Scott’s vision on June 10, 2013



A simple but serious vision.


My friend Scott was in prayer and was alone, before the Lord.

While in earnest prayer he said the Lord transported him from one city to another in a vision.

He said people were hanging in mid air crying out, “the Day of the Lord is now, the Day of the Lord is at hand.” 

After they would say this, they would then drop to the ground in a collapsed state.

In one city after another, the same thing happened. 

He said he saw cities on fire, and could feel the anger of the Lord toward the wicked.

He could not sleep for the next 24 hours, feeling he had to keep praying,  and then he called me before he finally went to sleep.

I asked, to double check, if this was a dream, and he said, no, he was awake during the vision.

He felt something would happen soon…but with God, we do not understand his timing sometimes, so I cannot speculate.

Just stay in prayer, and be watchful.

54 Responses to “Scott’s vision on June 10, 2013”

  1. Is this the same Scott with the dog?

  2. Wow, I have had a few visions over time too… In the late 1970s I passed a religious looking buildng and could see a figure composed of black air inside…It was satan and his thoughts were he was waiting planning and plotting… My husband told me the building was a mosque… I knew nothing about Islam at that time…
    This vision helped me in time to understand Rev 3-9, 10… synagogue of satan…comprised of people who say they are jews-meaning the chosen but are liars.. Do not muslim claim they and mohammed are chosen by god through Ishmael…and say they worship the same God of Abraham that is worshipped in a synagogue…

  3. With all the late term abortions, homosexuality as a normal lifestyle, plus the world system supporting Israel’s enemies, I fear the restrainer will be removed, and this thing gets wrapped up.

    • I agree Leatherneck. We may be wrong and time might last a bit longer, but things are looking disgusting.

      I’m 58, and after 25 years as a paramedic, I’m done with this world. I know too much. Jesus/Yahshua is Lord, and this crap must play out

      I wish that The Lord would come tomorrow and put and end to this crap. And I do mean crap with an S.

      • Patient, my mom is like u too, can’t wait for Jesus to come becos she has walked most part of her life, she has marriage, children , grandchildren, career, now in 60’s , she is at the end of her walk Of life and she can’t wait for rapture to happen. But be patient, I realized now tribulation is the ultimate separation of the evil and good. It is our choice. Who we want to follow.
        I always tell my mom I wish Jesus won’t come so soon, not that I love my career and my future, I gave up my job. Becos I told her I have not read enough bible, I have not accomplished much for Christ. I never evangelize all my life, until lately, when GOD woke me up. I started to fast more, pray more, evangelize more.
        I once read a story by …., she mentioned the LORD brought her to he’ll to witness a witch being locked up and tortured. And during her life time, she has managed to win for Satan 500 souls to the kingdom of hell. 500 may not sound a lot, until I started to evangelize, I realize it is not easy to get 500 saved. On average, if I try to evangelize to 1 persons per week, people I meet , I only manage to share with over 50 persons in a year, out of which how many will choose to believe in YESHUA? Then I realize 500 is an accomplishment. How can I appear in front of YESHUA Proud if I am not familiar with his WORDS? I need more time. Like Paul say, whatever we want to do, do it in our life time, once we die, no more work can be done.

        • Nothing any of us do will give us cause to be proud in Jesus’ presence, because we are saved by His grace. We are not called to fill a quota or accomplish deeds worthy of recognition; WE ARE ONLY CALLED TO OBEY HIS WORD. His Word will not return to Him void, but will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent — INCLUDING bringing us into His presence. Let us take pride in the love He displayed by going to the cross in our place! What we do while waiting for Him is nothing more than returning that love. He started building His kingdom long before you & I were born, & He will continue His work even after taking us home. Our highest calling is to fellowship with Him. HOWEVER He may proceed next (in His delay or in His appearance), God knows best. May the grace I am given cause me to rejoice in Him, regardless! (Even when this evil world exhausts me!)

      • Hi Dan,

        It appears you are getting on up there. I’m a bit younger.

        If the restrainer is removed, and I don’t go in the first round, I found out yesterday even this Platoon Sgt. needs support. I went through 3 gallons of water in less than four hours working on fence line. The heat index was 105.

        As I thought about the world situation, and my mortality approaching heat exhaustion, I knew I could only last a little longer than most in the wilderness. Without a clean water source there is not going to be any chance lasting a long time on the run.

        Once, the beast demands all to swear an oath, or lose working privileges, humans better have a cave to rest in during the day, and clean water, or it’s over.


    • this does not help either…

      religious speech suppressed by government now…..only Islam has free speech here

      • Marianne,,
        I love your site and come to it often as I live alone. A couple nights ago, I dreamed of a woman, maybe a homeless black women, “Proclaiming boldly “Jesus is coming soon!” There were also children in the dream painting on the streets. I could not tell what they were painting but I am an art teacher so that may be the significance. Don’t know.
        God be with you,

  4. Go to you tube and then to eternalrhythmflow then most logical rapture theory on you tube. He shows the Revelation 12:1-2 sign in the heaven from his computer software as an actual sign in the Sept. 27, 2017 night skies. Since Rev 11, 12, and13 are chronologically in the middle of the tribulation. THAT puts us at the start of the tribulation any minute. Also the coming 4 blood red moons in 2014 and 2015 on Jewish high holy days are another sign of things to come. Called a tetrad. 4 tetrads–one in 1492, another in 1948 another in 1967. If you are familiar with those dates–they are very important in Jewish history. 1492- Columbus a Jew himself escaping the inquisition found America-a safe haven for the Jewish people. 1948 the year

  5. that Israel became a nation again and 1967 when Jerusalem became the capitol. All important dates to Israel. The coming tetrads in 2014-2015 will maybe signify a temple to be built starting off the tribulation. Amazing times we live in. I think the rapture will happen very soon-as early as tonight and as late as next spring. Get your house in order!

  6. Re. God’s timing… it may very well be soon (and I think it is soon) but I’ve recently been reading 3 books: The Heavenly Man, Living Water, and Back To Jerusalem, all edited by Paul Hattaway, which give details about 58 million house church Christians in China, and many Chinese being tortured for their faith. When their main spokesman, brother Yun, first went to prison and was tortured, God told him “Don’t be afraid, your health will come in the morning.” However, it took more than 13 years of torture before the morning came, and he completed the first of his 4 imprisonments. I highly recommend these books.

    • Heavenly Man is a great testimony and worthy of reading. The Church in China is stronger in faith, hope and love because of persecution. God help the Church in America (the west) our time is coming soon.

      Psalm 27

  7. Seems to me (the skeptic) that Scott was dreaming of events he had read many times in the bible. Dreaming that you are awake is not unusual either.
    Besides, the vision is old news. If here were a specific time frame attached it might be worth noting, but otherwise it is no more useful than a dream of Christ returning in the clouds… duh!

    • It doesn’t matter whether Scott was dreaming or awake in a vision. And, It is not our place to say it came from reading the bible many times (?) or anywhere else. The point is, Scott had an experience with the Lord, it had meaning. What the meaning is will undoubtedly reveal itself in the Lord’s time. Old news?? Anything biblical IS old news, since it was written in biblical times…! Peace & blessings to all & may the Lord continue to speak to those who listen..shalom

    • scott is new to the Lord, and has not finished reading his bible for the first time yet

  8. Pre trib rapture is false preaching. Jesus told us to watch Israel, the fig tree. The Feasts of Israel are the Feasts of Jesus. He has fulfilled the first 4 Feasts, the next is the Feast of Trumpets. The 4 blood moons and eclipse of the sun are warnings to Israel and her enemies, they are about to be judged. Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 is and will be upon us as judgment on Israels enemies. In 1 Thess 5 Paul tells us we are either children of the Light, therefore knowing when Jesus will return or we are children of darkness, ‘not knowing the day or hour.’ As in Matt 24 and 2 Thess 2, there has to be a great ‘falling away’ of the believers and we will see the AC sitting in the temple. Anyone seen this happen yet? then forget imminent rapture – false preaching again. Watch out for the Churches and preachers aligning with Islam, the coming one world religion. If so leave that church and do not listen to that preacher. The Church has already fallen away, it has gone ‘liberal’. True believers are now the ‘true Church.’

  9. He said “He said he saw cities on fire, and could feel the anger of the Lord toward the wicked”
    This is not a prophecy since it it copied from the Bible.

    • it does not matter if it is written……but……someone can still experience this.

      where do you see it written? give the references

  10. Marianne
    Numeri 24:19, Psalm 11:6, Psalm 18:14, Isa 66:15-16, Amos 2, Sef 1:18, Matt 13:36-42, Luc 17:29-30, 1 Korint 3:13, Hebrewletter 10:27, 2 Peter 3:7 Sef 3:8

  11. Marianne
    Even Dimitru Duduman said this!

  12. Marianne
    All I am saying is that he is not a prophet. Jesus told me soon Iran will send a nuclear weapon against Israel and our father will send it back on them. When this happens it doesn´t makes me a prophet since it came from Jesus first. It makes Jesus a prophet. Numeri/Numbers 24:19 says clearly that people who seek shelter in the cities will be destroyed. Jesus says he will fire up the ungodly when he returns which means that the cities will burn in future.
    And regarding Jesus will soon come back. I was one of them who said his next mission will soon start before his vision. this prophecy is already taken.
    He maybe had a vision but not a prophetic one.

    Mea culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea maximum Culpa.

    • adama

      scott has never claimed to be a prophet, and is very secluded in his spiritual life. He does not seek attention from others, and rarely discusses his experiences. He is just a friend who shared something with me. So I shared it too.

      if his vision has already been confirmed by the scriptures and jesus as you say, then it IS a prophetic one. the vision is new to him and just confirms to him what the bible says.

      • M
        Yes this is a prpohetic one but I am saying tthe original source comes from the Bible and not from scott. While I am writing I can give you a prophecy that will happen soon. All cities in the world except Rome will soon be destroyed.

    • There are other prophecies about danger in the cities and the coast, but I believe it is talking about Israel, and not somewhere else. What do you think?

      • chaya

        I think we will have to wait and see where all the danger occurs. To be sure, there is sin everywhere, so no one is exempt from punishment.

  13. Let’s not argue. The gentleman had an experience with God and it sounds to me as if he was humbled by it. He shared because he was amazed and frightened and wanted to get feedback. When the disciples argued who was the greatest among them Jesus replied it was the one who served. Putting someone down for sharing a vision doesn’t ring of service to me. In these last days we have to stick together and follow the Lord. Let’s glorify Him and honor Him with our unity. King Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun. As a writer, I am well aware of this. But God still prompts me to use words and familiar themes to share light and truth. All of us have a part to play. Let’s encourage each other in our part because there will be- and already is- enough discouragement from the darkness.

  14. Marianne, I have read all about above, your last two responses does not
    convey love, it brings through/ portrays insulance with persons who dare
    differ.GOD is all about love, understanding, patience and not letting anyone’s comments derail you.
    Never argue his word.

  15. I disagree that Marianne does not convey love. There is nothing malicious in her comments, she is simply clarifying the issues & this may not be within everyone’s comfort zone. It is not unloving or un-christian to clarify and/or disagree & to be expressive…Jesus was expressive at times when he disagreed…

  16. I need you to go through these scriptures, the closer the coming of Christ the most important are the true message of HIS Word.Jesus’ Earthly Ministry
    Transitional phase (3.5 year ministry)
    Why was it necessary for Jesus to come to earth?
    Why did He have an earthly ministry?
    Who did He minister to?
    What if I said to you that He did not come to earth for you and me and the gentiles.
    He came exclusively for the Jew. I leave that thought with you.
    Why is John’s Gospel so different to the others, Matthew, Mark & Luke. Characterized as the Gospel of Love. Has deeper meanings. Written by John when he was + – 100 years old. He had heard all of Paul’s messages, also received the revelation on Patmos, and wrote the book of Revelation, 123 John and then he wrote the gospel of john. By this time he had a historical background of which he could write the gospel. By this time he wrote the Gospel after he too received the revelation of how Christ would be involved in man’s life.
    • Jesus never preached the cross, nor His death on the cross, nor redemption or salvation. Think carefully of what you read in Matthew Marl and Luke. or salvation. He proclaimed himself and that salvation and redemption would come through Him. He also never proclaimed salvation unto the gentiles.
    Mat 10:5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
    Mat 10:6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
    What was Jesus’s message? His message was the “Kingdom Message”, the establishment of the Kingdom. And unto whom did He bring the message? For Israel and the Jews. Ministered twice to gentiles, and He told them that He was not sent to minister to them.
    When we think of this type of message, it clashes with us. We do not want to hear a message like this. It does not make sense, it clashes with our theology, because Jesus came for me and everyone else. Yes He did, but let’s understand His earthly ministry and His ministry after the resurrection.
    Rom 15:8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:
    So Jesus entered under the Law and not yet under “ministry of grace”
    So we must understand that certain things Jesus said and did that cannot have the same relevance as after His resurrection when the era of grace began.
    If Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision, then there are certain things that are not meant for you and me.

    • Matt 15:24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Who sent Jesus? The Father. Jesus was sent with a pertinent role and purpose to earth that would change history. But He had to begin at a place, and His instructions were to begin with the “House of Israel”

    Matt 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
    Mat 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
    We take these verses and place them out of context in our lives, and submit to a life faced with challenges and hardships, that’s my package I need to carry to be able to serve the Lord. Bad things must happen so that I can serve the Lord. Hence it becomes a cross I must carry.
    At this stage Jesus is ministering to the Jew. No one knew that He would die on a cross and that salvation would come through Him. At that stage it was still a secret.
    Hard times and the consequences of our life decisions will always be part of your life.
    That is the meaning of this verse, If you want to follow Me, there will always be prosecution, people will hate you, resist you, etc.
    You could not be saved before the cross. Only the blood of Jesus could wash our sin away.
    True Justice comes through His cross – not mine.
    Under the Law- ministry of circumcision, righteousness was obtained by your works. (How you keep the Law)
    After the cross, righteousness (a simple action, yet people make it difficult for themselves to accept) is obtained by your faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
    Christ’s finished work on the cross brings you perfect righteousness.
    After the cross, your righteousness is not something you carry, nor any works you do, its Christ’s finished work that He did on the cross.
    Before the cross- it’s your works, and you have to keep the Law.
    After the cross- it’s not your works and you MUST STOP keeping the law, for which Jesus had to die to fulfill or you will crucify Christ once more. Gal 5:4 Those of you who are trying to be justified by the law have been cut off from Christ. You have fallen away from grace.
    Matt 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
    In all the Old Testament, no mention is made by the prophets etc. That Jesus would be killed.
    He would first die, and there would be forgiveness, then be resurrected and there would be salvation.
    Jesus’ ministry was to preach the Kingdom to the Jews
    After Jesus died only then grace would go to the Gentiles, before the kingdom would come – (that is in the future- Kingdom Age) Micah 4:1-5
    • 2 Corinthians 5:16~So then, from now on we do not think of anyone from a human point of view. Even if we did think of Christ from a human point of view, we don’t think of him that way anymore.
    • Religion = take up your cross daily?
    • Grace = Jesus fulfilled = only faith in Jesus
    • Romans 6:3-4: Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into union with Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Am I baptized now in water or in Christ death?
    Rom 6:4 TherJesus’ earthly ministry
    transitional phase (3.5 year ministry)
    Why was it necessary for Jesus to come to earth?
    Why did He have an earthly ministry?
    Who did He minister to?
    What if I said to you that He did not come to earth for you and me and the gentiles.
    He came exclusively for the Jew. I leave that thought with you.
    Why is John’s Gospel so different to the others, Matthew, Mark & Luke. Characterised as the Gpspel of Love. Has deeper meanings. Written by John when he was + – 100 years old. He had heard all of Paul’s messages, also received the revelation on Patmos, wrote the book of Revelation, 123 John and then he wrote the gospel of john. By this time he had a historical background of which he could write the gospel. By this time he wrote the Gospel after he too received the revelation of how Christ would be involved in man’s life.
    • Jesus never preached the cross, nor His death on the cross, nor redemption or salvation. Think carefully of what you read in Matthew Marl and Luke. or salvation. He proclaimed himself and that salvaton and redemption would come through Him. He also never proclaimed salvation unto the gentiles.
    Mat 10:5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
    Mat 10:6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
    What was Jesus’s message? His message was the “Kingdom Message”, the establishment of the Kingdom. And unto whom did He bring the message? For Israel and the Jews. Ministered twice to gentiles, and He told them that He was not sent to minister to them.
    When we think of this type of message, it clashes with us. We do not want to hear a message like this. It does not make sense, it clashes with our theology, because Jesus came for me and everyone else. Yes He did, but lets understand His earthly ministry and His ministry after the resurrection.
    Rom 15:8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:
    So Jesus entered under the Law and not yet under “ministry of grace”
    So we must understand that certain things Jesus said and did that cannot have the same relevance as after His resurrection when the era of grace began.
    If Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision, then there are certain things that are not meant for you and me.

    • Matt 15:24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Who sent Jesus? The Father. Was sent with a pertinent role and purpose to earth that would change history. But He had to begin at a place, and His instructions were to begin with the “House of Israel”

    Matt 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
    Mat 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
    We take these verses and place them out of context in our lives, and submit to a life faced with challenges and hardships, thats my package I need to carry to be able to serve the Lord. Bad things must happen so that I can serve the Lord. Hence it becomes a cross I must carry.
    At this stage Jesus is ministring to the Jew. No one knew that He would die on a cross and that salvation would come through Him. At that stage it was still a secret.
    Hard times and the consequences of our life decisions, will always be part of your life.
    That is the meaning of this verse, If you want to follow Me, there will always be prosecution, people will hate you, resist you, etc
    You could not be saved before the cross. Only the blood of Jesus could wash our sin away.
    True Justice comes through His cross – not mine.
    Under the Law- ministry of circumcision, righteousness was obtained by your works. (How you keep the Law)
    After the cross, righteousness (a simple action, yet people make it difficult for themselves to accept) is obtained by your faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
    Christ’s finished work on the cross brings you perfect righteousness.
    After the cross, your righteousness is not something you carry, nor any works you do, its Christ’s finished work that He did on the cross.
    Before the cross- its your works, and you have to keep the Law.
    After the cross- its not your works and you MUST NOT keep the law, for which Jesus had to die to fulfill or you will crucify Christ once more.Gal 5:4 Those of you who are trying to be justified by the law have been cut off from Christ. You have fallen away from grace.
    Matt 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
    In all the Old Testament, no mention is made by the prophets etc. That Jesus would be killed.
    He would first die, and there would be forgiveness, then be ressurected and there would be salvation.

    • Jesus’ ministry was to preach the Kingdom to the Jews
    o But first he would die and then grace would go to the Gentiles, before the kingdom would come – (that is in the future- Kingdom Age) Micah 4:1-5

    • 2 Corinthians 5:16~So then, from now on we do not think of anyone from a human point of view. Even if we did think of Christ from a human point of view, we don’t think of him that way any more.
    • Religion – take up your cross daily?
    • Grace – Jesus fulfilled – only faith in Jesus
    • Romans 6:3-4:Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into union with Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
    Rom 6:4 Therefore, through baptism we were buried with him into his death so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glory, we too may live an entirely new life.
    • Matthew 13:13-17 That’s why I speak to them in parables, because ‘they look but don’t see, and they listen but don’t hear or understand.’
    Mat 13:14 “With them the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says: ‘You will listen and listen but never understand. You will look and look but never comprehend.
    Mat 13:15 For this people’s heart has become dull, and their ears are hard of hearing. They have shut their eyes so that they might not see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.’
    Mat 13:16 “How blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear!
    Mat 13:17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see the things you see but did not see them, and to hear the things you hear but did not hear them.”
    • Q.13 – “Because” – Reason
    • V.15 – “So that” – Purpose
    • Unbelief – Romans 11:20:That’s right! They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you remain only because of faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid!
    • v.16 – Romans 11:15~For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?
    o Romans 15:8 – Jewish ministry = For I tell you that Christ became a servant of the circumcised on behalf of God’s truth in order to confirm the promises given to our forefathers,
    • V.35 – mysteries: ~Who has given him something only to have him pay it back?”
    From the foundation of the World
    1 Corinthians 2:7: Instead, we speak about God’s secret wisdom that has been hidden, which God destined for our glory before the world began.
    Ephesians 1:4: just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in his presence.
    Ephesians 3:9: and help everyone see how this secret, which was hidden for ages in God who created all things, has been at work.
    Matthew 25:31: When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels are with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.
    Joh 12:20 Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks.
    Joh 12:21 So these came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”
    Joh 12:22 Philip went and told Andrew; Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.
    Joh 12:23 And Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
    Joh 12:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
    He foresees that plentiful harvest, in the conversion of the Gentiles, of which this was as it were the first-fruits. This was intended for the direction and encouragement of these Greeks, and all others that desired acquaintance with him.
    Will Father honor me if I live under the LAW. NO, NO, NO. He cannot and will not go against the finished, completed work what His Son Jesus did on the Cross. Gal 3:10 For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.” Gal 3:11 Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.”
    Gal 3:12 But the law is not of faith, rather “The one who does them shall live by them.”
    Gal 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us
    People who carry on living under the law and reject the mystery Jesus Himself gave to Paul, after He was taken up into heaven, for the church, will fall under the curse of God. I do not say it the Word says it.
    A child sits with his Father in his home, that is what you are if you follow Christ and not the Law. But slaves is outside doing slavery work and are always busy with “works” that pleases the master and are therefore not allowed in the Fathers House. Gal 4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,
    Gal 4:5 in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as his children.
    Gal 4:6 Now because you are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts to cry out, “Abba! Father!”
    Gal 4:7 So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if you are a child, then you are also an heir through God. Therefore, through baptism in Christ death we were buried with him into his death so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glory, we too may live an entirely new life.
    • Matthew 13:13-17 That’s why I speak to them in parables, because ‘they look but don’t see, and they listen but don’t hear or understand.’
    Mat 13:14 “With them the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says: ‘You will listen and listen but never understand. You will look and look but never comprehend.
    Mat 13:15 For this people’s heart has become dull, and their ears are hard of hearing. They have shut their eyes so that they might not see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.’
    Mat 13:16 “How blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear!
    Mat 13:17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see the things you see but did not see them, and to hear the things you hear but did not hear them.”
    • Q.13 – “Because” – Reason
    • V.15 – “So that” – Purpose
    • Unbelief – Romans 11:20:That’s right! They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you remain only because of faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid!
    • v.16 – Romans 11:15~For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?
    Romans 15:8 – Jewish ministry :- For I tell you that Christ became a servant of the circumcised on behalf of God’s truth in order to confirm the promises given to our forefathers,
    • V.35 – Mysteries:~Who has given him something only to have him pay it back?”
    From the foundation of the World:-
    1 Corinthians 2:7:Instead, we speak about God’s secret wisdom that has been hidden, which God destined for our glory before the world began.
    Ephesians 1:4:just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in his presence.
    Ephesians 3:9:and help everyone see how this secret, which was hidden for ages in God who created all things, has been at work.
    Matthew 25:31:When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels are with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.
    Joh 12:20 Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks.
    Joh 12:21 So these came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”
    Joh 12:22 Philip went and told Andrew; Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.
    Joh 12:23 And Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
    Joh 12:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
    He foresees that plentiful harvest, in the conversion of the Gentiles, of which this was as it were the first-fruits. This was intended for the direction and encouragement of these Greeks, and all others that desired acquaintance with him.
    Will Father honor me if I live under the LAW. NO, NO, NO. He cannot and will not go against the finished, completed work what His Son Jesus did on the Cross.
    People who carry on living under the law and reject the mystery Jesus Himself gave to Paul after He was taken up into heaven for the church will fall under the curse of God. I do not say it the Word says it.
    A child sits with his Father in his home, that is what you are if you follow Christ and not the Law. But a slave is outside doing slavery work and are always busy with “works” that pleases the master and are therefore not allowed in the Fathers House. Gal 4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,
    Gal 4:5 in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as his children.
    Gal 4:6 Now because you are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts to cry out, “Abba! Father!”
    Gal 4:7 So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if you are a child, then you are also an heir through God.
    Very Important : I have given you the Word out of the Word -Read and understand the Word of God as He has given it to us, not the way we want to interpreted it.

  17. Malicious didnt come to mind, comfort zone neither crossed
    my mind.just like all statements are made, the same with
    GOD send his son to offer salvation to his nation (Israel)
    Because he was rejected by the majority of his
    nation, he extended his grace to the gentile(us).
    The gentile are going the same pathway that his nation are going.
    Only GOD can repremand his nation.
    Do not speak bad about Israel.
    Only GOD knows the truth, when what will happen.
    As believers we should follow his word/and believe.
    Know the difference between right and
    right so we are prepared
    Stop obsessing about the signs of time (its been made a
    topic of debate)
    When we were offered salvation the only thing that
    was asked of us is that we accept GOD as our saviour,
    and that we follow his commandments and that we
    are baptished in his name and that we believe.
    The rest GOD will do.

  18. On the surface insight allows questions:

    What does people hanging in mid air mean?
    What does people dropping to the ground in a collapsed state mean?
    What does cities on fire mean?
    What does the anger of God mean?

    hanging in mid air = high hopes?
    dropping into a collapsed state = disappointment?
    cities on fire = destruction?
    anger of God = punishment?

  19. Scott and all,

    These verses came ro my mind and seem to match with this dream.

    ” ‘For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up’, says the Lord of hosts, ‘that will leave them neither root nor branch. But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; And you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this’, says the Lord of hosts. ‘Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments’ ” (Malachi 4:1-4, NKJV).

    “Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn…Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age.

    The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Matthew 13: 30, 40-43, NKJV)

    He who has ears to hear, let him hear? Jesus said –

    “Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: ‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; for the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.’

    But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it” (Matthew 13:13-17, NKJV).

    James 5:7-9 applies too. He is at the door.

    Rev. 12:11

  20. We could be missing the point. Mid air then collapsing to the ground indicates most people inconsisteny of faith and declaration in regard to the advent. Its a reproof to us all to be consistent in this truth, for there is time no longer.
    From one of the dreams of this site, a young lad was being questioned by the site hostess in regard to a prophetic dream that had to do with a fire, a bridge, and the cataclymic events that were to follow. I have fires encountered a similar prophecy in another site. The current fires at Colorado and the black forest, and the bridge associated with them, a sort of significant bridge, seem to be fulfilment of that prophecy and to us here an apt witness as to the times. Therefore lets realize the gravity of what is transpiring and beware of what is about to befall earth. Awaken from slumber brothers and sisters and fulfil each your appointed mandates, for to this purpose and moment have the universe long awaited, and now falls in our lot. Ignorantly though we waver in our ways

  21. further, the 24 hrs insomnia signify a season, the next natural year will be it, the long awaited and likewise dreaded.
    Lets stop judging who or what is prophetic, because alot is from this day on, and would the Lord indeed that all his children prophesied.
    Three exact years after I had been unprocedurally sacked, a case I had filed over the issue, but thereafter given up on owing to the evident corruption of the system and malice, was revived and heard exactly to three years to that day I had been persecuted and defrauded of a ten years employment worth of terminal dues. The entire framework is completely altered with even a new judge to determine, and most relevant is that the Lord by this powerful sign has covenanted to me his wonders, that even trivial matters such as this are directly within his will and change, for offense must abound on earth, but woe to him by whom the offense is perpetrated.
    Way is Sa, truth is Ma, and Ria means exuberance in Sanskrit. Jesus declares therefore that he is Samaria.

  22. Just thought that would be of interest. Was posting from a phone hence the brevity and breaks, apologies, but felt the impulse to share soonest, for indeed time has run out, and the least must be redeemed.

  23. Has anyone else been having trouble going on Youtube or other video sites? Just trying to figure out if it my computer, or something else?

  24. Hi Marianne, Which video sights are you having trouble with?

  25. Oh, oops!! Well, Dru, there are so many was just wondering if there were specific ones….


    for those interested, a confirm on tetrads by novel method

    looks. like v r gettin closer


  28. Just a note of thanks. Yours is the only website that answered my question about the “last” trump of the Jewish Feast of Trumpets. It is so kind of our Saviour to give us a 10-day advance notice to reflect and prepare, so to speak, if the Rapture does occur during this feast. My initial impression of the Feast of Trumpets was it lasted two days, but I can see it is much more. Thanks!

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