Radical Islam and Black Liberation Theology

The focus here is NOT Islam, but how BLT imitates what is seen as the extreme, radical form of Islam today. BLT is a religious cover for black racism, and is NOT rooted in Christianity. It is based on hatred and selfishness. You give, they take. Where Jesus said to love one’s neighbor, regardless of race, BLT says to hate the white man, and to damn, and destroy him. BLT is also a political force, using exaggerated victim hood to make a profit off those they hate.

Clarification: Black Liberation Theology opposes the “white” person in the same way Islamic jihadists oppose the kafir (unbeliever).

BLT was created by James Cone. In the following video, he explains that he combined the teachings of Malcom X, a black Muslim who advocated black power, with the teachings of Martin Luther King, who “only” taught the gospel of Jesus, but did not address the black man. (I wonder where he was during the civil rights movement?) Somehow, he needed to “improve” on the gospel of Jesus, by incorporating the black power concept from Islam,  to make it appealing to the black man. Jesus becomes a black man who was “lynched.”See the following commentary on the Cone video as well on this site:

Click here for BLT and Cone video

Black liberation theology was quite popular in South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in academic circles. Some of its exponents, like Alan Boesak, became political activists.

Islam liberation theology and Black Liberation Theology are connected. BLT is also at the root of the white farmer massacres in South Africa. These people brought prosperity to the region and shared it with the populace. Now, they are being butchered for it.

Bill Warner Commentary
for the Study of Political Islam



Barack Obama has closely aligned himself with Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Black Liberation Theology (BLT). When viewed from the Christian point-of-view, BLT is a strange creed, but when seen from the standpoint of Islam, there is a very strong parallel.

Islam and BLT are theologies that have a political goal of making all politics submit to their demands. Submission is the political goal.

Islam and BLT are both based upon the principle of duality. The Koran divides up humanity into Muslims and the kafirs (unbelievers).

BLT has a god that divides humanity into blacks and whites. But the duality is not the division, but a complete separation that is ethical, political, cultural and religious. The believer has nothing in common with the kafir/white. Allah loves the Muslim and a black god loves the blacks.

Allah preaches violence against the kafirs and helps Muslims to kill them. The Koran says that cruelty and hatred of the kafir is a sacred duty for Muslims.

BLT does not preach violence against whites, but excuses and justifies it. BLT also justifies black crime as a legal way for oppressed blacks to strike back at the white oppressors. It sees a rapist or killer of whites as a revolutionary committing a legitimate act of a just war.

Here we have a quote from James Cone, the father of BLT:
“What we need is the divine love as expressed in black power, which is the power of blacks to destroy their oppressors, here and now, by any and all means at their disposal” [James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p. 70]

Neither radical Islam nor BLT ever acknowledges the suffering of its enemies.

Jihad has killed over 270 million kafirs over the last 1400 years, but there has never been any acknowledgment of the destruction of kafirs.

In Mohammed’s official biography, the Sira, there are hundreds of pages devoted to jihad against the kafirs. There is not one time when Mohammed expressed remorse about the beheading, torturing, killing, raping and robbery of the kafirs. Indeed, there are many occasions when he laughed at the kafirs’ suffering.

The duality of total separateness from the kafir/white creates an ethical position. Ethics become dualistic.

The kafir/white is treated differently from the “brother/sister“. Since Allah/black God hates and plots against kafirs/whites there is no empathy with the victims of the aggression. There is no remorse and, therefore, there is never an apology. There is nothing to apologize for. Allah/black God wanted them dead, so there is no need to weep.

This dualism in ethics means that the kafir/white can be deceived, robbed, insulted, raped, brutalized and killed in the name of good.

However, injuries to Islam are never forgotten, no matter how long ago they happened. Witness the ranting about the Crusades, which happened seven hundred years ago. BLT has a similar fixation on the injury of slavery, the “original sin” of America.

Demands for apologies from the kafir/white are a standard fare of Islam/BLT. But any injury to the kafir/white is justified by the ethical doctrine.

The Koran is filled with insults against kafirs. Mohammed used both insults and name-calling as a form of jihad. As seen in Rev. Wright’s sermons, insults and curses against whitey are accepted fare.

In Islamic politics nothing about the kafir has any merit. The kafir is without redeeming qualities or contributions to humanity. Inside of BLT, whites are the source of all evil and suffering in the world.

White culture is seen as inherently bad and there is no goodness in whites, except for those who submit to black demands in all things, in short, race dhimmis.

Islam/BLT is easily offended. The offense can cause threats and bullying. If the verbal hostility does not work then come the street riots. Islam/BLT has no compunction about the riot hurting their own economies.

The reason for so many parallels between Islam and BLT is that they are both based upon the same principles—submission and duality.

Since Islam views white America as an enemy, BLT see Islam as the “enemy of my enemy” and therefore is a friend. Witness the award that Rev. Wright gave Louis Farrakhan as an outstanding person. This comradeship is temporary.

When the time comes and Islam is fully ascendant, BLT will find out that radical Islam has been using them, just as Islam uses the Left. In the end, radical Islam will annihilate BLT for the simple reason that Islam demands political submission from ALL, not the just the whites.

Islam is the greater submission/duality system since it can grow by converting kafirs into believers.

For BLT the vision is a separate and permanent minority. A white cannot become a black. BLT has a very limited enclave/ghetto mentality, whereas Islam has a world conquest outlook.

Bill Warner
for the Study of Political Islam



To be “politically incorrect”: How stupid can some blacks be to fall for this evil theology of radical Islam? It is not the white man that sold them into slavery. It is the Muslim slave sellers whom they identify with. They are fools.

Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East.

For 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Only 25/120 = 20% survived.

Radical Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa.


Why are blacks running after the radical Muslim ways, and trying to be like those who made them slaves to begin with? Don’t they know they will end up as slaves once more?

my opinion:

Black Liberation Theology has nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity. It is a false Christian cover for Islamic manipulation of black people.

It, like radical Islam, is anti-Semitic, since Jews are “white.”

I feel this is very unfortunate, and very unfair to sincere people who believe in this delusion, and actually wish to follow Christ in their spiritual life.

Rev. Wright, Obama’s pastor, is more a student of Islam, than Christianity.

89 Responses to “Radical Islam and Black Liberation Theology”

  1. […] here for […]

  2. I just want to correct the misleading statment you mentioned in your article. Islam is not the enemy of the white people.. I encourage you to read more about Islam before you provide baseless information. Islam never been enemy of any person regardless of colour, race or religion. Islam is a reglion and way of life which makes everyone equal because we all came from one man (Adam) and Adam came from dust..

  3. Mohamed,

    Thank you for your comment. I was quoting someone else here, but maybe I should add clarification. Black Liberation Theology opposes the “white” person in the same way Islam opposes the kafir (unbeliever).


  4. Mohamed

    I tried to put a corrective note at the introduction. BLT is trying to model itself after the radical Islam that terrorists follow.


  5. “BLT is trying to model itself after the radical Islam that terrorists follow.”

    The Islam that terrorists follow is found in the Qur’an, Marianne.

  6. Connie

    Thank you for your comment.

    Understood. I was distinguishing between those who follow the Quran, and those who are just secular or cultural muslims, and do not read the Quran.


  7. Dear Marianne
    I am again quoting the following from your Article “Jihad has killed over 270 million kafirs over the last 1400 years, but there has never been any acknowledgment of the destruction of kafirs”

    I would be gratful if you can support your claim or provide evidence of any sort to your baseless allegations.. I am afraid it is the other way around .. it is the Christianity who killd millions of inconet people in World War I and II and in recent years in Vietnam, Kambodia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Palistine. I just want to assure you whatever false allegations you may have it will not stop the spread of Islam allover the world simply because it is the true religion. This is not becasue I am a Muslim, but because Islam is the only religion that makes sense if you study all other religions. I pray to Allah to guide you to the true path like many others who found their peace of mind only after reverting to Islam.
    Wassalmu Aliakum


  8. Mohammed,

    This is the reference I quoted in the article. It is basically his content. You would have to contact him for his references.

    Bill Warner
    Center for the Study of Political Islam


  9. Mohammed,

    Extra note:

    “Christianity” was not, or is not, fighting a war. World War 1 and 2, was fought because other nations, and ours were being attacked, and we fought back. Nations were asking for our help. Vietnam and Cambodia – we were asked in to stop the destruction Communism was doing to the countries. WE were fighting as a nation, trying to protect our freedom, and the freedom of others. Any time Islam attacked, it was for religious reasons. And millions are really dead because of Jihad. Muslims, even now, persecute Christians in their countries.

    The same for other places. Afganistan is where Osama bin laden is, and he deserves to be pursued and killed. We were attacked on 9-11 and bin laden, in the name of Islam, attacked America. Iraq is the same story, except Sadaam was involved with the Taliban/al queda. These are not innocent places.

    There has been much good done in Iraq – we got rid of Sadaam, who was the main problem. For a long time, we were making progress, until Iran decided to send in trouble makers, and start a civil war, and al Queda moved more forces into Iraq. Not all Americans are stupid, and think there were no WMDs. There were moved to Syria before the war.. Most murders are caused by the terrorists, not the Americans. Americans are trying to stop the violence.

    As for Palestine, when the crazy people stop committing genocide against the Israelis, and trying to destroy the country, maybe the conflict will be over. Those people act in the name of Islam to destroy the Jews. They are a hateful people, and their HAMAS government should be destroyed, with the people transported to somewhere where they can do no harm. They have been persecuting Jews since before Hitler, and this cannot be tolerated. They are liars and frauds. They blow themselves up and then blame the Jews, because they cannot accept responsibility for their own crimes.


  10. What is up with your occupation with race?; specifically “black” related matters. (this is the 2nd such article I read on your blog). (In my view it is bordering on an obsession) What is your fear? Do you believe if Obama is elected president it will be “pay back time”. (I am not an Obama supporter. And, I condemn Rev. Wright’s statements. I also reject the tenor of BLT. It doesn’t matter to me who gets in). Further, if the Lord is your/our Shepherd we should “fear no evil…” In my opinion, these type of blogs/articles from Christian believers do more harm than good. For every article on “black” hate you could easily find 10 articles on “white” hate. (Yes, blatant & subtle racism still exists in mainstream America. Not there’s a surprise!) Worse, racism is thru-out Christendom. We can blame Isalm/Muslims for selling slaves all we want to – but the seller needs a buyer. The fact is, “christians” did “buy” and enslaved a whole race of people for free labor in America. You see, where/when does it stop? Hate is hate; and it’s all sin. Peace

  11. Hi Pastor Luke,

    This article actually started because I did not know what BLT was. Rev Wright asked Sean Hannity (Fox News interview) in one video I posted if he knew what it was, and I thought, I do not know what it is either. I wanted to know if this theology was consistent with Christianity, since Rev. Wright’s behavior definitely wasn’t. So I went looking.

    The theology is really a political philosophy, and does not relate to the teachings of Christ. It is labeled a theology, and is borrowed from Islamic political thought, which is Allah based, not Yahweh/Jesus based.

    So as we evaluate the political candidates, as they state their religious background, I still have to doubt Obama’s. This is what he has been taught for 20 years. I match up what candidates say, vs what is really true. I have to trust what comes out of their mouth.

    While people did buy slaves, it did not automatically mean they were persecuted or abused by the new owners. The suffering on the long voyage to get here was the fault of the sellers. The owners who just bought the slaves would want them in good condition. It is counter productive to mistreat someone who needs to be strong so they can work. Slaves were servants. I admit there were some abusive owners, but they were not the majority. Many slaves even stayed with their owners after they were freed, and inherited the property.

    The way Christians treat slaves is not the same as the way Muslims treat their slaves. Slavery has been around, unfortunately for a long time. Also, you must understand that even blacks take other blacks as slaves. So it is unfair to characterize Christians as evil cruel slaves owners who tortured their slaves. Do not equate Christian and non Christian slave ownership as the same.

    On this site, I just discuss topics that are out there, or introduce things for people to be aware of, or think about. If the issue is hate, then I address it. If it is a theory on who the anti Christ might be, why Jesus is the son of God, or how the solar activity can affect human behavior, or the China earthquake, I find this interesting. So, I share what my thoughts are. If BLT is not really Christianity, then I think people should know that.

    God bless you

  12. Hello Marianne,

    With all due respect, your rebuttal about “christian” vs “non-christian” slave ownership is absurd. Further, how could you possibly know how the slaves were treated by the “majority” of the slaveowners? I would have thought that Christian sensitivity would not have allowed you to proceed in this direction. I am embarassed for you. And, as a result I find it impossible to reason with you on this issue. I look forward to corresponding with you on other issues. Peace & God Bless.

  13. Pastor Luke

    I guess we just do not agree, or see each others point.

    I was just explaining history. It is too late to change it. It is obvious that Christian slave owners did not routinely kill, mutilate or disable their slaves, because they were able to grow and increase in number. This is not true of Islamic slavery, where hands and feet can be cut off, faces mutilated, etc. Most of the slaves shipped by Muslims to the new world for “purchase” died because of abuse.

    I am just saying that the Christians would have been much more humane, if they had slaves at all. Only the south had slaves. It is also noteworthy that because of Christian conscience, and God affecting their hearts ( which were open to God) to free slaves, an end to slavery was made in this country, while it continued on in other countries.

  14. Marianne

    as much as people don’t want to discuss this, this topic NEEDS to be discussed so african american professing to be christians can begin to get the LOG out of our own eyes concerning racism. Truth be told, in this nation, we are bombarded with lies that racism and slavery started in this country with whites. “Racism” being the white man’s sin is a doctrine of demons that oppresses blacks just as much as physical slavery.

    Pastor Luke

    There has been no hate preached here. Truth has been spoken because there is a need for true repentance. Were you also opposed to MLK messages?

  15. Thank you Diane. I hope people understand the intent of the post like you did. I did not even know what this BLT was until I looked it up.

  16. Marianne

    Thank you for seeing the need to break the silence and speak on this issue, perhaps other christians will also be encouraged to address this issue honestly with a heart to reflect, pray, repent and encourage others to abide in the words of Jesus Christ, not James Cones.

  17. […] here for […]

  18. Black Liberation Theology also seeks to identify themselves as the True Israel, even claiming that the Patriarch’s of the Bible were of African descent. These congregations are taught that the Jew is cursed and that their death and destruction is a noble cause. These preachers like Reverand Wright and many others use hatred to inspire their congregations much like clerics of Islam. BLT is nothing more than an off-shoot of the Nation of Islam with their militant style of endorsing violence or any means neccessary.

    In regards to slavery, there is no mention of slavery being prohibited throughout the Bible, only that slaves were to be treated fairly and considered a valuable part of their household and its prosperity. The Bible indicates however that the sin of Ham the son of Noah would produce generations of slaves, for Ham and his seed were to be servants to the children of Japeth and Shem. The children of Japeth were the descendants of the Caucassions settling in the area of the Caucusus Mountains in Southern Russia. The children of Shem were the descendants of the patriarchs and tribes of Israel.

    The order that God created was for good reason, for as the sons of Ham are the Arab Islamic nations today as well as the black African who are descended from Cush, son of Ham. This is the reason the Africans and Arabs are united in much the same way, in America many African American youth embrace a culture of death and depravity, much like the youth of militant Islam. Slaves they were to be for all generations, yet once given freedom their hatred of their brothers Shem and Japeth is being played out on the World stage. These seek to avenge the shame of their father Ham who was commanded by God to serve his brothers for all generations.

    Muhammed who studied early Christian and Judaic texts sought to create his own one-god system while in Mecca they worshipped 360 pagan idols. The patriarchal god of the founder of Islam was but one of these pagan entities known as Allah the crescent moon god found today on banners, flags, mosques, and minarrets throughout Islamic lands. Muhammed claimed a vision that only he did witness in which Allah was to be the supreme deity, he then sought to convince the people of Mecca and Medina of this. The people of these cities condemned this and exiled him though he gained popularity among the youth of these cities. Muhammed then formed an army from these youth and returned to Mecca and Medina and bathed them in blood. This is the history of the religon of peace and their foundational principals. The prophecy concerning Ishmael and his decendants are before us today. Islam is a religon of bloodlust and conquest and we the “People of the Book” remain its prey.

    • MOHAMMED was illiterate (could not read nor write). The Q’uran was written by “Word of Mouth” , legally refered to as HEAR-SAY, scripturally know as HERESY.

  19. Hi Rodney,

    Unfortunately, many people are spiritually blind. The truth is there, but they would rather listen to falsehood which profits them in some way.

    It amazes me that black people identify with the very ones who sold them into slavery to begin with.


  20. Marianne,

    As an evangelical professor of theology who has studied liberation theology, it saddens me to see it so distorted. I know it is not your intent, but it would appear you have been given some biased sources that are misinformed about the heart of the movement. It must be read and understood in context, and taken with a grain of salt (so to speak) when recontextualizing its principles in our current culture.

    BLT, like the broader liberation theology movement via Latin America, grows out of a very particular sociopolitical context, one that is difficult to understand from the outside. It is written, at least in part, to address the disparity in power systems that exist for those enduring oppression.

    The social oppression of blacks, well documented historically, has uniquely shaped their theology to view God as a liberator who brings justice to the poor and disenfranchised, something very familiar to those who read the prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Amos, to name a few). This view does not encapsulate the entirety of their theology; but rather shines a light on an important dynamic of how the oppressed view the breadth of salvation. Soteriology, therefore, reaches beyond “personal salvation” and into the realm of righting unjust power systems.

    BLT, again like the liberation theology tradition on the whole, is not perfect (just as no theology is “perfect” since it is all contextual to a degree), but it is a gift to the church and a prophetic voice for change in the face of those who hold the privilege and power. For these reasons and more, it has been continually mischaracterized so that the power brokers would remain unchallenged, namely that the white, european, male version of theology would corner the market and push out dissenting views. This does not mean that the dominant WASP theology is inherently wrong- not at all- only that it comes from a place of privilege, as opposed to a place of oppression (like BLT). Hence, both views must be taken into consideration if we are to embrace the reality that theology must be done for the whole people of God, taking into account our diverse stories, contexts, and worldviews.

  21. Dear David,

    Thanks for your perspective. People can disagree with me here.

    Since I did not initially know what it was, I searched it out. I was quoting
    Bill Warner
    Center for the Study of Political Islam

    I do not see much about BLT that is inspiring either. Blacks see white men as evil. They forget that the Islam that inspires them is the same force that sold them into slavery. Also, they DO forget that it was white men that fought, and died to free them.

    The blacks forget that they did not fight the civil war, with white men on one side and blacks on the other. In general, except for some free blacks from the north, they were passive recipients of the war’s results.

    They also ignore the fact that it has been white men in government that have worked to give them their civil liberties. So, in return, people like Rev Wright says God damn America. It sounds selfish to me.

    From what I see, BLT may be some form of “theology,” but it does not sound like Christianity, which says to love all races. Jesus never advocated killing the Romans.

    The fact that Black identify more with those that sold them into slavery (Muslim slave traders), than those that liberated them is really disturbing. My impression is that Muslims are using this BLT to manipulate the black population to instill anti-American activity, and from what I see, it is working.

    How do you resolve these impressions, which do seem to have some justification? As an evangelical professor of theology, can you shed more light on this?


  22. In my cursory reading, it would appear that Bill Warner, and the CSPI, have done what many groups with a strong political agenda do- take several half-truths, combine them with “extremist ideology,” and then paint broad brush strokes mischaracterizing a large group holding diverse beliefs. It is intellectually irresponsible, but it is also so common these days, that it is hardly surprising. This comes from all sides of the political/religious debate, of course.

    So I can’t exactly consider CSPI to be a “credible” source. What accredited institution has supported their claims or endorsed their publications? My guess? None, or else they would list them (I’m open to correction here). Though I wouldn’t go as far as to say they are masquerading as “scholars,” it is telling indeed that they choose (on their website) to intentionally subvert the “experts” (i.e. the establishment) and go directly to “Mohammed and Allah.”

    What they are essentially doing would be similar to taking the words of Jesus and the Prophets (out of context), running some statistical analysis (say, counting violent imagery, which is abundantly available in the OT), and then concluding that Yahweh is a violent God because violent texts outnumber “peaceful” texts, ultimately because the OT is longer than the NT. Does this make any sense? Absolutely not, but I could use their “scientific method” to rebut Christianity.

    You and I know that while we can give authority to the whole of scripture, there is complexity and interpretation that is needed to read it correctly. Jesus says on many occasions that he did not come to bring peace but the sword, that he came to divide mother from brother and family, that he is returning in judgement to “slay the nations” and so on. But he also says “my peace I give unto you”- he says “blessed are the poor and peacemakers” in the Sermon on the Mount, and the list goes on. Context is of absolute importance, and that is what CSPI, and many others, are missing completely.

    As for BLT, it IS Christian theology if you take the time to read it and if you understand the context in which it is written. There is a lot of rhetorical method and literary imagery that, when read initially, could be received as shocking or spiteful. But if you are able to open your mind and get past the rhetoric (while also recognizing its validity), then you will begin to see its merit.

    Christianity in America is not perfect, and while it is not right to “blame whitey,” we have to recognize that Whiteness has dominated the development of American Christianity. This is not a reason for minorities to reverse the tables and enact retribution, but it is reason enough for those in positions of privilege to take a closer look at their power and how it has been abused.

    Race relations in the church should exemplify a Christian love that sees all people, all nations, and all races as equally valued before God, and yet the American church is more segregated than the rest of society? Ever wonder why that is? We have much hypocrisy (on all sides) to deal with- a great read is Michael Emerson’s “Divided by Faith” that starts to uncover how our prejudices are carried into the churches we claim are promoting equality.

    So once again, I do not see ANY connection between BLT and Islam, but I do understand why radical groups like CSPI would aim to make that correlation because it fits their political agenda. BLT, rooted in the African-American church tradition, itself is really a fringe voice in the larger community of Black churches when you take into consideration the whole of their theology.

    • It is clear there is an attack on ” Whitey ” , ” “Christianity ” and “America”. The so called ” whites ” are the minority of the entire world. They are attaching the America to rid of there too . They will justify it and say it’s because slavery or what ever tactic they will use in the shame blame game of submitting Whitey . Whites are all ready the minority but that’s not good enough they want them extinct . I think it’s disgusting and appalling and I can’t believe it’s happening in America. People do not want others to be happy they will use the color of their skin to suck them dry of every ounce of earned pride they held . It’s wrong and people are awake now and they are not taking it any longer . Shame on hateful , violent people . Spoken by a Native American / Polish Theist .

  23. David,

    Well, I do see an affinity for blacks to migrate toward Islam and what it teaches. There is a “black Muslim” movement in the USA. Blacks are being recruited based on racial hatred of the white man. Muslim recruiters conveniently do not mention the fact that Muslims sold them into slavery to begin with. I can see how those do not convert officially are still affected in some way. Blacks are encouraged to trust Muslims, and be suspicious of whites. I see this strategy on Muslim websites as well. Muslims present an “us vs them” to blacks…..they are people of color, and so are blacks…therefore they are the “same.”

    I think the whites in America have bent over backwards to help not only “liberate” the blacks, but help them have equal rights. The civil war was not blacks against whites to gain their freedom. The civil war were whites fighting against other whites for the emancipation of the blacks. This effort seems to be ignored by many. We are the only nation, I think, since King Cyrus of Persia, who freed their own slaves. Also, in government, ,many white people have been working for centuries now to give freedom and opportunity to blacks, and to fight prejudice.

    Interestingly, however, those opposed to civil rights, and were involved with discrimination (like the KKK) were the Democrats. But in the past 40 years, they have managed to serenade and woo the blacks into their party, taking credit for all the political legislation they historically opposed. They used the “rich vs poor” strategy to get votes, and get in power.


  24. Other than your personal opinions and observations, I’m not sure what evidence you have for this particular “black Muslim movement of hatred.” It could just as easily be said that there is a movement of white hatred recruiting folks into the KKK, which is still active in many parts of the US. Neither observation accurately characterizes the whole of the group, so these opinions often fall short of any real substance.

    As for the civil war, there was much more at the root than abolition/emancipation- many historians argue it was just as much an economic struggle between the agrarian South and industrial North as it was an ideological battle over slavery. Additionally, I’m not sure how a few years of fighting can justify generations upon generations of slavery- it’s not like emancipation automatically eliminated the prejudice and discrimination that persisted through the civil rights era and into today. So while you view that whites have “bent over backwards,” and to a degree some have, many have not, and the socioeconomic disparity between whites and blacks today in the US is the legacy of slavery and discrimination. Any sociologist or urban anthropologist knows that, and there is no time or space here to pour out the mountains of data elucidating this reality.

    As for patting Americans on the back for “freeing their own slaves” as you say, I think we should remember that the work of abolitionists like William Wilberforce in the UK far preceded emancipation in the US.

    In the end, though it is not likely you and I will see eye-to-eye on the race issue, I do think relationships and personal stories are the most transforming elements in helping opposing views to find common ground. I am a person of color, and I am assuming you are white. We have different stories and have experienced different challenges and opportunities in life. I am not at all about blaming “the white man” for every problem (though the discrimination I’ve faced in life has certainly left its mark), but I do think it is important that whites recognize the privilege and position they have held and still hold in the US, and the effect this has on a heavily racialized and segregated society.

    This recognition is not about guilt or about denigrating the efforts and accomplishments of many whites who have done great things to level the playing field, but if we’re truly honest, I think we also have to look at how far we have yet to go, and the church must be a place where this type of reconciliation begins. Inequality did not end with Abe Lincoln, nor did it end with the Civil Rights Act. Get to know some people of color, ask some immigrants about their experiences, sit in a black church and hear their stories, research the rampant inequalities that still exist, and ask yourself why a gospel that declares “in Christ there is not Jew or Greek, male or female, slave or free” has not been carried out by the church.

    • David you are clearly one who justifies and brings up others to defend what is wrong with hate groups today . Did you read Saul Alinsky too ? There is black nationalism , Nation of Islam which neither practice Islam correctly . They would not and will not be accepted in the Muslim brotherhood. The Muslim religion teaches power , pride . Just as Malcolm used it for power . He dressed very nice , educated himself , was highly against drugs . It was the best thing in mind for black People . That was until realized they owned him and hos mind and wanted nothing to do with it and tried telling black People to have nothing to do with it . He even said that he realizes ” now ” that white man will be there for blacks and will remain to do so. The same ideology that Malcolm felt like he belonged finally is the same one that took his life. Also yes Muslim were the first to own slaves . The Muslims of Barbary owned white slaves for over 4 decades that’s why our US navy was built to save our American people . Yes Muslims were the first to have and sell slaves . White and black slaves . No one should have ever slaves and no one should have ever bought any slaves . The fact of the matter is the Today slavery is bigger then it every was in the history of our time . Muslims own black slaves today then ever in our history . Children Boys and women are sold as sex slaves .Some Blacks won’t admit it it’s easier to blame Whitey today for things that everyone did in the past versus own up to reality and truth . It would ruin their hate Whitey rhetoric if they admitted Muslims owned them then and still do today . The Muslims who practice the quaran and who have read it in Arabic and English know that blacks to them are considered sub human . The paler the human more pure they are . They call blacks Abd ( slaves ) Whitey isn’t the threat it’s too bad people are too obsessed with trying to bring the white man down as a very dangerous ideology is the one that owns them and still does . It’s right in front of their face they need to open their eyes .

  25. Hi David,

    There is something called “victim and entitlement mentality.” Some hold onto their victim hood. It profits them. People of color have not cornered the market on being mistreated. Whites have also been mistreated and enslaved at times.

    I do understand my own nation’s history. yes, there are still problems, but it is coming from both sides. And still, this country is the only one in history that I can think of, outside of King Cyrus of Persia, that acted to free its own slaves, whether there was total agreement or not. But to acknowledge this might hurt the cause of victim hood. There is no appreciation. Just more demands.

    You do not have to be black to experience oppression, or physical harm due to “who you are,” or vicious mistreatment, or denial of opportunities. There are Christians, of any color, that have been persecuted for their faith. There have been groups of whites in history that have been persecuted for their race. Conquering groups do not care who they conquer or oppress…they are not selective, and say, we will only pick out black people. Right now, there are oppressed people in China that are oppressed by other Chinese. There are blacks that are oppressed by other blacks, and other “people of color.” Arabs are people of color, and they have oppressed many races of people.

    What normally happens, is that the oppressed people either revolt and liberate themselves, or they stay oppressed, if they aren’t able to do this, or they wait for someone to help. Throughout history, whites have been slaves at times as well, to whatever groups enslaved them. The Greeks and Romans had white slaves. The Jews have been horribly treated, yet they have excelled in the world. The difference between these groups and blacks, is that once the slavery was over, however that is accomplished, they moved on, and worked to achieve their own goals. They moved on from their circumstances.

    Blacks, as a group, tend not to do this. They tend to cling to past victim hood, and want others to give them money for generations to come. They are a too dependent people. In their brains, they are still slaves. They look to the government to be their provider. They have to have help with everything. They want others to provide for them. As long as they “feel” like they are victims, then they can ask for someone else to take care of them. Others have to provide for them and care for them. There is a lack of spiritual maturity present.

    Most societies do not tolerate this dependency. Either people make it on their own, or they don’t. In this society, politicians have exploited this. Instead of providing the encouragement to get past the victim hood and entitlement mentality, they use it to get elected. Then they feed into this, and basically continue to socially enslave them by being their parents, providing for them. They are doing blacks an injustice. Blacks are just like any one else when it comes to capability, but they have been fed the propaganda that the society has to continue to change their diapers, and feed and provide for them. Special rules are just for them. The message is that they cannot do this on their own, since they are not capable (which is an insult to anyone else).

    I can think of things specifically in my own life [ there is the “specifics” issue !!! 🙂 ] that are much worse than things that have gone wrong in the lives of many black friends I have. Yet I have to continue on. There is no other choice. I am on my own. I do not practice victim hood as it will not profit me, because I am white. And so you know, I have many black friends who are also not like as I described, and they are doing well. They are whole people, no longer victims, trusting in the Lord for their help, and they are blessed for it. God is their provider, not the government. True liberty comes when people figure this out. Then, the laws do not matter, and neither do the politicians. Politicians are only out for themselves anyhow.


  26. Marianne,

    It’s been interesting, but I think I’m done discussing the race issue. You say:

    “Blacks, as a group, tend not to do this. They tend to cling to past victim hood, and want others to give them money for generations to come. They are a too dependent people. In their brains, they are still slaves. They look to the government to be their provider. They have to have help with everything. They want others to provide for them. As long as they “feel” like they are victims, then they can ask for someone else to take care of them. Others have to provide for them and care for them. There is a lack of spiritual maturity present.”

    And while I’m glad you at least acknowledge these vicious stereotypes are not true for all blacks, I wish you could see how hypocritical and divisive holding these views can be. Your views, of course, are not merely your own. Victim blaming is a classic defense mechanism for social groups holding power and privilege- it has been done from the beginning of time and will continue to be done so that privileged people (like you and I) can remain comfortable.

    I do agree that “playing the victim” can be a crippling mentality for some, but to paint the broad brush strokes you have without acknowledging the current injustices that are perpetuated by the privileged is irresponsible and unjust. Have you ever researched the issues of socioeconomic disparity in this country and looked at the correlation of race? Have you worked in social services in diverse urban communities? Have you read the literature, taken the courses, written the papers, interviewed the families, and worked on their behalf to fight the prejudices of the system?

    I have, and that is why I believe what I do. It is not because I sit behind a keyboard protected by my anonymity. And so I know firsthand that blacks represent 12% of the US population and nearly half of those in prison, that they are systematically discriminated against when they apply for mortgages and business loans, that public schools face an incredible achievement gap when dealing with high percentages of students of color, that the neighborhoods where they live are like prisons providing few opportunities to escape the grinding poverty that acts as a vicious cycle.

    This does not mean personal responsibility is irrelevant; on the contrary, it is absolutely critical. However, what we need to acknowledge is that the system is biased against most (many, perhaps not necessarily “ALL”) people of color, and so the simplest things many privileged whites take for granted (say, buying a home in whatever neighborhood they’d like) is simply an uphill battle or not available at all to many people of color. My wife is a realtor, and I live in a neighborhood where 80%+ are people of color, so I could tell you of hundreds, if not thousands of cases like this, although the research by ACORN and other orgs is substantial enough.

    So I do not see how it is helpful at all to blame the victims for their mentality, but I do see how it protects the interests of those with privilege. I know I will not convince you that “white privilege” exists, and neither will the libraries of books, hundreds of American Ethnic Studies departments at every major university in the US, or the millions of stories and voices who have worked on behalf of the poor. You can choose to do nothing, remaining comfortable in your self-assured claims that it’s just their own fault, and if the marginalized could just get their act together, it would relieve the whites of this heavy burden.

    But it the meantime, I would encourage you to prayerfully consider Matthew 25 where Jesus speaks about the sheep and goats, along with gospel declaration of Luke 4, the prophetic truth of Isaiah 61, and the countless other passages that call us beyond victim-blaming to a truly compassionate solidarity with those who suffer. I cannot prick your Christian conscience with arguments, but I trust that the scriptures, through the Holy Spirit, can.

    Peace to you,

  27. […] committing myself to word limits from here on out. the debates focused on a very (in my opinion) flawed view of black liberation theology and also a particular look at apocalyptic interpretation, both of which, in the larger scheme of […]

  28. Hi david.

    We sure have different ideas. I do not think you understand yet where I am coming from. You are idealistic, like I was once.

    And while I’m glad you at least acknowledge these vicious stereotypes are not true for all blacks, I wish you could see how hypocritical and divisive holding these views can be. Your views, of course, are not merely your own. Victim blaming is a classic defense mechanism for social groups holding power and privilege- it has been done from the beginning of time and will continue to be done so that privileged people (like you and I) can remain comfortable.

    I am not blaming the victim. I am complaining that they claim victim hood many times when they have not been victimized, just to receive special considerations.

    I am not a privileged person. I am a single mom who was abandoned 31 years ago, and received no child support or social benefits. I learned quickly to care for my children on my own. I did not cry victim, and expect anyone to take care of me. I took care of myself, and had to work hard, put myself through college (3 degrees). I had to sacrifice everything personal to make sure my kids turned out ok, and had what they needed. They were my social life until they grew up because I was so busy, I had no time for anything else, except them and work, or school, or both.

    I do agree that “playing the victim” can be a crippling mentality for some, but to paint the broad brush strokes you have without acknowledging the current injustices that are perpetuated by the privileged is irresponsible and unjust. Have you ever researched the issues of socioeconomic disparity in this country and looked at the correlation of race? Have you worked in social services in diverse urban communities? Have you read the literature, taken the courses, written the papers, interviewed the families, and worked on their behalf to fight the prejudices of the system?

    I am very aware of racial issues and social disparities. YES, I worked in the department of social services in the 1970’s, in close union with mainly black coworkers. They had to train me from the ground up. Because of my own financial situation, I also lived in low income areas, where it was a good idea to keep a gun hidden in the house. I was trusting and naïve enough to believe all the hard luck stories that came in. I had more fraud cases than anyone else, because I believed what people said, while my black coworkers knew when their “brothers” were lying. They had to teach me to balance compassion with documentation and scrutiny. They knew their own people.

    There were three general divisions after the civil rights and affirmative action took place in the 1960’s. One group ran with the opportunity and went to school, and got jobs. These were my friends that I worked with. The second group was either too old or disabled, so they were genuinely qualified for benefits. The others continued on with a lifestyle of dependency, premarital sex, drugs, producing babies, so they could stay home on welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. Many able –bodied young people refusing to work and coming in and demanding their rights to free monies. Or if they did work, it was very common for young women to deny their boyfriends lived with them, so they could get free benefits. They would lie, and say the boyfriend lived elsewhere. The boyfriend was the father of the child, but wanted us to support it, so he would not have to. Many times, which is still true today, each child had a different father, since the mother was promiscuous. The fathers would not help.

    This last group had the “you owe me” mentality. This group was also the group that was the least affected by any past discrimination. They were too young. They wanted to cash in on the suffering of their elders. The older ones, who actually did experience discrimination, and were actually nicer than this young group. This last group is now in their middle years now. They have always known advantages. They have NOT suffered what their parents suffer, so they should not be whining about anything.

    I had to learn to distinguish between blaming whites for everything I saw, and realize that many blacks caused their own problems. Many were NOT qualified for benefits, and did NOT deserve what they were demanding. This lesson did not come from my own bias, but from black coworkers who were my friends, and wanted me to avoid fraud cases.

    I have, and that is why I believe what I do. It is not because I sit behind a keyboard protected by my anonymity. And so I know firsthand that blacks represent 12% of the US population and nearly half of those in prison, that they are systematically discriminated against when they apply for mortgages and business loans, that public schools face an incredible achievement gap when dealing with high percentages of students of color, that the neighborhoods where they live are like prisons providing few opportunities to escape the grinding poverty that acts as a vicious cycle.

    Crime is an individual choice. White people do not force black people to commit crimes. This is a moral issue. God is missing in these people’s lives. Motivation to achieve in school starts in the home.

    This does not mean personal responsibility is irrelevant; on the contrary, it is absolutely critical. However, what we need to acknowledge is that the system is biased against most (many, perhaps not necessarily “ALL”) people of color, and so the simplest things many privileged whites take for granted (say, buying a home in whatever neighborhood they’d like) is simply an uphill battle or not available at all to many people of color. My wife is a realtor, and I live in a neighborhood where 80%+ are people of color, so I could tell you of hundreds, if not thousands of cases like this, although the research by ACORN and other orgs is substantial enough.

    There are special programs and incentives for low income and for black home ownership. Everyone in this nation has had an opportunity to receive an education, improve themselves, and get a job that would qualify them for a home. If they do not qualify, it is because they do not meet the income requirements, or have bad credit. It is not because white people have been mean. It can also be because many do NOT want to go to college, get an education, and want to stay home on benefits. Then, when the kids are all in school, they are required to get a job. But since they rejected educational opportunities, they can only find certain jobs that do not pay much. No one told them to stay out of school. I have many black friends who are faculty in universities who complain that many young blacks are not taking the opportunities offered them. They then complain they want the good life without working for it. No one is going to force kids to go to school.

    So I do not see how it is helpful at all to blame the victims for their mentality, but I do see how it protects the interests of those with privilege. I know I will not convince you that “white privilege” exists, and neither will the libraries of books, hundreds of American Ethnic Studies departments at every major university in the US, or the millions of stories and voices who have worked on behalf of the poor. You can choose to do nothing, remaining comfortable in your self-assured claims that it’s just their own fault, and if the marginalized could just get their act together, it would relieve the whites of this heavy burden.

    Everyone is responsible for their own behavior and attitudes. Like I am saying. Many times it IS their fault. But again, this comment does not apply to all blacks. It applies only to those who refused to take advantage of what was offered them, and chose the dependency lifestyle. Many people are actually choosing the welfare life. This is THEIR choice. Many are poor because they choose to do drugs, commit crimes, drop out of school, stay home and get pregnant, and be lazy. They have that “you owe me” mentality.

    But it the meantime, I would encourage you to prayerfully consider Matthew 25 where Jesus speaks about the sheep and goats, along with gospel declaration of Luke 4, the prophetic truth of Isaiah 61, and the countless other passages that call us beyond victim-blaming to a truly compassionate solidarity with those who suffer. I cannot prick your Christian conscience with arguments, but I trust that the scriptures, through the Holy Spirit, can.

    I am again, not blaming true victims, but saying that not everyone IS a victim, as they claim. Only true victims deserve help. The rest are con artists, and should not be exploiting the system for the sufferings of others.


  29. James Cone, Creator of Black Liberation Theology, Says Whites Salvation Comes via Giving Blacks Money.

    Marianne check it out.

    Also, “The Truth About Muhammed” by Robert Spencer is a good read.

    PS..thanks for having cajones enough to blog about these topics.

  30. Hi Bret,

    Thanks…I will see if I can get the book. I have a tendency to look for non-traditional viewpoints, to make people think outside the box. Since I am never politically correct, this usually stirs up some disagreement. But it is good to toss things around, to examine them, and be sure about what we are thinking, rather than passively, or mindlessly, accepting tradition, and the viewpoints of others.


  31. To Quote David:
    “Blacks, as a group, tend not to do this. They tend to cling to past victim hood, and want others to give them money for generations to come. They are a too dependent people. In their brains, they are still slaves. They look to the government to be their provider. They have to have help with everything. They want others to provide for them. As long as they “feel” like they are victims, then they can ask for someone else to take care of them. Others have to provide for them and care for them. There is a lack of spiritual maturity present.”

    That is what is happening in South Africa and the whole of Africa, they… never mind go have a look at any South African/African news site and see where all your relief funds go – to a couple of top corrupt officials Swiss bank accounts, when it comes to Africa, Liberals are part of the problem and not the solution, so if you want to help stop giving handouts to Africa.

    Do a calculation of say over the last 20 years how many Trillions of $$$ have been shipped to Africa, now go look at Africa 20 years ago and Africa today…

    My one wish is that people will argue with facts and intelligence and not with misguided emotions.

    Marianne this is not aimed at you fellow seeker of the truth :)but at ignorant people who hear something and believe it and then lets it become “gospel”

    Living in Africa and being faced with greed, corruption and misguided “payback” by the black’s to the white’s I believe that Satan is having one big party and that most “liberals” are blind to the damage that they do..

    Charity to fellow humans = alms = the least rewarding act according to the Bible ( cannot remember the verse but i will look for it if needed)

    Look at South Africa,since the anc took over 14 years ago the country has become very close to being like the rest of Africa, utter chaos with no regard to the people who they govern.

    in God I trust, all else is corrupt.

    • The LOCUSTS are devouring SOUTH AFRICA. The SCORPIONS (socialist politicians) derive their power FEEDING the LOCUSTS. S.A. is the PROTOTYPE for all the CHRISTIAN, EUROPEAN founded NATIONS(producers)……USA,CANADA,AUST/NZ. LOCUSTS only produce more LOCUSTS.

  32. hi robert

    you were quoting me 🙂

    This provides insight into the reality of corrupt human nature. Without Christ, we live in darkness, and behave like carnal creatures, rather than enlightened positive beings.


  33. lol my bad 🙂

    Amen to that

  34. Wow, blacks are so oppressed, one is running for president, another is at State, and still another is Chief Justice. BLT is Marxism, and racist. But, only Whites can be racist. Therefore, BLT is not racist. Get it?

    BLT makes me sick. Do these oppressed black Americans know who fought for them to be free?

  35. Hi Leatherneck

    BLT also hates Israel, so it lost my vote. I had one person tell me that British whites and Jews sold the blacks as slaves to the Americans. This is what they teach. Strange, history says it was muslim slave traders. Things are getting twisted all around.

    Victim hood has financial benefits. You can also get into public office that way.


    PS. I guess it is good to let off steam, but BLT is a social problem, that will affect us, and the ones who believe in, and practice it. BLT self -victimizes, as well as victimizes others. We really need to solve this problem to be spiritually healthy.


    • Dear ju

      You are correct in the fact that WHITES are a minority in the WORLD POPULATION. Down to 6% from 30% in the last century(1900-2000), largelly the results of the WORLD WARS(1914-45), and the FREE FOOD distributed by the WHITE NATIONS to the rest of the world! I pray to the ALMIGHTY everyday, for a world ECONOMIC collapse……to STARVE you LOCUSTS, before you consume everything!




  40. Ju

    All hate groups are wrong, including BLT. You must be muslim from your speech. BLT promotes racism.

    The only people committing genocide in Iraq are the islamic extremists, which we have been fighting against. It is much less violent since the surge took over. This is to the credit of the American soldiers working in cooperation with the local government.

    I am glad Sadaam is dead. He butchered many of his own people. We have not touched the Iraq oil. We never have.

    You have a lot of hate and anger in you. You need the peace of Jesus in your heart.


  41. awww, for a christian like yourself to even say the extremists are claiming genocide make me sick!! how can you justify killing people with depleted uranium to liberate people that were being killed?? if US cares so much about people , why not go to tibet, north korea???
    if i remember clearly, in your doctrine there is a passage that says judge not..and for you to be glad saddams dead is shocking amongst your judgements on hamas and the suffering palestinians..bordres on insane…in my opinion you are an evil extremist with poisonous views…but like i said try harder because people are waking up!!!…oh and jesus….do u mean yeshua ben josef or ptolemy iv?? either way thank you…i communicate to my maker directly…..not via islam, or anything…..

  42. Ju

    You imagine, or are being told, a lot of crazy things. Your sentences also do not make much sense, so I doubt you are a PhD.

    The islamic extremists brag on TV what they are doing. I know you watch Tv.

    THe judge not scripture refers to hypocrites who are guilty of the same sin. I do not murder anyone so I am entitled to say murder is wrong.

    There is no poison in me. I love everyone, even my enemies. I will speak about what is right and what is wrong. This is my right as a child of God.

    You say you communicate with your maker but you are filled with anger and hate for others, instead of love. Who do you think made you, and what god allows you to be so miserable? When you pray, does he talk back to you?


  43. Marianne,

    Do you see the contrast in the tone with which you write, and the tone in which Ju writes. This is the difference between Lucifer, and G-d.

    Lucifer has mislead billions of people, one of which is Ju, with false religions. It appears to me Ju has a demon inside.

    Be careful, and remember the word of G-d is sharper than a two edge sword.

  44. Hi Leatherneck,

    I wish all communication could yield positive results. I am just me, in my own human failings, trying to do what is right. I cannot open anyone’s eyes. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. I only hope to plant a seed that will reap a harvest later.


  45. Marianne;

    Are you familiar with the story of Hirsi Ali? A Muslim Woman from Somalia, fled to the Netherlands to escape an arranged marriage, got involved in Politics there, and then fled to America after being threatened with deportation.

    On the Map with Avi Lewis:


  46. dear marrianne,
    Do these people(BLT) follow christ’s doctrines? They are reformed christians right? Jesus’ preaches equality irregardless of race. In his eyes ALL are children of God. I just hope they come to their right senses for the preservation of human race.


    • Hi msu_74

      I guess the people who follow their leader think they are following Christ’s doctrines. But what are the leaders telling them?

      There is nothing wrong with the general concept of liberating a hurting people.

      In this case, racism has crept in, declaring all white people evil, and it embraces Muslims and Islam as acceptable. Racial hatred is part of this, with demands for money payments.

      It also emotionally charges the people, so that they will identify with terrorists, who claim they are being abused and victimized by Christian (American) or Israeli governments.

      It also claims that American blacks should consider Africa their homeland and give it allegiance, instead of America.

      Christianity is considered a “white man’s religion” and is either rejected, or highly modified with Islam, so that they are Islamo-Christians.

      What is sad is this:

      We acknowledge that slavery was wrong in America, and also acknowledge that most owners were kind to the slaves, and not brutal like others. However, this does not diminish the brutality.

      What blacks fail to see is the Islam that promises them liberation is the same system that sold them into slavery.

      Because of past injuries, this compromised form of Christianity will eventually disappoint and cripple those who follow it.

      True Christianity is based on love and forgiveness. This cult is unable to do this.

  47. Marianne;

    How will Barak Obama control the populace of America?

    Lousi Farakkan in this video says “He’s captured the Youth”

    They after your kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  48. “Blacks, as a group, tend not to do this. They tend to cling to past victim hood, and want others to give them money for generations to come. They are a too dependent people. In their brains, they are still slaves. They look to the government to be their provider. They have to have help with everything. They want others to provide for them. As long as they “feel” like they are victims, then they can ask for someone else to take care of them. Others have to provide for them and care for them. There is a lack of spiritual maturity present.”

    I have really enjoyed my time on this blog and have gotten a lot out of it, but as an African American woman and a Christian, I must say that I am so offended by this statement and I know that I can no longer visit this place anymore. We as Christian brothers and sisters, (whether we are black or white) MUST do better than this. We are supposed to be CHRISTIANS! We are children of the Most High God, and this is the best that we can do? Insult and stereotype an entire race of people? Wow. I expected more from you Marianne. Especially given your vast spiritual maturity and all. I am so disappointed in you and as a black person, I don’t even feel welcome here anymore after reading this. I did not know that this was a racist site. I am appalled, insulted, and extremely hurt by your words.I am sorry I ever came across this thread.

    • dear Symone

      I wish I did not have to write that. The problem is there, and it is a choice, not something that is imposed on them due to racism. There are always many inspiring exceptions.

      I am not a racist, but reality is reality. And I do not mind saying something, if it will offend people enough to wake them up and correct the situation.

      The situation needs to be corrected, not ignored. I do not pretend things are a certain way, when they aren’t, just to prove I am not racist. Because I am not racist. I am a realist. I have eyes. I see things. I will not ignore what I see.

      Blacks are about 12-15% of the population in the US. What will happen to them if there is a government collapse, or more economic collapse? Think ahead. I expect this in the next 2-5 years.

      If I did not care so much for those of the black race, I would keep my mouth shut, and be politically correct. But I am not politically correct. I do care what happens to people. When this country finally fails, the blacks will be the first to go down, because the structure is not there for them.

      I regretted having to say it. But that is my observation over the past 40 years. Look around you. Just because I am a Christian, does not mean I am supposed to be blind to social behavior. People cannot go their entire lives blaming their every lack on racism, when it is their own behavior. True, racism does exist, but not like it did before, and many things are not due to racism at all.

      Most failures to achieve in life are due to personal behavior.

      When Katrina hit, and it was flooded, there were riots and looting, and incredible crimes among themselves. They went wild, and many got killed, not from the storm, but from gangs. They waited for help from the government, instead of leaving town themselves, or building back up themselves. They still are getting help down there. When the mid-west got horribly hit, and there was a huge massive flood (people died too), people cooperated, and there were no riots. It was a disaster area. No help from the government. No demands for government rescue. No gangs took over the area and killed people. No looting. People worked together to rebuild, one house at a time. Society is more independent in the mid west.

      Obama got into office because of the black vote. They, as a group, adored him as their new god. They still do, and some even think he is their Messiah, instead of Jesus. Obama is a godless Islamist, who played the black people, and lied and said he was a Christian. Since then he has bashed Christianity, and America, and ruined our country. He knows nothing about growing up black and Christian. He was raised by whites, communists and arabs. His education was paid for by Muslims.

      Jeremiah Wright is a nightmare. He is a good example of a radical racist who preaches Islamic hatred against America. He is a Muslim, turned “christian” to minister to blacks the Islamic way of thinking. Black Liberation Theology is based on the Islamic liberation practice of converting blacks against whites to overthrow governments and take power. Black Liberation Theology is a horrible, godless exploitation of blacks. They need to wake up to this before it kills all of them.

      Only a minority are as you describe. I wish it was different, because that is the ideal behavior. I have some very wonderful black friends who say what I do. They are disappointed in their own race for ruining this country and voting along racist lines. But they wanted their government benefits, and abortion clinics. They cannot be independent of the government. And I am talking about young people who can go to college, and get an education and improve themselves. But they will not do it without constant support from social aid programs.

      I am not saying whites are except from this behavior. The whites are getting this way also.

      In my parent’s day, and mine too, kids worked their way through college. There were no grants for education, homes, new business etc. Now, everything is handed to kids, and when they graduate, the ones who attend school, they expect this pattern to continue. But most will not choose education. They choose to drop out. Crime does not have to be highest in black neighborhoods. That is a choice.

      We have immigrants that come here penniless, and work for nothing, and make it without crime. They do not use their poverty as an excuse to go out and kill someone.

      I know a Bosnian who lives in the woods in a shack he made, and works for $7 a hour. He does not ask for government help, and he has been here long enough to be a citizen. He is an admirable personality, and trustworthy. He does not get food stamps, housing assistance or medicaid. He works for his provisions.

      I have seen the Chinese and Mexicans (legal ones) behave in the same way. Most employers now almost prefer immigrants, because they work so hard, and appreciate the job, rather than complaining they are being discriminated against, and paid poorly.

      Whites have bent over backwards to appease blacks, and give them money and every opportunity to improve. The Democrats get elected based on promises to provide money to blacks, even though historically, they used to keep them as slaves, hang them and oppress them. Things have not changed much since 1964. While many have made improvements, most are still living like they did before. They need to learn to become self reliant quickly.

      Right now, even the government expects and is planning for riots in the US because of economic and natural disasters on the horizon, as well as an anticipated all out war with our enemies – Russia and China. Russia has missiles pointed at us right now, and China is ready to call in the massive un-payable debt the US owes it. Essentially China owns us. There are foreign UN troops at our borders, ready to invade on command. When the government collapses, they will go to hide in DUMBs, and leave the rest of us to do for ourselves. Are you ready? Are your people ready? General answer is no. 12% of the population is a huge number of deaths, if they get into riots and fights with foreign troops.

      Instead of being offended, it would help to see a change in the group social behavior. It is a matter of future survival. If the behavior is not there, then there is no room for comments. If blacks do not want to change, then they should live with the realistic observations of other people. Learning to become independent of the government is crucial to survival in the future.

      We are not black and white. We are humans and we are Americans.

      Will we all survive? I do not think so, but we need to all slap ourselves back into reality, as much as possible, and see that certain dependencies are going to prove lethal in the long run, and do something to change them.

      Still love you, even if you quit here.

  49. I think this video relates to this topic. Interpret as you will. Kittii

  50. I guess Tupac became a Christian in jail before he was killed according to this video. You just never know.

    Matthew 7:22
    “Many will say to Me on the day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles.”

    “And then I will declare to them, ” I never knew you, “Depart from Me, You who practice Lawlessness”.

    Mark 10:43
    Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be a slave of all. for even the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.

    Mark 10:31 But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

    I think we are going to be very surprised who we see in heaven and those we don’t.

    I have mixed feeling about posting these videos, because our emphasis should not be on the Devil, but I think people need to be educated on this subject.

    We need to pray against Strongholds.

    2 Corinthians 10:5
    Every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”.

    The Battlefield is your mind.
    Our weapons are “The Word of God and Prayer”

    “The Word of God clearly teaches us that satanic activity and influence will increase dramatically as the day of Chris’ts return draws nearer. Revelation 12:12 says of Satan, “He is filled with fury, because he knows his time is short.”


  51. How BLT is based on socialism curing problems, rather than repentance.

    It also seems to ignore salvation through Jesus.

    Racism is a sin, and cannot be cured with socialism.

    A Fundamentalist Or Conservative Evangelical Treatment Of The Racism Issue Is Needed


  52. God has blessed the Jewish people with all kinds of Gifts. That’s why a lot of people are jealous and hate them. The Jewish people rise above because of these gifts and they dumbfound people as to how they do it. It’s from God. But, They will stand before him just like the rest of us and answer for what they did with those gifts?

  53. Here’s what Louis Farrakhan has to say.


    I want us to see how successful Jewish people are, and how we should study them, and learn how they have worked hard in a collective manner to become the powerful people that they are.

    The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
    Photo: Michael Muhammad
    Jews make up two-tenths of one percent of the world, but look at where they’ve reached! Don’t you want to study them? Don’t you want to rise from the condition that you’re in? You need to get the book, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2,” and see how you were undone, and see how they were done!
    Here is a quote from Jews about themselves: “As a group, Jews are the most successful in terms of income and wealth. And they have reached the echelons, the highest echelons of power in every field: Transportation, Distribution, Publication, Movies, Theatre, Art, Science, Medicine, Law, Architecture, Astronomy, Archaeology, Anthropology. But all of this was developed through their mastery of Trade and Commerce. It is their success in Trade that fueled all the other areas of Jewish life.”
    And David Brooks of the New York Times, in a January 12, 2010 article, wrote: “Jews are a famously-accomplished group. They make up two-tenths of 1 percent of the world population, but they’re 54 percent of the World Chess Champions; 27 percent of the Nobel Physics Laureates; and 31 percent of the Medicine Laureates. Jews make up 2 percent of the United States population, but 21 percent of the Ivey League Student Bodies; 26 percent of the Kennedy Center Honorees; 37 percent of the Academy Award winning directors; 38 percent of those on the recent Business Week list of “Leading Philanthropists”; and 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for non-fiction.”

    Jews make up two-tenths of one percent of the world, but look at where they’ve reached! Don’t you want to study them? Don’t you want to rise from the condition that you’re in? You need to get the book, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2,” and see how you were undone, and see how they were done!

    We have to do the same thing, but only for Righteousness, and not for Evil, because God is closing down their world. But if you study how they were successful, and use the great principles that they used, for Righteousness’ sake, we as a people can rise.

  54. I decided to go check out this Kelly McGinley that hosted Barbara Aho http://watch.pair.com/tribulation-counterfeits-1.mp3

    on her Radio program. This web site is packed with information. I’m going with this video because I posted other videos and articles on Martin Luther King Jr. and Michael Jackson. This is just one thing that I ran across on her program:










    I could probably plug in a video or a page from hers on everyone of Marianne’s here. Don’t worry I’m not.

  55. […] (he IS STILL a Muslim BECAUSE his father was a Muslim UNLESS he DENOUNCES (renounces) Islam, which he has crusaded in FAVOR OF, and according to Islam can and is REQUIRED TO LIE in order to bring this […]

  56. Know this to be true, what goes around comes around, what goes up must come down, and pride cometh before a fall. I am a woman who is brown skinned, of rich complex history and origin, I think people are sick mentally and spiritually, mostly. To speak, generalize and assist in stereotyping people… when will we learn. We have all been enslaved. I am free because I do Know the Most High. I Love the Most High and all creation for everything has its purpose. You are the blind leading the blind devil lady.

  57. Really all you info maniacs are looking for is personal glory and acceptance why help fulfill a prophesy make the children of the Most High a byword, look who says they are the children of God yet they control the media and have increased in military strength and power. This is stated in Revelations that they are imposters or the Children of Satan instead. Loo at the media they control and the messages they are sending… pure evil. No one is innocent for very long when the Lord did look down from heaven to see if anyone understood or behaved according to the commandments found no one did. Who are you to say christians or muslims or jews are heaven advantaged, the Lord is no respecter of persons nor titles. And the origin of religion is really sketchy anyway. Supposedly created for mind control purposes. On that you do your own research an decide for yourself. Each creation has its own way of being including its service to the Lord. Thank you Lord for daily enhancing my awareness and understanding, and all of your daily care. Selah.

    • toomuchforyou

      There is only one way to the Father and that is Jesus.

      Christians do not control Hollywood, Satan does.

      Origins of different religions are actually quite clear.

  58. Interesting read. I have been looking for clarity on whether Black Liberation Theology believes in the deity of Christ. Thus far, through various reads from James H. Cone, himself, I find that he does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Therefore, I must look upon his faith as a non-Christian religion. I believe in the Scriptures, that they are the inspired Word of God; that Jesus said, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life….No man comes unto the Father except by Me.” I’ve spent many years believing this and am convinced of this through some years of skepticism, etc. I have tried to be aware and read many books on faith and I always come back to the Bible. Christ was there in the beginning…in the book of Genesis and He is there in the book of Revelation. The historian, Josephus, is a good read as he recorded history. Why were the religious leaders and even Pilate’s wife afraid and troubled about Jesus. The Bible remains the top selling book of all time and the ancient manuscripts tell much to all of us. All I can say is that one must examine the Bible for themselves and pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Ask Jesus to reveal Himself and you will know the truth and that truth will set you free and not a theology based on hatred and revenge.

  59. […] sees a rapist or killer of whites as a revolutionary committing a legitimate act of a just war. Radical Islam and Black Liberation Theology Heaven Awaits Radical Islam and Black Liberation Theology Heaven […]

  60. […] The focus here is NOT Islam, but how BLT imitates what is seen as the extreme, radical form of Islam today. BLT is a religious cover for black racism, and is NOT rooted in Christianity. It is based on hatred and selfishness. You give, they take. Where Jesus said to love one’s neighbor, regardless of race, BLT says to hate the white man, and to damn, and destroy him. BLT is also a political force, using exaggerated victim hood to make a profit off those they hate. Clarification: Black Liberation Theology opposes the “white” person in the same way Islamic jihadists oppose the kafir (unbeliever). BLT was created by James Cone. In the following video, he explains that he combined the teachings of Malcom X, a black Muslim who advocated black power, with the teachings of Martin Luther King, who “only” taught the gospel of Jesus, but did not address the black man. (I wonder where he was during the civil rights movement?) Somehow, he needed to “improve” on the gospel of Jesus, by incorporating the black power concept from Islam, to make it appealing to the black man. Jesus becomes a black man who was “lynched.”… BLT does not preach violence against whites, but excuses and justifies it. BLT also justifies black crime as a legal way for oppressed blacks to strike back at the white oppressors. It sees a rapist or killer of whites as a revolutionary committing a legitimate act of a just war. Radical Islam and Black Liberation Theology Heaven Awaits […]

  61. you whites are finished!……….

  62. […] Radical Islam and Black Liberation Theology […]

  63. it looks like “liberation theology” has spread to the Presbyterian church, with the help of Islam


    people changing the bible to make muslims happy.

  64. […] https://heavenawaits.wordpress.com/islam-and-black-liberation-theology/ […]

  65. “Why are blacks running after the radical Muslim ways, and trying to be like those who made them slaves to begin with? Don’t they know they will end up as slaves once more?” Muslims were selling the slave and who was the buyer ??? Can you answer that? the Buyer was the white Christian man . You are faking history and providing baseless argument . Ask Columbus and his predecessors who brought the Africans to be sold in America ?

    • mohamed

      at least you are honest. I am too.

      yes, people who claimed to be Christians bought the slaves.

      and muslims sold them

      and stupid blacks in africa helped betray their own people to the muslims.

      blacks want power, but cannot do the work to be successful, so they think religion that teaches to kill the unbeliever will give them success and power, and give them revenge on the whites…

      this is stupid since the whites who enslaved their ancestors are dead. they are not slaves now, but they still think like slaves.

      they are free now because the white they hate gave them their freedom in 1964.

      they were given free education, housing, food etc, so they could leave poverty and be successful….so the whites who live today are the ones who helped them….

      today, most blacks sit home and want government to take care of them. they want free everything, and so they belong to the government, their new slave master.

      they vote for democrats, the same group who enslaved them.

      we call this the plantation mentality. low IQ

      there are exceptions to this, as some blacks get an education and get a good job.

  66. Thank you so much Marianne for the good analysis . I totally agree with you . I still do see the plantation mentality among the black people .

  67. Fuck you stupid infidel bastard! What about Zionism and Judaism oppressing the Palestinians? I will kick your adds and blow your head off if you do not stop being a lying faggot! ALLAHU AKBAR!

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