Noah’s Flood and the Mid- Atlantic Ridge



Is there a connection between the formation of the Mid – Atlantic Ridge and Noah’s flood?

Viewpoint of Dr. Walter Brown:

It is a very logical analysis of what could have happened.

It also explains the “fossil record,” and strata of the earth, normally considered to date the earth as millions of years old.

Is he correct?

Do you agree?

29 Responses to “Noah’s Flood and the Mid- Atlantic Ridge”

  1. […] here for […]

  2. Very logical as far as a mans scientific hypothesis – theory goes. if it does not dispute the biblical event from the old testament but rather reinforces it. The fact is we do not have records of this event and we will never know exactly how God ( Jesus ) decided bring it about. either he decided to do it himself in one decision with just a thought, ( yes my God can do this ) or just made and planned by design for it to happen on its own through natural and physical laws at a particular time. the true fact of the matter is unless we have divine revelation from God on this one event we will never completely know 100%. but it is the best theory i have heard on this subject matter. as far as carnal knowledge goes it is about the best we can come up with at this point. if we indeed are in the last days this could be the best assumption . but if man kind goes on for longer as some people believe, we will surely grow in knowledge and be able to refine this hypothesis almost to a theory . true science lines up with the word of god which cannot be disputed. very possible to say the least.

  3. i think this is not a clear explanation of events. We know that structure of the earth is made up of the central core,the outer mantle and the crust. The core is very hot while the mantlae is basically molten rock. At this point i beg to differ with your explanation of water being present just below the crust. The theory of plate techtonics is very clear and evedence exists today showing the continuing earth process. Sediments form from sedimentation of materials over time. Oil and gas form in traps resulring from earth movements that produce structures such faults and folds.I will not go deep in this but surely your explanation is not acceptable in science

  4. sounds good to me….no matter how G-D decided to do it-He’s alot smarter than we are!!

  5. of coarse it is not clear we have no record of this event, but please go deep on what you believe you know. so we are not in the dark. dont just disagree to disagree. back it up. enlighten us.

  6. I have been following this absurd pseudo-scientific theory for many years and I continue to study it because I find it so hilarious. I admit, it is presented in a very scientific way, making the presenter(s) appear to be more of a scientist than a bible thumper. Nice touch and it actually works – on people who know less about geology than they do.
    I hate to burst some bubbles here folks but this guy is a total charlatan. Every other statement is a lie, so entwined with true high-tech science-babble that it actually sounds like it might be true.
    I have over 4000 field-hours of geology and I have seen and photographed hundreds of geological formations that easily refute his entire hypothesis. But here is just one question he can not answer – “Where did all that water go?”
    If the entire earth were covered in water (7 miles deep to do that) and the area under the crust where it came from is now magma, all that water would have to have gone somewhere. It could not have evaporated and still be lingering in the atmosphere. If so the sheer weight of it would crush most life on the surface.
    So maybe God turned it all into ice balls and shot them into space to become comets… Well if that is true then why not just say God made the whole flood from scratch and stop blaming it on geology.
    God created the world in his own way and his own time frame. Then he gave us intelligence so we could figure it out, along with medicine, engineering and other technology.
    Geology follows the laws of nature which were created by God. Does God break his own law? Think about that before believing this preposterous theory.
    So there!

  7. This flood was a no brainer I not trying to be funny but noah did preach it was going to rain forty days and forty nights isn’t that the whole purpose of the bible . God said if you add to the bible than u will be added these plagues dont add or subtract.

  8. i agree alot with James.the more i look into this the more i see that we actually have more questions then answers. i would like to see someone actually pick it apart and say well this is true by what we know and this is totally false. or we do not have any way what so ever to come to such a conclusion. more input please.


  10. Off the coast of Cuba around 2000ft underwater was found what is thought to be buildings.

    I don’t know if this is from Noah’s flood, but it would be nice if more information would come out about this.

    I do believe in Noah’s flood because Christ said as it was in the time of Noah…

    So, what happened to all the water? I don’t know, but the magma is not just below the ground we walk on in most of the world. I guess, it would be a good question to ask G-d some day.

  11. Thanks for the youtube link.

    When you go to his book
    I might have it already somewhere in the piles of books at home and probably browsed through a few pages, but anyway it’s easy to get some idea about what He was saying on this youtube video clip.

    On that web page there is a link to another book where a chapter on a short biography of Dr. Walt Brown himself
    He seems to have impressive ‘scholarly’ pursuit in his life.

    However, his idea of existence of subterranean “hydroplate” is not a theory and cannot be proven as a theory, because simply it’s not falsifiable.

    It’s nice ‘conjecture’, but not even a hypothesis. Yes, it could explain the water required to cover up the whole planet earth twenty feet above the highest mountain. Well there was mention that the high mountains we have now was formed after all this global catastrophe with upheaval of ocean bottom and tectonic plates, etc, etc. Then he did not go clear about how all this water go after the Noah’s deluge? It sounded like water was trapped btw the ocean ridge and forms the geological ocean as we know of. Nice try. He seems a sincere Christian believing firmly the word of God. I wish I had a chance to talk him out it for this matter.

    Why don’t you see several series by Hugh Ross on youtube; one of the series is:

    Hugh Ross : Objections to christianity 1 of 9 Apologetics
    (divided up into 9 postings)
    You may not agree everything he says, but there is a plenty to go on study. One thing I might add: the mountain hills, the tall ones, under the entire sky were covered. (Gen 7:17). ‘covered’ does not mean ‘submerged’; it is ‘covered out’ became invisible because of rain, fog, no sunlight.


    • hi Leatherneck

      That is interesting. Some think it is Atlantis. I think there were many cites that went down in the flood. So this makes sense, whether it is Atlantis or not.

      This might make a nice post….thanks. 🙂

  13. Should read cuba.htm


  14. You are welcome.

    There has not been any information on this subject for years. At least, I can not find it. Perhaps, it is to close to the truth, and to come out with this information would hurt the secular humanist movement.

  15. The biblical answer follows below, but first a little analysis.

    Every few years we get another guessing scientist who “logically” suggests he knows how God did this or that, only for a few years to “adjust” the findings because they were not so acurate after all ! Mr Brown is wrong because he fails to say how the indians inhabited americas, and the aztects to south america etc … just how did Noah’s family of 8 expand accross those huge water divides if the flood caused these great divides?

    THE BIBLE reveals the truth, and is our only source of authority.

    In Genesis 11 we read that the Tower of Babel came after the flood and in verse 9 the scattering of peoples was accross the face of ALL the earth. So the great dividings could not have happened until after Babel, right ?

    Bible students should read from Genesis 10:25 through to Genesis 11:16 for the reliable historical account we know.

    Peleg was born approx 100 yrs AFTER the flood and lived for 200+ years. The earth was thus divided 100 years AFTER the flood up to 300+ years AFTER the flood. 1 Chronicles 1:19 is the biblical check verse.

    The scattered peoples were most likely already on the continents when they became divided.

  16. hi Marianne……on ‘Leatherneck’s comment.
    I read also many things and the pre-Flood/Atlantis ? structure.
    Following a very interesting article:
    Physics and the Bible: The Terrible Flood of Noah –
    The 104th Psalm is a beautiful hymn about creation that complements the information given to us in Genesis and elsewhere in the Bible. Here, as in other Scriptures, the origin of the universe and our planet is not pictured as a massive explosion (such as a Big Bang) but as an orderly series of events in which everything was crafted by the hands of an artisan, a Master Builder.
    The early earth after creation is nowhere pictured as a place of smoking volcanoes, sulfureous fumes and violent quakes. The Apostle Peter quite simply says that the earth “was formed out of water and by means of water” (2 Peter 3:5).
    Seventy-one percent of the earth’s surface today is indeed water – the oceans average 3.8 kilometers deep. Only 29% of the earth’s surface is land – whose average elevation is only 623 meters! If all the continents and land masses were leveled into the sea using a giant bulldozer, nearly two miles of water would cover our entire earth. Glaciers and ice caps hold about two percent of earth’s water; were they all to melt, sea levels around the world would rise 40 meters – a big problem for many large sea-level cities should this happen. The earth’s atmosphere today holds only about two inches of precipitable water – this is constantly being replenished by the hydrologic cycle.
    Before the Flood
    The earth before the Flood of Noah was a very different place! God’s intervention in human affairs during the time of Noah, the tenth man from Adam, changed things forever on our planet. The earth before the Flood seems to have possessed a uniform sub-tropical climate. Ther may have been no rainfall, no ice and snow, and no major seasonal changes. (For instance, palm tree fossils have been found in Alaska, frozen warm-climate mammoths in Siberia, and coal in Antarctica.) The oceans would have been much warmer, and earth’s rivers and streams may well have originated in powerful springs-such as the spring that supplied the four rivers of Eden.
    In his classic pioneering study,The Waters Above: Earth’s Preflood Vapor Canopy Joseph Dillow suggested a pre-Flood atmospheric pressure at sea level twice the present value – a big help to the extinct flying reptile Pteranadon, who would probably not get off the ground in today’s atmosphere. But too much water vapor in the upper atmosphere before the Flood would obscure the stars, and even the sun and moon, because of perpetual cloud cover. And for the atmosphere to support the weight of additional water vapor, the surface temperature would have to rise rapidly toward the boiling point of water. Condensation of water vapor during very heavy, prolonged rainfall would release enormous amounts of latent heat of condensation.
    However, in spite of these difficulties, a modest vapor canopy – perhaps holding 40 feet of rain water – may have existed prior to the deluge of the Flood.
    The Flood
    Most of the water for the great Flood of Noah came from the so-called “fountains of the great deep” (Gen 7:11). This source of water is mentioned before the rain from the “windows of heaven.”
    During the formation of the earth on the second and third days of creation, large quantities of water were evidently placed between the earth’s crust and mantle in what might be called giant subterranean reservoirs. This water was probably under high pressure to begin with (causing artesian springs and geysers to abound), but after the fall of man and the angels – when some of the heavier atomic elements were apparently made unstable by reduced nuclear binding forces so that radioactive decay commenced – the shorter-lived isotopes could well have heated the subsurface to a point of criticality where it could scarcely be contained by the strength of the overlying crust.
    Extensive volcanic activity may have occurred at the same time – the fountains of the great deep were thus broken open and volcanic ash hurtling into the stratosphere could have collapsed the vapor canopy by dispersing condensation nuclei around which raindrops formed.
    [Incidentally, gravitational compaction of the earth at the time of earth’s formation would not have raised the interior temperature above 1000 degrees C, yet the earth’s core-present temperature about 4300 degrees – has evidently melted and overturned in the past. Radioactive heating is believed to have supplied the extra energy needed.]
    The Flood in Noah’s time was certainly a direct act of judgment by God on a world which had become thoroughly and continually evil:
    Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. And the Lord said, ‘I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.’ (Genesis 6:5-7)
    Since God is in full control of nature – there are no “accidents” in God’s universe – the exact mechanisms the Lord used to initiate the Flood need not preoccupy our attention. Erudite scientific models for the geophysical processes that accompanied the Flood have been presented at three Pittsburgh International Conferences on Creation. Dr. Walter Brown’s outstanding book on the Flood, In the Beginning, especially concentrates on possible mechanisms for the bursting open of the fountains of the great deep.
    Was the Flood Global?
    The Hebrew language has several words to describe ordinary floods, but Genesis 7-11 uses the unique word mabbul (found only elsewhere in Psalm 29:10). When Hebrew scholars put the Old Testament into Greek, they chose the Greek word kataklusmos, from the verb “to inundate,” in place of the Hebrew mabbul. All the language of Genesis, and especially the words of the Apostle Peter, give us the clearest possible picture of a worldwide, cataclysmic, universal disaster from which only eight human beings escaped with their lives. Warning of false teachers and strong-willed skeptics, Peter tells us:
    For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly… Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.’ For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. But the present heavens and earth by His Word are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men…(2 Peter 2:4-5, 3:3-7)
    There would be no need to labor many decades building a boat to escape a local flood – simple flight to the next valley or to a nearby mountain would have sufficed. Nor would a local flood require such an elaborate plan to save representative animal species.
    Scripture is clear: the purpose of the Flood was to judge and destroy a decadent, thoroughly evil human civilization that probably numbered some billions of individuals – along with their cities and all the infrastructures.
    Noah escaped not because he was blameless (justified by his faith as we are), but because he (and his family) responded to God’s mercy and grace. A good many other individuals who lived in the 1655-2255 years between Adam and Noah no doubt responded to the gospel preached by Adam, by Enoch, and by others who knew the Lord. But by the time of the Flood, apparently the entire “civilized” world had become totally unresponsive to the offer of God’s free salvation.
    And all flesh that moved on the earth perished, birds and cattle and beasts and every swarming thing that swarms upon the earth, and all mankind; of all that was on the dry land, all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, died. Thus He blotted out every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky, and they were blotted out from the earth; and only Noah was left, together with those that were with him in the ark. And the water prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty days….(Genesis 7:21-24)
    After The Flood:
    The Ark finally landed on the very same day of the Hebrew calendar that Jesus Christ would be raised from the dead about three millennia later in history, taking into account the calendar change in Exodus 12. The subterranean caverns of the great deep collapsed, so that the waters receded into what are now our deep ocean basins.
    With the tremendous weight of water removed from the land, isostatic rebound allowed great mountains, capped with sediments, to “float” up on the underlying mantle below the crust. (Mountains before the Flood were most likely much lower than they are now.) Seeds sprouted, life began again, and Noah and his family left the Ark to repopulate the earth under a new covenant with God (Gen 8:18-9:17). Four men and four women, who knew and loved the living God personally, began to repopulate the earth. They started with only meager resources and animals from the Ark – plus the bountiful grace of God.
    [This article was excerpted from Lambert Dolphin’s article, “The Terrible Flood of Noah” 1997.] F= Physics and the Bible: The Terrible Flood of Noah –
    The 104th Psalm is a beautiful hymn about creation that complements the information given to us in Genesis and elsewhere in the Bible. Here, as in other Scriptures, the origin of the universe and our planet is not pictured as a massive explosion (such as a Big Bang) but as an orderly series of events in which everything was crafted by the hands of an artisan, a Master Builder.
    The early earth after creation is nowhere pictured as a place of smoking volcanoes, sulfureous fumes and violent quakes. The Apostle Peter quite simply says that the earth “was formed out of water and by means of water” (2 Peter 3:5).
    Seventy-one percent of the earth’s surface today is indeed water – the oceans average 3.8 kilometers deep. Only 29% of the earth’s surface is land – whose average elevation is only 623 meters! If all the continents and land masses were leveled into the sea using a giant bulldozer, nearly two miles of water would cover our entire earth. Glaciers and ice caps hold about two percent of earth’s water; were they all to melt, sea levels around the world would rise 40 meters – a big problem for many large sea-level cities should this happen. The earth’s atmosphere today holds only about two inches of precipitable water – this is constantly being replenished by the hydrologic cycle.
    Before the Flood
    The earth before the Flood of Noah was a very different place! God’s intervention in human affairs during the time of Noah, the tenth man from Adam, changed things forever on our planet. The earth before the Flood seems to have possessed a uniform sub-tropical climate. Ther may have been no rainfall, no ice and snow, and no major seasonal changes. (For instance, palm tree fossils have been found in Alaska, frozen warm-climate mammoths in Siberia, and coal in Antarctica.) The oceans would have been much warmer, and earth’s rivers and streams may well have originated in powerful springs-such as the spring that supplied the four rivers of Eden.
    In his classic pioneering study,The Waters Above: Earth’s Preflood Vapor Canopy Joseph Dillow suggested a pre-Flood atmospheric pressure at sea level twice the present value – a big help to the extinct flying reptile Pteranadon, who would probably not get off the ground in today’s atmosphere. But too much water vapor in the upper atmosphere before the Flood would obscure the stars, and even the sun and moon, because of perpetual cloud cover. And for the atmosphere to support the weight of additional water vapor, the surface temperature would have to rise rapidly toward the boiling point of water. Condensation of water vapor during very heavy, prolonged rainfall would release enormous amounts of latent heat of condensation.
    However, in spite of these difficulties, a modest vapor canopy – perhaps holding 40 feet of rain water – may have existed prior to the deluge of the Flood.
    The Flood
    Most of the water for the great Flood of Noah came from the so-called “fountains of the great deep” (Gen 7:11). This source of water is mentioned before the rain from the “windows of heaven.”
    During the formation of the earth on the second and third days of creation, large quantities of water were evidently placed between the earth’s crust and mantle in what might be called giant subterranean reservoirs. This water was probably under high pressure to begin with (causing artesian springs and geysers to abound), but after the fall of man and the angels – when some of the heavier atomic elements were apparently made unstable by reduced nuclear binding forces so that radioactive decay commenced – the shorter-lived isotopes could well have heated the subsurface to a point of criticality where it could scarcely be contained by the strength of the overlying crust.
    Extensive volcanic activity may have occurred at the same time – the fountains of the great deep were thus broken open and volcanic ash hurtling into the stratosphere could have collapsed the vapor canopy by dispersing condensation nuclei around which raindrops formed.
    [Incidentally, gravitational compaction of the earth at the time of earth’s formation would not have raised the interior temperature above 1000 degrees C, yet the earth’s core-present temperature about 4300 degrees – has evidently melted and overturned in the past. Radioactive heating is believed to have supplied the extra energy needed.]
    The Flood in Noah’s time was certainly a direct act of judgment by God on a world which had become thoroughly and continually evil:
    Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. And the Lord said, ‘I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.’ (Genesis 6:5-7)
    Since God is in full control of nature – there are no “accidents” in God’s universe – the exact mechanisms the Lord used to initiate the Flood need not preoccupy our attention. Erudite scientific models for the geophysical processes that accompanied the Flood have been presented at three Pittsburgh International Conferences on Creation. Dr. Walter Brown’s outstanding book on the Flood, In the Beginning, especially concentrates on possible mechanisms for the bursting open of the fountains of the great deep.
    Was the Flood Global?
    The Hebrew language has several words to describe ordinary floods, but Genesis 7-11 uses the unique word mabbul (found only elsewhere in Psalm 29:10). When Hebrew scholars put the Old Testament into Greek, they chose the Greek word kataklusmos, from the verb “to inundate,” in place of the Hebrew mabbul. All the language of Genesis, and especially the words of the Apostle Peter, give us the clearest possible picture of a worldwide, cataclysmic, universal disaster from which only eight human beings escaped with their lives. Warning of false teachers and strong-willed skeptics, Peter tells us:
    For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly… Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.’ For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. But the present heavens and earth by His Word are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men…(2 Peter 2:4-5, 3:3-7)
    There would be no need to labor many decades building a boat to escape a local flood – simple flight to the next valley or to a nearby mountain would have sufficed. Nor would a local flood require such an elaborate plan to save representative animal species.
    Scripture is clear: the purpose of the Flood was to judge and destroy a decadent, thoroughly evil human civilization that probably numbered some billions of individuals – along with their cities and all the infrastructures.
    Noah escaped not because he was blameless (justified by his faith as we are), but because he (and his family) responded to God’s mercy and grace. A good many other individuals who lived in the 1655-2255 years between Adam and Noah no doubt responded to the gospel preached by Adam, by Enoch, and by others who knew the Lord. But by the time of the Flood, apparently the entire “civilized” world had become totally unresponsive to the offer of God’s free salvation.
    And all flesh that moved on the earth perished, birds and cattle and beasts and every swarming thing that swarms upon the earth, and all mankind; of all that was on the dry land, all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, died. Thus He blotted out every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky, and they were blotted out from the earth; and only Noah was left, together with those that were with him in the ark. And the water prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty days….(Genesis 7:21-24)
    After The Flood:
    The Ark finally landed on the very same day of the Hebrew calendar that Jesus Christ would be raised from the dead about three millennia later in history, taking into account the calendar change in Exodus 12. The subterranean caverns of the great deep collapsed, so that the waters receded into what are now our deep ocean basins.
    With the tremendous weight of water removed from the land, isostatic rebound allowed great mountains, capped with sediments, to “float” up on the underlying mantle below the crust. (Mountains before the Flood were most likely much lower than they are now.) Seeds sprouted, life began again, and Noah and his family left the Ark to repopulate the earth under a new covenant with God (Gen 8:18-9:17). Four men and four women, who knew and loved the living God personally, began to repopulate the earth. They started with only meager resources and animals from the Ark –


  18. On the FLOOD: it said in future writings about the contours of the earth that it will be wider and flatter, no high hills nor mountains,- therefore, before it was divided it must have been flatter !!!!
    Also the fact that the divided earth has all sorts of animals is due to them having dispersed bevore the division of earth.
    All animals died during the Flood, but after I think, God forsaw the movement of man and put some spirit into animals, to disperse before the division.
    Well, hopefully we can ask the Lord Jesus, after the resurrection. He said somewhere, he will tell us everything..later..

    • Genesis 6:19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.
      20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind; two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.
      21 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.
      22 Thus did Noah Heb. 11.7 according to all that God commanded him, so did he.

      *Not all animals died….

  19. Marianne, Setterfield talks about the Mid Atlantic Ridge in relation to the flood and how the earth expanded up to 4700 miles when this area opened up during the flood. I did not know before that the earth was smaller in circumfrence.

  20. The earth was created flat, the waters were in the North. A mist went up and watered the earth, no rain ,no rainbow. The earth was divided in the days of Peleg, life span then was about 120 to 150 years. Prior to the flood, it ranged from 800 to 900 years, the life span of Methusulah the longest recorded. At the time the earth was divided the geography of the earth as we have it now occured in a time span of 100 to 120 years. One could have stood on the West coast of Ireland and watched the American continent move west at a fair rate of knots. True or False? Most of you rabbit on about the interpretation of the Book of Revelation time span, but mock Genisis. Two accounts in Genisis? The first one is Spiritual, “not yet a man to till the ground”. The second is Physical, with Adam and Eve placed in the Garden, after Adam naming all the creatures on the Earth.
    You can’t have your cake and eat it too! Look foreward to your comments

  21. noah’s ark found and explored

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