Salvation is a “He”


The Savior / Messiah is named in scripture.

Salvation is Yeshua in Hebrew.

Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy SALVATION cometh; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him.

Isaiah 62:11

62:11  הִנֵּה יְהוָה הִשְׁמִיעַ אֶל־קְצֵה הָאָרֶץ אִמְרוּ לְבַת־צִיֹּון הִנֵּה יִשְׁעֵךְ בָּא הִנֵּה שְׂכָרֹו אִתֹּו וּפְעֻלָּתֹו לְפָנָֽיו׃Masoretic Text





yeshu`ah (ישוּעה), is feminine.

Yeshua’ (ישוּע) is the masculine form.

Scripture intentionally uses the masculine form.


40 Responses to “Salvation is a “He””

  1. […] here for […]

  2. The Jewish Messiah is the Antichrist? 🙄

  3. The Fall Festivals or Feast Days have not yet been fulfilled prophetically. Mankind
    is currently living in the prophetic season of Summer or Pentecost/Shavuot. If
    the Hebrew calendar is correct, the 6,000th year of earth’s history has almost
    arrived. Many believe we are in the year 5986, leaving only 14 years until the changing
    of the Sixth prophetic Day to the Seventh. Summer is about to end and Fall soon will
    come. It will be preceded by the season of Teshuvah or Repentance and will set in
    motion the long-awaited prophetic events pictured in the Fall Festivals. It will truly
    be a glorious, awe-filled time. We are living on the precipice of Earth’s Final Days!

    ANY thoughts on this , there is 14 years to go ???

    • q

      a lot of pain and sorrow before the glory and awe

    • how do you come up with year 5986? I have seen web sites that call 2016-17 hebrew year 5776….I do not know how to calculate. Just wondering.

    • Click to access 16MinistriesOfNewLIfeTeshuvahGuideArticlesREAD_ONLY.pdf

      page 50 , i do not know how to calculate 6986

      • Thank you. I wasn’t able to read it as it was too large for my computer. Many sites say 5776…which means 224 years until 6000, (Lord help us!). I’ll keep looking for other sites that give a good explanation (ie, maybe some years in the past weren’t counted…) for how it could be 5986. In any event, we definitely are in the end of times, I believe.

        • I heard that 200 years was lost somewhere in the conversion of the ancient calendar to the modern calendar…do not know it is true.

          to jews, it is 5776

      • page 52
        Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink,
        or in respect of a Holyday, or of the New Moon, or of the
        Sabbath days, which are a shadow of things to come. Col. 2:16-17
        The Fall Festivals or Feast Days have not yet been fulfilled prophetically. Mankind
        is currently living in the prophetic season of Summer or Pentecost/Shavuot. If
        the Hebrew calendar is correct, the 6,000th year of earth’s history has almost
        arrived. Many believe we are in the year 5986, leaving only 14 years until the changing
        of the Sixth prophetic Day to the Seventh. Summer is about to end and Fall soon will
        come. It will be preceded by the season of Teshuvah or Repentance and will set in
        motion the long-awaited prophetic events pictured in the Fall Festivals. It will truly

  4. Genesis 22 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

    A ram is Ovis aries – the domestic sheep. Males are called rams, and females are called ewes. it is sheep not goat

  5. both male and female have been suffering servants..daughter zion bears children in pain and “not one hold her hand” and much more with her (her repeated rounds to hell and paying for sins “double” etc… yes there is a male Saviour….she is a spotlighted one in need of salvation from her own situation of being scapegoated in the meantime…. (it says all abuse her mock her,walk on her.. etc) fear not daughter zion your KING comes to you “lowly and meek and on a donkey (humility/humble) and “having salvation” her salvation was the male coming to her lowly and meek… (breaking curse in Genesis of male ruling over wife) “you will no longer call me baal (master) but you will call me Ishi (husband) she is “captive” and has a yoke on her neck to be broken…. she also gets her role reversal as it says “you laid down your back as a path to be trampled, they set to you “get you down!” and you did! you laid your back flat as the ground NO LONGER WILT THOU BE CALLED GENTLE AND DELICATE,RISE UP AND THRESH” “daughter zion will pulverize many nations and devote their ill gotten gains to the God of all the earth” “i likened her to my “gentle and delicately bred daughter but I will DESTROY YOU” (makes her stronger) the male saves the female/bride.. BY being what she needs/wants.. and breaking a curse…nothing to do with feminism.. many people use semantics to try to stop messiah from breaking the curse and keep her captive……….since she doesn’t give birth in the flesh but Spiritually…. “she who never gave birth /virgin/unmarried woman has more children says your God.. “it will be said of her “this one and that one” were born in her and no tresspassers ever again” she gets to stay a virgin girl child with many happy children!!! daughter zion your heart will swell with joy when you see them running back to you with their children on their shoulders! even the Ethiopians who hated you will run to you! daughter zion becomes a refuge… unless you enter as a child you wont enter… (violent take it by force) to be forceful wasn’t the way its saying…

  6. Hi Marianne,
    have a question,
    last year, i went to a praying group , there were 2-3 women prayed together in the prayer group, we prayed once a week, later i found out ,the woman leader in our prayer group, she rent a room from a church, and this church allow all kind religion people meeting in their church , and people saw other religion people wear their special outfit and mask there. it look horrible,
    and some people asked our woman leader regarding to this issue, this woman leader said that is there any place clean in the world ? she thought it is ok to stay in that place. so i quit, no argument.
    my question is that if it is you, will you stay in the place, or you will find another place, i really think staying there is a kind of compromise/
    God Bless

    • q

      I do not think she is responsible for what the church does.

      she just rents there and may not have another option

      if it were me, I would move, to get away from the spirits, but this is up to her

      she is also right about every place seems to be contaminated now…so it might be hard to find a “clean” place

      she should plead the blood over her daily

    • fyi ,


      I think it may be a bit impossible to answer this question.

      Jesus prayed in many ‘dark’ places, the issue was not how ‘dark’ it was, but that He was not hindered in His prayers.

      I think if I were meeting with others to pray, more than feeling uncomfortable with the place where we are praying, I would pray that anything that hinders the other persons’ or my own prayer life be removed. This seems to be the only thing that comes to mind when I prayed about your question.

      Hi , there are several things that come to mind. I once attended a church that swam in the river in a wonderful way. We rented half of the building from the Baptists and we all flowed in the gifts and Presence of the Holy Spirit. Worship was awesome there. A few years later in order to generate income they rented the stage on our side of the church to a rock group to practice and perform during times we didn’t use it. That brought in all kinds of difficult things for our prayer meetings and flow of His Spirit. It was a true battle and war. If we had not been so sensitive to the Holy Spirit and gifts, we would never have known any problem.

      Also God throughout scripture has honored places that are dedicated as holy and consecrate to Him. These were prescribed places of meeting. I believe it is true today.

      It is practically impossible to walk in this world without getting dirty feet. But we are to live in the world but not be of the world. We simply have to continue to close demonic doors in our lives and not touch that which is unholy.

      As to the question of would I continue the Bible study? It would totally depend upon the level of warfare and it God had called me to stick it out, or move on.

      It is wisdom and safe to find another place.

  7. pastor Neville Johnson and other people,
    they saw people in the heaven , they see they wear white robe ( even with different degree of glory, } and some with sash , some sash in v-shaped format, some with precious stone on the sash
    and whtie robe, different color sash and preciou stone represent this person’s character how he lived in his earthly life,

    look like the things in heaven still in the ancient form (white horse, armor of God. robe, ……. } , may be there is no ancient or modern , it is eternal !!

    i feel so fascinated about the things in Heaven .

    any thoughts or insight regarding to the things in Heaven ,

    God Bless,thanks

  8. Kathy Mote

    A word for someone today. I given you healing deep in a sacred place, where your hurt was secret, and hidden away. Not even you knew it was there, for you simply kept going, hurt after hurt, year after year. But I knew the freedom I have called you to, and the difference between it and you. You do not realize how the hurts and disappointments crippled you, but today, I have given wings to you! I have given you freedom, deep in your heart. It feels like a spring breeze in your emotions. It is for you a fresh new start. It is yours to keep, and the hurt will never come back. Don’t cling to old hurts from the past. Don’t look for that same old path. I delight in seeing you receive this new freedom. It is My gift to you and I desire for you to have it.

    • that was beautiful.. daughter Zion keeps going year after year to a same place of hurt and sacrifice and all use and abuse her there.. (Isauiah 29) and many other verses say so about her.. she cant seem to see a male savior.. and has a real hurt.. what about the female who didn’t need rescue? this isn’t against Christ/Christianity/and needing a savior.. but certain female spirits(the Shekhinah/feminine indwelling in perfect peace..then abused and moved out of it over and over for the “hurts of the world and her scared feminine heart) haven’t been treated in accordance with their sisterhood/virginhood/motherhood of the Bible verses do state as well… Isaiah 29 says “girl” and a “year after year” sacrifice.. and she is tormented……..
      not even to compare the word you have to that.. I just thought of it..
      daughter zion “jerked” tossed.. “to and fro” never comforted
      some verses say don’t look to the old path,do not return to it
      and others tell her
      go back.. find your way back
      all a heart issue..
      as for me my special heart place sacred place, ill never leave it because its me and my heart and there is “nothing wrong with it”
      but for someone this word is profound..they need to be set free I it goes on “year after year” a replay of a deep hurt.. time to let it go..or finally be able to say “it is me” “it was me”
      not “someone else” I had to pretend to be there for/ to be scapegoated they can use….
      this word requires a lot of trust for that person to leave that spot…
      to take His hand to the new path..and let Him joy in it.. :)!

    Keep Recognizing Jesus

  10. have you seen these bowls which angels lift

  11. One of the most important things to know in life, is life itself.

    First of all, life is the beginning of it all, WITHOUT WHICH . . . WE WOULD NOT EXIST . . . AND NOTHING ELSE WOULD EITHER.



    Jesus said, “ I Am the Life”.
    Jesus also said, “If you Love Me, I and My Father will make Our abode in YOU.”

    God said, the world feigns love for Me, while denying the power.
    What power is God talking about?



    “Greater love has no one than this, than He lay down His life for His friend” you and me
    [highest value of “friend” expresses the highest love greatest love] (John 15:13)
    1 John 4:10 says “in this, is love, not that we loved God, but that HE LOVED US and
    sent His Son to be the propitiation [ SOLUTION / REMEDY AND CURE ] for our sins.”
    NOTHING OF OURSELVES. That’s why we don’t have to do ANYTHING, or not do anything.
    Jesus did it for us already !

    A Perfect Finished Work. Our job is to rest in Jesus’ completed work!
    When Jesus said, “If you love Me. . .”
    Jesus is saying, when, out of our deepest heart and soul . . . we let grow a great passion for what Jesus has done for us. . .
    This importance we feel . . . “how so so valuable” this is. . . what Jesus has done for me, and WOW Jesus is IN ME.
    That this. . . Our highest regard and understanding for what Jesus has done for us, and us soaking into ourselves this understanding of “no greater love” by Jesus. . .becomes, actually what Jesus empowers to us! In Us!

    It is all You Lord, in me!
    The Greatest Love in US. . . Him!

    No greater value, no greater importance, the greatest love . . . JESUS IN US. OUR GREATEST POWER!

  12. Hi Marianne,

    which year is jubliee year , 5776 or 5777 ?


    • looks like 5776

    • (page 52 }

      the Last Shofar, Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah} , It is the Awakening Blast that announces the Appearing of the Messiah calling forth the Resurrection of the Righteous Dead. Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed…at the last trumpet (shofar). For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised (1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Th. 4:13-17). In synagogues around the world on Rosh Hashanah, the Shofar is blown 100 times. 99 blasts are a call to repentance (Teshuvah); however the one 100th blast is a victory shout referred to in Judaism as the Last Shofar, Apostle Paul’s teaching in 1 Cori 15 and 1 Thesa 4 , the appearing of Messiah and the Last Shofar announcing the resurrection of the righteous dead.

      Great Shofar (Shofar HaGadol) will sound after sunset on the 7th (7 years} Yom Kippur ( Day of Atonement,} of the Tribulation announcing the Messiah’s Second Coming when His feet touch the Mt. of Olives. He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet (Shofar) and they will gather His elect from the four winds Matt. 24:29-31; Isa. 27:12-13; Zech. 14:4.

      from the above message, it is post tribulation rapture,
      Jesus’s second coming , on the day of Rosh Hashanah (yom teruah}, Jesus appear in the clouds to meet the saints in the air .
      after 10 days, on the day of yom kippur (day of atonement } ,
      Jesus’s feet touch the mt. of olives.

      Hi Marianne,
      regarding to Jesus second coming,
      i have question, it looks like Jesus appears 2 times in 10 days. (on the day of rosh hashanah} and the day of atonement (yom kippur} .

      is it right ? thanks , blessings !!


      • q

        tribulation is 3 1/2 years, not 7. 42 months. see revelation and daniel

        yes there is a final week, but it is not all tribulation

        jesus will appear in the sky at the 6th seal ( matt 24) after the tribulation

        he will also return at the end of the wrath to establish kingdom on earth..

        these are not in the same year

  13. ConfessIon / RepentAnCe / InteRCessIon
    I / We humbly repent for failing to know and understand
    that today (10/4/16} and yesterday (10/3/16}

    the heavens open are open.

    Each person passes before our Father, while He
    writes decrees concerning our destiny for the coming year.
    Our Father, we ask You to search our hearts, turn us from pride, selfishness and all forms of sin that grieve You or hinder our spiritual fellowship with You.

    Tishri 2 / Tuesday, October 4 / Day 32
    Repent For Failing to Understand
    the Ten Days of Awe—Day 2
    Abraham lifted his eyes and looked…Behold! Behind him
    was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. Gen. 22:13
    Rosh Hashanah ~ Akedah Binding of Isaac Gen. 22:2-14

    the Fall Festivals or Feast Days have not yet been fulfilled prophetically. Mankind is currently living in the prophetic season of Summer
    or Pentecost/Shavuot. If the Hebrew calendar is correct, the 6,000th year of earth’s history has almost arrived. Many believe we are in the
    year 5986,
    leaving only 14 years until the changing of the Sixth prophetic Day to the Seventh. Summer is about to end and Fall soon will come. It will
    be preceded by the season of Teshuvah or Repentance and will set in motion the long-awaited prophetic events pictured in the Fall Festivals.
    It will truly be a glorious, awe-filled time. We are living on the precipice of Earth’s Final Days! sSection.pdf page 158

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