Famine in the Land


Not of food, but of the Word of God.

“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land– not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. Amos 8:11

This world is full of lies, death and evil.

Hardly anyone wants to hear the truth anymore.

The leaders of the countries follow their own gods, legislate evil, and reject the Lord God.

Sin has become the law.

The true law of God is being discarded.

Much of the media spins lies in a frenzy to destroy what is good.

They hate the truth, and make good evil, and evil good.

Slander, hate, and rebellion spew out of men’s mouths.


And the so called ministers of God preach comfort and prosperity, and compromise with sin.

People want deliverance without repentance, comfort without a sacrifice.

They want everything free now, in a world without God.

They deserve everything without a commitment.

Honor and dignity and holiness are rare now.

One looks for an honest man, and cannot seem to find one easily.

How many people who claim to be believers can really be found as holy?

After 2000 years of gospel teaching, the world should be very holy before God.

But instead, it is not holy, but defiled.

This is because the holiness has not been preached like it should.

Instead, the Word has been watered down to accommodate man’s lust, greed, and desires, and APATHY.

Or, it has been rejected completely.

Do as little as possible is the rule now….instead of doing as much as one can.


There is a famine of the true WORD now, because man has rejected it.

Death will follow famine.

There is a time coming soon, where the WORD will no longer be available.

God will withdraw his presence.

And the world will fall into complete darkness.


Your only hope is Yahshua/ Jesus, who overcame death and darkness and sin.

Repent of your sins, and sin no more.

Embrace the forgiveness made possible by His death on the cross.

Find the holiness in complete surrender to God.

Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13


22 Responses to “Famine in the Land”

  1. […] here for […]

  2. Fake Evangelicals Support Illegal Immigration to Make a Buck


    • Churches wait you to take them in feed and house them. Thay protest and say there is no law and there in no illegals there is law thay wait everything given thay don’t want to work to get there papers thay want what are for father fought for and died that was for are freedom and are land

  3. Jesuits helped confused the word. Now Christians ignorantly believe in Futurism and Pretatism when studying prophesy. Historism is the correct way of studying prophesy and using line upon line to build doctrines. Every truth in the word must have two or three witnesses.

  4. Very sad, but seems true enough. I spoke with some one concerning a job proposition a few days ago and like most, several words of profanity were coming from him as he spoke, which is common place. Later I received another call to visit this person to discuss. Whilst he was talking I had this sense he knew God’ I was asking the lord what should I say, this man he then told me he was going to South Africa mineristing and then began to tell me stories of leading people to Christ and how he had helped put together an orphanidge, which I’m thinking fantastic, I then said I’m a Christian and proceeded to share some stories of my own encounters and that of my late Fathers who was a man of God’ he then proceeded to say you know sometimes I swear but we all sin, but I had counted probably 10 words in a short spate of time that weren’t what you would hear from a man of God, sure once every now and then we may say something and then repent straight away as we knew we had made a mistake and sinned. I thought about this conversation after and said Lord am I too righteous, I’m not judging him, but for confirmation I discussed the event with another Christian lady and she agreed with my thinking that it wasn’t normal, once again not judging, only to say your story here Marieanne has just confirmed what is happening in the world today and everyone” well most think it is ok’ so whilst pondering this’ the Devil father of all lies was trying to tell me I’m to righteous, well if that’s what I am, I’m going to stick to it, because that is what makes me who I am in the Lord. But I know this one thing and that is for sure “Jesus” is coming soon.

  5. 2~26~5999 (out of 6000) New Moon on Yahweh’s Earth, Psalm 24:1
    Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM.
    Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!”

    There isn’t any shortage of Christianity on the earth because it is “The Mark of the Beast:, i.e. the meaning of the #666 in Revelation 13:18, Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web.


  6. Please pray for my freind I call neighbortor he’s a young boy next door bless also his fam friends and lovelies I ask for deliverance restoration money healing. bless also my neighbors of the blue car white expo grey van blue truck burgundy car med blue expo and tan car next door these fam are being sought after by father God thank you

  7. Please pray for sis flower and husband , The Lelands Lil China Prophet Anthony Huerra and the Raiders, New York’s He’ll Angels. Mafia , sindaquet , moabs and all other crews and neighbors and the Fresno pd , fire Dep , and Emts, fima , our president and staff delvrrence healing wholeness money and give The deep roots in Christianity so they will not fall to Satan and his trickery witchcraft love them out fAther God bless the minds the hestys their bodies and their sspiritualilty in Jesus msme

  8. It’s hard to believe how prevalent and bold satan is becoming. He’s in our face now. He is literally taking over society, anyone who is not covered by the blood of Jesus. Suit up. Pray, witness. We have to save souls.

  9. When the world feels dry, and it is feeling pretty dry right now, I remind myself where it is that I am is rooted, and I recite to myself John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you. my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.”

  10. Judaism: Satanism, Sorcery and Black Magic! 😮

  11. “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
    And THIS is his commandment that we should BELIEVE on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and LOVE one another, as He gave us commandment.” 1 John 3:23-24

  12. You are correct Marianne ‘
    Matthew 24: 10-12 sums it up

  13. 4~15~5999 (out of 6000) Sabbath 4th Day of Feast of Unleavened Bread
    Yahshua the Son of Yahweh Returns VERY SOON! Do you know that He arose from the dead on the Sabbath Day (Not Sunday!) Pray NOW to be SAVED and SEALED in THEM. Revelation 14:1 HalleluYah! Hebrew: “Praise ye Yah!

    It’s the Passover lamb (preferably New Zealand grass-fed) NOT the Easter ham (which is a double curse). The whole world is deceived NOT just the Christians! The commandments command us to worship Yahweh not evil deities in idol names. We are to keep the Sabbath NOT the Papal Sunday and all the other pagan sun worshipping holy days.



  14. The King is coming! Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, 2018 will begin 10~18 sunset and end at sunset 10~19. It seems Jewish groups and even True Name groups are keeping Yahweh’s Appointed Days in Roman year 2018 a month early. Yahshua will return on Yom Kippur some year soon. It’s possible that the world powers already SEE Yahshua’s Coming. That’s WHY they gather to FIGHT Him at His Return.
    Because of Syria (and North Korea?) we seem to be on the verge of Ezekiel 38-39 and Psalm 91 (same attack at same time). Let us be like King David and have our faith in Yahweh Creator of Heaven and Earth!

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