First Trump



ice flower

Why did I hear this?

Amazing….I woke up about 3:30 am this morning…and got on my computer.  I had some business and personal worries…..

I handled email and read the bible…..I laid back down about 4:30 am but could not go back to sleep. 

Completely awake, I heard a distant horn (trumpet) blow. 

I remembered the Lord said he would come at the last trump.  I think I just heard the first trump.

It is only 6:18 now…..after that, there was no way to go back to sleep. 

So, I feel something is about to happen….make sure you have water and food, and supplies….

maybe I was just tired, and imagined this….

but it was so clear and pure sounding…and very soft…far away….sigh.

Maybe the horn was just for me….

May 28, 2010

304 Responses to “First Trump”

  1. […] here for […]

    • Some years back in the 1990’s I was sitting in my office alone (working at a law firm) and I could have sworn that I heard the sound of a trumpet. This was in the middle of the day. It also sounded like it was in the distance. I don’t remember having my radio on or any type of music playing in the room. I even got up from my desk and went around the office asking my co-workers if they heard anything. No one heard anything. I also told my family about it. I’ve always wondered about it and sometimes now I even wonder if I heard what I thought I did. You know when time passes, you start to try to convince yourself you might have imagined it, but at the time, it was absolutely real! I thought, well, maybe this is one of the trumpets that Jesus told us about in the book of Revelation, but which one? I also thought maybe it was just for me. I just heard last night on Coast to Coast that people are hearing strange sounds (and trumpets) around the world now- wow!

      • hi nora

        the long distance aspect of the trumpet sound indicated that the warning was being given for a future time…..the louder and closer the sounds mean that the time of trouble is getting closer also.

        mine was a far away sound…people now tell me it does not sound so far away…….this means we are running out of time.

        there are warning trumpets…to prepare people and wake them up spiritually…and then there will be the trumpet judgments….which are part of god’s wrath….so these are two different kinds of trumpets.

        • Yes, that pretty much how I felt about it–a warning. Things are definitely getting worse.

        • I found this blog searching for people who’ve heard the shofar blast. Twice in the last week, I was startled awake from a sound sleep by a short, loud shofar blast from the foot of my bed. The first time, it awoke both my wife and I. The second time, this morning, it was just me in the bed as my wife already left for work.

          They say that the ancient Israel sign for warning of trouble was 9 short blasts from the shofar. I have heard two so far. If I hear more, I will try to remember to come back here to update. It’s unclear what I’m to do with this information. Please pray the Lord will guide me and give me revelation as to what this is all about.

          • dear je

            when I heard the blast, it was one long one, which was the beginning of sorrow….it comes in a set of 3…..long blast, then staccato blasts, and then very short blasts… are hearing the end of a set.

            Israel is in trouble. it is a call to action to all believers to not only help Israel, but to prepare for trouble where we are too.

            (Yechezkel 33:4-5) states: And if the listener shall hear the sound of the shofar and not be careful, then the sword shall come and take him. And if he shall be careful, then his soul has escaped.

            the shofar serves to remind us of the forthcoming great Day of judgment, as the verses (Tzefanyah 1:14,16) state: The great day of G-d is near, close and quick [to come].. . is the day of [the sounding of] the shofar and the teruah.

            The sounding of the shofar serves as a reminder of the future ingathering of the dispersed exiles of Israel and to awaken our yearning for it, of which the verse (Yeshayahu 27:13) states: And it shall be on that day, the great shofar shall be sounded and those who have been lost among Ashur shall come [back].

            do what you can to prepare for war….our government has abandoned Israel, and left it to its enemies….our government is hostile to Israel, and favors and equips its enemies….this means this will come back on us for this treachery. we voted this evil into office….

            what you see happening in Israel, which is being attacked daily, will eventually happen here in the usa.

            do anything you can to help Israel…show mercy, and you will be shown mercy.

            • I just heard a long, far away shofar blast.
              I live in a very rural area. Nothing could make that sound here and it was at 03:50. Even the cows are asleep.
              I know to prepare and pray…yet my heart pounds with joy…come Lord Jesus!

              • dear SJ

                I rejoice with you in this blessing of the shofar…..yes prepare and pray…we have deep trouble ahead, but this is followed by the glory of God

        • Marianne if you remember i posted something the other day liked. We are so close. I think God has alredy showed many people in the world the date of the great tribulations. Dont get me wrong im not saying about the second coming.
          I actually thought it was going to be on Dec 27 of this last year. I told some people. Something did happen on that day. Maybe not like i thought. Or definitely not like I thought. I still believe it meant something. How or what i dont know.
          If you could im going to post something up on google + and if you like i wish you could share.
          Im again a watchman and i need this spread like wild fire. I havent done a good job warning people. If they even believe. All i know is i will try my best for what i was given. Thanks

        • Please let me know how you about the meanings of the horns soundss l heard uotside of my window one morning l looked outside to see where it was coming from l saw nothing but sound was so close and clear yet beautiful

          • jeanette

            I heard the sound myself. look at the comments here and you will get a better explanation.

            but in short, a warning of trouble and war, but assurance that god is with you.

      • I heard the sound of horns this morning, first in my left ear and then in the right.

        • dear jan

          you are blessed to have heard the horns.

          the time is drawing close….use the time you have left to prepare spiritually and physically.

          prepare for natural or man made, water medical, self defense supplies.

          prepare for spiritual…..all true believers will be under attack and need to stay under the blood of Jesus

          god bless you and thank you for sharing your experience.

          rejoice, trouble is coming, but so is jesus!

      • From: BlueBird
        I had weird morning awakening it was either 8-2/8-3-14 I awoke to a very loud horn in my right ear, it was so loud it still seemed maybe a little sore inside the ear in the afternoon, never heard any ringing or any horn ever in my life before and it is not an earache of any kind. I did a little searching on the web, and I still cant make heads or tales of it. I was very puzzled?? My pineal gland opened in 2-2012 since then I have had many unordinary and illogical things happen I cant really explain, touches, pokes, voices, spontaneous poetry writing. Never have I been even interested in poetry.

        The color Blue is in my mind round and round it goes
        chasing sorrow to forgiveness from my head to my toes
        Seeing blue before my eyes trust I did endow
        In my hand beautiful blue and rainbows I see now
        Closing my eyes beautiful blue starry nights a dark hue
        Splats of paint large and small fiery wheels for us all
        Shapes and faces at a glance surely can come fast
        What is this before my eyes present or the past
        I am aware of rainbows and stars that cannot be seen
        hiding underneath there is a secret it would seem
        You can do it just like me you must sincerely ask
        colors and rainbows for us all in our dreams to last
        Once a bright blue now is dark violet spilling in the edge
        Puffs of white go in and out a feeling has been pledged
        Blue and violet mixing around in a fiery furry
        amazing and bright the fire burns but no need to worry
        Once the fire starts you may here your name
        colors of the rainbow is it the wind or a game
        A poke or push side glances true its an open floor
        hushes come to you in a breath like loud waves hitting shore
        Colors of healing to be given forgiveness and love for all
        its a tall task I know when your head is blank and all
        Give it a try and work hard it is your gift from above
        it is given to us all with a heart that’s filled with LOVE

        First Poetry/ Now loud blowing Horn just 1 time, in my right ear only.
        Very puzzled, Really what comes next????

      • Hi there, my name is daniel. And I almost thought i was alone on this,I have been searching for some1 with same expierience.. for in september 4,2004 lil more then 10yrs ago about. I heard lo6d and clear 4 trumpets from straight above,no questions about that for it was not from below but high up.. it happened around 7am that morning i didnt sleep all night for some reason.. strange humming sound and fluttering ringing of ears .. and for some reason i dont know why..i grabbed the king james bible.. and started in the revelations area.. sumthing led me to it,God?.. i been searching for answers my whole life, although i was raised baptist. But when i opened the book 2 revelations.. something happened!!.. cant really be explained because so many will not and donot understand nor really believe me, but it was if the pages in which i was reading was coded only for me 2 grasp and understand.. imcould only see certain words and the rest where blurrd out!.. basically the bible has codes and is totally Alive.. it scared me to death almost.. as i was reading tye revelations/scriptures i was told to write down in a book what i see.. well i grabbed a paper and the only words i could see i wrote all down..all the others were blu4red out.. so i kept writing on the paper ,going through the pages of revelations,but never looking at all what i was sctually writing down. And in the end of this was told to fold up and seal up the prophesies for the end is near but not yet! After i folded the paper there was this simular number 40:’ upon the front of the folded sealed note~.and there were 3 dots/marks on my right hand.. 1 of the dots was half faded as well as the 1 on the folded note!… it freaked me out because i never seen anything i wrote.. but did remember alot of what i was told inside me 2 write.. warnings of the mark of the beast,etc,etc.. also near the end i remember reading about angels blowningnthere trumpets as warnings and such… so after i was done writing completely terrifyedmi went out side to think and get air.. and thats when i heard loud and supermclear 4 trumpets like never before comming from staight above me.. no other explaination!!… i amediattly went back to the revelations and right there, it read: for the 4 trumpets have been blown… Woe,Woe,woe, to the inhabitants of the world for the last 3 trumpets have not been blown!! Thats our final warning.. it already has been given . I think about this everyday, and cry alot.. for so many reasons.. but why given so much detail, and why was i chosen 2 see and hearball these things, im a nobody really.. and before all this happened a few months before this happened I had a dream of the rapture before I ever knew anything about itI was in bed for 3 days pretty much, ,commatoast I had a problem with drugs for a while in those yrs..that drem sparked my interest to find whats going on with God?i was wondering… well he surely gotta ahold of me.. I never heard of the rapture I knew not.anything about it and I could not believe I had a dream about the rapture later on I seen movies and it made sense. I am 100% believer now, nothing will ever change that now!!.. i still have that letter/note i wrote.. i eventually readit and its pretty mind boggling.. even how i wrote such a thing, has sets of numbers on the left,and a wierd riddle or sumthin in the center bottom for ive ever and ever. Abàdon
        Apollyon. ‘

        Yes this is true and i also seen and heard things from here, things from bellow, and things way above/from the heavons. I’m sorry if I told you too much information but I just have no one else to relate to I’m grateful to have read this from you and hopefully you take time to remind everything I told you hundred percent true why would I make something lke this up..well,i’d like tomhearbwhatnyou think, and i have nothing to hide..except i think my spelling may ofmsucked a little,lol..hope 2 hear back,thanku….Sincerely, Daniel

        Initials>> D.W.S.

        • daniel

          consider yourself blessed because you had this experience to wake up your spirit. many are still asleep, and will perish later because they were not prepared.

          spend your free time reading the bible….the new testament, books of daniel, joel, micah, jeremiah, ezechiel and zachariah.

          may God keep you and protect you in the days ahead.

      • I woke up out of a sound sleep at about 4:45 am. I distinctly hear a trumpet blow once. It was very clear and very soft off into the distance, I laid very still in wondering if I’d hear another. My fiance made a comment about hearing a trumpet 2 weeks ago, I am amazed at how many of us have heard this. Out of know where I have distinctly hear a mans voice it said something so soft and far in the distance twice this month. There was no communication device on in the house yet it was clear and alarming.. In March I will be marrying a Christian man. A prayer Warrior on A fire team. I have begin to serve God and have had many blessings some in multitude.
        We are currently in a class called Experiencing God. This would communication with God. All we can do is know that this is truth and pray for God to show us his will. SheR

        • sherry

          your trumpet experience sounded like mine…same kind of tone and sound…it must be time for the Lord to come….god bless you and your finance…

          • From BlueBird again:
            In August 2014 I heard the trumpet/shofar early morning wakeup in my right ear loud it still hurt in my inner ear in the afternoon. Since then I have been hearing clanking of loud machinery or metal humming recently I heard a voice saying words to me the voice was the sound of a harp hard to think that a voice would sound like a harp but I understood the words it said. (wind harp sound)
            I have had several dreams of large city size aircraft coming through round dimensional portals in the blue sky. Im not a doom and gloom type of person and have never had dreams like this before not sure what to make of this. Living life as usual. I suspect or my intuition tells me something is going on now…
            My intuition has never been wrong..
            It has me thinking what would i need to live in a cabin with no luxuries?? Food for thought…
            These sounds are inner ear sounds no one else in my home has heard them so i keep quiet.. The horn sounds on the internet are not the same I dont think it will be normal outer ear that might be trickery be-aware???
            you will hear it in your head like psychic hearing..GD will let his presence be known (vibration) there will be no mistaking it it will bring us to our knees in fear and bliss.
            No government harp/No army will hold the electric (literally a bolt of lightening) awesomeness back, for anyone that has experienced the holy spirit of (sophia/kundalini) knows GD is our source of life our DNA deep into our microscopic cells without god source our bio-candy body lives no more..

  2. I to heard a trump(horn) sound and thought it was a warning signal I used to hear when there was incoming rockets or morters in Viet Nam. It went on for what seemed like a minute or two. I got up out of my chair and went outside and I kept hearing it. I live in Davis, Ca. and nobody else seemed to notice it or was outside listening? The first thing I thought of, was that the trumpet of the LORD? It was right around Penecost or feast of weeks! I hope and pray the LORD comes soon!

    • hi Phil

      It is interesting that you identified the horn sound with a warning signal of an attack.

      Before Jesus returns, there will be hardships and attacks.

      Someone else thought it was the trump of the bridegroom (Jesus) signaling me as his bride to be ready.

      If we have heard the same thing within a week of each other, it might be a confirmation of what might come.

      No one else in my home commented they heard the sound. Since they were sleeping still, I can see why.

      Mine (horn sound) also lasted for about a minute.

  3. As JR Church always says”Keep looking up, Phil

  4. Have you heard from The Lord since you’ve heard the horn of Elijah?

  5. If the earth ever trembles as I did last night at 2:00 am. ….
    I fell asleep fairly early, but then was awakened by the Voice of an Angel.
    Here is what He said: ‘When I say RUN, you start running and DON’T look Back!’
    ‘What of my dogs’ I asked.
    ‘They will follow’ was his answer.

    And I started to vibrate and shake from head to toe … violently!
    I tried to get up and had much trouble walking since I was trembling SO MUCH!
    So I laid back down just vibrating! Quivering that is beyond what is humanly possible!
    This lasted for a good 15 minutes.

    Then the Voice for God spoke again and said :” Rest in Peace.”
    And all of the shaking stopped!
    I eventually fell back asleep and had a peaceful rest!

    • where you are supposed to run to?

      for me, I think the east coast will be hit, all I can do it go west, but to where I don’t know yet.

      • I just finished a conversation with my child on this subject.
        You know where I reside.
        I was specifically told a while back …
        ‘Do not go north and do not go west!’
        The Lord will be my legs because running is not my favorite sport.
        And He will be my direction as well.

        But this is SOOO SOOON at the door!!

      • hey I was reading and last night I heard in such a high tone a very loud like war siren going off very high pitched at first and then went low again and that was at the end of my dream in my dream a was able as if I was both in body and out like I was able to feel my arm and being able to sit up in a bed in my dream then I started jog or run and a looked to my left there was a tent and somebody or something looked at me they where in a bed tent thing too it was dark in my dream and I am sure it had red eye’s when I looked then I heard the war siren going off then I woke up and tingling like my right side was paralyzed my right arm felt strange is this a meaning of something coming soon like a war

  6. It is snowing here today. I am not joking!

  7. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
    But the SAME DAY that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all.
    Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
    In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.
    Remember Lot’s wife
    Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it
    I tell you, in that night there shall be two [men] in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
    Two [women] shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
    Two [men] shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
    And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body [is], thither will the eagles be gathered together.

  8. Is the horn sounding, as in time to go home soon? I am getting sick of the Jew and Christian hate 😦

    • I think the horn is sounding for a possible war? See first comment. Someone else also heard it. But yes, if things are in motion, “going home” is also approaching.

  9. MARINNE, you must view this immediately!

  10. Hi Marianne,

    I might just be projecting my own personal bugaboo onto your dream since I live on the west coast and earthquakes are what I worry about, but I found this unusual clip of a combination of music and earthquake sounds from CA quakes on the USGS web site.

    It starts out with the sound of a trumpet blowing. There is certainly an eerie synchronicity there with your dream and sense that people should be prepared for an emergency. Certainly with all the recent earthquakes and other seismic or weather related events, we can’t say we were not warned to do what we can do to prepare for disasters.

    • hi Ciara

      That is very interesting. I never thought of a trumpet sound coming from the earth itself.

      • Just to make sure I’m not confusing anyone, the trumpet sound on that clip is from a musical instrument. For some reason, the creator of the recording combined recordings of musical instrument sounds and sounds recorded from actual earthquakes. The instruments are played by earthquake scientists.

        It is really interesting, though I’ll hope unrelated to your dream.

  11. The latest Spiral UFO over Australia.

  12. Rev.8:6. And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
    7. The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
    8. And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
    9. And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
    Marianne, as you may be aware, the angels with the trumpets, are the NEW YEAR trumpets being blown in SEPTEMBER, or the FIRST day of each year of the Hebrew calendar.
    As the first 3 verses of Rev. Chapt. 11 state, we must measure time of the Temple (read John 2:20)- 46yrs in construction, and 47th year in service. DO NOT measure the courtyard, for it is OUTSIDE the TEMPLE time, for it is given to the GENTILES (Time). Luke 21:24. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
    The fulfillment of GENTILE time was when Jerusalem is no longer trodden down by Gentile occupation, ie. 6/7/1967.
    MEASURE from that time, 40 years (Read Rev.11:1)- Altar (Cross) A.D.30 till Temple destroyed (A.D.70) = 40 years …1967-2007.
    47 yrs total (Temple Measurement) minus 40 years = 7yrs (Trumpets)
    As the 7th trumpet sounds it is the 47th year, so counting back, we get Trumpet ONE sounding Sept. 2008 – 2009
    Trumpet 2 Sounds Sept. 2009 – 2010
    The First trumpet sounded the burning of Grass and Trees (in Greece, Turkey, USA, Australia)
    The Second trumpet sounded the GULF Oil Rig on FIRE!!!
    “AS IT WERE” a Mountain on fire, was cast into the SEA!

    • Hi Olaf,

      RE:As the 7th trumpet sounds it is the 47th year, so counting back, we get Trumpet ONE sounding Sept. 2008 – 2009
      Trumpet 2 Sounds Sept. 2009 – 2010
      The First trumpet sounded the burning of Grass and Trees (in Greece, Turkey, USA, Australia)
      The Second trumpet sounded the GULF Oil Rig on FIRE!!!
      “AS IT WERE” a Mountain on fire, was cast into the SEA!

      I thought this was interesting because it was Nov 2008 that the HS said to me “it has begun”—the night of OBama winning the election! I am thinking that perhaps this is when the 1st seal was broken…

  13. And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho!

    Take up the ark of the covenant, and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark of the LORD.


  14. And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams’ horns: and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets.

    These were weapons ….
    as the seven trumpets of revelation.
    Not ordinary man made weapons!!
    But Holy ….

  15. I had to transfer this from another page. Tamera is profoundly deaf, yet she heard this trumpet a year ago. That is a miracle in itself.

    Posted here:

    Prayer for healing and deliverance

    2009/07/16 at 3:45 am

    Hi, Marianne. I have a question.. I was praying and in middle of it, I heard a very clear short and sharp blowing horn ( Not known name of it for myself ) and I had to pause in middle for a moment to look around and see nothing.. I am very profound deaf. Yet I heard it.. Do you have any idea what does the difference between those notes means ? Like clear short and sharp note… or long sorrowful soft note.. sometimes I can hear trumpet which was long and clear and purposeful note. So I have no idea what those means. I had to ask for once in my life to see if I can learn anything from you, Marianne. 🙂 Thank you for your time.


  16. This was my reply at the time….I think I was way off. I wrote to her after this, and told her more about the trumpets we were hearing.

    2009/07/16 at 7:51 am | In reply to Tamera.

    hi Tamera

    See if these links help you.

  17. Comment on Tribulation – timing and patterns

    Tribulation – timing and patterns


    On October 30 at approx. 3.30 AM, after a sleepless night, I heard a trumpet sound, steady and unbroken, then more joined in. I fell asleep and when I awoke I saw a vision of Gabriel and three other angels sounding trumpets. I thought of Matthew 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Since then I have seen St Michael being healed by Jesus in a vision (the archangel had arrows in his leg). The battle is taking place NOW: a spiritual battle, which may or may not manifest in the physical world. If we look for signs in a world of sin, we shall not find them. We must look for the signs WITHIN. Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Importantly, as believers we must listen to what Jesus says about the end: The Harvest. In particular, ONLY The Father knows the timing.

    Catherine said this on November 21, 2010 at 3:21 am

    Posted by Marianne

  18. On October 30, 2010, at 3.30 AM I heard a trumpet! That night, I did something I had never done before. I lit a candle before going to bed and thought of the virgins lighting their lamps and going out to meet the bridegroom! I could not sleep and at 3.30 AM suddenly I heard the sound of a trumpet in my mind. The sound was continuous and steady, then more trumpets joined in. I fell asleep and when I awoke at around 7.30 AM, I saw a vision of Gabriel and three other angels sounding their trumpets! A definite sign to prepare; the rapture must be imminent.

  19. Hello sweet sister… I come with LOVE in Our LORD JESUS!!! This is Catrina- The one who had the above dream, and my daughter had that vision! I was looking something up and found your page with my videos on it! I will leave my contact info at bottom if you wish to chat, but I wanted to share with you something that happened just LAST NIGHT to my husband and I that was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It happened to my husband and I while we were in bed LAST NIGHT… Just LAST NIGHT!!! It was VERY, VERY amazing & VERY VERY unexplainable…INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now before I get started, just let me say that we are HEAVY SLEEPERS… Not very many things will wake EITHER of us up! We usually hit the ‘snooze’ button many times! So, we are not easily awakened or jostled!!! Now to get right into it…

    We BOTH woke up at the EXACT same time, in the MIDDLE of last night, looking at eachother,eyes as BIG as saucers…And we were BOTH hearing the same thing- We WERE NOT dreaming- we were AWAKE…And we BOTH HEARD a TRUMPET/ SHOFAR blast for about 2-3 seconds that sounded faint (like it was aways off) but it was THERE nonetheless… And even stranger still, it was the EXACT same sound I heard when I had that dream of the rapture/catching away!(Did you see this video?) IT WAS THE SAME BLAST we were BOTH hearing, except not LOUD like I heard in my dream a couple weeks ago, but VERY faint… Like it was a distance off…!!!

    Anyhow, we BOTH heard it!!!! We were BOTH WIDE AWAKE!

    Do you think it is Jesus and He is on His way RIGHT NOW?!?! WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!

    We WERE NOT dreaming!!! We were WIDE AWAKE!!! WIDE AWAKE and we BOTH heard it!

    ~With Love,Catrina~

    Posted by Marianne

  20. Catrina!!!!! Finally! Someone else that heard the trumpet! I must admit though, I have heard the trumpet, on average, probably once every 3 months since… 2004/2005? And I am ALWAYS wide awake. Not even in bed! Sometimes in the middle of the day, sometimes late at night. AND my mother has been with me about half of the time and we would hear it together. JUST LIKE YOU SAID…. it is faint. Like it is just in the air, floating around us, but in a different spiritual realm, and sounds SO close, like just a few feet above me, but sounds so distant at the same time…. SO hard for us to explain!!! But yes! It is faint. When we heard it for the first time, we brushed it off thinking that maybe some high school band kid was practicing across the street. But it was late at night, and it wasn’t a song. It was just a few notes that we heard. In fact, every time I hear it, it’s always just a few notes at a time.
    My mother and I were just talking about it and I got SO overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit, that my eyes started watering, I got the chills, and then I sobbed like a baby for a minute. Jesus will be taking us home VERY soon!!! I STRONGLY believe within the next 4 years. Pack your bags!!!

    By the way… pack them with only LOVE and GOOD DEEDS cause that’s all that you can take with you! 😉

    Cathryn Harris

    Posted by Marianne

  21. angelwingz06 wrote on May 3
    This happen last year in May and it was a beautiful sunny day on this day also.So me and my mom were on our way to pick up my lil niece from my sister’s place.So when we got there my mom went in my sister’s place to get my niece.So right after she went in like about 3 minutes later while i was sittin in the car waitin for them to come out.All of a sudden i heard this loud shofar trumpet sound and it lasted for about 13 seconds.And so when i heard that sound i thought the rapture was about to happen and i was ready.So then i looked up in the sky bcuz i thought the rapture was happening and i didn’t see anything.I dunno what this meant.But i think it was a sign from God to tell people to get ready for jesus return and that he’s coming back soon.And so when my mom n niece got in the car i had asked my mom did she hear the sound and she said no.So i was the only one that heard it.But i wonder what it meant.Does anyone have any idea what the sound meant that i heard?

    God Bless

    Posted by Marianne

  22. This man hears a trumpet blast and he is wide awake. He is the only one who hears it, just like in the other testimonies above.

  23. note from Crystal on January 11, 2011……..( Australia has been flooded)

    Oh, I meant to tell you as well… something very exciting!

    I am hearing the trumpets again!

    They started 1.30 AM Australia time on Sunday morning and have been continuing ever since.

    • hi my name is elishia i had also heard the trumpet sept.6th 2012 at 4:30a.m. i was the only one up . i was in my room wide awake cleaning and i was sitting on my exersise ball thng cleaning my dresser out and i heard a loud noise i thought it was our sirens in greenback . but it wasnt it was the trumpet cause our sirens in greenback doesnt sound like a trumpet then i begin to thnk about the trumpets in the bible and i was freaked out i fell down to the floor shaken and wondering why the lord wanted me to hear that and he said for me to get my bible an read revolutions so i did . and i use to be abig christian and i stoped goin to church since i been working and i toled my friends mom about it shes a christian shes a singer at my church and she had toled me that she said the lord toled her to pray about me the other night and its weird that she had prayed over me and me not know about it and i here the trumpet a couple of days after she prayed over me .. . it lasted maybe 7 seconds. like it was a far distance but was not loud it was cleaar to where i could here it and i mean it was just the most greatest exsperience i ever have exspereicnd my intire life . i still dont knw why he wanted me to here it . i asked my mom later on that day if she herd aloud noise she said no adn i started to cry cause i toled her what i had herd and dont know why he has chosen me to here it . . but god is awesme and does awesome mirracles i guess it was a mirricle for me and im goin back to church now casue i kno i am not in the rite . i need go back to church and change again for good …. but i will tell you that exsperience was amazing what i cant stand is no one believed me but my mother and my friends mom . . im only 20 yrs. old . and for me to here something like that was just so amazzing to me…. god is awesome !!!!!

      • hi elishai

        That is awesome. I am so happy for you. Yes, the Lord loves us, and wants us to know he is coming for us. The others I know about who have heard this come from various parts of the country, so it is not about a particular area.

        Your experience sounded like mine. What is amazing is that the first person who told me they heard a trumpet was a deaf person. Imagine that. Thank you for sharing.

        • Wow , that is amazing !!!! the lord is awesome i believe i am going to share this with my testomony at church .. ive never gone threw this before so that is why i look it up online i always thought that when the trumpet blew that ment the lord was coming cause i always herd there was only 4 trumpets in Revolution . But , i think god wanted me to here the trumpet to change i am still overwhelmed about this its just an amazing exsperience i thought i was goin crazy ha . but till i talked to sloan about it she believed me i know not many people here the trumpet so i guess it was just a blessing from the lord ! i watched that vid clip you put on here and it was really good . . . im glad that the lord picked me no one in my family has ever herd it or my friends so its a blessing to me ;p

  24. The only blasting sound that I hear like that, is those when bad weather is coming; these are on the area I live in. I guess one of those is close to my home because it sounds pretty loud.

    I will ask for a sign like that through prayer. Being left out of that is not funny.

  25. Right now as I am writing this (obviously I’m awake) I can hear a repeating humming sound off in the distance… Oh wait, never mind, its just the city maintinance truck taking way the garbage…

    Seriously though: I was listening to a preacher a couple of years ago who had on several occasions in his life had prophetic encounters, even the audible voice of God. He said that back in the 2004/2005 time frame (if I remember it correctly), he had a strong vision come to him which he described as seeing an angel appear. The angel had a trumpet in his hand. Three consecutive times, the angel would bring the trumpet up to his lips as if to blow the trumpet but then would lower the trumpet back down to his side. This preacher went on to say that he interpreted it to mean that an official spiritual trumpet was soon to be blown.

    Looking at the signs around us, his vision does not seem to be all that big a deal. But Amos 3:7 counsels us that such experiences ought not be ignored as cerebral defect abberations, but rather than such supernatural phenomena of a Righteous type, would occur during the very last days.

  26. Several years ago I too heard the sound of a trumpet or shofar (rams horn). I was asleep, and in the middle of the night, I awoke to the sound of a trumpet. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the window where the moon was shining particularly bright. The sound was loud and alarming, yet beautiful, not over powering (if that makes any sense). This sound commanded my attention and I knew no man made sound could make me tremble; and look directly to the sky. I recalled it being said in “Matthew 24:30 “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky”. Everything in me told me this was Jesus coming back. To prove to myself that I was not dreaming, I shook my husband awake and told him to listen! He said what? I said can’t you hear that trumpet! He sat up in the bed to listen. I said again, don’t you hear that! Then he said, I don’t hear anything, maybe it is only meant for you. For years I have been trying to figure out the meaning. Since then, I have had two other members of my family to hear a trumpet. Oddly we all give similar accounts…

  27. Yello, good morning, and a good sabbath, Marianne! I got the reply on the hebrew calendar date of your hearing a trump. The date is the 13th of sivan, which is seven days after the celebration of Shavuot, the day Israelites celebrate recieving the Torah.

    Shavuot is celebrated seven weeks after Peshach, ‘Passover’, which starts on April 6th this year. After that, 49 days or 7 weeks are counted down until Shavuot, where Jews traditionally spend time reflecting on and studying scripture.

    This is the calendar I’m referring to: .. Which appears to be a good place to learn about the calendar God, YHWH gave to us- based on agriculture.

  28. Aletta (28 May 2010)
    “Pentecost/Shavuot on 15 Sivan/30 May 2010″

    Please note that Boccaccine published much research into the Qumran scrolls:
    The Book of Jubilees describes the celebration of Shavuot in pre-Mosaic times. In Jub. 6:15-22 and 44:1-5, the holiday is traced to the appearance of the first rainbow on the 15th of Sivan, the day on which God made his covenant with Noah. The covenant renewal feature of Shavuot is thus attributed to this first covenant. Subsequently, it was observed by Noah until his death but revived again by Abraham (Jub. 15:1), and after Abraham’s death it was forgotten again until Moses restored it once more.

    Qumran scholar Gabriele Boccaccini has suggested that the 1,290 and 1,335 days of Daniel 12:11-12 point to the observance of Shavuot in a restored Israel, as reckoned by the priestly solar calendar. These durations are exactly 30 and 45 days longer than the 3½ years mentioned in Dan. 7:25 and 9:27. The period of 3½ years amounts to 1,260 days in the priestly solar calendar because the equinoxes and solstices count as markers of the seasons rather than monthly days (1 En. 74:11, 75:1, 82:4). The blessings expected at the end of the 1,335 days pertain to the resurrection to “everlasting life” mentioned a few verses earlier (12:2), and this is the reward to those who refused to forsake the covenant unto death (Dan. 11:22, 11:28, 11:30, 11:33-35), while those who forsook the covenant (11:30-32) face “everlasting contempt”.

    Boccaccini sees the 3½ years as ending at the spring equinox (equinoxes and solstices were important markers of the seasons in the solar calendar), to be followed by 30 days to complete the 1,290 days (the month of Passover), and an additional 45 days to reach the 15th of Sivan, the purported day of Shavuot. For those who refused to forsake the covenant, this would be the day the covenant would be renewed and the expected blessings would be realized.

    Source: and more on Boccaccini at,_scholar

  29. Marianne,

    The month of Sivan (May-June) has some interesting meaning – if you read into it.

    “The observed constellation is the one associated with the third Biblical month of the year, the month of Sivan.  One theme of the month of Sivan is the theme of marriage and therefore it seems fit that “The Twins” (Gemini) may be also be symbolized by “The Bride and Bridegroom” (Yakov Levi, “Constellations Don’t Lie, Month of Sivan in 2010). 

    While you heard the trumpet in the early morning of May 28 – it is actually the 14th of Sivan. The Hebrew day begins at sunset, therefore on the Hebrew calendar it is the 14th of Sivan.

    This day has some significance  PARASHAT BEHA’ALOTCHA.

    The hearts and minds of Hebrews on this date/week/month are found in the reading of Numbers 8:1 – 12:16.

    Here are three sites that will “perk your ears”.

    I think you heard the blowing of a “spiritual” shofar. 

    You can take it from here as to interpreting why you heard the trumpet. The scriptures within these links will help you.


  30. A while back I was woken up by the sound of a loud trumpet in my room, around 3.30 in the morning it startled me, but after I was tototally awake, it lasted for about 15-20 seconds , and was a long steady blast, what does this mean?

    • dear Earnest

      Look over the comments on this section. You will see that others have had the same experience, including me.

      The Lord is sounding a trumpet of warning for His people. When you hear this, you need to share this with others, that He is coming, and to prepare yourself spiritually. If not prepared, you will be left behind as the 5 foolish virgins were left when the bridegroom came for the 5 wise virgins.

      It also means hard times ahead, and to prepare physically, as much as you are able. Whatever you cannot do, god will help you with your needs.

      So as the trumpet sounded the alarm for you, you now must sound the alarm for others.

  31. In the end of Dec. of 2010, I heard 2 shoufur horns, 7 days apart from each other, 1st one was louder & longer blast at different tones, the 2nd one did not break my eardrum like the 1st one did,not as long or as loud, But one week later the Arab springs riots broke out on Jan, 4th, 2011. Now & most recent , I heard another horn blast that woke me up at 3;30 AM. and felt the need to pray for Israel at that moment, which I did do, what I found out to be interesting was the horn blast was done on the day after Obama won RE- ELECTION, (weds morning) . Then a few days or 1 week later, Crap hits the fan with Israel that is still going on today. I think these horns are warning sounds for his saints plus for us to pray for Israel & to live ready & watching for his coming.

    • dear jpip

      I would agree with you.

      Traditionally, both in Israel’s history, and in the book of Revelation, the trumpet indicates war or judgment or danger, any way, a sobering time.

      Ritually, it is a call to repentance to avoid judgment.

      Continue to pray for Israel.

      Pray also for your geographical area, since you are getting multiple warnings.

  32. Thanks, But now wondering, do you think it could be a warning call for judgment for the lukewarm, lost & unsaved people, or maybe just for the USA or my State alone?? I never thought about the horns was for Judgment, I always thought it was just a warning call for watchman to pray & warn about endtimes.

    • Judgement has been declared upon America. Our grace period is over. People have not heeded the call to repentance. So you are right about the warning….and need for prayer.

      I think this whole country is going to get hit….not just your state.

      Each area has its own weaknesses. California is prone to earthquakes. the east coast gets hurricanes. the midwest gets tornadoes… are near the madrid fault line…..the gulf coast gets BP oil spills, hurricanes, AND sits on the madrid line…..the northern states get snow storms….the west mountain areas are on a fault line connected to the huge volcano in yellowstone park.

      we will see more physical disasters, riots, economic collapse, food shortages, invading armies, nuclear blasts, etc…in our own land.

      pray for the lost to get saved, especially anyone in your family…..pray for your local area that the righteous will be safe and provided for during trouble.

  33. If you hear harps or a flute sounds, what does that mean??? I was thinking music from Heaven, but you may know something else. And yes I had my hearing tested & checked out from the ear doctor, it was fine! LOL 🙂

  34. Thanks you been a blessing to me giving me answers, and yes I am close to the madrid fault line, Now my son had a spitual vision a few years back that told him, something really bad was going to happen and when it did happen, he would go to heaven. I myself get many dreams / visions. many of mine have come to pass, some not as of yet. I first thought all these things maybe coming from satan, so I am learning as they come, some are very scary & maybe from satan, but many of the good & holy ones are from God, and he is a good ,loving God! Thanks & God bless you~

    • any warnings are blessings. god is giving you a chance to prepare. I know someone near pittsburg who was told by the Lord to store up at least 3 months of food and water…..just prepare for emergencies…and then pray and trust God.

  35. I see that you posted this a while ago. I have a friend who has heard this, but just recently. Have you heard anything new from the Lord? I was researching to see if others are hearing it.

    • hi redeemed

      Yes, read the comments above. Others are hearing this too.

      news is ….trouble is coming for prepare for emergencies, civil unrest, food shortages or extremely high prices, war, etc

      do not panic….just do more than you usually would do, store supplies, and give the rest to God….our main weapon is prayer.

      there are multiple impressions about March- April of 2013… we wait and see. and put ourselves in the Lord’s care.

      I have not heard any more trumpets….but others have…and they seem to be getting louder.

  36. Wha you heard does fit within the timeline of October 9, 2009 to Fall 2016 (7 weeks of Daniel), the signs in the heavens (Rev. 12:1-5) occuring on Sept 29, 2011, the fig tree generation (1947-2017) timeline, and my own personal experiences with the Lord.

    I suggest fasting and prayer, reading the Word with great hunger.

    “We overcome him by the Blood of the Lamb and our testimony…”(Rev 12:11). Comprehend the Blood and prepare your testimony.

    Psalm 20

  37. they (the sounds, the signs) must be spiritually discerned.

    “Blessed are the people who hears the sound of the trumpet.”

    The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and gave me eyes to see, so that I can acknowledge Him in all my ways:
    For nearly a year, anytime i hear a train horn or a truck or some other resembling sound, i say “come Lord Jesus”.

    Train your heart to wait for Him.
    Grace, peace and joy be multiplied unto you, by growing in love and truth!

    • dear georgos

      Thank you for leaving a comment. I have become interested in hearing how many other people have also heard the trumpets / horns. to hear a natural horn and think of jesus is good. do you ever hear of a trumpet sound that has no natural explanation as well?

      • We must be careful, for even the elect will be tried, if we aknowledge these are the end times. Beware of false signs, those who come from without and not from within (from the antichrist and not from the Holy Ghost).
        Do as Gideon did, if your relationship with Lord is right, ask Him to clarify all these to you.
        I, personally, didn’t hear, or see, anything supernatural. All i try to do is walk by faith, not by sight or feeling. Even if He shows me things that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man.
        It’s like the speaking in tongues, many search for signs, but where the heart is, there the treasure is.
        God bless you and all those who seek Him truly, fear Him, love Him and obey Him.

  38. Redeemed,
    I must share what the lord gave to me on December 22nd 2012. I had a vision that I was walking in a garden and a angle said to me “Thus say the Lord God of host, Go into my vineyard and gather the harvest” as I began to walk into the vineyard I turned and said ” but Lord some of the harvest is not ready and he said to me, “gather the ones who are.” Every scripture he has given me since then has been about him preparing for judgment gathering the harvest and rebuilding his temple. The words the lord has given me to spread is TRUST, OBEDIENCE, and HASTE. Whatever God tells you to do in this hour, trust him, be obedient to what he tells you to do, and do it with haste (quickly).

    Read the following scriptures Jeremiah 23, Isaiah 1, Zechariah chapters 5 and 6

    Be blessed!

    • hi sara

      thank you for sharing that. yes, the time is close. 2 nights ago, I saw the angel of death watching a train/bus that was passing him by on the road. He seemed only a short distance in the future. we must be prepared for the sorrowful events to come, and pray for protection.

  39. Hi Folks,
    I was astounded to find this thread! I live in Connecticut and sometime very early yesterday morning (Jan 18) I heard what sounded like a long (30-60 seconds+) lower pitched trumpet like sound that seemed to fill the air – like you couldn’t get away from it if you wanted to. I was half asleep but it woke me fully.

    I also had the exact same experience – with a higher pitched sound – about a week or so ago – also very early in the morning.

    I’ve known for sometime that Jesus’ return is imminent, but was never sure, of course, if “imminent’ was a relative or specific term. But lately, I have had the sense of urgency to “prepare” for what is to come – but I’m not sure just how to prepare.

    Has anyone heard sounds like these? What time of day and where are you?

    Also, not sure if you are aware of the increasingly bizarre UFO sightings that have been ramping up over the past few years. Not sure what to make of that.

    Thanks for responding!

    Gail in CT

    • hi gail

      I am in NC, others are elsewhere, from California to Florida to Canada.

      I heard the same thing you did. To my knowledge, they started in 2009. What was amazing was the first person I knew to hear it was deaf.

      I heard it next, or so I thought until others contacted me after my post and said they heard it too.

      Jesus said he would come after the last trump. this would mean, from what I am coming to understand, a spiritual trumpet, and ending on a feast day of trumpets.

      Prepare spiritually always, and then physically, the best you can, for physical and social dangers. God will step in and do what you cannot do.

      Some people say they will not prepare physically, since they will just assume God will take care of them. But this focus is self centered. God wants us to prepare in case others need our help. So do what you can in this regard. Someone may need an extra blanket or a can of beans from you.

      Things will go bad in this country soon. Read between the headlines. Gun control is MORE than school shootings. Martial law has already been passed. Foreign troops are already in our country. The government is preparing for something. We should also.

  40. Sara,

    Where you live on the planet can make a difference too. The US is under specific judgement sooner rather than later.

    Let me add to what the Lord is
    sharing with you (servant). Please  see John 2 ( water into wine and the bridegroom).

    On November 14, 2012 – in a humble mid-week bible study in a little church within a small Iowa town, the Lord came to us with a word of knowledge.

    That evening (only 6 of us attending this bible study), one woman said the Lord led her to read John 4:34-38 (NKJV) that week and she wanted to share this with us.

    When she finished reading, I knew the message within the verses and said, “I can add to those verses. The Lord gave me Joel 2:21-24 over a year ago”. (NJKV).

    There will be a revival coming in 4 months, which is the first month in the Hebrew calendar (Nisan). It is the harvest He is preparing you (Sara too) to take in (John 4:34-38). 

    Then, later that evening during prayer time, the Lord entered our room:  My heart became “big” and “warm”, the room became “full” like I was underwater (scuba diving experience), without the ear pressure; the woman who read from John began speaking in tongues; the Pastor then interpreted – “the Lord says to prepare strategically.”

    Once the Pastor spoke – the room and my heart returned to normal. I said to Pastor: “I know what He is telling us” (John and Joel verses included).

    “The foolish will be turning to the wise asking “tell me about Jesus!” This is not just about a community or region, this is a worldwide revival.”

    Within weeks of that experience, the Lord led me through the research/writing/editing of “Lost” Ark? God Forbid”, posted within Heaven Awaits. Please read and share the message.

    The Ark will be coming out of hiding soon, Temple will be built over the next few years – for the King of kings and Lord of lords.

    He returns for His bride after “great testing” as He now stands at the door, (James 5:7-11).

    Blessings to you Sara, servant of the Lord.
    Isaiah 65:8-16

  41. Gail,

    Please read my message/reply to Sara.

    Read James 5:7-11 “establish your heart”, because the Judge is truly at the door.

    How close do you live to the coast?

    The Lord loves you, you are His sheep and your spiritual eyes and ears are opening.
    Give Him thnaks and ask for more!

    Psalm 23, 27

  42. DJ,

    Thank you for the lords words of wisdom. I have felt a great need to lie on my face before the lord with great urgency. The lord had me to share with others that we are to guard our hearts and keep it filled with His word and the present of the Holy Spirit.

    Now I am going to share with you what my hair stylist shared with me in a spiritual conversation. She said that she had a dream/vision that the moon was dripping blood. When she told me this I immediately began to weep, because I knew it was another sign from the lord.

    What are your or anyones spritual thoughts on this?

    • hi sara

      I think the moon dripping blood means things are closer than we think.

      see this post, just recent also:

      Angel of Death and the 3 Days of Darkness

      my dream is included there.

      pray and watch.

    • Sara,

      You are in a very good posture (humble, praying and seeking Him). He loves you very much as He knows your heart, preparing you for the harvest (vineyard).
      Please, where do you live?

      You are “His servant” ~ remember that, keeping that phrase close to your heart. More on your preparation further down.

      As for the blood dripping from the moon ~ well here is what I understand it means (with that snap shoot of a dream picture).

      Look at Revelation 12:1-5 and the “heavenly sign” with the moon at her feet (Virgo).

      Virgo represents the Virgin (Mary). The moon (Islam) is at her feet, while Satan is the plant Saturn.

      The moon is Islam. Note: Islam’s flags have a crescent moon (all or most). 

      I think the blood dripping from the moon represents Islamic warfare upon the world. The blood is brought upon by Islam. Then, they are also put under judgement by God, in the end. 

      When the 4th Seal is opened (soon), Death and Hates follow after the rider of the “pale” horse. That “pale” color is Islamic green. 

      “When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, ‘Come and see.’

      So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth” (NKJV).

      § Sword = war and violence.
      § Death, and Hades (demonic spirits) follow after the 4th horse.
      § Hunger, with death, famine /shortages.
      § Green is considered the traditional color of Islam. Green represented paradise (garden) to the desert-dwelling Bedouin tribes when they gathered at an oasis.
      § Green represents the Fatimid Caliphate (the last Caliphate).
      § Muslim nations/ centers of religious culture cover ¼ of today’s population (Indonesia, Pakistan to the Middle East and North Africa. Culture centers within Europe).

      The green color (pale) is considered the traditional color of Islam. Green represented paradise, but the pale horse brings destruction hunger, with death, famine /shortages. It is not a culture of “paradise” and peace but of destruction – violence and death.

      The rider of the first horse (white) has a bow and is given a crown. He talks peace and “confirms peace with many”. Then he breaks off peace and “Dearth and Hates fallow after him as he rides the pale horse. (Just my  interpretation.)

      Marianne’s dream (most recent), is (in my interpretation) the coming of the 4th Seal (Death). 

      The moon dripping with blood is Islam’s bloody violence. The moon in your dream may also represents the work of the Antichrist, once he is revealed. 

      I am expecting the Antichrist to be revealed before the end of Passover 2013. This is the midpoint between 10/09/2009 (when BHO received a “crown” for peace). The end is a day/hour during the Feasts of Trumpets or maybe Day of Atonement, 2016. 

      My interpretation of Rev 12:1-5 are within this blog post:

      Signs in the Heavens

      Now for the good new! 

      Based on your “vineyard” dream, the word of knowledge given by the Lord on November 14th, and what I have learned from others who have  “harvest” dreams ~ we can expect a revival (great awakening), beginning late March/April. This is the great harvest (John 4:35-38) and (Joel 2:21-24). 

      Sara ~ you are His servant (remember) and considering your vineyard dream, these verses are for you (Isaiah 65:8-10,13-16). Also, for you  (John 2:7-10).

      “Father God, in the name of Jesus, fill Sara with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. 

      I ask that she and all Believers walk worthy of our Lord and Savior, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge Father God.

      Father, strengthened us with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. 

      I give thanks to You, Father God, because You qualified Believers to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

      Jesus, you have delivered me from the power of darkness and given unto me the kingdom of Your love. In You Jesus, I have redemption through Your blood, the forgiveness of all my sins.

      “Direct our steps by Your Word, and let no iniquity have dominion over us. Redeem us from the oppression of men/women that we may keep Your presepts. Make Your face shine upon Your servants, and teach us Your statutes” (Psalm 119:133-135).

      Father God, thank you for hearing and answering this prayer that comes from Your Word as written by Paul and the psalmist.

      In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

      (Colossians 1:9-14, NKJV).

      • DJ,

        I live in the south, Alabama. A lot of churches in the south are doing 21 days of fasting. The fasting was not decided collectively by the churches but individually. Pastors and church leaders felt the lord was calling for a fast.

  43. Sara,

    God is preparing your community for this mighty revival and His work, which is hidden in the 7 Thunders (Psalm 29). 

    Suggestion, see this post,(Prayer over House), and seek the Lord about it. Then, pray this prayer from your heart, making it yours not just words.

    I suggest (with urgency), that heads of households and spiritual leaders of chrurch and community apply this prayer over their house/home, church building and walk around city hall. 
    Do this after your 21 days fasting (suggestion), praying about all this during your fast. 

    Prayer Over a House

    It only takes 2 or 3 (in His name and in agreement). Don’t need a big show or “demonstration of faith”, savvy? Humble and obedient servants.

    Jericho approach (once per day/ 6 days  – day 7 for seven times and the last walk around giving thanks for His protection, driving out demonic oppression, establishing a hedge of protection. 

    Trust me ~ better yet, Trust the Word made flesh; our Good Shepherd (Psalm 23), and Strong  Deliverer/Shield (Psalm 27). Father God honors this prayer and the act of faith (walking/proclaiming).

    Please consider printing this link out and giving to some of those fasting/praying (you’ll know all who should see a copy). The Lord’s Army (Joel 2:11) as fellow soldiers. 
    James 5:7-11 says He is at the door as Judge, establish your hearts. I believe/think we are His servants and warriors, establishing our “position” in Him. Amen?

    God is and is going to bless you as the Philly church. It ain’t about a church, it is about His Church. This is an indicator of those within the Philly church (Rev.)

    There are just 5 of us in our community (Central Iowa) that are praying round the clock March 1-27. 

    We are in agreement: 1) establish the hearts of Believers 2) open eyes/ears (discernment) and 3), strength to do His work, in His name at this time.

    God Bless you and His flock in Bama.  

    Nice win over ND!

    Psalm 20!

    To the eyes of the enemy; I rebuke you in the Name of the Lamb of God and by His Blood, with the authority He gracious gives His servants and warriors. Amen.

  44. During worship today, which the Lord has me leading, I heard a shofar sound. It was soft and off in the distance. I looked around to see if others heard it since we don’t play the shofar at our church. I looked at my Pastor who plays keyboard. I went to him and asked if he played a horn on his keyboard and he said no. It is so exhilarating to know I heard it…it was the (short/long) call, and so glorious!

    • dear mfrench

      thank you for sharing your shofar experience.

      It is of interest to me to see how often this happens and how it effects people. for me, this started almost 3.5 years ago. (will be 3.5 end of november.)

      rejoice that you heard it, but also prepare for big trouble

  45. Hello. I’m Joel Luther, and I live in Southern California. Around 3pm in May of 2013 I was down on both knees crying out to our Lord Jesus in prayer, and I heard a soft and distant trumpet blast coming from heaven above, and I couldn’t stop crying to our Lord Jesus in prayer. God is such a blessing himself. God is BEAUTIFUL! ♥♡♥♡♥

    • dear joel

      thanks for sharing that….is is an awesome experience. the first person I knew who heard the trumpet was a deaf lady….shows the mystery of God.

  46. i heard it right at my left ear,it blew for hours on end so loud it drove me nuts,i thought the end of the world was at hand.

    • dear blue

      Things are about to start. the end really is about here…be alert and prepare yourself. but most of all, trust God.

  47. hi, my name johnathan I have been hearing ocarina flutes trumpets violins and last night I heard an angelic chorus.. don’t know what it all means. plz, help.

    • hi jonathan

      the Lord is blessing you with his presence. share his love and presence with others.

    • Jonathan,

      The English translation of what you hear in the attached link below is as follows:

      “How lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts!
      For my soul, it longeth, yea fainteth,
      For the courts of the Lord.

      My soul and body crieth out, yea for the living God.
      How lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts!

      Blest are they that dwell within thy house,
      They praise thy name evermore.

      How lovely is thy dwelling place!”

      Brahms was drawing from Psalm 84

      “How lovely is your dwelling place,
      O Lord of hosts!
      My soul longs, yes, faints
      for the courts of the Lord;
      my heart and flesh sing for joy
      to the living God.
      Even the sparrow finds a home,
      and the swallow a nest for herself,
      where she may lay her young,
      at your altars, O Lord of hosts,
      my King and my God.
      Blessed are those who dwell in your house,
      ever singing your praise! Selah
      Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
      in whose heart are the highways to Zion.
      As they go through the Valley of Baca
      they make it a place of springs;
      the early rain also covers it with pools.
      They go from strength to strength;
      each one appears before God in Zion.
      O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer;
      give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah
      Behold our shield, O God;
      look on the face of your anointed!
      For a day in your courts is better
      than a thousand elsewhere.
      I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
      than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
      For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
      the Lord bestows favor and honor.
      No good thing does he withhold
      from those who walk uprightly.
      O Lord of hosts,
      blessed is the one who trusts in you!” (ESV).

      God Bless you!

  48. Jonathan,

    You are the first person that I’ve “met” who has heard the heavenly chorus!

    I heard them the night my dad passed away, about 12 years ago.

    It was amazing, wonderful, and glorious!

    For me, it was one Mega chorus, singing one word, “Hallelujah” without measure, beat or breath, flowing as if on the air.

    It was not loud or overpowering but soft, delicate and fluid.

    As soon as I realized what I was hearing, it was gone.

    It took me several seconds to discern what I was hearing – music without a beat or measure ~~~~ yet flowing and floating with perfect lovely, glorious harmony. Amazing! Thank you for posting your comment, bringing me a fond memory.

    I would accept what you heard as assurance of the peace and joy in the Spirit, which is the Kingdom (Romans 14:17). This may be of comfort to you in the coming months. You will remember when you need to remember, giving you blessed assurance.

    This link is not quite the same sound (beat and measure with instruments) but it is as close as I can get on earth. Brahms – “How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place.”

    God bless you.
    Psalm 103

  49. I suggest spending as much time as possible reading Scriptures. Isaiah, Amos, and other prophets, plus Psalms.

    I think He is opening the ear/eyes His church (Prov. 20:12).

    “Show me Your ways, O Lord;
    Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.

    Remember, O Lord, Your tender mercies and Your lovingkindnesses,
    For they are from of old.Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions; According to Your mercy remember me, For Your goodness’ sake, O Lord.

    Good and upright is the Lord; Therefore He teaches sinners in the way. The humble He guides in justice, And the humble He teaches His way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth,
    To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.

    For Your name’s sake, O Lord, Pardon my iniquity, for it is great.

    Who is the man that fears the Lord?
    Him shall He teach in the way He chooses. He himself shall dwell in prosperity, And his descendants shall inherit the earth. The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.

    My eyes are ever toward the Lord,
    For He shall pluck my feet out of the net” Psalm 25:4-17, NKJV).

    Psalm 20

  50. Happy I found this as I too have heard the sounds of trumpets. It was march 2009 and was woken to three loud trumpet sounds so loud!!!! Only I heard them. Coincidently, while I heard the sounds, a girl I knew passed away from breast cancer; at that exact time. I felt heaven opened the doors and I heard it. But I’m still wondering if the 3 trumpet sounds were indeed a warning of what’s to come. It certainly seems that way.

    • dear shauna

      It does seem that the trumpets were a warning that we do not have much time left.

      my first experience with it was a DEAF friend who heard the trumpet in 2009….then after that I heard 2010

      I think we should forget normal activities as much as possible and focus on the trouble that is coming before the return of jesus.

      share your experience with others….and also the gospel……

  51. On 7/19/14 around 2 pm I heard a trumpet blast … It was 3 times … Like da-dada. Very clear and unmistakable. I can’t stop thinking about it . So I goggled it and was surprised that others have heard it ! Thank you Jesus.

    • dear victoria

      thank you for adding your experience here.

      it is interesting to hear how many people are hearing this now, or have been hearing it…

      god bless you

  52. Bluebird,

    This is a section of a message by Derek Prince: “The Parable of Light” –

    “We can never explain God, but in the world He has created He has provided us with various “parables” that reveal Himself. One of these is light. Light is a part of everyday life, to which we do not normally give much thought. Yet in this single phenomenon we discern plurality in at least two forms.

    Light is regularly refracted into the three primary colors: red, yellow and blue. Again, in the rainbow, light appears in seven colors: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red. Thus within the unity of light, there is the trinity of the primary colors and the sevenfold diversity of the rainbow.

    Throughout Scripture seven is the number particularly associated with the Holy Spirit. Revelation 4:5 speaks of “the seven Spirits of God.” In Isaiah 11:1–2 the prophet foreshows how the Holy Spirit will set apart Jesus as the Messiah (the Anointed One). He lists seven distinct aspects of the Holy Spirit: the Spirit of the LORD (the Spirit that speaks in the first person as God); the Spirit of wisdom; the Spirit of understanding; the Spirit of counsel; the Spirit of might; the Spirit of knowledge; the Spirit of the fear of the Lord.”

    I believe and think that the color blue also represents love.

    I suggest spending lots of time reading Scriptures and the Spirit of truth (John 16:13), will reveal more to you.

    Psalm 25

  53. Hi there. I absolutely believe you. I was in theshower and I heard a faint horn sound like a shofar I think Iits called. I got out of the shower to dry myself and heard It again. I know the Lord was letting me know something!

  54. Enter your comment here…had a dream I believe from the Lord a few months back. I had been praying about being renewed in the Fear of the Lord. God has given me many dreams over the years but what was different about this one is that it was the first time i received a revelation of the anger of God. There were dark clouds with lightening strikes but no sound of thunder. Then I saw a trumpet. It was very clear. My personal thoughts, with all that is going on in the world, is that a Judgment is being proclaimed from heaven, possible the 1st of the seven trumpet Judgments of revelations. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!

    • john

      that is an accurate interpretation of the trumpets we all have been hearing….we are in big trouble…judgement and wrath are coming, and we are still here on this earth and will see much of it.

      We must pray protection for the righteous, and provision during times of great trouble. the world has greatly sinned and God is going to act against that sin.

      we must also ask for forgiveness for anything we have done wrong as well, as we cannot expect protection from God when we have sin in our lives.

      god bless you

  55. John,

    I’m waiting for the 4th seal to open. Your dream may align with opening of the 4th seal.

    When is Feast of Trumpets, 2014?

    When is the next Blood Moon in this unique cycle, occurring on Hebrew Feasts?

    Rev. 12:11

  56. 25-26 Sept Feast of Trumpets
    08 Oct next blood moon
    It is certain that war will come; along with all the rest. What is more important that the Judgments being decreed from heaven are necessary for righteousness to be exalted. ISAIAH 26:9 My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness

  57. I think what is important is a personal comprehension of the blood of the Lamb along with a testimony (Rev. 12:11).

    “Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.

    And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

    Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!

    Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” (Rev. 12:10-12, NKJV).

    The Expanded Translation offers an interesting interpretation of the above passage.

    October 8, 2014 is the beginning of Feasts of Tabernacles.

    Barry received his peace prize (crown) on Feasts of Tabernacles, 10/08/2009.

    Psalm 27

  58. On August 3, 2014 I was sitting there in a very still home, playing a game on my computer. No volume on, no tv, just silence. All the sudden I heard a soft Trumpet sound. I stopped and listened for some sort of explanation but found none. Then all the sudden I was overwhelmed with WE ARE NOT PREPARED. In the past 6 months we have been canning in an alarming amount, getting things we would not normally get, getting pre prepared for something. Lets back track about 23 years. I was sitting in the parking lot of a Taco Bell eating lunch. When I heard first a soft Trumpet sound, of course being in an area where there was lots of activity I did not pay much attention to it. Until that next Sunday, when in the middle of the message from the Pastor of the church I was attending he stopped looked and pointed to me and said “you have received a message, obey and go ye into the mountains”. I hate to say it but no I did not obey it, thought of it a lot since then. Now to current date, with all what is happening in the world, all the wars, killing for being a Christian. That first sounding has not been far from my thoughts. Then to hear it again was very scary considering we are preparing to do just what I was commanded to do. I have spoken to my now Pastor and was told I was given a wonderful gift and to wait and listen to what he wants me to do now. So I spoke to one of the elders of the church, he said that possibly it is a warning of the pending war and he said I hope that you are preparing for this war. I told him yes me and my family are preparing a place of safety with provisions that we will need. I know that this is real and am obeying. I do feel blessed with this warning, and that is why I am here sharing with others. Get prepared with provisions you will need. He will come for us, but we need to be prepared until he does. Blessings to everyone


    • dear D .DE LAURENTIIS

      it is a blessing to be able to hear these trumpets, which are from the spiritual realm…..

      it is a warning and a reassurance that god is with you….there is going to be great trouble, but God will help you, if you place your trust in him.

      I have had the gold dust before, and it was right before a time of sorrow….the dust was a reminder that god;s presence was with me to help me get through the trial.

      this entire country, and this world is about to experience some perilous times, and many people will die.

      since the signs are there with you, it is a call to come closer to God, so he can use you in the times ahead. your whole family has been chosen and is blessed

      god chooses people based on their humility and faithfulness and genuineness , not on how “religious” they are.. some of the characters in the bible , like Abraham did not even know who God was, when they were called to serve him

      seek god in your lives, and ask god to show you his will….submit to him, and he will take care of you during the dangerous times.

    • Dino,
      God is doing something very special in these last days. He is awakening His people Himself! He is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. Do not ignore what you are experiencing. Jesus sacrifice on the cross is the only way to get right with Father God. He is holy, and nothing unholy can enter His presence. This is why He sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins, so we would be covered by His blood and be found with a righteousness that’s not our own and enter into Father God’s presence and begin our prayer relationship with Him.

      First thing is first: Get your head straight with your current state. You are a hellbound sinner without Jesus’ sacrifice. Don’t feel bad, all have sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. But, if you recognize this, and are willing to be washed clean of all your past sins, you can have this glorious gift of salvation free! This is called repentance and the forgiveness of sins. It gains you entrance into the Kingdom of God and allows you to go to the very throne of Father God when you pray. We enter by faith, trusting Jesus’ sacrifice covers our sins.

      Next, begin a daily prayer relationship with Father God, recognizing Jesus’ sacrifice is all that is required to gain entrance. Start reading the Bible to understand God’s ways and to grow and mature.

      If you stumble and sin, fear not. Confess your sins and He will wash you clean as you walk with Him.

      As you do these things, pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit which will empower you and help you learn straight from Jesus’ Spirit and the Bible.

      Guide your family and lead them to understand this simple gospel. Then, allow the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to work in you to change and transform you, and work through you to fulfill whatever ministry calling you have (and I’m betting it’s a strong calling considering what you’ve been currently experiencing).

      Jesus never promised things would be easy, but He promised to be with you to give you joy, strength, wisdom, and power to overcome every obstacle.

      Pray for God to guide you to the right church in your community. And may the Lord richly bless you and your family as you embark on the greatest part of your lives. You and your family are entering eternal life if you follow what I’ve shared with you. Nothing can stop God from getting you through everything, except for yourself. Don’t give up, put all your trust in Him and not in what you can do in your flesh, and you won’t go wrong.

  60. I had a dream a week ago, I was pleading and begging my family to come with me. In my dream, I had a strong urge that a flood was coming and that we needed to get to higher ground. I pleaded with everyone around me and sobbed. I looked at the sky and there were really thick black/gray clouds; but then the sky would turn blue again. I knew in my spirit God was holding back the storm but for not much longer. I pleaded with my family one more time and told we don’t have much time if you won’t come with me I will go alone. They finally agreed they got into the car but complained the whole time and were not very happy with me. But I was still in the house and I know in my spirit it was too late, they waited too long to heed the warning. I then walked into my room and that when I heard the trumpet sound. It wasn’t anything like I heard before. To me it sounded so beautiful and pure. But for me the trumpet sound was loud, like it was blown right next to me. I hope my dream can help others in anyway.

    • hi kathy

      your dream is correct.

      see this post:

      Summary of Expected Asteroid Impact at Puerto Rico


      DEFCON 1

      the US government is planning for a level 10 event, which is basically extinction level event with few survivors….

      also the bible predicts an object like a firery mountain hitting the sea…..there are only 2 main bodies…atlantic and pacific….the expectation is the atlantic in this preparation.

      whenever this asteroid hits it will come in from the east to west direction, and cause not just a tsunami but a level 12? earthquake which will disrupt the madrid fault line, and rip the USA in half, as well as flooding it.

      the force of the impact will head west to the east coast and to the gulf of mexico.

      watch the middle east…when you see the USA divide JErusalem and give away Israel’s land to the arabs, go to higher ground or as far away from the coast as you can.

      what I write is a mix of fact, prophecy and some speculation based on facts, so consider what I write , then wait and pray for a correct or better interpretation.

      the trumpet is a warning blast from heaven

    • ps do not panic…

      prepare food and water for emergency,,, prepare for power outage,

      then trust God

  61. I heard one I thought of God it was a long sound . I thought it would be in the paper nobody else heard it . Only God the Father knows the day I await the day.

    • adelajandrews

      I always appreciate when someone writes in and says they heard the trumpet also. I heard a long sound as well. it helps confirm the experience when others have it also. something is going to happen, both terrifying and awesome to behold.

  62. I also heard it, May 25th 2012….in my right ear only…. I would like to know why I heard it, the blast I heard was tekiah gedolah…. I searched what I heard on YOU tube. It was a shofar, NOT a trumpet, I also thought the same thing.

    • tekiah

      Trumpet is just the closest english word to shofar in the translation.

      welcome to what seems to be a small group of people who hear this.

      it is a sign that the Lord is coming soon…

      he said he would come at the last trump, or shofar blast……

      the louder it is, the closer his arrival.

      when I heard it, it was still far away….some recently have told me it was louder to them….

  63. To me, G-d must throw the world system a bone so they can have their complete world government. Whatever it is, we may see it soon. Man will be able to change his DNA genes to live longer if G-d doesn’t stop it, plus the Nephilim may have the numbers now to bring the world into as it was during the time of Noah.


  64. Today is March 20, 2015 (Friday), & just last evening I heard a long siren like sound in my ear that lasted appro.7 mins than it just stopped ! & yes I feel like God is trying to tell me something to prepare more .and yes I beleive you were given a message too

    • hi louise

      thank you for sharing your experience….it helps me to keep record of all this ….it does not seem like we have much time now….

    • Louise I heard the same sound to and I got freaked out because I didnt know but thank you for clearing that up for me I hope we can become good friends even though I am 18 years old.

  65. the thing was I heard it in my ear and no one else heard it and it happened again last year around Dec 14 2014, I was having health problems and my doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong, it lasted for about a few seconds (about 30 seconds) so I went into the kitchen and asked my mom about it and she said you might have 2 more years to live or God is trying to contact you. So I went back into my room and prayed about it and that night instead of having a dream I had a vision. I Visioned that I was on my way to school when I found out I was deathly ill and the doctor had given me 2 years. But I feel so fine and all,but the other night like Louise was talking about I heard the same trumpet again thinking this time it was the trump that I heard 4 months ago. It had a different sound like it was upbeat and happy like someone was rejoicing. I go to a neurologist soon to find out what is wrong with me . I just hope I still have more time left on this earth to do what I was sent here to do. To bring the gospel to everyone in the world.

    • emily

      the time of each person’s trumpet seems to last different lengths of time. It is nice to hear that your trumpet represented rejoicing.

      I would not worry about physical illness and dying in 2 years.

      from what I can put together, we ALL who are believers may not be here in 2 years….

      the rapture is coming and you will end your life not by dying, but by being translated to heaven to be with Jesus.

      the neurologist will not be able to find anything wrong…. that is because there is nothing wrong with you…

      the experience you are having is spiritual, not physical.

      just rejoice in Jesus, and do not worry about the future.

      jesus will come in time to get you.

  66. what can I do to heal this spiritual pain that I have right now? I read the Bible a lot and because of that I get called a Jesus Freak and weirdo. It’s like after I do something good I get bad luck for it. Like one time I did the dishes and cleaned the house and that night my brother came to live with us well a few weeks later I was crying as the Police were taking him away because he abused me and told me not to tell anyone or he would hurt me I told my mom and they the next day while my step dad went out to go get some food he started to beat me up and curse at me he choked me til I couldn’t breath I only got one punch in though but I was bruised for about 2 weeks after wards, but that one lucky punch saved my life, because he was a trained army soldier and I wasn’t trained at all. My whole life was horrible but the only thing that makes it better is knowing that I have someone who cares for me and calls me his own daughter and I get to go live with him very soon 🙂 .

    • dear emily

      If you are experiencing physical abuse in your own home, then call the police.

      do not think because you may have no where else to go that you have to be quiet.

      the police will remove the abusive person and put him in jail.

      you are a child of god, talk to your mother and see if she will help comfort you.

      also when people persecute you because you are a christian, do not worry.

      the holy spirit told me once

      do not worry, it is THEIR sin, not yours!

      keep your chin up and stay safe.

  67. He was arrested and I will hold my chin up 🙂 !

  68. I was so relieved to read about someone going through the exact same thing as I am. Do you still hear it?

    • i have only heard it once…then i wrote the post and found out others are hearing it too.

      • I am happy to found out that I was not alone hearing the sound of a trumpet. I was awaken today @ half past 2am with a loud, closer and very clear sound of a trumpet. At first I was hesitant to open my eyes because I know that there is something significant when you are hearing that sound as a Christian as I believe that we are in the very last of the last days . From then, I could not sleep anymore. I told my mom about it when we were done with our devotional just this moment and she said that it was a warning! I am not satisfied of her answer so I searched online and I found this page. I think my mom was right that it was a divine warning first to ourselves who heared the sound and second to the people who are around us. As I prayed, I thank Him for that wonderful experience that truly awakens me and ignite more my passion to seek Him first above all things. Then the message came to me that we should stand strong with our faith to the Lord no matter what our circumstance in life because true christians are to be tested in faith. Filling our hearts and mind with His truth and obeying His will with His grace. Trusting Him at all times will give us assurance that when He comes He will caught us up with Him! All Glory belongs to the Lord.
        Thanks to this page!

        • mic

          you and your mom are right.

          look at the other comments from people here who have heard it.

          same pattern and impression.

          when I heard it , it was far away several years ago.

          now the sound is getting closer.

          it is a blessing to hear this, because it shows God wants us to be prepared and get close to him.

          prepare in physical way and spiritual way

          have food and water and other things you would need for a disaster, do the best you can , then trust God.

          and pray for protection, pleading the blood of jesus over your home each day.

  69. Why are we the only ones that here it I talked with my other fellow Christian adults and they say that they don’t hear anything and they are super faithful. Is it going to be like left behind that we the ones who hear it have to spread the gospel when the Anti-Christ is in rule? I had a dream about me hearing all of these trumpets next thing I know my mom and step dad evaporated before my eyes and I was left alone, but before that I got multiple texts saying see ya in Heaven when God calls us all home and I said that I haven’t finished my quest and they said Preach that gospel so that Anti – Christ wont get away with what he is about to do to the non believers. Then *POOF* my mom and step dad where gone. So I started texting everybody who I knew was a non believer and they said they were scared and I said don;t be I’m still here come to my house and so they did. One of my friends who was a christian came to the house and he said whao this is like the left behind movies because we are Christians we really shouldn’t be here. I told him “Look I know it has happened but you know it was our calling from the time we breathed our first breaths” and he said ” well when I saw you I couldn’t stay away but, it would have been weird if we would have dated while on the mission.” and I said, “yeah you are totally right about that,” then like what happened in the left behind series happened. I had that dream repeatedly so it can’t be just a coincidence
    So maybe we are the chosen ones that spread the Gospel in the time of the Anti- Christ I just have this feeling about this like we are the messengers and we have to stop Satan and his demons.

    • *hear

    • emily

      Some may hear the trumpets, some may not . It has nothing to do about some are more spiritual than others.

      for those of us who hear the trumpets, we have a job to do to spread the gospel, like you said. your friends or family who do not hear anything may have a different job to do, so they do not need to hear anything….or they already know jesus is coming ……so you do not have to tell them

      jesus said we would all go through tribulation and he would come back after the great tribulation was over.

      some people will naturally die before it is all over, and some people will survive it to the end.

      the left behind series is fiction…..we are all here until jesus comes back, unless we naturally die before , just like millions of people have died in the history of the earth. many have died already, some will die this year, and next year, etc…..we all have to leave this earth at some point.

      so we just do what we can do while we are here….some will preach the gospel, some will help those who are sick, some will feed the poor, some will help the homeless…..we just do our jobs and spread the love of Jesus to everyone.

  70. Yes i was sleeping but trying to wake up at the same time.When i heard something sound like a trumpet sounded out 3 ir 4 blows.I then became completely awaken by this unusual noise.In the mean while im still trying to figure out what heard really the sound of a trumpet blowing.

  71. I was right!!!!

  72. I am grateful to those who have heard & shared their experiences here. As of today, this sacred experience has happened to me three times over the past 4 years, most recently today. While sitting in the genealogy library, I heard the first trump. Then no less than 3 minutes later, I heard it again. What was such a blessing, one other person in the room heard it both times as well. Now there were 7 of us in the room & only two of us heard it. It was a great feeling to have confirmation on what was heard by another person at the same time, in the same room & on the same day.

  73. I had a voice talk to me nobody else around and it was so peaceful just letting my head rest a little like I was just going to sleep but I was not just so relaxed. it said to me ( why not you have faith) this voice was a women’s voice. and a little time later like a day or so I head somebody else say (why you not see the light) a male voice and I think it must has been a week or 2 I was getting into bed and I looked around it was 2am or so and it was very dark I ( saw a ball of white and then like flashing diamond’s around it color ) it was going from my bed just moving upward and moving along to the left it lasted for a few sec’s about 1 or 3 sec’s and then I remembered and will never forget ever the the male voice that said why do I not see the light is this a sign that was a little over a year ago now.

    and I have been looking for people who understand this. and well I have told some people but they most likely think I am just dreaming it but I was not. I need somebody to tell me what it mean’s Thank you

    • I get very high tone’s in my ear as well sometime’s it’s just a level sound but last night I had a sound as if it was like a war siren going so high at first and then going low tone at the end it was so loud I have no idea what to make of it

      • stephen

        I think you are seeing spirits in your room. I hope they are positive, they sound like they are…if so, they are angels asking you to have faith, and the light of Christ.

        the other tones may be the “trumpet” warnings of war..others are hearing it too. prepare the best you can with food, water, medical supplies, then rely on God to take care of you…

        most of all, read the bible and pray every day…if you do not know how, then read the psalms….you can also listen to worship music and listen to the words..they are like prayers also…

        give your heart to Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins, and stay pure before god so he will protect you when the war starts.

        • hey 1 more thing I would love to know I have read the bible but somehow I feel lost at times it’s like something is confusing me some how . I just need to know what does it mean about ( rooftop’s do not go back down you will not survive 1 will be taken the other left ) . my faith is always apart from me like my spirit is unfocused somehow. and thank you in the lord’s name god bless you for helping me . somehow I feel faithfulness like somebody is here but I can not tell

          • stephen

            get a bible with a commentary in it….the commentary explains things in the book

            just start reading and ask one question at a time.

            for example

            this is answer to what you said;

            Taken, the other left

            you can also do a search on this site to see if you find other answers….otherwise, search the internet..

  74. I also feel this orb of light you are describing is a message that is personal for you. Perhaps this light and these voices are messengers maybe even your loved ones (family members) who have passed on before you that may be reaching out, watching over, even protecting, warning, and guiding you. It sounds to me they want you to turn your heart to the Lord, and I agree as others have commented, to pray, read your scriptures and I will add, pray for guidance by asking the Lord what He wants you to do with your life. Then, exercise complete faith by giving your life to Him by seeking His will first. He will, lead, guide and direct your paths as you turn to Him & put Him first in your life. I have learned, if we want to talk with the Lord, we pray to Him. If we want him to speak with us, then we read our scriptures and He will reveal His will for us through the written word. This doesn’t mean you need to be a perfect person first. He will take you as you are and transform your life into the beautiful son He created you to become which is how He sees you-perfectly. I don’t know if this is the answer your heart is in need of at this time but I do believe He is reaching out to you through your ancestors to turn to Him. I would strongly encourage you and anyone reading this message to keep a journal. Write your experiences down so, others may benefit from your experiences and most importantly when you see the Lord’s hand in your life and record it, you’ll be able to look back and be reminded of all your blessings, miracles, trials and growth in your life. What a treasure that would be for your posterity to read in your own handwriting your personal experiences.
    Fear not, press forward with faith, keep an eye single to Him. Be good. Do good. Be a vessel and instrument for Him that His spirit will shine in your countenance and your light will magnify His glory!! God bless you!!

  75. Stephen, Welcome to the family you have seen the light now preach the good news, it was an angel sent to you from God he was trying to warn you about something but the angel wanted you to get the message another way. It happened to me when I was 13 years old I did not know what to think I just fell to the ground and prayed after that the angel left. Stephen when you hear the trumpets do not be afraid, because the time is close at hand. We have to be able to fight the devil and his demons. Now I am telling everyone I meet about Jesus and the plans for all the Christians to live with him and he will be ruler! Keep your head held high till the end buddy :)!!!!

  76. Amen. Joel 2:12-17, Zephaniah 2:1-3.

    The Lord is with you.

    Psalm 20

  77. I also woke up today may 17,2015 at 3:30 am house was silent got on the computer. As I lay here I hear a very distant, very faint sound of a trumpet blowing. I listened closely to see it was just my imagination but it wasn’t because I heard it two more times. Clear but faint and very distant so I Google and find this post that is so similar to what I just experienced. Now I know it’s not my imagination. This is way to much for me to handel.

    • dear lena

      I am glad you shared this. It sounds exactly like what i experienced.

      I have come to believe it is a sign from the Lord that trouble is coming, and he will come after that trouble.

      the trumpet is to encourage us during the trouble, that if we endure, we will see him coming to rescue us before it becomes worse.

      there is tribulation , then wrath…..we will leave before the wrath.

  78. Lena,

    Oh ya. Getting an early wake up call from a trumpet in Heaven is disturbing.

    I suggest that you read Psalm 25 – 27, and 30-34 slowly, asking the Lord to now open your eyes to His word. There are many phrases and key words within those Psalms that should speak to you – bringing you to hunger for more.

    Time is very short before every virgin awakens (Matthew 25:1-10). I pray you’ll be prepared with your lamp and enough oil in your vessel.

    Oh, you think hearing a spiritual trumpet was to much to handle please watch this video and you’ll know what’s coming next and very soon – in my opinion.


  79. Couple months ago, began hearing hoofbeats

  80. Two years ago I had heard a trumpet sound (not too far away) that woke me up around 5:30 a.m. It lasted awhile and happened a couple of times.

    In 1999, I was walking barefoot through a mowed hayfield in summer and remember feeling the earth was humming beneath my feet. I felt what I thought was the ‘rhythm of the earth’ – I heard the words “the winds of change are blowing” in my head. I remember feeling that life as I knew it was changing forever. It surely did.

    • gail

      the Lord is waking up his people with a warning to prepare for his coming.

      may god provide and protect you in the days and years ahead.

  81. I heard the same thing while I was in deep prayer. There is going to be something BIG that only God will be in control of. I hear the collective heartbeat, breath and thoughts of the spirit of christian brothers and sisters as I pray in the spirit. I’ve been moved to clean the spirit of our church through constant prayer or, to clean the bride. My discernment, spirit eyes and spirit ears are elevated to something I’ve never experienced. It’s moved every cell in my body all the way to my bones. My stairway has become so narrow that I feel crazy as I look at the church with the eyes of Jesus and then try to explain things to my pastors as I am reminded Paul had the same encounter as he was facing trial. God is refining me in ways never imagined. All I can do is find the lost and bring them to Christ. He keeps telling me to stand firm, take courage and many other things.

    • gery

      thank you for sharing that experience. I understand about the narrowing….we are becoming separated from the world ( and the worldly church) to the point where isolation becomes very physical to us. not much time left, so we do what we can for the Lord and wait for his coming

  82. I have also heard the trumpet. It was 3 long blows and only I could hear it. It was about 3 days in a row around the dame time (sunset) This was in the summer of 2012. I have yet to hear it again.

    • monique

      thank you for sharing that….each person seems to have something unique about their experience….i only heard mine once, and not since then

      something to really think about….what this all means….

  83. A few months back I was headed outside to smoke, it was around 3am? I think! As soon as I stepped outside i heard on my right side, a horn! Where we live and at that time there is no explaination for it! I tried telling everyone about this but could not find the sound I heard! So of course everyone thought I was imagining things! Tonight I watched The Mystery of The Shemitah and near the end they showed a man sounding the rams horn and it was like all the emotions that I had felt when I heard it first but also jumped up and told my husband “THAT’S IT!!! THAT IS WHAT I HEARD!!!”! It was also validation and relief to know that the aound does exist! I am so glad I found this page with which I know God helped me! Any thoughts or comments?

    • martha

      i am happy to hear you had this experience. more and more people are being “awakened” by the Lord’s warning call for the end times.

      you had a supernatural experience…..and a blessing from god

      you have been chosen for some role in the future, to do god’s work, during times of great distress….prepare physically and spiritually… food, medicine and water as much as you can, and pray, read bible, and get closer to god than you are now.

  84. Hi,
    I heard a very loud trumpet/horn yesterday evening about 6 p.m it filled my entire head and I couldn’t hear anything else, I didn’t feel scared or worried I actually felt quite good, it dissapated quickly too.

    • dear elaine

      I am so happy you had this experience… is a blessing

      read the comments on this page….at first I thought it was an isolated experience, but more and more people are having it.

      it is also a warning of things to come, but a promise that the Lord cares for his own.

      prepare physically for disasters, food, water, medicine, etc, and also spiritually with prayer for protection.

      jesus is coming soon!

  85. Hi everyone…
    First off i am not a very spiritiual person..but i had sort of the same experience last night and i found it really strange and was researching for a meaning and found this blog.

    I was just watching movies till late around 2:30am and went to bed.was about to fall asleep until i heard the sound of a blowing horn and then it suddenly stopped and i heard someone whisper my name in my left ear. I asked my boyfriend who was fast asleep if he heard the horn atlist and he said no and mayb it was just my inagination.

    But now that i found that its not only mebi find it really strange!!

    • Athina

      since you are not a believer and follower of jesus, I want to say that you are blessed to have this experience.

      the horn you heard blowing is a warning to come to repentance before the wrath of God comes on this earth.

      it is also special that god did this for you, to give you a chance, while others will not get such a personal warning.

      so god has chosen you….will you choose him back?

      this is a sinful world, and god is going to send many disasters on this earth to punish the wicked….

      so the message is…. you need to amend your ways, sin no more, ask god to forgive you, and accept jesus as personal savior….jesus died for your sins, for this forgiveness to be possible, and so you would not have to go to hell as a punishment for the sins you have committed.

      if you do not know what sin is, I can send you a list based on the bible, and you can review it , to make a complete examination of conscience.

      I can tell only from your note about one sin you mentioned…. you cannot sleep with a man you are not married this is something to consider also.

      the time ahead of us is very dangerous, so I hope you make the right choice.

  86. What does it mean when you hear harp music? My husband and I were standing in our barn talking about a car and I heard two strums of a harp faintly. My husband never heard it.I have a very deep faith in God and get celestial help at times when I ask.I have witnessed a miracle,once. I talk to God daily several times.

    • caprice

      I think it means the same thing you think it means 🙂

      i think you had an angelic visitor to let you know God is with you.

      harp music is very soothing and peaceful.

      feel blessed. 🙂

  87. I have felt the need for the comfort of the bible the past few days. I have been falling asleep to the words of Revelations. I woke to a horn this morning. Three sets of short bursts of two. I could feel the vibration. I did not understand what it was. It sounded as if it were a heart beat but in the form of a horn. I ran from my bed and to the door but there was nothing to see.

    • hi tiffany

      feel blessed because you are blessed to hear it.

      god is warning his people of disasters to come, with a promise that he will protect those that trust in him.

      in addition to trumpets, I am hearing tiny bells now.

    • tiffany

      I was listening to a video that mentioned a heart beat and a trumpet.

      I think you will find it interesting.

  88. The other day on August 22, 2015 had a dream about trumpets and also spoke to God for the first time. Was the most amazing experience I ever had . Well Saturday night wanted to take a nap before I go into work. As I remember called out the lord name real loud and was at front steps of heaven gates instant. When I called out his name he replied back yes.and told him how much loved him. While was there I heard most beautiful instrumentals , there was numberous of trumpets playing real loud. Wasn’t there long felt like maybe a mintue.

  89. I heard it today, I heard it the other day as well like when it was still dark

  90. Last night 9-16-15 at 2:38 am. I woke up to shofar blowing, I thought to myself this is the trumpet that Jesus is calling his bride to met Him in the air it lasted 5 minutes or so. I prayed and prayed asking God for me to be worthy, I was still here while the blasts were going. I looked up what the blow might have been on the internet and the Teruah is what it sounded like, short broken blasts. Did anyone else hear this last night?

    • pam

      this is the feast of trumpets.

      it is a blessing to hear the shofar from heaven.

      there are 3 kinds of shofar you heard one of them.

      yes, it is a sound to call all of us, and tell us god is judging us….to bring us back to him in a close way

      it is also a warning of punishment if the world does not repent.

      when he calls us to come up in the air, it should be in my opinion, one long blast

      because that is how the 10 days of awe ends, on yom kippur night.

      when people have been written in the book of life.

      I did not hear it last night….most probably didn’t….but others may have heard it like you did.

      I heard it several years ago…and this page is dedicated to others who have heard it too.

      the very first person i know that heard it was DEAF…..amazing

      take time to read the comments here….I think you will enjoy them

  91. Marianne, thank you for replying to my post. God has given me dreams of the end times and other visions. The shofar I heard must be to call people to repent. Jesus coming is near, nearer than most people think. I am excited that I am living in this time. thank you for this site, it is nice to read others comments on their hearing the shofar. I pray God blessings to all.

  92. I Also heard 2 Trumpets 1 First then the other one like 2 or 3 years Apart, does that mean that the wants that hear it will be rapture?

  93. Im not a fervant christian but yesterday ive pray for the first time in 5-6years and ask for a simple sign of god right away when i fell asleep i got woke up with a massive sound of trumpet in my ears going left to right for about 5-10sec i woke up with big chills and i was like WTF. ive always belive in a creator but i cant denied now that was a strong sign ..sry for spelling im not english

    • Good to read your account. Now you’ve got some time to prepare, spiritually and otherwise.

      “The fear of the LORD is His treasure” (Isaiah 33:6).

      In the NT Jesus tells a parable about a man who found treasure in the field. The man sold everything he had to buy the field, obtaining that treasure.

      Your next assignment – learn, comprehend and apply that treasure (fear of the LORD) and keep it very close.

      Here is a clue ~ Psalm 33:18-22.

      God bless you (Hebrews 13:20-21).

    • pat

      that was wonderful how god responded to you.

      take this and run with it.

      this is your wake up call.

      the Lord is coming, and there is trouble coming also, which means you have to survive it

      lean on the Lord, trust him, repent of all sins, and turn your life around, give him your heart and life, read the bible and pray the psalms…..spend time alone with him

      jesus said we would have tribulation, and told us to endure to the end. we cannot do this without faith in him.

      he is our rock and high tower, and will deliver all who call upon his name

  94. I heard the trumpet too. Marianne. You are not alone.

  95. I heard the shofar this morning around 6 am. It’s still dark here in rural Oklahoma. We are in the country so it’s very quiet. I heard the long, 2 toned trump. My husband and I have been through a difficult year with the loss of a son in an accident and other things. We have pulled into God heavily.
    Just wanted to post that I heard it this morning whether in the atmosphere or in my spirit I just don’t know.

    • pam

      thank you for sharing that.

      I am so sorry to hear about your son.

      you have my sympathy and love

      god has a way of sending comfort in unique ways.

      you might want to read the other experiences on here as well.

      our world is changing and trouble is coming but so is jesus to come get us

  96. its 10/13/2014 i just heard a trumpet sound at 430.

    • dear vette

      thank you for writing in. the Lord is giving his warning to all that trouble is coming (war, famine, antichrist, etc) , and also his assurance that He is coming also. so do not fear.

      feel free to read the other comments on this page.

    • I heard the shofar blast yesterday, October. 14, 2015 at around 4:00pm. I am in upstate S.C. And I was out for a walk when all of a sudden, I heard it!! There was the low note and then the one an octave higher that lasted 5 to 10 seconds. There were for or five of these in succession! As the last round was happening, dogs near and far started barking but then started howling in low, lonely notes until all stopped, probably all total in one minute. I tried to get a recording on my phone, but I was too slow. I told my husband when he came home and all he could do was hug me close! We all know Christ is coming…we just don’t know the hour or the day. I feel blessed to have heard this but also, so terribly, terribly unworthy!!!

      • donna


        and dogs can hear things humans cannot hear

        so i guess they were a confirmation for you

        we are in for trouble ahead, and god is giving assurance to his saints that he is still there with us

  97. So I just ran in to this blog. Today is Sunday the 18th of2015. This morning I told God to give me a sign of my life’s meaning. I prayed to him. I work a night shift so I went to bed around noon today. I got woken up exactly around 5pm by this noise. It was like a trumpet outside my window and every time the trumpet sounded it would decrease in pitch. I live out on a farm. No one else in my house hold heard this sound. I believe god is showing me a sign. But I don’t know what it would be. My cat was woken up by it too. She kept trying to get me up. But I was only half way awaken by the noise but it was so weird. My step mom who was outside said she didn’t hear anything. All I know is that my spirit is more awake when I sleep than when I’m awake. Maybe it’s a sign. I wake up speaking in tongues sometimes praying for other people. But I just felt like I needed to share this… Maybe I’m not the only one… Who heard it.

    • Nichole

      that is what happened to me.

      it is a warning of trouble to come, but also a sign that god is REALLY with you. he does not bless everyone like this…. take this as an assurance that no matter WHAT comes your way, Jesus has your back.

      this country is in trouble and there are many bad things soon to happen.

      much death, danger, sadness, destruction and fear

      when they happen, think back on this sign and remember not to fear, but to just trust god.

      if you can do that, god will use you in amazing ways.

      the meaning of your life will unravel as you begin to obey god during this time.

      take a look at the other stories on this page, and you will see a fellowship circle of those who also heard the trumpet, and responded with awe and faith.

      take care, and god bless you

  98. My husband left for work..I heard the door shut…I didn’t sleep good last night as well. I was feeling as if I needed to get up and spend time with The Lord..God.
    I heard a trumpet sound..and right after it..another one..just as loud..very loud! And as long sounding as the first blow. I instantly thought it’s THE RAPTURE and was waiting to go…Excited just knowg that That’s what it was. Only I didn’t go! I went to t be LR where I often pray and bowed down quickly to pray…that I didn’t miss it! I turned on the radio..wondering ! The rain thAt had bn falling when I heard this stopped. I finally remembered that my son who is 4 would be taken.. so I checked..and yes..he is still here. I then called my husb and asked if he heard it..He didn’t. It says in God’s word that His children will hear His voice. I know what I heard and am relieved that I feel I wild have gone up with Jesus…I knew it couldn’t have been bc I would go. So did..was I the only one to hear this??

    • trisha

      the trumpets are being heard right now on an individual basis…at various times….to wake us up so we will be ready.

      if you look at the comments here, you will see basically the same experience, but the dates are different.

      they are also a warning due to the war and bad times to come, so we will seek him, and minister to others

      one day, soon, we will ALL hear the trumpets at the SAME time.

      then it will be time to leave.

  99. Hi Trisha…

    I’ m from South Africa and the first time I’ve heard the spiritual Shofar was 3 months ago. It was the blast of the coronation of a King… Yesterday ( Friday at 3pm – same time when Jesus was crusified..) I’ve heard the same spiritual Shofar blow…and the day before ( Thursday – 3rd of December) – I’m happy that I am not the only one hearing this….

    Jesus is coming for sure!


  100. 🙂 You are so right Marianne! He is indeed…and we are He’s children! How awesome is that ! 🙂 :): )

  101. Hi all,
    So I don’t know what to say but last night going to bed about 10 pm, my wife and I had been in bed for about 10 min and we heard this clear horn blow sounding like right at our door. Kids were all asleep and nothing else on in the house. We both just sat up completely petrified.
    We both have not been religious people but have always believed in a higher power so to speak. There has been a lot of weird things happening in our house so much so that we had a cleansing a week ago, the ladies that came were elderly but very lovely and told us there was likely to be some old magic or indigenous rituals done on the land in the past. They were very clear that we needed to start believing in christ as he will provide protection etc. Since then I have started reading the bible. I have an app on my phone and this morning it randomly brings up
    Corinthians 13:1
    I don’t know what to make of all this and we are both pretty freaked out.

    • lincoln

      it sounds like God is trying to get a hold of you,

      this is a blessing, for someone who has not really been a believer.

      the trump is a warning call to let people know of the destruction and trouble to come, and that this will precede the coming of Jesus.

      so it is also a comfort to believers that they have not been forgotten when the dangers start.

      read some of the other comments, and you will see the other people’s experiences

      seek the Lord while he may be found

  102. Earlier this morning I heard the sound of a trumpet in my right ear, but it was in the distance. I started to get up and look outside, but I knew it was spiritual. When I closed my eyes, I think I saw destruction hitting the land…… Storms and things blowing up. I’m glad I decided to Google it. I didn’t think I would be able to find any information on what it meant, but there are so many people here who heard the same thing.

    • lady A

      glad you found us. yes, dangers are coming. the trumpet is a warning to wake people up so they will prepare. not just physically, food and water and medicine, but spiritually also. time to get close to God.

  103. I renewed my faith with Jesus in December 2015. I have heard the trumpet blow 4 times now in the last year. The last time was on Thursday morning at about 10 15 AM, January 07 2016. This time it was very loud. Everytime it gets louder. These are from God to let us who are saved keep our faith in Jesus. Our days are short on this world. Soon to be with the lord who gave his Body, Blood and spirit so we will with him forever. Fellowship is the keep with other Christians to stay strong.. I Call from God to his chosen people.
    Jeremiah 6:17
    I set watchmen over you, saying, ‘Pay attention to the sound of the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not pay attention.

  104. My wife and was woken to the trumpet blast around 2am 2 blast about 5 minutes apart then after my wife left for work the trumpets blast again 6:30 am while i was getting ready for work this happened on Jan 12, 2016

    • dino

      thank you for sharing that. I think we are about out of time, or we are in overtime waiting for the end time disasters to start

      get close to God and stay there. be ready

  105. As above My husband Dino and I were lying in bed sleeping and was woken up from the sound of a trumpet. We both looked at each other and asked what was that. We layed back down and then a few hours later it did it again. He got up and looked around and nothing. I thought it might had been a sound that was on the new dryer we bought. Next night we both were awaken again with the sound of the trumpet. On the third day I was at work and he was at home and he heard it twice again. On the forth night he was asleep and I only heard it, but it was faint. The first time it was very loud. Well….we spoke to our priest about this and he told us that we were very blessed to hear this and told us to pray together. Again last night at 11:10pm we both were awaken by the trumpet and it was louder than the first time. We both prayed together, but as I was praying I felt at peace and calm. Dont know what God has in store for us…but I am willing to do whatever his needs are.

    • susie

      this reports are starting to really amaze me. they were amazing anyhow, when I or someone else would just hear the trumpet one time, and that was it.

      now they are being heard multiple times by the same people.

      as I was telling dino (above comment), the time is very short, or we are in overtime….

      get close to God and prepare for many troubles….financial, food shortages, natural disasters, war etc

      but also note that these trumpets are not just warnings, but something to hold onto as assurance from God that he is with us when troubles start.

  106. Thank you for your feedbak Marianne!

  107. The other night on January 19th or 20th, 2016, around 8:00 or 9:00 o’clock I was sitting on my bed doing college work. My window was open because there was a nice breeze. All of a sudden, I heard a horn or trumpet sound. It was not blaring or screechy, it was strong and soft, almost a reverb, echoing, pronlonged sound. The only way I can describe it was it was ethereal. It was the most beautiful and sorrowful sound I have ever heard in my life. I looked up on YouTube the trumpets of Heaven, and I found a video about the Shofar trumpet. The sound did not resemble the screechy-ness, however, it did resemble the pattern. It flowed so smoothly together and it made my entire body feel weird, and it was like my soul was compelled by this sound. I moved slowly to my back porch where my mom was standing with the slider door open, I asked her if she could hear it, but she said no. I thought I was going crazy, but at the same time, I know I was not. I went outside on the porch and stood there for at least five or ten minutes listening to the sound. It completely took over my body and made me feel so strange like I was in a dream-like state. It was nothing I had ever experienced before. I even cried. It is so hard to explain what it was like. All I can say is that it sounded ethereal. Has anyone else heard this or had the same experience recently? I was shaken up after it ended too. I’m a Christian, but I do not go to church because I believe all churches have been corrupted. I solely read the Bible and talk to God and Jesus as much as possible and ask him to help me understand what he wants me to know. I struggle so much with sin and life and as it is hard for everyone, but I truly feel that we are gettting closer to the end of the world. At least, to the beginning of the ending of the world. Even a year or two ago I was sitting in my living room alone with the slider door open, and a storm was approaching. All of a sudden I felt an odd high feeling, like I was on cloud nine–something that resembled the Holy Spirit, however, a feeling of warning came with it. Thoughts entered my mind that were not my own saying that dark times were a head and to be aware. Did I hear a horn or trumpet from Heaven? Are these sensations true warnings from God? I believe in all of it so whole-heartedly. It would just be nice to know that I am not the only one who has had these experiences. Please let me know!

    • kayla

      yes you heard from God. he has been sending this warning, that I know about, since 2010.

      if you read the comments here on this page, you will see many others reporting in, with experiences like yours. I started this page after having an experience just like yours.

      it is a warning of war and trouble. the ancient Israelites used to sound the alarm when the enemy was coming.

      so you are right…dark times ahead.

      war is coming and so is famine and persecution. we will all see much of it.

      prepare for food shortages, stock up some extra food and water and medical supplies. be prepared to move if necessary.

      the chinese have targeted the west coast, and the russians the east coast. judgement is falling on america for its sins, and choice of evil leaders in government, who are betraying us right now.

      your area also has some dangers of coastal fault lines causing big problems and tsunamis could occur. ( same where I am at) be prepared to evacuate, if the Lord leads you to do so.

      God will protect his people, he is sending you this message also….so it is not just to scare you, but to warn you so you can prepare and not be shocked….and also to let you know He is with you and will help you.

      i encourage you to read the comments on the page. you may find them helpful

    • Kayla,

      The best change you made was not going to church because you feel/think they are corrupt.

      Ha! I stopped going over 3 years ago because they are!

      Read those 6 of 7 churches in Revelation.

      Jezebel? The church today don’t know what Jezebel is let alone what to do about that demonic spirit. See pages in Marianne’s blog on Jezebel.

      Churches that are spiritually dead, yes. Poor, blind and naked? Yes indeed.

      You are wise to open your NKJV or ESV or BibleGatewyway web page and read.

      Talk to Him and say thank you often. We worship Him in spirit and in truth anytime and everywhere.

      Read Psalm 1 through 9. Consider every phase. Ask Him to help you comprehend what you read.

      Read Psalm 25 slowly, phrase by phrase.

      For a clue about what God wants – read Psalm 33:18-22 and into Psalm 34.

      The church is “corrupt” because they don’t comprehend “The Fear of the Lord.”

      Also, open up BibleGatewyway audio and listen to whatever you like and often. Esther, Ruth, the Gospel of John, or Hebrews.

      “Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God” (Romans 10:17).

      Just Do It.

      Yes, the Lord loves you very much.

      He has given you a sign that He didn’t give me or many others.

      He gave me a couple of diferent indications that He loves me. He got my attention back in Feb 2010.

      Time is very, very short. He wants you to get ready, spiritually.

      I think what you heard was for spiritual ears that are open. He’s got your spiritual attention.

      Oh, you’ve got sin issues?

      So? Me too.

      Talk to Him about it. He listens.

      Be honest. Do most of the taking with Him in your mind less with your voice.

      Your mind is your little, private prayer closet. The enemy can’t hear a word you think/speak.

      Do your best to renew your mind.


      Don’t put so much pop culture crap in. Put more thoughts of things above (peace, love, kindness, more mercy less anger and judgement). Then expect to see a change in your “sin and life issues.” Those issues will decrease quickly.

      God bless you!
      Hebrews 13:20-21.

  108. Tonight as well as the early morning hours of the day I turned 13 , I heard a horn sound ,first soft and far away but then almost defending , in almost a tribal like rythm. Then gone. The sound didn’t seem to touch anything but me. No reverb or echo, it didn’t bounce off anything and was above me then around me. Hmmm. I am a drug addict though so who knows.

    • anon

      it does not matter to God that you are a drug addict. You are still important to him

      he created you to belong to him, not to the world, or have you addicted to anything but him.

      you are only 13?

      God is calling you to be in his presence, and to let you know that he is with you…..

      you are going to remember this assurance in the dark days ahead as america is destroyed for its sins, especially those sins against children

      so the trumpet is also a warning to those that belong to God, and maybe even sinners, that the time is short, disaster is coming and they must prepare….physically and spiritually

      prepare for war, famine, food shortages, disease and death around you….plan to escape, if the Lord leads you, away from where you are to a place of safety.

      right now you are in a dangerous area, which will most likely be destroyed by water

      the Lord will protect his chosen ones, as long as they obey him, pray, and get close to him. he will put his hand over them when disaster strikes.

      he will put his hand over those who cannot relocate and keep them safe…others he will move to a different location… not trust government at this time….ONLY trust God, and do what he says

  109. I researched about a trumpet sound in Christianity because I heard that sound yesterday, Feb. 8, 2016 at 5:48 a.m. I’ve always had visions and lately they’ve been getting stronger. I was awakened yesterday morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. As I was laying down, I heard this trumpet blowing and I’ve never heard that before. I believe that was God. Lord have your way. Amen.

    • Shanequa

      you are truly blessed to hear this. if you read all the comments here, you will see a pattern similar to yours.

      the Lord is warning his saints of impending disaster and serious trouble….but also is giving the assurance that He is with us, so take courage.

      prepare physically by storing nonperishable food and bottled water, and stay in prayer . get close to Him

      this disaster may (or may not) happen this year so we need to be ready, not only for our own survival, but for others who will be in despair, calling upon god to help them.

      do not panic about the preparation….just work as hard as you can, with the money you have, and do your best….god will provide what you cannot do.

      do not advertise what you do to unbelievers, as they will try to loot you later.

      I also suggest strongly to plan to move away from large cities and the coastline. find a place in the country to go to…maybe friends or relatives live there.

  110. I am Not religious but , After my Cancer treatment surgery ,I was Recovering at My Parents place , In the morning I woke up with my Girl friend Mary Florez shed had been taking car of me all night The doctor sent me home with a catator it hand filling up every 3 hour s, long story short the doctors accidently cut my bladder while surgery then sewed me back up , well I was bleeding internally , I heard the trumpets what I thought was like a ancient Roman war Trumpet when I tried to find the same sound on You Tube, the Closest sound was that of a Shofar with two distinct Blows , the melody was like no other Shofar sounded like the load and Clear and with more of a battle cry ,” I have Never Heard a Shofar Prior to Event ” Well I was in deep trouble life threatening and Got air lefted To Mayo clinic in Phx ,AZ , where I was almost Flat lined on my Vitals , This was two years ago

    • bill

      i am glad you recovered from this surgery. it seems like god gave you a sign that he was with you during a dangerous time.

      the battle cry still applies…. we have trouble ahead in the country and in the world….

      when things turn bad (again), remember this experience with the trumpet you heard, and remember how god was with you then, and will also be with you again in the near future.

    • Bill, I’ve lived in Phoenix/Scottsdale and visited Mayo. You were in the right place at the right time.

      The Lord certainly has your attention for sure! It’s for a very good reason, God bless you.

      I suggest getting more and more into the Word, which is our spiritual lamp (Psalm 119:105).

      Here is a very good study of what God values, literally. ”
      The fear of the Lord is His treasure” (Isaiah 33:6).

      So, now we know the treasure that the man found in the field, selling all he had to buy the field, obtaining that treasure (Matthew 13:44).

      The treasure can be understood in Psalm 33:18-22, Psalm 34 and 96, “Give to the LORD the glory due His name.”

      Why is this so important?

      “Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name.

      ‘They shall be Mine,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him'” (Malachi 3:16-17).

      Blessing to you!

  111. Two nights ago. I was in bed wide awake trying to go to sleep. My husband already asleep . In my left ear I heard very closely a Trumpet playing…..

    • mim

      the Lord is calling you, and warning you of trouble, but do not fear

      you belong to him, and he will care for you, if you put your trust in him.

      trouble is coming, but so is Jesus!

  112. Hi i had a dream about ten yrs ago i was sleeping when i saw a man on a beautiful white house come out from the clouds then i heard the sound of one trumpet then a voice said come one come all . I felt then as if i awoke then i heard another trumpet and the voice say for the day of the Lord is coming i then did awake i looked up and i wondered to myself did everyone hear this . This is absolutly truth . The time was early am that this happened i remember then i feel back to sleep and invisioned a war between God and satan ..

    • theresa

      your dream is very biblical and true. we do not have much time left. and satan has fallen, or is about to fall, to earth from that battle with god, and is about to wage war on the saints

    • Theresa,

      Thank you for sharing your dream and comment, “invisioning a war between God and satan.”

      You may find this book very insightful, considering your statement.

      “War in Heaven” by Derek Prince.

      There is great wisdom in every chapter and you may be led to read a couple other Derek Prince books or watch a few of his videos on YouTube.

      One more comment on your dream that is amazing to me.

      The sign in the heavens that describes war in heaven is found in Rev. 12.;NKJV

      The sign of the Dragon (Saturn) next to the woman (Virgo) with the moon at her feet and clothed by the sun, giving birth (Venus) occurred on Feast of Trumpets, September 2011.

      Did you get that? War in heaven with a trumpet blast occurs in your dream as the sign in the heaven tells us in Rev. 12 and was above us on Feast of Trumpets.

      You just made my day!

      This is what jumped out at me when read your post. God bless you!

      You can read what I posted in this link below. I assure you, time is very very short before the Day of the Lord begins. The war seems to be all over one day in the Hebrew year 5778 as many enter into God’s rest (2 Tim. 2:10-13).

      Signs in the Heavens

      Blessings to you, “Now may the God of peace, who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus—the great Shepherd of the sheep—with the blood of the everlasting covenant, equip you with all that is good to do His will, working in us what is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ. Glory belongs to Him forever and ever. Amen” (Hebrews 13:20-21).

  113. So I was in the bed the bed 3 nights ago and it was in the lat night hour around three I have heard this on three other occasions this makes 4. I was if my body rose up and my spirit man floated up. It always happened in the pre twilight hours. I told a friend of mind who we both share the similar gifts he said that same time the Holy Spirit told him to began praying and i was if his spirit floated up and he said when he close his eyes he say the Sky open and the Jesus was sitting at the right of Jesus and the rapture was occuring..

  114. God bless,
    This morning I heard the sound of a trumpet that awakened me. I opened my eyes and said, “Lord, I’m listening!”

  115. For the past few days l heard 3 horns in
    the morning and 3 at night.
    Like someone is blowing a trumpet,
    What does that mean?

    • marion

      when I first started this page, only one trumpet was heard.

      as time went on, more people reported hearing it multiple times over a period.

      now people are hearing it multiple times a day.

      this is imminent

      the trumpet is a warning of disaster to come

      it is a judgement of god upon america

      prepare for war, famine, martial law, and natural disasters.

      store up food, water, supplies

      but mostly pray that god protects you and family

      it is a blessing to have god care enough about you to warn you of things to come.

      it is also reassurance that his presence is and will be with you during the dangers.

  116. In 2012, I heard the sound of the trumpets blowing and I live in the Pacific Northwest. I’d not heard other’s accounts before this, but in my heart I had a knowing that that was indeed what I was hearing. I’ve since done some research and have learned that others all over the world have been hearing them as well. Many Blessings to ALL in these dark and strange times ❤ Blessings Be ❤

    • erica

      I am glad you had this blessing. best wishes

      • I really did feel a sense of peace when I heard it even though it sounded quit scary. Thank you for that assurance. These are very strange times. Blessings to You 💜

  117. This is 5/22/16 3 weeks ago I thought I heard a a trumpet. But didn’t know where it was coming from. So I asked is this the reason why we having disaster going on? The LORD IS ON HIS WAY! Do you believe.

    • charles

      the trump is not the reason for the disaster.

      the disaster is the reason for the trumpet, to wake people up, to repent, pray and prepare

      • Well I thought I heard the same things three weeks ago. And I started seeing things wish I can explain. Like spirit or something And I remember walking into my roommate room and he looked different real wig.

  118. Tuesday April 12th 2016….2:30 am in the morning….i heard a very loud almost melodic horn!..i am not “nuts”!…it woke me up from a dead sleep.

    • tc

      no, you are not nuts.

      you are hearing the warning trumpet of the Lord.

      his judgement is coming upon america, and then the earth.

      I think he is starting with america, because he blessed us, and we turned away from him as a nation.

      prepare physically, food, water, provisions…expect power to go out, so so water either….medical, plan on “going camping” style of living….have ammo and guns, because we are going to be at war at some point. do not expect the government to help you, because the government will behind many problems, and will be an adversary to you.

      most of all, prepare in spirit. pray, read bible, get close to god, pray to escape all the disasters to come, both man made and natural.

      he warns his people because he loves us….seek his face, and hide in his presence.


    • catrenia

      I am glad you are hearing from GOd.

      be sure to follow his instructions.

      • Hello my name is Ram AVTAR Sharma,I lives in INDIA, and I am a Hinduism religion.Normally, for studies I used to awake 4 or 5 o’clock but from 9 June I hear a different kind of sound saying RAM-SHRI RAM Ram is also the name of our God . I have searched enough on internet but I got nothing .please help me what this sound trying to say.

        • RAM

          I do not know. you heard the words “Ram shriram?” that is the name of a person – businessman.

          what kind of sound was it? was it musical? a horn? a flute? a scratching noise? did it sound like words being spoken?

          i would need more details…compare it to something you understand.

          write back.

          this page is about hearing a trumpet or horn

          thank you

  120. “RAM” is name of our God and this sound is something like music

    • Ram

      Christians have been hearing a trumpet, or horn sound.

      I am assuming you heard some kind of melody from what you say.

      So, while this sound experience is different for me, and because I know the time we are in, I think you are hearing the same message we are hearing. God is just appealing to you by using your own culture and religion.

      This message is a warning of disasters to come on the earth. It is also a last minute call to come close to God with your heart.

      we must put away all evil or wrongdoing, and this includes all “small” offenses people may commit on a daily basis…arguing, stealing, cheating, lying, being greedy, rebelling, being uncaring to others, etc. this, of course, also includes all large offenses forbidden by God.

      Only those close to God, and pure in their heart will be protected. Only the most high God will protect. All others will fail.

      I encourage you to do this, and watch the world news, open your eyes to see the trouble the world is in. watch the events in the western world. that will collapse first.

      this world cannot continue with the war, violence, chaos, slavery, cheating, crime, pollution, and evil that is going on now. God will destroy all wickedness and start over with pure people.

      God will use natural and supernatural means to cleanse and purify this earth, to restore it to what it was when he first created it. Many people will die.

      we all need to call upon God and ask him to forgive us for any wrongdoing, and to ask him to protect us during the cleansing, which will look destructive, but it is for a good purpose.

      we all need to ask God to reveal himself to us, to show us the truth, and to show us how we can please and love him in the best way

  121. Same thing happens to me I felt like the angels were there with me. It happens a few days after my grandfather died. I was traumatized from my grandfather and the horn. It means we are running out of time. When I herd it , it sounded close.

    • trinity

      you are right. once, the trumpet (horn) sound seemed far away. now people are saying it is louder and more frequent. keep looking up. jesus will come as he promised, maybe at the last moment, but he will come.

  122. Wow!! I just googled this..because it happened to me this morning!
    I was laying in bed. When all of a sudden.. I heard the same exact thing you did!! It
    was so clear and pure sounding…and very soft…far away….sigh.

    I froze. I said to myself..Is Jesus about to appear!?

    I felt instructed to look at the time.. it was 6:20am.

    Something happened to my spirit.
    Not sure what.
    But.. I know one thing for sure..I want/ need more of Jesus!
    I want to be ready for His return 🤗

    Blessings my sister.

    • mariana

      I am so happy for you that you had this experience!

      it is a blessing.

      with all the troubles in the world, god has touched you in a special way….he knows exactly where you are, and giving assurances he will be there to protect you. he will also come to get you when it is time!

      may god bless you always and may you always feel his presence!

  123. I heard the same thing a trumpet sound in my head that shook my brain. There were three blasts. And a light noone else could see. I have tried to find others I do know in Ezekiel it talks about messangers that are called. Since then I have prayed and there have been alot that have happened since. That was back in june 2016. Now im given messages and pronouncing the lord in so many ways. We are chosen to give people the messages he gives us to give. Like John the Baptist did. This is a gift to the chosen, the watchman. But we if we don’t follow will have blood on our hands too. If we dont tell the message as well. People must repent and he will spare them. We have failed to follow the commandments as their written and follow the teachings of jesus. The kingdom of heaven is near. We must be what he intended us to be.

    • Amen. Psalm 33:18-22 and into Psalm 34.

      • Yes, well stated. Our faith we have should be just as strong as he has in us. I’ve been passing what I am guided to show and tell.
        The kingdom of heaven is near and great sorrow will come for those that have tried to bring those that have failed him to him. Even as they sacrifice them selves to him for the love and glory of what he stands for. They will not head the call, but give them selves to their ways and not follow his laws. It’s sad this is known. And to see what will be and what people will face on the last year of judgment. I feel I havefailed but know I have done right by him. For those that trully know this is truth please speak to all that will listen and know if theyare true ww hith his name on their foreheads, and in his heart. They must repent. I fear him but also fear for the lives of my family brothers and sisters of the world. The time is now to prevent suffering. But it won’t be as it should. Speak the truth and show them what they need to become the people of for what he needs and wants us to be. I don’t ask because he expects us to be, but to love with out the reason most believe it be a requirement. But it is more!!! Free will and with out demand from him is where we should keep our hearts. And love unconditionally. Repent comes from the true heart. And sin no more is our guide to life. Listen to him let him guide you on our journey through these times, for those that have worn his name as a symbol marked on their forehead and truth in their hearts. The place is given where he has made a place for those. They will know or already do know. A garden, named heaven’s gates on earth. They will be safe from the final test of faith for they already have what those that don’t. You will be safe from that. You will be called, don’t deny this, you have been given free passage to this place. Don’t invite others to go that have not been called. They will not be able to enter. They will be outside the walls of this place and still face what will come. I say this not from my self but, but truth he has given to me, I am a messanger to all shepards. Keep your sheep close. Don’t chase those that run away, their fear is from their deeds. Not of the lord. And not for their blood. For if you Chase them you can lead others into a dark place. You are the light he shares with those that have little or can’t see in the dark. You that guide them are the vine that grows. Please do this!! Share this. Be as what is said, follow the commandments. Follow Jesus’s teachings, the are one in the same. God bless to all. With love love and trust with this.

        • Amen and amen.

          See Issiah 26:20 and read this insightful and inspired commentary.

          “When God is about to take vengeance on the ungodly, the saints shall be shut in by Him in a place of safety, as Noah and his family were in the days of the flood (Ge 7:16), and as Israel was commanded not to go out of doors on the night of the slaying of the Egyptian first-born (Ex 12:22, 23; Ps 31:20; 83:3). The saints are calmly and confidently to await the issue (Ex 14:13, 14).” By Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown [1882].

          God bless you Jonah.

          “Now may the God of peace, who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus—the great Shepherd of the sheep—with the blood of the everlasting covenant, equip you with all that is good to do His will, working in us what is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ. Glory belongs to Him forever and ever. Amen” (Hebrews 13:20-22).

  124. I’ve heard the trumpet twice in the last month. It’s eiry and quite haunting at first. Definitely from the sky. My friend her it tonight too.
    There’s quite a few report on line many people around the world are hearing these trumpets they record them u can watch some on u tube.
    I guess it’s arrived…Praise Jesus.

    • karen

      I always love to hear from those who have heard the trumpets.

      To me the location of the person is important too.

      the trumpets are a warning of problems, but also a blessing to those that hear it, because it means god loves us enough to let us know, and that he will be there for us, if we call out to him

      I hear more from the people on the east and west coast than from other areas..

      you are in a bad spot, so am I.

      earthquakes and tsunamis (from the south and east directions) have been predicted so be aware and pray to god for safety or the guidance to move (temporarily or permanently) when necessary

      Tsunami Risk for the East Coast of the USA

      Asteroid to hit?

      the jade helm exercises are to continue along the southern USA this year…

      God knows all this, so we have to put our lives in his hands, and trust him

      prepare for emergency, food, water, medical etc, and stay close to the Lord

  125. I believe it’s his calling to those that have been chosen, for the coming or for his message that it is time. From what I know there are two from every tribe tha t will recieve this, it is his warning to all that may listen to his message that is given. Praise God if you hear this you are chosen for something great not see or heard of since his day. The messangers!! There are angels and there are those that are true to his words and do all he says because they carry his love faithfully and with out demand from him. It is what I have learned walking in his foot steps. What we have given not of this earth and what we share in him and each other. Give your ear to him and you will know what he has called you for. And obay no matter the cost of this earth. He has called because you will obay. And you will follow righteously. This i know since I have done all he has asked, he has given me something I cannot count myself out of dispare. But what is a vission and a sign that your name is in the book. Those that did not hear, they are not trully faithful and will face tribulations of the rapture. This is promissed. All is promised. Give thanks and praise always and god bless

  126. I heard a trumpet also last night I’ve heard a few before but it was for me to prepare myself for war I was proclaiming things I wasn’t prepared for before,and now is the real changes

    • selph

      you are right in understanding that the trumpet is a warning for war (and other bad things as well).

      this will happen soon

      keep your heart and mind on God in the days ahead.

  127. I’m hear because I just went to bed and I heard a loud horn which as you guys said, sounded far away, but it was so loud that my head feels heavy. I slowly awoken and I heard it progressively faint, I close my eyes again and it got very loud again. My head still hurts. I’m very good with my awareness when sleeping and pretty much slowly fall into lucid dreams every night, but things like this aren’t normal.

    • steven

      this is the lord blessing you with a warning….trouble ( war, disasters) to come, but also jesus is on his way to get his people….

  128. II heard the trumpet again in northern SC!!! I’ve heard it several times!!! 4 days ago I heard several single blasts close and then faraway into the distance!!! Probably 3 minutes total. I thought I had imagined it so I did not post. But yesterday, about 4 pm again, my husband and I were reading together inside and all of a sudden he says, ” did you hear that?” Is that a trumpet?” Sure enough! It was back!! The same long single notes, very close this time and it occurred again and again over 30 minutes time! I’m glad he heard it too!!!! You know, kind of makes you feel, ” hey! I’m not crazy at all!!!” Anyway, since the last time I have been preparing some food storage and supplies just in case His coming is soon!!! The horn was not urgent, but insistent. Not like, it’s here! But rather, listen! Listen!!! Prepare! I Am is coming soon!!!!!!

  129. I just got my results thinking that I had breast cancer and it came back negative thank the Lord it but I was so sick that night even though I knew the results were clear I went and I had to run to the sink and I purged from the bottom of my feet I thought I was going to call nine-one-one I fell to my knees and screamed the lord’s name out what back on the couch in the fetal position shaking scared like a little wet puppy set up grab the book and read a passage rocking back and forth like a baby as I was sitting it was quiet and I heard trumpets behind me and a crowd sharing I don’t know if I was out of my mind but I thought to myself I had just purged everything that day I went to get my results to let me know if I had breast cancer in her I was nervous and by myself and I get up for something in this woman called me over and all the sudden I caught her eyes one eye with her people and going into your nose was completely black and then on the outside was red it was blood she asked me if I did bills as she said that she was fumbling in your pocket book and she pulled out her long blue keychain and I will quickly and it said Jesus on it so confused because I was a thief and I stole from an old woman and my drug addiction I don’t know I’m trying to understand is this my imagination I don’t think so because this all happened in one day resist God coming to me spiritually warning me I shake when I talk about it what does it mean looking into a elderly woman’s eye and having the pupil in the inner side of her eyes all black and then the other side of her eye bloody red

    • jeanne

      sorry for not responding sooner. I usually get an email when someone comments, so I can reply to them. this time, I did not, and I just saw your comment on this page while replying to someone else.

      it sounds like in our past you had a drug addiction, and the old woman represented the your victim that you had robbed. that is now past. I think the purging you experienced was God getting all that out of you, including the breast cancer that almost was. he healed you.

      go forward now as a free person….

      the trumpets you heard is the sound of trouble coming to the world, but do not fear, great disasters will come, to purge the world of the wickedness….the trumpets are also letting god’s people know that he is with them, and that Jesus will come soon.

      get close to the Lord, he has chosen and delivered you

      pray, read the bible and gather emergency supplies of food, water, blankets, alternate light sources (lanterns, flashlights, candles, batteries) and medicine,etc

      do your best and then trust god…for what you don’t have until jesus comes

  130. I hear the same sound I went out and it was around same time in the morning strange thing I wasent able to fund the direction of the noise it was like very foggy

    • dan

      thank you for sharing that experience. trumpets are a call to war, but also to announce the arrival of a king. we are about to experience both. get close to the Lord, and pray, read bible, and trust god, no matter what you see or hear. obama wants world war with russia, and jesus is soon coming.

  131. I do believe you but,I don’t believe its the first and my husband heard it too

  132. The shofar can be a bad sign if the
    Horn blows a 3rd time I’m sorry to say if the horn blows one last time it’s not god that’s coming it’s evil in the world coming because we are not following gods wishes for the world so for punishment he is bringing all the things he’s protected us from here and only the people that don’t follow his rules will not be punished.

  133. The horn was just meant for you! As I often hear the Harp. How often have you heard the trumpet?

  134. I heard a horn this morning and was wondering if Jesus was coming.

    • michael

      he sure is! 🙂

      but remember that the bible says there will be great trouble first….and Jesus said to endure to the end.

      that is when he comes….

      hearing that horn is a great blessing,,, use it for strength and assurance when problems come….he is warning his saints of the trouble, so they can be prepared better.

  135. God, bless you and shalom
    This morning around 1:48am I heard the shofar sound 3 times it was so distinct and clear. My soul leaped for joy unspeakable as it rushed all over me but more inwardly.
    I was so awakened that I had to wake my wife to tell her.
    I am at a loss to have complete understanding but excited, to share of knowing my Messiah
    Jesus, Christ of Nazareth.

    • shalom daniel

      yes he is coming! 🙂

      when, only the Father knows…

      but it appears it is in the near future….

      I also heard my shofar in the middle of the night

  136. Last night around 7:55pm I heard the sound too – the sound of a soft horn blow in the distance which seemed to be more on the left side in location. When I first heard it I wasn’t paying much attention and so for a few moments afterward I didn’t really question what I’d just heard as I often hear the sounds of traffic outside my window (I live in suburbia but not near any freeways, the streets around here are always quiet and most sounds I hear are either planes, helicopters or motorbikes). Initially I associated the sound as being similar to the sound of a horn made by a Semi-Trailor (a sound I am familiar with having grown up on a main highway when I was younger). But I haven’t heard a Semi-Trailor make that noise in years, and I certainly haven’t heard any Semi-Tralior horns in my neighbourhood in the time that I have lived where I live. It was only until *after* I had ruled out the noise as having come from a Semi-Trailor that my intuition reminded me of articles I have read in the past about the “trumpets and the seven seals”. It’s not something I have ever read or understood in any great detail, but somehow I just Knew that what I had just heard was to do with the “trumpets and the seven seals”. Instantly I became scared, and I am still fearful, as I have been going through intense difficulties in the last 3 years which are escalating to levels that I have never seen before. I know time is running out, yet I still don’t know exactly what it is that I need to do. I know I need to wake up .. people keep telling me. People in my life have been trying to help me to wake up .. as though they know something that I don’t. I am scared and worried that I will fail at whatever it is I need to do. Can anyone shed any more light, more specific light, on what it means to hear these horns?

  137. Last night around 7:55pm I heard the sound too – the sound of a soft horn blow in the distance which seemed to be more on the left side in location. When I first heard it I wasn’t paying much attention and so for a few moments afterward I didn’t really question what I’d just heard as I often hear the sounds of traffic outside my window (I live in suburbia but not near any freeways, the streets around here are always quiet and most sounds I hear are either planes, helicopters or motorbikes). Initially I associated the sound as being similar to the sound of a horn made by a Semi-Trailor (a sound I am familiar with having grown up on a main highway when I was younger). But I haven’t heard a Semi-Trailor make that noise in years, and I certainly haven’t heard any Semi-Tralior horns in my neighbourhood in the time that I have lived where I live. It was only until *after* I had ruled out the noise as having come from a Semi-Trailor that my intuition reminded me of articles I have read in the past about the “trumpets and the seven seals”. It’s not something I have ever read or understood in any great detail, but somehow I just Knew that what I had just heard was to do with the “trumpets and the seven seals”. Instantly I became scared, and I am still fearful, as I have been going through intense difficulties in the last 3 years which are escalating to levels that I have never seen before. I know time is running out, yet I still don’t know exactly what it is that I need to do. I know I need to wake up .. people keep telling me. People in my life have been trying to help me to wake up .. as though they know something that I don’t. I am scared and worried that I will fail at whatever it is I need to do. Can anyone shed any more light, more specific light, on what it means to hear these horns?

    • chazter

      the horn is a warning of serious trouble to come, but it is also an assurance that God is with you, so you do not have to be scared.

      the intense difficulties you have been experiencing, awful as they are, are preparing you for the trouble to come…

      this is something that will happen to everyone, on a large scale…disasters, conflicts, strife, war, disease, deaths…etc

      those that put their trust in the Lord will have his protection

      pray daily the best you can, read the scriptures esp new testament and book of revelation, book of daniel, and the psalms, which are prayers for different situations….

      learn as much as you can, prepare for emergencies, store supplies (food, water, medical, tools, flashlights, alternate heat, etc), and then leave the rest to God

      you will be ok….do not panic, just start preparing, and know that god can handle anything you are not able to do..

      also, read the comments on this page, this will help inform you also

      if you live near the coast, prepare to move inland…but pray about it, you may not have to

      it is a blessing to have a warning from god…it shows he cares enough about you to let you know tribulation is coming, so you can be prepared, and not suffer..those who reject god WILL suffer……and this will be the majority of people..

      plead the blood of jesus over you, home, family every day….repent of any sins, accept forgiveness, and surrender your heart to Jesus and he will direct you when it is time

      • Hi Marianne

        Thank you so very much for your reply. I sincerely appreciate your insight on this. I have read many different things around the impeding cataclysm and earth changes that are to come .. I have read many different articles on many different things (pole shift, Nibiru orbit, asteroid collision, dimensional shift, the earth splitting into two in the same way a cell divides into two through mitosis (5D Earth and 3D Earth and depending on your percentage of Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others, if you are 51% or more Service-to-Others then you will go with Mother Earth to 5D Earth and you will not experience all the cataclysm that will inevitably occur on 3D Earth, and neither one will be aware of the other). I try to join the dots and put it all together but I get so lost in it all that it becomes mumbo jumbo to me. After hearing this trumpet however, in conjunction with the unusual phenomena that has been happening in my life and the people who have been coming into it who have been trying to help me, hearing this sound (and intuitively knowing that it came from Within and not from Without), has given me a whole new perspective on the nature of my own reality with a great sense of urgency and anxiety coupled with stress which I understand is necessary for evolution. I get very distracted with trying to put things together and as a result of information overload I tend to sit back and do nothing about everything. It’s quite ironic really! I do hope that I do not ignore, or forget, this warning sound however. I know I have a lot of things that I need to do, change and focus on in my life right now, but I will also be pre-occipued in trying to learn as much as I can to ensure that I will be as ready as I can for whatever it is I need to be ready for. I know you probably don’t know or can’t tell me, but do you know (roughly) how much time is left? A year? 2 years maybe? More, or Less? And do you know roughly how long it will last? Can you point me to any websites that will better help me to understand the earth changes that are coming from a scientific perspective? Many thanks for your kind words of support and reassurance, it’s a big help! Thanks!

        • chazter

          there are so many sites…i suggest do a search on youtube, with what you are interested in, and select through what seems best for you.

          alex jones, william mount, nibiru planet x channel, are a few examples….

          there are revelations running parallel on the internet…those from god, and those from aliens (demons) who want to represent themselves as cosmic saviors…..they may be right about some things, as much is known in the supernatural world anyhow, but this is to lure you into them,, so you will miss the Lord…angels of light…do not be deceived

          when the global events finally happen, you will not be able to control anything, so getting nervous will not help….realize by then there is nothing you can do physically, so you might as well just sit back and watch…it will be out of your hands by then…..that is why getting close to the Lord is the best preparation.

          I am guessing less than 5 years?

          I expected nibiru to be here by now….that was the calculation based on speed and position…..then I heard a scientist say they were baffled….they said it stopped moving for the past 2 years, which is scientifically impossible, once an object is in motion in space….I immediately understood that Father God had put his hand over it, and it as not going anywhere until He decides… right now, it is out there, but not moving….god is in control of nibiru’s arrival, not science

          praise the lord for that…he is giving his people more time to prepare

          but there is so much evil in the world, he will not hold it back much longer, and it will be on its way again

          I do not think the earth will be split in 2 etc….but it will go through a major disruption and overhaul…..and man will not survive it..those that belong to the Lord will be removed, the rapture is a rescue mission, to remove us from harm.. the earth will be turned upside down, with one disaster after another., objects falling from sky, earthquakes, tsunamis etc..when god is finished, it will look like the garden of eden again.

          • Marianne – WOW.. What Tremendous information – Thank You! What you have written completely resonates with me. Yes I have read about the several disasters that are coming and that we will probably not even survive the first or second one .. Drunvalo Melchizedek talks about these disasters … (Ross Shelf in Antarctica that is melting which will cause a tidal wave) .. and I have also heard somewhere about the depletion of the magnetic field and how it will wipe out every computer hard drive on the planet. Are you familiar with Drunvalo’s work? He offers teachings on how to go into meditation and “die consciously” and go to the next level of existence when these disasters come. I have done his 4 day course but I haven’t practiced his meditations and ever since doing his workshop the novelty of his wore off (I tend to become very distracted with an information overload). Yes I totally believe your words, they match the descriptions of much of what I have learnt. I am curious though – How will the Lord remove his people? Does that mean that the Lord’s people will not suffer the cataclysms that are coming? Will we be saved from that reality? Will we see that reality from a different dimension perhaps? Do we have to go into meditation and die consciously as Drunvalo teaches? Or are his people already chosen? Or is it up to us and what we choose based on how we’ve acted – a Judgement Day of sorts? Apologies again for all my questions. I had a profound experience a couple of years ago which was when Jesus came to for a very brief moment .. I saw His face in my minds eye for a split second (with my real eyes open) followed by a brief overloaded download of telepathic information which happened very quickly and went away very quickly … the experience was profound and i do remember some of the messages that came though but because of the intensity much was forgotten shortly after .. One of the messages that came through was that this place is Gods Playground and we are Gods children, and that the next couple of years for me were going to challenging and that I was going to be “unplugged” from happiness for a while (my interpretation) as I was going through some intense spatial growth of confronting my demons.. I wish I could remember what else was given to me. It was only when I had this experience that my faith in God was renewed and became born again in a sense. What are your thoughts on my experience? Is the a common phenomena that happens to others? Thank you once again I am so appreciative for your comforting words of enlightenment. God bless you. – Marie x

            • chazter

              if you are subscribed to the comments, let me know, then I will not have to send an email for each response

              Drunvalo Melchizedek appears to be new age, which is well intention-ed but not necessarily accurate on all points. He has a non biblical approach to spirituality, so will only be able to give a certain amount of information, or he will just get it wrong. example: his serpent of light claims a miraculous mystical experience with kundalini, but it is actually demonic. so you can be trapped into a demonic oppression if you follow all his advice. he is a good example of seeking god without really knowing who the real GOD is. this has happened in many world religions….and again, new age and other religions CAN be right about some things…because the information is out there for them to learn.

              the only meditating you need to do is on the bible….going into an altered state the new age way may open your spirit to demonic elements, which is what I was referring to in a prior comment.

              the rapture will be a removal of god’s people who claim Jesus as savior and lord, who have repented of their sins, and have accepted the forgiveness of god, and have turned away from a life of sin, the best they can. this is the biblical born again experience.

              you search for a tangible relationship with god is very understandable, and a good things. most people do not have that much passion for truth. my suggestion is just get on god’s biblical path and stay on it.

              leaving this earth is either through physical death or rapture. Enoch and Elijah were both raptured in bible. So was jesus, after he rose from the dead.

              non death rapture is equivalent to just stepping into a different , non material dimension….It is like walking across the street to a new location. it does not hurt.

              when angels appear, or jesus appears, then disappear to people, this is what is going on…from one dimension to another. when out of body, ie in supernatural realm, one is in the spirit, and may be able to see into the physical world, but the physical world cannot normally see what is right in front of them, because it is spirit only, and not material, in the sense we know material reality.

              we have angels all around us…..they see us, and watch over us…they are standing beside us, but in a different dimension.

              different dimensions are also called parallel universes

              science studies this and has made some progress…although it is limited due to a lack of biblical revelation, and wisdom of God
              Parallel universes DO exist – and they interact, theory suggests


              heaven is one dimension, where the righteous coexist with God, and so is hell, where the wicked and lost are punished accordingly

              since hell is REAL, you should not want to do anything to end up there….

              the bible says that the path to heaven is narrow, because it requires obedience,

              and the path to hell is wide, because sin is allowed, and anything is “ok”

              the reason you are asking all this is because the holy spirit is trying to move you in the right direction…he does not push or force however….he only tries to lead you and inspire you….

  138. It is important to allow the Holy Spirit to examine you in case anything is, out of place in your life. Such as unforgiveness words that we’re not meant that which Father God would have you change reconciling your time.
    The love for His daughter is, a true blessing to guide us into His truth to be transparent before Him hiding nothing.
    If you are worried and in fear know that the tatics of the enemy would distract you from pressing forward in your relationship towards God. May He give you peace assuring you of His love and concern seek Him with all that is in you. This life is, temporal and passing away.
    Trust Jesus moreso knowing He, will never leave nor forsake you
    Perhaps there is, something you wanted to do for God but have not been certain.
    It may be the time to excercise the faith He has instilled in you preparing you for that which is lacking. Know this God is for you not against you. If anything repent and draw closer to God preparing yourself to do His, will
    Always stay humble and continue to praise Him with thanksgiving. We are truly blessed to know, His, Spirit awakens us, and leads us to a closer walk in Him.
    There are volumes to share of His great love and for us to prepare for His return.
    May His peace comfort you in Jesus.

  139. Amen Sister!
    God wishing none to perish and drawing the attention to Himself.
    What a loving Father.
    Unfortunately many have been swayed by demonic influence.
    The true experience of conscienceness is truly knowing our Messiah Jesus, Christ of Nazareth in which He reveals Himself as His, Word is, alive knitted to the very fabric of our soul.
    The seal of completion is that He knows, those who have departed iniquity.
    Many have fallen prey to demonic doctrine leaving the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    May we be, available snatching as it we’re others from the fire.
    Thank you for your post and response.

    Pastor Daniel

  140. I heard a trumpet in 2010 also, looked on the computer to see a third of the earth was on fire. Since then, our earth has seen extreme weather, including fire weather.
    I believe we may, 7 years later, be on the cusp of the second one. Could the “like a burning mountain” be the tip of a missile? Surely John knew what a volcano was.
    May God bless all those who watch. Some will hear them, not everyone.

    • karen

      thank you for contributing your testimony. others have written here also, and you may find reading them interesting to you as well. I agree that the future is going to be beyond what we can imagine.

  141. It was June 26, 2018, I have been in WARFARE something terrible. I never knew a “CROSS BEARER’ had to war so long and so hard, it’s getting worse and worse, I don’t even have time to PRAY, and find I got to battle to get that done, it has been so bad that the enemy WALKS in my door in the name of !!Christian! and goes ballistic accusing me of stuff that I don’t have a clue AND CUSSING demons falling out of her mouth like water, WOW. I have been crying from my SOUL, PLEASE, SOVEREIGN TRINITY ,HELP ME. Tell me, show me what to do. Around 3:27am,on, 6/26/2018, I laid on my bed and I heard ‘TRUMPETS AND THE SOUND LIKE THE SAINTS HUMMING AS THEY WERE RISING UP TO HEAVEN’. I couldn’t move, it was so sweet and relaxing. It was not of this world. THIS is my first time hearing this. I asked around to see if anyone IN the area heard, but no one else had. I THANK MY SOVEREIGN’ TRINITY’ , FOR this experience. Maybe when CHRIST’ comes back, those of us that have heard the “TRUMPETS AND SAINTS HUMMING” WILL be caught up. I PRAY we all be “READY”. IN CHRIST’ NAME. AMEN’ , AMEN’ , AMEN”. 6/29/2018.

    • venessa

      thank you for sharing that experience. as reports are getting more and more frequent, I know the Lord’s coming is closer.

      do not give up in the spiritual battles. the bible says the enemy will wear out the saints, which is what you are experiencing.

      you will make it by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony

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