Satanic Black Mass


Satanists are still planning a "Black Mass" on city property at the Civic Center in Oklahoma City on Sunday, September 21, 2014. 

News about the satanic mass :


Thus, it may be that the Oklahoma City satanists, who call themselves the Dakhma Angra

Mainyu, believe that the black mass they’re holding on Sunday, Sept. 21, at the Oklahoma City Civic Center, is harmless fun, or a deliberate insult to Catholics (since the "black mass" is a perverted parody of the Catholic Mass), or even a serious attempt to call upon dark forces.

But according to the beliefs of a priest from the neighboring Diocese of Tulsa, both those putting on the event and those attending–although poorly attended in the past, this year’s event has sold out all 88 tickets–may be in spiritual peril.

Even though the event has been tamed a bit to comply with state law (the usually naked female "altar" will have lingerie; and vinegar is being substituted for urine) and it will no longer feature a Consecrated Host (after a legal challenge, organizer Adam Daniels returned his pilfered Communion wafer to the Church, specifically, Archbishop Coakley of Oklahoma City), Monsignor Patrick Brankin is worried.

Msgr. Brankin, the official exorcist for his diocese for the last four years, said to the Cathoic website Aleteia, "I am profoundly relieved that this group has returned to Archbishop Coakley the Consecrated Host which they intended to desecrate, but am still concerned that they have not backed away from all the other blasphemies and sacrileges involved in this ritual worship of Satan."

As for the attendees, Brankin said, "I would think that there would be a real strong possibility, especially in the state of sin, that they would walk out possessed. They’re going into a situation where people are calling upon Satan to exercise dominion over everything in the state–dominion over people, places, our very land.

"They promise to do an exorcism of the Christians there, which, in their own foolish talk, involves puling out of the Holy Spirit.

If someone went there out of curiosity, especially if there was a possibility that they were not in the state of grace, they could easily come out with a demonic attachment, whether it would be an oppression, obsession or a full possession."

Another exorcist, speaking under the condition of anonymity to Aleteia, didn’t think that there is necessarily a rise in public black masses but believes there are plenty of them going on behind closed doors.

However, when they do take place in public, he argues for the strategy employed by the Catholic Church in Boston, when another group of satanists planned to hold a black mass in a pub on the Harvard campus in May.


Statue of Baphomet in Oklahoma City


A satanic group commissioned a statue of the devil, raising money to pay a sculptor who it won’t identify, as a way of protesting the Sooner State’s placement of a Ten Commandments monument on the Statehouse lawn in Oklahoma City.

The statue, being sculpted in a New York studio, is nearly complete, according to Lucien Greaves, spokesman for the Satanic Temple.

“We’re really coming along fast,” said Greaves, whose group claims to have raised more than $20,000 for the project through an online crowd-funding site.

The statue of the Baphomet, or Sabbatic Goat, a figure that has been used to represent Satan for centuries, is to be made of bronze, poured over a clay mold. Images provided to show the hideous figure on a throne, with smiling children at each knee.

Greaves’ organization seeks to force Oklahoma to allow placement of their statue or demonstrate what it considers an unconstitutional double standard.


Correlation to another event (tsunami):

This reminds me of what I read on this page, that a tsunami would occur in the Atlantic ocean after an “event” in Oklahoma City.

The tsunami aspect in the links above coincided closely with the Rodriquez prophecy about an asteroid hitting outside Puerto Rico in the Ocean.



The devil cannot exorcise the Holy Spirit out of any true believer.

Animal or child sacrifices are characteristic of black masses.

So is nudity, lewdness, and blasphemy.

Would officials allow the sacrifices?

Since Christianity itself is not allowed “religious expression in public” I would have to ask why this satanic religion is being allowed.

This will bring the wrath of God upon America, as it flaunts and mocks God.

American Christians need to protest this event, as well as the Baphomet Statue, and pray against its acceptance.


196 Responses to “Satanic Black Mass”

  1. This sound really sick. Christianity, or even simply, GOD, is condemned more and more and not allowed to be stated in public (i.e. prayers) in schools, graduation ceremonies, oaths in court, etc. Yet to be “politically correct” so many other organizations are allowed their privileges to carry on when and where they please.

    Things have become so backwards.

  2. 50 Facts That Show How Far America Has Fallen In This Generation! 😦

  3. Oklahoma? And what about Florida???
    Satanic Temple to distribute materials to School children in Florida! 😮

    • Florida is acknowledged also…and california is way out there along with many other states.

      here, oklahoma is mentioned because of a reported connection to a prophecy about an asteroid hitting the caribbean

  4. Satanist have no power. The sad part is that these people use their deep seated evil inclination that they developed over a period of time to outwardly express it. And this is where they become dangerous. The messenger named Satan was only given power to perform assigned missions four times in biblical history. The rest is man allowing his evil inclination to mature to the point of self-destruction physically and spiritually. Good and evil inclination effects the “free will” given to man for positive or negative means, it is ultimately mans choice.

  5. The statue placement along this satanic mass, America is falling into blatant judgment quite rapidly & will spread across our nation! Please inform how we can protest publicly if you get word.

    • just saw the online link to sign, a beginning.

    • Susan,

      The issues with this nation began before 1776.

      Take a look at this piece of sculpture created to honor George Washington in the 1800s.

      It was to be placed in the Capital. The Freemasons expected a grand reception for their latest memorial project, but the “Puritans” of the time didn’t appreciate George without a shirt. Odd?

      George Washington is seated upon a throne. His arms are positioned in a very profound and unique posture.

      Where have we seen this posture before?

      The posture represents a Satanic message; “As above, so below.”

      Take a look again at the statue in Oklahoma.

      Simply place the head of George on that statue in Oklahoma or the head of the statue in Oklahoma on the statue in the Smithsonian and it would represent the same concept.

      Judgement is coming soon. Maybe as soon as later in 2015 and into 2016.

      Psalm 64

      • dj

        that is a pose similar to that of Caesar…..see the roman garbs….

        it fits into the roman theme like the architecture

        • Marianne,

          The stature of Satan tells us the reasons for the position of George’s arms: “As above, so below.”

          Here we see George as a god – seated on his throne in heaven?

          George and the 33 degree founding father Masons bought the lie – “you will be like God…” (Genises 3:5).

          Lucifer is their god (GOD).


          It will not be much longer until everyone wakes up.

          Psalm 33

      • I feel the need to agree a bit with DJ on this one. The theme is the same. George may not have agreed, but today during the Superbowl halftime show we should see the Occult perform it’s magic.

        Look for pyramids, aliens and goddess worship. Just as the Capital building in DC is the pregnant goddess and George’s monument is Horus’s penis the goddess used to make herself pregnant.

        I think this occurs on Feb. 1st on the 33 parallel. G-d will allow their one world pagan system for a short time.

        • Leatherneck,

          Yes! I didn’t realize it until reading your reply.

          I lived in “The Valley of the Sun” for over 35 years, before I came to understand spiritual warfare, powers of darkness and principalities that rule over cities, regions and nations.

          Phoenix has a Jezebel and Baal focused spirit. Jezebel was a Phoenician princess. Clue.

          Also – you wrote about the 33 parallel.

          Phoenix is on that parallel. And so is this “sacred” site:

          “…the first Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, was established in 1801 at Charleston, South Carolina. This charming antebellum port city and hub of southern culture is located less than 15 miles south of the 33rd parallel. Called the Solomon Lodge No. 1, the Masonic meeting place was known as the Mother Lodge of the world.”

          “Arizona is an illuminati playground. Likely, more ley lines cross there than anywhere else in the country. There is link to Milton Keynes, Reston and The Washington D.C. area – all linked by HELL ley lines.”

          The Super Bowl has become an occult show – halftime and commercials.

          2014 had these “messages” –

          As in the days of Noah…

          Psalm 20

          • I think we are witnessing a ritual today. Something like a black mass for an event to happen soon.

            From the ashes the Phoenix bird rises. The Tower of Babel, a one world government reborn? Headed by Old Knob’s man on earth.

            The Bible reads G-d will allow it for a short time.

            • i have better things to do than watch garbage on TV.

              they say if you watch, then you are participating in it.

              so my TV will not be turned to that station.

              • I wanted to see if I could pick up the symbolism.

                Starting off I saw a women riding a beast. The eye of the tiger is witchcraft use. Looking up the lyrics of fireworks, I read six feet under-no one can hear-let your light spark like 4th of July…

                Phoenix bird matches the lyrics and 1776 is not just the birth of a new nation America, but the Illuminati was born on May 1st 1776.

                Although I could not pick up all the symbolism, the event smells to me as a birthday and a reality of the hidden hand. They are no longer hidden from view, but in control doing the bidding of their Master.

                After a Hurricane comes a rainbow. This part of the lyrics concern me.


                • sounds confusing

                • “After a Hurricane comes a rainbow.”

                  Could be a musical, lyrical phrase for the following:

                  This term Order out of Chaos, in Latin Ordo ab Chao, is the slogan of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry.

                  “Secret Societies have a great motto ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ meaning ‘Order Out of Chaos’. Agendas are formulated designed to give the powerful more power.

                  Chaos is created, and media blitzed. Then cries go out for solution.

                  Laws are passed which could never have been passed without the chaos. The order, has reigned through deception of the masses, and the agenda is accomplished.”
                  –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind”

                  George Bush (a Skull and Cross Bones member as is his daddy and grandpa, and John Kerry) and many other occult worshipers (Masons like George Washington, Andrew Jackson, President Buchanan and others) may not fully comprehend what they are doing to advance the mission and message written in Latin on the Great Seal of the US over decades and up to 240 years (1776 to 2016).

                  This was a profound statement made by Bush after 9/11.

                  The next mega event (printed on US currency) brings massive chaos (“hurricane”), which leads to the “order” (“rainbow”) that they aspire to achieve. See the Latin phase on the Great Seal of the US.

                  It is coming sooner rather than later.

                  Rev. 12:11

                  • does this have anything to do with the half time show at superbowl?

                    • Marianne,

                      Leatherneck was referencing a line from a song, wondering what it could mean – thinking it was not good.

                      One option:

                      Chaos is the hurricane.
                      Rainbow is the order afterwards.

                      You would probably interpret the phrase literally. 🙂

                  • Yea, I have read that before. Perhaps, you are correct. However, G-d gave them not so long ago a flood, then a rainbow.

                    Do those who refuse to follow G-d’s love desire to through G-d’s laws into the water, then creating their lost Atlantis?

                    The Phoenix bird?

                    • Leatherneck,

                      The Phoenix bird is the center piece of a profound piece of art in the UN.


                      You many want to watch the other segments of this series. While the producer is not a Christian (far from it) he is explaining a great deal; secrets hinden in plain sight.

                      Rev. 12:11

  6. I will probably get hammered here once again but here goes. 🙂 There are no coincidences in this world especially when dealing on a high level of government that the supernatural realm has total control over. This is accomplished in the secret societies and covens in government, military, and commerce who are satanist including religious institutions as the Communist infiltration of churches began in 1887 to present time. Certainly the efforts and groundwork begain in 1492 to 1776, but it was really in high Gear in 1887. According to Congressional records January 10, 1963 the 46 communist goals were given to congress as a report from Hon. A.S Herlong, Jr of Florida. SO in 1887 Josiah Strong coordinated the General Christian Conference in 1887 to pool the churches into the Evangelical Alliance for the U.S. to fuel the Social Gospel. Later came the Communist organization funded by Carniage and Rockefeller called the Federal Council of Churches. The Satanic forces have been fueling the control of churches ever since and even Billy Sunday and Billy Graham was funded by this group all before 1949. So, what is the significance?

    The control of Satan is vast as a result, and specifically hiding the secret societies and wicca in many churches and denominations. On September 21 is no coincidence in that the Satanic black mass is underway; but also, the most important is the Wiccan worldwide observance of Mabon, also called the Autumnal/Fall Equinox, Harvest Home, Alban Elfed, the Festival of Dionysus, or the Festival of the Second Harvest (Lughnasadh is the first harvest or “first fruits” and Samhain is the third and final harvest) is celebrated when the sun reaches zero degrees of Libra, the day of the actual equinox, or on or around September 21.

    As an equinox celebration, Mabon (like Ostara) focuses on balance because this is one of the few times throughout the year that true balance can be observed in nature. Day and night are equal. However, though Mabon and Ostara both focus on the theme of balance, the balances they achieve are quite different at the Farrars explain in Eight Sabbats for Witches:

    However the real events that is being hid is much more sinister.

    Mabon — one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

    b. September 21 -22 — Autumnal Equinox —

    From this date through Halloween, occultists believe the veil separating the earthly dimension from the demonic realm gets progressively thinner, with the thinnest night being October 31; this thinning of the separating veil makes it easier for the demonic realm to enter the earthly dimension. Thus, on Halloween, evil spirits, ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all sorts were believed to be running amok across the land. They had to be back in their spiritual dimension before midnight, Halloween, for the separating veil would then get thicker.

    So, on that day to manifest a being, maybe Sananda the following is going on……

    1. Black festival
    2. Man killed his daughter and six grandchildren in Florida for satanic sacrifice and suicide which is a hallmark of ritual killing……
    3. September 21: Largest Global Meditation for Peace Organizations from around the world have come together with the vision of co-creating the Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation and Prayer for Peace in human history. There will be live events in hundreds of cities around the world,
    starting at 6pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace moving across our planet. There will also be three specific moments during the day when everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12am, 12 noon, and 12 midnight EDT, creating three deep planetary
    Pulses of Peace. BeThePeace welcomes people from every culture, every spiritual tradition, and every political perspective to join Together as One.
    4. September 21: Largest Global Meditation for Peace Organizations from around the world have come together with the vision of co-creating the Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation and Prayer for Peace in human history. There will be live events in hundreds of cities around the world,
    starting at 6pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace moving across our planet. There will also be three specific moments during the day when everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12am, 12 noon, and 12 midnight EDT, creating three deep planetary
    Pulses of Peace. WeThePeace welcomes people from every culture, every spiritual tradition, and every political perspective to join Together as One.

    All this is to channel or invoke a fallen angel into this realm.

    • Hey Tom no hammering from me except to say that the Global gathering Sept 21 is good but will be also harnessed to the utmost degree by satanists so as to gain greater control…expect higher taxes (ie: less free time to evangelize) soon!
      Peace and love (shalom) must save the day!

      • The gathering on 21 September is bad, very very bad. The energy is not for God, it is for Satan and the fallen angels to have one or several to manifest. This gathering for world peace is to set up the New World Order which will bring on the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ under the pretense of being Aliens and Saviors. The Black Mass is for those that follow Satan, but the so called Peace Mediation is for the same purpose but they are not aware of this.

        We can pray for delays; but eventually God will allow the 7 years of Daniels 70th week to start.

  7. Congradations!

    We agree on your latest reply. There is even more to our nation’s pagan problem.

    The GW Monument is 666ft by 666ft at the base and 6660 inches high, constructed in the shape of a pagan Egyptian obelisk. Clue.

    This is why Believers must comprehend Revelation 12:11 in the King James, ESV or NKJV or even the Easy-to-Read; “They defeated him (Satan and The Anti-Christ) by the blood sacrifice of the Lamb and by the message of God (personal testimony of His Amazing Grace) that they told people. They did not love their lives too much. They were not afraid of death.”

    Rev. 12:11

  8. What?

    Satan has no power?

    “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

    Maybe you’ve not wrestled against powers of darkness.

    This power of darkness is real. It is very powerful and they work their craft within churches, schools and the workplace, as well as in Washington DC and your local government.

    Psalm 64

  9. Can’t we just deport these people ?

    • gary

      hard to do, when most of he government is Luciferan

    • That would be “politically” incorrect. 😦 We can’t even seem to deport “illegals” – on an up note, over 100,000 have signed the petition to get Oklahoma to not allow them to use a city building. But then, maybe that would be discrimination. We have become totally backwards here.

      Pretty soon they will be taking out “God” (our Creator) from the Declaration of Independence. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet, or at least somebody trying to claim our Declaration goes against our Constitution.

      (Lord, help us.)

  10. Luciferian or Masonic

    • The worship of Lucifer is also Masonic. They worship Lucifer, the Freemasons. The lower level Masons do not know this. Albert Pike by quote in his Morals and Dogma confirms that their god is Lucifer.

      • Are you sure they worship Lucifer, or knowledge and enlightenment that Old Know represents? You can be as G-d.

        I guess either way they worship Lucifer by not worshiping G-d. Rebellion against G-d’s just laws so to speak.


        • @Leatherneck..yes, Don’t take my word for this….do your search as I know you will. however, let me offer…

          “Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!” [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff; Red Emphasis added]

          actual comment not scripted…

          The Freemasons under 33rd Degree have no idea about this due to the blood oaths they take at each degree. From the first degree they are cursed and they don’t realize it.

          I have tons of testimony from former Masons and I’m trying to warn them every day on my broadcast to GET OUT and renounce the blood oaths. I have word for word the first three degrees blood oaths…..its horrific and they don’t know.

          • I remember reading that too. I suspect some do worship Lucifer and believe he is the rightful god, not the G-d we worship.

            For us, Satan use to be Lucifer, but Lucifer is now fallen. For the Masons and other New Age fools they believe the G-d we worship is a cruel and mead G-d who does not allow beings to ascend to a higher level of conscious.

            That is the lie right there. Lucifer stated G-d did not allow for his creation to ascend. G-d could have made Lucifer worship him. But, showed that his laws are righteous. How?

            G-d died for our sins. Lucifer defeated. Now, a battle for souls.


        • Yes, they also believe that they can be as god also………that is the link to as above so below. They separate Lucifer and Satan as two different beings. its complicated. They know alchemy and the ROYAL Secret. which is horrific.

  11. Denise,

    If I can find a video presentation produced by The Grand Lodge
    in Washington DC – you would
    realize that they have contempt for Believers. The Masons founded this country and George is consider a god, likened to Zeus.

    They wrote “Creator” into the constitution to cover another option – Lucifer, who is represented as the “all seeing eye” on the Great Seal of the US.

    “IN GOD WE TRUST” is all in caps for a reason. If this was to honor God it would represent Him as God not GOD (god). There was a compromise on how the phrase was written/presented. How tough was it to say “In God we trust” for these guys?

    How about “In God We Trust” as an option. No.

    Oh! Let’s make the phrase all caps to hide (allow) our belief in Louie (Lucifer).

    Please read Psalm 64. This is one of
    their favorite passages.

    Blessings to you.
    Psalm 20

  12. re: lower level masons know not
    it’s a similar arrangement in society at large…we have the average Joe/Jane moseying along without a clue about what’s happening…most people will not need to have a CHIP for control, they’re doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing.

  13. God help us indeed!

    Within the Capital building, which Jefferson called a temple, is a painting of dear old George; spiritual father of this nation.

    Please – read this link and look at the fresco within the “temple” of the people.

    Floating in the center of the “Apotheosis”, a uniformed Washington sits enthroned on a rainbow in front of a Sun gate. Liberty, holding her fasces (a goddess symbol of transformation), and a combination of Victory and Fame sounding a trump flank him [George].

    Apotheosis is a Greek word that means ‘to raise to god like stature’ or the glorification of a person as an ideal. Indeed, this fresco depicts Washington as a god-man.

    [They mock God and His Son.]

    Christian art portrays Jesus sitting on a rainbow and enthroned exactly the same way. The sun is a symbol of Christ from the prophecy of Malachi 4:2 “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.”

    God help us become this nation is about to be judged (Rev. 18) as we approach 240 years of “liberty”.

    Blessings to you.
    Psalm 20

  14. Amen. The people of this nation are spiritual blind.

    Soon, very soon they will awaken (Matthew 25:1-10).

    “It is ironic that that U.S. Capitol mimics the sacred layout of Luxor temple considering that America was founded to abolish the Divine Right of Kings. Nonetheless, the spectacle of the Opet Festival is echoed in the inauguration ceremonies of U.S. Presidents as head of state or head of government. This term means that the President is above party politics.

    The word inaugural comes from ancient Rome where priests called augurs interpreted the will of the gods by reading the flight patterns of birds. The word augur is thought to be derived either from the root aug, “to increase, to prosper” or from the Latin avi and gero, the Latin “directing of birds.”

    Psalm 64

  15. Yes, Thomas.

    Albert Pike. Confederate General from Charleston, South Carolina. A southern Masonic grand master (33 degree).

    The ONLY general of the Confederacy to have a statue in Washington DC. Hummm? Not Lee? Not Stonewall Jackson? But a statue of this Confederate Gen. Albert Pike?

    He is memorialized as a Confederate?

    No. He is memorialized because he was the leader of Masons and their temple, which rules over the Capital and the government.

    And folks are concerned about a statue in Oklahoma City?

    Look at the statue in Oklahoma City and the at the one for dear old George Washington.

    “Wake up, you who sleep…” (Ephesians 5:14).

    Psalm 64

  16. Just a few moments ago, I was going to post my thoughts on ‘the last graven image (man?) but before I posted, I realized the note might not apply to the conversation…now it does. thanks for the post re: apotheosis

  17. Many at my church are praying for Divine intervention that something supernatural would prevent the event at the OKC Civic Center Music Hall.

    Some time ago the Civic Center Music Hall (coincidence?) ran a show that was blasphemous and offensive. The one-night only event was hampered by the worst snowstorm OKC had seen in a while.

    I (and others) are praying for similar outcome.

  18. In the early 90’s my husband and I had bought a home in a very affluent town, Sedona AZ. Yes, new age capitol of the world. I lived there for over 2 yrs. Though dabbling in new age some myself, at the time, I was appalled by the many occultists who would come up to me, others’ unannounced and do a reading, no way! I never liked living in this area; saw UFO’s on a regular basis; always felt uneasy, underlying all the wealth and movie stars that had homes there. Many came there for the Sedona, spiritual experience & instead their marriage would fall apart.

    One Halloween in this beautiful tourist town, just blocks from our home; a woman was abducted while working in a tee shirt shop. This caused great fear, especially among the younger women. Course nothing was really reported & all was hush, hush, in this beautiful, rich, tourist town. The upscale popular, restaurant where I was employed, worked a bartender who was also on search & rescue; knew the truth. This red haired, blue eyed woman was used in Satanic ritual in the red rocks of Sedona. They found the evidence but it remained unreported. She was not the only one; many had disappeared, unknowns, passing through. We, the common ones, became very frightened. There was weird interference while speaking over the phone. Many felt we could be marked and were watched. We would have talks of secret societies within this small town involved in this horror & likely those in authority knew & were involved, confirmed by the search & rescue man, hush, hush.
    The mystery was never solved, her family never knew her fate. We were never so happy to sell and move out of this famous, beautiful, American, tourist town.
    Real Satanic rituals have been around for a long time.

    • This is shared not to bring on fear, it is our reality while in this world.
      We wrestle NOT against flesh & blood. Ephesians 6:12

      • The UFO’s are not alien….they are demonic and they are fallen angels…..they can shift change…..

        • No argument here, never said they were alien.. All this actual experience above is very likely tied to free masons, secret societies of the rich and famous many years for before this knowledge was mainstream. Evoking Lucifer>evil. Course history can document further back.

        • I agree they are fallen Angels and interdimensional. I think the lie that misleads even the elect will be Old Knob trying to mimic Christ’s second coming with a bunch of these UFO’s landing.

        • Do you make any distinctions between demons and fallen angels, and if so what are they?

          I’ve heard a lot about aliens being demons/fallen angels. Is there a good video with proof? Please let me know.

          I do know that demons and aliens are linked. I believe that the movie ‘The Fourth Kind’ was based on real events (the producers from the beginning said it was factual, but after pressure, they retracted and said it was like ‘Paranormal Activity’– supposed to look real but fake). The insomnia, 3:33 am visitations, and many other things about the movie struck a chord with me as true. Furthermore, the aliens not only channeled through some people in the movie/story but also spoke Sumerian every time they spoke. I have personally witnessed a guy from whose mouth demons spoke Sumerian. The tone was dark and oppressive, guttural and very deep, many voices at once, ancient sounding, and sounded like it came from a subterranean place far beneath the ocean floor. Human vocal cords cannot hope to reproduce such a sound or effect.

          • I think fallen angels is a general term for those angels that were evicted from heaven with satan.

            demons are spirits that have inhabited humans, and released once the human dies…they usually look for another host..

          • The sons of God of the Old Testament [Genesis 6:2 to 6:4 and Job 38:7 proves they existed before the Earth was formed. They were the fallen angels that took physical bodies and then fell in lust with Daughters of man, and by the sexual union created Hybrids, part Fallen angel with Copper Based DNA and human, carbon Based DNA. There were two waves of these angelic creatures…..before the flood and after the flood. Their “offspring were giants and men of “renown” with superhuman type skills. The giants were over 30, 40 or 50 ft tall and different types. These hybrids were not in the image of God but has physical bodies were killed in the flood and that was the reason for the flood. There are three Heavens….the third Heaven is where God resides and that is in the Bible. There is the first Heaven, Earth where physical bodies and the physical exists…and between is the second Heaven where lies the physical universe where no flesh can live but supernatural can. The fallen angels are spiritual Orbs and can change shapes. They are the UFO’s……there are no aliens. they can come into this realm by human sacrifice and energy generated by disasters and death… they are heading toward a modern day tower of Babel by technology opening portals (CERN) to let the fallen in this first Heaven. Before, those like El Morya, St Germain, Sananda Immanuel, DK and other fallen angels have led man since Nimrod to now…………

            The flood during Noah’s day killed the Giants, (abominations of the fallen angels) and thereby their “spirit” was released in the supernatural realm without bodies……they crave bodies to inhabit and there you have the problem of possession since the flood and the so called Ghost etc….is nothing more than the disembodied spirits of the former Nephilim or giants before the flood and after the giants killed after Nimrod that walked the earth. They have plagued mankind even in the North American plains…called Skin walkers or in the Middle East…Jinn.

            The demons are actually nothing more than specks of light that can cause hallucinations and Illusion to make themselves into something they really aren’t. They taught mankind witchcraft, Freemasonry craft and alchemy. Long long story short. The picture of Jesus that WE THINK Is jesus….is not Jesus of Nazareth. He is the false prophet named Sananda Immanuel. google and search this for your own edification. However, soon there will be DISCLOSURE and then following that is the RESPIRITUALIZATION of the Roman Catholic church to embrace the NEW THEOLOGY CALLED “The New Age Movement” or secular Humanism. I will be exposing this very thing this week on my broadcast Monday to Friday. I think we are now very close. The lie about ET’s was even set up by John Dewey in 1917 and the Iron Mountain Commission Report, Section 7 Summary. “ET Hoax”……..longer story short also

    • straight

      you had a horrible experience..where I live, I would have never even imagined such things..but now I am more informed…..I always thought of the western portion of the country as rustic and close to God….stories like this are very disturbing.

  19. I live in Oklahoma City, and several people say that the masonic temple ‘up the street’ in Guthrie, OK is the national headquarters of the masons, a secret society that seems to own at least Oklahoma City. I’ve heard of this statue and the black mass and believe that satanism must and will surface more and more in the public eye in America (having already begun with movies and music). It may make a big stink until it polarizes the country and may be the igniter of the persecution of Christians in America. American Christians are generally in a spiritual sleep, so all the trouble the Bible says will happen has to.

    • Arendale, The Freemasons in fact control most towns especially the churches, schools and city or town boards for now. I know for a fact that they will be targeted for execution by the “Great White Brotherhood” of the Illuminati once they the Luciferian order gets control of the World Governments. I warn the Freemasons about this on my radio program and while at the same time expose them. I know this sounds a bit double minded but its a double minded situation.

      This double cross against the Freemasons is not understood by them but its documented in the Illuminati’s plan and its even mentioned in the Bible Psalms 34:21.

      In many small strategic towns where the Foreign Trade zones are located (290 FTZ;s owned by Chinese) is a manufactured takeover planned. They aren’t telling the locals.

      • I did not know there was a difference between the 2 groups

        • there are three groups mentioned….Great White Brotherhood, Knights of Malta and Freemasons.

          Most all of TBN and 700 Club are high level Freemasons or Eastern Stars.

          • I can see TBN…but 700 club? how do you know?

            • The Council of National Policy is a secretive right wing group, that is sub to the Council of Foreign Relations, or the Illuminati in America.

              They are the ones that manages and starts all of our wars and killing of our military personnel behind the scenes.

              Dr. “M.G.” Pat Robertson – CNP Board of Governors 1982, President Executive Committee 1985-86, member, 1984, 1988, 1998; President of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), host of the famous “The 700 Club”, and founder of CBN University; founder the Christian Coalition; chancellor and founder CBN University.


              As in WWII, The Chicago Tribune blamed the Council on Foreign Relations for our Ill Advised entry into our first “police action”. Our State Department was ordered by CFR/Jesuits to block the attack by free Chinese from Formosa to retake Red China. The US State Department then ordered the US 7th Fleet to block the Free Chinese, over 500,000 strong from attacking Red China to make it free.


              “The members of the Council [On Foreign Relations]….should look at their hands. There is blood on them- the dried blood of the last war [World War II] and fresh Blood of the present one [The Korean War].

              [Chicago Tribune editorial December 9, 1950]

              Hillary confirms

              • I do not think being on the board of governors back in 1982 makes pat robertson a bad guy….he may have been asked since he is interested in politics and how it affects christianity and america

                • Pat Robertson is a member of the CNP automatically makes him a member of the Illuminati because that is the Illuminati. He is also a 33rd Degree Freemason.

                  • how do you know he is 33 degree mason?

                  • that part about the lions paw is speculative….robertson was just holding onto his lapel for the picture….the point within a circle on every page of a book? that is hard to believe…..this is witch hunting.

                    • No, its not witch hunting. Look at the associations, signs, memberships and know that satan is god of this world. If you are a member of The Knights of malta then you are a member who has went to the initiations and have become one. If you are associated with them then you are one of them. There is nothing speculative about the horned hands, the lions paw and the fact that even the entertainers HAVE to show the one eye, triangle, 666 ok sign, to show their allegiances. The hand signs show the secret societies that he is on their side while speaking out against them.

                    • here is a list of luciferians in the knights of Malta…who took that horrific oath to be in the Knights of Malta. Look at who is there..


          • I believe that about TBN and especially 700 Club. Something’s just totally not right with the 700 Club, and I wonder why the name.

            • the 700 club started out with 700 members,,,

              • The Illuminati established and organized Specifically religion and Education to infiltrate and use it against God. That is why he said that his church was anywhere two or more were gathered together.

            • They started in the mid 1960’s and were about to go bankrupt so they held a telethon and said if 700 people gave $10 / month they could make their expenses – hence the “700 Club” stuck.

              BTW Jimmy Bakker and his wife Tammy were the first regular hosts to the program (before being fired by Pat Robertson) and going on to host their own show the PTL Club.

              Now the 700 Club raises money through telethons, educational university(ies) and digging for diamonds in Zaire.

              • They have been up to no good every since. Billy Graham has always been that way since the Rockefellers funded him in 1949 to 1950’s with money donated through the Laura Spelman Memorial Fund. They funded both Billy Sunday and later Billy Graham.

        • These people are so evil its beyond the mind could imagine. Minus the background music…..its true here.

          Chuck Smith is a fraud

          now watch this short clip of how they are double minded…

          Orchestrated Suicides of our troops are up to 26+ day. 80% of these troops were never in Combat.

        • There is a difference between the illuminati and masons; I know about that much. Masons can have all cultures and ethnic backgrounds involved in it. Also, the illuminati appears to be ‘the secret society within secret societies’. But I hope to learn more about their differences.

  20. Don’t get me wrong….I’m not trying to show my “knowledge” but I’m trying to share my research to show how the connections unknown to the American public is being maintained by a secretive, group of Luciferians [Not just jews], made up of all nationalities and cultures of elites that act on TV but behind the scenes are the most Evil one can imagine. Billy Graham, Copleland, Joyce Meyers, Osteen, Benny Hinn, and most all on TV… and by their own words that today is coming out in the open

    • you think Billy Graham, Copleland, Joyce Meyers, Osteen, Benny Hinn are luciferans?

      • I know these folks are. They are not Christian. You cannot be a Freemason and Christian at the same time. The falling away is just that. They deny Jesus in subtle ways and then preach corrupted theology. Billy Graham taught the right way for about 40 years until the generations were changed to accept the New Age Theology. Graham for example was funded by Rockefeller and Randolph Hearst in 1949 to 1950’s to get him started. Copeland and Joyce are like Osteen as Dolor, Braizer TD Jakes, and all of TBN……by corrupting with the Word Faith Movement.

        They have been told to come out and expose themselves and bring about the Humanist theology….and discredit Religion.

        Joyce Meyers is dead dead wrong…

        Benny Hinn his own words.

        Matthew 7:21

        King James Bible
        Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

        Matthew 7:21-23King James Version (KJV)

        21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

        22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

        23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

        • that part about BH wanting to kill someone is just an expression…I have said that myself…he was expressing frustration.

          • but he is a man of God or supposed to be. However, he is a massive fraud. He is fake for sure.. however, the trick is to now discredit the evangelist to discredit religion as we know it to justify the acceptance of the New World Order.

            • sorry but NBC approached hinn with a spirit of unbelief…it was a witch hunt..

              hinn or anyone can only pray for healing…God does the healing.

              I was healed at a hinn prayer meeting….

              god decides who gets healed, not the hinn staff

              there are thousands of people at a meeting…no person can force a healing by going to the front……this has to be an act of god.

              instead of focusing on those who did not get healed, they ignored all who DID get healed….

              do not blame hinn for God’s decision.

              • God is not figured in during Henn’s services…like he is not going to glorify Osteen or Todd Bently et al. Satan will however, ..

                Matthew 7:21-23King James Version (KJV)

                21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

                22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

                23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

              • I’m pointing out the false teachers so people won’t be mislead. They tell 80% truth and then deviate. The entire Charismatic movement was created by the Illuminati to save the rock and roll music by adding Christian Rock and to lead religion with a fervor. See that they all teach from the same song book….


                • there are still genuine true christian leaders in the The Charismatic movement , pls do not deny the entire movement , the movement come from Holy Spirit, yes, there are some false one mixed in ,

                  but pls do not deny the whole thing.

              • AMEN

                • amen to what Marianne said , quote ”

                  I was healed at a hinn prayer meeting….

                  god decides who gets healed, not the hinn staff

                  there are thousands of people at a meeting…no person can force a healing by going to the front……this has to be an act of god.

                  instead of focusing on those who did not get healed, they ignored all who DID get healed….

                  do not blame hinn for God’s decision.

                  Marianne said this on September 21, 2014 at 4:46 pm

        • Thomas, concerning B. Graham, you stated”:Billy Graham taught the right way for about 40 years until the generations were changed to accept the New Age Theology. Graham for example was funded by Rockefeller and Randolph Hearst in 1949 to 1950’s to get him started”

          This statement contradicts itself. I am trying to understand and am not at all new to what you post here. I heard this is Graham, others 2 yrs. ago. I find it most disturbing concerning Graham. I have been to where he lives; he does not live a rich lifestyle, but has a nice home. Meyers, etc. they live filthy rich; when I discovered this and Morris Cerrillo as well; it was certainly an eye opener. Is Cerrillo connected? He lives in La Holla, the richest area in the U.S. It was very sad to know this after meeting him many years ago, all preach prosperity now. What, where is your radio station? Please list, thanks.

          • @Susan, yes the statement appears to contradict itself, however, knowing that the “Core Belief” of the era was how BIlly Graham entered in fully funded and supported by Rockefellers and Randolph Hearst is in itself suspicious. If He had entered with a different theology and not well trained by Jesuits to be the right kind of evangelist Graham would not have been so famous. He had to come in with the right theology and fill the need of that generation and the Baby Boomers as well, until the New Age theology could be woven into the fabric of society as we have today. He maintained a tight relationship with The Vatican and took blood money from the Rockefellers…Rockefellers received money from the Laura Spelman Memorial Fund after they massacred men, women and children in the brutal Colorado Fuel and Iron Massacre of their workers. Billy Sunday was also tainted by the Rockefellers after his ministry was off and running leading to Sundays’ down fall eventually. Billy Graham has now come out of the closet believing in Aliens in the mid-1990’s and denying Jesus but not Christ in several interviews he and recorded conversation with another 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Shueller.

            In any case I’m not a theologian but I have an extensive background in government contracting, Military experience and I’m a whistleblower….who exposes these issues. Simple. my radio program is on from 4 to 6;00 PM EST, and at night, monday’s 9 to 11:00 on my site and Tues to Friday 8 To 9:00 PM EST Bible studies. I have no personal benefit from these programs….its all for the exposure of these falsehoods.

            • I commend what you are exposing. Most of this I fully get it is not new, but there is always more that unfolds as knowledge increases. You did not answer on Cerrillo from my post; do you know anything on him? I already know he too; now preaches a false gospel. Is not on the list;yet by their fruits you shall know them. Back when on his mail list; he would say it was for personal answer to prayer / healing, then would say send in $700. Well I am no longer on their list to call or send this propaganda; I openly rebuked the last caller from his ministry by stating he lives in a $100,000,000+ mansion & he is asking me for money! How obvious can one get. These faith / prosperity ministers have their reward, then wrath of the Almighty unless they truly repent. This is no different than a rock star / movie star, selling his soul to Satan to be famous, except these preachers are more accountable under the guise of the One True God, what blatant rebellion! And the RCC, thanks for All the exposure, also part of in depth study personally. Come from RC on both sides of family. Thanks for being a whistle blower, I will be listening.

          • @susan, I was not studied on Morris Cerrillo….however, I will provide you this link of what someone else says…



            • Thank you Thomas,
              I have seen these but awhile ago. Guess he is not on the list, but this exposure speaks for itself. These imposters; it is tragic, Jesus warned us. Morris is now in his mid to late 80’s guess he thinks he is taking all this wealth with him when he dies, the rest also
              Sorry folks, just had to be a little sarcastic to balance the sadness:( I Pray they all repent & gives ALL to the needy.

  21. Alberto Rivera confirms, before he was killed that much afflictions happen due to demonic influence. The Priest who do exorcisms as the Catholic church is bases on a pagan root system, have a connection partnership with the demonic realm. The act like Reiki is performed and the demons that cause this…..Leave to give praise and thanks to the priests of false preacher. Benny Hinn hits people with his coat to heal them…this is not of God.

    I’ll stop here…..but what I’m telling you is the truth.

    • I don’t know by eyewitness or by lots of research; but I agree with what you are saying. Some people approach things more from an objective perspective and some from a subjective. I prefer objective, but because objective evidence is often lacking, I tend to lean heavily towards subjective evidence. For instance, Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruits.” Fruits here are:

      1. the inward evidence surfacing on the outside, and

      2. the offspring.

      If a person claims to be a man of God but hits people to heal them, deceives people for money, struts proudly about, and speaks profanely (killing people, lewd or ungodly jokes, etc.), that person’s fruits show that they are not godly ministers. Also, if a minister claims to be from God (which one doesn’t) but their followers (offspring) remain immature, ungodly, quarrelsome, in lack or poverty, etc., then that is not a godly minister. “Therefore, by their fruits, you will recognize them,” Jesus said.

      God did not give us a Book of puzzles; He makes it clear in the Bible who is and isn’t a genuine Christian, and it is much more easily noted among ministers because a greater obligation to be godly lies on the shoulders of ministers and a lesser obligation of non-minister Christians. I don’t have objective eyewitness proof that people like Pat Robertson, the Osteens, Hinn, and Joyce Meyers are luciferians; but there is plenty of ‘subjective evidence’ that shows these people to undoubtedly be serving ‘other gods’ and to not be Christians. Jesus said, “By their fruits, you will recognize them.” If we don’t know them by their fruits (i.e. by spiritual discernment, understanding things that are not physically manifest/evident), then how else are we supposed to know them? We would have to wait for physical or tangible evidence all the time and would then have to believe every minister who claims to be from as long as he is never caught on tape purposely killing someone or partaking in a satanic ritual.

      • You said it better than i have. Well put. When you say “they serve other gods”……there isn’t but two. God in Heaven and Satan and his followers. Only two. So if they aren’t serving God in Heaven, then that leaves only one more for them to serve.

        you see, the TV preachers are now activated to turn Humanist. Victoria Osteen and Joel are now allowed to show their true colors…this is a good video someone put together to respond to her recent remarks.

      • The Roman Catholic Church has always planned a re-spiritualization of their belief structure since the year it was formed in 325 AD… will re-spiritualize into the New age Movement. In the sixth century the Vatican created the religion of Islam and afterwards actually took Muhammad under their wing through arab roman catholics when Muhammad was six to 25 years old. Then he was married to a wealthy Arab widow….who was trained in a convent when he was 25 and she was 40 yrs of age. The religion of Islam was created to control the offspring of Ishmael and later in the 19th century the vatican created zionism to control the descendents of Issac and Jacob. WWIII will be fomented by a planned war between Islam and Political zionism as planned by Albert Pike before 1871……which is yet to happen.

  22. I have often wondered about the Freemasons. My stepfather was one, not sure of his rank or degree but he had one of those secret rooms in his house out in the midwest which we were allowed in after he passed away.

    My Mom and he lived out here on the west coast and as far as my Mom knew he never attended any meetings out here. However, she said after he passed there was this group of men who came to her and told her if she needed anything she would be taken care of – from stacking fire wood, to money. Anything. (Kind of creepy.) My Mom did not oblige in their services.

    While he was alive according to his stories to me, he “ran papers” for the CIA into other countries. His job had him travel a lot so it served as a perfect front. And, just like in the movies, this briefcase would be cuffed to his wrist until the hand off was made later. I always wondered about his stories – but, maybe they were true.

    Again, after he had passed, Mom said she noticed her mail would be opened and then resealed. Not sure if it was “them” or the government, she sort of thought the government, but who knows.

    I sometimes think some of these things people are saying here on this blog are kind of out there – but then, I have my own personal references to the weirdnesses and secretness that goes on.

    • I can tell you that your family needs prayers and to renounce Freemasonry. I also know that Freemasons will be targeted and executed once the Great White brotherhood takes total control. I warn them on my radio show almost every day that the ones they are working for will kill them once the hierarchy has total control. In accordance with protocols Chapter XV, [Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion].

      • My mom, and as far as I know my father, were never associated with anything masonic. As a teenager in the late 1960’s (high school) I was “sponsored” into some women’s group / lodge – we wore white robes with purple sashes. It was all very weird. I stayed less than a year and got out.

        Mom didn’t meet my step dad until I was well into adulthood, the late 1980’s, and he passed away in the early 1990’s. I believe there are masonic lodges in northern California – though she thought he didn’t attend any masonic lodges here (he was from Indiana) though she thought he attended some Scottish Rite temple in the area from time to time.

        Are they associated with Masons?

        It just seems very weird this group of men visiting her when he passed, and mail being opened. As far as I know I wasn’t targeted for anything after leaving whatever the group was I was sponsored into as a teenager (Eastern Star ???) I was a member of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) – and then I became a police officer.

        Not sure I am a threat to anyone, nor my Mom.

  23. you don’t understand. One member of the family the father becoming a Freemason means they took even one blood oath if he was was just a first degree Mason. Being high up he would be a 33rd degree mason. This curses a family for four generations whether they are involved or not.

  24. start now…..break that tie……..

    • God has been with me from day 1 (or as far back as a human can have memory recall – 2 1/2 yrs? 3 yrs???)

      Even though my family was not religious and we did not attend any church regularly when I was growing up, I have always had a personal relationship with the Lord and with Jesus Christ here on earth. I believe I have been guided toward – and away from – many situations in my life.

      I have no fear. My entire life has been in service to God and remains so until He calls me home. I wear His full protection – Ephesians 6:11-18.

  25. Antichrist Unmasked! 😮

    …just sharing (an old article).

  26. Old wine in a new bottle 😉
    The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschild(s), the British Crown and the Vatican Rule the World 👿

    • The Top of the Pyramid is the Great White Brotherhood. Its not the Rothschilds. The insider Illuminati are Italian and German….the top of the Pyramid is the anti-Christ and he won’t come until the Tribulations begin and they have not begun yet.

      The seven seals, seven Trumpets and Seven bowls are yet to happen. 7 years of Tribulations is yet to happen.

      • Who exactly are the Rothschilds? Do they have any connection to Africa? What is their role in all this, and what is it that makes them a name that keeps coming up?

        As for ‘E Pluribus Unum’, there’s a lot of infighting among the secret societies, NWO groups, and ‘royal families’, and lasting unity for them is basically impossible. I’m surprised they’ve been able to hold it together so long the way they don’t get along. But then I guess when satan is the one pulling the strings, he can keep it together as long as he needs.

        • The Rothschild are the Illuminati to be known and the Rockefellers on the North American continent. Google Springmeir’s 13 outside families…vs the families named by Coleman, 13 insider Illuminati families who are the Italian and German side.

      • There should only be 3.5 years of G-d’s wrath. The first half will be a false peace.

        • according to scriptures the first 3.5 years will contain the 7 seals….Satans wrath upon the lamb…..of the 7 years. Then the 6th seal brings on Sun darkened, one blood moon, massive earthquake, 144,000 Hebrew Jews, and the two witnesses…..then the anti-christ will take Jerusalem and commit the Abomination of Desolation, starting off the first trumpet to the 7th trumpet and 7 bowl judgments and lasting 3.5 years of Gods wrath, total 7 years…..and the Armageddon.

      • Thomas,

        Wow! You’re on a roll.

        Now, please consider the following Freemason puzzle, which involves the year, 2016.

        As I posted in reply to J.P. on another page – Satan knows what is coming and what occurs from the first seal to the last events in Revelation. What Satan does not know about are the events associated with the 7 Thunders.

        The Beast, ever so discreetly, displays the coming devastation upon Metro NYC in the artwork of St. Peter’s Cathedral and on US currency (Fed Reserve), giving Satan’s minions a display of his knowledge and occult powers.

        Satan has also shared his knowledge with the Freemasons (33 degree attainment). So, we can expect the Masons to ever so discreetly display what is coming through their artwork and images – boasting of their occult knowledge (cleverly).

        With the above as background, here is an unusual confirmation of the significance of the ending of the blood moons/solar eclipses (Feasts of Tabernacles, 2015). Let’s consider 2016 with a Masonic calendar.

        You see Thomas – the lunar/solar cycle (2014-15) are those we read in Joel 2:31-32.

        Yes, it’s true. We are within the last days and those tricky Masons will give us another clue.

        The Masons put the NWO message on the Great Seal as a calendar.

        You know the beginning, but now ….”here’s the rest of the story.”

        The symbol of the first Masonic Government (USA) is the Great Pyramid with the “all seeing eye of Horus” (Lucifer), floating above in the capstone.

        Please read the Latin phrase on the Great Seal of the US.

        Masonic Founding Fathers selected 1776 as the year of independence, birthing a NWO.

        The question is when is the NWO activated, fully functioning as a power of its own?

        The Masons applied the date 1776 on the base of their pyramid graphic as a calendar, or count down to when their NWO arrives.

        The NWO arrives when the capstone is placed upon the peak, right?

        The “all seeing eye” floating at the top of the graphic pyramid on the Great Seal represents “Horus” who is an Egyptian occult representation of Lucifer.

        It is Lucifer – the all seeing eye.

        The year at the base of the pyramid graphic on the Great Seal is 1776 (MDCCLXXVI).

        Masons long ago called 1776 “The Year of Light.”

        Next, Masons adhered to the Kabbala along with Egyptian pagan/occult rites, rituals and believes.

        In the Kabbala it states:

        “240 years before the seventh millennium (i.e., the year 6000 from creation), the lower waters will rise and cover the entire world, and only Eretz Yisroel [the Land of Israel] will remain, which will float on the surface of the water like Noach’s Ark; they will approach Gan Aiden [Garden of Eden], the place from which the four rivers leave. The people who survive will be completely righteous, and there they will be whitened, purified, and made spiritual.” (Yalkut Reuveini, Shichechus Leket, “Eretz Yisroel v’Chutz L’Aretz,” 6; in the name of the Rokeach–Gali Razyah).

        Not only do Masons know Egyptian occult, but they read the Kabbala and also convert the Hebrew calendar into the Gregorian calendar for their purposes.

        Next –

        The height of the Great Pyramid in Egypt is 5776 inches with the capstone in place. When the capstone is “in place” – the NWO is activated, functioning and at work, right?

        The building of the NWO is the representation on The Great Seal of the US with a date of 1776 at the base.

        The foundation was laid in 1776 by Freemasons (Colonies in revolt, with help of French and other Masons in old EU), right?

        So now, let’s put this all together – “a secret in plain sight” as it is understood by those who study such puzzles.

        Since the Great Seal of the US was designed by Ben Franklin (33 degree Mason) with a Latin phrase identifying the birthing of a NWO (1776) on a graphic pyramid that represents The Great Pyramid, which is 5776 inches in hight – we can see a Masonic calendar.

        5776 (hight of The Great Pyramid in inches) is also a Hebrew calendar year, which just happens to be 2016.

        We know the building of the NWO began in 1776.

        We read in the Kabbala that the number of years before the 7th millennium is 240.

        1776 (birth of a NWO, “The Year of Light” + 240 (Kabbala reference) = 2016.

        The NWO becomes operational when the capstone is applied to top of the pyramid or when Lucifer (Anti-Christ) is seated as leader of the NWO, 2016.

        The Masons put the NWO message on the Great Seal as a Masonic calendar. It’s printed on the back of the US Dollar for a reason.

        Barry, is the first gay, Islamic President of the Masonic Government, leading the NWO as the son of perdition on later than ~ 2016. He will be formally seated as ruler of their NWO, given his power by Lucifer. Barry’s just a vessel.

        Barry rode out on a white horse, accepting a prize (Greek word crown) for peace on Feasts of Tabernacles, 2009. There is more to Barry too but I’m running out of space. Seals 2 and 3 are open too.

        Did you notice all the events occurring on Feasts of Tabernacles?

        The year 2017 is significant.

        1947 (UN proclamation) + 70 years (Psalm 90:10 and Jeremiah chapters 29-33) = 2017 (Matthew 24:29-31).

        The above is my understanding and does not represent the opinions or views of almost no one else.

        BTW – The Ark of the Covenant will be brought forth soon. This will really upset da Pope, members of the UN, Freemasons, ISIL, ISIS, CIA, CBS, BBC, Wells Fargo, Apple, the Rothschild family and their interests in Israel along with all worshipers of the Beast.

        I don’t want to argue with you. Just giving you more information to consider.

        Psalm 64

        • @DJ Specifically this part..

          “Feasts of Tabernacles?

          The year 2017 is significant.

          1947 (UN proclamation) + 70 years (Psalm 90:10 and Jeremiah chapters 29-33) = 2017 (Matthew 24:29-31).

          The above is my understanding and does not represent the opinions or views of almost no one else.

          BTW – The Ark of the Covenant will be brought forth soon. This will really upset da Pope, members of the UN, Freemasons, ISIL, ISIS, CIA, CBS, BBC, Wells Fargo, Apple, the Rothschild family and their interests in Israel along with all ”

          COMMENT STARTS: DJ, The Feast of the Tabernacles is the 1,000 years not the Tribulations before. The Tribulations to Armageddon to the 1,000 years Millennial reign which is the Feast of the Tabernacles and the literal fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant.

          The Ark of the Covenant that they bring forth will have blood on it but not the blood of Jesus. It will have the blood of Sananda Immanuel the fallen angel we think is Jesus but it will not be the real Jesus. The Anti-Christ will have the same blood type as the fake Jesus (Yeshua), or the so called Ascended master to effect the Re-spiritualizaiton of the Catholic church and bringing on the New Age Movement that Teilhard de Chardin, Jesuit Priest, was designated the Father of the New Age Movement. To link up with this the fake Shroud will have the same “blood type” as the physical vehicle of the Anti-Christ. Its all a major plan of deception.

          I know from researchers that the Pyramid and misplaced capstone is representative of the conspiracy for destruction of the Catholic Church and establishment of the One World or UN dictatorship that Adam Weishaupt set up on May 1, 1776. It had its first workout during the French Revolution that Thomas Jefferson loved and he was CONTROLLED BY WEISHAUPT as was Woodrow Wilson by Mandel House.

          The additional support for this agenda llies with “Signs of Christ” by Harold Balyoz, which is a textbook of the Illuminati says, “The Master Jesus [Sananda Immanuel], will take a physical vehicle [flesh body] and with certain of His chelas effect a “re-spiritualisation” of the Catholic Churches, breaking down the barrier separating the Episcopal and Greek Churches from the Roman”

          [“Signs of Christ” by Harold Balyoz, page 412]

          This was supposed to have happened already in the 1980’s. Look for the one named Master Hilarion [fallen angel] to take the lead and for the Financial St. Germain [Fallen Angel]

          Keep in mind that since the years 1425 AD to 2025 AD this operation has been set up . This was to make the North American Continent [due to the necessary elements for alchemy], the NEW ATLANTIS. All events of History including the wars etc…has been for this agenda. The full Externalization of the Hierarchy is to take place in the year 2025 AD as they access every century their progress.

          long long story very short.

        • oKeep in mind that since the years 1425 AD to 2025 AD this operation has been set up . This was to make the North American Continent [due to the necessary elements for alchemy], the NEW ATLANTIS. All events of History including the wars etc…has been for this agenda. The full Externalization of the Hierarchy is to take place in the year 2025 AD as they access every century their progress.

    • sunny,

      Masonic Founding Fathers selected 1776 as the year of independence, birthing a NWO.

      The question is when is the NWO activated, fully functioning as a power of its own?

      The Masons applied the date 1776 on the base of their pyramid graphic as a calendar, or count down to when their NWO arrives. The NWO arrives when the capstone is placed upon the peak, right?

      The “all seeing eye” floating at the top of the graphic pyramid on the Great Seal represents “Horus” who is an Egyptian occult representation of Lucifer.
      It is Lucifer – the all seeing eye.

      The year at the base of the pyramid graphic on the Great Seal is 1776 (MDCCLXXVI).

      Masons long ago called 1776 “The Year of Light.”

      Next, Masons adhered to the Kabbala along with Egyptian pagan/occult rites, rituals and believes.

      In the Kabbala it states:

      “240 years before the seventh millennium (i.e., the year 6000 from creation), the lower waters will rise and cover the entire world, and only Eretz Yisroel [the Land of Israel] will remain, which will float on the surface of the water like Noach’s Ark; they will approach Gan Aiden [Garden of Eden], the place from which the four rivers leave. The people who survive will be completely righteous, and there they will be whitened, purified, and made spiritual.” (Yalkut Reuveini, Shichechus Leket, “Eretz Yisroel v’Chutz L’Aretz,” 6; in the name of the Rokeach–Gali Razyah).

      Not only do Masons know Egyptian occult, but they read the Kabbala and also convert the Hebrew calendar into the Gregorian calendar for their purposes.

      Next –

      The height of the Great Pyramid in Egypt is 5776 inches with the capstone in place. When the capstone is “in place” – the NWO is activated, functioning and at work, right?

      The building of the NWO is the representation on The Great Seal of the US with a date of 1776 at the base. The foundation is laid in 1776 by the Freemasons (Colonies revolt, Independence ~ with help of French and other Masons in old EU).

      So now, let’s put this all together – “a secret in plain sight” as it is understood by those who study such puzzles.

      Since the Great Seal of the US was designed by Ben Franklin (33 degree Mason) with a Latin phrase identifying the birthing of a NWO (1776) on a graphic pyramid that represents the Great Pyramid, which is 5776 inches in hight – we now have a Masonic calendar.

      5776 in the Hebrew year just happens to be 2016.

      The building of the NWO began in 1776.

      We read in the Kabbala that the number of years before the 7th millennium is 240.

      1776 (birth of a NWO, “The Year of Light” + 240 (Kabbala reference) = 2016.

      The NWO becomes operational when the capstone is applied to top of the pyramid or when Lucifer (Anti-Christ) is seated as leader of the NWO, 2016.

      The Masons put the NWO message on the Great Seal as a calendar.

      Barry, is the first gay, Islamic President of the Masonic Government, birthing the NWO as the son of perdition in 2016. He will be seated as ruler of their NWO.

      Barry rode out on a white horse, accepting a crown (Greek word prize) for peace on Feasts of Tabernacles, 2009. There is more to Barry but I don’t have the space or time. Seal 1, 2 and 3 are open.

      The year 2017 is significant.

      1947 (UN proclamation) + 70 years (Psalm 90:10 and Jeremiah chapters 29-33) = 2017 (Matthew 24:29-31).

      sunny, “let no one deceive you by any means…” (2nd Thess. 2:3-17).

      The above is my understanding and does not represent the opinions or views of almost no one else.

      Psalm 64

  27. The capstone has not come down on the Pyramid indicating an incomplete structure. Only when the New World Order is established upon all nations and once the world leader is enthroned will the plan be complete.

    There are 13 steps in the pyramid. The number thirteen not only has a bad connotation as far as bad luck, it also has a very high significance in the occult by representing the 13 bloodlines of the Satanic family’s. Thirteen was a mystical number to the Egyptians and Babylonians, and also the Masons.

    The 9 Roman numerals, MDCCLXXVI, appear on the foundation of the pyramid and translate to 1776, the year of independence and therefore the founding of the United States of America. However, another important event occurred that year, the founding of the Illuminati (the enlightened ones).

    • Thirteen can be associated with the Knight’s Templers. As the King of France attacked the first global company on Friday the 13th. Most fled. I read Scotland than on to America with great wealth.

      I read the cap stood above the rest of the Pyramid is meant for those who are enlightened. Notice the all seeing eye is a human eye.

      The occult means hidden not evil. However, those who are a part of the occult may be doing evil. If you are not worshiping G-d the Father maker of heaven and earth who died for human sin, whom are thee worshiping?


    • Thanks for all the info. They all really are working overtime to set up their own kingdom. I’d tried to remember if the Bible talks specifically about this NWO thing anywhere. The closest I got was Ps. 2 which mentions the conspiracy of world rulers against God. I was impressed to find it that way in the Bible.


  29. Thomas,

    You seem to be side tracked by the years 1425 to 2015 and some trivial data.

    Maybe this will help. I’ve included a video presentation at the bottom of this reply.

    Let’s add the Jubilee count (49 years and into a Jubilee year) into the mix, knowing that the Mason’s provided a Masonic NWO calander/timeline on the Great Seal of the first Masonic Nation (1776 + 240 = 2016, Capstone of the NWO).

    Begin with 1917 and the Balfour Declaration:

    “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

    “The initial draft of the declaration, contained in a letter sent by Rothschild to Balfour, referred to the principle ‘that Palestine should be reconstituted as the National Home of the Jewish people’ (Stein, Leonard (1961). The Balfour Declaration. New York: Simon and Schuster. p. 470.)

    1917 is a Jubilee year.

    50 years later = 1967 and another Jubilee year.

    “The liberation of Jerusalem in 1967 marked the first time in thousands of years that the entire city of Jerusalem, the holiest city in Judaism, was under Jewish sovereignty. The destruction of Jerusalem was a watershed event in Jewish history that began thousands of years of mourning for Jerusalem, so, it follows, that the reunification of Jerusalem should be a joyous celebration that begins the process of reversing thousands of years of destruction and exile. Jerusalem is central to the Jewish tradition. Jews face in the direction of Jerusalem and all of the prayer services are filled with references to Jerusalem.

    The observance of Yom Yerushalayim outside of the city cannot compare to its celebration in reunited Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, thousands of people march around the city and walk through the liberated Old City, where Jews were denied access from 1948 to 1967 while it was under Jordanian control”.

    1967 + 49 years = 2016 and 2017 becomes a Jubilee year.

    So, do we enter into JUBILEE (Levitius 25:9) after the Day of Atonement, 2016 or after Day of Atonement 2017?

    Certainly we don’t wait another 49 years beyond 2017 for the next Jubilee?

    Remember, by applying the definitions of a generation (Psalm 90:10) 70 years + 1947 we come to 2017.

    This video link (you’ll need to watch the full series) may help you with some Masonic details and the number of the Beast (666).

    Be assured – Al and I will be praying for you.

    Psalm 37

    • DJ, you people just don’t stop do you. lol DJ DJ….i’m not side tracked at all. I’m “On track”…..I’ve got the evidence from the Illuminati themselves.

      Please DJ, don’t pray for me, as now I have to pray against the prayers that is not from the God of the KJV……God does not go by manmade events.

      Colossians 2:16 King James Bible
      Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

      1 Corinthians 15:24 King James Bible
      Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

      The Order of Resurrection

      20But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. 24Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 27For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith, all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. 28And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

      Matthew 24:14 King James Bible
      And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

      Matthew 24:36 King James Bible
      But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

      God does not go by holidays or holy Days……he goes by those that have accepted Jesus as his savior or not. Don’t put yourself above God, and or assume that I am distracted. If I follow Gods words then I’m Not distracted.

      I happen to know that your Jubilee is man made and it is orchestrated by man and specifically a demonic being named St Germain and his lie about NESARA to set up failure.

  30. Thomas,

    I think your brain just blew a fuse with your last reply.

    Please, watch this video presentation. Maybe this will help with your illuminati investigation.

    CBS NEWS (“eye on the news”) captured the first memorial of 9/11.

    Let’s see if you can follow the connections around the world and back to Ground Zero.

    Psalm 64

    • you got to be kidding. This video only shows the all seeing eye of Satan, the anus, and the Druids conducting a ritual around the all seeing eye. The WTC was built to come down in a masonic dedication on September 11, 1966 after the regular dedication Earlier in the year. This video is for tourist and whomever.

      • The World Trade towers were supposed to come down on Sept. 11, 1966?

        • No, they were dedicated by a Masonic ritual or dedication on September 11, 1966; a special day for the Illuminati and planned to come down after the year 2000. Other events were to have taken place, WWIII from Kosovo and Y2K….etc….

  31. 👿 👿 👿
    Children Sacrificed by Illuminati — Defector “Mary Anne” 😮

  32. There are two national Masonic offices; Washington DC and the Scottish Rite in Indianapolis.

    There are Masonic Temples in just about every city here in Iowa.

    Again – The GW Monument is 666ft by 666ft at the base and is an obelisk (Egyptian pagan symbol).

    666, yes indeed.

    The Statue of Libery, designed by a French Freemason, is a representation of Ashtar (Babylonian). She is “mother goddess” of demonic, pagan world.

    Babylon, yes indeed.

    NYC is now home to The One World Freedom Tower.

    One World, yes indeed.

    These two video will gives a clue to Masonic positional, political power and influence “over” this nation, which is the first Masonic Nation under god.

    Pslam 27

    • I heard two or more people in Oklahoma City say that the masonic temple or building in Guthrie, OK is the masonic national headquarters. Are they mistaken?

      • DJ – I enjoy your contributions here and have seen many of the videos you have recommended on Egyptian influence(s) and how things tie in with the illuminati and masonry. I have also read elsewhere that the GW monument is 555 ft tall, and another site states it is “a little over 600 ft.” tall. How do we know how tall it really is? Are these other references lying on purpose covering up its true height?

        I have a hard time these days believing anything that anyone states and take as truth only that which I can verify myself. Which doesn’t leave much. 🙂 Are you believing that other people are stating the monument’s height falsely on purpose? It just seems so extreme.

        • Denise,

          Correction. The vipers have a complex Lodge structure that connect back to London (UGLE).

          The US northern governing office is not in Indianapolis (Sottish Rite Cathedral location). This office is located in Lexington, MA.

          I not really interested in the org structure. But to say it all goes back to Europe.

          “Freemasonry, as it exists in various forms all over the world, has a membership estimated by the United Grand Lodge of England at around six million worldwide.

          The fraternity is administratively organised into independent Grand Lodges (or sometimes Grand Orients), each of which governs its own Masonic jurisdiction, which consists of subordinate (or constituent) Lodges.

          The largest single jurisdiction, in terms of membership, is the United Grand Lodge of England (with a membership estimated at around a quarter million).

          The Grand Lodge of Scotland and Grand Lodge of Ireland (taken together) have approximately 150,000 members.

          In the United States total membership is just under two million.

          And we think the Knights Templar are dead? They live on in the York Rite.

          Masonic Family Links:

          Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction

          Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction

          York Rite Bodies (Including Royal Arch and Knights Templar)

          Ancient Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine (The Shriners)

          Order of the Eastern Star

          Other Masonic Organizations and Information:

          The magnificent George Washington Masonic Memorial is located in Alexandria, Virginia.

          The outstanding Library and Museum of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council 33°, Southern Jurisdiction at the House of the Temple in Washington, DC.

          Psalm 64

        • Denise,

          Dimensions of the GW Monument within this article:

          “Rather than ascend to 600 feet as Mills had intended in the original plan, Casey [Freemason] was persuaded to make the height of the structure ten times the width of the base, meaning the optimal height for the Washington Monument was 555 feet.”

          555 feet is 6660 inches.

          The base is 1/10 of the hight.

          The width of the monument is 666 x 666 (inches).

          At the center of the National Mall is an Egyptian pagan symbol, memorializing the Founding Father of the first Masonic nation by applying units measure incorporating the number 6-6-6 (in inches).

          “And now you know—-the rest of the story.”

          Speaking of Paul Harvey, he wrote the following back in the 60’s.

          If I Were the Devil ~

          I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world.

          I would delude their minds into thinking that they had come from mans effort, instead of God’s blessings.

          I would promote an attitude of loving things and using people, instead of the other way around.

          I would dupe entire states into relying on gambling for their revenue.

          I would convince people that character is not an issue when it comes to leadership.

          I would make it legal to take life of unborn babies.

          I would make it socially acceptable to take one’s own life, and invent machines to make it convenient.

          I would cheapen human life as much as possible so that life of animals are valued more than human beings.

          I would take God out of the schools, where even the mention of His name was grounds for a lawsuit.

          I would come up with drugs that sedate the mind and target they young, and I would get sports heroes to advertise them.

          I would get control of the media, so that every night I could pollute the minds of every family member for my agenda.

          I would attack then family, the backbone of any nation. I would make divorce acceptable and easy, even fashionable. If the family crumbles, so does the nation.

          I would compel people to express their most depraved fantasies on canvas and movies screens, and I would call it art.

          I would convince the world that people are born homosexuals, and that their lifestyles should be accepted and marveled.

          I would convince the people the people that right and wrong are determined by a few who call themselves authorities and refer to their agendas as politically correct.

          I would persuade people that the church is irrelevant and out of date, the Bible is for the naive.

          I would dull the minds of Christians, and make them believe that prayer is no important, and that faithfulness and obedience are optional.”

          The Mason’s did the work of the Devil.

          Psalm 64

          • DJ – Thanks. I never considered the monument in inches.

            Your quote of Paul Harvey from the 1960’s (if he were speaking for the devil):
            “I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world.”
            “I would delude their minds into thinking that they had come from mans effort, instead of God’s blessings.”
            This is so true for where this nation is now, today, – so much praise is given to our own personal effort, and those of our ancestors, to the point that God is left out of the equation completely.

        • We Were Warned in 1963: Has Communist Ideology Overtaken America?
          Posted on February 1, 2013 by Dean Garrison

          Has Communist Ideology Overtaken America? Education is crucial. Today I want to share two very interesting lists with you, and sickleflagrather than adding an extensive amount of my commentary, I want to give you the chance to examine the facts for yourself. It is my opinion that many communist goals have already been accomplished. I also believe that advancement has been made in other areas. But, you owe it to yourself to do your own research. I believe not only in the freedom of speech, but also in the responsibility of free thought. So please don’t take my word for it. Examine the facts for yourself.

          Again, I want to share two lists with you. The first is a list that was entered into 1963 Congressional Record. The second is the 10 planks of The Communist Manifesto.

          If you can’t see this happening in America, and a ton of progress being made, then I offer two potential explanations:

          usefulYou are one of the “useful idiots” of communist teaching.
          I am one of the “village idiots” that your Mama probably warned you about.

          Some of these points will be open for debate and some will not. In some cases it is blatantly obvious that they have achieved their goals. It is even rumored that our own President has deep communist ties. You might want to check that out as well but I will withhold my opinion at this point. Let’s just lay it out and you can interpret it.

          This list was originally printed in “The Naked Communist” by Cleon Skousen. It was entered into Congressional Record in 1963 as the 45 goals of “The Communist Takeover of America.”

          1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

          2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

          3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

          4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

          5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

          6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

          7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the un1971U.N.

          8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

          9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

          10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

          naked11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)

          12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

          13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

          14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

          15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

          16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

          17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

          18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

          19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

          20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy making positions.

          21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

          22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

          23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

          24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.creativecursing

          25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

          26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

          27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”

          prayerinschool28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

          29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

          30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

          31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

          obamaapprove32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

          33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

          34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

          35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

          36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

          37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

          38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social sshollowagencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

          39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

          divorce40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

          41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

          42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.

          43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

          44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

          45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

          10 Planks of “The Communist Manifesto:”

          1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.

          2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.manifesto

          3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

          4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

          5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

          6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State.

          7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

          8. Equal liablity of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

          9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

          10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.

          Of 55 things listed here I would be curious to what your personal scorecard might read. Feel free to comment below. My interpretation is that progress or completion has been made on almost every single goal or plank laid out today. If you would like to do further research on this topic I would highly recommend a FREE movie that you can access today:

          Agenda: Grinding America Down (FREE Full-Length Video on Vimeo)

          Follow The D.C. Clothesline on Facebook

        • Denise, no one knows the day nor the hour of his return. The false prophet Sananda Immanuel or as he calls himself Yeshua will show in the Disclosure. He will be a fraud. The first seal will then be opened. from that point whenever it will be and there is no date anyone can claim. There is an effort to misinterpret the parable of the fig Tree and make false claims of 2017 as the coming…but his coming will not be until 7 years after the anti-christ reveals himself and the falling away. This is in the King James Bible. its simple.

        • Denise,

          I have proven My point. I laid low since the last exchange with these people. Notice that I made a comment with a different point of View. I responded to the one called DJ. Not To Don or Dan or AJ or whomever. However it was to you. However, Al responded and made my comment PERSONAL. This proves that those on this site prohibit free thinking. If I respond the admin admonishes me, but not the others….. This site is bogus and they control what is written here. Or else Admin would admonish AL for his personal, Unprofessional comment. its obvious that they have an agenda here and are anti-King James which is in essence biased therefore lacks credibility. As Admin, if it were my site I would already be on “AL” for his unprofessional and immature response that had nothing to do with the subject but was used to Intimidate and prohibit responses that do not fall in line with their thinking. However, I will be admonished for this comment as being overly judgmental, or aggressive, or causing division. or argumentative…etc…lol

          In my comment about the time frame; the Bible, which this site professes to follow, says specifically that no one knows the day or the hour. They won’t know even until the first seal is opened. Not just in the King James but most the other Bibles has the same scripture.

          Matthew 24:36 King James Bible
          But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

          2 Thessalonians 2:3 King James Bible
          Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

          Now they will ban me for making these comments or discourage me in some childish way again……so I’m leaving this site as I should have long ago. Its a shame they don’t allow free thinking without making Comments personal and manipulative like they were nothing but college kids.

          Its a shame…….this site could be good.

          The Parable of the Fig tree with evidence……its my Bible study on the alleged date. It will probably be deleted. bye all.

          [audio src="" /]

          • Wow. Thomas. My heart hurts to hear these words from you. These are good people here. Yes, many minds, and some of us use different bibles (I’ll get back to that in a moment.) I don’t agree with or do all that Marianne may profess for herself. Sometimes I read DJ and think he got off of a space ship somewhere his thoughts and ideas seem so out there (probably the one I may have been on.) We might disagree on some points of history, or even worship. But we all come here to fellowship, to learn, to share, and are one with The Christ. I find the ones who are most interesting are the ones who challenge me the most, not the ones I agree with.

            Back to the King James. I wanted to write you this and in fact I had started to, but never got around to following through with my thoughts.

            Thomas – What is your connection with the King James Bible, the original King James Bible? You had mentioned something on one of these boards here regarding the King James version as the “true” Bible (?) I also watched some of the videos you had suggested to someone else regarding the King James, and how some people label someone in a “cult” if they believed the King James version was the true Bible. If you know as much as I believe you do regarding the 1611 King James you know what I mean by the two versions of the 1611 King James – the “She” bible and the “He” bible. Yes?

            I am without any formal training or formal study in the Bible, but I have always been drawn to the King James version, and not the newer “easier to read” versions, but the original one of 1611. I personally have no objections to other Bibles and admit that there have been times I had difficulty deciphering what was being said and turned to a newer version of King James. But my love of the bible lies with the first King James version. I have a pocket King James Bible that I took with me everywhere while on patrol and on duty as a deputy sheriff. Though I didn’t have much time to read it, there was great comfort in knowing that it was at my side. Queen Victoria originally gave license July 11, 1839 authorizing to print and publish. Queen Elizabeth II authorized a reprinting December 1, 1955, which is the copy that I hold.

            Getting back to 1611. Pocket Bibles are nice and easy to carry around, but reading them can get tedious. A few months ago I began to realize, and yearn in my heart, that it was important I have a “home” Bible; one to have in my house in a prominent place, and one to read from. There are, maybe, 50 editions of the original 1611 King James Bible still around, in some fashion or another, depending on who you consult. But to acquire one of those, if one was found to be for sale, could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Still, God didn’t take long in getting back to me and my desire to have a beautiful and proper bible in my home.

            An auction site I frequent just happened to have a few days later an “exact” copy, a “facsimile” edition, painstakingly crafted on paper similar of the time, the leather binding, etc. But, they didn’t set their own presses. They (again, painstakingly) digitally photographed each and every page of a real 1611 original printing of the King James Bible so what they ended up with was literally an exact copy of the 1611 King James Bible, down to every detail. They worked on this printing on the 350th anniversary of the 1611 version (over half a century ago in 1961, released I believe in 1965.) Others have “copied” the “original” but used their own type setting, paper, and binding, so their bibles even look different. And, of course, where they thought there was mis punctuation, spelling, or grammar, they “fixed” it.

            Nothing is “corrected” on this edition, it is literally a photographic copy of the original 1611 printing, its language, grammar, and illustrations, And the He / She component??? The copy I acquired is from the original, the “He” bible, the first edition. The “She” bible came after and is considered the second edition, though others account for it as being also a first edition, but a second issue.

            When they made these facsimile copies back in the early 1960’s, for the 350th anniversary of the 1611 original, they only printed 1500 copies. The copy I managed to procure is # 407/ 1500.

            Aside from the discussions today regarding which version of the Bible is a true Bible; there is much heated discussion as to which of the two versions of the 1611 King James Bibles are “true” and whether there was a textual error or a typographical error. Some just throw their hands up and refer people back to “Matthew 23:24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” God does seem to love a sense of humor. 🙂

            It’s amazing to know that before the adjunct of printing, many monks were scribes who hand printed entire copies, including scrolling and illustrations.


            • Denise,

              I agree with you about the visitors and the lady calling herself Marianne even talked me out of permanently leaving this group. The cabal of Al, DJ, and Don or Dan are a trio of some group that needs to be removed for their intimidation and provocation techniques as they would have been removed on my site the first they started their intimidation of visitors. Nevertheless, I’m a target here when I state contrary terms. The manner of which Al commented on has been the rule and is followed by DJ and Dan or Don like the three stooges. No one says a word to these clowns.

              Nevertheless, I have no biased interest in the King James, ie, copyrighting, or owner of any publishing etc…I have a desire to pass on the truth amid the rule of deception and a real agenda to destroy the only true word of God by secular Humanist that are organized under the NAACP, ACLU, ADL, and other organizations that have a very nefarious agenda. I have irrefutable evidence, quotes, dates, names and their actual agenda to prove it. I go after them; and expose everyone I can on my broadcast and in the public. They are responsible for deaths, brainwashing of a nation and wars. I expose them all and they don’t like it.

              If anyone believes in God, you know God will fulfill all his promises and Man nor fallen angel can do NOTHING to stop him. God promised to preserve his true word and using righteous men and women he did just that in one book. This is supported by documented historical facts and evidence. The King James Bible is the only true word. ALL, I mean ALL other Bibles have been corrupted by Design to discredit the Bible. This sets the groundwork for the fallen away and away from the judgment that is rightfully put upon us when we sin.

              I personally have a problem if I order a used book from Amazon let’s say and I find out it has pages torn out, or paragraphs marked out with black magic markers etc…..The same with ALL OTHER BIBLES..they are in fact MISSING verses. IN the NIV alone over 200 verses are MISSING. Most people I realize don’t have a problem with missing verses from GOD”s HOLY WORD. I have a major problem with it. I like to have all the verses in order to read them. It really helps to have a Bible not missing verses. The other problem is that for the bibles of the 20th century, in fact two Freemasons, who lie by an oath they take; corrupted the first Bibles beginning in the late 19th century to present day as the source. there are now some counterfeit King James bibles but the last surviving one is the Cambridge edition.

              • Hi Thomas. Until the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls, I would have agreed with you on the KJB. I have the King James Bible.

                What do you think about the Dead Sea Scrolls and do you believe they help clarify the KJB?


                BTW, please try and not let others bother you so much. If you feel you are correct in your heart, then it matters only between you and Jesus.


          • thomas

            I have allowed your criticisms….the others are silent so I have no reason to say anything to them. It is always wise to know when to limit one’s words.

            • Marianne,

              The others are silent??? You have to be kidding. DJ, Don or Dan and AJ have been silent???



              Gambill or Gamble?!?!

              Only King James knows for sure!

              Al said this on October 1, 2014 at 2:43 pm | Reply


              Do you mean this silent? Shall I copy paste other remarks from Dan/Don or DJ?

              What is going on here? just like I said, I would be the one singled out for bringing this up.. Al should be admonished for his provocation and irresponsible remark. Nope, I’m the one.

              Lets put it like this. This will not be understood nor acknowledged but I’ll say it like this anyway. We are in college taking a history course. We have an exam and told to study for it. Lo and behold In my study I find several pages of my history book of the chapter missing. Several paragraphs blacked out. So, the next day I ask the other students about their books. Lo and behold I find out everyone that had the book were missing the same pages. Now, do I remain quiet and not raise my hand and tell the teacher? And then ask her to give us the info or just not test us on the missing pages since no one else is bringing up the subject? Well, I am not one to sit back. I will ask the teacher about the missing pages and I will ask that she not test us on the info or give us new books.

              THERE ARE entire verses Missing on all Bibles and missing words in specific locations on purpose to thwart spiritual warfare, hide truths and destroy the credibility of specifically the King James Bible. Now if the KJV is just another Bible why target this one Bible. I can name exactly who corrupted it from the 3rd century to Jerome to 1870s by two Freemasons who purposely corrupted the modern day bibles by DESIGN to deceive. Personal letters between the two confirms this conspiracy. However people don’t care if they are deceived and actually like being deceived. Me, no I don’t like being deceived and I will never stop exposing deception and I always have evidence that is most always not addressed or acknowledged except with denials with no evidence and then slight insults. Every single time. For me that’s okay. but I won’t stand by and see good people deceived. Not an option.

              Only a few people really care about the truth. I know and can prove the Humanist agenda as I have the past three broadcasts and even today i will nail their satanist butts to the tree, these Humanist/Satanist right up to the Joints Chief of Staff, congress, and government. Their kidnapping of 500,000 children every year for their reasons…..the corruption of Child Protective Service who is highly responsible for the death and kidnapping of 10’s of thousands of children for the Satanist. Senator Nancy Shaefer was exposing them before she was murdered by the Humanist/satanist. they killed her and her Husband making it look like Murder suicide. The same ones are infiltrated in the truth movement, the churches and Education nation wide……in the truth news, and corrupted Bibles….I expose them and with evidence every time.

              So, there you go. Its not criticism……I give in some cases an alternative view point and based on evidence, and if someone gets personal to shut me down then I will then go to the next phase but I never back down from truth.

            • It would behoove those that are actually in search of truth about the true Bible to follow these references that are unrelated and yet say the same things. Knowing that there is in fact a conspiracy of Humanist to destroy the credibility of the KJV would without a doubt prove what I’ve been saying. The KJV Is the only one…..however if there are there that care not to research then they must face their denial to find truth.

              Here in this presentation which matches and even adds more historical facts that supports the others. Walter Veith is an SDA however, he has impeccable research….

              Here are three scholars confirming what I’ve been trying to say…I have three more I can add Michael Hoggard and Scott Johnson, and David Daniels. A total of Six


              213B – Battle of the Bibles / Total Onslaught – Walter Veith

              A Lamp In The Dark:untold history of Bible ~ Full Film

              Whats the Big Deal about the KJV? – Sam Gipp

              Whats the Big Deal about the KJV? Episode 2 – Sam Gipp

              It all hast to do with finding truth………

      • THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33º ( southern jurisdiction)

        1733 16th St. NW • Washington, DC 20009-3103
        T: 202-232-3579 • F: 202-464-0487

        they don’t seem to have one national center??

        • Denise,

          Yes, they (Masons) are coving, hiding and deceptive (Psalm 64 applies).

          There are multiple measurements of the GWM hight over the years by various government agencies. Hard to get a straight answer from them – ya got’a dig.

          The Washington DC layout is a pagan roadmap!

          They call The Capital a “temple”. To whom?

          I didn’t “see” this crap until about 3 years ago, when He opened my eyes, within Scripture and confirming through secular research and investigations.

          The symbolism is everywhere.

          Did you see this post from a few days ago?

          Satan knows what is coming and what occurs from the first seal to the last events in Revelation. So do his minions, which include the Masons.

          What Satan does not know about are the events associated with the 7 Thunders. These 7 Thunders will surprise and frustrate The Anti-Christ and False Prophet and worshipers of The Beast.

          The Beast, ever so discreetly, displays the coming devastation upon Metro NYC (bank on it) in the artwork of St. Peter’s Cathedral of NYC and on US currency (Fed Reserve), giving Satan’s minions a display of his knowledge and occult powers.

          Satan shared his knowledge with the Freemasons (33 degree attainment), enlightened as they are in the occult of pagan Egypt and the Kabbala.

          So, we can expect the Masons to ever so discreetly display what is coming through their artwork and images – boasting of their occult knowledge (cleverly).

          With the above as background, here is an unusual confirmation of the significance of the ending of the blood moons/solar eclipses (Fall Feasts, 2015) and next year, 2016, from the Freemasons.

          The symbol of the first Masonic Government is the Great Pyramid with the “all seeing eye of Horus” (Lucifer), floating above as the capstone. This Masonic symbol was designed by Ben Franklin (33 degree).

          Please read the Latin phrase on the Great Seal of the US.

          Masonic Founding Fathers selected 1776 as the year of independence, birthing a NWO.

          Look at the Great Seal – The Masons applied the date 1776 on the base of their pyramid graphic as type of calendar, or count down to when their NWO arrives.

          The NWO arrives when the capstone (“all seeing eyes”) is placed upon the peak.

          The “all seeing eye” floating at the top of the pyramid on the Great Seal of the US represents “Horus” who is an Egyptian occult representation of Lucifer.

          The year at the base of the pyramid graphic on the Great Seal is 1776 (MDCCLXXVI).

          Masons long ago called 1776 “The Year of Light.”

          Next, Masons adhered to the Kabbala along with Egyptian pagan/occult rites, rituals and believes.

          In the Kabbala it states:

          “240 years before the seventh millennium (i.e., the year 6000 from creation), the lower waters will rise and cover the entire world, and only Eretz Yisroel [the Land of Israel] will remain, which will float on the surface of the water like Noach’s Ark; they will approach Gan Aiden [Garden of Eden], the place from which the four rivers leave. The people who survive will be completely righteous, and there they will be whitened, purified, and made spiritual.” (Yalkut Reuveini, Shichechus Leket, “Eretz Yisroel v’Chutz L’Aretz,” 6; in the name of the Rokeach–Gali Razyah)

          Not only do Masons know Egyptian occult, but they read the Kabbala and how to convert the Hebrew calendar into the Gregorian calendar.

          Next –

          The height of the Great Pyramid in Egypt is 5776 inches with the capstone in place. The Great Pyramid is representation on The Great Seal of the US with a date of 1776 at the base.

          So now, let’s put this all together – “a secret in plain sight” as it is understood by those who study such puzzles.

          Since the Great Seal was designed by Ben Franklin (33 degree Mason) with a Latin phrase identifying the birthing of a NWO (1776, “Year of Light”) on a graphic representation of the Great Pyramid, which is 5776 inches in hight, we have a calendar.

          5776 in the Hebrew year just happens to be 2016.

          The building of the NWO began in 1776.

          We read in the Kabbala that the number of years before the 7th millennium is 240 years.

          1776 (birth of a NWO, “The Year of Light”) + 240 years (Kabbala reference) = 2016.

          The NWO becomes operational when the capstone is applied to top or the pyramid or when Lucifer is seated as leader of the NWO, 2016.

          The Masons put the NWO message on the Great Seal. They know what’s coming.

          Barry, is the first gay, Islamic, President of the Masonic Government, birthing the NWO as the son of perdition in 2016. He will be seated as the ruler of their NWO soon after the blood moons and sackcloth sun (Feast of Trumpets, 2015).

          The year 2017 is significant too.

          1967 (Jerusalem) + 50 years (Jubilee) = 2017

          1947 (UN proclamation goes forth) + 70 (years of generation, Psalm 90:10 and Jeremiah chapters 29-33) = 2017

          All things will be complete by no later than 2017-2018.

          Please read, meditate upon Psalms 25-28 then 34 and study out Revelation 12:11.

          “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them…Evil shall slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned. The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned” (Psalm 34).

          Psalm 27

  33. okalahoma beheading occurred 10 min south of black mass…..

  34. Denise,

    They are so cleaver. Please read this link to Psalm 64.

    Last year I asked the Lord, “What is this 666 and The Beast?

    Since then, He is leading me to stuff like GW Monument, and other symbols around the world. These are physical evidence (construct) of “man’s rebellion ” – it’s everywhere, deep and pervasive in our culture.

    One more point – they have contempt for Believers and laugh at the spiritually blind Evangelical Church.

    Look for another video later. It’s college football time!


    • Thanks, DJ, I’ll check it out. (I love the Psalms.)

      PS: Don’t know where you are located, but out here on the west coast Stanford is tied with Washington.


  35. Denise,

    I’m in Iowa. Been here 5 years from Zona. I’m a Wildcat.

    That was a great win.

    Duck game at Eugene coming Thursday, ESPN.

    Bear Down.
    Psalm 20

  36. Hi Guys– obviously, the KJ is really the best…but I do read the other 7 books as well….and I insisted for years that a modern English version would be more likely to penetrate the hearts and minds of truth seekers…but I’ve recently come across material which points to the fact that the government and others are sneaking in phrases and taking out phrases/words which are leading away from truth in many modern versions…
    that said, I still believe that people are more likely to be penetrated by something written in their most familiar tongue (and introductory material as well as footnotes can help alot!)….that’s why I still recommend the catholic NAB version….written in my favorite tongue modern contemporary English.

    Back to the KJV–> poetic and interesting phraseology aside, mere mortals might have some trouble. Hither, thither, ere, wheretofore?

  37. The same organizations and groups that are corrupting the bibles except the King James are the same ones among those that sacrifice children for Satan. NIV Bible is owned by Ruppert Murdock for example. He is a murderous Knight of Malta member who worships Lucifer/Satan. He also owns copyright to Satan’s Bible

  38. thanks Tom– I did not know specifically about the Murdock connection….but I have known this generality for years: the higher up one goes in an earthly organization, the greater ones knowledge becomes about where the bodies are buried…in fact, since one has almost certainly actively participated.

    if it is possible please send other examples, since I haven’t found many outright modifications of the NAB (catholic) which indicate deliberate profanization. In fact, I’ve most certainly run across material in the RCC book that has helped me in my journey immensely/ Thanks

  39. Just sharing… 😉
    Are You a Cultural Christian or a Biblical Christian?

  40. Have anyone read this? Is it True??? Wow! 😮 😮
    The Catholic Liturgy is a Satanic Ritual – the Evidence!
    (re-posting or re-sharing).

  41. The Catholic Liturgy is a Satanic Ritual – the Evidence!

    COMMENT: Relative to this post. The fact is that the Jesuits are orchestrating these revelations exposing the Roman Catholic Church as using Pagan practices. The next phase that is documented in the Illuminati’s own agenda is a “re-spiritualisation” of the Roman Catholic church. Once this is done following DISCLOSURE, there will be a planned state of confusion leading to the majority of “Christians” to embrace the New Age Movement which is based on Humanism and the Occult.

    Helena Blavatsky brought in the first phase of the New Age Movement followed by Alice Baily and by 1975, General Michael Aquino, Satanist and works in the Pentagon as advisor in MKUltra Mind control programs.

    Blavatsky was the mother of the New Age Movement (religion before Roman Catholicism existed), went underground and reemerged in the 1870s under the first phase lead by Blavatsky. Alice Baily the second Phase and Aquino (Founder of the Temple of Set), The link to the Vatican and setting up the crash of the Roman Catholic Church was Chardin. FATHER OF THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT, a Jesuit Priest.

  42. The agenda now taking place is set up by a method called the HEGELIAN Dialectic.

    Been used by them for thousands of years for every single event in history each leading to a phase to set the New World Order. They have been held at bay for many reasons but soon they will attempt to try again. This time they have made major headway.

  43. A bit off-topic, but still sharing…nice article 😉
    Imagine That: Women Lying To Women!

  44. missile headed in Oklahoma direction. ?

    • Practice sessions for the final show/countdown…maybe 😉

    • Quayle, Dizdar, Marzuli, et al cannot be trusted. They are like Alex Jones, Ventura, Lindsay Williams, fear mongers, capitalizing on the fear and promoting a corrupted theology and working for the Vatican. They have to tell some truth but the rest of fear mongering. However, its hard to discern what truth they are allowed to share with the public

      • If you’re talking about Russ Dizdar of Shatter the Darkness, I heard about him and read up on some of his stuff beginning in ’09. He claims to be an advocate and champion for survivors of ritual abuse, but there are several things that I found mischievous and deceptive about his entire persona. Who is he really? What do you know about him?

    • They do need a crisis to generate or start their artificial, so called “Tribulations” that would lead to the real first seal……..they are looking to generate a false victory over the Illuminati and evil “angels” by the good guys which would set up the first seal. then we would really be in the Tribulations. This would be first be a period of world prosperity. This would be the first seal. So, we are looking for a major world crisis to bring in Disclosure and prosperity.

  45. Is it true??? 😮
    Vatican is actually saying that Jesus Christ Himself is useless! 😦

    • I don’t know but they are entertaining Islamic prayers at the vatican now

      • The Vatican is preparing to Respiritualize itself. and in the process is also entertaining Islamic Prayers to recognize all religions and all faiths to deny Jesus and this Holy Word. Its always been the agenda to make way for the false prophet, Sananda Immanuel and he will also call himself yeshua. He will take the place of Krishna, Bodhisattva, The Christ, Imam Mahdi, Lord Maitreya, Prince of Peace all by one Being that will be announced in Disclosure to usher in the New World Order. Its getting closer. A major crisis is needed now.

    • @sunny This has always been the Plan as DOCUMENTED in the Illuminati’s own plans to “respiritualize” the Roman Catholic Church. Pepe Orisini is the Gray Pope who controls both the White Pope and Black Pope. I talked about this on the air yesterday. The Catholic Church established Christianity as the cover for its pagan roots of the New Age; in 325 AD under Constantine. This is was to control the Christians as in the same way the Vatican created the religion of Islam in the 6th century and in fact raised Muhammad the Prophet starting when he was six years old to 25 Yrs old and in an arranged marriage to a wealthy Arab Lady who was 40 yrs old also out of a convent.

      The New Age Movement was brought into this century in three phases, Helena Blavatsky [ first phase, she was known as the mother of the New Age movement late 18th century]; Alice Baily [Second phase, 1919] and General Michael Aquino [Third Phase, founder of the Temple of Set, 1975].

      The Catholic Church was infiltrated but the Rothschild under pretense and a clever agenda in the 19th century. Religion was controlled from 1887 heading to where we are now. Teilhard de Chardin a Jesuit Priest was named the Father of the New Age Movement. The Jesuits and secret societies have started every war we have ever fought in since 1776 inclusive of the Revolutionary War which we lost badly.

      Now, The New Age movement has been infiltrating Education since 1908 by the Rockefellers and setting up the destruction of the USA starting in 1945 exactly. Once TAVISTOCK engineered our change of culture by bringing in feminism, drugs, change of Music, control of religion, education, attack on the US Military they also were bringing in the age of Aquarius by music and drugs by the 1960’s. The New age was to take the place little by little of Jesus and the false Bibles were to make way by overshadowing the KING JAMES BIBLE starting by the change of Bibles by two Freemasons named Westcott and Hort early 20th century. That is the purpose of the newer Bibles to diminish the name of Jesus and his words by the production of corrupted Bibles.

      Even Billy Graham is part of this agenda once he was activated in the 1990’s to remove the Name of Jesus.

      Billy Graham is coming out as a Universalist as he was told to do…denies Jesus

      Oprah W.

      The idea is to deny JESUS but not a CHRIST. They are setting up for Sananda Immanuel, Yeshua who will come in Disclosure as a Messiah of the New Age.

      I have details of all this but to keep this concise and short, I left out the links and detailed history and agenda.

      The falling away is soon; and man of sin to be revealed is soon.

      The Vatican is behind this to respiritualize and bring in the New Age to replace Roman Catholicism.

  46. Good news! Good news! Good news! 😆
    Pope and prelates get crash course in joys of sex!

    • Yes, indeed…a bit envious 😉
      We never got any crash courses of this sort! Maybe that’s why we mostly crash during the course of sex! 😛

  47. Yes, They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population – 22 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want To Lose Your Lunch! 😮

    Yes, They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population – 22 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want To Lose Your Lunch

  48. When we are screwed up in life, some of us blame upon God and some upon Satan, (as if we all are the Holiest Angels) 😉
    After reading this below, whom should we blame???
    The Food Waste Fiasco: You Have to See it to Believe it!!!

    • that is awful…however, I think the health laws prohibit them from donating to poor, bc if poor get sick from food because it is old or contaminated, then the poor can sue the store

      • Ma’am, you are right.
        But the core point is not donating…don’t need to donate if the poor(?) has the capability of suing 😮 .
        The point is of wastage. In this modern world, lot of us wastes water for lot of reasons. See what’s happening in California now! Can we deduce that the Almighty is punishing them by squeezing the supply of water??? Yes & No.
        Water is much much more precious than gold, silver, platinum, blah…blah! When we are thirsty we need fresh water and not gold or diamonds to quench our thirst. And we the educated & intelligent & modern class, very well know that its a limited resource. What if such a situation arises, when even dollars, euros, pounds, etc., can’t buy a can of water??? Only then we will understand our mistakes. But for a lot, it might be TOO late 😦
        This is what is happening in the world today. Its very simple. Water is just one example among dozens of others.
        We have become so much egoistic, proud of our money, power, so much materialistic, proud of our technology & knowledge, etc., etc,. that we ourselves our creating our very ends/destruction. This is called our end-times. And just Bible quotes won’t help this time. Yeshua even/also taught us how to live a peaceful + happy life. Are we following ANY of His teachings in this selfish materialistic world???
        If we practically followed even 33% of his instructions do you think we would face the coming of so-called end-times??? I don’t think so!
        We are bringing the end-times…(for whatever reasons).
        WE ARE WASTING + DESTROYING HIS CREATIONS, directly and/or indirectly. That’s the simple truth 😉

        • I agree with you…but I used to work in homeless shelters and even they had rules to go by, which were a shame…..

          true, food is wasted and tossed out…but what people should do is donate the food BEFORE it is on the point of spoiling….and be kind and help others.

          the future currency in the world will not be gold and silver, but food, drink, clothing, bullets, and a way to keep warm

      • Our local senior center would go to the central city park (no it is not really big) and hand out sandwiches and left overs to the homeless and poor. They were stopped because they didn’t have the correct health clearance certificate or something.

        I understand wanting to keep people healthy and certain codes be followed. But what about just helping keep people alive and functioning.

        Maybe they could stand next to a garbage can and say, “Well, we were throwing it away but somebody held their hand out.” There has to be a happy medium. (Or, not.)

  49. Off-Topic…but still sharing.
    😦 School bans Christian Club…again!
    😦 Commission says Christian business owners should leave religion at home!

    • seems like they want christian behavior ( good morals, responsible, hard working, loyal) but they don’t want anyone to let others know how to get this way

  50. Shocking Evidence of the Real Great Deception Revealed! Can YOU Handle the Truth??? 😮

  51. God of the Old Testament and the New Testament and God of the Universe is God the Father, the Word or God incarnated into human flesh and the Holy Ghost. All three are one.

  52. This is a signs of the time. It is Gods will that these things have been prophesied and set in motion. The spiritual war rages and the road to redemption ia narrow. Really see and hear the God given signs. Blessef are the believers that serve the Lord as the prophesy unfolds but heavy is the burden of this knowledge.

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