Praying the Word


This article offers assistance in “Praying the Word.” As Paul wrote, “…pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” (Ephesians 6:18).

by Doug Maxwell

“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is Truth” (John 17:17).

For an introduction and commentary, I defer to Derek Prince. His ministry extended over 50 years as a subject expert on the subjects of prayer and deliverance. Derek Prince authored over 100 very informative books, and shared thousands of recorded radio/audio/video messages. Derek’s ministry continues today around the world after he went Home to be with the Lord in 2003.


In his book “Secrets of a Prayer Warrior” Derek writes, “God searches the thoughts and intents of our hearts, and discerns our motives.” Then, he quotes 1st Samuel 16:7, “God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Derek continues, “[God] is not concerned merely with what we ask for when we pray; He is also concerned as to why we want it. This is explained more fully in this verse: ‘You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures’ (James 4:2–3).

If our prayers are self-centered, our motives are wrong. We are simply aiming to get something for our own creature comfort and personal satisfaction.

You see, the great issue in prayer is the will of God.

If I am praying according to the will of God, then, as we have seen in Scripture, I know that God hears me. And if I know that God hears me, I know that I have the petition that I ask.

How do I know the will of God? Where is the will of God revealed? The answer is in His Word.

Jesus stated it clearly: “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14:13).

Jesus gave a comprehensive promise: Whatever we ask in His name, He will do. But the basis on which He will do it is this: ‘that the Father may be glorified in the Son.’”

Derek also writes, “God wants each of us set free from the negative pull of sin and restored to the right motive and the right purpose of living. When we come to Him and pray with that motive—that God may be glorified in answering prayer that is offered in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ—then He says something truly wonderful.

He says that all of His promises are made available to us: ‘For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God’ (2nd Corinthians 1:20).”

One last important comment from Derek before presenting examples of Praying the Word:

“The great revelation of the will of God is the Word of God. And the Word of God is packed from beginning to end with divine promises. The apostle Peter calls them ‘exceedingly great and precious promises’ (2nd Peter 1:4).”

Scriptures Support Praying the Word

“And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).

“…that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the Word…” (Ephesians 25:26).

“The entrance and unfolding of Your words give Light; their unfolding gives understanding (discernment and comprehension) to the simple” (Psalm 119:130).

“Send out Your Light and Your Truth! Your Word is Truth. Let them lead me, bringing me to Your holy hill and to Your tabernacle” (Psalm 43:3).

“If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples” (John 15:7-8).

“And I will do whatever you ask in My name, as My representative, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified and celebrated in the Son” (John 14:13, Amplified Translation).

“Do not be quick with your mouth or impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on the earth; therefore let your words be few” (Ecclesiastes 5:2).

Jesus said, “And when you are praying, do not use thoughtless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard because of their many words” (Matthew 6:7).

Jesus gives us a prayer outline in the book of Matthew with these words.

“May Your kingdom come and what You want be done, here on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread [spiritual and physical food needed for each day]. Forgive us for our sins, just as we have forgiven those who sinned against us” (Matthew 6:9-15, Expanded Translation).


Forgiving Others

Jesus is our example in this regard (Luke 23:34). He didn’t need to speak to each person who abused Him, but asked His Father to forgive them.

He didn’t need to say to anyone, “I forgive you.” His prayer to Father God was sufficient. Our sincere prayer to our Father in Heaven is also sufficient.

A confessional prayer should be between you and the Lord, then offer a prayer to your Father in Heaven. The following is simply an example of forgiving others.

“Jesus, you said that when I forgive others reckless or willful offenses towards me, letting those thoughts and feeling go, not holding a grudge, giving up resentment, then my heavenly Father will also forgive me of my offenses. But, if I do not forgive others, this interferes with my relationship with Father God, and He will not forgive my offenses (Matthew 6:14).

This is a requirement You’ve given me that I take very seriously because while on the cross in intense physical pain, You asked Father God to forgive those who humiliated You, mocked You, pulled out the hair of Your beard, slapped and whipped You, and nailed You to that cross. Thank you for that example of asking forgiveness to those who did more to you than I pray to never experience.

I ask that the Holy Spirit bring to my mind’s attention any offenses from anyone or from any authority, employer or government agency that was offensive to me or wronged me so that ~ I willingly ask Father God to forgive them and release any resentments in Your name. Thank you.”

Praying the Word

Spiritual Approach to Prayer

“Father God, the Word tells me,  ‘…the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers’ (1st Peter 3:12). Also, ‘The fervent prayers of a righteous person has great power’ (James 5:16).

Jesus, You have given me a breastplate of righteousness, which is Faith and Love (1st Thessalonians 5:8-9). Lord, I embrace Your perfect righteousness because my righteousness is filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Thank You for covering me with Your robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10), so that I am righteousness before Father God.

Knowing this Truth, Father God, I approach the Throne of Grace with confidence, so that I receive mercy and find grace at the time of my request before You, in Jesus’ name, Amen” (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Blessing of Peace and Grace for Others and You

“Blessed be the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, Who blessed me with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places through Your Son. Because You, my Heavenly Father, chose me before the foundation of the world so that I would be holy and blameless before You. Thank you Father for Your grace and peace given to me through my Savior and Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen” (Ephesians 1:2-4).

Also ~

“The Lord bless [me and/or name of adult and/or children] and keep [me and/or their name]; Lord make Your face shine upon [me and/or their name] and be gracious to [me and/or their name]; Lord lift up Your countenance upon [me and/or their name] and give [me and/or their name] peace. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen” (Numbers 6:23–26).


Spiritual Wisdom, Understanding and Strength

“I ask Father God that I be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that I live life in a manner worthy of my Lord, pleasing Him in all respects of my life, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of You; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all perseverance and patience; joyously giving thanks to You who has qualified me to share in the inheritance of the saints, as a morally blameless child in the Light.

For You rescued me from the domain of darkness, and transferred me to the kingdom of Your beloved Son, in whom I have redemption, the forgiveness of all my sins. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen” (Colossians 1:9-14).

Discernment and Making Good Choices

“Father God, I pray…that my love may overflow still more and more in real knowledge, being sure, with all discernment, so that I discover the things that are excellent, that I be sincere, genuine and no wavering or not trip up, seeing the difference between good and bad, choosing the good until the day of Jesus’ return, being filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus, for the glory and praise of You. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen” (Philippians 1:8-11, Expanded Translation).

Confidence in My Faith

I am thankful to be Your child Father, through my faith in Your Son, Jesus

“I’m confident that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing be able to separate me from Your love, which is in my Jesus, my Lord. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen” (Galatians 3:26, Romans 8:38-39).

Spirit of Wisdom, Comprehending My Hope with Spiritual Power

“I pray that You, Father God of my Lord, the Father of glory, grant me a spirit of wisdom and of revelation, giving me a deep, personal and intimate insight into the true knowledge of You because I know You through Your Son.

And I pray that the eyes of my heart, which is the very center and core of my being, be enlightened and flooded by the light of the Holy Spirit, so that I will know and cherish Hope, which is a Divine guarantee with confident expectation, that You called me.

And, to know the riches of Your glorious inheritance for Your children, so that I will know the immeasurable, unlimited and surpassing greatness of Your active, spiritual power that is in us who believe (Ephesians 1:17-19, Romans 15:13).

Now, I pray that You, my Heavenly Father of peace, that You Yourself sanctify me, ceremonially purify me completely, so  my whole spirit, soul and body is kept blameless at the coming of my Lord Jesus Christ.

You who calls me to Yourself is faithful and trustworthy, and will do it. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen” (1st Thessalonians 5:23-24).


“I pray, You the God of peace, Who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus ~ the Good Shepherd of the sheep ~ by His shed blood, establishing an everlasting covenant, equip me with everything good in order to do Your will, by working in me what is pleasing in Your sight, through my Lord, to Whom be glory forever and ever. In Jesus’ name, Amen” (Hebrews 13:20-21).


Armor of Light

“Lord, Your word tells me, “You are the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.” ‘ And, You are the One who lights my lamp. Therefore, I cast off the works of darkness, and put on the Armor of Light. I commit my will to Father God; putting my trust in the LORD, knowing He will act. In Jesus’ name, Amen”     (Psalm 36:9, Psalm 34:5-6, Psalm 18:28,  Romans 13:12, Matthew 6:10, , Psalm 37:5, Isaiah 26:3-4).

Whole Armor of God Prayer


I trust this article was informative and a blessing.

Thank you Father for Your wisdom and blessings in and through all that I do and say as a disciple of Your Son (Psalm 25:4-5) and member of His Church. I pray Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth, and within me as it is in Heaven. In Jesus name I pray, Amen (Matthew 6:10).

432 Responses to “Praying the Word”

  1. Powerful…all praise, honor, and glory be to the most High God, the father of mighty redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ!

    Thanks Doug for your enduring friendship over the past 25 years!! You are a faithful brother who encourages others to hold fast to The Word of God. Many believe we are living in the “days of Noah” leading up to the end of days, I believe we are entering into a time where the hearts of many will grow cold and many will fall away from the faith.
    Thank you for this work which will bear much fruit of encouragement for all born again believers in our Lord Jesus Christ!

    Thank you from your brother in Christ,

  2. 9 ~ 19 ~ 2022 We are still on Yahweh’s Green Earth, Psalm 24:1.
    We are also nearing the beginning of Yahweh’s year, Rosh Hashanah, The Feast of Trumpets at Sunset 9 ~ 26. Will prophecy be fulfilled? PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua. Revelation 14:1
    HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    Marianne, thank you for sharing this article! I have a sign in my
    front yard. “Forwarding All Issues To Heaven.” (Frankly, I must
    remind myself to do this. How we wish to take care of problems
    ourselves! Sigh.) Yahweh wants us to ask Him for his help.
    And, we especially need it NOW in these last of days!

    • It is always a pleasure to share God’s word with others. It is a powerful weapon against evil and we should all use it. It is also a pleasure to associate with people who believe in God’s word as well.

  3. We need to find out , what is transhumanism, neuralink

    copy from lin wood
    C’mon, man.

    Do you believe that Elon “I Will Put A Neuralink Chip In Your Brain Before I Take You On The Mars Train” Musk is going to save our God-given right of free speech with his purchase of Twitter???

    Are you kidding me???

    That ain’t the Elon I deposed for 8 hours in August of 2019.

    If he does so, he would have to be a different man.

    What is going on with all the chatter and emphasis on Elon and Twitter???

    Shouldn’t we stay focused on the communist critter and not Twitter???

    Just sayin.’

    Lin wood

    Bill Gates or Elon Musk, anybody ? You got the choice between the plague and cholera.

    New Brain Implant Begins Human Trials | Neuralink Update

    The Brain Computer Interface industry is progressing quickly and it’s not just Neuralink. Synchron has been approved for human trials by the FDA and Neuralink might not be far behind.

    we need to pray for this if people want to go back to twitter

    also elon musk and bill gates have same project about AI and microchip, transhumanism , you must watch out

    • Neuralink is just a medical device just like other medical devices which are used in the human body. This is not much different than the pacemaker that you put in for your heart. Elon Musk has made comments about the dangers of the AI. so I think if at least from his end he’s trying to be careful. I would not necessarily equate Him up with Bill Gates

    • Is anyone keeping up with the Elon Musk story? Looks like some kind of deal will be finalized tomorrow for him to buy Twitter. What’s going to happen? Is he with the good guys or using his billions for some personal agenda? Is Twitter ever going to be a viable platform, or has Musk gotten the rights in order to find some hidden dirt on the puppet masters? Interesting story – and timing….

  4. copy from

    Also have you read or heard anything about “Yuval Noah Hararie” (spelling)? That is a false prophet. He is pushing for the antichrist.

    Yes, Yuval Noah harari, In a way they are already trying to be like God. They want to make ‘better’ humans by making silicone bodies with human emotions and controlled

    by technology. They started ‘culling’ the nations with a man made virus. The vaxcine is used to inject metal and other dna altering ingredients. ,


    Yuval Noah Harari publicly stated: “You will have a small elite that’ll make all the decisions even if it doesn’…

    The meaning of yuval noah harari


    Copy from comments

    pray and ask God about this

    the current vaccine is NOT mark of beast ,

    but ………

    The Lord has revealed this jab is not the mob however it certainly is part of the beast system. The jab contains AI metal nano particles and can be activated by 5G frequencies.

    nano chip is microchip , it has super microcomputer function

    The vacc. has a patent no. and thus this patent no. is also a mark of ownership. ?

    The quantum dot patch, now on trial has a 666 in the patent no.

    This likely is the real deal as it contains a barcode for financial transactions, your biometric data including your own personal filing system.

    Please read the comments under the link

    a lot info

    • qt, there are many reports about what evil is contained in the quackcines. Graphene Oxide is said to be a main ingredient
      that causes many problems. Also, nano tech appears to show up under the microscope. One researcher Karen Kingston is now stating that the jabs are bioweaponry that can be activated by 5G (another rumored component in COVID-19 nose-jab testing and shots.) Possibly if activated, sadly, many of the jabbed victims could die suddenly! I won’t go near any COVID-19 nose-jab testing, quackcines, or use a 5G phone.
      IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) because of quackcine “shedding” from the jabbed victims we now should all be taking Swanson Vitamins’ NAC (to prevent all Coronavirus’) and Doctor’s Best Nattokinase (to prevent and heal blood clots.) I do.


  6. find out who is Yuval Noah harar


    BTW, although not a Christian, Bill Gates is a Philanthropist, and he has a heart for others more than many that frequent here, (which isn’t many from what’s been demonstrated).

    • 10~31~2022 The pagan/Christian Halloween
      Yahshua the Messiah and Only Son of Yahweh Returns
      Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

      STILL LOST, it seems that you are still at it!
      HA! Bill Gates is a chief investor in Pfizer which may
      be winning “The Quackcine Wars.” Philanthropist?
      Is this what YOU call someone in favor of reducing the
      world’s population by 10 – 25%? This means MURDERING men, women, and children! He seems to especially love jabbing kid victims in places like Africa. Maybe this makes you laugh, too!


      • LOL,
        Jayna you’re sooooooo misinformed (in regards to just about everything I might add), that you’re not even worth the discussion. BTW, I had my 4th Covid Vaccine, and my annual Flu Vaccine month ago now too, and I’m still healthy as a horse. 👍

        • The elephant in the room is it none of the unvaccinated people died. The reality is anyone who dies has been vaccinated.

          • I’d check your FAKE, MISINFORMED, ALERNATIVE, CONSPIRACY FUELED “facts”, there missy.
            I personally know some people that died because they were UNvaccinated.
            Another reason your website is in the toilet.

            • Marianne,
              Like you even have a grasp on reality, lol, with your belief in clones, and Democrats drinking the blood of children etc. etc. You believe pieces of garbage like Alex Jones and Trump, so you should just sit down before you fall further.

              • You can’t even grasp the fact that you’re a RADICALIZED, DELUSIONAL, SEMI-CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST can you?
                You’ll find out in the end.

        • Gee, STILL LOST, I do hope that you are lying about taking ALL of those jabs! Those can do major damage to your immune system. Also, they may be setting you up for a major 5G blast ( when 5G towers are activated) event killing thousands of the jabbed victims at one time. ??? This may happen this year on The American Thanksgiving Day November 24
          Healthy as a horse? Sadly, STILL LOST, trying to get YOU to understand the truth is like “beating a dead horse!” You seem to be incorrigible!

          • Blah, Blah, Blah.
            Jayna, why would I lie about taking the Vaccine to protect myself from what could be a deadly disease, (since I knew people that had died from it)? Just because you (and Marianne) have fallen victim to ridiculous conspiracy theory’s, doesn’t mean that the rest of us are stupid too.

            Do you believe that the earth is flat too? Just like those arrogant ignorant people, you (and Marianne) simply regurgitate internet misinformation and falsehoods that happen to align with what you think and believe.

            You (qt and Marianne) are simply another part of the unfortunate, arrogant ignorant that have been radicalized by insidious evil.

            Being raised in the American education system, you were never taught to think critically, consequently, you are easily manipulated prey.

            You say above:
            “Also, they may be setting you up for a major 5G blast (when 5G towers are activated) event killing thousands of the jabbed victims at one time. ??? This may happen this year on The American Thanksgiving Day November 24”

            First, 5G networks started launching worldwide in 2019, and are currently operational in over 60 countries.

            Now, over 68% of the worldwide population has had at least 1 dose of Covid Vaccine. The current global (not flat) population is approximately 7.837 Billion (you do the math), so why would only “thousands” be killed at one time?

            “Why”, (if that WAS some nefarious evil plan) would it be so ineffectual? If the plan was to “KILL PEOPLE” worldwide “WHY” wouldn’t they kill the full 68% of the population?

            And “WHY” do you say, “This MAY happen this year on The American Thanksgiving Day November 24”?

            How about a definitive date.
            Will it or won’t it happen on November 24th?
            If it doesn’t, (which I guarantee you that it won’t) then to keep your narrative alive, you can just move the date, just like that loser Mike Lindell keeps moving the date of when Trump will be reinstated as President down there.

            And “WHY” in heavens name on the “AMERICAN” Holiday of Thanksgiving?
            You Americans are not the be all and end all of the world, (hardly, unless you’re talking about “laughing stocks”) lol.

            I guarantee you that I will post here on November 24th and after that date too (unless I’m hit by a bus or something) lol.

            • STILL LOST, I remember you writing that you lived in California. ??? Did you lie about THAT, too? And, you are not American? The American Thanksgiving Day is a revision of the pagan day instituted by evil King Jeroboam in Israel in opposition to Yahweh’s Appointed Days, I Kings 12:26 – 33. This year it is on a New Moon. Those wicked ones had a GREAT SACRIFICE on that day. But the carnage I mention could also happen on December 24, 2022 another New Moon. Evil Antiochus Epiphanes installed Xmas by sacrificing a pig to Zeus Christos (A.K.A. Jesus Christ) on December 25 on the Hebrew calendar. He also murdered many of Yahweh’s people who would not do this pagan worship.
              Because of this wickedness done to them and Yahweh’s Temple, there had to be a Hanukkah. YAHWEH HATES CHRISTMAS!
              STILL LOST, you are reveling in your arrogance like so many in the public eye have against those NOT taking the quackcines. And, a number of these have died suddenly not long after taking them.
              Yes, thousands dieing in a 5G event may be conservative. King David in Psalm 91 writes about “a thousand falling at your side and ten thousand at your right hand”, in verse 7. However, it won’t hurt those that dwell in Yahweh (original translation.)
              That “something” that can hit you may be this event or another reaction from taking those poison jabs! You really SHOULD be
              taking supplements to mitigate the harm done to your immune
              system. Possibly, you are also lying about taking any of the jabs. STILL LOST. for you, this will be the best outcome and you will be able to post after such a sad event.
              Last night during my drug free effort (October 31) all the kids and their parents were against the COVID-19 quackcines! This should tell you something.

  8. Jayna, (you ridiculous moron)…
    You say:
    “I remember you writing that you lived in California. ???”

    Me: You do, do you?
    Well go look for that posted text where I supposedly wrote that, because I know for a fact that I’ve said that I’m CANADIAN a number of times. That should keep you busy for a while. lol

    The rest of your junk isn’t even worth replying to.
    And you call me lost. 🤣🤣🤣

    • STILL LOST, if what I write is “junk”, why (WHY!) do you even bother to reply to me? Because you keep changing your name I must have confused you with an earlier poster who wrote that he was in CA. Apparently, you have trouble “owning who you are.” But not as much trouble as you will have because you have been quackcined!

      • Loopy, What you wrote is “JUNK” (you’ve created your own little false religion) and my reply took all of 2 minutes to write. I may or may not bother to reply again.

        You’re confused alright. 🙂
        And, apparently you have difficulty recognizing the same “avatar” symbol no matter what the name is that I choose to post under.

        No…. I’ve been vaccinated.
        It’s science you flat earther.

        • STILL LOST, you DID take all the jabs? TOO BAD!
          One of these days you may not be “checking in”
          here. WHY? Because you have “checked out!”
          Julie Powell author of the blog “Julie and Julia” which
          became a movie just died after taking the
          quackcines from a heart attack. She spoke out
          strongly against us who won’t jab. She was only 49.


          • Jayne (aka Loopy)
            Hmm, yes I had read that.
            That’s a shame. Julie was quite young.
            My condolences to her family and friends.

            Unfortunately for you though, you have just proved one of my points.

            You have just taken a circumstance of someone’s death from a heart attack, (like no one had ever died young from a heart attack before Covid or the Vaccine) and in your confirmational bias, you have applied that circumstantial death to support your narrative and your conspiracy theory beliefs.

            Instead of considering all of the other possible ailments that could have played a part in her having this heart attack, you choose to disregard all of them and pick the Vaccine. This is why I call you an idiot, because you’re so limited in your thought process.

            Now, try doing some serious “open minded” research on all of the vociferous Anti-Vaxxer’s that have died as a direct result of Covid. Hmmm, well look at all of that data.

            Just Saying

            • STILL LOST ~ YOU are the one NOT reading the data not reported by the MSM! And, you seem to be only intent on scamming though. It’s NOT enough for you to choose to be LOST. You want to contend with me who has been saved by faith in Yahweh the Father and Yahshua His Son!
              BAD CHOICES! SHAME ON YOU!
              She was reporting odd symptoms after her last quackcine like black hairy tongue. ??? She like you made fun of those against the jabs.


    only 3 minutes

    • Roger Stone… “Laugh Out Loud” … There’s a pillar of Integrity.

      Stone was convicted of making false statements, obstruction, and witness tampering and would still be in jail if Trump didn’t pardon him. You people believe in and follow liars and thieves more than you believe in and follow and believe Yeshua.
      Sad. And you’ll find out the TRUTH in the end.

    • qt, I do not believe that there are free elections in the U.S. and have not been for many years. IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) it is a dictatorship under The Christian Vatican in Rome. The only thing we can do about it is be SAVED and SEALED in the Names of the Father and Son: Yahweh and Yahshua, Revelation 14.
      HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

      • The “safe guard’s” that the US of A and other Democratic Countries around the world have to ensure the fairness of their elections, are significant and more than capable of preventing fraud.

        Whether you in your IYRO (In Your Ridiculous Opinion) believe that really doesn’t change the FACTS.

        When you post JUNK like you believing that the whole world is under the dictatorship of the Vatican, that not only demonstrates your lack of understanding, but also that you neglected to take your meds this morning too.

        P.S. None of the 144,000 have been “sealed” as of yet.
        John 3:12.

        Just Saying

        • 11-6~2022 Daylight Savings Time Ended Today ~ Clocks Back!

          STILL LOST ~ How would you know anything at this point?
          Your brain must be so riddled by all the poison jabs
          you apparently took. (And you call me an idiot!)
          IN ROME, ITALY. Really, you can only be pitied.


      • hi Jayne , i just want to pay attention to this physician Dr. Simone Gold , she is so brave and found a American front line doctors to against vax

        she was put into prison in USA recently , now is free
        she has both attorney and medical doctor’s license

        go ahead to search her amazing story

        God Bless

        • Hi qt. Thank you for the tip. I’ll check her out. A bio-researcher named Karen Kingston is reporting on how the quackcines are a bio-weapon. She has hinted that they are connected to 5G and those 5G towers. These at come point could mass produce radiation that could murder countless jabbed victims. She is recovering from an attack on her life (from some substance.)

        • I like her also she is very brave

          • Why am I not surprised that the 3 of you delusional individuals happen to believe in the same delusional conspiracy theory??? LOL.

            Okay, I’ll bite.
            Can one of you please explain to me why the Covid Virus itself is not just a virus that can kill some people, but that the Vaccines that were and have been developed to lessen the effects of virus are somehow a Bio-Weapon???

            Why would a Vaccine to combat the Virus be developed at all if the Virus was able to kill people on it’s own?
            Why wouldn’t they (whoever “they” are) just let the Virus slowly kill off the worlds population?

            And if Millions worldwide are to be killed by the Vaccine and 5G for some sort of rich cabal of the world, then “who’s” going to look after the supply chain, stock the shelves at the grocery store, or serve the rich in the Restaurant’s, drive taxi’s, and cater to their every whim if they’re all dead??? The less rich???

            Clearly the three of you cannot think critically, and you are all very easily manipulated.

            • STILL LOST, you have the ignorance to call US “manipulated?” The COVID virus’ are real whether lab-created or natural. They are NOT near as lethal as the quackcines may prove to be. THE EVIL THEY are not content to kill us off bit by bit. The Nazis under The Christian Vatican in Rome did NOT do their evil that way. Today’s version of them are not content to wait either. This may be why there is nanotech in the jabs along with graphene and spike proteins among other “nasties” to harm humans in so many ways. Also, Pfizer has stated that the jabbed “shed’ poisons to the not jabbed. Still Lost, how does it feel to possibly be a disease vector?
              If (IF!) there is a massive event to murder most or all of the jabbed, what could happen NEXT? The ones of us still remaining could THEN be more easily “rounded up” and sent to FEMA camps to be re-programmed or murdered. THAT seemed to be the original rumor about what would happen to those of us
              refusing to be quackcined.
              Seems to me THE EVIL THEY have covered all the bases! However, Planet Earth is still Yahweh’s world and He will protect His Own! Psalm 24:1 HalleluYah!


              • And that laughable JUNK (with no substantial evidence to support any of said JUNK) would be a swing and a miss, and is “STRIKE 2”.

                • STILL LOST, you are NOT the umpire in this game on Planet Earth. Because you do not believe in the Bible’s Father and Son (Yahweh and Yahshua), you are NOT even in the ballpark!

                  • Jaynut,
                    You’re a moron.
                    It should be obvious by all that I’ve posted here (to anyone that isn’t a moron) that I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and His only begotten Son Yeshua the Messiah.
                    I am Born Again of God’s Spirit and Saved by Grace.

                    But you (a moron that has made up their own little false religion) still haven’t cognitively figured that out.

                    • STILL LOST, brave doctors and scientists (at the risk of losing
                      positions and respect) report about what is in those Nazi-style
                      poisons you took. I will NOT call them “vaccines” as they have been proven NOT to prevent any disease. You can read this fact in Pfizer’s forced released documents. (They wanted them sealed for 75 years!) These jabs can contain live or dead COVID virus’, mercury, squalene (shark liver oil), graphene oxide which causes many problems!, spike proteins, aborted baby tissue, possible 5G nanotech, non-bio engineered components, and
                      possibly other evils I am not aware of! SL, how does it feel to
                      think that maybe these nasties are flowing in your veins?
                      STILL LOST, no wonder you do not understand that there is SALVATION in belief in Yahweh the Father and Yahshua His Son.
                      Revelation 14.

                      “It’s NOT Yahweh’s Way or the highway . . . .
                      It’s HIS WAY or NO WAY!”


          • Jayna and Marianne , God Bless you

            • Great explanation for my above questions there qt.
              A swing and a miss.
              That is officially “Strike 1”.

              • HA! STILL LOST, you wrote that you took four (4!) or more quackcines and the flu jab? Maybe for YOU, “It’s over and out!” Say, “Bye, bye!” to your immune system!

                • No Clue, (aka Jaynut)
                  Yes, 4 Covid Vaccines and my 2nd Quadrivalent Flu Vaccines in the last 2 years, and according to you (and your ridiculous beliefs) I’m going to be dead on November 24th because of 5G.
                  Remember that when I post here in 2 and 1/2 weeks.

                  • STILL LOST, it seems that those who ARE love to lie! I DID NOT say anything about you being DEAD on 11-24 or at any other time. My words have always been ones of warning. The dates I mention are “prophecy watches.” In His Word Yahweh says “to keep watch.” I do. Again, STILL LOST, I suggest that you take natural meds to mitigate the harm done to you by taking all of those jabs. Sudden death has happened to many who have taken them. Yahweh does say to ” be merciful to sinners.”

            • And may Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING
              bless you abundantly is my prayer!


    MD Patriots United
    hope is real !


    • qt.
      Do you even have the capacity to “think”?
      Sorry to break it to you, (you poor sad pretend to be a Christian individual, that would derive enjoyment from someone else’s unjustified misfortune), but Nancy Pelosi has not been arrested and you have just been FOOLED by misinformation again.

  11. So far, in regards to my comment 444178 and the questions that I asked on September 7 @ 12:42 am., there has been “2 Strikes”.
    I’m waiting with bated breath for the 3rd myopic mouse to chime in. (???)

    • STILL LOST, I answered it above. Other brave doctors have predicted that those willingly taking the COVID shots may
      not live past two years. And, if they do, they could be seriously ill from them. Apparently, these quackcines work against the human immune system and are now even causing problems like AIDS. Dr. Anthony Fauci (A.K.A. Mengelefauci) developed the AIDS virus in the 1980’s. How does it feel to become a force for
      EVIL instead of GOOD? You failed to do your homework!


      • Jaynut,
        You really have NO IDEA as to what you are talking about.

        You think and believe that you do, but unfortunately you don’t, and instead of attempting to reason with the unreasonable (over and over again) I’ll just reply to your comments to me (for the most part) with “Okay Jaynut”, because in the end, you will find out the Truth as to how you’ve been “manipulated” and how “wrong” you are.

        So, “Okay Jaynut”.

        • STILL LOST, now (NOW!) you are going directly against the Bible for NOT giving an answer for your faith (because you can’t!) “A leopard cannot change its spots!”

          • Okay Jaynut,

            • STILL LOST, by what you write now, you are admitting the truth of my words. That’s fine with me!

              • Okay Jaynut,
                All you are doing is demonstrating further your ability to comprehend. Because you clearly didn’t understand my previous answer to your question where I said…

                “You’re a moron.
                It should be obvious by all that I’ve posted here (to anyone that isn’t a moron) that I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and His only begotten Son Yeshua the Messiah.
                I am Born Again of God’s Spirit and Saved by Grace.

                But you (a moron that has made up their own little false religion) still haven’t cognitively figured that out.”

                Where again, you still haven’t figured that out.

                So, Okay Jaynut.

                • I’ll clarify that….
                  “All you are doing is demonstrating further your INABILITY to comprehend.”

                • STILL LOST how you really do live up to this name! You seem to have fully earned it. The Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is named Yahweh NOT named G-d the ancient Babylonian idol of fortune! His Only Begotten Son is named Yahshua because He came in His Father’s Name of Yahweh, John 5:43.
                  Yeshua is NOT anyone’s name at all, especially NOT the Messiah’s!
                  STILL LOST, it is YOU that is believing in man-made religion no matter what. Sadly, your writing is getting “muddled”, too, possibly because you took all those man-made quackcines!
                  NOT GOOD!

  12. this is funny !


    Midterm Election 2022 #CrowderElectionStream

  14. NIFENTO – New Heidi Baker Documentary | Love in the Midst of Mozambique’s War of Terror

  15. How Much of the Billions to Ukraine Was Laundered Back to US Politicians Via FTX?

    Zelensky will give himself away. He is a liar and a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The money they just received has been going to places and people they tried to hide. Oh no! They will no longer keep this dirty secret. I am exposing it all, saith the Lord.

    November 14, 2022 Coincidence? Zelensky Calls for Peace Just Days After FTX Is Caught Funneling Millions of Ukrainian Aide Dollars to US Democrats? Interesting

    • The above post by “qt” on November 15th @ 6:25 am is simply misinformation from a spreader of falsehoods and conspiracy theories.


    this is funny

    • qt is more than likely a Russian Operative and spreader of misinformation. He or She is sick and insidious, and will be exposed in the end.

    • qt, I just do not get the humor. Did Malone post this? Who is the guy in the cartoon supposed to be? I think of Malone as “the loyal opposition” to the COVID quackcines. After all he was a vaccine developer.

      • Hi Jayne

        Ukraine do the money laundering ,

        the guy in the pricture is ukraine president zenlesky,

        they us the FTX ( crypto money) do the money laundering ,

        now FTX crush already . big news, just watch the video

        • dr. malone post this picture. he expose deep state now

        • qt, thank you for explaining. I just do not keep up on that news because we do not have any way of knowing what that truth really is. I am just totally against war because it hurts the innocents. Some are saying that that war is meant to cover
          the increasing number of deaths from the COVID quackcines.

      • Hi Jayne, just watch the whole video , you will understand , FTX crash 2 days ago,
        150 billion is gone ,

        the guy in the picture is Ukraine president zenlesky , he is a actor of deep state , he do the money laundering /

        • Okay, so Putin a known murderer and Communist Dictator has attacked Ukraine a Sovereign Country, where during this unwarranted attack the Russian Army has killed elderly men, women, and children civilians.

          But instead of condemning Putin for this sick action, you instead find “humor” in this tragedy and in this cartoon???

          Yep you’re one of God’s children alright qt.
          (That’s Sarcasm!!! 😡😡😡)

          You are “darkness” and you are more than likely a Russian Operative. You spread lies and misinformation. You are sick and insidious, and will be exposed for who and what you are in the end.


  17. Hi Marianne,

    do you have telegram channel

    that is free speech environment ,

    • qt, Telegram is a far right wing delusional propaganda channel.
      Something that is right up your misinformation spreading alley.
      That’s why you promote it.

      Why don’t you go kill a kitten, and then draw a cartoon about it for fun. Your pals on Telegram might have a giggle.

      • You sound like a woke far left conspiracy theorist!

        • Marianne,
          Laugh Out Loud.

          This coming from an easily manipulated woman that believes that all of the mainstream media is controlled by the Democrats, (Murdoch owns Fox), who believes that all of the Qanon crap is true, and that all Democrats are pedophiles that drink children’s blood?

          Who believes Trump’s lies that he won the election, isn’t a racist, did a great job protecting the citizens from Covid, pleads the 5th., declassified “Classified” Documents, and that any investigation concerning that and and other crimes that he’s committed, is simply a witch hunt.

          Not to mention his lie that he actually finished building the wall (for just a few).

          Who believes that the Hillary Clinton that is walking around alive today, is some type of manufactured clone, and that the Government was trying to kill everyone with the Covid Vaccines?

          (Perhaps injecting everyone’s lungs with bleach like your god Trump suggested would be more to your liking?)

          Who believes that the Insurrection that occurred on January 6th. is a myth based on the actions of “Antifa”, (who were really the ones that stormed the capitol with the help of the Capitol Police. Funny how everyone that has been arrested and charged, has admitted to being a Trump supporter, huh.)

          That that insurrection was all staged, and that the real Insurrection was inside the building where Congress were certifying what you believe to be a fraudulent election.

          The above is just a small portion of what you believe.

          You have been gaslighted into believing falsehoods and misinformation, and can no longer discern reality or truth.
          This is why I quote John 3:12. to you over and over again.

          If you believe that I sound “like a woke far left conspiracy theorist” because I have expressed the TRUTH, then that would make you a “sleeping far right conspiracy theorist that believes the FALSEHOODS and LIES”.

          And whether you believe me or not really doesn’t matter, because you will find out what is true and what isn’t in the end. You can humbly apologize to me then. 👍

          P.S. Why didn’t you attempt to answer the questions that I posed to you in comment # 444178 that I posted on November 7th. @ 12:42 am above???


          • You are intellectually boring and wasting my time.

            • Says the intellectually inept individual that has no grasp of reality, and simply can’t answer the questions. LOL.
              I suspect that you’re a “flat earther” too.

              • If you only were a more positive personality

                • If you only had a grasp on reality. lol

                  Why don’t you answer the questions?

                  • Remember, I don’t have a dog in this fight.
                    I’m Canadian and I’m just watching a bunch of American clowns who’ve been gaslighted into believing a whole bunch of lies.

                    It’s not a Democrat against Republicans.
                    It’s about a Born Again Believer watching other supposed Born Again Believers (Christian Nationalists) that belong to an American Political party, believing lies and nonsense.

                    • I used to be able to post youtube video’s here by doing the following. If it doesn’t post it is a “Meidas Touch” clip titled “Evangelicals Leaders suddenly TURN on Trump”, and although they are/were disgusting, you continue to support him to your shame.

    • Yes I do have it.

  18. Hi Jayna,

    do you have telegram channel or group

  19. Here would be another one.
    The Republican Party isn’t going to help the American people with their concerns, but they’re going to go after Hunter Biden.

    LOL. that will help with the price of gas and with the recession and helping the people pay rent and put food on the table.

    At 4:33 you’ve got Marjorie Taylor Greene sowing seeds to her conspiracy theory that the gullible qt has just been parroting.

    Consider what Trump did during his full term (he didn’t even finish his stupid wall) compared to what Biden has done in half the time.

    You believe in lies and nonsense.

  20. Just watch the first 2 minutes of this one.
    Remember Bill Barr?

  21. To the 3 easily manipulated that unfortunately believe that the Covid Vaccine (a vaccine that was developed to prevent serious illness for those that contracted that virus) is somehow, some sort of bio-weapon, with tracking capabilities, 5G nanotech components, and aborted baby tissue, which can cause all sorts of ailments such as Aids, heart attacks, hairy black tongue and the like, I would just like to say that “I’m here. 🖐Hello? 🖐”

    P.S. I’m still healthy and strong as a horse. 💪

    Just Saying.

  22. Marianne and Jayna

    Happy Thanksgiving

    • Happy Thanksgiving to everyone also! I hope you all had a great day

      • So Marianne, you have stated that all Democrats are pedophiles. I wonder if Ralph Shortey and Matt Gaetz are good buddies behind the scene? lol.

        Just Saying

        • So, no wonder Trump wouldn’t release his taxes and wanted them to remain secret. He claimed losses to the IRS totaling 900 million in a period of two years. He sure is a financial wizard and stable genius alright. lol.
          He looks more like a total loser (in so many ways) to me.

          Just Saying

    • Thank You qt for the good wishes! However, for many years I have not celebrated the American Christian Thanksgiving Day.
      Why? Because it is NOT Yahweh’s TRUE time to be thankful. Instead, it is a revival of an ancient pagan festival by an evil king. Yahweh hates this man-made holy day and also Xmas.
      HIS saints will NOT be celebrating on these days. The pagan feast I mentioned can be found in I Kings 12:26-33. Yahweh’s Feast of Harvest Is Succoth (The Feast of Tabernacles) which is eight days not one. The Plymouth pilgrims were NOT Christians.

      • Okay Jaynut,
        So what you have just said above there is, that there are days of the year that you consciously make the choice to NOT be thankful and praise the Father or His Son, because you in your self-righteous opinion, believe that there are days to NOT be thankful and praise the Father or His Son.

        Gee, how “saint-like” of you to do so.
        I’m sure that pleases Father YHVH and His Son.


        • STILL LOST, seems that the quackcines are now destroying your brain! You are lacking here in your cognitive ability. I wrote that I do not celebrate the American Christian Thanksgiving Day because it was started by evil King Jeroboam in OPPOSITION to Yahweh’s Appointed time. I am thankful everyday to Yahweh and His Son Yahshua because THEY are saving me!

          • Thanksgiving was started by King Jeroboam eh?
            Okay there Jaynut.
            Could you please cite the verse where that’s written?

            • STILL LOST, I already DID! Seems that you are having even MORE
              cognitive decline. Too bad! That’s what Nazi poison quackcines can do for you! The history of the modern Christian Thanksgiving Day is contained in I Kings 12:26 – 33. The American Thanksgiving Day is roughly the same time as that other pagan one on the Hebrew calendar. Also, that evil Antiochus sacrificed a pig to Zeus Christos (a.k.a. Jesus Christ) in Yahweh’s Temple on December 25, 168 B.C. according to the Hebrew calendar. This is WHY there is a Hanukkah and WHY I
              celebrate IT! HalleluYah!

              • Okay Jaynut.
                So you’re associating the 15th day of Heshvan/Kislev and the time stipulated by Jeroboam’s for this feast, as being the beginning of the American Thanksgiving.

                Sure. Nothing “LOOPY” about that at all.

                • STILL LOST ~ Thank You for once admitting the truth!

                  • Hey Jaynut Dingbat,
                    The only truth that I admitted above, was that you’re “loopy” for trying to associate the two completely separate occasions, when there is no Biblical reason to do so whatsoever.

  23. This American (and Canadian) holiday relates to the word ‘to•da.’ The notion of thankfulness to God for successful harvest that was celebrated first by some colonies and later, in 1863 was declared a national holiday by president Lincoln, is consistent with the biblical thanksgiving that was done either by sacrifice or prayer. Psalm 100 for example is called ‘A Psalm of thanksgiving’. The call for thanksgiving in the Bible is ‘Ho•du,’ ‘give thanks’. (See the strange connection on the bottom of this page!)

  24. Your hero/god Trump is such a Moron. 🤣🤣🤣


    died suddenly documentary film

    • qt
      Oh please. How vacuous are you?
      Nice GRIFT by these guys for the overly gullible, and easily manipulated. You are a child of confusion.
      Did you click the link to get your $10,000.00 of silver?

      😂 😂 😂

      • Unless you have something valuable to say it’d be best if you just do not speak. Words with hate and ridicule are not really welcome here.

        • Marianne,
          It’s obvious that you don’t find the TRUTH to be valuable.
          You have demonstrated this by expressing your own misinformed, conspiracy fueled beliefs.

          Sorry, but I contend for the TRUTH.
          You on the other hand defend misinformation.
          You’ll find out in the end.

    • Death is to be taken seriously and not made fun of. I agree with you that you should post this

      • I see that you’ve been deleting my comments as well.
        Very Nice.
        So much for your belief in “free speech” here.
        You’ll find out the truth in the end.

        • My apologies for the above comment regarding “deleting” some of my posts. I couldn’t locate one of them and assumed that you had deleted it, which wasn’t the case.
          It was my error. I overlooked it by mistake.


  26. Wake up people.

  27. Hypocrisy

    • I obviously don’t agree with much of what the commentators say in regards to God and sexual immorality, but it’s the blatant “hypocrisy” where so many accuse others of things that they do and practice themselves, that you apparently support.

      • STILL LOST you really should WAKE UP and GET SAVED!
        I am not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent.
        IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) this U.S. Government was turned over to the Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy generations ago.

        • Okay Jaynut.
          So, what year was the U.S. Government turned over to the Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy?
          Who was the traitorous President at the time, that authorized this Government turnover?

          • STILL LOST, you can do the research if you wish. The writer Ellen G. White wrote about it in her book “The Great Controversy” in 1888. In it she wrote about this U.S. Government being The Two Horned Beast would turn its power over to the Papacy (Vatican) in fulfillment of Revelation 13.
            I do know that President John Adams and most likely his President son were NOT Christians.

            • Jaynut,
              All of that is just ridiculous.
              This is why I grouped you in with the MAGA individuals.
              You are delusional, and your capacity to think critically has been compromised. You’re like a flat earther. LOL.


    Marianne, you have supported Trump and his lies. Trump was the one that provided the license and support for these individuals to commit the acts that they commit. And by NOT standing against it, you are in essence complicit.
    Those that believe that they are American Patriots, are in actuality minions of darkness.

  29. Now Trump wants to “TERMINATE” your “CONSTITUTION”!
    He’s a real American Patriot alright.
    He’s a criminal and the biggest clown in the Circus.

    But you support him.

    • That is fake news. And a deliberate misquote of what Trump said. Gossipmongers enjoy this sort of stuff. You think you would be above that as a Christian. He said election fraud includes denying the Constitution and the rules in it

      • Marianne.
        You’re drunk on Kool-Aid.
        You’ve been completely brainwashed
        You don’t have the ability to discern between what’s fake and what’s fact. Hence why I call you delusional.
        All you consume is propaganda, that supports your skewed and paranoid viewpoint.

        You also can’t understand plain English.
        That link in your post only CONFIRMS what I said.
        It doesn’t refute it.

        What Politico is reporting is that Trump is now “denying” what he said. That Trump is backtracking and trying to twist what he meant, even though his post on his failing Truth (Lies) Social platform is still “up” and there for everyone to read. Where it clearly states that he wants to terminate and cancel the Constitution.

        Trump is a loser and a criminal.
        But you support him because you can’t discern his character. Sad.

        You would think that you would be above that as a (supposed) Christian.

        • Marianne,
          Just to confirm and substantiate my post on December 6, 2022 at 3:09 pm. Mitch McConnell criticizes Trumps “Constitution” comments by saying, Quote; “anyone who suggests the Constitution could be suspended “would have a very hard time being sworn in as president of the United States.” end quote.”

          If you would take your MAGA blinders off and actually watch some real news, other than your “RIGHT WING FAKE NEWS” then you might start to understand that you’ve been hoodwinked with millions of other (hillbillies).

          Just saying

    • STILL LOST, for me, President Donald J. Trump will now always be “The King of COVID-19” and the biggest political disappointment of my life. COVID-19 came in here under his watch. He now tells his deceived followers to get jabbed. This SHOULD tell us which side he is on!

      • Jayna
        I will totally agree with this point of what you said:

        “President Donald J. Trump will now always be “The King of COVID-19” and the biggest political disappointment of my life. COVID-19 came in here under his watch”

        Yes, and he deceived his followers by telling them “Covid is just the flu, and it will just go away when it warms up”, therefore, many of his followers died because they trusted him.

        That’s their blood on his hands!!!
        Trump abandoned his oath as President to protect the American people.

        • STILL LOST, all presidents in my life time (except possibly JFK) and generations before obeyed/obey The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy.
          Edward R. Murrow said that “a nation of sheep will soon be rule by wolves.” WE HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO!

  30. Marianne,
    Not only is Trump is a loser and a criminal, and deceive the American people about Covid, he’s also a racist.
    His breaking of bread with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes demonstrates that fact.

    (Remember… “there are very good people on both sides?”)

    But you support him because you can’t discern his character. Sad.
    You would think that you would be above that as a (supposed) Christian.

  31. Oh, and “CrystalTears7” although you accuse all Democrats of being pedophiles, I bet that you follow the “Q” pedophile “Phil Godlewski” on “Telegram”, and because you can’t discern fact from fiction, you believe everything that he tells you too.

    You would think that you would be above that as a (supposed) Christian.

  32. Well imagine that….
    Today, (Tuesday, December 6th. 2022) Donald Trump’s company was convicted of TAX FRAUD in New York for helping executives dodge taxes on lavish perks such as Manhattan apartments and luxury cars, in a significant repudiation of financial practices at the former president’s (criminals) business.

    A jury found two corporate entities at the Trump Organization guilty on all 17 counts, including CONSPIRACY charges and FALSIFYING business records.

    Although Trump himself was not on trial, if you claim to own the business and claim that you’re a genius business man, it’s not a stretch to make the association that he made his money without any concerns of demonstrating integrity.

    • In regards to my post of December 6, 2022 at 10:25 pm above.

      Now Trump, the grandiose self described victim, responds to this guilty verdict and his companies breaking of the laws (“laws” which every other American citizen has to abide with) as simply being a continuation of what the deceiver has called a “Witch Hunt”, and the “MAGA lemmings” that follow him will accept that Kool-Aid and believe him.

      So sad how this “Pied Piper” plays with these weak minded individuals like a fiddle.

      Trump is NOT above the LAW.

  33. Apparently, Trump thinks that it’s disrespectful to kneel during the National Anthem, but it’s totally okay to chuck out the Constitution that he swore to uphold, if it means that he could be president again. 🤣🤣🤣

    What a self absorbed, narcissistic loser.
    You would think that you wouldn’t worship him being a (supposed) Christian.


  34. Just to clarify a few things, here is Trump’s post on “Truth Social” December 3rd. 2022 @ 7:44am.

    So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRUAD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

    Now, Trump’s right about that, the Founders would not condone “False and Fraudulent” Elections.

    The problem is, not 1 of over 60 of Trumps court filings could prove that there was any “MASSIVE, WIDESPREAD FRUAD or election DECEPTION” whatsoever. NOT ONE!

    Trump was the very first president that lost an election, that didn’t have the class or character to congratulate the winner. Instead, he played the victim, and deceived his supporters, just like he did with Covid 19 and the pandemic, and said that it was rigged and stolen.


  35. Trump endorses Herschel Walker so of course Herschel Walker loses, because even though Trump says that he always picks the best people, he obviously doesn’t.

    Now, more Classified US Government Document were found in Trump’s storage locker in Florida. Why am I not surprised???

    Trump is not above the law.
    If you break the law, he should be locked up.

    Just my opinion. LOL.

  36. And just like a CANCER the attacks on Democracy metastasis.

    A “Q-Anon” inspired group were stopped from attacking Democracy in a copy-cat planned insurrection in Germany. Funny how Trump is their hero too.


  37. Here’s your corruption.
    Conservative Evangelical Pastor states under oath, that they made a deal with the devil.

    • STILL LOST, your lasts posts should prove to anyone reading here that Christianity is a bogus Bible religion from The Christian Vatican and The Evil One!
      Sadly, it has now become the national religion of America. Its “holy days” are Sunday, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas.
      HAPPY HANUKKAH! Sunset Sunday December 18 until Sunset Monday December 26, 2022. BE BLESSED!

      • Okay Jaynut Dingbat.

        Somewhere in your past, you conflated Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, and labeled them both to be pagan.

        (It’s you that is lost, and beyond hope in so many ways.)

        “Christianity” is Biblical, “Acts 11:26.” Simply because you can’t comprehend the Truth, doesn’t make it a falsehood.

        You don’t seem to be able to understand that some things changed after Yeshua ascended to the Father.

        Because Yeshua was RESURRECTED on “Sunday”, the 1st day of the week (Matthew 28:1., Mark 16:2,9., Luke 24:1., John 20:1.) and then APPEARED to His disciples while they hide in fear of the Jews later that SAME DAY (John 20:19.), from that time forward the disciples GATHERED TOGETHER to BREAK BREAD on SUNDAY the 1ST DAY OF THE WEEK, (Acts 10:27.).

        Unfortunately, “Easter” is a carryover from Roman Catholicism, and should be called and aligned with “PASSOVER”.
        (Bunnies and eggs are not Biblical, and have nothing to do with Yeshua.)

        “Thanksgiving” is just a designated day to give thanks.
        It’s a day that is different in Canada and other countries, than it is in the US of A.

        And unfortunately “Christmas” is also a carryover from Roman Catholicism. However, since NO ONE knows the exact date that Yeshua was born, it is a day that that has been used to celebrate His Birth for millennia.

        It is a day that all that are His can come together and Praise Him and the Father through the Spirit for their Salvation. So it is one carryover that I personally, don’t have a problem with.

        But you belong to a cult of some sort, and don’t even read the Bible. So, you don’t understand any of that.
        You’re lost.

        • No, STILL LOST, you are the LOST ONE and very possibly a DYING one because of all the poisons you willingly took! You also do not comprehend the originally inspired Scripture and even history! Because of these you may be doomed to repeat the latter. You also belong to the most deceived cult there ever was!
          AGAIN! December 25, 168 B.C. (on the Hebrew calendar) was when the ruler Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed a pig to Zeus in Yahweh’s Temple and killed faithful Jews who would not partake of this evil. In the Bible it is called “The Abomination That Maketh Desolate.” This history is contained in the Maccabees and the timing of the duration of this horror is stated in Daniel 12:11-13. This “event” may be repeated in the timing of the
          enforcement of “The Mark of the Beast” which is CHRISTIANIITY!
          You choose to believe all the lies of Christianity. Yahweh’s Only Son Yahshua was not born later than the month of October. He died on Passover, a Wednesday that year (NOT on Good Friday) and arose on the Sabbath Day (NOT Sunday.) He was never called Jesus Christ (Zeus Christos) in His life and not until The Third Century A.D.. Bunnies and egg worship comes from ancient Babylon as does much of Christianity. The Original Protestants were NOT Christians! They protested against Christianity and its cross! Sadly, all Christians are Roman Catholic in their faith and practice whether they think so or not! IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion), STILL LOST, you seem to make very poor choices!

          • Jaynut Dingbat,
            WOW, you are so messed up with what you believe, it’s almost demonic. That’s the nuttiest bunch of JUNK that I have heard in a long time. 🤣🤪🤪🤪🤣

            Again, simply because you can’t comprehend the Truth, does not make it a falsehood.

            Boy are you going to be surprised in the end.


            • STILL LOST, maybe YOU will be surprised to be lost but you should NOT be! The more you post here your evil words against me and THE TRUTH ~ the MORE readers here will KNOW how LOST you really ARE! NOT WISE!

              • Yeah, okay Jaynut.
                I feel pretty safe and secure with what I believe “theologically”, being in “harmony” with what the “Bible” and “God’s Word” teaches.

                What you believe on the other hand, is simply JUNK and LOOPY. The more that the readers here (if there are any) read your JUNK and LOOPY beliefs, the more that they will know how LOST and LOOPY you really are.


                • STILL LOST, readers here will only have to google history to find out that what I write is TRUE. Sadly, you are only in harmony with BIG PHARMA, THE MSM, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN. It’s YOUR choice!


                  • Okay Jaynut.
                    But instead of using Google, maybe you should read a Bible instead, (one that’s not your false CULT bible).

                    I think that you probably used the search engine “LOOPY” to obtain the ridiculous JUNK that you believe.

                    You’ll find out which of us is right, (about so many of these things) in the end.

                    • Well, STILL VERY LOST, I mentioned “googling” because ANYONE
                      can then read the historical facts I wrote to you. I really would NOT like to be judged by Yahweh the Creator of EVERYTHING for calling His Word ” ridiculous junk.” I do not need to wait to find out the truth in the end. Apparently you do! Yahweh revealed it to me many decades ago and continually does now. I embrace His truth after prayerful research and have been very blessed ever since!

  38. Okay Jaynut,
    I wish I could see your face when you’re surprised in the end.
    It’s a shame really. But you’ll find out then.


    • STILL VERY LOST, you are sounding like a recording with your “in the end” in every post. ??? Sadly, I do NOT want to see YOUR face when Yahshua Returns for His Saints! There will be much “weeping and nashing of teeth” at that time.
      Revelation 20:14-15 and other verses

      • Jaynut…..

        You are sounding like a recording with your “ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH’S SAINTS!” in every post.


        You’ll find out in the end.

        • STILL VERY LOST, this must also mean that you are “laughing” at Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING, His Son Yahshua, and the history of THEIR SAINTS! Not good. . .
          I post these words whenever I can because “I am not preaching
          to the choir.” We may only know in eternity if (IF!) we are there how many have read our words and testimonies.

        • Also, regarding your concern about me not using my own name, (like hundreds have done here over the years) didn’t you used to go by the name “4 Yahweh” originally?


          • STILL VERY LOST, yes like most everyone else in those days I used another name, that Name or 4 Yahshua. Posters were very worried about getting in trouble with Big Brother. I guess many (most?) still are. However, I decided to get credit for what I was posting on line. Besides, “he” knows who we are and what we post on line, anyway. lol

          • STILL VERY LOST, yes, like most everyone posting in those days I used a different Name, one that would bring honor to the Father or Son. Seems that there was much concern about
            retribution from “Big Brother.” (There still seems to be.) After awhile I decided that I wanted to have credit for what I posted on line. So I posted my name. After all “he” already knows who we are and what we post. Maybe this still is, “The Land of the Free and the Brave.” lol

  39. Laughing….
    Now Trump, (the hero that you worship and believe Marianne) has released his own digital “collectable trading cards” for $99.00 each just before Christmas, where he of course is the focus and subject matter. 😂

    One of them has him dressed in an all red super-hero costume with an American flag as a cape, and a big “T” chest emblem, and with an American flag within a Championship type fighting or wrestling belt.

    Far from being a muscular Captain America, in reality he’s a Fat Old Captain Clown loser.

    But, I bet you can’t wait to buy yours, huh?

    • Major Announcement he said on his Liar Social.
      It’s just another “GRIFT” for the feeble minded followers to fall prey too. Those poor gullible lemmings.

  40. LAUGHING with the rest of the WORLD at this 45 GUY.
    Quick, buy his NFT cards before they run out. SMH

  41. LAUGHING with the rest of the WORLD at this 45 GUY.
    Quick buy these NFT cards before they’re sold out. SMH

    • Seems to me that Donald J. Trump has truly made a mockery of the American political system. VERY SAD!

      • Jayna,
        Although you and I will never agree on what we personally believe theologically, we can agree on the above…
        “Donald J. Trump has truly made a mockery of the American political system.”

        What is very sad though is, how so many people that would call themselves “patriots”, support and follow an individual that has demonstrated such disdain for both the Constitution of the United States, and the institution of Democracy.

        Donald J. Trump is a “Salesman” (to be understood in its most derogatory form) who has deceived and “sold” millions into believing his “lies” and that he cares for them, when he only really cares for himself.

        He will find out in the end as well.
        Matthew 16:26.
        Mark 8:36.

        • “LOCK HIM UP!”

        • Happy Winter (12 ~ 21) and 5TH Day of Hanukkah!
          IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) DJT is playing a part just like Hitler, Biden, and all the rest ordered by The Christian Vatican in Rome.

        • You believe a lot of lies pumped out by the media.

          • Yeah, like you’re the voice of truth and reason. 🤪🤣
            You believe Trump, and and a whack of “Q” nonsense.
            You also believe that we’re in a “renewed” covenant, rather than a “NEW” Covenant.

            You’ll find out in the end.


          • Did you watch ALL of the January 6 Select Committee Hearings?

            Nope, I bet you didn’t watch one.

            So you are ignorant of all of the the evidence that many of the top Republican White House staff has provided, and instead, you believe what is provided by the Right Wing Media.

            Therefore, like I have said to you before, you’re simply a hypocrite and a part of the arrogant ignorant.
            And you’ll find out the truth regarding that in the end.


            • I know that the capital police let in antifa in the side door because I saw it on camera. That proof was blocked because after all you have to push a lie not the truth. Only way to condemn Trump is to lie about him

              • LOL. You know do you. LOL.
                You don’t know anything.
                You think that you do, but you don’t.
                You’re wrong about so many things it’s truly sad.

                I know that I’ve said this to you over and over again (about so many different things), but you’ll find out in the end.

                Seriously, you will.

              • BTW Marianne,
                Antifa is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States.

                Antifa perceived Trump’s Administration to be Fascist and Racist.

                So “WHY” in heavens name would Antifa try to obstruct the election results to where a new President would legally be certified?

                That’s just one of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories out there.

                What you saw was some disillusioned, misinformed Capitol Police who had bought into “Trumps lies”, let in “Trump supporters” in to break the law, and try to commit a insurrection and coup.

                This is WHY everyone who has been found guilty and put into prison because of their participation in the January 6th. riots, just happen to be “Trump and MAGA” supporters.

                But that makes too much sense for you to understand, huh.


                • 12~24~2022 Sabbath Happy 6TH Day of Hanukkah!
                  The pagan Christian Christmas Eve which Yahweh hates.
                  (Yahshua the Messiah was born no later than in the month of
                  of October.)

                  Marianne, I have not lied about the former U.S. President Donald J. Trump. The truth is very sad but not to accept it is much worse! It seemed to me that at the beginning he was doing “right” especially for Israel. Then, things changed for the worse, much worse! I do not know the truth about “why.” One rumor was that he was “replaced” but we cannot know. He seemed to change from a supporter of Israel to one following the chief Nazi’s “playbook.” ??? The icing on the cake seemed to be when he told his supporters to take the quackcines! For me, he will now always be “The King of COVID-19.” I do not believe that DJT and his family ever had COVID or took the jabs. By the way, I am not in favor of Biden either. IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) this horrible excuse for a government turned its power over to The Christian Vatican a very long time ago.
                  Continued supporters of DJT remind me of the deceived victims like STILL VERY LOST who keep taking the COVID quackcine boosters. Marianne, I pray that they and you will wake up
                  VERY SOON!


                  • Trump never took the vaccine that other people took. He took a combination of the hydroxychloroquine and something else. And he thought that’s what other people were getting but he was lied to

                    • LOL You KNOW that too, eh. LOL
                      I guess you were there.
                      Or maybe, you were the one that gave him the shot.
                      Yeah, that’s believable. Stick with that one.
                      Nurse Tioran lied to Trump. LOL.

                    • Happy 7th Day of Hanukkah!
                      Hi Marianne. I would hope that is true. In the video I watched he told his followers to take the jabs. Knowing that there were several out there, it seems to me that if this was true he would have named the quackcines they should take. ???
                      I don’t believe that he and his family ever had COVID or took any jabs.

                    • He told everybody to take what he took. He did not know they switched the contents. But anyhow that is behind us. And what he understood at the time is what he understood. Things change very quickly

                • Antifa was there to frame Trump supporters. I saw them getting out of their black vans and going in the side door in a video. And I saw the capital police let them in so it was all planned. And it was not a legitimate election but a fraudulent one.

                  • LOL. And you KNOW that too as well. LOL
                    You’re amazing.
                    You’ve got no evidence.
                    Neither does anybody else, because if they did, they may have just won at least one of their court cases.
                    But you KNOW.

                    WOW, You should sell Pillows.

                • The whole Riot was staged to blame Trump and accuse him falsely. In the whole committee was staged as an illegitimate attempt to accuse him when you have nothing but fake fraudulent corrupt people on a committee you’re going to get a fake fraudulent corrupt result

                  • I tell you what, with Trump as President, you had nothing but lying, fake fraudulent corrupt President that couldn’t man-up and concede when he lost a fair election.

                    Instead he started this lie that the feeble minded and easily manipulated believe, and because of that you worship and support this guy.
                    I’m sure that God is pleased.


                  • Oh……
                    YOU’LL FIND OUT THE TRUTH IN THE END.

              • 12~24~2022 Sabbath Happy 6TH Day of Hanukkah!
                The pagan Christian Christmas Eve which Yahweh hates.
                (Yahshua the Messiah was born no later than in the month
                of October.)

                Marianne, I have not lied about the former U.S. President Donald J. Trump. The truth is very sad but not to accept it is much worse! It seemed to me that at the beginning he was doing “right” especially for Israel. Then, things changed for the worse, much worse! I do not know the truth about “why.” One rumor was that he was “replaced” but we cannot know. He seemed to change from a supporter of Israel to one following Adolf Hitler’s “playbook.” ??? The icing on the cake seemed to be when he told his supporters to take the quackcines! For me, he will now always be “The King of COVID-19.” I do not believe that DJT and his family ever had COVID or took the jabs. By the way, I am not in favor of Biden either. IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) this horrible excuse for a government turned its power over to The Christian Vatican a very long time ago.
                Continued supporters of DJT remind me of the deceived victims like STILL VERY LOST who keep taking the COVID quackcine boosters. Marianne, I pray that they and you will wake up VERY SOON!


              • Hi Marianne. I do not know why my comment to you posted twice just now. For awhile it would not post at all! I kept getting a message “this comment cannot be posted.”
                I even changed “Adolf Hitler” to the words “the chief Nazi.”
                ???? Like you I do not like to give up. lol

          • Not even Fox’s Hannity’s believed what you apparently believe, and he just recently confirmed as much under oath.
            This is only 5 minutes.
            Watch it and become a little less ignorant.

            • A lot of people lie under oath that means nothing

              • Marianne,
                I can tell you one thing that I have learned about you over the years…

                You will never have the capacity to admit that you could possibly be wrong about anything.

                Perhaps that is why you have an affinity for Trump?
                Birds of the same feather so to speak.

  42. The Light at Hanukkah | Asher Intrater

  43. On another note.

    I have been trying to find a way to explain to the both of you, the “efficacy”, and “effectiveness” of the Covid Vaccinations in a way that you could somehow understand, “why” there have been “more deaths”, as well as a “rise in deaths” of those who have been Vaccinated.

    How could I convey the aspect of the overall “percentage of deaths” between the “Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated”, in a way that was explained simply, so that you could comprehend?

    After searching and reading a number of medically peer-reviewed papers and articles, I found this site which logically and clearly answers these questions.

    It just utilizes the data that has been compiled in the United States, (and it has coloured graphs and everything). lol.


    • STILL REALLY LOST, it seems that YOU do not want to see that WE DO understand what is going on with COVIDS, nose-jab testing, and quackcines. Do you actually think that we will trust reading anything from THIS government now? NOW after they are having even babies shot with those Nazi-style poisons?


      • Jaynut,
        You and MAGA Marianne are &%* LOOPY.
        Your belief in Right-Wing propaganda has manifested into a paranoia, which has overridden your ability to have any common sense.

        John 3:12. is applicable to the both of you.

        To reply to MAGA Marianne, Yes I like Joe Biden better.
        He’s Not a Pathological Liar. He’s Not a womanizer.
        The rest of the world respects him, where they just laughed at Trump because he’s such an idiot.

        “Person, Woman, Man, Camera, T.V. 🤣
        Seriously….. What a Moron.

        Biden care’s about the American people, where Trump only cares about himself, and couldn’t concede when he lost a fair election.

        There are a bunch of reasons that Biden is just a better human being than Trump.


        • STILL VERY LOST, how can you or I know any real truth about Biden? A while back I saw someone looking just like Biden remove a face mask and be someone else! I do not believe in “right-wing propaganda.” I found out that most if not all of the right wingers are Christians, just like in Germany under one Adolf Hitler. No, that is not me! Trusting in any political system now in America is like having faith in the COVID quackcines and boosters to keep you well. This is what you seem to be doing. You will find out how these are working for you. And, sadly, you might find out very soon and NOT have to “wait until the end.”

  44. Jaynut,
    Nothing ridiculous about that.
    Ha, ha, ha, ha.
    get a grip.

    I think that MAGA Marianne has blocked me somehow?
    Unfortunately, she’ll find out how wrong she’s been in the end.
    So will you of course as well.


    • STILL VERY LOST, Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING has informed me of all I need to know right now.

      • Jaynut,

        So when you, “saw someone looking just like Biden remove a face mask and be someone else a while back”, did YHVH inform you that what you just saw, was simply a prank of some sort, and that it wasn’t really President Joe Biden, but an video of him being impersonated by someone else?

        If not, then you’re in the dark about that.

        And where you say, “I do not believe in “right-wing propaganda” are you saying that YHVH made you realize that the Covid Vaccines are safe, and what you previously believed is simply bunk?

        If not, then you’re in the dark about that too.

        And where you say, “I found out that most if not all of the right wingers are Christians” (where I would say that in the States many of the Republican Christians have morphed into a cult of Christian Nationalists and don’t resemble followers of Yeshua whatsoever) … are you saying that you’re not like any of them?

        If not, then you’re in the dark about that as well.
        Because you don’t have an accurate understanding of the Gospel either, but you have distorted and perverted it as well.


        • STILL VERY LOST, it’s “a video” not “an video.” Sadly, it seems that your spelling ability is slipping, too. I am aware that anything can be faked on film. Sadly, many (most?) who keep taking the COVID quackcines (like you!) may soon be totally “in the dark.” This will because they are not here anymore!
          STILL VERY LOST, how will it feel when YOU finally “wake up” and learn that you “drank The Christian Vatican Kool Aid” and became its “tool?”
          AGAIN, I am not a Christian and have not been for over fifty years. All Christianity is TOTAL PAGAN BUNK. There is NOTHING Biblical or Hebrew about it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


          • Okay Jaynut.

            It’s Vaccine NOT quackcines.
            What are you 12?
            You have an IQ of a bar of Soap.

            You and your Theology are the epitome of BUNK. LOL.


          • STILL TOTALLY LOST, besides NOT being saved, you also do NOT have a sense of humor or wit! Maybe this is WHY you have to try to “down grade” everyone posting on here. “Quackcines” are what they ARE! Quacks promote meds that do not heal or prevent anything harmful to our bodies. And, sometimes, LIKE NOW, they want us to take jabs that can destroy our immune systems, harm us, and actually kill us! The deceived like you will take them because you do not believe in Yahweh’s natural healing.
            TOO BAD FOR YOU!

            • Jaynut,
              I have a sense of humour, and I’m definitely witty. LOL.
              What you don’t understand is that you and MAGA Marianne are the ones that are DELUSIONAL about so many different things. But trying to convey sense to the nonsensical, is such a waste of my time. Perhaps I’ll exit for a while???

              P.S. This site is corrupted like its administrator.
              Glitches throughout.


  45. Okay Jaynut.

    It’s called a Vaccine NOT quackcines.
    What are you 12?
    You have an IQ of a bar of Soap.

    You and your Theology are the epitome of BUNK. LOL.

    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, that is the GREATEST NEWS! And, do take your insults with you. With your valuable time left you may wish to mitigate naturally the damage done to your system by taking those horrible COVID QUACKCINES.

  46. Okay Jaynut Dingbat.
    So glad to have made you smile. 🙂
    Be Blessed in Jesus Christ.


    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, blessed in the pagan name of Jesus Christ,
      the name of the image (idol) of the beast (The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy), Revelation 13:1, 18 ?
      Yahshua the Messiah, the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON!
      HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

  47. Take your meds Jaynut.
    You’ll find out that you’re wrong (about sooo much) in the end.


    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, why wait until the end? I keep finding out I am right because Yahweh enlightens me!
      HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

  48. 12~31~2022 Happy Sabbath! Also, the Christian so-called
    New Year’s Eve (Ha! Near the beginning of winter!)
    Yahweh’s Calendar is a Hebrew one.
    His Son Yahshua’s Return is Getting Very Near!
    PRAY NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1
    HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    The Sabbath (which usually has lovely weather here) has been dark, rainy, cold, and gloomy today. Possibly this is Heaven’s reaction to this man-made calendar (from The Christian Vatican.) I always say “Happy or Blessed 2023!” because I
    won’t say, “Happy New Year!.” I know that we are all wondering “What will 2023 bring to us?” If we put our hand into the Hand of Yahweh, we have NOTHING to worry about. Worry ends when faith in Him begins!
    Do you know that the Soviet Union began on a December 30?
    It sorta morphed into modern Russia today. I wonder if it will also end at this time of year. ???
    May everyone reading here now be blessed with SURVIVAL, TRUTH, AND SALVATION in 2023 is my prayer!

    • Hi Jayna and. Marianne,

      Happy new year,

      I just find out NAC is very essential, Dr zenleko protocol to detox Vax, nac is part of it.


      • Happy New Year! And even if 2023 has problems I pray we Prosper in spite of it!

        • Oh you’re going to have problems. lol.

          • STILL TOTALLY LOST, you wrote that you were leaving. ??? The fact that you keep lying says EVERYTHING about what spirit you have.

            • Jaynut,
              If you don’t believe me when I’m telling you the truth, why would you believe me when I’m pulling your leg.
              Obviously you can’t tell the truth from a fib.

              • STILL TOTALLY LOST, you haven’t told us any truth here.
                IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) spiritually and concerning health you have become a vector for evil. VERY SAD FOR YOU!


                • Jaynut,
                  Here’s a question, WHY do you constantly write IMPO then in brackets explain what IMPO means by writing (In My Prayerful Opinion)?

                  Other than the fact that the 4 of us that still dabble on this stupid site are well aware of what your “IMPO” means, WHY would you bother to constantly write “In My Prayerful Opinion” too?

                  One or the other should be sufficient shouldn’t it?

                  And WHAT does that even mean?
                  Before you say whet you’re are going to say, do you actually pray about that content first?

                  And if you don’t then that “IMPO” is simply a lie.

                  Furthermore, your opinion id simply your opinion. unless you are claiming to be some sort of prophet as well.

                  So, what’s up with that Jaynut?


                  • STILL TOTALLY LOST, you call this site “stupid” so why do you still plague us here even though you wrote that you were leaving? You might not know this (along with everything else you do not seem to know), there may be OTHER readers here who do not know what IMPO means. My writing the meaning is called “being considerate.” You might want to look up this word in a dictionary or rather, google it. My opinions are “prayerful” because they are written with my understanding according to Scripture. STL, you are only mocking the others posting here.
                    According to Scripture by doing this, you are “sitting in the seat of the scornful.” Psalm 1:1 What would Yahweh and King David
                    say about these words of YOURS?


                    • Hi Jaynut,
                      Above you say,
                      “there may be OTHER readers here who do not know what IMPO means”….

                      If that’s so, why bother to write it?
                      Especially since you’re going to follow it up by writing your definition of “In my prayerful opinion” directly after it.

                      It’s not being considerate. It’s just silly.

                      It would be tantamount to me writing “YALAYDUSAA” then writing the definition “You are loopy and you don’t understand scripture at all” all of the time.



                    • STL (STILL TOTALLY LOST) just remember that YOU and we all are being judged on every word that YOU (we) write and say!


        • Hi Marianne! Thank You for the good wishes. How are you feeling now? I hope that your health has (or is being) restored. May you and qt be blessed during this coming year is my prayer.

        • Marianne, do you know that President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Order 13887 in September 2019? Some believe that this greased the wheels of mRNA vaccines.
          This seems to be just another indication why for me he has earned the title of “King of COVID-19.” I do not believe Biden is any better, and possibly much worse.
          2023 just may be a very telling year in these End Times!

      • qt, thank you! And may Yahweh bless you all is my prayer.I will write “Happy and Blessed 2023!” because winter has just began. This is the beginning of The Christian Vatican’s year (from Pope Gregory!)
        I have been writing about Swanson Vitamins’ NAC 600 mg. capsules for years here. I take one in the a.m. and one before sleep. Children: 1/Day It’s a great blessing for our bodies.

  49. Great sign for your new GOP majority in the House.
    How do you expect them to run the Government, when they can’t even pick a House Speaker?

    The GOP have a majority and the one that won the 1st vote was the Democrat Hakeem Jefferies.

    First time that has happened in over a 100 years.
    The GOP Clown Circus. LOL.


    • Simply a further demonstration of Trump’s divisiveness on display again. Good job Donny. 😜👍


      • Here we go again.
        Maybe a 3rd vote???

        Also, Jaynut,
        I am well aware that we will all be judged by what we write or say. I’m prepared for that.
        However, that’s when you’ll realize your doctrinal error.

        You DON’T understand Scripture anywhere near as well as you think that you do.

        • STL, well things are very sure to everyone here. YOU do not understand what I have been shown from Scripture and you do not want to know. Also, YOU have swallowed the lies from BIG PHARMA, THE MSM, AND THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN. YOU also continue to promote them.
          There is an old saying from down on the farm:
          “The chickens come home to roost.”

          • Jaynut,
            What you think that you’ve been shown from scripture is simply inaccurate. If you happen to have the financial wherewithal, I suggest that you take a trip to the Bible Museum at 400 4th St SW, Washington, DC.
            You might just learn something… (probably not though).


            • STL, why on earth would I choose to go to another Christian site? Why (WHY!) do YOU continue to swallow the Christian lies “hook, line, and sinker?”
              STILL TOTALLY LOST, these words may be the last sign post of warning on your pathway towards destruction.

              • Jaynut,
                Is it any wonder why I refer to you as one of the “Arrogant Ignorant”? You THINK and BELIEVE that you’re on the right path, but in actuality, you don’t have a clue how very wrong you are.

                You are so sure in what you THINK and BELIEVE, that you’re not even open to learning the TRUTH, and would rather stay within the confines of your convoluted belief system, a preach JUNK instead of the Gospel.

                Reminds me of MAGA Marianne, and her Hillary Clinton Clone, Trump won the election, was all Antifa, and the Vaccines are going to kill you nonsense.

                You are all LOST in DELUSION.
                John 3:12. is definitely applicable to the bunch of you.


                • STILL TOTALLY LOST ~ “If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not, how shall you believe, if I tell you of Heavenly things?” Yahshua the Messiah in John 3:12
                  STL, He will say this of YOU!
                  We tell you about the dangers of the quackcines but you run out to take them!
                  I told you about the true history of the believers in the Bible (Hebrew) faith. You keep clinging to The Christian Vatican’s Third Century FAKE Bible religion that is
                  TOTALLY PAGAN AND ALWAYS WAS! You steadfastly condemn yourself by your continuing lies and mockery of the truth and us.
                  STL, you will certainly see and feel how these actions are working for you. Someday the Bible predicts that you will be totally ashamed of yourself.

  50. Marianne and Jayna

    powerful worship

    must listen

    • the worship make people cry

      • qt, it’s NOT Yahshua the Messiah AND Jesus Christ! It’s Yahshua OR Jesus! I have been posting here a very long time. It’s NOT just names. We are either SAVED and SEALED in the Names of the Father and Son (Revelation 14) or we have “The Mark of the Beast”, Revelation 13:18.
        I did not make the rules. Yahweh the Father and The Creator of EVERYTHING did! I am THEIR witness here.

        • Jaynut,
          Nope you didn’t make the rules, but you sure have misunderstood them. It’s unfortunate that during your years of posting your error here, that no Christian contended for the faith, and enlightened you to the Truth.


  51. qt,
    You seem to be unable to understand that Jaynut doesn’t believe in Jesus. Jaynut thinks that Jesus is Zeus.
    Haven’t you been paying attention?
    It’s ridiculous I know, but it is what it is.
    She’s one of the Arrogant Ignorant.

    Anyway, here’s clip about how voted in MAGA Morons, (just like Marianne, and other past or present Trump supporters) have been carrying on, and turning this vote into Clown Show at the Capitol. Enjoy. 🙂

    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, I believe in Yahshua the Messiah, Yahweh’s Only Son. His mother whose name was Miriam called him This. Until The Third Century He was known by THIS NAME.
      You need “to get a clue” before it’s TOO LATE!


  52. Jaynut,
    Although for you this is pointless, for others it might not be.

    Again, the Hebrew, יֵשׁוּעַ מָשִׁיחַ would be transliterated as Yeshua Mashiach.
    Yeshua means Salvation.
    Mashiach means Anointed.

    The Greek Ἰησοῦς Χριστός would be transliterated as Iēsous Christos.
    Iēsous means Salvation.
    Christos means Anointed.

    Yeshua HaMashiach is translated into English as Jesus Christ.
    Ἰησοῦς Χριστός is translated into English as Jesus Christ.

    They’re ONE and the Same, and Father God knows exactly Who you are calling out to when you call His Precious Name in your English language.

    Jaynut just bought into a wrong interpretation of John 5:43., and her understanding all went downhill from that point forward.

    Sad Really.

    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, again you are totally WRONG! Keep quoting the Greek language all you want. You still do not have the correct meaning. I have been believing the TRUTH about Yahweh and His Son Yahshua since the early 1970’s. No one can refute what I write here because it is THE TRUTH. On other sites posters have agreed with my comments. You, on the other hand keep contending for spiritual lies and no one here (except me it seems) will contend with YOU!
      The saving Names of Yahweh and Yahshua were supposed to be transliterated meaning that they are to sound the same in any and every language. This is how the Hebrew word HalleluYah was! This is why it sounds almost the same in every language.
      No. The Hebrew Names were removed (especially in the King James Version) and replaced. Our Savior’s Name Yahshua was replaced with the pagan name of the chief Greek idol Zeus which is the meaning of the #666 in Greek. It’s also a name containing the mark of a cross, X as in Xmas. It’s called “hex” in Greek and we know what it means in English: an evil spell.(Original Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web.) Incidentally, the evil Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed a pig to Zeus on December 25, 168 B.C. in Yahweh’s Temple taking away the morning and evening sacrifices. He also murdered the faithful Hebrews even the babies who would not bow to this worship. This was called “The Abomination of Desolation.” And this WAS the reason there had to be Hanukkah to restore the Temple to Yahweh’s worship. The number of days of the Maccabee revolt were the same as those recorded in Daniel 12:11 – 13. Holy Name Bible
      STILL TOTALLY LOST if (IF!) If this was my site I would have blocked you a very long time ago. Not just for your lies but for your mocking treatment of posters here. It seems that you are going to wait until the One Who Is In Charge of Judgement (Yahshua the Messiah) says to you:
      “I never knew you. Depart from Me YOU who work iniquity!” Yahshua the Messiah in Matthew 7:23



      • Just to let you know Jaynut, I’m not even going to read that Junk that you wrote above.
        You’ll find out the Truth in the end.
        It’s a shame that no one else has straightened you out over the years here. A problem with the administrator perhaps?


        • Jaynut,

          Okay, I did read the JUNK that you wrote, strictly for entertainment purposes. 🙂
          Here are some of my thoughts:

          You say:
          “No one can refute what I write here because it is THE TRUTH.”

          Well I’ll contradict and refute what you say because it’s simply NOT the TRUTH.

          You say:
          “Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed a pig to Zeus on December 25, 168 B.C.”

          I’ll say:
          “To be historically correct, Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the Temple by sacrificing a pig to Zeus on the 25th day of Chislev (which would be December 16) in 167 B.C. Not December 25th. 168 B.C.”

          You say:
          “The saving Names of Yahweh and Yahshua were supposed to be transliterated meaning that they are to sound the same in any and every language.”

          I’ll say:
          “No they weren’t. You only say that because by doing so, it adds weight to your misinterpretation of John 5:43.
          In actuality, (although He was God in the flesh) Yeshua came as a meek and humble Savior (see Isaiah 53:2.). There was nothing other than what He said, and the Miracles that He performed that showed that He had anything to do with Father God. Notice in John 3:2. that Nicodemus doesn’t mention anything about His Name being the same as the Name of YHVH, only that He was a Teacher and performed Miracles.”

          You say when referring to the Greek Χριστός or Christ:
          “It’s also a name containing the mark of a cross, X as in Xmas. It’s called “hex” in Greek and we know what it means in English:”

          I’ll say:
          “Seriously? Laugh Out Loud. How silly is that?
          Conversely, by containing a “cross” it could very well be a foreshadowing of His Crucifixion.
          It’s not, but that’s just as nutty.”

          You also believe that CHRISTIANITY is the MARK of the BEAST, don’t you?

          Well if that was the case, answer this question….
          Revelation 13:17. says:
          “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

          So, if CHRISTIANITY is the MARK of the BEAST, then how come people that are NOT Christians, like Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, what have you, can still BUY and SELL?
          Shouldn’t ONLY CHRISTIANS be able to BUY and SELL?

          I wish I could see your brain melt as you try to answer that one.


          • STILL TOTALLY LOST, YOU are the problem here because you have been allowed to keep posting your lies and mockery of the truth.
            Hey, STL, again your brain is NOT functioning the way it should! (Too many quackcines and boosters?) Maybe YOUR brain is actually melting?
            Earth to SVL: The Mark of the Beast has NOT yet been ENFORCED! But we are getting very near that time!
            The date for “The Abomination That Maketh Desolate” under Epiphanes is subject to conjecture. I will stick to mine which others can confirm.
            Yes, the Divine Names of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua should have been left in by the Greek, Roman, and English translators but were NOT! The X in the Greek translation of the #666 proves the connection between pagan Christianity and Christmas. ALL PAGAN!
            Again you are very wrong (WRONG!) Yahshua constantly referred to His Father Yahweh in Heaven. Your Bible understanding seems totally deficient possibly on purpose.
            In fact, the Jewish leaders were persecuting Him because He dared to come “in His Father’s Name” which they considered blasphemy.
            YOU also continue to profane Yahshua’s Name by calling Him “Yeshua” which is NOT a name at all!
            Continuing to post here with your evil words proves to every reader how lost you really are.

            • Sigh…… Okay Jaynut.
              You’ll find out in the end.
              You’re just like the administrator here, MAGA Marianne can’t admit that she could be wrong about anything either.


              • STILL TOTALLY LOST you seem to like to “lump” us together which is very wrong to do! Marianne and you are on different political sides. On the other hand, I am not on any American political side. I have refused to vote all of my adult life. IMPO, both Trump, Biden, and anyone else that comes along are only “tools” of The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy. Also, I am NOT Christian in any form or manner.

                • This has nothing to do with politics Jaynut.
                  I lump you together because you are both delusional, and believe in Conspiracy Theories.

                  You also don’t fully understand the Gospel.
                  So, based upon those commonalities, I lump you together as birds of a feather.


                  • STILL TOTALLY LOST, lately you have reveled in posting tirades against Trump. Now (NOW!), you write that your statements about Marianne and me have NOTHING to do with politics. You have just written ANOTHER lie. (I have stopped counting them.) It is pretty pathetic to me for you to be spending your time here attacking the truth and the posters who are telling it. Also it seems to me that you are insisting on being a martyr for THE EVIL ONE!
                    BAD CHOICE!

                    • You are simply LOOPY aren’t you!

                      There are times when I have made posts that were political in nature….. (DUH). Those posts were directed at MAGA Marianne.

                      However, in this current discussion that I’m having with you, they have nothing to do with politics. We have been discussing your CULT beliefs.

                      Do you understand the difference there?

                    • STILL TOTALLY LOST In case you do not understand, everything you post here is “fair game.” You deride Republicans including Trump but do not understand that Biden is just as bad (or worse!) You trust in the evil powers of this world and their poison meds believing that you will someday be in eternal glory.
                      YOU believe in the BIGGEST CULT there is and won’t change!
                      IMPO, continued rejection of the truth and belief in CHRISTIANITY is like the most heavy anchor that will someday bring YOU to “The Lake of Fire.”
                      NOW THAT IS SAD!

            • Jaynut,
              Just to add to the above….

              To substantiate your claim, you say:
              “Yahshua constantly referred to His Father Yahweh in Heaven.”

              I had already said above:
              “In actuality, (although He was God in the flesh) Yeshua came as a meek and humble Savior (see Isaiah 53:2.). There was nothing “OTHER THAN WHAT HE SAID”, and the Miracles that He performed that showed that He had anything to do with Father God. Notice in John 3:2. that Nicodemus doesn’t mention anything about His Name being the same as the Name of YHVH, only that He was a Teacher and performed Miracles.”

              Unfortunately, you were incapable of understanding that the “OTHER THAN WHAT HE SAID” would include Yeshua saying that God was His Father, that He was the Son of God, etc., etc. where none of which substantiates that His Name and the Fathers Name sounded the same.

              Try Again

  53. STILL TOTALLY LOST you seem to keep “grasping at straws” to try to maintain your untenable and false position. You SHOULD confront your errors in posting because they are the huge MAMMOUTHS stomping in the room! By the way, Yahshua the Messiah was THE SON OF YAHWEH not “God in the flesh.” There
    IS a big difference! After all, He called out to His Father Yahweh in Heaven when He was dying (for us!)
    In Revelation 14 the saints are SAVED and SEALEDE in the Names of the Father AND the Son. These Names are Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING and Yahshua His Son. There will NOT be any Christians in this final group because Christianity is “The Mark of the Beast.” These believing saints have “come out of her” by that end time. Thankfully, I did many decades ago!
    STILL TOTALLY LOST, you can choose to keep finding “hooks” to hang your doubts upon, mock the truth and those that post it, and keep believing and following BIG PHARMA, MSM, U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND CHRISTIAN VATICAN LIES. YOU will see how
    such actions are working for you.

    • MAMMOUTHS???
      I think that you mean Mammoth’s, (unless you believe that mouths can stomp around a room too?) Laugh Out Loud.

      You say:
      By the way, Yahshua the Messiah was THE SON OF YAHWEH not “God in the flesh.”

      Well, Scripture says in 1 Timothy 3:16.:
      “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: “GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH”, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

      So I’ll believe in God’s Word instead of what you say.

      The rest of what you say is just more unadulterated JUNK.
      The ONLY ONES that will be SAVED are THOSE that will be BLESSED with the HOLY SPIRIT, and THEY you confused woman, will only be CHRISTIANS.

      Just because you don’t understand this FACT, does NOT mean that it isn’t TRUE, (as you will find out in the end).


      • Thank You, STILL TOTALLY LOST, for the correction! After years of posting here I finally make a spelling error. lol And I respond to it as Yahshua would have me to. YOU, on the other hand, ignore every warning, mock the truth posted here, and make fun of those posting it, continually.
        Yahshua was (IS!) the SON of Yahweh. THAT’S how Yahweh was manifest in Him! Apparently, you cannot understand the difference.
        STILL TOTALLY LOST if you do not start taking natural supplements to counteract the damage done to your body by those poisoned quackcines, you just may not survive 2023. That’s in addition to being eternally LOST. Bad choices!


      • Jaynut,
        Your problem is that you don’t really understand what a true Christian is.

        You don’t understand that a child of Promise (Galatians 4:28.) is someone that has been “Born of God in Spirit”, (John 1:13., 1 John 1.) and are therefore “Circumcised in their Heart”, (Romans 2:28,29.) and that all of them would also be Christian.

        You’re all hung up on names instead of understanding the substance. You’ll find out in the end.


        • STILL TOTALLY LOST, it seems that YOUR problem is that I DO understand what a TRUE Christian is! Christianity is the man-made religion of The Christian Vatican since approximately The Third Century A.D. It also created Islam in the Sixth Century A.D. for those in The Middle East who were not choosing Christianity.
          Maybe this is WHY The Christian Vatican becomes the beast in Revelation 13:1.There is NOTHING Biblical or Hebraic about CHRISTIANITY! All Christians are Roman Catholic in faith and practice whether they know this or not. The Evil One does not care if they THINK they are saved (LIKE YOU!) If they (YOU) believe his lies, he KNOWS that he has them (YOU!)
          Possibly, I understand this because a few of my ancestors also believed THE TRUTH way back in the 17th Century and were persecuted for it. They brought the truth with them here to America. The Original Protestants, Puritans, the Plymouth Pilgrims, and others also were NOT Christians.
          This is why the Bible states that only a “remnant” (a small number) will be saved, or rather, CHOOSE SALVATION!


          • Jaynut,
            Above you say:
            “All Christians are Roman Catholic in faith and practice whether they know this or not.”

            You think eh?

            I say, I’m not Roman Catholic. I don’t pray to Mary, or any of the Saints. I don’t have a rosary or practice many of the things that Roman Catholics practice.

            I live by the Bible as best as I can.

            So again you are simply wrong. You continue to say things that you have no evidence for. You continue to say things that are wrong. And again, you don’t know what a Christian is, (Acts 11:26.).

            Father, this site has become such a den of delusion over the years, it is where darkness and lies are claimed to be Light and Truth.

            If it is Your Will Holy God, open their eyes to your Truth and the Truth regarding the Conspiracy theories that they also believe in.

            In Yeshua’s Name Amen.

            • STILL TOTALLY LOST, you really need to pray to Yahweh for YOURSELF! If (IF!) you worship in the pagan names of God, Lord, and Jesus Christ, YOU worship in the names of Roman Catholic deities (idols) brought down to The Christian Vatican through Babylon, Greece, and Rome. If YOU honor and or observe Sundays, Christmas, and Easter you follow the Pope’s holy day calendar. If you believe that you go to Heaven or Hell when you die, you believe Christianity’s lie about what happens after death.
              Yahshua the Messiah arose from death on the Sabbath (NOT SUNDAY!) In the Bible He kept The Feast of Dedication (now called Hanukkah) which actually happened because of the evil celebration of an early Xmas. He taught that death is a sleep demonstrating with his friend Lazarus who had died.
              This list could go on and on. “The wise will understand.” Revelation 13:18
              “The foolish will keep believing their own lies and do their best
              to deceive others.”
              STILL TOTALLY LOST, we all KNOW which camp YOU are in even if YOU don’t!

              • Jaynut (you hopeless) Dingbat,
                You should be in a padded room.

                You have NO understanding of Scripture at all.
                You’re obviously gullible and easily manipulated, and you believed what someone taught/told you back in the 1970’s and you’ve been lost in that CULT/JUNK ever since.

                Again, it’s a shame that over the years that you’ve been posting on this site, (before it fell from Grace) that the administrator here, (or some of the former participants) didn’t demonstrate the courage to contend for the Faith, and set you straight.

                Perhaps they will pay for their error.
                I’ve tried, but you’re ridiculously hopeless.


                • STILL TOTALLY LOST, you are soooo predictable! You can NOT refute the truths here continually presented to you. So, instead you attack us messengers (with very trite words I might add over and over again!)
                  STILL TOTALLY LOST your writing is actually getting very boring for me because I know what you will write. Sigh. At least you COULD be more original. However, the poison from the quackcines in your brain cells may NOT let you. I do keep answering your words of mockery because Scripture tells me “to give an answer for my faith.” Even if YOU ignore and blaspheme my posts others reading here might awaken to the truth. Possibly others HAVE. Anyway, this is my prayer especially today on the Sabbath.
                  The Bible states that “Yahweh’s Word will not return unto Him void.” Isaiah 55:11
                  STILL TOTALLY LOST, YOU will someday pay for your rejection and mockery of Bible truth and be ASHAMED!


                  • Okay Jaynut,
                    You don’t have a clue to what Paul taught, do you? Because nothing that you believe in is remotely close to what Paul taught.

                    Yeshua chose Paul (Acts 9:15.) and you have chosen to ignore his teachings. That is going to pose a problem for you.

                    Nice to see how those that profess to have Faith in our Lord, choose to stay silent and not defend the Truth of the Gospel here. Shame on all of you.


                    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, YOU do not have a clue that Saul’s name was never changed by Yahweh to Paul (meaning short and of little consequence.) Saul means “anointed” and he was chosen to preach to the Hebrews and to the Gentiles. And, yes, I do understand what he meant in his writings. Many Bible names were changed. Yahshua’s mother’s name was actually Miriam.
                      STL, if Saul were here now, he would tell YOU that YOU blaspheme Yahweh’s Name by calling Him God, the ancient Babylonian idol of Fortune. Also Lord is a direct translation of the idol name Baal. And, of course, the pagan name Jesus Christ comes from Zeus Christos, the chief idol of the Greeks!
                      STILL TOTALLY LOST, just maybe those who posted here before WOKE UP to the truth a long time ago. I did. BUT NOT YOU!

  54. Jaynut,

    In your post of 445201 0n January 7th. @ 3:10am. you start your rant by saying:
    “If (IF!) you worship in the pagan names of God, Lord, and Jesus Christ, YOU worship in the names of Roman Catholic deities (idols) brought down to The Christian Vatican through Babylon, Greece, and Rome.”

    Since you included the English translation of the Greek Name “Jesus Christ”, (which you believe to be pagan) you state that words/Names “God” and “Lord” are also pagan.

    Do you think that the English translation of the words/Names “God” and “Lord” are derived from only the Greek as well?

    What about Genesis 1:1.?
    “In the beginning “GOD” created the heaven and the earth.”

    The English “GOD” is derived from the HEBREW masculine noun אֱלֹהִים transliterated as Elohim.

    It is not written in the HEBREW Tetragrammaton יְהֹוָה which is translated into the English “LORD”, and which you limit to just being translated into the English Yahweh.

    So, if you are calling the English translations of GOD and LORD pagan, then you are a Blasphemer, and even more dense than I already thought that you were.

    Now, in your post 445207 of January 8 @ 4:58am above, you say:

    “YOU do not have a clue that Saul’s name was never changed by Yahweh to Paul (meaning short and of little consequence.) Saul means “anointed” and he was chosen to preach to the Hebrews and to the Gentiles.”

    So what if God never changed Saul’s name to Paul?
    Paul probably decided to change his own name because he didn’t want to cause fear in his “now” brethren believers.

    But to correct you again, I say:

    The HEBREW proper masculine noun שָׁאוּל translated into English as Saul does NOT mean “anointed”!
    The HEBREW Saul would be defined as meaning “desired” or “asked (of Yah)”.

    The GREEK proper masculine noun Σαῦλος translated into the English Saul, also happens to be defined as meaning “desired”.

    The GREEK proper masculine noun Παῦλος translated into English as Paul, IS defined as meaning “small or little”, but Biblically, he just happened to be the greatest of all of the Apostles.

    You really don’t have a clue as to what you are talking about.
    You make mistakes after mistakes and can’t admit that you’re wrong.
    You are a minion of MISINFORMATION and a BLASPHEMER.

    And SHAME on everyone that hasn’t corrected you in the past, (Marianne).

    • BTW regarding the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton יְהֹוָה, we don’t know how it is to be pronounced.

      The last time that it was pronounced “correctly” was by the High Priest on the Day of Atonement when the Temple still existed.

      No one remembers or knows how to properly pronounce Father God’s Name.

      • STILL TOTALLY LOST, with your lack of Bible truth you are totally wrong. Sadly, it seems very apparent to me (at least) that you also despise it.
        No. The spiritual consensus among Bible theologians, Messianic Jews, and other groups is that the correct pronunciation is “Yahweh” and His Son’s is “Yahshua.”
        This has been for many years!
        No. Saul did NOT change his own name! That is totally insane and preposterous. The ROMANS did!
        Remember? That’s where Saul was testifying.
        No. Your equating the pagan Christian Vatican names with the everlasting Names of the Father and Son Yahweh and Yahshua is TOTALLY WRONG and I must add EVIL. This BREAKS the commandment about NOT having any idols before Yahweh!
        You keep attacking me a messenger with the truth. You quote translations as if (IF!) you had REAL understanding.
        BUT YOU DON’T!
        Marianne, I do not understand why (WHY!) you let STL keep ranting on here. ??? Also, you have not answered my posts asking how you are doing and wishing you well.
        ??? ARE YOU STILL WITH US? I pray so!


        • Jaynut,
          You are a liar, and a believer of error, and you cannot comprehend what is REALITY and FACT.
          You simply don’t know what you’re talking about.
          Instead, you make up stuff to try to maintain your narrative.

          The Hebrew words above, and the definitions are fact.
          And NO ONE knows how to correctly pronounce the Tetragrammaton יְהֹוָה consisting of the HEBREW letters Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey, hence YHVH.

          You are a LUNATIC and a MINION of MISINFORMATION.
          You’re a SPAWN of the DEVIL the ADVERSARY.

          You CAN’T have the SPIRIT of GOD in you, because you DON’T speak any TRUTH. And because you DON’T have the SPIRIT of GOD in you, you are DOOMED.

          Just My Prayerful Opinion.

          P.S. You’ll find out in the end.

          • I think you should leave each other alone. You’re not getting anywhere. All you’re doing is irritating each other

          • Also you LUNATIC the other HEBREW words that CAN be defined as meaning ANOINTED would be…..

            מִמְשַׁח translated into the English ANOINTED in Ezekiel 28:14.

            מָשְׁחָה translated into the English ANOINTING of oil in Exodus 29:6., 7., 21. etc.

            And מָשִׁיחַ translated into the English ANOINTED in Leviticus 4:3., 5., 16. etc. and into MESSIAH in Daniel 9:25, 26.

            SO again, the HEBREW proper masculine noun שָׁאוּל translated into English as Saul does NOT mean “anointed”!
            The HEBREW Saul would be defined as meaning “desired” or “asked (of Yah)”.

            GET a GRIP.

            • STL, yes even though Saul was “anointed” by Samuel, his name does not mean that. I was mistaken. Again, I AM acknowledging the truth and my errors even if YOU don’t. I believe that ONE BIG reason you are now lost is because you do not LOVE the TRUTH. You have settled for lies and seem to totally embrace them. Instead of contending for your truth you’re attacking the others sharing the truth here. Those who will “endure until the end” MUST now love the truth and stand for it.

          • To both of you. The complete pronunciation of the name of the Almighty was given by the King James version. Only part of the pronunciation is given in the Torah which leaves things up in the air as to the exact pronunciation. If I go back and the Torah and look for vowel signs I see variations in how to pronounce the name and not all valves are present. For instance yah could easily be y e h or yoh. Because the vowel is not given then I see stray marks which could indicate an e sound for the second syllable but another places I do not see this stray mark under the valve. But over it instead. So this is an inconsistent marking which raises more questions as to the accurate pronunciation of the entire name.. so when some aspects truth is correct and another aspects Jayna is correct.. we have to go by the original text not what the King James version says. Well they’re apparently is two syllables the vowel sound is only given for one of them. Leaving the other syllable a mystery as to how to say it. And even the second syllable is questionable because there’s two different vowel sounds for it.

            • Marianne, the KJV does NOT give the pronunciation of the TRUE Names. The OLD KJV did give a hint in Psalm 68:4 but spelled that part of His Name “Jah.” The KJV replaced the TRUE Names with those pagan names of idols from Babylon, Greece, and Rome. The name Jehovah that goes back to 1500’s Germany may be partly correct and partly in error.
              At least readers here SHOULD understand by now that “God”, “Lord”, and “Jesus Christ” are NOT the original Names, NOT translations of Them, and NOT THEIR NAMES at all! Sadly, these monikers actually can be traced back to the pagan names of The Evil One!

              • I’m referring to the vowels. They’re not always given and so that raises questions as to the pronunciation. In my comment I did not proofread it in the spelling is wrong so you may not have understood what I meant

          • STILL TOTALLY LOST, sadly it seems that you missed your calling!
            You could have been born “an attack dog” because you seem to greatly relish that activity here. I believe that even some dogs will be in Heaven because their owners are. However, those who continue to reject Bible truth and eventually receive “The Mark of the Beast” (if they live so long!) sadly will not. Yahshua the Messiah chose to die for all of humanity. It is totally up to us to choose salvation from Him. Otherwise, we will have to burn for our sins (until totally consumed NOT an ever burning hell as The Christian Vatican claims!)
            YES! THE CHOICE IS OURS!

        • I think you should leave each other alone. You have argued long enough

          • Why don’t you contend for the Faith.
            (at least what you know of it?)
            You should have done that with her years ago.
            Shame on you.

          • Hi Marianne! I am glad that you are still with us! I will gladly leave STL alone. However, he keeps attacking me and the truth.
            He even attacks you and qt which shows his true spirit. I will not let his attacks against me go unchallenged. But I do wish that he would quit.

        • I am still sick

          • Marianne, you are being ill a long time. Is this still from COVID-19 or the nose-jab testing? You might try upping your natural meds. I pray that you will be better very soon!

            • Thank you I’ve been going downhill for almost 2 years. I found someone online who is giving me encouragement everyday and that helps a little bit. I have improved a tiny bit since August. So I’m hoping I can still go in that direction. But if I even brush my teeth and take a bath in the same day I think I’m making progress. All my energy goes to my dog sweetie. And there’s no energy left for me. I’m taking all sorts of natural meds and vitamins. I don’t know what happened with the nose job testing I don’t know if that’s responsible or not

  55. At one time this site was full of participants that were here in mutually respectful discussion, here with the hopes of sharing knowledge and discovering God’s Truths together.

    Now Lies and Misinformation are apparently the word of the day. It’s sad to witness what a cesspool this site has become.
    There would be a reason that it has fallen from Grace.


    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, pointing a finger at this site bad-mouthing it and us? All your fingers should be pointing right at YOU!
      Are YOU being “respectful?” Are YOU “sharing knowledge?”
      Are YOU “discovering Yahweh’s TRUTH?”
      Instead, STL, are YOU posting “Lies and Misinformation” creating a “CESSPOOL?” Are YOU doing this by willfully attacking the truth and those others posting it here? Is doing THIS causing YOU “to fall from grace?”

    • I suggest you start with your own language toward others. Patience and understanding works a lot better than constant criticism. And I’m not saying it’s just you. It can apply to anyone that you talk to or others talk to

      • I did start with patience. With both you and her.
        It got me nowhere.

        You still believe that we’re to follow the Mosaic Law, that the Vaccines are an HIV poison, that Hillary Clinton is a clone, that Trump won the election, and that the insurrection that took place on January 6th was Antifa instead of MAGA, Trump supporters.

        And Jaynut,….. Well you know what she believes.
        What a bunch of ridiculous JUNK that is.
        Junk that you have let fester over all of these years.

        Now look at your site.
        There’s no one here anymore.
        No one is left to contend for the Biblical faith.


        • Marianne, I am glad that you are sharing about your progress. Are you drinking enough good water and liquids? I learned about that at my daughter’s along with exercise. (I try to walk now every day.) You might start doing that with Sweetie. I rarely walked before. If you can “pin point’ what your health problem is, you can research with “Dr. Web” how to treat it. The AMA doctors only want to prescribe drugs and of course, COVID and flu jabs. I just say “No!”
          Baby steps in the right direction will lead you to restored health. Marianne, I pray that that will be there very soon!

          • I cannot walk much at all. I have to either use a cane or a walker and I cannot walk outside at all not unless somebody is with me or I might fall. I’m trying to take Swedish Bitters and a lot of nutritional supplements to help. I’m not sure if I’m vitamin B12 deficient or not but I have the symptoms of it and also vitamin B12 has to do with balance as well. And I’m off balance constantly I have about 20% of my original balance. Which means 80% is lost. I fall all over the place when I walk I have to hold on to things so going outside is impossible. My problem started 4 years ago and got worse right after covid. That was 2 years ago. So I’ve been almost a cripple and an invalid ever since.

            • Marianne, I am SO VERY SAD to read your news! As one contending with a malady this past year (blood clot in left leg) I know a little how you must feel. I do KNOW that the answer to healing is with Yahweh and His natural remedies. You might try taking Swanson Vitamins’ B100 capsules. I have been taking them for years, also B12 capsules which they also have. Everyday for many months now since Tennessee I am taking a tablespoon of organic food grade diatomaceous earth ( inexpensive white powder from mixed with a full glass of organic low sodium chicken bone broth (inexpensive at Aldi store), I also give the D.E. and bone broth in kitty’s wet food. The D.E. is 95% silica which really helps with bones, hair, and others. The chicken bone broth is full of protein and collagen which builds our bodies. This is actually quite inexpensive and body building.
              Sadly, it seems that most likely everyone of us is having worse health since the COVIDS and their quackcines were unleashed on this earth. Marianne, I pray for your complete healing!

        • STILL TOTALLY LOST ~ Well, it seems that King Solomon differs with YOU about Yahweh’s Commandments.
          He wrote, “He who refuses to hear and practice the dictates of The Divine Law. . .even his prayer shall be abomination.” Proverb 28:9 Here is another Bible verse for
          YOU to ignore, change, or lie about!
          The Bible also says there isn’t any hope for the person who
          calls “lies” the truth and “the truth” lies. This is because by doing so they are rejecting Yahweh’s Spirit.
          YOU are the only one here arguing against Bible truth!
          I have been contending for the Bible faith since Day 1.

          • Poor limited of mind Jaynut,

            Consider this:
            When King Solomon wrote, “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the (Divine) law, even his prayer shall be abomination” what was he expressing?

            Solomon being a prophet like his father, was expressing “prophecy”!

            James expresses the fulfillment of what that consists of in James 2:8.
            “If ye fulfil the Royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:”

            Messiah said in Matthew 5:43,44.
            “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”

            While speaking to the rich, young ruler in Matthew 19, Messiah told him to keep a few of the commandments of the Mosaic Law, knowing that as man he wouldn’t be able to keep them, i.e. that he should not commit murder, (see Matthew 5:21,26.), that he should not commit adultery, (see Matthew 5:27-30.) that he shall not lie, (see Matthew 5:33-37.) or steal, (see Matthew 19:38-48. which is all about loving others, and pleasing the Father).

            When the lawyer asked Messiah the question “Which is the great commandment in the law?”
            He answered the lawyer with, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

            Or in todays vernacular, “These two commandments encapsulate everything in the Mosaic Law, and what is expressed by the prophets.”

            See Luke 10:25-37. as well.

            Jumping ahead to the Gospel of John, Messiah says in
            John 13:34. “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

            Messiah says in John 15:12. “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.”

            Messiah says in John 15:17. “These things I command you, that ye love one another.”

            Paul says in Romans 13:8-10. “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”

            I could continue, because the above is in no way exhaustive, but hopefully you understand what Divine Law Solomon was talking about.

            The above is Biblical Truth!

            BTW, Jeremiah 9:5-7. could be referring to those that believe in QAnon, Conspiracy Theories, and who spread Falsehoods and Misiformation…..

            “And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity. Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD. Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, I will melt them, and try them; for how shall I do for the daughter of my people?”


            • STILL TOTALLY LOST, why (WHY!) keep trying to spin Scripture YOUR way? It’s NOT working! You may believe that you have salvation and rewards for doing so. But ever hear the phrase, “The pathway to Hell(fire) is paved with good intentions.”? All the Scriptures you mention are wonderful except the pagan names God (ancient Babylonian deity of Fortune) and Lord (translation of idol name Baal.)
              King Solomon in Proverb 28:9 WAS here expressing past, present, and future TRUTH! YOU, STL, have rejected Yahweh’s Commandments and teach against them and believe (BELIEVE!) that you are saved! HA! Yes, you will find out “in the end” but also possibly VERY SOON!
              Every word you are quoting from Jeremiah applies to YOU, YOU, YOU! You “weary” yourself here posting “lies” against the truth and those that share it. You are deceived into NOT knowing and believing in Yahweh and His Son Yahshua. You post against THEM literally “refuse” Them! You believe in the falsehood of poisoned COVID quackcines and revel in taking them. You will someday feel and experience first hand how THEY are actually working against YOU! Just maybe, your brain
              is “melting.” Now, THAT IS VERY SAD!

        • Some things are just opinions you should not get so upset. Like political opinions come and go. And yes I do believe that Trump won the election and it was cheated from him. But you don’t have to fall apart just because I believe that. I’m entitled to my opinion just like you’re entitled to yours. In time all the truth will be known as to what is right and what is wrong and who is right and who is wrong. In the meantime we need to be nice to each other. That’s what God’s will is

          • MAGA M,
            Above you say, “Some things are just opinions”.

            I would agree with that generally, like having an “opinion” about, music or art, or whether someone appreciates the taste some foods or not, since all are subjective to the individual themselves.

            However, believing that Trump won the election, is not an opinion. It is simply a fallacy.

            Believing that Trump won the election and hasn’t been lying through his teeth, is tantamount to believing that the earth is flat, in spite of the evidence to the contrary.

            By the way, I haven’t fallen apart. I have been expressing the Truth. You are the one that is having difficulty in discerning reality from fiction.

            • What you think is the truth is just your opinion

              • MAGA M,
                You can’t have your own alternative facts.
                There is Truth and Fiction.
                You can’t have an opinion that Fiction is somehow Truth.

                There is Truth and Reality, and there is Fiction and Fantasy, and you are having difficulty in discerning between them.

                If Trump won the election, “WHY” isn’t he in the White House?

                If Trump won election, then “WHY” did he declare that he is running for President in 2024?

                (Wouldn’t that be rather redundant?)

                There are a multitude of questions like that, which I could ask you.


              • On the contrary, what you think is the truth is just your opinion. An opinion that’s NOT based on FACT.

              • On the contrary, what you think is the truth is just your opinion. An opinion that is NOT based upon REALITY or FACT.


        • People are not here right now because I have not been active in about 2 years. Also people don’t like to listen to two individuals argue all the time. I cannot do anything until I get better but hopefully the traffic will increase again. I noticed I still have traffic but no one’s making any comments

  56. MAGA M,
    Here’s an illustration for you to take into consideration…

    Let’s say someone accused you of being a “clone”, and a “pedophile that killed children and then drank their blood”, would that accusation be Reality, Fact, and True?

    No, it wouldn’t.
    It would be False.

    Now, let’s say that the individual that made that statement, fully believed that you are a “clone”, and a “pedophile that killed children and then drank their blood”, then said, that this was their “opinion”.

    In being their “opinion” does that change the Reality of their statement, and now make it Fact and True?

    No, it doesn’t.
    Truth is still Truth, and Fiction is still Fiction.
    Yet you somehow believe that your “opinion” somehow changes Reality and Truth.
    Go figure?


  57. MAGA M,
    I just don’t understand how you can be such a Trump supporter when you live in a Trailer Park?
    Trump doesn’t “CARE” about you. He never cared about you. You don’t have enough money for him to care about you.

    Under the Trump Administration, the sole achievement of the Republican Party wasn’t a “Middle-Class” tax cut which was promised but wasn’t delivered, it wasn’t a “Infrastructure Package” that was promised but wasn’t delivered, it wasn’t a “Health Care Plan” that was promised but wasn’t delivered, it wasn’t even a Wall that was promised but never fully built… The sole legislative achievement that the GOP actually passed, was a “TAX CUT” which only benefited the ULTRA Rich, Millionaires and Billionaires.

    Trump doesn’t “CARE” about you.
    He never did.
    But you continue to believe what he says, and support him.


    • That is just your opinion again. Not based on facts. You listen to government conspiracy theories. I don’t live in a trailer park. I live in a house.

      • Sorry, I thought that you had said that you lived in a trailer park a while ago. My mistake, I apologize.

        However, those things that I listed above are NOT just my opinion.

        Trump had promised a “Middle-Class” tax cut, a “Infrastructure Package”, a “Health Care Plan” and a “Wall” that was never fully built. These are FACTS.

        He also said that he would reveal his personal taxes when the IRS had finished with their audit, yet that was a lie too. The IRS never did a “mandatory” audit of his taxes, and Trump never surrendered his taxes like said that he would. That only happened because of a Court Ordered Judgment.

        What “Q- Anon” inspired planet do you live on?


        • Whatever it is, it is planet based upon Fantasy, Deceit, and populated by the Easily Manipulated.


          • Is that the one you live on?

            • Try to keep up Jaynut.
              I know that it’s difficult for you, but try.


              • STILL TOTALLY LOST, by the grace of Yahweh, I HAVE!
                It’s YOU who keeps proving yourself willingly deceived by BIG PHARMA, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM ALL UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME, ITALY.
                YOU will see how THIS works for you!


                • Okay Jaynut,
                  I wish that I could watch you, qt, and MAGA M when you come to realize your errors.

                  You can both argue with me all you want, but you won’t be able to argue with the Divine and the actual Truth.

                  You three here are the epitome of the “blind leading the blind”.


                  • STILL TOTALLY LOST, IMPO, I do something YOU are not doing!
                    I learn the TRUTH and accept IT.

                    • In your opinion you learn the truth, eh?

                      I think the Truth will be determined by the Holy Father, and NOT your ridiculous “prayerful opinion”.


                    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, you are being redundant here with 38 (thirty eight!) laughing (crying?) faces. AGAIN, Yahweh GAVE us THE TRUTH but WE need to choose to believe it to be SAVED.
                      And attacking truth messengers is NOT helping YOU!
                      It seems to me that there is something HORRIBLY wrong with
                      your spirit and brain for you to keep doing these evil actions over and over again. Everyone reading here must notice this
                      even if YOU don’t.

  58. hi Marianne and Jayna ,

    if you feel anything wrong with this pastor, pls let me know.

    if you do not watch it , that is ok


    • Hi qt. Welcome back! Thank you for the invitation. I watched the beginning. Preaching about Yahshua’s Return is very relevant for now. However, I just do not watch Christian videos because of their use of the pagan names and other teachings.
      I wish you SURVIVAL and a very blessed 2023!

    • No matter how good a video it is I don’t want to listen to in 1 hour sermon. Can you mention anything that you have trouble with and then I can just directly address that? I got the impression just for listening to about one or two minutes it’s he’s one of these power and prosperity preachers.

      • Well Jaynut certainly won’t watch this, and Marianne is sick from Covid (having chosen not to be vaccinated), so I’ll watch a portion of it and comment.

        So, at 4:50 he makes a small mistake by jumping ahead to 2 Thessalonians 3 instead of staying in 1 Thessalonians.

        At 13:29 he says that when we are Born Again, our recreated spirit now has the capacity to absorb “Rhema”, (from the Greek neuter noun root ῥῆμα, which literally means an “utterance” or “thing said”, and which in context would mean to understand God’s Word and Scripture).

        However, it appears that he is also understanding it to mean the Language of God, better know as “Speaking in Tongues”, which is debatable.

        And in the context of what he is also saying, he is basically stating if you speak in tongues, God will address your problems. (Which may indeed be the case, however God is NOT a Genie. We serve Him, He doesn’t serve us.
        God may address our problems, but how He chooses to do this, may not be how we had hoped).

        From there he jumps into 7 doors in our lives and how God is opening these 7 doors for our unlimited blessings???
        There is nothing regarding these 7 doors in Scripture.

        After watching this for 20 minutes, I think that his sermon is heading in the direction of preaching prosperity, so, I’ll agree with Marianne on this one.

        (Hey, believe it or not that can happen.) lol


  59. MArianne and Jayna,

    May God blessed you and have a very Blessed 2023

    • qt do you have problems understanding English?
      Jaynut believes that the English Name “GOD” is a pagan name.
      So she doesn’t appreciate you saying “God bless you”.
      She just told you that in her post of January 13, 2023 at 8:16 pm. above.

      Of course she doesn’t know what she is talking about, but I figured that you would have maybe clued in by now.
      Apparently not. (why am I not surprised?)


    • Thank you. And to you as well!

  60. Jaynut,
    Well we know that you can count up to 38 at least.

    However, in your post of January 15, 2023 at 12:59 am above, (of which I will reply to you here) you say that you are a “truth messenger”.

    Well that’s where you and I have a problem.
    You see, I do not consider the delusional, and misinformed that do nothing but profess misinformation and falsehoods, as being a truth messenger. Although you may very well believe what you say is true, that DOESN’T make it True.

    FICTION is still FICTION whether you understand that or not.

    Get over yourself.

    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, this is the name that you have earned for yourself. And, well, you must not be a TRUTH messenger because you deny the TRUTH here every time it has been presented to YOU. The facts of history prove much of what I have written in these posts. It does not surprise me though that you also deny historical facts and continue to attack the messengers. False religion is still bogus no matter how much YOU believe in it. IT WON’T SAVE YOU AND YOU GET TO PAY FOR YOUR OWN SINS IN “THE LAKE OF FIRE!”
      Possibly, you will keep writing your wicked words here until your BAD CHOICES have finally caught up with you. Then you will no longer post because you are “Gone Baby Gone!”

      • Jaynut,
        Your Truth is NOT the Divines Truth.
        It doesn’t even resemble the TRUTH.
        What you believe is JUNK, and you are the one that denies History and Fact. You’re Loopy.

        I am SAVED thanks.
        The Blood of Yeshua cleansed me of my old, past sins, (Romans 3:25., 2 Peter 1:9.). I have been Crucified with Him, (Romans 6:6.)

        I am Reconciled to Father God through Yeshua’s Righteousness, (Romans 10:4.) and SAVED by GRACE, (Ephesians 2:8.).

        That is Truth and something that you just don’t understand


        • STILL TOTALLY LOST, everything BAD you label me with quadrupedyapplies to YOU! Your mantra of denying truth keeps going on and on!(You must have batteries from The Evil One! lol) Or, you are a paid”scammer.” Why else would YOU persist in this hopeless follyof denying Bible truth? Possibly, your brain IS “melting.”HA! YOU cannot be saved by believing in both the names Jesus Christ andYeshua the Messiah. In fact, YOU cannot be saved in believing in either one of these deceiving names. The first a.k.a. (pronounced) Ezeus Christos (Zeus the Savior,the Greek meaning of the #666 in Revelation 13:18 ) is “The Mark of the Beast.”The last is NOT even a name because “Ye” does not stand for any name. “Shua”means “salvation.” AGAIN! “I come in My Father’s Name and you receive Me not.Let another come in his own name, him you will receive.” Yahshua the Messiah inJohn 5:43 So PROPHETIC in so many ways!ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH’S SAINTS!

          • Jaynut,
            What you obviously can’t grasp Jaynut, is that I preach the Gospel of Salvation, and you preach the gospel of specific names.

            The former is TRUTH.
            The latter is Junk.

            You’ll find out.

  61. BTW Jaynut,
    The Greek Ἰησοῦς/Jesus is NOT pronounced as “Ezeus”.
    That’s just another one of your falsehoods.

    The Greek Ἰησοῦς/Jesus IS pronounced as “YAYsoos”.
    can’t you get anything right?

    The rest of what you say is just JUNK.
    It’s your complete misinterpretation and misunderstanding of Scripture.

    It’s Jaynut’s Loopy gospel, NOT the Bibles.


    • STILL VERY TOTALLY LOST ~ YOU preach the gospel of The King James Version, The Christian Vatican’s Bible! You obviously do NOT know the TRUE history about it or choose to ignore it.
      NOT WISE! In fact you are very ill-informed and deceived.
      Ezeus ~ YAYsoos (The former sound is the Latin version.), they BOTH contain the name of Zeus, the pagan name of the chief idol of the Greeks. The Greek translators replaced the Name Yahshua with their deity’s name. This info SHOULD give you a clue. However, your brain most likely is so addled by now from
      “Fauci’s Ouchies!” that you will NOT ever find out
      on this earth. VERY SAD!

      • Okay Jaynut, you silly deceived old woman.

      • Hey Jaynut,
        Above you say,
        “The Greek translators replaced the Name Yahshua with their deity’s name.”

        So, okay, let’s briefly look at that statement.
        Ignoring the fact that you have stated over and over again that the New Testament was never written in Greek…

        The Textus Receptus (Latin: “received text”) refers to all printed editions of the Greek New Testament from Erasmus’s Novum Instrumentum omne (1516) to the 1633 Elzevir edition. It was the most commonly used text type for Protestant denominations. (NOT Catholic! Protestant.)

        The King James Bible is Based on the Original Manuscripts.
        Here’s a FACT for you, the King James Bible is the only translation of the “Textus Reciptus”.

        This makes the King James Bible a more complete text and true to the original scriptures. The actual translating, and writing of the King James Bible was done by a committee of 47 scholars and clergymen over the course of many years, and it was published in 1611.

        And you believe that in the year 1611 that these scholars and clergymen worshipped Zeus. (???)

        Nothing delusional about that belief at all. (🤣🤪🤣)

        And then you top that ridiculous rant off by quoting “Fauci’s Ouchies” a “misinformation” quip from Lauren Boebert.

        I read God’s Word.
        You read a novel.

        You’re LAUGHABLE.
        You’re lost but LAUGHABLE.


        • STILL VERY TOTALLY LOST ~ YOU continue to lie and make false statements! You really SHOULD be blocked for doing this.
          However, others reading these posts will hopefully WAKE UP.
          I wrote that the Bible WAS NOT ORIGINALLY written in Greek!
          The Greeks mistranslated the Hebrew/Aramaic replacing the TRUE NAMES with the pagan names of idols. The Roman (Catholics) followed suit. Then evil (sexual deviant) King James and his cohorts came out with The King James Version. Your post here proves that you do not even know the history of the Bible but YOU do try to convince us with your lies. Just maybe “Fauci’s Ouchies” that you love to take are turning you completely into “A Christian Vatican TOOL!” This would be another great name for YOU!

          • Sorry Jaynut,
            I can’t comment right now.
            I’m having problems trying to breath.
            My heart is palpitating, and going in and out of V-Fib.
            I’m all clammy and sweaty…. “Cough, Wheeze, Cough”.
            I think I’m a goner.

            It must be those “Fauci’s Ouchies”

            LAUGH OUT LOUD.

            • STILL TOTALLY LOST ~ What you are joking about here is NOTHING to laugh about! Many have died like that, have passed away shortly after they were jabbed with the COVID quackcines. Are you laughing at THEM, too? YOU may think that you are being very funny here but Yahweh in Heaven might NOT. By the way, He also does NOT like His Truth being called “JUNK.” If (IF!) and when something like THAT may happen to YOU, I predict that we here will not know about it. We just won’t read any more blasphemy from you. What a BLESSING that will be!


              • Jaynut you moron.
                Many more people have died JUST LIKE THAT that weren’t Vaccinated than those that were Vaccinated.
                But because you’re so dense, you don’t or can’t understand that.


  62. So in this video from 14:00 to 15:30 it reminds me of MAGA Marianne and I discussing “TRUTH” as opposed to “opinion”.

    I would be E.Z. and she would be the Jewish guy. lol.

    • STILL VERY TOTALLY LOST, I just watched the segment and the whole video. Yes, you could be E.Z. with his false beliefs in an every burning (eternal) hell and salvation in names of pagan deities (Christianity.) He does not even mention Messianic Jews and neither does Davin the Jew. These are Jews who DO believe that the Messiah came over 2000 years ago and is returning very soon. Many believe that His Name is Yahshua.
      Marianne is NOT like Davin and it is VERY WRONG for you to compare her to him! But “wrong” is what you are doing very well! Davin seems not to have yet considered the truth about Yahshua’s existence. If Davin was a learned Jew he could have easily confronted E.Z. with the truth about Christianity and its horrible past history. At least Davin is not “condescending” towards E.Z. like E.Z. is acting towards him. And, IMPO, E.Z. like you does not have “a spiritual leg” to stand on.

  63. Jaynut

    You say above when you clarify what Messianic Jews mean,
    “These are Jews who DO believe that the Messiah came over 2000 years ago and is returning very soon.”

    My response,

    All of the Apostles and all of the first disciples would have all been Messianic Jews. However, since for the most part John 5:43 was not a writing that was available in many households,
    I suspect that NONE of the Apostles or the first disciples would have understood that the Lords Name was Yahshua.

    They wouldn’t have been able to misinterpret the verse like you and others have, and would have known that His Name was Yeshua.

    But you believe what you want.
    I’ll just smile and wave at you in the end.


    • STILL TOTALLY LOST ~ WOW! You really are NOT cognizant of Yahshua’s Name and the history of it. The Messiah was NOT called Jesus Christ for at least 300 years after His Birth. His mother Miriam NEVER called Him by that Greek idol name!
      Of course, His disciples KNEW Him by His Name Yahshua and honored His Father Yahweh. Everything you write that is wrong about my beliefs a thousand times applies to YOURS! You really SHOULD REPENT NOW because of what you just wrote you may NOT have much time left. Then we won’t have to read your blasphemous words anymore. HalleluYah!

      • Gosh Jaynut, are you really that stupid?

        DUH, of course Yeshua was never called Jesus Christ for way longer than what you say above. The English letter “J” didn’t come into existence until at least 1629. (BTW trust me, that’s way more than 300 years after His birth.)

        His mother obviously wouldn’t have called him by an English translation either, (DUH again.)

        She would have called Him YESHUA just like all of the Apostles and all of the disciples and everyone that would have known Him in His lifetime.

        But you’re soooooo dense.


        • NO. Everything you write here about Yahshua’s Name is WRONG according to the original Bible and TRUE history.
          AGAIN, the pagan Greek idol name with the sound of Ezeus Christos (Latin/Spanish pronunciation) a.k.a. “Jesus Christ” can never be a translation of the Heaven-Inspired Name of Yahshua the Messiah, The Son of Yahweh.
          AGAIN, Yeshua is NOT His Name AND NEVER WAS!
          STILL TOTALLY LOST, YOU “keep taking His Name away to bring it to naught.” Hey, there isn’t any reward for breaking Yahweh’s Commandments even though you do away with them! There is only condemnation. For YOU, the total is mounting up!

  64. Try to think this through, no matter how much it hurts…
    If you were to come up to Canada as let’s say, an Ambassador in the name of President Joe Biden, would your name change from Jaynut to Joenut.

    You’re sooooo dense.


    • Jaynut,
      Don’t you find it rather strange that not once in all of the New Covenant Scripture, that when the Messiah is performing His Miracles and saying what He says, that NOT ONE Pharisee, Sadducees, or scribe questions Him about His Name?

      Not one says, “Well His Name is Yahshua, so He must have come in YHVH’s Name.”

      There’s a good reason “WHY” nothing like that is recorded in the New Covenant text. (you ridiculous deceived woman.)


    • What does this analogy have to do with anything we are discussing? Your so-called brain must be MELTING! The Divine Names were meant to be transliterated, meaning the SAME in every language. However, this does not hold true when replacing the TRUE NAMES with names of pagan idols. This is why every language now has a different set of names for the Father and Son. However, Revelation 13:18 states that those who have wisdom will understand. The saints of Revelation 14
      are and will be united in their salvation and sealing through the Names of the Father and Son: Yahweh and Yahshua.
      On the other hand, YOU ARE SOOOO LOST!

    • My grandmother had the good sense to come down from Canada early in the last century.
      WHY on earth would the Jewish rulers question Yahshua the Messiah about His Name? They KNEW that He came in His Father’s Name of Yahweh because He told them! (John5:43) And, they considered His Words blasphemy. They knew more than you do now! That’s a pity! His Name of Yahshua the Son of Yahweh was His Name until The Christian Vatican came to power some time in The Third Century A.D.
      All you can do is attack the messengers of truth with your nasty names and adjectives. However, STILL TOTALLY LOST, they all apply to YOU!

      • Jay-nuttier than a fruit cake,
        You’re the one whose brain is melting, and speaking of things that have nothing to do with this discussion.
        The fact that you CAN’T UNDERSTAND the relevance of what I say being germane, is a demonstration of that.

        Here’s a few more questions that I bet you can’t answer either….

        Isaiah 7:14.
        “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

        Question 1. So “WHY” wasn’t His Name “Immanuel”?

        Hosea 11:1.
        “When “Israel” was a child, then I loved him, and called My son out of Egypt.”

        Matthew 2:14,15.
        “When he (Joseph) arose, he took the Young Child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called My Son.”

        Question 2. So “WHY” wasn’t His Name “Israel”?

        You won’t be able to address and answer either of these questions because you don’t understand Scripture.

        Instead you’ll try to continue to defend your erroneous belief, by spewing more of your blasphemous JUNK.

        I’ll smile and wave at you. 🙂


        • STILL TOTALLY LOST, I understand perfectly what you are trying to say even though it’s always a “no go.” You dodge Biblical truth like you seem to dodge your REAL name. You must be ashamed about what you write here. I would be, too, if I called the TRUTH about Yahweh and His Son Yahshua JUNK. If not embarrassed now, YOU will be someday and LOST!
          In Hebrew the name Immanuel means “Elohim With Us.” That Name in that verse could be a confirmation from Yahweh of the coming Birth of His Son to mankind. The name Israel means
          “Wrestled With Elohim.” Possibly this name is prophetic concerning Yahshua’s last days here on Earth. He begged Yahweh to “take this cup from Him” in Gethsemane’s garden while He sweated drops of blood.
          Yes, Yahshua has other Names He is known by but we are SAVED believing in THIS His One Name and SEALED with IT and His Father’s: Yahweh. Revelation 14:1.
          STILL TOTALLY LOST, IMPO, you now really have NOTHING to smile about!

          • Jaynut,
            Well I’m smiling now, because you just proved my point. You didn’t answer either of those questions because you don’t fully understand Scripture.

            Sure you stated the obvious regarding the meaning or definitions of those names (like any child could do), but you didn’t come close to explaining “WHY” His Name wasn’t “Immanuel” or “Israel”.

            Funny how you mentioned that “HE” has other Names too.
            You’re contradicting yourself now, and backtracking there with that one.

            Did you know that the Name YESHUA is recorded a total of 29 times in the Masoretic Text, (but as I have already told you, you won’t find the name Yahshua once)?

            Of course you don’t.
            Because instead of actually understanding Scripture, you have created your own false religion which is based upon misinterpretation and fabrication.

            I’ll smile and wave at you. 🙂


            • STILL TOTALLY LOST ~ From now on I will just reply
              “WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!” to all of your lies. It will save
              me much time and effort! It isn’t any use contending with
              “the spiritually dead.”

              • Jaynut,
                See, I told you that you couldn’t answer those questions.
                You’ve basically surrendered, and called what I say, and those questions “lies” because you simply can’t answer them. LOL.

                You’re really embarrassing. 🙂

                Go ahead, say “Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!” it’ll be better than listening to you parrot your blasphemous JUNK like a broken record over and over again. YAY!

                P.S. I’ll smile and wave at you. 👋

  65. Jaynut,
    This is for you and MAGA M.

    “The further a society drifts from the TRUTH, the more it will hate those that proclaim it.”

    I’ll be smiling. 🙂

  66. Jaynut,
    That quote was from George Orwell, and it’s applicable to both you and MAGA M.

    MAGA M’s site say’s
    “Marianne’s Page – Where the Word of God is free!!”

    I guess that “free” could also mean “cheap”, because she either also believes or just allows someone to participate here, that believes and constantly professes, that “Christianity is the Mark of the Beast” and that you “Can’t be Saved if you use the name Jesus Christ, Yeshua, God or Lord” without correcting you of your error.

    MAGA M is basically complicit is your blaspheme!
    (And I suspect that she wonders why her site has gone down the tubes???)


    • STILL TOTALLY LOST, at least Marianne is NOT a goner like YOU!
      You really should be ashamed NOW for gossiping on here.

      • I’m not offended don’t worry about it

        • MAGA M, you should be.
          You would rather have an ally on your site, rather than actually contend for the Truth.

          Tell me, (and Jaynut the 1/4 wit) when you confessed your faith and were (supposedly) born-again, did you call on the name of Yahshua, or on the Name of Jesus Christ?

          Did you pray to the Name of God, or just to Yahweh?

          Do you also believe that “Christianity” is the “mark of the beast”?

          Answering truthfully is paramount here.


          • MAGA M,
            I’m waiting….
            (I suspect Father God is waiting for your answer too.)
            Because you must answer this truthfully.


            • Maybe read Luke 14:26-35. first.

              • Maybe Matthew 10:32,33. too.
                “Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven.”

                It’s your choice.
                This may just have some serious consequences.


            • STILL TOTALLY LOST, I was raised in Christianity and chose those
              pagan names when very young. However, later when grown and first hearing the truth then doing research (to prove it wrong) I SAW THE LIGHT! I have been a believer in the Father and Son Whose Names are Yahweh and Yahshua for more than 3/4 of my life. Yes, I do believe that the pagan name of Jesus Christ was, is, and will be “The Mark of the Beast” for all those that choose it. After all, it is the original Greek translation of the #666 in Revelation 13:18. The saints who have WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING (along with great love for the TRUTH!) are and will be SAVED and SEALED in the TRUE NAMES! The Original Protestants, Puritans, Pilgrims, and other non-Christian groups
              also taught this.

              • Jaynut,
                I wasn’t talking to you, delusional blasphemer.

                I’m waiting for Marianne to speak up, and declare her faith, (one way or the other, whatever it is).


                • STILL TOTALLY LOST, you mentioned me in your earlier post so I mentioned the TRUE faith again for YOUR benefit or loss. No matter your choice I will still get a reward for sharing the truth here. YOU rejecting it? Not so much! Marianne has shared her faith with us before. She does NOT need to answer ANY question from YOU who has proven yourself to be a derider (scorner) of the truth and those that share it here. Instead, I suggest that she block you because of the above. I am really wondering when (WHEN!) will you finally wake up to the fact that you’re
                  totally lost?

                  • Okay Jaynut,
                    I thought that you were just going to respond with “Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!” you delusional blasphemer.
                    You haven’t got a clue as to what the theological Truth is, and Marianne doesn’t have the courage to defend it.

                    Why don’t you spend some time trying to answer the questions that you couldn’t answer.

                    You’re both Sad really.
                    And you’ll both find out the Truth in the end.


  67. Jaynut,
    Here’s another question you won’t be able to answer.

    Above you say in one of your delusional rants,
    “I do believe that the pagan name of Jesus Christ was, is, and will be “The Mark of the Beast” for all those that choose it. After all, it is the original Greek translation of the #666 in Revelation 13:18.”

    So in what ridiculously bizarre world does “χξς” somehow equate to “Ἰησοῦς Χριστός”?

    You spew BLASPHEMOUS JUNK left and right without providing any evidence whatsoever. So, why don’t you provide some evidence. Please explain why you believe this clearly, so those of us that don’t have wisdom, and don’t understand CAN have wisdom and understand.

    (This should be quite entertaining folks 🤣)

    And by “folks” I’m referring to the possibly as high as 4 people in total that might still participate here on “marianne’s page – where the Word of God is free, and where blasphemy is encouraged, because marianne won’t defend or contend for the truth.”

    Just Saying

    • STILL TOTALLY LOST ~ Your last sentence should read,
      “Still Lying.” Marianne wrote that a number of people come to this thread. (They just don’t post.) By reading OUR posts they certainly can get a TRUE understanding of the spirit YOU have and the Spirit I have. Yours is NOT the One from Yahshua the Messiah, the Only Son of Yahweh the Father, The Creator of EVERYTHING. You scorn the truth and mock those who share it here. The info you ask for I posted here (and/or a number of times on this thread and others here.)
      AGAIN! In the Greek translation of Revelation 13:18 (Original Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web) the #666 is also a name. That name is pronounced Ezeus Christos (Zeus the Savior) now a.k.a. the name “Jesus Christ.” Those who have “understanding” will know this! Scripture states that even “The Elect” will almost be deceived.
      This name contains a cross, X as in Xmas. This is the pagan name of the image (idol) of the beast (The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy, Revelation 13:1.) The pope uses an X with a P on top. All Christians are Roman Catholic in belief and practice whether they know this or not.
      An early rumor is that the COVID quackcinated could become
      “robots” for the evil powers that be. So, STILL TOTALLY LOST, how do you feel about being a total “bot” for The Evil One?
      NOT GOOD!

    • sorry I have had to temporarily suspend due to multiple complaints from outsiders. need to re-evaluate in a month

      • Thank You Marianne!

      • Really?
        I think that you’re lying about the “multiple complaints”. Because if anyone else that understood the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, was reading any of this, they would be all over Jaynut as spreading blasphemy.

        So, I don’t believe you at all.

        Just Saying.

        • I do think that I’ll leave by my own choice though.
          (For awhile at least)
          I’ll leave you two to wallow in your falsehood’s and misinformation about God’s Word and about reality.
          Until next time…..


          • Bye Bye! This time I hope that YOU are not lying.

          • Goodbye…I don’t believe you will be missed…I am amazed at how much patience and goodness Marianne had for you all this time…and you in your ignorance and pride don’t seem to understand or appreciate that at all…may God help you

            • I am leaving.
              However, I thought that I would comment to Miryana first.

              Miryana, I don’t believe that I will be missed either.
              Most of mankind feels relieved when the light and truth leaves them, and allows them to wallow in their darkness and their own personal beliefs.

              I haven’t said what I have said here to please anyone.
              I say what I say to please God.

              I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Salvation, (Romans 1:16.).

              If you believe that you can only be Saved by confessing the name Yahshua and misunderstand John 5:43. as well, then what you believe is incorrect.

              That is not my truth.
              It is THE TRUTH.

              If you believe that “Christianity” is the “mark of the beast”, then what you believe is incorrect.

              That is not my truth.
              It is THE TRUTH.

              If you believe that “Trump won the election” and that “Hillary Clinton is a clone”, then what you believe is incorrect.

              That is not my truth.
              It is THE TRUTH.

              I contend for Theological Truth.
              I contend for physical reality.

              Neither are my truth.
              They are THE TRUTH.

              Funny how you stayed silent and remained in the darkness, until the Light and Truth decided to leave.



              • after I told you that you were blocked, you changed your email and IP and returned. so I think I know who you are and I will continue to block you since you cannot show respect; you can email me privately but not post here.


    Chuck Pierce Prophesies for 2023: How to Think Like Joseph to Prepare for What’s Coming

  69. forgive and be forgiven

  70. hi Marianne and Jayna ,

    Romans 89 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God,

    revelation 12 5 She bore a man-child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her child was caught up to God and His throne. 6 Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.(3 and 1/2 years)

    video start from time mark 2:52:18 , it takes about 14 minutes.

    pastor sadhu mention the revealing of the sons of God,

    the man-child is the mature sons of God, they are bride of Christ,

    they would be caught up( rapture) to God before the final 3 and1/2 years.

    as i know that pastor sadhu does not support per-tribulation rapture,

    in his many earlier videos, he mentioned that all believers would see anti-christ show up on earth , no one would be rapture before the antichrist appear .

    so i assume in the video, he is talking about the mid-tribulation rapture for those mature sons of God (bride of Christ),

    all the other believers who are not mature sons of God would be left behind and go through tribulation , (the woman fled into the wilderness, )

    my question is what is your interpretation on this prat of video,


    • Greetings qt! IMPO, there isn’t any rapture written about in the Bible. Yahweh’s saints have victory over the beast (Revelation 13:1, The Christian Vatican) and his image (idol: named Jesus Christ.) Revelation 15:2
      Today there were three large CROSSES above my house (chemtrails.) In Greek this is the #666 that is pronounced EEzeus Christos a.k.a. Jesus Christ. Does this possibly mean that “The Mark of the Beast” is coming VERY SOON?


      • And today my email folder said that there were 6666 in there. (I let them pile up.) ???? I don’t remember THAT number of them before. lol The evil powers that be may believe that now will be the time to strike against us.
        Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING will protect us if we
        believe in Him and do His Will! HalleluYah!

    • I think I agree with him. It really depends on what people’s definitions are. People talk about pre-trib and post-trib and mid-trib. For me there’s just one tribulation. And then the Wrath follows after that and the one tribulation is only three and a half years. So at the end of that three and a half years we leave before the Wrath starts cuz we’re not appointed to Wrath. At that departure point some people would call that the mid-trib. In post trip is after all the seals and vials and Etc are opened. By that time it’s too late cuz that’s after the Wrath. The point I’ve always had trouble with is why the woman goes into the Wilderness twice. Unless it’s the same event but a different group of people

    • greeting to all of you, thanks for your answers ,

      God Bless


    Revival Reported at Asbury University in Kentucky 50 Years to the Month after Previous Outpouring

  72. Revival Reported at Asbury University in Kentucky 50 Years to the Month after Previous Outpourin

  73. i do not know if this is true ?

    i heard 2 persons shared their visit to hell and heaven.

    they saw mother Teresa in the hell

    Mother Teresa was Child Trafficker. She sold children and babies to the Elite and funneled between $50 to $100 million a year to the Vatican.
    Indian lawmaker says Mother Teresa should be stripped of civilian honour over baby-trafficking scandal

    All Mother Teresa homes inspected amid baby-selling scandal
    India orders examination of all institutions run by her charity after claims against two staff

    BREAKING: All bank accounts of Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity were frozen

    • Beyond horrible

      • i have bought some books , a movie about mother teresa,
        i throw away all these things.

        you know they makeup some stories and brainwash all of us , it make m.t. look like a holy person.

        • I always thought she was a good person helping the poor children and the lepers. I don’t know what to think. It’s hard to know the truth anymore because there’s so many lies out there

        • qt…please know that these are all made up lies against Mother Teresa…she was really good person…you should know first who are the persons who tell all this false stories…

          • Did you know her? The saints of the Bible do not work under The Christian Vatican in Rome.

            • What the Vatican does and what the average Catholic does are two different things

              • Marianne, do you know that every Roman Catholic is supposed to have their first loyalty to the Pope? Every Christian might as well, too.

                • I think they are taught that but I’m not sure. Guess what? After 2 years of being sick I finally wrote a post again and posted it on this website. So Yahweh is making me stronger, and I’m going to believe that he is restoring me.

                  • Hi Marianne! I just replied on your new post asking, “How are you?” Ha! This is like a quick reply! I am so happy that you are gaining strength. I am having health issues to contend with, too. I am treating them naturally. At this stage I am not going to the pharmaceutical doctors because they do not help me. True faith will “make us whole.” Marianne, I pray for your complete restoration. Mine, too!

                    • Thank you may you and I and everyone else get healed quickly and get back to work of spreading the gospel full time

                    • Marianne, I pray for all of us to survive in 2023. I believe that I mentioned the natural healing site
                      but I will do so again. I find the personal testimonies very helpful.

          • I guess the only people who know the truth are those who worked with her or knew her personally. I never had a bad impression other. But that was from a distance just reading the news

    • Hi qt. I am not surprised. I had read bad things about her before. But this is deplorable! I heard that she became very wealthy. Apparently, “She talked the talk but did not walk the walk.” Thus do all who work for The Christian Vatican.


      • you are right,

        i am not catholic ,

        i wont buy any catholic books ,

        • Yes, qt, but all Christians are Roman Catholic in belief and practice. This is because Christianity came from The Christian Vatican in The Third Century a.d. There is NOTHING Biblical
          about Christianity. CHRISTIANITY IS PAGAN AND ALWAYS WAS!

  74. revival happened in this school 50 years ago , it happens again

    God Bless

  75. i just post some youtube links , but it does not take

    just go to youtube search Michael Yeager

    you will find a lot video in Asbury University

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