.
    Will it occur before the trumpet and bowl judgments or will it occur before the seals or will it occur before the Day of the Lord or will it occur before the bowl judgments. What does the wise wizard of Oz believe?

    • The 6th seal is a great earthquake and a meteor shower. It comes after WW3 and a nuclear winter with ½ the earths population killed. It comes before the trumpet judgements. The trumpets are part of the 7th seal. The bowls are part of the 7th trumpet.
      So after WW3 happens, I’ll tell you when I think the 6th seal will happen. As I’ve always said, I’m waiting for the first seal – the restored Holy Roman Empire. Also the two witnesses. You may think these things have already happened but you’re only fooling yourself.
      And you’re pretty good at that.

      • You are totally lost.
        Who is present at the sixth seal. Jesus. When does Jesus come is on the Day of Trumpet 10 days before Armageddon.

        Day of the Lord can only occur when Jesus is present and that is 10 days before Armgeddon according to Leviticus 23:24ff-36ff.

        Jesus has to fulfill Leviticus 23 to the very iota of the Law. Matt 5:17-18 which you quoted in “Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars.”

        Jesus Second Coming
        Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
        Great Earthquake and both there is a solar and Lunar Eclipse on the same day just as there was at Jesus first Coming. Remember that the Sun had a 3 hour eclipse.
        It also suggest solar and lunar eclipses of 4 hours. Normal eclipse do not last so long. The sun is totally dark for at most 7.5 minutes.
        The context appears to suggest these eclipses are visible throughout the earth. Normal eclipse will only be visible in certain area on the earth. What can cause this?
        more great and catastrophic earthquakes (Isa 2:19. 21=Rev 6:12-17; Isa 22:5,9; Isa 5:25; 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Rev 16:18=Isa 2:10-22).
        Shaken Heb 12:25-27; Isa 13:13; Hag 2:6-7; Ps 46:3; Quaking Jer 4:24; Isa 5:25; Jer 10:10; Ezk 38:20; Jer 50:46 cr Jer 10:10; 49:21; Ezk 26:18; 31:16; Isa 5:7; 15:5; Jer 46:12; 51:54; Ezk 27:28; Isa 2:10-21; 13:6-13; Isa 54:10 (Mountains shall depart); Nah 1:5; Ps 46:3 (Poleshift).

        Rev 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
        Meteorite Storm

        Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
        Polar Shift
        When a large planetary body suddenly changes its rotation, or undergoes a polar shift, the rapid forward movement of the surface of the earth leaves the atmosphere (the first heaven) behind and as it pushes forward into the oncoming atmosphere. It rolls the atmosphere into a huge “roll cloud” leaving a vacuum in between.
        The subthermal outer atmosphere quickly (wind speeds of hundreds or thousands of miles per hour) fill in the huge vacuum with temperatures approaching absolute zero, in an instant quick freeze. Such a mechanism is suggested also just prior to the Noachian flood with the remnants of the frozen mammoths in Siberia and also a sudden change in latitude as a new north pole found a new home on this Planet Earth.
        a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8; 54:10; Hab 3:16; Job 9:2-10; Matt 24:29; Mk 13:25; Rev 6:14 =(Isa 2:17-21; Hag 2:6-7)=; Rev 11:13, 19 = 16:18-20). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13–Joshua’s Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be:
        1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
        2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
        3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses (Ps 46:1-3).
        4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean (Ps 46:1-3).
        5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves (Ps 46:3).
        6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
        7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
        8) hurricanes over land.
        9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
        10) change of the length of days and of the calender (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).

        Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
        Rev 6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
        Rev 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

        wrath and indignation, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that worketh evil” (Rom_2:5-9; 2Pe_3:10; Rev_6:16, Rev_6:17; Rev_16:19; Rev_19:15).
        How come e-sword skips Revelation 7 through 15 and goes directly to Armageddon? HMMM.

        Rev 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
        Rev 16:18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
        Rev 16:19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
        Rev 16:20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
        Rev 16:21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

        Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
        Rev 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
        Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
        Rev 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
        Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
        Rev 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
        Rev 19:17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
        Rev 19:18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
        Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.

        If I understand you, Jim, and we follow through with verse Rev 6:12-17 and connecting it to Revelation 16/19, then you are telling me that it refers to Armageddon. Is this what I understand you are saying?

        Wrath (Anger)
        rath, rôth, rath (אף, ‘aph, from אנף, ‘ānaph, “to snort,” “to be angry”; ὀργή, orgḗ, θυμός, thumós, ὀργίζομαι, orgı́zomai): Designates various degrees of feeling, such as sadness (Psa_85:4), a frown or turning away of the face in grief or anger (2Ch_26:19; Jer_3:12), indignation (Psa_38:3), bitterness (Jdg_18:25), fury (Est_1:12), full of anger (Gen_4:5; Joh_7:23), snorting mad (Gen_27:45; Mat_2:16).

        1. Divine Wrath:
        Wrath is used with reference to both God and man. When used of God it is to be understood that there is the complete absence of that caprice and unethical quality so prominent in the anger attributed to the gods of the heathen and to man. The divine wrath is to be regarded as the natural expression of the divine nature, which is absolute holiness, manifesting itself against the willful, high-handed, deliberate, inexcusable sin and iniquity of mankind. God’s wrath is always regarded in the Scripture as the just, proper, and natural expression of His holiness and righteousness which must always, under all circumstances, and at all costs be maintained. It is therefore a righteous indignation and compatible with the holy and righteous nature of God (Num_11:1-10; Deu_29:27; 2Sa_6:7; Isa_5:25; Isa_42:25; Jer_44:6; Psa_79:6). The element of love and compassion is always closely connected with God’s anger; if we rightly estimate the divine anger we must unhesitatingly pronounce it to be but the expression and measure of that love (compare Jer_10:24; Ezek 23; Amo_3:2).

        2. Divine Wrath Consistent with Love:
        Wrath or anger, as pertaining to God, is very much more prominent in the Old Testament than in the New Testament. This is to be accounted for probably because the New Testament magnifies the grace and love of God as contrasted with His wrath; at least love is more prominent than wrath in the revelation and teaching of Christ and His apostles. Nevertheless, it must not be thought that the element of wrath, as a quality of the divine nature, is by any means overlooked in the New Testament because of the prominent place there given to love. On the contrary, the wrath of God is intensified because of the more wonderful manifestation of His grace, mercy and love in the gift of His Son Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world. God is not love only: He is also righteous; yea, “Our God is a consuming fire” (Heb_12:29); “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb_10:31). No effeminate, sentimental view of the Fatherhood of God or of His mercy and loving-kindness can exclude the manifestation of His just, righteous and holy anger against sin and the sinner because of his transgression (1Pe_1:17; Heb_10:29). One thing only can save the sinner from the outpouring of God’s righteous anger against sin in the day of visitation, namely, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the divinely-appointed Redeemer of the world (Joh_3:36; Rom_1:16-18; Rom_5:9). Nor should the sinner think that the postponement or the omission (or seeming omission) of the visitation of God’s wrath against sin in the present means the total abolition of it in the future. Postponement is not abolition; indeed, the sinner, who continually rejects Jesus Christ and the salvation which God has provided in Him, is simply ‘treasuring up’ wrath for himself “in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; who (one day) will render to every man according to his works:… to them that … obey not the truth, but obey unrighteousness,… wrath and indignation, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that worketh evil” (Rom_2:5-9; 2Pe_3:10; Rev_6:16, Rev_6:17; Rev_16:19; Rev_19:15). See RETRIBUTION, 5.
        God’s anger while slow, and not easily aroused (Psa_103:8; Isa_48:9; Jon_4:2; Nah_1:3), is to be dreaded (Psa_2:12; Psa_76:7; Psa_90:11; Mat_10:28); is not to be provoked (Jer_7:19; 1Co_10:22); when visited, in the present life, should be borne with submission (2Sa_24:17; Lam_3:39, Lam_3:43; Mic_7:9); prayer should be earnestly made for deliverance from it (Psa_39:10; Psa_80:4; Dan_9:16; Hab_3:2); it should be the means of leading man to repentance (Isa_42:24, Isa_42:25; Jer_4:8).
        Certain specific things are said especially to arouse God’s anger: continual provocation (Num_32:14), unbelief (Psa_78:21, Psa_78:22; Heb_3:18, Heb_3:19), impenitence (Isa_9:13, Isa_9:14; Rom_2:5), apostasy (Heb_10:26, Heb_10:27), idolatry (Deu_32:19, Deu_32:20, Deu_32:22; 2Ki_22:17; Jer_44:3), sin in God’s people (Psa_89:30-32; Isa_47:6), and it is manifested especially against opponents of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Psa_2:2, Psa_2:3, Psa_2:5; 1Th_2:16).

        Wat my interpretation is is that the 6th seal is the end of the sixth day or 6000 years at the time of Armageddon and after 5 days of grace is when the Messianic KIngdom begins.

        Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
        Matthew 24:29-31 also ties into Revelation 6:12-17 which also ties into Rev. 12:1 on the Day of Trumpet in September on the first sliver of the new moon in 2017 on the 23rd.

        Luk 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
        Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
        Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
        These verses suggest great astronomical distress/changes. What does “stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”

        What will cause all these events to occur at once? A tiny asteroid, a comet. Maybe it is a volcano 400 miles away. Only time will tell.

  86. John, you are totally lost.
    Jesus will not return before the 6th seal. He comes at the 7th trump which is after the seventh seal.
    You can’t have a solar eclipse on the same day as a lunar eclipse. They are two weeks apart.
    And the whole world can’t see the same eclipse at the same time. Unless God peels apart the earth and makes it flat and one-sided. That would kill everyone on the planet.
    As would turning the whole world upside down. And what would be the purpose?
    All the crazy things you mentioned would take miracles to happen. No Nibiru as you suggest.I don’t know where you get the idea of a 3 or 4 hour eclipse, but not from the bible. Must be another You Tube idiot.
    And if you think a polar shift involves the entire crust of the earth sliding around 180 degree, that to would wipe out all life on earth except cockroaches. So the verse should read,”The roaches shall inherit the earth.” Right.
    According to you the earth and everything on it will be destroyed a dozen times over. If that’s true there will be no Armageddon. There will be no armies left to fight it. And the world will be a Completely different place. The King of the North will now be the King of the South and so on. So how do we interpret the bible?
    You are making things way more complicated than they need to be. And your insistence that only Nibiru could cause these things is ludicrous. You believe in an false Sumerian myth rather than the bible.
    In any case, Nibiru will be as big a bust as this past September.
    Its not going to happen.

    • september was not a deadline

    • Historical Evidense
      Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea
      The Report of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea to Tiberius Caesar: “And when he had been crucified, there was darkness over the whole earth, the sun having been completely hidden, and the heaven appearing dark though it was day, so that the stars appeared, but had at the same time their brightness darkened, as I suppose your reverence is not ignorant of, because in all the world they lighted lamps from the sixth hour until evening. And the moon, being like blood, did not shine the whole night, and yet she happened to be at the full. And the stars also, and Orion, made a lament about the Jews, on account of the wickedness that had been done by them. (1) And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up. And as lightnings come on in winter, so majestic men of indescribable splendour of dress and of glory appeared in the air, and an innumerable multitude of angels crying out, and saying: Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, among men goodwill: come up out of Hades, ye who have been kept in slavery in the underground regions of Hades. And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder; and great chasms were made in the earth, so that also what was in the abyss appeared. And there were seen in that terror dead men raised up, (2) as the Jews that saw them said: We have seen Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs, that died two thousand five hundred years ago; and we have seen Noah manifestly in the body. And all the multitude walked about, and sang praises to God with a loud voice, saying: The Lord our God that has risen from the dead has brought to life all the dead, and has plundered Hades, and put him to death.

      Jim, you said you cannot have both a solar and lunar eclipse at the same time. I believe you never read about the death of Jesus even though you read Revelation 50 times.

      FRAGMENT 18
      In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 322 or 256.

      On the Circumstances Connected with Our Saviour’s Passion and His Life-Giving Resurrection.

      1. As to His works severally, and His cures effected upon body and soul, and the mysteries of His doctrine, and the resurrection from the dead, these have been most authoritatively set forth by His disciples and apostles before us. On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun. For the Hebrews celebrate the passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Saviour falls on the day before the passover; but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at their junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically opposite the sun? Let that opinion pass however; let it carry the majority with it; and let this portent of the world be deemed an eclipse of the sun, like others a portent only to the eye. [30] Phlegon records that, in the time of Tiberius Cæsar, at full moon, there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth hour to the ninth—manifestly that one of which we speak. But what has an eclipse in common with an earthquake, the rending rocks, and the resurrection of the dead, and so great a perturbation throughout the universe? Surely no such event as this is recorded for a long period. But it was a darkness induced by God, because the Lord happened then to suffer. And calculation makes out that the period of 70 weeks, as noted in Daniel, is completed at this time.

      2. From Artaxerxes, moreover, 70 weeks are reckoned up to the time of Christ, according to the numeration of the Jews. For from Nehemiah, who was sent by Artaxerxes to people Jerusalem, about the 120th year of the Persian empire, and in the 20th year of Artaxerxes himself, and the 4th year of the 83d Olympiad, up to this time, which was the 2d year of the 102d Olympiad, and the 16th year of the reign of Tiberius Cæsar, there are given 475 years, which make 490 Hebrew years, since they measure the years by the lunar month of 29½ days, as may easily be explained, the annual period according to the sun consisting of 365¼ days, while the lunar period of 12 months has 11¼ days less. For which reason the Greeks and the Jews insert three intercalary months every eight years. For 8 times 11¼ days make 3 months. The 475 years, therefore, contain 59 periods of 8 years and three months over: thus, the three intercalary months for every 8 years being added, we get 15 years, and these together with the 475 years make 70 weeks. Let no one now think us unskilled in the calculations of astronomy, when we fix without further ado the number of days at 365¼. For it is not in ignorance of the truth, but rather by reason of exact study, [31] that we have stated our opinion so shortly. But let what follows also be presented as in outline [32] to those who endeavour to inquire minutely into all things.

      Jim, you said you cannot have both a solar and lunar eclipse at the same time. Two different historical accounts prove you wrong. I am sorry foryour lack of belief.

      • So what caused a 3 hour solar eclipse at Jesus’s death on a full moon when the longest recorded one is 8 minutes. Hmmm. All the volcanoes going off at once and clouds blanketing the skies over could do it but that is illogical because they saw the stars come out.

        • You just don’t get it.
          The moon was on the opposite side of the earth the day Jesus died – there was a lunar eclipse at sunset. You can view it in Stellarium. But you won’t see a solar eclipse on that day.
          There can never be a 3-hour solar eclipse, so don’t look to science for an explanation. Also, one man dying on a cross in Jerusalem can not trigger an earthquake. So who or what caused these events?
          Give you one guess.

          • Nibiru, the Destroyer, El Shaddai.

            • Or maybe God just closed everyone’s eyes to create the sensation of darkness.
              Plus, if there were a giant plant causing a 3 hour eclipse, that event would have been recorded by the Roman scribes as well as astronomers all over the world, including the Mayans, the Chinese, the Japanese and a hundred other countries. Yet not a single country has ever recorded Nibiru approaching the earth or even out in space.
              Never, ever. How do you explain something that causes such shattering events without anyone seeing it?
              Don’t you realize that kind of logic borders on insanity?
              You have got to come to your senses before it is too late!

              • I have to agree here that the alleged nibiru could not have caused the darkness at time of christ death

                if its path is every 3600 years, then the same pole shift predicted for the near future would have happened then

                and also, as it is only 2000 years later, nibiru would not be due back for another 1600 years from now

              • Jim here we go again and you keep insisting to not read what I post so I will repeat the same thing over and over again until A) you relent or B) you give up or C) you don’t ask.

                Matthew 27:45-46, 51-54–Earthquake; Lk 23:44-45; Mk 15:33
                Darkness covers the land while the Passover lambs are being sacrificed Matt 27:45; Mk 15:33; Lk 23:44-45a
                Mat 27:45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
                Amo_8:9 speaks of the Lord’s causing the sun to go down at noon. While they likely thought the judgment was against Jesus (as if He were a heretic), in light of His late resurrection they cme to see the darkness as judgment aginst the sin that Jesus became on our behalf (2 Cor 5:21).
                a day of darkness for the earth or even 3 days of darkness as the dwarf star blocks the sun (Exod 10:21; I Sam 2:9; 2 Sam 22:10, 12; Isa 5:30; 60:2; Amos 5:18, 20; Zeph 1:15; Rev 16:10). Dark (Ezek 32:7-8; Mic 3:6). Darken (Amos 8:9)

                The Sun was Eclipsed by what? The moon possibly but a typical eclipse darkens only a small ban across the Earth surface for a maximum length of time of 7 minutes 31 seconds; this could not explain darkness over the whole Earth …so what was it?
                Lunar Eclipse Requires A Full Moon Not a New Moon
                This rules out a natural event like a solar eclipse; it is physically impossible for a solar eclipse to occur on a “full” moon, you need a “new” moon. Yeshua was sacrificed on Passover 14th the day before Feast of Passover (15th) which always falls on a full moon.
                Every 2,166 Years the Constellation Shifts One Month in Location (26,000 Yr. per Revolution)
                Historical Evidense
                Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea
                The Report of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea to Tiberius Caesar: “And when he had been crucified, there was darkness over the whole earth, the sun having been completely hidden, and the heaven appearing dark though it was day, so that the stars appeared, but had at the same time their brightness darkened, as I suppose your reverence is not ignorant of, because in all the world they lighted lamps from the sixth hour until evening. And the moon, being like blood, did not shine the whole night, and yet she happened to be at the full. And the stars also, and Orion, made a lament about the Jews, on account of the wickedness that had been done by them. (1) And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up. And as lightnings come on in winter, so majestic men of indescribable splendour of dress and of glory appeared in the air, and an innumerable multitude of angels crying out, and saying: Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, among men goodwill: come up out of Hades, ye who have been kept in slavery in the underground regions of Hades. And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder; and great chasms were made in the earth, so that also what was in the abyss appeared. And there were seen in that terror dead men raised up, (2) as the Jews that saw them said: We have seen Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs, that died two thousand five hundred years ago; and we have seen Noah manifestly in the body. And all the multitude walked about, and sang praises to God with a loud voice, saying: The Lord our God that has risen from the dead has brought to life all the dead, and has plundered Hades, and put him to death.
                All that night therefore, my lord, O king, the light ceased not. And many of the Jews died, and were engulphed and swallowed up in the chasms in that night, so that not even their bodies appeared. Those, I say, of the Jews suffered that had spoken against Jesus. And one synagogue was left in Jerusalem, since all those synagogues that had been against Jesus were engulphed.
                From that fear, then, being in perplexity, and seized with much trembling, at that same hour I ordered what had been done by them all to be written; and I have reported it to thy mightiness.
                Julius Africanus
                Julius Africanus was a Christian chronographer of the late second century. In a comment on the darkness that fell upon the land during the sacrifice (Mk 15:33), Africanus states that “Thallus, in the third book of his histories, explains away this darkness as an eclipse of the sun.” Africanus stated his objection to the report arguing that an eclipse of the sun cannot occur during the full moon, as was the case when Yeshua died on the eve of Passover. The force of the reference to Thallus is that the circumstances of Yeshua’s death wereknown and discussed in the Imerial City as early as the middle of the first century.
                Author’s Background
                About A.D. 52, Thallus wrote a history about the Middle East from the time of the Trojan War to the first century A.D.[1] The work has been lost and the only record we have of his writings is through Julius Africanus (AD 221). Below Julius Africanus refers to Christ’s crucifixion and the darkness that covered the earth prior to his death.
                Reference To Jesus Christ
                “On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the 263 third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun. For the Hebrews celebrate the passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Savior fails on the day before the passover [see Phlegon]; but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at their junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically opposite the sun?” – Julius Africanus, Chronography, 18.1
                This reference reveals several key things:
                1) Darkness covered the earth at Christ’s death.
                2) The key question was: “What caused it?”
                3) The time of the darkness agrees with Matthew 27:45.
                4) An eclipse cannot account for the darkness – this was a miracle.
                1. F. F. Bruce. The New Testament Documents. W. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1981. p. 116.
                FRAGMENT 18
                In Georgius Syncellus, Chron., p. 322 or 256.

                On the Circumstances Connected with Our Saviour’s Passion and His Life-Giving Resurrection.

                1. As to His works severally, and His cures effected upon body and soul, and the mysteries of His doctrine, and the resurrection from the dead, these have been most authoritatively set forth by His disciples and apostles before us. On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun. For the Hebrews celebrate the passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Saviour falls on the day before the passover; but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at their junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically opposite the sun? Let that opinion pass however; let it carry the majority with it; and let this portent of the world be deemed an eclipse of the sun, like others a portent only to the eye. [30] Phlegon records that, in the time of Tiberius Cæsar, at full moon, there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth hour to the ninth—manifestly that one of which we speak. But what has an eclipse in common with an earthquake, the rending rocks, and the resurrection of the dead, and so great a perturbation throughout the universe? Surely no such event as this is recorded for a long period. But it was a darkness induced by God, because the Lord happened then to suffer. And calculation makes out that the period of 70 weeks, as noted in Daniel, is completed at this time.

                2. From Artaxerxes, moreover, 70 weeks are reckoned up to the time of Christ, according to the numeration of the Jews. For from Nehemiah, who was sent by Artaxerxes to people Jerusalem, about the 120th year of the Persian empire, and in the 20th year of Artaxerxes himself, and the 4th year of the 83d Olympiad, up to this time, which was the 2d year of the 102d Olympiad, and the 16th year of the reign of Tiberius Cæsar, there are given 475 years, which make 490 Hebrew years, since they measure the years by the lunar month of 29½ days, as may easily be explained, the annual period according to the sun consisting of 365¼ days, while the lunar period of 12 months has 11¼ days less. For which reason the Greeks and the Jews insert three intercalary months every eight years. For 8 times 11¼ days make 3 months. The 475 years, therefore, contain 59 periods of 8 years and three months over: thus, the three intercalary months for every 8 years being added, we get 15 years, and these together with the 475 years make 70 weeks. Let no one now think us unskilled in the calculations of astronomy, when we fix without further ado the number of days at 365¼. For it is not in ignorance of the truth, but rather by reason of exact study, [31] that we have stated our opinion so shortly. But let what follows also be presented as in outline [32] to those who endeavour to inquire minutely into all things.

                • if nibiru really did this, and its cycle is every 3600 years, how do you explain a soon to be repeat of this only 2000 years later?

                  • John thinks Nibiru comes around every 300-350 years. And you can’t prove him wrong since it seems anyone can make up anything they want about a fictional planet and be just as correct as everyone else.
                    And remember, he got his information from the internet, so it MUST be right.

                    • Jim if NIBiru comes around every 3600 year and it was last present at the flood in 1656 BC from creation, it should have showed up in 1944 CE because 1944 CE is 3600 years from the flood so that one is out.
                      The next one from 1944 is 5500 CE and that is too far away from the trumpet and bowl judgments if every body is guessing between 2016 and 2067.

                    • you are on the internet too…does that make you wrong also? 🙂

  87. Rev 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.
    Rev 8:6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
    Rev 8:7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
    Affects Day 3 of Genesis 1.

    Rev 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
    Rev 8:9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
    Affects Day 5 of Genesis 1.

    Rev 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
    Rev 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
    Affects Day 6 of Genesis 1.

    Rev 8:12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
    Even though this event affects Day 4 of Genesis it says that there may be 4 hours of darkness just like there was 3 hours of darkness at the death of Christ.
    What could cause to blot out 1/3 of the sun, moon, and stars. Could it be an astronomical event such as the passing of a big planet like Jupiter to be knocked out of its orbit and block theheavens for 4 hours or could it be another planet like planet X.
    It has to be earth based so could it be all the volcanoes going off at once including all the dormant ones?

    • John,
      You can’t have a solar and lunar eclipse at the same time because the moon can be in two places at once. And only half the people on earth could see any event at a time.
      The darkening of the sun, moon and stars could not be done by a celestial object. Such and object could only be on one side of the earth at a time. So the people on the other side would not have anything blocked – all would look normal.
      And Nibiru can fire off every volcano on earth. Gravity can’t do it. Study some geology and you will stop coming up with these ridiculous scenarios.
      Face it, some events can only be done by God breaking the laws of physics because scientifically it could never happen.
      Until you learn more science you will never be able to sort the science from the miracles, so you will be poking around in the dark.
      That is the long and short of it.

      • All Iknow Jim is that history repeats itself so what happened at Jesus’s death will happen again.
        What happened at the beginning will happen in the end.

        Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea
        The Report of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea to Tiberius Caesar: “And when he had been crucified, there was darkness over the whole earth, the sun having been completely hidden, and the heaven appearing dark though it was day, so that the stars appeared, but had at the same time their brightness darkened, as I suppose your reverence is not ignorant of, because in all the world they lighted lamps from the sixth hour until evening. And the moon, being like blood, did not shine the whole night, and yet she happened to be at the full. And the stars also, and Orion, made a lament about the Jews, on account of the wickedness that had been done by them. (1) And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up. And as lightnings come on in winter, so majestic men of indescribable splendour of dress and of glory appeared in the air, and an innumerable multitude of angels crying out, and saying: Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, among men goodwill: come up out of Hades, ye who have been kept in slavery in the underground regions of Hades. And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder; and great chasms were made in the earth, so that also what was in the abyss appeared. And there were seen in that terror dead men raised up, (2) as the Jews that saw them said: We have seen Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs, that died two thousand five hundred years ago; and we have seen Noah manifestly in the body. And all the multitude walked about, and sang praises to God with a loud voice, saying: The Lord our God that has risen from the dead has brought to life all the dead, and has plundered Hades, and put him to death.

        This happened once and it will happen again.
        Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
        Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

        This tells me that God will repeat. So if you say it won’t happen then you do not believe in God so you are a shill and a troll.

        • John, the blood moon that occurred on Jesus’ death can not happen on the day he returns. The feast of trumpets occurs on a quarter moon, a week past full. Plus the bible does not record three hours of darkness when Jesus returns.
          But God can produce any number of miracles if He wishes, so that remains to be seen.
          But don’t look for mother nature to back you up.

      • Jim says: Plus the bible does not record three hours of darkness when Jesus returns.

        Rev 8:12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
        Even though this event affects Day 4 of Genesis it says that there may be 4 hours of darkness just like there was 3 hours of darkness at the death of Christ.

        And the day shone not for a third part of it. 3rd part = 4 hours.
        There are 12 hours in a day and the sun did not shine for a 3rd part of it. If I remember 1/3 of the day is 4 hous.
        Jim, you said you read 50 times the book of Revelation but yet you missed reading Reavelation 8 50 times.

        Hey, did we not see this at Jesus’s death also.
        Mat 27:45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 3 hours of darkness from Noon to 3 PM.

        Where else in Revelation will darkness occur again.

        Rev 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
        Darkness shows up again with a solar eclipse.

        Rev 16:10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,

        Rev 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
        Rev 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Rev 19.

        Between the Day of Trumpet and Day of Atonement at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the year of Jubilee or in the ninth year, the bowl judgments will be poured out and the believers are gone during this ten day period so they do not face the wrath of God.

        They do come back for Armaeddon.

        Rev 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Tribulation ten days = Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement.

        These 10 days are called the Day of the Lord because Jesus will be present over these 10 days + 5 days of Grace +plus the 1000 years or Feast of Tabernacles.

        • You are reading the verse wrong. It says a third part of the stars, not a third part of the daylight hours. This means that the heavens were partially blocked from view, most likely by dust from earthquakes or a meteor strike or perhaps volcanos. Or all three. These events are prophesied to happen, but not any eclipses or planetary fly-bys. Surely if John had seen such a vision he would have described it to us. But he doesn’t – only the earthly disasters. No Nibiru.
          Also, the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord is the last year of the tribulation. Not the ten days after Christ returns. Don’t know where you got your info but check around here and most anyone will verify what I just said.
          Sorry, still no need for Nibiru.

          • no I am not. I told you exactly what others said.
            As for the Bowl judgments there are 4 teachings out there.
            1) last 3.5 years is the bowl judgments and first 3.5 years is trumpet judgments; 2) 7 years of trumpet judgments with one per year and the last year is bowl judgements; 3) 1 year of trumpet judgments and 1 year of bowl judgments; 4) 1-2 years of trumpet judgments and ten days of wrath which is bowl judgments and Armageddon.
            It all depends on your definition of what is the wrath of God.

            The other list I go by is the wrath of God is: Seals, Trumpet nd Bowl judgments and Armageddon. Trumpet, Bowl Judgments and Armageddon. Bowl Judgments and Armageddon. Armageddon.
            Again, what is your definition of wrath of God.

            Feast Dates Model: You are out of here 10 days before Armageddon.
            So what happens during those 10 days. Possibility: Bowl Judgments and Armageddon. Armageddon.
            Again Lev. 23:24-36 Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement = Rev 2:10
            Rev 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

            All Jewish Messianic Churches teach the Feast Dates Model and this also ties into Matthew 24:28-31.
            Mat 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Armageddon or Ezekiel 38-39 War.
            Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days (Everything in Matthew 24 up until this timeframe) shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
            Mat 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
            Mat 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

            • Well, if the bowl judgements are the last 3-1/2 years and we are only 2 years to the Second Coming, we are therefore 1-1/2 years into the bowl judgements – almost halfway through.
              If this is so, then what were the 7 seals and what were the first half of the bowl judgements?
              It seems to me that nothing truly biblical has happened yet and you have us 75% thru the tribulation. Pretty soon the Second Coming will have come and gone and you will still be claiming your time line is correct.
              Face it your theory has proven itself false. You will now have to come up with something new.
              2017 sounded cool for many years, but at this point it should be clear that it was wrong all along.

              • Dear Jim. The Trumpet judgments and bowl judgements can come at any time after the global earthquake.
                Me, I see Revelation as stacked vertically while you see it spread over a 7 year period.
                You see the covenants sitting side by side and I see them stacked vertically.
                My motivation to do the Nibiru study is that the events I used were tied to Levicus 23.
                If it weren’t for my studies into Leviticus 23, I would never have noticed that we are living in the last days. I would never have been to Heaven awaits.wordpress. I would never have been to Aviv Moon Network. I would have been a person who goes to work 7 days per week and work from sunrise to midnight. I would never have gotten into Biblical Astronomy. I would never have become a Messianic.
                You see, God has total control over my life and He prepares me for my next walking step in my life.

                • So you think some bowl judgements could happen before some trumpet judgements? So maybe some trumpets could happen before the last seals, right? So the tribulation is just a big free-for-all. Maybe they won’t happen in the actual order they were written in. That would make things easier.
                  Too bad Leviticus 23 led you astray in your studies. Too bad biblical astronomy doesn’t teach you anything about real astronomy or you wouldn’t be so lost in your Nibiru fantasy.
                  Oh well.

                  • Dear Stupid Jim,
                    Chernobyl accident caused by a meteor. Chernoble means wormwood.
                    Revelation 8: Does Chernobyl really mean Wormwood? Well…..yeah, kind of

                    There is that tantalizing reference to Wormwood, a word found nine times in eight verses of Scripture, according to scholar Dr. Gerardus Bow. The first is Deuteronomy 29:18, where Moses warns the nation that by joining itself with pagan nations “…there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood.” Wormwood always occurs in connection with judgment and the result of sin.The Hebrew translated wormwood is la-anah (H3939 in Strong’s Concordance). It refers to any bitter, poisonous plant such as hemlock (Amos 6:12) and wormwood. The Hebrew word stems from a root meaning to curse. The Greek word for wormwood, used twice inRevelation 8:11 is apsinthos, that is, absinthe wormwood (see picture). Other references: Prov. 5:4; Jer. 9:15; 23:15; Lam. 3:15, 19.

                    There is a story going around that Chernobyl in Russian means “Wormwood.” If so, this would seem to be a startling prophetic warning about the kind of fire that will kill people and poison waters, both of which occurred (although in decidedly unbiblical proportions) after the Russians foolishly, recklessly turned off the safety systems of their uncontained nuclear reactor and then stepped back to “to see what would happen”. Sometimes I think their behavior is a metaphor for modern society: release all controls and restraints, observe the carnage, run around with your hair on fire (literally, in this case), and then blame the science or Someone Else. Ah, well – anyway below is the actual text, and an explanation about the Wormwood/Chernobyl connection by a non-Christian journalist who wrote a first-person account in 2005 about the flourishing ecosystem in post-accident Chernobyl.

                    Rev 8:10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood.[a] A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

                    Wormwood Forest: A Natural History of Chernobyl, by Mary Mycio, Sept. 9, 2005, – from the chapter is entitled “Biblical Botany”:

                    “…. Rimma crouched down to a short bush that had grown out of a crack between the road and the curb. It was about a foot tall, with small cottony flowers growing directly from purplish stems.

                    She pulled off one of the leaves and crushed it between her fingers for me to sniff the unpleasant, varnishy aroma, reminiscent of shoe polish.

                    “What is it?” I asked, wrinkling my nose.

                    “Chernobyl,” she said, using the common—but incorrect—pronunciation. In fact, chernobyl with an “e” is the Russianized version of the Ukrainian word chornobyl. You won’t find chernobyl or chornobyl in most Russian dictionaries, except in reference to the disaster, although the word chernobyl’nyk is used in some Russian regions in reference to the herb. But because the first version has become the commonly accepted spelling for the disaster and the nuclear station, I will use Chernobyl, with an “e,” to refer to them. I will use Chornobyl, with an “o,” to refer to the herb and the town.

                    “That’s wormwood, right?” I asked, hoping to finally clarify the botanical question at the heart of the Chernobyl disaster’s putative biblical symbolism. It is often said that the meaning of the Ukrainian word chornobyl is “wormwood,” and the suggestion that the disaster fulfilled the biblical prophecy of the Wormwood star that augured Armageddon resonated deeply with the fear of nuclear apocalypse. But the botany was actually more complex.

                    Svitlana took a closer look at the plant and shook her head. “No, ‘chornobyl’ is Artemisia vulgaris. ‘Wormwood’ is Artemisia absinthium. The Ukrainian common name is polyn,” she said, handing me a leaf from a different plant that looked much like A. vulgaris, except it was covered with fine silky hairs that gave it a whitish tinge. As I looked around, I noticed that the plants were everywhere.

                    I crushed it to release the volatile oil, much more pungent than the first plant.

                    Botanically and chemically, Absinthium vulgaris is so similar to A. absinthium that A. vulgaris is also sometimes called “wormwood,” though “mugwort” is a more common English name. In Ukrainian, as well, polyn and chornobyl are sometimes used synonymously. Both plants are hardy perennials, tolerant of poor soil and thus plentiful in the sandy lands of the Polissia region—where the twelfth-century town of Chornobyl took its name from the plant and, in turn, gave it to the twentieth-century nuclear station seven miles away. Both are bitter medicinal herbs and natural pest repellants, ridding fleas from the home, slugs from the garden, and worms from the body. And both get their pungent fragrance from thujone, an organic toxin thought to be the psychoactive agent in absinthe, the infamous wormwood liqueur banned by most Western countries a century ago. Absinthe was said to produce an unusual intoxication and was highly addictive, although modern skeptics contend that the “high” and the habit most probably came from drinking the 75 percent alcohol absinthe required to dissolve the thujone and prevent it from clouding the emerald solution.

                    But if the thujone in Artemisia vulgaris is dilute, it is concentrated in A. absinthium. A crushed leaf of polyn-wormwood is much more pungent than a crushed leaf of chornobyl-mugwort. It is also more bitter and much more toxic, which is why animals happily nibble mugwort but leave wormwood alone. Even other plants avoid it. A. absinthium’s extremely bitter chemicals wash off the leaves and into the soil, poisoning it for other plants.

                    Given its natural repellant properties, many folk believed wormwood to have supernatural banishing powers. Mugwort, too, has magical properties, though none so potent. In Ukrainian folklore, both plants ward off the seductive and dangerous water nymphs called rusalkas, who lured victims with beautiful songs and then tickled them to death in crystal underwater lairs.

                    In Christian legend, when the biblical serpent was expelled from Eden, wormwood sprang in its trail to prevent its return. Indeed, the herb is a frequent biblical symbol for bitterness, calamity, and sorrow; its use to name the third sign of the apocalypse that opened this chapter conjured the desolation that would follow the apocalypse.

                    In the wake of the Chernobyl explosion, few people in the officially atheist Soviet Union had Ukrainian-language Bibles. But some of those who did noted that the word “wormwood” in the Wormwood star of the book of Revelation was translated as polyn—and was a very close botanical cousin to chornobyl. Suddenly, the biblical prophecy seemed to acquire new meaning: wormwood was radiation, and it presaged the nuclear apocalypse that would end the world. The story spread like wildfire through the notorious Soviet rumor mill and as far as Washington, D.C., where President Ronald Reagan was said to have believed it, too.

                    Jim, YOu believe it (Asteroid wormwood) will be some volcano in a island that will be Wormwood. What if it was an accident from an earthquake in China that is causing the death in the sea.

                    Vial 2: Sea turned to blood. (Rev 16:3) Pacific Ocean?? Fukushimi accident ??

                    So the Pacific is destroyed by the Fukishimi accident and that is 1/3 of the ocean and since you believe the Trumpet and bowl judgments will be poured out in order, how are you going to clean up the Pacific Ocean so another part of the world’s oceans will be destroyed by Asteroid by Sea say in about 15 years from now so your theory of Jesus in in 2031 will be fulfilled.

                    Yes, I believe they are stacked just as you believe that the judgments are 7 years long and won’t begin until 2025 whereas you bosom budy Kirt believes that the last seven years won’t begin until 2041. By then how much of the Pacific Ocean will have died !/2 or 2/3rds.

                    So if the Pacific Ocean is dead by 1/2 by 2025 then that leaves the Atlantic Ocean to die as being 1/3 of the Ocean. So now we 1/3rd of ocean dead on one side of the globe and 1/2 dead on the other side of the globe.

                    You must be really blind as to not believe the ocean outside of your house is not dying and still teaming with life for another 20 years.

                    It is too bad that you are stubborn as an ass to not wake up to what is happening in your own state.

                    Oh well. It is too bad that you have your head in the sand up someone’s body where it should not be.
                    Have fun drinking the poisonous ocean water and eating radiated fish and mercury filled shrimp to survive.

  88. Jim said: So after WW3 happens, I’ll tell you when I think the 6th seal will happen.
    Could WWIII or WW3 be the Ezekiel 38-39 War?

    • possible

    • They are different events. WW3 is the war of Daniel – kings of the north and south then the kings from the east. These are humans fighting humans.
      Gog is from Turkey and are Islamic nations who want to wipe Israel off the map. They are destroyed by fire and ice from the sky by God himself.
      They are two different wars.

  89. Prophesied Warnings about the Latter Days:
    What about our modern times? Christians in many denominations and with many differing doctrinal concepts can see that our modern times are fulfilling the prophecies about the “latter days” to occur at the end of our age. To examine much evidence that we do, indeed, live in the latter days, please read my article, Are We Living in the Latter Days?, available at the articles link at my website,
    The Bible has many warnings that the end of our age will witness many traumas and hardships. I do not want to be a scaremonger so I’ll state very clearly that I do not know how soon these events will occur. Will the entire globe suffer each prophesied disaster or will various plagues and disasters strike various regions of the earth in different ways? Again, I claim no foreknowledge on this matter. However, the Bible‘s prophecies to date have always come true (as my books document in many ways), so the end-time prophesied dangers will befall the earth sometime in the future.
    Because God has given latter-day believers many advance warnings about the looming dangers and disasters coming upon the earth in the latter days, we are in a situation where God would logically expect us to heed his warnings and make advance preparations for the dangers as best we can. Latter days Christians are in the same situation that faced Noah, Joseph and the early Christians in the time of Paul and Agabus. They all took God’s warning seriously and made necessary advance preparations. That is the response that modern believers should also take today because we have also been told in advance via God’s Word that many dangers are certain to occur in the latter days.
    What are the specific dangers that are prophesied in the Bible to occur in the time between now and the return of Jesus Christ?
    Specific Threats Prophesied for the Latter Days:
    As I know from my reader emails, people in a wide variety of nations visit my website and read my materials. Some of the prophesied dangers in the latter days have already happened (or are happening now) in various nations on earth. However, in many western nations, large parts of our populations live in such a personal “comfort zone” that they scarcely realize that these dangers could threaten them as well. Here are some of the dangers and traumas which the Bible specifically warns us will occur in the latter days.
    Jesus warned in Matthew 24:7 that “wars and rumors of wars” will occur in the latter days. Revelation 6:4 and 8 warn that wars will be widespread during the end of this age, and prophesies that “the fourth part” of the earth will be slain with war and the other plagues personified by the “four horsemen of the apocalypse.” If there are eight billion people on earth by the time this prophecy is fulfilled, a literal application of the Bible’s math indicates 2 billion people will die of these plagues. Joel 2 and Ezekiel 38 prophesy that the nations of the ten tribes of “Israel” will be invaded at the end of this age with horrific casualties all over the earth in a global World War III. Zechariah 14 warns that modern Judah (the Israelis) will also be invaded at the end of this age.
    Famines and Pestilences
    Whenever there are famines, pestilences (disease epidemics) inevitably follow as malnourished people have weakened immune systems. Matthew 24:7 prophecies “famines and pestilences” will befall the earth in the latter days, and Revelation 6:5-6, 8 offer the same warning. The wording of Revelation 6:6 infers that food will be rationed in the latter days due to food shortages. Such food shortages can come from drought, premature frosts in temperate growing zones, locust and grasshopper plagues, floods, plant viruses, natural disasters, etc. The die-off of bees due to Colony Collapse Disorder threatens many crops which need bees as pollinators. Famines and pestilences can easily also strike refugee populations that are dislocated due to warfare.
    Matthew 24:7 also prophesies that there will be “earthquakes in various places” in the latter days. Since their have always been earthquakes throughout history, this prophecy must indicate that there will be greater tectonic activity in the latter days to make this period of time unique. Volcanoes could also fit in this category. Other “latter day” prophecies in Isaiah 2:19, Ezekiel 38:20, Joel 2:10 and Revelation 6:12 and 11:13 also warn about earthquakes of historic intensity occurring at the end of our age. There have been many damaging earthquakes around the world in recent decades. The phrase “in various places’ means earthquakes will occur in many different regions of the globe in the latter days. Whenever California does experience the “Big One” that is eventually expected, it will cause incredible dislocations within the USA.
    Hurricanes and Tsunamis
    Luke 21:25 includes a warning about “the sea and waves roaring” in the latter days. When the seas and waves “roar,” we call them hurricanes and tsunamis. Hurricane Katrina (with immense property damage) and the Indian Ocean Tsunami (with immense loss of life as well as property damage) are prime examples of the fulfillment of this prophecy. In Revelation 8:8, the Apostle John described a vision of the latter days in which he saw “a great mountain burning with fire…cast into the sea.” If this prophecy is fulfilled by a meteor striking the earth (it would look like a “burning mountain” as it fell through the earth’s atmosphere), can you imagine the size of the tsunami that will strike the coastlands of every continent which borders the ocean in which it hits?
    Planetary Disasters/Earth Changes
    Isaiah 24:19-20 warns the earth itself will be “utterly broken down,” “moved exceedingly,” and that it will “reel to and fro like a drunkard” in the end times. This language indicates the earth will wobble on its axis as it orbits the sun. If the earth is hit by a meteor (Revelation 8:8), it would certainly cause the earth to wobble on its axis. A severe wobble in the earth’s rotation would also cause instability in the earth’s weather and tectonic plates (causing some of the the prophesied earthquakes in the latter days). Isaiah 24:1 prophesies “the Lord…turns [the earth] upside down.” This language could be fulfilled by a magnetic pole reversal or dislocation of continents, jets streams, ocean currents, climate patterns, etc. The earth changes that will occur will affect everyone on the planet. Some may be greater than our ability to foresee. Mankind will learn that it lives on a planet made and designed by a Creator we call “God.” The Creator will prove to mankind that its empires and politics are to God like the activities of ants in an ant hill are to a man who walks by and shuffles his feet through the anthill. The glory of the Living God will be made known to mankind in awesome fashion in the latter days.
    The Two Witnesses
    This heading might surprise some readers. However, Revelation 11:6 warns that all kinds of plagues will be caused by the Two Witnesses who will afflict and affect wide swaths of the earth. Imagine the hardship caused upon lands which have their “waters turned to blood.” The Two Witnesses will have divinely-delegated powers to “shut heaven,” thereby causing drought and famine wherever their plagues are directed. This verse prophesies that these Two Witnesses will even be empowered by God to “smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will.” Their plagues will be designed to bear witness to the earth that the Creator of the earth, the great God of the Bible, is very real and that he is about to return to the earth to rule all nations, and that mankind needs to repent and yield to its Creator’s authority. For more information about the extraordinary ministry of the Two Witnesses, please read my article, The Two Witnesses, available at my website,
    Global Panic
    As if the above listing of traumas isn’t enough, Luke 21:11 adds that there will be “fearful sights and great signs…from heaven” at the climax of the latter days. Is it predicting near-misses by comets, a super-nova in a nearby star or divinely-caused miraculous signs in the heavens? I don’t know, but something big is prophesied to occur in the skies that will cause “fearful” responses among the nations. These heavenly signs will likely trigger a mass of false prophets trying to capitalize on what is occurring (false prophets are also prophesied in Matthew 24:24 to be common in the latter days). All the above factors will generate panics among the people of the earth, and panics have widespread effects in public health, food distribution, crime rates, economic activity, etc.
    The above are a general listing of the plagues, dangers and woes that are prophesied in the Bible to occur on this earth just before its Creator returns. The earth will experience paroxysms of events that will be unprecedented. Luke 21:26 prophesies that many will die of heart attacks because they will be overwhelmed by events befalling the earth. I want to reiterate that I do not know how soon these events will occur. However, biblical prophecies prove we are already living in the latter days, and Matthew 24:44 and Matthew 25:1-1-13 warn that Jesus Christ/Yahshua will return unexpectedly and sooner than even his believers anticipate.
    What Should Christians Do to Prepare?
    Spiritual Preparation:
    To endure future prophesied events, there is no substitute for developing as close a relationship as you can with God via prayer, Bible Study, fasting, mediation, fellowship with other believers, etc. James 4:8 promises that if anyone draws near to him, God will draw nearer to them in return. Luke 21:36 tells us to “watch” world events to understand the end times and to “pray…that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” God promises protections to those who repent of their sins and turn to him. Revelation 12:13-17 prophesies that believers who are close to God will be divinely-protected in the end times while those who are not close to God will not be protected. I want to stress that I am no one’s judge, and do not want to be one. A person’s relationship with their Maker is a very individual thing, and God alone will judge the quality and closeness of each believer’s relationship to him. However, no one should wait too long to seek God. Isaiah 55:6-9 tells us that God’s mercies are so great to those who repent that they are beyond our ability to fathom them, but it also warns that he should be sought “while he may be found.”
    Physical Preparation:
    The above listing of traumas to come upon the earth in the latter days warns that food and water will be in short supply in various places, food will be rationed, diseases will be rampant, earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis will be experienced, etc. Obviously, where you live logically determines what specific threat that you might have to face. Those who live near oceans need to prepare for hurricanes or tsunamis. Those living inland are more likely to be affected by drought, floods or tornadoes. Anyone could experience food and water shortages wherever they live depending on what occurs in the future. People who live in regions of the earth where wars are occurring or are possible make preparations for shelter and the necessities of life in a time of war. Keep in mind future warfare may involve more than military combat. It may also include electronic hacking attacks to shut down power grids and essential infrastructures. People who live in northern climates need to have back-up plans for emergency shelter and warmth in the event electricity or gas supplies are interrupted during cold weather. People in some regions hit by ice storms have already had to go weeks before electricity was restored.
    All preparations should be made in a common-sense manner. No one can prepare for every possible kind of event. Please don’t become a survivalist who heads for a cave or compound with your canned goods and guns! God can protect you wherever you are! Also, God knows what you can or can’t do to prepare for future traumas. Those who have many financial resources should prepare to help not just their own families, but others who will be in need. Matthew 25:31-46 makes that very clear.
    I found the following link via the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) website which offers a common sense listing of essential preparations everyone should make for any emergency. It advises storing enough food (and other essentials) for “at least three days.” See A three-day supply of essential supplies may be enough to enable one to cope with a very local disaster. However, Americans who witnessed the slow response of governmental agencies in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina realize that a three day supply of essentials wouldn’t be nearly enough to survive a disaster that affects several states at once. When the scale of biblically-prophesied events to befall the earth happens in the latter days, it is clear government responses will be inadequate to help so many in need. I recall seeing media coverage of people in the USA last winter who had to live weeks without electricity in the aftermath of an ice storm. Are you prepared to cope with such an emergency? The advice in the FEMA link above is valuable advice to follow even if no biblical traumas were prophesied. Local disasters can happen anywhere. You need to be prepared.
    Ultimate Reliance on God:
    In conclusion, believers of the Bible face a situation in the latter days like that faced by Joseph in ancient Egypt or Noah before the Flood. Just as these men were warned of an impending regional drought and a global Flood, we have been warned of many specific traumas that will affect the earth at the conclusion of our latter-day period of time. Even as Joseph and Noah were expected by God to show faith by preparing for imminent divinely-revealed dangers, people in the latter days should show faith by preparing as best as we can for the divinely-revealed dangers to come. The extent to which you prepare depends on your relationship with God, the means you have to prepare, the location in which you live, etc. As I said above, no one can prepare for everything.
    The biblical prophesies are so apocalyptic that it may well be that no matter what preparations you make, you may eventually find yourself dependent on God for physical protection and the necessities of life. Psalm 91 contains many promises of God’s protections for those who obey him. Claim these promises in prayer. At the very end of this age, it is likely that we will all need to rely on God for our needs no matter what preparations we make. However, biblical precedents confirm that God does expect us to make preparations when he gives us advance warnings about impending dangers. Biblical prophesies about the latter days have many warnings about the dangers that will come to pass in the latter days. You should be making such reasonable preparations as you can.
    Joseph and Noah were told by God about imminent dangers and they prepared for those dangers. Latter-day believers have been warned as well about dangers to befall mankind at the end of our age. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:25: “behold I have told you before [the latter day events occur].” Have you started to make your preparations to provide for your family and for others who will be in need? Those who help others in times of need are promised God’s favor, but those who hoard things for themselves and harden their hearts to the needy in a time of trouble are promised God’s punishment (Matthew 25:31-46). As you make your preparations for the future, remember that it always better to be able to give than to have to receive (Acts 20:35). If you can do so, prepare to have enough to be a giver to those who will be in need.

    • Jesus said he would keep the true remnant church out of the tribulation.
      I will trust in that. If I am not in the true church then I don’t deserve to be protected, plain and simple.

      • read matt 24.

        jesus said he would come for his saints AFTER the tribulation

      • 10~12~5998 (out of 6000) American Columbus Day in this “Doomsday Apocalypse”. Yahshua Returns VERY SOON for
        Who Believe in HIM! HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

        Jim, if you still believe in the pagan name Jesus Christ (a.k.a. Zeus the Savior) you are NOT in the remnant church (rather assembly meaning group of believers NOT a building!) Instead, you are choosing to have “THE MARK OF THE BEAST” and all that that entails in Scripture.

        NO RAPTURE!

        “At this time will the faith of the saints be tested: They that keep the commandments of Yahweh, and have the faith of Yahshua.”
        Third Angel in Revelation 14:12 Holy Name Bible, Restored Name Versions, Original Hebrew


  90. for jim 🙂

    russian scientists believe in nibiru….although EVERYONE gets the expected date of arrival wrong

    • You know, you bring up an interesting point.
      Within weeks of discovering Pluto its orbit was fairly accurately plotted, all with just slide rules. And yet with thousands of Nibiru photos and high speed digital computers, every orbital plot has proven to be wrong. So why isn’t Nibiru conforming to the laws of physics? Why are there so many different descriptions and predictions of arrival times? And with all the false predictions, what does that say about all the future predictions? Will the next one be false? What about the next ten? How many will it take before you realize that something is up? There must be some reason why no prediction has ever come true. How can so many self-proclaimed Nibiru experts all be so wrong?
      When you figure that out you will know how to treat all further Nibiru sightings.

    • Clearly this idiot does not know what a planet should look like in space, especially one visible in the daytime. He assumes a planet will glow bright like the sun and not shine by reflected light, with a lit side and a dark side which we would expect. In fact the only way to get the object to show up is to point the camera into the sun. That raises a big red flag to any photographer who has deal with lens flare in the past.
      It is surprising to me how easy it can be to pass off these photos as astronomical bodies, but to people who don’t know astronomy and don’t take a lot of pictures I guess it is easier than I thought.
      But just because many people believe them doesn’t make them real.

      • no lens flare on google sky

        • The coordinates for this object if nothing else, prove every photo taken towards the sun are fake or lens flare. If you want to go with this one you must agree that all the sun photos were just lies.
          They say in this video that the area was blacked out for years. If so, then the object hasn’t really moved very far if at all. If it were inside our own solar system it would appear to move against the background stars just from the movement of the earth around the sun changing our viewing point.
          Plus, this object is a red giant star releasing gasses, probably leading up to a nova at the end of the star’s life. If it were a planet, it would only be reflecting light from the sun. Besides, you can look this object in the NASA catalog if you really want to know what it is. I’ll bet people will continue to use this photo for years to come to “prove” Nibiru exists. The question is will you give up all other sightings and watch only this one for the next 50 years?
          You can’t post 50 lies and say they’re all true.

          • something is not a lie just because you do not believe it.

            multiple photographers confirm each other, and there is no reason for them to lie about what they see…there is no money in it for them..and it is a waste of time to lie

            the object has moved, but this is too complicated for you

            maybe you should stick to studying your rocks

            • Something is a lie if it is not true. As a professional photographer and photography teacher I know what I’m looking at when I examine a photo. So when someone shows you a photo and says it is something when it is actually something else, I know they are lying. You may not have the expertise to do this but that does not make you correct.
              I told you 4 years ago at the top of this blog that the person who was predicting Nibiru would pass by on Dec 21, 2012 was a liar. I knew he was, you thought he was telling the truth. I was right and you were wrong.
              So far in every case on this site where I have claimed the dates were false, I have been correct. I have yet to be wrong. You have yet to be right. Why do you suppose that every single Nibiru prediction has been false? Miscalculations? Nibiru keeps changing its orbit like a space ship? What is your excuse for them?
              And now you’re trying to prove Nibiru through crop circles? What’s next, Ouija boards?
              Last month you lost 3 bets on 2 meteor strikes and a comet strike. All fizzled out. I said they would. You said you believed the fake NASA report on a meteor heading for Houston. I told you it was PhotoShopped but you wouldn’t believe me. I’m either very lucky or else I know what I’m talking about. Yet you keep saying I’m uninformed. You make all sorts of elaborate claims and yet not a single claim you’ve ever made has ever happened.
              I Obama in charge of the New World Order yet? NO.
              Did Islam take over the world yet? NO
              Did the world go to a cashless society? NO
              I could go on and on.
              So don’t tell me that astronomy is too complicated for me. You have no idea how the moon works, let alone the solar system and beyond. You are living in a YouTube fantasy world. Most of what you believe about bible prophecy is pure fantasy and you will never see it happen.
              But as long as there are P.T. Barnums out there, there will be suckers who buy into their bunk.

              • I do not stick to dates. I report what people say and put it up for discussion

                I never said nibiru was to come in 2012.

                the comet elenin was thought by some people to be nibiru, and that was wrong.

                elenin was just a comet that passed by

                the crop circle creators seem to know more than you do.

                not everything is photoshopped.

                i consider possible anything headed for this planet.

                it has happened many times before and was in local news of that area.

                NASA is unreliable. and covers up the truth .

                you still believe those that faked the moon landing

                • European Space Agency does not keep anything back and I doubt if Russia does either when it comes to things that our media keeps secret.

                  Jim, remember this and it comes from ternative media source which will be going down soon.
                  As a matter of fact, don’t be surprised if total chaos breks out between ow and the end of December becauseSeptember 29t, Obama signed the TPP behind congresses back and there is no looking back to be done so we can nw all set back and enjoy freedom of speech gone beginning in January.
                  Only Nazi propaganda will be sent out to your local news stations from now on.
                  Enjoy your short 3 months of freedom.

                  • Dude,
                    You know you said the exact same thing in May/June – “Enjoy your last 3 months of freedom.” And then nothing happened.
                    So you just did what I predicted you would do and that is to place the events further into the future. I’m sure you’ve been doing this for many years and you will continue to do it until you come to your senses and realizing you are beating a dead horse.
                    You said Nibiru would be visible to everyone by the middle of September. So where is it? Now you’ve backed off till the end of the year and then to Passover. Then what? Move it to next September? Of course! Then the next Passover, then the following September.
                    How long are you going to follow these You Tube idiots?
                    You are going to go down with all the many Mayan calendar experts whom we all just laugh at now.
                    Even the angels will be laughing at you!
                    By the way, what is the latest scoop on all those asteroid strikes we were supposed to have? I haven’t been to the YouTube sites that I made fun of earlier, so I don’t know if they moved the dates or just disappeared in shame.
                    Anyone out there predicting anything soon? Surely there must be a few You Tube idiots still scaring up a meteor or two.
                    Any takers? Fill me in.

                • So do you think the crop circle creators are the same people who post the YouTube videos with all the technical explanations of them? Or are the creators from Nibiru and only there You Tube idiots are smart enough to decode them?
                  By the way,, I’ve viewed dozens of crop circle videos going back 20 years and none of them have successfully predicted anything. Between crop circlers, Nibiru hunters and Mayan calendar interpreters their combined score is… zero!
                  And you continue to believe in them. If so you can expect similar events in the future.

                  • many people who put out these videos are very smart and worthy of credit.

                    since you belief NOTHING, including the bible, or God, truth and possible truth is a waste of time on you.

                    you are not an expert on anything from what I can tell.

                    maybe the idiot on the internet is closer to you than you think

              • Jim, this is for you to remember.

                2Pe_3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

                In my book you will always be one.

              • and Islam is taking over europe and america for its fake god

                100s of thousands of jihadists claiming to be refugees are terrorizing europe right now, burning, destroying, demanding, rioting, raping….

                and they are coming here also.

      • maybe it is not 3600 years….maybe it has an odd orbit…coming in and then orbiting the sun before coming back, then back out
        to space

        crop circle suggests this

        • This crop circle does not suggest anything astronomical. Do you think God created it for those who follow bible prophecy?
          If God did not create it then it can be of no biblical significance.
          You are trying to show the so-called “corkscrew” orbit idea, where Nibiru comes straight in from the outer solar system but instead of rounding the sun and heading back out like a comet, it spirals around the sun for a few years before heading back out. But such a screwy orbit can not exist.
          Here is an analogy on planetary orbits. Pretend you are at a tether ball court. You are standing at the maximum distance from the center pole as the rope on the ball permits. So now you are at the aphelion point of the balls orbit around the pole. Now you can toss the ball in any way you want. If you toss it toward the side the ball will go around the pole in a wide circle and return to you from the opposite direction. Like a circular orbit. The ball never gets close to the pole in this case… like Neptune.
          Next you can toss the ball more directly at the pole (sun) so it just misses on one side. The ball will pass behind the pole then back on the opposite side coming almost directly back at you. That is sort of like a comet’s orbit.
          OK, now try to toss the ball so that it goes close to the pole, then winds around the pole several times, then shoots back out to your arms. Is there any way in hell you could make that happen? Of course not. So if you can’t make it happen, then how can something as simple and unchangeable as gravity accomplish the same task?
          Sorry but nothing can change a simple elliptical orbit (all orbits are elliptical) into one that can do loops and reversals and changes in direction like those shown for Nibiru.
          Go visit a local tetherball court and learn what a planet can and can’t do for yourself.


            man is not throwing any planet toward us.

            god is

            • Then God is pretty stupid. If He thinks that Nibiru can cause all the events in Revelation He is sadly mistaken. I thought He could just snap His fingers and create worldwide earthquakes, or plagues or anything else. And now you think He will use a planet instead? And as I said, a passing planet would do none of that. So even is Nibiru did pass by the earth, virtually nothing would happen other than slightly deviating the earth’s orbit. God created the laws of physics and only he can change them, no some planet passing by.
              Your contention is illogical.

  91. Notice that all of these videos are of different objects. Most are just lens flare and internal reflections. Some are smaller than the sun, some are larger. Some are withe, some are red (from the lens coating). Some are bright, some are dime. They all look translucent – see-thru unlike a solid object. As a photographer for 60 years I have seen this a thousand times and it is not a planet it is a noyying. I do my best to prevent it and you often can by changing the camera angle or the lens zoom point.
    The fact that these effects can only be seen in photos and not in real life should tell you something. If these objects are always out there then everyone on earth should be able to look toward the sun and see Nibiru, yet no one has. Have you? Try it – just go out on any day at any time and find out if there are really two suns out there. It is so easy to disprove these videos, and anyone that goes outside on a clear day can do it in a few seconds, so how can anyone actually believe these are real as the You Tube idiots claim?
    And consider that these photos have been out there for 10 years. If Nibiru was really in an elliptical orbit and was just rounding the sun on its closest approach, in 10 years it would be back beyond Saturn by now, like comets with similar orbits. This is simple astrophysics and can’t be changed. There are laws of planetary orbits that must be followed. You can’t have a planet come in, hang around the sun for 10 years and then continue out into the outer solar system. Ask any science teacher. Or even a student. Educate yourselves from these You Tube idiots who try to fool the gullible uneducated bible students into believing a lie
    I feel sorry for you all and I do my best to educate you and bring you the truth so you don’t have to pay for college courses or textbooks, but you would rather believe the lies. You don’t even care you’re being lied to. You seem to enjoy and revel in it. And you still think you can throw a few YouTube videos at me and expect me to change my mind?
    Sorry, a myth is a myth. It can never be proved.

    • jim

      you cannnot write off everything as lens flare.

      for one thing, the person sees 2 objects in the sky ( sun + something)

      he then takes a picture and shows this

      it would be stupid and very unlikely he saw only the sun, then took a picture of just that

      then saying OH!….look, a second sun is in my picture, it must be nibiru!

      no, he took a picture of what he saw

      he would have no reason to take a picture if something was not there to begin with

      I have also seen videos where the photographer moved the camera around to show it was NOT lens flare

      so your argument fails.

      • If there are two suns, why can you and I see them every day? Surely something like that would be all over the news. Billions of people should have seen the object by now. Why can these You Tube idiots see them and nobody else can? Anyone who says they could see the two suns without the camera is lying. Why would they lie? Because they already know it is lens flare but they want to get more YouTube hits by claiming it is real and they actually saw it. You have been believing liars from the very beginning, so why stop now.
        As for the objects that don’t move, they are either sun dogs (high altitude clouds reflecting sunlight) or sometimes Venus. Don’t you see all the different objects can’t be one thing? And why do some call it a second sun and other Nibiru? They don’t care. They will post anything if it will get them some YouTube views. That’s what its all about. Getting as many people to watch your stupid video, so you do whatever you can to pretend you’ve got something fantastic.
        Believe me, if there was anything really there, the whole world would know about it. Do you also believe magicians have real powers? No, they just know how to trick people into believing something that isn’t really true.
        That is the power of YouTube.

  92. John,
    On the 3600 year orbit of Nibiru (from above)
    You make so many assumptions that are not true.
    First of all the 3600 year orbital period was supposedly calculated by Sumerian astronomers 3600 years ago. By people who believed the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth along with the rest of the universe. And how convenient that the figure come out to such a round number. 3600, not 3645 or 3591 but exactly 3600. Sounds fishy to me.
    But the Sumerian story was made up by a 19th century archeologist an not the Sumarians themselves, so the whole genesis of Nibiru was a made-up story.
    Also, the planet was never recorded again by any country over 3600 years of history. So it certainly sounds like a myth.
    In your case you are trying to pin Nibiru for every miracle of God.
    Let me list the things a passing planet can not do:
    Flood of any kind or proportion.
    Parting the Red Sea.
    Raining fire on Sodom and Gomorrah.
    The ten plagues of Egypt.
    A burning bush.
    The resurrection of Jesus (or Lazarus)
    Turning water into wine.
    Healing the sick.
    Get the picture? Passing planets can do none of this. You seem to have more faith in a Sumerian myth than God himself. Do you really think God is out of miracles? Believe me He is going to make sure that by the middle of the tribulation everyone on earth will know there is a God.
    He is not going to let His wrath be blamed on some planet.

  93. John, (from above)
    This is what the history books say about the Chernobyl disaster:
    On 26 April 1986, at 01:23 (UTC+3), reactor four suffered a catastrophic power increase, leading to explosions in its core. This dispersed large quantities of radioactive fuel and core materials into the atmosphere[25]:73 and ignited the combustible graphite moderator. The burning graphite moderator increased the emission of radioactive particles, carried by the smoke, as the reactor had not been encased by any kind of hard containment vessel. The accident occurred during an experiment scheduled to test a potential safety emergency core cooling feature, which took place during a normal shutdown procedure.
    Nowhere does it say there was a meteor strike. I also remember the incident on the news and there was no mention of a meteor strike. As an astronomer I would have remembered such a report.
    Are you really trying to say that Chernobyl was the biblical wormwood event? 30 years before the first seal?
    And you act like the Pacific Ocean is dead. There have been no deaths due to radiation poisoning by anyone in the US, and the California fishing fleet is still out there every day bringing huge loads of fish in every day. If things were as bad as you say none of the fishing boats would be allowed out of the harbors.
    So it seems that you are relying on even more lies to try to prove bible prophecy. That’s what happens when you get all your information from You Tube idiots. Too bad you can’t seem to tell the difference between a lie and the truth. Maybe you just don’t care. You will believe anything if it looks like it proves something you read in the bible.
    I know God doesn‘t want us to start a lie, but I wonder how He feels about perpetrating lies?

    • then you are not well read enough.

      thousands and 10s aof thousands of dead sea life have washed up from the pacific ocean

      the pacific ocean IS dead;

      fishing continues bc of money, not safety

      have you put a geiger counter near your tuna lately?

    • Jim, you are the one who watches you tube idiots 8 hours per day and they are called video reporters. I read articles and compile articles.

  94. for jim….

    • Why on earth would you think that crop circles could be proof of Nibiru? Are the crop circles made by UFOs from Nibiru? If they want to warn us why don’t they just e-mail the earthlings in charge? The whole premise is illogical. It is also unscientific. If Nibiru was anywhere near the earth every astronomer would be tracking it, not keeping their mouths shut.
      And do you really believe in the “Galactic Federation of Light? Are they in charge of the galaxy and not God? This video is something out of a comic book.
      These people live on “hits” or “views” not money. They have nothing better to do than to try to fool people. They are the next generation of computer hackers but rather than spending hours writing viruses that will mess up some ones computer, they now want to mess with our minds instead.
      And in your case, they have succeeded. You have fallen into their clever trap.
      And if the Pacific is Dead, there are no live fish to be caught, so there is no real danger.

  95. Jim, 75 astronomers have died by mysterious ways who were going to spill the beans on Nibiru.
    And there was 3 days of darkness during the plagues and those three days will be repeated because we know history repeats itself.
    As a matter of fact all 10 plagues will be repeated. In the first crop circle, there was 50 rays. Could that be a time sequence of 50 days or 50 weeks.
    Jim, do you not keep up with news from the DUMBS. Do you not know the Dulce, NM raises soulless beings down in its DUMB and that their are UFO,s kept in the DUMBS.

    • Wow, you seem to believe in every single Conspiracy Theory out there.
      Not everything in bible history will be repeated. The red sea will not be parted again nor will there be a flood. You can only go by what the bible actually says, you can not add or take away anything. The bible says 7 last plagues, not ten. And I have no idea where you’re going with the 50 rays in the crop circle having any biblical meaning whatsoever.
      I guess if we have UFO technology in NM we can easily defeat ISIS when they come to take over the US. Even better if we have an army of soulless beings to man them. And don’t forget the robot army waiting in the wings.
      Of course we all know the Romulans control this quadrant of the galaxy so we will have to wait and see what they decide to do. They could postpone the Second Coming for a hundred years if they felt like it.
      Did I catch enough conspiracy theories for you?
      I’m sure you have a million more – all true because you read about them on the internet.

      • ISIS is already here in all 50 states confirmed

        i guess that is a conspiracy also

        • Yes it is. Do you claim the ISIS sympathizers that are here can defeat the entire might of all the US armed forces?
          Hell, they couldn’t even take over the citizens with guns here in America. Are you claiming these are the people that will topple the US government?

          • jim

            I am not going to bother with you much longer. you demand too much time for a blind man

            the government is now run by muslims, the loyal americans that wee in charge of the military have been dismissed, and replaced with muslims

            tens of thousands of muslims are begin brought in to disrupt the country, and dominate.

            this is not humanitarian, this is a political move.

            not every soldier has to be muslim….just the ones in charge.

            we FUND ISIS, we created it, to destroy western civilization and murder christians

            weare now defending them in syria.

            muslims are destroying and plundering europe, and it is supported by liberal politicians

            our schools are being indoctrinated with islam.

            crimes committed by muslims are being ignored.

            prisions are catering to muslims there

            we have a muslim in charge of this country who is destroying the constitution, and allowing sharia law

            america is already defeated

            we are not america anymore

            • Marianne, you might feel better believing the truth but you will have to totally leave the Christian religion. Islam is just another arm of the Vatican that now controls this county and is the enforcer of the Christian religion. Only those wise ones (Revelation 13:18) choosing to believe in Yahweh the Father and Yahshua His Son will survive now and through what is COMING! THEY are only a PRAYER away! HalleluYah!

              • i consider myself as following “The Way” described in the bible

                for communication purposes, however, I use the term christian because most people do not even know what The Way is.

      • Ha! ISIS (and Al Qaeda before it, different spellings for both) were started by the American CIA. They gotcha!

  96. Marianne, in the early 1970’s when I left Christianity I stopped using that name when referring to Bible faith. In no way does it reflect Bible truth. It is Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman, and Greek. However there is NOTHING Judeo or Jewish about it. I often reply I am of the Congregation of Yahweh (or Yahshua) or Assembly of Yahweh (or Yahshua). These words convey a more complete delineation of the true Bible faith., I have had decades of practice.

    • 4yahweh

      saying or writing all that about 100 times a day is some work 🙂

      but I think we are on the same path

      I can try to do that but it would take more time.

      I write so much on this site, and offline, that my hands and fingers cramp up

  97. Maybe the best thing for you to do is NOT identify with Christianity by NOT mentioning it in connection with the truth. By only writing “The Way” for this, the reader will understand that you are NOT Christian. I haven’t used the pagan names since I chose to believe in Yahweh and Yahshua. I sometimes say “G-o-d” or “J C” instead. We always need to find “short cuts” in life don’t we?

  98. ‘Bizarre’ Fiery Globe In The Sky Sparks Internet Frenzy The ‘Destroyer’ Is Near

    • Why do you continue to post images of lens effects? Look how bright the circle is. No planet could be that bright in broad daylight. If it is between the earth and the sun we would see only a crescent image and the rest would be dark. To an astronomer used to seeing thousands of planetary photos this doesn’t look the least like a planet. But as a photographer who has taken thousands of sunset photos I do recognize the internal reflection of the sun in the glass elements of the lens. A more expensive lens or the same lens at a different focal length setting might not have produced any reflection al all.
      And you just swore up and down that the Google earth image that was recently uncovered of a tiny red disk was the real Nibiru, somewhere far out in the solar system. Now you say this is Nibiru and that post was a lie? They can’t both be true. You’ve got to make up your mind or people here will think your either fickle or just astronomically dumb.
      So lets say this is real. Go outside this evening and tell me if you can see this huge, bright object near the sun. In fact, there ought to be millions of similar identical photos taken by cell phone cameras all over the world. Something this visible must be seen by everyone on earth, including every news photographer in the world. So it should be all over the news in no time.
      When I see it on my local news I’ll get on board.
      Until then it is just another lie.

  99. japanese scientists

    floating planets

    [video src="" /]

    nibiru also?

    • The video won’t play on my Mac, but the intro said it was a magic floating city within earths atmosphere. Doesn’t matter since cities can’t defy gravity except on Star Trek, so I don’t care how cool the CGI might be, I never believed these things were real, even in the movies (Matt Damon wasn’t really on Mard you know) so no video from now on can ever be believed again. Technology has now made it impossible to be sure You Tube idiots are telling the truth any more, so don’t bother putting any more up.

  100. Here is what I wrote on this link…
    As an astronomer and astrophotographer I noticed something hincky about the moon in this video. You can always tell where the sun is by looking at the moon. The lit side of the moon always faces directly at the sun. So a line from the tip of the lit side straight out into space should hit dead center on the sun. I follow this rule whenever I Photoshop the moon into a sunset picture or any photo that I think could benefit from having the moon in the sky.
    So look at the moon in this video. The moon points UPWARD, doesn’t it? Yet when the camera pans over, the sun is BELOW the moon. This is simply not possible. Look at the bottom 3-image panel. See how the moon points up and the sun is actually below it? Can’t happen! The video defies the laws of physics. I think the videographer added the moon to it (a simple task nowadays) but didn’t know enough about astronomy to angle it at the proper direction.Rookie mistake.
    The image near the sun is actually the sun itself. A result of internal reflections within the camera lens. I get them all the time when I catch the sun in my scenics. Note that the size of the image is the same size as the real sun, just with the overexposure filtered out by all the reflections inside the lens. Compare it to the size of the moon… see they are the same size? No coincidence.
    Plus a planet would not glow just like the sun and just like the moon would show a light side and a dark side, just like Venus and mercury. And how big would this have to be? Ever seen Venus (roughly the size of earth)? It looks like a star and requires binoculars and a darker sky to view. If this were a planet it would have to be the same size as the sun and its combined mass with the sun would pull the earth into a new orbit or spiral it into the sun. And yet… nothing.
    And finally, something that large and bright would be visible by everyone on earth. So who out there has seen it without a camera? You get it… it only appears in photographs. If that doesn’t rase a red flag with you then you are a true conspiracy theorist…
    With your head in the sand.

  101. nasa news for jim 🙂

    New most distant object in solar system

    More than 100 times farther from the sun than Earth, this object has been designated V774104. It’s fueling speculation about a Planet X.

  102. From the article:
    As for a possible large, unknown Planet X … it’s good to remember that astronomers give the name Planet X to any unknown planet. Percival Lowell famously searched for a Planet X in the early part of the 20th century. Clyde Tombaugh had taken up his search at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, when he found Pluto in 1930. In the popular culture, the name Planet X is also associated with a hypothetical object called Nibiru, which doomsayers insist will collide with or closely pass by Earth sometime “soon.” A Nibiru on a collision-course with Earth is not supported by any scientific evidence; astronomers aren’t talking about Nibiru when they speak of a Planet X.
    So there you go… no scientific support whatsoever for Nibiru.
    Only You Tube idiots.

    • jim


      CBS news tonight just announced that the scientists have said there is a 9th planet out there maybe 10 x larger than earth….

      they can see other things/ planets/moons orbiting around it

      so there you go!


  104. OK, on a POSSIBLE 9th planet, here is a little from a reliable news source:
    The solar system may have a ninth planet after all.

    This one is 5,000 times bigger than outcast Pluto and billions of miles farther away, say scientists who presented “good evidence” for a long-hypothesized Planet X on Wednesday.

    The gas giant is thought to be almost as big as its nearest planetary neighbor Neptune, quite possibly with rings and moons. It’s so distant that it would take a mind-blowing 10,000 to 20,000 years to circle the sun.
    Now notice the details: they have not seen it, it is only a possibility. They use the perturbations on the orbits of the outer planets to determine if something beyond them is tugging on them.
    Also note that is ” billions of miles farther away…” So it is not right next to the sun nor can it be below the earth, off the ecliptic, where it would not affect the outer planets at all.
    Also note: “ It’s so distant that it would take a mind-blowing 10,000 to 20,000 years to circle the sun.“ So first of all, its suggested orbital period is over 10,000 years – far longer than Nibiru, and they did not say that it is capable of coming anywhere near the earth. Even if it were heading towards the earth right now, it would take at least ¼ of its orbital period to travel the 5 billion miles or more from where it may be now. That could be from 2,500 to 5000 years before it gets to us.
    Sorry, but even if does exist scientists will find that it is a real planet with a roughly circular orbit and not some sort of giant comet with an extremely elliptical orbit that could take it anywhere near the sun or the earth.
    So those are the simple facts. Astronomical laws and certainties. So go ahead and say it IS Nibiru. Maybe some scientist who eventually photographs it will decide to give it that name. That would be fine. Even once it is spotted it may take 100 years of observations to determine its orbit. By that time Jesus will already be here and Nibiru will not have been one of the judgements. So, do you want to call this the real Nibiru and dismiss every YouTube video you have ever posted? At least this way you have me and the astronomers on your side.
    Think about it and let me know.

    • well this is step one to see there actually might be something out there.

      the only ones with the good telescope – HUBBLE – are at China Lake, Ca.

      and only they can really see it, and can calculate an orbit or where it is..

      even then, God has the final word

      • well now, I’m glad to see you are finally excited about a possible real planet, but as I said above, this planet will never come close to the earth, it is not right next to our sun. According to the scientists:
        “If it exists, the planet has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun on average than Neptune, which is currently the 8th major planet and which orbits the sun at an average distance of 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion km).“
        So do the math: 20 x 2.8 billion is over 40 Billion miles from the sun (and us). Anything that far away could never reach the earth in time for the tribulation, so there is no point in using it to prove bible prophecy. Your search for Wormwood is over. Admit every photo you ever posted was a fake and be done with it.
        But where’s the fun in that?

      • 1~22~5998 (out of 6000) in this “Vatican NWO Doomsday”.
        Yes! Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON!
        Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM.
        Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

        Marianne, have you thought of the possibility that the astronomers are actually seeing Yahshua coming with Yahweh’s angels, His Return? I suggest this because of the above date. The armies of the earth are gathering to fight HIM at His Coming. They are now getting close to that valley in Israel. His Coming should be visible for sometime before He appears. By the way, Ellen G. White a Christian prophetess stated that “our sun shines its light on a thousand worlds.” She also wrote that The Garden of Eden was transplanted to the New Jerusalem before The Great Flood. She died at the age of 85 in 1915.


        • Actually astronomers are not seeing anything. They have simply noticed that the orbit of Neptune is being affected by something else farther out. They have calculated a possible size, mass and distance of a possible planet, but no one has seen anything yet.
          And unless you know the precise mass of Jesus and all His angels, which as spirit beings won’t be much, then your idea is preposterous.
          Plus do you really think Jesus can move at a fixed speed and He is now on His way from Heaven which is billions of miles away?
          OK, you can believe it if you want. But don’t expect them to get here anytime soon. OK, expect whatever you want. I’m only pointing out facts.
          Ignore them if you must.

        • I do not see how people can calculate that, but I do believe Yahshua is on his way

          • 1~23~5998 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this “Final Armageddon”.

            Jim, it seems that you really SHOULD read your Bible more!
            And, YOUR facts SHOULD conform with Yahweh’s Word. If they don’t I just ignore them. We are getting very used to doing that with you.

            Won’t be MUCH?

            “Behold, He cometh with clouds; and EVERY EYE shall see Him. . .”
            Revelation 1:7 KJV or Verse 8 Holy Name Bible

            Decades ago I heard that Yahshua’s Return would be “The Greatest Show on Earth!” And, sadly, if (IF!) you still believe in the pagan name “Jesus” you will have The Mark of the Beast and could go down with one of the seven last plagues. Revelation 15:1
            Yes, again, I believe Yahshua returns VERY SOON! My above date confirms this.

            Yahshua can move at any speed He wants to! And, Scripture hints at Him coming through Orion: “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” Job 38:31 (Job is rumored to be the oldest book in the Bible.) Do YOU really think that Yahshua’s Coming is “small potatoes”? We really DON’T know what the astronomers are really seeing. And, do you really believe that we will hear the truth from THEM?

            Here in Southern CA there are many lies about the gas “leak(s)” (Porter Ranch) near the San Andreas fault. Unlike Pompeii “under” Mount Vesuvius, we here may be dwelling above a coming huge cataclysm! We can only be SAFE in Yahweh’s Hands through faith in Yahshua. HalleluYah!

            CHOOSE NOW TO BE ONE!

  105. Here is the thing about finding outer planets based on pertebations uron the orbits of the known planets.

    Basically what astronomers do is to watch the orbit of Neptune (in this case) and if it passes another planet farther away they can see a slight change in the expected orbit of Neptune. Then they know roughly where to look, but not exactly. You see, there could be a smaller planet fairly close to Neptune’s orbit or a large planet farther away. Both could cause the same changes in Neptune’s orbit. So they must take many time-exposure photos of space and look at the film under a comparator microscope to look for any points of light that may have moved from the first exposure to the second. And the photos may have to be taken weeks or months apart in order to see any change in location.
    Now, it is possible that planet IX if it exists, could now be on the other side of Neptune’s orbit and it could take 80 years for Neptune to get there (½ of a Neptune year) and by that time Planet IX would have moved as well taking it even longer for Neptune to catch up with and pass it. So it could take 100 years just to get the readings. Then they must study the results and start looking for a planet. One that can’t be seen but only photographed.
    After that planet IX will have to be photographed for years before its orbit can be determined. Did you know that when NASA launched the probe to photograph Pluto, the exact orbit of Pluto was still not known. They found a cache of old Pluto photos from the 40’s-70’s taken by an astronomer who had died and left them in a box that wasn’t discovered until the probe was halfway to Pluto. So it could tale 75-100 years to determining its path.
    And all of this only if it actually exists. So if Planet IX is actually Nibiru, the records and stories about Nibiru
    will be proven completely false.
    So you can start looking for a new object for Wormwood. More than likely it will be the know asteroid Apophis which is due to miss the surface of the earth by just 200 miles in 2029. Or it could be any one of a thousand other unknown and uncharted asteroids or even a comet.
    I agree something is coming but it will not be a mythical planet.

    • sometime in the near future, wormwood will show up

      is it planet x or something else?

      • 1~23~5998 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this “NWO Vatican Doomsday”.
        Yahshua the Messiah Returns VERY SOON! HalleluYah!

        Marianne, this may have already been covered. Years ago (1980’s) it was said that the meaning for the Russian name Chernobyl is “Wormwood”. Prophets described in their own words not ours what they were shown. This is possibly why John in Revelation 13:11 did not know that he was describing a buffalo which to me represents the U.S. Government in prophecy NOT The False Prophet which is Islam (Mohammad)!


        • 4yahweh

          the russian chernobyl event has come and go, so I do not think that is what revelation was describing, but it might suggest another nuclear explosion.

          I have never heard the interpretation that rev 13:11 was a buffalo, and it is interesting to see the 2nd beast this way….

          who then would be the first beast in this line of thinking?

      • 4yahweh,
        The first beast of Revelation has ten horns plus a little horn which you correctly identified as the Vatican (papacy). But the beast must be a kingdom and at that time the Vatican was only a city run by the pope. (The pope is not the papacy without the infrastructure of the Vatican)
        The kingdom that followed the Roman empire was the Holy Roman Empire comprised of ten nations and 7 kings as the Vatican helped to destroy 3 leaders and their armies.
        The Holy Roman Empire also lasted the 1260 years prescribed by rev 13. V City has been around much longer and as a kingdom, starting in 1929, it is too young. Only the Holy Roman Empire fits the prophecy, and not the Roman empire.
        The Vatican however, IS the second beast. With all the religious power of the Holy Roman Empire, just without the subservient nations under it. The US has NO religious power and the constitution forbids favoring any denomination or any religion for that matter. So the US government does NOT and IS NOT controlled by the Vatican or any other religious entity. Only in conspiracy theories and secret organizations that don’t actually exist other than the imaginations of You Tube idiots does your scenario exist.
        And the bison does not represent the US government. If anything it represents the native Americans and their culture (western nations only) which the US tried to destroy by killing off the buffalo.
        Precision counts in prophecy and your interpretation is full of holes. As an engineer I put bible prophecy together like a circuit board. If any components are missing or out of place it won’t work.
        I tried plugging in your circuit board but it didn’t work. Back to the drawing board for you.

        • Top Prophetic Events of 2015
          Things are not falling apart — they are falling into place. If Jesus chastised the Pharisees for not knowing the signs of His first coming, why would we not be expected to be aware of today’s apocalyptic signs? Here are some of the top prophetic developments of 2015.
          1) Israel’s worsening isolation. (Zechariah 12:3) The Left in America under Barack Obama abandoned her some years ago. With the defeat of Canada’s Stephen Harper, Israel was left only with some evangelical Christians spread around the world. She has no superpower backing.
          2) The “days of Noah” are back. (Matthew 24:37) Everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes. (Judges 17:6) Lawlessness is the order of the day. Evil is glorified. The White House was adorned with the colors of the homosexual rainbow and Hillary Clinton has a campaign ad with homosexuals engaged in debauchery as she celebrates their actions.
          3) The disillusionment with today’s politician is setting the stage for a “man with a plan” who will not be a politician but who will have the answer to all the world’s problems. We don’t know his name. We know his title is Antichrist. He may be the only one who can stabilize the ISIS crisis being planned for a naive Western world.
          4) The rise of strong delusion. (II Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God sends a strong delusion to those who choose not to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn, confuse their thinking, and cause them to believe fables. And they do! Islam is good and peaceful; guns are evil; climate change is more dangerous than jihadists; Israel is the bad guy and the Palestinians are the new heroes in the church today; ISIS isn’t Islam; Muslim refugees are peaceful and will help the Western world. This is an “Alice-in-Wonderland” world. Christians don’t fit. The Mad Hatter rules.
          5) The further decline of America. She is not in the Bible in the end-times. Russia and Iran are the primary players in the Mideast now. America’s influence for good is vanishing under Barack Obama. America will blend into global government. Month 7, Sukkot 1, Sept 30, Russia began warring against Syria. Day 4 Lk 25-26. America is into WWIII against Saudi Arabia. 38 nations warring against ISIS and America.
          6) America is being given over to paganism. A few months ago the Hindu goddess Kali appeared on the Empire State Building in New York City. Twenty years ago this was unthinkable. It is now cool.
          7) Israel is being prepared for the Antichrist. She is surrounded by enemies. She has Hezbollah, ISIS, Russia and Syria to the north and East and Hamas to the south in Gaza. Iran boasts daily that she will dump nukes on Israel. At some point she will cave to these threats and call on the Antichrist to make a peace treaty — particularly in light of the loss of American support.
          8) Gog is now on the move. If Gog is Russia, Vladimir Putin has re-built her from the days when Ronald Reagan reined her in. Russia is advancing in many places. All the Gog-Magog nations are aligning and are in the news: Iran, Russia, Turkey, Libya, and more. Prominent Bible-players are moving around as though they were on a chess board.
          See Ezekiel 38-39.
          9) Israel has been bombing the suburbs of Damascus taking out concealed weapons. The Bible foretells a time when Damascus will become a ruinous heap. (Isaiah 35:1)
          10) Christians are mocked as never before and Jews are fleeing to Israel at a pace not seen since post WW2. (Matthew 10:22) Only Islam is glorified, honored, and protected. In the Iraq/Syria region, a Christian is slaughtered every 5 minutes, yet few show any concern. Christianity is being erased from the region of its birth. All of this intensified in 2015.
          11) The technology giants want to suppress the truth and marginalize Christians. From YouTube, to Google, to Facebook, to Twitter, and more, the gospel message is censored and evil is glorified. They are preparing the way for “Mark of the Beast” technology. This was on overdrive in 2015. This ministry came under the gun and was censored more than once. Stories reveal that Windows 10 actually spies on emails, credit cards, and more.
          12) There was a cry for a global religion from Pope Francis to the Parliament of World Religions in Utah in late 2015. If the world is ever to be one, religions also must be united. Pope Francis revealed himself to be an apocalyptic figure in 2015. We cannot “pin the tail of the False Prophet” on him quite yet, but even conservative Catholics are troubled by this Jesuit Pope. In fact, this Pope represents Marxism, environmentalism, the new world order, global government, sustainable development, the Jesuit agenda, unity of faiths, a global constitution, a global court, and a departure from Catholic traditions. He is surely a harbinger of a global religion.
          13) Globalism went on overdrive thanks to Barack Obama, the United Nations, Pope Francis, and a consortium of worldwide Leftists. John Lennon, who “imagined” all of this decades ago, would be proud! NWO in overdrive. Agenda 2030 in full force beginning January 1,2016.
          14) The push to make cash illegal intensified in 2015. The move to a cashless society won’t happen overnight. Instead, it is being implemented very slowly and systematically in a series of incremental steps. All over the planet, governments are starting to place restrictions on the use of cash for security reasons.
          Economic Stock Collapses: Russia, China, Japan, Great Britian, Germany, United States, Brazil, India, Canada, Australia. Inflation is up 75 percent.
          15) Israel’s Temple Mount has been a focal point for turmoil this year. With stage-setting for fulfillment of Bible prophecy during this Church Age winding up, it should be of no surprise that there has been tension on Mount Moriah. That may be the most contested 35 acres on the planet.
          16) This was the year Bible prophecy was mocked and attacked more than ever! Believers in our “blessed hope” were called “End-time Eddies and Esthers.” While this has always existed, now more and more prominent teachers are telling us not to waste our time on doom and gloom.
          17) Liberal, Godless Europe imploded. Leaders like Germany’s Angela Merkel lost their minds, put their people at huge risk as terrorists took advantage of the “refugee” situation, and have made Europe a time bomb. The Antichrist will take advantage of this as well.
          18) This was the year evangelicals began accepting the gay agenda and some asserted that Allah and Jehovah are the same. The voices from the religious Left encouraged this. The great end-time falling away has much of the church going over a cliff with results that cannot be rectified. Finding a solid church became a believer’s biggest challenge in 2015.
          Compiled By Jan Markell/null”Olive Tree Ministries

          • John,
            All the events you mentioned fit generally into bible prophecy, even mine. I’ve been expecting all of this to happen, but I disagree on the outcome and the time line.
            At this point I’m not sure what is left on your time line for this year. You claim the seals are opened. What about the trumpets? I haven’t heard any here, have you? If not, when will they start? And when will Nibiru get here? You’ve been wrong so many times I guess you are afraid to make any more predictions, but surely you must have some sort of idea of what is soon to come.
            So where is the Antichrist? What about the mark of the beast? You said it would start yesterday but so far, nothing new has been announced. Maybe you are throwing all that out, like the 2 witnesses and the removal of the true church to safety.
            So what do you have left for us to look for?
            Or must we only watch our Stellarium programs for signs?

            • According to Revelation, the End of Day Movie put out in 2014 by the History Channel and according to Gill Broussard on Nibiru, here is Marches lineup for 2016.
              Possibly Revelation 8:5 global earthquake on the first sliver of the new moon.
              Possibly at Passover. the Barley Harvest of Children from the globe. R end of days movie March 19th.
              Possibly meteorite storm march 24th, Asteroid hitting North America March 24th according to the Movie.
              Possibly according to Gill Broussard, March 26th for the Meteorite storm.

              2017 Mark of th Beast by RFID chips and it is in the Movie as well.
              The one thing I did not like about the movie was that it expressed the 7 year tribulation and it was also slow going.
              The also said the Antichrist would come out of North America. They did the film using video clips.
              Dates for Nibiru. March 2016, September 2016, March 2017, Nov 2018, 2022 (Perihelion), 2030, 2048.

              JIM, notice the Word POSSIBLY which you eliminate out of my cooments and say I said it will happen.

              POSSIBLY: Capable of coming into, feasible.

              JIM,DO NOT ERASE POSSIBLY FROM YOUR VOCBULARY ON COMMENTS FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 like you love to do because you are right and everybody else is always wrong.

              Personally, I like the you tube idiots better even though all I read is articles and when I take notes from you tube idiots, it is far and way few in between.
              I usually multitask you tube’s. In other words, I will be working on Isaiah will taking notes from you-tubes except for ones that give written pieces of information in the you tube.
              Jason A video’s are all about weather and other earthly events and are very boring. Most Nibiru video’s are boring except for one Catholic one.
              Minister sermons are boring except for the Messianic teachers and I take notes galore off of those. I also watch the video’s occasionally from Discover ministries TV. He does a real good job in his sermons.
              Out of an average week, less than one percent is you tube video’s.
              When it comes to the Nibiru one’s, I turn off the sound on my computer and just read the comments below the you tube to get the information I am looking for.

              • Jim, I forgot to add this to the list and I also forgot to add Adult mandatory shots


                According to Dave Hodges, America as of right now is in Stage 2 and his list is different than this man’s list. Combine the two list’s and you will have an good idea of what Stage 2 looks like.
                Stage 3 is Civil War in USA and Martial law and 281 million Americans will die while Islamics go free.

       The headline read either a shot in the arm or the head but either way, they want all Vets dead.

                Ezekiel 38-39 war material I am keeping an eye on and my guess is that it will occur maybe, possibly in 2017. I will let you know of all events in 2017 as I post them

              • 1~26~5998 (out of 6000) in this “Vatican Doomsday”.
                Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in Yahshua the Son of Yahweh, Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

                John, I read your long posts. It seems to me that you are also hampered by Christian (Vatican) thinking. “Anti- Christ” meaning “Anti-Messiah” has been here for a long time. Actually, believers like me are the “Anti-Christs” because we don’t believe in Christianity’s idols. We have a 35 year Bush Sr. New World Order under The Vatican’s Christian CROSS, Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web The #666 = the idol name Jesus Christ with a CROSS. The markets will fall but NOT the dollar. ISIS is CIA. The False Prophet is Islam (Mohammad). Some believe that World War III has already began with Russia fighting ISIS. Elite rulers plan to “bug out” in underground bunkers and may be there now. Radiation keeps killing from Fukushima, Japan Uncensored News: Southern CA may explode from the gas leaks near the San Andreas fault. Birth pangs of Yahshua’s Return occur daily. The series of four blood moons beginning Passover, 2014 signaled the beginning of the final 3 1/2 years of the final seven. The one on Passover, 2015 signaled the beginning of the final 3 1/2 years INCLUDING the final (120th) Jubilee year. Those who reject salvation through Yahshua and His Father Yahweh hold on to Christianity which IS “The Mark of the Beast”!

                “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in
                Revelation 18:4

                • For Yahveh, before you get to know me, you might want to read Stern’s Jewish NT Commentary.
                  John Ashcraft Email me. Because of Jim, I cannot tell you about me, so if you want to get to know the real me, you will have to email me. My CD has 7000 pages of information on it and most of it is copied from Bible Dictionaries, Commentaries.
                  By the way, the holes in Yehoshua’s wrists are very real and my testimony is 300 pages.

        • Jim, it seems to me that you FAIL to understand prophecy because you have remained steadfast in Vatican’s Christianity and its idol Jesus Christ! Yes, the two legs of the image Daniel interpreted: Pagan Rome and Papal Rome. Pagan Rome became Holy Rome when the Roman eagle was traded for Emperor Constantin the Terrible’s Christian cross in the 3rd Century. Out of the Holy Roman Empire grew the power of the Vatican and its Popes (a long line). Yes, the beast of Revelation 13:1 is an amalgamation of Ancient Rome , Holy Rome, and the Vatican system. But it ends up being The Vatican (Papacy). It received its “deadly wound” in 1798 when Emperor Napoleon took away its power and land. Revelation 13:3
          Its land and power was RESTORED and RESUMED in 1929. Jim, you really SHOULD get more into historical FACTS! Of course, the Two Horned Beast is the U.S. Government which came into being in 1776 out of the earth, meaning uninhabited land. The sea in Verse 1 represents “peoples”. Steadfastly, this U.S. Government has turned its power over to The Vatican with its corrupt Christian religion, laws and even fighting its wars like the Vietnam War. Yes, this government will enforce the worship of the image (idol) of The Vatican. It’s called “The Mark of the Beast”. And guess what,
          YOU HAVE IT!

  106. Revelation 13:1 – 2 One with seven heads and ten horns, like a leopard with feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. This creature is what the apostle John SAW.These animals may have been in reference to the first three kingdoms: lion’s mouth (Babylon) , bears’ feet (Media-Persia), leopard (Greece) Daniel 7:4-6 KJV 5:4-6 Holy Name Bible This fourth beast is what we know now as The Roman Empire. The other “little horn” becomes the Papacy (Vatican) and makes war with the saints, Daniel 7:21 KJV 7:21 Holy Name Bible I have earlier posted that the beast of Revelation 13:1 is the Vatican. Ultimately, it is, but it comes out of the Roman Empire. The Two Horned Beast (USA Government) turns its power over to this first beast which has become The Vatican.

  107. I say the Vatican is the second beast and it will be destroyed by the 10 end-time nations that give it power at first then burn it later. You say ten nations will give power to the US, then turn on us and burn down the entire USA? God will destroy the woman (church) who rides this beast which is the Roman Catholic church. He will also destroy every other Christian denominations that don’t obey His commandments, including the true Sabbath. So most of Christianity will be destroyed – the practices, not the members. It will be replaced with a version of Judaism, as it existed with the apostles before it became corrupted.
    So in a way, Christianity WILL be destroyed, or at least corrected. Whether the world will be forced to use Hebrew words rather than words from their own languages, I can’t say. That seems a bit nit-picky if you ask me, but who knows. You seem to think the entire tribulation is all over a language difference and if only Christians gave themselves a cute new name they could be saved. And that as soon as God gives us this new name, all will be forgiven. If not Jesus will have fewer followers when He returns than when He left.
    So for now I’ll be waiting for the news report that says that the US government has been turned over to the Vatican. And then what? All the senators will be replaced with Cardinals? And House Representatives with bishops?
    Lets just wait and see.

  108. Jim, after a number of years of contending with you I have this to say:


    The ten nations give power to the FIRST beast (Vatican) NOT the U.S. Government. Yeah, these ten nations eventually burn the Vatican. Christianity IS The Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:18) which I have explained numerous times like a broken record. You object or refuse to read the free Greek translation. So, you HAVE The Mark of the Beast! You are not having the wisdom and understanding mentioned in this verse. There isn’t going to be any reformation of Christianity which has always been the false beast religion. It goes into The Lake of Fire with the beast (The Vatican). You don’t seem to understand prophecy AT ALL!
    The tribulation concerns WHO we worship. We either choose to have The Mark of the Beast: the idol name “Jesus Christ” with a CROSS, X as in Xmas. Or, we choose SALVATION and are SEALED in the Names of the Father and Son (Yahweh and Yahshua). This is NOT being nit-picky. This is the TRUTH! “Jesus” is the pagan name of the image (idol) of the beast (Vatican). I am NOT waiting to see. I chose SALVATION through Yahshua the Son of Yahweh in 1972. So, I am SEALED or soon will be. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah!

  109. I just wonder what worshippers in other countries such as China, Korea, Khazmenistan or Native Americans are up against in your theory. If a language creates its own name or symbol (ie, China where every word is a symbol) that means “God” or the Son of God but it is not Yashuah nor Jesus but just a new word created from scratch for the right purpose, if that would be considered pagan and improper. After all, to you it is all about using the proper words more than worshipping the proper way. Do you go around the world to all nations trying to correct their languages to fit your theory? It seems necessary and not nit-picky, as you claim.
    Oh well, I’ll leave you to your theory. God knows me and I know him, including His true name in Hebrew. When I see Jesus in person I will use His true name, but when I speak to others here I will use the name most people recognise. In doing so I am not worshipping an idol. Jesus was never an idol, just a colloquial name created for the Greeks.
    But if being Christian is the mark of the beast, who is preventing buying and selling? So Bush says only Christians can buy or sell? What are US Jews and atheists doing for money nowadays? If we are in the last 3-1/2 years, it should have started by now. I just don’t see it.
    And I never will.

  110. So John,
    You have a lot of predictions for 2025. Does that mean you are giving up on your 2017 Second Coming date? You bumping it to 2027? I know you like years ending in 7.
    If you are still believing in 2017 then why the 2025 predictions? Apparently before-its-news doesn’t agree with it. Of course you can find all sorts of future prediction on their site. The Zetas will probably take over earth long before Jesus arrives. Or, as you say, humans will all become cyborgs in ten years. Then we will all have eternal life and we won’t need any help from Jesus. Before-its-news must have 1000 completely different scenarios for the end of the earth, and they all conflict with each other. You can find anything you want there if you just poke around. Everything but the truth that is.
    So I don’t actually buy into any of these predictions, therefore I won’t try addressing them. Like Nibiru, they are nothing but lies. You rely more on You Tube idiots than the bible and you think that is OK. I just don’t is all.
    Well, you have a busy year ahead of you. A lot of splainin’ to do when all your predictions fail to materialize. Oh yeah, you always say “POSSIBLY” so as far as you’re concerned anything or nothing could actually happen.
    Well, that’s not saying much at all, is it?

  111. For 2031, Jim, I have one prediction and the same applies to 2048, Jim is wrong on all accounts.

    Prediction for 2017 Trumpet Judgments, Bowl Judgments, Rapture, Armageddon, Messianic Kingdom. When 2017 gets her, I choose Isaiahs Day of the Lord scenario over Jim’s any day.

    Actually Jim I rely more on the Bible than I do on any media sources. The headlines just tells me where we are on God’s Timeline. Before 2014, I could care less about all media but today I use it to my advantage like a broker who uses the stock market.

    Did you know that the news you see on CNN is all fake and they use actors to cause your reactions? 9/11 was fakely caused but you believed we were being attacked by terrorists.

  112. Jim, YOU said it NOT me! You just don’t understand that it matters WHO we worship! Jesus Christ, the pagan idol name of Christianity has been the anti-Messiah for CENTURIES! It is a translation from the #666 in Greek (Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web). It morphed from the idol name “Zeus Christos”, Zeus the Savior, chief deity of the Greeks.A few of my ancestors came to America in the 1600’s. They HAD the SAME FAITH as me. WE ARE IN THE LAST THREE YEARS! If you wish,KEEP your “Mark of the Beast”! It is YOUR direct ticket to “THE LAKE OF FIRE”! It seems to me that you have EARNED it.

  113. DJ and Jim,

    Gna is a dwarf planet headed toward us and is 14 AU’s away. It is between Jupiter and Uranus.

    • I’ve listened to this woman before. She predicted Nibiru would pass the earth in 2010 and again in 2012. She makes a slick presentation but as usual it is a big bag of lies with a little truth sprinkled on top. And I thought Nibiru was right next to the sun, or directly under the earth. So what is it doing way out near Uranus? Oh wait, all those other reports are bogus (as I’ve been saying) but now THIS report is all of a sudden the truth. Yeah right.
      I believe a ninth planet might be beyond Pluto – one which will never come anywhere near the earth, but not this story.
      SO lets see what happens this year. Either Nibiru shows up or its a hoax.

  114. Jim, thanks for the heads up on her.

    1) At the time the two Astronomers discovered “GNA” between Jupiter and Uranus, where were they at in the Cosmos. I know Uranus is in Pisces for the past year and where was Jupiter at the time.
    If you draw a straight line from Alma telescope to Jupiter and then to Uranus in Pisces, what constellations did it go through. that is what I need to know.

    2) According to Job, we are to look at Orion and Tarus for the dwarf star but whenever an observatory looked in that direction, the observatory was shut down permanently due to mechanical failures and then you have the 23 astronomers killed for trying to tell the public that there is a dwarf star coming our direction and now in the same year we get two different group of astronomers speaking up, and I have a third link on the telescope in space spotting a dwarf red star. Something fishy is going on.
    The comments on that link and why I think it was a fake was that there was no stars in the background when the telescope spotted the red dwarf.

    3) Arcturus is on the opposite side of the galaxy to Orion. If this dwarf star is on an elliptical orbit, then could Arcturus be the exit point on the Day of Trumpet at the Second Coming when there is going to be both a solar and lunar eclipse along with a global earthquake where every mountain shall be moved out of place just as it was at the death of Jesus/Yeshua/YHVH? Hmmm
    This thought woke me up at 3 AM and I had to write it down early yesterday morning from 3 AM to 4 AM.

    All my sources for the dwarf star are saying to look between Orion and Scorpio and to include Tarus and to look around the 12th to 14th hour and some say 5th hour.

    Can you look into this link for me and tell me if this Mexican Astronomer is onto something. Do not use the youtube channel to get to it, use bing or google.

    Thanks. I could use your commentary notes to add to the file.

    For me, Nibiru is just a hobby to give me a break from studying the prophet chapters of the Bible. In a 3 week period, I compiled a commentary on Daniel and now I am back to studying Isaiah. I am up to chapter 40 and it covers the first and second coming and I think the messianic kingdom but I won’t know for sure until I do the commentary from 3 study Bibles plus all the word searches for the Hebrew idioms and all the Bible Dictionary notes on the words I do not know. The cursory well take me about 1 day (16 hours) to 3 days to do.


    • These two guys remind me of the double-talkers from the old Ed Sullivan show. They soiund like they are having a serious astronomical discussion but it is all pure gibberish. They were claiming that some objects operated at three different speeds, like it was a rocket-controlled vehicle. Yeah right,,, that’s possible.
      As for dwarf stars, there are billions of them out there. Red dwarfs, brown dwarfs and white dwarfs – all depending on the original mass of the star. They are at the end of the Hertzprung-Russell diagram which outlines the normal life cycle of stars. All stars end up as a dwarf eventually except for super-massive stars which can become black holes or pulsars.
      But these dead stars are not flying willy-nilly around the galaxy. In our galaxy, the stars all rotate about the center of the galaxy with only a small amount of variation and wandering. These stars are also VERY far away. Light years away. So even if one was headed directly towards us it would take millions of years at sub-light speed to reach us. There are NO dwarf stars anywhere near our sun. Such a massive object would have been detected centuries ago. And if it were traveling across the galaxy at high speed it would pass thru the solar system in a few days, so anything that was setected in the 80‘s or 90‘s would be long gone by now.
      The bible isn’t talking about dwarf stars. Period. Get that idea out of your head. It never says to look to Orion for something to come out of there. You can try to read things into the bible but it will only be whatever your imagination can conjure up. You are looking for prophecy where none exists. All you are doing is creating more events that must happen before the Second Coming when there is really nothing there.

      • Starsin Geneis 1;14 aand Luke 21:25-26 refers to constellations, asteroids, meteors, comets, red dwarf stars, brown drawf stars, and white stars (a new one for me) and everything else you can conjure up in astronomy including all the other galaxies.
        So get your head out of the sand and get back into reality.

        I never did watch sitcoms. I did watch “The Lucy Show”, Mayberry RFD”. Gomer Pyle, Hogan’s Heroes, and Mork and Mindy. Bewiched, Star Trek, Dr. Who and occasionally Bonanza.

        Nibiru and Job

        Book of Job:
        Here we have the direction that Nibiru will either come from. It is suggested by some to go in reverse order. Gill Broussard and the late Robert Herrington believes it comes by way of Saggitarius.
        “Alone He upon the farthest Deep stretches out the heavens and treads. He arrives at the Great Bear, Orion and Sirius and the constellations of the south… He smiles his face upon Taurus and Aries; From Taurus to Sagittarius He shall go.”
        The above text from the Book of Job, if understood to describe the passage of a celestial body, indicates a movement from the Northern celestial hemisphere (the Great Bear), dropping into the Southern Celestial hemisphere, then moving back through the ecliptic at Taurus and Aries. The biblical text says that its motion is back to Sagittarius, but Nibiru would have disappeared from sight long before this.
        If the dark star dropped into the Southern celestial hemisphere during its visible movement through the heavens, then it stands to reason that it must be located in the Northern celestial hemisphere at aphelion. So Sagittarius cannot be the location of the dark star, but only the general direction it took as it disappeared. In fact, it must be found North of this constellation, opposite the perihelion point of Sirius in the Southern celestial hemisphere. This would presumably be around the constellations of Aquila and Serpens.
        The whole orbit appears thus: Aquila (aphelion), Ursa Major, Cancer, Canis Major and Orion (perihelion), Taurus and Aries, then back in the direction of Sagittarius. The significance of perihelion occurring in the region of the sky between Sirius and Orion is not to be underestimated.
        The Destroyer arrives in Aquila (The Eagle)in 1982 Christ is wounded in the tail/heel and flying downwards. Jn 1:14, 3:13, 31, 6:38; Heb 10:5 but we see blood on the horizon and you are lifted up on Eagles wings. Ursa Major is Adam. The fold and the flock. “In Adam all die”. Gen 2:17; Rom 5:14; 1 Cor 15:22a. “But in Mount Zion there shall be those that escape, And it shall be holy: And the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” Obadiah 17-19; see also Ezek 34:12-16; Jer 31:31-36. Cancer – the crab – eternal security, “in Adam all die, even so by agency of Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor 15:22) Jn 10:28; Rom 8:38-39. Canis Major– The King of the North; the Prince of Peace and Redeemer is coming. Isa 59:19-redeemer shall come to Zion; Isa 49:24. Psa 22:20; Dan 11:40. Orion–Mighty Warrior. Conqueror Psa. 110:1; Rev. 19:11-16.
        Tarus– The Bull Ezek 1:10; Rev. 1:7, 4:7; Heb 10:13-14; Leviticus 4:1-21 Messiah, the Coming Judge of All the Earth The Judge (Taurus) John 5:22; Bull Resurrection. Isa 34:2;26:21; Jud 14-rushing to judge; gore enemies. Messiah coming to rule in the person of the redeemer whose wrath is breaking forth on His enemies, while He shepherd’s his Redeemed in safety. The invincible Ruler come, the sublime Vanquisher, the River of Judgement, the all-ruling Shepherd.
        The Head (Aries) Lamb entered on dominion. The Bride released and making ready and Satan is bound (Rev 19).
        In Sagittarius, He is both triumphant and victorious. Though He appears in the form of a Centaur, we are reminded that our Savior will return some day, riding upon a flying white horse. The Bowman: the figure of a horse with the body, arms, and head of a man‑a centaur‑with a drawn bow and arrow pointed at the Scorpion. The double‑natured; One triumphing as a Warrior; He gladdens the heavens; He builds the fires of punishment; He casts down the Dragon. Ps 45:3-5-people fall under thee; Ps 64: God shoots arrow.

      • 3 speeds does make sense if you are a real scientist.

        the furthest speed out would be slow….as nothing is bothering it

        as it gets close to the sun, the sun pulls it and makes it come faster.

        and then passing through the rest of the solar system, it would have a 3rd speed, being affected by that gravitational influence + the sun…

        • Actually you are on the right track. It turns out that objects DO move faster the closer they get to the sun. In fact things like comets have an INFINITE number of speeds, not just three. And these orbital speeds can easily be calculated, and there is the problem with the photos of Nibiru next to the sun. If any of them were real then we can calculate the speed of Nibiru as it rounds the sun and speeds out to the far reaches of the solar system. And the simple fact is that if Nibiru was nest to or near the sun and heading out past the earth it would take less than 60 days to pass the earth. Yet according to all the photos, Nibiru has simply stopped and is hanging around near the sun for a long while. This would mean the planet is being controlled by an intelligence and has some sort of propulsion system like the Star Wars death Star.That would not be Wormwood. Nor would it be possible since even a rocket has to orbit the sun. If it stopped the sun would suck it into it by its extreme gravity.
          So even that video you keep going on about that it MUST be real can’t be Nibiru since that was taken last October and whatever it was would have rounded the sun and headed out to deep space by now… all without a single reporter ever seeing it.
          The same would be true for an object directly under the earth… it would be long gone by now. So time can easily prove whether anything is actually orbiting the sun. And you just agreed that the sun controls the speed of any object. All you need to do now is learn the math and you can prove all this to yourself and stop believing every YouTube video you see.

  115. John, your reference in Job refers to Yahshua’s Second Coming NOT some astral rogue body. WHO looses the bands of Orion? Yahshua the Messiah returning with GREAT GLORY and the angels of Heaven!
    No Rapture! HalleluYah!

    • 4 YHVH, does it refer to the Second Coming on the Day of Trumpet in September 23rd, 2017 when there will be a repeat of the events at His death or does it refer to the 2nd coming between the first Trumpet Judgment and Armageddon. That is the question you have to decide on.

      I have not done a textual analysis on that verse and have not done the 50 cross references for it.
      However, Gill Broussard did look at it when he did his Nibiru study and I looked at it from an astronomical perspective and have compiled 2 papers on it. 1) Nibiru and Job and 2)The Path of Nibiru which is 20-30 pages. if you want the copies.
      Also, you should look at all the comments on Nibiru 2011-2018 on Heaven Awaits.
      How is your study on David H. Stern’s Jewish NT Commentary coming. Hint read his view on Revelation 17-18 before you talk to me (I am a copy cat–I cut, copy, pand paste directly from there and that is the backbone to some/most of my lengthy discussions).

  116. 1~28~5998 (out of 6000) in this “Doomsday Apocalypse”.
    Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON!
    Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM.
    Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    John, there is ONE Second Coming of Yahshua. You really SHOULD study for yourself. There are too many deceivers in Christianity! The book of Revelation can only be understood by those who HAVE Yahweh’s Spirit. However, we are blessed even for just reading it! Revelation 1:3
    My prophetic understanding is that Yahshua returns on Yom Kippur not The Feast of Trumpets (because this is when the Jubilee year ends.) My eschatological study convinces me that it will be Yom Kippur, 2018, unless Yahweh shortens the time which He can do for the sake of the elect.
    The GREAT news is that it’s NOT 2021 – 2033!


  117. 4Yehoshua,
    I concur and I know He comes on Yom Kippur for Marriage of the Bride and Armageddon, but according to Dr. Denis Otero, He arrives on Yom Teruah and then comes back with us on Yom Kippur. Minus the Trumpet Judgments, is the coming in the air scene in September of 2016 to begin the Bowl Judgments which I believe it is because we have the three days of darkness in July 20-23, 2017 when the Destroyer is in Aries the Ram.
    Also according to the Woman in the Sun in Revelation 12:1, the only occurance is in 2017 and there is not a second one between 2018 to 2067 because I checked Stellarium so this tells me that 2017 is the end and not the beginning of the false 7 year tribulation or the middle of the fake 7 year tribulation. The woman in the Sun is the end in 2017 because if she was the beginning or the middle, then there would be a second one in 2018, 2022, 2031 (for Jim’s sake), 2048 (for Kirt’s sake).
    Plus in 2017, we have 20 plus events tied to 2017 that involves Israel, we have one for 2031, and we have one for 2048, and we have 1 for 2067 (one being the Year of Jubilee.
    Then there is the generation checks which is 20, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100, 120 years. All of these years have to be applied to Israel and they would have to tie to major events concerning’s Israel past. For example, let’s use 2031 or 2048 or even 2067. 2067 minus 20 years has to line up with a major event in Israel such as Armageddon for the end to be in 2067. 2067 at 40 years would have to line up with 3 days of darkness. I am using Trumpet and Bowl judgments as examples. If we use the Battle of Jerusalem in 1917 as our furthest date back as our starting point then 2067 is not the year because it is 150 years from 1917 and the Bible has no numbers of 150 in them. 2031-1917=114 years so 2031 is out of the question because 114 years is not mention in the Bible. 2048-1917 = 131 years and 131 years is not mentioned in the Numbers of the Bible.
    Next in line all of this has to line up with Isaiah’s view of “Day of the Lord” and 2067 does not so it is not the year.
    Then we also throw into the mix the next total luner eclipse or solar eclipse or even a tetrad and they do not line up on the Sabbaths. The next tetrads are not until 2100+.
    Also we need to throw in cycles such as the War Cycle and the Economic cycle and other cycles. The majority of the cycles peak between 2014 and 2018 with the least ones as far out as 2022.
    I have checks and balances all along the way. I was trained to be a bookkeeper in my college year so I have checks and balances all the way that tells me that 2017 is the end.

    • Numbers. Planets. Constellations. Eclipses. Cycles.
      You base all your prophecy on astrological mumbo-jumbo. You make up relationships between these things that are not in the bible. You read about Orion so you make up a story that Nibiru (not in the bible) will enter our solar system from that constellation. You try to attach an astronomical object to every verse you can find. Then you use an astronomy program to stir everything around a bit and you come up with a dozen possible dates, but you also reject every date that doesn’t meet your specifications.
      You don’t care what Jesus told us to look for before His return. If you can’t find these events you scrounge the web for any little event that you can say fulfilled the prophecy. For example your assertion that the abomination of desolation was Obama not bowing at the Church of the Nativity. You clearly don’t understand bible prophecy if you think these types of events are of biblical proportions. You put more faith in astrology and numerology than the word of God, and that is where you have gone terribly wrong.

      • i would agree here.

        the abomination takes place in a jewish temple, not at the church of the nativity

      • Jim, since you like to watch mainstream media for your Bible facts and since you say mainstream media does not make up fake stories. then stick these articles up into you stupid brain and chew on them.

        Journalist spills the beans and admits mainstream media is …

        Dec 6, 2015 … Total Stories: 5,779,664 … Journalist spills the beans and admits mainstream media is completely fake … to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues … Mainstream media’s continual support of GMOs rages on, despite the fact that a … It’s time to wake up.…/journalist-spills-the-beans-and-admits-mainstream- media-is-completely-fake-3253348.html

        Mainstream media & western diplomats promoted a fake news story …

        Aug 28, 2015 … Mainstream media & western diplomats promoted a fake news story about Russian troops in Ukraine to demonize Moscow. Friday, August 28 ……/mainstream-media-western-diplomats-promoted-a-fake- news-story-about-russian-troops-in-ukraine-to-demonize-moscow-3…

        Is Everything in the Mainstream Media Fake? – 6 Examples of Media …

        Jul 20, 2015 … The world of television and modern media has become a tool of … In the two examples below, their magazine covers feature a different cover story for Americans while … anchorman Charles Jaco makes a joke of war coverage in Saudia … Advertising Industry ‘Touches Up’ Images of People – The practice ……/is-everything-in-the-mainstream-media-fake-6- examples-of-media-manipulation-2586506.html

        World Class Journalist Spills The Beans & Admits Mainstream …

        Dec 3, 2015 … … 742,921,708. Total Stories: 5,766,200 … World Class Journalist Spills The Beans & Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake. Thursday ……/world-class-journalist-spills-the-beans-admits- mainstream-media-is-completely-fake-3252374.html

        How To Spot A Fake News Story – Code 33 of Freemasonry Hidden …

        Feb 27, 2015 … The stories are made up by the newscasters or the associated press. … Local news tends to be more accurate, until it makes it to the national level, then all kinds of … opens up. Mainstream media counts on that not happening.…/how-to-spot-a-fake-news-story-code-33-of- freemasonry-hidden-in-plain-sight-video-3114546.html

        6 Positive Signs That Mainstream Media is Utterly Collapsing …

        Dec 9, 2015 … The media makes no distinctions in figuring out which ones are real … Here Are 9 More Personal Discrimination Stories the Media Knew … to pick up the ball and roll out the stories that the mainstream media refuses to get into. … NEWS FLASH : You don’t get 3/4 of a BILLION READERS with all fake stories.…/6-positive-signs-that-mainstream-media-is- utterly-collapsing-3254892.html?…

        6 Positive Signs That Mainstream Media is Utterly Collapsing …

        Dec 9, 2015 … 6 Positive Signs That Mainstream Media is Utterly Collapsing …. the mainstream media completely fabricating stories solely to push the country into war, soldiers welfare be damned. … HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF THEIR FAKE WAR COVERAGE: … to make these statements & have the evidence to back it up!…/6-positive-signs-that-mainstream-media-is-utterly- collapsing-3254892.html

        So Jim, just keep watching your god (mainstream media) and you will be telling lies right and left with what mainstream media is telling you.

        • Well you have just proved my point. Mainstream media is monitored for the truth and if they lie they et fired. Watch the new movie “Truth” to see what happened to Dan Rather when he ran a story with unconfirmed sources.
          But the internet has no monitoring system so people can lie all they want and you would never know about it because nobody cares.
          So you have proven that the mainstream media reports on itself and is always on the alert for false stories. There are obviously some reporters that embellish stories to make them more interesting. It is part of the news and advertising game.
          So as bad as mainstream media might be, the web is ten thousand times worse.
          But consider this; if Nibiru was real, then why has mainstream media refused to mention it. If a real giant planet were hurtling toward earth you would expect CNN to have daily updates and it would be the lead story every night. And if ISIS really has 20 nukes in Albuquerque that would be a HUGE story. They cover cop shootings for weeks on end with reporters on the scene. If there were nukes anywhere in the US mainstream media would be all over the story.
          If any of your conspiracy theories were true they would be all over the news every day. That is the true test for any intermet story. If a comet was really going to hit Puerto Rico (is that lame lie still floating around the web?) mainstream media would be at every observatory in the world interviewing astronomers about it.
          So the key is not whether mainstream media has made up a story but whether they have reported on something in the first place. If a conspiracy theory is true then it must be on mainstream media or else I won’t believe it.
          So there you go.

          • your god is CNN

            CNN lies but they don’t get fired, because they say what the government wants

            if they say something else, ThEN they get fired

          • 1~30~5998 (out of 6000) in this “Vatican NWO Doomsday”!
            Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON!
            Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM!
            Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

            Jim, sadly, not only are you LOST but you seem to be a total IDIOT! My own understanding is that Dan Rather was fired because he TOLD the truth! W was gone from active service as was reported. Bush Sr. became a “hero” because he caused his plane to crash killing the pilot! (World War II) He also took over the presidency in 1981 when Reagan was shot (which HE caused!) Web Search: “Bush Family Nazi Connections”I BET you never heard THAT on the MSM! By the way, did you watch Jeb Bush on the latest debate? He said that his father is “the greatest man alive”. I just don’t know HOW they are going to explain Jeb Bush becoming president if there is a 2016 “election”! I suppose you still believe that radical Islam (The False Prophet) caused 9/11. Oh, and have you heard on MSM that Fukushima radiation is KILLING The West Coast? Uncensored News:
            AGAIN, Jim, you seem LOST LOST LOST! Please SEEK the TRUTH NOW!


  118. Hey Jim, when do you think WWIII will get started. I bet you will say 2029.

    Also, since you believe the
    temple must be built so that Mathew 24:15 will be fulfilled, and we have already gone through the fith Trumpet Judgment and there still is no Temple, then what will you do?

    • WW3 will happen after the mark of the beast is instituted. I leave that date up to God.
      As for the temple, I don’t believe the abomination of desolation requires a temple this time. God is not going to wait for Israel to build a new temple and restart animal sacrifices. This won’t happen and it is ridiculous to think that the stopping of sacrifices is an abomination. The truth us that sacrificing animals after Jesus already made the ultimate sacrifice 2000 years ago, The sacrifices themselves would be an abomination.
      On the other hand, an American president not bowing in a church run by mystery Babylon (the beast) would not be biblical news. That is purely a desperate attempt to match bible prophecy with current events for interpretations that have a running time line that is running out.
      President Obama has nothing to do with the Catholic church (Babylon). He is just another visitor to Israel – just another tourist. He is not biblical material. For that you must look to the pope. Say good-bye to Obama in less than a year. Then who will your Antichrist be? Hillary? You better find him fast – he is already supposed to be leader of the New World Order and claiming he is God.
      So where is he?

      • How does anyone know where the Anti-Christ is? There are many and there will be one that rules the world system. It is written so. The Anti-Christ that you ask about will not be reviled until that which keeps it at bay is removed. Not sure what that is. But, it is written that way.

        Is the Universal Church mystery Babylon? The global church of works will get you into Heaven maybe it. Not just the Pope and a billion followers.

        The Bible reads of a war with billions dead. What brings the false peace? The Bible reads of a re-built Temple that the Jews start sacrificing animals again and the Beast stops after 3.5 years. How do you explain that occurring? If it happened in the past, then we have been in Christ’s 1000yr reign. We know that is not true.

        The Bible reads, G-d will allow man to rule himself for a short time on this planet. The Tower of Babel was destroyed. The global Tower of Babel is soon to arrive.

        • Leatherneck,
          Nowhere in the bible does it say one man will rule the earth. Only Jesus Christ is capable of ruling the world.
          Most of the world are Antichrists. The title has no real meaning in prophecy.
          I find it funny how everyone is scrambling for a new Antichrist now that Obama is almost out of the picture and there is still no One-World Government for him to rule. whatever happened to Obama becoming the Antichrist in 2009 with his Peace Prize? That would take the Second Coming to this September. But no way that will happen now.
          No real peace talks going on in Israel either. And the Israelis have already announced that while they are preparing for a new temple, they don’t intend to build it. They are waiting foe the Messiah to return and build the temple of Ezekiel with the hand of God. So much for the need for a new temple. Also will you explain something to me… If the ending of animal sacrifices is an abomination to the Lord, why did He sacrifice His only son to end the sacrifices forever? Or don’t you believe in Jesus’ sacrifice? Did it mean nothing? Why would God actually want to see the Jews reject Jesus blatantly by restarting sacrifices? So why will God be angry that these sacrifices have ended? The whole idea makes no sense to me.
          Also read the prophecy again… note that in the term “daily sacrifice” that the word sacrifice is in italics. It is not in the original text, it was added by the translators. When you figure out what the “daily” is, you will have your answers.
          In any case it looks like you all are back to square one. Waiting for peace talks. Waiting for ISIS or the illuminati to take over the world. It‘s going to be a long wait. Not much to talk about right now other than a bunch of unreliable conspiracy theories.
          And some incorrect interpretations.

          • Bible Code says ISIS dies by the end of 2016.

          • now that bozo is here, he is not going anywhere, except to another position…he wants to be head of the UN

            daniel 8 descsribes a fierce leader of the end times (AC) so there is a person

            23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

            24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

            25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

            26 And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.

            • The man you described is not an Antichrist, but in league with the pope (False Prophet). They will pair up to drive the Muslims from Europe. The pope is the religious arm and the other is the enforcement arm of the Holy Roman Empire. Both are pro-Christ, not Anti-Christ. They are both anti-muslim.

              • how do you get that interpretation from Daniel? it does not mention any other person involved with him

                • Daniel describes two end-time figures. The False Prophet (man of sin) and a contemporary political leader, the man of fierce countenance who comes to power in Europe and empowers the pope to make religious laws. Most people improperly interpret all descriptions of the False Prophet and the man of fierce countenance to be the same man and call him the Antichrist. But any man who denies Christ (Antichrist) can not claim to take His place as a man-god. Unless you believe he will claim Jesus never came and the HE is the real saviour. That will happen, of course. There will be many false Christs just as Jesus predicted. But I don’t see how a man can deny Christ while saying he is Christ.
                  That doesn’t make any sense.

          • 1~30~5998 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this “Doomsday Apocalypse”.
            Last Evil Days of “Manmean”. Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM!
            Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

            AGAIN! We are under a 35 year Bush Sr. White House New World Order under the Vatican’s CHRISTIAN CROSS, Revelation 13:18 (Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web). B.O., the Clintons, and the rest since 1981 including Reagan are/were puppets. Web Search: “Bush Nazi Family Connections”. In the last Republican debate, Jeb Bush exclaimed that his father “is the greatest man alive”. He could be the greatest dictator because he has lasted so long.
            The web rumor is that World War III began in Syria with Russia attacking ISIS (CIA).
            Meanwhile, Fukushima radiation (3~11~11) is the current plague killing thousands worldwide. Never hear about it? BLAME THE MSM! It is said that the underground bunkers (coffin liners, too) here, in Morocco, and in other places are prepared for the coming war with Russia/Iran. (Ezekiel 38-39)


      • book of revelation describes a physical temple

  119. WW3 will happen after the mark of the beast is instituted. I leave that date up to God.

    WWIII Syrian War
    The video is long and is covered in the article above.
    I watched about 10 minutes of the video but the creator of it did not make comments available so I said Adios.
    The war started on September 30, 2015 or thereafter and I have a note in my files on September 30th because it was a 4th Day event (

    Every time a date is mentioned even in Astronomy events in the year, I check out Torahcalendar first to see if the date lines up with something Jewish or 4th day. From there I wait until articles come in that cover that event.

    For example: Astronomy Events for 2016.

    Solar Eclipse March 9 Total Month 12, Day 4, Week 5; Gen 1:14; Lk 21:25-26

    Lunar Eclipse Prenumbral March 23, Week 2 Day 4 Gen 1:14 Fast of the First born Preparation for the Sedar Meal.

    Aug 27, 2016 Venus Jupiter Month 6 Sabbath 4; Gen 1:14; Lev 23 Today the Parashah is Nitzavim which means “You Are Standing.” Today the Parashah is Va-Yelech which means “And He Went.” Va-Yelech was the Parashah on the first Sabbath in the Physical Universe. Moses was 120 years old when he gave us Va-Yelech. It is 120 Jubilee years from Creation until the Messiah’s reign.
    Nitzavim (You Are Standing) Torah Deuteronomy 29:10-30:20 Haftarahs Isaiah 61:10-63:9; Parashah #52 Scripture Readings Va-Yelech (And He Went) Torah
    Deuteronomy 31:1-30 ; Haftarahs Isaiah 55:6-56:8

    September 1 Solar Eclipse. Annular Month 6, Day 5

    September 16 Lunar Eclipse Prenumbral Month 7 Sabbath 3, Day 7; Gen 1:14; Lev 23 Special Reading Scripture Readings Sukkoth Day 1
    (High Sabbath of Sukkoth) Torah Leviticus 22:26-23:44 Haftarahs Zechariah 14:1-21 Extra Readings Numbers 29:12-16 & Psalm 105. All of the Eclipse is visible in Israel.

  120. John,
    If you consider Syria to be a world war then certainly the Iraq war with all the various countries involved must have been WW3. So Syria is WW4, OK I’ll buy that if that is how you want to define a world war. So then, the war of Daniel (King of the North etc.) is still in the future. It can’t be Iraq, that’s over. And it can’t be Syria since it is a civil war and not kingdom against kingdom as Jesus described. So maybe it will be WW5 or WW8, who knows. But Jesus said it would be bigger than any other war in the history of mankind or ever will be again. It also kills a third of mankind – 4 billion people – more than every Muslim on earth. So something is rotten in Denmark/Syria. if your theory is right. It means the bible must be wrong. I’m betting you are the wrong one here.
    As for the astronomical events, they are nothing out of the usual and sere not predicted in the bible. Nothing of note happened on the days of the tetrad eclipses so why would you expect these events to be any different?
    You’re going to have to face the fact that you nor anyone else can predict a single biblical event from the stars.
    Or numerology for that matter.

    • As for the Astronomical events, Jim August 27 is all prophecy verses. Will those ones be fulfilled in that time frame. Time will tell.

      Ok, so let me get this straight. Genesis 1:14 is not in the Bible. Luke 21:25-26 is not in the Bible just as Babylon being a nation is not in the Bible.

      So let us cut out Genesis 1 from the Bible, Luke 21 from the Bible and all 300 chapters about Babylon being a nation to also be cut out of the Bible.
      While we are on the subject of subtracting from the Bible which is a commandment to not do, let’s cut out all chapters referring to stars in the Bible like Revelation Chaper 8. chapters in Job, chapters in Psalms and all the rest of the chapters you disagree with Jim.
      Wow!! We have gotten rid of 20 percent of the Bible because Jim disagrees with it.

      • You can not ties Genesis to ANY specific astronomical events, period. Unless you mean to say that EVERY eclipse and planetary position in history was part of bible prophecy. Even the tetrad eclipses had nothing happen on those days.
        If you are such an astronomy and bible expert go ahead and predict exactly what will happen on the March eclipse date. I say more than likely nothing will happen and certainly not a Revelation event.
        Go ahead, take my challenge. You have over a month to do all your research and computations. Lets see what happens.
        Come on, surprise me with your vast knowledge.
        Or go copy it from someone else.
        Either way.

        • The war with China is the war of Armageddon. The Euphrates river has to be totally dry.

        • Jim, the computations were done 5 months ago. I am just waiting for the articles to show up.

          By the way, you have them in the above comments in Nibiru 2 continued and in Nibiru 2011-2018 for this year and or 2017.

          • So, when 2017 is proven false, what will your next “perfect” Second Coming date be? And how will it line up with events in Israel?
            Leatherneck, you can chime in here if you want.
            Or perhaps you guys will simply give up and go away. That’s the problem when you pick a fixed date. This has been attempted by hundreds of “experts” over the last 2000 years, and guess how many were right?

  121. Jim, Before the Ezekiel 38-39 War occurs, Syria, Jordan, and Lebonon has to be taken out of the way or whoever is north of Israel.
    Daniel 8 refers to Iraq invasion. Ater that comes Turkey going to war and people say that the WWIII would be in the Middle East.

    Seal 2: World War III begins. (Rev 6: 3,4) ISIS, Middle East, 2015/2016

    Last year on Beforeitsnews was 3 wars being talke about. 1) Psalm 83 War. 2) Ezekiel 38-39 War with Chess players moving into position. 3) WWIII just begun here and here and here. Then the article you read was the after facts.

    Daniel 11 talks about the King of the North and South and everybody says that is for this time season but it refers to the time period from 539 BC to 134 BC and the beginning of Hanukkah.

    So do you really think Daniel 11 Kings of the North and Kings of the South is going to occur over a 1 year to 15 year period I don’t think so but it might cover backwards from 2030 (your time frame) backwards for 400 years or more.
    If we go for 2030 being the year of Jesus time then we either have to wait for WWIII to occur in 2029 or look to WW VI by 2030.

  122. While Daniel did predict events that happened in ancient times, but the King of the North war (2015) with China and its 200 million man army has to be for our times.
    I don’t see how you are going to squeeze three wars into the time you have left. I’m not predicting any dates however, so I have whatever time is needed for the prophecy to unfold.
    Lucky me.

  123. RIGHT ON MARIANNE! CNN = Criminal News Nutwork

  124. Jim, WRONG AGAIN! The False Prophet (Islam) works with the beast (Vatican). Europe (10 horns) unites with The Two Horned Beast (U.S. Government) to enforce “The Mark of the Beast” which = CHRISTIANITY!

    “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4

    • That will be the day when Islam works WITH the Vatican instead of, as they claim, want to attack Rome and kill every Christian they can find. What do you think is going to happen to get these two opposite religions to team up for anything? And how do you get that the False Prophet is a religion and not a man? No one I’ve talked with thinks the False Prophet is not a single person but billions of them.
      Once again your ideas simply defy logic. They may make sense to you but they are completely illogical.
      And wrong.

      • Jim, you are wrong again. The anti-Christ will be a Muslim because he comes out of Turkey according Walid Shoebet (spelling) and Obama is a Muslim. The Vatican loves Islam because they created Islam. One of the wives of Mohammad was a Catholic woman and he loved her the most. The Vatican created Islam because they want to have total control over Jerusalem so if they could get the Islams to take out the Jews by jihad then they come in as savior and rule Israel and set up Lucifer/Satan as head of the Church and everybody bows to the Antichrist and Pope or be put to death.


          The Prophecy of Obadiah, Edom (Islam), and the Catholic Church.
          A five minute article at Prophecies of the End Times.

        • Say what?
          You say the Antichrist comes out of Turkey.
          Then you say Obama is the Antichrist.
          And the Vatican loves Islam even though the expressed goal of Islam is to kill the pope and every Christian on earth.
          The new pope has never called for the destruction of the Jews or of the Vatican to take over Jerusalem. Islam had control over Jerusalem and the pope sent armies to take it back in the crusades. Islam and the Vatican have never gotten along.
          Now it seems you’ve got conspiracy theories going back 1600 years and we are expected to believe your version of world history based on your say-so or the words of a bunch of You Tube idiots.
          Once again your views just don’t make sense.

      • Heaven to Jim: WAKE UP! Mohammad was the “founder” of Islam it’s PROPHET (under the Vatican)! jardalkal, you are RIGHT about THAT! If there is one man that is the anti-Messiah besides the pope (or the black pope which is the REAL man in charge), it seems to me that it is George Bush Sr.because he has been the head of The Two Horned Beast (U.S. Government ) since 1981. He promised us “The New World Order” decades ago. During the last televised Republican debate, his son, Jeb Bush stated that his father “is the greatest man alive”. His record is despicable. Jim, of course, you do not know THAT because you seem only to trust the MSM! GET THE TRUTH!

        • Reagan and Clinton also promised a New World Order, as did Bush Jr. But none of them claimed the New World Order would be a One-World Government run by a dictator. On the contrary they referred to a new world free of dictators where everyone has a vote in their own governments. That is all they meant.
          The Muslims also want a New World Order, but in their world there are only Muslims and everyone else is dead. Then of course they have to fight it out to see which version of Islam is correct, but then there will be the true New World Order.
          Of course communism also promises a New World Order of their own, but do you have an Antichrist candidate for their world order?
          So your entire interpretation is falsely based on a turn-of-phrase used by a powerless ex-president and you don’t even understand what he meant by the words “New World Order”
          And as for his son Jeb calling him the greatest man alive, what would you expect the son of a president who is running for the same job to call his own father. The bible tells us to “Honor thy Father and thy Mother” so he is following God’s commandment in the best way possible. You have a knack with redefining words and completely changing their meanings. This is a common practice of yours, but you take the cake.
          I hope you like to eat cake.

          • Jim, it seems very evident to me that you have NO CLUE to the life George Bush Sr. has lived! This includes: attempted assassination of Reagan through the son of his business partner by which he took actual control of the presidency, planned downing of plane during World War II killing the pilot so he could get a medal, and many other mad-made disasters since 1981, including HAARP. His father was responsible for mass Jewish deaths for helping the Nazis. Web Search: “Bush Nazi Family Connections”. Bush Sr. once stated that he wanted the world population down to 600 million. He stated OFTEN that he would “Bring in The New World Order”. HE DID under The Vatican’s Christian CROSS, Revelation 13:18!
            GET A CLUE NOW!!

      • Jim, Mohammad is the PROPHET of Islam. Who is anti-Messiah?
        The Christian Popes of Rome and the Presidents in the U.S. Government who turn it’s power over to it.

        No mystery AT ALL!

        The saints of Revelation 14:1 believe in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua NOW! NO RAPTURE!

  125. Jim, there are five planets in a row above your head right now in the Cosmos. The first day was on a Wednesday which is a 4th day event and the last day is February 20th which is a Sabbath. 5 means grace and between the Day of Atonement to the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles is called the five days of grace.
    Where in March is the fifth week end. What day and what date.
    Marianne will know what it means because she is not closed minded as you are Jim.

    • 20 years ago there were 7 planets in alignment. Jesus didn’t return.
      So what do you think will happen from the bible by the end of March?
      Maybe Marianne can tell me.
      Well who cares anyway, we’ll all be in death camps by then.

  126. jardalkal, the Bible proves that the final ruler(s) are CHRISTIAN not Islamic!
    Revelation 13:18 AGAIN, the #666 = the pagan name “Jesus Christ” which includes a CROSS (X as in Xmas!) This is the NAME, NUMBER, and MARK of the image (idol) of the beast, Revelation 13:1, the Vatican.


    “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4

    • Rev 13:18 in the Greek is not 666 but is 616 or 6I6. So the Islamics when they read it in Greek sees the crossed swords.

      The MARK of the Beast – No Shari’a in Australia

      … 13 is the same as the Bismillah of Islam with crossed swords, … Mark of the Beast the Islamic badge … of faith to see the mark of the Beast of …

      The REAL Mark of the Beast – Hope of Israel Website

      The REAL “Mark of the Beast”! … See the “mark”? The cross? Tilt it about 45 degrees … The crossed swords evoke jihad (holy war) …

      THE REAL MARK OF THE BEAST By Kimberly Rogers

      THE REAL MARK OF THE BEAST … see the cross beside, … recognize the Beast as Islam and his mark as the bismillah with the crossed swords.

      • 1~31~5998 (out of 6000) in this final “Doomsday Apocalypse”!
        Yahshua is the Son of Yahweh and He is Returning VERY SOON for ALL who choose to believe in THEM! HalleluYah!

        No, you, too, are VERY WRONG and apparently VERY LOST!! You can’t even read a simple Greek translation. I covered this a number of times. At the age of 23 (45 years ago!) I understood when this message came to me. WHY CAN’T YOU?? Is it because you WON’T?? The language is GREEK! The X (as in Xmas) is for CHRIST. In Greek it’s also the number six called “HEX” which in English means “an evil spell”. It seems to me that you won’t leave the HEX of CHRISTIANITY and will lose your SALVATION. You argue and debate non essential and petty matters while you lose ETERNAL LIFE! So sad!

        • Check out Walid Shoebat’s Website and see what they said when he showed them the 6 Chi 6 and they see crossed swords.
          The crosses used in the Roman Times was the ” T “, “X”, and upside down ” T ” .

          Email me as I have told you before stubborn 4Iesous and you will get the Mark of the Beast picture where it looks like I X I or X I X.
 John Ashcraft.

          • I watched a 2-hour lecture Shoebat gave years ago on his theory, which is just a variation on the “Left Behind” scenario.He was a guest on the Jack Van Impe show and the two agree on most everything.
            Anyone who believes in a 7-year tribulation based on the last week of Daniel is wrong from the get-go. There will be no One World Dictator. And certainly no chipping of humanity. Only Jesus could ever take over and rule the whole earth. Certainly not Obama. He hasn’t the guts for such a takeover. He has proven that over the last 7 years.
            And his crossed swords idea is no different from numerology. Take certain letters, turn them over, flip them cut them in half and paste them together gives you bible prophecy. Right.
            I’ll tell you why this can’t be the clue to the mark of the beast. The bible interprets itself. Everything God wants us to know about prophecy is in the bible. There is no need to study the Koran or Stellarium or You Tube idiots in order to get the proper interpretation. God does not require His people to learn Arabic in order to understand His prophecies. If that were so almost no one would understand it. The Muslims wouldn’t know the bible and Christians would not know the Koran, so was all of God’s words all meant for only one man (Shoebat)? Or for only computer owners who know astrology? God is not going to make his words understood by only a few people.
            That alone is reason to reject these ideas.

      • And, the HOPE of ISRAEL is and always WAS Yahshua the Messiah, the Son of Yahweh! It is NOT in the pagan deity named Jesus Christ the image (idol) of the Vatican’s Roman Catholic Christianity!!

        • 4yahweh,
          Let me ask you something.
          If I call Yashuah “Joshua” am I damned to hell? It is the English word for His name, so it appropriate or not?
          Many other languages have their own words as well. Are they all evil words to use?
          Jesus is the Greek word that means Yashuah. Or does it mean Yeshua – the word used in English dictionaries.
          And what’s the story with Hahhukah? 8 spellings. Do I go to hell if I use the wrong one?
          If words matter, then so must spelling. So you’ve got a huge task to teach the world how to be biblically correct. Except that most bibles use the word Jesus. Wow, that’s a lot of book burning, re-typesetting and reprinting.
          Well, good luck with that task. Too big even for God. SO lets just kill every person with a bible who believes that Jesus died for their sins but not Yashuah.
          Oh wait… they are the same person… just different words. I’ll put my faith in Josh to do the godly thing.

          • your name is james, instead of ya’ aqov (jacob), so you are in trouble too 🙂

            phonetically, you are ג’יימס

            • OK, I get it,
              Unless the entire world learns Hebrew and speaks it whenever they refer to the bible, they have the mark of the beast.
              If God wanted us all to speak the exact same language why did He create all the different languages at Babel? And even Hebrew has changed over the centuries. And didn’t Jesus speak Aramaic? Are we supposed to learn that too? And why did the apostles even bother to use Greek? Didn’t they know they were using a pagan language? Why didn’t God stop them?
              I’m afraid your ideas are just to silly to be true.

              • I am just following your conversation with 4yahweh.

                my name should be miriam hannah 🙂

              • Jim, your answer for the Tower of Babel question lies at my Nibiru Study because it is 20 to 30 pages which you won’t read most likely.

                Tower of Babel all had one language in common which was Hebrew or Aramaic. Hebrew is God’s language. But they had pride and wanted to reach to the Heavens and be gods of the universe. The destruction of the Tower of Babel was in the month of Abib/Passover month. And in the last days in the New World Order, the Antichrist si called God because he wants to be God son his destruction will be the same as those at the Tower of Babel. It is interesting that in Europe their is a building that looks like the Tower of Babel destroyed and the European Union is in that building, I believe.

              • Jim, the language in the Messianic Kingdom will be Hebrew and we all will be following the 613 laws of the Torah and the sacrifices will be reinstated in some form and the Church/Assembly (Adat)/ Kehilah will only be open on the Sabbath and all males will be going to Jerusalem 3 times per year: Passover, Pentecost, and Fest of Tabernacles and if you do not show up atTabernacles, then no rain on your property for a whole year and you will be eating dirt that year maybe.
                By he way, If you use fowl language, then you will be going to the lake of fire and brimstone because the people in the Messianic Kingdom will be pure and holy as He is pure and holy.
                No sin is allowed into the Messianic Kingdom.

                • Then you had better stop lying and passing on the words of other liars.
                  And how do you know what the original tower of Babel looked like? Did they take photos and you just ran across the negatives in a jar in some cave? All you know is what you have seen artists draw in some books or maybe in a movie. You are so gullible to think you actually know what something looked like almost 5000 years ago.
                  It is the same way you think you know that Nibiru has caused innumerable biblical events formerly attributed to the hand of God. You really know nothing. You are just making things up in your imagination and taking away from the word of God and His miracles.
                  Next you’ll be claiming that Nibiru raised Jesus from the dead.
                  You have no common sense or simple logic and you believe that all sorts of impossible things are just about to happen. But nothing you’ve been expecting and telling us about has ever happened and yet you still claim it is all just around the corner…
                  Next month, next month, next month.
                  You are just a broken record with a broken theory.

              • 2~6~5998 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this “Final Doomsday”.

                Jim, Yahweh (the Name of the Creator of everything!) wants us to believe in His Son Yahshua Who came in His Father’s Name,of Yahweh, John 5:43. He pleads with YOU to do THIS (through His Word and now me). Yahshua is HIS Name! Belief in the great impostor with the pagan idol name of “Jesus Christ” will someday only give you a direct ticket to “The Lake of Fire”. Yes, it DOES make a DIFFERENCE! Caring about this LATER will be TOO LATE!

          • The names of Jesus: YHVH (Behold the hands, behold the nails), Yehoshua (Joshua); Yehashouah, and two other weird names, Yeshua/Iesous/Jesus. I personally use Yeshua/Jesus or Jesus depending on who I talk to. To Jews, I use Yeshua. To Christians, I use Yeshua/Jesus and then after they make the connection, then I use Yeshua.
            His parents called Him Yeshua but His friends used Greek name Iesous because at that time frame Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek was being used.

            • And, Yeshua is NOT the Name of the Son of Yahweh AT ALL! This name DOES NOT contain Yahweh’s Name! Yahshua CAME IN His Father’s Name, John 5:43. We are not SAVED in JUST ANY NAME.
              Sadly, most (all?) of you will find this out VERY SOON!

          • Jim, AGAIN! Yahshua is the SAVING NAME of the Son of Yahweh!

            “Jesus Christ” (a.k.a. Zeus the Savior in Greek) is the ABOMINABLE NAME of the image (idol) of the beast (Vatican’s Christianity). The Heavenly Name of Yahshua means” The Salvation of Yahweh”. The pagan name “Jesus Christ” with a CROSS (X as in Xmas!) is THE MARK OF THE BEAST. Revelation 13:18

            These Names are NOT interchangeable!

            “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of idol of the beast: for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:18 Holy Name Bible

            Down through the centuries the Vatican’s Popes have claimed to be “Jesus Christ on Earth”. There is a papal crown with these words in Latin on it. The Roman numerals add up to the #666. So, HERE you have the man, mark, and number of the beast!

            Apparently readers here cannot read or COUNT!


            “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in
            Revelation 18:4 HalleluYah! Come quickly Yahshua!

            • I don’t know why you keep talking about the X in Xmas. First of we all know Christmas (look… no X) is a pagan holiday and will be banished in the millennium along with Easter and Valentines day.
              And around these parts we call it Navidad and there is no X I it ever. So does that get the Mexicans off the hook for Xmas? It should with your logic. Same for a hundred other languages. So is God going to pick and choose winners and losers by how they spell the holiday?
              If you can’t see the flaw in your logic then all you can do is run around complaining about languages. Learn Hebrew or go to hell.
              OK, we get it. We just don’t believe it is all.

              • Jim, Xmas means “Christmas” exposing again the CROSS, The Mark of the Beast. Yes, I KEEP explaining to you the TRUTH but , unlike me, you choose NOT to get it! BAD CHOICE! However, other readers WILL understand because THE TRUTH is NOT shared in vain. HalleluYah!

                • What is it about the word “cross” that offends God? Is it not an appropriate symbol for the shed blood of Yeshua? As long as it doesn’t have a graven image of Him attached to it.
                  Is it inappropriate to write or speak any words with an “X” in it such as “box” or “ax”? Should we take the crossover frequency circuits (xover) out of our speakers just to be safe?
                  Listen, the mark of the beast must be about a commandment – breaking God’s law, not a language issue. God is not going to punish English speakers and reward Chinese Christians because they have their own made-up word that has no pagan roots? Where in the bible does it show us these language rules? Or did some cultist You Tube idiot put up a website that claimed these ideas are facts? Same as the Nibiru idiots.
                  Sorry, but I prefer the full, clean sound from my speakers the way they are now. But you need to get a soldering iron before it’s too late.

                  • 2~4~5998 (out of 6000) in this final “Vatican NWO Doomsday”.
                    The SAVED and SEALED in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua
                    SURVIVE NOW and FOREVER! HalleluYah!
                    Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

                    Jim, it’s what the CROSS means, and I do mean the ONE in Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott, Free on the Web! We don’t even KNOW if Yahshua gave His Life on a “tree” or a “cross”. Most like you believe only what Vatican’s Christianity tells them. I believe that the Puritans (most likely believers in Yahweh and Yahshua like some of my ancestors) used “Xmas” because they did not want or say the pagan idol name CHRIST. Hosea 2:17 I don’t have any written proof of that. However, this why I use it. The Christian cross is a magnet for evil. The Mark of the Beast is what the GREEK translation states now what Jim has decided! So, you like crosses? Sadly, they have been with us down through the ages! There is the Christian cross of the Crusades (Crossades?), the Christian cross of the evil killing Inquisition, the skull and crossbones of the pirates who plundered FOR The Vatican, the swastika ~ crooked cross of the Jew killing Nazis, the hammer & sickle of the communists, even the peace symbol! They are ALL evil inventions of The Vatican.Take your pick!

                    OPEN YOUR SPIRITUAL EYES AND STOP PROFANING THE TRUTH! And, Jim, maybe YOU should leave CA because you do not have Yahweh’s protection if you keep rejecting His Son Yahshua in favor of the name”Jesus Christ” which is The Mark of the Beast. The Porter Ranch fiasco portends great trouble for this state. We could be living on top of Mount Vesuvius (not under it like ancient Pompeii)! BELIEVE IN YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME BUT NOT MUCH!

  127. JIm,
    here is the tower of Babel event.

    Gen 11:1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech (Gen 10:5, 20,31). Hebrew.

    Gen 11:2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
    Shinar was in the southern part of Babylonia and includes the region of the cities of Babylon, Erech, Accad, and Calneh (10:10).
    Jasher 9:23 And all the families assembled consisting of about six hundred thousand men, and they went to seek an extensive piece of ground to build the city and the tower, and they sought in the whole earth and they found none like one valley at the east of the land of Shinar, about two days’ walk, and they journeyed there and they dwelt there.

    Gen 11:3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone (oven-fired bricks), and slime (Asphalt) had they for morter.
    Jasher 9:24 And they began to make bricks and burn fires to build the city and the tower that they had imagined to complete.
    Jash 9:25 And the building of the tower was unto them a transgression and a sin, and they began to build it, and whilst they were building against the Lord God of heaven, they imagined in their hearts to war against him and to ascend into heaven.
    This passage sounds very familiar to one we read about in Isaiah 14, where Satan proclaims his five “I will” statements; the most applicable of the five being: “You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north;”

    Gen 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower (Mesopotamian Temple Tower), whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
    The people’s pride and ambition is expressed in three different ways: (1) the fivefold use of the first-person pronouns-us, and we; (2) their desire to build a tower into the sky, thus giving them access to “the heavens,” the domain of God; and (3) their attempt at self-glorification–let us make a name for us. Because they did it to avoid being scattered over the face of the earth, all their efforts amounted to a rebellion against Elohim and His command to fill the earth (9:1). This tower served as their ralley point and fame.

  128. Jim, more on the tower of Babel.

    Jasher 9:21
    And all the princes of Nimrod and his great men took counsel together; Phut, Mitzraim, Cush and Canaan with their families, and they said to each other, Come let us build ourselves a city and in it a strong tower, and its top reaching heaven, and we will make ourselves famed, so that we may reign upon the whole world, in order that the evil of our enemies may cease from us, that we may reign mightily over them, and that we may not become scattered over the earth on account of their wars.
    Jash 9:26 And all these people and all the families divided themselves in three parts; the first said We will ascend into heaven and fight against him; the second said, We will ascend to heaven and place our own gods there and serve them; and the third part said, We will ascend to heaven and smite him with bows and spears; and God knew all their works and all their evil thoughts, and he saw the city and the tower which they were building.

    Gen 11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
    Exodus 19:20
    And the LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up.
    Exodus 34:5 Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the LORD.
    Numbers 11:25 And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease.
    Numbers 12:5 And the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.

    Please note that each of these times is dramatic. Babel may have been the most dramatic of all. There is an interesting ‘interruption’ in Psalm 18 when David is talking about the depth of his despair and trouble. Starting in verse 7 and going to 15, we read:

    7 The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry.
    Earthquakes at Rev 8:7; at Tower of Babel; (Isa 2:19. 21=Rev 6:12-17; Isa 22:5,9; Isa 5:25; 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Rev 16:18=Isa 2:10-22). Shaken Heb 12:25-27; Isa 13:13; Hag 2:6-7; Ps 46:3; Quaking Jer 4:24; Isa 5:25; Jer 10:10; Ezk 38:20; Jer 50:46 cr Jer 10:10; 49:21; Ezk 26:18; 31:16; Isa 5:7; 15:5; Jer 46:12; 51:54; Ezk 27:28; Isa 2:10-21; 13:6-13; Isa 54:10 (Mountains shall depart); Nah 1:5

    8 Smoke rose from his nostrils (volcanoes; Ezek 38:22) consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it.
    Gen 11 Tower of Babel fire from above and Earthquakes below.
    Gen_19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
    2Ki_1:10 And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.
    2Ki_1:12 And Elijah answered and said unto them, If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.
    2Ki_1:14 Behold, there came fire down from heaven, and burnt up the two captains of the former fifties with their fifties: therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight.
    1Ch_21:26 And David built there an altar unto the LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called upon the LORD; and he answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering.
    2Ch_7:1 Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the house.
    Job_1:16 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
    (Isa 34:9; 37:7; Isa 25:4; Ps 46:6,8; 2 Sam 16:14-16; 1-4 Trumpet judgments Rev 8; Ezek 38:22; 2 Peter 3:10; Isa 30:30; Rev 9 (CERN); Rev 16:8-9); Nah 1:5 (burned).

  129. Jim, here is more.

    9 He parted the heavens and came down (parting of the scroll in Revelation at the Day of the Lord); dark clouds were under his feet. torrential rains. 33) Change in the Solar System (Ps 102:25-26; Isa 51:6; 2 Pet 3:12); also the heavens shall roll up as a scroll.

    10 He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind. 6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe.

    11 He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him—
    the dark rain clouds of the sky. 32) a day of darkness for the earth or even 3 days of darkness as the dwarf star blocks the sun. torrential rains (Isaiah 24 article).

    12 Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced,
    with hailstones (Rev 8; Trumpet Judgment 1) and bolts of lightning (coals of fire). 15) record hail storms (Ezek 38:22; Isa 30:30; Rev 8:7). 23) spectacular lights in our atmosphere from a hyper excitation of the magnetosphere.

    13 The LORD thundered (shouted; I Cor 15:52; I Thess 4:16-18) from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. Day of Trumpet and alarm (Zeph 1:8)

    14 He shot his arrows and scattered the enemies , great bolts of lightning and routed them. The arrows were dipped in blood. Symbolism at Tower of babel from Jasher point of view.
    Jash 9:29 And the Lord knew their thoughts, and it came to pass when they were building they cast the arrows toward the heavens, and all the arrows fell upon them filled with blood, and when they saw them they said to each other, Surely we have slain all those that are in heaven.

    15 The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of breath from your nostrils. Second Exodus. 1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
    2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
    3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses.
    4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean.
    5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves.

    24) major portions of the planet that experience complete loss of aquifer waters. Ps 46:3 Roar of icecaps
    25) select parts of the planet that experience a building of aquifer waters and inner aquifer pressure. Lk 21:25 (roar); Nah 1:8 (flooding over)

  130. Jim, here is more. The article is 10 pages.

    Gen 11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
    Jas 9:35 And the Lord smote the three divisions that were there, and he punished them according to their works and designs; those who said, We will ascend to heaven and serve our gods, became like apes and elephants; and those who said, We will smite the heaven with arrows, the Lord killed them, one man through the hand of his neighbor; and the third division of those who said, We will ascend to heaven and fight against him, the Lord scattered them throughout the earth.

    Gen 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel (Heb. bll to confuse; to jumble; to puzzle; to perplex; Babylon bbl); because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
    Jash 9:37 And they ceased building the city and the tower; therefore he called that place Babel, for there the Lord confounded the Language of the whole earth; behold it was at the east of the land of Shinar.
    Jash 9:38 And as to the tower which the sons of men built, the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up one third part thereof, and a fire also descended from heaven and burned another third, and the other third is left to this day, and it is of that part which was aloft, and its circumference is three days’ walk.
    Eze_5:2 Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them.; e-sword Gen 11:1-9.

    The connection between the words Babylon and confused (Heb. babel and balal) constitute another of the many wordplays in this chapter. The Lord’s action had two positive outcomes: First, because it confused the language of the whole earth, it ended the possibility of large-scale evil ventures; second, it caused humanity to scatter over the face of the whole earth, thus bringing people into compliance with God’s command to fill the earth (9:1).

    What is interesting here is to look at the meanings of some of the words and to also look into some linguistics and old legends/myths.

    The people are scattered. That word is hephaitz. In the Greek that becomes hephaizt – and Hephaistos is another name for Vulcan, “The father of the gods” in Egypt. In Greek and Roman mythology he is the god of fire, including volcanoes.

    Bel is “the confounder,” — Ba is the same as ‘be,’ meaning ‘against, among, for, in, on, with.’ Who was Bel? Probably Cush: let’s look at some connections from legend and mythology

    Cush was the son of Ham, which also comes down as Herm, and therefore Cush was Herm-es. The ‘es’ ending means ‘out of’ or ‘son of.’ In mythology, Hermes is also Mercury. Hermes was seen in pagan mythologies as being the author of their religious rites.

    Ham = Her and also Khem, meaning ‘the burnt one’ “Her” also means the hot, or burning one. This may be an identification with the sun god and thus the beginning of what we consider pagan mythologies — or what would have been considered among the believers of the time as the Great Apostacy. “Her” is also Horus, who is identified with the sun.

    “Hermeneutics” or the deciphering of language meanings comes from Hermes

    What is interesting is that “Jove” appeared to have been a shortened form of Jehovah, not originally Jupiter.

    In Chaldee, ‘peresh’ means ‘to interpret, but ‘peres’ means ‘to divide’ – so was Cush the great interpreter of the speeches of men or the great divider of the speeches of men? He was one of the two according to legends….

    Cush had two different titles as well: Baal, meaning ‘the lord’ and ‘Bel’ meaning ‘confounder.’ Ovid identifies Cush with Bel – he says ‘the ancients called me Chaos.’ – not merely state of confusion, but god of confusion (in Chaldee Cush is pronounced ‘chaos’ and comes that way into the English language.)

    Jeremiah 50:2: Bel is confounded (KJV) is a play on words. The confounder is confounded. “Merodach” is “the Great Rebel” and so the two are identified as one in this verse. Cush appears to be the Great Rebel and the Confounder.
    Vulcan’s hammer is essentially the same as the club of Janus/Chaos – breaking things in pieces

    Jeremiah 50:23: “How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!”

    Evidence from a number of sources indicates that many of the figures in Greek and Roman mythologies began as the first and second generation of Hamites after the Flood.

  131. Jim, here is more.

    Other Structures that identified with this structure.
    The particular ziqqurat described here was formerly identified with the tower of Ezida, the temple of the god Nebo (Nabû) in Borsippa, a city southwest of Babylon. However, the discovery at the end of the 19th century of Esagila, the great temple of Marduk in Babylon, has led most scholars to agree that it is the tower of this temple which inspired the writer of Genesis 11.

    Marduk. Was not one of the names of the destroyer was Marduk?
    The many names of ‘The Destroyer’
    The star has been given many names during its course through the history of mankind.
    Lucifer, Satan, The Dragon, The Great Snake, The Destroyer, The Serpent, The Devil, Marduk, Nibiru, Shiva, Hercolubus, Wormwood, The Dark Star, The Death Star, The Red Star, The Red Planet, The Planet of the Crossing, The Winged Disk, The Tenth Planet, The Dark Twin, Black Star, Freightener, flaming sword ?, Nimrod,

    Nimrod and his people raised the Tower of Babel in rebellion against God; for he said: “I will be revenged on him for the drowning of my ancestors. Should he send another flood, my tower will rise even above Ararat, and keep me safe.”1
    We see then that Nimrod’s aim was twofold: to spite God for the murder of his ancestors, and to construct an edifice which would preserve him in the face of yet another cataclysm. So Nimrod constructed it, but what did it look like? Graves records another tradition which speaks to the Tower?s possible appearance:
    the most probable candidate for the Tower of Babel, that being the tower of Babylon, the Etemenanki, the “house of the foundation of heaven and earth”. The tower was described as a ziggurat, being depicted in the earliest periods as possessing five stories (though later it was described as seven stories in height), and crowned with a temple to the god Marduk at the summit. Herodotus describes it in the following way:
    In the middle of the sanctuary [to Zeus as Bel] has been built a solid tower, a stade long and the same in width, which supports another tower, which in turn supports another, and so on: there are eight towers in all. A stairway has been constructed to wind its way up the outside of all the towers; halfway up the stairway there is a shelter with benches to rest on, where people making the ascent can sit and catch their breath.
    The common assumption is that the mythical Tower of Babel is based upon the tower of Babylon, the Etemenanki. But I believe that this stems from a corruption in the transmission of the myth predating the composition of the book of Genesis. Rather than an ancient sky-scraper as the Old Testament describes, I believe that the Tower mirrored the heavens in such a way that it brought the sky down to earth. In this context, what interested me more than the Etemenanki itself was its close association to the temple of Marduk, the Esagila or “house of the raising of the head”, which stood next to the Etemenanki in Babylon.

  132. Is there a connection between Tower of Babel and Cern

    The connection to CERN.
    Back in 1952, just seven years after WW2 and early in the development of the breakaway civilization, the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, or more commonly referred to as CERN (Council for Nuclear Research) was formed. The mandate of the group was to establish a world class fundamental physics research and organization in Europe. CERN has come a long way since the idea to formulate such a group was proposed back in 1949 when the focus was purely on understanding the inside of the atom, hence the name nuclear.
    Today, Cern created the world wide web ,uniting people under one language again. Cern created www as a way for scientists to communicate with each other. The people of Babel wanted to reach into the sky with their tower- or reach into the heaven. Cern also is attempting to reach into the heavens, a new dimension, in their words they are trying to “pierce the veil”. I wonder and I’m starting to believe that the people at the Tower of Babel were doing more than just building a really tall building like I’ve been taught in Sunday school . I believe they may have been trying to enter the heavens or another dimension just like Cern is trying to do. According to what I’ve read about Cern, their discoveries can lead to a dangerous release of dark matter/antimatter which is dangerous and can create confusion and chaos if it is not controlled. At present, they cannot control or contain antimatter. Here we have our third similarity with Babel- the possibility of confusion and chaos released once this veil has been pierced – into the heavenlies just as there was confusion at the Tower of Babel. Also , the Tower of Babel was the tallest building made and now CERN has made the largest machine ever made.

    But there’s more. Many conspiracy researchers have pointed out the fact that sitting in front of the CERN LHC facility is a statue of the Hindu god Shiva, also known as “the Destroyer” or “the Transformer.” They have also pointed out the suspicious display of ancient text surrounded by a blue laser beam in the foyer of the facility.
    Many conspiracy researchers have pointed out the fact that sitting in front of the CERN LHC facility is a statue of the Hindu god Shiva, also known as “the Destroyer” or “the Transformer.” They have also pointed out the suspicious display of ancient text surrounded by a blue laser beam in the foyer of the facility.
    In conclusion, we can see that the there are some very curious things about the ancient Tower of Babel concerning what they were building, why they were building it, and who might have assisted in the development of such technology. The implications suggest that there was help from the “Watchers” or other forms of intelligence that guided in the process. And while this idea echoes throughout ancient mythologies, it is remarkable to consider the possibility that something very similar is happening today.
    We may never know exactly what was going on back in the time of Genesis 11.
    We can be certain that the Lord God is in control, and that He will use such devices of the enemy to bring about His ultimate will. No doubt, the words of Jesus and his prophecies about the end times begin to sound very interesting.
    And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. ~Matthew 24:22
    Could the development of such devices as the Large Hadron Collider be a strong indication, that we live once again in the days of Noah (which lasted beyond the flood), and the days of Lot? Could we be on the brink of re-discovering an occult science that will usher in the beast system once and for all, and trigger the events of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?;

    • All of this is pure babble. Just nonsense dreamed up by people with overactive imaginations. More conspiracy theories is all.
      And I seriously doubt that CERN will have any major breakthroughs between now and next September. We already know the return of Christ will come soon. We don’t need a bunch of scientists in Switzerland to be our source of bible knowledge.
      You’re always looking for the hand of God in all the wrong places.

      • Actually, I look for God’s handiwork in everything but you don’t and you are not even watching for Jesus to come until 2030.

  133. As Jim says, there is no chipping or tattoos for mark of the Beast. 9 minute video on tattoos telling everything about you. This one is done by a friend named LA Marzulli.

    Jim, if you have a cell phone, you carry a chip. If you have a bank card, you carry a chip.

  134. Jim, Tower of Babel and modern architecture

    Tower of Babel EU Parliament Building | Illuminati New World Order

    640 x 480 pixels


    The image is at:

    Image may be subject to copyright

    See Full-Size Image

    • Somehow I just knew the Illuminati would be brought up eventually. They were the original group that were supposed to take over the world and chip everyone. But if Islam takes over, the Illuminati will be out of the picture. And Islam is not exactly the beacon of technology to even want to chip the world. How many ISIS members do you think are walking around paying for their ammo with MasterCards?
      Nevertheless, you have failed to prove exactly what the tower of babel looked like. For all we know it looked liked the Woolworth building in Kansas City. You could probably relate 100 million buildings to the tower of babel. All you need is a vivid imagination and an agenda.
      And you have both.

  135. John,
    You, like many non-engineering types think that creating and installing 8 billion RFID chips and the worldwide infrastructure to implement them can be accomplished practically overnight. I can’t my cell phone to work inside the VA hospital, and its got a huge battery to power it. And right now no ATM machine or cash register can read an implanted chip. Every register in the world would have to be upgraded or replaced, and registers added in parts of the world where none even exist now. It is not as simple task as you think.

    • Jim, all you do is mouth off with lies and hot breath. And you do both and have both. All I do is cut, copy, and paste and you still accuse me of watching 20-40 hours of you-tubes.

      By the way, as to you stupid comment of me watching a you-tube to find out that Islam was created by the Vatican, it was both a stupid comment and you do not watch me 24 7 what I do with my time.
      I actually read it in a comic strip and just to make sure it was telling the truth since I am a big doubting Thomas, I went and searched it out.

      Actually, I may search out modern architecture to Tower of Babel tomorrow.

      • Dude,
        Chill out. I have no idea where you get the garbage you post. I do assume you believe them as you wouldn’t intentionally post lies. But every Nibiru YouTube or photo or web page is a lie. You may not believe that now but you will eventually.
        So don’t read anything into my comments, they are just general comments and I’m sure they are true some of the time at least. After all you have referenced MANY YouTube videos as wellas MANY web sites and I know you’re not getting your Nibiru crap from science or history books.
        As for the tower of babel, you would have to tie the worlds tallest building which would be the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.The shape of the building should not matter, but rather the height. So forget the European Union, look to Dubai and get back to me.

        • Burj Khalifa (Tower of Successor/Steward)

          Heads of Aliens. Illuminati pattern of death Islamic patterns of death.

          666 keeps coming up

          Satanic symbol Silver10

          Burj Khalifa (Arabic: برج خليفة‎, “Khalifa Tower”, pronounced English /ˈbɜːrdʒ kəˈliːfə/), known as Burj Dubai before its inauguration, is a megatall skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the tallest artificial structure in the world, standing at 829.8 m (2,722 ft). 2+7+2+2=13. Thirteen is one of the numbers that Satan loves to use.

          Burj Khalifa was designed by Adrian Smith then of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM), whose firm also designed the Willis Tower and the One World Trade Center.
          I smell illuminati interest and the Masons behind this building.

          Construction began on 6 January 2004 (Month 10, Day 3, Julian 13th day), with the exterior of the structure completed on 1 October 2009 (Month 7, Day 5, Julian 11). The building officially opened on 4 January 2010 (Month 10, Day 2, Julian 17)
          Satanic Numbers: 10, 3, 13, 7, 5, 11, 2, 17,6,1,4

          ⦁ Tallest existing structure: 829.8 m (2,722 ft) (previously ⦁ KVLY-TV mast – 628.8 m or 2,063 ft) 2+7+2+2=13 Satanic Number 2722 -(36×36=1296)=1426/2=713 7+1+3=11 Satanic Numbers: 11, 2, 36.

          Spiral Minaret design reminds me alot of the pictures of the Tower of Babel.

          The trinity of Satan
          Left to Right False Prophet, Satan, Anti-christ Not of God
          Plainly displaying the interlocked “666.”
          Tragically, the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible uses this same Satanic symbol on the cover (pictured to the left). Now you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that something is very wrong here folks. And yes, the NKJV is straight from Hell. Any symbol cherished by witches and Satanists doesn’t belong on the front of a Bible (or anywhere in Christianity). Not one place in the entire Bible did God ever instruct us to use symbols, idols, or icons. For this reason, it is wrong for any believer to have a crucifix. Jesus is no longer on the cross friend, He is in Heaven on the right-hand of the Father. Rosaries are blasphemy. Statues are idolatry.
          The Triquetra is used as the centerpiece for the logo for The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP). The ITP is a new age school following the Jungian Psychology [occultist Carl Jung]. One of their stated goals is “. . . to reach the recognition of divinity within” ( (see Genesis 3:5, “…ye shall be as gods…”)
          Triquetra (/traɪˈkwɛtrə/; Latin tri- “three” and quetrus “cornered”) originally meant “triangle” and was used to refer to various three-cornered shapes. It has come to refer exclusively to a particular more complicated shape formed of three vesicae piscis, sometimes with an added circle in or around it. Also known as a “trinity knot”, the design is used as a religious symbol adapted from ancient Celtic images by Christianity. It is similar to Odin’s symbol, the valknut.

          The P.O.D. symbol.
          Most of the following information is from Terry Watkins of
          The same symbol (with a circle as does P.O.D. also) is displayed by the rock group Led Zeppelin. Members of Led Zeppelin are deeply involved in Satanism and the occult. Guitarist Jimmy Page, so consumed with Satanism, actually purchased Satanist Aleister Crowley’s mansion. Most believe the symbol is from the teachings of Aleister Crowley and represents 666.

          The Aquarian Conspiracy (see RIGHT), a key New Age “handbook,” bears a similar symbol. New Agers freely admit it represents three inter-woven “6’s” or “666.”
          Constance Cumbey, author of The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow and a notable authority on the New Age Movement, says concerning the symbol:
          “On the cover of the Aquarian Conspiracy is a Mobius, it is really used by them as triple six (666). The emblem on the cover of the New King James Bible is said to be an ancient symbol of the Trinity. The old symbol had Gnostic origins. It was more Gnostic than Christian. I was rather alarmed when I noticed the emblem…”
          (The New Age Movement, Southwest Radio Church, 1982 p.11)
          The pseudo-Christian rock band, P.O.D., albums is gushing with occult symbols. One of P.O.D.’s logos is the “Triquetra.” The Triquetra is Latin for “three cornered” and signifies the power of three. The Triquetra is very popular in witchcraft, representing the threefold nature of the Witchcraft Goddess as virgin, mother and crone. As Christianity was polluted with many pagan symbols, the Triquetra was falsely adopted by some Christians as symbolizing the Trinity.
          On P.O.D.’s website, under the section “Frequently Asked Questions in their forum,” someone asked about the “trinity symbol?” What does the trinity symbol mean?

          The symbol is known as a ‘triquetra’ that is derived from ancient Celtic knot-work and adopted by Christians around St. Patrick’s time as a symbol of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The interweaving lines represent One being in Three separate, but equal parts. But there is one problem with symbols representing the Trinity, or the Godhead — it is CLEARY FORBIDDEN in the Bible.
          Acts 17:29 condemns such symbology: “. . . we ought NOT to think that the Godhead [the Trinity] is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, GRAVEN BY ART [symbols, icons, etc.] and man’s device.”
          The image is at:
 in America/Rock-n-Roll/led_zeppe…

          Satanic Numbers
          And what of the sinister 666? Well, it truly IS the number of the beast, as it coincides with 9. Add the three sixes together, & you get 18. Add the one & the eight, & you get 9! You will find, by adding each quotient unto itself, it will constantly be a derivative of 9 – Satan’s supreme number.
          666 represents the beast within, Man the animal. The Satanimal unleashed. It also represents The Antichrist – the rebellious, liberating spirit of Satan-Lucifer. The rebel who brings liberty. The Satanic Warrior.
          666 is the number representing all material existence. Six protons, six neutrons,& six electrons that comprise matter.
          The Infernal Trinity
          The trademark declaration of self-divinity can be found in the words “I Am that I Am.” This statement can be found in ye olde testament as supposedly said by “God.”
          Since Midieval times, grimoires of reverse-Christianity have described the existence of an “unholy” or “satanic trinity” consisting of “The Devil, The Anti-christ, & The Unholy Spirit”, often depicted as a triple-faced demon. Perhaps in the imaginings of judeo-christian mythology, but not as part of Satanism, which is a carnal, rational belief-system, not a spiritual pipe-dream.
          While the moldy babble asserts a worship of “The Father, Son, & Holy Ghost”, Satanism asserts the worship of The Self as God absolute & supreme.
          Therefore, it makes perfect Satanic sense that an “Infernal Trinity” would be “Me, Myself, & I”, as symbolized by Satan’s Pitchfork, accomadating “666” at each point, & as significant of the number of man. The Self.
          WWW = 666

          “Coincidentally?”, the medium {the world-wide web} by which you are viewing this article, adds up to “666” by ‘Quabbalistic numerology’…
          Therefore, as an experiment, it would be interesting to affix the “Number of the Beast” as part of a given URL, whether .com, .org, or .net – for instance, while coded , it should read when linked, to add an occultural momentum, while granting additional perspective and credit where it is due, to this iconoclastic [read: Satanic] technomancy. Those “in the know” will realize what is being stated.
          However, to retain perspective, just remember to keep “The Unknown Known” chapter in The Satanic Rituals by Dr. LaVey in mind.

    1. Three (3) is the first sacred number, the first perfect number (Westcott, p. 41). Three represents the Pagan Trinity.” (Westcott, p. 37). It is represented geo-metrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two’s and threes, because they believe in the principle of “intensification”, i.e., that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. 333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event. Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added. Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666.
    pica”2. Six (6) is the next sacred number, representing the number of the soul of man (Westcott, p. 66). This shows the omnipotent power of God, as this belief parallels Revelation 13:18, where God assigns 666 to man and to the beast. Six is also believed to be “all-sufficient”. This parallels
    Biblical teaching, which states that man’s great sin is pride in himself.
    3. Seven (7) is a sacred number. Van Buren calls 7 “one of the most sacred of all the numbers…the Invisible Centre, the Spirit of everything”. (p. 39) Since multiplication of seven creates an even more powerful sacred number, we should not be surprised that 3×7, or 21, is considered powerful .
    Thus, when Adam Weishaupt formed the Masters of the Illuminati, he arranged the timing of the event by arranging the numbers in a manner which would add to powerful numbers. He chose May 1, because May, month #5, added to the first day, equals 6. Weishaupt chose 1776, because the four numbers of this year add up to 21 (1+7+7+6 = 21). Further, the number 6 + 21 = 27, another number of power, because it is formed by the multiplication of 3×9. This date was very carefully chosen by Weishaupt; he believed the greatest Plan is doomed to failure if it is not carried out in the most numerically advantageous time.
    4. Nine (9) is sacred because it is the “first cube of an odd number (3)”, (Van Buren, p.40-41)
    The triple nine (999) is utilized to represent 666, because it is simply the inversion of 666.
    5. Eleven (11) is a sacred number. When eleven is multiplied by the perfect number 3, the number 33 is produced, a number of tremendous occult importance. In 1933, Adolf Hitler and President Franklin Roosevelt came to power. Both these men were committed to the establishment of the New World Order, and their actions impacted humanity greatly. It was also in 1933 that the First Humanist Manifesto was issued. Do you see how Satan manipulated world history to produce three New World Order events in 1933? Thus, a powerful 333 served as a framework for world events in that year.
    6. Thirteen (13) is deemed sacred. It was also no accident that Hitler chose the year 1939 to begin World War II, because 39 is formed by the multiplication of 13×3. Thus, you can see how human history has been shaped by the occult belief in the power of numbers. We have provided much detail as to how history has been shaped by this belief in the power of numbers. You can get this information in our Cutting Edge Radio Program dated May 9, 1992, entitled, “33 33 33 = 666 New Age Numerology”.

    • So what is your point here?

      • Contiuation of the article.

        Whenever I compile an article, I enlist all pertinent information because I forget meanings.

        In the original article, I put pictures, signs, and anything necessary to complete the story including the references. What you have read so far is the pertinent information that I see as important. The original article is 4 pages.

    • 2~27~5998 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this “Vatican NWO Doomsday”.
      Yahshua the Messiah and Son of Yahweh returns VERY SOON!
      Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1
      HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

      Do you know that the number 9 when multiplied by ANY number will give a sum that ALWAYS adds up to 9?

      9 x 8 = 72 7+ 2 = 9 9 x 41= 369 3+6+9=18 1+8= 9

      This is the ONLY number that does THIS!

      • 4 YHVH , Thankyou for the information. I will add it to the Dubai article. Shabbat Shalom.

        I like 4 Aleph-Tav better. YHVH is only used 6749 times but AT is used 2000 times. Either way, God said it, YHVH did it.

        • About number 9, you are welcome.
          ??? If “YHWH” is written 6749 times and Aleph-Tav only 2000 times, WHY use Aleph-Tav? My original Name was 4 Yahshua but somehow I ended up with 4yahweh and can’t change it. Over the decades I have tried to make the TRUTH as simple as possible so MORE readers can understand it.

          • what is this aleph tav about?

            • Marianne

              YHVH, I use rarely. When I cut, copy and paste from Bibles,. I use Elohim in place of God. Yeshua in place of Jesus C. And YHVH or Adonai in place of Lord. YHVH means: Behold the hands, behold the nails. On the placque above Yeshua’s head is: Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews. However in the Hebrew it is Y (Yeshua) H (of Nazareth), V (the King), H (of the Jews). So when the Jews walked under the cross, they would not look up because they saw YHVH on the plaque.

              Aleph-Tav Means: Head of the Cross. In picture form Aleph is the Rams Head, and Tav is the Cross (T) and not X. Alep-Tav is found before a noun, phrase, or verse as in Leviticus 19 .
              In Genesis 1:1 it is the 4th word (et) and Lambda-Aleph-Tav in the 6th word.
              So Genesis 1:1 in the Hebrew/English has: ” Bereshit (In the Beginning (1)) bara (created (2)) Elohim/God (3) Aleph-Tav (et) (4) the Heavens (5) LAT (Lying down as buried Aleph-Tav (et, and) (6) the Earth (7).
              So now number 1-7
              Now for number four place 4000 years and number 6(6000 year).

              In this verse in the gemetria we have 30 occurances of the Number 7 and the geometry of the verse will blow your mind (article at Aviv Moon Network (arood awakening) End Times Forum John Ashcraft Stories. My articles go there so I can get comments on them to improve on them.

              So in the very first verse of the Bible, we have the first and second coming mentioned/implied and this ties to Gen 1:14 (a prophecy) of the first and second coming which ties to Leviticus 23 (all about Yeshua) and Leviticus 25 (the time of His arrival). You know the rest of the verses to tie to these two chapters which is 30 percent of the Bible.

              Aleph-Tav is found 200 times in the Torah (Gen-Deut) and a total of 2000 times in the Tanakh.
              The Aleph is the first letter in “Amen” in Revelation 22, and the Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and it is the Title Bereshit for Genesis in Hebrew so your Bible is Elohim’s Alep-Tav (The first and the last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega (but I alwys put Alpha/Aleph and Omega/Tav.

              • It just seems to me that YOU have these copious worded posts as an EXCUSE for NOT using Yahweh’s Name and His Son’s Yahshua. As I witnessed to you before, Yeshua cannot be our Savior’s Name because it does not contain His Father’s Name of Yahweh, John 5:43. Adonai is a pagan translation of the idol name of Lord. Strong’s lists “lord” as a translation of the name Baal, sun idol of ancient Babylon. And, then, when it’s convenient for you to do so, you use the pagan Christian names of idols. THIS will NOT save YOU!

                • 4 Yeshua,

                  In Albuquerque NM, I have attended 5 Jewish Messianic Congregations and they all use Yeshua.
                  You use Yehoshua or Yahoshua. They all mean salvation. If you can’t accept me using Yeshua then I can’t accept any of your names at all.
                  Genesis 1:1 In the beginning YHVH created the heavens and the earth.
                  So for now on you use YHVH for God,Lord, Holy Spirit, Yeshua, Jesus and every where else and see how far it gets you. That is the problem with you stupid neurotypicals. If it does not fit inside your little box of ideas you toss it away as useless information.
                  Now you are on my anger hit list. So go take a hike and get lost.

                  • ok be nice to people

                  • If (IF!) they are Messianic Jews they will honor Yahshua’s Name. The unrepentant Jews refer to Him as Yeshua, too. The Jews also will NOT pronounce Yahweh’s Name. That, too, is a SIN. The Heavenly Names of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua are NOT interchangeable with the pagan names of idols! I have never told anyone “to get lost” because I am in the work of helping to SAVE THE LOST. Yahshua was, too. I really don’t need to tell you to get lost, because, sadly, it seems that you already are.

                    • Since you have a closed mind towards others using different names for YHVH, you can stay lost it your closed mind and closed heart.

                    • Heavenly names of Yahveh: El, Elohim, God, Ian, Jehovah. El Shaddai is my favorite one. Jehovah-Jehirah (spelling) is another one.
                      Johovah Jehirah (God my provider) provided my house, He through the help of others released me of 30,000 debt, and a 55,000 dollar hospital bill. He has met my every need and healed me of sickness and diseases. Why?? Because I follow His Torah so He has given me the blessings as found in Deuteronomy 28. And He has fulfilled so far in dream prophecies 25 to the very letter of the dream and I have even met YHVH in person through a dream and He told me this: You are my beloved bride who I love. May my peace (Shalom, wellness, wholeness, oneness, blissfulness/joy and 60 more deep layered meanings) cover your body, soul, spirit, and mind for all of eternity. (2007)
                      In another dream, He gave me a song of a tune and a weird language (maybe Hebrew) and upon waking, I sung that whole song for a day but the next day I had forgotten the words and tune. (2013 dream).
                      And since 2007, I have called YHVH Yeshua for the record.

                      Did you know that you can heal others in the name of Yeshua and Jesus. His name heals no matter what name you use that He is called by.
                      In my dreams, I heal both beast and man through the name of Yeshua.

                    • WRONG! Yahweh “winks” at us in our spiritual ignorance. But once we hear the truth WE ARE TO OBEY TO BE SAVED. It’s NOT His Way or the highway. It’s HIS WAY or “NO WAY”! You just can’t have both “The Mark of the Beast” and Yahweh’s Seal (Revelation 14:1). And, it is Yahweh that healed and restored you. It was NOT the ancient Babylonian God or the pagan Greek Jesus Christ (a.k.a. Christos Zeus)! THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!!

                    • Here is a place you nned to go to learn some things.

                      Pastor Thurman Scrivner The Living Savior Ministries


                      Some of the issues from being autistic is you are under stress 24-7 and you don’t even know it. You will have poor sleeping habits, heart palipitations (rock the bed and keep the wife up, minor earthquakes in the bed as you fall asleep). My body does not also produce natural Meletonin. And I do not take up B nutrients. And I am on a natural Opium high 24-7.
                      Because of the stress, I am constantly constipated. In 2011, I found out that I was a Manic Depressant, had diabetes, and had Schizoid Affective Disorder. I had the same symptoms for both but I did not know that the underlying issue of the two misdiagnosis was Asperger Syndrome. And the same symptoms for Schizoid Disorder are some of thesymptoms for Asperger Disorder.

                      To cure the Diabetes, I took a teaspoon per day of Cinnamon (healing herb) and the Diabetes went away.
                      I love to eat bread and cheese and they constipate me all the time.

                      So to get rid of the constipation, my diet consists of fruit and vegetables. I hate vegetables so I smoothie them.
                      2 cups of fruit, 1 cup of vegetables and water. I don’t even put sugar or salt onto or into anything.
                      But one of the Asperger books recommended to have eggs for every meal. But eggs for me cause high cholesterol issues. Corn cause high cholesterol issues.

                      Since I do not have chewing teeth, everything has to be soft. For meat, I only eat ground Turkey.

                      Due to money issues and no job since 2011, I had to cut out Banannas out of my diet, protein and now I am cutting out the nutrients. I also am going to have to cut out gasoline and oil.

                      So yes, Elohim healed me of my issues through His smorgasboard of Herbs.

                      Make sure to eat vegetables 80 percent raw and 20 percent cooked.
                      If you have stomach issues other than upchuck from colds or food poisoning, then eat 3 slices of raw onion for every meal.

                      The reason I use Elohim instead of El is in the Torah in Hebrew on the scrolls in Bereshitt 1:1 Elohim is used instead of Yehoshua or Yahoshua, or YHVH.
                      Since you do not read the scrolls, you believe Elohim is pagan.

                      El is singular and Elohim is plural for El. So learn to respect the original scrolls.

                  • Oh, just to let you know I have used exclusively the TRUE NAMES of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua (and have been immersed in THEIR Names) since 1972. I use “Elohim” instead of “Lord” (Baal). Why (WHY??) would I want or choose A PAGAN NAME instead??
                    CHRISTIANITY IS PAGAN!

                    “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

                  • amen to god’s goodness!

        • jard…

          I am so sorry to hear of your struggle..I can relate to the insomnia..I have it myself…and I also take a medicine that wipes out my B12..

          • For insomnia, take Meletonin 6 tablets per day, eat lots of Turkey, and take iron supplements and eat lots of food that has iron in it.
            There is an old paperback book called the Green Phamacy. Your kitchen is a natural medicine cabinet. The Green Pharmacy is all about the herbs and veggies in your kitchen.
            Geraldo Cionelo, DMin (c)
            Natural Health Practitioner, Health Care Provider, Sports Nutrition & Performance Coach, Holistic Personal Trainer

            Certified as:
            NACNHP Natural Health Professional
            USATF Leevel 1 Coach; FITour Personal Trainer; NIMO Creative Wellness Trainer; CNHI Herbologist
            Trained as BCF Biblical Counselor–He will push Daniel’s Diet on you and give you about 200 scriptures including Proverbs 3:5-8/9.

  137. scientists quoted on video re nibiru

    calculations don’t seem to be accurate regarding dates, but they have pictures of it

    • Pole shift is already happening, possibly a reason for our present very cold weather even here in Southern CA. (Yet, it was in the 80’s today because of Santa Ana winds. Go figure!) Porter Ranch leak(s) is MASSIVE and possibly will not be contained. CA may have it’s own Fukushima! Yes, we are in the LAST of days. Belief in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua is our ARK OF SAFETY! HalleluYah!

    • So Marianne,
      Are you putting all your Nibiru eggs into this slick basket? Very cool. Professional presentation. Big on hype and graphics but pitifully low on science.
      But if you really believe this is the one true Nibiru video, and that these guys aren’t You Tube idiots but true researchers I will be happy to give you the benefit of the doubt. SO ifthey are correct I will apologize for being a scoffer and an unbeliever and if they are wrong then you will admit you keep putting your misplaced face in liars and tricksters and that Nibiru most likely doesn’t even exist.
      I’m sure John will have your back – Nibiru coming around Passover… perfect timing, eh? This video just MUST be true.
      In any case, good luck with this one. If it is right the planet should be visible fairly soon. And polar shift should begin any day now. Soon the north pole will become the south pole and vice-versa. That should be fun.
      So I say either Nibiru either shows up by April or it is just a hoax.
      What do you say?

      • the reason I posted it is because they quoted 2 professional astronomers…..what do you say to that?

        • Well, what you need to do is figure out whether these guys are lying, including the Mexican astronomer being interviewed. If they say anything that is contrary to known scientific facts then you should not believe them. But if you believe they are honest reporters of actual facts then you need to prepare for extreme disaster and probable death when the poles begin to shift which would cause billions of earthquakes worldwide and likely destroy every building on earth and everyone inside them. And if the shift takes several weeks or months then there will be continuous earthquakes everywhere on earth for that entire time.
          You also must consider why, if Nibiru will show up in a month, that no deep-space telescopes haven’t seen it even up to today. Can a huge star with a bunch of planets around it really sneak up to the earth with no astronomers (alive) being able to see it? And without any scientific proof at all. No orbital diagrams, no arrival dates. Just a 2-month window. Why? Maybe so they can reuse the video for many years to come, just changing the dates on the title so they can go on fooling more gullible people for years to come.
          But who knows. Maybe you’re right and these guys are legit. But how does this level of destruction fit in the Book of Revelation time line? Are you expecting the third trump in less than 8 weeks? If so, then maybe this is it. Otherwise it will be a non-biblical unrelated event. But if you are a big Nibiru fan then maybe that doesn’t matter.
          So let us know if these guys have truly convinced you they are not lying. If you care to put all your faith in this video, then take the challenge. Put up or shut up. You knew at some point if Nibiru was real that some report would finally be completely true.
          So what do you say… are you convinced or not?

          • Mid Tribulation point is chapter 7 of Revelation.

            23 Astronomers have died who were going to spill he beans on Nibiru.

            Any observatory who remotely looks towards Orion to find Nibiru is permanently shut down due to mechanical failure.

            Then you have two different types of Nibiru. One called wormwood, and one called the destroyer or El Shaddai.

            I for one believe the Mexican Astronomer and the astronomer in Italy as for the two at Cal-Tech I do not believe.

            I also believe the intel from the five planet lineup going on right now since a meteorite hit India on February 6th which is 49 days away from March 26th (Feast of First Fruits) and 42 days away from March 26th is a Sabbath Weekend and the readings on for that Sabbath lines up with the 1st day of construction of the first temple so does that mean that the 3rd Temple start date is either February 10th or the second day of the Second Month which would be around the first week of May. Only time will tell.

            On February 6th, we have Mercury, Venus-Moon conjoined, Saturn, Mars, Spica and Jupiter in Alignment. 7 Stars: Six planets and 1 star. The number 7 means completion. Feb 6th is 49 days from March 26th. (7×7)= 49.

          • the professional astronomers would have no reason to lie….I believe them…..

            • OK, so you really believe this is the real Nibiru for sure.
              So if these guys turn out to be liars, then all the others are liars by association. If you can’t believe these guy, then who could you possibly believe? Certainly no uncertified bozo with a video camera could ever be believed again if it is found that these “professionals” turn out to be liars.
              So we shall see. Should I get ready to eat my words?

              • 2 professional astronomers had no reason to lie, they said they had documented it…this was early on…they are now dead…there is a 3rd one currently that denies what the other two said.. you choose

                • You can’t see why astronomers should lie, yet you believe every professional and amateur astronomer on earth who has seen Nibiru has lied and said it doesn’t exist. Thousands of them.
                  So the choice is between 2 liars and thousands of them. Hmmmmm…
                  But I happen to know for a fact that the Mexican is lying. Flat out. And you can say anything you want about a dead man. So I’m voting against this video.
                  And I’ve never been wrong.
                  P.S. So what about planet 9 from outer space? You had so much hope for it even though it hasn’t been discovered yet? Are we giving up on it being Nibiru? We should. We should give up on ALL of them.

                  • you are wrong and making this up.

                    countless people, amateur astronomers, and professionals , all say nibiru is there.

                    only ONE astronomer from NASA says it is not there.

                    so thousands say yes, and one says no….two say no, if I include you

                    • What about all the NASA scientists, Sky & Telescope and other reputable sources that say Nibiru is fake?
                      But even better if I’m one of only two people in the world who are smart enough to figure out these guys are bogus. Cool
                      Well, it doesn’t matter if I’m in the minority as long as I know I’m right!

                  • there is no official comment about nibiru from NASA and you know it.

                    there is just you and their paid denier.

                    you cannot say you are right because you have no data to back you up

                    • There is evidence of an ongoing resurgence of the Planet X (also known as Nibiru) cataclysm conspiracy theory following the publication of new scientific studies in 2014 claiming evidence of a mysterious unnamed planet lurking beyond Pluto. The scientific claims were based on observations of gravitational influences on a group of space bodies termed the “extreme trans-Neptunian objects” (ETNOs) orbiting our Sun beyond the planet Neptune.
                      A slew of messages and YouTube videos currently being circulated in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claims that a NASA study published in 1988 revealed details about the mysterious Planet X/Nibiru with an estimated orbital period of more than 1,000 years.
                      The study, according to conspiracy theorists, demonstrates that NASA and the U.S. government have been aware for decades that the rogue Planet X is coming with catastrophic consequences for humanity.
                      According to conspiracy theorists, recently leaked secret NASA “Planet X” files reveal that the agency is aware that the gravitational influence of Planet X had disrupted the orbits of other planets during a previous passage into the inner solar system hundreds of years ago; and that the next disruptive passage into the inner solar system is imminent.
                      The approach of the mysterious Planet X is currently sending waves of charged “plasmatic energy particles” through our solar system. The flow of energy will finally disrupt the “core flows” of the Earth and trigger catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate.
                      We have been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X since 1996 in the form of increased seismic and volcanic activities, freak weather patterns, and natural disasters.
                      NASA, the Pentagon, and the CIA are aware of the approaching rogue planet. The Vatican has also been briefed, but the public is being kept in the dark about the impending apocalypse. But despite efforts to keep the information secret, there have been leaks.
                      The comprehensive report submitted to the White House estimates that about two-thirds of humanity will be wiped out when Planet X induces a pole-shift. Two-thirds of survivors will perish over another six months due to starvation and exposure to the elements.
                      Although some conspiracy theorists insist that the Planet X mentioned in the NASA files is not linked with Zecharia Sitchin’s planet Nibiru — the alleged planet of the alien Anunnaki that makes a close approach to Earth as it passes through the inner solar system on its orbital path once every 3,600 years — many conspiracy theorists insist that that NASA’s “Planet X” is Nibiru.
                      But it is uncertain whether the Planet X mentioned in the purported NASA files is the same as the Planet X that scientific researchers announced in 2014 that they have evidence is lurking in the fringes of our solar system beyond Pluto.
                      According to the research study titled “Extreme trans-Neptunian objects and the Kozai

                    • mechanism: signaling the presence of trans-Plutonian planets,” published in June of 2014 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, there are at least two planets — part of our solar system — larger than Earth, lurking out there beyond Pluto, and whose presence can be detected through their gravitational influences.
                      According to the emerging conspiracy theory, NASA embarked on the New Horizons project two years after the 1988 publication revealed the existence of Planet X. The final destination of New Horizons is Planet X, but to prevent mass panic, NASA pretended that the destination of the space probe is Pluto and the Kuiper belt.
                      In the 1990s, the agency pretended it had abandoned the search for Planet X by leaking false information that the latest measurements by Voyager 2 proved that Planet X does not exist. According to NASA at the time, measurements taken by Voyager 2 showed that the alleged irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune which led to the Planet X hypothesis were due to overestimation of the mass of Neptune.
                      But according to conspiracy theorists, the claim by NASA scientists was a deliberate ruse to cover-up the actual destination of New Horizons beyond Pluto and the Kuiper belt – Planet X.
                      NASA knows that Planet X is real and that Armageddon is near, according to conspiracy theorists. The researchers suggested that Planet X is likely ten times more massive than Earth and probably lies about 250 AU from our Sun.

  138. Jim, tell me your views on this link.

    • I have no real opinion. We know the stars and constellations were not made for astrology, which is predicting things on earth. But it is possible that God named the constellations similar to the feast days – meaningful to the Israelites and part of His overall plan.
      But I’m sure we are not supposed to be looking for where the planets are within them in order to predict dates. If so there would be a chapter in the Old Testament that would describe them in detail so we would know how to use them.
      Anything else is guesswork and speculation. No more.

  139. Listen, astronomers have always been looking for more distant plants. That’s how Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were all found. An after many years of tracking Pluto they noticed a perturbation in its (and Neptunes’) orbit and the search for the tenth planet (X) was on. And it still is today only since Pluto was demoted they are now looking for planet IX. This would be just another large gas giant orbiting the sun like all the other planets – in a rough circle) and never coming anywhere near the earth or the sun. If you think that is Nibiru then we are done here. But if you think this unseen planet is what the Sumarians recorded, they must have had better astronomers and deep-space telescopes than we do today.
    As for some planet in an extreme elliptical comet-like orbit, no such object exists. From the NASA web site, keyword Nibiru:
    NASA – 2012 – A Scientific Reality Check
    Nibiru, a purported large object headed toward Earth, simply put – does not exist. There is no credible evidence – telescopic or otherwise – for this …
    So NASA definitely DOES have an opinion on Nibiru. Same as mine.
    The so-called astronomers in the video are bogus or demented. I’ve seen several retired astronomers go nuts and claim all sorts of things just to get attention over the years, but their claims all amounted to nothing. And the same will be true for these guys.
    Remember the asteroid that was supposed to hit Puerto Rico last April? Where is that? And the comet that was supposed to hit near Venezuela… where is that puppy? Both supposedly confirmed by some CIA whistle blower. Seems you can’t trust the government for anything, not even for conspiracy theories.
    As for proof, you can’t prove a nothing event. All you can do is say whether not anyone reputable in the astronomy biz has seen something. You can’t prove a negative, all scientists can prove, for example, that there is no object near the sun that only shows up in cheap cameras. We have solar telescopes in space that see everything near the sun and if they can’t see it, it isn’t there. Plain and simple. And I can’t see it either, camera or no camera, so all I need to do is believe my own eyes to know the truth.

    Bottom line, anyone who believes these guys is a fool. A gullible fool, plain and simple. Mark my words and get ready to eat your own. Your confidence is poorly misplaced and it will only lead to disappointment and ridicule (by me).
    So lets just wait and see what happens in the next 8 weeks. You let me know when Nibiru becomes visible to everyone on earth in the night sky, as they claimed. As an astronomer, I just can’t wait.

    • Jim, Nibiru no but Nemesis yes 1982 discovery by two astronomers in Russia. I found it by accident when I was backing up BP Earthwatch on Nibiru. I dismissed it as being Nibiru at the time and now I wished I had the coordinates because it is in the 12 to 14 hour areas to watch for it.

      • Dude,
        If you want the true story on Nemesis go here:

        Bottom line; Nemesis more than likely doesn’t exist and the possibility of an unseen body any bigger than Mars coming any closer than twice the orbit of Pluto is a virtual impossibility.
        If you are smart enough to understand this article then it should convince you that any planet coming near the earth is impossible. Any and all planets like Nibiru are all myths.
        So put a fork in it, will you?

        • Sorry Jim, but I do not have chewing teeth so I cannot put a fork into what ever you are talking about. Spread Eagle means an Eagle who is flying with its wings spread out to 5 feet at a mile high just spotted a mouse at your feet and is dive bombing towards you because it spotted dinner. You are the apple of my eye. What does an apple have to do with an eye besides that I like Apples and they are good to eat. You are the Lily of the Valley. Yes lilies do grow in valleys. You cn get lilies to grow anywhere if you know what you are doing.

    • jim

      I know nothing about the next 8 weeks. there are many solar systems and planets out there. I just keep an open mind. the men seemed credible to me

  140. Jim, will you tell me if this picture is a truth or a lie since you are never wrong and are all-knowing.


  142. From the NASA website; keyword search “Planet 7X:
    Planet X doesn’t exist – NASA
    NASA’s WISE has turned up no evidence of the hypothesized celestial body in our solar system commonly dubbed “Planet X.”
    Again, this diagram is based on the long going search for a planet 10 past Pluto. We know there is something out there tugging on the outer planets but no one has seen or photographed it yet.
    So the red orbital line shown in the diagram that supposedly shows a planet coming towards the sun is completely false. No such planet has yet to be discovered, let alone an orbit established.
    And I have no clue what the red Biblical Data box is about. Sounds like some biblical astronomy nut just whipped up a diagram based on a few old articles about the ongoing search for a tenth planet. Also note how far the object purportedly moved in 10 years. It is still supposedly 3 billion miles from the sun and moving so slowly that by 2017 it will still be out near Uranus, so it won’t reach earth for another hundred years.
    So you can forget about planet X as well as Nibiru. Nibiru is a myth and planet X (IX) has not been found yet and won’t be in a comet-type orbit, for if it were it wouldn’t affect the outer planets they way they’ve been perturbed.
    So as of today, you have nothing. No scientific proof that any planet-sized body is headed toward the the earth, and certainly not so close as to get here by April.
    Those guys are either crazy or just plain liars.
    If you and Marianne want to believe them you’re welcome to a few months of excitement and anticipation but in the end you will be disappointed and mocked by everyone around you.
    That would be me. 🙂

    • And I have no clue what the red Biblical Data box is about. Jim if you read the Bible and connected the dots, you would have a clue.
      40 days out from destruction, there will be an announcement made by Nasa that it (Nibiru) is real and it is coming in now. 40 days refers to two different events. Jonah and the Whale which you never read about which is mumbo-jumbo to you and on the first sliver of the new moon prior to Tishri which is called Elul, the Messianics and Jews go into repentance and deep soul searching over things they have done in their lives. It is a word called repentance which you know nothing about because you are living the life of a hypocrite.
      Because people have a lack of knowledge of the Bible, they do not understand the things of God and you are one of them.

      • First of all, NASA will never announce that some imaginary planet is 40 days oNibiru biruwas real NASA would have seen it a year or more ago and announced it immediately, even before calculating its orbit. That is how things are done in the world of astronomy. Even if NASA wanted to keep such a secret there are thousands of other telescopes in the hands of Universities and private citizens and companies that would have announced it years ago. So dream on about Nibiru coming next month or ever for that matter.
        As for the “put a fork in it” metaphor, it refers to a commonly use phrase to tell someone that the time has come to stop whatever they were doing – it is a waste of time to continue working on it. It comes from a cooking phrase – when your food is done, take it out of the pan (with a fork) as it is done cooking. I guess you are too new to this planet to have ever heard the term before.
        So none of your biblical references are of any use since Nibiru doesn’t actually exist and so no references to it are valid. So once again, in regards for your search for Nibiru, genesis or any other object, put a fork in it… it’s done!

        • Jim, since I am autistic with Asperger syndrome, you have to say what you mean or mean what you say.
          It took me almost two years to understand: “What is good for the goose is also good for the gander”.
          People on the autism spectrum do not understand hyperbolies, metaphors or even idioms a lot of time. We only read black and white in the Bible and there are no gray areas.

          And I found all this out by reading books on Asperger Syndrome during 2014-2015.
          So on my CD I have a list of 500 Idioms from the Bible.
          I stick to studying the Bible any which way possible just so I can try to understand it.

          For example, the article above on the Tower of Babel which is mumbo jumbo to you took me about 80 hours to compile and I used 3 commentaries and asked about 100 questions to just be able to compile it for you to read.
          A lot of time is spent just trying to understand one verse which I can spend up to an hour on.

          Nasa may not announce something 40 days in advance but God will if you are watching. Nasa will keep telling you lies right up until two days before it hits and then say: Sorry folks, we missed this one coming but your life ends within two days from now”.

          However, the Illuminati will tell you in advance through Tel lies vision and other media sources such as commercials on the teliesvision, movies, etc.

        • jim

          why do you have such faith in NASA? they do not have access to the hubble telescope. only China Lake does, and like history has already established, NASA admitted to planet x back in the 1980s and 1990s but later denied it. so now it is a cover up.

          also I believe the bible…wormwood is coming…if you think the bible is fake and we should stick a fork in the bible, then you are not a believer.


          there are already hubble telescope pictures of nibiru out there….so that is the evidence

          • China Lake is a Naval Weapons Center where the navy tests and stores some of its munitions. They have nothing to do with the Hubble “Telescope or its operations. According to the Hubble web site:
            The focal point of all Hubble Space Telescope (HST) activities is the Space Telescope Operations Control Center (STOCC) at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., where the orbiting observatory is managed.“
            NASA controls the Hubble and NASA denies Nibiru is real. Anything else is just a conspiracy theory.

  143. Jim, since you say it is well done as referring to be finished, completed then I guess that tomorrow is Armageddon.
    So we will see if Armageddon is tomorrow and if it is not then we will know that Jim is a liar and it is not done.

  144. video of planet, or one of its moons, near sun. part of 2nd solar system?

    or maybe the large object is the moon, and the smaller one is jupiter

    morning sky for december

    however the size difference is not the same

  145. First of all, this video was shot in Oregon, so that throws out all your theories that Nibiru is only visible from Antarctica and the southern hemisphere… so all those videos are lies.
    This image is similar to the one shot in Florida last October. Of course, if that had been Nibiru it would be long gone past the earth by now and headed out into space.
    But this is the same optical phenomenon as that video, probably shot with a similar camcoarder. The yellow disk is translucent so that the trees in the video show right thru it like a frosted window. Note that the size of the disk is the exact size the sun should be if it wasn’t so super-overexposed as it is to the right. That is a big tip-off that it is nit a planet. No planet can be as big as the sun. Also, if it were a planet it would be side-lit with a bright side and a dark side like the moon. This image glows evenly throughout its surface, just like the sun.
    Of course it is not a star as a yellow star with the same mass as the sun would burn as brightly and would also be vastly overexposed, just like the sun.
    And again, if it were real we would all be able to see it without a cheap camera just by looking up and no one has seen it, so it is not really there.
    As for the moon / Jupiter photo, that is what we would expect to see in a real photo of Nibiru. But of course, we already know what these objects are so no one tries to swap Nibiru out for Jupiter. Go ahead and check the earth-sky databases for a photo of Nibiru. You won’t find one, and I wonder why since these people are experts at taking astronomical photos.
    And if you look at the photos in the video with the 2 astronomers in it, they show repeated daytime photos of what they claim is Nibiru and it is a tiny speck unnoticeable until they zoom way in, claiming it is NOT Venus, but Nibiru. Only a thousandth the size of those giant yellow disk images shot without even having to zoom in.
    So there is so much lying going on here it boggles the mind. At least the educated mind. I’ve already posted scientific proof that no Nibiru-sized object can ever get anywhere near the earth, nor has it ever. And yet you continue to believe every single Nibiru posting you can find, all to fulfill bible prophecy of a meteor perhaps a few hundred feet across that may hit 15 years from now. You are looking too much and too big. You are looking for a planet-killer and we all know that won’t happen. Therefore you are denying the true word of God and replacing it with something far different.
    But I don’t expect you to believe me. You only want to read the bible and not science books so you will never figure out the truth, even when it happens you will still be waiting for Nibiru. And the New World Order. And the Antichrist. And the chip. And Obama to rise to power.
    And so on…

    • you think most people are so stupid to look at a blank sky with nothing in it, take a picture of nothing, get get excited that something appears inside their cameras, when they know it is not in the sky

      even retarded people would know the difference.

      are you trying to prove retarded people are smarter than you?

      • Marianne,
        Do you know how many sunset photos are taken every day, all around the world? Millions and millions of them. Every day. So why doesn’t Nibiru appear in all those millions of photos? Hollywood shoots thousands of movies every year WI sunrise and sunset scenes. Never has a movie show a second sun. Why not? Because they don’t use cheap cameras that generate secondary reflective images.
        If Nibiru was really there there would be millions of photos everywhere on earth with it showing up. Your photos. My photos. Everyones! You don’t think millions of second sun photos wouldn’t have made the news? The discovery of gravitational waves a few days ago has been all over all the news shows I watch including local news. So why isn’t the discovery of a second sun showing up? Because they can’t cover the story due to the fact that their expensive news cameras can’t produce an image of Nibiru, no matter how hard they try.
        All this should be commons sense to any sane rational person. Take any 100 people off the street and see what they say. There are only two kinds of people who believe this crap and that are bible thumpers who are looking for prophetic fulfillment in all the wrong places and morons who think everything they see on YouTube is real. Even the You Tube idiots don’t believe it because they are the ones perpetrating the myth. They are in on the joke. Everyone who claims they know where Nibiru is and when it will arrive is in on the joke. The same was true for the Mayans and the 2012 doom sayers. They all knew nothing was going to happen yet thousands created videos and offered survival kits for years before nothing happened. Were you fooled by the 2012 myth? Many Christians thought it had some biblical fulfillment and proclaimed it as such.
        Nibiru is no different. It is a myth perpetrated by You Tube idiots who all vie to get more hits than the last guy. Some go to great lengths to produce fancy diagrams and web pages just like the one we are blogging on right now. And just look at how this article turned out. Read it from the top and you will find that the author claimed Nibiru would pass by the earth in 2012. Apparently they figured they would tie it in with the Mayan calendar crap, but as we all know, it never showed up. And yet here we are still talking about it4 years later. More charts. More videos. More You Tube idiots talking about it as if it is real, like the video above that claims Nibiru will definitely be here by April.
        Yeah right. Then watch for this same video to reappear in the summer claiming a date in September. And so on and so forth.
        How dumb can anyone be to keep believing these idiots over and over again year after year after year?
        In my opinion, very, very dumb. Let just wait and see.

        • jim

          you don’t take pictures of sunset or sunrise. you are sleeping.

          most people don”t….

          you cannot prove they did not see something real….

          this is not stationary. it is moving and rotating in and out of view.

          if jesus showed up, you would deny that too

          you are just a government troll paid to claim hoax to everything.

          no one can predict when god will do something….the appearance is up to him//

          people only guess

          well god said in the bible that wormwood was coming….I guess he is an idiot too.

          I know 2 people personally that have seen it….and I believe them.

          • First of all, if you believe Nibiru is jumping back and forth hiding behind the sun then you only betray your ignorance in how heavenly bodies travel. Add to this the fact that the images of Nibiru are always the same exact size as the sun, there is no way for a body that large to hide perfectly directly behind the sun. Plus every photo shows it at a similar distance from the sun. Never partly behind the sun and never in front of the sun as that would cause a total solar eclipse everywhere on earth and that has never happened. So we know for sure it is not orbiting the sun due to lack of eclipses, so if it is disappearing behind it, it must be self-propelled and is therefore a space ship with an alien race in control.
            As I said, if one You Tube idiot could see it then billions of people should have been able to see it also including yourself. So why does it only show up on YouTube videos? Not once in a newspaper or astronomy magazine.
            Wormwood is not likely a large meteor or small asteroid. Anything bigger than 100 feet in diameter would wipe out all life on earth so a monster planet is out of the question. God doesn’t need Nibiru to fulfill His prophecy, so Nibiru does not need to be real. It is irrelevant to prophecy.
            Forget about it… you’ll be less disappointed in the long run.

            • jim

              my friend in pennsylvania (lives in mountains) last night told me he could see it in the morning when he walked his dog.

              I believe him. retired army intelligence and still has connections ….and says the gov knows about it.

              maybe you should walk a dog at sunrise and look to the horizon .

              the gov is not a bunch of idiots, but they have people like you to get on websites and claim it is a hoax for them

              maybe you are the idiot here

              • If you go to minute 5 of this video the expert clearly says that all the sun-related photos are lens / camera defects or PhotoShopped. He agrees with me that they are all FAKE.
                He claims Nibiru I coming from past Neptune and will reach earth this year if not, next year. He admits that no one on earth has seen or photographed Nibiru as of yet. Including anyone in Pittsburgh or any other city on earth. Are we then to believe this vide and trash all the sun photos? Or is this guy the liar and all the sun photographers are right? You can’t post conflicting videos and claim they are both correct.Make up you mind. Do your own research and figure out who the liars are.
                The graphic on this video claims Nibiru will reach the earth on March 26th, of this year. Is that what you are going with? The graphic looks real professional and it matches up with the Mexican guy from the older video, so do you believe this video or do you believe your friend in Pittsburgh?
                Somebody is lying, obviously.

                • jim

                  you are lying. the video is only I min 50 seconds and the person never speaks, so he / she is NOT saying it is photoshopped.

                  • The creator of the video says NOTHING.
                    I said it was PhotoShopped. I recognise the filter used. So what do you think it is? Can’t be Nibiru, that is a large bright yellow disk near the sun, right? This video is most likely a reversed image of the sun with several Photoshop filters applied to create a mysterious effect. If this were really something in the sky, billions of people would have seen it too, and yet there are no other reports of it.
                    You may never have heard of something called “circumstantial evidence” and it has put many criminals in jail. Circumstantial evidence is proof that this and all the other Nibiru videos are faked. If they were real, circumstances dictate that many more people would have seen, reported and photographed the object. All your Nibiru videos would be thrown out of court for that reason. And it is the reason you don’t see these videos on your local or national news all the time. And why you can’t see it for yourself.
                    This is totally logical to the average person with no biblical agenda, and to any jury in the world. And if a real photographer and a real astronomer can’t get the same Nibiru photos when they try, then I’ll take the word of the professionals over some unknown You Tube idiot who only wants to fool gullible people and get as many hits on their videos as possible. And when you look at all the videos that have been proven fake over the last ten years (like this article we are on right now) it is asinine to keep believing every new You Tube idiot that pops up every day with the same old crap that was proven fake before.

              • I don’t know what you think this is but I can tell it’s been PhotoShopped so it really means nothing. Only one person on earth has “seen” this thing so there is no proof that it ever existed. There is no paper trail to the author either so we don’t even know when or where it was made. Plus it doesn’t look like a planet and certainly not the red-winged planet Nibiru.
                Hey, check out these professional videos:

                NIBIRU ARRIVES MARCH / APRIL 2016 !?!
                Planet X Nibiru Coming March 2016 Get Ready For A Shock

                Sun Blackout in March 2016 – Expert Predicts Planet X Nibiru

                Looks like Nibiru is coming FOR SURE next month. There are dozens of other YouTube videos predicting exactly the same thing.
                So who here believes these experts? They sound VERY knowledgeable. Could they possibly be liars and making it all up? And how could so many experts agree on exactly the same dates? It can’t be a mere coincidence, can it? We’re talking only a few weeks from now. Pole shift will kill billions. Sell all your valuables and buy food and bottled water. Start tomorrow before it is too late. You will if you’re smart.
                Unless you’re even smarter and have figured out that everything to do with Nibiru is faked. Well actions speak louder than words. So anyone who goes out and prepares for doomsday in the next 2 weeks, let us know. If no one prepares then their subconscious mind is likely telling them that there is really nothing out there to worry about.
                So, doomsday Preppers… keep in touch.

  146. 2~12~5998 (out of 6000) Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday
    He freed the black slaves and beat the Vatican in court
    for which he was assassinated by them.

    I did not state that “El” was wrong or pagan. Elohim is the correct term
    instead of the pagan “Lord” which is a direct translation from “Baal” the ancient Babylonian sun idol. El is the shortened form of Elohim. No, El is NOT the plural form of Elohim. Eloha is. People like you trying to correct me usually get corrected themselves.
    Many in my family have (had) Diabetes and several with schizophrenia .
    With all of your health struggles, you do have my profound sympathy. If you had Diabetes you had better monitor your blood glucose. Years ago I found out that vanadyl sulfate (100 mg./day) controls blood sugar. The only supplement I have found with enough of this nutrient is “Vana Trace” by Priority One (50 mg. capsules). Lecithin capsules are cheap and will help control cholesterol. We take ALOT of supplements. Swanson Vitamins carry many of them for low prices. With your nerve conditions B100 daily would be good. Your bread should be whole grain and sprouted (Ezekiels’) is BETTER. “My jury” is out on gluten. Cheese , eggs, and meat should be grass fed. Personally, we don’t like very many blended drinks. Eating raw onions causes me problems. Anointing with oil and prayer to YAHWEH brings us healing in our lives. These are some of the things that we do that help us. Yahweh has a path to your healing if you can believe it.

    • 4 YHVH No, I said El is Singular and Elohim is plural. I wll check into Eloha.

      • And there isn’t any “V” letter in Hebrew or “J”. That’s WHY it’s HalleluYah. No Jehovah either. This one goes back to 1500’s Germany. Yahweh and His Son Yahshua are FOREVER!

  147. For Jim,
    For Marianne and 4 YHVH, we are much closer thanthisclose for in this video is 776

    I need you to listen and watch this video and tell me what you think.

    Now I know you do not believe the Bible so you will most likely not watch this 12 minute video.


  149. Dude,
    I ONLY believe in the bible. You reject most bible prophecy in preference to numerology and astrology, and now Torah Codes. The Jews do not have the Book of Revelation so all they need is a date for the Second Coming. They don’t need to listen to what Jesus said about His Second Coming so they throw out the whole New Testament. So now you are doing the same thing. You are rejecting Jesus and His own prophetic words in favor of a book that is being sold commercially for prophet. This video is nothing more than a commercial to sell the book. I don’t know how anyone can be so foolish as to believe this nonsense. It should be clear to every Christian that we are not now in the tribulation. When it does start it will last 3-1/2 years and we will all know we are in it. You have tried to turn it into a 1-1/2 years tribulation and even that hasn’t started yet. Pretty soon you will be down to a 6 month tribulation then 6 days then you might even start proclaiming the millennium has begun and that you were right all along.
    At some point soon your common sense will kick in and you will have to believe you were wrong and move on to something new. Until then I’m sure you will find more than enough YouTube trash to keep your hopes up but eventually your bible prophecy Jenga tower will come crashing down.
    I heartily look forward to that day.

    • 5776 begins the Malkhut she beMalkhut Yovel cycle since Ezra HaSofer/Ezra the scribe. He led the return to Israel in 3413 (348 BCE). Malkhut she beMalkhut means: Kingship within (the week) of Kingship.

      2016 From circa 1415 BCE when Joshua son of Nun entered the land to 2016 CE is 70 Jubilee’s.

      According to Thomas Horn in his book Petrus Romanus written in 2012 he notes the following about Daniel’s prophecy and specifically this verse “Know also and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to cause to return and to build Jerusalem, unto the Anointed the Prince, shall be seven weeks.” Jerusalem was reclaimed by Israel during the Six Days War in June of 1967. Recall that in the seventy-weeks paradigm, the “seven” is seven weeks of years which is (7 x 7) forty-nine years. T. W. Tramm explains a remarkable concurrence: June 7, 1967 falls in the Hebrew year 5727, adding forty-nine prophetic years to this date we arrive in the Hebrew year 5776, which is 2015 on the Gregorian calendar. Interestingly, if one counts exactly forty-nine (360 day) prophetic years (17,640 days) from the June 7, 1967 date of Jerusalem’s recapture, we arrive at September 24, 2015—the Day of Atonement! Coincidence? Prophetic Time Cycle from Israel Recapture june 7 1967 to September 23, 2015…;…

      Celestial Signs related to Israel 2015 – The coming New World Order Year of Light 5776″ Retrograde of Mercury, May 18-July 2015

      Jan 13, 2016 Cross and angel in the sky

      2) January 20th 4th Day event 5 planets line up in a row. Number 5 means grace according to Bullinger Meanings of numbers.

      Feb. 2, Day 3 Cross in NM I Cor 1:18. Lk 21:10-11, 25-26. 25 times rivers have turned blood red. Metorite fell into India on Feb 6th, 2016.

      Asteroid Impact Maybe March 2016; March 5th, 2016
      Today the Parashah is Va-Yakhel which means “Gathered Together.” Today the Parashah is Pekudei which means “The Inventory.” Today we celebrate reading the last Parashah of Exodus or “Shemot.” At the end of the reading we say, “Be strong! Be strong! And may we be strengthened!” Today is Shabbat Ha-Chodesh or the “Sabbath of the New Moon.” It is the Sabbath on or before the new moon of the first month and reminds us of the special preparations which need to be made for Passover. It is the fourth of four special Sabbaths.
      Va-Yakhel (Gathered Together) Torah Exodus 35:1-38:20 Haftarahs 1 Kings 7:13-26, 7:40-50; Parashah #23 Scripture Readings Pekudei (The Inventory) Torah Exodus 38:21-40:38; Haftarahs 1 Kings 7:51-8:21; Rosh Chodesh Scripture Readings Shabbat Ha-Chodesh (Sabbath on or before Day 1 of Month 1) Haftarahs Ezekiel 45:16-46:18; Extra Readings Exodus 12:1-20

      Solar/Lunar Eclipses March 9 Day four on Menorrah calendar, Total solar, (Amos 8:9?); March 23 Day 4 on the Menorrah, Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse. Sept 1 , Day 5, Annular solar eclipses (Ezek 30:18?; Amos 8:9?). Sept 16 Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse. Isa 5:30, Read Isa 5:20-30 for context. Sept. 16 is on a Saturday on Sukkot 1 (Annual Sabbath). Nasa Eclipse Website,

      In 2016 you have two retrogrades going at once in the latter half. Mercury is in Virgo\Leo. Mars in Scorpio. These two retrogrades mean the God is fighting for Israel against the antichrist who is the enemy.
      Dale M. Sides has written three pdfs on this subject. My titles are: Retrograde of Mars 2012.pdf; Retrograde of Mars Dec2013.pdf (EpiskoposDec2013.pdf); and Retrograde of Mars Feb2013.pdf. His website is Liberating Ministries for Christ International. Once there go to e-store\free articles. Copy Is this a Sign of His Coming. In his PDF section do Companion Bible–Appendix 12; ; PISKOPOS – Liberating Ministries for Ch… ; Disciphering the Meanings of the Tetrad Eclipses |…/disciphering-the-meanings-of-the-tetrad-eclipses/
      Dale Sides believe Sept. of the first sliver of the new moon will be the Second Coming and Armageddon. says 2016 by her Jubilee calculations. Daniel’s Timeline 2:00 hours +.

      Two Jewish Brothers also say that the gathering is in September of 2016 on the first sliver of the New Moon.

      September 3rd Shabbat Yom Teruah Today is the birth day of the Messiah according to a sign in Revelation 12:1-2. It has traditionally been held that Yom Teruah in Year 6000 will herald the coming of the Messiah. Today begins 10 days of awe when we make wrongs right before Yom Kippur. Shabbat Rosh Chodesh or “Sabbath of the New Moon” occurs when Day 1 of the month is a Sabbath. The first visible crescent of the moon at Jerusalem, assuming good visibility, begins the Rosh Chodesh or “head of the month.”
      Special Reading Scripture Readings Rosh Hashanah (First day of the Civil New Year Except in a Jubilee Year) Torah Leviticus 23:23-25, Numbers 29:1-6; Haftarahs 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10, Jeremiah 31:2-20; Brit Chadashah 1 Corinthians 15:52; Extra Readings Numbers 29:1-6, Psalms: 47, 93, 96-99
      Rosh Chodesh Scripture Readings Shabbat Rosh Chodesh (When the new moon is on a Sabbath ) Haftarahs Isaiah 66:1-24; Extra Readings Numbers 28:9-15 This should be the Antichrist.

      Jim, I believe more in the Bible than you do but you like to cut out scriptures that you disagree with such as Genesis 1:14; Luke 21:25-26; Leviticus 23; Leviticus 25; Isaiah 61:1-2 which all point to 2016-2017 and thousands of others.

      Plus you said, my comments are just comments and some (a few) are true which means most of your comments are all lies so this means to me that you are not a Christian and you don’t believe in the Bible.

      You believe the flood was only maybe 1000 miles squared and only covered Israel and not all the earth.

      You probably believe the earth is 4.5 million years old which deletes Psalms 90:4; II Peter 3:8; and Genesis 1:1 because Genesis 1: in Hebrew has 7 words and the 4 word (Aleph-tav) represents 4000 years, and the 6th word (Lambda Aleph-Tav) = 6000 years.
      So you do not believe the Menorah can represent 7 days=7000 years, nor possibly a lot of number sevens nor the fact that the 7 menorahs in Revelation and the 4th one is a man which refers to Yeshua.

      Nor do you believe in Isaiah 24 refers to Judgment of the globe nor that it refers to Nibiru.

      And you also believe that my paper on Tower of Bable was a lie and is all mumble jumble which came from 3 different commentaries which are mumble kumble to you which means all 7000 pages that I have in my Biblical CD is all lies as well including the 5000 pages on Eschatology that I have is lies and mumble jumbo.
      You also believe all ministers including Armstrong and me is a Bible Thumper which you hate so I will end with this: Get lost and stay lost and don’t come back you hater of Bible Thumpers.

  150. Diagram of Our Solar System Includes The Dead Twin Sun and the 10th Planet a.k.a. Planet X
    This diagram appeared in the 1987 edition of the “New Science and Invention Encyclopedia” published by H.S. Stuttman, Westport, Connecticut, USA. The continuing conspiracy to cover up X falls short when matter of fact evidence is found in respected credible publications like this.

    The article accompanying this diagram was discussing the purpose of the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes. Clearly shown is our suns dark twin Dead Star and Planet X a.k.a. the 10th or 12th Planet. One of the points made was to show the paths of the two probes and how they created a triangulated sighting to verify the sighting of Planet X. The history of deep space probes is mentioned because Pioneer 10 and 11 were said to be one of the first. There’s absolutely no mention of any controversy about what was out there or what the probes were looking at.

    • my friend in pittsburg last night told me he could see it in the morning when he walked his dog.

    • HEY,
      It was announced last week that scientists think they may have proof of an object beyond Pluto but it has yet to be discovered. But such a planet would never get closer than 10 billion miles of the earth, so if that is your Nibiru then we can not expect it to ever get near enough to the earth to even see, let alone crash into us.
      And if Nibiru IS way out there somewhere then there is nothing near the sun so all of those videos are fakes.
      You can’t have nibirus floating all over the solar system. Everywhere all at the same time. Only visible from the South Pole, then easily visible in Pittsburgh. One day visible in the evening then the next day in the morning. And yet this most astounding discovery – the biggest in human history – never makes the news. Never!
      Marianne, you need to call your friend in Pittsburgh and have him call the local news stations so they can get the scoop on this tremendous discovery. Your friend will be famous.
      And then the whole Nibiru fiasco will be over… proven at last! Glory be to You Tube idiots!
      But we both know that will never happen. You friend is either funning with you or thinks that Venus is Nibiru. Look for yourself next morning. If it is plainly visible from Pittsburgh you should be able to see it from your back yard. And so should every single person in the U.S. And the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. That’s how these things work. You can’t change the laws of science no matter how hard you try.
      And no matter how hard you wish, Nibiru will never be real.

      • Jim, your last comment comes from someone who saya they are just comments. Yes maybe 7 percent are truth but that means most of them are lies so take your fork and stick it into your comments because they are becoming too well done.
        Your lies which you call truth is sickening to read about.

        Until the 3 days of literal darkness is over which occurs in the year of Armageddon, that is when the discussion of Nibiru is over.

        So go gag on a spoon because this discussion will be shoved down your throat until then.

      • you are a government troll. don’t have to listen to you.

        my friends do not lie.

        however, you are paid to do it.

        I may have to block you, and you can troll somewhere else

        • Well Marianne,
          It seems I’ve finally gotten you to admit that you believe Nibiru is real beyond a shadow of a doubt. In the past you’ve hedged your bet and said all you know is that Wormwood is real and Nibiru could be it. But you are so adamant about it that you would silence me for my knowledge of astronomy, you surely must really believe in Nibiru. So you have no excuse now when it is proven false, nor does John and his proof is coming up very soon.
          So we shall soon see if the Nibiru John believes in is real. It will be like shooting fish in a barrel.
          And note that I have never lied, only given you the true astronomical side of things, but of course you’ve never bothered to verify my science, you just refuse to believe it because it conflicts with your religious beliefs.
          And if I were really a government shill I would have had you taken to a death camp early rather than waiting for your appointed time which is… hang on let me check my records…. Oh my! You don’t have much time left as it is. And John has even less time. He will be in the first batch to go. I hope he likes the climate in Idaho in the summer.
          Well. I’ve already said too much. I have to give George H.W. Bush a call and find out exactly when the death camps will be open for business.
          By the way,, I’ll bet there are many people on this site that believe that Nibiru is nonsense. They may not have the science background to refute these silly videos you keep posting, but they have enough common sense to realize a hoax when they see one. You should block them too just for thinking Nibiru is fake.
          We are all entitled to an opinion. If you blocked everyone who doesn’t agree with your bible interpretation you would pretty much be alone here. If you don’t want honest discussions then you should just post your articles as bible lessons and leave it at that.

          • Jim says: And note that I have never lied,

            But Jim admits here with this comment that he does lie.

            Jim Says: So don’t read anything into my comments, they are just general comments and I’m sure they are true some of the time at least.

            Your comments are true some of the time.
            Some= can mean occasionally true.

            Out of 1000 comments from Jim, maybe 5 percent are true or even 10 percent are true. That means to me that 90 percent of Jim’s comments are lies and he calls all of his comments as true because Jim never lies.

  151. 4Yahushua

    It is up your and mine alley especially with the names of “My Salvation”. I have not found any stories on Nibiru as of yet. I will share John’s Testimony with you if you give me your e-mail address at Nibiru and Isaiah 24 BLOGsITE. Due to certain people on this site, I do not share what you are about to read on the plus site above.

    • 2~15~5998 (out of 6000) in this final “Vatican NWO Doomsday”.
      Called “Presidents’ Day” but not the remembered birthday of ANY president!
      Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

      jardalkal, how do YOU know that I don’t believe the Bible?This is very rash on your part. I viewed your video and left a post there similar to what I post here. I find it very SAD that Jewish scholars do not even KNOW the year we are now in. Yes, the Bible states that star(s) will hit the earth. However, WHY get worked up about it, especially when WHO is returning may NOT be the one YOU worship? B.O. is just the current “puppet” put in by this 35 year Bush dictatorship under the Vatican’s Christian CROSS (X as in Xmas!) Revelation 13:18 to do “the final dirty work”.
      Web Search: “Bush Family Nazi Connections”.

      Events are going to get MUCH WORSE and VERY QUICKLY, possibly beginning on 2~16~2016 (adds up to 9). The FINAL CALL for REPENTENCE is coming to a close. HIS WAY is SALVATION through HIS SON YAHSHUA.

      You and Marianne mentioned that you have trouble sleeping and even take meds for insomnia.

      These verses may help from King David:
      “Except Yahweh build the house, they labour in vain that build it, except Yahweh keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He giveth His beloved sleep.” Psalm 127:1-2 Holy Name Bible

      Everyone reading these blogs should take these words very seriously.
      I did a very long time ago! I have had excellent sleep in my adult years much better than as a child for which I am very thankful.


      • 4 Yahoshua, did you like her website. I liked the man that kept saying Yahshua.
        Due to the man named near by this comment and not me because he does not believe that God gives dreams, I cannot share my testimony to you unless you give me your e-mail address at the “Nibiruand Isaiah 24 Blogsite ( or you just e-mail me your address to Besides I want to personally comment to you on comments you left to others mentioned nearby. Some I agree with, some I disagree with, and some I La_ _ h _ d at and you made my day.
        Plus I want to give to you Revelation Commentary so we can be on the same page. It is copied from Stern’s Jewish NT Commentary.
        OF course you can always keep up with my thoughts at Aviv Moon Network (arood awakening) End Times Forum or the Nibiru and Isaiah 24 blogsite.
        By the way, I do not produce video’s and I still not have figured out how to tack on video’s I watch at my You Tube channel.

  152. Jim,
    Concerning March and this is my personal view. I only believe that the Trumpet Judgments can either begin in March 15 to April 15 or September 15 to October 15 in any given year but Jim says they will only begin in 2031 and Kirt says 2048 and some others say 2022, 2024 and the majority say 2016 to 2017. For me, myself, and I, I am a die heart in believing it will be in September in the year they begin.

    Deu_19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

    Jim says this is wrong because there is only one witness to Jesus coming back in 2031 because He died in 31 CE.

    So all 400,000 witnesses that say 2016-2017 must be throne out of court for there can be only one witness and that is Jim what’s his name.

    As for your lies Jim, there has been 3 witnesses against you so far.
    Deu_19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
    Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    • John,
      Since wormwood is a trumpet judgement, then you must believe the videos about March / April. They fit perfectly with your time line.
      I don’t know why you constantly tell others that they don’t read or believe the bible based on some oddball interpretation you pull out of the Old Testament. You quote a general verse and then claim it pertains to Nibiru or Obama or whatever you need it to refer to, and if we don’t agree then somehow we don’t believe in God.
      You do realize that when you make up false stories about others you are lying and bearing false witness and look very petty and vengeful.
      I know many people hate to hear scientific proof that counters what they believe about bible prophecy, but rather than studying the science to disprove it you simple paste more lies from the same unreliable sources.
      You call me a liar and yet last year you said the following:
      “The fig tree blossomed in 1948 when Israel became a nation. According to Psalm 90:10, we are the last generation. The proclamation went out in 1947+70 generation=2017 -1 to 2 years for the trumpet and bowl judgments = 2015. First seal can be the Antichrist or False Prophet. The 2nd seal is WW3 which may start in the Bible lands as some believe. September 23rd is seal 3 including the new world currency coming on October 20th. No more buying and selling for Christians after this in America unless you have a job and all money is gone ovr the next 6 months. Famine hits then for America and then comes death. July 4th was and is the last fourth of July for America. And there is no thanksgiving for America in November.“
      Then I claimed it was all a pack of lies. So who was the liar? And I have many other of your predictions copied to a folder.
      See, I can paste also. 🙂
      So far I have claimed every Nibiru prediction to be false including this very article we are blogging on right now. So far I have never been wrong. Gee, it’s as if Nibiru isn’t really out there.
      Oh, and by the way, what John has declared about me he also declares about everyone else who does not agree with his 2017 time line, including you Marianne. He says that if we don’t agree with him and believe in any other date, we are liars and will burn in the lake of fire.
      Apparently John, you do not read the bible or you would know that there will be 3-1/2 years of tribulation, not 1-1/2. You have the first 2 years of your tribulation as non-event years. Seems like we’ve just been skimming thru the worst time in the history of mankind and not even noticed all the terrible biblical events going on around us. Any bible reader can tell your 2017 time line is a lie. It is obvious by now.
      You have no proof we are in the tribulation nor do you have any real proof that Nibiru exists – just the word of You Tube idiots.
      Time is right now proving your words to be false and time will continue to do so. If nothing happens pretty soon you will lose all the rest of whatever credibility you have left.
      Start looking for a new date, you will soon need it.
      P.S. The term is “Die Hard” not “Die Heart” – if you’re going to use a metaphor at least try to get it right.

      • “The fig tree blossomed in 1948 when Israel became a nation. According to Psalm 90:10, we are the last generation. The proclamation went out in 1947+70 generation=2017 -1 to 2 years for the trumpet and bowl judgments = 2015.
        10 sources for proof on this one maybe but Jim says we cannot use the Bible, or math to prove a point. Science is out of the question because it uses math. History is out of the question because the Bible is history so if we cannot use the Bible then we cannot use history either.
        So Jim, the only thing left for you to use for all of your comments is Philosophy from now on. So stick your fork into this one.

        First seal can be the Antichrist or False Prophet.

        Jim says about the first seal is Rome is both the Antichrist and the False Prophet.
        Contenders for the Antichrist: Obama, Rome (Black and white Pope); Erdogan; Apostikane, and the UN (UNited Nations).

        The 2nd seal is WW3 which may start in the Bible lands as some believe.
        I have 10 pages on this one but all I need is one to prove a point.
        Jim will say all those are lies anyway.

        September 23rd is seal 3 including the new world currency coming on October 20th.

        No more buying and selling for Christians after this in America unless you have a job and all money is gone ovr the next 6 months.
        Here are all the lies that Jim says is cock full of lies.

        Famine hits then for America and then comes death.

        July 4th was and is the last fourth of July for America. This came from the Internet. As a matter of internet holidays. The queen of England said that Christmas in 2015 will be your last Christmas. If we carry this out, then Easter in 2016 will be the last Easter. Round 2 for 4th of July, and if the timeline plays out according to people on the Internet for the Trumpet Judgments to begin either in March of 2016 or September of 2016 then Thanksgiving for 2015 was the last Thanksgiving.

        And there is no thanksgiving for America in November.“
        Here is another lie.

      • John said which Jim calls this one a lie,
        “The fig tree blossomed in 1948 when Israel became a nation.
        Matthew 24:32. Israel by the Bible and Biblical commentators say Israel is the Fig Tree Nation.
        According to Psalm 90:10, we are the last generation. The proclamation went out in 1947+70 generation=2017 -1 to 2 years for the trumpet and bowl judgments = 2015.
        Psa 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
        Jim says this does not mean generation but it means something else than years or generation.

        Deu_19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
        1947 CE Nov. 29, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Palestine to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews; Dead Sea Scrolls discovered. Parallel dates: Abraham was born in 1948 BCE. From 1494 until 1949 there were ZERO sets of blood Red Moons! Proclamation for Israel to become a nation went out. 1947+70 years = 2017; 1947+80= 2027. Kirt uses this one to support Jesus coming in 2048 which is 1947+100= 2048.
        1948 CE May 14, Israel is re-established 1260 + 1260 years since Ezekiel measured Temple Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin” (Daniel 5:5,24) 1000 + 1000 + 20 (Aramaic Mina, which equaled 1,000 Gerahs plus Tekel (Shekel equals 20 Gerahs) dividing “Mene” would have to be 500 therefore the total years are 2520 from 539 BCE to 1948 CE; End of British Mandate (14 May)State of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon. Jerusalem divided under Israeli and Jordanian rule. First Knesset (parliament) elected. Israel admitted to United Nations as 59th member.
        Proclamation of Independence – Knesset;;
        Proclamation of Independence . Provisional Government of Israel Official Gazette: Number 1; … On the 29th November, 1947, …
        Israeli Proclamation of Independence;;
        State of Israel: Proclamation of Independence (May 14, 1948) Source: The Jewish Virtual Library. ERETZ-ISRAEL (the Land of Israel) … 1947, the United Nations …
        Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel ; ; The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of … gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum to declare the establishment of the State of Israel. … 1947, and will take …
        Israel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ; ; Cyrus issued a proclamation granting subjugated nations … In 1947, the British government announced it would withdraw from Mandatory Palestine, …
        Israeli Declaration of Independence – Wikipedia, the free … ; Declaration of Independence; Location: Tel Aviv: Author(s) First Draft: Zvi Berenson Second Draft: Moshe Shertok David Remez Felix Rosenblueth Moshe Shapira
        Deu_19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

        Jim says this is full of lies and cannot be used.

        Marianne told me that she uses the 1947 proclamation above.
        Jim says we cannot use 20 years, 40 years, 50 years, 70 years, 80 years, 100 years, or 120 years which are all Biblical figures to prove our point but we can use 31 CE only to prove our point.
        Jim also says that we cannot use math to prove our point.
        Jim, what can we use to prove a point if we cannot use the Bible or Math to prove a point?
        I know, let us use Science to prove our point but Science uses lots of math so science is out of the question.
        Since the Bible is history and Jim says we cannot use the Bible, then we cannot use history to prove our point.
        So Jim, I guess all that is left to prove a point is Philosophy so for now on, Jim, you can only use Philosophy to prove a point on any of your comments.

      • Jim says this is cock full of lies because this lie is a set part of cock full of lies.

        First seal can be the Antichrist or False Prophet.
        Jim says that the Antichrist and the False prophet is Rome only. So here are the runner ups on the Antichrist: Obama, Rome (Black Pope and white Pope), Erdogan, Apostikane, and the UN (United Nations).
        Deu_19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
        Jim says I cannot use Bible Scriptures to prove a point but America’s Judicial System uses this scripture in a Court of Law hourly to prove all their cases.
        Pope Francis is the first seal of Revelation 6:2 … ;…
        … began to be fulfilled and so was the first seal from … Pope Francis is the first seal of Revelation 6:2. … The Pope will support its creation and …
        First Seal – BelieveTheSign;; The first seal is a rider on a white horse with a bow and a crown. … The Pope is bad. … he first started an antichrist, the spirit; then he become a false prophet.
        Revelation Series #135: First Seal Broken: The … – YouTube; … First Seal Broken: The White … The Biblical Uncovering of the Pope and the … THE ANTICHRIST AND THE OPENING OF THE FIRST SEAL JUDGMENT …
        First Seal is Broken! – YouTube;; The First Seal of the Seven Seals from Revelation 6:1,2 has been broken! … First Seal is Broken! allan777333alien. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 3 3.
        The First Five Seals of Revelation have already been broken!;; … Why are people claiming some of the seals of Revelation have already been broken? … they assume the following about the first seal and quoting: …
        The Seven Seals | by Rap Artist SIRIUS The Dogg Star;; The Seven Seals; Barack the Antichrist? Obama, the First Beast; … see the fulfillment of the Seven Seals, … shall be swept away from before him and be broken, …
        The First Seal: Apparently Broken – Fulfilled Prophecy;; I can agree that the first seal could be broken, … Partial lunar eclipse. McCain/Obama “conversation” at Saddlebach with Rick Warren …

      • Jim says this is cock full of lies. We are in continuing saga of an statement that I posted last year and Jim says it is cock full of lies.

        The 2nd seal is WW3 which may start in the Bible lands as some believe. Some are saying that WWIII may start in Russia, while others say it will be in the Middle East.

        Deu_19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
        Jim says I cannot use Bible Scriptures to prove a point but America’s Judicial System uses this scripture in a Court of Law hourly to prove all their cases.

        Today in the news: 350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria.
        WWIII In The “Middle East” (Episode 5) SLAVE SERMONS … ;YouTube 5 years ago – 02:10 PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO! THE BEST SERIES ON YOUTUBE! Will there ever …
        WWIII In The “Middle East” (Episode 5) SLAVE SERMONS …;; Israel & Usa Vs Iran & Russia Wwiii (hell War In The …; Israel & Usa Vs Iran & Russia Wwiii (hell War In The …;
        WWIII – Obama’s Illegal wars in the Middle East. Violation … ; youtube; 5 years ago – 03:52; Warmonger and Murderer Barack Hussein Obama II, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro continues to violate the War Powers Act. He is spending over a …

        WWIII – Obama’s Illegal wars in the Middle East. Violation …;
        Could World War III be triggered in the Middle East if … ; ; Could World War III be triggered in the Middle East if ISIS takes over and turns against Israel? Is ISIS a threat to Israel?
        Israel & USA VS Iran & Russia WWIII (Hell War in the … ;
        Israel & USA VS Iran & Russia WWIII (Hell War in the Middle East) Military Power Comparison | 2015 Israel Defense Forces … Middle East Powder Keg: …
        the Middle East Is About To Initiate WWIII ?? | Alternative… ; (Before It’s News) What Russia Just Discovered May Mean the Middle East Is About To Initiate WWIII
        BBC NEWS | Middle East | Jordanian prince in WWIII warning ; ; Prince Hassan of Jordan has said he fears a third world war is erupting in the Middle East. Speaking to BBC’s Radio Four, he said it was an “extremely …
        NESARA- REPUBLIC NOW – GALACTIC NEWS: ?? the Middle East … ;;… ; What Russia Just Discovered May Mean the Middle East Is About To Initiate WWIII. … funding Islamic terror in order to weaken the Middle East and …
        WW3 – World War Three in Detail, showing Start Date … ; ; … leaders in WW3, timeline and statistics of World War 3. Also called the Third … NWO | WWI | WWII | WWIII | PREPARE … Middle East. World War 3: Israel and …
        Moving Toward WWIII in the Middle East | Brian Thomas | 55KRC ;…/moving-toward-wwiii-in-the-middle-13992237 ; Kerry says airstrikes in Syria will continue, despite Russia’s demand that they stop.
        ISRAEL vs IRAN WWIII Military Power Comparison | 2015 … ; ; ISRAEL vs IRAN WWIII Military Power Comparison | 2015 – (Hell War in the Middle East) VSB defense. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 60,345 60K. Loading …
        Middle East Analysis: WWIII fuse has been lit | Canada … ;;
        Middle East Analysis: WWIII fuse has been lit. By Doug Hagmann … has a personal stake in the outcome of Middle East events to the point of actively shaping them.
        Map Of Middle East After WWIII – ; ; Is This The Middle East Map After World War III? By Jack Manuelian 4-5-6

        Deu_19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
        Jim says I cannot use Bible Scriptures to prove a point but America’s Judicial System uses this scripture in a Court of Law hourly to prove all their cases.

      • Revelation Seal 3
        Rev 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
        Balances: The expression denotes great want and scarcity.
        On opening the third seal, a black horse appeared; a color denoting mourning and woe, darkness and ignorance. The black, signify the dismal consequences of war, famines, pestilences, and desolations. He that sat on it had a yoke in his hand. Attempts were made to put a yoke of superstitious observances on the disciples. As the stream of Christianity flowed further from its pure fountain, it became more and more corrupt. During the progress of this black horse, the necessaries of life should be at excessive prices, and the more costly things should not be hurt. According to prophetic language, these articles signified that food of religious knowledge, by which the souls of men are sustained unto everlasting life; such we are invited to buy, Isa. 55:1. But when the dark clouds of ignorance and superstition, denoted by the black horse, spread over the Christian world, the knowledge and practice of true religion became scarce. When a people loathe their spiritual food, God may justly deprive them of their daily bread. The famine of bread is a terrible judgment; but the famine of the word is more so.

        Rev 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
        The rich are cushioned by their wealth from the effects of economic inequality and scarcity; but the poor, who must pay a day’s wages (literally, “a denarius”; see Matt 20:2) for starvation rations, are brusquely ordered not to meddle with (or “damage”) the olive oil or the wine., now luxuries far beyond their means.
        Weighing the bread is a sign of a curse, according to Leviticus 26:26, “They shall dole out your bread by weight; you will eat, but you will not be satisfied.”
        Penny: (Gr. denarion), a silver coin of the value of about 7 1/2d. or 8d. of our present money. It is thus rendered in the New Testament, and is more frequently mentioned than any other coin (Matt. 18:28; 20:2, 9, 13; Mark 6:37; 14:5, etc.). It was the daily pay of a Roman soldier in the time of Christ. In the reign of Edward III, an English penny was a labourer’s day’s wages. This was the “tribute money” with reference to which our Lord said, “Whose image and superscription is this?” When they answered, “Caesar’s,” he replied, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s” (Matt. 22:19; Mark 12:15).
        In other words, as the economy crashes, the cost of living increases and inflation for even food is up 80 percent to 100 percent.
        It can happen in a Shemitah year or the year after.
        Fema Camps open when the banks close on a Friday and the lights turn off in the USA.
        The red list is already being rounded up when you hear of 1000’s of media sources being disappeared.
        Then the Blue list is rounded up.

        Then you are rounded up when you go to church on a Sunday or when you go to a community center to get food and water.
        But they will use a means of Starvation to get you to go to the camps.
        One of the things to watch for is massive market meltdowns—and then comes war.—connected to global market crash–Canada is heading into bankruptcy and according to Michael Snyder, it is one of the countries whose stocks market is crashing.
        Which countries are collapsing: USA, Brazil. Canada, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Russia. China, Japan. England, India,
        Who has already collapsed: Greece, Venezuela.
        One of the most surprising comments this year came from a closed session on fintech where I sat next to someone in policy circles who argued that we should move quickly to a cashless economy so that we could introduce negative rates well below 1% – as they were concerned that Larry Summers’ secular stagnation was indeed playing out and we would be stuck with negative rates for a decade in Europe. They felt below (1.5) % depositors would start to hoard notes, leading to yet further complexities for monetary policy.
        Consider this the latest, and loudest, warning to a cashless society or a Mark of the Beast society.
        And this is happening in a 49th Shemitah year with the 50th year (2015-2016) being the Jubilee year when all debts are released in Israel, slaves are set free to go back to their original Master/masters.
        Isa 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives (Yovel, Jubilee; Leviticus 25:9-10; 2016-2017, every 50 years), and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

        Isa 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD (Shemitah/Shemitta; Lev. 25:1-8; 2014-2015; 14-15, 28-29 CE’s; every 7 year release of debt, the land lays fallow for one year but it is also a judgment for the Gentile nations; Jubilee Lev 25:9-10), and the day of vengeance of our God (2015-2017); to comfort all that mourn;
        Lev 25:20 And if ye shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year (2014-2015; 7 means completion)? behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase:
        Lev 25:21 Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year (2013-2014), and it shall bring forth fruit for three years.
        Lev 25:22 And ye shall sow the eighth year (2015-2016), and eat yet of old fruit until the ninth year (2016-2017); until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the old store.

        The year of Jubilee
        At the close of the great day of atonement the blast of the Jubilee curved trumpets proclaimed throughout the land liberty, after guilt had been removed through the typically atoning blood of victims. It is referred to as antitypically fulfilled in “the acceptable year of the Lord,” this limited period of gospel grace in which deliverance from sin and death, and the restoration of man’s lost inheritance, are proclaimed through Christ (Isa_61:1-2; Luk_4:19).
        “The times of the restitution of all things” are the coming grand Jubilee (Act_3:21) (120th Jubilee, the 70th Jubilee and the 50th Jubilee), “the regeneration” (Mat_19:28) ushered in by “the trump of God” (1Th_4:16-17).

        The ninth year (Final Competion year) is called the Great Harvest year. Could it be that 2017 is the Great Harvest year of Christians and those who accept Yehoshua/Yeshua during the Wrath of God. If that is true then the eighth year (8 means a new beginning) is the year that the Barley and wheat is gathered into the barn and if that is the case then this is the Year of the Gathering (Hikhel).

      • Jim said: Oh, and by the way, what John has declared about me he also declares about everyone else who does not agree with his 2017 time line, including you Marianne. He says that if we don’t agree with him and believe in any other date, we are liars and will burn in the lake of fire.

        Watch out for deceivers/serpents who twists your very words. Hmmm, where have we heard this one before. Could it be the serpent in the Garden of Eden who deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of good and evel and then Adam ate her fruit that she took a bite of and they were both kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

        Hmmm, could it be that Jim is also a deceiving serpent as Satan is????.

        • Well John,
          It seems that you have simply moved all the events you predicted for last year to this year. And I predict the results will be the same.
          You’ve posted all the same links you posted a year ago. The same predictions but for a year later. I wouldn’t be surprised if you posted the same info on your web site for the last 3 or 4 years since I assume you’ve been pushing your 2017 agenda for a while now.
          By the way, I’ve never claimed that the punishment for not believing in my bible interpretation is the Lake of Fire. You have said I will go there for not believing in what you’ve been preaching, so I must assume that everyone else who also doesn’t believe you will be going there with me. Or maybe I’m the only one going there because I dared to stand up for my beliefs and the bothers you.
          Well, lets see in September when still nothing on your time table has happened whether or not I’m doomed to the Lake of Fire for being correct. Or maybe I’ll be damned just because you say so. Judge not lest you be judged… Except for John Ashcraft.
          Judge me all you want. Call me names and claim I hate God and the bible and I’m a government shill. If that is what you think Jesus would have us do, then have at me. All I’m here to do is state my opinions and tell uninformed people about the sciences that are abused by the majority of You Tube idiots. So far no one here has corrected my scientific knowledge since it comes from science textbooks and college courses and not YouTube.
          And as I’ve always said, I don’t compute dates based on non-biblical events or the position of planets. The fig tree blossomed in 1948. That was prophecy fulfilled. People who were alive in 1948 comprise the last generation before the Second Coming. As long as on of those persons is still alive, we are in that generation. That generation does not expire in 2017. Some of them will live on until past 2050 or longer. So as long as Jesus returns before the last member dies the word spoken by Jesus will still be true, and the return does not need to come on a year ending in 7 or 8 or any other number. Those are just assumptions made up by people trying to predict the date by guessing. In this case they were wrong. Instead of waiting for obvious signs given by Jesus they made advance predictions by numerology. I am waiting for the signs and they may come at any time. I only said that 2031 would be a logical date based on the ascension year but it could be sooner or later. I am flexible and patient. You are rigid and desperate. You won’t rattle me no matter what you say to me.
          So please, keep posting predictions. Let us know the inevitable events that must happen soon for your timeline to work. Surely something real must happen pretty quick as you are really running out of time here. I know you have some pals here that have been talking about a 2016 & 2017 Second Coming for more than 7 years now. But they’ve been pretty silent lately, more the likely haven given up hope this late in the game. But you seem to be a real die hard and will try to stick it out till the end.
          P.S. The term is “CHOCK full of lies” not “COCK full of lies” – if you’re going to use a metaphor at least try to get it right. This is your second warning.

          • 2050 for this generation? excuse me, but that would make them over 100 years old

            • Marianne,
              So what? Jesus just said that generation would not have all passed away. He didn’t say that everyone who was alive in 1948 would still be alive at the Second Coming. Plenty of people of that generation die every year and the rest keep getting older every year. The generation does not die until the last member dies. The “greatest generation” will still live until the last WW2 veteran passes away. Same is true for the fig tree generation. It is not a known number but it is still very much alive. Anything else is pure speculation, including the 2017 and 2018 speculations, which the alert bible reader knows can no longer work.
              So what is your point? If it goes more than say, 70 years then the bible was wrong? What about 75 or 80? Have you got the magic number that guarantees the Second Coming will come before?
              In any case as you know I don’t think the Second Coming will be more that 2000 years from the Ascension which would be 2031 (or sooner). But I admit it could come later for some reason and I would not curse Jesus for not returning in time nor would I lose my faith in the bible.
              I’m afraid that people like John and others with calculated return date will lose their faith in God when He doesn’t come on time. That would be a shame. It is already a shame that a person with his condition has had to waste so much time studying and “proving” all his false concepts. I think he may need a 12-step program to get over it.
              And maybe you for Nibiru.

              • But the last person of the fig tree nation must die before the Second Coming so the earliest that will happen is 2048 so Kirt is right that Yeshua cannot come before 2040

                • John,
                  You have the prophecy backwards. You said that the last person of the fig tree generation must die BEFORE the Second Coming.
                  But Jesus said that the fig tree generation would NOT pass away before He returns. So as long as least one person survives, the prophecy will be valid.
                  What you said doesn’t make any sense. Do you really think that everyone born before 1948 will die before Sept 2017? If you wait for all those people to die it could take till 2050 or longer. Someone could live to be 120 or older as medicine improves.
                  It sure sounds like you don’t understand the prophecy. I think maybe you just came up with a number for that generation and added it to 1947 to come up with your date. But that never works. No biblical generation has ever been repeated, so trying to reuse a number is foolish.
                  But why would that stop you?

                  • you two are having such fun…

                  • Jim, here are the generation numbers from the Bible which you disagree with. 20 years, 40 years, 50 years, 70 years, 100 years, 120 years.
                    The majority of the people today die between 70 and 80 years. There are a few stragglers that die between 80-100. The longest running is 110.
                    So that leaves out 120 years.

                    Using math which you call numerology which scienc uses a lot of and mathmaticians use a lot of, and accountants, bookkeepers, banks, and even 1st grade through college uses a lot of, so lets use your definition for numerology .
                    1+1=2, 2+2=4, 4+4=8, 8+8=16, 16+16=32, 32+32=64, 64+64= 128. This is going to take a while to get to 1948 so lets cut to 1948.

                    1948+100=2048 which Kirt says He will come.
                    1948+120=2068 but that puts us past the Jubilee which is 2016+50=2066. 1967 6th Day war was a Jubilee year so 2067 is the maximum time frame He could come.
                    Problem: 4001 was creation. 2001 CE is 6000 years. So 2067 is 67 years too late. That would cut the Millennium short by 67 years and we have to keep our 1000 year millennium.

                    Here is the dates for Creation that I have found so far.
                    0 3925 Creation Note: Torahcalendar uses 3986, others use 3983 (3983-6000=2017), 3999, 3980, 3954, 4001, 4004, 4100, 4126, 3926, 5315 and about one dozen others.

                    If you use 3967 as your start date then 2067 is the beginning of the Millennium.

                    Problem: Yehoshua died in 28-35 CE. So 2000 years from there is 2028 to 2035.
                    3974 BC is the earliest start year. 3974-6000=2026.
                    So the earliest Creation began is 3974 so according to Leviticus 25 the earth would have to begin in a 7th year. So 2031-2048 CE is out of the equation.
                    So now the nearest number to 2026 is 2022. This would be the maximum time limit for Yeshua to return.

                    We know 2015 was a Shemitah year and they are saying that 2016 is the Jubilee year.
                    So now we have to find the Shemitah years between 2028 and 2035.
                    But Jim says that we cannot use the number 7 even though all of Creation ties into the number 7.
                    Did you know that there are 30 occurances of the number 7 in Genesis 1:1.
                    So if we eliminate the number 7 then we have to eliminate Creation Week out of the equation, we have to cut out Leviticus 23 and 25 out of the Bible, we have to cut out Genesis 1:1, so this causes a major issue. If wew cut out the number 7 from the equation then the universes go poof (gone) and no more Jim because he never existed and there will be no millennium to look forward to because it is 7000 year frame.
                    So the 7 stays in. 2015+7=2022+7=2029+7=2036.

                    2036 is gone and that leaves 2029 as the 49th year, 2030 as the year of Jubilee and 2031 as the final harvest year. But the genration years have to line up with events in Israel and also events using th number 7 has to be present so lets use 2031 as the end and see if any 7’s backwards line up with Shemitah’s and Jubilees tied to events in Israel.
                    Next posting on this next time.

                    • Shemitah/Jubilee events from 2031 CE and backwards

                      NE means no events listed for that year for Israel or biblical history. So we have to eliminate all of Israel’s existence on the land from Battle of Jerusalem 1917 to the present. Since there is no Israel history except for 2047 then Yahoshua can never come back.

                      2031 Nothing so far; 2024 nothing so far.

                      2017. Woman clothed with the Sun in 2017 on the Day of Trumpet. Possible Armageddon 10 days later on Day of Atonement.

                      No Shemitah years. 2010, 2003, 1996, 1989 NE, 1982 NE, 1975 NE, 1968, 1961 NE, 1954 NE, 1940 NE, 1933, 1926 NE, 1919 NE, 1912 NE, 1905 NE, 1898 NE, 1891 NE, 1884 NE, 1877 NE, 1870 NE, 1863 NE, 1856 NE, 1849 NE, 1842 NE, 1835 NE, 1828 NE, 1814 NE, 1807 NE, 1800 NE, 1793 NE, 1786 NE, 1779 NE, 1772 NE, 1765 NE, 1758 NE, 1751 NE, 1744 NE, 1737 NE, 1730 NE, 1723 NE, 1716 NE, 1709 NE, 1702 NE, 1695 NE, 1988 NE, 1679 NE, 1672 NE, 1665 NE, 1658 NE, 1651 NE, 1644 NE, 1637 NE, 1630 NE, 1623 NE, 1616 NE, 1609 NE, 1602 NE, 1595 NE, 1588 NE, 1581 NE, 1574 NE, 1567 NE, 1560 NE, 1553 NE,

                      1947 CE Nov. 29, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Palestine to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews; Dead Sea Scrolls discovered. Parallel dates: Abraham was born in 1948 BCE. From 1494 until 1949 there were ZERO sets of blood Red Moons! Proclamation for Israel to become a nation went out.
                      1947 + 84= 2031 A generation is 20 year, 40 years, 50 years, 70 years , 80 years, 100 years, and 120 years. 84 is not even a number used in the Bible.

                      So generations or years in the Bible cannot be used for Jim’s 2031 year so this eliminates Matthew 24:32 and Psalm 90:10 for not being used. This eliminates 20 years, 40 years, 50 years, 70 years, 100 years, 120 years.
                      5800 1821 CE 116th Jubilee (yovel יובל)

                    • Please show me the verses that Jesus spoke where He said He would return exactly one generation form the fig tree blossoming. You are assuming that is what He said but you did not read the bible close enough. So then you turn to numerology and current events and assume that they are are exact generations from 1917, 1947, 1967 and other dates ending in 7. That is pure numerology and none of it is in the bible.
                      In the bible a generation is a group of people, not a number and can’t be turned into a number for prophetic purposes. For years people have been adding 40 to 1947, 1948 and 1967, and when those didn’t work they moved to bigger and bigger numbers. So far, none have worked. And none will, more than likely. Of course you’ve already figured out what years must work and which ones can’t work so we will know in a few months if you are correct, because unless a whole lot of prophecy goes down in the next 3 months you will be out of time and out of numbers.
                      I find it funny that people spend so much effort following a misinterpretation of the bible, then make up all sorts of rules about numbers that also misinterpret the bible and they think they have cleverly discovered the year of the Second Coming far in advance of any of the true signs given by Jesus.
                      Well, I had hopes for 2017 many years ago but it is clear to me now that it ain’t gonna work so I moved on a while ago.
                      You should do the same before you look really foolish and closed minded.

              • this generation is dying early…and typical age to die about 80 dying at 100 is atypical.

                • It doesn’t matter how many die, only that some survive.
                  And I’m guessing the max date will be 2031. That would make the youngest survivors around 83, so that fits right in with your estimation.

                  • So now consider the Fig Tree lesson:
                    Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves…when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place…” (Matthew 24:32-35).

                    Can we know what is the length of this “generation” that Jesus spoke about?

                    And can we know exactly what He meant by the fig tree “putting forth leaves”? There are 7 definitions and 7 is the number of completeness.
                    1) According to Gen. 6:3 it may be as long as 120 years.
                    2) Genesis 15:13, coupled with Gen. 15:16 indicates 100 years.
                    3) Psalms 90:10 indicates a possible 80 years.
                    4) Psalms 90:10 also indicates a more likely 70 years.
                    5) Matthew 1:17 may indicate around 50 years
                    6) Psalms 95:10 indicates 40 years.
                    7) Deut. 2:14 indicates 38 years.

                    If you say these are not in the Bible then you do not follow the Bible.
                    And remember Jim, every thing below has to tie into Israel and not into Jim’s thinking for America being Israel or others saying China is Israel.

                    2031-120 years according to my history timeline is 1911.
                    1910 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)
                    1914 CE WW I July 28 (August 1), 1914 – November 11, 1918

                    According to 2017 timeline.
                    2017 counting back a 120 year generation = 1897.
                    Significant event: The first ever Zionist congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897 on August 29.

                    2031- 100 years= 1931.
                    1931 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)
                    Sorry, I need to look at the list above for other Shemitah’s again.

                    2017 counting back a 100 year generation = 1917.
                    Significant event: The first official political act paving the way for Jews to return to their land was the Balfour Declaration of November 1917. Battle of Jerusalem 1917.
                    My entry: 1917 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎) Balfour Declaration; Balfour Treaty (Land Restored) 2 November 1917; Spanish Flue Pandemic; British Great Britain recognized the rights of the Jewish people to establish a “national home. Third Aliya, mainly from Russia.

                    2031-80 years = 1951.

                    1948 CE May 14, Israel is re-established 1260 + 1260 years since Ezekiel measured Temple Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin” (Daniel 5:5,24) 1000 + 1000 + 20 (Aramaic Mina, which equaled 1,000 Gerahs plus Tekel (Shekel equals 20 Gerahs) dividing “Mene” would have to be 500 therefore the total years are 2520 from 539 BCE to 1948 CE; End of British Mandate (14 May)State of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon. Jerusalem divided under Israeli and Jordanian rule. First Knesset (parliament) elected. Israel admitted to United Nations as 59th member.
                    1952 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)


                    2017 counting back a 80 year generation = 1937.
                    Significant event: The Peel Commission published a report that for the first time recommended partition of Palestine, and the land under it’s authority be apportioned between an Arab and Jewish state. The plan was declared unimplementable.

                    2031-70 = 1961
                    1959 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎) FATAH formed in Kuwait by Yasir Arafat; 1959-1961 Chinese famine killed 43 Million
                    1966 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎) Leonid meteor shower; Nov 17- Ground breaking for World Trade Center.

                    2017 counting back a 70 year generation = 1947.
                    Significant event: The United Nations general assembly voted in favour of the Partition Plan that actually created… the State of Israel!
                    1947 CE Nov. 29, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Palestine to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews; Dead Sea Scrolls discovered. Parallel dates: Abraham was born in 1948 BCE. From 1494 until 1949 there were ZERO sets of blood Red Moons! Proclamation for Israel to become a nation went out.

                    2031-50 = 1981
                    1980 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎) Israel annexes East Jerusalem and claims all Jerusalem in July.
                    1981 CE Egyptian president Anwar Sadat assassinated Oct 6; IBM introduces their 1st personal computer Apr 24.

                    2017 counting back a 50 year generation = 1967.
                    Significant event: The Jews regained Jerusalem, fulfilling“when the fig tree putteth forth leaves.”
                    Choosing a 50 year generation requires some explanation. Some people have reckoned on a 50 year generation, starting with 70 using Psalm 90:10 for an average age, and then taking away 20, because those under 20 years old who came out of Egypt were not counted, as mentioned fifteen times in the book of Numbers, Chapter 1.

                    1967 CE 69th Jubilee year (yovel יובל) June 5th, 6 Day War; Jerusalem reunited. Lunar Eclipses on Pesach פּסח and Sukot סוכות‎. 1967-2520 (360 days per year) = 587 BCE period of Jerusalem’s Desolations.

                    588*/587/586 Sabbath Year (Shemitah) BC Siege of Jerusalem Begins 2 Kings 25; Jeremiah’s Conflicts Jeremiah 21 – 33; Jeremiah Prophesies Judgment on Judah Jeremiah 34 – 45; Siege of Jerusalem Begins Ezekiel 24 January 15th.
                    587 BC God’s Vengeance on Ammon and Edom Ezekiel 25
                    587/6* BCE 9/10th of Av Judah was defeated by the Babylonian Empire. First Temple was destroyed *
                    586* BC The Fall of Jerusalem 2 Kings 25, Jeremiah 52; Psalms of Desolation (Jer. 52) Psalms 74, 79; Jeremiah Prophesies against Babylon Jeremiah 50, 51; Jeremiah’s Lamentations Lamentations 1 – 5; Ezekiel Pronounces Judgment on Tyre Ezekiel 26 – 28;

                    1988 CE Al Qaeda is formed in Afghanistan by Osama Bin Laden in March.
                    1992 CE Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the UN with regards to sustainable development; UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1992.

                    2017 counting back a 40 year generation = 1977.
                    Significant event: The State of Israel reaches the Jewish “age of maturity.” In the Old Testament Bible, priests could not work in the tabernacle until age 30. See Numbers 4:3.
                    This was when they were considered mature. Modern Israel was born in 1947.
                    Now do the calculation: 1947 + 30 = 1977.
                    “When the fig tree putteth forth leaves” could be considered as another way of saying “when Israel becomes mature.” An example of this maturity is that the Liqud political party came to power in Israel in 1977. The Hebrew word Liqud means ‘The Consolidation’ in English.
                    My entries:
                    1974 CE FATAH formed in Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza by Abu Nidal.
                    1978 CE Camp David Peace Accord include framework for comprehensive peace in the Middle East and proposal for Palestinian self-government; Israel withdraws from the Sinai peninsula; Egypt recognizes Israel; Sept 18.

                    2031-38 years = 1993
                    1993 CE Oslo I Accord completed on 20 August and subsequently officially signed at a public ceremony in Washington, D.C on September 13th, which provided for the creation of a Palestinian interim self-government, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA).
                    1994 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎) Treaty of Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan October 26; April 19, – Jewish American Secretary of State Henry Kissinger stated, “The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions.” (Henry Kissinger at the World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel).
                    Perry Stone 70th Jubilee.
                    Shoemaker-Levy Comet 9 collided with the King planet Jupiter and it got 21 times pulmoted in July on the 9th of Av (July 19th). From July 16 through July 22, 1994, pieces of an object designated as Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter. This is the first collision of two solar system bodies ever to be observed, and the effects of the comet impacts on Jupiter’s atmosphere have been simply spectacular and beyond expectations. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 consisted of at least 21 discernable fragments with diameters estimated at up to 2 kilometers. Jupiter was in Virgo at the time.

                    2017 counting back a 38 year generation = 1979.
                    Significant event: Israel signs a peace treaty with Egypt. Other than the events already mentioned I’m thinking this would be considered the other most positive historical step towards modern Israel’s expansion, showing “the fig tree putting forth leaves”. It led to many long term benefits, such as providing for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal.

                    1978 CE Camp David Peace Accord include framework for comprehensive peace in the Middle East and proposal for Palestinian self-government; Israel withdraws from the Sinai peninsula; Egypt recognizes Israel; Sept 18.
                    1979 CE Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty signed. Prime Minister Menachem Begin and President Anwar Sadat awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
                    1980 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎) Israel annexes East Jerusalem and claims all Jerusalem in July.

                    Jim says that I cannot use numerology to predict certain events and he says whatever he said about current events above.

                    I like dates and looking back into history from a certain year or date.

                    So for the most part using history, 2031 cannot be used as the year of Yeshua’s return.

                    • John,
                      Maybe in your head this nonsense still makes sense to you but to me it is just a theory that is past its time. And no matter how many times you paste the same info it will never become more believable. In fact the more time that passes without actual biblical signs, the less believable it gets.

          • Jim, it really amazes me of how stupid you really are. We know you are a government shill trying to destroy people on this website because you are paid to be a disinformation specialist. We know that you are being a hypocrite when you use the word “crap” and all the other profanity you use and we know that you have submission/obedience issues when it comes to the Bible because deep in your heart, you really hate God ( I was there myself between the age of accountability until 2007 which is close to 40 years).
            And yes the same predictions cover all the years afterwards.

            By the way, I do not know all the 10,000 to 1 trillion metaphors that you use.
            Asperger issues that John has:
            Unable to recognize figure of speech or sarcasm
            Unaware of unwritten rules
            Preoccupied with their own agenda
            Single-mindedness; Rigid thinking
            Repetitive routines or rituals (including writing)
            • Difficulties with high-level language skills such as verbal reasoning, problem solving, making inferences and predictions.
            • Problems with understanding another person’s point of view

            Common Signs of Aspergers

            Individuals with Aspergers are often highly intelligent but don’t have a clue about anything social.
            Memory is highly developed in most people with Asperger’s and is a special skill for them, especially when it comes to reciting facts.
            Individuals with Aspergers often exhibit many of the following signs:
            unusual communication style (talking in an overly formal way (preaching to you) or not talking)
            problems with social skills, lack of friends and difficulty relating to people
            obsession with specific topics Note: I will always repeat everything 3 times to 1000 times over and over again because I have typed it so many times that I have a copy of everything I compile so all I have to do is cut out the paragraph or full article and paste it to here.

            So what are you going to do Jim since you have given me a second warning about metaphors.

            I know, since you are paid to kill people mentally,emotinally, and physically, then come on out and murder me Jim because you follow in the footsteps of Satan.

        • I think jim works for the government, to deny things spoken on christian websites. do not trouble yourself so much. you are entitled to your opinion

      • The cock full of lies on Famine and a new one.

        Famine hits and then comes death.

        Which countries in the World in 2016 are experiencing famine as of right now.

        BBC NEWS | Africa | Africa’s famine: Country by country; … BBC News Online looks at the countries most … Africa’s famine: … Poverty and high inflation are also causing hunger as an estimated eight million …


        Asia according to

        Egypt due to drought. North America in 2016 due to drought for the past 7 years and GMO’s.

        Climate change. Climate change is increasingly viewed as a current and future cause of hunger and poverty. Increasing drought, flooding, and changing climatic patterns requiring a shift in crops and farming practices that may not be easily accomplished are three key issues. Another key issue is the future of industrialization and higher standards of living, as the principal cause of climate change appears carbon dioxide produced by high energy use with industrialization and higher standards of living. See the Hunger Notes special report: Hunger, the environment, and climate change for further information, especially articles in the section: Climate change, global warming and the effect on poor people such as Global warming causes 300,000 deaths a year, study says and Could food shortages bring down civilization?

        Increasing vulnerability to extreme weather events, climate change, economic crisis and conflict have 19 countries facing either “alarming” or “extremely alarming” hunger levels, says the Global Hunger Index, to be launched today (16 October, 2013) at the European Parliament.

        Global Hunger Index
        The 2015 GHI was calculated for 117 developing countries and countries in transition, 80 of which with alarming or serious hunger levels.


        Countries with extremely alarming (GHI ≥ 50), or alarming (GHI between 35.0 and 49.9) hunger situation Global Hunger Index

        Rank Country 1990 2000 2014
        1 Central African Republic 51.9 51.4 46.9
        2 Chad 65 52 46.4
        3 Zambia 47 50.9 41.1
        4 Timor-Leste — — 40.7
        5 Sierra Leone 58.8 53.5 38.9
        6 Haiti 52.1 42.8 37.3
        7 Madagascar 44.8 44.1 36.3
        8 Afghanistan 47.4 52.5 35.4
        Countries with serious (GHI between 34.9 and 20) hunger situation
        Rank Country 2014 Rank Country 2014 Rank Country 2014
        9 Niger 34.5 10 Yemen 34.2 11 Pakistan 33.9
        12 Ethiopia 33.9 13 Djibouti 33.2 14 Nigeria 32.8
        15 Angola 32.6 16 Mozambique 32.5 17 Namibia 31.8
        18 Burkina Faso31.8 19 Zimbabwe 30.8 20 Liberia 30.8
        21 Tajikistan 30.3 22 Rwanda 30.3 23 Guinea-Bissau 30.3
        24 Mali 29.6 25 India 29 26 North Korea 28.8
        27 Guinea 28.8 28 Tanzania 28.7 29 Laos 28.5
        30 Uganda 27.6 31 Malawi 27.3 32 Bangladesh 27.3
        33 Congo 26.6 34 Côte d’Ivoire 26.3 35 Swaziland 26
        36 Sri Lanka 25.5 37 Cameroon 24.2 38 Kenya 24
        39 Myanmar 23.5 40 Lesotho 23.5 41 Senegal 23.2
        42 Botswana 23.1 43 Togo 23 44 Mauritania 22.6
        45 Cambodia 22.6 46 Nepal 22.2 47 Iraq 22.2
        48 Indonesia 22.1 49 Benin 21.8 50 Gambia 21.5
        51 Guatemala 21.1 52 Philippines 20.1

        Countries who are undernourished

        And Jim says I am glad it is not happening to me with a bunch of pride to snort at.

        Hunger in the USA.

        Hunger in the United States is an issue that affects millions of Americans,[1] including some who are middle class,[2] or who are in households where all adults are in work.[2] Research from the Food Safety and Inspection Service found that 14.9% of American households were food insecure during 2011, with 5.7% suffering from very low food security. Journalists and charity workers have reported further increased demand for emergency food aid during 2012 and 2013.

        Hunger in the United States
        Six years after the onset of the financial and economic crisis, hunger remains high in the United States. The financial and economic crisis that erupted in 2008 caused a significant increase in hunger in the United States. This high level of hunger diminished somewhat in 2013, according to the latest government report (with the most recent statistics) released in September 2015 (Coleman-Jensen 2015a).
        In 2014, 14.0 percent of households (17.5 million households, approximately one in seven), were food insecure (Coleman-Jensen 2015b, p. 1). This is down from 14.9 percent food insecure in 2011 which was the highest number recorded since these statistics have been kept (Coleman-Jensen 2015b, p.1 ).
        In 2014, 5.6 percent of U.S. households (6.9 million households) had very low food security. In this more severe range of food insecurity, the food intake of some household members was reduced and normal eating patterns were disrupted at times during the year due to limited resources (Coleman-Jensen 2015b, p.1).
        Children were food insecure at times during the year in 9.4 percent of households with children. These 3.7 million households were unable at times during the year to provide adequate, nutritious food for their children While children are usually shielded by their parents, who go hungry themselves, from the disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake that characterize very low food security, both children and adults experienced instances of very low food security in 1.1 percent of households with children (422,000 households) in 2014 (Coleman-Jensen 2015b, p. 2).
        The median [a type of average] food-secure household spent 26 percent more on food than the typical food-insecure household of the same size and household composition including food purchased with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits (formerly the Food Stamp Program) (Coleman-Jensen 2015b, p. 2).
        Rates of food insecurity were substantially higher than the national average for households with incomes near or below the Federal poverty line, households with children headed by single women or single men, and Black and Hispanic households (Coleman-Jensen 2015b, p. 2).
        Background: The United States changed the name of its definitions in 2006 that eliminated references to hunger, keeping various categories of food insecurity. This did not represent a change in what was measured. Very low food insecurity (described as food insecurity with hunger prior to 2006) means that, at times during the year, the food intake of household members was reduced and their normal eating patterns were disrupted because the household lacked money and other resources for food. This means that people were hungry (in the sense of “the uneasy or painful sensation caused by want of food” [Oxford English Dictionary 1971] for days each year.

        Poverty in the United States
        The official poverty measure is published by the United States Census Bureau and shows that:
        In 2014, there were 46.7 million people in poverty. This is up from 37.3 million in 2007. The number of poor people is near the largest number in the 52 years for which poverty statistics have been published (DeNavas-Walt 2015, p. 12—also see table there).
        The 2014 poverty rate was 14.8 percent, down only slightly from the 2010 poverty rate of 15.1 percent and still up from 12.5 percent in 1997, although the recession has ended officially (DeNavas-Walt 2015, p. 12). (The poverty rate was at 22.4 percent in 1959, the first year for poverty estimates.)
        The 2014 poverty rate for Blacks was 26.2 percent, for Hispanics 23.6 percent, for Asians 12 percent and for non-Hispanic whites 10.1 percent (DeNavas-Walt 2015, p. 12-4).
        The poverty rate for children under 18 was 21.1 percent in 2014 and the number of children in poverty was 15.5 million. Children represented 23.3 percent of the total population and 33.3 percent of people in poverty (DeNavas-Walt 2015, p. 15).
        19.9 million Americans live in extreme poverty. This means their family’s cash income is less than half of the poverty line, or about $10,000 a year for a family of four. They represented 6.6 percent of all people and 44.6 percent of those in poverty (DeNavas-Walt 2015, p. 17).

        Starvation in Syria Galvanizes U.N., but Accountability … ; ; The attention to starvation as a weapon of war in Syria came this week as reports and stark images emerged of hungry civilians in Madaya, a rebel-held town …

        Starvation as a Weapon of War – The Media Line;; Starvation as a Weapon of War. … on January 11, 2016, … the use of hunger as a weapon, enacted over weeks, months or even years.

        Starvation ‘as a weapon’ is a war crime, Ban warns parties … ;‘as-a-weapon’-is-a-war… ; … remarks to the UN General Assembly highlighting his 2016 … of starvation as a weapon of war is a … sensitizes citizens on human …

        Depopulation Through Planned Governmental Starvation of U … ; ; Depopulation Through Planned … Ukraine died from starvation when Stalin implemented his … would never use food as a weapon against the American …

        Historical View of Starvation and Genocide as a Weapon of … ;… ; Historical View of Starvation and Genocide of as a Weapon of War . Is starvation of women and … In the U.S.’s war against ISIS the question then …

        The Use of Food As a Weapon Against American Citizens … ; The Use of Food As a Weapon Against American Citizens. … to use food as a weapon against the American people and he is just … Civil War As He Continues …

        Coming to a city near you soon or state. What happened to Venezuela, will happen to America. Venezuela was the beta test as was Greece in 2014 was the Economic Collapse beta test.
        Obama plans to use Economic Collapse; Starvation; Gun Confiscation; And Islamic Invation to take out America by 2017. So most likely by 2017, our Occupied Communistic Government will genocide America any which way by 2017.

        Obama’s Gun Confiscation Plans Are a Prelude to Genocide… ;
        Barack Obama On Medicare: Lord Of The Lies; The First Black Elected President. Pic-Gallery – Video. States Have The Power To Render All Obama’s Federal …

        Obama’s Gun Confiscation Plans Are a Prelude to Genocide … ; ; By: TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show. In the 1970′s, the civilized world criticized the Soviet Union for their designation of a new mental …

        Obama’s Genocide Plan | James Hudnall –; ; Obama’s Genocide Plan. July 5, 2009 / Politics / 3 Comments 0. That may sound harsh, but Obama wants to kill off old people as part of his health care plan.

        Obama’s Secret Plan To Destroy The Second Amendment By 2016 ;…by-2016 ;
        Object Moved This document may be found here

        2016 Obama plans to take America down – YouTube ; ; 2016 Obama plans to take America down … film revealing how the president plans to “take America down a … for 2016! (Obama’s plan …

        Obama’s plan to Islamicize America by 2016 | Battalion of … ; ;
        … a Pastor Don Jones made a rather disturbing statement about US President Obama’s plan to Islamicize America by 2016. … They are tenacious in their plans to …

        Obama plans to use Economic Collapse; Starvation; Gun Confiscation; And Islamic Invasion to take out America by 2017. So most likely by 2017, our Occupied Communistic Government will genocide America any which way by 2017.

        • John, I wrote to you ( and gave my e-mail address. You replied. My server would not deliver my reply to you (twice) because I am not on your list of addresses. What happened? Don’t you want to hear from me or read what I write?

          • 4 yehoshua,
            My true love killed me twice for forgetting to add her to my e-mail address book. Maybe, I should just play dead and take the punishment for a kick in the leg for not understanding what I did.

            A friend named Jan was always kicking me in the leg for something I said even though I did not know the unwritten rules when it comes to socialization.

            Also Deena did that to me to, I think.

            I also got scolded to once by a college girl between 1977 and 1981 for not looking at her from eye to eye.

        • So John,
          What exactly are you trying to prove here? That we are in the third seal already? Are you going to rearange the order of the bible to suit your purposes?
          Listen, it will be WW3 that causes the famines and the famines that cause the deaths and diseases, so you need look no further to things like weather or crop failures or government shutdowns to cause the famine. So lets just wait for WW3, shall we?
          And when that starts there will be no internet so our discussions will end here. And when ISIS takes over the world, all bibles will be burned and any discussions like we have here will result in immediate execution so no one will be able to tell what biblical events are happening since there will be no news reports aboutthem on Al Jazeera. Any Christians left alive will be completely in the dark and getting info from conspiracy theory web sites will become impossible.
          So tell us when the 2nd horseman will ride so we can plan to die shortly after that date. Anything further is a waste of paste. And computer paste can get expensive.
          And By the way,, I never denied the bible as you claim, I only denied your interpretation and time line and so far I have been correct. I denied your claims that Nibiru would be here three separate times last year and I was right every time. I denied this very web page when it was posted in 2009, and I was right then too. So far every denial of every Nibiru arrival date has proven me right, and yet you call me a liar and a scoffer. But you posted dozens of lies last year which I denied and I was right in every case. And I am denying everything you’ve posted that will happen this years as well. I know some of these things will happen, but they will not happen this year. As I said, I don’t deny the bible, only your time line.
          You should wait until something you’ve predicted actually comes true before calling other people liars. Saying the same stuff will happen year after year after year won’t buy you any credibility. Tell me, are there still people out there waiting for the end of the Mayan calendar to bring death and destruction or have they all pretty much been laughed off the internet by now?
          Get ready to join them soon.

          • you are not in reality re age of generation

          • Jim, did you not read Seal 2 above. I took you list of events that you said were chock fullof lies and I began the list with 1948/1947 which you said was full of lies and you did not even read that one so that makes you a dunce.
            Then I did the next one which was Seal 1 and did that one and you said it was chock full of lies and I did a 3 pager on that one.
            Then I did seal 2 which was on WWIII beginning in the Middle East which is not going to cause you famine in California and I did a page or two on that one which you did not read because you want to act stupid because you do not like to read articles or comments I leave that are more than 3 paragraphs long which my articles you call mumbo-jumbo.


            Then I did seal 3 which you did not read because you hate to read comments longer than 3 paragraphs but you did make an assanine answer to one of your lies that you deceivingly twisted.

            After that one I did the Famine one but I have not done the one on pestilence and diseace hitting the globe right now and that one will be 1 to 3 pages in length.

            • OK dude,
              So you think WW3 has just started. But for 15 years it hasn’t gone beyond Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. WW2 got much bigger much faster. So you believe it will escalate to a worldwide conflict by summer? After all you will need seals 3 thru 7 to happen plus some of the trumps by the great and terrible (year) of the Lord in September.
              And where does Nibiru fit in on this new time line? Still March/April like the scientists say? Or do you admit it is just a myth?
              No matter, by summers end all will have gone down the tubes and you’ll be scrambling for a new date for the Second Coming.
              You can argue all you want from now till then but in the end it will all be for naught.
              Now I will just sit back and relax as you run around scared someone is behind you ready to take you to a death camp at any moment. I will use the metaphor of Chicken Little, so look that one up if you need to.

  153. Jim and all,

    This video has nothing to do with Nibiru but does have to do with the Days of Chaos that th globe is in. Jim says he is watching for the signs and they are not happening according to him but according to this prophecy watcher they are all firing on all 8 cylinders.

    I did not learn anything new from it.

  154. John, I gave you my e-mail address and you answered. When I replied, my server said my mail to you could not be delivered because I am not on your list of people. I used the e-mail address that you gave me: What’s the problem??

    • 4Yahoshua before the exile but Yehoshua after the exile,
      Remember to shoot the intended target for forgetting to add you to his address book. So that may be why I don’t get emails from others because I did not know that e-mail will not come to you if their email address is not in your address book.

      • Yahshua in the beginning, then, and now until He has a NEW Name!
        I will try forwarding the two messages rejected. I am having trouble on this site when I try to comment. I may stop trying because I’ve already stated THE IMPORTANT THINGS SO MANY TIMES. Hope that you will receive the e-mail.

  155. This video is nothing more than recycled garbage from the past. It says Nibiru is fast approaching the earth yet every sighting is right nest to the sun where Old Testament has been for over ten years. If it were a planet rounding the sun like a comet in an elliptical orbit is would have reached the earth within two months of the first sighting.
    So all we can expect for the next 1000 years is for people to continue to produce these same types of photos for as long as the sun continues to shine.
    Time plus the laws of physics have already proven these videos to be false to the mind who hath knowledge. Bet you never figured you would not be amongst these people, but clearly you are not.

    • it shows nibiru is true… i do not live for your approval

      wormwood is coming

      • In that case, you believe in magic.
        Magical planets that refuse to follow the laws of gravity and simple Newtonian mechanics. Planets that can appear and disappear at will… just long enough for one person to take a picture and then disappear completely.
        People tell you it is up there yet you can’t ever find it. What causes that? Are you going blind? You can’t explain why it only shows up in sunset photos and how it can be the same size as the sun and why it doesn’t exhibit phases like Mercury and Venus. Why does it always look transparent rather than solid. Isn’t it supposed to be red with wings? And what about the eports that it can only be seen from Antarctica, yet only one video of it was shot there. Someone must be lying.
        And what about those new videos claiming it is coming from the opposite direction and will be here in March/April? Are they lying? They even say all the sunset shots are bogus and that they have the real story? Who are the liars here? Care to register a guess?
        Unless you can answer all these questions completely without using magic then these photos can not be real. If you simply say they are real then you must also believe in magic. Maybe someone else here can chime in and explain these discrepancies if you yourself aren’t up to the task. Maybe someone with a real knowledge of astronomy or photography can help you. Otherwise you are just another bible thumper with an agenda who willingly believes in lies if they seem to match your interpretation of prophecy.
        You and many others here are also willingly being taken in by all sorts of conspiracy theories which you find necessary to explain your interpretation of prophetic events. Fine. I can’t disprove secret conspiracies except thru math. Math that no one here would believe or understand, so all I can do is wait it out until time proves you wrong.
        But when it comes to Nibiru, simple science (stuff I learned when I was six years old because I was interested in learning it) can be used to tell whether any story or video is true or false. Unfortunately many Christians are just not science minded and we don’t have many kids here who are fresh out of school and still remember their science classes, so they tend to want to believe in Nibiru as a biblical object.
        But maybe someone out there is far smarter than I am, and can explain these videos and the problems I’ve mentioned. If you are correct, then surely someone out there can back you up with the real science.
        Let‘s see who comes to your rescue.

  156. Jim,
    I know how much you love the military and you believe Obama cares for the military of the USA, so check out this list and tell me if he cares for our military.

    • OK, let’s say this undiscovered object is Nibiru. Who knows, whoever first finds it might name it Nibiru just for fun. But then you have to deal with the facts:
      “The object, which the researchers have nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun on average than does Neptune (which orbits the sun at an average distance of 2.8 billion miles).“
      So that would place Nibiru 2.8×20= 56 BILLION miles from the sun in a circular orbit that never brings it anywhere near the earth. Therefore it is NOT Wormwood. In that case what is its purpose in bible prophecy? Nothing! The bible never mentions a large planet passing by the earth, only a meteor falling to earth. Two completely different things.
      Also, if this IS Nibiru then all those sun photos taken over the last 10 or 20 years are all bogus. And the videos that all say Nibiru is coming from the outer solar system and will reach us next month are also lies. If you believe this story refers to Nibiru then we can stick a fork in Nibiru – it is done as far as any biblical references go so we can drop the whole matter as I suggested 7 years ago.
      But you can’t claim to see Nibiru everywhere and anywhere all at the same time.

      • Jim, I did not want your comment on Nibiru when I asked you for a comment of why Obama is getting rid of our military since you were in the military.
        If I wanted you to do a comment on Nibiru, I would have asked for it.

        By the way there is somebody in youtube land who says that the end of the Trumpet judgments is in 2030 but He believes that the rapture takes place in 2016 then there is 7 years of peace between 2016 to 2023 and then the Trumpet judgments begin in 2023 and run until 2030 but his chart has no bowl judgments on it.

        • I was responding to Marianne from my e-mail program. WordPress indicated I was responding to Marianne in the reply box but it may not have placed it under the correct spot. It seems to be a new feature capable of placing replies where they are supposed to go even if the original is far far above the end of the page. It would be a great feature if it worked perfectly but it seems it is off a bit.
          But don’t blame their web programming problem on me.

      • jim

        astronomy is like geology. wild guesses at measurements….

        no way to measure a billion miles….just like no way to measure millions of years on earth….no tape measure that long

    • John,
      I do believe in the US military. It can do just about anything if used properly.
      But Obama is a terrible Commander in Chief. He is afraid to use the military because he is afraid of offending our enemies. As a peace price recipient he thinks he can negotiate his way to a peaceful world. He won’t even call our enemies Muslim because he doesn’t want to offend the Muslim religion in general. If you want to understand his mind-set watch the movie: 2016 Obama’s America. Once you understand how he thinks you will realize he could never become a New World Order dictator. He doesn’t have the chops for it. He also doesn’t have the will to send 80% of his own American people to death camps. No peace prize recipient would ever do that.
      You don’t know how he thinks. You only assume he thinks like a cruel dictator bent on ruling the world because you need that to be true to fulfill your warped interpretation of prophecy. And you’re not alone so you’ll have plenty of shoulders to cry on when it all falls apart.

      • I don’t have a warped sense of prophecy. I only deal with facts from creation to the present.
        As for Antichirst if it is Obama it is him but personally I don’t think so.
        So here are the Candidates I know so far: Obama, Pope (either black or white), Apostikane, Erdogan, Prince William just surfaced again. Dr. William Frederick who does some weird predictions had a list in his The Coming Epiphany book of 6 more.

        Here are some dates from to watch for.

        WWIII in the Middle East to begin March 1, 2016 (2 different articles so far) with nuclear war. Saudi says they have a bomb.
        350,000 troops massing now in the Middle East.
        May 1st. NWO and one world religion in force.
        Also about this time frame all passports cancelled for flights leaving America. Note: This was mentioned in 2015 on

        From my emails from others, Damascus just fell.

        Off to bed for a short to long nap (2-4 hours I hope).

      • 80% of his own American people???

        he is not american, never has been, and hates america, spent most of his time telling muslims and other countries how bad america is, and how ashamed he is…..he hates america… has nothing but contempt for it

        no peace prize recipient would do that????

        he got a prize for doing nothing for peace, in fact, the committee asked for it back since he likes to wage jihad

        • Obama is worried about his legacy. He attempted to stop terrorism by speeches and political correctness. He doesn’t like to use our military and wants to closedown Gitmo and pull out of all the countries we are at war with, or were. He doesn’t want to destroy ANY country including the US. If he wanted to activate Jade Helm / FEMA he would have done it long ago. At this point he has no more to do. He will not go on to rule the world. He is done.
          You can stick a fork in him now.

          • bullsh*t!

            • Marianne, maybe Donald Trump will be elected because SO MANY love him now. (He has been around since the ’70’s and joked about on early sitcoms). Maybe he will enforce “The Mark of the Beast” if he is not assassinated first!

              • personally I do not think the 2016 elections will happen. they will be postponed.

                • 2~26~5998 (out of 6000) in this “Doomsday Apocalypse”.
                  Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON!
                  Only those SAVED and SEALED in THEM will ENDURE!
                  Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah!

                  Marianne, if you notice the date above. I believe that we have a little time left. It’s enough time for an “election” of the leader of the Two Horned Beast, Revelation 13:11. At the last Republican debate, Bush Sr. made the throat “death gesture” to Trump. (on “Before It’s News”) It’s either a part of an “act” or the REAL thing. I was wondering WHY he was even there as son Jeb had dropped out. We should ALL wonder why such an evil man is STILL alive over the age of 90 and his scary looking wife, too!

                  Web Search: “Bush Family Nazi Connections”

                  • 4yahweh

                    my calendar says year 5776, how did you get 5998?

                    what is the link for the bush/trump incident?

                  • I watched the entire debate plus the endless critiques afterwards and No members of the Bush family were there . Jeb is no longer running so Bush Sr. went home to Maine. I don’t think he was out stumping for Jeb in the first place, only George Jr.
                    And if Bush Sr. has all the power you claim he has, how come he couldn’t get his other son to be elected? Sorry but the Bush family is completely out of power now. We won’t hear much if anything from them from now on.

  157. To all who like to agree with Nibiru and disagree. The video is 9 minutes long and well worth listening to. I got three links of it to add to a new article.
    Also watch the video to see the pictures from the Illuminati game.

    It came from this article below.

    What began the article for 2017 is found in the comments section. This is how I begin an article.

    • the hand of god stopped them. they will show up when god is ready

    • Now you’ve gone from one magical planet to six. Five more objects preparing to attack the earth? Where is that in the bible? These would have to be space ships the size of planets. Do you really believe that? Or do you believe they can simply stop the effects of gravity? How can they turn of the sun’s gravitational attraction? If they did then all the other other planets would be flying off into space by now.
      And God does not need to bring planets in from elsewhere to fulfil His prophecy. He could easily either create what he needs from scratch or cause the destructive action without even the need for physical objects. Pure hand of God – like the Red Sea.
      If this is the case, then we can stop looking into space for solutions to bible prophecy and just sit back and wait for God to do His thing.

      • try listening to the video before you criticize.

        start at 1:55. the scientist being interviewed and the commentator that follows say there are bodies being followed in the solar system that defy the laws of physics and seem to be under intelligent control. [to me, this means God]

        our planets seem to be affected by the presence of these bodies, including the sun. there are solar system wide storms. this interview was in jan 2015, and he said this had not reached us yet.

        t 5:06-5:08 he says they have been in the same location/position for the last 2 years. he said of these, there is a larger object that is the closest to our solar system.

        at 5:56-6:16 he is asked, are they traveling together, and he said no, they are spread out. and he said again they just stopped moving. they have been just sitting there for the past 1-2 years.

        6:21-6:52 he said there was no known pattern to their movement yet, but the bigger object is following physics (he did not say how), and bring in other objects into our solar system. we will most likely feel the effects of those.

        so 5 objects entered our solar system about 2 years ago and then stopped. this stopping defies physics. so this seems to mean they are under intelligent control

        this description matches the binary solar system mate to our solar system….there is a dark star which can be felt but not seen, or seen well, and there are planets revolving around it. the outer most planet is nibiru, which is a red gas giant, not solid like earth. this same description is made by caltech about “planet 9”

        due to positioning, some of the members of the twin solar system can be seen and others cannot, or at least as well. there are 5-7 planets around the dark sun.

        interview with caltech professor.

  158. You can tell the guys in the first video, the ones who claim 5 objects have entered the solar system and stopped, are lying since nothing can defy the laws of physics. That only happens in Looney Tunes cartoons.
    And if you think God is going to throw these objects at the earth to destroy all life on it (which you just said on another topic) then go ahead and believe it, but it isn’t in the bible.
    If Nibiru, a meteor or small asteroid, is prominently mentioned, then surely five gigantic planets would surely have made the Book of Revelation.
    As for the 2 planet 9 videos, that IS scientific. They said the planet could be discovered in the next 8 years. If it is Nibiru then all the sun photos are fake, just as I’ve always claimed. And if it is Nibiru it will never come close to the earth… ever. So it can’t be wormwood.
    Once again you are just throwing crappe at the walls to see what sticks. You are too ignorant of science to understand any of these videos so you have no idea who is lying and who is telling the truth. And when I sort it all out for you, you never believe me.
    But hopefully others here will be smart enough to not be fooled by the You Tube idiots.
    But you and John are simply hopeless… too lazy to crack a science book.

    • youve got the same tired arguments….all because you just dont’ believe…god CAN defy physics, and has delayed our punishment

      • Hey, I’ve been saying for years that God can do whatever He wants without the need of Mother Nature. You are always looking for scientific explanations for acts of God. Same for John – claiming Nibiru was responsible for the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and a host of other Old Testament events. There is no need for any planets to pass near the earth in order to cause events of the tribulation. In fact, as I have also been saying, even if Nibiru did come past the earth, it would not cause all the events you think it would. It would tug at the earth’s orbit maybe changing it slightly. But it wouldn’t trigger earthquakes, volcanos or cause a pole reversal.
        So God would STILL have to use His almighty power to cause these events. Normal physics could not cause the events in Revelation. Only the hand of God can accomplish them. You are looking for answers in all the wrong places.
        So tell us… what does God intend to do with 5 more planets? Which biblical events in the future do you think they will cause? As I said, they couldn’t do much on their own. Planets? God doesn’t need to show you planets. He doesn’t need any stinking planets! (ref: Treasure of the Sierra Madre)
        So your whole Nibiru concept is worthless to bible prophecy. A complete waste of time and thought. Silly beyond reason.
        So to use another movie quaote: Forget about it!

        • jim

          your “ignore and deny” approach is not convincing, esp when there are professionals disagreeing with you.

          god can have all the planets he wants….as you cannot read, or listen, the man said that they were defying the laws of physics, except for one, the largest…..this indicates god is in control here.

          god does use nature….he could have flown the israelites OVER the red sea, instead of splitting it, so he could AVOID using nature. but that is not what he chose to do.

          he also could have just appeared to moses…he did not need to use a burning bush….which is nature.

          the book of revelation describes a nature that is in upheaval …I am sticking with what god says…..which means he will use nature

  159. Describe the “act of nature” that was able to part the red sea in exactly the right [place at exactly the right time then close it at just the right time later. The National Geographic channel tried to explain it but even with the best scientists at their disposal no natural explanation could be found. And nothing similar has ever happened anywhere on earth in recorded history. So it was not a natural occurrence.
    The same is true for Sodom & Gomorrah. 98% pure balls of sulphur can be found embedded in the ashes of the city but nothing above, below or to either side of the city. How does a targeted stream of molten sulphur end up just in the city and nowhere else and the nearest volcano is over 300 miles away? How is that considered natural? Do you hear of such things happening around the world today?
    If nature could create a worldwide flood, it would do it over and over again, but it hasn’t.
    And as I’ve already said, an approaching planet would NOT produce the events you claim it would. The truth is you do not understand nature. You think nature can replicate acts of God but in fact it cannot.
    God is not stupid. He knows what nature can do and what it can’t. He wouldn’t create a fleet of planets to do the work of God. These unnatural events of revelation will prove to the world that there MUST be a God because there will be no other explanation possible for such events.
    Shame on you for thinking God can only do what mature makes possible. His power is unlimited. He doesn’t need nature to do His handiwork. He has power over nature. It will be HIS power not nature that performs miracles. You SAY you are a scientist – a biologist. Do you think that when the 2 witnesses appear and shoot fire from their mouths that that will be a natural function of their human bodies? So tell us, how would God modify their human genes and bodies so they could shoot fire from their mouths? Do you really think a human body can be modified to become a fire-breathing dragon?
    Sorry but if you think God must always use natural laws to do His miracles then you are not much of a believer.
    And if God really wanted to use a planet to do His will, He could simply create it on the day He wants to use it and not have to haul it in from somewhere billions of miles away.
    Your argument is illogical and nonsensical. Believe it if you must but know you are in for shock and disappointment in the near future. I just hop no one else here is buying into this junk science.

    • Hey smarty pants Jim, where is white sulphur found on planet earth since you say the nearest volcano to Sodom and Gamorrah is 300 miles away.

      Lab test results to one of the countless sulphur balls at the site (Note high degree of sulphur ‘S’ also the presence of magnesium ‘Mg’ which would increase the intensity of the fire.)

      (S) Sulfur is 95.500-98.500; (Cl) Chlorine is 1.874; (Mg) Magnisium helps to make the temperatures burn higher. (Na) Sodium is high due to the area it is at. (Ca) Calcium is at 0.996. Since everything deteriorated over time, calcium would be in high deposits. (Na) 1.108; (Al) 0.015; (Si) 0.052; (Cl) 1.874; (K) 0.030; (Ca) 0.968; (Br) 0.011 Spectra Chem Analytical Analysis

      Sulphur Melting Point 119.6 C; Boiling Point 444.60 C
      Known to the ancients; referred to in Genesis as brimstone.

      Sulfur is found in meteorites. R.W. Wood suggests that the dark area near the crater Aristarchus is a sulfur deposit.

      Are Meteorites Important?

      Certainly yes! Meteorites tell us about what space is like. Meteorites can tell us about other planets and even about our own earth. Some meteorites have been found to contain amino acids, a chemical that makes up all life on earth. Some people speculate that life didn’t begin on this planet, but was brought here by meteorites. Others believe that meteorite collisions with earth were responsible for catastrophic events in the earth’s history, such as the demise of dinosaurs.
      Meteorites are made up of the same elements that all Earth materials are made of. There are no elements that are not found on Earth. However, there are minerals found in meteorites that are not found in rocks of the Earth.
      What is the difference between a meteorite and an asteroid?
      This question should maybe be rephrased to “what is the difference between a meteoroid and an asteroid?” Before a stone lands on the ground it is called a meteoroid, while it is passing through the air and burning the light it makes is called a meteor. But when it was in space the only difference from an asteroid was its size. Small bits of rocks and metal are called meteoroids and larger ones are called asteroids. Meteorites are the recovered bits of asteroids since the small pieces that were meteoroids are chunks broken from larger asteroids in the past.
      Most planetary atmospheres are made up of simple, low-mass elements and compounds such as carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen. But when a debris particle, or meteoroid, passes through, it can shed heavier, more exotic elements such as magnesium, silicon and iron.


      Achrondites – stony meteorites that do not contain grains of silicate material.
      Aerolites – stony meteorites that contain only small amounts of metal, usually iron.
      Astroblemes – large craters caused by the impact of meteorites.
      Chrondites – stony meteorties that contain grains of silicate material.
      Olivine – a mineral composed of silica, magnesium and iron that is often found in rocks in the form of green crystals.
      Plagioclase – a group of silicate minerals containing calcium and sodium.
      Pyroxene – complex silicate minerals containing iron, magnesium, and calcium.
      Siderite – a meteorite composed primarily of iron.
      Siderolite – a meteorite having nearly equal amounts of metal and stony minerals.
      Sulfide nodule – a small lump containing sulfur.;;

      The majority of meteorites that fall to Earth are stony. Stony meteorites are made primarily of silicate minerals.
      Silicate minerals are composed of a salt containing a silicon and oxygen (Si-O) anion, combined with wide range of cations. According to the International Meteorite Collectors Association, the most common silicates found in meteorites are olivine and pyroxene. Olivines are magnesium iron silicates. Pyroxenes are silicates with calcium, sodium, iron or magnesium cations; or more rarely zinc, manganese or lithium cations.

      Brimestone findings from above.
      The brimestone is called a Meteroid and it is classified as a Pyroxene classification even though it lacks iron.

    • no jim

      everything in this universe has a purpose, whether it is for a one day event or an “eternal purpose.”

      binary solar systems are known about and discussed, read more about astrophysics……there is a balance in nature that god created, and we do not have to see every cosmic object out there to convince ourselves that the object is important.

      objects also move in space. some are far away, and some are not. some move toward and away from us, and some do not. do not sneer at god’s creation.

  160. Jim,

    My theory is that Nibiru came from an Oort cloud possibly outside our solar system and then as it came through our solar system on its oval, it picked up Asteroids and Meteorites from our asteroid belt outside of Mars. Depending on its path through the belt is where it picked up either iron or in this case Pyroxene of sulfur. Then when “Passover” went behind our Sun it dropped off its load and when the earth passed through its wake is when the event occurred.
    At this time in Earth history the continents had not fully split apart and that is why only a portion of the planet was hit.
    From what I have gathered so far, there is a possibility that when Sodom and Gomorrah occured that an asteroid had hit on the planet around the same timeframe somewhere else and we use this hit as part of finding out when Sodom and Gomorrah occurred.
    The following is a list of Asteroids in BC. The timeframe we are looking for is around 1800 to 2200 BC
    The Henbury craters in Australia (~5,000 years old)
    Kaali craters in Estonia (~2,700 years old) from 2015.

    Considering its supernatural origin, one would expect to find unique characteristics in such sulfur, and this is indeed the case. Its composition reveals lengthy exposure to high temperatures. Sulfur found in geothermal regions is invariably the “rhombic” form, evident from it’s familiar bright yellow colour.
    By contrast, the brimstone from these Dead Sea sites is the pale white “monoclinic” form. Sulphur changes to this form when exposed to high temperatures for an extended period of time, as would have been the case.. X-ray Fluorescence Semiquant analysis and other tests reveal the sulfur balls to be up to 98.4% pure sulphur, significantly more pure than naturally occurring sulphur.
    The sulfur balls have been found at all five destroyed cities, and although numerous geologists have been consulted, no other examples of naturally occurring sulfur is found anywhere on earth that remotely resembles the form found at these sites.
    In places fired clay and charcoal can be found in the ruins. Considering all the evidence, it becomes obvious that these sites cannot be dried lake deposits, or the results of volcanism, as some have suggested. The only real explanation for the growing evidence is that found in Genesis 19:24 – total destruction by fire and brimstone! The condition of these ancient cities are exactly as the Bible states, “…turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes…” 2 Peter 2:6. (below – “They burn when lit” )

    By the way, Magnesium was 0.447

    • John,
      Planets do not travel thru the asteroid belt and snatch up sulphur balls then throw them precisely at the earth as it passes by. You need to get a clue as to how gravity works.
      Sodom & Gomorrah was a pure “hand of God” event. He may have used sulphur found somewhere on earth or He may have created it Himself, but he didn’t and couldn’t have used a passing planet to accomplish it.
      The math just doesn’t work.

      • Jim, when our planet runs through an old trail of a comet or asteroid, we come into fireballs or falling meteorites.
        So you believe God used nature to accomplish the act. You said that the nearest volcano was 300 miles away and you just confirmed your theory that yellow sulpher balls came from there. The problem is that they were white and white is not found anywhere on the globe.
        So I guess a future meteorite storm will come from clouds above your head and they just appear out of nowhere.

        • The event of Sodom & Gomorrah was a one-time event. We get meteor showers all the time but none have ever turned a city to ashes. Sodom & Gomorrah was a miraculous event created by the hand of God. It was a purely supernatural event. Trying to find a natural explanation is tantamount to denying the power of God.
          You seem to think God is powerless to override the laws of nature.
          But there are some things that nature just can’t do.

          • Sodom and Gamorah was 5 plain cities on the south west end of the Dead Sea. 250,000 people per city were killed because of the days of Noah/Lot.
            The problem Jim is that history repeats itself and the Americas (North and South America) is now Sodom and Gamorrah and what happened to them is going to happen to the Americs because they are 1/3 of the globe.
            The ten plagues will also be repeated. Even the day Yesha/Jesus died will be repeated with an earthquake and 3 hours of darkness.
            The flood becomes fire and we all will go through it and evn you cannot escape.

            As for prophecy, I suggest you read Isaiah 24, Habbakkuk 3 and Malachi 4:1-8 very carefully and decipher their meanings because they describe Nibiru but you don’t believe. So I don’t have any pity for you. Even if Jesus appeared before you in the flesh and you stuck your fingers through his wrists, you would still not believe.

  161. Israeli news

    Is Nibiru Coming and Bringing Messiah In Its Wake?

    • It seems like this site agrees with the three Nibiru videos above that claim that Nibiru will become visible in March and reach earth in April. They mentioned March 14th in particular.
      So in a few weeks we will know if all these “experts” are correct or just another bunch of false prophets. Is proof finally here? We will know soon enough.
      I hope you’re all as excited as I am. 🙂

      • Jim and Marianne, actually it will be in September or next year in March but time is telling for March 2016 so for now I work on Isaiah until something shows that I can add to my ongoing other studies.

      • jim

        people give estimates based on observations. but GOD is in control of this, which scientists do not calculate in. therefore, only GOD can predict when it shows up.

        instead of complaining, criticizing, we should be thanking god for his mercy to give sinners extra time to repent.

        wormwood is real, and bible truth

        • Wormwood is real but we both know it will not be a planet that falls to earth. And planets do not drag meteoroids around the solar system. In fact, the gravity of a planet would suck any small local objects into it and clear away any space junk in the vicinity. There are no such objects around the earth or any other planet in our solar system. So a planet would not cause the event we know as Wormwood.
          And your decision to use God to control the movements of Nibiru is a real cop-out. First you claim God always uses nature to perform His miracles, and now you have Him moving all sorts of planets around in violation of the laws of nature. So this is your new explanation… Nibiru is a magical planet and can appear and disappear at will. So don’t bother looking for it because God will simply make it visible when the time is right. This is the opposite of natural.
          You can’t have it both ways. If God is in control He can create a meteor and throw it at the earth when He is ready – right out of the blue. A purely supernatural event. Or maybe there is an asteroid out there with our name on it that has been out there forever but we just haven’t seen it yet. Either scenario is possible.
          But there is no need for a planet and certainly not for a second solar system to fly by us, all for one little asteroid. Somehow you have latched onto the Nibiru myth and are trying to tie it into bible prophecy.
          But it simply doesn’t fit into any prophecy.
          It is completely unnecessary and it simply will never show up for any reason.

          • jim

            sorry you don’t think god uses his own creation to do anything.

            you are lost

            wormwood is not a is a “star” that falls into the sea….so it is something fiery…like a comet or asteroid

            nibiru will not crash into the sea…it is the outer planet or some kind of object associated with a second solar system that passes BY or through our solar system every __x__ thousands of years……

            there is a debris field associated with it, and some of this debris will enter our atmosphere.

            you are VERY ignorant of what is proof out there, and VERY ignorant of the details of this “myth” that you are TOO BORING to argue with

            • So you now admit that Nibiru is NOT wormwood.
              So why do you need to bring an entire other solar system into ours just for a debris field? There are dozens of cometary debris fields the earth passes trough every year. Plus lots of junk in the asteroid belt. So we don’t need a whole other solar system which is a physical and mathematical impossibility just to find a source of debris.There is no proof of such a system other than You Tube idiots jabbering on as if they actually know what they’re talking about. All they are is a little smarter than people like you who don’t know enough to refute what they’re saying.
              Scientists are still looking for planet 9 way out at the fringes of the solar system. If there were an entire other solar system out there they would have detected it a long time ago. Anything that massive could not have escaped detection from the planet 9 seekers.
              So you can keep on believing in this nonsense if you like. I’m sure there will continue to be You Tube idiots posting their garbage as long as there are enough gullible people out there to give them the YouTube likes and hits they are after.
              Time will prove me and science to be right. Just as it will prove that Obama will never become Antichrist, and will retire gracefully next January. Your idea that he will cancel elections is just ludicrous. If he were going to do it he would have done it by now or surely before the party candidates are chosen, which is coming up pretty soon.
              Your theories are toast. Time to butter them and eat them.

              • it is not what I want to be true.

                it is what is already true or proposed to be true. it is in the scientific literature.

                people use wormwood and nibiru interchangeably…but nibiru is the cosmic body that is part of the binary solar system, and wormwood is the actual asteroid / comet associated with the debris field around nibiru that falls to earth.

                • What “scientific” literature are you referring to? I go to all the big astronomy sites… NASA, Sky & Telescope, EarthSky News and a dozen other science web sites and there is no mention of a new solar system invading our own. As I mentioned, it has already been proven mathematically that nothing the size of Mars or larger could ever get to or have been at any time any closer than twice the distance of Pluto. That is a fact that can not be disputed. It can only be ignored.
                  Come on, get real. We all know anyone can put up a web page or make a video and say anything they want. The web is a true web of lies of all sorts. Alien invasions abound. Sites that claim humans were bio-engineered by ancient aliens and not created by God in His image. Just because it appears on the web does not mean it is true.
                  You would challenge any site that claims Allah is the only true God or any other religion by quoting the bible. But you won’t open a science book to see if these sites are real or just a bunch of liars. Well I have done that work and have given you the facts. Facts that you would rather ignore than test for yourself.
                  Well, all I can say is if the internet was always correct, the earth would have been destroyed 100 times over in the last ten years alone.Thousands of claims of asteroids, comets and planets hitting the earth and lets not forget about the end of the Mayan calendar.
                  Fact check: If Nibiru did have a debris field around it, and it is 4 times the size / mass of the earth, then the earth would never be able to pry any Nibiru debris away from the larger, stronger planet. If anything, Nibiru would suck away all the debris floating around the earth and pull it into itself.
                  No matter what you think, your science doesn’t work. Get back to me when NASA announces this new solar system. If it really existed we should be able to see it by now – every astronomer all around the world. Otherwise it is so far away that it would take hundreds of years to reach us.
                  You keep talking about science and yet there is no science in anything you claim. It is all in you mind.You are reading , in effect, a bunch of comic books and you think they are real. Spiderman isn’t real. Batman isn’t real.
                  And most of all, Nibiru isn’t real either.

  162. Marianne,
    You don’t get it.
    I HAVE read your links. All of them. And I found them to be riddled with lies and made-up crap. What you read as science I read as nonsense. You keep assuming that if I really really read thru these links carefully I would somehow believe they are telling the truth.
    As for science books, any book will teach you basic astronomy – enough for you to know when someone is lying about astronomical objects. Basic astronomy hasn’t changed much since Sir Isaac Newton. (Newtonian physics).
    You sound like all the new science books will show the Nibiru double solar system right there in the introduction. If so then why doesn’t Stellarium show Nibiru in any of itd charts? Every new comet discovered shows up in a week or so. Yet none of my three astronomy programs show any new planetary objects. If Nibiru was real it would be put into the Stellarium database by now. Type it into the search engine and see what you get.
    The fact that you believe these idiots doesn’t automatically mean that they are telling the truth. No matter how hard you believe, Nibiru will never be real.

    • Jim, you will never be real because you are filled with 90% lies and 10 % truth.

    • you are not a scientist, and do not appreciate the research into this

      cal tech confirms

      Washington Post 1983_ Gerry Neugebauer HRAS chief scientist for California’s jet Propulsion Lab, and Director for CIT,

      James Houck of Cornell University’s Center for Radio Physics, found on US infrared astronomical satellite, not optical telescopes.

      Carlos Munoz Ferrada, expert astronomer from Chile

      Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, feb 1984

      Marc Davis, UC astronomer

      Piet Hut, institute for Advanced Study, PRinceton

      Nature, Aug 19, 1984 Death Star

      Reported on CNN News

      Richard A Mueller, Professor of Physics, Univ, of California, Berkley, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, Nemesis and binary star systems, Alan T Waterman Award, 1978 from National Science Foundation Astrophysics, 12th planet and binary systems

      • Now you are back on the original research for a planet beyond Pluto. It still has not been located but once it is you will see that its orbit will never take it within 10 billion miles of earth, so it can not be the mythical Nibiru. And it certainly isn’t right next to the sun. You’ve got a dozen different Nibirus going on at the same time here and you can’t seem to decide which one is wormwood.
        If you want to go with this early research as well as the recent reports from NASA, then we are done till the object can be photographed. Then all those sun flare images are out the window. Same is true for the reports of Nibiru coming next month and 5 planets entering the solar system and stopping. You are just looking foolish to be supporting ten different Nibiru reports that are clearly not the same entity. Someone or everyone is lying. They have to be or we end up with dozens of nibirus everywhere we look, and yet see none.
        Listen, if Nibiru was discovered for real in 1983 it would be in the history books and kids would learn it in school. Go to Wikipedia and look up solar system and see who the planets are. If Nibiru isn’t listed then it does not exist, at least no officially by the scientific community. Check NASA too, after all they took all the photos the You Tube idiots are using to prove Nibiru exists. Surely they would be the first to confirm its existence. Yet, no…
        So are you ever going to make up your mind which Nibiru you believe in? And don’t say you believe in all of them because you would just be proclaiming your own ignorance.
        Once you’ve decided which Nibiru you support we can go from there, but if you are going for planet 9, then we are done because as of yet it can’t be found and will never get close so that will be the end of the Nibiru story. You talk about me reasing your posts but it is obvious you either don’t read or don’t understand the sources you just listed. They ARE scientific, although some of it was very speculative and turned out to be wrong, and the science does not show there is a planet out there that comes near the earth every 3,600 years. Such a planet is not mathematically possible. That is part of the scientific facts (NOT the YouTube “facts”. If you understood these things you would never bother bringing up any real scientific reports because none of the real ones indicate a Nibiru type object exists. And if you ever read them you would know that I’m right.
        But then, I’m always right. Science is science, plain and simple. No magic allowed.

        • this proves you did not look these men up

          they have taken pictures of it and have data points where it was in the sky

          • If they discovered Nibiru in 1983 why doesn’t it appear in my 1995 college astronomy textbook? Why isn’t it in the Stellarium program? Why isn’t it on every real astronomy web site including NASA?
            And note that the main photo on the linked site above is just another shot looking into the sun. Are you trying to say Nibiru has been right there circling the sun every year since 1984? 32 years and it still hasn’t passed by the earth?
            The author believes that the pyramids were built by ancient astronauts to focus power onto the 12th planet it when it approaches the earth. He is a firm believer in the Zetas – a race of beings that populated the earth using their alien DNA and not by God.
            And his sophisticated astrophysics is a big joke. Nothing close to real physics. Ask any science teacher to verify his nonsense and you will be laughed at.
            Do you believe in the Zetas rather than God? This guy does. His science is laughable to say the least. Pure nonsense. I can’t believe you fell for it.
            No, wait… I can.

  163. 3~30~5998 (out of 6000) in this final age of man on earth.
    Yahshua the Son of Yahweh returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”.

    George, to believe the TRUTH we really HAVE to stop believing ALL the lies of man. These include the million year old earth, the Vatican’s Christianity religion which is TOTAL LIES, and what is really happening NOW on earth. The director Ron Howard has recently stated that the Moon Landing in 1968 was FAKED by director Stanley Kubrick, something many of us have known for a very long time. Yes, planetary bodies are heading towards earth. However, the MOST IMPORTANT coming is what I have just mentioned.


    • George,
      Don’t worry, all planetary bodies will only be attacking the earth on YouTube.
      They will say Nibiru is already here but it is invisible because it is only up in the daytime. And they will show videos of worldwide damage that will look as good as a Stanley Kubrick film and tell you your town might have just missed the destruction but most of the world was wrecked. But you can see it all on the YouTube videos so you’ll be well informed.
      As for any REAL planets coming, you can forget about it, everything will be imaginary just like Nibiru.
      You know how Kubrick faked the moon landing? Well that’s what will happen with Nibiru.
      Just wait and see.

      • I thought you believed NASA and all its propaganda

        you are stuck on youtube…..if you were a scientist you would be checking scientific literature, not youtube

        • I never use YouTube to study science. I go to University sites or NASA or JPL or earth sky news and other reputable sites. I can always recognize fake science sites since they always use fake science in their stories.
          If you ever went to a real science site you would see the big difference in how they use physics etc and they can’t both be right. Since I can tell the difference I can always ignore the fakers and liars.
          Being disabled I can’t get to a library or bookstore and why bother since the real science is available online, if you know where to look.

          • you claim everything we get is from youtube, which is a lie.

            I do not believe you visit ANY scientific sites, because your responses show you do not understand science.

            you have ignored ALL scientific references given, including articles BY scientists at JPL, which is NOT on a site for the average citizen, which is WHAT you are, NOT a scientist, and blab on and on about stitchen and youtube

          • where you go for information proves you are not a scientist…..that is for general public .

            you go to scientific journals

            obviously, you have never read one.

            also published photographs from gemini and nasa and hubble telescopes.

  164. George and Jim, Revelation 8:10-12 states that a “star” will hit earth. Certainly, by now in these last days it should be visable to SOMEONE!

    • 4yah

      yes many people can see it, the government is tracking it, and it will happen, like the bible says!

      • 4~2~5998 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this final “Vatican NWO Doomsday”.
        Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah!

        Marianne, of late that has been my experience with witnessing to Christians about SALVATION through FAITH in YAHWEH and His Son YAHSHUA. They are dogmatic about equating the TRUE faith that was given to the saints to CHRISTIANITY the pagan Vatican religion handed down by Babylon and the rest.
        Someone recently praised our bumper sticker as I was getting out of the car. It reads, “Yahshua the Messiah Returns VERY SOON! HalleluYah!” When he asked where we worship I proceeded to prayerfully explain my faith and how it was different from Christianity. A look of horror came over his face and he proceeded to tell me how lost I am. Hurrying away he shouted I will pray for you. The day before yesterday I was going into a store. A guy was seated at a table reading a Bible while getting signatures. As is my custom I handed him a card I had printed: one side 2016 Calendar the other with a beach photo and verse :”And, behold, I come suddenly; and My reward is with Me…” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 22:12. (from Holy Name Bible, cards from VistaPrint) He had seen it before and asked if I would pray with him. That was a ploy because he proceeded to tell me in so many words that I was lost and that so many Christians cannot be wrong. I suggested that he do a web search for the Names of Yahweh and Yahshua to see how many believers there are now. In fact, after we contended for over half an hour he abruptly took up his table and left. It’s really VERY SAD that THE TRUTH scares most Christians! However, I was a Christian, and THE TRUTH did NOT frighten me. I rejoiced in finally finding it!


        • you are not lost to me, or Yahweh 🙂

          • Yes Marianne, I KNOW and BELIEVE that. The fact is that every Christian I have seen hearing the truth REJECTS it in favor of choosing “The Mark of the Beast”. This is the SAD truth!

            • 4Yah,
              Right now for me, I am being shunned away from both Christians and Messianic Jews for my beliefs. I have been kicked out of churches/kehilahs for autism, eschatology, prophecy, and the Sabbaths.

    • well, we know it isn’t a real star so forget the brown dwarf theory, and it can’t be an entire planet hitting the earth, so we don’t need Nibiru to fulfil the prophecy either, so forget it too.
      All we need is a big rock, that’s it. And there are millions if no billions of them really close to the earth. (The asteroid belt is just past Mars). There is nothing like Nibiru that can fulfil the prophecy, and that assumes the verses are to be taken literal and not symbolically. You should go to some bible study sites and see what the experts say about the trumpet judgements. Go back 1000 years to see historically what these experts have been saying all along. Let me know if any claim Nibiru is going to fulfil the prophecy or if they have a different interpretation entirely.
      More than likely there won’t even be a meteor but something completely different. So different almost no one and especially you will never recognize. And remember, WW3 and its aftermath must happen first so a meteor would be small potatoes so who cares.
      But the bottom line is you can’t prove Nibiru is real from the bible. You can’t really prove it is even a meteor. And we all know the object can’t possibly be a planet, so it certainly does not prove that Nibiru exists. Face it, you have a predetermined agenda on prophecy and you are simply looking for any conspiracy theory that you can finagle into proving your theories.
      In the end you will find that all those conspiracy theories amount to nothing, no matter how much you belief them or how long you wait.
      Of course you only need to wait 2 years if your 2018 Second Coming date is correct. So everything is going to have to start happening pretty soon, right? So what do you think will happen in the coming months? Amaze me, if you can. If we are already into the 3-1/2 year tribulation something must happen soon, right? Well, all I can predict is what WON’T happen, and that includes Nibiru, a New World Order, a One world Currency, a One-World religion or a One World Dictator / Antichrist.
      So far I’m not wrong. I doubt that will ever change.

      • 4~2~5998 (out of 6000) in this final “Vatican NWO Doomsday”.
        Yes, Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! Ready or NOT! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM!
        Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

        Jim, YOU KNOW OR DON’T KNOW! Don’t include anyone else in YOUR deceived thinking. At least you can read and understand my date. That’s something. By the way, EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING!
        YOU just don’t know it! The Passover Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015 were heralds of the beginnings of the final tetrad’s final 3 1/2 years and the final 3 1/2 years including the final (120th) Jubilee year.
        The New World Order (under the Vatican’s Christian CROSS, Revelation 13:18 began in 1981 (A VERY LONG TIME AGO!) when President Reagan was shot by the son of George Bush Sr.’s Business partner. From then ON Bush Sr. has been in charge even though I even find this hard to believe. The U.S. Government is the Two Horned Beast of Revelation 13. It will enforce “The Mark of the Beast” which literally is Christianity! The #666 in Revelation 13:18 (Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web). This can happen TOMORROW because of laws on the books. The Anti-Messiah is the Pope who at times in history called himself Jesus Christ on earth. The whole world wanders (follows) after the Vatican if not already. Just maybe you CAN’T understand these things (even though they have been thoroughly explained to you!) because you have two CROSSES blocking out your spiritual eyes. REMOVE THEM and then you may SEE!


        • So the New World Order has been around for over 30 years and is led by Bush Sr? Please explain what a “New World Order” is exactly. I thought it would be a single government ruling everyone on earth with the Antichrist in charge.
          I don’t see the Vatican controlling our government nor do I see Bush doing anything nowadays. If the pope has the power you say he does then why hasn’t the Vatican made all the world changes he suggested at the UN and in Washigton D.C. with the powerless president?
          Sorry, neither Bush nor the Vatican have any such power and you have no proof that anything you say is true. Only conspiracy theories and wishful thinking.
          Your problem is that nothing of biblical proportions have happened. No seals. No trumps. No bowls. No witnesses either. And the only thing to happen so far in a 3-1/2 year tribulation is a few eclipses. Sorry but I believe that a 3-1/2 year tribulation means just that… a time of trouble for the entire 3-1/2 years. Otherwise it would be called a 2-1/2 year tribulation, or in John’s case, 1-1/2 years.
          I don’t know what you think you see happening today but I would expect that the events in Revelation will be easily noticed by everyone on earth and not just a few privileged messianic Jews.
          But one person at a time. John is first with his Second Coming date of next year. I’ll bug him for the next year and after his prophecy falls apart I’ll turn my attention to you.
          Meanwhile I suggest you keep tracking Nibiru’s progress only on YouTube. Forget NASA, JPL, Palomar observatories etc because it will never show up there nor will you ever see it for yourself. So I guess it fits pretty well into your interpretation… one more non-event in a barrel of non-events.
          See you in a year.
          Hey John… you still out there? If so, why didn’t WW3 start on March 1st as you predicted? It wasn’t April 1st either. Bummer. Giving up yet?

          • Dear jim, go live in Syria and ask me if WWIII has started. I believe personally that Ezekiel 38-39 War is WWIII but the Now prophecies have to be fulfilled first which is Psalm 83 War, Jeremiah 49 war, and Isaiah 17 war have to be fulfilled first and those will be fulfilled in 2016.

            • Last I heard there is a cease-fire in place. ISIS lost several cities and their territory is shrinking fast. This is not the Gog war. Almost every Muslim nation is fighting ISIS including Turkey (Magog) and Iran (king of the south) so this is not a war of Muslim countries trying to wipe Israel off the map.
              WW3 will be, as Jesus described, nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom. ISIS is just trying to take over the nations where they come from. Syria is in a civil war, not an international conflict even though many other nations are joining in to get rid of ISIS. But your prophecy only has 6 months before the great and terrible (year) of the Lord so the seals and trumps must all happen before September. That includes wormwood (which to you means Nibiru) must show up very soom. Unfortunately, all the Nibiru experts whose videos I posted earlier, were lying about Nibiru being visible in March and passing the earth in April. And that includes the Chilean “astronomer” that Marianne believes was the discoverer of Nibiru. But you can be sure that every person on all 3 videos will be back soon with a new prediction and they will continue to do this as long as there are gullible people out there.
              So what do you have predicted for Passover? Only about 2 weeks away and if nothing happens this Passover, next Passover will be too late. SO… New World Order? One world Currency? Mark of the beast? Where the hell is the Antichrist?
              Dude, you got some splainin’ to do.

              • jim

                the chilean astronomer discovered the path of planet x.

                he did not predict when it would “arrive” or pass by.

                wormwood is not nibiru

                it is a star like object, like an asteroid, that falls to earth and hits the ocean.

                I do not see the 6h seal happening this year either.

                things may begin in the fall, but not finish

                all seals have been open partly for 2000 years…..which is why we see antichrist spirits in governments, wars, famine, pestilance and martydom…..

                they will stay open, or swing WIDE open once the final days are upon us, and things become more global and intense

              • Jim Dude,

                You do not believe the Prophets so there is no explaining to do.
                Islam/ISIS has a death day and it is very well explained in the Prophets and in the Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament but since you do not understand the prophecies, then there is no explaining to do

          • 4~4~5998 (out of 6000) in this “Final Armageddon”.
            Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

            Jim, it seems that you never heard Bush Sr. announce that he was bringing in The New World Order when he was president (at least seven times). It seems to me that you are also deaf. Back then I termed The NWO as The Old World Disorder under the Vatican. You are blind to the fact that the four horsemen have been riding for centuries. In fact, the rider on the pale horse (Death) took a GIANT gallop on 3~11~11 that is hurting all of us alive today. Fukushima, Japan meltdowns Uncensored News: There is a final YEAR of great trouble. It’s called “The Day of Jacob’s Trouble”. My prayerful study concludes that it is Yom Kippur, 2017 – 2018. I may be wrong and I have been before. However, unlike you, I am NOT deceived by the LIES of Christianity. The 31/2 tribulation thought may refer to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. It is the exact timing of the abomination of desolation ” in the time of Hanukkah. This HAD to do with the enforced worship of ZEUS a.k.a. “Jesus Christ”. Jim, you continue to choose “The Mark of the Beast”. So, why should it matter when your end comes?


    • 4yah

      You can ignore jim. we give him explanations, scientific references, and he ignores everything that is said, and claims we get it all from youtube

  165. Marianne you must stop telling people about this Nibiru!…It is just NOT true…All these photos you are showing are just optical reflections, manipulations by people, which are easily done or atmospheric effects!….Yes I agree there is another large planet out there in the Solar System, but it is at least 200 Astronomical Units away, and cannot affect anything on earth. This whole Nibiru stuff is just utter propaganda, and can instill unwarranted fear into the weak minded…It is all just fake news in the extreme!.Please come to your senses and desist from all this mumbo-jumbo…it is nothing more than something being on a par with flat earth supporters!

    • Glrnn, then you must telling people the truth of the Bible and tell them that it is all a bunch of made up stories and none of it is true. It can instill unwarranted fear into the weak minded…It is all just fake news in the extreme!.Please come to your senses and desist from all this mumbo-jumbo…it is nothing more than something being on a par with flat earth supporters!

      • Glenn, If you are the one leaving comments at, they are not coming through because you are not a Google + user, so email your comments, questions and statmnts to If you have any questions, then email them to But all your quetion are at the blog somewhere but you just have to dig for them. I learn one precept at a time, and line by line. So if you ask one question, then plan on a 20 page paper back to you.

    • glenn

      I have heard videos of astronomers admit it is there. The source I got the 2018 pictures from is an honest person who monitors FAA weather cams, and just captures the images. on the 2018 page, some of the images can be compared to the landscape below and there is no way to enlarge the image without enlarging the landscape. and this does not happen.

      i do not agree that this can be compared to flat earth.. Magellan already proved that the earth was a round globe when he sailed around the earth long ago.

      hillary clinton, an evil US politician, has already announced to her followers that she wants to be the first Nibiru or post nibiru president. she has had access to all security files.

      I have heard someone with high military intelligence background say that this planet X / nibiru is headed this way and advised people to move to the mountains

      british and russian TV has announced it

      the only ones who should panic are the wicked.

      if the others has weak minds, then they should strengthen themselves in the Lord

      the believers should be gone when this arrives

  166. Anyone been to a Nibiru site lately? 99% of the comments nowadays are ridiculing these guys. Every year another dozen Nibiru predictions come and go and no-one has seen anything but pictures on YouTube. Nobody believes in this BS any more. People have finally wised up after thousands of false predictions. Nothing but conspiracy theories and massive government cover-ups.
    You need to be both ignorant and gullible to believe at this point. When you pass on this BS you are preying on these types of people.
    Shame on you. You should be smart enough to learn the truth and stop passing on lies to everyone else.

    • James I am with you 100%..Nibiru is the biggest lot of BS for many a year, and is about as real as the Elvis is alive stories!…I find that most people who believe in this stuff also think that all the Moon Landings were fake, which goes to show their IQ levels and their inability to cope with reality!.There lives must be so empty, and they try to fill them up with all this meaningless pseudo science mumbo-jumbo!…I wonder if any of them are aware of the boy who cried wolf too many times?

      • Glenn is a follower of Satan who comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. Glenn, what is your theory on what caused 3 day of darkness durng the Exodus. Glenn says it was caused bya dark rain cloud that hung down to the ground for 3 days and as black fog.
        Glenn, in your theory what caused the Flood. Well it was just rain passing through the Universe.
        Glenn, what caused the death of 1,250,000 people at Sodom and Gomorrah during Passover week. A freak meteorite storm. Ah, but what brought in the freak meteorite storm..
        Glenn, what caused Joshua’s longest day. What caused the death of 145,000 Assyrian. What caused the Sun to turn back 10 degrees. What caused the 3 hours of solar eclipse at Jesus’s death when the longest running one is 13 minutes.
        El Shaddai, the destroyer came by approximately every 300-350 years by way of a brown or red dwarf star system with 7 planets, 14 moons and its own asteroids and comets as it swings through our asteroid belt system and its system is composed of electrons while ours is protons.
        It causes many axial polar shifts throughout its passings. It caused the continents to shift apart and it will cause them to come back together. The first equator line ran through Easter Island and 33 parallel South of the present equator and meridian line at the Giza Pyramids. This axial poleshift this year will send our present equator line back to the original equator line.
        It also brings in this year the Trumpet and Bowl JUdgments of Revelation known as fire from God because now is the time for cleansing the earth of all sin so the Jewish Messiah can be king on October 25th, 2018 during the Millennium.
        So goodbye BSing Glenn. You just failed to be a friend of n=mine because you are too closed minded just like Jim is.
        Good bye, good riddance. John Ashcraft
        Remember this. Every thought, word spoken and written, and every action you do is written down in the book of luke-wrm and the book of death for your life. The only way you get into the Messianic KIngdom on October 25th is if your name is written in the Book of Life.
        You and Jim and 7 billion other people will know on October 20th, 2018 for it is blast off day.
        Jim, I began counting from 100 on October 3rd, 2017 on the Biblical Day of Atonement.

        • John, can you please show me and all the other readers of these posts where I said that a dark rain cloud was the cause of the exodus darkness. …You accuse me of deception, but John I fear that you have been looking into the mirror too long…You and 4Yahweh are the ones who are deceived, and you are leading people down a path of untruths….But those who know are fully aware of your abberations, and will choose to just ignore you!…just like I do!:)

      • glenn

        people see it in the sky and it is recorded on webcam videos. so it is not bs. I have posted pictures. maybe you should increase your IQ by looking at the evidence.

    • james

      you ignore the evidence. look at the pictures

    • James, SAME goes for YOU!

      • sometimes this website goes crazy! 🙂

        • To John and 4yahweh,
          Hi guys, I haven’t talked to you in quite a while.
          So both of you firm;y believed that the second coming would be last month. No doubts in your minds. So tell me what happened? All those careful calculations were incorrect? I’m so surprised….
          So what is the new second coming date? Next year?
          Since numerology and “generations” didn’t work how will the true second coming be computed? That 2018 date was all the rage for over 20 years. A lot of diappionte3d people out there now. I’m sure they’re scheming for a new way to predict the second coming.
          Perhaps now you will take my advice and simply wait for the real signs to appear, not the made-up events you have been touting for years. You’ve called me a scoffer for years now but I’ve been right every time.
          No Nibiru, no second coming, no Antichrist . NO nothing!
          So tell me the new second coming date and present your proof and see if you can convince me to believe it. But don’t count on it. I have a feeling that the next new second coming date will be way lamer than the previous ones. Maybe these people will finally give up and return to scripture for their guidance. I hope so.
          Since John has been blocked for a week he has that time to whip up another 5000 pages of proof for the next date. Get to it dude!
          Good luck guys!!

          • Hi James, thanks for your post and it is so refreshing to get somebody who is not influenced by all these false prophets on this site. I do like Marianne’s site, as it does have lots of interesting things, but when it starts to delve into the so called prophetic, it attracts the lunatic fringe and red-necks from all across America, and there are lots of them!
            These people annoy me so much, as they keep promising all these dates to be true, but they never are. So many also use Astrology and Numerology to get to their conclusions, and that is just so not scriptural!…I am amazed that Marianne believes all this stuff too…especially all the Nibiru lies!

            • glenn

              there is more evidence for nibiru than against it.

              people have their opinions, just like you and james.

              I am waiting to read your evidence to support your opinion.

              james does not believe in the second coming or antichrist….so that goes against scripture, which I do believe

              • 10~18~6000 (out of 6000) One Day Before Beginning of the TRUE Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

                Marianne, in the late ’60’s I witnessed about The Second Coming to a friend I worked with. She replied, “Maybe it won’t happen but maybe it SHOULD!” I feel that same way now. Yahshua may not come now but maybe He SHOULD!
                I just read that that evil monster Bush Sr. ordered the hit on that Saudi journalist because he was writing an expose on 9/11. That poor man was cut up while still alive! Why (WHY!) is this evil Two Horned Beast U.S.government still ruling??

                Yahweh and His Son Yahshua STILL RULE!

                Those who worshipped THEM in past ages were called Puritans.

                It’s the Anvil that has worn out many Hammers!


              • Marianne, if you are calling all the evidence regarding Nibiru what you have posted on this site, then it is NO evidence at all…blurred images, solar reflections, atmospheric distortions, lens flaring, no solid data or images, like we have of say Mars or Venus, just washed out images that could be anything!…If Nibiru were as close as you suggest, then the earth’s tides would be massive, plus there would be other disturbances as well!….I like your site 90% of the time, as it is very interesting, but this Nibiru stuff is just a whole lot of BS, and it is misleading a lot of people, for which you must take the blame!

              • I DO believe in the second coming… probably in 2031 – 2000 years from the ascension. I DON‘T believe the date an be calculated mathematically based on recent events such as the 6-day war etc. or from assumed years of jubilee which haven’t been in play for 1800 years.
                I see signs of the second coming all the time based on my personal interpretation of bible prophecy. So I, like you, am anxiously awaiting Jesus’ return. I’m just waiting for the seven seals to begin to open, then I will be able to figure the year based on a 3-1/2 year tribulation.
                To do it any other way is just guesswork and so far to date every guess for the last 2000 years has been proven false.
                So why continue to rely on losers to predict the second coming for you when all you need to do is follow the signs given by Jesus Himself. Why follow the losers instead?

                • james

                  I look at current signs. I do not see the beginning of tribulation yet. there are disasters pending. when they will start, I do not know. but is does seem to be soon, as 2030 is not that far off now, which is your speculated date. incidentally,to me if nibiru proves true, the best time to manifest would be the 6th seal, and NOT as wormwood. so that would put its influence at LEAST 3 1/2 years from now. I think Trump in Presidency is delaying tribulation start time. last chance by God for america to wake up and get right.

                  • Marianne,
                    According to your original article Nibiru was to pass the earth in 2012 and by 2018 it was to leave the solar system. This obviously never happened.
                    As for data changing, that is completely untrue. Ancients have been predicting the positions of planets, eclipses etc for thousands of years with precise accuracy. The movements of heavenly bodies never changes, so if anyone had ever determined the orbit of Nibiru, which is a simple matter in today’s times, they could predict its exact location for the next million years at least. Not one prediction has ever proven to be correct.
                    As for the photos, yes, there are things out there. NASA photographs hundreds of thousands of them every year. But the photos you show are not planets. Some are stars others are nebulae. No two look the same so I can’t see how you believe every one is the same object. Lack of experience I suppose. I’ve been looking at these pictures staring in books when I was only six. I owned over 100 astronomy paperbacks when I was a kid so these types of images are very familiar to me and I can tell the difference between a planet and anything else.
                    And common sense should tell you that after 5000 failed YouTube predictions of Nibiru that all of the remaining posts are lies as well. How many times can you let people fool you before you come to your senses? As a so-called “scientist” your training should have taught you that much but your zeal to see the second coming has blinded you from the truth. You are not interested in the truth if it interferes with your expectations for the second coming. Many people have the same problem and they will all be very disappointed.

                    • james

                      that is not what I said. first I said I report, and YOU decide. I also presented for and against arguments.

                      I was also comparing nibiru to wormwood in the bible, IF that was the same event, as some people thought that. but I said it wasn’t wormwood. it would have to be something else. back then nibiru was way out on space where only telescopes could detect it. now it is closer…appearing to naked eye in some places….and ETA estimates would be better than 10 years ago.

                      at one point I heard a scientist admit it was there, but it stopped moving for a few years, which defies science. (God can do that)

                      I would not expect nibiru to be in a child’s astronomy book.

                      and you are right. there is a difference between a star and a planet. nibiru is a second solar system, made of a star and its revolving planets. the objects in the sky are new, and cannot be identified as known planets…those are the images I present.

          • 10~18~6000 (out of 6000) in these SAD LAST DAYS.
            Yes, Yahshua the Messiah the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! The TRUE Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement, the most holy day of Yahweh’s year and this year a High Holy Day because it is on the Sabbath begins sunset, 10~19~18 PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

            James, I did not believe Yahshua would return LAST month but this one. Sadly, it seems that YOU have a very hard time getting anything right even after all of my posts. One thing for sure is that it IS Yom Kippur and anything can happen! There is no LUCK involved in understanding Bible prophecy. That is a pagan four letter word. The Spirit of Yahweh gives understanding. If YOU cannot see the birth pangs of Yahshua’s Return and the workings of the AntiMessiah you must truly be in the DARK. I will pray for you again.


            • Really? Jesus will return in the next 2 weeks? Without the signs He promised in the bible? Where is Armageddon? He returns during this battle, so where are the troops from China crossing the Euphrates river? Clearly you do not know or believe your bible. In 2 weeks you will be proven another false prophet in the trash heap of time along with thousands of other fools who thought they could make up their own interpretation based on something other than scripture.
              Well, good luck on being right. You’ll need it.

              • James 4Yahweh is another false prophet that is being entertained on this site…Like all false prophets they constantly need their egos to be fed, and unfortunately this post is doing it!

                • glenn

                  I think she meant well. just over eager. she never claimed to be a prophet. just expressed her opinion

                  • Marianne, THANK YOU for giving a GREAT answer to these wolves in sheep’s clothing! It is NOT ego that causes me to post here or to share the message of salvation through Yahweh and His Son Yahshua almost everywhere I go. You really cannot know HOW SAD I am that Yahshua did not return on this Yom Kippur. I am a sincere student of Biblical eschatology and still believe that it is SO NEAR. Some say Armageddon already began in Syria when Russia went there. The message of those four blood moons was for this year.
                    Yahshua did NOT say that no man knows the YEAR. The timing of Jubilee years is set by Heaven. Man may not know them but he CAN’T change them!

              • james

                china crosses the euphrates during the wrath, not the tribulation, so that event is in the future sometime.

                • Marianne can you show me in Scripture where it mentions China?

                  • glenn

                    it does not actually china, but james is interpreting it that way. It actually says “the kings of the east.”

                    technically, in ancient times, this could mean any nation(s) east of Israel.



                    I once found a strange name while reading the bible, and when i looked it up, it seemed to refer to china. I cannot remember the reference right now.

                  • Glenn,
                    Revelation mentions an army of 200 thousand thousand (200,000,000) men coming from the east. Only China has an army that big. And China may have a great reason to attack the area around the holy land if their oil supply from that area is cut off by the king of the north (EU) who is to attack the king of the south (Persia – OPEC) according to Daniel. And if OPEC ever cuts off its oil supply to Europe you can bet they will attack the oil fields and surround the “Pleasant land” and even enter Jerusalem to use as a headquarters for the war of Daniel.
                    This scenario is not only possible it is likely. If the EU forces out the refugees back to their home nations and partners then OPEC could retaliate (push at) with an oil embargo and all of prophecy could come tumbling into place. And the mark of the beast (forced Sunday worship) could be used to force out the Muslims (the devout ones, anyway) and all that is needed to do that is for the EU to give the Pope (Antichrist/ false prophet) the power to enforce such a declaration (which pope John Paul II already enacted in 2002).
                    Europe is on the verge of such an action right now. A few more years of continued migration and it will be triggered in the manner I described.
                    I know few here will believe this, but please remember it and watch for it to happen so you will know for sure tat the tribulation has begun.
                    Otherwise you can just wait for Obama to regain power, take over the world and put a chip in everyone’s right hand, or some such story. Which of these scenarios do you think are the mot likely to happen?

                    • James the Army you mention is two hundred million, …NOT two hundred thousand….It will be a combined Islamic force that attacks Israel…NOT China my friend!…..It will be totally different that what anybody imagines!

                    • Glen,
                      The bible declares 200 thousand thousand (I hope my spell checker didn’t correct a double word) since the word million didn’t exist until recently. But a thousand thousand equals a million, so it is the same.

                    • James, after many of my posts, do you STILL believe that “The Mark of the Beast” is forced Sunday worship like the lost Seventh Day Adventists? AGAIN, according to the Greek translation the #666 is also a GREEK pagan name that has morphed into the name “Jesus Christ” the image (idol) of the beast (Vatican). It’s much MORE than Sunday worship! YOUR prophecy clock must have stopped decades ago! We are now way down in the trumpets of the seventh seal. The first two trumpets were World War I and World War II. In World War II a third of all ships were destroyed. (Check it out!) The atomic bomb must have looked like a mountain on fire going into the sea. (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) Wormwood was Chernobyl because Chernobyl is the word Wormwood in Russian. The antiChrist or rather antiMessiah’s name Jesus Christ has been publicly worshipped since the Third Century A.D. HE IS NOTHING NEW AND WON’T BE! The Mark of the Beast will be first enforced in the U.S. and then the rest of the world. This is because this government is the Two Horned Beast in Revelation 13 that turns its power over to the first beast which is now The Vatican. And, do you think President Trump is going to STOP that? HA!

              • james

                since you consider yourself a righteous man, try to be less sarcastic, and set a good example

  167. Oh and by the way everybody will be holding you to account for your prediction of October 20th…you will be coming under our microscopes, and when nothing happens I will make sure the whole world knows who you are!

    • Go right ahead Satanist but it is not me who said it. Go read Pillar of timeline. She said it back when she was studying Astrotheology, Biblical Astronomy. I did not believe it until 2018. Go read FeastsofLord.Net.timeline. I did not believe it until 2018.

      • FeastsofTheLord.Net

      • Hey John I am STILL waiting for a reply regarding my request to find in ANY of my posts what you have accused me of saying!…People on this site must be a little suspicious of you now, as you cannot be trusted at all. You can’t even get a little thing like my statements right, so how can you get anything right about the prophetic?…You are the one in the grip of Satan, as you lie about people, just to make yourself feel good…shame on you!…But who you are will be revealed after 20th October when your predictions fail to come true!….

        • Glenn, if Marianne’s blog had a search engine then I would go through every article and ever posting you have done here and at your facebook page and then I would build a case aganst you and present it to a court of law. As a matter of fact, all I need is a look at your facebook page and wherver you socialize on the internet to see how worldly you really are. But you are DEAD to me.

        • Dear Fat Pig, Mark Bilitz is correct. Jonathan Cahn is correct. Perry Stone is correct. Dr. Denis Otero is correct. Jim Staley is correct. You , Glenn, are wrong and incorrect because you follow Satan who comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy just like Jim does.
          I hope you enjoy the American Nuclear Meltdown that is coming. Enjoy your dead short life because if you are not written in the Book of Life which covers 1 percent of humanity, then that means you are written in the Book of Luke-warm or the Book of Death and you will find out before you die. You will also find out at your resurrection.
          If you want to go check me out on Face book or at John Ashcraft, Albuquerque, NM.
          My favorite at people who are Christians is this: Satan comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. Islam comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. United Nations come to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. 95 percent of humanity comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. 90 percent of the church is in that group. 6 of the 7 churches of Revelation is written into the Book of Luke Warm. With your use of BS, you are either written into the Book of Luke-Warm or the Book of Death. With your face book page, I guarantee you that you are written into the Book of Luke warm or the book of death.

          • LOL!!!!!!!!!

          • Too scared to put your photo up on Facebook eh?…That says a lot…you hide behind anonymity and you show that at the end of the day, you are just a coward who gets off on fanning peoples fears and insecurities…..Who you are will be revealed by the end of the 20th October when you will prove that you are nothing more than a false prophet…..if this was old testament times you would be stoned!

            • Dear Fat face, try a Santa Claus face with beard and rosy red cheeks. Its winter time inside my house. No electric heaters and no propane to heat the home. Also, I do not smile because I have too many missing teeth. I have no chewing teeth and am missing 3 front teeth. Plus your TV watches your every move when it is turned off. Your modern kitchen equipment watches you so don’t go running around your house naked and no sex in fornt of your computer, TV, kitchen or any other room where there on turned on camera’s watching your every fat body move. The last thing I want to watch is a fat pig in short shorts showing 3/4th of your fat butt while you are wearing your wife g-string panties. Also the microphones ar turned on 24-7 recordingyour every conversation and even when the phone is not being used, it is listening to every word you say. I use to do electronics and of course you already know all of this any how.
              If you hav a cell phone becaus you are rich and fat, then you will hav fun when you get micro waved to death while driving. So if you are smart and not being stupid as you are writing to me, then separat the battery from the phone while driving so that you will not die suddenly.
              And get rid of your piercings and tattoos. They only make you look ugly.

              • Wow John you are one sick dude…..I will leave you now to your own calamitous life…..I want to spend my time with Christians who love, and not ones with with so called knowledge, that only puffs them up, and makes them think they are important!:)

                • Tom Hughes is the pastor of Calvary Chapel 412 Church in San Jacinto, California. He wrote an article recently that summed up brilliantly why the Church now rejects Bible prophecy. These are his opinions, but I certainly agree with each and every one of them.

                  Number one, Tom Hughes feels pastors don’t understand Bible prophecy. Perhaps their seminary didn’t train them to deal with Eschatology.

                  Number two, Tom feels that pastors fear offending members. They fear offending those attending their church. Can you imagine that the greatest news that Jesus Christ is coming perhaps today could possibly offend someone? But, in some cases, it in fact does. So, pastors don’t want to scare away people. Sure, if we look at some of the headlines today they certainly can appear a bit foreboding. Church leadership worries they might lose ties if they talk about the end times. And, if you’ve got a building program that’s going to take ten years to accomplish, and you’re saying the Lord is coming back tomorrow, well that doesn’t encourage your congregation to give to the project.

                • A third of Tom’s opinions is that Christians worry they might be identified with the loony fringe. Certainly, there has been a loony fringe. Just look at Harold Camping and the other date setters. Christians don’t want to be aligned with kooks, and I don’t blame them. I don’t blame them at all.

                  These are three of Tom’s opinions. And, frankly, I agree with them, having ministered in churches for a long time.

                  A Decline in Dispensationalism

                  Another reason I believe the teaching of Bible prophecy has declined is that there is a decline in a belief in Dispensationalism. When I was growing up as a teenager to my 20’s, pretty much every evangelical church believed in Dispensationalism. They taught the verses that distinguish between the Church and Israel. We believed in a literal Rapture, a literal Tribulation, a literal Antichrist, the Millennium, and the literal Second Coming. But, since then, there has been a decline in Dispensationalist teachings.

                • Sure, the timing of the Rapture was hotly debated, but afterwards we still could be friends. Its hard if you don’t believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture, but we can still be friends. We can debate and not divide over some of these secondary doctrinal issues. Other issues concern the emphasis on Israel’s end time role, and that the Tribulation is primarily for Israel and then for the pagan world to shake them up to see Christ.

                  These basics of Dispensationalism were once widely taught, but now there’s a declining interest in the Church concerning this theology. They’ve been replaced by some destructive theologies. Honestly, I could write an encyclopedia on all the destructive theologies that have come into our churches. For instance, Amillennialism has returned. Amillennialism is very old, and it takes nothing in the Bible literally. It doesn’t provide any favorable impression of Israel’s end time role.

                  Also, the Kingdom Now, or Dominionism, has also come back onto the scene. This teaches that if we work hard enough and provide enough social justice programs that we can make the world perfect. How’s that working out? That’d take 20 trillion years for the Church to make the world perfect!

                • Then there’s Preterism. How can anybody possibly believe that all of Bible prophecy happened back in 70 AD? We missed it? We missed it! It all happened long ago. It’s all history! That’s what Preterists believe.

                  Another destructive theology that is crowding out Dispensationalism would be Replacement Theology. This errant doctrine teaches that the Church is the new Israel. This terrible view is even working its way into once extremely solid denominations and churches.

                  Then there’s Christian Palestinianism. This teaching deserves a message all on its own. Remember Yasser Arafat being lowered from a helicopter to the top of the Church of the Nativity back in 2004? A belief of Christian Palestinianism is that Jesus was a Palestinian and He wasn’t even Jewish. Therefore, Christians should celebrate the Palestinian people. What?! There’s no such thing as a Palestinian! Even though there’s no such thing as a Palestinian race or people, none the less, support for Christian Palestinianism has been steadily creeping into our churches, and some of them that were once sound.

                  As for th rest of the Santa Claus story: On the right side, click on the year and then the month until you fin this story. Santa (Satan) Claus, Fallen Angels, Demons, CERN, and Revelation 9. Elves are demons. The red suit is the worship of Molech. Santa Claus is actually Satan Claus. It deals with bringing into your home Satanic items or occultic items such as tattoos and piercings and that demons are attached to these items so you now have demons into your homes 24/7 which you do have Glenn. I got attcked by a fallen angel and two weeks later h brought his demon friend in and my caregiver tried to burn down the bathroom to get rid of the demon. You being in the Book of Luke warm or Book of Death do not realize that you have demons attached to you 24/7.

            • glenn

              you are also anonymous. you have no picture / photo here either.

              you both like to argue.

              • Marianne we are talking about Facebook…not your site!

                • glenn

                  it is the same principle. I do not have a picture on FB either. Some people do not prefer to display a picture. For me, I do not because I want people to focus on God, not me. Most people are superficial in their judgements. They judge by appearance, not substance, and this judgement can influence how they view the website and its content. Or if they are critical of content, or a comment, they will look to the picture to find fault and become more critical. Any picture I do have is tiny. the reasons why other people do this may be different than mine. I see many on FB that continually show photos of themselves, so others can say, oh how beautiful your are, or how great you look. that is vanity…. other people on FB may not show a picture of themselves because they might think they are ugly, and do not want others to make fun of them. even on my site, many just use the icon assigned to them, to remain more anonymous. BTW I do not think you are a pig, :), even though john says you are. john is very emotional, and sometimes I have to peal him off the wall after he gets wound up.

                • Glenn, why do I call you a fat pig. Pigs are garbage eaters including decaying matter, feces, sawdust, and anything else to comes along the way. These pigs carry cancers and parasites like ringworms and other parasites. You know that itch under your skin. That is caused because you ate too many pigs in your life. Pigs are also fat. When you eat unwholesome food, then you dish out unwholesome food and alot of times I can tell by the words you use such as: B.S., crap, F**k U, and all those other words you use that are negative. The Bible says to stay away and run away from th filth and garbage but you do not because you enjoy the darkness more than you enjoy the light. You do not want to take up th cross and follow Jesus but you rather follow the one (Satan) who comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy so to me you are a fat pig. So either REPENT and run away from that filth or be cut off and burn in th lake of fire and brimstone for eternity. It is your choice.

                  • john

                    you need to take a break from all the name calling…you are suspended for a week.

                    • Marianne, I am having a REAL problem on this thread! When replying I have to scroll through ALL of the posts since 2014! When I tried to answer you my last post was printed before my last post. Now, it says I am answering Glenn but I am trying to answer your LAST post. This is a GREAT WAY to discourage me from posting!

      • Oh John, come out come out from wherever you are…October 20th has passed, and as I already knew, nothing has happened that you said would happen!:)….The whole world is laughing!:)

  168. jayna

    I sent you an email.

    just use the reply box at bottom of page

    • 10~20~6000 (out of 6000) ? High Holy Sabbath and Yom Kippur

      Marianne, thank you for e-mailing me. The GOOD NEWS and the BAD NEWS is that Yahshua is NOT returning on this Day of Atonement. Please forgive any unintentual confusion my postings may have caused. I am a life long Bible student and only desire to share the truth. If (IF!) only we can know the actual Jubilee year in Yahshua’s life in the First Century A.D. Then we can add 2000 to that and KNOW the year. Yahshua did not say that no man knows the year. I do not trust the Jubilee years that Josephus writes as he was in many ways a disciple of Rome.
      If I were back (way back) in my school days, I could hear more than one teacher tell the class, “Put on your thinking caps!” It seems that I will have to go find one! I wish you all a very blessed fall season!


      • Jayna why am I NOT surprised that yet again you missed out in foretelling the date of the return of Jesus!…Jesus DID say that nobody knows of His return except The Father, and you won’t even acknowledge that!.
        You are just another False Prophet who raises up peoples expectations, only to knock them down again!….All you are doing is trying to go against what Jesus has said, in that no human knows the day nor the hour. You are just wasting our time. just to feel good about your own self importance…I just hope people reading these posts will wake up to you and all your false claims!

        • glenn

          for pete’s sake. if you are so great, then say something nice to prove your heart is in the right place.

          • My heart IS in the right place in that I refuse to embrace those who have no problem in giving false hope to people….The world is already full of charlatans, and Christian ones leave me feeling frustrated and angry!

            • Glenn, it seems that I am NOT included in your tirade because I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN. CHRISTIANITY IS PAGAN AND ALWAYS WAS!

              “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4. HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

              • James I do not in any way agree that Christianity is a pagan religion!…that is a contradiction of terms!..If you are Jewish I can understand the failure to recognise Jesus as your Messiah, but that’s where it ends!

                • Glenn, my name is Jayna NOT James! You seem to be having GREAT trouble with names especially the Bible savior Yahshua! Some Jews I have met KNOW that the pagan name “Jesus Christ” is a Greco- Roman fraud. WHY DON’T YOU?

                  • Jayna, when I pray I use the name of Jesus, and He knows who I am referring too!…I don’t waste my time with nit picking pronunciations, whether it’s Greek spelling, Hebrew spelling, or from south Pago-Pago…More importantly I have a living relationship with Jesus….and thats what matters the most!

                    • Glenn, you SHOULD be concerned about WHO you worship! It’s NOT about letters and languages! The Evil One does NOT care if you BELIEVE you are worshipping the Almighty and His Son. If you honor him with his pagan names, he’s GOTCHA!

          • Marianne I am NOT saying I am great, but that you are pursuing a myth that will always be just out of your reach!

            • glenn

              that may be true. I am just open to the possibility. the pictures I find convincing enough….something is out there. so give it another name. I heard a scientist admit it and discuss it. the government knows about it.

      • jayna

        Your heart was in the right place. you wanted Him so badly to come. And someday He will. And your joy will know no bounds.

  169. Hey folks, predicting the second coming date is easy as pie…
    Wait for the 2 witnesses to appear in Jerusalem and add 3-1/2 years.
    They die just before the resurrection and are raised with the rest of the dead at the second coming.
    Backtrack 3-1/2 years and you get the beginning of the tribulation. That is very simple math and doesn’t require 5000 pages to calculate.
    I wait for every Passover to see if the witnesses have finally appeared and if not I relax until the following year. I do not make up schemes to force Jesus to return before His time. Doing so is futile and has never worked, so why bother?

  170. Oh, and if you are waiting for Nibiru to appear rather than the witnesses you are really wasting your time. Just read the heading of this post… the first page…
    You said:
    “I would think that Wormwood would be a different event than this. If Nibiru really is an object that will come near earth in 2012, then it is still not Wormwood. Wormwood has limited damage – 1/3 the earth.“
    You said tis back in 2010 and you believed that Nibiru would pass in 2012. And you had many other posts and links to Nibiru predictions that never happened. Above you claimed that there are more people claiming Nibiru is real than those who oppose that idea. But if you examine their claims you will find that every one of them has proved to be a liar as none of their thousands of predictions have come true. So your logic of believing the masses is just foolish as the masses have been proven to be ignorant of scientific proof.
    Nothing like Nibiru is predicted in scripture so there is really no point in including it in prophesy. Let the Nibiru idiots continue to make fools of themselves. Soon they will tire of trying to fool any more gullible people who have wised up in recent years so eventually it won’t be worth the effort any more and the Nibiru videos will disappear… finally!

    • Marianne what James is saying is true, and as you continue to pursue this Nibiru myth, which goes back many a year without a shred of evidence, then your credibility is suffering big time!

      • glenn

        I am not worried about my credibility with james. he is a cynic anyhow. that is his opinion. notice I let him express it and I do not mock his views. this is a place for discussion. people will have differing views, and even opposite opinions

    • james

      Actually my posts were looking at 2018, not 2012. and also, as data changes, I can adjust my views to new data.

      • Data never changes. Planets never change their orbits. They don’t make turns, stop dead in their tracks for a while or change their velocity (except as dictated by the laws of physics).
        So if any so-called scientist calculates an arrival time for any planetary body then the object must show up when predicted. Planets are not like cars on a freeway that may show up late due to traffic or an accident in their path. So if a prediction is false then it was a lie all the time. NO excuses!
        You‘ll notice that many Nibiru posts are repeated over and over again with new arrival dates. Clearly these are in no way true scientific posts. When NASA posts an arrival date for a new comet they are always right on, the first time, no do-overs. These calculations are fairly easy to do nowadays so there is no reason for them to ever be wrong, and they never have been.
        But every Nibiru prediction that has ever been made has been incorrect… better known as a lie. So if every one in the past has been a lie, why would you ever believe more predictions?
        Just wait until NASA declares it to be real and it shows up on every astronomy program available and the nightly news has segments updating its approach etc. After all, it were real, all these thing would be happening.
        But you know the truth… you can’t believe everything you read on the internet. So don’t believe it until it is stone-cold certain beyond any doubt. Otherwise you are simply wasting your time.

        • james

          since you do not seem tp grasp both science and faith, I will first explain the science to you.

          when there is very little data, the wrong data curve can be drawn for predictions.

          as data increases, a better curve can be drawn from which to extrapolate arrival times

          most things have a pattern and are predictable. but when god shows up everything can change and make arrival times unpredictable.

          the 24 hour day seems set, but once god made the sun stand still in Joshua.

          once there was no rain, and people got their water from underground springs. until god sent a FLOOD in noah’s time. those that mocked noah DIED.

          once the stars in the sky seemed constant in brightness for thousands of years,…. but one period displayed the bethlehem star, which was either singular, or a rare alignment of stars….

          these 3 examples would have baffled any existing “scientist”

          NASA has been collecting the data. they are just not telling YOU about it.

          and if you cannot understand what god is doing, I suggest you pray and ask for a revelation.

          some of the events in revelation will be one time events never experienced before on earth….this may be unscientific to you, but god has it planned, and they will happen

          that is the faith part

          • Sorry Marianne but you cannot use God to explain away the incorrect predictions of hundreds of different You Tube idiots when it comes to their Nibiru arrival dates. That would mean that Nibiru is a tool of God and it is being controlled supernaturally by Him for some strange biblical purpose. If so it would have featured prominently in bible prophecy but since it is not wormwood, there is no mention of it anywhere.
            You are claiming that Nibiru is a real bible miracle, as in Joshua etc, but what is its biblical purpose? All it has done to date is show up on YouTube which is always wrong on where it is, how fast it is moving and when it will get here. God is not the author of confusion and he must have an incredible reason if He is constantly moving a giant planet all around the solar system. So what is that purpose? It must be major considering all the magic He is using. But you don’t have a clue, do you?
            As far as science goes, please don’t lecture me on astronomy. I’ve been dealing with it for over 60 years now. If you ask any REAL scientist (not someone with only internet credentials) they will all agree with me, and none of them believe in Nibiru simply because it doesn’t exist in real life, only on YouTube and inside peoples cheap cameras. If it were real I myself would be able to see and photograph it, as would every news crew in the world, so why can’t WE see it? Why can’t YOU see it? Why can’t you answer this question?
            There is only one answer… Nibiru can only be a hoax, not a miracle of God. How long will you continue to believe the insanity on YouTube? It serves you no biblical purpose. You don’t need it to predict bible prophecy. You are actually better off concentrating on Obama ruling the world as Antichrist. That could actually happen… (odds… one quadrillion to one at best).
            You claim there is more “evidence” for Nibiru than against, but you are comparing YouTube videos to science books/sites. If a YouTube video contradicted biological facts you are certain of, you would reject it immediately and not assume that maybe it is true and that God was involved somehow. So don’t try to do the same thing with other sciences that you do not understand. Gullible Christians deserve better than more lies and conspiracy theories. Wait for real facts. Verifiable ones. Then write a new article based on the truth instead of the lies that all your original Nibiru articles and reference links have now all proved to be.

            • james

              maybe you think so, but not everyone is a you tube idiot on the internet,

              nibiru is not mentioned directly but hinted at.

              revelation, Isaiah and Joel all report strange celestial events that most scientists scoff at. it is unscientific for the sun to turn black, and the moon red, and the stars falling along with an earthquake that flips the earth upside down. and these events seem to happen all at the same time.

              the nibiru system could cause all these events.

              god does not always show his cards. several times in daniel, revelation, and etc He tells the prophet to SEAL UP the prophecy until the end. god intentionally withholds details.

              the purpose of nibiru is to destroy the earth in judgement.

              the fact is people can see it out there in some locations, as it is still far…I told you once that I am surrounded by trees, so I can neither see sunrise or sunset

              the moon is in the sky whether you believe it or not, and not based on how much people speculate or deny it.. the presence of the moon is not dependent on faith or removed by cynicism. same with nibiru

              god can do the unusual….he controls what happens when, not science, that was the point of my biblical examples

              you would NEVER see nibiru since you choose to be blind. why do you care so much about denying it.

              this forum is for people to express their opinions, they can be right or wrong..they are on a spiritual journey. and they are also entitled to change their opinion after discussions and further thought. you want to control what others think by insulting them into submission. that is witchcraft.

              • Sorry but a passing planet could NOT do the things you think it would do. All it could do is to alter the earths orbit to some extent, and if it were to hit the earth it would destroy it and everyone on it. And the earth can’t just flip upside down without killing everyone on it. You are taking bible metaphors far too seriously.
                As for seeing it, if it were a bright ball right net to the sun as many claim, you and I would be able to see it all the time. It would also be in the news, all the time. Also, every movie made in the last 10 years would show Nibiru in all the sunrise and sunset shots, but Hollywood has never been able to find it.
                So Nibiru only exists on YouTube and so far every YouTube prediction has been a lie. I think at this point even you are to wary to post any more “definite” predications from YouTube. You know the chances that any of them will be correct is slim to none. So all you can say is that it will get here someday. All based on a plurality of YouTube lies from the past. But a million lies do not make a single truth.
                If you think strange biblical things are to happen to the earth, just blame it on the power of God and not some lame planet idea that couldn’t even do the job if it did exist.

                • james

                  the earth will flip upside down, and be pulled closer to the sun, returning the earth to a 360 day cycle around the sun.

                  god will destroy everything then destroy it back to genesis conditions.

                  nibiru / planet x will not hit the earth, but a comet will, that comes from this system

                  you are a very blind man….

  171. Nemesis: Our Solar System may have had Two Suns Astronomers Say

    According to experts, there is evidence which suggests that all stars in the universe are born in pairs. For decades, scientists have speculated that our sun has an ‘evil’ twin referred to as NEMESIS—a dwarf star responsible for hurling objects from the outer solar system towards our planet. In fact, NEMESIS may even have been resposnible for mass extinctions that have rocked Earth for millions of years.

    Astronomers use the term binary system to refer to two stars that are so close together that they orbit around a common center of mass.

    This is something quite frequent in the Universe, which has motivated some researchers to question if our Sun could ever be part of one of these systems. Now a team of researchers from the Universities of Harvard and Berkeley has conducted a study whose results suggest that all stars are born forming binary systems and that ours would not be an exception.

    Berkeley News…/new-evidence-that-all-stars-are…/

    Clips, images credit: ESO, ESA/HUBBLE & NASA

    • good scientific reference

      • Both Glenn and Jim will say it is all a lie and c….p (poop). They will say that there are no binary systems and that astronomers lie. But of course, what do you expect from people who follow after Satan who comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. I expect from them everything except the truth.

        • John I do believe that we were once a binary system,but that our second star now lies 4.2 light years away. It’s called Proxima Cenauri!…Other than that what you assert is a lot of BS!, and you are just another of the false prophets this site seems to attract!..No I don’t follow Satan, but by telling things that don’t come true, it proves that Satan has you exactly where he wants you!….not a good place to be!

          • richard harrison, astronomer, believed it to be true he just died a few years ago

            • I think most Astronomers now think that we did have another Star in our system!

            • I just looked up richard harrison, astronomer, and he was still alive last year according to Wikipedia, and if you add Nibiru to his name you can not find a single article where he mentions Nibiru. Apparently, someone use his name and claimed that he believed in Nibiru but in the 70 or so articles he wrote there is no mention of Nibiru.
              So your proof is once again just a lie, when you really look into it.
              Show me any article written by HIM personally that acknowledges the existence of Nibiru…
              Good luck on that. No REAL astronomer could ever believe in Nibiru, just a few nut jobs out for some publicity.

          • Dear cussing FAT PIG. As long as you cuss, you are not Holy for God is Holy. You be Holy for I AM Holy. It begins with what we eat. If you eat garbage, then out comes garbage.and you are a fat pig because pigs eat garbage. The lost eat garbage. The Dead eat garbage. The unbelieving eat garbage. The abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars eat garbage.
            You all follow Satan who comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy.
            Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

            • John you are a hypocrite and we all know what happens to them don’t we?…You need counseling and probably some sort of medication. I would also suggest at least one year in an Institution to receive a frontal lobotomy…that should clear your mind of any further nastiness!?:)

              • glenn

                while on the subject of hypocrisy, why don’t you show a little christian behavior yourself, and set a good example?

              • Glenn, it seems to me that you are being the kettle calling the pot black. If, (IF!) you knew HOW TERRIBLE a frontal lobotomy is, you would NOT wish it on anyone! If you think any name is OK with Yahshua , you should think again. You both are so VERY WRONG !Maybe that’s why you attack each other. John, this earth is NOT millions of years old, apparently not even 6000 years yet. You should really know better by now. Please don’t quote those Christian evangelists because they are all wrong. I suggest that you write your own beliefs and research in as few words as possible.

  172. Mrianne, What I am posting to glenn is at Johnny Ash, Albuquerque, NM on facebook to a person named Satish Kumar. Go read it. What I post here is also posted on my facebook pages.

    As long as Glenn uses crap, BS and any other cuss words, he is dead and lost and buried 10 feet deep but has not hit the grave as of it. So take me off of your lists and block me at all costs becasue as long as Glenn uses the cuss words., the same pasting will be used time after time after time and I will use it 1000 times if necessary. It is your choice. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • John does your mother still change your nappy?:)

      • glenn

        Proverbs 6:16-19 King James Version (KJV)
        16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

        17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

        18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

        19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and …….

        he that soweth discord among brethren!!!!! (hint)

        you are enjoying tormenting John, stop it, you are displaying a divisive spirit.

        if he want to claims the moon is made of green cheese, it is his right to do so…he has his opinion, and you have yours….let it be!

        leave him alone. let him post. you do not have to interact with him

        • Marianne, 10/27/18 – INCOMING Planets – MORE Evidence – DOOM Monitors…

          4 minutes in.

          GOES 16 Weather Satellite Still Shows Planet: http://rammb-slider.cira.colostate.ed
          ACE Satellite Ground Tracking Stations:
          DSCVR Satellite Ground Tracking Stations:
          Dead Astronomers and Planet X:
          UNIVERSAL NEWS MEDIA CHANNEL: A LOT BETTER IN FULL Dead Astronomers and Planet X!:

          Nemesis is mostly Electrons 11:00-13:00

        • if he want to claims the moon is made of green cheese, it is his right to do so…he has his opinion, and you have yours….let it be!

          The Moon is made of white cheese because we see white from here or maybe light blue and has an old man and a jumping rabbit on it.

        • glenn

          Proverbs 6:16-19 King James Version (KJV)
          16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

          17 A proud look (Glenn), a lying tongue (Glenn), and hands that shed innocent blood,

          18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

          19 A false witness that speaketh lies (Glenn), and …….

          he that soweth discord among brethren!!!!! (hint)

          you are enjoying tormenting John, stop it, you are displaying a divisive spirit.–New term for me is divisive.

          Glenn, I read a book back in 2010-2012 on being a hypocrite from a good preacher on the subject and I changed my ways because I was saying that I was a Christian when I was not walking the walk of being like the Messiah. At that time, I was having a meal with a men’s group at Greenside Cafe in Tijeras, NM. So it was then that I totally left Christianity behind and said no more to the lies that Christians like you like to pass around with your Pagan Christian Feasts days, Replacement theology, not being under the laws of God, and saying that the Messiah can come on any hour, any day, of any year. So it is actually you who is the true hypocrite because you pass on your hypocricy to others to make your self better than others so this is for you.
          Rev 21:8  But the fearful, and unbelieving (Glenn and James), and the abominable (Glenn and James), and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters (Glenn), and all liars (Glenn and James), shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. 

      • glenn

        actually that should be religious / critical spirit…remember how the pharisees criticized Jesus?

  173. 10~27~6000 ??? Sabbath and Third Day of The Feast of Tabernacles

    These are the days the Pilgrims (Puritans) celebrated, all eight days!
    The Christian Thanksgiving Day dates back to evil King Jeroboam in I Kings 12:32-33 who set up this day in opposition to Yahweh’s Appointed Days. It’s at the same time on the Hebrew calendar. These things were once published in books but we cannot find these books now. The Pilgrims objected to the King James Bible because of the pagan names of deity. That’s why they left England in 1620. Who knows how many errors there might be in that Bible?


    • Jayna. The reason the Messiah did not come on October 20th because it was not the correct day or timing. Signs were given on Oct 23, and 24 showing that it was not the correct timing. There are over 50 date setting verses in the Bible that have to line up perfectly for the Messiah to come like Haggai 2:2-7 (Axial poleshift; Rev 6:12-17; Isa 24:1-6) before Haggai’s 9th month and 24th day for the dedication of Messiah’s Temple on Chanukkah 1. So now we are looking for the day to be the 4th day of Biblical Feast of Tabernacles because the Millennium begins Nov 2 which was the date that Noah’s Flood began. Cheshvan 17 on the Rabbinic Calendar was on Friday, Oct 26th so I am waiting for Signs to show up then in way of Major Earthquakes over 6.0 like the ones in Greece and certain Volcanic Eruptions like the ones of Krakatau with 500 (50×10–both Biblical Numbers) eruptions on Oct 23 and Anak Krakatau with 232 eruptions (29 x 8. 8 means a new beginning) on Oct 24 full moon (Gen 1:14; Lk 21:25-26) which is 4 days from Oct 28 and Oct 28 is 5 days (grace) from Nov 2 start of the Millennium.

      • John,
        Are you actually predicting the second coming again? How many times must you be wrong before you change your tack? You can’t use math to predict the second coming. You must wait for real signs. None of your predictions have ever panned out, and this one won’t either.
        Your proof is getting lamer an lamer every time. Give up. Take break and stop wasting your time.
        When the second coming is ready to go, I’ll let you know.

  174. 10/25/18 – Himawari-8 Planet MOVE & 2nd INCOMING Planet – MLSO
    Discover Satellite showed 12 hour gap on Oct 25th as a planet passed by from Nemesis. Helion, the Hopi Blue Star shows up befor the Hopi Red Star (Nemesis) shows.
    Nasa blocked the planet from being seen at the bottom of the earth map on the 25th.
    Robert Dunn also mentioned 6th months which was when the Manchild of Revelation was in Libra and Virgo.

    • I watched most of this video. It is total crap. All we need is another Nibiru to worry about. Don’t let Marianne see this or she will end up writing another post about it. If Nibiru can’t be trusted to show up, lets find another candidate. Give me a break.

      • Dear Fat Pig. When you use the word crap, that tells me you are DEAD and LOST. It tells me you do not believe the Bible nor the things in it as some of us do. Fat Pig comes from garbage the pigs eat. What garbage you eat will come out in your thoughts, word spoken and written and actions. Therefore you are headed down the path to the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death.
        You like Glenn will see this message every time you use a cuss word so eiter REPENT or burn. Your choice.

        The Coming of the Son of Man (Countdown to Zero)

        Countdown to Zero is a 2010 documentary film by British filmmaker Lucy Walker . The film argues that the likelihood of the use o nuclear weapons has increased since the end of the Cold War due to terrorism, nuclear proliferation, theft of nuclear materials and weapons, and other factors.
        Countdown to Zero traces the history of the atomic bomb from its origins to the present state of global affairs: nine nations possessing nuclear weapons capabilities with others racing to join them, leaving the world held in a delicate balance that could be shattered by an act of terrorism, Countdown to Zero soundtrack 3:40 minutes.

        Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

        Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

        Signs in the sun, moon and stars. Understand this to refer to the Great Day of Adonai (Joe_3:1-5 (Joe_2:28-32), Isa_13:9-10).

        Sept 11th 2018, Rabbinic Day of Trumpet +42 days (7×6) = Oct 23rd, 2018 when Krakatau Volcano erupted 500 times (50×10) that day.

        On the 4th Day of the Week on the full moon we had Anak Krakatau Erupt 232 times.

        Anak Krakatau Erupts 232 Times…/10/25/206922853/Anak-Krakatau-Erupts-232-Times
        TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The volcanic Mount Anak Krakatau in Sunda Strait, Lampung Province, erupted 232 times throughout Wednesday, October 24 full moon (Eve of Biblical Sukkot), 2018.
        Gen 1:14; Lk 21:25-26. 2014-2015 Red Blood Moon Tetrads were on Eve of Passover and Eve of Sukkot. 232 divided by 29=8. 8 means a new beginning.

      • Luk 21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

        October 27, 2018.

        Luk 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
        Oct 28, 2018. Sun is in line with Venus in Virgo. Jupiter is in line with mercury in Libra. Both sets are at the same angel on Stellarium which can be 12/6 or 11/5 and left side of the center of the diagram. Saturn in Sagittarius. Capricornus has Mars on its left side. Moon is on the left side of Tarus in the horns.

        Helion (Hopi Blue Star) has to be seen with the naked eye in the Northern Hemisphere for the rapture to take place. That is what I am waiting for. It should appear one day prior to the rapture.

        November 1 (Millennium begins)
        There are some looking for an event to occur on November 2 which was the date the Flood began on Cheshvan 17.

        Prophetic Dream – Obama is Unveiled and Rises To Power
        Trump and Pense to be replaced on Nov. 3rd

        Some believe the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments will be poured out over the next 7 years. Others believe over this year, and some believe just over the Feast of Tabernacles from October 25th to November 1.

        I do not have to predict. I follow a line of reasoning which you do not understand because you are DEAD and LOST because you cuss garbage eater.

  175. Marianne,
    In regards to Richard Harrison, I added “astronomer” to my search so I came up with the real British astronomer, not some actor.
    I checked out the search you listed :
    Astronomical Journal
    The Location of Planet X
    RS Harrington
    Us Naval Observatory
    The problem is that there really is a Planet X, but it is NOT Nibiru, it is the yet unobserved “next planet” beyond Neptune, in a far orbit that will never be any closer to earth than 10 billion miles. If today’s astronomers can’t see it with our most powerful telescopes, the average person will NEVER see it and it will NEVER affect the earth in the way you expect.
    By the way, the X in Planet X stands for the Roman numeral 10, meaning the tenth planet to be discovered in our solar system. But since Pluto has been demoted, there are only 8 real planets that we’ve found so many astronomers are now referring to the mystery planet as planet 9 which would be more accurate.
    But Harrison never claimed any planet or any other object is on a near-collision course with the earth. Planet 9/X is NOT Nibiru. Proving one does not prove the other. Stop confusing the two.

    • The Sun is in line with Venus in Virgo at approximately 2/7 position depending upon your view. Mercury in Libra is in the Holy Altar.
      Then out of nowhere, earthquakes and volcanoes had shut down at the same time.

      10/25/2018 — Sudden Seismic Silence — Unrest on the way — Calm before the storm – Dutchsinse
      The earthquakes and volcanoes shut down at 6 PM. Temple times in the Bible Midnight, 3, 6, 9, Noon, 3, 6, 9. Watch for the Midnight call of Matt 25:1-14 Israel time and Noon (Amos 8:9) for the Sun to set on the 25/26 of October. Rapture with Axial poleshift, and 3 days of darkness beginning at the Axial poleshift earthquake.

      10/25/18 – Himawari-8 Planet MOVE & 2nd INCOMING Planet – MLSO
      Discover Satellite showed 12 hour gap on Oct 25th as a planet passed by from Nemesis. Helion, the Hopi Blue Star shows up before the Hopi Red Star (Nemesis) shows.
      Nasa blocked the planet from being seen at the bottom of the earth map on the 25th.
      Robert Dunn also mentioned 6th months which was when the Manchild of Revelation was in Libra and Virgo.

    • Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
      Using our calendar here for October 26th (Friday—Creation of man on the 6th day) even though the Jews would say on the 4th day of the week, we have a new line up with Mercury to the line left of the Holy Altar of Libra right below Jupiter who is left of the Holy Altar giving us a Noon/6 combination. Mars is in Capricorn and to the left side of its imaginary line. The Moon is in Tarus the Bull.

      What is interesting about this day is that on the Rabbinic Calendar it is Cheshvan 17, or using Genesis 7 terms, the second month and 17th day in which the Flood began.
      Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 22:00+ at Greece on the Second Day of Feast of Tabernacles.

      Helion (Hopi Blue Star) has to be seen with the naked eye in the Northern Hemisphere for the rapture to take place. That is what I am waiting for. It should appear one day prior to the rapture.

    • Rapture Day (Revelation 6:12-17; Rev 8:5; Isa 24:1-6) Oct 24-28, 2018
      The Day of the Lord will be poured out on planet Earth beginning on Day of Trumpet 2017 and run till Oct 30, 2018. Rapture Day/Week/Month has a global earthquake (axial poleshift) and 400 million people disappear and all the children under the age of knowing right from wrong (Deut 1) by G-d. Those who wholly follow the Lord get raptured. Psalms 118:5

      a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13–Joshua’s Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be: Nibiru.
      1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
      2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
      3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses.
      4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean.
      5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves.
      6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
      7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind  Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
      8) hurricanes over land.
      9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
      10) change of the length of days and of the calendar (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).
      A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).

    • james

      it is obvious you did not read the article

      Astronomical Journal
      The Location of Planet X
      RS Harrington
      Us Naval Observatory, Washington DC 20392
      Revised 17 may 1988, revised 12 July 1988
      Vol 96, number 4

      and see his graphic

      harrison planet x map

    • More on Zero Day, Blast off Day.
      The water comes to the surface all around the globe and stands still for 3 hours. At the time of the Big One in California, darkness sets in for 3 days. Time frame is Noon sunset where it is midnight on the other side of the globe (Matt 25:1-14; Amos 8:9). The Big one will last one hour from start to finish. It will start as a minor trimmer and then 15 minutes later to 30 minutes, the big one hits and lasts for 40 minutes. The next day Boulder Dam collapses and the Grand Canyon is no more. Butwait, there is more.

      ISAIAH 10: 5-6
      5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.
      6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

      My son, I have a toolbox, and in this box is My Rod of Indignation. I say now that this tool will be used on America first, then the world. This tool controls armies in the nations that I will use to bring about My plans for America.

      AMERICA WILL ONLY BE GREAT IN THE MINDS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE ASLEEP!!! As My tool moves in from the North, no one will even see them coming! Armies that now surround America will pounce as a lion on a prey! While all eyes are focused South, the attack will come from the North!


      America is destroyed in a single hour during the 3 days of darkness that surrounds the globe. WWIII has begun and USA gets taken down by Nuclear War. Rev 16. Ney York splits into three directions.

      The Seventh Bowl
      Rev 16:17  And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 
      Rev 16:18  And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 
      The Big One (Axial Poleshift; Isa 24:1-6; Rev 6:12-17; Rev 16:18)

      Rev 16:19  And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 
      USA is Babylon the Great . She gets destroyed in an hour or one hour (day).

      Rev 16:20  And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 
      No more New Zeland. No more Hawaii. No more Australia. They all die on the same day. No more mountains, hills, nor Grand Canyon. No more wonders of the World. Just doom and gloom for all alive. 4 billion people die.

      Rev 16:21  And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven (100 pound hailstorm down to basketball size), every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. 


      My son, continue in prayer for this lost nation, for the prayers of My Remnant are all that are holding back the coming onslaught! But prayers will not hold back My Word from being fulfilled, FOR ALL THINGS MUST COME TO PASS AS I HAVE RECORDED IN MY WORD!!! My Remnant, continue your prayers, continue in My Word! I AM COMING SOON WITH MY TOOLBOX!!! HOW MANY WILL BE READY???
      Messiah Jesus

      • john

        good point. the south is a danger but also a distraction, while troops from the north enter an unguarded border.

        • 8. Babylon will have a major enemy to her north (Jer 50:3, 9, 41).
          79. Babylon’s enemy will lie on the opposite side of the world, over the poles (Isa 13:5)
          80. The enemy of Babylon will be a FEDERAL OF NATIONS (Jer 50:9).
          81. The enemy of Babylon will be largely Muslem in make-up (Jer 50:17; Rev 17:16; Psalms 83:5-12).
          82. The enemy of Babylon will have nuclear missiles capable of reaching Babylon (Jer 50:9, 14,; Rev 18:8, 18).
          83. The enemy of Babylon will be noted for her cruelty (Isa 13, 14, Jer 50, 51, Rev 17, 18).
          84. The enemy of Babylon will also have a huge aviation military machine (Jer 50:9, 14, Rev 18:8, 18 implied throughout).
          85. The enemy of Babylon will come into Babylon unnoticed (Isa 47:11, Jer 50:24; 51:2, 14).
          86. Babylon will be filled with her enemies brought in under the guise of peace (Dan 11:21).
          87. Babylon will have all of her borders cut off, and there will be no way of escape (Jer 50:28; 51:32).
          88. Babylon will be destroyed by nuclear fire (Rev 18:8)
          Steward C. Best 99 reasos why America is Babylon the Great.

      • John,
        None of this is true. Babylon is not the U.S. It is the catholic whore backsliding church. God does not want to destroy a nation, especially a Christian one. He only wants to destroy the church that has been infiltrated by Satan and is unfit to continue. It also includes most protestant daughter churches that still practice Sunday worship. This flaw will eventually become the mark of the beast and those who do not come out of these churches will suffer the 7 last plagues.
        You seem to have given up on the mark of the beast, haven’t you John? Can’t find it in the world – no one is being chipped, no Antichrist has taken over the world, so just trash it and pick a new date. Something close, like next year. You are throwing out 99% of real bible prophecy and just date setting.
        Lazy and impatient. Shame on you.

        • 1. Babylon would be an END TIME GREAT NATION (Rev 17,18; Isa 13:6).
          2. Babylon would have a huge seaport city within its borders (Rev 18:17).
          3. The Great City Babylon is the home of a world government attempt (Rev 17:18).
          4. The Great City Babylon would be the economic nerve center of the world (Rev 18:3).
          5. Babylon would be the center of a one world Luciferian religious movement (Jer 51:44).
          6. Babylon would be the center for the move to a global economic order (Rev 13:16).

          1. Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of the end time nations (Jer 50:12).
          2. Babylon would the QUEEN AMONG THE NATIONS (Isa 47:5,7; Rev 18:7).
          3. Babylon would be the most powerful nation in the world (Isa 47, Jer 50, 51, Rev 18).
          4. Babylon would be the HAMMER OF THE WHOLE EARTH (Jer 50:23; Rev 18:23).
          5. Babylon is called a lady, and has the symbol of the Lady (Isa 47:7-9).
          6. Babylon would be the praise of the WHOLE EARTH (Jer 51:41).
          7. Babylon is center of world trade (Jer 51:44; Rev 17:18; 18:19).
          8. Babylon would grow to be the richest nation in the world (Rev 18:3, 7, 19, 23).
          9. All nations that traded with Babylon would grow rich (Rev 18:3).
          10. The merchants of Babylon were the GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH (Rev 18:23).
          11. Babylon is a huge nation, with lands, cities, and great wealth (implied throughout).
          12. Babylon is nation “peeled”, or timbered, a land of open fields (Isa 18:2).
          13. Babylon is land quartered by mighty rivers (Isa 18:2).
          14. Babylon is a land that is measured out, and populated throughout (Isa 18:2).
          15. Babylon destroys her own land, with pollution and waste (Isa 14:20, 18:2, 7).

        • 16. Babylon is a land rich in mineral wealth (Jer 51:13).
          17. Babylon is a the leading agricultural nation of the world (Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).
          18. Babylon is the leading exporting nation in the world (Jer 51:13; Rev 18).
          19. Babylon is the leading importing nation of the entire world.(Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).
          20. Babylon is a nation filled with warehouses and granaries (Jer 50:26).
          21. Babylon is the leading INDUSTRIAL NATION OF THE WORLD (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).
          22. Babylon is noted for her horses (Jer 50:37).
          23. Babylon is noted for her cattle, sheep and other livestock (Jer 50:26, 27; Rev 18:13).
          24. Babylon is noted for her fine flour and mill operations (Rev 18:13).
          25. Babylon is a nation of farmers and harvests huge crops (Jer 50:16, 26, 27).
          26. Babylon is a huge exporter of MUSIC (Rev 18:22).
          27. Babylon’s musicians are known around the world (Rev 18:22)
          28. Babylon has a huge aviation program (Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10).
          29. Babylon’s skies are filled with the whisper of aircraft wings (Isa 18:1; Jer 51:53).
          30. Babylon has a huge space industry, has “mounted up to the heavens” (Jer 51:53).

        • 31. Babylon fortifies her skies with a huge military aviation program (Jer 51:53).
          32. Babylon is portrayed as a leading in high tech weapons and abilities (Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10; implied throughout).
          33. Babylon is a nation filled with warm water seaports (Rev 18:17-19).
          34. Babylon is a coastal nation and sits upon MANY WATERS (Jer 51:13).
          35. Babylon trades with all who have ships in the sea year round (Rev 18:17-18).
          36. Babylon is nation filled with a “mingled” people (Jer 50:37).
          37. Babylon is a SINGULAR NATION founded upon OUT OF MANY, ONE (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51, Hab 1).
          38. Babylon is a REPUBLIC or a DEMOCRACY, it is ruled by many counsels (Isa 47:13).
          39. Babylon’s governmental system breaks down (Isa 47:13).
          40. Babylon is bogged down with deliberations and cannot govern properly (Isa 47:13).
          41. Babylon’s leaders use astrology, seers and mystics for guidance (Isa 47:13; Rev 18:2).
          42. Babylon labored in the occult from her very inception (Isa 47:12).
          43. Babylon falls to the occult just before her end by nuclear fire (Rev 18:2)
          44. Babylon was born as a CHRISTIAN NATION (Jer 50:12).
          45. Babylon turns upon its heritage and destroys it all in the end (Jer 50:11).

        • 46. Babylon’s Christian leaders lead their flock astray in prophecy and salvation (Jer 50:6; implied Rev 18:2).
          47. Babylon’s Christian leaders are “strangers” in the Lord Houses of Worship (Jer 51:51).
          48. The people of Babylon are deep into astrology and spiritism (Isa 47:12; Rev 18:2).
          49. Babylon becomes the home of all antichrist religions in the world (Rev 18:2).
          50. Babylon is a nation of religious confusion (Isa 47:12-13).
          51. Babylon turns upon its own people and imprisons and slays them by millions (Jer 50:7,33; 51:35; 39; Dan 7:25; Rev 13:7; 17:6; 18:24).
          52. Babylon sets of detention centers for Jews and Christians and rounds them up for extermination (Jer 50:7, 33; 51:35, 49; Rev 17:6; 18:24).
          53. Babylon has a mother nation that remains in existence from her birth to death (Jer 50: 12).
          54. The mother of Babylon has the symbol of the LION (Dan7:4; Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38; Psalms 17:12).
          55. The mother of Babylon will rule over her daughter her entire life (Dan 7:4; Jer 50:12).
          56. The mother of Babylon will be a state of major decline as the end nears (Jer 50:12).
          57. Babylon is considered to be a lion’s whelp (Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38).
          58. Babylon will have the symbol of the EAGLE and builds her nest in the stars (Dan 7:4 EAGLE WINGS; Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53).
          59. Babylon turns totally antichrist and is the leading antichrist power at the end (Rev 18:2; Isa 14:4-6).
          60. THE KING OF BABYLON is called LUCIFER, the ANTICHRIST (Isa 14:4-6).

        • 61. The King of Babylon will rule from THE GREAT CITY BABYLON (Isa 14:4-6; Rev 17: 18).
          62. A world government entity will rise up to rule the world from BABYLON THE CITY (Isa 14; Hab 2, Rev 13, 17, 18).
          63. This world entity will be a diverse entity, different than all other ruling bodies of the world (Dan 7:7, 23).
          64. This entity will be a TREATY POWER ENTITY (Dan 7:7, 23 DIVERSE).
          65. This entity will rise up and use the military power of Babylon the nation to RULE THE WORLD (Isa 14:4-6; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13, 17).
          66. Babylon is a huge producer and exporter of automobiles (Jer 50:37; Rev 18:13).
          67. Babylon is a nation of CRAFTSMEN, experts in their trade (Jer 50, 51, Rev 18:22).
          68. Babylon is noted for her jewelry of gold and silver (Rev 18:22).
          69. Babylon is a huge importer and exporter of spices (Rev 18:13).
          70. Babylon is a huge exporter of fine marble products (Rev 18:22).
          71. Babylon is noted for her iron and steel production (Rev 18:12).
          72. Babylon has huge corporations that have bases around the world (Rev 18:23, implied throughout)
          73. Babylon is a nation of higher education and learning (Isa 47:10, implied throughout).
          74. Babylon is a nation with a GREAT VOICE in world affairs (Jer 51:55)
          75. Babylon is a VIRGIN NATION, untouched by major war (Isa 47:1).

        • 76. Babylon has a vast military machine (Jer 50:36; 51:30; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13:4).
          77. Babylon will be instrumental in the setting up of Israel in the Middle East, and is the home of God’s people (Jer 50:47; 51:45).
          78. Babylon will have a major enemy to her north (Jer 50:3, 9, 41).
          79. Babylon’s enemy will lie on the opposite side of the world, over the poles (Isa 13:5)
          80. The enemy of Babylon will be a FEDERAL OF NATIONS (Jer 50:9).
          81. The enemy of Babylon will be largely Muslem in make-up (Jer 50:17; Rev 17:16; Psalms 83:5-12).
          82. The enemy of Babylon will have nuclear missiles capable of reaching Babylon (Jer 50:9, 14,; Rev 18:8, 18).
          83. The enemy of Babylon will be noted for her cruelty (Isa 13, 14, Jer 50, 51, Rev 17, 18).
          84. The enemy of Babylon will also have a huge aviation military machine (Jer 50:9, 14, Rev 18:8, 18 implied throughout).
          85. The enemy of Babylon will come into Babylon unnoticed (Isa 47:11, Jer 50:24; 51:2, 14).
          86. Babylon will be filled with her enemies brought in under the guise of peace (Dan 11:21).
          87. Babylon will have all of her borders cut off, and there will be no way of escape (Jer 50:28; 51:32).
          88. Babylon will be destroyed by nuclear fire (Rev 18:8; Implied throughout)
          89. Babylon is land vast land with huge cities, towns and villages throughout (Implied throughout).
          90. Babylon will have been a huge missionary nation for Jesus Christ (Jer 50:11; 51:7).

        • 91. Babylon would be a home to multitudes of Jews who leave (Jer 50:4-6, 8; 51:6, 45)
          92. The people of Babylon would not know their true identity (Jer 50:6, implied throughout).
          93. The people of Babylon would think they are God’s elect and eternal (Isa 47:7-8, Rev 18:7).
          94. The people of Babylon would enjoy the highest standard of living in the world (Rev 18:7).
          95. The people of Babylon would grow mad upon their idols (Jer 50:2, 38; Hab 2:18).
          96. The people of Babylon would go into deep sins of all kinds (Rev 18:5).
          97. The nation Babylon dwells carelessly before the Lord (Isa 47:8).
          98. Babylon becomes proud, haughty, and does not consider her end (Isa 47:7-8).
          99. Babylon deals in the occult, in sorceries and drugs (Isa 47:9, 12; Rev 18:23)

          So James you believ all 105 sentences refers to the Roman Catholic Church. Is the Roman Catholic Church a virgin nation. Sorry but they came aound in 321 CE. And 1700 years is not young virgin nation.

        • Here is my form of date setting which you throw out with the bath water because you do not believe in the Bible.

          So now for the for’s of Date setting.
          1) Aleph-Tav in Genesis 1:1 and Lamid Aleph-Tav in Genesis 1:1 ((4000 year and 6000 year)
          2) 4th day events ==Genesis 1:14
          3) Sabbaths (Gen 1:14; Leviticus 23)
          4) Years (Genesis 1:14; Leviticus 25–Shemitah and Jubilee years especially Lev 25:20-23)
          5) Isaiah 61:1-2 = Leviticus 25
          6) Zeph 1:14-16  Day of the Lord is a Day of Trumpet and Alarm
          7) Psalms 17=1917; Psalms 47=1947; Psalms 48=1948; Psalms 67=1967; Psalms 114-118=2014-2018.
          8) Deut 24:5–1 year and Last year
          9) John 6:40, 44, 54 1 year and last year
          10) Daniel’s timeline  1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days
          11) The Day the Flood began (2nd month and 17th day–November)
          12) Revelation 2:10 10 days of Tribulation =Ten years of tribulation
          13) Haggai 2 (9th Month and 24th Day) Chanukkah Eve (December 24th, 2016 Haggai 1  6th month on the first day of the month. Haggai 2 7th month, 21st day.
          14) Psalm 90:4; II Peter 3:8  –A Day = 1000 years as 1000 years = a day.
          15) Genesis 6:3   And man shall live 120 years/Jubilees (2017; Psalm 117). Every 20 Jubilees = 1000 years. 120 Jubilees = 6000 years. Adam to Exodus 50 Jubilees; Exodus to 2017 = 70 Jubilees. 50+70=120 Jubilees.
          16) According to Isaiah, the Day of the Lord is a one year event and covers both the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation– 3 places where a day = a year  (Isaiah 34:8; Isaiah 61:2; Isaiah 63:4).  It is the year of the “Lord’s vengeance” or God’s wrath (Revelation 6:17).
          17) Numbers 14:34 where a day = a year
          18) Ezekiel 4:6 where a day = a year.
          19) Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, … but of that Day and Hour no man knoweth not even the angels in Heaven. Day and hour refers to Leviticus 23 (Passover, Pentecost, Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement)
          20) I Thess 5:1  Seasons= Leviticus 25/23= Gen 1:14
          21) 38 years  (Deut 2:14)
          22) 40 years/Jubilles (Psalm 95:10)
          23) 50 years/Jubilles Matthew 1:17 may indicate around 50 years
          24) 70 years (Psalms 90:10)/Jubilles
          25) 80 years (Psalms 90:10)
          26) 100 years (Genesis 15:13, coupled with Gen. 15:16)
          27) 3 days of darkness–History repeats itself.
          28) 7th Trumpet Judgment (Rev 11:15) 
          29) Reve 12:1  Day of Trumpet in the Jubilee year
          30) New Moon (first sliver of the new moon)
          31) Zechariah dates: 11th month, 24th day (Zech 1). 9th month, 4th Day Chislev(Zech 7).
          32) Esther 2:16  Esther refers to the Bride who was taken in the tenth month (Tebeth/Tevet 5777 January 2017)
          33) At midnight the angel of death came in Exodus 12. At midnight the groom comes for the bride in Matt 25:1-14 with shouting, Trumpets, and a musical parade. Darkness to Light is the theme here.
          34) Amo_8:9  And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord GOD, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day: 
          35) Revelation teaches 3 time frames based on Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement. These are: 10 years, 1 year, 10 days.
          36) little moment, little while, little sleep. These days are shortened. 
          37) latter day, last day (Jn 6:40, 44, 54), that day, Wrath of God, Fire of God (Day of the Lord).
          38) Matt 12 Sign of Jonas
          39) Matt 25 Sheep go to the right and goats go to the left.
          Other Verses pointing to the date. Psalm 83;Ezekiel 38- 39; Luke 17:33-37; Rev 19:17; Rev 20: 4, 7,8-15; Rev 21:1.

          So Jim, just cut out all these verses from your Bible including all the ones on Babylon and while you are at it, just go ahead and cut out 30 percent of the Bible and then you can preach back to me with what is left. Then any thing goes. Or better yet just cut out the entire Old Testament and 15 perncent of the the New Testament and then teach the rest to us. This way, all your lies will become 100 percent proof that you know the truth (lies) you teach are very truthful.

        • james

          looks like john explained it to you. mainly you contribute unbelief. got any verifiable facts?

      • where did you get this? I just heard this word for word from someone else.

        My son, I have a toolbox, and in this box is My Rod of Indignation. I say now that this tool will be used on America first, then the world. This tool controls armies in the nations that I will use to bring about My plans for America.

        AMERICA WILL ONLY BE GREAT IN THE MINDS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE ASLEEP!!! As My tool moves in from the North, no one will even see them coming! Armies that now surround America will pounce as a lion on a prey! While all eyes are focused South, the attack will come from the North!


        • or Jeffwhistleblower.

          • john

            according to byron searle, it was HIS prophecy, not someone named jeff

            • I get mine from both. Some are on each site. The ones I post to the blog still have to deal with the theme Leviticus 23, Feast Dates and 2nd Coming. The only time I can do New World Order is when I am compiling an article on another topic and then I can post NWO information. So the articless from both sites with prophecies and dreams give me that option.


          ENDTIMES NEWS AND PROPHECY If its important we’ll have it here!

          444 Prophecy News
          Testimonies and the Power of Prayer
          Biblical Warnings, Teachings and Prophecies
          Uplifting and Edifying
          Yellowstone Super Volcano Threat Level Just Increased To ‘High’ By USGS

          • Earthquake update 10/31/2018 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles, Ho shana Rabbah, Pacific goes silent. It may be 12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days duration. Jaco Prisloo on facebook is in watch mode for Nov 2. Nov 2 was the date the Flood began. Justice/Judgment to the globe cannot begin until the passing of Hoshana Rabbah.

    • Since I do date setting, here is a new article that will not get any comments from my blog.


      BABA VANGA 2019 world prediction
      #1 – MASSIVE MEGA-QUAKES 2019 world prediction
      #2 – TSUNAMI TO WIPE OUT ASIA 2019 world prediction
      #3 – EUROPE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE 2019 world prediction
      #4 – PUTIN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT 2019 world prediction
      #5 – TRUMP MYSTERIOUS ILLNESS 2019 world prediction

      The sun will give a very strong signal.
      “Tyranny will enter many countries, others will worsen, a spirit of tyranny will be seen in rulers from minor to major, that is, from the ruler of cities, villages, small towns, to large cities and countries.
      The moon takes an unsuspected turn, no one believes it, they are the signs of the end.
      -The end is coming, the tribulation is coming, it was expected but now there are clear signs, they announce it and some distort it and attack those who announce and examine what is already coming clearly.
      -A storm surprises like never before, very strong. It seems a nightmare. With all the elements of a storm but aggravated.
      – A SPHERE IS SEEN IN the heavens and disappears, some remember an ancient prophecy, which many refuse to accept, “are visions” will say, “imaginations”, but it is not so, they are a divine sign.
      YEAR 2019 Year of the apocalyptic beginning.

      Psalms is 19 books from Genesis and 47 books from Revelation. Hint: 1947 CE (Proclamation of Israel). Psalms 1 =1901 and Psalms 119=2019 (Pillar of time line). Also Steve in Australia taught on this as well. So I did a 2 month crash course study on the book of Psalms between 1 and 118.

      Psalms 1=1901. Psalms 17/18=1917 ( Battle of Jerusalem 1917; Battle of Megiddo 1918 +100 years = 2017/2018 with Armageddon in 2018 at WWIII). Go research out the dates.
      Psalms 45-48= 1945-1948 and Israel. +70 years (Psalms 90:10) =2015-2018 (Shemitah to Jubilee years).
      Psalms 52= 1952 and Israel greening up in agriculture in 1952.
      Psalms 67= 1967 and the 6th Day war.
      Psalms 107-119= Years 2007 to 2019 (Laws of God in the Millennium including th commandments, statutes, and ordinances).
      Psalms 118=2018 with 3 events: Rapture, Armageddon, and Millennium and no 7 year tribulation between rapture and Armageddon as lying Christians teach.

      Psalms 119=2019 and it is all about God’s Laws (Commandments, Statutes, and Ordinances) in the Millennium which can begin on Nov 1, 2018 which is the 8th Day of Biblical Feast of Tabernacles.

      • If you put together enough conspiracy theories you can make a case for just about any date you want. 2018 didn’t work. 2018 didn’t work. So lets try 2019, then 2020 and so on until the 2 witnesses finally appear and you realize your mistake. That is your fate and you will have to live with it, scriptures or no.

  176. One year and last year (Deut 24:5; Isa 34:8; Isa 61:1-2; Isa 63:4; Isaiah where it says Kedar (Islam) shall be destroyed within a year; Psalms 118; John 6:39, 40, 44, 54).
    The Great Tribulation lasts for 3 years but the rath of God is in the last year.
    Deu 24:5 When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.
    Christian view: Deu 24:5 When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home two and forty months, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

    Isa 34:8 For it is the day of the LORD’S vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.
    Christian view: Isa 34:8 For it is the day of the LORD’S vengeance, and the two and forty months of recompences for the controversy of Zion.

    Isa 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
    Isa 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
    Christian view: Isa 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable two and forty months of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

    Isa 63:4 For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come.
    Christian View: Isa 63:4 For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the two and forty months of my redeemed is come.

    Joh 6:39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day (last year).
    Christian View: Joh 6:39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last two nad forty months.

    Psa 118:5 I called upon the LORD in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place. Rapture

    Psa 118:10 All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them.
    Psa 118:11 They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.
    Psa 118:12 They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.
    Armageddon (Rev 16/19; Joel 3)
    Psa 118:15 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly. Feast of Tabernacles/Millennium
    There is no 7 year tribulation or even 3.5 year tribulation in the above verses. Tribulation/troubled is not even mentioned in Psalms 118 once. If it had been, it would hve been mentioned between verse 5 to verse 10.

    So who are you going to believe? Are you going to believe the Bible view or the Christian view?

    • Oh I believe in the bible John, just not in your crazy interpretation of it. You try to prove conspiracy theories with scripture saying that “a sign in the heavens” definitely refers to nibiru. And you take the term “turning the world upside down” refers to pole shift, which is not even possible and certainly can’t be caused by an earthquake. You don’t understand astronomy or geology and yet you try to use them to explain bible prophecy. I can tell you that the things you think will happen simply can’t, and won’t.
      So far your prophetic batting average is a perfect .000.
      That won’t change.

      • James, You follow Satan who comes to deceive, steal, kill and destroy. There fore you do not believe the Bible. As long as you cuss, you are DEAD and Lost and you follow Satan who comes to deceive, steal kill, and destroy along with 95 percent of humanity. You will be enjoying the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity.
        Every comment you make is not backed up with scripture. Why? Because you follow Satan who comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy.
        That is the difference between you and me. I learned the hard way when I first began to compile Bible articles by typing line by line from a Bible dictionary including each and every scripture verse at the end of a sentence. I learned by the cross references.
        When I did a new study in a chapter, I copied down all the cross references and looked them up to see exactly what they said in English word for word. After about 7 years of cut, copy, and paste, I began to notice in my writings repeating words or phrases. So I began to follow those phrases and words.
        For example: Day = year (Deut 24:5; Isa 34:8; Isa 61:1-2; Isa 63:4; Psalms 118; Isaiah where Kedar (Islam) get destroyed within a year; and Jhn 6:39, 40 44 54. I had wanted to go through all the major and minor prophets to see if there was any more day and year besides in Numbers and one other place. Some person layed on his right side for 40 days for 40 years. Revelation 2:10 has ten days of tribulation which can be ten years of tribulation when you apply a day = a year.
        My first lesson in day = year was Jhn 6:39, 40, 44, 54. Then DJ at Heaven Awaits used Day = a year in his article on the tribulation beginning in 2007. After that I began to collect day = year as I came across them between 2017 and 2018. I got as far as Jeremiah who does not have any calendar information or as I call them: Date setting verses.

        • John,
          I’m afraid your explanation of the meaning of Babylon was a complete waste of time.
          The “Babylon” of prophecy is not the ancient city (nor the USA) at all. The term used in Revelation is “MYSTERY BABYLON” which refers to the ancient religion began by Semiramis the wife of Nimrod. This religion was still around in Roman times and when Justinian combined all the religions of the empire into a single Universal religion (Catholic) The new church of Rome became infused with all sorts of pagan practices including Sunday worship. Later in Revelation the Mystery Babylon religion was abbreviated “Babylon” but it is still referring to the religion and not the city. Until you realize this Revelation will not make proper sense.
          Besides the USA is not a religious entity, so it can’t be blasphemous or apostate, and when the bible says “Come out of her my people” it is not telling USA residents to move to a new country, that would be silly. It is telling Christians to leave the corrupt church and return to the true church…. The church of Philadelphia or its modern-day equivalent.
          Are you claiming above that if Jesus does not return in the next 2 months He will not return for another 1000 years? Or is that just something you heard?
          You seem to forget the prophecy of the fig tree spoken by the greatest prophet of all, Christ Himself. That puts the second coming within the lifetime of people alive in 1948, perhaps 110 years at most, but certainly not 1000. But then, you’re not much on following prophecy in the bible.

          • 10~30 Sixth Day of the true Succoth Feast of Tabernacles
            The TRUE Thanksgiving Days!

            James, neither do YOU seem to follow Biblical prophecy. You do not seem to understand that evil “Mystery Babylon” (and her daughters) comprise ALL of Christianity. I thought the year 1948 did not mean anything to you. I was born in the first month of that year and am now closing in on 71. Even if Yahshua returns nine years from now, how many of THAT generation that was alive when Israel was reborn on May 14-15, 1948 will STILL be alive??


            • All Christ said was that the generation (a group of people) that sees the fig tree blossom (1948) shall not pass (all become dead) when He returns. If he returns in 2031 that generation will be 83 or older. But it will still exist, which is all that matters to fit the prophecy.
              I see no problem with that.

              • another place here you said 110

                • All I was trying to say was that if a generation is as old as its oldest member, then the fig tree generation could last for 110 or even 120 years as long as one member is able to live that long. The oldest person right now is over 115 years and the record is over 122 years.
                  So I guess we could expect the fig tree to last maybe 122 years and Jesus’ statement would still be true… just barely.
                  So 83 years (2031) is certainly not out of the question. But it could be greater.

          • Revelation 17 and 18 covers both Religious and Political Governments.

            James said: The term used in Revelation is “MYSTERY BABYLON” which refers to the ancient religion began by Semiramis the wife of Nimrod.

            John said: Semiramis is also Nimrod’s mother. The Tower of Babel is being played out in the year of 2018 with the New World Order, One World Religion signed the dotted line in 2014 on the Rabbinic Day of Pentecost. On that day there was a cross in the corona of the Sun and an asteroid passed by in close approximation of the earth.
            In 2018 on the Rabbinic Day of Pentecost, an asteroid passed by in close approximation of the earth. An anomly showed up in the corona of the Sun (angel with wings) and Obama says that he is going after Trump’s Jesus.
            The final piece of the Tower of Babel to be played out in 2018 is the One World Currency and the Mark of the Beast.
            I never forget where we are on God’s prophetic calendar.

            • John,
              You are just making things up now.
              There is NO New World Order.
              There is NO One world Currency.
              Asteroids pass near the earth every couple of days. They are not a sign of anything.
              Obama is still a Christian and he has no plans to become president nor the Antichrist.
              You can’t use internet conspiracy theories to prove bible prophecy. You are just reaching for anything you can stuff into your crazy end-time scenario. It has never worked for you in the past and it won’t work for you now.

              • Irvine Baxter said this:

                “Remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently, men with the mentality of gangsters gain control. History has proven that…power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” -British historian, Sir John Dalberg-Acton, 1887

                “What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea – a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause, to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind; peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law… A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.” –President George H. W. Bush, January 29, 1991

                The September 17, 1990, issue of Time magazine said that “the Bush administration would like to make the United Nations a cornerstone of its plans to construct a New World Order.” Jeanne Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, said that one of the purposes for the Desert Storm operation, was to show to the world how a “reinvigorated United Nations could serve as a global policeman in the New World Order.”

                The prophesied one-world government is being formed on earth at this very time. The Bible prophesies that the Antichrist will ultimately reign over this world government for three-and-one-half years just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus to establish His own world government.

                Satanically Empowered Control
                Control of the coming endtime government will be consolidated into the totalitarian hands of the Antichrist. The dragon, which is the devil, gives this world governmental system its seat, power, and great authority (Revelation 13:2). We will all feel the oppression of this world government structure because it is satanically inspired, and it is forming right now.

                Revelation 13:7 states that power will be given to the Antichrist over “all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Verse 3 says, “And all the world wondered after the beast.” Daniel 7:23 tells of a world governmental system ruled by the Antichrist, “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.” The prophecy then states that this world government will rule the world until the Second Coming.

                The New World Order Prophecy
                After World War II, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed as a hedge against the advance of communistic Warsaw powers led by the USSR. When Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union, he allowed the fall of the Berlin Wall, and ultimately, of the Iron Curtain. World leaders declared that the Cold War was over, and they proclaimed the birth of a New World Order.

                When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, President George H. W. Bush put together a UN coalition of 29 nations to fight against Saddam. It was at this time that Bush Sr. made his famous statement that we really do have a chance at the birth of a “New World Order.” This is how he described the Gulf War: “This is not the people of Iraq against the United States. This is Saddam against the world.”

                After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, we began hearing new terms like World Community and International Community. David Rockefeller said that a global crisis would have to occur before the world would be willing to accept a New World Order. When the world’s economy began a dramatic downward plunge in 2008, world leaders again proclaimed the need for a New World Order with global economic structures.

                The word “globalization” means exactly what it says. It is the process of transitioning the world into a global government. The Commission for Global Governance, created by the United Nations, released a report: Our Global Neighborhood, which affirms a world court, a global tax, and global police force. The U.S. State Department Publication 7277 sets forth a one world police force under the United Nations. When we hear about international law, it is referring to the laws of the international government. When we hear about the World Court, it is referring to the court system that has been created to enforce the laws of the world governmental system. The World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization—all of these powerful world institutions are exactly what they say they are. They are all components of the one-world government, the world government prophesied for the endtime 2,000 years ago.

                • John,
                  The so-called New World Order that Bush was talking about is a world where all nations will be governed by the people and not kings and dictators.
                  He was not advocating that the US should disband its government and submit to rule by the U.N. In fact I doubt that any country, especially the dictatorships, would be willing to give up its current rule to the U.N. or any other organization. So don’t claim it is about to happen. It never will.
                  If a real New World Order was forming the Republicans and Democrats would be debating it as an election point all over the nightly news. There is not a word about it. It only exists on the internet as another conspiracy theory.
                  As for the following scriptures you mentioned:
                  Revelation 13:7 states that power will be given to the Antichrist over “all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Verse 3 says, “And all the world wondered after the beast.” Daniel 7:23 tells of a world governmental system ruled by the Antichrist, “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.” The prophecy then states that this world government will rule the world until the Second Coming.
                  First of all, Revelation never mentions the word Antichrist, only the False Prophet, the beast and Satan.
                  As for the fourth beast of Daniel, it is not an upcoming world government, it followed the Greek empire and if you understand world history it was the Roman empire, a real world order which fits the scripture perfectly.
                  It is followed by the first 2 beasts of Revelation and the 7th and 8th “Kings” of Revelation which are also kingdoms but not big enough to be referred to as beasts. The 8 Kings of Revelation include the four from Daniel and four from Revelation. Most people believe all 8 kings of Revelation are “new” and not related to any of the other beasts and this is where their interpretations fall apart. They can’t imagine who the first five kings are so they go to Roman emperors or American presidents, but they can’t fit them into bible prophecy. There is no reason for the bible to talk about these people. But the first 6 beasts ARE biblical and they fit perfectly. Once you realize that then all the 8 kings are easily explainable. Besides, the bible is chronological so if the fourth beast of Daniel has not happened yet, then the first two of Revelation are future events as well, and according to the bible the first Beast of Revelation must last 1260 years and if it is a future event then the fig tree prophecy must be a lie.
                  Your logic is flawed as is your interpretation and time line. The things you are waiting to happen simply never will. Nothing will happen in the next 2 months, random earthquakes and volcanic eruptions aside.
                  So let‘s wait and see if finally you might be right on something.

                  • james

                    this is the first time I heard the view that 4 kings from old testament and 4 kings from new testament make 8 kings total for the future. where did you get that idea? scriptural proof?

                    to me , the people never govern. we elect people who ares supposed to represent us, but once they are elected, they do what they want.

                    • Marianne,
                      To me it is clear that Daniel and Revelation are related and are a continuation of the same prophecy. Revelation mentions that in the first beast John could see the Lion, Bear, leopard and Iron Beast from Daniel. This indicates that johns first beast is the next beast in line with those of Daniel. This beast lasts 1260 years as told in both Daniel and Revelation. The only kingdom to ever last that long was the Holy Roman Empire, which directly followed from Rome, the 4th beast of Daniel.
                      So the Holy Roman Empire is the 5th beast and what followed that was the Vatican empire in 1929, once again, the empire that controlled the bulk of God’s people, just like the first four.. After all, the bible is all about God’s people, so the beasts must fit this description or they are not valid. This is why the US can not be a beast. The apostate church (woman that rides the scarlet beast) is clearly the Catholic church, not the U.S. which is predominantly protestant and not a religious entity by design.
                      After describing the first 5 beasts, John pauses and sidetracks briefly, then returns to the beats kingdoms. He says the first five are fallen and the sixth “is” (Vatican) \\\and calls it the beast that was, was not, and then is, referring to the fact that the Vatican was almost destroyed by Napoleon in 1798 but was restored by Mussolini in 1929. That all fits perfectly.
                      Then he says there are 7 “kings” which means kingdoms also referred to as beasts. But this kingdom isn’t new like the beasts but a sort of restoration of an old beast – the Roman empire. This “revived Roman empire” is the European Union which became official in 2010. Then John mentions an 8th king(dom) which is really just the 7th with an added twist. It will be the restored Holy Roman Empire and will begin when the Vatican (pope / False Prophet) will be given complete religious authority over 10 EU nations. Hen the False Prophet comes to power that will be the opening of the first seal of Revelation. (Replace Antichrist with False Prophet if you believe in the Antichrist)
                      Why will the pope be given such power? More than likely to help rid these countries of unwanted Muslim immigrants by forcing them to worship only on Sunday, the (incorrect) Christian holy day. This will be the mark of the beast. And when enforceable by the EU Muslims and even Jews will be forced to move away if they want to continue practicing their religions properly.
                      (Sorry, no chip in the right hand or forehead needed).
                      All this will lead to the war of Daniel and then to Armageddon.
                      All of my interpretation is based on scripture, world history and simple logic. What has actually happened, how it matches bible prophecy and what world events are likely to happen based on past and current events. The rapture / Antichrist / chip scenario is based primarily on the Left Behind books which are not biblically sound, more story than scriptures. While popular they are more sci-fi than biblical and virtually impossible to actually happen. That is why I rejected it and looked for a different alternative. My interpretation of the eight kings is the only one that fits scripture correctly. And it is entirely based on actual history. And most of it is complete. There is only a small portion left to happen and not only is it possible, it is likely. Unlike Obama taking over the world and chipping 8 billion people etc.
                      If you really think about it, my simple explanation of the 8 kings is the only one that makes sense and fits the scriptures. Everything else is just too far-fetched to be true and doesn’t really make good sense.
                      What do you think?

                    • James, I made the RIGHT choice decades ago. That’s why I share the truth NOT belittle it. There WERE 1260 years of papal persecution. People were tortured, killed at the stake, and murdered because they would NOT become CHRISTIAN. They practiced my faith. Some of them were called Puritans. They hated the CROSS. Whether you like it or not, the Two Horned Beast (Buffalo?) of Revelation 13 is the U.S. Government. It enforces “The Mark of the Beast” which has EVERYTHING to do with Christianity NOT just Sunday worship. The False Prophet is Mohammad of Islam (also started by The Vatican.) We choose to be LOST or FOUND. Expecting Yahshua’s return since 1968 is NOT rushing things


                  • james

                    to me, the 4th beast of Daniel and the first beast of Revelation are the same beast. look at the descriptions. they are the same.

                    daniel lived during the kingdom of babylon.

                    greece and rome came later, and rome was ruling during time of jesus

                    finally for end times, the last beast of daniel, or the first beast of revelation finally shows up.

                    it is a combination of the previous 3 beasts

                    the 7 heads come on the 4th beast head as later day minor kingdoms…maybe a coalition with the 4th beast

                    so that is 4 so far….

                    the second beast of revelation supports the final beast

                    so that is only 5 beasts total…

                    but the 4th one is a doozy..

                    • Marianne,
                      Daniel can be confusing because after describing Rome as his 4th beast his prophecy continues to describe Rome morphing into the Holy Roman Empire including the little horn Vatican coming to power and lasting 1260 years. But he doesn’t call it another beast… John does that in Revelation as he continues the story in more detail. Your mistake here is thinking the next beast is a combination of the former beasts rather than the continuation or replacement of the former beasts. In a way though, each kingdom as it takes over previous empires becomes a combination of the previous kingdom as the peoples that are conquered manage to keep many of their religious and other aspects of their lives as they merge into the conquering kingdoms. This was the problem with the Universal Roman religion (Catholicism) as it contained even the Babylon mystery religion from 800 years earlier as well as greek and Roman influences that polluted true Christianity. So in today’s world, most of Christianity is polluted and will be cast into the sea when Christ returns. The true Christianity is only a tiny remnant of the true church that still represent the original church of Philadelphia.
                      99% of modern Christian churches will be either destroyed or purged at the second coming. While the mark of the beast is Sunday worship, that is not the only thing that must be removed from modern Christianity in order to return it to the true church of God. Jayna is very close in her belief that all of Christianity is the mark of the beast. But Revelation tells us that the mark is the breaking of the commandments (Daniel tells us which one – (he shall think to change days and times)) so while most of Christianity IS apostate, there are still a few Christians today that represent the true church. So Jayna is only 99% correct. Her problem is that if you are a Jew that believes in Jesus as the Christ and you call yourself a CHRISTian, you have the mark of the beast because of how you spell your religion. I don’t think that God will hold your spelling against you. He knows what is in your heart and that is all that really matters.

                    • I agree with James with what he said on the Mark of the Beast and Christianity.

                    • 11~3~2018 Sabbath on Yahweh’s Calendar

                      James, this is for THE ZILLIONTH TIME! ALL you really need to do to LEARN WHAT is The Mark of the Beast is LOOK up Revelation 13:18 in the Greek language. Greek Diaglott (FREE on The Web). How EASY is THAT? The Greek letters/numbers translate to Isous Christos, Zeus the Savior, with a CROSS (Papal) X as in Xmas, A.K.A. “Jesus Christ”, the pagan name of the image (idol) of the beast (Vatican).


                      While you’re at it, LOOK UP all of the sites for “Yahweh” and Yahshua” on The Web. THERE you will find evidence of the remnant of saints in these LAST DAYS!

                      A Jew that becomes Christian seems doubly LOST. One time I inadvertently found myself standing in a group of “Jews for Jesus”. As is my habit,I began to share the truth about Yahweh and His Son Yahshua, giving out literature. They became FURIOUS and I had to get out of there QUICK! Seems that they heard the message before and wanted NONE of it!
                      The “small remnant” greeting Yahshua are NOT Christians. These are those still believing the TRUE faith handed down by Yahshua the Son of Yahweh! HalleluYah!


                  • james

                    I still see the 4th of daniel and the 1st of revelation as the same beast.

                    I respect your opinion about the mark, but do not agree with it. to cause such a global catastrophe, it has to be more than that, I do not see the muslims going to heaven because they do not worship on sunday.

                  • James, it’s The Word according to Yahweh NOT James! You believe the SDA teaching of Sunday worship being “The Mark of the Beast”. Why don’t you also believe the SDA teaching that The Two Horned Beast of Revelation 13 is the U.S. Government? They teach that this government will enforce “The Mark of the Beast”. I believe that they are RIGHT about this last one. And, when THIS happens, what will the avowed Christians like YOU do (who have refused salvation in Yahweh and Yahshua)? It’s time to go get some OIL in your Lamp (Bible). The virgin’s oil is His Name. Song of Solomon 1:3

              • james

                yes there IS a new world order developing, but because of america’s resistance, it has not solidified yet.

                if hillary had won, we would be in it by now.

                obama is NOT a christian and never has been. he is a secular muslim. the church he attended in frequently was just a cover to make him look christian. the church was racist and supported black liberation theology.

                Click to access 09.pdf




                it really has nothing to do with Jesus. muslims and black panthers attended jeremiah wright’s “church”

          • James said: Are you claiming above that if Jesus does not return in the next 2 months He will not return for another 1000 years? Or is that just something you heard?

            John Said: Psalms 90:10. A day = 1000 years. 2Pe 3:8  But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 
            I guess you have never read Genesis 1 to Gen 2:1-3.
            The Creation of the earth was 6 days, and God rested on the 7th day.
            So, if a day = 1000 years/20 Jubilees, then we have: 1000 years= 20 Jubilees, 2000 years = 40 Jubilees, 3000 years = 60 Jubilees; 4000 years (Gen 1:1 in the Hebrew) = 80 Jubilees, 5000 years = 100 Jubilees, 6000 years (Gen 1:1 in the Hebrew) = 120 Jubilees (Sept 2017 to Nov 15, 2018), 7000 years and the Millennium (Psalms 119=2019).
            So if Jesus does not come back in 2018/2019, then we wait 1000 years or 3018.
            Even a Jewish child who keeps the Sabbaths of Leviticus 23 and watches the Signs in the Heavens and on earth because they understand the Torah can calculate when the Messiah will return but James cannot because he does not care to connect the dots until 2028-2033.
            2033-1948 = 85. 85 is not even a Biblical Number. 2028 – 1948 = 80 which is a generation of the Bible.
            So lets talk about James and generations and 1948.
            1948 + 38 years = 1986. 1948 + 40 years = 1988. 1948 +50 years =1998. 1948+70 years = 2018 (Psalms 118). 1948 +80 years = 2028. Psalms 119= 2019 is all about God’s laws in the Millennium) 2028= Psalms 128 and the Millennium. 1948+100 years = 2048 (Millennium). 1948 +120 years (the final generation) = 2068 (Millennium).
            James does not even know this because he does not like to add and numerology is not allowed from a Biblical point of view.
            I guess Math and Calenders are a big no no in James’s beliefs. and God does not follow His own calendar according to James.
            So you HOLINESS James, tell us when the Messiah will return for you are all knowing and all seeing little god that you are.

      • Your believes when the things in prophecy will happen according to you is batting at a minus 20,000 as of right now.

  177. At Isaiah 63, the Judgment is on Edom/Edon (the globe).
    The Day of the Lord for Christians is 7 years from Rapture to Armageddon Some believe 3 years. and I believe 1 year or less. Psalms 118 has the rapture in verse 5, and Armageddon in verse 10 to 15 so based on that it is at the last year of the tribulation period. is all about Leviticus 23, Feast Dates and Second Coming and covers Genesis to Revelation from a Jewish point of view based on Leviticus 23 point of view. It gives a more accurate date setting time frame than Christian books on prophecy. I have read 4 Christian books and Grant R. Jeffrey “Armageddon” covers the Feasts of the Lord pretty good. He does believe in the 7 year tribulation and believes in the Chritian view of Palm Sunday-Good Friday which is 5 days when Exodus 12 is 4 days between entering Jerusalem on a donkey and dying on the cross. Yehoshua was a Jew so He follows the Sabbaths for every thing and New Moons as well. Palm Sabbath to Wednesday (Passover) to Resurrection Sunday (Feast of First Fruits).
    2020 is a good date setting to shoot for but 2018 is better.
    Revelation 2:10 has 10 days of Tribulation from Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement which is ten years of Tribulation from Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement (2007-2017; Psalms 107-117), then one year from Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement (Psalms 118=2018), then 10 days from Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement.
    Projected time from: November 1 to November 15 time frame or New Moon to Full Moon or Full Moon to New Moon.
    My dream had an earthquake in Tijeras, NM which is East of Albuquerque and there was no snow on the ground and the dream took place during the heat of the day (10 AM 4 PM) on a clear day or partly cloudy day. Water came up from the ground and stood still and then the earthquake hit. Timeframe because of no snow is March 15 to November 15.
    Another date setting verse is the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles which is Hoshanna Rabbah. Judgement can not occur until after the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles occurs which is on October 31st.
    Another date setting verse is Amos 8:9 where the Sun sets at Noon.
    In all, there is close to 70 date setting verses that have to line up picture perfect for the rapture to occur in the year of Jubilee or the first year after the 120th Jubilee year from Creation.
    Day of Trumpet to Feast of Tabernacles is 15 days which is New Moon to Full Moon, so now, we go from Full Moon to New Moon. for the next watch frame, then New Moon to Full Moon. If He does not come in 2018, then we wait for 1000 years which is 3018.

  178. Answering a comment from another article.

    Miry said in German:

    The Antichrist will still have a seduction time after he has risen from the abyss. That is, the Antichrist can seduce for 2.5 years with his lie, then comes 1 year of the wrath of God ..

    John’s answer:

    Psalms is 19 books from Genesis and 47 books from Revelation. Hint: 1947 CE (Proclamation of Israel). Psalms 1 =1901 and Psalms 119=2019 (Pillar of time line). Also Steve in Australia taught on this as well. So I did a 2 month crash course study on the book of Psalms between 1 and 118.

    Psalms 1=1901. Psalms 17/18=1917 ( Battle of Jerusalem 1917; Battle of Megiddo 1918 +100 years = 2017/2018 with Armageddon in 2018 at WWIII). Go research out the dates.
    Psalms 45-48= 1945-1948 and Israel. +70 years (Psalms 90:10) =2015-2018 (Shemitah to Jubilee years).
    Psalms 52= 1952 and Israel greening up in agriculture in 1952.
    Psalms 67= 1967 and the 6th Day war.
    Psalms 107-119= Years 2007 to 2019 (Laws of God in the Millennium including th commandments, statutes, and ordinances).
    Psalms 118=2018 with 3 events: Rapture, Armageddon, and Millennium and no 7 year tribulation between rapture and Armageddon as lying Christians teach.

    Antichrist time frame is 2009 to 2018; Psalms 109:1-6 (Adversary/The Antichrist) tp Psalms 118.
    Obama is the Antichrist because he was King of Babylon from 2009 to 2016. Then Trump and Pence. Dream says from someone that Obama and Hillary Clinton replaces Trump and Pence on November 3rd.
    Revelation 17 has 8 kings and Trump is the 7th king. Obama was the 6th King and comes back as the 8th king.

    • John,
      None of this is true. If the kings of Revelation are American presidents then how can Obama be re-elected after Trump? And who were the first 5 kings? Ford thru Clinton? Your logic makes no sense. There is no Antichrist anywhere in sight and Armageddon is nowhere in the near future. You can’t complete your scenario in just 2 months. Not even in 2 years. In fact it will never happen. Your interpretation is simply wrong. Face it and go back to the drawing board.
      You have to rethink everything you believe in before you have a chance of being right. You follow a calendar rather than following the proper scriptures. But don’t worry, in about ten years you will start to see the real signs and the truth will become self evident. That will require patience which you don’t seem to have.
      Too bad… 10 more years of being wrong.

      • James said: All Christ said was that the generation (a group of people) that sees the fig tree blossom (1948) shall not pass (all become dead) when He returns.
        john says: Psalms 1=1901. Psalms 17/18=1917 ( Battle of Jerusalem 1917; Battle of Megiddo 1918 +100 years = 2017/2018 with Armageddon in 2018 at WWIII). Go research out the dates.
        Psalms 45-48= 1945-1948 and Israel. +70 years (Psalms 90:10) =2015-2018 (Shemitah to Jubilee years).
        Psalms 52= 1952 and Israel greening up in agriculture in 1952.
        Psalms 67= 1967 and the 6th Day war.
        Generations that tie to Israel: 120, 100, 80 70, 50, 40, and 38 all tie to Israel and 2017 (the beginning) of the 120th Jubilee from Creation.
        1948 +70 years =2018 (the End)
        Years that overlap. Psalms 2007 to 2019; Psalms 107-117. John Shorey 2012-2020. Christians 2017-2024. What two years overlap in all three year calendars is 2017 (the beginning) and 2018 (the end). The first and the last. The Alpha and the Omega. The Aleph and the Tav. What major time frame: 120th Jubilee year from Creation from Sept 20th, 2017 to November 23rd, 2018. This is our watch dates for Psalms 118 :Rapture, Armageddon, and Millennium to occur in. It is real simple when you use a calendar to plot a course to steer by.
        James said: You seem to forget the prophecy of the fig tree spoken by the greatest prophet of all, Christ Himself. That puts the second coming within the lifetime of people alive in 1948, perhaps 110 years at most,
        John says: I never forget because I follow a Biblical Calendar from Creation:
        James: 110 is not even a Biblical number but yet you say you believe the Bible but you do not even know the Biblical numbers found in the Bible. You are still batting a minus 20,000.

        • God is going to create a new biblical number for this generation. He rarely used the same generation twice in the past, so why not use a new one now? Besides a generation is only a group of people not a number. When God says He made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years until all the generation that sinned had died, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the last sinner died on the exact 40th anniversary of the wandering. For all we know that last sinner died after 38-1/2 years but God made them wander for a full 40 years. It still fits the scripture. The fact is you can’t use the bible to define the word “generation” or you get a new definition every time. If you do then you are forced to believe that the next possible date will be an 80 year generation or 2028 so the tribulation would start in 2025. And perhaps it will. I’ve always said that 2031 is just a guess, but if God like to work in round numbers then I’m assuming Christ will return exactly 2000 years from the date He left. And 2000 IS a biblical number. 1997 is not.

      • james is wrong on both quotes

        James said: All Christ said was that the generation (a group of people) that sees the fig tree blossom (1948) shall not pass (all become dead) when He returns.

        James said: You seem to forget the prophecy of the fig tree spoken by the greatest prophet of all, Christ Himself. That puts the second coming within the lifetime of people alive in 1948, perhaps 110 years at most,

        more accurately:

        This quote of Jesus in regards to the end times is found in Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; and Luke 21:32. Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” The things that Jesus had been speaking of—the rise of the Antichrist, the desolation of the Holy Place, and the darkening of the sun—did not happen during the lifespan of people alive in Jesus’ day. Obviously, Jesus meant something different when He spoke of “this generation.”

        this means THIS generation born on and after 1948 (fig tree) will NOT pass away until all is fulfilled. we do not live to be 110 years old. 70-80 is more reasonable. we will still be alive when He comes., unless we, as individuals, are dead before that for some individual reason, like illness etc.

        • Actually I said the same thing. Jesus was describing to the apostles all the events that would occur prior to His coming. These events are to happen between 1948 and the second coming. These are the events we must watch for to know his return is near. The tribulation has not yet begun but it will soon. It could start next year or the year after or ten years from now. In either case the generation He spoke of will not have passed away… not completely anyway. The age of the oldest people of that generation is of no matter, as long as they have not passed away. Don’t try to fit the term “generation” into a specific number that matches any of the past generations mentioned in the bible. Other than that we are on the same page.

          • ok

          • James, Yahshua MEANT what He said and what He stated is TRUE. The generation that SAW the miraculous rebirth of Israel will not PASS AWAY before His Return. Those who were 20 years or older in 1948 today are at least 90 now. How many people do YOU know who are 90 years old now? I am now more than 70 and a half. I was four months old on May 14-15, 1948. The youngest is now at least 70 and a half. King David wrote that man’s days are 70 years. In fact he only lived to be 70. His son Solomon only lived to be 60. How can YOU or I know if “The Tribulation” has started? In my opinion, it’s been trouble all of my life. However, we can BOTH be sure that we are in the BIRTHING TIME! Come Yahshua! HalleluYah!

            • Jayna,
              Methusela lived to be 969 so you can’t use the age of biblical characters to gauge the length of any generation. Jesus said the generation not those who are of that generation of the age 20 or older. His words will be true even if only one person born on the very day Israel became a nation is still alive. Sure you could call that a technicality but regardless it is still true.
              Stop pushing the tribulation. When the 2 witnesses appear in Jerusalem you will know the tribulation haas arrived.

              • 11-1~2018 8th and Last Day of Succoth, Feast of Tabernacles
                Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON.!Are you READY or NOT? PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

                James, I have never written the word “tribulation” here until my last post. You always seem be assuming the WRONG things. It must get as tiring for you as it is for us the readers. For your information, the believers around Methuselah KNEW about the coming flood.all of his life. This is because in Hebrew Methuselah means, “When he shall die, it shall come.” In a very meaningful way his life was a living testimony of Yahweh’s soon coming judgement. When he died, The Great Flood CAME. His longest life was living proof of Yahweh’s patience and caring for sinful man.
                You are waiting for “The Two Witnesses” to appear? Just WHAT or WHO do YOU think that they are? Some prophecy teachers in the 1800’s taught that they were the Old and New Testaments symbolically put to death in the Dark Ages and The French Revolution for a prophetic 3 1/2 days (1260 years). The Bible is still usually covered in black (ashes and sackcloth?) Enoch? EliYah? They were taken to Heaven because they were so righteous. WHY would they have to come back to DIE? Moses? He died because he disobeyed and Yahweh buried him. Now WHY wouldn’t he be awaiting Yahshua’s Return and the first resurrection of the righteous with all of the other dead saints? No, I am not waiting to see “Two Witnesses”. James, you could still be waiting for THEM when Yahshua returns and MAY THAT BE SOON ! James, instead, I suggest that YOU MAKE SURE that you have enough OIL in your lamp. It IS Yahshua’s Name! Song of Solomon 1:3


                • Jayna,
                  I’ve heard that tired theory about the witnesses being books, but it doesn’t hold water. They appear in Jerusalem not Paris and they die for a specific 3-1/2 days and are resurrected. This didn’t happen in France. And why would God be so concerned about the French Revolution? It is a minor event in world history.
                  Now read the scri[pture:
                  11Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. 12And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them. 13In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.

                  So, was there an earthquake in Paris that destroyed a tenth of the city and killed 7,000 people? Nope, never happened.
                  But here is the most important verse;
                  15And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
                  This is clearly the second coming and start of the millennium which did not happen 200 years ago. Clearly the 2 witnesses is an end-time event.
                  The two witnesses come to Jerusalem to complete the last 3-1/2 years of Jesus’ 7-year ministry. When they are also cut off, they lay dead for the same 3-1/2 days as Christ did. Then they are resurrected as Christ was along with all the rest of the dead that are resurrected at the second coming. And like the other dead they rise into the heavens (sky/clouds) to meet Christ in the air to begin His millennium reign.
                  Books? Really? That is just a ridiculous interpretation for people who want to pretend the prophecies in the bible have already occurred in order to expedite the return of Christ sooner by avoiding the necessity for the prophecy to happen in our time. You required this for a 2018 return but now that it hasn’t happened you have a choice. You can continue to press for an immediate return or you can sit back and give the prophecy a chance to unfold. After all, it would only delay the second coming by 3-1/2 years, so why not be patient instead of rushing things? After all, you no longer have math, astronomy or generations to work with, so why not take a more logical tack? Its up to you, you must make a new choice at this point.
                  I’m curious to see what you will do next.

                  • 11~3~2018 Sabbath on Yahweh’s Calendar

                    James, WHAT am I going to do NOW? What I HAVE been doing the last 50 years ~ patiently WAITING for Yahshua the Messiah to return as He promised. You believe that Sunday worship is “The Mark of the Beast”. Those that teach that (Seventh Day Adventists) have writings that indicate the Two Witnesses WERE the Old and New Testaments in the Dark Ages (THE BIBLE). Why don’t you believe that ONE, too? You would then be MORE consistent. That prophecy was NOT confined to France alone but really most of all of The Old World. ruled by The Vatican. About earthquakes. There was the Great Lisbon Quake of 11-1-1755 (known then as Feast of All Saints) which pretty much destroyed Lisbon, Portugal with estimates of 10,000 to 100,000 deaths (probably more) and 8-9 magnitude. Ellen G. White (SDA prophetess) wrote about it. She wrote that many deaths occurred in the churches (all Catholic) because every single one of them was flattened! It’s interesting what we are NOT being taught! After the 1260 years ended in 1798 with the Vatican’s power taken away (deadly wound of Revelation 13:3) by Napoleon, the suppressed Bible’s influence began to spread worldwide. I am FOR the truth and NOT in denial of it as you seem to be.


  179. 10~29~2018 Fifth Day of true Feast of Tabernacles
    89 Years since U.S. Stock Market Collapse on 10~29~1929
    This we know FOR SURE!

    A Brief Primer For Saints:

    Babylon in Scripture is “ancient Babylon” and Rome, the city on seven hills, home of The Vatican. A great book (now out of print) is “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop which explains their connection. In a final context, CHRISTIANITY IS BABYLON. All HER deities come from there. All HER Holy days and Scripture counterfeits spring from that source. In the Bible Spiritual beliefs are represented by women. Babylon is known as “the great whore that sitteth on many waters”, Revelation 17:1 Her name is MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:5 Verse 6 :SHE kills the saints and martyrs of Yahshua the Messiah who have the TRUE Bible faith.

    The body of saints that Yahshua returns for is known as HIS BRIDE.
    At that time they WON’T be Christians! This is because by then all Christians will have “The Mark of the Beast”. The saints, on the other hand, rejoice because they have VICTORY over the beast (Vatican) and his image (idol) named Jesus Christ, and the number of his name. Revelation 15:2

    The U.S. Government is The Two Horned Beast of Revelation 13:11-18. I personally believe that John saw a buffalo (bison) coming out of the earth and did not know what to call it. This government turned its power over to the first beast (which has become The Vatican) A VERY LONG TIME AGO!

    The Greek Diaglott (Free on The Web) translates the #666 in Revelation 13:18 as both a Greek number and name. The pagan name is Christos Isous (Zeus the Savior) containing a CROSS, X as in Xmas. By Papal Rome’s time this name had morphed into “Jesus Christ” the idolatrous name of the image (idol) of the beast (Vatican).



    THE NUMBER OF HIS NAME: The Pope has a crown with Latin words whose Roman numerals add up to 666. These words are roughly translated “Vicar of the Son of God”. You can easily find this with a Web search if you choose to check.


    “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4


  180. Years that overlap. Psalms 2007 to 2019. John Shorey 2012-2020. Christians 2017-2024. What two years overlap in all three year calendars is 2017 (the beginning) and 2018 (the end). The first and the last. The Alpha and the Omega. The Aleph and the Tav. What major time frame: 120th Jubilee year from Creation from Sept 20th, 2017 to November 23rd, 2018. This is our watch dates for Psalms 118 :Rapture, Armageddon, and Millennium to occur in. It is real simple when you use a calendar to plot a course to steer by.

  181. 1666 Redemption Through SinLike Page
    August 14, 2015
    Very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666, proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies. After Sabbati Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world’s religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world’s media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers.

  182. 11~3~2018 Sabbath in these LAST DAYS
    Eve of Ending Daylight Savings (War) time.
    Yahshua Returns VERY SOON! Please be READY!

    We CAN choose to be in DENIAL of facts. I choose
    NOT to be! This a.m. I saw a CNN report from a fact checker
    company about the number of LIES told by President Donald J. Trump.
    Apparently, he has lied 6,420 times in the last 640 days! I now have a very hard time listening to him because of this and his racist undertones. I also believe that President Donald J. Trump should NOT be calling people names. He appears to be proving to us that he CAN’T be trusted. And, he is being a poor example for ALL of us. Even with all of this the powers in Christianity fully endorse HIM. This really SHOULD wake up a few people!

    “For we walk by FAITH , not by sight.” Saul (His name was never changed.),an apostle of Yahshua the Messiah in II Corinthians 5:7


    • jayna

      Turmp is not the liar. CNN is. they are the worst media source in the USA.

      CNN is a propaganda machine for the deep state. They love slander.

      shut them out, and listen to Fox

      • Marianne, in the examples they showed, Trump LIED. You should know by now he lied about not having affairs with other women. You don’t know THAT? Marianne, NONE of the MSM are really any good. They are ALL working together for BAD because the Evil One is “The Prince of the Air (waves)” !However, I would NOT trust Faux News at all because it is the TNN (Trump News Network). Christian preachers are now telling their listeners and viewers to ignore Trump’s sins because he is GOOD for the country. HA! At the time, WHOEVER is ruler of the U.S. Government, The Two Horned Beast of Revelation 13: 11-18 (Bushes, Obama or Trump), will enforce “The Mark of the Beast”. GET AND BE READY if you are NOT!

        The WISE who have UNDERSTANDING mentioned in Revelation 13:18 ARE NOT DECEIVED!


        • jAYNA



          • Marianne and everyone reading here, PLEASE NOTE,I have NOT called YOU deceived,poisoned by MSM, and lacking in discernment. I do not seek “God”, the name of an ancient Babylonian idol.

            Marianne, are you REALLY going to hang YOUR salvation on what Fox reports?

            I was coming back here to state that Abraham Lincoln would NOT have enforced “The Mark of the Beast” because he was against The Vatican by freeing the slaves. The Vatican was the only foreign entity that supported The Confederacy during The Civil War. My great grandfather at the age of 15, against family wishes,fought for The Union losing a leg suffering for the rest of his life. Lincoln also won judgement in court against Vatican priests. This is WHY he was such a GREAT president. For these actions he was put to death by the Vatican. He really was a martyr for America.

            The American “election” day this year is at the time of the New Moon, one of Yahweh’s Appointed Days. All saints should be WATCHING!


            • jayna

              I do not go to Fox for salvation. I listen to the news spoken truthfully

              you quoted rev 13:18 and mentioned deception due to lack of wisdom and understanding, so you brought up the subject with implications

              my basic position is that anyone who listens and accepts what CNN says IS deceived………they are full of hate, lies, and bias. they even want trump dead………I reject this

              • Girls…
                Here is truth about Trump.
                He is more of a CEO than a president. As a businessman he will often stretch the truth when trying to make a deal or a point. He often uses internet information which isn’t always completely accurate and of course he exaggerates like crazy. He tries to be a real politician, and as we know you can tell when a politician is lying – if his lips are moving, He’s lying! All politicians are liars. They will say anything to get reelected so you can’t ever really believe what they are saying. At least not completely.
                So I always take whatever Trump is saying with a grain of salt and the same goes for CNN and Fox News. All of them twist the story to fit their agendas.
                That said, when it comes to the president, all I (and other fans) care about are results. He made certain promises and as long as he is living up to them then I can forgive most of his methods as long as they get the job done.
                George S. Patton was our greatest general and was largely responsible for defeating Hitler, yet he was severely reprimanded for his actions and personal beliefs and almost relieved of duty due to public opinion. The same is true of Ulysses S. Grant in the civil war. He was a drunk but he got the job done so Lincoln put him in charge.
                So maybe Trump does lie a bit. Maybe even a lot. So what? He doesn’t drink at all or slap veterans around, so what’s a few lies? History will judge him, flaws and all, but to me, results are what really matters. And what is a lie? Jayna lied to us for years that the second coming would be this year. Marianne has posted many articles (like this very Nibiru one) that have proven false – lies! OK you guys will just say they were errors… mistaken opinions… not true lies. I think Trump thinks the same way. He’s not afraid to express ideas that are more opinion than fact, and in his mind he is not telling bald-faced lies.
                But as I said, show me a politician and I’ll show you a “liar.”

                • James, the Bible does NOT teach that continually telling lies is ever acceptable with Yahweh. This is constantly breaking one of His Commandments. And, the Bible says if you break ONE you break them ALL. Why is THIS acceptable to YOU? And, WHY are YOU making excuses for HIM? Trump made much of his money by cheating and that maybe WHY he won’t release his taxes. I was NOT lying when I published about this being the year 6000. I was doing my best to be a witness for the truth that I have prayerfully studied and as I see it. I still believe that we are in this last year because no further insight has come to me.about it. It just makes me very sad that most everyone is now deceived and NOT ready for what is going to happen very soon!!


                  • Jayna,
                    If you are looking for ANY politician that has never told a single lie, you are in for a long search. It comes with the territory. That is just the way the world works. If you were worried about lying you wouldn’t make such bold predictions about bible prophecy. Being holier than thou just doesn’t apply in modern politics. You’ll just have to get used to that.

                    • 11~6~2018 The U.S. “Election” (?) Day

                      I am NOT looking for any U.S. politicians in this government of The Two Horned Beast. Revelation 13:18 I was NOT lying about Yahshua’s Return. Jim, in case you do NOT understand :lying is saying something that you KNOW is false. I do NOT have to get used to LIES and FALSE RELIGION. Yahshua said, “The TRUTH shall make me FREE.” It HAS!


                • james

                  if you accuse trump of lying, you’d better be able to prove it

                  he is keeping his promises, look here:

                  that is a sign of an honest man. also, he has stated publicly that he is not going to announce everything he is doing against enemies. he is not going to show his hand, which may jeopardize his victory.

                  I think nibiru is an interesting topic. I offer it up for discussion. notice I allow both pro and con on the issue. my goal is, through discussion and debate, more truth will arise. and people will have a more balanced view.

                  • Trump doesn’t always get his historical facts right and he exaggerates all the time. Some people (CNN) call this lying. He may think he’s got the facts right, but often he is mistaken. But I don’t believe he is trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes. There is usually a lot of truth in what he is saying but his numbers are not always correct. I tend to cut him a lot of slack because he has America at heart and he is trying to do the best he can for his country. Whether or not his actions prove to be good , bad or a little of both only history will tell. But politics is a game of lies and both sides play the game well. No one is a saint and no one tells the complete truth all the time.
                    Over all, I think on the big issues Trump has been correct on what he is trying to do. I don’t sweat the small stuff. He lie all he wants if it gets the job done.

              • Marianne, do you really still believe that ANY of the network news is truthful according to Yahweh? To totally condemn any ONE network is NOT wise. It would be better to condemn ALL of the networks than do that.

                • jayna

                  I addressed CNN only because that is what you brought up.

                  actually, it has been proven that all the mainstream media is corrupt and dishonest to a greater or lesser extent.

                  CNN is the worst one. Fox is the least one. I would trust Fox more than the others.

                  I also get a lot of information over the internet, and through many bright, intelligent people who cover the news on their video channels, and analyze each story as to its truthfulness or deceitfulness. most of these people belong to Yahweh and they do a good job showing proof of deception. One lady is expert in body language and she proves a lot as well. She can tell if someone is lying.

                  hillary is a known pathological liar and a child trafficker, eveidenced by her own emails, which was submitted to Wikileaks. Those that oppose her DIE. those that defend her or cover for her are corrupt. even james comey, fbi is corupt. the DOJ iscorrupt and people are being indicted. e3ven lester holt covered for her in the debates, giving her prompts so she could regurgitate a planned answer. I saw the video by one of the cameramen proving he did this. all the mainstream TV media except Fox covered for her.

                  • You won’t have any argument with me about Hillary (and Bill). I can believe ANYTHING BAD about them. Those who would murder two young boys just for seeing a drug plane land or take off would be capable of the worst. However, are we seeing Trump bringing them or anyone of their ilk to justice? Sadly, no and we won’t! In my opinion, the whole U.S. Government is “The Deep State” because it is the Two Horned Beast of Revelation 13. They are ALL BUDDIES! For Pete’s sake, Trump and Hillary have attended each others weddings. What SHOULD THAT tell us? And, they are ALL Christians!

                    • jayna

                      again, trump does not reveal his hand until he acts. I know there about 40,000 indictments pending. to arrest hillary, he has to remove all that would cover for her first.

                    • 11~6~2018 The U.S. “Election” (?) Day in these ENDING DAYS.

                      Marianne, sadly, in my opinion this WON’T happen. So, please, DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH! The American Dream appears to be turning into a TOTAL NIGHTMARE!


  183. Jayna,
    Your contention that that the 2-horned beast is the United States simply does not fit scripture.
    Revelation 13:
    11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
    The two horns are of a lamb not a buffalo – the lamb of God. Clearly this beast is a religious power – a Christlike one, but one that is a false Christianity since it speaks like a dragon (Satan). The US is a secular power, not a religious one. If God is angry with his church He would not pick on just one nation and call out its Christians. It would go to the source – the church itself. The 2-horned beast can be nothing other than the Vatican – the largest depository of modern, apostate Christians on earth.
    12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
    The first beast was the first Holy Roman Empire and it had 11 horns (heads) originally. 3 were plucked up by the roots (destroyed) and the little horn (the Vatican) was almost destroyed by Napoleon but restored by Mussolini. This does not fit the US.
    13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
    This is future prophecy when the False Prophet will perform miracles and bring many worshippers into the Vatican church in the end-times. You won’t find a president (and surely not Trump) performing real miracles that will make them seem god-like to the masses.
    14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
    Again, future prophecy but does not fit any nation on earth, just the Vatican.
    And the mark of the beast is not all of Christianity, only one commandment (read rev11 – those without the mark follow the commandments of God)
    And the number of its name 666 fits the title of the pope in Roman numbers Vicarius Filii Dei) but has no relationship to the USA.
    Everything fits for the Vatican (future events excluded) but not at all for the US, plus if the beasts are a contiguous story (one follows the last) the US did not directly follow out of the Holy Roman Empire, but the Vatican did.
    Plus: And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him. Did the US exercise all the power of the Holy Roman Empire? No, but the Vatican did. And when it combines with the European Union it will recreate a restored Holy Roman Empire – the brief 8th “King” of Revelation. All 8 kings (some are beasts as well) form one contiguous story from Babylon to modern day. This is the true tale of Daniel / John. One single story from beginning to end. It doesn’t splinter and jump all over the globe… no US, no Islamic states, only the story of God’s people throughout time, no one else. Plain and simple, it all makes sense and all the scriptures fit.
    Your scenario just can’t say that.

    • 11~14~2018 Eve of New Moon U.S. “Election ” (? ) Day

      It fits Scripture BETTER than “The Mark of the Beast” being Sunday worship! James,these were BOTH prophesied in 1888 by Ellen G. White of The Seventh Day Adventists in the book “The Great Controversy”. The phrase is Two horns LIKE a lamb. This beast is NOT a lamb but it has two horns like ONE. It comes out of the earth, a definite land mass. For decades now I have believed that John saw a buffalo because that was the dominate creature on this land mass called America for hundreds of years. He would NOT know what to call it in his time. This beast certainly does NOT represent the Savior or an imposter.This beast government begins to pass laws favoring the first beast. The U.S. becomes the biggest proponent of CHRISTIANITY, the Vatican religion. This government causes fire to come down on earth in the form of nuclear fire on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and 9/11.The first beast came out of the sea (meaning peoples and cultures). Over the centuries it morphs into and BECOMES The Vatican., A VERY EVIL EMPIRE! !t overcame the saints (NOT CHRISTIANS!) during the 1260 years A.K.A. The Dark Ages.
      James you seem to have ALL the prophecies MIXED UP and just maybe will never get them straight! You and I MUST have the Spirit of Yahweh to understand Biblical truth. Thankfully Yahweh gave it to me many decades ago. James, it’s past time that YOU should go out to get more OIL for your lamp!
      The False Prophet is NOT even mentioned in this chapter . It’s written about in Revelation 16::13 as one of the evil forces gathering world leaders to Armageddon. That certainly is what Mohammad’s Islam is doing NOW!
      In Revelation 13:18 this U.S. Government follows in Papal Rome’s ‘ steps by enforcing “The Mark of the Beast”. The Greek #666 translates into the idol name Christos Zeus (A.K.A. Jesus Christ) with the MARK of the CROSS, X as in Xmas! THIS IS NOT COMING! IT’S BEEN HERE FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS!
      James, in case you do not know, The Vatican does NOT have any military power of its own but depends on the armies of other nations to do its bidding. YOU CAN’T SAY THAT ABOUT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, THE TWO HORNED BEAST OF REVELATION 13:18!
      James may these words finally help YOUR understanding is my prayer. If not, it WILL help ANYONE else reading here!


  184. Jayna,
    The US government has never forced Christianity on anyone and it never will. That is part of our constitution and it would be almost impossible to change. Ratifying changes to the US constitution can take many years and must be approved by a majority of states, not just congress. And no with Democrats in charge of the House of representatives, such a bill would never pass. So the US does not fit the apostate religious beast of Revelation. Plus it is only one country among 200. The Vatican is a worldwide “empire” and includes Christians from all over the globe.
    As for the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan in WW2, they do not qualify as a miracle. It took thousands of scientists and engineers to produce the bomb and now even North Korea can bring “fire from the sky” as well as a dozen other nations. Only the pope could perform a verified miracle. He has produced at least four to date, according to Vatican officials. More and bigger ones will follow, just wait and see.
    The Vatican has no army of its own, right now, but as the first seal is opened ten EU nations will give their power to the Vatican beast and the mark will be properly enforced. What 10 nations do you think will give the US their power and for what purpose? The mark of the beast will drive Muslims from Europe, and in a way it will try to force a small piece of Christianity on everyone. But the US simply does not fit the rest of Revelation. Who do you think the 8 “kings” are? Are they related to the US in any way?
    Rev.10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
    11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
    12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
    13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
    How does these verses fit your interpretation? Or do you simply reject them because they don’t seem to fit?

    • 11~9~2018 in these LASTING DAYS OF THE END
      Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! PRAY NOW
      to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1
      HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

      Jim, as a child going to church on Sunday weekly in the 1950’s. I remember hearing the verses against idol worship (many). My thinking was, “WHO can be believing in idols today?” WOW, was I WRONG!

      King David wrote, “For all the deities of the nations are idols: but Yahweh made the heavens.” Psalm 96:5 Holy Name Bible

      At some point in these ending days, Yahweh will say something like this about Christian America, if He has NOT already : “Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone.” Hosea 4:17

      The seals? I believe that the Sixth and Seventh seals may still be left. The public sealing of the 144,000 in Revelation 7 takes place after the event of Revelation 13:18 the enforcement of “The Mark of the Beast”.

      My personal testimony for Yahweh and Yahshua has endured for more than 45 years. Without THEIR spirit how can any of us understand ANYTHING in Scripture?

      No, the U.S. Government has not enforced Christian worship BUT IT WILL! This is because it is the government of The Two Horned Beast of Revelation 13 that has turned its power over to the first beast of Revelation 13:1 which has become The Vatican. Jim, now ask yourself, “Has The Vatican ever enforced Christian worship, the religion of THE CROSS anywhere in the world?” Yes! In THE OLD WORLD.

      The U.S. Constitution? Bush Jr. ignored it completely by going into Iraq.
      A long time ago he or his father publicly stated that this Constitution is , “Just a piece of paper.”

      The Pope has never performed genuine miracles. Jim, WHY are you so easily deceived? To John the prophet the sights of atomic blasts on Japan and the bombings in the U.S. on 9/11 might have seemed miraculous. He never saw anything like that in his life. Back then, they did not even have gun powder!

      The Vatican does not have any army of its own? HA! The Armed Forces of the U.S. has been on its behalf for decades. Some say that The Viet Nam war was fought because of Vatican drug interests in the Orient. IT’S REALLY SAD!

      The seals? It seems that we may still have the Sixth and Seventh. The sealing of the saints in Revelation 7 happens after the event of Revelation 13:18. The government of The Two Horned Beast (U.S., yes, even under Trump!) enforces “The Mark of the Beast”. Soon it’s followed by all the governments . The whole world wanders after the beast!

      The eight kings are one view of world history. When the woman rides the beast, it’s a church/state government. Pagan Rome was the power in Yahshua’s day. It’s really SAD to know that The U.S. may be the final evil ruler in the world.

      Jim, the Bible is the story of YAHWEH’S people. Christianity is only confined to references about “Mystery Babylon” prophecies and false worship.

      Revelation 10:12 The ten horns very likely are the modern nations of Europe. They give their power over to the Two Horned Beast (U.S. Government) or to the First Beast (The Vatican) for one hour. This is literally one hour or prophetically one month or two weeks, a very short time! The ten horns hate the woman (Papal Rome) and burn her with fire. Does the U.S. Government become the final ruler by default?

      James, sadly because of the thinking that you express here, it seems to me that you are taking A VERY LONG TIME NOT to know anything.


  185. Your contention that the US will ever create a state religion is ludicrous. It simply can’t ever happen. The US is not in league with the Vatican or any other religion. The woman/beast – church/state is clearly the Catholic church riding the Vatican, not the US riding the Vatican. The US is not a church and the woman is clearly a church, not a nation. You have the 10 nations of Europe correct but they will never give their power to the US government. It also says they will turn on the beast and burn it with fire. Do you really think 10 European nations will destroy the US? Most don’t even have a navy to get here with.
    Sorry, you have a few ideas correct but your overall picture is too outrageous to ever happen.
    You rely too much on conspiracy theories to prove your point. History shows I’m right so far. All that is needed is the EU and the Vatican to combine forces and I gave you a very likely scenario for that to happen. Your idea is too far-fetched to ever happen.

    • James, you are WRONG again! The Ten Horns hate THE WOMAN (Papal Rome Catholic Church) and burn HER with fire.This is clear. In Scripture a woman represents a spiritual belief system. The author of “Sunday worship being The Mark of the Beast” ALSO wrote that the Two Horned Beast in Revelation 13:18 is the government of the U.S. Believing the first why should YOU think the latter is outrageous? The Mark of the Beast being enforced begins here in the U.S. James, believe it or not, the STATE religion of the U.S. is CHRISTIANITY. What OTHER religion CAN it be? Every president I have ever listened to ends his speech with “And God Bless The United States of America!” God (Ancient Babylonian deity) is the pagan name of the chief idol in Christianity. James, again, I suggest that you seek Yahweh’s Spirit and think OUTSIDE of the CHRISTIAN box.


  186. Ruth said all of the following, NOT JOHN ASHCRAFT JAMES!!!!! She typed out 7-12 paragraphs.

    On 8/21/18, about midnight, LORD prompted me to go outside and look up – I was agasped to see a huge cloud-like formation of a dragon/serpent as though descending from heaven! This may have signified the opening of the 5th Seal!

    ☢️SEALS are not judgments yet they DEFINE Rev8&9’s Trumpet Judgments (ordained for God’s house/church) and Rev16’s Bowls of Wrath (ordained for the wicked). Seals restrain evil (Isaiah 26:11; Lam2:3; Rev20:3). And they can be likened to chapter titles of a book: when 2Thess2:7’s Restrainer Jesus lifts His hand off the Seals, He releases Satan and his minions to do God the Father’s bidding: A) invoke repentance, refine, purify saints (Isaiah 4:4; 48:10; Lam2:3; Ezek9:6), or B) punish the wicked w/unquenchable fire (Matt3:12b; Isaiah 26:11; Revelation ch16; 21:8). 🔹I was caused to witness opening of 1st and 2nd Seals, and possibly the 5th Seal (see my videos #2, #5, and # 103, respectively). The 7th Seal may open upon signing of the Israeli – PA so-called “2-State Solution” peace plan? Note: If US partakes in dividing of Jerusalem, Israel, than God will divide US – perhaps by the 7th Seal’s fire thrown to earth (CME? asteroid?) and earthquake?

  187. Ruth said:

    Revelation 8:7 ‘s CME/EMP incinerates US (Jeremiah 50:11’s fat heifer/Zeph1:7’s sacrifice, as foreshadowed by Elijah’s bull sacrifice on Mount Carmel). Our powergrid will be destroyed, allowing enemies to attack US w/Revelation 8:8’s nuke (Isaiah 7:23-24; Nahum 3:13; Jeremiah 51:27).🔹Revelation 8:10’s Wormwood (asteroid) destroys our drinking water. Revelation 8:12-13: one-third of sun, moon, stars struck/darkened. Revelation 9:1-12: Satan – riding in on Nibiru (aka Planet X, Red Kachina) – is cast to earth (Isaiah 14:19; Rev12:9), takes-up residency in Obama’s shell (Daniel 11:23; Revelation 13:3). All will be required to receive “mark of the beast” (666, microchip? &/or tattoo?) on right hand or forehead so as to buy or sell; those who take the mark seal their fate in hell for all eternity (Rev13:16-18; 14:9-10). Revelation 9:13-21: Satan’s entourage riding 200million fireballs burn earth (Rev9:15-17; Joel 2:1-11; Isaiah ch’s 5, 13, 24, 26; Rev6:12-17).

    After wheat is brought into the barn (saints’ souls redeemed from earth), Revelation 16’s Bowls of Wrath will be poured out on the bound tares, and eventually burned w/unquenchable fire (Matt3:12; 13:30; Rev14:14-19).

  188. Satan cast down – Opening of 5th Seal: Batch 1 done, now to find what she said on Obama as the Antichrist.

    Sergio Peter Rodriguez vision at Whistleblower Jeff.

    November 9, 2018

    I saw a vision of Fire falling from the sky and the land was on fire and people were running. I saw a red dragon and someone was saying the Beast is here. I turned over to look at my watch and I said we are late. Then I saw a vision of the United States and the big snake wrapping around the United States and then it took a direct attack that was the end of the vision.

    • 11~11~2018 The American Veterans Day
      Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON!
      PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM.
      Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

      John, you seem so mislead. I don’t know where to begin! Neither one of us was alive when the first and second seals opened. #1 rise of The Papacy beginning in the Third Century #2 Armies of the earth fighting for The Vatican In fact, an ex-Jesuit priest likened the Four Horsemen to agents of The Vatican. #3 Black Horse : The Jesuit system #5 The martyrs for Yahweh and Yahshua during The Dark Ages so called because of the CHRISTIAN rule of The Papacy The seals and trumpet judgements are not necessarily consecutive. I believe that the trumpet judgements #1 and #2 were the events of World Wars I and 2. #3 may have been Chernobyl in the 1980’s because this word means Wormwood in Russian Some are happening at the same time and end with the same event. We have to have Yahweh’s Spirit to give us light. And His Word!
      John, you seem to be combining conspiracy theories with rash predictions that you read. You combine these with false Christian teaching. I suggest that you seek answers from Yahweh and HIS WORD.
      Maybe the one vision was of the fires now hitting a good part of CA even Malibu. These fires are causing lots of problems with breathing. I have read that these fires are engineered and now even weaponized! HOW EVIL IS THAT?
      The Two Horned Beast (Government of the U.S.) ends up speaking like a dragon when it enforces The Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:18.
      Why are you obsessed with Obama? It’s Trump who is now the supposed ruler in the U.S. Government. B.O. never talked about being Christian.

      Dreams? Back in the mid 70’s I had a dream of Yahshua returning. After seeing Him I then saw large piles of soil. Recently, nearby, they have taken out a bridge to put a new one in. I am so surprised at the MOUNTAINS of dirt piled up where traffic used to be. I have never seen anything like this before! It’s like a personal witness to me that YAHSHUA IS RETURNING VERY SOON! May we be READY is my prayer.


      • JAYNA. WHAT I posted was from a WOMAN NAMED RUTH.

        IT was NOT from me you STUPID WOMAN who cannot READ. IT was from RUTH and a vision from SERGIO PETER RODriguez> IF you IDIOT cannot understand that then you are an IDIOT. A Shotim.

        • John that is no way to talk to a lady these topics are controversial anyhow. It is best to ignore people you will never agree with and keep the peace. this is a place where people can disgree. they have a right 2 post their own opinion

        • John, I did NOT say that your words were from YOU. I stated that you get YOUR ideas from what you read on The Web, conspiracy theories, and false Christian teaching. And, these are all jumbled up.You seem to have a great problem understanding THE TRUTH. Then you really get bent out of shape and spout obscenities when someone confronts you about the errors you write. You are freely given access here when most sites would BAN YOU. You are often reprimanded but keep spouting the same foul words again and again. John, in my opinion, YOU first need to get SAVED, your mind HEALED, and then YOU can help others and especially YOURSELF!

          • You believe the seals and Trumpet Judgments were opened up between 70 CE and to the Present. Ruth beelives those events were opened up between 70 CE to the Present. Me, I believe the 3rd seal was opened on February 10th, 2018 when the Psalms 83 War began. I believe Rev 6th:12-17; Rv 8:5 and the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation will be poured out between the New Moon to full Moon either in November or December or the Full Moon to New Moon (Nov 23rd-December 9th). You are as far north as you can be from me. I am at the South Pole and you are at the North pole. We will never agree on anything, period.

            • The American Veterans Day, 2018

              John, the prophecies of Revelation were NOT written just for readers in these last fifty years but for ALL of the believers in the Messiah Yahshua since He was on earth a VERY LONG TIME AGO! Yahshua TOLD His followers THIS in Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 22:12, 20
              John, It does NOT really matter if YOU or I agree on ANYTHING! What is IMPORTANT and VITAL is that WE are SAVED and have the CORRECT Biblical understanding and CAN prove it Scripturally.
              And John, neither you and I are at the South or North Poles! We BOTH dwell in the kingdom of The Two Horned Beast of Revelation 13, the U.S. Government of The United States of America! Sadly, this once righteous power will soon enforce “The Mark of the Beast” which Scripturally is proven to be CHRISTIANITY. All those NOT SAVED and SEALED in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua WILL TAKE IT if they do NOT have IT already. Sadly, John, it seems that you continue to be deceived. Yahweh’s SAINTS aren’t! HalleluYah!


          • Here is the Truth I deal with in the HERE and NOW. Nov 7 (Wednesday; Gen 1:14) Moon passes in front of the Sun.
            Moon Photobombs the Sun in Rare Images Captured By NASA’s SDO on Nov. 7, 2018
            NASA’s SDO Sees Partial Eclipse in Space. 
            SDO experienced a lunar transit on November 7, 2018. This transit lasted from 20 24 up to 21 16 UTC (3 24 – 4 16 pm ET) and covered at most about 44% of SDO’s view of the Sun.
            The Moon moves from left to right during this transit.
            The next SDO Lunar Transit will be on March 6, 2019. That one will also be a double transit similar to the one in September 2018.

          • Here is the Truth I deal with in the Here and Now.
            Nov 9. A sign in the Sun. Jesus said in Luke 21:25
            And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
            On Friday, November 9 was Rosh Chodesh Kislev on the Rabbinic Calendar but on the Biblical Calendar, it is Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (first sliver of the New Moon).

            Psa_81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.
            Isa_66:23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.
            Eze_46:1 Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

          • Here is the Truth I deal with in th Here and Now.
            Nov 17. Sabbath (Gen 2:1-3; Lev 23). Asteroid 3 Juno at opposition of the Sun in Eridanus. Leonids Meteor Shower Peaks.

            Nov 18. 10th of Cheshvan on the Biblical Calendar. Gen 7:1 And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.

            Nov 21. Wednesday (Gen 1:14). Jupiter passes into Scorpio.

            Nov 23 Full Moon. Beaver Moon. Aldebaran South of Moon in Tarus. Kislev 15. Conception of Messiah

          • Here is the Truth that I deal with in the Here and Now.
            Nov 25. Thanksgiving for the USA. 17th of Cheshvan on the Biblical Calendar. Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

          • Here is the Truth I deal with in the HERE and NOW.
            Nov 26. Jupiter and Sun Conjunction in Scorpio.

            Nov. 27. Solar Conjunction of Jupiter/ Sun and Mercury in Scorpio. Mercury at Inferior Conjunction in Scorpio. Beehive North of Moon in Cancer. 430 days from Sept 23, 2017 Revelation 12:1 Sign.

            Nov 28. Wednesday (Gen 1:14) Orionids Peak

            Nov 29. Mercury at Perihelion. Regulus South of Moon in Leo.

          • Here is the Truth I deal with in the Here and Now. I am autistic just like the two in this article from Breaking Israel Now.

            Message From Autistic Child in Jerusalem: Messiah is About to be Revealed
            By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz November 11, 2018 , 1:45 pm


            Daniel’s message warns that the final stages preceding Messiah are imminent and they will be difficult. He also describes how to prepare for them.

            “Most people don’t want to understand that we are near the end,” Daniel said. “The Messiah is about to be revealed but we have to undergo something very difficult first. God is going to destroy two-thirds of the world. Don’t think this is going to be due to a nuclear war, though that may be part of it. Man can’t destroy the world. Only God, who created the world, can destroy it.”

            “There will be a star, just as it is written,” Daniel said. “The star belongs to God, all the stars belong to him, the sun also belongs to him, everything belongs to him, even the wicked belong to him and soon they will learn it.”

            NOV 9th Sun event on the first sliver of the New Moon in the month of Cheshvan/Kislev.

            According to some rabbinic opinions, there is a basis for facilitated communication with autistic children as a form of prophetic communication in Jewish sources. The Talmud teaches (Baba Batra 12:b) that “Since the Temple was destroyed, prophecy was taken from the prophets and given to shotim and children.”

            The Hebrew word shotim is usually translated as ‘fools’ but in rabbinic literature, it refers to a person with a distinctive lack of social functioning. This does not refer to their level of intelligence and is clearly not a derogatory expression. In the framework of Jewish law, shotim is understood to be a classification that includes autistic people.

            This special prophetic ability of shotim was also stated in the Zohar, the basis for Jewish mysticism.

            “Before disaster and destruction happens to some nation, Heaven announces this throughout the whole world, and sometimes this is transmitted to shotim.“

            Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler, one of the greatest Jewish philosophers of the 20th century, explained how it could be that prophecy, requiring a high spiritual awareness, could come as a result of what is considered a developmental disorder.

            “Prophecy was given to shotim since by them the screen, the intellect, is not so strong. The brains of shotim are different, and one can peek within the world of the soul without any physical concealment or cover. When the brain is thus different, the soul is freed. It is unlimited and sees all. The brain is what limits and conceals the soul.”

            “The Chazon Ish would stand up respectfully before autistic people,” Rabb Brody told Breaking Israel News. “He reasoned that since they didn’t have free will, they were the souls of tzaddikim (righteous men) who were sent down from heaven to correct us.”

            Rabbi Brody described one young man who has absolutely no social skills and cannot communicate in a normal fashion.

            “Until you talk to him Torah,” Rabbi Brody said. “One-on-one, he has answered questions for me that I have struggled with for years. I feel this is straight from heaven. Their neshamot (souls) are very close to Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’).”

            This is what I deal with in my world in the Here and Now. SO YOU JAYNA, do not have to Say this: John, in my opinion, YOU first need to get SAVED, your mind HEALED, and then YOU can help others and especially YOURSELF!

            I AM SAVED and have been since 1967 6th day War with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at the age of 8 and again in 2007. You just do not understand where I am coming from because you have blinders on your eyes.

            If you want me healed in the mind, then you will have to wait until the 3 days of the darkness arrives. Then I get a DNA changeout.

          • Here is what I deal with in the Here and Now.

            Dream of Light only from God to John Ashcraft 11/7/2018

            I (John Ashcraft) had a dream of all light and all I wanted was to go and stay with the light. My eyes were closed in the dream. Then I felt this hand on my right shoulder like a bird landing on it and lifting me up and carrying me back to the earth. A sentence was told to me 3 times but when I woke, I forgot to write it down. An internet acquaintance told me that it was about me changing my DNA to the new body during the 3 days of darkness (72 hours) beginning at the time of the global earthquake on the first sliver of the New Moon.

            Why I had the dream is because I am one of the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists who stay after the rapture to evangelize.

            The fallen ones will be allowed to reign terror on the planet up until My Second Coming, but in many situations they will be restrained by My Holy Ones, the 144,000 sealed servants of the LORD. They are end times soldiers roaming the earth to aid My lost children in finding their way home. They answer to Me and are placed upon the earth to do My will. Salvation for the lost is their main goal!

            They will be able to destroy the enemy’s weapons arsenals, military aircraft, entire computer mainframes used for storing massive amounts of data against My dearly beloved children, and they will be able to minister to the fallen ones’ families helping them to see the deception that they are living in.

            Allison Wilkes Wright
            Allison Wilkes Wright Angi Moore my God the DNA part

            Johnny Ash
            Johnny Ash Allison Wilkes Wright 1Co 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
            1Co 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

            Allison Wilkes Wright
            Allison Wilkes Wright Johnny Ash I know what I’m saying My God to is my sis Angi Moore had the EXACT DREAM

            Johnny Ash
            Johnny Ash Allison Wilkes Wright 1 Corinthians 15:51

            A secret, Greek mustêrion, “a previously concealed truth now revealed” (see Rom_11:25). Compare 1Th_4:13-18 with 1Co_15:51-57.
            Not all of us will die. But we will all be changed. For a believer, death is no terror, but is “gain,” because one goes to be with the Messiah (Php_1:21, Php_1:23). Nevertheless, believers alive at the time Yeshua returns will not have the experience of dying at all.

      • Here is the Truth I deal with in the Here and Now.
        Nov 10. Sabbath. Asteroid 2018 VS1; Asteroid 2018 VR 1; Both Pass by the earth in close approximation. Venus near Spica in Virgo at the 9th hour.

        Nov 11. Asteroid 2018 VX1; Moon/Saturn conjoin in Sagittarius; Bad Omen for Economic Crash; North Taurids Meteor Shower Peaks. Venus near Spica at the 9th hour. Jesus was LIFTED UP at the 9th Hour on Wednesday on Passover Day. And on Feast of First Fruits on Resurrection Sunday, Yeshua was LIFTED UP as the First Fruit at 9 AM.

        • John, your messages are very TIRING to read! Maybe that’s WHY now no one else is posting here. You cannot seem to take a hint about it and change for the better. Please NOTE! Yahshua’s words in The New Testament were fairly brief and to the point. They are easy to understand. Yours are NOT! In ALL our ways we are to be like HIM. Have ANY of your predictions ever come TRUE? Yahshua did NOT pass on the messages of OTHERS except from His Father. He gave HIS OWN. And they are TRUE!
          The American Thanksgiving Day like so many other holidays is a complete HOAX! It’s at the same time on the Hebrew calendar as a wicked day evil King Jeroboam set up in opposition to Yahweh’s Feast of Tabernacles. The Pilgrims kept THIS feast time because they believed in Yahweh, Yahshua, and in THEIR calendar. I Kings 12:32-33
          John, you cannot NOW be of the 144,000 saints SEALED in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua. This is because YOU continue to write the pagan names of Jesus (a.k.a. Zeus) and LORD (direct translation of the ancient Babylonian sun idol BAAL). John, these are FACTS.You can KEEP ignoring them as you have BUT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED too many times!


          • Like I said You are from the North pole and I am from the South pole. We will NEVER reach a point of agreement. NEVER< NEVER<NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            As long as you keep finding fault in the way I write, you and I will NEVER AGREE. SO until you give me the 20,000 words that you want me to use in every article to your EXACT words and YOUR EXACT Words only, we will NEVER AGREE. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD because I am getting tired at yelling at you and your STUPID ways.

            • so just accept that the two of you are different and move on.

              neither person has to convince the other one.

              so just read and keep going.

              agreement is not a requirement

              • Marianne, you are right. It is my manner (calling?) to do my best to confront errors I read in these posts. That’s the ONLY reason I reply to John’s posts. Sadly, It seems to me that he is very disturbed and his posting here does NOT seem to be helping him (or us).

                • All you do is gribe and complain which reminds me of a female DOG in heat. Bitch, literally meaning a female dog, is a pejorative slang word for a person—usually a woman—who is belligerent, unreasonable, malicious, a control freak, rudely intrusive or aggressive. When applied to a man, bitch is a derogatory term for a subordinate.
                  For you, it also means you are a witch. witch
                  a woman thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick.
                  synonyms: sorceress, enchantress, necromancer; More
                  an ugly or unpleasant woman.
                  “he can marry the old witch for all I care”
                  synonyms: hag, crone, harpy, harridan, she-devil; informalbattle-ax
                  “she’s a nasty old witch”

                  • john

                    you are forcing me to block you again for a week.

                    • Jayna and John,
                      You guys are a real hoot. John “proved” that the second coming would be in 2017 and Jayna “proved“ it would be in 2018. Undeniable “proof” in both cases. Yeah, right. And you continue to believe you have the correct interpretation of prophecy.
                      John, you keep spouting useless astronomical events that have not bearing on prophecy and you keep quoting other “prophets” who continue to be wrong every time.
                      It is obvious that neither one of you know what you’re talking about. Your original predictions proved to be completely false and now you are both lost without a clue of what will actually happen. But you are both correct on one account – you both believe the other is completely wrong, and you are both right about that.
                      I think John is lost without his astronomy program to tell him the signs in the heavens. At this point there are no major events and he has to quote things that only a few scientists know about and certainly can’t be signs for all Christians to see.
                      And Jayna’s contention that the US was righteous and is now apostate is correct to some extent, but it proves her contention that the US will soon make Christianity mandatory is false. It was much more likely that such a thing might happen many many years ago, but if the US is becoming less and less religious the odds that it will ever become so religious as to make it mandatory becomes slim to none. Besides, the number of Jews, Muslims and atheists in the US is very small and most Americans already claim to be Christian. Plus, you can’t really force anyone to change their beliefs. How do you propose that Jews and Muslims will be converted to Christianity? Some sort of mind control or hypnosis? Will they be forced to go to church every Sunday? If so, that is the real mark of the beast as I predicted. But your idea is far too ambitious to ever be enacted. Especially by the US which is built on the separation of church and state. If Trump ever tried to initiate such a move, the Democrats will surely shoot it down. You would need a pure dictatorship to pull that off. Sort of what the “Left Behind” scenario envisions – an Antichrist ruling the world with an iron fist, enforcing his own brand of religion on the masses. But that too is just fantasy and could never happen.
                      Your problem is that you think you know what is supposed to happen but you can’t figure out how those events could possibly unfold. Jayna thinks the US government will soon force Christianity on all citizens, but there is no legal or political way for it to happen, let alone be enforced. You seem to have proof that it will happen but you can’t ever figure out just how it could ever come to pass.
                      You both believe that impossible things will soon happen. You can’t say how, all you can do is claim it is definitely going to happen according to your interpretation of the bible. Maybe you believe in magic or that God Himself will somehow intervene in human events, but that is not how prophecy works. I’m afraid you are both in for great disappointment. Of course you are both quite used to that by now. And there is plenty more in your future.

                    • James, at least we make you LAUGH! Your comments don’t do ANYTHING GOOD for us because you apparently choose to be in the dark. Enforcing the marks of Christianity by the U.S. Government seems unthinkable to you. Well how about THIS government causing drought and wild(?)fires even weaponizing them in CA causing breathing problems for everyone here? Is THAT impossible, too? IF this government turned its power over to The Vatican decades ago why would it NOT enforce the worship of its idol named Jesus Christ? THIS happened in dark periods of European history. The Greek translation for the #666 in Revelation 13:18 reveals that. YOU continue to IGNORE it Enforcing THIS will be much more easy than forcing folks to go to church! on Sunday. And, you think that THIS government cannot do this without Congress approval? THINK AGAIN (or try!) Bush went into Iraq when HE decided to. All it takes is a DICTATOR! Sadly, the ONE that may be on the near Horizon is DDT (Dictator Donald J. Trump). American Christians overwhelmingly support him because it seems that THEY DO NOT HAVE A CLUE! And regrettably, it seems, neither do YOU!


                    • james believes the mark is sunday worship, so that is the same thing as imposing “christianity” so his argument about how to impose christianity on muslims and jews argues against his own beliefs

                • Nov 9.

                  Facebook Christian said: A sign in the Sun. Jesus said in Luke 21:25
                  And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

                  John Ashcraft said: On Friday, November 9 was Rosh Chodesh Kislev on the Rabbinic Calendar but on the Biblical Calendar, it is Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (first sliver of the New Moon).

                  E-sword said using New King James Version said: Psa_81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.
                  Isa_66:23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.
                  Eze_46:1 Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

                  Pacific West Coast earthquake in Oregon on the Tetonic plates.
                  EXPLOSION IN CRUST 12km below Oregon + West Coast Seismic unrest @ Volcanoes – Dutchsinse 24:24 for Oregon earthquake.

                  If you want me to use your 20,000 words that you solely use then send me the list WITCH and I will correct the 1000 articles with your words WITCH.
                  Don’t bitch to me but write to the facebook person and E-Sword and tell them to change all their words to your 20000 words only.

                  • John, for the record, I confronted you with the truth NOT lies and abominable names as you are doing to me. You should be ashamed of yourself but maybe you are just too sick for that. We are accountable to Yahweh Who keeps a record of EVERY WORD we say and write. I will no longer reply to you no matter how WRONG you are.because my words are wasted here.

                    • Until you give me your list of 20,000 words that you use, then I will ignor everything you say.
                      I cut, copy, and paste what others say and I do not change it to fit you every whim because you are a controlling freak. The only way YOU can change my thinking is if YOU are God of the Universe which you are NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has control of my life and NOT YOU, YOUR HUSBAND, Ray, Deena, Marianne, or any pastor or preacher. I answer to no one except YESHUA, or Elohim, period.
                      So even though you try to take away from me what Yeshua has bestowed onto me, you can’t unless YOU are YHVH which you are NOT.
                      I do not like steppinmg on toes but when I do it is blunt and straight forward, period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                • just do your best then move on…

  189. Actually the King James Version that esword uses is not the authentic word of God. You can either go the Jewish route and buy a Stone and Artscroll or you can read the Greek Septuagint version which is absolutely beautiful…The later manuscripts of the Bible have been changed…even the King James…it just keeps getting worse and worse. I actually found a verse in Hosea in the Greek Septuagint that shows that Jesus would turn away God’s anger from Ephraim but in the King James it is totally different. Take a look:

    Greek Septuagint (NAB Version) Hosea 14 : 5 says,
    “I will restore their dwellings. I will love them willingly. For he has turned away My wrath from them.”

    Notice- “He has” turned away God’s wrath

    King James, esword version: “Hos 14:4  I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him. 

    Now we know this is talking about Jesus or Yeshua because in verse 4 in the Greek it says “He who is among you will have mercy upon the orphan.”

    Who was among the tribes of Israel that had mercy on the orphan??

    It is really all about Him.

    • As long as you REPENT and turn away from the sins you keep on doing, then Elohim will take His wrath from you but as long as you keep on sinning, then you will get the wrath. So STOP SINNING, and face El in everything you do, write, think, and speak. As long as you keep sinning, then every thought, word spoken and written and every action you do is written down for yuour life in either the Book of Luke-Warm or the Book of Death and YHVH will judge you from these two books at your resurrection. SO REPENT and STOP SINNING NOW. It is your choice to go into the Messianic Kingdom or the lake of fire and brimstone. SO work out your salvation with fear and trembling. You will find out on your day of resurrection if you make it into the Messianic Kingdom this year or the lake of fire and brimstome 1000 years from NOW. Psalms 118 has 3 events over a 15 day period beteen the New Moon (first sliver of the New Moon) and the full moon. These are: the gathering (v.5). Armageddon (v. 10-13) and the Millennium (v. 15) which should be on the Next New Moon. Some believe Full Moon to New Moon. Me: New Moon to Full Moon.

  190. Jayna,
    I have always agreed that the woman represents a church in prophecy. It rides a scarlet beast.
    9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to [f]perdition.
    The seven hills obviously refers to the Vatican, in Rome and nowhere in the US. The woman, we agree, is the Catholic church, and it rides a Rome – based kingdom… the Vatican. Ask anyone if they believe the Catholic church is tied to the US or the Vatican and you will get the Vatican every time. The US is not a stronghold for Catholicism, only the Vatican fits that description.
    Also, the 8th king, here referred to as another beast is related to a previous beast that “was” is not (no longer exists) but will come again for a very brief time. You should recognize that the first beast of Revelation which followed the Roman empire described by Daniel, was the Holy Roman Empire which lasted 1260 years, mentioned in Daniel and twice in Revelation. Only the Holy Roman Empire lasted exactly that long (538-1798) so there should be no doubt about the beast that “was.”
    But the US has never disappeared, it “was” and still “is” so it doesn’t fit the scripture. And it didn’t last 1260 years so it can’t be the first beast either. As I said, the Holy Roman Empire will be restored in the near future when the European Union gives the Vatican and pope full religious power in order to activate the mark of the beast – forcced sunday-only worship in an attempt to ride Europe of Muslim refugees. Reporters in England are already writing articles about the coming “new” Holy Roman Empire. So the first beast that was, is not, will soon rise again. Everything is already in the works.
    But you believe the US will disappear, then rise again as an arm of the Catholic church? Yeah, right. Your concept is pure fantasy. Read the US constitution.:
    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”.
    That clause would have to be voted away by congress, if possible. But you can forget that ever happening. Once again, your interpretation requires the impossible to happen. And if it can’t happen, then you can’t be right. Simple as that.
    And besides, you’ll never get all the verses to fit right.

  191. Jayna,
    I have always agreed that the woman represents a church in prophecy. It rides a scarlet beast.
    9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to [f]perdition.

    The seven hills obviously refers to the Vatican, in Rome and nowhere in the US. The woman, we agree, is the Catholic church, and it rides a Rome – based kingdom… the Vatican. Ask anyone if they believe the Catholic church is tied to the US or tied to the Vatican and you will get the Vatican every time. The US is not a stronghold for Catholicism, only the Vatican fits that description.
    Also, the 8th king, here referred to as another beast, is related to a previous beast that “was.” “is not“ (no longer exists) but will come again for a very brief time. You should recognize that the first beast of Revelation which followed the Roman empire described by Daniel, was the Holy Roman Empire which lasted 1260 years, mentioned in Daniel and twice in Revelation. Only the Holy Roman Empire lasted exactly that long (538-1798) so there should be no doubt about the beast that “was.”
    But the US has never disappeared, it “was” and still “is” so it doesn’t fit the scripture. And it didn’t last 1260 years so it can’t be the first beast either. As I said, the Holy Roman Empire will be restored in the near future when the European Union gives the Vatican and pope full religious power in order to activate the mark of the beast – forcced Sunday-only worship in an attempt to ride Europe of Muslim refugees. Reporters in England are already writing articles about the coming “new” Holy Roman Empire. So the first beast that was, is not, will soon rise again must be a restored Holy Roman Empire. Everything is already in the works.
    But you believe the US will disappear, then rise again as an arm of the Catholic church? Yeah, right. Your concept is pure fantasy. Read the US constitution.:
    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”.
    That clause would have to be voted away by congress, if possible. But you can forget that ever happening. Once again, your interpretation requires the impossible to happen. And if it can’t happen, then you can’t be right. Simple as that.
    And besides, you’ll never get all the verses to fit right.

  192. Jayna,
    I have always agreed that the woman represents a church in prophecy. It rides a scarlet beast.
    9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to [f]perdition.

    The seven hills obviously refers to the Vatican, in Rome and nowhere in the US. The woman, we agree, is the Catholic church, and it rides a Rome – based kingdom… the Vatican. Ask anyone if they believe the Catholic church is tied to the US or tied to the Vatican and you will get the Vatican every time. The US is not a stronghold for Catholicism, only the Vatican fits that description.
    Also, the 8th king, here referred to as another beast, is related to a previous beast that “was.” “is not“ (no longer exists) but will come again for a very brief time. You should recognize that the first beast of Revelation which followed the Roman empire described by Daniel, was the Holy Roman Empire which lasted 1260 years, mentioned in Daniel and twice in Revelation. Only the Holy Roman Empire lasted exactly that long (538-1798) so there should be no doubt about the beast that “was.”
    But the US has never disappeared, it “was” and still “is” so it doesn’t fit the scripture. And it didn’t last 1260 years so it can’t be the first beast either. As I said, the Holy Roman Empire will be restored in the near future when the European Union gives the Vatican and pope full religious power in order to activate the mark of the beast – forcced Sunday-only worship in an attempt to ride Europe of Muslim refugees. Reporters in England are already writing articles about the coming “new” Holy Roman Empire. So the first beast that was, is not, will soon rise again must be a restored Holy Roman Empire. Everything is already in the works.
    But you believe the US will disappear, then rise again as an arm of the Catholic church? Yeah, right. Your concept is pure fantasy. Read the US constitution.:
    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”.
    That clause would have to be voted away by congress, if possible. But you can forget that ever happening. Once again, your interpretation requires the impossible to happen. And if it can’t happen, then you can’t be right. Simple as that.
    And besides, you’ll never get all the verses to fit right.

  193. Testing my account…


    • John,
      This article is pure bunk. I’m and electrical engineer and have studied astronomy my whole life and I can tell you that the hypothesis in this article is pure nonsense. And if NASA’s planet X and Nibiru are the same then Nibiru will never come anywhere near the earth.
      The force of magnetism is extremely weak. Even at the earth’s surface it can barely move a compass needle properly suspended. So any planet so away we can not yet detect it (10 billion miles) could not possibly have any effect on the earth and certainly not the massive effects this article claims is happening. It would be like lighting a match on mars and being able to see it with the naked eye from the earth. The whole concept is simply ridiculous.
      Learn some real science. Reject these idiots.

  195. Well Jayna,
    Looks like your end-time scenario just fell apart.
    You claimed that George H.W. Bush was to become the Antichrist and he would team up with the Vatican (and the pope as his False Prophet and together they would force Christianity onto the world as the mark of the beast.
    You claimed that Bush’e reference to a “New World Order” referred to a world-dictatorship led by Bush. But I listened to his speeches during the last few days of remembrances on TV and I noted that he referred to the falling of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union as possibly the beginning of a “New World Order free from dictators and tyrants.” Yet you believe he wanted to create a new world dictatorship with himself at the top. Well it didn’t happen and it never will. The whole idea of any man taking over the planet is just crazy. Napoleon tried it as did Hitler but neither was successful. And they controlled vast armies. Even the U.S. was bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. We couldn’t take over the middle east let alone the entire world.
    So your 2018 time frame was wrong and your entire line of events has proven to be false. It looks like both you and John need to get together and whip up a new story and a fresh time line. I’ll be interested to find out just what that will be. All the generations calculations are over for the next 30 years and the Jupiter-in-Virgo situation won’t happen for another 12 years. So you may have to go back to the old drawing board and come up with something new. Something that actually makes sense.
    Good luck guys.

    • Jim, after March, all th planets are too far spread out with one per constellation depending upon which constellation they are in until about 2024 when they start coming back together for all 7 planets to line up in Virgo at the same time in 2040.
      As of Decembr 9th, we have 5 planets in 5 constellations between Sagittarius and Virgo and Venus is in the womb in Virgo right now and is virth on December 9th and if I remember correctly 5778 Biblical year is not over until the New Moon in April of 2019 which I go by and December is not over until December 31, 2018 but according to Jim, it is over NOW.

      • John,
        It doesn’t matter where the planets are because the bible never uses astrology for prophecy. You are just barking up the wrong tree. You are simply wasting your time.
        It has never worked and it never will.

        • It is called ASTRONOMY, not AStrology and if you believe it is astrology then you are barking up the wrong tree for you know NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about the Bible so for you, then cut out 30 percent of the Bible and then you will be correct.

          • Sorry dude, but predicting the future by the position of the planets against the stars is the definition of Astrology. Just remember that all astrologers use detailed astronomical charts to make their horoscopes, so just because you use a fancy astronomy program to make your predictions doesn’t mean you are not practicing astrology.
            You are!

            • December 9 birth of the Anti-Messiah

              Dec 9. Chanukkah 8. Puppid-Velid meteor shower. Conjunction of Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius.
              We have a birth. Who will it be? Will it be the Messiah or the Anti-Messiah? Yes.
              11/13 Jupiter and Sun in Libra. Venus kissing Spica in Virgo. Love at first sight.
              11/26 Jupiter and Sun conjoined in Scorpio. Venus in birth canal of Virgo. Now this is very, very interesting. When is the birth?
              12/9 Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius and Moon on first sliver of the New Moon. Moon, Saturn, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus in 5 constellations and in an almost perfect alignment. Venus birthed. We have a winner for the birth of the Anti-messiah. Matt 12 Sign of Jonas. Dec 9th New Moon with the birth of Venus in Virgo after being in the birth canal for 26 days gives us 40 days until the Marriage of the Groom and Bride and Armageddon.
              The above used the Ezekiel 1 time line base on the Creation 1 day of Sept 23rd, 2017 +13 days each to arrive to December 9th, 2018. Dec 9th +13 days = Dec 22 Winter solstice which is the inauguration of the anti-messiah (Obama). Matt 12 Sign of Jonas with the birth of Venus the Morning Star in Virgo on Dec 9th +40 days = January 17/18. Day of Trumpet New Moon is the first sliver of the New Moon. Day of Atonement is ten days later with the Marriage of the Groom and Bride. Sign of Jonas part 2 has 40 days until Day of Atonement. January 17/18 would then be Armageddon on Day of Atonement.

              Clima Extremo 24December 8 at 12:18 PM
              MÉXICO: Imagen captada de un meteorito esta madrugada desde Xochimilco en la Ciudad de México.
              Mexico: Image captured of a meteorite this morning from xochimilco in Mexico city.
     Solar Eclipse in France
              Dec 22, inauguration of the Anti-Messiah (Obama) on the winter solstice.
              Rev 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is (Obama), and the other is not yet come (Trump); and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
              Rev 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth (Satan in Obama), and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
              Jim the idiot would call this astrology and nunerology. Jim what would you do if the gathering was on January 8th instead of 2027-2033 when the population of the earth is less than 500 million by 2025 from 7.4 billion now?

    • 12~7~2018 Fifth Day That the Jews Are Celebrating Hanukkah
      Remembrance of the Pearl Harbor Attack on December 7, 1941
      Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!’

      Jim, as I wrote before, no “luck” (name of pagan deity) involved, only the Spirit of Yahweh and prayerful study! Both you and John seem wrong. I believe that the funeral of George H.W. Bush may have been FAKED. Think outside the box (coffin).! I thought this right away but a few others have mentioned it on You Tube. He’s the most abominable ruler of The Two Horned Beast (U.S. Government) in the 20th and 21 st Centuries. Even if Trump enforces “The Mark of the Beast”, he can NEVER catch up to the evil of THAT man! I still believe he’s the one to go into “The Lake of Fire” when Yahshua returns. He may have faked his funeral so he can be in his luxury underground bunker when the SHTF as in economic collapse, Northern Attack by Russia/Iran, or other horrible disaster. The rumors are crazy. Some believe that he was executed by Trump people. HA! They ARE ALL BIRDS OF A FEATHER working for THE VATICAN. And, I did NOT write that Bush Sr. is the antiMessiah. I said that he was the ruler of The Two Horned Beast (U.S. Government) that turns its power over to The Vatican. He was the ambassador to The Vatican at one time. Jim, you really NEED to CONNECT THE DOTS because you are so behind when it comes to Bible prophecy. Right now, that’s NOT a very good state to be in!


      • John seem wrong. By this statement, botth you and Jim are now idiots. I do not listen to idiots like you either. D-Day ery, very soon.

        • Fifth Day of Hanukkah According to the Jews and New Moon on the Sabbath

          John, I did not call you an idiot. I said that you seem wrong and really, most (if not all) all of your predictions have NOT happened. According to Scripture, what does that make YOU? I have learned my lesson! I will no longer predict a year for Yahshua’s Return although it will be on a Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, apparently and sadly, NOT 2018.
          This year the true start of Hanukkah is on January 1, 2019 NEXT ROMAN YEAR. I find this very curious.
          Here in Orange County CA we have had 1 3/4″ of rain the last couple of days. We better be prepared for the increased radiation (from Fukushima) that this is bringing to us! Those of us enduring until the end will be saved.


          • Jaco Prisloo on facebook on December 1-2, 8-10.

            Jaco Prisloo on facebook from South Africa compiled the work from his point of view. I did mine from Biblical Astronomy and Feasts of the Lord. There are two places the rapture will take place at based on Leviticus 23. That is Passover week which was fulfilled 2000 years ago so that is now wrong and the Fall Feasts in Septembr/October.
            What most Christians do not know is that Chanukah week on the Rabbinic (Sept/Oct) or Biblical Calendar (April) is Fall Feasts number 2. The rapture takes place in the Fall Feasts on the first sliver of the New Moon (Matt 24:31=Lk 24:44= Psalms 118:5=Psalms 81:3=Lv 23 Fall Feasts of New Moon to Full Moon which is a 15 day periond). Presently that is December 9th, 2018 or January in 2019.
            Ezekiel’s Wheel timeline in Ezekiel 1 points to December 9th from September 23rd, 2017 + 13 day intervals which arrives us to December 9th, 2018
            Creation has 3 teeth of 13 days each (39 days/years).
            Quickening has 4 teeth (52 days). 91 days Nov 14
            Birth has 7 teeth (91 days). 182 days
            Adult has 6 teeth (78 days). 260 days
            Prime has 7 teeth (91 days). 351 days
            Death has 1 tooth (13 days). 364 days
            Resurrection has 6 teeth (78 days). 442 days
            Fullness has 10 teeth (130 days). 572 days
            Lord has 1 tooth (13 days). 585 days.
            Start at Sept 23rd, 2017 as Creation day 1 and then do the math.

            • Sixth Day of Hanukkah Sabbath and New Moon in these LOST DAYS!

              John, there isn’t a rapture only Yahshua’s Return on a Yom Kippur. THIS is what Scripture teaches us. Personally, I am not going to watch or listen regularly to any more Christian preachers as they are demanding that viewers and listeners TAKE The Mark of the Beast. And OTHER LIES! The stock market fell today (more than 500 points!) Hey, we may NOW be in the LAST year, called The Day of Jacob’s Trouble!


              • Is the Day of Trumpet on the Same day as Day of Atonement. If not, then wht is the Day of Trumpet for. Some teach that the Day of Trumpet was fulfled any where between 10 to 2000 years ago. What is your opinion? Then answer me this. What does the Bible teach about the Day of Trumpet using just Rvelation and where does it fit.

                • 12~8~2018 Sabbath Sixth Day of Hanukkah (That the Jews are celebrating) Also New Moon in these VERY LAST AND LOST DAYS!

                  John, you DO believe don’t you that Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew for head of the year) The Feast of Trumpets is ten days BEFORE Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement)? NO RAPTURE! Yahshua returns on a Yom Kippur because that day determines the timing of Jubilee years and the end of the 6000 years. Leviticus 25:9 Some Christian preachers say Yahshua returns on Rosh Hashanah. NOT! They say there is a rapture. NOT! They say that people go to Heaven when they die. NOT! Heretic Hal Lindsey preaches that we do NOT sleep when we die (which contradicts Yahshua’s OWN WORDS in John 11:11-14). He says that Yahshua told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in Paradise. NOT! The Hebrew for those words read: “Truly, truly, I say unto you TODAY, you shall be with Me in Paradise.” And, he will be but NOT then!) BIG DIFFERENCE! Lindsey also praised the monster Bush Sr. on his last program! Prodigal Perry Stone teaches that dead babies grow up in Heaven. NO! I am not going to watch any of them any more! BE WISE! Don’t watch, listen, or donate to these beggars! They are teaching the deceived to accept “The Mark of the Beast” while ROBBING Yahweh!! SHAME ON THEM!
                  I believe that Daniel 11 is about the Hanukkah experience when the sacrifices to Yahweh were stopped and a hog was sacrificed to Zeus Christos in Yahweh’s Temple on December 25, Circa 168 B.C. Between then and now, this pagan name “morphed” into the idol name of “Jesus Christ”! Xmas has been here a very long time! This abomination lasted for 3 1/2 years recorded in the Book of Maccabees. Hanukkah celebrates the restoration of the worship of Yahweh to His Temple. I do NOT believe that there will be a rebuilt temple or resumed sacrifices of innocent animals. Why would there be? At the moment of Yahshua’s death (for us!) the huge curtain separating The Most Holy Place was completely rent in two!
                  I expect the last ten days after the last Rosh Hashanah to be very traumatic with the last plagues and judgements happening. Maybe we are in the last year. Even the last ten years will be sad and eventful and it seems we must be in those NOW!


                  • Jayna,
                    I agree with you that no one goes to heaven when they die, they sleep until the resurrection on the Feast of Trumpets when Yashuah returns. Also, the Jews have no plans to rebuild the temple. Christ will do that after He returns. I believe the ark of the covenant will be returned to the holy of holies at that time.
                    But we can’t be in the last year. The time of Jacob’s trouble will last 3-1/2 years. The 2 witnesses will return to complete Jesus’ 7-year ministry and then they will die and remain dead for the same time as did jesus (3-1/2 days). I’m afraid you are in too much of a hurry for Christ to return and you’ve tried to shuffle the seals into the dust bin of history. Sorry but that is not biblical. They are end-time events given as such by Christ Himself.
                    You tend to throw away much of bible prophecy in order to try to prove your time line. But now that it has been proven false perhaps you can do further study using logic rather than conspiracy theories and perhaps we will end up agreeing on many other things. May God bless your studies.

                    • Jim, sadly, it seems that you are also always WRONG with your counting. You are stuck in the 3 1/2 years a favorite of Christianity’s. The events of 168 B.C. have been thrust smack dab into the supposed LAST DAY events. There are a final Jubilee cycle, seven final years and a final Jubilee year according to YAHWEH’S counting which is HIS calendar. There ARE Jews preparing for a rebuilt temple because now they believe that they have the elusive red heifer (yes, another one).
                      Well, maybe I am in a hurry for Yahshua to return. I have been waiting since 1968. How LONG have YOU been waiting? What I relate here I believe to be true. Jim, you cannot prove Bible prophecy to yourself or anyone here when you remain STUCK in the worship of God, Jesus Christ, and Lord!

                      “Whom shall He teach knowledge? And, whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast.” Isaiah 28:9

                      Decades ago (early 70’s?) I heard these words applied to the milk and breasts of “Mystery Babylon”, Mother CHRISTIANITY!

                      “Come out of HER My people!”
                      Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4


                    • Jayna,
                      stop with the Jubilee predictions already. For the last few years you claimed the jubilee years was 2017 or 2018, but neither was correct and you prediction was false. Face it, you have no idea when the jubilee would be if the Jews had kept it up for the last 3000 years, so you make up a date to fit your preferred timeline. Many have tried this. All have failed. Its like Nibiru… it will never show up.
                      However, you are right about Mystery Babylon being the basis for modern Christianity which is full of pagan practices and holidays. It is Mystery Babylon not any city or nation that will be destroyed like a millstone when Yashuah returns. In other words, He will strip all paganism from modern Christianity, completely destroying many churches or at least their doctrines.
                      Those with the mark will suffer the last plagues and anyone who refuses to convert to the “true Christianity” of Christ may suffer the destruction of the wicked. The same is true for any Jews who reject the returning messiah.
                      God will fix the church (both Judaism and Christianity) and turn it into the marriage bride.
                      Count on it.

                • Trumpets and Atonement are different days

                  • Jim, Yahshua is NOT going to reform Christianity! He is calling people to come out of HER! Revelation 18:4 This is because Yahweh will DESTROY Christianity and The Vatican which created it!. Revelation 17:3-18 We can know this because these killed the martyrs and the saints in Revelation 17:6 during The Dark Ages of Papal reign. THAT’S CHRISTIANITY! The martyrs and the saints WEREN’T CHRISTIANS! They believed in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua, kept His Commandments NOT Sunday, Xmas, Easter, and the pagan names! They were TRUE BELIEVERS like the 144,000 in Revelation 14 who are SAVED and SEALED in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua! HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”
                    Jim, this word of praise does not have any real meaning for you because you are a pagan Christian.


                    • Jayne,
                      We are not that far apart on our beliefs. 99% of Christian churches will be “destroyed” but I don’t think God will blow up their buildings and murder all the parishioners. But that said, all those members WILL suffer the seven last plagues as they are Sunday worshippers. So we are only less than 1% different here.
                      The martyrs are indeed those killed by the church in the dark ages. During this time the church martyred over 100 million Christians who refused to change their Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. The same mark of the beast that will repeat in the near future. So we mostly agree here as well, only the mark is different.
                      Actually, you and I are more in agreement than anyone else I’ve blogged with here. Our primary difference is what the mark will be. But your scenario is far too impossible to ever happen and mine is much simpler and is not only possibly, it is likely to happen, even if it has nothing to do with the prophecy. We won’t know until one or the other scenarios begins to unfold, but yours is too fantastic to ever come to pass.

                • John,
                  The day of trumpets and the Day of Atonement are ten days apart. The Jews arbitrarily decided to move the first day of their calendar from March 15th to the Day of Atonement and rename it Rosh Hashanah which screwed up all prophecy if you try to use the new Jewish calendar rather than God’s calendar.
                  Also, Chanukah is a made-up celebration by the Maccabees, not God, so those days will have no value in end-time calculations.
                  The last feast to be fulfilled by Jesus was the last spring festival, Pentecost. The next one He must fulfill is the Feast of Trumpets which is obvious as He returns on the seventh trump. The Feast of Trumpets was designed by God to celebrate the return of the savior.
                  The Day of Atonement follows Trumpets by 10 days and it will be the day that Christ finally takes His throne after Armageddon, rebuilding the temple from Ezekiel, \getting the throne of David back from Buckingham Palace etc. On that we will truly be AT ONE with Him (ATONEment). After His return we will celebrate His first coming (birthday) with the Feast of Tabernacles which will be the only yearly festival celebrated during the millennium.
                  So having Christ return on Rosh or Chanukah is un-biblical. He must fulfilli trumpets first and He must do it at the 7th trump.

                  • Jim said: Also, Chanukah is a made-up celebration by the Maccabees, not God, so those days will have no value in end-time calculations.
                    John said: Gen 7:11  In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 
                    Gen 7:12  And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.  November 2 was the Day the Flood began and in 2018 was the end of the church age. Novenber 2+40 days and 40 nights = Kislev 25 (Chanukkah 1).
                    Blessings for a Defiled People
                    Hag 2:10  In the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying, 
                    9th month and 24th day = Eve of Chanukkah 1.
                    Conception of Yehoshua/Jesus was on Chanukah 1 at the Feast of Dedication/Festival of Lights.

                    Blessings for a Defiled People
                    Hag 2:10  In the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying, 
                    Hag 2:11  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying, 
                    Hag 2:12  If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No. 
                    Hag 2:13  Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean. 
                    Hag 2:14  Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean. 
                    Hag 2:15  And now, I pray you, consider from this day and upward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the LORD: 
                    Hag 2:16  Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the pressfat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty. 
                    Hag 2:17  I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the LORD. 
                    Hag 2:18  Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD’S temple was laid, consider it. 
                    Hag 2:19  Is the seed yet in the barn? yea, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth: from this day will I bless you. 
                    Jim, Chanukkah plays very well into end times theology and calculations for the Anti-Messiah and the Messiah.
                    Haggai 2:19 is the gathering/taking which Christians call the rapture.

                  • Elizabeth Marie

                    December 9, 2018

                    2019: a year of judgment & year of repentance

                    On December 2nd, 2018, I asked the LORD about the year 2019, and this is the message I heard:

                    “2019 will be the time of judgments. However, just as 2018 was a time for preparation, I will extend that time into the beginning of 2019. Many said this year (2018) there would will NO DELAYS for the judgments, but see how they were wrong!

                    Did I not say that 2018 was a time of preparation for MY BRIDE? Did I not say that there would delays to the coming judgments? Did you go to war with North Korea, as many prophesied? Did nukes fall on the U.S. or Israel? Did Trump get thrown out of office? I tell you, no, these things did not happen, because the judgments had been held back up to this point.

                    You ask, ‘ what about the fires of California, or the hurricanes in North Carolina, or, even recently the 7.0 (please notice MY divine number) earthquake in Alaska….weren’t these judgments?’

                    MY dearest ones, these were the shakings of the birth-pangs that are getting more and more frequent. They were allowed to WAKE people up to the FATHER! To WAKE up people from their slumber and compromises. They were fore-shocks to what is coming next.

                    In MY great love and compassion for MY creation, I wait until the very last minute to destroy the wickedness that abounds. Till the very last minute, I allow the wicked people to live, in hopes that they will turn to ME. It is in MY compassion that I do so, for I long that no one would perish or spend an eternity without MY light and truth.

                    Do you not understand how I grieve so for MY children? Those of you who are parents must understand the pain when their child rebels and shuts the door in their face. The grieving is real and very painful!

                    Now I will tell you what next year holds. The time of preparation will carry over to the first part of the year. Hopefully, My true, sanctified ones will continue to prepare. I will instruct them in what they should be doing. If you do not know, then please inquire of ME on bended knee, and a contrite, humble and repentant heart…..cry out to ME sincerely and I will sincerely show you and lead you.

                    These birth-pangs from 2018 will quickly change into strong contractions. The waves will roar, the wind will kick up and, and tornadoes will come…..earthquakes and hurricanes will all increase.

                    Wars and rumor of wars, power outages and darkness. Unrest and murder. The streets will be filled with violence and blood in many cities, as the birth-pangs flow with MY judgments.

                    For those who have been reading (and hearing) the true prophets, did you get yourself prepared? I send MY warnings for this reason. For those who didn’t, there will be no accuses, because I have warned those that I love.

                    (IN SUMMARY)

                    2019 will be a year of transition as the birth-pangs increase into heavier judgments. It will be a YEAR OF JUDGMENT and a YEAR OF REPENTANCE. Many will wake up from their slumber. I will remove the scales from their eyes and they will see clearly in the SPIRIT. The time has now come. The delays from 2018 have past.”

                  • jim

                    John 10:22–39 notice the first verse, this is another term for Channukah, google it and see…..Jesus observed this holiday

                    22 Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter,

                    23 and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade.

                    24 The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”

                    25 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me,

                    26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep.

                    27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.

                    29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.

                    30 I and the Father are one.”

                    31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him,

                    32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

                    33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

                    34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods” ’?

                    35 If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside—

                    36 what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?

                    37 Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father.

                    38 But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”

                    39 Again they tried to seize him, but he escaped their grasp.

                    • Marianne,
                      This is New Testament history. John is referring to Hanukkah as the ancient Jewish festival that the Jews initiated when they rebuilt the second temple and restored Jerusalem as predicted by Daniel. However, God did not speak to the Jews and tell them they must create a new feast day, so it is not a feast that must be completed by the messiah. So older bible prophecy can not reference a feast that God did not already create so I don’t believe that Hanukkah has any reference tin bible prophecy so I ignore it when it comes to predictions.
                      You may not if you wish but I don’t think anything will happen on those dates except by coincidence. Christ will complete the fulfillment of the feasts on the day of atonement in which He returns. Feast of Tabernacles will become a permanent festival.

                    • Jim, I suggest that you cut out of your Bible Genesis 6-8, Haaggai, John 10 and evrywhere else that it refers to winter. Also include Psalms 18 and 19, Psalms 118 and Psalms 1-119just to be on th save side.

              • Jaco Prisloo and John Ashcraft are watchmen on the wall for the return of the Messiah.Dottie Best is a watchwoman on the wall Seekers of Truth Caroline is a watchwomn on the wall. Jaco produces videos and articles. I produce long articles (8 pages each with or without parts. Marianna on Heaven Awaits is a watchman on the wall. She and her writers produce articles with pictures. So when you say this: Personally, I am not going to watch or listen regularly to any more Christian preachers as they are demanding that viewers and listeners TAKE The Mark of the Beast. And OTHER LIES!. …Then you are nt going to be on Heaven Awaits anymore and comment back to people like me. Jaco Prisloo and I produce dat setting articles and then we watch and see what really happens on those dates. On Ezekiel’s wheel date setting comment. Every 13th day from September 23rd (Day of Trumpet Revelation 12:1-2 Sign (Date Setting Sign) becomes a dat to watch and see. Majority of my comments are a date setting comment. The Sabbaths of Leviticus 23 are date setting days. In the Bible there are over 70 date setting verses and they begin in Gn 1:1. Your January 1 is a date setting event. So what will happen on that date? We wait and watch and see. If something happens then I record it on my monthly calendar.

                • John ~ A WATCHMEN ON THE WALL?? Then YOU will be teaching THE TRUTH and warning others that Christianity is “The Mark of the Beast”. WHY AREN’T YOU? It’s YOUR choice. Ignore history! Ignore the Greek translation of the #666! You may feel good that you have the safety of numbers believing the same false Christian religion as you as does this corrupt government of “The Two Horned Beast”. BUT KNOW THIS! You have been warned here many times even if no where else. And, no one SAVED believes the truth in secret. We must take a public stand for the truth in these lost last days!

                  My Sabbath Testimony:


                  • That is where I teach. When an Christian holiday comes around, I teach on the paganness of it and tie it back to Baalism, Nimrod and the Tower of Babel which today is the New World Order, One World Religion and one world currency.
                    In 2017 at Christmas time, I walked into a church and saw 3 Christmas trees in the sanctuary. In an email to the pastor, I had told him that he turned the house of God into the House of Satan. I am Elijah and was sent to him to remember the Laws of God. Remember Yeshua cleansing the Temple for turning the House of God into a Den of Thieves. Many churches of today do that one as well. That pastor rejected me. I emailed him back and said: Even though you rejected me and told me to never come back, You did not reject me, you rejected the one who sent me and you rejeceted HIM 30 years ago with all of your Christian holidays.
                    Ten years ago, I had dreams of 12 churches. Ten have been fulfilled picture perfect to the Tee in Albuquerque, NM. They all recjected me and they all rejected HIM who sent me to them. I am the Spirit of Moses Elijah/ and Amos, and curches do not like me because I come aroud stepping on their toes.
                    So now I wait for Armageddon to come 40 days from today (Dec 9th) 2018 which is Matt 12 Sign of Jonas on the first sliver of the New Moon. Venus the Bright Morning Star was birthe today and that is the birth of the Anti-Messiah. REPENT and STOP SINNING for we are not in the Day of Judgment. The Age of grace ended Nov 2 on the 8th day of the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles. Nov 2 was also the day the flood began.

                    • John,
                      ARE YOU SERIOUS?
                      After nothing you have ever predicted here about the second coming has been true you are now predicting the return of Christ within 40 days? Since Armageddon happens after the second coming, the war of Daniel will have to start to flare up any day now… king of the north, king of the south, kings of the north and east… that’s a lot to happen in so short a time.
                      So let me scoff once more… It will NEVER happen in your time frame.
                      and stop using astrology (the planets) for your predictions.

            • John, Yahshua will return on a Yom Kippur. It was not in 2018! I believe that B.O. was a very minor player NOT the one who will enforce “The Mark of the Beast”. This enforcement WILL show us that Yahshua’s Return is VERY NEAR! Right now Trump is threatening to shut down the government because of the mythical wall!
              Jim, Armageddon happens BEFORE Yahshua’s Return. Remember, He says , “I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” before He Returns. Revelation 22:13


              • Jayna, there are 3 Yom Kippurs. There is the Rabbinic Yom Kippur, the Biblical Yom Kippur, and Yom Kippur near Chanukkah. As a Jew, we watch for the return of the Messiah on the Day of Trumpet New Moon. New Moon is the Key. So we watch for the return around Feast of Tabrnacles, Chanukkah, Passover month, Feast of Tabernacles, Chanukkah. I watch on every New Moon for the Trumpet is blasted on the New Moon (first sliver of the New Moon). Christians watch on whatever date they set. So in the year of Jubilee and the year after is when I watch. I do not watch any other time. I record on my astronomical calendar events such as fire balls, comets, New Moon, Full Moon, when there are 2 or more planets in one constllation, 4th day, Jewish dates in the Bible such as 2nd month 17th day, 9th month and 24th day, 11th month and 24th day, and events on the earth onto those particular day such as an earthquake above 6.0, Tsunami, and volcanic eruptions that show up in the media. You can have birth pains in the Heavens with the amount of events in the Heavens. If birth pains can happen on the earth, then why not in the Heavens as well. This past Monday there were 2 fireballs back to back. As the day of the return gets closer, earthquakes of 6.0 (centimeters), 7.0 (centimeters), 8.0 (centimeters), 9.0 birth. For elevations of volcanic ash, you watch for an increase in the height of the plumes. As for Tsunamis, they may be 1 now but as the return approaches, they will increase to 2-5. So I am never disappointed on my astronomical calendar watch dates. A major watch date coming up now is the winter solstice on Dec 22. Will something happen then? Maybe yes and maybe no. A fireball may occur then. An asteroid may pass by in close approximation, a cross in the corona of the Sun may show up, An angel with wings may show up as a figure. a majar volcanic eruption may occur, a tsunami, 3 earthquakes of 7.0 may occur on the same day.

              • Jayna,
                Christ returns during the final war(s) but when He does, the warring armies join together to march on Jerusalem to defeat Yashuah. Remember that Armageddon is won by acts of God led by Christ and His army of angels. But if you consider Armageddon to be the last war before the millennium then Yashuah will have to return first.
                I tend to separate the war of Daniel from Armageddon. The war of Daniel stops when Christ returns and Armageddon begins. But you probably think the war of Daniel has happened hundreds of years ago.

                • Jim, Daniel 12 is about the events that brought Hanukkah circa 168 B.C. NOT hundreds of years ago. THOUSANDS! The sacrifices were STOPPED then. They were resumed afterwards until 70 A.D. They will NOT return in a new temple as Christians preach. The approx. 3 1/2 years was the timing of the Maccabean wars. We can LEARN a lot from history if we can KNOW it! Yahshua will return at the end of 6000 years to save HIS SAINTS from certain annihilation. There will NOT be any wars AFTER He returns to take us to Heaven for the Millennium. The earth remains desolate with the Evil One chained to it. The saints are in the New Yahrushalom which comes down out of Heaven with all of them AFTER the millennium. Then the resurrection of the wicked takes place. The Evil One is let loose. He deceives the resurrected wicked into believing that they can capture the New Yahrushalom. Before this each one is shown WHY they are lost and they acknowledge that Yahweh is just. When they attack the City fire comes down consuming them all. Afterwards, the righteous will tread on the ashes of the wicked. Malachi 4:3 The earth will be restored to Edenic beauty. Revelation 21:1 The saints will then have a city home (New Yahrushalom) and a country home. HalleluYah!

                  BE THERE!


      • Jayna,
        Clearly you have not been blessed by studying the word of God since you have been completely wrong in all your predictions. Same for John.
        Maybe now both of you will start looking for real prophetic events and stop trying to use current events or astronomy programs to nail down a return date.
        Your problem is that you don’t know what to look for. Neither of you believe there will be two witnesses. Jayna believes Bush 41 will come back to life and take over the world and John thinks Obama will be the one. Neither of these scenarios could ever happen. And while Bush 41 DID have the mark of the beast (Sunday worship) he never attempted to force any religion on any people.
        But Jayna thinks that Bush was the Antichrist and received a deadly wound which will be healed before he takes power. Yeah right. And John is completely confused after the epic fail of Jupiter this year. And if he thinks everything in prophecy is going down in the next few weeks he is just crazy.
        So the two of you are now doomed to wait for a real sign… like Bush coming back to life or Nibiru suddenly appearing. NOT!
        So it appears we are all in the same seat. We are just looking for different things to happen. I’ll bet the 2 witnesses appear before Nibiru or Bush 41 again.
        Any takers?

        • 12~10~2018 Eighth and final Day of Hanukkah on Earth
          According to the Jews

          Jim, clearly you are showing everyone here that you can’t even READ let alone understand Bible prophecy. And you LIE by saying people have said things when they have NOT! I have only been wrong about Yahshua NOT returning on Yom Kippur, 2018 and earlier dates. I SURE WISH THAT HE HAD!
          I wrote that Bush Sr. may not have died at all and FAKED his own death. I DID NOT SAY THAT HE WILL COME BACK TO LIFE . You PROVE to everyone here that you ARE an IDIOT! The Vatican HAD the deadly wound NOT Bush! In fact, Bush caused Reagan to have a deadly wound and thus Bush Sr. gained earlier control of the presidency. You and John cannot understand ANYTHING prophetically because you are BOTH stuck in Christianity. The LORD means “BAAL” the sun idol of Babylon. Those who seek the LORD can only be mislead. SEEK YAHWEH while you still may FIND Him!
          The name EliYah means , “My Elohim is Yahweh”. John, you cannot align yourself with him because you do NOT witness in Yahweh’s or Yahshua’s Blessed Name. Jim, you and John may be in the same seat but neither of you are sitting where I AM. It’s called the seat of THE SAVED. And, it seems that both of you cannot even tell that your light is beginning to dim. The wise virgins HAVE HIS NAME! Song of Solomon 1:3 The foolish ones like you DON’T. The wise who have understanding in Revelation 13:18 KNOW the meaning of THE MARK OF THE BEAST and reject it. John and Jim, those like YOU that keep rejecting Yahweh and Yahshua HAVE The MARK of the Beast. Sadly, it’s THAT simple. And, without the SEAL of Yahweh and Yahshua’s Names, you do NOT have any reward either!


          • Jayna,
            Everyone here (and the world for that matter) believes Bush 41 is dead. You just can’t fake an ex-president’s death, there are far too many whistleblowers who would have to be in on it to pull it off. So for all of us he would have to be raised from the dead. Period.
            And Bush had nothing to do with shortening Reagan’s full 2 terms. And Bush only served one term, not much of an Antichrist if the Vatican couldn’t engineer a second term.
            Yes, the Vatican was the deadly wound. I’ve been saying that here for over 10 years.
            And we all seek Yahweh even if we write a different name when we talk to others. God will not hold semantics against His true believers. We all know Christ is Yeshua and Yahweh is our lord. And they know that we know. You are saying all we need to be saved is to type a different name in out blogs. Heck, I can set my spell catcher program to do that automatically. That would not impress God one bit.
            Suppose I call Jesus “Josh” or Joshua, His true English name. Would that be blasphemous?
            And we don’t worship BAAL when we speak of the Lord. Most Christians never heard of BAAL or what happened on Mount Carmel. So how can they be worshipping an ancient idol just because of semantics? Is God so cruel to punish these faithful souls? No. Only if they break His commandments with Sunday worship. But that will take out 99% of today’s Christians, so you are close to the truth but not quite.
            So stop saying we all reject Yahweh and Josh when we clearly do not. Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name?”
            Would a God by any other name still be our Father? I think not m’lady.
            So stop complaining over names and start rethinking your whole interpretation of bible prophecy. If you think George Bush is ever coming back you’re just crazy.

            • Jim, besides being spiritually BLIND you are also stupidly NAIVE! What is easier to DO? FAKE a death or come BACK TO LIFE? Yes, if it was faked, at least ALL of his relatives were in on it.
              Bush Sr. FAKED a lot of things! That plane attack during World War II where other pilots were killed was one. The assassination of JFK was staged partly by him. 9/11 was an inside job and I wager that he was at the helm of it.
              Jim, you also do NOT know history! John Hinkley who shot Reagan was the son of Bush Sr.’s business partner. From the time Reagan was shot, he relinquished control to Bush Sr. Possibly having Alzheimer’s made it more easy for him to do this. Workers on Reagan’s staff reported that he showed serious symptoms of this when he was president. If Bush Sr. was in control why would he be upset if he was not elected again as a phony president?
              Yeshua is not a name of the Messiah at all because it does NOT contain the Father’s Name Yahweh. Jim, you are also very blasphemous to say that Yahweh accepts ANY NAME that we call Him. Again, Yahweh’s FIRST commandment is to NOT have OTHER deities before HIM. (This command precedes the fourth. Can YOU count? No!) That’s what YOU are doing ALL of the time that you write the pagan names! Again, the Evil One does not care if you BELIEVE it’s fine to use the pagan names instead of the TRUE Names of Yahweh and Yahshua. He KNOWS Yahweh’s Word even if YOU don’t! If you willingly CHOOSE to worship in the pagan names, HE’S GOTCHA! I expect that we will not be hearing from you much longer. Yahweh puts up with blasphemers like you but only for so long. NOT hearing from YOU will be a very NICE MISS!


              • So what legislature did Bush get passed that promotes forced Christianity in the US or anywhere else for that matter? All you claim to know is bush’s wishes and intentions to partner with the Vatican but nothing ever happened towards that end.
                Its just like those people who think Obama is Muslim and will soon become Antichrist dictator of the world, yet he only set foot in a mosque once on a state visit to Saudi Arabia. He has repeatedly claimed he always has been a Christian and never said he believes in anything at all in the Koran, yet people claim they know his inner thoughts so that it fits into their prophecy theories. You all believe in things to happen that simply can never happen, such as the US forcing its citizens to become Christians. Lets see Trump get that bill thru congress any time soon. And lets see Bush return to take over the world. How old and sick do you think he will be when that happens?

                • Jim, are you not aware that both Bushes did NOT get Congressional approval to go to war with Iraq?? One or both have stated that “The U.S. Constitution is just a piece of paper.” I believe that “The Mark of the Beast” when it comes will suddenly happen especially to those who have never given it any thought at all.
                  The idea that Bush Sr. was NOT dead and in the coffin came suddenly to my mind. It was like a revelation. Then by searching I found a few others on You Tube voicing the same concern. Being the most wicked ruler of the 20th-21st Century, how can there be anyone else to replace him in end time prophecy? No one now! Putin and Trump do not even come close! B.O.? No. He bowed to The Queen of England!
                  Yes, Bush Sr. is way old enough to die and should have by now. I have heard that some of these bad characters get new hearts from younger people to live longer lives. THAT’S DISGUSTING!
                  Jim, the Government will not force us to be Christian. It will require us to accept Christianity’s Mark (cross), Number (666) , and Name (Jesus Christ), in a form of government approval which will be a BIG NOD to The Vatican! Jim, you believe that “The Mark of the Beast” is Sunday worship. HA! That is ALOT more far fetched than the Greek translation for Revelation 13:18 (Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web).
                  Well, Jim, you should ask yourself, “Jim,WHO is The Two Horned Beast Government of Revelation 13:18?”
                  WHO ELSE CAN IT BE if it is NOT the U.S. Government? By the way, it’s what Ellen G. White wrote about in 1888. Remember, she’s the one that said Sunday worship is “The Mark of the Beast”. Personally, I’d rather trust the Bible translation!


                  • Jayna,
                    The two horned beast of Revelation is the Vatican, not the U.S. It is clearly a Christlike religious kingdom which follows the first beast the Holy Roman Empire. It has all the authority (religious power) as the first beast (Holy Roman Empire) which the U.S. clearly does not… that is in the constitution. The constitution does not speak blasphemy. It avoids specific religion intentionally. Plus the U.S. did not directly follow (come out of) the Holy Roman Empire. But the Vatican was a huge part of the Holy Roman Empire and it has taken over all the religious power vested in the old Holy Roman Empire.
                    Also, don’t forget the last 2 kingdoms (7th and 8th kings of Revelation. They come from the first two beasts and are a combination of the two… the European Union (revived Roman empire) and the Vatican… to recreate a restored Holy Roman Empire for a brief time. All 8 kings are part of the same story from Babylon to the restored Holy Roman Empire. The U.S. does not fit the story any more than the British Empire, the Mayans or the Chinese for that matter. I don’t know what your theory is but it won’t match the bible for more than a dozen verses in all the bible. If you have to throw out 99% of prophecy to make your story fit then you must be doing something wrong.

                    • Heaven to Jim! WRONG AGAIN!
                      During Carter or Reagan’s time the POPE kissed the ground when he came to the U.S. as a sign that THE VATICAN claims the land as its own. It does this only once in each country. This is one reason why THE U.S. GOVERNMENT is NOT THE VATICAN! IT IS THE TWO HORNED BEAST (a buffalo?) It comes out of the earth (wilderness) NOT peoples (sea) like the first beast (Vatican).The U.S. Government turns its power over to The Vatican fighting its wars, etc., because the Papacy does not have its own armies.
                      What will it take for YOU, Jim, to WAKE UP? Finding YOURSELF in a FEMA camp? It’s a GREAT possibility here in CA!
                      A Tony Vann on You Tube has many photos of missing victims from recent CA wild(?)fires. Maybe there were thousands! It’s heartbreaking to see them!
                      Jim, research the prophecies of the 1800’s including Ellen G. White’s who wrote in 1888 (Great Controversy) that the first beast (Revelation 13:1) is The Vatican and The Two Horned Beast is the U.S. Government, Revelation 13:18. Of course she believed that “The Mark of the Beast” is Sunday worship. After all she remained a CHRISTIAN.

                      As I have continually reported here, the Greek translation of the #666
                      (Greek Diaglott, FREE on The Web) PROVES that it means “Jesus Christ” with a CROSS, X as in Xmas! : CRISTIANITY! Jesus Christ is the pagan name of the image (idol) of the beast (Vatican). The mark of this image is a CROSS, X as in Xmas.

                      There, you have it AGAIN!


                      “Come out of HER My people!” Yahshua the Messiah in Revelation 18:4


                    • Jayna,
                      Despite what you claim the uS Supreme Court is still in full force and active today. They just installed two new judges. Its been all over the news and if it was fake news, stories made up by unscrupulous reporters then we wouldn’t have dozens of reporters on many different networks coming up with identical stories about the supreme court and its members. Face it, the only way for your eschatology to work would be if the Supreme Court didn’t exist, so you simply claim it was disbanded years ago. Even extreme conspiracy theorists won’t believe that one. It is custom made for your theory only.
                      And stop with the stupid FEMA camp nonsense. That idea was dreamed up in 2015 for the military maneuvers and has long since been debunked. I have many photos of FEMA camps which were recently activated for the hurricanes and all they contain are rescue vehicles and temporary housing units. No jail cells. Do you know what kind of infrastructure is required for even a few thousand prisoners. Plus, if they are going to capture one FEMA camp’s worth of prisoners at a time it will take hundreds of years to round up the entire country and we would need at least 350 separate camps and probably cost more than the national budget to build and run.
                      You seem to believe our government is worse than Nazi Germany, even in peacetime. (WW3 hasn’t started yet).
                      Your story and even you “reality” is just to crazy to believe. Sorry.

    • Jim, just remember Bush Sr. DID bring in The NWO. He may NOT be dead YET! Final events can be HERE as quick as lighting a match. The beast in Revelation 13:1 became The Vatican. The Two Horned Beast became the U.S. Government. The False Prophet is Mohammad of Islam.

      The Mark of the Beast is CHRISTIANITY!


      Yahshua SAYS to come out of HER Revelation 18:4

      Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON!

      HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”


      • Jayna,
        There is NO New World Order. His NWO was a world without tyrants and dictators, not a One-World Government. There is no One-World Government, there are 200 different countries, not just one.
        The 2-horned beast was a Christlike lamb (of God), a religious kingdom. If John saw a buffalo he might have called it a horse or an ox, but never a lamb. The inference is both simple and plain. There can be no mistake. God is not a God of confusion. You always need to make things too complicated in order to fit your theory.

  196. Jim. Israel has been fighting a six front war since February 10th, 2018. That is the Psalms 83 War, Isaiah 17 War. There are 5 end times wars: Damascus, Psalms 83, Isaiah 17, Euphrates River War, and Ezekiel 38-39 War. Psalms 83 War and Isaiah 17 war ends on the Day of Trumpet New Moon. The Ezekiel 38-39 War begins on the Day of Trumpet New Moon and ends on the Day of Atonement with the Marriage of the Groom and Bride and Armageddon. Then 5 days of Grace and then the Millennium begins.
    The Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation are poured out between the New Moon and ten days later. This is what I teach. It has taken me 7 years to understand it.

    • John, how do you come up with Ezekiel 38 – 39 happening in the last few days of the 6000 years? I have not been able to understand Ezekiel 39:9 the seven years AFTER the attack. There are TOO MANY ERRORS in the King James Bible and maybe it’s just another one. I have been considering this war since the early 1980’s. Some believe that Russia coming into the war in Syria was the beginning of it. At some point Damascus is totally destroyed (Isaiah 17:1) and possibly that will instigate the Northern Attack of Ezekiel 38-39 and Psalm 91. Yahweh’s saints will survive it! HalleluYah!


      • prophecydepotministries is the source. Bill Salus is great at what he does on end time battles. I get his monthly send out.

        Is Iran About to Experience the Fulfillment of Jeremiah’s Ancient Prophecy of Elam?

        (Jeremiah 49:34-39)

        The Lord says “I WILL” 9 times in the Elam Prophecy

        Jeremiah foretells of a time when bad Iranian rulers will fiercely anger the Lord. As a result the LORD will destroy them. I believe that time is NOW!

        But why? The Lord would never eliminate good leaders like Persian King Cyrus the Great from the past. However, these future leaders want to launch something lethal somewhere and the Lord will prevent this by breaking their bow at the foremost of their might. As a result it appears that a nuclear disaster ensues in Elam, which is where the Bushehr nuclear reactor is presently located. (See the map above).

        As a result a humanitarian crisis occurs, which causes the indigenous population to flee from the affected area. These Iranian exiles disperse worldwide into the nations. Jeremiah says,
        “There shall be no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go.”

        Meanwhile, Iran’s enemies, plural, pursue Iran militarily until Iran is soundly defeated. However, Iran will not be entirely destroyed because the nation survives to enlist among the Gog of Magog invaders of Ezekiel 38:1-6. Iran is identified as Persia, not Elam, in the Ezekiel invasion. But, what will Iran’s strength be like after the Elam prophecy takes place? I believe they will be severely weakened by the time they join the Magog coalition.

        • John, Elam if meaning Persia was conquered in the 6th Century A.D. by the Moslems. Earlier in that chapter Hazor is mentioned. It was captured by Nebuchadnezzar and the people killed. Afterwards it became only an archeological site. The 6th Century is when Persia’s great judgement happened. Possibly , the last verse alludes to Iran’s involvement with the Northern attack of Ezekiel 38-39, Psalm 91 bringing a final judgement to that nation. Current Moslem rulers (of The False Prophet of Revelation) call for the destruction of Israel (and America) on a regular basis.

    • And all tis happens in the next 40 days?
      Not possible.

      • As long as Armagddon, Ezekiel 38-39 War (Gog and Magog), and WWIII is being talked about, then it is possible.

        Breaking Israel News articles on search for Gog and Magog
        Is Yellowstone Geyser Activity Sign the Globe Is in For Some Serious Shaking?
        How Anti-Semitism Signals the Approach of the Messianic Era
        Syria, Gaza, Afghanistan: The Endless Wars
        IDF: A Special Army Preparing for Gog and Magog
        Building Up Israel Is Preparation For Messiah, Teaches Rabbi In Israel
        Line Between Good and Evil becoming Clearer After Major Missile Strike in Syria
        Fake News and the End-of-Days
        Rabbi: Strange Mist on Temple Mount Is War on Spiritual Plane (Rev 8:1-4)
        Rabbi: The Messiah Might Have Already Come and We Didn’t Notice (Obama; Erdogan, the Pope)
        Rabbi: How Can You Not Notice the Signs of Messiah?
        Recent Earthquakes in Israel, Warm-Up for Pre-Gog Global Upheaval?
        Is Biblical King Og Rematch About to Take Place In Syria?
        An End-Of-Days Guide to the Current Conflict in Syria
        President Trump Single-Handedly Stopped Gog and Magog Claims Rabbinic Scholar
        Turkish Leader Claims Muslim Victory Over Europe, Cites Trump’s ‘Alliance’ With Jews as Obstacle
        Holy Cities of Islam and Catholicism Struck by Freak Ice Storms Within Days of Each Other
        Rabbi: Flowing Magma Discovered Under Yellowstone Connected to War in Syria
        Did the War of Gog and Magog Begin on Saturday? Psalms 83 War began on February 10th. February 9th is Zech 1 (11th month and 24th day) and involves ech 2, 12, 13, Psalms 83 and Revelation 9. It ends on the Day of Trumpet ( first sliver of the New Moon) and then begins the Gog and Magog War (Ezekiel 38-39 War) which ends ten days later with the Marriage of the Groom and bride and Armageddon. The Psalms 83 War is a six front war for Israel. The above article: Did the War of Gog and Magog Begin on Saturday? got me interested into looking at the 5 emd-of-Days Wars and I came across Bill Salus and have been addicted to hia articles ever since.
        SO, yes, Gog and Magog War can take place in 30 days.

        • John,
          The war of Ezekiel 38-39 won’t start until after Christ returns on a Feast of Trumpets one of these years. The war ends by an act of God so Jesus will more than likely be here to fight that war. It will help teach the whole world who the real God is and to get used to the idea that Jesus will be in charge for the next 1000 years.

    • John, I believe you may be correct on your dates for the Ezekiel war. Christ will return on the Feast of Trumpets and the world will come together to take Him out. Both the Ezekiel war and Armageddon may occur simultaneously. The certainly end in the same manner… fought by God and not mankind against itself. That all changes as soon as Christ returns and stops the war of Daniel.
      Wow. Occasionally you actually do get some things right!

      • It was not me. I just connected the dots between what Bill Salus teahes and that of Dr. Denis Otero. But I did rely on what Breaking Israel News have to offer. As for others, I read the headlines and pass it on. Dr William Mount on says that Martial Law will occur in the USA after Christmas. Will he be right possibly. Rumor mill has the starting point in California. I have a slow processing speed, so it may take me 2-3 months to iron out all the nails in the road.

        • Jim, I thought it WAS disbanded when they put W Bush in as president, a long time ago! FOLLOW FAKE NEWS? No, NOT ME! WOE to THEM like you that call TRUTH TRASH! YES! They are ALL in on it! WHY AREN’T YOU?? Jim, it seems to me that you will just KEEP LYING. How WELL is THAT working for YOU?


        • John, sadly it seems to me that you have a habit of combining other peoples’ errors and sharing them. Dr. (?) William Mount is never right. (I’ve kept track!) He’s Dr. Disinfo but maybe he sounds good to you. He sells high priced supplements, etc. Have Diabetes? Take Vana Trace by Priority
          One (if you can still find it on The Web!) It costs less than Mount’s cinnamon and really WORKS!


          • Jayna, I said HEADLINES, not reading the articles. BUT HEADLINES ONLY.

            • John, WHY read headlines at all if YOU are NOT going to read the articles? As usual, and sadly, you are NOT making any sense to me.

              • Headline, Martial Law occurs after Christmas of 2018.
                Headline: ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC; Leaves Note Revealing Gov’t Plans to Round-up & DISARM Americans During Economic & Bank Collapse
                Headline: The enemies if the USA will attack when the USA is at their weakest. 3 days of darkness = 72 hours of darkness for the globe.
                Judgement against the USA (Babylon the Great) occurs in a single day. The Prophets of the Biblie
                Connect the dots and you have the time when everything hits.

              • Which Side Will Declare Martial Law First?
                by Dave Hodges,
                We live in an universe of duality, light and dark, good and evil, strong and weak. Along these lines, every single federal agency has loyalists and Deep State traitors operating inside of the power centers. They are both vying for control. Both are competing to impose their will on the parts of the government that each side does not control. It strongly appears that we are moving towards martial law. The question is, whose martial law will it be? Will it be a martial law controlled by the Deep State that would have to be predicated on a major false flag (eg Reichstag Fire)? Or, will it be martial law based upon a proven national security threat (ie the sedition currently occurring inside of California).

                Trump’s options are very narrow. He has cause, at this moment, to impose martial law because of the obstructionist actions by people like Governor Jerry Brown and the CALEXIT group. Their undermining of border security, the promotion of thugs to carry out the elite’s agenda, are enough of a pre-emptive excuse to implement martial law on behalf of the administration-seeking-consolidation needed by Trump forces.

                The other side needs to discredit Trump to the point where the public will accept a coup following false flag that will be blamed on Trump and his supporters. Who will win?

                Trump’s Martial Law
                Presently, the opposing forces, inside our federal government, are competing for the control of every federal agency. The conflict has reached critical mass. The “Trump card”, pardon the pun, is to gain ultimate control through martial law, and the signs point to a coming martial law due to leave cancellations and troop deployments, as well as changes in training modalities . In yesterday’s article, I postulated that we are looking at Trump’s intention to declare martial law in California in which the power center of that state will be transferred to New California’s movement based upon executive order designed to correct the ongoing treason and sedition presently taking place in the former “Golden State”. A declaration of martial law in California by Trump forces would provide the pretext to expand the dragnet and real indictments for key members of the Deep State would commence. I have several sources who are on board with the logic of this last statement. Although this is a high-risk strategy, it could result in Trump emerging as actually being in control of his administration, which he is presently not.

                Deep State Inspired Martial Law
                On the other side, the Deep State side, there are plans to initiate a coup, employed through a Deep State inspired false flag. In order for the Deep State plot to succeed, Trump must be first neutralized, either through assassination or indictment, or at least the threat of indictment. The threat of indictment could provide enough justification in the public’s eye to oust Donald Trump. I know, some are saying the President would have to be impeached and convicted, not just charged by an Obama appointed prosecutor. But since when is our country following the rule of law? I today’s climate, only the appearance of impropriety is needed to carry out the Deep State Democratic Party agenda.

                Yesterday’s article made the case that if Trump forces prevail, there will be a move made on California and related Deep State forces by Trump. The rest of this article will examine some new evidence which has recently come to light which reveals, not only a Deep State move on the government, but a Deep State move on the people of the United States.

                And just when one thinks that they are working on a somewhat exclusive story, we are quick to realize that we do not live in a vacuum. Dr. Mount just published this video which contains many of the same events and motivations of the Deep State.

  197. Janya. January 1 Tuesday. Biblical Chanukkah 1. Nov 2 Flood +40 days and 40 nights. John 10 Feast of Dedication. Uranus and Mars in Pisces. Sun and Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius. Mercury and Jupiter on Ophihuchus. Venus and Moon conjunction in Libra’s Holy Altar. Venus 1.3°S of Moon.

  198. John, it seems VERY STRANGE about Hanukkah starting on January 1, 2019 this year. The Hebrew calendar must have another month. It also seems prophetic starting on January 1 start of the Papal Roman calendar. The U.S. Government often does its actions by predictable dates. The original time of Hanukkah had to do with a wicked ruler installing pagan worship (CHRISTIAN!) and persecuting righteous Jews. Will something like this happen when the time of the true Hanukkah begins? I have already lit the menorah in the windows (viewable from two streets) in solidarity with the Jews but I will do it again. The front yard is a testimony to Hanukkah and will remain until next year. This year there was hardly any décor available for sale for Hanukkah. Several store keepers told me Hanukkah items sold out quickly. I made all of my Hanukkah signs myself and have used them for years. Blue sapphire, silver, white, and turquoise are our colors for this time of year, even blue poinsettias! I have heard that Yahweh has a giant throne made of blue sapphire.


    • December 9th New Moon began the Rabinnic Month of Tevet (Judgemnt) which is the biblical Month of Kislev. The Rabbinic Month for Kislev with Chanukkah ended on Dec 10th but it was interesting that the New Moon was on Dec 9th. January New Moon is January 8 and is Chanukkah 8th and I find that very interesting for the number 8 means a New Beginning.

  199. So why are the Jews celebrating the last day of Hanukkah today? I’ve been following each day on the talk shows where they wish their audiences a happy Hanukkah at the top of every show. Clearly their staffs have done the research, so what is the trick to your strange calculations?
    Oh wait… you insist on being wrong with all your calculations… got it!

    • The eighth day of Feast of Tabernacles (Chanukkah 9th Day since Chanukkah is known as Feast of Tabernacles 2) ties to Revelation 21-22 which is a New Heaven and a New Earth if you have ever read the Bible from Genesis 1-Revelation End, but you have not so you lie in the dark.

    • Genesis 1 forms a Menorah with 7 candles. Genesis 1:1 is a Menrah. Genesis 1: 3 is a Menorah. Rev 7 Churches is a Menorah. So the first 7 days of Chanukkah refers to 7000 years of Creation. The 8th day of Chanukkah is a New Beginning and refers to Reve 21-22 A New Heaven and a New Earth. The 9th Day is final completion. It was on this day that new oil lit the Menorahs after the Maccabean revolt. So yes, we celebrate Yeshua as our light of the world. We celebrate His death and Resurrection at Passover week, The Lord’s Laws at Pentecost. His birth at Feast of Tabernacles. And He as the light of the world at Chanukkah which ties us back to Gen 1:3.
      Presently we are at the end of 6000 years and th beginning of 7000 years from Creation. Hence, my strange calcultions.
      The Day of the Lord Will Come
      2Pe 3:1  This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: 
      2Pe 3:2  That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: 
      2Pe 3:3  Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 
      James Giordano is an excellent scoffer. He is the best scoffer there is. He is the king of scoffers. His pride exceeds those of others. His fall shall be great.

      2Pe 3:4  And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 
      2Pe 3:5  For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 
      2Pe 3:6  Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 
      2Pe 3:7  But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 
      2Pe 3:8  But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 

      • John, why don’t you answer posters’ questions? Jim asked you WHY we are keeping Hanukkah this year different than the Jews. WHY don’t you answer him? Every time someone asks ME a question I give an answer ASAP hopefully from the Bible. Yahweh’s Word says “To give an answer for our faith.” AGAIN, your continual use of the pagan names L-d, G-d, J-s C-t, and Yeshua undermine your posts. And, really, you SHOULD write YOUR OWN thoughts NOT others’ especially Christians’ because they are always WRONG!


        • Jayne, Jim did not say that. You did. You said: WHY we are keeping Hanukkah this year different than the Jews.

          Jim said: So why are the Jews celebrating the last day of Hanukkah today?
          Genesis 1 forms a Menorah with 7 candles. Genesis 1:1 is a Menrah. Genesis 1: 3 is a Menorah. Rev 7 Churches is a Menorah. So the first 7 days of Chanukkah refers to 7000 years of Creation. The 8th day of Chanukkah is a New Beginning and refers to Reve 21-22 A New Heaven and a New Earth. The 9th Day is final completion. It was on this day that new oil lit the Menorahs after the Maccabean revolt. So yes, we celebrate Yeshua as our light of the world. We celebrate His death and Resurrection at Passover week, The Lord’s Laws at Pentecost. His birth at Feast of Tabernacles. And He as the light of the world at Chanukkah which ties us back to Gen 1:3.
          Presently we are at the end of 6000 years and th beginning of 7000 years from Creation. Hence, my strange calcultions.
          The Day of the Lord Will Come
          2Pe 3:1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
          2Pe 3:2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
          2Pe 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
          James Giordano is an excellent scoffer. He is the best scoffer there is. He is the king of scoffers. His pride exceeds those of others. His fall shall be great.

          2Pe 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
          2Pe 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
          2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
          2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
          2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

          I can only go by what is stated. I do not read between the lines. My answer was based from the Bible and not from traditions of men like yours is. The Jews follow the Rabbinic Calendar and I follow the Biblical calendar which since April 16th, 2018 is one month off. April 16th , 2018 was the first sliver of the New Moon and in 2019 it is on April 8th. Why, I do not know. It could be involved with Nibiru.

          • John, Jim ASKED you about “your strange calculations”. If it was Not about the timing of Hanukkah, what else could it be since THAT was the subject? I DON’T follow “the traditions of men” like you state. We are NOT at the end of 6000 years yet because THAT is when Yahshua will return.
            John, as time goes on it seems to me that you get more and more confused in your own and others’ thinking. That is NOT the Spirit of Yahweh working in YOU!


            • 2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

              This is the answer to strange calculations.

    • 12~15~~2018 Sabbath in these sad LOST LAST DAYS!

      Jim, it seems to me that you can’t even get the Jewish observed days correct! This year as a body, the Jews kept the last day of Hanukkah on 12~10 NOT the 15th! The reason this year it’s beginning on 1~1~2019 is because the year started one month LATER in the spring. The Jews are often wrong because they changed Yahweh’s calendar to one of there own making. You may already know that as a group they are also WRONG about the coming of their Messiah Yahshua.
      I’m just wondering if at this true Hanukkah time President Donald J. Trump will pull an Antiochus Epiphanes stunt and enforce “The Mark of the Beast”. Apparently, at some time HE WILL. The U.S. Government has an affinity for certain dates like January 1. What CAN happen between NOW and THEN? Let me be clear! This is a thought that has come to me NOT a definite prediction.


      • I don’t follow Hanukkah closely, I only knew it was over or close to over.
        So do you really think that Trump could get the constitution change with a democratic house? They will kill every bill he tries to pass. Maybe Franklin Graham will run for president in 2020, but that is probably too far away for your taste. Or maybe the pope will run for president!
        Come on… all your ideas are completely ludicrous. Only an extreme conspiracy theorists could buy into such nonsense.
        BTW – the US Government is shut down on Jan 1. Always. So don’t expect anything to be passes on that date. The congress will be out for winter recess, then the new members will take over on the 2nd or 3rd.
        It seems you can’t come up with a single theory that is even remotely possible in the real world.

        • Jim, you don’t seem to follow the Bible very closely let alone any day on Yahweh’s calendar. You just don’t GET IT! Free elections STOPPED in the U.S. decades ago! Franklin Graham? He’s another criminal like his father! People are really STUPID to donate to him or any other Christian or really any group that BEGS. King David wrote that children of the righteous won’t be begging. Psalm 37:25
          NOTHING has to be passed! The Constitution became just a piece of paper to the U.S. Government a very long time ago! Events will be like what happened under the Nazis because THEY are STILL in control under The Vatican! That Congress is out sounds like a great time for them to do something horrible possibly without any warning in the media because THEY control the MSM. People with insight know what I am writing about because they have understanding. Sadly, Jim, you have spent YEARS here without getting ANY!


          • Jayna,
            You act as if the Supreme Court has been disbanded. Haven’t you followed all the news on the two new justices? Everyone in congress has been hotly debating the constitution for the last 2 years. Trump has tried to bypass the constitution several times and has been shot down every time. The constitution is still very much in full force. Only a true conspiracy theorist could possibly believe the trash you are pushing. All of congress would have to be pretending to debate the constitution and the press would have to be in on it as well. It just can’t happen except in a dime novel. It is as ridiculous as Nibiru, which nobody here has ever seen.
            But just keep waiting… eventually the things I’ve predicted will start happening. Then maybe you will change your mind. Certainly nothing you’ve ever predicted has happened, so you need to look in a new direction… sooner rather than later.

            • Jim, I thought that the “Supreme Court” WAS disbanded when THEY put in W. as president a long time ago!

              FOLLOW FAKE NEWS? No, NOT ME if I can help it!

              Jim, beware of calling TRUTH TRASH!

              YES! They are ALL IN ON IT! WHY AREN’T YOU??

              Constitution? HA! B.O. became president without following it! Iraq was invaded without following it!

              Anyone reading here regularly knows the following. Jim, NOT ONLY ARE YOU WRONG but you are willingly DUMB!


  200. Jayna,
    If the 2nd beast is the U.S. then explain these verses:

    6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

    7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

    How does the woman (Christianity) ride the beast (America)? The U.S. Does not support any particular religion but instead all of them. That is in the constitution. America is not known for supporting just Christianity, however the Vatican DOES support the Catholic church which is most of Christianity today.
    And what do the 7 heads and 10 horns represent in America? The 13 colonies if you assume God can’t count too good?

    And explain these:
    10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

    12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

    So who are the seven kings and who are the ten kings that receive power for one hour with the beast.
    And what about the 8th beast that is of the 7th? And why does he go into perdition?

    And riddle me this:
    Rev 18: 16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
    Does purple and scarlet sound more like the colors of the U.S. Or those of the Vatican? (Have you seen our flag ever?)

    My theory explains these verses perfectly as well as every other verse in Revelation. Yours throws out 90% of Revelation and requires changing history and not using common sense with current events.
    Believe it or not I once followed the “Left Behind” scenario as it was all I heard from Jack Van Impe back in the 80’s. But with the internet I was able to do more than watch TV so I began to study in earnest all the possible theories on the web. I pulled bits of truth from many of them but none properly explained every verse in Daniel and Revelation, so I prayed on the matter and after ten years of tweaking and following the news I began to refine my eschatology until I am now confident that I have the true story. And over the years current events have proven me right. The European Union formed in 2010 (7th king) and Europe is poised to activate the mark of the beast in order to get both Muslims and Jews to leave their overpopulated countries since neither will worship on Sunday.
    This will trigger retaliation from Iran and start the war of Daniel. Then the seals are opened (the pope coming to power with ten nations of the 7th kingdom (not all 28/27) will open the first seal.
    There is no Antichrist, only the False Prophet in the form of the leader of Mystery Babylon – the pope. And Revelation claims that the False Prophet (NOT Antichrist) will be thrown in the lake of fire and killed, so the False Prophet can’t be Mohammed since He is dead and God would never resurrect him, and for what purpose? So your claim that Mohammed is the False Prophet can’t possibly be true. Just one more mistake among many.
    I don’t really expect you to respond to my questions since there is no crazy response even possible unless you distort reality even further.
    But I will wait and see.


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