Wild Swans and Eliza



A lesson from a fairy tale.

Based on original story by Hans Christian Anderson


In the story, a wicked stepmother queen cursed 11 princes, and turned them into swans. Their sister the princess was also hated by the queen and cast out of the palace.

To save her brothers from this curse, she had to suffer pain day and night,  while she turned thorny nettles into flax to make each one a jacket to throw over them.

During this time, she was not allowed to speak one word. If she did, it would cause a brother to die.

This took a considerable amount of time, so she was very sad, and in pain, as she pursued her lonely task of deliverance.

Her hands bled from the thorns. The pain was exhausting.


There are a lot of believers now who are suffering as they work to help unsaved loved ones.

The loved ones cause much grief to the believer, and this adds to the pain.

They could be involved in witchcraft, drugs, crime, or just a general, rebellious, sinful lifestyle.

Many others are suffering because loved ones who are saved are in danger, and they have to pray daily for their safe return home.

Those that are committed to intercession also have to be committed to constant personal sacrifices.

They may have to pray “until their hands bleed,” like Eliza did for her brothers.

In the end, it was worth it, as she saw her brothers all delivered from the curse.

WE all have to envision the deliverance and/or salvation also, at the end of our efforts, of those who we are praying for.

We cannot focus on the unsaved one’s behavior, as that will cause more pain.

We have to focus on the goal of salvation and deliverance, and this will help us endure to the end.

We must not think of the long time involved in praying.

Eternity in the wrong place is even longer.


The work of intercession can be very painful, and usually is.

The believer suffers as they know what will happen to their loved one if they stop praying.

The time investment pulls them away from normal social activities, and it can be a lonely experience.

The prayers might go on for years, or even a lifetime.


The loved one could subject the believer to cursing, hateful words, rejection, humiliation, scorn, etc.

This is part of the cross to bear.

But in the end, there will be joy, and great reward.

I encourage all those who suffer and self sacrifice for others to persist, and endure.

Do not give up. You might be all they have.

The calling to help and pray for others is a high calling, and the time will come when we will see the fruits of our labors and prayers.

Then we will see our own wild swans redeemed and delivered, and given their place in the kingdom of YHVH God.

Unspeakable joy!!!





29 Responses to “Wild Swans and Eliza”

  1. Thank you Marianne! I needed to hear that today. Very timely words! May Yahveh bless you!

  2. Sadly, to be saved yourself sometimes or many times you have to place those loved ones in Yahweh’s Hands and go on living without them.in your life. This is especially true if those loved ones completely leave your life. We cannot convince another human being to choose salvation and/or live a righteous life, or even love us. We can only do that for ourselves! Personally, if I grieve about those in my life, it is because of a life I missed with a LOVING parent, sibling, or child NOT for the actual people that they are. In fact, these actual “loved ones” were not ever loving and brought a lot of pain into my life which I am glad that they took with them! After all, these are the very last days. The Bible states that people would be without natural affection (towards loved ones and Yahweh).

    • 4yahweh

      I agree. ultimately they are in His hands. we pray the best we can for him to move in their lives, and for them to accept him back.

      here, the concept of loved ones means we love them, or maybe they could love us, but satan is in the way. we love them because yahweh loves them

  3. Beautifully said Marianne, I think we all need to remember that.

  4. Thank you so much I do a lot of itercssion that ihave no time for myself. Well iwas getting tothe edge but you always encourage me to go on.bless you

  5. When I am praying for someone, I have to let go of what the outcome of the praying would be, what it would look like. I pray in delivering them into the hands of Christ, and ask that I may continue to do the Lord’s work as He chooses.

    Right now, where I am living, I am physically close to my Mom who has now lost her license to drive, and is deteriorating medically. But, she can still fend for herself in her own home. It falls upon me to take her to her appointments, grocery shopping, getting her hair done, various errands. My Mom was concerned about this being a very heavy load on me. I sat her down and said to her, “How many daughters wish they would have had this time with their mothers. I don’t see this as a burden, but, rather, it is a gift to me.”

    And so it is when I pray for others, my being present to pray for them, that too is a gift.

    • denise

      those are good thoughts. I was living in a different state during the last years my father lived. I wish now I had spent more time with him

  6. Hi, i have question regarding to blowing trumpet (shofar},
    blowing shofar is very biblical and it is weapon to do spiritualist warfare. but do not see blowing-shofar itself will have impact or change for the shofar blower, saw people blowing shofar for years, but did not see their characters change, so it is possible blowing-shofar is a gift have nothing to do with characters.
    thanks !!!

    • blowing shofar is a commandment of god for certain situations.

      when god himself blows it, then you WILL see a change

      • could you tell more ?

        totally agree with you that God command people to blow shofar in certain situation.

        shofar blowing do have great impact in the spiritual atmosphere.
        in the meeting , need to have breakthrough . ………

        it look like a person carry gifting to do something,
        but he himself is another story. shofar blower and the shofar blowing are two different things. ??

        • if someone just does it for s ceremony, but has no spiritual connection to it or god, then it might help others, but not him

          if someone has great faith in the power of god, and prayer, then he will feel spiritual rewards…

          I have a page where some of us have heard God’s shofar blowing

          First Trump

          read not just the post, but all the comments….this was a miracle experienced by many people….god warns those who belong to him…and lets them know he is with them

  7. what is the differece between thief , hiring hand , and good shepherd
    john 10

  8. http://ia.tjc.org/elibrary/ContentDetail.aspx?ItemID=31587

    any thoughts , thanks !

  9. http://www.ihopkc.org/prayerroom/#asset/151116_TPR_1000/auto/true

  10. http://sidroth.org/replay-%E2%80%93-live-its-supernatural-hank-kunneman?src=eappeal012016

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