Wilderness, Pit, and the Tunnel


The deeper you go, the more it will hurt.

A progression of spiritual testing.

I once thought all these concepts were the same, but now I see differences.

We need to know what we are experiencing, to know how to survive it.



An uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region.

Jesus had this experience before ministry.

Matthew 4:1-11
At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.

After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus was tempted by the devil for 40 days and nights in the Judaean Desert.

Jesus having refused each temptation, Satan then departed and Jesus returned to Galilee to begin his ministry.

Paul spent 3 years in the desert at Sinai in Saudi Arabia (Gal. 1:17) before he started his ministry as well.

Aspects of the desert / wilderness

It is a time of temptation, testing, fasting and prayer, and learning.

It is voluntarily entered into.

There is an entry point and exit point.

The only barrier is the ground under your feet.

Your arms and legs and head are free to move.

You can see others and they can see you.

The desert has night (darkness) and day (light).

It has snakes and scorpions. Enemies and dangers.

Water can be found in certain spots if you look for it.

So there is choice available to you.

You either pass or fail the testing.

If you fail, you will have to repeat the test.

If you pass, you are given a greater desert experience, and you start over.

Time of experience can be a month or a few years.


The Pit


Yahweh gave Joseph visions of his future where his family bowed down to him, and his earthly father showed him favor with a special gift, a coat of many colors.

His own brothers were jealous and hated him.

Gen 37:24

23 So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe—the robe of many colors he was wearing—

24and they took him and threw him into the pit. Now the pit was empty, with no water in it.

25And as they sat down to eat a meal, they looked up and saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead. Their camels were carrying spices, balm, and myrrh on their way down to Egypt.…

Aspects of the Pit

Your enemies can put you there, so not voluntary.

You could possibly put yourself there with sin, mistakes, ignorance.

What you see as a vision, jealous enemies see as a threat.

There is no water for life, except what you have inside yourself.

You are restricted with boundaries below your feet, and completely surrounded on all sides by boundaries.

Only your head is free to look up. Your deliverance comes from above.

You may be freed by more enemies who imprison you or enslave you.

Yahweh will have to free you from here.

You need to believe in the visions and dreams that Yahweh has given you for strength.


The Tunnel

See also


The closest I can find to this in the Bible is the tribulation, as described in chapter 6 of Revelation, and Daniel Chapter 12.

Throughout history, and modern times, I see the persecution and martyrdom of the saints.

And even in secular terms, child and human trafficking. These poor souls are actually STORED in tunnels, tortured, and sacrificed to Satan….murdered.

Other souls are kept in camps for live organ harvesting.

Milder, but still serious, examples are those that suffer from lifelong illness or disability, or many, many years, maybe decades, of illness or emotional trauma

Aspects of the Tunnel

This is a more extreme experience which takes the most faith.

You cannot see this coming.

You are completely bordered, below, around and above you.

There seems to be no light at all to explain things, or show you the way out.

There is no escape.

No way out.

Since you are “hidden” inside the tunnel, others can look at you but not really “see” your suffering.

They do not care. They look past you.

You feel detached from them.

Those that feel they are “high up in God,” or more spiritual than you, will look down on you. They are blessed, and you are cursed, because you did something wrong, while they only please God.

The suffering, pain, misery, rejection, lack of understanding or compassion from others is constant, unending.

Your enemies fight you and win.

And you have done nothing wrong.

Life and time is a blur.

This could last a lifetime, and you wish life was over.

You pray and nothing happens.

You cry and Yahweh does not seem to hear you, or it seems like He does not care.

Maybe He does not love you, like He does others who are “blessed” all the time?

You are stuck.

You know what Yahweh’s Word says, but you just don’t “feel” it.

You cannot seem to hear from God like you used to.

You see others around you as happy and blessed.

You do not understand why this cannot be for you also.

You submit to your circumstances.

Somewhere in your spirit, you keep a little hope, and just wait.

Yahweh controls how long you are in the tunnel.

You will be there until His purpose is completed in you.

So, you may die in the tunnel, and by then you will not care if you die.

Or, you may be released from it.

If you are in a tunnel now, do not give up and keep the faith.

Submit to Yahweh, and pray daily that His sovereign will is done in you.

Learn patience.

Also repent daily.

Be humble and honest…..

Stay in the Word of God.

At the end of your tunnel, there is a light.

You will either be in heaven,

or you will be delivered and free again, with a testimony to share.

Remember this scripture, and stand fast in your faith:

Job 13:15 KJV — Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.


You have won your crown!

10 Responses to “Wilderness, Pit, and the Tunnel”

  1. Sobering, yet beautiful… Thanks for the reminder to endure until the end.

  2. 7~2~2021 On Yahweh’s Earth. King David in Psalm 24:1
    Yahshua the Messiah Returns VERY SOON! PRAY NOW to be
    SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1
    HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    Yes, Marianne. We all want to see the great light of Yahshua’s Return at the end of this long dark tunnel called “The Last Days.” And, we do NOT want that light to be another train to crash into us! lol
    In April my car was wrecked but not me. Last month I fell into the ocean here from a yacht hitting my back and neck. But I survived and am restored.
    The Evil One is going about like a roaring lion seeking to destroy us!
    However, we SURVIVE because we are SAVED by Yahshua, The Lion of Judah, covered by the blood of The Lamb.


  3. I think you have well defined the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects in the symbolism of the wilderness, pit, and tunnel. Thank you.

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