Nibiru’s Projected Path from 2011 – 2018?


Also known as Planet X.     Excerpt from a pdf file sent to me.

NOTE:  October 4, 2015

Correction: mistake here…..

It is obvious now that Elenin was confused as being Nibiru when it wasn’t.

Elenin has come and gone.

The pictures of Nibiru presented here cannot be associated with the path of Elenin, as they are different objects.

So the pictures here are real, they are just confused with the timing of the passing of Elenin.

Some say Nibiru does not exist.  Others say it does.

The pictures of “Nibiru” will eventually be clarified, since they are real pictures.

And Nibiru may still be in our not too distant future.

Thank you

I am not endorsing this, but just presenting what I have been given.

I do not know enough about space computer programs to assure that these calculations are correct.

I leave this up for consideration.

Maybe it will confer some insight on earth events that may occur this next year.

Some deny Nibiru exists. Others swear it is coming.

I do know that SOMETHING – called Wormwood- is coming because the bible prophesied events consistent with what people say will happen with Nibiru.

According to this, the path of Nibiru, Planet X, overlaps the path of Elenin, so this is why one would see the red dot (Nibiru) on a path that is labeled for Elenin.  

Here is the entire pdf file:

“Nibiru Final Report”

September 2011


27 September 2012:

Nibiru comes directly between the Sun and Earth. Unlike Elenin a

year earlier, it sits right on the ecliptic and will therefore cause a great solar eclipse.

The Earth will now be very much at the mercy of this immense object’s magnetism. At this

point and since several days prior as Nibiru drew nearer, Earth should already be tipping

severely and abnormally as its north pole is repelled by Nibiru’s at the same time its

southern counterpart is attracted.

It is then that earth will be caught in the crossfire between nibiru and the sun.




21 December 2012:

the infamous date sees the Earth approaching an alignment

between the Sun and Elenin, and Nibiru also aligning between the Sun and Jupiter –

all from the same general direction in space. It’s as if the objects have conspired together

to pull at the Sun. The magnetic stress on the star must be immense, especially with the

combined forces of the two largest bodies (next to the Sun) in the solar system, Nibiru and

Jupiter, involved! Note: at this stage the distance between Nibiru and its Elenin should be

decreasing as Elenin is decelerating while Nibiru is accelerating as it has just been flung out

of the inner solar system by the Sun. decreasing as Elenin is decelerating while Nibiru is accelerating as it has just been flung out

of the inner solar system by the Sun.

28 December 2012:

the double alignments are perfected.


1 January 2018:

Nibiru and Elenin are both on their way out of the solar system.

Nibiru’s magnetosphere finally begins to recede from the inner solar system and should

completely depart from it sometime during 2018, after wrecking havoc over the course of

seven undoubtedly tumultuous years since 2011.

The weaker and larger part of Nibiru’s magnetic field (the outer ‘rainbands’, indicated by the

red circle), however, should continue to affect us for many years to come just as it did in the

years and decades leading up to 2012.

The only difference is that instead of the effects getting worse, because Nibiru was then on

an inbound trajectory, they will be waning, because the colossal object is moving outbound

at this point.








SOHO image

Nibiru Final Update_page62_7 planets

nibiru – planet X with 7-8 planets around it

985 Responses to “Nibiru’s Projected Path from 2011 – 2018?”

  1. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. If Nibiru is out there it and all other heavenly bodies are controlled and driven by the forces of the mighty hand of God. And He may desire that it greatly affect the earth and its inhabitants for a purpose known only to Him. And Wormwood is definitely a blazing star/terrestrial body that falls to earth during the Third Trumpet of wrath which is embedded in the Seventh Seal. I believe the Church will have been taken in the Six Seal at the Second Coming of Christ and won’t experience any of the Seven Trumpets/Seven Vials of wrath. But as you and others have said many times…now is the time to find the place of safety in God….under the shadow of his wings.

    • Very interesting, indeed!!! YAH’s people need not fear “wormwood” or “the destroyer” if it truly is this Nibiru/Planet X. For He comes only to destroy the wicked and to SAVE His chosen. In Y’shua’s name. Amen.

      • Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis & much more do not pick & choose who perishes. Sadly,upwards o 90% of humanity is projected to perish duraing & after this cataclysm. See & &

    • hi elias

      Well, if it is true, then the time of the 7 years could start this week. I thought it was interesting that this object will also be around for 7 years, as in the final week of Daniel. If this is Wormwood, then the 6th seal will be next September, 2012, according to the current calculations. And I am not sure about them, but it seems consistent with prophecy, so I will take a wait and see approach.

  2. Sorry, I believe the movie “Dolphin Tale” shows America’s future…

    Of course some catastrophe may happen. But the life of the soul is what the human drama means. Think of all the people this day, this hour, who are discovering what it is to truly love, and be loved.

    Isn’t wormwood the same as Cherynoble? Isn’t that catastrophe enough for that word? It certainly is for me.

  3. Marianne, my deep conviciton/belief places the 7 years (seventieh week) of Daniel in seals One through Six. Seventh Seal contains all wrath reserved for only the wicked. In that light, Sixth Seal can’t be in 2012 since all the earth must first experience the 3 1/2 years of Antichrist’s one-world government….which concludes with the restoration of the deaf and blind remnant of Israel…those who are still waiting for Elias the forerunner…under the prophesying of the two witnesses…Moses and forerunner, Elias. This ‘remnant’ are the ‘all nations’ pointed to by ….Mt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.’ The convenant Remnant of Israel remain deaf and blind ‘to this day’ and is the only nation who, at this point, cannot ‘hear’ or ‘see’ the Gospel of the Kingdom because their hearts and minds are closed until the appearance of forerunner, Elias. This group has never yet seen Elias….and, therefore, could not accept Christ as Messiah at His first coming. They could not recognize Elias in John the Baptist since they were already deaf and blind…closed to it…by prophecied by Isaiah 6:10. And all of this must happen before the Second Coming where ‘all of Israel shall be saved’…where all of the faith of Abraham are reaped/gathered. My web site is named Internet Elias in direct relationship to the many years that God has burned my heart with the matter of Israel, Elias the Forerunner, Daniel’s Seventieth Week, and so forth. Many posts there discuss the heavy load of scripture relating to the significance of forerunner Elias and his part in the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel….all which must come ‘before the great and terrible day of the Lord.’

    But that is only my understanding ….just saying…lol.

    • makes me wonder.

      is it possible that an agreement has already been signed secretly?

      the bible never said Israel had to agree to it. it could be an agreement among enemies to destroy Israel…this could be a covenant between allied arab states only.

      if there has been no agreement yet, then it will be a great contradiction if the sun turns black and the moon turns red in sept 2012, and we are left wondering what happened to the 7 year covenant.

      it may not be a peace treaty as many claim. Daniel does not say it is a peace treaty.

      jacob’s trouble is only 3 1/2 years, not 7

      so how this unfolds is of great interest to me.

      would you like to be a guest author over here and post a favorite post of yours?

      you would add your name and website and contact info, or whatever you wished.

  4. Did anyone both to look up the word WORMWOOD in the Bible and see God’s defination for it…
    Proverbs 5-4…But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. This is about the broad way that leads to hell..ISLAM..

    JER, 8-15,,Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, [even] this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.

    JER 23-15…Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all t land..

    AMOS 5-7..Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth,

    REV. 8-10… And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, BURNING AS IT WERE A LAMP, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
    Rev. 8-11…And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

    BURNING AS IT WERE A LAMP IS THE KEY TO THIS RIDDLE…Satan is the star that falls from heaven and he is posing as god almighty and as messiah jesus and promoting the koran as god’s words…

    2 Samuel 22-29..For thou [art] my LAMP, O LORD: and the LORD will lighten my darkness.
    Psalms 119-105..NUN. Thy WORD IS A LAMP unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

    Job 41-19…Out of his mouth go BURNING LAMPS, [and] sparks of fire leap out. tHIS IS ABOUT LEVITHAN THE iSLAM BEAST IN THE SEA…

    The star falling from heaven called wormwood burning as a lamp is satan claiming he is the light (god). He makes the waters bitter with his lying doctrines…. which poisons some.. It is called wormwood because it is judgment..

    Jeremiah 8-7…Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the LORD.

    Jeremiah 8-14…for the LORD our God hath put us to silence, and given us WATER OF GALL to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

    JER, 8-15,,Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, [even] this people, with WORMWOOD, and give them WATER OF GALL to drink.

    I guess the Bible is just to easy to find the answers and being the complicated resourceful people we are we turn to the world for answers..

    antichrist Mohammed also spoke of the burning lamp and star…
    1.[24.35] Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass, (and) the glass is as it were a brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof almost gives light though fire touch it not– light upon light– Allah guides to His light whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things.

    • You are very close to the truth if not there.

    • If you would like to know about something about Mohammed. He wrote the coran by a supposed divine experience. Muslims said that mohammed begun reciting it while he was in some kind of sleep. My question is. Do you think thas is divine? absolutely NO. A person who is is half sleep or in trance or something like that its what I call it UNDER A SPELL and if you know well a person under a spell is under a demonic possession. Read your bible and try to find in any passage about a sleeping prophet, talking and not remenbering anything afterwards. You will find not one, Because God does not communicate to us that way. A dream is OK in fact we have seen many. However , the messages of the coran are good to mankind which it doesn’t surprise me. Luciffer is the master of deception. Because at the end it doesn’t accept the divinity of Jesus, our savior, and that is all he cares.

    • The name of God is not call, Allah, all respect the teaching of is blasphemous, in my bible king James version, it talk about killing young children’s,and murder all those mother with child, bless the name of the beloved Almighty god of Israel, the rock of my salvation, Jesus is real, god blessed always.

    • Be careful what u say devil.hold off your tongue or if will be cut off day of judgement.

  5. I almost forgot this verse about the burning lamp….

    Isaiah 62-1..For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and THE SALVATION THEREOF AS A LAMP (THAT) BURNETH….

    This verse shows that salvation of Jesus and the Gospel of Christ are as a lamp that burneth….

    REV. 8-10… And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, BURNING AS IT WERE A LAMP, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
    This verse is about Satan falling from heaven burning as a lamp means he he is counterfeiting the salvation of Jesus… Thereby poisoning people with Koran lies..Can anyone say Mohammed messiah and Koran gospel..

  6. if you look at some of the oldest paintings from around the world, you will see a depiction of two suns in the horizon of our sky. These depictions are present in all cultures around the world. Of course, the archeologists, etc., have never mentioned these facts and have essentially never referred to them, therefore there is no historical data in reference to these pictures and/or depictions.

    But, they are there! I believe, these are references to an actual event that took place back then. And, to let future generations know of this event. It is without a doubt, that our government does NOT alert the public to everything “they” are aware of. But then, we are already aware of this…aren’t we!

  7. What is this about 7 years? The bible never says anything about 7 years, except that the messiah would be cut off not for himself (3 1/2 years ministering and then the gospel going to the gentiles another 3 1/2 years but this already came to pass) If anything there’s indication according to many scholars that the tribulation will last 3 years. Because of the 69 weeks, some assume the rest of the time belongs to the future but that would invalidate all the rest of the prophecy (from the time the jews were allowed to re-build the temple). It seems that the 7 years is a denominational thing not supported by the bible, but if I’m mistaken, please let me know where the idea of this 7 years came about.
    Thank you,
    May God bless us all and give us strength ( I don’t know whether NASA has removed the info. but years ago one could find info. about a crash, a planet that was supposed to be coming into our orbit and the bible talks about stars falling etc. I personally believe that there will be such a thing (a stone that was cut off without hands and destroyed all governments–the feet of the Nabukanazer’s statue (please ignore the spelling)) however after that there will be lack of all the amenities of a civilized life and then the pestilences –wormwood seems to be referring to the water a bitter water that scientists hypothesized will come as result of killing the coral reefs which produces a red color in the ocean. Got carried away….Have a great day!

    • hi chrys

      the seven years is just a reference to daniel’s last week. From what daniel aslo says , the tribulation or time of Jacob’s trouble is 3 1/2 years. how the other half of the week unfolds itself is not well described, and does not really matter too much. people tend to take note when 7 is involved, because God does a lot of things in 7s.

    • Hi Chrys,
      You are right about the 70th week of Daniel. It is already fulfilled by Jesus. It has nothing to do with end-time events. The final tribulation time is indeterminate, but we know that the two witnesses will preach for 3-1/2 years, so that seems to be a more likely time frame.
      As far as the stone that hits the base of the statue, that represents the return of Christ at the end of time (end/base of the statue which represents the history of God’s peoples from Babylon thru the current time). He will wipe out all earthly governments and replace them with His holy kingdom on earth. This will happen AFTER the seals and trumpets are done.
      Whatever wormwood will be, we can’t predict it with science but we will all recognize it when it comes. And I don’t think it will be a natural disaster like dying coral reefs that could be easily explained by scientists. In fact, it will confound scientists and they will have no choice but to chalk it up to a higher power.

      • One of the most powerful and compelling of all fulfilled prophecies in the Bible, is the Seventy Weeks of Daniel.

        1. The book of Daniel was written during the Babylonian captivity in the sixth century before Christ. Skeptics who deny authentic authorship by Daniel still have to admit that the book appears in the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) by the second century before Christ. Even this later date makes this a valid and powerful prophecy.

        2. Read Daniel 9:24-26. The following terms are crucial to understanding the prophecy: “Anointed one” is the Messiah that the Jews were waiting for (Messiah is Hebrew for Anointed One), “Cut off” always refers to killed in the O.T., and “Weeks”, or “Sevens” (depending upon translation) is the Hebrew word Heptad. Heptad is used to mean either a period of seven days or a period of seven years (Comparable to our use of “Decade” for ten years). This passage is stating that 69 times seven years after the decree to rebuild the walls of jerusalem the Messiah would be killed for His people.

        3. The Hebrew calendar consisted (and still consists) of 12 months of 30 days each, resulting in a 360 day year. The conversion from that calendar to ours is as follows:

        a. 69 X 7 = 483 Hebrew years
        b. 483 X 360 = 173,880 Days
        c. 173,880 / 365 (Days in our calendar year) =476 Years in our calendar after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem the Messiah will be cut off.

        4. In Nehemiah 2:1 we read that in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes the decree was given to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (vv 2-9). King Artaxerxes is a historical figure whose reign secular historians say began in 464 B.C. 20 years from that date would be 445 B.C. when the decree is issued. Traveling forward in time 476 years brings one to 32 A.D. (Remember that there is no year 0. The year after 1 B.C. is 1 A.D.).

        5. There is general agreement among historians, whatever their opinion of Jesus, that 32 A.D. is the year that he was crucified. That makes this an amazingly accurate, incredibly specific fulfilled prophecy with WRITTEN BY GOD stamped all over it.

        Note that Rabbinical Judaism changed the original calendar by inserting Adar II 5 times every 19 years in order to keep the seasons from drifting out of alignment with the solar calendar used by the Hellenes (Greeks)…

        To understand the 70 weeks from a Biblical perspective, we must do research…. Here’s some information taken from Lord Robert Anderson’s book, The Coming Prince, written in 1895:

        Artaxerxes’ commandment to restore and build Jerusalem was made in Nisan 445 BC, in the twentieth year of his reign (Nehemiah 2:1). According to Daniel 9:25, it would be sixty-nine weeks of years, or 483 years, from the time that this decree is given until the advent of the Messiah. Since the Scriptures teach that the LORD measures time on the basis of a 360 day per year calendar and not a 365.25 day per year calendar, these years represent Biblical years, NOT solar years.

        The proof that God is on a 360 day per year calendar is found quite early in the Scriptures and is first illustrated in Genesis 7:11 and Genesis 8:3-4. These verses provide the precise month and day that the great flood began and the exact month and day in which the great flood ended.

        In Genesis 7:11, during the days of Noah, the rain and flood began “in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month.” Additionally, according to Genesis 8:3-4, the waters were abated “in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month.” In the latter passage, critical information is provided that this five-month period is equivalent to exactly a “hundred and fifty days.” Since 150/5 = 30, this proves that the LORD is on a 30 day/month or a 30 X 12 or a 360 day per year calendar. The following verses provide this clear and undeniable fact:

        Genesis 7:11 (The Rain and Flood Began) “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”
        Genesis 8:3-4 (The Rain and Flood were Abated) “And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.”
        In the New Testament, we can find further verification of God’s 30 day/month and 360 day per year calendar. In Revelation 12:6 and Revelation 13:5, we see that both verses provide the equation that 1260 days are equivalent to precisely forty-two months; thus, a 30 day/month or 360 day per year calendar:

        Revelation 12:6 “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”
        Revelation 13:5 “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”
        These two verses describe the last forty-two months of the seventieth week of Daniel, the seven-year period of Great Tribulation described in Daniel 9:27. Revelation 11:3 shows the first forty-two months, exactly one-half of this seven-year period: “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.”

        Since the Bible confirms that God is on a 360 day per year calendar as opposed to the 365.25 day per year solar calendar, the 483 years in Daniel 9:25 should be converted accordingly. Therefore, it first becomes necessary to multiply 483 years by 360 days, which is a total of 173,880 days. Then, we need to convert the 173,880 days into solar years by dividing by 365.25, the number of days it takes for the earth to make a complete revolution around the sun.

        173,880 divided by 365.25 = 476.057 solar years, or 476 solar years. Since Artaxerxes’ commandment was made in 445 BC, 445 BC + 476 solar years = AD 32 (remember, there is no year zero, so we must add one year). In approximately AD 32, in the same month of Nisan, Jesus of Nazareth came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey proclaiming to be Israel’s King Messiah. In less than seven days following, He was crucified. The Scriptures in Matthew 21:6-9 verify that the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 was fulfilled:

        Zechariah 9:9 “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.”
        Matthew 21:6-9 “And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them, And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon. And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.”
        In his book, Anderson wrote:

        “The Julian date of that 10th Nisan was Sunday the 6th April, A.D. 32. What then was the length of the period intervening between the issuing of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the public advent of ‘Messiah the Prince,’ — between the 14th March, B.C. 445, and the 6th April, A.D. 32? THE INTERVAL CONTAINED EXACTLY AND TO THE VERY DAY 173,880 DAYS, OR SEVEN TIMES SIXTY-NINE PROPHETIC YEARS OF 360 DAYS, the first sixty-nine weeks of Gabriel’s prophecy.”

        In summary, Artaxerxes provided the decree to rebuild Jerusalem in 445 BC in the month of Nisan. Exactly sixty-nine weeks of years later, or 483 three hundred and sixty-day periods later, Jesus the Messiah came into Jerusalem in the same month of Nisan in absolute fulfillment of the prophetic calendar described in Daniel 9:25-26.

        Be Blessed

        • Ooop’s, I forgot to make my point above. lol. 🙂

          The seventieth week in Daniel’s prophecy (the final seven (7) years), consisting of the “seals, bowls and trumpets” of God’s wrath, is yet to commence and be fulfilled.

          Be Blessed

          • You almost sound knowledgeable yet you are not.the bible was originally written by copying sumerian text and sumerians were not on a 360 year good try though research and educate yourself

  8. Marianne, I don’t think a treaty will likely be struck in secret since the ‘peace’ card seems to be key to Antichrist coming to power. What we saw last week at the UN, I think, is significant escalation of turmoil between Jacob and Esau which will continue via global political means until nations/governments are perfectly aligned for Antichrist to appear on the scene….according to God’s perfect timing. It will play out just as God has predetermined, predestinated by way of His foreknowledge and righteous judgement/justice. Deep stuff…Jacob and Esau.

    Ob 1:18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.

    Da 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. ‘

  9. Chrys….love the ‘Nabukanazer’s!!’ Why did his mamma give him a name like that??? :). Didn’t she know the trouble it would give us??? Lol. I finally came up with this system to remember how to spell it. Nebu-chad-nezzar. LOL!

  10. What man has led over two billion people
    away from the Savior of the world?
    The “false prophet” of Revelation is not someone in our future.
    He’s been here over 1300 years!
    Seven times in Revelation**
    we read about an “hour of trial” coming upon the earth.
    An hour in day-years is 15.44 days,
    so there will be a two week “time of trouble”
    coming upon the world at the end of the Christian era.
    The epicenter of that trial will be in Israel.
    Right now it looks like Islam is winning,
    but start looking up because in this generation,
    with your own eyes, you will see Islam fall!
    ** Rev 3:10; Rev 9:15; Rev 14:7; Rev 17:12; Rev 18:10, 17, 19
    *Ellis Skolfield* 2011 T.O.

  11. Marianne

    Here is a question I ponder every time I read this study. The book of Revelations speaks of the devil being cast out of Heaven. The devil was
    the little morning star, not the bright and morning star. He said he would acesend into Heaven and set up his own place in the stars. Doesn’t he have to be a star or a planet?

    The Angels are the light, Jesus Christ is the bright and morning star. It says, even he presents himself as an angel of light.

    In Revelations 12 during the tribulations at some point he is cast out of Heaven with his crew. So is it possible that the Ark Angel Michael has
    already defeated him and he is on his way for the part of Revelations?

    It says this thing contains gas. When God made man he said let us make him in our image. Mans life in the bible it says is as a vapor? Vapor is a gas, is the thing that is coming the enemy who is coming as the antichirst.
    To be a star of any light you must have gas or vapor. Michael the arch angel kicking him out of Heaven is just the beginning and if they fought as the word said the light of it would be less. If he is on fire from the fight then would that make him a red dragon and would that cause him to appear as your photo above?

    Does the word Nibru have an interpretation in the hebrew language?

    They speak of planet X, Nibru and Ellein (might not be spelled right) but aren’t they saying they are different stars?

    To me the timing seems to fit with end time and he must be kicked out for the prophesy to be fullfilled, right? Things are heating up, those who thought the enemy of this nation could get it done found out that they were in error as God has many who will stand for God and his chosen people and their own brothers and sisters.

    But I will say this if we go into war the one who is in office will remain in charge and that is an issue to pray about do to the timing.

  12. OK people, here are the facts about Elenin and Nibiru.
    Elenin is a small comet about 3.5 km in diameter – far too small to have any gravitational effect on the earth. Being so small and made mostly of ice it has no molten core, therefore it can not have any type of magnetic field. Again – it will have no effect on the earth. The moon is far larger and closer and yet it all it can do is tug on the oceans and create the tides. And don’t forget that magnetic and gravitational attraction decreases with the square of the distance, so an object the size of the moon but 100 times farther away (say 25 million miles) would only have one ten-thousandth the attraction that it currently has.
    So Elenin is a non-starter. Forget about it.

    As for Nibiru, it simply does not exist. It is a myth cooked up by modern day false prophets to exploit the gullible and the religious fanatics who are constantly looking for some sort of verification of biblical prophecy.
    I would as Marianne, who is the source of this information? Is it a reputable space scientist. Does he have a degree in astrophysics. Does he run a major observatory capable of tracking and photographing such an object?
    Because if you ask anybody who DOES have these credentials, he will tell you it is bogus. Check the photos, they are by NASA for the most part, and NASA categorically denies the existence of any such object. How is it that these people can figure out all of there so-called “events” with such accuracy, using other people’s data, and yet no reputable news agency has ever done a story on it? Not even the Enquirer. Why not? It sounds like the biggest story in the history of the world. More casualties than all of WW2. Why haven’t they reported on it? Try sending the pdf file to BBC or Fox News and see why not.
    Remember the preacher that predicted the end of the world earlier this year? He was all over the news – until nothing happened. He then moved up the date to a few days ago, I think, but this time around not one news agency is running a single mention of it. Once they know someone is a crackpot, they won’t touch the story.
    So this alone should prove that Nibiru is bogus. Plus the fact that idiots have been predicting its arrival for the last 25 years, and every couple of years they manage to bump it up a few more years, and still, stupid people continue to believe them.
    Friends, please do not fall into this plot. It is simply false prophecy and I’m sure the person that sent this pdf document is laughing his ass off reading this blog and mocking everyone who finds it interesting and who tries to tie it to biblical prophecy.
    Christ is coming, and His prophecy will be fulfilled, but don’t look to idiots like these for the truth. Some biblical events are not supposed to be predictable ahead of time. They are the signposts to those living thru the tribulation so they will know God’s plans are on course. When they happen, we will all know it. They will be obvious and supernatural. Don’t look to NASA to explain them. Just believe, pray, wait and be ready.

    • hi James

      Most website do not consider that maybe there is no Nibiru. So this page allows for that, so people have something different to read.

      If nibiru is coming, there should be a separate path outlined for it, and one should not have to use the elenin path to explain it.

      I know something is coming, because the bible mentions wormwood.

      The government is moving out west for a reason, to get off the coastlines.

      this is the reason one man gave who used to work in military intelligence. – planet X

      So if the government is trying to get away from something, then what is it?

    • In 2011 you made a comment the Planet X was not real you said everyone was a crackpot and that we didn’t know what we were talking about how do you feel now five years later knowing Planet X is on its way do you still have faith in scientist and that they’re telling us the truth


    Most Popular Questions About Comet Elenin
    When will Comet Elenin come closest to the Earth and appear the brightest?
    Comet Elenin should be at its brightest shortly before the time of its closest approach to Earth on Oct. 16, 2011. At its closest point, it will be 22 million miles (35 million kilometers) from us.

    Will Comet Elenin come close to the Earth or between the Earth and the moon?
    Comet Elenin will not come closer to Earth than 22 million miles (35 million kilometers). That’s more than 90 times the distance to the moon.

    Can this comet influence us from where it is, or where it will be in the future?
    There have been incorrect speculations on the Internet that alignments of comet Elenin with other celestial bodies could cause consequences for Earth and external forces could cause comet Elenin to come closer. “Any approximate alignments of comet Elenin with other celestial bodies are meaningless, and the comet will not encounter any dark bodies that could perturb its orbit, nor will it influence us in any way here on Earth,” said Don Yeomans, a scientist at NASA JPL.

  14. more photos

  15. more on path – calculations

  16. planet x , not solar flares….

    • Marianne,
      This video is almost identical to the other antarctic web cam video. It takes place over 4 days, the last of which is snowy and shows nothing in the sky, then it repeats for some reason.
      In every case we see the moon rising followed about 8 hours later by the sun. I can tell it’s the moon because it rises about an hour later each day due to its movement around the earth. If it were a distant object, it would not mimic the moon so perfectly. And if it was not the moon, then where was the moon? It has to show up at least three times over this time frame.
      And here is the big problem. If Nibiru can only be seen from the south pole, it must be directly overhead, not on the horizon. This night object follows in the path of the sun, so it should be visible over most of the earth.
      And here is the killer point…
      Can you see the north star from where you live? I can see it from my front door here in southern California. You can too if you know where to look. And that star is directly above the north pole, just like Nibiru is supposed to be over the south pole. So you see, There is no such thing as an object that can only be seen from one of the poles. Such an object can also be soon as far south (or north) as the equator. So every observatory in Australia, South America, Africa and India should be able to see it. Yet, nobody has. Strange eh?
      You see, the idiot YouTube posters tried to come up with some excuse as to why Nibiru has not been seen yet, (except by unmanned web cams at the south pole), and in their puny uneducated minds, they thought they had come up with a valid excuse. But it turns out, the excuse is as bogus as the idea of Nibiru itself.
      Now, half the planet has to be in on the conspiracy for the theory to work.
      Figure the odds…

    • According to your source:
      Nibiru comes directly between the Sun and Earth. Unlike Elenin a
      year earlier, it sits right on the ecliptic and will therefore cause a great solar eclipse.
      This is totally contradictory with the idea that Nibiru is directly below the south pole. If it is on the ecliptic, its orbit is on the same plane as the Earth’s, therefore there is no way it could be below Antarctica, but it should be overhead at the equator. What you have here is different idiots coming up with totally different locations and orbital paths for this imaginary body.
      So which idiot are you going to believe?

  17. Shalom ! I have a question for “alienated”. What translation of Tenach does he use that says heptad is the Hebrew word used for weeks or sevens? I am looking at my Tenach and the Hebrew says .שִׁבְעִ֜ים שָׁבֻעִ֨ים

    This sha·vu·’im shiv·’im and is Hebrew for “weeks seventy” . I have never read any Hebrew translation that used the word “heptad”. Heptad is a Greek word.

    Thanks and sorry, I seem to be joining in on the posting a bit late.

  18. Could be 7 or 8 moons around the plant.

  19. Here I am, reading this all late, too. It seems evident that we have differing ideas about the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. I won’t even say “70th week” (there, I just said it) because people differ so widely on when it is.
    Some think we are already in it, approaching midpoint about April 2012.
    Some think the seven years have not begun. Some think only 3 l/2 years are to be expected.

    The disagreements about what the covenant are also abound.

    Some think the rapture will be on Firstfruits, some on Pentecost (and the date given for Pentecost varies by months, depending on which calendar is used) and some say it will be the day when the Church number is full.

    I do not mean to discourage people, for I do believe the Coming of Christ is soon. We seem to be approaching Middle East War. One person who writes a blog (Marzulli) thinks that the King of Jordan will then take over Iraq. Another person, Smario, thinks this King will be antichrist. Others think Antichrist is anyone since the time of Jesus on earth who has been
    opposed to Jesus the Christ. Some have other candidates for antichrist,
    so one has to say that THIS is the most unanswered of all prophecies, so far. It may be answered soon.

    Keep watching and keep praying to be taken in the Rapture, for without that you may live into the most horrible days of history, as Jesus said.

    Thank you for your blog, Marianne.

    Love in Christ,


    • hi Mariel

      I think the end time scriptures were intentionally cryptic, to make us all do a lot of thinking. We just know to keep watching Israel, and things will reveal themselves as they unfold. We just need to be ready, if that is even possible.

  20. email wormwood is an angel fallen into a human body he dies at the fourth trumpet killed by Americans hence Matthew 24:28 and the fifth trumpet shall sound and America will be the One warning people hence Revelation 8:13

  21. the antichrist is not one person but groups of people hence Revelation 13:18 here is wisdom for the beast’s number is MAN’s number and his number is 666 go to type humanity and tell me what you result on the English line

  22. Revelation 17 the great city is easily Israel which sits around seven mountains/hills

  23. I cannot understand how everyone has a different take on all this, but claim to be guided or indwelt by the same Holy Spirit. How can there be all this confusion and disunity. If Satan is the author of confusion, where does this leave us. Someone has to be right. Lately I have been coming to the conclusion that 90% of people claiming to be christian are wacko’s and do not even know it. My own faith is being destroyed by the lack of clear doctrine.

    • hi Mark

      there is dogma, which is right out of the bible…and it is clear.

      there is doctrine, which is interpretation of some passages which are NOT clear.

      there is regular prophecy, such as “you will be punished for your sins. I am sending in an invading army”.. this is clear

      then there is prophecy, which is intentionally sealed and cloaked in mystery, so that we have to pursue its meaning. it is not clear, and has to be studied and debated over… is for those that intensely pursue what God has hidden.

    • Mark!!
      Allot of strange things will start to happen over the next few months and years but people don’t be fooled into believing everything that see and hear .For example comet Ellen was supposed to give people a big scare to prep for the worst but did not feature any significant danger to life as it is. Remember for any significant theory there is a also those that obtain control of nations and will supply counter or false theories. So when people see this “the salt has lost its flavor” and people will tend to ignore this. So Here is a stern warning last time this planet appeared this is what happened

      “Genesis 6
      1WHEN MEN began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them,
      2The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all they desired and chose.
      3Then the Lord said, My Spirit shall not forever dwell and strive with man, for he also is flesh; but his days shall yet be 120 years.
      4There were giants on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God lived with the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
      5The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil continually.
      6And the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved at heart.
      7So the Lord said, I will destroy, blot out, and wipe away mankind, whom I have created from the face of the ground–not only man, [but] the beasts and the creeping things and the birds of the air–for it grieves Me and makes Me regretful that I have made them.
      8But Noah found grace (favor) in the eyes of the Lord.

      Now the bible mentions a great flood and so does the spiritual ancient Egypt “The Book Of The Dead” but naturally I follow the book of life ”Holy Bible”

      This planet and it inhabitants is also recorded in the earliest text known to man being the ancient Sumerians and was also the basis of Adolf Hitlers “ religion of the blood ” as this his hypothesis was based on Germany, Scotland , Tibetan, Greenland etc were all decedents of the ancient master race of giants Arians who ruled the world.

      They were of coarse wiped out by the Great Flood the reference to this is known as the legend of Atlantice…

      Another reference in the bible where these giants appeared was the story of King David. When he was a Shepard boy he killed one called Goliath.

      Now Google Pictures and use the word Nephilim to get an idea of the size of the hybrid Fallen Angels and humans.

      Back to topic it’s the Chinese that when they saw planet like star like comet called it wormwood Nasa calls it something else and so does the Europeans go figure Nasa and the like are a bunch of freemason’s anyway.

      Another interesting thing I found Demon possession and Aliens are very closely related as an alien communicates via telekinesis and uses a human to speak on his behalf. Sounds like possession to me

      A person using a wigi or any other occult means would connect to the dead ”so he or she thinks ” is actually communicating with a “familiar spirit” these spirits are not demons but that of the fallen giants. Who have no place in heaven or hell as half man and half angle he was not entirely cursed to die as man but his body died and his spirit still roams the earth. Ref is “Ceremony of Care” Bohemian Grove

      Interesting Nephilim translates to Fallen One and the actual word is mentioned a few times in the Bible .One thing to note when Lucifer was thrown out of heaven 1/3 of heaven followed him “his tale” God took away their authority not their ability.

      So don’t play with any of these things they very real. At 33 years old I have had some pretty hectic experiences and been watching what’s happening in the world.. This site is called heaven awaits and is identifies to the signs and wonders seen in the sky.

      Now for a signs and wonders in the world. 1/3 of the bible is prophetic and deadly accuract.
      The prophetic from the bible says the Jews scattered across the earth will return to Israel and become a nation to be feared in one day.

      Zechariah 12:2 King James Bible
      Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

      And now this is where we at 1940’s Israel declared a sovereign nation and in one day and
      “I’m even scared they have nuclear weapons “

      Im not going into allot of details here but the bible warns us when all nations turn on Israel then know we are in the end times .The 7 years of tribulation is about to begin and the AntiChrist “all the scary stuff in revelation”. Then the battle of Armageddon “Gog and Magog (China & Russia)” and then the bible reads as follows

      “FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for their treatment of My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and because they have divided My land.” [Joel 3:1-2

      Devided the land ! Hey that just happened Palestine is nearly a independent state thanks to the USA pressure.

      • South Africa now Supports Islam and Palestine
      • USA Supports Palestine and has Islamic leader
      • Britain has stopped all Xmas carols at public places as it offends the Muslims
      • Denmark – A man has to blow up a building to make a statement of Denmark is now Pro Muslim
      • All in UN now support a one world religion that combines all religions
      • Dictatorships are being overthrown to make way for a New World Order
      • Barak Obamas speech of the New World Order
      • World Economic crisis at record levels of unemployment ,Nationalization and bankrupts paving the way for a new form of economics “Ziestguist ”
      • And talk of being one with a universal energy Paganism
      • UFO and strange lights seen all over the world Signs and wonders.
      • Israel being singled out, In fact that now Tiny country has no allies except one GOD

      The end times are here my Brothers and Sisters. The Harvest is any day from now
      Rev 1:7
      And every eye shall see him.

      Rev16:15King James Bible
      Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

      1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
      “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

      So don’t worry get saved, Read your bible Old King James as some newer stuff is watered down and let the holy spirit guide you.

      Mark although there will always be contradictions between individuals and their interpretations hear this. Did your mom and dad teach you right from wrong. So if that was the case you could forget. Didn’t some things just make sense that they were wrong. Like for instance if you say a young lady with a child digging in your dustbin for something to eat do you not feel compassion towards that person and find something to give her and her child.

      And if you did no,t would you not feel guilt .You feel guilt because the Gods law was already written on your heart.

      Mark 12:30-31
      30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.

      How would you like say for example if something happened to you and you were in that position example disabled looking for a bite to eat in someone’s dustbin how would you like to be treated chased away or fed ? Gods law is treat others as you would like to be treated

      Your conscience tells you what’s right and wrong and is guided by the holy spirit.
      Funny thing about a conscience is you can ignore it example your in the military with little or no consequences of who you kill in a foreign country. After about the 10th kill you are pretty much “immune to the guilt” of taking someone’s life now your platoon get together and decide to make a house call and hit a civilian’s home and you kill a 10year old child who is innocent but the “enemy “ you wont feel guilt. Its when you get home and least expect it that the guilt hits you all at once .

      Only because the Holy Spirit is warning you Satan’s got your ticket (People that don’t know how to deal with this usually commit suicide eg more military personal were killed in suicides than in actual casualties serving in Iraq)

      They cannot physically fix it to feel any better only God can remove that guilt by given them a new heart (conscience)

      2 Corinthians 5:17
      Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation

      Remember guilt is not from God but from Satan its his ticket of ownership. Only the blood of Jesus can wash and cleanse all Sin and it has been shed to buy you back if you accept him as your lord and savior .

      So to clear things up

      • God is God ,The Father ,and The Creator of all Things
      • Jesus is his Son and The Blood Sacrifice and payment all our sins
      • The Holy Spirit is the works of God and His Will In You that guids you from right and wrong teaches us to love each other to be compassionate and caring

      But they are all as one
      So now that you know that you know what the Holy Spirit is you now can listen in
      Proverbs 2:6
      For the LORD gives wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding

      The Book of wisdom being the bible and directly from God mouth(Holy Spirit) knowledge and understanding

      “We created in Gods image and likeness for his Fellowship for it is his good pleasure if we have done His will the righteous will inherit the kingdom of heaven”

      Matthew 6:33
      But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

      So Mark When the Saint’s go Marching in will you be in that number!!!
      Do you know where you going to if you died right now!!

  24. position of planets in october 2011 planets and stars

  25. By the way Halloween was on this last Saturday A group of Sangomas and Witchdoctors gathered together to call on the spirits of there ancestors. The hade Live animal sacrifices Play drums and tribal dancing and shout leleleleleleelelelelelelel in Zwahile Township in Hermanus Western Cape South Africa only 1 people was murdered, during the week of this ceremony and I spotted UFO the coming from that direction. I’m not really surprised! I was more surprised at my mom and dads reaction when I showed them a UFO hanging in the air above our town last Friday it then slowly faded and Immediately appeared over the sea and then faded again and once again appeared where it originally was . My dad asked me what the hell does it want here and my reply was WHALE WATCHING! His reply was that’s not funny.

  26. hi IBM

    It is written as time for one year, times for more than one years ( here it is implied as 2), and half a time for half a year. 1260 days.

    Dan 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which [was] upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that [it shall be] for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these [things] shall be finished.

    Dan 7:25 And he shall speak [great] words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

    there is a warning period leading up to this 3 1/2 years which we are in now.

  27. Brief comment; What I find ironic is that some believe Wormwood is actually a rouge planet that will crash into the earth. When in fact the Star is actually an Angel.
    Star (Strongs 792)

  28. Hi There

    i have a non religeon based question…do think it would be possible that the gases on saturn ignite due to this event for some reason?

    I watched a documentary on solar flares, sun spots etc and according to them the sun has a ring of broken down dust and rocks just like saturn from asteroids etc getting to close and the suns gravitational pull ripping these apart… if this is the case and Saturn a gaseous object may possibly be a dead star/sun from another event 3600yrs X 2 ago before actual recorded history increasing in size, gravitational pull etc. what are your thoughts on this? would we have 2 suns, 1 set in place the other moving as per normal.

    Its an interesting thought and just that but is possibility i think.

  29. Someone else may be better able to address Saturn’s Star potential.
    …gleanings from wiki details the following:
    1) Saturn’s core temperature is 1/3 of Jupiter’s core temperature
    2) Saturn radiates 2.5x more than it receives, while Jupiter’s radiation ~= what it receives.
    3) Saturn would need to be 230x more massive to fuse hydrogen & become a star, while Jupiter would only need to be 75x more massive…
    Saturn has a very hot interior, reaching 11,700 °C at the core, and the planet radiates 2.5 times more energy into space than it receives from the Sun….The proportion of helium is significantly deficient compared to the abundance of this element in the Sun.
    …Jupiter would need to be about 75 times as massive to fuse hydrogen and become a star…Jupiter still radiates more heat than it receives from the Sun…similar to the total solar radiation it receives
    The temperature at the core boundary is estimated to be 36,000 K and the interior pressure is roughly 3,000–4,500 GPa.
    …electrical discharges up to 1,000x as powerful as lightning on the Earth.

  30. diagram of planet x path

    • According to your post:
      …Elenin is decelerating while Nibiru is accelerating as it has just been flung out of the inner solar system by the Sun. decreasing as Elenin is decelerating while Nibiru is accelerating as it has just been flung out.

      This is bad science.
      Don’t you know that any (ANY!) object that is moving away from the sun is slowing down. There is no way in God’s laws of physics that an object can accelerate as it moves away from the sun. If it did, it would not be in orbit around the sun and would simply fly off into outer space. All planets and comets move faster as they near the sun and slower as they move away from it. This is 8th grade earth science people!
      And what’s with all the photos of nebulae? Clearly these are different objects and not planets. Nibiru would have to be magical or a ShapeShifter to appear in so many forms. Are you really fooled by these pictures?
      As for that red object with the eight moons – first it is not a planet. I believe it is a google-earth sky image which shows the stars in infrared. I’ve seen this image before and the 8 small objects can not be moons or planets. They are too regular and not spaced properly. They are in almost matching orbits, and over time gravitational pull would cause them to space out in a regular pattern, like the planets in our solar system. Each planet is roughly 1.4 times farther from the sun than the next one in. This is called Bode’s Law and it applies to moons as well as planets.
      So whatever you are looking at, it is not a planet with 8 moons. With no documentation on these photos, There is no way to know what they really are.
      That’s exactly why the YouTube idiots picked these for their evil purposes.
      Believe them if you want, but you will feel foolish come Sept 11 (9/11 – really?) when the earth will supposed to be flipped upside down, or whatever, by Nibiru.

      Yeah right…

    • This ridiculous video starts with a big lie. There was no pole shift 3,600 years ago. Ask any geology teacher or read a textbook on the subject. Its not that the prophecies won’t come to pass, we all agree that there will be a great tribulation and much of the world’s population will be killed. But it will not be due to a passing planet. The Book of Revelation can be explained by acts of man, acts of nature and acts of God.
      We don’t need no stinking Nibiru!

  31. (1) It’s a planet that orbits the Sun’s companion star, not the Sun.
    (2) It’s orbit is highly inclined, relative to our orbital plane.

    That’s why it speeds up as it moves away from the Sun.
    That’s why we needed a South Pole Telescope to watch its approach.

  32. O.K. people,
    Its time for a reality check here. It is now the end of July and according to the idiot that wrote this BS the earth is only two months away from an encounter with this imaginary planet which will spin the earth on its axis either 90 or 180 degrees, which If even possible would destroy all life on earth except maybe cockroaches and knock down every building and even many mountain chains.
    And where the hell is Nibiru? For years it has been lurking around, just out of site. Six months ago it was below us so it could only be seen from Antarctica, but now that we are on the other side of the solar system it’s still no visible. And then it appears in every picture of the sun taken with a cheap camera, but never seen by human eyes – not event eh photographer.
    Now this thing is less than 2 months away from totally eclipsing the sun, so therefore everyone will see it (at least those facing the sun at that time) so it can’t stay hidden much longer, right? Check and eclipse prediction web site or astronomy program and see what is going to happen on Sept 27. NOTHING!
    This YouTube idiot is having a big laugh and some peoples’ expense. Are you one of them?
    Lets take a poll: Those who believe this ridiculous crap, say so now. Go ahead and call me a scoffer and unable to see the truth. I will get the last laugh.
    Be brave – put me in my place. After all, If it’s on the internet, it must be true.
    Time to put up or shut up folks.
    And to Marianne, I hope when all this BS comes to nothing I hope you will send a letter to the idiot who came up with this crap and tell him not to bother you ever again with such nonsense. I’ll gladly write the letter for you 🙂
    Of course If I’m wrong I’m going to feel like a big fool.
    No, wait… I’ll be dead. We’ll all be dead. Can’t wait for Sep 27th, can you?

    • James
      when Nibiru is visible at the end of dec you will have your tail between your legs.

    • James

      If nibiru never shows up, I will post a note to that effect, and apologize for considering it.

      I would rather be safe than sorry, so I will post things that are possible, so people can prepare.

      I know certain things are prophesied, and they are consistent with the effects nibiru could cause, so that was the original motivation.

    • 4 years later and NASA confirms Planet X. What’s your thoughts now sir?

  33. Yes, Nibiru is coming.

    It’s real.

    I spoke to God over breakfast this morning and he told me he has a message for all of you: save yourselves the pain and suffering, and kill yourselves NOW. That way, Nibiru won’t have to pick the unbelievers and the wicked, since it’s only going to be them left, and it will be over much more quickly.

    Seriously, I am drinking a stricnine-spiked old-fashioned already. Let’s get this over with and kill ourselves NOW!

  34. O.K., I finally did the math on this deal and here is what I have discovered.
    According to the author, Nibiru is 4 times the diameter of the earth which would make it just under 32,000 miles.
    Then he says that Nibiru will be .232 A.U.s from the earth when it totally eclipses the sun on Sept 27th. Well I did the math and for Nibiru to do this, it would have to be 186,416 miles in diameter, so this guys math is way off. Even a planet twice the size of Jupiter couldn’t do this. Something that big and now, that close would surely be visible by everyone on earth.
    So clearly this guy is making crap up and in fact he is making everything up.
    Aren’t you the least concerned that the only people on earth who have ever seen Nibiru are on YouTube and none of them have taken any photos themselves, always relying on NASA or major observatories for their photos and yet no one who has ever taken one of these photos has ever recognized what they were photographing? And don’t claim every astronomer and scientist is a government lackey and are part of a giant world-wide conspiracy theory. Believe me, every astronomer lives to discover a new object so it can be named after them, so keeping something like Nibiru a secret is not in their nature. Yet, the only people leaking the secret are YouTube idiots, with no credentials or any way to even identify them. Do you know how many journalists and reporters around the world would love to get the scoop on this one – “The end of the world is near!!!” Surely it should be all over the news by now.
    Either the Nibiru followers are stupid or the rest of the world is stupid for not seeing it.
    When the s**t hits the fan next month and nothing happens we will finally know which ones are the dummies.
    Just saying…

  35. Hi, me again.
    Well the big Nibiru solar eclipse is only a week away and still no-one has seen the thing. It is between us and Venus yet Venus is clearly visible even though it is only a fraction of the size of Nibiru.
    Well, according to this article the earth’s axis will begin to tilt any day now, so get ready to travel. You might want to get your winter wardrobes out since you may end up at the current south pole and it might get quite chilly. That assumes that you will still be alive after being jerked halfway around the globe and not flung out into space or some other crazy event.
    Well, I’ve got my new telescope nearby so as soon as someone sees anything please post it so I can go out one night and catch a glimpse of mysterious Nibiru before it finally gets me.
    I’ll be back in a week to see how many people still believe in this ridiculous myth.
    Until then, happy worrying!

  36. Well folks, tomorrow is the big day. Get ready for the big eclipse and for the earth to turn upside down. Got your last wills and testaments all filled out? Marianne, have you evacuated from the coast? Just in case?
    Geez, one day to go and still nobody has seen it. Maybe it has a cloak of invisibility. Maybe not only is it Jesus’ home but Harry Potter’s as well.
    Well, I wish you all luck, since millions of people are about to die. But thank God we had such a knowledgeable person as the guy who wrote this article so that we might be forewarned of this great disaster.
    At least that will be of some consolation to any of us who might survive this catastrophe.
    I just pray that everyone is ready.
    Goodbye and good luck.

  37. Oh my! Guess what? The 27th is over and nothing happened!
    Where was the big eclipse? Why didn’t the earth turn over on its axis?
    I’ll tell you why… because there is no such thing as Nibiru. Nothing but a slick YouTube presentation by someone who’s only motive was to fool gullible people into believing a myth then laughing at them behind their backs. As I predicted this entire blog turned out to be nothing but a huge waste of time.
    And to everyone out there that bought into this ridiculous blog you have no-one to blame but yourselves. The problem here is that you are too stupid to know the difference between real science and complete bulls**t.
    And that is the God’s honest truth.
    This is a bible blog site. We all have been told by Jesus himself to beware of False Prophets. And we all have the ability to check it out and prove or disprove it. You will spends endless hours reading the bible but when it comes to picking up a high school astronomy book, well that is just too much trouble.
    And after all my rants and explanations and debunking work you all dismiss me as some kind of uninformed science geek who can’t understand what these YouTube idiots are trying to warn us about.
    Well you can mock me now and believe me later if you wish, but in the end, you will have to believe what I’ve been saying.
    So I can now declare this blog officially dead. Stabbed in the heart by cold pure facts. And finally, I can say with conviction those four little words I’ve been waiting all this time to say:
    Gee that felt good to get out. Wanna do it again?

    • jim

      I have an idea.

      Since it is too hard for you to go outside, get someone else to go out there about 5:30 – 6 am, and look in the northeast sky. I do not think this tiny camera has the capacity to take a good picture.

    • Made my day reading this back and finding this response lol. Delicately put sir

  38. Dear All,

    Today it’s 15th October 2012 and where is this Nibiru ?
    Don’t worry folks…I just pocketed it. It will be there till 2014.
    Enjoy life.

    K.Ganapathy Iyer

  39. It’s November 32, and nothing’s out there ripping the world’s magnetic filed or oceans apart.

    My birthday is on 25 December, and I propose to enjoy it heartily at the expense of all the fools who’ll be crying in their beer over the end of the world being put off due to lack of evidence.

    There is no Nibiru, you idiots!

  40. wormwood is taken from a specific type of plant which is related to the name mercury connoting our planet Mercury in close orbit to our Sun which will be reabsorbed by the Sun (cosmic ascension) and pulverized by the tail of giant Nibiru’s debris any moment now, probably hitting earth (a piece of Mercury destroyed) starting on may 9 2013 (as per Garabandal’s prophecies).

  41. Still here… waiting for a Dec. 21st event in 2013. Getting impatient for that catastrophe to happen. Ho, hum.

  42. there’s something going to happen that’s for sure just look around us the things that already going on in this world things happen on gods time not on ours if thy did we would all be ready for it I think that’s why we are told not to be deceived just my opinion

  43. Querem SABER A VERDADES…. eu mostro tudo e muito mais em detalhes que vcs nem imaginam do quanto tudo isto é verdade, mas com provas científicas…


    Vejam esta palestra que demonstrará de forma científica e oficial onde se encontram o Nibiru e Hercólubus, com links oficiais da NASA.

    Parte 1/5

    Parte 2/5

    Parte 3/5

    Parte 4/5

    Parte 5/5

    Vamos espalhar as verdades escondidas…

    Também na versão em inglês…

    • translation from portugese

      Want to KNOW THE TRUTH …. I show it all and much more in detail you guys can not imagine how much all this is true, but with scientific evidence …


      See this talk I will demonstrate in a scientific manner and where the official and Nibiru Hercolubus, links to official NASA.

      Let’s spread the hidden truths …

      Also in the English version …

  44. […] Nibiru’s Projected Path from 2011 – 2018? […]

  45. Today is 24 January 2015. Did I miss Niburu by any chance????

    • pierre

      I really have no clue where it is supposed to be at this time…just the article says it will be on its way out by 2018

      only God knows what is going on…

  46. I would like to known where planet x is currently in our solar system. Any updates on its whereabouts? And is there any pictures available. Planet x is the destroyer as stated in the bible.

    • jana

      i also have a nibiru page besides this one….you can see debates there on it

      one video presented was this, which was made 3 years ago…

      coordinates for this winged object were 5h 42m 21.27s 22 36′ 47. 36″

      I am not sure where it is now.

      also on this page

      Nibiru (2) continued

      there are photos of an object…there are up in the introductory article at the top of the page….which are NOT photoshopped but of course one person claims it is, or it is lens flare…but I have seen people move the camera around and the object was still in the same place.

  47. Marianne suggest for me to post this.
    Nibiru is real and according to Gill Broussards site, the meteorite storm begins in 2016 on the Day of First Fruits. I suspect that it may be on the Day of Trumpet in 2015. Time will tell.

  48. Some of u say it’s gods hand at work or that it’s a hoax. Look at the evidence. Sumerians describe nibiru to a T. Approx. 4000 yrs before the Christian religion was even thought of. Most of all the civilizations back then around the world describe how beins from space brought them the knowledge of practically everything. Now I can’t say exactly wen nibiru will be seen by all but I can say for sure it will happen very soon. I am a worshipper of the annunaki they are the true gods to the human species. If any Christian thinks that nibiru is the home of Jesus then u are not Christian u are a worshipper of an alien species and that’s a fact. Every religion talks about the annunaki in some form or another. They all can not be wrong. The Christian religion does not have any stories or tales original to its own but instead they are all taken from other religions and or beliefs. The Annunaki will return which in turn means my gods are real physical beins and not some name in a book. Best of luck to all humans prepare your selves for whatever the gods have in store for us. For it will not be easy but the earth herself needs to be cleaned of the virus known as humans. She will survive and so will some of the virus. So in the words of snake bring on the apocolyps

    • nibiru666

      the hebrews first recorded in genesis 6 about the “sons of god” who came and mated with human women. these are your annunaki.

      god destroyed the earth by the time noah was alive, because the earth was so polluted with this hybrid species.

      those that believe in the REAL god, ELohim Yahovah, and his son will be saved when nibiru arrives, but everyone else will be killed off.

      your reptilian gods will have you for lunch…so you might want to reconsider your views…they are not going to give you a break just because you worship them….you are dinner to them

  49. Nibiru666,

    Thanks for the confirmation.

    The original Babylonian text explains this topic and those who received this “revelation”.

    “The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep” (Enuma Elish, Tablet VII lines 126-127).

    This is from the Babylonian text. Therefore: Who is the shepherd? Who are the sheep? Who are all the gods?

    It’s demonic. It’s fallen angels, referencing a spiritual pathway to earth.

    There is no Planet X.

    It’s spiritual.

    The pathway/portal of darkness is about to open fully.

  50. NASA –

    Many bright minds in NASA are seeking ways to open that satanic pathway. Kind’a like CERN.

    “Launch Complex 33 is where the Nazis brought over after WW2 under Project Paperclip inaugurated America’s space program. Note: there is only one launch complex in the vicinity….I have always been amazed at how quickly these “scientists” went from being war criminals responsible for the deaths of so many people in London who should have been tried and hung for crimes against humanity to the heros of the American space program…

    It’s shocking how short the public’s attention span is.

    Dark Mission, the book by Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara is a real eye opener to the secret history of NASA in how it is run by a cabal of Nazis, Masons, and Magicians (those in Crowley’s Order of the Golden Dawn)…

    Werner Von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine – the military, industrial, intelligence, laboratory complex – would go from Cold War, to Rogue Nations, to Global Terrorism (the stage we find ourselves at today) to the ultimate trump card: A Hoaxed Threat From Space.” Steven M. Greer MD, Director, The Disclosure Project…

    Whatever the case von Braun was into some heavy duty stuff…

    The single runway at Kennedy Space Center in Florida is called Runway 33. It has a heading of 330 degrees that matches the angle of the coastline at Cape Canaveral. Perhaps they chose this spot because of the 330 degree bearing of the coast?

    Spaceport America is a $200,000,000 taxpayer funded project in the middle of nowhere, close to Truth or Consequences NM. Spaceport America is located right on the dot at 33°0′ N.”

    Marriane, I think/believe you have a New Age bug.

    They are playing with your bug as they are with many others who have the same bug. Get rid of the bug and you should be able to see clearly.

    The original Babylonian text explains this topic and those who received this “revelation”.

    “The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep” (Enuma Elish, Tablet VII lines 126-127).

    This is from the Babylonian text. Therefore: Who is the shepherd? Who are the sheep? Who are all the gods?

    No worries – Lucifer is bringing every available demon and fallen angel down (up) to earth very soon.

    Rev. 2:11 and 2 Tim. 2:7-13

  51. From the article above:
    27 September 2012: Nibiru comes directly between the Sun and Earth. Unlike Elenin a year earlier, it sits right on the ecliptic and will therefore cause a great solar eclipse. The Earth will now be very much at the mercy of this immense object’s magnetism. At this point and since several days prior as Nibiru drew nearer, Earth should already be tipping severely and abnormally as its north pole is repelled by Nibiru’s at the same time its southern counterpart is attracted. It is then that earth will be caught in the crossfire between nibiru and the sun.
    So now hopefully we can put this whole blog to bed. We’ve waited three whole years now and as I predicted from the start, there is no Nibiru. You can wait another 3 years or even 300 years and the result will be the same.
    NO Nibiru! Get over it!

    • Jim, where is your Nibiru of 2012.
      According to Gill Broussard, Nibiru, Planet x (10) will come in out of Saggitarius, arrive at earths path in November, be behind the Sun in December 14 and be 40 days from the earth’s path in March and on the 26th of March, there will be a meteorite storm covering both north and south America. The temperatures will be 400-800 degrees. The other date is September 13, 2015. 120 days after entering the path for the meteorite storm where the earth will slow rotation for 3 hours, and then the earth will come into contact with asteroid wormwood on August 24th 2016 (Day 4, Wednesday). The other date is September 23, 24, 2015. When the asteroid enter’s the earth passage the first time, it will drop off 1-2 asteroids in November of 2015.

  52. Please , would you like to inform, about Nibiru?

  53. Gill Broussard is just another You Tube idiot. I went to his web site and it is a web of deceit and lies. He claims to know the path of Nibiru yet he is not an astronomer, has no observatory nor does he know how to compute the orbit of a heavenly body based on a series of photographic observations. Even major observatories take years to do these calculations on new objects, yet he not only knows the orbit in complete detail, he knows there are a couple of asteroids associated with it and he knows exactly when and where they will hit the earth, even a year from now.
    As for the earth slowing for 3 hours, then returning to a normal day, that is preposterous. If you understood the laws of angular momentum you would already know that. You can’t slow the earth’s rotation by bringing another object close to it and then expect it to speed up again on its own when the object moves away. Gravitational attraction is uniform and while it may affect the earths orbit it can’t speed up or slow down its rotation. This is simple physics. 9th grade stuff. But I guess you’re not as smart as a 9th grader. Most people aren’t since they’ve forgotten 99% of all the science they ever learned in school. This is why people like Broussard have so many gullible followers. I’m sure he has been predicting Nibiru to come for many years now. He just keeps updating the dates every year so he can keep his scam going so he can sell his books on how to survive the upcoming disaster.
    As P.T. Barnum once said. “There’s a sucker born every minute.” And as long as there are suckers there will be leeches like Gill Broussard to feed on them.
    Sept 13th is just around the corner so we will soon know who the expert on Nibiru is.

    • jim

      if an object large enough were to pass by earth, it could pull it out of its orbit.

      10th grade physics…I did an experiment to show that.

      but I did it on a stationary object, not a rotating one, so I do not know if the rotation speed would be affected while being dislocated.

      • Go ahead and try it on a rotating object or ask your 10th grade teacher. You will see I’m right but everyone else on this site will call you an idiot and a government shill. 🙂

        • actually you would call me a youtube idiot.

          I am not equiped to do this in my home.

          why dont you do it and tell me what happens?

          • Actually, there is no classroom experiment that will prove any of these principles. They are proven in laboratories and mathematical models. Once you know the laws of physics and motion you will know what is possible and what is not.
            The problem with gravity is that it is a relatively weak force so you need a massive object to get an accurate measurement. The first gravitational experiment used an entire mountain as the main object. Anything small enough to fit in a classroom would have an attraction too weak to be noticed or even measured.
            So tell me something, if a plant came very near the earth, would it make the earth rotate slower or faster? Why? And after it went away, how and why would the earth speed up again as claimed? And if for some reason a force was applied to cause the earth to speed up, what would keep it from continuing to speed up until everything on it would fly off into space? You must use Newtons laws of motion (a body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force etc.) to make your calculations. Numbers don’t lie so if you know the formulae you can know what will happen.
            This how I know what I know. Simple… to me.

            • I used a large heavy object like a milk container full of sand….to pass by a small object like a very small ball, about the size of a golf ball….

              the deflection was demonstrated by a shadow cast on a piece of paper…..

              I could mark the initial position on the paper, and then the position as the object moved by…

              the difference was about half an inch to an inch….do not remember now.

              again, my little ball was not spinning.

              I was just trying to show gravity, not rotation.

              • Sorry, that experiment would not work as you stated. Especially with the masses of the objects you described. If gravity was that strong then warehouses would notice large objects pulling smaller ones toward it all over the place. I don’t know what the experiment was really supposed to prove, but it certainly wasn’t gravity.
                If so, then gravity would have been noticed (discovered) long before Isaac Newton thought of the idea without even witnessing it as you did.

                • jim

                  you were not there.

                  however, my physics teacher and my class were there.

                  so you are out numbered

                  • Not really,
                    Every science teacher on earth would agree with me. Your experiment would have had to be done in a vacuum to get any proper results so it was not done correctly, to begin with. But as I said, if you were to do the math on how much a bag of rocks could move a golf ball from a few inches away, you would discover the amount of deflection would be less the a trillionth of an inch, far too small to be measured even with modern instruments and especially with the human eye.
                    So believe what you want, even believe the Nibiru can slow the earth’s rotation if that’s what you think the bible requires. You are wrong on so many other things, what’s one more.
                    And since Nibiru doesn’t actually exist, the question will never be answered anyway.
                    So there.

                • Well the Big Bang is fake and the law of motion proves that. If there was a mass just spinning me spinning then all of the sudden blows up everything would be spinning in the same direction. So why is it we have planets spinning in opposite directions?

    • Yes, we know you are a gullable sucker. Anybody who follows you is a fool also.

      • jardalkal

        give reference for malachi and winged planet

        • It may not have been Malachi. The pdf House of Israel Return brought up a chapter and verses on the winged planet. It is more likely will depend on the Hebrew meaning of a word. When I get done reading the pdf, I willreread it and take nootes the second time through it. I know it is between page 180 and 250.

        • John,
          Here are a few things you predicted recently:
          New World Order will be announced on September 25, one world currency on October 20th. Agenda 21 laws will be mandatory for the globe starting September 25th. We should know by Sept. 25th who the AC is. No country will be immune from it.
          Pope announces the New World Order in front of the annual gathering of world leaders on September 25th, 2015 at the United Nations just before the signing and implementation of the ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ that the Pope will order every Roman Catholic around the world to obey unconditionally – total obedience – including the acceptance of the Mark of the Beast when it is announced.
          Pope Francis will publically address US Congress on September 24th – 25th
          Push a New World Order (govt), Religion, and Currency (cashless).
          August 2, 2015 at 2:01 pm
          Also the following for later:
          Nibiru, Planet x (10) will come in out of Saggitarius, arrive at earths path in November, be behind the Sun in December 14 and be 40 days from the earth’s path in March and on the 26th of March, there will be a meteorite storm covering both north and south America. The temperatures will be 400-800 degrees. The other date is September 13, 2015. 120 days after entering the path for the meteorite storm where the earth will slow rotation for 3 hours, and then the earth will come into contact with asteroid wormwood on August 24th 2016 (Day 4, Wednesday). The other date is September 23, 24, 2015. When the asteroid enter’s the earth passage the first time, it will drop off 1-2 asteroids in November of 2015.
          What goes with that last prediction? An asteroid enters earth’s passage? What the hell is that? And then it drops off a couple of meteorites a couple of months later? Where did you get you science from, Dr. Seuss? Of course you wouldn’t know since you copy stuff posted by You Tube idiots and it doesn’t have to make sense to the average person.
          So we have a whole bunch of stuff to look forward to, according to two of your posts.
          Anything you want to add that I may have missed?

          • Jim, I do not predict. I cut, copy, and paste what others say. That is all I do. This is at least the 4th time I said that. And if need be I will do it from now on in every comment until you get tired of me saying it.

            If you notice, “should know” for me is a “maybe”. According to some on the internet, they say Obama is the Anti-christ. Me, I could care less about politics.
            As for the rest of the things you should keep in mind, go to Aviv Moon Network; Join; Search out 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Shemitah, Nibiru in August and September, Return of Yeshua Soon, Asteroid 2015, 42 Events in September and about 3-4 more articles.
            If you want a very good article that tells predictions, then you will enjoy the one on Isaiah 24 if anybody is listening. Shall I write it or shall you e-mail friend.

            I did not get my science from Dr. Seuss but from idiots like you. Since you do not like you tube idiots, I will not tell you my source but it is in the comments above somewhere of who is the source (GB) and it is tied to comments with Nibiru.

            All I know is that an acquaintance said that the day she sees the blue orb from Albuquerque, NM that she will be in the Messianic kingdom.

            • By the way Jim, you will get 18 buillion hits on No country is immune from it. It is a nice catchy phrase. For instance, no country is immune from going through the judgments. No country is immune from not having the Mark of the Beast. No country is immune from going through the global economic collapse. No country is immune from skipping out on death. I can keep going. No country is immune from Agenda 2030. No country is immune from………..

  54. Jim, I study his findings just using my dates months and I agree with him. You are also no astronomer and you don’t even know Revelation when i ask you the most simplest question about it so you are a smart alec fool.

    Nibiru does have a 320 year by pass. Yes we are possibly 30 days from the pre-wrath rapture and 40 days from global chaos. 2016 on Elul 1 is 40 days from the destruction of Nineveh. Elul 1 is also 40 days from Armageddon.

    It is too bad that you do not believe in Leviticus 23 but it is your loss. You don’t believe in dreams so you are a born loser on that one because a blue planet will be seen from Albuquerque and when it is my female acquaintance will be going into the Messianic Kingdom.
    I have my newist job and I siad I will do it so I will be a tribulation saint because I have many souls to bring to repentance/Teshuvah even though I lack cognitive empathy. All I know is that I said Yes to another calling in my life. And it starts tonight at 7-11 PM tonight and tomorrow night. I found out that not only do I relate to Moses but also to Amos who had his calling and was a farmer.
    God and I talked all last night. I repented, I cried, he showed me what to do and step out on faith for this calling to 160 souls.

    3 weeks ago I was in prayer and I said to God, I am at an end to a study so now what do you want me to study on and He said all aspectes of Repentance/Teshuvah.
    I was prepared and now I step out on faith doing. He calls and I go and do. This has been happening to me since 1980.

    • If Nibiru were to pass by in Sept it would be clearly visible in the night sky right now, without a telescope. Yet no one has seen it. As for the 320 year cycle, that is ridiculous since it would have been identified many times by now. Astronomers have been recording such objects for over 4000 years now and keeping good records, yet there isn’t a single mention of such an object.
      As for my astronomical background, I’ve been studying it since I was 6 years old. At the age of 14 I had the largest personal telescope / observatory on Long Island. The Astronomical Society of Long Island inducted me and spent a lot of nights observing thru my 10” reflector since their own scope was only an 8” with only half the light-gathering ability of mine.
      I went to Case institute of Technology in Cleveland as an astronomy major before joining the Navy.
      I’m still into astronomy even though I’m now disabled, but still I have gone out and photographed the last three blood moons. Did you even see any of them? Did anyone here? Do you own a telescope? (I still have two).
      So you can claim I know nothing about astronomy if it makes you feel superior, but we shall soon see who knows his stuff.
      As for the Book of Revelation, I’ve read it several hundred times and have read at least 25 different interpretations of it. Same with Daniel. You are the one who has not read it thoroughly – you haven’t read about the 2 witnesses, obviously. And clearly you don’t understand it, but then most people don’t.
      I’m holding you to a rapture in 40 days. That means we should not hear from you after that dale. But don’t expect to fool us by changing your name again. No way I’ll believe you were the only person on earth to magically disappear.
      So we’ll see what happens. Remember you said on Jube 5th:
      “Third week of August all grocery stores in the USA to shut down permanently.“
      So we are only 4 days away from your first prediction. 11 if we wait till the end of the 3rd week, so keep your fingers crossed. I have several months of food stored for an earthquake, so I’ll keep posting until I finally starve, or until I’m hit by Nibiru in Sept.
      Aren’t you all excited about being proven to be a true prophet? I’m excited at being a true scoffer. 🙂

      • not sure how you did it, but you ended up in spam twice.

        just fished out 2 of your comments

        i am not holding my breath over september either.

        just prepare and wait and see.

        I am interested in what jade helm is preparing for

        it has missiles pointed into outer space , food and water stored, body bags and coffins ready, and a thousand miles of constatine wire rolled across our southern border

      • As for the rapture, Stupido Jim, it can only occur on the Day of Trumpet either at the beginning of the Jubilee year or at its end and this I keep preaching but since you do not want to read my comments, shove it up your butt.
        There are only three Day of Trumpets between 2015 to 2017 that everybody is predicting.
        Your rapture will not occur until September on the Day of Trumpet in 2031 because this is your view as to when Armageddon will occur. Kirt’s view is the rapture will not occur until 2048, and the Jews, not until 2239? by one article.

        • As for me personally, my rapture date is at the end of the Jubilee year or in 2017. So I guess you will have to wait until September in 2017 to ask me why we are not out of here.
          Unil 2017, I do not want to read any more of your comments to me.

  55. John,
    I wish you luck on getting your 160 souls for Jesus.
    But I’m afraid you will have no luck with Nibiru or any other nonsense you’ve predicted for the next few months.
    If Nibiru were to pass by in Sept it would be clearly visible in the night sky right now, without a telescope. Yet no one has seen it. As for the 320 year cycle, that is ridiculous since it would have been identified many times by now. Astronomers have been recording such objects for over 4000 years now and keeping good records, yet there isn’t a single mention of such an object.
    As for my astronomical background, I’ve been studying it since I was 6 years old. At the age of 14 I had the largest personal telescope / observatory on Long Island. The Astronomical Society of Long Island inducted me and spent a lot of nights observing thru my 10” reflector since their own scope was only an 8” with only half the light-gathering ability of mine.
    I went to Case institute of Technology in Cleveland as an astronomy major before joining the Navy.
    I’m still into astronomy even though I’m now disabled, but still I have gone out and photographed the last three blood moons. Did you even see any of them? Did anyone here? Do you own a telescope? (I still have two).
    So you can claim I know nothing about astronomy if it makes you feel superior, but we shall soon see who knows his stuff.
    As for the Book of Revelation, I’ve read it several hundred times and have read at least 25 different interpretations of it. Same with Daniel. You are the one who has not read it thoroughly – you haven’t read about the 2 witnesses, obviously. And clearly you don’t understand it, but then most people don’t.
    I’m holding you to a rapture in 40 days. That means we should not hear from you after that date. But don’t expect to fool us by changing your name again. No way I’ll believe you were the only person on earth to magically disappear.
    So we’ll see what happens.
    Remember you said on June 5th: Third week of August all grocery stores in the USA to shut down permanently.
    So we are only 4 days away from your first prediction. 11 if we wait till the end of the 3rd week, so keep your fingers crossed. I have several months of food stored for an earthquake, so I’ll keep posting until I finally starve, or until I’m hit by Nibiru in Sept.
    Aren’t you all excited about being proven to be a true prophet? I’m excited at being a true scoffer. 🙂

    • The two witnesses. Jim, I have a full commentary in my files on Revelation. Of course, it is a Jewish interpretation and I did not add the 400 cross references back to the Tanakh.
      In short the two witnesses are the law and the prophets. This is only one interpretation otherwise known as Moses and Elijah.

      The Two Witnesses 11:3-15
      In the time of treading down, God kept his faithful witnesses to attest the truth of his word and worship, and the excellence of his ways, The number of these witnesses is small, yet enough. They prophesy in sackcloth. It shows their afflicted, persecuted state, and deep sorrow for the abominations against which they protested. They are supported during their great and hard work, till it is done. When they had prophesied in sackcloth the greatest part of 1260 years, antichrist, the great instrument of the devil, would war against them, with force and violence for a time. Determined rebels against the light rejoice, as on some happy event, when they can silence, drive to a distance, or destroy the faithful servants of Christ, whose doctrine and conduct torment them. It does not appear that the term is yet expired, and the witnesses are not a present exposed to endure such terrible outward sufferings as in former times; but such things may again happen, and there is abundant cause to prophesy in sackcloth, on account of the state of religion.

      These two witnesses will prophesy and proclaim God’s message of salvation and repentance to the world from Jerusalem. They will also have power, like Moses before Pharaoh, to inflict the world with many judgments. The timing of their ministry has also been debated. However if you look to the end of Revelation 11, you will notice that right after the witnesses die and are resurrected, the second woe is past. The three woes are the last three trumpet judgments. Thus, their work on earth ends between the 6th and 7th trumpet judgment. (The last 30 days before Armageddon are for the seventh trumpet judgment, which consists of the seven bowl judgments.) Thus with their 1260 day ministry ending at the latest at day 2490 this would place the start of their ministry sometime before day 1230. We also know that the 2 witnesses are to die and their bodies will lie in the street for 3½ days, which may be part of the 1260 they are allotted to minister or may be outside of it. If the 3½ days are part of the 1260 days and they are killed on day 2490 then their ministry would end on day 2494 and start on day 1234.
      Jewish tradition places the return of Elijah to occur during a Passover Seder.2
      So if that tradition has merit and Elijah is one of the two witnesses then their 1,260-day ministry will start on the feast of Passover after the abomination of desolation and continue for 1260 days and end at most on day 2494.

      Mid Tribulation View
      The two witnesses in Revelation 11 symbolize the rapture since they are taken up to heaven after three and one-half years of tribulation, before the remaining three and one-half years of God’s wrath on the earth

      3. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth (Gen 37:34).
      These two witnesses are God’s prophets, sent to proclaim His message of doom. They are clothed in sackcloth. In the Bible, sackcloth and ashes always picture repentance-and repentance is demanded when sin stalks a nation. Repentance is God’s call to either turn or burn (Matt 11:21). The witnesses are described in the next verse.

      4. These are the two olive trees (Zech 4:3, 14), and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
      Olive trees exude oil. Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Candlesticks are light bearers. Thus, we have a beautiful picture of two chosen witnesses, anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit, proclaiming the message of light in the midst of a sin-blackened world. There is no other way to do God’s service. Oh! Be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).
      There has been a great deal of discussion concerning the identity of these two witnesses. Most Bible scholars believe they are either Elijah and Moses, or Elijah and Enoch. Malachi is explicit in predicting Elijah’s future appearance upon earth. He states: Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Malachi 3:1 and 4:5). Thus, there is no doubt about Elijah being one of the witnesses.
      This prediction is corroborated by the fact that Elijah did not die a physical death but was taken up into heaven by a whirlwind and a chariot of fire (see 2 Kings 2:9-11). Likewise, Enoch was taken to heaven without experiencing death (see Genesis 5:24 and Hebrews 11:5). He also prophesied the coming day of God’s judgment and the return of Christ with His church (see Jude 14, 15). Since Enoch’s earthly ministry predated the establishment of the Jewish race, he is considered by some as God’s first prophet to the Gentiles. Elijah, on the other hand, was God’s prophet to Israel. Thus, since God’s witness during the Tribulation hour is to both groups, many believe the two witnesses to be Elijah and Enoch.
      Personally, I believe that Moses will be the other witness because he appeared with Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration (see Matthew 17:1-8)-a preview of the glory to come in that day when the Lord Jesus Christ will be the only important one. The preview indicates that, when the day finally arrives, Moses and Elijah (also called Elias)-representatives of the law and of the prophets-will be present, undoubtedly as the two witnesses.
      Concerning Moses: The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken…and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him (Deuteronomy 18:15,18,19). One should also keep in mind that the body of Moses was preserved by God. Jude, verse 9 declares: Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
      These witnesses, dressed in sackcloth and proclaiming the message of judgment, will be hated. Latter-day terrorists will attempt to destroy them. God, however, forbids it and offers sovereign protection.

      5. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed (Num 16:29).
      This can be nothing but supernatural power and intervention. The fact that the two witnesses have superhuman anointing is evident from the next verse.

      6. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
      One of these two witnesses, Elijah (or Elias), performed this very miracle in earlier days: Elias …prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit (James 5:17, 18, see also I Kgs 17:1; 18:41-45).
      Moses, the second witness, had power (along with Aaron his brother) to turn the waters into blood and smite the earth with diversified plagues (see Exodus 7-10). Thus, the Tribulation ministry of these two supernaturally anointed prophets will be but a repeat performance. During the entire period of their witness they cannot be killed. Their death must be at God’s appointed time.
      The Messiah’s two witnesses are identified with the two olive trees of Zechariah 4:3 and the two menorahs standing before the Lord of the earth. Zechariah 4:2 speaks of one menorah with seven branches, while Zechariah 4:14 identifies the two olive branches with “the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.”
      These two witnesses testify about Yeshua, spread his Good News among the Jewish people in Jerusalem, prophesy and perform miracles; during this time they enjoy God’s special protection (vv. 5-6). Then the beast from the Abyss kills them (v. 7). Their bodies lie in the main street of Jerusalem for three-and-a-half days (vv. 8-9), after which they rise from death and go up into heaven (vv. 11-12).
      In the context of Zechariah 3-4 the two “anointed ones” are Joshua the high priest and Z’rubaval the governor. In the Talmud Rabbi Yitzchak calls the scholars of Eretz-Israel “anointed ones” (b’nei-yitzhar, literally, “sons of clear oil”) because they debate amicably, and those of Babylon “olive trees” because their disputes are bitter (like uncured olives; Sanhedrin 24a).
      So then, who are the two witnesses? Often they are said to be Moses and Elijah, since these appeared with Yeshua at the Transfiguration (Matt 17:1-8). The problem with this understanding is that the witnesses must die (Rev 11:7), and human beings die only once (Heb 9:27).
      The case for Elijah is a good one. He has not yet died (2 Kgs 2:1, 9-12), he is expected to return before the Messiah comes (Mal 4:5-6), and he has already shut up the sky, so that no rain falls. (I Kgs 17:1, 18:42-45; Lk 4:25; James 5:17-18).
      While Moses did turn the waters into blood and strike the earth with every kind of plague (Exodus 7:17-12:30; I Samuel 4:8), Scripture says that he died, so that he cannot die again. Nevertheless Jewish tradition is not satisfied to let him rest in peace. To prove he is still alive one Talmudic rabbi used the principle of interpretation called g’erah shavah. The term means “analogy” (literally, “equal decision”) and operates by inferring that if a word has a particular meaning in one passage of Scripture it must have the same meaning in a second passage. (The rabbis saw that this technique could easily be misused to reach conclusions contrary to Scripture and therefore prohibited its further use; only the instances cited by the early interpreters are recognized.)
      John himself is sometimes suggested as one of the witnesses, on the basis of Jn 21:20-24. But the two witnesses had lived and were already in heaven in the fifth century B.C.E., when Zechariah prophesied (see Zechariah 4:11-14).
      Besides Elijah, only one person has been taken into heaven without dying—Enoch (Genesis 5:21-24; Hebrews 11:5). Both lived before 500 B.C.E. and both were prophets (they will prophesy; see Jude 14). Since they have never died, they can yet undergo the death of v. 7. If the “two witnesses” are two literal persons and we are not dealing with a figurative expression, I nominate Enoch and Elijah.
      Meanwhile, believers in Jerusalem have grown used to being presented with other candidates. They appear every few months, often dressed in sackcloth like the Prophets of the Tanakh (Isa 20:2; compare 2 Kgs 1:8, Zech 13:4, Mt 3:4), and claiming to be “in the spirit and power of Elijah” (Lk 1:17) or even to be Elijah himself. Whatever the spirit, till now the power (vv 5-6) has not been in evidence.
      Fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies. At Jeremiah 5:14, the prophet addressed Israel: “Therefore thus says Adonai, God of the armies of heaven: “Because you speak this word, I will make my words fire in your mouth, and this people wood, and it will consume them.’” See also 2 Kgs 1:10, 12; Lk 9:54.

      7. And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
      Isn’t it wonderful to know that nothing can happen to any child of God without the Lord’s divine permission? “What have I to dread, what have I to fear; leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace, with my Lord so near; leaning on the everlasting arms.” That’s right; no one can take a believer’s life without the permissive will of God: Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? (Job 7:1). It is appointed unto men once to die (Hebrews 9:27). This is why Christians should always say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that (James 4:15). At this point the time of the witnesses’ testifying ends. God’s purpose for His two servants has been completed. Soon they will be called home. The method of their release from the body is death at the hands of the beast. His conduct is identical to that of the now deceased Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, who had the bodies of America’s brave servicemen displayed in the stre ets of Tehran following the April 1980 hostage rescue attempt. His action was one of the most repulsive, repugnant sights ever witnessed. The Antichrist commits the same dastardly deed with the bodies of Moses and Elijah.
      The beast seems to be the same as the Anti-Messiah (Prince William). See 13:1-18&N, 14:8-11&N; I Jn 2:18. He is also called the man of sin (2 Thess 2:3). The same person is mentioned in Rev 6:2; 13:1; 14:9, 11; 15:2; 16:2; 17:3, 13; 19:20; 20:10. He cannot kill these two witnesses until God allows him to.
      Bottomless pit (Abyss). The Abyss is not Sh’ol (as at Rom 10:7), but a place where demonic beings are imprisoned (vv 2-11, 11:7, 17:8, 20:2-3).

      8. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom (Isa 1:9) and Egypt (Ezk 23:3), where also our Lord was crucified.
      Since the Lord was crucified in this city, we know it to be Jerusalem. The term great city is the Holy City (Jerusalem) of verse 2. Why, then, is it called Sodom and Egypt? Because the moral and spiritual conditions that existed in Sodom before its destruction and the idolatrous iniquities that abounded in Egypt before God judged the land, are found inundating Jerusalem during this period of time. All the preaching of repentance by the two witnesses in sackcloth does not change the wicked complexion of the city.
      Sodom. Here is a comparison taken from a sick and diseased body. The distemper threatens to be mortal. From the sole of the foot even to the head; from the meanest peasant to the greatest peer, there is no soundness, no good principle, no religion, for that is the health of the soul. Nothing but guilt and corruption; the sad effects of Adam’s fall. This passage of Isaiah 1:1-10 declares the total depravity of human nature. While sin remains unrepented, nothing is done toward healing these wounds, and preventing fatal effects. Sodom was full of wickedness (sin) and therefore had to be destroyed.
      Sodom: burning; the walled, a city in the vale of Siddim (Gen. 13:10; 14:1-16). The wickedness of its inhabitants brought down upon it fire from heaven, by which it was destroyed (18:16-33; 19:1-29; Deut. 23:17). This city and its awful destruction are frequently alluded to in Scripture (Deut. 29:23; 32:32; Isa. 1:9, 10; 3:9; 13:19; Jer. 23:14; Ezek. 16:46-56; Zeph. 2:9; Matt. 10:15; Rom. 9:29; 2 Pet. 2: 6, etc.).
      Egypt: The Egyptian religion was a strange mixture of pantheism and animal worship, the gods being adored in the form of animals. While the educated classes resolved their manifold deities into manifestations of one omnipresent and omnipotent divine power, the lower classes regarded the animals as incarnations of the gods.
      Under the Old Empire, Ptah, the Creator, the god of Memphis, was at the head of the Pantheon; afterwards Amon, the god of Thebes, took his place. Amon, like most of the other gods, was identified with Ra, the sun-god of Heliopolis.
      The Egyptians believed in a resurrection and future life, as well as in a state of rewards and punishments dependent on our conduct in this world. The judge of the dead was Osiris, who had been slain by Set, the representative of evil, and afterwards restored to life. His death was avenged by his son Horus, whom the Egyptians invoked as their “Redeemer.” Osiris and Horus, along with Isis, formed a trinity, who were regarded as representing the sun-god under different forms.
      “Their” refers to the two witnesses.

      9. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves (Ps 79:2-3).
      The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be food unto the birds of the heavens, The flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth. Their blood have they shed like water round about Jerusalem; And there was none to bury them.
      Satellite television, beaming the identical image to every nation on earth, and into every home equipped with a receiver, allows the spectacle to be observed internationally. The action constitutes a victory celebration by the Antichrist, similar to Khomeini’s televised production. In response, the world rejoices. The two “gloom and doom” preachers are gone! No longer will two hellfire advocates spoil their tea parties. No longer will their beer and salami festivals be hindered. The two witnesses are dead.
      People and kindreds and tongues and nations, that is, from the Gentiles, are so hostile to God, his Word and his Prophets that they prevent the burial of the two witnesses whose bodies lie exposed in the main street of Jerusalem to dogs and flies, and, more importantly, to shame (19:21N; Psalm 69:2-4, I Kgs 13:22; Josephus’ Wars of the Jews 4:5:2).

      10. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts (Neh 8:10) one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
      They that dwell upon the earth. I believe this refers here to pagans and Jews of the land of Israel. This conclusion is based on the facts that (1) the Hebrew antecedents of the Greek expression frequently mean this (see 3:10N), and (2) a Gentile reaction to the death of the witnesses has been given already in v. 9.
      John foresees a time when Jewish opposition to the Gospel is intensified by the appearance of these two prophets. From the point of view of believers, they evangelize the non-Messianic Jews of the Land, testifying to Yeshua and proclaiming the Good News. But the non-Messianic Jews’ evaluation is that the two prophets tormented them. For this reason they not only reject the witnesses’ message but instead of sitting and mourning for seven days due to a death, they celebrate and send each other gifts—like the Jews of Shushan after slaying Haman’s sons (Esther 9:22). The difference, of course, is that Haman and his sons were truly oppressors, whereas the Messiah’s witnesses offer deliverance.

      11. And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God (Ezek 37:5) entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
      Imagine the effect the resurrection of these two men will have on those who, only the moment before, were viewing their corpses in the street! God alone could cause them to live.

      12. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud (2 Kgs 2:11); and their enemies beheld them.
      Elijah and Moses receive the same treatment as the raptured saints in Revelation 4:1. Hallelujah! They depart for glory in a twinkling of an eye. As this awe-inspiring sight is being observed, God sends judgment for all the sacrilegious acts the violent, drug-crazed crowds perpetrated on these two servants.
      The resurrection and ascension of the witnesses, similar to Yeshua’s own, causes great fear in their enemies, because this demonstrates in power (I Cor 2:14, 4:20, 6:14, 15:54-57) that our God reigns. The Word of Adonai is powerful (Isa 55:10-11; Heb 1:3) and indestructible (Isa 40:8; I Pet 1:23-25); it cannot be silenced by killing those who speak it.
      They ascended up to heaven in a cloud, not only like Yeshua (Acts 1:9-11) but also like Elijah (2 Kngs 2:11).

      13. And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
      Talk about a television spectacular! Two men come to life again and then vanish in a cloud! Next an unprecedented earthquake hits the city and 7,000 celebrities (the interpretation of many scholars)-yes, big names among the elite-are killed. This video extravaganza will make the nightly news seem like child’s play.
      Those who live through the experience become exceedingly frightened and begin to praise God. However, it is not from converted hearts that they exalt Him. Instead, their praise is the result of astonishment and alarm. Their reaction is similar to that of the scribes and the Pharisees who witnessed the miracle of the healed paralytic and were all amazed, and glorified God, and were filled with fear (see Luke 5:26). They did not get saved, just scared! Some people develop a spiritual vocabulary in a hurry. Wait until atomic bombs begin flying. Prayer and praise will become the order of the day!
      The earthquake is a frequent form of judgment in the Last Days (6:12, 8:5, 11:19, 16:18; Ezek 38:19-20). It kills seven thousand people (about 1.3% of Jerusalem’s present population) and causes widespread damage (a tenth of the city collapsed). The result, for the survivors, is nothing less than salvation, the fulfillment of God’s promise through Paul that “all Israel will be saved” (v. 1-14N above). Jews ask for signs” (I Cor 1:22). At Matt 16:1-4, the Pharisees asked Yeshua for a sign, but he promised none “except the sign of Jonah,” whose being vomited from the stomach of the fish is a type of resurrection. The two witnesses’ resurrection and ascension, along with the simultaneous earthquake (in that hour), are correctly understood by the Jewish people as signs from God—the rest are awestruck. Even while grieved at the death of 7,000 people, they handled their pain in God’s way – it led them to repentance, so that they gave glory to the God of heaven. Throughout the book of Revelation, only those in a right relationship with God give him glory (1:6; 4:9, 11; 5:12-13; 7:12; 15:4; 19:1, 7). Conversely, those who are not in a right relationship with God glorify themselves (18:7) instead of God (14:7, 16:9)—compare the hardened pagans of Rom 1:21: “Although they know who God is, they do not glorify him as God or thank him.” This mass repentance breaks the back of the Jewish national establishment’s centuries—long opposition to the Gospel. May it come speedily, in our days.

      14. The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.

      15. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever (Dan 2:44).
      The picture before us is the same as the one in chapter 19, verses 11 through 16-the return of the King. If one remembers that chapters 6 through 11 and 12 through 19:15 run concurrently, or side by side, during the Tribulation hour, he will understand why the King returns both in chapter 11, verse 15 and in chapter 19, verse 16. Chapters 12 through 19 are but a repeat of the events described in chapters 6 through 11. Now, as the King returns, a praise and worship service begins.
      Dan 2:44 says, And in the days of those kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall the sovereignty thereof be left to another people; but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

      Have a nice day Jim and I know that you will not read the above because you state you do not like to read anything I post.

      • John,
        From what I get from this post, the 2 witnesses have not yet arrive, but they must, at least 3-1/2 years before the Second Coming, if not longer. And if their appearance is to be at Passover, then the soonest the Second Coming might be would be nest spring plus 3-1/2 years or 2019.
        So this completely disproves your 2017 Second Coming time frame. Just as I’ve been saying all along.
        It looks like I finally got thru to you! Maybe scoffing really works!

        • I am with you on this.

          where is the abomination of desolation?

          where are the two witnesses?

          although i personally wish not to be here when it happens

        • Jim, you will always be born as a loser. You still lose in the end. Seventh Day Adventist believe the two witnesses are the law and the prophets and this is a historist point of view. I heard it on the radio while driving as for me, I don’t really care because I do not live in Israel or Jerusalem.

          Since you know they have not arrived, then you must live in Israel. However, you do watch 8 hours of Satan’s Media and you do believe and follow a bunch of Satan’s lies.

          You take in daily 8 hours of Satan’s lies so I feel sorry for you Jim. You have 2 arms and one leg in bed with Satan so Keep your Temple Clean.

          Clean and Unclean of your Temple/house/body
          Get your minds ready for work (1Pe_1:13). Be mentally prepared for opposition, distractions, temptations and unexpected setbacks. This, having a clear hope for future reward (1Pe_1:13) and refusing to be shaped by the evil desires you used to have when you were still ignorant of Yeshua the Messiah (1Pe_1:14) are necessary in order to heed Kefa’s main exhortation, namely, to become holy yourselves in your entire way of life (1Pe_1:15) even in what you eat, watch, read, think, and do. Peter’s quote is taken from the end of a teaching that YAHVEH gave to the children of Israel concerning what animals are considered as food and what animals are considered an abomination and NOT as food.
          YAHVEH Elohim has commanded us to be Holy, meaning a Set-Apart people. One way to do this, is in our eating habits. Kefa/Peter exhorts us to be Kadosh/Holy… 1 Peter 1:15-16 he says: 15 But as He which has called you is Holy, so be you Holy in all manner of conversation; 16 Because it is written, be you Holy; for I am Holy. Meaning: Set Apart for YAHVEH’s Purpose. Strangely it’s found in Lev.11:44 that’s where the list of Clean and Unclean meat is found and when He says to be Holy is when He is tell us what we can and cannot eat from all of Lev.11
          The phrase “manner of conversation” is translated from the Greek word anastrophe/ἀναστροφή and means “manner of behavior” or “lifestyle.” This would include what we eat. It is interesting to note that the quote Kefa is referring to is found in Lev.11:44-45 so let’s read it in context.
          “44 For I am YAHVEH your Elohim: you shall Kadosh/Sanctify yourselves, and you shall be Kadosh/Holy; for I am Kadosh/Holy:
          45 For I am YAHVEH that brings you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: you shall therefore be Holy, for I am Holy.
          Ta’hor rhf (Clean) and Ta’may a*mf (Unclean). Clean also means pure and unclean also means impure, polluted and defiled.”
          People may ask, ‘didn’t Jesus change the dietary laws or other laws?
          Sadly the churches teach that they change after Jesus died, but they don’t say WHO changed it. Yeshua, a devoted Jew who lived like all the other Jews, except better, He never broke the laws He made…John 1:3
          The reason Jesus taught Israel to obey the dietary laws was to teach them what to not take into their temple of what is unholy.

          Matthew 5:17-19 Don’t think that I have come to destroy the Law/Torah or the Prophets: I have NOT come to destroy but to play-ro’-o –fully preach.
          18 For truly I say to you, Until Heaven AND Earth pass away, one Yod or one Crown shall in no way pass from the Law/Torah, until ALL is fulfilled. 19 Who ever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom from heaven: but who ever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom from heaven.”
          The Greek iwta Jot is Yota (Iota ee-o-tah)- they left off the a and changed the Y to J, the letter that points upward, or apex or highest point on a Hebrew letter, like the Crowns on some letters. These Crowns on top of the Hebrews are on the letters in the Torah Scrolls-(no word), the root word of the HORN is kar also means hair – like(the hair of head) and Yeshua came to show us that we can keep not just the dietary laws, but all of the divine teachings—that’s what Law means, His divine Teachings or Instruction, His Will being His Thoughts put down on paper called Torah.
          This is also an interesting question because it reveals an incorrect teaching in the churches and is based upon an incorrect interpretation of a couple of verses, which we will examine, but the scriptures never tells us that Yeshua changed, did away with, negated, or voided any of His Torah, including the dietary laws. In fact the Scriptures tells us the very opposite in Matthew 5:17-19 Don’t think that I have come to destroy the Law/Torah or the Prophets: I have NOT come to destroy but to bring its meanings and understandings more clear.
          18 For truly I say to you, Until Heaven AND Earth pass away, one Yod or one Crown shall in no way pass from the Law/Torah, until ALL is fulfilled. 19 Who ever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom from heaven: but who ever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom from heaven.”
          We already learnt its One Yod, not Jot and One Horn or Crown instead of Tittle, but the point is; it’s the same as a coma or dotting an i in the English would not be taken from the Torah-God’s Laws.
          The word “destroy” is translated from the Greek kataluo-(kat-al-oo-o) and means: “abrogate, annul, demolish, destroy, nullify.” And Yeshua did not come to abrogate, annul, demolish, destroy, or nullify the Torah or the prophets. Instead He came to interpret them correctly sense the Pharisees weren’t doing so.
          The word “fulfill” is from the Greek pleroo, Strongs: accomplish, carry out, complete, to bring to pass, to demonstrate how it is to be done).
          Thayer Definition: 1) to make full, to fill up, i.e. to fill to the full
          1a) to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally
          2) to render full, i.e. to complete
          2a) to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim
          2b1) to make complete in every particular, to render perfect
          In other words, Yeshua would live out the Torah and prophets in such a manner, so as to instruct us how in a human body to live them out also.
          This word fulfilled is from the Greek ginomai, which means “appear in history, be fulfilled, come into being, come to pass, to be done.”
          He never did say it would be easy, on the contrary, He said: Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Matthew 5:11-12
          And we know that ALL is not done or come to pass. Now we see why Yeshua linked the Torah and the prophets. It was to remind us that much of the Torah is prophetic, even in the commandments, and some of these prophetic actions will not be fulfilled until the millennial reign of Messiah. Therefore Torah will continue until, or at least during the millennial reign.
          He then tells us that who doesn’t keep even the least of these mitzvot (commandments) and teaches men not to keep them will be called the least in the Kingdom from Heaven. This means there are a lot of pastors in Christian churches who are going to be surprised at their ranking among the believers.
          Likewise, those who both keep and teach men to keep the commandments will be called great in the Kingdom from Heaven. This may or may not a salvation issue, but it defiantly is an obedience issue. If I am to err in anything, then I want to err in seeking to obey YAHVEH too much, rather than err in seeking ways not to obey Him at all. May we all be brought completely under His divine authority and serve Him willingly and with a whole heart, at a moments notice and with every breath.
          Before going on with our discussion of what defiles our temple by what we eat. Let’s discuss some other things to ponder. Do you watch movies/TV that defile your mind. Do you have fornication with another member of your house or outside of marriage? Do you have or do spiritual defilement or fornication? Do you listen to rock and roll that talks about drugs, sex, Satan etc? Do you read pornography? What idols do you worship (money, food, drugs, sex, etc). What sins do you harbor (bitterness, anger, hatred, lying, cussing, etc). The list is endless but the point is: what you take into your body can defile you and make your temple unpure and unholy to God. He cannot live in an unholy temple.

  56. Thanks

  57. 2nd posting on this site on the Abomination that causes desolation. Wake up people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Though the Abomination of Desolation that was fulfilled on March 22, 2013, the Antichrist has been revealed, and the Sealed Book of Daniel has been Opened. The Final 70 years were confirmed to have started in 1947 at the order to restore Jerusalem. By the exact number of years, 62, it was confirmed that the Covenant with Many would be signed in 2009. 1947 + 62 = 2009. By the exact number of days, 1260, the Covenant with Many was confirmed as the Nobel Peace Prize given to Barack Obama. October 9, 2009 Friday, to March 22, 2013 is exactly 1260 days, 3.5 years, Midweek on the final 7 years. The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ has been shown by the exact number of days, 1260 days from March 22, 2013 to September 3, 2016, the first day of Rosh Hoshanna, the Feast of Trumpets. Nov 11, 1947+69 shemitahs (7 years) =2016.!/2013/07/chapter-8-abomination-fulfilled-march.html;
    1947+62 shavuots=Obama becoming president on January 20th, 2009+7=Obama’s Presidency ends.
    October 9, 2009 was on day 6 during Feast of Tabernacles. Obama was given the Nobel Peace Medaillion in honor of keeping the Non-Proliferation Treaty of the UN in 1968. “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.; The Norweigian Spiral Anomaly occured on December 9th on a Wednesday of that year. However, I don’t believe that it is connected to Gen 1:14 in any way because it was a man made event.
    March 22, 2013 While on a 3 day visit to Israel, Obama on March 22, stopped at the Nitivity of the church and did not bow to Christ in the grotto supposedly where Christ was born. Amid high security, Obama toured the church with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. They stopped at the Grotto of the Nativity, which is said to stand where Jesus Christ was born. About 20 children waving U.S. and Palestinian flags greeted Obama in a courtyard outside the sanctuary. He posed for photographs with Abbas and Bethlehem’s mayor, Vera Baboun. The Palestinain flags are black, white, and green stripped flags. More information in Feast Dates Part 3.`
    Judas, the “son of perdition” (John 17:12) betrayed Jesus to the chief priests two days before Passover. Obama, the “son of perdition” (II Thess. 2:3) betrayed Israel four days before Passover.

    Most Christians believe that the seven year tribulation begins with the signing of a peace treaty by the Antichrist, but the entire chapter of Daniel 9 refers to Jesus and if that is true then the signing of the peace treaty would be done by Him and broken mid way by the Antichrist at the Abomination of Desolation. To find out that possible timeframe, you begin counting back 1260 days from Armagedddon which will be on the Day of Atonement. For instance, September 30, 2017 is Day of Atonement, so you count back 1260, 1290, 1335 days from that date to give you a possibility for the Abomination of Desolation. The two days 2520 (1260+1260) and 2550 (1260+1290) gives you the time frame for the signing of the peace treaty which should put you near September, 7 years earlier between Tishrei 1 and Tishrei 21 which is between Day of Trumpets and the eighth day of Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot or sometime in October.

    Abomination of Desolation March 22, 2013 by Barak Obama doing the action.
    Through the Abomination of Desolation that was fulfilled on March 22, 2013, the Antichrist has been revealed, and the Sealed Book of Daniel has been Opened. The Final 70 years were confirmed to have started in 1947 at the order to restore Jerusalem. By the exact number of years, 62, it was confirmed that the Covenant with Many would be signed in 2009. 1947 + 62 = 2009. By the exact number of days, 1260, the Covenant with Many was confirmed as the Nobel Peace Prize given to Barack Obama. October 9, 2009 to March 22, 2013 is exactly 1260 days, 3.5 years, Midweek on the final 7 years. The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ has been shown by the exact number of days, 1290 days from March 22, 2013 to September 3, 2016, the first day of Rosh Hoshanna, the Feast of Trumpets.
    March 22, 2013
    President Obama made his first trip to Jerusalem on March 21, 2013 shortly after the historic event of Pope Benedict resigning from office and lightening subsequently striking the Vatican. This day was the date of the vernal equinox, a major pagan holiday. About once every 100 years, the vernal equinox lines up with another major date…Nisan 10 on the Hebrew calendar. This confluence happened on March 21, 2013. So what is so special about Nisan 10? It is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem! President Obama visits Jerusalem for the first time on the same date Jesus visits Jerusalem except in the case of the president, his visit also coincides with a major pagan celebration day! This is a man who has dark spiritual knowledge.
    “JERUSALEM – First “the Beast” had a breakdown, and now a wicked sandstorm has grounded President Obama’s helicopter.” “When Obama got to Bethlehem, security had cleared visitors at the Manger Square. Obama then toured the Church of the Nativity, built atop the cave where Jesus is believed to have been born.” Obama’s steel-plated limo, known as “the Beast,” broke down before the trip, and the Secret Service had to bring in a replacement. You can start counting 1,260 days.So “The Beast” (Obama’s Limo) arrived at the “Holy Site” on March 22nd causing all prayer and sacrifice to cease and then Obama stood inside of the Holiest Christian site on Earth as the Palestinians protested because they did not want him there.
    Every year by ordinance from God and His word there is a Passover sacrifice in Israel to remember the Exodus. This tradition was lost in 70 AD when the Jews were dispersed. It was reinstated in 2008. (Video) This year the Passover Sacrifice was OFFICIALLY cancelled, due to Barack Obama´s visit to Israel. The order came from the Israeli Department of Health. That is all that had to happen. For a man, they stopped their passover sacrifices for this year.
    Exodus 12:14 ‘So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.
    Daniel 11:31… then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation.

    What do you think about God speaks the language of the times, so Daniel’s future years would likely fit our years without any recalculation. Right? Thus, using the UN declaration to restore and rebuild the fig tree nation Israel, we calculate: 1947 + 62 + 7 = 2016. Subtract 3 1/2 years and you have spring of 2013 (March 20-22 are after winter and before the Sabbath!). Does President Obama’s Trip to Israel fulfil Daniel, John, and Jesus’ prophesies? (Dates coincide with prediction over 8 years ago by Note: Apparently, underlying Hebrew does not say that the Antichrist will actually stop the sacrifices, or place the abomination, or stop an offering. These, and the temple being rebuilt, are all apparently wrong assumptions by man. 1. Exactly 1260 days previous to March 22, 2013, on October 9, 2009, Obama was given the Nobel peace prize. Also, in early 2009 the new President Obama confirmed peace treaties with Israel, etc. 2. On March 20-22, 2013 President Obama traveled to Israel confirming a “Covenant of [Many] Peoples” (Daniel 9:27). He promised Israel an eternal covenant. How could any person, considering himself mortal, promise and everlasting covenant? 3. There was an order to stop at least one group from sacrificing a lamb. Police confiscated at least one lamb recently. The award given by the Prime Minister to Obama could be the “offering”. 4. Obama entered Jerusalem on the donkey symbol of the Democratic Party on Nisan 10 (March 21), same date as Jesus’ triumphal entry. He has been declared several times in the media and by many people as a messiah. Recently a music star declared him as “god and our savior”, etc. 5. His administration showed a graphical “image” of the State of Israel that cut Jerusalem and the Temple Mount out of Israel and placed it back under gentile/Palestinian control (i.e. an abomination). The Dome of the Rock is also an abomination or detestable thing on the Temple Mount. 6. There was an ice sculpture created in Obama’s image. 7. President Obama entered the holy site of Jesus’ birth on March 22. 8. This all happened after winter (March 20) and the day before Sabbath/Saturday March 23 (Matt. 24:15-21). What do you think? Just coincidence?

    Who are the two witnesses. For you who know how to read, they are found between Genesis and Malachi otherwise as is known as the law and the prophets. Wake up people!!!

    You all may be here through the trumpet judgments. Wake up people!!!!!!!!!!!

    • you are forcing interpretations that are not accurate

      there has been no abomination yet. it is to occur in the holy temple on the temple mount, not in a catholic church

      also, the daily sacrifice does not occur in a church but in the temple in jerusalem.

      and lots of evil people have gotten the nobel peace prize

    • Wolves in sheep’s clothing are doing all they can to keep the sheep spiritually unprepared for the soon coming Day. It will come upon those sheep (Sardis/Laodicean) as a thief in the night.

      • were you referring to me?

        I mostly agree with you about the conclusion, but the reasons have to be accurate….and biblical based

        the bible points to the temple as a focal point.

        that is what I am waiting for

  58. Lots of evil people get the prize (crown) for peace. No national, international leader stood on a stage like this one in 2008.

  59. John & DJ,
    Wow, you guys are in real trouble if Marianne actually agrees with me on something. This whole Obama antichrist nonsense is really ridiculous. You have failed to prove the he is the antichrist just because he won a peace prize. He is supposed to be in control of a New World Order – a One World Dictator. Until he takes charge of the world, not just one country. So nothing he has done to date counts.
    Also. By this time, 6 years in, the mark of the beast is supposed to be in place which for most people is an RFID banking chip based on a cashless One world Currency. None of this has or is even close to happening yet. If ever.
    I know all the different end-time scenarios and their variations, but so far Obama has yet to fulfil anything. In fact none of the scenarios have yet to begin.
    Rather than matching up current events with the bible you are rewriting the bible to match the events. You have already shaved a year and a half from the tribulation. Five if we go back to the peace prize. You have done the unthinkable… you have set a date first, then attempted to look for biblical signs in the news or the stars to back up your theory. With all the things happening in the world you have a plethora of little news items to choose from. But to anyone who knows prophecy it is obvious that the events you were forced to choose are simply not those in the bible, nor are they of “biblical proportions.”
    And now with time running short you are forced to predict all of the End-Time events that should have already happened to occur in rapid succession and soon, like next month.
    So my question is “What will you say when nothing you predicted for next month ever happens? And to that it is now into the 3rd week of august, the week when all U.S. grocery stores were supposed to close permanently. So far they are all still open for business. And even with the severe drought here in California the farms are still producing big harvests. (They have priority on water usage). So the first so-called disasters to strike the U.S. has shown to be a hoax. More will follow soon.
    Sorry but your so-called proofs are just one lame thing piled on another with no legs to stand on. The whole pile will soon collapse. Eventually you will have no events left but the Second Coming itself with the rest of the bible torn out and thrown away.
    And on top of all of that, the entire “Left Behind” scenario is bogus and the 70th week of Daniel is not end-time prophecy. So you are already barking up the wrong prophecy tree so the events you expect (New World Order, antichrist, One world Currency, One-World religion) will never happen anyway. So that is the main reason I’m not believing you’ze guys. You can predict all you want but nothing will happen in regards to these events.
    As long as you predict anyone will be an antichrist, your prophecy will fail.
    Soon you will be forced to join Marianne and others who also believe Obama will be the antichrist, but with your 2017 date blown to pieces you will have to be content to wait for all the other things yo happen first. That will be another long wait for nothing, but it will ball you have left to cling to.
    Good luck with that.

    • Jim, you are such a thick headed numbskull, I have given you over 50 signs and you being a stupid scoffer have denied all of them. You are a stupid born loser who does not know the front of your stomach from your butt which look the same to me.

      You have not ever read all of the Return of Israel house which has proof and you because you did not read it from beginning to end could not even find in Bold in 14 2014-September 2016 on page 424 because you have blinders in your eyes and your head is stuck in sand up to you fat butt of a stomach.

      So either shut up your toughts or don’t think until 2017.

      • John, do you really think anyone here has the time to read 424 pages of anything?
        So I read just page 424:
        “With that stated, any timing I put forward here in the following paragraphs is my best attempt at speculation trying to understand the precision of the text to the best of my ability. My understanding may not be 100% exact;“ and…
        “My own guess, and it is a guess, would be the Great Shofar/Second Exodus event could kick off during the Fall Feasts of 2015; or possibly Passover 2016;“
        So his calculations are based on speculation and guesswork. He admits he is by no means certain about his dates.
        He also admits that there are certain things that Israel has not yet addressed that the Torah requires for prophecy to be fulfilled.
        You seem to be more positive of these dates than the author you took them from. And you both ignore the words of Jesus Christ. Perhaps because you are only using the Old Testament to make your interpretation and ignore the New Testament.
        That will be your downfall which will be complete by the end of next month. You are clinging to an icicle and the heat of summer is coming.
        Yeah, I know, it’s winter in Australia, but you get my point.
        You accuse me of scoffing and yet nothing you have claimed has actually happened. In fact I’d bet I’d you polled 1000 people about your ideas at least 999 would think you are crazy. Not just wrong, but crazy! So I think I have the majority on my side. Not that I need them.
        But you have made some pretty bold predictions that must happen very soon, so enjoy your warm anticipation of being crowned a true prophet while you can.
        It won’t last long. 😦

        • Actually they agree with my findings so you lose in the end anyhow.
          Out of the 2000 e-mails I have sent out on my Feast Dates folder, I have had 1000’s of thankyou’s. And a bunch said, you gave me something to think about. I have had over 200 say you are right. I have had 3 say you are wrong. Here are two of the 3. Jim Giordano, and Kirt. and they say 2031 and 2048. One uses the date of his death and the other uses the 1948 event. The one using the 1948 event said the Battle of Jerusalem 1917 Jubilee year and event is a lie and the 6th day war does not compute into his computations. You say all three events cannot be used. As a matter of fact, you say all of the 20 events in 2017 cannot be used because you cannot use math to figure out when He is coming.

          So you are stupid and a phony. [do not say this! … marianne]

          • no name calling….and that goes for jim as well.

          • I don’t claim that 2031 is a sure date, only a logical one.
            But I’m sure your date is wrong because you ignore signs that Jesus gave us to look for when his return is at the door. Those signs are not here yet despite your ridiculous interpretation of current events (Obama not bowing etc,) and your incessant reliance on astrology and so-called generations.
            My Lord told me how to know when His return is near. I refuse to throw those bible pages away and buy into your silly mathematical calculations which have already been shown to be faulty, built on a tissue of lies and deception.
            I may be stupid but I’m not that stupid!

    • i believe bozo is an antichrist personality, just like hitler, and sadaam hussein, and mussolini, and stalin, but I have to wait to see if he is THE AC. that still has to be proven.

      • Well, you just lost your credibility with that statement.
        If you perceive Obama to be the same as those people, then our entire congress and most Americans would fit the bill as well. Those characters killed millions of people and to compare any American president to these outright murderers is outlandish to say the least.
        It is obvious that you are desperate to find your precious antichrist that you will find a likely candidate due to his political power that might allow him to take over the world, then you must characterize him as an “antichrist” personality to complete your profile.
        By this time in their times as leaders they had already disbanded their governmental systems and become brutal dictators, eliminating their enemies by death or imprisonment.
        Obama is a lame-duck president with the congress against him. His only power is in presidential orders and the veto power. He has not even killed a single republican. He is so timid and cares so much about his peace-prize legacy he would never make a brutal dictator.
        Your claim that he will cancel the elections and refuse to leave office is your only way for him to keep his power in order to rise to world dictator. It is illogical and impossible and just more grasping at straws.
        In 2008 you and others suggested that he would already be the antichrist by the end of his first term. You wrote a blog on the topic, bow pretty much abandoned. Soon you will abandon him entirely and eventually you will abandon the whole idea of an antichrist.
        Hint: The man of fierce countenance will be the leader of the King of the North, not the whole world.
        You are thinking too big.

        • dear bozo supporter

          plenty have died under him. even the others had “early years” before they went on a rampage. if you think no one has died, then you have not watched the news for the past 7 years. how about bengahzi? if stevens was a democrat, then it does not matter he died I guess. how about the city in china that was destroyed? just bc someone does not admit anything does not mean he is innocent. there are opposers to him that have already died, just cann’t prove it bc congress is in bed with him….

          do you understand what an AC personality is? he is totally lawless, breaks every law, hates the consitution, allows illegals to be legal, floods our borders with enemies, establishes martial law, builds FEMA death camps, gives perverts more rights than decent people, mocks christianity, says the future belongs to those who follow allah, and it does not belong to those who dont, hates america, supports gangsters over the police, as long as they are black…..incites racial hatred, hires mainly muslims for his staff, oppresses christians in the military, or removes them for heroic acts, fires patriotic generals, ,,,,,,has only those agreeing to fire on americans to be enlisted in the military

          I have been following him since 2008 and have about 140 pages of news articles about what he is doing. cannot write it all here.

        • Obama has killed over 1500 troops in Afganistan. So you support a mass murderer Jim, therefore since you support a mass murderer then I hold you responsible for all of his doings. You are now an accomplice to mass murderers like Obama.

          • So then Franklin Roosevelt was our biggest murderer of all. All the Germans and Japanese he had killed. And Bush killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis so maybe he is a better candidate for the antichrist, eh? Well none of it matters since there won’t be an antichrist or a New World Order or a One-World Government, so it doesn’t really matter how evil you think Obama is, he still won’t ever be an antichrist.
            Nobody will!

            • jim

              it is not the number of deaths…..a person could have the antichrist spirit and kill ONE person

              the bible even mentioned this spirit was “alive” back in the NT

              to have the spirit does not meant they are the boogy man of all time..

              it means they are capable of doing great harm and they do this harm whenever they have the chance.

              • Obama has said publicly that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior. He has never denied Christ, and that is what the spirit of antichrist means. So he is not a candidate.
                You believe people that claim to read his mind and know his inner thoughts. When he rejects Jesus in public, then he will become an antichrist. But there are almost 6 billion genuine Antichrists in the world so you have plenty to choose from, so why pick someone who professes that Jesus is Lord and Savior?
                (I already know why).

                • Jim

                  I can say Jesus is Lord and savior but not believe it one iota in my heart.

                  Obama Refuses To Say The Name Of Jesus Christ In Response To …
         – Similarto Obama Refuses To Say The Name Of Jesus Christ In Response To …
                  Jul 30, 2014 … But, they cannot submit to Jesus as God, Lord, Savior, and King from the … “ Jesus is Lord” is not anything that Obama can say from his heart in love. ….. Tristan Pearl where does it say that Gordon is a Hamas sympathizer?
                  Obama Blasphemes Jesus And Rebukes Him Saying That “Jesus …
         › Home › Featured › General
                  May 13, 2015 … But that’s not what Obama did, not in the least. … Can I say that I feel stark, raving, lunatic rage whenever I listen to his lies with smug, …. God bless you immensely in our Lord and Savior’s name, Jesus Christ, the One and Only …
                  President Obama Affirms Jesus as his Savior and Lord, Stands …
                  Feb 6, 2014 … President Obama Affirms Jesus as his Savior and Lord, Stands for Religious … “I’ m proud that no nation on Earth does more to stand up for the …
                  Jamie Foxx Defends Calling Barack Obama ‘Lord and Savior’
         › Home › entertainment
                  – Similarto Jamie Foxx Defends Calling Barack Obama ‘Lord and Savior’
                  Dec 5, 2012 … “It just goes to show that even though Obama did not succeed in stopping … was wrong to issue such a statement that likened the president to Jesus Christ. … The actor who got his start doing stand up comedy simply referred to his … “First of all, giving honor to God and our lord and savior Barack Obama.
                  Jamie Foxx Calls Obama ‘Our Lord And Savior’ At Soul Train …
        …/jamie-foxx-obama-lord-and-savior-fur... – Similarto Jamie Foxx Calls Obama ‘Our Lord And Savior’ At Soul Train …
                  Nov 27, 2012 … It just goes to show that even though Obama did not succeed in stopping … Evan Thomas for saying that Obama is “standing above the country, …
                  ‘No, Jesus is’: Jamie Foxx calls Obama ‘Our Lord and Savior’ …
        …/no-jesus-is-jamie-foxx-calls-obama-our-lord-and… – Similarto ‘No, Jesus is’: Jamie Foxx calls Obama ‘Our Lord and Savior’ …
                  Nov 26, 2012 … Did this fool just say “our Lord and Savior Barack Obama”…shut up …. Jamie foxx went to freaking far calling Barak obama his lord and savior.
                  Obama: All Peoples Worldwide Embrace Meaning of Jesus
                  Dec 6, 2014 … President Barack Obama at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on Dec. … Ceremony Thursday night, President Obama did not mention Jesus by name but … Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard,'” says the Gospel. … will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great in the sight of [the] Lord.

                  Obama on faith: The exclusive interview | The Dude Abides
                  President Obama says he is a Christian yet does not believe the basic tenet of … repent of his evil ways and TRULY accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior, if he did, he would …… He had every opportunity to confess Jesus is his personal savior.
                  At prayer breakfast, Obama calls Jesus “my Lord and Savior”
        …/at-prayer-breakfast-obama-calls-jesus-my-… – Similarto At prayer breakfast, Obama calls Jesus “my Lord and Savior”
                  Feb 3, 2011 … President Barack Obama made a clear declaration of his Christian … Jesus Christ for myself and embrace him as my Lord and Savior. … not what other people say about us, but whether we’re being true to our conscience and true to our God. …. Jesus did not mean to empower government to tax people and …

                  Allah is greater than Jesus as most say but who is Allah. Yes, I believe Jesus is lord and savior but I worship Allah who is greater than a mere man as Jesus was. Jesus is just a prophet but I kill in the name of Allah Ackbar.

                  Who is Allah, Jim. If Bozo followed Jesus and the words in the Bible, then why build DUMBS to hide in during the Day of the Lord. If Bozo love Jesus, he would have allowed the Iraqi Christians into the country but he had them killed and allowed the Muslims in. If he loved God and Jesus, he would support Israel but he has turned his back on Israel.
                  So you just go on worshipping Bozo alng with Allah and anybody else you worship. So now since you support Bozo, you are now Bozo’s accomplice so I am holding you to court for destroying America, you Satanic loving Commie.

                • jim.

                  he said that to begin with to get elected. he did not mean a word of it.

                  but since then, he has mocked christianity and oppressed christians in the military, and allowed them to be killed by ISIS, and declared the future belongs to allah, not jesus

                  the ring he has on his finger reads in arabic, there is no god but allah

                  why not have a ring with a cross on it instead?

  60. So you are going to wait until 2025 and then start watching. Fine by me.
    1) I do not study astrology. I study Biblical astronomy when something happens like the Christmas star in July.
    3) I don’t know how Battle of Jerusalem in 1917+100=2017. This is very simple math.. But according to you it equals 2031. Your math is way off bud.

    Psa 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
    So your years are 70 and maybe 80. So since you are old, then you need to die at 70 but you can live until 80.

    You disagreed with my definition of generations but yours is right. Gen 6:3: Man shall live 120 years.
    How long is life in todays generation for a human Jim. If you eat helthy, you will live to at least 70. If you take drugs and smoke all the time, you may only live to be forty, maybe 50.

    Since you have read all the world’s books, tell me know it all how long does a person live today from birth to death.

    There are 7 definitions (for …………………………) and 7 is the number of completeness.
    1) According to Gen. 6:3 it may be as long as 120 years.
    2) Genesis 15:13, coupled with Gen. 15:16 indicates 100 years.
    3) Psalms 90:10 indicates a possible 80 years.
    4) Psalms 90:10 also indicates a more likely 70 years.
    5) Matthew 1:17 may indicate around 50 years
    6) Psalms 95:10 indicates 40 years.
    7) Deut. 2:14 indicates 38 years.
    Is this list just a bunch of numbers in the Bible and what do they mean and refer to.
    You tell me what these numbers refer to smart alec smarty pants.

    You say I cannot use math because I do not know how to add 67+50 because my math is wrong when I add 1967+50=2017 but you are a wizard of math in higher math than I. In math, I took algbra and book keeping and I know 1+1 =2 instead of 20 so don’t tell me that I do not know how to add.

    This list below Jim is not my words so I guess in your mind this person is full of 1000 lies.

    2017 – Using ALL 7 generations, based on the premise of ISRAEL being the fig tree Jesus spoke about in the end times:
    1) 2017 counting back a 120 year generation = 1897.
    Significant event: The first ever Zionist congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.
    2) 2017 counting back a 100 year generation = 1917.
    Significant event: The first official political act paving the way for Jews to return to their land was the Balfour Declaration of November 1917.
    3) 2017 counting back a 80 year generation = 1937.
    Significant event: The Peel Commission published a report that for the first time recommended partition of Palestine, and the land under it’s authority be apportioned between an Arab and Jewish state. The plan was declared unimplementable.
    4) 2017 counting back a 70 year generation = 1947.
    Significant event: The United Nations general assembly voted in favour of the Partition Plan that actually created… the State of Israel!
    5) 2017 counting back a 50 year generation = 1967.
    Significant event: The Jews regained Jerusalem, fulfilling“when the fig tree putteth forth leaves.”
    Choosing a 50 year generation requires some explanation. Some people have reckoned on a 50 year generation, starting with 70 using Psalm 90:10 for an average age, and then taking away 20, because those under 20 years old who came out of Egypt were not counted, as mentioned fifteen times in the book of Numbers, Chapter 1.
    6) 2017 counting back a 40 year generation = 1977.
    Significant event: The State of Israel reaches the Jewish “age of maturity.” In the Old Testament Bible, priests could not work in the tabernacle until age 30. See Numbers 4:3.
    This was when they were considered mature. Modern Israel was born in 1947.
    Now do the calculation: 1947 + 30 = 1977.
    “When the fig tree putteth forth leaves” could be considered as another way of saying “when Israel becomes mature.” An example of this maturity is that the Liqud political party came to power in Israel in 1977. The Hebrew word Liqud means ‘The Consolidation’ in English.
    7) 2017 counting back a 38 year generation = 1979.
    Significant event: Israel signs a peace treaty with Egypt. Other than the events already mentioned I’m thinking this would be considered the other most positive historical step towards modern Israel’s expansion, showing “the fig tree putting forth leaves”. It led to many long term benefits, such as providing for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal.
    And is 2017 really significant?
    2017 is the Jubilee (per Leviticus 25:9-12 , 50 years)? Counting back to 1967 it is.
    In 1967, Israel gained soverign control over Jerusalem for the first time since the days of King Solomon.
    The above was written by blogger Nicetiming. Heaven

    • Yes, I’m familiar with the blogger Nicetiming. I’ve been debating with him for years. And you know what? Nothing he said was about to happen ever occurred. Nothing at all to this day. I scoffed at him years ago and I still scoff.
      And I’m not waiting till 2025 to start looking for signs. I’ve been looking for many years now and I look every day. I see events happening in the news all the time that were predicted by Herbert W. Armstrong 60 years ago. He did not make up prophecy, he merely interpreted the bible in a different way than Jack Van Impe, and so far many things ne predicted have happened and so far, Jack Van Impe is still waiting for the rapture to start a 7-year tribulation. So I have seen many signs come true and I continue to watch. All things are falling into place for me. But not for you.
      You picked a date too soon and now there is not enough time left for the biblical events to fit in. Now you are forced to make outrageous interpretation of world events to make them fit into your theory and you have stooped to using You Tube idiots to predict future events based on lies and hoaxes. You refuse to use the bible for your reference and take the word of You Tube idiots over the word of God. That mistake will be your ultimate downfall.
      And that downfall is coming soon.

  61. Jim. I do not listen to you, Jack Van Impe, or Armstrong. I just read articles and connect the dots. If I copy something that you say and find out later that it is wrong then the blame comes on you, not me.
    So have a nice short life.
    Signed by an Ashkenazi Jew who has a Jewish Syndrome called Asperger Syndrome. By the way, you bore me to death.

    • Well, so far NOTHING anyone on this site has predicted has come true. There have been many predictions that have failed to happen by the date specified including this very blog which claimed Nibiru would arrive by 2012:
      (From this article):
      “27 September 2012:
      Nibiru comes directly between the Sun and Earth. Unlike Elenin a year earlier, it sits right on the ecliptic and will therefore cause a great solar eclipse. The Earth will now be very much at the mercy of this immense object’s magnetism. “…etc.
      Nothing in this article has even started to happen, so obviously this entire blog is built on lies, yet here we are, still waiting for Nibiru.
      Your problem is that the articles you read are bogus. Jokesters on the web printing lies like others make computer viruses. Why? They enjoy punishing others in any way they can. They get their kicks by fooling people. What they do is idiotic. And you needn’t be an idiot to believe them, only uninformed and gullible.
      The other problem is that you have boldly predicted an exact date for the Second Coming. This leaves you open to either being a great prophet, all on your own with no help from the bible, or a gullible fool who put his faith in the hands of You Tube idiots and other bozos who were only out to fool people.
      And your first prediction that all the US grocery stores would be shut down permanently by… today, has already proven to be a hoax.
      So do us all a little favor and list all your predictions for September.
      Just a few words on each even. Like do you prefer the asteroid hitting Puerto Rico or the comet hitting near Venezuela? A rapture? New World Order begins? You know, that kind of stuff.
      It‘s time to put up or shut up. Hero or fool. Please don’t wimp out now.

      • That was from Lyn Leahz and she said possibly and I said possibly.

        You are like all the other Christians Jim that say We do not know the day or hour but you have just deleated “But of that” from it to say what you want it to say just like Satan changed some word in the Garden of Eden story. You fit Satan so well so just keep twisting your words around Jim to say what ever you want to say. You just keep following the Phildephia Church of God false prophet and just keep following all of his prophecies because just maybe he will be right for once in 2048.
        As for me, I will follow the Torah and what it says and not what a bozo commie like you says.
        As the day approaches I start saying possibly and I also use “IF” alot and I also use probably.
        You believe Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday which is roughly 36 hours and not 72 hours so you twisted the words around to fit your 36 hours when Jesus said AS in the days of Jonah, so will the Son of Man be.
        Jonah was in the whale for 3 days and 3 nights and not either 3 days or either 3 nights so you have twisted the words around to fit your hypothesis of 3 days or 3 nights so 5 minutes of a day equals a full day and 10 minutes into the last day = a full day.
        So just keep twisting words Jim and you will be just like Satan. That is wy I don not believe your lies. Jim, you remind me so much of Satan.

        • I’ve been saying for years that Jesus died on the Wednesday before Passover, 31 AD. This is from a book by Herbert W. Armstrong. It is confirmed by a total lunar eclipse seen from Jerusalem that night. You are the one twisting the words taught by the Philadelphia Church of God. I know them verbatim. You make incorrect assumptions.
          You and I actually agree on a lot of basic points, but it is your insistence on a 2017 time line where your train goes off the tracks.
          But the good news is that soon you will no longer believe in 2017 and maybe our ideas may get even closer together.
          Except for that Obama antichrist crap.
          I’m expecting an uneventful September. How about you?

          • jim

            I am praying for an uneventful september as well.

            the government is revved up for something, but we will see

            they just sent troops from ft bragg to florida for a “nuclear terror event”

      • jim

        you said

        “this entire blog is built on lies.”

        i have over 850 pages. are you saying this entire website is a lie, including what you wrote itself?

        i published an opinion here on this page, so people could debate it.

        I did not endorse it

        • Jim, since you say this blog is built on lies then you had better be on your knees hourly praying because you lie and your lieing will not get you into the Messianic Kingdom. All lyers will burn in the lake of fire and brimstone unless they repent and turn away from sinning.

        • By “blog” I only mean this one which predicted Nibiru would be here in 2012. That was a lie. And every YouTube video that has been posted as “proof” of Nibiru are lies. Call them mistakes or errors or bad calculations or whatever you want, but I recognize them as plain old lies. In the end you will find that several of your blog topics were based on lies or they were simply just wrong. I realize you post a lot of theories that are not your own so the lies are not your fault. To be fair, you announced right at the beginning of this topic that you copied it from someone else, but you are still not off the hook as it is clear you still believe Nibiru is real.
          So please don’t take anything personal when I rant at the originators of the information, such as You Tube idiots. Some people here are simply wrong in their beliefs and that is fine, that’s why we are here – to discuss the bible. But many of the You Tube idiots are clearly lying based on fake science. This topic is one of those.
          That’s all I was saying.

  62. Jim, I suspect in October it will get rough but start out slow.

    Aviv Moon Network Events for September. 42 so far that I have found and I am keeping an watch as to what writes about them after the event since thaat is where I get all my information since I do not listen to Radio news stations or watch tv 8+ hours per day.
    As for Revelation events, the first sliver of the month is what I am looking for as to Revelation 8.
    With America’s economic collapse in the stocks at this beginning of the week ushering in the 1933 dust bowl days, I lost all of my retirement income this week and I suspect the government will steal my checking account money between now and Mid October but I have a peace that passes all understanding that cover’s my body, soul, spirit, and mind for all eternity.

    Crage 440 sent me this e-mail in honor of this week’s event that has transpired.

    “Your wealth is rotting away and your fine clothes are moth-eaten rags. Your gold and silver have become worthless. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. The treasure you have accumulated will stand as evidence against you on the day of judgement. For listen! Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated on their pay. The wages you held back cry out against you. The cries of those who harvest your fields have reached the ears of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” James 5:2-4

    Greece collapsed last year. China Collapsed this past month in yuen stocks and America is starting out with the Shemitah collapse right on time.

    Only this time in 2016 beginning on Day of Atonement in September will we see what else happens with seal 3 and 4 and 5.

    My month time start begins on the first sliver of the new moon and your month follows Satan’s calendar.
    Have a nice week. By the way, I lost 100k this week and I also found out I am an Ashkenazi Jew this week.

  63. Jim here is another one that you will blame on me because it is one of my predictions. Remember, all I do is cut, copy, and paste.

    Biggest two-day stock market crash ever goes unnoticed – Financial Armageddon coming?
    Xander 08-23-2015

    September 2001 – September 2008 – September 2015 ? Third period of seven years could be incredibly intense – NY Times bestseller predicted in 2012 a financial Armageddon in September 2015

    The end of the Hebrew Shmita year in September coincides exactly with the fourth prophetic “blood moon.”

    Last Thursday and Friday the Dow Jones Index plunged a total of 888 points for those two days added together — the biggest two-day crash in US history. The Dutch AEX index lost this week 10% of its value; Delta Lloyd was a billion worth less and Vopak lost 16%. Also China’s financial collapse continues unabated. In spite of panic everywhere ordinary people live as if nothing is going on. Many analysts, however, expect a collapse that will surpass all previous ones. — Read more … (33 comments)

    The World Bank Threatens to Kill the US Dollar

    Global Banking System on the Verge of Total Collapse

    The Currency that May Replace the USD in Just 2 Months

    These are taken from an e-mail sent to me.

  64. Here is one Jim, that your news media did not say on your TV stations that you listen to.

    On August 13 Shillman Fellow Raymond Ibrahim appeared on Newsmax Prime, hosted by JD Hayworth and Miranda Khan. He discussed how the West in general, the Obama administration in particular, not only ignore but exacerbate (to increase violence against, ie. kill) the plight of Mideast Christians.

  65. John,
    You seem to think that the stock market is tied to the Second Coming. There is nothing in the bible about the stock market. So nothing you mentioned above has any relevance.
    And I know that you only copy and paste stuff, so none of it is your own idea, but you also believe in these people or else you wouldn’t have talked about them so much. So if nothing happens in September I don’t want to hear you whining, “I didn’t say I believed those things would happen,,, it’s all so-and-so’s idea.”
    It sounds like you are already looking for a way to back out of it gracefully by deflecting the blame to someone else. Eventually Marianne will have to admit this article was false when Nibiru fails to materialize,,, ever. She likes to say she is just presenting the information for our discussion but she spends a lot of effort defending it just as you have been defending your 2017 theory and the events of September.
    So if you support someone else’s ideas, you will be considered wrong for believing in them. Simple as that.
    I believe in the interpretation of Herbert W. Armstrong. If he is wrong then I am wrong too. That is fair. What we all must do is pick an interpretation we can believe in and make it our own.
    Otherwise don’t post anything and just say, “I have no clue.”

    • jim

      you are so strong against nibiru that I feel obligated to show the opposite position, to bring balance.

      I go by what is possible, and you go by what you see, or don’t see.

      • Not true, I go by lies or truths, and so far all the Nibiru “sightings” have been lies. You show us photos or videos that “could be” Nibiru but they are clearly false.
        Any object as large as Nibiru is supposed to be would have been noticed and tracked by astronomers all over the earth for many years. We even discover tiny comets years before they reach the sun.
        So there is no object matching Nibiru’s description anywhere in our solar system, so every sighting in the past or for the next ten years will be a hoax.
        My personal objection is that I refuse to use things that I know are false as a way to promote my interpretation of bible prophecy. We both agree that something will fall to earth in the 6th seal, but we both know a planet four times the size of earth would destroy the planet and everyone on it. So you already agree the object won’t be Nibiru, nor could it be a moon. Remember a rock only a few miles across killed off 85% of life on earth 65 million years ago, and its effects lasted perhaps 100 years, so the object will be quite small.
        So you say Nibiru flies thru space with a meteor or two in tow, and it is those little objects that will be the 6th seal. But we already know that neither the earth nor any other planets have small asteroids orbiting alongside them. Any such objects would have been sucked into the planet long ago by its gravity.
        So if all you need is one big rock, why bother obsessing over something that is nothing but a hoax? A big complex complicated hoax? Over a million YouTube videos and not a single eyewitness sighting. It is more elusive than a UFO. Yet you have four posts on the topic. So you clearly think it is possible. With a little bit of book-learnin’ you would be on my side and never mention it again. I hate it when anybody presents things as possible when I know they are not. I’m here to keep the science straight and honest.
        I know a fairy tale when I hear one.

        • jim

          there have been eye witness sightings.

          and you do not go by lies or truth…you go by your opinion, and whether or no the gov admits it.

          jade helm is going on right now, and they are NOT admitting anything. it will stay until its mission is over. it is NOT an exercise….it is an operation.

          you don’t understand yet……nibiru, if real, would NOT come that close to earth to completely destroy it… will still be out in space…..but it would come close enough to cause a global earthquake, and eclipse the sun….and it would happen during a blood moon, or the moon would get a red color due to the iron oxide present.

          nibiru is part of a mini solar system that has an asteroid field around it, similar in a smaller fashion to our solar system..

          gov will never tell us anything. even if it is right in front of us

    • Jim, now I know for sure you have never read the Bible. You have not even read the 6th Chapter of Revelationtion.

      The global economic collapse is tied to the 6th chapter of Revelation and so is inflation.

      And the 6th Seal is tied to the Second Coming and not Revelation 8-11. It is tied to Revelation 12-16.
      ISIS kill all in the Middle East is tied to Chapter 6 of Revelation.

  66. Jim, you believe the lies of man that the earth is millions of years old. I knew you lied but I did not think that you are so gullible to believe the earth is millions of years old.
    Since you believe that, then you don’t believe in the Bible at all. You are an evolutionist.
    As somebody said, there is a fool born every minute.

    • I don’t believe the earth is Millions of years old. It is Billions of years old, with a “B” and I can prove it scientifically. No one can prove that it is only 6000 years old without using bogus science.
      As for evolution, that is a myth, like Nibiru. There is no proof that anything other than local evolution within a species has ever happened. There is no fossil record yo support evolution. Dogs will always be dogs, we can make new breeds but we can’t turn them into little horses. They will always still be a canine. Only God can create a new species.
      But you already know that.

      • jim

        there is no scientific proof about the earth’s real age

        that is a fantasy perpetuated by evolutionists..and there is no data to confirm their theory of earth age.

        however, there is gap in time suggested between genesis chapter one and verse one and two

        and the earth we see today may not be the original earth before man was created

        • Open any geology book and you will find the proof in there. Evolutionists are not geologists and geology only collects the fossil records and give the data to the idiot evolutionists who try to prove Darwin‘s theory. You have to separate the two sciences.
          You can’t possibly describe the geologic record in 6000 years without denying the laws of nature and invoking some sort of magic that ignores true science.
          I would give anything to see you in a geology class… you would claim everything we have learned over the last 300 years is all fake made-up stories. The real fun would be seeing how you try to explain formations using nothing but a worldwide flood, which has been proven to be false.
          That would be a hoot! 🙂

  67. Jim, Nibiru is tied to Isaiah 24, Habbakuk, Malichi, Jeremiah but you have never read the Bible so you don’t understand these things. Nibiru is also tied to the first four Trumpet judgments (Revelation 8) and I can tell you by several words. Here they are: wings, burn, and fire. I can even tell you the year of Nibiru’s arrival for the last time before the death of humanity on the globe. Year of Jubilee.

  68. Marianne, let’s just let time prove to Jim that Nibiru exists. How about let us wait until the end of November to prove our case.
    It is evident to me that Jim has never read the Bible in the Hebrew and Greek but he trusts his prophet more than he trusts God.
    There is a fool born every minute.

  69. Well at least you take a firm stand on Nibiru. End of November? I’m afraid Marianne will have trouble setting any dates as every one she’s posted on her site that had an arrival date was wrong… totally. So I’m sure she’s a bit gun shy after posting so many wrong videos. Plus she has plausible deniability… she will just say it was not her that was wrong but the You Tube idiots that she got the info from.
    So Nibiru is 3 months away. A planet that big should become visible to the naked eye real soon if not already. Check your astronomy program and see if it’s on there yet. If you have dark skies where you live maybe you can be the first one to spot it. That’s if you know what to look for. But a giant red planet with wings of fire should be easy to find, so start looking.
    By the way, I have studied all the minor prophets under Herbert W. Armstrong and the true meaning is very complex and subtle and few people really understand them completely. And I’ll tell you there is no mention of Nibiru or anything like it. You can take three or four words out of any page of the bible and make up a story based on those words. So if you really think they are talking about Nibiru then YOU have not read the bible – and understood it.
    I get my understanding of prophecy from a true man of God. You get yours from someone on the internet you don’t really know and who is not a true prophet of God.
    We will see soon if your prophets are real or false.

    • jim

      I never posted an arrival date.

      people speculate and post what their opinion is…..just like you do

      youtube people are only idiots in your opinion.

  70. Marianne,
    I copied the arrival date right from the top of this article. You are always posting dates. Maybe they are from someone else, but you posted them. In fact I found a half dozen topics here that all predicted or suggested an exact date and noted that the theory you posted ended up going nowhere.
    And this topic is no exception. The following is copied from this article:

    27 September 2012:
    Nibiru comes directly between the Sun and Earth. Unlike Elenin a year earlier, it sits right on the ecliptic and will therefore cause a great solar eclipse.
    Just go back and read it. In bold text. Sure, you could never have done all those complicated calculations and create all those professional looking orbital diagrams etc, but in the end you posted a bald-faced lie. No question about it. You got suckered by a You Tube idiot with a cool graphics program and a deceitful personality. Shame on you. Jesus warned us of false prophets and you were fooled by one. Actually many.
    Jesus wanted us to be skeptical. For even the very elect will be fooled. There are many false teachers out there, but some who predict biblical events on specific dates are truly prophesying and are always wrong because they fail to interpret the bible properly.
    Bad teaching = bad learning = false prophesy. Simple as that. I’m here, in a way, to teach proper skepticism. You may think you are among the elect, but even they are being fooled all over the world. And the web.
    You consistently throw caution to the wind and put up crazy posts. They may seem plausible to you, but they are crazy to me.
    And as you’ll see I’ve found several of them this afternoon and noted that each one failed to happen. 🙂

    • yes… I consider what people say…so what?

      better be safe than sorry.

      • But you shouldn’t post every single opinion or theory that appears on the internet.
        For example, you can find TouTube videos claiming the Mahdi will return with Jesus (Isa) and they will conquer the world with Jesus converting or killing all the Christians and Jews and destroying every cross on the planet.
        So are we to look for this to happen? It does involve Christians so shouldn’t we be warned to expect it when it comes? Should we prepare Christians to convert to Islam or die?
        Of course you wouldn’t post such Muslim nonsense. Why not? Because you know the Koran is a book of lies and does not contain true prophecy. Why scare our fellow Christians about something we know will never happen.
        Well, the same principle applies to potential disasters. People are now afraid that an asteroid will hit Puerto Rico and a comet will hit Argentina in just a few weeks. And Nibiru could come and get us at any time. And as soon as Jade Helm is over the government will start rounding up Christians and take them to FEMA Death Camps. And so on and so forth.
        You are mixing malicious fear mongering from You Tube idiots with the word of God. God told us “Thou shalt not lie” and to pass on lies to others is the same as lying as far as I’m concerned.
        So you wouldn’t post a known lie as if it could be true.
        And neither would I. So when I tell you that something is a lie I would think you might actually look into it, but you never do. So I must continually “scoff” for those readers who do care enough about the truth to bother to look into it. Some will, some won’t. It all depends on their point of view. Many here have developed an agenda and already thing they know what is going to happen and they are desperately looking for events they match those beliefs, even if they may be nothing but lies. Apparently lies are better than nothing so they cling to them as “proof.”
        But those with an open mind will do their due diligence and make sure the truth is being told.
        Those are the ones I’m here for.


          Dear lunatic Jim. I don’t believe your lies for one minute but I do believe this article.

          • John,
            This is from the article you posted:
            Solar System in Great Flux
            Of course, there are now volumes of anecdotal and circumstantial evidence of unprecedented worldwide changes here on Earth, etc…”
            Note the use of the word “anecdotal.”
            From the dictionary:
            (of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
            “while there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact”
            As for the term “circumstantial”:
            (of evidence or a legal case) pointing indirectly toward someone’s guilt but not conclusively proving it.
            So Before-its-news even admits its information is from unreliable and possibly untrue sources.
            I won’t refute all the made up stuff but I will address one statement that anyone can confirm or deny any night of the year.
            The idiot claimed that the moon had grown an atmosphere – that there was a 6000km layer of Natrium over the entire surface of the sun.
            Now, Natrium is an obsolete name for sodium. Sodium is classified as a metal, silvery-white in color and solid at room temperature.
            So there should be a 6000 km layer of yellow metal all around the moon. And get this – the diameter of the moon is only 3475 km! So if we add 6000 km of sodium (top and bottom, east and west etc,) so the new diameter of the moon should now be 15,475 km – 3-1/2 times bigger than it used to be.
            So please, go outside now and look up at the moon (everybody now!) and tell me if looks over 3 times bigger and is a silvery-metallic color now. Also, all the craters and other features should now be covered up.
            So, was before-its-news right or wrong? Or does the moon look the same as its always been?
            Your answer will tell you whether or not to believe this story, or anything else on the site for that matter.

        • I post things so people can discuss them.

          they can be true or not true, according to individual opinions.

          I do have a post about the muslim Mahdi.

          I think it is interesting what other people think.

          no fear mongering has to be involved…..people are excited about the end times, and all the different ideas gives them something to chew on


          I am not afraid, and I do not expect true believers to be afraid.

          I think life is interesting 🙂

          • Jim, I believe your idea is that Nibiru is a lie. Here is what I have found so far about Nibiru in Habakkuk 3 and Isaiah 24.

            Beides it being involved in Joshua’s long day, here is what I have learned so far.

            Forget it, you won’t believe these chapters or even read the comment so I guess you will have to wait until the end of November. By the way, by then America may or will be at Nuclear War against China and Russia.

            You might want to plan to meet your maker this year and that was said by David Hodges last year.

            • Here is your problem, and many others including Marianne.
              You read in the bible some event that is to happen in the future. Then you wonder what could be the cause of such an event. Then you watch a YouTube video and you make a connection between the video and the bible verses. Even though the bible does not clearly state what the root cause of the event is, you plug in the video and believe the video is the cause. So you hear about Nibiru and it seems to fit the situation so you take the video as truth just because you think it may be the actual cause of the biblical event.
              Well, for everyone’s edification, Nibiru passing by the earth could do only one thing. Forget pole shifts and magnetic reversals (which are common and harmless) and rotational slowdowns and speedups and all the other crazy ideas that are out there. There is only one factor involved and that is plain old gravity. And the only thing that happens when large objects pass near each other in space is that each object is pulled by the other forcing a change in their orbits. The outer gas giants do this (slightly) to one another all the time. It is how we discovered the outer planets including Pluto,
              So if Nibiru came close to the earth it would throw it into either a higher or lower orbit to some extent. If it were minor we would barely notice it, but if it were severe it would destroy all life on earth. It would either be far too hot or far too cold – permanently. The earth is in a small zone capable of supporting life as we know it. Leave that zone and almost everything dies.
              God put the earth here for a good reason. He isn’t about to ruin the entire planet. SO Nibiru won’t do the things people think it might. The physics don’t work the way these ignorant people say it will. They are idiots. Or liars. Or both.
              We were told by the writer of this article that Nibiru would be here in 2012. He also was a liar. Whoever said it will be here in November is also a liar. That is a fact. But then you only deal with anecdotes, hearsay and circumstantial evidence.
              That will be your downfall and it’s coming soon.

              • the wrath of God is intended to destroy the earth as we know it.

                then god will give it a big overhaul, and we will have a new earth again

              • Jim,
                A) I rarely listen to video’s unless they are from Mark Biltz, Jonathan Cahn, or Jim Staley.
                B) I read instead of listen to a you tube.

                I am verbally oriented and not visually oriented. I see a picture like the one I saw the article on and it tells me more than listening to a video.

                Just to do the one on Isaiah 24 or Habakkuk 3, I went through probably close to 200 articles and out of those only about 10 had something I was looking for. On Habakkuk 3, only 2 out of 100 talked to me so those two I kept. The rest of Habakkuk 3 came from 2 Bible comments because I was looking for a word or phrase to go off of.

                For instance I was involved in a road rage accident. The person in the vehicle with me first described the person behind me stalking and harassing me. So that is what the first article went off of thaat I sent to insurance and my lawyer.

                But when he wrote his version of the accident down which was 4 pages, he used the word road rage and with that I went to look up symptoms or events that identify a road rager and because I was able to describe what was happening behind me just using the symptoms, we won the case without even going to court.

                So when it comes to my articles, I look for words to describe the picture.

                • It sounds like you do the same thing most people do. They have a pre-conceived idea of what they are hoping to find so they look for only what they want to se and disregard everything else. This is normal human behavior.
                  But I was raise din science and engineering so our minds are trained to think differently. I analyze every piece do data and process it against everything I have learned in my life. I use deductive logic (like Sherlock Holmes) in order to determine if the data has merit – fact or fake. Then I end up with 3 piles… real, possible and fake. Many things I see are clearly real or fake. Nibiru is among the fake, along with zombies and robot overlords.
                  Believe it or not I place the NWO in the possible pile, but I consider it very highly unlikely with a near zero probability. I come to this conclusion by looking at all the variables that go into making such a thing happening – hundreds of them sometimes. If all the variables are likely to happen, then the event in question is likely to happen. But if all the individual factors are unlikely to happen, their negative probabilities multiply until the final odds become overwhelmingly impossible.
                  But to do this properly one must be completely impartial when making the assessments. If you have an agenda and if you are biased that will skew the results to the point you are willing to believe something that is in fact almost impossible to actually happen.
                  So most people end up believing in a prophecy that came from a book and movies and they take it as gospel because it is popular and they can’t seem to find an alternative that makes better sense.
                  Unfortunately you don’t find a whole lot of bible thumpers who are also scientists and engineers. So the average person here will remain mired in the first theory they run across. They will wait for it forever. Maybe right thru the tribulation until it’s too late. You are lucky. Your theory will end in a couple of years and you will still have time to find something else. I hope at that time you decide to look to the true End-Time Elijah and maybe the truth will finally find you.
                  I am looking forward to that day.

                  • When you Jim read Isaiah 53, you see Jesus died for all of humanity, but the problem is that you just took that chapter out of context for what it was supposed to be and then you go look for things to back it up like the cross and death at Passover.

                    So put it back into context and now look at it in context beginning with Isaiah 50 to 54 and you tell me what you see. If you need to without the use of your prophet Armstrong’s works and just using commentaries from your Bible study notes and cross references, you tell me now what you understand and I will wait for your 40 page article.

                  • There is only one issue with the year event is that my life expires in December of 2015 because all my money was stolen by your favorite friend Obama (govt), so now I am broke. No more gasoline, no more food.

                    New date from an e-mail. NWO begins in 2023. To bad, so sad, I won’t be around to see it.
                    With a seven year tribulation, that works out that the end is in 2031. Too bad, so sad. I died of bubonic plague that was passed out by a plane seeding the clouds back in 2015.
                    Oh another new date Nuclear War occured in north America in 2016, but the NWO does not begin until 2023 and the end does not come until 2031 which is not a Jubilee year.
                    So maybe, we do not have to have the end and Second Coming be in a Jubilee year. That means that the Second Coming will not be tied to Leviticus 23 or even Leviticus 25 so why did I study for 7 years on Leviticus 23 or 25 when it is not even tied to anything.

                    • bible study is never wasted. and ALL scripture is relevant, and sometimes we CAN connect the dots

                      I am concerned for you. do you have a place to stay?

                  • jim

                    where do you get your data?

                    the government?

                  • the data that supports your opinion. different world issues

                    • I watch the news on cable TV. I get 900 channels so I watch about 9 news channels for about 6-8 hours a day while I work on the computer. Sometimes I Google certain stories and events for additional information but I avoid some known bogus site like before-its-news and others like it.
                      If a story is big on YouTube and the internet but network news outlets aren’t carrying the story then I tend to disregard it.
                      Jade Helm is case in point. YouTube claims they are rounding up millions of Americans yet it doesn’t make the news. Sounds like just the kind of story and good reporter would love to cover. But not a single taker. Something wrong there.
                      Why do you think these big internet stories can’t be captured by any TV reporter in the country? Are they all deaf and blind? They have YouTube on their computers. They could follow the stories, but not a single one seems to be interested.
                      Gee, the end of the world is near and no one is covering it.
                      But when they do, I’ll be listening.
                      Meanwhile, you listen, and nothing happens. Nibiru is already 3 years late just on this very article.
                      So where do you get your data from?

                    • the government controls media and communications.

                      i use all data, reasoning and logic, and bible to guide me

                    • Actually, the media controls the government. Do you realize how many congressmen and other government employees have lost their jobs when the media breaks a story about their personal life? Presidential candidates have dropped out of races and congressmen have had to retire when the media gets wind of their immoral activities.
                      In the past, the media have been quiet on certain politicians. For example during the FDR presidency they never wrote about his polio disability. But tody’s press is ruthless. Watergate journalists took down the Nixon presidency – and his vice president Spiro Agnew.
                      The only way they can control the press is to keep quiet, but that rarely works. Right now the press is pressing Hillary about her email accounts and fouls force her out of the race entirely. If the government was really in control of the press we would never have even heard about those emails.
                      And don’t even get me started with WikiLeaks.
                      No, the government does not control the free press… they fear it. It keeps them honest, if anything.
                      You only believe the press is controlled because they aren’t printing stories you read on the web. Stories that seem to fit your prophecy. So you come up with a conspiracy theory that the government is hiding these stories. And NASA is covering up stories of Nibiru, the Puerto Rico asteroid and the Venezuela comet. If a YouTube video seems to fulfil some prophecy, you run with it and claim everyone except the You Tube idiot are hiding all their data. It is the only way to explain the lack of data beyond the YouTube video.
                      So believe in You Tube idiots if it makes you feel good.
                      But the feeling won’t last.

                    • government and media has changed in the past 7 years with about 100 executive orders.

                      if the media is so reliable, why have they supported false flag events instead of exposing them?

                      example, sandy hook was staged. no one died. all crisis actors

                    • Yes and the moon landings were faked and all the photos from Jupiter and Saturn probes are all just PhotoShopped. You are quite the conspiracy theorist.
                      You can prove anything nowadays. Just make a YouTube video and you’re an instant expert on any subject… as long as your viewers are gullible enough to buy into your story.
                      And you must remember that today EVERYONE is a photojournalist just by owning a smart phone with a camera. Much of the video I see of police shooting and such are taken by passers-by, and these people are not government shills. So nowadays the government can possibly control the news. We have 300 million photographers out there and nothing will get by them.
                      So believe what you like but you have to ask yourself just how many of these YouTube stories actually came true? So far, no Nibiru, no New World Order, no antichrist, no One-World Government, no One world Currency and no chip. You have been waiting for these things for years. I’ve been waiting over 30 years since I first watched Jack Van Impe. I gave up on him years ago and moved on to Herbert W. Armstrong whose interpretations have all come to pass and still are.
                      He was not a You Tube idiot but a real man of God.
                      But follow whoever you like but be prepared for a big disappointment.
                      Only time will tell.

                  • jim

                    regarding moon landings

                    so the government lied, and the media reported w hat the government said

                    media did not question, or analyze, even though they were standing right there

                    media reported a lie.

                    so why listen to news media?

                    you made my point

  71. As for the actual cause of why Nibiru or any planet is coming in is because of 1 issue that includes you maybe and that is mankind have walked away from the Torah (laws, commands, and statutes) of God so God is going to use everything in His power to bring justice against mankind and that includes (meteors, asteroids, hurricanes, tornadoes, Tsunami’s, the sword, nuclear weapons, war, and everything else including floods, and as much water to flood over a nation if need be. If you want the list for the Day of the Lord, it is between Revelation 8-16. How or by what means those events will come by is your guess as good as mine. But to burn off 1/3 of the planet, I don’t think He will use lightning to burn of both North and South America at the same time. So He might use a fllod of water to burn off that much at once but I doubt it will be water. Lightning is heat but to pull of all of North and South America at once is going to be larger than a 3 mile wide storm.
    So smarty pants, you tell me what He will use to do the first four trumpet judgments within 4 days time for instance.

    • Part of the Book of Revelation is about the wrath of God and it will involve events that are supernatural. Just as He parted the Red Sea and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and other miracles we’ve read of, He will use His Almighty power to punish mankind and make it clear that there IS a God. So He will perform miracles that defy science and I am fine with that. I don’t even try to find a natural explanation for these things.
      You either believe in Mother Nature or you believe in God.
      I’m going with God on these things.

    • John,
      So now you think the NWO will begin in 2023? Where did you get that info?
      So you are giving up on the 2017 Second Coming prediction?
      Hey, I told you a while ago, how can His Second Coming have to be on a Jubilee if His ascension wasn’t on one? That is simple logic. If one must be, then both must be. So perhaps you calculated the dates wrong or possibly it doesn’t matter to God. In either case it seems that you have miraculously ended up with a 2031 Second Coming date. Gee, where have I heard that date before?
      Hmm, let me think………………………..,????????????????
      Oh yes, it was me!
      But that’s just a coincidence since there won’t be a New World Order or a 7-year tribulation. Or Nibiru, this November, or ever. Or a comet, or an asteroid in September.
      Or anything else you predicted for this year.

      • Nansings sent me the information but I believe it to be a hoax. Her start date is 2017 and end date is 2023. 2ndly she quoted that there is a prophecy that there will be a Christian President for the next seven years so I took that quote and pasted it to e-sword and there is no verses that say it. Then there were some other discrepencies. By the way uneducated math person, there is 8 years between 2023 and 2031. The tribulation is supposed to be 7 years as Christians teach.
        Christians teach 2 things about the Rev 12:1 event in 2017. One, it is in the middle of the tribulation and 2 it is the beginning of the 7 year tribulation.

        As for Christ’s death, he fulfilled prophecy of which you never read. He was supposed to die in the middle of the Jubilee year and in the middle of the two Shemitah years.

        • Dude,
          You did that math, not me. Read your response… you said 2023 plus a 7 year tribulation ends in 2031. I noticed the discrepancy but I was only interested on the date you actually landed on – 2031.
          But I don’t believe in a 7-year tribulation. That is not in the bible. The 70th year of Daniel ended in 2034. It does not extend another 2000 years.
          And Rev12 started at the birth of Christ and Christianity and continues to the present and near future.
          As for not believing that the next years will have a Christian president, what is the problem with that? Every president has been Christian, all the way back to George Washington, so why would that be a hoax? Most of the presidential candidates are Christian so the prophecy is pretty solid.
          If Jesus died in the middle of a Jubilee year in 31 AD then he must return 40 Jubilees later in 2031 which must also be a jubilee year. Your data supports my best guess for the Second Coming.

  72. Jim, for 23 years, I worked both with mother nature and against it. I am a professional gardener and groundskeeper.
    Tell me at when is the best time to get a hair cut during the month.
    Tell me when during the month to spray weeds to kill them. Tell me what temperature it is when the chicadid does chi sound or chi-ca or chi-ca-di or chi ca di did it.
    Here is a very simple one. When you face the wind, in what direction is the storm.

  73. Of course anyone who works in a certain profession will learn many special things based on their experiences or studies.
    So I can see why you are unfamiliar with physics, astronomy or geology. You had no use of these sciences, so you have ignored them your whole life.
    That said, I could easily Google and answer your questions.
    That said, you could also Google the science topics involved with Nibiru and other topics, but you are so set in your beliefs you think it would be a waste of time to do any more studying.
    As for your storm question, my answer would not match yours due to the fact that you are in the southern hemisphere where cloud rotation is backwards from the Northern Hemisphere.
    Also, it depends on your latitude. In the northern hemisphere we have bands of winds. Near the equator the wind, weather and storms blow from east to west. Columbus used these trade winds to reach the Americas. But further north, where I live, the winds blow from west to east. California gets its weather from the Pacific Ocean and New York gets our weather a week later.
    So your question can’t be answered with a fixed direction. There are many variables and the ones that are at work in your area may be completely different in another region.
    So the question was silly. That’s what I’m implying here.

    • if you are facing the wind, the storm is in that direction

      • Marianne,
        That’s not always true. For example a hurricane and other types of rotating storms can have winds at a 90 degree angle from the direction of the storm. In fact the storm can be behind you at certain locations.
        But for most moving air masses the wind that blows in your face is the same wind that blows the storm across the land, so in many or most cases you’re correct.
        It just depends.

  74. Jim, youlive in California and you say there is no Nibiru and you watch 8 hours of you tube idiots on the news stations but how can you miss out on this news media comment.

    On around January 14, 2014, KCRA Channel 3, Sacramento News was recording from their helicopter prior to going live for their morning show. That was when they spotted the enormous planet in the sky that did not belong there. The video that you’ll see was taken from their own news helicopter. While recording footage of the planet taken live, which begins about 2 minutes into the video, the filming crew calls the station and not even the meteorologist has any explanation for what they are seeing. Watch the video to finally see what Uncle Sam has been trying so hard to cover-up.

    What did they catch on video in the sky above Sacramento, CA … – Similarto What did they catch on video in the sky above Sacramento, CA …
    A news helicopter from KCRA-TV channel 3 in Sacramento, CA has caught on video, a large and previously unknown rogue planet. TRN has …

    What’s in the Sacramento sky? It’s not the moon | Weather – ……/24073154 – Similarto What’s in the Sacramento sky? It’s not the moon | Weather – …
    Jan 23, 2014 … A point of light in the Sacramento sky raised some questions for its crescent shape just before sunrise — and it wasn’t the moon. … Next Video:.

    Can you explain you who watch 8 hours per day of news idiot’s video’s on news stations how you missed this news.

    Also, the reason I don’t believe your lies about no changes in the Heavens or on earth from Nibiru is because of this:

    7) extreme heat and scorching from the sun (Rev 16:8; 2 Pet 3:10).
    8) severe or deadly UVA, UVB, and gamma (X) radiation.
    9) overexposure to cosmic rays.
    10) dramatic increase in meteoric/asteroid impacts on the planet (stars flling from the sky; Rev 6:12-17).
    11) severe and abrupt violent climate changes.
    12) wild swings in temperature.
    13) torrential rains.
    14) huge snowfalls.
    15) record hail storms (Ezek 38:22; Isa 30:30; Rev 8:7).
    16) increased seismic activity in number and in strength.
    17) more great and catastrophic earthquakes (Isa 2:19. 21=Rev 6:12-17; Isa 22:5,9; Isa 5:25; 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Rev 16:18=Isa 2:10-22).
    18) widespread volcanic eruptions that will also darken the skies (Ezek 38:22).
    19) mass animal deaths (Zeph 1:3; Jer 12:40; Hos 4:3).
    20) a radical tilting of the earth’s axis.
    21) a tottering/wobbling of the earth in its path of revolution around the sun (Isa 24:18; Isa 13:13; Psalm 46:2-3)

    24) major portions of the planet that experience complete loss of aquifer waters. Ps 46:3 Roar of icecaps
    25) select parts of the planet that experience a building of aquifer waters and inner aquifer pressure. Lk 21:25 (roar); Nah 1:8 (flooding over)
    26) Change in Orbit around the Sun or Change in Polar Spin Axis (Isa 24:19-20).
    27) Fires (Isa 34:9; 37:7; Isa 25:4; Ps 46:6,8; 2 Sam 16:14-16; 1-4 Trumpet judgments Rev 8; Ezek 38:22; 2 Peter 3:10; Isa 30:30; Rev 16:8-9); Nah 1:5 (burned)
    28) Noise 2 Pet 3:10
    29) Shaken Heb 12:25-27; Isa 13:13; Hag 2:6-7; Ps 46:3; Quaking Jer 4:24; Isa 5:25; Jer 10:10; Ezk 38:20; Jer 50:46 cr Jer 10:10; 49:21; Ezk 26:18; 31:16; Isa 5:7; 15:5; Jer 46:12; 51:54; Ezk 27:28; Isa 2:10-21; 13:6-13; Isa 54:10 (Mountains shall depart); Nah 1:5
    30) a possible solar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17)
    31) a possible lunar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17)
    32) a day of darkness for the earth or even 3 days of darkness as the dwarf star blocks the sun.
    33) Change in the Solar System (Ps 102:25-26; Isa 51:6; 2 Pet 3:12); also the heavens shall roll up as a scroll.
    34) a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt. The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be:
    1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)

    There is too much scriptural evidence against your beliefs, but you will call all this as miracles from God.

    So how is the miracle from God for the shakings (tremors); earthquakes in California. I bet you are enjoying God’s miracles of shakings in California.

    • thanks for posting the TV videos….so now jim has to explain by mainstream weather forecasters are youtube idiots

    • Once again you read a few bible verses, you dream up what they might mean then you find a scapegoat like Nibiru which you think could cause all the disasters. All done up in a nice neat package tied with a bow.
      Now all you have to do is wait for Nibiru and your prophesying is done.
      Every prediction about Nibiru to date has proven to be wrong. And you still expect it to show up in November. What will you do when it doesn’t?
      I’ll tell you what… you will go to any of 10000 YouTube video sites and find another prediction. Then another and another until you finally come to your senses. The You Tube idiot who wrote this article was wrong about 2012. That should tell you something. Listen yo all the old comments when people were anxiously awaiting its destruction on earth. Never happened.
      So what will happen this November, 3 years later? Nothing again.
      When will you ever learn?

  75. First of all, any person who has looked at Venus in a telescope would recognize what this was. When Venus is a morning star the horns of the crescent point to the right. When it rounds the sun to the other side it becomes an evening star and the tips point to the left. Always away from the sun. If they point in any other direction, then you’ve got something unusual.
    So I opened my Starry Night program and set it for Jan 23, 2014 and guess what? There is a crescent Saturn visible in the morning hours before sunrise.
    Do you know that a third of all UFO sightings turn out to be Venus? Too bad these reporters were too ignorant to recognize something so simple, but most people are quite ignorant when it comes to astronomy. Although one reporter did guess that it was probably Venus, he just never saw it so close due to the high power lens on the camera being used.
    Of course, if this had been a rogue planet, it would have been all over the hews for the last year. But I’m sure these reporters went back the next night and saw virtually the same thing and every night for several weeks until Venus disappeared behind the sun. I’m sure they were too embarrassed to have told their viewers later that they were too dumb to recognize Venus.
    Now their report is nothing more than fodder for conspiracy theorists and other You Tube idiots who repost it as a Nibiru sighting or whatever.
    It just goes to show you what some people will do to try to fool gullible viewers who follow their posts.
    They could have checked on this to see what it really was, and they probably did, but they still posted a known lie to create fear in innocent victims – like you and anyone here that gave it any sort of credence.
    So shame on all of you. Thinking you could stump me. You only stumped yourselves.

    • it looked like the moon had something in front of it.

      it was too big to be venus

      • It was way too small to be the moon and the moon was not a waning crescent on that day so it was nowhere near that part of the sky.
        I know Venus when I see it. You, like one of the reporters were fooled due to the strength of the telephoto zoom lens on the chopper’s camera. They are as powerful as a small telescope nowadays, so when he zoomed all the way in, the object looked maybe 100 times larger than with the naked eye. 12 times bigger than standard binoculars even.
        But I’ve seen Venus thru a scope since I was 6 years old. I wasn’t fooled. I knew instantly exactly what it was. It was also 2 or 3 stops overexposed. That altered the image a bit on the broadcast. The camera controller was not experienced in astrophotography so he didn’t get the best image of the planet.
        But you go ahead and claim it is too big to be Venus.
        Like you’ve ever seen Venus ever yourself in a scope.

    • this is a recent google sky image


      can you explain this?

      • I think I can. It looks to me like a Sun with wings. Cool. I like it. Did not somebody here talk about a Bible verse with something to do with a Sun of Righteous with healing in its wings.

        Could this picture be that Sun of Righteous with wings.

      • I do not like this image.It looks fake.
        Notice all the blue “stars” that seem to be lit from the left side – they all have white crescents of light on their right sides. Almost all of them.
        Then there are red “stars” and if you look closely they all have white crescents on their right sides. Hmm.
        Then there is the “winged star” with no crescent pattern on it. Hmm.
        But the object looks like many I’ve seen now. They are red giants reaching the end of their life cycle and ready to supernova. They tend to eject gasses at this stage so they look a little like a comet with a streaming tail.
        But there are trillions of miles away and are not moving toward the earth.
        Just because they look like a You Tube idiot’s rendition of Nibiru doesn’t mean it is Nibiru.
        And as I said, it actually looks fake to me.

  76. Jim, you use Starry Night program and I use Stellarium,

    When I put these coordinants into Stellarium, I get near the belt of Orion.

    5 h 42m 21.0s 22° 36′ 45.7″

    What do you see from your end in Starry Nights Program?

    • There is nothing conspicuous in the region of Taurus (not Orion) at the coordinates you mentioned. The stars nearby are too dim to be seen without a telescope.
      There is a red gaseous nebula a short ways away, also in Taurus – NGC-1952. You can look that up somewhere.
      Why what did you see on your program?

  77. Jim. I saw the belt of Orion on Stellarium. I am still trying to learn how to use position coordinates. Starry night and Stellarium will not bring up the picture that Marianne posted that came from Google Sky program on the sun comet with wings (Nibiru?).
    When I was at a NASA website, I came across Nemesis 182 but its coordinates were 11 h something but it was discovered at about the same time fram as Nibiru dates showing up which was 1982.

    That is the reason I am doing a 200 hour study on Nibiru right now.
    Part of that study includes 3 days of darkness and possibly 15 days of darkness coming up. That is why we wait until after November.
    You asked me if I had anything more to tell you on predictions but my predictions are based on headlines from other sources. I look for patterns in the headlines. Once those patterns show up, I start connecting dots to pull together a article or a folder.
    However, I have a certain criteria that it follows and that is the examples from the Bible like the Ten Plagues especially 3 days of darkness.
    So when a headline says darkness in its heading, I read it.

    To do my studies, I start inside the Bible and then go to outside sources.
    My study pattern is Torah, Tanakh, NT, and then to outside sources.
    But to find the verses faster, I use the internet such as reading the 100 articles with Nibiru just to come up with the list of verses I posted on this website in this article.

    I became interested in Nibiru when it showed up at the Flood, Exodus, Yeshua’s death, Joshua’s longest day. After these four events showed up, then I began my anaysis on Nibiru to see if it is real or fake. Then I really became interested when it was tied to the fourth blood moon (September 28th) Tishri and the year of Jubilee. Hmmm. Interesting thought. I wonder if there is a pattern within a pattern. Flood (Shemitah year or Jubilee year). Same for the rest of the other 10 Biblical events possibly tied to Nibiru.
    For instance Joshua’s longest day was near Passover so it was in the month of Abib.
    Flood Tishri (7th Month), Exodus (Passover) Abib (Month 1),Yeshua’s Death Abib. Sodom and Gamorrah ? for month. Common denominator: Destroy (Destroyer).
    So now I need to find the months and days of the other 7 Biblical events possibly tied to Nibiru that Gill Broussard mentioned in his findings.
    The reasoning behind this is that it is tied to Leviticus 23 which is my backbone (foundation) into Eschatology.

    I use my paralegal deductive reasoning to do my studies. Jesus in 2015-2017. Nibiru is just one more folder tied to Leviticus 23. Folders tied to Leviticus 23: Eschatology, Biblical Law, Revelation, Nibiru, Feast Dates, Prophecy, Prophercy Verses, Biblical Astronomy, Comets, Comets and planetary events, Exodus, Exodus route 2 ways, Millennium, Numbers 24, Pillar of Enoch, Prophecy Codes, Rapture, Spiritual Warfare, The Coming Epiphany, Tribulation, Deuteronomy and Leviticus 16/25, Genesis 1.

    • I Jardalkal forgot the most important one tied to Leviticus 23: Holidays. It is close to 2000 pages.

      You shall know the end from the beginning.

    • John, So your study of the photo above should bring to the following conclusion: It does not exist and the photo is, as I said, a fake.
      As for your study of Nibiru, it will prove to be unfruitful. You read a biblical event and attribute it to Nibiru, but in fact Nibiru could not possibly cause those events. The math and physics don’t work. Maybe in your head they work, but not in the real world.
      I would recommend instead of spending (wasting) 200 hours studying Nibiru that instead you should spend 30 hours studying basic astronomy and the laws of planetary orbits. Then you will be able to reject the YouTube videos in a minute or two as completely fake, and that will save you a lot of time in the long run.
      And once you’ve determined that Nibiru is a myth, you can get along with your eschatology in a more proper way.
      Or not.

      • Jim, this disagrees with your remarks just now to me.

        According to various official astrophysics and solar research labs around the world, something very, very strange is going on in our solar system. A partial list includes the following | Dregs of the Future
        ⦁ Recent solar sunspot activity highest in 8000 years | ⦁
        ⦁ Sun’s magnetic field has decreased in size by 25%
        ⦁ The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars. | ⦁ National Geographic
        ⦁ 300% increase in galactic dust entering our solar system | ⦁ New Scientist
        ⦁ Mercury’s magnetosphere experiencing significant increases
        ⦁ Venus exhibiting a 2500% increase in its “green glow”
        ⦁ Mars showing a rapid appearance of clouds and ozone
        ⦁ Mars observations reveal up to 50% erosion of its ice features within a 12-month period
        ⦁ Jupiter plasma torus increasing; its moon Io exhibiting the same changes
        ⦁ A 200% increase in the density of Io’s plasma torus
        ⦁ Jupiter’s Disappearance of White Ovals since 1997 – recent increase in storms
        ⦁ Io’s ionosphere is 1000% higher
        ⦁ Jupiter’s moon Europa much brighter than scientists expected
        ⦁ Jupiter’s moon Gannymede is 200% brighter
        ⦁ Saturn’s plasma torus is 1000% more dense
        ⦁ Aurorae first seen in Saturn’s polar regions in recent years
        ⦁ Uranus was featureless in 1996 – exhibiting huge storms since 1999
        ⦁ Uranus in 2004 was also markedly brighter than in 1999
        ⦁ Neptune is 40% brighter in the near-infrared range based on observations from 1996 – 2002 | ⦁ SSEC
        ⦁ Neptune’s largest moon, Triton, seems to have heated up significantly since the Voyager space probe visited it in 1989 | ⦁ MIT
        ⦁ Pluto observations reveal a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure
        ⦁ The average surface temperature of the nitrogen ice on Pluto has increased 2 degrees Celsius over the past 14 years. | ⦁ MIT
        Have a nice day.

        I am studying the Bible until the day I die.

        As for your remark about nothing is going to happen in September about my predictions, you might want to take a read to this next article that is now.

        EvangelistMParker | September 5, 2015
        One mathematician is looking to the Bible by using information gleaned about the Shmittah cycle to predict trends in international stock markets.

        Thomas Pound is an American educator and mathematician with a passion for statistical analysis in the financial arena. Several years ago, he corresponded with a financial advisor who was using a decennial analysis to determine which years were optimum for investor returns. According to the theory behind decennial analysis, which was first proposed in the book “Irrational Exuberance” by Yale Economics Professor Robert Shiller, years ending in the number eight yielded better returns than other years. Years that ended in seven were even less lucrative than normal.

        Armed with 144 years of market data going back to 1871, Pound set out to test the validity of this theory. As Pound explained to Breaking Israel News, “Being a statistician, if somebody makes a claim, then statistically, it should hold up.”

        After performing an Analysis of Variance significance (ANOVA) test, Pound discovered that there was some basis for the financial advisor’s strategy of avoiding investing in years that ended in seven. It gave him a statistical advantage of 100 base points, with years not ending in seven averaging an annual return of 10.19 percent, compared to an overall average of 9.04 percent.

        All would have been well and good, however the theory also advised investing heavily during years that end in the number eight. Pound sought out to learn why and the results were divinely enlightening.

        Similar to the decennial theory, the Shmittah cycle takes place in a set of seven years. People who follow the market recognize the years 1973, 1980, 1987, 2000 and 2007 as years which the market saw a significant collapse.

        The biggest ever single-day stock market crash occurred on September 29, 2008, when the Dow Jones Index crashed, losing $1.2 trillion in market value. This day also happened to be the day before Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, signalling the end of the Shmittah cycle.

        After a friend told him about a theory linking the seven year Sabbatical year to the stock market, Pound deepened his research. With little knowledge of the Shmittah cycle and expertise in statistical and stock market trends, Pound sought out to discover a statistical link between the market and Shmittah.

        Applying the same ANOVA test to the Shmittah cycle, Pound’s research revealed that the sabbatical years were the only group of years in which the market cycle averages consistent significant losses since 1871. He also saw that Shmittah years were the most volatile years of the cycle. More surprisingly, the difference in loss was greater than that noted in Professor Shiller’s decennial cycle.

        “Statistically, it appears that the calendar years in which the Sabbatical year ends are worse than the other six years, and that difference is significant based on the data I have,” Pound told Breaking Israel News.

        With mathematical precision, Pound quoted King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 11:2, “Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth,” as practical advice to prepare for the inevitable Shmittah market crash. He notes that while the stock market is cyclical, this bit of Biblical wisdom advises we diversify our portfolios.

        Pound pointed out that according to the decennial theory, 2015 should be one of the better years for investing in the stock market. However, according to the Shmittah theory, we are due for a market crash. As Pound succinctly put it, “In September, we can expect something really bad.”
        Tru Evangelist Michael Parker

        • So does the bible say which stocks to invest in? With all that inside knowledge, you should be rich by now.

          • I suggest that you invest in one stock and that is the Lord Jesus Christ and Him only.
            This is the year that the globe is going to crash worse than the 1933 crash of America. Very soon, money will become worthless and it will rust and wither away. Not even gold and silver will save the world.
            October 20th is the new world currency and it will only be here for a very short time.

            As for this next article Jim, this is how you follow my knowledge and that of Evangelist Micael Parker.

            EvangelistMParker | September 5, 2015
            By Evangelist Michael Parker
            Along with all of the converging signs and events taking place in September 2015, one event has been given little attention. The Partial Solar Eclipse taking place on September 13th, 2015.
            Visible from the southern part of Africa, and the Antarctic, this solar eclipse also has some ominous historical information tied to it. In addition, the chaos in climate change suggested and predicted by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and said alongside Secretary of State John Kerry suggests some interesting facts of a illuminati event trying to be triggered.
            Satan worshipers, and the Illuminati are avid astrologers. Many of their devised plans and events are always surrounded by heavenly events. Although the heavens also give birth to events of prophetic meaning such as the 4 blood red moon tetrads we see coming to a conclusion September 28th, demonic influences have always used these and other time frames to counter attack God in his appointed times.
            So, as I was praying and asking the Lord Friday afternoon on the way home from work, what am I missing..he revealed this to me.
            One such astrologer in the 20’s who studied this Star and it’s effects it has on Solar Eclipses states:
            The ‘Tail of the Lion’ has a Uranian nature and it is supposed that, in mundane horoscopes, major catastrophes are triggered off by it. Depending on the position and aspect to other stellar bodies in a personal cosmogram, either preferment or fall are credited to this star. Found on the Ascendant and especially in company with Mercury, a quarrelsome nature, with a liking for legal action is attributed to Denebola. It could also mean that this star is the cause of very exciting events. Badly placed in a map, with Mercury or Uranus, mental diseases – and those mostly incurable ones – are indicated. Fine aspects however, will further work connected with matters of reform and progress. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.56.]
            The Partial Solar Eclipse will be seen mostly by South Africa, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and Antarctica. According to Astrology, there is a star that appears smack dab in the middle of this solar eclipse on the plane of both the earth and the sun.
            This star is known by Satan worshipers all too well. It is known as the star “Denebola”… you see the word EBOLA in the name of the star? Coincidence..huh?
            Further research shows that this star is believed by Demonic worshipers to invoke catastrophic weather events and disease.
            Because this is happening on The Feast Of Trumpets, I cannot help but think that Satan is mocking God and his plans for an appointed time with Israel during this feast.
            As with the last rare hybrid solar eclipse in November of 2013, I also believe that this Solar Eclipse will bring judgment to this part of the world it is seen in. Be watching for the events to be announced on major news networks, and should this happen, then the 500 days until Climate Chaos statement may have it’s answer and meaning…..stay tuned.
            In further looking into Denebola, what Michael did not point out is that it is tied to Jeremiah.
            Jer_4:7 The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.
            Notice the word destroyer (Nibiru). I believe that part of the globe is going to get hit worse than expected.
            The many names of ‘The Destroyer’
            The star has been given many names during its course through the history of mankind.
            Lucifer, Satan, The Dragon, The Great Snake, The Destroyer, The Serpent, The Devil, Marduk, Nibiru, Shiva, Hercolubus, Wormwood, The Dark Star, The Death Star, The Red Star, The Red Planet, The Planet of the Crossing, The Winged Disk, The Tenth Planet, The Dark Twin, Black Star, Freightener,
            “The Destroyer” in the Old Testament of the Bible; “The Destroyer” in ancient writings of the Egyptians (Ex 12:23; Jer 6:22-30; Jer 48:7-10; Isa 16:4-5; Jer 4:1-10; Jer 51:18; 51:54-58; Rev 12:3-4, 9, 12-15). Other verses: Isa 54:16-17;
            “Wormwood” in the book of Revelation 8; “Nibiru” in the writings of the Sumerians; “Marduk” in the Babylonian religion; “Phateon” in the Greek literature;“Nemesis” in the Greek mythology; “Apollyon” in Babylonian mythology; Rev 9:11; “Apollo” in Greek mythology;
            Denebola in the Heavens is in the tail of Leo. Leo is a main player in the judgment of mankind because it is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who we all know is Yeshua. Could it be that the south is going to get the first taste from the Judgments of God.
            Job 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
            The Destroyer is coming through Saggitarius and is presently in Tarus the Bull. Pleiades is in Tarus, so the next stop for it may be Orion and then Arturus as it exits.
            Orion is important in 2017 because the Giza Pyramids are lined up under Orion and in the middle pyramid is two 30 degree angled corridors which are lined up supposedly on two planets. One is the King planet Jupiter in Virgo on the Day of Trumpet who is in the birth canal and the other one is on Mercury (Savior) in Leo which is close to Regulus. On this day we have the fulfillment of Rev. 12:1.
            Rev_12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
            Jupiter is in Virgo at that time in 2017. Could Rev 12:4 be a reference to that.
            However we also see Rev. 12:4 also in Genesis at the Garden of Eden and the Serpent and striking the heel.
            Joe_1:6 For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number, whose teeth are the teeth of a lion, and he hath the cheek teeth of a great lion.
            1Pe_5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

            • You can quote all the astrology you want to but I’m telling you that the positions of the stars and planets do not affect events on earth.
              I don’t believe in magic.
              Changing the word Destroyer in the bible to Nibiru won’t make it real.
              Calling a star “Destroyer” doesn’t cause it to travel trillions of miles to attack the earth.
              You have read the bible, then watched a bunch of bogus TouTube videos and tried to tie them together. Now you are expecting a slew of events to happen on some date calculated by some astrologer.
              Well, sorry but I don’t cotton to such things, pardner.
              But here we are in September, and so far things have been quiet.
              Let‘s see if it stays that way.

              • Jim, as I have told you before, I do not listen to You Tube idiots as much as you do with your 8 hours of watching stupid idiot newscasters who are controlled by Satan.

  78. We were reminded by Jim that there will not be a new world order and that it is fictacious and will not happen.

    EvangelistMParker | September 5, 2015
    Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Did you know that the UN is planning to launch a “new universal agenda” for humanity in September 2015? That phrase does not come from me – it is actually right in the very first paragraph of the official document that every UN member nation will formally approve at a conference later this month. The entire planet is going to be committing to work toward 17 sustainable development goals and 169 specific sustainable development targets, and yet there has been almost a total media blackout about this here in the United States.

    The UN document promises that this plan will “transform our world for the better by 2030“, and yet very few Americans have even heard of the 2030 Agenda at this point. Instead, most of us seem to be totally obsessed with the latest celebrity gossip or the latest nasty insults that our puppet politicians have been throwing around at one another. It absolutely amazes me that more people cannot understand that Agenda 2030 is a really, really big deal. When will people finally start waking up?

    As I discussed in a previous article, the 2030 Agenda is taking the principles and goals laid out in Agenda 21 to an entirely new level. Agenda 21 was primarily focused on the environment, but the 2030 Agenda addresses virtually all areas of human activity. It truly is a blueprint for global governance.

    And later this month, nearly every nation on the entire planet is going to be signing up for this new agenda. The general population of the planet is going to be told that this agenda is “voluntary” and that it is all about “ending poverty” and “fighting climate change”, but that is not the full story. Unfortunately, there is so much positive spin around this plan that most people will not be able to see through it. Just check out an excerpt from a piece that was published on the official UN website yesterday…

    The United Nations General Assembly today approved a resolution sending the draft ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ to Member States for adoption later this month, bringing the international community “to the cusp of decisions that can help realize the… dream of a world of peace and dignity for all,” according to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

    “Today is the start of a new era. We have travelled a long way together to reach this turning point,” declared Mr. Ban, recounting the path the international community has taken over the 15 years since the adoption of the landmark Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) towards crafting a set of new, post-2015 sustainability goals that will aim to ensure the long-term well-being of our planet and its people.

    With world leaders expected to adopt the text at a 25-27 September summit in New York, the UN chief said Agenda 2030 aims high, seeking to put people at the centre of development; foster human well-being, prosperity, peace and justice on a healthy planet and pursue respect for the human rights of all people and gender equality.
    Who doesn’t “dream of a world of peace and dignity for all”?

    They make it all sound so wonderful and non-threatening.

    They make it sound like we are about to enter a global utopia in which poverty and inequality will finally be eradicated. This is from the preamble of the official 2030 Agenda document…

    This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.

    We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.

    As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda.
    If it is a “universal agenda”, then where does that leave those that do not want to be part of it?

    How will they assure that “no one will be left behind” if there are some nations or groups that are not willing to go along with their plan?

    The heart of the 2030 Agenda is a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals…

    Goal 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere

    Goal 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

    Goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

    Goal 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

    Goal 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

    Goal 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

    Goal 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

    Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

    Goal 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

    Goal 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries

    Goal 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

    Goal 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

    Goal 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*

    Goal 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

    Goal 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

    Goal 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

    Goal 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

    Once again, many of those sound quite good.

    But what do many of those buzzwords actually mean to the elite?

    For instance, what does “sustainable development” actually mean, and how does the UN plan to ensure that it will be achieved globally?

    This is something that was discussed in a recent WND article…

    But what is “sustainable development?”

    Patrick Wood, an economist and author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation,” says it’s clear the U.N. and its supporters see sustainable development as more than just the way to a cleaner environment. They see it as the vehicle for creating a long-sought new international economic order, or “New World Order.”

    Wood’s new book traces the modern technocracy movement to Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission in the early 1970s.
    And Wood is quite correct. The environment is a perfect vehicle for the elite to use to bring in their version of utopia, because just about every possible form of human activity affects the environment in some way. Ultimately, they hope to centrally plan and strictly regulate virtually everything that we do, and we will be told that it is necessary to “save the planet”.

    And they will never come out and openly call it a “New World Order” because “sustainable development” sounds so much nicer and is so much more acceptable to the general population.

    Needless to say, there wouldn’t be much room for individual liberty, freedom or good, old-fashioned capitalism in the world that the elite are trying to set up. In fact, the U.N.’s number one sustainable development official has essentially publicly admitted this…

    “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history,” Figueres, who heads up the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, told reporters in February.

    “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution,” Figueres said.
    They plan to “intentionally transform the economic development model”?

    And so what will this new system look like?

    How will they achieve this “utopia” that they are promising us?

    Sadly, they are just selling the same lies that have been sold to people for thousands of years. Paul McGuire, the co-author of a new book entitled “The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery“, commented on this recently…

    Deep inside every man and woman is the longing for a far better world, a world without war, disease, death, and pain. Our present world is a cruel world in which every life ends in death. From the beginning of time Mankind has sought to use science and technology to create a perfect world, what some would call Utopia or Paradise. As the Human Race began to organize itself, a Scientific or Technocratic Elite rose to power by promising the masses that they could build this perfect world. Ancient Babylon represented the first historical attempt to build paradise on earth.
    In ancient times, Babylon was the very first attempt to create a type of “global government”, and ever since then the global elite have been trying to recreate what Babylon started.

    The promise is always the same – the elite swear that they have finally figured out how to create a perfect society without poverty or war. But in the end all of these attempts at utopia always end up degenerating into extreme forms of tyranny.

    On September 25th, the Pope is traveling to New York to give the opening address at the conference where the 2030 Agenda will be launched. He will be urging all of humanity to support what the UN is trying to do. There are countless millions that implicitly trust the Pope, and they will buy what he is selling hook, line and sinker.

    Don’t be fooled – the 2030 Agenda is a blueprint for a New World Order. Just read the document for yourself, and imagine what our world would actually look like if they have their way.

    They want to fundamentally transform our planet, and the freedom that you are enjoying today is simply not acceptable. To the elite, giving people freedom and liberty is dangerous because they believe it hurts the environment and causes societal chaos. According to their way of thinking, the only way to have the kind of harmonious utopia that they are shooting for is to tightly regulate and control what everyone is thinking, saying and doing. Their solutions always involve more central planning and more control in their own hands.

    So what do you think?

    Should we hand the global elite that kind of power and control?

    If not, then we all need to start speaking out about this insidious agenda while we still can.

    • I think the UN is a powerless body and there are too many countries to get such a resolution passed any time soon.
      And as you said, their idea of a New World Order is.”a world of peace and dignity for all”
      They do not want every member to come together and create a One-World Government dictatorship like you expect the antichrist to lead.
      The pope will talk, no one will listen.
      If a One-World Government actually formed, the U.N. would be out of business. And if there were a One world Currency, that would put all the banks out of business. And if there was a One-World religion, that would put all the churches out of business.
      Do you really think that every country on earth would agree to these things?
      And how fast do you think it would take? It took the E.U. Over 50 years to finally agree to a constitution and a new currency. And now several countries are going bankrupt. Now you think the whole world will try the same thing?
      Keep thinking. It won’t happen before the Second Coming.
      But it will happen AFTER the Second Coming. A One-World Government run by God. Jesus the dictator! He will claim He is God and all that is God!
      So yeah, I guess it will happen.
      Just not as soon as you think.

  79. Again Jim, you hve not read the Bible from cover to cover. Everything in the prophecies will be fulfilled in due time before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in 2017.

    • Sez you!

      • Sez God,

        200+ prophecies were fulfilled at the first coming so the remaining 400 will be fulfilled before the Second Coming. Armageddon is the last one to be fulfilled and it is in Revelation 14, 15, 16/19; Joel 3 and it is fulfilled after the gathering of the Bide.

        I am tired of you BS, Jim.

        • I’m following the prophetic fulfilment according to Herbert W. Armstrong. Many things happen every week that are leading directly to the Second Coming. You don’t notice them because you are expecting the Left Behind movie to take place.
          You are already 5 years into a 7-year tribulation and as of yet, nothing has happened. You expect a whole bunch of prophecy to start this month, but what will you do if nothing continues to happen?
          You’ll be out of Jewish holidays until next spring. By then time will be impossibly short.
          All I can say is that everything you predict had better happen this month or else you’ll have to start looking for a new interpretation.
          And some new You Tube idiots.

          • Dear Loser, go get lost and stay lost.

            or tell me all the ones being fulfilled because I do not listen to you tube idiots like you do 8 hours a day through your BS media.

            • You will need to order about 50 books by Herbert W. Armstrong and Gerald Flurry. I have a stack 2 feet high here. It would be a lot of reading as it took me almost five years to drop the Jack Van Impe “Left Behind” scenario that I followed for 30 years. Every week we were supposed to be that much closer to the New World Order and a One-World religion etc., but it never materialized. So I began to look elsewhere until I found Mr. Armstrong and came to realize he was the End-Time Elijah. I could find no other candidate.
              His interpretation is so radically different from Jack Van Impe it was a real shock that a lot of which I thought was true, was not. You are so entrenched in your 2017 theory you may as well stick with it for say… two more years and then you might want to reconsider everything.
              At least you know where to look… when you’re ready.
              Till then just keep calling me a loser.
              But I’m afraid you’re the one who is lost.

    EvangelistMParker | September 5, 2015

    19) mass animal deaths (Zeph 1:3; Jer 12:40; Hos 4:3).

    It started in late May. When geoecologist Steffen Zuther and his colleagues arrived in central Kazakhstan to monitor the calving of one herd of saigas, a critically endangered, steppe-dwelling antelope, veterinarians in the area had already reported dead animals on the ground.

    “But since there happened to be die-offs of limited extent during the last years, at first we were not really alarmed,” Zuther, the international coordinator of the Altyn Dala Conservation Initiative, told Live Science.

    But within four days, the entire herd — 60,000 saiga — had died. As veterinarians and conservationists tried to stem the die-off, they also got word of similar population crashes in other herds across Kazakhstan. By early June, the mass dying was over.

    Now, the researchers have found clues as to how more than half of the country’s herd, counted at 257,000 as of 2014, died so rapidly. Bacteria clearly played a role in the saigas’ demise. But exactly how these normally harmless microbes could take such a toll is still a mystery, Zuther said.

    “The extent of this die-off, and the speed it had, by spreading throughout the whole calving herd and killing all the animals, this has not been observed for any other species,” Zuther said. “It’s really unheard of.”

    Saigas, which are listed as critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, live in a few herds in Kazakhstan, one small herd in Russia and a herd in Mongolia. The herds congregate with other herds during the cold winters, as well as when they migrate to other parts of Kazakhstan, during the fall and spring. The herds split up to calve their young during the late spring and early summer. The die-off started during the calving period.

    Field workers were able to take detailed samples of the saigas’ environment — the rocks the animals walked on and the soil they crossed — as well as the water the animals drank and the vegetation they ate in the months and weeks leading up to the die-off.

    The researchers additionally conducted high-quality necropsies of the animals, and even observed the behavior of some of the animals as they died. The females, which cluster together to calve their young, were hit the hardest. They died first, followed by their calves, which were still too young to eat any vegetation. That sequence suggested that whatever was killing off the animals was being transmitted through the mothers’ milk, Zuther said.

    • Well, the earth loses over 1000 species every year. Extinction is a normal process. Perhaps some species disappear due to disease, others by climate or habitat change. So this event does not worry me one bit. I can’t even remember the last time I had a Saiga burger, so I won’t particularly miss them, nor shall I mourn.
      This kind of die-off is quite common, and have been happening since life existed on earth. They have all been explainable and none are considered to be acts of God. They may seem odd or weird to the general public but to those people who study these things they are not out of the ordinary.
      So my question is…
      What was your point with all of this?

  81. Jim, Out of these top 8 conspiracy theories, only one is tied to the Bible. Please tell me which one it is?

    The Top 8 “Conspiracy Theories” That Are Turning Out To Be True
    May 13, 2015 by Arjun Walia. 193 comments.
    Conspiracy Theory: It’s a term used by many to brush off something that clashes with what they believe in, or have believed in for a long period of time. Taking in new information that runs counter to a current belief system is not easy and can cause the feeling of cognitive dissonance – a term used in modern psychology to describe the feeling of discomfort that arises from being confronted with two or more conflicting ideas, beliefs, or values. It suggests that we have an inner drive to hold on to all of our beliefs and attitudes, avoiding the feelings of discomfort and instability that accompany new ideas, regardless of whether those ideas are backed by evidence and sound logic.
    Why do we always believe, without consideration, what is presented to us through mainstream sources? Why do we hold it to be true, without question? Why is it so common for many of us to not even acknowledge, listen, or look at evidence which runs counter to the accepted ideology? To ignore available information which presents an alternative to what is so commonly believed by many – or what we ourselves believe can place the human race in a very vulnerable, gullible state? Even if there is an overwhelming amount of evidence, many find it easy to dismiss.
    Below is a list of events and phenomena which are or have been considered “conspiracy theories” by the general population, all of which can be backed up by an impressive amount of research and testimonies from experts in their respective fields.
    It’s unfortunate that our world has been riddled with lies, misinformation, and fraud. It’s no secret that if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.
    “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” – Albert Einstein
    These are in no particular order, as they are all significant in their own right.
    The Black Budget
    Prior to Edward Snowden (the former NSA employee who leaked classified information), if you told somebody you thought there existed what seems to be a separate civilization – a part of humanity that broke off in secret, and is thousands, if not millions, of years more advanced than the mainstream academic/scientific/technical world – there is absolutely no doubt you would have been brushed off as a crazy conspiracy theorist.
    But when Snowden leaked the very first documentation proving the existence of clandestine black budget operations, that all changed. Despite these recent leaks, many are still unaware of the black budget world, and the fact that it had been investigated and talked about before these leaks.
    We have published an article that goes in depth and is well sourced regarding this topic. You can read that article HERE.
    “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for a disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry, can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence, with our peaceful message and goals.” – Dwight Eisenhower, Former Five Star General and President of the United States (source)
    The tragedy that unfolded on September 11th, 2001 was horrific. To this day and despite the fact that many of the victims’ families themselves question the events of that day, many still consider anyone suspicious of 9/11 to be a conspiracy theorist. It’s important to mention that the mainstream media has played a large part in pushing this idea, that anybody who questions what happened on that day is “nuts.”
    According to the latest polls, more than 150 million people (in America alone) do not believe the official explanation given to them by their government when it comes to 9/11, and the same amount actually suspect a controlled demolition of World Trade Centre building 7. Think about that for a moment. (A simple Google search will show you a number of polls that have taken place over the years.)
    A quick Google search of polls regarding 9/11 will paint a clear picture for you. People are not stupid, so why is it that so many people believe it was a staged event? It’s because of all of the evidence that has surfaced over the years.
    There is a tremendous amount of evidence to support all of these claims, and others, like the fact that the supposed “Al-Qaeda” terrorist group was in fact a creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). And yet, many people have a hard time hearing about, let alone thinking about these realities.
    We’ve written about this topic in detail, and you can check out some of these articles for more information to see why the questioning of 9/11 is far from a conspiracy theory, by clicking HERE.
    Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
    This is a very big one, and as with 9/11, in the United States alone, at least half of all Americans say that we’re not alone in the universe. Fifty percent of Americans already believe that there is some form of life on other planets, while only seventeen percent think that there is not. A quarter of Americans believe that intelligent extraterrestrial visitors have already come to Earth and have been doing so for a long time. (Source in article linked below.)
    Why do people believe this? The answer is simple. As former Princeton professor and NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary remarked, “there is abundant evidence” (source) clearly indicating that there is something going on in our atmosphere and around our planet which, as Mike Gold puts it (Director of Operations For Bigelow Aerospace), deserves serious attention. (source)
    The evidence comes in the form of statements made by high ranking military personnel, political personnel, academicians, and more. It also comes in the form of official documents released by dozens of countries officially acknowledging and disclosing the existence of UFOs. That’s not all, in fact, this subject is littered with so much information that it can be overwhelming for one to think about.
    We’ve written about this topic in depth, and to view some of this evidence you can click HERE.
    You can also find more articles, as well as up to date articles on the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials, by visiting the exopolitics section of our website HERE.
    Geo-Engineering and Solar Radiation Management Via Stratospheric Spraying
    Also known as “chemtrails,” the idea of injecting stratospheric particles into the atmosphere to combat the effects of climate change is very real, and not new.
    Dr. Matthew Watson, PhD, a researcher in the department of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, is one of many scientists who are warning against this practice.
    “If we ever deploy these technologies it will be the closest indication yet that we’ve failed as planetary stewards. While it is clear that temperatures could be reduced during deployment, the misstep is considerable. Personally, this stuff terrifies me.” – Dr. Watson (You can read more about that HERE)
    This idea is far from a conspiracy theory,
    Some of the candidate particles to spray in the air are:
    ⦁ Sulphate/Sulphuric Acid/Sulphur Dioxide
    ⦁ Titanium dioxide
    ⦁ Silicon Carbide
    ⦁ Calcium Carbonate
    ⦁ Alumina
    ⦁ Silica
    ⦁ Zinc Oxide
    But are these programs operational? Well, the weather was modified using these techniques for the Olympic games in China, and if you are an observer of skies and a researcher of geo-engineering, you’ll know that there is a sufficent amount of evidence to suggest that spraying is already occuring.
    “In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” – World Meteorological Association (source)
    Again, this is far from a conspiracy theory, and with all of the information available in the public domain it’s clear that this topic is something that deservers our utmost attention. That being said, as with the other topics, there is still a harsh resistance by the mainstream, who often ridicule this topic, despite all of the information that is out there.
    For more detailed information regarding this topic, you can read some of our articles about it HERE.
    A Small Group Of Elite People And The Corporations They Run Own Everything
    Not that long ago, if you were to tell anyone that a small group of people and the corporations they run are in control of all the world’s resources, you would have received some decidedly ‘weird’ looks. Fortunately, thanks to recent global protests like the Occupy Wall Street Movement, more people have become aware of what is known as the “one percent.” That percentage represents the people who have access to the most wealth on the planet.
    The same group of elite are in control of our health, finances, education, food, politics, media, and financial industries, and they contribute to the military industrial complex. It’s clear that there are many problems within these industries that affect us on a daily basis.
    This was also demonstrated by three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. They published a study titled “The Network Of Global Corporate Control” about a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. (source)
    Here is a great clip that relates to this topic by Foster Gamble, taken from the Thrive documentary.
    Water Fluoridation
    There is a reason why so many countries and communities around the world have recently stopped the practice of putting fluoride into their drinking water.
    We are not talking about naturally occurring fluoride that is already found in water, we are talking about hydrofluorosilicic acid, a toxic industrial waste by-product that governments have been adding to our drinking water for over sixty years.
    “If this stuff gets out into the air, it’s a pollutant; if it gets into the river, it’s a pollutant; if it gets into the lake, it’s a pollutant; but if it goes right straight into your drinking water system, it’s not a pollutant. That’s amazing.” (source) – Former VP and Senior Chemist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters
    In fact, one of the most credible medical journals in the world recently classified it as a neurotoxin. You can read more about that here.
    “In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths than any other chemical. When you have power you don’t have to tell the truth. That’s a rule that’s been working in this world for generations. There are a great many people who don’t tell the truth when they are in power in administrative positions. Fluoride amounts to public murder on a grand scale. It is some of the most conclusive scientific and biological evidence that I have come across in my 50 years in the field of cancer research.” (source) – Dr. Dean Burk, biochemist, Founder of Biotin, and Former Chief Chemist at the National Cancer Institute of Health
    We have written about this topic in depth, you can read more in depth articles regarding water fluoridation HERE.
    Here is a documentary we made about the subject:
    Over-Unity Energy
    Despite many people opposing this idea, constantly citing the law of conservation of energy, multiple papers have been published in various peer reviewed journals showing that yes, extracting energy from the vacuum is possible. You can find these in the articles linked below.
    “The concept that efficiencies cannot be greater than 100% is due to an incomplete understanding of the properties of space. The second law of thermodynamics must be modified to account for the fact that space is not empty, as has been taught for the last 150 years.” – Toby Grotz, engineer and researcher of new energy technologies since 1973
    Collective Evolution has been lucky enough to have been covering a story, and working with Toby Grotz and Paramahamsa Tewari, to help create more awareness about this. Tewari has invented an over-unity machine. We have assisted them in building the website and we are extrememly honored to help spread the word:
    We encourage all those who are reading this to check it out.
    Do you really think that these brilliant scientists and engineers would devote their entire lives to something that did not show potential, or something that is not real? This concept is, again, still faced with fierce resistance, but this will all change, and for the sake of the planet it has to, so stay tuned!
    You can view pictures of the machine at the link to the site above. It won’t be long until we are showing you a video of it ourselves.

    Related CE Articles on this topic where you can find out more information:
    Breaking News: Over-Unity Reactionless Generator Invented In India
    Why There Will Be No Supression Of New Energy Technology
    World Renowned Physicist Explains The Reality Of Free Energy
    Multiple Scientists Confirm The Reality Of Free Energy
    Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
    Few things exemplify more absolutely the fact that we are living in a world of deception, manipulation, and fraudulent science than GMOs. Over the past few years, a number of studies (both independent and peer-reviewed) have emerged which clearly outline why GMOs should not be approved as completely safe for human consumption. Despite this fact, their status has not changed.
    The truth of their danger was also demonstrated by the March Against Monsanto, a worldwide protest where millions of people around the world gather every year to peacefully protest the biotech giants.
    There is a reason why so many countries around the world have now completely banned GMOs and the pesticides that go with them.
    “As part of the process, they portrayed the various concerns as merely the ignorant opinions of misinformed individuals – and derided them as not only unscientific, but anti-science. They then set to work to convince the public and government officials, through the dissemination of false information, that there was an overwhelming expert consensus, based on solid evidence, that GMOs were safe.” – Jane Goodall
    We’ve written about this topic in depth, and while you can find out more information below in these select few articles that we have written, feel free to browse through the rest of the site.
    New Study Links GMOs To Cancer, Liver/Kidney Damage & Severe Hormonal Disruption
    Altered Genes & Twisted Truth: Dr Jane Goodall Helps Expose The Dangers Of GMOs
    New Study Finds A “Very Strong” Correlation Between GMOs And Two Dozen Diseases
    Multiple Toxins From GMOs Detected In Maternal And Fetal Flood: What Does
    Wikileaks Cables Reveal U.S. Government Planned To “Retaliate & Cause Pain” On Countries Refusing GMOs
    GMOs Are A Bad Idea. If A 15 Year Old Can See It So Clearly, Why Can’t Many Scientists?
    10 Scientific Studies Proving GMOs Can Be Harmful To Human Health
    What Parents Need To Know About Monsanto: “By 2025 One In Two Children Will Be Autistic”
    Cancer Death Rates Now Doubled In Argentina’s GMO Agribusiness Areas
    The World’s Most Credible Medical Journal Outlines Bad News For Monsanto
    Just Label It – We Have A Right To Know
    Geneticist David Suzuki Says Humans “Are Part Of A Massive Experiment”

    Out of these top 8 conspiracy theories, only one is tied to the Bible. Please tell me which one it is.

    • Sorry, I don’t have the time or interest in playing conspiracy games.
      Maybe someone else here will want to play with you.
      I only believe in conspiracy theories when they become hard facts – common truths known to everyone… like the sun comes up once a day. You know, FACTS.
      So I’ll wait till the theories are proven. Till then I have no interest in them.

  82. So I take it that you do not believe in conspiracy theories.

    Since you have never read the Torah, first five books of the Old Testament and since you have never read Leviticus 10-20, I will not tell you which one it is.

    Good bye and good riddence. I will just let you dwell until after November.

    • I only believe in conspiracy facts.
      And I don’t believe you will find the answers to bible prophecy in YouTube videos. When I am rounded up and sent to a FEMA death camp, I’ll believe the Conspiracy Theory.
      When the comet hits in 2 weeks and the asteroid too, I’ll believe those Conspiracy Theorists.
      And when Nibiru rolls by, I’ll believe even you.
      By the way, if it is as big as they say and will be here in 10 weeks, when do they say it will be visible to the naked eye? In Sagittarius you say? Don’t see it in Stellarium. Wonder what’s keeping those guys from putting it in their program?
      Any ideas? Any excuses?

      • jim

        not everyone on youtube is an idiot

        just wait and see how things turn out

        I agree about setting dates

        not even Jesus knows….only the Father

        • I agree there are sane people on you tube. Those folks that post cute videos of their pets for example.
          I’ve gone to YouTube to get directions on how to disassemble certain computer equipment and replace various components.
          But there are many false videos out there that try to scare gullible people into believing a bunch of lies. They are just like hackers who get their kicks destroying other peoples’ operating systems.
          If you don’t enjoy getting computer viruses then why do you enjoy getting lied to by others whose only goal is to fool you?
          It is these liars I consider to be idiots. And if they actually believe what they are posting then they really are idiots.
          So there.

      • Jim, here is a conspiracy fact, idiot. When you mix seeds it becomes a Conspiracy fact so welcome to the Days of Noah. Get the picture idiot.

        Lev_19:19 Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

        Hybrid Humans/animals, GMO products. Jim, what type of cothing are you wearing right now that makes you sin daily, maybe nylon Tricut, maybe spandex. You eat GMO products daily. Don’t you think you should get on your knees and confess to God that you are a sinner.

        Marianne, you are next to be targeted by a line above. Go to Aviv Moon Network, Join, Read 5 pages on 42 Events in September and October while I prepare an article on why we are encouraged to setting dates just by using you know what.
        A prophecy is basically a date that is set to happen. And there are over 400 during the Day of the Lord.

  83. Another Conspiracy Theory is the year 6000 and the return of Jesus.

    Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years/Jubilees.

    Battle of Jerusalem 1917+100 years=2017; 6th Day war (1967+50)=2017; 1948 Israel became a nation but in 1947 the proclamation went out +70 =2017 (Maatthew 24:32–The fig tree blossomed nation; Psalm 90:10); Genesis 1:14; Isa 61:1-2; Leviticus 25:9-10 Jubilee year. Did you know that both 1917 and 1967 were both Jubilee years.
    1948-2520= 572 BC Now what could have happened around that time frame.
    *574 Sabbath Year (Shemitah)
    573 BC Ezekiel’s Second Temple Vision Ezekiel 40 – 48 Biblehub Timeline
    * 572 BCE Abib אביב‎ 10 Ezekiel measured for a new Temple. “In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day the hand of יהוה was upon me, and brought me thither.” Ezekiel 40:1. Possible Jubilee year. 572 BCE+2520 years (365 per year) =1948 CE when Israel became a nation.
    572 BC+2520=1948+70=2018. Kirt why do you not have something this important pointing to 2048.
    1967-2520= 553 BC. 553 Sabbath year (Shemitah) BCE +2520 years (365 days per year) = 1967 CE 6th Day War.
    120 year count from 2017 CE to the flood.
    2017 Start
    1897 CE First Zionist Congress; August 29-31 First Zionist Congress convened by Theodor Herzl in Basel, Switzerland; Zionist Organization founded. 120 years to 2017.
    1777 CE Dud, 1657, 1536, 1177, 1057, 937, 817, 697, 577, 457, 97
    1417 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)
    1297 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)
    337 CE “Under the reign of Constantius (337-362) the persecutions of the Jews reached such a height that . . . the computation of the calendar [was] forbidden under pain of severe punishment.” Calendar,” The Jewish Encyclopedia, “mean motions of the sun and moon, the true [calendar] having been set aside.” Maimonides, Kiddusch Ha-hodesch, Tr. Mahler, Wein, 1889. With the development of the importance of the Sabbath as a day of consecration and the emphasis laid upon the significant number seven, the week became more and more divorced from its lunar connection . . .The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Isaak Landman (ed.), Vol. X, “Week,” (1943 ed.), p. 482.
    217 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)

    Dud’s 23 BC, 143, 263, 383, 743, 1103, 1223, 1343, 1463, 1583, 1703, 1823, 1943, 2183, 2303 (past the flood).
    Note: Some of these years was either side of Sabbath year.
    22 B.C. Josephus Antiquities 15.9.1 (15.302-303) Josephus Antiquities 15.9.1 (302) When therefore the fruits of that year were spoiled, and whatsoever they had laid up beforehand was spent, there was no foundation of hope for relief remaining, but the misery, contrary to what they expected, still increased upon them; and this, not only on that year, while they had nothing for themselves left [at the end of it], but what seed they had sown perished also, by reason of the ground not yielding its fruits on the second year. (303) This distress they were in made them also out of necessity, to eat many things that did not use to be eaten; nor was the king himself free from this distress any more than other men, as being deprived of that tribute he used to have from the fruits of the ground; and having already expended what money he had, in his liberality to those whose cities he had built;This famine for two years that affected Judea and Syria, the thirteenth and fourteenth years of Herod, which are the twenty-third and twenty-fourth years before the Christian era(Gregorian Calendar), seems to have been more terrible during this time that was that in the days of Jacob, Gen. 41–42. And what makes the comparison the more remarkable is this:—That now, as well as then, the relief they had was from Egypt also; then from Joseph the governor of Egypt, under Pharaoh, king of Egypt; and now from Petronius the prefect of Egypt, under Augustus, the Roman emperor. See almost the like case, Antiq. 20.2.6. It is also well worth our observation here, that these two years were a Sabbatic Year, and a year of jubilee, for which Providence, during the theocracy, used to provide a triple crop beforehand; but which became now, when the Jews had forfeited that blessing, the greatest years of famine to them ever since the days of Ahab. 1 Kings. 17–18.
    503 BCE+2520=2017 CE.
    623 BC Sabbath Year (Shemitah); 622-570 Ezekiel, prophet (‘ El (God) will strengthen’)
    863 BC Elijah Prays for Drought 1 Kings 17; Elijah Fed by Ravens 1 Kings 17:3; The Widow at Zarephath 1 Kings 17:7; Elijah on Mount Carmel 1 Kings 18
    2063/983 BC Sabbath Year (Shemitah)

    Sunday, September 1, 2013 5:01
    Evangelist Michael Parker.
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    (Before It’s News)
    It was in the year of 1217 CE that one of Judah’s most legendary and prolific German Hassidic rabbis made an astounding prediction about the future of Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah. Known as Judah ben Samuel (Judah He-Hasid or Judah the Pious, he lived in the 12th and 13th century in Regensburg, Germany.
    Rabbi Judah ben Samuel – “When the Ottomans (Turks) – who were already a power to be reckoned with on the Bosporus in the time of Judah Ben Samuel – conquer Jerusalem they will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees. Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one jubilee, and then in the ninth jubilee it will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which would signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”
    According to Leviticus 25, one Jubilee period is 50 years in which the 50th year, each person will regain ownership of his or her tribal lands. As Rabbi Judah the Pious looked into the future, he was postulating theoretical calculations, which today are showing them to be amazingly accurate. It would be over 300 years after his death that his first prediction would become true.
    During the Roman Christian Crusades, the Mamluk began their reign in Jerusalem in the year of 1250 CE when the last Ayyubid Sultan of Egypt, Turanshah was assassinated by his Mamluk slave General Aibek. Aibek then founded the Mamluk Bahri dynasty. They held power over Jerusalem until they were conquered by the Ottoman Turks in the year of 1517, three hundred years after the death of Rabbi Judah ben Samuel.
    According to Rabbi Judah he-Hasid, the Ottoman Turks would later wrestle power and control over the Middle East and assume power and control over Jerusalem. They would control the Land of Palestine and Jerusalem for eight Jubilees, according to his predictive calculations.
    The Ottoman Empire at its Peak
    Well, eight Jubilees (50 years x 8 Jubilees) are 400 years. We know again by history that the Ottoman Turks gained control of Jerusalem in the year 1517 and held power over Jerusalem for 400 years, when they were conquered in 1917, by the British military forces under the command of British military General Edmund Allenby on Hanukkah, December 17, 1917. The Ottoman Turks began to falter in 1918 after the defeat of the army at Jerusalem. The city of Damascus fell on October 1, Homs on October 16, and Aleppo on October 25 and Turkey capitulated on October 30, 1918. After this date the League of Nations conferred the Turkey, Syria, and Egypt to the British Mandate that included the Land of Israel, then called Palestine, and Jerusalem to the British.
    Then the prophecy continues when it states; “Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one jubilee.” Is it not amazing that from the year of 1917 when the British Mandate controlled the city of Jerusalem, Jerusalem did become under international law a “no-man’s land for one jubilee”. It was fifty years after that year in 1917, that the Israeli army captured the city of Jerusalem in the Six Day War on June 17, 1967. Exactly one Jubilee, 50 years later, Jerusalem returned for the first time to the control of the Jewish-Israeli ownership since the day when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 CE.
    Called the “Light of Israel”, Rabbi Ben Samuel truly was a “Light to the World”. He did not discriminate against anyone who wanted to learn from him. Even the Roman Catholic bishops sought his wisdom.
    As Judah ben Samuel predicted the years of 1217 and 1517 were recognized as the biblical 50 year Jubilee Years. Three hundred years of six Jubilees after 1217, the Ottoman Turks took control of Jerusalem until its fading years when the Allied Forces swept the last ruler of the Ottoman from power by the forces of the British military troops under the command of General George Allenby in 1917.
    Even after the Declaration of Independence by Israel in May 15, 1948 and Israel’s War of Independence against five Islamic nations, the city of Jerusalem still remained a “divided city”. The Jordanian government controlled the eastern part of Jerusalem including the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem. A strip of land divided the State of Israel control of Western Jerusalem and the Jordanian controlled East Jerusalem. This strip of land was called “The No-Man’s Land” by both Israelis and Jordanians.
    Then in the year of 1967, Israel was once again attacked. After the Six Day War, on June 17, 1967, the entire region of the West Bank was conquered by the Israeli Army and the entire city of Jerusalem returned back in possession of the Jewish people. Seven hundred and fifty years after the prophecy was first made by Rabbi Judah the Pious, from 1217 to 1967, all the conditions of the prophecy were fulfilled to the letter of the prophetic oracle. Then Rabbi Judah heHasid wrote:
    Rabbi Judah heHasid – “In the ninth jubilee Jerusalem will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which will signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”
    This leaves one more Jubilee, the tenth Jubilee since the Ottoman Turks took control of Jerusalem and the Land of Promise in the years of 1517. According to this Jewish sage, the end of this tenth Jubilee will “signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”
    As we review the Sabbatical Week of Years, this present Sabbatical Cycle began on Rosh Hashanah 2008 5778. The 8th year would have been the day of the Messiah ending Rosh Hashanah 2009, but the Messiah did not come.
    If this Sabbatical Messianic cycle 2009-2017 is completed and the Gog/Magog war does begin within the year between Rosh Hashanah 2015 to Rosh Hashanah 2016, then the Messianic Era will commence before Rosh Hashanah 2017. We are currently in the 4th year of the Sabbatical Messianic Cycle that began on Rosh Hashanah 2009, in the Jewish year 5773 (2013).
    There is still time for the Messiah the Prince, the anti-Messiah to forge a covenant with the “Holy Ones” of the rabbanim of Jerusalem for a seven year hudna, for the biblical text in Daniel clearly states that it will be abrogated by the anti-Messiah within 3½ years.
    Can we look forward to a Middle East Peace Accord by Passover 2013? If so, 3½ years later, will we see the revealing of the Maschiach ben David before Rosh Hashanah 2016 (Jewish year 5777 between Rosh Hashanahs 5776-7)?
    If so, the Epic Year of the Messiah will be here on Rosh Hashanah 2016 or the Jewish year of 5000 plus 777 years. The age of the Enlightenment of the Torah will have begun. The forces of evil will have been destroyed and the Kingdom of G-d on Planet Earth will begin with the Maschiach ben David ruling with the “rod of iron.
    If not, will we have to endure for another Seven Year Sabbatical Week of Years or another Jubilee cycle? It’s time that the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel with their brothers, the Jews of the House of Judah begin praying, as revealed in the name of the Prophet Zechariah, Zechariah ben Berechiah ben Iddo (At the Appointed Time, G-d blesses and G-d remembers). Let us call upon the Holy Name of the L-rd to bless us and be merciful to the Jews of the House of Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.

  84. 2016-2500 (50 yearsx50 )= 484 BC
    483 BCE Sabbath Year (Shemitah) 19th Jubilee year (yovel יובל) Queen Vashti Deposed Esther 1
    2016-3500 (50 Years x 70) =1484 BC Nothing
    But somebody’s math went back to 1414 BCE. I am not good at doing math.
    2478 1428, 1258 1414,1572 BCE Abib אביב‎ 10 Jubilee count begins for Joshua (‘Yahovah saves’ ) leads Israel into “the promised land” Joshua 3:17 “And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of יהוה stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan,” Joshua 4:1
    “children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the plains of Jericho. And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.” Joshua 5:10,12.
    I believe that the 70th Jubilee comes to this point by using 360 days per year instead of 365 days which I used in the above but I do not know the math to figure that out.

    I believe Kirt that you said nothing Biblically adds up to 2015-2017.
    I Believe these articles will disagree with you but of course you will say they all lie just like you disagree with Battle of Jerusalem and Sixth day war does not add up to 2017 when you apply 50 years and 100 years.
    WHAT ARE THE DATES OF THE 70 JUBILEES? – THE MARK OF THE BEAST – Similarto What are the dates of the 70 Jubilees? – The Mark of the Beast
    There will have been 40 Jubilee cycles since Christ died. … After the middle of 2016 there will be no more opportunities for people to repent and receive eternal …
    70 YEARS AND THE LAST JUBILEE | HEAVEN AWAITS… – Similarto 70 Years and the Last Jubilee | Heaven Awaits
    The red horse has been riding for almost 70 years now. …… Jubilee year: October 14, 1967 (Yom Kippur) + 49 years = Oct 12, 2016 (Yom Kippur, 10th of Tishrei, …
    IS 2015 THE YEAR OF JUBILEE? IS IT THE 70TH JUBILEE? WILL THE ……/is-2015-the-year-of-jubilee-is-it-the-70th-jubilee-wi…
    May 17, 2015 … Fact five: We are currently in the 70th Jubilee cycle since the very first … that next year at Passover 2016 begins the year of Sabbath Rest for the …
    70 JUBILEES PREDICT THE END OF THE WORLD – Similarto 70 Jubilees Predict the End of the World
    Will Jesus return in 2016? … Second, the 70 “sevens” are 70 Jubilee cycles – 3,431 years, pointing to the second coming of Jesus when His people will be …
    THE FINAL JUBILEE STARTS IN 2015! THE RAPTURE WILL TAKE PLACE … – Similarto The Final Jubilee Starts in 2015! The Rapture will take place …
    Oct 10, 2011 … The final Jubilee will begin on the Day of Atonement in 2015. (September 23 … Second, the 70 “sevens” are 70 Jubilee cycles. ….. 2015-2016
    BLOOD MOONS, THE SHEMITAH AND PROPHETIC IMPLICATIONS WE CAN’T … – Similarto Blood Moons, the Shemitah and Prophetic Implications We Can’t …
    Jul 26, 2014 … I believe the 70th Jubilee coincides with the seven trumpets blowing in …. This would suggest that 2015-2016 will be the next Jubilee. Fact five: …
    THE 2015/2016 SHEMITAH JUBILEE AND THE END OF THE MODERN ERA … – Similarto The 2015/2016 Shemitah Jubilee And The End Of The Modern Era …
    Mar 6, 2015 … Because the 2015/2016 Shemitah Jubilee is the 70th such jubileespanning a 3500 … The 70th Jubilee Shemitah of “2015” is extra significant!
    2015 AND 2016 COLLAPSE TIMELINE | SOTN: ALTERNATIVE NEWS … – Similarto 2015 AND 2016 COLLAPSE TIMELINE | SOTN: Alternative News …
    Jan 18, 2015 … Once again, 2015 AND 2016 COLLAPSE TIMELINE is by far the “single most ….. The 70th Jubilee Shemitah of “2015” is extra significant!
    [ More results from ]
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    6000 YEARS UP AND JESUS TO RETURN IN 2016? – COGWRITER…/6000-years-up-and-jesus-to-return-in-2016/ – Similarto 6000 years up and Jesus to return in 2016? – COGwriter
    Sep 29, 2014 … Second, the 70 “sevens” are 70 Jubilee cycles – 3,431 years, … In the middle of 2016 the 6,000 years of sin on earth will come to an end, …

    Kirt, I believe you have never read Levitcus 25 because you say 2015-2017 does not add up to anything Biblically.
    You might want to read the Bible from the beginning so you will get familiar with the Jubilee.
    The Coming Shemitah 5775 (2014/5) & Jubilee Year 5776 (2015/6). Shalom Partner ….. The 70th Jubilee Shemitah of “2015” is extra significant! This Jubilee …
    JESUS RETURN 2015 TO 2017 | TODDO-ARTICLES…/jesus-return-2015-to-2017…. – Similarto Jesus Return 2015 to 2017 | Toddo-Articles
    Aug 27, 2011 … Seventy “sevens” – 70 Jubilee cycles – 70 x 7 x 7 = 3,430 years. The 70Jubilees predict Christ’s … Jubilee – 2015/2016. On June 7th 1967 …
    Aug 17, 2015 … The Jubilees clock began ticking in 1416 BC when the children of Israel entered Canaan. The first Jubilee was 49 years later in 1367 BC.
    Start of Daniel’s 70th week Sept 23, 2015 (Dan 9:27) … The Shmita/Jubilee 2014- 2016period appears to line up as the last years of the Church Age and set …
    SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 THRU OCTOBER 2, 2016: THE SHEMITAH JUBILEE ……/september-2015-the-biggest-month-of-the- millen…
    Jun 18, 2015 … This day marks the beginning of the 70th Biblical Shemitah Jubilee. The significance of this day cannot be overstated. Because of the true state …

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    › Petrus Romanus
    – Similarto Isaac Newton, Daniel’s 70 Weeks & the Six Day War – Logos …

  85. Jim, you are wrong about Nibiru. It was present at the Tower of Babel.

    Tower of Babel
    Search Sentences: Tower of Babel and Fire in the sky
    Genesis 10:10 states that Babel (LXX: Βαβυλών) formed part of Nimrod’s kingdom. The Bible does not specifically mention that Nimrod ordered the building of the tower, but many other sources have associated its construction with Nimrod.
    Gen 11:1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

    Gen 11:2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

    Gen 11:3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

    Gen 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower (Mesopotamian Temple Tower), whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

    Gen 11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
    Exodus 19:20
    King James Version
    And the LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up.
    Exodus 34:5
    New International Version
    Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the LORD.
    Numbers 11:25
    King James Version
    And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease.
    New International Version
    Then the LORD came down in the cloud and spoke with him, and he took of the Spirit that was on him and put the Spirit on the seventy elders. When the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but they did not do so again.
    Numbers 12:5
    King James Version
    And the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth.
    New International Version
    Then the LORD came down in a pillar of cloud; he stood at the entrance to the Tent and summoned Aaron and Miriam. When both of them stepped forward,

    Please note that each of these times is dramatic. Babel may have been the most dramatic of all. There is an interesting ‘interruption’ in Psalm 18 when David is talking about the depth of his despair and trouble. Starting in verse 7 and going to 15, we read:

    7 The earth trembled and quaked,
    and the foundations of the mountains shook;
    they trembled because he was angry.

    8 Smoke rose from his nostrils;
    consuming fire came from his mouth,
    burning coals blazed out of it.

    9 He parted the heavens and came down;
    dark clouds were under his feet.

    10 He mounted the cherubim and flew;
    he soared on the wings of the wind.

    11 He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him—
    the dark rain clouds of the sky.

    12 Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced,
    with hailstones and bolts of lightning.

    13 The LORD thundered from heaven;
    the voice of the Most High resounded.

    14 He shot his arrows and scattered the enemies ,
    great bolts of lightning and routed them.

    15 The valleys of the sea were exposed
    and the foundations of the earth laid bare
    at your rebuke, O LORD,
    at the blast of breath from your nostrils.

    If this is anything like what happened at Babel, then we have a massively destructive event. Valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare. There was a blast of some kind of wind, hailstones, great bolts of lightning, earthquakes, fire…. this was not a small, local event.

    Also important: The word ‘men’ is not a complete translation. The Hebrew states that the Lord is going to see what the BEN ADAM were building: the “sons of men.” In the same way that “sons of God” is defined by the Bible as being believers, “sons of men” is referenced as being unbelievers. The list of Bible references indicating this is here.

    This may explain why there is a Jewish tradition that it was primarily Ham’s group which was affected by Babel and the language changes.

    Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

    Gen 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
    The characteristic of this catastrophe was its influence upon the mental, or mnemonic, capacity of the peoples. The description of it, as told by many tribes and peoples, if it contains authentic features, arouses the surmise that the earth underwent an electromagnetic disturbance, and that the human race experienced something that in modern terms seems like a consequence of a deep electrical shock.

    When 1715 years had passed since the Deluge [men] were destroyed by a violent hurricane (Uracan) which carried off trees, mountains, houses and people, and great buildings, although many men and women escaped, especially those that were able to take refuge in caves and places where this great hurricane could not reach.

    Similarly wrote Gomara (ca. 1510-1560): “The wind which occurred at that time was so great and of such force that it overthrew all buildings and trees, and even broke mountains apart.”
    Many of the sources which recount the destruction of the Tower of Babel maintain, in close accord with the Mexican account, that the catastrophe was caused by a violent wind. Thus the Sibyl is said to have prophecied:

    When are fulfilled the threats of the great God With which he threatened men, when formerly In the Assyrian land they built a tower, And all were of one speech, and wished to rise Even till they climbed unto the starry heaven, Then the Immortal raised a mighty wind And laid upon them strong necessity; For when the wind threw down the mighty tower, Then rose among mankind fierce strife and hate. One speech was changed into many dialects, And earth was filled with divers tribes and kings.
    In the Book of Jubilees it is said that “the Lord sent a mighty wind against the tower and overthrew it upon the earth.”

    Gen 11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

    Gen 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel (Heb. bll to confuse; to jumble); because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

    What is interesting here is to look at the meanings of some of the words and to also look into some linguistics and old legends/myths.

    The people are scattered. That word is hephaitz. In the Greek that becomes hephaizt – and Hephaistos is another name for Vulcan, “The father of the gods” in Egypt. In Greek and Roman mythology he is the god of fire, including volcanoes.

    Bel is “the confounder,” — Ba is the same as ‘be,’ meaning ‘against, among, for, in, on, with.’ Who was Bel? Probably Cush: let’s look at some connections from legend and mythology

    Cush was the son of Ham, which also comes down as Herm, and therefore Cush was Herm-es. The ‘es’ ending means ‘out of’ or ‘son of.’ In mythology, Hermes is also Mercury. Hermes was seen in pagan mythologies as being the author of their religious rites.

    Ham = Her and also Khem, meaning ‘the burnt one’ “Her” also means the hot, or burning one. This may be an identification with the sun god and thus the beginning of what we consider pagan mythologies — or what would have been considered among the believers of the time as the Great Apostacy. “Her” is also Horus, who is identified with the sun.

    “Hermeneutics” or the deciphering of language meanings comes from Hermes

    What is interesting is that “Jove” appeared to have been a shortened form of Jehovah, not originally Jupiter.

    In Chaldee, ‘peresh’ means ‘to interpret, but ‘peres’ means ‘to divide’ – so was Cush the great interpreter of the speeches of men or the great divider of the speeches of men? He was one of the two according to legends….

    Cush had two different titles as well: Baal, meaning ‘the lord’ and ‘Bel’ meaning ‘confounder.’ Ovid identifies Cush with Bel – he says ‘the ancients called me Chaos.’ – not merely state of confusion, but god of confusion (in Chaldee Cush is pronounced ‘chaos’ and comes that way into the English language.)

    Jeremiah 50:2: Bel is confounded (KJV) is a play on words. The confounder is confounded. “Merodach” is “the Great Rebel” and so the two are identified as one in this verse. Cush appears to be the Great Rebel and the Confounder.
    Vulcan’s hammer is essentially the same as the club of Janus/Chaos – breaking things in pieces

    Jeremiah 50:23: “How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!”

    Evidence from a number of sources indicates that many of the figures in Greek and Roman mythologies began as the first and second generation of Hamites after the Flood.
    Gen 11:10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:

    Babel, Tower of
    This expression does not occur in the Old Testament, but is used popularly for the tower מגדּל, mighdōl built by the inhabitants of the world who, traveling in the East, built a city on the Plain of Shinar, with a tower “whose top may reach unto heaven” – an expression which is regarded as meaning “a very high tower.”
    The particular ziqqurat described here was formerly identified with the tower of Ezida, the temple of the god Nebo (Nabû) in Borsippa, a city southwest of Babylon. However, the discovery at the end of the 19th century of Esagila, the great temple of *Marduk in *Babylon , has led most scholars to agree that it is the tower of this temple which inspired the writer of Genesis 11.
    1. General Form of Babylonian Temple-Towers
    There was a great difference, however, between a Canaanite mighdōl or watchtower, and the great Tower at Babylon. The watchtower was simply a high structure, probably without any special shape or form, which depended upon the will of the architect and the nature of the ground upon which it was erected. The Tower of Babel or Babylon, however, was a structure peculiar to Babylonia and Assyria. According to all accounts, and judging from the ruins of the various erections extant in those countries, Babylonian towers were always rectangular, built in stages, and provided with an inclined ascent continued along each side to the top. As religious ceremonies were performed thereon, they were generally surmounted by a chapel in which sacred objects or images were kept.
    2. Their Babylonian Name
    These erections had, with the Babylonians, a special name: ziqqurātu, meaning, apparently, “peak,” or the highest point of a mountain, this word being applied to the mountain-height upon which Ut-napishtim, the Babylonian Noah, offered sacrifices on coming forth from the ark (or ship) when the waters of the great Flood had sufficiently subsided. It has also been thought that they were used as observatories when the Babylonians studied the starry heavens. This is probable, but as these structures were of no great height, it is possible that, in the clear atmosphere of the Babylonian plains, there was no real necessity to go above the surface of the earth when making their observations.
    3. Whereabouts of the Tower of Babel
    There has been much difference of opinion as to the geographical position of the Tower of Babel. Most writers upon the subject, following the tradition handed down by the Jews and Arabs, have identified it with the great Temple of Nebo in the city of Borsippa, now called the Birs-Nimroud (explained as a corruption of Birj Nimroud, “Tower of Nimrod”). This building, however, notwithstanding its importance, was to all appearance never regarded by the Babylonians as the Tower of Babel, for the very good reason that it was not situated in Babylon, but in Borsippa, which, though called, in later times, “the second Babylon,” was naturally not the original city of that name. The erection regarded by the Babylonians as the great Tower of their ancient city was Ê-temen-ana-ki, “the Temple of the foundation of heaven and earth,” called by Nabopolassar and Nebuchadrezzar ziqqurat Bâbı̂li, “the Tower of Babylon” – the world-renowned temple dedicated to Merodach and his consort Zēr-panı̂tum, Babylon’s chief deities.
    4. Its Position at Babylon
    This structure was situated in the southern portion of the city, not far from the right bank of the Euphrates, and according to Weissbach, is now represented by a depression within which is the original rectangular core of unbaked brick. From its shape, the Arabs have made this site Sahan, “the dish.” These remains of the great temple-tower of Babylon, within the memory of men not so very old, towered, even in its ruined state, high above the surrounding plain. The burnt bricks of the ancient Babylonians, however, who “had brick for stone, and slime (bitumen) for mortar” (Gen_11:3), are still good and have a commercial value, so they were all cleared out, with whatever precious material in the way of antiquities they may have contained, to repair, it is said, the banks of the Hindiyeh Canal. Certain records in the shape of conical “cylinders,” however, came into the market, and were acquired by the museums of Europe and America. As these refer to the restoration of the building by Nabopolassar, and the part taken by his sons Nebuchadrezzar and Nabû-šum-lı̂šir in the ceremonies attending the rebuilding, it is very probable that they formed part of the spoils acquired.
    5. A Babylonian Description of the Tower
    Ê-temen-ana-ki, to give the Babylonian (Sumerian) name.Its Sumerian name E-temen-an-ki means “House of the foundation of heaven on earth”. It consisted of six stages built upon a platform, and provided with a sanctuary at the top.
    First there was the outer court called the “grand court,” measuring, according to G. Smith’s estimate, 1,156 ft. by 900 ft., and a smaller one, called “the court of Ishtar and Zagaga,” 1,056 ft. by 450 ft. Round the court were six gates admitting to the temples: (1) The grand gate; (2) The gate of the rising sun (east); (3) The great gate; (4) The gate of the colossi; (5) The gate of the canal; and (6) The gate of the tower-view.
    6. The Platform
    After this came a space or platform apparently walled – a ki-gallu square in form, and measuring 3 ku each way. Its size is doubtful, as the value of the ku is unknown. The sides of this enclosure faced the cardinal points. In its walls were four gates, one on each side, and named from the points toward which they looked. Within this enclosure stood a large building measuring 10 gar (Smith: 200 ft.) each way. Unfortunately, the name of this erection was damaged, so that its nature and use are uncertain.
    7. The Chapels and Shrines
    Round the base of the Tower were small temples or chapels dedicated to the various gods of the Babylonians. On the East were 16 shrines, the principal of them being dedicated to Nebo and Tašmêtu, his spouse; on thee North were two temples dedicated to Êa. (Aê) and Nusku respectively; on the South was a single temple to the two great gods, Anu and Bel (Enlil?). It was on the West, however, that the principal buildings lay – a double house with a court between the wings 35 cubits (Smith: 58 ft.) wide. These two wings were not alike in dimensions, the erection on one side being 100 cubits by 20 (166 ft. by 34 ft.) and on the other 100 cubits by 65 (166 ft. by 108 ft.). In these western chambers stood the couch of the god, and the golden throne mentioned by Herodotus, with other objects of great value. The couch was stated to have measured 9 cubits by 4 (15 ft. by 6 feet 8 inches).
    8. The Tower in Its First Stage
    In the center of these groups of buildings stood the great Tower in stages, called by the Babylonians “the Tower of Babel” (ziqqurat Bâbı̂li). The stages decreased from the lowest upward, but each was square in plan. The first or foundation-stage was 15 gar each way by 5 1/2 gar high (300 ft. by 110 ft. high), and seems to have been decorated with the usual double recesses which are a characteristic of Assyr-Bab architecture.
    9. The Remaining Stages
    The second stage was 13 gar square and 3 gar high (260 ft. by 60 ft.). A term was applied to it which G. Smith did not understand, but he notes that it probably had sloping sides. The stages from the 3rd to the 5th were all of equal height, namely, 1 gar (20 ft.), and were respectively 10 gar (200 ft.), 8 1/3 gar (170 ft.) and 7 gar (140 ft.) square. The dimensions of the 6th stage were omitted, but may be restored in accordance with the others, namely, 5 1/2 gar square (110 ft.) by 1 gar (20 ft.) high.
    10. The Chapel at the Top
    On this was raised what Smith calls the 7th stage, namely, the upper temple or sanctuary of the god Bel-Merodach, 4 gar long, 3 1/2 gar broad and 2 1/2 gar high (80 ft., 60 ft., and 50 ft., respectively). He does not mention the statue of the god, but it may be supposed that it was set up in this topmost erection. The total height of the tower above its foundation was therefore 15 gar (300 ft.), the same as the breadth of its base. It cannot be said that it was by any means a beautiful erection, but there was probably some symbolism in its measurements, and in appearance it probably resembled (except the decoration) the temple tower of Calah as restored in the frontispiece to Layard’s Monuments of Nineveh, 1st series, in which a step-pyramid with a similarly highbasement stage is shown.
    One other important point about Babel which should not be ignored is that the world had experienced an axis tilt associated with the Flood. This initiated seasons and would have changed the calendar.
    11. Herodotus’ Description
    With this detailed description, which is quite what would be expected in a Babylonian account of such a celebrated temple, the description in Herodotus (i.181ff) agrees. He states that it was a temple square in form, two furlongs (1, 213 ft.) each way, in the midst of which was built a solid tower a furlong square (nearly 607 ft.). This, however, must have been the platform, which, with the six stages and the chapel on the top, would make up the total of eight stages of which Herodotus speaks. The ascent by which the top was reached he describes as running “outside round about all the towers” – wording which suggests, though not necessarily, that it was spiral – i.e. one had to walk round the structure 7 times to reach the top. Representations on Babylonian boundary-stones suggest that this view would be correct, though a symmetrical arrangement of inclined paths might have been constructed which would have greatly improved the design. At the middle of the ascent, Herodotus says, there was a stopping-place with seats to rest upon, which rather favors this idea. At the top of the last tower there was a large cell, and in the cell a large couch was laid, well covered; and by it a golden table. There was no image there, nor did any human being spend the night there, except only a woman of the natives of the place chosen by the god, “as say the Chaldeans who are the priests of this god.” These men told Herodotus that the god often came to the cell, and rested upon the couch, “but,” he adds, “I do not believe them.” After mentioning parallels to this at Egyptian Thebes and Patam in Lycia, he goes on to speak of another cell below (that referred to in G. Smith’s tablet) wherein was a great image of Zeus (Bel-Merodach) sitting, with a footstool and a large table, all of gold, and weighing no less than 800 talents. Outside of this cell was an altar to the god, made of gold; and also another altar, whereon full-grown animals were sacrificed, the golden altar being for sucklings only. The Chaldeans also told him that there was, in the precincts of the building, a statue 12 cubits high, and of solid gold. Darius Hystaspis desired to take possession of this valuable object, but did not venture. His son Xerxes, however, was not so considerate of the feelings of the people and the priesthood, for he also killed the priest when he forbade him to meddle with it.
    12. The Builders of the Tower
    The Bible record does not state who the people were who journeyed in the East and built the city and the Tower. The indefinite “they” might be taken to mean whatever people were there at the time the record was written, and probably presupposes that the reader would certainly know. As the Tower of Babel bears, in the native inscriptions, a Sumero-Akkadian name, it may be supposed that the builders referred to belonged to that race.
    13. Traditions Concerning Its Destruction
    It is noteworthy that nothing is said in Gen concerning the stoppage of the erection, though they ceased to build the city. Bochart records a Jewish tradition which makes the tower to have been split through to its foundation by fire which fell from heaven – suggested probably by the condition of the tower at “the second Babylon,” i.e. the Birs Nimroud. Another tradition, recorded by Eusebius (Prep. Evang., ix; Chronicon, 13; Syncel. Chron., 44) makes it to have been blown down by the winds; “but when it approached the heavens, the winds assisted the gods, and overturned the work upon its contrivers: and the gods introduced a diversity of tongues among men, who, until that time, had all spoken the same language.”
    14. The Meaning of “Babel”
    The place where they built the Tower was called Babylon, on account of the confusion of languages. Here we have again the statement as in Gen that the meaning of Babel is “confusion.” This, as is well known, is based upon the purely Hebrew etymological law, which makes bālal, “to confuse,” or “mingle,” assume a reduplicate form; but as far as the cuneiform inscriptions, which are now very numerous, give us information, Babel, from balālu, “to mingle” (the root in question), was an impossibility. But on the Babylonian side, that the rendering of the name as Bâb-ı̂li (-ı̂lāni), “gate of god” (“of the gods”) was a folk-etymology, is undoubted, notwithstanding that the Sumero-Akkadian form Ka-dingira, with the same meaning, is far from rare. It is noteworthy, however, that one of the forms used by Nebuchadrezzar is Babilam, with the mimmation or “emming,” which is a characteristic of the Babylonian language; moreover, a place-name Babalam also occurs, which may be a still earlier, and perhaps the original, form. Notwithstanding that one would like to see in Babalam, “the place of bringing together,” and in Babilam, “the bringer together,” the termination -am would seem to be an insurmountable difficulty.

    Dating of the Tower.
    The tower was probably constructed at the time of *Hammurapi , but was damaged or destroyed several times and repaired by Esarhaddon (seventh century B.C.E.) and Nebuchadnezzar II (sixth century B.C.E.), among others.

    The Tower of Babel has been associated with known structures according to some modern scholars, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to the Mesopotamian god Marduk by Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia (c. 610 BC). It was famously rebuilt by the 6th-century BC Neo-Babylonian dynasty rulers Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar II. The Tower of Babel Stele (as it is known) dates from 604–562 BC, the time of Nebuchadnezzar II.

    Possible Causes for Destruction: Nibiru, earthquakes, and lightning.
    Second, the ancient legends also indicate something catastrophic. There seems to be a recurring theme which involves an electric shock as well as extraordinarily fierce winds.
    Third, when we look at the time — when atomic time is corrected to orbital time — and the related geology is examined, we also find evidence of a massive catastrophe.
    There is a 300 mile-wide crater in Antarctica which dates from this time.
    As a result of this impact, a shock wave traveled through the earth itself, initiating a rapidly rising mantle plume on the other side of the world. A mantle plume is a plume of molten rock, or lava, which begins forcing its way to the surface. Each of the continents has a ‘core’ section, called a craton or shield area, under which is a partially solidified plume. A good illustration of this is little Iceland:
    What happened as a result of the impact, however, was much more enormous. It resulted in the outpouring of something called the “Siberian Traps.” The Siberian Traps are a series of outpourings of basalt from the interior of the earth — about THREE MILLION CUBIC MILES of the stuff — which came up in layers, forming a series of steps. The word ‘traps’ means ‘steps.’ The map below shows the extent of their coverage over land. What you don’t see is that about a third more is covered by the northern waters.
    Geologically, there is other evidence of something very big happening at this time. A massive downwarping, or sinking, of a giant trough across what would become Europe and into eastern North America occurred.
    Today this is a giant coal seam stretching across Europe, with a break at the Atlantic Ocean, and then into North America. The coal is the result of massive amounts of vegetation being washed into the downwarped area with the waters that came rushing in as well as the landslides into the area, which would have buried immense amounts of material as well as resulting in the tree trunks which show they have been torn up by the roots and deposited in such a way as to extend through several series of strata.
    Thus we have evidence of some kind of world-wide catastrophe at the time of Babel. The possible asteroid impact of the size which would create a 300 mile wide crater could certainly have set off volcanoes in various areas and the winds from these could have been quite fierce, but there is something else which might have occurred.
    There was some kind of explosion in the sky, heard for hundreds of miles, and trees many miles away were blown flat. But no evidence of any meteor or asteroid was ever found; and there is no crater. There is a possibility here which may have connection with Babel.
    Tunguska explosion, 1908 in Russia. June 30, 1908. Rosh Chodesh 4. The explosion over the sparsely populated Eastern Siberian Taiga flattened 2,000 km2 (770 sq mi) of forest and caused no known casualties. It is classified as an impact event, even though no impact crater has been found and the meteor is believed to have burst in mid-air at an altitude of 5 to 10 kilometres (3 to 6 miles) rather than hit the surface of the Earth.
    Estimates of the energy of the air burst range from 30 megatons of TNT (130 PJ) to 10 and 15 megatons of TNT (42 and 63 PJ),[7] depending on the exact height of burst estimated when the scaling-laws from the effects of nuclear weapons are employed.[7][8] While more modern supercomputer calculations that include the effect of the object’s momentum estimate that the airburst had an energy range from 3 to 5 megatons of TNT (13 to 21 PJ), and that simply more of this energy was focused downward than would be the case from a nuclear explosion.[8]

    Using the 15 megaton nuclear explosion derived estimate is an energy about 1,000 times greater than that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan; roughly equal to that of the United States’ Castle Bravo ground-based thermonuclear test detonation on March 1, 1954; and about two-fifths that of the Soviet Union’s later Tsar Bomba (the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated).
    It is estimated that the Tunguska explosion knocked down some 80 million trees over an area of 2,150 square kilometres (830 sq mi), and that the shock wave from the blast would have measured 5.0 on the Richter scale. An explosion of this magnitude would be capable of destroying a large metropolitan area, but due to the remoteness of the location, no fatalities were documented. This event has helped to spark discussion of asteroid impact avoidance.
    Asteroid air burst[edit]
    The leading scientific explanation for the explosion is the air burst of an asteroid 6–10 kilometres (4–6 miles) above Earth’s surface.

    Meteoroids enter Earth’s atmosphere from outer space every day, travelling at a speed of at least 11 kilometres per second (6.8 mi/s). The heat generated by compression of air in front of the body (ram pressure) as it travels through the atmosphere is immense and most asteroids burn up or explode before they reach the ground. Since the second half of the 20th century, close monitoring of Earth’s atmosphere has led to the discovery that such asteroid air bursts occur rather frequently. A stony asteroid of about 10 metres (30 ft) in diameter can produce an explosion of around 20 kilotons, similar to that of the Fat Man bomb dropped on Nagasaki, and data released by the U.S. Air Force’s Defense Support Program indicate that such explosions occur high in the upper atmosphere more than once a year. Tunguska-like megaton-range events are much rarer. Eugene Shoemaker estimated that such events occur about once every 300 years.
    Asteroid or comet[edit]
    In 1930, the British astronomer F.J.W. Whipple suggested that the Tunguska body was a small comet. A comet, also referred to as “dirty snowball”, is composed of dust and volatiles, such as water ice and frozen gases, and could have been completely vaporised by the impact with Earth’s atmosphere, leaving no obvious traces. The comet hypothesis was further supported by the glowing skies (or “skyglows” or “bright nights”) observed across Europe for several evenings after the impact, possibly explained by dust and ice that had been dispersed from the comet’s tail across the upper atmosphere.[7] The cometary hypothesis gained a general acceptance amongst Soviet Tunguska investigators by the 1960s.[7]

    In 1978, Slovak astronomer Ľubor Kresák suggested that the body was a fragment of Comet Encke. This is a periodic comet with an extremely short period of 3 years that stays entirely within the orbit of Jupiter. It is also responsible for the Beta Taurids, an annual meteor shower with a maximum activity around June 28–29. The Tunguska event coincided with the peak activity of that shower,[31] and the approximate trajectory of the Tunguska object is consistent with what would be expected from a fragment of Comet Encke.[7] It is now known that bodies of this kind explode at frequent intervals tens to hundreds of kilometres above the ground. Military satellites have been observing these explosions for decades.[32]

    In 1983, astronomer Zdeněk Sekanina (it) published a paper criticising the comet hypothesis. He pointed out that a body composed of cometary material, travelling through the atmosphere along such a shallow trajectory, ought to have disintegrated, whereas the Tunguska body apparently remained intact into the lower atmosphere. Sekanina argued that the evidence pointed to a dense, rocky object, probably of asteroidal origin. This hypothesis was further boosted in 2001, when Farinella, Foschini, et al. released a study calculating the probabilities based on orbital modelling extracted form the atmospheric trajectories of the Tunguska object. They concluded with a probability of 83% that the object moved on an asteroidal path originating from the asteroid belt, rather than on a cometary one (probability of 17%).[1]

    Proponents of the comet hypothesis have suggested that the object was an extinct comet with a stony mantle that allowed it to penetrate the atmosphere.

    The chief difficulty in the asteroid hypothesis is that a stony object should have produced a large crater where it struck the ground, but no such crater has been found. It has been hypothesised that the passage of the asteroid through the atmosphere caused pressures and temperatures to build up to a point where the asteroid abruptly disintegrated in a huge explosion. The destruction would have to have been so complete that no remnants of substantial size survived, and the material scattered into the upper atmosphere during the explosion would have caused the skyglows. Models published in 1993 suggested that the stony body would have been about 60 metres (200 ft) across, with physical properties somewhere between an ordinary chondrite and a carbonaceous chondrite.
    Lake Cheko[edit]
    See also: Lake Cheko
    In June 2007, scientists from the University of Bologna identified a lake in the Tunguska region as a possible impact crater from the event. They do not dispute that the Tunguska body exploded in midair but believe that a ten-metre fragment survived the explosion and struck the ground. Lake Cheko is a small, bowl-shaped lake approximately 8 kilometres north-northwest of the hypocentre.[40] The hypothesis has been disputed by other impact crater specialists.[41] A 1961 investigation had dismissed a modern origin of Lake Cheko, saying that the presence of metres-thick silt deposits at the lake’s bed suggests an age of at least 5,000 years,[24] but more recent research suggests that only a meter or so of the sediment layer on the lake bed is “normal lacustrine sedimentation”, a depth indicating a much younger lake of about 100 years.[42] Acoustic-echo soundings of the lake floor provide support for the hypothesis that the lake was formed by the Tunguska event. The soundings revealed a conical shape for the lake bed, which is consistent with an impact crater.[43] Magnetic readings indicate a possible meter-sized chunk of rock below the lake’s deepest point that may be a fragment of the colliding body.[43] Finally, the lake’s long axis points to the hypocentre of the Tunguska explosion, about 7.0 kilometres (4.3 mi) away.[43] Work is still being done at Lake Cheko to determine its origins.

    The earth is surrounded by something called an ionosphere, or plasma sphere. Its size dwarfs the earth itself.
    Every planet has an ionosphere/plasma sphere enveloping it. Jupiter’s, for instance, ranges from 3-7 million miles across. These ionospheres stretch out behind each planet, away from the sun, like a giant wind sock. Earlier in the history of our solar system, these plasma spheres were more highly charged than today and, if ancient stories are to be believed at all, may well have been in glow mode (we see glow mode with the auroras today). The strength of the glow — it’s brightness — would have depended upon its distance from the sun: the further away, the brighter the ionosphere. The glow may well have been concentrated at the poles of each planet, as well, as implied by the illustration above.
    If a planet were to pass directly between the sun and another planet, so that its tail came in contact with the plasma sphere of the other planet, an electric discharge may well have happened. This would have been devastating in at least a local area, much like the Tunguska explosion. Was Tunguska the result of a late (in the history of our earth) electric discharge? Venus was between the sun and us at that time and Venus was at a very close approach to the earth.
    Electric shocks change language centers. We know that. Is it possible that Babel involved something like this? We can see the wind’s effect at Tunguska. Stories from other places talk about a wind that blew the Tower of Babel either apart or over. Since it was a massive ziggurat, that must have been a wind far out of the normal.

    If there was a discharge, is that what caused the crater in Antarctica?

    If it was a meteor strike, we know electric discharges can accompany them.
    There is growing evidence of electrical ‘machining’ which created many of the features on other planets as well as on earth. Electric discharges can leave remarkable evidence in the surfaces they hit. It’s something to think about where Babel is concerned.
    15. The Ultimate Destruction of the Tower
    That the building of the city would have been stopped when the confusion of tongues took place is natural – the departure of the greater part of the inhabitants made this inevitable. When the population increased again, the building of the city was continued, with the result that Babylon ultimately became the greatest city of then known world. The Tower, notwithstanding what had been said as to its destruction, remained, and when, as happened from time to time, its condition became ruinous, some energetic Babylonian king would restore it. Alexander and Philip of Macedon began clearing away the rubbish to rebuild the great temple of bclus (Bel-Merodach) connected with it and there is hardly any doubt that the Tower would have been restored likewise, but the untimely death of the former, and the deficient mental caliber of the latter for the ruling of a great empire, put an end to the work. The Tower therefore remained unrepaired – “The tower was exceedingly tall. The third part of it sank down into the ground, a second third was burned down, and the remaining third was standing until the time of the destruction of Babylon” (Rabbi Yēḥānān, Ṣanhedhrı̄n, 109, 1).
    Alexander the Great ordered it demolished circa 331 BCE in preparation for a reconstruction that his death forestalled.
    In the Midrash, it said that the top of the tower was burnt, the bottom was swallowed, and the middle was left standing to erode over time. The structure was maybe built over sand.
    16. No Idea of Reaching Heaven
    Concerning the reputed intention of the builders of the Tower, to carry it as high as the heavens, that, notwithstanding the Talmud and other writings, may be dismissed at once. The intention was to build a very high tower, and that is all that is implied by the words employed. That the Babylonians would have liked their tower to reach heaven may be conceded, and the idea may be taken as symbolical of Babylon’s pride, the more especially as they regarded it as “the house of the foundation of heaven and earth.” Though at present brought lower than the other temple-towers of Babylonia, its renown remains as one of the great glories of that renowned capital. Dedicated as it was to the gods whom they worshipped, and chiefly to the glory of Merodach, the representative of Babylonian monotheism, the Babylonians’ descendants, the native Christians, have no reason to remember this erection of their forefathers with shame, but rather with pride. The rallyingpoint of nations, Babylon, while it existed, was always a great commercial center, and many are the languages which have resounded in the Tower’s vicinity. The confusion of tongues led to the Jewish fiction that the air of Babylon and Borsippa caused forgetfulness, and was therefore injurious to students of the Law, causing them to forget it as the builders of the Tower had of old forgotten their speech (Rashi, Ṣanhedhrı̄n, 109, 1). This, however, did not prevent the rabbis of Babylon from being more celebrated than those of the Holy Land, and even of Jerusalem itself. See also ASTRONOMY.
    Babel, Tower of

    (See BABEL; BABYLON.) Bochart (Phaleg, 1:9) records the Jews’ tradition that fire from heaven split it through to its foundation. It is curious that the Birs is so rent; hence perhaps arose the Jews’ tradition. Alexander Polyhistor said that the four winds blew it down. The Birs Nimrud was probably its site, and gives an idea of its construction, being the best specimen of a Babylonian temple tower. It is an oblong pyramid, in seven receding and successively lessening stages. Lowest is a platform of crude brick, three feet high. The angles face the cardinal points, N.S.E.W. This implies that the temple towers were used as astronomical observatories; which Diodorus expressly states of the temple of Belus. In the third were found two terra cotta cylinders, now in the British Museum, stating that having fallen into decay since it was erected it was repaired by Nebuchadnezzar.
    The great pyramid was much higher, being 480 ft. The temple at Warka is of ruder style than the tower of Babel (Genesis 11). The bricks are sun-dried, and of different sizes and shapes. The cement is mud; whereas in the tower of Babel they” burnt them thoroughly,” and had bitumen (“slime”) “for mortar.” The Mugheir temple is exactly such in materials. The writing found in it is assigned to 2300 B.C. The tower of Babel was probably synchronous with Peleg (Gen_10:25) when the earth was divided, somewhat earlier than 2300 B.C. The phrase “whose top (may reach) unto heaven” is a figure for great height (compare Deu_1:28). Abydenus in Eusebius’ Praep. Evan. 9:14-15, preserves the Babylonian tradition. “Not long after the flood men were so puffed up with their strength and stature that they began to despise the gods, and labored to erect the tower now called Babylon, intending thereby to settle heaven. But when the winds approached the sky, lo, the gods called in the aid of the winds and overturned the tower.
    The ruin is still called Babel, because until this time all men had used the same speech, but now there was sent on them a confusion of diverse tongues.” The Greek myth of the giants’ war with the gods, and attempt to scale heaven by piling one mountain upon another, is another corrupted form of the same truth. The character of the language in the earliest Babylonian monuments, as far back as 2800 B.C., is remarkably mixed: Turanian in structure, Ethiopian (Cushite) mainly in vocabulary, with Semitic and Aryan elements, conformably with the Bible account that Babel was the scene of the confusion of tongues. Turano Cushite themselves, they adopted several terms from the Aryan and Semitic races, of whom some must have remained at Babel after the migration of the majority. This mixed character is not so observable in other early languages.

    Babel, Tower of
    The name given to the tower which the primitive fathers of our race built in the land of Shinar after the Deluge (Gen_11:1-9). Their object in building this tower was probably that it might be seen as a rallying-point in the extensive plain of Shinar, to which they had emigrated from the uplands of Armenia, and so prevent their being scattered abroad. But God interposed and defeated their design by confounding their language, and hence the name Babel, meaning “confusion.” In the Babylonian tablets there is an account of this event, and also of the creation and the deluge. (See CHALDEA.)
    The Temple of Belus, which is supposed to occupy its site, is described by the Greek historian Herodotus as a temple of great extent and magnificence, erected by the Babylonians for their god Belus. The treasures Nebuchadnezzar brought from Jerusalem were laid up in this temple (2Ch_36:7).
    The Birs Nimrud, at ancient Borsippa, about 7 miles south-west of Hillah, the modern town which occupies a part of the site of ancient Babylon, and 6 miles from the Euphrates, is an immense mass of broken and fire-blasted fragments, of about 2,300 feet in circumference, rising suddenly to the height of 235 feet above the desert-plain, and is with probability regarded as the ruins of the tower of Babel. This is “one of the most imposing ruins in the country.” Others think it to be the ruins of the Temple of Belus.
    The southern portion of Babylonia, Lower Mesopotamia, lying chiefly on the right bank of the Euphrates, but commonly used of the whole of the Mesopotamian plain. The Hebrew name is Kasdim, which is usually rendered “Chaldeans” (Jer_50:10; Jer_51:24, Jer_51:35). The country so named is a vast plain formed by the deposits of the Euphrates and the Tigris, extending to about 400 miles along the course of these rivers, and about 100 miles in average breadth. “In former days the vast plains of Babylon were nourished by a complicated system of canals and water-courses, which spread over the surface of the country like a network. The wants of a teeming population were supplied by a rich soil, not less bountiful than that on the banks of the Egyptian Nile. Like islands rising from a golden sea of waving corn stood frequent groves of palmtrees and pleasant gardens, affording to the idler or traveller their grateful and highly-valued shade. Crowds of passengers hurried along the dusty roads to and from the busy city. The land was rich in corn and wine.”
    Recent discoveries, more especially in Babylonia, have thrown much light on the history of the Hebrew patriarchs, and have illustrated or confirmed the Biblical narrative in many points. The ancestor of the Hebrew people, Abram, was, we are told, born at “Ur of the Chaldees.” “Chaldees” is a mistranslation of the Hebrew Kasdim, Kasdim being the Old Testament name of the Babylonians, while the Chaldees were a tribe who lived on the shores of the Persian Gulf, and did not become a part of the Babylonian population till the time of Hezekiah. Ur was one of the oldest and most famous of the Babylonian cities. Its site is now called Mugheir, or Mugayyar, on the western bank of the Euphrates, in Southern Babylonia. About a century before the birth of Abram it was ruled by a powerful dynasty of kings. Their conquests extended to Elam on the one side, and to the Lebanon on the other. They were followed by a dynasty of princes whose capital was Babylon, and who seem to have been of South Arabian origin. The founder of the dynasty was Sumu-abi (“Shem is my father”). But soon afterwards Babylonia fell under Elamite dominion. The kings of Babylon were compelled to acknowledge the supremacy of Elam, and a rival kingdom to that of Babylon, and governed by Elamites, sprang up at Larsa, not far from Ur, but on the opposite bank of the river. In the time of Abram the king of Larsa was Eri-Aku, the son of an Elamite prince, and Eri-Aku, as has long been recognized, is the Biblical “Arioch king of Ellasar” (Gen_14:1). The contemporaneous king of Babylon in the north, in the country termed Shinar in Scripture, was Khammu-rabi. (See BABYLON; ABRAHAM; AMRAPHEL.)

    Shinar, The Land of
    LXX. and Vulgate “Senaar;” in the inscriptions, “Shumir;” probably identical with Babylonia or Southern Mesopotamia, extending almost to the Persian Gulf. Here the tower of Babel was built (Gen_11:1-6), and the city of Babylon. The name occurs later in Jewish history (Isa_11:11; Zec_5:11). Shinar was apparently first peopled by Turanian tribes, who tilled the land and made bricks and built cities. Then tribes of Semites invaded the land and settled in it, and became its rulers. This was followed in course of time by an Elamite invasion; from which the land was finally delivered by Khammurabi, the son of Amarpel (“Amraphel, king of Shinar,” Gen_14:1), who became the founder of the new empire of Chaldea. (See AMRAPHEL.)
    Zec 5:11 And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.

    Sun (light, heat, )
    Shemesh, the Šamas of the Babylonians, is a primitive word, probably with the root meaning of “ministrant.” This is the word most frequently used for the sun, and we find it used topographically as, for instance, in Beth-shemesh, “the house of the sun.” Four places of this name are mentioned in the Old Testament: one in Judah, a Levitical city, to which the two milch kine bearing the ark took their straight way from the country of the Philistines; one on the border of Issachar; one in Naphtali, a fenced city; and one in Egypt, supposed to be the same as Heliopolis or On, the city of Asenath, wife of Joseph.

    Moon: The threat made against Pharaoh is “I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give its light” (Eze_32:7); and in the day of the Lord denounced against Babylon, “The sun shall be darkened in its going forth, and the moon shall not cause its light to shine” (Isa_13:10).

    The word Keṣı̄l as denominating a constellation occurs in the singular number in three passages, and in each it is placed in antithesis to Kı̄māh. In a fourth passage (Isa_13:10) it occurs by itself and is in the plural. There is no doubt as to the significance of the word in its common use. In 70 cases it is translated either “fool” or “foolish.” It does not signify a weak-minded person, so much as a violent, impious, self-confident one. As a star name, it is probably rightly considered to refer to the glorious constellation of Orion. According to an old tradition, the name of Nimrod, mentioned in Gen_10:10, as the founder of Babel, Erech, Accad and Calneh, was given by his courtiers to this most brilliant of all the constellations, one that by its form somewhat suggests a gigantic warrior armed for the fight. Until recently it was not found possible to identify the Nimrod of Scripture with any Babylonian monarch until Dr. T. G. Pinches suggested that “Nimrod” was a deliberate Hebrew transmutation of “Marduk,” the name of the great Babylonian national hero, and chief deity of their pantheon. “The change was brought about by making the root triliteral, and the ending uk (ak) in Merodach-Baladan disappearing first, Marduk appeared as Marad. This was connected with the root māradh, ‘to be rebellious,’ and the word was still further mutilated, or rather deformed, by having a ni attached, assimilating it to a certain extent to the niph‛al forms of the Hebrew verbs, and making a change altogether in conformity with the genius of the Hebrew language” (The Old Testament in the Light of the Historical Records of Assyria and Babylonia, 129-30). In the very brief reference to Nimrod in Gen_10:8, Gen_10:9, he is three times overemphatically termed gibbōr, “a mighty (one)” and this has been the name of this constellation among Syrians, Arabs and Jews for many centuries. Indeed the brightest star of the constellation, the one in the left knee, now generally known as Rigel, is still occasionally called Algebar, a corruption of Al Jabbar, though now one of the fainter stars near it more generally bears that name. The word Keṣı̄l as applied to this constellation would parallel closely the etymology suggested for the name “Merodach,” by its transformation into “Nimrod” as if it were derived from māradh, “to rebel.” He who was to the Babylonians a deified hero, was to the Hebrews a rebel Titan, bound in chains among the stars that all might behold his punishment, and in this aspect the question, “Canst thou … loose the bands of Orion?” (Job_38:31) would be equivalent to asking “Canst thou bring down out of their places the stars that make up this figure and so, as it were, set the Titan free?”


    • I do not see any scriptural evidence that nibiru disrupted the tower of babel

      psalm 18 could be figurative and have nothing to do with Babel…david does not mention the tower

  86. Setterfield does see something that affected it. I am just starting the article. Then there was nothing preset to cause the flood. It was a miracle of God. The Tower of Babel was a miracle of God, Exodus was a miracle of God,

    Noah’s Great Flood 2349 (Passover/Tabernacles); Tower of Babel; Lot’s Sodom and Gamorah 2016 (Pentecost); 2349-2016 = 333;
    Joseph of Egypt 1793 (2016-1793=223 years); Exodus 1518 (275)(Passover); Joshua’s long day 1471 (47)(322); Job’s Trouble 1335 (136,183); Ruth Drought 1335; David and King Saul 1045 (290); Jonah & Ninevah 687 (358); Hezekiah Sundial 687; 185,000 Killed Assyrians 687; Haggai Second Temple 335 (352);

    Yeshua’s Sacrifice 28 AD (Passover) 284 year apart; Constantines Cross in the Sky (312 CE) 395 years apart; Myans and Aztec Drought 707 AD (347 years apart); Chinese Guest Star 1054 AD (324 years apart to); Paintings 1378 +319 to Painting 1697; 319 to 2015/2017

    This planet was a miracle of God. The dinosaurs were a miracle of God. You and I are a miracle of God. Jesus really did not come the first time and the Bible lies. Isaiah 24, Habakkuk 3, Malachi 4 are all miracles of God. Every asteroid that hits the planet is a miracle of God. Every event that happens on a Sabbth day is a miracle of God.

    Everything around you is a miracle of God. David killing Goliath was a miracle of God.
    All of these were a miracle of God.

    So now we are back to square one and none of the things fit a pattern. So you Marianne, just wipe out everything you believe about Nibiru because it is all a big lie including this being the year of Jubilee.

    So none of the end times events will happen unless they are a miracle of God, including the new world system, one world religion, one world government because it will just be a miracle of God. All of astronomy events is a miracle of God and does not need any scientific or geological explanations because it is all a miracle of God.

    • Normal astronomical events and the works of mankind are not miracles.
      Meteors are common events, not miracles. World governments and their actions including wars are not miracles. Although I agree it would take a miracle for mankind to create a One-World Government.
      But all the things you say Nibiru would do – pole shifts, the earth slowing its rotation, etc simply would not happen if a planet passed by the earth.
      You are gathering together dozens of world events that you thing the bible says will happen and you’re lumping them all together and using Nibiru to make them happen. You would be more correct if you attributed all the events to global warming.
      Are you going to claim that the 7 last plagues will be caused by Nibiru? Some sort of gravity plague? Clearly certain end-time events are natural, some are man-made and others are acts of God. This is a simple fact and it is true regardless if Nibiru is real or not.
      I’m sorry you’ve put so many eggs into a Nibiru basket that won’t hold water.
      Nibiru is just as fake now as it was 20 years ago. 500 predictions have proven wrong so far. Do you really think the next on will be any different? Isn’t that the definition of insanity?
      And every day that goes by without Nibiru being spottted in the night sky means another little hole in that basket. Do you think a huge planet like Nibiru can sneak up on the earth completely unnoticed until the last minute? Do you know anything at all about astronomy?
      Oh wait, Nibiru will be a miracle of God, so maybe God is hiding it until He is ready to use it for His godly purposes.
      So we’ll just wait and see.

  87. I am just using your words Jim that you say the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments will all be miracles of God so I applied that to everything in the past so you get the credit on this truth.

  88. Jim, here is one of our you tube idiots that I highly recommend you to watch.

    You tell me if this is truth or a lie. Also I want you to tell me the difference from your expertice in geology the difference between white sulfur and yellow sulfur. I also want you to tell me about 6000 deg F and what would cause such heat.

    I would say it is just one of your Miracles of God (your words).

    • I’ve been following the discoveries of Ron Wyatt for many years. He also discovered Noah’s Ark, the Red Sea crossing, Mt. Sinai and the rock that Moses split to form a spring and the ark of the covenant. All of these are related to miracles of God. None of them had anything to do with Nibiru.
      I can say without a doubt the sulpher balls that were dropped on Sodom did not come from a nearby volcano or any other earthly source. Nor from a volcano on Nibiru.
      Sorry but you can’t blame Nibiru for every one of God’s miracles.

  89. So John, how are you feeling about that comet that is supposed to hit off the coast of Argentina next week? With all those FEMA coffins being shipped to California they must know something is about to happen, right? The fact that it is nowhere to be seen in the night sky shouldn’t dismay you. Its probably one of those dark comets – covered in soot and such.
    And what about that asteroid that is supposed to hit near Puerto Rico about the same time? You mentioned that back in March. Are we still on for that one? That one will likely wipe out the east coast, including Marianne. I’m sure she’s shaking in her boots about now. Should I tell my daughter in Florida to take a vacation and flee to high ground? Maybe the Great Smoky Mountains?
    Or do you finally admit you are following a bunch of idiots on YouTube who don’t know what they’re talking about?
    Prophets or idiots, which will it be?

    • jim

      I have no comment on timing.

      but the us gov shipped coffins to puerto rico last year and jade helm has prepared for something…..and they are not leaving until it is over.

      I am not shaking in my boots. I have nothing to fear, except god, if I turn against him.

      personally, I will be glad to “go.” this world is full of sin and there is no place for me in it.

      when god’s judgment hits the USA, there really is nowhere to go or hide.

      we are either ready spiritually, or we aren’t.

  90. John, unlike yourself, is a timing junkie. For him its all about timing. Jewish Feast days, Shmitah years, Jubilee years etc. He can’t just say something will happen at any old date.
    Jade Helm is virtually over and so far there are no reports of any hanky-panky from the government. The coffins are in case another Katrina hits Puerto Rico someday. The lack of body bags in New Orleans in 2005 has led to these precautions.
    As for the timing question, if you are trying to take a realistic, scientific approach to the various projected events, if the so-called researcher knows the facts on an object, and he presents technical information like orbital diagrams etc., then you should expect that the object will show up when he says it will. If it does not, then clearly it was all just a hoax. The object never really existed in the first place.
    This very article is a case in point. According to the author, Nibiru should have been here in 2012. Three years later and still nothing. And there are / were hundreds of other Nibiru YouTube videos that also were hoaxes. The only difference is the dates are constantly being moved forward.
    So there are two types of Nibiru watchers. Those who continue to believe it is real and just figures it is a matter of timing, and those who know a hoax when they see one and refuse to be fooled over and over again for years on end.
    We either learn from history or we are forced to repeat it. Believing in everything and just waiting for it all to happen is not the way to the truth in prophecy, Gathering information from liars and other types of false prophets is never a good idea.
    Timing is no excuse for failure.

    • jim

      jade helm is not over. it is just set up. it has not started yet

      i agree with you that setting dates is a bad idea.

      god is in control, and has his hand on everything.

      we cannot calculate when he is going to do anything.

      but the bible did predict certain events, and I think we should keep our eyes open, not closed

      • The Jade Helm exercises end tomorrow. To date there has not been a single story about anything out of the ordinary in regards to the exercises. These exercises have been conducted before with the same internet rumor and with absolutely noting bad happening. Once again the rumors are back and once again nothing will happen.
        You can shout till you’re blue in the face that Jade Helm is setting up FEMA death camps and there are thousands of guillotines ready to cut our heads off, but you will never see anything happen.
        It will play out just like Nibiru, the New World Order and Obama becoming the Antichrist… You will continue to claim it is real and it is all coming soon, but you won’t be sure on the timing. 10 years from now you will still be saying the government is getting ready to round up civilians after Jade Helm 25. And Nibiru will still be between the earth and the sun and visible whenever you aim your cheap lens into the sunset.
        But tell me, if JH15 comes to nothing, what biblical event will fail to happen? You seem to need it to be something more than it is, but why? Is it tied to prophecy or are you so anti-american that you believe the government is simply out to kill Americans for some nefarious reason? If the government really wanted to kill off Americans they would have done so years ago. There are no training exercises needed to prepare our military to kill innocent citizens. They get enough practice in boot camp. Certainly they can’t do it in secret – it will be all over twitter within minutes of it all starting. So the whole JH15 premise is silly. Pure Conspiracy Theory. And part of the theory is that JH15 is prep for a meteor or comet strike in late September. So we’re back to that old chestnut. And a September time frame.
        So is that what you think JH15 is about?

        • JH 15 is a military operation, not an exercise.

          again, set up is complete by sept 15….this does not mean it is over.

          they just dedicated 6-7 walmart ad gutted them… is not opening back up on sept 16th

          FEMA camps and gullotines are already set up so JH does not need to do that.

          this is the NWO, not america…i am pro america

          why is this going on?

          they anticipate an “emergency” and they are not going anywhere until they deal with it

          this is past boot camp.

  91. John,
    I know you are into the doomsday events for this month like the Puerto Rico asteroid and the Venezuela comet strike, so I thought of you when Marianne sent me this article:
    So it looks like there’s a big event on the heels of the last blood moon eclipse. That can’t be a coincidence, can it? Get your analytical mind on this and get back to us asap.
    Cause so far its been a pretty slow month…

  92. Well, no comments from John.
    He must be depressed. Big September is over and absolutely nothing he mentioned would happen has turned out.
    No meteor strikes.
    No comet strike.
    No closing of all walMart Stores in the US
    No grocery store closures.
    No New World Order.
    No One world Currency
    No One-World religion.
    No US dollar collapse.
    No ISIS invasion.
    Did I miss anything?
    To sum things up:
    We are no closer to bible prophecy fulfilment than we were 5 years ago according to his interpretation.
    The chance for a 2017 Second Coming is gone. Back to the drawing board.
    All I can say is, so far it pays to be a scoffer.

    • this will happen, according to bible, when but is the issue

      • Actually, it is all part of a false interpretation of bible prophecy.
        Other than a future meteor strike at the sixth seal, everything else is false prophecy. Popular, but false.
        But I was only referring to John’s time line which he has been pushing for a year now. We haven’t heard from him in a while, maybe he was in his bunker.
        I guess now he is back behind his drawing board coming up with a new theory. Maybe we’ll hear from him one of these days. 🙂

    • Sorry Jim, I was kinda late on reporting back to you.
      The month of September was kinda buzy so I had to take a short break.
      Before Dr. Denis Otero kicked me out of his church 3 days after the month of Tishrei began, he told me this: Nothing is going to happen.

      This has happened since the beginning of the month.

      1) Double Solar Eclipse on the Day of Trumpet connected to an event in Israel.. (Aviv Moon prophesies/Endtimes Forum)

      2) On the Day of Atonement, Obama made a pact agreement with Satan and became the Antichrit. Seal 1: Conquering political and or religious force begins to take over the world. (Revelation 6:1,2) 2009 Obama is sitting down in a group meeting and there is a bow and crown present in the picture. To the Islamics, he was showing himself to be their Mahdi in 2015. (Renee M Could it be the Islamics in Islam countries be the political and religious force?

      3) WWIII broke out in the Middle East with Russia as the head. Seal 2: World War III begins. (Rev 6: 3,4) ISIS, Middle East, 2015
      Joel 2 31 prophecy Abib 1/Passover Solar eclipse in March/April 2015 means judgement for the globe and lunar eclipse means judgement for Israel. Also Solar /Luner eclipse in September.

      4) Red Blood Moon over Israel and now there is Islamic War aginst Israel so it could be either Psalm 83 War (which I suspect) or the coming into of the Ezekiel 38-39 War with Nuclear Weapons (Zech 14:20. Time will tell so keep you eyes glued to events in Israel.

      5) Popes visit to usher in the One World Order and one world religion (Agenda 21 on Steroids). I have all the documents on this. They called this Agenda 2030 but it is now called Agenda Now.

      6) Ten global Economic coutries stocks are collapsing which I believe is Seal 3 and the end of this is one World currency on October 20th at the end of the 7th and 49th Shemitah cycle. Seal 3: World wide economic collapse, famine. (Rev 6:5,6) September 24, 2015 Year of the Shemitah; One world currency, Oct 20th, 2015. Fed’s are planning for a set date for this to happen. Be ready with 3 year supply of food and water.

      7) Imam’s in American are telling Islamics to kill Americans wherever they see them. Seal 5: Worldwide persecution of Jews and Christians. (Rev 6: 9-11) 2015/2016, ISIS killings coming to America. Luke 9:9. An article titled said Genocide has already begun in America.

      Things to look forward to before the end of December 31st.
      1) October to December (more likely December) USA Martial Law 3 in full effect.

      2) Russia and Chinese going with Nuclear War against America (Nineveh)
      Saudi Arabia (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) Late 2015, 2016. Some call this ” fire” in dreams. Some teach that America is Babylon the Great. I think this article will convince you that it may be Saudi Arabia.

      Jim, the reason September did not go according to plan is found at Aviv Moon End Times Forum and it was posted there by me by the way of two Jewish brothers on the same day when I posted the article on the Double Solar Eclipse on the Day of Trumpet.

      Also, a friend assigned me an assignment and you can find the results here:
      But Jim, I know you do not like to read anything over 2 pages and you would be bored with the topic so it is only for those who like to think outside the box on the topic of Nibiru ooops wrong name El Shaddai or is tt the Destroyer.

  93. So basically it’s all bullshit. No NIbiru, no tidal waves, no polar shift…


    Like I said, it’s all bullshit.

    • tailored

      I did not say it was to happen this year.

      some people think that.

      only god knows what is going on in space

      the bible predicts certain events, but does not give a specific time.

      but we do know that they will occur during the wrath of God.

    • Believe me, everything about Nibiru is total bull. It is all a fairy tale. There won’t be a pole shift either.
      Now, there will be a tidal wave and a meteor strike – those are the second and third trumps of the 7th seal. They may be natural or they may be acts of God. Or both. (God can create a “natural” event). But if God needs to create a meteor strike, he doesn’t need to bring in an entire brown dwarf solar system with several planets, including Nibiru with 7 moons in order to toss a rock onto the earth. He will probably bring a rock in from nowhere to make it a complete surprise.
      If Nibiru were real it would be something to look into, which is why Marianne spends so much time on it. But she is incapable from separating truth from lies when it comes to astronomy, so she tends to believe the videos including the one this article is based on, which predicted Nibiru would pass by in 2012. And here we are still talking about it.
      So don’t be fooled by slick videos. If something really dangerous were out there it would be all over the nightly news and not just on a bunch of YouTube videos. Plus, by the time these 2 events happen, the world will be in the middle of WW3 and its aftermath so maybe a meteor and tidal wave will be the least of our problems at that time.
      Its really nothing we need to worry about right now.

      • Isaiah 24
        Timeframe for Nibiru Passover 2016 by more than 3 accounts. Entrance from Oort Cloud will be through Sagittarius by 2 Accounts.

        Chapters 24-27 speak of the whole earth as the object of Elohim’s punishment (v. 4), on all classes of people (v. 2), and will remove all pleasures (v. 7-13). Only a small remnant will survive (vv. 6-13).
        Isa 28: 17-23
        This series of cataclysmic, geophysical events, as stated in the Bible, will be brought about by a naturally occurring cosmic force in our solar system:
        1) a planet/heavenly body will have a near pass by.
        2) it will be visible to all.
        3) it will be a “fiery” in appearance, a blue orb, “blue star” by some.
        4) it will terrify not only all of Mankind, but especially the ruling elite of the world.
        5) this heavenly body is a preordained “kill switch” brought into existence at Creation.
        According to the Hebrew prophets the timing of this event is:
        1)after a final series of “blood moons” on key Hebrew dates (moedims).
        2)after a Shemitah year, the final Shemitah, in a well-established cycle of three Shemitah witnesses.
        3)at the end of the Hebrew “Shebua”, 70 cycles of 49 years initiating at the entering of the Promised land (7x7x70).
        4)in the midst of a Jubilee year–a Hebrew “Yobel” year.
        5)shortly after the completion of 70 years of the House of Judah (the Jews) returning corporately to the land of Israel (1945-48)+70 years=2015-2018.
        6)at a time when there is a behind the scenes religious outbreak of gentiles seeking Hebrew Laws and ways (Messianic Jews and Messianics).
        Pole shift, Sinkholes, earth booms (moaning), fire balls in the sky, greatest earthquakes as never happened before, water turning blood red in the Seas Rivers and lakes, fish, birds and animals die suddenly by large numbers, all these events linked together with the end time can be found explained in Isaiah chapter 24.
        Scriptural Verification
        If this sounds like the raging fanaticism of a wild eyed “conspiracy nut” to some of our readers, then perhaps they should read Psalm 46:2-3, 83:13-15, Isaiah 2:10-22, 14:1-13, 24:1-6, 24:17-20, 40:4, Ezekiel 38:19-20, Micah 1:3-4, Nahum 1:5, Haggai 2:6-7, 2:21-23, Hebrews 12:25-28, Revelation 6:12-17, 11:13, 16:17- 21, and many other similar Scriptures throughout God’s Word.

  94. Being 2015, shouldn’t you take this down now?

    • james

      you are right.

      this post was originally based on a pdf sent to me claiming that elenin was nibiru

      elenin came and went but was NOT nibiru

      nibiru is somewhere in the future. it is known as wormwood in the bible.

      And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. Rev 8:11

      or nibiru is “something else” that may be associated with causing the 6th seal events

      But it is good to learn from mistakes, so I just leave it up here.

      I will however, add a note at the top to indicate that this was in error.

      thank you for mentioning this.

  95. Orbit for Nibiru according to Job:
    The whole orbit appears thus: Aquila, Ursa Major, Cancer, Canis Major, Orion, Taurus and Aries, then back in the direction of Sagittarius.
    We begin our story with an unknown date beginning by Nasa of 1982 for the visit of Nibiru for its final time for humanity in the year of the Lord of 2016 which is 6002 years from creation in the final Jubilee of the 50th Jubilee, the 70th Jubilee, and the 120th Jubilee.

    • So tell me, what constellation can I find Nibiru in right now? I have a nice telescope so I should be able to find it since it is easy to tell the difference between a star and a planet.
      And where did you read those constellations in Job? You didn’t… you made them up. In fact, if you were right Nibiru would have to make all sorts of turns in its orbit – like a spaceship. Maybe it can fly wherever it wants – after all it does have wings. Of course wings can’t work in a vacuum. Oh well.
      Someone has fooled you with a cool sounding story, but they are lying, just like everyone else you listen to.
      By the way, why don’t you check with NASA today and see what they have to say about Nibiru nowadays.
      I bet you will be moving the arrival date to Pentecost, then Trumpets then who knows when.
      Just wait and see.

      • Do you have an infra-red telescope pointed to the area of Tarus. Last I read that it may also be in Virgo. This was a Beforeitsnews headline which I did not read the body thereof and that was the week of October 8th.
        Also, you might want to find the shape of a cross with 7-8 planets making an X or a cross.

        I came across the list from some planet x site.
        And yes most came from Job according to some man name beginning with a Z, I think. Something to do with Stitch en time saves nine.

        Remember Jim, since 1982 75 Astronomers died so NASA could keep it a secret.

        I did the article to see what the story of the constellations told using Bullinger Witness in the Stars.

        A was going to do the path of a comet back in 2014 because it began in Libra and went left to right through all the constellations and did a Shepherds hook in Virgo and ended back in Leo but I never got around to doing that article.

        Here is an example of my comet stories.
        The Destroyer arrives in Aquila (The Eagle) in 1982 Christ is wounded in the tail/heel and flying downwards. Jn 1:14, 3:13, 31, 6:38; Heb 10:5 but we see blood on the horizon and you are lifted up on Eagles wings. Ursa Major is Adam. The fold and the flock. “In Adam all die”. Gen 2:17; Rom 5:14; 1 Cor 15:22a. “But in Mount Zion there shall be those that escape, And it shall be holy: And the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” Obadiah 17-19; see also Ezek 34:12-16; Jer 31:31-36. Cancer – the crab – eternal security, “in Adam all die, even so by agency of Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor 15:22) Jn 10:28; Rom 8:38-39. Canis Major– The King of the North; the Prince of Peace and Redeemer is coming. Isa 59:19-redeemer shall come to Zion; Isa 49:24. Psa 22:20; Dan 11:40. Orion–Mighty Warrior. Conqueror Psa. 110:1; Rev. 19:11-16.
        Tarus– The Bull Ezek 1:10; Rev. 1:7, 4:7; Heb 10:13-14; Leviticus 4:1-21 Messiah, the Coming Judge of All the Earth The Judge (Taurus) John 5:22; Bull Resurrection. Isa 34:2;26:21; Jud 14-rushing to judge; gore enemies. Messiah coming to rule in the person of the redeemer whose wrath is breaking forth on His enemies, while He shepherd’s his Redeemed in safety. The invincible Ruler come, the sublime Vanquisher, the River of Judgement, the all-ruling Shepherd.
        The Head (Aries) Lamb entered on dominion. The Bride released and making ready and Satan is bound (Rev 19).
        In Sagittarius, He is both triumphant and victorious. Though He appears in the form of a Centaur, we are reminded that our Savior will return some day, riding upon a flying white horse. The Bowman: the figure of a horse with the body, arms, and head of a man‑a centaur‑with a drawn bow and arrow pointed at the Scorpion. The double‑natured; One triumphing as a Warrior; He gladdens the heavens; He builds the fires of punishment; He casts down the Dragon. Ps 45:3-5-people fall under thee; Ps 64: God shoots arrow.

        Comet Ison reads like a book. 2013. Chanukkah.
        The seed of the woman, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who shall punish the enemy, will redeem His atoning work through conflict with the enemy who assaults mans heel. His mightiness will reign victorious as He bruises His heel casting down the dragon and trodding him under His foot and then rededicating the temple of God.

  96. Jim, you are right. Jesus is coming in 2031. A person e-mailed me and by his timeline chart, we are in the year 2030. So we both agree that He is coming next year.

  97. Why.

    You know but why

  98. utter nonsense, grow up and get a real job.


    • The dark sun is several times (5 to 8 times) larger than Earth and about a hundred times denser is heading our way on a trajectory that will soon take it close enough to cause global catastrophes which include:
      1) increasing extreme behavior of the sun (Isa 30:26).
      2) increased warming of the earth core and surface. 2016, 2017 ALL THE PLANETS ARE WARMING UP TOO, NOT JUST EARTH – SO IT CAN’T BE CAR EXHAST OR SMOKE STACKS–Gill Broussard talk.
      3) coronal mass ejections (CME) of the sun, blasting harmful X-rays and UV radiation in deadly doses onto the earth.
      4) failure of the power grid and the entire infrastructure that relays on electricity through a interstellar electromagnetic pulse (CME), may be caused by North Korea as well.
      5) terminal failure of all electrical equipment which is not shielded properly.
      6) the collapse of the earth’s magnetic field which is now shielding us from cosmic and solar radiation. As a result all organisms and exposed plants without proper protection will experience.
      7) extreme heat and scorching from the sun (Rev 16:8; 2 Pet 3:10).
      8) severe or deadly UVA, UVB, and gamma (X) radiation. Boils on the body (Rev 16:1,2)
      9) overexposure to cosmic rays. Boils on the body (Rev 16:1,2)
      10) dramatic increase in meteoric/asteroid impacts on the planet (stars falling from the sky; Rev 6:12-17).
      11) severe and abrupt violent climate changes.
      12) wild swings in temperature.
      13) torrential rains.
      14) huge snowfalls.
      15) record hail storms; hailstones (Ps 18:12-13; Isa 28:2, 17; Ezek 13:13; 38:22; Isa 30:30; Isa 32:19; Hag 2:7; Rev 8:7; 11:19; 16:21). Joshua 10:11-13 stones from heaven
      16) increased seismic activity in number and in strength.
      17) more great and catastrophic earthquakes (Isa 2:19. 21=Rev 6:12-17; Isa 22:5,9; Isa 5:25; 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Rev 16:18=Isa 2:10-22).
      18) widespread volcanic eruptions that will also darken the skies (Ezek 38:22).
      19) mass animal deaths (Zeph 1:3; Jer 12:40; Hos 4:3).
      20) a radical tilting of the earth’s axis.
      21) a tottering/wobbling of the earth in its path of revolution around the sun (Isa 24:18; Isa 13:13; Psalm 46:2-3; Josh 10:11-13)
      22) a short duration stop of the rotation of the earth on its axis. Josh 10:11-13 (Joshua’s longest day) Second Exodus Day of Trumpet 2016.
      23) spectacular lights in our atmosphere from a hyper excitation of the magnetosphere. 2015 latter half
      24) major portions of the planet that experience complete loss of aquifer waters. Ps 46:3 Roar of icecaps (Joshua’s longest Day study)
      25) select parts of the planet that experience a building of aquifer waters and inner aquifer pressure. Lk 21:25 (roar); Nah 1:8 (flooding over); Josh 10:11-13; Gen 7:11.
      26) Change in Orbit around the Sun or Change in Polar Spin Axis (Isa 24:19-20).
      27) Fires (Isa 34:9; 37:7; Isa 25:4; Ps 46:6,8; 2 Sam 16:14-16; 1-4 Trumpet judgments Rev 8; Ezek 38:22; 2 Peter 3:10; Isa 30:30; Rev 16:8-9); Nah 1:5 (burned)
      28) Noise 2 Pet 3:10
      29) Shaken Heb 12:25-27; Isa 13:13; Hag 2:6-7; Ps 46:3; Quaking Jer 4:24; Isa 5:25; Jer 10:10; Ezk 38:20; Jer 50:46 cr Jer 10:10; 49:21; Ezk 26:18; 31:16; Isa 5:7; 15:5; Jer 46:12; 51:54; Ezk 27:28; Isa 2:10-21; 13:6-13; Isa 54:10 (Mountains shall depart); Nah 1:5; Ps 46:3 (Poleshift).
      30) a possible solar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17)
      31) a possible lunar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17)
      32) a day of darkness for the earth or even 3 days of darkness as the dwarf star blocks the sun (Exod 10:21; I Sam 2:9; 2 Sam 22:10, 12; Isa 5:30; 60:2; Amos 5:18, 20; Zeph 1:15; Rev 16:10). Dark (Ezek 32:7-8; Mic 3:6). Darken (Amos 8:9)
      33) Change in the Solar System (Ps 102:25-26; Isa 51:6; 2 Pet 3:12); also the heavens shall roll up as a scroll.
      34) Brimstone Gen 19:24>Deut 29:23; Job 18;15; Ps 11:6; Isa 34:9; Ezk 38:22; Rev 9:17-18; 14:10; = Rev 21:8.
      35) Drought/dry ? Isa 42:15; Jer 50:12; Lev 26:32-33
      36) Massive plant/tree dieoff (desolate (of people), waste?) Jer 8:13; Ezek 20:47; Hab 3:17 (Day of the Lord).
      37) Pestilence
      38) a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8; 54:10; Hab 3:16; Job 9:2-10; Matt 24:29; Mk 13:25; Rev 6:14 =(Isa 2:17-21; Hag 2:6-7)=; Rev 11:13, 19 = 16:18-20). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13–Joshua’s Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be:
      1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
      2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
      3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses (Ps 46:1-3).
      4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean (Ps 46:1-3).
      5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves (Ps 46:3).
      6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
      7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
      8) hurricanes over land.
      9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
      10) change of the length of days and of the calender (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).
      A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).
      The records, both in geology and historical, reflect that multiple events will be occurring simultaneously i.e. melting ice in the Antarctic & Greenland, earthquakes, tsunamis (tidal waves), flooding, torrential rains, abrupt (tropical to arctic minutes!) climate change, 200 mph (320 kph) winds, volcanism, the Gulf Stream stopping and dare I say: a pole shift!”

      Peter, get prepared to meet your creator and get your affairs in order because there is a very rough road in 2016. By the way, no smoking, no alcohol and put up your seats and put a pillow in your lap for you are about to crash.

      • John,
        There is no “dark star” out there coming our way. You seem to have Star Wars Fever. There are plenty of natural disasters that befall the world every year and they will continue for many more. And climate change will add to all that. But none of it will be due to an imaginary dark star.
        You predicted Nibiru would pass by the earth during Hanukkah (last week) but that never happened. And now you claim a dark star is coming to get us. Oooh I’m so scared! John would never steer us wrong. Except that nothing you have ever predicted has come true.
        Just more BS from Before its newS.
        Everything you predict for 2016 you predicted for 2015. And by the time 2016 is over you will bump up all your predictions to 2017 and so on for the next ten years.
        You are like the boy who cried wolf too many times to be believed at this point. I don’t know what kind of pleasure you get from scaring gullible people who don’t know any better but some of us won’t be fooled, so don’t bother.
        But you go ahead and stay scared yourself and keep believing in your death star or whatever other myths you read about on line. Eventually you will tire of it or else you will finally give up on these silly ideas when you finally realize that nothing is panning out.
        It won’t be long now.

        • Jim, you wasted your hot breath again on your lies that you believe, so go stick your head in your Koran because you do not believe the Bible.

          • John,
            So far you’ve predicted twenty things based on the bible and none of them have happened. So either you or the bible are the true liars here.
            I’m voting for you on this one.

  100. Jim, I am tired of your stupidity and your bashing by being a mocker so go read all this information which you will not read because you cannot be separated from your 12 hours to 16 hours of watching TV .

    Israel ben Barzle

    Since you Jim are so lazy that you can’t read their free 440 page pdf, you will be showing me that you are really stupid if you do not read their other articles. You want to stay in the dark with your head in the sand, so be it. Urgent Warning: The Hebrew Scriptures Give Us the Exact Day of the End (Chanukkah story)
    September 23rd Did Not Happen As Some Said It Would…Why?
    The Shemitah Did Not Happen As Expected…Why?
    The Hebrew Scriptures Clearly Teach a Coming Mega Pole Shift, Planet X, Strange Sounds, Elite in Bunkers, etc.

    They have about 1/2 dozen more articles.

    You will be showing me your stupidity if you do not read their articles.

    • John,
      You are right about one thing… I’m not going to read a 440 page file from Before-its-news. It is a nonsense version on the National Enquirer. There is so much made up crap (like a civilization living under the Antarctic ice. ; Prometheus Movie May Be Real Documentary; Time Traveler Who Spent 2 Years in The Future 2749 Tells All; and Alert! Nuclear Physicist Reveals Flat Earth Science)
      With such utter nonsense all throughout the site that are clearly made up lies, I cannot in good conscience (ie: using good science) give any credence to anything posted on the site.
      And I especially don’t want to read a bunch of excuses explaining why everything they predicted didn’t happen. That is just one lie poured on top of other lies, so why would I want to waste my time? Your whole theory is nothing but a steaming pile of lies. You have become one of those false prophets Jesus spoke of. I am here to uncover the lies that abound in the Christian world. And so far I have yet to be wrong.
      Once again I ask you, who is the liar here?

      • Jim, you proved my point that you are stupid and you also said a lot of lies again.

        • JOHN
          Here is a bit of your crazy predictions which I copied to a file months ago:
          John Ashcraft commented on Judge is at the Door – Signs in the Heavens.
          in response to David:
          David I agree with you but I still have to have an open mind that Obama may be the Antichrist. Jim believe the Pope will fill both the position of the Antichrsit and False Prophet. He believes they are the same one entity.
          Catholicism began Islam because Mohammad loved his Catholic wife so she influenced him to do the Quran and do what he did.
          UN may or will be the political controller of the 10 global regions but Obama in 2016 wants to become the head of the UN in 2016.
          We shall know in September who will be the Mahdi because some Rabbi is saying that the Messiah will show up in Sept. of 2015 and we know that character as the Antichrist.
          Chaarles, the one world currency starts October 20th, 2015. You American money that you use now is adios as of September. Also I suspect that all your money will be gone from your bank possibly by the 4th week of August or sometime in September.
          Mark of the Beast is slated for 2016 for the globe.
          John Ashcraft commented on Judge is at the Door – Signs in the Heavens.
          in response to Jim Giordano:
          The fig tree blossomed in 1948 when Israel became a nation. According to Psalm 90:10, we are the last generation. The proclamation went out in 1947+70 generation=2017 -1 to 2 years for the trumpet and bowl judgments = 2015. First seal can be the Antichrist or False Prophet. The 2nd seal is WW3 which may start in the Bible lands as some believe. September 23rd is seal 3 including the new world currency coming on October 20th. No more buying and selling for Christians after this in America unless you have a job and all money is gone over the next 6 months. Famine hits then for America and then comes death. Jeuly 4th was and is the last fourth of July for America. And there is no thanksgiving for America in November.
          To recap,
          1: the new world currency coming on October 20th
          Didn’t happen.
          2: No more buying and selling for Christians after this in America
          Didn’t happen either.
          3:September 23rd is seal 3 including the new world currency
          Seal 3 is Famine worldwide aS A result of WW3 – the 2ND seal
          Seal 2 didn’t happen. Neither did Seal 3
          4:And there is no thanksgiving for America in November
          Thanksgiving went off without a hitch.
          5:Also I suspect that all your money will be gone from your bank possibly by the 4th week of August or sometime in September.
          This too never happened.
          6: We shall know in September who will be the Mahdi.
          Mahdi has yet to show up. Guess he didn’t get your notice.
          7: some Rabbi is saying that the Messiah will show up in Sept. of 2015
          Sorry, no messiah either.
          So, you are zero for seven in you predictions (or predictions that you believe in from other sources.
          7 outright lies. And I’ve got more stored away. All I said was that I believed they were lies and would not happen, and I was right. And you say I proved that I am the stupid one? It is clear that you have been suckered in by You Tube idiots and fools that like to make stuff up. That’s what you get for tbelieving in
          There’s a sucker born every minute and you are living proof.

          • Jim, you said that Catholics creat Islam is a crazy idea.

            Your belief that the flood was only in the middle East and no where else is more crasier than I have ever heard.

            How the Vatican created Islam – Red Ice Creations

  …/catholicislam.h... – Similarto How the Vatican created Islam – Red Ice Creations

            From “The Prophet”: (website disabled) …. ‘ Muhammad began receiving “divine revelations” and his wife’s Catholic cousin …

            How The Roman Catholics Created Islam And Why They Did So …

  …/how-the-roman-catholics-created-islam-and… – Similarto How The Roman Catholics Created Islam And Why They Did So …

            Feb 17, 2015 … This began his career as a prophet and he received many messages. By the time Muhammad died, the religion of Islam was exploding.

            The Vatican and Islam

   – Similarto The Vatican and Islam

            Constantinean “Christianity” began in 313 AD. The last … This edict of toleration did not apply to Christians who would not join his new imperial “Christianity.”.


            12 min – Aug 29, 2013 – Uploaded by Adam 1984

            Islam was created by the evil Roman Catholic Church !! so the Pope can kill all the true …

            the Pope and Islam – presents of God ministry

   – Similarto the Pope and Islam – presents of God ministry

            Roman Catholic prelates preach the Christian God is the Muslim god. …. Especially since the New World Order was their baby to start with. … Rome can use the Muslims to do their bidding as they did with Hitler while at the same time act as if …

            The Catholics Created Islam – The True Story Of Revelation 12

   – Similarto The Catholics Created Islam – The True Story Of Revelation 12

            Feb 6, 2015 … The astonishing story of how the Vatican created Islam comes from a former …. “ Roman Catholics world-wide began praying for the conversion of … the Jesuits did everything to keep him quiet and discredit him,” said Ms.

          • Jim,

   THE US wants to lead the New World Order

            Before this there was an article that read that Obama wanted to become the head leader of the UN in September of 2016.

            You should sign up for Breaking Israel News.

            I just read headlines and post the headlines that week if I am making a comment.

            Here are the groups where I read headlines from.
  ;, and Breaking Israel

            For today from email are these headlines hat caught my attention.
   THE US wants to lead the New World Order

            Trouble in Israel as End Days Approaches

            GOP candidates reveal GOG/MAGOG prophecy during debates

            Breaking Israel News: Evangelical Beliefs on Israel matches doomsday predictions.

            The fig tree blossomed in 1948 when Israel became a nation.

            This is truth and you know it.

            According to Psalm 90:10, we are the last generation.

            David L.Stern’s Jewish NT Matthew 24:32 discussion states:

            The fig tree here is often taken to represent the Jewish people-for example, by the Messianic Jew Paul Liberman, who called his 1976 book on the end-time revival of the Jewish people The Fig Tree Blossoms (Tree of Life, P.O. Box 19381, San Diego, CA 92119). See also Mar_11:12-14, Mar_11:20-24.
            Then somebody such as a preacher used Psalm 90:10 in his discussion.

            Matthew 24:34 David L. Stern’s Jewish NT Commentary

            This people will certainly not pass away. If “this people” is the correct translation of Greek ê genea avteê, Yeshua is guaranteeing that the Jews will persist as a people until his second coming. He is echoing the promise of Jer_31:34-36 (Jer_31:35-37):
            “Thus says Adonai, who gives the sun for a light by day and the ordinances of the moon and stars for a light by night, who stirs up the sea and its roaring waves-Adonai of Heaven’s Armies is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, says Adonai, then the seed of Israel also will stop being a nation before me forever. Thus says Adonai: If heaven above can be measured and the foundations of the earth beneath searched out, then I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done.”
            Thus after proclaiming the New Covenant at Jer_31:30-33 (Jer_31:31-34), God immediately states that the Jewish people will last at least as long as the sun and the moon. Both Yeshua and Jeremiah refute Replacement theology (see Mat_5:5 Mat_5:17).
            However, ê genea avteê could mean “this generation.” If so, Yeshua must have meant either his own generation or a future one. If his own, then either all these things already happened long ago, an interpretation which strains credibility if words mean anything; or they did not happen, in which case the prophecy was false, since his own generation passed away by the early second century at the latest. Those who think he meant that a future generation will see all these things happen have the problem of determining how to recognize it, because Mat_24:4-33 can be variously understood.

            Thus some believe “this generation” began with the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 or with Israel’s recovery of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, while others maintain it has not begun yet. Also, what constitutes a generation’s passing away? A biblical generation (40 years), the average age at death (70-80 years), or when the last person born at the indicated time has grown old and died (100-plus years)?

            Arndt and Gingrich’s A Greek-English Lexicon is inconclusive. Under “genea” it gives the root meaning, “family, descent,” and adds: “1. Literally, those descended from a common ancestor, a clan; then race, kind generically…. The meaning nation is advocated by some in Mat_24:34, Mar_13:30, Luk_21:32; but see also 2. 2. Basically, the sum total of those born at the same time, expanded to include all those living at a given time-generation, contemporaries (cf. Gen_7:1, Psa_11:8 [and many New Testament references, including all three cited under ‘1’]).”

            The proclamation went out in 1947+70 generation=2017 -1 to 2 years for the trumpet and bowl judgments = 2015. First seal can be the Antichrist or False Prophet. The 2nd seal is WW3 which may start in the Bible lands as some believe.

            Somebody on Marianne’s page said the proclamation went out in 1947.

            In my history file from 1 CE-3015 there is this entry that I copied in its entirety.
            1947 CE Nov. 29, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for Palestine to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews; Dead Sea Scrolls discovered. Parallel dates: Abraham was born in 1948 BCE. From 1494 until 1949 there were ZERO sets of blood Red Moons! Proclamation for Israel to become a nation went out.

            So you have a problem with this. Jim, all I do is copy, cut, and paste and you have a problem with it.

          • As for 2017 which you do not believe in, here is some information from a wordpress article.

            So now consider the Fig Tree lesson:
            Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves…when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place…” (Matthew 24:32-35).
            Can we know what is the length of this “generation” that Jesus spoke about?
            And can we know exactly what He meant by the fig tree “putting forth leaves”?
            There are 7 definitions and 7 is the number of completeness.
            1) According to Gen. 6:3 it may be as long as 120 years.
            2) Genesis 15:13, coupled with Gen. 15:16 indicates 100 years.
            3) Psalms 90:10 indicates a possible 80 years.
            4) Psalms 90:10 also indicates a more likely 70 years.
            5) Matthew 1:17 may indicate around 50 years
            6) Psalms 95:10 indicates 40 years.
            7) Deut. 2:14 indicates 38 years.
            2017 – Using ALL 7 generations, based on the premise of ISRAEL being the fig tree Jesus spoke about in the end times:
            1) 2017 counting back a 120 year generation = 1897.
            Significant event: The first ever Zionist congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897 on August 29.
            2) 2017 counting back a 100 year generation = 1917.
            Significant event: The first official political act paving the way for Jews to return to their land was the Balfour Declaration of November 1917.
            3) 2017 counting back a 80 year generation = 1937.
            Significant event: The Peel Commission published a report that for the first time recommended partition of Palestine, and the land under it’s authority be apportioned between an Arab and Jewish state. The plan was declared unimplementable.
            4) 2017 counting back a 70 year generation = 1947.
            Significant event: The United Nations general assembly voted in favour of the Partition Plan that actually created… the State of Israel!
            5) 2017 counting back a 50 year generation = 1967.
            Significant event: The Jews regained Jerusalem, fulfilling“when the fig tree putteth forth leaves.”
            Choosing a 50 year generation requires some explanation. Some people have reckoned on a 50 year generation, starting with 70 using Psalm 90:10 for an average age, and then taking away 20, because those under 20 years old who came out of Egypt were not counted, as mentioned fifteen times in the book of Numbers, Chapter 1.
            6) 2017 counting back a 40 year generation = 1977.
            Significant event: The State of Israel reaches the Jewish “age of maturity.” In the Old Testament Bible, priests could not work in the tabernacle until age 30. See Numbers 4:3.
            This was when they were considered mature. Modern Israel was born in 1947.
            Now do the calculation: 1947 + 30 = 1977.
            “When the fig tree putteth forth leaves” could be considered as another way of saying “when Israel becomes mature.” An example of this maturity is that the Liqud political party came to power in Israel in 1977. The Hebrew word Liqud means ‘The Consolidation’ in English.
            7) 2017 counting back a 38 year generation = 1979.
            Significant event: Israel signs a peace treaty with Egypt. Other than the events already mentioned I’m thinking this would be considered the other most positive historical step towards modern Israel’s expansion, showing “the fig tree putting forth leaves”. It led to many long term benefits, such as providing for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal.
            And is 2017 really significant?
            2017 is the Jubilee (per Leviticus 25:9-12 , 50 years)? Counting back to 1967 it is.
            In 1967, Israel gained soverign control over Jerusalem for the first time since the days of King Solomon.
            The above was written by blogger Nicetiming. Heaven

            • John,
              If your time line is correct we are already 1-1/2 years into the 3-1/2 year tribulation. Yet no seals have opened. The False Prophet (Antichrist) has not made his peace plan with Israel which is supposed to start the tribulation off. And if believe that the 70th week of Daniel will be the 7-year tribulation in which case we are 5 years into the tribulation.
              You expect Obama to be the Antichrist in charge of the UN at the end of his current term which will be Jan 20th, 2017. That means your tribulation will begin in the final year which is the great and terrible day (year) of the lord. You are overlapping the two parts of the tribulation but all the seals etc must happen before the great and terrible (year) of the Lord.
              Simply put, your time line cannot possibly work. Common sense should tell you that.
              The true time line will be 40 jubilees (2000 years) from the year of the ascension in 31AD. The whole 2017 date sounded good for 20 years or more and many people were counting on it but now it is clear that it can’t possibly work so you need to find another guru with a new set of calculations. Have you decided just when you will give it up if nothing has happened? Passover? Feast of Trumpets? If nothing has happened in 9 months will you admit defeat? You’re on a sinking ship dude. You’re either going to have to find a lifeboat or else go down with the ship.
              I’d get my life jacket out of the closet if I were you.

              • However, Jim, you forget a bunch of things. Inflation is at 75 percent. In September, 10 countries stock markets were crashing. Greece, US, Germany, China, Russia, Brazil, India are just a few that I remember. I do not believe in a 7 year tribulation. In Revelation, there are two 1260 days and the 2nd one is a repeat of the first one. Revelation 12-18 is a deeper look into Revelation 8-11. Seal six lines up with Trumpet 7 so Seals and Trumpets will be stacked. Daniel 9 talks about the Messiah on all sides of 9:24-27 and then there is a switcheroo for one minute being the Antichrist. I disagree with that Peace plan, I believe the Peace plan is signed by the Messiah Himself not on earth but in the Heavens so look up for an event with His signature (I.E. Astronomical event).
                As or the fifth seal, just ask any person in the Middle East since most of the Seals, Trumpet, and Bowl Judgments will affect them more than us, if their deaths of beheadings, burnings, rapes till death, being fed to hungry animals is not going through Seal 5.
                The rapture occurs at the peak of all the chaos going on in the world.
                As for the Temple either Rome, the Antichrist or the Messiah will build the Temple but the Temple will be built. I believe it will be the Messiah after the rapture. As for the third temple, man is that temple for example the believers are the third temple. I believe the 7th Trumpet is the rapture and it occurs on the Day of Trumpet according to Revelation 12:1. I believe Revelation 12:1 woman is Virgo and the 12 stars is Leo so you have to be looking for an event that involves Mercury, Venus, and Mars being in Leo with Jupiter being in Virgo at the same timeframe on the first sliver of the New Moon in September and if you use any Astronomy program out there, there is no event in 2031 but there is one in 2017. Also you have to look at the earthly time clocks lining up at that timeframe such as the Giza Pyramid lineup with the belt of Orion at that timeframe and it does line up in 2017 but not 2031. Then you also have to keep in mind of all the cycles converging in that timeframe such as th war cycle which converges between 2015 and 2018, along with the economy cycle, along with a half dozen other cycles.
                For 2031 to work out, you have to deal with 20, 40, 50, 70, 100, and 120 lining up with events in Israel from 2031 minus 70 years and there is no support.
                Your only support is 2031-2000=31. I believe you need at least 5 more events that line up with 2031.
                I have a minimum of at least 24 right now for 2017.

              • I wish people would stop talking about the ficititous peace plan…bible never says that.

                the AC will have a covenant with many for one week.

                it could be a covenant of nations AGAINST israel, and israel has no say so

                • Dan 9:24 Covenant of many was signed 2000 years ago with the Messiah at the cross with an earthly earthquake either local or global and a 3 hour solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse on the same day and there will be a repeat at the second coming on the Day of Trumpet in September in any given year on the first sliver of the new moon. Ezekiel calls this the Covenant of Peace/Rest except this time it is for eternity.

  101. My friends are on their way keep me posted

  102. John,
    First of all I don’t expect any peace treaty. The covenant was fulfilled the day Jesus was baptized and began His ministry. It is the “New Covenant” of God.
    As for your generation calculations, they are futile. A generation is not a number, it is a group of people. Why do you think that every generation in the Old Testament has a different time frame assigned to it? So the fig tree generation will have its own number which could be anything.
    And that astrology forecast about Mercury. Venus and Mars is pure imagination. Show me the planets being referred to in scripture. And where does it say they will appear in Leo when the savior returns? All of this is just made up and I’ve seen so many variations and arguments about which planet represents what… everyone has their own made-up interpretation. Plus God doesn’t expect every one of his followers to own an astronomy program. I tend to reject any interpretation that is so complicated that only one in a thousand people could ever figure it out.
    And then there is the time of Jacob’s trouble which is supposed to last 3-1/2 years. But if your time line is right this time will be less than 2 years. God gave us a specific time frame for troubles of biblical proportions. So if you are right then God is wrong.
    I’m going to believe God on this one.

    • Jim, since you do not have Starry nights program, then don’t look up September 23, 2017 in Virgo and Leo. So just get rid of your 500.00 dollar program ooff of your computer.

      All I do is copy, cut, and past like this little tidbit.

      The Day of the Lord
      Prophecies about the coming Day of the Lord can be found in the writings of many of the Old Testament prophets, and Isaiah is no exception. This subject is covered from chapters 2 to 66. Unlike the dualism of the prophecies to Israel and Judah, most prophecies about the Day of the Lord are for an event yet to come. These foretell a time of awesome and frightening events leading to the return of Christ. Many people think of it as “the end of the world,” although it is really just the end of this present evil age.
      Isaiah explains that the Day of the Lord will last for one year (Isaiah 34:8; Isaiah 61:2; Isaiah 63:4). The principle of a day for a year in prophecy also applies to the Day of the Lord (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6). It is the year of the “Lord’s vengeance” or God’s wrath (Revelation 6:17).
      In the earlier chapters on this subject (2, 13 and 24), Isaiah describes the effects of God’s wrath on this world. Men will hide in caves in terror (Isaiah 2:19-21), the earth will be shaken and possibly moved from its orbit (Isaiah 13:13), and the earth will become almost empty and a total waste (Isaiah 24:1, 3, 6). Isaiah also speaks of the Day of the Lord as a time of war (Isaiah 31:8-9). These events are also described in the seven trumpets of Revelation 8-9.
      God further reveals through Isaiah that the “daughter of Babylon” will be destroyed in the Day of the Lord (Isaiah 47:1, 5, 7, 9). These verses are almost identical to those of Revelation 18:7-8, 17-19, 21. This Babylon is the final end-time government and its religious system that will be destroyed at Christ’s return.
      The time of God’s wrath will come to an end when “the great trumpet will be blown” (Isaiah 27:13) and Jesus Christ will return to the earth (Revelation 11:15).
      While the Day of the Lord often focuses on the wrath of God (the punishment that will come upon the disobedient for one year before Christ returns), this term is also used in a broader way by John in Revelation 1:10 to describe all the events—including the wrath of God, the Millennium and events thereafter—that will occur after Christ’s return. Virtually every Old Testament prophet who warned of God’s judgment on the Day of the Lord also spoke of restored peace and prosperity that will follow the judgment. For further explanation of this latter meaning, see the article “What Is the Day of the Lord?”

      Most Christians have never studied Isaiah so they teach the Day of the Lord is 7 years.
      One Teaching > Seals in year 1, 7 years of Trumpet Judgments, 1 year of Bowl judgments and then 1 day on Armageddon.
      Another Teaching 3.5 years of Seals and Trumpet, Rapture, then 3.5 years of Bowl Judgments.
      I tend to go along with Isaiah but I slightly differed. Mine was one year for the Trumpet Judgments, Rapture, One year for Bowl Judgements and then Armageddon.
      The pastor who kicked me out of his church because he did not know who my teachers are (Books and articles), he taught we would go through the Trumpet and bowl judgments and then the Rapture occurs 10 days before Armageddon.
      There is the possibility that the Bowl judgments can be poured out over that ten day period.

      As for Gog/Magog War. 2 teachings. Before Armageddon and your teaching which is at the end of the 1000 year millennium.

      Only the Jewish Messianic Churches ties Revelation to the Feasts of the Lord in Leviticus 23. As a matter of fact, they tie 30 percent of the Bible to Leviticus 23. Leviticus 23 and 25 is tied to Genesis 1:14 which makes Genesis 1:14 a prophecy. This ties to Genesis 1:1 which is also a prophecy of the first and second coming of Jesus Christ.

      • John,
        Just so you know, I have three astronomy programs including Stellarium. But when I go to Sept 23, 2017 I do not see the Second Coming. You read into this using astrology – the location of planets among the constellations and prohibited by God – to determine events on earth. In my opinion, God doesn’t want us to use this method to determine dates, so anything you think you know will only end up being a ruse just to show the world that astrology can not be used to determine the works of God.
        So I will never put my faith in astrology or numerology as you do.
        I find it interesting that you think the tribulation will be 2 years rather than 3-1/2, which the bible refers to indirectly many times such as the two witnesses and the 42 months in rev 12. But you only have 1 year and 9 months left, so the trumpets should have begun already. Why is God so late? Pretty soon you will have a 1-1/2 year tribulation, then one year and eventually the great and terrible (year) of the Lord will be only one day.
        As for the Gog war it will be sometime around the Second Coming. Its location in Isaiah comes before the building of the millenial temple so it can’t be at the end of the millennium. And if we agree that the Magogs are Muslims, then it makes no sense that after 1000 years of the rule and teachings of Jesus that there would be any Muslims left to form an army. Plus there will be no weapons (swords into plowshares etc.) to fight a war with. So a post-millenial war makes no sense.
        So tell us, how long will you wait and continue to claim we are into the trumpet judgements before you admit it isn’t going to happen? I’ll give it till Passover and after that you won’t have any credibility at all.

      • one thing I always wondered about was the statement that jesus made.

        he said we would have tribulation for 10 days

        any thoughts?

        • The ten days of tribulation in Revelation 2:10 refers to the Days of Awe beginning on Day of Trumpet in September on the first sliver of the new moon which will be the gathering of wicked for the fiery furnace (Armageddon) and the Day of Atonement (Armageddon), and after this the Resurrection of the Birde occurs (Rev 19:6-9) and there is 5 days of grace and the Bema seat judgment and then the Messianic Kingdom (Feast of Tabernacles, Millennium) occurs.
          Leviticus 23:24 to the end.

          But some believe the Rapture of Believers occur first because they do not understand the word taken refers to the goats so they believe it refers to the Sheep.
          The Days of Awe can also be a year as some teach and during this time the Bowl Judgments and Armageddon will be poured out.

      • I would like to make the day of the lord a post.

        what is your reference for this?

  103. Revelation 12:1 is what I see on September 23, 2017.

    Chapters 12 through 19 of Revelation constitute a rerun of the Tribulation hour as presented in chapters 6 through 11. Thus, at this point we come once again to the end of the Tribulation-and to the worst wave of anti-Semitism the world has ever observed. This is truly what Jeremiah had in mind in chapter 30, verse 7, when he said, Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble. Jacob, as one discovers in Romans 11:26, is Israel.
    A number of great signs and occurrences are witnessed in this chapter, each having to do with the horrendous judgment that is enveloping the earth, including the persecution being directed against Israel. These include a great wonder (verse 1), a great red dragon (verse 3), great wrath (verse 12), and two wings of a great eagle (verse 14).
    Revelation 12
    1-5 Whether favoring literal or figurative interpretation of the book of Revelation, nearly all commentators agree that these verses depict the birth of Yeshua the Messiah and his ascension to heaven after being resurrected. This means that Revelation is not simply a presentation of future events in chronological order, since this passage flashes back to past history. So we see two views. One refering to a heavenly event and one to an earthly event.
    Israel, under the emblem of a woman, the mother of believers, was seen by the apostle in vision, in heaven. She was clothed with the sun, justified, sanctified, and shining by union with Christ, the Sun of Righteousness. The moon was under her feet; she was superior to the reflected and feebler light of the revelation made by Moses. Having on her head a crown of twelve stars; the doctrine of the gospel, preached by the twelve apostles, is a crown of glory to all true believers.
    It also refers to the second coming of Christ in 2017.

    Coming of Christ: (1.) with reference to his first advent “in the fulness of the time” (1 John 5:20; 2 John 7), or (2.) with reference to his coming again the second time at the last day (Acts 1:11; 3:20, 21; 1 Thess. 4:15; 2 Tim. 4:1; Heb. 9:28). The expression is used metaphorically of the introduction of the gospel into any place (John 15:22; Eph. 2:17), the visible establishment of his kingdom in the world (Matt. 16:28), the conferring on his people of the peculiar tokens of his love (John 14: 18, 23, 28), and his executing judgment on the wicked (2 Thess. 2:8).
    Virgo is the sixth constellation of the Zodiac. It has been associated with agriculture, the planting season and the harvest. The curve of the handle of the Big Dipper, if extended from its tip, points to the first-magnitude star Arcturus. The same curve extended a similar distance beyond Arcturus points out Spica.
    The sun passes through the constellation from the 14th of September to the 29th of October; and during this time.
    Seed of the Woman, the Desire of nations, Man of double nature in humiliation, exalted Shepherd and Harvester.
    Branch: a symbol of kings descended from royal ancestors (Ezek. 17:3, 10; Dan. 11:7); of prosperity (Job 8:16); of the Messiah, a branch out of the root of the stem of Jesse (Isa. 11:1), the “beautiful branch” (4:2), a “righteous branch” (Jer. 23:5), “the Branch” (Zech. 3:8; 6:12). Disciples are branches of the true vine (John 15:5, 6). “The branch of the terrible ones” (Isa. 25:5) is rightly translated in the Revised Version “the song of the terrible ones,” i.e., the song of victory shall be brought low by the destruction of Babylon and the return of the Jews from captivity. The “abominable branch” is a tree on which a malefactor has been hanged (Isa. 14:19). The “highest branch” in Ezek. 17:3 represents Jehoiakim the king.
    Isa 4:2. In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.

    1. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun (Ps 104:2), and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: Virgo. Leo has 9 visible stars.
    In total, the Book of Revelation pictures four different women: (1) Jezebel, the high priestess of paganism (chapter 2, verse 20); (2) the scarlet woman, the high priestess of apostasy (chapter 17); (3) the Lamb’s wife, the representative of the true, blood-bought Church (chapter 19, verse 7); and (4) Israel, who gave Christ to the world (v.5) and who will be persecuted severely during the tribulation (v. 13) in the text before us.
    The woman of Revelation 12:1 was pictured in the dream of Joseph centuries ago: And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars [representing Joseph’s eleven brothers] made obeisance to me . And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying (Genesis 37:911).
    Clearly, the woman clothed with the sun and wearing a crown of twelve stars upon her head, just like in Joseph’s dream, is Israel. The birth of this woman’s (Israel’s) son is predicted in Isaiah 66, verses 7 and 8: Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children . Isaiah’s prediction finds its fulfillment in the next verse.
    The woman is not Mary, Yeshua’s mother, but Israel, in its normal sense, the Jewish people, because the imagery is from Isaiah 66:7-10 (compare also Isaiah 26:17, Micah 4:10). Because of v. 17 this cannot be the “extended Israel” concept which includes Gentile Christians (see 7:4N on “from every tribe of the sons of Israel”).
    Of all the tribes of the children of Israel. The plain sense of this phrase is “from among the entire Jewish people.” But many commentators say it refers to the Church. It must be suggested that this phrase refers possibly not only to the Jews but also to the entire Body of the Messiah. Moreover, at Gal 6:16 and Eph 2:11-13, “Israel” is used in a way that does include saved Gentiles, new creations formerly distant but now brought near and grafted in (Rom 11:17-24). However, the case that the 144,000 from every tribe of the people of Israel means “the Church” is harder to make here; because v. 9 below speaks of “a hugh crowd, too large for anyone to count, from every nation, tribe, people and language.” Apparently, this innumerable crowd of saved Gentiles is to be contrasted with the delimited number of saved Jews in the present verse.
    Although Israel is on earth, John sees her in heaven, symbolizing the fact that God protects and preserves the Jews: this is made more explicit at vv 6, 13-16. Moreover, Michael is Israel’s angelic protector (v. 7 &N). There is an obvious resemblance between the woman and “heavenly Jerusalem” (Gal 4:26; Heb 12:22-24).
    Moon: heb. yareah, from its paleness (Ezra 6:15), and lebanah, the “white” (Cant. 6:10; Isa. 24:23), was appointed by the Creator to be with the sun “for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” (Gen. 1:14-16). A lunation was among the Jews the period of a month, and several of their festivals were held on the day of the new moon. It is frequently referred to along with the sun (Josh. 10:12; Ps. 72:5, 7, 17; 89:36, 37; Eccl. 12:2; Isa. 24:23, etc.), and also by itself (Ps. 8:3; 121:6). The great brilliance of the moon in Eastern countries led to its being early an object of idolatrous worship (Deut. 4:19; 17:3; Job 31:26), a form of idolatry against which the Jews were warned (Deut. 4:19; 17:3). They, however, fell into this idolatry, and offered incense (2 Kings 23:5; Jer. 8:2), and also cakes of honey, to the moon (Jer. 7:18; 44:17-19, 25).
    September Moon is also known as Harvest Moon, Barley Moon. The harvesters would gain extra time in the fields by the light of the harvest moon. This is a time of organizing and preparing for the coming months. The zodiac association is Virgo and Leo.
    Twelve stars. Some think this means the twelve signs of the zodiac. While writers draw on materials from their own culture, and Judaism became embroiled with astrology well before John lived, it is clear that his purposes have nothing to do with astrology. At 21:12-14 the number twelve refers to the tribes of Israel and the emissaries of Yeshua, and this understanding is adequate to the context here too.
    This, I believe is in reference to VIRGO, the constellation lying just above the ECLIPTIC, the path through which the Sun, Moon and other planets travel over TIME.  For instance the Sun, appearing to travel in its course through the year, crosses the equator two times.  Once around March 20/21 and then again around September 22/23, which are known as the equinoxes. These are the days in which the days and nights are equally long.  As the Sun appears to follow the Ecliptic path it passes the SOLSTICE around June 20/21 and December 20/21 which are the longest and shortest days with daylight.  This Ecliptic path is literally a CALENDAR in the sky.  If you know where the Sun is along this path at any given time, the date can be determined.  VIRGO, the woman in the sky lying in the prone position is parallel with the ecliptic, just above it.  The Sun and the Moon, along with the planets pass just below her left foot each year.  The woman ‘clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet’ is in reference to this Ecliptic path traversing the length of her body.  She is further identified by the ‘crown of twelve stars’ as the constellation known as Leo hovers above her head, which has 9 visible stars. Occasionally it has 12 stars.
    In 3 Bc the sun was in her birthing canal, the moon was no where to be seen.
    3 BC Month 7 (Tishrei), Day 5, Sept. 25 Yeshua born. Tabernacles 1st Annual Sabbath: Mars, Mercury, Sun in Virgo. Sun in birthing canal.
    Oct 2, Day 5. 2nd Annual Sabbath, Day 8 of Tabernacles (A new beginning) Yeshua Circumcised: Mars, Mercury, Sun in Virgo.
    (Rev 12:1-2) Woman, Virgo, beginning at the birth of Yeshua; 12 stars of Leo the Lion, end in 2017)
    Note: Stellerium shows no moon under sun according to Rev 12:1-2 where there should be a moon. However, Revelation was not written at that time. Some articles say there was a Moon below the Sun at His birth in Virgo.
    In September of 2017, there will be 4 planets. In September is the Day of the Trumpet (Return of Christ), Day of Atonement (Armageddon), and Feast of Tabernacles (Millennium). Jupiter (King Planet) will be in the birthing canal. Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Leo making up the twelve stars.

    • Revelation 12:1 on the Day of Trumpet in 2017 ties to Gen 1:14 and Luke 21:25.
      Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
      Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
      Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
      Luk 21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
      Luk 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

      But this is only a part of the story for we are also to look at Pisces (the fishes) to see the other half of the story. For more than two years, Uranus has been on the horizontal fish which represents the church and now it is near or on the verticle fish which represents Israel (all 12 tribes including the Church) are together as one happy family in the Messianic Kingdom.

      The story of Christ in the Mezzoroth has now come to an end. We begin the journey some 2000 years ago in Virgo in 3 BC in the seventh month of Tishrei in September with His birth on either the Day of Atonement with either the Sun and Mercury in the Birth canal of Virgo and Jupiter in Leo and in the end we have Jupiter as the Kingly planet in the birth canal of Virgo.

      • This is all still astrology and none of this is in the bible. Someone has made up the details about the planets and the constellations and how they relate to bible verses.
        Jesus tells us the signs to look for as does the Book of Revelation.
        None of these signs have happened yet and they start 3.5 years (at least) before the Second Coming. If you are right, the bible is wrong.
        You say the astrologers are right. I say Jesus will end up being right. You try to explain away the bible and ignore everything Jesus told us to look for before He returns.
        I’m sticking with what I read in the bible. You can believe astrologers at your own peril but in the end you will be disappointed.
        By the way, Jesus was born in 2BC, not 3BC as that would place the crucifixion at 30 AD which is a year too soon and Passover was not on a Wednesday with no lunar eclipse. And He was born on the Feast of Tabernacles, 6 months before Passover, not on the Day of Atonement. Plus a woman in prophecy always represents a church. Both women in Revelation are churches – good and bad – you can’t mix and match metaphors in the same book.
        So there.

        • Jim, you think inside your little box while ignoring all of the things outside of your tiny little box.

          Jim I look at the massive animal deaths as a sign. I look at the economic collapses going on around us such as Russia, United States, Japan, China, Great Britian, India, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy, Greece and the 75 percent inflation that America has right now while other countries are experiencing 75 percent to 100 percent inflation which is Seal 3. I am watching the 140 wars going on around us especially the ones in the Middle East which you are in denial of just as you are in denial that Islam will be the political beast after the supposed rapture whent he Christians are all dead and the Antichrist who will be Islamic will be in control.
          I am watching Seal 5 of Reveltion in the Middle East and now going on in Europe and also in parts of the USA where Islamics have taken a major foothold.
          I am watching the persecution of Christians through the movements of Sodomites (Lesbians, Gays) movement and that marriages between man and wife are now becoming forbidden.
          I am especially watching for the signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars which you say are forbidden since you are in denial of Genesis 1:14; Luke 21:25-28; Psalm 19:1-4; Job; and that you are also in denial of the 4 cardinal points (Scorpio. Aquarius, Leo, Ox (the bull ).
          I am watching famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
          Have you even heard that Oklahoma is having more earthquakes than California right now. Did you know that there is a bell shape on earthquakes with the highest recordings on Wednesdays and this bell shape begins on Sunday and ends on Friday and then on Saturdays is a sharp spike.
          Did you know that refugees coming in from Syria into the US is bringing in major pestilences that will take down America from the inside out along with Islam taking down America from the inside out.
          Did you know that the population of the globe by 2025 will only be 500 million over the 7.4 buillion right now and that 80 to 90 percent of them will be Islamic.
          Did you know if that happens that there will not be a globe left by 2030 or even 2031.
          Did you know that the Nile River will be dry by 2017. Did you know that the Euphrates River will be totally dry by 2017.
          I am watching the Gog/Magog information on the internet very closely and I suspect it will or may occur in 2017 instead of your prediction of 2031.
          I don’t expect that America will even be alive by 2022. I suspect by then that it will be totally gone.
          Did you know that California as of right now has only one year of water left and the majority of America’s fruits and vegetables come from there. What will America do when there will not be any food on the tables by 2017 or 2018.
          Did you know by 2017 that there may or will not be any more bees in America.

  104. Lets look at some heavenly events that have happened since 1995. Source: Feast Dates and Second Coming part 2.

    Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs (Solar and Lunar Eclises; Cross in the corona of the sun in 2014 on Pentecost; blood moon tetrads, lightning coming from the Sun on Dec. 23 (Rosh Chodesh 10); March 20th Solar Eclipse on Abib 1; Lunar Eclipse on April 4th, 2015 =Joel 2:31), and for seasons (Lev. 23; Ps 104:19; I Thess 5:1) and for days ((Sabbaths, Rosh Chodesh (first sliver of the new moon), 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles, 4th day of the week), and years (Lev. 25 Shemitah and Jubilee years).

    Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
    Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

    1) Comet Hale-bopp Passover 1997 Longest running comet 19 months.
    2) 2010 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles. 5 planets lined up in a row.
    3) 2011 Day of Trumpet Comet Elenin breaks up in Leo causing a Revelation 12:1-2 event in September on the first sliver of the new moon.
    4) 2013 Chanukkah/Thanksgiving Comet Ison perihelion (closest approach to the sun). The path through the constellations says Yeshua/Jesus is coming now.
    5)2014 Blood Moon Tetrads near Passover and Feast of Tabernacles; Solar Eclipse; Cross in the Corona of the Sun on Rabbinic Pentecost; Lighting from the Sun on Dec. 23 (Rosh Chodesh 10) on the first sliver of the new moon.
    6) 2015 Solar Eclipse on Abib 1/Nisan 1 Rosh Chodesh 1; Red blood moon on April 4th (Passover); June30/July1 Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Leo/christmas Star; August 17 Nibiru between Earth and Sun supposedly on Rosh Chodesh 6 and we are in its wake on Sept 26 on a Sabbath; Day of Trumpet Event in Israel with a double solar eclipse seen in Heaven; Day of Atonement with Obama becoming the Antichrist and the Pope becoming the False Prophet and the ushering in of the One World Religion and NWO (Rev 13 Beast System with Islam) with a blood moon on Feast of Tabernacles first annual Sabbath. Unscheduled Blood Moon over Galilee Sea. October 30th Sabbath

    Remember Jim, you told me to stop recording these events because you want to stay in denial and you also want to stay being a mocker.
    God gave me my assignment back in 2007 and He called me into the ministry as a Minister of Religious Education in 1980.

  105. Jim, as somebody told me on this site, if Jesus showed up in person to you and you saw the holes in His hands and feet, you would still stay in denial.
    If Nibiru showed up in the Heavens as a blue orb in either March-April or September-October of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, or even in 2030, you would still be in denial.
    So for you, Jim, Jesus will come as a thief in the night because you are in denial.
    I watch the signs in Heaven and you watch the signs on earth and they are happening all around you as we speak but you are in denial of all of them because you love mocking people including even ministers because you want to keep your head buried in the sand until 2030 and then you will still stay in denial because you do not believe or have faith in the Word of God.

  106. None of this is in the Bible, so let’s look at all the verses that are in the Bible that is not in the Bible that is in the Bible that are in plain sight that ties to the Heavens.

    I know Jim will stay in denial of all of this because it is not in the Bible.

    By the way Jim, there may be 300 verses. So let’s start at the very beginning.
    Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs (Solar and Lunar Eclises; Cross in the corona of the sun in 2014 on Pentecost; blood moon tetrads, lightning coming from the Sun on Dec. 23 (Rosh Chodesh 10); March 20th Solar Eclipse on Abib 1; Lunar Eclipse on April 4th, 2015 =Joel 2:31), and for seasons (Lev. 23; Ps 104:19; I Thess 5:1) and for days ((Sabbaths, Rosh Chodesh (first sliver of the new moon), 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles, 4th day of the week), and years (Lev. 25 Shemitah and Jubilee years).
    This one ties to Luke 21:25-26.
    Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
    Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

    Psa 19:1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
    Psa 19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
    Psa 19:3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
    Psa 19:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
    Psa 19:5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
    Psa 19:6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

    Rom 10:18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. Rom 10:18= Psalm 9:4 which Paul quoted and still Jim will stay in denial.

    Now see Jim you will say about every verse I am showing you is astrology and you will stay in denial because you do not read because you want to stay in stupidity.

    How many times have you read that section in Romans and glossed over this wonderful truth? But, its really quite clear, isn’t it? The heavens declare the glory of God not just by impressing upon us the mark of a divine creator but they actually make known Jesus Christ, the agent of man’s redemption! To deny the reality of God’s revelation of Christ via the heavens is to deny the words of the Apostle Paul and of the Psalmist. Do you see that?

    If I may speak candidly, I’d like to say to you that if we’re going to learn anything about what God is doing today, we’re going to have to take God at His word. We’re going to have to respect the things written as they are indeed the words of God. And, we’re going to have to recognize the celestial heavens as being made by God to declare Christ.

    When God declared in Isaiah 34:4 that “the sky rolled up like a scroll,” I think that imagery is particularly interesting in that the scrolls were the format in which God’s written word was found in Isaiah’s day. Being that God’s word is written in the heavens, when its promises are fulfilled, it will be rolled up like a scroll! And, I would just bet that, as the circle of the Zodiac has its beginning marked by the constellation Virgo, the sky will roll up with its breaking between Virgo and Leo!

    A minister friend pointed this out also in His Torah lesson in Genesis 1:1 to 1:4.

    You may want to take this opportunity to read Psalm 19, a division of the Bible that should be noted as being emphasized by reason of its placement as the 19th division within the 19th book. It will be helpful for some of you to meditate upon its teaching and become comfortable with the reference made by Paul in Romans 10 before you continue. When you are consenting to the divine ordination of the heavens and have done some homework, perhaps enjoying the work of E. W. Bullinger and Joseph Seiss, or more recently of others such as D. James Kennedy, Pillar of, you will rejoice to see how wonderfully God has fashioned the heavens for the fulfillment of his glorious purposes. Have you ever observed that the four living creatures seen around the throne of God in Revelation 4:7 and Ezekiel 1:10 have the faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle? These are symbolic of the four main constellations of the Zodiacal seasons! The man is Aquarius, the lion – Leo, the ox – Taurus and the eagle – Scorpio.

    Let’s continue this inquiry into the depth of the fourth day of creation by returning to Genesis 1:14, where we find the function of the sun, moon, stars and planets together referred to as “lights.”

    Gen 1:14 And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years

    All the “lights” described above have a familiar function in the physical realm. These are first said to separate the day from the night. (which should be noted as differing from separating the light from the darkness) We then learn that these lights are to serve as signs. A “sign” is any indicator of something that is itself not directly perceptible. The Hebrew word for “signs” here means “a sign of something or someone to come.” These signs mark, or, signal. They mark “seasons, days and years,” which to some merely suggests the passage of time, but, there is actually much more involved. The Hebrew word “Moed” translated “seasons” specifically denotes the cyclic nature of time in contrast to the linear continuity of time we generally think in terms of in the western culture. It is obvious these terms refer to the familiar cycles of time that we observe by our almanacs, clocks and calendars, but, is the interpretation of this verse limited to the merely physical aspects of creation? Absolutely not! Just as the motion of the earth and the other celestial bodies provides signs indicating the physical realities, these heavenly lights provide signs the Creator ordained to indicate spiritual realities. We have learned the great lesson from the Apostle Paul’s reference to the Psalmist’s revelation about the voice in the heavens that goes out into all the earth to lead people to the Messiah. We have learned the lesson about the God-ordained purpose for the stars and planets, that they separate spiritual light from the spiritual darkness. It is this message continually going forth about the Messiah that is the subject of the signs. The celestial signs speak forth knowledge about the seasons, days and years that pertain to the Messiah, the redeemer of man. Yes, the signs are indeed indicators of someone to come!

    So, the Hebrew word for “seasons” points beyond merely Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter to those seasons which God has established with regard to our relationship with Him. These cycles of time are appointed, purposefully set. They are literally “appointments” marked on God’s schedule that He has graciously seen fit to provide for our benefit. In a sense, many of them can be viewed as rehearsals as the cycles repeat over and over, eventually reaching their appointed conclusions. We see this principle declared in Colossians as certain of these rehearsals are spoken of as a shadow.

    Lev 23:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
    Lev 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations (Heb. Moedim’s), even these are my feasts.

    Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday (Lev. 23), or of the new moon (Rosh Chodesh), or of the sabbath days (Lev. 23):
    Col 2:17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

    Let’s stop here for now because I have over 200 pages on this stuff that Jim is in denial of.

  107. John,
    First of all I want to deal with your following comments:

    “August 17 Nibiru between Earth and Sun supposedly on Rosh Chodesh 6 and we are in its wake on Sept 26 on a Sabbath; Day of Trumpet Event in Israel with a double solar eclipse seen in Heaven.“
    Well, its almost January and Nibiru is nowhere to be found, just as I predicted. See if you can locate it in Stellarium and get back to me when it shows up.
    Then you said:

    “Day of Atonement with Obama becoming the Antichrist and the Pope becoming the False Prophet and the ushering in of the One World Religion and NWO“
    So how do we know for sure that Obama is now the Antichrist and the pope is now the False Prophet? Where is your proof? Why should we believe you?
    And where is the New World Order and the One-World religion? You said they would be set up in September, yet I don’t see any changes in the world government or religions.
    As for all your so called proof using bible verses, I checked on the internet on sites that teach bible meanings and none of them talk about planets and constellations. The words “mercury” “Venus” and “Mars“ do not appear in any version of the bible and the only constellation mentioned was Orion which is not in the zodiac.
    And where did get that info on Uranus? It wasn’t discovered until 150 years ago. I think you’ve got your head up Uranus.
    Plus other people like you have their own interpretations of astrology that don’t match up with yours. That tells me everyone is just making up their own interpretation from their imagination as there is no consensus.
    You failed to prove that the bible actually refers to some arrangement of planets and constellations. All the verses you quote are very vague so I could make up my own astrological interpretations that fit 2031 by changing the meanings of the planets and constellations to fit my prediction.
    And you can’t use comets in the way you do. Comets can be visible for a year or more so you can’t say that it is linked to any particular date. That is illogical and cheating.
    But as I said, I’m waiting for the real signs – the ones Jesus told us to look for.
    And all the worlds troubles you outlined don’t mean the Second Coming will be in 1.75 years. None of the supposed disasters you mentioned are biblical events. and rivers won’t just dry up. They will be dammed to collect and save water, so downstream regions may go dry, but the rain will not stop falling. The Colorado river no longer reaches Mexico not because the rain stopped but because California and Arizona dammed it up and diverted the water for agricultural purposes. That was not a biblical event.
    The Muslims have not taken over all of Iraq yet and today they are losing some of their territory, so it is ridiculous to expect them to conquer the world in a few months. We know the beast will last for 42 months, so the math doesn’t work today and it gets worse every day the beast does not yet exist.
    The 2nd seal is a worldwide nuclear war followed by a nuclear winter causing famine and disease from all the unburied bodies. And you are on the 5th seal already?
    You don’t seem to be reading the bible thoroughly. You are stuck in Genesis and Psalms using very generalized versed and then reading into them whatever you need to make your interpretation work. Very sloppy.
    Apparently you believe the You Tube idiots more than God.

  108. Jim, why should we believe you that the pope will be both the Antichrist and the False Prophet.

    By the way, if you want any files on the September events, just give me you e-mail address. Mine is
    Oh, I forgot, you don’t like to read and look at you-tube video’s so I guess you will be out of luck for that one. By the way, there is 100 pages worth.

    So jut keep watching the lies put out by your TV stations which is controlled by Obama’s Government and the Roman Catholic Churches Jesuit’s which will never keep you informed.
    By the way if you watched the events on your TV, did you remember a picture of the Pope in white among about 7 to 14 people on a stage all wearing costumns of different religions. That was the beginning of the One World Religion Announcement.

    By the way, watch out for words such as “if”, “possibly”, “supposedly”, “maybe”. These means that I do not know IF IF IF IF it will happen.

    You did not check on Pleides which is the seven sisters which is in the OX (Bull) and you did not also check out Arcturus. By the way, Paul Begley did mention the possibility of Nibiru coming from Orion this past week but you do not like to listen to idiot you tube’s except your churches idiot you tube’s.

    Venus is also called the “Morning Star” which comes out of the East but you would not notice this.

    Aquarius “the water bearer” is also mentioned in scripture but you will have to wait on that information. You see, there is a lot that you miss that is hidden right before your eyes like Draco and Hydra being “the serpent”.

    Mediator Uranus
    Christ, Mediator of Salvation (1 Tim 2:5); ambassador (1 Cor 5:20); prophet (Isa 43:27, Mal 3:1, 4:5, Jn 1:19-27, Rev. 11:3-7); singer, musician (1 Chron 25:1), actor; tower (Gen 11:4); Resurrection (1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:17); Christ, High Priest of New Covenant to the Church (Heb 9:11); Reconciliation of Jews, Gentiles in Christ (Eph 2:14-16); envoy (2 Chron 32:31); Mediator of sin, spiritual adultery, worldly conflict (Jn 17:13-21; Heb 4:15; Jas 4:1-7); Christ Cornerstone (Eph 2:12-21); Expiation (Lev 16:10); land transition, travel, wilderness wandering (Nu 32:13); cowboy, horseman, trucker; Mediator of persecution (Prov 16:7; Matt 5:11-12; Rom 12:14); Mediator of marriage disputes (Ge 3:11-13); Witness in Heaven (Job 16:19); guardian angel (Mt 18:10); Mediator of Supreme Court of Heaven (Heb 1:3; Rev 3:21); Lord, Priest from Tribe of Judah (Heb 7:14); spy (Nu 13:17); Royal priesthood (1 Pet 2:9); government mediator (Pilate, Mt 27:17-25), ruler-integrator (1 Chron 18:14-17; ch. 23-27); Mediator God & Man, New Covenant (1 Ti 2:5; Heb 9:15); arbitrator (1 Sa 2:25; Job 9:32-33; Psa 75:7; Matt 25:32); Christ Intercessor (Rom 8:34; Heb 7:24-25; 9:24), priest, Throne of Grace (Heb 4:16), prophet/pastor (2 Ki 20:1, 5); Treaty, truce (Josh 9:15; 1 Sa 24:6-7; 26:23; 1 Ki 15:19); Lord Mediator ending plague (1 Chron 21:16); Mediation to save people (Num 16:22; 1 Chron 21:16); Mediator of New Covenant to Israel (Heb 8:8); Christ Mediator of Marriage (Ge 2:22); Abigail (1 Sa 25:23-35); midwife (Gen 35:17).
    Meanings of Planets in Constellations I do not have the original name to the file.
    Sun (Father); Moon (Mother;Earth); Mercury (Savior); Venus (Morning Star); Mars (Blood Planet); Jupiter (Kingly Planet); Saturn (Covenants); Uranus (Mediator); Pluto (Last Adam).
    John Ashcraft if you want all the Biblical Astronomy Files and Comet and Other Heavenly Files. In all you will get about 1000 pages worth including my Feast Dates Folder with about 30 files. Average length of each file is 20 to 30 pages.

    What I do is child’s play.
    Give me a date of Day, Month, and year of an Asteroid, Comet, or any stellar event and I will show you what I do with it. I use first, then Meanings of Planets in Constellation file, E.W. Bullinger’s Witness in the Stars plus about 7 other files, Pillar of folder.
    However, you will have to give me your email address because your request will be 1 to 30 pages in length after I get done with it and then a notation will go to my Feas Dates and Second Coming Part 2 file if it occurs between 1997 and present.
    If earlier than that, I will have to start a new file.

    Comets you can use as long as you know the start date, ending date as seen from the Earth, constellation path.

    FD 2011
    Virgo and 2011 Month 7 Day 5 (Sept 29) Rosh Codesh (1st sliver of the new moon). Virgo formed into a specific mode. “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. (Rev 12:1). The constellation had the moon at the feet while the sun shone, and comet Elenin had broken apart giving the 12 stars at her head in Leo. “And she, being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered” (Rev 12:2). Found in the womb of Virgo was the planet Venus (Savior) on 10/4. “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon (Draco), having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads”. (Rev 12:3). There was also in the womb with Venus, Saturn, the dragon star (Satan) and both occupied the womb together. “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them down to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born”. (Rev 12:4) About the time of Hanukkah, Christmas time 2011, Venus had exited the womb of Virgo. Satan exited Virgo on 11/11/11 which is a bad omen for occultists. Note: According to Stellarium 0.10.0, on Sept. 29, Sun and Mercury were next to each other in the upper half of Virgo. Saturn and Venus were in the mid section of Virgo. Venus enters the birthing canal on 10/4. 10/9 Mercury enters the womb and Venus exits. On 10/ 11, Mercury exits. On 11/6 Saturn enters the birthing canal. Jesus said in Revelation 22:16, “I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” Venus, the morning star, is in the “womb” of Virgo at this time. It will be “born” soon. The star Spica is the branch/root of David.
    Continuation of Virgo and 2011 The ELENIN Alignment of Sept 27 is uniquely or coincidently marked by 1) a New Moon, 2) on the Jewish New Year’s Eve, 3) with the Planetary Alignment of the Earth-Moon-Sun-Mercury! – There will be from the Rosh HaShana Alignment to the next subsequent Alignment of Nov 25, a 23-13-23 Day count pattern; ending with a Partial Solar Eclipse on Nov 25. – There are 2 direct ELENIN-Earth-Sun Alignments that fall precisely on 2 New Moon: Sep 27 & Nov 25 for a total of a 59 day, 60 inclusive day count. – The start of the Jewish Feasts, Rosh HaShana –corresponds to the duration period of the ELENIN-Earth-Sun Alignment on Sept 27 to the closest approach date to Earth by ELENIN 23 Days later. – The length of the duration of the Fall Feasts from Rosh HaShana to the conclusion of Sukkot –of 23 Days, corresponds to the Elenin Alignment from Sept 27 to when ELENIN crosses Earth’s orbit on Oct 20. – Elenin happens to come the closest to Earth on Oct 20 at .238 AU where it lines up directly at the end of the 8th Day Jewish Feast of Shemini Atzeret – concluding the Fall Jewish Feast period. – The New Moon of Oct 26 is exactly mid way between the 23-13-23 Day count. Luis Vega articles.
    Comet Elenin
    Comet Elenin will be in the head of Virgo on the Feast of Trumpets and the second comet, 45P Honda, will be directly under the king star Regulus (which is in the constellation Leo). 45P Honda will emerge out of Hydra, pass through Leo, and then travel into Virgo. The fact that it moves through the womb of Virgo and goes into conjunction with Venus and Saturn and then Spica is further evidence of its significance. Is this the Sign of His Coming? Dale Sides e-store Christ International articles.
    And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. Revelation 12:3
    Comet 45P Honda will rise out of Hydra (the 7-headed dragon) to meet Regulus (the “king” star).
    And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. Revelation 12:4
    Comet Honda will pass closer to Earth than comet Elenin in mid-August. Its tail will block the stars and rain debris. Its path leads it right into the womb of Virgo next to Spica.
    Comet Elenin also plays the part of the bridegroom, who leaves the father’s house (Leo), goes to the house of the bride (Virgo), to “steal” (harpazo) the bride, then back home (Leo), then to the home of the redeemed (Cancer).
    E. W. Bullinger in Witness of the Stars showed that the constellation Cancer is the Home of the Redeemed!
    Comet Elenin was discovered by Leonid Elenin. “Leonid” means “strength of the Lion.” In Hebrew, “El” means God, and “Anan” means cloud. A slight mispronunciation: El-Anan: Cloud of God?
    Comet 45P Honda was discovered by Minoru Honda in 1948, the year Israel was born. “Minoru” (verb, Japanese) means “to ripen, harvest, bear fruit.” It also has the connotation of completion, accomplishment, and fulfillment. (As in “until the days of the Gentiles are fulfilled?”) “Honda” ([proper noun] name, Japanese) means “field of origin.”
    Elenin moves into the womb of Virgo, which could signify the gathering of the seed of the Son of man. It reverses and travels out of Virgo’s womb and into her head on the Feast of Trumpets. It does appear that this could mean the gathering of the elect of God, especially when you recognize that it moves to and is located in Leo on Yom Kippur. (Leo is the coming Lion of the tribe of Judah.) Next, Elenin moves into Cancer during the Feast of Tabernacles, and Cancer signifies the redemption of the purchased possession (another possible signal of the gathering of the saints). Both of these comets are also in very important positions in the heavens on the Feast of Trumpets: Elenin will be in the head of the woman (Revelation 12:1) and the 45P Honda will be in proximity to Regulus, the king star in the king constellation Leo (Genesis 49:9 and 10).
    As 45P Honda moves through Virgo, it appears as though the serpent is attacking the seed of the woman in the womb. Virgo could also represent the elect of God as those who embrace the Messiah. This would mean that the saints are gathered and gone when the serpent gets there.
    Is this the Sign of His Coming? Dale Sides e-store Christ International articles.
    The sign of Rev. 12:1-5 occurred on Feast of Trumpets, 2011. This is September 29, 2011 when the virgin (Virgo) was clothed in the sun and the moon was at her feet, literally on that date.
    Saturn (Dragon/Satan) was next to her belly and Venus (Rev. 22:16) was too on that date.
    On this same date Mars was in Leo.
    This sign (Rev. 12:1-5) only appears once just as a sign the heavens. It is like a sign that the wise men saw at His conception (within Leo) and at His birth (just below Leo) could only occur once.

  109. Jim, Maryann lost my last long comment in answer to the above and it is in spam.
    You can read all of my articles except that you don’t like to read at Aviv Moon End Times Forums. There is 7 there as of September.
    All I do is cut, copy, and paste.
    Genesis 1:14 parenthesis information came from many sources. One was Dr. Denis Otero of Olive Tree Messianic Church comment in his teacings covering the Sabbaths, and Adat Yeshua Jewish Messianic Church teachings and Interlinear Bible Genesis 1:14, Leviticus 23:1-3 Hebrew Words. When the Messianic Church teaches on the Fall Feasts. they always include Leviticus 25 on Day of Trumpet teachings. but it was not until 2014/15 that I made the connection of years meaning Jubilee and I have been hearing this stuff since 2007.
    My Holidays’s Folder has close to 2000 pages.

    Ethiopian New Dam will be completed in mid 2016 or 2017 and will start filling sometime in that time frame but Africa along the Nile and its head waters is in severe drought conditions right now.

    Wait until we get to Job. I have close to 1000 pages in my Biblical Astronomy Folder and Comets folder.

  110. Jim, here is a new one for you straight from the Pope’s mouth.

    In a solemn sermon at the Vatican, Pope Francis has announced that Christmas this year will be a “charade” due to the fact that the globe is currently engaging in World War 3.

    Speaking at Mass at the Casa Santa Maria, the Pope said: “We are close to Christmas. There will be lights, there will be parties, bright trees, even Nativity scenes – all decked out – while the world continues to wage war. “

    “It’s all a charade. The world has not understood the way of peace. The whole world is at war,” he said grimly.

    Yahoo News reports:

    “A war can be justified, so to speak with many, many reasons, but when all the world as it is today, at war, piecemeal though that war may be – a little here, a little there – there is no justification.”

    And Agenda 21 became Agenda 21 on steroids and is now called Agenda 2030. By the way, right after Christtmas, since America no longer has a constitution, gun confiscation becomes effective and once thastars, then Americans will be genocidedby the Islamics. Every city has a warehouse where the confiscated guns are kept and once the call comes into the Islamics, they are going to go get the guns and start killing people. Welcome possibly to genocide of the Americans in 2016/2017 timeframe.
    Notice the word possibly. It means capable of being or of coming into, being; feasible. To me it means IF IF IF which means it may (MAY) or may not happen.

    By the way, the same book that the Possible definition came out of says a generation is from child to parent and it gave 30 years as its example.

    So now I have learned a generation is 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, 70 years, 80 years, 100 years, 120, years and by your definition anytime between now and infinity and it also means a group of people with no age limits.

  111. John,
    I just checked on Orion in Srellaium and there is no sign of Nibiru.
    First of all I already know your calculations are wrong because the two witnesses are not present. And ISIS is not WW#. The bible says that about half the population of earth will die. When I see that has happened I will know for sure the Second Coming is near. In fact all I’ll need to do is count 3-1/2 years from the day the 2 witnesses arrive and I’ll have the date of the Second Coming. I’m afraid you have wasted an unbelievable amount of time and effort in your astrological calculations. You have invested so much time that you probably can’t imagine that it all for nothing which is why you keep clinging to your date even though it is obvious to everyone who has read Revelation that 2017 is no longer a viable date.
    Your claim that Islam can take over the world is silly. All based on conspiracy theories and not facts.I predict Obama will retire. You think He will lead the Muslims to world domination. Yeah, right. And maybe the civilization living under the ice caps will rise up and wipe out humanity. Hey, I read it on
    Well, it won’t be long until you will have to give up on this nonsense. By Passover you will be desperate and by next September it will be all over for you. Meanwhile, you should go outside every night and search Orion with binoculars and maybe you’ll be the first person to spot Nibiru.
    So good luck with that.

  112. Jim,
    You and I and all of North and South America will be dead when you see 1/2 of the earth dead. We will be taken out when the meteorite storm hits first. Then Ausralia and all the Islands and Africa is taken out and now you have 1/2 of the earth dead.

    Revelation 6:4 says with a SWORD. NO Gun,nonuclear weapons, just a SWORD.

    The 2 witnesses is the Law and the Prophets.

    And as for Astrological calculations, here is your forecast for the day.
    Smartasses are pure stupid because they mock people and hate God since they are under the sign of Satan.

    Jim, I do not do astrology and all I do is Bible, and all you do is watch 16 hours of TV.

    Islam at this time is 1. 4 buillion people. By the year 2025, the earth will be down to 500 million people. That 500 million people will be Islamic.

    Maybe you are right that the aliens will wipe out civilization.

    Sorry, but I am colorblind and I do not own binoculars.

    By the way, let us wait until 2025 to see who is right. I wll give you till 2030 to see if you are right because an person on the Internet says that the Messiah is not due until 2048 so lets wait until 2048 to see who is right.

    For here forward, I will ignore all your comments until 2025.

  113. Very true. DJ. Out of 400 prophecies for the Second Coming, 60 have already been fulfilled and they began in 1948 with Israel becoming a nation. Time to go check out Brother to see if he lines up with what I have already learned and slightly add to my theology.

  114. DJ, others have said the Abomination that causes Desolation was the Dome of the Rock as well.
    Remember this, both the Dome of the Rock, all Islamic Temples, and even the Church of Nativity and Roman Catholic Structures will be torn down when the gathering occurs.
    Why, because we are under the Laws of God found in the first five books of the Old Testaament until the end of the Messianic Kingdom and we all will know them without the use of a Teacher and we will be obeying them to the letter of the Law.

  115. The abomination of desolation will happen during the tribulation, not 1200 years ago. Besides, the temple mount is not where the original temples were located. They were located to the south close to the spring of Gihon whose water flowed thru the temple and will again in the millenial temple. There is no way to get this water to reach any temple on top of the mount. So there was no abomination by placing a mosque on a mount built by the Romans for their headquarters during the siege and destruction of Jerusalem. Why do you think it was the only structure that still had one stone atop another? Everything but their mount they completely destroyed.
    Therefore there was no abomination by building the mosque / dome. And why would Jesus tell His disciples to look for the Dome as a sign of His coming? And why a sign 1200 years before the Second Coming? That is plain stupid.
    And the Law and the Prophets as the 2 witnesses is just as stupid and nowhere near the actual Second Coming. The description is of two human beings who can live, teach and die and then be resurrected. Also they appear in a specific city – Jerusalem not Paris, so you are taking too much leeway with the word of God for that scenario to work.
    So there…

    • I think the western wall does mark at least one side of the temple mount….the jews pray there, and have archeological findings from under the mount….I have read that the mosque does not sit exactly on the temple area but is close, but offset from the actual location

      • Marianne,

        Here is the location of the Holy of Holies.

        In line with the gate and puts the Dome of the Rick in the area of the court outer court.

  116. As you know mans knowledge of the universe is not vast and we in are infancy of space travel and the many other ways we can do this i.e. Time travel , solar winds , light , propulsion , magnetic gravitational pull , and finally we are bound by harmonic function .

    Harmonic function is the vibration which all atoms in the universe resonate too which I believe to be linked with magnetic forces But this is a lot deeper ect…

    Could this be the way that other beings may have traveled in the past . This could also be why they are no were to been seen just vanished of the face of the Earth . When this planet becomes in alignment with Earth. Is this how they travel by taking this short journey
    Planet hopping (if you like .)

  117. Peace i live in New York City. I would like to know if the planet Nibiru can been seen still to this day by the naked eye by day & by night? If so by night, exactly where do i need look in the night sky?

    • Jim will disagree with this because he is Mr. knowitall and we have already gone over this in another article here but all I can give you is what others have said in articles.

      Update on Nibiru location as of 12/31/2015 Update for Jim’s information means: Brings up to date. For me this is a continuing article which will get longer as information comes in from my sources. You hae to have an infra-red telescope to see it. Nemisis is a brown or red dwarf sun which can only be seen with an infra-red telescope.

      Pegasus, Cetus head below Aries the Ram, west of Uranus in Pisces. In line with Tarus. RH 12-14.
      Below Uranus orbit in Cetus near the upper star in July of 2017. In July of 2017 is Doomsday. But it could be March 26th.
      10/30/2016 In Cetus at head by Stellarium.
      Some time in 2015 on Google Sky: 5 h 42m 21.0s 22° 36′ 45.7″
      5h 53m 27s, -6 10′ 58″

      1/7/2016 Update
      There will be a great inclination of the eliptic which will impact the lives of humans and animals. Men will not notice it.
      3/2/2017 Earth Axis already 10 degrees out. Earth will continue to move from its axis without men noticing it.
      There will be an imbalance of the eaarth’s gravitational pull, which will “attract the giant which is still far away.
      3/17/2017 Global Earthquake Rev 16:18. Men will see something similar to the waves of the Sea.
      4/3/ 2017 Earth reduces Revolution velocity. Time will be lost.
      4/16/2017 Earth shifts 90 degrees. Poles will invert polarity.
      4/22/2017 Earth starts to shift its orbit towards Venus. Today the Parashah is Kedoshim which means “Set Apart.” Today is Shabbat Mevarekhin which means “Sabbath of Blessing.” It is the last Sabbath before the new moon. Shabbat Mevarekhin does not occur in Month 6 as the entire month anticipates the new moon of Month 7.
      Kedoshim (Set Apart) Torah Leviticus 19:1-20:27; Haftarahs Amos 9:7-15 & Ezekiel 20:2-20
      5/13/2017 Earth on new Orbit with Venus 16 hour days. Rev 8:12 Today the Parashah is Be-Chukotai which means “In My Statutes.” Today we celebrate reading the last Parashah of Leviticus or “VaYikra.” At the end of the reading we say “Be Strong! Be Strong! And may we be strengthened!
      Be-Chukotai (In My Statutes) Torah Leviticus 26:3-27:34; Haftarahs Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
      7/17/2017 Planets align
      3 days of Darkness 7/21-23/2017 Today the Parashah is Masei which means “The Journeys Of.” Today we celebrate reading the last Parashah of Numbers or “BeMidbar.” At the end of the reading we say “Be Strong! Be Strong! And may we be strengthened! Today is Shabbat Mevarekhin which means “Sabbath of Blessing.” It is the last Sabbath before the new moon. Shabbat Mevarekhin does not occur in Month 6 as the entire month anticipates the new moon of Month 7.
      Masei (The Journeys Of) Torah Numbers 33:1-36:13; Haftarahs Jeremiah 2:4-28, 3:4, 4:1-2

      According to some sources, you will be able to see it with the naked eye when it is 30 days away from impact. It will bring in the Trumpet and bowl judgments by its tail.
      It is like the tail of a comet or asteroid and when in its tail is when the events occur.

      Jim, if you want to make comments on this then make your comments to the sources yourself where I got the information from. So like the one above, make your comment to a you tube or a article and not to me.

    • lashawn

      this is something I am watching for but have not seen yet. people in the southern hemisphere can see it better since that is the direction it is coming from.

      they can see it near the sun at sunrise, when the sun’s light is not too bright yet

      on this page I have a few pictures

      Nibiru (2) continued

      this is NOT lens flare…because when the camera is moved, the object does not move with the camera. I saw one video where the camera was intentionally moved around to prove it was not lens flare.

      people in australia and at the south pole can see it best…as it approaches closer , more people will see it….since it is traveling, its exact position will be changing.

      you can also search for nibiru or planet x on youtube…..

    • Hi LaShawn,
      I’m Jim, the resident astronomer on this site, I’ve studied it for 60 years now.
      It sounds like you believe this article to bin with – that the projected path is as seen in the diagrams above. But Nibiru never did show up and no one has ever seen it. The article and charts were all a hoax. Since then the expected Nibiru arrival date has been bumped up every year that it fails to appear and follow the predicted orbit(s).
      John has said it would be here in September, then by Hannukah and now perhaps Passover 2016. The Nibiru hoax has expanded so that now there isn’t just the planet Nibiru but also 7 moons and a central brown dwarf star that it and other fake planets are orbiting. Conveniently, the star can only be seen in infrared light, but even so Nibiru should be able to be seen in visible light and so should the star once it is close enough to our sun to be illuminated by it, which is what the hoaxters are claiming.
      John acts as if you could pick it out of the sky if you only knew where to look, but he uses the planet Uranus as a guide which can’t be seen without a powerful telescope. So much for giving good instructions.
      and none of the predictions for 2017 are going to happen. They are physically impossible, even if a dwarf star did pass by earth, which it wont.
      So don’t bother going outside and looking for something that will never be there. It doesn’t appear in the Stellarium program either, for the same reason.
      Try this, call your local news station and ask them where you can view it or better still call the Hayden Planetarium and see what they say. Or Sky & Telescope magazine on line. Ask 100 reputable sources who do science for a living and you will get the same answer:
      Nibiru is a hoax!

      • Jim Giordano does not believe the Bible so don’t listen to him.

        Oh Jim, according to Daniel 8:14, your believes that Jesus will arrive in 2030 is correct because if you subtract 2300 from your date of 2031, you will arrive to some event in 2014 that began the countdown but first the Temple has to be built and once it is finished and sanctified, then you count 2300 days and you arrive at the date that Jesus comes back so maybe we are actually looking at 2033 to 2048 timeframe.
        By the way, don’t bother in believing that Revelation will be fulfilled in your life time because it will not be fulfilled until 2048 but 4 buillion people will be dead by 2025.

        • So John, have you finally given up on 2017? If not, you will soon.
          As for 2031, I’m not claiming any dates. I’m waiting for actual signs given by Jesus, however long that takes.
          It sounds like you are recalculating your astrology and you can’t find anything enticing until 2048. Way to go following the clues in the bible.
          And why do you think there needs to be a new temple built? Surely you weren’t expecting one to be built before 2017, so why the change? There won’t be a new temple till Jesus has returned. There won’t be any more animal sacrifices in Israel, either – ever.
          As for me, I will know the first seal when I see it and the appearance of the 2 witnesses will tell me when the Second Coming will be.
          Until then all I need do is wait and be vigilant.

          • Jim, I have not given up on 2017. The Mark of the Beast for North America comes into reality in 2017.
            According to you, are we supposed to be in the Mark of the Beast from 2017 to 2030?

            Here is something to ponder. If you do not have a Real ID by January 22, 2016, you cannot go into a Federal Building, you cannot fly and you cannot drive any more.

  118. Marianne claims Nibiru can be only viewed in Australia and Antarctica because that is the direction it is approaching the earth from. What she forgets is that the earth moves 200 million miles every year to a completely new vantage point, yet we in North America still haven’t seen it, not once in 4 years. And if it can be seen right next to the sun, then anyone who can view the sun should be able to see it, yet it only appears in photos where the camera is pointed directly at the sun.
    And the fact that some internal reflections move with the camera does not prove the “sighting” is a real object, for if it was there would be millions of cell phone and news photos of the new discovery, yet no human has ever actually seen anything outside their cameras. What does that tell you.
    So if you can see the sun, look around it and see what you can see. It is either there all the time or it doesn’t exist. If anyone else on earth who can see the sun can see it, then why can’t you?
    And if you can picture it, if Nibiru is coming from due south – below the earth’s pole, then why doesn’t it appear directly overhead at the South Pole? The photos shot there are just like the ones in this article shot from Arizona, Paris and London – are all looking directly into the sun near the horizon – as far from “below the earth” as you can look. Her astronomy is way off.
    Listen, the discovery of a new planet headed toward earth would be the leading news story every night, yet it only appears on YouTube. And if you look at all the thousands of so-called reports, they all describe a different object in all different places. Just look at the orbital diagram at the top of this forum. It shows nibiru coming from the celestial north, not south. And it claimed to pass by the earth in 2012, which was a lie.
    Marianne only believes in Nibiru because she thinks it may fulfill one piece of bible prophecy, which it wouldn’t even if it did pass by. To her, and others, it bolsters her faith in God, if only it were true. But it doesn’t prove one bit of bible prophecy. It only proves she is gullible and lacking in understanding of God’s universe.
    Don’t buy into this nonsense. You can only be disppointed.

    • the pictures are not lens flare…..people saw the object first, then photographed it.

      since the earth travels around the sun once each year, it would make sense that only certain times would the object be seen. other times the earth would be on the other side of the sun.

      and the object has been seen at Antarctica…

      one may possibly see it from arizona, but where did you get that info? …only if someone is up in the mountains 14,000 ft up where they can view over the curvature of the earth

      • The video you refer to was taken in the US – Arizona I thought. But look at your own photos at the top of this blog and they are taken all over the world, all in North America. You can go to YouTube and find thousands of Nibiru photos taken from the US. If it can only be seen from the southern hemisphere then all these thousands of photos are fakes, including the video you refer to where the reflection (not flare – another type of artifact) WHICH WAS TAKEN BY AN AMERICAN IN THEIR HOME STATE. By the way,, all your link does is take you back to this same blog page, not to the video in question, so I’m guessing it is the same one I discussed earlier, which likely is a hoax due to the orientation of the moon in the video.
        Any anyone who says they saw it with their eyes is lying or else everyone else would be able to see it and surely it would end up the news, yet it has never been shown on any news station… only on YouTube which is unregulated for content.
        And you clearly don’t understand astronomy if you believe that if something is visible in the southern hemisphere can’t be seen in north America. As I’ve said before, if the item is near the sun, which Nibiru always is because every photo taken of it has the sun in the photo with it, then anyone who can view the sun should be able to see Nibiru. And on the two equinoxes, EVERYONE ON EARTH can see the sun at some time that day.
        So celestial objects can’t hide themselves away as easily as you believe. And believe me, if a new undiscovered planet ever does show up there will be dozens if not thousands of astronomers, professional and amateur, that will try to claim it as their discovery. They won’t all join some sort of worldwide conspiracy of scientists who know about Nibiru but for some strange reason want to keep it a secret from the public… even though there is already tons of “proof” all over the internet that Nibiru exists. So if the secret is already out there, why doesn’t some amateur astronomer who wants to go down in the history books take some reputable close-up photos thru his telescope and claim the discovery as his own? Surely one out of maybe 100,000 amateurs worldwide would have done so by now.
        All it should take to reject Nibiru being real is simple common sense.
        If you ask John who just posted his proof of Nibiru above, he claims it is in the constellation Cetus… or Pisces, or Taurus or??? But ALL visible tonight from anywhere in North America. But he says you need an infrared telescope and that it is a brown dwarf star. And nowhere near the sun! So who is correct? You have claimed the brown dwarf theory many times, so where is it? Plus I can find 100 other YouTube videos with Nibiru in 100 other places, so how can everyone be right? Common sense should tell you that someone if not everyone is lying.
        But apparently gullibility trumps common sense. How long did it take you to realize Santa Clause was a myth?
        Now, how many years have you believed Nibiru that was real and would show up THIS year for sure… if you’ll only continue to believe!??

        • how do you know the photos were taken in america? is “made in the USA” stamped on them? all they are – are pictures of the sun, this does not define the location.

          I believe nibiru is possible and report what others see….

          what they see in the SKY, and take a picture of

          NOT what they see in their camera as lens flare, and report that the lens flare is in the sky

  119. I went to your blog page on Nibiru you linked to above:
    On this page I scrolled down to “Other Photos” and copied their URL’s here:

    Note the top 2 file names… they end in “Paris” and “London” and they are photos of the Eiffel Tower and the New London Bridge. And the last one {sunset-west) is clearly taken in Arizona. These are YOUR photos that YOU collected and posted on your article. Now you say it is not possible to see Nibiru from those locations which means you intentionally posted lies and fakes in your article.
    Now for the new vidieo where the object does not move with the camera:

    Go to this page and read the Main Comment lone:
    “Two Suns & Moon in the Sky over the coast of Florida. A video has emerged that appears to show ‘Planet X the Sun and the Moon, all 3 in 1 video. Must See!
    Conspiracy theorists believe Planet X, also known as Nibiru, orbits at the edge of our solar system “
    So even your best proof of Nibiru was shot “ over the coast of Florida“ and nowhere near Antarctica, so your whole Antarctica explanation must be a lie or else these photos you’ve posted are lies. And I can find hundreds more like them on YouTube. Nibiru is showing up in cameras all over the world, yet no astronomer has ever seen it. If it is visible from London and Paris, why can’t everyone in South Carolina see it to? It is so bright and easily visible to the photographers, why can’t you just go outside and see it every day. Is it a magical planet? Why can only YouTube photographers see it?
    You seem to have 100% gullibility and zero common sense. You are drowning in lies yet you refuse to look at them in true light. And worse, you are propogating these lies and connecting them to God and His prophecies. But that doesn’t seem to bother you as if God condones false prophets. You or anyone else could easily prove these videos are fakes and not real objects but most people are just too lazy to bother with it. But passing on lies for biblical purposes will not go unnoticed by God. I have already done the research on these lies and laid it out before you. But you are as stiff-necked as the Pharaoh of Moses’ time, and you may end up with the same fate.
    I pray this won’t happen and that you will soon turn from the dark side and see the light.
    And the same for any readers who are on the fence about Nibiru.

    • jim

      all I know is they saw something in the sky, and then took a picture of it.

      people are smart enough to know the difference between something in the sky, and some glare that is in their camera

      they would not have taken a picture if there was nothing there to take a picture of

      like i said before, i saw one video where the person SHOWED what they were viewing was NOT lens flare by moving the camera around.

      I would like a good, not imaginary explanation like yours, for what they saw in the sky

      • With Photoshop commonly available amateurs can now do everything at home that Hollywood can do in the studios, so at this point no one can know for sure what they are looking at, and entire movies like the Blair Witch Project are being made to look like they were shot by amateurs on camcorders. So you can’t believe the images and you certainly can’t believe the people. If someone is out to fool people of course they are going to pretend that their “object” is real. The question is why they were the ONLY people on earth to see it. With 7 billion cell phones out there and an army of news reporters everywhere on the globe, why didn’t anyone else see it and photograph it? Iooked around the sun today and there is nothing there. I look every time I go out and there has never been anything there. You would think after ten or more years of hanging around the sun that Nibiru would have made the news, but it hasn’t. I hang out on line with the astronomy community and not one person has seen it or even mentioned it. And how could a planet with the elliptical orbit you describe spend over ten years in the exact same place. That’s not what orbiting bodies do. And if it can only be seen from below the earth, what is it doing hanging around the sun, visible from all over the planet?
        Well, the answer is, it simply can’t. If it doesn’t look and act like a planet, then it isn’t one. In fact it isn’t anything except sometimes an artifact created by the camera, which By the way, CAN appear to move with the lens, depending on how it is created. Take a college course in optics and you will see exactly how it can happen.
        You know what… I’ll bet that when the false Christs come, if they appear on YouTube you will be the first to hail them as your God. You just can’t seem to tell the difference from a YouTube fraud and the truth. And even though these false Christs never show up on the mainstream news, you will still claim they are as real as Nibiru. You will claim a great conspiracy is keeping him from being revealed to the public, so as not to create a great panic.
        Gee, where have I heard that before?

  120. As i said, while lens flare does move with the csmera angle, some kinds of internal artifacts (reflections) can move with cameras that have digital sensors so that argument no longer holds water. Sorry that your knowledge of modern cameras is so limited.
    Also, I took some photos of the sun with a professional camera and lens using a darkening filter so the sun is not overexposed or causing internal reflections. I too over 50 photos close to and farther from the sun and there is absolutely nothing there, so whatever you may think that “object” was, it is gone now. And still, no astronomy buff has seen it. Check with Earth/Sky or Sky and Telescope. There’s nothing there.
    I’ll send you a few photos. Then you could print them out and draw in Nibiru with a glitter pen. That would be just as valid as any YouTube video as far as I’m concerned.

    • jim

      you cannot read.

      the object was in the sky and they took a picture of it.

      the object was STATIONARY while the camera was moved around, meaning it was REAL, not lens flare

      • Marianne,
        I did a few simple calculations on the video you keep referring to.
        So try to understand this:
        The object is exactly the same size as both the sun and the moon. The sun is too overexposed to see but the moon is clearly visible.
        Now, we all know that Nibiru is 4 times the size of the earth or about 30,000 miles in diameter.
        The moon is 2,100 miles in diameter or roughly 14 times the width of the moon.
        Now, since Nibiru appears exactly the same size as the moon, it therefore must be 14 times farhter away. Simple math.
        The moon is about million miles from the earth, so therefore the distance to Nibiru is 14×250,000 miles or about 3.5 million miles from earth.
        The earth is around 93 million miles from the sun, so Nibiru is nearly at the same distance of 89.5 million miles. That places it BETWEEN us and the sun, right? So we should be looking at the dark side of Nibiru, the side facing us and away from the sun so Nibiru should have a crescent appearance like the new moon. That is a simple fact. Yet it is fully lit – almost glowing like the sun. This is not possible.
        And if you think it is near or behind the sun you are crazy. If it were that far away it would have to be the same size as the sun or even larger and two objects that massive would produce a GRAVITY WELL WHICH WOULD SUCK ONE INTO THE OTHER AND EVERY ORBIT OF EVERY PLANET WOULD BE ALTERED RADICALLY. SOMETHING EVERYONE WOULD NOTICE.
        So whatever that image is, it can’t be anything real. Go ahead, send the video to any astronomer or science teacher and see what they say. Either the laws of the universe have radically changed or the image is faked.
        You wouldn’t believe a photo of a man with the head of a lizard would you? Well that’s how an astronomer would think of this photo.
        Plain and simple.

  121. Here is a description of Jim who fits the bill to the very dot of the I.

    Many websites and articles continue to be written about Planet X that spread lies and disinformation.

    1. They say Planet X only MAY exist or there’s no evidence for its existence or it comes around only once every few million years if it does exist. This first level of disinformation is widespread.

    2. The second layer of disinformation is for people that have done their homework and absolutely know that Planet X does exist. For them, the disinformation artists are saying it will not arrive in our lifetime.
    This fits Jim to the very letter. We have finally nailed Jim as being paid to give out disinformation. How much are you Jim getting paid. 2000 per month?

    3. Lastly, for the observatories that are completely aware of Planet X and its approximate arrival time, they are saying “keep quiet and don’t worry, nothing will happen during the passage.”

    • John,
      All three of your assertions are ridiculous.
      If the orbit of Nibiru is a few million years, then what civilization existed back then to record its passage and determine its revolution time? And a few months ago you had proof that it comes around every 300-400 years and caused all the Old Testament events such as the Red Sea, the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. So now you admit you lied or at least believed in a lie?
      Not a single actual astronomer has ever claimed to have seen Nibiru. Then You Tube idiots take their photos and claim something in it is Nibiru. And every claim of its arrival has proven to be a lie. And the “disinformation” you refer to is not that Nibiru won’t be here in our lifetimes but that it doesn’t exist at all. And I only WISH I was being paid to tell the truth. But there isn’t enough money on earth to pay off every astronomer, amateur and professional and everyone else who has seen it (supposedly). Go ahead, try this. Claim here that Nibiru is a myth and see if you get a visit from the Nibiru police with an offer of money to keep you silent. There must be billions of people on their payroll, so why not one more. Check it out for yourself.
      And lastly, there are no observatories that confirm the existence of Nibiru, let alone claim it is real but will miss the earth. That’s just another lie.
      So far you have given at least two incorrect arrival times for Nibiru. Care to make a new prediction based on all the YouTube videos you’ve been studying lately? Surely there must be a real YouTube video out there with the true orbit of Nibiru. It must be this year if you still believe in your 2017 Second Coming. So go ahead… put me in my place with a correct prediction.
      I dare you!

      • nibiru, if real, comes around every 7200 years close enough to cause a disturbance. it actually is reported to come 3600 years, but every other time it the earth is in a different position in its orbit, so the disturbance is less

        • And just where does this information come from? There are no records of its sightings and projected orbit anywhere. No ancient civilization even knew that the planets revolved around the sun so how were they able to calculate such an exact and remarkably even, rounded off number of years? Exactly 3600 years. How precise!
          And then to figure out how far from the earth it comes on each pass – one close, one far and so on.
          And an orbit of 3600 years is ridiculous. Even the farthest planet, Pluto orbits in less than 250 years. And it comes nowhere near the earth or the sun. Here is an interesting fact: if Nibiru did have such an elliptical orbit, by the time it reached 1800 year point (aphelion) it would be well out of the solar system and no longer tied to the sun. It would simply keep going away and away. A real planet remains at about the same distance from the sun. Only comets have such elliptical orbits and none of them have such a long orbital time. They too would never return if they flew outbound for 1,800 years.
          There is no way anyone could know the size of Nibiru either. The Sumarians had no way to calculate its size. So who calculated it is 4x the size of the earth? Some You Tube idiot no doubt. And the fact that it has “wings” and 7 moons also has to be just made up. You seem to believe any You Tube idiot as long as it sounds convincing to you, even though you can’t understand anything they are saying so you take it all at face value. And that value is worthless.
          You believe a video shows it above the sun from Florida then you say it can only be seen from Antarctica. You simply regurgitate anything and everything you read about Nibiru. And yet you’ve never seen it nor has anyone you know personally or anyone else other than You Tube idiots. No reputable science web site has reported on it and no astronomy program has it in their database.
          It is as elusive as bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. And you can add Santa Clause to that list, and the Boogie Man and the Easter Bunny. You hear of Santa sightings every christmas but that doesn’t prove he’s real.
          And you will have the same luck with Nibiru.

          • jim

            there ARE ancient records….people back then were more advanced than you think.

            and I have read recent accounts of it being measured…no i don’t have the reference

            there is no one today in science who has technically seen jesus in the flesh, but there are ancient records of him…

            you think he is real?

  122. Jim youwill always be of those 3 quotes from an article on the net until the end of 2018 or even 2022 or 2030, it does not matter how long it takes.

    A group of scientists in Russia, held several meetings in the year 2000 to discuss the inbound planet, discovered from one of their largest observatories.

    A 66 year old professor and physicist let it be known that he attended this meeting. This led to the infamous “2003 Problem” from a Reuters news service wire on Sept.13th, 2000.

    Top Russian government officials called for a commission to study the problem which was said to expect to cause, “a string of calamities and a massive population shrinkage.”

    They openly wondered whether Russia would still even exist as a country afterwards.

    Andrei Shukshin, who wrote this story, has admitted privately that he did not know why the Russian leaders were saying this and added his own speculation to the new story. All follow-up stories written to quash the disclosure elaborated on Andrei’s speculation and left out key points in the original story such as “massive population shrinkage.”

    Private contact made by a wealthy business man in Germany to a large observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia, yielded significant information. The man in charge of finding new planets at the observatory, admitted they’ve been watching Planet X for 3 years and are worried about the substantial damage it may cause to Earth during its passage. The name they gave for Planet X was “Raja Sun” or “Great Star.”

    As Jim said: Not a single actual astronomer has ever claimed to have seen Nibiru. Jim, I believe the quotes above more than you.

    As of late there’s been a rash of observatories that have closed their doors for various reasons or have been destroyed. Many will simply not point their equipment for anyone in the direction of the Orion constellation if they do remain open. Some will give an excuse that there is some sort of obstruction in the way or equipment failure.

    Jim said this: Not a single actual astronomer has ever claimed to have seen Nibiru. Jim, I believe the quote above more than you.

    Get the message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • John,
      You are a caldron of contradictions.
      You say that Jesus will return and begin His millennium kingdom next year, 2017. Then you say that a rogue planet will come the following years and wipe out half the earth and God won’t have the power to stop it.
      I checkerd on the article you refer to and here it is in part:
      MOSCOW, Sept 13 (Reuters)
      “ Russia’s Parliamentary leaders and President Vladimir Putin agreed on Wednesday to embark on a three-year crash course to thwart what they said was an anticipated chain of disasters due to hit the country in 2003.
      ”(These are) issues of extraordinary importance, strategic issues which may degenerate into a serious threat for the existence, I want to stress this, for the existence of Russia,” former Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov told reporters.
      Some experts have singled out 2003 as the year when three problems – a big debt bill, eroding infrastructure and an ageing population – could combine to throw Russia into turmoil. “
      So the shrinking population you referenced was the result of an “aging population” dying off (and few people immigrating into Russia to replace them.
      NO mention of Nibiru or planet X. All that was just made up. As usual, a lot of lies mixed with just a touch of truth.
      So once again you rely on YouTube conspiracy theories for your information and never bother to search for the real truth.
      I hope you enjoy being deceived.

  123. Jim,
    Mark of the Beast Phase 1
    As of January 22, 2016, you will not be able to drive or fly and some articles say etering Federal buildings unless you have a Real Id. Phase 2 for NA Rfid chip and a tattoo on your right hand or forehead in 2017.
    So tell me this since you call me a liar. Why would God allow us to be under the Mark of the Beast until 2031 which is your date for the Second Coming.
    Since you are a follower of Armstorng, I want to know his answer for being under the Mark of the Beast for approximately 15 years. Even the false teaching of 7 year tribulation brings us down to 2022 timeframe
    3 and one half year time frame brings us down to 2020.
    So why do you say we will be under the Mark of the Beast for 15 years????

    • John,
      You seem to think that the RealID program is far more than it really is.
      All it is is a tightening of security of State Driver’s ID’s to make them more secure so they can’t be easily faked by terrorists. It is NOT a separate ID issued by the government, only a security upgrade that the states must comply with so their ID’s can be used for people to enter secure government buildings and nuclear power plants etc. By 2020 the upgrades must be used for airline travel or else a second photo ID will be required in addition to the drivers license.
      Do you really think new drivers licenses for US citizens will be the mark of the beast? That’s nuts. And they have absolutely nothing to do with banking if that’s what you thought.
      I believe the mark of the beast will be Sunday worship, required by the False Prophet (pope) which is the breaking of God’s law. And just as the ancient Jews were punished for polluting His Sabbath, modern Christians will be punished as well. So I’m waiting for that command from the Vatican beast to begin the mark of the beast, not some silly ID that God couldn’t care less about.
      The mark of the beast will begin the tribulation. It could start next year or 10 years from now. I’m not expecting the Second Coming on any particular year. Only 3-1/2 years after the two witnesses appear, another thing I’m looking for that you simply ignore.
      So if they appear this Passover, then we will all know the date of the Second Coming. If not, I’ll just wait for next year. And so on until the true signs of the apocalypse come to pass.
      I am not set only any date. I don’t believe you can just calculate the day of the Second Coming, 2031 is just one logical date based on numerology and biblical time frames. It is more logical than your 2017 calculations which have already proven to be false.
      As for not being able to drive or fly after Jan 22, that is pure BS. California licenses are compliant so there is no problem here. I’ll let you know if I can get into the Social Securty offices next week or the VA hospital in Feb.- both federal buildings.
      And all the supermarkets are still open for business, even though you claimed they would all close by last May. Like everything else you predict, it is all based on pure internet BS.

  124. A Disclaimer: ..Under no circumstances should anything in this article be interpreted as advocating that the practice of astrology was ever or is now sanctioned by God or used by God-fearing people. It has always been condemned by God in his Word, the Bible.

    I believe Jim that numerology is a part of astrology, sooth sayer.

    Mic_5:12 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:

    1. numerology (n.)
    the study of the supposed occult influence of numbers on human affairs

    Since you practice the occults then you are nothing more than a soothsayer and are into witchcraft. You are lost and not saved.

    Occultic Practises and Influences
    The Bible condemns all kinds of Occultism with the strongest words and penalties. The Bible orders “to stone them to death”, what they do is “a prostitution against God”, and calls them “an abomination to God”:
    Leviticus 20:6,27:
    “A man or woman who calls upon spirits or fortune-tellers or magicians shall be put to death by stoning; their blood is upon them… anyone who turns to mediums and fortune-tellers or magicians prostitutes himself by following them, I will set my face against him, and will cut him off from the people”  
    Deuteronomy 18:10-12:
    “There must never be anyone among you who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire of sacrifice, who is a soothsayer, augur or sorcerer, weaver of spells, consulter of ghosts or mediums, or necromancer (who seeks oracles from the dead). Anyone who does such things is an abomination to God , and because of such abominations the Lord, your God, is driving out these nations before you”  
    God commands us not to be involved in the occult: He commands man to be separate from the occult so that man and women can be His people (Leviticus 20:24-26) without distraction. Seeking occult power/knowledge is essentially soliciting the help of demons or false gods. This disobeys God’s command “ You shall have no other gods before Me ” in Exodus 20:3. God has told man to seek Him for everything in life. Jesus explained, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength ” in Matthew 22:37. This leaves no room for other “gods.” Part of God’s nature is that He desires people’s full devotion and attention – He is a “jealous” God and a “consuming fire” (Deuteronomy 4:24).
    Biblical Example of Occultic Involvement:
    Moses had warned the Israelites to drive all wizards and witches out of the lands they conquered or put them to death and it was known throughout the region. Saul’s kingship was firmly established upon his victory at Jabesh-Gilead, after which he was proclaimed king at Gilgal (1 Samuel 11:1-15). Following initial successes, Saul soon began making a series of very serious blunders, beginning with the offering of a sacrifice, which was to be performed only by the priests (1 Samuel 13:9-12). It was this foolish and presumptuous disobedience to God that cost him the kingship, which would later be taken over by David. Saul’s behaviour then further degenerated from unwise to outright insane, including ordering his military forces to go without food until they had defeated the enemy, and attempting to have his own victorious son Jonathan executed for disregarding the foolish order (1 Samuel 14:24-45). A time came where the Philistines were gathered to battle King Saul’s army and the frightened king knew he could not win but hoped he could find help. There had been a time when God had guided him, but now he had sinned against God so he could not expect a blessing from that source. In desperation, Saul turned to the witch at Endor to contact the dead Samuel for advice (1 Samuel 28:3-25) in which his doom was predicted by an apparent appearance of the dead Samuel instead of the usual familiar spirits (1 Samuel 28:4-25). Saul died during a battle with the Philistines the very next day (1 Samuel 31:1-13).

    4.13 Occult Practices
    Astral projection, Astrology or Horoscopes, Automatic writing, Blood pacts, Channeling, Crystal balls, Curses and spells, Fortune telling, Halloween, Light as a feather, Magic, Native spirits, Numerology, Ouijiboard, Palm Reading, Reading tealeaves, Seances, Sorcery, Tarot cards, Wizard, Witch, Warlock or Wicca.

    Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ Yeshua HaMashiach begone from the mind and body of Jim now and do not come back. In the name and power of God, I demand you to leave the body of Jim at once !!!!!!! Amen!!!!!!!

    Jim as long as you practice numerology, you are head to the lake of fire and damnation. And once you die in your sins and you do not repent now of your evil ways, then you will burn in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity. There is no turning back once you die and you cannot tell others to stop practicing the occult after you die.

    SO REPENT NOW while you are still alive or pay the consequences by going through the Wrath of God. It is your choice. Get saved or go through the wrath of God.

    • I find it hilarious that you accuse me of numerology when your whole 2017 theory is based on numerology – generations from various dates and astrology looking for planets in various constellations – rather than what I told you to do – to look for actual signs given by Jesus. I don’t predict any dates. I just gave you a logical alternative based on a perfect 2000 years from the resurrection to the Second Coming. I never said there was any proof in the bible for a numerical solution, just a logical hunch. But you say it is not a possible date because the planets don’t line up properly. I don’t care about the planets or any other astrological signs that are completely non-biblical.
      So repent your evil ways and destroy your Stellarium program and your web browser that takes you only to dens of lies.
      Learn the real mark of the beast or be doomed to suffer it.

  125. Jesus says sin can cause diseases

    A friend exclaimed that it was controversial to say that sin can cause physical disease. That may be so, but it’s Jesus who’s saying it.
    Let’s look at the passage in question:
    2 Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. 5 Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”
    7 The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.”
    8 Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” 9 And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.
    And that day was the Sabbath. 10 The Jews therefore said to him who was cured, “It is the Sabbath; it is not lawful for you to carry your bed.”
    11 He answered them, “He who made me well said to me, ‘Take up your bed and walk.’”
    12 Then they asked him, “Who is the Man who said to you, ‘Take up your bed and walk’?” 13 But the one who was healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn, a multitude being in that place. 14 Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”
    John 5:2-14

    (An interesting side note is that part of verse 3 and all of verse 4 were added by a later author – the bit about angels healing people was not in the original text.)

    Here is the plain reading of the passage:
    A sick man was healed by Jesus. Jesus then told him to stop sinning or else he’d end up with a worse disease.

    The implications of this are:
    1. The man’s original disease was caused by his sins.
    2. After he was healed, further sinning could cause more disease – something even worse.

    It is possible to interpret “lest a worse thing come upon you” to mean the threat of eternal torment in hell, although this isn’t the most straightforward interpretation. However, even in this case, it’s clear that Jesus considers the man’s disease to have been caused by his sin.

  126. Jim, here is my introduction in Feast Dates and Second Coming Part 1.

    Feast Days and Second Coming Part 1 This video that is 1:20:00 hours is an overview of the study on theses feast dates and it ties into this study. He says that we are not to set dates and I agree but on the following timeline, you have dates. The beginning of the feast date study started with creation in the month of Tishrei (7th month) and ends in the first month in Tishrei at the end of the 7000 life of the earth. However, I have also tied the Day of the Lord into the Jubilee year (Lev. 25:9-10) and the Second Coming into the year of Jubilee (Lev. 25:9-10; Isas 61:1-2) just to give more of the information of the timeline so you can follow along with History of Israel timelines. The Bible centers around the Middle East and the great tribulation events take place in the continents of Africa, Egypt, Middle East, Asia, Russia, and Europe.

    This study of the Feast Dates is the end of a 7 year study on Gen. 1:14. Out of this study, I have had to study all of the prophecies of the Bible, Revelation, Tribulation, Covenants, Feasts of the Lord, everything concerning the first coming, the Bible Laws, and anything else involved. I have not gotten into histories of the nations like this video goes over. Part 1-4 is self explanatory. Part 2 covers mostly heavenly events, part 3 covers the things that I cannot tie into part 2, and part 4 covers the connections to 2017 to 3015. Parts 2 and 3 has 20 hours of articles and video’s to go through.

    Feast Days and God Creation-Millennium 3986 BC BC-7000 AD. Part two 2010-3014

    Why are Feast Days important to God? Genesis 4th Day 1:14-19. The Sun, Moon, Stars are for signs and seasons (Moed/Moedim) Lev. 23; 25.
    The reason of these Feast Dates articles is to make you folks realize that God uses His calendar and that you should be on His calendar which is the biblically calender based on Leviticus 23.

    A Disclaimer: ..Under no circumstances should anything in this article be interpreted as advocating that the practice of astrology was ever or is now sanctioned by God or used by God-fearing people. It has always been condemned by God in his Word, the Bible.

    Here’s the list of God’s doings and they mostly connect to Sabbaths (Lev 23, 25) God’s Biblical Calendar as you know is what God follows. So His Sabbaths are important to Him.

    Gen 2:1-3 And He rested on the 7th day –Sabat We Messianics say Shabat Shalom. (Have a restful sabbath). For the Son of Man is even the Lord of the Sabbath (Matt 12:8; Mark 2:28; Lk 6:5).
    Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

    Before we go further, some people object and say we do not know the day or hour of His return meaning we do not know the year, the season, the month, and the day of His return. Matt 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away (Isa. 65:17, Rev. 21:1), but my words shall not pass away. (Mk 13:31; Lk 21:33; Mt 5:18) Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. (Mk 13:32; Ac 1:6,7)

    When the days of the Messiah approach, even children will be able to discover secrets of wisdom, and through them be able to calculate the time of the end; then it will be revealed to all.’ ” (Zohar 1:117b-118a). Mk 13 note: In the Son’s humanity, Jesus did not know when the day or hour would be. During this time on earth, Yeshua voluntary waived some of His divine perogatives according to Ryrie Study Bible. 1) This verse may refer to the return of His second coming and if this is so then read further. If you notice the year is not mentioned, the season is not mentioned, the month is not mentioned. The year is a year of Jubilee. The next one is in 2017 (6003), then 2067 (6053), then 2117 (6103). The season is in the Fall based on Lev. 23:24ff. The month according to the Julian calendar is Tishrei or the seventh month Biblically again based on Leviticus 23. The first of the month is called Rosh Codesh and it begins on the sliver of the new moon. In September of 2017, for example, it is on the 20th or 21st. Since these days are shortened, then we have to add 2-3 days more. Just by guessing, we don’t know the day of the day. All we know is that it will be on the first sliver of the new moon in any given September. 2) There is another interpretation to this verse and that refers to the end of the earth because of Matt 24:35 which Matt 24:36 follows.

    God’s Biblical Calendar Lev 23:1 And the LORD (YHVH) spake unto Moses, saying, Lev 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel(12 tribes, Christians, Messianics), and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts. Month 1 Abib/Nisan/March; Month 3 Sivan/May; Month 4 Tammuz/June Month 7 Tishrei/September; Month 9 Kislev?/December; Month 10 Tevet/Dec-Jan; Month 12 Adar/Feb-Mar

  127. John,
    I agree that God created the feast days for a reason, primarily to introduce the savior, and Jesus has fulfilled the spring feast days and will fulfill the fall ones with His return. But I can’t say that every one of the 21 last judgements all happen on feast days, but they might. But you only have 12 feast days left before your Second Coming day so unless they double up on some you are already out of time. If nothing happens this Passover you will be in big trouble.And if nothing happens by Pentecost your theory will be completely dead.
    And as for your Jubilee calculations, I might believe that Jesus will return on a jubilee year, but then I would have to believe He also ascended on one and that your calculations are in error. I’m sure that will be your excuse when nothing happens in 2016 or 2017 and no manner of recalculation will prove any more accurate or certain. and the whole 1917, 1947, 1967 dates will also be out the window.
    At some point you will be forced back to reading the bible and listening to Jesus and the signs he told us to look for.
    Until then you’ll just be spinning your wheels.

    • Jim, you also have to realize that there are 24 Rosh Chodeshes (first sliver of the new moon) and 104 Wednesday’s left, and 104 Regular Sabbaths and that is more than enough to pur out the Trumpet Judgments on.

      My whole study of the Feast Dates study was to understand all of the days important to God, not only the Feast Days. And without a shadow of a doubt, I can say that 100 events on Regular Sabbaths, Feast Sabbaths, 4 days (Wednesdays) and New moons are all important times to watch for the Trumpet and Bowl judgments to occur. You see thre is a pattern occurring and you have to watch for that pattern.

      Why did the wise men always see a conjuction of a planet and Regulus for 8 times on the fourth day, once on Friday, and the final one of 2 planets and Reugulus on the Sabbath. Why did Noah Ark land on mount Ararat on Passover which was also a regular Sabbath or a 4th day event.

      Yes, I have close to 100 events already recorded that occurred on these days: 4th Day events, Regular Sabbaths, Feast Dates, First slivers of the new moon, and 2 on the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles.

  128. Here is the information on numerology. Until I read this, I did not know that it dwelt with mathematics so I guess 2+2=4 is numerology just as 1967+50=2017 is numerology, 1947+70 = 2017 is numerology, 1917+100 =2017 9s numerology. Based on this by you doing your money and keeping track of howmuch you have is considered numerology. So I guess, I will stop using math altogether because it is numerology.

    Numerology is any belief in the divine, mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events.[1] It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts.[2]

    There is no scientific evidence for numerology.

    Despite the long history of numerological ideas, the word “numerology” is not recorded in English before c.1907.[3]

    The term numerologist can be used for those who place faith in numerical patterns and draw pseudo-scientific inferences from them, even if those people do not practice traditional numerology. For example, in his 1997 book Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought, mathematician Underwood Dudley uses the term to discuss practitioners of the Elliott wave principle of stock market analysis.


    Pythagoras and other philosophers of the time believed that because mathematical concepts were more “practical” (easier to regulate and classify) than physical ones, they had greater actuality. St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354–430) wrote “Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.” Similar to Pythagoras, he too believed that everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the mind to seek and investigate the secrets of these relationships or have them revealed by divine grace. See Numerology and the Church Fathers for early Christian beliefs on the subject.

    In 325 AD, following the First Council of Nicaea, departures from the beliefs of the state church were classified as civil violations within the Roman Empire. Numerology had not found favor with the Christian authority of the day and was assigned to the field of unapproved beliefs along with astrology and other forms of divination and “magic”.[citation needed] Despite this religious purging, the spiritual significance assigned to the heretofore “sacred” numbers had not disappeared; several numbers, such as the “Jesus number” have been commented and analyzed by Dorotheus of Gaza and numerology still is used at least in conservative Greek Orthodox circles.[4][5] However, despite the church’s resistance to numerology, there have been arguments made for the presence of numerology in the bible and religious architecture. For example, the numbers 3 and 7 hold strong spiritual meaning in the bible. Jesus asked God 3 times if he could avoid crucifixion and was crucified at 3 in the afternoon. 7 is the length of famine and other God-imposed events and is sometimes followed by the number 8 as a symbol of change.[6] One example of this would be when Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman, Miriam was required to go in the wilderness alone for 7 days and on the 8th day to rejoin Exodus. Another example would be when Elijah commanded his servant Ahab to return to Mt. Camel 7 in times to search for a certain cloud and on the 8th time he found it. The Chartres Cathedral was built with numerological influences as well. The adopted motto, “assumptio virginis beats mariae” holds the gematriac number 306. 306 was the number of a leading dimension of its design in Roman feet. 306 divided by 2 is 153 which is the number of the fish making an allusion to the fish caught by Simon Peter. The freemasonry movement developed from elite groups of contracted builders who wished to keep the technological methods and sacred significance of cathedral building a secret.[7]

  129. My notes on numerology.

    Since the earliest date is 325 CE. Lest find out about the history timeframe.

    315 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)
    4300 321 CE 86th Jubilee (yovel יובל) 321 CE March 7, Constantine I decreed that Sunday (dies Solis) to be observed as the Roman rest day.
    “On the venerable day of the Sun let the Magistrates and the people residing in the cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits because it often happens that another day is not suitable for grain-sowing or vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.” Codex Justinian 3.12.2; translated by Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. 3 (1902), p. 380, note. This was the beginning of the Year of Ra and Sabbath (Saturday) keeping was condemned. Jews and Christians killed who kept the Saturday Sabbath.
    322 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)
    325 CE First Council of Nicaea
    325-350 CE Codex Vaticanus
    329 CE The Chronicle of St. Jerome’ 25th
    336 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)
    “Under the reign of Constantius (337-362) the persecutions of the Jews reached such a height that . . . the computation of the calendar [was] forbidden under pain of severe punishment.” Calendar,” The Jewish Encyclopedia, “mean motions of the sun and moon, the true [calendar] having been set aside.” Maimonides, Kiddusch Ha-hodesch, Tr. Mahler, Wein, 1889. With the development of the importance of the Sabbath as a day of consecration and the emphasis laid upon the significant number seven, the week became more and more divorced from its lunar connection . . .The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Isaak Landman (ed.), Vol. X, “Week,” (1943 ed.), p. 482.
    350 CE Sabbath year (Shmita שמיטה‎)

    In 321 CE you have the introduction of Replacement Theology and because of this Christians worship on Sunday, and practice Christms and Easter and all who do this is a part of the whore of Babylon. Come out of her people or pay the consequences which is the lake of fire and brimstone. Is this timeframe the third Passover was added to the book of John and it was not in the original codices or manuscripts. So for all of you who worship on Sunday, practice Christmas and Easter and do numerology, you get to thank the whore of Babylon (Rome) for all of the problems including the creation of Islam.

  130. The problem with numerology is that there are so many numbers that it is possible to manipulate them to say anything you want. First people claimed that the Second Coming would be 40 years from 1947. Then 40 years from 1948. Then 40 years from 1967. When those failed to work they got more creative and started using different numbers. Your 2017 Second Coming is just one more failure. That is why none of the biblical signs spoken of by Jesus have yet to happen.
    Nor will your prediction of Americans not being ably to drive or fly as of tomorrow pan out. No notifications in the mail or on the news so I’m sure life will go on as usual for quite a while to come. So much for your sources.
    Or maybe I’m rushing it – there’s still 2-1/2 hours left.

  131. Dear Satanist Jim,

    Is the government paying you 100, 000 to be a dis informationist because it is not working because you are already dead and lost.

    By the way, it is not me who is saying it but 100,000 to 300,000 who are saying it. All I do is collect the information and store it.

    By the way, there is now 20 coutries collapsing economically and inflation is 80 to 100 percent. Oil is down to 20 dollars per barrel and when it goes to 10 per barrel, you do not want to find out what happens but go ahead and search it out because America is dead and fire is coming and you will get burned as you die.

    • Here we have the astrologer calling me a Satanist. Good one.
      I don’t care how many people believe your crap. Most of the world’s Christians think the “Left Behind” scenario is correct interpretation. The true church is a mere “remnant” and over a billion Christians will and already do have the mark. So 300,000 more people being wrong is no big deal.
      All the worlds will follow the beast. The majority will be wrong. So don’t try to impress me with large numbers.
      You are only proving your own doom. And Satan rules the You Tube idiots.

    • jardalkal

      do not call people names

  132. Since you want to keep to signs of the Bible, you have to cut out Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:14; Leviticus 23; Leviticus 25; Isaiah 61:1-2; Isa 49?:9-10; Luke 21:25-26; Psalm 90:1; II Peter 3:8; Joel 2; Acts 2; Psalm 19:1-4; Job; Jesus Death; the Flood; Sodom and Gamorrah, The Exodus plagues; The Tower of Bable, Joshua’s long day; Hezekiah Sun Dial; 185,000 Assyrians; Jonah and the Whale. And a dozen past events. All of these are clues.
    You also have to cut out Israel (the nation) because they are the biggest clue as to His return.

    • John,
      Your assertions are silly, un-biblical and not possible.
      You are under the mistaken impression that in order for the flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, the Exodus plagues and Jonah and the whale were all caused by Nibiru coming near the earth. The truth is even if Nibiru did come near the earth, none of those things would happen. Just read a fifth grade science book.
      The bible truth is that these things were made possible by the hand of God, not some hunk of rock. I do not need Nibiru to explain all those events… just God. And virtually every Christian who reads the Old Testament believes the same thing. Only godless producers of TV shows try to explain biblical events as if they were simple acts of nature and nothing at all to do with a Supreme Being.
      You seem to side with these people and don’t think God could pull off these events on His own, including future events which is why you are so sure Nibiru must be real – because you have no faith in God to fulfil His own prophecies.
      Let me tell you what is going to happen:
      First of all, most of your prophecy interpretation is false and will simply never happen. But eventually, as the seals open and the judgements come down it will be obvious to most Christians that these are biblical events.
      Then after they come (as A SURPRISE TO YOU) you will get on your computer and look at the astrological signs to confirm (to you) that these are the real events. Then, MAYBE, you will find some sort of astrological alignments (just different than you were expecting) and you will be satisfied that the events are the real thing.
      OR NOT.
      In which case you will come to realize that all the time you spent studying this stuff was just a big waste of time.
      Then you will no doubt be emailing me to ask what is going to happen next and you will shun all the You Tube idiots that you depended on for so many wasted years.
      That is my personal prediction so we will have to see what actually goes down. Of course, none of these events will happen until after your 2017 target date, so you’ll be looking for a new interpretation for sure by that time.
      As I said, we shall see.

      • Jim, get your head of of watching Satan’ media 24-7 and look for the Seal 3 sign. Infaltion in the globe is 80-100 percent and 20 nations are collaping economically.
        Middle East articles are talking only about Ezekiel 38-39 war.
        Seal 5 is in full control in theMiddle East. Europe is being destroyed by an invasion of Islamics and they are now coming into USA.
        Within 1 year, USA will be in the same boat as Europe is now.
        Economically, what happened with Greece in 2014, is going to happen to America in 2016.

        Here is what happens to a nation that is taken over by Islam when it begins developing.

        Muslim invation

        This, not the Chinese or the Russians represent the greatest threat to the world and might be the fulfillment of the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible.

        Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat

        Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.

        Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.

        Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.

        When politically correct, tolerant and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components
        tend to creep in as well.

        Here’s how it works:

        As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a
        threat to other citizens. This is the case in:

        United States — Muslim 0.6% Australia — Muslim 1.5% Canada — Muslim 1.9% China — Muslim 1.8%
        Italy — Muslim 1.5% Norway — Muslim 1.8%

        At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:

        Denmark — Muslim 2% Germany — Muslim 3.7% United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7% Spain — Muslim 4%
        Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

        From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction
        of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature
        halal on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:

        France — Muslim 8% Philippines — Muslim 5% Sweden — Muslim 5% Switzerland — Muslim 4.3% The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5% Trinidad & Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

        At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

        When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections in:

        Guyana — Muslim 10% India — Muslim 13.4% Israel — Muslim 16% Kenya — Muslim 10% Russia — Muslim 15%

        After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:

        Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%

        At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:

        Bosnia — Muslim 40% Chad — Muslim 53.1% Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

        From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

        Albania — Muslim 70% Malaysia — Muslim 60.4% Qatar — Muslim 77.5% Sudan — Muslim 70%

        After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and is on-going in:

        Bangladesh — Muslim 83% Egypt — Muslim 90% Gaza — Muslim 98.7% Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
        Iran — Muslim 98% Iraq — Muslim 97% Jordan — Muslim 92% Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
        Pakistan — Muslim 97% Palestine — Muslim 99% Syria — Muslim 90%
        Tajikistan — Muslim 90% Turkey — Muslim 99.8% United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

        100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace. Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools and the Koran is the only word, such as in:

        Afghanistan — Muslim 100% Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100% Somalia — Muslim 100% Yemen — Muslim 100%

        Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

        America by the end of 2016 will be at 40-50 percent thanks to Obama.

        • John,
          “America by the end of 2016 will be at 40-50 percent thanks to Obama.“
          Since the population of the U.S. is now 320 million people we would have to accept 160 million Muslims to get to 50% Right now it takes 2 years to vet people trying to enter the US, and when Obama leaves office the whole immigration scene could change radically, so 2 years could turn to forever. Especially if Trump gets in.
          The immigration policies of the US will not let that many people in for such a short time frame.
          And in Europe the pope and the next Holy Roman Emperor will conspire to get rid of the Muslims using the mark of the beast. This will open the seals and eventually start WW3 – the war of Daniel.
          So what you see happening in Europe is exactly what I’m expecting to happen, but with a different outcome. So good… your data confirms my interpretation as well.
          So lets just see what happens. By the way,, Jan 22 is almost overand the only reason many people can’t drive or fly is the superstorm that’s hitting the east coast right now. So your whole Real ID mark of the beast theory is just another lie. And now you come up with this whopper! What planet do you live on anyway? Your claims are just getting crazier and crazier as your time runs short. You know you’re expecting over 10 million Muslims every month to arrive and be processed and relocated for the entire remainder of this year.
          Lets see how many millions are let in in February and then we can talk some more..

          • Try shipping 300, 000 in in UPS planes. He kicked out of the Washington DC office all Christians and now the only ones there are all Islamics. So figure we are now at 30 percent Islamic.

            After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:

            This is already happening in NM. Deerborn, Michigan is a no-go zone. Texas is now considered a no-go zone.
            You really need to get your head out of your butt and look around at what is going on around you.
            Your own state governor wants every one of you killed ASAP.

            At Christmas time, wherever there is a heavy population of Islamics, they killed people on Christmas Day in that state.

            Did You Know There Are Muslim ‘No-Go’ Zones In The USA


            By Lauren Richardson
            2:27 PM January 29, 2015

            Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe, and even popping up in cities here in the U.S. This should heighten every American’s awareness of the imminent danger we as a nation face. Once established, they are unsafe, and proving deadly for non-Muslims to inhabit or even to walk through the neighborhood.

            Parts of the UK have already become ‘no-go’ areas for police because minority communities are operating their own justice systems, according to the Chief Inspector of Constabulary.

            Honor killings, domestic violence, sexual abuse of children and female genital mutilations are just some of the offenses that are believed to be unreported in some cities and growing at an alarming rate.

            It starts off innocently enough with them wanting to share a neighborhood with like-minded, religious thinking community dwellers. They slowly grow larger, and incorporate more Muslims into the area, and begin buying up property as fast as it becomes available or leasing it. Then they install their own courts, government, justice and punishment system, Sharia law. At that point threats are aimed at anyone living in the neighborhood that is non-Muslim. These areas have been formed with ‘ethnic cleansing’ harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim provocation and fear of property damage and physical harm. It’s very effective, and the results advantageous to the Muslim community in establishing another ‘no-go Sharia controlled zone.’


            They declare it by hanging signs that say: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone, Islamic rules enforced.” Do not enter unless you are willing to submit to Islamic Sharia law, or risk great personal harm. This is strict Muslim ideology rules, not the rules of the host country or state they are residing in. They are now self-governing in a “voluntary apartheid” by shutting themselves into closed societies and then demanding immunity from our criticism and our courts. And frighteningly enough, they are getting away with it.


            In the U.S., Dearborn, Michigan: Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into their first ‘no-go’ zone. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law). The new idea of ‘no-go’ and ‘no-entry’ is significant, and shockingly being upheld. They provide weapons and guards and government officials in their own societies. They build what they want on their compounds. They have schools inside that their kids are educated in. They are taught their religion in school. No separation of Church (mosque) and State.

            As of 1/14/2015 here are the states that are under Islamic Law.
            Alaska, California, Texas, New York, Michigan, Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia.

            Obama Administration Sets Stage For Sharia Law In America


            Home » Obama Administration Sets Stage For Sharia Law In … Perez Refuses To Affirm 1st Amendment Rights Obama Administration Sets Stage For Sharia Law In America

            Hillary Supporters Want Sharia Law In America


            … Hillary Supporters Want Sharia Law In America. … absolutely,” as Dice said the way women are treated under Sharia Law would … A Completely New …

            • well John,
              It seems you have no shortage of conspiracy theories to prove to yourself that all this is happening right under our noses with no one realizing it. Like replacing every elected official with Muslims. I watch congress on cable and all the elected faces are still there… no one has been replaced with Muslims. And even Hillary vows to eradicate ISIS so why would radical Muslims support her? Do you believe all the presidential candidates are radical Muslims? Maybe you have been replaced with a radical Muslim. You seem to believe that Islam will take over the world – the prophecy of Mohammed.
              So it is impossible to debate you on this. You will simply say something has happened even though it hasn’t. You say all the seals are opened. WW3 is over and we are past the famines and pestilences. I just never noticed them because mainstream media failed to report it. It looks like you will be touting this nonsense until the Feast of Trumpets 2017. Maybe you will even tell us that Jesus has returned on that day, but we will only know for sure if we turn to YouTube. I’m sure they will have a convincing video of a man dressed in white robes descending to the mount of Olives and that will be enough proof for you.
              Well, I doubt you have fooled many people here as gullible as many of them are. Most of us need more proof that one or two You Tube idiots to confirm God’s prophecies have been properly fulfilled.
              So you can just sit at home and imagine all your predictions happening all around you, but you are in your own little imaginary world, and that is not my world – the real world.
              So tell us, what is the big bible event to go down this Passover? Got to be something big,,, your time is running short.
              Fill us in.

              • How many of those elected officials have turned Muslim no one knows.

                Atlanta Fire Chief: I was fired because of my Christian …


                … I was fired because of my Christian faith. … States when a person cannot express their faith without fears of … United States, …

                Atlanta’s Fire Chief Fired for Espousing Christian Beliefs …


                … fire chief for the crime of being a Christian … Us. Blogs » Matthew Archbold. Matt&Pat Archbold. Atlanta’s Fire Chief Fired for Espousing Christian Beliefs .

                Christians are leaving the armed forces and now their is the law that Christians in the Armed Forces cannot tell anyone they are a Christian. I have been watching this issue for the past 3 years going from ok to bad to worse.

                Will The U.S. Constitution Be Replaced With Sharia Law?

                Jul 2, 2013

                Posted by sierra2one

                By: Tom Chatham

                As one follows the trail of destruction taking place in the U.S. a clearer picture is beginning to develop. The speculation that the U.S. is slowly being destroyed by internal forces has some merit.

                It has been insinuated that the global elite wish to destroy the U.S. and its constitution. They wish to take it below third world status and insure it will never rise again to offer any resistance to their rule. Even with a total takedown of the American system it would be difficult to prevent any serious attempt by the people to rebuild the nation unless something else was put in its place to insure that would not happen. Any type of western government would provide the possibility to move toward the past ideals of America so something else must be used. The destruction of American ideals which are based on Christian beliefs and the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness must be eliminated completely with no possibility of reemerging.

                The war on Christianity in America has many confused and taken in a different light may make more sense. The slowly changing demographics in the U.S. offer the opportunity to change the type of government and religion practiced openly in this country. As Christianity is being pushed aside the Islamic faith is being given a special protected status to ensure it overwhelms everything else with time. The increasing population of Muslims coming into this country and the rising incidents of Muslims acting in accordance with Sharia Law in direct defiance to U.S. law is but one warning sign that should be heeded.

                In 1998 Omar Ahmad, co-founder/board chairman of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) said publicly, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

                In a 2011 report, the Center for Security Policy found 50 “significant” published appellate court cases where Sharia Law entered the courts decision making.

                Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy wrote, “American elites still deal with Sharia as just a religious system, when in fact it is as totalitarian a political program as ever were those of Communism, Fascism, National Socialism or Japanese Imperialism.”

                McCarthy also said, “Sharia is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the forces of Sharia have been at war with non-Muslims for 1,400 years and the United States of America for 200 years. While the most recent campaign to impose this totalitarian code began in the late 20th Century, it is but the latest in a historical record of offensive warfare that stretches back to the origins of Islam itself.”

                The transition to a Muslim nation is under way in America and very few realize it yet. With a new Muslim government in place the prospect of an American Republic ever rising again would be small and insure the global elite would not have to worry about this type of distraction. Once the nation succumbs to the planned destruction of its primary systems it will be ripe for transformation.

                The destruction of the currency system, manufacturing base, freedoms defined in the Bill of Rights, Christian beliefs such as the institution of marriage, self sufficiency and property rights, will ensure the self determination of the population will be sufficiently broken to accept whatever system is imposed on them. This is where we are headed.

                There are many rumors floating around about actions being taken by the government and equipment being purchased. When put into the context of America becoming a Muslim nation it would seem a reasonable assumption that the new government would round up and eventually eliminate all Christians in a manner that might require the use of guillotines as an execution method. In that light, the rumors take on a new urgency.

                For those that follow bible prophecy the aforementioned may seem like a reasonable explanation of the things we are now witnessing. There are some future events to watch for that would reinforce this idea. Some of these things are already visible but will increase.

                Immigration reform that allows large numbers of Muslim refugees into the country

                The increasing use of Sharia law in predominately Muslim communities

                The loss of freedom to speak out against Islam in the U.S.

                Special rights for Muslims

                Increasing education of and use of Islam in schools across the nation

                The increasing rejection of Christian beliefs in the U.S

                The destruction of Christian churches in the U.S. physically and legally

                The outlawing of Christian symbols in public

                Increasing crimes against Christians by Muslims

                Persecution of Christians by government agencies

                While this scenario could very well end the nation as we know it forever, it is my personal belief that the American way of life will prevail, but not before a long and bloody fight has enveloped this nation and years of strife have renewed this nations’ resolve. Only when the nation has regained its’ moral compass and rule of law will it be capable of rebuilding itself. Only when it has regained its’ spirituality will this be possible.

                Christmas was cancelled in 2016 after 2015 Christmas year.

                What is happening in Europe now will happen in America in 2016/2017.


                  You may or may not be aware of this, but Obama has actually relieved nearly 200 top military commanders in order to make the military more loyal to him and his extreme vision for America. This includes even some of the top generals and colonels. Obama has even quietly asked members of the military to swear a personal oath of loyalty to him. Plus, he has been arming and equipping the Department of Homeland Security, making them as well trained and armed as the military. This is what he will most likely use if martial law is ever declared. The Constitution denies the military the right to operate on US soil. Not so with the DHS.

          • if muslims are moved in after great disasters where millions of people killed at one time, then the percent muslim population will increase….

            • For that to work, over 98 percent of Americans would have to die.
              Not likely, not without also killing 98% of US Muslim would also die, statistically. Mathematically, it can’t work.

              • between GOd and bozo, it could very well work

              • Try 281-290 million Americans by 2025.

                • A new survey reveals the dramatically changing face of religion in America, with the number of Muslims in the U.S. soaring 67% in the decade since the 9/11 attacks.

                  Data released Tuesday from the 2010 U.S. Religion Census shows Islam was the fastest growing religion in America in the last 10 years, with 2.6 million living in the U.S. today, up from 1 million in 2000.
                  This was back in 2012.

                  Jim, plese do the curtesy of the math. 312 million to 2.6 and add another 600,000 for good measure since then.

                  By 2025, there will be 31 million people left in North America and the majority of those will be Muslim.

                  By 2025, 281 million Americans must die according to the elite’s list.
                  By 2025, 500 million will be left in the globe and the majority of them will be Muslims.

                  • WND Exclusive

                    U.N. to dump flood of Muslim refugees on U.S.

                    ‘Several thousand in the pipeline, and that number will go up’

                    Published: 09/15/2014 at 7:44 PM


                    Obama Has Flooded America With Muslim Immigrants ⋆ Doug …


                    Obama Has Flooded America With Muslim … that Mr. Obama is allowing so many immigrants into the country while so many Americans remain out …

                    Sharia Advisors – Barack Obama’s Muslim Appointees in High …


                    … Barack Obama’s Muslim Appointees in High Security Positions. … the Muslim Brotherhood into high security … President of the Islamic Society of North America

                    Islam In America: Mosques See Dramatic Increase In Just …


                    Islam In America: Mosques See … In the decade since 9/11, American Muslims and mosques have … the Islamic Society of North America and the …

                    Obama’s Secret Plot To Bring 100 Million Muslims to the US …


                    … paranoid conservatives have cooked up all sorts of conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama. Some have … since 1990 he has … into Muslim countries …

                    Muslims in the United States – Council on Foreign Relations


                    He suggests the experience of Muslims in the United States … Muslim bigotry, since they also have … of America as a ‘Christian nation’ into …



                    OBAMA CONTINUES TO FLOOD AMERICA WITH MUSLIM … that Mr. Obama is allowing so many immigrants into the … the Office of Refugee Resettlement since …

                    Out of the Syrian Refugees, 300,000 will be coming into North America and they are all Muslims.

                    And for the Record, how many Syrian Refugees who are Christians are allowed into north America. According to the Obama Administration, none are not allowed to come in and are given to the wolves.

                    By 2017, I suspect Islam to be in America around 5 million.
                    Jim, please do the math and tell me what percentage this will be at. Will it be at 10 percent, 20 percent, 30 percent, 40, percent, 50 percent and remember to subtract 60 million Americans by 2017 who are Christians.

        • that is a thought….

          the seals are open, and some areas are farther along than we are, but we will be catching up soon

  133. Jim. you also have to cut out Revelation 12 to keep up with your 2031 timeframe.
    There is no you tube video’s on this article. As a matter of fact, this man and articles like this, got me into keeping a list of events just to see where we are on God’s timeline.

    • The guy that wrote this article has several things completely wrong. The woman is the true church which is contrasted with the great false church (woman who rides the beast), You can’t have one woman representing a church and the other representing a country.
      He also believes in an Antichrist and the 70th week of Daniel which will not happen. The woman in rev12 is the true church – the remnant and it is first persecuted by the Vatican for the 1260 years of the first beast, the Holy Roman Empire. Then in the end times it will be rescued to a place of safety for 3-1/2 years during the tribulation and protected from the seals, trumps and vials. The idea that Israel was persecuted during the Holy Roman Empire is silly since Israel didn’t even exist. And God will not transport a nation that does not believe in the Son of God to safety as they are not the true church.
      So your whole point is moot since it is based on false prophecy.
      Plain and simple.

      • He also believes in the 7 year tribulation and that the Feasts are not connected to the end. Go read his blog some time on his predictions. However, he does understand math in ways I do not and like Luis Vega Eschatology files and charts, they both understand patterns in numbers which I do not understand. I don’t even understand Calculus, Geometry, or the higher maths so to me they are all numerology (your terms). All I understand is simple math. 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 4+4=8. 1917+100=2017, 1967+50=2017; 1947+70 =2017.

        I did not know there were patterns in numbers until these two showed them to me.

        About Bill, even though he is a Doctor of Theology, his theology is all messed up as is most Christians. That is why I came out of the Church of Babylon (Revelation 18).

        As for the true church, it is not your church of Armstrong who is the true church. It is not the Mormon Church or the Jehovah Witness Church.

        The true church follows Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The bride of the Messiah are those who lay their burdens at the cross, their own wills at the cross and take up God’s will for their lives. The one’s who take up God’s will for their lives have both an open heart and a open mind and are willing to think outide the box instead of staying within their own little box like those who say there is no Nibiru or those who are like the Zetatalk people who are so delusional and lost.

        I checked the website for Zetatalk and they can stay in the dark and lost for all I care.

        I will follow the Bible no mater where I go and Yes, God answers your prayers through dreams and He shows jesus to people in dreams even though you do not believe in dreams because you have a closed mind and a closed heart.

        Moses church had the largest congregation and that was 3 million people. I made a promise to follow God in 2011 no matter what and I will stick to my guns on that one.

  134. If you are inclined & mentally capable of dealing with the hard, cold truth pertaining to Planet X, aka Nibiru, go hang out at these sites and absorb all that you can. Then share what’s coming with other skeptics so that they may have a shot at survival as it passes by our planet in the not too distant future. Nibiru has been visiting our neighborhood every 3657 years or so for eons upon eons. And to top this amazing story off, Nibiru is inhabited by intelligent giant huminoids who actually come to earth 450,000 years ago in search of monatomic gold for use in their thinning atmosphere. And we look exactly like them, only not as large. These giant genes still show up today in some unusuakkt large humans around the world. While here they created slaves for the mines by mixing their genetics with that of the bipedal ape like creatures of the South African plains over & over until “we” evolved. So it is we who look exactly like them! These Gods of the bible created man.
    Hard to believe? I know! Go find out for yourselves before Nibiru arrives.

    • I think you’ve watched far too many episodes of “Ancient Aliens” on the History channel. The people you listen to don’t believe in God but rather aliens that came to earth and started human life here. So I doubt you will find many people on this site who will agree with you, even if they also think Nibiru is real. And there is absolutely no proof that Nibiru exists, only stories on the internet from nuts who have fun making up disaster stories just to fool gullible people, like yourself who live their lives based on conspiracy theories. Just because you can find web sites dedicated to these theories doesn’t mean anything they say is true.
      But be my guest and live in fear of your imminent demise. But don’t try to scare others with this nonsense. Keep your monster stories to yourself.

  135. Zetatalk gives you lies. And the Destroyer has possibly come around every 300 to 350 years.
    If you think Nibiru came the last time at the Flood. Find the date of the flood and add you 3657 years to it and your not so far distant future is sill in the year 2150ish.

  136. John,
    You say that by 2025 there will be from 281-290 million Americans. You also mentioned that most of the world will be Muslim. That does not bode well for Jesus as King of kings. If He is coming next year to begin His millenial reign, than after 8 years the whole world is still Muslim then He isn’t much of a God, is He? Maybe he has converted to Islam just like Mohammed predicted.
    In any case, if there will still be 280 million Americans, there will be at least that many in 2017.
    And you say 5 million Muslims will enter the country by 2017.
    SO doing the math, by next year the Muslim population will be at 1.8%
    Getting to 40 or 50 percent is an impossibility, given the mood of the country and present immigration laws.
    Face it, your 2017 theory doesn’t stand a chance of happening. All these scenarios will require many years to unfold, if they are even able to ever happen. Anyway I don’t believe that Islam must take over the world to fulfil prophecy so I don’t subscribe to all the conspiracy theories you buy into. Of course you need to believe them or else your whole interpretation falls apart so no one can convince you that they are just wishful thinking and not the truth. Only time can convince you of your errors.
    You wouldn’t believe the truth even if Jesus Himself told it to you.

    • According to a population Government website, by 2025, the population of the earth will be down from 4.5 buillion people to a mere 500 million people.

      I had a list atone time for all the nations that would gain and lose people.
      For instance, America was to come down from 309 million to 60 million or 50 million.
      Israel was to lose 3/4ths of their population by 2025.

      So using your 2031 year, in 2030, 1/4 of the planet would die of plague. Out of 500 million, how much is 1/4th of the planet. You do the math.
      By the end of the Trumpet and bowl Judgments, I believe there is 1/3 of the people left which would be 125,000,000. All the Christians are gone by then and majority of the Jews will be dead if Islam has its way. The Antichrist may be Islamic and may not. Do you really think, anybody who does not worship on Sunday will be alive. So all Saturday worshippers will be dead.
      Most of the population I suspect will be Islamic and they love to worship on Friday, so anybody who does not worship on Friday will die.

      So now, let us look before 2025. If the second coming is in 2017, the population will be down to 3 Buillion.
      There would be more present on the earth then then there would be in 2030. By 2030, most of humanity will be cyborg. You Jim will be 3/4’s machine and 1/4 human. Your brain will be all machine. Your eyes will be android eyes, your legs will be all steel and wires, your blood will be oil.

      Dangel may have been the government website. Lisa Haven at did the article on the website back in 2014 or 2015.

      And I keep getting article messages that say within the next 6 months, 281 million Americans will be dead and this is from a patriotic website.

  137. is the website.

    Israel Population in 2014 and in 2025 2,856,300
    2014 7,820,000

    USA Population 2014 verses 2025
    2025 64,879,100
    2014 318,890,000 318,000,000-64,000,000=254 million people must die.

    Georgia Guidestones Population of the Globe by 2025 500 million.

  138. John,
    So, are these 280,000,000 Americans going to die all at once 6 months from now in one big disaster or will they start dying off right away in a steady stream? Oh wait… they will all be taken to FEMA death camps and be executed by guillotines. Martial law is about to begin. Jade Helm will finally kick in.
    We are all doomed!

    • jim

      most people are doomed, unless they put their trust in Jesus

    • Jim, the red list will be taken in the night to be killed. All vets will be killed because they know how to use a gun. The blue list which I am on will be taken to a Fema Camp to be guillotined or beheaded or genocided by gas. The mandatory shots will kill most people. When school children get their shots now, they become autistic or even die within 6 days of getting their shots. All people over 50 most likely will be killed in one form or fassion.
      To do this by 2025, the government has to kill 150 million per year by guessing and not doing the math per year to get the population from 4 buillion down to 500 million.
      War will do the most work, famine in the globe will do a lot.
      All of this information I am passing on is in the headlines at I check the headlines twice a day. The volcanoes will do a lot of killing.
      Then you have to include the trumpet and bowl judgments in as well.
      But right now, famine is doing most of the killing except in the United States and parts of Europe.
      With in invasion of Islamics going on in Europe, then Europe will die and what is left becomes a part of the United Nations beast system.
      Could the UN be a part of Gog for the Ezekiel 38-39 War, that is what some are thinking right now.
      You have the list somewhere on the effects from Nibiru above that will do some of the killing. Then the Mark of the Beast in 2017 by what some are saying when it begins will cause those who do not use their DNA or take the RFID chip will die from famine and starvation so yes with all the combined, the population of the globe may be down to 500 million by 2025.

      And you said it, we are all doomed. The only way out is to put your life and trust into the hands of God.
      I read about a preacher who preached for 40 years and never did get saved until the very end of his life.
      Left Behind Series has a preacher who was never saved and was left behind after the rapture.

      • Let’s not forget nukes. NYC and many other cities are destroyed in less than one hour. Millions of deaths in less than an hour and more deaths by the hour.

        I see that some folks still believe everything they see on TV is true. There are some reports and events created to persuade the masses. Planet X is one such false report.

        Here is another.

        Psalm 64

        • DJ, you do not know the names for planet x or plant cross.

          The many names of ‘The Destroyer’
          The star has been given many names during its course through the history of mankind.
          Lucifer, Satan, The Dragon, The Great Snake, The Destroyer, The Serpent, The Devil, Marduk, Nibiru, Shiva, Hercolubus, Wormwood, The Dark Star, The Death Star, The Red Star, The Red Planet, Barnard Star; Raja Sun, King Star, Tyche, The Planet of the Crossing, The Winged Disk, The Tenth Planet, The Dark Twin, Black Star, Freightener, flaming sword ?, Comet Elenin (NASA), *P-7X {Astronomer John Anderson, Science Digest, November 1982} *Planet X (NASA Astronomer Robert S. Harrington–Planet X as the Tenth Planet–1993}, Tyche, Nemesis, 2nd Sun. The Blue Star, Blue Kachina, Fiery Red Dragon of Old, Chinese Guest Star 1054 AD, Death Angel that passed-over Egypt, the Terrible Comet, XKBO; Messianic Star; Leviathan; Sakkloth; .Denebola–brings misfortune and disgrace.

          “The Destroyer” in the Old Testament of the Bible; “The Destroyer” in ancient writings of the Egyptians (Ex 12:23; Jer 6:22-30; Jer 48:7-10; Isa 16:4-5; Jer 4:1-10; Jer 51:18; 51:54-58; Rev 12:3-4, 9, 12-15). Other verses: Isa 54:16-17;

          “Wormwood” in the book of Revelation 8; “Nibiru” in the writings of the Sumerians; “Marduk” in the Babylonian religion; “Phateon” in the Greek literature;“Nemesis” in the Greek mythology; “Apollyon” in Babylonian mythology; Rev 9:11; “Apollo” in Greek mythology; “G1.9” as a working title by NASA; “The Death Star” by NASA. Planet GJ1214B

          El Shaddai is His Name. Shaddai comes from the root word “Shadad” shaw-dad’ A primitive root; properly to be burly, that is, (figuratively) powerful (passively impregnable); by implication to ravage: – dead, destroy (-er), oppress, robber, spoil (-er), X utterly, (lay) waste. Strong H7703

          The Destroyer planet has 7 moons just as the Beast in Revelation has 7 heads. Could it be that the Beast is none other than Nibiru.

          • so you are saying that wormwood in revelation is satan falling to earth?

          • NO

          • All I do is cut,copy, and paste. Somebody in lala land pulled the list together and all I do is cut it out from their document and placed it into mine. But I do not do one sentence at a time but a whole paragraph or a whole article or a whole chapter.
            Personally I keep my thoughts out of what I compile and if I do make a personal comment I say: (Note by JA. I do not personally agree that Nibiru should be called “Wormwood’).

      • John,
        The “Left Behind” scenario is completely wrong. And even if it were, it would not unfold in the time you have left. And an RFID chip would take years to implement world wide.
        So once 2017 is proven false (to you) will your next “perfect” astrological date be 2048? So what will you do for the next 33 years? You’ll then be in my place, arguing with people that see end-time signs all over the place and will call you crazy. (Which you are, but that is beside the point).
        Well, I’m a veteran and part cyborg but the government won’t kill me because I’m a shill and they need people like me. When Nibiru gets here they will send me there on a shuttle (secret fleet) and I will be the one sending meteors and other disasters at the earth. They need good astronomers for those tasks, you know.
        But maybe I’ll see you at a FEMA death camp first.
        I’ll be the one sharpening the blades. 😉

        • Jim, for me, the left behind series is fictional and it is light reading compared to Bible Dictionaries. And, it also supports the 7 year tribulation.
          As for the RFID chip, it would take one year to implement if the population of the globe was down to 500 million people.
          In the third world countries, your government is sending in troops to kill off villagers and they have been doing this for 20 years. War will kill most people off and nuclear war against America is just around the corner or about a day from starting.

  139. Trust in god only get right with ,,god he’s comming😇

  140. Here is the comiled timeframe we are in.

    4. Seal 3: World wide economic collapse, famine. (Rev 6:5,6) September 24, 2015 Year of the Shemitah; One world currency, Oct 20th, 2016. Fed’s are planning for a set date for this to happen. Be ready with 3 year supply of food and water.
    5. Seal 4: Plagues, death, ¼ of world’s population dies. (Rev 6:7,8) Africa (Ebola Virus and other viruses that America’s government tests on Africa and Mexico to use as 171 mandatory vaccines on Americans); black plague??, Denebola in Leo the Lion in Heaven (see ebola) tied to the solar eclipse in September 2015(Evangelist Michael Parker article (Prophecies of the end times).
    6. Antichrist performs abomination of desolation. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4) Obama’s trip to Israel. March 22, 2013 in the temple fortress (Church of Nativity) in Bethlehem. Obama did not bow to the King/Jesus/Yeshua. 1260 days from 2009 Peace Medallion and 1290 days until Day of Trumpet 2016. (1260+1290=2520).
    7. Ministry of 2 witnesses/prophets begins. (Rev 11:1-15) A Israel based Jewish Messianic organization says the witnesses are here and there is a website called The Two Witnesses.
    8. Antichrist takes over the world. (Rev 13:5-9) 2015/2016/2017 Obama most likely however it could be the White pope. Day of Atonement 2016 with the ushering of Rev 13 Beast System ruled by Islam. Take over occurs after America dies a bloody death due to Nuclear war.
    9. Seal 5: Worldwide persecution of Jews and Christians. (Rev 6: 9-11) 2015/2016, ISIS killings coming to America. Luke 9:9. An article titled said Genocide has already begun in America.
    10. Seal 6: Signs of the sun, moon, and stars, worldwide earthquake, appearance of Christ in the sky, wrath of God begins. (Rev 6:12-17). September 23, 2017 Day of the Trumpet (Leviticus. 23:24ff) Views on Wrath of God. 1) Trumpet then bowl judgments and then Armageddon. 2) Bowl judgments and then Armageddon. 3) Armageddon. On first sliver of the new moon (Day of Trumpet Lev. 23:24ff) before Armageddon in September or in the 49th Shemitah year (2015) at its end. End of the 6th Day.
    Note: Some teach Seal 6 occurs at the Second Coming of Rev:12:1.
    11. Saudi Arabia (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) Late 2015, 2016. Some call this ” fire” in dreams. Some teach that America is Babylon the Great. I think this article will convince you that it may be Saudi Arabia.
    12. Sealing of the 144,000 (Rev 7)
    13. Seal 7: 7 Trumpet judgments. (Rev 8:1-6) global earthquake. Tentatively 2016 Passover of Passover Week.

  141. Jim Here is a Jason Richards heading 287 Million Americans in 1 ISIS attack.

    I don’t read reports like this but I smell a “dirty bomb” attack coming on all at once set off on the same day and 20 Islamic nuclear bombs for every city in America. With the wind currents, the plume will slowly kill over the next 4 months anything living.

    • It is not a matter of how many people there are. To set up the electronic infrastructure world-wide would be the biggest task. Even if the US population was 50 million, it would have taken the same amount of time to build all the roads, railways bridges etc, we have today. And with most of the engineers and builders all dead it will take even longer to chip the world. And if there is a world war going on, nothing will end up getting done. And if there is a single man (Antichrist) ruling the world, there wouldn’t be any wars.
      So you think the world population will drop to 500 million before September? Or will the year of the Lord be shortened to a few months to make room for all the stuff that didn’t happen last year? You seem to be using long-term projections then squeezing them into your remaining year and a half time frame.
      and what about this you said: “One world currency, Oct 20th, 2016. Fed’s are planning for a set date for this to happen. Be ready with 3 year supply of food and water.‘ First of all, you said this would happen LAST October. But then you say to have a 3-year supply of water. That would carry us to the fall of 2019. But isn’t Jesus supposed to be ruling in the millennium paradise on earth? Is it going to take Him that long to get His shirt together? How long must we all continue to suffer before He can supply water to everyone? Bad Saviour.
      You think that there are 20 Islamic nukes for every American city? That’s nearly 1000 of them. Do they have the rockets to deliver them all? Of course our own 25,000 nukes will be flying 30 seconds after their first launch.There won’t be much of the middle east left after that.
      You seem to also be saying that a single ISIS attack will wipe out 281 million Americans. How will 20,000 Muslims invade the US without anyone noticing? And each ISIS warrior would have to kill over a thousand Americans including militia members, biker gangs and military and law enforcement. If they could do this they would have overthrown the government of Syria years ago.
      Well, I’m sure these facts will not dissuade you from your beliefs. But remember you are on a sinking ship and every week that goes by with nothing happening, the closer to drowning you get. I hope you have a few life preservers to grab onto in the coming months.
      But I’m not sure if they will let you have them in a FEMA death camp. 😦

      • jim

        I believe god will destroy this country himself. there will be huge natural disasters killing millions at a time, which will then weaken this country to the point where foreign invasion is easy. terrorists admitted they have already planted some number of nukes in various cities. these will go off at some designated time.

        • Well, if the land was destroyed by volcanoes and every city was nukes, there would be no reason for an invasion. The land would be an unlivable wasteland for 1000 years so anyone coming here would soon die. Your model is illogical.

          • Saudi Arabia (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) Late 2015, 2016. Some call this ” fire” in dreams. Some teach that America is Babylon the Great. I think this article will convince you that it may be Saudi Arabia.

            Our favorite friend Bill (William Frederick) who wrote the original comment had America as the end time Babylon the Great of Revelaion 13, 16, 17, and Pastor Ray at did a good write up on it but he only had 30 reasons for America being Babylon the Great. I sent him my copy of 99 reasons why Armerica is Babylon the Great and it is either on the Blood Moon article, Nibiru 2 article or Nibiru 2011-2018 article of Marianne’s page.
            Bill has it on his end times synopsis between the 6th Seal and first trumpet judgment and if that is true and the first trumpet judgment starts in March then in February of 2016, we are taken out in nuclear war. However, if the first trumpet judgment is in September, then America or Saudi Arabia is taken out of the way by nuclear war between now and September if 2017 is the end in September.
            Only time will tell.

            Also we have to include the meteorite storm where 1/3rd of the planet is burned up and according to Discover Ministries TV in Australia and Gill Broussards research then that again is North and South America and all islands surrounding these two continents.

            Then you also have to include Jonathan Cahn’s book “The Harbinger” and its fulfillment in 2015 through 2016.

            And then the Jonas storm that hit NY on the anniversary of Roe verses Wade and the destruction that it caused in NY, Washington DC and that Jonas comes from the word Jonah and then you have to include the idea of 40 days till the destruction of Ninevah (January 22 to March 3rd) for another event to occur which William Frederick and others wrote on.

            So we have Martial Law going on in NY area and Marial Law going out in the West and Civil war staring in Oregon, so I wonder who is next for Martial law 3.

            • There is no martial law in New York. I have a friend who lives on Long Island and they didn’t even close any stores. All NY did was close some bridges and bus lines for a day. They asked people to not drive their cars until the snow could be removed, but there were no troops dispatched to keep people in their homes.
              And there is no martial law here in the west. And there is no civil war in Oregon. A protester attacked a cop and was killed. That is the extent of the conflict.
              But of course all this has been exaggerated to make it sound like doom and gloom is imminent.
              Believe the lies if you want.

              • that is a lie.

                the protester was arrested, got on his knees with his hands up and then they shot him 3 x

                that is called murder

              • CNN cooperated with the gov to fake sandy hook…..which was a hoax to use to justify gun control

                people involved were crisis actors

                CNN lies all the time, and you are addicted to CNN

                that makes you a CNN idiot

          • nope

            tsunamis will wash the west and east coasts, but the water will recede,…still prime land…

            the rip will be up the middle of the usa but leaving plenty of mountains and lands on either side.

            the chinese want the land. russia wants all the machinery and equipment

  142. Jim, you do not read the headlines of Alternative media sites because you would rather listen to the false media on the TV who is controlled by 6 media corporations where a Jesuit priest is in control. Watch the season opener of X-files which was this week and some of your answers will be there.
    As for the headlines, the Islamics are the marines and they will come in in any which way possible. These are the elites foot soldiers who will do the dirty work. Following them is the foreign troops (Chinese and Russians) who will do the cleanup. Our troops won’t be involved but they will do the crowd control work. Department of Homeland Security is run by an Islamic and he has vowed to take out America because the Islamics believe America is the big Satan wile Israel is the little guy that they have to take out.
    Albuquerque has 15 to 20 Islamic sleeper cells scattered throughout the city. There is a storehouse in Albuquerue that houses enough artillery to take out Albuquerque. The suitcase dirty bombs are being built right and left.
    So think of the scenerion as 20 minute man missles being set off all over Albuquerque on the same day as the cells are released to go pick up the artillery to start killing the people and tie this scenario into the week after the bank bail-in occurs when the bank closes down on a Friday to steal the money. Each of these cells has a phone and is waiting for the call.
    This chaos alone will cause Martial Law and then comes the Fema Camps for extermination.

    Steve quayle’s Q Alert
    CONCERNING BANK CLOSURES AND SHUTDOWNS- ‘The final PR scripts for these monetary events are being written, and edited, and reviewed’….

    Steve – I am responding to the possibilities of why bank branch employees
    would be summoned to their branches at off-hours. My husband is a former
    very highly-placed WF and Fed IT programmer. He said that branch employees
    are PR, essentially. They are indoctrinated. Other than that, they “do”
    nothing. They don’t even put the fiat money into the ATM machines–for
    “their own security” of course. When quizzed, they repeat themselves,
    which means they follow a tightly-controlled script. THEY ARE ONLY PR
    PEOPLE. Here’s 2 possible scenarios. 1) On the appointed Friday night,
    about 2 am, IT loads up new Scheiss Dollar values, including all
    Dollar-denominated instruments, such as mortgages, CDs, and so forth.
    When? He is believes this has already been written–and tested. IT has
    until Sunday night to fix any bugs, and yes, he says, even programs of this
    magnitude EASILY go off without a hitch. Programs that affect BILLIONS OF
    DOLLARS are loaded this way ALL THE TIME. 2) On a particular Friday night,
    the cyber-destruction program is loaded.

    In either scenario, the IT team has loaded and checked the outcome.
    Generally, PR people are all superfluous….except in two such scenarios,
    because now the PR team is “needed” for the “script.” On that Sunday
    evening, late enough that they can tell very few people–and besides, it is
    too late for their friends, relatives–or even themselves–to take out their
    money, they will be told it is a National Emergency, and they are in a
    position of Great Trust. They will be handed their new Q & A script and to
    memorize by 8 am. They will be part of something “of great national
    importance,” “help to calm people,” and other claptrap. The Q & A will
    provide the usual bankalese jargon. These employees will believe–just
    like they do now–that they really are doing their customers a great
    service. If you don’t believe me, try this humorous experiment at your
    local branch. It’s easy to reduce these people to absolute frustration.
    Try opening an account that is not normal–give it some unusual
    qualities–and keep adding complexities until they’re frustrated enough to
    actually turn their employee screens and SHOW you, saying things like, “I
    have to select just ONE of these boxes!!!” at which point you have
    accomplished your missions, and upon looking at them carefully, you invent
    something that is not there, like “I’m a Non Governmental Organization”
    which of course is evil, and you’re making a joke, but they are so, so
    absolutely clueless. You sigh and say you’ll just try the bank down the
    street. It is a very sorrowful experience. It is time to heavily pray for
    the duped employees of America. When these innocents discover their
    corruption in which they have been complicit (like my husband did) they
    will be very, very, very angry–especially when they find out that they
    have been complicit in theft. Only God can give them the resolution they
    will require. It is best that they find God BEFORE, not AFTER. Each of us
    must be quoting His Word to everyone we meet. I hardly trust myself to
    speak my own, when I am looking into the eyes of the innocent sheep. Only
    His Word has been promised to not come back void. The hour must be late.
    The training programs of indoctrination have been step-wise, and are
    advanced. And the final PR scripts for these monetary events are being
    written, and edited, and reviewed….

    Nov 22, 2015

  143. Jim, about the three year supply of food and water. I have heard about that since mid 2014. And in December of 2015, reports were saying that if you did not have a three year supply of food and water on hand, that you were too late and you will have to pay the consequences.

    The Day of the Lord
    Prophecies about the coming Day of the Lord can be found in the writings of many of the Old Testament prophets, and Isaiah is no exception. This subject is covered from chapters 2 to 66. Unlike the dualism of the prophecies to Israel and Judah, most prophecies about the Day of the Lord are for an event yet to come. These foretell a time of awesome and frightening events leading to the return of Christ. Many people think of it as “the end of the world,” although it is really just the end of this present evil age.
    Isaiah explains that the Day of the Lord will last for one year (Isaiah 34:8; Isaiah 61:2; Isaiah 63:4). The principle of a day for a year in prophecy also applies to the Day of the Lord (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6). It is the year of the “Lord’s vengeance” or God’s wrath (Revelation 6:17).
    In the earlier chapters on this subject (2, 13 and 24), Isaiah describes the effects of God’s wrath on this world. Men will hide in caves in terror (Isaiah 2:19-21), the earth will be shaken and possibly moved from its orbit (Isaiah 13:13), and the earth will become almost empty and a total waste (Isaiah 24:1, 3, 6). Isaiah also speaks of the Day of the Lord as a time of war (Isaiah 31:8-9). These events are also described in the seven trumpets of Revelation 8-9.
    God further reveals through Isaiah that the “daughter of Babylon” will be destroyed in the Day of the Lord (Isaiah 47:1, 5, 7, 9). These verses are almost identical to those of Revelation 18:7-8, 17-19, 21. This Babylon is the final end-time government and its religious system that will be destroyed at Christ’s return.
    The time of God’s wrath will come to an end when “the great trumpet will be blown” (Isaiah 27:13) and Jesus Christ will return to the earth (Revelation 11:15).
    While the Day of the Lord often focuses on the wrath of God (the punishment that will come upon the disobedient for one year before Christ returns), this term is also used in a broader way by John in Revelation 1:10 to describe all the events—including the wrath of God, the Millennium and events thereafter—that will occur after Christ’s return. Virtually every Old Testament prophet who warned of God’s judgment on the Day of the Lord also spoke of restored peace and prosperity that will follow the judgment.

  144. Wow, that’s a lot of crap to go down in just 19 months. Of course you already think half the Book of Revelation has happened, including a world war. Funny how I could miss that. And who was the first seal – the Antichrist? Surely he has been in power for several years now, so are you still going with Obama? He hasn’t much time left to cancel the elections then declare himself to be God. When do you think that will happen? Or maybe it already has and mainstream news just didn’t want to report on it.
    Well, I’ll keep watching CNN and see what happens this week. Surely something big is going to happen just about every week to keep up with your rigorous schedule.
    We’ll see….

  145. Jim, you just keep watching CNN

    CNN Caught Spreading Lies About Police Violence

    CNN Won’t Stop Lying About Police Violence … was taught at the police academy. CNN keeps … But the lies have a purpose—to undermine respect for the …

    CNN lies MSNBC lies | Thom Hartmann

    When a conservative guest on FOX says something that is un true the liberals use it as an example of a FOX lie. CNN … A lot of people have been taught … CNN lies …

    Video News –

    Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on

    Videos for lies taught by CNN

    CNN: Begala: Bush told lies about Iraq


    5 years ago – 04:18
    CNN Political Contributor Paul Begala accuses President Bush of lying about why the U.S. entered the war in Iraq.

    CNN: Begala: Bush told lies about Iraq

    Amber Lyon reveals CNN lies and war propaganda


    3 years ago – 10:42
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad both delivered two of the most controversial …

    Amber Lyon reveals CNN lies and war propaganda

    President Obama: ‘Noisy’ front-runners will fizzle out

    2 years ago – 02:03
    Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on

    President Obama: ‘Noisy’ front-runners will fizzle out

    Search for videos of lies taught by CNN

    Of course presidents lie – –

    Of course presidents lie. … (CNN)”I cannot tell a lie.” … He brought peace to the Middle East and even taught Sunday school.

    CNN: The truth about Egypt’s lies – YouTube

    CNN: The truth about Egypt’s lies CNN. … More lies taught as truth exposed. … The truth about Egypt’s Protests …

    10 of the Biggest Lies in History – HowStuffWorks…/10-biggest-lies-in-history.htm

    Introduction to 10 of the Biggest Lies in History – The 10 biggest lies in history range from personal affairs to mad financial schemes.

    CNN Won’t Stop Lying About “Police Violence”

    CNN Won’t Stop Lying About “Police Violence” … was taught at the police academy. CNN keeps … But the lies have a purpose—to undermine …

    Not to lie is one of the first things taught…. – CNN iReport

    Lying seems to be the sport of many commentaries on here. I have been reading these reports for weeks before commenting or posting myself. Hard to …

    CNN Won’t Stop Lying About “Police Violence” | Opinion ……/cnn-wont-stop-lying-about…

    CNN’s Carol Costello on Thursday highlighted yet … was taught at the police academy. CNN keeps … But the lies have a purpose—to undermine respect for …

    • Many TV reporters have opinion pieces and depending on their views they report some stories with a certain bias. And all politicians lie or stretch the truth in order to get votes. That is to be expected. You need to watch many reports on many channels then decide on the truth for yourself. Police brutality has been debated for 200 years. Many victims families have made up stories about what the police did and later cell phone video proves them wrong. The opposite is true and many cases have to go thru a long trial before a jury thinks they have found the truth, but really no one knows for sure.
      So the truth is often elusive and most people make up their minds based on their politics and not the facts. But mainstream news does not make up fake stories from scratch such as a second sun or Nibiru hurtling towards the earth. And they reported on Jade Helm with no mention of Martial Law and death camps. Nor do they report there are 1000 nukes in cities all around the country. All that crap us limited to YouTube where there is no regulation.
      20 years ago the Illuminati was ready to take over the world. It turned out to be a load of crap. Now we have ISIS, the pope, martians and a crapload more evert week.
      What you have done is come up with a prophetic interpretation and now you need to prove you are right so if you can’t find resolution in the mainstream news you turn to the internet scrounging up every conspiracy theory you can find that seems to confirm your interpretation. Damn the truth… Full speed ahead!
      But you’re really just spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. None of the things you listed above will happen this year or next year or ever in some cases. If all your conspiracies don’t happen soon you will look like a fool after promising us that all this stuff is about to go down.
      And shame on Marianne for basically telling all her web followers that they are about to be rounded up and killed by the very government they elected. You tell them to not trust the government, and maybe they might want to start a revolution which is tantamount to treason. You have descended to the same level as all the You Tube idiots that make up all sorta of doom and gloom reports just to scare the crap out of everyone and maybe sell survival videos on the side.
      Come one, come all! Learn your fate from Marianne. You are all doomed. There is no hope. We’re all going to die any day now. It must be true cause I read it on the internet!
      I may just be a voice of reason crying out in the widerness but I have time on my side. Time proves all things and all liars and false prophets will be revealed.
      And there will many of them right here.

      • Mainsttream media does not make up fake stories as Jim says.

        CNN Exposed, Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist, Amber Lyon …

        Oct 7, 2012 … She says she was ordered to report fake stories, delete unfriendly … believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting.” … He is wound up tighter than piano wire, and unfortunately much of ……/cnn-exposed-emmy-winning-former-cnn-journalist- amber-lyon-blows-the-whistle-2444190.html

        CNN Exposed – Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist, Amber …

        Nov 1, 2013 … This is not a matter of opinion, the CNN stories are documented, attributed and cited. … (which is incredible and troubling) let’s first back up a moment and take you … She says she was ordered to report fake stories, delete unfriendly … regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put ……/cnn-exposed-emmy-winning-former-cnn-journalist- amber-lyon-blows-the-whistle-2810502.html

        BUSTED** Journalist Explains That CNN Is Paid By Government For

        Jun 23, 2014 … She says while working at CNN she was ordered to report fake stories, … regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put what … in truth seeking, it’s just because he’s wound up tighter than piano wire, ……/busted-journalist-explains-that-cnn-is-paid-by- government-for-content-control-spike-it-and-get-a-payoff-2979802…

        WTC 7 Control Demolition Charges Multiple Sources, Tom Clancy …

        Dec 3, 2013 … WTC 7 Control Demolition Charges Multiple Sources, Tom Clancy CNN edited 9/ 11 Cover Up. Don’t be fooled by fake 9/11 debunker junk , I ……/wtc-7-control-demolition-charges-multiple-sources-tom -clancy-cnn-edited-911-cover-up-2440470.html

        Former Reporter Amber Lyon Exposes Massive Censorship at CNN …

        Sep 6, 2012 … The Amber Lyon story is just the latest in a series of articles that expose the … that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put … Up To $3,000/Mo To Jihad Against Syria; EPIC MEDIA FAIL: CNN Releases … Charles Jaco CNN Fake Newscast – 1990 Iraq Persian Gulf War ……/former-reporter-amber-lyon-exposes-massive- censorship-at-cnn-2463094.html

        CNN Caught Staging Fake Syrian News- Video | Alternative

        Aug 29, 2013 … … 743,470,685. Total Stories: 5,755,765 … CNN Caught Staging Fake Syrian News- Video … Making fake news, not reporting on real news.…/cnn-caught-staging-fake-syrian-news-video-2750348. html

        Russia Today Runs Damage Control For CNN | Alternative

        Mar 28, 2012 … Previously videos surfaced on Syria TV showing CNN running fake … Today is running bullshit stories to discredit Syria TV and help CNN save face. … troops and directed offstage gunfire to make their claims seem real. … to show a CNN camera crew working with Syria terrorists to blow up an oil pipeline.…/russia-today-runs-damage-control-for-cnn-1950145. html

        “Official” 9/11 story destroyed! Irrefutable un-doctored photographic …

        Jan 11, 2015 … … review the evidence and make up your own mind…and please pass it ….. stories with CIA/CNN planted FAKE STORIES to decieve everyone!…/official-911-story-destroyed-irrefutable-un-doctored- photographic-and-scientific-evidence-whistleblower-videos-expert-t…

        Ebola Hoax: 100% Revealed! CNN & NYT Caught Using Crisis Actors!

        Oct 11, 2014 … I for one forgive him and he gets a thumbs up from me as do all genuine truth seekers. …. Remember, just about every story on the main stream is fake. …. the African stories about it, but what if theres more to the plan like make ……/ebola-hoax-100-revealed-cnn-nyt-caught-using-crisis- actors-must-see-2552600.html

        CNN Exposed – Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist Blows the …

        Jul 26, 2015 … Total Stories: 5,762,331 … She accuses CNN of being “fake news.” … were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be … He is wound up tighter than piano wire, and unfortunately much of his truth is ……/cnn-exposed-emmy-winning-former-cnn-journalist- blows-the-whistle-cnn-is-paid-by-foreign-and-domestic-government…

        As you say Jim, mainstream media does not make up fake stories.

        By the way, liars will not be allowed into the Messianic Kingdom and since you would rather tell lies since you are a shill which is the only truth that you have said so far, you will have lots of company in the lake of fire and brimstone.

  146. X-Files Predicts The Day Martial Law Will Start

    X-Files Predicts The Day Martial Law Will Start!! Alex Jones covers the premiere of the X-files and why the establishment left is mad as hell over it being based on infowars.

    Friday is the Day. The banks will be shut down over the weekend or one week.

    Okay here are the featured headlines from and why I said Martial law in Oregon,

    The First Martyr of the Patriot Movement in 2016, the 2nd American Revolution Has Officially Begun—UPDATED!

    X22Report FBI Sets Up Checkpoints, Surrounds Area, Prepares For An Armed Conflict In Oregon – Episode 878b

    Martial law All highways will be controlled by somebody and there will be checkpoints just like there was in WWII in Germany. May I have your papers please. Birth certificate, Real ID, Driver;s Liscense, Passport to go from New Mexico into Texas, Insurace papers, MVD Automotive papers, and 2-4 forms for residency also I need to check your right hand or forehead.
    When Martial law hits, these checkpoints will be every ten miles and DHS is in control and TSA will sexually moless you (against 4th amendment–but I forgot, there is no more 4th Admendment). As a matter of fact there is no more Constitution because with Martial Law, the government controls you to the point that you can go to the bathroom when they tell you that you can go.
    With Martial Law, you as an American citizen have no rights or freedoms any more. So if the government says you go buck naked everywhere, you go buck naked everywhere.

    One more headline on Martial Law.

    FEMA Camps Are Open, Guillotines Are In Place, ISIS Executioners Await Your Arrival

    • Are you saying that martial law will start this coming Friday? 2 days from now? Or just on some random Friday perhaps months or years from now?
      It is a shame you have started depending on TV and movie plots to predict bible prophecy. I’m sure the screenwriters have their fingers on the pulse of bible prophecy.
      Well, if they did they would have a different plot than what you are counting on.
      So, should I expect ISIS to come to my door this Friday? I’ll have to get my guns out of storage then. Thanks for the warning. I guess this will be our last conversation then.
      See you in the camp!

      • you will most likely go to the camp to be extinguished since you are old

      • Jim, you do not knok your history of Germany and WWII. 1) Government Health care plan, 2) Confiscation of all guns and weapons. For Martial law to occur, they have to take your guns away first. Any given Friday at which time the banks close for a week is what you watch for. It could be the second Friday of February, it could be a Friday in July.
        Beforeitsnews said twice, it would be in February for the bank closures. I am guessing Martial Law will not occur until July to October time frame. There is a check in the works for mid 2016 and that is all passports are shut down in mid 2016 for flights leaving America.
        For me, I will fill my vehicle at a gas station close to the house using my bank ATM card. If I have to go see the cashier on that Friday to fill my truck when I know there was 2000 on my card on Thursday, then that is the Friday when the banks close. At that point onward, I walk. If I am in town at that time and chaos is going around me then there is a possibility that I will end up in a Fema camp or even dead.

        Actually Jim, since you are past the age of 60, you will board a specially equipped bus with a doctor on it and you won’t even make it to a camp because you will be given a shot of potassium to calm you down and it will kill you within a few hours but the dosage would have to be high like the biggest shot cartridge and it is full to the back of the shot cartridge.

        • Did you know that Germany will start WW3? Not ISIS. Watch for a strong German leader to come to power over the European Union. He will give the pope religious authority and will be the last Holy Roman Emperor. You need to follow events in Europe not America. You are looking for prophecy in the wrong places.
          If you are expecting a New World Order, a One World Dictator, a One world Currency and a One-World religion you will be sorely disappointed. There will be no Antichrist. No RFID chip. No rapture.
          Have fun with your theory while it lasts. By September you will be in the toilet. We can’t enter the year of the Lord if nothing else has happened yet, and of course the events of the last year won’t happen after September either.
          Just wait and see.

          • not sure if germany will be able to initiate anything soon, seeing the muslim invaders are tearing up the country and merkel just lets them do it.

            • The restored Holy Roman Empire will happen when Germany decides it needs to get rid of all those Muslims. This may take ten or more years to happen. I am in no rush. Right now the European Union has a reason to enact some sort of law that will force out most of them. Ten EU nations will come together and enforce this law which will be the mark of the beast. The conditions in the European Union right now are forming up to fulfil bible prophecy. I don’t need any conspiracy theories to predict what is happening in secret and only on YouTube.
              Everything is coming together perfectly. And I don’t need to squeeze it all into 18 months or use astrology to figure out when things must happen.

              • merkel, daughter of hitler, shuts down all opposition to the muslim invaders.

                she just had a professor of physics fired for just complaining he feared for the safety of his 3 children

                • You just give Europe ten years of refugees living off the government teat and a few dozen more terrorist attacks and you will see the Man of fierce countenance come to power there. In today’s world wimps like Merkel and Obama are on their way out. I only need a new leader in the European Union to fulfil my interpretation. On the other hand you need:
                  New World Order
                  One-World Government
                  One World Dictator
                  Antichrist claiming a man is really a god – and people to actually believe that.
                  One-World religion
                  One world Currency
                  8 billion people chipped, in addition to any medical / ID devices being implanted
                  Not to mention the most powerful nation on earth defeated by 20,000 terrorists with nothing more them machine guns and an ocean to cross with no navy.
                  Piece of cake, right?

                  • jim

                    I don’t know if europe can endure 10 years of ISIS.

                    god will punish america, and he would use natural disasters to weaken it, and he could use ONE terrorist and defeat america if he wanted to.

                    there are not 20,000 terrorists here….there are about 3.3 million muslims in the USA…they are all not active, but would have to obey when the signal is given by their imams.

                    here is a map of known terror cells.

                    one terrorist with one bomb could take out an entire city, so there does not have to be many of them

                    they have been here for decades….so they do not need to travel here…the US gov is letting them in

          • As Jim says and the king of the world has spoken: No RFID chip.

            Mandatory in 2017
            John’s Revelation, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel
            Occurs before January 1, 2017
            Babylon the great is America.
            Nathan Shephard
            CC – NBC has recently predicted that in 2017, all of America will be tagged with microchips. They will be implanted to help identify individuals immediately. According to the report, the technology is used to answer one question, “Am I who I say I am?”

            It was reported that the use of Micro-Chips in Bill H.R. 4872 was located on Page 1014 under “National Medical Device Registry” it tells about a “Class II Device That is Implantable” and yes, they passed the bill. Read Page “1014″ In The H.R. 4872 Read Class II Special Controls Guidance For FDA Staff.

            It is also reported to be possible to even kill the people that don’t obey. The HR 3962 Bill is an exact copy of the HR 3200 bill in with the exception of just a few words removed concerning the RFID Microchip but the ability to Chip Every Citizen of the United States is still in the bill. Open Bill and Read Pages 1501 through 1510 Read Class II Special Controls Guidance For FDA Staff Read And Do The Research For Yourself …

  147. So it looks like we will all be dead in a few months. There are so many conspiracy theories out there… we will be attacked by ISIS… we will be destroyed by nukes… we will be destroyed by natural disasters…our own government will kill most of the country… Russia and China will attack us… we will all die in a civil war…
    It seems that everyone on earth is going to kill Americans, including Americans. Maybe we should not give them the satisfaction of murdering us. Like the Jews at Masada we should all commit suicide right now. Then we can all be in heaven with Jesus and just wait till he returns and takes us back here again. Maybe we can do more good in heaven than here on earth.
    All is lost, there’s no way out, so let‘s all have a Kool-Aid party this weekend.
    Now all we have to decide on is a flavor.

    • Jim, America is Babylon the Great and she dies possibly before 2017.

      Welcome to Revelation 17 Jim because you are and will always be a part of Babylon the Great so you will die in your sins.

      If you try to commit suicide, you will have a one way ticket to the lake off fire and brimstone. Since you carry a cellphone, you are already chipped so all you need let to do is take a tattoo to your head or right arm.

      • there is your problem. Mystery Babylon is not a country but a false religion full of pagan practices and beliefs including Sunday worship, Christmas, Easter and hell. This is what God will destroy, not any country. What would the point be to destroy one particular country out of 200? Will God kill the people or destroy the buildings? And will he kill only Christians or will he kill Muslims and Jews too? Why is he so mad at our country? There are many other countries that are far worse than the US. Your interpretation is ungodly. You don’t understand how God works and what He considers important.
        He wants to fix the Christian churches of today… throwing out all the paganism and returning it to the Church of Philadelphia of rev3. THAT is what is important to God. The church must be cleansed before the marriage to Christ.
        So you are way out in left field here looking for destruction of a country instead of God’s apostate church.
        So good luck with all your conspiracy theories in the coming months.
        Time will tell who is right.

  148. 1. Babylon would be an END TIME GREAT NATION (Rev 17,18; Isa 13:6).
    2. Babylon would have a huge seaport city within its borders (Rev 18:17).
    3. The Great City Babylon is the home of a world government attempt (Rev 17:18).
    4. The Great City Babylon would be the economic nerve center of the world (Rev 18:3).
    5. Babylon would be the center of a one world Luciferian religious movement (Jer 51:44).
    6. Babylon would be the center for the move to a global economic order (Rev 13:16).
    1. Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of the end time nations (Jer 50:12).
    2. Babylon would the QUEEN AMONG THE NATIONS (Isa 47:5,7; Rev 18:7).
    3. Babylon would be the most powerful nation in the world (Isa 47, Jer 50, 51, Rev 18).
    4. Babylon would be the HAMMER OF THE WHOLE EARTH (Jer 50:23; Rev 18:23).
    5. Babylon is called a lady, and has the symbol of the Lady (Isa 47:7-9).
    6. Babylon would be the praise of the WHOLE EARTH (Jer 51:41).
    7. Babylon is center of world trade (Jer 51:44; Rev 17:18; 18:19).
    8. Babylon would grow to be the richest nation in the world (Rev 18:3, 7, 19, 23).
    9. All nations that traded with Babylon would grow rich (Rev 18:3).
    10. The merchants of Babylon were the GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH (Rev 18:23).
    11. Babylon is a huge nation, with lands, cities, and great wealth (implied throughout).
    12. Babylon is nation “peeled”, or timbered, a land of open fields (Isa 18:2).
    13. Babylon is land quartered by mighty rivers (Isa 18:2).
    14. Babylon is a land that is measured out, and populated throughout (Isa 18:2).
    15. Babylon destroys her own land, with pollution and waste (Isa 14:20, 18:2, 7).
    16. Babylon is a land rich in mineral wealth (Jer 51:13).
    17. Babylon is a the leading agricultural nation of the world (Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).
    18. Babylon is the leading exporting nation in the world (Jer 51:13; Rev 18).
    19. Babylon is the leading importing nation of the entire world.(Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).
    20. Babylon is a nation filled with warehouses and granaries (Jer 50:26).
    21. Babylon is the leading INDUSTRIAL NATION OF THE WORLD (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).
    22. Babylon is noted for her horses (Jer 50:37).
    23. Babylon is noted for her cattle, sheep and other livestock (Jer 50:26, 27; Rev 18:13).
    24. Babylon is noted for her fine flour and mill operations (Rev 18:13).
    25. Babylon is a nation of farmers and harvests huge crops (Jer 50:16, 26, 27).
    26. Babylon is a huge exporter of MUSIC (Rev 18:22).
    27. Babylon’s musicians are known around the world (Rev 18:22)
    28. Babylon has a huge aviation program (Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10).
    29. Babylon’s skies are filled with the whisper of aircraft wings (Isa 18:1; Jer 51:53).
    30. Babylon has a huge space industry, has “mounted up to the heavens” (Jer 51:53).
    31. Babylon fortifies her skies with a huge military aviation program (Jer 51:53).
    32. Babylon is portrayed as a leading in high tech weapons and abilities (Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10; implied throughout).
    33. Babylon is a nation filled with warm water seaports (Rev 18:17-19).
    34. Babylon is a coastal nation and sits upon MANY WATERS (Jer 51:13).
    35. Babylon trades with all who have ships in the sea year round (Rev 18:17-18).
    36. Babylon is nation filled with a “mingled” people (Jer 50:37).
    37. Babylon is a SINGULAR NATION founded upon OUT OF MANY, ONE (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50, 51, Hab 1).
    38. Babylon is a REPUBLIC or a DEMOCRACY, it is ruled by many counsels (Isa 47:13).
    39. Babylon’s governmental system breaks down (Isa 47:13).
    40. Babylon is bogged down with deliberations and cannot govern properly (Isa 47:13).
    41. Babylon’s leaders use astrology, seers and mystics for guidance (Isa 47:13; Rev 18:2).
    42. Babylon labored in the occult from her very inception (Isa 47:12).
    43. Babylon falls to the occult just before her end by nuclear fire (Rev 18:2)
    44. Babylon was born as a CHRISTIAN NATION (Jer 50:12).
    45. Babylon turns upon its heritage and destroys it all in the end (Jer 50:11).
    46. Babylon’s Christian leaders lead their flock astray in prophecy and salvation (Jer 50:6; implied Rev 18:2).
    47. Babylon’s Christian leaders are “strangers” in the Lord Houses of Worship (Jer 51:51).
    48. The people of Babylon are deep into astrology and spiritism (Isa 47:12; Rev 18:2).
    49. Babylon becomes the home of all antichrist religions in the world (Rev 18:2).
    50. Babylon is a nation of religious confusion (Isa 47:12-13).
    51. Babylon turns upon its own people and imprisons and slays them by millions (Jer 50:7,33; 51:35; 39; Dan 7:25; Rev 13:7; 17:6; 18:24).
    52. Babylon sets of detention centers for Jews and Christians and rounds them up for extermination (Jer 50:7, 33; 51:35, 49; Rev 17:6; 18:24).
    53. Babylon has a mother nation that remains in existence from her birth to death (Jer 50: 12).
    54. The mother of Babylon has the symbol of the LION (Dan7:4; Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38; Psalms 17:12).
    55. The mother of Babylon will rule over her daughter her entire life (Dan 7:4; Jer 50:12).
    56. The mother of Babylon will be a state of major decline as the end nears (Jer 50:12).
    57. Babylon is considered to be a lion’s whelp (Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38).
    58. Babylon will have the symbol of the EAGLE and builds her nest in the stars (Dan 7:4 EAGLE WINGS; Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53).
    59. Babylon turns totally antichrist and is the leading antichrist power at the end (Rev 18:2; Isa 14:4-6).
    60. THE KING OF BABYLON is called LUCIFER, the ANTICHRIST (Isa 14:4-6).
    61. The King of Babylon will rule from THE GREAT CITY BABYLON (Isa 14:4-6; Rev 17: 18).
    62. A world government entity will rise up to rule the world from BABYLON THE CITY (Isa 14; Hab 2, Rev 13, 17, 18).
    63. This world entity will be a diverse entity, different than all other ruling bodies of the world (Dan 7:7, 23).
    64. This entity will be a TREATY POWER ENTITY (Dan 7:7, 23 DIVERSE).
    65. This entity will rise up and use the military power of Babylon the nation to RULE THE WORLD (Isa 14:4-6; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13, 17).
    66. Babylon is a huge producer and exporter of automobiles (Jer 50:37; Rev 18:13).
    67. Babylon is a nation of CRAFTSMEN, experts in their trade (Jer 50, 51, Rev 18:22).
    68. Babylon is noted for her jewelry of gold and silver (Rev 18:22).
    69. Babylon is a huge importer and exporter of spices (Rev 18:13).
    70. Babylon is a huge exporter of fine marble products (Rev 18:22).
    71. Babylon is noted for her iron and steel production (Rev 18:12).
    72. Babylon has huge corporations that have bases around the world (Rev 18:23, implied throughout)
    73. Babylon is a nation of higher education and learning (Isa 47:10, implied throughout).
    74. Babylon is a nation with a GREAT VOICE in world affairs (Jer 51:55)
    75. Babylon is a VIRGIN NATION, untouched by major war (Isa 47:1).
    76. Babylon has a vast military machine (Jer 50:36; 51:30; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13:4).
    77. Babylon will be instrumental in the setting up of Israel in the Middle East, and is the home of God’s people (Jer 50:47; 51:45).
    78. Babylon will have a major enemy to her north (Jer 50:3, 9, 41).
    79. Babylon’s enemy will lie on the opposite side of the world, over the poles (Isa 13:5)
    80. The enemy of Babylon will be a FEDERAL OF NATIONS (Jer 50:9).
    81. The enemy of Babylon will be largely Moslem in make-up (Jer 50:17; Rev 17:16; Psalms 83:5-12).
    82. The enemy of Babylon will have nuclear missiles capable of reaching Babylon (Jer 50:9, 14,; Rev 18:8, 18).
    83. The enemy of Babylon will be noted for her cruelty (Isa 13, 14, Jer 50, 51, Rev 17, 18).
    84. The enemy of Babylon will also have a huge aviation military machine (Jer 50:9, 14, Rev 18:8, 18 implied throughout).
    85. The enemy of Babylon will come into Babylon unnoticed (Isa 47:11, Jer 50:24; 51:2, 14).
    86. Babylon will be filled with her enemies brought in under the guise of peace (Dan 11:21).
    87. Babylon will have all of her borders cut off, and there will be no way of
    escape (Jer 50:28; 51:32).
    88. Babylon will be destroyed by nuclear fire (Implied throughout)
    89. Babylon is land vast land with huge cities, towns and villages throughout (Implied throughout).
    90. Babylon will have been a huge missionary nation for Jesus Christ (Jer 50:11; 51:7).
    91. Babylon would be a home to multitudes of Jews who leave (Jer 50:4-6, 8; 51:6, 45)
    92. The people of Babylon would not know their true identity (Jer 50:6, implied throughout).
    93. The people of Babylon would think they are God’s elect and eternal (Isa 47:7-8, Rev 18:7).
    94. The people of Babylon would enjoy the highest standard of living in the world (Rev 18:7).
    95. The people of Babylon would grow mad upon their idols (Jer 50:2, 38; Hab 2:18).
    96. The people of Babylon would go into deep sins of all kinds (Rev 18:5).
    97. The nation Babylon dwells carelessly before the Lord (Isa 47:8).
    98. Babylon becomes proud, haughty, and does not consider her end (Isa 47:7-8).
    99. Babylon deals in the occult, in sorceries and drugs (Isa 47:9, 12; Rev 18:23)

    Jim, I see a lot of words that apply to a nation in this list.

    • pretty good proof

      what about slave trade? sounds more islamic then

    • Wow! Impressive.

      Great work.


      I’ll be posting that on a few FB groups. Especially over those posts that keep proclaiming that we should pray for American to repent. Franklin Graham comes to mind. It’s already written: it is done. Best pray for His Church and read Malichi 3:16-18 and Psalm 34.

      Your very difienative post reminds me of NiceTiming ‘s post regarding the Fig Tree parable. I’ve shared that on many FB groups and some replies are funny. Mostly – silence.

      Here is NiceTiming’s comment from a couple of years ago—–

      “Can we know what is the length of this “generation” that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24:32-35?

      There are 7 definitions or descriptors of a generation in Scripture. 7 is the number of completeness.

      1) According to Gen. 6:3 it may be as long as 120 years.
      2) Genesis 15:13, coupled with Gen. 15:16 indicates 100 years.
      3) Psalms 90:10 indicates a possible 80 years.
      4) Psalms 90:10 also indicates a more likely 70 years.
      5) Matthew 1:17 may indicate around 50 years
      6) Psalms 95:10 indicates 40 years.
      7) Deut. 2:14 indicates 38 years.

      2017 – Using ALL 7 generations, based on the premise of ISRAEL being the fig tree Jesus spoke about in the end times:

      1) 2017 counting back a 120 year generation = 1897.
      Significant event: The first ever Zionist congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897.
      1897 + 120 years = 2017.

      2) 2017 counting back a 100 year generation = 1917.
      Significant event: The first official political act paving the way for Jews to return to their land was the Balfour Declaration of November 1917.
      1917 + 100 years is 2017.

      3) 2017 counting back a 80 year generation = 1937.
      Significant event: The Peel Commission published a report that for the first time recommended partition of Palestine, and the land under it’s authority be apportioned between an Arab and Jewish state. The plan was declared unimplementable.
      1937 + 80 years is 2017.

      4) 2017 counting back a 70 year generation = 1947.
      Significant event: The United Nations general assembly voted in favour of the Partition Plan that actually created… the State of Israel!
      1947 + 70 years is 2017.

      5) 2017 counting back a 50 year generation = 1967.
      Significant event: The Jews regained Jerusalem, fulfilling“when the fig tree putteth forth leaves.”

      Choosing a 50 year generation requires some explanation. Some people have reckoned on a 50 year generation, starting with 70 using Psalm 90:10 for an average age, and then taking away 20, because those under 20 years old who came out of Egypt were not counted, as mentioned fifteen times in the book of Numbers, Chapter 1.
      1967 + 50 years is 2017.

      6) 2017 counting back a 40 year generation = 1977.
      Significant event: The State of Israel reaches the Jewish “age of maturity.” In the Old Testament Bible, priests could not work in the tabernacle until age 30. See Numbers 4:3.

      This was when they were considered mature. Modern Israel was born in 1947.

      “When the fig tree putteth forth leaves” could be considered as another way of saying “when Israel becomes mature.” An example of this maturity is that the Liqud political party came to power in Israel in 1977. The Hebrew word Liqud means ‘The Consolidation’ in English.
      1977 + 30 years is 2017.

      7) 2017 counting back a 38 year generation = 1979.
      Significant event: Israel signs a peace treaty with Egypt. Other than the events already mentioned I’m thinking this would be considered the other most positive historical step towards modern Israel’s expansion, showing “the fig tree putting forth leaves”. It led to many long term benefits, such as providing for the free passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal.
      1979 + 38 years is 2017.

      And is 2017 really significant?”

      The year of a Jubilee is defined in Leviticus 25:9-10 (50 years).

      The last three Hebrew Jubilees were:

      1867 (The final emancipation of the Jews in Austria and Hungry)

      1917 (The 400 yr Ottoman rule ended and the Balfour Declaration)

      1967 (The Six Day War – Jerusalem was re-united under Israeli governance)

      1867 + 50 = 1917

      1917 + 50 = 1967

      The next Jubilee year on God’s calendar. 1967 + 50 = 2017

      Hebrew year 5776 is very significant.


    • The term in Revelation is “Mystery Babylon” which refers to Baal worship – an ancient Babylonian religion, much of which is still in the Roman Catholic Church today.
      Look up “Mystery Babylon” instead of Babylon and see what you get.
      Or do some research on the Mystery Babylon religion.

  149. Well DJ,
    It looks like you and John are on the same sinking ship. The whole 2017 ship sailed a while ago and it has a huge hole in it now.
    There is no way for all the biblical signs to happen in the time remaining and certainly not all the “Left Behind” scenario events such as a New World Order, One-World Government, One-World Government
    Antichrist and a 7 years peace plan, One-World religion, One-World religion and chipping the entire world.
    That’s a lot of crap for the next 8 months.
    I’m only using simple common sense logic here. I was fine with the whole 2017 idea for many years. But I believe in watching for the signs Jesus told us to look for and I take them literally. In other words I don’t believe the final war (nation against nation) was the Arab spring or Afghanistan. Something far larger than WW3 is coming and everyone will know it when it gets here.
    If the tribulation will be 3-1/2 years as the bible indicates I don’t expect 2 years to pass with nothing happening.
    Please, give me a date after which if nothing more has happened that you will admit defeat.
    Or will you wait until the Feast of Trumpets of 2017, like John?

    • Jim, you are already going to the lake of fire and brimstone so have a nice life of what is left of it. Enjoy the curses coming your way caused by your sins in life.

      • Thank you.
        That is very Christian of you…

        • Jim, you use way too much profanity which tells me that you are either a luke warm Christian or a hypocrite. Either way, you will go through the fire of the Trumpet Judgments and even through the Wrath of God. As you once said: “Damn the Truth”. With this statement you opened Pandora’s box of curses which you brought onto yourself.

          • The word damn is not a biblical reference at all. I’m not sure the word is even in the bible, but language is not important to God. He knows what is in our hearts and the 3rd commandment is not about you language of what words you use but how you interact with God. It is not as easy to break it as many people think. Plus to break one commandment is to break them all so if you have ever lied or sinned a single sin you also broke the 3rd commandment, so don’t try to judge me or you also will be judged by God for doing it.
            You don’t seem to follow the bible very well.
            And by the way, my reference was to a very famous American quote from the Civil War:
            From “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”, a famous order issued by Admiral David Farragut during the Battle of Mobile Bay, a paraphrase of the actual order, “Damn the torpedoes! Four bells. Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!
            Guess you’re not much of a historian or you never served in the Navy, but now you’ve been educated.

            • As Jim says, language is not important to God and here is Jim’s quote.
              “The word damn is not a biblical reference at all. I’m not sure the word is even in the bible, but language is not important to God.”

              Ephesians 4:29 ESV / 631 helpful votes

              Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

              Colossians 3:8 ESV / 366 helpful votes

              But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

              James 5:12 ESV / 301 helpful votes

              But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.

              Proverbs 13:3 ESV / 209 helpful votes

              Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

              James 3:10 ESV / 183 helpful votes

              From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.

              Exodus 20:7 ESV / 167 helpful votes

              “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.

              Matthew 5:33-37 ESV / 121 helpful votes

              “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

              2 Timothy 2:16 ESV / 104 helpful votes

              But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness,

              James 1:26 ESV / 95 helpful votes

              If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.

              1 Peter 3:10 ESV / 75 helpful votes

              For “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit;

              Matthew 5:37 ESV / 74 helpful votes

              Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

              Galatians 5:19-21 ESV / 73 helpful votes

              Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

              Hebrews 4:12 ESV / 56 helpful votes

              For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

              Romans 12:14 ESV / 56 helpful votes

              Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.

              Psalm 10:7 ESV / 52 helpful votes

              His mouth is filled with cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue are mischief and iniquity.

              James 3:9-10 ESV / 51 helpful votes

              With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.

              Matthew 12:36-37 ESV / 29 helpful votes

              I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

              Ephesians 5:4 ESV / 24 helpful votes

              Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.

              Revelation 21:8 ESV / 18 helpful votes

              But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

              2 Timothy 3:16 ESV / 16 helpful votes

              All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

              1 John 1:9 ESV / 14 helpful votes

              If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

              Psalm 119:160 ESV / 14 helpful votes

              The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.

              Proverbs 10:32 ESV / 12 helpful votes

              The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked, what is perverse.

              Revelation 20:12 ESV / 11 helpful votes

              And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.

              1 Corinthians 12:3 ESV / 8 helpful votes

              Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit.

              Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 ESV / 8 helpful votes

              Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. Your heart knows that many times you yourself have cursed others.

              Acts 17:10-11 ESV / 7 helpful votes

              The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

              Zechariah 5:3-4 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

              Then he said to me, “This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole land. For everyone who steals shall be cleaned out according to what is on one side, and everyone who swears falsely shall be cleaned out according to what is on the other side. I will send it out, declares the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter the house of the thief, and the house of him who swears falsely by my name. And it shall remain in his house and consume it, both timber and stones.”

              Proverbs 12:16 ESV / 7 helpful votes

              The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult.

              Psalm 109:28 ESV / 7 helpful votes

              Let them curse, but you will bless! They arise and are put to shame, but your servant will be glad!

              Colossians 2:8 ESV / 5 helpful votes

              See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.

              As Jim says: The word damn is not a biblical reference at all. I’m not sure the word is even in the bible, but language is not important to God.

              I guess Jim has never read the Bible.

              • John,
                You are quite the hypocrite. You say words do matter, yet you don’t agree that using the words Jesus, Christ, God etc. is evil. I Remember when you couldn’t say Hell or Damn on TV as they were considered curse words, but you could say, “Satan lives in hell“ and titles like “Village of the Damned.”
                So there is no reason one can’t quote a famous phrase without being damned to hell. Now what did Farrigut mean when he used the words “Damn the torpedoes”? Was he calling on God to perform some sort of evil action upon the torpedoes? Was he thinking of God at all, or was he just rallying his men to be brave and fight harder?
                You pulled up a boatload of bible verses to try to condemn me to hell for using one simple word.
                But let me remind you that I am already saved by the blood of Jesus and forgiven for my sins and have the promise of eternal life. Yet you think your verses have the power to damn me to hell. Yeah, right. I’m really scared.
                Do I claim that believing in the lie of Nibiru makes you a bad Christian? I do not. I only claim you are a gullible fool, and so far I am proven right. You have recorded many lies and false prophecy on this site. The proof is right above, just scroll. I say you lied. You say your sources were wrong. Does this make you a commandment-breaker? A false prophet? Who knows? All I know is you were wrong. Will God punish you for being wrong? Or will He forgive you? I don’t care.
                I’m only here to sort the lies from the truth.

    • I think I have to agree here.

      suggesting an end date also commits one to suggesting that the tribulation starts 3 1/2 years before it, with all the predicted events occurring by the end date.

      yes there are serious problems but I do not see WW3, global famine, and martyrdom of the saints, except for the middle east….I do expect this martyrdom to spread as ISIS thugs spread across europe and america……and the governments are liberal and evil enough to allow this….

      I see no temple for the AC to violate yet with his abomination, and i don’t see the two witnesses.

      I do expect, from year to year from now on, for things to go downhill and get worse.

  150. Want updates. When will we be eclipsed

    • Cynthia,

      Solar/Lunar Eclipses March 9 Day four on Menorrah calendar, Total solar, (Amos 8:9?); March 23 Day 4 on the Menorrah, Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse. Sept 1 , Day 5, Annular solar eclipses (Ezek 30:18?; Amos 8:9?). Sept 16 Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse. Isa 5:30, Read Isa 5:20-30 for context. Sept. 16 is on a Saturday on Sukkot 1 (Annual Sabbath). Nasa Eclipse Website,
      Aviv Moon Network (arood awakening) Join then go to End Times Forum and then read the article 2016 Heavenly ad Earthly events.

  151. holy crap I must be bored….I read this whole site and thought I wasted alot of my time and life.

  152. Who cares if it’s gods choice let it be tired of every year someone spouts it’s the end I don’t care I made my peace

    • nathan

      you have chosen the better way. many will have to be scared into getting close to god. you have already done this, so now you can relax, no matter what comes. god bless you

  153. Brandon,
    I can’t find your original thread but Holy Roman Empire is what you said:
    4 years later and NASA confirms Planet X. What’s your thoughts now sir?
    Well the Big Bang is fake and the law of motion proves that. If there was a mass just spinning me spinning then all of the sudden blows up everything would be spinning in the same direction. So why is it we have planets spinning in opposite directions?
    First of all, planet X is now planet 9 (Pluto is no longer the 9th planet). It is confirmed by calculations to be out past Pluto but has yet to be photographed that could take 5 – 10 more years. And just as Pluto was not Nibiru, neither will planet 9. It will simply be a new planet farther out than the farthest we know of now. It is in a circular orbit aand will NEVER come anywhere near the earth. If you understand celestial mechanics then consider this:
    To determine the gravitational perturbation on an existing planet by a body farther away it takes many observations over many years. It took 85 years to confirm another planet after finding Pluto. Now, if the body farther out was in an orbit taking it straight for the sun it would tug at Pluto in all different directions including TOWARDS the sun after it passes the orbit of Pluto. This would make it nearly impossible to determine its true orbit. The scientists use planetary mechanics, not cometary. Plus if they could have done the calculations it would have been photographed by now since it is expected to be thousands of times larger than Pluto which has been seen since 1930.
    As for the Big Bang, it has been proven physics since the 1950’s. All objects we see are moving away from the same exact spot for billions of years, so at one time it was all together in one mass. The size of the explosion has been under debate but not the fact that it happened. We have no idea if the original object was rotating or not but there is no law that says it MUST have been spinning. Plus even if it were, when the explosion occurred the matter would have shot out in a straight pattern, not a curved path. Its like shooting a gun while tracking an object. Even though the gun barrel is moving, the bullet exits in a straight path. You can’t make the bullet curve around a corner by swinging you gun around before you shoot. If you could that would have made western movies even cooler, but they never used SyFy for that purpose.
    So wherever you’re getting your information from they are feeding you a line of bull. Go to and look up your topics and see what you get. Do a little research if you want the truth.
    If not, keep watching YouTube.

  154. 27 September 2012:

    Nibiru comes directly between the Sun and Earth. Unlike Elenin a year earlier, it sits right on the ecliptic and will therefore cause a great solar eclipse.

    The Earth will now be very much at the mercy of this immense object’s magnetism. At this point and since several days prior as Nibiru drew nearer, Earth should already be tipping severely and abnormally as its north pole is repelled by Nibiru’s at the same time its southern counterpart is attracted.

    It is then that earth will be caught in the crossfire between nibiru and the sun.

    Just a reminder from the text of this article. The so-called scientists who wrote this article turned out to be just a bunch of liars out to fool gullible people. They certainly succeeded in their goal. Four years after they were proved wrong people are still acting like they were somehow correct.
    We are told to learn through history and the history of Nibiru prediction is littered with lies. You would think that after thousands of failed predictions there would be no one left who still believed the lies.
    But some people never seem to come to their senses.

    • jim

      you did not read my comments attached to the article.

      first the title has a ? in it, because it is speculative, and NOT presented by a professional astronomer

      second, I indicate that whoever was watching elenin, thought it was nibiru, which was wrong.

      third, the pictures of nibiru are correct

      fourth, this accurately desribes elenin going around the sun and back out

      fifth, we are still waiting for nibiru

      sixth, NO one, not even you, can predict when it would show up as Jesus said, NO one, not even him, can predict the time or hour or day…only the FATHER in heaven knows, as he is controlling the timing of all events…..

      so…shut up about the timing

      • Oooh! A Question mark! That takses care of all the inaccuracies and lies. This guy described the exact orbit of Elenin, which he got from NASA, then proceeded to discuss the exact orbit of Nibiru, which he said would pass earth in 2012. That part he just made up to have some fun with gullible people.
        Your argument has no logic. You have scientists that are tracking a planet without a clue as to where it is going. That is science, its nonsense. And I defy you to find a single astronomer who claims there is a planet out there that is under total control of God, and therefore they can’t do any sciency stuff with it because God is screwing up their measurements. If astronomers ever came to believe such nonsense they would all quit their jobs since anything they could possibly do would be worthless if God is just going to theow planets around all willy-nilly as you suggest.
        As usual, your argument is contradictory and is based on an amount of illogicalness that is truly monumental.

    • ‘CHILL MAGNETIC REVERSAL’ but a rare kind that happens very quickly, and its most intense drifting will take place between JUNE 14TH AND AUGUST 19TH 2016. Kill: 75-80 percent of humanity, plants, and animals. Magnetic North shifts 124 degrees. It goes from North to South to South to North. Plan on a Nuclear Winter over the next 2-3 years. Radiation fire. Fire by burning.

  155. John,
    ‘CHILL MAGNETIC REVERSAL’… really? A clever name for … NOTHING!
    At least they are very specific as to the start date and the completion date. At least they are pretending to know what they’re talking about unlike the Nibiru ”experts” who know where it is but they are afraid to predict when it will ever get here.
    I read the article and it is complete BS. The science is completely bogus linking different sciences together that are not related. I can tell when I read it that it was just made up with different science terms that sound all cool and can sucker in a bunch of fools into believing their crazy stories. But the stories are cool enough to get on the before-its-news web site. And I guess that’s their main plan.
    Well, we will sure know when it all goes down. Only 15-20% of humanity left. Wonder who will die first…. Me, you, Marianne? Guess this blog site is about to go down anyway, you know with all those electromagnetic disturbances etc. The internet will be the first to go down, then the electric grid, then stores etc. WE ARE ALL DOOMED!

    • logically, the grid would go down first…but you have no logic or god, so you are doomed!

      • You are funny.
        I don’t believe in the lies perpetrated by theses fake scientists so therefore I don’t believe in God? Where do you get your logic from? So anyone who does not agree with your biblical interpretation automatically doesn’t believe in God? So I could claim the same thing about you. But I won’t. That would be illogical. It doesn’t make sense and it would just be mean.
        And yore wrong about the electric grid going down first. In an electromagnetic storm it is the cell tower signals and satellite links that would be affected first. Electricity is hard-wired and as long as the generators are turning and the poles are still up, juice will flow.
        But there isn’t going to be any pole reversal next month or any month. Its all a made-up fantasy pretend scenario and anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish.
        We’ll see in a month if this is just one more of johns wild and crazy stories like all the rest that failed to come true.
        John, have you finally given up on your 2017 scenario? What will it take to convince you you’re wrong? Maybe when this whole pole-shift crap fails you will finally see the light. I hope so.
        I’ve been waiting a long time for you to see the folly of your ways.

        • jim

          you stated you did not believe god could control the heavens and the movement of heavenly bodies.

          you do not believe real scientists, and call everyone a fake

          you are not a scientist yourself, yet you are a know it all regarding the credentials of others

          so you are the fake scientist here, not them


            This might be a fake news. But something will be happened around 2017 / 2018. reason =(1917,1948,1967, ?..)= (WW 1 and Fatima 3rd Secret, Israel Formed, 1967 middle east war, ?)

        • Jim,
          Are you an atheist ?

  156. Dear Fake Scientist Jim who does not believe in God.

    Pole Shift Phase One

    PHASE ONE – The initial phase or beginning of earth changes, over a long period of time, perhaps as much as 80 years or so, said changers to begin first of all deep inside the earth, and those changes work their way up to the surface as we approach the actual SURFACE CHANGES THEMSELVES. These changes SET THE STAGE FOR THE ANTICHRIST, and are part of the STRONG DELUSION CAST DOWN UPON MANKIND BY GOD HIMSELF – as a punishment for Christ rejection. Enough EARTH CHANGE PROPHECY, including a PARTIAL POLAR SHIFT will occur, along with occult prophecy fulfillment, to make the world think that they have arrived on the OTHER SIDE, and have actually entered the NEW MILLENNIAL AGE, THE NEW GOLDEN AGE, COMPLETE WITH UFO CONTACT, A MESSIAH, PEACE AND SECURITY and LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS.

    Earth surface changes might well include many of the dire predictions laid down by a multitude of “seers”, “mystics” and the like, to convince mankind that INDEED they have entered the NEW WORLD. The old world order will by that time have collapsed. The new monetary system, the MARK, coupled to a CASHLESS SOCIETY will have emerged. Alternative energy sources and other signs and wonders will appear during this FIRST PHASE. The earth could will go “quiet” for a short span of time, thus telling mankind that INDEED THEY HAVE entered the NEW GOLDEN AGE. In other words, PHASE ONE USHERS IN THE ANTICHRIST AND HIS ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, MONETARY SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION.

  157. Jim, Phase 2 of a Poleshift

    PHASE TWO – This phase will begin quite suddenly and with little warning – and it will involve MASSIVE EARTH CHANGES, INCLUDING A TOTAL POLAR SHIFT, WITH THE EARTH TIPPING OVER TOTALLY, AND REELING TO AND FRO AS IT ATTEMPT TO REGAIN EQUILIBRIUM AND A NEW SPIN AXIS. This phase is to totally wipe out the FALSE MESSIAH, HIS WORLD GOVERNMENT, AND DESTROY EARTH CIVILIZATION – for almost NO ONE SURVIVES. “men are as rare as fine Gold”, so the Scripture says, and that means ONLY A VERY FEW PEOPLE SURVIVE IT – almost NO ONE. The planetary surface is totally rearranged, and we have a NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH.
    The two phases may actually OVERLAP for a short space – but in no case does phase two last more than a few short years. It is important to remember that PHASE ONE is now underway, and that PHASE TWO is the MASSIVE DESTRUCTIVE PHASE – the phase that DESTROYS MANKIND OFF THE PLANET and sets up the REAL MILLENNIAL REIGN OF THE REAL JESUS CHRIST.

    Time Frame for Phase 2: 2016-2017
    a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8; 54:10; Hab 3:16; Job 9:2-10; Matt 24:29; Mk 13:25; Rev 6:14 =(Isa 2:17-21; Hag 2:6-7)=; Rev 11:13, 19 = 16:18-20). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13–Joshua’s Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be:
    1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
    2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
    3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses (Ps 46:1-3).
    4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean (Ps 46:1-3).
    5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves (Ps 46:3).
    6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
    7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
    8) hurricanes over land.
    9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
    10) change of the length of days and of the calendar (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).
    A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).
    The records, both in geology and historical, reflect that multiple events will be occurring simultaneously i.e. melting ice in the Antarctic & Greenland, earthquakes, tsunamis (tidal waves), flooding, torrential rains, abrupt (tropical to arctic minutes!) climate change, 200 mph (320 kph) winds, volcanism, the Gulf Stream stopping and dare I say: a pole shift!”

    Hag 2:6-7
    Hag 2:6 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;
    Hag 2:7 And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.
    Hag 2:8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.
    Hag 2:9 The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.
    Hag 2:10 In the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying,
    Hag 2:11 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying,
    Hag 2:12 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.
    Hag 2:13 Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.
    Hag 2:14 Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.
    Hag 2:15 And now, I pray you, consider from this day and upward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the LORD:
    Hag 2:16 Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the pressfat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.
    Hag 2:17 I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the LORD.
    Hag 2:18 Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD’S temple was laid, consider it.

    In Haggai 2, we have the ninth month and 24th day for a Pole Shift. This is the day prior to Chanukkah, Jim so consider that there will be a pole shift so don’t ever say that there will never be a pole shift for the Word of God that you do not believe says there will be. In 2016, the Ninth Month and 24th day is Christmas Eve Jim so consider that you will see pole shift in your lifetime.

    Resources: Steward C. Best Pole Shifting. 1997. Nibiru and Isaiah 24 (

  158. Well, you’ve really stuck your neck out on this one. You’re calling for a whole lot of destruction in the coming year. Guess I should be really scared but I’m not. I’m not saying the tribulation won’t be a disaster. I’m just saying it won’t be starting next month. And there won’t be any pole shift involved and even if there was it would take more than a couple months and the effects would barely be noticed other than by birds and compass users. All the other crap is pure SyFy conjured up by a bunch of moviegoers who figured they would like to scare a bunch of gullible people instead of doing something normal like writing a screenplay for a horror flick instead.
    So if you want to see a disaster, go to the movies. If you want to wait for a free disaster you probably won’t get to see one this summer, unless you live under an active volcano or something.
    And consider this, If you are expecting a New World Order, cashless banking system, WW3 etc, how could all that take place after 85% of all humans are dead and the world’s infrastructure torn to pieces there is no way for these events to take place under such conditions. You are trying to combine too many conspiracy theories together for them all to work. They only work against each other, not together. So your overall theory just falls apart.
    Pile crap on top of crap and you know what you get…

    • jim

      I do not agree with everyone also, but the point I want to make with you, is that….if you disagree, then just say so and why

      do not get sarcastic or rude

    • The Hebrew Scriptures Give Us The EXACT Day Of The End of mankind
      By Israel Ben Barzle And Yehoshua Ben Barzle

      June 2, 2013 at 8:53am\l ”
      Magnetic north pole has moved 161 miles in 6 months only, this puts its arrival in Siberia in less that 2 years OR SOONER, and it is when it arrives there that it will have migrated 40 degrees across the northern hemisphere at this point the poles will shift at high speed over the equator until it reaches 40 degrees south.
      Expect the unexpected, increasingly, as the pole shift approaches.
      poles moving or earth wobble (has to do with declanation line )
      Watch for an increase in:
      solar flares , sunspot activity
      Sudden large rogue waves in new places
      Sudden Hurricanes in unusual places
      Sudden tornadoes out of season
      Extremes in drought, heavy rains, out of season snows, flooding, severe storms
      Mysterious Booms, methane flashes, odd underground whomping sounds
      Disrupted cell phone, television and radio signals
      Unusual animal behavior, disrupted species migration patterns
      Unusual increases in violent behavior in human beings
      Increasingly severe earthquakes
      Rising Sea Levels
      Mass animal death
      Insect invasion
      Red colored milk colored rain
      Red/blood colored water ,rivers, lakes, streams
      Storm surge on coastlines with no storm apparentIncreases in Freak Storms
      Out of Season Weather
      noticeable polar air masses in new areas of earth

      I had an inch of snow on May 2 where I live in the East mountains of Albuquerque and our late freeze where I live is April 15th but this year, it was May 1st so for me, this is Out of Season Weather. Canada this winter was having summer temperatures which is Out of Season for them.

  159. Here is an excerpt from the NASA website on pole shifts:
    Earth’s polarity is not a constant. Unlike a classic bar magnet, or the decorative magnets on your refrigerator, the matter governing Earth’s magnetic field moves around. Geophysicists are pretty sure that the reason Earth has a magnetic field is because its solid iron core is surrounded by a fluid ocean of hot, liquid metal. This process can also be modeled with supercomputers. Ours is, without hyperbole, a dynamic planet. The flow of liquid iron in Earth’s core creates electric currents, which in turn create the magnetic field. So while parts of Earth’s outer core are too deep for scientists to measure directly, we can infer movement in the core by observing changes in the magnetic field. The magnetic north pole has been creeping northward – by more than 600 miles (1,100 km) – since the early 19th century, when explorers first located it precisely. It is moving faster now, actually, as scientists estimate the pole is migrating northward about 40 miles per year, as opposed to about 10 miles per year in the early 20th century.
    Another doomsday hypothesis about a geomagnetic flip plays up fears about incoming solar activity. This suggestion mistakenly assumes that a pole reversal would momentarily leave Earth without the magnetic field that protects us from solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun. But, while Earth’s magnetic field can indeed weaken and strengthen over time, there is no indication that it has ever disappeared completely. A weaker field would certainly lead to a small increase in solar radiation on Earth – as well as a beautiful display of aurora at lower latitudes – but nothing deadly. Moreover, even with a weakened magnetic field, Earth’s thick atmosphere also offers protection against the sun’s incoming particles.
    The science shows that magnetic pole reversal is – in terms of geologic time scales – a common occurrence that happens gradually over millennia. While the conditions that cause polarity reversals are not entirely predictable – the north pole’s movement could subtly change direction, for instance – there is nothing in the millions of years of geologic record to suggest that any of the 2012 doomsday scenarios connected to a pole reversal should be taken seriously. A reversal might, however, be good business for magnetic compass manufacturers.
    So according to the REAL NASA scientists, not the phony-baloney ones you refer to, science refutes all the conspiracy theories you mentioned and agrees with Me, so go figure that.
    So I’m not alone here.
    I have all of NASA on my side. That’s over 18,000 people! Versus a few dozen You Tube idiots.

  160. God is right. (You just don’t understand Him)
    NASA is right.
    I am right.
    Science is right, it never changes.
    Magnetic reversal is common, and normal. There is no abnormal version. That version is made up and unscientific. It can’t even happen.
    The magnetosphere can’t collapse without all the causative geologic processes coming to a halt, which will never happen.
    And what about the story about Nibiru and the death star causing the pole shift? Where are they in this story? By the time they show up all the damage will be over. Then what? Nibiru will flip the earth back again? And bring all the dead back to life?
    You guys have got too many conspiracy theories jumbled together and they can’t all be true. Actually, none of them can be true. But you’ve simply got too much crap. Hundreds of different nibirus, all over the solar system, different sizes, shapes and colors. Multiple worldwide disasters from multiple sources. It‘s all just nuts.
    And no two of you believe the exact same thing, so most or all of you must be wrong. And there is a never-ending stream of new disasters coming from before-its-news every few days. You guys are just buried in crap and its really starting to stink.
    So lets see if the pole shift “phase 1” actually starts next month and take it from there. Then the rest can all fall apart following that..

    • Jim, here is what happened during phase 1.

      This has happened since the beginning of the month of Tishrei (Sept-Oct) 2015.
      1) Double Solar Eclipse on the Day of Trumpet connected to an event in Israel.
      2) On the Day of Atonement, Obama made a pact agreement with Satan and became the Antichrist. Seal 1: Conquering political and or religious force begins to take over the world. (Revelation 6:1,2) 2009 Obama is sitting down in a group meeting and there is a bow and crown present in the picture. To the Islamics, he was showing himself to be their Mahdi in 2015. (Renee M Could it be the Islamics in Islam countries be the political and religious force?
      3) WWIII broke out in the Middle East with Russia as the head. Seal 2: World War III begins. (Rev 6: 3,4) ISIS, Middle East, Syria. Damascus was destroyed in 2015.
      Joel 2 31 prophecy Abib 1/Passover Solar eclipse in March/April 2015 means judgement for the globe and lunar eclipse means judgement for Israel. Also Solar /Luner eclipse in September.
      4) Red Blood Moon over Israel and now there is Islamic War aginst Israel so it could be either Psalm 83 War (which I suspect) or the coming into of the Ezekiel 38-39 War with Nuclear Weapons (Zech 14:20. Time will tell so keep you eyes glued to events in Israel.
      5) Popes visit to usher in the One World Order and one world religion (Agenda 21 on Steroids). I have all the documents on this. They called this Agenda 2030 but it is now called Agenda Universal. Sept. 23-28, 2015.
      6) Ten global Economic countries stocks are collapsing which I believe is Seal 3 and the end of this is one World currency on October 20th at the end of the 7th and 49th Shemitah cycle. Seal 3: World wide economic collapse, famine. (Rev 6:5,6) September 24, 2015 Year of the Shemitah;
      Be ready with 3 year supply of food and water.
      7) Imam’s in American are telling Islamics to kill Americans wherever they see them. Seal 5: Worldwide persecution of Jews and Christians. (Rev 6: 9-11) 2015/2016, ISIS killings coming to America. Luke 9:9. An article titled said Genocide has already begun in America.
      8) UN International Police State formed. Sept 29th, 2015. 13 major cities joined. USA: Cities who are participating include: New York City, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, Paris, London, Montreal, Beirut, Oslo and thirteen others. Welcome to Islamic Sharia Law for the USA. (I Thess 5:3)

      • Dude,
        What are you talking about?
        1) What the heck is a “double solar eclipse“? There was no solar eclipse visible from Israel, that’s for sure.
        2) Obama did not sign a deal with Satan. Iran is not the devil. He is despised by the Muslims, they will never make their “Great Satan” the leader of their world. They would kill him first. That is a fact.
        3) WW3 did not break out… a ceasefire did and it is still in effect. If you are trying to compare a few Russian bombs to invading Poland or Pearl Harbor you have no sense of history. Damascus is not a ruinous heap.
        4) The blood moons are long over and nothing disastrous has happened in Israel.
        5) The pope only spoke on global warming. He did not set up a One-World Government or a One-World religion. He never even hinted at it.
        6) Global currency DID NOT collapse last October as you said. That was a lie.
        7) Muslims have not started an uprising in the US killing Americans left and right as you suggested would happen.
        8) The cities you mentioned are not police states today and there is no sign that they will become such any time soon. I asked my friend in NY and he thinks you’re nuts.
        So why did you post this junk since none of it has happened? You are just proving that before-its-news doesn’t know what they’re talking about. And after next month is over, you can add the pole shift to you’re huge pile of crap. I guess I’ll never understand the minds of some people. They have a clear choice between real science and pure trash and they consistently choose the trash over the truth.
        Well, I guess the punishment for being too lazy to lift a science book is to look like a complete fool when everything they were expecting turns out to be lies.

    • jim

      I am not setting any dates here

      the magnetosphere collapsed for 2 hours last week. in the news. so what caused that?

      a normal reversal is progressive over time.

      the 6th seal is a sudden pole shift, which is what we are waiting for.

      science does not care about god, so between the 2 of them, sometimes they agree ( on predictable things) and sometimes they disagree, then god is right

      NASA lies. but sometimes they tell the truth….but when they lie, they are in disagreement with other scientists and god

      you are not a scientist, so you have to depend on one NASA spokesman, not 13,000 of them

  161. Marianne,
    YOU may not be setting dates but the so-called scientists who are pushing this theory believe it. They say it has already begun and they outline the 2 phases in great detail. If you are a real scientist and know what you’re talking about you shouldn’t have to guess as to what will happen.
    So either these guys are real scientists, and know what’s happening, or they are just liars making up one more false conspiracy theory like all the rest who have gone down in flames.
    Now, you seem to think this is already happening, if you believe the magnetoshphere actually collapsed the other day as you claimed, therefore I’m guessing you really believe John’s sources, and after all, when has he ever been wrong before?
    You seem to fight for these You Tube idiots stories, putting me down whenever I say they are liars, so if I’m wrong, then they must be right, so why don’t you want to support them unconditionally, if you trust them so much?
    I think maybe you are tired of being burned every time one of your conspiracy theories fails to come true, which I have pointed out many times on this site. So far you are batting zero. You could use a win for a change but you’re gun shy. So you retreat into your “I’m not setting any dates” mode so you may live to fight another day. Or else you can simply claim the YouTube scientists were right, but God has intervened and stopped the process until later. That is a cop-out because it allows you to predict whatever you want then abandon the prophecy to God. No one I know calculates prophecy that way. If so then all the people saying the Second Coming is 70 years from 1947 using math, dates and astronomy could say (next year) that God calculates a generation in His own way and that is why the math and science was wrong.
    Maybe even John will adopt this theory rather than admitting defeat. But in the end he will still be wrong because most of the events he predicts simply won’t ever happen. And this applies to pole shift and Nibiru as well.
    Some things are simply physically impossible and there’s nothing you can do about it except to blame God..

    • my position has ALWAYS been no date setting.

      my opinion is that the 6th seal is caused by something god does in heaven, using natural celestial bodies, ones we may or may not know about.

      I do not believe god will just snap his fingers and ta dah! there is the 6th seal… I believe he will move heavenly bodies around to accomplish this.

      there is something in the sky now that is controversial, but it is there. too many have seen it……

      it is my opinion that it MAY be what god will use.

      I do agree with you that the 3 1/2 years have not started yet, because i see no abomination of desolation in jerusalem, and I see no 2 witnesses.

      I also agreed about the blood moons, and wrote a post about it

      I am not sure if the 6th seal precedes or follows the 3 1/2 years

      I do believe we should see something unfolding that is significant before the end of 2016 that we can say is a biblical event that is part of prophecy…I may be wrong….how we analyze it is critical to our spiritual welfare.

      • I agree with many people here on many topics, just not the whole package they present. Some things should be obvious as they are right out of the bible and should be easily deciphered. The Second Coming should be easy to predict once the major signs have been presented. Maybe once the true true signs appear, everyone here will finally get on the same page. But until then we are going to have people like John and 4yahweh and others coming up with all sorts of wild interpretations who will be expecting many crazy things to happen, including Nibiru. Tell me, if a meteor hits earth at the time for the 3rd trump, will you still expect that Nibiru will pass by a few years later? In other words, even if Nibiru isn’t going to fulfil bible prophecy do you still think it is out there and will eventually pass by the earth and wreak destruction? Even if Jesus is on his throne and we are in 1000 years of paradise? Can Nibiru still create mass destruction? Will you ever admit you are wrong? Even if Jesus tells you so?
        Just wondering.

        • nibiru would bring an asteroid field with it, and we would experience meteor and asteroids hitting earth.

          nibiru would remain in sky as it passes.

          so it does not come later, but all happens at once, or close together

        • Jim, since most solar and lunar eclipses only last around 15 minutes, what caused the three hours of darkness at Yeshuah’s death. I suggest a dwarf binary star caused it.

          Matthew 27:45-46, 51-54–Earthquake; Lk 23:44-45; Mk 15:33
          Darkness covers the land while the Passover lambs are being sacrificed Matt 27:45; Mk 15:33; Lk 23:44-45a
          Mat 27:45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
          Amo_8:9 speaks of the Lord’s causing the sun to go down at noon. While they likely thought the judgment was against Jesus (as if He were a heretic), in light of His late resurrection they cme to see the darkness as judgment aginst the sin that Jesus became on our behalf (2 Cor 5:21).
          a day of darkness for the earth or even 3 days of darkness as the dwarf star blocks the sun (Exod 10:21; I Sam 2:9; 2 Sam 22:10, 12; Isa 5:30; 60:2; Amos 5:18, 20; Zeph 1:15; Rev 16:10). Dark (Ezek 32:7-8; Mic 3:6). Darken (Amos 8:9)

          Yeshua quotes Psalm 22 at about 3 Pm Matt 27:46-47; Mk 15:34-35
          Mat 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
          In Judaism, when a Bible verse is cited its entire context is implied, if appropriate. Thus Yeshua refers all of Psalm 22 to himself; other of its verses are cited at 27:35, 27:39, Joh_19:28 and Heb_2:12. Yeshua’s cry expressed the alienation from Elohim that He endured as He bore the Father’s wrath against sin. Although Yeshua elsewhere addressed Elohim as “Father,” He addressed Him merely as My God in this verse.

          The earth quakes, the Temple veil is torn, the graves of the “Firstfruits” are marked Matt 27:51-52a, 54-56; Mk 15:38-41; Lk 23:45b, 47-49

          Jim what would cause the entire earth to quake? I suggest a dwarf binary star passing by.

          • Continuation of Yeshua’s death. The article is 15 pages in length. Some if not most of it comes from David L. Stern’s Jewish NT Commentary and E-sword.

            Earthquake: Shaken Heb 12:25-27; Isa 13:13; Hag 2:6-7; Ps 46:3; Quaking Jer 4:24; Isa 5:25; Jer 10:10; Ezk 38:20; Jer 50:46 cr Jer 10:10; 49:21; Ezk 26:18; 31:16; Isa 5:7; 15:5; Jer 46:12; 51:54; Ezk 27:28; Isa 2:10-21; 13:6-13; Isa 54:10 (Mountains shall depart); Nah 1:5.
            great and catastrophic earthquakes (Isa 2:19. 21=Rev 6:12-17; Isa 22:5,9; Isa 5:25; 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Rev 16:18=Isa 2:10-22).

            Darkness covers the land while the Passover lambs are being sacrificed (from noon to 3 pm) Matt 27:45; Mk 15:33; Lk 23:44-45
            Mar 15:33 And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.
            The darkness was supernatural and represented Elohim’s judgment (Ex 10:21-23; Amos 8:9-10).
            Darkness covers the land while the Passover lambs are being sacrificed (from noon to 3 pm) Matt 27:45; Mk 15:33; Lk 23:44-45
            Luk 23:44 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. Darkness. Amo_8:9 says,
            ” ‘On that Day,’ declares Adonai, God, ‘I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.’ ”
            This is one of several Tanakh references to darkness as a symbol of and accompaniment to God’s judgment against sin (which Yeshua became on the cross) and the sinners who unjustly executed the Son of God; another is Joe_2:31 (Joe_3:4), quoted at Act_2:20. And compare Joh_3:19. At Yeshua’s death God was judging sin.
            The three hours of darkness at midday (from noon … until three) was a sign of divine judgment against sin(which Yeshua became on the cross) and the sinners who unjustly executed the Son of Elohim. Matt 27:51 explains that the splitting of the curtain of the sancturary (between the holy place and the holy of holies in the temple) was caused by a great earthquake. The torn curtain symbolized open access to Elohim, made possible by the death of Yeshua (see note at Lk 22:20)
            Luk 23:45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. See Ex 26:31-33; Mat_27:51. This was not a solar eclipse, but it was an atmospheric event, and of Divine origin–as were the miracle partings of the Red Sea and the Jordan River. The temple was rent refers to an earthquake.

            There was also 3 hours of darkness in Egypt during the 10 plagues (Exodus 10). History repeats itself. Cause: A dwarf star passing by.

            • Jim, you want proof so here is proof that Jesus death had both a solar and lunar eclipse for 3 hours

              The Sun was Eclipsed by what? The moon possibly but a typical eclipse darkens only a small ban across the Earth surface for a maximum length of time of 7 minutes 31 seconds; this could not explain darkness over the whole Earth …so what was it?
              Lunar Eclipse Requires A Full Moon Not a New Moon
              This rules out a natural event like a solar eclipse; it is physically impossible for a solar eclipse to occur on a “full” moon, you need a “new” moon. Yeshua was sacrificed on Passover 14th the day before Feast of Passover (15th) which always falls on a full moon.
              Every 2,166 Years the Constellation Shifts One Month in Location (26,000 Yr. per Revolution)

              Historical Evidense
              Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea
              The Report of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea to Tiberius Caesar: “And when he had been crucified, there was darkness over the whole earth, the sun having been completely hidden, and the heaven appearing dark though it was day, so that the stars appeared, but had at the same time their brightness darkened, as I suppose your reverence is not ignorant of, because in all the world they lighted lamps from the sixth hour until evening. And the moon, being like blood, did not shine the whole night, and yet she happened to be at the full. And the stars also, and Orion, made a lament about the Jews, on account of the wickedness that had been done by them. (1) And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up. And as lightnings come on in winter, so majestic men of indescribable splendour of dress and of glory appeared in the air, and an innumerable multitude of angels crying out, and saying: Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, among men goodwill: come up out of Hades, ye who have been kept in slavery in the underground regions of Hades. And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder; and great chasms were made in the earth, so that also what was in the abyss appeared. And there were seen in that terror dead men raised up, (2) as the Jews that saw them said: We have seen Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs, that died two thousand five hundred years ago; and we have seen Noah manifestly in the body. And all the multitude walked about, and sang praises to God with a loud voice, saying: The Lord our God that has risen from the dead has brought to life all the dead, and has plundered Hades, and put him to death.
              All that night therefore, my lord, O king, the light ceased not. And many of the Jews died, and were engulphed and swallowed up in the chasms in that night, so that not even their bodies appeared. Those, I say, of the Jews suffered that had spoken against Jesus. And one synagogue was left in Jerusalem, since all those synagogues that had been against Jesus were engulphed.
              From that fear, then, being in perplexity, and seized with much trembling, at that same hour I ordered what had been done by them all to be written; and I have reported it to thy mightiness.

              • Julius Africanus
                Julius Africanus was a Christian chronographer of the late second century. In a comment on the darkness that fell upon the land during the sacrifice (Mk 15:33), Africanus states that “Thallus, in the third book of his histories, explains away this darkness as an eclipse of the sun.” Africanus stated his objection to the report arguing that an eclipse of the sun cannot occur during the full moon, as was the case when Yeshua died on the eve of Passover. The force of the reference to Thallus is that the circumstances of Yeshua’s death were known and discussed in the Imperial City as early as the middle of the first century.

                Author’s Background
                About A.D. 52, Thallus wrote a history about the Middle East from the time of the Trojan War to the first century A.D.[1] The work has been lost and the only record we have of his writings is through Julius Africanus (AD 221). Below Julius Africanus refers to Christ’s crucifixion and the darkness that covered the earth prior to his death.
                Reference To Jesus Christ
                “On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the 263 third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun. For the Hebrews celebrate the passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Savior fails on the day before the passover [see Phlegon]; but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at their junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically opposite the sun?” – Julius Africanus, Chronography, 18.1

              • John,
                Why must you look for an external source for 3 hours of darkening? Why not just attribute it to a miracle of God?
                And answer me this; what effect did Nibiru / Death Star have that caused Jesus to be resurrected? If you need non-Godly things to create miracles, then how does a planet raise Christ from the dead? And did Nibiru also raise Lazarus from the dead and heal all the sick etc?
                If you believe God did these things then why would he have to use a planet to create an afternoon of darkness? Or why not just use heavy clouds over Jerusalem? How can you be so sure a planet was required? You can’t. You’re just guessing.
                And how is your guessing doing so far?
                A little reminder…
                Jim, where is your Nibiru of 2012.
According to Gill Broussard, Nibiru, Planet x (10) will come in out of Saggitarius, arrive at earths path in November, be behind the Sun in December 14 and be 40 days from the earth’s path in March and on the 26th of March, there will be a meteorite storm covering both north and south America. The temperatures will be 400-800 degrees. The other date is September 13, 2015. 120 days after entering the path for the meteorite storm where the earth will slow rotation for 3 hours, and then the earth will come into contact with asteroid wormwood on August 24th 2016 (Day 4, Wednesday). The other date is September 23, 24, 2015. When the asteroid enter’s the earth passage the first time, it will drop off 1-2 asteroids in November of 2015.

                jardalkal said this on August 16, 2015 at 10:01 pm | Reply
                This was one of your Nibiru predictions for last year. Not so good. None of it happened. You call me stupid every time I refute your statements, yet you are the one who is always wrong.
                You’ve never been right.
                And now your “uncommon” pole shift event is going nowhere fast.
                Everything you’ve ever said has been a lie. Including ME being the stupid one.
                Let the facts speak for themselves.
                Oh wait, you don’t know what a fact is…

                • I would have to agree here that jesus did not need nibiru to rise from the dead.

                  that is a pure act of god

                • Jim,

                  I go by statements like this and if you have a problem with that then that is your issue in life.

                  Warning – Planet X – Destroyer – Will ‘Pass Over’ Earth Sometime …

                  Apr 18, 2016 … Seal 6 is Opening Soon! … around the Feast of Passover, … I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake, …

        …/warning-planet-x-destroyer-will-pass-over-earth- sometime-around-feast-of-passover-timeframe-seal-6-is-opening-so…

                  Jesus, The Messiah Will Come in 2016 Says Rabbi M Glazerson …

                  Jun 15, 2015 … Trumpet Sound heard in Germany on Pesach, April 4th, 2015. According to ….. A NWO class has also placed the 6th seal at Passover in 2015.

        …/jesus-the-messiah-will-come-in-2016-says-rabbi-m- glazerson-the-torah-bible-codes-2469936.html

                  Planet X ‘Flyby Date’ Revealed by God So That You Can Get Ready …
                  Apr 23, 2016 … 7 days after the 1st day of Passover, the 7th of Passover, thus says the Lord … I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a …


                  Now from these headlines and reading the article and comments below the videos without listening to the video, I can compile a article. If you have a problem with that then that is your issue.

                  Why can the sixth seal occur on Passover?
                  Tower of Babel was destroyed in the Spring.
                  Jesus died at Passover.
                  Sodom and Gamorrah was destroyed at Passover.
                  Noah’s ark landed on Mount Ararat at Passover.
                  4 Nibiru articles uggested Passover as the time for it to show up.
                  A movie suggested the rapture of children at Passover.
                  A comment from another person at Breaking Israel News said Passover was possibly the timeframe because he read 4 different articles suggesting Passover.
                  2014 Passover event in Israel where the Trumpet sound was heard +1290 days = Day of Trumpet 2017.
                  Trumpet Sound heard in Germany on Pesach, April 4th, 2015. (Newist arrival) as of today.

                  The next article posted is coming from Mega Earthquakes occurring now.

                  My articles center around Leviticus 23 and my watch times are: First sliver of the New Moon, Wednesdays, All Sabbaths, and 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles and 7th day of Passover Week.
                  You tell me these are all lies and you can’t judge the timeframe of where we are on God’s calendar but you need to only ignore everything going on in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, up until 2028 because Jesus is arriving in 2031, then you can watch from 2029 onward.
                  On 300 dollar income per month right now, I will be most likely dead from dehydration and food by December of 2016.


  162. Dear Stupid Jim,

    Yom Teruah Events
    Yom Teruah Wednesday Sept 16 Biblical Torahcalendar
    “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, Which I have reserved for the time of distress, For the day of war and battle?” (Job 38:22-23)
    Illustrative: Floods following a few days of heavy rain, in Nahal Og, a stream which runs from near Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, November 27, 2014. (Photo: Yossi Zamir/Flash90)
    Illustrative: Floods following a few days of heavy rain, in Nahal Og, a stream which runs from near Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, November 27, 2014. (Photo: Yossi Zamir/Flash90)
    As Jews across Israel celebrated the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashana earlier this week, parts of the country were hit with extreme flash flooding and, in some areas, hail, in an unusual change of weather.
    “It felt like the apocalypse, the rain has been torrential, there were about 10 lightning strikes in seconds, and even with your windshield wipers on high, it was impossible to see anything,” Mark Katz, a National Parks Authority employee, told the Times of Israel.
    Since the beginning of September, Israel has experienced a series of extreme weather changes, beginning last week with a sudden sandstorm that blanketed the country in thick yellow dust.
    The record setting five-day dust storm was also accompanied by a heat-wave, with new records reached across Israel in temperatures and air pollution.
    The end is near. Are you ready?
    Last week’s sandstorm is reported to be the worst to hit the region in Israel’s history. As the dust finally dissipated, it was only to be replaced with freak rainstorms and flash flooding in the Arava and Judean deserts.
    WATCH: Flooding in Mitze Rimon
    Israel’s meteorological service issued flash flood warnings Tuesday, even going so far as to close the Eilat Airport, grounding domestic flights until the late evening.
    The flash floods led to road closures in from the central region of Mitzpe Rimon all the way just north of Eilat. The extreme change in weather also caused parts of southern Israel and the Galilee to be hit by a rare hail storm. Witnesses reported hail the size of ice cubes.
    Hailstorm against Israel. Cause Nibiru effects possibly. Mysterious dust storm last week of August in the Middle East in Syria, Iran and nobody knows why.
    Shmitah. Rabbi Johnathan Cahn noted that the Shmitah in 2001 caused the stock market collapse at the end of September, and then in 2008 the Shmitah also caused the economy trouble. The next Shmitah happens to be at the end of the 29th day of Elul this September. End of the Seventh 7-year cycle (49 years). Jubilee Year is the 50th Year. Also known as the Sabbatical Year. Second Day of Jubilee Year [Jubilee Year Starts Sept 14th] – Every Seventh 7-Year Cycle is Called The Jubilee Year. All Debt Is Forgiven; All Slaves Are Freed; All Land Is Returned To Original Family’. God Gives Back Land To His People. Happens Every 50 Years. This is Elul 29 on the Biblical Calendar – The last day of the Shemitah Year. Back on September 17, 2001 – Elu 29 – we witnessed the greatest one day stock market crash in U.S. history up until that time. The Dow plummeted 684 points, and it was a record that held for exactly seven years until the end of the next Shemitah cycle. Back on September 29th, 2008 (which was also Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), the Dow fell by an astounding 777 points, which still today remains the greatest one day stock market crash of all time. What is Shmitta ; Articles about Economic Collapse in September 2015 ;… ;…;

    Partial Solar Eclipse September 13
    EvangelistMParker | September 5, 2015
    By Evangelist Michael Parker
    Along with all of the converging signs and events taking place in September 2015, one event has been given little attention. The Partial Solar Eclipse taking place on September 13th, 2015.
    Visible from the southern part of Africa, and the Antarctic, this solar eclipse also has some ominous historical information tied to it. In addition, the chaos in climate change suggested and predicted by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and said alongside Secretary of State John Kerry suggests some interesting facts of a illuminati event trying to be triggered.
    Satan worshipers, and the Illuminati are avid astrologers. Many of their devised plans and events are always surrounded by heavenly events. Although the heavens also give birth to events of prophetic meaning such as the 4 blood red moon tetrads we see coming to a conclusion September 28th, demonic influences have always used these and other time frames to counter attack God in his appointed times.

    Okay the dates of these were on 9-13-2015 which was a Sabbath/Sunday or Jewish Sunday.; Double Eclipse Joel 2:31 beginning to be fulfilled. Joel 3:20 may refer to Day of Atonement/Armageddon as the Day of the Lord.

    The article that I complied is 7 pages in length.

  163. Jim says the Pope never even hinted at the One World Religion.

    About 2,550,000 results

    Web Results

    One World Religion now officially Born!! A Spiritual …

    one-world religion now officially born!! a spiritual equivalent to the united nations!

    What will be the end times, one-world religion?

    What will be the end times, one-world religion? Does the Bible teach that in the end times there will be a one world religion?

    CBN News – Ushering in the One-World Religion – GENEVA, Switzerland — A one world government and a one world religion — it may just sound like fiction from the popular “Left Behind” novel …

    The Pope’s Push for a One-World Religion

    One of the greatest dangers to Christianity today is the deliberate suppression of biblical truth for the sake of unity. The danger intensifies as we …

    One World Religion –

    The One World Religion How it is coming together and how it relates to the return of Jesus. by Dr. David R. Reagan (Lamb Lion Ministries)

    Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion

    Is Pope Francis taking steps that are laying the groundwork for the emergence of a one world religion? If that question sounds quite bizarre to you, I urge

    Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion » Alex …

    Michael Snyder The Truth February 24, 2014. Is Pope Francis taking steps that are laying the groundwork for the emergence of a one world religion?

    Articles – One World Religion – Understand The Times

    One World Religion . One World Religion Archive: Apr 10 2016: News Alert – Greg Laurie, Lou Engle, and the coming one-world revival? Feb 19 2016:

    Of course Jim says the internet lies and there never will be a One World Religion and there will never be a One World Government just as there will never be a Polar Shift so I guess according to Jim, the Bible lies about these events.

  164. Jim says: 7) Muslims have not started an uprising in the US killing Americans left and right as you suggested would happen.

    Muslims killing people in America

    Muslims Are Already Slaughtering Christians In America …

    Muslims Are Already Slaughtering Christians In America (Get Ready For More Persecution Of Christians In Your Own Country)

    Islamic Attacks on America

    Islamic Terror on American Soil Following the horrific slaughter of thousands on 9/11, only one Muslim in America was killed in a …

    America?s Honor Killings A Growing Reality

    Honor Killings are more common in America than we think This morning, I received a phone call from a police officer who wished to be unidentified to review

    10 Acts of Jihad in America That Americans Haven’t Heard …

    Here are some recent acts of jihad on American soil that you may have missed – all from this spring and summer: 1. Seattle Muslim “on a jihad to kill Americans …

    New ISIS Recording Urges Muslims to Kill Civilians in US ……

    A 42-minute audio recording by an ISIS spokesman was released on social media Sunday, in which the group calls on Muslims to kill civilians in countries that belong …

    Muslims Are Already Answering The Call Of ISIS To Kill 10 …

    Muslims Are Already Answering the Call of ISIS to Kill 10 Million Americans When A Muslim Decapitates An American Woman in Oklahoma

    Note: Jim does not know how to search the internet as of yet. It is real simple Jim. All you do is ask: Are Muslims killing Americans on USA Soil?

  165. Jim says there is no cities in America for a UN Police Force.

    UN International Police State formed. Sept 29th, 2015. 13 major cities joined. USA: Cities who are participating include: New York City, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, Paris, London, Montreal, Beirut, Oslo and thirteen others. Welcome to Islamic Sharia Law for the USA. (I Thess 5:3)

    Web Results

    Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force …

    … up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of UN … Obama Administration and UN Announce … What is a global police force doing in our cities?

    The United Nations In The United States

    THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES . The following information comes from a research source which has investigated actual UNITED NATIONS … Task Force] POLICE …

    Six Cities Chosen to Have Nationalized Police Forces | www …

    Six Cities Chosen to Have Nationalized Police … Barack Obama holding the Task Force on Policing … the boss of the Third World at the United Nations, …

    Obama Chooses Six Cities to Test Federal Police Scheme

    Obama Chooses Six Cities to Test Federal Police … a week after Obama’s “Task Force on 21st Century … and particularly in the United States were working …

  166. Iran is not the devil. Jim, I never did say this but you said it.

    Christian Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Obama comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Islam comes to steal, kill, and destroy. ISIS comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Allah Ackbar: “I come to kill in the name of my diety who is superior over the God of the Universe”.

    A quote from a Muslim last week. “If I cannot practice Jihad in the Middle East and I am in America, then I will do it here by mass killing of Americans”.

  167. Jim,

    3) WWIII broke out in the Middle East with Russia as the head. Seal 2: World War III begins. (Rev 6: 3,4) ISIS, Middle East, Syria. Damascus was destroyed in 2015.

    Jim will stay in the dark on this one until 2030 passes by. In the meantime, Psalm 83 war will be fulfilled in 2016. Isaiah 17? War and the third NOW prophecy war will be fulfilled rapidly succession in Israel in 2016.

    After that, only Ezekiel 38-39 War is left to be fulfilled and according to Jim, that won’t be happening until 2030 or 2031.

    So I guess that there will be 15 years of no wars in the Middle East until 2031 which will be Armageddon.


    The merging of independent, sovereign police powers for centralized globalists control cannot be denied anymore.

  169. John,
    There will never be a One-World religion that everyone on earth will have to join. You will never get Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus to convert to Christianity, nor the Jews either. The pope, as the False Prophet, will eventually perform miracles that will bring many Christians and a few others into the Vatican fold, but never every person on earth. Statistically, that is an impossibility.
    If we are currently in WW3, please list the sides. Half the world should be fighting the other half. ISIS isn’t a country so a bunch of countries fighting ISIS doesn’t count. It is no different from world governments fighting piracy, or human trafficking or just plain old international crime. So tell me, is Italy fighting Uruguay? Is India fighting Australia? Who are the combatants in this world-wide war? You definition of a world war is lame as is all your other so-called biblical events. Obama fails to bow and that becomes a broken seal? Give me a break.
    My test for a biblical event is that if it doesn’t make the nightly news, it wasn’t important enough to be called “of biblical proportions.” If you plan on confirming bible prophecy through internet articles you are doomed to disaster.
    Well, Sept. Is closing in which for you is the start of the great and terrible (year) of the Lord which should be filled with unmistakable supernatural events. All 7 seals will be opened and half the population of the earth will have perished. All this must happen in the next 4 months. It won’t. Every time line you have set has passed with nothing real happening. You have given me no reason to believe that will change anytime soon.
    Just more internet garbage.

    • WW3, who are the sides. Go study the prophets and you will find out especially Ezekiel 38-39 War. These wars are fought in the Middle East and not America and they involve Islam against Israel. WWIII will consist of the Now Prophecies (the last 5 wars for the Middle East). These wars are the Psalm 83 War, The Damascus War, Isaiah 17 War, Jeremiah?? 49 War, and Ezekiel 38-39 War especially.

      1-Anatolia (Turkey); 2-Kurdistan; 3-Gogaz, (C.I.S, which includes Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan)
      4-Khorasan (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and possibly Indonesia); 5-Iraq; 6-Sham (Syria, Lebanon); 7-Qinana (Egypt, Sudan and Somalia)
      8-Maghreb (which includes Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania); 9-Yemen; 10-Hijaz (which includes the Gulf States)

    • One World Religion

      Jim says: There will never be a One-World religion that everyone on earth will have to join. You will never get Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus to convert to Christianity, nor the Jews either. The pope, as the False Prophet, will eventually perform miracles that will bring many Christians and a few others into the Vatican fold, but never every person on earth. Statistically, that is an impossibility.

      Question: “What will be the end times, one-world religion?”

      Answer: The one-world religion described in Revelation 17:1–18 as “the great harlot” will be part of the end-times scenario. The term harlot is used throughout the Old Testament as a metaphor for false religion. The actual identity and makeup of the religion has been debated for centuries and has resulted in a number of different views among Bible commentators and theologians. There are convincing arguments for the one world religion being Catholicism, Islam, the New Age movement, or some form of religion not even invented yet, and an internet search will produce many more possibilities and theories. There is no doubt that some sort of one-world religion under the false prophet will be a part of the end times, perhaps made up of a number of different religions, sects, and isms that are around today.

      Revelation 17:1–18 gives us several characteristics of the one-world religion. The false religion will dominate all the “peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues” of the earth (Revelation 1b, 15), meaning that it will have universal authority, no doubt given by the Antichrist, who rules the world at that time. Verses 2–3 describe the harlot as committing adultery with the “kings of the earth,” referring to the false religion’s influence among the world’s rulers and influential people. The reference to being drunk with the wine of her adulteries may refer to those who are drunk with the power they receive from worshiping the false god of the false religion. Satan frequently ensnares those whose lust for power drives them away from the worship of the true and living God. The alliances forged by the false religion will unite church and state as never before.

      Verse 6 describes the harlot as being “drunk with the blood of the saints” and the blood of those who testify of Jesus. Whether they will be martyred at the hand of the Antichrist or by being systematically starved, believers who are on the earth during the tribulation will experience the wrath of the harlot and her power source, the Antichrist. Those who oppose the worldwide religion will be killed, and those who refuse to worship the Antichrist by accepting his mark will be unable to buy and sell, thereby making survival very difficult (Revelation 13:16–17).

      Eventually, the harlot will lose favor with the Antichrist, who will want to receive the world’s worship for himself. He will not share the adoration of the world with the prophets and priests of the false religion, no matter how obsequious or fawning they may be. Once the Antichrist gains the world’s amazed attention by his miraculous return from the dead (Revelation 13:3, 12, 14), he will turn on the false religious system and destroy it, establishing himself as God. The deception, Jesus tells us, will be so great that, if it were possible, even the elect would fall for it (Matthew 24:24).

  170. More on the One World Religion

    One World Church: Roman Catholic Church World wide Churches under them. (One World Church in the making–;; One World Religion coming together.

    One World Religion: Islam One World Political ruler is Islam. Where ever Islam is beheadings will occur. Spirituality Progressive Islam. Check out Sharia Law for Dummies and Jihad. Allah is actually Alah from Hindu meaning Mother or Mistress or Goddess. In this case, it is Aphrodite, Isis, Alah, Maryology, Estor (where we get Easter from). She has about another 7-15 names. She is the wife of Baal/Nimrod. They worship Saturn, Venus, and the Moon.

    At present, there are two great bodies – the World Council of Churches (W.C.C.) and the National Council of Churches (N.C.C.). The main aim of the Ecumenical Movement is to bring churches of all denominations and cults, and ultimately, all other religious organizations together as One Ecumenical Church or World Church. At the first Ecumenical Assembly held in Amsterdam in 1948, the motto ‘ONE WORLD, ONE CHURCH’ was adopted. It is agreed that one of the major issues for the WCC to tackle is the relations between the churches and the organizations of all the other religions and ideologies. With regards to this issue, dialogues are being held among the different religions of the world.

    God gives clear words of warning to all who are a part of this one world religion:

    Revelation 18:4-8
    4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues;

    5 for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

    6 “Pay her back even as she has paid, and give back to her double according to her deeds; in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her.

    7 “To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I SIT as A QUEEN AND I AM NOT A WIDOW, and will never see mourning.’

    8 “For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for the Lord God who judges her is strong.

    Revelation 18 describes the One World Government and you Jim said that you know Revelation backswards and forwards and you never read chapters 17 and 18. I doubt that you don’t even understand the Laidocean Church either which ushers in the One World Religion. The lies you tell Jim are not worth reading any more so go back and stick your head back into the sand.

    • John,
      You seem to be claiming that Catholicism is the One-World religion.So what are you predicting is about to happen?
      Will all Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists convert? When? Next month? Next year? Every person on earth a catholic… sorry, I’m not seeing it. What are the odds that everyone on earth will convert? ISIS is wiping out Christians left and right. What makes you think they will all throw away their Korans and pick up catholic bibles?
      Plus, didn’t you say Islam will take over the world? And put Obama in charge, who will convert to Islam when he retires from the presidency? You just said that. No you have two different religions taking over the world. Make up your mind.
      You have so many overlapping stories going on they are all contradicting one another. It looks like you just believe in every conspiracy theory you come across and put them all together into one big heaping pile of crap.
      You say:Muslims Are Already Answering the Call of ISIS to Kill 10 Million Americans.
      So far they’ve killed 14. When they reach the 1,000,000 mark I’ll start believing you.
      Otherwise you are just another You Tube idiot posting conspiracy theories that will never come true.

      • I recall you saying the vatican is the beast and will require sunday worship as the mark

        you are now backing out of this theory of yours

        • the Vatican IS the beast and the pope is the False Prophet – its image. All I’m doing is using johns Antichrist theories against him. I’m only quoting what he thinks will happen, NOT what I think will happen. Most people here believe in a fairly similar scenario – Antichrist, a chip for banking etc. They just have slightly different ways to get there. And these ways often conflict with one another. For example; ISIS will conquer the world and the illuminati will change the world banking system and institute the chip. But the illuminati and isalm are inocompatible and would never work together, not to mention the illuminati died out 200 years ago and no longer exist.
          So, no, I haven’t altered my interpretation. I only refer to the interpretation of others when pointing out where their various scenarios actually contradict one another.

      • Jim, Obama wears an Islamic ring. His parents are Islamic. His advisor who is an woman is Islamic. He is from Kenya which is an Islamic nation. He is a treasonous liar and you worship him so you are also a treasonous liar as well.
        For being an idiot troll, you are really stupid because you still have you idiot stupid head in the sand.

  171. If it is out sun’s binary star with its own planets in tow, why doesn’t it shine bright like our sun? And why is it the 9th planet? Is it a star or planet?

    • Juliz,
      The reason the whole Nibiru / dwarf star story is so hard to understand is because it has all been made up by various You Tube idiots over the last 15 years or so. Everybody comes up with their own story or enhances a previous story until the whole thing is blown all out of proportion.
      The truth is there is no such thing as one solar system inside another solar system. It is an astronomical impossibility. No real science website will verify that Nibiru or any dark star exists. No such thing has ever been seen or photographed or catalogued. Everything you read is all made up.
      Consider that a star and bunch of planets barreling toward earth should make the headlines on every news station and newspaper every day with constant updates on the fate of the earth. So what’s on the news today? The elections and bathroom laws. Surely a Death Star heading toward earth would be a bigger story. Simple common sense tells us that the whole idea must be a hoax. And if you check your science books from high school you can tell how much they say is completely contrary to simple science.
      Don’t let the You Tube idiots fool you too. There is enough crap out there without adding even more on top of it. Use your brain. If it sounds hincky, it probably is.
      Be careful.

      • the government is not known for its honesty. you continue to harass people claiming this is all from you tube idiots. and I gave you names of scientists, and you scoffed. you really have nothing to offer here except your obsession to troll my site with government lies

      • Jim,

        Jim says: Everything you read is all made up.
        So I guess all the books Jim has in his house is made up lies including the Bible. Jim, you are really a stupid, stupid idiot so just go ahead and burn every reading material in your house because you are dead flesh to me stupid idiot Jim.

        • Jim, since I read your posts then everything you post is also a made up lie so begone from here Satan Jim. You and your devil belong with each other in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity.

    • juliz

      it is a dwarf star, which means it has mostly burned out, but it still acts like a sun with its own solar system.

      the government is lying about it to avoid panic, and has people like jim to deny it, so you will disbelieve it.

      the government however believes is and is building underground bunkers to hide in

      it appears to be a dwarf star, but they call it a planet, a little confusing but that is their fault. they are trying to cover up what it is

      • Juliz,
        Follow your brain on this. There is no government-wide conspiracy to hide an entire freakin solar system coming to kill us!. This would have to extend to the entire world! Every country has observatories and astronomers in their nations. And not I single news agency wants to report the story, even though it is already all over the web. Why not? Because they are professional reporters and they know a lie when the smell one. So every TV station and newspaper in the world agrees with me. And every world government as well. That is a HUGE conspiracy theory without a single leak.
        And ask somebody this… if there is an entire solar system out there, getting closer every minute, why can’t the average person go outside and see it and watch it move across the sky day by day like a comet or any other real celestial body? But the Nibiru You Tube idiots can only see the planet at sunset thru their cameras… it doesn’t seem to be visible to the naked eye. Well, that’s a first. A magic, shy planet.
        Do yourself a favor and wait till this thing is plastered all over the nightly news as you would expect for such a major story. Even I would believe it then. I’ve Been waiting 15 years so far. That’s an awful long time to keep such a conspiracy theory going with no leaks.
        Just use your God – given common sense. Thia whole Nibiru story reaks with lies and made-up nonsense. Don’t join the ranks of the gullible fools who fall fall this crap.

        • other news media in other countries do report it …and Fox news has discussed it also, but they are not fed enough info to continually report on it

  172. Jim, here is a miracle of God

    Fireball events were in the hundreds per year in 2005. By 2011 there were over 1,500; around 2,000 in 2012; around 3,500 in 2013, rising to nearly 8,000 in 2014 with over 9,000 being reported in 2015.

    I suppose the earth being a great magnet with an iron core is causing this increase of fire balls to occur.
    By 2031, there will be 24, 000 per year. Or do you prefer 35,000 by 2031.

  173. John,
    You just posted the following (somewhere above):

    I go by statements like this and if you have a problem with that then that is your issue in life.

    Warning – Planet X – Destroyer – Will ‘Pass Over’ Earth Sometime …

    Apr 18, 2016 … Seal 6 is Opening Soon! … around the Feast of Passover, … I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake, ……/warning-planet-x-destroyer-will-pass-over-earth- sometime-around-feast-of-passover-timeframe-seal-6-is-opening-so…

    How dumb are you? You just posted a notice that Nibiru was to pass by earth a month ago. Now I don’t know about everyone else but I didn’t see a thing nor was there any mention of it on the local news.
    SO are you now saying Nibiru has come and gone and it is over? And note that the link you provided has been removed, probably due to embarrassment at their mistake. SO your sources are now abandoning you. That should tell you something. Like all the other Nibiru sources, they eventually prove to be false and then… poof! They disappear.
    Well, I don’t know what your point was with this post but it only goes to prove I was right and you were wrong. So thanks for that.
    So what do you have next? Still believing in the pole shift? Let‘s wait and see.

  174. So it’s may 25 and I just bought read your guys whole ten year debate I’m not a scientist or religious I’m Luke warm on both. Just now starting to see weird things going on . Alot of what you both debated has now just been coming to come. I don’t think either of yous factoring alot of covering up from governments on events. So in my eyes your both pretty accurate that’s only reason I’m commenting. Their has been way more meteorites than ever this year . Alot alot of Walmarts closed with military activity. The Marshall law is or has been being passed in a few states. Their starting to micro chip animals pets now debating on chiping kids and talking about using it to pay bills I would never get chipped to my knowledge anyway. Violence is sprouting over election and politics. No offense to gay community but all this gay stuff being jammed down our throats for exceptence. Which is clearly against traditional Bible . So if riotes do break out Obama could call Marshall law and suspend election. Alot of natural disasters more than usual .wars all threw middle East. Way more alien sightings than usual and all this is going on this year alone I know I missed a couple but alot alot going down for end of 2015 and beginning 2016. So what do you guys think ? Sorry for misspelling or punctuation I’m not like said a professor or scientist or priest just average guy that’s actually paying attention to world around him. And you guys have been pretty accurate it seems just findings off and alot all happening at once. I believe I read one of you write like it will happen fast like a thief in the night.. sooo what the heck do you 2 think ?

  175. I guess this would make me your yearly outsider comment lol….I forgot to say sincerely and respectfully asking David.

    • hi david

      yes there are varying opinions as to how to interpret what we are seeing.

      my best approach is to expect and prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.

      there are things the government will not tell us, and they have been caught in many lies.

      the government is expecting something, so watch the government, and do what it does.

      for me, it is best to error on the side of caution, than to do nothing,, and then get hurt later.

      timing of events is debatable, as not only the government may not know perfectly its timing, and may shift dates, but more important, GOD in heaven has his hands on all of this.

      he decides based on our behavior. if we are trying to reverse sinful trends, or fight against them, we may be given extra time. if we submit to sin in our nation, or decide to stay silent, then the punishments will come sooner.

      how we vote this election will determine our fate. we are either for god, or against him.

      • Marianne,
        So you finally changed your mind that Obama will either suspend elections or refuse to leave the white house? I told you time would prove you wrong. But he says he wants to move to a place only 2 miles from the White House. Maybe he will keep his secret Muslim army there so he can someday take over the White House. Lets start a conspiracy theory about it, or write another article.
        Hey, what ever happened to your article about 2008 – the last U.S. administration? I guess you SAE the writing on the wall and took it down early so we would forget about that prediction.
        Well, I’ve never forgot it so I’ll still get satisfaction that I predicted you would be wrong almost 8 years ago. A long time to wait for satisfaction and I can’t even post on it.
        Oh well, you’ve got dozens of other articles that will eventually fail so I have plenty of fodder for my skepticism. I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

        • no i have not changed my mind.

          trump is the only hope for america,

          but will enough people vote for him

          or will obama remove him?

          wait and see

          obama wants to stay in power

          and he hates trump

          and 2008 DID mark the last administration. the same guy is still there

          • OK, you have reiterated your prediction that when Jan 20 arrives there will not be an inauguration of a new president – no new administration, we are in the last one right now.
            Time will tell soon enough if you are right. I say you are wrong.
            Obama will not be the Antichrist. There will be NO Antichrist. No New World Order or One-World Government either. I’ve been denying it for years and guess what, it is still not here nor is there any UN announcement of such a plan.
            So lets see who is correct.

            • I never said o was the antichrist, although he is trying hard, and fits the description so far….. I said he has an AC personality….but so did Hitler, and so does Angela merkel of germany, and so did stalin, and so do other dictators.

              dan 11 says he “divides the land” of israel, and commits the abomination of desolation….if O does that, then that is who he is….if he does not, then he is not the AC…..

              he has been making public announcements and promises that trump will not be president. he and the other democrats like clinton(s) have a history of killing their opponents and getting away with it….benghazi is the latest example. he has mentioned what a shame it would be for manhattan to be nuked. this is where trump lives….trump needs our prayers for safety.

              the NWO order is already in power. it controls obama. it is in plain view, but most people like you only look at what you want to see.

              the real conspiracy theory is that there is nothing wrong, and nothing bad is going to happen.

              the bible says otherwise.

              O says he should stay in for a 3rd term. the last elections were rigged to keep him in….we do not know what the elite will pull this time..

              so instead of going into denial, stop making comments of dispute, be patient, and wait and see

              right now you are not waiting….

              • You say Obama MAY be the Antichrist – he is the “type” so to me that is almost the same as saying he IS the Antichrist. You give a thousand reasons why he fits the profile, then say he won’t give up presidential powers and he will attempt to stay in office. For what purpose? None other than to take over the world as the Antichrist. What else is there?
                And what is the New World Order? If they are controlling Obama, then the leader of the New World Order is the true Antichrist, right? Where are their headquarters? What sort of directives have they instituted? You say it is real but where the hell is it? It seems to be completely invisible. No proof that it exists can be found. Only online conspiracy theories. So if Trumps comes to power will they control him? Will Trump become the Antichrist? I’m already seeing hundreds of web sites and YouTube videos that claim he is the Antichrist and they have dozens of proofs that he is.
                But if Hillary gets in, then she must become the Antichrist, right? I can’t wait to see what you and others decide to believe once Obama is gone. There will be a huge scramble to find the next Antichrist. Everyone is so sure we are so close to the Second Coming that the Antichrist must appear very soon, so where is he/she? That is the newest, biggest question of our time. And I’m sure once you’ve watched enough new YouTube videos you will write a new article on the latest candidate for Antichrist.
                And this will continue until the Second Coming comes upon you by surprise.

                • jim

                  this is spiritually discerned, but you have no discernment, and you are too busy denying life, rather than seeing what is thee.

                  there have been “types” throughout history, and we are still here.

                  this is an elementary concept…sorry you are not up to comprehension

                  obama does plan to stay in office, based on his own words.

                  why don’t you just wait and see if he is successful or not?

                  Trump is the last chance for america.

                  if people repent, they can have trump

                  if they don’t repent, obama will get his wish

                • You are all way off base. The Anti Christ will rise out of Turkey as a Prince.

                  • John

                    Obama may be the Antichrist but only time will tell. Also Erdogan from Turkey is rising faster to be the Antichrist. It just depends upon who will be head of the UN (United Nations) in 2017. UN is approachin close to 50 percent Islamics right now. Once it gets to 51 percent, then Jihad occurs globally over the globe and all humans will be dead long before 2024 gets here.

  176. Hi David,
    Its good to know that there are others out there following our conversations. We already know we will never change each others’ minds but hopefully we can give others enough information to make an informed decision.
    When it comes to the Second Coming, there are two trains of thought. Some believe they can calculate the exact date using astrology and complex mathematics. Others like myself prefer to wait until the signs given by Jesus and the Book of Revelation have clearly happened. The problem is that many people mistake common occurrences as being biblical signs. But even WW2, the largest war in history, did not usher in the Second Coming. Many at the time were sure it was the war mentioned in Matt24, but they were wrong. Today, some here are claiming the Arab Spring was that war, which may fit their time line but clearly didn’t surpass WW2 as the worst that will ever be.
    So the world seems to be in a state (time of Noah) that matches the end-time description in the bible. And so it is. But it will still be, maybe even worse, ten years from now. Or 20. Or 50. But some people like to jump the gun for some reason. They are not content to wait for the real indisputable signs and instead try to shape common events into biblical ones.
    While the bible does say Jesus will return “like a thief in the night“ it also says that those who look for the signs of the Second Coming will not be surprised, only those who do not bother to look. We are told to look for the true signs and to recognize them from regular events.
    And we need to use some common sense here as well. Everyone is talking about marshal law in the US. So where in the bible does it say that marshal law will be declared in the U.S. just before the Second Coming? Or that the economy will fail? All that could happen and the Second Coming could still be years away. So many people are looking for the wrong signs. This topic we are on now – Nibiru – is a perfect example. Marianne believes that Nibiru is real and that it will fulfil the third trump of bible prophecy. This article claimed Nibiru would get here in Dec 2012, so she was excited that if it really were the 3rd trump, then the Second Coming would not be far behind. She still thinks that way even though this article has proven to be a big lie and after 5 years there is still no sign of Nibiru and scientists still say it doesn’t exist. (I checked my astronomy program last night and it is still not in there). So far the real scientists have proven to be correct as Nibiru has yet to show up on the nightly news \and we can’t go outside at night and look up and see it. It remains an internet myth.
    So while some people here throw out science and throw out the true biblical signs written in the bible and try to make up their own end-time scenarios, so far nothing they claim will soon happen (a New World Order, One-World Government, One World Dictator, One world Currency, and One-World religion, chip in the right hand etc.) have come to pass.
    So we all still have to wait. The only difference is what are we looking for.

    • Jim says complex mathatics 1917+100=2017 is not compex mathatics. It is simple math. Your problem, Jim, is that you would not know what end there is in a shoe box and you still would not know how to get out of it.

      Martial Law is very simple in biblical terms: Rev 6:7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
      Rev 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
      Rev 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

      Economic Collapse: Rev 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
      Rev 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

      • John,
        How do you get marshal law from a pair of balances? Or the price of wheat?
        The big problem with bible prophecy is that there are a million ways to interpret the cryptic words which are very generic. So people can make up any kind of story they want and try to fit it into their interpretation.
        I’m watching the news and people in Venezuela are raiding food delivery trucks because they are starving. They’ve even declared marshal law to quell the food riots. A bushel of wheat for a penny? Many Venezuelans are probably claiming it is a sign of the apocalypse. There is no reason to pick out our own country as the trigger, so why not claim Venezuela is the country the bible talks about?
        You have a bad habit of developing a theory and then looking in the bible for verses you can tie to it. But you are only guessing at best, and fabricating connections at worst. And still worse you ignore the real signs of Mat24 and elsewhere in the bible.
        So with 3 months left in your tribulation there is still no New World Order. Who is your Antichrist? Where is the chip in the hands? How can God start punishing those who take the mark this September when so far there is no mark? We couldn’t even chip a fraction of the world’s population in the next few months making your scenario impossible.
        When are you going to realize your mistake and move on? Are you going to be like one of those people who were expecting the world to end on Dec 21, 2012 at the end of the Mayan calendar? Some waited to the last day and kept claiming it would happen. Some even tried to change the Mayan calendar or its prophecy to stretch it beyond D-Day. Today they are all branded as idiots and gullible fools. You will be soon unless you smarten up. You call me stupid because I don’t believe you and you even claim I’ve never read the bible and that I’m going to hell. Should I prepare to say the same things about you? I’m not that kind of person but I’ll do it if you want me to. Just keep spouting your nonsense for another few months and I’ll be ready.
        Just keeping digging your hole and soon I can cover you over once you can’t ever get out of it.

        • Economic Collapse: Rev 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
          Rev 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. Above Jim’s question as how do you get Martial law from a pair of scales.
          What Jim did not read was that Economic Colapse above comes from a pair of scales. As normal Jim only reads what he wants to read and not every thing else that is said. Jim you are a fool.

          Rev 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
          Rev 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

          The breaking of the first four seals releases the “four horsemen of the Apocalypse,” who represent, respectively, (1) war in its aspect of subjecting peoples one to another, (2) war in its aspect of hate between nations and individuals, (3) inequitable economic distribution (or, less likely, general scarcity of goods), and (4) the death which results from the first three (war, wild animals = hate, famine = inequitable distribution) and from disease (= plagues).
          This section is apparently related to Lev_16:14-26 and Eze_14:12-20, which speak of similar judgments. Compare also the ravagers at Jer_15:3, Jer_24:10, Jer_29:17; Eze_5:17, Eze_14:21; and the four horses at Zec_6:2-3. The four living beings were introduced at 4:6 above.

          David L. Stern’s Jewish NT Commentary. Other scholars and prophecy experts say the same thing.

          • You are looking for the signs in the wrong order. You are expecting a financial collapse before the second seal. The order of the seals are:
            First; entrance of the False Prophet.
            Second; WW3 nuclear holocaust. ⅓ of people killed
            Third; Famine
            Fourth; Diseases another ¼ of the population killed.
            You are saying that famine will cause financial collapse, yet we got thru the great depression OK.
            First the False Prophet / Antichrist must appear. We should recognize him or else we are pretty stupid after all this discussion, right?
            Then nuclear world war. Seems that should be obvious to the most casual observer. That will be followed by nuclear winter. Nothing will grow, worldwide. There is your famine. After these three things happen you can get back to me about the economy collapsing.
            Dead bodies everywhere will cause the pestilences worldwide. So don’t try to scare me with the bird flu or zika virus.
            These seal WILL be of BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS folks. EVERYONE will notice them all over the world. The US is only 5% of the world so stop looking within the US for bible prophecy. It will not unfold here but in Europe. You need to follow the beasts of Daniel / Revelation to see this but most people can’t follow the beast story and go off on various tangents.
            And if you are so certain that prophecy must be measured by events in Israel (1917, 1947, 1967 etc.) why aren’t you looking for financial collapse in Israel instead of the US?

        • food shortage will be one reason for martial law

  177. What about NASA saying theirs a planet. Directly behind the sun. Their calling it the counter earth. Which I think is nibriu. Become the were so techno that I’m sure after thousands of years probably come up with a on go switch. Why not whach from goodistance from behind the sun to watch us blow each other up then have war and starving then come back as the second coming and be called Holly above all. Bam got their slaves back or something of that sort. Because two factors come into play never underestimate the government cover ups to make the sheep blind we all agree and know government is corrupt. Then as I stated thousands of years away their tchnology definitely got better so we don’t know if the could of slowed down n stop behind sun undetectable.and just send smaller ships around the globe to see what the man kind been up took. I betcha that they did not expect us to evolve as much as we have and we got strong enough to make nukes and that’s sort of keeping them at bay to study we have planes war boats nukes atomics hand held all if they are to come in and try to take over by saying they are the second coming. And with soo many out branch religions their would be a resistance how would this so called second coming handle it if he handles it wrong it will be the war the war between the creator and created and that’s what they don’t want to happen they want to take control with ease and was us into a new neo and that will make it all easy for
    Them 7 years piece and were crap during which we are truly being tested
    D then the real second coming who looks younger us the sheep that flight and the wolves that kill and passes his great hand soon all and what is next is unwritten. Angels who fell to earth to full man they are god could just be advanced aliens that were not righteous in God’s eyes and sent them off their are not welcome on their own world so be God’s on this one until the true second coming comes. But we all could be wrong they could of been the first coming and the second and could be everything they say we are and what they are will that lead to the first world on world war to of be maybe that’s the war god himself is waiting for and then judgment an reset what do you guys think ?

    • Wow David,
      That is some crazy conspiracy theory you’ve got there. But you certainly didn’t get it from the NASA web site. A lot of conspiracy theorists SAY that NASA discovered this or that or said this or that, but they didn’t. You need to fact check these You Tube idiots because so many of them just make up a lot of crap for fun.
      The theory you describe was proposed in the 1800’s but couldn’t be verified until special telescopes were developed to study the sun. That theoretical planet was named “Vulcan” after the Greek god of fire. It’s the planet Gene Roddenberry used for Spock’s home world.
      It turns out due to the shape of the earth’s orbit it is not possible for another planet to hide behind the sun all year long. So once it became possible to look at the edges of the sun a search failed to show anything there. So that whole theory is out the window so there are no aliens from Vulcan invading the earth.
      The planet that NASA has been talking about for real is Planet 9 – a probable but undiscovered gas giant beyond Neptune which is now Planet 8. This planet would orbit over 10 billion miles from the sun and never get any closer. It has been out there, undiscovered for 4 billion years and is has not nor will it ever come near the earth or the sun. Its orbit is not elliptical like a comet but circular like the rest of the planets. Many people including Marianne claim this is or could be Nibiru on a collision course with the earth in the next few years, but even if it is, at a distance of 10 billion miles it would take 200 years to get here. If it were coming. Which it’s not. So that’s the end of that story.
      So you are left with nothing real to believe in. All you can do is be so gullible that you continue to fall into the conspiracy trap that these internet vultures have set up for people who do not understand simple astronomy. But I’m sure God does not appreciate his followers falling into the trap, then trying to prove the falsity using His bible. That could be considered blasphemy of a sort, and ignorance is no excuse.
      I tell you what. Go to the NASA web site and search for the topics you believe they have posted. Search “Nibiru” and see what you get. If your sources are right you will find out pretty quick.
      Let me know what you find out.

      • jim

        do not lie

        I never said nibiru would collide with earth

        • No, but you claim it will ALMOST collide with the earth, close enough for the magnetic fields to interact and cause a pole shift.
          Do you realize how close they would have to come to each other for that to happen?
          Of course you dont. It wouldn’t happen even if it passed within a mile of the earth. It wouldn’t happen even if passed right thru the earth. You don’t know what you’re talking about because all you can do is repeat what the You Tube idiots say, and all that is completely made up. Go to your local high school and talk to the science teacher about these things and see if you can keep him from laughing. Try a few schools just to be sure. Then you can add those schools to your big conspiracy theory about a Nibiru cover-up. You won’t find a single science teacher anywhere in the world teaching Nibiru is real. Instead of taking a clue from this you just make your conspiracy theory bigger and bigger and eventually it will burst. Right in your face.
          You’ve got all the scientists in universities and observatories and government services in a HUGE conspiracy theory, and the only real scientists are on YouTube. It takes a special kind of mind-set for anyone to actually believe that but it seems to be more prevalent in the bible-thumping community. Maybe because they believe that God can make anything happen.
          He could, but he doesn’t.

          • jim

            you are wasting my time and other people’s time

            either grow a brain or get blocked again.

            I never said nibiru would ALMOST collide with earth.

            it will say far out in space, if it proves to be true, and occurs

            planets can affect each other from great distances

            and there is an asteroid field around it, based on telescope observations, these are millions of miles around the planet/dark star system, and THESE are what might hit earth.

            so even though the nibiru system will stay far away, the asteroids will be the threat.

            our magnetosphere is more than one mile out dear one. when the nibiru system gets closer to the sun, there will be exchange of energy and solar flares may happen also. these would affect us. and our magnetosphere will be affected

            i gave you real scientists, not you tube, and not high school science teachers, which i would laugh at anyhow since they are not even science majors, but education majors….maybe they took ONE course in biology

            this is not a conspiracy..we are talking about astronomy, which you know nothing about, even though you play around with it, and you scoff at real astronomers with PhDs who have published in scientific jounalas, not youtube

            I really think you are mentally deficient in some way

            • First of all, you have posted hundreds of YouTube videos and web pages about Nibiru and I have read and watched almost all of them. There are dozens of conflicting theories about Nibiru. At first it was just a planet. Then it grew 7 moons. Then it grew a debris filed. Then it added a dwarf star. Then it became an entire second solar system orbiting our sun, which by the way is impossible. Now you’ve added an asteroid belt millions of miles across.
              So how am I supposed to know which bits and pieces of all these competing theories you are good with? Most YouTube videos you’ve posted have predicted Nibiru will pass close enough to the earth to cause mass destruction. Now you say they are liars. Clearly some or all are liars because it can’t all be true. So stop complaining when I repeat something from a vide that you yourself have posted. If you don’t believe what you are posting then stop posting them or ttell us you think they are liars, but here it is anyway. But don’t expect me to read your mind and figure out what parts of your posts you actually believe. This new theory that Nibiru will sit off far in space and the magnetic field would do the damage is ludicrous. Magnetic fields a re far too weak. Consider that the entire magnetic field of the earth can barely move a compass needle on its surface. Go to the moon and a compass won’t work. So how do you expect magnetic fields to affect one another from millions of miles away? Gravity and magnetism are inherently weak forces. They can’t do the things you say on such a grand scale, no matter how close the objects get.
              So from now on I will never address you again on Nibiru, I will only address all the posts you have put up and what their authors have claimed. If you don’t agree, keep it to yourself unless you care to post your complete scenario in your own words so there is no confusion.
              And to be fair, if I looked back over all our discussions I’m sure I would find you saying many different things over the last 9 years. I’m sure your beliefs will continue to change as the You Tube idiots modify their theories, just to try to convince a few more people. In case you haven’t noticed almost every Nibiru video is full of negative comments with everyone complaining they’ve been hearing this Nibiru crap for so many years with so many broken promises of it arriving. Soon they will be so discredited that Nibiru videos may disappear entirely. Just like the Mayan calendar posts.
              So as it stands, your current theory is unscientific and impossible. Any science teacher would laugh at it. Your so-called internet scientists are nothing but liars. I can tell because they don’t use real science in their theories. The fact that you would rather believe charlatans than read a high school science book for once just dooms you to ignorance. But you are in good company, or should I say bad company. After nine years of denying Nibiru, it is still not here. You have never seen it, nor have I, nor has any news reporter. When this changes you will have won the argument, but just showing me someone on the internet who says it is true does not really prove anything. You claim telescopic observations have shown asteroids around the Nibiru system, but only the Hubble could attempt to see asteroids at such a distance, and that is run by NASA and you say NASA are liars, so where are these telescopic observations coming from? Can you produce the photos? All you can do is say you read it on the internet. And by the way, millions of miles in space is nothing. In regards to a NEO, a million miles is considered a near miss. It WOULD be considered ALMOST a hit, so what you call ALMOST and what an astronomer calls ALMOST is completely different. So unless you provide more specific scientific information you and I are worlds apart as to what we are talking about.

              • sorry you cannot comprehend this. it is a lie that I slowly added features of nibiru as time went by. it was all there to begin with.

                you just asked certain questions and I gave you specific answers to questions

                i post what people say and i also post what I think. I do not see much difference except on timing, and once they though elenin was nibiru which it wasn’t.

                the scientist I refer to are not “internet scientists.” they are real PhDs who have published in scientific journals….

                you are stuck on youtube because that is your mental level.

                high school science is nursery school, compared to what we are talking about, teachers at that low level are not qualified.

                i did not say an asteroid that might hit earth is a NEO. the bible says an object will hit earth. asteroids will get pulled into our atmosphere as the nibiru system approaches…which is made up of a dwarf star and 7 planets, and an asteroid field. there is red iron oxide enveloping this system.

                It has been seen on the Hubble, which is the main reason Hubble is out there. I have already posted photos of the nibiru system, taken from telescopes directed at it.

                I also know someone who has seen it through the HUbble and he confirms it is out there.

                since all you do is complain and make up stories about what i say, and what others say, I am blocking your nibiru comments until you come up to speed on this topic.

  178. Well I guess that would be an original conspiracy theory then lol. Maybe il write a book about that if I have the time..I’m going threw some financial problems at the second got blind sided with got to figure out how to make my quarterly rent by this Wed. I know I could use some of God’s awesome help with this. Or else I’m going to be homeless I will be back to chat as soon as I can right now I got to find a miracle. To help me in my own life…good debate guys keep it up I will be back to throw in some words after I figure out my own problem if I can it’s looking bleak at the moment wish me well please take it easy I’m sure over next day or two I will take a peak or two at the debate hopefully by next week il have figured out my rent and join in as usual god and science willing…have good night guys.

  179. I’m figuring something out thank you for your concern…might have to break down and live with roommates. Which I hate cause we know in the end roommates never work out in the end 90 percent of the time it ends up ruining the friendship but sometimes you got to do what you got to. Thanks for the concern tho. Jim has been quiet. I hope he comes back with some snappy theory’s..I like the debate you two and sometimes a third party have. It’s good inspiration for me I got laid off a month ago. It was actually voluntary I worked in steel shop for five years straight in out of different ones my whole life. But was never happy so I took a bold move to do the only thing I ever said I wanted to do is write a book. Now I’m currently trying to write it. Funny how things work as a child I did not like school hell half the time I was not their but found I was intelligent enough not to be their and still was able to pass easily and graduate. So now I find myself being board and unhappy in life with your regular run of the mill labor jobs. So I opted out to collect unemployment so I can get a go on my book. Now I find myself most intrigued with two hour lectures . Like alien watts and Stephen Hawkins and alot by much lessor known professors. Which ended up with reading yours and mine ten year debate. I don’t think you two give each other enough credit your both to me very interesting and intelligent and well motivated you two are like can’t have one without the other you two are like where religion meets science and I find myself loving it. It would be nice to know a Littile more about you and Jim and keep the debate going. You two can look me up on Facebook David tucholski Jr. Normally I wouldn’t write my whole name but you two I find very interesting and fascinating. I will be back tonight with a question for the debate maybe I can pull Jim our of slumber…oh yeah I’m also very fascinated with how obligated you two are to the debate and each other’s opinion it’s awesome.

  180. No not entertainment different pointspointsew. people in my littile my littile world don’t talk about the things you guys do. Their more concerned with reality TV and stupid Facebook pictures and petty arguments. I got to go outside my box to find people more educated that hold debates that interest me so I can learn more and look at things in a different perspective. I can not stand the way 90 percent of people are blind to the things that are really going on in our world and direction they are going. Like millions of blind sheep that are being flocked by the Kardashians and the chrissleys pardon spelling. It just boiling down to I’m searching for people who are on another level of life and thinking. A higher one and all respect to you and Jim you guys are on that level and your debates spark my way of thinking. Finding that on a personal level in my littile world is hard. I feel as if I’m alone on the way I view things and you and Jim . Make it so I know their are other people like myself. I did not mean for yous to think your simply entertainment when your much more your educating me. And I sincerely respect that and appreciate it….do you guys not agree that most of society at the moment are more caught up in the smoke and mirrors rather than what’s really going on in the world.?

  181. I am going to bow out of the conversation respectfully so you two can continue with your debate uninterrupted . And my apologies for talking about a personal issue or shall we say problem on this site. There is no room for that here and I do apologize for that I was having an emotional day. And I’m just learning how to be and what to speak on certain sights. So I’m going to shall we say stay in my lane. And observe and learn and will only insert my self if I have a question or a strong opinion…

    • david

      do not hold back your enthusiasm over any conversation here. it is good that you have that much zeal. it is your decision what you take away from reading any website. I appreciate your interest and hope you join in the debate / conversation. god bless you!

    • David, come visit at blogs: Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( and Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( By the way, I have only made 342.00 per month since January, 2015.

  182. what the nibiru

  183. Be sure to visit as many science and astronomy web sites possible. Beware of religious sites claiming Nibiru is part of bible prophecy. And avoid YouTube videos that only talk about Nibiru. They are private sites and are never scientific. If Nibiru isn’t talked about on true science sites which talk about the solar system in general or magazines that discuss what is visible in the night sky every evening, then you must assume that Nibiru is a myth and doesn’t actually exist. After all, wouldn’t you expect astronomy buffs to be the most interested people on earth to learn about and view Nibiru in their telescopes? So Nibiru should be all over and etc, and especially NASA whose main job is to study and photograph the universe.
    So visit the YouTube videos and then verify what they say by going to the real science sites as well. If they don’t match up, then someone is lying. It will be up to you to figure out who.

  184. Be sure to visit as many science and astronomy web sites possible. Beware of religious sites claiming Nibiru is part of bible prophecy. And avoid YouTube videos that only talk about Nibiru. They are private sites and are never scientific. If Nibiru isn’t talked about on true science sites which talk about the solar system in general or magazines that discuss what is visible in the night sky every evening, then you must assume that Nibiru is a myth and doesn’t actually exist. After all, wouldn’t you expect astronomy buffs to be the most interested people on earth to learn about and view Nibiru in their telescopes? So Nibiru should be all over and etc, and especially NASA whose main job is to study and photograph the universe.
    So visit the YouTube videos and then verify what they say by going to the real science sites as well. If they don’t match up, then someone is lying. It will be up to you to figure out who.

    • The Conundrum Group

      very logical approach….but do you really believe the government?

      I used to work in a toxicology lab, and we had to sign an agreement with DOD ( department of defense) not to talk about what we were testing. we were really testing chemicals, but to the outside world, we were not doing it because we were not talking about it

      the government told me the benghazi massacre was due to a video.

      the government told me the “refugees” from syria were peaceful, and not jihadists

      the government told me we landed on the moon, when it was staged in a studio.

      the government told me bin laden was killed, but refused to show the body…a nearby neighbor said the gov killed his friend, not bin laden.

      the government says they will not talk about clinton giving secrets to our enemies, or taking bribes, or why she and the president had Ambassador Chris Stevens killed

      the government says they will not talk about islam being a violent religion, because despite a 1400 year history of violence and human rights violations, includling current crimes, they claim it is peaceful

      when muslims commit assasinations, rapes, they government does not want to talk about the muslim admitting to doing it for allah

      the government says it will not talk about christian beheadings, so I guess they dont exist.

      and now the government is not talking about nibiru, and we are supposed to not talk about it either/

      some claim they have seen it, through telescopes, and we are not supposed to believe them, because the government does not want to talk about it?

      while I have not seen it personally, as I do not have a telescope in my back yard, I give place to other who say they want to talk about it.

      I also give you place to say you dont believe it 🙂

  185. Hi Marianne,
    We are not that concerned with what the government says. We know sometimes they cover things up, mostly for purely political purposes so people can keep their jobs.
    We are only concerned with scientists, not all who work directly for the government or on government projects. For example, our contact at Stellarium (Larry the programmer) has been contacting Nibiru followers in order to add Nibiru to their program. However when he speaks to the people in charge at various Nibiru sites none of them can produce an orbital diagram other than the circles they display on their web sites and videos. But when asked for the mathematical coordinates they have no idea on what to say. It became obvious these individuals did not know enough about astronomy to understand the basic principles of calculating a true orbit. All they got was a runaround and various excuses and not a single person could produce any real proof that Nibiru actually exists. Several just hung up on our people when they realized they couldn’t give the answers we were looking for.
    And our friend at Sky And Telescope magazine has been bugging Nibiru sites for years for information on where their readers should turn their telescopes on any given night to view Nibiru, but to date no one has been able to tell them exactly where Nibiru is at any given time. Many tell them they got their pictures from the NASA database and while they are sure they are pictures of Nibiru, none could give any coordinates on where the planet might be found. And many of the photos are clearly completely different objects and none of them look like any planets we see in our solar system. Most of them are nebulous and seem to glow on their own rather than reflecting the light from the sun as all the real planets do. And it is also clear that Nibiru can be seen just about everywhere in the sky. In the daytime, at night, in all different directions from the earth, so trying to narrow down and actual location is simply impossible. There seems to be a Nibiru everywhere you look, yet no one can show us exactly where to train our scopes.
    We realize that most people, like yourself, don’t have a telescope nor could they find a planet in a sky full of stars even if they had the coordinates, and frankly most people just don’t care enough about astronomy to take the time to look for it. So it is easy enough to simply believe the Nibiru sites and call it a day.
    This is why I recommended verifying the Nibiru claims to see if they match up with the rest of the astronomy sites. And believe me, the government does not run Sky and Telescope magazine nor do they run Stellarium or a thousand other scientific resources sites on the web, nor have they gone into our libraries and rewritten our science books (and we have thousands at our headquarters) in order to fulfil some sort of astronomical agenda.
    So our conclusion was clear. None of the Nibiru proponents could produce the data necessary to prove to us and our associates that Nibiru is even real let alone where it might be found. And believe me, it is our objective to study the mysteries of the universe, so we would really, really like to see Nibiru. It would be one of the coolest discoveries ever in our solar system. So you can imagine our huge disappointment when we found that no one can tell us where Nibiru is and that most of the Nibiru experts don’t even understand basic astronomy.
    So if anyone out there can supply us with real data we will be sure to pass it on to our other colleagues who can properly verify the information.
    Thanks, Ian

  186. Hi Marianne,
    We are not that concerned with what the government says. We know sometimes they cover things up, mostly for purely political purposes so people can keep their jobs.
    We are only concerned with scientists, not all who work directly for the government or on government projects. For example, our contact at Stellarium (Larry the programmer) has been contacting Nibiru followers in order to add Nibiru to their program. However when he speaks to the people in charge at various Nibiru sites none of them can produce an orbital diagram other than the circles they display on their web sites and videos. But when asked for the mathematical coordinates they have no idea on what to say. It became obvious these individuals did not know enough about astronomy to understand the basic principles of calculating a true orbit. All they got was a runaround and various excuses and not a single person could produce any real proof that Nibiru actually exists. Several just hung up on our people when they realized they couldn’t give the answers we were looking for.
    And our friend at Sky And Telescope magazine has been bugging Nibiru sites for years for information on where their readers should turn their telescopes on any given night to view Nibiru, but to date no one has been able to tell them exactly where Nibiru is at any given time. Many tell them they got their pictures from the NASA database and while they are sure they are pictures of Nibiru, none could give any coordinates on where the planet might be found. And many of the photos are clearly completely different objects and none of them look like any planets we see in our solar system. Most of them are nebulous and seem to glow on their own rather than reflecting the light from the sun as all the real planets do. And it is also clear that Nibiru can be seen just about everywhere in the sky. In the daytime, at night, in all different directions from the earth, so trying to narrow down and actual location is simply impossible. There seems to be a Nibiru everywhere you look, yet no one can show us exactly where to train our scopes.
    We realize that most people, like yourself, don’t have a telescope nor could they find a planet in a sky full of stars even if they had the coordinates, and frankly most people just don’t care enough about astronomy to take the time to look for it. So it is easy enough to simply believe the Nibiru sites and call it a day.
    This is why I recommended verifying the Nibiru claims to see if they match up with the rest of the astronomy sites. And believe me, the government does not run Sky and Telescope magazine nor do they run Stellarium or a thousand other scientific resources sites on the web, nor have they gone into our libraries and rewritten our science books (and we have thousands at our headquarters) in order to fulfil some sort of astronomical agenda.
    So our conclusion was clear. None of the Nibiru proponents could produce the data necessary to prove to us and our associates that Nibiru is even real let alone where it might be found. And believe me, it is our objective to study the mysteries of the universe, so we would really, really like to see Nibiru. It would be one of the coolest discoveries ever in our solar system. So you can imagine our huge disappointment when we found that no one can tell us where Nibiru is and that most of the Nibiru experts don’t even understand basic astronomy.
    So if anyone out there can supply us with real data we will be sure to pass it on to our other colleagues who can properly verify the information.
    Thanks, Ian

  187. Hi Marianne,
    We are not that concerned with what the government says. We know sometimes they cover things up, mostly for purely political purposes so people can keep their jobs.
    We are only concerned with scientists, not all who work directly for the government or on government projects. For example, our contact at Stellarium (Larry the programmer) has been contacting Nibiru followers in order to add Nibiru to their program. However when he speaks to the people in charge at various Nibiru sites none of them can produce an orbital diagram other than the circles they display on their web sites and videos. But when asked for the mathematical coordinates they have no idea on what to say. It became obvious these individuals did not know enough about astronomy to understand the basic principles of calculating a true orbit. All they got was a runaround and various excuses and not a single person could produce any real proof that Nibiru actually exists. Several just hung up on our people when they realized they couldn’t give the answers we were looking for.
    And our friend at Sky And Telescope magazine has been bugging Nibiru sites for years for information on where their readers should turn their telescopes on any given night to view Nibiru, but to date no one has been able to tell them exactly where Nibiru is at any given time. Many tell them they got their pictures from the NASA database and while they are sure they are pictures of Nibiru, none could give any coordinates on where the planet might be found. And many of the photos are clearly completely different objects and none of them look like any planets we see in our solar system. Most of them are nebulous and seem to glow on their own rather than reflecting the light from the sun as all the real planets do. And it is also clear that Nibiru can be seen just about everywhere in the sky. In the daytime, at night, in all different directions from the earth, so trying to narrow down and actual location is simply impossible. There seems to be a Nibiru everywhere you look, yet no one can show us exactly where to train our scopes.
    We realize that most people, like yourself, don’t have a telescope nor could they find a planet in a sky full of stars even if they had the coordinates, and frankly most people just don’t care enough about astronomy to take the time to look for it. So it is easy enough to simply believe the Nibiru sites and call it a day.
    This is why I recommended verifying the Nibiru claims to see if they match up with the rest of the astronomy sites. And believe me, the government does not run Sky and Telescope magazine nor do they run Stellarium or a thousand other scientific resources sites on the web, nor have they gone into our libraries and rewritten our science books (and we have thousands at our headquarters) in order to fulfil some sort of astronomical agenda.
    So our conclusion was clear. None of the Nibiru proponents could produce the data necessary to prove to us and our associates that Nibiru is even real let alone where it might be found. And believe me, it is our objective to study the mysteries of the universe, so we would really, really like to see Nibiru. It would be one of the coolest discoveries ever in our solar system. So you can imagine our huge disappointment when we found that no one can tell us where Nibiru is and that most of the Nibiru experts don’t even understand basic astronomy.
    So if anyone out there can supply us with real data we will be sure to pass it on to our other colleagues who can properly verify the information.
    Thanks, Ian

    • ian

      I agree that scientific data would make it convincing.

      what we have are “non astronomers” who see things in the sky that do not seem to belong there, and need an explanation

      and a government that cannot be relied on to talk about what these people see.

      then there are the “in betweens,” amateur astronomers who can manage and understand programs like stellarium and others who try to put the pieces together. they have their own sites also, reveal things that need to be explained, but are not sophisticated enough to generate the data you mention.

      decades ago, legitimate astronomers admitted to a planet x, but they are gone now. modern astronomers either do not discuss it, or work for the government, and deny it.

      once the government declared UFO sittings weather balloons, now we see them all the time. I even saw a row of 8 of them while driving one night. all lined up in a row, blinking, but totally noise at all. but there is no official disclosure from the scientists.

      so I just allow people to discuss and think. eventually if nibiru is coming this way, the calculations may not matter, and we will have a problem.

    • ian

      I agree that scientific data would make it convincing.

      what we have are “non astronomers” who see things in the sky that do not seem to belong there, and need an explanation

      and a government that cannot be relied on to talk about what these people see.

      then there are the “in betweens,” amateur astronomers who can manage and understand programs like stellarium and others who try to put the pieces together. they have their own sites also, reveal things that need to be explained, but are not sophisticated enough to generate the data you mention.

      decades ago, legitimate astronomers admitted to a planet x, but they are gone now. modern astronomers either do not discuss it, or work for the government, and deny it.

      once the government declared UFO sightings weather balloons, now we see them all the time. I even saw a row of 8 of them while driving one night. all lined up in a row, blinking, but totally noise at all. but there is no official disclosure from the scientists.

      so I just allow people to discuss and think. eventually if nibiru is coming this way, the calculations may not matter, and we will have a problem.

  188. We are following the search for planet X, which refers to the next real planet past Neptune and Pluto, although it is being called planet 9 now that Pluto has been demoted. This unknown planet has long been suspected but not yet discovered. We are following that story eagerly as that would be a real new planet – the first in our lifetime. Cool.
    But this planet will be so far away it will take a large scope and a long time exposure to detect it, so people like us won’t be able to view it thru even our best telescopes.
    And the planet will no doubt be in a circular orbit and will always remain around 7 – 10 billion miles from earth. It will never come any nearer the sun than it is right now, so it does not fit the Nibiru myth.
    I suppose some Nibiru buffs will get excited when it is finally found, to be followed by disappointment when they realize it can’t be the planet they were hoping it would be. That is what happens when you mix facts with myths.
    But as I’ve said, if Nibiru was real we would be watching and reporting on it all the time. We just haven’t been able to confirm a single sighting from the web. Right now we are trying to contact the director of the California Tech Astronomy program at Mount Palomar and get his definitive take on Nibiru. They are a private college and everyone there is a teacher of a student or a guest observer. We are told there is a one year wait to sign up to use the scope for guests, and if your evening is cloudy you go back to the bottom of the list. Wow. Bummer. Good thing cloudy nights are sort of rare in Southern California.
    In any case we might get a hold of some new information that has only been recorded by the largest telescope on earth.
    We will keep you in the loop.

    • ian

      they are talking about extreme trans neptunian objects now

      this article is somewhat suggestive:

      Giant Nemesis candidate HD 107914 / HIP 60503 for the perforation of Oort cloud
      Igor Yu. Potemine
      (Submitted on 27 Mar 2010)

      So far, GJ 710 is the only known star supposed to pass through outskirts of the solar system within 1 ly. We have reexamined the SIMBAD database for additional stellar candidates (from highest ratios of squared parallax to total proper motion) and compared them with new HIP2 parallaxes and known radial velocities. At the moment, the best nominee is double star HD 107914 in the constellation Centaurus at ≈ 78.3 pc from the Sun whose principal component is a white (A-type) giant. It does not seem to appear neither in general catalogues of radial velocities available at SIMBAD nor in authoritative Garcia-Sanchez et al. papers on stellar encounters with the solar system. Awaiting for the value vr of its radial velocity, uknown to the author, we have calculated limits of |vr| necessary to this star to pass within 1 ly and 1 pc from the Sun in linear approximation. A very accurate value of its total proper motion is also extremely important. In the case of vr=−100 km/s and most “advantageous” HIP2 data, HD 107914 could pass as near as 8380 AU from the Sun in an almost direct collision course with the inner part of the solar system! Inversely, if vr had a great positive value, then HIP 60503 could be the creator of peculiar trajectories of detached trans-Neptunian objects like Sedna.
      Comments: 3 pages, 1 table, 6 references
      Subjects: Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)
      Cite as: arXiv:1003.5308 [astro-ph.SR]

      (or arXiv:1003.5308v1 [astro-ph.SR] for this version)

      Submission history
      From: Igor Yu. Potemine [view email]
      [v1] Sat, 27 Mar 2010 16:03:00 GMT (4kb)

  189. Marianne,
    We did a little research on the object HD 107914:
    HD 107914 is a binary star in the constellation Centaurus, with an estimated distance of 255.5 light-years (78.3 pc) from the Solar System. The primary has a stellar classification of A7-8 III, making it a giant star.

    Measurement of the proper motion of this system show that it has a low transverse velocity relative to the Sun. For this reason, it has been compared to the hypothetical “Nemesis” star since it may pass through the Oort cloud in the future.[5] The star is too far away to be a companion to the Sun. However, preliminary measurements of the H-alpha line in the star’s spectrum show a radial velocity in the range from –13 to +3 km/s. (This result was obtained by M. Muterspaugh and M. Williamson at a robotic spectroscopic telescope in Arizona.) Such values for the radial velocity are too small to produce a likely collision course with the Solar System. For example, if Vr = –10 km/s, then the distance from the Sun to HD 107914 at closest approach will be about 5.2 ly (1.6 pc).
    So right now this binary star is 1500 trillion miles from the sun. (1.5 quadrillion miles) so although it is one of many objects in the galaxy that happen to be heading toward the sun, it won’t get here for more than a million years and when it does it will still be over 30 trillion miles away. It may appear as a fairly bright star in the night sky though so that will be something cool for our descendants to see.
    But as for being an imminent danger to the earth, we are noting it for future use only. Nothing to see here folks.
    And certainly not Nibiru related.

    • Ian,

      John Ashcraft here.

      March 27th, 2010 paper was submitted on a Sabbath in 2010. But Biblically that was the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a Donkey. March 27th is Abib 10.

      Today is Shabbat Ha-Gadol or the “Great Sabbath.” It is the last Sabbath before Passover. Today the Parashah is Tzav which means “Command.”

      What caught my interest in the discussion is the word Nemesis Star.

      The many names of ‘The Destroyer’
      The star has been given many names during its course through the history of mankind.
      Lucifer, Satan, The Dragon, The Great Snake, The Destroyer, The Serpent, The Devil, Marduk, Nibiru, Shiva, Hercolubus, Wormwood, The Dark Star, The Death Star, The Red Star, The Red Planet, Barnard Star; Raja Sun, King Star, Tyche, The Planet of the Crossing, The Winged Disk, The Tenth Planet, The Dark Twin, Black Star, Freightener, flaming sword ?, Comet Elenin (NASA), *P-7X {Astronomer John Anderson, Science Digest, November 1982} *Planet X (NASA Astronomer Robert S. Harrington–Planet X as the Tenth Planet–1993}, Tyche, Nemesis, 2nd Sun. The Blue Star, Blue Kachina, Fiery Red Dragon of Old, Chinese Guest Star 1054 AD, Death Angel that passed-over Egypt, the Terrible Comet, XKBO; Messianic Star; Leviathan; Sakkloth; .Denebola–brings misfortune and disgrace.

      You see Ian but one of the events of the Prophets is that Star is to pass here during the Day of the Lord. That same star caused the flood of the Bible which is also called the Great Deluge.

      As you say Ian, it is not connected to the Destroyer however it may very well be connected.
      Also, I believe in a young earth and since you believe the earth is 4.7 buillion years old, then you must be close to being about 1000 now. You are the oldest and deadest being on planet earth.
      Enjoy you last two years of life to live. By the way, when you die and you will die, you will be resurrected on the Day of the Lord on the Day of Trumpet to go trough the Trumpet and Bowl judgments. But also when you die over these next two years, you will be resurrected on your judgment day before Jesus Christ. You will confess every thought, word spoken and written, and every action performed since the age of accountability and then you will spend eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone with all of the wicked and those not written in the book of life.
      You have to make a choice before your death and that is to either accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior or the lake of fire and you can very well die within the next five minutes. Choose wisely.

  190. Hello John,
    As I said, we can not respond to your biblical references, we can only pass on our scientific knowledge. There is no star in the heavens that could reach us in a few years, as I noted to Marianne above. Most are not moving our way and those that are are too far away to get here within anyone’s lifetime.
    I’m not claiming that bible prophecy won’t come to pass, I’m just ruling out what can and can’t happen based on science. If you want to claim that an upcoming event will be solely due to an “act of God” and will completely defy the physical laws of the universe, that is OK with us. We just don’t believe the physical laws can be changed so we don’t deal with miracles. After all, why would we throw out everything we’ve learned all our lives and just believe anything we see or read on the internet.
    That would be fine for those people who only study the bible, but not so much for us. Do you understand where we are coming from? So if you don’t agree with what we have to say, we are fine with that. We are here to educate people, not convince them to believe something they don’t want to believe.
    But tell us, how many biblical events have you successfully predicted that deal with astronomy or geology? We find it so simple to predict things. When the sun will come up, when will the moon be full, where can we find Jupiter in the sky tonight? I’m only guessing that using the bible for precise predictions must be very difficult indeed and the success rate is probably fairly low. But I suppose God knows everything so his information should be pretty reliable. It sounds like you are the prediction guru around here considering your knowledge of the bible.
    But if you’re predicting a star or Nibiru to come anytime soon, I would have to bet against it, miracles aside.

    • July 2016 note: Jer_28:9 The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him.
      2007 God dream Jesus told me this: You are my beloved bride who I love. May my peace that passes all understanding cover your body, soul, spirit, and mind for all of eternity.
      Num 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

      Dec. 29. 2015. For the first time, I saw my face in the reflection of a mirror and it wasn’t the real me. It was a Caucasian white male with long wavy white hair to halfway down my back and a white beard which was about 2 feet long. In real life, I am a Caucasian white male. I was wearing a orange jumpsuit like the ones worn in prisons. Hmmm. I wonder? Could this be a future fulfillment in a Fema Camp possibly in 2017?

      Now, we have to remember that these dreams occurred somewhere between 2011 and 2013 or as early as 2009.
      Hilltop—No interview, no job. 1 minute God dream fulfilled.
      Abundant Living Christian Center 3 part dream
      Ray’s Concrete job—Tijeras.
      Park near Wilson stadium. 2 part.
      Completion of the Russel Burton Dream, 2016 June-September. Part 2, and 3. Part 1 was in 2015. This one may be a 4 or 5 part dream being fulfilled by August 30th, 2016.
      Act 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
      Joe_2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
      Act 2:18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
      Act 2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
      Act 2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
      Act 2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      Joe_2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

      Why would God be concerned about unveiling/revealing to us about events that have not yet occurred?
      1) He does so to prepare us for something or to cause us to intercede in prayer to prevent or to change a situation. (Isa 38:1-5)
      2) He knows we need to understand certain events in the future.
      Hab 2:1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
      Hab 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
      Hab 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

      Earthquake. Possible timeframes: Pentecost, 40 days after Pentecost (July 28th??); Elul 1–40 Day prior to Day of Atonement; any first sliver of a new moon, Sept 15th to October 15th timeframe–7th Biblical month.
      Location: Albuquerque, NM.
      At the House. It is really a hot day. I am talking to a neighbor and we are standing on the asphalt of my driveway (North to south driveway). My soles on my shoes begin to melt (It is a very hot day) June, July, August, September. On both sides of the driveway, water comes to the surface. (Note: MY water table is 450 feet deep and I do not have drip lines along the driveway). 2 vehicles are gone for the day. 1 is presently broken down and I only make 342.00 per month. I suspect September now.
      The next portion, I am in a field behind my house in the mountains and the ground is shaking heavily but not heavy enough to knock down buildings. I see two people running towards me out of the west and I join them and begin running as well to the east.
      Just as I begin to run, I wake up.
      In the dream, I notice that the trash left from the last housemate is gone. The tree trunks and braches are gone. The landscape bricks are gone. Also, there is a firewood wall built on the west side of the house.
      In February 2016, I pick up on a project on the west side of the house and work on it until it is finished. The hole was dug last January in 2015 by Ray G using a backhoe. I decided to not complete the project last year due to issues with the ground caving in by heavy rains. It is an addition to the house with a root cellar. Because of the underground building, I had to drop trees with a saws-all (reciprocating saw) and skill-saw and built an 18 foot 12 inch wide firewood storage wall. The cellar is 4 feet higher than the slope of the property so the landscape bricks went to keep the dirt at bay. The pallet that held the housemate’s trash went to be used as part of the floor in the 2 room cave where one can sleep decently.
      Don’t be surprised if there is an astronomy event connected to this day. My watch days from events in Astronomy is: first sliver’s of new moons, 4th day (Wednesdays); Sabbaths and Annual Sabbaths; 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles, Full Moons, and Chanukkah day 1.

      Ian, since the age of 8, I have had 36 fulfilled God dreams for my life and those around me. for John’s Testimony which is close to 40 pages. It is being updated right now using Perry Stone’s: How to interpret Dreams and Visions. 24 plus were fulfilled since August of 2014.
      Next posting will be on a Christmas Dream issue that occurred in September, 2015 but you might feel 5 months of pain between October, 2016 and February of 2017. (Nibiru and Isaiah 24– . It is around 20 plus pages as soon as Ray G. adds 2 pages.
      These dreams have taught me faith, hope, and patience.

      • Hello John,
        Once again I must apologize. I have no response to your statements. In science (or at least the branches of science we deal with here) we do not consider dreams as part of our research. And dreams that come true in the persons personal life would not help us solve the mysteries of the universe.
        You seem to indicate a possible earthquake on July 28th, but there are hundreds of measurable quakes worldwide every day, so without a location and magnitude your prediction is of little value. Trying to study a persons’ dreams would inevitably be a huge waste of out time and resources for us here, since we do not study possible biblical events. Even earthquakes are beyond our current interest. While there are several theories on predicting them there are none that are foolproof so there is nothing to do but examine the statistics, which do not prove any of the current theories.
        It does not appear you have any actionable data that we could use to find Nibiru or any other celestial body so I will thank you for your attention to the subject and will simply bow out of this discussion until you may come up with something we can actually crunch some number on.
        Thanks, Ian

        • Ian,
          You mentioned in a comment that you asked in predicting Biblical Astronomy and geology. I do believe earthquakes is a part of geology.

          But tell us, how many biblical events have you successfully predicted that deal with astronomy or geology? We find it so simple to predict things. When the sun will come up, when will the moon be full, where can we find Jupiter in the sky tonight? I’m only guessing that using the bible for precise predictions must be very difficult indeed and the success rate is probably fairly low. But I suppose God knows everything so his information should be pretty reliable.

          Earthquakes cause fractures in the crust surface and this allows you to go into places to look at geological formations. Without volcanics and earthquakes, you would have no geology to study.

          Day of Atonement will have an global earthquake and on that day will also be an heavenly sign to watch for.
          But before we get into that, we need to know on which day the peak of earthquakes are. Those two days are Wednesdays, (Biblically the 4th day), and Sabbaths. So here are some averages.
          Sabbath 40, day 1 20, day 2 20, day 3 30, day 4 40, day 5 30, day 6 20.

          So now for the Day of Atonement just using the Bible Verses and history of the Flood which was connected to Nibiru.
          Joe 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
          Zep 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.
          Zep 1:15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
          Zep 1:16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.
          Lev 23:23 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
          Lev 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets (Day of Trumpet), an holy convocation.

          Timeframe: September 15- October 15 for the start of the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord according to Isaiah covers the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation and is also a part of the Nibiru System which will arrive during this timeframe. According to a man named Jim on this blogsite, the Trumpet Judgments will be poured out within the first five months, and the bowl judgments will be poured out in the last 7 months. This puts a possible rapture date occurring during Passover Week.
          So here are the possible rapture days for believers. Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement (Day of 1 sounding of the Trumpet/Sophar, fast, and assembly of people), Passover, Pentecost.

          Joe 2:15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:
          Joe 2:16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
          Lev 23:27 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation (assembly) unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls (fast), and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
          Lev 23:28 And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for you before the LORD your God.

          The Day of Atonement is a day of fasting, a day of blowing the Sophar/Trumpet once and a day where the nation of Israel gathers together to be judged.
          Back in historical times, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River at this timeframe and there was an Astronomy sign on this day.
          On this day also, just prior to the flood starting a month later, there was a global earthquake.

          1656 2270, 2348/9 BCE 2435BC מבּוּל mabbûl; Flood Methuselah dies year of flood 969 years old; Noah 600 years old *

          Yom Kippur is when Nibiru in 2016 will affect the earth, with a global earthquake, fulfilled as in Revelation 6:12-17, as well as other OT scriptures. This global earthquake is actually an axial polar shift (the only explanation for why the stars will roll up as a scroll). This exact same event happened the day that the Great Deluge began, 3,600 years ago, when Nibiru passed through our solar system… which was also Yom Kippur, but it had not been decreed as such by YVWH/Lord yet, at the Exodus, when Moses was translated to Heaven to be with YVWH for the 40 days… remember, Moses’ face was so bright that the Israelites asked him to cover it, when he came back from Mount Sinai.

          In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Bereshit, Genesis 7:11 (1649 years from the fall – Book of Jubilees, Paradise and the Fall iii: 17); Nibiru encounter “The Destroyer”. Isa 24:1, 19-20. Some accounts and teachers say this was at Passover and others say this was in October/November. Pole Shift. It caused a 23 degree tilt. The tetonic plates separated.
          Gen 8:4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. Aviv 17th 2347 (Wednesday–Day after First fruits.–Passover Week)

          Creation of the Earth was in the 7th Biblical Month (September 15th to October 15th) and this month was the first month until the Exodus (another Nibiru Event timeframe) had occurred in 1441 to 1446 BCE timeframe.

          So now, you understand why Passover is a timeframe for the rapture. There are more events connected to Passover in history’s pass and there are also many Biblical events tied to the 4th day as well like the Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Stars on the 4th day (Heavenly/Astronomy Event); 8 times a planet conjoined with Regulus in Leo on the 4th day during the Star of Bethlehem run between 3 BC and 1 BC. Day of Aonement (September 30th, 2017) is on the 4th day–Armageddon and marriage of the goom (Jesus) and the bride (Believers who follow the laws of God). Also in 2014 on the Rabbinic Day of Pentecost, there was a cross in the corona of the Sun on the 4th day. In all so far since 2010, there has been 7 heavenly signs on the 4th day. (Feast Dates and Second Coming Part 2–

          Rev 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

          Joe 3:2 I will also gather all nations (Judgement of the Nations–Day of Atonement was judgement of the nation of Israel), and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat (Harmageddo–Armageddon), and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land (Day that Israel signs an agreement with Palestinian Authority and Turkey). Joel 3 is a great chapter on Islam verses Israel.

          So to cap this lesson, there was a Biblical Astronomy event on the Day of Atonement and an earthquake. Since History repeats itself, can we predict that there will be another heavenly event and earthquake on the Day of Atonement. Yes. The timeframe for these two events is the 7th month of 2016 and 2017. However Jim says the 2017 one won’t occur until 2024 at the earliest and 2031 at the latest. Only time will tell.
          Remember this: At Jesus’s death day (Nibiru Event related) there was a solar and lunar eclipse (Lunar eclipse was 3 hours in length and the average one’s presently are 7 minutes in length) and an earthquake. History repeats itself. So on the Day of Trumpet to Day of Atonement timeframe in the last year of humanity, there should be a heavenly signs and an earthquake in Israel.

          • Mr. Ashcraft,
            Hi, I’m Rodney, the geologist in our group. My friend Ian referred me to your discussion as he was lost as how to respond to you.
            So I’ll try to give it a shot but I can’t promise much as I’m not well versed in the bible either.
            From what you said above, it seems you are expecting a major earthquake some time between September 15th and October 15th of this year. First of all, I can not refute that claim as there is roughly one major quake every month (on average) per year, so you are basically quoting what any student of geology might also claim. And if one does occur I’m sure it will be easily explained by geologic forces without the need for the bible. As Ian mentioned, that is the problem with earthquakes – they are too common for general predictions. Now if the bible could predict the exact time and place of a major quake then you would have my complete attention. As for Nibiru returning at that time I’ll leave that for Ian to respond to.
            You mentioned several geologic events from the past which I can address from a scientific standpoint.
            First of all, there is no evidence do a worldwide flood 3600 years ago. I myself have examined several rock layers (exposures) of that age and there is no evidence of such an event. I’ve read of several geologists who have spent their lives studying that possibility but none have presented any papers that have been validated by the geological community. I can also confirm that the 23-1/2 degree tilt of the earth’s axis predates your flood date by a few billion years at least. As for Nibiru causing the tilt I can say without question even if a planet did pass near the earth there is no mechanism in physics that could change the tilt of the earths axis. So there are two strikes against that theory.
            As for pole shift (magnetic reversal) there is an inherent problem if you believe in a 6000-year old earth.:
            If we compress the geologic record from 4.5 billion down to 6000 years we end up with an interesting problem. For arguments sake lets say there have been 1000 pole reversals in the geologic record. According to science the average time between events is 200,000 years and the last one was over 600,000 years ago making us overdue for the next one.
            But if the earth were only 6000 years old, and we know that there has not been a single reversal since the invention of the magnetic compass, then all 1000 reversals must have happened in the first 1000 years after earth was created – about once every year, and then they suddenly stopped. Never to be seen again. Like a volcano going extinct. So logic dictates that there will be no further pole reversals, or if the phenomenon returns, they will continue at the old rate of once per year. We don’t believe that the geologic process could support such a quick reversal, so the whole theory is not sustainable, at least not by science.
            As for the rest of your post, I can’t respond to any bible references. They are too general to analyze using the scientific method, which is “our bible” so to speak so we can’t go against it.
            Obviously, we (you and us) work in completely different ways. We use empirical data based on many years of observation and measuring and follow the laws of science, which we’ve never seen broken. I have no idea how you manage to extract specific information about past and future events from the verses in the bible. What seems generic to us appears to have more exact meaning to you but we have no way of verifying that what you say is true, but we can determine what is not true, at least from a scientific standpoint.
            But we are only here to present the scientific facts, not to debate bible prophecy. We can however prophesy astronomical events and we are really good at it.
            But I’ll let Ian take care of that.
            Thanks for listening. I hope someone got something out of the discussion.

            • Dear Rodney,

              The problem with your discussion above is that you believe in 1000’s of lies.
              1) Earthquakes. Earthquakes occur daily and not one per month.
              2) You believe in a 4.7 buillion year old earth to a 400 buillion year old earth which is lie #2.

              The Flood account is mentioned in many other accounts like the Gilgamesh epic.
              I live on a mountain and I find seashells in the ground buried about five feet deep. Explain this to me if there has never been a flood.
              3) You do not believe the Bible so that rules out all your other lies.
              4) Explain to me why I have had 30+ God given fulfilled dreams since the age of 8 and the next one is an earthquake in the East Mountains of Albuquerque at 4.0-6.0 and if it happens in September (please watch with your tools) and if it happens, then tell me how I knew 3 to 5 years in advance.
              As far as I am concerned, you are as dead as in the lies you believe in.

              • John,
                It seems that you don’t really understand how science works. We don’t just read books written by unknown people years ago and simply believe everything they say. That is what you do, but not us.
                Science is based on observations. We look at things – geological processes, the movement of the planets etc – and we write them down for further study. We pass this information down to future scientists who continue to observe and to refine the measurements. These are things we see with our own eyes. We photograph, measure and analyze things like rocks and through many of these observations by tens of thousands of scientists throughout history we eventually figure out how everything works. There are times when we find new processes such as plate tectonics which at one time was laughed at but later proven to be fact. We are flexible but our beliefs are always based on real observations and not myths like Gilgamesh.
                There was a time when the church called the observations of Galileo and Copernicus to be lies because they conflicted with the bible. So do you still believe the sun revolves around they earth? Or do believe the scientists?
                As for your local seashells, at one time (actually many times over many millions of years the US Southwest was flooded either with seawater from the west or freshwater during very wet eras. If you look at the rock layers in the Grand Canyon for example (it is so easy to see the layers there) you can find completely different types of sedimentary rocks stacked layer upon layer. One may be sandstone with salt water shells, then above that mudstone with fresh water fossils, then above that dry, wind-blown sand dunes with crickets and beetles in it. All these layers are now solid rock, not mud or sand, so we know that they must have been buried under miles of overburden with enough pressure and heat to change the sediments into solid rock. We have plenty of sediments that have been on the surface for hundreds of thousands of years and still haven’t magically turned into rocks. These are the topsoils we walk on and grow things in today.
                Then plate tectonics forced these rock layers upward several miles, then the Colorado River eventually cut thru these rocks (that took millions of years – go there and feel how hard those rocks are now) and today we can see and study these processes with our own eyes.
                If you give me the local place names of your mountains I can give you a detailed geological history of the seashell formations you refer to but it will be very similar to what I just described.
                And I never said there is only one major earthquake every month. I said that on AVERAGE there are about 12 worldwide per year which is a statistical average of about one every month. But of course there could be 12 in one month and none for the rest of the year or any other combination of events. Do you understand that if you flip a coin you will average half heads and half tails? But you know you can get long strings of the same flip form time to time? So my point is that any fifth grade earth science student could predict a major quake, somewhere on earth, for any month on the calendar and have a 50-50 chance of being correct, the same as predicting a heads or a tails?
                Therefore there is no predictive value in your prediction and a successful outcome will not impress me or any of my colleagues. That is all I was saying above. I hope you finally get it.
                I guess people like us will never understand folks like you. We only believe in what we can observe and measure. You believe in books written thousands of years ago and web sites you have never bothered to verify all I’m guessing to fulfil some sort of agenda. If the facts don’t fit your interpretation you simply deny the facts. As scientists we can’t deny facts. We can’t believe the laws of the universe will soon change to accommodate your predictions. Will you deny God when your prediction of an earthquake, or Nibiru, fails to happen? You will most likely look at the facts and try to revaluate your beliefs to accommodate those facts. But that will be up to you.
                I can promise you that if Nibiru DOES actually show up in September me and my friends will definitely be reevaluating what we know or what we thought we knew.
                Am I worried?
                Nope. I guess we shall see.

          • Hi John,
            Since Rod has already responded to most of your last post I will only speak to your prediction, if I read it right, of an earthquake and the return of Nibiru between September and October this year. While I can’t address the earthquake portion I can respond to the Nibiru part.
            There is an entire community of amateur astronomers who spend their nights searching for new objects, primarily comets and some larger asteroids. Almost all new objects are discovered by these people. They not only enjoy the hunt but get to name the objects after themselves or their friends. Cool. These are the people who would be the first to discover a planet like Nibiru, not NASA or large observatories. These scopes are pre-destined to a ton of tasks by hundreds of scientists for years in advance. And the telescopes are far too powerful to find a planet. They view such a tiny portion of the sky that the odds that a planet would happen to be within their field of view would be, frankly, astronomical. Its why we don’t try to watch a meteor shower with binoculars – we need to see the whole sky to catch anything.
            Now this community is fairly close knit and keep in contact with one another, so if anything new is found, after it is confirmed and named by the discoverer, we all know about it, including Larry from Stellarium. And as of this week, there has been no new posts of anything close to a planet being discovered.
            So what are the chances that an object as big as Nibiru could be only two months from the earth and not yet seen? None. We discovered tiny comet ISON well over a year before it reached the sun, so how could we miss a huge planet only 2 months out? Well, the truth is we can’t. And there are thousands of us out there looking, every night.
            So I can say without any doubt that if Nibiru is out there it is at least 2 years away, and probably a lot longer than that.
            These are the facts of the matter. The science of it. Maybe the bible will trump science and something will miraculously appear out of nowhere, but as it stands right now, there is nothing out there that could fit your prediction of Sept.- Oct.
            I know you won’t agree, but if you decide to start taking bets I know a whole group of people who would like to take you up on it. 🙂

    • ian

      we will see how things turn out.

      certain things will either happen due to a nibiru, or they won’t

      but the way things look now, we still have a nemesis in our future, but it might be the banking collapse that has been put off since 2008, when all the bail outs occurred. we have no gold to back up our fiat money, so it is just a matter of time. the global elites have just promoted a fake positive economy, and dumped the crisis on the EU for now…however, after the EU collapse, we will be next.

      as far as the sky, anything can fall from there, due to all the asteroids out there.. the bible predicts an event like that, which is a reasonable prediction….as to when? the question started for me when I read the 6th seal in the book of revelation, I wondered if a physical event like a passing large celestial object ( not small like an asteroid), would cause it….something eclipses the sun , makes the moon turn red, causes a large global earthquake, makes the stars seem to fall, and rolls back the sky

      all seals:

      6th seal:
      I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

      our nemesis could also be an upcoming war, since some countries actually have gold to back up their currency, while we don’t. that is one reason why USA allowed arab srping to occur , to stop kadaffi from using his gold backed dinar. war would be nuclear

      we seem to be facing an unhappy future, and most are trying to understand what will really happen so they can prepare, and pray they dont get killed during all of it.

      • Back on Marianne said this on January 20, 2016 at 12:14 pm .jim

        there ARE ancient records….people back then were more advanced than you think.

        and I have read recent accounts of it being measured…no i don’t have the reference

        there is no one today in science who has technically seen jesus in the flesh, but there are ancient records of him…

        you think he is real?……I want to make comment to her statement for that day and wanted to let all know who have any doubt about Jesus Christ being seen in the flesh.When I excepted Christ into my life asking Gods forgiveness and that I believe Jesus died for all.I had felt the Holy sprite come into me and heard a voice that increased with volume that totally startled me that sounded like an Indian singing in his native tongue.I was a changed man for three days.I felt as if I was a completely different person.The feeling of knowing no wrong inside.But after three days had passed I felt as If I had lost something.Its was as if The Holy Spirit had left me.And that is what happen.God sad he will not stay with us in this manner because of sin.But this was my learning from God on who and how I was to be and learn from it.Later as I was searching for more of what happen to me I had Jesus come to me while I was awakening on a Sunday morning in bed.When I was waking up I was looking at my dresser at the end of my bed.It seemed as if it was in a state of a slow motion as I was looking at it.Then I turned my head to look at my wife as she was laying next to me to my left side.The thing of it,It was Jesus was laying next to me.His hair was long and solid white,His nose was large with a slight ridge.His eye brows and beard where solid white.His cheek bones where of an Indian high on his face.His eyes where shut.I gazed at him for what I think I did of at least 30 seconds.I turned my head to the ceiling and said Lord I Believe I Believe.When I turned my head back It was my wife next to me.I then got up went to the sink and washed my face,thinking of what just happen,I tell you what happen.It was a Miracle,A Miracle to see that Jesus is real,God is real,and the Bible speaks the truth to us.God Bless All who believe in Jesus and God.

  191. Explain your views on this to me. “Uranus in Pisces (not astrology) in 2015-2017 and its Biblical Significance” and the dates thereof ( and while there read through Feast Dates and Second Coming part 2 and give me an Astronomical breakdown from your point of view. Then read through every article at Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( beginning with Isaiah 24 and work up the list from the bottom to the top and tell me your 2 cents worth.
    Then in September give me a deep analysis by connecting the dots of both folders and tell me if I am wrong in my analysis. And also at the gmail one read all the files to get the whole picture. Word of warning. You will be reading about 1000 pages.

    • John, Ian here,
      Let me make something clear to you. As an astronomer I only study the stars and not how they are arranged and identified as constellations. Other than being a convenient way to generalize the location of an object they mean absolutely nothing to us. Many people believe the stars in a constellation are somehow related but if seen in 3-D they are actually nowhere near one another. We see the individual stars, not some group created by ancient priests and mystics. To us the universe can not be grouped into constellations nor can any significance be assigned to constellations of the zodiac as portenders of future events. That would be astrology which is not science so therefore we give it no credence.
      Therefore there is nothing I can say about “Uranus in Pisces” or any of the other astrological references you discuss on your site. To us, there is no Pisces. There is no Virgo. There are only stars.The fact that you or anyone else assigns some sort of significance to the arrangement of those stars is of no concern to us, therefore there is nothing for us to explain.
      Please understand, throwing bible verses at us does not make a dent in our scientific beliefs. As Rod said science is based on facts and observations. If you give us a bible verse that says the sun is square and the sky is green with orange polka dots we will simply go outside and look up and determine what is true.
      SO when you say Nibiru will arrive in Sept, we went outside and looked up. We did not see it nor did thousands of others who look all the time. Therefore as far as we are concerned your sources are wrong. And remember, we have been waiting for Nibiru for about 10 years now with no results. Our science has proven correct over all the web sites and YouTube videos saying otherwise. So we will stick with what we know works.
      But as Rod said, if Nibiru does show up we will have to reevaluate this whole science thing, and like Rod, I’m really not worried.
      I’ll keep my bet on science. It has never failed me.

      • Then I feel sorry for you. As for planets in the sky, they look like white stars to me. I am colorblind. Then go look for weird tiny star in big “V” in sky. This is the language you speak.

  192. John,
    Let me give you an analogy of how we find objects in the sky.
    Lets say I want to give you the location of my favorite fishing spot. In the old days I might say: Drive to Nebraska (constellation) then go to the town of North Platte. Go down main street and turn right at the traffic light. Drive 32 miles till you come to a dirt road just past a dilapidated red barn. Turn left and keep going until you reach the Platte River. Park and walk 2 miles east till you get to a fallen tree. Good luck fishing.
    But nowadays more than likely I would just give you the coordinates for Latitude and Longitude and you would put them in your Garmin GPS device and that would be all you need.
    Well, astronomers use the same type of system of coordinates called right ascension and declination. So while we might say: Hey there is a cool nebula in Hercules. Here are the coordinates xx,yy. You would enter the numbers into the mount drive of your scope and the motors in the scope mount would turn until it was pointed right at the nebula. So maybe we speak a language common to cab drivers and delivery men but it is not at all unusual.
    And not only do we know where all 50 states are, we also know where all 88 constellations are. We just don’t assign any astrological meanings to them as you do.

    • I guess if nibiru is out there, you need better coordinates to find it

    • Let me tell you how to find Nibiru. Go to google earth and look for all the blanked out locations between Orion and planet Earth or do as I do. The following is how I am going to find it.

      In June, 2015 I was attending an afternoon Bible study taught by a female Jewish teacher at Calvery East in Albuquerque, NM.
      A lady was there and I had mentioned my two cents worth during the Psalm discussion to the teacher and this lady decided to talk to me afterwards. I told her something using the Bible as a study tool and then she decided to tell me her dream. This is what she said:
      I looked up and saw a blue orb in the sky and chaos was going on around me. I had seen my children die and then next thing I notice is that I am sitting in heaven on some grass and talking to this lady next to me.
      In Hopi language, the blue orb is Nibiru.

      • Your comment leaves my completely confused.
        First of all, looking for missing images on google sky is like fishing for a needle in a haystack. And when you do find one, guess what… there is nothing to see. So the technique is quite useless. Plus, you indicate that there are more than one blanked out sections, so does that mean there is more than on Nibiru? And why only Orion? You do realize that planets are not stationary objects (the word “planet” means “wanderer”) so it would never stay long in the same constellation. So you can see how useless your method is to real astronomers.
        As for the Hopi Blue Kachina, many say that was comet Hale-Bopp in 1995. They expected the Red Kachina (the “Purifier” to come 7 years later, then believed a newly discovered red dwarf star to be the purifier, but to date, none of the prophesied events have actually happened to the Hopi society.
        If you are waiting for your friends dream to happen I can’t help you with that. I can only assure you that no planet of any kind will pass anywhere near the earth in the next 20 years.
        And that prediction comes with an unconditional 20-year guarantee.

        • Ian,
          Why only Orion, why look into the southern Hemisphere.

          Job 9:1 Then Job answered and said,
          Job 9:2 I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God?
          Job 9:3 If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand.
          Job 9:4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered?
          Job 9:5 Which removeth the mountains, and they know not: which overturneth them in his anger. Day of Atonement in 2016 and 2017.
          Job 9:6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble. Axial Pole Shift/Earthquakes.

          Job_9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
          Job_38:31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
          Amo_5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name:

          Extinction Protocal has two graphs, one is volcanic eruptions and one is earthquakes and when you compare them side to side, they look identical, so what is causing them to be identical. I give you a hint. The Destroyer System with 7 planets and a blue orb center is the cause.

          Job 9 ties to Isaiah 24-27 which talks about the Day of the lord which covers both the Trumpt and Bowl judgments of Revelation to be poured out over a one year period.
          You really need to study “Nibiru and Isaiah 24” BlogSpot ( and this time take notes.

          Red Kachina, Red Dwarf Star.
          Rev 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
          Rev 12:2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
          Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon (Red Kachina; Red Dwarf Star), having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
          September 23, 2017 Day of Trumpet. Stellarium.

          Some say this is Hydra and/or Draco, but what if it was:

          Mal 4:1 For, behold, the day cometh (Day of the Lord and especially Armageddon), that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
          Mal 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
          Mal 4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.

          Sun of righteousness with healings in His wings. This is a picture of a Second Sun Circle with wings on either side in the constellation of Draco or Libra since Virgo’s feet point to Libra.

          I believe Malachi 4:1 is actually a reference to Armageddon in Revelation 14:20ff; Rev 15–Day of Atonement Typeology; Revelation 16/19 on September 30th, 2017 which is on a Wednesday in that year of 2017.
          Some say the 2017 timeframe won’t occur until 2021, 2024, 2030, 2031.
          The problem with this theory is there needs to be Heavenly signs like Comet Hale-bopp in 1996/1997 on Passover to occur in the 7th month (September 15th to October 15) as there was in 2010 on the 7th Day of Feast of Tabernacles, and at the end of the 7 years (Daniel’s timeline of 1260 days+1290 days= 2550 days) at the end year in the 7th month like the September 23, 2017 event on the Day of Trumpet.

          • Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon (Red Kachina; Red Dwarf Star), having seven heads (7 planets) and ten horns (10 moons), and seven crowns (Asteroids and comets) upon his heads.
            What if the blue orb is actually a planet of the red dragon preceeding the red dragon and what if it appeared in our blue skys in September or October of 2016 15 days prior to destruction or at Passover of 2017.
            Right now, that planet is the size of Mercury or Mars.

          • John,
            I didn’t get a whole lot out of this post. The bible references did not match with any astronomy I know of.
            Did you imply that there will come a blue star with seven planets around it that will cause an extinction level event on earth? Because currently there are no blue stars anywhere near the earth. More than ten light years away, at least.
            So are you quoting Hopi prophecy or Christian prophecy or some kind of combined event? I am just curious, of course I don’t believe a word of it. We didn’t believe in the Mayan prophecy either and of course we were right.
            In our business we encounter many different internet theories that are clearly just made up. We can tell instantly by the lack of science or more often the “pretend” science that so many tend to use. Your idea that a passing star could cause volcanos and earthquakes is just such a case. Whenever someone makes up their science to fit their predictions we know they are either making stuff up just to try to fool people, or else they simply don’t understand real science and use their imagination to envision what might happen if their predicted events ever actually happened.
            We have dismissed hundreds of these internet stories, warning people not to be deceived. In your case I think you are more of a deceiver than a deceived follower. In your mind you no doubt think the prophecies are real and that you are correctly interpreting them but your science is extremely flawed and your knowledge of the truth of what is actually out there is completely lacking.
            I don’t know for sure just what you are expecting to see this September, but I can say without any doubt, it will not show up.

            • Since you will not read Isaiah 24 at Nibiru and Isaiah 24 then plan on 15 pages now.

              Isaiah 24
              Timeframe for Nibiru Passover 2016 by more than 3 accounts. Entrance from Oort Cloud will be through Sagittarius by 2 Accounts.

              Main Scriptures: Gen 1:14; Luke 21:25

              Chapters 24-27 speak of the whole earth as the object of Elohim’s punishment (v. 4), on all classes of people (v. 2), and will remove all pleasures (v. 7-13). Only a small remnant will survive (vv. 6-13).
              Isa 28: 17-23
              This series of cataclysmic, geophysical events, as stated in the Bible, will be brought about by a naturally occurring cosmic force in our solar system:
              1) a planet/heavenly body will have a near pass by.
              2) it will be visible to all.
              3) it will be a “fiery” in appearance, a blue orb, “blue star” by some.
              4) it will terrify not only all of Mankind, but especially the ruling elite of the world.
              5) this heavenly body is a preordained “kill switch” brought into existence at Creation.

              • Passover could be in 2017, 2018, 2021, 2024, 2030, 2031.
                Why Passover?
                So why is Passover week in 2016 so important to watch?
                Noah’s Ark laned on Mount Ararat on Passover. Sodom and Gamorrah was destroyed at Passover. The Tower of Babel was destroyed at Spring events. Yeshua/Jesus died at Passover. In my study on Nibiru, the Destroyer, El Shaddai, Passover in different articles kept coming up. Passover 2014–Trumpet (Shophar) sound heard out of the East in Israel and lasted 6 minutes without a breath (Eyewitness account by two Messianic Teachers from Albuquerque and they came back preaching Joel 2. Red Blood Moons near Passover in 2014 and 2015.

            • According to the Hebrew prophets the timing of this event is:
              1)after a final series of “blood moons” on key Hebrew dates (moedims).
              2)after a Shemitah year, the final Shemitah, in a well-established cycle of three Shemitah witnesses.
              3)at the end of the Hebrew “Shebua”, 70 cycles of 49 years initiating at the entering of the Promised land (7x7x70).
              4)in the midst of a Jubilee year–a Hebrew “Yobel” year.
              5)shortly after the completion of 70 years of the House of Judah (the Jews) returning corporately to the land of Israel (1945-48)+70 years=2015-2018.
              6)at a time when there is a behind the scenes religious outbreak of gentiles seeking Hebrew Laws and ways (Messianic Jews and Messianics).
              Pole shift, Sinkholes, earth booms (moaning), fire balls in the sky, greatest earthquakes as never happened before, water turning blood red in the Seas Rivers and lakes, fish, birds and animals die suddenly by large numbers, all these events linked together with the end time can be found explained in Isaiah chapter 24.
              Scriptural Verification
              If this sounds like the raging fanaticism of a wild eyed “conspiracy nut” to some of our readers, then perhaps they should read Psalm 46:2-3, 83:13-15, Isaiah 2:10-22, 14:1-13, 24:1-6, 24:17-20, 40:4, Ezekiel 38:19-20, Micah 1:3-4, Nahum 1:5, Haggai 2:6-7, 2:21-23, Hebrews 12:25-28, Revelation 6:12-17, 11:13, 16:17- 21, and many other similar Scriptures throughout God’s Word.

            • The dark sun is several times (5 to 8 times) larger than Earth and about a hundred times denser is heading our way on a trajectory that will soon take it close enough to cause global catastrophes which include:
              1) increasing extreme behavior of the sun. Anyone with 2 eyes should be noticing that our sunrises and sun sets are” different” the sun first appears to rise and there are a lot of red clouds around it, then it fades and the real sun rises with less color. The sun is no longer the color it used to be -but a white, hot , odd shape. Sunsets can take up to 30-40 minutes, the sun can be seen emitting electrical charges. Normal????? I think not. Nibiru article Prepper girl on Steve
              2) increased warming of the earth core and surface. 2016, 2017 ALL THE PLANETS ARE WARMING UP TOO, NOT JUST EARTH – SO IT CAN’T BE CAR EXHAST OR SMOKE STACKS–Gill Broussard talk.
              3) coronal mass ejections (CME) of the sun, blasting harmful X-rays and UV radiation in deadly doses onto the earth. Carrington Event 1859, Sept 1 Day 5 Month 7 Yamim Noraim Days of Awe – Fast of Gedaliah Tzom Gedaliah 2 Kings 25:22-25, Zech. 7:5, 8:19, Matthew 2:16-18 2016-1859-157 years.
              4) failure of the power grid and the entire infrastructure that relays on electricity through a interstellar electromagnetic pulse (CME), may be caused by North Korea as well.
              5) terminal failure of all electrical equipment which is not shielded properly.
              6) the collapse of the earth’s magnetic field which is now shielding us from cosmic and solar radiation. As a result all organisms and exposed plants without proper protection will experience.
              7) extreme heat and scorching from the sun (Rev 16:8; 2 Pet 3:10).
              8) severe or deadly UVA, UVB, and gamma (X) radiation. Boils on the body (Rev 16:1,2)
              9) overexposure to cosmic rays. Boils on the body (Rev 16:1,2)
              10) dramatic increase in meteoric/asteroid impacts on the planet (stars falling from the sky; Rev 6:12-17).
              11) severe and abrupt violent climate changes.
              12) wild swings in temperature. Freak storm pushes North Pole 50 degrees above normal to melting point
              13) torrential rains.
              14) huge snowfalls.
              15) record hail storms; hailstones (Ps 18:12-13; Isa 28:2, 17; Ezek 13:13; 38:22; Isa 30:30; Isa 32:19; Hag 2:7; Rev 8:7; 11:19; 16:21). Joshua 10:11-13 stones from heaven

            • 16) increased seismic activity in number and in strength.
              17) more great and catastrophic earthquakes (Isa 2:19. 21=Rev 6:12-17; Isa 22:5,9; Isa 5:25; 29:6; Ezek 38:19; Rev 16:18=Isa 2:10-22).
              18) widespread volcanic eruptions that will also darken the skies (Ezek 38:22).
              19) mass animal deaths (Zeph 1:3; Jer 12:40; Hos 4:3).
              20) a radical tilting of the earth’s axis.
              21) a tottering/wobbling of the earth in its path of revolution around the sun (Isa 24:18; Isa 13:13; Psalm 46:2-3; Josh 10:11-13)
              22) a short duration stop of the rotation of the earth on its axis. Josh 10:11-13 (Joshua’s longest day) Second Exodus Day of Trumpet 2016.
              23) spectacular lights in our atmosphere from a hyper excitation of the magnetosphere. 2015 latter half
              24) major portions of the planet that experience complete loss of aquifer waters. Ps 46:3 Roar of icecaps (Joshua’s longest Day study)
              25) select parts of the planet that experience a building of aquifer waters and inner aquifer pressure. Lk 21:25 (roar); Nah 1:8 (flooding over); Josh 10:11-13; Gen 7:11.
              26) Change in Orbit around the Sun or Change in Polar Spin Axis (Isa 24:19-20).
              27) Fires (Isa 34:9; 37:7; Isa 25:4; Ps 46:6,8; 2 Sam 16:14-16; 1-4 Trumpet judgments Rev 8; Ezek 38:22; 2 Peter 3:10; Isa 30:30; Rev 16:8-9); Nah 1:5 (burned)
              28) Noise 2 Pet 3:10
              29) Shaken Heb 12:25-27; Isa 13:13; Hag 2:6-7; Ps 46:3; Quaking Jer 4:24; Isa 5:25; Jer 10:10; Ezk 38:20; Jer 50:46 cr Jer 10:10; 49:21; Ezk 26:18; 31:16; Isa 5:7; 15:5; Jer 46:12; 51:54; Ezk 27:28; Isa 2:10-21; 13:6-13; Isa 54:10 (Mountains shall depart); Nah 1:5
              30) a possible solar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17)
              31) a possible lunar eclipse (Rev 6:12-17)
              32) a day of darkness for the earth or even 3 days of darkness as the dwarf star blocks the sun (Exod 10:21; I Sam 2:9; 2 Sam 22:10, 12; Isa 5:30; 60:2; Amos 5:18, 20; Zeph 1:15; Rev 16:10). Dark (Ezek 32:7-8; Mic 3:6). Darken (Amos 8:9)
              33) Change in the Solar System (Ps 102:25-26; Isa 51:6; 2 Pet 3:12); also the heavens shall roll up as a scroll.
              34) Brimstone Gen 19:24; Deut 29:23; Job 18;15; Ps 11:6; Isa 34:9; Ezk 38:22; Rev 9:17-18; 14:10; = Rev 21:8.
              35) Drought/dry ? Isa 42:15; Jer 50:12; Lev 26:32-33
              36) Massive plant/tree dieoff (desolate (of people), waste?) Jer 8:13; Ezek 20:47; Hab 3:17 (Day of the Lord).
              37) Pestilence

            • 38) a shift or flip of the geographical poles (Isa 24:1, 18-20, 23; 38:8). The gravitational pull of the strange star’s mass will cause the earth to slow down and maybe bring it to a complete halt (Josh 10:11-13–Joshua’s Longest Day). The tilting earth will create a “slosh” of all the ocean water that is now bulged up around the equator due to the centrifugal forces of earth’s spinning motion. As a result of these shifting and moving water masses there will be:
              1) tsunamis and violently rising ocean levels up to 400 feet (120 meter); Hab 3:10–Overflowing water passed by. Amos 9:6; Amos 5:6-8; Nah 1:8 (flood)
              2) flooding of all coastal areas and an eventual recessing of these oceanic waters into the earth’s crust.
              3) shifting, lifting and sinking landmasses.
              4) landmasses sinking into and rising out of the ocean.
              5) tidal, crustal and rogue waves.
              6) 200+ mph (320+ kph) winds as the jet stream is coming down to ground level affecting the entire globe. Wind: Gen 8:1; 41:6,23; Exodus 10:13, 19; Job 1:19; Psalm 148:8; Isa 41:16; Jer 4:11-12; 51:1,16; Ezk 13:11, 13; Ezk 19:12; Dan 2:35; Hos 13:15; Rev 6:13.
              7) more tornadoes and regular hurricanes. Whirlwind Job 37:9; Isa 66:15; Jer 23:19; Jer 30:23
              8) hurricanes over land.
              9) shifting of the climatic regions and seasons.
              10) change of the length of days and of the calender (Matt 24:21-22; Mk 13:20).
              A disruption in the Earth’s rotation in either speed (normally 1,000 miles per hour) or direction (a pole shift).
              The records, both in geology and historical, reflect that multiple events will be occurring simultaneously i.e. melting ice in the Antarctic & Greenland, earthquakes, tsunamis (tidal waves), flooding, torrential rains, abrupt (tropical to arctic minutes!) climate change, 200 mph (320 kph) winds, volcanism, the Gulf Stream stopping and dare I say: a pole shift!”

        • ian

          he is referring to some you tube videos where amateur astronomers have found the blanked out areas on google sky. perhaps he can provide the videos and you can explain it to him better.

          • Here is the real story on the so-called “censored” areas on various astronomy programs.
            The images that make up the visual portion of these online planetarium sites are all from the same source… the DSS (Digitized Sky Survey). The original DSS was a high-resolution scan (digitization) of photographic plates. For the northern sky, a 1958 sky survey from the Palomar Observatory was the source. The so-called ‘missing’ block comes from the Palomar data.
            Here is an example of a section that was discarded due to a problem (double exposure) of the original image:

            There is another online planetarium that does not have a blank spot in this area:
            So there is really nothing to hide.
            The claim of censorship fails because the data are available from the Space Science Telescope Institute as well as The data is over 50 years old, so whatever a censor was hiding would have had to have been visible at that point. Also, censorship conspiracies are dubious from a practical standpoint, because hiding something in software does nothing toward hiding it in the actual sky, as people (including astronomers) can simply look up at supposedly “censored” regions of the heavens.
            Everyone must remember that the images we see are not real-time. They are over 50 years old. It takes a long time to photograph the entire sky in such detail, one tiny piece at a time. Then the photos must be scanned and corrected for vignetting and other defects, then stitched together electronically into one seamless 360degree image. And since these images are for the background stars that never change, if there happened to be a planet, comet or asteroid in one or more of the photos when they are scanned these moving objects are removed since they are not permanent. The only way Nibiru could show up on a star program is if its orbit is well known and the location of the planet in that orbit is also known. Imagine if the image of Jupiter were recorded in 1958 and left in. It would have appeared in all the star charts in the same place for the last 50 years as if it somehow stalled in space.
            So in a way, the idea that planets are somehow removed from the sky images is actually correct, and we should expect that. Just remember that everything you see on Google sky is 58 years old, so we wouldn’t expect to see Nibiru on any of these pictures anyway.
            So, in order to find any planet in Google sky we would not go to a particular place in the sky but enter the name of the planet in the search box and allow the program to take you to the current location of the object based on the date and time of your request. However as we all know there is not an astronomy program out there that has the ability to find Nibiru because nobody as of yet has provided any accurate orbital data that can be confirmed by real astronomers. Until that happens Nibiru will remain a myth.

            • Try Virgo below the feet for a possible Nemesis sighting.
     Video length 1:40:00 minutes. 11:10-20. Google sky Blacked out poorly at the feet of Virgo. June 2016. Travel time prior to this is 0.25 minutes daily. Somewhere in his notes prior to this timestamp is 0.10 percent increase in mass or some such number.
              Nemesis is left and Nibiru is right so we are looking at two different events in Virgo.
              Nemesis moves 3 degrees and Nibiru is seen with wings when something happens in our position to seeing it.
              45.0+ is where it gets interesting. On an average day, there is a 10% increase in size over a 14 day period. He does a size comparison of Nibiru and the moon phases.
              Music repeats so I suggest to turn down the volume or mute it.
              The video is done well with graphics and written words. I would suggest capturing each place and then copy the words down using two screens.

              • John,
                Ian here.
                I checked out the video above. All the images I saw were none other than the moon. The object is far too large and bright to be a distant planet. I checked my calendar and the lunar phases match the recordings. Surely a rooftop webcam is not going to pick up distant astronomical objects. The video is slick but completely non-scientific. The author created SOM pretty diagrams but none of them were accurate and frankly all the Nibiru /Nemesis etc. was simply made up. If these objects were really out there my thousands of colleagues around the world would have recorded them and catalogued them by now. The astronomy world would be abuzz with the new discoveries.
                But I get nothing from any of my sources, and this YouTube author is not one of my sources. Apparently he wants nothing to do with real astronomers.
                By the way, we always understood that Nemesis and Nibiru were the same object, but now you are claiming they are two separate objects? And then there is a red dwarf and a blue star too? This is getting too confusing to keep track of. Actually, there is really nothing out there to track, so my job is easy. I’ll wait until a real astronomer actually finds a real object and not rely on internet pranksters to create them on their computers.

                • confusion here due to descriptions of nibiru…..supposedly, it is a mini solar system…with a second sun and 7 planets around it….I am not sure how the blue planet fits in….nibiru sun sis red due to presence of high levels of iron oxide

                • Thanks, that is what I needed to know. I don’t know science as well as the Bible. But all I do is cut, copy, and paste since I am autistic with Asperger Syndrome.

                  If that man is right, then could not Nemesis and Nibiru, Arbota, and Helion be separate bodies (planets, dwarf stars, etc.) and could it be a system that is causing the issues the globe is experiencing right now.

                  Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon (Nemesis, possibly a red dwarf star or brown dwarf star, second sun according to Malachi 4), having seven heads (plantes such as Nibiru, Arbota, Helion) and ten horns (moons), and seven crowns (Asteroids and comets such as Wormwood) upon his heads.

  193. As for my dreams being tied to this discussion which has an earthquake in it, Nibiru, blue orb, and others issues going on in the globe such as the massive animal deaths, fish dying in our oceans by the tons, Rivers and parts of oceans turning blood red, I leave you with this thought.

    As for the location of Nibiru in google sky, you can have a file from me by going to

    Here is the thought:

    It will Happen Quickly. As the end times progress, more events will happen quickly. (Rev 1:1; 22:16—Things must shortly take place). Shortly here means rapidly, quickly, and swiftly. We see this same way with the Heavenly events since 2014 began. 2 in 2013, 6 in 2014, 9 in 2015, 12+ in 2016 so far. Fireball events were in the hundreds per year in 2005. By 2011 there were over 1,500; around 2,000 in 2012; around 3,500 in 2013, rising to nearly 8,000 in 2014 with over 9,000 being reported in 2015. When the time comes, these events or prophecies in the Bible will begin happening in succession very quickly, one after the other.
    In all between this day and the end of John’s dreams, they (the dreams) are taking place back to back and very quickly. Between 2011 and 2014/15, I have had 20 plus God dreams and they are being fulfilled rapidly up until the end of 2016.
    Delays in dreams or events to occur from dreams will produce faith and patience. In the Bible, faith and patience are the two power twins that keep a believer from becoming weary and faint in his or her spirit while anticipating the prayer to be answered or the event to come to pass. (Heb 6:11-12; 10:35-36); pg. 52 Perry Stone). Being patient is a part of the faith walk. In the end, what God has revealed will come to pass, and usually it happens very quickly.

  194. To John,
    Hi, Rodney here.
    Wow, you’ve listed an incredible number of geological events that you seem to think are about to happen. And almost all are in fact incredible, that is unbelievable. If all those things were to happen it would wipe out all life on earth? Is that what the bible predicts? Because that is what you are predicting. And if it all starts this September then I guess we don’t have much to look forward to. Thankfully, we’ve seen hundreds of doom and gloom predictions over the years going back to the days of the National Enquirer. Fortunately none of them were based on real science and therefore none of them came to pass.
    I think some people who come from biblical backgrounds are quick to throw out all science and depend on miracles from God to produce the results they expect. We can’t speak to any of that except we really haven’t noticed the laws of the universe being broken on a regular basis, which is what would have to happen for just about any of the fantastic events you described to ever happen.
    That said, if we begin to see the laws of science broken all of a sudden, then we might give your ideas some credence, but as I said if the things you claim will soon happen actually did, the consequences would be catastrophic to the earth and everything on it. But then, as I said there have been thousands of “end-of-the-world“ predictions throughout history and you can guess how many of them came true.
    To conclude, most of the events you mentioned have never happened and never will. They are not scientific and use pure imagination. It seems you read some scriptures then try to imagine what they might mean and come up with these fantastical but impossible astronomical and geological scenarios.
    We don’t know how to interpret your bible verses and we are also not sure if your interpretations have been confirmed by everyone else in the bible community. Unlike science we know the bible has been interpreted many different ways by many different denominations, and based on the verses you’ve supplied, we can see why they might.
    So I guess the good news, from us, is that to anyone reading your post with such dire predictions, you need not let John’s predictions worry you in the least. If you believe the sun will come up tomorrow and gravity will still be here to keep you from flying off into space, then there will be no doom and gloom from astronomical threats any time soon. That means within your lifetime.
    Your welcome, Rod.

    • Not September, but in the 7th Biblical Month when the first sliver of the newmoon occurs which is between September 15th to October 15th.
      The possible timeframe is October 13th, 2016 to September 30th, 2017.
      Joe 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
      Trumpet is the Key Word here.
      Lev 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.
      Zep 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.
      Zep 1:15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
      Zep 1:16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.

    • Joe 1:14 Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD,
      Joe 1:15 Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.
      Lev 23:27 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls (fast), and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
      The Day of the Lord according to Joel 2:14 begins on the Day of Atonement and ends on the Day of Atonement (Rev. 14:20ff; Rev 15–Day of Atonement typology; Rev. 16/19–Armageddon on the Day of Atonement. According to Isaiah, it is a one year event covering both the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments.

      11. Saudi Arabia (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) 2016. Some call this “fire” in dreams. Some teach that America is Babylon the Great. I think this article will convince you that it may be Saudi Arabia.
      12. Sealing of the 144,000 (Rev 7)
      13. Seal 7: 7 Trumpet judgments. (Rev 8:1-6) global earthquake. Tentatively 2016 Passover of Passover Week.
      I am guessing that by the study above that these events may or will occur on a Sabbath, 4th day, First sliver of a new moon or on a full moon.
      Day of the Lord Begins (364 day event). Day of the Lord is a Day of Trumpet and Alarm (Zeph 1). It actually begins on Day of Trumpet on the first sliver of the new moon in 2016 because of the Rev 12:1 event in 2017. But to differentiate the Second Coming, I have called the Trumpet and bowl judgments the Day of the Lord.
      Some teach the Day of the Lord includes the Great Tribulation (1260 days, 42 months, 3.5 years), Second Coming on Day of Trumpet in the Jubilee year or the ninth year, and Messianic Kingdom.
      14. Trumpet 1: Horrific hail and fire, 1/3 of plants burned up. (Rev 8:7) Day of the Trumpet (Lev 23:24ff), September, 2016 Haftarah Portion: Hosea 14:2-10. Micah 7:18-20, Joel 2:15-27; Deut 31:1-30; or March 26th, 2016 Feast of First Fruits. Meteorites. Rev 6:13; Affects Day 3 of Genesis 1.
      Since these are judgments, they could begin on Day of Atonement since it is all about judgment of the nations.
      15. Trumpet 2: Meteorite/Volcano explodes in the ocean, 1/3 ships and sea life destroyed. (Rev 8:8,9) Day of Atonement September 23/24, 2015 or August 24th, 2016. Affects Day 5 of Genesis 1.
      16. Trumpet 3: Comet explodes on the earth, 1/3 of fresh water poisoned, many men die. (Rev 8:10,11) Day of Atonement September 24, 2015 Wormwood; August 24th, 2016. Bolides or aerolites. Affects Day 6 of Genesis 1.
      17. Trumpet 4: 1/3 of sunlight removed. (Rev 8:12) 2015/2016 Affects Day 4 of Genesis 1.
      18. Trumpet 5: First woe—Demon locusts, men tortured. (Rev 8:13-9:12, Ezekiel, Isaiah) C.E.R.N. Project 2015 September Isa 13:2-3 Emblem has a triple 6 and a dual 6. CERN began on Sept 29th, 1954 Rosh Chodesh 8. Origin Dec 9, 1949. Breaking Ground March 17th 1954; Fast of Ezra, Ezra 8:21-31 Day 4.
      19. Trumpet 6: Second woe—Demon army, 1/3 of men die. (Rev 9:13-21) CERN Project 2015 September/October
      20. Ministry of 2 witnesses ended. (Rev 11:1-13), 2017 or 2016 1260 days from start in September.
      21. Trumpet 7: Third woe—7 Vial Judgments. (Rev 11:14-19);;
      Revelation 12-16 Second Coming in a year of Jubilee with a Revelation 12:1-2 event in 2017 in September on Yom Teruah/Day of Trumpet. Rev. 14:20ff (Wheat and Tares–Wheat bows down and tares burn in the fire). Rev 15 Day of Atonement typology. Rev. 16 ten days of tribulation (Rev. 2:10) otherwise known as Days of Awe.
      22. Vial 1: Boils on men. (Rev 16:1,2)
      23. Vial 2: Sea turned to blood. (Rev 16:3) Pacific Ocean?? Fukushimi accident??
      24. Vial 3: Freshwater turned to blood. (Rev 16:4-7) Began in 2012 and continues to present with different rivers turning to blood.
      Published on Jun 1, 2016 Wednesday
      For the 27th time the water turn blood red this time “Mexico”… also also Help Us Spread the Word… also

      25. Vial 4: Great heat. (Rev 16:8,9) 500 to 1000 degrees or enough to melt the elements. May 13?, 2017 Sabbath Today the Parashah is Be-Chukotai which means “In My Statutes.” Today we celebrate reading the last Parashah of Leviticus or “VaYikra.” At the end of the reading we say “Be Strong! Be Strong! And may we be strengthened! Be-Chukotai (In My Statutes) Torah Leviticus 26:3-27:34 Haftarahs Jeremiah 16:19-17:14 16 hour days.;;
      26. Vial 5: Darkness. (Rev 16:10,11) 3 days of darkness July 21-23 (Sabbath to Rosh Chodesh) Friday to Sunday or Saturday to Monday).
      27. Vial 6: Euphrates dries up. (Rev 16:12-16) 2016
      Mark of the Beast for USA is 2017, possibly 2016 and possibly now in 2015. For other nations 2016. Perry Stone was my third witness. As for witnesses, I wait 3 mentionings before I post to here.
      28. Vial 7: The Lord Jesus Christ and His saints return to the earth and defeat the antichrist and his armies at Armageddon with 100-pound hailstones. Great earthquake, every island and mountain destroyed, America the Babylon sinks under the ocean. (Rev 16:17-21, Rev 18:21, Jer 51:42)

    • Hi, Rodney here.
      Wow, you’ve listed an incredible number of geological events that you seem to think are about to happen. And almost all are in fact incredible, that is unbelievable. If all those things were to happen it would wipe out all life on earth? Is that what the bible predicts?

      Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years/Jubilees.

      According to the Bible in Genesis 1, the earth’s existence is only for 7000 years. In Peter, we have a day equals 1000 years and 1000 years equals a day. 2 Peter 3:8
      According to Genesis 1, the earth is only supposed to be around for 7000 years or 140 Jubilees.

      The prophet Moses said in Psalms 90:4 that 1000 years was as one day in the sight of Elohim. As time passed, the Spirit of Truth revealed that there was a corresponding theme between each of the seven millennial days of mankind’s history and the seven Hebrew Days in the creation sequence. On Day One of creation, on the first day of the week on Yom Ri-shon, light was separated from darkness, and in the first millennium Adam’s sin separated him from Elohim’s light. On the second day, on Yom She-ni, there was a separation of the waters above and below, and in the second millennium, the waters above and below were used in judgment. On the third day, on Yom Shli-shi, plants yielding seed were created, and in the third millennium a promise was made to Abraham, that through his seed – יהושע the Messiah – all the nations of the earth would be blessed.

      • On the fourth day on Yom Re-vi-i the lights in heaven were created, and in the fourth millennium kings and prophets were given as lights to Israel and יהושע the Messiah was born. On the fifth day on Yom Ham-i-shi living creatures were created, and in the fifth millennium יהושע the Messiah died that we might become new creatures inheriting eternal life. On the sixth day on Yom Shi-shi man was told to fill the earth and subdue it, and in the sixth millennium man has filled the earth and subdued it. Man has even travelled to outer space. On the seventh day on Sha-bat Elohim rested, and in the seventh millennium the earth will be restored and man will rest in the Millennial Sabbath which is the Age of Life or the Millennial Kingdom. Peter said in 2 Peter 3:8 not to be ignorant of this one thing – with יהוה one day is as 1000 years and 1000 years is as one day.
        The 7000 Year Plan of Elohim
        Creation Years 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
        Jubilee Years 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
        Adam to Exodus 50 Jubilees; Exodus to 2017 70 Jubilees 50+70 = 120 Jubilees.
        A millennium contains 20 Jubilee Cycles where each cycle lasts 50 years.
        Isaiah 61:1-11 compares the Millennium with the Sabbatical or Jubilee years. See also Isaiah 58:6

        • Isaiah 61:1. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives (Jubilee; Lev. 25:9-10), and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD (Shemitah, Lev. 25:1-8; 28/29 CE, 2014-15 and especially 8 or the Jubilee), and the day of vengeance of our God (Day of Judgement/ Day of the Lord); to comfort all that mourn.

          Sabbath Years to 4001 BC 3932/3939/3946/3953/3960/3967/3974/3981/3988/3994/4001
          0 3925 Creation Note: Torahcalendar uses 3986, others use 3983 (3983-6000=2017), 3999, 3980, 3954, 4001, 4004, 4100, 4126, 3926, 5315, 3760 (Sedar Olam) and about one dozen others. Sept 22, 4000 BC (Monday). 26.8 % of Scripture is prophecy; 1817 prophecies; 8353 verses. Shemitah note: If 1 CE is a shemitah year, then by counting back from 1 CE, this puts us to 3919 being the first Shemitah year which means 3926 was the beginning of Creation. So no one knows for sure when Creation occurred and it is all a guess.

          Rodney, you asked if that is what the Bible predicts and the above is only a part of your answer. I could go on with 1000 more pages when you could just read it at blogs: Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( and Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming (

      June 2, 2013 at 8:53am\l ”
      Magnetic north pole has moved 161 miles in 6 months only, this puts its arrival in Siberia in less that 2 years OR SOONER, and it is when it arrives there that it will have migrated 40 degrees across the northern hemisphere at this point the poles will shift at high speed over the equator until it reaches 40 degrees south.
      Expect the unexpected, increasingly, as the pole shift approaches.
      poles moving or earth wobble (has to do with declination line)
      Watch for an increase in:
      solar flares , sunspot activity; Sudden large rogue waves in new places; Sudden Hurricanes in unusual places; Sudden tornadoes out of season; Extremes in drought, heavy rains, out of season snows, flooding, severe storms; Mysterious Booms, methane flashes, odd underground whomping sounds; Disrupted cell phone, television and radio signals; Unusual animal behavior, disrupted species migration patterns; Unusual increases in violent behavior in human beings; Increasingly severe earthquakes; Rising Sea Levels; Mass animal death; Insect invasion; Red colored milk colored rain; Red/blood colored water ,rivers, lakes, streams; Storm surge on coastlines with no storm apparent; Increases in Freak Storms; Out of Season Weather; noticeable polar air masses in new areas of earth

    • According to various official astrophysics and solar research labs around the world, something very, very strange is going on in our solar system. A partial list includes the following | Dregs of the Future
      • Recent solar sunspot activity highest in 8000 years |
      • Sun’s magnetic field has decreased in size by 25%
      • The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars. | National Geographic
      • 300% increase in galactic dust entering our solar system | New Scientist
      • Mercury’s magnetosphere experiencing significant increases
      • Venus exhibiting a 2500% increase in its “green glow”
      • Mars showing a rapid appearance of clouds and ozone
      • Mars observations reveal up to 50% erosion of its ice features within a 12-month period
      • Jupiter plasma torus increasing; its moon Io exhibiting the same changes
      • A 200% increase in the density of Io’s plasma torus
      • Jupiter’s Disappearance of White Ovals since 1997 – recent increase in storms
      • Io’s ionosphere is 1000% higher
      • Jupiter’s moon Europa much brighter than scientists expected
      • Jupiter’s moon Gannymede is 200% brighter
      • Saturn’s plasma torus is 1000% more dense
      • Aurorae first seen in Saturn’s polar regions in recent years
      • Uranus was featureless in 1996 – exhibiting huge storms since 1999
      • Uranus in 2004 was also markedly brighter than in 1999
      • Neptune is 40% brighter in the near-infrared range based on observations from 1996 – 2002 | SSEC
      • Neptune’s largest moon, Triton, seems to have heated up significantly since the Voyager space probe visited it in 1989 | MIT
      • Pluto observations reveal a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure
      • The average surface temperature of the nitrogen ice on Pluto has increased 2 degrees Celsius over the past 14 years. | MIT

      • john

        you are “blowing up” my website with long comments…. 🙂

        give it a rest, so others can comment also on this topic and other topics

  195. Marianne,
    We agree. John seems to want to convert us to religious zealots by throwing a jillion bible verses at us and hope they will somehow stick. But while he was studying st bible college we were studying science instead. While we would like to teach him some science he doesn’t seem to believe us if it interferes with his bible prophecy.
    So John, please refrain from listing bible verses as we don’t understand them. If you have a piece of video or other scientific reports we will be happy to verify them for you. Other than that you are really just wasting your time and Marianne’s web space.

    • john would have to first show a direct link between established bible prophecy and events that have already occurred.

      then by this, he could extrapolate from a bible verse to a new possible event. the bible verse should be able to give enough information to verify the new earth event.

      right now, I am on the science page. I am a biochemist, and I just think that way….need data.

      however, I am also a person of faith, and realize there are things we have not discovered yet, so I wait and see, as the discussions and the data unfolds.

      many things are possible.. but will they happen?

      the bible is not meant to be a science text….it is a history of the relationship between man and god.

      now there are some prophecies that are quite dramatic, but it is not explained HOW they will be fulfilled.

      for example the 6th seal in revelation 6 describes the sun turning dark, the moon red, the stars having the appearance of falling from the sky, and a giant earthquake…all at the same time….how in the world, or universe, does that happen? what causes it?

      so a passing celestial object could explain it, but that may not be the only explanation. something else may cause this event to occur….whatever it is, it is catastrophic.

      • Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon (Our Sun), having seven heads (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus) and ten horns (Moons–Our Moon, the moons of Saturn), and seven crowns upon his heads (Asteroids, Comets, Metorites (Satellites and Space Junk).
        Could not solar winds and corona mass ejections, etc. be the ones that cause the issues or could it be another passing system. What else in space could cause the issues (I know, aliens and spaceships–Star Trek rules the day).

      • Wow, that’s a lot of stuff happening all at once.
        I can tell you that a passing object could not cause all those things. To me they sound like a true act of God. Using a planet will not do what you think it will do. And all the things John listed can’t be caused by anything any of us can think of. The physics just don’t work. So if God is all powerful he is going to have to do these things all by himself. For the life of us none of us could come up with a single real-life event that could produce his predictions.
        So if I were in your shoes I think I would assume God will make his prophecies come true until I saw proof that any of these mysterious interlopers have actually entered our solar system. I would not count on numerous conspiracy theories to prove why we haven’t seen these objects in the news or with our own eyes.
        We will certainly believe that God has acted if and when he does. We will know immediately because his works will defy the laws we work by so it will be obvious to us when he has intervened.
        For some reason you don’t seem he can do those things unless he can use some sort of tools, like rogue planets. But I can tell you this, even if he threw a dozen objects at the earth, he would still have to use his godly powers to accomplish the prophecies as you have stated. So why believe in imaginary planets and stars if they can’t do the job? Only God could do what you suggest, so why not believe the bible unconditionally but make the internet pranksters prove their math and their science before believing them unconditionally. To do so places them on the same level as God, and I doubt you believe they are.
        Well, it‘s something to think about.

        • true, God could just snap his fingers, and all heck breaks loose.

        • maybe you could research this astronomer whose research is discussed here…..I can also send you some names of other astronomers who seem to have verified nibiru ( planet x)

          • Sorry Marianne, this video is pure science fiction. The people mentioned have come up before over and over again in videos of this type. They are prophets and doom sayers that have been promoting the end of the world for many decades. They all say some object or objects are out there heading toward the earth and will eventually cause great or complete destruction due to their nearness to the earth. But as I’ve said, there are no physical processes that could produce those results.
            As an example, he claims that Hercolubus‘ magnetic field will cause the crust of the earth to move around and that it could flip the earth upside down on its axis. But magnetic fields have no mass and you can’t move one mass without the application of another mass. Try to move a ping-pong ball with a household magnet and you will see what I mean.
            And the author refers to ancient myths from all over the world such as Atlantis and many other made-up events that never actually happened in the earth’s past. So please don’t call this guy a scientist. He never uses real science even once in his video. As I said it is all myths and monsters with a few scientific words thrown in for effect.
            And as I’ve said all along, none of the objects he claims are out there have been observed and registered by any real astronomer anywhere on earth. When someone says they have seen something or knows where it is, but then only posts it on the internet with no accompanying mathematical data, it inevitably means they are making it up and don’t actually have any real scientific data on it to share with real scientists.
            Real astronomers don’t appreciate it when people who have never taken an astronomy course or even opened a science book get on the internet and pretend they know more about our solar system than we do. And to rub salt in our wounds they actually pretend that the real scientists already know all about these events and are expecting everything they say will happen. If that were true people like Neil deGrasse Tyson would have mentioned it the last time he was on the Tonight Show. And there is nothing on his web site either.
            It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to verify the information put out on this video. Much of it is just silly if you have a scientific background.
            By the way,, we all saw this same video several years ago. You’ll notice there is no mention of any arrival time. If they truly knew where these objects were they could warn us when they will reach earth. That is relatively simple science (for us). Yet they prefer to leave us all in the dark as to when we are all about to die. Why would they do that? They claim world governments are withholding the fact that these things are out there and yet they withhold the most critical info as to when we should expect to die. Why would they do that? Simple. So they can keep posting the same video over and over again without having to do all that computer work a second or third time.
            They’ve got a real racket going here, demolishing real science and all those who truly study it and replacing it with utter nonsense and garbage.
            That is our take on this whole doom and gloom culture that has reared its ugly head on the internet. If there were any hint of truth to it we would be the first to announce it. But there simply isn’t.
            I would blindly believe the bible before I would touch any of these internet science wanna-bees. I don’t know much about the bible but I know these guys are nothing but a bunch of pranksters and flat-out liars. Believe it or not, that is up to you.

            • I am sending you some notes I have. one source cited was Carlos Mundz Ferrada, PhD, astronomer, from Chile in the video. that was what i was focusing on.

              Other observations by other PhDs in astronomy are in the notes

              see attachment

              • We are very familiar with Carlos Muñoz Ferrada around here. Rodney and I have been dealing with his wake for many years. While he did study astronomy and geology he is most famous for predicting several Chilean earthquakes. He claims to have developed a new theory that earthquakes are caused by the gravitational attraction of distant stars and solar flares rather than plate tectonics. This theory flies in the face of the laws of physics and the math involved in computing gravitational attraction.
                He began predicting the existence of Hercolubus, a planet 4 times bigger than Jupiter with the elliptical orbit of a comet. It is assumed this planet is also known as Nibiru since he has related it to the ancient Sumarians, just like Nibiru.
                He also claimed that there is another star 12 billion miles from our sun and that Hercolubus orbits both stars. The problem is that his astronomical data – orbital speeds at various locations between the two stars, is backwards from the laws of planetary motion discovered by Kepler which is the basis for everything we know about our solar system. Without these laws Stellarium could never find any of the planets and comets now in its database. Nor could NASA ever reach any planet with a space probe. He has claimed to have plotted the orbit of his planet yet he has never released it to the astronomical community and so far, no actual astronomer has ever seen or photographed any such object.
                Also, it has recently been proven that there are no dark stars out past Pluto. We are still looking for planet 9 (X) and such a search would have revealed anything as big as a star out in that region of space.
                Mathematicians have also ruled out the possibility of any large planet having entered our solar system. Basically, when any large object enters the solar system its gravity affects all the other objects in the system to some extent depending on the mass of the objects.
                If such a large object were anywhere near us it would perturb the orbit of the earth ever so slightly. In the past those perturbations might have gone unnoticed but with today’s instruments even the slightest variation would be immediately noted and calculated. But guess what? No such changes have occurred in recent times. There is nothing out there tugging on the earth right now. If there were, we would know it immediately.
                This little known scientific fact is our built-in burglar alarm. And until it goes off, we know there is nothing out there coming to get us. And if that weren’t enough, we can actually take this math into the past, millions of years, to see if any large objects ever came by back then. And guess what? Nothing ever did. So we can disprove that Nibiru came by 3,600 years ago, or ever.
                Sure, this is pretty high-level stuff, even for many astronomers, but the science is irrefutable.
                But let me give you an analogy you can easily understand when it comes to vetting internet claims. If you were watching a video on any subject, and the narrator got up and made the claim that two plus two equals seven, you would instantly stop and say, “what is this guy trying to put over on me? I know 2+2=4 so I know this guy is lying to me, so why should I believe anything else he is trying to tell me?
                For scientists, this situation comes up all the time on the internet. People claim things we know are not true. Simple things to us, but maybe not to the unscientifically trained reader. Things that are clearly lies to us may seem completely believable to others. When we watch Carlos Muñoz Ferrada videos we collectively laugh when he tries to describe certain events. To us they just sound silly, but to many like yourself, they sound quite possible. Nowadays with the ability to produce very slick videos and the ability to Photoshop anything and everything including news banners at the bottom of the screen to make it seem like the report is from a real news service like CNN etc, it is getting easier to fool the average viewer into thinking what they are viewing is real.
                Add to that that people today are getting lazier and are simply too busy to take the time to verify whatever they are reading and you end up with masses of people being fooled into believing all sorts of made-up stories.
                The only bright spot we’ve noticed is that many of the Nibiru videos have comments that indicate that many people are getting fed up with years worth of false predictions of Nibiru’s wrath coming soon, buy our survival kits etc, they are finally realizing that they’ve just been fooled over and over again and they are finally catching on to the nonsense and calling them out as being a bunch of fakers and liars.
                But some people here don’t seem to have caught on yet. Maybe they never will. We can declare all the science in the world but we can’t make people believe if they don’t want to.
                Any other “scientists” you want us to look at?


              August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse which cuts across North America in half. Read all the comments as well.

              This is a 4th day event for me. There is the possibility that NA will be flooded by this timeframe.
              . Vial 7: The Lord Jesus Christ and His saints return to the earth and defeat the antichrist and his armies at Armageddon with 100-pound hailstones. Great earthquake, every island and mountain destroyed, America the Babylon sinks under the ocean. (Rev 16:17-21, Rev 18:21, Jer 51:42) .
              The expected timeframe for this event is September 23rd, 2017 but then again it could be in August so only time will tell on this one.


              Setting the Revelation Stage. Timeframes for this is October to 2017. Mark of the Beast for NA is 2017.

              Israel is going to experience 3 wars very rapidly in 2016 to 2017 timeframe and then the Ezekiel 38/39 War which the Jews call Armageddon is in 2017. Personally I believe Ezekiel 38/39 War and Armageddon is two separate events.

            • a radical tilting of the earth’s axis.

              • John,
                All the events you speak of seem to be miracle acts of God and not due to any scientific processes. Certainly not due to a planet passing near the earth.
                Since scientists don’t work with acts of God supernatural all I can say is that we will have to wait until the dates in question in order to find out if God will back you up or if science will back us up.
                Quite a challenge, wouldn’t you say? Well, we can’t prove it one way or the other with words. We will have to wait to see what actually happens.
                So please avoid sending more bible verses, we won’t read them or understand them. You seem to think that if you could supply us with 1000 pages of bible verses somehow the sheer volume of information would convince us it is all true. But remember, we could also send you millions of pages of science but I doubt that would convince you to change your opinions and beliefs.
                So I guess we will just have to disagree on what we think is going to happen. We have noted your prediction that Nibiru will arrive between Sept and Oct of this year. That will be proven one way or the other soon enough. So all we can do is wait.

                • Two Jewish Autistics say or an article at Breaking Israel on Nibiru says September 28, 2016. Possibility of October by me or Passover of 2017 by Gill Broussad. Luis Vega Eschatology files says Spring of 2018.
                  Who is right, I do not know. However, I will keep you informed a much as possible at my end or you can read the headlines at and Breaking Israel (affects the Middle East like the Ezekiel 38/39 War) if you knew what to look for.
                  As for me, I just finished my testimony upgrade and am now off the air on the internet on a daily basis. I need to wean myself of the computer to prepare for the possible timeframe of October.
                  Look for signs in the Heavens for me around July 27th-30th because that is the end of the 40 days and night that Moses was up on the Sinai Mountain and there was a heavenly sign then. Elul 1, 40 days this side of Day of Atonement (Oct 13th) may be another heavenly sign. September 15th to October 30th are watch dates for me as well. Chanukkah/December 24th is the last chance for a sign.
                  Then it repeats in 2017 at Passover week, Pentecost, and the days posted above.
                  Goodbye one and all.

                  • By the way, I am into the sciences but I have issues with colorblindness and math.
                    In Junior Highschool, I did Chemistry tests, in Highschool, I taught chemistry for one day. In college, I taught a southwest history class for one day on the mining districts of Colorado. I became addicted to SW history through my Highschool SW History teacher who was a walking encyclopedia of SW History. I clepped out of history in college. I like reading astronomy articles but I disagree with the earth being 4.7 buillion year old because of flawed tests.

                • Rodney, you were impressed with what I found out in the scriptures.

                  Tell me this, other than Sodom and Gomorrah, where do you find white sulphur at on the globe. All volcanoes on planet earth produces yellow sulphur. You might want to read the 40 page article on Sodom and Gomorrah at Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( and prove me wrong, or the Flood and prove me wrong or any of those articles and prove me wrong. The common denomenator in all the articles is astronomy. By the way, I get into detailing.

                  • John,
                    To tell the truth I couldn’t understand any of your scriptures. And I am unable to confirm your interpretations of those scriptures as no one else on this site has cared to verify that what you claim is standard interpretation of the bible.
                    As for sulphur, in its elemental form it is always yellow. If it is white then it is not true sulphur. I have not read any scientific explorations on the minerals of Sodom and Gomorrah. It does not come up in my geological database. Whoever did your research never published his results in any scientific journal, and we don’t have a scriptural database, so I can’t comment on whatever you are talking about.
                    I don’t have the background to prove you wrong as to your scriptural interpretations, but if you believe that Isaiah 24 refers to Nibiru then either you are wrong or Isaiah was wrong. Your choice.
                    That’s about all I can tell you here.

                    • Rodney, the reason you are blind to the scriptures is because you do not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to help you understand them.
                      You are a Latin person who only understands Latin in its simplest terms and the Bible is a Jewish book written by Jews and you need a Jewish understanding of it.
                      Of course the Bible does not make sense. I am a paralegal of the Law but if I did not know or understand Law terms then I would not be able to be a paralegal of the Law. Until I have studied law, I would not be able to tell you the difference between a contract and a tort.
                      But for me, I am blind as a bat to all metaphors. I can recognize them as metaphors but I still do not know their meanings.
                      Actually, I have enough problems understading what rude means, boundaries mean, capacities, and closed mindedness which you have a lot of.

                    • Sodom and Gomorrah Location: Nibiru and Isaiah 24( Read pages 19-25 for the Spectral Analysis of the brimstone deposits of Sodom and Gomorrah.
                      The information is that the meteorites came from the asteroid field outside of Mars. Depending on where those particular meteorites came from is your guess but I suggest looking to Orion’s Nebula or somewhere in that vicinity. In one of the passings of Nibiru which comes around every 300 to 350 years, it destroyed a planet in its path and the asteroid field is the remains of that planet.

  196. Marianne said this:

    john would have to first show a direct link between established bible prophecy and events that have already occurred.

    Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
    Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

    Your answer lies here and this is the 15th time I posted it.
    Read for yourself the answer here: Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( 300 plus pages.
    Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( 300-400 pages. Begin with Isaiah 24 and work your way up the list.
    Between these 2 studies, there is close to 1000 pages just to prove these two verses above as truth. While people look for signs in the earth to prove we are at the end of humanities timeframe and the Day of the lord occurs now, I look at the first sign mentioned in the Bible to look for events being fulfilled and most of the world looks for the signs mentioned in Matthew 24.
    If you want the longer reading, email me at There is close to 5000 pages to read.

    Since you have banned me from your website because I use the Bible as my source of information then I use this hypothesis. I look at theory or fact “A to Z” , throw in the towel for my showers and my hands are tied.

    Here are the places I have already been banned from so far due to my obsessions and boundary issues

    WordPresses: Heaven Awaits thanks to the “Condeming Group”.
    Completion of the Russel Burton Dream, 2016 June-September. Part 2, and 3 involving Mary from Russel’s office. The Psychologist does say that I have boundary issues and this is why wherever I go, the doors close in my face. She also says that I am harmless but I am also misunderstood due to my communication issues. Ray agrees with her so far. He sees I have numerous boundary issues but I don’t see it until he explained it to me which is those folks below is a place where I butted my head against a wall and all it got me was a closed door.
    Here are the places where the doors have closed on me due to boundary issues. Walmart and Affes Base exchange (Jobs); Churches: Adat Yeshua; Olive Tree Jewish Messianic; Netherwood Church of Christ; Legacy East; 7th Day Adventist Church across from Legacy East (Four Monkey’s—No hear, no speak, no see, no do)—So why go back; Hope Christian; Abundant Living Christian Center; First Baptist Church of Tijeras, NM; Mountain Christian Church; Radio Talk Shows: Late Night in the Midlands—Ira mostly. Companies that I have applied to for jobs since 2015. Smith’s—we are looking for more people qualified than you and I have more than 5 years in retail. This is why I don’t try any more or why I don’t go visit churches any more.
    Here is where this visit to the Psychologist is interesting. This dream of Russel’s ties to two other event’s. It ties to the earthquake dream below and by way of the Psychologist assistant’s hair color, it also ties to my Santa Claus, Fallen Angel, Demon, Cern, Revelation 9 Locust article posted at Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( If it weren’t for Dr. Claus at the Psychologist, I would never have posted the dream and also if I had not read Perry Stone’s book, I would not have posted that article.

    • genesis is a good example of god speaking then it came to pass, from the point of view of scientific things.

      have any more?

      • Do you want the 500 pages or the 5000 pages?

        Genesis 1:14 refers to signs in the Heaven’s on His days which is the Sabbaths (Leviticus 23–seasons) and in the years of Jubilee and Shemitah years (Leviticus 25) (Years in Gen 1:14). It was only back in 2015 that I learned that Genesis is filled with more prophecies than you can imagine such as Genesis 6:3–And man shall live 120 years/Jubilees. 2015 to 2017 is the 120th Jubilee year.
        His other days are Wednesdays (4th Day), 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles, and the first day of Chanukkah.

        Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
        Gen 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
        Ties to Leviticus 23 at the Sabbath Day and the Messianic Kingdom or Millennium

        Eze 34:25 And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.
        Covenant of peace (Shalom) is also called the covenant of Rest (Gen 2:2-3).
        As believers, we have this covenant of Peace in our lives as long as we walk in it.
        In 2007 Yeshua told me this in a dream: You are my beloved bride who I love. May my peace (Shalom) that passes all understanding cover your body, soul, spirit, and mind (Shema–Deut 6:4-5).
        Num 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

        This was told to me before I read these verses in 2011.

        Php 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.
        Php 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
        Php 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
        Php 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

        Covenants we are presently under: Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic (Christians believe this was nailed to the cross 2000 years ago along with the Sabbaths. If that is true, then why do I have 500 pages in my Feast Dates folder to prove otherwise). Davidic, Land (Pentecost 1948 Israel), and Marriage/Blood Covenant with Yeshua/Yahshua.
        The final one to be added possibly begins in October of 2017 on the 5th which is a Wednesday?? which is the Covenant of Peace/Rest.
        Saturn with rings is also called “Covenants”.

        Lev 23:34 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD.
        Lev 23:35 On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.
        Feast of Tabernacles is also called the Millennium.

        Call it like you see it. Ray says I am able to call it like I see it without conditions/stipulations or regard for others personal feelings or friendships. This I do. Feelings are hurt, friendships are lost because I am not on cloud nine. I am not willing to sit on cloud nine. I take A, B, and C, D to Z and my hands are tied. The result is where have you all gone who have left me.
        John’s Asperger Wilderness Walk.

  197. Eze 34:25 And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.
    On a personal note, I am actually walking this out presently in my life.
    Since 1995, I have been living in the wilderness in the woods (East Mountains of Albuquerque, NM) in a tent (house) but this year of 2016, I am sleeping in an underground tent (cellar) that was completed in June and I began sleeping in it around the last week of June and I will be living in it this winter with frostbite in my fingers and toes. I hope to survive the frostbite. If it happens, from October to Passover, I will not be able to type.

  198. Marianne,
    I got your e-mail attachment and I’m familiar with the work of R.S. Harrington. He was involved in the search for the next planet beyond Pluto and back in the 80’s he felt he had discovered something that he believed could be another gas giant or possibly a dwarf star. While the dwarf star idea was later proven wrong, the search for another large planet beyond Pluto still rages on. Earlier this year some astronomers thought they may have found a likely location for what is now being called Planet 9, and a search is under way to photograph it. It is far to dim to be seen with the human eye even through a very large telescope. And for many sky searchers with smaller scopes, the object will probably be so dim that the time exposure necessary to expose it properly would be longer than the night is dark.
    The Hubble should be able to image it but due to its narrow field of view it will take many thousands of photos before it might happen upon Planet 9. Add to that the fact that several successive photos are required to plot a moving object so that complicates and draws out the entire search procedure.
    But just as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were also found in this manner, we are sure that eventually Planet 9 will be found.
    As far as this planet being Nibiru, I’m afraid they are 2 different animals. According to the myth, Nibiru is suppose to have a cometary orbit, with a period of 3,600 years. But this planet will have a roughly circular orbit and will never get any closer to the sun than it is right now.
    I’m afraid that somewhere along the way, Harringtons research has gotten hijacked by the Nibiru crowd and they claim he believed in the Nibiru myth and was actually looking for Nibiru and not the real Planet X (10), now called planet 9. So what we astronomers have been calling Planet X (9) is NOT what you now call Nibiru. As I said, two different animals.
    As for your link to Xena, it is one of many Kuiper belt objects that have been found recently, and there are likely many more that we will eventually discover, plus billions of objects we will never see. But these abjects will never leave the Kuiper Belt except for small objects that get knocked out of orbit by larger ones, but due to their higher mass and the rules of physics, a tiny rock can never knock a planetoid like Xena out of its orbit and send it hurtling toward the earth. And given the mathematical fact that any object struck by another can be pushed in any direction, 360 degrees up down left and right, so the chance that it would be knocked toward the earth is slim to none. Like rolling a pool ball into a pocked blindfolded – and the pool table is as big as the U.S.
    So there is no trace of Nibiru at all in your attachment, but it is good to clear up the Harrington misunderstanding. In the future when you read of Planet X / 9 from a real science web site, know it is a completely different object than the Nibiru fanatics make it out to be.

    • Ian, There are two camps as for the time frame. One is 3600 year commentary orbit. The other is 300 to 350 year commentary orbit. As to the drawings I have seen for the orbits, there are 3. One and two are slightly vertical to big time vertical but overlap at one conjunction. The third one is horizontal. For the two that is at the conjunction, the constellation is Saggitarius. The camp I belong to is it comes through Orion where we can see it from with infra red telescopes and exits through Arcturus.

      • John,
        Your post brings up an interesting point.
        You quote two possible orbital periods for Nibiru. One, 3,600 years is over 10 times longer than the shorter period, which is between 300 and 350 years. But if Nibiru has been coming around every 300 years for the last 4000 years, surely we would have an exact orbital time by now. Astronomers since Archimedes have been recording the passage of Halley’s comet every 75 years, so you would think that by now we would have an exact Nibiru year calculated. But no scientist in history has recorded the passage of a new planet. None. And how can there be a 3300 year discrepancy between Nibiru experts? And you think they are real scientists?
        And what about the orbits. You say you’ve seen three. Well, we’ve seen many dozens over the years. In fact, other than copycats almost every Nibiru expert has his own orbital diagram. Some people reuse old orbits that were proven false and simply change the dates shown to some future dates, which again were false.
        If Nibiru were real, then there would only be one orbit. PERIOD! Everyone would be on the same page about Nibiru, both internet pranksters and real astronomers. There would be no discussion.
        But even you aren’t sure which fake Nibiru story to believe.
        I wouldn’t be surprised if the next generation of Nibiru pranksters will claim that the planet will emerge from a wormhole on the other side of the sun in order to explain why scientists have not found any trace of it in the real world.
        Or in your case that it will just appear as an act of God whenever and wherever he see fit. That idea could not be countered by science. So I’ll never understand why you are attempting to us a false science in such a poor way as to make you out as some sort of crackpot, at least in the eyes of the science-minded people out there.
        P.S. Arcturus is a star, not a constellation. It is in the constellation Bootes. Just thought you should know.

        • Flood
          1656 since creation of 4001 CE. 2270, 2348/9 BCE 2435BC מבּוּל mabbûl; Flood Methuselah dies year of flood 969 years old; Noah 600 years old *

          -1656+3600=1944 CE and nothing happened in that year to the globe. Fire on the globe should have happened in that year but it did not.
          1944+3600= 5544ce A new heaven and a new earth occurs in 3017 CE.

          The Chinese Guest Star of 1054 gave us the orbit of Nibiru and its visits according to Gill Broussard. He using the Chinese Guest Star calculated the time frme of every 350 years visit. Listen to his video lectures on talk shows. In BCE, the orbit had not been established so it was every 300 to 350 years.
          I disagree with his dates but I agree with the rest of what he said so I did an indepth study on each event and along the way I was able to build all the scripture verses which is found in Isaiah 24 article.
          Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( covers that time frame up to just after the death of Jesus.

          The Death of Jesus had a Solar and Lunar eclipse on the same day. The solar eclipse was 3 hours long whereas our normal eclipses are 11 minutes long. What could have caused a 3 hour eclipse? History repeats itself so there will be a 3 hour solar eclipse and lunar eclipse (unscheduled) possibly on September 23, 2017. We know an earthquake will occur then just as there was in Israel at Jesus’ Death.

          The flood 1656 BCE, then Tower of Babel, then Sodom and Gomorrah, Joshua’s longest day (36 hours instead of 24 hours), etc. The list is at the Nibiru and Isaiah 24 blogsite.

          To understand the Bible, you need to be indwelled with the Holy Spirit so to do that you have to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

          Here is/are you now. Body, soul, evil or dead spirit.

          After acceptance: Body, Soul, Holy Spirit inside you teaching you things by way of the Bible.

          • 1054 CE-350= 704 CE 701 to 707 CE Mayan and Aztec Drought.

            I did not research Gill Broussard’s work after the death of Jesus because I could not decide if there was any Biblical significance to it.
            I study the Bible so I am interested in events related to it. Events for today and in the past. That is why my Feast Dates folder is important to me. That is why the Nibiru folder is important to me. I will do any project to come along as long as it leads me to study the Bible in a certain way.
            Our sicknesses and diseases of today is connected to the sins we do in our lives. All sins will have consequences to pay for. Homosexuality causes diseases and AIDS.
            You run a red light and you may cause a car wreck or the death of someone. I had a dream of one that which actually occurred 2 weeks later and I witnessed a 5-7 car wreck because a driver took his/her head off the road to talk on a mobile phone.

    • ok

      but what about the ancient drawings of nibiru in egyptian art and hopi art.?

      back then, people were not into conspiracy theories….

      why these ancient records?

      something we have not discovered, or just a world wide fantasy?

  199. John,
    I couldn’t find the thread for the following post of yours so I’m pasting it here for reference:
    Sodom and Gomorrah Location: Nibiru and Isaiah 24( Read pages 19-25 for the Spectral Analysis of the brimstone deposits of Sodom and Gomorrah.
    The information is that the meteorites came from the asteroid field outside of Mars. Depending on where those particular meteorites came from is your guess but I suggest looking to Orion’s Nebula or somewhere in that vicinity. In one of the passings of Nibiru which comes around every 300 to 350 years, it destroyed a planet in its path and the asteroid field is the remains of that planet.
    First of all we couldn’t find any page numbering nor could we find a topic related to Sodom and Gomorrah so Rod can’t respond to the brimstone deposits you mentioned.
    I’m not sure, but it sounds like you are claiming that those ancient cities were destroyed by falling meteorites from space and not by the hand of God. However, meteorites do not come from the asteroid belt, asteroids do. Meteors are cometary debris for the most part, at least those associated with annual meteor showers that most of us are familiar with.
    As for looking in the vicinity of Orion’s belt, I just did last week and saw no planets or asteroids or meteors or whatever you are insinuating is out there.
    As for Nibiru coming around every 350 years or so, that is a new one to me. But 350 years ago some of our most brilliant early astronomers were alive and most certainly they would have seen and recorded the passage of a giant planet. For another 2000 years before that there were astronomers who recorded comets, novae and all manner of other astronomical events and not a single person ever recorded a new planet. Are you claiming there were world-wide conspiracy theories even back then that keep any and all observers everywhere on earth from writing any of their observations down? You know you can’t just claim something happened over and over throughout history without any real proof to back you up, don’t you?
    But all is not lost. We do completely agree with one thing you said on you web site. The fact that Santa Claus is not real. We can’t say for sure he is Satanic, but we agree that he doesn’t exist.
    But then neither does Nibiru. So I find it hard to believe that while virtually no adults believe in the myth of Santa, so many are able to believe in a Sumerian myth called Nibiru. And while people are quick to agree that Santa can’t squeeze down chimneys or visit every home on earth in one night because that would defy the laws of physics, they don’t seem to mind when Nibiru is able to do the same things.
    So there is some more science.
    Take it or leave it.

    • The pages in the articles have no numbers.

      Lab test results to one of the countless sulphur balls at the site (Note high degree of sulphur ‘S’ also the presence of magnesium ‘Mg’ which would increase the intensity of the fire.)

      (S) Sulfur is 95.500-98.500; (Cl) Chlorine is 1.874; (Mg)0.447 Magnisium helps to make the temperatures burn higher. (Na) Sodium is high due to the area it is at. (Ca) Calcium is at 0.996. Since everything deteriorated over time, calcium would be in high deposits. (Na) 1.108; (Al) 0.015; (Si) 0.052; (Cl) 1.874; (K) 0.030; (Ca) 0.968; (Br) 0.011 Spectra Chem Analytical Analysis.

      Are Meteorites Important?

      Certainly yes! Meteorites tell us about what space is like. Meteorites can tell us about other planets and even about our own earth. Some meteorites have been found to contain amino acids, a chemical that makes up all life on earth. Some people speculate that life didn’t begin on this planet, but was brought here by meteorites. Others believe that meteorite collisions with earth were responsible for catastrophic events in the earth’s history, such as the demise of dinosaurs.
      Meteorites are made up of the same elements that all Earth materials are made of. There are no elements that are not found on Earth. However, there are minerals found in meteorites that are not found in rocks of the Earth.
      What is the difference between a meteorite and an asteroid?
      This question should maybe be rephrased to “what is the difference between a meteoroid and an asteroid?” Before a stone lands on the ground it is called a meteoroid, while it is passing through the air and burning the light it makes is called a meteor. But when it was in space the only difference from an asteroid was its size. Small bits of rocks and metal are called meteoroids and larger ones are called asteroids. Meteorites are the recovered bits of asteroids since the small pieces that were meteoroids are chunks broken from larger asteroids in the past.
      Most planetary atmospheres are made up of simple, low-mass elements and compounds such as carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen. But when a debris particle, or meteoroid, passes through, it can shed heavier, more exotic elements such as magnesium, silicon and iron.

      • Glossary

        Achrondites – stony meteorites that do not contain grains of silicate material.
        Aerolites – stony meteorites that contain only small amounts of metal, usually iron.
        Astroblemes – large craters caused by the impact of meteorites.
        Chrondites – stony meteorties that contain grains of silicate material.
        Olivine – a mineral composed of silica, magnesium and iron that is often found in rocks in the form of green crystals.
        Plagioclase – a group of silicate minerals containing calcium and sodium.
        Pyroxene – complex silicate minerals containing iron, magnesium, and calcium.
        Siderite – a meteorite composed primarily of iron.
        Siderolite – a meteorite having nearly equal amounts of metal and stony minerals.
        Sulfide nodule – a small lump containing sulfur.;;

        The majority of meteorites that fall to Earth are stony. Stony meteorites are made primarily of silicate minerals.
        Silicate minerals are composed of a salt containing a silicon and oxygen (Si-O) anion, combined with wide range of cations. According to the International Meteorite Collectors Association, the most common silicates found in meteorites are olivine and pyroxene. Olivines are magnesium iron silicates. Pyroxenes are silicates with calcium, sodium, iron or magnesium cations; or more rarely zinc, manganese or lithium cations.

    • Brimestone findings from above.
      The brimestone is called a Meteroid and it is classified as a Pyroxene classification even though it lacks iron.
      My theory is that Nibiru came from an Oort cloud possibly outside our solar system and then as it came through our solar system on its oval, it picked up Asteroids and Meteorites from our asteroid belt outside of Mars. Depending on its path through the belt is where it picked up either iron or in this case Pyroxene of sulfur. Then when “Passover” went behind our Sun it dropped off its load and when the earth passed through its wake is when the event occurred.
      At this time in Earth history the continents had not fully split apart and that is why only a portion of the planet was hit.
      From what I have gathered so far, there is a possibility that when Sodom and Gomorrah occured that an asteroid had hit on the planet around the same timeframe somewhere else and we use this hit as part of finding out when Sodom and Gomorrah occurred.
      The following is a list of Asteroids in BC. The timeframe we are looking for is around 1800 to 2200 BC
      The Henbury craters in Australia (~5,000 years old)
      Kaali craters in Estonia (~2,700 years old) from 2015.

  200. Considering its supernatural origin, one would expect to find unique characteristics in such sulfur, and this is indeed the case. Its composition reveals lengthy exposure to high temperatures. Sulfur found in geothermal regions is invariably the “rhombic” form, evident from it’s familiar bright yellow colour.
    By contrast, the brimstone from these Dead Sea sites is the pale white “monoclinic” form. Sulphur changes to this form when exposed to high temperatures for an extended period of time, as would have been the case.. X-ray Fluorescence Semiquant analysis and other tests reveal the sulfur balls to be up to 98.4% pure sulphur, significantly more pure than naturally occurring sulphur.
    The sulfur balls have been found at all five destroyed cities, and although numerous geologists have been consulted, no other examples of naturally occurring sulfur is found anywhere on earth that remotely resembles the form found at these sites.
    In places fired clay and charcoal can be found in the ruins. Considering all the evidence, it becomes obvious that these sites cannot be dried lake deposits, or the results of volcanism, as some have suggested. The only real explanation for the growing evidence is that found in Genesis 19:24 – total destruction by fire and brimstone! The condition of these ancient cities are exactly as the Bible states, “…turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes…” 2 Peter 2:6. (below – “They burn when lit” )

    Jude 7 – The destruction of these cities was to be an “example” to all.
    Still visible today – Most of the sites are easily accessible and can be visited today, in order to confirm the details given in the Bible.

    2 Peter 2:6 – The entire cities themselves were turned totally into ash
    Everything turned to Ash – This is not merely a normal “burning”, for in this case even the very stone buildings themselves have been reduced to ashes.

  201. Genesis 19:25 – Every living thing in the entire plain was consumed
    A once fertile region now desolate – The entire Dead Sea valley is a bleak “lunarscape”, although tree stumps in the dead sea testify it was once fertile.

    Deut 29:23 – A certain amount of sulfur was to remain as a witness
    Brimstone Balls – Some remain today as unique witnesses of the destructive element God used. They are easily found in abundance within the ash.

    Meteors contain sulfur (Brimstone)

  202. John,
    Most meteorites are eoither pure iron or stony which can contain some odd minerals such as iridium. While there may be trace amounts of sulphur in a few meteorites there isn’t enough to call an entire meteor fall “Pure brimstone.”
    But all that aside, I have to ask you this. The bible claims that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by brimstone and I remember the story of Lot who fled Sodom with his wife and daughters and told not to look back. So therefore this seems to be a targeted attack on the cities in question. If there was a random meteor fall it would have been felt equally all over the earth, not just in a few cities. And we do not find extensive layers of brimstone deposited 4000 years ago anywhere on the earth. (Sodom and Gomorrah don’t appear in any geological dig sites we have records for).
    So in order for events to have happened as you believe, some supernatural force would have had to guide those meteors onto the target cities. If not then every ancient city would also have been turned to ashes as well.
    So if God had to direct the fire and brimstone, why would he also go to the trouble to create completely different types of meteor rocks, way out in space, then line them up to hit the earth in just the right places? Seem to me he could just create the brimstone right here on earth and fire it away at the evil cities. But the geology and astronomy you have provided don’t match up with reality. And for the reasons I’ve outlined I’ll never believe your crazy story.

    • If you read in the prophets section of the Bible, fire and brimstone is going to be targeted to every city this next time around in one section of the globe. I believe that will be the cities of Babylon the Great which is North and South America.
      WWIII possibly against America may start in October which one of my email headlines suggested.

      So in order for events to have happened as you believe, some supernatural force would have had to guide those meteors onto the target cities. The hand of God did it.

      Gaza War back in 2015 is a good example. Hamas fired shots of missiles to a selected city in Israel and the hand of God by way of a strong wind sent the missles into the desert.

    • There were 5 plain cities and each were ruled by a king: There was (1) Bera, king of Sodom, (2) Birsha, king of Gomorrah, (3) Shinab, king of Admad, (4) Shember, king of Zeboiim, and (5) the king of Bela, which is also called Zoar (Genesis 14:8). The five kings were under the dominion of a coalition of eastern Mesopotamian overlords.

      Location: Dead Sea Area.

      Numeira was destroyed (2600 BC) at a different time period from Bab edh-Dhra (2350–2067 BC).
      Another candidate for Sodom is the Tall el Hammam dig site which began in 2006 under the direction of Steven Collins. The researchers claim to have discovered an ash layer containing human bone fragments, which they believe indicates a meteor airburst and sudden end to the civilization in this area. Recently, desert glass had been found among the glazed pottery shards. Desert glass requires extremely high temperatures to fuse sand into glass. These temperatures are not found from oil fires, gas fires, or siege fires. It is also evident that the area was not occupied for several centuries afterward. In addition there is evidence of Hellenistic, Eastern Roman, and Byzantine occupation on the site. Professor Eugene H. Merrill believes that the identification of Tall el-Hammam with Sodom would require an unacceptable restructuring of the biblical chronology.

      Was Sodom and Gomorrah Wiped Out by a Comet? America in 2015 and Europe.

      Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah Published April 01, 2008

      Sodom and Gomorrah ‘destroyed by a comet’, say astronomers
      Astronomers calculate that the Earth is bombarded by a particular dense storm of meteorites over a couple of centuries every 2,500 years – the last two blitzes would have occurred around 2200-2000BC and 400-600AD.

      Lost Cities of Ash

      All of this is on the Sodom and Gomorrah article.

  203. John,
    As for the Sodom and Gomorrah story, it is unlikely that a comet struck the Dead Sea area. First of all, it wouldn’t break into 5 or 6 fragments with each one landing perfectly on the target cities. And it would have left a huge crater of destruction behind and with the dry climate of the area with little erosion going on, the crater caused by the comet would still be clearly visible, yet there is nothing there. Finally, comets are made of ice, they would not leave behind balls of sulphur. You realize that you have posted several theories that contradict each other. I get the feeling you simply believe everything you see on the web. Many different Nibiru claims, and now several contrasting bible events. If each one has been proven, then all the rest are lies so math dictates that all are technically proven false.
    So I will leave Sodom and Gomorrah to you. I’ll have to call it an act of God and not an act of Mother nature.
    As to the destruction you expect in America this October, I expect that would also be an act of God so I can’t prove or disprove your prediction. I’ll try to remember to get back to you in November, if we are both still here.
    Personally I think your prediction is silly from a scientific standpoint but if you are a true prophet of God then we are all going to be up a creek without a paddle. But I’ll go with the science and we will see what develops.

    • Rodney, the Sodom and Gomorrah is cut and pasted from the articles I could find on it. 1) It was not an asteroid that took it out. 2) It was not a comet that took it out. 3) It was meteorite storm that took it out. Ok. The degrees to melt the elements in that area to make desert glass would have been around 3000 deg. F. History has a way of repeating itself. Why did I do that article. Below is why I did that article.

      2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise (Sonic BOOM or greater), and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      Day of the Lord begins on the Day of Atonement either in 2016 (Oct. 13th), 2017, 2018 up to 2024.
      The Heavens will melt with a fervent heat. How high does the heat have to be in a volcano to melt the elements? 3000 deg F and above. What will rain down on planet earth (A Meteorite storm).

      2Pe 3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

      Rev 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake (global earthquake on the Day of Atonement just a there was on the Day of Atonement prior to the flood beginning in October 15th to November 15 timeframe 4500-5 years ago).

      Rev 8:7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
      2 Pet 3:10 the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      Depending on the angle of the earth at the time of this event is where the location will be. Did you know that North and South America is 1/3rd of the earth. HMMMM!!. Gill Broussard and others (a preacher is Australia) thought this would happen at Passover week in 2016 either in the month of March or April.

      Rev 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; (An Asteroid or a Comet). However, what if it was a volcano rising out of the sea in many places. And what if it was the Pacific Ocean since 1/3rd of the ocean is already dead from an Earthquake.

      Rev 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
      Rev 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: (An Asteroid or a Comet).

      Rev 8:12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
      The dream of my wife and me visiting Kelli and JT in Wshington State had the day time of this dream being in twilight hours (1/3rd of the Sun, Moon, and stars not showing). Say around 7 PM if darkness hits at 8 PM.
      You get the idea.

      So what event in Heaven could cause all of this to occur. Could it be our Sun with planets and Moons and Satellites and space junk or could it be a Second Sun with its system coming in that is going to cause the above to occur.
      If it was our Sun with all of our planets, Moons and Space Junk, would not all of this had already occurred to us over the past 2000 years. Since none od the above has occurred from our Solar System, than an invading Solar System would cause the issues to occur unless you believe our Solar Winds and Solar flares from our Sun would cause the above to occur.

      • John,
        As I said earlier, there is no scientific explanation for an event such as Sodom and Gomorrah. Neither can I give an explanation for the parting of the Red Sea. No natural forces could create these events. I don’t understand why you are trying to take what are clearly acts of God and reduce them to something that would have simply happened even if God didn’t exist. Don’t you believe God can work miracles?
        Now, I’m no biologist, but how do you explain that Jonah lived 3 days in the stomach of a whale? Was that a natural event? Did he just hold his breath? Wouldn’t he have need some sort of divine assistance to survive that ordeal? You can’t send Nibiru to the rescue on this event. What forces of nature do you believe were at work here? I don’t have a clue, but I’m curious.
        As for your idea that there was a three hour solar eclipse on the day Jesus dies, followed by a lunar eclipse a few hours later, that of course is impossible, at least using the moon. The moon can‘t be in 2 places at once and it can’t travel two weeks worth of distance in a few hours. If such a thing ever happened astronomers all around the world would have recorded it. They did not. Also, such an event would have thrown every world calendar out of whack. That would have affected every astronomy program to this day and all of your Jewish holidays would be happening on the wrong days. Do you really want to screw up all of that just to try to show what couldn’t possibly have happened 2000 years ago. For the moon to produce a 3-hour eclipse it would have to be moved 30 times nearer to the earth so it could appear large enough to cause a big enough shadow to do the job. But then you have another problem. If the moon were to be moved that close to the earth (8.333 miles from the center of the earth) it would need to increase its orbital speed greatly in order to keep it in orbit. Maybe 3-5 times faster, making the eclipse last for maybe one hour, tops. So now we have to move the moon still closer, but st this point it would be travelling only 4000 miles above the surface of the earth so in order to create the eclipse you speak of, the moon would have to be travelling below the earth’s surface. That’s what happens when you do the math. Do you believe in math? Or can 2 + 2 = 7 if you need it to be so? Why do you try so hard to remove the miracles of God and place them on the shoulders of Mother Nature? Well, she won’t back you up on this one and neither can I. You may think you are using science to prove the bible, but you must still create miracles in order to get it to work, so what is your point?
        As I said before, I can believe your bible verses but I can’t believe your crazy explanations as to how they came about.

        • true, a general pattern of at least 2 weeks apart for solar and lunar eclipses…
          unless something else passes in front of sun during a lunar eclipse, but we cannot prove that has happened yet or will happen

        • rodney

          interestingly enough, there is an enormous black spot that is growing on the sun, according to NASA

        • Rodney,
          Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( has Jonah and the Whale episode. The whale is called “Leviathon/Leviathan”.
          Jesus death article is also at Nibiru and Isaiah 24. There was a lunar eclipse in 30-35 CE during Passover Week. I believe it was in 34 CE. Use “” and use Hebrew month 1.
          Both were caused by the Passage of Nibiru. At Jesus death, the earth passed through the tail of Nibiru and slowed down its rotation.

          As for our discussion on Asteroids at the time of the Biblical events, I am checking into it. I know you scientist believe the earth is 4 Buillion years old and that the asteroids hit millions of years ago and I believe the earth is only to be in existence for 7000 years, so if you say an asteroid hit approximately 45 million years ago, then I register it to the timeframe I need by dropping some zero’s and then see if Nibiru’s passing dropped an asteroid around at the time it came around every 300 to 350 years. It is an hit or miss idea but well worth looking into for me to look up new words in the Bible. Other than a star, I don’t know other Bible words for Asteroid.

          Here is the Sodom and Gomorrah one.

          Here are the ten biggest known:

          2047*, 2016, 2066/67, 2070, 3120, 3123 (June 29th), 2100-1900, 1713, 1881 BCE Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed at Passover? or one month later.
          Could it be that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed in the timeframe of the Vredefort Crater occurred when all the planet was still together at this time frame if the earth is only 6000 years old instead of 4.5 buillion years old as corrupt scientist believe.
          1. Vredefort Crater
          Asteroid impact date: Estimated 2 billion years ago John’s Date: 2000 BC
          Location: Free State, South Africa
          Specs: Also known as the Vredefort Dome, the Vredefort crater has an estimated radius of 118 miles (190 kilometers), making it the world’s largest known impact structure. This crater was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005.

          Do you know where the full list of asteroid hits are?

          • I don’t understand how a passing planet could cause the Jonah story, certainly not thru science. And your contention that Nibiru caused a lunar eclipse is ridiculous. As I said, if a planet had come so close to earth that it eclipsed the moon astronomers would have noted it. Even historians would have noted such an event. There are usually several lunar eclipses occurring naturally every year, so if you are looking for a real event you can surely find what you’re looking for in an astronomy program. You don’t have to make up a mythical planet for something as common as a lunar eclipse.
            I’m not sure what you’re getting at with the list of meteor craters around the world. But I would make the point that if we look at those craters, we will not find cities of ash nearby. Nor do we see a meteor crater near the Dead Sea. So if you are looking to prove that Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by a meteor shower, its not working.
            Why do you keep trying to prove that biblical events did not require a real God to have happened? So prove that it was just a freak meteor shower and prove that there is no real God at the same time. Is that your goal? It seems to me that is what you’re trying to do.
            And Marianne too, to some extent. Is this normal with bible believers?
            I guess I just don’t understand the way your minds work.

            • Rodney, you have a choice to do. Either read the articles for yourself or I post 70 pages here since you are a thick headed brick wall.
              The lunar eclipse was present at the time after the death of Christ and this was on Wednesday night but Nibiru cause a 3 hour solar eclipse because the earth went through the tail of Nibiru and the earth slowed down its rotation.

              Historical Evidense
              Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea
              The Report of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea to Tiberius Caesar: “And when he had been crucified, there was darkness over the whole earth, the sun having been completely hidden, and the heaven appearing dark though it was day, so that the stars appeared, but had at the same time their brightness darkened, as I suppose your reverence is not ignorant of, because in all the world they lighted lamps from the sixth hour until evening. And the moon, being like blood, did not shine the whole night, and yet she happened to be at the full. And the stars also, and Orion, made a lament about the Jews, on account of the wickedness that had been done by them. (1) And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up. And as lightnings come on in winter, so majestic men of indescribable splendour of dress and of glory appeared in the air, and an innumerable multitude of angels crying out, and saying: Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, among men goodwill: come up out of Hades, ye who have been kept in slavery in the underground regions of Hades. And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder; and great chasms were made in the earth, so that also what was in the abyss appeared. And there were seen in that terror dead men raised up, (2) as the Jews that saw them said: We have seen Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs, that died two thousand five hundred years ago; and we have seen Noah manifestly in the body. And all the multitude walked about, and sang praises to God with a loud voice, saying: The Lord our God that has risen from the dead has brought to life all the dead, and has plundered Hades, and put him to death.
              All that night therefore, my lord, O king, the light ceased not. And many of the Jews died, and were engulphed and swallowed up in the chasms in that night, so that not even their bodies appeared. Those, I say, of the Jews suffered that had spoken against Jesus. And one synagogue was left in Jerusalem, since all those synagogues that had been against Jesus were engulphed.
              From that fear, then, being in perplexity, and seized with much trembling, at that same hour I ordered what had been done by them all to be written; and I have reported it to thy mightiness.

            • Julius Africanus
              Julius Africanus was a Christian chronographer of the late second century. In a comment on the darkness that fell upon the land during the sacrifice (Mk 15:33), Africanus states that “Thallus, in the third book of his histories, explains away this darkness as an eclipse of the sun.” Africanus stated his objection to the report arguing that an eclipse of the sun cannot occur during the full moon, as was the case when Yeshua died on the eve of Passover. The force of the reference to Thallus is that the circumstances of Yeshua’s death were known and discussed in the Imperial City as early as the middle of the first century.
              Author’s Background
              About A.D. 52, Thallus wrote a history about the Middle East from the time of the Trojan War to the first century A.D.[1] The work has been lost and the only record we have of his writings is through Julius Africanus (AD 221). Below Julius Africanus refers to Christ’s crucifixion and the darkness that covered the earth prior to his death.
              Reference To Jesus Christ
              “On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the 263 third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun. For the Hebrews celebrate the passover on the 14th day according to the moon, and the passion of our Savior fails on the day before the passover [see Phlegon]; but an eclipse of the sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. And it cannot happen at any other time but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at their junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically opposite the sun?” – Julius Africanus, Chronography, 18.1

              • good point, so question is, what caused the solar eclipse?

              • “destroyer” is only used a few times

                exodus may have referred to the angel of death but jeremiah was referring to Babylon.

                neither referred to something in the sky

                • Then destroy everything you have on Nibiru. Babylon the Great gets destroyed by the Destroyer but as to how, now that is the mystery and I believe it will be done by man’s doing with a shower of meteorites (nuclear war and minute man missiles) or by God by way of a Meteorite storm from the Heavens as in Sodom and Gomorrah.
                  So what brings on the Meteorite storm. Your answer is found in your understanding of Nibiru through the story of Sodom and Gomorrah the Tower of Babel, the Flood, and the meaning of El Shaddai.

                  Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
                  Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

                  The Destroyer was present at the Flood, then at the Tower of Babel with Nimrod (Babylon) and then at Sodom and Gomorrah with meteorite shower.

                  Destroyer my have been used a few times but the word “Destroy” was used many more times. Destroy has been used in 243 verses. Of these, we have only 10 tied possibly to Nibiru such as the death of the Assyrians, Sodom and Gomorrah, El Shaddai, Tower of Babel, the Flood, and the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation, and a by product of the Massive Animal Deaths going on on planet earth right now.

                  • of the 10 you cite, nothing in the sky was recorded ,,,, we need a witness account that something was up there

                    • Then destroy every file you have on Nibiru because for you Nibiru is nonexistent.

                      And go back to believing that our Sun, and our planets, solar winds, and whatever that is present near the earth caused all the events of the Bible and you are back to square one.

              • john

                i believe nibiru is possible….it is just that we cannot really prove it is up there yet,

                • Neither could the people from 4001 BCE to 1054 CE because telescopes were not present but the historical writings through the word “star”, globe, or simple words might give us clues.
                  Chinese Guest Star of 1054 CE is the only clue we have so far and Gill Broussard did an exhaustive study on it and from this, he came up with the theory that the Destroyer came around every 300 to 350 years.
                  From his pdf charts, I was able to come up with a working vocabulary when I realized that in his charts, the word “destroy” kept coming up.
                  So I decided to do the study on Nibiru from a biblical perspective.

                  This weeks and next weeks study is covering the same basic words.
                  1) Wrath of God for the Goden Calf to Israel, destroy, and others already mentioned in the notes below. There is a story there but it will just take patience and time to compile the notes.
                  I have close to 100 files on my CD to go through in the area of Baal Worship and idol worship and every article will have at least a paragraph to use in the article.
                  My paragraph’s and articles look like this: ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” with close to 1000 or 2000 of them in each article.
                  So just one paragraph or section may have 20 references from books to develop the paragraph.
                  I had that problem with my study on NM Railroad Lines. At one point for 2 pargraphs on one page, the footnote section took up the rest of the page so I had to cut out all the: ” ” and at the bottom of each paragraph I had: 1, A, aa, IV, zz, Z, 2, 10, VII, etc. My credits alone was 32 pages to 40 pages.

                  • John,
                    Ian here,
                    Just one quick note. The Chinese “guest star” you mentioned was actually a supernova. There were no telescopes at the time but centuries later astronomers looked at the spot recorded by the Chinese and discovered an explosion nebula which is now know as the Crab nebula, in the Constellation Taurus. We know it was a star and not a planet because it never moved. It grew bright enough to be seen in daylight then slowly faded away. Since then we have observed many other novae with the aid of telescopes so we know their typical pattern of light output. They are no longer a mystery.

                    .From Wikipedia:
                    The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula in the constellation of Taurus. The now-current name is due to William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, who observed the object in 1840 using a 36-inch telescope and produced a drawing that looked somewhat like a crab.[5] Corresponding to a bright supernova recorded by Chinese astronomers in 1054, the nebula was observed later by English astronomer John Bevis in 1731. The nebula was the first astronomical object identified with a historical supernova explosion.
                    I have personally viewed the Crab Nebula many times since I was a kid and I can guarantee you it is not Nibiru.
                    So you may take this object off your list of proofs of Nibiru and its return every 350 years.
                    As I’ve been saying, once you research these events and objects properly (scientifically) you will always discover that they were not a planet of any type. Your bible references are not helpful and as I’ve said, either the bible is wrong or you are. I can’t say one way or the other whether your interpretation of scripture is accurate. They sound like guesses to me. If I were a religious person I would hope the bible would not get science wrong but you seem intent on doing so.
                    But I won’t try to get involved with that aspect of the discussion. That is one reason I don’t read any of the long lists of bible scriptures you post. I am not qualified to interpret them, just as you are unqualified to discuss astronomy and astrophysics.
                    So I will only attempt to set you straight when you make obvious mistakes or come to wrong conclusions as in the case of the Crab Nebula.

                    • Ian, Listen to Gill Broussard’s talk on the Chinese Guest Star of 1054. Until then, I have nothing more to say to you on this subject of Nibiru.

            • I would say john is an exception, due to his aspergers’ syndrome.

              most believers do not really think about this much detail.

              there are a few that wonder a little how things might get accomplished, ie how God will do things.

  204. Marianne,
    Ian here,
    Dark spots on the sun are common. I’m sure you’ve heard of sunspots which are places on the sun who are a little cooler than the surrounding surface. They only appear black because of the relative difference in brightness. If we could somehow take a sunspot off the suns surface and place it out in space it would appear very bright, just not quite as bright as the sun.
    It can be reckoned to looking into a building on a sunny day. With the outside of the building brightly lit by the sun, the interior of the building looks dark. But if you approach the building and go inside you find that it is well lit on the inside.
    So if the entire sun cooled to the temperature of the dark area, it would still appear as a bright object and to the human eye it wouldn’t look much dimmer than it did originally.
    So if you are thinking that the darkness was caused by this sunspot effect, it won’t work. Plus the effect would have been worldwide and astronomers in Rome, Greece, China etc would have recorded such a phenomenal event, but it appears to be very local, specifically Jerusalem, where it was recorded.
    This also rules out heavenly bodies such a planets coming between the sun and Jerusalem. Remember, no large and very close planet was ever recorded by anyone at that time or any other time for that matter. But a planet passing by could not linger in one spot for 3 hours. Even a space ship couldn’t hover over Jerusalem for 3 hours. All spacecraft as well as satellites etc must be in some sort of orbit or else they would fall out of the sky, which they do from time to time when they slow down to much to maintain orbit. So I Nibiru were trying to hover over Jerusalem for 3 hours it would have crashed into the earth based on Kepler’s Law.
    So you need to stop looking to nature for a reason and start looking to God for an obvious miracle. It seems so obvious to me that some biblical events HAVE TO BE acts of God if they are to be believed. SO, either God caused them or they never happened. This is your choice.
    Why do find it so difficult to choose God?

    • I always choose god, and consider god’s hand in all natural events anyhow, as he is the creator.

      I do not REQUIRE prophesied events to be “natural events,” as we normally define them, although john might think that way,

      but I just do wonder if the natural events will possibly coincide with an “act of god.” or…god will use a natural event in an extraordinary way.

      for example, an earthquake is a natural event, as we see it. there was one case in the bible where people rebelled and acted wickedly, so the earth just happened to open up, like a split in the earth, and the people fell into the crevice and died. so, was that a coincidence, or did god decide they needed to go, and he orchestrated the earthquake.? ( don’t ask for the reference, I cannot remember at the moment)

      a more recent example is hurricane katrina…it was a natural event….but it happened to occur within 24 hours after the USA forced 100,000 jews to leave their homes in Israel, so that their enemies could have them…..was god mad at the USA for such betrayal and “sent” the hurricane?

      these are just my thoughts.. from where we stand on earth, everything looks natural in origin when events occur… I am just saying it is possible there is divine intent behind some of them

      God is not asleep at the wheel, so I look carefully at natural events and wonder what the “message” is sometimes….

      the bible events predicted are extraordinary,,,,,I personally do not want to be around, but I might get stuck here and witness them

      • Marianne said
        There was one case in the bible where people rebelled and acted wickedly, so the earth just happened to open up, like a split in the earth, and the people fell into the crevice and died. so, was that a coincidence, or did god decide they needed to go, and he orchestrated the earthquake.?

        The reference is Numbers 16. I use e-sword and looked up “Earth”.

  205. Hi Guys,
    Rod here,
    We have all seen the Charlton Heston movie “The Ten Commandments” so I’m sure we are on the same page here. I remember the scene when Moses comes down from the mountain with the two tablets and his people have built a golden calf to worship in his absence. He throws down the tablets and the earth opens up and swallows only the sinners. Kind of like a meteor shower of brimstone that targets only a few cities, eh?
    When I see this and other events like the plagues and the parting of the Red Sea I don’t think, gee what a weird coincidence… In fact I never saw any of these events as natural occurrences. I don’t think we are supposed to. I don’t think God would want to disguise his might powers as just a coincidental act of nature.
    I mean, really. A crack opens up under only the sinners just as Moses throws down the tablets? Or the Red Sea parting (not possible in any case) just as the Hebrews are about to be slaughtered by the Egyptians. The laws of probability would make such extreme coincidences impossible from a math standpoint based on natural occurrences, even if they could actually happen, which most of them can’t.
    And to John, what about the last plague which only spared those with lambs blood on the doors and then only killing the first born. How can that be a natural event? Has it ever happened again which we would expect if it were a natural occurrence? Have you ever heard of another sea or lake opened up for a few hours or even a few minutes? That’s not natural either.
    This discussion has brought up an interesting dichotomy. It seems that if your end-time prophecies do ever happen, most religious people will not know enough about science to know these events are supernatural and will simply think they are natural occurrences and shine them off. But scientists will recognize them for what they really are and will see them as true miracles and will have no choice than to praise God and become faithful believers. (Some already are). So God’s people may not believe in him as much as the true scientists. That would be quite odd, but it might happen.
    I think maybe some people think that if they could prove that biblical events were indeed natural events that maybe some skeptics who don’t believe in miracles might somehow more easily become bible believers. I’ve seen shows on the History Channel that have tried to prove that some bible events could possibly be due to forces of nature but those episodes are produced by fringe scientists with unsubstantiated theories and in the end, they never are able to prove anything. It just makes for interesting tabloid TV that many viewers enjoy, like Monsterquest and Ancient Aliens.
    Anyway it is something to ponder.
    Oh, as for Katrina, me and my fellow geologists have been warning the government for over 70 years that the city of New Orleans was toying with disaster in the way they have been building their levees higher and higher every years as the Mississippi river keeps silting up and that it had long ago reached the point of imminent disaster and was on the verge of a Katrina style disaster from either a storm surge or upstream flooding that could overrun the levees and completely flood most of the city. So we were not surprised one bit at what happened. It was on the verge of happening for many years. God did not have to pour out his wrath in this case. Mother nature had it in her hands and the event was inevitable. As for the Israel timing, I give it no credence, but if the US Government was at fault, wouldn’t God have attacked Washington instead? After all he only killed the sinners at Mt. Sinai and spared the rest, right? Wouldn’t he be more consistent about who he kills?
    Again, something to think about.

    • rodney

      good points made.

      as for katrina, i cannot say why it hit new orleans, instead of washington dc, outside of the fact that hurricanes go through the gulf coast anyhow. I agree about the levees.

      our enemies have DC in its sights however, and I think we will see it destroyed if our government does not stop plaguing Putin. our government has to stick its nose in places it does not belong, and there will be consequences.

      • Katrina hit New Orleans because it is tied to a cause and effect issue with our government. BP and others did a study on it. Also New Orleans is Sin City of the Louisiana state. Kill two birds with one stone.

    • Rod here,
      We have all seen the Charlton Heston movie “The Ten Commandments” so I’m sure we are on the same page here. I remember the scene when Moses comes down from the mountain with the two tablets and his people have built a golden calf to worship in his absence. He throws down the tablets and the earth opens up and swallows only the sinners. Kind of like a meteor shower of brimstone that targets only a few cities, eh?

      Exod 32:15 And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand: the tables were written on both their sides; on the one side and on the other were they written.

      Exo 32:19 And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses’ anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount.
      Exo 32:20 And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it.

      Exo 32:26 Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
      Exo 32:27 And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.
      Exo 32:28 And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.

      Rodney, how do you get an earthquake out of 3000 men being killed by the sword?

      Sorry Dude, but there was no quake (Earthquake) that day. However, the golden calf ties to these words: destroy; wrath of God; judgment; Tarus, Saturn, Moloch, Ra, Sun worship, bull worship, Marduk and sword. However it was not the wrath of God that destroyed them but it was the wrath of Moses that killed them by the sword. And this story ties to Revelation 17 which has the woman riding the beast which is tied to the NWO and One World Religion and it (Babylon the Great) will be destroyed by Nuclear War and Babylon the Great at the 7th Bowl Judgment will be under water and no more. This story also ties back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel under the name Marduk. Marduk is also just one of the many names for Nibiru. Sword ties to Armageddon.
      This story also ties to the Day of Pentecost in Acts Chapter 2 where 3000 people were saved or became believers.

  206. a golden calf. The issue here is still ongoing and history repeats itself. Later on, the golden calf became a figure in Baal worship with a golden animal with horns and a Red Sun between the horns (Roman Catholic Idol Worship) and we even see it in other locations of today.
    Thanks Rodney for a great study idea. Breaking Israel, here I come. What happened with the story of the golden calf and how does it tie to the New World Order. History 101 at its best.

    The Sea opened up in the Gulf of Aquaba on the 40th Day in the wilderness. The caravan of 3 million travelled 5.6 miles daily across the desert of Sin to a wadi (Arroyo) and then down it to the Gulf of Aquaba. Look on the right side of the two horn seas and go up 3 quarters of the way up from the straits and you see a white half moon shaped area on your left. There is a natural underground land bridge through the sea there and there are the remains of the carriages in the land bridge.
    They then went across the Wilderness of Sinai (Ex 14:2) through canyons of wadi’s.

    This year of 2016, the 40 days and nights of Moses coming off the mountain ends on July 28 so don’t be surprised if something happens in Israel on that day and is tied to a Heavenly sign. For me, I would not be surprised if it is tied to the golden calf and an earthquake in the Middle East. The nasty easterly winds hould be present by then and also weird weather anomalies should be present.
    I am not going to do the Stellarium study until then. The location of the planets in the constellations is a part of the story and has a lot of Biblical references.
    If July 28 is tied to a Sabbath, then there are those readings as well.

    40 pages, here I come. I should have the completed story if there is one done by two weeks later. Most of my information will come from the writers on or even BP.

    • The Golden Calf is associated with Nibiru under the name Marduk and we even see it in Astronomy as Tarus the Bull. In Baal worship it became the worship of the Bull. It is the incarnation of the Sun god “Ra”. The horns of the bull were the familiar emblem of the rays of the sun (Red Star). The sun was revered as the “valiant bull” and the reigning Pharaoh as “Bull of Bulls.”
      The Babylonians revered the bull as the symbol of their greatest gods, Ann and Sin and Marduk.

      The many names of ‘The Destroyer’
      The star has been given many names during its course through the history of mankind.
      Lucifer, Satan, The Dragon, The Great Snake, The Destroyer, The Serpent, The Devil, Marduk, Nibiru, Shiva, Hercolubus, Wormwood, The Dark Star, The Death Star, The Red Star, The Red Planet, Barnard Star; Raja Sun, King Star, Tyche, The Planet of the Crossing, The Winged Disk, The Tenth Planet, The Dark Twin, Black Star, Freightener, flaming sword ?, Comet Elenin (NASA), *P-7X {Astronomer John Anderson, Science Digest, November 1982} *Planet X (NASA Astronomer Robert S. Harrington–Planet X as the Tenth Planet–1993}, Tyche, Nemesis, 2nd Sun. The Blue Star, Blue Kachina, Fiery Red Dragon of Old, Chinese Guest Star 1054 AD, Death Angel that passed-over Egypt, the Terrible Comet, XKBO; Messianic Star; Leviathan; Sakkloth; .Denebola–brings misfortune and disgrace.

      Hadadrimmon, an important Amorite deity, whose attributes remarkably resemble those of Yahweh (see Ward, AJSL, XXV, 175-85; Clay, Amurru (1909), 87-89), is pictured standing on the back of a bull.

      In Babylonia the goddess Ishtar has the cow for her symbol on very ancient seal cylinders, and when this nude or half-nude goddess appears in Palestine she often stands on a bull or cow.

      Rev 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
      Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
      Rev 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

      Do we not see the Roman Catholic church as this symbol and its death.

      (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) 2016.

      The Lord Jesus Christ and His saints return to the earth and defeat the antichrist and his armies at Armageddon with 100-pound hailstones. Great earthquake, every island and mountain destroyed, America the Babylon sinks under the ocean. (Rev 16:17-21, Rev 18:21, Jer 51:42) 2017 September 30th.

      • those copy and paste are not related to a real planet named nibiru… proof

        • Oh yes they are and for me it is just a story. I will be searching out the Sumerian story of Marduk and the background research material will be around 100 to 200 pages and about 25 to 50 links.
          The title will be dependent upon how much material I find and you have the basics present.

          The basics is the worship of the Sun god Ra, Marduk, Rev. 17. Woman sitting on the Bull which is a statue outside of the European Union headquarters. Religious Babylon and its destruction. There are 30 pages combined just from the commentary on my CD on the book of Revelation already. Astrology and Astronomy (Tarus the Bull).

          2 articles will be posted to Nibiru and Isaiah 24. One may be titled “The Tie between the Golden Calf of the Exodus and Nibiru”.
          and the other one is: The Golden Calf Trilogy and How it Ties to 2016″.

          At least it gets me to study the Bible in a different way and my readers will be seeing the Bible in a different way.

          Since you say this is not tied to Nibiru and the Second Coming, then by all means destroy everything you know or understand about Nibiru.

          Your article on El Shaddai is the basis of this study because you said, “We need to look at El Shaddai in a different way”. Therefore, we need to look at the Golden Calf theme in a different way.

          • By the way, Hosea has a lot to say about this issue. The Jewish Messianic Church goes over the story of the Golden Calf every year but they have never tied it to Baal worship, bull worship, Sun Worship, or even the Book of Revelation in Chapter 17.
            I on the other hand see the connective dots when I read an article on E-Sword under Isbe commentary.
            So what you have in the second commentary notes above is enough for me to go on. After I combine all the commentary notes then I proceed from there into Astrology and then Astronomy and then into the location of the planets on July 28, 2016. In the meantime, I will be looking at pictures where the woman is sitting on the Bull in today’s society and even an article or 2 from Breaking Israel on the Golden Calf and at

            I end the article with the destruction of Babylon the Great and Religious Babylon.

            Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
            Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
            The Beginning is the Golden Calf and the End is the destruction of Babylon the Great and Religious Babylon.

        • Nimrod is imbedded into Catholicism.
          Nimrod: firm, a descendant of Cush, the son of Ham. He was the first who claimed to be a “mighty one in the earth.” Babel was the beginning of his kingdom, which he gradually enlarged (Gen. 10:8-10). The “land of Nimrod” (Micah 5:6) is a designation of Assyria or of Shinar, which is a part of it.
          Nimrod is represented as the establisher of Babylon (Gen 8-12), which is invariably outlined in Scripture both in type and prophecy as a religiously and morally evil system (Isa 21:9; Jer 50:24; 51:64; Rev 16:19; 17:5; 18:2-3).
          Ninmrod’s name “no doubt suggested to the Israelites the idea of ‘rebel’ … against God”. The name Nimrod in the divine account is definitely meant to suggest the concept of rebellion as descriptive of the character of this first world empire—builder, despite the fact that the original name in Hamitic speech did not have this meaning.

          • [Satanist. Semiramis is Statue of Liberty. Semiramis/Cybele, wife of Nimrod and Queen of Babylon. Symbols associated with him are the Fish head, Sun, Obelisk, Pine cone, WiNimrod, who was born on December 25th, the High Sabbath of Babylon, was the founder of Babylon and the city of Nineveh. In the history of mankind, Nimrod stands unequalled for his symbolism of evil and Satanic practices. He is credited for having founded Freemasonry and for building the legendary Tower of Babel, in defiance of God’s will. In talmudic literature, he is noted as “he who made all the people rebel against God.” Pes. 94b. The legend of the Midrash recounts that when Nimrod was informed of Abraham’s birth, he ordered all the male children killed, to be certain of eliminating him. Abraham was hidden in a cave, but in latter life he was discovered by Nimrod, who then ordered him to worship fire. Abraham refused and was thrown into the fire.
            The legendary symbol for Nimrod is “X.” The use of this symbol always denotes witchcraft. When “X” is used as a shortened form meaning Christmas, it actually means “to celebrate the feast of Nimrod.” A double X, which has always meant to double-cross or betray, in its fundamental meaning indicates one’s betrayal into the hands of Satan. When American corporations use the “X” in their logo, such as “Exxon,” the historic Rockefeller firm of Standard Oil of New Jersey, there can be little doubt of this hidden meaning.
            The importance of Nimrod in any study of the occult cannot be over-emphasized. Because of the powers given him by the clothing of Adam and Eve, Nimrod became the first man to rule the whole world. He indulged that power by launching excesses and horrors which have never been equalled. Ever since the time of Nimrod, Babylon has been the symbol of depravity and lust. Nimrod also introduced the practice of genocide to the world. His grandfather, Ham, having consorted with other races, and brought children of mixed race into the world, was persuaded by his consort, the evil Naamah, to practice ritual murder and cannibalism. She informed Ham that by killing and eating fair-skinned people, his descendants could regain their superior qualities. Throughout the ensuing centuries, the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, Noah’s oldest son, have ritually been slaughtered by the darker descendants of Ham and Nimrod, in the world’s most persistent campaign of racial and religious persecution. Not only did Nimrod kill and eat the fair-skinned descendants of Shem, in his fury and hatred he often burned them alive. The type of human sacrifice involving the eating of the slaughtered human victims derived its name from the combined names of his uncle, Canaan, and the demon god Baal, the two names being combined to form the word “cannibal.” Nimrod was also known in ancient history by the names of Marduk, Bel, and Merodach. Because of his importance in its history, Babylon was known as the Land of Nimrod. Nimrod is also cited in the most ancient Masonic constitutions as the founder of Freemasonry.

  207. To John, from above who said:
    Ian, Listen to Gill Broussard’s talk on the Chinese Guest Star of 1054. Until then, I have nothing more to say to you on this subject of Nibiru.
    Jardalkal said this on July 22, 2016 at 5:01 am
    We’ve been dealing with Broussard for many years now. He too pulls verses out of the bible and claims they refer to Nibiru and he has been giving out false reports on its location for many years and always says its appearance is “imminenet” but fails to produce marthematical orbital information that would allow all astronomers to find it and track it from all over the globe. WE ARE ENTIRELY READY TO DO SO BUT NO ONE CAN PRODUCE THE REAL ORBIT OF ANY OBJECT THAT DOESN‘T BELONG TO OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.
    So you will forgive me if I don’t bother watching any more YouTube videos by Gil Broussard. Franky I’m fed up with that charlatain. He gives astronomy a bad name. He gives all of science a bad name. I wouldn’t believe him if he gave me the time of day. The fact that you give him any credibility at all doesn’t surprise me at this point. You are like two peas in a pod. He seems to be your mentor.
    Well, let’s see how many more years he can keep saying that the appearance of Nibiru is “imminent.” Already most of his old followers are abandoning him. You can only fool people for so long before they catch on. Some study the true science while others simply give up on him. But it sounds like you have decided to ride his sinking ship all the way to the bottom. So be it. But I’m here to warn those listening who may still have a bit of common sense left not to hitch their wagons to the Broussard horse.
    I gave you the facts of the supernova of 1054. You can see the crab nebula for yourself in a small telescope. Broussard is a liar and a fake. He turns facts into fantasies.
    Why do you insist on believing in those fantasies?

    • Rodney,

      Earthquake and Volcano Question.
      Mount Tambora Volcano, Phillipines. Where can I find the information on the 1967 earth quake for Day and Month.

      Here is what I have so far. Notice the Patterns.

      Year without a summer.

      1815 Earthquake
      3 Aug 2016 (Year of Jubilee)
      From TomLupshu
      On July 31st there was a 5.8 magnitude Earthquake seven miles away from the Mount Tambora. The Stratovolcano known as Mount Tambora is still active. Its most recent eruption was in 1967. The volcano looms over the Java Sea from the northern shore of the island of Sumbawa, which lies towards the eastern end of the former Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia. Every now and again Mount Tambora erupts. Its 1815 explosion was possibly the most destructive ever recorded. The last eruption at Tambora caused serious consequences for climate and the fertility of the land over much of the world, as global temperatures dropped causing what is widely known as The Year Without A Summer.

      Stay At The Ready…

      201 years ago.
      The dust from Mount Tambora, which had erupted in early April 1815, had shrouded the globe. And with sunlight blocked, 1816 did not have a normal summer.
      On April 5, 1815, the volcano began to erupt. British traders and explorers in that part of the world heard the sound and at first thought it to be the firing of cannon. There was a fear that a battle of at sea was being fought nearby. Month 1, Day 4
      On the evening of April 10, 1815, the eruptions intensified. And a massive major eruption began to blow the volcano apart. Viewed from a settlement about 15 miles to the east, it seemed that three columns of flames shot into the sky. Rosh Chodesh 2, Day 4.
      In 1812, Mount Tambora entered a period of high activity, with its climactic eruption being the catastrophic explosive event of April 1815.[19]
      Mount Tambora is still active. Minor lava domes and flows have been extruded on the caldera floor during the 19th and 20th centuries.[3] The last eruption was recorded in 1967 (Jubilee Year).[19] However, it was a very small, non-explosive eruption (VEI = 0).

      Notice the patterns. April 5, 1815 Month 1 Day 4
      April 10, 1815 Month 2 Day 4 (First Sliver of the New Moon)

      Pattern 2 (1967– Biblically a prophetic year as the year of Jubilee)
      2016 Year of Jubilee.
      2017 Year without a Summer??
      John Ashcraft

  208. John,
    As far as the 1967 eruptions (all relatively small) of Tambora your Google is as good as mine. Since eruptions there are fairly commonplace the events were not necessarily that newsworthy, especially considering all the other volcanoes around the world coming and going every year.
    As far as your theory of a 2017 repeat of the 1815 event, I don’t believe such an event is likely in such a short time frame. Usually large events give us plenty of warning like in the three years prior to the 1815 eruption.
    We do know that there is a 30% likelihood of another large eruption in this century which means a 70% chance that nothing big will happen.
    One thing is for certain, you will never convince the scientific community that a large eruption is imminent due to the timing of previous events. And especially not from biblical years or bible prophecies. If the bible was in the habit of precise predictions of geological events scientists would have been using it as a reference manual for thousands of years. And while I know the bible predicts several earthquakes in the Apocalypse there are no specific dates or places, so really, anyone can predict there will be earthquakes between now and the second coming and everyone would be right, but it wouldn’t make them gods.
    All I can say, when it comes to geology anything can happen, its just a matter of the odds. So tell us, did your predicted local earthquake ever happen to your satisfaction?

    • rod

      there are 5 earthquakes predicted in Revelation/Apocalypse….2 happen in Israel

      Revelation and the 5 Earthquakes

    • Not yet. The possible timeframe for the one in Albuquerque looks promising for September 15th to October 15th timeframe this year. The possible timeslot for water coming out of the ground is 10 AM-4 PM.
      Here are the reasons for this timeframe this year.
      1) Day of Atonement before the Flood, there was a global earthquake.
      2) Jesus was born on the Day of Atonement and baptized on the Day of Atonement and there are starry events on these days as well.
      3) Many dates to the past occurred on the month of Tishrei (September 15th to October 15) such as Miracle of the Sun in 1917 on October 13th–Fatima 1-3 prophecy.
      4) Bible Codes suggest September 23-24 for an event with Nibiru.
      5) A Jewish person at Breaking Israel News article on Nibiru suggested September 28th for a Nibiru event.
      The 24th is a Sabbath and the 28th is a 4th Day event and I have already logged over a dozen 4th day events since creation that has already occurred. These events are posted at: Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( Cogwriter says everything there is a bunch of lies because his timeframe is 2024 to 2036 so he says he is right and all other person’s ideas are wrong. So one is right and 10, 000 rights are all wrong. I go with the odds that 10,000 are right and he is wrong.
      Personally, I prefer patterns to pointing out right from wrong. This is about as close to Science that I will get.
      The more you and I write, the more my thoughts are sharpened.

      Even your contradiction gives me hope.

      You said: One thing is for certain, you will never convince the scientific community that a large eruption is imminent due to the timing of previous events.
      You said: Usually large events give us plenty of warning like in the three years prior to the 1815 eruption.
      Leviticus 23 Feast Dates article titled: Feast Dates and Second Coming Part 2 and the other aricles say that I am right.
      1996/97 1 event. 2010 1 event. 2011 1 event. 2013 2 events. 2014 4-5 events. 2015 9 events. 2016 12+ events. The one with 1815 is number 14 so far.
      Fireball events were in the hundreds per year in 2005. By 2011 there were over 1,500; around 2,000 in 2012; around 3,500 in 2013, rising to nearly 8,000 in 2014 with over 9,000 being reported in 2015.
      Mass Animal Deaths are showing the same patterns as well.
      Nibiru Seen In South Sky, Extreme Weather Changes, Earth Tilt At 47%, Gulf Stream Stopped Creating Superstorms, World Volcanoes Under “Extreme Pressure”, Gamma Radiation Heating Earth, San Andreas Fault Weak, Magnetosphere Almost Non-Existent, Global Abundance Ahead, 155 Days Power Matrix Goes Down (December 1??)
      None of the above connective dots Is Not Found In Mainstream Media.

      • Also, my God dreams since 1967 that have been fulfilled have shown a major increase in fulfillment is showing the same pattern. Since 2014, I have had over 30 God dreams fulfilled. Prior to that 1, 1, 1, 1.1,1,1,1,1, then 5, then 10, then 20. The one I am presently in which began in 2015 is on top of the earthquake one and they are occurring at the same time.
        Patterns are so much fun to watch.
        As for the power mtrix going down Dec. 1 is very promising. Russia is planning to attack America with nuclear war right after the supposed November election date (The election is already cancelled).
        Dan 11 King of the North attacks King of the South. In Revelation, we have a nuclear war against Babylon the Great.
        Obama says prepare now for any emergency and have a go-pack put together.
        Fema Camps are online right now. Fema Civil Corps have been activated.
        Stress and Tentions are high right now for nuclear war against Russia (Utopia articles 4 on Nuclear War with Russia).
        ISIS kill list suggest dirty bombs in major cities in the USA will be used soon.

      • John,
        Ian here,
        I don’t know where you are getting your information but very little of it is factual.
        The fireball statistics have been increasing recently because NASA and other organizations have been installing meteor cameras across the country which are recording many more fireballs especially in winter months when few people are outside in the middle of the night to see these events. The asteroid belt is not coming to get us. There are the same number of possible objects floating around earth’s orbit and every year we run into a certain amount of these items.
        As for the earth’s tilt now being 47 degrees, that is ludicrous. That would change where the sun rises and sets plus the seasons and time of sunrise and sunset and would screw up every telescope on earth. In other words it would have been immediately noticed by everyone on earth other than cave dwellers.
        It is obvious you never check the validity of your sources and in theses days of the internet gone crazy with fake stories and conspiracy theories it is easy to land on sites that have false information. In most cases the sites are completely non-scientific, making up all sorts of impossible scenarios. These are generally obvious to anyone who remembers their high school science classes. But to those who slept thru science class, these sites can fool them big time. Use a few fancy words and you’ve got them hooked. It is obvious you’ve been hooked big time most likely because these sites seem to fit your biblical agenda.
        You have clearly outlined several events you expect to happen this year. I’m not sure how accurate any of your past predictions have been so I must reserve judgement until later in the year.
        I can still say for sure that no astronomer has seen any sign of Nibiru so don’t expect it this year or next. If you were smart you wouldn’t expect it ever, but it seems you are too invested in it to ever surrender to the truth.
        And again, I can’t comment on the biblical and political events you suggest but I will make a note of them and give you credit for the prediction if they ever do come true.
        Fair enough?

        • The native tribes or cave dwellers up near the North pole who do not rely on electricity who hunt seals for food and eat fish and polar bears are the ones who have noticed because the stars are not in the right places and their summer hunting season is one to two months longer now than 15 years ago.
          If the asteroid belt is not coming to get us, then why did NASA make a new division and making equipment to destroy asteroids?

          Why We Renumber Runways When the Earth’s Magnetic Field Shifts


          Why We Renumber Runways When the … have also had to renumber their runways. … the latest major airport to change its runway signs and repaint its …

          Earth’s Magnetic Field Shifts, Forcing Airport Runway Change


          The magnetic north pole is currently hovering over the North Sea and moving toward Siberia. This means two Florida airports are renumbering their runways.

          Shifting magnetic north pole causes YVR to renumber runway


          Vancouver Airport Authority recently renumbered its crosswind runway from 12-30 to 13-31 to align itself with the shifting magnetic north pole.

          Polar shift shuts down airport runway in Tampa | Network World

          Polar shift shuts down airport runway in … Tampa International Airport was forced to readjust its runways Thursday to account for the … (renumbering runways) …

          Calgary airport to renumber runways due to shift in …


          Calgary International Airport plans to renumber its runways this year due to a change in the Earth’s magnetic field. “The runway renumbering is a regulatory …

          Tampa airport runways renumbered due to magnetic north …

          Tampa airport runways renumbered due to magnetic north … Stansted airport officials said they would have to renumber the runway again — in another 56 years or …

          How Changes in Magnetic North Are Impacting Airports …

          How Changes in Magnetic North Are Impacting Airports. March 14, 2011. When Tampa International Airport (TPA) shut down its primary runway in early January to repaint …

        • More on the degree shifting.

          Jeannie Long 5 months ago (edited)

          I’ve noticed the same thing and I am in North Queensland, Australia. I’ve been telling my friends and family for awhile now that the sun and moon are in the wrong positions. In my city we have mountains positioned to the north, east, south and west that usually shows where the sun moves, but lately, even in the solstices and equinoxes, it has shifted from it’s normal path.

          Huge Media Blackout Regarding Earth and Moon Orbital Changes?

          One can watch the moon rise low in the south east and set in the … The Sun has been in the wrong place for the last 2 years that I’ve/We …

          How Much More Proof Do You Need – The sun Is Setting in …

          How Much More Proof Do You Need – The sun Is Setting in the Wrong Place! … Inuit People on Sun Wrong ,Stars … Something Wrong With The Sun Moon & Earth …

          What is the Moon doing? – Astronomy Group

          What is the Moon doing? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * … So the Moon rises as the Sun is setting; … The Moon is in the …

          Sun not rising and setting in the same place as a few …

          Sun not rising and setting in the same place as a few years ago … Has Pole Shift Caused the Sun to Rise in the Wrong Place … Why does the sun set in …

          • I have noticed this a little myself….I walk my dogs every day and night and look up.

            sometimes it seems the moon comes up where the sun does, and other times, it appears in the south, but never the west or north

          • Margaret Pfeiffer

            I have been watching the sun rise & set for the past 5 year’s now. This year is strange to me. It has already started to set in area I call Fall…..
            The past 4 year’s the sun set further to the northwest. Now it has changed it’s pattern. It’s falling back. Not right. Weather pattern is totally messed up here & watching the animal’s & bug’s – something isn’t right!! Thank you for listening to me.

  209. John and Marianne,
    Ian here.
    Let me say right off the bat that the tilt of the earth is still at 23-1.2 degrees. It has not shifted in the last 5 years or for the last 5 million years.
    As for your perceptions of the sun / moon seeming to change positions, well they do. In the Northern Hemisphere in the summer, the sun sets farther and farther northwest in the spring until it reaches its northernmost point, the Tropic of Cancer at 23-1/2 degrees North Latitude on the Summer Solstice. In winter it sets in the southwest reaching the Tropic of Capricorn on the winter solstice around Dec 22nd. On the spring and fall equinoxes the sun sets due west everywhere on earth.
    These events are easy to observe and easy to detect any changes in. I happened to photograph the sunset at the solstice this summer and it was definitely in the correct place. Now the sunset is moving northward a little every day and will continue to move north until Dec 22nd. So if a person were to notice these changes without understanding that they are normal or without being able to properly calculate their accuracy it is possible that some people could go outside one day and notice a change from the last time they looked and not understand that the movements are normal and within normal range.
    The same can be said for the moon, even more since it moves quite a bit every day. The moon rises and sets almost an hour later every day and like the sun it changes its rise/set location over the year except it is in the south when the sun is in the north and vice-versa.
    So to the uninformed it can seem that the sun and moon are all over the place in the course of a year but unless you have the instruments and the mathematical knowledge to use them you can never tell if the changes are out of normal bounds or not.
    But we do understand and we use those measurements all the time. If the earth changed its tilt we would have to go out to our telescopes and realign the main axis to match the new tilt or else we would never be able to find any dim objects using the setting circles on the scope. We and every observatory on earth would be lost. But we aren’t and that’s how we know all is normal with the earths tilt.
    In addition, if the earth changed its tilt, all orbiting satellites would be out of alignment as they are in frictionless space and would not turn with the planet. Therefore we would lose all communications / internet worldwide and the GPS systems would be sending everyone to the wrong places. So when you notice those things happening, then you have a case, but until then the observations of one lady in the Australian outback does not hold any weight.
    And finally, in order for the earth to change its tilt it must be acted upon by some force or forces that would cause it to tilt. No such forces exist. And it would take an extreme PHYSICAL force to do so such as an impact from an object the size of the moon or larger. It can’t be done from forces within the earth such as plate tectonics or geomagnetic forces. Mathematically there is no other way for our tilt to change.
    So not only hasn’t it happened there is no way for it to happen without killing everyone on the planet. So please don’t try to assault me with more testimonials that claim the earth’s axis has changed its tilt. It just ain’t gonna happen.

    • Thanks for the information. Also where that came from, somebody suggested that we will have an early fall set in.
      The one that bothers me though is the Artic natives saying that they are having longer hunting seasons and the stars are out of place. That tells me more that something is not right with the globe.

      Change of thought. From My Daily Informer comes a new twist for 1/3rd of the earth burning (All of North and South America as some preach).

      Many are familiar with the prophetic event within Revelation that describes 1/3 of the Earth being burnt up along with 1/3 of the trees and grass (Revelation 8:7). John’s wording is compact and precise and tells us exactly what he’s seeing. Based on the wording of the text, many theologians and astrophysicists claim that what is being described could be the occurrence of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun hitting the Earth!

      The surface of the sun consists of dense, super-heated Plasma. Think of the sun as a ball of liquid FIRE – burning at around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and not as having a surface that is on fire – but is literally fire through and through (i.e. like a lake of fire and not a lake on fire). CMEs are always being emitted from the sun, but should a large one on an unprecedented scale directly strike the Earth; this dense superheated plasma would push away part of the Earth’s atmosphere. This would expose the stratosphere to the -150 degrees Fahrenheit temperature of space which would instantly crystalize all the moisture within the stratosphere. As the CME pressure wave continues to push through the atmosphere, it would compress the ice crystals into hail balls. This is exactly what is being described within the text of Revelation. John described that before 1/3 of the Earth was burnt up, “there came hail and fire”; seemingly contradicting states of matter. As the CME continues into the tratosphere, it would then vaporize all planes, birds and flying insects which also complies with the next description from John that the coming of hail and fire was “mixed with blood”. The CME would then continue to the surface of the Earth where John clearly described that this hail, fire and blood is then, “cast upon the earth” – burning up 1/3 of the trees and grass! As you can see, John’s description is specific and intended to be in chronological order; describing exactly what one would expect if an unprecedented CME did indeed strike the Earth.

      Some may believe this is nothing more than theory or speculation of what events could occur within the end times, but the reality is that various governments from around the world have realized this approaching Biblical event is entirely real, and they are already preparing for it.

  210. Sorry John but your fire and ice theory doesn’t hold water. They made a movie a couple of years ago about your ice crystal theory – I didn’t buy it then and it still stinks of amateur SyFy writing.
    The idea that the CME is like a curtain of fire is completely wrong. You’re talking about individual atom or parts of atoms travelling thru 100 million miles of frigid cold space before they reach the earth. They have little heat, only kinetic energy. When they bang into our atmosphere their energy of motion is imparted into molecules which absorb the kinetic energy and re-release it as either heat or light (like the Northern Lights). In doing this these particles are stopped (losing their momentum) and have no further effect. They do not continue to rain down upon the earth, and even if they did reach the surface they wouldn’t have enough heat to start forest fires.
    Remember that just to set paper on fire you need a temperature of 451 degrees F (Remember the movie Fahrenheit 451?) so to set green leaves or grass on fire the temperature would have to be even higher.
    So if your theory of hot particles raining down on the earth were true, all life, not just trees would be completely burnt up. I don’t know if the bible indicates that the people would be burned along with the trees but if it does then the event would have to be a miracle from God and not some random act of nature.
    At most a solar flare would have an effect similar to sunburn. You can get sunburn even on a cool day, the cause of the burn is not due to physical heat striking the skin. If that were true then you should get sunburned in a sauna just as easily.
    So once again, if you believe the bible you must believe that God is able to cause the events he predicted. Science on its own just won’t hack it.

    • bible regarding heat

      But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. 2 peter 3:10


      Isaiah 24:19
      The earth is broken asunder, The earth is split through, The earth is shaken violently.

      Isaiah 34:4
      And all the host of heaven will wear away, And the sky will be rolled up like a scroll; All their hosts will also wither away As a leaf withers from the vine, Or as one withers from the fig tree.

      Isaiah 51:6
      “Lift up your eyes to the sky, Then look to the earth beneath; For the sky will vanish like smoke, And the earth will wear out like a garment And its inhabitants will die in like manner; But My salvation will be forever, And My righteousness will not wane.

      Micah 1:4
      The mountains will melt under Him And the valleys will be split, Like wax before the fire, Like water poured down a steep place.

    • Ian, I agree with you that there will be a Meteorite storm that takes down 1/3rd of the earth which some say will be all of North and South America just like it happened with Sodom and Gomorrah when 5 plain cities were taken out with 250,000 inhabitants in each city.
      I also agree that the CME could not do it so my only suggestion would have to be a binary system coming in that would have to do it.
      In one of the comments from a You-tube, one of the commentators said that the system came through every 275 to 315 years. That agrees with my finding at Nibiru and Isaiah 24 (
      I also agree that this will be an act of God through the use of a binary system.
      It is interesting that NASA took offline all ISS feeds permanently. They know it is coming in.
      Bible Codes predict Sept. 23 and 24 for a showing. Others predict September 28th for a showing of Nibiru so only time will tell.
      As for my dates study, the Sabbath is a hit on the 24th and it is the 4th Sabbath of the month. There have been a few Biblical events in this time frame (about 12 in all). The 28th is on a Wednesday (4th Day) so both are now watch dates for me because the number 4 has been done about 12-16 times back in Biblical history. These are recorded at Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming (

      On a comical thought. Fire and Ice makes water and I like to drink water that is room temperature but mine has to be colored.

  211. Lev_26:31 And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours.
    Lev_26:33 And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.

    1Ch_17:9 Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell in their place, and shall be moved no more; neither shall the children of wickedness waste them any more, as at the beginning, (The rapture of Believers on October 3rd, 2016??)

    Isa_24:1 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
    Isa_64:11 Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire: and all our pleasant things are laid waste.
    Jer_2:15 The young lions roared upon him, and yelled, and they made his land waste: his cities are burned without inhabitant.

    Day of the Lord (October 13th, 2016 to September 30th, 2017) or September 23rd, 2017 to October 2018.

    Isa_37:26 Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it; and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous heaps.
    Isa_42:15 I will make waste mountains and hills, and dry up all their herbs; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools.
    Isa 42:15 is already occurring across the globe in various places. Also the butchering government HAARP program is also helping out the cause.

    Isa_51:3 For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.
    Isa_52:9 Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the LORD hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.
    Isa_58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
    Isa_61:4 And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.
    Messianic Kingdom passages. Year October 5th, 2017 and for the next 1000 years.

    Jer_4:7 The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.
    Now this verse can be thought of by two ways on the destroyer.
    1) The Antichrist (Obama) will do the destruction by way of nukes and Islamics.
    2) The Destroyer/El Shaddai (destroy)/Nibiru/Planet X/Binary Star System just like what happened with Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Jer_49:13 For I have sworn by myself, saith the LORD, that Bozrah shall become a desolation, a reproach, a waste, and a curse; and all the cities thereof shall be perpetual wastes.
    Jer_50:21 Go up against the land of Merathaim, even against it, and against the inhabitants of Pekod: waste and utterly destroy after them, saith the LORD, and do according to all that I have commanded thee.

  212. Most of the bible verses you quoted seem to refer to non-natural events. Look as you might but you won’t find scientific causes for those events.
    Johns inference that a star, a binary partner to the sun, will come near the earth and cause the scorched earth events you’ve listed. But according to the according to the theory (that I’m familiar with) this other star is a brown dwarf which is a very large planet that never quite turned into a star because it just wasn’t quite big enough for thermonuclear fusion to occur.
    So even if such an object existed (it doesn’t) it would be too cool to set the world on fire or do whatever your bible verses seem to indicate.
    So if you believe that these bible verses will actually happen then you are going to need God to break the laws of physics in order to get the job done. Throwing planets at the earth won’t do what the bible says, so if God thinks he can accomplish his goals with Nibiru or a brown dwarf star then he is as foolish as the internet “scientists” that are making up all the nonsense you’ve been posting here.

    • Ian

      thank you for your patience.

      bible verses are independent from scientific data, which is also independent of individual observations.

      this extra planet theory has been revived as people recently have claimed they see something in the sky

      the brown dwarf analysis is true…it itself would not cause fires…but the theory is that it will still have great electromagnetic pull on the earth if it passed by, as well as on the sun, causing solar flares to some degree. the fires would come from things being disrupted on earth…. possibly.. or if the earth would be pulled closer to the sun, then things on earth would be hotter.

      personally, I think a nuclear war would cause the fires.

      • Hi Marianne,
        Rod here.
        I would like to address on point you just brought up.
        We have seen many internet reports about an object with a strong electromagnetic field that would be able to pull the earth aout of its orbit or start fires and other sorts of destruction on the earth.
        The problem with this theory is that it doesn’t work. Magnetism is far to weak a force to do much at all. Ever start a fire with a magnet? We have magnets all over the earth. We even put people into MRI machines and bombard them with magnetism. Ever hear of a patient catching fire?
        Remember that magnetic force drops off at the square of the distance between two objects. Jus play with a home magnet and see how close you need to get to something to pick it up and how quickly the attraction drops off as you get farther away.
        Now consider that the earth is a giant magnet 7000 miles across. Yet, we at the surface, as close as we can get to the magnetic forces, it can barely move the needle in a compass, and then only if it is carefully balanced on a pin to reduce friction. Have you ever had a personal magnet align with the north pole when you set it down?
        So even if you had a big planet with a big magnetic field, if it passed a few million miles from the earth, how strong do you thing the effect would be here on earth? Well, lets say its field were 10 times the strength of the earth. (That would be a giant planet in order to have an iron core). So we have ten times the strength but instead of us being a few miles above the source of the magnetism, we would be say, 5 million miles away. The math tells us that if we were to get 3 times from the earths surface (where jets fly) would reduce the magnetic field by 3 x 3 or to one ninth its surface strength. The math shows us that if we were to go say 100 miles from the surface of the giant planet, its magnetic strength would drop by a factor of 100 x 100 or to one ten-thousandth of its original value (of 10x the earth)
        So, the magnetic strength 100 miles from the planet would be 10 x 1/10,000 or 1/1000th of the earths field strength.
        So if you follow me, even if a giant planet passed only 100 miles from the surface of the earth its effect would only be 1/1000th that of the normal magnetic force on earth, so even tiny compass needles would not be affected.
        The bottom line is that a planet passing a million miles from earth, even with some ginormous unbeleivably huge magnetic field wouldn’t be able to move a compass needle on earth, let alone set fire to the planet. No planet could possibly exist that could effect the earth in a pass-by.
        So the next time you read a report that claims the earth will be devastated by a nearby magnetic field, just stop reading because it will all be a lie by someone who hopes you are uninformed enough to actually believe them.
        Now you know better. But check my facts if you want. I hope you will.

        • rodney

          thank you. what about the gravitational pull of a larger object on a smaller one?

          • Yes, gravity is far more powerful than magnetism. A passing object, if it is large enough, could tug on the earth enough to alter its orbit. The moon does this all the time. If you were to plot the exact orbital path of the earth around the sun you would see that it is not a smooth ellipse but and ellipse made of a squiggly line as the earth is pulled one way then the other by the moon. It is a small amount but measurable.
            The passing object would have to be very large and get very close to make a noticeable change in our orbit. Johns suggestion that we will be pulled into an orbit around that of Venus is far fetched. But it is possible, if a large object came very close at just the right angle our orbit might be changed in one direction or the other perhaps as much as a million miles. But even that is only a one percent change and probably wouldn’t be noticed by most humans or animals.
            But gravity won’t start fires, set off volcanoes or any of the other drastic events many people think will happen.

            • i go by what people say they have seen, as well as any science.

              personally, I have not seen what others say they have seen

              as I biochemist, I look at microscopic things, not huge objects…so I do not have the right equipment to evaluate this

              I cannot depend on the government for information, as it as too many secrets

              I have been told that this planet/system/ dwarf star “thing” is approaching from the southern hemisphere and is between the earth and the sun now.

              are you able to look toward the hemisphere and pick up anything?

            • this is what people have photographed

              what do you make of it?

              • Marianne,
                Believe me, if there were a star / planetary system between the earth and the sun we would have seen it years ago. It would have already pulled the earth out of its orbit slightly and every astronomer would know it because their scopes would all be out of alignment.
                We have skywatchers in Australia and South Africa that would have seen anything coming our way a long time ago. Nothing gets by them. After all, if they can discover an asteroid a mile across, how could they miss a planet 30,000 miles across and a star ten times bigger than that?
                As for the photos you posted, it is clear none are planets or brown dwarf stars. They are clearly nebulae, illuminated by the star that created them through supernova events. They form a shell around the central star which is bright enough to turn the gasses into plasma so that they glow, sort of like the northern lights, the color depending on the type of gas.
                These are clearly 4 different objects and they were taken with very large telescopes with long time exposures by major observatories (Mt. Palomar most likely) so they wouldn’t be in the southern skies.
                You made it sound like the “people” who have been taking these photos are the same people who post the internet videos about Nibiru (I doubt that you scrounged the NASA photo archives to find these). So what we have here are photos taken by real astronomers that have been hijacked by people who can’t tell the difference from a planet and a nebula in an attempt to fool people into thing there is something out there that really isn’t. These are real objects but they are many many light years away, and not between the earth and the sun. To tell you the truth, most of these objects are so large if they were centered at the sun their outer fringes would be well beyond Pluto. These internet scammers may think they are being ever so clever in proving that Nibiru exists, but to the average scientist they are only proving how stupid they are and how stupid they believe their readers are.
                As I said, no government controls the discovery or dissemination of astronomical events. They never have. In the past there were Royal Astronomical Societies that announced new discoveries and theories, and many theories were debated for years before they were either proven or rejected. Today all the organizations are connected by the web and theories like Nibiru and Planet X (9) are still discussed by all astronomers around the world. And Nibiru was never seriously considered due primarily to the stupidity of the people promoting the theory. It is so simple to determine if someone knows what they’re talking about. I am often dumbfounded to discover how many people actually fall for their nonsense.
                By the way, we’ve been listening to this same story for over five years now. For five years Nibiru has been “approaching” earth from between us and the sun. We see comets out past Neptune that reach the sun in less than 2 years, so why can’t something so much closer reach us in over 5 years? The answer is, it would have to. You can’t change the
                laws of planetary motion so nothing can stay between the earth and the sun for more than a couple of months. So the math doesn’t work plus no one has actually seen and recorded it.
                I hope you won’t be fooled by such dumb scammers.
                John I’m not so sure about.

                • I can see the bottom 2 being nebula, but the top two look different.

                  I just consider what people say, have no idea if they are correct, but see some things as possible, if not verified yet

                  • The top one is also a gaseous nebula, unusually bright and likely very young. The second I believe is a star that is ejecting gases, perhaps just prior to a supernova. I have seen this item before and it is many light-years from the earth and certainly not a planet within our solar system. I also think this image has been modified for one purpose or another either for astronomical reasons (wavelength filters) or to enhance the image for viewing with the human eye. This image may have been doctored if you found it on a Nibiru site to make the star look more like a planet with wings. This is done all the time now that everyone has Photoshop. The only real proof nowadays is to post the orbital data so that international astronomical associations can view and verify it, but to date, no one has done so.

            • Ian, John does not say that it will be pulled towards Venus for the earth but someone on the internet says it.

              All I do is cut, copy and paste from what others say. If it sounds right to my way of thinking, I cut, copy, and paste it and if it does not then I don’t.
              When it comes to an article or a comment. I copy the whole article or comment and then put the link to where I found it. It may come in handy later on down the road as with the article I am doing on the Second Trumpet Judgment.
              Presently there are several hotspots in the ocean that will be the fulfillment of the Second Trumpet Judgment. There are 3 different views on the Second Trumpet Judgment and Marianne will get the article later this week since she does not have it listed in her files.

    • After receiving information from a very trusted colleague and fellow researcher, I have found a possible cover up that could cause major problems for the survival of humanity and possibly an extinction level event. Please listen to the entire video or you will not fully understand. I can tell and you should also be able to tell when certain agencies try to produce what I call a fluff story. I truly suspect this is what they began preparing for a long time ago. You should not worry or be afraid because if this is true there is not much any of us can do about it. However, The Governments around the world have been preparing for quite some time with Deep Underground Military Bases and let’s not forget the Global Seed Vault In Norway that was sealed up a few years ago. I honestly believe that they have been watching this object since it was discovered and are not telling the public nothing. One thing is for sure! If there is a mile wide asteroid impact event anywhere on this planet it will become like hell on earth and the aftermath with be unimaginable. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Thanks for taking the time to watch and always have a plan to Bug Out in a moments notice. I know a mile wide Asteroid sounds bad but humanity will survive. Some will survive. Thanks for your support! Take Care!
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  213. John,
    I am familiar with Asteroid 1997 X11. It was discovered by a member of the Spacewatch group of astronomers that scan the skies every night for these kinds of objects.
    But what people don’t realize that it was actually observed by four other people starting in 1990 but it wasn’t recognized as the same object at that time.
    Before the additional observations were added to the orbital plot it was thought that the nearest approach to the earth would be 17,000 miles which is very close but still a miss. After the older observations were added in it was determined that the closest it could possibly come to earth is over half a million miles, twice the distance to the moon. Not so close. We get similar misses a couple times a month. These distances are the absolute minimum distances with all of the plus or minuses in all the calculations tweaked to make it come as close as possible
    The author of your YouTube video is known to us. His goal in life seems to be to scare as many people into thinking there will be an unspecified disaster in the “near future” and usually with the intent to sell either videos or survival supplies. His problem as he stated in the beginning of the video is that this scare tactic has been used to death in the last 15 years starting with Y2K, then the 2012 Mayan calendar scheme and more recently Nibiru, with a bunch of meteor and comet strikes thrown in for good measure. (Are you still waiting for the one to hit Puerto Rico?)
    And now, without any real science to back him he reasons that the only reason the U.S. would bother to build DUMBs would be because this asteroid is about to hit the earth. But consider this. There are Skywatch members all around the world and they are not government employees. They also own computers with programs capable of plotting the orbits of the object they have collectively discovered. So the first people to know if any asteroid were about to hit the earth would be Skywatch. They would know the exact time and date of the closest approach / hit and it would be all over the internet all over the world in no time. I hate to tell you this but the government does not control the dissemination of this kind of astronomical data. They have become the scapegoat for all the crooked internet scammers out to make a buck or simply to scare people. And they are trying to give real astronomers both professional and amateur a bad name.
    Unfortunately there seems to be no end to the number of these scam artists and the same can be said about the people who believe them. As long as people are too lazy to fact check what they read on line there will be a constant supply of foolish people willing or eager to believe the lies.
    So the bottom line is that there is no cover-up. This asteroid will pass fairly close to the earth but the chance that it will hit us is zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
    And if you are still expecting Nibiru to show up next month you are in for another disappointment. Nothing like it is out there at least not close enough to reach earth anytime in the next few years.

    • Ian, the problem I have with Tom Lupshu is his tattoos. Because of those, he will be visited upon by the Locusts (Rev. 9) as well as you because of your walk in life. The pain from their sting will be immense and will not go away for 5 months and all those who get bitten will try to do suicide but none will die. I don’t wish that on anybody but nonetheless, it will happen.
      The time frame given to me in a dream by way of words in a book, in newspaper, and on computer if the interpretation is correct is on the first sliver of the new moon for each trumpet and bowl judgment.
      September 23, and 24th is a watch day for me and also the rest of that week. Somebody like skywatch, Tom Lupshu,, BP Earthwatch will report it and I will record it and compile an article on it and post it to either one of my two blogs. The same for the 28th of September.
      I already have too many dates from past events to not watch this time frame. The same goes for October. The issue with the dates being in September is that they were always in the 7th Biblical month and we have 2 timeframes going on due to a mixup with the Jewish calendar this year due to it being a leap year. The 7th month either begins on the first sliver of the new moon in early September of the first week or on October 3rd.
      My articles on Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming BlogSpot all point towards the month of October to watch and not September.
      There is a dream fulfillment coming up in either September or October or even March or April for a visit to Albuquerque to a church to tell a scoffer that his redemption draws now (he dies now) because there is a blue orb in the sky. This will be on a Sunday sometime between October to April.
      As for wormwood, if we are on the right timeline then it should show up in November or December, possibly January.
      And it will show up within one week of hit time. Most articles that I have come across say the Atlantic will be hit but it may be the Pacific since that is already 1/3rd dead from the Fukishimi radiation.
      You have to think outside of the box which I do.

      • As for wormwood, if we are on the right timeline then it should show up in November or December, possibly January.
        And it will show up within one week of hit time. Most articles that I have come across say the Atlantic will be hit but it may be the Pacific since that is already 1/3rd dead from the Fukishimi radiation.

        Forgive me for the mixup here. I was thinking of two separate Trumpet judgments of Revelation 8 and combining them into one which can happen at the same time.

        One of my dreams at this time is possibly pointing to two dreams occurring at the same time.

    • Ian, since we are on the subject of wormwood and this mountain being cast into the sea, we need to examine the words.

      Rev 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
      Rev 8:9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
      Notice once that the word star is not mentioned but the word Mountain is.
      Timeframe: November 15-Dec 15th

      Are not volcanoes mountains cast into the Sea. Could it be the Fukishimi accident be the cause of this verse in the Pacific Ocean.
      I am going to suggest from an article that I read in 2015 to not look up for an asteroid doing the job as most say but to look down into the ocean and watch for hot spots to develop quickly into volcanoes rising out of the ocean along the ring of fire.

      The Greek wording says for a mountain as to rise up or rear.

      Rev 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
      Rev 8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
      We have a star from heaven so this is either an asteroid or a comet. Since most of the Trumpet and Bowl judgments will occur in Bible lands then I suggest that this one will hit Russia, Europe, or China and the ash cloud will cause the bitterness to spread since the winds go west to east.
      Timeframe: December 15 to January 15th.

      If the earth quake (Revelation 8:5) and the meteor storm (Rev 8:7) is on time in October then the rest of the judgments will come one per biblical month.
      Thanks to this discussion, I will be posting this to both blogs today or tomorrow since Russia will want to know. They love my BlogSpot site on Nibiru and Isaiah 24.

      I need your all’s imput on this one if my theories hold out true.

    • 4 views for September 23, 2017
      Woman clothed with the Sun in 2017.

      1) End of Humanity and Armageddon.

      2) Beginning of the Day of the Lord and Armageddon one year later. Isaiah teaches that the Day of the Lord will be a one year eventand covers both the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments.

      3) Mid point of the Christian 7 year tribulation.

      4) Beginning of the 7 year tribulation.

      The problem I have with number 3 and 4 is that there should be a Revelation 12:1 event on the Day of Trumpet in those 2 years and there is not according to Stellarium.

      According to my research the 7 year tribulation theory begins and ends with a Heavenly sign in the 7th Biblical month (September 15th to October 15th). There was one in 2010 on the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles and there was one in 2014 with the lunar eclipse in the 7th month.

  214. John,
    The only things I can respond to are the events that sound a lot like a meteor strike and a volcano that is cast into the sea.
    The meteoric event if it is one could certainly happen, they happen all the time. The only problem is that a meteor strike could not produce the type of damage outlined in the bible verses.
    As for the volcano, it isn’t possible that a new volcano could erupt from the sea floor and reach the surface as quickly as you are expecting. At leat thousands or millions of years might be needed depending on the location and the magma source. More than likely an existing volcano might erupt and through a major landslide (a common occurrence) the mountain could be cast into the sea. The Cumbra Vieja volcanic island in the Canaries is just one such a place, and historically it has erupted and caused a huge landslide in the distant past. But once again, the results predicted by the bible are not possible in nature.
    So once again, if God wants his prophecy to come true he will have to perform some sort of miracles to accomplish the job.
    As for your other predictions, science can’t help you there. But then you don’t sound too certain yourself. I guess you are going to have to wait for the dates to get here and see what if anything actually happens.

    • Ian,
      When it comes to planned events, all I do is wait it out. Once a past date is established such as Day of Pentecost, I wait these days out to see what expires next: 38, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100, 120. First sliver of the new moon in August +70 days = Day of Trumpet or Day of Atonement. Pentecost +120 days = Day of Atonement. Along my timeline that I watch, both had an event tied to the Heavens. Which means that something is going to happen on the Day of Atonement and Day of Trumpet timeframe. The Flood had a global earthquake on the Day of Atonement prior to start so that means this Day of Atonement, there should be a global earthquake.
      Perseids meteor shower peaks on a Sabbath. Friday Sunset to Sunday Morning. The ninth of Av is on the 13-14th and there is a possibility of deaths occurring by the Islamics this year and by Obama. We are talking possibly in the figures of 100,000 +.
      September possible nibiru dates 23-24 Friday and Saturday and the 28th is on a Wednesday. Both are tied to events in the past so I am in watch mode for these as well.

      Here is part of Trumpet Judgment 2 meaning from commentaries so far.

      The title is: An indepth study of the Revelation 8 Trumpet Judgment 2.

      By the commentators, there are three views going on.
      1) The popular view is that a kingdom or group of people (Islam, ISIS) will plague 1/3rd of the Sea (multitudes of the people) which would be the Middle East, Europe, and northern Africa which is presently going on.
      2) An asteroid or meteor will strike the ocean (more likely the Pacific) since it is already destroyed of life from Fukashimi accident (nuclear accident) caused by an earthquake on the Japanese mainland island.
      3) Somewhat like Enoch 18:13, but perhaps with the picture of a great volcanic eruption like that of Vesuvius in a.d. 79. Strabo tells of an eruption b.c. 196 which made a new island (Palaea Kaumene).

    • Rodney,
      Always think outside of the box.
      Rodney says: The meteoric event if it is one could certainly happen, they happen all the time. The only problem is that a meteor strike could not produce the type of damage outlined in the bible verses.
      What if we are looking at WWIII with minute man missiles (Meteorites) and nukes (Meteorites) plus at the same time a meteorite storm such as there was at Sodom 5 plain cities.

  215. More on the article: An Indepth study on Revelation 8 Trumpet Judgment 2.
    Blood: Reminding of the first plague in Egypt (Exo_7:20, Exo_7:21).
    The word mountain can refer to a group of people such as a kingdom (Jer_51:25, Jer_51:27, Jer_51:30, Jer_51:58) , an asteroid or comet, or a volcanic eruption.
    Sea can refer to a multitude of people, nations, and tongues (Rev_17:15) or the ocean. Psa_46:2
    “When Rabbi Akiba prayed, wept, rent his garments, put of his shoes, and sat in the dust, the world was struck with a curse; and then the third part of the olives, the third part of the wheat, and the third part of the barley, was smitten “Rab. Mardochaeus, in Notitia Karaeorum, p. 102.

    Fire can refer to the tail of the Asteroid, war, plagues.
    Somewhat like Enoch 18:13, but perhaps with the picture of a great volcanic eruption like that of Vesuvius in a.d. 79. Strabo tells of an eruption b.c. 196 which made a new island (Palaea Kaumene).

  216. John,
    I’m getting the impression that you are completely guessing when it comes to events, times and places. I get the idea that many or most historical bible events have happened on certain Jewish holy days or certain days of the week etc, so you are anticipating future events on similar days.
    You seem to have a great number of future events you are expecting and your current puzzle is to figure out what will happen on which days. And you also don’t seem sure what the prophecy actually means and it seems that many different people have very different opinions on the definitions of the prophecies. I certainly don’t qualify to interpret any bible verses. All I can give you is the scientific possibilities, but I can’t help predict when or where earthquakes or volcanoes will occur.
    As for nuclear war, that is a bit out of my wheelhouse so I can’t comment on those possibilities. But tell me, you have a whole laundry list of end time events you are expecting soon. But how many major end time events have already happened? I don’t recall any supernatural type events in the recent past, so tell me how these events are doing so far? How many have happened and did they occur on the days you predicted.
    Just curious.

    • Rodney, You have two choices to make.
      1) Read all the articles at: Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( and Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( or
      2) Send me your e-mail address to and you can read all the ones from 2014, 2015, and 2016 which is not on the two blogspots. If you send me your e-mail address, don’t be surprised to get 2000 pages in return.

      On the Day of Trumpet, 2015, there was a double solar eclipse in the Heavens due to the Moon and Earth passing in front of the Sun from a Telescope that watches the Sun. Did you miss that one. I did not.

      Here is an excerpt from Feast dates and Second Coming Part 2 on Heavenly events.

      2014 Rabbinic Pentecost event Judgement is coming
      A picture of a cross in corona of the Sun, 6/4/2014 on Pentecost. Just to let you know but the cross in the Sun Solar Flare or Corona was on the fourth day (4) and was on the Rabbinic Pentecost and this was the 3rd Pentecost event. Four is the center candle or the Christ Candle on the Menorah, and it ties into the 4th day of Creation. Pattern 4’s; Number Count 4 fours. 2014 Video of the Cross Luke 21:25 BP Earthwatch Has Words so show by itself.
      Also on this day there was an near miss asteroid and One World Religion Signed.

      Pentecost events from Feast Dates Introduction

      Pentecost events or close to it.
      King David was born and died on Pentecost. According to rabbinic tradition, Enoch was born and was raptured on Pentecost. The Church was born on Pentecost (Acts 2). Pentecost is known as “the festival without a date”—no man knows the day or hour! Jews believe that the “fruit of the trees” is judged on Pentecost. Hmm. The Judgment Seat of Christ? The Jews believe that on Pentecost the heavens open for a brief instant and that God answers prayer—perhaps in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye! The Dispensation of Law occured on Pentecost. The Noahic Covenant was given on Pentecost. Ruth, a Gentile bride, was chosen by Boaz, a type of Christ, on PENTECOST, bringing this Gentile bride into the Messianic lineage! Pentecost is the day the Jews as they say, stay up all night to “decorate the bride!” Why?
      God married mankind on the first Pentecost in 1441 or 1446 BCE in a Shemitah year.
      1948 Israel became a nation on the Friday before Pentecost Sunday.
      2014 Cross/Staff in the corona of the Sun

      The comments in the older files excerpts came from headlines. Majority of my articles start out from articles or posts on

  217. Hi John,
    I’m sorry but studying Jewish feast dates will not help me become a better geologist or to predict any future earthquakes or eruptions so I will pass on those 2000 pages.
    You only mentioned a couple of previous events such as the cross pattern in the sun’s corona and an eclipse that included an orbiting solar telescope. But I’ll bet that neither of these events can be found in the bible and while the passing of an orbiting telescope was easily predicted by scientists, there are over a hundred thousand “eclipses” of satellites and the space station etc every single day, including Jewish feast days, so I hardly classify one of these events as a major biblical prophecy come true.
    Similar can be said for coronal shapes. If we could monitor every solar flare on both sides of the sun we would find circles crosses and loop-de-loops happening all the time. They are very common events.
    Plus, these events can only be seen thru modern technology by almost no one on earth. I was under the impression that the apocalyptic events in the bible will be seen worldwide by everyone on earth. You’ve been taking about massive events about to happen in the coming months but where are the similar events that have already happened? We’ve had plenty of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions for millions of years, so how can you pinpoint what the bible has predicted with what has been happening since before the bible was written?
    Solar flares and eclipses will certainly not get my attention. But if he parts the Red Sea again or destroys a few cities with hail and brimstone then I’ll be right on board.
    Finally, we are quite familiar with They are one of the worst offenders when it comes to bad science and made-up stories. They’ve been predicting Nibiru for many years as well as dozens of comet and asteroid strikes. Not to mention alien invasions and zombie apocalypses among other nonsense. They are far worse than the National Enquirer ever was – until they were sued for libel and had to clean up their act.
    Unfortunately no such regulations exist for the internet, but if they did, before-its-news would disappear overnight. So we here do not trust anyone who depends on before-its-news for their information. The site is for entertainment only – like those psychic hotlines and astrology sites. If you are depending on it for bible prophecy I’m afraid your being led astray by wolves in sheeps‘ clothing, so to speak.
    Consider yourself warned about finding any science on their site.

    • Rodney,
      Being autistic, I take the literal interpretation of the Scriptures with cross references as straight forward as I can. I never see gray between the lines (whatever that means).

      Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons (Leviticus 23 and Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall), and for days, and years (lev. 25– the Shemitah Year and the Jubilee Year and regular years):

      Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
      Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

      The majority of my articles begin usualy with this wording. Right now we have a second time through for 5 planets lining up in a row. On either the Day of Trumpet or the Day of Atonement will be batch 3.

      Deu_17:6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
      Deu_19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
      2Co_13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

      Each stellar event for me is a sign that He is coming now.
      I had nine events total last year. By April of this year, nine had already been recorded. Now we are up to 14.

      We know that as a women is giving birth that the pains get worse as each centimeter is dialated. These are the signs I watch for is the increase in stellar events.
      Most Christians watch for the signs in Matthew 24 but they leave out the stellar events.
      Genesis 1:14 is the first mentioning of the word sign so God made sure to tell His people to watch for these signs.

      God gives warning to men of his judgments before he sends them; he sounds an alarm by the written word, by ministers, by men’s own consciences, and by the signs of the times; so that, if a people be surprised, it is their own fault. (Posted on Facebook. John Ashcraft’s Timeline).
      It came from an e-sword commentary.

      This year, I learned to fine tune my watch dates besides the Sabbaths, Jewish holidays, 4th day events, 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles, Chanukkah, by including the generation days/years into the calculation as well which is 38 days, 40 days, 50, 70, 80, 100, and 120, and my testimony on John Ashcraft’s Facebook Timeline even suggested 30 because 30 years is the age of maturity.
      You can read these connective dots at Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( between 5 different articles starting with 5 planets lining up and their Biblical significance.
      For instance, there are 120 days between Pentecost and Day of Atonement broken down to 40+40+40. There are 70 days between the first sliver of the new moon in August and Day of Atonement. Each event had something significant but most people will not see them significant because each event was just a step towards the goal which is Day of Atonement. But to the watcher on the wall who knows to watch for the advancement of the enemy they are major events to that watcher on the wall watches for.
      Pentecost +40 days gave us the watch frame of July 28th to the 31st and there was an event on that timeframe. August 1 we had the lineup of 8 stars. 8 means a new beginning. July 28th +40 sends us into September around the 13th to whatever. Bible Codes suggest a Nibiru showing up on th 23rd and 24th. Will something happen, I do not know but it is a watch event for me to watch out for. 40 days from the September day is Day of Atonement.
      We already know from research that there was a global earthquake on the Day of Atonement prior to the Flood and my dream points toward an earthquake soon because of what has happened on my property. These are 2 signs. So it is a 50% chance to 100% chance that there will be a global earthquake between September 15th and October 15th just to all the dates I have listed from this timeframe.

  218. John,
    It sound like with all the numerical variables you use that there are a whole lot of possible dates for your events to fall on.
    I don’t believe that there will be a “global earthquake” as there is no such thing, other than an act of God.
    And since Nibiru does not actually exist, the chances of it showing up on Sep 23-24 is zero. It can’t be just 4 weeks away without a singe real astronomer having recorded it, so God will have to zap it into place when the time comes. Is that what you are expecting?
    So I would place the odds of either of these events happening at 0%, based on my scientific background.
    By the way, five planets lining up is quite common and I don’t see it as being a wondrous biblical event that the whole world would marvel at.
    And I don’t understand your comment about 8 stars lining up. Stars do not move so what kind of event are you trying to describe?
    From what I gather from everything you’ve been saying is that you are pulling very minor astronomical events out of the bible and then looking to see if you can find anything happening on your special days. And it appears that you think you have found enough small signs that seem to line up so that you think the bigger signs are about to happen soon. Is that right?
    I believe your problem will be that there are so many different types of astronomical and geological events and you have so many possible dates, and from what I’ve seen from your scripture posts, the bible is very unclear on many or most of the heavenly events and there doesn’t seem to be any real time line specified. You have many possible days but no definite year so you are searching in the dark, furiously trying to match up small astronomical events with holy days. It seems far more complicated than most people can comprehend and I always assumed that when the end time signs would start they would be clear for everyone to see. Just how long might you expect these little signs to continue before the big stuff starts?
    Does your Stellarium program tell you when the small signs will end and the major ones begin? Or are you just guessing like everyone else?
    I’m guessing your guessing.

    • rod

      I think it is very kind of you to converse with John, who is autistic. sometimes there is a brilliance in autistic people and it takes the right connection to bring that out and appreciate it, even if there is a difference of opinion on theory

      • I like bantering with John. He seems to have amassed a great deal of bible knowledge and he really wants to teach others what he knows. Unfortunately Ian and I are no match for the bible info he has been talking about and what he has shown us does not make the same sense to us that it does to him.
        Of course we still don’t know if he is correct and we would be very surprised if the things he is predicting for the next few months will ever happen but who are we to second guess God?
        So tell us. Do you believe he is right about next month? What does the biblical world have to say about it? Is there any consensus on what and when things will happen or does every person have their own theory on the matter? I have a feeling it is the latter.
        But at least John is willing to debate and provide his theories for all to read, so we appreciate the opportunity to get into the discussion, just so we can prove how accurate science is, because if we are wrong then the world has gone off the grid and anything goes.
        If that ever happens please send us a bible and we will start reading in earnest. 🙂

        • rod

          to me, things will eventually happen as predicted in the bible…..but I cannot say what the time frame is….except that it seems “soon,” whenever “soon” is….

          the bible does not always say how something will happen….like the 6th seal…sun turns dark, moon turns red, stars seem to fall from sky, and there is a global earthquake., so bad all the leaders of the world hide in “caves” ..all apparently at the same time.

          we can see the D.U.M.B.S are the caves, so that is a reality….

          does God use something like a cosmic object to create this disaster, or does he just speak it into existence?

          solar and lunar eclipses do not happen at the same time, so they do not explain this, even in part.

          the idea of a large passing object might explain it to some degree, but you guys say there is nothing out there like that.

        • Rodney,
          E-sword is a free computer Bible that I use continuously. I downloaded the free commentaries and Dictionaries. And then I do my searches from there. If you really want a good commentary from a Jewish perspective then pay 20.00 for Jewish NT Commentary by David L Stern.

          Marianne, please load up the Revelation 8 Second Coming Study to show Rodney and Ian how I do things.
          Make sure to post these two articles as well.

 Began August 11, then increased until the 26th and then exploded heavily on August 27th. Steve Quayle 8/12/2016; This EQ is important due to its proximity to Krakatoa, which violently exploded in 1883, changing the weather dramatically in the Western Hemisphere. Steve Quayle 8/12/2016. Time to watch this area.

          Yesterday Rodney, I gave a copy of Revelation 8 Second Trumpet Study to Marianne. It is about 5 pages in length. I included two volcanoes in it.
          One we discussed above which was a volcano in the ocean that exploded or had a rumble in 1967 that caught my curiosity because of the year. It was a Tom Lupshu video. It had a day 4 start and a day 4 end.
          The Second one was the Krakatoa one and today on Steve Quayle, they mention the Krakatoa. Hmmm, coincidence maybe but I think not.
          I get these tuitions to study a topic when two or more events line up based on the places I check out in the news places I go to.

          You folks read how our discussion lead me to do the study on the Second Trumpet. So I did it.
          Now to go make a correction on another article on my BlogSpot. I was in error on a August 3rd event with Stellarium.

        • this is the document john wanted me to post.

          An in-depth study on the Second Trumpet Judgment of Revelation 8 by John Ashcraft

        • I walk my dogs at night about the same time before bed.

          Friday night the moon was in the south

          Saturday night the moon was in the east-southeast….

          Usually I see it in the east

          so why the change in 24 hours?

          • 1) the world is wobbling like a drunkard to and fro.
            2) If the earth is stationary from our perspective, the moon moves from one constellation to the next in a east to west pattern so if you walk your animals at the same time every night, then you would notice the moon in a different constellation every night. But due to the wobble effect the moon will be either north or south of the eliptic.

        • the world is already weird 🙂

          • NiKU is nickel found in Meteorites, K is potassium and is used to make gun powder, and U stands for Uranium which is used to make energy and used to kill people therefore I suggest that the house (Nibiru) needs a change name to Rebellious (Chineses for Niku) and it is explosively coming in as the ninth planet. Nine means final completion.

  219. Marianne,
    Every 24 hours the moon moves 1/28th of the way around the earth. Every hour it moves its own diameter across the sky (towards the left in North America). If you were an avid sky watcher you would have noticed this when you were young and it wouldn’t amaze you now. Its only weird if you don’t understand it. Ice would seem weird to a jungle native from the equator.
    As for the article on Dan Whitmire, he has been theorizing that a large planet in the Kuiper belt has been tossing comets our way every 25 million years or so. He predicted the dinosaurs were destroyed by a shower of comets back in ’75 but that theory has been proven false.
    The planet he predicted is not the same as Planet Nine that NASA and others have been talking about lately. His planet would be much farther away with an orbital period of around 25 million years while planet 9 is expected to have an orbital time of around 10,000 years or less. Two completely different things.
    The internet has got a hold of Dan’s research and twisted it into all sorts of doom and gloom stories.
    Check this out for the truth:

    Note what Dan has to say about those internet disaster stories:
    “ has contacted Whitmire via e-mail to ask about the Post’s claim that all life on Earth could be wiped out in April 2016, and he quickly replied: “​No truth to the story at all. That’s quite impossible.”“
    So, once again, a little fact checking and we find that there is nothing to see here. Just more hoaxers looking to create more excitement on their web sites.

    • from where I stand on my street, it looks like it moves from left to right, and then back again. this past night it was more east than the night before..

      I do not follow snopes since it got exposed for false “verification”

      owned by some uneducated, mom and pop who work out of their kitchen who support and cover for corrupt politicians, and deny stories that are proven true.. they are not professionals, or really experts in anything.

      • The moon in its orbit moves from right to left as you stare at it. However, you must remember that the earth is rotating in the opposite direction so the moon actually seems to move more to the right (to set in the west). For you to notice this you would have to notice the background stars nearby the moon in order to notice that it is moving towards the east. It will move its own diameter (½ degree) every hour so you should be able to notice this motion if you are patient.
        So in 24 hours the moon moves 24×1/2 degrees or 12 degrees in the sky. One thing you will notice is that it rises almost an hour later every day and of course it will set an hour later as well. So at the same time every night the moon seems to appear further east than the night before and eventually it gets to be so far east that it hasn’t risen yet so it appears to have disappeared from the sky.
        So to the non-astronomer the moon may seem to be doing “weird” things, but once you understand what is happening out there in space what you see from your back yard isn’t weird at all.
        So what you are seeing is the moon one night is moving (mostly) left to right due to the earth’s rotation. You don’t notice that it is also moving a little right to left in the sky. But by the next night it has moved (in the sky) that 12 degrees to the left, so it appears to you to have moved back again to the left. For you it takes a day to notice the true movement, but as I said, if you watch carefully (it helps to have a bright star somewhere near the moon) you can see the leftward movement in an hour or less. Thru a telescope you can actually watch small stars disappear behind the left edge of the moon on a regular basis. I’ve even watched Jupiter disappear behind the moon during a rare occultation of a planet. If you have a pair of binoculars you may be able to see some stars being covered by the moon if you have the time and patience.
        Hope this helps.

    • Who are you going to believe. If you are among people who lie, cheat, and steal, the you are one of the people in the in group and you will believe their lies to be the gospel truth no matter what one believes otherwise and Ian, at this time you belong to the group who lies, steals, and kills for a living so to me you are alredy 36 feet deep in the ground.


  221. White House dispute over Nibiru disclosure and its NASA co-conspirators have struggled to maintain a thirty year veil of secrecy for fear of social and economic collapse. Ever since Ronald Reagan signed secret executive order prohibiting discussion of Nibiru, American leaders feared that disclosure would almost immediately result in a worldwide breakdown of social services, with anarchy sweeping across the globe.


  223. John,
    The article about the White House and Nibiru is pure fiction. If Nibiru had been discovered thirty years ago all of us astronomers would know all about it and we would have been tracking it for all that time. Remember, it is the massive amateur astronomer community that makes these kinds of discoveries. World governments are not in the business of looking for stray planets. It is far to big and complicated a job for any country to hire the number of people necessary to do such a search, not even the United States.
    So as I’ve already stated, nothing gets past the skywatch group and their associates all over the world. If Nibiru ever shows up we will be the ones to announce it, not any government. The government will have to get the orbital data from us. We will determine if any object is a danger to the earth.
    And here is some real science. If Nibiru was discovered over 30 years ago, based on Keppler’s laws of planetary motion, Nibiru would have come and gone many years ago. It only takes a comet which is first discovered beyond Neptune a few years to reach the sun, and a planet or any object in a similar orbit would have to follow the same rules.
    Note that the people on your linked site are survivalists. They have conjured up dozens of disaster scenarios and they sell all the survival supplies you are soon going to need whenever one or more of their disasters finally occur. So these people have a habit of putting things off, keeping the disasters at bay for another year then another and so on. They have virtually stalled Nibiru in its orbit in order to keep it around as a pending threat. I’m sorry but you can bend the laws of physics so you can keep selling survival junk.
    I’m telling you, you can dig up thousands of sites and YouTube videos that prove the existence of Nibiru, but not a single one can tell you where in the sky to find it. Wouldn’t you agree that if someone discovered a new planet that the first thing they would do is publish the orbital data so every other astronomer on earth could verify your discovery? This is what happens every time a comet is discovered. So why not Nibiru? Well, if it were real, this would have been done. Since it has not it can be assumed that it has yet to be discovered.
    It‘s not out there. Its not coming next month or the month after. Not ever. Unless God creates it from the dust of the universe it will never exist. I realize it is an important part of your prophecy interpretation but I have the feeling that the Nibiru myth came first, then you plugged it into your interpretation rather than you reading the bible and determining that it is talking about a stray planet first, then finding Nibiru coming along to fit the bill.
    You are in a funny position here. People have been predicting the end of the world or the second coming of Jesus for many years. But when it never materializes it doesn’t discourage believers and they simply continue to wait for it on and on for a couple thousand years now I’m guessing. And Nibiru has gained the same status as the second coming. No matter how many false predictions come and go, people still believe it is out there somewhere. I suppose it is because you have tied it to bible prophecy which has unfortunately given it eternal life so to speak. I sure hope your interpretation is wrong because otherwise the bible is wrong. I’d rather see you as a bad interpreter than see the bible taken down by this whole Nibiru myth.
    I’m rooting for God on this one. I doubt that he mentioned Nibiru anywhere in the bible. If he is all-knowing, then I’m sure he is on my side on this.
    So we will see what happens next month. Either a planet will magically appear from nowhere, or nothing will happen. My question is, will you continue to support the Nibiru myth even after it fails to fulfil your prophecy?
    I’m guessing you will. You seem to be very invested in Nibiru and I doubt you will give it up very easily. I guess we will soon find out.

    • Ian

      I would agree that it would seem logical that an event as big as Nibiru would have been predicted in the bible, if the bible is accepted as truly a prophetic book.

      Even with the dreams and visions recorded, including some spectacular events, there is nothing suggesting a mystery planet.

      When a prophet saw something he described it as something we might recognize today….example nuclear war descriptions, the Middle East conflict, world hunger, huge wars, martyrdom of believers by the sword, which we see with ISIS and their victims, this means he would also be capable of seeing a nemesis pass by our sky. but none is described.

      the only place where a description is withheld is the 7 thunders in Revelation.

      the “destroyer” described in Jeremiah was Babylon, not a planet.

      so I wait, to see what happens.

      maybe a mystery planet will show up, or maybe not. I personally do not trust the government to share any secrets…and it is reported that some scientists have had unexpected deaths after supposedly sharing info the government disapproved of. so I can see scientists withholding info to save their own necks.

      right now our whole government is rather stupid and incompetent, and I hope that improves, as we have other nations angry at us , and we could be on the brink of war.

    • Ian Says: I realize it is an important part of your prophecy interpretation but I have the feeling that the Nibiru myth came first, then you plugged it into your interpretation rather than you reading the bible and determining that it is talking about a stray planet first, then finding Nibiru coming along to fit the bill.

      My first introduction to Nibiru began with a preacher in Austrailia on Discoveries TV. He said that he looked into Gill’s research and said Gill was telling the truth.
      Ian, actually after listening to the lecture from Gill Broussard on Nibiru, I decided to check to see if he was telling the truth or not and after an exhaustive 500 page research, he is telling the truth about Nibiru.
      Marianne did not have a list of scriptures to fit the causes we are experiencing on planet earth so I searched out every word once I knew the Symptoms.

      You still have not read the Revelation 8 Trumpet Judgment or you would know how I think. How do I know this because you have not commented on it once.

      In my research of any articles, I usually start out with the symptoms and go from there to determine how to take care of the issues.

      You get a sore throat so you do the remedies to get rid of the sore throat. I get a sore throat so I put medicated vasoline on my throat, gargle with salt water, and immediately take 6 vitamin C’s at 1000 millegrams because a cold is coming on. I also take vitamin A and E because a cold robs you of C,E, and A. If I do not take these vitamins on day 1, then on day 2 I am in the bed wishing that I had taken the vitamins. Day 1 6 vitamin C’s Day 2 3 C’s in the morning and 3 at night. Day 3 Repeat. Day 4 repeat.
      Usually by day 3, I do not have a cold.

      You go out and get drunk and you have a hangover the next day.
      Alcohol robs you of vitamin A. If I want to drink alcohol, which I do not, then I would take 6 vitamin A’s and drink all I want and I do not get a hangover.

    • Ian says: I doubt that he mentioned Nibiru anywhere in the bible.

      Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
      Gen 1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
      Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

      Deu_4:19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

      Jdg_5:20 They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.

      Job_3:9 Let the stars of the twilight thereof be dark; let it look for light, but have none; neither let it see the dawning of the day:
      Job_9:7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars.
      Job_22:12 Is not God in the height of heaven? and behold the height of the stars, how high they are!
      Job_25:5 Behold even to the moon, and it shineth not; yea, the stars are not pure in his sight.
      Job_38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
      Psa_8:3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

      Psa_136:9 The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever.
      Psa_147:4 He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. Nibiru is a Star. It is called the Destroyer and El Shaddai (destroy). Every constellation has a name like Orion, Pleides, the Water Bearer, Arcturus, the Bull, the Ram, etc.

      Psa_148:3 Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.

      Isa_13:10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

      Jer_31:35 Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:
      Eze_32:7 And when I shall put thee out, I will cover the heaven, and make the stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light.

      Joe_2:10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:
      Joe_3:15 The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.
      Amo_5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name:

      “The Destroyer” in the Old Testament of the Bible; “The Destroyer” in ancient writings of the Egyptians (Ex 12:23; Jer 6:22-30; Jer 48:7-10; Isa 16:4-5; Jer 4:1-10; Jer 51:18; 51:54-58; Rev 12:3-4, 9, 12-15). Other verses: Isa 54:16-17;

      “Wormwood” in the book of Revelation 8.

      El Shaddai is His Name. Shaddai comes from the root word “Shadad” shaw-dad’ A primitive root; properly to be burly, that is, (figuratively) powerful (passively impregnable); by implication to ravage: – dead, destroy (-er), oppress, robber, spoil (-er), X utterly, (lay) waste. Strong H7703

      Ian, is this enough for you?

    • Ian, here is a new name for Nibiru.

      NiKU is nickel found in Meteorites, K is potassium and is used to make gun powder, and U stands for Uranium which is used to make energy and used to kill people therefore I suggest that the house (Nibiru) needs a change name to Rebellious (Chineses for Niku) and it is explosively coming in as the ninth planet. Nine means final completion.
      If you notice “Niku” has in gray areas the word: destroy because nuclear war destroys.
      “The Destroyer” in the Old Testament of the Bible; “The Destroyer” in ancient writings of the Egyptians (Ex 12:23; Jer 6:22-30; Jer 48:7-10; Isa 16:4-5; Jer 4:1-10; Jer 51:18; 51:54-58; Rev 12:3-4, 9, 12-15). Other verses: Isa 54:16-17;
      El Shaddai is His Name. Shaddai comes from the root word “Shadad” shaw-dad’ A primitive root; properly to be burly, that is, (figuratively) powerful (passively impregnable); by implication to ravage: – dead, destroy (-er), oppress, robber, spoil (-er), X utterly, (lay) waste. Strong H7703

  224. John,
    Unfortunately the bible verses you provided do not indicate to me that a large planet will soon pass by the earth. Marianne seems to agree with me so I am not alone and it appears there is no secret code that I don’t understand in reading those verses. You are adding specificity to the verses that is not actually there.
    As for “Niku” here is what scientists are saying about it:
    “Astronomers discovered the object called “Niku” that is considered as a minor planet that orbits beyond Neptune. A lot of new celestial bodies are recently being discovered beyond Neptune and in the Kuiper belt.
    Niku follows an “odd” orbit that is tilted at 110 degrees, different from the usual tilt of other planets in the Solar System. This is enough to prove the astronomers’ belief that there could be many other planets lurking on the edges of the Solar System that men are yet to discover. This is the reason behind its name Niku derived from the Chinese word that means rebellious. Niku is believed to belong to a different cluster of planetoids that belong to the similar orbits.
    Niku is about 124 miles (200 km) across. And because of its unique tilted orbit, Niku is orbiting high above the flat orbital disk separate from the rest of the planets in the Solar System. What makes Niku more interesting is that astronomers believe that it could have been bumped beyond Neptune by something larger, potentially by another dwarf planet like asteroid Ceres of dwarf planet Pluto.“
    What this means is that it is not a giant “Destroyer” planet but only a little over 100 miles in diameter. And it is in such an odd orbit it could never come anywhere near the earth and no closer than a billion miles at best and likely more than twice that distance.
    So you can tweak the letters in “Niku” all you want but it won’t turn it into Nibiru. Niku is yet another real astronomical object that internet hucksters have grabbed onto in order to propagate the Nibiru myth. We have seen this behavior for many years. These people scour through NASA photos and pull out hundreds of different images and post them as “proof” they have found Nibiru. Just wait until Planet 9 is finally discovered. I guarantee you that there will be dozens of web sites that will pop up proving that Nibiru has been discovered and it will be here very soon, even thought the astronomical data will show that the planet will never get closer than 10 billion miles to the earth. And no doubt you will believe their lies and continue to make predictions of Nibiru’s arrival.
    And this will happen even after your current prediction for Sep 23 – Oct 23 fails to materialize. But this is not uncommon. There are many people just like you that for one reason or another want to believe that Nibiru is real. This is what keeps the hucksters going, allowing them to fleece millions of dollars from unsuspecting victims by selling survival supplies and videos. They’ve been at it since the internet was created and they won’t give up until the people come to their senses.
    I’m guessing that in the future they will be predicting a worm hole will soon open up and suck the entire solar system to the other side of the galaxy. And I’m sure they will have very hi-tech tin foil hats to protect people while they are travelling thru the wormhole. Yeah, right.
    So you won’t find real proof of Nibiru anywhere on the web, nor in the bible.You appear to doing the same thing to the bible that the hucksters do to real science. Twisting it and adding false information in order to try to prove their theories. I know this because you have used the bible to predict something that is clearly not going to happen.
    Of course I could be wrong. But not really.
    I guess we’ll see.

    • Ian

      Since the heavens are so vast, I do not see how anyone can know about everything out there…

      is it possible that something like nibiru could be out there somewhere but has not been detected yet?

      if so, how close would it have to get to finally be obvious enough to view?

      • Marianne,
        Something like Nibiru probably is out there. That would be what we are referring to as Planet 9 which seems to be real and it is only a matter of time before we discover it. We are excited at finding a new major planet beyond Neptune. New planets have been rare. There have only been two – Uranus and Neptune ever discovered, plus the dwarf planets Pluto and Niku which was only recently discovered.
        So there may be many unseen objects still out there to be discovered in the future, including planet 9, we hope.
        But as for a planet with an orbit that takes it past the earth every 3,600 years, that is not astronomically possible. Comets are relatively tiny objects that have been knocked out of the Oort cloud and sent on a trajectory towards the sun. Most by the way are knocked into a direction that takes them nowhere near the sun. Think of it, if you were in the Oort cloud 50 billion miles from the sun, and I gave you a rock and blindfolded you and spun you around and told you to throw the rock whenever you think it might be aimed at the sun, what are the chances that your rock would head straight for the sun? Pretty much a snowball’s chance in hell. So it is extremely rare that one should head towards the sun. Most that do, round the sun and are flung off into deep space in an open (hyperbolic) orbit and are never seen again.
        Only the slightest few fly past the sun in just the right way so that they are pulled into an elliptical orbit and remain revolving around the sun forever, such as Halley’s comet.
        Now imagine a planet the supposed size of Nibiru out in the Oort cloud. A 40,000 mile behemoth floating amongst rocks and ice a mile across. How would you suppose such rocks could knock a huge planet out of orbit and fling it so perfectly at the sun that it remains in an elliptical orbit? Way less than a snowballs chance on the surface of the sun. Yet this is the scenario that Carlos Ferrada used to create the concept of his “comet-planet” Hercolubus, which we know as Nibiru. From the viewpoint of real science his theory is pure science fiction. There is no way in hell to make it work.
        And besides that, if a giant planet had been coming into the vicinity of the earth it would have produced gravitational perturbations on the earth that we could still detect today. Since we have no evidence that even a much smaller object has ever cam as close as the orbit of Neptune, something as big as Nibiru is a certain impossibility, even if our math is a little bit off.
        So the bottom line is that no planet like Nibiru has ever been here before so the Sumerian story is false or wrongly interpreted. And the possibility that an existing planet that is so far away we can’t detect it (yet) and the chance that it is heading right toward us is zero. In fact it is downright silly.
        Hope some of this makes sense.

    • News Bulletin, News Flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Israel. August 18th and 19th. Watch for God to place the Temple on Temple Mount possibly on the 15th of Av. It ties into August 11th or 10th (4th day event) with the Sun/Son/Father entering Leo’s border and the same time as Jupiter/King Planet entered the border of Virgo. This ties into NIKU/Nibiru event scheduled on September 28th with a showing to cause chaos over the globe and Haggai 2 event on Chanukkah Eve with a possible Axial pole shift. By the way, Jesus/Yeshua was conceived on the Sabbath on December 15th (Chanukkah) as the Feast of Dedication and Festival of Light.
      3 views on the Temple Mount.
      1) YHVH/God does the action of placing the Temple on the Temple Mount.
      2) The Antichrist builds the Temple
      3) The Jews in force commendeer the Temple along with the Saints after the Day of Trumpet in 2016 and build the Temple.; Astronomy August 18th-19; and Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming (– 5 planets ling up in a row (January 20th to February 20th) and Grace of 5 planets in a Row (in August) and either on the Day of Trumpet or Day of Atonement (5 planets in a row for the 3rd time this year.
      Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
      Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
      Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
      Deu 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
      2Co 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

      • Hi John
        I can’t respond to what you say here, I just have a quick question.
        About the Jewish temple being rebuilt possibly next month. #2 claims it might be the antichrist who will rebuild it. I’m just wondering who you believe is the antichrist? I’ve heard stories and predictions about an antichrist but I didn’t realize he is finally here and has been identified.
        So I’m curious as to who you think he might be.

        • Erdogan of Turkey or Obama. Go read Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( before it is taken off the web on September 29th. It has a lot of information such as Obama receiving the Norweigian Peace Medallion in the 7th Biblical month (2009) +1260 days (trip to Israel at Passover) +1290 days = October 3rd, 2016 (Rapture of believers) and Day of the Lord beginning October 13th. Due to that article, I personally believe it is Obama but I also see him as the puppet of the black Jesuit head pope. I also suggest it will be the Black pope as the Antichrist and the white pope as the False prophet.
          According to Dave Hodges of Common Sense, martial law in NA (North America) begins October 1 and Freedom of Speech on the internet goes away. My facebook page (John Ashcraft, Albuquerque, NM) goes away September 29th as well as both The red list will be picked up first and that includes all Jews and Christians, and then the blue list.
          I also suggest Sharia Law in NA will begin on this day and times and laws will begin this day with worship on Fridays only.

  225. Hi John,
    You’ve only managed to confuse me even further. You claim the antichrist may rebuild the Jewish temple sometime next month and then you tell me that the man could be Obama, Erdogan or maybe a black pope. So with only weeks to go you don’t actually know who it will be?
    So why would a catholic pope want to build a Jewish temple? Or for that matter the president of a Muslim country that wants to wipe Israel off the map? And Obama has no reason to do so, in fact he seems to favor the Palestinians over Israel so why would he take the control of the temple mount away from the Muslims and give it to Israel. I don’t believe he has the type of authority to do this other than military force which he has been very reluctant to use.
    So I hope you can see why none of what you’ve said makes any sense to me. I think the problem here is the matter of faith. Apparently you have read things in the bible and interpreted them in such a way that the only possible scenarios involve people and events that are highly unlikely to happen. But I guess your faith is strong enough and you are so sure it is going to happen that it doesn’t matter how impossible it may seem, if the bible says it will happen, then it will happen regardless.
    In this case I can only express a personal opinion and not a certain scientific one. I am a fair student of history which is the study of human nature in a way so based on history I can predict what may and may not happen, and I just don’t see any of the events you have listed happening in the near future. Given time maybe. After all if you were in Rome during the time when Christians were being thrown to the lions in the coliseum and predicted Rome would someday become a Christian empire you would have been considered a nut job, at least by the Romans. But that took almost 200 years to happen, not 2 months.
    So factoring in the time frame and the speed at which people today actually get things done I would have to decline to believe that any of the events you’ve mentioned will happen in the time frame you have provided.
    I think these predictions you’ve been following are by some of the same people who have been claiming that Nibiru is coming and it will fulfil some sort of bible prophecy. And like the Nibiru hucksters, they take a little bit of truth, then stir it around and come out with crazy predictions.
    For example, you say Sharia Law will be instituted in N.A. By Oct 1st. Since it would not be possible for the U.S. to change its constitution to allow Sharia, nor could every nation in N.A. Do it in a little over a month you must be assuming that it will happen by force. It would take every Muslim nation on earth to even attempt such a move and it is still highly unlikely they would ever be successful, and such a war would take months or even years to complete, based on current wars in Syria and Afghanistan. You seem to believe it will happen casually, just overnight and no one will notice or complain. Once again, your statements are very confusing. I guess as a scientist I require more than just a simple statement in order to believe something. You can’t just show me some picture and say it is Nibiru and it is coming to get me and expect me to just believe you.
    Same with current events. But I can’t prove anything when it comes to human events, so it looks like all we can do is wait and see what happens. If you’re wrong I can say, “I told you so” and if you’re right we won’t have an internet to talk on so it won’t matter anyway. But first let’s see if Nibiru shows up next month. That will give us some idea how good your prediction skills are.

    • Jesus also made a prophetic reference to him.
      “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. John 5:43.
      The Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah, when the Antichrist comes they will accept him.
      September 23rd, 2015 said this in one of his statements when he came to America last year.

      I. His Personality.
      The Apostolic Church believed that Antichrist was to be a “person,” the embodiment of human blasphemy and wickedness, but toward the close of the Twelfth Century many began to look upon the Pope as Antichrist, and this view has been largely advocated by Protestant commentators. The arguments in favor of this view are ingenious and plausible, but they are hard to reconcile with the Word of God. This view makes Antichrist a “System” rather than a Person, and would see in the “Papal System” the Antichrist. But this is disproved by the Word of God.

      • The Pope said this: “I come in my own name………..”

        1. The Apostle John says-
        “Who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” 1 John 2:22.
        “Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in THE FLESH (His Deity) is not of God; and this is that spirit of Antichrist.”1 John 4:3.
        Judaism has denied that “Jesus is the Christ,” and Unitarianism that He has “come in the flesh,” but the Papacy never. The Church of Rome has always confessed “I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.”

        Obama, we know tells lots of lies. The Papacy worships Lucifer as their god.

        2. All Protestant commentators insist that the “Papal System” is described in Rev. 17:4,5, under the figure of a “Woman” arrayed in “purple and scarlet color,” and decked with “gold and precious stones and pearls.” This is undoubtedly true, but this “Woman,” the “Mother of Harlots,” is represented as riding upon a “Beast,” universally admitted to be the Antichrist. If the “Beast” is the Antichrist, the “Woman” cannot be, and that they are separate and do not signify the same thing is clear.
        United Nations building has a woman riding the beast in front of the building and their coin has a woman and a beast. USA is a part of this beast system but in Revelation 16, we have Babylon the Great and many believe America is Babylon the Great. Read the article: “An in-depth look to Revelation 8 Second Trumpet Judgment by John Ashcraft” on Marianne’s page at wordpress.

    • rod

      all it would take is a disaster, man made or natural, to create martial law.

      The NDAA has already been passed which lays the foundation for this.

      the constitution ha been violated almost daily since 2008, since the leadership considers it out of date and it wants to do it own will now…

      sharia is already approved in some areas, and even the AG threatens anyone who criticizes it with prison.

      since much of the pres. cabinet is muslim brotherhood, and there are muslims now in charge of immigration and homeland security, i see it very possible that sharia could be exalted over the Constitution.

      • Marianne,
        Right now we are in one of the greatest natural disasters ever in the US. Between fires in California and flooding in Louisiana, if there were ever a disaster to create martial war over, it would be right now. Martial law has been used briefly during race riots, but only in local areas or towns. Maybe you still believe Nibiru will soon arrive causing panic and martial law all over the world.
        But martial law under the US constitution is not the same as Sharia Law, and Sharia Law only applies to Muslims, so for America to adopt it every citizen would have to convert to Islam. Even if the government tried to declare it virtually no one would follow it. (Would you?) There are far too few Muslims in the US to enforce the law, regardless of how many may hold high offices.

        As you know I always like to confirm internet rumors (especially science-realated ones), so if you don’t mind please tell me who of the following have been confirmed as members of the Muslim brotherhood:

        Vice President of the United States
        Joseph R. Biden

        Department of State
        Secretary John Kerry

        Department of the Treasury
        Secretary Jack Lew

        Department of Defense
        Secretary Ashton Carter

        Department of Justice
        Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch

        Department of the Interior
        Secretary Sally Jewell

        Department of Agriculture
        Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack

        Department of Commerce
        Secretary Penny Pritzker

        Department of Labor
        Secretary Thomas E. Perez

        Department of Health and Human Services
        Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell

        Department of Housing and Urban Development
        Secretary Julián Castro

        Department of Transportation
        Secretary Anthony Foxx

        Department of Energy
        Secretary Ernest Moniz

        Department of Education
        Secretary John King

        Department of Veterans Affairs
        Secretary Robert McDonald

        Department of Homeland Security
        Secretary Jeh Johnson

        The following positions have the status of Cabinet-rank:

        White House Chief of Staff
        Denis McDonough

        Environmental Protection Agency
        Administrator Gina McCarthy

        Office of Management & Budget
        Director Shaun L.S. Donovan

        United States Trade Representative
        Ambassador Michael Froman

        United States Mission to the United Nations
        Ambassador Samantha Power

        Council of Economic Advisers
        Chairman Jason Furman

        Small Business Administration
        Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet

        I’m guessing you can’t name a single one and prove it thru reliable media. After all, if you knew for sure then the FBI would also know and these people would have been arrested for treason (the brotherhood are considered to be terrorists) a long time ago. I think you have gotten you information from the same kind of sites you’ve been studying Nibiru on. People with definite agendas who can say anything they want without the need to prove anything. This is not the scientific way, so it bugs us even when it is used for political rather than scientific purposes.
        As scientists we tend to investigate the rest of the world in the same way we do the sciences. Most people don’t. They read and believe and leave it at that.
        We don’t.

    • 3. Again Antichrist, as the “Man of Sin” is to
      “Exalt himself and magnify himself above every god.” Dan. 11:36,37. “So that he AS GOD sitteth in the Temple of God showing himself that he IS GOD.” 2 Thess. 2:4.
      However false and impious the claims of the Papacy, it always recognizes its subordination to God, and the Pope’s highest claim is that he is the “Vicar of Christ.”
      JA note: Vicar of Christ actually refers to being as God so times and laws can be changed by only the Roman Catholic Church.
      4300 321 CE 86th Jubilee (yovel יובל) 321 CE March 7, Constantine I decreed that Sunday (dies Solis) to be observed as the Roman rest day.
      “On the venerable day of the Sun let the Magistrates and the people residing in the cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits because it often happens that another day is not suitable for grain-sowing or vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.” Codex Justinian 3.12.2; translated by Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. 3 (1902), p. 380, note. This was the beginning of the Year of Ra and Sabbath (Saturday) keeping was condemned. Jews and Christians killed who kept the Saturday Sabbath.
      325 CE First Council of Nicaea In 325, Constatine convened the Council of Nicaea, which fixed the dates of important Christian [CATHOLIC] festivals. It opted to mark Christmas, then celebrated at varying dates, on Dec. 25 to coincide with the Roman festival CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF THE SUN GOD
      326 CE The Basilica of St. Anastasia was built as soon as a year after the Nicaean Council. It probably was where Christmas was first marked on Dec. 25, part of broader efforts to link pagan practices to Christian [CATHOLIC] celebrations in the early days of the new religion, Carandini said.
      Catholics believe they are the only ones who can interpret Scriptures and all Christians are condemned if they do it.

      4. “All the world wondered after the Beast (the Antichrist), and they worshipped the Dragon (the Devil), which gave power unto the Beast.” Rev. 13:3,4.
      The “Papal System” worships the “Virgin” and the “Saints,” but it is not true that it worships the Devil.
      There is a video on the internet where they are chanting to Lucifer. I have it in my notes on my compute

      5. “If any man worship the Beast and His Image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the Wrath of God, . . . and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone; . . . and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever; and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the Beast and His Image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Rev. 14:9-11.
      If the “Papal System” is the Antichrist, it follows from the above that all its worshippers, instead of being saved, are doomed to eternal torment.
      Again, the Lord, who destroys Antichrist “at His Coming,” comes to Jerusalem, not to Rome, the seat of the “Papal System.”
      While there are many things in the history of the Church of Rome, and in the conduct of her Popes that “foreshadow” the Antichrist, yet it is clear from the preceding scriptures that the “Papal System” is not the Antichrist, and that these scriptures can only be fulfilled in the person of some “Individual” yet to appear.

      According to other articles, the Pope moves to Jerusalem and they build the Temple on the Temple mount.

    • Address Of His Holiness Pope Francis To The General Assembly
      Of The United Nations
      delivered in New York on September 25, 2015
      The Name of Jesus Christ, of whom Francis claims to be the “vicar” of, was never mentioned one time in any way, shape or form
      “I receive not honour from men. But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.” John 5:41,42 (KJV)
      Pope Francis says some amazing things, but he rarely says them in an amazing way. He speaks with a low, weak voice, mostly in Italian, and can be hard to follow even through the interpreter.
      Note: Jesus in the fifth chapter of John, is talking about the difference between the true representative of God on Earth, Himself, and the Satanically-produced counterfeit of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. In verse 43, Jesus utters these astounding, prophecy-packed words:
      “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” John 5:43 (KJV)
      He is ultimately referring to a time, far in the future, when someone would come claiming to represent God, but actually coming in his own name, with his own unGodly agenda. Now, listen to what Pope Francis said as he said these words on Rosh Hashanah, in front of a gathering together of nations of the world:

      Mr President,
      Ladies and Gentlemen,
      Thank you for your kind words. Once again, following a tradition by which I feel honored, the Secretary General of the United Nations has invited the Pope to address this distinguished assembly of nations. In my own name, and that of the entire Catholic community, I wish to express to you, Mr Ban Ki-moon, my heartfelt gratitude. I greet the Heads of State and Heads of Government present, as well as the ambassadors, diplomats and political and technical officials accompanying them, the personnel of the United Nations engaged in this 70th Session of the General Assembly, the personnel of the various programs and agencies of the United Nations family, and all those who, in one way or another, take part in this meeting. Through you, I also greet the citizens of all the nations represented in this hall. I thank you, each and all, for your efforts in the service of mankind.

      Note: Pope Francis said that “I come in my own name” and that of the “entire Catholic community”. Not as a representative of Jesus Christ, not as an ambassador of the Gospel, but Francis stated that he came in his own name, his own power, and that of his Roman church. Rome the place and people that killed Jesus on the cross. The same cross that Francis said “ended in failure.” The Name of Jesus Christ, of whom Francis claims to be the “vicar” of, was never mentioned one time in any way, shape or form. What on Earth could possibly possess him to say that he “comes in his own name”?

      • 5:38 Illuminati hand sign. 10:34 Illuminati hand signal for power to Hasatan. In this context, it is helpful to recall that the limitation of power (Satan has the power) is an idea implicit in the concept of law itself.
        The classic definition of justice which I mentioned earlier contains as one of its (19:10 Illuminati hand signals praying to Satan) essential elements a constant and perpetual will: Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius sum cuique tribuendi.
        The number and complexity of the problems require that we possess technical instruments of verification. But this involves two risks. (22:23 Illuminati Hand Signal) We can rest content with the bureaucratic exercise of drawing up long lists of good proposals – goals, objectives and statistical indicators – or we can think that a single theoretical and aprioristic solution will provide an answer to all the challenges.

        Francis ended his speech with these words:
        “Upon all of you, and the peoples you represent, I invoke the blessing of the Most High, and all peace and prosperity.”
        Which “most high” was the Pope referring to? When I read my Bible, I see another “most high” lurking in the pages of Scripture:
        “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Isaiah 14:14 (KJV)
        I see the counterfeit “most high”, you know, the one that “comes in his own name”.
        Open up your Bible, find a blank spot next to John 5:43, take a pen and write “FULFILLED” in margin.

  226. Pisces, Uranus and the Connection to Jeremiah 31:31-36.

    Pisces is the two fishes in the constellations. The horizontal fish is the believers/Israel and the vertical fish is Judah/Priests. Uranus is the Mediator or Jesus as our Mediator or Holy Spirit as our Mediator.
    Uranus left the horizontal on the 4th day 6/24/2015, arrived at the mid point on 6/22/2016 (4th Day event), and arrives on the vertical on 6/22/2017 (5th day) or possibly on the 4th day. It starts its retrograde on 8/12/2017. Sept 23rd, 2017 is Day of Trumpet (Rev 12:1 event with Virgo and Leo). Sept 30th is Day of Atonement (4th day event) with possiblity of Armageddon. The Messianic Kingdom begins on th first day of Feast of Tabernacles on October 5th which is a 4th day event.
    You can read this exciting story at Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( this week.

  227. Well John, all you have done is to confuse me further.
    The bible references go right over my head so they are wasted on me.
    I’m not sure what your conclusions about the pope were. He is the antichrist, He’s not the antichrist, the antichrist is a system not a person. You seemed to say everything about the pope and the Catholic church except why they would ever want to build a Jewish temple on Palestinian land in the nation of Israel. Are you saying they will be possessed by the devil and will do it for no apparent reason? And why will the Palestinians just decide to give up their temple mount and their super-holy mosques? That seems like the last thing they would ever do. They hate the Christians and the Jews so I believe they would rather fight to the death than give up holy ground to their enemies.
    I’m sure the bible claims certain miraculous events will happen in the end times but it would take more than a miracle for your events to ever happen. It would be more likely as you suggested that God would just build it himself and donate it to the Jews. But it seems to me that would only serve to start a huge war, but then maybe that is part of your prophecy also. That’s the only scenario I can’t refute, but that doesn’t mean I believe it either.

    • rod

      check your world history a little closer.

      none of the land belongs to palestinian muslims.

      it is ALL Israeli land.

      before it was Israeli land, it belonged to the British

      and before the British, it belonged to the Turkish Ottomans

      it has never belonged to the palestinian arabs.

      they have at best only been residents there, under other people’s governments and ownerships.

      most of the “palestinians” moved there AFTER the state of ISrael was formed because they were kicked out of other arab countries for their behavior.

      and the other countries do not want them back.

      • Rodney,
        The land of Canaan from the Euphrates river down to the border of Saudi Arabia belonged to the 12 tribes of Israel. And everything from the Mediterranian Sea to 50 miles west of the Jordan River was a part of the Land of Canaan. I know the cut off was the Jordan River for sure but I am extending it to the captured parts as well.
        So the land of Israel belonged to the Jews until it became no man’s land around 1400 CE. Ottoman Turks took it over between 1517 to 1917. Isreal repicked it up in 1948 right on time to God’s timeline.

        The Palestian Muslims rule is this. We come in to steal, kill, and destroy and what we steal from you is rightfully ours so get off our stolen land that we stole from you.
        That is the way the Islamics in America will treat us.

        Gaza according to the scriptures will be wiped out between now and Passover, I suspect, but it could be as late as Pentecost, 2017.

        Amo_1:6 Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Gaza, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they carried away captive the whole captivity, to deliver them up to Edom:
        Amo_1:7 But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour the palaces thereof:
        Zep_2:4 For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted up.
        Zec_9:5 Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.

    • ps


      even the temple mount is Israeli land, and the history of the jewish temples goes back thousands of years….because of the arab conflict, Jordan has jurisdiction over the mount to maintain peace, which is carried out by Israeli soldiers. if you ever visit there, you have to go through a gate staffed by the IDF.

      concessions have been made by Israel to accommodate the arabs for a place to live, but it is still all Israeli land.

      that is why the arabs want this 2 state solution, so they can own the land they live on.

      israel has granted “land for peace” for decades, but it has done no good. arabs still terrorize israel from their areas, forcing israel to respond

    • Rodney,
      I have not searched the issues fully on the Temple Mount issue.

      I have not searched the scriptures on the Temple Mount issue. All I can do is pass onto you the articles I have at this time that I have copied off the internet that others have compiled. Most of my articles have come off of a few people on and other sources. On, my sources are Lynn Leahz, Due Dillengence, Dave Hodges with Commen ense, all news pipeline, and another girl. Prophecies of the End and Michael Snyder with the Economic Collapse Blog are my other sources. Occasionally, I will get an article off of Space on Occasionally I will get an article off of Breaking Israel

      If you want the full articles on the Antichrist issue, then email me at and you will get those articles for yourself. I usually like to copy the entire article, take out the pictures and save the article. Then when needed, I copy the paragraph from that article and post it in comments when needed.

  228. Yes, technically the temple mount is Israeli property, but under the current UN agreement they are not allowed stop the mount. But the mount does not belong to either Obama, the Pope or the Catholic church, nor the president of Turkey. So do you know who will build it and why any of these people would ever want to help the Jews by building a new temple for them? It makes no sense to me. And if the Jews were really getting ready to build it themselves next month I think that would be all over the news. They’ve gone to war with Gaza in retaliation for missile strikes, so I would guess taking over the temple mount by force would create an even bigger ruckus. And taking down the existing mosques would cause an uproar all over the middle east and the Islamic world everywhere else. I just don’t see how they could do it given the current state of affairs.
    Plus, if you believe as John does that Islam will take over North America by Dec 1st, then if they are that powerful surely they could easily prevent Israel from taking over just a few acres in Jerusalem, right? You can’t have it both ways. If America falls, then so must Israel by your logic.
    Of the options John listed the only one that sounds possible is that God will build it himself, for his people. That is the only option that makes sense and I can’t believe I actually said that.
    But I still maintain that no temple will be built there any time soon, either by man or God. I’m just guessing of course, I don’t really follow such things, but I’ll be watching the news to see if anything actually happens. I’ll leave the biblical predictions to you guys. All I’ve got is my opinions.
    But September will be here soon enough and John will have his chance to either gloat or hang his head. I don’t think there’s much any of us can do about it anyway.
    But it is fun to discuss it, even when it is out of my wheelhouse.

    • I was just addressing the temple mount property.

      i have no idea when another temple would be built.

      america will fall eventually, and leave Israel on it own.



      • Marianne,
        Most of the article refers to Sharia divorce laws, and not about allowing any Muslim to behead any nonbeliever he comes across. I know that the Catholic church also has its own marriage and divorce laws. I had a friend who had to get a annulment or some kind of papal dispensation to finalize his divorce, at least with his church. I’ll bet Hindus have some similar rules in their religion as well.
        I thought John was saying that Sharia law would replace our constitution for all US citizens on Dec 1st, but if this is all that’s going to happen then I don’t see it as that big a deal, unless it gets out of hand of course, which I don’t think ever would in the US.
        I know Texas is a big death penalty state, but allowing a killing for being a homosexual or for being a Christian just won’t fly in the US.
        And there just aren’t enough Muslims (only 1.7%) to enforce true Sharia law nationwide. So I’m not really sure just what John was referring to in his prediction so him being right may just be a matter of degree.
        Maybe he will fill me in on the details if he reads this.

        • rod

          sharia is sharia, all of it, not part of it.

          just like we do not ( or are not supposed to) follow part of the constitution

          under sharia law, a woman who has been raped is subjected to beatings and possibly death, as SHE is considered guilty of exciting the man

          According to Sharia law:

          • Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
          • Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
          • Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
          • Criticizing or denying Allah, the god of Islam is punishable by death.
          • A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
          • A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
          • A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
          • A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
          • Girls’ clitoris should be cut (Muhammad’s words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
          • A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
          • A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
          • A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband’s consent to divorce.
          • A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
          • Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
          • A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
          • A woman’s testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man’s.
          • A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
          • A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
          • A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
          • Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah – i.e., be “Halal”.
          • Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
          • The list goes on (see Sharia law in America, UK, Europe and Saudi Arabia)

          • So do you really believe you and I and every other American will be living by these laws soon? Other than ISIS I don’t believe any Arab nation lives by all of these laws, not even Iran which is quite westernized. We would all have to become very devout Muslims in order to want to obey these laws. Do you think the majority of Americans will go along with it? I say Live Free or Die! It worked against the British, I’m sure it will work against the Muslims. Heck, if the South couldn’t defeat the Union I don’t see how a relatively small band of radical Muslims (only less than 5% of Muslims worldwide are radicalized, even less of US Muslims) can possibly take over the North and the South, and the west. The numbers don’t add up. It may not be an exact science but it doesn’t take a military genius to extract the probable outcome of such a struggle. Unless you think they will have the almighty power of Allah behind them who can produce miracles.
            So just how soon do you expect this overthrowing of the US to happen? Dec 1st like John has predicted? Or perhaps a hundred years from now? Does the bible tell you when like it does John?
            I’m just curious but no matter what you say I just won’t believe it. I think it must take some sort of faith in what you read in the bible to allow you to believe in impossible things and to simply believe and credit the Lord to make it happen.
            Faith and science are two vastly different things. We approach the future in completely different ways. So far science has prevailed. Perhaps someday the bible will prevail. We will just have to wait and see.

            • rod

              you are really naive

              whole countries are controlled by a small number of people.

              hitler was one man and he controlled the whole country

              those in our government have expressed a desire to do away with the “outdated” constitution and have their own laws. our president and attorney general favor sharia law, and promote islam over other religions. martial law is already approved for peace time and “war”

              we do not have to be willing to go along with laws that are imposed on us. sharia is in effect in all muslim countries, and muslims want it here. all they need is for the government to decide that sharia will be allowed, and we are too near where it is being enforced and will get caught by it. this gov overlooks muslim crime, so if someone cuts your hand off, that is too bad.

              they are already agreeing to it in several locations, and with a muslim president, this is going to continue. there are already “hate” laws forbidding any discussion of islam and negative aspects of it.

              10% are “radicalized” which means that out of 1.6 billion muslims, 160 million are radicals..that is quite enough to cause trouble. are you looking at the destruction going on in europe right now? 100,000 jihadist “refugees” who are mainly military age men are approved for entry into the usa EACH year…. it only took a handful to take down the world trade center….do you want this threat to live near you and your family? if you have a wife or daughter, expect them to be gang raped and killed.

              check with me in 6 months.. my guess is that the elections will be useless because our current leader has already indicated he is not going anywhere. i expect, but do not predict like john, that there will be some “disaster” or crisis which allows mr O to stay in office, and it is then the kid gloves come off

              • I don’t think you understand the nature of most Americans. You admitted that you would never submit to Sharia law so why do you believe everyone else would do so so easily? There is great anti-Muslim sentiment in this country. Both candidates vow to destroy ISIS, not make America join them. No matter how dissatisfied Americans are with the current administration they will never give up our way of life in favor of living as Muslims under Sharia law. Going from a nation with complete religious freedom of choice to a devout Muslim country would be an impossible undertaking given the simple numbers.
                So while I could see the nation of Germany once again starting another world war (the third is the charm) that would be a piece of cake compared to what you are describing.
                And American presidents don’t have a habit of becoming dictators after their last term. If we were Cuba or some war-torn South American nation many years ago I might believe it but your idea is about as crazy as Johns idea that the earth has tilted on its axis to 47 degrees. Of course I can disprove John by looking at the north star on any clear night and we will have to wait a few months to disprove yours. There may be no formulas to predict the political future but there is precedence and common sense, and those are both on my side.
                So yeah, I would take that bet.

                • most americans are blind, mindless sheep. they will go along with what the gov decides…

                  look at this so far, yes a few protest, but most of the american people and congress have looked the other way while the president breaks one law after another, and passes executive orders (963 of them) to give himself total power over all resources, food, power, internet, water, and land.

                  yes there are some who will fight back if it comes to their doorsteps, which is why the gov wants gun control, to ban all 2nd amendment rights to own guns…that way they cannot fight back when martial law is declared.

                  muslims are a privileged group under this admin. let us see how far it gets out of hand.

                  you might have common sense, but most people dont

        • I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been BEHEADED because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years (Revelation 20:4).

          Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me (Matthew 24:9).

          All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. I have told you this, so that when the time comes you will remember that I warned you (John 16:1-4).

          Firstly, it will be GLOBAL. Secondly, it will necessitate a belief system that views itself as having a DIVINELY APPOINTED GOVERNMENTAL ROLE ON THE EARTH. Thirdly, it will involve the SPECIFIC METHOD OF BEHEADING as its primary method of execution. So we have a global religion that will view itself as a divinely appointed system on the earth authorized by God to behead those who refuse to join. As we are about to see, in terms of religious systems that exist in the earth today, only the religion of Islam fulfills these requirements.

          270 million people who have died at the hands of Islam over a 1400 year period.
          Since 1948, only 10 million Islamics have died at the hands of Islamics.

          Since ISIS has come on the scene who the USA has created, only a mere 200,000 has died so far.

    • Temple of the future. It will be a physical temple. Who will build it in the end, I do not know for sure.

      Eze_41:1 Afterward he brought me to the temple, and measured the posts, six cubits broad on the one side, and six cubits broad on the other side, which was the breadth of the tabernacle.
      Eze_41:4 So he measured the length thereof, twenty cubits; and the breadth, twenty cubits, before the temple: and he said unto me, This is the most holy place.
      Eze_41:15 And he measured the length of the building over against the separate place which was behind it, and the galleries thereof on the one side and on the other side, an hundred cubits, with the inner temple, and the porches of the court;
      Eze_41:20 From the ground unto above the door were cherubims and palm trees made, and on the wall of the temple.
      Eze_41:21 The posts of the temple were squared, and the face of the sanctuary; the appearance of the one as the appearance of the other.
      Eze_41:23 And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors.
      Eze_41:25 And there were made on them, on the doors of the temple, cherubims and palm trees, like as were made upon the walls; and there were thick planks upon the face of the porch without.

      Amo_8:3 And the songs of the temple shall be howlings in that day (Day of the Lord), saith the Lord GOD: there shall be many dead bodies in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.

      Zec_6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:
      Zec_6:13 Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
      This is the third temple. There are 2 views: 1) A physical temple in the land of Israel and not neccesarily on Temple Mount. 2) Our human body of believers is the third temple–This is the view I take for now.

      • The Big LiftHi John,
        Well now I understand why I’m so confused by your posts. You are re-posting information you have found on the web and like with many things if you ask 100 people you will get 100 different opinions. I don’t know much about the actual bible, but over the years I’ve see many post-apocalypse movies and stories about the antichrist, the rapture etc., and every one was very different. It seems that at least screenwriters don’t agree on what is supposed to happen but I’m sure the same applies to all bible studiers.
        That makes it hard for me to tell whether you are sure or just guessing about what you are predicting. Obviously the whole temple thing is still up in the air. Even Marianne says she’s not sure, so I guess there is no consensus on that topic either.
        You do seem to be pretty positive about Nibiru though, given the sheer number of bible verses you’ve posted about it.
        In any case I don’t think you can prove actual dates from the bible directly, so I will have to disagree on the events you have predicted in the coming months, unless I see some incredible changes in world politics in the very near future. That’s just my personal opinion of course, except for Nibiru.
        That is my professional opinion, also known as the scientific facts.

        • Rodney,

          Zec_6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:
          Zec_6:13 Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
          This is the third temple. There are 2 views: 1) A physical temple in the land of Israel and not neccesarily on Temple Mount. Dr. Denis Otero who is a Jewish Messianic Minister and Professor of the Old Testament knows that the physical temple will be built someday and he said in a men’s Bible study that there are two places the Temple can be built so I go along with his judgment on this one. The one place is on Temple Mount. The other place is on the hill that Temple Mount is on but it is half way down the hill from Temple Mount where an older temple used to be.

          Dr. Otero was a major influence in my life on my studies in Leviticus 23. In one of his men’s Bible studies, he suggested for the men to study the gathering/resurrection from a Biblical view in the Old Testament and that article is about 50 pages.

          He also teaches a 2 day seminar on End Times eschatology following the Feasts of the Lord model (Leviticus 23) where the gathering will be 10 days prior to Armageddon. If that is the case, then Armageddon is the wrath of God.

          After an indepth study on the subject of it (300 pages), I see it as 3 views. 1) Trumpet and Bowl Judgments and Armageddon. 2) Bowl Judgments and Armageddon, 3) Armageddon.
          From an indepth study on the Judgments themselves and taking Jim’s view which I can agree with, the Trumpet Judgments will be poured out in the first 5 months and the bowl judgments in the last seven months. Isaiah teaches the Day of the Lord is a one year event.
          Deuteronomy teaches that the groom cannot go to war for one year after he marries his bride but he can work during that year.
          So the gathering is 2 places. Day of Trumpet in either 2016 or 2017 or Passover of 2017.
          Personally I believe Passover of 2017 for me. I was chosen by dream to be an evangelist to both Jews and others during this time frame between the Bride rapture on Day of Trumpet on October 3rd and Passover. That is why I know the Bible so well. I have been studying all the prophecy passages for the past 7 years.
          My calling to be an evangelist was in 1981, but my studies in it began in 2007. My dream of a Jewish evangelist was in 2014 in the same year that I found out that I am an Aspie. In 2015, I found out that I am a Jew.

  229. well here is an interesting video…the guy is not that professional, but the content of his video is maybe worth discussion.

    sundown on august 18th, 2016 was 8 pm.

    images are from 8:45 pm……so sun was “gone” from view


    June. Obama told America to stockpile food. Germany just told their people to stockpile food and water now.


    NASA joins NNSA because an asteroid is coming now. So if there is no asteroid coming to destroy prts of the globe, why would NASA join NNSA and why would DUMBS be built if there is no asteroid coming Rodney and Ian (John)?

    • Hi John, Ian here.
      The article you linked to was about a woman who has visions and dreams of tsunamis and all sorts of other natural disasters. If scientists relied on dreams we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. When you are sick do you see a witch doctor or a medical professional?
      If there were an asteroid headed our way me and my associates would be the first ones to know about it. Who do you think would tell NASA about impending disasters? NASA has no astronomers looking for near earth objects. They depend on us. So if we say there is nothing out there, there’s nothing out there.
      The DUMBs are military bases that are nuclear hardened so if we are attacked first we will still have the ability to retaliate. Hitler built them too, and there was no asteroid back then either.
      California has been telling its residents to stockpile food and water for many years. When the big one hits they will need it. But not because a meteor is coming.
      I don’t think you believe that the world will end in 2016 since you mention events in 2017 all the time, so why did you post it? Did you think you could just bury us with so much garbage that we would start to believe it? Sorry but we might as well try to tell you God doesn’t exist but we know that would be futile so why bother?
      We’ve seen end-of-the-world predictions going back to when we were kids and yet the world is still here. It was never even partially destroyed. And so far we have only observed natural disasters – no supernatural ones though.
      What you are predicting is supernatural and we only believe in natural ones. At least so far. I will grant you the possibility that God may sometime intervene in worldly events but I don’t believe you will be able to predict an exact date. You’ve made your predictions so we will give you the benefit of the doubt and wait to see how accurate you will be.
      But please… no more dreams.

      • Ian, more on dreams,

        Day of Atonement 2016 and possible/probable earthquake
        Joe 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;
        Joe 2:2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.
        Joe 2:3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.

        Zep 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.
        Zep 1:15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
        Zep 1:16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.
        Zep 1:17 And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.
        Zep 1:18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

        Num_10:9 And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.

        The Day of the Lord is a one year event according to Isaiah and covers both the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation and it begins on the Day of Atonement.
        Joe 2:15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:
        Joe 2:16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.

        Lev 23:23 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
        Lev 23:24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.
        The seventh month occurs between September 15th to October 15th which is called the month of Tishrei. It begins when you see the first sliver of the new moon during this timeframe. In 2016, it is October 3rd.

        The Day of Trumpet this year is the possible/probable day for the rapture/gathering of Believers. According to the Torah (first five books of the Old Testament), the gathering takes place one year prior to war because the groom (Jesus Christ) cannot go to war for one year after he/He just got married.
        Exo_15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
        Deu_24:5 When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

        Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement
        Lev 23:26 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
        Lev 23:27 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls (fast), and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
        Lev 23:28 And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for you before the LORD your God.
        Joe 2:15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:

        On the Day of Atonement the trumpet/Shophar is blown once whereas on the Day of Trumpet, the shophar is blown 99 times. On the Day of Atonement, the nation is gathered together for this is the day of judgment against the nation for its sins and the nation is redeemed of its sins.

        Rev 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

        1656 2270, 2348/9 BCE 2435BC מבּוּל mabbûl; Flood Methuselah dies year of flood 969 years old; Noah 600 years old *

        Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement is when Nibiru in 2016 may/will affect the earth, with a global earthquake, fulfilled as in Revelation 6:12-17, as well as other OT scriptures. This global earthquake is actually an axial polar shift (the only explanation for why the stars will roll up as a scroll). This exact same event happened the day that the Great Deluge began, 3,600 years ago, when Nibiru passed through our solar system… which was also Yom Kippur, but it had not been decreed as such by YVWH yet, at the Exodus, when Moses was translated to Heaven to be with YVWH for the 40 days… remember, Moses’ face was so bright that the Israelites asked him to cover it, when he came back from Mount Sinai.

        In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Bereshit, Genesis 7:11 (1649 years from the fall – Book of Jubilees, Paradise and the Fall iii: 17); Nibiru encounter “The Destroyer”. Isa 24:1, 19-20. Some accounts and teachers say this was at Passover and others say this was in October/November. Pole Shift. It caused a 23 degree tilt. The tetonic plates separated.
        Gen 8:4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. Aviv 17th 2347 (Wednesday–Day after First fruits.)

        Supposedly, today the poles have shifted 47 degrees.

        Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
        Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
        Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
        Signs in the sun, moon and stars. Understand this to refer to the Great Day of Adonai (Joe_3:1-5 (Joe_2:28-32), Isa_13:9-10).

        The Miracle of the Sun (Portuguese: O Milagre do Sol) was an event which occurred on 13 October 1917. It’s 100th birthday or 2 Jubilee’s is October 13th, 2016.

        • Why would God be concerned about unveiling/revealing to us about events that have not yet occurred?
          1) He does so to prepare us for something or to cause us to intercede in prayer to prevent or to change a situation. (Isa 38:1-5)
          2) He knows we need to understand certain events in the future.
          Hab 2:1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
          Hab 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
          Hab 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

          This dream is posted at Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( in the Nibiru and dream file. This dream is the one that says I am a false prophet because people do not know my testimony.
          At the House. It is really a hot day (April, May, June, July, August, September). I am talking to a neighbor and we are standing on the asphalt of my driveway (North to south driveway). My soles on my shoes begin to melt (It is a very hot day). The shoes don’t melt but I feel the heat up under my feet. On both sides of the driveway, water comes to the surface. (Note: MY water table is 450 feet deep and I do not have drip lines along the driveway). Two vehicles are gone for the day.
          The next portion, I am in a field behind my house in the mountains and the ground is shaking heavily but not heavy enough to knock down buildings. I see two people running towards me out of the west and I join them and begin running as well to the east.
          Just as I begin to run, I wake up.
          In the dream, I notice that the trash left from the last housemate is gone. The tree trunks and branches are gone. The landscape bricks are gone. Also, there is a firewood wall built on the west side of the house that is about 12 feet to 18 feet long.
          In February 2016, I pick up on a project on the west side of the house and work on it until it is finished. The hole was dug last January in 2015 by Ray Garcia using a backhoe. I decided to not complete the project last year due to issues with the ground caving in by heavy rains. It is an addition to the house with a root cellar. Because of the underground building, I had to drop trees with a saws-all (reciprocating saw) and skill-saw and built an 18 foot 12 inch wide firewood storage wall. The cellar is 4 feet higher than the slope of the property so the landscape bricks went to keep the dirt at bay. The pallet that held the housemate’s trash went to be used as part of the floor in the 2 room cave where one can sleep decently.
          In the dream, the earth is shaking around 4.0 to 7.0 in the East Mountains. The ground water is probably gone. With the issues of what is going to occur possibly in 2016 in the USA, I don’t see any use of digging a new well at this time. I have stored about a one month supply of water for 2 people.

  232. John, this is for you… to help you study Nibiru.
    Kepler’s Three Laws
    Circular Motion Principles for Satellites
    Mathematics of Satellite Motion
    Weightlessness in Orbit
    Energy Relationships for Satellites
    In the early 1600s, Johannes Kepler proposed three laws of planetary motion. Kepler was able to summarize the carefully collected data of his mentor – Tycho Brahe – with three statements that described the motion of planets in a sun-centered solar system. Kepler’s efforts to explain the underlying reasons for such motions are no longer accepted; nonetheless, the actual laws themselves are still considered an accurate description of the motion of any planet and any satellite.

    Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion can be described as follows:

    The path of the planets about the sun is elliptical in shape, with the center of the sun being located at one focus. (The Law of Ellipses)
    An imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time. (The Law of Equal Areas)
    The ratio of the squares of the periods of any two planets is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their average distances from the sun. (The Law of Harmonies)

    The Law of Ellipses
    Kepler’s first law – sometimes referred to as the law of ellipses – explains that planets are orbiting the sun in a path described as an ellipse. An ellipse can easily be constructed using a pencil, two tacks, a string, a sheet of paper and a piece of cardboard. Tack the sheet of paper to the cardboard using the two tacks. Then tie the string into a loop and wrap the loop around the two tacks. Take your pencil and pull the string until the pencil and two tacks make a triangle (see diagram at the right). Then begin to trace out a path with the pencil, keeping the string wrapped tightly around the tacks. The resulting shape will be an ellipse. An ellipse is a special curve in which the sum of the distances from every point on the curve to two other points is a constant. The two other points (represented here by the tack locations) are known as the foci of the ellipse. The closer together that these points are, the more closely that the ellipse resembles the shape of a circle. In fact, a circle is the special case of an ellipse in which the two foci are at the same location. Kepler’s first law is rather simple – all planets orbit the sun in a path that resembles an ellipse, with the sun being located at one of the foci of that ellipse.

    The Law of Equal Areas
    Kepler’s second law – sometimes referred to as the law of equal areas – describes the speed at which any given planet will move while orbiting the sun. The speed at which any planet moves through space is constantly changing. A planet moves fastest when it is closest to the sun and slowest when it is furthest from the sun. Yet, if an imaginary line were drawn from the center of the planet to the center of the sun, that line would sweep out the same area in equal periods of time. For instance, if an imaginary line were drawn from the earth to the sun, then the area swept out by the line in every 31-day month would be the same. This is depicted in the diagram below. As can be observed in the diagram, the areas formed when the earth is closest to the sun can be approximated as a wide but short triangle; whereas the areas formed when the earth is farthest from the sun can be approximated as a narrow but long triangle. These areas are the same size. Since the base of these triangles are shortest when the earth is farthest from the sun, the earth would have to be moving more slowly in order for this imaginary area to be the same size as when the earth is closest to the sun.

    The Law of Harmonies
    Kepler’s third law – sometimes referred to as the law of harmonies – compares the orbital period and radius of orbit of a planet to those of other planets. Unlike Kepler’s first and second laws that describe the motion characteristics of a single planet, the third law makes a comparison between the motion characteristics of different planets. The comparison being made is that the ratio of the squares of the periods to the cubes of their average distances from the sun is the same for every one of the planets. As an illustration, consider the orbital period and average distance from sun (orbital radius) for Earth and mars as given in the table below.



    Distance (m)



    3.156 x 107 s

    1.4957 x 1011

    2.977 x 10-19


    5.93 x 107 s

    2.278 x 1011

    2.975 x 10-19

    Observe that the T2/R3 ratio is the same for Earth as it is for mars. In fact, if the same T2/R3 ratio is computed for the other planets, it can be found that this ratio is nearly the same value for all the planets (see table below). Amazingly, every planet has the same T2/R3 ratio.

    (NOTE: The average distance value is given in astronomical units where 1 a.u. is equal to the distance from the earth to the sun – 1.4957 x 1011 m. The orbital period is given in units of earth-years where 1 earth year is the time required for the earth to orbit the sun – 3.156 x 107 seconds. )

    Kepler’s third law provides an accurate description of the period and distance for a planet’s orbits about the sun. Additionally, the same law that describes the T2/R3 ratio for the planets’ orbits about the sun also accurately describes the T2/R3 ratio for any satellite (whether a moon or a man-made satellite) about any planet. There is something much deeper to be found in this T2/R3 ratio – something that must relate to basic fundamental principles of motion. In the next part of Lesson 4, these principles will be investigated as we draw a connection between the circular motion principles discussed in Lesson 1 and the motion of a satellite.

    How did Newton Extend His Notion of Gravity to Explain Planetary Motion?
    Newton’s comparison of the acceleration of the moon to the acceleration of objects on earth allowed him to establish that the moon is held in a circular orbit by the force of gravity – a force that is inversely dependent upon the distance between the two objects’ centers. Establishing gravity as the cause of the moon’s orbit does not necessarily establish that gravity is the cause of the planet’s orbits. How then did Newton provide credible evidence that the force of gravity is meets the centripetal force requirement for the elliptical motion of planets?

    Recall from earlier in Lesson 3 that Johannes Kepler proposed three laws of planetary motion. His Law of Harmonies suggested that the ratio of the period of orbit squared (T2) to the mean radius of orbit cubed (R3) is the same value k for all the planets that orbit the sun. Known data for the orbiting planets suggested the following average ratio:

    k = 2.97 x 10-19 s2/m3 = (T2)/(R3)
    Newton was able to combine the law of universal gravitation with circular motion principles to show that if the force of gravity provides the centripetal force for the planets’ nearly circular orbits, then a value of 2.97 x 10-19 s2/m3 could be predicted for the T2/R3 ratio. Here is the reasoning employed by Newton:

    Consider a planet with mass Mplanet to orbit in nearly circular motion about the sun of mass MSun. The net centripetal force acting upon this orbiting planet is given by the relationship

    Fnet = (Mplanet * v2) / R
    This net centripetal force is the result of the gravitational force that attracts the planet towards the sun, and can be represented as

    Fgrav = (G* Mplanet * MSun ) / R2
    Since Fgrav = Fnet, the above expressions for centripetal force and gravitational force are equal. Thus,

    (Mplanet * v2) / R = (G* Mplanet * MSun ) / R2
    Since the velocity of an object in nearly circular orbit can be approximated as v = (2*pi*R) / T,

    v2 = (4 * pi2 * R2) / T2
    Substitution of the expression for v2 into the equation above yields,

    (Mplanet * 4 * pi2 * R2) / (R • T2) = (G* Mplanet * MSun ) / R2
    By cross-multiplication and simplification, the equation can be transformed into

    T2 / R3 = (Mplanet * 4 * pi2) / (G* Mplanet * MSun )
    The mass of the planet can then be canceled from the numerator and the denominator of the equation’s right-side, yielding

    T2 / R3 = (4 * pi2) / (G * MSun )
    The right side of the above equation will be the same value for every planet regardless of the planet’s mass. Subsequently, it is reasonable that the T2/R3 ratio would be the same value for all planets if the force that holds the planets in their orbits is the force of gravity. Newton’s universal law of gravitation predicts results that were consistent with known planetary data and provided a theoretical explanation for Kepler’s Law of Harmonies.
    You see John, you continue to post bible verses that I have no way to understand I decided to post some science you could use to prove whether a planet like Nibiru might be out there and how it would have to orbit the sun.
    Do I expect you to understand it all? Nope.
    Do I even expect you to read it in an attempt to try to understand it? Nope.
    I just wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine and believe me, there are more science books I could post than words in the bible. But that would just be a big waste of my time. I merely wanted to make you realize how much time you have been wasting in attempting to teach Rod and I the bible.
    The same applies to dreams whether they are yours or some woman on the web. We do not believe in them because they never produce any actionable data that we could process, if we actually wanted to.
    So take the time to post this info if you must. Perhaps others here will read it intently, but please don’t post it for our benefit.
    As Sergeant Friday used to say on the TV show “Dragnet”… “Just the science ma’am, just the science.”
    At least that’s how I remember the line, but the word “facts” fits as well.

    • Ian

      well….that would keep anyone busy for awhile. 🙂


      I got up at 3 am and saw moon out my bedroom window that faces east.

      I just walked my dogs about 7 am and the moon was in the “high noon” position headed west.

      how can the moon change positions that fast?

      • The moon itself is not moving that fast. It is the rotation of the earth that you are primarily noticing. The moon actually moves only ½ degree to the east every hour but the earth turns 15 degrees to the west every hour so that the true lunar motion is virtually unnoticeable.
        You should notice that the background stars also move 15 degrees per hour to the west. Now would you ask, “How did Orion change its position so fast?” After all you do know that the stars no longer go around the earth like they did before Copernicus. So you need to not just look at the moon but also at the stars behind it. Then when you look later you will see that they have moved together across the sky but they really didn’t move at all. It was all smoke and mirrors due to the turning of the earth. The moon only moves a little bit in that time, not so’s you’d even notice, unless you were looking.
        Next time, try looking.
        Good Luck, Ian.

        • ian

          at 3 am i did not notice where the stars were. they all look the same to me.

          at 7 am, sunrise can’t see any

          it is now about 8:30…moon in same place now

          i am not sure how this 15 degrees every hour to west works , but I could still surmise that (if using a clock as an analogy) the moon went from 3 oclock to 6 oclock….in 3 hours so that matches, although i am not supposed to notice it

          now it is still at 6 oclock when it should be at 7-8 oclock…

          bottom line it went from the back of my house to the front of my house in 3 hours even though i am not supposed to be really able to detect it.

          I am not talking about what is supposed to happen but what I saw happen, which is still different from what is normal, according to you

  233. Marianne,
    It seems you are still confused that the moon is moving in one direction when it appears to be moving on the opposite direction. You seem to be having trouble rendering the cosmos in 3D in your head and translating it to the 2 dimensions you see in the sky. This is not unusual and is actually quite common. Some mathematicians I know can think in 14 dimensions, all theoretical but they see their math in ways that would dumbfound an average person.
    You must conceive that the moon is circling the earth in one direction, the earth is rotating in the opposite direction and the two of them while intertwined are revolving around the sun. So everything we see is constantly on the move so it can be very confusing if you can’t work with all the variables while simultaneously translating them to the night sky.
    So don’t feel bad, your‘e in good company but be assured, never has the earth stopped rotating, nor has the moonever sped up or slowed down in its orbit just to confuse you when you walk your dog.
    I promise.

  234. Marianne,
    In 12 hours the moon should rise, travel across the entire sky from east to west, then set. So in any given day/night the moon IS all over the sky. This is normal. It has been doing the same thing for your whole life and billions of years before that so I don’t understand why you think it is doing something different or special in your neck of the woods. Even the slightest anomaly in the travel of the moon would be detected by astronomers all over the world and immediately published all over the web. The fact that it hasn’t means that as far as the professional observers are concerned, everything is normal.
    Exactly what do you believe is happening up there? I tell you that no abnormal behavior has been recorded and you say something is hinky up there. Tens of thousands of people observe the moon at all times of the day and night and they’ve seen nothing out of the ordinary. If you wish to prove your observations you must use the scientific method and describe everything in fine detail. You surely have an accurate clock but you may not have the equipment or the mental acuity to measure or estimate angles or right ascension as the moon moves across the sky. If you can do this to the satisfaction of the scientific community you will become very famous very quickly, I guarantee you.
    It depends if you’re up to the work and tedious observations. Either that or believe the experts. It’s up to you.
    So tell me more and maybe I can help you figure it out.

    • ian

      I was comparing what you said (its movements barely noticeable) to what I saw, which was a lot of movement. now you say it is all over the sky in one day. so please be consistent

      • Marianne,
        As I’ve said four times now, there are two different lunar motions. One is its true motion against the stars as it orbits the earth. This motion is relatively small and it is practically cancelled out by the APPARENT motion of the moon due to the rotation of the earth. This apparent motion causes the sun and the stars to APPEAR to move around the earth once every day. Surely you’ve noticed this every day. The sun comes up moves across the sky and sets every day. But it isn’t really going around the earth. The same is true for the stars. They move around the earth day and night even when you can’t see them, but this again is APPARENT motion due to the earth’s rotation.
        But the moon IS going around the earth, unlike everything else but its motion is much slower – 30 times slower, so you may not notice it unless you look very carefully at the stars behind the moon.
        But if as you said, the stars don’t look like anything to you – you don’t know your constellations or bright stars – then following the moon against the starry background can be difficult. But over a whole day the moons motion IS noticeable. Maybe not due to the background stars being different but by the time it rises, sets or passes outside your living room window. You might also notice that its phase change a bit every day – crescent to quarter to full etc. This is due to its real motion around the earth – the slow one.
        It seems all you’ve been noticing is the rotation of the earth on an hourly basis anyway. But over a day or week you will also notice that slight but additive motion in the opposite direction that causes it to rise an hour later every day, plus the change of phases.
        The moon is special as it is the only heavenly object that actually goes around the earth. So it doesn’t quite behave like the rest of the sky. But its not rocket science. It is similar to if you were standing in a merry-go-round watching the world pass by, once every few seconds or so. Then imagine a bug walking slowly in the opposite direction that you are turning. Given enough time that bug will circle the merry-go-round changing the time in your spin when you can see it. If you can imagine that scenario then you’ve got the moon as well. If you can’t then the moon will surely be out of your comprehension. As I said before there are some people who just don’t get it.

        • Ian

          watch it….

          there is a difference between a stupid person, and a person who does not have the educational background in astronomy

          I have never really cared about what was up in the sky until all this nibiru discussion came up. so then i looked up occasionally to see if I could see anything unusual. i am generally familiar with objects like sun, moon, big dipper etc, but not all the constellations. I have no reason to want to know them. I do understand north, south, east and west, and when it appears the moon is going one direction over a few hours, and whether it seems to stop or not, and whether it seems to be “apparently” going backwards. I do not need all the technical terms and math.

          I remember times I could see the moon out my living room window (west side) when I got up early. now I see it out my bedroom window (east side)….

          what I have been looking for is a graphic or map of the moon’s daily or seasonal movements across the sky. last night I did not see the moon at all when I walked my dogs…but it was there at 3 am out my back window.

          are there different patterns of movement at different times or seasons.?

          I might think so, so I would like to see a picture of what this would look like from the ground, not the sky, since I don’t live up there

          • Marianne,
            I’m sorry you are having such a hard time understanding how the moon works. It is not a question of stupidity or I.Q. I learned about the moon in the 4th grade. They still teach it there. Surely you are as smart as a 4th grader, so your problem is in your ability to see in your mind a 3 dimensional picture of the sun, moon and earth and how they all work together and then to translate that information into what you see at night when you look up at the sky. It may require that you watch a video on the topic rather than trying to translate just my words into a 3-D image in your head etc.
            So I have looked up a couple of YouTube videos that may help. If they don’t there are many more available. These are obviously made for kids, but when it comes to astronomy you have admitted you are sort of a kid. As you said you paid no attention to the sky until you wanted Nibiru to be real and now you are over your head because you didn’t start from scratch when it comes to the science involved.
            They only last a few minutes, and they primarily explain the phases of the moon but they also illustrate how the moon moves around the earth. Unfortunately the videos don’t stop at each phase and illustrate what the moon would look like as the earth rotates so that is something you will have to conjure up in your own mind. It takes some imagination to do this and as I said, some people can do it and some people can’t. It takes a part of the brain that few people train themselves to use since they normally have no use for it.
            Let me give you a practical example that may help.
            When an auto mechanic drives his/her car, he imagines the starter turning, the spark plugs firing and the cylinders all moving in synch, turning the engine and turning the axles an then the wheels and so on. When he makes a turn he “sees” the steering shaft turning the proper gears to move the wheels in the right direction etc, etc. This is simple and even natural to those kinds of people. But not to me.
            I suppose some chemists imagine what is happening on a molecular level as they prepare their meals and stir their coffee etc.
            As an astronomer, when I go outside and look up I don’t just see specks of light on a dark background. I can imagine exactly where the moon and the sun is even if they are not yet visible. I know what constellations are below the horizon and what constellations are just about to rise. Astronomers often have to wait, sometimes for hours, for some objects to rise on any given day. And we know the differences in rise time for different constellations from month to month since they rise a little earlier every single day. We know the sky like you know your home, everything in its proper place.
            So don’t feel bad if you don’t get the moon. Its not for everyone. But give these videos a try and then take it from there.
            Good luck. Ian

            • Sorry, the links didn’t post for some reason. I’ll try again…

            • the 4th grade did not discuss the moon in the way I want to know now.. it was just something that went around the earth in about 28-30 days

              i want to see a graphic on how the moon, with the rest of the stuff up there, moves across the sky in a 24 hour period.

              this is so I can know what to expect day by day as the moon moves around the earth. it seem erratic to me from the times I do get to look up there.

              • OK then, you just want to track the moon across the sky, right. SO do know how to track the sun across the sky? Does it ever seem erratic to you? Some afternoons are shorter than the previous day etc? Probably not. Well the sun isn’t really moving, it is the rotation of the earth that makes the sun appear to go across the sky. And the exact same motion can be applied to the moon. It rises and sets just like the sun as well as the stars. The sun, the moon and all the constellations all move across the sky at the same rate that the earth is rotating. This is the primary “motion” you see when watching the moon.
                The only difference is that the moon is slowly moving in the opposite direction from the turning earth so it moves a teensy bit slower than the sun and stars. Not so that a casual observer would ever notice, so don’t worry about that. That motion is the one that causes the phases which is shown in the videos so I hope you’ve got that figured out already.
                So forget the small movement of the moon around the earth. In any given night or daytime if the moon is bright enough to see, you should see the moon travel across the sky from east to west just as the sun does. It is due to the earth turning, not the moon moving so if you get the sun then the moon should not be a problem. It is basically the same deal.

                • like I said before, I expect the sun and the moon to appear going from east to west….it may start out that way, but there have been times when the movement went quickly in a few hours from east to south, then back to east….( then i stopped looking because i was inside) ….I want to know what causes that. it is not the expected pattern for me

                  • There can only be two explanations for this.
                    Either you are mistaken in where you think the sun/moon are, or the earth has reversed its direction of rotation for those periods of time.
                    I’ll let you pick.

              • Oh, and by the way, you can’t track the moon over 24 hours. Half the day you can see it, then it sets (times will vary depending on the phase) and will be out of site until it rises 12 hours later and the process repeats.

  235. Rodney, Ian, and Marianne,
    I wanted for Marianne to post a document for October 13 and the Day of Atonement and she said the scriptures posted does not help my cause to prove it so I left her website. Goodbye one and all. What is pasted below is only a part of a 10 page article on just events since the creation of the earth in the 7th Biblical Month.

    This below is why I watch for events in the stars.

    Jan 20th 5 planets line up in a row. 5 is the number of grace. This was on a Wednesday which was a 4th day event for me. It ended on February 20th which was a Sabbath. 120 days from February 20th is June 19th, 2016 which was the Biblical Pentecost.
    June 5th was on a Sunday and the creation of the earth began on the first day of the week. 06/06/2016-10/3/2016 is 120 days. 10/3/2016 is Tishrei 1.
    June 6th (Rosh Chodesh 3 (first sliver of the new moon) to Day of Trumpet is approximately 120 days. 06/06/2016-10/4/2016 is 120 days (Gen 6:3). And man shall live 120 years/Jubilees. So I suggest that 120 days can also be used here as a timeframe.
    June 19th was the Biblical Pentecost and this was when Moses went up onto the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights. The next 40 days lands on July 29th (Tammuz 23) timeframe which is on a Friday. At this time in Moshe life, he smashed to golden calf. Using the three 40 time periods above, let’s calculate the following 40 days. July 29, 2016 +40 days = September 7th, 2016 which is a 4th day event and is also Elul 4. On Elul 1 Moshe went up on the Mountain for the next 40 days until the Day of Atonement.

    1 Elul – Moses ascends Sinai for 3rd 40 days (1313 BCE)
    1 Elul – The Prophet Haggai commands that the rebuilding of the Second Temple continue (520 BCE).
    The final 40th day lands on Monday (Day 2) October 17, 2016. From Elul 1 to Day of Atonement (October 13/14) is 40 days. Elul 1 begins the 40 days of repentance for the Jews.
    Feb. 20th to April 30th was 70 days. April 30th was Day 7 of Passover Week (A Sabbath). (Isaac Circumcised; Encirclement of Jericho and it’s fall; Lots of events occurred during Passover week like Sodom and Gomorrah, Yeshua’s death, the Exodus, Joshua’s Longest Day to name a few).
    April 30th + 50 days = June 19th.
    June 19th +40 days = July 29th. Delta Aquarids on a Sabbath in Aquarius (the Water bearer and Joel 2:28 (spirit poured out).
    July 29th is 21 days prior to August 19th. (7+7+7=21). July 29th was 12 days prior to Perceids Meteor Shower.
    August 3-4/2016 was Rosh Chodesh 5 or the first sliver of the New Moon for the Month of Av.
    8/3/2016+70 days = Day 4, Oct 12th, 2016 which is the eve of Day of Atonement which may be the day before the Day of the Lord begins on the Day of Atonement if this is the year for the Day of the Lord.
    There will be a third set of planets lined up on either the Day of Trumpet or the Day of Atonement.
    August 10th was a 4th day, August 11th was Day 5 to 19th is respectively day 9 and day 8. 8 means a new beginning and nine means final completion. On August 9-13, we have the Perseids Meteor Shower. The shower tends to peak around August 9-13. The 10th is on Day 4 and the 13th is on the Sabbath.
    August 19th, 2016 possibility of the Temple being put onto the Temple Mount by God ties into the Sept 28th (40 days) showing of Nibiru bringing chaos onto the globe and at 127 days forward it ties into December 24th which is the ninth month and 24th day of Haggai 2 which is a possible axial pole shift and other events tied to the Temple, I think.
    Going backwards in time, it ties to 5 plants in a row between January 20th and February 20th event. Counting forward from February 20th, we have 80th day and 100th day. August 19 minus 70 and 80 days lands us on May 31 (Blue Moon Sabbath; 12 days prior to Pentecost on June 12th) and May 11 which is one day off from the February 20th 80th and 100th day.
    Uranus left the horizontal on the 4th day 6/24/2015, arrived at the mid point on 6/22/2016 (4th Day event), and arrives on the vertical on 6/22/2017 (5th day) or possibly on the 4th day. It starts its retrograde on 8/12/2017. Sept 23rd, 2017 is Day of Trumpet (Rev 12:1 event with Virgo and Leo). Sept 30th is Day of Atonement (4th day event) with possibility of Armageddon. The Messianic Kingdom begins on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles on October 5th which is a 5th day event. Eve of Sukkot is a 4th day event.
    6/24/2015 (Wednesday) + 364 days = 06/22/2016 Sivan 16
    August 19th and Grace of five planets and where it comes into play with Uranus.
    6/22/2016 (Wednesday) +50 days = August 19th, 2016. Aug. 19 +50 days = Oct. 8th which is the 5th day during the Days of Awe between Day of Trumpet and Day of Atonement. The number 5 means grace.
    August 24th 4th day event In Scorpio, Saturn is in line with Mars and Antares 8/24/2016+ 50 days = Day of Atonement (Oct 13th). 8/24/2016+40 days = Day of Trumpet.

    August 19th, 2016 and the 15th of Av; Jeremiah 31:31-36 and the Connection of Uranus in Pisces; 120 years and Biblical Prophecy; Passover Eighth Day 2016 and the Connection to the Golden Calf; Pentecost (June 12th) and June 19th; May 21 (Blue Moon Sabbath). Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming (

    • Hi John,
      I’m afraid I can’t make heads or tails out your post, but it sounds like you have gone back into the distant biblical past to see what events happened on what days and now you are trying to match up end time events with those of the past. Am I right?
      But what makes you believe 2016 is the year that all this will go down? Why not 100 years ago or 100 years from now? I guess you have some ulterior motive for picking this year but it sounds like Marianne doesn’t quite agree with you. And posting 20 pages of “proof” would only tend to confuse me even more. I can’t speak for others here though.
      And I can’t really respond to your astronomical references as they are more astrological than astronomical. And as usual your references to Nibiru are simply false due to the lack of the planet.
      I would hate to see you leave, especially with all your predictions looming so close. You should stick around to see if you will be vindicated and proven to be a genuine prophet. I must say I’ve never met one (for sure) but if all your predictions come true I will surely be on your side. I might even start reading the bible.

      • rod sweetheart

        you should read the bible anyhow. 🙂

        the bible describes scenes for the last days which are catastrophic.

        there are different theories as to how they will take place

        even in the secular news, we read and hear many dire situations developing

        might be good to spend 5 minutes thinking of what is going to happen to you and where you will spend eternity, than to take a chance and miss out on the loving option god has given us.

    • it is possible to be right about something and have the wrong proof. just saying you cannot use any scripture that you like. you have to be sure it describes nibiru.

      anyhow, people love you here and do not want you to go.

      I am not against you. after all, look …I posted one of your documents already

  236. Where is this stupid planet right now? What is it’s path as of 8/24/16? I want to get my telescope, look up in the sky at night and see it. Where is it?

    • Gene,
      Well, to tell you the truth, right now the planet doesn’t exist. At least according to the people who search for such things and track them once their existence is proven.
      The problem with Nibiru is that none (not one) of the Nibiru experts or websites has been able to provide the orbital data for real astronomers like myself to be able to train our telescopes on it in order to prove it is real and plot its true orbit. Some draw pretty pictures of the supposed orbit of Nibiru but no mathematical data to allow others to find it.
      I suppose if you wanted to see something go out at sunset with a cheap camera and point it directly at the sun and Nibiru might magically appear in your camera. But be aware, when you remove the camera (with its lens flares) from your eye Nibiru will disappear. This accounts for ¾ of all Nibiru “sightings.” It is the easiest way to photograph the mysterious planet.
      Or you could go to the vast NASA deep space images database and find something that looks sort of like a planet and post it on YouTube as a bona fide sighting. That’s how the other ¼ do it. If either of these methods satisfy you, then there you go.
      But if you really want to see it in person, forget about it.

    • gene

      I have never seen it, but others say they have.

      I leave this page here so people can debate about it.

      I have seen some evidence for it, and understand some logical arguments against it.

      if it does exist, then astronomers need to point their telescopes in the right direction to see it.

      if it does not exist, then I am very relieved…

  237. About 3 years ago I saw a planet i though it could be the moon but then I saw that this was quite different, it wasn’t as bright as the moon but it was quite big and so I thought at the place it was it couldn’t be the moon I saw it on the western horizon. It moved fast because within 15-20 min it had completely disappeared moving from the west to the southeast and it eventually got smaller until it dissappered, I saw this for 2 days only and haven’t seen it ever since.. Coming from a religious family and the thought that there is only life on 1 planet in the entire universe completely changed my thoughts and the way I view religion now I’ve defiantly become more conciouss.

    • jael

      we are discovering new things every day/year with what might be in space.

      if it was not the moon, and it was definitely something, disappearing in a short time, then it might be a moon associated with another planet, or cosmic object. also cloud cover could have concealed it, making it seem to disappear when it was still there.

      otherwise it could be man made…..or “alien” technology, a lot of which is US government projects.

  238. August 27th (Sabbath) is very interesting according to Stellarium.

    Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
    Gen 1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
    Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
    Gen 1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
    Gen 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

    Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
    Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

    Sabbath Readings: Eikev: Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25 ; Haftarah: Isaiah 49:14 – 51:3 Man does not live by bread alone, but by the utterance of G-d’s mouth does man live (Deuteronomy 8:3)

    This explains a most puzzling fact of life: how is it that man, the highest form of life, derives vitality and sustenance from the lower tiers of creation — the animal, vegetable and mineral?

    But the true source of nourishment is the “Divine utterance” in every creation, and, as the Kabbalists teach, the “lowlier” the creation, the loftier the divine energy it contains, like a collapsing wall, in which the highest stones fall the farthest. (R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi)

    As a man chastens his son, so G-d chastens you (8:5)

    A father punishing his child inflicts greater suffering on himself than anything experienced by the child. So it is with G-d: His pain is greater than our pain. (R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev)

    Regulus and Sun are in Leo; which are in line with Jupiter/Venus (conjoined) and Spica in Virgo. These are in line with Saturn in Scorpio.

    Source; Australian Geographic

    On the morning of Saturday, August 27th , the +10th magnitude asteroid 85 Io occults a +7.5 magnitude star (TYC 0517-00165-1). the maximum predicted duration for the event is 28 seconds, and the maximum predicted brightness drop is expected to be 3 magnitudes. The ‘shadow’ will cross North America from the northeast to the southwest starting over Quebec at 4:27 Universal Time (UT), crossing Ontario and Michigan’s upper peninsula at 4:30 UT, and heading south over Oklahoma, Texas, and Mexico at 4:36 UT. The action takes place in the constellation Aquarius, with the Moon at a 28% waning crescent. Universe Today

    Picture shows the Asteroid cuts America in half.

    Aquarius is called the water bearer in the Scriptures and it ties to the word: Pour as in pouring out of the Spirit of God in Joel 2 where men will dream dreams and young men will see visions and people will confess to one and all of the things of God.

    Another 5 page article in the making.

    • The article was 7 pages and is at: Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming (

    • John,
      I don’t understand the biblical significance of an asteroid of which there are millions, passing in front of a faint star of which there are billions.
      The star is 25 times fainter than can be seen with the naked eye so the average person will never see it. Probably less than a handful of local astronomers will bother to try to see it. So I don’t understand why such a non-event would be so important in bible prophecy.
      The same can be said for planets aligning with stars. That happens all the time. I seriously doubt any of this can be found in the bible. It is far to technical to be described in such a book, and I have seen the verses you claim to speak of Nibiru and they clearly are not speaking of any particular object. You are assigning the objects and the meanings to the scriptures based on some predisposed ideas you have already come up with.
      If there was no internet and the Nibiru myth had never been propagated (it has never appeared on TV or in the newspapers) I seriously doubt you would have come up with the idea of a rogue planet just from the bible alone.
      So I don’t really understand why you put so much faith in these minor, common astronomical events and raise them to signs from God. I think you are just using them for personal reinforcement of your pre-existing ideas.
      Perhaps the average reader may be unduly impressed by your description of these events but from a scientific perspective they are meaningless.
      I just wanted to set the science straight.

      • Ian

        there is a passage in the bible where something falls from the sky and hits the oceans, poisoning them. it does not say any more about how this came to be asteroids falling to earth is quite possible, but we don’t know when this will happen, except that it is after the wrath of god hits the earth for its sins. so if you do not see the wrath of god yet, then it is not ready to happen

      • ian


        there is one exception….there is something that destroys “mystery babylon” and I am not sure in the gist of things when this happens, but it seems to be a separate event from the wrath.

        • Marianne,
          I read the verse John posted on the “star with a fiery tail” that falls to earth which sounds like a meteor but it could be a small comet or asteroid. These can surprise astronomers and come out of nowhere with little notice but we are actively looking for these thing nowadays so we might get some advanced notice.
          The only problem is that it is not really possible for a meteor to cause the type of damage indicated in the verses. Meteors can’t poison rivers or springs which come from deep underground and are impervious to surface deposits. And there has never been any poison found on any meteors that have ever hit the earth. So while the meteor may be natural what it causes is supernatural. So would guess that if this turns out to be an act of God, then the whole thing will be supernatural more than likely.
          But that’s just my guess. And if I’m right then there is no sense in looking for a real culprit out in space. Not Nibiru, not a dwarf star, not anything already in our solar system.
          Just God, plain and simple. That’s my only explanation.

        • Marianne said to ian


          there is one exception….there is something that destroys “mystery babylon” and I am not sure in the gist of things when this happens, but it seems to be a separate event from the wrath.

          The timeframe for Babylon the Great to be destroyed which is also called the war between the King of the North and the King of the South in Daniel 11 is in December of 2016.

          America (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) 2016. Some call this “fire” in dreams.

          Don’t be surprised if it occus as early as October or even September of 2016. I would suggest to watch for it beginning Sept 14th.

      • I record the events on the day they happen. Basically, my whole document is: What happened on April 29th, 2007. Why is April 29th, 2007 an important day. Who died on April, 29th, 2007. Who was born on April 29th, 2007.

        Here is one such example.
        Now about the Sabbaths and how they are tied to Yeshua/Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke says the Son of Man is L-rd even of the Sabbath. That means to me that everything occurring with Yeshua will occur on a Sabbath, 4th day, Rosh Chodesh (first sliver of the new moon), full moon, or the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles.
        Yeshua was conceived in 4 BC at Chanukkah (Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication) on a Sabbath either on Dec. 15th or the 22nd. Born in the Fall on either Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpet) or on the first Annual Sabbath of Feast of Tabernacles in 3 BCE. Messianics teach Feast of Tabernacles. He was circumcised on the 8th day (A new beginning) on the Second Annual Sabbath. According to Stellarium (free Astronomy program) and, He was born on Yom Kippur in 3 BC (Stellarium -4). He began His ministry in 27 CE and baptized either in January (Michael Rood Chronological Gospels) or Day of Atonement (Biblical Astronomy article). Entered Jerusalem on a donkey in 29 CE (Shemitah year) on Abib 10 (Saturday), Month 1. Died on Passover (not a Sabbath) on Wednesday (4th day and 4th candle called the Christ candle or servant candle of the Menorah (7 candles)) (each candle represents a day and 1000 years). Buried on Thursday (Wednesday night by the time the first three stars came out which starts a new day). Possibly the men came out of the tomb when the stars had appeared and closed the tomb after the stars came out. This Day was the Feast of Unleavened Bread Annual Sabbath. Rose 72 hours later at the beginning of the Feast of First Fruits. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is the Messianic Kingdom at the Second Coming in 2017.
        Day of Trumpet is the rapture of Believers and Jesus comes in the air. Day of Atonement is Armageddon at the very end and the beginning of the Day of the Lord. Between the Day of Trumpet and Day of Atonement there are 10 days of Awe. The Day of Trumpet is the rapture like possibly in 2016 and the Day of Atonement goes off with a bang of a global earthquake then what happens between those 10 days of Awe. Could it be minor quakes building upon each other over those 10 days plus daily global lightning storms and daily flooding. Hmmm!!

        Rev 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
        Both what is now, and what will happen afterwards. This phrase can be used to support the Futurist, Preterist and Historical approaches to the book of Revelation, or a combination of them (see Rev_1:1).
        Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

        The book of Revelation, the last book in the New Testament, polarizes readers. Some see in it the key to the universe, or at least the key to the future. Others find it completely opaque or dismiss it as nonsense. Some regard its highly picturesque language as absolutely literal, others as entirely symbolic, and still others as sometimes one and sometimes the other, or even both at once. There are four major approaches to its interpretation:
        (1) Futurist. The book of Revelation is an explicit forecast of a future yet to unfold.
        (2) Preterist. The prophecies of Revelation were fulfilled in the first century. (Latin praeter means “before.”)
        (3) Historical or Presentist. The prophecies of Revelation are being fulfilled now, during the period between Yeshua’s resurrection and his second coming.
        (4) Idealist. The book of Revelation does not refer to history at all but is a timeless allegory of the conflict between good and evil.
        To add to the confusion, some commentators combine two or more of these approaches at once.
        Given no more information than this, it should be obvious that Revelation is the most difficult book in the Bible on which to comment. Dealing with the historical assertions and theological opinions found in the other 26 books of the New Testament is hard enough; but when the subject matter touches on the future, it’s everyone for himself! Making sense of such a book is a great challenge, and I am not the first to whom it has given pause-John Calvin wrote an extensive commentary on the whole Bible, Old Testament and New, except for Revelation. On the other hand, there are those so eager to read their own pre-formed opinions into Revelation that they ignore what it actually says; or they engage in what Arnold Fruchtenbaum, a Hebrew Christian scholar, calls (in his commentary on Revelation, Footsteps of the Messiah) “newspaper exegesis,” that is, seeing in every current event a sensational fulfillment of some biblical prophecy.

        I myself do not hold strong views about the book of Revelation. I do not have a distinctly preferred pair of spectacles through which I see it. If readers perceive that my remarks shift from one perspective to another, and if they find this disturbing, I apologize in advance-I can’t give more than I’ve got. Fortunately, much of what I have to say about this book does not depend on which of the above four viewpoints is correct.

        • John,
          Once again you’ve flooded me with bible stuff I will never understand. But its good to hear you admit that even you don’t understand it all and that even bible experts don’t agree on what they are reading.
          Frankly I’m not surprised. We are used to reading scientific references and journals and as long as you understand the principles and the math, everyone reading it comes away with the same exact information.
          But I can tell from the bible verses you’ve posted that many of the verses and especially the prophecy are kind of vague. I can’t make heads or tails from them but I assume once you’ve read the whole bible you might gain some insights as to possible meanings. But apparently there is no true consensus on many topics. I just hope not too many people are counting on Nibiru to fulfill their prophecy because everyone is wrong on that account.
          But let me ask you or anyone else here about the time of God’s wrath. Someone mentioned they are waiting for that to start before things like Nibiru or the poisoned meteorite can happen. So does anyone know when this time period will begin or what biblical events are supposed to happen to start it off?
          You have also confused me by predicting that the US will be annihilated by nuclear war in October followed by Sharia law in December. So will we be nuked by Muslims who will move into the nuclear wasteland and set up a Sharia-based nation? These two events seem to be in conflict with one another.
          I think maybe you are just posting various ideas that not everyone agrees on and you are waiting to see which, if any are correct. But you sound pretty sure that some major events are going to happen this year. I’m hoping they will be big enough to draw the attention of the scientific community, especially anything supernatural. I won’t consider politics as acts of God though so you’ve got your work cut out to impress me.

          • rod

            there is a general time frame, but no given dates

            2 parts:


            Tribulation comes first…this is wicked man afflicting others, and the consequences playing out economically and socially……

            1. godlessness and no desire for peace, would rather have war

            2. war over the earth, ex iran, iraq, etc. possibly nuclear war

            3. famine and inflation, people starving as money values have collapsed…due to banking fraud, business fraud, and war

            4. disease and pestilence as a result of disasters and war

            5. martyrdom of saints, as the wicked slay the good, ex. ISIS beheading its victims…..much death here…look at ISIS jihadist invading europe, destroying, raping killing (also part of war)

            6. end point ….major (maybe global) earthquake, sun turns dark, moon turns red, stars seem to fall from sky…. many die, and leave this life…

            elite run to their bunkers in ground to save themselves, paid for by those they robbed blind.

            so all this has to come to pass first….


            then the wrath begins, and it is God against the wicked for destroying the planet, now God will destroy them

            all hell breaks loose , literally

            nature turns against man

            demonic runs wild

            whole populations destroyed, billions dead

            maybe a handful of people survive, mostly jews who get saved by messiah coming to their rescue

            • It sounds like a whole lot of stuff must go down before it is God’s time for vengeance. So we need to look for political events first, but then how will we know the Lord has begun his wrath? Are there signs for that?
              Maybe you know a good movie on the end times. I’ve seen most of the standard bible movies – 10 commandments, Greatest Story Ever Told etc, but nothing on the tribulation.
              A movie may not be perfect but it could go a long way to give me the gist of what you are talking about.
              Thanks, Rod

              • hi rod

                read revelation 6


                this is the final sign:

                12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

                13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

                14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

                15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

                16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the WRATH of the Lamb:

                17 For the great day of his WRATH is come; and who shall be able to stand?

                If you don’t belong to the Lord by then, you are doomed, because you are going to die a horrific death, and end up in hell. there will only be a slim chance for survival, then you will experience torture by demons then get killed anyhow.

                political events : massive war, maybe nuclear, murders high, esp beheadings, martial law, follow middle east news, all nations and UN will align against Israel (this includes america), happening now (Zech 14), corrupt politicians call good evil and evil good, which is happening now. rise of antichrist figure, famine, economic collapse. the first 5 seals in REvelation 6 are the political signs, also one world religion, starting sept 3-23 with pope, who thinks all religions serve same god

                • Politics aside, what event do you think will be the first act of God where everyone on earth will know he is acting biblically. Earthquakes, darkened sun and moon and meteor showers may technically be acts of God, but they are unusual enough to qualify as an act of God’s wrath, at least to me. Or do you think that maybe there will be nothing but natural occurrence that many people will just write off as normal and will not realize any of it is from God himself?
                  Maybe I’m just expecting more from God than he can actually deliver.

                  • rod

                    if you look carefully at what I wrote from revelation 6, they all happen at the same time….they are not separate events…while individually, they may seem “normal,” but not all together

                    12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was

                    a great earthquake;

                    and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair,

                    and the moon became as blood;

                    13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth,

                    14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together;

                    and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

                    this set of events has never happened before in the history of the earth, unless you know otherwise. 6 “natural” events happening at the same time

                    this will not be written off as normal, as many will die at this time

                    God can deliver, but we will not be able to handle it

                  • Rodney, according to my timeline and Dave Hodges timeline (Common Sense we are 40 days from this coming Saturday to 100 days out when total chaos breaks out in the USA. A major seas shipping company for manufacturing supplies just went bankrupt. Therefore, you will get no more camera’s from China or the parts to repair them. It may not be China, but it was an Asian company. Therefore, the shelves in your local Walmart will go bare within 3 months from now possibly.

              • Rodney, watch the fantasy Left Behind movies. Remember this however, they will not be the way that events will actually occur.
                What people take now as natural occurances will actually be the acts of God. These are earthquakes, unusual and out of season hurricanes, tornadoes, weather changes. I gave you the 45 things to watch for. I watch for the Second coming by how many Stellar events on my watch days occur over the year. Since I began watching in 2010 here is the list: 2010 – 1; 2011-1; 2012-0; 2013-2; 2014-6; 2015-9; 2016-16. By 2030, it may be up to 400 in a year’s time.
                On this past Saturday (August 27th) while there was an alignment going on, Asteroid 2016 QA2 which was 50 -100 feet in diameter passed by us within 50,000 miles of us and it was discovered within hours prior to it passing by us by you Astronomers.
                Others are watching the political events in the Middle East, In Russia, China, USA, etc. Personally, I would ignore the Elections because the elections coverage is there to hide what is going on behind the scenes.

  239. August 24th 4th day event In Scorpio, Saturn is in line with Mars and Antares 8/24/2016+ 50 days = Day of Atonement (Oct 13th). 8/24/2016+40 days = Day of Trumpet.

    You can see the Days of Awe here in Leviticus 23 which is tied to Genesis 1:14 and Luke 21:25-26. Both the number 40 and 50 are Biblical numbers.

    This 5 page article is at: Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( It is tied to 2 6.0+ earthquakes. The Italy earthquake is tied to CERN and both earthquake regions are heavy into paganism. Italy is connected to the whore of Babylon and the other one is heavy into Buddhism, Hindusim, Islam, and Jehovah Witnesses which are all steeped into paganism.

  240. Events in September of 2016 is already up to 5 pages. This 5 page article is at: Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming (

  241. Marianne, not yet another lens flare photo!
    As an astronomer I am by default a photographer. Virtually all research involves photographs, not direct viewing. I am also an avid nature photographer so I have taken many pictures of the sun at all times of the day. I have also owned a great deal of cameras and lenses over the years from film to digital. I don’t know how big a photographer you are but I’m guessing it is not one of your biggest hobbies. So I will try to describe the problems in laymans terms.
    With a perfect lens every picture of the sun would appear as a perfect, smooth ball, like you see when you look at a sunset when the sun isn’t so bright as to damage your eyes.
    But unlike telescopes, camera lenses especially modern zoom lenses have as many as 20 separate glass elements in them with as many as 80 reflective surfaces including the inside and outside surfaces of both sides of the glass. When the image passes thru these various elements a small amount of light bounces back, like when you look out a window and you can see your reflection in it while someone on the outside can see you as well. This happens with every element in a camera lens as well.
    The amount of reflection is small and can be reduced with special coatings placed on the elements. For most photography these reflections are too small to show up in most photos, but in some cases such as night scenes with bright streetlights and photos with the sun in them the reflections become so bright they can totally obscure the original light source.
    Now, look at the opening frame of the above video. Can you make out the sun itself? The white disk you see is more than twice the size as the actual sun. You can’t even see the suns image, all we see is reflections (flare) one upon the other until the real image is totally obscured. Also note the rays shooting out from the sun. Do you see these whenever you see the sun? Are they part of the sun itself? Only in a kids drawing. Note the almost vertical beams that appear almost solid. They tell me this was a digital camera. That effect comes not from the lens but the electronic sensor. It is a completely different effect but also due to the brightness of the subject.
    Now note the purple oval (more flare from a coated optic) with the bright circle inside it (more flare – a mini-image of the sun itself). In the video this flare within flare moves all around the frame with the camera movement sometimes appearing in front of the trees. In any other (still) photo this artifact would also be called Nibiru. You’ve seen it many times I’m sure.
    And note that on the ray coming out the right side (at 3:00) there are two tiny nibirus that he fails to mention. Again, small circular reflections of the sun form one of the lens elements.
    So now we see another circular reflection, overlapping the larger circle, near the bottom. He says it is peeking out from behind the sun but in fact it could just as easily be in front of it since it as all just as bright. In fact they are both part of the same flare all mixed together an combined inside the lens.
    A similar effect happens when you combine another diffuse image, that of a cloud, with the refections. The cloud darkens the source a bit and combines with the flare so you really can’t tell if one is in front of the other because they are mixed together on the camera’s image sensor so any 3 dimensional appearances are purely in the mind of the viewer – like those strange pictures that can look like two different things depending on how you want to see it. So don’t let him talk you into seeing something that isn’t really there.
    Also notice that in this frame the smaller flare circle is near the bottom but in other images it is off to the left side. Real planets don’t just jump around like that. They also don’t look like giant gaseous glowing balls. They reflect sunlight and look like whatever their surface looks like. Nothing about this photo looks like a planet behind a star.
    By the way, I also looked at the sun this evening and there is nothing peeking out from behind the sun, nor anywhere else in Libra. Right now Libra is only out in the daytime hours so if Nibiru was there everyone on earth would be able to see it, especially if it appears as big as the flare in this video. You certainly won’t need a telescope to see it based on this photo.
    So I’ll ask you the same question, why don’t you look at the sun’s direction today and prove to yourself whether it is there or not? If it is real it will be there. Otherwise this guy is just trying to fool you. You don’t need to be mart to prove him a liar. The alternative is to be fooled.
    Please don’t be fooled.

    • ian

      I wish I could look at the sun myself, but I am surrounded by tall trees that obstruct any view at sunset or sunrise. at other times i cannot see anything due to the sun’s brightness.

      as for lens flare, doesn’t it move when the camera moves? I saw a lens flare and it moved, this other stuff stayed stationary.

      since this nibiru thing is supposed to be a dark star of some sort, it would not be visible in broad daylight, and it would have to be near a bright object, like the sun, to reflect light and be visible.

      I agree that one would not expect planets to “jump around,” but I would expect them to move, as they would have orbits to follow, and so would be seen at different locations in the sky.

      there is no profit in making things up. I can see someone fooled who took the picture, but there would have been something up there to motivate him to take a picture to begin with. most people would not look at the sun, see NOTHING, then decide to take a picture of NOTHING, and then create a lens flare to fool others.. he gets no money or fame for doing this. it would be waste of his time.

      as for the moon, I expect to see it at sundown in the east, expect to see it in the west by morning.

      but I sometimes see the moon in the east at SUNRISE, not sunset, and it never makes it to the west. at sunrise I would expect it to be in the west

      is this a seasonal thing?

      • Marianne, for the moon, it is a seasonal thing. This morning around 5 AM, it was in the east.

        • thanks, you gave me a straighter answer than ian or rod has

          • Actually John gave you an incorrect answer. The action of the moon is independent of the seasons. The seasons are a matter of where the earth is in its orbit around the sun which is independent of the moons orbit around the earth. So to say it is a seasonal thing actually makes no sense. But I’m not really surprised you thought is made everything easier to understand. It seems like a much simpler explanation than what I gave you so if you would rather write tour observations off to the seasons, be my guest. We seem to be wasting our time trying to define the science but hopefully someone here is being helped.
            All we can do is try.

            • so far, you have not actually answered the question I actually asked. I never asked about moon phases or how things look from space.

              the view is from the ground….

              i asked why the moon is in the east before sunRISE, at 3 am, when i do not expect to see it until sunSET, after 7 pm

              I also asked why it would go rapidly from east to southwest, then slow down, and not appear to move anymore for several hours. and this when it appears after sunSET, not sunrise.

              so sometimes it appears before sunrise, and sometimes it appears AFTER sunset.

            • so my questions focus on east vs west as to location

              and sunrise vs sunset as to time of day

              the appearances of moon seem to be at times, not what is expected

      • Marianne,
        You really should study those videos on the phases of the moon. It is the key to explaining why it is at different places in the sky at different times of the day at different times of the month.
        You said you expect to see the moon at sunset in the east, but this is only true one day a month, at full moon. At new or slim crescent moon you would see it in the west setting with the sun. For the first and last quarter moons they are due south at sunset and sunrise respectively. The fact that you don’t know that tells me you don’t understand the phases and how the moon orbits the earth over a 29 day period. So if you want to see how this works in 3-D you should study those two videos I posted. If after watching these fourth grade videos you still don’t get it then you are one of those many people I mentioned that have trouble translating the 3-D video info into what they see up in the sky.
        And if you are surrounded by trees and have trouble seeing the sky it is no wonder you can’t keep accurate track of what is happening up there. I does take a fair amount of practice to get good at this, but if you spent your youth out in your backyard watching the stars it is old hat by now. You have a lot of catching up to do.
        Believe it or not many liars just do it for fun. There is no money in practical jokes but they are still very popular. These guys live for “hits” the currency of YouTube, Facebook twitter etc. It becomes a sort of contest. After all, there is no profit in creating computer viruses but many people do it because they like causing damage. It is in their nature.
        These guys, if they don’t sell disaster supplies and videos, live off the comments they generate. Every believer becomes another notch in their belt. Not everyone is a bible-reading good Christian who lives by the good book. Some are rats and liars. And believe me, I know when I smell a rat.
        And if Nibiru was in orbit around the sun in the 3600 year orbit everyone describes it would have rounded the sun and headed back out to the Oort cloud immediately after the first sighting near the sun. It would be moving its fastest at that point and it would reach the earths orbit in about 100 days, according to Kepler’s laws, which I posted earlier. Yet it seems to be stuck next to the sun for ten years now. In that period of time, surely we astronomers would have plotted its true orbit and posted it on Skywatch bulletins all over the internet and it would already be in Stellarium by now. It only takes most new comets a few weeks to show up in all the astronomy programs, so why are we having such a hard time with Nibiru?
        And as for the whole lens flare explanation, it can’t be explained in detail here. I have taken half a dozen college courses in optics and lenses and mirrors used in telescopes especially. In addition I’ve read many technical articles on modern lens design including methods of reducing flare in order to produce a more perfect image. And even if I provided all this information, which could fill your entire site, very few people would comprehend it. It can’t be read, it must be studied in detail… like the bible.
        The reason that some flare moves and other does not depends on the lens design, the number of elements, their spacing, the focal legnth and how the focussing mechanism works. (Confused yet?). With many lenses as you focus, or zoom, the lens elements physically rotate. And when you zoom it can also change the spacing between some of the lens elements. So whenever the lens glass is turned, the flare rotates with it. When the focal length changes the flare will change size as well. Some reflections are just based on the structure of the lens and are not affected by the turning or focussing of the lens. These look like permanent objects.
        So there is definitely a lot you don’t know about lenses, just like most people, especially those who have not been taking lots of photos for their entire lives. But believe me, there have been many thousands of photos I haven’t taken because I couldn’t get rid of the flare by any means possible. It is very disappointing to bring your camera up to your eye with a beautiful sunset only to see a dozen nibirus popping up right where you don’t want them. I’ve been dealing with “Nibiru” in this manner for over 50 years and I guarantee you I’ve never seen it in person. Nor has anyone else for that matter. If you want to see Nibiru you are going to have to use a camera, and the cheaper the lens, the better.
        Interestingly, the new cell phone camera lenses are far less prone to lens flare due to the few elements used and their tiny size and no rear elements and no optical zoom mechanism. So people who only own cell phone cameras it will be more difficult to create Nibiru than with a fancy professional model. Ironic. But it you own a cell phone with a camera, try pointing at the sun and see what you get. You will probably still get a flare-like ball from overspill in the imaging pixels (yet another effect) but you probably won’t get a nibiru-style reflection. I’ll have to try that someday.
        If you do let me know what you get.

        • ian

          I said I expected the moon to rise at sunset in the east, not west. I expect it to travel westward. I have said this several times.

          But instead, I see it at sunrise, not sunset, in the east….john says it is a seasonal thing….right now there is no moon in the sky when I walk my dogs at night….like I expect….so if it is seasonal variation then that would explain it.

          it does not matter to me what PHASE it is in….what matters to me is the LOCATION in the sky at sunset or before sunrise

          • In Stellarium, the planets move from the right side of the screen to the left side of the screen.
            This morning, the moon is 2 days from going dark. There will be two days of darkness on the moon. Sept. 4 is the first sliver of the new moon but there is an eclipse on the 1st which does not fit into my timeline.
            Today, the moon was in Gemini at 4:15 AM because I recognized Orion. Overhead was Pleides, the 7 sisters which is in Tarus.
            Throughout the month, I watch the moon and its phases to tell me where I am Biblically on God’s timeline for the year.
            I have also notice throughout each season that the moon’s setting is more north or south of a certain tree.
            I do the same with time using a natural sun dial.
            When I walk at night, I keep the moon to the right or left of me depening if I am going north or south.
            As long as the two witnesses travel East to West, then I never am lost.

  242. Well John,
    I’m glad to hear that you carefully watch the moon throughout the month and I’m guessing you’ve never seen it in the wrong place or going backwards or anything that Marianne says she keeps seeing.
    You are also correctly noticing the fact that the moon rises and sets towards the south and in the winter it cruises across the sky north of the ecliptic. In the same fashion that the sun rides high in the summer and low in the winter. It is due to the tilt of the moons orbit to the equator of the earth.
    The solar eclipse on Sept 1st will be an annular one because the moon will be too far away to cover the whole sun. Then in 2 weeks there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse which few people will even notice since the moon will only travel thru the outermost area of the earth’s shadow and will only dim slightly.
    I’m not sure what you meant by the eclipse not fitting into your time line. Do you expect something biblical to happen on every eclipse or do you expect astronomical events to happen on certain biblical days? As I said earlier, not every astronomical event can be a biblical sign.
    But anyway, it’s good to know that some bible readers also know something about the sky they are looking for signs in.

    • the moon has not been in the south….if I can see it out my bedroom window it is east, maybe north east but still east

      and john also has observed he sees it at 5 am, instead of at night.

      the moon was created to be in the night sky, not the morning sky

      I do not think you are astronomers….you are copying and pasting things from somewhere, and you cannot understand my point.

    • Today, at 4:20 AM, the moon was not in Gemini but is now in Leo. So at this point it is out of sight and out of mind but that tells me that it will be seen now in the daylight hours around 5 am.
      It wil be in Virgo during the daylight hours.
      Biblically, September is Leo.

      The moon passes through each constellation for 2 days and a half moving East to West or by stellarium right to left.

    • Ian says, I’m not sure what you meant by the eclipse not fitting into your time line. Do you expect something biblical to happen on every eclipse or do you expect astronomical events to happen on certain biblical days? As I said earlier, not every astronomical event can be a biblical sign.
      But anyway, it’s good to know that some bible readers also know something about the sky they are looking for signs in.

      John’s Timeline. My research into timeline of the stars is tied to these timeframes. Sabbaths, first sliver of the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh). In the Bible, this is called New Moon (use E-sword) and search New Moon. I also watch for events on Wednesdays. Star of Bethlehem for 8 times was a planet joined up with Regulus in Leo over its run of two years on the 4th day (Wednesday) and I find that intriguing at the least so now I keep track of events that are on the 4th day such as August 21, 2017 when the Solar Eclipse cuts America in half. It has major Biblical significance to go along with it ( Woman clothed with the Sun in 2017 on the Day of Trumpet with Virgo and Leo as the main figures which ties into the Giza Pyramid Lineup of 2017 on the Day of Trumpet.
      If this timeline is correct then Armageddon will be a 4th day event which ties back into Gen 1:14 as a 4th day event.

      I watch for astronomical events to happen on certain Biblical Days. Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( Feast Dates and Second Coming Part 2 and Part 4 shows off some of my work (compilations). Also on Marianne’s Web page, we have an indepth study on Trumpet Judgment 2 by John Ashcraft (Asteroid by Sea)

    • Ian says: Then in 2 weeks there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse which few people will even notice since the moon will only travel thru the outermost area of the earth’s shadow and will only dim slightly.

      Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
      Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
      Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
      Signs in the sun, moon and stars. Understand this to refer to the Great Day of Adonai (Joe_3:1-5 (Joe_2:28-32), Isa_13:9-10).

      Sept 3rd
      Next, on the morning of Saturday, September 3rd, the +11.5 magnitude asteroid 51 Nemausa occults a +7.6 mag star (HIP 8524). The maximum duration of the event along the centerline is expected to be 32 seconds in duration, with a maximum drop of four magnitudes. Said shadow will cross western Canada at9:42 UT, and the U.S. crossing runs from 9:49 to 9:55 UT. The action takes place in the constellation Pisces. The Moon phase is a slim 4% waxing crescent during the event.
      Universe Today.
      September 3 – Neptune at Opposition. The blue giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. It will be brighter than any other time of the year and will be visible all night long.
      Deuteronomy 11:26–16:17; Isaiah 54:11–55:5; I John 4:1–6

      Prenubral Lunar Eclipse on a Sabbath.

      Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
      Luk 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
      Luk 21:26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
      Signs in the sun, moon and stars. Understand this to refer to the Great Day of Adonai (Joe_3:1-5 (Joe_2:28-32), Isa_13:9-10).

      September 16 – Full Moon (Elul 13). Red Blood Moon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 19:05 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Corn Moon because the corn is harvested around this time of year. This moon is also known as the Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the September equinox each year.
      September 16 – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s partial shadow, or penumbra. During this type of eclipse the Moon will darken slightly but not completely. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of eastern Europe, eastern Africa, Asia, and western Australia. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information)
      Sept 17 (Elul 14): Torah Reading: Ki Teitzei: Deut 24:15- 25:19; Haftarah: Isaiah 54:1 – 55:5

      From our Sages on the Parshah
      For a hanged person is a curse to G-d (Deut. 21:23)

      It is a degradation of the Divine King in whose image man is created… This is analogous to a case of two identical twin brothers. One became king, while the other was arrested for robbery and hanged. Whoever saw him, would say, “The king is hanging!” (Talmud, Sanhedrin 46b)
      When you reap your harvest… and forget a sheaf in the field, do not go back to fetch it; it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless and for the widow (Deut. 24:19)

      Certain opportunities and potentials are so lofty, that they cannot be accessed by the conscious self; they can only come about “by mistake.” An example of this is the mitzvah of shikchah, which can only be fulfilled by forgetting. (The Chassidic Masters)

      • Popes Visit to Israel between Sept. 3rd to the 23rd of September.
        1) The Pope (False Prophet of Rev. 17 or the Antichrist) arrives to Israel on Sept. 3rd, 2016 which is a Sabbath and thereby breaks the Jewish laws of no work on the Sabbath.
        2) On the Sabbath of the Prenubral Lunar Eclipse declares Lucifer as God of the One World Religion and declares the Third Temple to be built on Temple Mount beginning on Oct. 3rd, 2016 by his people.
        3) The end of His trip is Sept. 23rd
        September 22 – September Equinox (Thursday; Elul 19). The September equinox occurs at 14:21 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.

        Sept. 23 or 24th is a possible Nibiru event.
        Readings for Ki Tavo Elul 21, 5776; September 24, 2016

        Torah Reading: Ki Tavo: Deuteronomy 26:1 – 29:8 ; Haftarah: Isaiah 60:1-22
        From our Sages on the Parshah
        And He brought us to this place, and gave us this land (Deut. 26:9)

        The Holy Temple was built by King Solomon in Jerusalem hundreds of years after the people took possession of the land under Joshua. The verse’s order should therefore be reversed — “He gave us this land, and He brought us to this place”!

        But here we have an allusion to that which the Targum Yonatan relates: that on the first Passover (while still in Egypt) the Children of Israel were carried on “wings of eagles” (see Exodus 19:4) to the Temple Mount, where they brought the Passover offering. (Etz Chaim)
        Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out (28:6)

        May your departure from the world be as free of sin as was your entry into the world. (Rashi)

        Could it be that the Pope will declare the Temple to be built on Sept. 23rd, time will tell. Friday is Satan’s day so could the Pope declare the Temple to be built on this day. Very possible. Watch for the time is kicked into high gear during the month of Elul.

    • this is what i have been asking about

      so the moon IS rising in the AM right now

      and it will not start rising in the PM until mid month

  243. Marianne,
    Your chart proves exactly what I’ve been saying all along.
    Because the moon moves around the earth it rises about 52 minutes later each and every day. It phase also changes every day. If you could understand those phase videos I posted for you all of this would make perfect sense, but if you can’t understand the phases you will never understand the timing.
    You said something very revealing to me. You said, “the moon was created to be in the night sky, not the morning sky.” It seems as a bible student you actually believe that the moon should always be in the night sky because the bible tells you so.
    So this is the root of your misunderstanding. But do you understand how eclipses really work? You’ve mentioned them many times but do you even understand them? For example, in a few days there will be an annular solar eclipse. This happens when the moon comes between the earth and the sun, right? That means the moon must be right next to the sun all day. It will rise with it and set with it and except for those few who can see the eclipse, won’t be visible because of the bright sun. Then in two weeks there will be a lunar eclipse when the moon passes thru the earth’s shadow. By that time it will be on the opposite side of the earth and it will be full and rise around the time of sunset.
    So tomorrow it rises with the sunRISE and in two weeks it rises at sunSET. How can that be? Because it moves halfway around the earth in its orbit in that time. The key is understanding the PHASE of the moon.
    The NEW moon rises with the sun. The first quarter rises at noon. The full moon rises at sunset and the last quarter rises at midnight. AlwAYS. NO exceptions. THIS IS NORMAL.
    John will confirm this with Stellarium. He understands it and it doesn’t bother him in terms of what the bible says. Maybe he can explain it to you better than me, but seasons is not the right answer.
    As for your perception that the moons motion slows and sometimes stops, of course that is not possible. As I said, the moons apparent motion across the sky is due to the rotation of the earth and we both know that it will never slow down or stop, so the only explanation is that you just think it has stopped. As you said you are not an astute observer of astronomical events.
    Ask John if he ever sees the moon or planets stalling from time to time in Stellarium. I’m sure he will back me up on this one.
    Anyway, as I said, learning what causes the phases will explain the timing issues as well as eclipse scheduling. Stop demanding that the moon always appear in the night sky and learn what is actually going on. Until then you will be eternally confused.

    • you did not say all this before….and neither did the video….I am glad I found the link

    • Marianne, Ian is correct on the Moon
      Here is the breakdown. New Moon first sliver is Day 1. Quarter 1/half moon is Day 7. Full Moon is Day 15. Last Quarter is Day 22, Black out is day 30 and 31, sometimes it may occur on Day 29. So when I am out at night, I look to see how much of the lite side of the moon is showing and can calculate what day I am on.
      Even though I never did grow a garden, I studied on Gardening by the phases of the moon. You save a lot of hard work when you learn to garden by the phases of the moon.
      When the moon is in the first 15 days, do not get a hair cut or your hair will grow faster. Wait to get your hair cut in the last 15 days. By doing this, I get my hair cut done 2 times per year.

      • I do not care about the phases of the moon

        only the position in the sky and the time of day

        • I care about the time of the month. Time of the Day is done by the Sun with a sundial.
          Remember when we go through with 1/3rd sunlight and moonlight, all time setting comes to an end. The days of the month will lose 2 days and the hours will be 16 hours per day instead of 24 hours. If we are on the right schedule, that time begins at Passover of 2017.

          • i know you care but I had been asking about WHEN the moon appeared in the morning and WHEn it appeared at night

            • The when depends on the phase. I gave you the whens, but didn’t you notice they were based on the phases? The FULL moon rises at sunset. To understand why you must understand how the phases are formed. If you don’t want to understand then just use a calendar to see when the moon rises every day. Or that chart you posted for your area.
              If your car is making a weird noise and you ask what it is, don’t tell the mechanic you’re not interested in how the car works. If you don’t know a piston from a fan belt there is no sense in asking the question.
              You can either learn how the moon works or memorize a few facts and use a calendar for the rest.
              Some people actually want to learn how things works, others can’t be bothered. Most people are in the latter category, so you’re in good company but just don’t complain or be surprised if you look up and can’t figure out what you are seeing.
              Hopefully you will get it figured out to your satisfaction at some point.

              • you are not a mechanic, and a mechanic would not try to describe all the parts of car and how they operate just to answer a question.

                I asked for a graphic you did not provide.

                when i was in graduate school, my first biochemistry teacher taught me something invaluable. he said that we really don’t know our stuff until we can just look into the air and see every chemical pathway joined to every other pathway, and get an overview of every detail so well defined that we can just draw a picture of all of it.

                it is like looking at a road map. all the roads are there, and we can see all of them at one time, and know how they are connected.

                this is when we know we have mastered the topic and make the right decisions as to what of experiments and assays to do, and not waste time and money

                when I had my students, that is how I explained biochemistry to them.

                everything was reduced to a simple outline, graphic, or even a simple cartoon. it made learning quick and easy.

                I was a master at my topic and could explain what I do, in a very simple way, to the average person with no understanding of biochemistry.

                you have not made it that far.

                checking your site, I see you are connected to jim Giordano, which explains everything to me.

                you are astronomer “wanna bes” like him. I noticed you gave the same type of answers he would

                amateurs, not professionals. you have given me “copy and paste” answers from some website.

                I suspect you don’t have a PhD in astronomy, (if you were, you would not associate with Jim) and you are far from mastering your topic of interest

              • jim gets condescending like you also

  244. So John,
    Are you saying that if an astronomical event happens on a certain day of the week it is somehow biblically significant but on other days they are just “normal?” I don’t see the difference or how any of these common events can become holy signs depending on the day they occur. But that’s for you to figure out, I don’t think anything will come of them.
    I don’t get where you think you can see Neptune with the naked eye. Its magnitude at brightest is only 8.2 or about 150 times too dim to be seen with the naked eye. Even Uranus which is much closer to us still can never be seen with the naked eye. Saturn is the farthest of the known planets that can be seen with the eye. So I don’t understand how the far outer planets can end up in the bible since they were unknown at the time it was written. Obviously your information on the significance of Uranus and Neptune comes fro sources written less than 150 years ago, and probably only since the web. I doubt that these authors are channeling the mind of God so I consider their information very suspect.
    And I still see no reason why the pope would announce he will build a Jewish temple on the Palestinian temple mount. And if so why isn’t it all over the news? Maybe you have seen secret Vatican documents on the web? I’ll still bet again this one. And the whole Nibiru thing of course.
    And I’m no bible scholar but you confused me with this statement:
    “…on the first Passover (while still in Egypt) the Children of Israel were carried on “wings of eagles” (see Exodus 19:4) to the Temple Mount, where they brought the Passover offering. (Etz Chaim)“
    I thought the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years and the temple mount couldn’t possibly have already been built and waiting for them, so where did this verse come from? Just Curious.
    Everything else was to vague or confusing to respond to, as usual.

    • Israel owns the temple mount, and has for about 3000 years…king david bought it from ornan the jebuite ( 1 chronicles 21:18-26) ….currently the arabs control it due to politics.

      i agree first passover was in egypt

      • So do you believe that the Arabs would allow the pope to build a Jewish temple on the mount near the two mosques already there? I’m sure there is room, but why wouldn’t the pope build a cathedral instead? I read that only Muslims are allowed atop the mount except with special exceptions like for the CNN crew I watched filming a documentary, and even they were not allowed to enter the mosque due to their religion.
        So are the Arabs going to share their third most holy site and let all Christians and Jews use the mount? I saw the story only last month and it didn’t seem they would be changing their policies any time soon.
        Do you know something I don’t or is this just one more crazy prediction from John? What’s your opinion, at least on the pope making that statement on the 23rd? Too soon, right?

        • i do not see the pope building a cathedral there. he already has them all over jerusalem. and the arabs are uncooperative, even with him.

          the only way they would make a concession if there was an earthquake that destroyed the mount, and they were no longer in control due to a defeat of some kind.

          I have been there , and I was not allowed up there either…although sometimes they let people through.

          the actual original temple stood between the 2 mosques which are there today….so it could be possible to violate the “holy place” by doing something obnoxious on the actual site

          there is some overlap of the (1) “holy of holies” with the dome of the rock, but the (2) “holy place” would be east of the dome.

          the holy place (2) is where the abomination is to occur

    • Ian,
      All I do is cut, copy, and paste from the sources themselves.

      As for the astronomy events on Sabbath or 4th day, I do not put hope into something happening on that day either but I do it for the enjoyment of learning something from the Bible in a new way. It is hard for me to not understand metaphors so I spend lots of hours just learning that one phrase from the Bible may have up to 70 different meanings.
      To understand the planets from a Biblical perspective, read through Bullinger’s Witness to the Stars first. That is what I did. It is online.

      1st Passover in Egypt. 1446 BCE to 1441 BCE by different timelines.

      1446 BC Israelites Groan in Slavery Exodus 2:23; Moses Sent to Deliver Israel Exodus 3 – 6; The Ten Plagues on Egypt Exodus 7 – 12; The Exodus Begins Exodus 13 – 18; The Isreaelites At Mount Sinai Exodus 19; Moses Receives the Commandments Exodus 20; Moses Receives the Law Exodus 21 – 24; Preparations for the Tabernacle Exodus 25 – 31; The Golden Calf and Moses’ Anger Exodus 32; The Journey Resumes Exodus 33 – 39
      1445 BC Sabbath Year (Shemitah) The Tabernacle is Erected and Filled Exodus 40; Laws for Sacrifices and Offerings Leviticus 1 – 7; Aaron and His Sons Consecrated Leviticus 8, 9; The Sin of Nadab and Abihu Leviticus 10; Laws of Purity Leviticus 11 – 19; Punishments and Regulations Leviticus 20 – 22; Feasts and Jubilee Leviticus 23; Census, Tribes, Duties Numbers 1 – 6; Tabernacle Dedication Numbers 7 – 10; The People Complain Numbers 11, 12; The Twelve Spies Numbers 13; People Murmur at the Spies’ Report Numbers 14, 15

    • Ian

      “…on the first Passover (while still in Egypt) the Children of Israel were carried on “wings of eagles” (see Exodus 19:4) to the Temple Mount, where they brought the Passover offering. (Etz Chaim)“

      I suspect this came from from a Jewish source like the Talmud. I do not recommend for you to go there. I do not even go there but commentators and Bible dictionaries will use those sources from time to time.

      Exo_19:4 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself.
      Exod 12 was the first Passover. It was in the month of Abib/Aviv.
      Creation of the Earth according to some scholars was in the 7th month. 7 means completion so it is fitting that the earth was created in a month of completion. The earliest guess was in 4004 BCE but counting backwards from 2015 (Shemitah year–every 7 years) we arrive at 4001 BCE.
      Torachcalendar,com prior to 2015 used 3986 as their starting year. Others used 4100 BCE down to 3500 BCE.
      Genesis 1:1 has in Hebrew 7 words. The 4th word is Aleph-Tav and in picture form means: Head of the Cross. Put 4000 years there and you have the first coming of Jesus. The 6th word is Lambda Aleph-Tav (after the death of Jesus is the picture here) so put 6000 years here.
      Now you have the proper chronology of the Bible.
      The Earth is only supposed to be around for 7000 years because Psalm 90:4 says: For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. To clear this up, we have 2 Pet 3:8.
      2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
      Genesis 1 to 2:3 we have 7 days of Creation and each day represents 1000 years or 20 Jubilees (50 years per Jubilee).
      So 2.5 days passed between the time of creation and Passover roughly.

      So now to the time of the sentence. Pentecost is 50 days from Passover. Pentecost is the 3rd month from the first month (Abib/Aviv). Pentecost will always be on Day 1 (Sunday). Just by guessing, I would say this was said on a Thursday (3 days prior to Pentecost). Thursday in the Bible words is Day 5. The month begins on the first sliver of the New Moon.
      The 12 tribes of Israel plus foreigners and strangers travelled 5.5 miles per day across the Desert of Sin (Desert of the Way). They arrived at the Gulf of Aquaba on the 40th day. Crossed the Gulf on a landbridge 3/4ths the way up the Gulf (little white area on left side of the picture) and arrived at the Mountain 3 days prior to Pentecost. They stayed at the Mountain for one year and then travelled to the land of Canaan for 39 years because of the sin they did with the golden calf. They were only supposed to be to the land of Canaan by the 70th day to one year or 2 at the most.

      Flood dating: With this understanding, the flood began in the 2nd Month and the 17th day. Creation to Passover, month 7 was month 1 up until the first Passover when that month became the first month.
      To understand this, read the articles at: Leviticus 23 Feast Dates and Second Coming ( and Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( These 800 pages is the fastest way to understand the Bible. I love detail but to understand how I think is only a stroke away with the mouse.

      Now you hopefully understand Chronology of the Bible a little better.

      To understand the verse quoted that you don’t understand, I will have to do a 3 page paper on it to understand it myself because it is all metaphors to me. That will be my topic for today. Dictionaries and commentaries, here I come.

      • You said the Israelites were carried on wings of eagles to the temple mount but the bible says it was to unto [God] himself. I thought God was either in heaven or in the place where the ark of the covenant was located, but neither the ark nor the temple mount existed when those words were written. And it wasn’t in the movie either.
        The rest of the chronology was confusing and not chronological. You had the flood happening after the exodus. And I’m not sure what ancient chronology has to do with future events. From the events Marianne listed none of it sounds like ancient bible stories. So are you just trying to calculate a future event based on ancient dates? Has that been working so far?
        And of course I don’t agree with the age of the earth although I suppose if the bible itself started on a certain date then your calculations could have some sort of validity at least from within the source itself.
        I must decline to read your 800 pages to quickly understand the bible. The title “Nibiru and Isaiah 24“ automatically invalidates it from my perspective. If your interpretation comes up with a mythical planet that doesn’t and cannot exist (mathematically) then there is no way I could trust any of your other interpretations. And based on all the different theories iv heard of over the years, I can’t really trust that you are the one guy on earth that has actually gotten it right.
        Dont take this personally, it is just the way a scientist puts things in perspective. You take things on faith. We take a more logical approach.
        All I can say is that it is a shame that with all the massive research you’ve done that you still end up believing in something as ridiculous as Nibiru. I just hope the other things you’ve studied won’t end up being such a waste of effort.

  245. Marianne,
    You missed the point of the mechanic analogy. I can’t explain the moons time line unless you understand the phases already. Just as a mechanic can’t properly describe some problem in your car if you don’t have some idea of how it works. Perhaps a better example would be a computer tech trying to tell you what components he needs to replace on your motherboard. He would simply be rattling off names you had no idea what they were so it really wouldn’t be very useful. That is all I was getting out. (BTW, I do most of the work on my own cars including replacing radiators, brakes, fuel and water pumps, spark plugs/wires etc. so I am a mechanic of sorts, I just don’t get paid for it.)
    I provided you with two short videos that were filled with graphics. You could not ask for any more. Are you saying you didn’t understand them or you didn’t bother to watch them?
    You can’t learn what you want from one single “picture” since a picture shows only one moment in time and you need a whole month’s worth of information including the effect of the earths rotation as well as the moons motion. Only a video can accomplish that.
    You Chem teacher had a good point… one I brought up last week. I said that when I look up at night I can envision the whole universe in my head. I know where most stuff is at that time. I can even tell you the time of day based on the current location of the sun or the moon. This can’t be learned in a single video of even a single year of intense study, including homework which in this case means many nights watching the sky, which as you said you can barely see thru the trees. So don’t expect that anyone can write down a few sentences and suddenly everything will become clear to you. That would take more work and effort than you are willing to give.
    Try to explain DNA and inherited diseases in one paragraph to someone who doesn’t know what a molecule is. Even you are not that smart. It is disingenuous to blame a teacher for your inability to understand a topic. I do not blame you or John because you have failed to teach me everything in the bible of even what you believe will happen in the future. You each give me contrasting stories and explanations. At least the information I have given you is correct. You can look it up in any book if you had the interest to do so, but instead, because you don’t understand it you claim I am giving you false information. In fact I am boiling things down to an introductory level… just the tip of the iceberg. As I said, 4th grade level.
    I admit I am at a 4th grade level when it comes to the bible. I never blame you for what I can’t understand. The bible takes a whole different way of thinking which I don’t do well. If I can’t understand it I accept it. You should do the same with your astronomical knowledge or lack thereof. After all, you have had your whole life to learn everything you ever wanted to know about astronomy and you never bothered. And now for some reason you think the topic is so simple that you can learn it overnight without first learning some grade school basics. That is simply not possible.
    So if you want to learn astronomy all I can suggest is to Google it or buy an “Astronomy for Dummies” manual or whatever method that will work for you. It is obvious that you will ever learn anything from me. John probably gets it but you appear to be a lost cause.
    But please get back to me if you ever learn your phases and maybe I can talk to you after that. Just avoid sites that tech Nibiru is real.
    As for Jim, he helped us set up our site many years ago. He was our tech guy until he went into the VA hospital like ten years ago. We haven’t done much on the site after he left. He must have been in there a while then moved away so we lost touch. I hope he is doing OK. How do you know him from? I didn’t think he was into the bible, but then again, neither are we.
    Anyway, Rod and I are enjoying out discussions here. Much of it is out of our wheelhouse but we consider that a challenge. We enjoy teaching the truth about the science and debunking the Nibiru myth and other lies and made-up events. Some people refuse to listen (John) but I’m sure others do. All we can do is tell the truth. It is up to the individual to believe it, challenge it and verify it, or simply deny it. That is their choice.
    By the way, challenging our credentials says more about yourself than it does us. We are comfortable about our knowledge, you seem to be struggling. Lashing out does not help your case.

    • i understand the moon phases. if you understood my initial question , you would have just referred me to a link like the one I found. you did not answer my question, so I found the link on my own.

      I am glad you enjoy the discussions, but to remain here, you have to be civil toward me and others.

      jim was participating on this site until too many complaints came in about his sarcastic behavior. your website is set up as if you and jim are partners, not him as just a tech guy. he said he was into the bible, but many of his statements seem to contradict that.

      John is autistic, so you have to communicate with him, understanding that. I just respond to comments when it applies to me.

      • Whether you realize it or not, I answered your initial questions perfectly. They made perfect sense to Rod, but then he has known the topic for many years. It is possible that in your mind you were thinking of something completely different so it seemed like I was not addressing your question properly. When it comes to astronomy our minds are on completely different levels so fine tuning a response to you can be problematic.
        I am only being honest in my responses. I tried my best to explain the facts and tried to figure out what I was doing wrong. As for civility, I never resorted to name-calling and I never claimed you don’t know anything you are talking about. As for Jim, we never had any trouble with him, but then there weren’t many topics we weren’t all familiar with already. He did have a sarcastic sense of humor and liked to joke a lot. If you like Don Rickles you would love Jim. But I can see how you could have a problem with his argument style. Once he disappeared we sort of gave up on developing our site much further. He enjoyed the computer work. We’ve been too busy to do anything with it.
        I think our problem here is due to frustration – me in teaching and you and learning. It shouldn’t take so long to teach something so simple and it shouldn’t take so long to learn it.
        I hope at this point you are up to speed. From now on you should be able to look at the moon phase on a calendar or in the sky and know immediately the approximate rise and set time of the moon. Once you can do that you will always know that the moon is right where it is supposed to be at all times. That is the goal after all.
        Hopefully you will be a happy camper from now on and we can stop arguing about what the moon is doing.

        • I looked back at your initial response on the moon, and it was vague, and focused on telling me that i should know based on the phases. you also thought I also said the moon sets in the east, which I never said.

          just face it, you cannot explain this. to me, you sound like jim, coming back under a different name…reason: you claim to be an astronomer AND a photography buff…too much of a coincidence. and the conundrum site is all about Jim, not Ian

        • you and jim share the same IP address and email at earthlink….too much of a coincidence…

          why don’t you just confess and admit it?

    • jim also contributed some posts that resulted in some extensive debates.

      he had contributed on here for several years, and I liked him.

  246. Marianne,
    Rod here,
    I was getting a kick out of your crazy discussion about the moon with Ian. I thought he was answering your questions just fine, but I guess I don’t understand what you are asking either, I get his frustration though. We both teach and usually we answer a question and that’s the end of it. Your discussion seemed to go nowhere no matter how much information was given. I don’t think I would have lasted that long, myself.
    Both Ian and I are avid photographers. I record geological features, rock layers and mineralogical cross-sections and of course scenery, which to me, is geology. Ian’s work is almost all done with cameras. Modern telescopes are no more than powerful cameras, so there is no coincidence that we are both good photographers. As a biologist don’t you take photos thru a microscope or do you use other kinds of instruments other than cameras? Today, anyone with a cell phone is a photographer. Don’t you at least take selfies or photos for your FaceBook account like everyone else?
    As for our links to Jim, as I mentioned he set up the site and used one of his earthlink family pack accounts for our Conundrum Group e-mail account. I think he has two other accounts he was using for business purposes and I think he had a family website but that seems to be gone now.
    I doubt that any scientist visiting your site would sound much different from Ian or me. All the science is the same so the arguments will be identical. They sound the same to you because they are the same. Unlike the bible which has many interpretations, science only has one, and no matter how much you would like to find a version that fits your bible teachings better, you are stuck with the same old science wherever you go or whoever you talk to.
    It sort of sounds like science isn’t welcome on your site. Maybe it is simply not compatible with the bible. I’ve always wondered if it might be. After all, if God is real, then he would not have made any unscientific mistakes. But from what I’ve seen from John’s posts, there is very little if any science in the verses he uses to prove things like Nibiru.
    So if you don’t want anything to do with real science, I can understand. If we are not welcome here then let us know and we will stick with debunking Nibiru on YouTube instead. That would be too bad. I was having fun and learning a lot here. Can’t say the same is true for Ian. You really put him thru the ringer. But He’s tough. He can take it.
    Right Ian?

    • science is welcome if explained properly and answers the question at hand

    • Rodney, there is science in the Bible but you just need to understand it from Bible terms and to do that, you will need the Holy Spirit to become a part of your life and to do that, you will need to accept Jesus into your life. It may take me 100 pages to explain to you something out of the Bible whereas the Holy Spirit can tell you the same thing within a one page article.

    • Rodney,
      Since you like watching movies. Here is some information for you.

      Paul Lalonde A talented screenwriter, he is owner of Cloud Ten Pictures founded in 1996 with his brother Peter, which produced the award-winning Left Behind movies. He is credited with helping pioneer the prophetic film making genre with his brother. He and his brother hosted the 1980s biblical TV series “This Week In Bible Prophecy,” and he produced a number of prophecy films in the 1990s and 2000s, also with his brother. They also produced the first gospel video-message ever prepared especially for those who will be left behind after the rapture, a great witnessing tool that included compelling interviews with several Bible prophecy experts.

      The movies are good but there is no scriptures in them.

    • Why do I come up with law firms when I search The Conundrum Group. Something is very fishy about you folks. Did you ever find a secretary?

      • notice the site says they are “science oriented.” it does NOT say they are scientists……

        • Also since they have been in existence since 2012, they only have 2 articles. One I posted which they could not help me on and one by Jim and Ian who may be Jim (Rodney) and Ian.
          I suspect they are just a bunch of losers bashing people in who disagree with them.

  247. Marianne, John,
    As I said the whole Conundrum Group idea was Jim’s and he set up the site on his own e-mail account. The idea was to all be able to log in and see any responses and reply from whichever member was best qualified to chime in.
    But we never got past the planning stage so it all ended before it really got started.
    But Ian and I kept his wordpress account on file, and rather than set up two new accounts we decided to use our joint Conundrum Group account as it was much easier. But if Jim has been corresponding with you recently he must have another separate wordpress account we don’t know about because nothing with the Conundrum Group has shown up on our computers.
    Until John went to our site neither of us had looked at in years. Jim came up with the name. I can’t say why other companies picked a similar name but we have nothing to do with them. Hell, we don’t really have anything to do with the Conundrum Group – as I said it died before it was ever properly launched.
    I suppose Ian and I could set up out own wordpress accounts but it is obvious we would still be rejected for being scientists so why bother. I’m sure there are other wordpress sites out there that are not so condescending to scientists so maybe we will use them again in the future.
    John, I will look for the movie and get back to you if you want. I’m curious how they depict Nibiru in it. Otherwise maybe Marianne should edit all of our discussions and replace them with hundreds of lens flare videos so that everyone’s faith in Nibiru will be upheld. It seems that that’s all that everyone here is concerned about. You are no different than all the YouTube videos that offer proof Nibiru is real. I’m not sure why you bother to call this a discussion. It seems that God can’t exist without Nibiru. I can’t imagine what you will do when the truth finally hits you.
    Rod, Ian and everyone in the Conundrum Group wherever they may be!

    • why would real scientists bother logging into a site that has been inactive for years?

      you don’t have your own real email addresses?

      where are you located, each of you?

  248. Of course we have personal and work e-mail addresses but since we mainly debunk only YouTube videos neither of us had a wordpress account and we have no real reason to set one up just for your site. Ian remembered the Conundrum Group account so we used it to log into wordpress. Otherwise we probably would never have spoke to you.
    I’m still here only because I had some questions about end-time prophecy and I got way too much of it from John to be useful.
    But I just downloaded 7 movies on bible prophecy and when I’m done watching them I may get back with a few more questions.
    Ian is finished with you. He got too frustrated trying to teach you some simple astronomy and he realizes you don’t want to hear the truth about Nibiru anyway, so he has nothing else to talk about.
    So I will watch the movies. They should be easier to grasp than what John has posted. I’m curious about the Sharia law and Nibiru prophecies John always talks about. John has Nibiru returning in under 3 weeks so I may want to talk to him after that.
    So I guess I’ll get some popcorn and get to watching.

    • sharia law is prophesied in bible as the saints are beheaded.

      4 Then I saw the thrones, and those seated on them had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. And they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Rev 20:4

    • Rodney,

      I would like to be a part of the Conundrum group if you want me to be since Jim is out of the picture for now.
      As for the prophecy movies, none will be tied into Nibiru unless they mention the word “Destroyer” or destroy.
      I like watching Prophecy movies myself. Send me your title list.

      As for the Nibiru video’s of the pictures, I agree that 90% will be debunked or flawed but there are a few I do rely on. One of my favorites is the crop circles tying into Nibiru and what they mean as to arrival time of the destroyer. The next major earthquake watches according to one crop circle is Sept 11/12 and then Sept 22 which is also Fall equinox. After Sept. 22, chaos may go up by another 20 -50 %. Sept 23-24 is a possible nibiru time and then the 28th. My watch dates from August heavenly signs + 38,40, 50, 70, 80, 100, and 120 days happen to land on Sept 28th.

      If Nibiru is on time, then Sept 3 was 40 days out and Sept 3rd was Elul 1 which means heavy repentance time for the Jews. 40 days from there is Day of Atonement with a possible global earthquake of 6.0 to 10.0 but according to my research into the Fall feasts as to dates is Sept. 15th-Sept 30th for most of the past dates that fell into these times. In essence, watch for a global earthquake from Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th. The buildup of volcanic eruptions with quakes should give us a timeframe of what is going to happen.
      Out of 10 major extinct volcanoes, 8 have become reactivated so far. I suspect the rest will come alive again including the Caldera in northern NM.

  249. John,
    As I mentioned, the Conundrum Group is completely inactive. I’m not sure I have the password to edit the main page even if I wanted to. Besides it is for scientific investigations, not bible prophecy.
    I just watched a 4 part movie called “A Thief in the Night” and it had a detailed chart of the judgements of the tribulation including seals, trumpets and bowls. There was no mention of Nibiru and there were no Muslims mentioned in the movie. In this movie the Antichrist comes to power after the rapture unifies the whole world into a single government. I’ve heard of the rapture but you guys never mention it. They showed a 7-year tribulation from the time of the rapture to the Second Coming, but the movie ends before that point. So what happened to the rapture in your interpretation. I’ve been asking for some heavenly sign to watch for and that would certainly do the trick, but you seem to have left it out.
    Also, for the trumpet that causes the trees and grass to burn, they used ordinary lightning to cause the fires, not a meteor or an act of God, although I suppose a worldwide lightning storm would qualify as supernatural in my book. But no volcanos, meteors or rogue planets. But I do have a better feel for what you’ve been trying to say as explained by this old guy in a cave.
    I also have the “Left Behind” trilogy so I’ll get back to you after I’ve seen those flicks. Probably no Nibiru there either I’m guessing.
    As for the real Nibiru, it still doesn’t exist and if it were due to arrive on the 23rd it would surely be visible by now, and of course it isn’t.
    I’m not clear on your logic of using crop circles to prove the existence of Nibiru. That is about the most unscientific thing you’ve said to date, and you’ve got some doozies.
    I will watch for earthquakes and volcanos of course, that’s my job so no conflict there. Sept 11th is coming up soon so lets see what happens.

    • Rodney,
      The rapture occurs on the Day of Trumpet either in 2016 or 2017. There are two views to the 7 year tribulation. One is tht it occurs over a one year period or it is 7 years. It is called the Day of the Lord. If the 10 plagues can be poured out in 5 months, the 12 judgments minus the seals can be poured out in 12 months.
      Oct 3 in Stellarium on the Day of Trumpet will be one heavenly sign and the other would be on the Day of Atonement. From my study of Heavenly signs, the Day of Trumpet may be an unscheduled solar or lunar event but using stellarium, you will have a lineup of planets. Between Jan 20th to Feb 20th, we had 5 planets line up in a row. In August, we had 5 planets line up in a row. And either on the Day of Trumpet or Day of Atonement will be another 5 planets lined up in a row. Hmmm, I wonder if it is the same planets in a row in the same lineup. I know they will be in different constellations but what if they were in the same lineup. Now that would be cool. And even more cool is that all 3 sets were lined up on the same day.
      The movies will not mention “The Destroyer” because nobody is watching up except for about 10 people in the globe.
      At 40 days out, Nibiru would be 7% of the size of the moon. At day 7 out, it is 50 % the size of the moon. 2 days out, it will be 3.4x the size of the moon’s diameter. On zero day, it is in your face or 50x the diameter of the moon. People won’t go into the fear stage until 7 days out. I won’t see it until 2 days out since I live in the mountains and only come out on Sundays to walk to church or every night to go to my sleeping chambers in a cave.
      Left Behind trilogies has no mention of heavenly signs period.

      Crop Circles and other articles
      These are a few of the ones that caught my attention.

      I need your e-mail address to send you a 12 page article that lists mostly articles or video’s that I have collected that either has article information such as one paragraph or a video that does not fit your normal bogus you tube video’s that you say no way too. On this list is about 20 articles.
      I sent Marianne an youtube video from an Italian man that explains the crop circle.

      • Crop Circle
        Watch for Major Earthquakes to hit Sept. 12/14 and 22 Sept 12 (Elul 9); 14 (Elul 11); 22 (Elul 19)
        This video is a reading video and I like the style the video is done in. At the top of the screen is a list of where you can get more video’s done by the same group. The Italian is turned into English.

        • John,
          First of all, I disregard anything that appears on They have predicting Nibiru five times a year for the last 8 years and have always been wrong. They will always be wrong. Case in point- one of your links:
 Right in the title – Nibiru to hit earth in march 2016. I don’t remember that ever happening, do you?
          I did some quick math on your Nibiru size time line and whether you realize it or not you are predicting Nibiru will pass within 1 million miles of the earth. Of course not a single source was able to pinpoint the orbit of Nibiru with any real math and no real astronomer who could provide such information have yet to see anything.
          As for using crop circles to predict earthquakes, that is just nonsensical. Who do you say are creating them? Angels with God’s prophecy? Space aliens with better technology? Why do you believe the people who attempt to explain them? How do you know they know what they’re talking about? Did they go to college to study crop circles? I can see why you put your faith in the bible, but how can you put equal faith into documents written by people you know nothing about?
          Would you go to a psychic and use her to predict the future? Would you place equal faith in tea leaves and tarot cards as you do the bible? Your top video claims that the Italian quake was caused by Nibiru out past the orbit of Uranus. If that were even remotely possible then Jupiter which is much larger than Nibiru and twice as close should be causing earthquakes all over the earth all year long. There would be no sense in studying plate tectonics and faulting/mountain building I distant planets were the actual cause of terrestrial earthquakes. Of course there is absolutely no evidence that any of that is remotely possible. Everything you speak of is all make-believe.
          Let me try to put things in perspective. Say I decided to study the bible and for a reference I decide to use the Koran – another well-respected holy book. But then you might warn me – you can’t use the Koran because there are many bible discrepancies and many outright lies made up by Mohammed himself. So the same is true when you try to use YouTube videos and crop circles as scientific references.
          So if you promise to stop sending me before-its-news and crop circle junk I promise not to copy and paste quotes from the Koran for you.

          • Rodney,
            The problem you have is that you build your studies around 1 event or one dot.

            One of the connective dots I use is the birth pain model. For me, I watch an increase is signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars such as an increase in comets or asteroids passing by, an increase in fire balls, an increase in stellar events in a given year on my watchdates. There is also cycles I watch such as the war cycle which peaks between 2014 -2018, the economic cycle which peaks between 2014-2018. In all there are 7 cycles but 5 out of 7 peak between 2014-2018. I also watch for an increase in volcanic activity and earthquake activity.
            I also watch for the fulfillment of Biblical events such as the repeating cycle of the 9 plagues of the Exodus which was began in 2014 and will continue through 2017. This year Israel will go through the Psalm 83 War, the Jeremiah 49 War, the Isaiah 17 war in rapid succession which is followed by the Ezekiel 38-39 War/War of Armageddon in 2017. Mark of the Beast for America arrives in 2017.
            One World religion begins September 23rd, 2016. The worship day is on Friday only or Sunday only. You worship on Saturday and you die. If you do not bow before the Antichrist (the Pope) or hitler (Obama), then you die.
            So what if one of my connective dots is the crop circles or even Nibiru being a theory which may become a fact more than you evolution theory becoming extinct or your Big Bang theory which a Jesuit Priest came up with which is also false nd is now being proven to be false. You also believe the lie that the earth is 4.5 buillion years old where Genesis 1:1 has Yeshua/Jesus coming in the 4000 year period and returning in the 6000 year period since the Creation of the Earth.

            • I also know that 2016-2017 is the 50th Jubilee year, the 70th Jubilee year and the 120th Jubilee year. I also know where we are on God’s timeline due to the fulfillment of God dreams in my life which has been 40 so far since the age of 8. Since August of 2014, I have had over 24 fulfilled so far and the next one is an earthquake in the East mountains of Albquqerque near 7.0 which is already 1/3rd fulfilled at the house.
              I also know this: America (end times Babylon, (Babylon the Great(JA)) destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. (Rev 17:16-18:24) 2016. Some call this “fire” in dreams. Timeframe: December of 2016. Dave Hodges,


    Friday, April 8, 2016

    Astronomers Track Sunless World 4-8x the Mass of Jupiter

    One of the youngest and brightest free-floating, planet-like objects has reportedly been detected by US and Canadian astronomers 95 light years away.

    Jupiter Shows Off Amazing ‘Northern Lights’ When Swept by Solar Winds A team of astronomers from the United States and Canada have discovered one of the youngest and brightest free-floating, planet-like objects located in the Sun’s stellar “neighborhood”, media reports said.

    Identified as 2MASS J1119-1137, the 10-million-year-old object is between four and eight times the mass of Jupiter, which means that the object falls in the mass range between a large planet and a small brown dwarf star, according to the website Science Daily, which referred to the study on the matter.

    Using data obtained with the help of NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and other ground-based telescopes, 2MASS J1119-1137 was tracked after astronomers used a combination of optical and infrared images from large-area surveys of the sky.

    The study’s lead author Kendra Kellogg, of Western Ontario’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, specifically pointed to the light that the newly-found object is emitting.

    “We identified 2MASS J1119-1137 by its highly unusual light signature. It emits much more light in the infrared part of the spectrum than would be expected to if it had already aged and cooled,” Kellogg said.

    Another researcher from Western Ontario’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stanimir Metchev, was more specific in his estimation of the precise age of the new object.

    “Our Gemini observations only showed that the object was younger than about 200 million years. If it was much younger, it could actually be a free-floating planet, an analog of our own Jupiter, yet without a host star,” Metchev said.

  251. John,
    My studies are built not on one event but on every geological event in history. It is how we put together the way the earth works. We do not use dreams, crop circles or unverified articles on the web. Your “studies” are for a completely different discipline, one based on faith rather than science. I can see how you are trying to connect past events to future ones. We do something similar. We look at the past to determine the future but there are no holy days or jubilees in geology. But it doesn’t seem that your method has any real validity or else all biblical events would have been predicted throughout history and there wouldn’t be so many different theories on how to interpret bible prophecy.
    You seem to be putting a lot of faith on Sept 23rd. I can’t even remember all the various events you’ve predicted for that date. You claim there will be a One-World religion starting on that day with (Obama) killing anyone who doesn’t worship him. Why haven’t I heard anything about this? What religion is it exactly? An existing one or something new? With only 10 days to go you would think they would have run a few commercials or distributed a bunch of flyers or something, you know? Who do we worship? The pope? Obama? Some existing God? And what churches do we attend? You don’t even know for sure which day we are supposed to show up at these churches.
    Clearly this is a conspiracy theory that was not very well thought out. Somehow you picked up on it and it seemed to fit into your bible interpretation so you are running with it. Or are you claiming the pope or Obama will announce it out of the blue on the 23rd and the world will have a short time period to adapt to it? And since murder is against the teachings of the Catholic church and against the law in the U.S. just how will they justify their actions? And how will they force this religion on the entire world? The pope has no army and Obama refuses to use the one he has. Do you see how preposterous this idea sounds? As does the world-wide earthquake you also predicted.
    Speaking of earthquakes, I checked the USGS and there has been zero seismic activity in your mountains in 7 years. The quake you predicted for last month never materialized, so how can you claim it is ⅓ fulfilled?
    As for the age of the earth, do you realize you’ve recently posted several theories based on events millions of years old? Try to be consistent. If you believe the earth is only 6000 years old then any scientific report you use must recognize that age, and of course none will.
    As for the theory of evolution, in my book it is still just a theory. I have studied and done a lot of field work in archaeology and the holy grail for archaeologists is finding a “missing link” – a previously undiscovered fossil that connects 2 different species, like dinosaurs to birds or horses to dolphins etc. Yet not one single intermediary fossil has ever been discovered. Not for any two species that ever lived. Not animals nor plants. I find this very curious considering the vast number of fossils that have already been unearthed. So the jury is out on that one for me. The math/statistics just don’t confirm the theory.
    So perhaps God has created every creature small and large. But if he did create the earth, he did it 4.5 billion years ago.
    Oh, By the way, I watched the movie “Left Behind” with Nicholas Cage that came out this year. It was a great action flick about a pilot flying when the rapture happens and he has to try to land after crashed planes and cars due to missing pilots/drivers have clogged most runways and highways. But the movie only lasts a few hours. As soon as he lands (spoiler alert) the movie ends with little of no religious significance. But once again the rapture seems to be the primary event that starts the tribulation. It sounds like you are going to start yours without it. Are all those screenwriters wrong? What does the bible say?


      ‘Is 2016 Mekudeshet Festival leading to a One-World Religion?’ Antipope Francis? One World Religion in Jerusalem between Sept 4th and 23 that Lucifer is God of the One World Religion.

      The One World Religion was signed into existing on the Rabbinic Day of Pentecost in 2014.
      It’s main reference is Revelation 17 and the False Prophet.

      All the tribulation movies began with the Rapture. There are 4 views: Pre Tribulation Rapture (Before the seals begin). Mid Tribulation Rapture. Post Tribulation Rapture.

      Pre-wrath Post Tribulation Rapture (John Ashcraft’s View)–Based from Dr. Denis Otero, David L. Stern Jewish NT Commentary; Another Jewish Messianic Teacher. All these people are Jews so I go with them.
      This one occurs 10 days prior to Armageddon.

      All the rapture views get their information from the same scripture verses.
      I narrowed it down after I did an article on exactly what is the Wrath of God. I further narrowed it down to looking at the verses describing the word Wrath. Where is it mainly between Chapter 6 of Revelation to Chapter 16.
      I looked into the meaning of “Last Day” in John 6 which means Last year for the Rapture. Marriage of the Wife in Deut.–Christians leave this one out so they can have their 7 year tribulation and they don’t preach on Last Day very often either. 90% of the Chruches don’t even teach on prophecy which is 30 percent of the Bible.

      Timeframes for the Rapture according to Leviticus 23: Day of Trumpet, Passover, Day of Trumpet. Isaiah’s Point of View

      Possible Rapture points: Day of Trumpet; Day of Atonement; Passover, Pentecost. Leviticus 23 Points of View.

      • John,
        You just said that, “The One World Religion was signed into existing on the Rabbinic Day of Pentecost in 2014.“ That was 2 years ago and yet I haven’t heard a word about it. What is it? What are its beliefs and what religion is it based on? Who is its leader and where are all the preachers? Who will enforce it? Will we all be forced to accept it?
        Sorry but it sounds like you read some conspiracy theory and believed it simply because it fit your end-time theory. But nothing has come of it so in fact is has no real importance and can’t be used to prove your theory. And what about your claim that the pope is going to make a similar declaration on Sep 23rd. Sounds like a repeat of the one two years ago, but I’ll wait and see.
        As for the rapture, are you saying it might happen on Sep 23rd? Is that this year or next year? Does the last year (day) begin on that date? So you think the wrath judgements will start on that date? When do you think any of the judgements will begin? Are we talking weeks, months or years? Inquiring minds want to know.

        • pope is uniting with Islam

        • We have to wait on its belief system but Lucifer/Satan is god of the one world religion.
          To answer your question on its beliefs and what religion, look into the background of Catholicism which is made up of at least 10 pagan religions combined into one with parts of Christianity thrown into the mix.
          I have a 50 page article on Catholicism so this is why I need your e-mail address. When I ask for your address, it is for a article or 20 articles for you to read since you will not go and visit my articles I have compiled on my two blogsites. I can cut and paste from them all day long here but it is easier for you to read them for yourself.
          Look around you at all the preachers in the globe of all the variety of religions such as Buddahism, Mormonism, Catholicism, Rick Warren of Christianity, Joel Osteen of Christianity. Every priest will be its preachers.
          Everybody will accept it and those who do not will be killed by a bolt of lightning from Satan because the Pope will call down lightning for the sky (Haarp Technology) to do the killing.
          I read the Bible and I have examples of all the beliefs (Idol Worship). Some beliefs will come out of the prophecies of old. But the majority is found in Revelation 16-18.

          • So the pope will control the religion of the end-times?
            I have a question about how he call down lightning from the sky to kill individual people.
            First of all HAARP can’t do that and especially with pinpoint accuracy. Lightning always takes the path of least resistance (like rivers in stream erosion) so unless the subject was wearing a giant lightning rod in the middle of a violent thunderstorm, the technology is sketchy at best.
            So would the pope have a red phone directly to HAARP headquarters and give them the coordinates of the victims so they can send a death ray on demand? But you said the bolt would come from Satan, so will Satan control the HAARP program? This sounds like another conspiracy theory that you have twisted to fit your prophecy.
            Oh well, we’ll see what the pope says later this month. I’m sure it will be a big news item, He’s been in the news a lot lately.
            I can’t wait to see what ISIS will say about converting all their people to Catholicism. And the Buddhists too. Of course the billion or so Catholics won’t even flinch. It will probably sound like a pretty good idea to them.
            Your ideas are fascinating. The question is are they real.

        • Rodney says,
          As for the rapture, are you saying it might happen on Sep 23rd? Is that this year or next year? Does the last year (day) begin on that date? So you think the wrath judgements will start on that date? When do you think any of the judgements will begin? Are we talking weeks, months or years? Inquiring minds want to know.

          Rapture Timeframes from above and this will be the third to 20th time I have said it.
          Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost.
          Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost.
          Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost.
          Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost.
          Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost.
          Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost.
          Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost.
          Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost.

          Learn to read Rodney, or I will repeat this 1000 times more so it will get into your thick, stubborn head.

          Day of Trumpet 2016. October 3rd.
          Day of Atonement 2016. October 13th. Jewish civil calendar begins on this date. This has been going on since the time of the Exodus in 1441 or 1446 BCE. This is the day when the wrath judgments begin with a global earthquake just like in the dream I posted here.
          Passover Day of 2017 (Whatever day Passover is on in 2017 after the Barley has ripen in its shell. This could be in March or April. In 2016, it was in April. Pentecost in 2016 was in June.
          Pentecost in 2017 will be either in May or June depending on when the Barley ripens. The Jewish months are dependent on when the Barley ripens. Once the Barley ripens in its shell, this is when the new calendar begins.

          Isaiah teaches that the rapture timeframes will be either Day of Trumpet, Passover, Day of Trumpet.

          Leviticus 23 Feasts of the Lord Model is on the Day of Trumpet either one year prior to Armageddon on the Day of Atonement according to this:
          Deu_24:5 When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.
          Joh 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
          Joh 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
          Joh 6:54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
          Last Day here means the last year which means on the Day of Trumpet one year prior to the war of Armageddon.

          OR on the Day of Trumpet 10 days prior to Armageddon on the Day of Atonement.

          Wrath of God views: 1) Trumpet Judgments, Bowl Judgments, Armageddon with the rapture on the Day of Trumpet one year prior to Armageddon on the Day of Atonement.
          2) Bowl Judgments, Armageddon with the rapture (Day of Trumpet) on Passover or the month of Abib either in March or April after the barley has ripened in its sheath.
          3) Armageddon with the rapture on the Day of Trumpet 10 days before Armageddon.

          Class what have we learned here: the rapture can be on the Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, or Pentecost. Repetion, repetition, repetition.
          Remember this: Day of Trumpet, Day of Atonement, Passover, Pentecost. Now how easy is this to remember.
          The Year, 2016 or 2017.

    • John’s Dream of the Earthquake. Timeframe: In the heat of the Day. 2 views: March to October. 10 AM-4PM.

      Act 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
      Joe_2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
      Act 2:18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
      Act 2:19 And I will shew wonders/signs in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: Gen 1:14; Luke 21:25-26
      Act 2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
      Act 2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
      Joe_2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

      Prophecy (Rom_12:6; 1Co_12:10, 1Co_12:28, 1Co_12:29), under which may be included exhortation (Rom_12:8; compare 1Co_14:3). The gift of prophecy was bestowed at Pentecost upon the church as a whole (Act_2:16 ff), but in particular measure upon certain individuals who were distinctively known as prophets. Only a few of the Christian prophets are directly referred to – Judas and Silas (Act_15:32), the prophets at Antioch (Act_13:1), Agabus and the prophets from Jerusalem (Act_11:27 f), the four daughters of Philip the evangelist (Act_11:9). But 1 Corinthians shows that there were several of them in the Corinthian church; and probably they were to be found in every Christian community. Some of them moved about from church to church (Act_11:27 f; Act_21:10); and in the Didache we find that even at the celebration of the Eucharist the itinerant prophet still takes precedence of the local ministry of bishops and deacons (Didache x.7).
      It is evident that the functions of the prophet must sometimes have crossed those of the apostle, and so we find Paul himself described as a prophet long after he had been called to the apostleship (Act_13:1). And yet there was a fundamental distinction. While the apostle, as we have seen, was one “sent forth” to the unbelieving world, the prophet was a minister to the believing church (1Co_14:4, 1Co_14:22). Ordinarily his message was one of “edification, and exhortation, and consolation” (1Co_14:3). Occasionally he was empowered to make an authoritative announcement of the divine will in a particular case (Act_13:1 ff). In rare instances we find him uttering a prediction of a future event (Act_11:28; Act_21:10 f).

      The false prophets of the Old Testament had no ability to “read the times” in the same manner the righteous prophets could. One tribe of Israel was given a gift of knowing where things were going and that tribe was Issachar (I Chron 12:32) who was scattered to Finland.

      Why would God be concerned about unveiling/revealing to us about events that have not yet occurred?
      1) He does so to prepare us for something or to cause us to intercede in prayer to prevent or to change a situation. (Isa 38:1-5)
      2) He knows we need to understand certain events in the future.
      Hab 2:1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
      Hab 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
      Hab 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

      This dream is posted at Nibiru and Isaiah 24 ( in the Nibiru and dream file. This dream is the one that says I am a false prophet because people do not know my testimony.
      At the House. It is really a hot day (April, May, June, July, August, September). I am talking to a neighbor and we are standing on the asphalt of my driveway (North to south driveway). My soles on my shoes begin to melt (It is a very hot day). The shoes don’t melt but I feel the heat up under my feet. On both sides of the driveway, water comes to the surface. (Note: MY water table is 450 feet deep and I do not have drip lines along the driveway). Two vehicles are gone for the day.
      The next portion, I am in a field behind my house in the mountains and the ground is shaking heavily but not heavy enough to knock down buildings. I see two people running towards me out of the west and I join them and begin running as well to the east.
      Just as I begin to run, I wake up.
      In the dream, I notice that the trash left from the last housemate is gone. The tree trunks and branches are gone. The landscape bricks are gone. Also, there is a firewood wall built on the west side of the house that is about 12 feet to 18 feet long.
      In February 2016, I pick up on a project on the west side of the house and work on it until it is finished. The hole was dug last January in 2015 by Ray Garcia using a backhoe. I decided to not complete the project last year due to issues with the ground caving in by heavy rains. It is an addition to the house with a root cellar. Because of the underground building, I had to drop trees with a saws-all (reciprocating saw) and skill-saw and built an 18 foot 12 inch wide firewood storage wall. The cellar is 4 feet higher than the slope of the property so the landscape bricks went to keep the dirt at bay. The pallet that held the housemate’s trash went to be used as part of the floor in the 2 room cave where one can sleep decently.
      In the dream, the earth is shaking around 4.0 to 7.0 in the East Mountains. The ground water is probably gone. With the issues of what is going to occur possibly in 2016 in the USA, I don’t see any use of digging a new well at this time. I have stored about a one month supply of water for 2 people.
      July 20th note: While waiting for Ray to pick me up, I was talking to the building maintenance man in Russel’s building and he said that small multiple earthquake tremors in Albuquerque are happening now. I told him to get ready for a major earthquake in the Albuquerque Area (7.0 to 10.0). I suspect the quake may occur between Sept. 15th to October 15th. The Day of Atonement is on the 13th of October and there was one before the Flood occurred on the Day of Atonement.
      1656 2270, 2348/9 BCE 2435BC מבּוּל mabbûl; Flood Methuselah dies year of flood 969 years old; Noah 600 years old *

      Yom Kippur is when Nibiru in 2016 will affect the earth, with a global earthquake, fulfilled as in Revelation 6:12-17, as well as other OT scriptures. This global earthquake is actually an axial polar shift (the only explanation for why the stars will roll up as a scroll). This exact same event happened the day that the Great Deluge began, 3,600 years ago, when Nibiru passed through our solar system… which was also Yom Kippur, but it had not been decreed as such by YVWH yet, at the Exodus, when Moses was translated to Heaven to be with YVWH for the 40 days… remember, Moses’ face was so bright that the Israelites asked him to cover it, when he came back from Mount Sinai.

      In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Bereshit, Genesis 7:11 (1649 years from the fall – Book of Jubilees, Paradise and the Fall iii: 17); Nibiru encounter “The Destroyer”. Isa 24:1, 19-20. Some accounts and teachers say this was at Passover and others say this was in October/November. Pole Shift. It caused a 23 degree tilt. The tetonic plates separated.
      Gen 8:4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. Aviv 17th 2347 (Wednesday–Day after First fruits.)

  252. a review of an Ed Dames conference

    December 2017?

  253. John,
    This whole Ed Dames report is completely different from your prediction of Sep 23rd and being 50x larger than the moon. He gives a date in December 2017 and says it will not be so close and only the same size as the moon. If there are real scientists observing Nibiru we would expect accurate orbital data and all their data would match perfectly. And his story that Nibiru harbored life is ridiculous. No species could survive 3600 years away from the sun in almost absolute zero temps. He is simply crazy.
    For years he studied “remote viewing” using so-called psychics to spy on the Russians and others. In 1995 the project was abandoned as just a hoax.
    So please, when Nibiru fails to show up your schedule, don’t bother switching to this guys theory.
    In fact if you look at all the different Nibiru reports they are all different. Different locations, different arrival times etc. But never any data that would pinpoint it in the sky. The only things in common are the results – earthquakes, pole shifts, volcanos, bad weather etc. I guess you can fool more people with a “real” event like a planet than with bible verses alone.
    But maybe you will prove him wrong. Less than 2 weeks to go. Can’t wait.

    • I don’t even know who Ed is, but I am not putting my hope into Sept. 23rd either. Sept 23 is a possibility and not a probability.

      I will wait for the probability of whatever it will be. I do believe in the Hopi legends of a blue and Red planet however. According to the woman in Albuquerque who had a dream, she saw the Blue one. That I believe in. I told her before I even knew about Nibiru possibly existing that she would see it around the Day of Trumpet. If December is right, then that would be around Chanukkah. I am expecting some events to pop up at Chanukkah because of an article from a source on the internet which I have a copy of.

    • Rodney or Jim or both.
      My dates on Nibiru are between September 23rd, 2016 and as late as Passover of 2018 (Luis B. Vega Eschatology Files).
      Gill Broussards dates are as early as Passover, 2016 to 2021 but his timeframe will always be near Passover.
      Mine will be near the 7th month or the first month biblically. Passover is in the first month and Day of trumpet is in the 7th month.

  254. Marianne,
    Many geologists including myself predicted the Fukishima disaster. It was inevitable. I also predicted the flooding of New Orleans back in college due to it antiquated levy system and the fact that the city was partly below seas level… a disaster waiting to happen.
    The levy system in central California are also due to fail. The nuclear power plant in xxx may also be destroyed in the next big Southern California quake, as will the city of San Bernardino which the fault runs directly below.
    I could go on with volcanos, faults etc, but you get the point. Prediction of natural disasters is easy. The trick is to know the day and the hour… Same as for the second coming, right? (I learned that in the movie).
    You could also predict a disaster from an asteroid strike or from a passing planet, but in these cases you SHOULD know the exact date and time. If you know the true orbit of any heavenly body you can determine exactly when it will hit or pass by the earth.
    Yet not one Nibiru source has been able to plot an orbit. And almost every single Nibiru report is different from all the others.
    The fact that Ed Dames worked on “remote viewing” does not make him an expert on anything. In 1994 his project was shut down after being declared a hoax. It turns out that there is no such thing as “remote viewing.” It was all a hoax perpetrated by charlatans – magicians – who have been creating psychic shows going back to vaudeville. So why would I place my trust in such a man? He is simply looking for attention in his retirement by trying to get on the Nibiru bandwagon.
    And note in the second video the opening text talks about a mysterious planet beyond Neptune (Planet 9) then tries to show Nibiru next to the sun from a plane window. As I said every Nibiru expert has a different location.
    All of the science used such as the “waves” theory are complete nonsense. It sounds like some high school dropout trying to describe a disaster using a mixed-up version of the science he failed to learn in elementary school. I found it entertaining actually.
    But less than 10 minutes into it, it turned biblical and just like John, they quoted bible verses and then claimed that they were talking about Nibiru. So once again it is all based on wishful thinking and conspiracy theories that seem to fit the bible. Yet with all the thousands of sightings all over the world, not a single person with a scientific background who could follow the object and plot an orbit has ever been able to see it. Nor have any of the millions of media reporters who would surly like to break such a story on the mainstream news. It only appears on YouTube it seems. So called astronomers who don’t know how to plot an orbit or even give celestial coordinates for other astronomers to find and track it. Until that happens all you have are unknown people making YouTube videos with pseudoscience who are having fun trying to fool average people who aren’t smart enough to understand they are simply being played as fools.
    So all I can say is enjoy the videos, as I said some are kind of entertaining. But don’t believe anything they say. They are liars, plain and simple. Look at these as SyFy movies. Did you catch the part near the end where they claim that people are able to switch bodies as they die and therefore live forever? And the eyewitness to a man turning into a “reptilian” in this manner? You know biology. Do you think this is true. Of course you must believe there is a reptilian alien race out there. Are they part of God’s flock? Why weren’t they made in God’s image? Will they be raptured along with humans? Do you see the consequences of believing these people? They can’t be reliable on Nibiru and totally unbelievable on other points.
    But if you already believe in Nibiru you will believe the liars even though they can easily be proven to be using false science. But I would encourage anyone following this discussion to verify the science for themselves. Don’t let these people fool or scare you.

    • rod

      so you are a geologist, not an astronomer….

      so why should I believe you about astronomy ?

      • I took many other science classes including two astronomy classes. The amount of astronomy needed to debunk these videos is small. Most of it is due to the laws of physics which apply everywhere… on earth and throughout the universe. When these guys use fake physics to prove any point it is obvious they are lying. And any decent photographer can tell lens flare from real objects so that takes out 90% of all Nibiru sightings without even being a scientist. A news photographer could tell you the same thing.
        While I couldn’t figure out a planet’s orbit like Ian I know that not one object on YouTube comes with orbital data, and as Ian has said many times, the Skywatchers have never sighted any such object and they are the ones who always find these things first. You will never find some YouTube video producer that will beat the real astronomers to the punch when it comes to discovering anything out in space.
        Also, they said in this video that the Annunaki space aliens created man, partly from their own DNA. The narrator basically denies that God created man in his image but the Annunaki did in theirs. Does that fit in with your bible interpretation? Do you believe this video is completely truthful and accurate on all accounts?
        I doubt it, so I stand on my statement that you can’t pick and choose the ranting of a liar.

    • Rodney, you may be a geologist but I agree with you logic due to systical analysis or some type of analysis and that is why I do not watch the videos of Nibiru and the Sun.
      For me, I look into the content of the article written and the comments on the Nibiru articles. If it is sound worthy as your comments then I make or keep a copy and I send these forward to Marianne. I like track records.

  255. Marianne seems to have some sort of vendetta against Jim. And I can see why. I guess she doesn’t get many scientists blogging here and she seems to be generally hostile to anything that tends to disprove her beliefs in bible prophecy. She sort of sounds like a religious zealot and the world is full of them, just ask ISIS.
    But I’m sure most Christians are zealous about their God and bible prophecy, but I was under the impression this was an open forum for discussion. On YouTube when people have posted the truth and how to verify it the owner usually shuts of commenting. That is a sure sign that what they are posting is a pile of lies and they can’t uphold their claims.
    Of course if you did that here you wouldn’t have a site. So I’m not here to change the minds of the zealots that are made up permanently it appears. I’m only here to post the real science for those who want to take the time to verify these videos.
    Hey, isn’t there a commandment against lying? So if someone is lying intentionally isn’t he a sinner and doomed to hell or something? I find it interesting that most of these videos discuss bible prophecy so the owners must be believing Christians, right? So I guess they don’t believe in following the commandments and they don’t mind that they are lying to other Christians and dragging them down the path to hell. But I guess there is no penalty for believing a lie as long as you think it supports something in the bible. But still, wouldn’t you rather know the truth? Does God want you to believe in lies?
    Maybe you just can’t talk science to Christians. But somehow I just can’t believe that if God is real, why doesn’t he understand the very physical laws he is claimed to have created? If I were a true believer I would assume he does understand them and modify my prophecy beliefs so as not to conflict with science. I’m sure that is possible but I appear to be on the wrong site for that to happen.

  256. Jupiter may be Nibiru; -April 10, 2017 (Passover Eve–Fast of the First Born?) is the perihelion for Jupiter Earth and April is Passover month. Passover month is March 15th to April 15th, The other dates he gives is not until October 27, 2017 and 2018. Links @ http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com

    Why is April 10th important because Gill Broussard said that Nibiru would show itself during Passover.
    Gill Broussard also gave a 5 year widow beginning in 2016 and ending in 2021.

    Numbers will be in the next video,

    • that does not seem to make sense…..

      jupiter is not on a path to pass by the earth…it has remained in the same place since man knew about it…so why would it cause trouble now?

      • Jupiter according to the Grand Tack Hypothesis.

        Earth and its neighbor planets may have formed from fragments of planets after collisions with Jupiter destroyed those super-Earths near the Sun. As Jupiter came toward the inner Solar System, in what theorists call the Grand Tack Hypothesis, gravitational tugs and pulls occurred causing a series of collisions between the super-Earths as their orbits began to overlap.

        In planetary astronomy, the grand tack hypothesis proposes that after its formation at 3.5 AU, Jupiter migrated inward to 1.5 AU, before reversing course due to capturing Saturn in an orbital resonance, eventually halting near its current orbit at 5.2 AU. The reversal of Jupiter’s migration is likened to the path of a sailboat changing directions (tacking) as it travels against the wind.

        In the grand tack model Jupiter undergoes a two-phase migration after its formation, migrating inward to 1.5 AU before reversing course and migrating outward. Jupiter’s formation takes place near the ice line, at roughly 3.5 AU. After clearing a gap in the gas disk Jupiter undergoes type II migration, moving slowly toward the Sun with the gas disk. If uninterrupted, this migration would have left Jupiter in a close orbit around the sun like recently discovered hot-Jupiters in other planetary systems.

        Why look at this hypothesis. 1.5 AU timeframe was possibly the Flood time period. As it traveled back to the 5.2 AU period, the perihelion to earth may have been the times for Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, Joshua’s Longest Day, 144000 Assyrians, Jesus’ Death, etc wherever Nibiru had an affect.
        That brings us back to Today and the year 5777. What if Jupiter has left it’s 5.2 AU and is traveling backwards to 1.5 AU for the year 7000 and is close to 3.5 AU now? Hmmm. Just something to think about.

  257. Revelation 12:1

    • interesting

      • I choose to look through the separation of Christ, Buddah, Allah, and the separation of all names. I choose to believe in the God of all. All races, all religions, all cultures, creations and destructions. The seen and unseen, the felt and unfelt. The unity of life and death. For this is my journey to spirituality, to a hopeful progression into the unknown. There is nothing to fear if you truly have faith. Prophecy this Prophecy that. If you have fear in your heart than let it go for this is not the path to the Almighty God. Do not from impeccable truth. Man has created all inequality in the world today. Man has created money, the system of world laws, all illusions of religion, and all the smoke in front of our eyes. This is lucifer in the realm of god. It is up to us to consciously grow as many to transcend and become one again as we once were. We have break the system of inequality and live by the code of self truth. If it is not good for all it is good for none. Be well and walk in the light with me Brothers and Sisters. I shall await all in my dreams for we are all mirrors. I see myself in everything and everyone as you may see some of yourself in me. People who do not understand simply haven’t cleared the smoke or illusions infront of their mirrors. Peace be with all who do not run from impeccable truth, for there is light and heaven in all of us even in the darkest of realms. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place that is love, light, peace and joy. When we are in that place, you and I in me are one. If you were born under the teachings of Buddah then you would be a Buddhist, if you were born under the teachings of Hinduism then you would become Hindu, if you were born into Christianity then you would become Christian, and if you were born under the teachings of of Allah then you would believe in him. Religion is directly related to the foundations of your environment and culture. It is up to us to grow past the scope of one religion or the other. To accept God as the creator of all life, absent of discrimination. In truth and unity. Be well and do not fear anything. Be true to yourselves open your souls to the unknown.

  258. You have spoken your truth quietly, honestly and sensibly. If only the majority of people, who do see and believe this as reality, would live by it instead of arguing and fighting, the world would then be in unity and peace.

  259. What kind of government wouldn’t warn there people. So because I am not part of the dysfunction in D.C. all of the sudden my family and I are dispensible. If I take my kids and move to what I believe will be a safe place. After no helpfrom my government and no warning. If I survive I hope I don’t see one person related to government. If I do,

    • concerned

      Our government would not warn….trying to avoid mass panic, to make it easier on them

      we are only here to pay for their safety, not ours

      do what is best for you and family

  260. I thought the path of Planet X wasn’t till 2025…155 days to revolve around the sun,.. dragging it’s moons and a tail of asteroids from our belt of rock between Jupiter and Mars.Which in turn those asteroids would rain down on us for about an hour as we pass through the “tail” of Planet X.That would be equivalent to the fire and brimstone raining from the sky in the Bible.The gravitational pull of the planet would tilt us off axsis approx 26 degrees at most.That would make Antarctica uniced as it was when people made maps of it’s shore line before we had satellites.Mass flooding would fill all low lying areas and eathquakes would split countries.Such as California falling off the map.Megavolcanoes would erupt such as the one in Wyoming from the friction of tectonic plates.The impact of meteors would also set off smaller volcanoes around the world with the possibility of the start of another ice age.Therefore cleansing the planet as it has done before and after the start of written history.The Mayans called it a time of rebirth.Not that ANY of this is a positive thing for the human race but the planet will have time to replenish it’s sources and the human race will rebuild with much smaller numbers as it has for millennia.

    • kevin

      I hope you are right about the date

    • Government window for Nibiru/Nemesis etc is 2015-2020 but a closer window is 2017-2018. This also lines up with Psalms 117 and 118 being 2017-2018. There is a possibility that Armageddon could still occur on September 30th. However that still may occur in 2018 on the Day of Atonement.

  261. The goverment are purposely introducing chemicals into the atmosphere to h ide a secret that ething is coming i have videnc of fact so everyone get prepared underground is not nessasaryly the safest place unless you are beond the depth of radioactive interference

  262. Food for thought, if Nibiru is coming and some have taken pictures of it, it should be visible in the morning, or noon or at dusk, just like other planets. So where’s the beef? Not trying to be difficult here, but it’s not adding up. All these so called pictures being taken are not consistent with common sense. Planets just don’t mysteriously appear and disappear at will unless our minds and thoughts are being influenced by demons. So I must ask again, where?

    • mike

      just FYI….I just report what is said out there, then let you decide

      the pictures are real pictures, so the question is what do you do with the information. I know people personally who state they see this…

      if you google “nibiru sun” you get too many images to ignore.. so something is there

      from our viewpoint, the sky is constantly moving…I see the moon in all positions in the sky, from east to west, and nightly constellations move in and out of view. from one season to another, things seem to change as well

      nibiru is actually reported to be a mini solar system, that is revolving around the sun in a large orbit. so there is a second sun, with planets and moons rotating around it, as the second sun rotates around our sun

      what people see is not necessarily the second sun, but possibly one of the planets at times which comes into view, and then moves out of view as it rotates around its own sun. or it could be a moon that belongs to one of the planets…. when any object gets near our sun, it reflects light and we can see it. as it continues to move, it moves away, and then you cannot see it anymore

      also the angle of the orbit seems / appears to be about 60 degrees off from ours, making viewing harder.

      this is all I can explain. I have not seen anything myself, but I am not outside at good times, and I am surrounded by trees which blocks my view

    • I’ve consistently read or heard that it can only be seen in the southern hemisphere.

  263. There’s a lot of disparity about when Nibiru will arrive and I guess I understand that since the government is trying to conceal or confuse its existence or whether there’d be a flyby of note.
    To all those who doubt, just let the seismic and weather activity dictate. If it starts getting crazy with volcanoes going off more often and more earthquakes than ever and animals acting more and more strangely, I’d say Nibiru is a definite possible cause and that you might expect meteorites next…then you can expect to see Nibiru….OK?

    • Sorry Neil but gravity (the only force a nearby object can exert on the earth) does not cause the effects you listed. The moon is only 224,000 miles from the earth and is ¼ the earth’s diameter – relatively large for a moon.
      If the moon doesn’t cause these events at its close distance then no planet, however large, could cause any effects especially if it is so far away we can’t go outside and see it. Saturn is clearly visible and it is 2 billion miles away.
      The disparity in the arrival of Nibiru results solely from the fact there have been hundreds of different predictions on YouTube none of which, including the one that heads this article have ever come true. All the government has said is that Nibiru doesn’t exist as does every astronomy site, magazine and observatory in the world.
      The article we are on right now claims Nibiru would have passed by by now and be headed out of the solar system and be gone by today. WRONG!
      Just check YouTube today and visit a few Nibiru videos. They will all have different information, much of it years old, and many have given up giving arrival dates since they all know there is no such thing and all they want to do is scare as many people as they can and get as many likes as possible.
      After ten years of this hoax how can anyone still believe it is coming at us? It only takes a comet from past Pluto a year to reach the sun yet Nibiru has been coming for over 10 years, some claim 35 years. Even a Jr. High School astronomy student will be able to tell you the truth.
      Ask one why don’t you?

  264. Well,, I do know that this society as we know it is coming to an end, I have read the Bible with a lot of understanding, and everything that God had His prophets to write are coming to pass, there is nothing anyone can do for this, my only words for the people are,,, PREPARE YOUR BODY AND SOUL FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD, FOR HE IS ON HIS WAY,,, now if people would have read the Bible to understand it then they would know that this is true and that preparation is in hand,,, God Bless us all to have our souls ready when He returns,,,,

  265. ‘Potentially hazardous’ asteroid the size of the Empire State Building will skim past Earth TOMORROW in close flyby. The asteroid, dubbed 2017 VR12, is expected to pass within 900,000 miles of Earth around 7:53am (EST) on Wednesday. With a diameter between 700ft and 1,500ft, VR12 could be bigger than New York City’s Empire State Building, which is 1,450ft tall.
    Read more:

    • ok

    • Maybe compared to an infinitely large universe 900,000 miles is close enough to be “potentially hazardous” but the moon is 4 times closer and it poses no real danger other than high tides.
      These articles like to use provocative headlines to boost readership but the term “potentially hazardous” does not apply to any object we know the exact orbit of. It will either hit us or pass by. So don’t be alarmed by these articles. A lot of them are hyped up a bunch.

      • jim

        don’t care about readership…I get no money from readers…this site is free

        l like to explore “possibilities”

        • Yeah, I know that. I was only referring to all the You Tube idiots who made up the Nibiru nonsense in the first place. While you fell for it, you aren’t deliberately out to fool or scare people, only to inform them to the possibilities.
          Even though Nibiru is just not possible.

  266. According to the article at the top of this blog:

    27 September 2012:

    Nibiru comes directly between the Sun and Earth. Unlike Elenin a

    year earlier, it sits right on the ecliptic and will therefore cause a great solar eclipse.

    Lie. Never happened.

    1 January 2018:

    Nibiru and Elenin are both on their way out of the solar system. Nibiru’s magnetosphere finally begins to recede from the inner solar system and should completely depart from it sometime during 2018, after wrecking havoc over the course of seven undoubtedly tumultuous years since 2011.

    Another Lie. Never happened.

    But if you still believe it, then Nibiru is gone, not to be see for another 3,600 years.
    End of Nibiru. End of story.

  267. Idiots. You are brain dead morons.

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