Lucia reveals the 3rd secret of Fatima?

For those who are not Catholic, there is a tradition that the Virgin Mary appeared to 3 children and made 3 predictions in 1917. From what I understand, one was the next world war, and then the rise and fall of communism in Russia. The third prediction, up until now, had not been revealed, since it was to cause world wide panic. From an email I received, this last prediction is now revealed.

Whatever you believe, and decide, Catholic, or Protestant, is up to you. I am just posting it to share the contents. I cannot validate that all this really is the 3rd prediction, unless it is confirmed by the Vatican in some way, or Lucia makes a public statement.

I put some references at the end of the post, in case people want to research it further. I could not find any official statement about a date for 2010, which is mentioned here. What is consistent is that a great falling away in the church will occur, and sin will prevail in the world, which is already obvious.

This is the message:

The Church has given permission to reveal to the people the last part of the message. The Blessed Virgin appeared to three children in Fatima , Portugal, in 1917, this is a proven fact; one of these children is still alive, her name is Lucia, she is a cloistered nun and lives in a monastery in Portugal.

Lucia disclosed the message for the first time to Pope Pius XII whom, after reading it, he sealed it and stored away without making it public. Later Pope John XXIII read it and, in the same manner as his predecessor, he kept it out of the public eye because he knew that once revealed; it will bring desperation and panic to human kind.

Now the time has come, and permission has been granted from Pope John Paul II to reveal it to the children of God, in order not to create panic but to make people aware of this important message so everybody can be prepared. The Virgin told Lucia: “Go my child and tell the world; what will come to pass during the 1950’s – 2000’s. Men are not practicing the Commandments that our Father has given us. Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over. Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world in minutes, half of the human race will be destroyed, the war will begin against Rome , and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders.

God will allow all natural phenomenon’s like smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, winds and inclement weather to slowly batter the planet. These things will come to pass before the year 2010. “Those who won’t believe, this is the time,” your beloved mother told you, “those lacking charity towards others and those who do not love thy neighbor like my beloved Son has loved you, all, cannot survive. They will wish to have died, millions are unimaginable, they will come, and there is no doubt our Lord God will punish severely those who do not believe in him, those who despise him and those who did not have time for him I call upon all of you to come to my son Jesus Christ, God helps the world but all of those who do not show fidelity and loyalty will be destroyed.”

Father Agustin, who lives in Fatima, said that Pope Paul VI gave him permission to visit sister Lucia who is a cloistered nun (she does not leave the monastery nor is allowed to receive any visitors). Father Augustin said that she received him greatly overwhelmed and told him: “Father, our lady is very sad because nobody is interested in her prophecy of 1917, though the righteous are walking through a narrow path, the evil ones are walking through an ample road that is leading them straight to their destruction, believe me father, the punishment will come very soon.”

Many souls will be lost; many nations will disappear from the earth. But, in the middle of all these, if men reflect, pray and practice good deeds, the world can be saved. One of all these, if men persist with its evil, the world will be lost forever. The time has come for all to pass on the message of our Blessed Lady to their families, friends, and to the entire world.

Start praying, to make penitence and sacrifices. We are at the last minute of the last day and the catastrophes are near. Due to this, many that were far from the church will return to the open arms of the Church of Jesus Christ . The joining of the churches will result in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church ; England , Russia , China , Jews, Muslims and Protestants. All will return believing and worshiping God our creator, in his beloved Son and in our Blessed Mother Virgin Mary”. WHAT AWAITS US??? Every where there will be “Peace Talks”, but punishment will come.



This war will destroy everything, darkness will fall over us for 72 hours (three days) and the one third of humanity that survives this obscurity and sacrifice, will commence to live a new era, they will be good people.

In a very cold night, 10 minutes before midnight, A GREAT QUAKE will shake the earth for 8 hours. This will be the third signal that God is who governs the earth. The righteous and those who propagate the faith and the message of the Lady of Fatima SHOULD NOT FEAR, DO NOT BE AFRAID.


Bow your heads, kneel down and ask God for forgiveness because, only what is good and is not under the power of evil will survive the catastrophe.

In order for you to prepare and remain alive I will give you the following signs: ANGUISH….. … AND IN A SHORT PERIOD THE EARTH QUAKE WILL COMMENCE… THE EARTH WILL SHAKE….The shake will be so violent that will move the earth 23 degrees and it will return it to its normal position.

Then, total and absolute darkness will cover the entire planet… All evil spirits will be mingling around and free, doing harm to all those souls that did not want to listen to this message and those who did not want to repent. To the faithful souls, remember to light the blessed candles, prepare a sacred altar with a crucifix in order to communicate with GOD and implore for His infinite mercy….

All will be dark; IN THE SKY A GREAT MYSTIC CROSS will appear to remind us the price that his beloved Son had to pay for our redemption.. .In the house the only thing that can give light will be the HOLY CANDLES… Once lit, nothing will put them off until the three days of darkness are over. Also, you should have Holy water that should be sprinkled abundantly on windows and doors. The Lord will protect the property of the chosen ones..

Kneel down before the powerful cross of my beloved Son, pray the Rosary and after each Hail Mary you must pray the following: “Oh God forgive us our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, specially those who are in more need of they mercy. Blessed Virgin Mary protect us, we love you, save us and save the world”. Pray 5 Creeds and Rosary which is the secret to my Immaculate Heart. All those who believe in my words go and take the message to everyone.


Talk to all the souls. now that there is time, those who keep quiet will be responsible for all those souls who will perish in ignorance.

All those who pray humbly the rosary will have the protection of heaven and those who are bound to die I will help them die in peace and they will be holy when they enter the other world. I wish all my children to attend mass every first Friday and every first Saturday of each month, to confess and receive Holy Communion and in doing so, save the world from its TOTAL DESTRUCTION.

WHEN the earth shakes no more, those who still not believe in our Lord will perish in a horrible way. The wind will bring gas and it will disperse it everywhere, then the sun will rise. Maybe you will survive this catastrophe.

Do not forget that God’s punishment is holy and ONCE IT HAS STARTED YOU SHOULD NOT LOOK OUTSIDE, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE, GOD DOES NOT WANT ANY OF HIS CHILDREN TO SEE WHEN HE PUNISHES THE SINNERS…. All this encompasses with the writings of the Holy Scriptures..

Read on the New Testament: Luke: 21 – 5:121, 12:19 , 20:20 , 29:33 Letters of St Paul 3 – 8 – 14 Isaiah 40, 1:5:9. You must understand that God allows all this to happen. The Pope and Bishops are now awaiting another message that speaks about repentance and prayer. Remember that Gods words are not a threat, but good news…

Please reproduce these pages and send them to all you know so we all can have the opportunity to repent and be saved. We do not know if those receiving this message believe or not in GOD, but think that if you are receiving this message is for a reason!! Maybe the Creator is giving us the chance to be saved, no matter what religion or creed.

If you don’t believe in this message at least send it to others, it costs you nothing. To all those receiving it, they can have the opportunity to judge for themselves. Remember, we can avoid a great deal if we practice the Commandments that our Father God left us. These are 10 simple things, that if we all put in practice we can obtain God’s pardon.


There will be differences of opinion here as to the credibility of the Mary apparitions, praying of the rosary, etc. Much does sound like the book of revelation, so what is said is not that original.

I present this because there is a common thread of messages for the last days, which we are in. The message is that the world is turning evil, Jesus is coming soon, doomsday will precede His arrival, many are falling away from the faith, and many will be punished. Also, there will be huge natural disasters, as warnings, and calls to repentance. So it is a time for repentance, and getting close to God, and asking for salvation.

Works alone will not help us. Our faith has to be in Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah. No other religious figure will help us. Not Mary, Not Mohamed, Not Buddha. There is only one way to the Father, and His name is Jesus.

Message from a Catholic clarifying their church position:

What you’ve posted is a combination of Catholic prophesies about what we can call the “minor chastisement.” Likewise, what you’ve got is not just the third secret of Fatima but a large number of separate prophesies passed off a singular whole (and some of the prophesies in there are from sources the Church has reprimanded and does not approve of – which means it is not 100% credibly Catholic, either).

The series of prophesies describe a period of disturbance
coming both from people and from God; this “minor chastisement” starts with civil war in France and Italy, and the civil unrest spreads throughout the world. Russia will invade Europe, and the Pope will die a cruel death (among many other things).

The culmination of these events will be the three days of darkness, which is described on your site, and this will be a supreme act of mercy by God as it will stop the violence and eliminate all those who oppose the Catholic Church – publicly and privately. After this period, the whole of Christendom will be Catholic and the world will experience a period of peace the likes of which has never before been seen – as I said, swords will be beaten into plowshares and the Holy Roman Empire will be reestablished through a Holy French monarch and a Pope directly appointed by Peter.

After an extended period of peace (*not a period of 1000 years, though! – Catholics do not believe in the so called “millennium”*), the world will grow lax in the faith and there will be a massive apostasy – almost all Christians and Priests will lose the faith, except for very few.

What we are experiencing now is a bad period of time, and we will be
punished for it, but what is to come will be far worse – and after this
apostasy, the anti-Christ, and after that, judgment. This, of course,
means that anyone who thinks that the Antichrist is right around the
corner is mistaken. When the events described above take place, even the
prophesies predict that many people will think that it is the end of the
world. It is not, though.

The Antichrist and other things related to the end times are not for now, but for some time in the future.

If you are solely interested in Fatima, the Wikipedia entry on it is decent. If you are interested in the source of all the other things that your post combined with Fatima, I would recommend the book “Trial, Tribulation, & Triumph: Before, During and After Antichrist” by Raymond Birch. He does a very good job covering what the Church Fathers think
about the end times, as well as the prophesies of the various Marian apparitions and other private prophesies.

Very interesting stuff. As you should know, Our Lady of Fatima prophesied the second world war in 1917 if people did not listen to her and repent.

Clearly they did not then, and have not yet – which means a chastisement is coming “worse than the deluge.”

-Brian Besong  From Wikipedia

From Wikipedia

The Third Secret

The third secret, a vision of the death of the Pope and other religious figures, was transcribed by the Bishop of Leiria and reads:

“After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’

And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, Religious men and women going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, Religious men and women, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.

Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.”[16]
From: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Our_Lady_ of_Fatima

539 Responses to “Lucia reveals the 3rd secret of Fatima?”

  1. […] here for […]

  2. You make a mistaken in saying that “here is a common thread of messages for the last days, which we are in. The message is that the world is turning evil, Jesus is coming soon, doomsday will precede His arrival, many are falling away from the faith, and many will be punished.” Fatima promises a period of peace after the chastisement described here. This period of peace will last at least 25 years and is the period described by Isaiah, during which people will beat swords into plowshares. It is only after this peace that the AntiChrist will come. Catholics and Protestants have substantially different views on what comes next, which the fuller revelations of Fatima would highlight.

  3. Brian,
    Ok. Thanks for clearing that up.

    I had tried to read about it, but there was more opinion and discussion, as opposed to actual original Fatima quotations, that I was not sure of the details.


  4. Hi Marianne! Wow! is what i say! We are nondemoninational, but surely you said it right on target: There is a common thread of message for the last days whether the rapture happens pretrib. mid trib. or post trib. the fact is Jesus is coming. All the events are rapidly connecting like a jigsaw puzzle that relates to the bible. I have tried talking to my friens about Jesus. But they want nothing of it. So many of my friends are intelligent but have to wonder sometimes! Some have their own religions and that’s fine with me. I am only sharing and nothing else. Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone! I had a book called fatima a paperback book. I still have it. And to this day, i had never read or seen what the third prediction would be until now.
    I will cherish this article and copy it and post it everywhere.
    Thank you so much hun.

  5. Hi Ani (maria),

    In some ways, I like the Catholic version. It gives us more time. 🙂 One thing about prophecy. It is mysterious enough to keep us guessing.


  6. Revelation Chapter 17: The Catholic Church is in the process of fulfilling this prophecy as we speak.

    Excerpt from the Catholic Study Bible. REV 17
    “Then one of the seven angels who were holding the seven bowls came and said to me,” Come here. I will show you the judgement of the great harlot who lives near the many waters. 2 . The Kings of the earth have had intercourse with her, and the inhabitants of the earth became drunk on the wine of her harlotry. 3. Then he carried me away in spirit to a deserted place where I saw a woman seaTED ON A SCARLET BEAST THAT WAS COVERED WITH BLASPHEMOUS NAMES, WITH SEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS. 4 ” THE WOMAN WAS WEARING PURPLE AND SCARLET AND ADORNED WITH GOLD, PRECIOUS STONES,AND PEARLS. SHE HELD IN HER HAND A GOLD CUP THAT WAS FILLED WITH THE ABOMINABLE AND SORDID DEEDS OF HER HARLOTRY. 5. ON HER FOREHEAD WAS WRITTEN AN NAME, WHICH IS A MYSTERY. “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. ” 6. i SAW THAT THE WOMAN WAS DRUNK ON THE BLOOD OF THE HOLY ONES AND ON THE BLOOD OF THE WITNESSES TO JESUS.

    9. HERE IS A CLUE******************************************************************************************************************************** FOR THE ONE THAT HAS WISDOM**************************************
    . IF YOU WANT WISDOM LISTEN TO THIS CLUE JOHN WRITES********************************************************************DO YOU HAVE WISDOM*************GOD WANTS TO GIVE IT TO YOU NOW****************************************************************”THE SEVEN HEADS REPRESENT SEVEN HILLS UPON WHICH THE WOMAN SITS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ARE THEY GOOD??? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A Harlot, A beast ,Ten Kings oh MY!!! kind of catchy!!!!!!!!!!

    Again here is wisdom for those who seek it. are You seeking It. Are you seeking Him- the Lamb Jesus??
    The Beast and the ten kings will hate the harlot because SHE IS A SYMBOL OF JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Who is the Beast?????? The BEAST IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THE ANTI-CHRIST HATES JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Beast and the TEN KINGS Will Hate the HARLOT, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, BECAUSE SHE IS A SYMBOL OF JESUS. But She is STIll a HARLOT…
    Why would God do this?? Why would God allow The Catholic Church to be ripped by The Beast??
    The Catholic will one day soon unknowingly and unwittingly give power to these ten kings and to THE BEAST



    • The long essay above is an interesting take on the Catholic Church, not new, and full of inaccuracies, lies and misinformation. I trust Our Lord will ferret out The Truth. The Catholic Church is the one, true Church established by Christ on this earth. There is absolutely nothing we believe that cannot be substantiated in Scripture. If you took the time to study, you would know this. We will all be joined as one church someday and in peace. With continuation of this sort of thing you are teaching, it will take a very long time. I pray for all of you who think this contains a nugget of truth.

      • Hi Meambp,

        You wrote “There is absolutely nothing we believe that cannot be substantiated in Scripture.”

        Would you mind sharing those scriptures that you are referring to?

        • I can refer you to any book by Scott Hahn. He is a former Evangelical Protestant minister who converted to the Catholic Church. Top scholar, author, public debater, has his own website, etc. Another is Marcus Grodi. Same background. His ministry is specifically for Protestant ministers/scholars who convert to Catholicism. Google him to find his website. As I said, all of our beliefs can be substantiated in Scripture. So, I’d have to write a book here. Do you have a specific question I can try to address? You’d find those website quite extensive, where I would go to answer you. Also, is a great site to answer any question you might have as well. Let me know what you think by a post?

          • Hi Meambp,

            With all due respect, I would rather hear and read what Jesus says about the catholic church and not what any person has to say about it. Man’s opinion can be flawed as we all know but Jesus’ words are perfect and have the final authority, would you agree?

            Do you have the scriptures that can support your chosen faith as you mentioned earlier?

          • dear Meambp


            Where does it say in scripture to honor Mary as co-Redeemer with Christ, pray to her instead of the Father, and to go through her to get to Jesus?

            • ah, you read my mind…and clicked faster then me LOL 🙂

            • This my answer your inquiry about the Blessed Mary. it is what we catholic believe!. Excepts from the official Cathechism of the church. I hope this will enlighten you.

              Q. Do Catholics adore the Blessed Virgin Mary as they adore God?
              A. No, this would be idolatry; but Catholics honor her pre-eminent prerogatives with a degree of veneration infinitely inferior to that which is due to God, but much superior to that which is due to the angels and saints.
              Q. Why honor her at all?
              A. Jesus Christ himself—John 12:26—says, “If any man serve me, him will my Father honor;” surely, then, even as God honors the Blessed Mary, for no one served his Divine Son with so great fidelity, our veneration for her cannot be misplaced. Even Dr. Pearson a Protestant, (Exp. of Creed, p. 178,) says,—”We cannot bear too reverend a regard to the Mother of our Lord, so long as WE GIVE HER NOT that worship which is due unto the Lord himself”
              Q. What do you discover so especially eminent in the Blessed Virgin as to demand our especial veneration?
              A. Immediately after the fall of man, the Almighty honors her by pointing her out, four thousand years before the event, as the person whose seed should crush the serpent’s head. In Isaiah vii, 13, she is made again the subject of a prophecy, and the sacred lips of the Prophet of the Lord proclaim her virginity—a virtue which in all ages has obtained the first degree of honor.
              Q. What do we find in Luke 1:26?
              A. We find she is chosen of all the daughters of Eve to be the Mother of Jesus,—the CHOICE is made by the ADORABLE TRINITY, and an ARCHANGEL announces the wonderful tidings to her.
              Q. Is the heavenly message delivered by the Angel in such a manner as to give a strong proof of Mary’s exalted dignity?
              A. Yes; for she is addressed in language so respectful as to leave no doubt about the matter. “Hail!” says the Angel, “FULL OF GRACE, THE LORD IS WITH THEE: BLESSED ART THOU AMONGST WOMEN.”
              Q. What think you of those Protestants who call the Blessed Virgin an ordinary woman?
              A. We pity them, we tremble for them. An Archangel, bearing the words of the Adorable Trinity upon his tongue, tells them they are blasphemers of the saints of God. They utter a falsehood in the face of that exalted creature,—a falsehood in the Face of the Angel,—nay, a falsehood in the very face of God himself.
              Q. Do the above passages of Scripture exhibit her as an ordinary woman?
              A. No; but the contrary. Is she an ordinary woman who is made the subject of prophecy,—with whom the Blessed Trinity communes,—to whom that Blessed Trinity delegates an ARCHANGEL MESSENGER—Who is declared by the unerring lips of that Angel to be FULL OF GRACE,—to have THE LORD WITH HER, of all the women of the earth, to be particularly BLESSED?
              Q. What should Protestants do to justify their language towards the Mother of God?
              A. They should corrupt their Bible a little more, and make the Angel say,”Hail, thou that art an ordinary woman,—thou hast no grace,—thou art not blessed more than other,—the Lord is as much with the wives and daughters of the holy reforming ministers as he is with thee.”
              Q. What does Origen, who lived fourteen hundred years ago, say to our present purpose?
              A. He says,—” ‘Hail Full of grace,’ &c., is a salutation addressed to MARY ALONE.”
              Q. What says Luke 1:35, on this question?
              A. “And the Angel answering, said unto her, (Mary,) the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee; therefore also that Holy Thing which shall he born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
              Q. Does this passage prove the Blessed Virgin an ordinary woman?
              A. Oh! blush for shame, ye reforming pretenders to Scriptural knowledge! Is SHE an ordinary woman, who holds direct intercourse with the three persons of the Adorable Trinity? She whose son is the Son of God?—She who is made the mother of the King of kings?—she whose son, as the Angel tells her, shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest, who shall sit on the throne of David, and reign over the house of Jacob for ever?
              Q. Does she not, in verse 34, show some doubt, when she asks—”How shall this be? seeing that I know not man?”
              A. Yes; but the moment that the Angel tells her that the Holy Ghost shall come upon her,—that all is to be the work of the Most High,—she submits at once, and, with the most edifying docility and humility, exclaims—”Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy word.”
              Q. Is there any thing in the 40th verse of same chapter to throw additional light on the exalted dignity of the Blessed Mary?
              A. Yes; at the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in Elizabeth’s womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.
              Q. Did Elizabeth, filled thus with the Holy Ghost, and bearing in her womb the Baptist, than who none greater was ever born of woman,—did Elizabeth, who was made by God miraculously fruitful, who knew, though not present at the angelic interview, what had passed between the Angel and Mary,—did this honored, exalted, and inspired Elizabeth agree with Presbyterians in thinking the Blessed Virgin an ordinary woman?
              A. No; she would have shuddered at such language. She proclaimed Mary’s blessedness, and, though exalted herself, she considered herself highly honored by Mary’s condescension in paying her a visit. “And Elizabeth spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb; and whence is this to me, that the mother my Lord should come to me?”
              Q. Is there any other proof, in this chapter, of Mary’s pre-eminent dignity?
              A. The poorest daughter of Eve is ennobled and exalted by becoming the mother of a king. How great, then, must be the dignity of Mary, who became the mother of the King of king and Lord of lords! And, when we consider that Jesus could not dwell in an unholy tabernacle, how ineffably pure and exalted must Mary’s spiritual state have been !!
              Q. Does not this chapter suggest still some other proofs of her extraordinary and singular dignity?
              A. Yes; she was troubled at the extraordinary nature of the angelic salutation; but the Angel Messenger of the Most High calmed her fears, by declaring to her the exalted place she held in the estimation of the Most High. “Fear not, Mary, thou hast found grace with God.” But the circumstance which proclaims above all others her singular pre-eminence is her maternity combined with virginity. She is a virgin and yet a mother!!! This alone is sufficient to put to shame those unhappy men who seem to glory in reviling the blessed mother of their Redeemer, by proclaiming her, whose SON THEY ADORE, as an ordinary woman.
              Q. What do we learn from Luke 1:18?
              A. That the ever-exalted and blessed Mary is a prophetess. She declares of herself that all generations shall call her BLESSED; and: surely no one will be bold enough to say, that she, who was full of grace, and the temple of the Holy Ghost, could speak Falsehood.
              Q. What inference should you draw from this revealed truth?
              A. That Protestants belong not to the true people of God; for they refuse to fulfil this prophecy. They glory in contemning the Blessed Virgin: they proclaim her an ordinary woman, instead of obeying the Scripture, which says,—”From henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.”
              Q. Does not the Blessed Jesus despise Mary—John 2:40—in these words—”Woman, what have I to do with thee?”
              A. Yes, according to the corrupt Protestant translation; but according to the Vulgate, which even the Protestant Grotius considers the SAFEST VERSION, our Saviour’s words are,”Woman, what is it to thee and to me?”
              Q. Is the Protestant translation absurd and ridiculous as they understand it?
              A. Certainly; for they would make our Saviour,whose example we are all bound to imitate, despise and contempt his own mother. She is honored by being asked with him to the marriage; she was familiar with him previously, for she asks him to work a miracle, which she clearly knows he can perform. She does not seem hurt by the apparent refusal of Jesus. But the solution of the whole difficulty is found in the fact, that he works the very miracle requested by Mary immediately after. Thus, he works his first miracle at the suggestion or Mary. In Luke 2:49-51, he treats her with the greatest respect; he forgets her not, when, even hanging on the Cross in the agony of death, he commends her with his last breath to the care of his beloved disciple; and yet, after all this, Protestants would make us believe that he despised her, and treated her with studied contempt at the marriage-feast of Cana !!
              Q. What would you say to the difficulty, if the Protestant translation was correct?
              A. He sometimes acted in his character as God, and sometimes as man, and, on this occasion, he wished to manifest that, as God, he knew their wants and would relieve them in the same manner as, on another occasion, he said to Mary—”Didst thou not know that I should be about my Father’s business?”
              Q. What says St. Augustine (Serm. on the Announ.) as to the dignity of the Blessed Virgin?
              A. “By what praises; O sacred Virgin, I may extol thee I know not, since thou hast been deemed worthy to bear in thy womb Him whom the heavens are unable to contain.”
              Q. What says St. Epiphanius—Adv. Hæres. Lib. iii, F. 2?
              A. “Truly life itself was introduced into the world by the Virgin Mary,….Eve brought to the human race the cause of death,….Mary brought the cause of life.”
              Q. Is the Greek schismatical Church one with the Catholic Church on this head?
              A. Photius, its great leader, speaks thus, (Serm. de Nativ.:) “But you, O Blessed Virgin, and also Mother of the eternal Lord, our propitiation and refuge, interceding for us with your Son and our God,….vouchsafe to render us your panegyrists.” See Counc. of Ephesus and Nice, Act 6.
              Q. Is the veneration of the Blessed Virgin an ancient practice in the Church?
              A. It can owe its origin only to the Apostles, for it can be traced to no later age; no men, no body of men, no country, can be pointed out as having originated it; hence, it is evidently Apostolical, and, consequently, it has the authority of heaven.
              Q. What general conclusion would you draw from all that we have said?
              A. That Protestants, in their contempt for the Blessed Virgin, resist the irresistible evidence of their own Bible. They talk of her as an ordinary woman, whilst, in a flood of heavenly light, she shines the most singularly preeminent personage that ever was created. God himself makes honorable mention of her at the very dawn of the world;—the prophet Isaiah, centuries before the event, proclaims her the illustrious Virgin Mother of the future Messiah;—an all-wise Deity selects her, of all the daughters of Eve, to be the Mother of the Redeemer;—the Blessed Trinity sends an Archangel to obtain her consent;—she is saluted as full of grace;—she is assured that the Lord is with her;—that she is blessed among women;—that the Holy Ghost will come upon her;—that the Most High will overshadow her;—that her son shall be called the Son of God;—that she has found grace with God;—that, though a virgin, she shall conceive the Son of God, at once a VIRGIN and a MOTHER ! ! ! At the sound of her voice, the infant Baptist leaps in his mother’s womb, and his mother is filled with the Holy Ghost. The inspired Elizabeth salutes Mary in the very words of the Angel—”Blessed art thou among women;” and this Blessed Mary herself bursts forth in the spirit of prophecy, and foretells, that all generations will call her blessed; and all generations, during twenty hundred years, did so, and seven-eighths of Christianity do so at the present day.
              Q. It does appear strange, that Protestants will despise her, whom God has so pre-eminently sanctified and exalted,—have you any additional considerations which may have a tendency to make them blush for their rash and unscriptural conduct?
              A. Yes; many. For nine months did the Blessed Mary carry our Redeemer in her thrice holy womb;—she suffered with him at the crib of Bethlehem;—wept over his infant body, and wiped away his tears;—she sorrowed when he bled in the temple;—fled with him to Egypt;—tended him during youth;—and was sanctified by his Divine companionship during thirty three years. She was the companion of all his sorrows, suffering, and tortures;—her soul was transfixed by every wound he received,—her tears were mingled with every drop of blood which he shed;—a living monument or grief, she was found at the foot of the Cross, when all had abandoned him. In the dying struggle of Jesus, we find her his anxious care—with his dying breath he commends her to the affectionate tenderness of his beloved disciple. She received into her arms his mangled and bloody body, and sorrowed with those who laid him in the tomb;—she sought him early on the morning of the Resurrection, add was found among his Apostles on the day of his Ascension and on the day of Pentecost; and even all this is not sufficient to induce wise and religious Protestants to regard with respect and veneration the Mother of Jesus !
              Q. What should Catholics do in a country where torrents of blasphemous insults are every day poured fourth against the Mother of God by men calling themselves Christian ministers?
              A. They should have ever on their lips the sweet address of the Archangel Messenger, thus paraphrased by the holy Athanasius fourteen hundred years ago: “Be mindful of us, O Blessed Virgin! Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee! Thee the angelical and terrestrial hierarchies proclaim blessed Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. O mistress, lady, intercede for us! Queen, and Mother of God, pray for us!”



              1 Tim 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, INTERCESSIONS, and giving of thanks, be made for all men


          • Meambp wrote “Do you have a specific question I can try to address?”

            One of many questions I have is this: Where can I find in the scriptures that Mary, mother of Jesus, intercedes on our behalf? Why would Mary be interceding for us instead of Jesus?

            • Dear Lindsey,
              The sites and authors I referred you to are NOT “one man’s opinion!!” They will give you the complete answers to your questions all of which can be substantiated in Scripture. Not an interpretation, but right out of Scripture.

              To give a very simple answer to you about Mary…It is a commonly held error among non-Catholics that we “worship Mary” as anything more than that she is the Mother of God – which is profound. She cooperated (referred to as a Co-Redemptrix) with God’s plan for our salvation and redemption by her answer to the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:38). That’s it! A thorough explanation with 10 pages of Scripture in answer to each aspect of Mary’s role can be found in the excellent book, Catholic Doctrine in Scripture, A Guide to the Verses That are Key to Affirming the Faith, by Gregory Oatis.

              What I am trying to make clear to you is that the answer to you about “why Mary?” with all Scripture references both Old Testament and New is not a simple one but has been clarified in the teaching of the Catholic Church. Please study for yourself, but be careful of your sources of information. If we are wrong, why has our Church lasted 2000 yrs.? Who is the founder of your church? We trace ours to Jesus Christ.

              I greatly admire and love you for your interest in the Catholic Church’s teachings and encourage you to study for yourself. The Catholic Catechism contains all our teachings and is the definitive source. However, it is very scholarly. Those who study our faith make great Catholic converts. I know many!

              • Hey Meambp,

                I glanced over “the Catholic Doctrine in Scripture, A Guide to the Verses That are Key to Affirming the Faith, by Gregory Oatis”, and what I found was not scripture but Oatis placing the chapter with verse NUMBER and then giving us HIS INTERPRETATION of that particular verse. He doesn’t show us what Jesus says….again, he is giving us his opinion of what he thinks the verse is saying.

                Man’s opinion and interpretation is flawed. If we just take Jesus at His word-what He says-then there is very little room for interpretation….don’t you think?

                Jesus is not complicated nor is G-d. Jesus tells us that we have to become like children to understand the things of G-d which tells us that He is very simple and even a child can understand the Kingdom of Heaven.

                Matthew 18:3And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

                What I am asking is very simple. I am asking that you show me the scriptures from the Holy Bible-not the Catholic Bible- that support what you believe.

                I don’t know Oatis and I don’t know Scott Hahn but I do KNOW Jesus Christ and I trust what He says before Hahan and Oatis.

                What does Jesus say about Mary being the co-redemptrix?

                • Dear Lindsey,
                  Your question about Mary has been answered by me and others. I gave you scholarly references for further study since you seemed to want to know what we believe and why. The book by Otis is a listing of Scripture passages substantiating many of the teachings of the Catholic Church. You are incorrect in saying it is only the words of the author. Anyone can look and see that. If you don’t want to know what scholars teach us about God then I’d suggest you do not go to church to hear a sermon! (I’m kidding you!)

                  You surely don’t believe Jesus wrote the Holy Bible as you said above. You said you will only believe Jesus’ words. I know you understand that Jesus did not write the Bible.

                  (You have started yet another new topic by introducing your thinking that there is a “Catholic Bible” but we won’t go there.)

                  Here are the Scriptures (God’s inspired word) that may give you peace on your last comment:
                  Did Jesus write any of the New Testament? No, but the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give us insights into his
                  teaching, miracles, death and resurrection. John in concluding his gospel was able to write “Jesus worked many other miracles for his disciples, and not all of them are
                  written in this book. 31But these are written so that you will put your faith in Jesus as
                  the Messiah and the Son of God. If you have faith in him, you will have true life.”
                  John 20:30-31

                  Jesus also told his disciples that the Holy Spirit would come to them to remind them
                  of his words.
                  “But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to
                  take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said
                  while I was with you.” John 14:26

                  “I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. The
                  Spirit will help you and will tell you about me.” John 15: 26

                  “The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The
                  Spirit does not speak on his own. He will tell you only what he has heard from me,
                  and he will let you know what is going to happen.” John 16:13

                  Peace to you, Lindsey, in your quest for truth. This site is written by ordinary folks like me. So, please continue your study. We will all pray for you and each other as seekers of Truth.

                  I know I have found it in the Church Our Lord established while He was on this earth. There is only one.

                  Love and prayers…

                  • you have not answered my comment. see below.

                    • Stop bothering Meambp. Go read the catechism of the catholic Church for yourselves and compare it to scripture. Everything is taken from scripture. You guys are apostates; if Christ were in this epoch you would probably be the hypocrite Pharisees who crucified him. Well said that history repeats itself.

                  • Hello Meambp,

                    I find it very revealing that you have yet to show the scriptures to prove what the catholics believe, specifically regarding Mary as a co-redemptrix.

                    The scriptures were written by the Holy Spirit Meamp. As you did provide scripture regarding Him, which shows how He was able to do this. Anyone who has been filled with the Holy Spirit knows well how He is able to anoint the writers of the scriptures and speak G-d’s words and thereby bearing witness to Jesus Christ, for He IS the Spirit of TRUTH.

                    And speaking of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, who does bring to our rememberance all that is written and spoken by G-d and from Jesus, may I add that I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me-the very one mentioned in the above scriptures that you so posted, so I can honestly say to you with full confidence from the Spirit of Truth that no where in the scriptures will you find any thing that even hints of Mary being a co-redeemer to Jesus Christ. It is NOT THERE.

                    And this, of course, is why you were unable to provide that scripture for me; and this, of course, is why all of your “scholars” are unable to show this verse as well, for it is simply NOT THERE.

                    With all of the scholars and with all the initials beside their names, not one of them is able to find or show within the scriptures anything that proves that the catholic church is the true church or that what they believe in regards to Mary, the pope, the dead saints, the bleeding statues etc are true, for they simply are not.

                    To prove your faith by any other means that is outside of the very WORD OF G-d is a lie, period. That is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me G-d. 😉

                    Jesus Christ, the Son of G-d is the ROCK on which I stand and all other ground is SINKING SAND.

                    Jesus Christ is the ROCK on which HE BUILDS HIS CHURCH; NOT Peter; NOT the Pope; NOT the vatican etc etc etc.

                    I do suspect that the Pope is well aware of this fact. That is my personal opinion.

                    Further, can you explain to us why the CROSS that is engraved in the Pope’s seat is UPSIDE DOWN?

                    And most importantly, can you explain to YOURSELF why the very belief system of which the catholic church adheres to is NOT found within the very Holy Bible/Scriptures who speaks of Jesus Christ?

                    And finally, I ask you this, will you go to your scholars, websites and priests for the answers to the above questions or will you go to the Word of G-d to find them?

                    • Dear Lindsey,
                      Again, the Scripture is Luke 1:26-38.

                      You are missing the point completely.Please read on.

                      That Scripture tells us that Jesus Christ,the Redeemer, was born of Mary only because of her cooperation in God’s plan for Redemption: she said yes to the angel. Had she said no, it would have been otherwise. She is, therefore, a co-redemtrix. This is simply a term that means she made Redemption possible by her participation. “Co” means “a part of.” She was part of God’s plan for Redemption. I don’t think anyone would disagree with that from any Christian viewpoint.

                      I feel your personal accusations are off-base, one-sided, and unnecessary.
                      I will pray for you.

                • I don’t know if a previous post got through but empty vessels make the most noise. Read what Jesus said to John while on the cross, You are the one that reads whatever you want into scriptures and just in case you do not know the meaning of empty vessels make the most noise

                • Our Tradition predates, the bible, as the bible was only started some fifteen year after the death of christ.
                  Here are some of the scriptures that supports our catholic belief.
                  Bible + Tradition:
                  1 Cor 11:2; — hold fast to traditions I handed on to you
                  2 Thess 2:15; — hold fast to traditions, whether oral or by letter
                  2 Thess 3:16; — shun those acting not according to tradition
                  Jn 21:25; — not everything Jesus said is recorded in Scripture
                  Mk 13:31; — heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word won’t
                  Acts 20:35; — saying of Jesus not recorded in the gospels
                  2 Tim 1:13; — follow my sound words; guard the truth
                  2 Tim 2:2: — what you heard, entrust to faithful men
                  2 Pet 1:20; — no prophecy is a matter of private interpretation
                  2 Pet 3:15-16; — Paul’s letters can be difficult to grasp and interpret
                  1 Pet 1:25; — God’s eternal Word is the Word preached by you
                  Rom 10:17; — faith comes from what is heard
                  1 Cor 15:1-2; — being saved if you hold fast to the word I preached
                  Mk 16:15; — go to the whole world, proclaim the gospel to every creature
                  Mt 23:2-3; — chair of Moses; observe whatever they tell you
                  Mt 15:3; — break commandment of God for your tradition
                  Mk 7:9; — set aside God’s commandment to uphold tradition
                  Col 2:8; — seductive philosophy according to human tradition
                  1 Cor 11:2; — commends them for following Apostolic tradition
                  2 Thess 2:15; — commands them to keep traditions
                  2 Thess 3:16; — shun those acting not according to tradition
                  Roman Catholic Church is Apostolic, Instituted by Christ Himself, with Peter as the first Pope (appointed head):
                  Mt 16:18-19; — upon this rock I will build my Church
                  Mt 18:17-18; — if he refuses to listen even to Church…
                  Mt 28:18-20; — go baptize and teach all nations
                  Mk 16:16; — go to the whole world and proclaim the gospel
                  Lk 10:16; — whoever hears you, hears Me; rejects you, rejects Me
                  Jn 14:16,26; — Holy Spirit is with you always, teach and remind everything
                  Jn 16:12; — Spirit of truth will guide you to all truth
                  1 Tim 3:15; — Church is the pillar and foundation of truth
                  Jn 15:16; — Jesus chose special men to be his apostles
                  Jn 20:21; — Jesus gave the apostles their own mission
                  Lk 22:30; — Jesus gave them a kingdom
                  Mt 16:18; — Jesus built Church on Peter, the rock
                  Jn 10:16; — one shepherd to shepherd Christ’s sheep
                  Lk 22:32, Jn 21:17; Peter appointed to be chief shepherd
                  Eph 4:11; — church leaders are hierarchical
                  1 Tim 3:1, 8; 5:17; — identifies the roles of bishops, priests, deacons
                  Tit 1:5; commission for bishops to ordain priests
                  The Church is the Body of Christ:
                  Col 1:18; — he is the head of the body, the Church
                  1 Cor 12:20-27; — you are Christ’s body, individually parts of it
                  Eph 5:30; — we are members of His body
                  Rom 12:4-5; — though many, we are one body in Christ
                  1 Cor 6:15; — don’t you know your bodies are members of Christ
                  The Church Must be One:
                  Jn 10:16; — there shall be one fold and one shepherd
                  Eph 4:3-6; — one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father
                  Rom 16:17; — avoid those who create dissensions
                  1 Cor 1:10; — I urge that there be no divisions among you
                  Phil 2:2; — be of same mind, united in heart, thinking one thing
                  Rom 15:5; — God grant you to think in harmony with one another
                  Jn 17:17-23; — I pray that they may be one, as we are one
                  Jn 17: 23; — that they may be brought to perfection as one
                  1 Cor 12:13; — in one spirit we were baptized into one body
                  Rom 12:5; — we, though many, are one body in Christ
                  Eph 4:4; — one body, one Spirit, called to one hope
                  Col 3:15; — the peace into which you were called in one body
                  The Authority and Infallibility of the Church:
                  Mt 28:18-20; — Jesus delegates all power to apostles
                  Jn 20:23; — power to forgive sin
                  1 Cor 11:24; — power to offer sacrifice (Eucharist)
                  Lk 10:16; — power to speak with Christ’s voice
                  Mt 18:18; — power to legislate
                  Mt 18:17; — power to discipline
                  Jn 16:13; — guided by Holy Spirit into all truth
                  Jn 14:26; — Holy Spirit to teach and remind them of everything
                  Lk 10:16; — speak with Christ’s own voice
                  1 Tim 3:15; — church called “pillar and foundation of truth”
                  1 Jn 2:27; — anointing of the Holy Spirit remains in you
                  Acts 15:28; — apostles speak with voice of the Holy Spirit
                  Mt 28:20; — I am with you always
                  The Church is Perpetual:
                  Is 9:6-7; — of Christ’s government there will be no end
                  Dan 2:44; — God’s kingdom shall stand forever
                  Dan 7:14; — His kingdom shall not be destroyed
                  Lk 1:32,33; — no end to Christ’s kingdom
                  Mt 7:24; — Jesus is like a wise man who built his house on a rock
                  Mt 13:24-30; — let wheat and weeds grow together until harvest
                  Mt 16:18; — gates of hell will never prevai against Christ’s church
                  Jn 14:16; — Holy Spirit will be with you always
                  Mt 28:19-20; — I am with you always
                  Primacy of Peter and Apostolic Succession:
                  Mt 16:18; — upon this rock (Peter) I will build my church
                  Mt 16:19; — I give you the keys of the kingdom; power to bind and loose
                  Lk 22:32; — Peter’s faith will strenghthen his brethren
                  Jn 21:17; — given Christ’s flock as chief shepherd
                  Mk 6:7; — angel sent to announce Resurrection to Peter
                  Lk 24:34; — risen Jesus first appeared to Peter
                  Acts 1:13-26; — headed meeting which elected Matthias
                  Acts 2:14; — led apostles in preaching on Pentecost
                  Acts 2:41; — received the first converts to Christianity
                  Acts 3:6-7; — performed first miracle after Pentecost
                  Acts 5:1-11; — inflicted first punishment; Ananias and Saphira
                  Acts 8:21; — excommunicated first heretic, Simon Magnus
                  Acts 10:44-46; — received revelation to admit Gentiles into the Church
                  Acts 15; — led first council in Jerusalem
                  Acts 15:17; — pronounces first dogmatic decision
                  Gal 1:8; — after conversion, Paul visits chief apostle
                  Gal 2:11-14; — I opposed Cephas to h is face, for his hypocrisy
                  Mt 10:1-4; Mk 3:16-19; Lk 6:14-16; Acts 1:13; — Peter’s name always heads the list of the apostles
                  Mt 18:21; Mk 8:29; Lk 12:41; Jn 6:69; — Peter speaks for all the apostles
                  2 Chr 19:11; — high priest is over you in everything of the Lord’s
                  Mal 2:7; — seek instruction from priest; he is God’s messenger
                  Eph 2:20; — church built upon foundation of apostles and prophets
                  Eph 4:11; — God gave some as apostles, others as prophets
                  1 Cor 12:29-29; God designated in church: apostles,….
                  Acts 1:20; — let another take his office
                  Acts 1:25-26; — Matthias takes Judas’s apostolic ministry
                  1 Tim 3:1, 8; 5:17; — qualifications for bishops, priests and deacons
                  1 Tim 4:14; — gift conferred with the laying on of hands
                  1 Tim 5:22; — do not lay hands too readily on anyone
                  Acts 14:23; — they appointed presbyters in each church
                  2 Tim 2:2: — what you heard from me entrust to the faithful teachers
                  Tit 1:5; — appoint presbyters in every town, as I directed
                  Have You Been Saved? Faith Plus Works:
                  Rom 8:24; — for in hope we are saved
                  Eph 2:5, 8; — by grace you have been saved through faith
                  2 Tim 1:9; — He saved us, called us, according to His grace
                  Tit 3:5; — He saved us through bath of rebirth, renewal by the Holy Spirit
                  Phil 2:12; — work out your salvation with fear and trembling
                  1 Pet 1:9; — as you attain the goal of your faith and salvation
                  Mt 10:22; — he who endures to the end will be saved
                  Mt 24:13; — he who perseveres to the end will be saved
                  Mk 8:3-5; — whoever loses his life for My sake will save it
                  Acts 15:11; — we shall be saved through the grace of Jesus
                  Rom 5:9-10; — since we are justified, we shall be saved
                  Rom 13:11; — salvation is nearer now than first believed
                  1 Cor 3:15; — he will be saved, but only as through fire
                  1 Cor 5:5; — deliver man to Satan so his spirit may be saved
                  Heb 9:28; — Jesus will appear a second time to bring salvation
                  Jam 2:24; — a man is justified by works and not by faith alone
                  Jam 2:26; — faith without works is dead
                  Gal 5:4-6; — only thing that counts is faith working in love
                  1 Cor 13:2; — faith without love is nothing
                  Jn 14:15; — if you love Me, keep My commandments
                  Mt 19:16-17; — if you wish to enter into life, keep My commandments
                  Mt 7:21; — not “Lord, Lord,” but he who does the will of the Father
                  Jn 14:21; — he who keeps My commandments loves Me
                  Rom 2:2-8; — eternal life by perseverance in good works
                  Eph 2:8-10; — we are created in Christ for good works
                  Jas 2:14-24; — man is justified by works and not faith alone
                  Are We Assured of Salvation?:
                  Rom 2:5-8; — God will repay each man according to his works
                  2 Cor 11:15; — recompense according to what you did in body; their end will correspond to their deeds
                  1 Pet 1:17; — God judges impartially according to one’s works
                  Rev 20:12-13; — dead judged according to their deeds
                  Col 3:24-25; — will receive due payment for whatever you do on earth
                  Rom 11:23; — remain in His kindness or you will be cut off
                  1 Cor 9:27; — drive the body for fear of being disqualified
                  1 Cor 10:11-12; — those thinking they are secure may fall
                  Gal 5:4; — separated from Christ, you’ve fallen from grace
                  Hb 6:4-6; — describes sharers in the Holy Spirit who have fallen away
                  Heb 10:26-27; — if you sin after receiving the truth, judgment remains
                  Mt 5:48; — be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect
                  Heb 12:14; — strive for that holiness without which we cannot see God
                  Jam 3:2; — we all fall short in many respects
                  Rev 21:27; — nothing unclean shall enter heaven
                  1 Jn 5:16-17; — degrees of sins are distinguished
                  Jm 1:14-15; — when sin reaches maturity, it gives birth to death
                  2 Sam 12:13-14; — David, though forgiven, was still punished for his sins
                  Mt 5:26; — you will not be released until you’ve paid the last penny
                  Mt 12:32; — sin against the Holy Spirit is unforgiven in this life and the next
                  Mt 12:36; — account for every idle word on judgment day
                  2 Macc 12:44-46; — atoned for dead to free them from sin
                  1 Cor 3:15; — suffer loss, but saved as through fire
                  1 Pet 3:18-20; — Jesus preached to the spirits in prison
                  2 Tim 1:16-18; — Paul prays for his dead friend, Onesiphorus
                  1 Cor 15:29-30; — Paul mentions people baptizing for the dead
                  About Hell:
                  Is 33:11,14; — who of us can live with the everlasting flames
                  Mt 25:41; — depart, you accursed, into the eternal fire
                  Mt 25:46; — these will go off to eternal punishment
                  Lk 3:16-17; — the chaff he will burn in unquenchable fire
                  2 Thess 1:6-9; — these will pay the penalty of eternal ruin
                  Call No Man Father:
                  Acts 6:14, 7:2; — St. Stephen calls Jewish leaders “fathers”
                  Acts 21:40, 22:1; — St. Paul calls Jerusalem Jews “fathers”
                  Rom 4:16-17; — Abraham called “the father of us all”
                  1 Cor 4:14-15; — I became your father in Christ through the gospel
                  1 Tim 1:2; — my true child in the faith
                  Tit 1:4; — my true child in our common faith
                  Heb 12:7-9; — we have earthly fathers to discipline us
                  Lk 14:26; — if anayone comes to me without hating his father…
                  1 Thess 2:1; — we treated you as a father treats his children
                  Philem 10; — whose father I became in my imprisonment
                  1 Jn 2:13-14; — I write to you, fathers, because you know Him
                  Gn 1; — complementarity of sexes reflects God’s inner unity
                  Gn 2; — transmission of life through total self donation; one flesh
                  Gn 19; — original sin deteriorates to Sodom’s sin, destroyed
                  Lv 18:22; — called abomination, cut off from the people
                  Lv 20:13; — both shall be put to death for abominable deed
                  Rom 1:27; — called unnatural, shameful, and a perversity
                  1 Cor 6:9; — active homosexuals won’t inherit the kingdom of God
                  1 Tim 1:10; — those who engage in such acts are called “sinners”
                  Drinking Fermented Wine:
                  Gn 27:25; — Isaac brough Jacob wine, and he drank
                  Dt 14:23-26; — spend money on sheep, wine, and strong drink
                  Prov 20:1; — wine is a mocker, and it is unwise to be led astray by it
                  Eccl 9:7; — drink your wine with merry heart; God approves
                  Is 25:6; — God will provide feast of rich foods and choice wines
                  Is 5:11; — woe to those who rise early and run after strong drink
                  Is 5:22; — woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine
                  Lk 7:33-34; — Son of Man eats and drinks; behold the glutton and the drunk
                  Jn 2:2-9; — miracle at Cana; water turned into wine by Jesus
                  Eph 5:18; — do not get drunk with wine; that is debauchery
                  1 Tim 5:23; — drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach
                  Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage:
                  Mal 2:14-16; — for I hate divorce, says the Lord
                  Mt 5:32-33; — to divorce or marry divorced wife is adultery
                  Mt 19:4-6, 9; — to divorce wife and remarry is adultery
                  Mk 10:11-12; — if either divorces and remarries, it is adultery
                  Lk 16:18; — to divorce and remarry or marry a divorced person is adultery
                  Rom 7:2-3; — if a wife consorts, she is adultress if husband is alive; if dead, not
                  1 Cor 7:10-11; — if a wife separates, she must stay single or reconcile
                  Mt 19:5; — leave father and mother, join a wife; the 2 become 1 flesh
                  Mk 10:7-12; — what God has joined together, no man can separate
                  Eph 5:22-32; — union of man and wife is the image of Christ and His Church
                  1 Thess 4:4; — acquire a wife for yourself in holiness and honor
                  Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus:
                  Lk 1:28, 30; — angel Gabriel: “full of grace….found favor with God”
                  Lk 1:40; — Elizabeth: “most blessed among women”
                  Lk 1:48; — Mary: “all generations wil call me blessed”
                  Mary as the Mother of God:
                  Lk 1:43; — Elizabeth calls her “mother of my Lord”
                  Mt 1:23; — a virgin will bear a son, Emmanuel (means “God is with us”)
                  Lk 1:35; — child born will be called holy, the Son of God
                  Gal 4:4; — God sent His Son, born of a virgin
                  The Assumption of Mary’s Body into Heaven after her Death:
                  Gn 5:24; Hb 11:5; — Enoch taken to heaven without dying
                  2 Kg 2:11; — Elijah assumed into heaven in a fiery chariot
                  Mt 27:52; — many saints who had fallen asleep were raised
                  1 Thess 4:17; — caught up to meet the Lord in the air
                  1 Cor 15:52; — we shall be instantly changed at the last trumpet
                  Rom 6:23; — for the wages of sin is death
                  Rev 11:19; 12:1; — ark in heaven is a woman clothed with the sun
                  Immaculate Conception (Mary was Conceived Without Sin):
                  Lk 1:28; — hail full of grace, highly favored daughter; the Lord is with you
                  Lk 1:30; — you have found favor with God
                  Lk 1:37; — for with God, nothing shall be impossible
                  Gn 3:15; — complete enmity between woman and Satan (sin)
                  Ex 25:11-21; — ark made of purest gold for God’s Word
                  Mary Ever-Virgin; Her Perpetual Virginity:
                  Lk 1:34; — how can this be, since I do not know man
                  Lk 2:41-51; — at age 12, Jesus was apparently the only child of Mary
                  Mk 6:3; — “the” son of Mary, not “a” son of Mary
                  Mt 27:56; — Mary the mother of James and Joseph is also…
                  Jn 19:25; — Mary, the wife of Clopas
                  Jn 19:26; — entrusted Mary to John, not a younger sibling
                  Jn 7:3-4; — brothers advise like elders: “go to Judea, manifest….”
                  Mk 3:21; — set out to seize him, “he is out of his mind”
                  Mt 28:20; — I am with you always, until the end of ages
                  Communion of Saints:
                  Eph 1:22-23; — He is head of the Church, which is His Body
                  Eph 5:21-32; — Christ is head of the Church, the Saviour of the body
                  Col 1:18, 24; — He is the head of the body, the Church
                  1 Cor 12:12-27; — if 1 suffers, all suffer; if 1 is honored, all rejoice
                  Rom 12:5; — we are 1 body in Christ, individually parts of one another
                  Eph 4:4; — one body, one Spirit, called to one hope
                  Col 3:15; — you were called in one body
                  Rom 8:35-39; — death cannot separate us from Christ
                  Rom 12:10; — love one another with mutual affection
                  1 Thess 5:11; — encourage and build up one another
                  Gal 6:2; — bear one another’s burdens
                  Gal 6:10; — let us do good to all, especially those in the family of faith
                  Intercessory Prayer to the Saints:
                  Rom 15:30; — join me by your prayers to God on my behalf
                  Eph 4:3; — pray for us
                  2 Th 1:11; — we always pray for you
                  2 Th 3:1; — finally, brothers, pray for us
                  Eph 6:18; — making supplication for all the saints and for me
                  Tob 12:12; — angel presents Tobit and Sarah’s prayer to God
                  Rev 5:8; — angel offers prayers of the holy ones to God
                  Mk 12:26-27; — He is God of the living, not of the dead
                  Mk 9:4; — Jesus is seen conversing with Elijah and Moses
                  Lk 23:43; — this day you will be with me in paradise
                  Rev 6:9-11; — martyrs under the altar want earthly vindication
                  Heb 12:1; — we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses
                  Lk 16:19-30; — departed rich man intercedes for his brothers
                  Rev 20:4; — saw the souls of those who had been beheaded
                  Wis 3:1-6; — the souls of the just are in the hand of God
                  1 Tim 2:1-7; — offer prayers, petitions for all men
                  1 Pet 2:5; — be a holy priesthood to offer sacrifices through Christ
                  Mk 10:18; — only God is good
                  Mt 25:23; — well done my good and faithful servant
                  Jn 10:11-16; — I am the good shepherd; one flock, one shepherd
                  Jn 21:15-16; — feed my lambs, tend my sheep
                  Eph 4:11; — He gave some as apostles…others as pastors
                  Heb 3:1; 7:24; 9:12; — Jesus is the eternal high priest; one sacrifice
                  Rev 1:6; 5:10; — He made us a kingdom of priests for God
                  Veneration of the Saints (is NOT Worship!):
                  Jos 5:14; — Joshua fell prostrate in worship before an angel
                  Dan 8:17; — Daniel fell prostrate in terror for Gabriel
                  Tob 12:16; Tobiah and Tobit fall to the ground before Raphael
                  Mt 18:10; — angels in heaven always behold the face of God (We venerate angels because of their great dignity, which comes from their union with God. Saints are also united with God in heaven.)
                  1 Jn 3:2; — we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is
                  1 Thess 1:5-8; — you became an example to all believers
                  Heb 13:7; — remember leaders, consider and imitate their life and faith
                  2 Kgs 13:20-21; — contact with Elijah’s bones restored life to a dead man
                  Acts 5:15-16; — cures performed through Peter’s shadow
                  Acts 19:11-12; — cures through face cloths that touched Paul
                  Ex 25:18-19; — make 2 cherubim of beaten gold
                  Num 21:8-9; — Moses made a bronze serpent and put it on a pole
                  1 Kgs 6:23-29; — temple had engraved cherubim, trees, flowers
                  1 Kigs 7:25-45; — temple had bronze oxen, lions, pomegranates

              • I think one distinction that is questioned here about Mary is the statement made:

                She became our Co-Redemptrix at the foot of the Cross by her participation in Our Lord’s Redemption of us poor sinners. .

                Technically, Mary did nothing to redeem us. She was not crucified for our sins. Even if she had died also on the cross, her sacrifice would have been unacceptable as a mere human, full of flaws.

                She was at the foot of the cross, in sorrow, but that did not mean her presence did anything to save us. Others were there in sorrow as well.

                Jesus would have died with her there, or in her absence, and we would have still been redeemed. Mary was also in need of salvation herself.

                At the foot of the Cross Our Lady also became the Mother of the Church. Membership in that Church founded by her Son, and submission to His Vicar, our Holy Father the Pope, is absolutely necessary for salvation. Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. This site then is secondarily dedicated to confessing the necessity of the Church and submission to our Holy Father for salvation.

                Submission to the Pope is NOT required for salvation. This would be against scripture.

                Only through Jesus are we saved. No submission to man, or woman, is part of salvation, but submission to God only.

                • This answers everything you need to have answered about the Virgin Mary and why she is called Queen, and honoured so highly.

                  it is an absolutely wonderful Documentary by Dr Steven Ray filmed in the HOLY LAND, he walks where they walked. He explains everything known traditionally (In Catholicism) from what we have had handed down to us in the OLD TESTAMENT. The role of the Gebirah – the Queen Mother of the house of David, and how it was always th MOTHER of the KING that was called Queen – her role was an intercessor for the KING.


                  Footprints of God – MARY


                  Footprints of God – PETER – The PRIME MINISTER of the HOUSE OF DAVID


                  Footprints of God – Paul – Contending for the Faith

                  Jesus, and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist – Dr Brant Pitre

                  The fourth Cup.

                  Also read the writings of those who knew and were taught by the Apostles. St Justin Martyr, St Polycarp, St Ignatius of Antioch etc….. You can read them online – the Church Fathers taught by St John and St Peter are called “The Apostolic Fathers” Their writings are known as Sacred Tradition.

              • Ha ha ha, a glorious impasse, I see. So what is the nature of Mary, the mother of Jesus? Many prayers and rosaries are given to her, yet to where do our prayers solely and rightfully belong? Should we pray to Peter? To the saints? To the Pope? Have you not heard that the Lord your God is a jealous God? And what do you suppose God thinks when you provoke Him when you pray to anyone else but Him, to stir Him to jealousy? Do you even know what it means when God is jealous of you? To see your trust and faith go to another, and to place in your heart any other name of greater prominence than the name above all names, Jesus? Mary gave birth to the humanity of Jesus, not the divinity of Jesus. Jesus, being God, is not, as God, born from anyone, but is everlasting. All, even Mary herself, was created by Jesus. And to balance the reverence of Mary, Jesus own words was to humble her from the thinking that she was divine to that of one who was also a sinner saved by grace when Jesus named her “woman”. The implication of naming her such was to dispel any notion that Mary was above Jesus, or even divine, that she was a “woman”, just like any other woman, though highly favoured of God.

    • Are you for real? Ignorance is bliss for some people – dangerous for others! Understanding literary techniques such as metaphor regardless of the language also helps. Seeing as the catholic church put the bible together, including revelations, your simple explanation is rather backward and from the view of someone who is of low intelligence. The Catholic Church priests and Popes can read and obviously far more educated than you, remember they were the first to start institutions of learning and universities. If your simple nursery explanation was fact – why would they fulfil your version of prophecy? Not everyone is as simple mined as you fortunately, otherwise we’d have cardinals dressed in blue! People like you are what Jesus warns us from. A devil in disguise pretending to be for our Lord. Not!

    • you are so wrong. I tell you, you burn in hell for thinking like this. The beast is an animal, got it? and that animal is a Lion. read this: and see, who is the Beast, the harlot woman the seven heads of the Beast and those seven kings from the riddle, as well the 10 horns witch are 10 kingdoms. About the 10 horns witch are 10 kingdoms, Daniel is telling you that there is a little horn rising, and 3 horns have fallen before the little one rise.

      Sorry mate, you are not wise at all, and as I see you are misleading those people who are searching for True with your wrong interpretation.
      Consider this your Judgment, and don’t ever tell I am wrong without doing a proper research.

      L. J.

    • Excellent! !. X

    • You are a typical protestant bigot! You belong to a man made religon. Jesus didn’t start the protestant sects, Man did! You are calling Jesus himself a liar because he told Saint Peter that Peter is the rock of his Church and the gates of hell shall never prevail over it. Did Jesus lie to Peter? It is evident that you think so.

    • The Vatican 2 church is the false Catholic Church. See here to understand.
      The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned
      The True Catholic Church still exists in a remnant of Traditional Catholics and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

  7. The joining of the churches will result in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church ; England , Russia , China , Jews, Muslims and Protestants.
    That should read “in one Unholy Catholic Apostate Church”
    Why do the ten kings hate the woman? Because the looks like Christ? No, because God will use them to execute his judgement on the whore!

    Eliminating all, who opose the Catholic Church reads in biblical terms “God’s holy people will be killed off”.
    Reviving the “Holy” Roman Empire reads in biblical terms “The antichrist and the false prophet reign supreme.”
    The promised peace will be a false one and ended by the antichrist showing his true colors.
    It is no wonder that Catholics do not believe in the milennium. They are hardly taught anything which complies with the bible.
    Concluding from the section of Isiah that their will be a time of peace has only one problem. They will learn to war no more. How can this be when just a few years later they will kill each other at Armaggedon?
    The rest can be read in the post of KE.
    To all Catholics: Reject the demon that poses as Mariah and come to the true one an only mediator between man and God, which is Jesus Christ!

    • This unification of church sounds alot like the NWO? right? So far, aside from Elvis, the Pope and OBama are the only 2 on earth that are being worshiped, adored and protected….if looks could kill you could be dead in a “flash” for speaking anything that would go against those 2!

      Makes me wonder about who is the AC and who is the false prophet? The only confusing thing is that 1 is catholic and the other muslim!

      • Thank you Lyndsey. It seems you know your Bible. I am an EX-Roman Catholic. I am not saying ALL RC’s aren’t saved, but I sure wasn’t when I was in THE Church, and that was a long time: 21 YEARS. Now that I know better, it is good to know that the POPE is NOT infallable; that the RC Church is NOT the ONLY church in which we can be saved; that I don’t have to pray to Mary for my salvation; that Mary doesn’t intercede in any way for me with God. Jesus is MY advocate. There IS only ONE way to Heaven. That’s through my personal faith in Jesus’ substitutional death on the cross and his shed blood that makes me rightous with God. Not by anything or any works I can do to earn my salvation. It is God’s free guift to those who choose to believe on His Son, Jesus. That is the ONLY way to entrance to HIS Kingdom.

  8. Dear Obelix,

    It is certain that this is a time for reflection, on what is wrong in the world, and what is wrong with us personally. Seeking God for His truth should be our primary activity now. Thanks for your input.


  9. Mary, the mother of Jesus, maybe the greatest Saint that ever lived. However, she is fully human, dead, and can not return to this earth anymore than my great grandfater can. What those kids saw, and the other Mary sightings are from Satan, or one of the fallen angels given respite until judgement day.

    Satan knows the time of the end will be as it was in the time of Noah. So, it is no problem for him to tell people there will be wicked times.

    Any Church that believes works can get you into Heaven is not Christian. Only believing G-d will see you through Christ’s perfect sacrifice gets you to Heaven. That does not mean you should not do good. As we lay up gifts in Heaven through our good works. Some are taken away when we sin.

    Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus, does not rein in Heaven as co-Regent with Christ.

    • In the Old Testament, the kings of Judah had queens but the queens were not their wives — but their mothers — with one exception of the queen being a grandmother.
      Solomon had 1,000 wives and concubines — but he only had one mother. Click here to read the section on The Great Lady or Queen Mother in Roland de Vaux’s book Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institution.
      The Queen Mothers of earthly kings of Judah were not always good examples or godly queens. Many of them were egregious sinners and would intercede for the people with improper requests to the king. But, this takes nothing away from the fact that the mother was the queen and intercessor. It only confirms that many of the Old Testament kings and queens were disobedient to God.
      But there is a perfect King and a perfect Queen — Jesus and his mother Mary. They follow the pattern of protocol and the royal institution. It is the royal protocol and the historical precedent and the office that is important in the analogy. Kings of Israel DO what Kings of Israel do and always have done. Jesus is THE king of Israel and would follow the protocol.
      Jesus is a king sitting on the throne of his fathers David and Solomon (Luke 1:30-33; Daniel 7:13-14; Rev 5:5; 19:16) and all the subsequent kings of Judah. Solomon was called the son of David because that’s what he was. But the phrase “Son of David” became a title of the Messiah. Jesus is referred to as THE Son of David (Matt 1:1; 21:9) and is therefore the ultimate and true king.
      The kings of Judah all had queens but the queens were not their wives — they were their mothers. This is the royal protocol of the Old Testament and the kings of Judah. It is ultimately fulfilled in Christianity and the Kingdom of God which, obviously, is based on the Old Testament model. Jesus is our king and obviously his mother is the queen. It is proper and justly so.
      Remember, the kings of Israel do what the kings of Israel do. Jesus is the ultimate King of Israel, so…
      …let’s follow the logic:
      1) Solomon and subsequent kings of Judah raised their mothers to Queenship which became established as an official office;
      2) the mothers were referred to as the Queen Mothers or the Great Lady;
      3) they sat on a throne near their sons (1 Ki 2:19);
      4) The kings of Israel do what the kings of Israel do;
      5) Jesus is the quintessential Jewish King with an eternal kingdom;
      6) Jesus is the fulfillment of the Israelite offices of Prophet, Priest & King;
      7) As the Davidic king, Jesus who obeyed the Law perfectly, would honor his mother more than earthy kings honored their mothers;
      8) It is biblical, historical, and reasonable to expect the perfect Jewish king to follow the protocol of the kingdom and his fathers by assuming his mother to a throne at his right hand.
      9) It is proper and biblical to consider Mary in a position of intercessor as the Queen of Heaven.
      10) Mary is seen as the Queen of Heaven in Revelation 12:1.
      Is it impossible or unlikely that God would assume someone into heaven body and soul? All of us will be taken us some day (1 Cor 15:52). In the Bible there are at least two clear examples of humans taken up to heaven body and soul. Both Enoch (Gen 5:24; Heb 11:5) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:1-11) were taken up into heaven body and soul. Mary was not the first! There was already precedent set!
      Queenship of Mary is a Marian feast day in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church,established by Pope Pius XII. On 11 October 1954, the Pontiff pronounced the new feast in his encyclical Ad caeli reginam. The feast was celebrated on May 31, the last day of the Marian month. In 1969, Pope Paul VI moved the feast day to August 22.

  10. Hi Leatherneck,

    I appreciate your comments. My purpose here is just to show different views of end time prophecy. I hope to bring in all denominations, who can then read what alternative views to their own is out there. People visit here, and they become aware of other views, to compare with their own. They can also read comments of others about specific views, and maybe this will help them, if in error, change their thinking. The hope is to encourage everyone to find the truth inside themselves. Thank you for the contribution you have made.


  11. I understood what you were doing. Some of the other comments seem to believe in a false Christianty. I hope I did not offend you by writing what is a more correct truth.

    Thanks for allowing me to post.

  12. Dear Leatherneck,

    You are very welcome.


  13. hi
    just wondering the assertion that actually the 3rd so called sectret is about jesus lineage! Is it true that the real issue is that jesus was black and as such most of what is told today is a lie?

  14. HI Humphrey,

    I am not an expert on the Fatima prophecy. I passed on what was given me in an email, and then a Catholic contributed more, with some references. My impression is that the 3rd secret was about world events, and not genealogy.

    For Jesus to be black is unlikely, although there is some biblical records indicating black – white unions within the Israelite community.

    Moses married an Ethiopian woman after his first wife died.

    There are rumors, for which I have seen no proof, that King Solomon mated with the Queen of Sheba, but she did not stay with him, and went pregnant back to Sheba. If this was true, her offspring would have grown up in the Sheba area, which is in Saudi Arabia, not Israel.

    For the time in Egypt, while the Israelites were still slaves, there may have been black slaves as well, and intermarriage could have occurred. But there is no record of this. They were too busy performing slave labor to keep records.

    When Moses finally received the Mosaic law, he was given the commandment not to mix races. This was not because God was prejudiced, but because God had chosen this people to receive His word, and become His people.

    They were to turn away from idolatry and believe in only One God. Other peoples and races would be considered unbelieving idolaters, and any intermarriage after that would compromise the true monotheistic faith with idolatry.

    Jesus came from the tribe of Judah within the Israelite nation. There is no recorded history of an interracial marriage except for Ruth and Boaz, ancestors of Jesus. Ruth was a Moabite, which would have made her from either an Arabic background, or of the Esau lineage, who was brother to Jacob.

    I think there is a prevailing hope among blacks today that Jesus was black. I do not see any evidence. I hope people will understand that Jesus was here for everyone, not just Jews. If someone was purple, Jesus would have drawn them to Himself. Skin color is not what is important, but one’s repentant heart and obedience to God. We are here to love one another until Jesus returns.

    People from that region in the Middle East, even today, do not reflect the black skin color. The skin tone of a middle eastern is more that of a Mexican. If you put an image of a pure black person and an Arab from that region side by side, you can see the difference. The early Jews looked more – a little bit – like the Italians do today. The Italians are descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob, who was renamed Israel by God. The bible does describe Esau as more rugged, hairy, and “redder” than Jacob, who was more fair (lighter in skin tone – less red), less hairy. Jesus was a descendant of Jacob, not Esau.

    Of course, the Ethiopian Jews who are returning to Israel are black. This is due to the diaspora, where the Jews were scattered around the world, and the less obedient started intermarrying with local people.

    They were scattered because they gave in to idolatry, so that fact that there are observant Jews in Ethiopia is interesting. Maybe some repented and turned back to God.

    But the Ethiopian Jews claim to be from the tribe of Dan, not Judah. The Messiah had to come from Judah’s lineage, not Dan’s. That would still remove the possibility that Jesus came from this tribe.

    I hope this, in part, may answer some of your questions. Remember, we are not saved because of what lineage Jesus was. We are saved because of our relationship to Him. There was one Chosen people, who were to bring forth the Messiah, and keep God’s Word pure, and spread it to the world. But this does not exclude others from having honor and respect they deserve.


  15. Hi
    I wonder if this ” Fatima” vision will lead to the reawakening of Babylon, that was, is no more and will be again” ?
    Many that are not Scripturally educated or have been atheists up until now will believe this and turn to the catholic church and strengthen it. It is typical of Satan to run so close to the truth and then take it off one degree, much like soothsaying and many will ” say Lord Lord and not do the will of the Lord ” but rather Satan;s will.
    Below is a link to an article identifying ” mystery Babylon ”
    by Dave Hunt, the best work on this subject I have read.

    Unknowingly to us, Papal worship has crept into our churches today and we partake of this pagan worship, even though we believe ourselves to be Protestants. The best book I have read showing this called THE TWO BABYLONS or THE PAPAL WORSHIP by
    You will be shocked after reading this book how we have accepted
    these pagan beliefs thus accepting ” the mark of the Beast”
    For those that want to know.


  16. Hi
    Her is HISLOP’S book online


  17. hi Bee

    Papal worship? That is a new one. I will take a look at the link. But remember, many people have crazy ideas now, so do not believe everything you hear.


  18. Hi M
    Thanks , Don’t worry I don’t believe anything I hear until I can back it up Biblically. But you are right, there are many crazy theories out there that are Biblically unfounded.

  19. Hi Bee

    Exploring crazy theories can be fun, and it can stimulate interest in the bible. People just have to finally decide if it is really true or not.


  20. this is true….

  21. I am a little confused with your post. It seems you have the original quoted from Lucia and then have a lot of other instructions not from the vision-like about praying the Rosary, lighting holy candles, etc. Where does this info come from?

    I have learned to be wary of anything putting a date on the Lord’s return as the Scriptures say that no one knows that day or hour, not even Jesus (Matthew 24:36). However,this is a year and not a day but if the world is to be destroyed by 2010, that would mean the Lord would be returning before then or sometime in that year????, as the Scriptures say that the believers will be taken away first.

    My other concern is regarding your other post that the Muslims also have a prophecy out to bring in the Anti-Christ in 2013-2015. If 2010 comes and goes without any destruction of the world,(ie. if this should prove to not be true) this would really hurt the faith of those Roman Catholics whose faith is in the Roman Catholic church (alone) instead of in Jesus’ teachings, His blood and the Bible. If their faith is faulty, they might swing over to the anti-Christ.

  22. Hi Susan,

    Do not feel confused. The purpose of this post, as other ones, is just to report what is said from different sources as to the end times. People can then assemble the information, think about it, and make their own decisions.

    From what I understand from Brian, whose note follows the post, this is a collection of stories about Mary that have been fused together into one summary. I am not sure how much is the official version. Some might be just rumor. We would have to go to the Vatican site and see if there is an official statement.

    We all feel like we are in the end times. The year is not that important. We all sense a time that is soon. One person says one thing, someone else says something else. We just feel it is soon. I do not think Catholics need to fret over a particular date or year, just like no one should do this. The discussion of the possible year is just an academic exercise.

    The main point of faith is that we all prepare our hearts, and keep it ready. Even if all those years come and go, this should not affect our faith, or our destiny. We will have spent those years in honest preparation. After all, each one of us could die before we ever see anything. This way, we are ready to meet our Lord.


  23. Medugorje & Fatima:

    For those of you who think we catholics worship Mary! We don’t! We simply love her & through Medurorje & Fatima & apperations all over the world, what she does is incredible! She leads us to her son Jesus Christ. She asks us her children to turn back to GOD, to repent, have peace, not judge, hurt other religions, slander GOD, she wants us to love JESUS!
    I just wanted to mention this. hehe For Catholics who read this; it’s so amazing right about Medugorje & Fatima! We must pray for our Lady’s message to be known to the world pray for peace thought out the world especially in our own lives!

    pce luv n bubble gum

  24. Hi Kerrie

    I think Catholics have their contributions too. That is why I presented this. You will always have people with varying views on things. If there was 100% agreement, I would have to assume that either Jesus had come back, or that we were all in heaven. 🙂


  25. Why would G-d send a dead women all over the world to show G-d’s great love for mankind, when the risen Christ our Lord is available? How can Mary hear anyones prayer?

    Mary is not the Queen of Heaven. She is not Co-Regent with Christ. She did not asscend to Heaven. She died, like other humans who have come before us.

    There is a Queen of Heaven. She is a Pagan Goddess. Do you remember the Tower of Babel? Samarius was Nimrod’s wife, and mother. She gave birth to Tamuz,(the moon god), the rebirth of Nimrod, (the Sun god). Samarius is the Queen of Heaven.

    Licifer wants to mislead humans from the true truth. There are some humans doing Satan’s work to rebuild the Global Tower of Babel. Recending G-d’s order to make Nations, and States.

    The Queen of Heaven holding her child is the image in which billions will be led away from Christ.

  26. Hey Leatherneck

    Remember that honey goes a long way, and works better than vinegar. 🙂 I hope all will see that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life….


  27. I remember. But, I grow tired of false doctrine.


  29. Hi Nhel

    You are very right. Jesus is the only way. Only truth comes from God. I have noticed, however, that occasionally the enemy slips, and lets us know his plans. So, sometimes it is important to take heed of information that comes from unorthodox sources. I present data I get from various sources to 1. find any truth that may be there. 2. attract in those that may follow such thinking, so that they can read what else is said on this site. This way they will hopefully find better answers. If people would just stick with what Jesus said, they will not need to seek beyond that for anything.


  30. In Lk 18:8, Jesus Christ asked: “Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall He find Faith on the earth?” No, it will be as in the days just before the symbolic Great Flood, when only 8 were saved and the rest destroyed, Mt 24. Here is why:


    Do you know that almost every adult, who calls himself or herself a Christian, already has the Rev 13 “mark of the Beast”? Yes, this is true and it has been true for a very long time. Ask God for Wisdom to understand:

    The mark of the Beast, the lie of 2Th 2 and physical water baptisms, performed after Ac 11, are all the same evil. Impossible? No! Six times, we read that John baptized with physical water but Jesus Christ must baptize us with His Holy Spirit, Mt 3; Mk 1; Lk 3; Jn 1; Ac 1; Ac 11. Jesus Christ’s saving baptism is the one and only spiritual baptism of God’s New Covenant according to Scriptures such as Mt 20; Mt 28; Mk 10; Mk 16; Lk 11-12; Lk 24; Jn 1-7; Ro 1-8; 1Co 6:9-20; 1Co 12:12-13; Gal 3; Eph 4:4-7; Eph 5:25-32; Col 1-2; Jas 1:16-18; 1Pe 1-3; etc. After John the Baptist went to prison, Jesus Christ began His earthly Ministry. During the time of His earthly Ministry, His apostles did not baptize anyone in or with physical water. Don’t stumble on Jn 3:22-4:3, John the Baptist wasn’t in prison yet and the Apostle John’s Gospel is not in chronological order. So, if the apostles did not perform any physical water baptisms during Jesus Christ’s entire earthly Ministry, what makes anyone think that Mt 28; Mk 16; Ac 1-7; Ac 9; Ac 12-28; etc. are about physical water? They aren’t! They are about “Living Water”, “the Water of Life”, that we must also spiritually drink! Read Jn 7:37-39; Rev 21-22. Did the apostles have a temporary problem accepting non-Jews without first putting them through some of the Jewish rituals? Yes, they did in Ac 8; Ac 10 but what did Peter learn in Ac 10-11? Peter learned that he had opposed God! Non-Jews will be included in God’s Plan of Salvation in the very same Way as the believing Jews – through sincere repentance and faith that lead to obedience, Mt 3-7; Mk 1:14-15; Jn 8-21; Ac 11; Ac 15; Ro 1-16; Gal 1-6; etc. Until we receive God’s saving New Covenant baptism from the Lord Jesus Christ through God’s Word, we have no Grace as God defines it and no salvation. Multitudes may think they have God’s Grace but they do not, exactly as it has been prophesied to happen in these Last Days. This is the reason for all of the confusion among denominations, sects and cults. They have all invented their own false gospels instead of believing and obeying what Jesus Christ taught and told them to do, especially first of all in Mt 6:33a. What is it, exactly, that we must find first? Did you begin where Jesus Christ told us to begin?

    Read Jn 1-7; Heb 1-13; 1Pe 1-5; Rev 1-22. Pay careful attention to the descriptions of the saved 144,000 in Rev 14:1-5 and the Voices of Rev 1; Rev 14. What must be “written” on our “foreheads”? God’s Name, also called: “The Word of God!” “Living Water” is a description of God’s Word in Spirit and in Truth. God’s Word must be written in our minds and on our hearts as God’s “Water of Life” that we must also spiritually drink!

    Who had physical rituals for washing their “hands” instead of ceasing to do evil? The Jews of 2000 years ago, especially the unbelieving Jews, who symbolized all of the false Christians to come, Mt 15; Mk 7. How are these Jews described in Rev 2? As “a synagogue of Satan”, the same “Beast” of Rev 13, who persecuted the early true Christians. Who is the second “synagogue of Satan” in Rev 3? False Christians, who have followed in the footsteps of the first Beast, exactly as prophesied in many OT and NT Scriptures. They also wash the outside with physical water but leave the inside full of greed, wickedness and dead men’s bones, Mt 23; Lk 11-12. The second synagogue of Satan also persecuted true Christians, especially the true Christians of 350 years ago, the ones perfectly prophesied as the Philadelphia church in Rev 3. These true Christians founded Philadelphia, USA, after proving all of the carnal churches and all of their related carnal institutions are false!

    What “sea” did the Beast come out of? The symbolic “Red Sea” where the symbolic wicked got wet and drowned, Ex 12-15. What is it that true Christians cannot “buy” or “sell”? God’s Gospel Truth since God’s Gospel Truth cannot be bought or sold with money, Isa 55; Mk 11; Rev 21-22. False Christians try to buy and sell but all they have to offer is lies from Satan, 2Co 11:1-15; 2Pe 1-3! Where was “666” revealed? In Isa 66:6 of the Old Covenant but primarily in Jn 6:66 of the New. Like the disciples of Jn 6, who rejected Jesus Christ and His Word, false Christians have refused to accept the fact that God is Spirit and He must be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth. God’s Light and Living Bread are spiritual, His Living Water is spiritual and the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ, when it is symbolized by the Wine, is spiritual, Jn 1-7. What was symbolized in Jn 2:1-11?

    God’s New Covenant is spiritual; it is impossible to belong to the Law of Sin and Death and be saved. We must leave the Old Covenant and belong to the Law of the Spirit of Life, Ro 1-8. How do we go from the Law of Sin and Death to belong to the Law of the Spirit of Life? The correct answer is simple and short; it will take a couple of sentences or a small paragraph to explain. Only true Christians will know the correct simple short answer because we have experienced it. False Christians, who belong to the synagogue of Satan, do not know the correct simple short answer, 1Co 1-3. Do you know? Do your “teachers” know? If not, then you have a most serious problem that you must not ignore! Start over. Begin with Mt 6:33a. Contact me anytime regarding God’s exact original Gospel Truth. Freely have true Christians received and freely we will give!

    In the service of the Righteous One from God the Father,
    anne robare

    PS: Be sure and share this most critical Gospel Truth!

    • “Terrorism” is the image of the beast
      There has been as much written about the image and mark of the beast as about any other passage in the Bible (Rev 13:14-18). It has always been assumed that this “image of the beast” was something physical, like a statue that was carved, cast, or sculpted out if stone, wood, or metal. But that is not all the dictionary says an image can be. An image is a likeness of any kind. A photograph is an “image” of the original scene, a book is an “image” of the thoughts of the writer and a child can be the “image” of his father. If we use that broader definition for “image,” then the new Moslem Jihad (Terrorism) that faces the West and Israel is an image of the first Jihad. (Almost all Moslem seen terrorism is good and a justifiable act to accomplish their ultimate goals; “the total obliteration of all Christians and Jews” in the name of their Allah – Terrorism is the image of the beast, as you watched on television, their fury against “Two Horned” is fuelling their desire to be part of these i.e. “making this image”

      “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait (ambush) for them in every stratagem (of war) but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is oft-forgiving most merciful” (Sura 9:5).

      “O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers … ” (Sura 9:123).

      “Fight those who believe not in God [Allah] and his apostle [Muhammad], nor acknowledge the religion of truth [even if they are] of the people of the book [i.e. Jews and Christians], until they pay jizya [humiliating tax] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued [enslaved]” (Sura 9:29).

      For indeed, this new Islamic threat is just as menacing as the one that came before it.

      Rev 13:14 And he [the Two-Horned Beast] deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast [LBL]; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the [LBL] beast [a likeness of, or a new Islamic power], which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

      An image is a likeness, and now a likeness of the first Moslem Jihad is springing up all over the world. The fastest growing religion in Europe is Islam, and as of this writing, the largest
      mosque in the Western world is in Rome. The largest place of worship in Toronto, Canada, is a mosque, and there are more people attending mosques in England than there are going into
      the Church of England. In Holland, state-owned Christian churches are now being turned over to Moslems, and 14% of the immigrants into the United States are Islamic.
      There are over 1.4 billion or so people in that false religion today. (The Roman Catholic church reported in early 2008 that Muslims have officially overtaken Christians in population and numbers) Best estimates are that 10-15 percent of all Moslems are militant fundamental extremists. In other words, 100 to 150 million human beings are in the world’s most dangerous splinter group.
      Since there are an estimated three to five million Moslems here in the United States, if that 10-15% statistic holds true for us, we could reasonably conclude that between 300,000 and 750,000 Moslems in America also support the terrorists.

      It is considered an outrageous sin for a Moslem to betray a fellow Moslem to an infidel, regardless of the crime. As a result, extremists can comfortably hide in any Moslem population. They do so right here in this country.

      Dan 8:25 … he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many:

      We are being taken for fools. Did you know that the major portion of Hamas’ funding comes from America? That money isn’t being given to the Palestinian terrorists by the tooth fairy. While claiming to be our friends, these same Moslems, are killing many thousands of Christians in Nigeria, over 1,000,000 Christians in the Sudan – many by crucifixion – thousands more in Indonesia, the Philippines, and anywhere else in the world where there are large Islamic populations.
      Have we already forgotten the US embassies in Teheran and Africa, the Achille
      There is now credible evidence that Osama bin Laden funded and sent al Queda fighters into Somalia to fight the US Special Forces there, 18 of whom were killed with 75 wounded. Al Queda forces fired from behind the local women and children making it extremely difficult for US troops to defend themselves without causing great collateral damage.
      Lauro, Pan Am 107, the Marine barracks in Beirut, Somalia, the first World Trade Center attack and the USS Cole?
      So what are the differences between the United States and Nigeria, the Sudan, and Indonesia? Many, but there is one central difference – there are a lot more Moslems in those troubled
      countries. And what do we hear, even from the President of the United States? That Islam is love and peace. Maybe now we can hear three verses from within the Bowls of Wrath:

      Rev 16:12-14 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates [which flows between Iraq and Iran]; and the water thereof was dried up [as the waters that
      separated them were figuratively dried up, they figuratively became one land, and through Islam they have spiritually become one people], that the way of the kings of the east [LBL] might be prepared [Afghanistan is also East of LBL].
      And I saw three unclean spirits [Leopard-Bear-Lion is a threepart empire] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of
      the false prophet [Muhammad]. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world [for the first time in history, Islam is now spreading into the Western world], to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

      Note the location of this prophecy: the River Euphrates, a river that runs between Iran and Iraq and into Syria. That’s the lair of the Leopard-Bear-Lion once again. Notice how many evil spirits like frogs there are: THREE and LBL beast is a composite three-part beast. It is the release of these three demons into the world that will trigger Armageddon. Just watch how Islam is spreading. The Two-Horned Beast helps the Leopard-Bear-Lion to gain strength to its own harm:

      Rev 13:15-16 And he [2H] had power to give life unto the image of the [LBL] beast, that the image [or likeness] of the [first LBL] beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

      But all of that is far away, and Islam could never be a danger here, right? Yeah right! Most thought so until the World Trade Center fell. But by then, Islam was already a major force among the Black youth in America and many prison populations are controlled by Black Muslims. Of the immigrants now entering this country, 14% are Islamic and Moslems are spending over $1,000,000 a week here to subvert our people. Even as we write, Islamic fundamentalists hold secret meetings in such unlikely places as Tampa, Los Angeles, Oklahoma City, and Kansas City to plot terrorist acts against our nation
      But despite the destruction of the World Trade Center, western nations, including our own, still favor Arab interests above those of our staunchest friend in the Middle East, Israel.
      Ignoring the fact that Yasser Arafat and his henchman, Abu Abas, invented airplane hijacking, the Palestinians still have access to the highest echelons of our government. We listen, in a vain attempt to further a peace process that will never work. Arafat is the most murderous terrorist who ever lived, yet we demand that Israel make peace with him. You cannot make peace with those intent on your obliteration, and though it hasn’t happened yet, the Bible indicates that our listening to the Leopard-Bear-Lion could lead to the destruction of the Church in the Western world:

      Rev 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

      That death may be physical, but surely it is spiritual, as the Church stumbles about in a self-induced doctrinal trance. At no time since the Reformation has the Church known less about Jesus or the Bible than it does right now. Blinded by tradition, lethargy, and the cares of this world, we keep right on playing.

      In Matthew 24:25 the Lord promised He would tell us all this in advance, and He has. But Jesus will still be returning as a thief, for few there are who await His appearing.

  31. One has to swear an oath to the Anti-Christ, then recieve a mark on their forehaad, or hand.

    That has not happened to anyone yet. What are you preaching anne?

  32. Hi leatherneck,

    I think Anne is saying that water baptism is the mark of the beast, since water baptism by John was replaced with the baptism of the holy spirit by Christ. A difference between law and spirit to her.


  33. All true Christians of all time will declare God’s Gospel Truth, not their own ideas, Jn 15:1-17. We are all commanded to test ourselves and the spirits and so here are 4 extremely critical questions to do that with:

    Jesus Christ said: “For there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect! Behold, I have told you beforehand!”
    Jesus Christ said: “He that is of God, heareth the Words of God. For this cause ye [unbelieving Jews, unbelieving non-Jews, including false Christians] hear them not: because ye are not of God!”
    Paul wrote: “Test your own selves, whether ye are in the Faith! Prove your own selves. Or know ye not, as to your own selves, that Jesus Christ is in you, unless indeed, ye be reprobate?”
    James wrote: “My brethren, if any among you err from the Truth and one convert him, let him know, that he who converteth a sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death and shall cover a multitude of sins!”
    Peter wrote: “But there arose false prophets also among the people, as among you also there shall be false teachers, who shall privily bring in destructive heresies, denying even the Master that bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction!”
    John wrote: “Beloved, believe not every spirit but prove/test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world!”
    Jude wrote: “For there are certain men crept in privily, even they who were of old written of beforehand unto this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ!”

    1) Jesus Christ commanded us all to seek first God’s Kingdom and God’s Righteousness, Mt 6:33a. First means first. His command is expounded in other Scriptures but probably best of all in Ro 1:16-25. In the Scriptures there is a Righteousness from God revealed that is by Faith, the “One Faith” as God defines Faith, and this is what we must believe in according to Scriptures such as Mk 1:14-15; Eph 4:4-7; etc. God’s One Faith is very specific and it is never to be redefined in any way. What, exactly, is it that we must find first, believe in and make more important than our own physical lives?

    2) All true Christians have left the Law of Sin and Death to belong to the Law of the Spirit of Life, Ro 1-8. Under the Law of Sin and Death, the wages of sin still end in Death, not in eternal Life. How, exactly, do we leave the Law of Sin and Death to belong to the Law of the Spirit of Life? The answer to the first question is also part of the answer to this question. In Ro 1-8, Paul described in great detail how it is done but what he wrote can be correctly summarized in a short paragraph.

    3) When Jesus Christ changed the water into wine, He revealed His heavenly Glory, including His spiritual New Covenant Baptism, Mt 3-7; Mk 10:35-45; Lk 11:1-13; Lk 12:1-50; Jn 2:1-11; 1Co 12:12-13; etc. In Jn 2:1-11, Jesus Christ also revealed how we must leave the Law of Sin and Death to belong to the Law of the Spirit of Life, Ro 1-8. What was the symbolism in Jn 2:1-11 that revealed Jesus Christ’s heavenly Glory, including His spiritual New Covenant Baptism?

    4) In 2Th 2, Paul warned about a terrible lie that the man of sin, the lawless one who is the liar, uses to deceive and exalt himself as God. Also, see Jn 8; Ro 1; Rev 14. Some “scholars” falsely claim the liar is the lie but Paul revealed what the lie is in detail within 2Th 2. What is the lie?

    Jesus Christ said: “If ye abide in my Word, then are ye truly my disciples and ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” His simple exact original Gospel Truth can easily be known and He said so. Anyone, who denies it, has called God and God’s Word – “liars”, 1Jn 4-5!

    True Christians will have the anointing from the Holy One of God that teaches us the basics of Salvation, Jn 6:45; 1Jn 2. True Christians receive our Power from God through His anointing that gives us Wisdom from God, Righteousness from God, Holiness from God and Redemption from God, 1Co 1. True Christians, through our anointing from God, will have “the Mind of Christ”, 1Co 2. True Christians will know the easy short correct answers but false Christians will not know them.

    In God’s Love as He defines Love, anne robare

  34. Hi Anne,

    I certainly admire your love of God’s word, and your passion for its truth. Thanks for all the references.


  35. I am a Catholic and I LOVE JESUS AND HIS WORD!!! It really saddens me to hear all of the hatred (that does not come from God!) toward HIS Church! All of the information that was posted by this hatefilled “KE” who posted on June 20, 2008 at 12:55 about the Catholic Church is all false and he/she should be ashamed of him/herself for letting Satan use him/her to spread such putred lies and hatred. It is sad that there is such ignorance about the Church. If you really care to know the TRUTH about the Church you can read first and formost the Bible, as Jesus founded our Church. Stop spreading lies and hate. “Love one another as Your Heavenly Father loves you” is what Jesus tells us.
    Peace to all, even to those who chose to hate. May the Holy Spirit use us all for peace and the spreading of The Good News! Jesus! Jesus Christ is Lord!

  36. Hi Susan,

    Do not worry about negative remarks you might occasionally see. Jesus said we will know a tree by its fruit. A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. All denominations have their share of good and bad. God looks at our hearts, not the name on the church door.


  37. Rev. 13:16-18.

    The word of G-d anne. What are you preaching?

    When you quote the Bible anne, I have no problem. But, what about Rev. 13:16-18 do you not understand? Who told you otherwise?

  38. Susan,

    There is no hatred in the truth. It is simply hard to take. Making an image of Mary with her child, and then saying prayers to her is worship of same.

    As long as you believe in Christ’s blood for our sins, that is the bottom line.

    Good luck to you.

    BTW, I believe in the virgin birth of Christ. Also, the Church is all those who believe in Christ, not just one group.

      Q. Do Catholics adore the Blessed Virgin Mary as they adore God?
      A. No, this would be idolatry; but Catholics honor her pre-eminent prerogatives with a degree of veneration infinitely inferior to that which is due to God, but much superior to that which is due to the angels and saints.
      Q. Why honor her at all?
      A. Jesus Christ himself—John 12:26—says, “If any man serve me, him will my Father honor;” surely, then, even as God honors the Blessed Mary, for no one served his Divine Son with so great fidelity, our veneration for her cannot be misplaced. Even Dr. Pearson a Protestant, (Exp. of Creed, p. 178,) says,—”We cannot bear too reverend a regard to the Mother of our Lord, so long as WE GIVE HER NOT that worship which is due unto the Lord himself”
      Q. What do you discover so especially eminent in the Blessed Virgin as to demand our especial veneration?
      A. Immediately after the fall of man, the Almighty honors her by pointing her out, four thousand years before the event, as the person whose seed should crush the serpent’s head. In Isaiah vii, 13, she is made again the subject of a prophecy, and the sacred lips of the Prophet of the Lord proclaim her virginity—a virtue which in all ages has obtained the first degree of honor.
      Q. What do we find in Luke 1:26?
      A. We find she is chosen of all the daughters of Eve to be the Mother of Jesus,—the CHOICE is made by the ADORABLE TRINITY, and an ARCHANGEL announces the wonderful tidings to her.
      Q. Is the heavenly message delivered by the Angel in such a manner as to give a strong proof of Mary’s exalted dignity?
      A. Yes; for she is addressed in language so respectful as to leave no doubt about the matter. “Hail!” says the Angel, “FULL OF GRACE, THE LORD IS WITH THEE: BLESSED ART THOU AMONGST WOMEN.”
      Q. What think you of those Protestants who call the Blessed Virgin an ordinary woman?
      A. We pity them, we tremble for them. An Archangel, bearing the words of the Adorable Trinity upon his tongue, tells them they are blasphemers of the saints of God. They utter a falsehood in the face of that exalted creature,—a falsehood in the Face of the Angel,—nay, a falsehood in the very face of God himself.
      Q. Do the above passages of Scripture exhibit her as an ordinary woman?
      A. No; but the contrary. Is she an ordinary woman who is made the subject of prophecy,—with whom the Blessed Trinity communes,—to whom that Blessed Trinity delegates an ARCHANGEL MESSENGER—Who is declared by the unerring lips of that Angel to be FULL OF GRACE,—to have THE LORD WITH HER, of all the women of the earth, to be particularly BLESSED?
      Q. What should Protestants do to justify their language towards the Mother of God?
      A. They should corrupt their Bible a little more, and make the Angel say,”Hail, thou that art an ordinary woman,—thou hast no grace,—thou art not blessed more than other,—the Lord is as much with the wives and daughters of the holy reforming ministers as he is with thee.”
      Q. What does Origen, who lived fourteen hundred years ago, say to our present purpose?
      A. He says,—” ‘Hail Full of grace,’ &c., is a salutation addressed to MARY ALONE.”
      Q. What says Luke 1:35, on this question?
      A. “And the Angel answering, said unto her, (Mary,) the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee; therefore also that Holy Thing which shall he born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
      Q. Does this passage prove the Blessed Virgin an ordinary woman?
      A. Oh! blush for shame, ye reforming pretenders to Scriptural knowledge! Is SHE an ordinary woman, who holds direct intercourse with the three persons of the Adorable Trinity? She whose son is the Son of God?—She who is made the mother of the King of kings?—she whose son, as the Angel tells her, shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest, who shall sit on the throne of David, and reign over the house of Jacob for ever?
      Q. Does she not, in verse 34, show some doubt, when she asks—”How shall this be? seeing that I know not man?”
      A. Yes; but the moment that the Angel tells her that the Holy Ghost shall come upon her,—that all is to be the work of the Most High,—she submits at once, and, with the most edifying docility and humility, exclaims—”Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy word.”
      Q. Is there any thing in the 40th verse of same chapter to throw additional light on the exalted dignity of the Blessed Mary?
      A. Yes; at the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in Elizabeth’s womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.
      Q. Did Elizabeth, filled thus with the Holy Ghost, and bearing in her womb the Baptist, than who none greater was ever born of woman,—did Elizabeth, who was made by God miraculously fruitful, who knew, though not present at the angelic interview, what had passed between the Angel and Mary,—did this honored, exalted, and inspired Elizabeth agree with Presbyterians in thinking the Blessed Virgin an ordinary woman?
      A. No; she would have shuddered at such language. She proclaimed Mary’s blessedness, and, though exalted herself, she considered herself highly honored by Mary’s condescension in paying her a visit. “And Elizabeth spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb; and whence is this to me, that the mother my Lord should come to me?”
      Q. Is there any other proof, in this chapter, of Mary’s pre-eminent dignity?
      A. The poorest daughter of Eve is ennobled and exalted by becoming the mother of a king. How great, then, must be the dignity of Mary, who became the mother of the King of king and Lord of lords! And, when we consider that Jesus could not dwell in an unholy tabernacle, how ineffably pure and exalted must Mary’s spiritual state have been !!
      Q. Does not this chapter suggest still some other proofs of her extraordinary and singular dignity?
      A. Yes; she was troubled at the extraordinary nature of the angelic salutation; but the Angel Messenger of the Most High calmed her fears, by declaring to her the exalted place she held in the estimation of the Most High. “Fear not, Mary, thou hast found grace with God.” But the circumstance which proclaims above all others her singular pre-eminence is her maternity combined with virginity. She is a virgin and yet a mother!!! This alone is sufficient to put to shame those unhappy men who seem to glory in reviling the blessed mother of their Redeemer, by proclaiming her, whose SON THEY ADORE, as an ordinary woman.
      Q. What do we learn from Luke 1:18?
      A. That the ever-exalted and blessed Mary is a prophetess. She declares of herself that all generations shall call her BLESSED; and: surely no one will be bold enough to say, that she, who was full of grace, and the temple of the Holy Ghost, could speak Falsehood.
      Q. What inference should you draw from this revealed truth?
      A. That Protestants belong not to the true people of God; for they refuse to fulfil this prophecy. They glory in contemning the Blessed Virgin: they proclaim her an ordinary woman, instead of obeying the Scripture, which says,—”From henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.”
      Q. Does not the Blessed Jesus despise Mary—John 2:40—in these words—”Woman, what have I to do with thee?”
      A. Yes, according to the corrupt Protestant translation; but according to the Vulgate, which even the Protestant Grotius considers the SAFEST VERSION, our Saviour’s words are,”Woman, what is it to thee and to me?”
      Q. Is the Protestant translation absurd and ridiculous as they understand it?
      A. Certainly; for they would make our Saviour,whose example we are all bound to imitate, despise and contempt his own mother. She is honored by being asked with him to the marriage; she was familiar with him previously, for she asks him to work a miracle, which she clearly knows he can perform. She does not seem hurt by the apparent refusal of Jesus. But the solution of the whole difficulty is found in the fact, that he works the very miracle requested by Mary immediately after. Thus, he works his first miracle at the suggestion or Mary. In Luke 2:49-51, he treats her with the greatest respect; he forgets her not, when, even hanging on the Cross in the agony of death, he commends her with his last breath to the care of his beloved disciple; and yet, after all this, Protestants would make us believe that he despised her, and treated her with studied contempt at the marriage-feast of Cana !!
      Q. What would you say to the difficulty, if the Protestant translation was correct?
      A. He sometimes acted in his character as God, and sometimes as man, and, on this occasion, he wished to manifest that, as God, he knew their wants and would relieve them in the same manner as, on another occasion, he said to Mary—”Didst thou not know that I should be about my Father’s business?”
      Q. What says St. Augustine (Serm. on the Announ.) as to the dignity of the Blessed Virgin?
      A. “By what praises; O sacred Virgin, I may extol thee I know not, since thou hast been deemed worthy to bear in thy womb Him whom the heavens are unable to contain.”
      Q. What says St. Epiphanius—Adv. Hæres. Lib. iii, F. 2?
      A. “Truly life itself was introduced into the world by the Virgin Mary,….Eve brought to the human race the cause of death,….Mary brought the cause of life.”
      Q. Is the Greek schismatical Church one with the Catholic Church on this head?
      A. Photius, its great leader, speaks thus, (Serm. de Nativ.:) “But you, O Blessed Virgin, and also Mother of the eternal Lord, our propitiation and refuge, interceding for us with your Son and our God,….vouchsafe to render us your panegyrists.” See Counc. of Ephesus and Nice, Act 6.
      Q. Is the veneration of the Blessed Virgin an ancient practice in the Church?
      A. It can owe its origin only to the Apostles, for it can be traced to no later age; no men, no body of men, no country, can be pointed out as having originated it; hence, it is evidently Apostolical, and, consequently, it has the authority of heaven.
      Q. What general conclusion would you draw from all that we have said?
      A. That Protestants, in their contempt for the Blessed Virgin, resist the irresistible evidence of their own Bible. They talk of her as an ordinary woman, whilst, in a flood of heavenly light, she shines the most singularly preeminent personage that ever was created. God himself makes honorable mention of her at the very dawn of the world;—the prophet Isaiah, centuries before the event, proclaims her the illustrious Virgin Mother of the future Messiah;—an all-wise Deity selects her, of all the daughters of Eve, to be the Mother of the Redeemer;—the Blessed Trinity sends an Archangel to obtain her consent;—she is saluted as full of grace;—she is assured that the Lord is with her;—that she is blessed among women;—that the Holy Ghost will come upon her;—that the Most High will overshadow her;—that her son shall be called the Son of God;—that she has found grace with God;—that, though a virgin, she shall conceive the Son of God, at once a VIRGIN and a MOTHER ! ! ! At the sound of her voice, the infant Baptist leaps in his mother’s womb, and his mother is filled with the Holy Ghost. The inspired Elizabeth salutes Mary in the very words of the Angel—”Blessed art thou among women;” and this Blessed Mary herself bursts forth in the spirit of prophecy, and foretells, that all generations will call her blessed; and all generations, during twenty hundred years, did so, and seven-eighths of Christianity do so at the present day.
      Q. It does appear strange, that Protestants will despise her, whom God has so pre-eminently sanctified and exalted,—have you any additional considerations which may have a tendency to make them blush for their rash and unscriptural conduct?
      A. Yes; many. For nine months did the Blessed Mary carry our Redeemer in her thrice holy womb;—she suffered with him at the crib of Bethlehem;—wept over his infant body, and wiped away his tears;—she sorrowed when he bled in the temple;—fled with him to Egypt;—tended him during youth;—and was sanctified by his Divine companionship during thirty three years. She was the companion of all his sorrows, suffering, and tortures;—her soul was transfixed by every wound he received,—her tears were mingled with every drop of blood which he shed;—a living monument or grief, she was found at the foot of the Cross, when all had abandoned him. In the dying struggle of Jesus, we find her his anxious care—with his dying breath he commends her to the affectionate tenderness of his beloved disciple. She received into her arms his mangled and bloody body, and sorrowed with those who laid him in the tomb;—she sought him early on the morning of the Resurrection, add was found among his Apostles on the day of his Ascension and on the day of Pentecost; and even all this is not sufficient to induce wise and religious Protestants to regard with respect and veneration the Mother of Jesus !
      Q. What should Catholics do in a country where torrents of blasphemous insults are every day poured fourth against the Mother of God by men calling themselves Christian ministers?
      A. They should have ever on their lips the sweet address of the Archangel Messenger, thus paraphrased by the holy Athanasius fourteen hundred years ago: “Be mindful of us, O Blessed Virgin! Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee! Thee the angelical and terrestrial hierarchies proclaim blessed Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. O mistress, lady, intercede for us! Queen, and Mother of God, pray for us!”

      • just a quick note. it is ok to respect mary for her role.

        but God never said to venerate her.

        she had no merit that she deserved such an honor.

        grace is unmerited favor, which means she was full of grace or UNMERITED favor….she did nothing to merit her role.

        yes, she is blessed, so are the rest of those who believe in God and his promises’

        abraham was blessed and no one prays to him.

        I agree that people should not bash the beliefs of others, when they have beams in their own eyes.

  39. To leatherneck, Yes, i understand quite well, i have the Greatest Teacher there is, Jn 6:45. Jn 6:66 reveals the number of the beast that is the synagogue of Satan. They are people who do not walk with Jesus Christ. They have rejected the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jn 14-17. God’s New Covenant is spiritual but those who have the mark of the beast cannot accept that fact as the disciples of Jn 6:66 could not accept Jesus Christ’s spiritual Words. Jesus Christ said it: “But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, for such doth the Father seek to be His worshipers. God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.” Is that clear as day or what? Read 1Co 10:1-6. When Israel was baptized unto Moses, did they stay dry or did they get wet? Who became physically wet and died in the symbolic Red Sea? The same can be said regarding the symbolic Great Flood. And, in 1Co 10:1-6, what kind of food and drink did Israel eat and drink, spiritual or physical? Read Heb 1-13. The New Covenant is spiritual, not physical. God made it very easy to determine who is false and who is not.

    In your reply to Susan, you are correct that there is no hatred in the Truth; it is Love to tell people to obey God’s Word and God’s Teaching but only those who Love God’s Light will listen, Jn 1. However, you also said “As long as you believe in Christ’s blood for our sins …” We were told to believe long before Jesus Christ went to the cross, Mk 1:14-15. We were told to seek first God’s Kingdom and God’s Righteousness and first means first, Mt 6:33a. This is the Faith revealed in the Gospel that is from first to last, or from Faith to Faith, the one Faith of Ro 1; Eph 4. We must begin where we were told to begin or we can never fully understand the rest.

    Do you doubt that i am declaring God’s exact original Gospel Truth? Have you tested yourself and the spirits as we are all commanded to do? Why don’t you see if you can answer my very easy but extremely critical questions above? All true Christians receive Wisdom from God and we know the easy short correct answers, 1Co 1. Along with Wisdom from God, true Christians receive Righteousness from God, Holiness from God and Redemption from God, 1Co 1. If you do not have Wisdom from God, can you claim to have received His Righteousness, His Holiness and His Redemption?

    Also, the real Church is the spiritual Body of Jesus Christ, who is the Head of His Body, Eph 4. The Head of the true Church has always been and still is the One to determine who will belong to His spiritual Body, not any man. Jesus Christ must baptize us or we are not saved, Mt 3; Mk 1; Lk 3; Jn 1; Ac 1-2; Ac 10-11. One baptism means one baptism, not one for real and another for show, Lk 16:15-17; Eph 4. God’s Name must be on our foreheads, the Name of Mt 28 and many other Scriptures that are not at all about physical water but they are about Living Water from God, the Holy Blood of the New Covenant and the Holy Spirit of God, all from God, not man, 1Jn 4-5, Rev 14.

    • anne, the mark of the beast is for economic reasons. NO man can buy or sell without the mark. When you go shopping does the clerk ask you how you were baptized? When you apply for a job does the employer ask you if you were baptized with water? The Mark is to show loyalty and worship of the BEAST! It comes when the anti-christ is in power and not before that time. Don’t be fooled by a false teaching of God’s word. If you can be so easily fooled by this what else have you believed that is a lie? Emily

  40. Symbolic great flood? Christ said as it was in the time of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man. How can the flood be symbolic? It happened. You are giving false witness.

    The Bible states clearly what is written in Rev. 13:16-18 is a real event. Something that people will have to do, or not do. You once again went around a simple question.

    I do not know what, or for whom, you are writing, but your statements, although full of gospel, deny what is written.

    What chruch do you belong to? So, I can read from what you are being taught.


  41. Dear Susan,
    if you loved the Lord Jesus Christ and his word you would notice the abundance of deviations of the Catholic Church from the word of God. It is the willful rebellion of the CC to comply with it that makes it so detestable. For centuries it has kept its followers in darkness by preventing the common people from reading the word themselves. The words that Jesus addressed to the lawyers also fits well for the CC.
    Luke 11:52 52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.
    You complain about the “hate” of KE towards the CC. I would say:”Look who is talking.” All those who were martyred by the CC for their statements of faith certainly would protest.
    As for the “apparitions of Mary”: There is no baby Jesus. He has grown up and is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and by no means still dependent on his mother to carry him around. There is no such office as “the queen of heaven”. We will be kings and priests and like the angels. So there is no more woman or man in Jesus Christ. What appears as Mary is a demon, maybe Satan himself in disguise. The revelation of Fatima has serious problems with contradicting other bible passages.
    Please, for the sake of your eternal soul, do not trust anyone but study as the Bereans did.

    • The bible readings have been read at every Cathoic mass for nearly 2000 years. The bible wasn’t kept from Catholics. It was just for centuries aafter the Roman empire fell during the dark ages few people could read or write except priests. Even kings required scribes due to lack of literacy. You really need to view religion and the church within historical context, otherwise your info is inaccurate.

    • When did the printing press invented ? around the time of Martin Luther’s Rebellion in the 15th century! So let’s blame the Catholic church for preventing the inventors of the printing press for not inventing the printing press much sooner…..say a century before Martin Luther……we could not have been accused then of not reading the bible by protestants…. oh sorry …nobody would blame us ….. they are yet to appear 100 years in the future.

  42. This is anne’s reply to leatherneck:

    leatherneck: Symbolic great flood? Christ said as it was in the time of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man. How can the flood be symbolic? It happened. You are giving false witness.

    anne: Not at all. 1Co 2:14: “Now the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him and he cannot know them because they are spiritually judged.” How many people survived the Great Flood? In Lk 18, Jesus Christ asked if He would find Faith on the earth when He visibly returns. No, He will not except for a small remnant, as usual, Isa 63:1-6; Rev 19. Remember, only 8 were saved out of the Great Flood and they stayed dry! I never said the Great Flood didn’t happen; it did. So did the Cana Wedding where Jesus Christ changed the water into wine but what He did there revealed His heavenly Glory. He symbolized His true Gospel and His New Covenant baptism but i won’t go into details here. Basicly, there are 3 that testify: the Water that is Living Water, also called the Water of Life, the Holy Blood of the New Covenant and God’s Spirit of Charitos, that is the Spirit of Truth, Heb 10; 1Jn 5. If you never did begin where Jesus Christ told all of us to begin in Mt 6:33a; Ro 1:16-25, then you will not understand these Scriptures. Why don’t you answer the simple questions i asked above?

    leatherneck: The Bible states clearly what is written in Rev. 13:16-18 is a real event. Something that people will have to do, or not do. You once again went around a simple question.

    anne: Not at all. Physical water baptisms are quite real, Lk 16:15-17. Don’t they always involve the forehead? What is supposed to be on the foreheads of the saved according to Rev 14? There is only “one baptism” now and we must spiritually “drink” it, Mt 20; Mk 10; Lk 11-12; Jn 4:1-26; Jn 6; Jn 7:37-39; 1Co 12:12-13; Eph 4:4-7; etc. What does drinking our spiritual baptism have to do with God’s Name on our forehead? Until you seek first, find first and become one of God’s bondservants of Righteousness, you won’t know; it will remain foolishness to you, Ro 1-8. The “natural man” only knows natural things but true Christians, who have been baptized by Jesus Christ Himself, are spiritual and we have received “the Mind of Christ”, 1Co 2.

    leatherneck: I do not know what, or for whom, you are writing, but your statements, although full of gospel, deny what is written.

    anne: Not at all. Who baptized you? John baptized with water but Jesus Christ baptizes with God’s Holy Spirit, Mt 3; Mk 1; Lk 3; Jn 1; Ac 1-2; Ac 10-11; etc. John’s baptism died with John, Ac 13; Ac 18-19:10.

    leatherneck: What chruch do you belong to? So, I can read from what you are being taught. Thanks

    anne: I belong to the Church described in Scriptures such as 1Co 12; Gal 4; Eph 4; Rev 3:7-13; etc. Look up George Fox, Isaac Penington, Robert Barclay and James Parnell, the ones who lived in the 1600’s. And, you might want to read what John Chrysostom and Augustin of Hippo wrote c 400AD. That should keep you busy for a very long time. If you want 2 excellent examples from Augustin that confirms what i have been saying, writings i just found late last month, send me your email address because it is too long for here, anne / canawedding at aol dot com

  43. anne,

    My respects to those who were harmed, and martyred at the hands of King Charles.I understand now why you write the way you do.

    G-d’s speed to you anne.

  44. anne’s reply to leatherneck:

    leatherneck: anne, My respects to those who were harmed, and martyred at the hands of King Charles.I understand now why you write the way you do. G-d’s speed to you anne.

    anne: No, leatherneck, you do not understand. You see, what i learned about baptisms and Righteousness, i learned 3 and 1/2 years before i ever read what those first true Christian Quakers wrote. I didn’t even know what they believed when i learned what i did. Neither did i know about John Chrysostom or Augustin until years later. All true Christians are taught by God as the real Jesus Christ said, Mt 10; Mt 23:8-12; Jn 6:45; 1Co 1-2; 1Jn 2. There is one Faith as there is one Way, one Truth, one Life, Jn 14; Eph 4:4-7. Unless we hold on to the Words and Teaching of the real Jesus Christ, we can do nothing that matters, Jn 8; Jn 15-17. And, about those persecuted true Christian Quakers of 350 years ago: Do you know they were prophesied to come in Zechariah? Do you know that when Jesus Christ fed the loaves and fishes to the 4000, He foretold the Quakers of 350 years ago? Do you know that those true Christian Quakers were perfectly prophesied in Rev 3:7-13, the Philadelphia church before they founded Philadelphia, USA in the late 1600’s? If you do not believe what i am saying, then read what they wrote. We agree on all of the saving Gospel Truths, all of them but i learned what i did 3 and 1/2 years before i knew what they believed. Can you explain that? Why don’t you consider those questions because we are all commanded by God to test ourselves and the spirits? I don’t need to know your answers but you do need to find out what they are. The answers have to do with the very beginning of being saved through the real Jesus Christ who has always been and still is the Head of His one spiritual Body.

  45. Hi Marianne, I have read transcripts of the Marian apparitions, it is of Satan. The Catholic(false church), is a cult of Mary, plain and simple and violate many of Gods laws. They are Babylon, Judaism, Christianity, and the golden calf all intertwined. Much blasphemy and antichrist policies come from there. Did you know that the pope sits on a throne with an upside down cross at times. They are very pagan in origin. In the old times, the ancients had goddess worship and its alive and well. Also there were gods of every occasion, the wolves have saints of every occasion. Going back to the apparitions, from what i have read it is of our enemy. Scripture says to not talk to the dead, have no other God, that Christ is our only mediator, satan can appear as an angel of light, so on. Due to the glorification of Jesus mother, I believe it opened doorways for these evil appearances. Listening to this demon is no different than listening to Nostradamus or a psychic, ONE can be defiled. I believe the false Catholic(Universal) church is headed by a dark, new age spirit. We must all be spiritually sober, God Bless, Sean

    • OK OK, I want to leave the Catholic Church right now, I believe you!….Tell me which sect will surely landed me in heaven. The latter-Day Saints? but I don’t believe their history about the ancient people of america….Perhaps the Jehovah’s witnesses….but they say Jesus is actually Archangel Michael….Ahh the Baptists church may be!……but there are so many different Baptists churches, I hear that if one baptist pastor don’t agree with other baptist Pastor – its time to segregate the flocks!….What about the Episcopalian, Methodists, Anglican….Its same story for them…..I heard they want or have ordained women priests…..some allow homosexuals ordained too…some are pro-abortion…..from what I see the problem is, among the hundreds of protestant and reformists, they cant all agree with each other…….what I want is a true church that is unwaivering, doesn’t budge to any external pressures (be it government or religious groups, or groups of questionable interests-you know what I’m talking about). a church that can be traced from unquestionable beginning, a church that survived repeated onslaught by other so called “christians”. A church that if it will succumb to modernity – will be the end of christianity.
      I’m confused!!! really confused!!!!!!.
      Perhaps I will just study the bible myself, then create my own little group, then of course I will gain followers. The name of my group needs to be something traceable – ahahhh, what about “Early Church of Christ’s apostles”! I think this will worked! If they questioned our beginning say 10 years or 20 year from now, nobody will ever guess….and We can always point them in the scripture somewhere. I think this is a good idea….I can always interpret the bible without corrupting the meaning and purpose of it – I’m very sure of that! ….So there’s no reason this will fail – I will only be doing it for the love of Jesus Christ and for him alone…..
      What do you think?

  46. Hi Sean,

    My goal here is not to support a view, but to present it. I am hoping that once a visitor comes to my website, they look around, and read other information as well. Thus, they will come away with more information than what they either came with, or were looking for.


  47. Presenting false doctrines to beginner Christians or fence walkers I believe is not the right thing to do. Might as well be a new age bookstore or a reed blown about in the wind. If I was to present false ideas, it would Only be to rebuke it with scripture. While some are focusing on Jezebels, false churches abound up and down our streets with no one to warn others. I can not read any more of your articles on this website, good day, Sean

  48. Dear Sean,

    As I responded to you, and as I stated in the introduction and text,

    “Whatever you believe, and decide, Catholic, or Protestant, is up to you. I am just posting it to share the contents.”

    I also conclude with this note:

    There will be differences of opinion here as to the credibility of the Mary apparitions, praying of the rosary, etc. Much does sound like the book of revelation, so what is said is not that original.

    I present this because there is a common thread of messages for the last days, which we are in. The message is that the world is turning evil, Jesus is coming soon, doomsday will precede His arrival, many are falling away from the faith, and many will be punished. Also, there will be huge natural disasters, as warnings, and calls to repentance. So it is a time for repentance, and getting close to God, and asking for salvation.

    Works alone will not help us. Our faith has to be in Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah. No other religious figure will help us. Not Mary, Not Mohamed, Not Buddha. There is only one way to the Father, and His name is Jesus.

    There happens to be millions of Catholics around the world. This is a topic they somewhat are interested in, and this topic would draw them into my site.

    If I can conclude with a note that will draw all these people to know more about Jesus, rather than pursuing Mary, or other beliefs, then maybe lives can be changed, and eyes opened. I am not into condemnation of any deceived person. Most people are sincere in what they believe, so they are to be led, not pushed.

    I do not present false ideas as truth. I present opinions as opinions. I do not endorse false ideas. I do plenty of warning about false ideas on this site, including negative church practices, Jezebels, witchcraft in and out of the church, money abuse, and religious spirits.

    I also talk about Mayan prophecy and other religious and secular prophecies, so people can think through, and compare all this to the Word of God.

    I contrast this with holiness, and the true Word of God, prophecy, deliverance, and encouragement.

    Beginner Christians will not be deceived on my site, because I always conclude with the gospel. There is no way any beginner Christian would end up believing in Mary after reading what I wrote here, because I say, in the end, that Mary will not help them, only Jesus.

    I respect all people who come here, both Catholics and Protestants, Muslims and atheists. The idea here is to get make the Word of God enjoyable, and put secular thinking, or even wrong thinking, in perspective. If I present something as wrong, I will present scripture to back it up. I do not go on a vendetta. The truth should be presented in meekness and love.


  49. No one knows when is the time and the hour not even the angels, but only My Father in heaven.

    Consider this, that there’s no time frame for any prophesy, only warnings to be considered and taken seriously and for one single reason, ” our salvation”.

    The blessed Virgin gave and still giving warnings, but at the same time She gave and still giving messages of hope.” Pray, pray, pray My children”, because only through prayers, God’s mercy will be upon us and peace will be established.







  51. Our Blessed Mother Mary, attains the title ‘Queen Mother’ from the fact that she is Mother to Christ the King. In the book of Kings it clearly states that when King David was elevated as King his Mother became the State Intercessor, i.e the people brought thier petitions to the Queen Mother to present to the King for a more favourable hearing. The King would not refuse his Mother. This is why the Catholic Church venerates Her and prays to Her as intercessor.

    I notice a good number of people quote the bible on this site. It might interest you to know that the bible was compiled by the Catholic Church. It always seems strange to me that people use the bible to attack the Catholic Church and they don’t realise that the only reason they have a bible to quote from is on account of Her.

    For the protestants on this site, Martin Luther pronounced that one is saved by faith not works. This goes completely against the readings of Timothy ‘Faith without works is dead.’ Christ said that men will be judged on how they treated their neighbour.
    I was hungry and you gave me to eat……. . This was very serious during the “de-formation” in England, when the rich had now the excuse that they were saved by faith and ceased to tend to the needs of the poor. With the destruction of the monastries the poor had no sustenance. We are still suffering from this false teaching today.

    With regard to end times the apostasy in the Church is relayed by the Beast knocking a number of the stars from the crown of the
    “Woman clothed in the Sun with the Moon under her feet” . Indicating the twelve tribes. This is well underway with the attack on the clegy and consecrated souls. The rosary and Mass are the only protections.

    The true faith is not a compilation of opinions . There can only be One Truth. Two opposing so-called truths cannot both be correct. One has to be incorrect.
    All will not be saved, watch the translations, Jesus died for Many not for All because All would not accept Him.
    Rev. John you should know that God is perfect Justice as well as perfect Mercy. If he treated enemies of the Gospel the same as the Faithful there would be no justice. However, if sinners repent and convert they will be saved.


  52. thanks for this message..i will convince many people so that they will repent to god..

  53. OK now that we knew we should pray for our self and also for other but i believe that we can prevent that, if all the peoples in the world will have peace

  54. What will happen is Revelation 12 through 17. Father Malachi Marten read the Third secret of Fatima. Read his books or look at the websites for him.

  55. Father Malachi Martin died after a fall in his apartment in Manhattan, New York, in 1999. He said, in this interview, that we had less than 20 years left, according to what he knew. So at least 10 years have passed. We are in the final 10 years…Is he right?

  56. Rev. 18:-24..And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
    Babylon is held responsible for all that were slain on the earth…and for the death of saints and the apostles.
    BABYLON IS THE SAME DOCTRINE AS CAIN AND KORAH AND BAALAM…jude 1-11…IT is the same doctrine as the tower of Babel…

    Look up the doctrines of ancient Babylon .. It is astrology and their head of the pagan gods was SIN THE MOON GOD.. When God told Cain “SIN LIETH AT THE DOOR” he meant sin the moon god who waS believed to be the door to heaven..
    Saying the catholic church is babylon is not only retarded , it provides a shield to hide the real truth of who and what Babylon is..
    It is the mind that has wisdom, the wisdom acquired from satans knowledge tree..

  57. Thanks to Jesus and mother mary the holy spirit led me on this path and through my dr.which is catholic she is going out her way to help me.I ask for all to pray all during day.When Jesus wake you early in morning hrs.This means 1:00am. or 3:00am or 4:00 am these are times to get up and pray for all souls to come to christ and pray for peace in the unied states and the universe for grace and mercy for all souls to be save.We need everyone starting as of 2-25-2010 Please pray.Read your Bibles,When each of us pray it go’s all over the universe.Thanks,Gp.

  58. Dear Gracie: I was elated to find that this site was still continuing and your entry on Feb 26th made my day. At Fatima the Virgin told Llucia: “Go my child and tell the world what will come to pass during the 1950’s thru the 2000’s. Men are not practicing the Commandments that God has given us. Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world in minues where half of the human race will be destroyed. A war will begin against Rome and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders. God will allow all natural phenomena like smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, gas, winds and inclement weather to slowly batter the planet. These happenings will come to pass before the year 2010!! (Read LUCIA REVEALS THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA) As Lucia wrote the Virgin’s words in Portuguese when it was translated, many mistakes may have been made so dates may also be “off”.

    I had always loved the story of the Lady of Fatima so when a reporter was interviewing a middle aged man from Haiti who had just lost everything including his family, he rised up his arms and looked up to the Heaven’s and said: GOD IS VERY VERY MAD AT US!

    Lets all look back now on just the past couple of years: Katrina, the worst fire in years in California and now the mud slides. The volcano that has been quite for over a decade is now ready to “blow”. I unvortunately haven’s read or seen the book or movie that Al Gore wrote concerning about Global warming. But when you see a mother Polar Bear sitting on a small piece of ice and her baby on another far away from her…what else could possibly go thru our minds.

    Mary said for all of us to PRAY, PRAY, AND PRAY. As this site contains so much on religion and contradictions, this was the only place I felt that I could reach out to everyone because I so believe in the messages that our Virgin left Lucia at Fatima.

    Countries around the world are digging deep into mountains to survive whatever may be coming our way Many are called “Survival Bunkers” and/or Seed Bunkers.

    Why hasn’t our Government told us about the “Seed Bunker” being built in a location so remote you need a globe to find it. And guess who is building it….

    Bill Gates and his wife Milinda (Microsoft) Warren Buffett the bulti billionaire, Dow Chemicals, and Monsanto of the U.S.

    GOOGLE UP: GATES SEED BUNKER… shows a map and describes the site.

    This is in Russia started back in 1997 but has now turned into the largest survival bunker complete with a railroad and highways. The U.S. has been trying for years to find out what’s going on but they now have their answer.

    The United States Survival Bunker is known as “Mount Weather” a top secret undergrond installation – one hour from washington. It has four floors complete with the ability to grow hydroponically food, a hospital complete with an operating room and of course the selected doctors who will be running it. The president and the highest officials, the best scientists etc. are ready to go.
    After 9/11, our Vice President spent a month there fearing whatever may come up next.

    Bill Gates bunker is also called the SVALBARD GLOBAL SEED VAULT on the Norwegian Island of Spitsbergen.

    Another is The “Sonnenberg Tunnel in Lucene”

    So Gracie, as you said, everyone must Pray and Pray. Our governments have to stop thinking of just themselves and remember us.

    By the way, I am a senior residing in a senior housing facility with 50 other women. We have a prayer group on friday evenings, and we pray for Peace in the World, everyone suffering from illnesses, our boys in the service, etc. A number of our requests to the Virgin and Jesus have been answered and we believe prayer is what will save us.

    Thank you Marianne for starting this site, as its been a blessing to me. A number of you know the scriptures really well, so I have to go back to the middle and read on from there. I just wanted to let everyone know what I found out so far, as Mary has told us that Prayer to Jesus will save us, so we must pass the word on that God wants us to follow his commandments and Pray.

    • dear ann

      Thanks for the extra information. Men will hide in futility. They do not understand that there will be a global earthquake, and they will all be buried underground forever.

      Those bunkers are their tombs. So all those millions of dollars, or other currency, has been wasted, when that money could have helped the poor and suffering.

      This was predicted to occur at the 6th seal. It was predicted that men would run and hide, because the wrath of God had come. No one can hide from God.

  59. the first post about the contents of The Third secret of Fatima is all true with a minor adjustment that has been made such as one of this—It says in all of this if man repent there will not be punishment—-and the other are is because of the catastrophe many nations such as England Russia The protestants and the Jews but not MUSLIMS will come to the bosom of the Holy catholic church –They will make war on Rome— The secret was to be fulfilled before the year 2000 not 2010 but because of me and others like me who passed the message not only to friends and relatives but even went as far as Portugal to deliver it, the chastisement was delayed to a different time ,But we are assured by our Holy Mother that the punishment will soon arrived .I am a catholic in fact I am a Portuguese Catholic who lives in Canada for the past 39 years .in 1997 At st. Helen’s Catholic Church I and many people received the Third Secret from a Lady inside the church with the priest permission .That church is a Portuguese church and so are all the priests there even though other masses are celebrated there in different languages it still a Portuguese church.I have since then posted the the Secret on the internet through my groups and that is how others have access to it .I do not appreciate any catholic or any other religion saying that the Secret that I have received from which I know it come directly from Lucia herself into the hands of the bishops and then into ours that it is not the true secret of Fatima .Like all other Catholics I too read the contents disclosed by the late Pope John Paul the II and for the life of me I have no idea why did He or His office change what was written ,perhaps because they feared that it would created chaos just like it is mentioned in the contents of the Third secret .The bishops cardinal etc. fear the chaos that will created once disclosed to the world.So stop covering up the truth .This is the right Third secret of Fatima and not the one that was reveled by the Pope to the world.
    Rosa Lopes

  60. Fatima Challenge Rocks Rome;Pope says 3rd secret unfolding now.
    news from
    What are the unfolding events now?

  61. O you evil person you are in legion with Satan .Rome is not the Harlot of the bible but Hollywood California is!It sits itself in 7 mountains and all the above .From her comes all evil that you mention and not Rome. may the Lord have mercy on your soul!.do you perhaps believe that any other denomination other than the Roman Catholic’s will be saved? Think again. Any other religion other than the catholic faith which was found by Jesus Christ and through Peter’s chair :Is false!

  62. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ .I know that what is upon us is terrible and that very few are to survive, but if anyone of you desires to survive :You must follow the instructions of the THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA for only by the Rosary can we be saved Those are our Blessed Mothers words .It will not be easy for anyone to survive mainly because of the devastation of the world and there will not be any food or water safe for us to eat or drink .the Third secret mentions that :THE ONES LEFT ALIVE WILL ENVY THE DEATH.
    and only the very kind and the very strong will survive. so there. Remember also that the tremor will start at 10 minutes before midnight in Portugal therefore .You will have to either add to your time frame or subtract so as to know exactly the time not to go out .For all that are outside of their houses are in the hands of Satan and will be ripped to peaces by the demons.Where I live it will happen at precise 3.50 PM Western time
    Good luck to all .P>S. There is still time to become a Catholic, the Catholic Church is the the only BRIDE of CHRIST JESUS and the only door to salvation
    May God bless you all.

  63. The contents of this prophecy from Padre Pio is the same as The Third secret of Fatima only more detailed .So there now you all know .


    NOW IS THE TIME OF MERCY FOR ALL PERSONS, no matter what evil they have committed, if they return to the Lord and ask forgiveness. “I desire not the death of the wicked but that he turn from his wicked way and live” (Ezechiel 33:11)

    “As it was in the days of Noe, they ate and drank, married and were giving in marriage until the day that Noe entered into the Ark and the
    flood came and destroyed them all…Even shall it be in the day when the Son of Man shall be revealed” (Luke 17:26-30)

    WORDS OF CHRIST TO ST PADRE PIO (excerpts): “My Son, My love for man is very great, especially for those who give themselves to Me…The time is near at hand in which I shall visit my unfaithful people because they have not heeded the time of My grace. My judgment shall come upon them suddenly and when least expected– not one shall escape My hands. But I shall protect the just. Watch the sun and moon and the stars, when they appear unduly disturbed and restless, know that the day is not far away.

    “Stay united in prayer and watching until the angel of destruction has passed your doors. Pray that these days will be shortened. My children, have confidence, I am in the midst of you. My Kingdom shall be glorified and My Name shall be blessed from the rising of the sun unto the setting. My Kingdom shall have no end.
    “PRAY! Men are running toward the abyss of Hell in great rejoicing and merry-making, as though to a masquerade ball or the wedding feast of the devil himself. Assist Me in the salvation of souls. The measure of sin is filled! The day of revenge, with its terrifying happenings is near!–Nearer than you can imagine! And the world is sleeping in false security! The Divine Judgment shall strike them like a thunderbolt! These godless and wicked people shall be destroyed without mercy, as were the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah of old. Yes, I tell you their wickedness was not as great as that of our human race of today!.

    “Keep your windows well covered. Do not look out. Light a blessed candle, which will suffice for many days. Pray the rosary. Read spiritual books. Make acts of love which are so pleasing to Us. Pray with outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved. Do not go outside the house. Provide yourself with sufficient food. The Powers of nature shall be moved and a rain of fire shall make people tremble with fear. Have courage! I am in the midst of you.

    “Take care of the animals during these days. I am the Creator and Preserver of all animals as well as man. I shall give you a few signs beforehand, at which time you should place more food before them. I will preserve the property of the elect, including the animals, for they shall be in need of sustenance afterwards as well. Let no one go across the yard, even to feed the animals–he who steps outside will perish! Cover your windows carefully. My elect shall not see My wrath. Have confidence in Me, and I will be your protection. Your confidence obliges Me to come to your aid.

    “The hour of My coming is near! But I will show mercy. A most dreadful punishment will bear witness to the times. My angels, who are to be the executioners of this work, are ready with their pointed swords! Hurricanes of fire will pour forth from the clouds and spread over the entire earth! Storms, bad weather, thunderbolts and earthquakes will cover the earth for two days. An uninterrupted rain of fire will take place! It will begin during a very cold night. All this is to prove that God is the Master of Creation.

    “Those who hope in Me, and believe in My words, have nothing to fear because I will not forsake them, nor those who spread My message. No harm will come to those who are in the state of grace and who seek My mother’s protection. That you may be prepared for these visitations, I will give you the following signs and instructions: The night will be very cold. The wind will roar. After a time, thunderbolts will be heard. Lock all the doors and windows. Talk to no one outside the house. Kneel down before a crucifix, be sorry for your sins, and beg My Mother’s protection. Do not look during the earthquake, because the anger of God is holy! Jesus does not want us to behold the anger of God, because God’s anger must be contemplated with fear and trembling. Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly. The wind will carry with it poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth. Those who suffer and die innocently will be martyrs and they will be with Me in My Kingdom.

    “Satan will triumph! But in three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease. On the following day the sun will shine again, angels will descend from Heaven and will spread the spirit of peace over the earth. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will take possession of those who survive this most terrible ordeal, the impending punishment, with which God will visit the earth since creation.

    “I have chosen souls in other countries too, who have received these revelations so that other countries also may be prepared. Pray the Rosary, but pray it well, so that your prayers may reach Heaven. Soon a more terrible catastrophe shall come upon the entire world, such as never before has been witnessed, a terrible chastisement never before experienced!

    “How unconcerned men are regarding these things which shall so soon come upon them, contrary to all expectations. The weight of the Divine balance has reached the earth! The wrath of My Father shall be poured out over the entire world! I am again warning the world as I have so often done heretofore. The sins of men have multiplied beyond measure. The world is filled with iniquity.

    “This catastrophe shall come upon the earth like a flash of lightning! at which moment the light of the morning sun shall be replaced by black darkness! No one shall leave the house or look out of a window from that moment on. I Myself shall come amidst thunder and lightning. The wicked shall behold My Divine Heart. There shall be great confusion because of this utter darkness in which the entire earth shall be enveloped. And many, many shall die from fear and despair. Those who shall fight for My cause shall receive grace from My Divine Heart; and the cry: ‘WHO IS LIKE UNTO GOD!” shall serve as a means of protection to many. However, many shall burn in the open fields like withered grass! The godless shall be annihilated, so that afterwards the just shall be able to start afresh.

    On that day, as soon as complete darkness has set in, no one shall leave the house or look from out of the window. The darkness shall last a day and a night, followed by another day and a night, and another day–but on the night following, the stars will shine again, and on the next morning the sun shall rise again, and it will be SPRINGTIME!

    “In the days of darkness, My elect shall not sleep, as did the disciples in the garden of olives. They shall pray incessantly, and they shall not be disappointed in Me. I shall gather My elect. Hell will believe itself to be in possession of the entire earth, but I shall reclaim it.

    “Do you, perhaps, think that I would permit My Father to have such terrible chastisements come upon the world, if the world would turn from iniquity to justice? But because of My great love, these afflictions shall be permitted to come upon man. Although many shall curse Me, yet thousands of souls shall be saved through them. No human understanding can fathom the depth of My love!

    “Pray! Pray! My dear Mother Mary and the saints and holy angels shall be your intercessors. Implore their aid. Be courageous soldiers of Christ! At the return of light, let everyone give thanks to the Holy Trinity for their protection!. The devastation shall be very great! But I, Your God, will have purified the earth. I am with you, have confidence! Again and again I have warned men, and often have I given them special opportunities to return to the right path; but now, wickedness has reached its climax, and the punishment can no longer be delayed. Even though My heart does suffer and bleed, yet for My Name’s sake, I must deal this blow. Tell all men that the time has come in which these things shall be fulfilled.”(Blessed Padre Pio)

    these are they who have come out of the great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb…They shall no more hunger or thirst for the Lamb who is in the midst of the Throne shall lead them to the fountains of the waters of life. and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

    “these words are faithful and true…Behold I come quickly and My reward is with Me. Blessed are they who wash their robes and make them white in the Blood of the Lamb that they may have a right to the Tree of Life…COME LORD JESUS!” (Apoc.7:14-17; 12:12-20)

  64. I am a Roman Catholic from SRILANKA.75% are Buddhists.Others are Hindus, Catholics,Muslims and Christians.I think our religion is not a problem.The Holy Sprit will connect to the Sprit of the Human beings. Holy Trinity – GOD,Son(Jesus Christ-Lamb) and Holy Sprit. That is in Heaven.In earth Human beings consists our Body,Soul and sprit.So God speaks to every body without any discrimination.Everyone has a conscience in our soul.THe Holy sprit 1st connect then send a message to our conscience.This ia wireless connection.I am a computer person.In ATMs ,when u put your ATM card and ask cash, then it send a message to the server. Then Server send a return message to the ATM.Thanks to God.God has given examples to understand this.Devil also use the same method and send bad messages to our mind(Conscience).Our duty is to convert and purify our mind by repentance.Also we should minimise our interest to the Material Things.Buddhists also believe about cosmic rays coming from the universe.In Revelation 4 say HOW about the GOD.So I think ,Buddhists also believe GOD, but they called as Nature or Cosmic Rays. I am a Catholic , but I am also not qualified , if I am not convert myself during this Grace Period.(GARBANDAL & MEDJUGORJE Warnings).Catholic means a only a LABEL.Every good and bad things are computerised and stored for future Judgement. It is like Debit and Credit Transaction(deposits and withdrwals).

  65. To Every Catholic in this site.Stop apologizing for loving our Blessed Mother Mary .Let everyone know in this site and all over the world .That I love and adore my Blessed Mother the only one worthy among women to be chosen to be the holy Mother of God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ .She was, is and will forever be The Mother of the Son of God, The Daughter of God the Father, and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. She has been crown as the Queen of Heaven and of the earth by Her Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ and therefore she is worth of all the love, respect and admiration that we give Her.and i feel sorry for any denomination that is missing such a beautiful Mother in their miserable lives.

    • atruebeliever – just one thing – weCatholics DO NOT ADORE MARY – adoration is only for God, The Father, The Son [Jesus] and The Holy Spirit. But we do give her respect and honour because she is special to us and to Jesus, as well as The Father and The Holy Spirit. It is because she is so special to them that they often grant her requests. No one should fear the “Three days of darkness”. If it comes, it comes. If it is delayed, it is delayed. If we have tried to do God’s Will, if we have loved God and our fellow man and done what good we can on earth with the talents we have, and if we are sorry for our sins, then we are saved in Jesus. Hooray! I have no wish to stay on this earth once I have completed the jobs God has given me to do. Pray and don’t worry.

  66. I was lucky to see Fatima in Potugal and Lourdes in France in 2002.We pray Holy Mary and pray to GOD through the mother of GOD.I think That is not enough.We have to change our hearts.

  67. Muslims: The Noble Qur’an—Surah 4:158
    Allah raised him[Isa(Jesus)] up unto Himself (he is in the heaven); and Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise.

    Christians : The Holy Bible LUKE 24:50
    Jesus led his disciples out to Bethany, where he raised his hands and blessed them. As he was doing this, he left and was taken up to Heaven.
    In Islam & Christianity common belief are:
    1. Allah (GOD) is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise.
    (Muslims’ Allah and God of Christian is one and same God)
    God has created earth, plants, animals and finally the Human Beings.
    God has freed slaves in Egypt and sent them to Israel.
    2. Jesus (Muslims called as Isa) came to this world nearly 2010 years ago.
    3. Jesus (Isa) is in the heaven now.
    4. Jesus (Isa) will descend at the appointed time.(Second Coming OF Jesus).

  68. This is Marianne’s Page.Why she is silent now?

    • hi Sunimal

      I was silent because I was sleeping. It was 5:28 am my time, when you wrote that. You are about 9 hours later in the day. I just woke up.

  69. New Advent Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers Bible Library A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Home > Fathers of the Church > Assumption of Mary Apocryphal Works on the Assumption of Mary GET THE CHURCH FATHERS ON CD-ROM This entire website is available on CD-ROM. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more… SALE: 20% off if you buy now… FREE Shipping Worldwide… Click here… The Account of St. John the Theologian of the Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God. As the all-holy glorious mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, as was her wont, was going to the holy tomb of our Lord to burn incense, and bending her holy knees, she was importunate that Christ our God who had been born of her should return to her. And the Jews, seeing her lingering by the divine sepulchre, came to the chief priests, saying: Mary goes every day to the tomb. And the chief priests, having summoned the guards set by them not to allow any one to pray at the holy sepulchre, inquired about her, whether in truth it were so. And the guards answered and said that they had seen no such thing, God having not allowed them to see her when there. And on one of the days, it being the preparation, the holy Mary, as was her wont, came to the sepulchre; and while she was praying, it came to pass that the heavens were opened, and the archangel Gabriel came down to her and said: Hail, you that brought forth Christ our God! Your prayer having come through to the heavens to Him who was born of you, has been accepted; and from this time, according to your request, you having left the world, shall go to the heavenly places to your Son, into the true and everlasting life. And having heard this from the holy archangel, she returned to holy Bethlehem, having along with her three virgins who ministered unto her. And after having rested a short time, she sat up and said to the virgins: Bring me a censer, that I may pray. And they brought it, as they had been commanded. And she prayed, saying: My Lord Jesus Christ, who deigned through Your supreme goodness to be born of me, hear my voice, and send me Your apostle John, in order that, seeing him, I may partake of joy; and send me also the rest of Your apostles, both those who have already gone to You, and those in the world that now is, in whatever country they may be, through Your holy commandment, in order that, having beheld them, I may bless Your name much to be praised; for I am confident that You hear Your servant in everything. And while she was praying, I John came, the Holy Spirit having snatched me up by a cloud from Ephesus, and set me in the place where the mother of my Lord was lying. And having gone in beside her, and glorified Him who had been born of her, I said: Hail, mother of my Lord, who brought forth Christ our God, rejoice that in great glory you are going out of this life. And the holy mother of God glorified God, because I John had come to her, remembering the voice of the Lord, saying: Behold your mother, and, Behold your son. John 19:26-27 And the three virgins came and worshipped. And the holy mother of God says to me: Pray, and cast incense. And I prayed thus: Lord Jesus Christ, who has done wonderful things, now also do wonderful things before her who brought You forth; and let Your mother depart from this life; and let those who crucified You, and who have not believed in You, be confounded. And after I had ended the prayer, holy Mary said to me: Bring me the censer. And having cast incense, she said, Glory to You, my God and my Lord, because there has been fulfilled in me whatsoever You promised to me before you ascended into the heavens, that when I should depart from this world You would come to me, and the multitude of Your angels, with glory. And I John say to her: Jesus Christ our Lord and our God is coming, and you see Him, as He promised to you. And the holy mother of God answered and said to me: The Jews have sworn that after I have died they will burn my body. And I answered and said to her: Your holy and precious body will by no means see corruption. And she answered and said to me: Bring a censer, and cast incense, and pray. And there came a voice out of the heavens saying the Amen. And I John heard this voice; and the Holy Spirit said to me: John, have you heard this voice that spoke in the heaven after the prayer was ended? And I answered and said: Yes, I heard. And the Holy Spirit said to me: This voice which you heard denotes that the appearance of your brethren the apostles is at hand, and of the holy powers that they are coming hither today. And at this I John prayed. And the Holy Spirit said to the apostles: Let all of you together, having come by the clouds from the ends of the world, be assembled to holy Bethlehem by a whirlwind, on account of the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ; Peter from Rome, Paul from Tiberia, Thomas from Hither India, James from Jerusalem. Andrew, Peter’s brother, and Philip, Luke, and Simon the Cananæan, and Thaddæus who had fallen asleep, were raised by the Holy Spirit out of their tombs; to whom the Holy Spirit said: Do not think that it is now the resurrection; but on this account you have risen out of your tombs, that you may go to give greeting to the honour and wonder-working of the mother of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, because the day of her departure is at hand, of her going up into the heavens. And Mark likewise coming round, was present from Alexandria; he also with the rest, as has been said before, from each country. And Peter being lifted up by a cloud, stood between heaven and earth, the Holy Spirit keeping him steady. And at the same time, the rest of the apostles also, having been snatched up in clouds, were found along with Peter. And thus by the Holy Spirit, as has been said, they all came together. And having gone in beside the mother of our Lord and God, and having adored, we said: Fear not, nor grieve; God the Lord, who was born of you, will take you out of this world with glory. And rejoicing in God her Saviour, she sat up in the bed, and says to the apostles: Now have I believed that our Master and God is coming from heaven, and I shall behold Him, and thus depart from this life, as I have seen that you have come. And I wish you to tell me how you knew that I was departing and came to me, and from what countries and through what distance you have come hither, that you have thus made haste to visit me. For neither has He who was born of me, our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of the universe, concealed it; for I am persuaded even now that He is the Son of the Most High. And Peter answered and said to the apostles: Let us each, according to what the Holy Spirit announced and commanded us, give full information to the mother of our Lord. And I John answered and said: Just as I was going in to the holy altar in Ephesus to perform divine service, the Holy Spirit says to me, The time of the departure of the mother of your Lord is at hand; go to Bethlehem to salute her. And a cloud of light snatched me up, and set me down in the door where you are lying. Peter also answered: And I, living in Rome, about dawn heard a voice through the Holy Spirit saying to me, The mother of your Lord is to depart, as the time is at hand; go to Bethlehem to salute her. And, behold, a cloud of light snatched me up; and I beheld also the other apostles coming to me on clouds, and a voice saying to me, Go all to Bethlehem. And Paul also answered and said: And I, living in a city at no great distance from Rome, called the country of Tiberia, heard the Holy Spirit saying to me, The mother of your Lord, having left this world, is making her course to the celestial regions through her departure; but go also to Bethlehem to salute her. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me down in the same place as you. And Thomas also answered and said: And I, traversing the country of the Indians, when the preaching was prevailing by the grace of Christ, and the king’s sister’s son Labdanus by name, was about to be sealed by me in the palace, on a sudden the Holy Spirit says to me, Go also, Thomas, to Bethlehem to salute the mother of your Lord, because she is taking her departure to the heavens. And a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me down beside you. And Mark also answered and said: And when I was finishing the canon of the third day in the city of Alexandria, just as I was praying, the Holy Spirit snatched me up, and brought me to you. And James also answered and said: While I was in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit commanded me, saying, Go to Bethlehem, because the mother of your Lord is taking her departure. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me beside you. And Matthew also answered and said: I have glorified and do glorify God, because when I was in a boat and overtaken by a storm, the sea raging with its waves, on a sudden a cloud of light overshadowing the stormy billow, changed it to a calm, and having snatched me up, set me down beside you. And those who had come before likewise answered, and gave an account of how they had come. And Bartholomew said: I was in the Thebais proclaiming the word, and behold the Holy Spirit says to me, The mother of your Lord is taking her departure; go, then, to salute her in Bethlehem. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, brought me to you. The apostles said all these things to the holy mother of God, why they had come, and in what way; and she stretched her hands to heaven and prayed, saying: I adore, and praise, and glorify Your much to be praised name, O Lord, because You have looked upon the lowliness of Your handmaiden, and because You that are mighty has done great things for me; and, behold, all generations shall count me blessed. Luke 1:48 And after the prayer she said to the apostles: Cast incense, and pray. And when they had prayed, there was thunder from heaven, and there came a fearful voice, as if of chariots; and, behold, a multitude of a host of angels and powers, and a voice, as if of the Son of man, was heard, and the seraphim in a circle round the house where the holy, spotless mother of God and virgin was lying, so that all who were in Bethlehem beheld all the wonderful things, and came to Jerusalem and reported all the wonderful things that had come to pass. And it came to pass, when the voice was heard, that the sun and the moon suddenly appeared about the house; and an assembly of the first-born saints stood beside the house where the mother of the Lord was lying, for her honour and glory. And I beheld also that many signs came to pass, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the lame walking, lepers cleansed, and those possessed by unclean spirits cured; and every one who was under disease and sickness, touching the outside of the wall of the house where she was lying, cried out: Holy Mary, who brought forth Christ our God, have mercy upon us. And they were straightway cured. And great multitudes out of every country living in Jerusalem for the sake of prayer, having heard of the signs that had come to pass in Bethlehem through the mother of the Lord, came to the place seeking the cure of various diseases, which also they obtained. And there was joy unspeakable on that day among the multitude of those who had been cured, as well as of those who looked on, glorifying Christ our God and His mother. And all Jerusalem from Bethlehem kept festival with psalms and spiritual songs. And the priests of the Jews, along with their people, were astonished at the things which had come to pass; and being moved with the heaviest hatred, and again with frivolous reasoning, having made an assembly, they determine to send against the holy mother of God and the holy apostles who were there in Bethlehem. And accordingly the multitude of the Jews, having directed their course to Bethlehem, when at the distance of one mile it came to pass that they beheld a frightful vision, and their feet were held fast; and after this they returned to their fellow-countrymen, and reported all the frightful vision to the chief priests. And they, still more boiling with rage, go to the procurator, crying out and saying: The nation of the Jews has been ruined by this woman; chase her from Bethlehem and the province of Jerusalem. And the procurator, astonished at the wonderful things, said to them: I will chase her neither from Bethlehem nor from any other place. And the Jews continued crying out, and adjuring him by the health of Tiberius Cæsar to bring the apostles out of Bethlehem. And if you do not do so, we shall report it to the Cæsar. Accordingly, being compelled, he sends a tribune of the soldiers against the apostles to Bethlehem. And the Holy Spirit says to the apostles and the mother of the Lord: Behold, the procurator has sent a tribune against you, the Jews having made an uproar. Go forth therefore from Bethlehem, and fear not: for, behold, by a cloud I shall bring you to Jerusalem; for the power of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit is with you. The apostles therefore rose up immediately, and went forth from the house, carrying the bed of the Lady the mother of God, and directed their course to Jerusalem; and immediately, as the Holy Spirit had said, being lifted up by a cloud, they were found in Jerusalem in the house of the Lady. And they stood up, and for five days made an unceasing singing of praise. And when the tribune came to Bethlehem, and found there neither the mother of the Lord nor the apostles, he laid hold of the Bethlehemites, saying to them: Did you not come telling the procurator and the priests all the signs and wonders that had come to pass, and how the apostles had come out of every country? Where are they, then? Come, go to the procurator at Jerusalem. For the tribune did not know of the departure of the apostles and the Lord’s mother to Jerusalem. The tribune then, having taken the Bethlehemites, went in to the procurator, saying that he had found no one. And after five days it was known to the procurator, and the priests, and all the city, that the Lord’s mother was in her own house in Jerusalem, along with the apostles, from the signs and wonders that came to pass there. And a multitude of men and women and virgins came together, and cried out: Holy virgin, that brought forth Christ our God, do not forget the generation of men. And when these things came to pass, the people of the Jews, with the priests also, being the more moved with hatred, took wood and fire, and came up, wishing to burn the house where the Lord’s mother was living with the apostles. And the procurator stood looking at the sight from afar off. And when the people of the Jews came to the door of the house, behold, suddenly a power of fire coming forth from within, by means of an angel, burnt up a great multitude of the Jews. And there was great fear throughout all the city; and they glorified God, who had been born of her. And when the procurator saw what had come to pass, he cried out to all the people, saying: Truly he who was born of the virgin, whom you have thought of driving away, is the Son of God; for these signs are those of the true God. And there was a division among the Jews; and many believed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in consequence of the signs that had come to pass. And after all these wonderful things had come to pass through the mother of God, and ever-virgin Mary the mother of the Lord, while we the apostles were with her in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit said to us: You know that on the Lord’s day the good news was brought to the Virgin Mary by the archangel Gabriel; and on the Lord’s day the Saviour was born in Bethlehem; and on the Lord’s day the children of Jerusalem came forth with palm branches to meet him, saying, Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord; and on the Lord’s day He rose from the dead; and on the Lord’s day He will come to judge the living and the dead; and on the Lord’s day He will come out of heaven, to the glory and honour of the departure of the holy glorious virgin who brought Him forth. And on the same Lord’s day the mother of the Lord says to the apostles: Cast incense, because Christ is coming with a host of angels; and, behold, Christ is at hand, sitting on a throne of cherubim. And while we were all praying, there appeared innumerable multitudes of angels, and the Lord mounted upon cherubim in great power; and, behold, a stream of light coming to the holy virgin, because of the presence of her only-begotten Son, and all the powers of the heavens fell down and adored Him. And the Lord, speaking to His mother, said: Mary. And she answered and said: Here am I, Lord. And the Lord said to her: Grieve not, but let your heart rejoice and be glad; for you have found grace to behold the glory given to me by my Father. And the holy mother of God looked up, and saw in Him a glory which it is impossible for the mouth of man to speak of, or to apprehend. And the Lord remained beside her, saying: Behold, from the present time your precious body will be transferred to paradise, and your holy soul to the heavens to the treasures of my Father in exceeding brightness, where there is peace and joy of the holy angels—and other things besides. And the mother of the Lord answered and said to him: Lay Your right hand upon me, O Lord, and bless me. And the Lord stretched forth His undefiled right hand, and blessed her. And she laid hold of His undefiled right hand, and kissed it, saying: I adore this right hand, which created the heaven and the earth; and I call upon Your much to be praised name Christ, O God, the King of the ages, the only-begotten of the Father, to receive Your handmaid, Thou who deigned to be brought forth by me, in a low estate, to save the race of men through Your ineffable dispensation; do Thou bestow Your aid upon every man calling upon, or praying to, or naming the name of, Your handmaid. And while she is saying this, the apostles, having gone up to her feet and adored, say: O mother of the Lord, leave a blessing to the world, since you are going away from it. For you have blessed it, and raised it up when it was ruined, by bringing forth the Light of the world. And the mother of the Lord prayed, and in her prayer spoke thus: O God, who through Your great goodness hast sent from the heavens Your only-begotten Son to dwell in my humble body, who hast deigned to be born of me, humble as I am, have mercy upon the world, and every soul that calls upon Your name. And again she prayed, and said: O Lord, King of the heavens, Son of the living God, accept every man who calls upon Your name, that Your birth may be glorified. And again she prayed, and said: O Lord Jesus Christ, who art all-powerful in heaven and on earth, in this appeal I implore Your holy name; in every time and place where there is made mention of my name, make that place holy, and glorify those that glorify You through my name, accepting of such persons all their offering, and all their supplication, and all their prayer. And when she had thus prayed, the Lord said to His mother: Let your heart rejoice and be glad; for every favour and every gift has been given to you from my Father in heaven, and from me, and from the Holy Spirit: every soul that calls upon your name shall not be ashamed, but shall find mercy, and comfort, and support, and confidence, both in the world that now is, and in that which is to come, in the presence of my Father in the heavens. And the Lord turned and said to Peter: The time has come to begin the singing of the hymn. And Peter having begun the singing of the hymn, all the powers of the heavens responded with the Alleluiah. And then the face of the mother of the Lord shone brighter than the light, and she rose up and blessed each of the apostles with her own hand, and all gave glory to God; and the Lord stretched forth His undefiled hands, and received her holy and blameless soul. And with the departure of her blameless soul the place was filled with perfume and ineffable light; and, behold, a voice out of the heaven was heard, saying: Blessed are you among women. And Peter, and I John, and Paul, and Thomas, ran and wrapped up her precious feet for the consecration; and the twelve apostles put her precious and holy body upon a couch, and carried it. And, behold, while they were carrying her, a certain well-born Hebrew, Jephonias by name, running against the body, put his hands upon the couch; and, behold, an angel of the Lord by invisible power, with a sword of fire, cut off his two hands from his shoulders, and made them hang about the couch, lifted up in the air. And at this miracle which had come to pass all the people of the Jews who beheld it cried out: Verily, He that was brought forth by you is the true God, O mother of God, ever-virgin Mary. And Jephonias himself, when Peter ordered him, that the wonderful things of God might be showed forth, stood up behind the couch, and cried out: Holy Mary, who brought forth Christ who is God, have mercy upon me. And Peter turned and said to him: In the name of Him who was born of her, your hands which have been taken away from you, will be fixed on again. And immediately, at the word of Peter, the hands hanging by the couch of the Lady came, and were fixed on Jephonias. And he believed, and glorified Christ, God who had been born of her. And when this miracle had been done, the apostles carried the couch, and laid down her precious and holy body in Gethsemane in a new tomb. And, behold, a perfume of sweet savour came forth out of the holy sepulchre of our Lady the mother of God; and for three days the voices of invisible angels were heard glorifying Christ our God, who had been born of her. And when the third day was ended, the voices were no longer heard; and from that time forth all knew that her spotless and precious body had been transferred to paradise. And after it had been transferred, behold, we see Elisabeth the mother of St. John the Baptist, and Anna the mother of the Lady, and Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and David, singing the Alleluiah, and all the choirs of the saints adoring the holy relics of the mother of the Lord, and the place full of light, than which light nothing could be more brilliant, and an abundance of perfume in that place to which her precious and holy body had been transferred in paradise, and the melody of those praising Him who had been born of her— sweet melody, of which there is no satiety, such as is given to virgins, and them only, to hear. We apostles, therefore, having beheld the sudden precious translation of her holy body, glorified God, who had shown us His wonders at the departure of the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose prayers and good offices may we all be deemed worthy to receive, under her shelter, and support, and protection, both in the world that now is and in that which is to come, glorifying in every time and place her only-begotten Son, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. The Passing of Mary First Latin Form Concerning the Passing of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In that time before the Lord came to His passion, and among many words which the mother asked of the Son, she began to ask Him about her own departure, addressing Him as follows:— O most dear Son, I pray Your holiness, that when my soul goes out of my body, Thou let me know on the third day before; and do Thou, beloved Son, with Your angels, receive it. Then He received the prayer of His beloved mother, and said to her: O palace and temple of the living God, O blessed mother, O queen of all saints, and blessed above all women, before you carried me in your womb, I always guarded you, and caused you to be fed daily with my angelic food, as you know, how can I desert you, after you have carried me, and nourished me, and brought me down in flight into Egypt, and endured many hardships for me? Know, then, that my angels have always guarded you, and will guard you even until your departure. But after I undergo suffering for men, as it is written, and rise again on the third day, and after forty days ascend into heaven, when you shall see me coming to you with angels and archangels, with saints and with virgins, and with my disciples, know for certain that your soul will be separated from the body, and I shall carry it into heaven, where it shall never at all have tribulation or anguish. Then she joyed and gloried, and kissed the knees of her Son, and blessed the Creator of heaven and earth, who gave her such a gift through Jesus Christ her Son. In the second year, therefore, after the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the most blessed Virgin Mary continued always in prayer day and night. And on the third day before she passed away, an angel of the Lord came to her, and saluted her, saying: Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord be with you. And she answered, saying: Thanks to God. Again he said to her: Receive this palm which the Lord promised to you. And she, giving thanks to God, with great joy received from the hand of the angel the palm sent to her. The angel of the Lord said to her: Your assumption will be after three days. And she answered: Thanks to God. Then she called Joseph of the city of Arimathæa, and the other disciples of the Lord; and when they, both relations and acquaintances, were assembled, she announced her departure to all standing there. Then the blessed Mary washed herself, and dressed herself like a queen, and waited the advent of her Son, as He had promised to her. And she asked all her relations to keep beside her, and give her comfort. And she had along with her three virgins, Sepphora, Abigea, and Zaël; but the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ had been already dispersed throughout the whole world to preach to the people of God. Then at the third hour there were great thunders, and rains, and lightnings, and tribulation, and an earthquake, while queen Mary was standing in her chamber. John the evangelist and apostle was suddenly brought from Ephesus, and entered the chamber of the blessed Mary, and saluted her, and said to her: Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord be with you. And she answered: Thanks to God. And raising herself up, she kissed Saint John. And the blessed Mary said to him: O my dearest son, why have you left me at such a time, and hast not paid heed to the commands of your Master, to take care of me, as He commanded you while He was hanging on the cross? And he asked pardon with bended knee. Then the blessed Mary gave him her benediction, and again kissed him. And when she meant to ask him whence he came, and for what reason he had come to Jerusalem, behold, all the disciples of the Lord, except Thomas who is called Didymus, were brought by a cloud to the door of the chamber of the blessed Mary. They stood and went in, and saluted the queen with the following words, and adored her: Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord be with you. And she eagerly rose quickly, and bowed herself, and kissed them, and gave thanks to God. These are the names of the disciples of the Lord who were brought there in the cloud: John the evangelist and James his brother, Peter and Paul, Andrew, Philip, Luke, Barnabas, Bartholomew and Matthew, Matthias who is called Justus, Simon the Chananæan, Judas and his brother, Nicodemus and Maximianus, and many others who cannot be numbered. Then the blessed Mary said to her brethren: What is this, that you have all come to Jerusalem? Peter, answering, said to her: We had need to ask this of you, and do you question us? Certainly, as I think, none of us knows why we have come here today with such rapidity. I was at Antioch, and now I am here. All declared plainly the place where they had been that day. And they all wondered that they were there when they heard these things. The blessed Mary said to them: I asked my Son, before He endured the passion, that He and you should be at my death; and He granted me this gift. Whence you may know that my departure will be tomorrow. Watch and pray with me, that when the Lord comes to receive my soul, He may find you watching. Then all promised that they would watch. And they watched and prayed the whole night, with psalms and chants, with great illuminations. And when the Lord’s day came, at the third hour, just as the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles in a cloud, so Christ descended with a multitude of angels, and received the soul of His beloved mother. For there was such splendour and perfume of sweetness, and angels singing the songs of songs, where the Lord says, As a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters, Song of Songs 2:2 that all who were there present fell on their faces, as the apostles fell when Christ transfigured Himself before them on Mount Thabor, and for a whole hour and a half no one was able to rise. But when the light went away, and at the same time with the light itself, the soul of the blessed virgin Mary was taken up into heaven with psalms, and hymns, and songs of songs. And as the cloud went up the whole earth shook, and in one moment all the inhabitants of Jerusalem openly saw the departure of St. Mary. And that same hour Satan entered into them, and they began to consider what they were to do with her body. And they took up weapons, that they might burn her body and kill the apostles, because from her had gone forth the dispersions of Israel, on account of their sins and the gathering together of the Gentiles. But they were struck with blindness, striking their heads against the walls, and striking each other. Then the apostles, alarmed by so much brightness, arose, and with psalms carried the holy body down from Mount Zion to the valley of Jehoshaphat. But as they were going in the middle of the road, behold, a certain Jew, Reuben by name, wishing to throw to the ground the holy bier with the body of the blessed Mary. But his hands dried up, even to the elbow; whether he would or not, he went down even to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, weeping and lamenting because his hands were raised to the bier, and he was not able to draw back his hands to himself. And he began to ask the apostles that by their prayer he might be saved and made a Christian. Then the apostles, bending their knees, asked the Lord to let him loose. And he, being healed that same hour, giving thanks to God and kissing the feet of the queen of all the saints and apostles, was baptized in that same place, and began to preach the name of our God Jesus Christ. Then the apostles with great honour laid the body in the tomb, weeping and singing through exceeding love and sweetness. And suddenly there shone round them a light from heaven, and they fell to the ground, and the holy body was taken up by angels into heaven. Then the most blessed Thomas was suddenly brought to the Mount of Olivet, and saw the most blessed body going up to heaven, and began to cry out and say: O holy mother, blessed mother, spotless mother, if I have now found grace because I see you, make your servant joyful through your compassion, because you are going to heaven. Then the girdle with which the apostles had encircled the most holy body was thrown down from heaven to the blessed Thomas. And taking it, and kissing it, and giving thanks to God, he came again into the Valley of Jehoshaphat. He found all the apostles and another great crowd there beating their breasts on account of the brightness which they had seen. And seeing and kissing each other, the blessed Peter said to him: Truly you have always been obdurate and unbelieving, because for your unbelief it was not pleasing to God that you should be along with us at the burial of the mother of the Saviour. And he, beating his breast, said: I know and firmly believe that I have always been a bad and an unbelieving man; therefore I ask pardon of all of you for my obduracy and unbelief. And they all prayed for him. Then the blessed Thomas said: Where have you laid her body? And they pointed out the sepulchre with their finger. And he said: The body which is called most holy is not there. Then the blessed Peter said to him: Already on another occasion you would not believe the resurrection of our Master and Lord at our word, unless you went to touch Him with your fingers, and see Him; how will you believe us that the holy body is here? Still he persists saying: It is not here. Then, as it were in a rage, they went to the sepulchre, which was a new one hollowed out in the rock, and took up the stone; but they did not find the body, not knowing what to say, because they had been convicted by the words of Thomas. Then the blessed Thomas told them how he was singing mass in India— he still had on his sacerdotal robes. He, not knowing the word of God, had been brought to the Mount of Olivet, and saw the most holy body of the blessed Mary going up into heaven, and prayed her to give him a blessing. She heard his prayer, and threw him her girdle which she had about her. And the apostles seeing the belt which they had put about her, glorifying God, all asked pardon of the blessed Thomas, on account of the benediction which the blessed Mary had given him, and because he had seen the most holy body going up into heaven. And the blessed Thomas gave them his benediction, and said: Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! And the same cloud by which they had been brought carried them back each to his own place, just like Philip when he baptized the eunuch, as is read in the Acts of the Apostles; Acts 8:39 and as Habakkuk the prophet carried food to Daniel, who was in the lions’ den, and quickly returned to Judæa. And so also the apostles quickly returned to where they had at first been, to preach to the people of God. Nor is it to be wondered at that He should do such things, who went into the virgin and came out of her though her womb was closed; who, though the gates were shut, went in to His disciples; John 20:19 who made the deaf to hear, raised the dead, cleansed the lepers, gave sight to the blind, and did many other wonderful things. To believe this is no doubtful matter. I am Joseph who laid the Lord’s body in my sepulchre, and saw Him rising again; and who, before the ascension and after the ascension of the Lord, always kept his most sacred temple the blessed ever-virgin Mary, and who have kept in writing and in my breast the things which came forth from the mouth of God, and how the things mentioned above were done by the judgment of God. And I have made known to all, Jews and Gentiles, those things which I saw with my eyes, and heard with my ears; and as long as I live I shall not cease to declare them. And her, whose assumption is at this day venerated and worshipped throughout the whole world, let us assiduously entreat that she be mindful of us in the presence of her most pious Son in heaven, to whom is praise and glory through endless ages of ages. AmeNew Advent Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers Bible Library A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Home > Fathers of the Church > Assumption of Mary Apocryphal Works on the Assumption of Mary GET THE CHURCH FATHERS ON CD-ROM This entire website is available on CD-ROM. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more… SALE: 20% off if you buy now… FREE Shipping Worldwide… Click here… The Account of St. John the Theologian of the Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God. As the all-holy glorious mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, as was her wont, was going to the holy tomb of our Lord to burn incense, and bending her holy knees, she was importunate that Christ our God who had been born of her should return to her. And the Jews, seeing her lingering by the divine sepulchre, came to the chief priests, saying: Mary goes every day to the tomb. And the chief priests, having summoned the guards set by them not to allow any one to pray at the holy sepulchre, inquired about her, whether in truth it were so. And the guards answered and said that they had seen no such thing, God having not allowed them to see her when there. And on one of the days, it being the preparation, the holy Mary, as was her wont, came to the sepulchre; and while she was praying, it came to pass that the heavens were opened, and the archangel Gabriel came down to her and said: Hail, you that brought forth Christ our God! Your prayer having come through to the heavens to Him who was born of you, has been accepted; and from this time, according to your request, you having left the world, shall go to the heavenly places to your Son, into the true and everlasting life. And having heard this from the holy archangel, she returned to holy Bethlehem, having along with her three virgins who ministered unto her. And after having rested a short time, she sat up and said to the virgins: Bring me a censer, that I may pray. And they brought it, as they had been commanded. And she prayed, saying: My Lord Jesus Christ, who deigned through Your supreme goodness to be born of me, hear my voice, and send me Your apostle John, in order that, seeing him, I may partake of joy; and send me also the rest of Your apostles, both those who have already gone to You, and those in the world that now is, in whatever country they may be, through Your holy commandment, in order that, having beheld them, I may bless Your name much to be praised; for I am confident that You hear Your servant in everything. And while she was praying, I John came, the Holy Spirit having snatched me up by a cloud from Ephesus, and set me in the place where the mother of my Lord was lying. And having gone in beside her, and glorified Him who had been born of her, I said: Hail, mother of my Lord, who brought forth Christ our God, rejoice that in great glory you are going out of this life. And the holy mother of God glorified God, because I John had come to her, remembering the voice of the Lord, saying: Behold your mother, and, Behold your son. John 19:26-27 And the three virgins came and worshipped. And the holy mother of God says to me: Pray, and cast incense. And I prayed thus: Lord Jesus Christ, who has done wonderful things, now also do wonderful things before her who brought You forth; and let Your mother depart from this life; and let those who crucified You, and who have not believed in You, be confounded. And after I had ended the prayer, holy Mary said to me: Bring me the censer. And having cast incense, she said, Glory to You, my God and my Lord, because there has been fulfilled in me whatsoever You promised to me before you ascended into the heavens, that when I should depart from this world You would come to me, and the multitude of Your angels, with glory. And I John say to her: Jesus Christ our Lord and our God is coming, and you see Him, as He promised to you. And the holy mother of God answered and said to me: The Jews have sworn that after I have died they will burn my body. And I answered and said to her: Your holy and precious body will by no means see corruption. And she answered and said to me: Bring a censer, and cast incense, and pray. And there came a voice out of the heavens saying the Amen. And I John heard this voice; and the Holy Spirit said to me: John, have you heard this voice that spoke in the heaven after the prayer was ended? And I answered and said: Yes, I heard. And the Holy Spirit said to me: This voice which you heard denotes that the appearance of your brethren the apostles is at hand, and of the holy powers that they are coming hither today. And at this I John prayed. And the Holy Spirit said to the apostles: Let all of you together, having come by the clouds from the ends of the world, be assembled to holy Bethlehem by a whirlwind, on account of the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ; Peter from Rome, Paul from Tiberia, Thomas from Hither India, James from Jerusalem. Andrew, Peter’s brother, and Philip, Luke, and Simon the Cananæan, and Thaddæus who had fallen asleep, were raised by the Holy Spirit out of their tombs; to whom the Holy Spirit said: Do not think that it is now the resurrection; but on this account you have risen out of your tombs, that you may go to give greeting to the honour and wonder-working of the mother of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, because the day of her departure is at hand, of her going up into the heavens. And Mark likewise coming round, was present from Alexandria; he also with the rest, as has been said before, from each country. And Peter being lifted up by a cloud, stood between heaven and earth, the Holy Spirit keeping him steady. And at the same time, the rest of the apostles also, having been snatched up in clouds, were found along with Peter. And thus by the Holy Spirit, as has been said, they all came together. And having gone in beside the mother of our Lord and God, and having adored, we said: Fear not, nor grieve; God the Lord, who was born of you, will take you out of this world with glory. And rejoicing in God her Saviour, she sat up in the bed, and says to the apostles: Now have I believed that our Master and God is coming from heaven, and I shall behold Him, and thus depart from this life, as I have seen that you have come. And I wish you to tell me how you knew that I was departing and came to me, and from what countries and through what distance you have come hither, that you have thus made haste to visit me. For neither has He who was born of me, our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of the universe, concealed it; for I am persuaded even now that He is the Son of the Most High. And Peter answered and said to the apostles: Let us each, according to what the Holy Spirit announced and commanded us, give full information to the mother of our Lord. And I John answered and said: Just as I was going in to the holy altar in Ephesus to perform divine service, the Holy Spirit says to me, The time of the departure of the mother of your Lord is at hand; go to Bethlehem to salute her. And a cloud of light snatched me up, and set me down in the door where you are lying. Peter also answered: And I, living in Rome, about dawn heard a voice through the Holy Spirit saying to me, The mother of your Lord is to depart, as the time is at hand; go to Bethlehem to salute her. And, behold, a cloud of light snatched me up; and I beheld also the other apostles coming to me on clouds, and a voice saying to me, Go all to Bethlehem. And Paul also answered and said: And I, living in a city at no great distance from Rome, called the country of Tiberia, heard the Holy Spirit saying to me, The mother of your Lord, having left this world, is making her course to the celestial regions through her departure; but go also to Bethlehem to salute her. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me down in the same place as you. And Thomas also answered and said: And I, traversing the country of the Indians, when the preaching was prevailing by the grace of Christ, and the king’s sister’s son Labdanus by name, was about to be sealed by me in the palace, on a sudden the Holy Spirit says to me, Go also, Thomas, to Bethlehem to salute the mother of your Lord, because she is taking her departure to the heavens. And a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me down beside you. And Mark also answered and said: And when I was finishing the canon of the third day in the city of Alexandria, just as I was praying, the Holy Spirit snatched me up, and brought me to you. And James also answered and said: While I was in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit commanded me, saying, Go to Bethlehem, because the mother of your Lord is taking her departure. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me beside you. And Matthew also answered and said: I have glorified and do glorify God, because when I was in a boat and overtaken by a storm, the sea raging with its waves, on a sudden a cloud of light overshadowing the stormy billow, changed it to a calm, and having snatched me up, set me down beside you. And those who had come before likewise answered, and gave an account of how they had come. And Bartholomew said: I was in the Thebais proclaiming the word, and behold the Holy Spirit says to me, The mother of your Lord is taking her departure; go, then, to salute her in Bethlehem. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, brought me to you. The apostles said all these things to the holy mother of God, why they had come, and in what way; and she stretched her hands to heaven and prayed, saying: I adore, and praise, and glorify Your much to be praised name, O Lord, because You have looked upon the lowliness of Your handmaiden, and because You that are mighty has done great things for me; and, behold, all generations shall count me blessed. Luke 1:48 And after the prayer she said to the apostles: Cast incense, and pray. And when they had prayed, there was thunder from heaven, and there came a fearful voice, as if of chariots; and, behold, a multitude of a host of angels and powers, and a voice, as if of the Son of man, was heard, and the seraphim in a circle round the house where the holy, spotless mother of God and virgin was lying, so that all who were in Bethlehem beheld all the wonderful things, and came to Jerusalem and reported all the wonderful things that had come to pass. And it came to pass, when the voice was heard, that the sun and the moon suddenly appeared about the house; and an assembly of the first-born saints stood beside the house where the mother of the Lord was lying, for her honour and glory. And I beheld also that many signs came to pass, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the lame walking, lepers cleansed, and those possessed by unclean spirits cured; and every one who was under disease and sickness, touching the outside of the wall of the house where she was lying, cried out: Holy Mary, who brought forth Christ our God, have mercy upon us. And they were straightway cured. And great multitudes out of every country living in Jerusalem for the sake of prayer, having heard of the signs that had come to pass in Bethlehem through the mother of the Lord, came to the place seeking the cure of various diseases, which also they obtained. And there was joy unspeakable on that day among the multitude of those who had been cured, as well as of those who looked on, glorifying Christ our God and His mother. And all Jerusalem from Bethlehem kept festival with psalms and spiritual songs. And the priests of the Jews, along with their people, were astonished at the things which had come to pass; and being moved with the heaviest hatred, and again with frivolous reasoning, having made an assembly, they determine to send against the holy mother of God and the holy apostles who were there in Bethlehem. And accordingly the multitude of the Jews, having directed their course to Bethlehem, when at the distance of one mile it came to pass that they beheld a frightful vision, and their feet were held fast; and after this they returned to their fellow-countrymen, and reported all the frightful vision to the chief priests. And they, still more boiling with rage, go to the procurator, crying out and saying: The nation of the Jews has been ruined by this woman; chase her from Bethlehem and the province of Jerusalem. And the procurator, astonished at the wonderful things, said to them: I will chase her neither from Bethlehem nor from any other place. And the Jews continued crying out, and adjuring him by the health of Tiberius Cæsar to bring the apostles out of Bethlehem. And if you do not do so, we shall report it to the Cæsar. Accordingly, being compelled, he sends a tribune of the soldiers against the apostles to Bethlehem. And the Holy Spirit says to the apostles and the mother of the Lord: Behold, the procurator has sent a tribune against you, the Jews having made an uproar. Go forth therefore from Bethlehem, and fear not: for, behold, by a cloud I shall bring you to Jerusalem; for the power of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit is with you. The apostles therefore rose up immediately, and went forth from the house, carrying the bed of the Lady the mother of God, and directed their course to Jerusalem; and immediately, as the Holy Spirit had said, being lifted up by a cloud, they were found in Jerusalem in the house of the Lady. And they stood up, and for five days made an unceasing singing of praise. And when the tribune came to Bethlehem, and found there neither the mother of the Lord nor the apostles, he laid hold of the Bethlehemites, saying to them: Did you not come telling the procurator and the priests all the signs and wonders that had come to pass, and how the apostles had come out of every country? Where are they, then? Come, go to the procurator at Jerusalem. For the tribune did not know of the departure of the apostles and the Lord’s mother to Jerusalem. The tribune then, having taken the Bethlehemites, went in to the procurator, saying that he had found no one. And after five days it was known to the procurator, and the priests, and all the city, that the Lord’s mother was in her own house in Jerusalem, along with the apostles, from the signs and wonders that came to pass there. And a multitude of men and women and virgins came together, and cried out: Holy virgin, that brought forth Christ our God, do not forget the generation of men. And when these things came to pass, the people of the Jews, with the priests also, being the more moved with hatred, took wood and fire, and came up, wishing to burn the house where the Lord’s mother was living with the apostles. And the procurator stood looking at the sight from afar off. And when the people of the Jews came to the door of the house, behold, suddenly a power of fire coming forth from within, by means of an angel, burnt up a great multitude of the Jews. And there was great fear throughout all the city; and they glorified God, who had been born of her. And when the procurator saw what had come to pass, he cried out to all the people, saying: Truly he who was born of the virgin, whom you have thought of driving away, is the Son of God; for these signs are those of the true God. And there was a division among the Jews; and many believed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in consequence of the signs that had come to pass. And after all these wonderful things had come to pass through the mother of God, and ever-virgin Mary the mother of the Lord, while we the apostles were with her in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit said to us: You know that on the Lord’s day the good news was brought to the Virgin Mary by the archangel Gabriel; and on the Lord’s day the Saviour was born in Bethlehem; and on the Lord’s day the children of Jerusalem came forth with palm branches to meet him, saying, Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord; and on the Lord’s day He rose from the dead; and on the Lord’s day He will come to judge the living and the dead; and on the Lord’s day He will come out of heaven, to the glory and honour of the departure of the holy glorious virgin who brought Him forth. And on the same Lord’s day the mother of the Lord says to the apostles: Cast incense, because Christ is coming with a host of angels; and, behold, Christ is at hand, sitting on a throne of cherubim. And while we were all praying, there appeared innumerable multitudes of angels, and the Lord mounted upon cherubim in great power; and, behold, a stream of light coming to the holy virgin, because of the presence of her only-begotten Son, and all the powers of the heavens fell down and adored Him. And the Lord, speaking to His mother, said: Mary. And she answered and said: Here am I, Lord. And the Lord said to her: Grieve not, but let your heart rejoice and be glad; for you have found grace to behold the glory given to me by my Father. And the holy mother of God looked up, and saw in Him a glory which it is impossible for the mouth of man to speak of, or to apprehend. And the Lord remained beside her, saying: Behold, from the present time your precious body will be transferred to paradise, and your holy soul to the heavens to the treasures of my Father in exceeding brightness, where there is peace and joy of the holy angels—and other things besides. And the mother of the Lord answered and said to him: Lay Your right hand upon me, O Lord, and bless me. And the Lord stretched forth His undefiled right hand, and blessed her. And she laid hold of His undefiled right hand, and kissed it, saying: I adore this right hand, which created the heaven and the earth; and I call upon Your much to be praised name Christ, O God, the King of the ages, the only-begotten of the Father, to receive Your handmaid, Thou who deigned to be brought forth by me, in a low estate, to save the race of men through Your ineffable dispensation; do Thou bestow Your aid upon every man calling upon, or praying to, or naming the name of, Your handmaid. And while she is saying this, the apostles, having gone up to her feet and adored, say: O mother of the Lord, leave a blessing to the world, since you are going away from it. For you have blessed it, and raised it up when it was ruined, by bringing forth the Light of the world. And the mother of the Lord prayed, and in her prayer spoke thus: O God, who through Your great goodness hast sent from the heavens Your only-begotten Son to dwell in my humble body, who hast deigned to be born of me, humble as I am, have mercy upon the world, and every soul that calls upon Your name. And again she prayed, and said: O Lord, King of the heavens, Son of the living God, accept every man who calls upon Your name, that Your birth may be glorified. And again she prayed, and said: O Lord Jesus Christ, who art all-powerful in heaven and on earth, in this appeal I implore Your holy name; in every time and place where there is made mention of my name, make that place holy, and glorify those that glorify You through my name, accepting of such persons all their offering, and all their supplication, and all their prayer. And when she had thus prayed, the Lord said to His mother: Let your heart rejoice and be glad; for every favour and every gift has been given to you from my Father in heaven, and from me, and from the Holy Spirit: every soul that calls upon your name shall not be ashamed, but shall find mercy, and comfort, and support, and confidence, both in the world that now is, and in that which is to come, in the presence of my Father in the heavens. And the Lord turned and said to Peter: The time has come to begin the singing of the hymn. And Peter having begun the singing of the hymn, all the powers of the heavens responded with the Alleluiah. And then the face of the mother of the Lord shone brighter than the light, and she rose up and blessed each of the apostles with her own hand, and all gave glory to God; and the Lord stretched forth His undefiled hands, and received her holy and blameless soul. And with the departure of her blameless soul the place was filled with perfume and ineffable light; and, behold, a voice out of the heaven was heard, saying: Blessed are you among women. And Peter, and I John, and Paul, and Thomas, ran and wrapped up her precious feet for the consecration; and the twelve apostles put her precious and holy body upon a couch, and carried it. And, behold, while they were carrying her, a certain well-born Hebrew, Jephonias by name, running against the body, put his hands upon the couch; and, behold, an angel of the Lord by invisible power, with a sword of fire, cut off his two hands from his shoulders, and made them hang about the couch, lifted up in the air. And at this miracle which had come to pass all the people of the Jews who beheld it cried out: Verily, He that was brought forth by you is the true God, O mother of God, ever-virgin Mary. And Jephonias himself, when Peter ordered him, that the wonderful things of God might be showed forth, stood up behind the couch, and cried out: Holy Mary, who brought forth Christ who is God, have mercy upon me. And Peter turned and said to him: In the name of Him who was born of her, your hands which have been taken away from you, will be fixed on again. And immediately, at the word of Peter, the hands hanging by the couch of the Lady came, and were fixed on Jephonias. And he believed, and glorified Christ, God who had been born of her. And when this miracle had been done, the apostles carried the couch, and laid down her precious and holy body in Gethsemane in a new tomb. And, behold, a perfume of sweet savour came forth out of the holy sepulchre of our Lady the mother of God; and for three days the voices of invisible angels were heard glorifying Christ our God, who had been born of her. And when the third day was ended, the voices were no longer heard; and from that time forth all knew that her spotless and precious body had been transferred to paradise. And after it had been transferred, behold, we see Elisabeth the mother of St. John the Baptist, and Anna the mother of the Lady, and Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and David, singing the Alleluiah, and all the choirs of the saints adoring the holy relics of the mother of the Lord, and the place full of light, than which light nothing could be more brilliant, and an abundance of perfume in that place to which her precious and holy body had been transferred in paradise, and the melody of those praising Him who had been born of her— sweet melody, of which there is no satiety, such as is given to virgins, and them only, to hear. We apostles, therefore, having beheld the sudden precious translation of her holy body, glorified God, who had shown us His wonders at the departure of the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose prayers and good offices may we all be deemed worthy to receive, under her shelter, and support, and protection, both in the world that now is and in that which is to come, glorifying in every time and place her only-begotten Son, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. The Passing of Mary First Latin Form Concerning the Passing of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In that time before the Lord came to His passion, and among many words which the mother asked of the Son, she began to ask Him about her own departure, addressing Him as follows:— O most dear Son, I pray Your holiness, that when my soul goes out of my body, Thou let me know on the third day before; and do Thou, beloved Son, with Your angels, receive it. Then He received the prayer of His beloved mother, and said to her: O palace and temple of the living God, O blessed mother, O queen of all saints, and blessed above all women, before you carried me in your womb, I always guarded you, and caused you to be fed daily with my angelic food, as you know, how can I desert you, after you have carried me, and nourished me, and brought me down in flight into Egypt, and endured many hardships for me? Know, then, that my angels have always guarded you, and will guard you even until your departure. But after I undergo suffering for men, as it is written, and rise again on the third day, and after forty days ascend into heaven, when you shall see me coming to you with angels and archangels, with saints and with virgins, and with my disciples, know for certain that your soul will be separated from the body, and I shall carry it into heaven, where it shall never at all have tribulation or anguish. Then she joyed and gloried, and kissed the knees of her Son, and blessed the Creator of heaven and earth, who gave her such a gift through Jesus Christ her Son. In the second year, therefore, after the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the most blessed Virgin Mary continued always in prayer day and night. And on the third day before she passed away, an angel of the Lord came to her, and saluted her, saying: Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord be with you. And she answered, saying: Thanks to God. Again he said to her: Receive this palm which the Lord promised to you. And she, giving thanks to God, with great joy received from the hand of the angel the palm sent to her. The angel of the Lord said to her: Your assumption will be after three days. And she answered: Thanks to God. Then she called Joseph of the city of Arimathæa, and the other disciples of the Lord; and when they, both relations and acquaintances, were assembled, she announced her departure to all standing there. Then the blessed Mary washed herself, and dressed herself like a queen, and waited the advent of her Son, as He had promised to her. And she asked all her relations to keep beside her, and give her comfort. And she had along with her three virgins, Sepphora, Abigea, and Zaël; but the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ had been already dispersed throughout the whole world to preach to the people of God. Then at the third hour there were great thunders, and rains, and lightnings, and tribulation, and an earthquake, while queen Mary was standing in her chamber. John the evangelist and apostle was suddenly brought from Ephesus, and entered the chamber of the blessed Mary, and saluted her, and said to her: Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord be with you. And she answered: Thanks to God. And raising herself up, she kissed Saint John. And the blessed Mary said to him: O my dearest son, why have you left me at such a time, and hast not paid heed to the commands of your Master, to take care of me, as He commanded you while He was hanging on the cross? And he asked pardon with bended knee. Then the blessed Mary gave him her benediction, and again kissed him. And when she meant to ask him whence he came, and for what reason he had come to Jerusalem, behold, all the disciples of the Lord, except Thomas who is called Didymus, were brought by a cloud to the door of the chamber of the blessed Mary. They stood and went in, and saluted the queen with the following words, and adored her: Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord be with you. And she eagerly rose quickly, and bowed herself, and kissed them, and gave thanks to God. These are the names of the disciples of the Lord who were brought there in the cloud: John the evangelist and James his brother, Peter and Paul, Andrew, Philip, Luke, Barnabas, Bartholomew and Matthew, Matthias who is called Justus, Simon the Chananæan, Judas and his brother, Nicodemus and Maximianus, and many others who cannot be numbered. Then the blessed Mary said to her brethren: What is this, that you have all come to Jerusalem? Peter, answering, said to her: We had need to ask this of you, and do you question us? Certainly, as I think, none of us knows why we have come here today with such rapidity. I was at Antioch, and now I am here. All declared plainly the place where they had been that day. And they all wondered that they were there when they heard these things. The blessed Mary said to them: I asked my Son, before He endured the passion, that He and you should be at my death; and He granted me this gift. Whence you may know that my departure will be tomorrow. Watch and pray with me, that when the Lord comes to receive my soul, He may find you watching. Then all promised that they would watch. And they watched and prayed the whole night, with psalms and chants, with great illuminations. And when the Lord’s day came, at the third hour, just as the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles in a cloud, so Christ descended with a multitude of angels, and received the soul of His beloved mother. For there was such splendour and perfume of sweetness, and angels singing the songs of songs, where the Lord says, As a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters, Song of Songs 2:2 that all who were there present fell on their faces, as the apostles fell when Christ transfigured Himself before them on Mount Thabor, and for a whole hour and a half no one was able to rise. But when the light went away, and at the same time with the light itself, the soul of the blessed virgin Mary was taken up into heaven with psalms, and hymns, and songs of songs. And as the cloud went up the whole earth shook, and in one moment all the inhabitants of Jerusalem openly saw the departure of St. Mary. And that same hour Satan entered into them, and they began to consider what they were to do with her body. And they took up weapons, that they might burn her body and kill the apostles, because from her had gone forth the dispersions of Israel, on account of their sins and the gathering together of the Gentiles. But they were struck with blindness, striking their heads against the walls, and striking each other. Then the apostles, alarmed by so much brightness, arose, and with psalms carried the holy body down from Mount Zion to the valley of Jehoshaphat. But as they were going in the middle of the road, behold, a certain Jew, Reuben by name, wishing to throw to the ground the holy bier with the body of the blessed Mary. But his hands dried up, even to the elbow; whether he would or not, he went down even to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, weeping and lamenting because his hands were raised to the bier, and he was not
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    The Account of St. John the Theologian of the Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God.

    As the all-holy glorious mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, as was her wont, was going to the holy tomb of our Lord to burn incense, and bending her holy knees, she was importunate that Christ our God who had been born of her should return to her. And the Jews, seeing her lingering by the divine sepulchre, came to the chief priests, saying: Mary goes every day to the tomb. And the chief priests, having summoned the guards set by them not to allow any one to pray at the holy sepulchre, inquired about her, whether in truth it were so. And the guards answered and said that they had seen no such thing, God having not allowed them to see her when there. And on one of the days, it being the preparation, the holy Mary, as was her wont, came to the sepulchre; and while she was praying, it came to pass that the heavens were opened, and the archangel Gabriel came down to her and said: Hail, you that brought forth Christ our God! Your prayer having come through to the heavens to Him who was born of you, has been accepted; and from this time, according to your request, you having left the world, shall go to the heavenly places to your Son, into the true and everlasting life.

    And having heard this from the holy archangel, she returned to holy Bethlehem, having along with her three virgins who ministered unto her. And after having rested a short time, she sat up and said to the virgins: Bring me a censer, that I may pray. And they brought it, as they had been commanded. And she prayed, saying: My Lord Jesus Christ, who deigned through Your supreme goodness to be born of me, hear my voice, and send me Your apostle John, in order that, seeing him, I may partake of joy; and send me also the rest of Your apostles, both those who have already gone to You, and those in the world that now is, in whatever country they may be, through Your holy commandment, in order that, having beheld them, I may bless Your name much to be praised; for I am confident that You hear Your servant in everything.

    And while she was praying, I John came, the Holy Spirit having snatched me up by a cloud from Ephesus, and set me in the place where the mother of my Lord was lying. And having gone in beside her, and glorified Him who had been born of her, I said: Hail, mother of my Lord, who brought forth Christ our God, rejoice that in great glory you are going out of this life. And the holy mother of God glorified God, because I John had come to her, remembering the voice of the Lord, saying: Behold your mother, and, Behold your son. John 19:26-27 And the three virgins came and worshipped. And the holy mother of God says to me: Pray, and cast incense. And I prayed thus: Lord Jesus Christ, who has done wonderful things, now also do wonderful things before her who brought You forth; and let Your mother depart from this life; and let those who crucified You, and who have not believed in You, be confounded. And after I had ended the prayer, holy Mary said to me: Bring me the censer. And having cast incense, she said, Glory to You, my God and my Lord, because there has been fulfilled in me whatsoever You promised to me before you ascended into the heavens, that when I should depart from this world You would come to me, and the multitude of Your angels, with glory. And I John say to her: Jesus Christ our Lord and our God is coming, and you see Him, as He promised to you. And the holy mother of God answered and said to me: The Jews have sworn that after I have died they will burn my body. And I answered and said to her: Your holy and precious body will by no means see corruption. And she answered and said to me: Bring a censer, and cast incense, and pray. And there came a voice out of the heavens saying the Amen. And I John heard this voice; and the Holy Spirit said to me: John, have you heard this voice that spoke in the heaven after the prayer was ended? And I answered and said: Yes, I heard. And the Holy Spirit said to me: This voice which you heard denotes that the appearance of your brethren the apostles is at hand, and of the holy powers that they are coming hither today.

    And at this I John prayed.

    And the Holy Spirit said to the apostles: Let all of you together, having come by the clouds from the ends of the world, be assembled to holy Bethlehem by a whirlwind, on account of the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ; Peter from Rome, Paul from Tiberia, Thomas from Hither India, James from Jerusalem. Andrew, Peter’s brother, and Philip, Luke, and Simon the Cananæan, and Thaddæus who had fallen asleep, were raised by the Holy Spirit out of their tombs; to whom the Holy Spirit said: Do not think that it is now the resurrection; but on this account you have risen out of your tombs, that you may go to give greeting to the honour and wonder-working of the mother of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, because the day of her departure is at hand, of her going up into the heavens. And Mark likewise coming round, was present from Alexandria; he also with the rest, as has been said before, from each country. And Peter being lifted up by a cloud, stood between heaven and earth, the Holy Spirit keeping him steady. And at the same time, the rest of the apostles also, having been snatched up in clouds, were found along with Peter. And thus by the Holy Spirit, as has been said, they all came together.

    And having gone in beside the mother of our Lord and God, and having adored, we said: Fear not, nor grieve; God the Lord, who was born of you, will take you out of this world with glory. And rejoicing in God her Saviour, she sat up in the bed, and says to the apostles: Now have I believed that our Master and God is coming from heaven, and I shall behold Him, and thus depart from this life, as I have seen that you have come. And I wish you to tell me how you knew that I was departing and came to me, and from what countries and through what distance you have come hither, that you have thus made haste to visit me. For neither has He who was born of me, our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of the universe, concealed it; for I am persuaded even now that He is the Son of the Most High.

    And Peter answered and said to the apostles: Let us each, according to what the Holy Spirit announced and commanded us, give full information to the mother of our Lord. And I John answered and said: Just as I was going in to the holy altar in Ephesus to perform divine service, the Holy Spirit says to me, The time of the departure of the mother of your Lord is at hand; go to Bethlehem to salute her. And a cloud of light snatched me up, and set me down in the door where you are lying. Peter also answered: And I, living in Rome, about dawn heard a voice through the Holy Spirit saying to me, The mother of your Lord is to depart, as the time is at hand; go to Bethlehem to salute her. And, behold, a cloud of light snatched me up; and I beheld also the other apostles coming to me on clouds, and a voice saying to me, Go all to Bethlehem. And Paul also answered and said: And I, living in a city at no great distance from Rome, called the country of Tiberia, heard the Holy Spirit saying to me, The mother of your Lord, having left this world, is making her course to the celestial regions through her departure; but go also to Bethlehem to salute her. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me down in the same place as you. And Thomas also answered and said: And I, traversing the country of the Indians, when the preaching was prevailing by the grace of Christ, and the king’s sister’s son Labdanus by name, was about to be sealed by me in the palace, on a sudden the Holy Spirit says to me, Go also, Thomas, to Bethlehem to salute the mother of your Lord, because she is taking her departure to the heavens. And a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me down beside you. And Mark also answered and said: And when I was finishing the canon of the third day in the city of Alexandria, just as I was praying, the Holy Spirit snatched me up, and brought me to you. And James also answered and said: While I was in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit commanded me, saying, Go to Bethlehem, because the mother of your Lord is taking her departure. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, set me beside you. And Matthew also answered and said: I have glorified and do glorify God, because when I was in a boat and overtaken by a storm, the sea raging with its waves, on a sudden a cloud of light overshadowing the stormy billow, changed it to a calm, and having snatched me up, set me down beside you. And those who had come before likewise answered, and gave an account of how they had come. And Bartholomew said: I was in the Thebais proclaiming the word, and behold the Holy Spirit says to me, The mother of your Lord is taking her departure; go, then, to salute her in Bethlehem. And, behold, a cloud of light having snatched me up, brought me to you.

    The apostles said all these things to the holy mother of God, why they had come, and in what way; and she stretched her hands to heaven and prayed, saying: I adore, and praise, and glorify Your much to be praised name, O Lord, because You have looked upon the lowliness of Your handmaiden, and because You that are mighty has done great things for me; and, behold, all generations shall count me blessed. Luke 1:48 And after the prayer she said to the apostles: Cast incense, and pray. And when they had prayed, there was thunder from heaven, and there came a fearful voice, as if of chariots; and, behold, a multitude of a host of angels and powers, and a voice, as if of the Son of man, was heard, and the seraphim in a circle round the house where the holy, spotless mother of God and virgin was lying, so that all who were in Bethlehem beheld all the wonderful things, and came to Jerusalem and reported all the wonderful things that had come to pass. And it came to pass, when the voice was heard, that the sun and the moon suddenly appeared about the house; and an assembly of the first-born saints stood beside the house where the mother of the Lord was lying, for her honour and glory. And I beheld also that many signs came to pass, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the lame walking, lepers cleansed, and those possessed by unclean spirits cured; and every one who was under disease and sickness, touching the outside of the wall of the house where she was lying, cried out: Holy Mary, who brought forth Christ our God, have mercy upon us. And they were straightway cured. And great multitudes out of every country living in Jerusalem for the sake of prayer, having heard of the signs that had come to pass in Bethlehem through the mother of the Lord, came to the place seeking the cure of various diseases, which also they obtained. And there was joy unspeakable on that day among the multitude of those who had been cured, as well as of those who looked on, glorifying Christ our God and His mother. And all Jerusalem from Bethlehem kept festival with psalms and spiritual songs.

    And the priests of the Jews, along with their people, were astonished at the things which had come to pass; and being moved with the heaviest hatred, and again with frivolous reasoning, having made an assembly, they determine to send against the holy mother of God and the holy apostles who were there in Bethlehem. And accordingly the multitude of the Jews, having directed their course to Bethlehem, when at the distance of one mile it came to pass that they beheld a frightful vision, and their feet were held fast; and after this they returned to their fellow-countrymen, and reported all the frightful vision to the chief priests. And they, still more boiling with rage, go to the procurator, crying out and saying: The nation of the Jews has been ruined by this woman; chase her from Bethlehem and the province of Jerusalem. And the procurator, astonished at the wonderful things, said to them: I will chase her neither from Bethlehem nor from any other place. And the Jews continued crying out, and adjuring him by the health of Tiberius Cæsar to bring the apostles out of Bethlehem. And if you do not do so, we shall report it to the Cæsar. Accordingly, being compelled, he sends a tribune of the soldiers against the apostles to Bethlehem. And the Holy Spirit says to the apostles and the mother of the Lord: Behold, the procurator has sent a tribune against you, the Jews having made an uproar. Go forth therefore from Bethlehem, and fear not: for, behold, by a cloud I shall bring you to Jerusalem; for the power of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit is with you. The apostles therefore rose up immediately, and went forth from the house, carrying the bed of the Lady the mother of God, and directed their course to Jerusalem; and immediately, as the Holy Spirit had said, being lifted up by a cloud, they were found in Jerusalem in the house of the Lady. And they stood up, and for five days made an unceasing singing of praise. And when the tribune came to Bethlehem, and found there neither the mother of the Lord nor the apostles, he laid hold of the Bethlehemites, saying to them: Did you not come telling the procurator and the priests all the signs and wonders that had come to pass, and how the apostles had come out of every country? Where are they, then? Come, go to the procurator at Jerusalem. For the tribune did not know of the departure of the apostles and the Lord’s mother to Jerusalem. The tribune then, having taken the Bethlehemites, went in to the procurator, saying that he had found no one. And after five days it was known to the procurator, and the priests, and all the city, that the Lord’s mother was in her own house in Jerusalem, along with the apostles, from the signs and wonders that came to pass there. And a multitude of men and women and virgins came together, and cried out: Holy virgin, that brought forth Christ our God, do not forget the generation of men. And when these things came to pass, the people of the Jews, with the priests also, being the more moved with hatred, took wood and fire, and came up, wishing to burn the house where the Lord’s mother was living with the apostles. And the procurator stood looking at the sight from afar off. And when the people of the Jews came to the door of the house, behold, suddenly a power of fire coming forth from within, by means of an angel, burnt up a great multitude of the Jews. And there was great fear throughout all the city; and they glorified God, who had been born of her. And when the procurator saw what had come to pass, he cried out to all the people, saying: Truly he who was born of the virgin, whom you have thought of driving away, is the Son of God; for these signs are those of the true God. And there was a division among the Jews; and many believed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in consequence of the signs that had come to pass.

    And after all these wonderful things had come to pass through the mother of God, and ever-virgin Mary the mother of the Lord, while we the apostles were with her in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit said to us: You know that on the Lord’s day the good news was brought to the Virgin Mary by the archangel Gabriel; and on the Lord’s day the Saviour was born in Bethlehem; and on the Lord’s day the children of Jerusalem came forth with palm branches to meet him, saying, Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord; and on the Lord’s day He rose from the dead; and on the Lord’s day He will come to judge the living and the dead; and on the Lord’s day He will come out of heaven, to the glory and honour of the departure of the holy glorious virgin who brought Him forth. And on the same Lord’s day the mother of the Lord says to the apostles: Cast incense, because Christ is coming with a host of angels; and, behold, Christ is at hand, sitting on a throne of cherubim. And while we were all praying, there appeared innumerable multitudes of angels, and the Lord mounted upon cherubim in great power; and, behold, a stream of light coming to the holy virgin, because of the presence of her only-begotten Son, and all the powers of the heavens fell down and adored Him. And the Lord, speaking to His mother, said: Mary. And she answered and said: Here am I, Lord. And the Lord said to her: Grieve not, but let your heart rejoice and be glad; for you have found grace to behold the glory given to me by my Father. And the holy mother of God looked up, and saw in Him a glory which it is impossible for the mouth of man to speak of, or to apprehend. And the Lord remained beside her, saying: Behold, from the present time your precious body will be transferred to paradise, and your holy soul to the heavens to the treasures of my Father in exceeding brightness, where there is peace and joy of the holy angels—and other things besides. And the mother of the Lord answered and said to him: Lay Your right hand upon me, O Lord, and bless me. And the Lord stretched forth His undefiled right hand, and blessed her. And she laid hold of His undefiled right hand, and kissed it, saying: I adore this right hand, which created the heaven and the earth; and I call upon Your much to be praised name Christ, O God, the King of the ages, the only-begotten of the Father, to receive Your handmaid, Thou who deigned to be brought forth by me, in a low estate, to save the race of men through Your ineffable dispensation; do Thou bestow Your aid upon every man calling upon, or praying to, or naming the name of, Your handmaid. And while she is saying this, the apostles, having gone up to her feet and adored, say: O mother of the Lord, leave a blessing to the world, since you are going away from it. For you have blessed it, and raised it up when it was ruined, by bringing forth the Light of the world. And the mother of the Lord prayed, and in her prayer spoke thus: O God, who through Your great goodness hast sent from the heavens Your only-begotten Son to dwell in my humble body, who hast deigned to be born of me, humble as I am, have mercy upon the world, and every soul that calls upon Your name. And again she prayed, and said: O Lord, King of the heavens, Son of the living God, accept every man who calls upon Your name, that Your birth may be glorified. And again she prayed, and said: O Lord Jesus Christ, who art all-powerful in heaven and on earth, in this appeal I implore Your holy name; in every time and place where there is made mention of my name, make that place holy, and glorify those that glorify You through my name, accepting of such persons all their offering, and all their supplication, and all their prayer. And when she had thus prayed, the Lord said to His mother: Let your heart rejoice and be glad; for every favour and every gift has been given to you from my Father in heaven, and from me, and from the Holy Spirit: every soul that calls upon your name shall not be ashamed, but shall find mercy, and comfort, and support, and confidence, both in the world that now is, and in that which is to come, in the presence of my Father in the heavens. And the Lord turned and said to Peter: The time has come to begin the singing of the hymn. And Peter having begun the singing of the hymn, all the powers of the heavens responded with the Alleluiah. And then the face of the mother of the Lord shone brighter than the light, and she rose up and blessed each of the apostles with her own hand, and all gave glory to God; and the Lord stretched forth His undefiled hands, and received her holy and blameless soul. And with the departure of her blameless soul the place was filled with perfume and ineffable light; and, behold, a voice out of the heaven was heard, saying: Blessed are you among women. And Peter, and I John, and Paul, and Thomas, ran and wrapped up her precious feet for the consecration; and the twelve apostles put her precious and holy body upon a couch, and carried it. And, behold, while they were carrying her, a certain well-born Hebrew, Jephonias by name, running against the body, put his hands upon the couch; and, behold, an angel of the Lord by invisible power, with a sword of fire, cut off his two hands from his shoulders, and made them hang about the couch, lifted up in the air. And at this miracle which had come to pass all the people of the Jews who beheld it cried out: Verily, He that was brought forth by you is the true God, O mother of God, ever-virgin Mary. And Jephonias himself, when Peter ordered him, that the wonderful things of God might be showed forth, stood up behind the couch, and cried out: Holy Mary, who brought forth Christ who is God, have mercy upon me. And Peter turned and said to him: In the name of Him who was born of her, your hands which have been taken away from you, will be fixed on again. And immediately, at the word of Peter, the hands hanging by the couch of the Lady came, and were fixed on Jephonias. And he believed, and glorified Christ, God who had been born of her.

    And when this miracle had been done, the apostles carried the couch, and laid down her precious and holy body in Gethsemane in a new tomb. And, behold, a perfume of sweet savour came forth out of the holy sepulchre of our Lady the mother of God; and for three days the voices of invisible angels were heard glorifying Christ our God, who had been born of her. And when the third day was ended, the voices were no longer heard; and from that time forth all knew that her spotless and precious body had been transferred to paradise.

    And after it had been transferred, behold, we see Elisabeth the mother of St. John the Baptist, and Anna the mother of the Lady, and Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and David, singing the Alleluiah, and all the choirs of the saints adoring the holy relics of the mother of the Lord, and the place full of light, than which light nothing could be more brilliant, and an abundance of perfume in that place to which her precious and holy body had been transferred in paradise, and the melody of those praising Him who had been born of her— sweet melody, of which there is no satiety, such as is given to virgins, and them only, to hear. We apostles, therefore, having beheld the sudden precious translation of her holy body, glorified God, who had shown us His wonders at the departure of the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose prayers and good offices may we all be deemed worthy to receive, under her shelter, and support, and protection, both in the world that now is and in that which is to come, glorifying in every time and place her only-begotten Son, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.
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  71. The Apocalypse of the Virgin

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    1. The all-holy mother of God was about to proceed to the Mount of Olives to pray; and praying to the Lord our God she said: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; let the archangel Gabriel descend, that he may tell me concerning the chastisements and concerning things in heaven and on the earth and under the earth. And as she said the word the archangel Michael descended with the angels of the East and the West and angels of the South and the North, and they saluted the highly favoured one and said to her: Hail, reflection of the Father, hail dwelling of the Son, hail command of the Holy Spirit, hail firmament of the seven heavens, hail firmament of the eleven strongholds, hail worship of the angels, hail loftier than the prophets unto the throne of God. And the holy mother of God said to the angel: Hail Michael, commander-in-chief, the minister of the invisible Father, hail Michael, commander-in-chief, associate of my Son, hail Michael, commander-in-chief, most dread of the six-winged, hail Michael, commander-in-chief, who rules through all things and art worthy to stand beside the throne of the Lord, hail Michael, commander-in-chief, who art about to sound the trumpet and awaken those who have been asleep for ages: hail Michael, commander-in-chief, first of all unto the throne of God.

    2. And having greeted all the angels in like manner, the highly favoured one prayed the commander-in-chief regarding the chastisements, saying: Tell to me all things on the earth. And the commander-in-chief said to her: If you ask me, highly favoured one, I will tell you. And the highly favoured one said to him: How many are the chastisements with which the race of man is chastised? And the archangel said to her: The chastisements are innumerable. And the highly favoured one said to him: Tell me the things in heaven and on the earth.

    3. Then the commander-in-chief, Michael, commanded the Western angels that revelation should be made, and Hades opened, and she saw those who were chastised in Hades: and there lay there a multitude of men and women, and there was a great lamentation. And the highly favoured one asked the commander-in-chief: Who are these and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy, are those who did not worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    4. And she saw in another place a great darkness: and the all holy said: What is this darkness and who are they who are being chastised? And the commander-in-chief said: Many souls are lying in this darkness. And the all holy one said: Let this darkness be taken away in order that I may see this chastisement also. And the commander-in-chief said to the highly favoured one: It is not possible, all holy, that you should see this chastisement also. And the angels guarding them answered and said: We have a command from the invisible Father that they shall not see the light till your blessed Son shall shine forth. And plunged in grief the all holy lifted up her eyes to the angels touching the undefiled word of the Father, and said: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit let the darkness be taken away, that I may see this chastisement also. And straightway that darkness was lifted up and covered the seven heavens: and there lay a great multitude of both men and women, and there arose a great lamentation and a great cry began. And seeing them the all holy wept and said to them: What are you doing, wretched ones? Who are you? And how are you found there? And there was no voice or hearkening. And the angels guarding them said: Why do you not speak to the highly favoured one? And those who were under chastisement said to her: O highly favoured one, from eternity we see not the light, and we are not able to keep off that up there. And splashing pitch flowed down upon them: and seeing them the all holy wept. And again those who were being chastised said to her: How do you ask concerning us, holy lady, Mother of God? Your blessed Son came to The earth and did not make enquiry concerning us, neither Abraham the patriarch, nor John the Baptist, nor Moses the great prophet, nor the Apostle Paul, and unto us their light shone not: and now, all holy Mother of God, the armour of the Christians, the bringer of great comfort on account of the Christians, how do you ask concerning us? Then the all holy Mother of God said to Michael, the commander-in-chief: What is their sin? And Michael, the commander-in-chief, said: These are they who did not believe in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and did not confess you to be the Mother of God, and that the Lord Jesus Christ was born of you and took flesh, and for this cause they are chastised there. And again weeping, the all holy Mother of God said to them: Why did ye so greatly err, wretched ones? Did ye not hear that the whole creation names my name? And having said these words the darkness fell over them as it was from the beginning.

    5. And the commander-in-chief said: Whither would you go, highly favoured one? To the West or to the South? And the highly favoured answered: Let us go to the South. And immediately there appeared the cherubim and the seraphim and four hundred angels, and led out the highly favoured one to the South, where came out the river of fire, and there there lay a multitude of men and women, some up to the girdle, others up to the neck, and others up to the crown of the head: and seeing them the all holy Mother of God cried out with a loud voice to the commander-in-chief and said: Who are these, and what is their sin who stand in the fire up to the girdle? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who inherited the curse of father and mother, and for this cause they are thus chastised here as accursed.

    6. And the all holy one said: And who are these standing in the fire up to the breasts? And the commander-in-chief said: These are whosoever cast off their wives and defiled them in adultery, and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    7. And the all holy one said to the commander-in-chief: Who are these standing up to the neck in the flame of the fire? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are whosoever ate of the flesh of men. And the all holy one said: And how is it possible for one man to eat of the flesh of another? And the commander-in-chief said: Listen, all holy one, and I will tell you: These are they whosoever brought down their own children out of their own wombs and cast them out as food for dogs, and whosoever gave up their brothers in the presence of kings and governors, these ate the flesh of man, and for this cause they are thus chastised.

    8. And the all holy one said: Who are these set in the fire up to the crown? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are whosoever lay hold of the precious cross and swear to a lie: by the power of the cross of the Lord. The angels tremble and worship with fear, and men lay hold of it and swear to a lie and do not know what they testify: and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    9. And in another place the all holy one saw a man hung by the feet, and worms devoured him. And she asked the commander-in-chief: Who is this and what is his sin? And the commander-in-chief said: This is he who took usury for his gold, and for this cause he is thus chastised here.

    10. And she saw a woman hanging by her two ears, and all the beasts came out of her mouth and gnawed her in pieces: and the highly favoured one asked the commander-in-chief: Who is she, and what is her sin? And the commander-in-chief said: She is she who turned aside into strange houses and those of her neighbours and spoke evil words to make strife, and for that cause she is thus chastised here.

    11. And seeing these things the all holy Mother of God wept and said to the commander-in-chief: It were well for man that he had not been born. And the commander-in-chief said: Verily, all holy one, you have not seen the great chastisements. And the all holy one said to the commander-in-chief: Come, Michael, great commander-in-chief, and lead me that I may see all the chastisements. And the commander-in-chief said: Where do you wish, all holy one, that we should go? And the highly favoured one answered: To the West: and straightway the cherubim appeared and led the highly favoured to the West.

    12. And she saw a cloud full of fire and in it there was a multitude of men and women. And the all holy one said: What was their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who on the morning of the Lord’s day sleep like the dead, and for that reason they are thus chastised here. And the all holy one said: If anyone cannot rise, what shall he do? And the commander-in-chief said: Listen, all holy one: if anyone’s house is fastened on the four (sides?) and surrounds him and he cannot come out, he has forgiveness.

    13. And she saw in another place burning benches of fire and on them sat a multitude of men and women and burned on them. And the all holy one asked: Who are these and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who do not rise up to the presbyter when they enter into the church of God, and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    14. And the all holy one saw in another place an iron tree and it had branches of iron, and on it there hung a multitude of men and women by their tongues. And seeing them the all holy one wept, and asked the commander-in-chief saying: Who are these and what was their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These are perjurers, blasphemers, slanderers, whosoever divided brothers from brothers. And the all holy one said: How is it possible to divide brothers from brothers? And the commander-in-chief said: Listen, all holy one, and I will tell you about this: When some from among the nations desired to be baptised, he would say to them one word: You foul-feeding, unbelieving Gentile; because he thus blasphemed, he shall receive ceaseless retribution.

    15. And in another place the all holy one saw a man hanging from his four extremities, and from his nails blood gushed vehemently, and his tongue was tied in a flame of fire, and he was unable to groan and say the Kyrie eleïson me. And when she had seen him the all holy one wept and herself said the Kyrie eleïson thrice: and after the saying of the prayer, came the angel who had authority over the scourge and loosed the man’s tongue: and the all holy one asked the commander-in-chief: Who is this wretched one who has this chastisement? And the commander-in-chief said: This, all holy one, is the steward who did not the will of God, but ate the things of the church and said: “He who ministers to the altar shall be nourished from the altar”: and for this cause he is thus chastised here. And the all holy one said: Let it be unto him according to his faith. And again he tied his tongue.

    16. And Michael, the commander-in-chief said: Come hither, all holy one, and I will show unto you where the priests are chastised. And the all holy one came out and saw presbyters hanging by their twenty nails, and fire came out of their heads. And seeing them the all holy one asked the commander-in-chief: Who are these and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who stand beside the throne of God, and when they sang of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, the pearls fell out, and the awful throne of heaven shook and the footstool of our Lord Jesus Christ trembled, and they did not perceive it: and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    17. And the all holy one saw a man and a winged beast having three heads like flames of fire: the two heads were towards his eyes and the third head towards his mouth. And seeing him the all holy one asked the commander-in-chief: Who is this, that he cannot save himself from the mouth of the dragon? And the commander-in-chief said to her: This, all holy one, is the reader who does not practise in his own habits according to what is worthy of the holy Gospel: and for this cause he is thus chastised here.

    18. And the commander-in-chief said: Come hither, all holy one, and I will show you where the angelic and archangelic form is chastised. She proceeded and saw them lying in the fire and the sleepless worm gnawed them: and the all holy one said: Who are these, and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who possessed the archangelic and apostolic form: hearken, all holy one, concerning this: on earth they were called patriarchs and bishops, and they were not worthy of their name: on earth they heard ‘Bless (the Lord) ye saints,’ and in heaven they were not called saints, because they did not act as bearers of the archangelic form: and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    19. And she saw women hanging by their nails, and a flame of fire came out of their mouth and burned them: and all the beasts coming out of the fire gnawed them to pieces, and groaning they cried out: Have pity on us, have pity, for we are chastised worse than all those who are under chastisement. And seeing them the all holy one wept, and asked the commander-in-chief, Michael: Who are these and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These are the wives of presbyters who did not honour the presbyters, but after the death of the presbyter took husbands, and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    20. And the all holy one saw after the same manner also a deaconess hanging from a crag and a beast with two heads devoured her breasts. And the all holy one asked: What is her sin? And the commander-in-chief said: She, all holy one, is an archdeaconess who defiled her body in fornication, and for this cause she is thus chastised here.

    21. And she saw other women hanging over the fire, and all the beasts devoured them. And the all holy one asked the commander-in-chief: Who are these and what is their sin? And he said: These are they who did not do the will of God, lovers of money and those who took interest on accounts, and the immodest.

    22. And when she had heard these things the all holy one wept and said: Woe unto sinners. And the commander-in-chief said: Why do you lament, all holy one? Now verily you have not seen the great chastisements. And the highly favoured one said: Come, Michael, the great commander-in-chief of the powers above, tell me how I may see all the chastisements. And the commander-in-chief said: Where do you wish that we should go, all holy one? To the East or towards the left parts of Paradise? And the all holy one said: To the left parts of Paradise.

    23. And immediately when she had spoken, the cherubim and seraphim stood beside her and led the highly favoured one out to the left parts of Paradise. And behold, there was a great river, and the appearance of the river was blacker than pitch, and in it there were a multitude of men and women: it boiled like a furnace of forges, and its waves were like a wild sea over the sinners: and when the waves rose, they sank the sinners ten thousand cubits and they were unable to keep it off and say: Have mercy on us, you just judge: for the sleepless worm devoured them, and there was no reckoning of the number of those who devoured them. And seeing the all holy Mother of God the angels who chastised them cried out with one voice: Holy is God who has compassion on account of the Mother of God: we give you thanks, O Son of God, that from eternity we did not see the light, and today through the Mother of God we have seen the light: and again they shouted with one voice, saying: Hail, highly favoured Mother of God: Hail, lamp of the inaccessible light: Hail to you also, Michael, the commander-in-chief, you that are ambassador from the whole creation: for we, seeing the chastisement of sinners are greatly grieved. And the all holy one, when she saw the angels humbled on account of the sinners, lamented and said: Woe to sinners and their neighbours. And the all holy one said: Let us see the sinners. And the highly favoured one, coming with the archangel Michael and all the armies of the angels lifted up one voice saying: Lord have mercy. And after the making of the prayer earnestly, the wave of the river rested and the fiery waves grew calm, and the sinners appeared as a grain of mustard-seed: and seeing them the all holy one lamented and said: What is this river, and what are its waves? And the commander-in-chief said: This river is the outer fire, and those who are being tortured are the Jews who crucified our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, and who refused holy baptism, and those who commit fornication and sin against the sweet and passionless perfume of marriage, and he who debauches mother and daughter, and the poisoners and those who slay with the sword, and the women who strangle their offspring. And the all holy one said: According to their faith so be it unto them. And straightway the waves rose over the sinners and the darkness covered them. And the commander-in-chief said: Hearken, you highly favoured one: if anyone shall be cast into this darkness, his remembrance shall never be in the sight of God. And the all holy Mother of God said: Woe to sinners, because the flame of the fire is everlasting.

    24. And the commander-in-chief said: Come hither, all holy one, and I will show unto you the lake of fire: and see where the race of the Christians is chastised. And the all holy one proceeded and saw: and some she heard, but others she did not see: and she asked the commander-in-chief: Who are these, and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are those who were baptised and arrayed under the oracle of Christ, but worked the works of the devil and wasted the time of their repentance: and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    25. And she said: I pray, one request will I make of you, let me also be chastised with the Christians, because they are the children of my son. And the commander-in-chief said: Rest in Paradise, holy lady, Mother of God. And the all holy one said: I pray you, move the fourteen firmaments and the seven heavens, and let us pray for the Christians that the Lord our God may hearken unto us and have mercy on them. And the commander-in-chief said: As the Lord God lives, the great name, seven times a day and seven times a night, when we lead up the hymn of the Lord, we make remembrance for the sake of sinners, and the Lord accounts us as naught.

    26. And the all holy one said: I pray you, commander-in-chief, command the armies of the angels and let them place me on the height of heaven and let me into the presence of the invisible Father. And immediately the commander-in-chief commanded, and the chariot of the cherubim and seraphim appeared, and they exalted the highly favoured one to the height of heaven and placed her in the presence of the invisible Father: And she stretched forth her hands to the undefiled throne of the Father and said: Have mercy, O Lord, on the Christian sinners, for I saw them being chastised and I cannot bear their complaint. Let me go forth and be chastised myself for the Christians. I do not pray, O Lord, for the unbelieving Jews, but for the Christians I entreat your compassion. And there came a second voice from the invisible Father saying: How can I have mercy on them, when they did not have mercy on their own brothers? And the all holy one said: Lord, have mercy on the sinners: behold the chastisements, for every creature on the earth calls upon my name: and when the soul comes forth out of the body, it cries saying, “Holy Lady, Mother of God.” Then the Lord said to her: Hearken, all holy Mother of God, if anyone names and calls upon your name, I will not forsake him, either in heaven or on earth.

    27. And the all holy one said: Where is Moses? Where are all the prophets and fathers who never sinned? Where are you, holy Paul of God? Where is the holy Lord’s Day, the boast of the Christians? Where is the power of the precious and life-giving cross, which delivered Adam and Eve from the ancient curse? Then Michael and all the angels raised one voice saying: Lord, have mercy on the sinners. Then Moses also cried: Have mercy, Lord, on those to whom I gave your law. Then John also called: Have mercy, Lord, on those to whom I gave your Gospel. Then Paul cried: Have mercy, Lord, on those to whom I brought your epistles in the Church. And the Lord God said: Hearken, all you righteous: if according to the law which Moses gave, and according to the Gospel which John gave, and according to the epistles which Paul carried, they thus be judged. And they had nothing to say except, Have mercy, O just judge.

    28. And the all holy Mother of God said: Have mercy, Lord, on the Christians, because they kept your law and gave heed to your gospel, but they were simple ones. Then the Lord said to her: Hearken, all holy one: if anyone did evil to them and they did not requite him the evil, you say well that they attended to both my law and my gospel, but if he did not do them wrong and they requited him evil, how may I say that these are holy men? Now they shall be rewarded according to their wrongdoing. Then all hearing the voice of the Lord had nothing to answer; and the all holy one, when she saw that the saints were at a loss, and their Lord did not hear, and his mercy was hidden from them, then the all holy one said: Where is Gabriel, who announced unto me the “Hail, you that from eternity shall conceive him who is without beginning like the Father,” and now does not look upon sinners? Where is the great commander-in-chief? Come hither, all you saints whom God justified, and let us fall down in the presence of the invisible Father, in order that the Lord God may hear us, and have mercy on sinners. Then Michael, the commander-in-chief, and all the saints fell on their faces in the presence of the invisible Father, saying: Have mercy, Lord, on the Christian sinners.

    29. Then the Lord, seeing the prayer of the saints, had compassion and said: Go down, my beloved son, and because of the prayer of the saints let your face shine on earth to sinners. Then the Lord came down from his undefiled throne: and when they saw Him, those who were under chastisement raised one voice saying: Have mercy on us, King of ages. Then the Lord of all things said: Hearken, all you sinners and righteous men: I made paradise and made man after my image: but he transgressed, and for his own sins was delivered to death: but I did not suffer the works of my hands to be tyrannized over by the serpent: wherefore I bowed the heavens and came down and was born of Mary, the holy undefiled Mother of God, that I might set you free: I was baptised in Jordan in order that I might save the creature (nature) which had grown old under sin: I was nailed to the cross to free you from the ancient curse: I asked for water and you gave me vinegar mingled with gall: I was laid in the grave: I trampled on the enemy: I raised up mine elect, and even thus ye would not hear me. But now, because of the prayer of my mother Mary, because she has wept much for your sake, and because of Michael my archangel, and because of the multitude of my saints, I grant you to have rest on the day of Pentecost to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    30. Then all the angels and archangels, thrones, lordships, authorities, governments, powers, and the many-eyed cherubim and the six-winged seraphim and all the apostles and prophets and martyrs and all the saints raised one voice, saying: Glory to you, O Lord: glory to you, lover of men: glory to you, King of ages: glory be to your compassion: glory be to your long suffering: glory be to your unspeakable justice of judgment, because you have been long-suffering with sinners and impious men: Yours is it to pity and to save. To him be the glory and the power to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
    About this page

    Source. Translated by Andrew Rutherfurd. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 9. Edited by Allan Menzies. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1896.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. .

    Contact information. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. My email address is feedback732 at (To help fight spam, this address might change occasionally.) Regrettably, I can’t reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads.
    Copyright © 2009 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    The Apocalypse of the Virgin

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    1. The all-holy mother of God was about to proceed to the Mount of Olives to pray; and praying to the Lord our God she said: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; let the archangel Gabriel descend, that he may tell me concerning the chastisements and concerning things in heaven and on the earth and under the earth. And as she said the word the archangel Michael descended with the angels of the East and the West and angels of the South and the North, and they saluted the highly favoured one and said to her: Hail, reflection of the Father, hail dwelling of the Son, hail command of the Holy Spirit, hail firmament of the seven heavens, hail firmament of the eleven strongholds, hail worship of the angels, hail loftier than the prophets unto the throne of God. And the holy mother of God said to the angel: Hail Michael, commander-in-chief, the minister of the invisible Father, hail Michael, commander-in-chief, associate of my Son, hail Michael, commander-in-chief, most dread of the six-winged, hail Michael, commander-in-chief, who rules through all things and art worthy to stand beside the throne of the Lord, hail Michael, commander-in-chief, who art about to sound the trumpet and awaken those who have been asleep for ages: hail Michael, commander-in-chief, first of all unto the throne of God.

    2. And having greeted all the angels in like manner, the highly favoured one prayed the commander-in-chief regarding the chastisements, saying: Tell to me all things on the earth. And the commander-in-chief said to her: If you ask me, highly favoured one, I will tell you. And the highly favoured one said to him: How many are the chastisements with which the race of man is chastised? And the archangel said to her: The chastisements are innumerable. And the highly favoured one said to him: Tell me the things in heaven and on the earth.

    3. Then the commander-in-chief, Michael, commanded the Western angels that revelation should be made, and Hades opened, and she saw those who were chastised in Hades: and there lay there a multitude of men and women, and there was a great lamentation. And the highly favoured one asked the commander-in-chief: Who are these and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy, are those who did not worship the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    4. And she saw in another place a great darkness: and the all holy said: What is this darkness and who are they who are being chastised? And the commander-in-chief said: Many souls are lying in this darkness. And the all holy one said: Let this darkness be taken away in order that I may see this chastisement also. And the commander-in-chief said to the highly favoured one: It is not possible, all holy, that you should see this chastisement also. And the angels guarding them answered and said: We have a command from the invisible Father that they shall not see the light till your blessed Son shall shine forth. And plunged in grief the all holy lifted up her eyes to the angels touching the undefiled word of the Father, and said: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit let the darkness be taken away, that I may see this chastisement also. And straightway that darkness was lifted up and covered the seven heavens: and there lay a great multitude of both men and women, and there arose a great lamentation and a great cry began. And seeing them the all holy wept and said to them: What are you doing, wretched ones? Who are you? And how are you found there? And there was no voice or hearkening. And the angels guarding them said: Why do you not speak to the highly favoured one? And those who were under chastisement said to her: O highly favoured one, from eternity we see not the light, and we are not able to keep off that up there. And splashing pitch flowed down upon them: and seeing them the all holy wept. And again those who were being chastised said to her: How do you ask concerning us, holy lady, Mother of God? Your blessed Son came to The earth and did not make enquiry concerning us, neither Abraham the patriarch, nor John the Baptist, nor Moses the great prophet, nor the Apostle Paul, and unto us their light shone not: and now, all holy Mother of God, the armour of the Christians, the bringer of great comfort on account of the Christians, how do you ask concerning us? Then the all holy Mother of God said to Michael, the commander-in-chief: What is their sin? And Michael, the commander-in-chief, said: These are they who did not believe in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and did not confess you to be the Mother of God, and that the Lord Jesus Christ was born of you and took flesh, and for this cause they are chastised there. And again weeping, the all holy Mother of God said to them: Why did ye so greatly err, wretched ones? Did ye not hear that the whole creation names my name? And having said these words the darkness fell over them as it was from the beginning.

    5. And the commander-in-chief said: Whither would you go, highly favoured one? To the West or to the South? And the highly favoured answered: Let us go to the South. And immediately there appeared the cherubim and the seraphim and four hundred angels, and led out the highly favoured one to the South, where came out the river of fire, and there there lay a multitude of men and women, some up to the girdle, others up to the neck, and others up to the crown of the head: and seeing them the all holy Mother of God cried out with a loud voice to the commander-in-chief and said: Who are these, and what is their sin who stand in the fire up to the girdle? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who inherited the curse of father and mother, and for this cause they are thus chastised here as accursed.

    6. And the all holy one said: And who are these standing in the fire up to the breasts? And the commander-in-chief said: These are whosoever cast off their wives and defiled them in adultery, and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    7. And the all holy one said to the commander-in-chief: Who are these standing up to the neck in the flame of the fire? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are whosoever ate of the flesh of men. And the all holy one said: And how is it possible for one man to eat of the flesh of another? And the commander-in-chief said: Listen, all holy one, and I will tell you: These are they whosoever brought down their own children out of their own wombs and cast them out as food for dogs, and whosoever gave up their brothers in the presence of kings and governors, these ate the flesh of man, and for this cause they are thus chastised.

    8. And the all holy one said: Who are these set in the fire up to the crown? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are whosoever lay hold of the precious cross and swear to a lie: by the power of the cross of the Lord. The angels tremble and worship with fear, and men lay hold of it and swear to a lie and do not know what they testify: and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    9. And in another place the all holy one saw a man hung by the feet, and worms devoured him. And she asked the commander-in-chief: Who is this and what is his sin? And the commander-in-chief said: This is he who took usury for his gold, and for this cause he is thus chastised here.

    10. And she saw a woman hanging by her two ears, and all the beasts came out of her mouth and gnawed her in pieces: and the highly favoured one asked the commander-in-chief: Who is she, and what is her sin? And the commander-in-chief said: She is she who turned aside into strange houses and those of her neighbours and spoke evil words to make strife, and for that cause she is thus chastised here.

    11. And seeing these things the all holy Mother of God wept and said to the commander-in-chief: It were well for man that he had not been born. And the commander-in-chief said: Verily, all holy one, you have not seen the great chastisements. And the all holy one said to the commander-in-chief: Come, Michael, great commander-in-chief, and lead me that I may see all the chastisements. And the commander-in-chief said: Where do you wish, all holy one, that we should go? And the highly favoured one answered: To the West: and straightway the cherubim appeared and led the highly favoured to the West.

    12. And she saw a cloud full of fire and in it there was a multitude of men and women. And the all holy one said: What was their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who on the morning of the Lord’s day sleep like the dead, and for that reason they are thus chastised here. And the all holy one said: If anyone cannot rise, what shall he do? And the commander-in-chief said: Listen, all holy one: if anyone’s house is fastened on the four (sides?) and surrounds him and he cannot come out, he has forgiveness.

    13. And she saw in another place burning benches of fire and on them sat a multitude of men and women and burned on them. And the all holy one asked: Who are these and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who do not rise up to the presbyter when they enter into the church of God, and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    14. And the all holy one saw in another place an iron tree and it had branches of iron, and on it there hung a multitude of men and women by their tongues. And seeing them the all holy one wept, and asked the commander-in-chief saying: Who are these and what was their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These are perjurers, blasphemers, slanderers, whosoever divided brothers from brothers. And the all holy one said: How is it possible to divide brothers from brothers? And the commander-in-chief said: Listen, all holy one, and I will tell you about this: When some from among the nations desired to be baptised, he would say to them one word: You foul-feeding, unbelieving Gentile; because he thus blasphemed, he shall receive ceaseless retribution.

    15. And in another place the all holy one saw a man hanging from his four extremities, and from his nails blood gushed vehemently, and his tongue was tied in a flame of fire, and he was unable to groan and say the Kyrie eleïson me. And when she had seen him the all holy one wept and herself said the Kyrie eleïson thrice: and after the saying of the prayer, came the angel who had authority over the scourge and loosed the man’s tongue: and the all holy one asked the commander-in-chief: Who is this wretched one who has this chastisement? And the commander-in-chief said: This, all holy one, is the steward who did not the will of God, but ate the things of the church and said: “He who ministers to the altar shall be nourished from the altar”: and for this cause he is thus chastised here. And the all holy one said: Let it be unto him according to his faith. And again he tied his tongue.

    16. And Michael, the commander-in-chief said: Come hither, all holy one, and I will show unto you where the priests are chastised. And the all holy one came out and saw presbyters hanging by their twenty nails, and fire came out of their heads. And seeing them the all holy one asked the commander-in-chief: Who are these and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who stand beside the throne of God, and when they sang of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, the pearls fell out, and the awful throne of heaven shook and the footstool of our Lord Jesus Christ trembled, and they did not perceive it: and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    17. And the all holy one saw a man and a winged beast having three heads like flames of fire: the two heads were towards his eyes and the third head towards his mouth. And seeing him the all holy one asked the commander-in-chief: Who is this, that he cannot save himself from the mouth of the dragon? And the commander-in-chief said to her: This, all holy one, is the reader who does not practise in his own habits according to what is worthy of the holy Gospel: and for this cause he is thus chastised here.

    18. And the commander-in-chief said: Come hither, all holy one, and I will show you where the angelic and archangelic form is chastised. She proceeded and saw them lying in the fire and the sleepless worm gnawed them: and the all holy one said: Who are these, and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are they who possessed the archangelic and apostolic form: hearken, all holy one, concerning this: on earth they were called patriarchs and bishops, and they were not worthy of their name: on earth they heard ‘Bless (the Lord) ye saints,’ and in heaven they were not called saints, because they did not act as bearers of the archangelic form: and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    19. And she saw women hanging by their nails, and a flame of fire came out of their mouth and burned them: and all the beasts coming out of the fire gnawed them to pieces, and groaning they cried out: Have pity on us, have pity, for we are chastised worse than all those who are under chastisement. And seeing them the all holy one wept, and asked the commander-in-chief, Michael: Who are these and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These are the wives of presbyters who did not honour the presbyters, but after the death of the presbyter took husbands, and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    20. And the all holy one saw after the same manner also a deaconess hanging from a crag and a beast with two heads devoured her breasts. And the all holy one asked: What is her sin? And the commander-in-chief said: She, all holy one, is an archdeaconess who defiled her body in fornication, and for this cause she is thus chastised here.

    21. And she saw other women hanging over the fire, and all the beasts devoured them. And the all holy one asked the commander-in-chief: Who are these and what is their sin? And he said: These are they who did not do the will of God, lovers of money and those who took interest on accounts, and the immodest.

    22. And when she had heard these things the all holy one wept and said: Woe unto sinners. And the commander-in-chief said: Why do you lament, all holy one? Now verily you have not seen the great chastisements. And the highly favoured one said: Come, Michael, the great commander-in-chief of the powers above, tell me how I may see all the chastisements. And the commander-in-chief said: Where do you wish that we should go, all holy one? To the East or towards the left parts of Paradise? And the all holy one said: To the left parts of Paradise.

    23. And immediately when she had spoken, the cherubim and seraphim stood beside her and led the highly favoured one out to the left parts of Paradise. And behold, there was a great river, and the appearance of the river was blacker than pitch, and in it there were a multitude of men and women: it boiled like a furnace of forges, and its waves were like a wild sea over the sinners: and when the waves rose, they sank the sinners ten thousand cubits and they were unable to keep it off and say: Have mercy on us, you just judge: for the sleepless worm devoured them, and there was no reckoning of the number of those who devoured them. And seeing the all holy Mother of God the angels who chastised them cried out with one voice: Holy is God who has compassion on account of the Mother of God: we give you thanks, O Son of God, that from eternity we did not see the light, and today through the Mother of God we have seen the light: and again they shouted with one voice, saying: Hail, highly favoured Mother of God: Hail, lamp of the inaccessible light: Hail to you also, Michael, the commander-in-chief, you that are ambassador from the whole creation: for we, seeing the chastisement of sinners are greatly grieved. And the all holy one, when she saw the angels humbled on account of the sinners, lamented and said: Woe to sinners and their neighbours. And the all holy one said: Let us see the sinners. And the highly favoured one, coming with the archangel Michael and all the armies of the angels lifted up one voice saying: Lord have mercy. And after the making of the prayer earnestly, the wave of the river rested and the fiery waves grew calm, and the sinners appeared as a grain of mustard-seed: and seeing them the all holy one lamented and said: What is this river, and what are its waves? And the commander-in-chief said: This river is the outer fire, and those who are being tortured are the Jews who crucified our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, and who refused holy baptism, and those who commit fornication and sin against the sweet and passionless perfume of marriage, and he who debauches mother and daughter, and the poisoners and those who slay with the sword, and the women who strangle their offspring. And the all holy one said: According to their faith so be it unto them. And straightway the waves rose over the sinners and the darkness covered them. And the commander-in-chief said: Hearken, you highly favoured one: if anyone shall be cast into this darkness, his remembrance shall never be in the sight of God. And the all holy Mother of God said: Woe to sinners, because the flame of the fire is everlasting.

    24. And the commander-in-chief said: Come hither, all holy one, and I will show unto you the lake of fire: and see where the race of the Christians is chastised. And the all holy one proceeded and saw: and some she heard, but others she did not see: and she asked the commander-in-chief: Who are these, and what is their sin? And the commander-in-chief said: These, all holy one, are those who were baptised and arrayed under the oracle of Christ, but worked the works of the devil and wasted the time of their repentance: and for this cause they are thus chastised here.

    25. And she said: I pray, one request will I make of you, let me also be chastised with the Christians, because they are the children of my son. And the commander-in-chief said: Rest in Paradise, holy lady, Mother of God. And the all holy one said: I pray you, move the fourteen firmaments and the seven heavens, and let us pray for the Christians that the Lord our God may hearken unto us and have mercy on them. And the commander-in-chief said: As the Lord God lives, the great name, seven times a day and seven times a night, when we lead up the hymn of the Lord, we make remembrance for the sake of sinners, and the Lord accounts us as naught.

    26. And the all holy one said: I pray you, commander-in-chief, command the armies of the angels and let them place me on the height of heaven and let me into the presence of the invisible Father. And immediately the commander-in-chief commanded, and the chariot of the cherubim and seraphim appeared, and they exalted the highly favoured one to the height of heaven and placed her in the presence of the invisible Father: And she stretched forth her hands to the undefiled throne of the Father and said: Have mercy, O Lord, on the Christian sinners, for I saw them being chastised and I cannot bear their complaint. Let me go forth and be chastised myself for the Christians. I do not pray, O Lord, for the unbelieving Jews, but for the Christians I entreat your compassion. And there came a second voice from the invisible Father saying: How can I have mercy on them, when they did not have mercy on their own brothers? And the all holy one said: Lord, have mercy on the sinners: behold the chastisements, for every creature on the earth calls upon my name: and when the soul comes forth out of the body, it cries saying, “Holy Lady, Mother of God.” Then the Lord said to her: Hearken, all holy Mother of God, if anyone names and calls upon your name, I will not forsake him, either in heaven or on earth.

    27. And the all holy one said: Where is Moses? Where are all the prophets and fathers who never sinned? Where are you, holy Paul of God? Where is the holy Lord’s Day, the boast of the Christians? Where is the power of the precious and life-giving cross, which delivered Adam and Eve from the ancient curse? Then Michael and all the angels raised one voice saying: Lord, have mercy on the sinners. Then Moses also cried: Have mercy, Lord, on those to whom I gave your law. Then John also called: Have mercy, Lord, on those to whom I gave your Gospel. Then Paul cried: Have mercy, Lord, on those to whom I brought your epistles in the Church. And the Lord God said: Hearken, all you righteous: if according to the law which Moses gave, and according to the Gospel which John gave, and according to the epistles which Paul carried, they thus be judged. And they had nothing to say except, Have mercy, O just judge.

    28. And the all holy Mother of God said: Have mercy, Lord, on the Christians, because they kept your law and gave heed to your gospel, but they were simple ones. Then the Lord said to her: Hearken, all holy one: if anyone did evil to them and they did not requite him the evil, you say well that they attended to both my law and my gospel, but if he did not do them wrong and they requited him evil, how may I say that these are holy men? Now they shall be rewarded according to their wrongdoing. Then all hearing the voice of the Lord had nothing to answer; and the all holy one, when she saw that the saints were at a loss, and their Lord did not hear, and his mercy was hidden from them, then the all holy one said: Where is Gabriel, who announced unto me the “Hail, you that from eternity shall conceive him who is without beginning like the Father,” and now does not look upon sinners? Where is the great commander-in-chief? Come hither, all you saints whom God justified, and let us fall down in the presence of the invisible Father, in order that the Lord God may hear us, and have mercy on sinners. Then Michael, the commander-in-chief, and all the saints fell on their faces in the presence of the invisible Father, saying: Have mercy, Lord, on the Christian sinners.

    29. Then the Lord, seeing the prayer of the saints, had compassion and said: Go down, my beloved son, and because of the prayer of the saints let your face shine on earth to sinners. Then the Lord came down from his undefiled throne: and when they saw Him, those who were under chastisement raised one voice saying: Have mercy on us, King of ages. Then the Lord of all things said: Hearken, all you sinners and righteous men: I made paradise and made man after my image: but he transgressed, and for his own sins was delivered to death: but I did not suffer the works of my hands to be tyrannized over by the serpent: wherefore I bowed the heavens and came down and was born of Mary, the holy undefiled Mother of God, that I might set you free: I was baptised in Jordan in order that I might save the creature (nature) which had grown old under sin: I was nailed to the cross to free you from the ancient curse: I asked for water and you gave me vinegar mingled with gall: I was laid in the grave: I trampled on the enemy: I raised up mine elect, and even thus ye would not hear me. But now, because of the prayer of my mother Mary, because she has wept much for your sake, and because of Michael my archangel, and because of the multitude of my saints, I grant you to have rest on the day of Pentecost to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    30. Then all the angels and archangels, thrones, lordships, authorities, governments, powers, and the many-eyed cherubim and the six-winged seraphim and all the apostles and prophets and martyrs and all the saints raised one voice, saying: Glory to you, O Lord: glory to you, lover of men: glory to you, King of ages: glory be to your compassion: glory be to your long suffering: glory be to your unspeakable justice of judgment, because you have been long-suffering with sinners and impious men: Yours is it to pity and to save. To him be the glory and the power to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
    About this page

    Source. Translated by Andrew Rutherfurd. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 9. Edited by Allan Menzies. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1896.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. .

    Contact information. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. My email address is feedback732 at (To help fight spam, this address might change occasionally.) Regrettably, I can’t reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads.
    Copyright © 2009 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


  72. atruebeliever ? Who are you? Why are u frighten to reveal yourself ?

  73. Afraid of revealing myself? Did you not pay attention to all my posts .Have I not told who I was? What else do you want me to reveal about myself ?except that I have over 600 contacts in my group and 55 groups .So what else do you want me to say? If you must know I love my God live a life in celibacy and I join the third order of St. Francis of Assisi on about 5 years ago and other than work I live my life for my God. I am not anyone special just a simple human being who has repented from past mistakes and try to avoid every opportunity of sin .

  74. To atruebeliever, I beg your parden on asking unnecessary questions.I think you are a Paster living in USA.

  75. Kevin Knight is the atruebeliever. Am I correct?

  76. I(Sunimal Fernando as openperson) found Rosa Lopes is the atruebeliever.She is a Portugese living in Canada for 39 yrs and joined the 3rd order-St. Francis of Assisi on about 5 years ago.
    I have first time seen this 3rd secret in mid 1994 in our SriLankan Language(Sinhalese).So how do we believe this as the correct one?

    • hello Sunimal

      Since I was never a witness to any of the fatima events, I can only post what I can find.

      Since you have some questions as to accuracy, I would suggest that you just pray about it, and ask God to show you what is true.

      THe details may not be that important. But the repentance of soul and turning away from sin is always the message from God.

  77. I think Rosa Lopes is sleeping now.Our time is 4.00PM(Sri Lanka)
    27th and 28th are Buddhist Holidays here.

  78. O Hi Marianne Please accept my apology for double posting I did not realize until it was to late and as I cannot cut from my end please do me the favor of cutting the unnecessary 2nd and third duplicate part of the post
    Thank you so much and have a goodnight

  79. Sunimal Fernando .you profess to be a Christian but at the same time you also profess to love Buda if that is correct you must know that it is unlawful to have 2 masters ,because one cannot have 2 masters for he will love one and hate the other .Our God demands that we have no other god’s before Him .”THOU SHALT HAVE ANY OTHER GODS BEFORE ME.”you must choose either God or Buda but you cannot have both.

  80. Hi Rosa, I believe only one GOD also I beieve Allah is the same GOD.

    • Dear Sunimal,

      I am not sure if you will receive this or not due to the time frame, however I would just like to express my opinion in respects to what you say above regarding the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob as being the same god as allah.

      The God of the Bible acknowledges His Son, (Matt. 3:17) Where as the god of the quran denies having one. The God of the Bible loves the Jewish people, where as the god of the quaran wishes to kill and destroy them.

      These are just two examples as to why they appear to be two totally different entity’s.
      If you would like more information regarding this subject, may I suggest the following website.

  81. Yes Fernando the Third Secret has been revealed to the Portuguese people on about the year 1993. At least that is the year that I myself got a copy .However the Vatican to this day has not revealed the right contents of the Secret. I will post it once again as soon as i have the patients to translate it once more ,so that you all will see for yourselves what our Blessed Mother Mary has revealed to the 3 little children of Fatima .
    Have a niece day.

  82. I have not seen ‘year 2010’ in the earlier version of the 3rd secret. Some one has added the following sentence to the 3rd secret ?”These things will come to pass before the year 2010.”
    I think time will be decided by GOD, as Jesus said in the Bible.

    – by Ronald Conte.He has changed 2009 to 2010 and now it is 2011.

  84. Author marianne : This page is now too long and loading time is too much.Better limit the comment area or an alternative solution.

    • hi Sunimal

      How long does it take you to load the page? So far, for me, it is not too long. It depends on the speed of your computer.

      Also, I have noticed that sometimes pages gets stuck, and does not complete loading. This happens on the prayer against witchcraft page.

      When this happens, just exit, and return at a different time. I think it is an issue with the WordPress website itself.

    • hi Sunimal

      How long does it take you to load the page? So far, for me, it is not too long. It depends on the speed of your computer.

      Also, I have noticed that sometimes pages get stuck, and do not complete loading. This happens on the prayer against witchcraft page.

      When this happens, just exit, and return at a different time. I think it is an issue with the WordPress website itself.

  85. Latest calculation, based on Sunimal’s reference:

    The Warning, Good Friday, April 22, 2011
    The Consolation, Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011
    The Miracle, Thursday, May 12th, 2011

  86. About the dates concerning the punishment.The Third Secret of Fatima does not mention dates ,except that it was to have happened before the year 2000, but because of prayer and sacrifice from the faithful God has prolonged it .to what date no one knows. But only God knows. about the other prophecies form Garabandal Spain the secret will be revealed by the sears 8 days before it happens. that means everyone will know.


    September 27, 1988


    I am;

    follow My instructions given to you and let Me speak; stay bare-footed, 1 a nobody; recognise My levelled Path; My Path is straight, so do not look to your left nor to your right; I have indeed initiated you in My mysteries, I have chosen you to be My Tablet, I have led you bare-footed into My House to meet Peter;

    My Message of Peace and Love will disarm My enemies; just wait and see, I have not yet finished My Works; My House is in ruin today, but the worst is yet to come;

    the Cains, living in My Body and who are the thorns in My Head, full of boast, will endeavour to slaughter My Abels, these Abels who understand My Spirit and love Me sincerely; but I tell you truly that their boasts will turn into mourning and My Fire will burn these unfaithful servants, for what have they to offer Me now? they tread upon My Spirit, led by their own desires and bigotry; their unfaithfulness leads them astray and they cannot see clear anymore;

    Vassula, write down your question since this question is in many of you;

    Lord, are there no good servants left anymore? Servants who love You truly and are sincere?

    there are only a few left who really love Me and only a handful who understand My Spirit, these souls are soothing My Wounds and My Sacred Heart is their Home;

    Lord, what about laymen?

    in these too very few are left who believe in Me and who believe in My Providential Works, but the majority has abandoned Me, their God; and in the depths of My Sacred Heart lies the lance’s blade, this blade which is the cause of so much bleeding; today, I am telling you that he is part of the cause of My sufferings; I, the Lord, will come upon him by surprise; I will suddenly, without anyone expecting Me, enter My Temple; these days are numbered; I will descend like Lightning, purifying Jerusalem, which will fall into a heap of dust, dragging with her all those who do not love Me; I mean to be her Judge and judge her severely;

    but all those who remained faithful under My Holy Name, I, the Lord, will raise and place them into My New Jerusalem; they need not fear, since they were following My instructions and My Law; although they were suppressed and their cries to Me muffled by My enemies, I still heard them; My Eyes never left those saints; they feared Me, they praised Me, keeping faithful to My Word, sharing all the resources I had given them and doing good works that please Me;

    beloved creation, you are living in the End of Times, 2 I had warned you that in these times there are going to be people who sneer at religion, suppressing the Spirit of prophecy, ridiculing the visionaries, so that they can follow their own deceitful doctrines for wickedness; their skills turned into perverted inventions leading them astray; lovers of evil, they cannot retain any purity of mind; like Folly they are drawn into devious ceremonies and black masses, worshipping Satan; either that or they lead lives of great wickedness, for their ignorance is such that just by that alone they condemn their own lives; since they have closed their ears and refuse to see the Truth, acknowledging Me their God, their sin has drawn them into depravity, and rottenness of their very soul;

    it has also been said, that in your times, only a remnant of My servants would remain faithful to Me, preaching the gospel as it should be preached, and that many would fall into rationalism, betraying Me with disloyalty; this rationalism made a desert of My Church, bringing It into a ruin where vipers nestled within Its depths;

    for those who defile My Name and who sit enthroned in earthly glory satisfying their thirst of money, seeking their own interests and not Mine, I call out in the wilderness you have made, for you to come to Me and repent before the day of purification; I, the Lord, warn you not to suppress My Spirit of Truth who speaks through this weak instrument; I solemnly request My Church to remember the conditions I and My disciples worked in and where our heads rested; palaces we had none! none! palaces were for kings, but not for Me nor My disciples!

    Lord, those whom You mean and who recognise themselves would not like hearing this part and it will be one more reason for them to suppress this message.

    true, some of them would not like hearing My words; they stifle Me and My House, with their vain-glory; My House and I suffocate with their perjuries; I have no space to breathe, they have shut all the windows of My House and My Light cannot penetrate nor can My Spirit blow within to clean the air; these souls are like salt that lost their taste; they are like stained glass, preventing My Light from penetrating in them, preventing My Holiness from purifying them;

    Satan’s vapours are like mist these days, penetrating through keyholes and between hinges; since his vapours are deadly, I solemnly request that you redouble your sacrifices and your prayers; tremendous reparations have to be made by those who love Me; Satan in his fury has redoubled his works against My Church this year; in the Marian year he chose to split a section of My Church; I had foretold you of this schism and that in the middle of it all you were to descend into My House;

    take My Hand now and walk with Me; share My Cross, My Vassula; My Works are not yet finished; be in Peace, I, the Lord, give you My Peace, child; remember, smile at My Presence, never ever forget My Presence; tell Me a Kyrie eleison; please Me, I have given you so much!

    Yes My Lord;
    You have given me so much,
    I love You Holy of Holies,
    You have given me so many good things
    that I want to proclaim them all, all the time,
    but they are more than I can count;
    You opened my ear to hear You,
    You raised me from the dead,

    may Your love and faithfulness constantly preserve me,
    may You do all what You’ve done to me,
    to my brothers too,
    let them share too Lord.

    My child, I am calling all of you, I am seeking each one of you, allow Me to enter your hearts and I will heal each one of you;

    come, rest now; I am with you always, never forget this!


    1 Humble and simple.
    2 End of one epoch, not the end of the world.


  88. Just in case any member of the clergy decides to say that T.L.I.G post does not come from God .I urge you to read carefully ,because it is direct to you.
    negative responses are not welcome and will be refuted

  89. 1.I think Gods 7 days equal to our 7000 years. So 6000 (up to second coming of Jesus)+ 1000(Jesus rule)=7000
    2. St.Malachy Prophecies ( last pope is next one)
    3. 1917 Fatima Secrets(100 years later signs ?)
    4. Jesus calls in India Dr.Paul Dinakaran says that Jesus told him on March 14th 2008, that Jesus is ready to come back now and tell the good news to the world as last sign(

  90. from
    written in 2008

    The Living Church of God indicates that the creation was approximately 3983 B.C. Notice some of the math:
    Do Genesis 5:3-29 and 7:11 show that 1,656 years transpired between the creation of Adam and the Flood of Noah’s day? (Note: Genesis 5:3 shows that Adam was 130 when Seth was born. Add up the age of each patriarch at the birth of his son, plus the age of Noah at the time of the Flood)…
    Do Genesis 11:10-32 show that 427 years passed between the Flood and the death of Terah, which was the time that Abram left Haran (cf. Acts 7:4)? Was Abram 75 years of age when he left Haran? Genesis 12:4…
    How old was Abraham when God made the covenant of circumcision with him? Genesis 17:1-10. Had 24 years passed since he left Haran? (Note: A careful comparison of Genesis 12:4 with Genesis 17:1 will reveal Abraham’s age at the time of the covenant)…
    According to Galatians 3:16-17, how many years passed between the time of the covenant with Abraham and the Sinai covenant, which was the year of the Exodus? (cf. Exodus 12:40)…
    How many years were there between the Exodus and the fourth year of King Solomon when the temple was begun? 1 Kings 6:1. (By using secular records most scholars date the fourth year of Solomon to approximately 966 BC)…
    If you add the numbers (1,656 + 427 + 24 + 430 + 480 + 966) what would have been the approximate year bc of Adam’s creation?
    It is now 2008 A.D., so adding that + 3983 adds up to 5991–but because there was no year zero (for the transition between B.C. and A.D.), this make it 5990. Thus, the 6000 years may be up in about 9-10 years (and the tribulation would begin before that).
    So while 2018 may be the end of the 6000 years, it is likely that it may be one or more years earlier. And the Great Tribulation may begin 3 1/2 years before then–thus the Great Tribulation may begin around 2012-2015–though I do not believe that it will be before 2013.

    • Sunimal,

      Check this out also:

      There are upcoming Solar/Lunar Eclipses occuring on Jewish Holy Days in 2014/2015

      I feel strongly these are very important since they are the ONLY eclipses this century occuring on Jewish Holy days and 2 years in a row! Remember, AFTER the tribulation the sun will turn black as sackcloth and the moon to blood..Matthew 24
      AND then BEFORE the great and terrible day of the Lord the sun will turn black….If we have anything to set our “clocks” too, I would guess this would be it….let me know your thoughts

  91. Matthew 24:14 still needs to be properly fulfilled. Recall that Jesus said:
    14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14).

  92. The Apostle Paul warned that in the last days, perilous times would come:
    (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
    3:1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! .

    We seem to be in those perilous times.

  93. Medjugorje – May 2, 2010 Apparition & Message Of Our Blessed Mother

    Mirjana arrived about 8:30 a.m.and began praying.The apparition began at 8:46 a.m. Mirjana looked serious as she spoke to Our Lady and Mirjana did not show as much change in emotion as usual. The apparition lasted 3 minutes until 8:49 a.m. When the apparition ended, Mirjana quickly bent over and prayed awhile.

    Mother Mary in Medjugorje
    Dear children; Today, through me, the good Father calls you to, with your soul filled with love, set out on a spiritual visitation. Dear children, be filled with grace, sincerely repent for your sins and yearn for the good. Yearn also in the name of those who have not come to know the perfection of the good. You will be more pleasing to God. Thank you.”
    Our Lady blessed all our religious articles and in a special way Our Lady blessed all priests present.

  94. I do not think the Mother of Christ spoke to the children. Perhaps, an evil spirit. G-d does not send the dead back to talk to the living. Christ who is alive might be sent by G-d the Father, but no dead person.

    Lucifer knows what Christ told his followers how it would be in the end times. So, this above info from the Queen of Heaven is nothing we do not already know about.

    Another example of a false religion to get people to pray to Mary. Not the Mary of Jesus, but the false goddess, the Queen of Heaven.

  95. Leatherneck and others who dare to insult God and His blessed mother about the apparitions of Fatima and other place .Now there talking about possession .You my friends are in need of an exorcism because Satan reigns in you and not and I mean not Christ Jesus .as for the Holy Mother of God’s death .You people did not understand Mary did not die she simple went into dormition and was raised back to life after 15 days and assumed into heaven in both body and soul. And how dare you! as far as references to the bible to the apparitions .Remember this.You cannot shut God up .He will chose anyone who he very well pleases to send us his messages, or does the Lord God of the Universe requires your permission.Again I suggest that you have an exorcism performed in you because Satan is your lord and not Christ for anyone who dare insult the Holy Mother of God and call Her Satan and blaspheme against the Holy See and Holy catholic church where the Perpetual sacrifice resides day and night is not a sheep from the flock of Christ Jesus but it is rather a servant of the Evil one.

    • hi Rosa,

      The bible does not say that Mary went into dormition and then raised back to life 15 days later. Where did you get your information?

      I admire your devotion to God, by the way, but I don’t understand this aspect.

  96. Mary the mother of Christ’s human body is highly respected by me. The Queen of Heaven, the false goddess the Chtholic church tries to place as co-Regent with Jesus the word of G-d helps to mislead from G-d’s love.

    Mary, the mother of Christ’s human body, is dead. She can not hear us, or see us, and if she, or someone that calims to be her is seen by children, it should be considered as false. Lucifer misleads.

    The Catholic church tried to murder my kind on St. Barthamue’s day(sp). The so called Victor of Christ in the past has had mistresses, and out of wedlock children. Yet, you call them holy.

    In the present, the so called Victor of Christ, allowes sick men to play around with children, and tells people to pray to Mary whom they cal the Queen of Heaven.

    I do not attack you Rosa, just the false teachings of a paganized religion.

    Good luck to you, and the G-d who made both of us does not require my permission to do anything.

    Matthew 11 :Jesus replied, “To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. 12But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” 13Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.
    Malachi 5 : “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”

    In 2 King 2 : Elijah Taken Up to Heaven .
    Then Elijah came to earth as John the Baptist.Elijah will come again just before the second comming of Jesus Christ.
    (Revelation 11 : The two witnesses.)

    So my view is(my sprit connect with God’s Holy Sprit then get information to my SOUL): In the earth we see only the Body.But we have a soul and sprit.God also has trinity:God, son as the human body(Jesus) & the Holy Sprit.

    Body(Gates: eye,nose,ear,mouth,feel by touch)

    Therefore , Mother Mary can come to earth without a body.Holy people can see the body. Compare this with the Resurrection of Jesus.All have not seen the body of Jesus after resurrection.
    1 Corinthians 51 :Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
    Sunimal from SriLanka[follow Roman Catholic Sunday Masses + followed Bible classes of Jesus Calls( + WEB:google search -eg:found this marianne’s site]

  98. For the last time! The blessed Mother of God is not dead in fact she did not had to die. she went into dormition and was raised from the dead after 15 days .and further who elected you God that you should dare judge the Holy Father and God’s own saints .You hipocrit .you are not even capable of pronouncing the Holy name of God .It is a fact that you are a Jew for only they are incapable of doing so.You think of your self to be a clever person because of your bible studying .yet you have no idea what its meanings and just like the farrasees .You are condemning what you in your blindness cannot understand .How can a blind man lead another blind man .By your own words you have broth judgment upon yourself .for our Lord time after time asked us to love one another and not judge.for only God is the ultimate Judge .Yet you who proclaim to be so holy sits in judgment not only of the Holy Mother of God His saints, His anointed one,(the Pope) His church and it s followers .Need I say more? well my friend You had just judge yourself.Do you still think that you will enter Heaven?

    • Yes, I believe I will enter heaven by accepting G-d’s love called Jesus Christ who died for human sin, rose from the dead, and sits at the right hand of G-d the Father.

      Mary, whom I respect, is dead as a door nail. Her body will be raised with the dead in Christ, when Jesus comes back for his Chruch. Do not pray to her.

      You need to read, not hear what men tell you.

      “If I’m going to hell, I’m going to hell playing the pianee” Jerry Lee Lewis!

  99. You will enter Heaven????????.Are you sure?????.I do not think so! you dare offend the holy mother of God and all of God’s children .you are very naive .As for not loving Mary .You should be so lucky to have such a loving mother at you side .I will love her until the day i die and after that so stop your ignorant remarks against Her. and remember that the sect that you follow today was once a part of the same body as we are today ,but just like Satan they did not wanted to follow the rules that the Roman Catholic Church the only true church of Christ imposed on them and therefore they form their own abominable church .They took the revels side .Satan .So do I believe that any of you are going to Heaven .No i do not1 why ? because you abolished the perpetual sacrifice from your churches and married man cannot be priests .This is the law!further you fail to recognize that the golden rule must be obeyed for that is the commandment of the lord God .Nothing unclean will ever enter heaven .I suggest that you take a good look at the posts above and read carefully .The Apocalypse of the Virgin referres to all of you the Christians and had not been for Mary the Mother of God to whom the Holy trinity cannot and will not refuse anything who enterceed for you: you would all end up in Hell.But because of her plea for your salvation to the Trinity some of you might make it in to heaven .You people make me furious because everything is put into your hands for means to your salvation yet stubborn you not only reject the truth but stand in judgment of those who follow the teachings of the Lamb of God.

  100. As a student of the Holy Bible, perhaps you would enjoy the following:

    It takes a few seconds to load on any video you select.

  101. Leatherneck say G-d to GOD(Muslims Allah is same).I would like to know his religion.Thanks for sharing infomation by giving video site.I could see one, say that Anti-Christ as the Pope.Also says Catholics are praying to Mother of God – Mary and other saints.We are using them as intermediaters.You can see the latest uncorrupted body of father PIO died 40 years back.In gospal clearly says 1 Corinthians 12–>Spiritual Gifts >
    7Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues.[b] 11All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.
    —So different churches has different powers given by Holy Sprit.———–

    Rosa said ‘married man cannot be priests’
    Rosa, How do u prove this from the Holly Bible?In my country,Sri Lanka,75% are Buddhists and some of them do not eat meat and say it is a sin.So Please give your ideas about eating chicken and beef whether it is a sin or not according to the Holly Bible.Did God or Jesus tell about the religions names and they are the only qualified people to goto Heaven? I have seen, Common message is coming from Holy sprit to us through Pastors or through the Mother of God (Garbandal & Medjugorge) or Marianne to prevent in doing sins and to do contiouous REPENTANCE of soul.So that is the only qualification to go to Heaven.

    1 Timothy 4 Instructions to Timothy ——–>
    1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

    • I write G-d to show respect. I am unclean, and should not say his name. Although I can, again it is just respect.

      Allah is a false moon god. One of 360 false gods at the kabba during Mohammad’s life. His family worshiped the moon god, so Mohammad made everyone say Allah was the only god. Allah Akbar means Allah is greater than all others. Allah is not the G-d of Noah, Moses, or King David.

      G-d told Noah flesh of animals humans could eat after the flood. I do not know what folks ate before the flood. Perhaps, they only ate plant matter.

      Do to evil men, Christianty has some pagan sections. Christmas, and Sunday sabbath are the two biggest. Most people could not read way back when, and did as they were told. We carry that forward today.

      As long as humans worship G-d the Father in Christ’s name, try and love their neighbor, do charity when they can, they should be OK when they die.

      Being mislead by evil men is not the fault of the innocent.

  102. Serial The reason married man cannot be priests is: The Church is their wife and the people are to be their children .Priests cannot have wives they must remain faithful to Jesus Christ and His Bride which is the church. I guess in a sense it must be very confusing to some of you because you were born into other kind of religion and it is acceptable to you but the truth is : Christ has found the only true church and it is the only one that it is valid .the Roman catholic church is the one deriving from the leanage of Peter and it is why until today the Pope is called Peter regardless of what name he might had chosen as far as Heaven is concerned anyone who is lucky enough to sit on peters chair is called Peter and as hard as it might be for anyone of you from other sects to swallow the only true church remains the Holy Catholic Church all others are man made and are the ones who have disobeyed God and separated from Rome.Now as far as salvation if anyone who refuses to eat the bread and blood of life is to be saved .He or she must be extremely holy and if not baptized on earth will be baptized by the Holy Spirit after their deaths so that they may also enter paradise .no one without baptism may enter the kingdom of heaven because those souls are in mortal sin and cannot see God and if they cannot see god will forever remain in Limbo that of course if the soul had kept the ten commandments of God otherwise will without any doubt go into Hell.Now this is the truth the rest it is up to you .You either believe or you can reject what I have written but it will not change anything and the more you fight the truth the harder will be for you on the day of judgment.

    • You mentioned the ten commandments, but according to the catholic bible there are only nine. The second commandment (found in the Torah and all other bibles has be removed from the catholic bible, As a catholic, you probably never heard this one but it goes like this:
      Exd 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth:

      This one disappeared when the church inherited all of the pagan roman temples with their many statues and decided it was easier to remove this commandment than to try to destroy all of the ancient roman artwork that was so beloved by all the citizens of Rome.

      And then there is the changing of the fourth commandment (sabbath) to Sunday to accommodate the romans who were used to worshipping Mithras (the sun god) on its day – SUNday. Sure the pope sanctified these changes – after all he is considered God in the flesh and has the power and authority to make any changes to the bible he sees fit, but to believe that, is the definition of blasphemy.

      It is interesting that you confirmed that every pope is considered to be “Peter” since according to the prophecy of St. Malachy (a catholic) the last pope (the next one) will be known as Peter the roman and he will preside over the church during the coming tribulation and then the church will be destroyed. This matches with the 3rd secret of Lucia and the book of revelation.

      I grew up a catholic and it took a lot of study to discover the paganism and biblical errors that have crept into the church over the centuries. None of my catholic friends or relatives believe me, and neither do you. But there truth is, when God tells his people to “Come out of her” :

      Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

      He is speaking to YOU!

    • The ONLY way to heaven is thru Jesus Christ, He says ” I am the Way , the truth and the life! G-D also says to not have any other gods before him….if your praying to Jesus’ mother and all the “saints” what is this if not Having other gods before THE ONE and ONLY G-D.

      You could pray a million rosaries, confessed every imaginable sin there is and still NOT GO if you do not accept Jesus Christ as the Son of G-D and as being the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Life! NOT ONE TIME in the scriptures does Jesus say or even imply that we are to pray to his mother for anything at all. When Jesus tells us how to pray he says this “Our father, who art in heaven, holy is thy name,thy kingdom come…” He never ever says “hail mary full of grace”-this was made up by men-the same men who have made up most if not all of the rituals of the catholic church. Please Rosa, open your eyes and your heart.

  103. To JamesGiordano:
    Rev 18:4 – Fall of Babylon
    Ezekiel 35 -A Prophecy Against Edom
    All these things will be happened in Middle-East(Iraq…?/or south/east of Jordan in the present day map)
    and not related with the Catholic Church.
    Exd 20:4 How many Statues of Saints are in the world today?and also how many years during the past?Our children and your children see this and learn about the religion.Even Buddhist children also see the Jesus crusifiction and get the idea.So God allowed this.I show my own father’s photo(died in 1982) to my small children and explain them,that they were the people who built my house.So is it wrong to have a photos(image)? We show them the statue of Mother of Mary and teach them to respect them and ask to pray for us or ask to do intermediation.
    Can we meet Barrack Obama or your country leader or CEO ?Some times you can, but find second or third level person.In a office protocol is to go through the immediate boss.No point of finding differences between religions.We should try to repent for our sins and try to turn from that thoughts come to our minds/and evil actions.

  104. And you believe that the lord will answer you and will not listen to His Holy Mother.Wow how nieve can you be to dare consider yourself greater than the Holy Mother of God to whom the trinity will never refuse anything and I mean anything ,because Her will was is and forever will be with the will of God and She would not have it any other way !as for not believing you .You got it! Listen, long before you left your religion I too left my in sear of a God that would be more to my liking ,and to be honest the sect that I joined did nothing wrong to me but ,there was something missing, and that was .The Blessed Sacrament and of course our Beloved Mother Mary and all the Holy Saints that I love .At the advice of the pastor I trown out all my statues of the saints and to this day I still regret ever having listen to that idiot .So you see I too know what you are facing the only difference I did not allow them to brainwash me and returned to the Mother church that I love .I have not just attended the evangelic church but also budha , spiritualism temple and sometimes even today do go to prayer meetings with protestants .So you see I have been around and let me tell you traitor that I would rather die than ever again betray my faith.All the talk about our adoration of saints pictures, mother Mary adoration and any other garbage that you might come up with will not change my mind so you can stop! As for the Roman catholic church being the harlot of the bible .you are dead wrong .The harlot of the bible is none other than the United States of America from where all the evil comes from .wake up man all the pornography, greed, lust, pride,prostitution , arrogance all the filth in the movies from Hollywood California are watched all over the world .So who is the leading country ? The Catholic Church ?or America where abortion prostitution homosexuality sodomy and all other thousand of sins that i am not mentioning here? .Com on man wake up and smell the coffee!

  105. A message from the Holy Spirit

    A right kind devotion to our Lady not only leads to love God but also to love men

    all men are made after the image of God, but many do not “develop” the image by imitating the God-Man, by imitating Mary, st. John of the Cross, st. Thomas More, st. Catherine of Siena, and other saints.Why not tell your readers what St. Francis de sales wrote about some who stood near the Crucified Savior.

    The next chapter will be written down later as it is very late and I need to sleep.

    Obtained from the book following the Spirit .

    whenever i am facing a problem relating to any insult either to God the saints the catholic church or Our holy Mother i pick up the book and ask the holy Spirit to give me an answer .So the words written down above are not my words but The Holy Spirit .


  107. Leatherhead .may the hate that you have for the catholic faith and most special against our blessed Mother consume you until there is no more of you! >you follower of Satan ! cursed beast!

    • pardon me, but a child of G-D cannot be cursed when they are covered in the blood of Jesus AND I don’t believe that Jesus and his mom went around cursing people either.

  108. I saw a posting on this by Leatherneck and since there wasn’t a video on the subject I thought I’d post one. I saw the movie about Fatima in the 1960’s at least 3 times. I now don’t believe it is of God. I believe it’s real. Did you know Mary Todd Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln’s wife) has 7 seances in the White House after she lost her son. Nancy Reagan consulted a astrologer when her husband was President.

    I also went to a local Catholic Church last year that was having a speaker come talk about “The Medjugorje Secrets” A patient at work had had a book about it on her bedside table.She told me about the meeting. I was just curious. They prayed the rosary for about an hour. It was totally boring.

  109. I do not think this dispute about Mary herself will go away.

    Just try to focus on the messages, and see if you see any truth in them.

  110. Ok! I am fed up with all your lies about the THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA once for all i am going to redo it again to fix a few errors and then will post it all over the world ,so that everyone included the Pope will get it .

  111. Marianne;
    What lies is Rosa talking about? I have some more videos I want to share, but I’d like my question answered first.

    • Hi Kitti

      Rosa and Leatherneck are arguing over whether or not the visions of Mary are true, or a deception. Rosa believes them, as a devout Catholic, and Leatherneck strongly rejects them. James thinks like Leatherneck, but is involved in the discussion to a lesser extent.

  112. Thanks Marianne. Here’s some more videos on the Catholic Church that I watched over and over again in the 90’s. I love You Tube.

  113. I guess my M.O. is going to be: getting off the subject. But these videos are about the Catholic Church

    I don’t know you discourage anyone from identifying what denomination or affiliation they agree with or identify with, but it helps me to understand where someone is coming from. I was raised Episcopalian, not Catholic. I’ve been to England. I’ve always been interested in History. I started watching the Tudors on HBO to understand more about Henry the 8th. I stopped, because some people were saying it was soft porn. I didn’t learn Catechism, but there was a statue of Mary in the back of the church. They didn’t emphasize Mary. In those days we were on our knees for a most of service. A devout Christian was sharing with me the way to reach catholics is to realize they Love Jesus and have a reverence for him that a lot of Christians don’t have. So I’m trying to remember that when I share.

    • Thanks Kitti for the video! I had the thought that perhaps the apparitions are indeed Satan/his demons, appearing as “light”. If you listen again and ignore the voice, you can actually “hear” with spiritual ears how Satan is trying to pull them in per se. There is nothing new mentioned that is already in the scriptures….only Satan’s twist on it!….”their advocate to save them”….this could easily be satan-who is constantly accusing us to G-D in heaven…he is wanting so badly to be “important”….” I am the ark of peace, salvation….where all my children must enter if they want to live in the kingdom of G-d…..come on now, if this was truly Mary then she knows better than this! Mary was there when Jesus was crucified and she herself knows that her son is the ONLY WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, that no one comes to the Father (kingdom of G-D) except though HIM-Jesus-her SON!

      This is a well chosen video Kitti and shows, hopefully, how easily the deception is!!

  114. I missed this one sorry.

  115. I beg your pardon but was not Jesus Christ who implemented the Holly Eucharist at the Last Supper?( the Lord picked up the bread and after blessing said to the apostles: Take this bread and eat it ,for this is my Body, in equal way the Lord after blessing the wine give it to His disciples and said: Take this and drink it for this is my blood .Do this in memory of me) for who ever eats my My Body and drinks My Blood will have eternal life!

  116. As far as the secandles in the catholic church no one is please with what is happening but also we know that not all cases are legitim there are some that are but many have been fabricated only to extract money from the Holy See, but i will caution all other religion who are enjoying the dawn fall of the Holy catholic church for it has been said that what goes around comes around and why are you trowing stones at other house if you have glass windows? is it just the catholic priests who are molesting the little children? or it is every faith and every race and everyone included for example child care homes, foster homes own parents included brother and sisters ants and uncles football couches and many others and who knows perhaps even some of you .Then why pick on the Catholic faith? if you believe that we are so wrong why not pray for us? Is it not what the Lord is asking each and everyone of us to pray for our brothers and sister in Christ Jesus and not to sit in judgment of one another? for the ultimate judge is God .Man do not know how to judge because they can only see externally but God who judges man in the heart is able to see what man think and fell therefore judgment belongs only to God. I wonder if you all realize that you are just sand and nothing else .You mortals have no power to give life and transform the universe in any way, and since you cannot even have a good though without God’s intervention .What makes you so sure that you can glorify yourself and sit as judge for your fellow brothers? Just a thought.

    • well said Rosa!

      I am not catholic-I was raised southern baptist. I left the religion of Baptist because after reading the scriptures for myself I realized that the pastors/teachers were leaving alot of important things pertaining to G-d out of their sermons and teachings.

      You sound very sweet and trusting. I pray that you only trust G-D, our only Heavenly father, and that you read the scriptures for yourself and ask G-D to help you understand. Putting our faith in Men has never helped anyone and has caused more pain then could be spared.

      And thank you for taking the time to interpret the fatima-that takes alot of commitment and love on your part! I enjoyed reading it.

  117. Before I post the Third Secret of Fatima I will let you know ahead of time that the secret speaks of the treachery’s that are now happening such as faith against faith and brother against brothers.And you shall see that the person who dictated it to the little children was not Satan but was in fact the holy mother of God . Satan would not give a dam about our quarreling in fact he makes us quarrel

  118. O yes former priests and former nuns. The Satan’s horses .They were overtaken by the evil one and now they are speaking against the faith that probably true them out or better yet they were excommunicated .I wonder why? and for the life of me I have no idea why would anyone listen to such a trash
    unless they themselves are the same trash!

  119. I think people should focus on Repentance, Jesus, salvation and doing God’s will, and not focus so much on doctrine.

    Doctrine will not get us into heaven. Only Jesus can get us there.

  120. Galatians 5 :16-22 Life by the Spirit
    16So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. 17For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. 18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.
    19The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

    22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

  121. Romans 14
    The Weak and the Strong
    1Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. 2One man’s faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. 4Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
    5One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. 6He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

    9For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. 10You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11It is written:
    ” ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord,
    ‘every knee will bow before me;
    every tongue will confess to God.’ “[a] 12So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.

    13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way. 14As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food[b] is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. 15If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. 16Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil. 17For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.

    19Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. 20Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.

    22So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. 23But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.

  122. let us all follow what we preach.For words often fall on deaf years but good deeds satisfy the heart of man and will glorify God.

  123. Part one
    The Third Secret of Fatima

    the church has final given permission to alert the people regarding the message from Fatima.
    The Virgin appear to 3 children one of them is still alive
    sister Lucia.she lives in Portugal and is a religious sister, Lucia entrust the prophecy to Pope XXII . Upon reading the message he was shocked with what was written in it .He put it aside and never reveled it to the world. After his death Pope John XXIII said that the message would be kept where it was guarded as a secret “The Vatican did not wanted to reveal the message afraid of what people would do and the chaos that would cause. After John XXIII death the Vatican remind Paul 6Th about the kept message .Paul 6Th read it and he also was very sad about what he read on the message .He only permitted part of the message to be disclosed to the world that was 1963-1964 and he did it because there was not much time left and because our Blessed Mother said to Lucia “Go my daughter and preach to the world the things that are about to happen during the years 1950-2000. Man do not listen to the commandments that the Lord has given them.The Devil reigns in the world and puts everyone to hate one another. They are making armaments capable of the distroction of the world in a few minutes .the evil remains among man and the devil will trow seeds of discord between them. many will lose their faith 1/2 of the humanity will be destroyed and difficult days will come for the church . They will proclaim war against Rome and religious orders will be against one another. The weak and less kind will fall, those of little faith will also fall.God is allowing the natural elements, such as charcol ‘smoke, water, frost, fire, rain and bad weather , very cold winters and earth quakes to slowly end life on earth. the ones that are going to die do not believe in God. this is are the ones who’s life was only guided by materialism. Millions will die in a few seconds those that survive will wish themselves to die .It is unimaginable what it is about to happen but for sure it will happen.The Lord is going to punish those who do not believe Him. all that believe and are faithful to Him will survive and will believe even more. i call all to come to My Son .Lord help the world and those that pay no attention then it will be worst for them.the church has final given permission to alert the people regarding the message from Fatima.
    The Virgin appear to 3 children one of them is still alive sister Lucia.she lives in Portugal and is a religious sister, Lucia entrust the prophecy to Pope XXII . Upon reading the message he was shocked with what was written in it .He put it aside and never reveal it to the world. After his death Pope John XXIII said that the message would be kept where it was guarded as a secret “The Vatican did not wanted to reveal the message afraid of what people would do and the chaos that would cause. After John XXIII death the Vatican remind Paul 6Th about the kept message .Paul 6Th read it and he also was very sad about what he read on the message .He only permitted part of the message to be disclosed to the world that was 1963-1964 and he did it because there was not much time left and because our Blessed Mother said to Lucia “Go my daughter and preach to the world the things that are about to happen during the years 1950-2000. Man do not listen to the commandments that the Lord has given them.The Devil reigns in the world and puts everyone to hate one another. They are making armaments capable of the destruction of the world in a few minutes .the evil remains among man and the devil will trow seeds of discord between them. many will lose their faith 1/2 of the humanity will be destroyed and difficult days will come for the church . They will proclaim war against Rome and religious orders will be against one another. The weak and less kind will fall, those of little faith will also fall.God is allowing the natural elements, such as charcol ‘smoke, water, frost, fire, rain and bad weather , very cold winters and earth quakes to slowly end life on earth. the ones that are going to die do not believe in God. this is are the ones who’s life was only guided by materialism. Millions will die in a few seconds those that survive will wish themselves to die .It is unimaginable what it is about to happen but for sure it will happen.The Lord is going to punish those who do not believe Him. all that believe and are faithful to Him will survive and will believe even more. i call all to come to My Son .Lord help the world and those that pay no attention then it will be worst for them.

    End of par one

  124. When Christ was asked what will it be like at his return, he told the twelve about wars, earthquakes, and the love of many will grow cold, etc…

    There is no need to listen to three children talking to ?. Except if it is a way to mislead humans. Let’s see, I want humans to worship the Queen of Heaven, and pray to her. How do I do that?

  125. Leatherneck
    who cares about what you think or say? you are an idiot and that is all .I fell sorry for you .Please do not respond to my posts.I do not need your advice or your evil intuition, loser! .Let God take care of the messages ,if you think that you can stop me; think again I will post the rest of the message very soon and unless Marianne deletes it .It will stay .

    • Rosa, Very full of the Love for your brother aren’t you? My my. Pray to Mary for forgiveness for such hatred must displease her. Emily

    • Rosa,

      Leatherneck has a good point-to say that “mary” showed herself to the 3 children would of course encoursage everyone to continue worshiping her-which is another point that we are all trying to make and that is, G-D makes it very clear that we are not to worship anyone but Him-“And God spoke all these words, saying: ‘I am the LORD your God…

      ONE: ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’

      By praying to Mary, mother of Jesus, and NOT to G-D is having another god before him; By confessing your sins to a priest INSTEAD of Jesus, you are putting your faith in a man and dishonoring what Jesus did on the cross. When Jesus died on the cross, the VEIL WAS TORN (the veil in the temple that separated the people from the throne of G-D). By tearing down the Veil, G-D was making it clear that we no longer had to go through a man, a animal sacrifice to get to Him-we could now go through His son, Jesus, who is now the High Priest and the FINAL blood sacrifice. I am hoping that this makes sense Rosa. If we just adhere to what the scriptures say (what G-d says) then we are kept safe from all the opinions, new ideas, rituals that are man-made. You many gasp at what I am about to say, but it is the TRUTH-the POPE is JUST A MAN! There is nothing Holy about Him and HE KNOWS THIS-if he doesn’t then he has some issues. The reason why so many non-catholics believe him to be the Anti-Christ (which means against Jesus Christ) is that what is written in latin on his title is (I have to paraphrase-James is our expert on this and hopefully he can clarify)….his title means replacement, a stand in for G-D… everyone worships the Pope and refers to him as the Holy Father. This goes against the very 1st commandment! Please do not hold fast to a “faith” created by men! Please HOLD FAST to the ONLY HOLY FATHER-G-D and His SON Jesus Christ! Read the Bible for yourself Rosa! And then the TRUTH will SET YOU FREE!

      • Here is the post that James wrote-I find it to be well written good references to scripture and quite convincing. After reading the Fatima and reading the posts here so as to get a better understanding of catholicism, It is hard not to consider what James has written/A must read Rosa, please:

        Is the "Beast" Rome?

  126. Calling each other names isn’t a very good Christian witness. The Sacraments don’t save you, the blood of Jesus Christ does and the sealing of his Holy Spirit in your heart. You probably didn’t even watch one minute of the videos. If you did you would be discussing the points they make not criticizing the characters of people who are in it. The Bible says you shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. I’m a patriotic American, Evangelical, born again Christian. I’m also a Berean. My allegiance is to Jesus Christ, not a country, or a political party. We are in the end times. The Aparitions of Mary and The Medugorje visions are demonic, just like seances and ghosts.

  127. You are giving me lectures as to how to conduct myself and yet you people continue to call the holy catholic church and i might also say me a liar , demons and whatever else you fell like .perhaps you are right i should not allow any of you to get to me but at the same time You are continue to put our faith down .you who are the outcast who has chosen to split from the true mother church.who in fact are following in a religion made by rebels .You following the bible teachings are only following those teachings which appeal to you .as for dare to use the name of God to correct us .Look in your back yard and you will find a lot to correct starting with the Holy Eucharist .Pastor keep your opinions to yourself .Why now can a blind man follow a blind man? You will see soon enough that you were given the truth yet you rejected .But like the scriptures say on that day ,there will be such a cry like never seen in the land before .i am not here to try to convert you .I am simply try to give you the facts ,but you in your ignorance reject everything that apposes your way of thinking. read the secret it shows you exactly where you stand as far as god is concerned .and yes it is related to you all .If I were you I would be more concerned about my soul than the Catholic church .having said that There is nothing else i wish to tell you except that I have my doubts that either you or anyone else for the same matter who opposes the Holy father will ever enter the Kingdom of heaven .

    • Matthew 23:
      Seven Woes

      1Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2“The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do NOT do what they do, for they do NOT practice what they preach. 4They tie up heavy loads and put them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

      5“Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteriesa wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them ‘Rabbi.’

      8“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. 9And do NOT call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for YOU HAVE ONE FATHER, and HE IS IN HEAVEN 10Nor are you to be called ‘teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ.b 11The greatest among you will be your servant. 12For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

  128. Dear everyone on the Lucia page,

    I am concerned that criticisms are getting too personal at times, and feelings are getting hurt. Some are feeling attacked. I do not want this.

    If you have a point to make, do it objectively, and give scriptures, not personal comments, for proof.

    Also, if someone makes a point that is legitimate, with proof, that is contrary to how you think, do not be offended, but at least consider what they are saying.

    I do not think this dispute about Mary herself will go away.

    Just try to focus on the messages of Fatima, and see if you see any truth in them.

    I think people should focus on Repentance, Jesus, salvation and doing God’s will, and not focus so much on doctrine.

    Doctrine will not get us into heaven. Only Jesus can get us there.

    I am grateful to God that he looks at our hearts, not our doctrines. Our brains and intellectuality would never get any of us into heaven.

    I ask that all comments be tempered, and given with kindness. Remember, we are to show the love of Christ to each other. If we cannot do that, then are we what we claim to be?


  129. ——————————————————————————–


    June 3, 1988

    My Lord?

    I am;

    Vassula, never get discouraged; remember My Love I have upon you, dearest soul; I love you with your weakness; you are frail; allow My Spirit to guide you; annihilate in Me, in My Strength; dissolve in Me and let Me do everything so that they see that all this work is done by Me; you are nothing, stay nothing and leave space for My Spirit to grow in you; yes, let Me breathe in your nothingness; let Me delight in you; allow Me to use you in this way to redeem you all and to unite you;

    Yes, Lord.

    flower? in these days I am teaching you to discern the true revelations and visions from the false revelations, false doctrines and false visions; everything that is false comes from Satan; he sows seeds of confusion to blemish the Truth, like in Pescara; 1 he sows darnel among the wheat, confusing you all; furious with the apparitions of Medjugorje, he tries to confuse you all, trying to label these Divine Works as not from Me;

    daughter, when you read a revelation which openly expresses a disunion to My Church, denying Peter, denying your Holy Mother, know that they do not come from Me, the Lord, your God, they come from My adversary who appears and takes My Image to accomplish his designs which are to separate you as much as possible; know that I, the Lord, do not want My lambs dispersed; I want you united under Peter, all in one flock; I desire you all assembled together; I repeat again that I, Jesus Christ, the Lord, your Saviour, selected Peter to feed and guard My lambs and sheep until My return; this Peter who today is John Paul II; listen to what the Spirit says to the churches;

    Vassula, Satan knows that his days are numbered and because of this, the red dragon tries to pull down with him as many souls as he can; he has introduced into many minds, these minds that should have been filled with spirituality and holiness, all sorts of diversions diverging you from the Truth and from all that is holy; look around you, My beloved, and you will understand; all these diversions were introduced to you, children, as in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah, so that they fill your spirit, leaving no space for what is holy; leaving no space for Me, your Creator and God;

    yes, My Vassula, I feel rejected; 2 I feel forgotten and unloved; I, who died on the Cross out of love for you; I, who am the Spirit of Love, see how they treat Me? do I deserve this?

    My God, I feel torn within me. Lord, why is it like that? Lord, oh Lord, make a miracle please. I should not ask for miracles but I love You and I do not want You hurt any more Lord.

    Vassula, pray, pray, pray for this conversion; Satan is intensifying his works on My creation to drag you down to the Pit with him; O creation! how weak you are, how terribly weak you are! any revelation denying the Holy Eucharist, calling It ‘ritual’, 3 or denying the Immaculate Heart of your Holy Mother, does not come from Me; I, the Lord, love you boundlessly and wish to warn you once more from these false prophets;

    Thank You, Lord.

    love Me;

    I adore You, Lord;

    we, us?

    Yes, Lord.


    1 False apparitions with false predictions that have not come true.
    2 The Lord was very…sad. I can’t find the right word – ‘sad’ is not enough.
    3 Many call it symbolic, and do not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.


  130. That should read:

  131. The third secret of Fatima
    Part 2

    repentance, prayer and mercy the world will be saved but if their be no amends the world will not be saved and will parish because the hour has come where all should start praying make penitence and pass the message to family friends as well the whole world. Where near the day before the catastrophe. Because of the catastrophe England, Russia, China the Protestants and the Jews will come to the bosom of the Catholic church .And all will pay homage to God and will believe in Jesus Christ as well our Blessed Mother Virgin Mary .perhaps some will say that the Pope and bishops are still waiting for the message of repentance and prayer.I Mother of God say to you: start praying now ! And make penitence for the repentance and conversion of the world because there is not much time left. everywhere will be talk about peace and security but the punishment will come. a man of high position will be assassinated, and that will give cause for war and revolution. they will call on a powerful army which will march into Europe and the atomic war will start and will destroy everything .Huge clouds after the explosion will kill everything.There will be darkness on earth during 72 hours.a third of the humanity that escapes the 72 hours of darkness will live in a new era they are good people .In a very cold night 10 minutes before midnight a huge earth quake will shake the earth during 8 hours .This is the third sing hat God alone governs the world. the good and those that spread the message have nothing to fear.kneel and beg mercy from the Lord, do not go outside into the street and let no one enter your house only the good will not be in the hands of the Devil and will survive the catastrophe. so that you be prepared and will be able to live.I will give you my children the following signs:The night will be very cold the wind blowing and within a short while the earth will start home close all your doors and windows speak to no one except those that are at home , do not look outside do not be curios for that is the wrath of God .Light the blessed candles for there will be no other light during the 3 days. kneel at the foot of the Cross and pray. Pray the rosary and after the 10 hail Mary’s Say:O My God forgive our sins deliver us from the fires of Hell and take all souls to Heaven those most special in need of Thy Mercy.Protect us o Mary,Jesus and Mary I love you save the world.Say 5 Hail queen and 5 times the Apostles Creed. The rosary is the secret of My Immaculate Heart. Our lady repeated this 3 times.I want the faithful to go to church on the first Saturday end on the first Friday of the month , go to confession so that may help save the earth and the world from destruction. Once more i remind you that those who pray the rosary humbly and holy will obtain god’s protection and protection of our lady ,and at the hour of punishment under the protection of My Maternal heart will have a serene ad pacific death and will enter into Life. when the earth stop shaking then you can look outside .the water and all that had contact with the poison cannot be used because if you use it you will get poisoned as well. those who do not believe and do not want to listen will die .The wind will bring gases which will spread all over the earth .during the third night the earth will stop shaking and will come to a halt. the sun will appear .the angels will come from Heaven and will bless the earth in the near future, perhaps we can live during this punishment but that depends on our behavior ,man has to work hard to obtain a place in Heaven, that which the bad angels left empty, we have to understand why God has allowed this things to happen.

    May God be blessed forever .amen

  132. I would like to remind everyone that this posted message from the Third Secret of Fatima is the one and only true message given to the 3 little children of Fatima and that it is in no way to be mocked, destroyed or modified .Please remember before false judging that it took me over 3 days to have it translated and would appreciate if you all respect the message even if you do not believe in it .Remember also that the third secret was given to catholic people therefore the message is addressed in a way that Catholics will understand and not ever reject.The rest I leave up to the individual . I have post the message simply to warn everyone and for your salvation .remember that only one third of the population of the world will be salved,so use caution when elaborating on what is true and what is false for you might not be saved

  133. lEATHERNECK once for all .Stop your bullying for not even with all the hosts of hell can you stop me or make me believe the way you do .for the cup that you offer is full of poison so therefore drink it yourself.I am not interested in anything you have to offer .

    • It was full of Biblical references. How can that be from hell?

      • Leatherneck

        Not everything you present is biblical or balanced. Catholics do not worship Baal, for example. Just because the host is displayed in a monstrance, does not mean they are worshiping the sun god.

        use the bible, not wack internet sites.

  134. Ok I give up! You people are such a losers it is umbelibable1! you wanted to know what the message of Fatima said and I sowed it to you so that you may amend your lives in order to be saved .But all you have done is accusations one after the other no only to Mary the Mother of God whom you accused of being Satan but to Jesus to whom yon profess to love and yet you defy the Holy Eucharist which the Lord Himself instituted at the last supper the night before His death. therefore you are also calling Jesus a liar because you say that the Eucharist is not His body and blood once blessed.Further you go on denying that confession is not necessary and deny all other sacraments as well .Well that is that! I am fed up with you all .No wonder the Lord warns us about trowing our pearls to swines. So that you know .You are all living a sinful life your marriages are not valid and your tongue will lead you only to the fires of hell!

    • Rosa

      I expect them to respect what you say, even if they do not agree. Do not let them discourage you. Just love Jesus and obey him, and he will protect you. That is the message, isn’t it?

  135. Wow! talking about judgment. Who on earth is worshiping the Pope? Secondly who are you to judge what the Holy Spirit of God has chosen to do .You people are so vague as far as our beliefs and practice .first of all no one adores The Mother of Jesus .To us she is the Holy Mother of our Lord God and it is therefore Honored loved and respected but not worshiped ,Third She is the ambassador of the Holy Trinity to the world .She has been given certain privileges and power by God and believe it or not she does reign with the Trinity .Our Blessed Lord has crown His Holy Mother as the Queen of Heaven and Earth for she the Mother of God the daughter of the Father and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit is worthy of all the Merits that God has gifted Her with Her.Unlike you hard heads we can see that all of this is possible mainly because Mary being the Holy Mother of Jesus chosen from the beginning of time by God to fulfill such a role and who was created by God without a sin so that She would be worthy of being his Mother and never having sinned during Her life as She remained virgin until the day she departed this world both body and soul to join Her beloved son Jesus Christ who is a king therefore it does make sense to anyone with brains that her holy Son would have her crown also as the Queen of Heaven and earth, and so the Catholic church thanks our Beloved mother who’s power to be so our mother as well was given to Her by her most Beloved Son Jesus Christ at the foot of the cross when He utter this words to both john the disciple ” at that moment the Immaculate Heart of Mary was pierced with a sword as she felt all the weight and the sins of the world in her Immaculate Heart.,as for adoration Mary does not want to be adored by anyone for she only wants what god wants Her Heart is joined to the heart of Her beloved Son and they are inseparable where one is there is the other also .Her will was from the time of her creation with the will of God.With all the evil that you people dare to say about Mary the mother of God, the Pope and all the Catholics not excluding the church itself ,the Holy Eucharist etc.are you sure you are following Jesus Christ or are you following Satan? Does it not say in the bible .Love thy enemies , pray for them, do not judge for the way that you will judge so shall you be judge and did not Christ warned you about falsely accusing anyone? The pope the ant-Christ. That is the most ridiculous thing that i have ever far as he being a regular man think again.He has been given power from above,Jesus said to Peter: To you I give the keys to the kingdom of Heaven .What ever you bind in Heaven will be bind on earth and whatever you bind on earth shall be bind in heaven.You quiet lucky actual because for your TREASON against not only the Holy Catholic Church ,but also for the Holy Eucharist a few years back the older Pope would have your heads cut off , but none the less .you will get what you deserve on the day you face God in His kingdom or any other pace of that I am very sure

    • Rosa,
      In 1991 I was in Rome with friends. We visited the Vatican. While there, we saw hundreds of people standing outside the Vatican while crying and praying-they couldn’t wait to get a “glimpse” of the pope. I turned to one of my friends and said, ” they look like they are about to see G-D himself by the way they are acting”. It was very disturbing to see it-I thought to
      myself, “don’t they understand that he is just a man like them?”

      It was horrible the way the nuns were selling the crucifix everywhere (I have pictures)..and even on an ashtray! I felt sick to my stomach.

      The Pope doesn’t have any power (supernatural that is)the only power he has is the ‘worship’ that is given to him by his followers. Honestly rosa, how is it that you are not able to see this. Why in the world would G-D send his only son to DIE and SUFFER on a cross for your sins just so you could go and give thanks, praise, glory and WORSHIP to some guy dressed up in a white gown AND to the same to Jesus’ mother-she didn’t die on that cross for our sins-her son did. Yes, she was there and as a mother myself I can see how her heart would HURT and be “pierced” with PAIN while watching her son die in front of her (what mother wouldn’t feel this) but she did NOT take on our sins-she is NOT queen of anything Rosa! G-D does not give special priviledges to anyone, period! G-D is not a favor of persons! It is written,”For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.” deut 10:17

      Further, the Holy Spirit does not have a wife-this is not written in the scriptures anywhere. Back to the pope, it is written, ” 15“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” Matthew 7:15

    • And regarding your reference to Peter being given the keys to the kingdom as found in Matthew 16:16, “16Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ,b the Son of the living God.”

      17Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter,c and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hadesd will not overcome it.e 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will bef bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will beg loosed in heaven.”

      After reading it, my understanding is that Jesus was telling Peter what the keys to the kingdom were and that was “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven..etc..”

      For example, I bind sickness and I loose health

      Regarding Mary, she was a woman of unfailing faith. When the Angel appeared to her to let her know that G-D had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus, she didn’t doubt, “Luke 1:38 Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. (NKJV)

      After giving birth to Jesus, Mary and Joseph had other children, of whom were the siblings of Jesus. see…Mark 3:31 “The True Family of Jesus

      31Then Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him. They stood outside and sent word for him to come out and talk with them. 32There was a crowd sitting around Jesus, and someone said, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.”

      The TRUTH is in G-D’s word Rosa! Don’t settle for what man tells you or even for what I am telling you…read it for yourself and ask for help in understanding from G-D. The Holy Spirit wrote the bible so he is also a good person to ask for help.

  136. The Crucifix made me sick to my stomach. What a horrible thing to say .Was it not the Cross that saved you? You hang a wooden cross in your church, but it has no Christ in it .So what good does it do to you ? the cross without Christ in it is not worthy anything it is just wood cross .You are quoting the scriptures yet you are as blind as a bat .Stop giving me advice .I am not the outcast .You are! it is terrible to see how envious you people are of the pope .And again .We do not worship the Pope .We simply recognize him to be our Pontiff and nothing more .And yes he calls the shots and in most cases we obey. Keep your opinions to your self I am a charismatic person and know fully well whom I love, adore and obey and need no help from you .Lets just say it :You pay for your sins and I pay for mine .Do you see me criticizing you unless I am provoked? no you do not! Again stay out of the catholic faith and I will stay out of yours ,Want to learn a little then read what I post but if you fell that you are smart and need no advice then ignore my writings agreed? let us respect each others beliefs after all we do have something in common and that is we both love the same God .We are not Muslims or any other sect .We are both Christians So stop harassing me and my faith ; and may I point out one thing? If you are in the right track as far as God’s will is concerned .why is your country been bash so much? think about .You may also remember that you are no longer a super power country but in fact you are a poor country and a bankrupted one .I have the figures in my hands of how mach money you owe to Nato and other countries around the world .But that is not all .You have just started, the worst is yet to come .You are going to have to swallow all your pried and arrogance, and for all the evil that you have done you will pay 7 fold ,so shut your trap!.Why is it that you can see the spek in my eye ,yet you are not able to see the beam in yours? shame on you!

    • I did NOT say that the Crucifix made me sick to my stomach…read it again:”It was horrible the way the nuns were SELLING the crucifix everywhere (I have pictures)..and even on an ashtray! I felt sick to my stomach.”

      What made me sick was that they were SELLING the crucifix, small, medium, large, x large, and on ASHTRAYS!

      I was trying to show you the TRUTH Rosa. You are involved in a LIE-a LIE of which will cause many people to take the mark of the beast! I have done all that I can do-the rest is up to G-D.
      G-d gives us choices…and it is yours to make. I was trying to help you make a better choice by showing you the Truth and what the BIBLE REALLY says, and not what you are hearing from someone who is just a man!

      Luke :10But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, 11‘Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God is near.’ 12 I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town. “

  137. Stop! Stop! Stop! quoting the scriptures ! i know them just as well as you do .remember Jesus work did not stop after His death He continues to talk to people today all over the world .No ones is ignoring the bible in fact we live bi ti .all our faith is based on it. Your faith on the other hand one has the bible and may i point out that it was the Roman catholic who wrote the bible and not the protestants or Christians unless you follow the traitor King James .who wrote his own bible removing the best parts from it.he created a God to his image.Not the true God. such man was excommunicated from the Catholic church and is in Hell So you see the information that you have about God it is limited ,because there are thousands of biblical passages which our Popes did not find necessary for man to know about ,therefore they were not included in the bible. they felt that there was no need or good for man to know too much and .you know what ? They were right .If you who have limited information about God and His Mysteries are doing such a lousy job of promoting Jesus Christ word, unless otherwise utter treats to others imagine if you had the whole information? What would you do ? smarten up educate yourself .why are you so blind ? why settle for what a loser Poster has told you .why do you believe the heathen ? Why not search for yourself and see that even today with all our tribulations we are still the most powerful religion on earth .and that our faith have a lot more to offer than yours .you profess to be saved .How can you save yourself? If you do not eat the body and drink the blood of Christ who is Life .How can you be saved? For only by eating and drinking the Precious Body and drinking the precious blood of Christ can we become holy .There is no other way .You dare mock the holy Eucharist and accuse us of adoring Baal .When in reality we are adoring our Blessed Savor who for our sake has deign to subject Himself to stay present both in body and soul in the holly tabernacle until the end of the world for our sakes. Why do you not try and have the Holy Communion? and experience for yourself the love and joy that Jesus makes you fell .Try it. And then come back to me and tell me how you fell .Until then .you are not worth listening to .You have no idea what you are missing Some people on earth are much more advanced than others .God gives them the power to see with the eyes of the soul.It matters not their education or state in life ,for the knowledge that they possess it is not of this world but form the next .

  138. After giving birth to Jesus, Mary and Joseph had other children , of whom were the siblings of Jesus?
    Catholics are not parying to the Pope.Evil or deamons are attacking him.Those who have HOLY SPRIT , they do not hate other.Hate is equilent to Killing.Why we critizise other religions?

    • James is the name of one of his brothers and I believe he was also there at the foot of the cross.

      They pray to Mary-this is wrong. Mary is dead and will rise with everybody else in Christ when he returns.
      -Mary does NOT have a say in anything ordained by G-D
      -Mary is DEAD
      _Mary did NOT show herself to anyone especially 3 children, for she is DEAD as a doornail (thank you leatherneck)
      -Since Mary did NOT show herself to the 3 children then the entire FATIMA is twisted and false, for it came out of the mouth of a demon, evil Spirit, another pawn of Satan! It isn’t worth reading for interpretation because of this.
      -Mary is NOT the wife of the Holy Spirit-again, she is DEAD and the Holy Spirit does not need a wife nor is even mentioned in the scriptures

      Regarding Evil and demons attacking the pope…of course they are…the pope and the entire catholic church has opened the door wide open for all the demons of hell to enter and entertain themselves.

      Why are we criticizing Catholicism? Not sure if criticize is the right word but I know a LIE when I see, read and hear it and as a child of G-D who knows the truth, it is very difficult to just “ignore” it. The entire Catholic faith is a LIE. Why do I say this, because as Rosa wrote and confirmed for everyone, the Catholic church took it upon themselves to change the entire HOly Scriptures and write one themselves!!!! As the scriptures clearly state in Revelations”18
      I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

      I see Satan ALL OVER the Catholic church and the very throne upon which it sits at the Vatican in Rome!

      The catholics took it upon themselves to remove one of the Ten Commandments-“thou shall not have any graven images”…so that they could have all the pretty statues of the saints surrounding st peter’s square and lets not forget the statue of Mary which is paraded around with people crying and “hail mary full of grace”

      so, if calling a LIE a LIE is criticizing then YES that is exactly what I am doing. I have the scriptures to back up everything that I have stated…oh, but wait, the CATHOLICS don’t go by the BIBLE….they REWROTE it and now go by the Catholic Book!


      ***”Come Out Of Her My People”

      And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye may not partakers of her sins, that ye receive not of her plagues.
      For her sins have reached into heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
      Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her according to her works: In the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

      Book of Revelation 18:4-6



      The Holy Bible

      Vatican, Your End Is Near

      And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.
      The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing.
      And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
      For in one hour so great riches is come to nought, and every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off.
      And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!

      Book of Revelation 18:14-18

      • And lets NOT forget that Jesus is Jewish as was Mary! There was a comment made to leatherneck accusing him of being a Jew…as if this was a horrible thing to be (I would find it an honor, but evidently, the catholics don’t think so)

  139. Let everyone know that the blessed Virgin remained virgin even after having married St. Joseph .She was allowed to marry St. Joseph only in name but they did not had marriage relations .St. Joseph knew through the Holy Spirit that the blessed Virgin wished to remain virgin and so it was that their live were build out of pure love for our Savior and not for the appetites of the flesh . The blessed virgin was only 14 years old when she married St. Joseph whom was a widow and had daughters and sons from his previous marriage and was at the time of marriage on about 80 years of age . As on those days was a custom for young virgin to marry a much older man than herself. St Joseph even though of an advanced age maintained the vigor of a young man up to until one month before his death at the age of one hundred and eleven years of age. And so that is why the bible mention Jesus brothers because by the marriage between st. Joseph and the Blessed virgin it was assumed that Jesus was ended the son of st. Joseph and not God . This and other mysteries of their lives was told by our Blessed Savior to the Apostles and it is not in the bible as one may point out but, it is written in the catholic books.

  140. I first time know the ages of St.Mary & St.Joseph at that time.Thank Rosa for the information.Better give such information to share each other.

  141. To everyone,

    It would help if people made their points simpler:

    1. the bible never says to pray to Mary. It says to pray to the Father in Jesus name. Jesus never said he would send his mother to help, only the Holy Spirit.

    2. The catholic church did not write the bible, the old testament prophets did, and the apostles did. if the Pope removed content from this, then this is wrong. It is not their right to take away from the Word of God. God never gave anyone the authority to do this.

    you said:

    there are thousands of biblical passages which our Popes did not find necessary for man to know about ,therefore they were not included in the bible. they felt that there was no need or good for man to know too much and .you know what ? They were right .

    3. I agree that Catholics do not worship Baal.

    4. Salvation occurred on the cross 2000 years ago. Communion is a commemoration of this, and has its blessings. Communion itself does not save us.

    5, Catholics revere the mother Mary, and the pope for their holiness, humility, and devotion to God, and look to them for inspiration. However, to pray to anyone makes them a god. This is crossing a line, even if it is done in sincerity.

    6. Putting the cross on an ashtray is disgusting. The nuns should not have been doing that.

    7. There is nothing wrong with having a leader like the Pope, if he follows God, and teaches the bible correctly. Even Protestant denominations have leadership.

    8. Mary and Joseph had other children after Jesus. This is stated in the bible.

    9. Even though the Marian apparitions are controversial, I thought some of the content was valid, and could be discussed in light of bible prophecy.

    What do you see as consistent with the bible?

    what do you think contradicts the bible?

    What do you think contributes possibly new information that might be helpful, be something to think about?

    • 9. Even though the Marian apparitions are controversial, I thought some of the content was valid, and could be discussed in light of bible prophecy.

      Hey Marianne,

      I think it is hard for us non catholic) to discuss something that either a)most likely never happened (another facade by the CC or satan himself)..being that we know by scriptures that Mary is dead or b) Never happened the way the CC says it did or Lucia..G-D love her, but she may indeed be the only one who could authenticate what really happened and even if her personal experience is that of “seeing” Mary…lining everything up with the Scriptures which we know to be true, then what she saw was definitely NOT Mary and perhaps that of Satan in a different form (angel of light). We know with certainty it was NOT Mary-based upon scripture-the spoken and written word of G-D…so the debate has turned into NOT what is written in the Fatima but WHO the messenger really was-IF it even happened at all. Could all be just smoke and mirrors…

  142. Remember, this post is not what we think of someone else’s church, but of the content of the 3rd secret of Fatima.

    Please take a look at it, and tell me what you think.

  143. Remember, this post is not about what we think of someone else’s church, but of the content of the 3rd secret of Fatima.

    Please take a look at it, and tell me what you think.

    • Hey Marianne,

      I did read over the Fatima and debating whether or not I want to read it again considering what I know now. My thoughts currently are this:
      1) Since Mary is dead and we are told in the scriptures by G-D NOT to talk with the dead then one can assume that the “person” that appeared to the three children is most likely in all probability a demon/a spirit or Satan himself.
      2) Since Satan is knowledgable of the scriptures as indicated when Jesus was in the wilderness after his baptism, then we can assume again that Satan (angel of light) would appear or cause one of his followers/evil spirits to appear to the children and use parts of scripture to twist it. Why would he do this? Well, perhaps as leatherneck suggested, so as to continue the facade by using the innocence of children (this seems to be an ongoing pattern among the church in general)
      3) one part of the fatima I found interesting and remembered was the part about staying in one’s house and NOT looking outside to see the punishment of the wicked…I thought of your post-the noise of fear and what Isaiah wrote and of course with Lot being removed from Sodom. Why is satan mentioning this….this needs more thought…

      And 4) Now that I have a better understanding of Catholicism and the new revelation per se that They wrote their own BIBLE in addition to changing the Sabbath and removing 1 of the ten commandments…it causes me to reconsider giving any attention to the Fatima. *****I noticed throughout the posts that there were more than 1 personality behind 1 particular post-my thought was that I was no longer talking to a “someone” but a “something” and was told by the HS not to respond for this very reason. The scriptures were driving “it” nuts and without scripture, how else are we to “battle” against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of TRUTH buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6

      • “I thought of your post-the noise of fear and what Isaiah wrote and of course with Lot being removed from Sodom. Why is satan mentioning this….this needs more thought…”

        hi lindsey,

        Lot’s wife turning to smoke is one of favourite passages of Satan in the scriptures, and he uses it to discourage and let people down – because, it’s common human weakness to “look back”…satan confuses us and makes us uncertain to make us admit that we have no chance before God…

    • Regarding: “26…..and they exalted the highly favoured one to the height of heaven and placed her in the presence of the invisible Father: And she stretched forth her hands to the undefiled throne of the Father and said: Have mercy, O Lord, on the Christian sinners, for I saw them being chastised and I cannot bear their complaint. Let me go forth and be chastised myself for the Christians. I do not pray, O Lord, for the unbelieving Jews, but for the Christians I entreat your compassion. And there came a second voice from the invisible Father saying: How can I have mercy on them, when they did not have mercy on their own brothers? And the all holy one said: Lord, have mercy on the sinners: behold the chastisements, for every creature on the earth calls upon my name: and when the soul comes forth out of the body, it cries saying, “Holy Lady, Mother of God.” Then the Lord said to her: Hearken, all holy Mother of God, if anyone names and calls upon your name, I will not forsake him, either in heaven or on earth.

      With emphasis on:”I do not pray, O Lord, for the unbelieving Jews”….well, that did it for me…Mary was a Jew…Jesus IS Jewish….the above tells me that 1) the entire Fatima is FALSE OR 2) someone took it upon themselves to alter/change what was actually said…either way, I don’t want to waste anymore of my time with it. I will stick with the Holy Scriptures written by the HOLY SPIRIT-NOT the Catholics, G-d forbid!

      And you will never hear me say” “Holy Lady, Mother of God.” I call upon the name of Jesus…”Salvation is found in NO ONE ELSE, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

      Luv ya Marianne….:)

  144. wow! how rude can you be? You in your twisted mind take all that i write and twist it .My Lord! can you not see that you are been used by Satan? In your blindness you attack us not knowing that this is wrong .Read the message from Fatima where it says.”ALL RELIGIONS WILL BE AGAINST ONE ANOTHER!” as for the Apostles to write the bible .you are wrong because it was not until the 1600s that the bible was written .What the Apostles wrote were the bible gospel according to what happen during their life time that those are called scrolls or bible verses,so you see again and again you are forming a false judgment as per the catholic church being the harlot .you will have to account for that to the Bridegroom Our Savior Jesus Christ on the day of the judgment.I will tell you who the harlot is .It is none other than the united States of America where most the Jews live .and as far as me not liking the Jews .you are a slanders witch I have many good friends who are Jewish in fact i went to Shool with some of them whom are still my friends .The reason why i mention that leatherneck was a jew was because he does not spell the full name god but shortens it by witting GD and only the Jewish people do that from my experience with all of them .they dare not pronounce the name of God. I am a leader i have over 700 people in my sites and need not this kind of garbage from you .If you cannot be civilized towards what I say then I will not continue in a place where the people are ignorant, slanderous and full of mischief. As much as I like Marianne I will not tolerate any more of your garbage.

  145. Maybe it is best if only Catholics discuss on this page.

    I have 380 pages of topics for everyone.

    Since Protestants do not agree with the Marian apparitions, and their arguments are not accepted by Catholics, it is best that they focus on other pages.

  146. Full….. Again let me ask you .Who are you following? Jesus Christ or is it Satan .Out of Jesus Lips comes the warning.”Ifs any man calls his brother a full he has condemned himself to Hell”. Need I say anything more? There you have it.this time you cannot escape God’s punishment. For it is written in the Holy Bible..And as far as you say “WE KNOW” What do you know of the Mysteries of God? and how dare you insinuating that Mary is death .She is not like you she had and has no sin she is alive and well.and what makes you so sure you know what God permits or not? do you see god as one of the guys perhaps a body of yours.perhaps he has to ask you permission in order to send Mary or any other saint to talk to humans on earth ,you think? .

  147. You are a testa dura just like the Italians say ,Nothing can penetrate you thick skull .You are that naive.Just like doubting Tom Hu?

  148. Attacks are over now.

    Catholics and pro-Catholic can stay on this page.

    Others need to find a different page to discuss their views.

    Any negative remarks will be deleted.

    The peace of Christ will prevail on this page.


  149. Attacks are over now.

    Catholics and pro-Catholic can stay on this page.

    Others need to find a different page to discuss their views.

    Any negative remarks will be deleted.

    The peace of Christ will prevail on this page.


  150. Thanks Marianne .and i am sorry for having to retort to the slanders and lies that were said about my faith but like you .I will die for the Lord that I love and will not allow neither man or angel/Demon to insult or criticize my My Lord’s writings His holy mother or any thing that she might have said either in Fatima Lourdes ,Garabandal or any other place that she might had appear, further will not put up with anyone attacking my faith .as you can see i do not attack other faiths I might not believe them but will be simpatetic and will try to explain the differences .?But from what i can see the Christian sites are a buck of Vipers who will not give anyone a chance to explain anything are a ready to attack even before the contents are studied through. Let me ask you a question .why would Satan come to the world to show the children of Fatima .first Heel, second why would he be warning us of the coming punishment from God,and why would he ask us to amend our lives,and last but not least why would he ask us to pray weather the rosary or any other prayer? Think hard on this facts that i have presented and perhaps you will see that it was not Satan but indeed that Blessed Mother of God who was send an Ambassador to the world to warn God’s children of what will happen if they do not turn from their multiple sins .Marianne why is it so hard for you to believe that the Almighty king of the universe would take His holy mother in both body and soul into the realm of His kingdom? Can you not see that God would not ever allow his Holy mother was was from the beginning time created in a way without sin to be fit to be His Mother to die and let her Holy body to whom he had showered with so many gifts be left to rot on earth? You see unlike Adam and Eve who sin .Jesus and Mary did not and therefore they become the 2nd Adam and Eve and therefore death had no power over them.Death only has power on the sinner but if Mary was created without sin so that she might be a fit place for God to grow inside of her womb .she is therefore Holy without the sin of Adam and Eve and did not had to die unless She wanted to .The Same with Jesus he did not had to die because His flesh which he took from his holy mother was perfect and therefore He would not had to die .He died because He chose to save all of us and that was only possible by the spill of His precious blood in the Cross Why do you find it hard to love someone who said YES to God so that humanity would be saved.and better yet why is it so hard for you to understand our love for our Maternal Mother the Mother of our Savior who daily protects us and pray for us to Her Adorable Son .Get to know her before you go and judge Her. If you love Jesus why repudiate His Holy Mother? That is so unfair .
    God bless you

    • hi Rosa

      I only go by what the bible says. if it is not in there, I may or may not believe it.

      For example, there is nothing in there to pray to Mary, or that she was born without sin. So since it is not mentioned, I cannot say it is true. I think people should respect mary for what she did – she raised Jesus, and was faithful to him until death. What else she has does, I do not know for myself.

      I just hear the reports. I consider the content of the reports, and just reflect upon them. I would need bible evidence that they are true. However, there are many truths that are not in the bible. Airplanes, trains, and computers exist, but the bible does not mention them.

      I just try to stay neutral on some issues until I have some proof. in the meantime, people can have their opinions, as long as they still belong to Jesus, and lead a holy life.

  151. Marianne ,Is there any page in your sites discussing about the uncorrupted bodies of Saints in the Catholic Church.You cannnot find proof from the bible for every thing, written some years back.Have you seen the pictures of the latest uncorrupted body of Father PIO.Somebody can say it is also done by Satan.Can you remember,When Jesus remove demons from patients, some people says that Jesus was using Demons Power.(LUKE).Now also similar thing repeat on this page.So we should have the Power of Holy Sprit(or Wisdom)to differentiate three types of MESSAGES: 1.From GOD(G-d or Allah) 2.from Evil(Demon) 3. From Human Being
    I believe St.Mary (the Immaculate Conception), I have seen the body of St.Bernedette in Nevers-France in 2002, and also experience the power of water in Lourdes.That depands on the percentage of faith we have.I am from SriLanka and JesusCalls from South India(Christian organisation), they also received the curing power from the HOLY SPRIT.If u call 94-011-2555400,they pray on line to GOD.Buddhist patients here are aslo use this.

    • hi Sunimal

      I only have 2 Catholic is here (Lucia) and the other is the 3 days of darkness. I do not know much about the uncorrupted bodies, but I could learn about them.

  152. O hi Sunimal .do not waste your time or effort with this people they are ignorant and will not listen to us .they are stuck in the bible ans if they cannot explain it they will not believe it even if it hits them in the face .I if you want want to write about your beliefs you are more than welcome to check out my sites either of them are ok to join my sites are as follow or I am sure you will like it there .there we love everyone and do not offend other religions and from there you can join my other 54 groups .Hope to see you there

    • hi Rosa

      I am sorry people have given you a hard time. There is a right way to disagree, and a wrong way. I have already deleted 2 comments that were too negative. I put a note here that only Catholics or people who are pro-Catholic can post on this page.

  153. Are you sure that this is the work of the devil?

    Incorrupt Bodies of the Saints

    Certain Saints, at the time of their death or many years later after they were exhumed, were found to be incorruptable. That is to say, their bodies did not decompose. There are more than 250 incorrupt bodies of Catholic saints.

    Icon of Saint Clare courtesy of

    Saint Agatha – Her body was discovered incorrupt in the eleventh century. Parts of her incorrupt body are still in existence today.

    According to variations of her legend, having rejected the amorous advances of a Roman prefect, she was persecuted by him for her Christian faith. Among the tortures she underwent was the cutting off of her breasts. She is therefore often depicted iconographically carrying her excised breasts on a platter.
    The shape of her amputated breasts gave rise to her attribute as patron saint of bell-founders. More recently she is venerated as patron saint of breast cancer patients.

    Her scorned admirer eventually sentenced her to death by being burnt at the stake. However, she was saved from this fate by a mysterious earthquake. She later died in prison. Name Meaning good

    Saint Agatha (Unknown – 251 A.D.)

    Saint Catherine Laboure died on 31st December 1876. When her body was exhumed 56 years later it was unblemished. Her eyes were as blue as the day she died. Catherine Laboure is still lying in state at the right of the altar in the chapel Rue du Bac 140, in Paris and she still looks as though she only died yesterday!

    Saint Catherine Laboure (1806 – 1876)

    The body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous was first exhumed 30 years after her death. On September 2, 1909. Her arms and face were completly unaffected from corruption and had maintained their natural skin tone. The second exhumation took place at the end of the Process on April 3, 1919. The body of the Venerable was found in the same state of preservation as 10 years earlier. This sacred relic was placed in a coffin of gold and glass and can be viewed in the Chapel of Saint Bernadette at the motherhouse in Nevers (France).

    Saint Bernadette Soubirous (1844 – 1879)

    Saint Cecilia – The year of her birth is unknown. She died about 177 A.D. at Rome and her body was discovered incorrupt in 1599, is known to be the first saint to be incorrupt. Virgin and martyr, patroness of church music.
    The statue is a copy of the famous work by Stefano Maderno (1566-1636), carried out in 1599, when there took place the recognition of her relics. The body was found in the position represented by the sculptor.

    Saint Cecilia (Unknown – 177 A.D.)


    Blessed Cecilia, appear in visions
    To all musicians, appear and inspire:
    Translated Daughter, come down and startle
    Composing mortals with immortal fire.

    The tomb of Saint Clare of Assisi was found in 1850. On 23 September in that year the coffin was unearthed and opened, the flesh and clothing of the saint had been reduced to dust, but the skeleton was in a perfect state of preservation. Finally, on the 29th of September, 1872, the saint’s bones were transferred, with much pomp, by Archbishop Pecci, afterwards Leo XIII, to the shrine, in the crypt at Santa Chiara, erected to receive them, and where they may now be seen.

    Saint Clare of Assisi (1194 – 1253)

    The body of Saint Maria Goretti is interred in the church of Our Lady of Mercy in Nettuno (Italy). Her incorrupt body is there and she is absolutely beautiful.

    Saint Maria Goretti (1890 – 1902)

    Saint Etheldreda (also known as Audrey, Æthelthryth, Ethelreda, Edilthride, Ediltrudis, Edeltrude)

    Queen of South Gyrwe, Queen of Northumbria, Abbess of Ely
    Born: AD 630 at Exning, Suffolk – Died: 23rd June AD 679 at Ely Abbey, Cambridgeshire

    She was the daughter of King Anna of East Anglia and Queen Hereswide of England.

    17 years after her death her body was found to be incorrupt. The linen cloths in which her body was wrapped were as fresh as the day she had been buried. Her body was placed in a stone sarcophagus of Roman origin, found at Grantchester and reburied.
    At the Reformation, all their shrines were destroyed and the incorrupt body parts dispersed. When her shrine at Ely Cathedral was destroyed, the saintly Queen Etheldreda’s hand was preserved by a devout Catholic family. The still incorrupt hand was enshrined, some 400 years later, when a little Catholic Church was re-established in Ely. An apocryphal story relates how the present Queen, on a tour of the cathedral, met the crusty Irish priest of the little Catholic Church. She asked him if it wouldn’t be a ‘nice gesture’ to return the hand of St Etheldreda to the cathedral; he replied that it would be a nice gesture for her to return the cathedral to the Catholic church.

    Saint Etheldreda (630 – 679)

    St. Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney (Cure’ of Ars) – Died in 1859 and was exhumed and found incorrupt in 1904. His body is on display above the main altar in the Basilica at Ars in France.
    St. John Mary Vianney was ordained a priest in 1815. Three years later he was made parish priest of Ars, a remote French hamlet, where his reputation as a confessor and director of souls made him known throughout the Christian world. His life was one of extreme mortification.

    Saint John Vianney (1786 1859)

    Rita of Cascia died on May 22, 1457. The incorrupt body of this “patron saint of hopeless cases” can be seen at the Basilica of St Rita in Cascia, Italy. It is also publicly known that her body has been seen in different positions in the glass case, as well as eyes have opened and closed unaided. Her symbol is the rose petal, which she shares with St Therese of Lisieux.Rita was beatified by pope Urban VIII in 1627 and canonized on May 24, 1900 by Pope Leo XIII.

    Rita of Cascia (1381 – 1457)

    Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463) – Also known as Catherine de Virgi. Feastday: March 9 – Patroness of Artist.
    In Lent of 1463, Catherine became seriously ill, and she died on March 9. Buried without a coffin, her body was exhumed eighteen days later because of cures attributed to her and also because of the sweet scent coming from her grave.
    Her body is later enshrined in the chapel of the Poor Clares at Bologna. The flesh has grown dark, but that may well have been because of the heat and soot of the candles that were burned for years around her exposed remains. In that shrine, her body is not recumbent but seated! This was in response, it is said, to a request she made of one of her sisters to whom she appeared in a vision in 1500. She was canonized in 1712 by Pope Benedict XIII.

    Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413 – 1463)

    Saint Francis Xavier; also known as Apostle to the Far East, was born as Francisco de Jasso y Azpilcueta, on April 7th, 1506 in the Castle of Xavier at Javier, near Sanguesa, in Navarre (Spain).
    His dream was evangelizing China, but this was never realized. He fell ill of a fever within te sight of Canton. They brought him to the island of Sancian, where he died after 2 weeks, on December 2, 1552, at age 46, without having reached mainland China. He was buried in Sancian island in a wooden coffin as they used to do in China.
    On December 11, 1553, Xavier’s body was shipped to Goa. Two layers of quicklime were added in order to accelerate the process of corruption, which would facilitate the transference of his bones. Two and a half months later, the coffin was unearthed. To the surprise of all present, after the lime had been removed, they found the body totally incorrupt, as if it were still alive. And a sweet fragrance is said to have issued from the coffin. After replacing the lime, the coffin was sailed to Malacca. On arrival it was opened and the body was still found to have the freshness of a living person. The body was then buried this time without a coffin.
    The body, having resisted extensive decay, is now in the Basilica of Bom Jésus in Goa, where it was placed in a glass container encased in a silver casket on December 2, 1637. Francis Xavier was beatified 25 October 1619 by Pope Paul V and canonized 12 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV.
    His memorial is: 3 December

    Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552)

    Blessed Margaret of Castello; also known as: Margaret of Citta-di-Castello; Margaret of Metola.
    She died on April 13, 1320 at the age of 33. When she died, the townspeople thronged to her funeral and demanded that “the saint” be buried in a tomb inside the church. The priest protested, but when a crippled girl was miraculously cured at the funeral, the people had their way. More than 200 miracles have been credited to her intercession after her death.
    In 1558, her remains were transferred because her coffin was rotten. Her clothes were also rotten, but her body was preserved. She was beatified on October 19, 1609 by Pope Paul V and awaits canonization as a Saint. Thus the daughter that nobody wanted is one of the glories of the Church. God has given to us an illustration of how handicapped persons fit in with His eternal plan. Take courage, then, you who are handicapped. God loves you doubly! Till today the body of Blessed Margaret is still incorrupt.

    For the whole story, please see:

    With thanks to the webmaster of the Webpage “Avé Maria”, for his permission to use two pictures. Please see his page:

    Blessed Margaret of Castello (1287 – 1320)

    Teresa of Avila; also known as: Theresa of Avila; The Roving Nun; Teresa de Avila.

    Teresa of Avila was born as Teresa Ali Fatim Corella Sanchez de Capeda y Ahumada in Avila, Spain, on March 28, 1515. She was a daughter of Don Alonso Sanchez de Cepeda, a son of a Toledan merchant, and Doña Beatriz Davila y Ahumada, originally from Tordesillas.
    She died in 1582. Her body was exhumed several times after her death, and each time found sweet-smelling, firm, and incorrupt. Her heart, hands, right foot, right arm, left eye and part of her jaw are on display in various sites around the world.

    Saint Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582)

    Saint Catherine of Siëna; also known as Catharine of Siena – Memorial: 29 April; (formerly 30 April)

    Catherine died on April 29th in 1380 of a mysterious and painful illness that came on without notice, and was never properly diagnosed. She was Thirty-three years old. About fifty years after she died, her body was found to be incorrupt. Pope Pius II canonized Catherine in 1461. Her feast day is 29 April. In 1866 she became co-patron saint of Rome. Since 1939 she is the patron saint of Italy together with Francis of Assisi. Of all the spiritual stars, Catherine of Siena is one of the very greatest. Catherine is the only woman other than Saint Teresa of Avila, who was declared a Doctor of the Church on October 4, 1970 by pope Paul VI. Further she got the title co-patronship of Europe by John Paul II in 1999.

    Saint Catherine of Siëna (1347 – 1380)

    Saint John of God; also known as: Juan de Dios (Spanish); João de Deus (Portuguese)

    Saint John of God was born Juan Ciudad on March 8th, 1495 at Montemoro Novo, Evora, Portugal, of poor but very devout Christian parents. At the age of eight he left home and worked as a shepherd for a farmer, who was very pleased with him. John had an offer to marry the farmer’s daughter and become heir to the property; but he refused because he wanted to pursue a spiritual life.

    Before he died died on 8 March 1550 at Granada, Spain, his selfless dedication to the sick brought him to be known as “John of God”. By faithfully following his example, the Order of Brothers formed after the death of St.John of God has passed on John’s way of serving for those in need. It is called “Hospitality” and after five centuries it remains the charism of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God.

    In 1570 the fragrant body of the Saint was found entire, except for the tip of the nose. The relics are kept in a chest of beautiful wood in the Basilica of Saint John of God in Granada.

    Saint John of God (1495 – 1550)

    Saint Rose of Lima was born on April 20, 1586 at Lima, Peru, of a Spaniard, Gaspar de Flores, and Maria d’Olivia, as one of ten children. She received from baptisim the name of Isabel Flores de Oliva. At three months old Isabella was in her cradle as her mother and several other women were sitting around it there suddenly appeared in the air a beautiful rose; which gently touched the face of the baby and then vanished; and from that day on Maria called her Rose. Despite her family’s attempt to have her marry, Rose took a vow of virginity.

    She began to tell of visions, revelations, visitations and voices as they deplored her penitential practices more than ever. She took the name of Rose at her confirmation in 1597. She received Holy Communion daily, and was conferred the habit of the third order of Saint Dominic in 1606, at the age of 20. Rose increased the already extreme penances. She helped the sick and hungry around her community. She would bring them to her home and take care of them.

    She died August 25, 1617 at the age of 31. As she had requested, her body was burried in the cloister of St. Dominic’s church, where it was found in 1630 in a very good condition. The relics of the Saint are now conserved in two locations; in the Dominican Church of Santo Domingo. The rest of her relics are kept in the neighbourhoud in a small church, which was built on the ground where Rose lived. Many miracles followed her death. Each year the devout make a pilgrimage to the chapel in Santa Rosa de Quives where she lived and worshipped. Saint Rose of Lima was beatified April, 15, 1668 by Pope Clement IX and canonized April 2, 1671 by Pope Clement X. She is represented wearing a crown of roses.

    Saint Rose of Lima (1586 – 1617)

    Feastday: September 23

    Padre Pio said: “Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother.”
    Padre Pio was born in Pietralcina, Italy, on May 25, 1887. The 4th child of Grazio Maria Forgione and Maria Giuseppa De Nunzio, he was given the name Francesco, after a brother who died shortly after birth. From the time he was very young, it was his desire to join the Monks at the Monastery who “wore the beard”. His dream to join the Catholic Capuchin Order of Friars Minor was realized in 1903 when he was admitted at the Friary of Morcone in the Province of Foggia. In 1916, struggling with ill health, he transferred to the Friary of Our Lady of Grace in San Giovanni Rotondo and there he remained. This humble Capuchin Priest from San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, was blessed by God in many wonderful and mysterious ways. He became famous for his stigmata.

    Early in the morning of September 23, 1968, Padre Pio made his last confession and renewed his Franciscan vows. As was customary, he had his rosary in his hands, though he did not have the strength to say the Hail Marys aloud. Till the end, he repeated the words “Gesù, Maria” (Jesus, Mary). At around 2:30am, he said, “I see two mothers” (taken to mean his mother and Mary). At 2:30 a.m. he breathed his last in his cell in San Giovanni Rotondo with his last breath whispering, “Maria!”

    Pio, which is purported to be incorrupt. The body was exhumed in early March 2008 and since its exhumation has been viewed by over 7.000 pilgrims a day. As we can see from these shots, the body is obviously in a remarkable state of preservation. Take a look:

    Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (1887 – 1968)

    – Foundation Marypages –

    Our foundation has the objective to develop, expand and maintain the Marypages website to promote the Roman Catholic belief and especially the Devotion of Our Blessed Mother, Mary.
    With your financial support you will make this possible.
    Marypages can only survive with your help!
    You can become a donator of our foundation by donating at least 20 Euro per year. We will then offer you:


    Our Newsletter (4 times a year)

    A Miraculous Medal with explanation of its design

    If your donation is 50 Euro or higher, then you will also receive a beautiful light blue rosary from Lourdes.

    Any extra income generated will be donated to compassionate projects with a Catholic basis. We are registered at the Chamber of Commerce Flevoland under number 39100629.

    To make a donation, please click the button below.
    God bless you.



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    Copyright © 2Incorrupt Bodies of the Saints

    Certain Saints, at the time of their death or many years later after they were exhumed, were found to be incorruptable. That is to say, their bodies did not decompose. There are more than 250 incorrupt bodies of Catholic saints.

    Icon of Saint Clare courtesy of

    Saint Agatha – Her body was discovered incorrupt in the eleventh century. Parts of her incorrupt body are still in existence today.

    According to variations of her legend, having rejected the amorous advances of a Roman prefect, she was persecuted by him for her Christian faith. Among the tortures she underwent was the cutting off of her breasts. She is therefore often depicted iconographically carrying her excised breasts on a platter.
    The shape of her amputated breasts gave rise to her attribute as patron saint of bell-founders. More recently she is venerated as patron saint of breast cancer patients.

    Her scorned admirer eventually sentenced her to death by being burnt at the stake. However, she was saved from this fate by a mysterious earthquake. She later died in prison. Name Meaning good

    Saint Agatha (Unknown – 251 A.D.)

    Saint Catherine Laboure died on 31st December 1876. When her body was exhumed 56 years later it was unblemished. Her eyes were as blue as the day she died. Catherine Laboure is still lying in state at the right of the altar in the chapel Rue du Bac 140, in Paris and she still looks as though she only died yesterday!

    Saint Catherine Laboure (1806 – 1876)

    The body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous was first exhumed 30 years after her death. On September 2, 1909. Her arms and face were completly unaffected from corruption and had maintained their natural skin tone. The second exhumation took place at the end of the Process on April 3, 1919. The body of the Venerable was found in the same state of preservation as 10 years earlier. This sacred relic was placed in a coffin of gold and glass and can be viewed in the Chapel of Saint Bernadette at the motherhouse in Nevers (France).

    Saint Bernadette Soubirous (1844 – 1879)

    Saint Cecilia – The year of her birth is unknown. She died about 177 A.D. at Rome and her body was discovered incorrupt in 1599, is known to be the first saint to be incorrupt. Virgin and martyr, patroness of church music.
    The statue is a copy of the famous work by Stefano Maderno (1566-1636), carried out in 1599, when there took place the recognition of her relics. The body was found in the position represented by the sculptor.

    Saint Cecilia (Unknown – 177 A.D.)


    Blessed Cecilia, appear in visions
    To all musicians, appear and inspire:
    Translated Daughter, come down and startle
    Composing mortals with immortal fire.

    The tomb of Saint Clare of Assisi was found in 1850. On 23 September in that year the coffin was unearthed and opened, the flesh and clothing of the saint had been reduced to dust, but the skeleton was in a perfect state of preservation. Finally, on the 29th of September, 1872, the saint’s bones were transferred, with much pomp, by Archbishop Pecci, afterwards Leo XIII, to the shrine, in the crypt at Santa Chiara, erected to receive them, and where they may now be seen.

    Saint Clare of Assisi (1194 – 1253)

    The body of Saint Maria Goretti is interred in the church of Our Lady of Mercy in Nettuno (Italy). Her incorrupt body is there and she is absolutely beautiful.

    Saint Maria Goretti (1890 – 1902)

    Saint Etheldreda (also known as Audrey, Æthelthryth, Ethelreda, Edilthride, Ediltrudis, Edeltrude)

    Queen of South Gyrwe, Queen of Northumbria, Abbess of Ely
    Born: AD 630 at Exning, Suffolk – Died: 23rd June AD 679 at Ely Abbey, Cambridgeshire

    She was the daughter of King Anna of East Anglia and Queen Hereswide of England.

    17 years after her death her body was found to be incorrupt. The linen cloths in which her body was wrapped were as fresh as the day she had been buried. Her body was placed in a stone sarcophagus of Roman origin, found at Grantchester and reburied.
    At the Reformation, all their shrines were destroyed and the incorrupt body parts dispersed. When her shrine at Ely Cathedral was destroyed, the saintly Queen Etheldreda’s hand was preserved by a devout Catholic family. The still incorrupt hand was enshrined, some 400 years later, when a little Catholic Church was re-established in Ely. An apocryphal story relates how the present Queen, on a tour of the cathedral, met the crusty Irish priest of the little Catholic Church. She asked him if it wouldn’t be a ‘nice gesture’ to return the hand of St Etheldreda to the cathedral; he replied that it would be a nice gesture for her to return the cathedral to the Catholic church.

    Saint Etheldreda (630 – 679)

    St. Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney (Cure’ of Ars) – Died in 1859 and was exhumed and found incorrupt in 1904. His body is on display above the main altar in the Basilica at Ars in France.
    St. John Mary Vianney was ordained a priest in 1815. Three years later he was made parish priest of Ars, a remote French hamlet, where his reputation as a confessor and director of souls made him known throughout the Christian world. His life was one of extreme mortification.

    Saint John Vianney (1786 1859)

    Rita of Cascia died on May 22, 1457. The incorrupt body of this “patron saint of hopeless cases” can be seen at the Basilica of St Rita in Cascia, Italy. It is also publicly known that her body has been seen in different positions in the glass case, as well as eyes have opened and closed unaided. Her symbol is the rose petal, which she shares with St Therese of Lisieux.Rita was beatified by pope Urban VIII in 1627 and canonized on May 24, 1900 by Pope Leo XIII.

    Rita of Cascia (1381 – 1457)

    Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463) – Also known as Catherine de Virgi. Feastday: March 9 – Patroness of Artist.
    In Lent of 1463, Catherine became seriously ill, and she died on March 9. Buried without a coffin, her body was exhumed eighteen days later because of cures attributed to her and also because of the sweet scent coming from her grave.
    Her body is later enshrined in the chapel of the Poor Clares at Bologna. The flesh has grown dark, but that may well have been because of the heat and soot of the candles that were burned for years around her exposed remains. In that shrine, her body is not recumbent but seated! This was in response, it is said, to a request she made of one of her sisters to whom she appeared in a vision in 1500. She was canonized in 1712 by Pope Benedict XIII.

    Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413 – 1463)

    Saint Francis Xavier; also known as Apostle to the Far East, was born as Francisco de Jasso y Azpilcueta, on April 7th, 1506 in the Castle of Xavier at Javier, near Sanguesa, in Navarre (Spain).
    His dream was evangelizing China, but this was never realized. He fell ill of a fever within te sight of Canton. They brought him to the island of Sancian, where he died after 2 weeks, on December 2, 1552, at age 46, without having reached mainland China. He was buried in Sancian island in a wooden coffin as they used to do in China.
    On December 11, 1553, Xavier’s body was shipped to Goa. Two layers of quicklime were added in order to accelerate the process of corruption, which would facilitate the transference of his bones. Two and a half months later, the coffin was unearthed. To the surprise of all present, after the lime had been removed, they found the body totally incorrupt, as if it were still alive. And a sweet fragrance is said to have issued from the coffin. After replacing the lime, the coffin was sailed to Malacca. On arrival it was opened and the body was still found to have the freshness of a living person. The body was then buried this time without a coffin.
    The body, having resisted extensive decay, is now in the Basilica of Bom Jésus in Goa, where it was placed in a glass container encased in a silver casket on December 2, 1637. Francis Xavier was beatified 25 October 1619 by Pope Paul V and canonized 12 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV.
    His memorial is: 3 December

    Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552)

    Blessed Margaret of Castello; also known as: Margaret of Citta-di-Castello; Margaret of Metola.
    She died on April 13, 1320 at the age of 33. When she died, the townspeople thronged to her funeral and demanded that “the saint” be buried in a tomb inside the church. The priest protested, but when a crippled girl was miraculously cured at the funeral, the people had their way. More than 200 miracles have been credited to her intercession after her death.
    In 1558, her remains were transferred because her coffin was rotten. Her clothes were also rotten, but her body was preserved. She was beatified on October 19, 1609 by Pope Paul V and awaits canonization as a Saint. Thus the daughter that nobody wanted is one of the glories of the Church. God has given to us an illustration of how handicapped persons fit in with His eternal plan. Take courage, then, you who are handicapped. God loves you doubly! Till today the body of Blessed Margaret is still incorrupt.

    For the whole story, please see:

    With thanks to the webmaster of the Webpage “Avé Maria”, for his permission to use two pictures. Please see his page:

    Blessed Margaret of Castello (1287 – 1320)

    Teresa of Avila; also known as: Theresa of Avila; The Roving Nun; Teresa de Avila.

    Teresa of Avila was born as Teresa Ali Fatim Corella Sanchez de Capeda y Ahumada in Avila, Spain, on March 28, 1515. She was a daughter of Don Alonso Sanchez de Cepeda, a son of a Toledan merchant, and Doña Beatriz Davila y Ahumada, originally from Tordesillas.
    She died in 1582. Her body was exhumed several times after her death, and each time found sweet-smelling, firm, and incorrupt. Her heart, hands, right foot, right arm, left eye and part of her jaw are on display in various sites around the world.

    Saint Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582)

    Saint Catherine of Siëna; also known as Catharine of Siena – Memorial: 29 April; (formerly 30 April)

    Catherine died on April 29th in 1380 of a mysterious and painful illness that came on without notice, and was never properly diagnosed. She was Thirty-three years old. About fifty years after she died, her body was found to be incorrupt. Pope Pius II canonized Catherine in 1461. Her feast day is 29 April. In 1866 she became co-patron saint of Rome. Since 1939 she is the patron saint of Italy together with Francis of Assisi. Of all the spiritual stars, Catherine of Siena is one of the very greatest. Catherine is the only woman other than Saint Teresa of Avila, who was declared a Doctor of the Church on October 4, 1970 by pope Paul VI. Further she got the title co-patronship of Europe by John Paul II in 1999.

    Saint Catherine of Siëna (1347 – 1380)

    Saint John of God; also known as: Juan de Dios (Spanish); João de Deus (Portuguese)

    Saint John of God was born Juan Ciudad on March 8th, 1495 at Montemoro Novo, Evora, Portugal, of poor but very devout Christian parents. At the age of eight he left home and worked as a shepherd for a farmer, who was very pleased with him. John had an offer to marry the farmer’s daughter and become heir to the property; but he refused because he wanted to pursue a spiritual life.

    Before he died died on 8 March 1550 at Granada, Spain, his selfless dedication to the sick brought him to be known as “John of God”. By faithfully following his example, the Order of Brothers formed after the death of St.John of God has passed on John’s way of serving for those in need. It is called “Hospitality” and after five centuries it remains the charism of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God.

    In 1570 the fragrant body of the Saint was found entire, except for the tip of the nose. The relics are kept in a chest of beautiful wood in the Basilica of Saint John of God in Granada.

    Saint John of God (1495 – 1550)

    Saint Rose of Lima was born on April 20, 1586 at Lima, Peru, of a Spaniard, Gaspar de Flores, and Maria d’Olivia, as one of ten children. She received from baptisim the name of Isabel Flores de Oliva. At three months old Isabella was in her cradle as her mother and several other women were sitting around it there suddenly appeared in the air a beautiful rose; which gently touched the face of the baby and then vanished; and from that day on Maria called her Rose. Despite her family’s attempt to have her marry, Rose took a vow of virginity.

    She began to tell of visions, revelations, visitations and voices as they deplored her penitential practices more than ever. She took the name of Rose at her confirmation in 1597. She received Holy Communion daily, and was conferred the habit of the third order of Saint Dominic in 1606, at the age of 20. Rose increased the already extreme penances. She helped the sick and hungry around her community. She would bring them to her home and take care of them.

    She died August 25, 1617 at the age of 31. As she had requested, her body was burried in the cloister of St. Dominic’s church, where it was found in 1630 in a very good condition. The relics of the Saint are now conserved in two locations; in the Dominican Church of Santo Domingo. The rest of her relics are kept in the neighbourhoud in a small church, which was built on the ground where Rose lived. Many miracles followed her death. Each year the devout make a pilgrimage to the chapel in Santa Rosa de Quives where she lived and worshipped. Saint Rose of Lima was beatified April, 15, 1668 by Pope Clement IX and canonized April 2, 1671 by Pope Clement X. She is represented wearing a crown of roses.

    Saint Rose of Lima (1586 – 1617)

    Feastday: September 23

    Padre Pio said: “Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother.”
    Padre Pio was born in Pietralcina, Italy, on May 25, 1887. The 4th child of Grazio Maria Forgione and Maria Giuseppa De Nunzio, he was given the name Francesco, after a brother who died shortly after birth. From the time he was very young, it was his desire to join the Monks at the Monastery who “wore the beard”. His dream to join the Catholic Capuchin Order of Friars Minor was realized in 1903 when he was admitted at the Friary of Morcone in the Province of Foggia. In 1916, struggling with ill health, he transferred to the Friary of Our Lady of Grace in San Giovanni Rotondo and there he remained. This humble Capuchin Priest from San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, was blessed by God in many wonderful and mysterious ways. He became famous for his stigmata.

    Early in the morning of September 23, 1968, Padre Pio made his last confession and renewed his Franciscan vows. As was customary, he had his rosary in his hands, though he did not have the strength to say the Hail Marys aloud. Till the end, he repeated the words “Gesù, Maria” (Jesus, Mary). At around 2:30am, he said, “I see two mothers” (taken to mean his mother and Mary). At 2:30 a.m. he breathed his last in his cell in San Giovanni Rotondo with his last breath whispering, “Maria!”

    Pio, which is purported to be incorrupt. The body was exhumed in early March 2008 and since its exhumation has been viewed by over 7.000 pilgrims a day. As we can see from these shots, the body is obviously in a remarkable state of preservation. Take a look:

    Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (1887 – 1968)

    – Foundation Marypages –

    Our foundation has the objective to develop, expand and maintain the Marypages website to promote the Roman Catholic belief and especially the Devotion of Our Blessed Mother, Mary.
    With your financial support you will make this possible.
    Marypages can only survive with your help!
    You can become a donator of our foundation by donating at least 20 Euro per year. We will then offer you:


    Our Newsletter (4 times a year)

    A Miraculous Medal with explanation of its design

    If your donation is 50 Euro or higher, then you will also receive a beautiful light blue rosary from Lourdes.

    Any extra income generated will be donated to compassionate projects with a Catholic basis. We are registered at the Chamber of Commerce Flevoland under number 39100629.

    To make a donation, please click the button below.
    God bless you.



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    Copyright © 2

  154. Incorrupt Bodies of the Saints

    Certain Saints, at the time of their death or many years later after they were exhumed, were found to be incorruptable. That is to say, their bodies did not decompose. There are more than 250 incorrupt bodies of Catholic saints.

    Icon of Saint Clare courtesy of

    Saint Agatha – Her body was discovered incorrupt in the eleventh century. Parts of her incorrupt body are still in existence today.

    According to variations of her legend, having rejected the amorous advances of a Roman prefect, she was persecuted by him for her Christian faith. Among the tortures she underwent was the cutting off of her breasts. She is therefore often depicted iconographically carrying her excised breasts on a platter.
    The shape of her amputated breasts gave rise to her attribute as patron saint of bell-founders. More recently she is venerated as patron saint of breast cancer patients.

    Her scorned admirer eventually sentenced her to death by being burnt at the stake. However, she was saved from this fate by a mysterious earthquake. She later died in prison. Name Meaning good

    Saint Agatha (Unknown – 251 A.D.)

    Saint Catherine Laboure died on 31st December 1876. When her body was exhumed 56 years later it was unblemished. Her eyes were as blue as the day she died. Catherine Laboure is still lying in state at the right of the altar in the chapel Rue du Bac 140, in Paris and she still looks as though she only died yesterday!

    Saint Catherine Laboure (1806 – 1876)

    The body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous was first exhumed 30 years after her death. On September 2, 1909. Her arms and face were completly unaffected from corruption and had maintained their natural skin tone. The second exhumation took place at the end of the Process on April 3, 1919. The body of the Venerable was found in the same state of preservation as 10 years earlier. This sacred relic was placed in a coffin of gold and glass and can be viewed in the Chapel of Saint Bernadette at the motherhouse in Nevers (France).

    Saint Bernadette Soubirous (1844 – 1879)

    Saint Cecilia – The year of her birth is unknown. She died about 177 A.D. at Rome and her body was discovered incorrupt in 1599, is known to be the first saint to be incorrupt. Virgin and martyr, patroness of church music.
    The statue is a copy of the famous work by Stefano Maderno (1566-1636), carried out in 1599, when there took place the recognition of her relics. The body was found in the position represented by the sculptor.

    Saint Cecilia (Unknown – 177 A.D.)


    Blessed Cecilia, appear in visions
    To all musicians, appear and inspire:
    Translated Daughter, come down and startle
    Composing mortals with immortal fire.

    The tomb of Saint Clare of Assisi was found in 1850. On 23 September in that year the coffin was unearthed and opened, the flesh and clothing of the saint had been reduced to dust, but the skeleton was in a perfect state of preservation. Finally, on the 29th of September, 1872, the saint’s bones were transferred, with much pomp, by Archbishop Pecci, afterwards Leo XIII, to the shrine, in the crypt at Santa Chiara, erected to receive them, and where they may now be seen.

    Saint Clare of Assisi (1194 – 1253)

    The body of Saint Maria Goretti is interred in the church of Our Lady of Mercy in Nettuno (Italy). Her incorrupt body is there and she is absolutely beautiful.

    Saint Maria Goretti (1890 – 1902)

    Saint Etheldreda (also known as Audrey, Æthelthryth, Ethelreda, Edilthride, Ediltrudis, Edeltrude)

    Queen of South Gyrwe, Queen of Northumbria, Abbess of Ely
    Born: AD 630 at Exning, Suffolk – Died: 23rd June AD 679 at Ely Abbey, Cambridgeshire

    She was the daughter of King Anna of East Anglia and Queen Hereswide of England.

    17 years after her death her body was found to be incorrupt. The linen cloths in which her body was wrapped were as fresh as the day she had been buried. Her body was placed in a stone sarcophagus of Roman origin, found at Grantchester and reburied.
    At the Reformation, all their shrines were destroyed and the incorrupt body parts dispersed. When her shrine at Ely Cathedral was destroyed, the saintly Queen Etheldreda’s hand was preserved by a devout Catholic family. The still incorrupt hand was enshrined, some 400 years later, when a little Catholic Church was re-established in Ely. An apocryphal story relates how the present Queen, on a tour of the cathedral, met the crusty Irish priest of the little Catholic Church. She asked him if it wouldn’t be a ‘nice gesture’ to return the hand of St Etheldreda to the cathedral; he replied that it would be a nice gesture for her to return the cathedral to the Catholic church.

    Saint Etheldreda (630 – 679)

    St. Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney (Cure’ of Ars) – Died in 1859 and was exhumed and found incorrupt in 1904. His body is on display above the main altar in the Basilica at Ars in France.
    St. John Mary Vianney was ordained a priest in 1815. Three years later he was made parish priest of Ars, a remote French hamlet, where his reputation as a confessor and director of souls made him known throughout the Christian world. His life was one of extreme mortification.

    Saint John Vianney (1786 1859)

    Rita of Cascia died on May 22, 1457. The incorrupt body of this “patron saint of hopeless cases” can be seen at the Basilica of St Rita in Cascia, Italy. It is also publicly known that her body has been seen in different positions in the glass case, as well as eyes have opened and closed unaided. Her symbol is the rose petal, which she shares with St Therese of Lisieux.Rita was beatified by pope Urban VIII in 1627 and canonized on May 24, 1900 by Pope Leo XIII.

    Rita of Cascia (1381 – 1457)

    Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463) – Also known as Catherine de Virgi. Feastday: March 9 – Patroness of Artist.
    In Lent of 1463, Catherine became seriously ill, and she died on March 9. Buried without a coffin, her body was exhumed eighteen days later because of cures attributed to her and also because of the sweet scent coming from her grave.
    Her body is later enshrined in the chapel of the Poor Clares at Bologna. The flesh has grown dark, but that may well have been because of the heat and soot of the candles that were burned for years around her exposed remains. In that shrine, her body is not recumbent but seated! This was in response, it is said, to a request she made of one of her sisters to whom she appeared in a vision in 1500. She was canonized in 1712 by Pope Benedict XIII.

    Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413 – 1463)

    Saint Francis Xavier; also known as Apostle to the Far East, was born as Francisco de Jasso y Azpilcueta, on April 7th, 1506 in the Castle of Xavier at Javier, near Sanguesa, in Navarre (Spain).
    His dream was evangelizing China, but this was never realized. He fell ill of a fever within te sight of Canton. They brought him to the island of Sancian, where he died after 2 weeks, on December 2, 1552, at age 46, without having reached mainland China. He was buried in Sancian island in a wooden coffin as they used to do in China.
    On December 11, 1553, Xavier’s body was shipped to Goa. Two layers of quicklime were added in order to accelerate the process of corruption, which would facilitate the transference of his bones. Two and a half months later, the coffin was unearthed. To the surprise of all present, after the lime had been removed, they found the body totally incorrupt, as if it were still alive. And a sweet fragrance is said to have issued from the coffin. After replacing the lime, the coffin was sailed to Malacca. On arrival it was opened and the body was still found to have the freshness of a living person. The body was then buried this time without a coffin.
    The body, having resisted extensive decay, is now in the Basilica of Bom Jésus in Goa, where it was placed in a glass container encased in a silver casket on December 2, 1637. Francis Xavier was beatified 25 October 1619 by Pope Paul V and canonized 12 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV.
    His memorial is: 3 December

    Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552)

    Blessed Margaret of Castello; also known as: Margaret of Citta-di-Castello; Margaret of Metola.
    She died on April 13, 1320 at the age of 33. When she died, the townspeople thronged to her funeral and demanded that “the saint” be buried in a tomb inside the church. The priest protested, but when a crippled girl was miraculously cured at the funeral, the people had their way. More than 200 miracles have been credited to her intercession after her death.
    In 1558, her remains were transferred because her coffin was rotten. Her clothes were also rotten, but her body was preserved. She was beatified on October 19, 1609 by Pope Paul V and awaits canonization as a Saint. Thus the daughter that nobody wanted is one of the glories of the Church. God has given to us an illustration of how handicapped persons fit in with His eternal plan. Take courage, then, you who are handicapped. God loves you doubly! Till today the body of Blessed Margaret is still incorrupt.

    For the whole story, please see:

    With thanks to the webmaster of the Webpage “Avé Maria”, for his permission to use two pictures. Please see his page:

    Blessed Margaret of Castello (1287 – 1320)

    Teresa of Avila; also known as: Theresa of Avila; The Roving Nun; Teresa de Avila.

    Teresa of Avila was born as Teresa Ali Fatim Corella Sanchez de Capeda y Ahumada in Avila, Spain, on March 28, 1515. She was a daughter of Don Alonso Sanchez de Cepeda, a son of a Toledan merchant, and Doña Beatriz Davila y Ahumada, originally from Tordesillas.
    She died in 1582. Her body was exhumed several times after her death, and each time found sweet-smelling, firm, and incorrupt. Her heart, hands, right foot, right arm, left eye and part of her jaw are on display in various sites around the world.

    Saint Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582)

    Saint Catherine of Siëna; also known as Catharine of Siena – Memorial: 29 April; (formerly 30 April)

    Catherine died on April 29th in 1380 of a mysterious and painful illness that came on without notice, and was never properly diagnosed. She was Thirty-three years old. About fifty years after she died, her body was found to be incorrupt. Pope Pius II canonized Catherine in 1461. Her feast day is 29 April. In 1866 she became co-patron saint of Rome. Since 1939 she is the patron saint of Italy together with Francis of Assisi. Of all the spiritual stars, Catherine of Siena is one of the very greatest. Catherine is the only woman other than Saint Teresa of Avila, who was declared a Doctor of the Church on October 4, 1970 by pope Paul VI. Further she got the title co-patronship of Europe by John Paul II in 1999.

    Saint Catherine of Siëna (1347 – 1380)

    Saint John of God; also known as: Juan de Dios (Spanish); João de Deus (Portuguese)

    Saint John of God was born Juan Ciudad on March 8th, 1495 at Montemoro Novo, Evora, Portugal, of poor but very devout Christian parents. At the age of eight he left home and worked as a shepherd for a farmer, who was very pleased with him. John had an offer to marry the farmer’s daughter and become heir to the property; but he refused because he wanted to pursue a spiritual life.

    Before he died died on 8 March 1550 at Granada, Spain, his selfless dedication to the sick brought him to be known as “John of God”. By faithfully following his example, the Order of Brothers formed after the death of St.John of God has passed on John’s way of serving for those in need. It is called “Hospitality” and after five centuries it remains the charism of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God.

    In 1570 the fragrant body of the Saint was found entire, except for the tip of the nose. The relics are kept in a chest of beautiful wood in the Basilica of Saint John of God in Granada.

    Saint John of God (1495 – 1550)

    Saint Rose of Lima was born on April 20, 1586 at Lima, Peru, of a Spaniard, Gaspar de Flores, and Maria d’Olivia, as one of ten children. She received from baptisim the name of Isabel Flores de Oliva. At three months old Isabella was in her cradle as her mother and several other women were sitting around it there suddenly appeared in the air a beautiful rose; which gently touched the face of the baby and then vanished; and from that day on Maria called her Rose. Despite her family’s attempt to have her marry, Rose took a vow of virginity.

    She began to tell of visions, revelations, visitations and voices as they deplored her penitential practices more than ever. She took the name of Rose at her confirmation in 1597. She received Holy Communion daily, and was conferred the habit of the third order of Saint Dominic in 1606, at the age of 20. Rose increased the already extreme penances. She helped the sick and hungry around her community. She would bring them to her home and take care of them.

    She died August 25, 1617 at the age of 31. As she had requested, her body was burried in the cloister of St. Dominic’s church, where it was found in 1630 in a very good condition. The relics of the Saint are now conserved in two locations; in the Dominican Church of Santo Domingo. The rest of her relics are kept in the neighbourhoud in a small church, which was built on the ground where Rose lived. Many miracles followed her death. Each year the devout make a pilgrimage to the chapel in Santa Rosa de Quives where she lived and worshipped. Saint Rose of Lima was beatified April, 15, 1668 by Pope Clement IX and canonized April 2, 1671 by Pope Clement X. She is represented wearing a crown of roses.

    Saint Rose of Lima (1586 – 1617)

    Feastday: September 23

    Padre Pio said: “Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother.”
    Padre Pio was born in Pietralcina, Italy, on May 25, 1887. The 4th child of Grazio Maria Forgione and Maria Giuseppa De Nunzio, he was given the name Francesco, after a brother who died shortly after birth. From the time he was very young, it was his desire to join the Monks at the Monastery who “wore the beard”. His dream to join the Catholic Capuchin Order of Friars Minor was realized in 1903 when he was admitted at the Friary of Morcone in the Province of Foggia. In 1916, struggling with ill health, he transferred to the Friary of Our Lady of Grace in San Giovanni Rotondo and there he remained. This humble Capuchin Priest from San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, was blessed by God in many wonderful and mysterious ways. He became famous for his stigmata.

    Early in the morning of September 23, 1968, Padre Pio made his last confession and renewed his Franciscan vows. As was customary, he had his rosary in his hands, though he did not have the strength to say the Hail Marys aloud. Till the end, he repeated the words “Gesù, Maria” (Jesus, Mary). At around 2:30am, he said, “I see two mothers” (taken to mean his mother and Mary). At 2:30 a.m. he breathed his last in his cell in San Giovanni Rotondo with his last breath whispering, “Maria!”

    Pio, which is purported to be incorrupt. The body was exhumed in early March 2008 and since its exhumation has been viewed by over 7.000 pilgrims a day. As we can see from these shots, the body is obviously in a remarkable state of preservation. Take a look:

    Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (1887 – 1968)

    – Foundation Marypages –

    Our foundation has the objective to develop, expand and maintain the Marypages website to promote the Roman Catholic belief and especially the Devotion of Our Blessed Mother, Mary.
    With your financial support you will make this possible.
    Marypages can only survive with your help!
    You can become a donator of our foundation by donating at least 20 Euro per year. We will then offer you:


    Our Newsletter (4 times a year)

    A Miraculous Medal with explanation of its design

    If your donation is 50 Euro or higher, then you will also receive a beautiful light blue rosary from Lourdes.

    Any extra income generated will be donated to compassionate projects with a Catholic basis. We are registered at the Chamber of Commerce Flevoland under number 39100629.

    To make a donation, please click the button below.
    God bless you.



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    Copyright © 2Incorrupt Bodies of the Saints

    Certain Saints, at the time of their death or many years later after they were exhumed, were found to be incorruptable. That is to say, their bodies did not decompose. There are more than 250 incorrupt bodies of Catholic saints.

    Icon of Saint Clare courtesy of

    Saint Agatha – Her body was discovered incorrupt in the eleventh century. Parts of her incorrupt body are still in existence today.

    According to variations of her legend, having rejected the amorous advances of a Roman prefect, she was persecuted by him for her Christian faith. Among the tortures she underwent was the cutting off of her breasts. She is therefore often depicted iconographically carrying her excised breasts on a platter.
    The shape of her amputated breasts gave rise to her attribute as patron saint of bell-founders. More recently she is venerated as patron saint of breast cancer patients.

    Her scorned admirer eventually sentenced her to death by being burnt at the stake. However, she was saved from this fate by a mysterious earthquake. She later died in prison. Name Meaning good

    Saint Agatha (Unknown – 251 A.D.)

    Saint Catherine Laboure died on 31st December 1876. When her body was exhumed 56 years later it was unblemished. Her eyes were as blue as the day she died. Catherine Laboure is still lying in state at the right of the altar in the chapel Rue du Bac 140, in Paris and she still looks as though she only died yesterday!

    Saint Catherine Laboure (1806 – 1876)

    The body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous was first exhumed 30 years after her death. On September 2, 1909. Her arms and face were completly unaffected from corruption and had maintained their natural skin tone. The second exhumation took place at the end of the Process on April 3, 1919. The body of the Venerable was found in the same state of preservation as 10 years earlier. This sacred relic was placed in a coffin of gold and glass and can be viewed in the Chapel of Saint Bernadette at the motherhouse in Nevers (France).

    Saint Bernadette Soubirous (1844 – 1879)

    Saint Cecilia – The year of her birth is unknown. She died about 177 A.D. at Rome and her body was discovered incorrupt in 1599, is known to be the first saint to be incorrupt. Virgin and martyr, patroness of church music.
    The statue is a copy of the famous work by Stefano Maderno (1566-1636), carried out in 1599, when there took place the recognition of her relics. The body was found in the position represented by the sculptor.

    Saint Cecilia (Unknown – 177 A.D.)


    Blessed Cecilia, appear in visions
    To all musicians, appear and inspire:
    Translated Daughter, come down and startle
    Composing mortals with immortal fire.

    The tomb of Saint Clare of Assisi was found in 1850. On 23 September in that year the coffin was unearthed and opened, the flesh and clothing of the saint had been reduced to dust, but the skeleton was in a perfect state of preservation. Finally, on the 29th of September, 1872, the saint’s bones were transferred, with much pomp, by Archbishop Pecci, afterwards Leo XIII, to the shrine, in the crypt at Santa Chiara, erected to receive them, and where they may now be seen.

    Saint Clare of Assisi (1194 – 1253)

    The body of Saint Maria Goretti is interred in the church of Our Lady of Mercy in Nettuno (Italy). Her incorrupt body is there and she is absolutely beautiful.

    Saint Maria Goretti (1890 – 1902)

    Saint Etheldreda (also known as Audrey, Æthelthryth, Ethelreda, Edilthride, Ediltrudis, Edeltrude)

    Queen of South Gyrwe, Queen of Northumbria, Abbess of Ely
    Born: AD 630 at Exning, Suffolk – Died: 23rd June AD 679 at Ely Abbey, Cambridgeshire

    She was the daughter of King Anna of East Anglia and Queen Hereswide of England.

    17 years after her death her body was found to be incorrupt. The linen cloths in which her body was wrapped were as fresh as the day she had been buried. Her body was placed in a stone sarcophagus of Roman origin, found at Grantchester and reburied.
    At the Reformation, all their shrines were destroyed and the incorrupt body parts dispersed. When her shrine at Ely Cathedral was destroyed, the saintly Queen Etheldreda’s hand was preserved by a devout Catholic family. The still incorrupt hand was enshrined, some 400 years later, when a little Catholic Church was re-established in Ely. An apocryphal story relates how the present Queen, on a tour of the cathedral, met the crusty Irish priest of the little Catholic Church. She asked him if it wouldn’t be a ‘nice gesture’ to return the hand of St Etheldreda to the cathedral; he replied that it would be a nice gesture for her to return the cathedral to the Catholic church.

    Saint Etheldreda (630 – 679)

    St. Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney (Cure’ of Ars) – Died in 1859 and was exhumed and found incorrupt in 1904. His body is on display above the main altar in the Basilica at Ars in France.
    St. John Mary Vianney was ordained a priest in 1815. Three years later he was made parish priest of Ars, a remote French hamlet, where his reputation as a confessor and director of souls made him known throughout the Christian world. His life was one of extreme mortification.

    Saint John Vianney (1786 1859)

    Rita of Cascia died on May 22, 1457. The incorrupt body of this “patron saint of hopeless cases” can be seen at the Basilica of St Rita in Cascia, Italy. It is also publicly known that her body has been seen in different positions in the glass case, as well as eyes have opened and closed unaided. Her symbol is the rose petal, which she shares with St Therese of Lisieux.Rita was beatified by pope Urban VIII in 1627 and canonized on May 24, 1900 by Pope Leo XIII.

    Rita of Cascia (1381 – 1457)

    Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463) – Also known as Catherine de Virgi. Feastday: March 9 – Patroness of Artist.
    In Lent of 1463, Catherine became seriously ill, and she died on March 9. Buried without a coffin, her body was exhumed eighteen days later because of cures attributed to her and also because of the sweet scent coming from her grave.
    Her body is later enshrined in the chapel of the Poor Clares at Bologna. The flesh has grown dark, but that may well have been because of the heat and soot of the candles that were burned for years around her exposed remains. In that shrine, her body is not recumbent but seated! This was in response, it is said, to a request she made of one of her sisters to whom she appeared in a vision in 1500. She was canonized in 1712 by Pope Benedict XIII.

    Saint Catherine of Bologna (1413 – 1463)

    Saint Francis Xavier; also known as Apostle to the Far East, was born as Francisco de Jasso y Azpilcueta, on April 7th, 1506 in the Castle of Xavier at Javier, near Sanguesa, in Navarre (Spain).
    His dream was evangelizing China, but this was never realized. He fell ill of a fever within te sight of Canton. They brought him to the island of Sancian, where he died after 2 weeks, on December 2, 1552, at age 46, without having reached mainland China. He was buried in Sancian island in a wooden coffin as they used to do in China.
    On December 11, 1553, Xavier’s body was shipped to Goa. Two layers of quicklime were added in order to accelerate the process of corruption, which would facilitate the transference of his bones. Two and a half months later, the coffin was unearthed. To the surprise of all present, after the lime had been removed, they found the body totally incorrupt, as if it were still alive. And a sweet fragrance is said to have issued from the coffin. After replacing the lime, the coffin was sailed to Malacca. On arrival it was opened and the body was still found to have the freshness of a living person. The body was then buried this time without a coffin.
    The body, having resisted extensive decay, is now in the Basilica of Bom Jésus in Goa, where it was placed in a glass container encased in a silver casket on December 2, 1637. Francis Xavier was beatified 25 October 1619 by Pope Paul V and canonized 12 March 1622 by Pope Gregory XV.
    His memorial is: 3 December

    Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552)

    Blessed Margaret of Castello; also known as: Margaret of Citta-di-Castello; Margaret of Metola.
    She died on April 13, 1320 at the age of 33. When she died, the townspeople thronged to her funeral and demanded that “the saint” be buried in a tomb inside the church. The priest protested, but when a crippled girl was miraculously cured at the funeral, the people had their way. More than 200 miracles have been credited to her intercession after her death.
    In 1558, her remains were transferred because her coffin was rotten. Her clothes were also rotten, but her body was preserved. She was beatified on October 19, 1609 by Pope Paul V and awaits canonization as a Saint. Thus the daughter that nobody wanted is one of the glories of the Church. God has given to us an illustration of how handicapped persons fit in with His eternal plan. Take courage, then, you who are handicapped. God loves you doubly! Till today the body of Blessed Margaret is still incorrupt.

    For the whole story, please see:

    With thanks to the webmaster of the Webpage “Avé Maria”, for his permission to use two pictures. Please see his page:

    Blessed Margaret of Castello (1287 – 1320)

    Teresa of Avila; also known as: Theresa of Avila; The Roving Nun; Teresa de Avila.

    Teresa of Avila was born as Teresa Ali Fatim Corella Sanchez de Capeda y Ahumada in Avila, Spain, on March 28, 1515. She was a daughter of Don Alonso Sanchez de Cepeda, a son of a Toledan merchant, and Doña Beatriz Davila y Ahumada, originally from Tordesillas.
    She died in 1582. Her body was exhumed several times after her death, and each time found sweet-smelling, firm, and incorrupt. Her heart, hands, right foot, right arm, left eye and part of her jaw are on display in various sites around the world.

    Saint Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582)

    Saint Catherine of Siëna; also known as Catharine of Siena – Memorial: 29 April; (formerly 30 April)

    Catherine died on April 29th in 1380 of a mysterious and painful illness that came on without notice, and was never properly diagnosed. She was Thirty-three years old. About fifty years after she died, her body was found to be incorrupt. Pope Pius II canonized Catherine in 1461. Her feast day is 29 April. In 1866 she became co-patron saint of Rome. Since 1939 she is the patron saint of Italy together with Francis of Assisi. Of all the spiritual stars, Catherine of Siena is one of the very greatest. Catherine is the only woman other than Saint Teresa of Avila, who was declared a Doctor of the Church on October 4, 1970 by pope Paul VI. Further she got the title co-patronship of Europe by John Paul II in 1999.

    Saint Catherine of Siëna (1347 – 1380)

    Saint John of God; also known as: Juan de Dios (Spanish); João de Deus (Portuguese)

    Saint John of God was born Juan Ciudad on March 8th, 1495 at Montemoro Novo, Evora, Portugal, of poor but very devout Christian parents. At the age of eight he left home and worked as a shepherd for a farmer, who was very pleased with him. John had an offer to marry the farmer’s daughter and become heir to the property; but he refused because he wanted to pursue a spiritual life.

    Before he died died on 8 March 1550 at Granada, Spain, his selfless dedication to the sick brought him to be known as “John of God”. By faithfully following his example, the Order of Brothers formed after the death of St.John of God has passed on John’s way of serving for those in need. It is called “Hospitality” and after five centuries it remains the charism of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God.

    In 1570 the fragrant body of the Saint was found entire, except for the tip of the nose. The relics are kept in a chest of beautiful wood in the Basilica of Saint John of God in Granada.

    Saint John of God (1495 – 1550)

    Saint Rose of Lima was born on April 20, 1586 at Lima, Peru, of a Spaniard, Gaspar de Flores, and Maria d’Olivia, as one of ten children. She received from baptisim the name of Isabel Flores de Oliva. At three months old Isabella was in her cradle as her mother and several other women were sitting around it there suddenly appeared in the air a beautiful rose; which gently touched the face of the baby and then vanished; and from that day on Maria called her Rose. Despite her family’s attempt to have her marry, Rose took a vow of virginity.

    She began to tell of visions, revelations, visitations and voices as they deplored her penitential practices more than ever. She took the name of Rose at her confirmation in 1597. She received Holy Communion daily, and was conferred the habit of the third order of Saint Dominic in 1606, at the age of 20. Rose increased the already extreme penances. She helped the sick and hungry around her community. She would bring them to her home and take care of them.

    She died August 25, 1617 at the age of 31. As she had requested, her body was burried in the cloister of St. Dominic’s church, where it was found in 1630 in a very good condition. The relics of the Saint are now conserved in two locations; in the Dominican Church of Santo Domingo. The rest of her relics are kept in the neighbourhoud in a small church, which was built on the ground where Rose lived. Many miracles followed her death. Each year the devout make a pilgrimage to the chapel in Santa Rosa de Quives where she lived and worshipped. Saint Rose of Lima was beatified April, 15, 1668 by Pope Clement IX and canonized April 2, 1671 by Pope Clement X. She is represented wearing a crown of roses.

    Saint Rose of Lima (1586 – 1617)

    Feastday: September 23

    Padre Pio said: “Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother.”
    Padre Pio was born in Pietralcina, Italy, on May 25, 1887. The 4th child of Grazio Maria Forgione and Maria Giuseppa De Nunzio, he was given the name Francesco, after a brother who died shortly after birth. From the time he was very young, it was his desire to join the Monks at the Monastery who “wore the beard”. His dream to join the Catholic Capuchin Order of Friars Minor was realized in 1903 when he was admitted at the Friary of Morcone in the Province of Foggia. In 1916, struggling with ill health, he transferred to the Friary of Our Lady of Grace in San Giovanni Rotondo and there he remained. This humble Capuchin Priest from San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, was blessed by God in many wonderful and mysterious ways. He became famous for his stigmata.

    Early in the morning of September 23, 1968, Padre Pio made his last confession and renewed his Franciscan vows. As was customary, he had his rosary in his hands, though he did not have the strength to say the Hail Marys aloud. Till the end, he repeated the words “Gesù, Maria” (Jesus, Mary). At around 2:30am, he said, “I see two mothers” (taken to mean his mother and Mary). At 2:30 a.m. he breathed his last in his cell in San Giovanni Rotondo with his last breath whispering, “Maria!”

    Pio, which is purported to be incorrupt. The body was exhumed in early March 2008 and since its exhumation has been viewed by over 7.000 pilgrims a day. As we can see from these shots, the body is obviously in a remarkable state of preservation. Take a look:

    Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (1887 – 1968)

    – Foundation Marypages –

    Our foundation has the objective to develop, expand and maintain the Marypages website to promote the Roman Catholic belief and especially the Devotion of Our Blessed Mother, Mary.
    With your financial support you will make this possible.
    Marypages can only survive with your help!
    You can become a donator of our foundation by donating at least 20 Euro per year. We will then offer you:


    Our Newsletter (4 times a year)

    A Miraculous Medal with explanation of its design

    If your donation is 50 Euro or higher, then you will also receive a beautiful light blue rosary from Lourdes.

    Any extra income generated will be donated to compassionate projects with a Catholic basis. We are registered at the Chamber of Commerce Flevoland under number 39100629.

    To make a donation, please click the button below.
    God bless you.



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    Copyright © 2

  155. So what no ? You have bared me from your site.Ok

  156. Better to delete unnecessary comments to have peace in these pages.Marianne means Mary+Anne =Mother of Jesus + Grand Mother of Jesus.I do not know about Marianne ,her Parents may be Catholics.Many people are writing to this site ,number of pages are updating and best site ,I found considering the end times for knowledge sharing.Muslims are also writing to Mahdi & Dajal pages.
    Muslims say that they are awaiting for Mahdi and Dajal and their churches(Mosques) are educating about this.Christians are also telling the 2nd coming of Jesus(Jesuscalls in India).Marianne also says to repent and turn away from sins.But In Cathlic churches, no special preparation for this. ROSA why is it? Why Fatima,Garbandal/Medjugorje has no value in Caholic Church?
    Why cannot we do something?

    • hi Sunimal

      My mother wanted me to have 3 names. Mary + Anne + Elizabeth. Elizabeth is my middle name. She put Mary + Anne together to make my first name. When she gave me the names of 3 holy women, she was praying the best for me. 🙂

      My parents were Catholics, so I understand the religion well, and understand the feelings of Catholics, as they try to get closer to God.

  157. Catholic prophecy

    There are hundreds of “end time” prophecies recorded by seers and mystics of the Catholic church. These prophecies do not necessarily have official approval of the Catholic church, but what is relevant and significant is this: many people know about, study and believe these prophecies. After outlining what these prophecies predict, we will see why belief in these prophecies may prove to be very significant as end time events unfold.

    Yves Dupont, in his book Catholic Prophecy (TAN Books and Publishers, Inc), has collected and organized some of the Catholic prophecies. He presents the following sequence of major events:

    1. The Catholic church suffers the “Chastisement.” Yves Dupont quotes a 17th century Catholic, Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, for a description:

    The fifth period is one of affliction, desolation, humiliation and poverty for the [Catholic] Church. Jesus Christ will purify His people through cruel wars, famines, plague epidemics, and other horrible calamities. He will also afflict the Latin Church with many heresies. It is a period of defections, calamities and extermination. Those Christians [Catholics] who survive the sword, plague and famines will be few on earth. Nations will fight against nations, and will be decimated by internecine dissensions.

    During the fifth period, we see only calamities and devastation; oppression of Catholics by tyrants and heretics; executions of kings, and conspiracies to set up republics…

    Yves Dupont quotes John of the Cleft Rock (14th century) and Jeanne le Royer (18th century) for additional descriptions:

    Towards the end of the world, tyrants and hostile mobs will rob the Church and the clergy of all their possessions and will afflict and martyr them. Those who heap the most abuse upon them will be held in high esteem.

    At that time, the Pope with his cardinals will have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where they will be unknown. The Pope will die a cruel death in his exile. The sufferings of the Church will be much greater than at any previous time in her history. (John of the Cleft Rock)

    I saw a great power rise up against the church. It plundered, devastated, and threw into confusion and disorder the vine of the Lord, having it trampled underfoot by the people and holding it up to ridicule by all nations. Having vilified celibacy and oppressed the priesthood, it had the effrontery to confiscate the Church’s property and to arrogate to itself the powers of the Holy Father, whose person and laws it held in contempt. (Jeanne le Royer)

    2. The Chastisement of the fifth period is followed by sudden revival and supremacy for the Catholic church. A “Great Monarch” or “Great King” will rule the world, assisted by a pope. Here is Holzhauser’s prophecy:

    But, by the Hand of God Almighty, there occurs so wondrous a change during the sixth period that no one can humanly visualize it.

    The powerful Monarch, who will be sent by God, will uproot every republic. He will submit everything to his authority, and he will show great zeal for the true Church of Christ. The empire of the Mohammedans will be broken up, and this Monarch will reign in the East as well as in the West. All nations will come to worship God in the true Catholic and Roman faith. There will be many Saints and Doctors (of the Church) on earth. Peace will reign over the whole earth because God will bind Satan for a number of years until the days of the Son of Perdition. No one will be able to pervert the word of God since, during the sixth period, there will be an ecumenic council which will be the greatest of all councils. By the grace of God, by the power of the Great Monarch, by the authority of the Holy Pontiff, and by the union of all the most devout princes, atheism and every heresy will be banished from the earth. The Council will define the true sense of Holy Scripture, and this will be believed and accepted by everyone.

    He will rule supreme in temporal matters. The Pope will rule supreme in spiritual matters at the same time. Persecution [against the Catholic Church] will cease and justice shall reign. He will root out false doctrines. His dominion will extend from East to West. All nations will adore God their Lord according to Catholic teaching. People will love justice, and peace will reign over the whole earth, for Divine Power will bind Satan for many years until the coming of the Son of Perdition.

    Yves Dupont quotes Anna-Maria Taigi (19th century) for this description of the pope that reigns with the Great Monarch:

    Christianity, then, will spread throughout the world. He is the Holy Pontiff, chosen by God to withstand the storm. At the end, he will have the gift of miracles, and his name will be praised over the whole earth.

    Whole nations will come back to the [Catholic] Church and the face of the earth will be renewed. Russia, England and China will come into the Church.

    And another quote from John of the Cleft Rock:

    But God will raise a holy Pope, and the Angels will rejoice. Enlightened by God, this man will rebuild almost the whole world through his holiness. He will lead everyone to the true Faith. Everywhere, the fear of God, virtue, and good morals will prevail. He will lead all erring sheep back to the fold, and there shall be one faith, one law, one rule of life, and one baptism on earth. All men will love each other and do good, and all quarrels and wars will cease.

    3. “Antichrist” arrives and ends the reign of the Great Monarch and the pope. Holzhauser states:

    The sixth period of the Church will begin with the powerful Monarch and the Holy Pontiff, as mentioned previously, and it will last until the revelation of Antichrist.

    Yves Dupont summarizes saying:

    At the end of this glorious reign Antichrist will come. He will be accepted by the Jewish nation as their messiah and king and will control the whole earth.

    Now we need to reconcile Bible prophecy with the Catholic prophecies. First, take note of the dramatic change Holzhauser predicts between the fifth and sixth periods of the Catholic church. The Catholic church goes from the “affliction, desolation, humiliation and poverty” of the fifth period through a “wondrous” change into the sixth period, when “all nations will come to worship God in the true Catholic and Roman faith.”

    What would move the whole world to such a dramatic turnaround in attitude toward Catholicism? Could it be the “sixth seal” events we previously studied in Revelation and Matthew… the great meteor shower, the darkening of the sun and moon, and the appearance of the “sign of the Son of Man” in the “clouds of heaven”? We have already seen how these events apparently “shortened” the “great tribulation” in Matthew 24. Raging wars and chaos are brought to a halt when mankind witnesses awesome astronomical events and realizes that God is real and is intervening in human affairs. From that time forward the attitude has changed… all mankind will look for Christ’s predicted arrival on earth… but a great deception is about to take place! Do you remember the warning Jesus gave after He spoke of the shortening of the great tribulation? Here it is again:

    And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. 23. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25. Behold, I have told you before. 26. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matt 24:22-27)

    It appears that many – except for the “very elect” – will be deceived into following a false Christ and false prophet after the heavenly signs cut short the “great tribulation.” We have seen from Bible prophecy that this false Christ or Antichrist is Daniel’s “little horn… speaking great things.” It is the final world-ruling “beast” in power before the actual return of Christ. We have already seen Daniel’s description: “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints [true Christians], and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Daniel 7:7,8). This is eerily similar to the “Great Monarch” of Holzhauser’s prophecy, who will “rule supreme in temporal matters” and by whom “every heresy will be banished from the earth.” And the “Holy Pontiff” with “the gift of miracles” (Taigi) that rules with the Great Monarch is eerily similar to the false prophet of Revelation 13:13-15:

    he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast… and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed

    We have seen how the Bible’s Antichrist and false prophet seem to correspond to the Catholic Great Monarch and Holy Pontiff. Can we also establish a correlation between Bible prophecy and Holzhauser’s previous “fifth period” of “affliction, desolation, humiliation and poverty” for the Catholic church? Yes we can: there is a prophecy in Revelation which clearly shows that the “ten horns” – in power before the Antichrist “little horn” appears – will hate a symbolic “whore” and expose its faults, confiscate its property and subject it to legal trials and convictions. Here is the prophecy:

    And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. (Revelation 17:16)

    A “woman” in Bible prophecy is often used to symbolize a church. The “whore” is the church “With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication,” as defined in Revelation 17:2. Anyone familiar with European history can identify this church: it has a long history of consortiums with temporal powers. It has used this “fornication” to gain power, credibility and eminence in the eyes of the people, making them “drunk” or deceived. It is the same church which professes worship of God and Jesus, yet practices brazen disobedience to even the simplest of Jesus’ commands: “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven” (Matthew 23:9).

    In our study of Daniel’s prophecy we saw that the “ten horns” world power will apparently be the next major world power to appear. Will Europe’s current struggles to achieve unity finally result in a union of ten nations? Will the Catholic church’s present embarrassments – including sex crimes, financial scandals and accusations of anti-Semitism – grow into a grand fiasco of public humiliation and condemnation, particularly at the hands of the unified ten nations? We need to be mindful of these prophecies as the future unfolds.

    Bible prophecy has showed us that the reign of the Antichrist “beast” or “little horn” and false prophet will end, after about three and a half years, with the return of Christ (Daniel 7, Revelation 19). The beast and false prophet are to gather their armies at Armageddon (a few miles northwest of Jerusalem) in preparation for their attempt to defeat Christ (see Rev. 16:12-16) as He returns to Jerusalem. But according to Catholic prophecy the reign of the Monarch and Holy Pontiff ends with the arrival of Antichrist. Could it be none other than the Great Monarch and Holy Pontiff who gather their armies – in an attempt to defeat what they believe to be the arriving Antichrist – as per Catholic prophecy? But in fact they are attempting to defeat Christ, and are destroyed (Revelation 19). They and their followers will have failed to seek God and the truth during this, “the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Rev. 3:10).

    Now we can better appreciate the important role these Catholic prophecies might play in future events. Millions – the whole world – may view Catholic prophecy as fulfilled and validated during the Chastisement, and again during the reign of the Great Monarch. It would then be easy for them to believe that Antichrist comes next, not realizing or admitting that they are already following the Antichrist. Truly the beast and false prophet – the Great Monarch and Holy Pontiff – will be tools of the Devil, “which deceiveth the whole world” (Rev. 12:9) until Christ returns.



    other pages in this web:
    A Few Words About Prophecy
    Daniel’s Prophecy About World Powers
    The Revelation: Signs of Our Times
    Jesus’ Prophecy: Signs and Warnings
    Bible Prophecy Summary
    What Does God Want From Us?
    What Does God Promise Us?
    What is Salvation?
    Where is God? What is God’s Plan?
    about and Links

    • “the whole world – may view Catholic prophecy as fulfilled and validated during the Chastisement, and again during the reign of the Great Monarch. It would then be easy for them to believe that Antichrist comes next, not realizing or admitting that they are already following the Antichrist. Truly the beast and false prophet – the Great Monarch and Holy Pontiff – will be tools of the Devil, “which deceiveth the whole world” (Rev. 12:9) until Christ returns.”

      *”Not realizing or admitting that they are already following the Antichrist.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  158. Please ignore this post.i did not noticed until it was to late that the author was accusing the Catholic church once again of being the harlot of the bible I would never dare to insult our faith ,The evil one is always trying to put his foot into our lives .one must always read before posting and that was my mistake.
    please ignore it
    Thanks Rosa

    • Rosa,

      I know you are truly passionate about the Pope and Mary and Catholicism as a whole. My heart genuinely goes out to you for when the truth is revealed (I pray that you will “see” it-the truth). It sounds as if you have put your entire life into the Catholic Church. And when the TRUTH is revealed, your heart will surely break and if I don’t get the chance to say this to you at that moment-I am truly truly sorry…PLEASE don’t put your life or faith into the Catholic church-PLEASE put your life and your faith in Jesus Christ ONLY. He will NEVER fail you or forsake you!


    May 30, 1994

    Yahweh, my Good Father,
    my soul yearns to live in Your House,
    O listen to my appeal!
    You who freed me to set me at large
    to display Your Holy Name to multiple nations
    and extol You with praises,
    tell me, my Good Father,
    tell me, when will I hide in the shadow of Your Wings?

    Have pity on me, the sinner,
    for I am a constant wretch,
    but by Your saving power,
    I know and I believe, You can lift me up.
    I promise that, ever hopeful,
    I will honour Your Name more and more,
    and my lips shall speak of Your marvels.

    O Father,
    as the heavens and earth acclaim You,
    for myself, come,
    in Your loving kindness, come,
    in Your great tenderness, come;
    come and make us one, Yahweh.
    Yahweh, why do You wait so long?
    Come now and heal our broken hearts.

    daughter, I love you; I will make you all one; see? and I will assemble you from far and wide and from every roadway, at the favourable time I will call; come near Me, My child, 1 and listen to this: from the beginning I have been watching you; I have been speaking, but the passions of the world are increasing and the guilt of this generation will come crashing down when I will come and purge the nations, then they will lift their heads and will look for My Spirit that will lead them into the full knowledge of the truth;

    this is why, daughter, you must intercede for the East and the West to meet and join their heart into one; this should be done before the Enemy subdues My Law and fertilises My Sanctuary with human doctrines and regulations;

    but it has been said that as there were false prophets in the past history among you, so you too will have your false teachers, who will insinuate their own disruptive views and disown the divinity of My Son, Jesus Christ; these false teachers intellectualise the Good News that had been given to you in all their richness;

    I tell you solemnly: beware of the Deceiver; the Deceiver will bring a different doctrine and will distort My Word and the Tradition that were passed on to you; so I am telling you, do not imitate the deceiver; from all that I have been writing to you, generation, using My instrument’s hand, heart and soul, do not be afraid from these deceivers, they are not gods and I am in every faithful heart; I will unleash a torrential rain of fire on this earth to burn her crimes, but I will rescue My people;


    1 Here, Yahweh sounded very much like a tender father.



    June 3, 1993


    I Am; unload your burden onto Me, My child ….

    My ears are getting sick at the howling of the wicked, their malicious tongue is inventing lie upon lie about me.

    your false accusers will have to face Me one day …. I am on your side, have you not noticed? all their accusations will drain away like water running to waste! rise! rise and lay your hands on the sick and I will heal them; speak! and the utterance of My Words in your mouth will make their spirit fall in My embrace; 1 lean on Me, I have given you My Peace, so abide in this Peace; do not fear now …. behold,

    I am the Resurrection

    but the prince of this world is Death; accuse not your persecutors so that I will not judge you too in the Day of Judgement; soul-of-My-Passion, I, the Lord, am showing you the steps I have taken for My Passion; since you are serving Me, you must follow Me; what do you want Me to say: “follow Me but not in My Footprints?” this cannot be, whoever serves Me will follow My Blood-stained Footprints …. it is through My Finger that you raise the dead; 2 those who still do not see My wonders are those that My Kingdom has overtaken3 them;

    My friend, My little friend, look how much Celestial Manna I have been feeding you with; and I, your God, will keep on nourishing you; no man will push away My Hand from your mouth; I will be your Strength to fulfil My Plan through your frailty; I am preparing you all for My Kingdom; write:

    the world today rejects Our Two Hearts, the Heart of your Holy Mother and My Sacred Heart; the times you are living in now are times of Mercy; I have already explained to you4 what will follow when the sixth seal will be broken; and now hear Me and write:

    just after Our Two Hearts have accomplished the witnessing, 5 I will break the seventh seal and upon this, there will be an awed silence6 …. in this silence the people of the world would think they triumphed over Our Two Hearts, and they will rejoice7 and celebrate the event, because they would believe they got rid of Our Two Hearts witnessing through Our mouthpieces, since what they witnessed had become a plague in their ears and a plague to their interests and their evil intentions;

    then, suddenly this silence will be broken with the coming of My Day, and woe to the unclean! woe to the unrepentant, their corpses will litter this desert, this desert they themselves laid out; My angel then will fill the censer he has been holding in front of My Throne and the altar, with Fire he will throw down on to the earth; 8 and while everybody will be watching, a violent earthquake will come, and the elements of the earth will catch fire and fall apart; 9 many will take to the mountains to hide in caves, 10 and among the rocks, they would call out to Me but I will not listen, they will provoke Me and blaspheme My Holy Name and say to the mountains and rocks, “fall on us and hide us away from the One who sits on the Throne and from the anger of the Lamb”11 , for My Day will come and who can survive it? and the survivors will fall on their knees, overcome with fear and will only praise Me their God12 …. then, the New Heavens and the New Earth13 will come upon you; the kingdom14 of the world will become My Kingdom and I will reign in every heart; the world15 of the past will be gone; soul, My reign will begin in your days;


    1 Slain in the Spirit. (It happened several times in meetings.)
    2 Spiritually; conversions.
    3 Passed them by.
    4 Look at message of February 18, 1993.
    5 I believe it means when the time is ready for the Day of the Lord. Rv. 11:7.
    6 Rv. 8:1.
    7 Rv. 11:10.
    8 Rv. 8:5.
    9 2 P. 3:12.
    10 Rv. 6:15.
    11 Rv. 6:16.
    12 Rv. 11:13.
    13 Rv. 21:1.
    14 Rv. 11:15.
    15 Rv. 21:4.


  161. Rosa;

    Listen to this Greek Jew. He’s brand new to me.

    James Jacob Prasch is Director of Moriel Ministries.

    Jacob was born near New York City in the USA where he became a Christian while studying science in university in February of 1972, after trying to disprove the Bible with science, history, and archaeology. He found so much evidence in support of the claims of Jesus and the Bible that it required more faith to reject it than to believe it.

    Already frustrated by the failures of the hippie generation to build a better world, disillusioned by the Marxism to which he subscribed, and with the drug culture that claimed the lives of some of his friends and nearly his own, he put his faith in Jesus.

    Jacob’s family is a combination of Roman Catholic and Jewish. (In his youth he was forced to attend a Catholic school, but also attended the Jewish Community Center.) Jacob’s wife Pavia, also from a science background, is a Romanian-born Israeli Jewish believer who is the daughter of holocaust survivors. Pavia was an atheist and Jacob was an agnostic. After coming to faith both switched from study in scientific fields to theological fields in Israel and in Britain. They have two children both born in Galilee.

    Jacob is a Hebrew-speaking evangelist to the Jews and a Bible teacher elaborating on the original Judeo-Christian background and hermeneutics of the New Testament, and his emphasis is on church planting and missions. He and Moriel have also been a conservative voice for biblically-based discernment among moderate Pentecostals and Charismatics opposed to the seductions of the ecumenism, money oriented preaching and hype artistry, “charismania” and psycho-babble prevalent in today’s church.

    Jacob and Moriel are committed to the conviction that we are in the Last Days approaching the return of Christ and that contemporary events in the Middle East, the moral deterioration of society, the destruction of the environment, the globalization of the world economy, the rise of a pseudo-democratic federal Europe and, above all, the apostasy in the contemporary church, are all events of prophetic significance eschatologically.

  162. This must be the official site for faith and doctrines of the Catholic Church. Rosa will like this.

    But she might not like what it was linked to:

  163. …‘I am Semitic. It’s my lineage, I’m from the house of David and Abraham,’ Caviezel said.” (National Catholic Reporter, 3/19/04)

    “Caviezel: [Mel Gibson] wanted to make this film very Semitic. Instead of having an Aryan, blue-eyed Jesus, he wanted to have a very Semitic Jesus. Our faith is grounded in our Jewish tradition. We believe we’re from the House of David. We believe we’re from the House of Abraham, so we cannot hate our own…” (Newsweek, 2/15/04)

    “In an interview with Senior Writer Sean Smith in the February 16 issue of Newsweek… Caviezel says Jewish leaders have ‘every right’ to defend their faith. ‘But I believe that when all my Jewish brothers see this film, they will realize that it’s not about assigning blame.’”

    Jim Caviezel: “…I want my Jewish brothers to see this film.” (700 Club)

    Jim Caviezel Talks About Playing Christ in ‘The Passion’
    By Shannon Woodland and Scott Ross
    The 700 Club – Jim Caviezel is a respectable actor with a respectable career. The Count of Monte Cristo, The Thin Red Line, Pay It Forward, and Angel Eyes are just a few of his films. But one of his most recent roles may jeopardize his respectability — Jim plays Jesus in Mel Gibson’s controversial film, The Passion of The Christ.

    In an interview with CBN’s Scott Ross, Caviezel went to great depths to help people understand what it means to play the crucified Savior.

    SCOTT ROSS: How old were you when you played in the film?

    JIM CAVIEZEL: It is interesting. The day after I accepted the role, I got a phone call from Mel. He said, ‘Hi, this is Mel.’ ‘Mel who?’ For some reason, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise — that’s how I know them. I don’t know them by just first name. He said, ‘Hey, Jim, this is Mel.’ He started talking about this movie and started talking me out of the role.

  164. I heard James Dobson was taken off of Calvary Chapel’s Radio Station kVVE and David Hocking mentioned and defended him at the

    I guess David Hocking was getting some flack about James Dobson from some of those attending.

    Why not defend him? He was defended by Calvary Chapel back in the 1990’s for his indiscretions.

    Mel Gibson vs. “The Jews”
    The “Mad Max” and “Braveheart” star says his new Jesus biopic “The Passion” could never be anti-Semitic because it’s historically correct — a dumb, and dangerous, claim to make.

    Another review attributed to Danae Dobson, the daughter of Dr. James Dobson, reiterates the producer’s false statement about the end of Jesus’ earthly life:

    “A couple months ago, I had the unique privilege of accompanying my family to Mel Gibson’s studio to see a private screening of his film, ‘The Passion’. Many of you have probably heard about this portrayal of the last 12 hours in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. I can say that ‘The Passion’ is the most beautiful, profound, accurate, disturbing, realistic, and bloody depiction of this story that I have ever seen! It is truly amazing, and it left all of us speechless for a few minutes when it was over. Mr. Gibson entered the room during the last ten minutes of the screening, and stayed for an hour to discuss the content and to answer questions. He’s hoping that my dad and Focus on the Family will help promote it, and my dad has (without question!) agreed to do so.”

    It has been alleged that this review was plagiarized from a nearly identical review by syndicated columnist, Cal Thomas; however, Focus on the Family is committed to promoting the Mel Gibson movie and, to our knowledge, has not repudiated the review attributed to Danae. In any event, both reviews include another statement that is provably untrue: “The film is an intense two hours. It uses unknown actors, which keeps the focus on the message.”


    Fr. Mario Knezovic: How did you hear about Medjugorje and what does Medjugorje signify for you?

    Jim Caviezel: I first heard about Medjugorje in 5th – 6th grade. They said that it was like the apparitions of Fatima, Guadeloupe, Lourdes, and they quickly said that the bishop said that it was false, so – as obedient catholic – I accepted what hey were saying. Many years later, I met my wife, we got married, and after a few years she went to Medjugorje. While she was there, I was filming “The Count of Monte Cristo” in Ireland. She called me to Ireland, I felt that there was a change in her voice, but I wrote it off very quickly, thinking: “That’s good for you, dear, who am I to take away from your spiritual experience?” She said that Ivan Dragicevic was coming to Ireland… I met with him a couple of times, and during an apparition, I felt a physical presence. Ivan told me two things that really hit me: “Jim, man always makes time for what he loves”, and “The reason man does not make time for God is that he does not love God”. Then, he talked to me about praying from the heart. That became like a beginning of a mission for me – to always pray from my heart.

    Kerri Caviezel: I was in seventh grade and our priest showed us a film of the children during an apparition. We were told that it was true. We were from a mixed catholic community – mostly Croatians and Italians. My grandmother is a 100% Croatian. It didn’t seem hard to believe. I took me 15 years to come. When I came, I knew immediately – from what I was feeling in my heart – that it was real. I haven’t seen signs or anything, but – I have been a Catholic for my whole life and I had never felt in confession as I felt when I was here. It was a tremendous healing.

  166. You got to be kidding. Porn stars in the movie:

    “The Passion” ???????????????????????????????????

    The actors in this film may be unknown to American Christians who never darken the door of a movie theater, or frequent pornography websites, but they are quite well-known to the rest of the Western world which does. In fact, to say that the actors and actresses who perform in “The Passion” are well-known is an enormous understatement. Three of the actresses who have key roles in this film are not only internationally renowned actresses, they are hardcore pornography stars! Monica Bellucci, who plays Mary Magdalene in Gibson’s “Passion” movie, is quite the rage as a European porn queen as well as “one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood” (according to one fan site). Monica Bellucci is no ordinary porn star, but performs in hardcore films such as the 2002 production, Irreversible. “Premiered at last years Cannes Film Festival, ‘Irreversible’ proved so shocking that 250 people walked out, some needing medical attention…

  167. Kitti,

    First, What is your point in all of these videos, links, posted articles etc…..are you for or against the Jews? Sounds more like you are AGAINST them! AND it appears that you enjoy spreading GOSSIP more then the GOSPEL!

    Secondly, I thought only Catholics were allowed on this site? My apologies to Marianne for my recent posts and this one! I just realized which site I was on and remembered your asking us to stay off of here. So Kitti, are you Catholic? then why are you still on here?

    Third, your truly not making any sense with all your videos posted here and there and everywhere along with your links BECAUSE your not giving an introduction as to what it is. It may make sense to you, but its not making a bit of sense to us. Just give an intro-explain what the video is, why your posting it and how it relates to the topic of the page. You would do this if you really want others to read your links/articles and view your videos, otherwise, I, personally, skip over them because 1) there are TOO MANY of them and 2) TOO LONG and 3) have no idea as to your reason for posting them.

    Also, Marianne has asked you several times NOT to post so many videos BECAUSE it slows down the time it takes to upload the page. When your posting a video that has 5 parts to it-there is no need to post ALL 5, Just post the 1st one and then we will be guided to the second one on You Tube.

    This has truly been of much frustration. I really don’t know what else to say, because it has been said and requested several times before. At this point, all that i have learned about you and what you have posted is that you like to gossip; you are anti-semitic in that you think the modern day Jews are a deception of some kind (conspiracy theory) and not to be trusted…??? and now your going on about the movie, the Passion, put out 6 years ago…talking about porn stars being in the movie and OH MY! So are you FOR OR AGAINST THE MOVIE-then just say so…!

  168. Do we get a response Marianne? Am I gossiping or being a Watchman? I don’t have to interpret anything to anyone, they can figure it out for themselves. You haven’t learned how to connect the dots. It sounds to me like you are super spiritual on this blog. You have posted so many entries. You don’t give anyone else a chance. Are you showing how much you know in the Bible? (I don’t really thing that. Maybe I thought it, but I don’t think so) Are you an Abigail and a gossip?

    I’m not labeling you, until now.

    Beware of “The New Evangelicals”

    • You are gossiping, yes.
      And Watchman? for what?
      and ok, lets get out our Mission impossible night glasses on so that we can track down the clues that Kitti has posted…give me a break!

      I don’t think I am super spiritual and if you feel this way then I have certainly provoked you to jealousy! If me having the baptism of the Holy Spirit makes you think that I am super spiritual then a) you have no clue as to what the baptism is and b) you definitely need to find out and I hope you do!

      And I thought this was a blog for everyone-to post as many times as they wish…correct? I say what I mean and mean what I say-I don’t need to throw “dots” out there for people to “connect”-Just say it! Jesus will return before anyone is able to decipher your codes!!!!!

    • Kitti said: It sounds to me like you are super spiritual on this blog. You have posted so many entries. You don’t give anyone else a chance. Are you showing how much you know in the Bible?

      I thought about this. I really don’t know how i would come across super spiritual. I don’t see myself as super anything. I would easily say that I would be considered “the least of these” or perhaps the “least expected”. As far as “showing how much you know the Bible”…this is actually funny because MOST of the time, the Holy Spirit is the one who brings these scriptures up. Last night, He gave me a scripture to give to Nigel. On my own, I wouldn’t be able to remember these scriptures-2 years ago was my horse accident which resulted in a mild traumatic brain injury, amnesia and short term memory loss (I have recovered quickly according to physicians). Despite the fact that I was NOT supposed to even survive the accident, period, according to Medical Explanation, but to be able to remember scripture is no less than a miracle in and of itself and PROVES just who the Holy Spirit is! AND most importantly, I firmly believe that if I had not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the HS dwelling inside of me (the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and giving the ability to speak in another language) that I would most certainly NOT be here today to even write these posts! If there is anything “brilliantly” said or written, I can honestly say it did NOT come from me-but indeed came from the HS. I do realize that there are some who will not understand what I am talking about and I do have to remember how I felt before I received this baptism and how it frightened me. But at the same time, I was curious and being directed to the scriptures for my answers, I found out who the HS was and why we needed Him. This is why I am so passionate about telling others about HIM. When I talk about my personal experiences involving the Holy Spirit, it truly is NOT to say “hey look at me”…My motive is to get others to LOOK AT HIM and to also receive HIM as I have. WE absolutely without a doubt will NEED THE HOLY SPIRIT in these last days. I could literally write a book at this point as to all the times that HS protected me and my family from danger! How He healed me completely on several occasions. He even gives directions! LOL…I told Marianne about that one..He is just truly amazing! And so, my point is this Kitti, why don’t you get to know the HS and what He is all about and then before you know it, someone will say to you “Are you showing how much you know in the Bible?” LOL

  169. Do you know amy Jews, Lyndsey. Don’t call me anti-semitic. I already told you, Arabs are semites too.

    • Do I have to know a JEW in order to like or dislike them?! YES, I do! The provider for my sister is JEWISH Family Services!!!! But truly, does one really HAVE to PERSONALLY KNOW a JEW to decide if they like them or not? That is stupid! I love the Jewish People if ONLY because they are G-D’s CHOSEN PEOPLE-and Jesus IS JEWISH! If your in love with someone Kitti, you want to know everything there is to know about that person, who they are, who their people are if they are of a different faith or ethnic background. I am IN LOVE with Jesus Christ/Yeshua and JEWISH is WHO HE IS along with being the SON OF THE MOST HIGH G-d of ISRAEL! He is the the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! (all jews all the time)

      So get over your conspiracy theories regarding the Jews and any hidden agendas, deception and ANTI-JEW propaganda blah blah blah-

      G-D CLEARLY says, “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you”

      And at this moment, I completely understand where Rosa is coming from! G-D love ya Rosa!

  170. Most Christians romanticize “Israel” and “The Chosen People” and the “Jews” know it. I think you do have to know them personally. I’ve been called fanatical by my family, because when I get into something I go all the way. I know what I am talking about. Lyndsey 816 Israel contacts are viewing what’s being written here. Have you noticed the Vistior location up above. Have you ever thought of that? I don’t have anything to hide. I’m an open book.

    • If you don’t have anything to hide then why are you writing in code; then why do we have to connect the dots? Just because 816 people are viewing or have viewed from Israel doesn’t make it a conspiracy. We have 1 person from Cuba, is that Fidel Castro? and then 9 from Madagascar…could it be that Alex and Marty are viewing us? lOL

      Seriously Kitti, what are you talking about? The least you could do is send me a personal email-NOT in CODE and tell me plainly what this is all about?!

    • So I guess I am romanticizing Jesus too? right? according to your statement above..

  171. Kitti and lyndsey

    I think Kittis point with the recent comments was that Gibson used porn actors to film his movie. I find this strange. The movie was good, but this casts a shadow on its value. I am not sure what the “Jewish debate” is at the moment.

  172. Kitti and lyndsey

    I think Kitti’s point with the recent comments was that Gibson used porn actors to film his movie. I find this strange. The movie was good, but this casts a shadow on its value. I am not sure what the “Jewish debate” is at the moment.

    • My thoughts on Gibson-hopefully he will log on one day and defend himself-but for now, it is my understanding that he has admitted to having bi-polar. My understanding of bi-polar is that those who have this are very intelligent and although they sway from “one pole to the next” in regards to their moods, their creative abilities increase tremendously during the Mania. With that said, I can see where Gibson was most likely thinking, hey, who better to play Mary Magdelene then someone who is considered by the world to be “like her”. That was actually brilliant for him to do that and Kitti’s response to this was also of the same response by those who were stoning her -Mary-before Jesus showed up and said “he who is without sin throw the first stone”…well there you go! After hearing about Monica Bellucci, I wondered if this role changed her life in any way…I haven’t found anything yet.

      Regarding the Jewish Debate, Kitti has stated that we have to “connect the dots”. I have asked repeatedly for her to please just say what it is that she has to say, but she hasn’t. Most of the links and videos that she posts have Anti-Jew themes to them.

  173. Hi marianne, I have followed Fatma a little bit, but I am not sure were you got these details about the end times. The only thing that has been released is the shooting of the pope. Where did you get these details? The earth shaking for 8 hours. Darkness for 3 days? I am just curious, so that I can go and read more about it.
    Thanks for the website.

  174. No that is not correct. The only thing that the Vatican has chosen to release was not the Third Secret of Fatima but some kind of cover up for the real secret .I obtained one of the copies from My church .St. Helen,s church on Dundas & Dufferin Toronto Ontario on about the year 1993 .It was given to us the Portuuese people by His Eminence the the Bishop of Leiria and it is exactly as I have posted minus as a few spelling errors other than that it is the one and only Third Secret of Fatima. All is true in it and all will be happening as stated in the secret .As for the precise time and hour no one but God knows .

  175. Marianne;

    Are we still banned from posting comments here? Isn’t that a little silly? I was surfing the web today (It’s my day off) and Kelley McGinley’s web site is so vast. I forgot to ask you what you thought of the Pope visiting England for the first time on the eve of “Yom Kippur” . I wouldn’t even know about it, (since I don’t watch TV anymore) except I caught it in a patient’s room when I was working. I think it’s significant. I’m surprised no one brought it up. Since we’re all interested in the Jewish Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The first ever papal state visit to the United Kingdom is running into yet more problems. And this time, it’s the Jews who are offended.

    Pope Benedict XVI’s meticulously planned, four day visit to the UK this coming September will include such activities as a meeting with the Queen, a massive open air prayer event, a beatification ceremony for Cardinal Newman in Birmingham, and a historic address before the British parliament– which will take place on the eve of Yom Kippur.”

    The Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, will be unable to attend the historic address at Westminster Hall before an expected audience of 1,800.
    Instead, he will be present at a lecture due to be given by the Pope to around 100 interfaith leaders at St Mary’s University in London in the morning on the same day.
    A spokesman for Lord Sacks said that the Chief Rabbi “looks forward to welcoming his Holiness on behalf of the Jewish community” at the interfaith event.

    “The timing of his address to both Houses of Parliament on the eve of Yom Kippur will prevent the Chief Rabbi and some Jewish MPs and peers from attending.

    • hi Kittii

      You are not banned from posting here.

      Earlier, I may have asked people not to post, if they were going to engage in personal attacks against Catholics. I would consider that counterproductive, since many love Jesus,and are devoted to him.

      That would have been a general notice, and not to any one in particular.

  176. So what do you say now that the Pope visit to England was a smashing success?

  177. JUDAS

    November 11, 1990


    I am; rest in Me; all Heaven is full of joy, this is what you call the beatitude in its plenitude;

    daughter, if souls only knew how wonderful it is to live in God, no one would be lost so easily; unless they chose to be lost like Judas; he chose the way to perdition, not that My Heart did not melt with sorrow every time I saw him take one further step away from Me; not that I had not prayed for him; not that I had not cried My Eyes out for him; I had opened so many ways for him to take, all leading to Me, but no sooner had he started one than he came out of it when he would realise I had laid it for him, for to sin he added rebellion, heaping abuses in his heart for Me, his God, when he realised that My Kingdom was not an earthly kingdom in earthly glory; he shut his heart and cut out our bonds and estranged himself immediately from Me; his sense of what is righteous or not was darkened and obeyed the ruler who governs the air;

    today I am asking the sick like I asked the sick man at the pool of Bethzatha, 1 “do you want to be well again?” I can heal you instantly, and all Heaven shall rejoice and celebrate! My gift is free, so come to Me as you are; I shall heal you, soul, so that you can share My Kingdom and live in Me your God;


    1 Jn. 5:1-9.


  178. Rosa: “All Roads lead to Rome”

    In response to:

    Rosa said this on September 29, 2010 at 12:28 am | Reply

    It was a smashing success for the coming “One World Religion” and the Eucumenical Apostate movement.

    I guess this already took place:

    Cantor Susan Caro, a resident of Thousand Oaks, Cantor at Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles and the President of the American Conference of Cantors, will join 19 of her colleagues to present for the first time a concert of Jewish music at the Basilica of Santa Marie degli Angeli e dei Martiri in Rome, before Pope Benedict XVI and other Vatican leaders. The event will utilize music toward greater understanding among Catholics and Jews as part of the second conference on Catholic Jewish Relations taking place Nov. 14-18.

    Follow our blog on All Roads Lead to Rome: The ACC goes to Rome, how we’re going to get there, and the driving force behind this adventure

    When the idea for a group of 20 ACC cantors to travel to Rome, Italy for a “Conference on Catholic-Jewish Relations” and to put on a concert at The Vatican was floated at an ACC executive board meeting… Read the ACC’s blog and subscribe to our

  179. Funny how protestants claim to be receive all their teachings from the bible and pretend to have all of the answers, but disregard verses like, 2 Thes., 2:15 “Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours”, what about Jn. 20: 30-31 “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in His name”. Even if protestants were strictly Sola Scriptura, they would come to the conclusion that the catholic church is the church that Jesus Christ founded himself and left Peter to attend to His sheep. It is clearly stated to the serpent in Gn. 3:15 “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.” Virgin Marys’ offspring is Jesus…before Jesus dies on the cross Jn. 19:26-27 he tells Mary to behold her son John and vice vers…at this moment Jesus leaves his mother Mary as the son of all in the world. Due to the fact that John was not related to Jesus by blood in any way. That being posted, if apparitions of Mary were actually acts of satan, why would the messages given in the apparitions of Mary lead one towards her son Jesus rather than pulling us away from Him? Again, true that you could only get to the father through the Son, but can one get to the Son through the Mother? Thankfully, the Catholic Church has many miles of books and documents (including those used to compose the bible) in our possession. I am sure that if the apostle Peter was unclear of anything that Jesus was teaching, he would have asked Jesus to clarify it for him, which I am sure that he did. That being said, if the second catholic pope St. Linus would have been unclear regarding the churches teachings, he would have asked Peter for clarification and St. Anacletus would have asked Linus, St. Clement would have asked Anacletus and so on. The holy Catholic church is the only church that dates straight back to Jesus and the apostles. One can look back to catholic churches around the world. Lots of them are built over tombs of the 72 disciples that were sent out to spread the good word. People come to their own conclusion of what the word means, and today we have over 35k different denominations stating to be the truth. The only truth is that all of these denominations are spinoffs (each one getting further from the truth) from the catholic church. Since Martin Luthers’ lutherans, each denomination since then have contradicted one another, yet the catholic faith remains the same. Funny how Martin Luther wrote The Magnificant regarding Mary and “. . . in the resolutions of the 95 theses Luther rejects every blasphemy against the Virgin, and thinks that one should ask for pardon for any evil said or thought against her.” (Ref: Wm. J. Cole, “Was Luther a Devotee of Mary?” in Marian Studies 1970, p. 116:). This shows that every sect formed after the catholic church to date…is further from the truth than the first, formed by Luther. yet they are going to tell catholics how to follow our faith. The catholics that do leave the catholic faith never had the faith in them, they were just those ignorant individuals that would go to church on easter sunday and christmas.

    • Hi Enjoi

      This is a page for Catholics to express their views. Thank you for yours. I feel all branches of Christianity have something positive to offer.

  180. You people claim to love Jesus and yet you hate His mother and all the Catholic’s .how can you believe that you will escape God’s punishment.Perhaps you think that God cannot see or hear or even see what goes in your heart.If that is the case I fell so very sorry for you .How can you proclaim to be saved ,if you remain in sin .ex( Love one another as I love you.).Where is your love for your catholic brothers? How ungrateful is this evil generation who are led to believe by Satan that by hating the Holy Mother of God and by defiling Her Holy name and purity will be doing God a favor.What an evil and blind sect.I would not want to be in your shoes at the hour in which you will face God.

    • Rosa

      It has been that way as long as I remember. Since there is nothing predicted in the bible about Marian apparitions, they do not believe them. They think you are worshiping an idol.

      • It’s more than that. There is nothing in the Bible that reads Mary is co-Regent with Christ, and Mary had other children which makes her not a virgin anymore.

        Lucifer misleads millions through this sacard heart thing the Universal Church is pushing. It is not Biblical.

        We do love our brothers, and sisters in Christ. We are just trying to open their eyes to the lies/traditions of men.

        • Leatherneck

          If you are going to shoot, use soft bullets, not hard ones. You are interacting with devout people, not terrorists. So point out why you disagree, and use scripture, not just opinion.

  181. Yes you are so right about Satan misleading people about the Virginity and sanctity and purity of our Blessed and Holy virgin Mother and guess who those people are.?Let me help you .:Those people are the sect that have separate from the Holy Mother Church .The Holy Catholic church .Lets capture a little about Christ. If you do not eat and drink of body and blood of Jesus Christ, how do you aspect to change the aridity of that desert that is you immortal souls where the lizard the viper the rebel and all sorts of slimming evil predators walk and remain ?Tell me are you capable of sanctifying yourself? or is it the blood and body of Christ which was shed for many that sanctifies You? .If therefore you reject and abolish the perpetual sacrifice ; how is it that you are saved?.So who is being deceived ? The Catholic’s or the other sects?

    • Christ died once for mankind. When he gave bread, and wine to the twelve, the bread, and wine did not turn into flesh, and blood. Nor, does the bread, and wine to this day continue to turn into flesh, and blood when a man prays over it.

      At least, it does not taste like it to me.

      I realize a lot of people believe Mary is still a virgin, but that is man’s tradition, not Biblical. Mary had other children.

      There is only one way to get to Heaven. That is to accept G-d’s love for you called Christ. As a Christian, one would do good works, but works do not get you to Heaven, or humans would boast.

  182. Letherneck I could go on all night arguing with you but I am not up to it .I will however tell you this .Only idiots will believe that God created His Holy Mother to be defiled by a man.

  183. Matthew 12:46, 13:55, 27:56, Mark 3:31, 6:3, and Luke 8:19. Only through tradition does the Universal Church deny the Bible’s truth.

    Have a great New Year Rosa.


    April 9, 1996

    (Our Blessed Mother.)

    My Vassula, listen to Me very carefully now:

    the Lord, in His Mercy, has given you this Treasure1 directly from His Sacred Heart; He has shown the power of His Arm by bringing this good news to the ends of the earth; if all of you only knew what the Lord is offering you in your times! but the Spirit of the Lord will come only to the simple and to the pure of heart and fill them with His gifts; to this day His glory shines on the lowly, and He will continue to send the rich empty away ….

    through this Message He is calling you to a life of Peace; God is calling all of you, for He is Father; He is calling you to amend your lives and live holy; I, your Mother, bless all those who returned to God and I praise Him whose Mercy reaches from age to age, whereas those who continue to rely on their philosophy obstinately, leading an immoral life, pray and fast for them; My Heart as a Mother is torn by their refusal and by their blindness …. ah, what pain, what thorns in My Heart, my child!

    and you, continue to testify in the Name of the Father, My Son, and the Holy Spirit; continue to make Their Name known and go wherever the Father, My Son and the Holy Spirit tell you to go; They will not fail you, so trust in Them; My daughter, I am always where Jesus is; We are with you; so do not fear; Love will conquer in the end …. do not be afraid of the proud of heart for although they boast of their power, they are nothing in the Lord’s Eyes; have you not heard: “the Lord of All does not cower before a personage, He does not stand in awe of greatness…” 2 “ruthless judgement is reserved for the high and mighty; the lowly will be compassionately pardoned”, 3 and He will continue to rout the proud of heart ….

    in these days Jesus has revealed to you My Heart; learn, My daughter, that I have inscribed your name in My Heart; I have done the same for all those who love My Son and love Me;

    honour Me with sacrifices, honour My Heart with the innocence of a child, honour your Mother’s Heart by refusing evil; do good and entreat your Father in heaven for the gifts of His Spirit;

    grow in My Immaculate Heart and I will remedy all the wounds4 of your soul, so that you can become the Joy of Jesus, your Saviour, and the twilight of this dark generation;

    grow in your Mother’s Heart, so that your whole being glitters like some precious stones with the Light5 I am enveloped with, that hordes of nations will come then to you, attracted by your beauty, 6 and when they will ask: “who modelled you to be glittering like a thousand gems?” testify and say: “I was modelled within the Purest of Hearts, taking shape in this same Heart our Redeemer blossomed and took flesh and blood, so that I become the child of the Mother of God too; in this way I would be able to express thoughts worthy of the Almighty’s gifts;”

    come, and grow in My Heart and become the heart of My Heart; – draw from My Heart all the Riches I have been given from Wisdom so that you too can learn to love the Father, My Son and the Holy Spirit; in this way you will be the child of the Mother of God; come, come and draw from My Heart the virtues I have been given, 7 they are for you too, My child; ah, I want you beautiful for My Son, and pleasing to the Father, I want you perfect for Immanuel’s Heart; I will pour from My Immaculate Heart into your heart, My child, all My graces so that your heart too will become an altar for the Most High, a censer filled with burning incense, so that you too will walk with Grace and Faithfulness;

    the mystery of God can be revealed only to the pure of heart and if Our Two Hearts pursue the sinners untiringly it is because of the greatness of the love We have for all of you; ah, but so many do not seem to understand or care, and make a mockery of Our Calls; when this time of Mercy will be over, the dead will not come to life; 8

    Our Two Divine Hearts are wounded and are crying out with pain to all of you to amend, to pray, to fast and truly to love My Son in the Blessed Sacrament;

    I invite you to step in My Heart and I will hide you, I will guard you and protect you from all evil surrounding you and from the temptations; I will protect you and lift you, My child, from the tempestuous waters of sin and hide you in My Motherly Heart; My love and My affection for you are so great that the angels themselves would have liked to be in your place; the Sacred Heart of Jesus has no favourites but neither has Mine, God is just and good;

    today, daughter, and in the following days you will be in the Holy week of Jesus’ Passion for the second time, 9 you realise how Our Two Hearts feel for your division …. Our injuries to Our Two Hearts are innumerable; if the flock of the Lord is divided and dispersed, and the land reduced into a desert; if rebellion against all the Holy Rules of God has reached its peak, if today Cardinal goes against Cardinal, Bishop against Bishop and priest goes against priest, it is because your generation refused to listen to My Words; I was sent by the Most High to warn you and correct you gently, 10 but to this day your generation refuses Us a place in its heart and does not take Our Words seriously; upon you, you will draw what you have reaped;

    My Motherly Heart grieves to tell you this, and My Eyes weep Tears of blood, at the sight I see before Me, when the Father’s Hand will fall on you with a thundering cry: “enough! enough now!” and in a tempest of fire He will execute judgement ….

    Our Two Pierced Hearts are still solemnly warning you and We will persist in warning you to change your hearts and turn them towards God; only in God one can live, for He is Your daily bread, your drink and your breath …. let all the inhabitants of Our Two Hearts know that very soon now, Our Hearts, which are united into One, will triumph and many things that We foretold will be accomplished;

    the Sacred Heart of Jesus and My Immaculate Heart bless all of you; be one;


    1 The Message: ‘True Life in God’.
    2 Ws. 6:7.
    3 Ws. 6:6-7.
    4 This is to be understood as ‘sins’.
    5 Our Lady means, the Holy Spirit.
    6 In Our Lady’s heart our soul can be embellished but we are without merit.
    7 Created without sin, from the beginning.
    8 It means, it will be too late to change once this time of Mercy is over.
    9 The Roman Catholic Easter was from April 4-8; the Orthodox Easter, from April 11-15.
    10 At Fatima? Akita?


  185. That’s what I thought.

  186. To quote the original message:
    “God will allow all natural phenomenon’s like smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, winds and inclement weather to slowly batter the planet. These things will come to pass before the year 2010”

    Welcome to 2011!
    Nuff said?


  188. Great job on the deceivin’ part. I know you know what I mean. Why won’t you show up? Afraid? 11.

    -btw, keep em’ prayers up guys you’ll surely need em’. soon..

  189. Great job in deceiving?
    who is being deceived here if not you? look around you .All that the message says it is now being fulfilled .How blind can you be ? The message says many thing one of the them is that many nations will disappear from the face of the Earth Japan is one of them and it is only the very beginning .So who is being deceived? If I were you I would go and read very careful the contents of the message because it most likely is addressing your very own Nation.Fatima is real and the message from the Holy mother of God is real!

  190. There is no mention in the Fatima’s message of any dates except that it was to have happened before the year 2000.Any other dates are just speculation.The message was postponed to a later date because of the prayers and sacrifices of the faithful.The Blessed Virgin Mary assures us that the punishment will happen

  191. Radiation levels at a Japanese quake-stricken nuclear plant have reached levels high enough to affect human health, a top official warns. -CNN and BBC news

    See what says in Fatima 3rd secret – Poisonous gas after earth quake. This was told in 1917(96 years back) without any knowledge of Nuclear plants. Now its become reality.God has shown this as an example. Also this Tsunami happened at the begining of the passover period(2011)


  193. An its not befre 2000 its before 2012

  194. i am so touched by what i have heard n it has made me think i may be 14 but i believe in god i hve been through alot during this last 2months and i hve prayed constantly and mother mary god and jesus have saved me from wicked ppl and their doings and my mum tld me that this is gona happen that on a cold winters night the earth will sahke for 8 hours! the earth will be knocked of its orbit and if u are a believer of god u will shut all your doors windows and gather your family and pray! you will not leave your house u will pray for 3 days nuthing else but pray you will sprinkle holy water on ur doors and windows and light a holy candle if u believe this then u will be saved but if you do not then god will punish the wicked for their evil doings…
    so god bless tke cre and stay faithful

  195. Thank you Lord God for finding some ways for us to be saved! I promise I will send this message o everybody but i can’t promise it 100%.. Thank you LORD! Let’s pray guys!


    We can save our only life guys by Praying and Believing Jesus our SAVIOR!

    I’m from the PHILIPPINES!

  197. God is merciful…. but u must BELIEVE!

  198. Jesus Christ suffered once, was murdered, and rose from the dead for human sin. Once is not enough?

    Simple people are mislead by signs, and wonders from Lucifer to take your foccus away from Jesus. There is no Queen of Heaven except as a pagan god, and all these stigmatas, and Mary sightings are Lucifer changing himself into an Angel of light to mislead.

  199. Simple people are mislead by signs, and wonders from Lucifer to take your foccus away from Jesus. There is no Queen of Heaven except as a pagan god, and all these stigmatas, and Mary sightings are Lucifer changing himself into an Angel of light to mislead.

    Yes you are very much right about one thing .Millions of Christians have fallen into anarchy and are on their way to hell .How can you believe that you who claim to be a learned person will ever enter Heaven .Has not our Savior shown that only the simple of heart will enter heaven? Does Jesus not affirm that unless a man be born again will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Do you even understand what being born again means?

    • It reads like you have the corner of the market. Please inform me what being born again means to you.

      Thank you,

    • The Marian sightings are controversial. Maybe Mary has been sent to bring people back to Jesus. Or maybe it is an illusion. Either way, the messages have been those of repentance, and consecration to the sacred heart of Jesus. So that aspect is positive.

      Being born again in Jesus is what is important. May all our hearts be pure and holy before him.

    • The Marian sightings are controversial. Maybe Mary has been sent to bring people back to Jesus. Or maybe it is an illusion.

      Either way, the messages have been those of repentance, and consecration to the sacred heart of Jesus. So that aspect is positive.

      Being born again in Jesus is what is important. May all our hearts be pure and holy before him.

  200. Here! here! Marianne at least you are not saying that it is Satan who appears in place of Mary .That is the beginning.

    • I am not a witness to these events. I cannot say what is happening.

      But Jesus said, you know a tree by its fruit.

      So if something produces good (spiritual) fruit, then it is good.

      If something produces bad (spiritual) fruit, then it is bad.

      I do see good fruit, and other things I am not sure of.

      I will let God be the judge.

      Even in the secular world, we can find truth.

      I look at these Marian events to see what truth I can find, to help solve a bigger puzzle.

      I just say stay close to Jesus, and trust in him, and give your heart to him, and you will be ok. And use the Word of God for your main source of information.

  201. 2 Timothy 4:3-4


    August 17, 1990

    I come to You, my Yahweh, to ask You to forgive my sins. Lord, listen to my pleading, I know You do forgive us and overlook all our sins.

    I forgive you, I forgive you rather than let My wrath strike you … desolate and uninhabited you were; you were famous for your desert; you were like a garden without water and I, like a watercourse running into a garden came to you to irrigate your soil; I saved you from the clutches of My enemy; the lion has left you and your land is a garden now, thanks to My Infinite Love and Mercy;

    – I am your Saviour and Jesus is My Name; allow Me to write the following message for1 … I, the Lord, am before him, and I am setting fire and water in front of him; I have given him the liberty to choose; he can put out his hand to whichever he prefers; I note every one of his actions; I note down his conscious and direct sincerity towards Me and his conscious and direct insincerity towards Me; “hurry up and come to Me, and I will revive your flame: what little flame is left in you is dying fast! I love you with an eternal Love and My Mercy is Fathomless; you enjoy My favour;”

    – many of you today say: let us drink, let us eat today, tomorrow we shall be dead; do not lie to yourselves … come back to your senses and face Me your God; to obey My Law is to love Me and anyone who lives in love lives in Me; I do not need philosophers and sages of your age, neither masters; I need weakness … poverty … simplicity … see? the days are coming where I will put My Law on your hearts;

    I come in these days of Mercy to prepare the nations and remind them that I can purify your inner self from vile and dead actions which can lead you into eternal fires; – but this generation’s heart has grown coarse and although I am talking openly to the nations they will still not listen to Me; come, take your cross and follow Me, I shall bless each step you take;

    (Later on, to the little prayer group:)

    I have invited many to My banquet but very few are willing to come, 2 so I tell you: go to the poor now! go to the blind! some you will find dead but do not worry, I shall raise them; I have lifted you all and I shall lift many more; so go out to the poor and the sick and make sure to fill My House! let those who were first invited to My banquet yet refused to come be astonished to see the blind with their sight and the poor, rich with My Knowledge! and the dead, raised back to life!

    thrive in My Riches and do not fade away! be constant and work for My Glory … children, efface your egoism; My Kingdom is very near you; be zealous and follow My Word; keep yourselves pure and learn to efface yourselves so that My Spirit breathes in you;

    – I have chosen you, My angels, not because you are worthy but because you are poor and wretched; glorify My Name again by meeting to serve Me;

    be active in all good works – I am with you all the time;


    1 A Rhodian.
    2 The little prayer group attempted many times to invite well known priests and archimandrites, even well-known monks, but each one had an excuse and showed no interest at all for the Lord’s messages. They were polite.


  203. Leatherneck and Lyndsey. I was stuck in the same cult that Rosa Lopes is deeply entrenched in. She consistently misses our points. All ANYONE has to do is to just read the entire Book Of John, for starters, and I promise you, if you have a descerning heart, you shall be saved by the only true Savior, Jesus Christ, and HIM alone.

    • JRA

      The challenge is how to communicate what is needed and actually be effective. One can take a sincere person and ruin them, if the wrong approach is used. Think back. What made you change? How did God reach you and help you see what you see today?

      I remember, for me, it was a long slow process of thinking through each issue, and looking for proof ( being the scientist that I am).

    • Hi JRA,

      Thank you so much for your testimony and comments.

      Re: Rosa and anything Catholic, I am no longer at liberty to discuss this issue with Rosa/Catholics due to my approach, which was comparing her beliefs to the word of G-d and pointing out the contradictions. Rosa felt attacked so I was told not to communicate.

      I think you would be the best person to relate to Rosa since you understand where she is, what her beliefs are and how best to help her understand the truth.

      Thank you again JRA! 🙂

      • Hi again Lyndsey.

        Thank YOU for your very kind comments. I too seemed to have stepped slightly out of bounds with my rather harsh approach, but none-the-less, the fact is, I was so deeply involved with the Catholic church, I too felt as though I were compelled to write what I did to let Rosa know that if a “religion”, or any “religion” is the sole reason for determining one’s way to salvation, then I have learned through my own research that this is the way that will lead to death. Only Jesus Himself is the only way to be saved from our sins through his substitutionary death on the cross with his shed blood. Even his dear, dear Mother, Mary needed a savior. She is not in Heaven as some sort of perceived Queen of Heaven that intercedes anything for us. And for anyone who prays to her for anything, does so at his/her own peril. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of G-d, and the Word is Jesus. Please active RC church members, remember that you too can be saved and still remain a catholic if you so choose, but you will always have to acknowledge that Jesus is Lord of all, and no one can be worshiped or prayed to for salvation other than Jesus himself. I don’t make the rules. G-d does in His Word. I take him at HIS word and add nothing to it, nor detract anything from it. Thank you all for listening, and please do not think I am one who condemns anyone. I just speak for myself. I was once lost, but now I am found. Praise the only G-d of the Universe. Jesus, the second Person of the Holy Trinity who is G-d.

        • Hey JRA,

          That is a good point, never really thought of it this way “Even his dear, dear Mother, Mary needed a savior.”

          You may have already done this but do you mind sharing how you were able to figure all this out?

          I am soooooo happy for you JRA!

        • JRA
          Thank you for that response. It is the simplicity of the gospel that we must share with catholics. They are burdened by the complexities imposed on them. It turns their Gaze away from the cross and to the works of the flesh. We should lead them to the works of the Holy Spirit.

  204. Rosa. You have not responded to this inquiry yet. Please do, so it is clear what you believe. It is a very simple question. From April 9th. Thanks……see below:


    Dru just wants to know if Catholics believe they are saved by grace and the blood of Jesus shed for them on the cross. That they can do nothing of themselves to achieve salvation, but rely instead on what Jesus did. That is, you cannot earn your way to heaven. It is only by the grace of God that we are saved. He wants to know if you agree with that and believe that.


    Jesus Kneeling by the Side of the Road

  205. Anther earthquake in Japan 6.5 after one month today(11th April 2011)
    What is the message from Heaven to all of us not only to Japan?

    • dear Sunimal

      this is too much to hear. Another earthquake for Japan.

      If this is how God judges those who do not know the Lord, and sin, then how much more will God judge those who say they belong to him, and sin anyhow, shaming his person and name?

      This deeply saddens me. I pray that God sends good witness to his glory to Japan, to help them find hope and salvation in all this disaster.

  206. Lidsay
    I will happily answer you why the cross on Peter’s chair is upside down. The reason why the Cross in Peter Chair is upside down is : Because Peter was crucified in a cross upside down and that is the reason why no one but the Pope can ever sit himself in Peter’s chair other than the Catholic Pope

  207. Meambp

    You have not answered my comment yet.

    With your reasoning, Joseph, and the 12 apostles also said yes to Jesus so they are co-redeemers also.

    Since they did more for Jesus than Mary did, in spreading the gospel, and dying for it, they should be elevated above Mary.

    But they are not.

  208. Meambp

    You have not answered my comment yet.

    With your reasoning, Joseph, and the 12 apostles also said yes to Jesus so they are co-redeemers too.

    Since they did more for Jesus than Mary did, in spreading the gospel, and dying for it, they should be elevated above Mary.

    But they are not. Seems inconsistent

  209. grabe! tsk.

  210. i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth……….

  211. How can anyone be so small minded i cannot understand .No one on this universe other than God is higher than the Holy Mother of Go Mary Jesus Mother .No one on this world ever did more for Him that Her .She alone with the power of the Holy Spirit broth Him forth to life Her >He took Her flesh .therefore He is part of Her .they are unseparatable .they are always together, where the son is there is also the Mother united in one heart.

    • Romans 3:23

      “For all have sinned…

      Therefore, the word made flesh died for all humans including Mary his human body mother. G-d the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are united as one.

      Mary, I believe, is in Heaven with G-d, and all those in Heaven with her are united in a way with G-d too.

      There is nothing in the Bible that states Mary, and Christ are of one heart. That is a human belief made up by a man who wanted to mislead humans away from Jesus, and get people to worship a false Goddess called the Queen of Heaven. Also, known as the wife, and Mother of Nimrod.

  212. I am from Poland. I believe this thing. I am Catolic and I want to people start to belive buy it’s hard because people are egoistic.. what can i do??

    • dear Asia

      I would suggest using more secular sources to support or prove a religious prophecy.

      You can find a vast amount information from science, the internet, news media, and youtube that also talk about problems that are coming.

      They can google “nibiru” or “Planet X” or ” 3 days of darkness” or world famine etc and find something to read.

    • You can start with showing where in the Bible this two heart stuff is written.

      Then, show where the Queen of Heaven is in the Bible.


  213. ——————————————————————————–


    September 6, 1988


    I am; I had warned you, My child, of this betrayal;

    come, lean on Me; let it be known how meaningless are the arguments of those who tell you that this does not come from Me; their zeal is misguided; they do not seem to see clear My Righteousness and are only declaring their own ideas;

    Scripture says: “the footsteps of those who bring good news is a welcome sound”, and for those who are surprised at the kind of instruments I choose, Scripture says: “I have been found by those who did not seek Me and have revealed Myself to those who did not consult Me;”

    He has a good argument though; I really am the wrong person to have this ‘gift’. I’m no good. Yet my friend, Beatrice, asked him, “What about Mary Magdalene?” He replied, “Ah yes, but she got converted later on”. So he believes I’m not converted?

    be in peace! I have placed you in My Sacred Heart;

    Had he lived 2000 years back, he would have participated in stoning me, as a sinner.

    I would not have allowed this, I would have said those same words I once said, “let the one without sin throw the first stone”; open your hearts! not your minds!

    Vassula, lean on Me, your Saviour; pray for those whose hearts remain closed; pray for those who shut their ears;

    Yes, Lord.

    prepare yourself for the rest of My Passion; remember, I have shown you the size of your cross;

    Yes, Lord.

    but you and I will share it together; all will not be in vain; I will help you accomplish your mission, then … to Me you will fly, yes! 1

    come, I am Present; we, us?

    Yes, Lord.

    (Later on:)

    My Lord?

    I am, look into My Eyes and do not look left or right; look at Me, your Lord; I am the Way, the Truth and the Life Everlasting; remember with what great love I have taught you My Word; and all that you know, you know, from Me;

    all My Kingdom is filled with wonders; I am the Alpha and the Omega, love Me … treat Me as a King by offering Me every drop of love you have; I created you to love Me; let all the love you have, be just for Me; 2 I know how weak and miserable you are without Me, but I also know that I have in My Hands a mere child and a nothing where My Spirit can freely breathe in this space you are giving Me; allow My Spirit to mould and form you, all that you learn comes from Wisdom and I am Wisdom;

    September 7, 1988

    Praised be the Lord!
    Blessed be our Lord!
    Glory be to God!
    I love you Father to death.


    I am; My child, listen, will you continue working for Me, your Lord?

    If You want me as I am.

    I want you, your ineffable weakness attracts Me; come and absorb from Me;

    alive and healed! you have seen the Truth face to face, I healed you, I converted you, I have lifted you and placed you in My Sacred Heart; I blessed you and what I have begun with you I will finish; you will remain in My Hall and will be fed by Me alone; I have veiled your eyes to keep you away from evil, I would not want you to become elated by all these graces I am giving you; I have offered you My Sacred Heart to be your Home, creep in Its depths, hide in Its depths and never come out of It; I, your Saviour will keep you hidden in there till the end;

    Thank You, Lord.

    September 9, 1988

    Lord, I trust You. What I have learnt, I learnt from You only. But Lord, many ecclesiastics are mocking me, they refuse to believe it’s You. They push away Your Works, the visions of children, apparitions, revelations. All are trodden upon. They want You SILENT. Please, do not stand aside, My God. Come quickly to us and help us, Lord our Saviour! Lord?

    I am; Vassula, My advice for those who oppress you is, “unless you become like children again, you will be unable to penetrate into My Kingdom”; My child, the time will come when every vision will be proclaimed as true; I have said, that there will be no empty vision, no deceitful prophecy in My Church; what I said, will soon come true, since what I pronounce I will fulfil in your own lifetime;

    Thank You, Lord.

    we, us?

    Forever, amen.


    1 Jesus seemed happy.
    2 By learning to love God we learn to love one another too.


  214. Perhaps you should take a look of what the one who went and return have to say about what god really aspects from us . Enjoy! MY JUDGMENT BEFORE GOD (Dr. Gloria Polo’s testimony) Translated from Spanish to English by Susanna Vallejo. [Foreword by Eric R. Dunstan] Doctor Gloria Polo was an orthodontist living in Columbia when she was struck by lightning and had a near death experience in which she was judged by Jesus and condemned for mortal sin. Fortunately, a very pious, humble farmer who saw a picture of her in the newspaper prayed for her soul and Jesus granted her a second chance, with a mission to repeat what she witnessed not only a thousand times, but a thousand times a thousand; and that when she comes back before Jesus to be judged again, she will be judged with greater severity, due to her second chance and all that she saw while over there. Susanna Vallejo personally met Dr. Gloria Polo on several occasions and painstakingly translated her testimony from Spanish audio recordings to English and sent me this copy which I have posted on this page. Consider this therefore to be furthering the mission given to Dr. Gloria Polo. [End of foreword by Eric R. Dunstan] View as a text file Very well, brothers and sisters, blessed be the Lord. It’s a miracle that I am here with you sharing this beautiful gift that I received from the Lord, 10 years ago. This occurred on May 5, 1995, at the National University in Bogota. On that day, it was around 4:30. My husband was with me in the car, my 23-year-old nephew, an orthodontist, and myself, also an orthodontist. We were on our way to the Orthodontist Facility of the University to pick up some books. It started pouring rain. We only had a very small umbrella with us. My nephew and I went under the umbrella. We started jumping over puddles. When we jumped to avoid stepping into a very large puddle, we were struck by lightening. My nephew and I were killed by the lightening. My nephew’s interior organs were completely burned, charred, but his exterior was left intact. He suffered cardiac arrest and he did not respond to the paramedics’ attempts to resuscitate him. The lightening burned me horribly. The lightening entered through my arm. It burned my breasts. My breasts were completely gone. It removed all of the flesh from my stomach and my reproductive organs. My legs were totally and completely charred, I mean completely. The lightening exited through my right foot. As far as the interior of my body, my liver was completely charred, as well as my lungs and my kidneys. My kidneys were gravely burned. I used to use the IUD as a form of birth control. You want to know the words that the doctors used to describe my ovaries? “Your ovaries look like raisins.” The doctors told me, “You’ll never have children again.” My ovaries were burned and I was in cardiac arrest. The difference is that when the doctors attempted to do artificial resuscitation on me, the Lord allowed me to return to my body. The doctors told my family, “Look, there is nothing that we can do for Gloria. The best thing to do is to allow her to continue her process of agony and allow her to die peacefully.” At that very moment, I was taken out of surgery and I entered into a period of agonizing. The doctors told my family, “It’s best if you do not hook her up to life support.” You want to know the irony about that, brothers and sisters? I used to defend euthanasia, the right to die with “dignity.” But thank God, God inspired my sister, who is an M.D., and when the doctors told her not to hook me up, she responded by saying, “You are not God.” For three days I was in a deep coma. I was alive because they had me hooked to an oxygen tank and they were giving me artificial life, otherwise I would have died right there. At that point, the Lord tells me to go back. When he tells me to go back, immediately – my kidneys did not work and I was pale. And they wouldn’t put me on dialysis because it was not worth it. I was dying – immediately my kidneys begin to work again and my lungs and my heart begin to beat again with normal strength. They transferred me to Social Security (that’s a hospital). There they scraped the flesh that was burned. They were very surprised. They never imagined that I would come back there alive. The pain was so excruciating that I couldn’t be comfortable, not even for a second. It hurt me even to breathe. I was in pain interiorly and exteriorly. One feels horrific pain when they are scraping those burned areas. Everything is raw flesh. My legs were black like dead tissue. When the doctors would clean my legs, I’d feel no pain. From my legs down, I felt no pain. About a month later, they tell me, “Look, Gloria, the Lord is doing a miracle in you. The wounds are almost completely healed, you have dents and scars, but new skin has already formed. But unfortunately there is nothing we can do for your legs. We must amputate them.” When they told me that they were going to amputate my legs — I was very athletic. I was into aerobics. When they told me that they were going to amputate my legs, I thought, “I must escape.” As soon as the doctor walked out of the room, I tried to get out of bed to escape but my legs did not support me and I slipped like a frog. I ended up on the floor. I had to be picked up. They moved me from the fifth floor to the seventh floor. You want to know who I ran into, brothers and sisters? I ran into a lady whose leg had been amputated up to here and they were going to amputate a little higher. When I saw that they had amputated her legs, I asked myself, “How much money in the world can buy us a pair of legs?” Not the entire money from the world can buy us a pair of legs. Our legs are a marvel. When they were going to amputate my legs, I became very sad. I never thanked God for my legs. On the contrary, I used to torture myself because of my tendency to be a little heavy. I used to starve myself. I used to spend a lot of money, a fortune, a small fortune, on diets to make myself look thin. And now I see my legs all skinny, black and burned with holes in them. And for the first time in my life I thanked God for my legs. And I said, “Lord, I thank you for this second opportunity that you’ve given me. Thank you, Lord. I do not deserve it. But I want to ask you for a favor, Lord, a tiny favor. Please do not take away my legs, just so that I can be a little mobile and so that I’ll be able to stand a little bit. Please, Lord, do not take away my legs. Please.” And I began to feel a sensation in my legs, brothers and sisters. And those legs that were black and without circulation and full of blisters began to turn red. And when the doctors returned on Monday, my legs were red. The circulation had been restored. When the doctors came down to see me, I got out of bed and my legs were able to sustain me. The doctors were totally surprised. They would look at each other; they would touch me. I had recuperated a lot of other movements and my legs had lost that black color and now they were red. And I told the doctor, “My legs hurt so much. There has never been anyone on this earth to be so happy to feel such excruciating pain on their legs like me.” You want to know what the director of the seventh floor told me? He said, “You know what, in my 38 years of service, I have never seen such a miracle like that of your legs.” And here are my legs, brothers and sisters. My gait has changed but for the glory of God here they are to show you the greatness and the power of a living God, a God that is alive. Another one of the great miracles that the Lord did with me is, I had no breasts. My breasts had been completely burned. And imagine this, I was very prideful. I used to say, “A woman has to show off her best assets.” And I used to say, “Since my breasts, and my legs, and my abdominals are my best assets, why not show them off.” I was always showing off that I had great abdominals. I used to wear very low-cut blouses to show off my breasts. I was very proud of my legs. Well, brothers and sisters, those were the parts that were completely burned and charred. And here goes the next miracle. The doctor that used to be my trainer, as far as sports and diets were concerned — just imagine I used to be very prideful and vain. I used to starve myself to look thin and I used to consume hormones to lose weight and drugs to lose weight — now here I was before the very doctor, who always took care of my body so-to-speak, now here I was before him totally charred. The doctor could not believe it. He was more shocked about the fact the he knew how prideful and vain I was and now here I was just grateful to God to be alive and to have whatever was left of my body. The doctor tells me, “You know what, Gloria, I think that with that little piece of liver that’s left, you should be able to live.” He had performed on me nuclear exams and all kinds of exams. “But your ovaries are complete burned up. You will never be able to have children again.” Within me I thought, “Thank you, Lord. Now I don’t have to worry about birth control. I can use the natural family planning method. Glory to God. You have solved this problem for me, Lord. Thank you. I was very happy to hear that.” About a year and a half later, I began to notice that my breasts began to form again and I begin to feel pain in my breasts. I used to think, how weird that I have breasts. Well, you want to know why? Well, I was pregnant, with charred ovaries and all. God gave me my breasts back and I was able to breastfeed my daughter. Her name is Maria Jose. And I know I’m pressing on quickly, but those are the great miracles. And immediately my menstruation was restored, and my hormones were restored, and my ovaries began to function. Those are the physical miracles that the Lord has done with me. But the best part, brothers and sisters, is when I was jumping to avoid the puddles and lightening struck me, my God, I wish I had words to express to you and to help you understand the beauty of it. I jumped and I was struck by lightening and immediately I entered into a beautiful light, so, so, so, white and beautiful that nothing exists in this world for me to compare it to. There is nothing humanly possible to describe it. I saw a beautiful sun, such peace, such joy, such happiness that is felt there. How beautiful death is, brothers and sisters. I don’t know why we’ve been taught to think of death as a form of punishment. I can describe that light as a hug from our Heavenly Father. There I am engulfed in that beautiful light, filled with endless love. When I’m up there, I immediately see my charred body bouncing like a piece of rubber. I saw the body of my nephew laying there also charred. At that instant, I saw all the persons in the world, all of humanity, at eye-level. I didn’t even have to move. I was free from time and space. I could see the sins that each person carried within them. The love that I felt there in that light was so great that it overflowed through me. And I started hugging all the people because I wanted all of humanity to feel this great love that was inundating me. But only my older daughter, my 9-year-old, was able to feel the hug that I gave her. Outside of her, no one else felt the hug. When I saw my body laying there charred, I said, “Crap, I am dead.” And I immediately thought, “My children. What are they going to say about a mother who never had time for them.” I used to leave my house at 5:00 in the morning and return home at 10:00 at night. I used to see my children once in a while on Sundays. But then when I saw my body there all burned up, I said, “What good will I be to them with that charred body. Plus, I’ve already purchased life insurance for them. So everything is taken care of.” I used to manage and take care of everything economically. I thought, “Their education is taken care of, problem solved.” When I am going up, higher, and higher, enveloped in that love, in that joy, I saw my dad; I saw my mom, my grandparents, my great-grandparents. I saw many of my relatives. I saw my great-grandmother, whom I got to know when she was 100-plus years old, because back then people lived longer. When I was up there, I discovered that I had wasted a lot of money, doing regressions. Such was the shrewdness of the devil, that for a period of time I believed in reincarnation. I didn’t find out where my great-grandmother had reincarnated to because it was very expensive to do so. All of that is false. My great-grandmother was up there in heaven. When I’m up there in that beautiful light, in what I described to you already as a hug from our Heavenly Father — to me it was beautiful because over there, there was no time or space for me. I saw my nephew that had died, the 23-year-old orthodontist. I saw when he hugged his mom. His mom was mopping and when he hugs her, she grabs her heart and she feels unbearable pain. She throws herself on the floor from that heartache. And when she hits the ground, she begins to roll over due to the emotional pain. And she yells out, “No, God, no. Do not do this to me because I will not be able to bear it.” She had never shared that experience with anyone. When I was out of the hospital, I told her, “Remember when you threw yourself on the floor and you would say that you could not bear the pain, that’s when your son was hugging you, at that very instant.” When I was up there, I saw a beautiful, beautiful, indescribably beautiful lake, two extremely beautiful trees. The beauty that exists up there is so indescribable. There is so much light and so much love. It’s a love that is alive. And the peace that exists up there is indescribable peace. It’s so joyful being up there, brothers and sisters. As I am getting closer and closer to the very top, I hear my husband’s voice say, “Gloria, please, do not be a coward. Come back. Come back, the children, Gloria, the children.” At that moment, I came to a standstill. I looked down and I saw him crying and bleeding. He was not burned directly by lightening. He was shocked with the electricity that was left in the water. He was also being tossed like a rubber band, like my nephew and I were. My husband says that we were being tossed into the air with such force that we were seven meters up in the air. When I looked at him and I saw him crying and bleeding, I was sent back. What sadness! When I am being told to go back, I saw that my nephew entered into the garden and he went like this to me. He enters filled with joy. But I was sent back. It was very clear, brothers and sisters, that I was not going to enter into that garden. All persons, except those who commit suicide, experience the hug, that light, from our Heavenly Father, that’s why everyone who dies sees a light, and the love, and the peace that is felt there. Our Heavenly Father hugs every single person that dies because he loves us all. He shows us how great his love for us is. But since our Heavenly Father does not force anyone –and if we chose, here on earth, to live without God, if God is love and I am hatred, then who is my father? After our Heavenly Father allows us to experience His hug, he must turn us over to the father that we have chosen to be with, for eternity. He will not force us to anything. If we have lived a life without Him here on earth, he will not force us to spend eternity with him. He turns us over to where we freely chose to be for all eternity. I was sent back. I found my body without life. I was in a gurney at the National Hospital. I could see how the doctors were trying to resuscitate me. I put my feet here on this part of my head. When I put my feet there, I felt as though something sucked me back into my body. My body jerked. When I entered into my body, I felt, once again, that horrible pain of entering my charred body, but the worst feeling was my vanity because I was well aware that I no longer had that body to which I had sacrificed so much money and effort to. They took me from there to surgery. When I was in surgery and they were taking care of my wounds, I once again went into cardiac arrest. When I suffered the cardiac arrest, I immediately left my body again. I could see the doctors working hard to bring me back. All I was worried about at that moment were my legs. The thoughts that were crossing my mind at that moment were, “They better not mess with my legs. I have a marathon to run.” At that moment, I still had so much pride that I thought that I owned my legs. At that moment, brothers and sisters, what an impressive moment, I saw many, many persons coming out of the walls of the surgery room. They appeared to be normal human beings, but they had such hatred coming out of their eyes and evil looks. When I saw those human beings, I came to know that those were all my sins that I had committed since my last sacramental confession; that is, confession with a priest. I see all of my sins come out. I went out of there running, trying to escape. I don’t recall at what moment this happened, but I went right through the wall of the surgery room. When I went through that wall, I automatically jumped into a void. I began to descend from the light into the darkness. I began to go through a whole bunch of like cells, like jails. There are millions and millions of persons there. It was as though it were many jails, mazes and honeycombs. Up there, where the light was, brothers and sisters, you should see how beautiful the people look. Their vestments were as though they were wearing the sun. The persons that were way at the top were so beautiful that you couldn’t even see their faces clearly. They looked so beautiful. You can imagine the happiness I felt when I saw my mother up there, where there was light. My mother had passed away years ago. Those beautiful white vestments that my mother was wearing looked like the sun. I was given the understanding that those are the Eucharists that my mother had consumed throughout her entire life; therefore, she was dressed in the Lamb. I wasn’t able to stay with my mother. I continued descending. It continued to get darker. The people down there are deformed. Sin, brothers and sisters, scars you. It leaves a scar. Your soul gets scarred, like with burns and dents. When I continued descending through those tunnels and jails, the smell that comes out of there is horrifying. It’s an impressionable odor. It was horrific for me, brothers and sisters, to see that the worst stench of all was coming out of me. How much money did I spend throughout my life on expensive perfumes? I used to loathe bad odor. When I discovered that those sins from which I was running away, those sins were not in my exterior. You want to know what the most horrifying thing was? It was seeing that those sins dwelt within me. I looked like a demon, like the Beast. It was horrible. Just like my mother was dressed of the Lord, I was dressed of the Beast, like a black bag of trash, that’s how I was enveloped in those things. All of those things cried out within me and lived within me. In desperation, I tried to escape. I screamed horrified by those things. They would laugh within me. When I was coming to the end of my descending, I ended up in a place where there were swamps. There were millions and millions of people buried in those swamps. The people in those swamps were buried up to here. I was given the knowledge that the people in there were the people who had given their bodies over to concupiscence, to pleasure. There were thousands and thousands of miles of that mud. You want to know what that mud is? It’s all of the non-holy ejaculations. How many millions and millions of sperms get released every time there is an ejaculation? All of that creates a horrible swamp and darkness. And these people are in there being tortured by thinking of every person whom they had relations with outside of the Sacrament of Marriage, because that is the only holy relationship, the one in which Jesus is in their midst, which is only through the Sacrament of Marriage. Outside of that, even if you are the only couple in existence, those are ejaculations outside of the grace of God and every person with whom they had intimate relations with are in there stuck with them in that swamp. The shame and pain that they feel there is of a horrifying magnitude. I saw my father there, buried in that mud. He was screaming in pain. I felt excruciating pain to see my father there. And I said, “Daddy, what are you doing here?” My dad crying answers me, “Daughter, adultery, adultery.” When it’s your turn to go there, you will remember me. Pay attention to what I am about to tell you. You want to know what hurts you the most when you are there, brothers and sisters? What hurts the most when you are there is to see God so in love with us. He’s after us our whole life. When I was there, our Lord showed me how many priests came to my rescue; he showed me every single person who had a prayer life that approached me to invite me to pray, including the nuns who used to extend to me an invitation to conversion. You know what I used to say, “These witches,” forgive me I used to speak a lot of profanity, “those old witches, those blood suckers, leeches, those menopausal-bitter witches want to ruin my life by telling me how to live my life. Who do they think they are?” When you are over there being judged, it’s your thoughts that speak the loudest. You re-live your life because our Lord opens the Book of Life and he goes over your entire life with your and so you re-live every second of it. You see your life go before you, including what your thoughts were at that moment in your life. And when you act in certain manners you see all the people that were damaged or hurt due to your actions at that instant of your life that is being shown to you in the Book of Life. It’s very painful. Our Lord shows us how our sins do not simply stay within us. Like a rotten fruit, if it’s not removed, it will rot all the fruit around it. If I allow sin in my life, what is the closest thing to me that is going to get damaged? My children. You know what, brothers and sisters, remove those earplugs from your ears because I want you to hear this, when you fall into mortal sin, the devil compromises you and you sign your soul over to the devil. And your soul immediately becomes the devil’s possession. Once we do that, the saddest part is that the devil tells us, “Now, bring me all those around you.” A mother who is always gossiping, a father who is filled with hatred, or unfaithfulness, or a drunkard, what is the closest thing that he or she has? His or her children. The Lord calls that the bad administration of the talents that the Lord gives a father and mother to inculcate to their children graces of salvation. Every time that my biological brothers would get drunk and would be sleeping around with women other than their wives, my dad, over there in those swamps, would scream and wail. My dad felt a lot of pain when he was down there because he was given the understanding that due to his lifestyle, he had handed his sons over to Satan in a silver platter. Unfortunately, my brothers did not live a sacramental life. If we would have allowed ourselves to be guided by my mother, it would have been different. My mom was taking us directly into the hands of God. When one lives a sacramental life, God does not allow generational bondages to be passed on. God breaks those chains. That’s why God gave us the Sacraments. But my family was not a sacramental one. We liked to party and drink. I’ll never forget this. When I was three years old, I was afraid of seeing my mom pregnant and the drunk father would arrive. There was mother hiding her children, one here, one over there. I was put under a table that had a tablecloth over it. My mom would tell me, “Sweetheart, don’t come out of there. Don’t come out of there.” I’ll never forget when one of my little brothers, out of fear, came out running from his hiding place. My dad grabbed him and beat him. My pregnant mother came out running to stop him and he beat both of them up. I was under the table watching all of that take place. That is inculcating sin. People nowadays call it traumatizing or whatever. That is called to instill. A child will never forget something like that. And sadly, the children of these parents end up repeating the same sins as the parents. That is why I would like to talk for just a minute about the great blessing that the Sacrament of Marriage is. At this instant, I am going to talk about adultery. One sometimes says, “Oh, if I only do it once, it’s not a big deal.” In my country we call it “to have a gay time, (canita a el aire.) I don’t know what you call it in this country. Oh, infidelity. But you know what, brothers and sisters? When somebody is going to get married and you enter the church, and at the altar you declare that you are going to be faithful in good times and in bad times, through sickness and health, you want to know whom you are promising that to? You are making that promise to the Blessed Trinity. When it’s your turn to go up there and our Lord goes over the Book of Life with you, you are going to find out, just like I did, that God loves marriages. Our Lord gets very happy. He goes head over heels over marriages. He loves it when a couple gets married. The only witness is God the Father. And when our Lord shows you that in the Book of Life, you see a gold tone, something of indescribable brightness. God the Father writes down those words that you say at the altar in the Book of Life in that golden tone. He is the witness. You drink the blood of the Lamb testifying to the pact that one is making with God. Those words are being told to none other than the Holy Trinity, just them. When one breaks that pact, you cannot imagine, how blessings are removed from your married life. When my husband and I received the Eucharist, the body and blood or our Lord, you want to know what happened? It’s no longer a couple. It becomes three because immediately our Lord Jesus incorporates the souls of the couple and he takes them into His heart. And it’s no longer three, but one because we become a trinity, the groom, the bride and Jesus, in His heart. Who can separate that? No body. No body. Once the marriage is consummated, if the young lady is pure, many, many graces and blessing get poured upon them, more so upon the couple in which both of them are virgins when they get married, because you are married to God. When my father, slipped the ring into my mom’s finger, and they were declared husband and wife, our Lord Jesus handed over to my father a staff of light, like this. Do you know what that is? It’s a grace, the gift of authority, which God bestows upon the father/husband, the authority of God the father. That authority is to be used by the father/husband to guide his little flock through this world, in which so many wolves exist that try to devour marriages. My husband also received that staff, all men who are sacramentally married do. When my mother got married, she received a fire upon her heart, like a humongous ball of fire. Do you know what that is? The love of God. The beauty of it is that my mother was a very pure woman and God was very pleased with her. When my father was 12 years old, my grandfather took him to the brothels. Can you imagine how many evil-worldly spirits entered my father’s soul? Those evil-worldly spirits look like larva to me. They’re like larva. When someone has relations outside of marriage, those evil-worldly spirits immediately attach themselves to those persons all over their bodies. They begin by attaching themselves to their genitals but they end up taking over that person. They take over their hormones. They get into their brain. They take over the hypophysis (pituitary gland). They take over the pituitary gland. They take over the neurological part of their organism. And they begin to generate a great number of hormones that leads them to very low instincts. They turn a son or daughter of God into slaves of their genitals. And they become genital human beings. They’re enjoying life, excuse my language, if they are wallowing in bed, in sin. When the couple is pure, many blessings get poured upon them. God glorifies himself in that because the blood is there as a pact of unity and sanctity between the couple. Sexuality is not a sin, brothers and sisters. God gave it to us as a blessing. He gave it to us for a couple to love each other. True sexuality is the couple and God. When you get up there, you are going to be shown too how the Holy Spirit is always in the sacramental bed because the bed ends up being a sacrament of love, that is, in that bed exists the blessing of the Sacrament of Marriage. And in that sacramental bed dwells the Holy Spirit. God also leaves a cloud, that is, his presence in a home at the kitchen table. If there isn’t a table, he leaves a cloud over wherever the family gets together to share a meal. God blesses. God loves going home with the couple. When I got married, did I take God with me? No. I left him at the altar. I went straight to the party, and then the honeymoon, and then we arrived home and our Lord was left outside. But nonetheless he remained in the sacrament. That is something that cannot be denied. Back to my parents. The beauty of that matrimonial blessing that my parents received is that the Lord was restoring within my father many spiritual gifts because he was married to a pure woman and that was healing my dad’s inherited sexual bondages. But since he was a macho man and his friends began instigating him; that he better not allow himself to fall for a woman; that he had to continue living his party life. So what does my father do? 15 days after his marriage, he ends up in a brothel to show off to his friends that he continued being the macho man that he was before he got married. Remember that staff that he had received at the altar, well, the Beast stole it from him. That larva became attached to my father. He went from being the shepherd of his home to a wolf. While in those swamps, my father, crying would say, “Thanks to those 38 years of prayer of that holy woman that God gave me as a wife, my soul has been saved from eternal damnation.” My mother spent 38 years of her life praying for the salvation of my father’s soul. Her prayer went something like this – she would go before the Blessed Sacrament and would say, “Lord, I know that you will not allow your servant to die because I trust in you Lord, you will not allow this servant of yours to die without seeing the conversion of her husband. I don’t only pray for my husband, but for all the poor women who are going through what I am going through. I especially pray for the wives, who instead of kneeling before you in prayer, are going to witch doctors, fortunetellers, or are doing the same thing as their husbands, handing over their souls and the souls of their children to Satan. I pray for them too, Lord.” You want to know why I loved my father, rather than feeling hatred towards him? Because my mom was a good woman. She never, never, never taught us to hate my father nor anyone, for that matter. I used to say, there goes my mom again with her crazy stuff. She used to say, “The Lord has revealed to me how the earth opened up and swallowed up your father.” That’s how my mother would describe mortal sin, by saying that the earth would open up and would swallow people up. But when I was up there, I discovered that my mother did have a mystical vision. My mother used to tell me, “I saw it. Satan has chained him. But you know what I do, daughter, I hold on to him with the rosary. And I take him to church with me every day, tied up with the rosary. And the devil pulls him downward and I pull him upward. And I take him up to the Blessed Sacrament and I tell him, ‘Here he is, Lord. And I trust that you are going to save him.\'” My father converted eight years before he died. He asked for forgiveness and God forgave him. That is why my father was in purgatory, in the lower parts of purgatory, in the swamps. But my father did not atone for his sins. To atone for our sins is something that we don’t really delve into very much and we cannot atone for anything, but Jesus in the Eucharist can. When a soul goes to adore our Lord before the Blessed Sacrament, he invites us and gives us the grace to repair the wrong that one has done. It’s a terrible thing because when you’re over there, our Lord shows us the consequences of our sins. Sin is not simply, oops, I stole something. When you’re up there, He will show you the damage that it causes others. What hurts God the most is not the act of stealing, yes, that is bad, but what hurts him the most is the pain that one causes one’s brethren. The Lord held me accountable even for a dirty look that I gave someone. He held me accountable for a bad word that I said to a brother. Those errors hurt so much when you are over there being judged. My mom used to tell my dad to advise my brothers not to live a sinful life. My dad would answer her by saying, “Sweetheart, let them enjoy life. The boys are young. When they get older, the boys shall change their ways.” How painful it is for a father to turn his children over to eternal death. When my mother conceived me, my soul brightened her womb. It’s a breath that God sends forth when the egg and the sperm unite. An explosion occurs, a beautiful spark and my soul brightened up and it also brightened my mother’s womb. You want to know what else I saw, brothers and sisters? Remember the huge sun, those are the open doors of heaven and that sun is the Eucharist. There is NO OTHER WAY TO HEAVEN THAN THE EUCHARIST, brothers and sisters. Memorize that. There is no other way to enter heaven than the body and blood or our Lord. There is no other way. That’s why Satan hates Catholics so much and confuses them so much. He loathes them. Because in the sanctuary are the open gates to heaven. He comes out of the heart of Christ, which lives in the sanctuaries. Now, tell me how many abandoned sanctuaries are there throughout the world? Well, if you are from another religion/faith and you live righteously according to what God has written in your heart – because God has written in the hearts of everyone – if you’ve never known Christ, when that person is dying Jesus cuddles up to that person. He cuddles up with every human being when he or she is dying. He stands at their side and he shows them, “I am your Lord.” If the dying person accepts him as Lord, immediately – I can’t explain this very well – but immediately that soul is taken to some place in the world where the Eucharist is being celebrated and that person receives the Eucharist. Because only those who eat His flesh and drink His blood can enter there. Outside of those who eat His flesh and drink His blood, no one else can enter there. Something mystical occurs, through the grace of the Catholic Church. We don’t even know all of the treasures that we have within our own church, brothers and sisters. There is a bank in heaven that administers the graces that God has placed on the Catholic Church. Because of that bank, many people who talk bad about the Catholic Church have received salvation and they end up in purgatory. There they continue to receive Eucharistic graces. I saw that with my soul. I have to talk quickly. First Commandment, love God above all else. I am focusing on adultery only. What can a person say when he or she is before the Lord? “Lord, I love you above all things, above my wife, above my husband, above my kids, but that secretary of mine is so fine, Lord.” And Second Commandment, not to swear or use the name of the Lord in vain. When we get married, who do we make our promise to be faithful to? To God. Right there I am breaking my promise. I am putting my Lord lower than my sin, all the way in the corner. But when I’m in financial need, Lord, then I’ll go and say a rosary and you give me all the money that I need — Observance of holy days of obligation. The greatness and mercy of God who remains eternally on the cross. Honor your father and mother, and I am only focusing on adultery and I am doing it very quickly. What am I saying about my parents? That my parents did not teach me to respect marriage. But how can a father tell his son, “Son, if you are unfaithful, you will go to hell. Son, if you are not going to be faithful to your wife, don’t get married. Son, ask God for the grace to be faithful.” But how can a father advise his children in that manner if he, himself, is unfaithful. When a son calls his mother up and tells her, “Mom, tell my wife that I was with you.” And in reality where was he? And the mother responds, “Very well, my son,” and she doesn’t bother to give him advice or anything, that’s when Satan makes us become accessories to the crime/sin. It’s a very grave matter when we become accessories to the crime/sin. Now, the mothers-in-law, who butt into their children’s marriages to try to run it, you know what, if your son or daughter is already married, there is nothing you can do. The only thing for you to do is to pray but keep your nose out of their business. Many women have lost their salvation for getting involved in their children’s marriage. It’s a very grave matter. If I see one of them committing a sin, pray. Go before the Lord. But if my son is living in sin, I can get together with the couple and say, “Look, please, save your marriage, look at your children. Marriage is to give totally one to the other, to fight together.” What am I talking about? Fifth Commandment: Do not kill. How many dead children are we carrying, dead to sin. We worry when our children are sick or because they do not have money for college. And how many of us have killed our own children through our sin and dare to say that we’ve never killed, and our children walk around sad and depressed or filled with anger because they don’t have their mom or their dad with them. And when a woman herself kills her own children, when she goes before the Lord and says, “Thank you, Lord, for those wonderful children that you gave me. They were such good children that ever since their father left me, they hate their father and they only love me.” Bang, you’ve killed them because to hate is to kill. How many times have we poisoned our children’s mind. You know what hurts our Lord? When parents try to turn their children against their father or mother. God does not allow that. When the husband goes before the Lord and He opens up the Book of Life, our Lord is going to say, “Remember when you had relations with this woman or with that secretary?” “Yes.” “When you had relations with that woman, even though you wore a condom, well, a virus attached to it. You showered but the virus did not die. Later, when you had relations with your wife, that virus attached to your wife and she ended up with cancer.” Who can say that adultery does not kill, physically? And then we turn around and complain to God, “Why do you punish me.” Sixth Commandment, do not fornicate. I am only referring to adultery. How many abortions occur due to adultery? “Oh, no. my husband is going to find out. I have to kill the innocent baby that cannot speak.” Many people have told me, “God forgives everything. Even murders can receive the Eucharist and just because I am having fun, enjoying life, they do not let me receive the Eucharist.” You know what, Jesus is the rock that protects marriages. And when someone comes against that rock, he or she is going to get smashed. That’s what you are doing if you destroy a marriage. Do not steal. If I have so much money – people have told me that they have so much money that their wives and children are well off that they even have enough money to support another two women. That money belongs to your family. If I have the blessing of the money that the Lord provides for my family and I go out and spend it on prostitution, I am stealing from God. And He will hold me accountable for it. You know what else the Lord showed me, that we as females have run our husbands out of our beds. You know what the Lord showed me, how when I was dating my husband I used to spend hours on the phone with him and everything was “Love, this,” “Honey, that,” “My life.” And as soon as we got married it changed to “That loser this,” “That bum that,” “That good for nothing.” The Lord showed me how I stopped being attentive towards my husband. I used to say, “Forget it. Why should I? I have to work too.” The Lord showed me how many wives have run their husbands out of their beds. Now, do not lie and do not give false witness. Now, tell me in an adulterous relationship how many lies must be fabricated to cover it up? Ninth Commandment, do not entertain impure thoughts and do not covet the husband or wife of your neighbor. You know who is very jealous? God is. If you think your wife is jealous, it’s because you do not know God. And do not covet your neighbor’s goods. A married man is your neighbor’s belonging. He or she has an owner. He or she has children. He or she has a home. What gives me the right to snatch that blessing away from them. I wasn’t even able to stay in the lower parts of purgatory with my father. I continued descending. And when my descent came to an end, I came to a flat surface. You can imagine the horror I felt when I realized that I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t even stay in the last corner of purgatory. I continued descending. When I came to that flat surface, a mouth opened up. And that mouth swallowed me in. It was real. It was alive. Everything is very real over there. That is reality. Over there, there is nothing unreal. Everything is very real. And I go in there head first. When I am on my way into another mouth, I was yelling and screaming like a crazy person. I knew that once I entered in there completely that I wasn’t going to be able to stay in the cavity. I knew that I had to continue descending. That hole had another mouth. And I knew that once I entered through that mouth, that I would never come out. It was my spiritual death, the death of my soul. But when I am headed towards that mouth, thanks be to God, St. Michael the Archangel grabbed me by the feet and I entered in a light manner, like a feather, into that hole. The light of my spirit bothered all of the demons that were there and immediately demons that looked like larva jumped at me and covered up my entire body as to cover up any little bit of light that might have been left within in me. I was horrified at that sight. I would yell and scream like a mad woman. When those things attached themselves to me, they were burning me alive. They are darkness that is real and alive. The hatred that exists there is real and alive. It’s a form of hatred that burns you up alive, hatred that makes you explode, hatred that devours you. And I am there covered up with that larva. When I am there, I began calling out, “Souls of purgatory, please get me out of here.” When I called out to the souls in purgatory, I felt an indescribable pain because I began to hear gnashing of teeth and the sighing of millions, and millions, and millions of people that were there in like swamps of hatred. When I saw them, I was given the knowledge that the people that were there were the people that had committed suicide. They were there waiting for their natural life span to expire, the time they would have lived had they not committed suicide, before descending to the place in hell where they will be spending eternity. There is no time or space over there, but the people who commit suicide fall out of Divine order. There were so many young people in there, so, so, so, so many young people crying and gnashing their teeth over there. Their torment there is seeing how their loved ones go about life feeling guilty, thinking, “perhaps if I would have done this or if I wouldn’t have done that, or if I would have dealt with it differently maybe this wouldn’t have happened.” That’s how demons torment them. What those poor people need is that those, who are still here on earth, that they begin converting. That’s what the people need over there, conversion, acts of charity, such as visiting the sick, that they offer up the Eucharist for them, because everything gets transformed over there. The blessings are given through the Eucharist. How can a poor soul in purgatory come out of there? It can’t. What can someone who is stuck in that hole, like I was, do for themselves? Absolutely nothing. But God can through the Eucharist. Those poor souls need masses offered up for them. But the demons over there enjoy torturing those souls by showing them how their loved ones are hurting for them. And those poor souls, as it is, are going through so much anguish already even without the torture from the demons. When I saw them in such anguish, I began to yell out, “Please, you made a mistake. I have never stolen. I have never killed. I have never hurt anyone. I used to buy groceries for the poor. I used to pull teeth out for free for the poor.” I was demanding my rights. Everywhere I went I always demanded my rights. I would yell out, “This is too much. I was on my way to heaven. What am I doing here?” And I began saying, “Before our bankruptcy, for five years, I used to pull teeth out for free for the poor and I used to use the best Swiss products on them. What am I doing here? Get me out of here.” I would yell out as I was surrounded by those horrible creatures. I began yelling out, “I’m a Catholic. Please get me out of here.” When I yelled out that was a Catholic, I saw two lights. I saw these lights like on a ladder. One of those lights was my father. He barely had any light about him. His light was very dim. And the other light was my mother. She had so much light about her. Her light was bright and beautiful. I felt so much joy. I thought to myself, they’re here to get me out of here. At that moment, my body in the hospital, was in a comma. I was in an agonizing state. There wasn’t even enough oxygen entering my lungs anymore. They would only allow my sister, who is a doctor, to be in there with me. She was next to me in the hospital. But when I saw my parents over there – because my spirit was with my flesh but my soul was in that hole. And I was in a deep comma. And she clearly heard me speak. I had a tube going down my throat. Have you ever heard a person, who is in a deep comma and with a tube down their throat speak clearly? Well, I scared the daylights out of my sister. I began saying, “Mom and dad are here. There here to take me with them.” And my sister got scared. She thought that I had died. She started saying, “Mom and dad are here. They’re here to take her. Go away mom and dad. Do not take her. She has children. Do not take her.” The doctors pulled her out of the room because they thought that my sister was going into a state of shock, you know, with the death of my nephew and my being in a comma. She spent three days in the hospital without any sleep, the three days that I was in a comma. But when I was in that hole and I saw my parents there, you cannot imagine the joy that I felt. I felt hope just by seeing a little bit of light in the midst of that darkness. I began yelling out, “Mom, dad, please get me out of here.” They turn their eyes down towards me and you should have seen the pain that their eyes reflected, what pain. My father began to cry and he cried out, “No, oh, Lord, no, not my daughter.” My father cried with a lot of pain. My mother looked at me and I could see the pain in her eyes, but nothing could remove the peace that she had upon her. She didn’t shed a tear. But she turned her eyes up and then she looked down towards me. At that moment, in horror, I understood that they could not get me out of there. And I knew that they were there because they were answering to our Lord how they had educated me, how they were the guardians of the talents that God had given me, how they, through their lives and through their testimony had preserved me from the attack of the enemy, how they had taught me to love God, how they had fed the graces that God had placed upon me through the Sacrament of Baptism. When I saw the pain that their eyes reflected, especially my father, I began yelling and screaming, “Please get me out of here. Please get me out of here. Please, please get me out of here. I shouldn’t be here. I am Catholic. I have no reason to be here.” When I yelled out that I was Catholic, I could hear a sweet voice, but so, so sweet, so sweet, that everything was filled with peace and love at the sound of that voice. Those horrible creatures had to prostrate themselves in adoration at the sound of that voice. And they asked for permission to leave because they could not stand the sweetness of that voice. And a mouth opened up underneath them and they all went in there. And I felt peace as well as the other souls that were in there. When I saw those creatures prostrate themselves there at the sound of that voice, even Satan with his pride and all, they must prostrate themselves before the King of kings and Lord of lords. I saw the Blessed Virgin Mary prostrated at mass, when the priest was holding up the Eucharist at my nephew’s funeral, praying for me, bringing all of the prayers of my hometown and placing them at the feet of my Lord. When the priest holds up the Eucharist, everything has to prostrate themselves in heaven, on earth and under the earth. All the demons at that very moment have to prostrate themselves. And at mass during that special moment, I used to be dosing off or chewing away at my gum. You want to know what my relationship with God was. “He’s deaf. He doesn’t hear me. What’s wrong with him?” Imagine that, trying to manipulate God. And that voice tells me, “Very well, if you are Catholic, tell me the 10 commandments of God’s Law.” And the only thing I knew is that there were 10 of them. I was scared. I said, “Crap, what do I do now. How do I get out of this one.” I thought, I know what I’m going to do, I am going to repeat what my mom taught me. She used to say, “Whoever loves God, need only count to one. Whoever loves their brethren, loves God.” I began planning a great speech to get myself out of that mess. And I’m trying to kill time to organize that in my head. That is how daring sin is. And I said, “The first commandment: to Love God above all else and to love your neighbor as yourself.” And that beautiful voice tells me, “Very well, and have you loved him?” I responded, “I have. I have.” When He said, “No,” brothers and sisters, all of my saintly masks went down the toilet, all of them. I was ‘naked’ before the Lord. That sweet voice said to me, “No. You have not loved your Lord above all else, nor have you loved your neighbor as yourself. You created a God that you conformed to your ways, instead of you conforming to the ways of the Lord. You only remembered the Lord in times of need, in times of suffering. The only time that you would prostrate yourself before Me was during those hardships, and only then. You would promise to pray novenas, to go to mass, to go to bible studies and prayer meetings. That sweet voice would say to me, “Nothing was given to you because you asked for it. It was given to you as a blessing from me. But you never kept any of the promises you made. You would promise to have masses said, you promised so many things but never followed through.” From there on, everything I ever said was brought to light, “You gave your word to your Lord and you never kept it. You made a vow with your Lord and you never kept it. You only looked for the Lord when — I would say, “Lord, please, grant me a car, even if it’s an old car, just so that I can move around.” This is one of the many things that I prayed for that the Lord showed me when I was up there. The Lord would also show me how as soon as he blessed me with the car, within eight days, I began to complain. I never thanked God for blessing me with the car. The Lord kept on showing me how he would pour blessings upon me and I never thanked him for anything. The Lord told me, “That is because you had a God. That idolatry that has you here and that God was money.” When I was told that money was my God, I responded by saying, “What money? I left nothing but debts on earth.” That’s as far as I was permitted to speak. After that the Book of my Life was opened up. Brothers and sisters, what beauty. When it’s your turn to go before the Lord and he opens up the book of your life, you are going to see everything in there from the very instant of your conception until your last breath. From there on you begin to see your life moment by moment. You see how white, radiant, and completely filled with God’s love your soul is. Have you ever seen babies laughing by themselves and it seems as though they are talking and some adults say that they are talking with God? Well, yes, they are. Babies are submerged in the Holy Spirit like all of us, but they do know how to enjoy the presence of God. You cannot imagine how beautiful it was to see myself in my mother’s womb. My mom hadn’t been able to have children for seven years and she could not believe that she was pregnant. My mother was getting closer to the heart of Jesus, but she had to go through a process, like we all do. She was very disturbed due to my father’s lifestyle. Then when she finds out that she’s pregnant all she would say was, “No, my God, please, do not let me be pregnant.” She would cry. That generated interior anguish within me. I grew up thinking that my mother did not love me and it always created a rejection in me towards my mother. Mother was a woman who was God-filled. Everybody loved her. She was so kind to me and I used to think she didn’t love me. “She doesn’t love me. She doesn’t love me.” It was weird. But that’s why we have the sacraments, the grace of the sacraments. In the Book of Life, I saw when I was baptized. When I was baptized, you should have seen the big party that took place in heaven. I was a baby and a mark was placed on me right here. When your turn comes to go up there, you are going to see the mark that the children of God have on them. It’s a fire. It’s the fire that shows that we belong to Jesus Christ. But in the Book of Life, the Lord began to show me how I began to get filled with the sins that were around me since I was a little girl, mainly due to my father’s lifestyle. The lies, the drunkenness and that whole lifestyle that I was starting to adopt, how it generated many bad things in me, many behaviors that were expressed in me throughout my life. When I was being shown the book of my life, I saw all the beautiful talents that were placed in my interior. Brothers and sisters, we are all worth so much. You have no idea how much we are worth to God. He loves each and every one of us. One of the things that worries the devil the most is when we begin to put those talents that God has placed in us to good use; that is, (to the service of the Lord). If we would put those talents to work, this world wouldn’t be in the shape that it’s in. At that instant, the Lord asks me, “What spiritual treasures have you brought me?” My hands were empty! At that moment the Lord asked me, “What good was it for you to say that you owned apartment complexes? What good was it for you to own your own practice? What good was it for you to say that you were a successful professional woman? Tell me, what good was all of that? What good was it for you to workout so much worship of your body, so much torture that you put your body through? What good was it for you to become bulimic and anorexic. What good was it for you to put your body through so much? Were you able to bring the dust of a brick over here? What good was it for you to have so many people adore you? Because you made a god out of yourself by being generous and giving so much, because you did many generous things and many acts of charity for people to think that you were such a good person, such a holy person, thus you made a god out of yourself. And you used to manipulate people with your money and you would make them do whatever you wanted them to do. Tell me, what have you been able to bring with you over here?” Our Lord continued saying to me, “When I blessed you with bankruptcy, I did that to draw your attention away from that god (god of money) that has you here now, that god whom you served. I did that for you to turn to me, but instead you rebelled against me. You refused to step down from your social status and you used to curse me. You were enslaved to your god, that money god. He said to me, “You had everything and everything was given to you as a blessing. It’s not the way you used to think, ‘It’s because I am so intelligent. I’m a hard worker. I am very studious.\'” I used to say, “I became successful through my hard work, my ability to study, and my efforts.” The Lord said to me, “No. Look, how many professionals exist in better economic conditions than you? How many professionals exist that labor so hard and look at their poor condition? But you were given much and because you were given much, much will be asked of you.” I had to answer to the Lord even for every grain of rice that I threw away in my life. Every time that I threw food away, I had to answer to the Lord. He begins to point out to me out of the book of my life how my mother used to always make beans, because as a child, I was very poor. And I was so sick of eating beans all the time that I hated them. I used to say, “Not, damned beans again. Some day I am going to be so rich that I will never eat beans again.” One day when I was just a small child, I threw away my beans. And my mother came to sit with me to have breakfast together, but I had already thrown away the beans. My mother thought that I was so hungry that I had already finished them. You want to know what the Lord showed me over there? He showed me the hunger that was the closest to me, that was my mother. Imagine how hard it was. My mother had seven children. Many times she went without eating anything so long as we had something to eat. We were very, very poor. If not, my mother would give her food away to the needy. She went hungry many times. But my mother always had a smile on her face. She never put on a bitter face. The Lord showed me how that was the closest hunger that I had to my life. From there on, the Lord began to show how I used to throw big parties and social reunions with a variety of food. And people serve themselves more than what they can eat and half of that food goes in the trash because they can’t eat all of it. The Lord would show me all of the food that would end up in the trashcan. The Lord would say to me, “Look, at your brethren’s blessing. Look.” The Lord raised his voice and said to me, “And I was hungry.” At that moment he showed me all the hunger that exists. It hurts God very much to see people go hungry, to see people suffer, to see people in need. He began to show me my own house (not her mother’s house). He showed me a vase that I had that had cost me a fortune. My housekeeper accidentally broke that vase and I practically died. The Lord began to show me how many fashionable and trendy clothes I had in my closet, how many costly and elegant things I had in my house. And He says to me, “And I was naked.” He also showed me that it was pure vanity because I didn’t use most of those clothes. He showed me how my high-society friends — this is during the time when I used to have a lot of money and I used to live in high social status, before the bankruptcy — if my friends purchased clothes, I had to buy better clothes than them. I was very envious. If somebody would purchase a car, I would begin complaining about my car because I wanted something better than theirs. I was always competing. The Lord said to me, “You always looked up, comparing yourself to people who were in a better financial position than you. You never looked down again towards your poor brothers and sisters. When you were poor, you were on your way to sanctity because you would give of what you yourself needed.” The Lord showed my how one time, even though we were very poor, my mother bought me a pair of tennis shoes. I was really happy. Then, I saw a boy barefooted and I felt very sad. I took off my shoes and I gave them to the boy. When I arrived home, I arrived without shoes. My dad just about killed me because it was such a sacrifice for my parents to buy me a pair of shoes because we were so poor. He almost killed me. The Lord rejoiced himself when I was walking that path. Even though I lived in a very complicated home, graces were being poured upon us because of my mother’s prayers and I was on the path of sanctity. The Lord said to me, “If you would have opened up to the Holy Spirit, that little boy that you see there would not have been molested by his father.” The Lord began to show me how all of humanity is going to answer to God for a lot of the things that happen to others due to us closing ourselves up to the Holy Spirit. The Lord said to me, “I would have inspired you and you would have prayed. And that beast/demon that entered into that person would not have molested that little girl or that little boy.” The Lord also said to me and showed me, “If you would have prayed, this young man would not have committed suicide. If you would have prayed, this girl would not have aborted her baby. If you would have prayed, this person would not have died feeling abandoned by me in a hospital. I would have inspired you so that you would have started walking in that direction, and I would have taken you, and you would have gone in MY NAME to assist them.” He showed me the suffering of all the people in the world. He said to me, “What pain, what pain.” The Lord showed me and he is going to show you too, when you go before him, how all of the talents that he had given me were dormant. They never came out to service. And I never allowed myself to be touched by the Holy Spirit so that I would have felt the pain and suffering of others. The Lord said to me, “Look at my people. Why would you have to wait for your family to become ill with cancer in order for you to pray for those who suffer from cancer? Why did you have to wait for your husband to be kidnapped in order for you to pray for all those who get kidnapped?” And he began to show me the pain that God feels when we do not correctly administer the talents that He has given us. He said to me, “And you, you had a heart of stone incapable of feeling pain.” At this point I would like to describe to you the way in which the Lord showed me the talents. I used to never watch TV. I used to say, “What for? All they show are a bunch of dead people.” I used to only watch the entertainment portion of the news, or when they talked about “positive energy,” and astrology, all of those tricks of the devil that he throws out there, that is what I liked to watch. When I was over there before him (being judged,) the Lord showed me how he had tried a strategy with me. One time I turned on the TV just in time to watch my entertainment news and all of that, and for some reason they were running behind, so instead of entertainment news, I caught the tale end of the regular news. At that moment, they were showing a lady farmer crying on top of her dead husband’s body. When I saw that — you want to know what the devil sadly does to us? He makes us indifferent to the pain of others. We become used to seeing dead people all the time. We become used to seeing so much suffering. It no longer becomes our problem instead we think it’s too bad, but at the same time it’s not our problem. Well, let me tell you what the Lord showed me over there. The Lord showed me all the pain that He felt because all of the reporters, who were covering the story of the farmer that had been killed before his wife, were only preoccupied with getting the best storyline, without even feeling any sorrow for that poor farmer. They were only trying to sell the best story without caring for the suffering of the poor wife. When I was watching that on TV, I felt so much pain and that caused me to pay attention. It happened in Benadillo, Tolima, over there in my country. Immediately after they showed a spectacular diet that was very popular at that time. The news of the diet took precedence over the news of the lady farmer and her husband and never again did I remember her. Who do you think asked me about that lady farmer? Who do you think didn’t forget about her? The Lord. When I was up there being judged, the Lord said to me, “When you felt so much pain for that lady farmer, it was I inspiring you to go to her aid. But you never kneeled before me, not even for a second to say a prayer for her. You were so overtaken by the news of the diet that you forgot all about the farmer.” The Lord first showed me a farmer who was being asked to leave the house in which he lived in. The farmer chose not to leave. The Guerilla came armed w
  215. Boolshit

  216. Fr. Malachi Martin discusses fatima and Pope John’s failure to follow instructions, and also 3 days of darkness

  217. Dear Marian I am posting this so that you all will believe .The lord is giving a sign about Israel .so please put aside your differences and follow Jesus Christ advice and do His Holy Will
    Much Love


  219. I think I posted on one of your old Fatima links. I would like to repost on this presently active blog. Thank you.

    The Blessed Mother of Fatima has announced the near future Enthronement of her son, Jesus Christ, as King and Ruler of the world!
    This is the message of the Third Secret of Fatima!
    By Steven Merten
    Copyright 2010

    The mountain the clergy are climbing in the Third Secret of Fatima, is Zion. With Jesus, a descendant of King David, Ruling the world, Zion is born. Under Messianic Reign, Jesus will Rule the world through His Church, the Catholic Church.

    A portion from the “Third Secret of Fatima”.
    a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark;
    Quoted from: Copyright: The Cathedral Foundation L’Osservatore Romano English Edition 320 Cathedral St. Baltimore, MD 21201

    And saviors shall ascend Mount Zion to rule the mount of Esau, and the kingship shall be the LORD’S.
    The immense light of God, mirrored through the Catholic clergy, in the Third Secret of Fatima, is the ‘Light to the Nations’ Jesus Christ shining forth throughout the world from on top Mt. Zion. Mt. Zion is the post-Armageddon Catholic Church through which Jesus will Rule the world. The Catholic Church will be Christ’s light to the nations from atop Zion.

    A portion from the “Third Secret of Fatima”.
    And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark;

    NAB2 MAT 5:13
    You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.

    The suffering of the clergy in the Third Secret of Fatima, is the baptism, similar to His own, that Jesus tells us those, standing at His right and left, will receive, upon Messianic Enthronement. Church clergy suffering for Jesus and His Church, upon Messianic Enthronement, is an honor!

    A portion from the “Third Secret of Fatima”.
    having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.

    NAB3 MAR 10:35
    Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him and said to him, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.” He replied, “What do you wish (me) to do for you?” They answered him, “Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at your left.” Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I drink or be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” They said to him, “We can.” Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink, you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at my right or at my left is not mine to give but is for those for whom it has been prepared.”

    The Third Secret of Fatima tells us that an angel is about to light the world on fire. PSA 97 tells us that the world is set on fire when Jesus is enthroned as Ruler of the world.

    A Portion of the Third Secret of Fatima
    we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire;

    NAB2 PSA 96:11
    Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice; let the sea and what fills it resound; let the plains be joyful and all that is in them. Then let all the trees of the forest rejoice before the LORD who comes, who comes to govern the earth, To govern the world with justice and the peoples with faithfulness.

    NAB2 PSA 97
    The LORD is king; let the earth rejoice; let the many islands be glad. Cloud and darkness surround the Lord; justice and right are the foundation of his throne. Fire goes before him; everywhere it consumes the foes. Lightning illumines the world; the earth sees and trembles. The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens proclaim God’s justice; all peoples see his glory. All who serve idols are put to shame, who glory in worthless things; all gods bow down before you. Zion hears and is glad, and the cities of Judah rejoice because of your judgments, O LORD. You, LORD, are the Most High over all the earth, exalted far above all gods. The LORD loves those who hate evil, protects the lives of the faithful, rescues them from the hand of the wicked. Light dawns for the just; gladness, for the honest of heart. Rejoice in the LORD, you just, and praise his holy name.

    NAB REV 12:5
    She gave birth to a son–a boy destined to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod …
    …Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. Although the dragon and his angels fought back, they were overpowered and lost their place in heaven. The huge dragon, the ancient serpent known as the devil or Satan, the seducer of the whole world, was driven out; he was hurled down to earth and his minions with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have salvation and power come, the reign of our God and the authority of his Anointed One. For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, who night and day accused them before our God. They defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; love for life did not deter them from death.

    The Catholic Church delay in releasing the third secret of Fatima, for forty years, has already been well document in scriptures. Under Messianic Reign, Israel is restored. We enter into the Promised Land for a second time. Because Messianic Reign, which takes us into Promised Land II, is far more significant than Promised Land I, God has made them mirror us. The forty year Church delay in revealing the Blessed Mother’s, good news of Messianic Reign, is mirrored in Israel’s forty years in the desert.

    I hope and pray that you will visit my web site.
    Third Secret of Fatima
    The Blessed Mother Has Announced The Coming of Messianic Reign!

    As for Michael the Archangel and his angels; the reason Jesus has not yet been enthroned as King and Ruler of the world at Armageddon, is because Catholic Clergy are Christ’s great Combat Angels of the Apocalypse. The weapon of a Combat Angel is Church anathema. The wall built around the New Jerusalem is Christ’s Law. Christ’s Law, in His Kingdom, is enforced by His Angels, through Catholic Church anathemas and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Gates to the New Jerusalem are the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Law enforcement in Christ’s Kingdom is accomplished with the “keys to the Kingdom”. Jesus is not King and Ruler until His subjects are enforcing His Rules. When they do, at the trumpet blast of the seventh angel of Armageddon, Jesus Rules the world!

    The draw for people to come to Zion will be ‘Light to the Nations’ our Lord God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus tells us, build the wall and in three days He will be here, in His Temple, Ruling the world from atop Mt. Zion. Post Armageddon Zion is the post Armageddon, Catholic Church. Armageddon is where the wall of Christ’s Kingdom of Zion, aka The New Jerusalem, is built. Satan, code-name Babylon, Falls at the Battle of Armageddon

    The Third Secret of Fatima is Christ’s dispatch to His Angels of the Apocalypse.

    NAB MAT 13:38
    The weeds are the followers of the evil one and the enemy who sowed them them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world, while the harvesters are the angels. Just as weeds are collected and burned, so will it be at the end of the world. The Son of Man will dispatch his angels to collect from his kingdom all who draw others to apostasy, and all evildoers. The angels will hurl them into the fiery furnace where they will wail and grind their teeth. Then the saints will shine like the sun in their Father’s kingdom.

    The Third Secret of Fatima is Christ’s dispatch to His Angels. Let Jesus Rule! Hallelujah! Let us go to the Promised Land II of Zion. Amen!

    Peace in Christ.
    May Zion come to us.
    Steven Merten

  220. Sorry to have to disappoint you brother; but the Third Secret of Fatima which the Vatiican reveled is not the real is a lye to cover up the real Secret .The real secret is the one posted by me .I am Portuguese and I should know better the contents of the Third Secret than the lying Cardinals .I have no idea as to the cover up, I can assure you that its contents have not yet come to pass .it is now being fulfilled. And if you want to know what it said read the one I post it is the one and only true Secret from our Lady Mary the Mother of God .It is exactly as the breaking of the 6th seal in revelation! Padre Pio Prophecy offers the same account of what it is to take place .You will find it in this forum.

  221. I believe Lucifer knows the Bible forwards, and backwards. It knows people will fall away from the truth, it knows there will be a middle east war that sets up the last war, etc…

    I do not believe G-d sends the dead back to earth. Lucifer misleads little children to tell how Mary showed up. Now, people are praying to a dead person, not the son of G-d who rose from the dead.

    • leatherneck

      I don’t this page will ever match what you believe.

      • The Bible reads not to talk to the dead. Remember King Saul? It is not dead humans that people think they are talking to, but evil spirits. The spirits of the Nephilim that wander the planet. The evil spirits that Christ drove out of the man into the swine.

        The dead can not come back to earth. G-d said.

        It is not what I believe, it is what all of us should believe as the Bible states it.

  222. I wanted to restate the ‘Third Secret of Fatima’. This is the Third Secret because it bears the element of hope. Why would the Blessed Mother come down to give us the blood and guts vision of how it will all end? Why not just shut it down with a nuclear war or something. The Third Secret ends with the Catholic Church suffering to bring people to God and into heaven. This is actually a good thing. Something is going to happen through the Church to help people go to heaven.

    Again, the mountain the Church is climbing is Zion. Zion is born when Jesus takes over as King and Ruler of the world. One look around and anyone can tell it is Satan, not Jesus, presently ruling the world. We are not in Zion yet. The angel is Michael. The sword is the sword of Christ’s mouth, Church anathema. Why else would Jesus give His Apostles His sworn oath to bind people to sin on earth, which damns their soul to hell lest they repent, if not to protect His Bride the Church on earth. Protect Her especially in times of great evil and apostacy as our own. Penance, Penance, Penance!

    The Blessed Mother of Fatima has announce the comming of Messianic Reign. Let Jesus Rule! Let us go to Zion! Halalujah!

    “J.M.J. The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on 13 July 1917.

    I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine. After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’. And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.

    Quoted from http:
    Copyright: The Cathedral Foundation L’Osservatore Romano English Edition 320 Cathedral St. Baltimore, MD 21201

  223. I had a vision too.

    There was the word of G-d made flesh, lived a perfect life, was murdered, and rose from the dead on the third day. He holds the keys to heaven, and earth. He who believes in him will have ever lasting life. No one comes to the Father except through the Christ.

    Then, I saw hell full of those who mislead people away from the truth. Who caused people to worship pagan goddesses, and pray to dead people who can not hear, or see. Who told fables in order to gain attention.

  224. No! No! and No! the Third Secret of Fatima that you are posting is a big fat lie a fabrication in order to hide the truth. Why can you not see that. By posting the lie you are in legion with Satan .You are just as guilty as they all are of hiding the truth! Wake up man I have in my hand given to me in Toronto In 1996 The True Third Secret of Fatima This document was given to us by the Bishop of Leiria and we know that it is authentic . Further Lucia was a very simple lady not a scholar .Her letter is simple no fancy words were written compare to what you are presenting ..For the last time .What you are posting is a cover up big fat lie!

  225. St. Padre Pio’s Prophecy: The Great Tribulation; The Remnant


    NOW IS THE TIME OF MERCY FOR ALL PERSONS, no matter what evil they have committed, if they return to the Lord and ask forgiveness. “I desire not the death of the wicked but that he turn from his wicked way and live” (Ezechiel 33:11)

    This document contents are exactly the same as the Third Secret of Fatima .

    “As it was in the days of Noe, they ate and drank, married and were giving in marriage until the day that Noe entered into the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all…Even shall it be in the day when the Son of Man shall be revealed” (Luke 17:26-30)


    WORDS OF CHRIST TO ST PADRE PIO (excerpts): “My Son, My love for man is very great, especially for those who give themselves to Me…The time is near at hand in which I shall visit my unfaithful people because they have not heeded the time of My grace. My judgment shall come upon them suddenly and when least expected– not one shall escape My hands. But I shall protect the just. Watch the sun and moon and the stars, when they appear unduly disturbed and restless, know that the day is not far away.

    “Stay united in prayer and watching until the angel of destruction has passed your doors. Pray that these days will be shortened. My children, have confidence, I am in the midst of you. My Kingdom shall be glorified and My Name shall be blessed from the rising of the sun unto the setting. My Kingdom shall have no end.

    “PRAY! Men are running toward the abyss of Hell in great rejoicing and merry-making, as though to a masquerade ball or the wedding feast of the devil himself. Assist Me in the salvation of souls. The measure of sin is filled! The day of revenge, with its terrifying happenings is near!–Nearer than you can imagine! And the world is sleeping in false security! The Divine Judgment shall strike them like a thunderbolt! These godless and wicked people shall be destroyed without mercy, as were the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah of old. Yes, I tell you their wickedness was not as great as that of our human race of today!.

    “Keep your windows well covered. Do not look out. Light a blessed candle, which will suffice for many days. Pray the rosary. Read spiritual books. Make acts of love which are so pleasing to Us. Pray with outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved. Do not go outside the house. Provide yourself with sufficient food. The Powers of nature shall be moved and a rain of fire shall make people tremble with fear. Have courage! I am in the midst of you.

    “Take care of the animals during these days. I am the Creator and Preserver of all animals as well as man. I shall give you a few signs beforehand, at which time you should place more food before them. I will preserve the property of the elect, including the animals, for they shall be in need of sustenance afterwards as well. Let no one go across the yard, even to feed the animals–he who steps outside will perish! Cover your windows carefully. My elect shall not see My wrath. Have confidence in Me, and I will be your protection. Your confidence obliges Me to come to your aid.

    “The hour of My coming is near! But I will show mercy. A most dreadful punishment will bear witness to the times. My angels, who are to be the executioners of this work, are ready with their pointed swords! Hurricanes of fire will pour forth from the clouds and spread over the entire earth! Storms, bad weather, thunderbolts and earthquakes will cover the earth for two days. An uninterrupted rain of fire will take place! It will begin during a very cold night. All this is to prove that God is the Master of Creation.

    “Those who hope in Me, and believe in My words, have nothing to fear because I will not forsake them, nor those who spread My message. No harm will come to those who are in the state of grace and who seek My mother’s protection. That you may be prepared for these visitations, I will give you the following signs and instructions: The night will be very cold. The wind will roar. After a time, thunderbolts will be heard. Lock all the doors and windows. Talk to no one outside the house. Kneel down before a crucifix, be sorry for your sins, and beg My Mother’s protection. Do not look during the earthquake, because the anger of God is holy! Jesus does not want us to behold the anger of God, because God’s anger must be contemplated with fear and trembling. Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly. The wind will carry with it poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth. Those who suffer and die innocently will be martyrs and they will be with Me in My Kingdom.

    “Satan will triumph! But in three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease. On the following day the sun will shine again, angels will descend from Heaven and will spread the spirit of peace over the earth. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will take possession of those who survive this most terrible ordeal, the impending punishment, with which God will visit the earth since creation.

    “I have chosen souls in other countries too, who have received these revelations so that other countries also may be prepared. Pray the Rosary, but pray it well, so that your prayers may reach Heaven. Soon a more terrible catastrophe shall come upon the entire world, such as never before has been witnessed, a terrible chastisement never before experienced!

    “How unconcerned men are regarding these things which shall so soon come upon them, contrary to all expectations. The weight of the Divine balance has reached the earth! The wrath of My Father shall be poured out over the entire world! I am again warning the world as I have so often done heretofore. The sins of men have multiplied beyond measure. The world is filled with iniquity.

    “This catastrophe shall come upon the earth like a flash of lightning! at which moment the light of the morning sun shall be replaced by black darkness! No one shall leave the house or look out of a window from that moment on. I Myself shall come amidst thunder and lightning. The wicked shall behold My Divine Heart. There shall be great confusion because of this utter darkness in which the entire earth shall be enveloped. And many, many shall die from fear and despair. Those who shall fight for My cause shall receive grace from My Divine Heart; and the cry: ‘WHO IS LIKE UNTO GOD!” shall serve as a means of protection to many. However, many shall burn in the open fields like withered grass! The godless shall be annihilated, so that afterwards the just shall be able to start afresh.

    On that day, as soon as complete darkness has set in, no one shall leave the house or look from out of the window. The darkness shall last a day and a night, followed by another day and a night, and another day–but on the night following, the stars will shine again, and on the next morning the sun shall rise again, and it will be SPRINGTIME!

    “In the days of darkness, My elect shall not sleep, as did the disciples in the garden of olives. They shall pray incessantly, and they shall not be disappointed in Me. I shall gather My elect. Hell will believe itself to be in possession of the entire earth, but I shall reclaim it.

    “Do you, perhaps, think that I would permit My Father to have such terrible chastisements come upon the world, if the world would turn from iniquity to justice? But because of My great love, these afflictions shall be permitted to come upon man. Although many shall curse Me, yet thousands of souls shall be saved through them. No human understanding can fathom the depth of My love!

    “Pray! Pray! My dear Mother Mary and the saints and holy angels shall be your intercessors. Implore their aid. Be courageous soldiers of Christ! At the return of light, let everyone give thanks to the Holy Trinity for their protection!. The devastation shall be very great! But I, Your God, will have purified the earth. I am with you, have confidence! Again and again I have warned men, and often have I given them special opportunities to return to the right path; but now, wickedness has reached its climax, and the punishment can no longer be delayed. Even though My heart does suffer and bleed, yet for My Name’s sake, I must deal this blow. Tell all men that the time has come in which these things shall be fulfilled.”(St. Padre Pio)

    these are they who have come out of the great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb…They shall no more hunger or thirst for the Lamb who is in the midst of the Throne shall lead them to the fountains of the waters of life. and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

    “these words are faithful and true…Behold I come quickly and My reward is with Me. Blessed are they who wash their robes and make them white in the Blood of the Lamb that they may have a right to the Tree of Life…COME LORD JESUS!” (Apoc.7:14-17; 12:12-20)

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  226. Marianne
    How can such an evil suggestion come from you ? Whatever you believe will have no baring in our faith .In the end God will triumph .How can you be so blind ? If you pay attention to what is written in the Third Secret of Fatima That is the one I posted : You will see that we are now going through the tribulation . starting with the church .brother against brother .Minister against priest, the world chaos , and much much more that is slowly unfolding.I will pray that God may forgive you for calling our Holy Mother Satan, and for the lack of respect that you and your sect have for the Most Holy Mother of our Savior Jesus Christ.

    • atruebelievera

      You have me mixed up with someone else. I have not made any negative comments here.

    • Hey pal,

      No one called the mother of Jesus Satan. If you had botherered to read some of the above posts, you would have noticed what I wrote.

      I’m curious. Can you point in the Bible where it reads to pary to Mary the mother of Jesus, where it reads she is Queen of Heaven, and where she has been made co-regent with Christ as ruler of the Universe?

      Just one place is all I am asking for. Because, the only Queen of Heaven talked about in the Bible that I am aware of is when G-d the Father gets mad at Israel for baking cakes to the Queen of Heaven. Also known as Sumarious the wife, and mother of Nimrod.

  227. Queen of all Article

    The ‘Marian’ apparitions plan to unite all religions.

    Click to access Queen%20of%20All%20Article.pdf

    A very clever ‘counterfeit’ masterpiece, the real nature of ‘Mary’ is popping up.

  228. Rosa did present a few times a message received by Vassula and supposed to be from the ‘Blessed Mother’ or ‘Jesus’.

    Vassula ‘allows her hand to be supernaturally guided..’

    An example: The Crucifixtion.

  229. Another message,

    ‘The Woman with the twelve stars on Her Head.’ She is supposed to be Mary, but that woman (Revelation 12) clearly is ment to be Israël. Mary didn’t stay 31/5 year in the desert. She can’t be the curch, for the church didn’t bear a son. See also Hosea 2:13,14,15.

    However, next this ‘Mary’ in the message, The woman adorned with the sun, standing on the moon and with the twelve stars.., is said by ‘Jesus’ having been placed above all (these) things. While the bible says Jesus (!) is placed above all things.

  230. We have been brainwashed for centuries..!!!

    Is Jesus, in CC pictures often shown with blue eyes, long hair and a beard really the Lord the Bible is showing us..?! The Maya’s already spoke about such a blue eyed person. Very important video.

  231. Sorry, I didn’t ment to post the video itself but just the adress. Will post it anyway.
    Just for the case something may get lost in the future.

  232. Sorry again, another effort: (dot) com/watch?v=ITzDHXIS86g

  233. In case the adress doesn’t work, see youtube: 666 – The Cult Of Saturn

  234. Wow ! How very sad .When man will believe anything trou to them by the evil one as a last attempt to gain the souls of humanity!.
    And much sad when The Messiah Jesus Christ is used by Satan to deceive mankind.I would not want to be in the evil one place and any of his consort who dare to post such a trash .How far has man allowed himself to be deceived by the evil one ,as not to fear even Jesus Christ .Wow!Wow!Wow!

  235. Marianne, if the content of the video is trash it should be deleted immediately.
    I’m a bit confused now, but that can be very healthy. I do remember a topic on
    Branham (William) here, with 7 parts of a prophecy from which already 5 being fullfilled, and next the question if the latter two would come to pass as well. Then, I felt confused in the same way: “How can it be that this has been posted without at least more information on the man?!” Fortunenately, after a few comments, you did explain your scientific way of approaching information and next hoping that balanced commenting would end up in a balanced total view. Did like that. It is a risk and I did ask myself what could be the consequences if the man was not demasked by a commenter but fortunately the latter successfully happened.

    This topic did raise the same feeling. After having studied the ‘protestant’ errors we already are in for sixty (…) years, now for a few months the Catholic branch is getting the attention. Both fields of attention got born out of practical events. And for instance my post (with link) on the apparitions of ‘Mary’ clearly does show the time we are in. And this ‘only’ next to the place she already does have. Now some on the video.

    My wife and our daughter did visit Israel, so of course Jerusalem. They tried to avoid all the places where (older) churches are built on. However, because of meeting a Dutchman already studying those churches for years, and guiding interested people, they made a tour with him. What is his speciality?!
    Showing all the, often nearly hidden occult symbolic stuff nearly everywhere. While speaking Dutch together, he said:If they were knowing what I’m doing, I already a dozen times would have been kicked out for ever.’ That’s the reality.

    The ‘star’ of David, as far as I knew, is coming from Solomon. Has it to do with one of his, by God not approved, wives? The fam. Rothschild did introduce the star of David, being the family weapon. However the red lines of it got blue for the national symbol. Why is the same symbol used in the religions all over the world? If ‘Mary’, ‘Queen of Heaven’ demonicly is related to the ‘Queen of Heaven’ in the Old Testament, of whom God was furious, then the Catholics would be shocked to hear of even believe that. In the same way satan can pervert peoples’ idea of the coming appearance of ‘Jesus’. Should we trust the towel of Turin with ‘the face’ on it? I don’t think so. Millions of people do.

    By comparing information again and again and seeing connections of pieces of what seemed to be puzzels, I dare to post. Misinformation can be a disaster, especialy when this heavy kind of information is involved. Myself, I hardly (?) can be shocked anymore, for indeed, if the Lord would not prevent it Himself, even the elected would fail in recognizing satans hardest tricks.

    Sorry for my English, but in Christ and from the Netherlands I dare to share I like the hospitality, topics and the comments from time to time very much.

    To ‘atruebeliever’: Here at home my interest in Catholic doctrines just started two months ago and my conclusion so far is the very severe way of being tricky of it, even for the Catholics starting to study the bible in wanting to leave well informed. I did meet a Dutchman thinking he is the messenger out of Malachi, my interest started in that way. As a young boy he ‘got’ two manifestations and seen his own family environment it only got confirmed. It’s in fact tragic, that’s why I didn’t stop the contact on that site. In reallity the bible, false visions and false profecies, the occult and even Nostrodamus are mixed up in a terrible way, like already the fathers of the dessert in earlier days did experience by ‘following Jesus’ and wanting to meet satan and demons in order to get the knowledge how to discern and fight them. All without the babtism with the Spirit and forgetting Jesus was send by His Fathers’ Spirit to the dessert with the Father allowing satan the confrontation between them. God is the personification of Wisdom. Satans’ knowledge is called Sophia. The roots of the RC mystics in fact are laying in gnosticism.

    The result: their adventures, terms, sound bibically, but are very far from it. And yes, Marten Luther ‘only’ translated the Bible. Without that, bibles still would be in Latin. (Not). And yes, Calvin was a kind of wolf in sheepclothing as well, that’s why we shouldn’t follow men and institutions in getting HIS life..!
    Thank you Lord, it’s grace, only grace if we find the Way in and a way out.

  236. Questions ? See at the bottom of the home page for especialy R. Catholic ones.

    • hi Olaf

      I think it is possible to have symbols that can have either negative or positive meanings.

      For example, a tree…….it is a symbol of God’s creation, but can be used by the occult.

      so since the occult is now using it, does this mean God can no longer use it to his glory?

      A star is a symbol and object of god’s creation also. when I look in the sky, the natural star sees to radiate with about 6 points as well.

      If the occult “steals” this object as its own, does it mean God is not allowed to use it anymore?

      I have seen the cross used as occult jewelry, and satanic people enjoy wearing it to be bold and shocking. Does this mean the cross of jesus is no longer a symbol of Christianity?

      I think in some way it is the duty of the righteous to continue in their efforts to establish their rights over symbolism, that this is God’s territory, and it will not be relinquished to the dark side, just because the dark side wants to pervert it. To abandon the symbols of God’s creation is to grant victory to the dark side.

      So I feel that saints should continue to “take back” what belongs to God and them, as the rightful owners.

      This effort would be different , however, if the symbolism has ALWAYS represented satan and his works. in that case, I would abandon the symbol use.

      Both catholics and protestants have contributed to the knowledge of Christ over the centuries.

      But it is up to us to use godly wisdom to discern between error and truth, by using the Word of God as a guide.

      If we fail to do this, then our deception is our own fault.

  237. Marianne, thats fast..! I completely do agree with you. However, not is ment ‘just’ a collection of symbols. In the vatican, this because of that issue here, the symbols and used ‘images’ of satan are still ‘alive’ and realy get worshipped. About sacrificies I will keep silent. I had a sweet old portrait of Mary in my house, with child. A so called ‘neutral’ harmless one, saying that as a son of a schulptor. Mary was gordius with an age of about 15. She was pointing ad her child and at the same time ‘looking in the camera’ . Realy a harmless beauty. Until I did realise the last month what in fact I was doing, tolerating. R Catholics sometimes say: “We don’t worship her, the images, statues are just a point of attention” etc. Nearly symbolic.

    During a revival on the Isle of Timor, Indonesia (1973?) a team got led to a Catholic Church. God made them clear to tell the priest he should burn the idols. The man did protest: “We don’t have idols here.” The team went in and the statues got shown. The priest kept denying. Next those brethern, not wanting to overrule and ‘force’ the priest, did ask the Lord for wisdom. The answer was the next proposal. Let’s collect the statues, here in the building, make a stack of them, and next pray to God if He will burn them if they are idols indeed. The priest did agree. The brethern did pray again and everybody watched. Within seconds a lightning flash came from above and immediately all the statues had gone ashes.

    The next the priest immediately did was saying: “There are some more, old ones, I have to look for them.” They got burned as well. That day, people got aware of what had happened, over 1000 people got converted. Now, thousands, hundreds of thousand of people get ‘converted’ by ‘Mary’ seen everywhere. The religion of people doesn’t mind, everybody is just getting overwhelmed. If people are getting conditioned in believing the portraits of the ‘sweet’ Jesus are realy Him, they may be ready to accept any form of Christ presented by the false prophet or the antichrist. That’s what does happen. I’m not sure if you did follow all the above information, however it’s rather unaware starting with starling sybolism people already are used to, and without knowing it’s background. Knowing that some information may help, that’s to say when people are/get interested. Don’t forget, the black pope, head of the jesuits is said to be the ‘migthiest’ man on this earth. Only the top of the jesuits does know what that (!) does mean in practise.
    Naïive ‘protestants’ already nearly celebrate the ‘Union’ to the ‘Mother Church’, not knowing they will get sverely bondaged in even expressing themselves. All Christians, protestants, shall be forced to get Catholic.
    Everybody not accepting the Pope is called protestant. The government may solve the issue of refusing protestants. Imagine what that means.
    A priest: “Moslims, Hindus etc. go to heaven, protestants can forget that.”

    The Timor story is out of the booklet ‘Like a Mighty Wind’ (Mel Tari) The most imperessive today’s testimony I ever did read.

    • hi Olaf

      I think the jesus pictures all look alike, all modeled after the shroud of turin

      I would be interested to see a video of a pile of statues burning. Theoretically, the statues are only for reminders, but many people pray to them.

  238. burning idols in japan

  239. burning idols in nigeria

  240. Japan doesn’t start overhere. Nigeria is very clear. Symbolic those empty chairs. Seems you get enthousiastic. My mother always was, if seeing any possibility in setting something on fire, especialy in the garden. Marianne, you would have loved to see the start of the revival on Timor I did rever to.
    Imagine: the (presbyterian) church in a small town did burn, the flames did come off. On the opposite af the street a policeman, seeing it, did ring the bronze alarmbell, for the office of the ‘firebrigade’ was just, just overthere. When people came running with buckets filled with water, the policeman and the alarmed and wanting to assist public were noticing that the flames didn’t consume anything. Yes, I’m a bit emotional now. Marianne, what is God great..! The church was on fire by the Holy Spirit, and now.. all those people were running in the church. Inside the eldern looked confused, for the community had started singing, praising, crying and speaking in.. yes. Oh man, nobody had expected it. Mel Tari told: We were loving each other by normally greeting, nothing more. However, Father did plan all this also in reaching all those villages in the jungle. We wanted and had to obey, if not taking God very seriously at that moment, even one could have been killed. And that also did happen. A man kept lying about hidden alcohol under his floor. The Lord had made it clear to a child. And while everybody was trying to warn him, he kept refusing to admit. Exactly (!) at the foretold hour he feld off his chair, dead.

    What to say. The same Lord did protect the children-teams by angels and light during their walks and adventures in the jungle. Everything what did happen in the New Testament did happen and even more. God is alive..!

  241. re idles in Timor .what a lying little person .Images of God or Mary and saints are not idles .they are images and are allowed by our Lord in order for us to worship Him through them .God is in them .Believe it .Idols are Gold ,silver ,money. cars your bike or anything that you consider most important in your life .most important than God .Those are the idols that you have to be very careful about and how can you say that god strike the images from above .It most likely was some kind of voodoo practice by your people who are mos5 likely under the power of Satan .Many miracles have witness in images such as the weeping Virgin as well the floating Virgin in the tsunami of Tyland and many many more .

  242. That’s very clear. “The images are allowed by OUR Lord in order for US to worship HIM through them. John would say: ‘They have a different Gospel and a different Jesus”.

    Rome did change the second commandment by not mentioning the carved image etc. The Heavenly Father has only one mediator..: His beloved Son.


    1. Presbyter (or elders) were first called priests by Lucian…2nd century.
    2. Prayers for the dead…A.D. 300.
    3. The VENERATION of angels and dead saints and the use of images…375.
    4. The Mass as a daily celebration was adopted…394.
    5. The beginning of the exaltation of Mary, and the first use of the term “Mother of God” by the Council of Ephesus…431.
    6. Priests began to dress different from the laity and to wear special clothes…500.
    7. Extreme Unction…526.
    8. The doctrine of purgatory was first established by Gregory the Great…593.
    9. Prayers began to be offered to Mary, dead saints, and angels…600.
    10. The first man was proclaimed “Pope” (Boniface III)…610.
    11. Veneration of the cross, images, and relics authorized…788.
    12. Holy water, mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by a priest was authorized in…850.
    13. Veneration of Saint Joseph…890.
    14. College of cardinals begun…927.
    15. Canonization of dead saints, first by Pope John XV…995.
    16. The Mass developed gradually as a sacrifice, attendance was made obligatory in…11th century.
    17. The celibacy of the priesthood was decreed by Pope Hildebrand, Boniface VII…1079.
    18. The rosary, or prayer beads copied from Hindus and Mohammadans) was introduced by Peter the Hermit…1090.
    19. The Inquisition (2) of “Heretics” was instituted by the Council of Verona…1184, and was legalized and promoted by the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215.
    20. The sale of Indulgences…1190.
    21. The seven sacraments defined by Peter Lombard…12th century.
    22. The dogma of transubstantiation was decreed by Pope Innocent III…1215.
    23. Confession of sins to the priest at least once a year was instituted by Pope Innocent III in the Lateran Council…1215.
    24. The adoration of the wafer (host) decreed by Pope Honorius III…1220.
    25. The scapular invented by Simon Stock of England…1251.
    26. The doctrine of purgatory proclaimed a dogma by the Council of Florence…1439.
    27. Tradition is declared of equal authority with the Bible by the Council Trent…1546.
    28. The Apocryphal Books were added to the Bible by the Council of Trent…1545.
    29. The Immaculate Conception of Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius IX in 1854.
    30. Pope Pius IX condemns all scientific discoveries not approved by by the Roman Church…1864.
    31. Infallibility of the pope in matters of faith and morals proclaimed by the First Vatican Council…1870.
    32. Pius XI condemned the public schools…1930.
    33. Pius XI reaffirmed the doctrine that Mary is “The Mother of God”…1931.
    34. The dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII…1950.
    35. Mary proclaimed the Mother of the Church by Pope Paul VI…1965.

  244. Olaf Are you from Timor? If so did you not so long ago cosumed human flesh? How is it that now you portray yourself a prophet and a know all? should you not beg forgiveness from the people that you hurt instead of accusing them of misleading .Remember that I am a Portuguese born and can prove all of this?.
    just a warning!

  245. Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained :: Secret Societies

  246. On the topic of idol worship in the Catholic Church… If I have photos of my children in my home, is that idol worship? No, of course not. They remind me of my children and I enjoy looking at them. The statues and art depicting saints, the Blessed Mother, Jesus, Our Heavenly Father, etc., are not only decorative, but serve as reminders, (meditation “devices”), as we pray in a church or even at home. It is possible that there are Catholics who worship statues, but in my 64 yrs., I do not know of any.

    • hi Meambp

      I would agree. Most catholics do not worship statues. This sort of behavior usually occurs in poor countries, where people are not educated.

  247. Not from Timor you say .well not only was it adopted in Timor but Guine, St. tome and Prince, Cabo Verde, Angola Mocambique .My people were digested by this evil people in all this countries .The horror story continues even today in the mainland Portugal where a man from Cabo Verde killed a 10 years old little girl by slicing her opening her chest and cut off her liver and eat it in front of the child’s mother who was fastened to a pool before the act with a gun pointed at her head. So my friend quit while you are still ahead .I can bring all the horror stories that you want to cover up backto life!

  248. December 22nd 2011 e-news

    1. Christmas Thoughts from Fr Tony

    1. Christmas Thoughts From Fr. Tony

    God is Light, and there is no darkness in Him at all (John1: 1:5)

    ” Because of the faithful love of our God, in which the rising Sun has come to visit us, to give light to those who live in darkness and the shadows dark as death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1: 78-79)

    Historically Christmas is placed in the darkest time of the year, Jesus comes at this time of darkness bringing His Light which takes away all darkness from the world of today, the darkness of apostacy, war violence and breakup of family life. The feast of Christmas is a sign of Hope, a hope that the world cannot give, and a Hope that the world cannot take away.

    This entry of God into His Creation was foretold by the Prophet Isaiah:

    “For a son gas been born for us, a son has been given to us, and dominion has beem lain on his shoulders, and this name he has been given, ” Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty-God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace”(Isaiah 9: 5-6)

    TLIG Message March 20 1996

    “The day I was conceived by the Holy Spirit in Her Virginal Womb, all the demons were paralysed with fright while in heaven at the same time a great throng of the heavenly host were praising God and singing

    “Glory to God in the nighest heaven and peace to men who enjoy His favour Thus I descended from heaven to heaven, from My throne to My throne”

    TLIG Message August 9 1989

    Are your ears ready to recognise My Cries of Love? Are your hearts willing to open and acknowledge My Grace of today? Are your feet ready to walk and come and prostrate yourselves at the Time of Adoration, just like the first shepherds who came to adore Me in My Nativity, gloryfying Me? Are you ready to glorify Me with your heart this time?

    What a great gift and grace are the Messages of True Life in God, a gift and grace we have not merited, but God has given us because of His love for us is unconditional

    God Bless,

    Fr. Tony

    Visit our Website at:

    View Videos of Vassula at:

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    Have you signed the One date for Easter Petition?

    Visit our new Facebook Page and Help us Spread Our Petition .

    Visit True Life in God Radio

  249. As Christmas is around the the corner ,let us put our differences aside and unite in love in Christ Jesus .After all we have something in common:We all love and adore Jesus Christ the Lord .Let us then go forward with forgiveness and love in our hearts for our fellow brothers
    Merry Christmas to all and may this birthday of our Lord bring us the fulfilmente of true happiness ,love joy and prosperity not just of money but also of soul.
    May God bless you all .
    Much love

  250. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)

    During Worldwar II , we Dutchmen sometimes could have a ‘reasonable’ conversation with a German soldier. Guys of the SS were very dangerous..!
    Adolf himself did never visit the Netherlands. Afterwards Jews had gone..

    The above 35 points posting (link) is revealing what a young American Christian singer did discover about the todays situation in RCC/Vatican.
    Protestants are still cursed. His site, reaching youngsters as well, was of such a danger for the Vatican/Jesuits/ CIA that this talent got murdered.

    The reactions on the subject Timor are showing a totally lack of spiritual knowledge about the Gospel and what God still can do if HE does want so. Without a RC priest and submitting to the pope ‘prople can’t get saved.’
    Saints are ‘mediaters’. God says: idols. Does one love, ‘worship’ his wife by contacting the mother in law..?! Most Catholics are unsure ‘about heaven’

    If you are taking yourself seriously, after the Lord, make your homework.

    Pope Benedict XVI denies Jesus (for Jews) IS the Christ – Messiah. (link)

    . .


  251. Marianne, I’m not again ‘loving ones neighbour’ however Rome, seen as an institution, is the same dangerous fox as before. The RCC is seeing herself being Gods’ eyeball, not Israël..! In that light the above video gets more clear. The RCC is working together with Islam to deny (!) the Jewish character of Jeruzalem..! Rome recently demanded (!) the ‘upperroom’ on Sion, the location of Davids’ grave and the ‘garden’ of Gethsemanee. They lost those locations after the Ottoman Empire.Rome wants the sovereignty of the Wailing Wall and Templemountain. Sorry, I have only links translated in Dutch. Marianne, you are a serious, wise webhost. I don’t want to stir up people, my only hope, goal is sharing some actual information in getting some interesred people studying and maybe discerning what’s going on.

    This is my last contribution to this topic. I wish you plus your gard in red a Merry Christmas, lots of adventures with HIM and everlasting black hair. 😉

    God bless, Olaf.

  252. Correction: I’m not against.

    • hi Olaf

      Merry Christmas.

      What you say about the politics may be true, and time will tell soon. I was just commenting on how the words of Benedict were being interpreted.

      For example, it is true that Jesus is not specifically mentioned in the OT. And that references to the Messiah are obscure. the word Mosciach is only mentioned once, but in a very important passage in Daniel where it predicts the Messiah would be “cut off” (Killed), and WHEN it would happen.

      This one passage alone should make them think!!!

      Since Israel is also called the servant in Isaiah, it is easy to see how one would have to distinguish well the passages referring to Israel as the servant, and to the Messiah, also as a servant.

      So I do agree that it would be easy for a Jew to read the OT and not realize which passages refer to Messiah and which refer to Israel as a righteous nation who served God, although it did fail a lot. It is understandable how Jew could read the OT, and never see Jesus. They are looking for a kingly messiah, and only see these passages. They do not recognize the ones about a suffering messiah. They think the suffering passages refer to Israel, not the Messiah.

      Benedict was correct in saying the passages were obscure. But this is NOT saying that this is an excuse to reject jesus, or that it is impossible to get the correct revelation and truths.

      What it does mean is that anyone – Jew or Christian or even Muslim_ need the guidance of the holy spirit to read and properly interpret the bible.

      One also has to read, dig down deep, and meditate on the scriptures before many truths are revealed. The bible is not for the lazy person. It is for one who seeks God with all his heart.

      Until the Jews come into the New testament, they are still under the old one, which is based on more law than grace, and will still miss their salvation unless their eyes are open, and they see what God wants them to see.

  253. What I didn’t realise is this site being American. About your Civil War I do ‘know’ some, most by the t.v. The real impact, the amount of deads, that’s ‘up to you’ in fact.

    On the otherhand, here in Europe, within a period of 605 years, tens of millions, up to 50.000000 people got killed in the name of the RCC popes and executed by the wordly governments. Alone in ‘Holland’, called the Netherlands together with Vlaanderen (Belgium now) died 3000.000 in a period of hundred years. Protestant wives mostly got burried alive, men got burned and often cruely tortured before. This in a very small country.
    All Christians called the pope the antichrist. They at least were an antichr.
    In Latin his highest title is: Vicarius Filii Dei – Sustitute ot the Son of God.

    About the period of the persecuted victims/ martyrs:

  254. Last week visiting a modest official RC site, I found under ‘Reformation’ the name of Luther etc. and some had to flee.. Next only the message 19 (…) Roman Catholics got killed in Gorkum, a small Dutch town. No single word about the devilish period of butchering people not according Popes’ rules.

    Endtimes are already lastening 2000 years.

    • hi Olaf

      What the RC Church did during the Inquisition is evil.

      I recall that the woman that sits on the beast is drunk with the blood of the saints. While the current RC church does not do this, there is a history of this.

      I agree that the endtimes have lasted 2000 years. On this site, I have proposed that the first 6 seals have been open and occurring since Jesus left.

      Jesus said we would have tribulation. The saints who do not get martyred will hopefully be removed when the Trumpets and Vials start, which is punishment for the wicked under the wrath of God. While I do not want to think about it, I know that persecution and martyrdom is always a possibility as my future. It is something that each generation has to consider.

      I look at the worldly church and realize it is not only failing to provide proper enlightenment for the saints, but it is also a potential source of persecution for the saints in 2 ways: (1) persecution from within, killing yet thinking they do God a service, and (2) setting such a horrible example that this brings condemnation and persecution from Non believers.

  255. Marianne, thanks for your very informing background information. You must be speaking native English. 😉 You are correct. Where I was up to is showing the ‘politic correct’ side, things, the devellopments are packed in.

    Now I ow you an extra Merry Christmas..!

  256. alof
    vade retro

    May the Sacred Cross be my light and not the DRAGON ever ever be my guide! Whatever you are planning for me , us , may it be your own dounfall! In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Vade retro Satana

  257. Not in your life! lets get something strait .I am happy where I am and i will never lower myself to your level ! I don’t know about other Catholic’s in this site but as for me I am happy where I am and will never follow the work of Satan ,For that is who is under your skin is acting here and I am able to see that very clearly.

  258. It seems as if ‘the sources’ are constantly wrong. What about the next..?!
    It’s a result after studying the Roman Pontifical, the clergy’s service-book. It’s about ‘Mary’, her titles, positions, so on topic and to verify by yourself in the Pontifical (link) This note is nearly at the bottom Yes, it’s shocking.
    I didn’t intent to post anymore,however the bible shows a different reality.

    Virgin Mary (The), made the head-goddess and great idol of the
    Roman church, and set up as the compeer, nay, rival of our Lord, 200,
    &c., and see the Italics in her Feasts and Services, passim. This
    rivalry the source of all the fables and lies of her chronicles, 201.
    Hence too, while Christ has but few, Mary has many, many, Festivals,
    and all of them modern, 210. Why of the early saints she was the
    latest invoked, note p. 209, &c. Nevertheless she is now represented
    in the Church-Lessons as made a divinity of, while, yet in the flesh,
    300, &c. Literal and blasphemous application of all Scripture to her
    1 in the Church-Lessons, see Scripture. These Scriptures, accordingly,
    are appealed to by Roman theologians as the Church’s authority for
    their Mariolatry, 206-8 (and notes), 230-234 (and notes). So all Christ’s
    divine titles, mystical names and types are transferred to Mary, ibid.
    even such as Help of Christians, 302 ; Queen of Heaven and Lady of the
    World, 213; the Refuge of sinners (as in all her Litanies), yea, even
    the Mediator between Christ and the Church, 303, conf. 233. Hence
    it is authoritatively declared in the Church-Lessons ” THERE is need
    of a Mediator to the Mediator Christ” 303 ; and then to meet this
    need, it is taught that ” God has appointed Mary to stand between
    Christ and the Church,” 233. Again, that ” God has bestowed upon
    Mary the whole redemption-price of the human race ;” and “deposited
    in Mary the plenitude of all good ;” and that ” He has willed that
    through Mary our all must come to us ;” so that recourse to ” her
    mediation” is absolutely necessary, Lesson VII. p. 305, &c. This is
    the doctrine of the Breviary, ibid, ; of the canonized, note p. 208 ; of
    the whole body of Romish theologues, ibid. ; and of the present Pope

  259. The Roman Pontifical

  260. And the Pope..?! (same sources) ” He is King of kings and Lord of lords,” and is called GOD in the Canon Law.

    Pope the (Papa, i.e.) the Father and Head de facto, non de jure, of the
    whole LATIN communion or Papal body-corporate EVERYWHERE, 398 :
    His pretended universal headship and absolute sovereignty as de jure
    divino CHRIST’S SUBSTITUTE [i.e., literally THE Pro-Christ of Pro
    phecy, see Appendix], 379, 397, &c. His [assumed, usurped] titles
    are The Vice-gerent of God [*., The Antitkeos~\. The Regent of
    the Universe and THE VICAR of Jesus Christ the Saviour [i.e., again,
    The Pro-Christ], see “The Pope’s Coronation-office,” pp. 401 4.
    The many adorations of him as such, 400 5. These adorations ac
    knowledged to be a remnant of old Roman paganism, yet defended
    even as such, note p. 401. ” He is King of kings and Lord of lords,”
    and is called GOD in the Canon Law ; and he “opens and shuts the
    gates of heaven,” ibid, and p. 397, &c.; and p. 405, &c. and see
    Canonization Office passim. The Pope and Jupiter, 339. In short,
    the Pope is in effect the father of all Romanism, of all the lying
    Church-Lessons, and of all the authorised Legends, &c. : for whosoever
    invents, he it is that adopts them and gives them his Imprimatur,
    see Bull in p. 332, &c. ; and see under Legends, and under Church-
    Lessons. His enslavement of the whole Church (Romish), and his
    blasphemous usurpations upon God and upon Christ, see under

  261. In the 605 years of the terrible persecution of leaving Catholics, mostly the new ‘Protestants’, it got very clear why they didn’t want to submit to the pope anymore. And why the papacy did curse them and still does if people are leaving. Those curses, 125 times refered to witin the system, aren’t withdrawn and never will. I hesitated to copy the literal text. Do you blame me for that..?!

  262. How even the papacy helped start Islam plus the role of Fatima for Muslims

  263. Not yet revealed: 300.000 babies stolen; trafficking by the Cath.Church in Spain

  264. Women speaking out in Australia. Over 150.000 babies sold into adoption. Nuns even drugged the mothers, a technique emploid in many countries..!

    Victems of this corrupt institution can react at:

    • thanks…there is no excuse for this abuse

      • Marianne, I looked at the website, after veiwing the referenced story on YouTube. There is a a long list of anti-Catholic propaganda on that site. The videos have a mechanical voice which is odd. I suspect all are fabricated and I said so on YouTube. They discount St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, among others. I’m sure many uninformed people think the content is true.

  265. Revealed by ‘Mary’ : ‘The Deception of the Century’, the REAL 3rd Secret. Sister Lucia tried to warn Pope Paul VI. Three Cardinals did run the Office, Pope Paul VI got poisoned.

  266. Extra information:

    RC EXORCISM – Demons asked after the situation of the ‘church’ and next giving the men a ‘briefing’ how to believe and act according to the will of ‘heaven’.

  267. Marianne, presenting all this is a hard job. However maybe some integer visitors here will get the message by seeing what is happening behind the scenes. And what did happen through the past ages. (Often RC sources)

    The Criminal History of the Papacy – 3 parts

  268. Marianne, I have no doubt it is an enormous task handling the commentary that flows into this site, and you always respond so quickly and are doing a wonderful job. However, I am confused about the purpose of this site. It seems to me that some of the writers here are on a campaign to destroy the integrity of the Catholic Church with outrageous propaganda. Why should anyone believe that “information” over any other? It is indeed important to understand that the history of the Church is flawed and there was much disgraceful corruption. Men are flawed and subject to corruption. Our God knows this, He created us. It is not possible for me to check the resources of the referenced links of articles from an alternative magazine. So, that information itself may be corrupt. Where do we find credibility? God will protect and guide His Church and His believers. I put my trust in Him. I still believe the Catholic Church is the one true Church, the only one founded by Christ Himself, but led on this earth by flawed, weak human beings.

    • Unfortunately, the catholic church has its bad times as well as good times.

      What you see are people doubting the good points because of the bad ones.

      But I do not shy away from discussing the bad points.

      I am not going to pretend like the Catholic church has never done anything wrong.

      Many times it has been a local practice, and not sanctioned by Rome.

      But nevertheless, it has happened.

      There are times I tell individuals to leave this page and go to a different one if they do not agree. Other times, I will allow someone to at least leave a comment of disagreement.

      I put this site here, because I want to understand what the Lucia prophecy is, how true it might be, and then compare it to other prophecies from other sources.

      It is like piecing together a jig saw puzzle.

  269. ==========================================================

  270. ==========================================================
    Like Fatima, this thread , is fascinating.

    Having never been Catholic I cannot speak by membership experience. However, I worked for a Catholic hospital for several years and count it THE BEST employment experience yet, by reason of strongly ethical core values in addition to having many Christian co-workers. During that time before the hospital closed, there was an exhibit of the with a life-size backlit photo image of the shroud, which remained in the hospital’s foyer for a few weeks. The cumulative evidence made me a strong believer in its authenticity.

    Below is an interesting science fiction work which attempts to address the question: What if we were able to clone the blood of Christ Jesus on the shroud, and then by genetic technology make a full clone of him today, …to bring Jesus back to solve the world’s problems?
    Outer Limits – The Shroud (1of5)
    Outer Limits – The Shroud (2of5)
    Outer Limits – The Shroud (3of5)
    Outer Limits – The Shroud (4of5)
    Outer Limits – The Shroud (5of5)

    Ok, I’m LEAVING this thread now. : )
    God bless you all.

  271. You people sure twist and turn the lie into the truth ,May God have mercy on your souls.

  272. Deliverance from Darkness Posing as Light

    The testimony of Esther Ruth

    • Olaf

      Many churches have had problems.

      This is why we should put our trust in God, not man.

      Remember, the Protestants had king Henry the 8th, an Anglican, who chopped off the head of his wife, and Adolf Hitler, a Lutheran, who terrorized the entire western word.

      There is similar activity in the Protestant charismatic churches as described by Esther Ruth with her cathlolic experience.

      One has to discern whether or not an individual experience with the supernatural is true or not. We cannot condemn all of christianity because of isolated cases, where there is something wrong. However, we should learn from those experiences and learn discernment.

      Each experience has to be judged on its own merit.

      I look for truth, and what the message is, and if it aligns with scripture.

      Right now, there are deceiving spirits among us, so we should not overreact, but evaluate.

      I try to compare what is said with what is prophesied or taught in the bible.

  273. Marianne

    Indeed, I shouldn’t overreact. I’m aware of the above sketched situations. However especially Rome’s influence is stunning. It’s not ‘just a church’. It’s controlling Europe (via EU), Brittain (in fact a Roman State, the crown is ‘lend’ from Rome – London is a soevereign city) the USA (founded in 1620 by men fleeing out of Europe for Rome, not wanting her influence in America, and not knowing Abraham Lincoln would be the first president being murdered via the Jesuits and Ronald Reagan signing 5 convenants with the Pope, Kennedy RC did prefer the laws of the Institution above the Roman Canon laws and got murdered because of that. Americans hardly do know the past and the today’s situation in Europe and are not aware of the reallity in the USA. Rome is controlling the UN, CIA, banks – Rome’s amount of gold is 10 times the total amount of the European countries – drugs, porno, maffia etc. Did control via the missionairies slavery and via own headquarters on Sicily their own pirates, also sailing after, yes, gold.

    Rome’s influence even has to do with affaires like the ‘recent’ Genocide of native Canadian Mohawk children, together with Brittain. And forinstance in Rwanda during the genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutsus, where hiding people, the rest of the flock got burned alive in the church, the priest heard while he was praying: ‘O God, do forgive me, but it had to be done’. This man got never arrested and has now,under a different name, a parish and a church in Florence, Italy. Not knowing about the black pope, the head of the jesuits, their inner circle, the past and their today’s influence, their oath, the actual and present history of the institution of Rome, gives no idea of what in fact is happening. Even overreacting on this isn’t possible. By the way Hitler was a R Catholic and hated, being cowards, christians. The Pope, Leo, was very clever and mean, thats not written in Wikipedia.

    After two years studying the protestant churches, movements, especially the US ones, the last three months especially Rome got my attention. Yes, in fact, biblical seen, it all was waisting time. However, if you Marianne wouldn’t have come up with an ‘Assyrian’ AntiChrist, I couldn’t imagine a more blasfemish and related to the NWO one than this system of Rome.
    Even in the future ruining the Vatican via the jesuits is a very clever idea.
    Did you know the ‘throne’ of the pope has an Arabic inscription with Allah’s name in it? They are heading for Jerusalem. Still ‘Christian’ like? Satanic like.

    No, I don’t have a favourite car, nor do I have a favourite church, I’m 67 and by grace and adventures just Christ centered. Next to Revelation got “THE VISION OF THE ACID CLOUD” 1994 (Google) my eyes opened. Discovering truth indeed is the most important. And yes, God is in control. On the otherhand, already Jesus Himself did warn for wolves coming in sheep’s clothing. The Holy Spirit is His vicar, not a man calling himselve Holy Father. Pope Ratzinger is shown on a photograph being a young priest and with his arm bringing the Hitler salute. ‘Heil Hitler’, the same as ‘Hitler, you are my Highest’. Ceasars (Roman Emperors) did command the same. ‘Heil Ceasar’.The early Christians did refuse that salute, for the Lord Jesus was their Highest. They got Martyrs and will get crowned in heaven for that. Please Catholic friends, study your Bible and history. A priest abusing over 200 deaf boys and later being send to a different place in working with children.., impossibly can be a member of ‘the one true church’. Pope Ratzinger being Cardinal did cover up such cases. Just remember what Jesus said: ‘Take care of wolves in sheep’s clothing’. Is He your Highest? He forsure is.




  276. reminder to all

    this page is to uplift the Lord and be thoughtful about any predictions about the last days.

    It is not to wage war against Rome

    the predictions may or may not be accurate, but we are told to be watchful, and think on these things.

    we are also told to use discernment

    I see some truth here, so I consider it. It matches other things predicted, which are supported by the bible.

    I also consider prophecies from the mayans, the native americans, ancient cultures, christians, the bible, and even what science has to say about what we are seeing now.

    they all have some predictions and observations in common, and it helps me piece together a bigger picture.

    Prophecy will be fulfilled, and it is happening NOW.

    All the arguments will not change what Heaven is allowing to go forward.

    let us turn back to holy thoughts about the Lord, and maybe even prepare to die.

    it is time to repent, not argue.

  277. we must think about this mesage.. i admit im a siner, changing is the best to do….

  278. i trust god………so, i trust the whole parag raph …………….too gyud intawon mo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,maniwala sana kato sa sinabi ni fatima kay lucia……….

  279. alam ninyo….. maniwala na kayo…. para masagip pa ang mga buhay ninyo ………. alam naman diba ninyong mag pry …………. idi mag pray tayoLucia reveals the 3rd secret of Fatima?

    Lucia reveals the 3rd secret of Fatima?

    For those who are not Catholic, there is a tradition that the Virgin Mary appeared to 3 children and made 3 predictions in 1917. From what I understand, one was the next world war, and then the rise and fall of communism in Russia. The third prediction, up until now, had not been revealed, since it was to cause world wide panic. From an email I received, this last prediction is now revealed.

    Whatever you believe, and decide, Catholic, or Protestant, is up to you. I am just posting it to share the contents. I cannot validate that all this really is the 3rd prediction, unless it is confirmed by the Vatican in some way, or Lucia makes a public statement.

    I put some references at the end of the post, in case people want to research it further. I could not find any official statement about a date for 2010, which is mentioned here. What is consistent is that a great falling away in the church will occur, and sin will prevail in the world, which is already obvious.

    This is the message:

    The Church has given permission to reveal to the people the last part of the message. The Blessed Virgin appeared to three children in Fatima , Portugal, in 1917, this is a proven fact; one of these children is still alive, her name is Lucia, she is a cloistered nun and lives in a monastery in Portugal.

    Lucia disclosed the message for the first time to Pope Pius XII whom, after reading it, he sealed it and stored away without making it public. Later Pope John XXIII read it and, in the same manner as his predecessor, he kept it out of the public eye because he knew that once revealed; it will bring desperation and panic to human kind.

    Now the time has come, and permission has been granted from Pope John Paul II to reveal it to the children of God, in order not to create panic but to make people aware of this important message so everybody can be prepared. The Virgin told Lucia: “Go my child and tell the world; what will come to pass during the 1950′s – 2000′s. Men are not practicing the Commandments that our Father has given us. Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over. Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world in minutes, half of the human race will be destroyed, the war will begin against Rome , and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders.

    God will allow all natural phenomenon’s like smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, winds and inclement weather to slowly batter the planet. These things will come to pass before the year 2010. “Those who won’t believe, this is the time,” your beloved mother told you, “those lacking charity towards others and those who do not love thy neighbor like my beloved Son has loved you, all, cannot survive. They will wish to have died, millions are unimaginable, they will come, and there is no doubt our Lord God will punish severely those who do not believe in him, those who despise him and those who did not have time for him I call upon all of you to come to my son Jesus Christ, God helps the world but all of those who do not show fidelity and loyalty will be destroyed.”

    Father Agustin, who lives in Fatima, said that Pope Paul VI gave him permission to visit sister Lucia who is a cloistered nun (she does not leave the monastery nor is allowed to receive any visitors). Father Augustin said that she received him greatly overwhelmed and told him: “Father, our lady is very sad because nobody is interested in her prophecy of 1917, though the righteous are walking through a narrow path, the evil ones are walking through an ample road that is leading them straight to their destruction, believe me father, the punishment will come very soon.”

    Many souls will be lost; many nations will disappear from the earth. But, in the middle of all these, if men reflect, pray and practice good deeds, the world can be saved. One of all these, if men persist with its evil, the world will be lost forever. The time has come for all to pass on the message of our Blessed Lady to their families, friends, and to the entire world.

    Start praying, to make penitence and sacrifices. We are at the last minute of the last day and the catastrophes are near. Due to this, many that were far from the church will return to the open arms of the Church of Jesus Christ . The joining of the churches will result in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church ; England , Russia , China , Jews, Muslims and Protestants. All will return believing and worshiping God our creator, in his beloved Son and in our Blessed Mother Virgin Mary”. WHAT AWAITS US??? Every where there will be “Peace Talks”, but punishment will come.



    This war will destroy everything, darkness will fall over us for 72 hours (three days) and the one third of humanity that survives this obscurity and sacrifice, will commence to live a new era, they will be good people.

    In a very cold night, 10 minutes before midnight, A GREAT QUAKE will shake the earth for 8 hours. This will be the third signal that God is who governs the earth. The righteous and those who propagate the faith and the message of the Lady of Fatima SHOULD NOT FEAR, DO NOT BE AFRAID.

    WHAT TO DO???

    Bow your heads, kneel down and ask God for forgiveness because, only what is good and is not under the power of evil will survive the catastrophe.

    In order for you to prepare and remain alive I will give you the following signs: ANGUISH….. … AND IN A SHORT PERIOD THE EARTH QUAKE WILL COMMENCE… THE EARTH WILL SHAKE….The shake will be so violent that will move the earth 23 degrees and it will return it to its normal position.

    Then, total and absolute darkness will cover the entire planet… All evil spirits will be mingling around and free, doing harm to all those souls that did not want to listen to this message and those who did not want to repent. To the faithful souls, remember to light the blessed candles, prepare a sacred altar with a crucifix in order to communicate with GOD and implore for His infinite mercy….

    All will be dark; IN THE SKY A GREAT MYSTIC CROSS will appear to remind us the price that his beloved Son had to pay for our redemption.. .In the house the only thing that can give light will be the HOLY CANDLES… Once lit, nothing will put them off until the three days of darkness are over. Also, you should have Holy water that should be sprinkled abundantly on windows and doors. The Lord will protect the property of the chosen ones..

    Kneel down before the powerful cross of my beloved Son, pray the Rosary and after each Hail Mary you must pray the following: “Oh God forgive us our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, specially those who are in more need of they mercy. Blessed Virgin Mary protect us, we love you, save us and save the world”. Pray 5 Creeds and Rosary which is the secret to my Immaculate Heart. All those who believe in my words go and take the message to everyone.


    Talk to all the souls. now that there is time, those who keep quiet will be responsible for all those souls who will perish in ignorance.

    All those who pray humbly the rosary will have the protection of heaven and those who are bound to die I will help them die in peace and they will be holy when they enter the other world. I wish all my children to attend mass every first Friday and every first Saturday of each month, to confess and receive Holy Communion and in doing so, save the world from its TOTAL DESTRUCTION.

    WHEN the earth shakes no more, those who still not believe in our Lord will perish in a horrible way. The wind will bring gas and it will disperse it everywhere, then the sun will rise. Maybe you will survive this catastrophe.

    Do not forget that God’s punishment is holy and ONCE IT HAS STARTED YOU SHOULD NOT LOOK OUTSIDE, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE, GOD DOES NOT WANT ANY OF HIS CHILDREN TO SEE WHEN HE PUNISHES THE SINNERS…. All this encompasses with the writings of the Holy Scriptures..

    Read on the New Testament: Luke: 21 – 5:121, 12:19 , 20:20 , 29:33 Letters of St Paul 3 – 8 – 14 Isaiah 40, 1:5:9. You must understand that God allows all this to happen. The Pope and Bishops are now awaiting another message that speaks about repentance and prayer. Remember that Gods words are not a threat, but good news…

    Please reproduce these pages and send them to all you know so we all can have the opportunity to repent and be saved. We do not know if those receiving this message believe or not in GOD, but think that if you are receiving this message is for a reason!! Maybe the Creator is giving us the chance to be saved, no matter what religion or creed.

    If you don’t believe in this message at least send it to others, it costs you nothing. To all those receiving it, they can have the opportunity to judge for themselves. Remember, we can avoid a great deal if we practice the Commandments that our Father God left us. These are 10 simple things, that if we all put in practice we can obtain God’s pardon.


    There will be differences of opinion here as to the credibility of the Mary apparitions, praying of the rosary, etc. Much does sound like the book of revelation, so what is said is not that original.

    I present this because there is a common thread of messages for the last days, which we are in. The message is that the world is turning evil, Jesus is coming soon, doomsday will precede His arrival, many are falling away from the faith, and many will be punished. Also, there will be huge natural disasters, as warnings, and calls to repentance. So it is a time for repentance, and getting close to God, and asking for salvation.

    Works alone will not help us. Our faith has to be in Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah. No other religious figure will help us. Not Mary, Not Mohamed, Not Buddha. There is only one way to the Father, and His name is Jesus.

    Message from a Catholic clarifying their church position:

    What you’ve posted is a combination of Catholic prophesies about what we can call the “minor chastisement.” Likewise, what you’ve got is not just the third secret of Fatima but a large number of separate prophesies passed off a singular whole (and some of the prophesies in there are from sources the Church has reprimanded and does not approve of – which means it is not 100% credibly Catholic, either).

    The series of prophesies describe a period of disturbance
    coming both from people and from God; this “minor chastisement” starts with civil war in France and Italy, and the civil unrest spreads throughout the world. Russia will invade Europe, and the Pope will die a cruel death (among many other things).

    The culmination of these events will be the three days of darkness, which is described on your site, and this will be a supreme act of mercy by God as it will stop the violence and eliminate all those who oppose the Catholic Church – publicly and privately. After this period, the whole of Christendom will be Catholic and the world will experience a period of peace the likes of which has never before been seen – as I said, swords will be beaten into plowshares and the Holy Roman Empire will be reestablished through a Holy French monarch and a Pope directly appointed by Peter.

    After an extended period of peace (*not a period of 1000 years, though! – Catholics do not believe in the so called “millennium”*), the world will grow lax in the faith and there will be a massive apostasy – almost all Christians and Priests will lose the faith, except for very few.

    What we are experiencing now is a bad period of time, and we will be
    punished for it, but what is to come will be far worse – and after this
    apostasy, the anti-Christ, and after that, judgment. This, of course,
    means that anyone who thinks that the Antichrist is right around the
    corner is mistaken. When the events described above take place, even the
    prophesies predict that many people will think that it is the end of the
    world. It is not, though.

    The Antichrist and other things related to the end times are not for now, but for some time in the future.

    If you are solely interested in Fatima, the Wikipedia entry on it is decent. If you are interested in the source of all the other things that your post combined with Fatima, I would recommend the book “Trial, Tribulation, & Triumph: Before, During and After Antichrist” by Raymond Birch. He does a very good job covering what the Church Fathers think
    about the end times, as well as the prophesies of the various Marian apparitions and other private prophesies.

    Very interesting stuff. As you should know, Our Lady of Fatima prophesied the second world war in 1917 if people did not listen to her and repent.

    Clearly they did not then, and have not yet – which means a chastisement is coming “worse than the deluge.”

    -Brian Besong From Wikipedia

    From Wikipedia

    The Third Secret

    The third secret, a vision of the death of the Pope and other religious figures, was transcribed by the Bishop of Leiria and reads:

    “After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’

    And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, Religious men and women going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, Religious men and women, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.

    Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.”[16]
    From: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Our_Lady_ of_Fatima

  280. Crison .You are mixing the truth with a lye .The last so called Third Secret about the Pope being killed Is a lye . And who and what has giving you the right to change what I have post regarding the Third Secret .May I remind you that The Third Secret of Fatima that I received at St. Helen’s church on Dundas Street West Toronto Ontario in 1994 come directly from the Bishop of Leiria .We know it to be true for it was the church that spread it . Further me being a Portuguese born I can recognize that the secret is true in many factors .First Lucia was not a learned person but a very simple lady who only knew the basics of the Portuguese language .The letter in which she wrote the Third Secret of Fatima was a plain peace of paper and written in a very simple way ,was the Third Secret .What you have is not from her I can assure you of that .Many passage which you have add are not the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima .I have no idea who you are and why are you trying to discredit me .But the fact remains that My post of the Third Secret is the real one .Anything else is fabrication .As far as the church approval goes .I do not give a damn because they have been covering up the truth for a very long time. And they are still doing it today . They are the reason why the world is so messed up .If they had disclosed the truth when they were suppose to :The world would not be in such horrible shape and many innocent people would not have to die in sin!

  281. Ok Crison .I see that you are from Philippines .how do i know ? well I have many friends in very high places some of whom are my contacts and I can identify your writing .Now again Who has given you the right to come here and discredit me and what makes you such an authority when it comes to Heavenly apparitions .The gifts that God has given to His disciples of the last days are .

    • rosa

      you cannot discredit someone just because their information is different from yours.

      if you call people satan, i will have to delete that and any other negative part of your comment.

      you can post here, but others can too.

  282. Walter Veith, a former Catholic and as a christian loving Catholics, in the next video is placing the predictions at Fatima as well as the message on the Mountain of la Salette, France, in a spiritual and biblical context. It may be tough, but he is only after error while showing the RC statements and sources. Do ‘forgive’ him still being a Seventh-day Adventist behaving like Luther. His issue in fact is not the sabbath or sunday, it’s the authority Rome is stating to have over the Bible. For sec Fatima see 0.33.00 and for sec la Salette 0.45.00. However, really going for it, I would recommend all.

  283. You people may do whatever you like, but I on the other hand .Will not give my 2 cents to the emissaries of * .No man or women that will try to explain, defy, accuse, defame or contradict The Third Secret of Fatima Which I know from the bottom of my heart to be a message from God and for what I am willing to give my life if necessary as well any false accusations against the Pope and my church : Is not worthy of being watched by me much less a reply .Like I said before I will not give this worker of * the time of the day .I have the assurance from My Savior of Eternal life both here and in Heaven and so I refuse to be moved by a little speck of dust or even by the hosts of hell!

  284. Rosa, I see what you mean, being very serious and showing the temper of a real Portuguese. Me, I don’t feel being attacked, so I hope Marianne will not delete your reaction. I’m just thinking of one of your neighbours, yes: the late Spaniard Alberto Rivera. At young age he started studying in a seminar and one day he even didn’t want to see and meet his mother anymore, for, as the young Alberto said: “The Church has become my Mother”. At the end he got a priest and even a Jesuit priest under oath, in the Vatican being instructed by Cardinal Bea. Yes, he used his talented brains, but because of a special promise he had made,at the end his adventures abroad and for the Church did change and even ended. He had made discoveries and at last he had discovered just too much, Rosa. And he started sharing that, in public. Phoe, what a guts. And yes, indeed, he got assassinated. The cup of Boria. The year? 1997. And, maybe a bit strange, but very effective: his adventures, starting as a young man, got spread in a comic.

    Yes, there are some tapes showing him speaking, but that comic works and did work the best. Nonsence? Archbishop J. Bouffard, working under two Popes and handling the communication to the Jesuit Order as well, stated all the information Alberto had been sharing was correct and according to the, indeed, hidden reality. The bishop even had signed the paper for Alberto’s deathpenalty himself. And yes, the Archbishop left the Vatican as well. They both just knew too much.
    Fortunately Bouffard afterwards even was able to ask Alberto Rivera forgiveness for his action and they became friends, better: real brethern. Have guts, just read.

    Referring to an interview with J. Bouffard about this, the Vatican and the Jesuit Order.

    The story of Alberto Rivera’s life (comic)

    Depending on the reactions some videotapes may follow.

    God bless, for absorbing the real content does need that.

  285. Sir, I am the director of “HHH” (Helping Hands for Handicapped). I am Sena from India. We serve the ministries, churches, schools, houses and different people to translate and proofread or recheck their words (written and recorded) and websites into our languages, Korean, Hebrew, Greek, French, Turkish, Nepali, Arabic, Hindi, Persian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Urdu, Punjabi and many other languages.

    If you need any assistance please feel free to see

    Thank you.


  286. she was not marry she was fatima daughter of prophet mohammed

  287. Some things from the Fatima vision fit very much into the vision of the popes with Petrus Romanus stepping over corpses in a half destroyed Rome.

  288. Let me add and subtract from the messages of heaven:

    Fatima: Our Lady warned that WWI would end soon, that another war would come – WWII if man did not repent and better themselves. In 2000, Fr. Bollinger, friend of both Pope JPII and then Cardinal Ratzinger, after having concelebrated mass with Card. Ratzinger asked him point blank if all of the 3rd Secret had been revealed to which Cardinal Ratzinger replyed: “In the 3rd Secret, Our Lady warns that there will be an evil council (Vat.II). And She warned against the chages; She warned against makng changes in the liturgy; changes in the Mass. This is explicityly set forth in the Third Secret”. – Fatima Crusaider #80, p. 32 & #92, p. 7. Cardinal Mario Luligi Caippi, personal theologian to Popes Paul VI, JPI, and JPII, who read the 3rd secret said that in it, among other things is revealed that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.

    In Sept., 2011, Pope Benedict beatified an Italian nun, now Blessed Sister Elena Aiello, 1895-1961 (The Gregorian Rite – Saturday, September 10, 2011 – for the article), who revealed from her visions and heavenly revelations, that God was and wanted to punish the world in 1961, that it was then worse than before the time of the great flood, that Our Lady has delayed temporarily His punishment, that whole cities, countries, provinces, etc, will be swallowed up in massive earthquakes, that Russia will attack and overrun all of Europe and attack America with her “secret” armies.

    Google – The Three Days Darkness – and – WW3 Prophecies and Visons from Central Europe for some revelations describing the coming chastisement and Russia’s attack. Though many more Catholic Mystics could be quoted.

    Overall what the Catholic Mystics have warned, such as Marie-Julie Jahenny, Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich, Blessed Elena Aiello, St. Padre Pio, and many many more:

    – an evil council
    – a total world wide economic collapse.
    – world revolutions and civil wars throughout Europe and America
    – complete anarchy, murder, war, and mayhem
    – to last for about 2 years in the USA – 4 years in Europe.
    – all during this “now happening” worldwide catholic apostasy
    – both priests and laity have embraced a diabolical disorientation.
    – homosexuality, drugs, divorce, contraception, pornography, abortion, etc.
    – priests will and have lost the understanding of their faith and their vocation.
    – all to happen very suddenly.
    – Pope dies and a disputed election in which the good legit pope reigns for three months and at that time, the world goes into massive revolutions during which at the height of these revolutions in the confusion and chaos, russia attacks. Russia wins everywhere for two years, 75-80% of Europe is wiped out by the Russian’s and the Muslims who side all with Russia.
    – at the end of this war comes the 3 days darkness which renews the entire earth, all polution disappears (i. e. every tire, bag, can, glass, etc, in the entire world is vaporized by the lightening from the 3days darkness which will be billions of lightening bolts a second) all rivers, streams, lakes, oceans, etc, will become pristine and pure..
    – following will be a few generations of complete peace, abundant crops, very little disease and crime, near very little need for lawyers, hospitals, and police. All and many suppressed inventions come to light. Most men go back to the land and farming, very few factories and busnesses and only on the village, small town level. Every single major city in the world will be destroyed by war, earthquakes, natural disasters, etc.
    – After a few generations man again starts to sin and then comes anti-christ following this era of peace that the world has never seen before.
    – During the time of ant-christ those who were confirmed will not follow him.

    In Amerca during this war when it fully starts – for at first will be revolution and civil war.
    – near over a year without electricity
    – American get attaced from five sides by the Chinese and Russians
    – Many enemy will and are already in the country.
    – While we are in a revolution we get attacked – total 2years duration.
    – Our major cities get nuked and some gone in earthquakes – people are warned to get out of the major cities – all will be destroyed.

    Get ready its very close maybe by 2013 spring – Father Malchi Martin, who read the 3rd secret of Fatima, given him by Pope John XXIII, said that by 2017 all will be over and it is about 4 or 5 years long. Look for spring 2013, disputed election is the starting point.

    We win the war in the end but over 3/4 of the world will die. Google or search “The Scapular of Beneciction” which was given to us , to be blessed by a priest, will protect the family who has it in their house, blessed and with the accompanying prayers, all will be safe from all the calamities.

    Very soon and suddenly will all this begin to happen, the mystics have said that we are very close. Our Lady at Akita Japan said that not a soul alive will not be terrified, that nothing like this has every been seen or imagined in mans mind.

    – The scapular of benediction
    – Wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady.
    – Pray the rosary every day.
    – go to confession often
    – try to find a traditional mass and church
    – some of the mystics were told that a “New Mass” would come that would be Odious and Impious in God’s sight (Marie-Julie Jahenny and Blessed Emmerich).
    – If you can [ food, survival gear, guns and ammo to protect yourself and family, all you can think off – remember, no gas, no food, no walmart, no stores, no anything for over a year, and no electricity for over a year. A winter which will bring 70 degrees below zero for over 7 weeks.
    – if you can: find a cottage, camp, house, farm, relatives place, something out of the cities and prepare to go there when all starts.
    – Cloth

    • Most of what you wrote alone the lines of war, and upheavel are in a book called the Bible. Revelations has a lot to read on the many lives that will be lost due to war, and evil right before Christ comes to earth holding the keys to heaven, and earth.

      That part about Christ is what is missing in your Universal Church rant. Although, Revelations is scary it reads to worship the word made flesh, and gain comfort. Your Universal Church version not only brings fear to people, it reads to call on the Queen of Heaven.

      The last time I checked, G-d’s word stated the Queen of Heaven is a pagan goddess. Might I suggest, people only worship G-d the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

      Getting ready for the wrath of G-d is using the noodle G-d gave you. Worshiping, and praying to the dead is pagan.

    • robert

      I have a time trying to fit some of the material cited in with the bible. If there was a 3 day period of darkness, possibly at the 6th seal, where the sun turns dark, etc, there is no scripture that says all ends there, and the world becomes better again. In fact, it gets worse, since the 7 trumpets and 7 vials follow, which is the wrath of god.

  289. On reply to Robert re-3 days of darkness .first of all a lot of stuff that you mention here is not in the Third Secret of Fatima .Further if you really want to know what will happen go to Warning Message Second Coming the messages from God the Father Son Mary given to 9 sears around the world and MDM are there and will enlighten you in what is really happen .and how to prepare.I am tired of feeding you information send from the Almighty to you people to see it trashed .

  290. And what about the cause, isn’t that thrashing real information from the Almighty?

    The NIV and Catholic Doctrines

    There are very important changes in the NIV that clearly lean toward dogmas highly esteemed in Catholicism. Let’s list just a few of these text changes. We will list scripture changes after naming the Catholic doctrine.

    – Transubstantiation – The mass teaches that the communion bread and cup is actually transformed into the flesh and blood of the Son of God. Note the subtle change.

    KJV: “For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.” (John 6:55).

    NIV: “For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.” (John 6:55).

    – Confessing Your Sins to a Priest – We believe we can confess our faults to one another and forgive each other but only God is to receive your confession of sin.

    KJV: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16).

    NIV: “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” (James 5:16).

    – The Saying of “Hail Mary” – To use this vain repetition is rejected by Bible believers. The NIV changes the words “vain repetition” to babbling.

    KJV: “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” (Matthew 6:7).

    NIV: “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.” (Matthew 6:7).

    – Mary was Immaculate and Childless Except the Virgin Birth of Jesus – We believe Jesus was the firstborn to Mary with brothers and sisters.

    KJV: “And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” (Matthew 1:25).

    NIV: “But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.” (Matthew 1:25).

    – Mary is the Co-Redemptress – The Bible clearly states there are only three that bear record in Heaven.

    KJV: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1 John 5:7).

    NIV: Removed verse 7, to make way for Mary.

    – Mary was equal with Christ – We believe that only Mary needed purification.

    KJV: “And when the days of her (!) purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;” (Luke 2:22).

    NIV: “When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.” (Luke 2:22).

    The NIV Bible is clearly a Catholic version designed to “harmonize” Scripture with heretical doctrines of the Church Rome. Many additional changes can clearly show this bent toward the Catholic Church.

  291. Why does anyone want to get closer to God just because the world may be coming to an end? We will not know the time, day or hour only know the signs that have been prophesied to us in the Bible. We should come closer to God and develop a relationship with him because it lays heavy on our hearts to do so. We should illuminate the way Christ has shown us to develop that relationship. Anyone that is trying to develop a relationship with God for the soul purpose of being saved from tribulation; I am concerned for them. Would these not be the people that shout out to God and he replies “… I never knew you…” Lets come together for the LOVE of our God, not the fear for our lives.

    • dear Love for God

      very true. we should be motivated by the highest ideal. It is reality, however, that some will only be saved because of fear of punishment. In heaven, there are many mansions. God knows how to judge our hearts and reward us accordingly.

  292. I belive this msg….. x Praise Da Lord x Amen x

  293. please let us not argue religions let’s have peace with each other and love each other for without love everything that was preached can’t save us. God loves us more than we ever know. Know that we need to help each other. everything happenes for a reason. We are children of God. Brother’s and sisters in Christ we have right to believe what We believe and We are one in God. There is only one God and if everything we do is for God, let us follow his commandments, penance, and trust in Jesus Christ, Asking saints to pray for us, there is nothing wrong with that, it manifested that we are one church and be one in Christ. Let’s not fight each other. Let’s instead be one to fight against abortion , immorality help our brothers and sisters in need. We should not bring hatred from the past happenings of the church. We are in a new era. Those who says that you love God but never love his brethren is a liar and is not for heaven. If there is an error made, that would not be charge against us coz we are victims of the past. Dont judge if you don’t want to be judge. God is justice and love and no one ever judge us except God. Catholics and non-catholics we are held reponsible for our actions. Love God above all things and love your brethren. Let’s change the world.!!! In the spirit of God our lord . FATHER, SON , and HOLY SPIRIT one God Forever. AMEN.

  294. Peter’s tomb in 1953 discoverd on the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem.

    Franciscan monks guard his bone-box with ‘Shimon Bar Yonah’ carved in it.

    Very well detailed article plus even some black and white photographs of it.

    We can’t unite in error, the only way is getting united in Him, being the Truth.

  295. Lucia passed away Feb 14, 2005

  296. Simleoangelo

    The ‘fights’ here are in fact spiritual. My world got ‘changed’ by discovering demonic influences over the past 60 years in the ‘Protestant’ churches and next, half a year afterwards, by discovering these ‘hidden’ facts in the RCC.
    Changing the world now is like jumping of a roller coaster, in stead of that I might share findings to help discovering the (too) spiritual reality we are in.
    I do share on a ‘heritic’ blog and one day the RC sharing just started here.

    At this very moment it’s not ment to go about theological issues, but the use of temporal power by the Vatican. Be very courageous, for you might jump. During the ages the goals were still the same, the ways just ‘seem’ to differ.
    A Roman Catholic researcher, hating evil, collected the facts hidden from us.
    Changing your world is taking him seriously. It’s just about ‘the past’ today.

    Historical Truths Revealed – The Holocaust

    Extra information about ‘Victims were burned alive as a sacrifice’ :

  297. sorry if that’s how it changed your world but if you believe in ‘nothing is imposible with God’ then we pray together. We believe in one God and it is clear that Jesus said to love one another and treat everybody as brothers and sisters. It is not us who can change it but God alone. NO prayer will not be answered coz we are his children. God wanted everybody to be saved. That is why everybody should not argue about.We are all victims of Satan and we don’t have any strength to fight against it but only God can do because he is the most powerful and the more we fight and argue with it the more satan would put his effort to destroy us all and lead to the heavenly father’s wrath. Remember Love and Prayers. The Holy Spirit will guide us the truth that is somehow no be heard with your ears but within your heart. If there is hate in your heart about what happened in the past then no one could ever tell you the truth. This goes to everybody. I may die with my comment but God is in my heart I love him.

  298. Simleoangelo

    Hi, there is no hatred at all. I’m only directing to the ‘guys’ (forces) who succeeded in selling way too big cars for the personal garageboxes, the hearts of many sincere believers. They even don’t notice the fact the doors inside can’t be opened anymore. By that:

    daily 86 per cent of the believers are praying to ‘Mary’, so 14 per cent is succeeding in reaching God or Jesus. The Apostles would say a different Jesus, daily hanging at the stake, getting sacrificed by being the eternal Victim. The real Mary would urge to repent and to whipe out the forces.

    In 1885 the last Spaniard, a teacher, got hanged by saying ‘Praise God.’
    He should have said: ‘Ave Maria.’, meanig the same as.’Ave Ceasar’ the god, idol of those days. The (brave) christians who refused got killed.

    Between 1945 and 1953 in Colombia 60.000 ‘refusing’ believers got murdered. Yes, by the RC President, afterwards rewarded by the pope. Nothing has changed, the about 100 ‘anathema’s’ (being accursed) are still threre, waiting for the victems getting burned or getting beheaded by the sword or guilotine. In the meantime killing indeviduals in sofisticated ways. Greek for ‘anathema’ = ‘things offered to God’. Rome is thinking to do God a favour with that, Is she really meaning the same God? ‘Rome in the past already got named ‘new Babylon’. In the Bible: Mystery Babylon.

    Simleoangelo, if being caught in a burning garagebox, what would you prefer? Praying with your brothers and sisters or trying to get out. Yes. maybe a hard choise by unnoticed, already being stunned by the smoke.

    Keith Green, a young influancial American gospel singer was calling young people out by an inspired way of describing, analysing the ‘lies’ they might be in. He wondered why God urged him. His plane crashed. Coincidental ?

    Keith Green, a danger to Rome by ‘The Catholic Chronicles’

    The work usually is edited out,

    Please, be courageous and blessed.

  299. For real Catholic end times visit:
    Can you please make a post about this blog. It is awesome, lots of information!???


  301. Such a lot of work you have done, TY Please check out my Facebook {jotos and look into the links for Remedies for the 3 Days Darkness and multiple protections through spiritual aids of faith through Grace. I did over 3 years research so I think there is merit to what I found and use, which is authentic as they are timeless. Enter Connie Tarling Bby., B.C. in Facebook to locate my Public Albums you might need to click Photos and then Albums All information is Public. TY

    Vision #1 Connie H. Tarling 11/30/13 Bby., B.C., Canada

    In the Holy Spirit of God, the Lord, I looked up at Mary, Immaculate. In Her eye, I saw the Living Crucifix of Jesus Christ, Her Divine Son. He was in total darkness as when He had been Crucified and the light of the Sun was not visible for a time as He was on the Cross.

    Then, I saw Astronaut standing on the face of the moon with a few others who were not in space suits one crouching attending to some type of machine monitor. There was also a Flag standing on the surface. There was a Portal of two White Pillars as a Portal would have and the Opening of this Portal was dark so no-one could see beyond the Portal’s entrance. Those I saw on the surface of the Moon were looking out into Space towards the Portal I had seen just beyond them. The B.V. Mary, Mother of God said to me, ” It’s time to see into the Future.”

    Instantly, I saw Israel, identified by the Dome of the Rock. As my vision swept over the Holy City of Jerusalem, I saw a Black helicopter whose windows were also blackened out as a Drone is. As it flew around the Blessed City, it began to become ‘Cloaked’, in it’s ‘Invisibility.’

    Then, I saw as were I watching a T.V. screen placed in front of this literal view of the Holy City.

    First on a T.V. screen image – the image of Chinese lettering – a message of some type.

    Secondly, on a T.V. screen image – the image of Japanese lettering – a message of some type.

    Thirdly, on a T.V. screen image – the image of Islamic lettering – a message of some type.
    I wondered at this and the B.V.Mary, Mother of God identified the lettering saying, ”Islam’s Jihad.”

    Then, I saw a Coastline and a Great Wave coming into it’s shoreline as though pushed there by some movement. When I looked for the cause, I saw a Large, White Serpent’s head, beneath the Ocean water, moving fast towards the shore. Then, as the Serpent neared the Shore, ‘a man emerged and stood on the Land.’

    Then, I saw Darkness cover the World and there was no Light left in it anywhere. Nor, was there Moon and Stars shining. Or the Day’s Sun shining.

    I thought I might forget what I saw and the B.V.mary, Mother of God assured me saying, ” You won’t.”

    I had some difficulty focusing distracted by association or concern of mine. She said, ” You must listen to me.”
    The B.V.Mary, Mother of God took me as it appeared into the darkness and isolation of outer Space. Three Rings of Anointing, as light descended from above, and surrounded Her & myself within them.
    ( *I leave you to discern with His Holy Spirit the meaning of this Vision. )

  302. Fear not. The one and only God will save all.

  303. I think it was Rosa that claims Mary died and was resurrected 15 days later? (I apologize if I’m getting that wrong…I read it quite a bit ago). Anyhow, she was repeatedly asked to cite scripture for that and never answered… I think it would benefit her and us to share her “knowledge” so that her other posited beliefs and statements can be given more serious attention. Just a thought.

    • katie

      mary was never resurrected.

      • Correction to my original post/question:
        I was asking about a comment made by Rosa that Mary ~ascended~ into heaven (I mistakenly wrote resurrected). Several people (including myself) wanted to know where she got that information but she never revealed the source. I don’t believe any such thing!!! I just wanted to know where she read that since I had never heard that before.

        • katie

          that is just some folklore in the catholic church. there is no scripture to back this is. this is to exalt Mary to be more than she is.

  304. Protestant bibles are missing seven books…do your research! Jesus referred to those books many times. I’m not going to post passages to prove this to you…quit being lazy and do your research!

  305. Yes this message is common knowledge for us Catholics but thanks for posting it anyway

  306. Hello Marianne,

    Have you studied the Chaplet of Divine Mercy? St. Faustina received the message of the Chaplet of our Lord Jesus Christ in 1935. So we have the Third Secret of Fatima in 1917, St. Pio’s Three days of Darkness in the 1940’s and the Chaplet all in a close period of time. All three are preparing us for the coming of Messianic Reign on earth.

    God was King and Ruler over Israel from the Exodus till 587 B.C. when Israel fell. God resided on earth in a stone temple. God left His temple because of the great multitude of sins of Israel and the world. God handed His Kingship over Israel to king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, as a punishment upon Israel. Before Jesus returns to Rule the world, the world is going to have to be cleansed. It is this cleansing of the earth that the Third Secret of Fatima, the Chaplet and St. Pio’s Three Days of Darkness are all gearing us for. Things have to be purified for the Coming of Jesus. The Coming of Jesus is not the end of the world but the beginning of Messianic Reign. As God Ruled with and through the priests, prophets and kings of Israel, Jesus will Rule with and through His Church, the Catholic Church.

    I have been studying the three, The Chaplet, Three Days of Darkness and Third Secret of Fatima. Please visit: ‘Surviving the Battle of Armageddon’

    Please also consider reciting the Chaplet. Our Lord has promised great protection for those who even just recite it once.

    JESUS, THE DIVINE MERCY, by St.Faustina
    The devotion to Jesus as the Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina, a Polish nun who wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God’s mercy.

    Jesus looked at me and said, Souls perish in spite of My bitter Passion. I am giving them the last hope of salvation; that is, the Feast of My Mercy. If they will not adore My mercy, they will perish for all eternity. Secretary of My mercy, write, tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near. (Diary – Divine Mercy in My Soul, 965)

    Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ for our sins and those of the whole world; for the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us. (Diary, 474-475)… The next morning, when I entered chapel, I heard these words interiorly: Every time you enter the chapel, immediately recite the prayer which I taught you yesterday. When I had said the prayer, in my soul I heard these words: This prayer will serve to appease My wrath. (476)

    Quoted from

  307. Well seems as if the 3rd prophecy was lies..2010 has come and gone..all this battering of the world has not happened, the prophecy was lies by a satan crazed woman, the world is indeed evil but it’s been evil for a 100 years or longer! Look at the catholic church, how evil it has become! Priests raping young boys, pope accepting homosexual ism and Islam! The catholic church wishes to rule the world, they plan on welcoming the antichrist! Pope right now is attempting to form a one world religion! Those of you following the catholic church are following satan! You’ve been warned, turn your lives around and stop shaking the hand of satan!

  308. It’s all very true. The time is coming very near. The world scenario is changing rapidly too. May God help us all!

  309. Jer. 23: 21 – 27 says, I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. ²² But if they had stood in My counsel [understood My mind], and had caused My people to hear My words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. ²³ Am I an Elohim (Hebrew word means Mighty One) at hand, and not an Elohim afar off? ²⁴ Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? Says Yahweh, Do not I fill heaven and earth? ²⁵ I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in My name, saying I have dreamed, I have dreamed. ²⁶ How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart. ²⁷ WHICH THINK TO CAUSE MY PEOPLE TO FORGET MY NAME (YAHWEH) BY THEIR DREAMS which they tell every man to his neighbor, AS THEIR FATHERS HAVE FORGOTTEN MY NAME FOR BAAL (Hebrew word which translates to THE LORD). And today Almighty Yahweh, the Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has sent us to you with an urgent message.
    Repent of your evil ways and turn back unto Me says Yahweh.

  310. Couldn’t help commenting. First of all FATIMA was the younger and favorite daughter of Mohammed and while there are many stories, I understand that the town of FATIMA in Portugal was given to FATIMA as dowry by Mohammed and so the town was named after her. Therefore, the question remains, whose apparitions are people seeing – certainly couldn’t be Mary’s (correct Hebrew name Miryam) the mother of Yahshua (Jesus), so figure that out for yourselves.

    Re. Lucia she is said to have become a cloistered nun. The other two children died Why & How no one knows for sure but after listening to the following (entire) testimony of this cloistered nun who was fortunate to escape from that hell, I understood what might have happened to those two kids. So listen to ‘Sister Charlotte’s here, it is soul touching …

    As for the predictions of Lucia, I don’t believe they are prophecies but agendas laid out long before the evils are done.

    • I can see your point.

      some prophecies, even from a false source, can contain some insights.

      even the devil likes to reveal his plan..

      so I present things for thought….to mull over.

      it does not mean I endorse everything

      the catholic church has a lot of stories coming out of it.

      the video is long but I will listen to it

      • Thanks Marianne, I do agree with your first two sentences, of course the devil knows much but not everything, for knowledge is not given to him in its entirety and so there are big surprises waiting for him too from the Holy One YHVH. However, after all that I have learned and still learning which each time is mind blowing for me, I realized that satan has been laying out his evil agenda’s thru his descendants right from the time his butt was kicked out of Heaven and so it will continue till Yahshua comes.

        And yes, the video is really long but do hear it in its entirety for then you will really know about the hell that is going on in the ‘convents’ better word ‘covens’.

        Blessings & Be Well.

        • listening to the video now…terrible story…I almost became a nun…glad I did not now.

          • I am glad too that you did not. I was moved to tears listening to her. Many atrocities have been committed by those evil ones and the deception is immeasurable. Remember these apparitions of Mary always happen in the sun when it is shining bright like in Portugal, Medujore, Lourdes (France) and even Ontario Canada in a place called Marmora – [Exerpt from Wikipedia .. The Miracle of the Sun (Portuguese: O Milagre do Sol) was an event which occurred just after midday on Sunday 13 October 1917, attended by some 30,000 to 100,000 people who were gathered near Fátima, Portugal. Several newspaper reporters were in attendance and they took testimony from many people who claimed to have witnessed EXTRAORDINARY SOLAR ACTIVITY.] This happens in Marmora too and people strain their eyes to look at the sun which can cause severe damage to the retina (you can check out the video on youtube). It’s a great deception by satan himself.

  311. Assets of the Rothschild family are in the Vatican vaults along with Hitler`s gold and personal records. Even the pope cannot visit the vaults, it is protected by Swiss guards who will let only one person enter. That person is of the Jewish faith and his identity is top secret.

  312. I agree its possible. Re. that person of Jewish faith … Jewish faith yes but not Hebrew faith. There’s a difference .. Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 They say there are “Jews” and are not but are of the synagogue of satan.

  313. Thank you very much for sharing with us the important messages of our salvation may our God bless you and Mother mary protect you please send me more information

  314. I don’t have time to read all the comments, but in good conscience I have to say that you could not be more wrong when you say that Mary cannot help us. That flies in the face of everything Catholics (the only true Christianity and the only one instituted by Christ to give grace) know and have been taught. She is our Heavenly Mother and she is constantly helping those of us who pray to Her. What you have said is heresy, very serious heresy.
    Recourse to Her Immaculate Heart has been given to us in these last times and it is the last help we will have. The Triumph has been reserved to Her. She will destroy all heresy and restore the Church to Her doctrinal purity and her Sacred Traditions.

  315. One more thing, your version of the “Secret” is false. It does not fit the description that Sister Lucy gave. The Vatican’s version is also false or incomplete. And Pope JPII never gave anyone permission to reveal it. You are mistaken on so many points in your article.

    • Hello Virginie,

      I am a fellow Catholic. The Vatican’s version of the Secrets of Fatima are the true version. You are falling victim to the Catholics who cannot decipher it so they say it is false or incomplete. The Blessed Mother of Fatima has announced the coming of Messianic Reign!

      Obadiah 1 states that Mount Zion will be restored and that saviors shall ascend mount Zion to Rule and the Kingship will be the Lord’s. The mountain Catholic Clergy are climbing in the Third Secret of Fatima is, Christ’s Kingdom Come, Zion! The angel with the fiery sword is Michael the Archangel who leads troops into battle to enthrone Jesus as King and Ruler of the world. The fiery sword is the sword of Christ’s mouth, Church anathema, the Church on earth, the Catholic Church’s, power to have Jesus lips bind sinners to their sins. Jesus is not King and Ruler of the world until His subjects, Catholic Clergy, put His Laws into enforcement on earth. The small scroll, which when read, enthrones Jesus as King and Ruler of the world is a list of auto-anathemas, the binding of sins, read by a pope. Scripture indicates it takes about an hour to read. Then we go through the three days of darkness where the ‘Wrath of the Lamb’ blows through and puts to death one or two thirds of world population. In other words Armageddon. Like Israel’s Rapture out of Egypt, Christ’s Church, those washed in the blood of the Lamb, (in a state of grace through the Sacrament of Reconciliation) will not be harmed. The Church will walk outside their homes, three days after the Battle of Armageddon, and into Christ’s Kingdom Come on earth. There will be peace, massive miracles of healing and life will be good for Christ’s Church once she metamorphosises into Zion.

      Please visit:

      I would like to show you the tremendous amount of scripture surrounding the brief Third Secret of Fatima and how it announces the coming of Messianic Reign.

      Peace, Steven

        The God you worship is NOT the Savior of this world but he is “lucifer” who doesn’t even deserve a captial letter to his name. Your church is NOT the church that Cepha(Peter) built but it is a the church of satan. Don’t believe me, then watch the following videos:

        The Pope (Benedict) Invokes Lucifer – Easter Vigil Mass 2012

        Pope (Francis) does the same INVOKES LUCIFER at Easter Vigil Mass –

        Basilica(Basilisk) – The King Serpent (Jonathan Kleck Mirror)

        As for Lucia I can only imagine the horror she must have gone through in her young age when she joined the cloistered covenant possibly raped and beaten.
        Please listen to the confessions of a cloistered nun Sister Charlotte who has now gone to be with the Savior in Heaven (its pretty graphic).

        As for the other two kids Jacintha Marto and the little boy Francisco Marto probably sister & brother – I can bet that they were sexually molested and then sacrificed to their god satan.

  316. Ask God to like and love me all my life. I ask God to heal me and in the future have all pain taken away forever everyday for many plenty years and I will have a best healthy walking again and will be living alive with best health in my body forever every day for many plenty years and becomes more than 70 years aged after the year 2040 and I is living alive on many plenty more of my birthdays for many plenty years in my future. All my life I am protected and has freedom and all my life I did each and every single day God’s every commandments laws statutes and all. I ask to meet God and blessed virgin Mary in the future soon who do say only to me all only for me and all only about me in my past present and future and I do write this forever truth.

  317. I knew one day it would be revealed. I pray that all will be returned to God. Please father save us. Wake this world up. In Jesus sweet name amen.

  318. Good day to all….
    I was really looking for a site or I’m not really sure where I can tell this dream of mine… sometimes i want to think that it’s just really a dream and not something special cause I don’t know how to handle it…. my dream goes this way… I saw 2 children, a boy and a girl. The boy was older than the little girl. I saw what happen in their surroundings. I saw that there was an earthquake, a very strong earthquake which left no buildings. While the earthquake was happening, people where running and don’t know where to go and even the 2 children were also running wanted to go in a place where they can be safe but unfortunately no buildings and structures where left because of the earthquake. And suddenly I saw a fountain, it stands still and was not destroyed by the earthquake, and on top of it where the water showers, I saw a lady dancing. She was wearing a long white gown with beads on them and her hair was black, long and wavy. While the 2 children was running to look for a safer place, this lady quickly appears to them and was saying something. But because the children were in panic they did not understand what the lady was saying, all they want was to run and hide in a safer place. When the lady disappeared, they feel so nervous and don’t know what to do. And suddenly there was great rain and the rain becomes small stone of fire that ruins every houses that was there. And afterwards, there were floods that as if it destroys everything because I didn’t see any structures built anymore when such flood appears. There were other disasters that i saw but i forget about it already. What remained to me was the last one. There was a great war and it resulted to chaos. And suddenly when the 2 children were running, an old woman meet them and told them not to be afraid. She told the children to follow her and said to them that she will help them to understand what the lady told them. The old woman told them not to be afraid, and said that the lady told them to spread love in the world. Unless the people will not learn to love each other, disasters on earth will continue to happen. What I saw last was a great war. And after that, I was able to wake up… I was so afraid when I woke up and try to forget it and think that it was only a normal dream. I stop praying and stop attending mass and try to have a gap with God. I totally put a distance.

    • Marianelyn

      these sorts of disasters have been predicted, both by the bible, and by modern prophets, for the end times ,

      we are now on the threshold of the tribulation, where many disasters will happen… these are called the birth pangs of the messiah, jesus who is about to return

      we are not to be afraid…bad things are coming to punish the wicked, and we will see much of this…but we have to trust in god, and repent of our sins, and pray each day…simple prayers are fine…you can also read the psalms which are prayers.

      your relationship with god is more important than church attendance…

    • Marianne and Marianelyn,

      No. of earthquakes in last 30 days were high? and Tsunami ?
      Marianelyn is in USA ? I am a Roman Catholic from Colombo, SriLanka below India. Both of your names are connected with Mother Mary. My name is Meril Sunimal. 1917+100=2017

  319. After how many years, may be about 4 years, I had another dream…… I was walking alone. I don’t know where I was. All I know was I am in a very silent place, and all I can see are dim clouds because nothing else was in that place. Suddenly, there was a light coming from above, and I heard a voice. It says something but as if I didn’t understand it. But suddenly something falls from the sky and I caught it. When I was able to catch it, what was in my hand was a statue of Virgin Mary. It was small, but when i was looking at it in my hands, it becomes bigger and bigger… as if it was growing…. and I can’t be able to carry it already and all I did was to look for a place where I can put it. What I remember in the dream, I was able to look for a place where I make an altar and put the statue of Virgin Mary there. I feel that I need to put it in a safe and an appropriate place. When I finally put it in the altar, I feel so relieved. And then I was able to wake up…. I purposely make a gap from God and I was used to it. Waking up and sleeping without praying… without talking to him… and without calling him…. But after that 4 years, after I was able to dream about this…. as if I was awakened and I returned to HIM. But until now, I am still puzzled with those dreams. If only someone can let me know or God himself give me signs…… but…. still I can’t understand it until now.

  320. Lucia? Maybe it means the same thing.
    That picture looks like mother mary. Is this article and page about establishing a grade level?

  321. Could this mean the Catholic Church will be
    In the tribulation because of lack of faith
    Not takin in the rapture of the church

  322. What happened to a person , just before his/her normal death? Is this related to Garbandal Warning? Illumination of conscience ? Why Garbandal warning is known only by few people in the Catholic Church? In old testament there were prophets. People killed them. After Jesus Crucifixions , how people will be informed by Heaven ? People do not believe Mother Mary’s messages. Now the USA is different under Trump? Who leads the world affairs now? When communism comes again then Garbandal warning will be happened. Still we cannot identify the Anti-Christ (666).
    We experienced so many diseases in recent times.(Viral fewer, Dengue)

  323. 1917 – 2017 : 100th anniversary

  324. fatima anniversary october 13th


    ………… You are living in the time of sorrows. Intensify your prayers, for you will yet have long years of hard trials. ……………..

  326. The Theme of Fatima: The final battle will be for MARRIAGE & FAMILY, out of the Enmity put by God between the serpent & the woman by their seed.
    The Error of Russia: Not communism as such but its Atheism & out of this Atheistic spirit manifested SODOM, all that stands against MARRIAGE & FAMILY, .The ERROR today spread by Democratic America, through its agendas of global domination, Where as Russia today strong in the FAITH, as fruit of the consecration(in spirit) , which consecration was confirmed by Sr. Lucia.
    Now, the claim of the CIA that Pope John Paul 2 as one of them for toppling Communism, when in the truth his work was against Atheism, the very intention of our Lady, to see Russia strong in the Faith, but become an unexpected horror unto the CIA( in the order of the Biblical Beast) our Lady’s first stroke since Fatima
    The defeat of Hillary was the setting aside of imminent WW3, again an unexpected horror unto the CIA war agendas through dominating the nations, in turn spreading the ‘Error of Russia” is but to the question, as to who was behind the Russian communism with Atheism packed within it , to be carrying the Curse of sodom, Our Lady’s second stroke, off the Enmity, off course come from Russia, though not Physically buy Spiritually, even the many more strokes to come till such time the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Christ unto God, by faith.. To know that her specific task/work is to install FAITH in Man, for without Faith none can please God.
    Said Jesus “Be ye wise as serpents but gentle as doves”

  327. Coimbra fire ? : A burnt car remains inside a house in the village of Vila Nova, near Vouzela on October 19, 2017 in Viseu, Portugal. Portugal’s forest fires broke out on October 15 in the District of Coimbra spreading to other districts in the Center and North of the country causing 42 deaths.
    An image of Our lady of Fatima remains at the entrance of a burnt house in Portugal. See photoes :

    Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos : died at the Carmelite convent of Santa Teresa in Coimbra February 13, 2005

  328. Africa braced for epidemic of deadly airborne PLAGUE after it infects 1,300 people in Madagascar and map reveals the nine countries officials fear it will spread to next.
    Read more:

  329. Well it sure did not happen by 2010.

  330. Give unto God what is to God–FAITH
    Give unto Caesar what is to Caesar–SCIENCE
    Meaning do not give unto Caesar what is to God, neither give unto God what is to Caesar.
    This Error is spiritually indicated in the wilderness out of Egypt, when the two Sons of Aaron, Lit the sacrifice using Strange Fire, that of the golden calf, the fire of EVOLUTION instead of the Holy Fire, the Fire of FAITH in the continuity.

    Daniel :He will not regard the god of his fathers nor any god, but in his own estate(privately in spirit)worship a Strange god, a god of forces” reveals the hindu monkey warrior god , images of which the likes of the OBAMAS in the order of the 666, love to carry with them even in their hearts, to the belief “Man evolved from the Monkeys” EVOLUTION(modernism) to Worship(holy cow) all that stands against the Faith, cause Faith is not time bound.
    Daniel” He will not regard the desire of women” which God given desire of women is to bring forth children, against which he brings in cunningly devised policies to the desires of the flesh, against reproduction, through SODOM & its agendas, all that stands against the basic order of the FAMILY, in turn based on the First Holy Family Of God.
    So it is EVOLUTION & SODOM that directly opposes FAITH & FAMILY resp.
    STRANGE fire====STRANGE god.

    The sin of Sodom
    Warned Jesus “Remember Lots wife’—Not just to Sodom , but its complacency, for a complacent one is already a sodomite, reserved for Condemnation, the state that America is in today to the Prophecy of “Sodom & Egypt”.
    Note, the Two daughters of Lot reproduced out of Sodom, though through incest, as an act of desperation , cause they were restrained from reproducing while in sodom even though they had husbands, in other words Sodom is a “Reproductive Restrainer’ directly against the Command of God, resulting in the enslavement of the spirit, led to the utter destruction then, unto the prophecy—

  331. “You are living in the time of great spiritual confusion …… You are heading for a future of pain and only those who pray will withstand the weight of the trials that are already on the way…….” .-Pedro Regis. –

    ————————— Compare above with below ——————

    Pope Francis believes the Church is in a moment of “spiritual turbulence,” the pontiff is asking Catholics around the world to pray the rosary every day during the month of October for protection of the Church from the devil.-

    Pope asked Fr. Fréderic Fornos, S.J., international director of the World Network of Prayer for the Pope, to spread this appeal to all the faithful throughout the world, inviting them to conclude the recitation of the Rosary with the ancient invocation “Sub Tuum Praesidium”, and with the prayer to Saint Michael Archangel that he protect us and help us in the struggle against evil (cf. Revelation 12, 7-12).” –

  332. […] Source: Lucia reveals the 3rd secret of Fatima? […]

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