Do people hate you on sight?


Did you ever wonder why some people hate you as soon as they lay eyes on you?

It could be a new social group (school, church, etc), or a job interview, or a new neighborhood.

They do not know you. They have not spoken to you, in any meaningful way yet. You have not done anything wrong. But the look in their eyes is total disgust or repulsion.

You suddenly feel insecure, or uncomfortable around these people, and you can feel the coldness.

You are definitely in trouble. And it will not go away. Do not delude yourself.

This is NOT a personality clash. You have not yet revealed your personality to them, so this is not it.

When someone hates you as soon as they see you, it is because they themselves have demons, who recognize the holy spirit who covers you.

Then the demons influence the person who has them, and you get a negative reaction.

This is a spiritual situation, and the spirits involved are not those of the humans present.

Spirits can communicate with each other, without the humans knowing about it.

*** Note: This is how psychics work. They have demons who get information about you, from the demons hovering near you, or assigned to you. Then, the demon reveals the information to the psychic, who then gives you a reading.

In the diagram below, the positive (+) person has the Holy Spirit (yellow). The negative person (-) has the demon (black). The two spirits over the people are aware of each other, and react to the other one.


The Holy Spirit is positive, but will be aware of the demon of the (-) person, and allow you to be uncomfortable. This is a warning to that something is wrong, and to avoid the other person – there is some danger. The (+) person reacts with discomfort.

The demon is aware of the “rejection” by the Holy Spirit, feels insulted, and reacts with anger, hate, rejection, also. The feelings are passed onto the (-) person, who feels justified in hating the (+) person, without knowing why. Their response will be irrational, and will be negative in general.

What to do:

If it is an optional relationship, you can just walk away, and dissociate yourself, thus protecting yourself from further rejection.

If the acceptance of the other person is critical, and not optional, then you must act.

Pray, and heed the direction of the Holy Spirit

Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus, and ask for a hedge of protection to be put around you.

Request pray coverage from others, and ask them to stand in agreement with you.

Prayer of agreement:

Everyone cover you with the blood of Jesus, and ask the Father in Jesus name.

Everyone agree with you that you will find favor with people, and that God will bless you efforts.

May the Father God send angels to do battle for you, so that you can get some rest from the spiritual battle, be refreshed, and achieve the success you deserve.

Even if others do have demons, pray a veil over you, so that the demons will be blind to you, and unable to discern your spirit, and attack you.

See other prayers to bind witchcraft:

Prayer Against Witchcraft Control Click here for more

Prayer for Healing and Deliverance Click here for more

1,548 Responses to “Do people hate you on sight?”

  1. […] you ever wonder why some people hate you as soon as they lay eyes on you? Click here for more Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)A resurgence in coupons, but people still […]

    • Oh wow this makes so much sense to me – it explains why I have lived such a lonely life -I have had it so much through my life and not understood it – I especially had this reaction from women that I met for the first time – I had not even spoken to them and then I would just become aware that they really didn’t like me and no matter what I did I couldn’t change that – in fact it happened so much in my life and with no one to give me wise counsel I believed that there was something really wrong with me and got into bondage with these people due to pursueing them to prove to them that I was in fact OK and in fact a kind friendly person, but to no avail – I just ended up hurt and abused and I could not change their judgement of me. Now praise God I am at the place where I know that the problem is with them and I am (through the Lord’s divine guidance) starting to extricate myself from these demeaning relationships. I feel that I don’t need acceptance from these people anymore – if they don’t like me it doesn’t matter anymore – God loves me. Thank you for your revelation. God Bless. Jan.

      • hi Jan

        I am glad you are getting insight into this.

        Like you, I thought it was “me” for a long time. I even thought I must have a personality disorder, where people immediately saw something negative or defective about me.

        Stick up for yourself. You have value. God made you that way.

        With God on your side, you can accomplish much for yourself, and for Him.

        • This has definately got to be true – as a child I was a reject for no reason.

          When I was “possessed” I got on so well with everyone, also my physical problems went away – I have dyspraxia which means I can’t control my coordination very well so my writing is terrible, I could never do physical things etc….

          When I was possessed I literally thought the opposite that I had the Holy Spirit and that it gave me the power to be “normal”, I was putting up cupboards in my mums kitchen, holding conversations with builders and the like who usually are people I really can’t relate to, identifying Freemasons, occultists and the like before even speaking to them and they were shocked at how I knew….

          Now I’m back to my old not quite perfect nervous system, low ability to communicate with most people through their prejudgment of me, inability to know things beforehand about people, but happy to be this way as this is who I am and God accepts me like this rather than as a demon possessed popular, able bodies, quick witted, psychic genius that blasphemes thinking he’s saying the correct thing and makes people feel bad while thinking he’s saving them….

          I’m proud to be a social disaster 😀

          • you are not a disaster to God., or me

            • Thanks! Was meant in jest though – I’d rather be imperfect in body and serve God than be perfect bodies and powerful and serve myself or the devil, and wish more people would think the same way.

              • Well said and I really needed those words. I have had people (therapists) and friends tell me that people recognize the holy spirit in me and is why I get negative reactions before even speaking. This happens too often to be coincidence. What you said is what I have often thought. Thanks.

              • Hello D
                So are you saying that you thought you had the Holy Spirit but you now believe that you were acctualy possesed, but now you aren’t possed but you are a Christian?

            • That’s Good I Like To Hear That From You!

            • Marianne, the same thing happens to me as well. I have always believed it to have been perpetual bad luck, but now it is starting to make sense, thanks to you. I am a Hindu by birth, but I’m spiritually more aligned to Christianity, having studied in a Christian missionary school.

          • God bless you and heal you inside and out in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

          • But many gifts given by God include prophecy and discerning of spirits; Holy Spirit allows them to know hidden information about a person before having actually been told by the person, themself. There’s nothing wrong with that.

            Also, I thought the opposite would be true- being possessed is what causes ailments and disorders by the entities effects, whereas, being free of demonic debris allows healing to take place. When I was in a tight union with God, was when my chronic ocd practically disappeared almost overnight. Now I’m on shaky spiritual grounds, and find myself at an all time battle with this annoying nervous disorder-!

        • People probably hate many of you because you aren’t likable to begin with. It has Nothing to do with Jesus or being ‘Chosen’ unless you are disliked for your Faith. Being disliked as a person is MUCH different. Some people are simply ‘dislikable’ in looks and mannerisms. Maybe you should do a Major Self Inventory before just believing that you are disliked because Jesus was disliked. All of this sounds like it has NOTHING to do with Jesus and Everything to do with you guys. Maybe you have a ‘bad spirit’ or ‘aura’ that is easily recognizable. Most people aren’t evil. Only some, not everyone you meet. Take a good look at yourself.

          • Peace to you but how can someone not be likable it doesn’t make sense everyone’s beautiful we all make mistakes but that’s very sad the way it was said sorry I respect your opinion but at the same time u say most of you aren’t likable ( probably ) I just feel I am not for that! And its okay if u disagree just think that it doesn’t sound right that’s very wordly! Jesus isn’t included like included included , I think people are saying his name because God created us and Jesus plays a big part to saving us we need God and Jesus and I think people would know who they are I think its mostly evil around the world demons around and I have experienced this no. Stop everyday but I just try and not to judge I get a little mad because its not normal for someone to start for more than a few seconds well 3 minutes looking at someone isn’t right even my friend thought I was paranoid then she later years later actually noticed it and was like WOW! U are right people like it doesn’t matter this world is controlled by SATAN the people who have high egos and think they are better and those demons need to be cast out. It’s society not some majority of people aren’t kind kind hearted i am not sure but I am not judging where I live its a big city and people aren’t all too friendly yes they’re will be some and I noticed only once in a while eg. I would receive a mind gesture out of no where from someone And most days I would observe and see the world and people are so caught up and blind so to those who are so much more beautiful hearted i think I understand we’re they are coming from its evil and demons and people minds are so caught up in this world I bet most don’t even care they act but its mostly evil. a cruel and evil world. The world iisnt bad because of the bad people its not working because the ones have something to say that would help and be so world changing are silent we live in SATANS playground so most of things around us would be controlled by him I think its not those who u think aren’t unlikable of course everyone is its the person who is against that’s just plain evil

            • well then, get more assertive and strong and ask WHAT are they looking at? and tell them they are rude to stare

            • I tottaly agree sista everyone seems to blind to the fact that this world is getting further and digger from gods try will for this planet only a matter it time before the tempory owner show his face

            • I wholeheartedly agree with you! ! For years no one believed that this was happening to me, they thought I was crazy. It was when a friendship formed with a neighboring friend of the company I worked for, that my accusations were confirmed as true. During his many visits, on several occasions to chat, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing….over and over again! Without me having said a word about my situation beforehand, he pointed this out and became overtaken by concern+ shock. He noticed that random people; strangers, usually women, would take just glance at me at twist and turn their faces, sneer at me, all sorts of spiteful behavior/body language that just isn’t normal or reasonable. Many times they’d dart after me to give me a hard time. The friend often intervened for me. Bless his soul.

              The company’s friend is a Christian and I feel that God sent him into my life to confirm all that I was experiencing, that I wasn’t insane, these things were very much real. Still to this day I thank him. I was so relieved, like I could finally breath -! Before that no one believed me, at home or workplace; management team would blame me for everything when in fact I was being targeted mercilessly, almost on a daily basis…and this friend saw with his very own eyes how I was hounded. Evil spirits. But this friend also mentioned that curses do exist where occult work can be done on you, to make people despise you wherever you go. I believe it, because my parents are from the Caribbean where voodoo is widely practiced and have heard and seen plenty regarding such. Many Christians are very oblivious to its occurence/existence, but living in ignorance is a disfavor to oneself as it shields the eyes from the truth. Works done to have the world plague you are effective through the unleashing of demonic spirits who influence others to attack you. It happens.

              For the past 15 yrs, I’ve ran out of fingers to count the times people in my extended circle have noticed this abnormal, reoccurring “bad luck”. Without a word on my part, they saw for themselves and made their comments; everything from: Gee, the Devil be riding you big time!…to…You better go sprinkle holy water on yourself.…Girl, something is after you…to…something bad is always happening to you…and those are just a few-!! Lol.

              So, yeah, I can definitely relate to most people on here! 😉

          • To beautiful soul:Have you ever looked at someone whom you have never seen and you disliked them, but not because they are rude, but because you did not understand them or for some other reason you cannot decipher? If you have these perceptions again, perhaps you can politely get to know the person and ask them if they are a christian. You will be quite astounded to see, that just as you have suspected them of being an evil person, that so have many other people who are meeting us (Christians) for the first time! Thanks for understanding.

            • I can honestly say in my 37 years I have never not liked someone just by looking at them. How unfair is that??? God tells us to think more highly of others that we do ourselves and I do that by default.

              • Kim, the bible does not say that we
                as Christians would hate strangers…
                it said unbelievers would hate
                Christians, because in the same way
                they hated Jesus. If a Christian looks
                at anyone with instant hatred, then
                that would be a problem. Maryanne is
                looking at it from the perspective of
                a Christian being treated unfairly, when
                no real interaction has taken place.
                If you are filled with the Holy Spirit,
                the spirit in you would love the person
                no matter what. We are dealing with
                demonic or unbelieving spirits here,
                not the other way around. We might
                be unlikeable to
                someone after hanging around each other
                for a while. But when someone hates
                us AUTOMATICALLY, on sight,
                when we’ve done nothing
                to merit that, that is what the issue is

          • well said that puts things into balance.

          • Judy, I will try to keep this as polite as possible. The above article was
            written by someone describing a person that had not done anything
            unlikeable and did not even have a chance to interact with someone
            for a few seconds before they responded negatively to them. This is
            not about someone being “unlikeable” to one or two other people,
            this is someone getting a negative reaction when they have done
            NOTHING to merit it. If you are a christian and you have never
            gotten an undeserved reaction from anyone ever even though you
            were not doing anything to deserve it, I would start to wonder why.
            The bible says that if the world hated Jesus, they would hate us as
            His followers also. That does not mean we should not do all we can
            to get along with people and certainly to love them, but we know in
            our hearts if we deserve someones dislike or if they are reacting
            to us in a way that does not really make sense. This has happened
            to me more times than I can count, yet I’m not a mean or disagreeable
            person. I’m not perfect but I do love people and always trying to give
            the benefit of the doubt. There is an unseen war going on in the
            spiritual realm that we cannot see with our eyes. I think that the more
            a person has the annointing of God on their lives, the more these
            things happen. The key is to love, forgive and pray for the ones
            that treat us in an unfair way; all by the grace of Jesus. You can have
            a lack of favor with a person and yet be highly “favored” by God.
            This does not mean that God loves one person more than another.
            It just means that He has a close relationship with that person
            who has accepted His Son, Jesus,as their Lord and Saviour, and
            loves Him.

            • Linda, my sister, you have explained this very well. I have many times gone through this dislike by people that dont even know me . my 7 year old son too and now i know why… coming across this article today has been a revelation and am thankful for my eyes have opened!! its not me. its not him, we have done nothing wrong to deserve any type of hostility from these people. There is nothing wrong with me! ;). I am a very kind giving person who like to live in peace with people if possible. I always try to see the good in people. I aggre to your comment here, The key is to love, forgive and pray for the ones that treat us in an unfair way; all by the grace of Jesus.
              I have been liberated!! am free! and I will pray continuosly and I praise the Lord above for revealing this to me!!
              Glory to your name Jesus!!♥♥

          • I see what your trying to do here. Stop trolling Satan! Jesus says if they hated me they will hate you also. Stay on point.

            • amen

              • I’ve been literally tormented by this hate on site for the past 12 years.It is truly demonic.Jesus told us to pray constantly to our Heavenly Father for His Holy that will give us courage , strength to endurance til the end.Marianne my email is If you wouldn’t mind I would like to share with you a little more in depth my experiences and gain some of your insight.Thank you for this revelation of spiritual warfare and my God bless you

          • I don’t have time to go over everything that has happened to me, but here is just a few segments for the person who said it may be you and not spiritual warfare. First of all I want to thank you for being so brutally honest and to the point., you may in fact be correct in many of these purported spiritual bullied victoms being nothing more than what you said, but I have news for you only the grace of God has kept me from disaster especially in the area of hated on site.
            Let me explain as I said it will only be segmented for purposes of getting the meat and potatoes situations I HAVE HAD TO INDURE
            1.Walking into a restaurant lounge and having the doorman stick his finger in my chest on the way in.
            2.Being introduced to a brother of a girl i just meet in a well dressed and fun atmosphere, and upon shaking hands being told to go,,,,,f myself.
            3.Standing in line getting ready to order a sub sandwich, everyone was greeted very cordially and professionally and the line was moving swiftly, when it was my turn same counter person said in the most condescending way possible , what do you need? , it was so well placed below the belt that in an instant I was over the counter in hot pursuit of this poor now screaming for his life clerk that when I retreated back to the restaurant the owner said I saw and heard exactly what he did and made me a beautiful free sub sandwich of my choosing
            4. I was waiting for service at a very nice restaurant lounge admittedly very busy and patently waited my turn to order when it became apparent by not one by three different servers who looked intersecting enough directly at me but then very similarly turned around when a much larger and elderly but disquished type of man standing next to me suddenly barked a command that you could have heard from across the pond to England and back to take my order in which they did very quickly I might add.
            I have had numerous instances of not just blatant disrespect directed at me from complete strangers in a mired of different situations but they add and extra eliminate of letting you know it is a deliberate act to disregard your presence, yesterday in fact a women that lives in our community pulled out a gun on a dog I own that was not pursuing her and claimed she was being attacked. The day before that I recall her walking by me and deliberately, sickeningly, obviously turned her head away and eyes to the sky when I walked passed her,

          • Reply to ‘Judy’ who left a nasty comment about the people under attack being the problem. You are clearly not of God or you would know the same persecution. You say that people who are attacked must by ugly or annoying. Exactly the opposite in many cases. People become obsessed with me and want to find bad in me. They become infuriated and believe I’m hiding something. There is no sense to these attacks it is driven by envy, jealousy, hatred and evil. They imagine me to be something I’m not. I am very close to God and people definitely see something in me. I have a non-Christian friend and he has seen it for years and years that people behave in very strange and vicious ways towards me AFTER I have only done them good. There is no explanation for this. No earthly explanation anyway. Many people preach that when you give your life to Jesus all your problems will be over and if they aren’t it means you are an evil sinner. Again, exactly the opposite it true. Jesus said ‘in the world we have have tribulation. Jesus was sinless but he was viciously persecuted and ultimately murdered by religious people. THAT is what happens to you.

          • Why are you even here? I bind you up in Jesus name…from this website and others that expose you. I curse you back to the ground. Have a nice flight!

            • Dear Judy

              In response to your negative email about people being disliked because there is something dislikeable about them not because of their faith. This is not true. I have seen Ministers disliked because they tell people the truth about them. Mudslingers don’t like people who don’t mudsling other people and you are one of them. In Australia we have a real problem of young people being bullied by their piers. Two 15 year old girls who were pretty and loved animals and life committed suicide because of being bullied and plus one was raped just recently.

              When you die Judy you will be judged on how you treat other people. This applies to anyone in general. Jesus says to love one another as Christ loves you. How about being understanding and help others in need instead of mudslinging. I think you have big problems in yourself little known anyone else.

        • Marianne,
          Sounds like that this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Jesus. Because you are so widely disliked doesn’t mean you are ‘chosen’ or a gifted one. Only if you are rejected because of your Faith does the scriptures apply. Jesus was NOT hated as a person but because of his Faith and who he was. Sure sounds like you are a “Narcissist” believing that you are equal to Jesus and persecuted. They actually have a mental health term for people who possess these beliefs. It is called the martyr syndrome, persecution syndrome and several others. I do not believe that you are disliked because you are “PURE” but simply because you maybe one of many who are just dislikable to begin with. Some people are just “Naturally” dislikable in combination of Looks and Personality. Perhaps you have a dark aura or a dark spirit of your own. Most people aren’t Evil by nature. Most people love to love and be loved. If you find that too many people are disliking you, perhaps you need to do a self inventory instead of believing you are “HOLY” and have a “GOD” complex. Wow!!!

          • Wow, you don’t sound like you are one of those people who love to love and be loved like you mentioned. You sound conceited, and inconsiderate. Maybe you are one of those people who hate people upon site simply because they are different in some way. Maybe they aren’t pretty enough, thin enough, popular enough, etc. Sorry, but this sounds like “bully” attitude.

            • speak it , sister!

            • Well said Ann. Precisely!

            • Excellent reply …goodfor you. That was bullying. That person suffers from that they accuse us of ..”narcissism”

            • Miss Judy, I think if you had Jesus in your heart you wouldnt think that way. It looks like you area judgemental person. if you had read this article you would have known that there is the holy spirit and other spirits who continuosly fight because darkness and light do not agree. eveluate yourself and find out out why you are so negative! what spirit is in you?. is it holy or demonic?

            • I love this article. I have experience this most of my life. At first, I did not understand what was going on. I often suffered from low self esteem thinking something was wrong with me. After I became a Christian, the pieces started to fall into place. God had his hand on my life and has always taken care of me. Satan’s desire was to destroy me, but God shielded me. Now, I am a child of God, and he wants to torment my mind. However, I know he is a liar and the Father of it. He has already lost the battle, and my life has been redeemed by Jesus. Truly, it is over! Thank God for his grace.

              • jerri

                I am so happy to hear that you have the peace that passes all human understanding . God bless you and keep you.

                • Dear Marianne I wish that this web site was around when I was a child and a teenager.  But computers were not around I had the similar problem as Jerri when I was young – I am 63 years old now.  Thanks Marianne for helping people all over the world who suffer from being treated not right and who don’t understand why Regards Lynnette Pratt

          • Marianne, sound you have a lot of negativity yourself. let it go. Instantly felt your negativity.


          • You need to read scriptures and pray to jesus and do not judg. You are not god. And you have a dark spirit to judg people. You need help.

          • i totally agree with you girl! when people don’t like you, there is a reason. first we must search inside ourselves and then outside for the reasons.

          • Yes i can see the wrong way of thinking with this person thinking They are like Jésus or chosen or Whatever get in reality ppl come on but yet at the same time being disliked upon first site Is réal i have this same problem and its shallow of ppl its for many reasons Maybe i dont kiss ass Maybe i didnt put on makeup That day Maybe im bloated from My period That week and im not skinny and pretty enough That day! The bottom line people judge others to quickly Sometimes just at first glance And its Very sad and shallow! And no it doesnt have everything to do with spirituality or religion but Maybe somewhat it does.

          • Judy….you just don’t get it, do you? You sound like you’re one of those doing the harassing. You say maybe we are not likeable people? I have lots of friends and family that I get along with quite well. Yet, I’ve been bullied by perfect strangers when I’ve had no
            interaction with them at all. So clearly, I get along with people that know me, but those that don’t know me at all, can’t stand me right away, and you don’t think that’s strange? There is an unseen world not seen by the human eye… there has always been a battle going on, and the battle is seen when things that don’t make sense happen. Such as being harassed by strangers when you haven’t even been introduced yet. When they’ve only “known” you for 20 seconds. Christians will often be hated by non-christians. Jesus said it would happen. And we still, if we really know God, will do all we can to get along with everyone. We are not to return evil for evil, but good for evil. But that doesn’t always make it easier when we know we have done nothing wrong, and still someone can’t stand us. But at least it makes sense to know it’s all spiritual and nothing personal.

          • Judy, you say it only counts if we
            are rejected because of our faith.
            Well, guess what? The persecution
            by total strangers is caused precisely
            because of our faith. The devil knows
            who belongs to God and who does not.
            We don’t have to say a single word,
            for him to have that knowledge. In fact,
            if no one at any time has ever disliked
            you on site, then maybe you should
            examine yourself. Are you filled with the
            Holy Spirit? I am not saying this to insult you.
            I am asking you to look at this not with
            natural eyes, but spiritual eyes. There
            truly is a spiritual battle going on behind
            the scenes. The devils influence will come
            through those that have not surrendered
            their lives to Jesus. They probably will not
            be aware the devil is using them to hurt
            God’s child. Remember, the ultimate battle
            is to get back at God. The enemy knows
            that to hurt God’s child is to hurt God
            Himself. Therefore he will do all
            he can to cause a child of God
            to question herself, or to lose confidence.
            I say to those that have a genuine relationship
            with Jesus Christ, and have undergone some
            sort of attack that made no sense at all, from
            a stranger or acquaintance, then hold your
            head up and thank God that something about
            you has gotten the enemies attention and
            you are making a difference in the world. If
            you were not, the enemy would pretty much
            leave you alone. Everyone has problems, but
            I’m not talking about that in this
            comment. I’m talking about situations where
            people that have not had time to know you at
            all, and maybe never even said one word to you
            previously, talking down to you or verbally
            attacking you, and it just doesn’t make sense.
            I believe the remnant will face this more and more.
            But Jesus said to take heart when things
            like that happen. He has already overcome the
            world and it’s system. Continue to love and
            pray for our enemies. It’s that love in the midst
            of hatred that will draw many of them to the
            savior Jesus that true Christians know and love.

          • I’m hoping that Poster Judy was led here & revealed enough that other posters began to pray for her!! God works in mysterious ways & His Children are shielded enough to take spiritual “jabs” like this & then to respond in the Lord’s way. Judy may you be blessed & the Lord overcome with you in the way He sees fit.


      • I too have long felt similar to what you’ve felt, Jan. I have dealt with it for decades – and often been lonely as well. I like to believe one day the Lord will make it all up to us; we must have been ‘singled out’ this way for something!
        – Peace and happiness to you!
        – Greg

        • Hello Greg, This is the first time I’ve ever been on a forum where it’s even the same month as the last comment! I’ve experienced this hostility for many years. One thing that helped me was a dream where God showed me that unsaved people’s spirits have roots all the way down to hell, and from there they are driven to “praise” the coming antichrist by saying insults and hate words. Another thing is, you can get really crusty from all this hurt, but I have learned to trust God that it isn’t about being the nicest cordial person, it is about following Christ through heavy s@%!storms and not holding onto any hate. Pray for your enemies, right?

          • Thank you for your insight, and thoughtfulness, Linda – it helps. I think I can relate a lot of people I’ve had to deal with during my life; including at my current job everyday – to the analogy of the dream you described. – Spirits with roots going right down to hell; people who would praise the antichrist even before he appears; that sounds about right. – I’ll give some thought about praying for them; you’re probably right about that, too.

            • The antichrist has been here since the beginning of “christianity” and the mark of the beast is rebellion and sin in thought and action. The antichrist is the “lawless one” and is followed (and even worshiped!) instead of the messiah. The messiah is found in Matthew and Mark and teaches to keep the law- the Antichrist is found primarily through the writings of possibly-false apostle paul, whose teachings consist of “the new covenant replaces the old” “the blood of christ means we arent under the law” “the law is a curse” “the law was fulfilled so we have grace not law” and such dreadful lies that the churches teach us. The whore of babylon is the catholic church and the slutty daughters are the protestant churches she produced. All of revelation is understandable when you keep the holy feast days of torah and the law that moses gave in torah. The messiah only spoke about the law of the pharisees being rubbish, he never advised us to break the laws of torah, he never broke the sabbath as the torah defines it only as the jews defined it – they could not light a candle for light lest they be stoned.
              Pork was never cleansed, the passage was about ritual hand washing, besides the pork itself is NOT making you unclean but the act of rebellion by eating it is an unclean act from the heart.
              Peter’s writings were not written by Peter (and scholars verify that he was unlikely to have written them) as he was illiterate and they look like Paul’s style or a follower of Paul, trying to validate Paul as a true apostle, although Peter was the apostle for the gentles and James went with him.
              Paul slagged Peter off while stabbing the messiah in the back – He would listen to what Peter and James taught and write it as his own, adding in his subtle twists such as making people think that new gentile converts arent under law, that we should follow civil (roman law) that the feast days and sabbath dont matter, that the “man of perdition” is coming in the future, and that women should be oppressed. Read Psalm 119 for confirmation, the law is forever. Luke was a huge fan of Paul and when he compiled his own gospel he adjusted it to try and give validity to paul – thats why some accounts dont match the other two synoptics, and also because people had also been applying pagan myth to the messiah, you get a few pagan fallacies in the mix too that aren’t written in the other gospels. John was also illiterate, and Revelation was written in abysmal terrible greek and mentions himself by name, while all the other writings that are suposedly by John never claim to be by John and they are written in well-educated koine greek.
              It is suspected that Matthew was written in Hebrew and was the true scriptural gospel and Mark’s was written in greek as it was the global language, and both have been modified and the catholic church “lost” (or purged and destroyed/withheld) all copies of the Hebrew.
              We will never know the full details of our Messiah but he sure as hell wasn’t called Jesus christ, he wasn’t a white man with long hair, he didn’t die so that we can live lawlessly and he would absolutely hate that we have desecrated the temple (he became the temple and the sacrifice) with his false image and raised him above or equal to our God (trinity) and totally destroyed what his message was in order that we can be worse sinners than ever. When the messiah comes back, many will say “lord lord” and he will send the lawless away, gnashing their teeth.

              • all jewish boys for thousands of years have been educated in the torah and reading from it, which means none of them have been illiterate. I do not know where you got this illiteracy idea from, but I believe that Peter and John wrote their accounts.

                I agree that the law is still holy, and except what messiah cancelled by his self sacrifice, ordinances of man, ritual sacrifices for sins, it is still in effect.

        • Please read my other post. It is very difficult to believe that so many people have “GOD” complexes. To be rejected, hated or punished because of your Faith, religion or Public admission to be devoted to Christ is what the Bible is referring to when it speaks of being hated because the world hated Jesus first. Jesus and His disiples were hated because they preached the word of God. Jesus was persecuted for this and of course our sins. Not because He was an Unlikable man. He was very much Loved. It was the Jews who hated him for professing he was a son of God. Please do not put yourselves so high on a “cross”. You are NOT Jesus or have you suffered what he suffered or have you preached like he preached. Jesus was “hated” for many reasons but none because of the way he looked, acted or because there was no other reason. To give yourselves so much credit is shameful and disgraceful. Unless you have been persecuted for your Faith then it is a different story. Sure sounds like mental health could help you more.

          • I’ve read your post, Judy, and disagree. We aren’t talking about how we look or how we act, although for years that is almost how it felt. But more and more lately I feel the hatred from random people on the street as I walk. It has happened for decades, but more recently when I began looking people in the eye again. (I quit looking people in the eye because I could see undiagnosed illness and disease. I would speak to them or a family member about the illness and they would adamantly deny that the person were sick. usually within a couple of weeks the illness would manifest. I’ve seen tumors, epilepsy, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid disease, etc.) Now that I look people in the eye, when I see certain people the look in their eye changes and fills with hatred. I’ve even had one woman march across a busy mall to walk infront of me then stop when there were too many people to get past her. I tried to notice a common link between the people who I know who hate me, and the most plausible link is reiki. Anyone who does reiki avoids me like the plague. Friends who were nice for years, but got into reiki have turned on me. I am outspoken and strong in my spiritual beliefs and pray several times a day and ask for God’s Holy Spirit to guide me and protect me. I project spiritual love from my eyes to everyone, which makes some men be attracted because they think “sex”, and when I turn them down they become angry too. I have tried for years to fit in with these women but have always been shunned. It’s easy to think it has to do with my looks, since I’m 5’10, slim, athletic, blonde, blue eyed and referred to by many people as beautiful. But I believe beauty comes from the heart, and the good people who see that like me. When I realized that the people who attack me most on my facebook wall for comments made are reiki masters I began researching how demons play a part, which led me to this page. If you haven’t witnessed or felt this anger or hatred towards you then it’s understandable for you to not understand it, even to mock us for it. I pray that you rid yourself of all demonic idols and fill your heart with Holy Spirit that will separate you from the evil side. There is a separation work going on, just as predicted in Revelation. You are right, we will be hated for God’s name, if you are not hated then you perhaps haven’t taken God’s name into your heart as deeply as you should. It’s possible that these others on this site have but don’t recognize it, it may have been as simple as standing up for God publicly. I believe I have found my group of sheep.

            • joanna

              I am glad you understand this. It seems that you have the gifts of discernment of spirits and possibly a healing gift.

              The demons that have these people bound do not want you near their host.

              I pray you find those that could benefit from your gifts, and then you can rejoice together, when healing comes.

              • Thanks Marianne, I’ve always felt like I missed my calling of being a doctor, but as I grow and see that today’s doctors aren’t interested in healing, that they are deceived by Satan. I am looking for other ways to use my healing abilities, but it causes a lot more hatred. I believe my gift will be appreciated soon.

            • Hello Joanna, i too have some similar experiences where i can tell what is happening with some people, or they despise me without a reason, even before they find out that i am a Christian. These are the challenges that we will encounter, as we walk the earth with God’s light in a dark world. From my experience people’s behavior have worsened within the past 2 years, and it appears to me, that at the beginning of the 2 years that i observed these occurrences, that there was a blanket that descended from the high places of principalities and powers and people’s behavior have become worse and the fires of trials have intensified beyond what i can normally bear. As i increased my prayer, and asked the church members to pray for me, it has lifted and things appear to be going my way, while the people who have been giving me problems in the workplace, are all exiting 1 by one, and sometimes they leave in 2’s! The management in the workplace are now siding with me and agreeing to work on my behalf to stop other team members from being unfair.

            • I completely connect with everything you say Joanna. I am interested in connecting with like spirits now because we are few but powerful in this world. I was led to this blog site because I wanted to know why I was so uneasy around certain people just by looking in their eye or being in their presence. My email is

            • I agree also. I believe I have the gift on discernment and have for many years. As I have grown in the love of Christ and as this world is changing spiritually I feel the hatred even more. I have even felt it from some of my Catholic friends about certain things. I have been mocked for nothing I have ever done. I am actually a successful woman and am mocked I believe because of the love of Christ in my heart. I have suffered I many ways…have lost loved ones lately and will suffer always for Christ’s sake. The world we live in is getting more evil.

              • Car, I agree with you. I have experienced some of the same…even from my own siblings, who are not saved. The way I found this website is that I was searching about people hating you who don’t know you at all. I was at church and this older lady was staring me down with absolute hatred. Twice she walked past me twice doing this. It has bothered me as to why a complete stranger, who I’d never seen before (and at church, yet!), could show such extreme hatred in her eyes and on her face, for me. It was the weirdest thing…and definitely seemed “unnatural”. There was nothing about me that day that would draw attention to me.

          • and what if youre wrong. The devil will try every way to take out someone predestined to do serious damage to his kingdom. Jesus said the world would hate you and that we are dealing with spirital wiickedness, principalities and powers. You seem like a luke warm Christian, the devil will leave you alone. I have been persecuted and also saw demons that were wittnessed by many reliable wittnesses and investigators. I have a Ba in psychology and know that it is beyound the rules of this world. You r insecure because you know that if the devil isn’t after you and after other believers you aren’t waging warfare for Jesus. maybe y need a self check.

          • That’s not true at all!! The disliking part is spiritual in nature, it’s the Holy spirit in you they are repulsed by, not you as a person. They don’t have to know you are a Christian, it just happens.

          • Judy, it sounds to me like you only want to argue.
            Sometimes knowing
            someone else has gone through something
            similar is healing. You are not taking into account
            the scriptures…for instance in John 15:18 says
            “If the world hates you, remember it hated me
            (Jesus) first”. This is not a “God” complex. To
            even suggest that is ridiculous. You cannot
            argue with scripture. I’ve had people come
            against me for no reason at all. I was simply
            minding my own business and had no ill feelings
            towards them at all. At times the very people I
            have prayed for in the privacy of my own home,
            are the ones that have come against me in
            public, even though we had no real connection
            other than the Lord had put them on my heart
            to pray for them. I only knew them from afar and
            prayed for their healing, salvation, etc…
            There is so much going on behind the scenes in
            the spiritual realm and for you to accuse Christians
            of having a “God” complex is uncalled for. Maybe
            you need to read your bible to find the scriptures
            that tell of God’s indescribable love for His
            children. Even telling us not to be surprised
            when people hate us as His disciples is a letter
            of love to us, but also a warning.

      • Lol Im all too familiar with this…. All too familiar…

      • Oh Jan your words are exactly how my life has been too. Jealousy is evil and that is the root of their hate and abuse of good God loving people. There are way more of them then there are of us. I only just learned of this site and explanation for this horrendous treatment of people like us. Now I have a peace I believe will help me endure. Pity them for they know not what they do!

        • the devil is trying to destroy your faith by riding you to a nervous breakdown. imprisonment, death and he will use peole to take away your job and send spirits to literally maanifest to harass and kill you. They are working through people and not realing showing themselves because they want you to think there is something wrong with you. If you and ohers saw the demons, like I did you would know the true nature of the attacks and pray. they dont want that they want you to get drunk wreck your car or marriage under the duress, buckel and hate God or deny his existance. look at the book of Job. I have been haraased by ppl and I thought it was me even other professionals and some would shake and their eyes would roll back white. or make an evil smirk of enjoyment. demons use ed degrees,worldly positions and power the things of this world to justify their wickedness and turn it around on you like this women is trying to do.

          • yessssss. Josh PREAAACH! Amen amen! You hit things nail on the head my brother in the Lord! You’re so right, when someone is looking at you in disapproval and you KNOW you are standing RIGHT for Christ, it’s because they’re in SO MUCH sin, that they want to hide it and make YOU feel like something is wrong with you, though their the ones with a multitude of sin.

            • it is called “passing the blame.”

            • I remember praising God with all my
              heart in a church service and turning
              to see a slightly older man staring me
              down, almost in disgust. I heard the
              Holy Spirit say to “not look at their faces”,
              which since I was a fairly new Christian,
              I didn’t even realize until later that
              was a scripture in the bible. I kept
              praising God but went from
              doing so in pure joy to being a little
              self-conscience. A couple of years later,
              this same man was found to be verbally
              abusing his wife, and even having an
              affair. He died months later and no one
              would say how he died.
              Yet, to see the look of disgust that day
              was strange, to say the least, and
              in the house of God, no less. It pains
              me to relay this testimony, because my
              hope would have been for this man to
              know Jesus deeply. This only shows that
              someone can dislike you when you have
              done nothing to them to cause it.

          • Josh please connect with me through Facebook or email. People with our thought pattern are few.

          • Amen Josh, I agree 100%

      • amen to that .we are learning ..godbless you ..

      • As believers we will experience being hated without a cause which i call, supernatural hatred. This occurs when we find ourselves among others and from my experience, this occurs in circles where there are mostly women (i work as part of a nursing staff) and in professions where there are more women. This is quite telling of the influence of witchcraft from which they must be delivered. Let’s remember that we are heaven bound, they are hell bound(If they continue on this path of hatred). No matter how polite and helpful i have been to this one particular nurse, she has ignored me consistently, for 9, yes 9 years! She only speaks to me, if she needs help with her patients, but she has stated that she felt badly that she has not gone to church, in a previous conversation we had. It is a concern of mine, that people with such cruel hearts are working on this nursing unit with newborn babies. I just pray and hope for the best for her, and the other people that we may interact with, during our daily encounters. God bless you all.

        • stacey

          you are right about nursing. I went to school back in the early 1980s and the teachers there were teaching humanistic “ethics” and were godless in their personalities. no wonder so many good potential nurses turned out this way…their teachers had the jezebel influence on them. but I feel there are still good instructors out there that turn out good nurses. the world is a mix now of very good, and very bad.

          • Hello Marianne, the profession of nursing is packed full with hostile nurses who treat each other with cruelty. Isn’t it scary to think that these are the people who give us care if we enter a hospital? I continually pray for the body of Christ that we won’t encounter such hostilities.

            • Go to and the only example of working in a hostile work place was nursing. Being a nurse for almost 20 years, I can attest to the above posts. I can also relate to the “instant hate” I have experienced for most of my life, and I do not know why. I am usually the first to send flowers, cards, volunteer, give . . . and I am forgotten. I have s sister that I am close to, so I am thankful for our relationship. But everyone else chooses to reject, hate, exclude me and keep me at arms distance. Makes for a lonely life, but constantly keeps me seeking God.

              • leslie

                I had the same experience with nursing and left it. Many of those on my level were ok, but those in charge were witches.

                Sometimes it gets so bad they accuse you of things that are not true, so I am happy for you it did not come to that.

                I got out fast when I felt the spirits, and could not imagine spending a lifetime of defending myself against them in the workplace.

              • I can relate to you as well, accept for the sisters, I was born the seventh child in a family of eleven childern, and I am the most hated, I now have three older living sisters, me being the youngest, I love them, I buy, and have bought them gifts, and nothing can make these people even like me, I dress down so that I would not be acused of trying to take anyone’s man, I am very shy, but sweet, I am always told that, however the very same people that tell me I am so sweet, are the very one’s to try and hurt, or abuse me in anyway that they can, I have been reading the bible since I was a child, but I still have nothing but bad luck, There is an entity following me around, maybe more than one, I am afraid to leave my house to go anywhere cause I am always being stared at in mean ways, every once in awhile, I take it upon myself to ask the person why are they starring at me, if its a man, he would say, ” you are so beautiful ” if its a woman she would say, ” Bitch I was not starring at you ” or she would just roll her eyes at me and walk away, so I learned to not ask anymore.. I use to tell people that others starred at me and they would tell me that I were crazy, so I stop, and after we would leave a store, or place, those same people would say to me, ” Did you see how he, or she were starring at you, I did see but I don’t say anything anymore. I Love Jesus and he has protected me my whole life and not let anyone pysically hurt me in anyway, Thank You Jesus !

                • dear caligurlz

                  this is sad…. when your own family curses you….they should love and support you

                  do you live alone? you need emotional and spiritual support

                  they are jealous of you, but you do not have to let them define your life…

                  also, you need to stick up for yourself……if some woman called me a bitch , I would let her have it….tell her to mind her own business and spend some time getting rid of her OWN demons, which influence her…then tell her she is ugly from the inside out

                  if god made you beautiful, then good….it is a gift to you, and nothing to be ashamed of, and so you do not need to apologize to anyone for that… are God’s creation, and when they attack you, it is because they hate God, and what he created….

                  stand tall, and do not let anyone bully you.

                  tell your jealous family members that THEY are the ones with the problem, and you reject all curses cast toward you, in jesus name, and cover yourself with the blood of jesus

                  I am sending you a prayer against curses and witchcraft. print them out and say them each day. I will be in agreement with you.

      • Jan,

        I would love to be your friend and talk more about this. I have had this experience as well. No matter how nice and kind I am towards them, they find reasons to disassociate themselves from me. I always found it odd when I was doing the right thing and they still pushed me away. I even had friends who later admitted that they never really liked me and pretended to be my friend the entire time. Then I would go home and look in the mirror and say, “well, what did I do to cause this.” Was I rude, mean, hurtful, overbearing? What was it? And each and every time there was never a serious reason. It would always be something like, “well, its just something about you”…”or I don’t think we have anything in common”…but then I would think to myself, but of I am nice, friendly and helpful, why would anyway reject that? Then it dawned on me, they reject because they are not nice, friendly and helpful. They are opposite. And when you are positive and people reject you, its because deep down inside, under their smiles, lies a negative, judgmental and evil feeling and belief. Those people dwell in that negativity. Some people appear sad and depressed while others wear a mask pretend to be nice. Believe that likes attract likes. And if you are good and kind and someone rejects you, know that it is because they are not.

      • Unless you ever had any genuine concern for these women you say hate you, what could they possibly owe you? The key word is genuine, not just a shallow friendly front. You probably strike them exactly the way they strike you. It sounds like you’re only concerned about yourself and how you’re coming across, and that you think you’re better than these other women. The truth is, if you’re human and do some honest self analysis, you’ll find more blackness then you’d care to reveal to anybody(but it may be more obvious to others than you realize). Many women look down on other women who don’t instantly flatter them, but they need to get over themselves and quit thinking others owe them something.

        • alex

          apparently this has never happened to you. It is possible for others to hate you on site, without any provocation. There is no time to even know who this new person is before one gets attacked. Jan sounds like she wants friendship from others, so I doubt she is going to project a negative attitude toward strangers.

          She did not indicate she looks down on other women, but that others look down on her. She indicated she did evaluate herself, but could not still understand the reaction of others. true, there are people who are snobs, and expect worship, but Jan does not come across that way.

          • Marianne, Thank You for such Kind godly Words, it is rare that someone is kind to me, and seem to understand my heart,while reading, your advise, the words felt like they were coming from a big sister for real, I love you, And May God Bless You and your family…

          • All of you people are unbelievably narcissitic. You think that because you are Christians that anyone who dislikes you is possessed by demons and driven by hell itself to single you out and ruin your day. Who do you think you are that a supernatural force would need to ruin you just because you are a Christian? That is in addition to the fact that you all claim to be persecuted for your beliefs when Christians have spent centuries persecuting people for not sharing in their beliefs. The crusades were Christians murdering Muslims for not sharing their beliefs (which is ironic because the two different religions both come from the same basis as well as Judaism) That is religious persecution when you are being murdered for your beliefs. Jesus was murdered for his beliefs, like the Christians that the Romans would throw to the lions. They were persecuted for their beliefs, someone not liking you because you are a Christian is not religious persecution it is nothing more than someone who has a different opinion than you, which as a human being they have every right to have. The general I am getting from this thread is that most everyone on here is a religious fanatic who believes they are high and mighty because you are Christian and that anyone who is of a different faith is not even worth listening to because your God is better than their God. That is the very definition of religious persecution so maybe you should all stop whining about it because you are all doing the exact same thing. Peoples faith should be something deeply personal to them based on their beliefs and experiences, not just being part of a religion because you think you will go to Hell if you don’t. Now don’t get me wrong I am not saying you are bad people for having faith but when you feel the need to say your religion is better than everyone else’s that is at best being dismissive of the views of others and at worst forcing your beliefs on people. All religions are equal because they all teach us to be good people and love each other. The only one who knows which religion is right is God and since He’s always been rather tight lipped on that we aren’t likely to find out anytime soon. People need to stop letting our minor differences tear us apart and start learning to accept each other as the imperfect flawed beings we are because nobody is perfect. P.S. I Uused to be a Christian but people who are so pushy about it are why I turned my back on it in disgust a long time ago, also as an individual who went through childhood with a learning disorder that I was constantly bullied for I know all about being unfairly persecuted which made it that much sweeter when I was tested and found to be in the top 10% of kids in the country on an intellectual level, so if anyone would care to have a sensible debate I would love to do so but if you are just going to try pushing your beliefs on me because you think I’m possessed for speaking against you don’t bother because that would just prove my point.

            • robert

              you are lost.

              to think all religions are equal is foolishness. not all teach people to be good

              I guess you think all the beheadings and assassinations by muslims going on RIGHT NOW is a hoax because “it is not islamic.”

              do you think the christians who are being tortured, children an babies included, and put to death by fire, drowning and beheading, only after being raped, are narcissistic? if yes, you are a devil yourself….

              they are being killed ONLY because they are christians, and they would not bow to the allah of death.

              muslims have been murdering christians for 1500 years….. and you LIKE THEM! maybe you are one of them?

              although christians are the main target, since allah hates christians and jesus, muslims kill people of other faiths also….they are all infidels and must be destroyed. …. jews, hindus, buddhists, etc.

              you have got you head in the sand….you deny everything.

              you have no mercy for the innocent victims of ISIS and other hate groups.

              their religion is based on rape, murder and conquest by the sword, or propaganda….which you have fallen for

              the christians had a right to defend themselves, families, and land in the crusades….the muslims were invading and attacking and killing everyone…just like they do now. they were wild and bloodthirsty…and destructive… the crusades were justified.

              From the sound of it, you were never a christian….if you were, you would not rant like you did.

              and you would be more educated than what you are, if you were that intelligent.

              yes there are pushy people, but you set them no good example… quit whatever good you could have done.

              being bullied should teach you that there are bullies in the world, but now you are in denial…..

              I do not push my beliefs on people….but they DO push their nasty intolerance on me……and others….

              you got a lot of HATE and bitterness in you.

              you need to loose that garbage and lies you believe and repent before God.

              someday he will judge you for you hateful thinking, and you will not be happy what happens to you next.

              there is no one perfect before god, even those who score the top 10% in their class.

              god is all knowing and all wise….and he hates pride and mean people….I suggest you go back and learn, for the first time, who Jesus is and what he taught…

              and ask for forgiveness and salvation…..

              once you do, you will have eternal peace, and you will suffer persecution for it…as Jesus did himself…but the reward is great in heaven, and you will escape hell.

              i wish you peace.

            • Robert, I would like to say something about
              your statement that “all religions are equal”.
              I will with all confidence tell you that that is
              not true…all religions are NOT equal. First
              of all, the bible says that Jesus Christ alone
              is the way, the truth, and the life. No man goes
              to the Father (God) except through Jesus.
              God created this world, therefore He gets to
              choose how a person is saved for eternity.
              He chose His son Jesus because Jesus was
              the only acceptable sacrifice for sin. Jesus
              lived a sinless life, yet took upon Himself the
              penalty for OUR sin….just so that you (if
              you choose) can know Him in a personal way
              and He can stand as your mediator, and by
              His grace you’d be saved. He will not
              save anyone against their own wishes. Yet
              he will draw everyone and encourage them
              to come to Him. God gave us free will because
              He does not want us to love Him because
              we feel we have no choice. He gives us a
              choice and it’s up to us to receive Him as
              Savior or not. Jesus is the only one that has
              ever died to save humanity from their sin.
              The devil works overtime to get people to think
              that every religion is valid and equal therefore
              you decide which path you want to take and
              you will still arrive in heaven someday. Don’t
              be fooled, Robert. The devil hates you (and
              me and all humanity) and uses false teachings,
              false religions, and false teachers to get people
              to go astray. There is ONE way to heaven and
              that is through Jesus Christ alone!! The bible
              says in John 10:9 that if you believe in your
              heart in Jesus and CONFESS with your mouth,
              Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. THERE IS NO
              JESUS CHRIST. Any other “way” is a
              counterfeit! That has a lot to do with why
              many are harassed and attacked when out
              among strangers. It’s the Jesus in us that
              they are reacting to, and they may not even
              understand why themselves. But it’s the devil
              that’s behind all that. I’d rather be on God’s
              side anyday.

      • f.b.i state police working with community on tea party looking at every thing you do .in said on the phone to and in your work to .look out every body

      • I am glad that you are recognizing that you have been caught in the stranglehold of co-dependent relationships, ones in which there is little or no reciprocity of the caring and kindness which you always tried to exhibit to these spiritually and psychologically blighted people.
        But I have to set you straight with regards to one thing — God and the matter of whether or not he actually “loves” us, the way a human parent loves their child, especially a mother of a small child.
        God does not possess human emotions simply because he is not human. So obvious, yet such an overlooked truth! Even the many writers of the Bible missed out on this realization!
        God created us with the intent to USE US for his own divine purposes, some of which involve battling any supernatural counterforces which stand in the way of God’s own plans. It helps if we envision God as a sort of Heavenly military supercommander who must gather and marshal his forces for a complex, multi-stage battle. And like the US and other nations’ militaries, as commander-in-chief, God resorts to weeding out unfit or unreliable combatants and sending his “troops” into dangerous situations where he knows many won’t survive.
        Actions of this type cannot be hindered by empathic and sentimental human-mammalian emotions like “love.” Therefore, no, God does not “love” us in the ways we know and define love.
        As for why the Scriptures frequently refer to God “loving” human beings, e.g. him sending his only begotten son to atone for our sins on the cross, much of the real reason for these references involves God’s need to win over and hold on to the loyalties of as many fit spirits as possible and, as is the case with the crucifixion of Jesus, God’s having to rescue his own plan from failure (YES!) due to Adam and Eve having HAD TO SIN in the Garden of Eden in order to literally ALLOW FOR humans and other living things to be born, live, and die!
        You see, God placed himself within a double conundrum by having Adam and Eve exist in a sinless, immortal state in the Garden: until the Fall of Adam, God had no way to instigate the MORTAL process of birth, life, and death inside the Garden of Eden. But to HAVE birth-life-death be present, Adam and Eve had to fall from grace/commit grievous sin AND be expelled from the Garden of Eden! IN OTHER WORDS, GOD NEEDED ADAM AND EVE TO SIN AGAINST HIM AND THEN BE EXPELLED FROM THE GARDEN FOR GOD’S PLAN FOR HUMANITY TO GO FORWARD!
        Wow, what a shocker.
        I bet sparse few Christians ever realized THIS earth-shaking fact!
        OK. Getting back to my central point and piece of advice to you about your belief that God “loving” you (or anyone else) will translate into entirely beneficent acts on his part towards you, well… GET OVER IT, because it may not fit God’s purposes for him to protect you from harm and advance your personal welfare.
        Bummer, huh!
        Better dry your tears, like I did.
        And good luck!

        • dear marie

          where did you get this Gothic dismal view of God?

          You must have been really hurt.

          I am guessing you are from Jewish background. Your name actually means “God’s love” which makes your comment so ironic.

          It sounds like you have had some crushing experiences in your life and now you are bitter.

          true, there is a divine plan that we do not understand when things go wrong, but it does not mean that God does not love us.

          There is an enemy , satan, at work in this world. but most jews consider him irrelevant or a testing angel…and do not see how much of an influence he has in world events and individual lives.

          He has his own army of fallen angels working to carry out his purpose, which is to make people think like you do, and despair, and drive them away from their only hope, who is God.

          You are speaking out of despair and discouragement because many things have gone wrong for you, and there is no love for you that you can find. your tears may have dried but God is aware of every one that you have shed.

          God makes a point of telling his people over and over how he loves them. So even though you feel justified, you are actually contradicting His Word.

          love is spiritual connection to another….and God is spirit…we get this capacity to love from God himself…he infused his own nature into us.

          yes adam and eve fell into sin, and they had help…satan the serpent.

          yes the hebrews had trouble their whole time….from those who worshiped satan by his different names. today hamas, ISIS and all the other demonic groups all follow their god, who is satan by another name.

          the battle between good and evil will continue until Moshiach comes.

          if evil wins, then there is no more hope….but good will win, because God will triumph.

          life is a test of our faith….because God does not want anyone who will betray him like satan did. we pass the test when we put all our pain and needs into his hands…..he is our Deliverer, our King, our Hope, our everlasting Father.

          Please do not give up on God…I just know he has a special purpose for you… you just have to trust that he understands more than you do, and your end, like Job’s, will be better than your beginnings.

          he DOES love you. if you start to love him in faith, you will feel his love back to you.

          And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Deut 6:5

          And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, Deut 10:12

          The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. jeremiah 31:3

          I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him. Hosea 14:4

          The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

          the entire relationship of God with his people is one of love and surrender. if you seek him, and surrender to him, you will find what you are really looking for.

      • Understand the feeling. People r so rude

      • I understand because I have/am suffered the same from a certain woman who lives next door to me.

      • Jan, it has been the same with me all my life. I never realized until now why. Thank Jesus I found this site. Maybe now with Jesus help I will be able to be whole. Thank you Jesus for protecting me all theses years.

      • Wow our stories sound alike Jan. I at times dont understand and found myself not fully able to freely embrace and love people because of rejection and dislike from others. I want to more freely indeed.

      • Yes, this makes so much sense to me as well. I am a Christian and I feel attacked quite often by people who should not even be attacking me. Very sad to say the least. It destroyed my last marriage, but for the best. Now, I found my true love, have a child as well😀😀 Maybe it is necessary sometimes to make us see the truth overall especially if we have our eyes closed like I did. I was at a wedding when I was attacked in 2012. I couldn’t understand what the heck, but now I know. Those people were so sick in the spirit. When I got home from that trip I was very disturbed. Did I do something wrong? I tried to figure it out over and over eventually deciding to forget about it at least to move on but I always wondered. Thanks and may the Holy Spirit bless us all😀 Not to mention having PTSD from the whole experience and nightmares, but that was also the demons that were attacking me. Now, I am so grateful to know God and walk with him and have discernment for these things. God bless all of you

      • Wow im going through the same thing. I get this bad feeling from this girl at work and I just met her. Your not alone, God bless

      • I am going through a lot of hate too, directed at me for no reason, by my teachers, families and people in church, I have tried to let people get to know me but it dont work, the moment they saw me they just dont like me.

        • ell

          I am so sorry you are going through this .

          I just got attacked myself yesterday

          avoid negative people as much as possible,,,,seek those who love the lord ( and it may NOT be in church)

          pray daily

          I am sending you a prayer to say each day,

          I will agree in prayer for your situation.

      • I have always had a similar problem. I always had a thought in the back of my mind that they must be under demonic influence as I know that the problem does not lay with me. I always try to treat people kindly and treat them as I would like to be ( ie Do unto others an all that ) ! The friends I do have assure me that it definitely is not anything I do to deserve any negative treatment or attitude from folk who don’t know me or make it obvious they have no desire to get to know me. It doesn’t happen so much now though as like a prayer warrior, I have upped my prayers. I also ask for the intercession ( means request to God on your behalf) of St Michael the archangel in recent years. He stands at the throne of God. So who more fabulous than to pray for you and with you but St Michael. You know what? Growing up, my parents abused me physically. emotionally, mentally , so even when I was a young woman and I tried to inform my Mum what was going on ie Why I couldn’t stay in a particular job, well , she (my Mum ) just blamed me. Can you imagine how much worse that was? Having no support at work or at home? Nowadays, the only person I can talk to about such things is my lovely son . He also believes it must be others around me
        who are demonically influenced. I give thanks and praise to the lord Jesus for revealing this to me and for protecting me from them.You are right, we do not need acceptance.from these people. We should only seek to be pleasing to God.

    • This is eye opening to me, I have been despised and plotted aginst for no reason. I show up and people just don’t like me. It has happened on my jobs. People are out to just destroy me for no reason. They don’t know me just hate me. I have been praying and asking God to show me what I am doing to make these people hate me. Thank you for exposing the lies of the devil and giving me a way to pray for coverage from that enemy. I will say this has caused me not to get promotions, jobs, get cut off a contract, get black listed and be attacked verbally and on and on. Thank you soooo much. Yolanda

      • hi yolanda

        It is a fallen world. Many are experiencing the same thing.

        know that god’s opinion of you cancels what others may say.

        Believe in yourself. You are God’s child, and worthy of honor. So keep your chin up and keep going.

      • Yolanda this world isn’t for us, it’s for the wicked, vice versa in Yeshua and God’s new kingdom! 🙂

      • amen ..

      • Good night everyone. This is my very first time on this site, however, I am so pleased to be here and read most of what you guys had to say. Seem like we have similar events happened in our lives. I am not here to criticize anyone, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Nonetheless; I must agree with Jan, who posted her comments on July 19, 2011, Jerri who posted on July 22, 2015, Pauline who posed on January 15, 2015, and girl Yolanda you must be my twin sister. Truly, truly it is “eye opening” to me as well. As I read all of your postings, tears came to my eyes to see how I have been going through the same identical stuff all my life, and I wondered why.

        However this evening I asked God “WHY” I have been going through like this after all these years and here I am on your site. Honestly I cannot say how I got here, but I look at this as the answer to my prayers.

        To all those who don’t believe it and think that some people just have a bad attitude and all the other negative stuff. Well like Pauline, I am the nicest person you would want to meet, I don’t need to ask anyone if am nice, I know I am. Love people, and have a heart to live peaceable with all man. If I could I would give my heart to save someone’s life, but from I knew myself these awful stuff have been happening to me as well. No one has the prerogative to “DEFINE” me, I am quite aware of who I am, and whose I am. However it do happen, and I do believe that it happens exactly the way Marianne said. So thank you Marianne for your words of wisdom, I honestly don’t have to search and research as to why I have been treated this way. Now I know!!! Even though it has been very frustrating and causes you to become angry and bitter at times

        I have had incidents on my job for years now, even with my so call husband, friends and family, and ESPECIALLY IN THE CHURCH, yes in the CHURCH. It is like a “LIGHT” is always shining on me, and I am being TARGETED. ALL MY LIFE!!! It has even happened to my children. It is like a spirit of jealousy, coming from some people all my life. I have even had a church member who friends up with me, and investigating me because of something she heard. I mean to see the way church folk treat you, it is despicable. So I know what you are saying sisters and brothers. I feel like I’ve just found my real family.

        I concur with Carol Pritchett who posted on August 14, 2015, just a month ago. Sister love be encouraged, I have been facing the exact same demise. I have been trying to get one (1) degree, and every time I get so far in the class or about to sit the exam something happen.

        One time I took a Certified Professional Secretary course, was the first to pay for my exam, the people couldn’t find my money, or receipt. However, I was allowed to go back in class free of charge. I sat the exam but (according to them I did not pass). I went privately with 2 other person and 2 different occasions and still did not pass it, even though I dreamt I saw my name that I was a Certified Professional Secretary. Must I go on??

        Years later, I attempted an Associate Degree. At first I was doing very well, an just as I thought I was enjoying the course, I dreamt again I saw my name that I had passed a certain subject. The passing mark was 70% and I saw my name on the paper – 88%. Sisters and brothers it has been so discouraging I dropped the course and just like the Certified Professional Secretary course, I ended up paying all that money back with no “PAPER” in my hand. That is called FAILURE AT THE EDGE OF BREAKTHROUGH” SMT!!! Frustrated as hell!!!

        That’s why anything you wish to know that’s been going on in your life, just asks God, He will tell you in some way or another. Thank You Lord for this revelation. God is good and He is worthy to be praised.

        Please let us keep in contact with each other, because we are SPECIAL PEOPLE, not everybody have these encounters, so we are set aside and we are special. Honestly Marianne, I could write all night of encounters that occurred in my life, but I will stop here for the time being.

        Love you all and God bless.

        • princess

          yes, the world is fully polluted now with hateful people. evil is good, and good is evil.

          lots of unfair treatment, because we are NOT hateful

          god bless you for sharing.

          • I was so hurt & upset today & then somehow (?) (yes, we know it was the Holy Spirit, right? that somehow we found each other from our place of pain & desire to feel we are a part of something bigger than ourselves…oh, yes…now I hope we can join in prayer & determination to pray & saturate our very air with LOVE & Hope & Faith that we know we are not alone & that He is with us & not lose our focus on what our mission is, my brethren, my sisters in Him. We are One in Him, no matter what the world or neighbors or family & friends throw out against us that hurts so bad…it is hard sometimes, yes, looks like we all blame & repent ourselves first, oh-boy…people who listen only to the “name it-claim it” & “all is yours” theology (currently popular, we don’t feel quite right about that, oh-no, we don’t mind humbling ourselves, taking the blame, asking Yah to forgive us is normal & right thing to do, huh? Let’s join in agreement to cover our areas with a Pavilion of His Love…let’s pray together to be a witness to the evil entities as well as to the Holy (obedient) angels…over our areas we live in…these are bad times for sure, He has created us for this time…we have found each other now and we are not alone now! When we pray/worship/defend we cause a beautiful bluish-white light to show from far away that tells the evil ones & the Holy ones where we are & Yah sees that & He cherishes us for our devotion to His heart & ways. Never mind the hateful accusers, pity the ones who say they are “Christian” but have no humility or compassion, leave all that to Him…maybe they will hear His voice & change because He promises to create inus a new heart…our own hearts are to be settled on saving the weak & needy, on continuing to follow Him as we can at this time. I’m not going to relate to you about my own sorrows & persecutions right now, and they are many & painful & overwhelming…am just thanking you all for opening up & telling it like it is. Someday, soon, we get to go home…we will be done with this disappointment & waste & incomprehensible cruelty we experience…Yahuah bless you all! I feel love for you & wish I could hug & smile & share with you many things. Let’s just keep lifting Him up & proclaiming His wonders & beauty rather than tooting our own horns & someday we get to go home, finally. Your sister in Him, forevermore, Tricia in Texas

    • 2 Timothy 3

      The Dangers of the Last Days

      3 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!

      6 They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires. 7 (Such women are forever following new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth.) 8 These teachers oppose the truth just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses. They have depraved minds and a counterfeit faith. 9 But they won’t get away with this for long. Someday everyone will recognize what fools they are, just as with Jannes and Jambres.
      1 John 3:10
      So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God.

      John 8:44
      For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
      These are the last days and we have to be careful who we let in our lives I pray for you all that God keeps you in His light in Jesus Name.

      • very true

      • Sparklepeace,

        No truer words have been spoken.

        Be Blessed in Yeshua, (Jesus), the Worthy Lamb, and our KING of kings and LORD of lords.

        May the Almighty God Shine His Face Upon You.
        And may you be Filled with His Holy Spirit.




      • Thank you for quoting that, I am going to have to read the bible thoroughly. This really helped me. The only thing that has stopped me reading it is the belief that animals have souls and are very close to God.

        • Not sure what you meant by not reading the bible because God is close to animals or they having souls. I know that God created some animals in a loving way to accept us no matter what. God did this because HE knows humans have no good in us so animals will comfort us when everyone else can’t. We are human it is impossible to be there for someone 100% that is only something God can do that is why people are so sad when another person fails them don’t take it personally we are only human. I hope you read the Bible it really does explain so many things we go through in this world.
          God bless you all.

          • You are So Very Right and no truer words have been said than what you stated. I am glad someone also knows what I know. Animals have a strong spirit of discernment and to ignore them is at our peril. Because we fail each other, man has become dependant on animals to receive that basic need for unconditional Love and Spirituality. I so agree. Thank You again for sharing these thoughts. Brad

      • Imma borrow this lol

      • Again Thank you for sharing these scriptures that says what we all need to know. Gods says the world will hate us because it first hated him. To be of this world is to be separate from God. I believe that our disattachment to this world is so recognizable that when others who are of this world and of satan, easily recognize that our spirits are different. I have often been told that We should rejoice when the world hates us. This is providing that we are living as we should and living for Christ. I just don’t understand people or their way of thinking and their desire to hate. It is not in me and I refuse to allow this world to make me as hard hearted as they. But people will see the good and use you and lie against you and this is what Satan is, a Liar, An Accuser and a murderer. Thank You again.

        • love what you have written brad. over the last ten years i have noticed negative changes in curtain people and my spirit prefers to keep away from such people and when i am treated badly i rejoice in my heart because i am living for christ not them.

    • I wasn’t going to post again, but I do have one question. This is something that has gone on my entire life as well. I was a socially awkward little girl. I find some people will respond positively to me now that I’m older I have also slowly built up a thicker skin, but what did it mean when I was tormented by the same kids for years in private school then high school, long before I ever came to Christ?

      • nellieray

        It meant that you, and we, lived in a fallen world, and evil is evil, no matter what the age of the person.

        they discovered you made a good victim, and it gave them pleasure to hurt you.

        this is the fault of the parents, for not teaching kindness and compassion to their children.

        I am sad for you that you had to go through such an experience when you were a child. it is hard enough for an adult to endure such treatment. small children cannot handle the pressure at all.

      • Yes you experienced those things as a child, and before you came to Christ. Some of those not so good experiences that I had before I came to Christ actually influenced my coming to Christ Jesus. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Amen

    • that’s crazy

    • Thank the blessed Lord. .I have been suffering since 1976 with my ex husband and his parents witchcraft. I was not reborn in that time but I think the Lord was protecting me because I could feel and even see the witchcraft and many other things around me of them. For instance, from the moment I met him , until now about six months ago, I couldn’t get rid of him. I had three sons from him. I accepted Jesus as my lord when my first son was two years old. My first son suffered the consequences in his health at various stages seriously and still today suffer badly with allergies and people hating him on sight, my second son also and the third son – who has an Ahab spirit and he has a girlfriend who has a Jezebel spirit. I moved to another country and when I came here I was very strong in the Holy Spirit. Church people rejected me here, even they told me afterwards straightout that they didn’t like me and still don’t.
      My ex rejected us totally, and we don’t want anything with him also because he is very evil, steal, lies terribly, craft, in short he is psychopathic.
      Praise be to the Lord, I found a missionary group on internet plus my sister, in my home country, to intercede for me and my sons. Since then I could start to worship the Lord again and read the Bible because I had three strokes and could only say Jesus, Jesus all the time. Today I went to the doctor and was praising the Lord and praying in tongues all the time because I had a clean bill of health.
      Now my sons are so rebellious towards God – they used to go to church, the were baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit, talking in tongues. I told them that they have problems because they deserted God. I don’t care anymore if they treat me bad – me and the younger two are living in a bachelor flat – no money – no food – horrible conditions- but I found my Lord again and know when He comes he will fetch me, now or later.
      Sorry for the long story, but that’s not a hundredth of all the things we went through. Could you maybe chat with me on mail.
      God bless you for the wonderful work you’re doing

      • hester

        I think your sons are rebelling at the moment because of the influence of the father. keep discipline strong, tell them you love them and are praying for them.

        hit the reply button to this comment email and you will get me.

        you and I are in different countries..I wish I knew someone near you to help you

      • godbless you my friend …xxx

    • HI to all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, I too have had this experience with people looking at me like I am dirt under their shoes also female family members not talking to me for no apparent reason and I have been told by an ex boyfriend of mine that he had witnessed this at a family party and he said that they are jealous of me and I remember saying yes jealous of my spirit because I have always been a kind and caring person who live by faith in Christ Jesus who I love with all my being. The Lord gives me strength to get through each day and I walk with my head up high because I know he has my back. God bless you

    • hi i`m autistic and i`m only 14 and everything that i do,see or hear i get a feeling of hate and i have tryied to learn going to church and eveything but i still dont undersatnd much about god and i want to believe in god if you can mabye tell me or give me some info thank you

      • hi kyle

        You may be right about the hate in church. Some people are mean.

        However, jesus is not mean. he is kind and loves you.

        To learn about him, read the bible, and read what he says.

        start with the book of john.

        then read the new testament.

        someday, read the old testament. when you get to that point, let me know, and I can give you some books to read there too.

        • its not the church its me what im trying to says i keep feeling tht i have hate inside me and idk why it is just there

          • ok.

            Then you will have to think about it. Has someone made you angry?

            If yes, ask jesus to help you forgive them.

            it might be hard to do, but leave any hurt to you to Jesus to handle.

            anyone who hurt you will have to pay for what they did.

            do you think that is the problem?

            again, read the new testament, and read what jesus tells people about how to live and think.

            • i dont know
              what it is but no one has hurt me or made me angry

              • kyle

                if there is no reason for the hate you are feeling then this is an irrational fear.

                talk to your parents and pastor, and ask them to pray for you and with you, to get rid of the bad feelings.

      • Hi Kyle,

        Marianne suggestion to read the Book of John is great!

        Here is a link to read John in an “Easy-to-Read Translation”. For me, I like the easy to read translation of the Bible.

        Let me share this with you too. What you read below was copied from this great website. This website will be helpful to your learning about God, Jesus and the Bible.

        “God is Love, and His love is very different from human love.

        God’s love is unconditional, and it’s not based on feelings or emotions.

        He doesn’t love us because we’re lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love.

        He created us to have a loving relationship with Him.”

        God’s Love – John 15:13

        “God’s love towards us, His estranged creation, is graphically depicted in the sacrifice He made on our behalf. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13 NIV).

        Jesus Christ, is God’s unique and eternal Son.

        He is the Alpha and Omega, the Great I AM, the “Mighty God”by whom all things were created and in whom all things consist.

        Jesus, who is the head of all things, humbled Himself in such a way that the human mind couldn’t even bare the thought of it. He came into this sin-cursed world and actively partook in our sufferings. Even as we are flesh and blood, He shared in the same.

        Jesus became a man and dwelt among us. He shared in the sufferings we brought upon ourselves through our rejection of His holy precepts.And as if that were not enough to convince us of His love and concern for us, Jesus, the immortal God and the Giver of Life, gave up His own life upon the cross in the greatest act of love the world has ever known! In doing so He took our sins away, effectively nailing them to the cross with Himself. Thus, He who knew no sin became sin for us11 and He who gave life to all, tasted death for those condemned to it.

        This is God’s love! “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:16-17).

        God loves you and so do lots of people.

        God’s Blessing I pray to you!

      • I have known many autistic people as well and even though people treat you that way don’t give up on it that is what they want you to do make you feel angry,hurt and other emotions keep your spirit strong and continue to love yourself and surround yourself with people that are good and treat you right.God gives us what we can handle and being autistic should not make people treat you like that.My friend who has mild autism plays football,he does his work and surrounds himself with good kids he has days that he feels some people act strange or mean around him but then he distances himself from those people and surrounds himself with those that keep supporting him and helping him to keep doing good things and guess what it pays off his energy keeps growing of good things and he keeps making new friends,and keeps accomplishing more new goals he also talks to me about his day and his issues and we work at breaking down those problems day to day make goals for yourself keep doing what you do that’s right.Kyle there are more people out there that are hateful,evil,unkind,rude ,jealous the list keeps growing compared to the innocent,kind hearted,loving people and really do you think they want to be surrounded by positive energy to them that is weird or it makes them hateful because your spirit is not that way so keep strong and don’t give in to feeling hate or hurt then they are successful in doing what they wanted to do and that is to beak your spirit, break you down and make you just like them.

    • I have gone through this with many people, and yes they typically are spiritually bankrupt. They will try to blame you for things that have happened to their friends whom you have never met and who have experienced something negative in their lives years ago, this is totally insane. I have actually pointed out to people that in order for me to be responsible for all the problems they are trying to foist on me I would have to literally be G_D! And they are shocked when they realize that what I have said is absolutely true! They hate what is good in you!

    • I have discovered the very same things on my own. I know all this to be totally true from experiences in my life. About all I have are enemies- church people who should be my brothers and sisters in Christ but are not, and they have been cursing me for many years. There is no one else standing with me and my mother to pray about anything. I have always believed that it would be very helpful to have a male covering- father, husband, or someone, but we have no one. I believe that the Lord is protecting us very well anyway, but I have so many times experienced this unexplained hatred towards me. Many times it has driven me to tears. After all, who desires to be hated? If a person is not demon possessed then they most often have demonic influences and evil spirits that surround them and protect the person from the Lord and truth. Until people decide to walk away from and repent of satanic music, the occult games, books, movies, along with a slew of other demonic practices, ungodly lifestyles, and asking the Lord to cleanse their minds and spirits of the filth then people will be in submission to demons and totally incapacitated to accept the Lord Jesus.

    • Hello Marianne, your words have been a revelation to me and they have gave me great comfort. All my life has been plagued with meanness and negativity. People don’t like me on first sight, they are usually mean and abusive and my presence brings up the worst of them. I don’t need to do anything for being the target or bullying, rejection, rudeness or any other kind of mistreatment. I try my best for being kind but my heart is tired of being abused and mistreated, lately I just try to be invisible. I shop late at night so I don’t have to interact with people because people is automatically abusive to me all the time. I was wondering is the world is just mean and I dont get it or something. My childhood was horrible, I was abused when I was a toodler by my older cousins, one of them make do oral sex to him and that experience has haunted my entire life. They sexually harrased me until adulthood. I did not had any safety at home either. My parents neglected me since I can remember. My dad was an alcoholic that made sure to let me know that I was the cause of his failure in life, he used to scream coursing my school because he hated so much to pay for it and I usually was around with broken shoes because every need of mine was a motive for his frustration and anger. My mother was useless, lazy, wouldn’t get a job not even if her life depend on it. She was selfish and narcissistic. Things never really got any better, even when my dad stopped drinking he used to be irritable and unpleasant. He put me in uncomfortable situations trying to use me for making money and after realizing my trouble he used to make fun of me. He humiliated me so many times in front of family and friends that today I cannot even see him as part of my family. My mother is being trying to obligate to “respect him” for so long that I can barely hold a conversation with her because she is always trying to manipulate me. I’m 36 years old and their mistreatment still makes me cry at night. Eventually I moved out of the country with no coming back in mind. Its been 3 years now and I feel more safe but being mistreated by the general public is not helping me to heal and be happier. At least knowing that I am not the only one and that the lord is with me gives me hope for the future. Thank you.

      • vanes

        it is so sad that the people who should love us most, hurt us and reject us.

        I want you healed emotionally…you need to start with loving yourself… are really a great person, tender and sensitive, with a heart of gold…

        with all this pain in your past, you have great compassion for others who have been through the same thing…..this is a gift, use it to reach out to others…be there for them, praise them when they are being mistreated…lift them up when people put them down.

        as you heal others, you will be healed…..

        I am sending you positive prayers to build up your spirit…

        also to cancel all the curses spoken against you….so you can be free

        best to print out and say each day

        I will agree with you in prayer.

        god bless you and do not give up…!

    • I will like to say that most of you experiencing this; this is not something that is in your head. Me personally throughout my life I’ve experienced people hating me for no reason, but they were a few and far in between. However, since the beginning of 2015 I started experiencing a wave of frequency on this subject. 2015 marked a 2 year period (2013-15) in my life in which I went through a spiritual awakening and enlightenment process. During this period of my life God revealed to me my divine mission here on earth and it’s like I was also given a you set of eyes. Its like I see the world through the eyes of God. I was away from home at that time and in March 2015 I moved back to Philadelphia where I have been since 2007. This is when I started experiencing all this crazy stuff on a daily basis. The entire people on the block i live are tense with me and can not stand me for no reason. I do not know not one of them and I’ve never said a word to them. Everywhere I go people are showing a strong dislike of me. This happens at Church, on the bus/train, everywhere. When I walk on the sidewalk people that were coming toward me all of a sudden start backpedaling and go the other way. I noticed that the majority of the people that does this are those I call very dark people; Hoodlums, thugs, prostitutes, thieves, drug dealers especially people who are full of bitterness. These people run for their lives when they see me. They hide between walls and pillars just to avoid being in my line of sight. Those sitting on their porch like crack dealers all of a sudden run inside. I’ve had Highway Patrol Policemen in intimidating uniforms do this, some of them looking on the ground to avoid me. People goes to the extreme not to sit next to me in public places. After a while it stated to bother me and I begin to think negative stuff about myself, blaming me like what did I do wrong, all I did was trying to seek Jesus tha’ts all I’ve been doing. God explained to me in a dream “that people are doing this because of the perfection of the Holy Spirit that is in me and although I’ve been saved since 2008 there is now a major increase in the anointing flowing in me”. I am shining like a beacon of light and the darkness can not stand it. And it make sense,if you go down an old dark creepy basement and you turn on a flashlight every creepy things that is down there is going to hide away from the light. Thank You Jesus for your Grace and the Increase in the anointing that I did not deserve.

    • I am a long term, born again, Spirit filled Christian and yes, I am hated on sight, especially by women. I have a strong prophetic gift which is a gift of sensitivity and I feel everything and everyone around me. The hate is growing all the time. I have now in a horrible position living in an inbred and hateful tiny town in an isolated area. I am completely isolated in a Godless community. The woman in charge of the church is the worst person in town but there are so many others. I have also just had my welfare benefit taken off me because of some convoluted machinations related to them. I have no idea how I am going to survive. I cannot get work because I found fraud in my job and they sacked me and I have been blacklisted and cannot get a job. I could not list the number of horrible things that have come to me through people to whom I have done only good. I have been told I am going to be murdered and how it’s going to happen because I tried to save dogs from being kicked to death. There is vicious animal and child abuse here. I cannot move and very soon, if something doesn’t change, I will not even have anything to eat. God has told me that this is unto death.

      • mickey

        It makes me sad to hear about your situation. i have gone through the same thing.

        only choices are to avoid the negative people, which will isolate you, and find just a few positive people who can help you move forward.

        you may have to change what you normally do for a living and do something else….anything else, to take care of yourself.

        or move to a new location, find some positive people, and get them to help you restart, but you say you cannot move….do you have any relatives anywhere else?

        i believe god will open a door for you….people that are not part of the negative crowd may become available to you

        • Marianne. I am very proactive in looking after myself and I have looked after others at every opportunity. If you knew the full extent of what has happened you probably wouldn’t believe it. I am surrounded by vicious people. I have absolutely zero money coming in and precious little to survive on. I cannot move and I am completely isolated. There are people here who will be delighted at my plight and indeed, have worked hard towards it. Other people who were not born here told me that the inbreds are vicious and will do all they can to destroy me and they influence other people not here who can and do damage my life also. People have disappeared from here and never been found. The venomous hatred that is directed towards me defies belief and I have done good to all. Jesus and all his disciples died violent deaths and Jesus promised us we would suffer persecution and the bible says it is through suffering that we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sadly this is very true in my case. If you can spare a prayer asking the Lord to open up a way for me to survive that would help. The most important thing of course is that I remain faithful to God no matter what. I wonder why such great strength is required of me. I believe God told me a long time ago that he had chosen me for a special task but I can see nothing that I have accomplished that would fit into that category. If I was to view the things that occurred around my being Spirit filled, in someone else I certainly would see that I had been marked for something and others saw it at the time although I understood nothing of what was happening to me. One man said quietly to me “If you knew what was ahead of you, you would never go on” and certainly my life has been very tough with attacks coming from every direction. I am at a stage now where staying faithful to God is the only thing left for me. If he has decreed that I am to die in suffering there is nothing to be done except stay faithful. This is VERY different to what is preached in churches but it is the life of many who gave themselves completely to God. It is much, much harder than I ever thought possible and when there is no obvious accomplishment that goes with it, it is seems to have no purpose. Thank you for your reply. Sometimes there is no easy or sweet resolution no matter how much we want it for someone else or for ourselves. Ultimately we have to put our money where our mouth is, so to speak.

          • mickey

            If someone could help you, what would you need them to do?

            • That is very kind Marianne, thank you. If you can pray for me that would be wonderful. I LONG for justice; I prayed and worked hard for people only to have the most heinous things done to me. I don’t know if the Lord will let me see that; it is certainly needed very much because often the things I do have been trying to ensure fairness for others or trying to get help for others who are shockingly mistreated in one way or another and who are completely vulnerable. Instead of being able to help I have been accused of heinous things I have not been guilty of. I really, really need to find some way to survive, some kind of job. Prayer would really help and I thank you very much for being a true sister in Christ.

          • when you say inbreds, are you referring to muslims, or other kinds of people there?

            • Nooo. Inbreds are Australian families who have inbred over the generations; ‘inbred’ means they breed within the same families. They believe they own everything here and they control and manipulate everyone. I have been told that if you don’t allow them to control your life completely they will do everything in their power to get rid of you, in some way or another. They hate everyone who was not born here. I have seen that all that is true.

              • ok

                • Also if you would PLEASE pray for the animals and children. I have gone to everyone I can and requested prayer on international prayer sites. I confronted one woman directly and I have not heard or seen anything that I would consider abuse since then and the children seem much happier. Her husband is vicious too and is only there occasionally. The children will escape one day. Deeply wounded but they will escape. The animals never will and are kept on six foot chains or in dark garages. Have you ever seen a dog that does not look up or wag it’s tail or respond. Never have I seen such unhappy dogs and they are sheep dogs, the happiest of all. There are dogs kept here and used for fighting and hunting and they are kicked and hit to within an inch of their lives. There is one mother in particular who is vile beyond description and watches her son do this and does it herself to her own little dog. Even the animal cruelty people do not care because they are all related and believe that vile treatment of animals is normal. The police will not even attend if a dog is being killed. I can’t believe it either but it’s true. I have only brought continuous attacks on myself when I have tried to intervene. The extent of what they do to people like myself who were not born here, you wouldn’t believe. Please please, please pray for the animals, particularly the dogs. Thank you.

          • Dear Mickey Don’t give up – be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.  Use the Media  and community services plus police outside the town in another town to tell what is going on – but don’t give your name or any hint that it could be you.  Make out it is someone else who has travelled through the town and heard and saw what was going on.  Write to them and post it off out of town.  Don’t write it by hand only type and don’t sign it and tell them that you fear for your life and you can’t give your name.  Don’t let people get away with this and allow them to kill you.

            • That’s very kind Lynnette. Thanks for the support. I have gone to the Police and tried to get help in every way. It all works against me, in fact the police protect people here. No one cares honestly. No one cares. There are vindictive people everywhere. One person helped me and a huge effort was made by a number of people to reverse the decision and I am in a much worse state now. Only God can help and if he chooses not to, that is something I have to accept. I don’t understand and persecution is the Christian’s lot. I am in that state now, that I just have to accept whatever happens because I have done EVERYTHING I can to help myself and it all just got worse. I have corrected all sin I can think of, I do all the Christian things and all the proactive things…nothing works. I put on the whole armor of God and have done everything I can and now I just have to stand. There is nothing else.

              • Dear Mickey

                Don’t get anyone local at all – not even the police. Get in touch with the Federal Police not the local police. Tell the Federal Police that the local Police does nothing and the crimes should be investigated.

      • Dear Mickey

        Go to the Media and Community Services and Police outside the town and tell them what is happening. If the towns people are abusing their children and animals it is a serous crime. It looks like the people in your town are involved in these crimes and that is why they are against you – a real conspiracy to try to harm you in any sort of way. Get out of this town and report these crimes as soon as possible. Pray for the protection of Jesus blood over yourself so that no harm comes to you.

        • I will pray for the protection of Jesus’ blood over me so that no harm come to me, thank you Lynette. I have done everything else with only very bad things happening to me in response. I cannot move at all and now, I have had all support removed and so zero income. Only God can help and prayer is powerful and I would really appreciated your prayer for my protection. It is lovely to hear from people on this site, I have never had any Christian support EVER. This is really nice. I went to a minister who I had supported and given a LOT of money to over the years, I was very sick at the time on top of everything else and he said ‘I feel the Lord’s grace is enough for you’ then he told me a sad story about himself and hung up. I couldn’t believe it. However God made me very strong through that time; it was amazing and absolutely worth it.

  2. This is exactly how I feel sometimes. Sometimes when I first meet people they seem to like me, but after some time the friendship will dissolve. They will not call anymore or if they see me, they act funny, wont speak etc. This cycle happens almost everywhere i go or have been. Its physically and mentally devastating. I am tired or experiencing this and feeling lonely and rejected. I wonder if this could be my problem exactly or what? I am nice, friendly and cute (by many people’s statements)

    • I’ve experianced this most of my life. It has profoundly influenced me in very negative ways. Not long ago I realized something that first century christians looked to. This is not our home. We know in our hearts that we want Love, Happiness and Acceptance but we forget that the people are just as flawed as we are. Gucci, Rolex and Ferrari don’t fix the problem or make us better. Pray, Don’t be formal just talk to God through our Savior’s Gift we can. Talk to God. It helps.

      • Thank you Stephen for your comments of concern. You are right. Its hard though b/c who likes to feel lonely and hated in a world of 6 billion people? I need to talk more to God and develop a deeper relationship so that I can get my mind on him and “higher callings”.

        • Im hated by all 6 billion people I encounter. Not ONCE have I ran into someone who hasn’t rejected me. Thats how WIDE the path to Hell is, that almost EVERYONE is on it. Then theres me, who is on Jesus’ path and I get attacked by EVERYONE for it cuz im headed to salvation and not a pit of fire.

          • rionne,my name is virginia,i have been through the same thing in my life,even with my boss i use to work for,its like everytime she approach me weather it was meant to be good,you could tell in her eyes by the way they would glisten and her deameanor it was something she did not like about me ,but would tell another employee that i was a good employee,but she would never tell me herself, it has to be somethin god has instore for us people that goes through these thing’s,i say keep serving god and abide by his word and wait to see what god has instore for us .

            • Yes Virginia, for sure i have shared in the same sufferings as you have. Do not be surprised by these sufferings or see them as something strange(Reference 1Peter chapter 4:12). God bless you.

          • Your not alone in this… :/

    • Exactly what has been happening to me all of my life.. i too am very attractive .. i am friendly and very tolerant .. yet !

      • hi Lorraine

        They probably are jealous of you also. So you were a real prime target for nasty spirits.

        • Wow. Yes cuz I look in the mirror and I see a pretty girl and people who DONT attack me (which is rare) tell me how beautiful and pretty or gorgeous I am……but i get hated by EEEEEEEEVERYONE even men!!! So my question is, the PERSON that is being used by the demon to hate us, cant look at us and see that were pretty to negate their demonic influence??????

          Like a big tall man of like 6’3 will hate me for no reason and its like i guess my prettiness doesn’t mean CRAP!

          • I know this hurts you, but I also sense you are afraid. Would it help if you turn every hostile person over to Jesus and leave them there in His hands, trust Him to handle it, trust Him to care for you, and start detaching emotionally a little bit from all this? Hint: I listen to urban gospel music and I sing it out loud whenever I need a boost. It lifts my spirits and makes my faith stronger. God bless, honey. We do get furloughs sometimes and friends when we need them.

          • Rionne

            Do not fret over these people who have demons and reject you.

            it is their sin, not yours.

            Just be the good person you are.

          • Dear RIONNE

            You spend way to much time in front of a MIRROR!

        • Mariannae,
          The girl (Lorraine) mentioned that she is attractive and you said she is a real target for nasty spirits, or the spirit of jealousy, but what about when I see attractive girls getting treated like royalty??

          Then there must be a difference between how attractive girls who stand strongly for Christ are treated than how girls who are attractive and don’t have God in their life?

          • Maize

            It depends on who is doing the “treating.”


            If believers treat attractive girls like royalty, then

            (1) all other believers should be treated well anyhow,


            (2) it is because

            a. the others admire them for their looks and want to be accepted b y them
            b. they equate spirituality with “being blessed,” and everyone thinks good looks are a blessing. They judge by appearance, instead of by character and good deeds.
            c. they want to share in the good looking person’s blessing by being their friend and sharing in the benefits the blessed person has ( popularity, material things, men, good jobs, favor, prosperity)
            d. they might actually be fair and want to acknowledge the woman’s true spirituality.


            If unbelievers treat attractive girls like royalty, then it is because the world loves beauty, and judges by appearance, instead of by character and good deeds. (same as b. above).

            The more ungodly the girl is, the more she will fit into the world.

            Birds of a feather flock together.

      • I can relate to some much of what is said. I thought it must be ‘me’ yet i really don’t or can’t understand. I consider myself to be friendly and one of the nicest persons – yet i get this feeling on most times that other people around just don’t like me. It is so horrible, that you want answers and want to know why that is. I have never done anything wrong to them – yet. And it doesn’t matter where you are in the world. I am from the UK and moved out to Australia and still feel those vibes. It is so werid. My husband says ‘i’m far too sensitive’, well maybe i am – but it’s just not a coincidence. It happens to me all the time. I do try to think positively too – but that doesn’t seem to work. I’m attractive enough – so i know it’s not my ‘look’ that should put people off me. I really don’t know. I am however, quite shy and have a soft voice. But why again, should that put people off me??? I really don’t understand.

        • suzanne

          if you are doing nothing to provoke them, then it is them, not you. they have the spirits I described in the post.

        • hi suzanne I Know exactly how you feel. You blame yourself you really do. And it drains you ,makes you angry but most of all it leaves you questionning yourself . I tell myself if my self esteem was higher the evil glances would not matter. I don’t know .Its tormenting Its like a taste of hell. Lord father help. It hurts so bad . Have mercy on me

          • HI Kim,

            you have described the feeling as a taste of Hell.. i never thought anyone else would understand that feeling, and for the same reasons … let alone echo my hearts about how it feels… thank-you…and thanks to so many of you for your stories that resonate incredible truth and understanding and reflect with my own feelings… as much as i dont wish for any of you to suffer these horrible weird rejections from family colleagues friends or complete strangers… its still a relief and comfort to know other people actually know the “”flavour and kind of distress” these experiences cause… Its just like nothing else… God bless you for your courage to share your journeys..Love Leanne

    • i completley understand what you are saying just described me …bless you ..x

    • Hello Hungryforchange, i have experienced this so many times, since i came to Christ, and therefore i am now content, with having virtually no friends. This world is not for the believer, but we live in it and overcome the evils everyday with God. Being without the evil friends of this world, has enabled me to spend peaceful, quiet moments with my Heavenly father.

    • I have experienced the same thing many, many times too. I am sure that it is one of the factors that has given me low self-esteem. After a lifetime of negative relationships and rejection it can’t be helped but to make a negative impact on a person’s self-esteem.

  3. Also Marianne, how did you come to learn about this concept? When I confided in people (and there has been many) about people hating me or suddenly losing interest in continuing a friendship, they all would say its “in my head” and that I was looking for negative circumstances. Sadly many christians and ministers would say the same thing. They made me feel overly frustrated b/c I am not imagining this.

    • Hi Hungryforchange,

      Unfortunately for me, I am like the rest of the human race. I have to learn things the hard way. I just have had too many experiences like this. The more you have, the more you think about it, and finally figure it out. I wish someone had told me, and helped me prevent a lot of pain. But there was no one, so I had to go through it, thinking it must be me. But God had mercy on me, and gave me enough wisdom to put the pieces together. Now, I try to help others with the same issues, to help them prevent bad things happening.

      The spirit world is real….it is not in your head….

      The nicer you are, the nastier the spirits get, and the bigger the attack. So you need to be informed, and build yourself up for spiritual battle.

      • Dear Marianne, This rejection caused by the evil spirits hurts the most when it is members of your own family, and our enemy knows this. Recently on my quest to learn how the early Christians worshipped Jesus, and fought such evil powers, I came across one of the names of God, Alpha and Omega. If you keep this name on display in your homes, it will stop fighting and quarrelling amongst your own family members. In ancient English Churches one of the names of God Alpha and Omega was put at the front of the Church and this name was so powerful it stopped the arguements and fightings of the people and held the early Church together. I am sure that it will do the same for our families if we honour this name of God in our homes.

        • Dear Cornish evangelist,

          That is a good idea. I have prayers posted, but I should add the name of God to the entrance and to other rooms.

          • Well I am thinking about what if Christians put
            all the names of God around there rooms maybe that is what the early Christians did.

            • Hi Cornish evangelist,

              I think this tradition is similar to, or an outgrowth of the Jewish Mezuzah, which God had commanded the Jews to put on all their doorposts. The traditional one has El Shadai written on it. I have one on my front door. But I should add one for each room.

              thank you

        • I pray that for all of us on thispage…that our families will be restored.. and we we all feel love with our families in positive kind beautiful ways in love and goodness and joy and peace.. in the precious name of Jesus Christ and our Father The Creator Alpha and Omega!!!

      • Yes! I have been in the church for 10 years! and even some people in the church same type of thing and since I have gotten the holy ghost at work places this is really prevalent in my life and in my family whom is not saved or jealousy spirits plague me…Finally I have a person that I don’t even know that seen what I was talking about…I have pastors assistant pastor’s say I haven’t adapted or i’m to touchy! I could write a book of all I have been threw in last 8 years. I could use every-ones prayers on this subject…I have even been rejected in my own home…

        • hi Julie

          Sometimes when you are in a bad place, the best thing to do is “come out of her.”

          The holy spirit has enemies int he spirit world, and they are demons. it is a spiritual battle… just know it is not you or your fault…..and to explain this to others is very difficult, if they are not believers.

          Just pray and stand your ground. act with assurance that you are ok, and it is the demonic influencing others, to their own destruction, if they do not get right with god…..and this includes church people.

          I am sending you some prayers that help with these kinds of attacks.

  4. Hi Marianne,

    The Holy Scriptures says:

    Pro 29:10
    The bloodthirsty hate the upright: but the just seek his soul
    Mat 5:44
    But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
    Luk 6:22
    Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.
    Jhn 15:18
    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you.

    Just call me Angel Of The Morning

  5. What is a Scapegoat?

    Here’s the pop culture definition:

    “A person upon whom the blame for the mistakes of others is thrust.”

    In Biblical Times:

    A Scapegoat was the name of a Desert Demon.

    A Scapegoat was placed over the head of a person, of which the high priest of the ancient jews confessed the sins of the people on the Day of Atonement after which it was allowed to escape.

    Now, if you put a bunch of modern-day scapegoats together in a room for the first time; who would THEY pick as their Scapegoat?

    This might be an interesting “social engineering” experiment that can be conducted by the C.I.A. or the N.S.A. or their contractors in the Third World.

  6. Yes, there truly are people who know who you are in glaze.

    I have known Muslims who known i am Israeli when i did not know it even myself, i have seen people shouting bad words at me and i have been in situation where girl with demon shouted at me loudly three times: DO NOT SIT THERE (CLOSE TO ME IN ENGLISH).

    For i said im Israeli i mean that i have found out by DNA and family research and by G-d that mother is Jew and father is Levite, which makes me Levite.
    I am so happy, is was so desperate seeking who i am, until G-d made it so clear that there was no excuse.

    BTW; Any righteous believer walking with G-d every day can tell you that some of your articles are not Good (meaning some are not what G-d wants).
    Now is spring, its good time to make some house and website cleanup if you will (should be done before pesach), do you agree?

    May G-d bless you and give you wisdom, so that you may love Him more and care less of world.

    • hi Aharon,

      I agree that we have our spiritual identity and that others can see this.

      I will never treat you badly, because what I see is precious in you. You are always welcome here.

      My posts here are my opinions. People are free to agree or disagree.

      The main reason I present opinions is to encourage people to think, and look in the bible to find proof for their thoughts.

      I do not want people to be blind sheep, but informed people, who know the scriptures. They need to do this to debate different issues. This is good for the soul.

      I guess you think I have chometz on my site. That is fine. Maybe I do, but it is for spiritual digestion. 🙂

      I want people to eat, digest, and learn for themselves, so they will be smart, and be prepared to teach others in an intelligent way.

  7. WOW!!!!! My husband and I BOTH KNEW EXACTLY what you were talkin about in this subject!!!! We have both experienced this-YES- before they even know us! This is RIGHT ON! This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE! I’m glad you’re exposing this to people so that they can be prepared, Marianne!

  8. It is easier for some people to stick their heads into the sand, write these attacks off as “it’s all in my mind” or “this person was just having a bad day.” Spiritual warfare training in the majority of the churches today is a feared subject and doesn’t happen much. Just mention the word “demon” in a baptist church and watch the crowd scatter! I feel at times it is simply because people have a form of godliness but want to deny the power of it. To some it is easier to just accept and follow than it is to stand on the ROCK and fight. I appreciate this article you have written, and recognize the truths of it. Maybe some day others will realize the authority given to the believing follower of Jesus Christ and submit to what GOD would have us do.

    • HI Sharon,

      My hope is that people learn about this, and what their authority is in Jesus, so they will fight, and not be victimized. Too many are beaten down by rejections they do not deserve.

      As long as people run from demons, they are in submission to them.

  9. Hi & Yes, Marianne… This is exactly what is happening. For example.. I can be out walking in city, market or nature and when I meet people then some of them are looking at me with total hatred or disgust. Also when trying to find a work, shop etc. Or there is people who look only to “lust”. But there is also people I meet who don´t and just give me a smile. I mean I am a “normal” looking woman but it doesen´t matter. What I want to say is that this has incresed since I started to pray to Jesus Christ in 2006 to get saved after years of opression in the new age and occult. Before in my life I thought it was something wrong with me and I condemned myself for being hated by parents etc. Is it so that demons communicate to others? This is really trying in everyway to decieve, lure, lie opress me to give up.
    God bless/

    • Hi Ina,

      There is nothing wrong with you. It is a choice to either accept God or demons in our lives.

      So the people who choose evil, instead of good, are the ones responsible for the negative situation.

      Never feel guilty about it. Just realize that the negative person is in worst trouble for choosing this, than you are, for being rejected.

      Do not give up. Use this as a method to pick out good people who will be good friends, and to eliminate bad people in your life, who will cause trouble.

      They are the ones who are really oppressed. You are free in Jesus. You will be ok.

  10. Jesus said: They hated meand they will Hate you too! Fear not for we walk by FAITH not by SIGHT.


  11. Ina,….yes, demons communicate with each other. They have also been around for a long time, so they have a full bag of tricks. DavWms

  12. Yes..
    Also this spiritual warfare is obvious escalating and it is sad that so many people don´t know what is going on…

  13. You know now you mention it it has happened at time. My boss used to sort of ridicule me (heknows im christian) for no reason, not all the time. Since he has gotten to know me he and I are besties. But I did feel that initially and prayed at those times (inside). My boss is an atheist. Anyway I think that can happen but pray when it does and things can turn around. God is in control

  14. Sorry in AUstralia besties means best friends 🙂

  15. Its interesting my friend Patti who calls herself a Catholic after reading this article said people who believe this must have mental problems. lol Its funny that people think anything that has to do with the devil is silly.

  16. Those of us who are sensitive and care about humanity and expect people to follow the Golden Rule are often dissappointed in our fellow man. After many years of having hatred directed at me I have realized that sometimes my desire for acceptance rules over my desire for pleasing God. It is a very delicate balance and sometimes the line becomes blurred between our love for acceptance and our love for God. I think that when people show hatred to me, Jesus is right there and the question is, do I let human unkindness hurt me or do I turn to Jesus and thank Him for being there and praising Him for saving me from being that kind of ugly.

    • hI jules,

      I am glad to hear that you do not let human unkindness hurt you. I know Jesus is there, but I can still feel the hurt. I long for the day when it is over. May God bless you, and keep you strong. He must have something special planned for you, as you have overcome much. Thank you for sharing.

      • Marianne: Thank you. Let me clarify, though! I am 60 years old and have been through all the emotions and most of the reactions that come up from hurt feelings. In my life I have gone way to far not to get my feelings hurt. I would even say that I am guilty of putting love before God. Finally, I realized what I was doing. I pray that God can still use me at this late date. Thanks for your thoughts. I know God is very patient and that He loves me.

  17. Can’t thank you enough for posting this!! I was in the store and walked passed a total stranger who turned and just gave me the coldest stare. I was at my friends graduation and watching them march in I turned around and a woman eyes were cold fixed on me. I could feel hate and always found it curious as to why were these complete strangers staring like that it is also something I have experienced with family members.

    • hi Shantae

      This just happened to me recently in a doctor’s office. I was a new patient. The receptionist hated me immediately, and told the doctor things that were not true. I waited and waited.

      The doctor finally came in and refused to treat me, because I was “found to be antagonistic,” and she refused to see me.!! I had not done anything wrong, except just sit there and wait. It was the receptionist responding in a wild irrational way to me. I will not go back there- ever.

      Many people are like this now, as the world gets darker.

      • Marianne I have read somewhere; in connection with gang stalking and mobbing’ that there is some sort of official system where if you are in at some office or reception of any sort, and the person you are talking to deems you as ‘aggressive’ or whatever they put a code of some sort on your file and then put it into their system, so everywhere you go afterward they look at your file and then look at you and see ‘aggressive’, one woman noticed that every where she went they seemed to be strange and sometimes would even call extra staff to be on stand by. That woman found out about it and got her file cleared if I remember right. To me that sounds like the sort of thing that will happen when there are so many ‘Illuminatie’ cult members in a Government that they will more and more transform the Government into a satanic system.

        As far as I know the Canaanite nations which Israel were sent into destroy were full blown open Luciferian / Satanist and would openly offer children in sacrifice to Moleck. In recent History we have had the Armenian Genocide by Turks (I read that that was organised by Illuminate, or Freemasonry (of course the first 3 degrees of Masons are kept in the dark by their masters)) of about 1915, Hitler’s, (who was in at least one Mysteries Secret Cult) the Jesuit, which are said to have secret orders with in the regular outer order, (if you have read the Jesuit secret oath of induction you will see that they make the Illuminate look like a friendly Society) I think fortunately full blown evil has been in a minority for most of history and so kept secret. On the other hand the estimated death toll of Heretics at the Hands of the Roman Catholic Church is 64,000,000 Admitted to by the modern Catholic church, and an estimate of about 120,000,000 by some, even at about the time of the corrupt Revised Version of 1881, it was discovered that the Inquisition was still going on in Secret in at least two parts of the world. There has been allegations that it still goes on even up to this day, but that has never yet been discovered.

        Victory on Earth?
        So anyway are we Just expecting more of the same or are we believing that the Church through trial; or before trial;(1 Peter 1:6-7 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, IF NEED BE, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:) shall SEEK the LORD and be empowered by the ever nearer presence of the returning Messiah The KING of Kings, when are we going to start ruling with him, why not now? 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

        So if the Church can stop being deceived and really get a grasp of ‘the simplicity that is in Christ.’ 2Cor 11:3 I.E. Faith and Faith.. Rom 1:17 I believe that God THROUGH the Church’s PRAYER will End evil here on earth, when Basically the Church is ready and Christ will return, somehow. Ephesians 4:2-32 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. …For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till WE ALL come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto A PERFECT MAN, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the DAY OF REDEMPTION.

        • I do not know about creating a file, but it is very possible. I am more familiar with the “by word of mouth.” It is called slander. Once you leave a place, and need a reference, get a good witch on the phone and she will ruin your references. Women are best at this.

          the church can either be in a building or not. it is a case by case basis now for individuals. the church does not save us, Jesus does. So in or out of church, we are saved. But I am seeing more problems in the church than outside of it now. There are few good churches left, but they still exist.

    • If you know they are staring at you, you must be staring back, I would perhaps just scratch the centre of my forehead with my middle finger, if no offence was intended none will be taken 🙂

  18. The evil eye is the name for a sickness or misfortune transmitted by someone who is envious, jealous, or covetous. It is also called the invidious eye and the envious eye.

    The evil eye belief is that a person can harm you, your children, your livestock, etc. by staring at them with admiration and/or envy and praising them.
    But that does not necessarily mean that the person who harbors admiration/jealousy and gives the evil eye is an evil person. Often, it is indeed a genuine admiration and the effect is un-intentional.

    One way to ward off evil is to wear a seal with the HAND OF YHWH on it it will ward off evil eye.
    I have such a seal if you need it.

  19. Jude Chapter 1 Verse 9=Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

    There are many things in the above verse that can also be tied in with the present subject here…

    As followers of JESUS CHRIST, we need to expect these things to come our way-most of the time the devil doesn’t spend much time attacking his present followers, because they surely aren’t doing anything for GOD’s kingdom. We are also told in the Word that we should expect no better because we are no greater than our Master.
    That is knowledge-we are told to expect trouble from the spirits in people and people themselves.

    The verse also shows that there is no use in argueing with the devil or his servants…remember that the devil is a liar and the father of the lie…there will be no winning for us in a dispute with him based on our own knowledge and standing, because even though we are heirs to the throne through adoption, the enemy is still more powerful than we are on this plane. Even Michael who is spiritually able to do battle keeps it direct-he doesn’t bother to try to argue, debate or do anything other than rely on the LORD.

    The truth about spiritual warfare is in the pages of GOD’s Word-
    we are to walk by faith, not by sight and depend completely upon the Lord to take care of us.

    In saying all of this, understand I mean no disrespect to the poster before me, but I don’t need a talisman to be protected from the onslaught of the enemy-all I need is to plead the blood of JESUS over myself, ask HIM for HIS protection to make it through the battle and BELIEVE in HIS ability to keep me.


  20. Dear Sharon, And no disrespect to you either, we have been pleading the blood of Jesus for twenty three years and will continue to do so.

    When we speak of the blood and the name of Jesus we are using one of our weapons, and a mighty one at that, but still it is one of our weapons.

    YHWH has provided an abundance of weapons for our armery.

    Those who practice witchcraft and black magic have an array of weapons to attack us with.

    Now, we as Christians must re-discover the weapons of our warfare, for they are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds.

    Just to name but a few, The bread and the wine a mighty waepon, holy water mighty weapon, anointing oil mighty weapon, psalm 91 and other scriptures are mighty weapons.

    The name YESHUA, the name YHWH, the name ADONAI, the name ELOHIM, the twenty two Hebrew letters these are but a few of our weapons.

    It is time for us Christians to wake up and rise up and attack the enemy head on, for our weapons are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. God bless you Sharon always, the word you gave is excellant. God bless, Billy.

    • Hello Friend, If you don’t mind me saying I think you are letting your blood deceive you, I am Scottish so understand a bit about not wanting to leave my peoples superstitions behind me, I could look everywhere else and see the empty traditions of their foolish fathers, but when it came to the Celts, well, they were special. I think all spells and the likes are firmly in the Old Creation and not for the New Creatures in Christ which make up the Universal Church of the First Born from the dead, and I also think as soon as we learn to walk in the Spirit and use the New Covenant weapons of our spiritual warfare as mentioned in Scripture, which really all come down to Faith and obedience to Christ, once we are sure that we are actually In Christ.

      I do believe that there was and still is a spiritual warfare in and of the Old Covenant, sort of ‘Good’ against ‘Evil’, I think it is all to do with the Law of sin and death and the law of curses and blessings which work by the Law of the Old creation, But Christians are called out from that and are under a new law, not of works, and are also set free from the curse of the Law, and I think that includes any perverted curses which are directed in our direction by a witch or wizard or the likes, and only applies if we are actually Standing in Faith as directed to do by Paul in Galatians. I think the Bread and wine are nothing more than memorials, to focus the mind and remind us why we are meeting as a church. If you look at 1Cor chapter ten Paul said that the Corinthian church were a loaf of bread, but we don’t take that literally. ‘we being many are one bread’

      I believe there is a mystery but it is in Communion as in Fellowship, because our fellowship is with God. 1 John 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And sometimes God will Judge between his people. 1 Corinthians 11:29-32 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. I know it sound l like the Bread and wine are special in a sort of magical way but I think it is written like this so we know that while we as Christians are not literally one loaf of bread, we are literally of the Body of Christ, and He literally does fellowship with us, and so we should be careful how we deal with each other. So, the Lord Bless thee.

  21. Hello Billy : )

    There was a time in my life before coming to the saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST that I was heavily involved in witchcraft. I am very familiar with some of the tools that the enemy uses for his purposes, and one of the most oft used is a “familiar object” -an object that has sentimental value to the hit-could be a family heirloom (generational curse/bloodline curse) a piece of jewelry gifted to the hit (incantations and specific rituals performed to attatch a demonic force to the object, giving the demon legal ground to work against the person).

    We are to be wise as serpants and gentle as doves according to the Word. That doesn’t mean that we should go paranoid over every little thing, but it does mean that in order to have that wisdom, GOD has bestowed the HOLY GHOST into our being to lead, guide and protect those who belong to HIM. We have discernment because of this, and when we feel unease in our spirit based on something that doesn’t bear as prudent for us, we are to check against the scripture and see if it lines up. If it doesn’t, then we are to stay away from that thing.

    Likewise, in the Old Testament, GOD was very angry with Isreal when Moses was on the mount and they started fashioning images of their golden calf god to worship instead of worshipping HIM.

    Hence another reason I definately feel reluctance to rely on such items…

    You have the right to believe and follow what ever you choose, and I respect that right, but also understand as someone who has seen the other side of the fence, I stand very firmly when it comes to seeing someone possibly getting tangled up in the very claws of the enemy by putting trust in an object instead of in GOD.

    To remain silent would mean someone’s blood could possibly be required of me when it comes time for me to answer for my actions here on this earth.

    I have no desire to see anyone ignorantly enter into where I have been in the past…

    I say this in all the love that has been placed in my heart…and I do not say it to argue, to cause problems, nor for any evil purpose.

    GOD will lead HIS children in the paths of HIS righteousness by HIS Word, HE will reveal to us by the unction of the HOLY GHOST what HE would have us do and when HE would have us do it. To enter into a battle that GOD hasn’t put us into is rebellion and standing on the flesh and self instead of listening and obeying HIM….1 Sam 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. (KJV)

    GOD bless in return,

    • Sharon
      I think you are right on there Sharon, also good to see you are quoting the KJV, most of the Church in the west have been decieved into accepting a translation based on Alexandrian text which has been corrupted by unconverted philosophers who entered the early church.

      I also think that even though earthly objects are used to curse or do magic, it seems to me that the objects have no power other that that which we allow them to have. And so as you say the Power is in the Word, not ‘words’ as if it was some sort of spell, but the spirit and understanding of the words and promisies and faith in the ability of the God who Gave us them, I call Him Jahovah because that is His name in the Bible, and that is the facts as I undesand them, the Name Yahweh has been constructed by rationalistic philosophers who believe language evolved and guessed up a history to match their medlsome plan.

      Or in other words if we find a voodoo doll in the Lobby one mornning, if we have no fear, not even a doubt, then it wont work, because we will not allow it ito work, I think a good working knowledge of Scripture can help there.

      What do you think?

  22. God does lead His Children. What a sweetheart this child of God is!!

  23. Dear Sharon,

    Christians must not go around with their eyes shut! The spiritual world is very real.

    In the Bible it is also written in many instances where God has told people to use earthly objects anointed by Him to ward off evil.Eg -the rod of Moses, a brass snake on a pole for people to look upon and thereby get healed, the mantle of Elijah(cloak)etc, you will find many such things.

    If you went into a battle against an enemy, and you stood up and said,” the blood of Jesus”, the enemy would cut you down. Well, I am using this illustration to tell you that we need to listen to God, to find out which weapon we need to employ to defeat the enemy.

    The Father knows the right one to use at the right time, and we must be familiar with the weapons and shields that He provides and not go around with our eyes shut. For the enemy goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

    I have never been involved in any kind of witchcraft or dark arts, I was always brought up to believe in Jesus and many of my past generations have also been Christians, yet I come from a part of England which is called Cornwall, and Cornwall is riddled with witchcraft.

    In fact most of Cornwall is haunted by evil spirits which appear to people and frighten them, witchcraft rituals take place on the lonely moors by people like doctors, nurses, as well as other professions.

    We must as Christians be aware of what is around us and what is going on, these spells and curses must be broken by God’s wisdom, and we must put on the whole armour of God and not just use a bit of it.

  24. Hi Cornish evanglist and Sharon

    Something I had forgotten myself to mention to others, also being busy with spiritual warfare, is praise.

    The devil cannot stay around it. We can be blessing God, praising his holy name, bowing our knees to him, and giving thanks.

    The blessings, praises, and words of thanksgiving will not only drive away the curses, but they will lift our spirits as well.

    • I just had to comment about using praise in spiritual warfare. When I was going through demonic oppression several years ago and had major trouble sleeping at night, someone suggested that I play praise and worship music on low volume on my cd at night. I had it set to play continuously and it worked wonders. I began to sleep peacefully for the fist time in over a year.

      My advice to others if you feel an attack coming on, put on the praise music–it will run the devil off!


  26. it is your choice to believe and do as you choose to do. I have done what I was unctioned to do. I will leave it at that.

  27. I’ve done allot allot of Spiritual Warfare
    Seems out of necessity or what God has been teaching me.
    Whatever the case so to speak
    Your article just brings confirmation from what I learned
    From what I learned.
    My conclusion, on this issue before I even known of this article
    Is basically the same findings on what I came across.
    It is Sad the way the state of the world is
    Anyone getting into any Strife do not know what Spirit
    maybe driving them
    Having Discernment helps show this.
    It is so important to keep your peace and not
    Have the enemy steal it from you.
    Stay out of strife. Don’t even enter the ring.
    When he temps.
    That is what I’m learning all over again
    Love and Forgiveness too.

    But what I seen at work as said in the article,
    when using discernment (Gift of the Spirit) you can test the spirits
    And find out what’s going on in your environment.
    Opposite action can get a reaction
    Even Gods presence or being a light in the darkness
    Sends the darkness fleeing, even annoy it
    Spending time with God makes you shine brighter…………
    Noticed as well the Darkness will try to cover up as an added note
    to add.

  28. Thank you Michael …
    You have helped me today.

  29. I’ve also had this happen alot from the time I was growing up until the present. I never understood it and always thought there was something wrong with me. I’ve even experienced this hatred from other supposed Christians. This explanation makes alot of sense.

  30. I am curious do evil people literally feed off of other peoples pain? I know such a person that if he gets you upset he literally gets giddy and if everything is going well its as if goodness bores him or turnes him off. Also, if evil people can’t change then why are we to witness to them. This is what I hear from family saying so and so will never change and I should just let them be.

    • Shontae

      yes, they can feed off you like a parasite. But as far as being hopeless, only God knows that for sure. So we witness to them anyhow.

      However, if they are hurting you in some way, stay away from them.

  31. I’ve experienced this quite a few times. Something else that is sort of similar happened to me with a woman who I had been friends with at a previous church. We had been good friends for about 2 yrs and I kind of looked up to her as a mentor. She seemed to be really “gifted” with the gifts of word-of-knowledge and prophecy. However, over time, I came to realize she was not operating under the holy spirit but under a spirit similar to what fortune tellers operate under. I started to also detect a subtle arrogance and pride underlying her “super spiritual” persona. Right at the time I became aware of all of this, even though I was nice and treated her the same as I always had, she suddently began to shun me and became quite hostile towards me. I would enter a room where she was in with other church ladies and she would call them out of the room except for me, leaving me alone. This appeared to be very deliberate. I felt like I was being ostracized. I would go to prayer meetings and if she was there, I felt very strongly that she was praying against me. I don’t know why I felt that way. On one occasion, during a church service, I inexplicably found myself praying for protection from God because I felt like she was spiritually attacking me–like something was trying to invade my mind. I can’t rationally explain it. I wonder if when I discovered what wss behind her “gifts” if maybe any demons that were influencing her were aware that I now Knew the “truth” and had begun to influence her behavior towards me?

    • hi Stacey

      The demonic is irrational. It does not have to make sense.

      She is a witch. Her “gifts” are not real, and obviously not from God, as you have determined.

      Churches are loaded with witchcraft now. Everyone wants to be important, so they take the cheap and easy way to power.

  32. I was dying burning up inside from a massive overdose, feet were rumbling in the corridors in prep for stomach pump… I realised i was dying filled with regret I breathed out the words God what have I done, I am sorry forgive me. I turned my head to see the rays of sun light up the floating dust particles I reached my hand out to touch the golden dust and asked God to let me live so as I can touch the dust. I started to pray the Lords prayer and immediately i felt a cold rush through my body from the head down. I was then pumped. The Doctors told me I it was a miracle that I survived and that due to the amount I had taken and what I had taken, I should be dead or in a vegetated state. I know that a greater power interviened at that moment when I was only 16.

  33. I also had a weird experience last year at this church I started working at 3 days a week. I had only been there for a week and I was walking down the hall. Right as I passed by this one classroom, I felt this sensation like a jolt going through my body. At that moment I locked eyes with a woman I had never seen nor met. The look coming from her was pure hatred. I never even spoke a word to her. My heart started racing and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack on the spot. My head felt totally confused. About an hour after that, I walked back down to the classroom to ask her and another lady if they needed any help with the project they were working on. She said “No, We do not thank you very much!” The way she said it was so sarcastic and venomous it made me sick. It seemed as if she was clenching her teeth when she said this. I wanted to run as far away from her as I could. My heart was racing and I developed an immediate headache. I did not attend church there, but I could tell that she was highly regarded there, very popular, and very involved. I could not understand my reaction. I’ve experienced this quite a few times as I mentioned in my above post from a few months ago, but I had never met this woman. In the past, I have had other similar situations where I have detected things like this in people and have experienced these reactions yet other people cannot understand why I feel that way about a particular person. People would say things like, “I don’t know why you feel that way because she/he is one of the nicest people I know.” They would be genuinely confused. I’m not saying this this to put down other Christians, but I think alot of believers are clueless in the discernment department.

    • It sounds like you met a religious jezebel. They have a lot of power in the church.

    • Yep! I have felt this stacey. in fact i feel it all the time I get so used to people not liking me. Once I was almost forced to rebuke the spirit outloud in public because of the spiritual pressure and the effects of the hatred from the person! I always think it must be me maybe I have a demon but something always confirms the opposite because I get so much nonsense from thos ewith demonic spirits….and then there are times where I meet people who are so far off that we both know we don’t like each other. and its like they know I know the truth about them that everyone else is oblivious to!

      • If you are listening to a sermon and you
        hear the preacher say something
        in error, you immediately know
        it’s wrong, if you have the gift
        of discernment. Others can be
        nodding in agreement and falling
        all over themselves over what was
        said, and you KNOW it’s not right
        and the scriptures are being twisted.
        I’ve had that experience so many times.
        I think the preachers can tell when
        someone sees through them and a
        wall can go up. If you are instantly disliked
        by someone in your church, even someone
        in leadership, I too think they know that
        you know, and others are oblivious.
        I had a true prophet, a godly older man,
        tell me I had that gift, and he is not
        the only one that said so. It was
        simply confirmation of what God Himself
        revealed to me in my heart. It comes from
        knowing the scriptures and Jesus, and
        is kind of like the story of the Emperors
        New Clothes.

  34. Thanks, I came across this site, I was brought here by my yearning for answers. I do experience this phenomenon of hate, and strange looks bordering on dislike from total strangers, and even people I know, one moment they are fine, the next moment they could be strange towards you, and even go out of their way to attempt to unsettle me without having done anything to them. I get the feeling this is an action to place me in a position of constant discomfort, for reasons I do not understand. I hold no malice or hatred towards anyone. I’m always willing to help people, but I get a reaction of hostility and abrupt disinterest towards me. I always have to pray and cover myself in the blood of Jesus to accomplish anything.

    I truly believe spiritual ‘signals’ are transmitted through each of us, our discernment of this signals depend on our level of spiritual development and awareness.

    It’s not that there would not be provocations against you via ‘human’ conduits of demonic influences, it just means you are armed and covered, such that the human agent’s antics do not unsettle you, you are able to go by your day to day pursuits.

    It’s easy to say, I wish you could pray this provocations away to disappear forever, but, by the nature of the ‘path’ of light you’ve chosen, you are constantly a target of provocation by the ones that serve the master of this world. More and more people, irrespective whether christians, or not, are increasingly now driven solely by ‘primal instincts'(envy, jealousy, fear, greed, non contentment) which invariably have enabled access to the dark. The world is becoming more and more a battle ground, with the rigtheous becoming more and more isolated, and under siege, the devil employs all sorts of tricks in his attempt to ostracise the righteous. So I urge you to constantly pray and always stay on the path of light, for you are not missing anything by the inducements of satan that is turning people increasingly to unprovoked hostility towards people who they feel are different

    • hi Michael

      Thank you for sharing your insights. True, this experience will get worse, not better, because of the way the world is going. So it is good to understand what is happening, and maintain our faith through it.

    • “I truly believe spiritual ‘signals’ are transmitted through each of us, our discernment of this signals depend on our level of spiritual development and awareness.”

      While attending a Baptist college, the Holy Spirit connected me with 2 other people on campus that had also received the baptism in the HS. One of them, I remember this so well, had an incredible light that shone in her eyes-. When first meeting her I noticed her eyes just lit up…its hard to explain, but when I noticed this, I thought to myself, she has the HS inside of her…I took a chance and asked her and she got so excited that someone else had also received the baptism…remember we were at a baptist college….long story short, while there, the HS connected all 3 of us, Me, Cherie and my computer professor. So, yes, I absolutely believe in the spiritual signals per se whether good or bad…thanks Michael for sharing that!

  35. Am I bared from your site?
    If so then it reminds me of the song …
    ‘You’ve picked a fine time to leave me Lucille’

    • abigail

      why would you say that? You have always freely posted here. I have been sick for the past 2 weeks with a bad virus. I am barely functioning at the moment, and have no clue about what the light spots are on the round CD disk looking thing. I have no background in that.

      • marianne,

        I am sorry that you are not feeling well.
        I said that because when I’ve tried to post this morning,
        I found that my name and subscription was empty.
        i had to fill it again and I did not know what to think.
        That is why I questioned if I was for some reason barred from posting on your site.

        The song lyrics I was referring to is this.
        ‘you’ve picked a fine time to leave me Lucille.
        Four hungry children and CROPS in the field.’

        I know I’ve always freely posted on your site.
        But what to think?
        Since at the bottom of the page I did not find my name nor my address.

        Now concerning the ‘shield from the sun’ on the telescope …
        If you look at the white circle that is the size of our sun.
        If you look to west of our sun you will see the luminous object fast approaching the sun.
        If its’ distance from the camera is the same as the sun then …
        you surely can see the size of it compared to the white circle on the dark shield.
        It is NOT a SMALL object.
        And it is NOT Venus or some other solar system known celestial body.
        It has traversed in just 24 hrs. an alarming span of space.

    • Yes Abigail….go away….LOL Laughing 🙂 just kidding! This site just wouldn’t be the same w/out you! Your my “rapture check”! Laughing….as long as your on here I know I didn’t miss it! 🙂 You and Marianne!

  36. Marianne,

    Sorry to hear that you have been sick, I will ask God of Israel for healing and mercy for you!

    BTW, do you have me and my friend Mikhail on prayer list? Both of us are still in a mess, so I hope you have us in your prayers.

    Regards, from your friend and brother in Lord Jesus Christ, the “white crow” among Jews and Christians,


  37. Love this post Marianne. After reading several of the comments above I can’t help but think of 2 situations. One of them was when I was pregnant with my youngest son. During an introduction to someone I had never met, while shaking his hand the HS said loud and clear-this man is a child molestor. I could just imagine the look I had on my face when given that information…long story short, approx 8 mths later he was arrested and sent to prison for an international child pornography ring of sorts going all the way to Australia!!! WOW! Thank you G-D! And the second situation was and still is with my “best friend”. I have known her since 1995-we met in college. I thought she was my best friend…she got herself involved in ghost hunting, which led into Tarot cards, which led into other things that I don’t understand. Against my better judgement, I let her do a tarot card reading on me last year. She became physically sick afterwards-she actually looked pale. I prayed and asked forgiveness for this moment of weakness on my part but I will never forget how it affected her. Our friendship just ended soon after that after knowing her for 15 years! I had a dream about her about a month ago which involved the rapture (I posted it on another subject here) and in the dream she was standing there looking horrified..I was yelling and saying “its time”…for 15 years I have tried to witness to her and now I realize I ended up getting “sucked” into her world rather than her into mine per se. I want to tell her about the dream…but I know she would just laugh if she didn’t hang up on me first. I do still care about her and her family and I guess at this point all I can do is just pray for them.

    • hi lyndsey

      I had a friend like that once. I met her almost 40 years ago. She was into astrology and the occult. Over time, we parted, but I still care about her salvation.

      • Do you think its best I just “help from afar” by praying…I just don’t want to be around it and I hate how I succumbed to her tarot card reading…she made it sound “fun”. I left feeling guilty and she looked like she was going to throw up…lol I guess G-D was mad at her for doing that…I don’t know…that was just my first thought when I saw how pale she was. Other times, I kept telling her not to contact anyone that had died (she really wanted to do this) because she would be contacting a demon who would tell her whatever she wanted to hear..even her husband (who is a mason by the way) would fuss about the “stuff” she brought home with her after ghost hunting. I am relieved that I’m not around it anymore. I do remember, however, She was there for me when I had my horse accident and when I was life flighted. She drove to downtown Atlanta to Grady (if you know how scary that hospital is you would understand, even tho it is the best trauma center here) at midnight and was there everyday until I was discharged. The irony is that Doctors told her that there was no medical explanation for my recovery-I should have died, paralysis or severe brain damage…you would think she would have seen how G-D intervened for me and how miraculous He is…I love her for that support and will just continue praying…I just want to know I am doing the right thing because I know I will have to answer to G-D for this decision.

      • And I hope your feeling better too-I said a prayer 🙂

  38. Hello,

    I have been reading some of your entries today, but I must say that you have NO IDEA how much this one has blessed me today!

    I have been experiencing this all my life, and I, too, have been dismissed as ‘crazy’ or told that this was ‘all in my head’ when i tried to talk to someone—-anyone—-about this. until now, I felt so lonely and alone, so misunderstood. But no longer.

    What’s so awesome about this is not only have I been confirmed by this post, and received much-needed information, but I was able to see how God, in His infinite wisdom, ordered my steps in teaching me how to react and behave, even when I didn’t even know what was going on and why this was happening. I am deeply grateful to the HS for His divine providence, and may God continue to bless you, dear lady, for allowing yourself to be used by Him. Praise God; I no longer feel alone anymore! I no longer feel ‘strange’, ‘crazy’ (some of the many names I have been called), or afraid! Thank you, Jesus!

    • hi aplus32

      It is hard to endure rejection, but if you are automatically rejected by worldly people, it means you are really blessed.

      You are a mirror to their fleshly nature, and they cannot stand to be around you.

      I understand. Just keep the faith, and look up to Jesus, not those around you, for your acceptance.

      • Hi Marianne, I love this blog. In a way, it’s a relief that other people have experienced the same thing as me. It’s just a shame the experiences are what they are. I’m going to post my experience too but I’m confused with certain terms. I don’t know how we are blessed if we’re suffering all the while on the account of the haters. I mean, I do feel blessed because my character is not like theirs. Is that what you mean? I don’t mean to sound naive but I wasn’t raised religiously so I’m not very familiar with the terminology like, a mirror to their fleshy nature, what does that mean? And why do people on here leave out the o and put G-D?

        • hi camryn

          people are both flesh and spirit. we have a temporary physical body, with all its desires, emotions, and lusts….and we have a spirit given us by God, to elevate us and draw us to Him in our hearts.

          people can act in a fleshy way, ie dominated by their physical desires and emotions ( some good, some bad) or they can follow Gods rules and commandments for a more positive life….

          emotions can be good, but we can act wrongly with them, making mistakes….example, someone insulted you, so I , being noble and wanting to defend you hit the other person…. this would be wrong.

          we can also act in a good way with emotions, following Gods guidelines….we would defend you in a less violent way, and point out you positive qualities to the insulting person…and tell them they are wrong.


          some people omit the O in God to show respect…this is a jewish tradition….not to say the name or write it out…


          yes we are blessed with the presence of god….it is always hard to see why people hate us

          injury is not a blessing, it is an attack…but god can turn it into a blessing later, if we put all things in his hands.

          our obligation is to act properly according to his will and commandments during the injury.

      • Hi Marianne you hit it right on the nail. Everything you said was true and it is something that i have always known. I always told my sister that the good in you always stirs up the demon in that person.Notice the person struggling with demons always looks mean and threatening. The second they look at you they make a disgusting face at you looking to devour you. I remember when i was doing my second clinical rotation and was getting to my break through my supervisor literally tortured me until my last day and guess what when i walked in the house the passion of Christ movie was playing and the second i walked in Jesus said remember if they persecuted me they will try to persecute you too. But guess what i made it through my break through with honors!!! The truck infront of me on my way to school said God wins RS. RS is my initials! !! There is a spiritual battle going on for sure. Look at it this way just like there are different breeds of dogs there are different breeds of humans. The true hearted good Christians are the golden retrievers and the demon possessed ppl are pit bulls. The pitbulls keep thinking they are powerful and eat at our kindness and genuineness. I know God is real too because countless times i prayed and he revealed many things to me and believe me that’s a whole other topic in itself, but non believers will always attack believers because they always say i dont know why but i dont like her. You ask them why and they still dont know its because their spirits are clashing! I do my best to stay away but if i work with them i have no choice but its definitely not easy!

        • dear christiangirl

          I am glad you made it through the clinical rotation. I didn’t. my instructor was a witch. she lied about my performance and failed me. I had to appeal the grade to the chancellor of the university to get it dropped. I was so amazed and disgusted with her influence around the school I left, so I never got my degree. I knew she would influence the other teachers to treat me the same way. I was young, and did not know what I do now. Hang in there. And keep fighting those pit bulls.

  39. Well I thank G-D that I am “crazy” more than all of ya….LOL 🙂

  40. Marianne, this is what I have felt for along long time. even when i started consecrating my life and doing spiritual warfare, I would go to different areas and people would react to me in different ways, its like we were both silently communicating underneath the mask of our outwardly pursuits. Like in London, there are a whole load of Jezebels especially in the posh and rich areas who love to lord it over those who come into their spriitual environment and attempt to dominate….Like someone said on a above post, I always have got into public transport and I would et the feeling that everyone would look at me but with pure hatred and disgust, and i feel like If i entertain them, they strive to compete but if I overcome them they become mads. its like they want attention also. Another thing, I feel like they want to randomly beat me up in the street or wherever. I even had a thought once that EVERYONE in a busy street could stop and try plot to do a wicekd thing! I’m not paranoid because my spirit always feels uncomfortable or I get a stirring telling me something is up! Also, if you speak the truth or attempt to, you get ridiculed or they try shut you up from shining light on their darkenss. I even feel fearful and a panic attack feeling rising in my stomach to my heart and pounding against my chest…mostly when i meet someone my spirit doesn’t take to…and I feel like they’re trying to force me to like them like evryone else does!

    • Lee

      Well, at least you know they are the problem, and not you. It will be a challenge to find those that comfort your spirit, instead of attack it. These are dark times, and so this is expected. But just continue on, and do your best.

    • Sorry Lee for the very late response I only stumbled across this blog very recently. I used to live in the UK and have traveled to London very frequently and I am 100% with you. I do think the UK is going through a social and moral decline though.

      A lot of people don’t like you to tell the truth or show them for who they really are and if you are better than them they always want to compete or bring you down. There is for some reason something very wrong with their spiritual or ethical values.

      Also about feeling hatred from complete strangers, I am with you on that. One of the reasons why I left the UK, people’s attitudes and mentalities, especially the English are downright immoral and disgusting. Either it is jealousy, greed or they can sense an aura of goodness that their spirits can’t stand being around or it forces them deeper into the darkness. It is always unspoken vibes, body language and indirect. They don’t want you to know they are doing it. I could feel people’s disgust or hatred towards me radiating from their bodies it was unreal.

      Even in churches, I have encountered the same problems. The people that are popular and well respected are usually the most twisted and immoral. On first sight, a whole group of them hated me and my family. Their spirits could see my strength or they saw something special about me and choose to attack me and make life difficult. Also at school, college and work. I am never spoken or revealed my personality to anyone and on first sight, people chose to isolate, not talk to me or even acknowledge my existence. It was a very strange feeling to be targeted immediately and no chance to defend myself or change people’s perception of me.

      I know on first sight who hates me or who loves me instinctively. I am not sure whether our spirits are on opposing sides and are fighting with each other. I think this world is always going to be an old fashioned, hero vs. villain fight between good and evil. Unfortunately, some nations may be more inherently evil or greedy and selfish than others.

      I don’t know if you believe in auras/presences but I think that could be a possibility.

      This is what I have seen and experienced, I do feel special in the sense that evil spirits want to attack me because God is on my side and they know it but I don’t see why I should attract some much attention. I am no Harry Potter to have Dementors searching for me. lol only joking

  41. I have a very few select friends and when I explain to my friends why I don’t have sooo many friends they find it hard to understand…but they’re not that spiritually minded though. I always thought what if everyone felt that way to oneanother, that each and everyone hated the sight of each other? that would mean that we all can’t be christians of we felt that way…but i have dented my pride and admited there are some problems with me and tried to mend it but whenever I do so, it seems “they” get even angrier! and btw my friends some of them are athiests but whatever reason , I believe God has his hand on some unbelievers maybe because He knows they will accept Him. Like my friend who doesn’t believe in God, if you encounted him, you’d think he was a Christian because of his warmth and genuinty and my spirit feels at ease with him in his presence. what do you think Marianne,have you ever had athiest friends who seem to be genuine thought they don’t believe in the Lord? and yet they are nice and they love being around you?

    • hi Lee

      It is possible for an atheist to be very ethical, and pleasant. Inside, they instinctively do God’s will. They just don’t know it. I think these people can eventually be saved.

  42. Agreed! Since my time at university I have some very good friends who are comfortable around me and I get the impression that whenever I speak about church, God e.t.c. they seem to be fine with it! one time, I spoke to my friend about God and he seemed to be soaking it in and not rejecting it. He didn’t say anything or I didn’t get a feeling that he was despising what i said. he just sat there like someone genuinely interested and when i saw him afterwards thereon he was fine with me.

  43. Also Mariannewhat do you think about going into certain areas? i find that whenever I travel into certain environments, I get the feeling that certain people look at me and i feel uncomfortable in that area as if there are spiritual stronghold spirits

  44. Also Marianne what do you think about going into certain areas? i find that whenever I travel into certain environments, I get the feeling that certain people look at me and i feel uncomfortable in that area as if there are spiritual stronghold spirits

    • Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

      • yep! But I fell into sin and have backslided. Although I was on another blog and the lady there said that with all what I had been through (when I explained to her that I went to a church that had some questionable spiritual practices like laying on hands and transfering things) I may have gotten a false holy spirit. She said that when you become born again, the Holy Spirit comes automatically to live in you. no need to receive him again. and I was in a church that was laying hands and one time, the pastor said “he’s right beside you” but I had no sense of God’s presence and also my legs started shaking but I didn’t want it to! And there were some false words e.t.c. i don’t know I sometimes feel like maybe i was too hard but I became uncomfortable with the teaching like “i see money in my hands” and ” we need a guiding spirit” even word of faith preachers have been there like Jerrry Savelle e.t.c.

        • Lee

          It sounds like you have had some fake experiences. Just compare what you experience with what he bible says. False money and power stuff is obvious to you, so you have a better relationship with the holy spirit than people say you have. You do not need to “feel” anything for the HS to be there. He is spirit, not physical.

        • Lee

          It sounds like you have had some fake experiences. Just compare what you experience with what the bible says. False money and power stuff is obvious to you, so you have a better relationship with the holy spirit than people say you have. You do not need to “feel” anything for the HS to be there. He is spirit, not physical.

          • Yep, I definetely had some fake experiences.

            This is what I sent to one of the admin on another blog site called “Discerning the World”

            it first started when i went back to a pentecostal church that I had
            been going to when I was younger and gave my life Christ. the way I gave
            my life to Christ was by doing a sinners prayer BUT there was a work of
            god in my heart as my desire for the Word grew. that was 5 years ago when
            i was 15. I’m now 20. It was then that you know when your young and fresh
            and vibrant your on the milk of the Word, your hungry for the meat also, I
            wanted to receive the Holy Spirit so I did….and I started following His
            leading and I spoke tongues. Then come 2007 and God started to speak to
            me how the world is coming to an end very soon and that even then, the
            antichrist was preparing to step onto the world stage and even now he is
            here among us! At this time my aunty gave me a book on spiritual warfare
            by Brown called “He Came To Set The Captives Free”. It was during this
            period that I started getting attacked and having fear well up in me and
            no matter how much I rebuked it it will get intenser! I could sense evil
            spirits or unclean spirits in certain areas and everytime I traveled I had
            a spiritual run-in with certain people who could discern that I was of
            God. At this time, I fell into sexual sin (homosexuality) and I was
            ashamed. I did not like it and it was wrong but I was and am going
            through puberty moments and I repented but kept falling back into it ( I
            did not do anything more just pornography).

            Also around this time, in church and personal life I started having
            problems. it was december 2008, the month and year my life really took a
            plunge for the worse. I tell you, thats the worse year of my life leading
            right into 2009. because I had a huge fight with my aunties after a
            family misunderstanding. I was defending one of my other aunties and my
            other two started verbally abusing and almost physically assaulting me.
            It seems that fear just hit me in waves. my heart strated pounding fast,
            i shook and became a different person, always fearing people. Needless to
            say I was glad to get back to university outside London (I started
            university in september 2008). It was also at this time that the church I
            was going to as I began reading Brown’s books, was going downhill. I
            could detect it in my spirit and tell that things spiritually were faulty
            and strange. Like the pastor there would have visions constantly which I
            knew from before when I was young and I accepted as normal I never thought
            anything wrong as a matter of fact I thought ” wow, he has seen Jesus,
            been taken up to heaven and he has a strong anointing” like literally, I
            thought our ministry was special and really powerful. no one had the
            anointing like us and no one was more favoured by God than us.” thats
            what was in the psyche. but as I started to really get serious for Christ,
            something clicked that it just wasn’t right. He once in a service called
            me up and said that he had a vision of me. He started by saying “I had
            vision of you – you know what you do?” and I stupidly answered yes but
            really Deborah I should not have said that because I had no clue what he
            was saying. anyway He said/and prophesied “I saw a crowd of people and I
            saw stones coming out of your mouth and their faces were heavy. if you
            would draw near to God then He would draw near to you and the grace you
            will receive , people will marvel, what will come out of your mouth will
            be likened unto Gold…this will happen one day, and you will remember
            that that man who told you so, you will say “he saw something”” I wasn’t
            sure what to make of this prophecy as he even laid hands on me (without
            asking me)

            another time, he laid hands on me, and waited for one minute and then
            without my doing so, my legs began to wobble like jelly. and he then said
            “you see, He’s standing right by you” but I didn’t feel any presence of
            God at all!

            Back to my sin of pornography, as I became fixated on this, the enemy took
            advantage and I started to fall in my faith. I failed my first year at
            university and had to lie to get my way back in (using the excuse that
            because my grandmother died I was not able to concentrate) and also my
            grandmother died a few days after michael jackson last year and the night
            before I went onto pornorgaphy and had evil thoughts and think I may have
            done something spiritually which might have killed her! I know it sounds
            stupid. She was saved but she was disabled but she was strong; I just
            feel like what if she went to hell and somehow, because of my falseness
            and living in sin, she was never really saved (i did not minister to her
            my aunty’s friend did but my aunty testifies she did gladly except Jesus
            saying “I’ve waited my whole life for this”) But i just think because I
            don’t want people and family looking up to me when inside I’m a wicked
            liar, deceitful blaspheming sexually immoral unprofitable servant who may
            not have been a child of God after all.

            I started to decide that I wanted to get out og the church I was going
            because it really turned into a prison! it was a cult. I never told
            anyone I was leaving but since I was at university, that was my excuse.
            anyway, when my grandmother died, the pastor (same guy who laid hands on
            me) offered to conduct the funeral (BIG MISTAKE!!!) It caused family
            problems and because my aunty (who is my mother’s cousin) who goes to the
            church as well, she left because she saw the way the church had been
            going and how GOod showed her the methods they were using where almost
            occultic and had problems with he pastor and so on the morning of the
            funeral, he refused to conduct it unless she left the church grounds snd
            said he was going to call the police. and so with the body in the casket,
            it looked really bad. anyway we rushed through the funeral and then got
            back to the church with some more problems then after that in 2009 i found
            out I had failed my retakes and then so had to use my grandmother’s death
            as an excuse. my aunty who had left the church got in contact and we were
            just both talking and saying the church was a deception and talking for
            hours I mean I WAS SURE THIS MAN had at one time walked with Christ but I
            just don’t know. with all the miracle which Isaw with ym own eyes and
            the reports of healings and people being raised from the dead I just
            couldn’t believe he wa false. MY aunty said he was though. she even had
            dreams of him and the congregation praying against her and even that he
            had a third eye on his wrist. At this time, we found out that Jerry
            Savelle and Tommy Tenney had been invited to preach there and so I just
            thought “bye bye” no more church for me”!

            And to think I have spoken to loads of my friends of Jesus!
            Also on the spiritual side of things, I have had very weird experiences
            where for a brief instant God has allowed me to experience the reality of
            the spirit realm and how evil spirits hinder us all our life on this
            earth. I happened one such night at 3am where as I was falling asleep my
            body started to paralise (sleep paralysis) and I heard a growling
            guttural voice say “YOU WILL BOW DOWN TO ME” and as i couldn’t open my
            mouth in my spirit I resisted and said no and I tried to say “Jesus” but
            the thing feared my saying the Lord’s name until i got angry and it left.
            My body was shaking but this was a different experience to when i was
            younger (as young as 3 yrs) when I had paralysis but not to this extent!

            Also I find I can discern people and what manner of spirit they are of and
            it’s like they can tell but they don’t like me!
            Theres more but I hope this should give you an idea. I just feel like
            life is draining me. my zest for education, simplicity and God is
            wearing. I’m sure anytime soon God WILL judged me and He will be right
            to. I just feel its not fair sometimes cos of the influence of these evil
            spirits. Why me!! Why is it when I encounter them they seem to reveal a
            vexed hatred and depise for me but through others they would coax me and
            be nice to be! It’s like I feel society and people watch me and want to
            control me!

            So thats my jumbled up 3-4 years of life in a nut shell. It really feels
            like the end for me Deborah. I also last year woke up saying I needed
            Jesus after voices in my mind (that sounded like God) said I can never be
            accepted back to Jesus because I have blasphemed the Holy spirit (I got
            angry and started swearing to God because of life and pressure) and that
            God had made me reprobate and that now I have to serve Satan because God
            is sovereign and he has ordained this. Also when I pray, my words get
            mixed up. when i intend to say “Jesus” I end up saying “satan” and
            vice-versa. one time in the shower I was praying and the thought popped
            in my mind that “Jesus is a liar” I was horrified! Also I have felt
            there is always a presence standing behind me always controlling the way I
            behave like I can’t function well and be myself. I also feel like God
            expects me to be perfect and its like I get an impression that if I don’t
            do this and that He will cast me into hell and its like, I CAN’T BE ME!
            I’m expected to be this and that but I can’t live up to it.

            so yeah…I’ve left out some other stuff but this is what I have felt in
            my life for 3 years.

            • Lee Sweetheart,

              You do not have to be perfect. Jesus will do that for you. Just cast all your cares upon him, and he will help you through all this.

              God knows your heart. You are being tested, not taken. Satan can never have you.

              • Marianne,

                I know I can’t be perfect, only God can perfect me but its just my heart is wicked and loves sin, coming out of the false church leaves me wondering whether I honestly knew Christ. God knows that sometimes (or most times I love my sin) but it’s like I said months before, when your around certain people like unbelievers, they can pull you down spiritually and thats what happens but on top of that, I really want my heart to be regenerated and born again.

                Oh and Marianne, I want to be honest with you, my REAL name is Lathaniel, not Lee. I only use Lee online since i Don’t know who I’m talking to.
                But now I know this site, I thought I’d tell you.

                • hi Lee

                  Just trust Jesus. He will give you the desires of your heart, which is HIM. We all come before him wicked and sinful. Only he can clean us up.

  45. This is what I said on another site:

    “I know EXACTLY what You mean! This is what I have tried to convey to someone else on the board but I don’t think many udnerstand unless they have experienced it. Also, like stillgod said, you try to break it off (the fear) and it comes right back to aflict you.

    Let me ask: are these any of the syptims you are all having:

    1) an indirect fear when out in public and around people (thinking that they’re casuing the fear when its really demons of fear)

    2) a irritating stirring in your spirit (stomach/belly area) that something is not right here (wherever you are) and that you feel you are going to be physically attacked or something is attacking you.

    3) You can’t seem to be yourself at times when out or in your home, you seem to have something controlling you when interacting with people

    4) certain areas you go to you have a “feeling” in your spirit that you are coming under a different spiritual environment?

    are these anything that correlate with you all?

    I have struggled with this for 3 years. This is all spiritual warfare. REMEMBER, the battlefield is in the mind. Make war against those spirits making you fear places, people or just an irrational fear. I KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE!

    Here in england, london, there are certain areas that are demonically controlled and people can sense in their spirit when they’re dealing with a Christian because your spirit does not like theirs.”

  46. yeah! I have that! it seems whenever i uncover somebody’s motives or hear what they’re really saying, they don’t like it! but i hope this is not some witchcraft gift or im going mad lol if you know what i mean.

  47. 3) You can’t seem to be yourself at times when out or in your home, you seem to have something controlling you when interacting with people

    *the Holy Spirit is not controlling-He is a gentlemen and will gently nudge you to let you know something-but NOT controlling

    4) certain areas you go to you have a “feeling” in your spirit that you are coming under a different spiritual environment?

    *this could be the “gift of discernment”-I think Marianne mentioned that above

    Lee said: “Make war against those spirits making you fear places, people or just an irrational fear. ”

    *Remember, Perfect Love cast out all fear…1 John 4 “13We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. 14And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God. 16And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

    God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 17In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. 18There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

    19We love because he first loved us. 20If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 21And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.

  48. Dear Believer, My name is Carl Ray Marshall Sr., and The LORD visited me many years ago November 20th,1996 at the 7pm hour at 103 Turner Dr 888 Willis Texas.Its been about fourteen years ago. Even before this day I had a burden for missions and evangelism. Yet myself and many others in the church was praying with me as i prayed and fasted for a year and eleven months. Dear Believer I prayed or we prayed for a double portion anointing of an apostle. The date above and location was where it was bestowed upon my soul and changed my life forever. This was witnessed by my wife,daughter, and myself. I can remember the sounds and the Glory of the LORD that made me feel like He was going to take me out of here.
    Dear Believer , May I freely speak?
    In the name of Jesus Christ the Almighty in whose name I’ve been baptized in for the remission of my sins, my family and I was coming from the washeteria that day walking on the sidewalk towards our home when I felt a presence above the house. I looked and sense the LORD but could not see anything. By this time I had had the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and I had obeyed the call to do the work of God as Jesus told me saying “Do my work and I’ll bless you.” Dear Believer, I opened the door to the house and we went in. My wife went into the kitchen with the babies my daughter Maiya who was five or six, and my son Carl Ray Jr, My wife’s name is Marrett. They went into the kitchen and i went into the bedroom for it was a one bedroom house that belonged to my Big Mama. when I went into the room, the glory and presence of the LORD was so thick I felt like He was going to take me out of this world and I felt I was going to die. Afraid for my life I repented of all the sins I had committed since I was five years old.Even though they were under the blood I repented anyway thinking hoping it would stop the LORD from taking me of the earth. I then said to the Lord when it would not lift “not my will thy will be done”. then I said “thy will be done” as I sat on the bed and then layed down. My wife said I was down for thirty five to forty five minutes. Whether I was unconscious or in a deep sleep like Adam I don’t know. When I came to I opened my eyes and took a deep breathe as though I had not been breathing.I sat up in the bed and asked the LORD “Did you give me my anointing”? I was afraid to approach asking this even though I had been praying with others for this very thing.I got out of the bed and took a few steps and asked again.”Lord did you give the double portion? He said nothing,Then I walked out into the living room where my daughter and wife could see me from the kitchen and asked the third time,”LORD did you give the double portion anointing of an apostle?” and Immediately My daughter Maiya threw her fork or spoon on the ground.I can still hear it now as though it just happened, and she said pointing at me,” Moma Moma Moma Moma Moma Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy One Two Three Four Five angels and Jesus Pouring oil all over daddy’s head and feet. We questioned her at length as her age she said “magic” oil, but I told her it was spiritual and supernatural. It was confirmed two years later by Prophet Joseph Shallow, saying “…those with great anointing go through..” because I thought I had been through alot since I was born, but I went through unimaginable degrees and measures of tribulations and troubles since then. The other day I told a Prophet Daniel Garcia of Covenant Assembly, and we prayed because He wante to make sure it was God that did it, and He said that God said “It was me”. Now Dear Believer I am writing you to see if there is some chance you would pray with me and our community concerning this matter for the highest good of us all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth The Almighty that I may fulfill the work, office, and desires of Our God and Saviour to the Uttermost. I was told by my mother who is a minister prophettess, and Prophettess Sister Deborah Garcia, that my words will be like a vow to God. that even in the shower I should watch what I speak. To be very careful. The Apostles asked prayer of the believers in the Bible for them to fulfill their Office and work for the edification of the church, and Even Jesus Christ prayed in the garden asking His disciples to pray with him one hour,Angels ministered unto Him, Even though He prayed that the cup He was drinking from would pass from Him, Nevertheless Jesus said ,”Not my will but thy will be done”! Whatever PRAYER you can give FOR US ALL IN THIS MATTER to Deliver us from all evil and Keep me(us all also)in the perfect will of God and keep me for the name of Jesus’ sake for the work of the kingdom please say on and Pray with us now?? Ask others who really believe to pray also in this matter?
    In Jesus name
    Bro. Carl Ray Marshall Sr.
    13648 Forest West Dr Lot 77
    Conroe Tx 77304
    936 333 5740
    P.S.’ PLease pray for me ,Believers?”

  49. My own mother treated me this way since I was a child, she always made things difficult for me always I loved her and could never understand her animosity until I was much older as an adult and a christian. She and my father separated when I was
    in first grade and to her I was “his” child. God would also show me things and talk to from the time I was very little, when I became a christian got baptized and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit it all made sense. In my early twenties our mother led my sisters and I to a good bible based church. Old and New Testament, the Trinty, the blood of Jesus, Pentecostal believing in the gifts of the holy spirit, bible studies every
    week all year around which I looked forward too. Our teacher had many spiritual gifts while being humble and strong at the same time, a natural speaker, teacher, was loved and respected by his flock. He also made us aware of that demons were real, what witchcraft was and taught us these things were real and that we had spiritual and physical weapons and a right to defend ourselves with the word of God, the blood of Jesus and to
    be aware of our thoughts, actions, not to let just anyone lays hand on us and that “the spirits recognize one another”. He modeled his life on Jesus, led by example and taught us to as well. As a single divorced mother I found a church home in which my children and I thrived. My mother and I lived the closest to the church went together for years and for
    a time I felt she finally accepted me as a her daughter and a fellow member in Christ.
    Then our pastor went home to be with the Lord and immediately I
    saw that she had been lying about me to my sisters behind my back, although I still couldn’t believe the depth until I found that she had been going to a psychic who told her that in a former live I had been her husband’s (my father’s) mistress and that she took pictures of my son and myself to use in a curse against us. My life and my son’s have been
    steadily going down while my daughter and my sister’s (her favorites) flourish. Since a child, I often have dreams about things before they happen and have been lead to pray about something more than once. I dreamed just about that time that she was sitting on a cot in an underground room, breaking through a wall next to her and that bugs were
    coming out of the wall under cot around to her. I realized years later that the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me what was happening.
    I have finally gotten to the point where I know I am in a spiritual battle for the lives of my son and myself.
    I’ve gone from always having a job and paying my own bills and rent to sleeping on a sofa in someone’s home.
    Too many things have happened to be just a coincidence, I have come across too many people who not only dislike me on sight, but have also targeted me for witchcraft and I know what to look for and how to defend myself.
    In this case with my own mother I don’t know what she used or how she used it but I know there was a demonic presence with her in the last weeks of her life that hadbeen using her up and was looking for someone else to jump into, that I
    have gone from the one that gets everyone to pray to being treated like a joke.
    Your diagram is real, we studied how it happens in our bible studies and I have seen it in my own family as well as with strangers.
    Your prayer against witchcraft is so comprehensive, others may think it’s too much, but anyone who has been the target of demonic attacks caused by witchcraft understands why it’s so detailed.
    As for a talisman, isn’t there mention in the new testament about the aprons that were used by God through Paul to heal the sick?
    Act:19:11 And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:
    12So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
    Just as the enemy can use material things as a point of contact for evil so can God and the Holy Spirit for good.
    As for me, I have had enough of these attacks and I am going on every prayer list of a bible based, trinity believing, devil binding church I can find.
    As my pastor used to say, ‘you don’t let the devil chase you around the stump, you pick up the stump and beat the hell out of the devil with it”.

    • dear Max

      I agree with your pastor. It is a shame that his words did not do her any good.

      If your mom was still alive, I would say confront her. But it sounds like she has passed on, so I am sorry about that.

      But even though she is not around, the demons she sent your way are still there, from what you say.

      Pray also to reverse the curse.

      Reverse the curse

      I have put you on my prayer list. Be assured you are not alone. I would say 95% of those on my prayer list have been cursed in some way by Jezebels, witches, or just people with demons.

      The prayer cloth is a good idea. If you can find a local church to pray for you, ask them to pray over a cloth and then give it to you. This way you can keep it close to you, and feel their support.

      Speak blessings over yourself and your life. Bless God each day. Replace what is negative with something positive.

    • As my pastor used to say, ‘you don’t let the devil chase you around the stump, you pick up the stump and beat the hell out of the devil with it”.

      I like that!

      Hi Max,

      I do understand where you are coming from. Being human, we panic and are fearful when we know someone has done this to us. I tell you from my recent personal experience that G-d wins every time. When this started, the Holy Spirit gave me this verse: “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves”. So I documented everything and remained blameless-good advice the Holy Spirit gives 🙂

      I also prayed some of the prayers that Marianne posted and in Jesus Name I Binded any and all evil against me and I loosed G-d’s protection in my life. I also would say “no weapon formed against me shall prosper”.

      G-d will protect you! Being filled with G-d’s Holy Spirit you have all that you need-pray in the spirit as much as you can and speak G-d’s word often.


    • so how u doing now??

  50. thanks Marianne.

  51. Marianne and Lindsey,
    Thank you for your prayers,and please keep them coming.I’m putting to use these things everyday, as I go through the day. I need to focus on the word of God,his presence and all His blessing.
    My goals right now are reclaiming my faith, my life, reclaiming by family, completing my degree, gaining a job, my own house.
    God Bless

  52. i am totally lost.i am without hope.i do not know where to turn.i have been rejected my whole life and have felt hate for me no reason. i think i am a good person but if i am why do i feel this way.MY LIFE HAS BEEN HELL and now i have a terminal illness.i dont want to die feeling this way

    • hi Mark

      What has happened to you? I need to find out more. WE care about people here, we would like to help you.

    • There is HOPE Mark. G-d led you here because He loves you!

      G-d’s Son, Jesus Christ says “remember they hated me first”, and remember, He gave His life for you and rose from the dead so that YOU WILL LIVE.

      The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.

      Jesus came to give us life! Jesus SAVES US, literally. Whether its our life in the flesh-He is the Jesus that heals as well, but most definitely in our spirit; so that our Spirit will return to G-d and never be separated from Him.

      Further, I believe that when our Spirit is healed our flesh follows suit. If that makes sense…emerge yourself in G-d’s words and they will be like a “healing balm”.

      I am so sorry that your life has been Hell Mark. When my life gets to be too much I have to give it over to Jesus because I simply can’t handle it without Him and His strength and intervention.

      We can do all things through Christ who STRENGTHENS us. Phillipians 4:13

      ***And you are not totally lost; G-d always knows where you are! ;)***

      Job 19:23“Oh, that my words were recorded,

      that they were written on a scroll,

      24that they were inscribed with an iron tool onb lead,

      or engraved in rock forever!

      25I know that my Redeemerc lives,

      and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.d

      26And after my skin has been destroyed,

      yete inf my flesh I will see God;

      27I myself will see him

      with my own eyes—I, and not another.

      How my heart yearns within me!

    • For you Mark 🙂

    • You are not alone Mark.
      Do not give up.
      I know it’s hard.. .. i am going thru stuff too right now. And dunno what to do.. but i know this.. you are loved. Seriously.. think about it.. how did you find your way here anyhow? how did any of us? We must be loved by some strong beautiful love to have brought us all together and to you so many have left you prayers,good words and thoughts. I pray for you Mark. That both you.. I and all the rest of us here somehow have a beautiful miracle occur in our loves and none of us feel laone ,hated or insecure and all love,joy and peace to enter and stay in our lives. Mark… pray that with me. I need you. I need you to pray for me too and for all the others here. You are not alone. Heaven is right where you stand with all the rest of us lonley heartbroken beautiful people. Reach out and hold a hand.. on this board.. in your community.. and in your heart. Believe. Have Faith. Hope. Wrap your arms around yourself and feell all of us hugging you.
      i will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Leave a word so we all know your alright. Peace to you and much Love~~~

    • wherever you are mark.. i hope your are ok. i hope you are yet alive.. and feeling loved.

      • dear mel

        I wish you love also. Remember, Jesus said if they hated him, they would hate us. Do not give up. You are greatly loved by the one in heaven who matters most, and by those who belong to him.

    • Romans 10:9-10 ..if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

      Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. Re 21:5

  53. Mark
    You’ve come to the right place, there are alot of people here who can give you hope. can you elaborate more on your perdicaments?
    Do you consider yourself a Christian?

  54. nice song

  55. Slipknot – Diasterpiece
    Watch this Metal song

  56. hey how you post youtube video here?

    • under video is reads “share”; when link comes up right click and press “copy” then post here with “paste”

      or you can right click on the address bar and press copy then paste

  57. thanks 😀

  58. my parents split when i was 7,my 2 sisters and i went with my mother and my 2 brothers stayed with my father.the man my mother went with sexually and emotionally abused us. i ran away when i was 12 and hitchhiked around the country till i was 17.i enlisted in the navy at 17 and was discharged for medical reasons.(knees) i was married at 19.i am still married. i have 4 children,(1 is passed on)and 8 grandchildren.i have had 26 surgeries.disk replacement and total knee replacements amongst them. i was in a coma for 1 month in 2007 from a blood infection that i am still affected by. i was given about 1 year to live in June 2010 from stage 4 cirrhosis caused by gene mutations that they discovered in June 2010.i instilled strong family values in my kids and we have an extremely close family. even though i have the closeness i have always felt empty and alone. i know something is lacking in me. i want to live but the odds are stacked.i am anger and bitter and i hate this feeling this way. i am lost and can barely think straight.

    • dear Mark

      A long time ago, you lost your childhood. That is what is lacking.

      Childhood is supposed to be the time when we have the most joy, freedom, and security, where there is always someone we can depend on to take care of us.

      It is also the time of fantasy and make believe, where we dream the impossible and it comes true.

      We can be anyone we want to be, a hero, a prince or princess.

      Our imaginations are free to go beyond what is accepted and we see no limits on us.

      That did not happen to you. Your inner child is locked up somewhere in a dark dungeon in your soul.

      You need to get in touch with this other part of yourself that is locked up.

      You need to experience everything I described above.

      In a way, you did this through your children, and they are free for it, but you need to be free also.

      But it is like you are an outsider to their childhood joys and fantasies. You need these experiences yourself as well.

      Your inner child is real you, and that child has not been allowed to life his life yet.

      You need to spend time reviewing the childhood, painful as it was, and see the real value of who you are. Someone outside of you defined who you were, instead of letting you do it yourself.

      You have a strong family unit now. SPend time with your wife, and review the stories of your childhood. In all the pain, look for the real you, and the outstanding and valuable child you were. This is a child who endured much, yet grew up to be a wonderful,loving father and husband.

      None of us, sick or well, have much time left on this earth. Make it count for you. Learn to appreciate the inner child who is the real you, and learn to admire the man he grew into. Make every day count. See yourself not as buried and doomed, but resurrected from a difficult past, and here to share your strength with others.

      The odds are not stacked against you if you belong to the Lord. A simple submission of the heart is all it takes, placing all your cares in his hands. let him carry you. It is ok if you lean on him. He will not betray you.

      Personally, I may only have a year left myself, the way the world is getting. I have had a lot of medical problems too. So I do understand the sense of despair and uselessness that can overcome you.

      Put those feelings aside. I am putting you on my prayer list for healing and emotional deliverance. I want you to get the best out of your present and future. You must be a wonderful person with a big heart. The odds can never be stacked against someone who can overcome them with love and patience.

      Learn to love yourself. Forgive your past. It is gone. all that is left is the inner child, hiding in some dark closet in your soul. Take him out of there. Share him with your kids and grandkids. They will love the inner person you really are.

  59. Dear Mark Anthony Daniel

    Well I would first say that you have very beautiful name. I feel you don’t know my Jesus.

    He is love, he is the savior, he is the good word, he is the comforter, he is the Father of us all, he is counselor, he is peace, he is your joy and everything that every person needs.

    Often people don’t accept him so they never come to know these things about him.

    Listen the Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust.

    Don’t let the enemy make you think that the things that happened to you are your fault or your parent’s fault. The devil will keep you in sorrow until the day you leave this world unless you look up and take the hand of God who will lead you out of a place that feel like isolation and desolation. You don’t have an expiration take on your foot except the day God says it is over. Look to him and he can expand your days. He can make your last days so much better than the first and he can also give you peace with the things that happened. But you have to make the step, because he has been there with you all along but he will not force himself on us and at the same time he is no respecter of persons. We live in a fallen / broken world.

    Our enemy the devil seeks as a Lion whom he may devour. God told us that he cometh but to steal kill and destroy and that he was a murder first.

    Know this there is no man who is perfect, there was one only and he has gone on to Heaven but not before he settled the debts of those who would call upon him and confess their sins and profess that he is Jesus Christ our Lord and savior and that he died on the cross and rose out of the grave in 3 days. His death paid your debt for your iniquities and for your sins. The stripes he took for our healing and by our professing of these we are saved.

    Listen God is the good news!!! Our souls get black spots from sin but the blood that was shed from our savior washes our souls as white as snow.

    If you don’t know how to start toward God and you need help, just ask. He will make a dark place bright, he will change your opinion about yourself and all who were involved in your life and he will help you find forgiveness of those who hurt you. With letting go in forgiveness Jesus can make you life totally whole.

    Just a week ago I heard a similar story from a Holocaust baby survivor who is in his 60’s today and the same things that happened to you happened to him and God healed those painful spots. He is saved and God made him whole.

    Did you know that the Love of God heals all things? Do you know that God saw the beginning to the end? Everyone who is going to Heaven is written in the book of life.

    Do you need help knowing how to take a step forward to God?

    If so let us know we are here as a family and don’t be afraid to reach out for help.

    If you have problems of addiction I wouldn’t be surprised and they require help to over come and Jesus Christ the deliver has instantly healed addicted people. You have nothing that any haven’t been confronted with in some way we are all human and all of us have lived in this fallen world.

    The Bible says it this way we have all fallen short of the glory of God and what Jesus does for us is a gift. His gift is the good news and he never puts it in your face.

    Look up in your spirit and know that God wants to save you and he loves a humble heart, which you for sure have.

  60. hi guys 😀 😛

  61. Hello dimik99!! Are you here to learn about God? Do you know him?

  62. Had it happen to me again. I’ve posted before about having had this happen in the past.

    I was driving into the parking lot of my favorite convenience store this afternoon. There was a car with 2 women in it parked oppostie of mine. Without even getting out, I felt that same familiar, uncomfortable jolt running through me. The driver got out, walked into the store and I came in behind her. She was in front of me checking out. She was very friendly to the checkout clerk and the others in line in front of her. She was openly admiring one guys brand-new tatoo. I thought maybe I had misjudged her.

    As she turned around to leave, I smiled at her. At that instant, her face changed into the most cold, hard evil glare. The man behind me noticed it and goes, “Whoaaaa! What was that look about!” I hung around and talked to the store owner for about 5 mins. When I left, she was still sitting in her car with her friend. I felt very strongly she was waiting for me to leave to give me one more evil you-know-what-look. I guess she was trying to make some kind of statement.

    Never seen her before in my life, but the hatred I saw and felt from her was so overwhelming it took my breath away. I still ask myself why she was so friendly to everyone else but looked at me like she wanted to cut my throat.

    This has happened to me quite a few times as I have posted before. What baffles me is that when it does happen, they will be friendly to everyone else in the room or vicinity but will morph into something evil when they look or interact with me. This confuses me. I know that it is nothing that I am doing ’cause like you said in this topic they do not know me so I know it is not anything in my personality that is causing this. Still it makes me wonder….

    • hi stacey

      Again, it is the demon reacting to the holy spirit within you.

      The others were probably pleasant people, but not saved, so they were not a threat to her.

      as far as what to say to the others, she is just NOT what she pretends to be if she can turn on you like that.

  63. I really appreciated reading this post. This has been my experience most of my life especially in recent years. I’ve gone to different places and the people would automatically dislike me, bully me, call me horrible names and make up gossip and rumors about me. I would think how could I be hated so much and these people have never spoken to me and don’t really know me. I would change jobs and still experience the same thing. It didn’t matter how nice I was. Like others, I thought something was wrong with me. I have gone to various doctors and talked to other people. They would tell me I’m paranoid or just brush it off. Some even told me it’s cause I’m young (I’m in my twenties) and that people are just immature. But, this post really makes sense to me and I’m glad I came across it. Thank you!

    • hi Kiki

      Forget them….it is hard when it affects your life and job…..but continue to go forth in life, give your heart to Jesus, and he will help you with all these godless people.

  64. Please pray for us: I think I’ve met evil eye-to-eye recently. Both my parents died lately, the house has been absolutely turned upside down since then.
    Sister A seems to badly need money, Sister B means well & has a very good heart, but doesn’t seem to see the signs:
    – Sister A overdosed 2 days after I was home, has a 20+ year habit of manipulating when she doesn’t get what she wants;
    – Sister A said she was sorry she even woke up, after OD’ing on 20 extra narcotic drugs that night
    – Sister A takes at least 4 other narcotics daily “for pain” and numerous other drugs, she is always “dying” and preoccupied with death
    – Sister A has a suicide-murder pact with husband
    – Sister A called me a “liar” for “stealing” a pack of marinara sauce from
    the drawer — a LIAR — within hours after I traveled 2200 miles to be with them and work in the house. We’ve NEVER called each other liars!
    – Sister A presents herself (as we all do) as a born again Christian
    – Sister A accused me of wanting an item of my deceased Dad’s to bring
    home & sell for profit – I didn’t know the VALUE of the item, beyond it’s been a vague interest of both my Father’s & mine over time & I gave some thought to resuming the hobby
    – Sister A told me twice in 6 months (even when my vocation as a nurse might have helped my father) that she did NOT want me to move home!
    – Sister A told me she was too busy at Thanksgiving, cooking for “family” and proceeds to name family & my sister that she’s cooking for. I asked her if she “heard” what she just said. I was disinvited without a question…..
    you get the idea….
    I went home with the Holy Spirit in my heart & clearly told each our relationships with one another/family was most important to me.
    I freely & lovingly gave up the few items I wanted. Now Mom’s diamond is due to be severed into pieces, so everyone can “have a piece,” it absolutely nauseates me. AND I admit I suggested that, for a brief minute, then said WAIT WAIT I’m wrong, this is sacred, we cannot do this!! But I feel led to give up entirely anything that that is coveted in this manner!
    Within weeks after my born again Mom & Dad died, I heard the house was filled with the demonic. GREED, LUST, covetousness & destruction (of sister relationships?) but these are the most prevalent feelings there are right now. Sister A won’t even answer the phone most of the time. Please keep us prayer – the demonic has had a foothold. I just know it!

    • hi cindy

      I am sorry to hear of your parent’s death.

      it looks you have already figured this out. do what you have to do, and do not give any credit to anything she says. Do not let her boss you around. Just stand your ground, and do what is right, whether she likes it or not.

      Yes, money can bring out demons in people. But that is their problem. It does not have to be yours. Keep your distance.

      You have my prayers. Actually, you have been on my prayer list for several years. I pray that all this gets behind you and things get resolved as best as possible.

  65. Thank you so so so soooo very much for posting this! I went years and years without knowing what was going on. I used to think it was me? Do people think i have some sort do demon and they have to always be on attack mode around me? Then one day GOD told me that it is demons that sense the good in me. And someone I met online also gave me this article. It was a blessing reading this article. Everyday and I mean EVERYDAY! Is a spiritual battle for me. It is mentally draining. And the longer I stay in the public the worse it gets. The more I try to keep GOD strengthening me through this and ignoring it the angrier these demons get and the more they try to chastise me. By staring at me. Some even go as far as physically trying to harm me (pushing me, elbowing me, kicking me, trying to knock me over, even cars trying run me over) but it’s sooo subtle that you would think it’s almost and accident.

    By the end of the day I am EXHAUSTED mentally and physically and don’t have the motivation to do anything, but gain my energy back. I also cry and read the BIBLE when it gets to be too much. I just question myself why why why!! Lord Help me. What is wrong with these people? Why is it that I live in a city of million people yet EVERYONE I’ve ever met has either TURNED on me or INSTANTLY hates me off the bat? Everyday I am alone. I have no friends, even family members don’t talk to me. All I pretty much have is God. Without GOD I would be so lost battling this on sight hatred people have for me on my own.

    When I walk onto a bus everyone watches my every move as if im going to attack them or something. I used to think people were staring at me because I was attractive to them or something, but when I decipher their facial expression. It shows that they have this look of “what am I doing here” or “should I fear for my safety around this girl” or “something is strange about this girl”. People either stare me down or do all they can to avoid looking at me. Which is probably the reason I have no friends because of all this on sight hatred and all these people who walk with Satan.

    I’ve even been spotted out by people who had no clue I was there. They turn their head towards me as if I called out their name or something. So it HAS to be their spirit sensing mine. As soon as someone spots me out on the bus they stay fixated on me the entire ride. Some people even freeze in their tracks when they see me or pause or do some weird sort of gesture as if their uncomfortable with my presence. Scratching their hair touching their face.

    I used to think I must be Frakenstein. But Marianne, you writing this article clarifies that it’s my spiritual goodness. I love Jesus so much I talk to him everyday. He is so good! I pray to him to help me with this everyday battle. He’s making me stronger but sometimes these demons become too much and I get weak, light headed, nauseous because of the evil spirits vileness. I wish I could meet some of you who go through this, but it seems that there aren’t many of us because there aren’t many people who walk in the light/fear of God. Sadly. Please help me guys. The way these demons look at me like I have done something SOOO wrong. The evilness in there eyes. It’s such a battle -____-

    • dear Orchid

      I wish you were closer to me. I would be glad to meet you.

      I went through this most of my life, so you have my heartfelt empathy.

      It was especially hard getting and keeping a job, which is critical for survival.

      The best response, in hindsight, is to smile at people and try to say something nice, to cancel whatever impression they are getting.

      you have done nothing wrong.

      Right now, you may also be projecting guilt, since you have been made to feel guilty for so long. So make an effort to reject this guilt which weighs you down. It may be reinforcing the bad impressions people get.

      It is a struggle, but just stay under the Lord’s wings, and feel his love. then do your best to radiate this love to others.

      Come here as often as you like. you are welcome here.

      • You know something I notice the more I ignore it and keep Jesus close the WORSE it gets! The more they look at me in disgust. I kid you not even MEN are terrified of me. One man looked at my face and stopped DEAD in his tracks as if *I* was the bad guy. You would think men wouldnt be scared of a little 5’3 girl. And women just dont even come near me. I try not to let this bother me but the MORE it happens and intense it gets when I don’t.

        People constantly think i’m following them to harm them or something. And i can honestly say that it happens with 98% of the ppl I encounter. It’s almost like EVERYONE has this bad spirit controlling them. One lady looked at me in her car and sped off. It’s like everyone is FINE until they look at my face. I guess because my face gives away that I’m one with the holy spirit. GOD is pretty much all I have and despite all this I still remain kind to everyone!

        I’m literary in tears because of the intensity of this spiritual warfare. I also notice that people KNOW that I’m there even when im not. When i’m turning a corner the person coming my away is already looking at me before I even get there (before they even knew I existed). I also take public transportation and even people who havent laid eyes on me yet, stat looking around as if tey know something is different. (as if they sense a good spirit in their presence.) Then strangely they spot me out out of the other tons of ppl on the bus and stay fixated on me the entire ride as if im

        One person got on the bus and I KNOW for fact they was looking down when the got on the bus. Next thing I know the person turns his head and looks DEAD in my face like evily. How on earth did he even know i was there when he got on the bus not even looking at anyone. 😦
        SORRY THIS IS JUST BECOMING TOOO MUCH!! FOR ME. I PRAY TO god AND I Know God wants me to ignore it and keep the faith but its sooooo hard when pretty much everyone i encounter is out to get me 😦

        GOD BLESS ❤

        • hi orchid

          Get your peace from the Word, and the love of Jesus.

          most of the world is crazy now. So do not be surprised if it acts crazy.

        • so how r u doing now Orchid?

        • Orchid, I automatically like you because I almost
          feel a “kindred spirit” with you. The same things
          happen to me. In fact, just today, a man was
          staring at me from his car coming in my direction,
          and there was no way he could see me that far
          off. It happens often. They look like they can’t
          stand me even if I’ve never seen them before in
          my life. But the more it happens, the more I see
          it as spiritual warfare. Things happen behind the
          scenes that we can’t see with our natural eyes,
          but they are real nontheless!! Just keep your eyes
          on Jesus and take it as a compliment. The enemy
          is naturally going to hate the ones that love God
          and are making a difference in this world. If they
          hated Jesus (and many did) they will also hate
          his followers. Just keep loving them anyway and
          pray for them. They really don’t know what they
          are doing. They are like a puppet whose strings
          are being pulled by the enemy. The veil is still
          over their eyes. Pray they will see clearly and
          know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Even a
          Christian that is not living right could have that
          kind of reaction to a Christian that is close to the
          Lord. There are a lot of mean people, and
          unfortunately, many of them attend church every
          week. Sometimes the relationship you have with
          God will convict others, even if they don’t realize
          that’s what is happening. Just encourage yourself
          in the Lord and rejoice that your name is written
          in the Lamb’s book of Life!!! And take as many
          others with you as you can.

    • when you are on the bus or in public places where this demonic Hostility is felt arm yourself with praise music . Praise the Lord even if in soft tones this should cause those demons as much pain as they are tryiny to cause you by throwing their faces , eyes , and hate at you .


  66. I posted previously a few months ago. This article has been helpful. But, I just would like to add something/ ask a question. I am a Christian and know others who experienced this rejection are saved too. But, what I wonder is how come some Christians are able to draw people with these evil spirits to them who admire their holy spirit presence and don’t act negatively towards them or reject them but listen to them? In other words, why are some Christians who have a great holy spirit presence not attacked by those with evil spirits and some are. I hope you understand me. 🙂

    • hi kiki

      What you see is not what you think you see.

      If evil spirits do not try to attack someone with the holy spirit, it is because

      1. the person is no threat to them….will not fight evil, so there is no reason to fight them back.

      2. the person is compromised, or has sin in their life, and is not as holy as they seem. this person is already on the side of the evil spirits, so no reason for evil spirits to attack their own.

      3. They have no emotional injury in them to open the door to the spirits.

      Many people have been emotionally injured, which leaves them more vulnerable than others.

      Evil spirits can also detect a spirit of injury on you, which signals the others it is ok to attack you. You need to rebuke this spirit of injury in Jesus name, if you have this vulnerability.

      • Wow…Thanks for the clarity, Marianne. You are right, I do believe emotional injury can make one more vulnerable to evil spirits. I’ve been feeling depressed lately. That is probably why I experience these mean-spirited people everywhere I go.

  67. Such useful post.
    I figured this this out some time ago and managed to adjust my life accordingly.
    But when was child was perplexed by the sheer hate I got from almost unknown ppl. for no apparent reason.
    It’s a little while and all will be over.


  68. Marianne, thank you for this beautiful realization. Its gonna be very hard for me to explain this. But when I am in the checkout line there could be like 10 people ahead of me. But somehow the cashiers ALWAYS spot me out almost instantly. Then once they spot me out they stay fixated on me the entire time as if Im they are confused as to what I am about to do and if they should be scared or not. That is the look on their faces. They don’t cate about anyone else in that line, but me.

    One time I saw a cashier stare at me and took a deep breath in and out, like they are about to prepare themselves to be robbed or something. I like feel I look just like everyone else who shops in these stores or goes from point A to point B running errands, yet people seem to fear me almost.

    I dress nice. I keep my hair nice. I try and keep myself presentable, but people still have this strong disdain for me. The strange thing is when I’m out with my sister and mother, people don’t treat them this way. Even though we all pray to GOD we all attend church we all read the bible. They mention people treat them like this when they are by themselves, but when they are with me, i get the BULK of the evil treatment from strangers. It’s almost like they ignore my mom and sis. Maybe this means I have more of a good spirit than they do???

    Please help me with both scenarios I mentioned. You are my only hope and GOD! thank you!

    • hi Rionne

      It took me a long time to learn this, but when you see that reaction, smile and show that you accept them. You can dispel the spirit of fear with confidence, and the spirit of hate with love. realize they are being influenced by something outside of them, and come to their rescue. you may win a few friends that way.

      • You’re right but sometimes the people still hate me even if i smile. but ive notice sometimes it DOES dispel the spirit of fear with confidence. i just dont understand how these ppl dont know they have something controlling them…. i mean if i hated someone on sight without them even doing absolutely anything to me i’d think like wait minute, she’s done nothing so why do i hate her. then all of a sudden i like them because they smiled. gosh ppl r about as dumb as rocks -___-

        • hi rionne

          it is human nature to blame someone else. If they hate you, they assume it is your fault, but if you ask them, they don’t know why. They will claim it is your attitude, but this makes no sense. They will think they know what you are thinking about them, but this is not true. They are deceived.

  69. Woooooww. This is so weird. I have experienced people do the same thing today. Even today, when I was helping mum with shopping at Wilkinson, the girl behind the counter was giving me evils for no reason, lol. And when I walked away, she was side glancing at me in a reaalllyy creepy way. I stared with shock, obviously this girl does NOT know me, I was confused. It has happened before at jobs. And this one woman (assistant manager) picked on me for no reason, and try to make my working there hell. She wouldn’t stop picking on me, and at one point, my emotions were so angry and hurt towards her I was shaking (resisting), I had a vision to just hit her. But, Jesus stopped me. I suddenly had the feeling to think ‘what would Jesus do?’ Would He react in a bad way? I decided to NOT hit her, and just keep quiet, as I usually did. I said in my head, ‘if she doesn’t like me, that’s her problem, not mine. The only one I wan’t to please is God. That makes ME happy!’. So I carried on helping her at the till, and she looked at me and actually said ‘thanks’. Then, for the rest of the day (I forgot about earlier what happened) she came over to me and said ‘everyone, make sure Nicole is alright..’ And she was being the NICEST PERSON EVER to me for the rest of the day! Then I remembered, it was because I responded in the way Jesus told me to. I was soooo grateful! I praise my God!

    • hi nicole

      I am proud of you. You did what took me time to learn the hard way.

      we have to defuse the negative by being positive.!

    • Nicole,

      u said it well:
      “The only one I wan’t to please is God. That makes ME happy!’”

      So don’t act so generously with those who don’t love Him (at least sincerely try to).
      Jesus clearly explains who are our brothers & sisters (the robbed man parable).
      Only they deserve to be forgiven many times and to whom to turn the other cheek.

      Jesus wasn’t weakling at all nor someone to walked over by everyone.
      Just the opposite – made a whip n chased the traders, others rebuked non-stop as sons of vipers, pigs (the pearls), dogs, etc.

      Imo Gods goodness is often misplaced.

      For energy vampires is way more appropriate some stern attitudes than encouragement.
      Coz feeding doesn’t make them better just feeling well for awhile.

      To be faithful to God doesn’t mean to live without dignity or below others.
      It’s exactly the opposite.


      • good advice!

        may god bless you and keep you strong!

      • Mar 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
        Mar 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

        JESUS didn’t just say forgive our brothers. He said if we have ought against any.

        • expounding further on the word “ought” -that means anything-so if we have anything against anybody we are to forgive.

          There is no limit on the number of times we are to forgive in this particular instance.

        • This is a part of the prayer which is made in solitude.
          N concerns the state of general forgiveness which is not retaining a sin deep in the heart against any human being.

          It doesn’t mean acting submissively towards abusers at the moment of the action.
          Jesus is a total prove of the contrary attitude.

          It is for the ppl. who we know are of good will to act kindly and enduringly helping them overcome part of their character or temporal hard moment.

          21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
          22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

          These numbers are not random.
          Nor the question of Peter including the word brother.
          They suggest that for that amount anyone should be able to improve himself if he wants that sincerely.

        • i do not think the number of times is as relevant, but the WILLIINGNESS to forgive.

          The sinner may or may not provide the opportunity to forgive in person.

          Mark is further explained by Luke 17:3*4:

          Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

          And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.

          notice he says

          If he repents……

          he also says.

          thy brother….

          so repentence is expected


          the term brother is specific to either a physical brother, a fellow hebrew,or a fellow christian…..

          it does not a satanist who wants to cut off your head., for example


          and jesus never did show any compassion toward the unrepentant pharisees.


          despite this limitation, it is always best to err on the side of caution, and interpret the Word with as much mercy as possible, since mercy triumphs over judgment.

          for whoever shows mercy will receive mercy.


          because of this approach, there have been amazing stories of forgiveness, example…..holocaust prisoners forgiving nazi oppressors.

          while we ask god to help us forgive all who hurt us, it will not do the sinner any good unless he repents.

          if he repents, then we are obligated to forgive him.

          if he does not repent, the forgiveness is still in our hearts, and the final destiny of the soul is up to God.,

          this does not mean we give permission to sin by forgiving the unrepentant sinner…..this just means we keep the door open, and make it known there IS sin which requires repentance, and that by our own willingness to forgive, the person will see it is also so with god, and hopefully he will repent after all

        • “…i do not think the number of times is as relevant”

          It is & proves the point I made.
          It outlines a measure that distinguish those sincerely unto God.
          He would say indefinitely if he meant all ppl.

          Willingness is obvious in cases like Nicol’s when she is ready to go so much against her wellbeing.
          The actual reason that made me respond here.

          The “Luke” case when person alone comes and humbly ask forgiveness (without being given by default) is again different case.

          But bottom line we agree that devoted ppl. should have a divine sense of worth even specialness.
          Definitely not playing by the whims of lazy and inert guys thinking it’s required sacrifice for God.

          Having in mind so many careless ppl. around how can we ever build good n dignified life otherwise?!


  70. Another quick question. Do these people KNOW they are doing this? Because one time a girl was giving me the evil eye for no reason then I just started reciting scripture in my head (and putting on the armor) and the next second she like snapped out of it and was friendly towards me. Almost as if she didn’t even remember being mean to me in the first place. So do these people KNOW their being influenced?? Or is there mind like toooottaly gone while it’s happening?

    Also people have avoided me, like even walking past me, they avoid me like their scared. As if I have some sort of barrier around me (which I do, lol, the Holy Spirit) but it’s like is it because of the Holy Spirit in me or is it ME specifically. Because if you look at me in the flesh (which humans judge) then im well presentable. I keep my hair combed, a light touch of makeup, and nice regular clothes. And I’ve been told I was pretty and gorgeous from time to time so it CANT be my in the flesh making them run away from me or avoid me or feel the need to be alert around me. Right? Do they ever wonder why their running away or fear such a innocent well presentable girl?

    (its like 5 questions in 1 lol please answer them all im really trying to make sense of this )!!!!
    thnx luv, ❤

  71. I like this one, Marianne!!

  72. Hi Marianne……You are so inspiring……
    I would like to know….if i can help/protect my son, he is 19, by praying , with covering with a blood of Jesus Christ, even without him knowing……
    Marianne please pray for me and my son……
    With love!

  73. If more people were spiritually disecerning, there would be a lot less animosity in the world because people would understand that the “evil one”, the devil, has a hand in day to day events. People would not take things personally as much because they would undertand the dark forces at work and thus spiritual warfare. If Jesus was hated and persecuted, His followers will also.

  74. Knowing what I know now, I would glady go through what I have been through again because of Jesus and I am willing to endure more.

  75. I do not care the people. First of all, believe me. I have had a dream, that God spoke with me and told me that all of those that hate me,will go to eternal hell because they are not one with me and acquainted with me. Another dream, the Lord took me with him far away and brought me to the Mormon church and God said: Why will you pray me for these that you say they are your friends, and I told God: yes, they are. God pointed his finger and showed me and brought me what they were doing that were orgies that were horrible and disgusting and scary that I have never expected to find these group of Mormon orgies in the house of a friend where they were celebrating and having orgies at the feast of evening such oral sex and all of these things and so on… I ask God: Remove them from my eyes and God took away them from my eyes and I was scared and felt dizzy and tired and lost the strength and the faith and I asked God that I have never expected to see these things and thanked him for his advice and God said: They will go hell and they have no hope. I asked God: If they repent, is there a chance? God said: Perhaps, if they repent, if they come fully to my son and forsake their sins and keep my commandments, they will not. I asked him again: If it is possible to save them and bring them to heaven and seal them to eternal salvation? God said: It is not possible. I prayed to him and tremble and shook my legs and were impaled and asked him that what can I do? Then, God brought me to another dream and showed me that there was a cave where the people were yelling and screaming and was dark and there was a fire inside the cave and God brought me and my friends were there who were with me in school, and high school and neighborhoods, and I asked God: Why are they doing there? God said: Did you know my son that when they separated from you and these are the ones who hated me and forsook me and has given into beers, drugs, alcohol, sex, adultery, sodomy, homosexuality and all of these things that you did not do these like them. Then, I saw my gay friend in the cave hell, calling me and I saw him and I started to fly above him and saw him and God was still there waiting me and then God asked me to come with him that it is time to leave and then I left. I realized that the friends I met who were gays were not saved and are consigned in hell suffering for given into beers, alcohol, homosexuality and they believed in God but it was not sufficient because they did not keep the sayings of God. I woke up and I decided that I cannot save such people even I try to help them and save them. It was a hard job but I did my part. But, God promised me that few shall be saved . It is the hope that I give thanks to God.

    • dear Who is like God

      God is with you. We can only set a good example for others, and tell them about God. The rest is up to them. But God will bless you for caring for sinners. Keep in prayer and do what God wants you to do. He showed you all this for a reason.

  76. I am glad I read all these comments because I’ve had similiar experiences with people being hateful towards me. I’ve always felt close to God and had dreams about God, even as a little girl. It was strange. Some teachers would just give such a hateful stare and it scared me. They said cruel things. I’ve noticed it isn’t just one person who behaves in a cruel way. Others join in, usually a pair of people with other people acting afraid. In bad environments there is a atmosphere of fear and certain people thrive in that environment. I do need to pray more when this happens because I feel that I am under constant demonic attack where the devil uses people to hurt me. Even in Chuch I’ve seen this. I saw my professor at Church and she looked at me with such hatred and she had looked at me like at in school too and it was bewildering. I think the devil wants us to get very depressed. He wants us to become defeated. He wants us to wonder what is wrong with us so we can’t function. He wants us to take the hatred personally so we question our value and our worth. I’m not bad because people are cruel. Jesus still loves me. I think we have to think that: Jesus love me. I think we also have to forgive ourselves for wanting the approval of people because it wouldn’t hurt us if we didn’t want their approval. If we were confident in God’s love we woudn’t be as phased by people giving us mean looks and hateful glares. It’s hard sometimes to cope when we have to survive in the world and people are making our lives miserable and I think we have to pray and ask God for help, like you said, and ask others to pray for us as well. We can’t take the hatred personally. We can’t doubt our worth. We can’t forget about God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I think the hatred is a way to distract us and make us focus on the negative and it is a way to tempt us to seek the approval of others instead of standing strong with

    • hi Honeybunch

      You are on a good path. Learning to disregard the hateful looks of others can be very difficult, especially when their relationship, like your teacher, is significant to us. We just have to have confidence in ourselves, and God’s love for us, and show them we are above all that hatred.

    • HoneyBunch
      I think your right there, I have heard that cults use shunning of fellow members if they don’t conform to group think in order that the targeted member will buckle down and be a good follower then they shall be accepted. Although this behaviour sometimes happens quite ‘naturally’ in groups of people or family where you might say something and they all take offence and shun you, I usually at that point try to think about what I said to see if I was defiantly right, if I was I’d probably say the same sort of thing again.

      That doesn’t happen to me very often, but I am always immediately aware that God shall Judge sooner or later, or is he indeed judging me right at that moment? Because we are told that chastisement at the time never seems pleasant.

      I do think that it is primarily a spiritual manifestation and we shouldn’t try directly addressing the vessels involved. And as you said we should try not to judge them, try to forgive them and pray for them, and agree with God that His dealings with us are always right, and we can ask him why it is happening the way it does. I found David’s prayer helpfull

      ‘Psalms 17:13-14 Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword: From men which are thy hand, O LORD, from men of the world, which have their portion in this life…’

      The AV Translates this more literally than some other versions, some translators translate it differently because they think David’s prayer didn’t really make sense, how wrong could a modern scholar be?

  77. kp[

  78. I really thank God for this topic as I have been struggling with this issue for about 3 years. I would get people not liking me for no reason whatsoever. I too also used to wonder if there was something wrong with me and if I had a demon within me. I would call several pastor for deliverance but the same problem continued to persist.

    Last year (2011) I failed my placement twice both managers just hated me for no reason whatsoever. I also had alot of hatred and Jealousy in my church where I am very active in the prayer ministry and evangelism. People would not look at me straight in the face. I would also get the ones in the church that they would try to avoid me if the see me coming they would act like they have not seen me. I found it very upsetting and very distressing. It got to a point where I hated going to church. I would try all means to avoid and miss Sunday services and go and fellowship at another church. The women were always jealous of me. I also got the ones where they would not stop staring at me during the service. I also got women who wanted to dress like me (Which was very scary).

    This all happened last year and because of my course I went to my aunties church (They burn alot of candles incense, they wear white garment no shoes very traditional etc) I was really reluctant to go because of the fetish things they do. But because I was so desperate I followed my aunty. When I got there the prophet of the church said I had a mark of hatred and Jealousy on me which I foolish believed because of what I was experiencing in church, work, family ect. He said in order for this mark of hatred and Jealousy to go away that I had to bath in spiritual water for 3 days to wash away every bad spirits. However I refused to do this and threw it away. However 3 elders in the church prayed for me about the removing this so called mark of Jealousy and hatred. They then used a candle and eggs to rub my body with it to remove every misfortune and bad luck. After this when I went back to my church those people who hatred me and where jealous of me started liking me and talking to me etc they were also calling my phone ect and calling my name in the church. Its like I was now Miss popular, people couldn’t do without me. I had a false sense of confidence. I was even getting loads of phone calls and emails for people I didn’t even know. Despite all this My prayer life had gone, I was more into the things of the world and I was spiritually dead. I was finding it difficult to pray and speak in tongues. I no longer had the passion for the things of God. I knew that something was really wrong because I love God with all my heart and the desire that I had for him was no longer there.

    I had to repent to God and ask him to forgive me for what I had done and I believe he has forgiven and also for a new anointing which he gave me. I also went on a retreat and a lady prayed for me and broke all satanic ties to that church and anything that they had placed upon me.

    From the retreat I went to, I realised that this mark of hatred and jealousy that they were seeing was the mark of Gods glory and his presence. But because the church was very occultic they said it was an evil spirit and they tried to destroy Gods glory.

    Through this I learnt that the world cannot like you because we are not of this world.

    The shocking thing is that after I prayed and went for this retreat. I went back to church and experienced the same hatred thing again. Thats how I know now that they is nothing wrong with me but I am filled with Gods presence and the holy Ghost. I even experienced it again last week where one lady in my church tried to avoid me. I thank God that I went through all these things because it has made me stronger as a person and appreciate God more.

    It also made me to know that when you are filled with the presence of God darkness has to flee. I thank God for this post and know now that when I encounter people with demons to just build and have confidence.

    • dear lady angel

      you need to stay away from BOTH churches you describe.

      both are cults, and not of God, which is why one is mean, and the other is just plain strange.

      Find a new place, where people are loving and kind.

  79. Thank you for posting this article. I don’t know if I have the Holy Spirit covering me because I haven’t done anything to deserve His protection, but it’s nice to know that I’m not crazy. When I tell people who tolerate me that I get hateful glares and that strangers set out to hurt me they tell me that I have low self-esteem and/or that I’m being way too negative.

    For as long as I can remember, strangers have responded to my smiles with glares, they look me up and down, some say “ugh” (you would think I’m referring to children here, but no, I’m referring to full grown adults), some make a face as if they just smelled rotten fish and look away with their chin up towards the air. I try to be nice to people but they treat me as if I have some type of contagious disease so I get the hint that they want nothing to do with me and I stay away from them, but then they say I’m a b****, I’m conceited, I’m rude, I’m ignoring them and start making up things about me. And everyone is so quick to join in on the hate. Even if we NEVER interacted on any level, NEVER said a word to each, people instantly choose to judge me negatively on sight and contribute to the pool of lies already said about me with their own fresh set of lies.

    I used to believe that you get what you give and I foolishly held onto this belief until recently. “Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you” is the motto I live by so I’m a moron and always instantly assume that we can all be friends so I try to give all my kindness and love right away so I’m confused as to why I receive hate in return. Maybe I come off as annoying, but if I’m annoying is it really necessary to try to destroy me? Why can’t we just have an open conversation so we can work things out? Maybe if I stop having these expectations and accept that I’m wrong it won’t hurt as much. I still live by my motto out of fear of the Lord because I don’t want to anger or hurt Him.

    Recently a whole lot of people who I’ve never met before joined together and accused me of things I didn’t do and spread ugly lies about me. They went so far as to poison as many people as they could against me including the neighbors. Now everyone is using these lies as their “justification” for their hate and outright hostility towards me. I don’t understand how people are able to make accusations without solid proof. I don’t understand how people lie with such ease and insist they saw something that never took place. I don’t understand how people are so quick to believe lies. Are they that gullible? Are they that desperate to find a reason(s) to hate that they will instantly eat up lies and deceit? Don’t they care that God knows, hears, and sees all? Don’t they care that God knows they are lying and sees the harm they are doing?

    Sometimes it feels like even God hates me so I’ve been trying even harder to become a better person so that He will stop hating me, but the harder I try, the worse things get. I don’t leave the house anymore because of this. I don’t know to what degree people will act on their hatred and quite frankly it scares and confuses me and is too painful to deal with. I tell myself that God sees, hears, and knows so He will vindicate me, but I’m not so sure this will happen and if this does happen, will I be able to forget the pain? I wish it was only the hateful glares, but they actively set out to destroy me. I’m upset, angry, confused, hurt. I’m not asking for happiness, I just want to be left alone.

    Thank you for giving us a place where our voices can be heard.

    • Hi NeedtobeHeard. Is it ok if I email you? Please because I go through the same thing!! It would be nice to talk to someone who’s going thru exactly what I go through.

      Please send me an email thnk u.

      GOD BLESS ❤

    • It hurts like crazy . It leaves you questionning if something is wrong with you. Sometimes when I encounter this instant hate I think maybe I have the demon spirit and maybe the other person is of Christ and is discerning something bad in me and is therefore looking at me hatefully and it hurts . Its like I don,t know who I am in that instant and I am being defined by that hateful look on their faces. Why Am I so affected by this . I Have a lot of emmotional injury and sometimes I think People sense this and they join in on the bandwagon to do more hurt with their evil looks and stares.. Its as if its open season . JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO . Why then AM I still questionning if its me or them ? Hate comes from the Devil doesn’t it ? So if they showering Hate on me it must be coming from the devil . It Must means the devil is displeased with me . If the devil is displeased with me that is a good thing not a bad thing . Their is no condemnation in Christ . If something was wrong with me and in me would he not deal with the thing and not me . Or would he put the instant haters in my path to look upon me as if I were the scum of the Earth . HOW DID HE DEAL WITH SAUL ,SAUL SAUL WHY DOES THOU PERSECUTE ME ? IF there is something wrong with me wouldn’t Jesus deal with it in a way that I don’t feel condemned as I do when these Haters Throw there faces and hate at me . Jesus Convicts , He doesn’t condemn . CONDEMNATION AS IS FOUND IN THE EYES OF THOSE POSSESSING THE EVIL STARES COMES FROM THE EVIL ONE .

      HE COMES TO STEAL ,KILL AND DESTROY . Steal our CONFIDENCE that we are justified through christ . Kill our COMPETENCE and DESTROY our COMPOSURE by stealing our peace joy with his NASTY TACTICS . THE DEVIL IS AN ENERGY VAMPIRE. If there be anything wrong with us who experience this INSTANT HATRED is that we are probably affected because people approval do matter and we may be emmotionally wounded and more easily affected by this . But Jesus Doesn’t Condemn because of that he LOVES you back to WHOLENESS . INSTANT HATE IS FROM THE DEVIL . NOTHING CAN JUSTIFY THAT INSTANT HATE . IT IS FROM THE DEVIL .

  80. dear NeedtobeHeard

    Satan has been loose for a long time, and most people listen to him now.

    It is not you.

    Lean on the Lord for support, and protection.

    These days are quickly becoming so evil, that all those who were against you will be brought to judgment soon.

  81. @Needtobheard I agree with Marianne. Its not you, its because they see something great in you. Look at Joseph he was hated upon and soo much jealousy was around him. But in the end he was a great man of God. All those that hate you now will soon rejoice with you. Just keep your head up high and trust God with all your heart.

    • Thank you Marianne and LadyAngel22 for your kind words and encouragement 🙂 I will continue to ask God for protection and trust Him. God bless you both.

  82. Needtobeheard
    psalm 73

  83. So true. I agree. Also Abagail/ angel of the morning made a good point.

  84. That is so true, i thought i am alone, and something wrong with me…….all my life was very hard, seance little girl, my family members hated me scene i was little girl, my mom had 6 children including me, and i was born from my mom’s lover, and i was not welcome in a family by anyone and my siblings……but i was cute , and best looking from all of them, my journey started with hate, and that continues till now, i am 45 ……and sure many womens and some man hated me, I look cute,good it how my friends say and many friends including man, would say many woman would like to look like me, but i always was stragalling in jobs, relationships, always end up with wrong man , and i lost a lot opportunities in life, including my broken relationships, finances, because of how people hated me, and i don’t know why, and that i understand now that i was cursed, evil stole my life, and i would like to get back my life and start to enjoy my life, i left europe, and now i am in USA, and i gone true hard times here, and still going…….I believe now that Evil exist and stilling us lives……I would like some help, Marianne if you can put me on you praying list…….I read people testimonies, and it is sad so we need to deal with Evil daily……. i pray your prayer and sure is start to help, but i need to pray daily and always ask for God to go true the day…..

    • hi Valentina

      I put you on my prayer list. I pray that many loving relationships replace the evil ones, and you can feel God’s love in your life.

  85. Thank you Marianne, Thank you Marianne also if you can put on your prayer list my son , his name is Mantas……we both need help, We believe in God ,I believe in prayers …….

  86. Thank you Marianne ,and also thank you for your kindness……

  87. Something else I’ve noticed is people that you tell this to always make it seem like it’s you. I’ll tell someone it’s like almost everyone has something against me – name calling, rumors, etc. I’ll get the usual, “It must be you” and then I’ll say I don’t even know or have spoken to these people. It literally feels like it’s some secret code going on to let them know to hate you. Most people act like this nowadays and if you are different you are treated like garbage. They are hostile and are looking like they want a fight. I posted on this before and often refer back to this article when feeling down. I’ll keep everyone in my prayers as it is tough to deal with.

    • Hang in there Kiki,

      If you are born again, then you are God’s through His son Jesus, and you are dearly loved by Them.

      Really, what could be better than that?

      Don’t let the world out there bring you down. Pray to the Lord and He will lift you up. He is all you’ll ever need.

      Be blessed my sister 🙂


  88. i cant trust anyone, im alone alot men just want to use me females turn on me i try get education im being fought everywhere i go. even in church, i have no real friends i try to do stuff people treat me like i have a banana sticking out of my head i been tpold all sorts of stuff in church by leadership that god dont want me to have friends etc my family is evil i cant trust anyone been @ job almost 4 years treated like crap lied on etc they repay me evil for good landlord trying to put me out so her daughter can moive back in even though i pay her every month try to educate myself no one likes me in my class some talk to me but its fake others hate me and dont want to work with me for no reason. i cant focus to complete course and im afraid this is how it will continue to be if god is in control why is it this way ok demons exist but father son holy spirit is greater so why is it like this?

    • dear truth

      Yes, the enemy is winning a lot.

      Jesus came and had the Father send the holy spirit to equip us to fight.

      He did not say we would not have problems with the devil. That is why we have to know how to fight in the spirit, and put on the “armor of God” so that we will not be so wounded.

      So God has given us the weapons to fight with, the Word of God, faith, the holy spirit, but no one is using them. People are therefore losing battles.

      You must invest time in the Word to build up your spirit, so that you can resist the darts of the enemy. You must also allow the holy spirit full control over your life, and when you do, he will fight your battles for you.

      Do not give us. We have all been inadequate in our defenses, and have needed a more intimate relationship with God to fight better.

  89. I have felt cursed for the past year or so. I was told I was a negative person and that is the reason so much has gone wrong in my life. To the world I probably do look like I’m the cause of it all but the amount of hatred that has come my way when I am only being nice makes me believe that my interest in mediums etc and the fact that I am now reading the bible etc.may have something to do with it. Also a bunch of incidents happened to me that basically screwed me. There were a lot of conflicts with people regarding my schizophrenic daughter, I was up against a lot of egos and misunderstood and as a result am going through the worst time of my life. It would take a book to explain all these incidents but the timing of them could not have been accidental. Has anyone else felt actually cursed.

    • mary

      the hatred of others always feels like a curse, but it does not mean you deserve it.

      this post is to let you know that it is not you, but them, that are wrong.

      pray blessings over yourself each day, and put yourself under the blood of Jesus.

      the righteous are being afflicted now, so do not feel alone.

      if you were evil, they would not attack you.

      but because you are good, they do attack.

    • yes I can relate to what you have said because I can remember when all this started to happen and got worse from that moment. In 1994 I went to see a tarot card reader and feel that I had opened the door for these evil attacks and defiled myself in the site of the most high. I need prayer to overcome these curses on my life. please can you add my son Tyrese who is 14 and myself to your prayer list. thank you and got bless.

      • dawn

        i am sending you some prayers to close the effects of witchcraft on you and your son.

        Print them out and say them each day.

        I will be in agreement with you.

  90. Thanks for the supportive words, it meant a lot to me.

  91. Something really interesting happened to me the other day when I went to visit one of our work clients. I’ve posted previously about having lots of these experiences with people I did not know and how they seemed to hate me on sight. I used to think something was terribly wrong with me that I experienced so much rejection during my life but this really nice man, who I did not know, came up to me & said “Young lady, I just want you to know you have a beautiful spirit!” I said “Thanks! But how do you know?” He said back to me “I’m a preacher. I know these things.” That let me know right there that there was nothing wrong with me and that I was on the right track.

    Non-believers will hate you, but spirit-filled believers will also sense the presence of the holy-spirit in you and respond positively.

  92. Hello,

    I experience this feeling with my church family and some family members who attend the same church. I’ve been attending there almost 3 yrs. I learn from the sermons and their weekly bible study class. But feel lonely in my own church. i felt it was me being silly but it makes me sad because im so happy that i’ve accepted the Lord in my life and enjoy studying and worship more and more. These people have not changed how i feel about my salvation and christian walk, however where is the mutual fellowship of christian love we are supposed to share?

  93. How can I let the holy spirit take over my life when I have like 20 million people staring at me at once like they are ready to jump on me like white on rice??? Like i’ve done something wrong, when all im doing is sitting there like they are. That’s a big distraction……..and it distracts me from letting the holy spirit take over.

    And these people never leave me alone, they will do it whether im there fo 5mins to 5 hours…….how is this possible that they have nothing going on in their lives that they can spend 5 hours staring at me.???? crazy!

    • dear spirit girl

      Do not waste your time paying attention to these people.

      Go and do what you are supposed to do each day.

      Let god deal with them.

  94. I get stuff like this too from people but I’m not really christian, more spiritual agnostic. So, what is it? Why are people mean to me and act so judgemental?

    • hi jovie

      People with hateful spirits hate anyone with a good spirit.

      You do not have to do anything to bother them, so it is not your fault.

      Mean people are just mean, and they usually manifest when someone nice comes along.

  95. what if the hatred is not a spiritual thing, a situation which u know ur ugly. like me i have a shapless skull which makes me to look funny in the sight of people, i dont like going out because of the way people look at me. what could be the help i need?

    • dear afam

      it does not matter what your skull looks like.

      God made you, and that means you are not ugly.

      People have to respect god for what he creates, and not decide what is beautiful, and what is ugly.

      the bible said that everything god made was good.

      so if people love god, then they will treat you as good also.

      if people do not love god, then they will be mean.

      you do not need the help.

      anyone who rejects you needs the help.

      however, if you want medical help to change your appearance, you would have to see a doctor.


      • kim

        you are so right.

        it is God’s sovereign decision what each person looks like, and to mistreat someone because of their appearance is an insult to god.

  96. Thank you so much for this article,I’ve often wondered why people dislike me even before I’ve met them.It really bothers me,for instance I went to check my mail and there’s a family that moved into the neighbor maybe six months ago,the woman was standing in her yard giving me the most evil looks-she has done that since she moved in…I don’t even know her! This has happened all my life.I know it’s not me.I went online and this article is what I found,God Bless you your article made since to me.My in-laws have treated me with so much hatred for years yet they called me for years and asked me to pray for them…now it makes since.I could go on but I’ll stop here.Thank you so much and God Bless you.

    • hi jo

      I am sorry to hear this happened to you also, but at least be reassured that this is a common problem for believers. The secular world automatically hates us. I just had a problem with someone today on the phone. She did not even see me and she was rejecting. We have to look at ourselves the way God does, and not the way the world does. if we do, we will see something really nice, and something the world is missing out on. chin up. you are ok. you belong to the Lord.

  97. Reading this page has really helped me understand why. For five years now since day one at my job iv’e noticed some people cant keep there eyes off me like when an animal spots a threat. They look at me with pure hatred! Its like somehow i stand out. Its weired because i can somehow sense that hate and anger without even looking at them. Im a real nice and normal looking guy. I’ve never told anyone about this. When my coworkers walk with me they can explain why the dirty stares.

    • Julio

      It might help to approach people and say you notice they seem to be upset with you, and say you would like to talk it out, and resolve any problems. This way you show you are aware of their feelings, and would like to be friends. maybe that will help break down the delusions.

  98. I’m so glad I came to this Website. I can really relate to a lot of people here. I been going through this for years. Im 47 and still going through this. I thought it was just me. Its not me or you. People are really like that, Im still going through that myself. Everything I mostly do, now I do it by myself. I dont have friends, either like you people. It use to hurt really bad, but now I learn to hang out by myself. I’ve been rejected most of my life, I’ve never really had a good friend, I’ve never really had steady relationships, with guys, I’ve never had a close relationship with anybody. People at jobs hated me, too, harass me all the time. Its the Holy Spirit in us, our presence convicts their evilness, just a couple of weeks ago, I went over my brother’s house, with his family, he told me, you feel bad, because the family don’t like you. I said no I dont. They’re breaking all of Yahweh’s commandments, I feel bad about that. I dont think so. It would have really hurt me a lot, before, now I dont feel that hurt anymore. But praise Yahweh, I’ve learned so much about Yahweh, His given me so much wisdom. I’m an attractive woman, I’ve received so many compliments, on my looks, but they don’t compare to the compliments, I receive as a Christian, just last Friday, after church, I went to buy some food, and the guy at the counter, said, your face looks radiant, I felt extremely blessed. It remind me of Moses. Praise His Holy Name. I even get ignored at my church it doesnt hurt as much anymore. Believe me beautiful people, its not you. I’ve been going through this most of my life. Yahweh bless you, and keep you. Did you guys ever thought we might be the “chosen ones”. Yashua did say, they hated me first.

    • dear mc

      Thanks for sharing that. Yes, it is a very wrong thing, that this world is like this now. Many suffer unfairly. I pray that YHVH God keep you strong. It is almost over now. He will return soon.

  99. mc thanks so much for your website, I needed to fan out some of this with people that are going through the same thing. That already is a blessing to me. Yahweh bless u and keep u.

    • hi mc

      YHVH bless you too.

      Hang in there.

      This world is going down, and the righteous just have to hold on to their faith, and not look around, but look up.

  100. Another thing I hate is when you tell people how evil people treat you and they blame it on you like it’s your fault. I’ve had people know nothing about me and hate me with a passion. Making up rumors and lies out of no where. People are so evil and others are so quick to join in. This world is getting more evil.

  101. Kiki, u know, with “evil people”, you’re always to blame, its always your fault, you’re the one with the attitude, oh yeah, sweetie, of course its always our fault. Sometimes I wonder if they really admire us, but like so many people today, they have too much pride to compliment you on your good character. In a situation like that, you have to bind these people up. (Matthew 18:18). Its works for me. I’ve been harrassed on my jobs since I started working, finally in 07 Ive had it. I came home sobbing. I postrated myself to Yahweh (God), and I told him this has got to change, I cant keep going on with this, if its me, tell me, lets put the cards on the table, but if not give me wisdom, about it. A book I already had, flashed that instant, and He told me go back and read the book, so I did, so the Author, which he’s a delliverance Pastor, talked about how his daughter came home always crying, from being harrassed, and he told her bind the spirits up, behind them people. That woman that was harrassing me, she looked at me with such hatred in her eyes, so evil, I couldn’t take it anymore. The next morning I woke up a little bit earlier than usual to do this, honey honey honey this lady was as sweet as apple pie, She left me with my mouth hanging. I started binding up the spirits of: harrasment, evil eye, hatred, those where the main ones, she never again harrassed me again. Now in every job I have, if I sense the bit spirit of harassment coming from a person, I dont hesitate to bind those spirits up it works all the time. This woman who harrassed me she was a supervisor’s assistant, she had me going to boss’s office, everyday, for a whole year, she would put people to harrass me, I’ve gotten threatened, with these guys wanting to run me over with a running forklift, coming straight at me. Bind any spirits, you know are coming from that individual and also, name the person, you must speak. Honey it works, and no its not you.

  102. hi i grew up in a family that always did this punished me and took my voice ,rejection as its like they wanted to keep me down ,as too my dad always used power and control ,but it appears to be a spirit ,demon etc doing it as i dont talk to them now ,but i felt like i always had a gift from God ,is this why and at wrk i have had men and others try to suppress me and trick me ,and it has happened alot i do pray on it ,but i also felt and not that i want to give it power but i felt my family sends that subcontiously to me and the demon this possible?and also i had to wrk on alot of anger too ,because this type of spirit when people carry it it wants to do damage .

    • hi den

      Jesus said, if they hate me, they will hate you.

      yes, the holy spirit is hated by those with demons, as they consider you a threat.

      the holy spirit exposes evil, and they do not want to be exposed.

  103. The only people who understand this are people who experience it. If you tell someone who doesn’t how you are treated, they will brush it off. I lived a life like this, people are evil. I’ve heard being a loner or rejected is a sign of a highly anointed person. I will pray to God to meet people like me.

    • hi kiki

      You do not have to be alone here. Others are here who understand this evil, and how you are treated.

      May God bless you and keep you safe from all evil

      You are special, so do not forget that.

    • kiki your prayers are answered. … this whole page is wierd. good weird though and nvr thought i’d be on a page like this.
      I typed in rejection and hte into google and this is what came up. wow. You all sound like me. We all sound alike. Do you all realize this? I think we all need to pray in unison about the same thing. We all need to pray about love. Acceptance(by others) and a covering of the blood of Christ Jesus on us all. We are together in Christ Jesus,protected and in his love. No weapon formed agains’t us shall prosper.. and our loved ones and those we care about i pray for as well. And those who seek to do us harm.. i pray for them and for love to abound in them and to us. I shut the door to evil,hatred,lonliness,rejection to us all. And I ask the holy Spirit to keep everyone who has commented here and come here with needs.. to be blessed.. and heard by The Holy Spirit,Our Creator and Jesus of Nazereth. Restore our psirits and lives again Dear Jesus and help us,protect us and give us all love. Help us all to feel loved.. to have someone to love.. to give of ourselves goodness and kindness and to have it given to us as well. Help us to feel well. To feel good. To feel beautiful,happy and at peace.
      We are a beautiful people and I know in our suffering we are blessed and will be lifted out of our sufferings.. everyone one of us who reads this prayer. It is not by coinicidence we all feel the same and came here. You are the reson Dear Holy Spirit,Jesus Christ. To let us know we are not alone and that in you in our hearts.. we are all truly together. show us how to be.. teach us and help us,give us strength and courage and help us to be liked.. to be loved to have others see the goodness in us. I come agains’t hate. I come agains’t rudeness,meaness and all sorts of things that have hurt us. Please restore our lives and give us hope. A life of joy. Happiness and Peace. Help us to use the gifts within ourselves to be what you want Lord Christ Jesus and help others to be touched in goodness by our gifts and who we are as people. We are loved. We are not alone.
      Thankyou for this answered prayer..,,thankyou for making us a pecular people. You have said your people are that.. and we ask that you have others se it as a goodness. Help us to be be cared for.. to be loved.
      Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ,

  104. I am so thankful to have come across this website… I just finished praying and asking god to prepare my heart for this upcoming week to face people I really like who do not like me… I work with several women and the tension gets very high….I stay very focused on my work and just talk to god in the spirit wich seems to male the day go very fast.. This has happened my whole life and right now I’m completely without people coming around me.. Im not Alone because Jesus is with me :). I simply say ” father I do not understand whats going on but you do and I know that whatever is going on you are working it out for your greater good ” i will rest knowing whatever it is you are handling it”. I pray That the blood of your son Jesus Christ keep me protected from the enemies snare and have mercy towards those who are doing injustices… ” this is The first time in my life that I have read anything like this , what comfort to know I’m not the only one. .. It brings my understanding of what Jesus went through for my salvation to a whole other level… Thank you and bless you

    • dear Michelle

      My heart goes out to you, but I know you will be ok. You just keep trusting in God. You are in that hostile environment for a reason.

      This does not mean you have done something wrong. God may have you there to change the environment with your presence, or to witness for Him at an appointed time.

      May the blood of Jesus cover you each day, bring you continual peace, and give you strength, and may His light shine through you to win others to His love.

  105. Hi, I made a comment a while back and still get tremendous help with other people’s comments. I went to mediums so I thought that was the reason I am going through this but it seems others are also going through this for various reasons. I can have a temper so I’m not sure I am good enough to be one of the chosen ones. I feel people are going to be against me no matter what I do so sometimes I don’t get on well with them. Although I do a lot to help animals I feel I will be only judged on how I am with people. I feel I have to always go the extra mile in everything I do to be ok. I see around me the imperfections in others and they just seem to get away with it whereas I make one wrong move I am the worst person in the world. But most of all since I did go to mediums I have to be on constant alert because the amount of bad luck I have had can’t possibly be random and everywhere I go I see the numbers 91. I was left some money and things keep eating into it, faulty products, stray cats that I have to bring to the vet, two crazy jack russells, one of which I think a demon sent to me because after five months he is still pooping and peeing everywhere. My autistic daughter keeps saying things that are misinterpreted in her school. Mediums told me she had the ability so I wonder if something floats into her and gets her to say things to cause us trouble. My mother used to say someone was like “forty flying demons” when they were angry, I used to think this was funny, now I’m beginning to wonder if there is truth to it. Anyway thanks for the help and support I have received from this site and I feel for all of you because I know just how it feels.

    • Mary

      You are REALLY going in the wrong direction.

      Going to mediums has opened the door for demonic activity in your life.

      You need to repent of this, stop, and ask Jesus into your heart, and ask HIM to be the Lord of your life.

      If you are covered by the blood of Jesus, you will be protected from curses. If you are not covered, you will not be protected.

      This does not say the devil will leave you alone, but at least with the help of the Lord, you will be able to fight back.

      Right now, you cannot do that, because of your choices.

      Say this prayer each day, and I will agree with you in prayer

      Prayer Against Witchcraft Control

  106. I don’t go to mediums any more and don’t intend doing so now that I know more about the subject, at the time I never would have dreamed that I was doing anything wrong, just wanting to hear from my parents again. I am building a relationship with Jesus now and Our Lady as I’m catholic. There are quite a few ex mediums and satanists who after turning to Christ have never been bothered by demons again so why do you say I will always be bothered by them. Also I know I joked about the pets in my life but I would like to hear more christians talk about the necessity to be kind to them. Thanks for the prayer, I will say it.

  107. Ok so I get all the same reactions from people that everyone above gets. But what about when you meet someone who has NO reaction to your holy spirit? However the person is NOT a believer in God at all. But when you come around they don’t get hateful, or fearful, or have any type of adverse reaction such as (coughing, running away from you etc)…

    There is this guy at my job who actually has a warm presence. But he does not believe in GOD. Usually when I walk into my job I get those negative reactions cuz of my holy spirit, but this guy doesn’t react the way everyone else does. He doesn’t shoot his head up at me and give me and evil glare, he can actually be around me and not tremble in my presence. He isn’t affected by me AT – ALL.

    The crazy thing is, people give HIM the same reaction they give me. Nervous around him, fearful, people talk about him..but this guy doesn’t believe in GOD at all. So what is this???????????

    • dear Kirgrl

      the negative reaction is caused by the presence of demons on the hateful people.

      he just does not happen to have any demons influencing him.

      it also may be that the holy spirit is working on him, and someday soon, he will be saved, so if this is true, then the demons will see the holy spirit with him, and react against him.

    • Satan hates anyone who is kind and good. That includes nonbelievers. Satan wants to spread hate and misery. Well, Satan uses religious people all the time to make Christians look bad and to slander Christ, such as people using the bible to justify homophobic hate crimes or slavery, or worse yet, those crazy religious cults who believe in having multiple young wives to “get into Heaven” like Warren Jeffs. Such people make all Christians look bad.

      • Dear Michelle

        Polygamy (multiple wives) is common in the O T, and no where condemned in the BIBLE in general. The ONE WIFE restriction is SECULAR man made LAW. Have a nice day.

  108. Because they are communists. That’s obvious.

  109. You know what. There is no freedom. I am just saying they are communists. You only know it. Do not tell to the people because there are people who support it and will hate you and will unite each other and put you down because people do not agree the Anticommunism ideals. It is better to say just here but not to tell to the people because you are always in risk that people can kill you. It is better to seal your mouth and not mention it. Just write here and express with freedom. It is better not to tell unless you get in trouble with them. Communists are bad people. If they hate me, I know they are communists. It is a sign.

  110. I am not communist, and need freedom and I am in United States, and not in Russia, Cuba or Nicaragua or Venezuela. I believe in freedom and the freedom to believe in God and the freedom of expression and the freedom of speech. I believe people who do not give me freedom is a communist. I do not agree communist party.

  111. A person who does not believe in God is a communist. These are very dangerous people and are terrorists. We got to be careful with these people. We gotta stay quiet.

  112. Russia put in jail to the people who go to churches and sometimes, they killed people who refused to follow their laws and constitution because they continued to worship God. Cuba, have many people slain because they believed in God and wanted freedom. So, we especualte people who do not believe in God.

    • dear anonymous

      I am glad you can live here, with some freedom. I know that this darkness wants to spread to america also, so we must use wisdom and make friends who are good and not bad.

  113. The number #1 thing I hate with this is when people say it’s your low self-esteem or you have to be more assertive. Doesn’t matter how much the people treat you like garbage, if you stand up they get worse and more vicious. I spend most of my days home now, unfortunately every job I’ve had I had this treatment. It has affected me mentally for years, now I am getting physical health problems from this. I have zero friends and when I honestly say I’m alone I am. My mom is my only friend. I just wonder why I have to go through this continuously. But, everyone has a cross to bear. To others, out there just know there is someone else suffering through the same thing.

  114. Thank you and I thank God for leading me here. This was an answer I had long stopped looking for.

  115. I wasn’t going to post again, but I do have one question. This is something that has gone on my entire life as well. I was a socially awkward little girl. I find some people will respond positively to me now that I’m older I have also slowly built up a thicker skin, but what did it mean when I was tormented by the same kids for years in private school then high school, long before I ever came to Christ? Sorry for the double-post.

  116. I cried my eyes out reading all the comments on this forum because for the first time in my life I feel ‘hey you’re not alone’ there are people are there going through the same battle and struggle as you on a daily basis. I have strangers hate on me from ‘”hello” to good friends turning nasty and vicious towards me. Even spreading vicious rumors that sent me into deep depressing at the age of 16. I spend a whole year at home hiding from the world. I am always that girl that had to prove herself the most to friends, family, colleagues etc. I have been single for 8 years now, all my life I have only ever had ONE relationship at 16 which was very brief, every time I like someone and its all going so well then all of a sudden he either stop talking to me, turn nasty towards me, or go off with someone else. Ever since I was 14 I was told I should be a model, I got scouted couple of time but the moment I step a foot through the agency I see the other agents faces change is like they’re dying to sign me on but something is holding them back. And worst part is everywhere I go strangers will comment “are you a model?”, “you should be a model” is all i have been hearing all my life and yet no one will sign me. So I let that go! there’s only so much rejection one can take. Another thing is finding a job I have years of customer service, admin, receptionist experience and yet no one will hiring me. Every time a job recruitment calls me is a scam or commission jobs.
    My mother cannot stand me. She favours all my 4 siblings but when it comes to me sometime I have to hide away in my bedroom. I try so hard with her but no matter what I do there’s no love for me from her, I’m not a bad person I’m a A* student with a degree I’m respectful and have good manners. My father passed away few years ago I feel like I have NO ONE to turn to. NO ONE cares or understands I cry almost everyday of my life.
    I don’t have true friends, all my friendship dissolve quickly. People look at me like my life is prefect because I never let me see me weak. I am scared I’m going to end up alone and lonely with no job, no boyfriend/husband and no real friends. I learn how to cheer myself up and put a smile on my face but that’s short term fix.

    Whatever wrong I did to God I’m TRUELY AND DEEPLY SORRY or to any soul that I may have hurt in the past. The last time I felt true happiness I was 7 years old.


    • dear London

      It is them that should be sorry. But they aren’t. The devil hates beauty and goodness, because he is so ugly and evil. It is jealousy. He wants anything positive and holy destroyed.

      God had given you a gift of being attractive to help you in your life, but instead those around you hated you because they were jealous.

      You cannot change their minds, because they are tainted and just wrong. they are full of sin themselves, and do not repent.

      The Word says that in the last days, the love of many will become cold, and iniquity would abound. That good would be called evil, and evil would be called good.

      Many are being martyred now because of their goodness. Many are being dismissed from jobs, slandered, physically attacked, rejected, etc.

      This is what you are experiencing now.. Many others are as well. once there is a pattern of rejection over you, then the demons influencing new contacts see this and reject you also.

      While you cannot change the world, you can do some things for yourself.

      Put it all in God’s hands and give your heart to him.

      Pray blessings over yourself each day, and ask God to give you favor with people, and to cancel any curses in Jesus name.

      Curses are witchcraft, so this must be cancelled with prayer. Here is an example of such a prayer. You can modify it to fit your situation.

      Prayer Against Witchcraft Control

      Here is also a prayer for single women

      Prayer for single women

      Pray for those you hate you, that their eyes be opened to right vs wrong, and that they repent and give their hearts to Jesus.

      Pray that what the devil has meant for evil will be changed into good.

      Do not give up.

    • Hi London,

      We understand you, you’re not alone. It is painful to love someone who you feel doesn’t love you in return as in the case with your mother. It is painful to be hated at first sight. I also understand when you think that God is punishing you. You may feel like you have no one to talk to, but you have God to talk to. He may not answer, but you feel a little relief when you bare your heart and soul to Him.

  117. Friend,

    I have enjoyed reading your post here. I suffer this phenomenon, but I am not “religious” by any stretch. I do believe in the Force of Life, the All That Is, you call it God, and that’s alright with me. I have my own beliefs. I was raised Christian, but questioned too many things, and sought my own spiritual path in life. I feel as if I have been led into a better life by following the nudge in my soul from this Force. I quit drinking before I got in too deep, and I know I was on the cusp of having a real problem. Somehow, someway, I woke up one day and just lost my taste for it. I even still keep drink on hand for visitors and such, but it’s been months and I have not touched a drop. It does not tempt me. It has no power over me. So many fears removed from me by the “god” as well, and I have nothing but gratitude. This has been a powerful year for me. I feel as if I have been transformed into a better human-spiritual being by “god”.

    My social life, however, STINKS. People seem to either love me or hate me. I have been told that I have intense eyes. I tend to look people in their eye, so I can read them. I like to sense people, it’s just an instinct. So many tell me that I am “paranoid” or any manner of nay-say when I confess that I feel marginalized and ostracized by most people. I think there is more to it than that, because I have never been diagnosed with any mental problems. I like people just fine, but I have been the object of such intense hatred and disdain for no apparent reason ALL my life. I was always different, the oddball.

    I tried so hard to fit in in my younger days…now, I have a screw them all mentality. Not that I would leave anyone in need stranded, but I no longer care what people think about me. I admit, however, that I still wonder what it is about me and others that some people find so off-putting? Your post has got me thinking about the spiritual aspect of this big time. I know i am not a wretched individual, and I’m not implying the people who hate folks for no good reason are either. Like I said, I am not religious…but I do wonder if there is some beacon or signal shining from us that only our higher selves can read that others pick up, that perhaps, don’t have so attuned themselves? Maybe they are confused or jealous of us? Intimidated?

    I’m just walking through this life trying to live as gently as possible. I mean no one any harm. It tends to hurt when you have to bear the brunt of such things, but maybe your hypothesis is on point.

    • hi nina

      Since you are not religious, but I believe still spiritual, I will try to explain this differently , so you can relate to it.

      Every person has a spirit, which generates a living force field around them. This field can be “read” by others. You may have heard of auras…that is what this is……we sense this about each other…what kind of spirit someone has…and react to this..some can actually read colors around a person, and read their mood.

      if you also have penetrating eyes, then someone with a secret to keep might feel uncomfortable., as if you have discovered their secret, and react against you….this does not mean you have done anything means you have activated their sense of guilt and they don’t like it….they are guilty, not you!

      the bottom line is that you have bumped into a group of people who have things to hide, and you need to find more pure hearted souls who are not wrapped up in their own guilt, and trying to hide it.

      I would not give up on people. There are many, still, yes hard to believe, that have open hearts and spirits…and would make good friends.

      do not worry about the hateful people…..just move away from them, and realize there are hateful people who hate everyone, not just you.

      stick with your lovable friends, and enjoy them.

      your social life does not stink…the hateful people stink. 🙂

      I think you have done alot to improve your life…look for others who are trying hard too.

  118. Wow, thank you for such a thoughtful and gracious (and fast) reply! It’s good to know you are not alone when you are going through a confusing and frustrating period in life. I try and keep my spirits up, and truth be told, I always do. I can never stay mad long anyway, there is just too much to be happy about. I have to walk my baby girl to the bus stop each morning, and every parent at the bus stop seems to glare at me except this one couple that actually are kind to me.

    I don’t know what I have done to these people? I have never said an off word (or any word) to any of them. My child has never done anything to them. I never kicked their dog or stole their fries…man, I just don’t get it? When I say glare…I mean I can sense the animosity, hatred and blackness coming from them. For no reason, this…and how much energy does that require when a smile would do? I gave up smiling at them when my smiles were met with cold ice and a quick flip of the hair and necks turned away.

    It’s amusing, however, these same ones )one in particular) go out of their way to be chatty with other people at the stop and even the bus driver, and make it a point to talk loudly and in a very friendly manner to all except me. They really have kicked it up a notch since our new neighbors have become acquainted with my family and I (the ones that are kind to me). I just have to laugh, because I don’t get it.

    I could not even waste the energy to be so spiteful and malicious to anyone. It just seems so illogical and wasteful given my take on life…it’s short on this plane, and it’s all about being the best you that you can be. Why be hateful? That seems to be intuitively counter-productive to the spirit. And if there is a problem, why not just address it and be done with it? Maybe if they said “Nina, I don’t like your orange shoes and the way you fix your hair.” You know, then at least I’d know. Not that I would change a darn thing, but knowing would be cool.

    It stinks to not even know what you’ve done, and if you are correct (which I believe) about this spiritual thing, then that is pretty sad that some people have allowed themselves to become so corrupted and nasty. I still walk around here all the time with my head held high and a smile for everyone because I know I am a child of the Universe. I am no more, or no less, than anyone else, and they can keep trying, they can even make me question them, but they will never take my light from me. I’m so grateful to have stumbled upon your page here. Many blessings be upon you, and them haters too! Bless them, they’ll be alright one day.


    • I found this blog after searching under why strangers hate me, stare etc; been experiencing this crazyness since 2005. In 2009, I found gang stalking online, and read similar stories (but more about government after people, skull to head tech – but sounded way to crazy to me). Don’t go down that rabit hole, folks. However, it didn’t satisfy my curiousity.

      Reading this blog today, and reading all the other thoughtful comments, I feel such relief that I’m not alone in this dark experience. I, too, proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, and the only way we can be reconciled back to God. Christ was the last sacrifice (it is finished) – the end of Mosaic Law/works. We do good works now not for salvation but because of salvation.

      This craziness creeped into extended family in so much I had to go no contact with some of them. So not only strangers but very close family members. My own family is strong – long standing marriage, two beautiful children, fiancial stability, every desire of my heart has been fulfilled. This one family member, whom I had to go no contact for constant lying, false accusations, slander campaign, controlling – sociopath behavior – a true wolf in sheep’s clothing. She would always make sure to step out in an exaggerated way to look me in the eyes with glee, can never understand because it was such an unnatural act. In short, it was creepy. This same person would always say, “God has blessed you.” It was in a mocking tone, and she would say it All The Time! It drove me crazy. Before I broke contact, when she said it the last time, I said and you too are blessed and x person and y person, and I began to list all their blessings too.

      Returning back to strangers, I had it just this Sunday after church. It ruined my attitude all day because it triggered adrenaline – fight or flight response. I went into a McDonald’s to buy two cones since the drive-thru line was backed-up. The young cashier was fine with the people before me, but when I stepped up to order, she began to act nervous, looked scared of me, shifting her eyes to the group of people who just ordered. Then at the same time, another patron began staring at me intensly. I stared back at her like what’s your problem (so unChristian, I know, especially right after church). For a long time, I thought my ex-family members had made false accusations to land me on some police watch list, hence my gang stalking rational. I still think that could be case and don’t want to get into particulars here.

      I can not begin to tell you the physical and mental ramifications. PTSD, IBS, depression.

      I wonder if any of you experienced sleep paralysis and excruciating pain in solar plexus, like being pushed down into bed? Do lights go off and on in your house, night terrors? Are you hypersensitive, love animals, feel other peoples pain, sense/discern deception in others? I’m just seeing if there are commo denominators at play here.

      In October, I was at Barnes and Noble and felt mobbed/followed in the isles and stared at by these four people. I began praying in my head, my head down pretending to be reading a book. Then a peace passed through me, and when I looked back up, they were gone. That external pressure, fast heartbeat was gone. When I was leaving, I saw two of the people, and they were acting normal. There was peace. It reminds me of the movie Fallen with the great Denzel Washington. I believe at the end of movie, they play Symphathy for the Devil by The Stones. “Been around when Jesus Christ had His moment of doubt and pain, made sure that Pilot washed his hands and sealed his fate. Please to meet you hope you guess my name, but what’s been puzzling you is just the nature of my game.” Aren’t we all puzzled here, leading us to this blog???

      God bless each of you going thru this. You are not alone. Pray thru it. Jesus will never leave or forsake you.

      • Megan

        your family member has demons that feel threatened by you, so she says god bless you to throw off the suspicion that she is infected.

        one of the apostles had this problem. they were preaching somewhere, and a woman kept following him kept shouting out that he was from god.. she was so annoying that he told her to basically shut up, and told her demon to come out.

        you may have to say something similar…..when she does this, tell her to repent and ask jesus into her life. and he will deliver her

        demon infestation is rather common…… just assure yourself that it is them, not you. bless yourself when attacks happen, not them, and go on your way….if someone is ignoring you like at the food place, then command attention so you can get your needs met and you can leave….

        I have not been attacked in the same way as you have, but I have had a demon come visit me at 4 am before, the angels around me scarred him away and he has not been back. I have felt pressure or an “invasion” into my stomach on one occasion as a jezebel “prayed” for me in church…..I do sense other people’s pain, which is why I spend so much time here trying to help others.

        each person can experience attacks differently..

        • Could you explain the demon to me? How can you possibly know if a “demon” visits you and that angels scared it away? Can you explain at all?

          • michelle

            I saw the demon. he opened my bedroom door and started to come in. when he saw the angels, he backed off and left. some witches sent him over but it did not work. praise god….

            • Could you please explain what it looked like? How the angels looked like? I mean, how did the incident really play out, in detail? I only ask because I feel as though God has called me to research the paranormal (such as ghosts and UFOS) because they are deceptions by demons aka the fallen angels. They sometimes are said to leave behind burns, scratches, implants, and people even report missing organs and little scoop marks from the UFOs so there is evidence. What did the demon look like, was there any physical evidence? Are you sure it was not just a bad dream?

              • michelle

                I was wide awake when it happened, and then could not go back to sleep after. It was a dark figure, faceless, about the size of a normal person. It slowly opened the door. I laid there and watched it. then it stopped, and backed up, closing the door as it went. I did not see the angels, just assumed that was what stopped it. I was also very focused on WHO was coming in my room, in case I had to call for help.

  119. Hi Marianne; I was talking to one of my neighbors yesterday outside. At one point in our conversation I turned my attention to look at something across the street, and when I looked back at him he had what I could only describe as an expression of total disgust on his face. I was shocked at first (what in the world did I do to merit such an expression?), and then it made me feel really bad (am I that disgusting?). I think he may have even seen the shock in my face, as his expression changed instantly once we made eye contact. It should be mentioned that I have had some bad ‘vibes’ about this guy for a while now; I am now convinced they were 100% justified. I don’t have a clue what his deal is, but there IS something very creepy about him….

    • dianna

      Well, at least he did not do anything to you. spirits are everywhere, and very few people don’t have them. Only those with the presence of the holy spirit can be protected, and even then, they have to keep their guard up, and stay close to the Lord. Difficult times.

      • Hi again Marianne; it is so strange you called me Dianna – even when I listed my name as Diana. Legally, my name is Dianna so that kind of freaked me out a little! I wish I could say that this particular incident with this particular neighbor was what led me to finding your blog, but unfortunately it isn’t. His behavior (undoubtedly hateful glare) just reinforced a general feeling of uneasiness that has crept up in me over the past few months. For an unknown reason, I have suddenly felt ‘shunned’ by my female neighbors. Women that were previously somewhat friendly, are now for the most part aloof. I say for the most part, because some days they will behave a little friendlier than others. It is rather unpredictable, which at least for me is worse than them maintaining one stance or the other consistently. I never know what I am going to be dealing with when I encounter them, which makes it hard to prepare myself emotionally. (In case any of you are wondering…I HAVE to deal with them as we all have young children and are at the bus-stop 2X daily M-F.) .
        This ‘atmosphere’ has been giving me a great deal of anxiety, pain, and stress. Nobody wants to be somewhere they feel unwelcome – and that is how I have felt the past few months. I have been told I am being too sensitive, making something out of nothing, and so on (my husband). So in addition to feeling like a Pariah, I have found myself questioning whether the situation I perceive is something I am just manufacturing in my mind. So, now I feel shunned and nuts. That was until…I got the icy evil look from the husband of one of the women. That was something tangible that could not be mistaken as a ‘perception.’
        In case you were wondering, nothing bad has happened in the neighborhood to bring this about. No conflicts with anyone, etc. After much thought, I have come up with 2 things that might be catalysts for this change:
        1) the ‘queen bee’ mom (I call her this because she seems to be the popular one everyone loves) was talking to me a few months ago about the show Long Island medium or whatever and asked if I watched it. I said no I don’t watch paranormal type stuff; she asked why and I explained that it was forbidden in the Bible. I also explained that just watching things like that can give evil spirits a foothold to come into your life and harass you. She pretty much laughed at me, then went on to explain that she isn’t religious and disagreed with too many things she was taught as a child in church. This only lasted a few minutes, but in hindsight I wonder if that brief exchange could have brought about the change in attitude.
        (This same person (along with several other neighbors) have had much to say about the old people who used to live in this house; they were Mormon and everyone around here ostracized them for that. Everyone wanted to know if we knew them or were Mormon when we moved in. Very odd. ) We aren’t Mormons, but seem to be ostracized also.)
        2) A new family moved in a few months ago; I befriended this woman and we were on the road to becoming friends (or so I thought). Next thing I know, she doesn’t really speak to me at all – and her and the Queen-bee mom are best-buddies. I find the timing to be strange. Their budding friendship happened about the same time I began to feel like a Pariah. She has a baby about my age, and everyone fusses over him and pays lots of attention to him – and now they all completely ignore my baby, as well as me. That really hurts because my baby doesn’t understand why they won’t respond when she tries to get their attention; all she knows is that they used to talk to her and pay her attention. Ugh.
        I should add that when we first moved in to this neighborhood, people were *so* unfriendly that it actually brought me to tears and I did not want to live here. (This is unusual as we have lived all over the country due to my husband’s job; never felt that unwelcome anywhere else.) They seemed to warm up a little bit after a while (some of them never warmed up and still never speak) – and I thought things would be tolerable. Not so much.
        I can tell you that all this drama really steals my peace; it is hard to be happy living here. I don’t need people to love or even necessarily like me, but it would be nice if they could be civil enough to speak and be polite.
        I am unsure if this has anything at all to do with spiritual discernment, but I really feel I am under some sort of spiritual attack (or maybe just moved into a set of Desperate Housewives). We are new to this state, so I don’t know if maybe this is just how people behave around here. Any thoughts, anyone?

        • hi diana

          It sounds like the queen bee mom has been talking about you behind your back, and everyone knows but you. There is no way to know what she said. You identified yourself as a christian, and that is all it took for this sweet witch to go against you. You will have to realize that as christians, we will be rejected in the end times.

          Try not to be too disheartened, because our time of departure is near. Our Lord is coming soon. Also, if people listen to gossip, then their friendship would only be a trap and a web to get caught into. Try to find friends outside this neighborhood group. And encourage yourself in the Lord. When you are around them, just pray silently for strength. Give it all to HIM, and he will sustain you.

          • Diana,

            Please stay encouraged, and keep your head up (especially when having to interact ie bus stop.) queen bee seems threatened by
            you and probably turned the other neighbors against you. If she did this to you, she will do this to the others as well, just give it time. In the meantime, take care of yourself and your loved ones. God loves you so much, and this too shall pass.


            I have a question, more like an observation; several times now by family and people I didn’t know too well, they would make it appoint to look me in the eye. Several times a lady gently grabbed my face and stared into my eyes. Another women stared into my eyes and said I had a strong spirit, and of course a family member would creep me out by going out of way to stare into my eyes. Why?

            • Megan

              they are strange. they seem to recognize that you have a strong spirit but do not know what that means. maybe you should tell them about jesus


  120. Why is it that everyone who has posted a reply on here “claims” to have good spirits surrounding them? Apparently this is the reason people do not like them; it is everyone else that has bad spirits. I just want to point out that perhaps you all have bad spirits that need to be worked on, as well. Perhaps good spirits in others may be reacting negatively towards you. In reality, if we all had good spirits, then we would not be having any of these problems. (It is also evil to pity and feel sorry for yourself. Who cares if someone does not like you? That person probably does not like most people).

    • m

      that is true. this post is addressing people who have been victimized by bad spirits. Advice for those who possess the bad spirits would be a different post.

    • M,

      It’s so much more pervasive than someone not liking you. This experience that the majority here are so perplexed about has to do with total strangers Who Do Not Know Us – our charactes,, our personalities,, our values, our hearts. Trust me, this is not a singular episode of random haters. I liken it to a virus of hate. It’s soul-crushing not knowing why.

      In my experience, I know I pissed off a few family sociopaths who hide under a Christian persona so well it took me 40 years to see the complete picture (had bits and pieces song the way). It wasn’t until i was anle to compare notes with another that the veil of deceit came down. In 40 years, i was never able to compare notes because of such alliance and allegience to the sociopaths. On a couple of occasions, I witnessed their
      pathological lying and 2 face behavior that would make your head spin like Linda Blair. Their charm could sell you waterfront property in Kansas.

      They projected who they are on to me and I lost my whole extended family except one sister who left them 10 years ago.

      I say all this because what some of us are going through could be a smear campaign by a pissed off, threatened sociopath or two. By the time you are aware, the damage is done. Their distorted reality of you bleeds into society, into your nneighborhood, family. The goal is to destroy you, your spirit, and prove the lies they are saying are true. They liken themselves as gods and these are their funny games. They target the perceived weak – the honest, truth seeking, the loving.

      I will teach my children about these sociopaths who live among us, and how to look for the red flags. Because I was raised by them, I was also primed/groomed by them for future sociopaths.

      Do private reaserch on sociopathy and smear campaigns, and don’t let them know you are on to them – it will be your biggest mistake.

      • hi Megan

        I understand completely. You are talking about Jezebel, known as sociopaths in the secular world.

        I have posts on that too. That is taking hate to a whole new dimension. I have seen and experienced the damage first hand, and their damage usually lasts forever, even if you stop them.

        Jezebels, sociopaths, are like scorpions that act on animal instinct. There is no reasoning with them. The hate is less emotional. They have no compassion, no feelings for their victims. They just act to exterminate whatever gets in their way.

        • Hi Marianne,

          Thanks for your reply. It’s true about how unemotional they are. I can recall one of my last telephone conversations where this person was calmly and casually denying reality. It made me scream. I was so mad. I even said in response to the outright lying, “Don’t you fear God?” Got no response.

          I loved these people so much, trusted them, and to come to this ugly truth put me in a full-blown panic attack. Now, I trust very few people. That verse about your enemies being in your own household rings true right about now. This separation is painful but necessary.

          Thank you for your spiritual take on life’s mysteries like being hated on site for no reason. One of my theories is the behind-the-back smear campaign. Trust me, my sociopaths are so good at planting distorted truths. They speak in generalizations and say something like “X did something so bad, you don’t even want to know. You will go ballistic.” This leads
          the listener to come to their own speculations be it abuse, criminal acts etc. Did this to me about others, and I would treat X like dirt moving forward. That was a fake reality just for Megan. X had another fake reality for X and Y and Z. If I didn’t live this nightmare, I wouldn’t believe people, especially family, could be so deceitful. Christ says to the pure all things are pure to the evil all things are evil.

          Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Woe to a man who finds himself in the hands of a living God.


  121. Whew! Here on Christmas alone again and only due to that very problem I have. I have always known it was the Lord over me that caused this. But for whatever reason, mine is amplified it seems. I wonder why? With my own immediate family, the Lord has literally shown me in a dream recently, that the enemy is winning his battle with them. That the enemy is also actually using them to attack and hurt me. So heavy! I continue on, working out ways to survive and protect myself in the most basic earthly sense (finances / basic survival). But I have completely given up the “corporate / business / career world” because I am only taken out quickly and set back further than where I started. This has effected everything in my life BUT my faith in Jesus! But to me, it all only confirms what He HAS told me about me, His gifts for me and every message of the Lord in His Holy Word. Amen! I believe I am a very beautiful (spiritually), and have eternal star like qualities all intertwined in the Holy Spirit. We all do, that LOVE Him. Mine is super instense for whatever reason. Again, who knows why? But I can’t wait to find out! God bless everybody in here and thanks to the writer of this awesome blog!

    • dear special k

      hang in there. it is really hard when the devil uses your family against you. It can be very discouraging. And when it happens at work, it is a crisis, since you need money to survive. But continue to trust in the Lord. It will all be for a good reason. you will soon get your reward. be blessed.

  122. Thank you so much, Marianne! And I will definitely be asking for prayer in familiar Christian circles the way this post says I should do. All of my life this has been with me. It’s totally wonderful to me to know (for myself) THE God of the universe has SUCH intense presence over me and my life, but I have never had a normal life because of it. I have mostly struggled, because it can effect everything! Also, something – how can you even talk about it, and with whom? Most would think I was completely bent upstairs. Anyways, this is THE first place I’ve heard this talked about (this kind of spiritual warefare). It was SO encouraging to me and makes it easier to understand now. (Even though I knew this was basically what was going on). To read it – really helped, as well as all the others that have posted similar struggles and attacks of the darkness. Thanks again, Marianne! I will continue to visit your blog here! May God bless you on this special Christmas day!

  123. I think it is not hatred. It is not getting the right tuning with someone and you should never blame yourself for this.

  124. There are some people who hate me on our streets and some on other streets who hate me and they show it.

  125. I’ve been battling this most my life but,not as bad as last year. This female and her brother been harassing “me”not my husband. Every since we moved here she has lied on me and,got most the neighbors to stalk me because I keep to myself. Now my husband turned on me . He doesn’t get why they hate me he assumes its something I done. But I know better. Not to mention I smell drugs coming from their apartment. I’m at home during the day with 2 kids and no car . My spirits were low until I found this. Thank you.

    • dear Tanya

      You are a child of God, and highly valued in his eyes. Stay separate from the world, and in His presence. You will have your rewards.

  126. I’m in my 40’s but ever since I was a child I would have a sense or feeling about people, whether they were good or bad. As I got older, I learned to trust my instincts with regard to people. I attributed the reason for people not liking me or distancing themselves from me was because I’m kind of quite. I’ve even thought that I must be carrying myself in a way that turns people off, or my facial expression must turn people off. I’ve gotten in front of the mirror to practice smiling facial expressions before going places to make sure I wouldn’t offend anyone. But nothing I do seems to matter. I’ve been depressed and lonely about this because I know in my heart that I’m a good person and I would never want to wish hurt, pain, or anything bad on anyone. The people that come around me will make a comment that something I’m wearing is pretty or that I look pretty, but that’s it. They walk away or get together in their groups. Inside I’m screaming that if they get to know me, I’m so much more than looks and clothes. I would be a good and loyal friend. but no one seems to think so. I will focus on God’s plan for me and be more diligent in seeking his guidence. I have always felt there was a higher plan for my life, now I believe it because I now know God is all up in it. Thanks, Tonya

    • dear tonya

      What has happened is you have internalized the rejection and negativity of others as due to a flaw in yourself. Their behavior is their fault, not yours.

      They are “of the world” and not spiritual, and act in a self absorbed way. You cannot change them, and you need to realize that they have the real problem, not you.

      Try to identify those who are kind and warm, and sincere, and interested in you as a person. You have a lot to offer.

      God will use you, when it is time., and the time is soon ahead.

  127. Oh wow you guys are all horribly deluded. In actuality, the reason for these suspicions you guys develop are actually a result of paranoia, something that virtually every individual has to some extent or another, though for the most part the average human being is adjusted enough to overcome this paranoia. Clearly, you guys are not. Whatever makes you guys feel happy, I guess, except it’s kind of like sticking a band-aid on a gunshot wound. But given that this article makes no attempt whatsoever to go into any rational explanation and just jumps right into “THEY GOT DEMONS AROUND THEM OH TEH NOES” I doubt the idea of considering the problem with detached scrutinization and logical process never occurred to you. Have fun with that.


    • LGM .. I have to say i agree that people are being rather mislead on this site, it is a bit crazy to say that because people are being hated upon site that there is demons, not saying I don’t believe in evil in this world and the next, just that some people need to address their issues and look at what vibrations they are putting out, and that takes time and a lot of positive energy, also I have worked as a psychic at different periods in my life, and I always advise with care for the person, and guide them in a direction that would be beneficial for their well being. Karen

      • karen

        people with demons automatically think it is the other person’s fault for the instant hatred. this is unprovoked so there already is “positive energy.” this is what the other person hates

  128. Do you think it could be because we lack confidence or self love or even possibly have a touch of asperger’ s? I do agree that people have evil forces behind them but I still end up thinking it’s something wrong with how I come off to people.

    • hi ki

      I guess you could say yes to all that too. Whether there is something wrong with us or them, we should just forgive, trust God, and move on. Do not let others or even yourself keep you in a rut.

  129. There r satanic everywhere, the spirit of antichrist is thriving in many people. The mock & hate good minded people like me. I get this from wicked people.

  130. Whats goingThere r satanic everywhere, the spirit of antichrist is thriving in many people. The mock & hate good minded people like me. I get this from wicked people.

  131. Hi all,

    I’m glad I found this site. I consider myself a normal, pleasant, well-adjusted adult male, with excellent social and communication skills, and a good sense of humor. I act in a pleasant, polite and friendly way toward all people I meet. I hit it off with 99% of people I come in contact with. But every so often, I run into a person who is negative toward me (ranging from just being cold to totally despising me) regardless of how outgoing and friendly I am toward them. Interestingly, these are usually females. I have a theory (possibly far-fetched), that perhaps they are attracted to me, but know that I am married, and thus hate me for being “unavailable”? I was raised Catholic and believe in God, although I’m not overly “religious” in the practicing sense. But I also tend to take a practical view of things, and usually don’t go for the above “holy spirit vs. demon” kind of thinking. I usually rank that with things like vortexes and the healing powers of crystals and rocks, in the category of “mumbo-jumbo”. But it would seem the only plausible explanation is maybe there really IS some kind of “spiritual friction” going on.. I tend to be cheerful and friendly, and usually these “haters” seem like brooding, dark people.. so maybe they just hate me for being the opposite of them? The worst instance of this was a woman at a former job whom I had to face every day.. She seemed to act normally enough with others at the office, but with me it was “hate at first sight”! Thankfully she didn’t work for me and vice versa, but I still had to pass her in the halls, going to and from my desk, etc. So painful for someone of my (naturally friendly) temperament to have to deliberately ignore another human being. (I kept saying hello, trying to be persistent and overcome the situation.. but after a couple dozen times of being met with a hateful stare, I finally gave up and made believe she was invisible). It got so bad that I’d have dreams at night that I broke through to her and we had a long talk and became friends– I guess a sign of my unconscious mind trying to mend things..) I was buddies with a male friend of hers, and one day I told him about the situation.. Later that day I secretly overheard him ask her why she didn’t like me, and I overheard her reply, verbatim: “I don’t know why, I just hate the guy!”. So she couldn’t even put a finger on her own feelings.. So I feel it must be something more— Maybe the “mumbo jumbo” isn’t so far-fetched at all. Thanks for opening my mind to other possibilities.

  132. Amen!this has realy encouraged me.because i easy sense when sum1 hates me.i that God i found this beautiful article.

  133. That explains it..
    When i was about 20 years old i started a new job and one of my colleagues was a Sikh male. The moment he saw me he had a hostile body language but i thought nothing of it.
    Then lunchtime i went into the little kitchen and sat down at the table at the other end where he was sitting with a magazine and i was watchin him at the corner of my eye,, he gave me a looooong hard stare then he got up and left the room. I felt like (poo) i wont lie.
    Then one day my boss assigned me to work with him and i had the worst time he made me feel worthless, i really felt like i wasnt of any value to the workplace and obviously i couldnt wait to go home and escape…

    I wasnt born again at the time but i DID communicate with God through Jesus Christ alot i was always praying and reading the bible. So yes the holy spirit was abiding with me back then And i believe Christ was with me since the day i was born

    Now im born again baptised and seeing what God has in store for my future

    • vanessa

      so the experience was bad, but it is good you understand it.

      evil is all around us

      stay close to the Lord, and continue to trust in him

  134. Ok, I’ve just got finished reading through all of these posts and I have to say it’s been an eye-opening experience. I relate to so many of the others here who have experienced this phenomenon. While I am still not convinced that demons are the sole cause for what I have experienced, I have always suspected they had at least something to do with it. I believe there could be a host of factors at play here. In any case, I believe that these reactions from others while troubling might sometimes be to our benefit. That the lord is revealing people for whatever reason are off limits and ones to stay away from. I rarely question it anymore. Sometimes people are just weird as my friend often puts it. If they are repeatedly hostile for no apparent reason, I just accept it. It is particularly hurtful however when this person is friendly with just about everyone else but you. It is what it is. I move on.

    What I didn’t see in any of the other comments thus far is a thing that’s happened to me starting about 5 years ago. Funny how so many others have realized a distinct start date. Sometimes it lasts a short while and doesn’t return for a year or more. I thought it was something I must be doing to warrant this type of behavior. However, every time I find myself thinking I have improved myself and had overcome this malady, I find myself faced with it once again unexpectedly. Instead of being hated on or given dirty looks by strangers, I go through periods of being completely ignored by strangers. Granted, we all have been ignored at one time or another but I’m a very friendly guy who frequently strikes up conversations with strangers with ease. So when this suddenly stops, I tend to notice. I love to make a grumpy person smile back at me and 99% of my life I do not feel I am being ignored like when this affliction strikes. I know when it starts because I will be in a single file line with nobody to my left or right vying to cut ahead. When it’s my turn and I start to recite my order, it’s like I am not even there despite being only inches away. I usually get a blank stare and they immediately ask the person behind me what they would like to order. When I raise my voice to the worker, saying hello…I am here…it’s like they are coming out of a trance and seem startled at their error. This has happened to me more times than I’d like to admit. It’s usually just with strangers…but during these “spells” I tend to not hear from any of my friends or family or at least much less than usual.

    Sometimes instead of being ignored, it’s being continually pushed in a crowd no matter where I position myself to avoid it. I pointed this out to a friend once during halftime at a sporting event. He confirmed that he observed what I was talking about (He’s is same build/height (5-10”)) He was so intrigued by this that he would change positions with me only to watch people just bump into me repeatedly again while he was given plenty of space. This only happens during an “ignore” spell. I know this will suddenly stop just as fast as it came but it’s very unsettling and I do not think anyone can relate unless it’s happened to them personally. I’d appreciate being added to your prayer list….if there’s room for this ghost. 🙂

    • hey rob

      sorry to hear you are a ghost….it is still due to the same issue…the result is that you are overlooked or not treated as well as you should be.

      I will put you on my prayer list.

      speak blessings over yourself each day to cancel an “curse” over you….ask the Lord to grant you favor in the eyes of others…..ask all this in the name of jesus….and pray the protection of the blood of jesus over you as well.

      • Thank you Marianne for adding me to your prayer list. I think it’s working. G-d bless you and for this site.This topic is unique and I think it needs further discussion. Have you thought about writing more? Perhaps a book? I think it would have appeal to many afraid to even ask about this topic.

        • hi rob

          My writing at this time is confined to this site. over 630 topics.

          I wrote a book once, but the publisher did nothing to promote the book so it died.

          I have a free electronic copy of it available on this site, and a link to the hard copy of the book itself.

          About “the Lions and the Bride” and the Author

          I do not want to trust any more publishers right now. It seems I am also supposed to relay information for free, and not for profit.

    • I can relate to a lot of what you are saying in your post. It is interesting that people remember a start date of this happening about five, six or seven years ago. I remember when it first started happening I was thinking what changed in me to be bullied, targeted or ignored so badly. Now, I see it’s not me but the demons in others. It’s a crazy world!

    • I know the pain . your post has given me much comfort . It has convinced me more than any other that this thing is actually spiritual and not warranted . I feel much better now ,

      • See i have always had this happening My own mother even rejected me and. Thinking life expériences makes others react unfavorably cause They can see the insecurity and low self esteem i have always carrier around with me idk.

  135. Is it possible to be treated this way by EVERYONE? I am so mentally tortured by this. I mean, in my life this has happened in the playground to the workplace. Even super market cashiers, neighbors and church members, I mean I suffer complete loneliness. Why doesn’t God intervene? It’s like I’m trying to escape from sharks in the middle of the ocean and can’t get out. It’s like kids getting bullied and they can’t deal with it, why can’t God just stop it?

    • I know exactly what youre going thru.
      The solution is simple, and if u never try you will never know.

      Bad reputation doesnt follow you, try a different life style
      Meeting new people start from 0 level. forget all your worries n when u talk to people
      be friendly get that emotion, dont fear rejection if people leave or tell u to get out of the friend zone they dont necessary win but you definitely loose feeling a disgrace keeping your self steem so low that anyone could walk over you. Dont let that happen. only you can boost that confidence to higher levels.

    • Hi Kay,

      I’m sorry you are going through all this pain and loneliness. I wish I had definite answers as to why God doesn’t intervene. Since God is omnipotent it does seem logical that He should intervene and end this. Maybe God has intervened, but in ways we cannot understand. For example, maybe more serious harm (e.g. violence, false accusations leading to some type of law suit) could have come to you as a result of this hatred, but He intervened. I realize this doesn’t explain why He doesn’t simply stop it. All we can do is try to not to let the pain take over. Ask God to specifically take away your pain if you haven’t already done so. Maybe you’ll find a few moments of peace when your heart doesn’t feel so heavy.

      Hugs, love and best wishes to you.

    • one time I went to the grocery and the cashier put people’s change in their hand but she put mine on the place where the groceries rest . I bought something again and she did the same thing a second time . She gave every body there money in their hands but put my change on the place where the grocery rest .

    • Hello Kay, i have experienced rejection all of my life and i am now 43 y.o. and it has only gotten worse,because i am born to be with God in this world and not to waste my time in the devils camp with his evil people. I have been insulted and publicly harassed and when i talk or smile, people conveniently don’t see or hear me. When i go to my childrens’ school for an event, the person seated next to me, gets up and moves to another seat close by. When i was in college, there was a girl who complained that she was upset that she had to park in the parking lot of a church(i think it was a methodist church). A few minutes after, she got up from beside me (and mind you,i attend a pentecostal church; lol) and she sat somewhere else. There was a brief moment of uncomfortable silence, but God saw me through. I also had other similar encounters with people sitting beside me in the classroom and getting up, but i later on completed my college degree online and it was peaceful. In the church i attend so many people sit beside me, and the children all come and hug me, and nobody is twisting their noses, and i believe this is God’s way of recompensing me for suffering these rejections with patience. Satan wants us to feel rejected but i was already unto him that these experiences were his tactics to make me believe i was not worth anything. God bless.

  136. I know we are free to do anything here in this world, anything;
    From be the most rich guy to hate that guy walking on the corner.
    There is something that force me not to act like a bad man hard to describe,
    When im close to do something wrong or bad i think for the consequences,
    What problems will happen, who is going to come at me and blame me, what i will have to say for myself and defend me, will i get beat up. All these qestion go around my head. Its hard not to ignored so i choose to do right because i love my life without worries believe me that relief is good. I dont know if demons follow me but i will go with the flow..

  137. my situation is odd, i completed a training a couple of weeks ago; and i had to do an internship at a Hospital, 4 day internship the school hired an outside contract person to supervise me and some other nurses at the Nursing Home. I always never fit in not sure why etc but the internship was going well the other girls i just met them they were nice to at first! The contract nurse came and she seemed ok, until i started noticing her stairing me down like she wanted to fight me i tried to convince myself it was all in my head but it kept happenin. The next morning we all me and the nurses were at the table talking. The contract nurse showed up late . When she came in she was standing in front of the table next to me and i continued to listen to the other girls we all said good morning to her no direspect etc.. i noticed she did not sit down i look up and she is stairing at me like she hate me and want to hurt me not sure why though.Then out of knowhere she slaps me upside my head, i was confused normally you hit someone back who hits you. i decided not to hit her i tried to rationalize it i asked her “why did you hit me” she said she was just playing that she’s from africa nigeria and thats what they do. I let it go because i think the devil was using her to provoke me to hit her back so i couldnot complete my training. on the last day of the training all hell broke loose the contract nurse and other people were yellin at me giving me a hard time telling me i dont deserve to be there and etc. one of the nurse inter who i thought was my friend even said some strange thing to me about me loosing my license before i even get it. I ts getting more ridiculous now because people are putting there hands on me im not sure what to do i completed the training though but am i always going to come up against things like this? why would god allow this i have no close friends people get really jelous of me for no reason i wrote on here before this is not the first time on this website im confused i trust god but its not making sense at all im nice a good person yet alone with noone who really cares for me. I thought god is all powerful but he sure does not come when you need him to alot of people act weird around me like im not human etc i spend alot of time alone if not working even in church i have no friends it makes no sense everyone turning on me its like they onsome level hoping that i fall apart even the christians do it its like the twilight zone i dont trust people it seems like alot of people are posessed even when i go to the supermarket its like a battle ground in there trust me i have all my marbles. this one guy everytime i come to a line in the supermarket and he is packing bags he moves to another line when i get to the cashier its happened multiple times not sure why nobody else acts that way just him and then i have to help the cashier pack my bags i rush to get out of there i have alot of stories i dont know if im the problem but im not doing anything im not strange i dress normal and im nice people would talk to me then turn there head roll there eyes or make a weird face then turn and pretend to smile with me what is this gods power is suppose to be stronger than evil.

    • dear truth

      the contract nurse is a witch. there are a lot of witches in nursing. Try to transfer from there to another place. also, there must be someone in charge. go to a head doctor, or the director of nursing, and tell them this woman has physically assaulted you and you want to file charges against her. she should be removed. you must find someone there who will be a witness for you that you are ok. ask to be removed from this contract nurse, and given to a better instructor. say if you are not transferred, you will have to file assault charges with the police. physical abuse cannot be tolerated. be prepared for a battle. be careful with the nursing director, in case she is a witch also. if no one helps you, then transfer yourself to a different hospital program through your school.

  138. I am scared i’ll end up alone & lonely. Every guy I start liking who also at time like me back then without a valid reason he either stops talking to me or become rude and disrespectful towards me. This is recurring in my life. I know some people might question my personality but believe me is nothing that I do or say, their behaviour can change over night or within minutes. What scares me is how angry and aggressive they then become towards me. One guy went out of his way to spread horrible and untrue rumours about me while the other threaten to rape and murder me on facebook. And yes there’s never any valid reason for such behaviour. This has knocked my confidence n trust in men. . .guys like me n i get a lot of attention all the time but the fear is always there at the back of my mind. I pray to God about it aswell as thank and praise him for all that he has blessed me with. I want to fall in love and settle down but i highly doubt it will ever happen for me. I’m in my late 20s and still a virgin which i’m fine with for now.

    • dear LND

      God is allowing the demons influencing these men to manifest so that you can see that they are bad for you. It is best that the demons manifest immediately instead of later , after you have formed a relationship.

      so this is for your protection that this is happening.

      right now, I would not trust 90% of people because of how dark the world is getting. put the love of God first in your life, and the right love will be there when the time comes.

    • I can relate to this. I am in my twenties and guys treat me the same way. But, I guess it is better for the guys to be revealed early on rather than later.


  139. I agree with what is said and have realized this unmerited hate all my life. But I got a book on God’s promises to all believers. You can get it at any christian book store and I wrote scriptures that applied to me. Promises that I felt I needed to pray for each day. I prayed three times a day these promises I put in a journal for five years. I prayed three sometimes occasionally two times a day but the journal had prayers/scripture promises for myself and others. All these bonds were lifted but I had to pray as Daniel prayed which was three times a day and some were prayers to rid me of hateful people and God’s protection from them. They were all moved out of my life but I had to stay faithful praying and though I’m fifty, I am finally at the best place in my life which is sad because I search for so long and now I’m older and wish I had this wisdom earlier. God broke all those bonds and kept all those people that were hideous at bay or ran them off or punished them in a sense so they weren’t focused on me. God has been faithful and I love Him more and more each. Now I see how he was always with me but I didn’t realize until now. Your faith and relationship will grow with him as you see everything unfold.

    • dear clay

      it is good to hear you were able to overcome this. yes, it can be a lonely path to be on, but look forward, and look up. all this will be over someday soon, I hope.

  140. People r of one accord waiting 4 their master the Antichrist 2 do his biding.

  141. The devil uses wicked minded groups of people 2 harrass few good God fearing people.

  142. I have been hated since I was born. They have even tried to kill me. cars have gone “through” me, wrestled n alien-demon, and on , and on, and I am still standing, toe to toe with the forces of darkness. All praise and esteem to my father, and his son Ye-ho-shua. I have had agents come to my home, and if I told you, you would not believe me. Pray for me. I am a fellow warrior, seeker after sainthood. what troubles me, is that people claim “God, not his name), and yet, do not believe in the supernatural. Yet, we are in the midst of a raging war. pray for me!!!!!!!

  143. Thank you very much. My the father and the son redeem all who seek righteousness. I will pray for you also. The tares are now “officials.” It’s gona get tough, so…walk in faith. A crown of esteem awaits. when you feel isolated, and even your best friend abandons you, remember…there is a plan.

  144. I’m wondering if aside from prayers of protection, or disassociation, if anyone can advocate or recommend ever directly confronting those ‘hateful’ or evil spirited people directly and acknowledging /confronting their inappropriate hatefulness or evil eyes/thoughts/words/deeds to them directly- and whether or not this ever helps alleviate the situation? (Though clearly, it can also probably work to escalate or further incite any such evil spiritedness?)

    • sharon

      yes you can do that but you have to be aggressive also, and it would help to have some support people with you. if you don’t, then assert yourself well.

    • this girl was being very hateful to me in a store . I asked her if she was alright and she glared at me . I left but it bothered me so I summoned up the courage and I went back and asked her what it was about me was evoking such hostility in her . She seemed to be taken off guard and told me that was just how she was .

  145. yes i too have encountered hate and rejection all of my life from childhood..this i have now learned is because of rejection at birth for some reason, because one is born a girl when a parent wanted a boy, or perhaps an unplanned pregenancy..or a difficult pregrnancy/birth, baby is seperated at birth in an incubator etc, we need covering of Blood of Jesus which was perhaps not done by our parents .. words said and then rejection takes over satan is put a mark of rejection on the forehead and everyone’s spirit can see this and react with hate and rejection..

    • lora

      It sounds like you understand this. start praying blessings over yourself each day, and ask God to reverse all curses and make them blessings, take failures and turn them into successes, and take the rejection and give you favor with others.

  146. Marianne, thankyou, you are a singe mom with many kids… i am a widow with three kids.. whom i need to pray into the kingdom, but then they have experienced rejection from family churches and pastors.. alas… im praying do pray for us too.

  147. Thank you for your site. I too have experienced the instant hate and more recently finally realized that it was the Holy Spirit in me that was the target. What to do when it is a family member, mother, father, sibling, child, who hates? Pray for all including self. I am glad to have confirmation. Blessings for all who read this site. D

    • clancey

      Since it is your family, and they are too hard to just walk away from, do your best to make them evaluate WHY they think what they do, tell them you have done nothing to them and do NOT accept their hate and rejection, and you will pray for them to have their eyes opened.

      Do not let them continue to be deceived. Find opportunities to create a break in the delusions, and assert yourself as the one who is correct, with proof. You have given no reason to them to hate you, so they need to quit.

  148. Yesterday, while siting at a stoplight next to a city bus, I looked up to behold an lavishly adorned (make-up,jewelry,head veil) ancient ( 75+ years), hispanic woman giving me the FINGER, accompanied with a HATEFULL glare! Told my wife “check out this old BRUJA (witch) flipping me off, wonder whats up with her?” I laughed and waved at her, which seemed to enrage her even more. She became confused, sheepishly smiled and waved back, then her eyes hardened, as she FLIPPED me off again. Eaten up with the EVIL dumb ass, I reckon. First time for everything.

  149. This was fabulous and makes so much sense!!! I am so spiritual and my faith in God is so strong. When I went searching for an explanation as to why this happens to me at times when I meet new people I had no idea this would be the reason(I was think bad breath or failed deodorant even though I knew this not to be the case lol) but it is so clear to me now! I love God, He’s amazing!

    • hi helen

      Glad you got clued in so you won’t think it is you.

      I was fretting one day about other people, and the holy spirit told me, why do you get upset, it is THEIR sin, not yours!

      After that, I got things in the right perspective, and could handle people’s negativity better.

  150. I visit this blog everyday and reread about the whole demon connection and people hatred. I feel it’s getting worse for me as many other Christians. It will be hundreds of people in a room and people will target me and call me names like ‘ugly’ or ‘b*tch’ If people think bullying doesn’t exist in adulthood then they are crazy. I’ve experienced more hatred as an adult than a child. This rejection has caused me to be locked up in my room must days. I am scared to go out and am in a horrible depression. I love this blog post because people always tell me that you must have done something wrong for people to hate you and that’s not necessarily true. Also, for the people on here who say people hate you because you are beautiful, believe me it’s ten times worse when you are considered ugly. But, that’s just my opinion.

    • kiki

      if people hate you for no reason, they are a bunch of devils.

      do not be depressed.

      they are in sin, not you!

      just pray that God protects you, provides for you, and gives you his presence.

      you are going to be ok.

      • Thank you! Unfortunately, I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. I haven’t taken any medicine yet. It’s hard to just shake it off and like some said it is physically and mentally draining. I wonder what’s God’s plan in all of this is?

        • kiki

          God has a plan for you. All this evil will be turned into good, for his glory.

          Do not take any medicine. This is a spiritual issue, not medical, from what you are saying. If they have a lab test that says it is medical, then go ahead and take medicine

          God will used the negative experiences in your life to help you counsel others.

    • There are spirits of Jealousy, remember that satan is a “Deceiver” a Liar and is horribly Jealous of anyone who puts on the light of Jesus. Jesus and His disciples were the Most “HATED” people of all. This is in the bible and brings me great comfort. God says that if we are of Him, we are NOT of this world and the world shall hate us. Find comfort in this and just let the light shine in you even more. Never allow any MAN or any spirit that controls him to have any power over you. When Men hate you, it is because they first hated Jesus. Be Blessed and Shine.

  151. I ended up leaving job where a lady got up in the middle of the floor and called me an ‘ugly b*tch’ and no one said nothing. I just don’t understand how people can be rude and loud and no one care. It’s like its okay to be mean, it goes back to ‘hearts being wax cold’.

  152. yep, i agree its not making any s ense. if im on the right team which is jesus team, why is this happening? More and more each day im getting more shuns and hate by alot of people; most people tobe exact. Day upon day i spend alone. Even my family hated me from birth i live alone im a female in my twenties. no friends now really just meet people here and there i cant tell them anything about myself or they turn around and use it against me or curse me out for no reason. if i was wrong i would say it i thought i had a friend from high school. i always call him he never calls me. i confronted him about it the other day, not the first time he say’s “no beef” etc but yet he never calls me im always calling i thought it went both ways. i treat people nice but i dont get that back. oh he’s not talking to me anymore. its like everyone i meet especially males they want me calling them they dont call me. if god loves me why is he doing this to im not desperate for friends but im not anti social either, the devil should not be able to do all this even in church i get treated like im an alien im not amagining it, the good get bad and the bad get good even in the house of god. what is this? if god is all powerful and i believe he is why is he allowing this i dont think its teaching me anything except to be paranoid but rightly so.its so bad i talk to my self now. waht is this i dont want to go to church cause it hurts everyone is getting good excpt me. being loved except me all the females that hate me meet good guys and i keep attracting crazy people and I dont know why, i carry myself with respect but im not sure i dont want to doubt god but it seems like there is some kind of secret agenda to hinder me. everything about my life is the opposite to what i should have where is god? i dont even want to reach out anymore because i keep getting wrong instead of good. i keep being loving but i dont get it back not even in church its to the point now im starting to get angry cause i should have good friends and a mate but all who i know that hate me have that. i dont have anyone do you know what it feels like to have noone and everyone around you seem like snakes and wolves waiting to attack you. why would god do this to anyone im not understanding this why wont he treat the people who dont serve him life this. im starting to become fearful and panic because i dont have anyone on holidays im alone its like the devil is trying to make turn on myself and he’s going over board and i know it but it seems like god allowing it. now i look at my self wondering whats wrong with me cause some wouod say majority rules and its me against everyone; im trying to stay saine. i can’t make anyone love me or like me but this is beyond the twilight zone.

  153. even in church i was told that maybe god dont want me to have friends a pastors wife said that to me eight years ago or more she kept closing her eyes and touching my leg like she was gettting some kind of visions or sometrhing.I cant get it out of my mind because that is what is showing in the way im being treated. and the pastors huband said you lonely you want a husband i know noobody likes you. does that seem normal i dont think so. why would no body like me.

    • dear truth

      That pastor’s wife spoke a curse over you.

      She told you that God does not want you to have friends.

      That is a lie from hell.

      And it has affected your self confidence and this dark cloud from the spoken curse has followed you around.

      It is not God, it is the devil.

      Reject all this……!

      The pastor’s wife and many in the church see unmarried women as threats, so they curse them, pretending to pray for you.

      God loves you….why would he hate you? he sent his only son Jesus to give up his life for you. THAT is how important you are to God!!!!!!

      Print out these prayers, and say them each day, and I will be in agreement with you.

      Prayer Against Witchcraft Control

      Prayer for single women

      Prayer – Praise the name of Yahovah

      To get rid of the curses, you have to ask God to bless you. RIght now you are deceived into thinking he is the problem, when actually he is the solution.

      Also when you pray, pray to send back the curse where it came from, you do not have to accept it or receive it. It is like returning mail you do not want. Pray to cancel all curses, and have God replace them with wonderful blessings.

      You are God’ child. Do not forget it. And you are his bride, not the devil’s doormat.

      When you go among people, keep your head high. Let them know you are loved by God. Smile. Be friendly but require respect.

  154. Is this also demonic behavior? I get on the bus and look up to see a couple of people giving me the coldest fixated look ever. It’s like they target me and freeze in it. Why do they freeze like that? I can literally feel myself being beat down by their dark glares. Cuz they are looking through me not at me.

    This is impossible to ignore and I can’t look down the whole bus ride or my neck starts to hurt. Then when one of them does it someone completely new that just got on the bus immediately starts to do it to me as well.

    Also, when people are walking and their eyes meet my eyes they jolt back as if they hit an invisible wall. What does this mean?? For some reason people can’t look at my eyes and when they do they start to shy away like they’ve been exposed as if I pulled their shower curtain back while they were showering.

    And this is eeeeeeeveryone I meet. I mean when am i gonna meet someone who DOESNT react this way towards me?

    • jasmyne

      these people are under demonic influence, and they are creating fear or submission in you, which is their goal.

      stare back at them, and show no fear……let them know what it feels like to be stared down.

      this is their problem, not yours….so beat them at their own game.

      • Yes i believe they are trying to create fear in me and sometimes it works, but when I try to stand against it I rarely win because its not true defense because deep down i truly am scared because my low self esteem blocks me from being truly CONFIDENT (which im praying the Lord help me to overcome).

        Btw, do u think it’s possible to create a Facebook Page regarding this issue? Just to find communion comfort in knowing we are all standing strong in Christ.

        I think we could all be encouraging to one another and even gain some spiritual warfare friends. God Bless

        ❤ Thank you.

        • jasmyne

          there is fear when you feel alone and have no support. If you had lots of support, it would be them that would be afraid.

          see if you can find a support system of friends or churches to take your side and pray with you.

          I never thought of a facebook page. I could start one, and see how it goes…..

  155. Jasmyne – I believe so, this is something I used to experience as a child and now experience again, but didn’t experience in my falling away years and especially not when I ended up unknowingly serving the enemy, in fact in that time, socially I was the pinnacle of everything. Once I realised what was going on, and came back to YHWH’s flock, I instantly returned to being the blacksheep of humanity and experience what you do, people treat me in such a hateful way like my feelings don’t matter and it is purely for no reason but now that I understand why it is I relish it – I’m doing some harm to the enemy, he’s angry he can’t influence me, the more he does to me through people the more I know I’m ***ing him off bigstyle, gotta smile inside, love being the enemy because it means you are doing good things, you are standing strong by YHWH 🙂

    • Ok thank you so much D! This is a really good thing to hear and is also comforting knowing that im not alone. In my falling away years I didn’t even notice this stuff however in hindsight it WAS still happening which is strange, but I would’ve never known it was spiritual. So maybe God had his hand on me all my life even when I was falling away. Possibly due to the fact I WAS born into a Christian home. The closer I came to Christ my eyes were opened at the true battle going on. It starts immediately when I walk outside. I feel like everyone I walk past I open their shower curtains and expose them because thats how im treated.

      I get people looking at me as IF they wanna say “What are you doing to me, knock it off”, “Who are you and what are you doing here”, “What are you”. “You’re different/creepy” “You’re scary/weird” …. and it’s crazy because I do nothing out of the ordinary yet all heck breaks loose when I come around. People even spot me out when im just sitting down….my light must be EXTRA bright.

      No one outside of this website knows what im going through. Not even other Christians at my church.

      • Don’t worry – you will never be alone!
        YHWH loves you and the outsidership is like a badge of honour –
        currently there are 7 billion on earth, looking to rise to 9 billion by 2015, the rapture appears to be close and 144,000 people will be caught up, such a small number, in such a small number comparatively it is so rare to find others that are in the same boots (this isn’t to say for definite that we are included for who are we to really know? yet the letter to the Philadelphians is the letter in revelations that I feel relates to people that feel this way) as us in this world manipulated by the TV, internet, illuminati, media, government, immoral laws, false religion, false doctrine, culture, bullying, popular muslic etc etc but we bear our spiritual cross with pride as we are proud to love our God (not a sinful form of pride :P) so keep on smiling and find happiness in servitude and hunt out others that accept you completely and who also love God and follow our messiah 🙂

  156. We are Strangers in a ‘strange’ land when we are recognized as being different without any prior knowledge from the other person who is acting this way against you. As long as you know your heart, so does God and the enemy will also recognize you as it’s foe. Rejoice and know that God has your heart, Spirit and Soul in His care. Remember to Pray for these people. Do not Call them your enemies for they will call you their enemies. Keep your Heart clean always as that is all God expects of us. God Be With you.

  157. Thank you for this site! I always blamed myself and kept wondering what I did wrong. Keep hanging in there, for those who suffer through this, God will bless them in heaven.

    Eph. 6:12
    “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

  158. Wow, you find this site, read the post and comments just to write negative replies to them, wow, just… Wow.

    Obvious troll is obvious.

    “If they hate you, remember that they hated me first”

  159. Excuse me – going around being hateful and attacking people like you are is “disgraceful”, if you have a disagreement with someones’ views/explanations, do so in a civil matter and not in such a hateful way. I’m surprised you didn’t post anything about “seeing the light” or “eye opening experiences” as its obvious where such attacks come from.
    If you disagree there is no problem speaking your mind, but there is a problem attacking other people.

    For the record, people aren’t exalting themselves to the level of Jesus, they are saying that they “work” or “fight” (in the spiritual war sense) on the side of the son of God and if you read the article you would understand exactly why that causes hate directed at them, whether you believe it does or not, you should understand the reason behind the thoughts before you start shooting your mouth or keyboard off.

  160. I didn’t mean to be ‘offensive’. You were the one who seemed to get very angry which just reinforces my first thoughts when I read your page.
    I was merely pointing out the obvious. I do very much believe and practice my religion and I wholeheartedly agree with being the “Light”. We can’t be a light and dwell in darkness believing the whole world hates you/me/us simply because we are “like JESUS”. I cannot compare to him and never met anyone who could. I was only saying………
    I keep myself surrounded with the “LIGHT” and I do not allow hatred in. I think that you are too sensitive and took this on a personal level. Love attracts Love. Hate attracts hate. Light attracts Light, Darkness attracts darkness. The 2 cannot dwell together dear. if you want people to change, be the change you want them to be. Good Luck and Blessings Dear.

    • my goodness. 🙂

      this was an explanation for those who are truly mistreated by others

      it is not an attempt to exalt anyone who is personally hateful.

  161. There is so much truth to this its unreal.

    Last weekend of dedicated sabbath study and prayer and repentance ended and on Monday morning as soon as I woke up, my uncle, an ex-alcoholic attacked me and stabbed me in the neck in an unprovoked attack.
    Thankfully I’m ok as he got my chin but it was an unprovoked attempted murder. The fact that satan works through the reprobate sinners that are easily influenced to get at those that love YHWH’s truth is undeniable, yet I love seeing how much I am getting to the unclean spirits by praising our God and spreading the words of his amazing son, they hate me beyond words and I like that. If they ignored me then I wouldn’t be doing anything that pleases God and therefore by default P-ing them off.

  162. No wonder everyone hates you bunch of cry babies.
    “why does everyone hate me” wahhhhhhh
    oh he looked at me wahhhhhhhhh
    I’m gone tell on you wahhhhhhhhh’
    Everybody hates crybabies.
    You all just want to be the center of attention.
    You are all probably UGLY NERDS that everyone hates. There is one in every bunch.
    I think this is so funny.
    You bunch of Ugly Fags.
    OH wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    • you must be one of those who hates others…….point made.!

      • Well, this page has been beneficial to me and hundreds of people, Marianne. We appreciate this post and so many can relate. People who aren’t experience this treatment, won’t understand what we are going through anyway. They are probably in the sides of the demons. For those who think we are paranoid, look at how many people posted relating to this. We can’t possibly all be crazy, so it is a lot of truth to it. Marianne, please ignore the ignorant posters because so many people benefit from reading about how demons work through people.

        • thanks kiki

          I am on the side of the victim anyhow.

        • Exactly – in order to actually search and find this page, read through it and the comments and spend the time writing a malicious and disgusting attack on the people you have got to be one of two things:

          A very sad lonely bored pathetic loser who feels nothing but hate because they too are a victim of this world but have no God to turn to because they don’t accept Him;

          Or they must be outright demon-influenced or satan worshipping trolls out to attempt to cause as much suffering to believers as possible.

          No ordinary atheist would waste their time or just make such a cruel attack.

          Either way we must do what we were taught to do- pity and pray for this person that they find God and that their life improves and that they stop being a victim themselves and stop trying to cause pain to others.

          It’s never too late for anyone.

        • you used the ‘P’ word!

        • ‘kiki’ you used the ‘P’ word! This stupid program keeps mixing my posts up. (paranoid)

    • Janie must live in my city! “I’m gone tell bla bla bla” Gone tell? hahaha…Hey Janie, if you think this is all a bunch of “crybabies” IS THAT why you came on this site? To make fun of people who actually have a heart? You wanted to put in your two cents, and believe ME it’s NOT EVEN WORTH THAT! I DO BELIEVE its people like YOU who are the reason all of these people have so many problems! See how demons manifest themselves? You THINK you’re being funny, do ya? Its NOT funny to mistreat people, belittle people, OR make fun of people – THAT IS NOT FUNNY! And YOU have proven WHY this article even exists – afterall, if people LIKE YOU knew how to behave like an adult, no one would have to even write the above article. I AM assuming you’re an adult, right? Or maybe you’re just some spoiled brat whose mother and father never taught you how to behave without spewing venom. I’m curious though, do you talk to people like that TO THEIR FACE, or are you one of the BIG MOUTH CHICKENS who’ll hide behind your computer screen and spew out insults? Just curious…
      And Marianne, I’m sorry if I’ve disrespected your website by retaliating to JANIE, I have no intention of disrespecting you OR your website, I’m just tired of people like her crapping all over people’s feelings, AND I don’t appreciate her calling anyone on this site a crybaby! We are all people with genuine feelings, and THIS is the type of people I seem to have to deal with on a daily basis! And God forbid anyone stand up to these people – because THEN they’re the ones’ crying, saying, “but I didn’t do anything to provoke it” – its sickening! Bottom line is this – this website has lifted up my spirits and I don’t like it when someone comes on here acting like she did! I was raised to think if you don’t have anything nice to say, DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL – and little Miss Janie showed that she is NOTHING but a bully! However, I doubt she’d run her mouth like that to someones face.

      • that is ok. freedom of speech here. 🙂

        • Thanks Marianne, I was really afraid I overstepped my boundaries. I just LOVE your website and wisdom, and it irritated me when I read this Janie persons hateful reply. What she obviously doesn’t realize just yet is what goes around, comes around, and she probably opened Pandora’s box with such a hate-filled comment. If only we could ALL just love one another and leave the hate where it belongs – in hell with Satan! Anyway, God Bless YOU, and your website. I love it! You are really inspirational and very uplifting. You help bring things to light and make it so easy to understand. You’re a Godsend to me and I very much appreciate you. I’m sorry if I sounded ugly in my reply but I DO stick up for those who I believe help other people with their wisdom AND LOVE, and you’re one of them! Keep em comin 🙂 God Bless, Robin B.


    • GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL!!!! Nope we don’t want attention at all thank you. If we did we would all be out trying to beg but THE LORD GOD ( JESUS CHRIST ) we seek others like us for comfort. We DONT NEED ATTENTION u have no idea what its LIKE NO IDEAAA or maybe you’ve been through it I’m nt sure I can’t judge BUT DONT GO BRINGING OTHER PEOPLE DOWN don’t u dareeeeee people have a story and reason and U HAVE NO IDEA I UNDERSTAND WHAT EVERY PERSON IS GOING THROUGH here. If u were in their shoes maybe u would understand????? Stop being so pathetic

    • To Janie fuck u, u damn bitch. Fucking faggots like yourself made my life hell. I’d love to smack you across the face a million times for the way people like have treated me and my brothers and sisters. You damn low life’s are so pathetic the way you step all over us for trying to be decent human beings. Nobody here wants you on on here, why. Because you’re a bitch and your input is worthless. I’m just saying what these other good folks want to say to you.

  163. Yes, that could totally be true…

    Oh wait, one of us modelled our face and abdominals in the 2009 summer edition of the Argos catalogue and you probably got yourself off over it;)

    You are full of hate, aren’t you? You should change that, or get yourself a large bottle of extra strong sun cream 😉

  164. feel the – spirit retreating already.
    Thank you and God bless

  165. Bless you. I felt this may have something to do with it but conformation from another of Gods elect really helps. Have a blessed day.

  166. Hi marianne, let me confess that you ve become more like a beacon of hope and joy to me from the time i stumbled on your blog! Let me say, i do appreciate all that you ve inspired upon me concerning the most high Jehovah, and our lord and saviour jesus christ! Thank you so much. Please keep it up. You know, am so shocked to discover about why some people will just hate me for no reason. Now i know, and this, my coming to read about this and knowing you, is for sure by the spirit! I have always asked myself what wrong i have done to people that they can hate me like this. And not only people i know, but even my close relatives. Some of them we dont talk to each other even now. Why would people want to hurt me either in words or deeds, just upon setting their eyes on me! After reading your message, am telling you am blessed! For the first time in my life, the spirit has revealed the missing link! Today, as am writing, i dont have anyone i can call a true friend. Its like i have a magnate that keeps on repelling people away, however hard i try to please them, it just doesnt work. Thank you my sister for this message. I will share this at our next men ‘s fellowship meeting!

    • dear peter

      i am glad you have the relief and the assurance you need.

      This world is not fair, and is getting darker and darker, as more people submit to the negative spirits around them.

      sometimes it is a lonely path, but just know there are others on the same lonely path as you.

      in spirit, you are not alone. the Lord is with you, and so are many others, whether you ever get to meet us or not on this earth.

      in the next life, we will all meet and rejoice together.

  167. Hi Marianne, thank you for sharing wisdom with us. Your wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit, that’s the great part. You do have a gift.

    It was the Lord who sent me here. This forum has been an eye opener.

    My whole entire life since childhood, I have been bullied and attacked by others. It has affected all areas of my life.

    It was so strange and weird. When I was younger and trying to find the right one to marry I had many strange things happen with the men I was seeing. Similar to what others have described here. Eventually, I did meet my husband. One of the things we had in common was that he experienced these oddities as well. However, we have been married 18 years now (last week) and are very happy. We both got saved about 17 years ago. Until we got saved we both had legalistic and religious backgrounds. But now, we both have a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. I believe it was God who brought us together. I think if I ended up with one of the others, there would have been trouble in the long run. I’m glad to have the man I have. Very grateful for what God did. Even grateful for the rejection I suffered because I know now that it was God’s protection. I can see that now in hindsight. For those who have been called to marriage, I pray the Lord will bless you with the person he has chosen for you.

    This type of attack has occurred repeatedly in my livelihood as well. Even before I came to know the Lord. It has happened over and over again. I have been fired from my job repeatedly. Nobody understands what I go through. They look at me like there must be something wrong with me. Or, I must have done something wrong. The last time I lost my job was last year. Everything was going well for 6 months. I got a fantastic review, got along with everyone I worked with. I worked in an assisted living facility. The problems started with I was required to take a class so I could pass medicine.

    The class was taught by the “nurse from hell”. On the first day of the class she went around to everyone and asked them how they handled stress. Most of the people in the class told her they “smoked”. When it was my turn to answer I told her I prayed. When I answered that I got a cold stare and in my spirit I knew it was over. I even felt the chill from others in the class. Then she told the class that smoking was an affective way to handle stress. (can you imagine a RN telling a group of people she was training that smoking is a good way to handle stress) At that point I knew I did not fit in there and I felt the evil. I managed to pass the class with a 98 average. Then I had to take the clinical which required me to pass out medication. When the day came, all I could feel was the hatred coming from “the nurse from hell” who was supervising the med pass. During the med pass I dropped a pill. The nurse from hell told my supervisor she could not recommend me for passing medicine because of dropping a pill. So, my supervisor had to let me go and told me she did not have any control over this.

    After getting let go from my job was when I came upon this website. I think it was God that led me here. I did pray about this and the attacks have slowed a bit but have not stopped completely. I am in another job now and have taken and passed the required class to pass medicine. However, the attack is coming from someone else now (I will can her “the hater”). However, the supervisor although not a Christian is aware of this persons behavior, and so far “the hater” has not had any credibility in accusing me of things. I have heard that “the hater” plans to leave and I hope it’s soon.

    I noticed, that when the attacks slowed down the enemy (or devil) attacks in other ways. The devil is getting desperate because he knows his time is short.

    That’s about it anyway, thank you for “listening” God Bless You ALL.

    • dear mslightningboldt

      I can really relate to what you said. My first experience with jezebel spirits was with a “nurse from hell”.

      She did not like the cross I was wearing around my neck, and told me to take it off. I refused. Then all was downhill from there. She falsely accused me of many things, then failed me. I had to appeal the grade to get it removed.

      Haters also hate us when we are doing a good job, and they aren’t. They are jealous, and want to discredit us.

      I have had those too. I hope you will document everything you do, in case you get back stabbed. Do not assume anything.

      • Just because someone gets jealous of you for doing a good job, it doesn’t mean it’s because of spirits or demons. Humans are competitive for status and resources, which includes jobs. As for the cross, Christians are perceived as arrogant, snooty, etc. by the media. The latest movie, “Easy A”, comes to mind.

  168. Marianne, another weird thing that happens. When I visit extended family I actually get physically sick with cold like symptoms. My husband and I don’t have children so I have always been good to my nieces and nephews and treated them like my children. When we came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ they all turned against me, became confrontational and even gang up on me.

    at one time my family controlled me. when I got saved they lost control and that makes them angry.

    since my mother lives with them I cannot avoid them. however, when I am around them I don’t say much. We always try to stay at a hotel if possible. I still try to be kind to them and show them God’s love.

    I get sick with visiting my husband’s family also. They don’t understand our relationship with Jesus either.

    But it is strange that I always get sick when I am around extended family. I wonder if perhaps there is a spiritual reason. I got sick twice last year both times I was visiting relatives.

    I have not visited with extended family since last November and sure enough that was when my last cold/flu was.

    like I said in my last post, it affects every area of my life.

    thank you again! God Bless!

  169. marrianne, correction. I got sick 3 times last year, each time we were visiting family.

    • mslightningboldt

      Being around negative people causes stress, which weakens our immune system, and lets us get sick. Maybe you need to keep your visits short.

  170. I JUST had that reaction tonight as I was going through the store, there were approximately 7 or 8 people that my husband knows, huddled in a group in the center of the isle. I SMILED and said, “excuse me, can I pass through?” I started to say, “hey how are ya’ll doing?” because they DO KNOW my husband, but after I asked them to excuse me, they turned around with sour looks on their faces AND IGNORED my request, but proceeded to spew venom about me to each other – WHILE I STOOD THERE LISTENING to it! It REALLY hurt my feelings, because if my husband had been with me, they would have smiled and acted nice, but since he wasn’t – THEY WERE VERY NASTY, and very intimidating. They’re like backwood type black magic witches. I use to hear them bragging on some of the things they’ve done to people to drive them insane – like hiding in their homes, taking things, putting sex toys in the beds like trying to make this one couple think that the other one was cheating, stuff like that – just rotten stuff. They USE to work for my husband but I couldn’t handle their very vicious nature and energy, and eventually my husband fired a couple of them. Its very disconcerting, and very intimidating, but I try to ignore them BECAUSE I’M SCARED OF THEM! AND they live across the street from me! They got mad at this one neighbor theirs kids got into a squabble (and the girls were only 8 years old), instead of letting the kids work it out without any outside influence, those WOMEN in that house put a note on the other girls door telling her parents “next time it’ll be them!” THEN they put some sort of explosive device thingamagig in the mailbox and BLEW IT UP! One will go to jail for actions such as ALL OF THE ABOVE, but there’s still a WHOLE family over there who are RUTHLESS to the core! But there is ALWAYS one of them at least, in jail. Like the worst one JUST got released tonight! So now I’m like, “DAAARRRRRNNNNN!

    • robin

      they are depending on your fear. stick up for yourself, you do not have to stoop to their level, but let them know if they dare do anything they shouldn’t, you will report them to the police. if they know what is good for them, they will keep their mouth shut, mind their own business, and stay on their side of the street. be aggressive with them, but always have a witness around when you deal with them.

    • Oh wow, I find this so hard to believe. What’s worse than one evil person is a group of evil people, because they can all act together. Some people feel powerful in groups. I find it so hard to believe that some people could just be so incredibly mean and hateful to others without reason. I don’t know why people are like that. The world is already such a dark and cruel place, why would anyone want to add anymore evil to it? Unless of course they are under the influence of Satan and the other fallen angels, who can affect the human subconscious mind. That’s all they can do. When they “tempt” people they are just manipulating the human subconscious mind to affect their emotions and feelings, and filling the people with anger and rage so they lash out on others.

      • Michelle

        it is good that you have the wisdom to recognize this evil. it will save you someday soon

  171. Thans ks, I am a born again believer and have alwayo@bered

  172. Has anyone found sticking up for yourself leads to being laughed at or targeted more? It’s like the people get a kick out of making you angry.

    • kiki

      stick up for yourself anyhow. God is on your side. the devil will be laughing at them later when they find themselves in hell for being so nasty.

  173. Just remember YHWH isn’t mocking you. You have an eternity with Him 🙂

    Others, if they treat you bad you know that in the end you are then one that wins.

    Follow Yeshua’s example and forgive them and hope that for their own sake they find YHWH too.

  174. Ya’ll are all right! THAT is along the lines of what I DO say to them, only I’ll say stuff like, “Keep treating me like that, and I hope I’m in the crowd that gets to see God judge you and sentence you to hell!” I’ve asked them “aren’t you afraid of God’s wrath for what you do to people? And they’ll laugh and say THERE IS NO GOD, AND I’M CRAZY for thinking that! And you know what, I might sound hateful when I say this HOWEVER, I DO NOT PITY THEM for the day they DO realize THERE IS A GOD, but I doubt that day will come BEFORE Judgement Day. I have actually SEEN these people performing rituals under the full moon and I’ve also found oak leaves on my doorstep WRITTEN IN what looks like blood, that said, “DIE ROBIN, DIE ROBIN, on and on until there was no space left on the leaf to write anymore. I laminated THAT one leaf and kept for evidence in case anything ever happens to me.

  175. There is no god.

  176. I walk into a store people look at me as if I make them uncomfortable or their scared. I get on public transportation and get negative reactions. Security guards always think I’m up to something and follow me. I get in a checkout line and cashiers never greet me they slam my stuff down as they ring me up. When people look at me their face snarls/scrowls up and they carry this attitude on towards me and I haven’t even done anything yet.

    In some cases I become invisible to people, cashiers don’t even see me and skip over me and go on to the next person. Cab drivers do not stop for me and if they do they are mad at me before I even get in. If I am sitting in a seat people cannot sit next to me for some reason it’s like they are repelled/frightened away by some block, same as when I am in a grocery aisle. People can’t walk down an aisle if I’m in it. Nor can they stand under a bus terminal if I am in it. This in return makes other people uncomfortable around me and so they all join in.

    Some people cannot look me in the eyes. When I am walking down the street I can see people get on defense mode as if they are ready to beat me up as if I am someone about to cause trouble to them.

    People do NOT see me a a regular human being. I’ve seen people freeze up as stiff as a board at the sight of seeing me.

    The other day this lady called me gorgeous and a guy called me beautiful, but the way people treat me out in the world I feel SOOO ugly like I am frakenstein walking around. 😦

    Marianne, is this something that I am supposed to experience with everyone as soon as I step foot outside? The only time I don’t get this treatment is when I am at home by myself.

    I know God says we are to be apart of the world, but not of it. But it’s like I can’t go anywhere. I even get this treatment in the church. Everywhere I go people are SCARED of me, giving me mean looks, not wanting me around, hating me, uncomfortable around me. From children to elders.

    Marianne, I need your help. Please give me an in dept answer because at this point one little sentence is gonna break me. I need to know if everything i mentioned is demonic and WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IN LIFE IF EVERYONE ON EARTH TREATS ME THIS WAY??? It hurts when people run away from you you know.

    • Syndi

      It is spiritual rejection by ungodly people.

      Unfortunately this is most people now. the Lord is coming for a remnant of believers, which will be less than 10% of the population, maybe only 5%.

      what you do is carry on with confidence, look positive and accepting, and silently pray for protection and strength when this happens.

      Also pray that God blesses you , which would cancel all curses, and that he give you favor with people.

      people can be made to show you favor even if they really do not want to

      do not let them influence your opinion of yourself.

      what counts is God’s opinion of you, not theirs.

  177. This isn’t really the best advice, but I have THE SAME problem and you know what? I just stay home UNTIL I HAVE to go out! Thats no way to live, but neither is being treated like that. So I’ve chosen to just recluse myself. It beats getting my feelings hurt THEN lashing out when someone mistreats me DAILY. A friend of mine USE to think I was exaggerating, UNTIL he went with me one day – then he KEPT apologizing and telling my husband, “honestly man, I DON’T know WHY they treat your wife like that, but they do!” And he went on to tell my husband he was with me for 4 hours and saw me verbally attacked no less than 3 times! He was a believer after that day! It sucks you have to prove to people who know you that you’re being treated differently, AND NOT SO NICE! Good luck to you, I know exactly how it feels. Just try not to shut yourself off from the rest of the world like I have – beileve me, its not fun, but its habit now. I especially don’t like people to go with me anymore because it embarasses me when someone treats me poorly, then I feel like whoever went with me might be looking down at me because I NEVER handle it the right way! When I get my feelings hurt, I lash out the same way they did to me, but then they go around telling everyone they didn’t do anything to deserve that BACKLASH! Please…The world is becoming more and more MORALLY bankrupt by the day. Bully’s are coming out of the wood work and if you retaliate in any manner – YOU’RE THE BAD ONE! It kills me. So I guess when that good ole, “turn the other cheek” comes into play, even though its harder for some of us than others – that probably IS the best way to be.

    • Robin Bednarczyk, I know what you mean about how when you react to the way they treat you that they say they didn’t do anything. They’re the ones who are offended even though they are the offenders. They just use it to vilify you even more. If you don’t react then they get mad and say you’re conceited and disrespectful for ignoring them. If you try to be kind to them because you naively think you can cancel out hate with love, then they say that you are a liar and it’s all an act. No matter what you do they’re never happy and always find a way to vilify you even more. They always twist everything around.

      I used to get mad, but now I try not to because I fear that this anger will lead to hate and I don’t want to turn into the type of person who hates for no reason. And it’s also very painful when these people (I’ll call them A) turn people (I’ll call them B) who have known you for some time against you. It’s like your actions don’t count for squat. It doesn’t matter how much you have helped B and how much you are there for them, B suddenly forgets all that and choose to believe all the lies. It doesn’t matter that your actions prove all the lies and preconceived notions about you to be false because people refuse to see them. I used to think that actions speak louder than words, but that’s not true. Lies and hate always prevail.

  178. I am glad that I found this article. I feel as though I get attacked often, too. As strange as it may sound, I often feel “energy” from other people, if that makes sense. Some people give off negative energy, and some give off positive energy. Now, some of it could also be appearance and expression and body language. For example, someone who dresses intimidating and glares at others just looks mean, and one would stay away not because of demons or bad energy but because of the way they look and act. I think that the human mind picks up on that stuff, whether we are aware of it or not. It’s not always right to say that it’s because of “demons.”

    People are stressed out, tired, broken, etc. and when someone gets abused and mistreated their entire lives, they lash out or take it out on others to get their power back. It’s basic psychology. Also, some people might have a kinder/calmer/more peaceful outward appearance and others get jealous of that. It might not always be because “oh, the demons are attacking me because I’m just so pure and good and they are just so bad and going to hell so they are jealous of me.” I do agree with you and the comments on a lot of it, though. I have had people come against me and plot against me constantly all during my life, often without reason. I came to Christ when I was 17 years old in high school and at 16, when I started doing experiments with religion, I noticed kids at school started attacking me constantly, bullying me, etc. and it got worse right before I turned to Christ. One girl really hated me. She constantly laughed at me and tried to mess with me every time she saw me. Well, we had one mutual friend on Facebook and I checked out her profile, and she had all this Satanic stuff on it, I KID YOU NOT. She had a shirt with a cross on it with an “X” drawn on it. (Bad Religion, I think) and talked about “sending demons to people” in her status. She had pics of her smoking weed, drinking, and TONS of gay rights rainbow stuff. I was like, wow, she could have had demons and Satan used her to get me while I was in high school. She, even in her pictures, had this dull, black, glazed look in her eyes. Very, very cruel eyes. And that was when she wasn’t wearing these red/bright blue contact things, making her eyes look even scarier.

    I had one friend turn on me, too, during the time I turned to Christ. 11th grade. She became hostile, mean, and started just ripping me to shreds behind my back, and not once did I ever utter a bad word to her. Ever. She too had the same look in her eyes. Dull, dark, and this glazed/shiny look. I have never met someone as simply hateful as her. Ever. She of course didn’t believe in God. She did so much damage and hurt to me, two years after high school (I’m only 20) and I still haven’t healed. She even contacted me on Facebook and started tearing me down again, and I just broke after that. I feel sorry for her, because she said she had been molested as a child and had unsympathetic parents and she got picked on a little (she was kind of ugly) but still. I prayed for her, and still will, because as mean as she was I could see from looking at her that she was broken and defeated and was simply being mean because she didn’t want to be the only one on the bottom, and she didn’t want others to be happy if she wasn’t. We should pray for some of those that persecute us, because they could be hurting really badly. And, because of their hurt and anger, Satan can easily use them. I think even Adolf Hitler had been abused as a child by his father?

  179. I also wanted to add one more thing. Since evil and good are ripple effects, such as someone who is abused abusing someone else, and the cycle continues, likewise with good. So, sometimes people who hurt us are actually hurting inside and need prayers. We should not fight fire with fire here.

    Another thing. When I was in high school, and in life, I have known people who are atheists or those new agers who believe in a one religion, and they are kind, nice, open minded, etc. and they get attacked as well, even though they are not Christians. How can one explain that? Unless Satan and the other fallen angels simply hate anyone who does good and shows kindness, regardless of if they are Christian or not. Likewise, some “religious” people I knew at school and in real life talk about “the lord” and “Jesus this” and “Jesus that” but they do some of the most horrible things. Like, on the freeway this one person had all these Jesus bumper stickers but they sped and cut in front of people and used no turn signals. And in high school there was a Christian clique who always talked about Christ and Jesus but they openly idolized the Kardashians and were some of the snobbiest, meanest, most gossipy and cliquish people I’ve ever known.

    I think Satan uses Christians to do the most damage. For example, people who support gay marriage are 9/10 times to be atheist and despise religion and God. Now, Satan uses religious people to bash them and talk about Hell and all that, to make Christians look mean and hateful. Correlation? Satan used me once in high school. I have never talked about this, but I will.

    At 18, months after being saved, for my senior year I was convinced that I had to have long hair, wear dresses, no makeup, etc. or I was impure. I was convinced that the inner did not matter but I had to look a certain way. Well on my first day, one of my teachers gave us a paper to fill out and describe ourselves. Well, I felt compelled to write about the bible, and even wrote that I opposed gay marriage. What a weird thing, but I felt “compelled” to write it but something in me told me “erase it.” So I did.

    Well, heh heh. My teacher hated me immediately afterwards and was passive aggressive to me the entire time, giving me dirty looks and making the class read stories that bashed religion and made religion look stupid. I had no idea that this man was one of the most atheist pro-gay rights people of anyone I’ve known. Some of my friends on Facebook have him on their list, and I looked and he had nothing but rainbow pro-gay junk all over it, ALL OVER IT. Nothing but gay this, gay that, and of course, all of these anti-religious writers popped up on his “likes” list. I thought, wow, Satan used me here to look bad. He actually used me here, and I was only 18 and had not even been a Christian for a few months but God still let him use me.

  180. It is also sad how this reejcetion only happens to certain people within in families. My sister can make friends with people and they add her on Facebook. Me on the other hand, they just stare and make rude comments. I am ignored and people generally don’t like me no matter how friendly I am. People have told me how much they like my sister as if I’m not good enough. I just don’t understand that I have this jealous, rejection spirit follow me and not her when we grew up with the same parents in the same household. It is frustrating. When I try to explain it to my sister she just doesn’t get it and thinks I’m complaining.

    • kiki

      your sister should stick up for you and tell others that unless they accept you, she will not accept them as friends.

      they are just mean

  181. Also, does anyone find this happens more with attractive people being mean to you or is it just me?

    • kiki

      what you look like has nothing to do with it

      • I think you are misunderstanding me. I am often attacked by evil, attractive people for whatever reason. Which makes it more difficult to me because people tend to belive beautiful people are nice and unattractive ones are evil. Look at the fairy tales – the pretty princess and the evil, unattractive stepmom. Sometimes I find the prettiest people to be the meanest to me. They may be beautiful on the outside but are ugly inside. This isn’t a surprise because Satan was the a beautiful anmgel before it was a fallen angel.

        • kiki

          If you feel inferior to others, people will respond and treat you that way.

          You have to rise above this inferiority complex, and show the love of Jesus to others.

          Let this love heal you.

        • I understand how you are feeling exactly ( not just someone who says that ) I mean exactly in every sincere manner possible its always the attractive people! Who seem to be acting evil I get mad with people like I was sitting on a bus just a few minutes ago and people they even bang your chair satan is so evil and smart with his ways its scary like the people think its funny and smirk and I looked bak at her sometimes I feel like its humans and people but its always demons and spirits in higher places I think its the attractive people know they are so good lookin and aren’t so humble about it

    • she’s right it has nothing to do with how you look. satan dont give a care how anyone looks. that’s why you see sometimes gorgeous Godly people getting treated like crap. satan is more concerned with your soul and destroying it.

      people have told me IM pretty or beautiful yet i still get treated like im a bad person because it’s spiritual warare not a battle of flesh and blood.

      but i think i know wut u mean with the attractive people treating u bad. maybe its more attractive people that treat u bad because they are more vain and glorify their looks over God so the enemy uses them more cuz they are narcissists. they are closer to their looks than they are to God. it’s very rare that i meet attractive TRUE followers of Christ. I think it’s because attractive people get so caught up in the world cuz their good looking and thats what the world likes so they go to the world over God cuz the world accepts them cuz they look good.

      • Thanks for understanding me Syndi about how evil SOME attractive people can be like the world owns them something for their beauty.

    • I believe that looks don’t play a part in it, except that Satan loves to pick on attractive people to make his message more appealing. I have been told that I’m beautiful, which makes people hate me even more, i believe because Satan tried very hard to get me to sin against God, which I did for a while, but as I get older and take a stronger spiritual stand and move away from the sinful way of life the hatred becomes stronger and more frequent. I still get several men contacting me monthly (usually around the full moon)

      • Dear Joanna

        Suggest, you spend more time in front of the GOOD BOOK, and less in front of the MIRROR. Just , SAY’IN

        • [syndi
          It is not blasphemy to detect demons in people.
          When people are rude to you, get back in their face and ask what their problem is….
          ask them if they are aware of their behavior, since usually it is influenced by demons, not God or their brain.
          Marianne said this on May 27, 2013 at 1:25 pm | reply]

          Wyatt – What is your problem? Are you aware of your nasty behavior that is likely caused by demons?

  182. Wow, I feel as though I have finally found my people. This phenomena of having people hate me on sight has disturbed me since childhood. I’ve tried putting my spirituality on the shelf to fit in, which only works for a while, then suddenly the leader of the group that I’m trying to fit in with will look me in the eye with hatred and turn the entire group against me. I even stopped looking people in the eye for a long time, until I read “the Power of Eye Contact”, now I practice it daily, and have never had so much hatred coming my way as now. I pray several times daily for God’s Holy Spirit to guide me and protect me. I see people in vehicles driving towards me missing stop signs looking at me with anger and hatred, I see people aiming for me as I walk, on the sidewalk or in a mall. I have lost jobs when new managers come in and hate me on sight. I have been maligned by co-workers who turn managers against me, I have had family hate me. One of the common factors I find between these people who hate me is reiki. I’ve been researching how evil spirits are linked to reiki, which led me to this page. I would love to set up a meeting with everyone in the thread, to meet in one large room. I believe we have a destiny of leading others to salvation in a way that modern religion can’t. I believe that there are good parts to each religion, until ego/evil stepped in and took over the exploitation of followers. I believe we have the ability to form one true religion that will take us through this final battle of good and evil that is obviously getting so nearer and nearer. We are obviously hated for having God’s name written on our hearts. Thank you for confirming what I have believed for a few years, and have been on the search for my group of people who felt the same. High Five everyone ❤

    • joanna

      I wish we were all closer together, meeting would be great. However, we are spread out all over the north american continent. But someday soon, we will be leaving this planet, and then we all will meet and rejoice together.

    • There is no fight against good, and evil. The word made flesh has won the deed to this world showing G-d’s laws are just.

      It is now a battle for souls.

      All religions can get together, but Christianity is the only one that is not about works getting to heaven, so Christians will be hated.

      Soon, the Restrainer will be removed, and a lot of those who worship G-d the father in Christ name will be remove too. However, the Bible reads some devout Christians will remain to show the way to a lost world.

      Second place is first loser, and don;t wait for your mommie to come do it for you!

    • Hi five to you Joanna.!

      Hehe yeah its amazing to come here and find people who i can relate to on a spiritual basis. and i’ve had people almost get hit by cars and things because they were too focused on fufilling satans desire of giving me evil looks. but these r just to name of few of the things that happens to me.

  183. oh dear, I see so many are still clinging to their religious roots. Thats ok, when the time comes we will know for sure, until then its all just speculation and interpretation. I hope you pray on this and request clarity. ❤

  184. marianne i have a question for you. is it ok if i consider everyone who treats me wrong upon sight w/o reason a demon? or wold that be blasphemy? let me give u an example.

    like when i go to church the greeters at the door most of the time give me an evil look or stare at me and never greet me or give me handout. but will smile at the next person and give them one. i’d instantly consider them a demon.

    and im not sure if this is blaspheming the holy spirit or not. these ppl r in church and obviously do have some knowledge of christ but since i see demonic work in them and the attack me, i consider them a demon. please let me know thnx.

    also when i get into a cab, the cab driver is always mean to me w/o een knowing me. once again i would consider this person a demon……

    let me know if this is the right thing to do and if i even do it with other chirstians who are cruel to me, am i blaspheming the HS thnxx!!

    • syndi

      It is not blasphemy to detect demons in people.

      When people are rude to you, get back in their face and ask what their problem is….

      ask them if they are aware of their behavior, since usually it is influenced by demons, not God or their brain.

      • how do i not let these occurrences stress me out? which ultimately leads me to have a head/body ache because I’m constantly battling from the moment i step foot outside until i am at home.

        I’m not gonna lie marianne its hard for me to stay at peace during this because i notice every attack. i wish i was better at ignoring it as you are. the fact i can’t ignore it is what causes my stress head and body aches. i cannot be peace. their stares are so cold, their darkness is so immense i can literally see and feel it surrounding them, they have penetrating evil that puts me at unease.

        i would say only 2 people do not attack me out of the thousands of people i encounter daily. its impossible to ignore this marianne. if i didnt have emotions and wasn’t so aware of such things, life would be much easier for me. the key is to turn off being so away of these attacks and just think of God…but this is not the case marianne.

        • syndi

          I am sending you some prayers for protection against witchcraft.

          print them out and say them each day, I will be in agreement with you in Jesus name.

          I am no stronger than you are.

          it is the Lord that is strong, and we need his protection.

    • There is a women in Europe, Maria Devine Mercy who is claiming to be contacted daily by Jesus, Our Lady and even God the father. Her web site is She’s catholic and so am I but these messages are for everyone. She predicted quite a lot and also the messages are that people who are spreading the truth in these times will be ostracised because the devil will do everything in his power to stop them.

  185. Boy! My husband dropped the bomb on me, yesterday, He said, he doesn’t have to go church, because the church is in him, And I asked him, “If the church is in you why isn’t it manifesting in our lives, (as Husband and Wife), he said, well because Yahweh has His timing, I said yes He does, but we have to do our part: pray, go to church, and read the Bible. Again he said, its in me. He broke my heart. I really have a lot of serious praying to do, I do admit Im passive, but know Im, convinced, how serious bondages my Familiy has. And I ask Yahweh for forgiveness, I got a lot of praying to do. My husband’s aura sometimes scares me. And another thing, too, everytime I give my testimony, how Yahweh, delivered me from seizures (Epilepsy) I start getting them, back to back, that’s not good. Please pray for me, that I will do Yahweh’s will everyday, for the rest of my life here on earth. I had to confess that to you (people); Confess our sins to one another.

    • mc

      your husband is not that wrong. the church IS in us and the Lord IS in us.

      in fact, if the Lord is NOT in us , going to church is useless..

      Just pray with him at home, keep the faith , and be patient.

  186. I recently went to a “christian” church where I felt and saw angry faces. It was the pastor and many of the praise and worship team as well as some of the deacons and members. It was my first time there. I was giving gifts as a first time attendant. One of the cd’s had a sermon by the title of learning how to pray. But when I put it onto my mac the title that read was the the three and the weeping coffin. I found that really strange.

    • george

      not sure about your CD.

      Either they took a used CD and tried to write over it, or you really got the CD about the coffin on purpose.

      I would not go back there, since you saw all that anger.

    • Hello George! Wow another person all these situations and feelings people have I experienced and more and maybe as I look into more i have felt that way going into a church and thinking everyone’s mad with me and angry faces. I love how people can relate its amazing how everyone is feeling the way I have too! God bless you so much. 🙂 XOXOXOXOX BIG HUGS

  187. kiki, I had a big problem with my appearance.I am average looking and live in a foreign country, in a small city,
    with few reborn christians. They would immediately treat me with noticeable dislike, looking down on me and obviously
    antagonistic towards me. Even the reborn Christians would treat me like that. Then I learned to pray that the Lord
    would let His light shine through me and to send His ministering angels with me and for me to find favour in the
    eyes of the people. I have to do it every day. It is getting better.. and you know I don’t worry anymore about being
    beautiful, because it is Jesus’ beauty that the people see. Now they say to me ‘Oh you look so beautiful, you are
    getting younger’. God bless you, you are beautiful.

  188. Thanks for this site.. I thought I was the only one. My mother hated me
    when I was born, she already gave up two kids, before I was born.My
    step siblings hated me and did not want parents to love me. I discovered
    the Bible at age 11, how I did love that book, it gave me hope and a feeling
    of love. My mother came into the room and whipped me real hard with a
    leather belt ( I still have the scars). I have always been naturally attractive,
    not something I strive for. But I know it was my Discovery when I was 11
    years old that got me through all of the horrible spots in my life. I am hurt and rejected even to this day. But I recognize it is demons trying
    to have a good laugh on me, and I rebuke them. Just say “satan go to hell
    it is your home.” If I want to be beautiful I would love for a bright light
    to shine forth from my face of the love and compassion our God has for
    us. Beautiy is of the heart.although I would never feel prejudiced against attractiveness.! If only people could love each other instead of compete.

  189. We need some good strong prayers to abolish
    demon possession. Amen.

    • laura

      I will send you some prayers to print out and say each day. I will be in agreement with you, in Jesus name.

      You have a strong spirit even when you are persecuted for belonging to the Lord. Do not ever despair. God sees your love and inner beauty, and will be with you always.

  190. Finally, an answer. I could be standing in a checkout line and watch the cashier’s attitude change, and know beforehand it was going to change. I could watch her facial expression go from happy, to nasty as I walked up to check out, and never understood why. I was pleasant; I didn’t say or do anything to upset her. I could also feel the presents of people’s spirit before we even talked to talk. I thought it was me and tried to work on how I approached people, but nothing changed. I’ve had friends that have refused to go places with me because they’ve seen this is action. It happens everywhere. My doctor’s office, my child’s school, stores, the library, Even over the phone. I started to pray before approaching people and even though I could still feel their negative feelings towards me, I felt better. Now it makes sense. Thank you for this information. God Bless

  191. Finally, an answer. I could be standing in a checkout line and watch the cashier’s attitude change, and know beforehand it was going to change. I could watch her facial expression go from happy, to nasty as I walked up to check out, and never understood why. I was pleasant; I didn’t say or do anything to upset her. I could also feel the presents of people’s spirit before we even started to talk. I thought it was me and tried to work on how I approached people, but nothing changed. I’ve had friends that have refused to go places with me because they’ve seen this is action. It happens everywhere. My doctor’s office, my child’s school, stores, the library, Even over the phone. I started to pray before approaching people and even though I could still feel their negative feelings towards me, I felt better. Now it makes sense. Thank you for this information. God Bless

    • betsy

      Just know it is them, not you.

      people are negative now, and allow demonic spirits to influence them.

      just assert yourself, and show you are better than their little demon buddies say you are.

      hold your head high and keep going.

    • Wow Betsy!!!!! I understand how you feel oh my goodness its amazing how were not the only ones I even go to the checkout and the cashier people give me attitude and look at me like they hate me. It’s hard because nobody really sees it and they say we are crazy but thank GOD praise him that there are people like the souls on this website. GOD BLESS YOU BETSY XOXOXOXOXOXOXO always stay safe and happy and stay strong beautiful lady!!!! God loves you beyond anything you could imagine take a smile from your heart and spread it amongst the world. Stay strong beautiful no matter what x lots of love and hugs to you

  192. Yes, the Mormons, are the ones who hates me. I leave the Lord his wrath and his vengenace as it is written: My vengeance is mine, sooner or later I will pay them. God is just. The Bible testified to me: If any man or any angel preach a different gospel than what we preach, anathema is he. The Bible led me to the right way that Jesus Christ is the way, the life and resurrection and I trust in the Messiah, Jesus Christ that there is no other gospel and other Savior and other Messiah, that the Messiah, I worship is the Prince of Peace, the King and Lord and Savior and I trust in the Lord who is not racist and who is not evil, and who is not respecter of person and the Lord who never makes mistakes. This is the kind of Lord I trust and fear and serve him and God is my witness that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints is not the true church because their evil testify to the Lord in heavens. God is witness. Can a gospel teach racism and hate that is not white? God is Aryan like my Reich and not Jewish like the Mormons and Anglosaxons and Mexicans. The bible testifies that flesh and blood cannot inherit heaven. When we die, we are spirits angels of God forever and ever, and are in glory and we cannot inherit heaven flesh and bones and blood. The Bible testifies and the Book of Mormons denies the veracity of Jesus Christ and the Father and the true mysteries of the kingdom of God. Because the Mormons believe God is a flesh and blood and the Bible says God is a spirit and we cannot go heaven because we are flesh and blood.
    May 2, 2007

  193. So when these people stare mincingly at us, do they actually SEE our Holy Spirit or do they see our physical face and it’s just the demons looking through them at us? For example the person that the demon is using sees my physical appearance, but the demon using them sees my light? Correct? The person doesn’t see what the demon sees, but the person gets influenced. Correct?

    I notice when a person is looking at me, they too, are confused as to what is making them look at me and why. Some of them have to shake their head and blink to snap out of whatever has a hold on them to glare at me evilly. I am aware they are being controlled by and evil force, however, they have NO idea whats going on. Which in return makes the person think because they are looking at me, there must be something wrong with me that they need to be cautious of.

    I’m gonna assume, the demon that has spotted me, then communicates with other peoples demons and next thing I know two more people are taking glances at me and looking at me with disgust, hatred, question or caution.

    What do you think Marianne?

    • you are correct.

    • This has been utterly amazing to me. The comments are quotes of my feelings over the years. I have always been hated or betrayed by short lived friendships, hated by perfect strangers with looks of disgust and jealousy from women all of my life as well as men at times. One young lady looked at me and snarled I want to bite you. I am a believer and love the Lord now 51 yrs old, with tears in my eyes, because I’ve felt so alone as a result of constant alienation and rejection by my children and family as well whom I love with all my heart. It is yet difficult to understand why it appears to be a certain group of people more targeted than others with this level of intense demonic assault. Why are all believers, with the Holy Spirit not experiencing this? I experience this rejection by ministers for no reason! I have had constant hindrances to success and blocks in the ministry with my husband. We are both very loving and kind people, but we are both hurting and very wound by the constant setbacks as satan uses vulnerable people. At this point we, we have no personal friends, and I feel this is because of me. People are drawn to him, but at some point they turn away when I come into the picture. This is very troubling and hurtful to me for him. We remain prayerful and hopeful to be strong in the power of His might. Reading this has truly blessed me, I have been praying for answers, THANK YOU!

      • dear Marie

        I think this is not just due to demonic attack, but it is a concept of “right ministers, wrong location/ or wrong crowd.” Women have a tendency to be more sensitive than men, so they pick up feelings quicker, whether they be negative or positive.

        not everyone who claims to be christian or born again really is, no matter how good they seem on the surface. and not everyone who really is born again is at the same level of maturity, no matter what they claim, or how they act. not all ministers are ministers of God. they are businessmen.

        the closer you are to God, the more rejected you will be by negative people. you need to refocus your ministry efforts on those who are receptive to the holy spirit and are either on the same level spiritually, or are lost, and would actually appreciate what you do for them.

        I suggest you think about what is it that characterizes your ministry with your husband. is it a teaching ministry? one of mercy? evangelistic? you need to identify the population of people who would welcome you, and need you.

        do not waste your time in the wrong place, or with those who reject you. people who reject you are the wrong crowd. you need a new environment with new people.

        also, this world is growing much darker, and true believers will be hard to find. true seekers , who are not saved yet, are still out there, but also hard to find.

        ministry should not be based on popularity. it should be based on truth. and if you have the truth, and offer it, the right people will respond.

        seek the Lord on this. my impression is that you need to be in a gentler place, where people are simple, not sophisticated, and kind, patient, and loving, not hard, rejecting, and cold.

        • Thank You So Much!!! I feel like you and this site is a great place of comfort and healing for people called to this kind of walk with Christ for a purpose to be revealed in this life and eternity. You have spoken prophetically concerning me and my husband, we have been pastoring for 27 years and a shift has come. God Bless you and your family!

      • Hi Marianne, I left the above post, please feel free to comment, thanks Marie

  194. Yes I have been under extreme attack lately. People whom i helped in the not so distant past have turned against me suddenly. All of sudden I can do nothing right in their eyes. I was once this person’s only friend in the world and now he despises me and is very hateful towards me. Won’t speak to me and ask if I have done some wrong to him. My brother who totaled my brand new car and never replaced it, ruined my credit and never apologized, whom i have given literally thousands of dollars to bless him and his family many times over, suddenly started hating me without cause. All of sudden he turned mean and hateful to me and his family. Instead of helping me in my time of need, they became hostile and hateful rather than help me out. None them speak to me and they try to make me feel as if i did them harm when they starved me and mocked me and made life a living hell for me and then stole my food stamps for the one time i needed help in life. i worked all my life since I was a teenager and now as an older women I am having to start completely over in life and they have all turned their backs on me. My only help is my grown son. Everyone else acts like I committed a crime because I feel on hard times when I lost my job of 10 years. As long as I was giving them money when I got paid off, and buying them expensive birthday and fathers day and Christmas gifts and giving them cash to spend, all was right but as soon as I lost my job and needed help, they treat me like Cinderella, except without the help at the end.

    • dear Mary

      I am so sorry to hear about how others have treated you. We cannot control the behavior of others, and they will have to answer to God for their selfish and unloving ways.

      Be assured that the Lord loves you, and that is what counts.

      I pray you can find more income soon. May God give you favor with others who are more positive, so that you can support yourself.

  195. Why do the people want you to know so bad that they hate you? If I don’t like someone I keep it to myself. I don’t yell, make evil stares or rude comments like eveyone does to me. I don’t mind if someone doesnt like me I just dont’ like to be verbally abused for it. I think I have suffered a few nervous breakdowns for the continued abuse from childhood to adulthood -EVERYWHERE. Feeling like I’m on the verge of going to the psych ward and therapists not believing me.

    • miki

      Do not go to a psych ward…it is like a sterile nightmare, where you expect compassion and find out no one cares.

      You are not the one who needs counseling…it is all the haters out there.

      Do you have a relationship with Jesus? He and his holy spirit are our comforters (in spirit) until Jesus returns) .

      Are you alone? do you have any friends who can support you?

    • Because satan knows it bothers you, he studies and knows our weaknesses and will continue to use people not strong in Christ and unbelievers as much as he can to attack you.

      People who are living w/o Christ are living for the enemy whether they know it or not. Because there’s only two, God and then the god of this world(the enemy lower case g). So people who aren’t living for Christ are tools for the enemy and he can use them in whatever way he wants which will always be to do harm(to others) or be harmed(to themselves).

      They want you to know so bad that they hate you because they aren’t living their life for Christ, so they have nothing better to do than to live their life to attack you, why would they do good to you? They’re not following God….

      WE (Christians) are doing good by following Christ. That’s why we don’t CARE to tell people we dont like them or go out of our way to scowl them. We have a greater purpose than that.

  196. Hello Marianne and I had come across this a long time ago but I was thinking it was me too but people like the situation if people saw me living my day to day life wow you would be like that is seriously a curse or something I feel like its me who has the problem well I am made to feel that way people I can’t judge them but everyone hates me looks at me cars driving past people walking aren’t nice even when I smile and they look at me with disgust and I read this and thought wow maybe there are demons around me but I’m confused? Who is it I don’t wanna judge I try and be strong then BAM I get angry and upset for people doing that. I’ve suffered all my life and it doesn’t end sorry I just don’t understand I don’t wanna be angry but it makes me so upset I try to be strong now i even get so Off inside my body and soul I feel EXTREME discomfort I was so close to GOD the satan drags me back down again whyyyyyy are people looking at me literally everywhere I go like they aren’t kind I don’t know them but I even try smiling and they look LOOK AT STARE every single person not paranoid and not making it up. I dislike when people accuse me of lying. I don’t understand WHEN WILL IT STOPPPPP! 😥 god loves everyone but still I get so angry and upset and I feel so empty and this thing inside me feels rejected I am not a perfect human being but why does every single human hate me on sight???????? Help please LOTS OF LOVE AND GOD BLESS XOXOXOXOXOXOXO thank you. God bless to everyone here on the forum! 😀 help me please. I don’t understand my problem is extreme I wanna succeed I feel like I can’t because people control me and their minds are saying NO u can’t. Ur past will define you. You’ve made mistakes. You aren’t worthy all these things and more run through my head!!!! I don’t deserve this do I?

    • dear beautiful soul

      you are trying to make sense of crazy , demon possessed people

      evil is irrational.

      just have confidence in yourself, and take the attitude that you are ok, and they are nuts, and if they don’t like you, that is too bad.

      you can also plead the blood of jesus over you to protect you from curses the crazy people will throw at you.

      • Hello hello hello hello. Thaaaankkyouuu I feel like my soul is stuck in this world. Marianne I don’t wanna feel this way its hard i try everyday so much to get close to god I drink to feel feel NUMB so I don’t and u know what all the staring and everything stops when I drink or sin because its like when u follow the world they are happy evil is happy 😦 I don’t wanna I am trying to be happy I have has extreme moments of bliss and happiness but it goes because somehow it stops I want more answers more depth I want everyone’s opinion. I feel like God created all of us for a reason I was born so different 😥 and I’m scared I wanna succeed I wanna succeed through God and I wanna make him proud and happy. JESUS CHRIST! Praise his name I know he’s not visible because no need for him to prove himself to us I believe in him I do I get caught up I’ve made mistakes I understand that but why does everyone not stop giving me a hard time. Leaving me blaming me accusing me and making me feel so horrible ah I get so upset I can only drink to numb it and days I feel confident and others I don’t i end up being submissive to people because I care if their feelings may be hurt but I get angry because I feel so rejected but all of us are loved by god but DEMONS seriously its not funny anymore I wanna be set free completely I know God saved me but I still horrible and my past doesn’t GO AWAYYYYYYYY it keeps flashing before my mind and its holdin me back and I feel that’s why people look at me I feel like the world is watching everything I do and then they stare and talk to me inferior And put me down and speak to me like I will never achieve anything and I’m so dumb I’m its when I’m alone I can be free like with people in stuck and they bring down!!!!! I am very smart and I’m capable but also God is involved in every aspect but now I’m all over the place I know everyone suffers and feels terrible pain and sadness but my life is constant let down and disappointment why? I want to be strong I can’t I believe in Christ I believe in satan too but I don’t wanna be apart of the world anymore I want to go with God and please him and be with him forever. This world I’ve tried making a difference I put posters up telling people God loves you and smile be happy be kind and things like that that’s the only way I feel like I can succeed right now and people reply to that its so good I wanna make a difference I want to have a purpose I feel so empty and alone I don’t know what to do i am the only person who feels stuck and so locked up my soul my heart my all everything is broken inside I’m trying to pretend to be happy to try so hard to let go of anger and try to not show the world I am angry because people have always disappointed me and I don’t know what to think anymore here we go again I feel suicidal I even feel like you don’t care about what I have to say. I feel like I’VE TRIED more than anyone in this world I’ve given up then I’ve tried and nobody wants me to even be here no one will hire me people are evil?????? Why whats going on why is it this way and everything crumbles when they succeed i fall apart MY SOUL I lost my soul mate I don’t care about anyone people interfere. Treat me so inferior all the time looking at me is their weapon like they have no feelings I then get a little angry then I trip or I fall on my face and its like why AM I LIVVING THE MOST HORRIBLE life why can’t I be happy and succeed Is God also mad at me or? He loves everyone so that’s why I try Not to be so rude to people but I still get upset. Everyone in this world stares at me whyyyy its like a 5 minute start literally? And people blame me make me feel so horrible.

        • Beautiful soul

          stop drinking….start saying the prayers I gave you.

          people stare because they have demons.

        • Dear Beautiful soul, Good morning, the sun is shining – even though it’s raining here, THAT is who Jesus is. jESUS LOVES YOU , that’s the only thing that matters. So, you’ve got a problem, sometimes you drink and afterwards you feel guilty – That is exactly who satan is, he puts the temptation in our minds, bodies, and then turn around to tell us how bad we are and that nobody likes us. Jesus don’t. Today God gives you Micah 7:18 “Who is a God like you, Who forgives iniquity and passes over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage (you and me)? He retains not His anger for ever, because He delights in mercy and loving-kindness” I’m sitting here, I don’t know you, but I know you in Christ and together we are preparing to meet our Lord and Master and I love YOU for that.. I pray that you get to know the love of Christ, which surpasses mere knowledge; that you may be filled through all your being into the fullness of your and my God. God bless you and I love you – Jesus hates *sin*, he doesn’t hate the*sinner. *

          2013/7/3 Heaven Awaits

          > ** > Beautiful soul commented: “Hello hello hello hello. Thaaaankkyouuu I > feel like my soul is stuck in this world. Marianne I don’t wanna feel this > way its hard i try everyday so much to get close to god I drink to feel > feel NUMB so I don’t and u know what all the staring and everythin” >

          • hester

            thanks for helping. It is 4 am here, and I have not gone to sleep yet, and have to “get up” at 7 am

            • oh i am so sorryyyyy!!!! Marianne see i feel like people are against me 😥 what is that sorry Marianne Godbless and sleep well xoxox thankkkyouu for your heellpppppppp!

          • Wowwwwwwww.<3 PRAAAAISE THE LORD ABOVE 🙂 thankyouthankyouuuuu! HESTER! wow you made me smileeeee

      • Marianne, how can you tell if someone who is staring at you is possessed or just oppressed???

        • maize

          for you, it does not matter, because their behavior will be negative.

          an oppressed person may or may not be sorry.

          a possessed person is much stronger, and the devil speaks through them.

  197. Can I say one more thing what do you do when someone looks at u like what can I do back 😦 i get so frightened and worried

    • smile and show you know you are ok

    • beautiful soul,

      Consider putting on yhr Armor of God every day, before you leave your home. Smiling at the person shows the faith, hope and love that you hold dear, shining the light of your beautiful soul.

      Armor of God Prayer

      • i’ve done the smiling thing and it just makes them attack me even more….. to be honest i just wait until someone smiles at me first, then i’ll smile back.

  198. I am so weak I sink lower and drinking more alcohol I go out every single day and it hurts I don’t feel apart of this world honestly GOD BLESS the people here I wanna follow GOD I feel like I need alcohol to NUMB the scareiness of the world. HELPPPP I wish u wee all here in person it hurts it does even just now again someone doesnt know me who I am what I’m doing out of no where they stare and for a long time like the demon or spirit succeed in what they want I can’t stop drinking its more Than drinking I think they’re see many people who suffer out their some dont they follow the evil I observe and people actually hurting too. I don’t have a gift I just feel it its sad I drink myself to be strong I am strong without it but stronger with alcohol I can’t face the world without it some days I’m okay some I’m not what the heck is this. I feel for people too then I get confused devil is a bastard he aims at all of us. DO U NOTICE WE MUST FORM AN ARMY ALL of humanity I wish we can get to all people and fight satan and GOD WILL GIVE US THE ARMOR WE NEED! What a battle. Satan sometimes I feel for him I feel sorry for satan I do I wish … Because let me go on further God created things perfect no hate no war but then it just came out because free will and also I won’t say its right but satan said lets see who will worship you??? LORD GOD and then yeah look now he’s getting all people Quick save all human race I want too I wil try and try and never GIVE UP ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL SOULS BE STRONG BE KIND and smile be happy and positive. Knowing God is powerful he will decide but also lets change the world together yeahhhh we can and help save all souls

  199. I feel like I. Wanna make a difference so I make people smile I always go to them and at have a beautiful day or nice day and it makes my spirits go higher. I think in the end GOD WANTS US ALL get along and ignore satan I can’t speak I am being a hypocrite because I drink to feel numb from satan decieves and people but its not people’s its demons I’m not sure but I think in the end we should all get along! Doesn’t matter we should all try our hardest xxxx I can’t because satan got me captive I can but its too strong

    • God created Satan….. do not forget this, satan was perfect, in all ways, satan was gods Minister the archangel. Who sat next to god, but satans desire for his fathers glory lead to his downfall, so he tempted gods one other perfect creation, if he couldn’t be perfect and like god nothing could, in this we see a lesson all things claiming perfection are imperfect mistakes were made and lessons are being learned satan is not evil by nature, there is no Evil or good just right and wrong humane and inhumane that’s where our view is skewed for God nor Satan are Human, they are greater and you need not fear either, you need not fear the people around you, only fear yourself and what your doing to yourself to achieve you need only believe, not all Fallen Angels are Demons there are those banished to earth who gaurd over man to redeem what they have done so the seraphim may take them home, pray not for yourself not for god not for jesus not for satan but truly pray to those who wish only Wellness for you and you will see the signs

      • This comment made me smile! like the way you have spoken to me and the reply i love it because you understand you have done your research like myself and i am not paranoid i respect peoples opinions and comments but its so good because right now i feel Good its battle between God and Satan we know the answer to that GOD WILL HAVE VICTORY! i just get so worried i do not want to encounter things or demons physically no waaaaaaay 😥 I WILL DIE RIGHT THERE AND THEN i COULDNT and wouldnt be able to handle the terrifying shock of seeing it!!!POP out of no where!! i didnt quite understand the last part get people to pray for me what was it sorry! 🙂 GODBLESS XX

      • fallen angels do not redeem anyone.

        only the blood of Jesus does that.

  200. Marianne, we suffer together for those that are in need. We love, as we should, as the Body of Christ and fight the battle to the end.
    With your permission I can give the site of a dear servant of the Lord who helped me from stopping smoking, and delivering me. I felt like Beautiful Soul – we all need help – and now is the time to prepare for the Bride.
    It’s your site. You helped me so much and won’t act without your permission.

  201. To Mary of June 25th, 2013.
    I was in the same situation with my sons. It was Marianne who had to bring me to a rude awakening. Enough is enough. “Find YE first the KINGDOM of God and everything shall be added unto you”. It is first OUR relationship with God, not with others. You will find it is OK and even right to say NO to others – and then FORGIVE the others: I found that the most difficult part. But if we don’t forgive the others Our Heavenly Father also can’t forgive us. And that is where the …. everything shall be added unto you come in. So forgive them and yourself and wait for the blessings of the Lord pouring down upon you. We serve a living God. Blessings in abundance

  202. Beautiful Soul I have the site of a person (beautiful child of God) that helped me with being set free from addiction and there is no judgement in, just the love of the Lord. I invite you to contact her. This is her mission, intercession and inner healing. Blessings, Happy Independece Day.
    The site is:

    • Hester hello 🙂 HELLOO! Haha how was Independence Day! Hope it was super funnnn! GODBLESS oh thankyouuuuuu so much for all of this. So beautiful beyond words can describe xxxx

  203. […] […]

  204. I am so scaredddddddd i am so close to GOD and now i feel like the demons are gonna get me? 😥 i am so scaredddddddd i was in the toilet and something happened i could sense it wasnt right i ran out with such terror and shocked things went on without me touching or turning them on OHMYGOODNESS I am frightened everytime i ACTUALLY GET CLOSER TO GOD EVEN MORE SO THAN BEFORE ….. So what now demons are gonna get me i am too scared!!!!!!!!!!frightened HORRIFIEEDDD help people helpp……..GODBLESS you all

    • Its called static electricity, change the carpet in your bathroom to tile, then reset your breaker box to discharge build up most likely due to a older home if I’m right, the magnetic fields from electricity can create hyper paranoia

      • haha probably the electricity too hahah LOL 😀 GODBLESS you my fellow human being 😀 Thanks for your comment

    • Beautiful Soul, what you experienced may have been real. Psalm 23 verse 4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.” has long comforted me in hair raising situations. I pray that knowing the verse can bring you comfort in a time of need.

      I think this entire topic is interesting and the discussion fascinating. My experience has been different and somewhat opposite from what many have discuss here. Complete strangers think they have meet me and know me from their past. It only happens 6-8 times a year, but it happened again today and it prompted me to search the web and lead me here. Now I don’t think I have ever meet the person from today, and this time it happen in a small town over three hours from my home. I feel I have never known the people that seemingly recognize me, and have always felt it meant something but I never knew what. I never thought it was me that they recognized. I thought maybe it’s the Holy Spirit they see, or maybe I have a famous soul. Now I wonder if I might have a famous guardian angel or a famous demon? Also most people find me very likable and trustworthy.

  205. Nothing can protect you from the Sight, a gaze into your eyes and I know your every weakness, I use this weakness to make you love me, I push you towards what you should not do, yet I hope deep inside that you resist me, i am everything that appeals the eye ear nose and hand, i know not love only my love for hate, deep inside I feel my evil, I’ve met few people I could not gaze into and none of them were holy, Hea Sea en thiasa relindeus Ba’el……..I save more people’s lives than you can know and I test them surrounding myself with those I cannot tempt, you know nothing

    • What do you mean? 😥

    • you need to get saved, buster

      • Marianne even when your saved ( This comment is not for me right ) i hope not hehe! How are you! 😀 hope youve been really well xoxo Godbless you so much. But even when your saved people would think you would be absolutely protected but Satan can still tempt cant he i swear today it happened i could feel something was not right i got a huge SHOCK ran out into public was about to scream Soooo loud

  206. 😦 very sad, been trying to figure out why my Dad has turned on me, I stopped for supper the other day and he sat beside me but turned his back to me and wouldn’t look me in the eye. He is very prominent in their church, I’m so afraid, I have no guidance going into this time of the end

    • jotylo

      Do not be sad. you have a right to ask your dad what is wrong. be persistent until you get an answer.

      do not be impressed with his prominence in the church. Jesus is the head of the church, and he loved you so much he died for you. the church belongs to jesus, not your dad/

      so stand up to you dad in a loving way, and ask him to tell you about any thoughts he has.

  207. I find it funny actually how people always choose to stair at me its sad SATAN YOU WON’T WIN THIS BATTLE I feel sorry for him I wish he would mend his ways with GOD :’)

  208. Hi Beautiful Soul. You schose the right name for yourself. Now start to praise the Lord. Put on Youtube and look for praise and worship music and praise the Lord. Satan has no patch against the praises the saints give our Heavenly Father. In praising you win all the spiritual battles. Try it. It works miracles.
    My dear I was of the air for some days, but I won the battle against satan through praising the Lord. By the way, I’m sitting in Europe and watch you folks ‘celebrating’. The love of the Lord to you saints across the Atlantic.

    • * G O O D M O R N I N G * beautiful person ( Hester ) hehehe! Oh thank you I shall and I am already giving praise to GOD!!! Is praise like yeah I have this song one of praising methods I feel like I sing it and as soon as I heard the song I felt deep goosebumps everywhere I felt the Holy Spirit I new it was GOD!!!!!!! I’ve been praying and trying so hard very very very hard and I cry and I feel his presence I don’t EVERRRRRRRR NEVERRRRR WANNA LOOSE GOD BUT WHY HESTER WHY DO PEOPLE STARE AT ME ITS THE worst kind of situation I am kind and I get a little upset and push myself to think Godly and not of this world but why does everyone look at me. I have forgotten my past and I’m not gonna go back there I’ve actually resisted temptation THAT I THOUGHT I could never I believed and had faith in GOD! And look its beautiful I didn’t sin! But also I just get worried satan badly tries to agitate me and he fiddles with my life hiding things and annoying me with things the stare thing I blame SATAN I blame myself for my mistakes but I don’t wana be reminded of my past! 😥 I don’t mean to hurt anyone we all make mistakes. I’ve always been kind but always got attacked by people are they perfect or? GOD BLESS HUMANITY I WANT TO SAVE as many souls while I’m still trying to heal I just feel attacked all the time eyes always on me its like if I am waiting for food at a take out place or something people stare I think my mind isn’t like the world haha I think differently not bad but I see what goes on beyond and further haha it’s crazy I sense things its more than I intuition its not its deeper i wanna help people but they push me away and one thing PEOPLE ALWAYS TREAT ME INFERIOR. Some people don’t notice themselves doing it but people do with me which is worse! AH HESTER its more serious but I’m coping because of LORD JESUS CHIRST BECAUSE OF GOD I A SURVIVING THIS RECKLESS HORRIBLE TERRIBLE WORLD that satan now has control of the dispute with God and satan I respect GOD DOES what he has to but I hope I And every soul goes to heaven that’s my goal I somehow through all my pain want to help people beyond whats imaginable I want to save souls HESTER but people want let me they hate me their eyes the look like demons and evil auras I don’t judge people they don’t know some people don’t know what’s going some have noticed and that’s a gift 🙂 we’re lucky but we need to help others and LITERALLY SAVE THE UNIVERSE , the world its sad it would take so much to save everyone anyways I’m all over the place I just want to live my life for God and do so HE REALLY CHANGES YOUR LIFE its the most beautiful feeling but when the world won’t let u move on literally speaking with me feeling like I’m not wanted I don’t ever wanna commuted suicide but I might as well if I’m not welcome BUT ANYWAYS god has a plan for all and I hope I will be able to escape this spiritual prison I am actually happy and fine I have God but I hope satan backs of soon and people wake up and open up their eyes! Soooooooooon before its too late. I just want to be left alone by people the devil using people always ATTACKS ME EVERYDAY I have good days but he always does something dramatically to try and upset me its hard i shake and my body I get so nervous and scared. Praise is indeed needed more I don’t know what to praaaayyyyy what words speaking in tongues I have to learn and praising him I can surely do but what kind of prayer? How many times a day? I know THE LORD GOD IS strict he wants us to focus and concentrate and always do his will I just need more guidance for exactly how to pray Hope your having a beautiful day lots of love and HUGS! Hehehe may the sun shine on you today! Always xx n forever

      • dear beautiful soul

        remember that you are the LORD’s Bride…..that will give you strength….and he is coming for you soon, and all brides, and he will take us all to heaven to be with him forever!

  209. 1 Peter 2:1-10 Beautiful soul YOU are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, His own special people, that YOU may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, just think you now became part of the chosen generation!!!!! John 10:10 (verse 1 – 21) Jesus our Good Shepherd say to YOU in verse 10: The thief (satan) does not come exept to steal, and to kill and to destroy. Submit to Jesus and satan will flee from you. Carry on your life and keep Jesus deep in your heart like a precious stone. When people stare at you bless them with the Love of the Lord in your spirit (not aloud) and ask the Holy Spirit of God to pour out His love into their hearts as well. Pray for them day and night and don’t allow any negative thoughts about these people to settle in your thoughts. Remember you will always have these people with you but Jesus said “You do not have Me always with you, because I am going to be with my Father in Heaven” and now that He is in heaven He sent His Holy Spirit to be with us forever. That’s the beauty of God. Try to do a course at a church on saving the lost. Ask Marriane about this and the baptism in the Holy Spirit – It will be your anchor. God bless you richly today and give you His peace that nobody can take away from you.

  210. HELLOOO good evenin lovely people! 🙂 hello Marianne! 😀 if I could actually take a video showing how weird and horrible it feels for people to stare beyond the point its not actually normal? Like Truman show with Jim Carey I feel like that and I ain’t paranoid its so hard when you wanna succeed and those eyes like I actually AM NT MAKING THIS UP I HVE JESUS CHRIST I have God I can tell wen its satan playing up he’s a nasty BASTARD I swear. It’s hard to be kind wen someone’s rude but lest we forget forgiveness and kindness will change all just wish it would all stop !!!!!!!!!!! I stopped getting angry giving into temptation to fight back Noooo Jesus doesn’t roll that way I wanna follow his way but its still a little upsetting I wanna take a video to show you EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN u would be like yeaaaaaaaj exactly but this is extreme like even friends of mine noticed I won’t let my past hold me back not satan nobody but still it needs to Stopppp seriously I don’t wanna feel like people are always walking over me. It ain’t fair

    • Honey, beleiiiiieve me when I SAY exactly what you wrote is exactly to a T what I go through on a daily basis. It’s nonstop, it’s pretty much ANYWHERE there are people. Stares, mean looks, evil glares, coughing, sneezing, farting, burping, scratching their face or hair, yawning etc….these are all manifestations of demons rising to the surface in peiple at the sight of our HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS’ spirit. Demons cannot and i repeat CAN NOT stand to be in the presence of the Lord, they tremble in fear.

      And so this is why we are treated so wrong, its because the demons in the people take over them oppressing or possessing. In accordance with Mariannes articled “HATED OFF SIGHT” its literally ON SIGHT! the hatred. So it’s not even like you gave these people a chance to hate you, its automatic instant.

      Also, satan knows that this bothers us, so he will continue to use it against you. getting all he can to stare at you. there are demons satans sends assigned to us to watch us everyday since the day we are born. to study us, so demons know us better than we do, they know our ticking points and the enemy attacks us with them.

      1 peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”

      Beautiful soul, key word here, is “WHO HE MAY” …. which means he cant devour EVERYONE, oNLY THE PEOPLE HE CAN, only the people who will LET HIM.

      Don’t let this serpent have his way with you. You are strong in Christ stand your ground and keep proclaiming the name of our KING!

      Satan will FLEE when you do so.

      But honey bun, i know exaaaaactly what you go through. When i get on the bus i get stared at, when i get in line ppl turn around to look at me thinking im there to destroy them or something, when im in line at the registers i get stared at, everyone stares at me and they dont stop ever sooo ive just become numb to it now and try to turn it into a positive.

      So in my head I say, Oh they must think im the most beautiful girl in the world, ooh theyre staring at me they must think I’m a celebrity, they must see JESUS in me, etc…just anything positive u can think of to retrain your brain from getting angry at the stares.

      Also, I get scared too when ppl stare at me cuz i feel like their being negative. But when im not FEARFUL but remembering 2 TIMOTHY 1:7 “God did not give us a spirit of fear” then they leave me alone so stronger is GOD that is in us than the devil that is in the world.

      I wish you and I were facebook friends, but I don’t think marianna allows us to exchange info ;/

      • HEYYYYYYY HELLOOO!!!! 😀 As soon as I saw your message I was smiling already praise the LORD AGAIN PRAISE thy Holy father who is in the highest, G O D B L E S S Y O U !!!!!!!! ❤ wow WOWWWW I wish that I could meet everyone in person we'd get along so beautifully awwwwwww and protect each other from the EVIL EVIL EVIL CRUEL WORLD! That Satan lurks around in awwww I AM SO BEYONDDDD HAPPY THAT SOMEONE ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS =] ahhhhhh its amazingggggg! Bless you so very much! Your words and what you have written makes so much SENSEEE 🙂 what a beautiful SUCH A WONDERFUL SIGHT to seeeee awwww thank you honey bun hahahahahah! Honestly you are so right these things happen but the world is so beyond deceived Its actually sad… My wish my SINCERE AND MOST TRUE wish I wish I wish upon a star! Is for the world to be saved every single human being! 😥 every single S O U L every single person in this world it would be an absolutely difficult task but I think we could make it there. It's so simple to make THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE to change it. God says it says in the bible he wishes for every man to be saved!!! And I want to do that SO VERY MUCH to please him to make his dreams come true!!!!!!! Awwww I read all that you wrote WOW it got to me. So beautiful that people and another human being understands so well XOXOXOXOX MUCH LOVE MUCH MUCH love and peace to youuuuuu!! Wow I am in shock u understands 🙂 I'm overwhelmed thank you thank you GODBLESS YOU IM okay now I'm doing well but things like the past people satan really wants to get some people more than others and it bugs me i don't wanna look like I'm angry or annoyed people don't get it and I REALLY HAVE TO KEEP STRONG u too SWEETHEART lets smile and show love everywhere il try I still get quiet upset though when people do. I shake my body shakes I feel so awkward and satan always tries to tempt me with alcohol and sexual lusts and I really am progressing I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST I BELIEVE IN HIM I HAVE FAAAAITH I PRAISE AND WORSHIP MY LORD MY GOD MY HEAVENLY FATHER I just want PEOPLE TO LEAAAAAVEEEEEEEEE ALONEEEEEEE much more love to u mwaaaaaaah biggest warmest CUDDLES u made my daaaayyy il be thinking and looking at your message thank you thank you. :')


  211. Hi Beloved in Christ,

    Smile, pray for these people who are staring at you: I’ve learned to say to them “God bless you” with love, and they even cringe away. I am so glad to hear you saints stand in harmony with me, then I know we are the remnant. Jesus our redeemer loves us, our ABBA Father loves us. We have joy in Him. Maybe you wanna watch this video!! a blessed day to all who follow Christ our Lord.

    2013/7/12 Heaven Awaits

    > ** > jotylo commented: “Alberta” >

  212. Hello I just keep getting answers from god. The people who walk in the spirit will not always fit in with the world so less worry darlings we can stay kind. We’re not special gifted or anything but just see things so differently I don’t know what word to use English language can’t provide that haha! But people who can’t understand and are against forget them let god deal with it all just HAVE FAITH PRAY HAVE HOPE there is a GOD TRUST ME those people who experience the Holy Spirit like I have he does exsists and don’t expect a fast change he will come and make u feel beyond amazing but time will u will see the change the world may reject us and its okay! I hope people can wake up and see GOD but I understand now its walking with God that people reject oh well and people who blame god not on here but who don’t believe and blame him for the wrong HOW CAN SUCH A RIGHTEOUS GOD do such it was satan who causes that he’s trying to get everyone against god becareful watch out for every single detail in your life stay kind have a humble heart but don’t let satan bother you and people are people they will go their own paths. Let the people be rejected like us and you just focus on you make you happy HAVE FAITH IN GOD! No matter how many mistakes we make we sin GOD FORGIVES and once its done u can have a clear concious and u move on and start the new you FORGET PEOPLE WHO STARE LET THEM u may feel beyond nervous and shaky and uneasy I am still dealing with it BUT YOU LIVE THROUGH CHRIST HAVE FAAAAAITH BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE if u feel like gods called upon u. Your probably right. Don’t let spirits around control SMILE AND MOVE ON and go about your life pray In that moment GOD WILL SAVE YOU TRUST ME HE WILL. HE’S REAL AND AROUND HE’S UNSEEN and unformidble power he doesn’t need to prove to us the devil needs to stop deceiving if u just smilleeeeeeeee and stay happy and stay kind smile to those PEOPLLE and walk past sing and dance around them and say u know what I’m okay. U have a lovely day demons and spirits hate this more than anything. JUST PRAY strongest weapon against it all scriptures quote them in any moment in your life even out and about and u feel aggitated and annoyed and something small upsets u pray and the our father is the strongests study your bible well and study and research it helps GOOGLE HAS GOT ANSWERS to but be picky with them not all sound right u will be able to tell without google and GOD hahaha god most of all but google helped me get through pain whatever answer u need search study hard and Most of all PRAY FIRSTLY and answers will come xxxxxx MUCH LOVE becareful to because online were being watched too. More demons :/ hahaha crazzzzzy world we live in never blame god for the bad!!!!!!! It’s all righteous and all good all the time. Non believers your missing out on the most BEAUTIFUL FEELING IN THE UNIVERSE GODS LOVE is forever forgiving and loving god never changes and don’t let satan demons get to ya people LOVELY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE STAYYYY STRONGGGGGG IN GODS NAME AMEN bless you all

  213. I feel like people are so against me I’ve made mistakes and I’ve come to god and I want to be righteous for him and my sake too and people can’t accept they don’t listen and its slowly getting better the staring things wares off when u put YES YOU PUT ALL your belief in Christ I’m fixing and mending ways with my fellow man and they can’t handle it! 😥 sad I am so patient and I am careful with words I made mistakes and I don’t wanna sin again I might get tempted but I won’t drink I won’t have sex I won’t associate with ungodly people il be out in public working that’s different or on a bus or shopping or something like that il still be kind to my fellow man but I won’t let staring and ungodly things and satan get me. U MUST BELIEVE AND PRAY IT WORKSSSSSS MIRACLES even though nobody understands lets unite together stay strong always smile xxxxxxx it works u can be happy and feel safe in CHRIST! The eyes UNBELIVABLE hey how u can be stared at my friend started to noticed!! And she was shocked and people thought I was cursed see once explain properly maybe people will understand some say u are imagining CAN’T BE? I’m awake u silly bums its so hard to explain to people the devil does that makes people think we’re crazy dont worry GODS GOT YA BACK HAVE FAITH PEOPLE JUST SMILE AT THEM NO MATTER WHAT THANKS MARIANNE XXX MWA MWA MWA

  214. Helloooo Marianne 🙂

    Even though I’ve sinned I have sinned he’s forgiven me I feel God has but it is okay for me to completely forget the past no matter what I wanna move on I feel like I something to show me I know god loves us always something trying to pull us away from God and this and that but my sin and even my tattoo I had of someone I thought I loved forever but all these things GOD HAS FORGIVEN ME RIGHT I know he has but its okay for me to move on right MARIANNE right people its okay right! And people live righteously no matter what anyone says I Know for sure I know it sounds weird I’m asking too but I am surrounded by Gods people here in this blog I’m safe but TRUST IN LORD BUT MARIANNE its okay for me to smile and be happy right? I trust in GOD but I just wanna know too while I’m living in the world I can move from my past and I already confessed deeply and meaningfully but I wanna know I JUST WANNNAAA KNOW I CAN SMILE RIGHT do I have that right to wake up tomorrow to smile and walk with God no matter what the world says xxxxxxx much love to you all PEACE! May u all find God truly honestly deeply! Follow your heart with GOD he will give u a feeling but u will be able to tell wen satans around or God!!!! Gods always GOOD satan will tempt u BLESSED IS HE WHO RESISTS TEMPTATION and I am now MARIANNE I’m resisting but the world makes me feel like I can’t I still get sad sometimes because I’ve moved on but once I’m out in the world it keeps reminding me all I just wanna know I can smile and when I walk through the street while people stare at me. Wondering why she’s so happy I go beyond I smile and jump around like GOD PERFORMS miracles everyday. He does the smallest things and then I go so overboard happyyyyy xxxx and people then wonder why? I don’t judge them or hate them but I get all sad Inside them feel like I don’t deserve it 😥 not everyone will wake up in time and realize but I hope all of us here can be saved I HOPE THE WORLD CAN but lets at least try be kind to all and show the WORLD WHAT LOVE IS = ( JESUS CHRIST ) I might sound crazy and people might be like ??? But I’m not ashamed of my GOD EITHER SHOULD Youuuuu XOXOXOXOX we should also act RIGHTEOUSLY! No drinking. No sexual lustful desire don’t follow the flesh follow GOD HE WILL SHOW U trust me. Don’t follow the world follow CHRIST meaning do things u know GOD WOULD DO! U can listen to music? U can still do things but make sure if GOD were around hanging with us fellow human that he would accept of it and live by the commandments! 😀 love you all peace and MARIANNE thank you thank God for sending such a blessed angels for this blog xxxx Hehe much love all the way from AUSTRALIAA to America heheh

  215. You know I struggled with why Christians can do great things in the church but hate me or reject me.
    We never had a meaningful conversation or negative altercation of any kind, but yet they treat me like im suspect.
    It hurts so badly and I thought I had to try harder to prove to them im really okay but it only got worse.
    Thanks so much for spiritually helping me!

  216. Marriane, I think my presence (Jesus’ spirit) is so strong in me that it makes people yawn, cough, sneeze, burp, spit, get in pain, get a headache, swear, get angry etc….right at the sight of me.

    And i know it’s spiritual because they do it right when they see me and it happens so frequently. The people won’t even be tired or sick or mad, but right when they see me they start immediately doing one of the things above.

    And I know it’s because of their darkness trembling in my light or trying to escape my light ya know?

    Some people can’t even look me in the eyes because I think my eyes are bright as well. This one man told me he can see that I’m of God in my eyes.

    I’m not sure what kind of gift I have. Is my presence casting the demons out of people on the spot or is it just rilling them up?

  217. I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel so horrible I lied to get out of the house I’m staying at? Because I’m completey u comfortable with the person I’m staying with sometimes I’m grateful and thankful but I feel horrible!! Because I can’t live with it sometimes the way the person is like I sense demon surroundings he’s a nice person but then get times were I sense this devil surrounding! Ewwwwww I feel suddenly so bad today and my past always comes back u reap what u sow but at the same time I can’t make an excuse either can I?? But I just can’t live with an older Man U know I appreciate him letting me stay its a friend of my mothers and I have to stay with him I have no choice I’ve lied to just stay out of the house

    • Beloved Marianne in Christ,

      I have just watched and now understand what “Do people hate you on sight” means, why you posted it. The more people hate us, the more God blesses us and give us the courage to go forward. These miricles in our lives, is what proves the existence of our Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. God bless all the people who use your site. The Lord created a miracle thru your site, bringing His people Home. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord and all honour and glory to our Lord Hester

      2013/7/15 Heaven Awaits

      > ** > Beautiful soul commented: “I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel so horrible I lied to > get out of the house I’m staying at? Because I’m completey u comfortable > with the person I’m staying with sometimes I’m grateful and thankful but I > feel horrible!! Because I can’t live with it sometimes the way ” >

    • Does that friend of your mother’s live with her as her boyfriend? If so, they are living in sin, and that is why you feel hate from him.

      • Nope like its her friend but she had a kid with him he’s old 😦 and now she’s with another man and they having marriage problems and he kidnapped my sister last night she’s away I’ve struggled and am finding my way in life just now so I have to stay with him I have no choice! But am not trying to blame people but I’ve made bad choices I know but they also don’t hold them selfs accountable my mums never been there she’s only helped me in other ways never been a mother mother and her words can be so cruel and people have never understood me completely I’m an alien haha very different I forgive people too quick and I put up with things and sometimes I can’t tell people things I’m scared I will actually upset them. But Fingers always pointed at me which is SO ODD people always choose to give me evils and always stare always treat me inferior bully me pick on me its all over but I still have faith in GOD no need to question anything as long as we / I have faith il be okay but sometimes there are days I wanna give In again today I wanted alcohol I lie because I’m scared about something so stupid I got myself into that but temptation and the DEVIL HE DOESN’T STOP DOES HE! Ahhhhhh this fight between good and evil. Needs to stop :/ and the mind OH MY GOODNESS its too powerful that’s we’re satan will stay if we let him so hardddddd to get him out completely he just BRINGS UP THINGS like Joyce Meyer has said in her videos I’ve seen on youtube the devil plants things around us and in our heads! 😀 SMILE AND LAUGH I GUESS THAT’S ALL WE CAN DO 😉

        • well you tell Fingers that you are covered by the blood of Jesus, and his curses won’t hurt you….and that he is going to hell if he hurts you. God will hurt him back

          • Hi Marianne, I’m wriring this to you personally, I think Beautiful Soul has a Jezebel mother, she has the same problems that I had with my ex and middle son. You told me to stand up. That’s exactly what I did. I told everybody I NOW LIVE FOR JESUS CHRIST ALONE AND NOBODY WILL STOP ME FROM SERVING THE LORD. The moment I did that (we were three living in an attic me and two sons) the Lord provided me a 3 bedroom house, (temporary, but the Lord will supply me my needs) my dauhter-in-law came to beg forgiveness, she is going to church now with me and her husband is also coming. I’ve learned from you, we have to be strong in ourselves otherwise people (satan) will tramp on us all the time. Tell BS God will never leave her stranded!!! Blessings

            2013/7/15 Heaven Awaits

            > ** > Marianne commented: “well you tell Fingers that you are covered by the > blood of Jesus, and his curses won’t hurt you….and that he is going to > hell if he hurts you. God will hurt him back” >

            • Xox THANK YOU xoxo sooooo much HESTER BLESS YOU!!!! Thank you so sweet. So very blessed by all of this and all the people who comment and come here what a beautiful miracle. HESTER thanks for saying its so lovely to know someone understands wow it never ends i get so happy seeing people message and reply too also having to say what they experienced so happy Your okayyyy and your safe your right we never go without With GOD ON OUR SIDE awwww so beautiful u are mwaaaaaah

            • hester

              I am blessed to hear that your circumstances have changed for the better. stay strong in the Lord, and he will provide for you

              • marrianne

                It was thanks to your site. I was destitute for many years, till I found your site. I cried so much to the Lord.I had to forgive much. I pray your prayer against witchcraft the whole day for my sons and others. Those points in the body, spine, spleen etc I suffered it for years even being reborn, but nobody spoke about it. My ex and late mother in law (I believe she is in heaven now – I witnessed to her) were doing witchcraft on me and my children. My middle son went to church with me three times and now he rejected God, because he says his father was always in the church and he did so much evil to us. He had the Jezebel spirit (I believe in Christ that he is free now). Please pray also for us: Eldest : Jose Eduardo Jesus (kind of Ahab)- wife Barbara Marques Meneses (Her mother has terrible Jezebel spirit) Second : Joaquim Renier Jesus (Jezebel) Third : Henrique Pierre (Ahab Spirit) controlled by Jezebel spirit in girlfriend. I also pray the prayer over MY HOUSE. I pray the Lord’s protection over you, your family and the site. Hester

                2013/7/15 Heaven Awaits

                > ** > Marianne commented: “hester I am blessed to hear that your > circumstances have changed for the better. stay strong in the Lord, and he > will provide for you” >

  218. Marianne, I have started a secret facebook group if anyone is interested in meeting on their to discuss their experiences without fear of being harassed by others on here. Is it possible to share the group on here?

  219. * PRAISE GOD PRAISE THE LORD FOR LETTING HIS GRACE THROUGH MARIANNE! For letting his message get through her blessed u are MARIANNE! 🙂 thank you honestly and truly from the bottom of my heart! Sometimes the world and places certain things we search for and answers like all the time I wondered why people LOOK beyond at me? I ACTUALLY FOUND A PLACE ANSWERS I WAS like and later in my own time I found GOD and all the people here bless u all. Bless humanity no matter what the enemy throws at you. You can do this WE WILL NOT FALL AND STAY on the ground we will grow the wings we need and we will fly and soar! I was so overwhelmed and shocked to find an answer out of all places u would expect someone to tell you or find out other ways and WHAT A MIRACLE

    • we love you too, dear…..stay the way you are…….you bring joy and peace to everyone around you here.

      • Awwwwwwwww ❤ LOVE RIGHT BACK TO YOU XOXOXOXOX oh my dear friend thank you thank you thank you oh I'm so happpyyyyyy u make me smile MARIANNE hehe

  220. OMG GOODNESS I am back at the house if I could explain and meet u people in person WOW its MARIANNE HESTER all of you PEOPLE BEAUTIFUL SOULS too!!!!!! Thankkkkyou MARIANNE THANKKKKYOUUU Hester wow what u say MARIANNE when u said I love u too. Yes GOD WILL ALWYS PROVIDE us awwwww! HESTER wow! And MARIANNE I love you back forever and eternity! I can’t wait to maybe see u all one dayyyy! Il come to americaaaaa YAYYY! It’s more complicated. Like I have been saved but slowly things are working out I HAD SUCH A HORRID DAY DEVIL WAS ON MY BACK reminding me of things I felt so off! But then…. GOD GAVE Appeared out of no where and showed me and when he gives signs and gives me this feeling seeing messages appear on my email from other human being and from this blog especially I feel like screaming and jumping for joy! I FEEL like I’m okay now like I don’t have to give up I don’t need anyone but GOD I do need u people u make my life so MUCH MORE AMAZING if I had u all near me and we would protect each other wow I know everyone god loves us all but some are so blind when I am a success through GOD I’m gonna invite u all to Australia I think most of u are from the USA right. Howddyyyy PEOPLE! GODBLESS YOU GODBLESS YOU ALL MUCH warm love and cuddles and kindness even on youtube I love music and now slowly I feel like the Holy Spirit is TAKING AWAY MY. BONDAGES he’s giving me so much WISDOM never we must never forget to thank GOD some amazing tumblr pic quotes on google people search! Online google and god spiritual tumble pic quotes AMAZING THEY INSPIRE TOO wow I’d LOVE TO MAKE A BLOG BUT DONT KNOW HOW! love is the cure GOD IS LOVE THROUGH US and some people who are ready to taken on that mission for GOD LETS CHANGE THE WORLD! MARIANNE I love u so much thanks my beautiful friend see I GO OVERBOARD I get so happy GOD BLESSES ME like this to have people to understand ( want to cry ) haha all u who are hurting u are feeling so upset and worried its okay to still feel down and feel worried but YOUR ATTITUDE MATTERS BEAUTIFUL friends u wake up and u SAY! Yes today I thank The Lord I’m alive and okay and thank him appreciate and be kind to those around u even me i get upset still but WE will in time progress slowly step by step will get we’re we need to the staring Thing will ease of and thanks to such a wonderful soul like MARIANNE slowly we will save souls XOXOXOXOX cuddles MARIANNE heheh and to all u magnificent human beings SMILE ALWAYS aahhhhh I need to create a blog DARNIT lol hahaha

  221. Ah I wonder why replies come at night for me all of you beautiful people are from AMERICA! Hahaha! LOL duhhh! It’s so wonderful to know that GOD what he does the feeling is so beyond like I know people might say the same but when some are lost and we aren’t excluded even when saved By GOD u still face trails so I am saying like HAVING GOD and knowing him feels so beautiful and odd and off beat beautifully odd I LOVE IT like you would see other people or remember the past or knew people whatever it may be anything absolutely anything then they don’t see the light or GOD like I broke up with a ex boyfriend too french backpacker and its weird the story like I’d never experienced what LOVE REALLY WAS ALWAYS GOT PUNISHED and then he came along and I got a tattoo also which was bad and Is a sin because the body is GODS TEMPLE anyways sorry off track like I loved him the story and love we had even though he spat in my face he physically hit me but no bad bad but like I think we broke up I was emotionally unstable I was so insecure and the DEVIL HAD ME I think now like what is he doing do people find GOD DO THEY KNOW THE POWER HE IS AND SATAN AND EVIL can’t rule over! I feel awful because I was doing what he didn’t want me to have friends! And was stopping me from seeing male friends and I did and we broke up because I saw male ( friends ) and people tried to take advantage of me I let them but not cheating stage of sexual things sorry I am just trying make sense of how much like I feel suffered too my mother always brought me down telling me the world hated me and I was so ugly all the time you will never succeed and she always left me and I started to steal to survive then got thing I didn’t need got too much money and then I drank I felt ugly all the time I just blame myself too for making wrong choices but people around me MY MOTHER MY EX Adrien made me feel like I wasn’t worth it all the friends I ever had used me and put me down to the core through my mum I felt like the world was watching me she put this evil thought in my head that everyone’s watching you IT WAS TRUE AND RIGHT PEOPLE WULD STARE SO BADLY! 😥 I felt guilty my mistakes but I needed company so I bought food and clothes and stole and I drank to cover up that guilt and also from the way others treated me I was still a nice person but I felt bad for stealing but 🙂 please don’t judge me i didn’t mean to but my mother people always left even now when I thought the ONEE PERSON WOULD STAY ADRIEN he left accused me of cheating when he always left me and went away to work and didn’t stay my mum didn’t stay fathers gone friends leave and use me! People don’t get it. And why the world stares I don’t know I’m not the only person but the difference is I didn’t mean to sometimes I’m like shit why? But I can’t I need to eat? I needed something to make me happy for time I had nobody! Always LEave ME! And I feel people stare or demons?????? Make them stare to make me feel bad I’ve stopped stealing and stopped drinking now its lying slowly GODS TAKEN IT AWAY HE’S FORGIVEN me! I feel awful but once I repent? Far out the devil doesn’t stop people don’t get it like u all do here 😥 I miss my ex because he’s the only person who understood on the level I was which is extreme my mind is always thinking beyond what is normal I feel good and god gives me knowledge haha but he’s gone I blame me I didn’t listen u know don’t have male friends but I want him back I wish! But everything I do maybe that’s why people stare am I being watch or everything I do in my life! Are we? I feel LITERALLY like I’m the only person I. This world who’s being watch I FEEL SO OFF AND DIFFERENT yet through it all i still wanna help others I care for ya”ll like MARIANNE does if you need anything let me know xxx CHRIST SAVES ALL sorry if I offended anyone I’m so sorry I’m not a bad person just confused but I know GOD HAS HIS PLAN FOR ALL OF US

  222. I was lonely and troubled like you Beautiful Soul, but Jesus gave us his saints and ministering angels to minister to us. It was what Jesus ordered us to do, to go out and spread the Word (His good news).
    I see lately things are happening fast in the heavenly realms. Throw away any extra weight you are carrying and prepare your lamp to await the Bridegroom for His coming. Let no one tarry. Jesus said to be on the “Watch out”. Keep your lamp filled.
    I also say to Lessa: Did you ever thought that you might be a “remnant” a chosen one. I have felt out and rejected in the church, you know why? I couldn’t stop talking about our wonderful Saviour – they didn’t like it in the church. Unfortunately there are many dead works in many churches.
    Forgive them and ask the Lord to forgive them and ask the Lord to give you visions and to love the unsaved. Ask God for everything you desire – what is wrong God will throw it away, what is right God will multiply to you. We have to change our way of thinking, we limit God in our thoughts – it’s what Jesus was so sad about when He was here on earth, and still today.
    Let’s praise Him and worship Him and be expectant to receive Love from our Lord. Without Love we cannot achieve His reign, because JESUS is LOVE.

  223. Beautiful Soul,ask Marianne for the prayer against witchcraft. Break all the soul ties, then pray the Lord for a husband who is in Christ, get to know him and don’t have sex until you are married – this is serious – so that your children will be a blessing to you in your old age – if the Lord doesn’t come before that!

  224. Wow HOW did u know! There was a lady who cameo out of no where who was a clairvoyant and few others 3 CAME TO ME I thought it was GOOD until I Found CHRIST until I found you all. WOW U ARE ANGELS IN DISGUISE BLESSING IN DISGUISE! I already have had sex so many times before I feel horrible I just wanted someone to love too sexual pleasure I thought was just the feeling of someone holding u close but NOTHING COMPARES TO GODS LOVE I WILL WAIT I AM NOT HAVING SEX UNTIL I’m married! I won’t ever I’m reborn again and I won’t! I promise that! ThAnkkkkkyou HESTER I want GOD ONLY but while waiting for GOD I REALLY SEEK a partner I thought it would be ADRIEN 😦 but I’m confused he doesn’t block me out of his life he’s trying to make suffer for something he started and made me feel like I was worth nothing u know I WILL THROUGH JESUS YES how did u both HESTER and MARIANNE know that witch craft was apart of this some few people came to me and I thought wow they actually understand and want to help???? Thankkkkyouuuu! ❤ Wow I'm so relaxed in my comfy bed u make me feel so happpyyyy wow tonight's gonna beeeeeee one amazing sleep so blessed at this moment in my life. Love u guysssss

  225. I’m reading about Jezebel YUCK! Even when I go out with my mums friend its a weird presence people stare and look and SMIRK BADLY! And just try and get in my way I try Soooo hard not to get upset I get sensitive and upset people need to study more and know about the Lords enemy’s! IT MAKES ME SO SICK WHEN I see people trying to destroy myself or anyone! Anyone like why do people smirk and laugh I always think of The Lord and then everything CALMS DOWN ah I can’t stand it thank GOD I have a job now and il be out sooner than later I HAVE DREAMS TO FULFILL THROUGH GOD! I don’t wanna be around evil 😦

  226. BS, stay firm in the Lord. Satan can convince us of many things, but we confess our sins and through the Lord we have victory. Remember, God hates sin but He loves the sinner. Do you attend a church? You are special for God. The Lord is our Standard.

  227. Marianne hello my dear dear friend and to everyone here good evening good morning whatever it may be GODBLESS YOU!!!!!!!! ❤ I feel like I am slipping away I still have STRONG LOVE FOR GOD THAT WILL NEVER DIE I kept distance from things I do that sometimes to become better in myself and with god but I love people and I care and I LOVE MY FRIEND BEST FRIEND that is but I know its demons and Satan u know I am confused he really tricks me i love her but I feel like if I hang with her and people from my past it will affect me everything is slipping back to the way it was I'm scared I AM SCARED I WANT TO BE ALIVE WITH GOD AS I HAVE BUT I ALWAYS AM THE ONE FULL OF MERCY FOR OTHERS AND I don't wanna go backkkkkkkk to the same girl same person the horrible horrible past I don't know what to do I always blame myself too but evil like what is it satan what? Like he's trying to get me back to my old ways friends who drink who are having sexual thought speak lustfully I DONT KNOW MARIANNE WHAT TO do I can decide but whats best to stay with god alone until he brings people but she's a beautiful person but always I get back Into bad habits when I see things from the past she's not a thing a human a friend but still its just i don't wanna GO BACK! Easy some would say no its hard! U know! I am not sure i felt alive and a little lonely I have GOD BUT now satan confuses me I hate it I KNOW THERE'S A GOD and I try to incorporate it like doesnt work I don't wanna Live in sin! Anymore its hard to let go of things but now Life is better through Christ it won't always be easy but I feel I'm slipping should i go with what I feel? Or pray prayed Ahhhhhhhh IM SO WORRIED I WANT TO BE ON MY PATH WITH GOD ITS LONELY PHYSICALLY HERE ON EARTH wish we could see God but???????? What do I do……… Like I have this urge to always make things right I do regret things I feel guilt like I distance myself things get better but I feel like if I go back to being friends with her and seeing people they will make me feel like I can't achieve anything and satan will be laughing like IM STUCK LITERALLY SO MANY YEARS! Now same thing because I've let people walk over me too! My confidence I don't want it to SLIP AWAY! People don't change I'm scared SATAN IS TRYING TO DESTROY ME AGAIN LIKE HARD TO EXPLAIN! Ahhh oh my goodness 😦 sorryyyyyyy? Just I don't wanna SIN AGAIN I DONT SERIOUSLY! And I'm still having to own up to lies I've made because I'm in this environment I am 21 and still living with someone a friend of my mothers so its still a negative weird environment sometimes I feel like he's the devil :/ arrrghhhhhh! Like controlling and once I'm completely away from here I had to move here because my mum doesn't care and I'm still not free i have a job now and ???? Ah I can't go on its weird the story! Just feel stuck and controlled and I want to BE FREE SO I CAN CONTINUE MY JOURNEY WITH GOD BUT I FEEL making up with my friend is gonna cause me to slip I don't wanna GO TO HELL I don't want anyone tooooooooooo bless us LORD JESUS BLESS US ALL 😥

  228. Beautiful Sole, please do yourself the favour and contact this e-mail, she will help you with many questions and you can skype with her and talk personally with her. Do it quickly, she’s from South Africa. She also helped me a lot. Love you and stay firm in Jesus. In the beginning it is difficult but in the end we grow in Christ and then we have the victory. But there are certain things we need special help, that’s when the Lord sends His saints and holy angels to help.

  229. Heeeeeyyyyyyaaaaaa people I’ve missed youuuuuu!!! How’s everyone!

  230. thank you and god bless you and your family Marianne as I really do need people to pray for me. I will prayer for everyone on this blog.

  231. We are here BS, preparing very hard for the coming of the Lord with the help of Marianne’s site and the Bible and the other saints faithful answers and experiences with the Lord.
    btw did you contact brenda. Love the body of Christ.

  232. Tonight i know God sent me to this website. I am 57 years old. I have been a christian since i was 13. I have gone through the journey of what so many of you experience. I was a master hairstylist for 37 years. My jouryney has been tough dealing with it. When i was s young girl, the holy spirit showed me that it would be like this. To always walk in his light, The word of God. I will tell you he was not joking. But with his almighty hands in my life i have walked through the fires ,in 2010 turned 54. I was diagnosed with stage 4 oral face neck cancer,with a 25%chance God showed me that i would be in a battled beyound any battle i have been in, that it would be the darkest moments of my life. Oh my God it has been the most powerful jouryney, Godhas been beside me. Today i am in remission of 2 years. One day i plan to writemy story and tell how i managed with his power in my life. Christians he will protect you,you must continually praise him, hallelujah!

    • God bless you Diana.

      May He bless your testimony, leading others to know The Lord as their Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18).

      “Bow down Your ear, O Lord, hear me; For I am poor and needy.

      Preserve my life, for I am holy; You are my God; Save Your servant who trusts in You!

      Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I cry to You all day long.

      Rejoice the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.

      Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; And attend to the voice of my supplications.

      In the day of my trouble I will call upon You, for You will answer me. Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; Nor are there any works like Your works.

      All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and shall glorify Your name. For You are great, and do wondrous things; You alone are God.

      Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.

      I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your name forevermore. For great is Your mercy toward me, and You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.

      O God, the proud have risen against me, and a mob of violent men have sought my life, and have not set You before them. But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, Longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.

      Oh, turn to me, and have mercy on me!

      Give Your strength to Your servant, and save the [daughter] of Your maidservant. Show me a sign for good, that those who hate me may see it and be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me and comforted me” (Psalm 86, NKJV).

    • dear diana

      what a wonderful testimony.

      yes, he is with us in the shadow of death, as well as in the path of light.

      May he continue to bless and protect you.

  233. I think this could be a part of it. But I know non-Christians who go through the same thing, so it could be for a combination of reasons. I’m Christian and I get along with most people, but especially in the less spiritual western societies (I’m Western too but I’ve been living abroad) which tend to be more competitive and materialistic, I can find that I can get along with most people on the surface but many then try to become competitive when they get to know me better and discover I’m a bit “softer”, more natural and less into proving myself than they are. Of course, the main reason for my being this way is that I’m spiritual, so what you’ve said would explain it. I’ve also found this overseas in more spiritual cultures among members who themselves have been influenced by Western materialism. But not all Westerners are materialistic and most of the spiritual people I mentioned overseas were not Christian, so the reasons can be more complex than this. I’m not a charismatic Christian so I don’t think as much about the world of demons and spirits, although I know they do exist. Also, I think many people have become close to God and try to please God from other backgrounds than Christianity since this is what they have grown up with or the best way they understand things. There are also Christians who are nominal and not spiritual at all, at least from what I have observed.

    Another thing I’ve noticed is when others have tried to interfere with my lifelong goals which relate to my talents and the career I have chosen which I believe is something instilled into me by God and I hope can honour Him. so this can also be part of the same thing.

    I think we must be cautious in attributing all social problems we might have with demons, but on the other hand, it is an interesting way to look at things and might be part of the truth.

  234. Marriane,

    I work retail and I notice that if I’m looking at a customer they will not come up to me and ask me anything. But if I’m not looking at them or paying attention to them they will freely ask me questions etc….

    They will go up to my other co-workers and ask them things without hesitation if if they are looking at them. But me it’s like they hesitate to ask me stuff or approach me.

    Also, I notice when a customer is staring at me and I ask them do you need help with anything, they stare at me mouthing something as if they are trying to say something, but nothing is coming out. Like they are stuck in their words. And sometimes they will say something and I wouldn’t understand what their saying, and they don’t even be foreign.

    So what I have to do is look away and then their able to talk or ask me something. And customers hesitate or dont come at all to my register if I’m looking at them, they only come if i’m not looking at them.

    So it’s something about my EYES that makes people in general stumble on their words, pause in their steps, not able to move or walk towards me or ask me questions. And it’s like they see something in my eyes sometimes that they are scared of.

    Why is this Marianne? is this a form of spiritual warfare? What kind?…And why do they do this…what is it about my eyes?…. I pretty much have to look down all of the time because my eyes are really powerful even IF I’m waring sunglasses!

    So what is your input, it has to be my eyes right?

    • dear maize

      Some people have large piercing eyes, which make others uncomfortable….so the person has to do what you are doing.

      I am not sure what you look like, but it seems you are doing the right thing.

      if it is demonic, then they are afraid of your spirit and they think you can look right through them and see their faults.

      My daughter has large eyes, and sometimes she gets that reaction too.

      so continue to be sensitive to the behavior of others, and you will be ok.

      apparently, they are not attacking you, so that is a good sign.

      • I think what you said about them thinking I’m seeing their faults is more of the reaction I get from them. And isn’t there scripture that says the EYES are the LAMP of the body?

        Maybe Christ’s light is shone through my eyes perhaps? When I’m looking at someone they have told me they feel I’m looking INTO them or that they can FEEL me looking at them. I’m thinking if someone is in darkness my eyes are like a flashlight to them?

        You know how in the dark you turn the flashlight on to navigate your way? I do have large eyes, but I wear glasses which makes them look smaller. It seems when I look at someone they feel there is trouble about to come or maybe it’s the holy spirit convicting/exposing them of their sin through my eyes?

  235. Heyyyyyyyy lovely people can I ask something and say what happened on the weekend I need advice about sinning please please can I . Won’t be long I promise XXXXX bless you all so much hope you’ve all be very well MUCH LOVE BEAUTIFUL SOULS! Pleaseeeeeeee!

  236. I feel like if I need to have sex before I start a relationship! Its happened before in my past I met the love of my life I had sexual … And we become partners and fell deeply in love but he’s gone now because of other issues In the relationship but just recently back in old habits I was fine I wasn’t drinking I wasn’t doing things now back again went out on weekend and met this guy I was dancing and I am insecure as it is feeling so ugly! And everyone around the club was giving evils I was with my best friend! Dancing and we were just gonna dance no nothing no sin except drinking leads to it but we were fine then a handsome man appeared my friend said she found him for me because I’ve been through a heart break and he just was so handsome dancing with me then started bringing me everywhere and we ended up at his house sounds like what typical people do in life today I went home he was so gorgeous and I did it with him but he was also sweet! And even offered to cook me breakfast and I started to like him I want a relationship I wanna find love I know that’s not the right way but I really wanna find love. I want company from a man just to be held and to be protected from the world I wanna be with a man someone il fall in love with so I won’t sin I feel that will be the only way the devil can stop from getting to me I JUST WANT TO BE IN LOVE I KNOW GOD LOVES ME I LOVE HIM TOO but on earth I wanna be protected too and loved and be with a man I Will always love god truly and deeply is it okay for me to chase after this person! 😥

    • BS

      You are not going to find true love giving up sex with every good looking man that comes along.

      When you do this, you let the guy know you will sleep with anyone, so they dump you and go find someone they can trust.

      stop the drinking and start using your mind a little.

      try a christian dating website.

  237. This is a comedy right? There is no way a logical person could believe a holy spirit is encompassing their body. If this is not a comedy(which I am convinced it is) than this is a way for anti-social or people who just give off the wrong impression sometimes to say that it’s not their fault, but some supernatural being they have no control over. I missed a shot in basketball. YOU MUST HAVE A DEMON IN YOU! GET EXORCISED, QUICKLY!

    • dear person

      Demons do not cause every negative behavior. Human faults play a part as well.

      but when there is no logical reason for the hate, the person does not even know you, you just met, the reaction is immediate, you have done nothing wrong that you can see or have someone confirm, then it is the other person, and they have an issue.

      • Marianne, where does the actual PERSON themselves go when their demos are attacking us?

        is the person just constantly switching back and forth between spirit and flesh?

        And if all we(Christians) stir up are peoples demons off-sight then who is the person their normal non demonic selves around?

        please answer these all.

        • abbi

          the demon forces the human spirit into dormancy while it operates.

          but this is only because the human has cooperated with it so well.

          the second question does not make sense. please re-word it

          • Like lets say I enter a facility and people(or their demons) can tell right away I have the holy spirit and the immediate attacks, scowls, frowns, hatred, etc ensues…..If people with demons only attack us Christians off sight. Then how can we ever interact with the actual person themselves?

            Especially when I want to ask the only clerk available a question and they refuse to answer me because their stupid demons wont let them talk to me!!

            I don’t mind if people hate me off-sight when I don’t need them, but when I need assistance in a store and the people are too possessed to even help me find and item or won’t greet me at a restaurant, thats when I start getting irritated.

            • abbi

              as long as the person allows the demon to take over, you will not be able to get to the person.

              if a clerk or someone who is supposed to wait on you gives you bad service, report them to the owner or supervisor.

              they are not doing their job, so their demon is getting them in trouble.

              • Thank you Marianne.!

                I’m so glad the Holy Spirit opened this Wisdom up to you. May God protect you in His blood and put your heart at ease because I know you experience this a lot b/c you’re the one who wrote this article.!

                I pray God give you peace in all you do and everywhere you go. You are a beautiful bright shining star with a Heavenly purpose ❤

  238. Dear Marianne,
    Perhaps they do not have an issue, but rather are having a bad day and are being rather rude because of their own faults. Or maybe they act snobbishly to every person they meet. I fail to see the science in somebody having a demon inside of them, or someone having a holy spirit inside of your body. And out of curiosity which religion is this?

    • dear person

      if it were due to just having a bad day, then the reaction would not have much power to it, and the person would not continue to attack the subject.

      “science” it is not, buy even science does not explain the spiritual world.

      if it is a spirit influencing the person to attack another, it will not be done in an irritable way (bad day), but it will be vicious and unyielding, and will continue as long as the subject of the hate is around.

      this is christianity….although you do not hear much about this. since most pastors are superficial, and give talks that encourage tithes and offerings.

      here, I am not about money or easy topics….I am about helping others who have been victimized

      • In your description you said “But the look in their eyes is total disgust or repulsion.” giving only a simple look meaning that they are a demon. However, there are many different circumstances that a person would look at you in repulsion.(or disgust, synonyms) You may look like someone they know, or they may be discriminatory.(Not that they’re right, but they don’t have a demon) And besides, who are we decide what a look of “repulsion” is? We could have simply misinterpreted it. Nothing in your description(at the top of the page) says anything about the person being “vicious and unyielding.”

  239. Oh Marianne you have put it in a nutshell. You know I went to give the word God gave me which was about the salvation of the lost and going out to bring the harvest in and the last the Lord gave me is Rev. 22:12 “Behold I am coming soon, and I will bring My wages and rewardswith Me, to repay and render to each one just what his own actions and his own work merit”.
    After that I noticed that some people tried to avoid me and those that looked at me were having that distanciating look of mistrust, simply not liking me. Even so I went to ask them for prayer. They attacked me telling me that I should pray more and that the Lord is still busy cleaning things out that is wrong in me.
    I have never heard a call for people to go out and witness to the lost, no sermon about it either. It is almost always about how the women should submit to their husbands. Me, single lady, the men folk avoid me, like I’m a Jezebel in the church.
    God bless you for speaking His Word and not fearing satan.

    • hester

      they are caught up in their traditions, not the word of god.

      if jesus was first in their life, they would see spreading the gospel to the lost is THE priority

      it is typical of jezebels to call innocent people jezebels, to transfer the focus off their own spirits.

      most jezebels are married, and have status and power in the church….single women are “nothing”

      The Jezebel Spirit and the Single Woman in the Church

  240. Dear hester,

    Rev 22:12 is very powerful.

    I think you just might be one of those who will be activated (called) in the last days to bring in a great harvest before He returns. The Lord is saving the best for last (John 2:1-10), giving the Master what no one expects. His servants however do know what the Lord is doing for the Master of the House.

    This is from an old single (divorcee) who does not receive many “good” looks
    from Pastors.

    2 Thess 1:11-12

  241. Dear DJ

    I often wondered what exactly I would do in the last days. Thank you for that encouragement for I’ve been hurt and insulted so many times because of our Lord that I want to hide away. But then there I go and do it again. I never seem to learn. For me His Word is so simple and I don’t have the minimum intention to harm anyone. I want to encourage others.
    These last days I’ve been thinking, in Luke 7:36-50, those were days where a man was not even supposed to be seen alone with a woman (John 4:1-40) and this woman came and washed His feet with her TEARS and dried them with her HAIR. – Quite an intimate scene.
    What will the pastors of these days do if one of the church members should do that? Would they flog her?
    It is so sad that the pastors – men – do not understand the meaning of forgiveness and compassion. What are they doing pastoring the flock of Jesus Christ our Saviour?
    From another old single (divorcee) who cannot be bothered about their educated sermons. I want to meet my Lord and be able to say Lord, Lord You were prepared to die on the cross for MY sins?

  242. This is all very real for both a developing Christian and a strong Christian. With discernment you can see beyond their eyes….you can see the very movement of an evil spirit.
    They most definitely recognise you and this is often accompanied by a “cat that swallowed the canary look” upon their faces in the first brief encounter.
    All the saints who have been strongly graced by the Lord have been severely tested, this was always to strengthen ones faith. In the Bible the demonic spirits always knew Gods chosen, it has always been their mission to break their spirit by any and all means.
    What I have learnt after many bruising encounters is that Jesus/God did not give us a spirit of timidity, so we must stand tall in our faith at these times.
    Do not look away from them and ask Father through Jesus for the strength to see these encounters through.
    May peace be with you all……

    • I’ve done this plenty of times and all I end up is with a huge headache from trying to battle them. They neeeever stop staring at all. They will continue to do it for as long as you’re there.

      So it’s like I have to be the bigger person and look away because I got other important things to do that need my attention rather than have some stare off with a stranger/demon. I guess they got nothing else better to do in their lives if the devil is using them like a tool.

      But why did you say not to look away from them?? I look away sometimes cuz the look they give me gives me FEAR and I guess the devil knows when im fearful so the person just keeps on doing it and it destroys me inside only cuz I struggle with great low self esteem.

      When im confident in myself they leave me alone. They don’t even bother me.

  243. Marianne! ^_^ Good evening to you morning here but A LOVELY HELLOOO , And helloooooo to the lovely people on this blog Marianne people are actually rejecting me beyond getting up and moving away from me EXAMPLE sitting on bus or somewhere it’s so in my face I have deep in my soul good intentions I always make the wrong choice I choose that but I can heal through Christ!!! I know but my sins almost everyone has sinned why do I feel like I am the most horrible person people make me feel that way it doesn’t end I just wish I could wake up and people would smile at me again 😥 I don’t feel apart of this world I know Gods people struggle too people think its all quick and saved and done i have gone astray time and time again but I STILL LOVE GOD it’s just when I do something bad I don’t wanna upset him so I try not to include him in my misfortune! Oh goodness! I just want this staring to stop! It’s not mentally ill as people would think or emotional PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND THAT EVIL does exhaust the devil does he’s so beyond deceiving and I get trapped into his bait! Allures me and its so fun in the moment then BAM regret mistake but why does everyone it seems like they NAAA this is crazy I know people are watching me I know so

  244. Wow so it’s me who has too hide for the rest of my life 😥 why do they react to my eyes so much xxx thanks Marianne GODBLESS YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUL

  245. The problem I have is that I can’t escape this treatment in any setting. I would like to feel safe around some people but there is no one like me even among Christian groups. I am mocked, stared at, talked about and more by EVERYONE. I even contemplated my own life cause it’s gotten so bad. I am just a normal woman but something causes people to be mean for no reason. Alot of people can relate on this blog but not in real life. I went to therapists only for them to say I’m hallucinating because people wouldn’t be this mean. Isn’t that ridiculous? I am not imagining this. I believe 90% of people I encounter are evil.

    • kiki

      you are right and the therapists are wrong. 90% of people ARE evil or indifferent to God, so they are spiritually blind and believe whatever the devil says to them.

      you just have to put up with it, look back at them like there is nothing wrong with you – with confidence – and then go on your way.

      pray blessings over yourself each day to shield you from the darts of the enemy. I am sending you the armour of god prayer for you to print out and say each day. I will be in agreement with you.

    • Kiki go to this website and pray Warfare Prayer #2!

      Also Marianne, would it be ok if you could give Kiki my email? I feel like I relate most to her recent post and would find comfort in at least communicating with someone outside of this website.

      Also Kiki, would it be ok if we could communicate via email?

      Thank you and God Bless ^_^

    • I relate so much to what you have wrote… 90% of people are evil. and the only reason I would say 90% is because I dont want to believe that it is 99.99% I have lost all faith in anyone to not treating me like garbage, the looks of hate, disapproval disgust, the smirks, the scowls, the endless bullying tactics…from everyone with perfect predictability. I am not a Christian, and I have done tons of research and there are many people who likely do not believe in god that go through this…the futility of stanidng up for yourself…i swear from my observations people are born with a look of disgust in their eyes for me. I am hygienic average looking well dressed (not that my clothing has anything to do with their looks of rejection as it has been happening at all ages since i was little no matter what i wear). the children to the elderly all look at me with unpleasant and nasty looks…I genuinely believe that I am alone and that even the people who seem to be going through the same thing, Christian atheist or whatever they believe in…people love to destroy my soul…i have never met one who didnt…and its not my face, because it happens on the phone with strangers when im driving when im wearing my sunglasses walking at a distance…maybe its because my parents abused me and my family hated me…maybe its just genetics…The casheir phenomenon is especially distressing becaues id be willing to withdraw from this bullying mean race but I need to buy food and stuff…the cashiers are all freindly with every customer before and after me but when i come its disgust, or an angry attempt to be apathetic, their whole mood changes form “take care now” “hey how are you today” to a dead serious… “what do you want”…and im always thinking what on earth could i be doing every time! every person driving by walking by and my past freinds and family have all been bullying me for 30 years…and there is no way to change or become one of them/…i realize now when im listening to music or watching movies im just trying to enjoy a bunch of people who if they met me would bully me at the drop of a hat and then go on to support anti-bullying causes. I used to study philosophy alot and came to believe there could be no god or free will…but now I realize that there must MUST be free will because the people of this world know what they are doing and that is a free choice…there is no way they can be determined by fate they must be free to cause such abuse and remorseless bullying…so now I fear there is a god and im afraid of an afterlife because if he made humans in his image or whatever and if he loves these horrible humans and they are the majority then he must hate me and feel like emotionally/psychologically abusing and bullying me is just, just as they do. I feel like god threw me into existence and said to his sharks iv sent him to you wounded now feed…pick him apart…bully him and treat him as less than human at every turn for you are my favoured ones! he is here for us to abuse…but dont abuse each other thats not cool but abuse him…you will sense that it is just? it feels like a conspiracy or a truman show…how else do you explain getting the same dislike from everyone especially when your trying to be a decent equal and know in your heart that you have a good heart/soul?I have read alot about others going through this hate and bullying at literally every turn and i know humans abuse each other but i feel like even those who go through similar things to me would still feel naturally compelled to join in and treat me like every human has…. and yes christians and charitable people and people who write and talk about goodness and kindenss etc can be some of the nastiest people.if i pray for anything its eternal non-existence after I die. rather than have everyone treat me this way in an afterlife.

      • dear breathing

        Someone has cursed you, and you feel the burden of their curse, and carry a spirit of rejection.

        number one, carry yourself like YOUR opinion of yourself is more important than what other people’s demons think.

        I am sending you some prayers I want you to print out and say each day, or even several times a day. I will be in agreement with you.

      • ‘still breathing’

        Hello fellow traveller, that sounds bad, I’ll just say your image of God fits more with Satan, so don’t worry about that, God is Love, but do worry about not being a Christian, I will give you a few verses from Gods Word so you know where I’m getting it from. John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. >>>>the wrath of God abideth on him<<<<>>he that believeth not is condemned already<<in thine heart>none <<is good>he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him<< God Bless.

      • still breathing

        Hello I’m having some technical difficulties, looks like most of that post was lost… I’ll try to make the point again..

      • still breathing
        Hello, while it may be true that you have no guile in you heart and are pure of heart toward you nebour you still need to be reconciled to God.
        By the way, you must realise when you say ‘ 90% of people are evil. and the only reason I would say 90% is because I don’t want to believe that it is 99.99%’, you are pretty much saying I am evil! So even though you have offended me, I will forgive you and spend some time here trying to help you.

        I think the bottom line is that some people are being made aware that they stand condemned before a Holy God and the wrath of God abides on them. That is a good sign for you.

        John 3:16-18 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

        >>>he that believeth not is condemned already<<>rewarder of them that diligently<>which is thy sword<>corrected us<<, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?) and this short life. You should agree with God that you are a sinner (repent/turn your mind round) and believe/trust in Jesus Christ, and he shall save you and send the Holy Ghost as a comforter for you. Joh 16:7and he will start leading you into truth.

        I used to think that the whole world was against me (and in a way they were) I think the turning point for me was when I changed my mind concerning some wrong thinking about God and Salvation and Hell, I thought everybody was going to be saved, I was forced to repent of my wrong thinking, I didn’t realise it was an offence to God and a stench in his nostrils, even though I thought I was proclaiming his Love, I am of the mind set now that as soon as God reveals a truth from his word to me I shall agree with it and not provoke him to wrath. I saw evil in everyone, I assumed it was the Antichrist which had just possessed everyone over night, (it was just that my eyes were opened) and even though that is right at one level, it was also Gods chastening rod to my life, I was a bit of an emergency I guess, I was sectioned at that time, that was like being in the belly of a whale. Hope some of those scriptures help.

  246. Beautiful Soul, Long time no “see”, but I still love you all. You should try and read Marianne’s site – It helped me a lot and I know it will help you. Love in Christ.

  247. I was raised Catholic and was a very good Catholic. I followed the rules and loved God. But I had a hard life, a very very very hard life. But I stayed strong and my faith in God remained. I endured childhood abuse, bullying in school, a disability, and then in high school, I was either very much liked or hated (there was nothing in between). Then my best friends rejected me. One best friend spread such terrible roomers about me (all false) that I moved to another state. Anyway, I’ve endured trouble at work, trouble with friends, and terrible trouble with family. Yet I was following all of God’s laws. I never gossiped. I spoke kindly of my parents (although I did call them out on any lies – and some how they were lies no one else could see). And I was honest and true. But in my mid-20’s after enduring a rape (a person broke into my hostel room in Europe after a friend had been in a terrible accident which left me by myself in Europe), I fell into a very serious depression after the rape. I no longer trusted myself or God. I had spent years trying so hard to do good things (and I did) and now I experienced rape. I felt terrible about myself and distrusted myself. I thought of killing myself several times, but there was always something that kept me going (the thought of hurting people). I found a wonderful man shortly after and we fell in love and got married. People said, “How did you find such a wonderful loving person?” “I don’t know.” But then his mother hated me. And this was no ordinary mother, daughter-in-law competition of the fittest. This was PURE HATE. She hated me from the very first moment. She hates everyone. This woman is mean and manipulative, spiteful, rude, and has a fowl mouth. She cares only about herself and making others worship her, pretty much. Anyway, this caused a lot of strife between my husband and I and then he became just as verbally violent. I’d lock myself in a spare bedroom and hide under the bed. But no one knew – I stayed strong at work and had found a great job helping people. I’d receive tons of thank you letters every day and thank you phone calls. People’s generosity and thankfulness toward me was life changing. So, I started gathering my old spirit back. Meanwhile, starting in about 2005, I started receiving certain information. No joke. I started hearing the voice of God. One day, I received this feeling below my rib and words went into my head, “He’s going to die on his bike.” This is only stuff God knows. 1.5 years later, he did. And more stuff like this started happening. It was ALWAYS assumed that I had a responsibility in helping. I don’t know if it’s because I suffered so much for Christ that he started showing me that he was there for me, no matter what happened, or if He knew something bad was about to happen to me and so He was setting up the stage for my re-igniting of my faith. I have heard this inner voice (and it’s very distinct and it’s a man’s voice) about 10 times in the last 8 years. And it’s always stuff that only God can know (90% of it is about people’s deaths and I’m expected to help a family member or that person themselves). Death came to me in a dream one time and he told me he’d take a family member of mine, then my Grandma died that week. And then this year, I saw a white light around a woman (and ah, this was something I was very disturbed by since I had never experienced this before). I prayed, “God, what am I supposed to do? I received no other information.” Then I literally heard a voice, on 2 separate occasions. One time, the voice said, “Go to sleep child, you will know tomorrow.” and “Get up, you have yard work to do. You will have no other time to do it.” Then the month after I heard the voice, I fell into a deeeeep deep depression. It was the worst I’ve ever felt. I was so close to taking my own life. That job that I had loved, well, one of the managers decided she hated me and kicked me out, but no one knew what she was doing because she lied to everyone. However, I could see every lie and she knew I could see every lie. One time, she even looked down at the floor as she lied to everyone because she couldn’t look me in the eyes. NO ONE KNEW THAT SHE WAS LYING. I prayed, “God, I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. Why can I do these things? I always know when people are lying. I know things before others. And I have been told some serious things that only you know. Whyyyy? What is the purpose? If you are really out there, please help me. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. And why do some people HATE me so much? What did I do? Did I fail in life? And I am sorry for all of my sins…(and I discussed my sins)” I was still in an semi unbelieving state since the rape. I was open to the idea of God, but was not sure how that looked. Then, God came to me in a dream a month later. He showed me in the dream that I was being fooled by a massive, yellow anaconda. Then when I went to go outside to save my dogs (it was assumed in the dream that he was using my family to get to me) Jesus Christ suddenly appeared. His light was SO BRIGHT AND SO WHITE. He held out his hand and said, “If you walk with me, I will make everything right.” And I took his hand and was filled with the most beautiful feeling of peace. It was overwhelming and something my human body had never felt before. He lifted me up and I started getting closer and closer to the light and all I saw was white. I then said, “Wait, I have to save my dogs” and He said WITH FEELING – NOT WORDS, that they were being taken care of. Then I awoke. The next day, I was washing dishes thinking about this dream and suddenly had an overwhelming feeling that I was going to be contacted by someone who is going to tell me that a close friend or family member is dead, but they are not. It’s a trick by the Devil. I started texting a close friend about this and said, “I’m really worried? How could I know this?” And in the middle of that text, I received a text, “IS … DEAD?” And this was a person who has always been bad – but I have only spoken to him 5 times in 10 years. Ever since then, I have been able to sense Demons – literally. I feel them. One grabbed my face (I heard a super high pitched ringing in my ears at the same time, felt nauseous, and had no energy – my head dropped to my chest). Then suddenly my computer turned off (like someone pressed the on/off switch). And then it lifted from me and I looked up, and on tv there was a show making fun of Christians for 2 whole minutes. I bound and casted the demon out. That day, I was told by God to contact 4 people. I had contacted 3 out of the 4. THen the Demon came to me. I said, “I must be doing something right, because it wants to stop me from contacting the 4th.” So, I called this man I have only met 4 times in 3 years. I said, “I am calling because I have a feeling from God that you need strength. I don’t know why you need strength, but that is why I am calling you.” He said, “You could have not known that. My wife died this coming Monday 3 years ago and I have been praying for strength all week. Only God knew that.” I will never doubt again. In fact, I was so sure seeing the white light was a message that I contacted the woman with the white light and she was so excited to meet with me. She said that she literally heard a voice that month and said, “God told me that he would send an angel to show me where I needed to be in life. You are my angel.” She was deciding on what to do after retirement. Teaching was 1 of the 3 options. I saw the white light while she was teaching a class. The white light was massive – 2 feet out from her body and it was lively, it lasted for 40 minutes, and anything she touched lit up. She said, “You have the same light. This is what demons see and they know who you are based on the white light. Did you have a hard life?” “Yes.” And I told her some of my stories. She said, “Demons try to stop people like you.” “People will just hate me. AND I MEAN, HAAAAATE ME for no reason. Or they will love me.” At that moment, a man came right up to her and asked if he knew her. He waited for another 2 hours to talk to her. She said, “This happens all the time. They sense my white light and they are attracted to it, but they don’t know why. It’s God.” Then the woman told me, “I do what you do. I have dreams and God asks me to do things for Him.” “WHAT? I HAVE NEVER MET ANYONE ELSE LIKE ME.” God answered my prayers! He answered hers too! I am forever changed. And I am very confident that I was a threat on Satan’s radar since childhood, but now I am a mega threat and that’s why I was physically attacked. After my dream where Jesus came to me, I have not been depressed once. God saved me because I repented for my sins. God is good. God is peace. Being a Christian is not easy. Pray and read the Bible daily. Do good things and have faith. I tell my story to bring people hope. This is my testimony. I can testify that God is real and that the stuff written in this blog is also real. Peace and love, God bless.

  248. Dear Marie,
    I feel compassion for you and your husband. I have been through the same kind of situations but without a husband. I started to pray Marianne’s prayer, – and new things started happening in my life and my children’s lives. God removed me from the church where I used to go in a miraculous way, without any problems caused to anyone.
    I also read the site – Can people “see” you – which helped me a lot, it was and is a blessing.
    God’s will be done in your lives.

  249. We believe in the power of warfare prayers, our ministry has been one of deliverance for Gods people. Thank you for your compassionate heart, grateful for true believers concerned for the well being and restoration of the household of faith. God Bless You, Hester…..Marie

  250. I think it would be a good idea to start a Facebook group for the people on here since many relate to loneliness and have no friends due to the hostility of others. Anyone else agree?

  251. Wow this was spooky to read. I am not a religious person, but more of a naturalist. I have had experiences with otherworldly spirits but never thought much about them inhabiting waking souls. For as long as i can remember, people would have very odd negative reactions to me before i even spoke to them. This is an interesting article and i can’t wait to do more research on the subject!

  252. Everyone has always rejected me, even family members. I didn’t have many friends growing up. I never found a man who treated me well. I am now 44 years old, and except for immediate family, I feel like people hate me. I went to a family reunion yesterday, and tried talking to people, but I noticed people staring at me sometimes. I am very overweight, so maybe that is what it is now. But I used to be thin when I was young, and no one liked me then either. I have a cousin who everyone always loved more than me. The same thing with her daughter. They show her daughter more attention that my kids. On facebook, the family always “likes” the cousin and her daughter’s photos, and totally ignore mine and my kid’s. Maybe it is because her daughter is tall, thin, blonde and beautiful. My girls are slightly overweight, but still beautiful. I don’t understand at all, and it is depressing me. I have always talked to God several times a day since I was a young child. Mostly I do it in my head. I don’t go to church. Could the holy spirit still be with me? Or am I the one with the evil spirit? I just want acceptance.

    • dear Ann

      The world is full of hateful and uncaring people. Finding those who actually have the love of God in them is a rare thing.

      Everyone is caught up on superficial things that do not last. You have value in you, but no one cares to see it.

      This is their fault, and sin, not yours.

      I wish I could be there with you, but I am far from you.

      the Lord has given you girls to love you.. cherish that, and be thankful for them.

      Do not seek those who are uncaring because you will waste precious energy on them.

      Seek out good, caring loving people who have the love of God in their hearts. They are rare but you will know them when you find them.

      I pray the Lord helps you find some good company for you and the girls. His spirit is with you, so do not give up.

  253. I now understand what i have been going through. For whatever reason people would just hate me without even knowing me. I thank God for this revelation.

  254. bullying. abuse. dehumanization. hate on sight. somethings like trying to destroy a person at their core cannot be justified no matter how much they feel someone is the enemy. they should have physically killed me if I am so loathesome. they are the cowards.

  255. I just want to thank you for confirming what I thought. I have a supervisor that is a preacher’s wife and seldom acknowledges it. She has been very hateful and has no compassion for me. I never understood why she hates me so much other than its spiritual. One day she is nice, the next she turns on me and hates me! I suspected it was spiritual. I have PTSD from this woman and fear her. I know the God in me should not fear her demons but I do. I have tried to love her but she continues to turn on me. Thanks for this message, it makes sense!

  256. I know how you feel. My neighbors will constantly apologize to me for the way they treat me ONLY FOR the following day, they’ll be flipping me off, following me closely in the car, and trying to physically fight me – AND I KEEP TO MYSELF, which in my eyes is no reason for them to do me this way! And I live in the suburbs! Its crazy! I’m beginning to trust NO ONE!

  257. 7 Behaviors to Stop Tolerating from Others

    7 Behaviors to Stop Tolerating from Others

  258. We are a group of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community.
    Your web site offered us with valuable information to work
    on. You’ve done an impressive job and our entire community will
    be grateful to you.

  259. Thank you

  260. for me it all started in childhood. my parents took it upon themselves to very consciously abuse me two brothers however were loved. I have been looking through old photos, home movies, documents and my memories. so many peices dont fit. the way they have all been treating me for as long as I can remember is bizzare, abnormal and insidious. Researching about abuse and scapegoating and my unhealthy life circumstances I realize there are family secrets and deception and much targeted harm. I have been waking up. Its like I have been living an illusion. It almost seems like most people refuses accept someone who was so unloved by his family, like they know a scapegoat with self esteem issues and refuse to accept him.

  261. Why does it happen even more when theres a bunch of people in one area?? Like when I enter a mall or restaurant or anywhere there are large mounds of people huddling about? I saw one girl look at me, targeting me out of nowhere out of ALLLLLLL the other students in the cafeteria…then a friend of hers who wasn’t even facing me, turned and looked directly at me as if she knew who EXACTLY to look at.

  262. Stacey, your comments on Kay deserves an amen. I have very recently discovered that the darkness in those who do not serve the true God cannot bear the Light of Jesus in us. It gives them the jitters. But I praise the Lord that He has now given me the grace to forgive them and pray for them. I no longer feel rejected because the Holy Spirit is in me and greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

    • hester

      You are a might woman of valor. Keep up the good fight!

    • @Stacey and Hester

      It’s always so weird when I have spotted a person/demon who has spotted me out. In a way it’s kind of funny because they stop and stare like a deer in headlights. And some even start punching their fist into their other hand as if they are ready to fight or fold their arms or give a deep irritated sigh. In my head I’m like “touch not my anointed”….all they can pretty much do is stare because I have a hedge of angels and I’m doused in Jesus’ blood.

      One time someone just had so much anger building up at the encounter of my presence that they had to change their seat. In my head I’m like GOOD, they did me a favor lol, now I don’t have to worry about someone giving me laser eyes behind my back haha.

      I pretty much have to pray before I do anything…even if its as small as going to the store to buy something. I ask God to let the cashiers be nice to me and receive me. Because the demons will influence these people to give you are haaaaaard time and be irritated with you for NO reason.

      Example, I stepped into the line to pick up my library dvd. I said “Hi, I’m here to pick up my dvd I placed on hold” and she nastily replied “It’s in transition!” I said “So what does that mean?” she says “THAT MEAN IT AINT HERE!”

      Now what could I have done SO horribly wrong to her besides getting in line, to make her have such a nasty attitude??? She was very kind to the person before me. Something influenced her to hate me before I even opened my mouth.

      Be prayerful!

      • hang in there.

        you got people with demons.

        tell them you will pray for them…that will make them really mad

        ha ha

        and tell them their attitude stinks and you will report them

  263. Hello, How are you all? I’ve read some of your comments much earlier, who’s blogg is this? how did I get here? looks interesting but I am tired now. Did you guys notice how sometimes Christians take a disliking to other Christians? both real Christians? Proverbs 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.<< this to me would imply that an individual vessel can be occupied by a multitude of different spirits good bad and ugly, when we are saved Christ takes the Throne of our heart, but there can still be 'strong men' lurking in the dark corners of the old city, sanctification would be the process of kicking out the enemy. I am no expert on human nature, but I do think that some people don't stand up for themselves in relationships and some people tend to take advantage of those who let them do it, and they usually don't even notice. I may read back and see whats happening some time soon…

  264. Hello Marianne, what one is you in that photo are you in the middle? I’ve been reading for about an hour, I had a spell of hell on earth after I got Saved. I think most people Christian or not, at times have two or three demons sitting on each shoulder when in (battle) conversation. Most people on here seem to think that all the evil is coming from outside their own vessel.

  265. Hey Abbi (and Marianne & you all) greetings I know I’m the new kid on the block but concerning…

    ”Why does it happen even more when theres a bunch of people in one area?? Like when I enter a mall or restaurant or anywhere there are large mounds of people huddling about? I saw one girl look at me, targeting me out of nowhere out of ALLLLLLL the other students in the cafeteria…then a friend of hers who wasn’t even facing me, turned and looked directly at me as if she knew who EXACTLY to look at.”

    I know that sort of thing can be a spiritual phenomenon, when I first got saved (1989) I used to get stuff like that, I thought Antichrist had possessed all the people and some of the animals, But I recently found out that sometimes it isn’t primarily spiritual, but it is actually manifest into ‘organised gang stalking’ organised through complex networking of various cults (possibly the CIA near the top), the demons have really landed and are organising their armies. Some of these individuals in the gangs/secret societies are actually highly trained and are keen to rise up the ranks and or blend in with their peers. Its hard to explain. There is a scripture I was trying to find earlier but cant find it which might help here.

    • demons have gangs too. and when they infect humans in a group, you have real trouble so guard yourself, and move away or prepare to fight.

      carnal christians can and do have demons…..that is why the bible says to be spiritual, not carnal. it is the carnality that keeps us in sin.

      unless carnal christians repent and get rid of their demons, they will go from being influenced or oppressed by demons to being POSSESSED by demons.

      • This would explain why even in the church there are Christians who give me the evil eye and fold their arms at me. People need to learn how to get rid of their demons! Not just come to Christ and think it’s all up to Him to do all the work. God wants us to do work too! He gave us authority over serpents. People aren’t living out as the Word says!

        I’m not perfect, i am a sinner, but I’m trying my best to live out as the Word says and there has been a dramatic decrease in all my sins to where I’m not even doing them anymore. And this is why I I think I get so much opposition from people. Because the closer you get to God, the more sin doesn’t control you, the more the enemy is after you and will use EVERYONE by operating through their sin, to attack you. They operate through ALL unrepented sin.

        • Sound about right, you would probably enjoy Jonathan Modene you find him on Sermon Audio, he can be a little harsh at times but he has a good and born again heart and it usualy encouraging.

          • I’m a Christian and always will be, Christ bought and sealed me, in order to give as a gift to His Father, but I ain’t doing too well at being a disciple, I think if we greive and quench the spirit, judge others and act like we are on Moses seat, i think the spirit will take a back seat and the disaster of a life where Christ is of none effect will drive us to repentance or an early death what ever comes first. I am trying to be less judgmental and to walk in the spirit of Life in Christ, but I am still spiritualy weak. I think my knowledge goes well beond my practice., still hoping for a good finnish.

            • hang in there

              I am voting for you!

            • I think the fact you found this spiritual warfare sight shows that you walk with God ISN’T as weak as you think it is. There is a reason we were all lead here and it wasn’t by accident. Don’t let the enemy make you think you aren’t good enough to continue in the Lord! He’s good at that, making us think our negativity comes from us when really its the influencer.

              Im so glad you are my brother in Christ and I thank God for you! I think saying “I am a Christian and always will be” was amazing and the devil probably got angry. We know we belong to God!

              As long as we continue in the Lord those problematic areas in our lives will diminish! Let’s not dwell on what we aren’t and praise on what we can be! 😀

              God bless

  266. Amen to that Abbi, Realaxados and Marianne and the Lord have mercy on us. I led my daughter in law to the Lord at my home two days ago. It was joy and deliverance in our household. Last night I received an “unknown” call. I know who it was from. Immediately after there was a loud bang that sent my blood curling. I was alone. I know it was witchcraft, with a devastating spiritual battle effect on my family immediately. How much more out in the world. But we carry on in Christ humbling ourselves before our Lord, that’s what He wants Realaxados, your commitment

  267. Oh my god!!! I was looking for help for what you explain and found this. I believe this will help my problem. Thank you so much. This have stopped me from returning harm

  268. Realaxados lol 🙂

  269. Abbi & (Marianne &Co) I guess time or eternity will tell If God Led me to this site,

    Have any of you heard of Gang Stalking? It is designed to mimic paranoia or schizophrenia, it can be hard to cope with at first.

    I think this (below) is the best definition of its modern origin. (SS & some Occultists within the CIA) Not a thing to be hung upon but good to be aware of, The solution to spiritual and manifest evil is the same, Jesus Christ the Lord.

    The author of this DVD is sort of a new ager and he is discussing satanism in the Governments, so decrement would be required. Not for the nervous.

  270. I am surprised at the number of definitions of Gang stalking there is there, it must be really on the increase.

    Isaiah 28:21-22 For the LORD shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act. Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.

  271. No probs, it’s a fairly new phenomenon to most people, the first books on it were ok apart from they blamed it all on local gangs, but it is far too sophisticated and subtle (at times) to be just the locals, not many if any of the sources mention secret societies,

    I believe that the Jesuits are most likely the highest and darkest intelligence behind the NWO, most people don’t see that, but I think that is because they are good at diverting the blame and hiding,
    this site has a lot of good info. This would be more sensitive than exposing corruption in the Whitehouse. I don’t look into this stuff allot now, it gets rather dark and bottomless.

  272. I am experiencing this in a big way. The unregenerate in Yeshua

    conspire, but they do it because the spirits that guide them are

    demonic. those spirits are antagonistic towards those that are in the

    realm of Yeshua, and his father.

    I have one guy next door right now burping, and making animal sounds.

    See, the spirit in him guides him there. It is also a good sign, in

    the sense that it shows what side some of us are on. I have a You Tube

    Channel where I explain things about scripture. The Christians are in

    error, but are still the creator’s people. They will be refined in the

    fire of “THE GREAT DISTRESS.” The KJV, was commissioned by an Anglo-

    Saxon King, homosexual, and Freemason, as was his editor Francis

    Bacon, also a Freemason. Thus many Christians are reading “mis-

    translations.” I expose some of those. If you want tickled ears,

    blonde hair, and British accents, my channel is not for you. If you

    want the brutal truth, there it is. The eye of Lucifer is watching,

    but so is the eye of the almighty. It’s on your dollar bill, and no.

    it is not what your pulpit pimps say. It reads: NEW ORDER SECULAR.

    Interpretation? The elimination of, as most of you call him, “God.” We

    are at war.

    The other thing is that Paul, from the “so-called” New Testament, was

    an anti-christ, or rather, anti-Mashiach. He was not one of the 12,

    and Yeshua himself, acknowledged the assemblies in Asia for rejecting

    the false apostles: “You have tested those who call themselves

    apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars.” – Rev.2:2.

    Paul, whose name in Hebrew is synonymous with “Sheol,” The underworld,

    acknowledges the same:

    ” This you know, that all those in Asia have turned away from me,…”

    – 2 Timothy 1:15-18 .

    And a whole lot more. The Christians are the unwise virgins mentioned

    in scripture. The parable is explained by scripture in many places.

    Remember the scripture was not in English.

    The alienation has led you here becausethe creator is trying to get

    your attention. The scripture has been revealed to some, like myself.

    The United States will be destroyed by allied enemy forces, as in

    Jeremiah 50:9, Revelation 18, Isaiah 13:17 , where the Medes, are the

    Iranians. The alliance will include the Russians,The Iranians, and

    “THE DRAGON,” China.

    The Dragon will give power to the beast. In scripture, empires are

    depicted as beasts. With the U.S. annihilated, China will rise to

    revive the old Roman Empire (Europe), and the human avatar of satan

    will be worshiped as a God.

    Your churches are essentially, tombs. Come out of her my people

    means…wake up, or suffer the torments to come.

    The creator will hide some. The rest will be tried in the coming chaos. Proverbs 6:23

    -Nosheol Tarsus of You Tube

  273. I forgot to say, Yeshua has deputized his wise virgins of Proverbs 6:23, Isaiah 8:20, and others. The “law” was not done away with (read previous), and when you violate it, you open portals to demonic dimensions. Thus, the demonic antagonisms are just that, BS, for stronger is he in us, than he who is in the “system.” No, another mistranslation by King Jimmie, not world, not law, not salvation is of the Jews, not…etc. I have exercised my divinely given power over some of the demonic, but…you are not ready for that. Summon the name of Yeshua, and request of the father, and the demons will hightail it. Guy next door is freaking out because the demons in him know that I am writing this. The Christians were first called that at Antioch, probabbly as a derogatory appellation, with the advent of the ravening wolf, Paul of Tarsus. See previous. It’s too big for tonight.

    nosheoltarsus of You Tube


    Are you suggesting that Paul the Apostle, author of many letters, was a “false apostle”?


    So then, what do you make of Peter’s second letter – where Peter references Paul’s letters, which are hard to understand.

    “Therefore, dear friends, with this to look forward to, make every effort to have him [Christ] find you at peace, without spiritual stains or blemishes. Think of our Lord’s patience as an opportunity for us to be saved.

    This is what our dear brother Paul wrote to you about, using the wisdom God gave him. He talks about this subject in all his letters. Some things in his letters are hard to understand. Ignorant people and people who aren’t sure of what they believe distort what Paul says in his letters the same way they distort the rest of the Scriptures. These people will be destroyed” (2nd Peter 3:14-16, GW Translation).

    I’ve never hear anyone accuse King James of being a Freemason before, but considering the Illuminate were making an effort to overthrow the Monarchs and the Churches by infiltrating Freemasonry in about 1778 then Freemasonry never Joined with the Illuminate till about 1786, give or take a decade.

    I have heard that when James was 12 year old his education was handed over to two French homosexual Jesuits (Catholic Relatives) Being Jesuit and Hell bent on gaining all power, they morally corrupted him in the hope that they could bribe him in later years (this seems to be a very very wide spread tactic in our modern times – see for example the Franklin Cover up, which incidentally sprung from Boys-town, a Roman Catholic town of refuge for boys & girls)

    Francis Bacon was an occultist but he wasn’t involved in the work of the King James Bible, and also God Said the He would preserve his Words. Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. God can use anyone and every one if he chooses to do so to preserve His word and his Words and also to bring them to pass. Revelation 17:17 For God hath put in their hearts [in the hearts of them who are making war against him] to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

    Psalms 12:6-7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

    We call Our Lord ‘Jesus’ here in English speaking countries, English is fine.

    The ones who rejected Paul were the so called Judeizers, called this because they were attempting to nullify the Covenant and power of Grace, IE the New Covenant by injecting the Law of Moses into the New Covenant. Galatians 3:1-5 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain. He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? See Acts 15 and Galatians. Acts 15:5 But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to ‘keep the law of Moses.’

    I know the Occultist infiltrators are trying to Judaize the church in these end times, (I think it was Alice Bailey talked about moving into and using the Church institutions) because they know that a church which is trusting in WORKS or SELF is going to be a powerless church, and they might also want to bring forth a false Saviour to present to the lost followers in order to try and decieve them.

    As DJ Pointed out Peter and Paul were in Fellowship., the ‘false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:’ Galatians 2:4 They are clearly of the sect of the Pharisees who converted or ‘converted’ and were of the ‘synagogue of Satan’. Many say the Pharisees were of the Mystery School, (Occultists like Illuminate Freemasons Etc, Luciferians) This would seem to add up. Also Paul and Peter were both mentioned in Galatians Ch 2, as together; and in Christ; but not together with that Sect of false Brethren infiltrators. It was Pharisees and Gnostics (much the same thing) that infiltrated the early Church, today we have Freemasons, Jesuits, Rosicrucians and who knows how many other seemingly unconnected groups.

    I am sure you are well off track there, since you reject the New Covenant and most of the New Testament you and I are not even on the same ball game. I will however check out your web page Since I usually find Cults can be quite challenging in a useful sort of provocaturial way.

    • realexodus,

      Brother, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing speaking from pulpits and/or elders (“deacons” in the Baptist Church), within many many evangelical churches (Synagogues). The Greek word in the original language is not “synagogue” (as in Hebrew) but an “assembly” or “congregation”.

      These wolves may not be Freemasons, Jesuits or Illuminati. They work for the same boss but have no “membership” and are not a part of any “secret society”. They may even be Republicans.

      They set up a satanic shop at home and come into assemblies of Believers (a church or a blog), applying demonic spirits strategically or applying a little leaven into the Bread.

      Bewitchment is occurring Sunday service to Sunday service almost everywhere (don’t want to over state the situation). I’ve only seen it active in 6 out of 6 churches in the past 4 years (in various degrees).

      “They hold fast to their evil purpose; they talk of laying snares secretly,
      thinking, ‘Who can see them?’ They search out injustice, saying, ‘We have accomplished a diligent search.’ For the inward mind and heart of a man are deep” (Psalm 64:5-6, ESV).

      “…holding to a form of godliness [Strong’s G2152; piety; specifically the gospel scheme: – godliness, holiness], although they have denied its power [dunamis]…”(2 Timothy 3:5).

      They spread demonic spirits of fear, idolatry, rebellion, pride and envy.

      They are known to apply curses on children’s toys in the church toddler room – so that the children take the curse back into their home, making home miserable for the parents.

      They speak voodoo spells, keeping the flock sick, disorientated and “bewitched” from hearing the Gospel (“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done…”), and from knowing/applying the Power that is available to Believers today.

      They perpetuate the traditions of men (Lent, Easter, and Christmas) and neglect God’s Appointments: Feast of Unleavened Bread, Passover, First Fruits, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles.

      Such wolves get bored with Sunday service gatherings (pastures of sheep and little lambs), and may venture into blogs.

      Psalm 27:1-3

      • DJ

        ‘They speak voodoo spells, keeping the flock sick, disorientated and “bewitched” from hearing the Gospel (“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done…”), and from knowing/applying the Power that is available to Believers today.’

        What do you mean by this, do you mean parotting the Lords prayer is a voodoo spell?

        • he is referring to false prophets and false teachers

          the word of god can be misused

        • realexodus,

          I am not just referring to false prophets and teachers.

          Not only is there – “false teaching” (a little bit of leaven) but actual warfare.

          There are two different churches and one bible study that I have attended where witchcraft (curses) were applied by members of those congregations. These are the easy to identify cases. The others are more difficult to explain in this form.

          I wrote/posted the account with this voodoo queen somewhere else in Heaven Awaits.

          She knew I was praying against the darkness (spiritual not literal) that was oppressing this particular congregation for 2 consecutive Sunday mornings. She could feel it working against her. But, at that time I did not know there was a voodoo queen operating within the church.

          After church service (week 2 of praying during the service) at precisely 3pm, while resting at home – I get what feels like a 3″ dagger in the middle of my back. Pain that makes me stand up from lying down resting, enjoying the breeze coming through an open window.

          When it hits me, I ask the Lord (in my mind), “What is this? Is it a demon getting out or something from the outside?”

          The Lord says, “Voodoo”.

          I said with a full voice – “Oh, great! I got a voodoo attack! Great!”

          Then I go back and speak to the Lord in my mind, asking Him what to do.

          He helps me overcome it over the next 15 to 20 minutes. I say certain phases, sing hymns and quote verses etc. I focused on the pain and felt 5 pin points. Then, it left as quickly as it hit me.

          With that, I knew (confirmation) what was oppressing this congregation of believers. That was October 2011. I continued to pray in thar church alone for many months.

          Then, between November of 2012 and April 2013 there were 3 of us that walked and prayed in that particular church before services began. Every Sunday morning between 7:30 and 8:30.

          We discovered that someone (guess who) was placing curses upon the children’s toys. We also discovered evil spirits lurking in rooms.

          I know some will ask – “do you have proof?”

          Can you see the wind? No. We see the evidence of the wind blowing.

          This voodoo queen is one of the founding members, close friends with the Pastor. Who am I?

          After April 2013, the three families that prayed together left the church. The Pastor is so clueless and twists the Scriptures so much I suspect a wolf too (false teacher, preacher).

          Second account.

          There was a women who speaks or projects her curses during worship services.

          I was visiting this large church, respected Pentecostal style service, seeking good sound teaching and worship.

          The first Sunday I’m there – she noticed me. She gave me a look that I’ve seen before from others, which is discussed on this page.

          She didn’t stop me with that look. I returned the next week to learn about her and sat closer to get a better perspective. Who is she and what is she doing here?

          Week 3 of my visit, I learn that she is the wife of an associate minister. They are a team.

          I go forward and meet him on week 3 Sunday morning for him to pray with/for me, which occurs during the middle of the service not at the end.

          He tells me that he was “saved” out of the occult. He once worshiped Satan. “Really? How wonderful”, I said.

          I start praying during the service.

          By now she is so threatened that she wants to demonstrate her powers over people.

          Within the same service, I watched her perform a spiritual attack on a man at the pulpit. He choked and said “I can’t talk, something is wrong.”

          Wonder who put that upon him?

          I asked the Lord for confirmation on what I was witnessing and coming to understand. My request, “please have her to leave her front row seat in the middle of the service. Would You do that please.”

          She did minutes later, walking out a few rows before me. Thank you Lord.

          Once she is outside of the large worship center, I get a sharp pain in my stomach. Knowing what it is and where it’s coming from – I rebuke it in the name of Jesus, sending it back to her. The pain goes (10 seconds) as fast as it came to me.

          But, this witch is not finished, yet. I get hit with the feeling of a dart to my chest next to my heart. I smile. Such a nasty witch. I rebuke the pain in the name of Jesus and the sharp pain in my chest is gone in about 10 seconds.

          I talk with The Lord on the way home. “This is nuts! An associate minister and his wife deep within the trusting flock and the leadership is clueless.”

          I don’t need any more lessons on wolves in sheep’s clothing at this church – a 25 minute drive. I’m trying to find a congregation of “like minded Believers.” I can find the same thing 10 minutes away from home. (Read again the account of the voodoo queen above, which was the next encounter.)

          There are more accounts of such events – including a different group. This is a Bible study on a Saturday morning, not affiliated with any church.

          Two people (Believers?) within this small group are recovering from a life of Satanic worship. But, when they burp, they spew curses. They liked to spread division among the group. This was evident to me during late 2010 and early 2011.

          So, there is the Illuminati and Freemasons and such organizations doing macro-strategic work of organizations to control and manipulate at one level.

          But, week to week within 6 out of 6 church groups I’ve visited since 2010 – there is covert and very nasty works of “darkness” (literally) applied with tactical efficiency. There is also such nasty work entering into blogs, pretending to be “spiritual” but are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

          These folks practice their craft at home, applying it in churches, bible studies, blogs and the work place. Just like I practice the my faith and the authority He graciously give me everywhere.

          These folks actually believe (comprehend) what they are doing is effective, while many Christians abdicate keys to the Kingdom, along with the Spirit of power, love and sound mind (2 Tim 1:7).

          The spiritual war is about to pick up, intensify and get out in the open. I’m not afraid or bewildered but getting ready.

          General Patton was correct in his assessment of military combat, preparation, deployment and execution/application of asserts – these apply to spiritual warfare.

          Psalm 18

  276. Marianne are homosexual fantasises and urges caused by demons?I am straight in my late twenties but recently started having sexual thoughts about men.It feels like a force is tempting me into homosexual behaviour.

    • Rory,


    • rory

      Yes, society is flooding people now with messages about homosexuality. It is all over TV, in music and in movies. It is legal and supported by the government, and even in the military.

      It is hard to get away from it. turn off the TV and stay away from any literature that is suggestive, or people who talk about it.

      pray for strength , and help to clean out your mind of the garbage society and demons are forcing in there.

  277. Rory,

    Pardon my intrusion into your request but I’m sharing this from experience.

    I suggest saying this proclamation and prayer every time that sexual thought (demonic spirit) presents a sinful act to your mind.

    “I rebuke that thought (homosexual or any sexual lust, including fornication or any sort of lusting of flesh), in the name of Jesus. I ask Father God for the Spirit of love, power and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7), in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

    Say that every time like you mean every word (believing the evil spirit is listening) and Father God answers prayer.

    Does this mean that lust and sexual thoughts are always a demon at work? No.

    But, if it looks like a duck (sin) and sounds like a duck (sin) – don’t waist time thinking your mind is just making it up – which is why I said “Yes”.

    Deal with the “quack” as if it is a demonic spirit.

    Pretty soon, those quacky thoughts don’t come to mind at all (resist the devil and he will flee).

    Psalm 18

  278. DJ are you a Messianic Jew or a Jew?

    • realexodos,

      Excuse the long delay in my reply to your question.

      Today must be the right time to send this to you (and to anyone else reading too).

      I am grafted into the tree and one of the “144,000” – thank you, Lord.

      Want to understand who is not included, sealed as “144,000” (Rev. 7) in the last days?

      There are two tribes: Dan and Ephraim.

      Dan seems to be those (led by Hebrews from this tribe), who rebel against God with purpose and intent.

      These people (led by those with Dan bloodlines), love money and power seeking “illumination” from Lucifer.

      This “tribe” of Dan is not included in the “144,000” as a representation of those who know the Scriptures but reject Him as the way, the truth and the life. (Jews are from the tribe of Judah and are Hebrews.)

      Ephraim is the other tribe left out of the “144,000” and seems to include “foolish virgins” (Matthew 24).

      Virgins are “Christians” (foolish or wise), grafted into the tree but these foolish virgins (Ephraim) suffer (as saints) because they are not “sealed” – exempt (144,000) from what occurs, during the Great Tribulation.

      Ephraim is a representation of those Christians who know Scriptures but do not apply the Word, lacking faith, led by either emotions or simply reading their Bible as literature.

      Consider re-read Matthew 24 because there are virgins left outside the door (ark) with those wandering in “darkness” in the last days. Look into other references to the word foolish within Paul’s letters.

      Isaiah 28 gives a very good, complete profile of Ephraim – those not included in the list of “144,000” within Revelation chapter 7.

      Portions of this passage is in “parable” language, while some of the words/phrases are easily identified (“pride”). If you are “drunk” then you are not sober. (See Paul’s letters on that topic).

      Of course all of the above is an opinion and interpretation, pending further insights from the Spirit (John 16:13).

      The Lord is mighty – “full of compassion, and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in mercy and truth” (Psalm 87:15, NKJV).

      Psalm 25

      • 5 and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.

        So you have never lied? You have never defiled yourself with Women? You are “blameless”?
        Which tribe of the “Sons of Israel” are you from?

        That is a bold claim on your part, is it not? I realize it is your “opinion and interpretation”, but I think you need to share some facts if you are going to make that claim. Last I checked your last name is of Scottish ancestry. If I recall correctly, the tribe of Dan supposedly travelled to Ireland and Scotland, and eventually to the new world. Of course none of that can be verified for certain except for Dan leaving their name on such places as the river Don, and Danmark , and the Danube, E-DiN-Burg Scotland, Cale-DoN-ia, etc

        then There are the “danites’ within the Mormon church. Who are they?
        Or then some claim the Catholic church is the Danites?

        Of course there are all sorts of claims to the title of lost tribes out there. The Country of my origin is supposedly the tribe of Isaachar. Then President Mannerheim of Finland said in a speech before the the war, “Men of Isaachar stand and fight” or something to that effect. But that in no way allows me to make claim to being one of the 144K. From the impression I Got from scripture, the 144k are children, Innocents, and Blameless. A remnant from Israel that have not defiled themselves with the idolatry of the people of Israel. They, then will populate the Land of Israel in the millennial reign with Jesus.

        My “opinion and interpretation” of course.

        • i think he meant the 144k was more spiritual than physical

        • Bold?

          Yes, in Christ. I am sealed as those 144,000. This is parable language with implications that are profound (Rev. Chapter 7).

          Are you confident in your faith?

          “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit…” (Ephesians 1:12).


          REPEAT CHORUS:



          VERSE: 2


          2ND CHORUS:


          Dru, spin the wheel and try another argumentative point, giving an opportunity to expound on precepts and statutes.

          Psalm 27

          • Hi DJ,

            I was wondering if you could possibly elaborate on your claim that you are included within the 144,000?
            And “why” it isn’t referring to, (as specifically stated within Scripture), those of the chosen tribes of Israel, which will take place in the future?

            And also “why” you wouldn’t utilize Genesis 49:1-27. to make your comparisons as to “who” has been eliminated from the 12 tribes?
            Genesis 49:1.;
            “And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you “that which shall befall you in the last days”.”


            • I Knew you could not resist that one. 🙂

            • D.J.

              One of the reasons that I have asked you for clarification to your statement above regarding the 144,000, is because of what they go through during the Great Tribulation. (Of course it would all depend upon what you consider to be God’s Wrath…..)
              But Paul states that the true and faithful church will not be subjected to that Wrath.;

              Romans 5:9.
              “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.”

              1 Thessalonians 1:10.
              “And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.”

              1 Thessalonians 5:9.
              “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,”

              However, by Revelation 9:4., these 144,000 happen to still be on earth, and have experienced at the very least the 5th. Trumpet and the 1st. Woe.

              So I would really like to understand how you place yourself within this specific group of individuals?

              Again thanks.

          • I left a comment on the economics page.

            Since we are quoting Hymns…..

            My faith has found a resting place,
            Not in device or creed;
            I trust the ever living One,
            His wounds for me shall plead.


            I need no other argument,
            I need no other plea,
            It is enough that Jesus died,
            And that He died for me.

            Enough for me that Jesus saves,
            This ends my fear and doubt;
            A sinful soul I come to Him,
            He’ll never cast me out.


            My heart is leaning on the Word,
            The living Word of God,
            Salvation by my Savior’s Name,
            Salvation through His blood.


            My great Physician heals the sick,
            The lost He came to save;
            For me His precious blood He shed,
            For me His life He gave.

            The first time I posted this hymn, in one of the debates on the Sabbath here on this site, I went to church the following day, and sure enough, this hymn was sung. It was to me a miracle, And the Holy Spirit took hold of me, and I was overcome with Godly grief for the church. (tears of sorrow, turning to Joy). I “saw” the Lord that day, and I knew his heart like I never knew him before.

  279. I believe that the book of Romans and Galatians teach that Sin and Law and Curses are all connected, I’m also sure that the solution is Faith not Works, and certainly not trying to live as do the Jews (IE Trust in Moses Law)

    Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

    If we mix works into the Gospel or act as under the Law by Judging and thinking as under the Law Then it will be as if Christ had died in Vain, because to Trust in the Law is to not trust in Christ, and whatever is not of faith is sin.

  280. DJ On what you were saying about House Cults of Satanists and Voodoo practitioners, How do you know about what people do in their house?

    I believe that could be true as well, the thing with some of the organised groups is that they are keen to eventually control everything, and the Illuminate (or a similar group) set up a mechanism which went about to infiltrate EVERY organised group, and the Theosophical Society is all about organising the anarchic groups into a singular controlled force for evil. They would not call it evil, because the Call God evil and Claim that the Serpent is good for helping to Liberate Man to freedom from God.

  281. Real exodus, then you call Yeshua a liar, because he was “all about works.” Even the demons believe. By the way, your error is “faith.” In the Hebrew it is belief, and even the demons do that Might want to read my previous posts. Like I said, you can believe whatever the hell you want to believe, but Yeshua is my leader, not Paul, and he came in his father’s name. (Period)! You get your BS faith doctrine from Paul, faith without works is “dead.” You Christians are so confused, and know next to nothing about scripture. What is more, you will pay dearly for this pride, and arrogance, because if you were wise you would study, but you are not wise, and you will be left outside, during the coming chaos, just like the unwise virgins. No manner of persuasion is enough with the irrational. You are under a spiritual spell.


    Deal with it. You will, and then we will see how your stubborn hearts face the music of “THE GREAT DISTRESS,” which, and I know you do not believe it, is nearly upon you, for THE U.S. and everything in it, will burn, as per the word of the highest, and his Torah! The lake of fire will be right here, on earth, during the nuclear holocaust. Don’t be left a corpse on the pile, where the worm does not die, nor is the fire quenched. The problem with Christians, is that because they read the mistranslated Bibe babble, are filled with pride, and arrogance, which the almighty despises. IT is so coming.

    You have been warned.


    No amount of facts are enough for the spiritually blinded, and arrogant/irrational.

    Yeshua was not a Christian, and certainly, Christianity is an abomination to the almighty.

    • ok no name calling!

    • Using human logic, and studying the Bible without the Holy Spirit will get poop post like yours.

      The word made flesh is G-d’s love for his creation so humans have a chance to not be judged by the law. Christ’s perfect human sacrifice for human sin is humanity’s only hope for salvation. Paul is not what we follow.

      Paul was a Jew first that had to open his heart to G-d. Perhaps, you should try it.


  282. Is someone not being able to walk in my direction until I have passed them up demonic? Like there is a barrier blocking them until I have passed them up, then they can walk in that direction? Keep in mind there is plenty of space for both beings to walk. And if so what are they being blocked by and why??

  283. Does one need be a Hebrew (Jew or Jewish Beliver) to love the Word?

    I’m a Gentile grafted into the tree. A follower (disciple) of Jesus (Mark 16:17-18). Formally, a non-denominational Christian with Berean tendencies (Acts 17:11).


    • Hi, Dj I am a Christian, I try to be a follower of Jesus as well. I understand that to include the teachings of the whole New Testament. So Jesus set up the New Covenant, why would you want to keep old covenant feasts, do you think you need to do feasts to follow Jesus Teachings? I think The Bread and Wine, and water Baptism are all New Covenant memorials and symbols. I’ll say this, when I first got saved I was intending getting on a bus and travelling to Jerusalem, it was a strong spirit. But I couldn’t find any support fo it in the Christian comunity or in the Bible.

      • realexodus

        The feasts are feasts unto the Lord, and honor him.

        they are not “jewish holidays” but something much more.

        there are blessings attached to observing them.

        if we keep them, we will be blessed, and all of us wants that.

        • Marianne

          Jesus said to His Apostles to go into all the world and teach them all that I have commanded you, So I trust that The Holy Spirit used the early church and the reformers to preserve His teachings, So I don’t see how we can directly apply old testament teachings to the Church without checking the context, I believe all those old testament feasts and sacrifices and tithing were primarily a foreshadow to teach us, Christ is the fullfillment and brought the reality. I know people who believed in tithing and God did bless them, but they did tithe, what if someone believed that they should tithe and then fall behind with the tithe, would that blessing not become a curse? Perhaps they were blessed rather because of their faith and sincerity before God.

          ( did you block NOSHEOL TARSUS I thought I replied to his post but I don’t see it maybe I forgot to post it. It was a long one as well. )

  284. The word gentile is an error, or more Christian nonsense. think: “Nations.”
    By calling yourself a gentile, you are buying into Zionist ideology based on a mistranslation of scripture where salvation is of the Jews, not! It shows your ignorance of scripture, but…you are far from alone. Hence, “the unwise Christians who will get their heads lopped off. Ignorance, and pride, the hallmark of Christianity. Hebrew does not mean Jew!

    But, the brain washing of the American Christian does not end at the Bible Babel of the gay Freemasons King Jimmie, and Bacon, it permeates every aspect of their behavior, since, they are essentially, “mind controlled robots.”

    • terminology is irrelevant. One is either jewish / hebrew or not. one is not evil or ignorant if they do not use the terminology you prefer.

      the true issue is …do you have the heart of christ, do you love God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength, and do you love your neighbor as yourself?

      spreading rumors like king james was a homosexual is inappropriate…. you spread error…no proof of that….

      The bible is still true…..even the king james version.

      I agree with the “works” issue that we are still judged by our works.

      I have told you before that Paul is the roman name, and has no meaning in hebrew,but his Hebrew name was Saul, or Shaul, which means “asked or borrowed.”

      Saul does not mean Sheol…..those are different words….

      we are also not one of the original disciples but that does not negate our testimony and witness.

      you are making up interpretations that are not valid in order to discredit Paul / Saul and this is the real ignorance…..

      a car passes you on the highway and they are the minions of satan? now THAT is ignorant……

      it seems like you are too concerned with Paul and not enough about Jesus. Paul has his contributions and so do others.

      anglo saxons are homosexuals? and the british flag is a symbol of satan? that is nonsense! the cross is a sign of the devil? you are really confused.

      I hope you can straighten out some of this thinking and get back on track.



    John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

    John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

    Jesus Saves by Faith in Him, even while Saul was still breathing out threats…

    I suggest you try to forgive the White American for all their trespasses against you, and ask Jehovah to forgive you yours.

    believeth: pisteuw pisteuo pist-yoo’-o
    from 4102; to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one’s spiritual well-being to Christ):–believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with.

  286. Marianne it is me again sarah if you remember. I HAVE TRIED SO HARD to move on and i did trying to be strong and praying BUT PEOPLE STILL STARE AT ME SO MUCH and i keep blaming demons and satan in my head and they wont leave me alone i know its not just people its HIDDEN FROM THE DARK PLACES its evil forces the world is so BEYOND BLINDED ITS SAD…

    marianne it doesnt stop I AM WITH THE LORD AND PRAYING I TRUST HIM SO MUCH but i am scared people wont stop looking like i feel like its easy for people to look at me or evil is aiming at me because they think im AN EASY TARGET but people HAVE NOOOOOO IDEA WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH i am not perfect but people staring at me for more than 1 minute that isnt normal at all.

    AND I GET ALL SHAKEY EVEN THOUGH SHAKE I keep my head up i try but then my head goes back down I DONT WANT TO GIVE PEOPLE OR EVIL THE DEMONS SATAN whatever whom ever it is the satisfication BUT THE FEELING IS HORRIBLE like the world is making me feel BEYOND GUILTY ITS PAST THE POINT NOW where it is TO MUCH i cannot take it I AM NOT WEAKKK!!!!!!!

    i HAVE been strong for too long it is too much to handle now the eyes of people look at me with DISGUST like it doesnt END I THOUGHT AWWW FINALLY then it COMES BACK IT HAS TO STOPPPPPPPPPPP~

    oh please! help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i dont wanna feel bad the eyes are just horrible i am not judging people or whatever it is but ITS NOT FAIR I dont deserve that i should be happy and FREEEE I SHOULD BE FREE because ive had my fair share of understanding learning from what i did wrong and wasnt living a perfect rightous life i get that now and i HAVE PROBABLY LEARNT MORE THAN MOST


    ITS ENOUGH the stares AND for anyones information if u were in my skin my friends have seen it and they have even noticed even closest friend are spiritual they said sarah SARAH THAT IS NOT NORMAL it isnt right? they know and sense its evil and they feel for me others think im crazy and others know but WANNA HIDE THE TRUTH OF EVIL

    PEOPLE HAVE SEEN IT WHILE WITH ME and the stares are not walking past normal stare oh love her hair oh love what she is wearing it is stare with disgust like oh they know who i am like the demons around or whatever evil is surrounding the world IT IS LIKE SARAAAAAH WE MUST BLAME U MUST MAKE U FEEL HORRIBLE it is not paranoia it is not oh she is mental or crazy or take pills oh she is over board oh she wants attention i am someone who is lonely and completely fine on my own SO please do not think wrong

    I KNOW WHAT I am going through I HAVE HAD ENOUGH please people I BEG YOU from the bottom of my heart please pray for me MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL much peace and MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND GUIDE YOU and keep you all safe please pray for me i beg you IT IS ACHING AND PAIN IS too much to bare please…..

    THANK YOU MARIANNE FOR letting me speak and say this.. it got MUCH WORSE.

    much love to you GOD BLESS YOU ALL

    • beautiful soul

      I wish I could do something, but I live in America, not where you are at.

      Can you keep friends with you when you go somewhere?

      Tell your friends to stick up for you? They seem to just let it happen.

      evil needs to be opposed….get your friends to say something back to people when they are rude.

    • Beautiful you should ask someone is there a problem or is there something wrong? Or just say “I’ve noticed your attention was directed towards me, may I ask why?” or “It appears your are uncomfortable with me, is there a reason to this?” But say it in a polite way. I accused a lady of staring at me evilly and she got really mad and said “I just thought you looked familiar.” Most people tell me they thought i was someone they knew or they thought I look pretty or thought something, but it usually isn’t negative. And they stare at us with confusion sometimes because we are not like the world, there is something inwardly different about us, so their mind is trying to place us, but they can’t because it’s a spiritual thing.

      God calls us into dark places. It’s not the healthy who are in need of a physician. It’s the dark(sick) who are in need of light(Jesus). So God sends those that are living for Him to these dark places in hopes people will get saved. We are salt of the earth. And what does salt do when you use it? It get’s dispersed, it doesn’t stay in one clump. We are to be sprinkled throughout the world, that’s why it’s rare to run into another Christian and easier to run into unbelievers(those in darkness) because it’s more of them than are us.

      As regards to the staring, most of the time they think we look like someone else and it’s the devil that’s placing these untrue thoughts in our heads that they hate us. It’s not true. Tell the devil it’s not true and you are not to harass me anymore! You have beautiful in your name so that’s probably why they stare too. Satan can read what we type and also hear what we say and takes note of everything that bothers us, studies us sense we were babies. This is why he knows what to attack us with that’ll get us riled up and stressed. He’s trying to destroy us with stress. Because stress affects our organs….and can lead to other problems.

      Those people are being controlled and possessed and the evil spirit has taken over. I’ve approached some people who I thought were staring at me and asked them. And they were like “Oh I didn’t even see you! when did this happen?” “I’m sorry if I was staring”….It’s allllllll in our head! I’m telling you.

      Theres 2 types of ppl in this world. Ones who stare and ones who get stared at. We fall into the latter lol. But just tell yourself in your head “oh they must think i’m a celebrity” or “im the pretties girl theyve ever seen which is why they’re staring” … tell yourself anything but it has to be positive. So you can reprogram your brain until eventually it’ll be natural thoughts. Satan has gotten away with too much for too long, its ends here! We belong to God. We know what God says about us and leave it at that.

      I will try to help people out on here as it seems Marianne has grown tired of answering the same questions over and over again for years.

      God Bless

    • Beautiful Soul

      Hello, we are all diffrent, people stare at me for a second, they may stare for longer but I would not know coz I just ignore them and get on with my business. I was institutionalised once, that wasn’t very nice even back in the 80’s. Eventualy as it dawned on me that Christ was one with me, then I realised that the storm is of little significance He is the creator of the Universe and I am one with Him, so as long as I agree with His REVEALED will, I am pretty much ready for the kitchen sink. But he doesn’t test us beond what we can endure.

    • Beautiful South; the only reason I’m replying to this post is because it sounds like you are where I was once at, so as it came to me…

      ..another thing to remember is that we are actually guilty and worthy to be condemned to hell even here on earth. You are not dealing with people here, since they are just Vessels, not demons for they are just messengers, but you are dealing with God the HOLY SPIRIT, he came to convict people of sin, to convince us that we are guilty, and he can do this. If you know that you are saved, then perhaps there is something which you are believing which though it might sound ‘loving’ and ‘right’ it is not that same as revealed truth in the Bible, so you need to agree with God that you are a hell deserving sinner, and agree with the rest of his word, basic things like hell does exist and all who disagree with Gods revealed truth by rejecting Christ are going there, or at least acknowledge that if that is indeed true then it must be the righteous decree of God. And ask him to deliver you from all wrong thinking and attitudes, and THEN to remove the vessels of his wrath from your life or His wrath from the vessels in your life. And claim his promise witch he gives in 1Jn 1:9 1 John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, —-he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness—-. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

      God bless.

  287. Hi DJ

    Thank you for being wide awake in the body of Christ!

    I had a very personal experience of that kind with a member of my household. The person was forever in the church, but at home cell groups or intercession groups the person either sat and sleep or didn’t participate at all. This member was always in with the high ranking ‘officers’. Only two pastors ever stood up to the person in a total of 30 years of being a ‘Christian’.
    I could never understand the person’s way of behaviour to Christ until (after much difficulty – I believe I was also ‘bewitched’) I discovered that this person was attending regular meetings with witches and are in some way or another in with the freemason gang around town.
    We need the discernment of the Holy Spirit if we are to survive our salvation.

  288. hester,

    Thank you for sharing your account. Some folks are clueless.

    These workers of iniquity are active within congregations like wolves in sheep’s clothing.

    Pastors become blinded too. Most pastors are clueless (Ezekiel 34). They do not comprehend spiritual warfare – they think literal, rational and theological. They don’t teach this in Bible College or Seminary. Wonder why?

    I had no idea 4 years ago – but that phrase “who bewitched you” (Galatians) is not a play on words. It is not a phrase uniquely written by Paul, needing to be put into context – the time, subject matter, period and audience.

    God said, “My people are destroyed (be brought to silence, be undone), for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).

    Workers of iniquity actually perform voodoo and spell casting as their “spiritual assignment” within congregations. The spell is applied to “false teaching” and physical/mental assignments on people.

    Then, they watch the turmoil, pain and struggles, saying – “Sister and Brother, I’m praying for you”.

    They are present to hear the problems, which is confirmation of their efforts.

    Their days are about over. When the Anti-Christ is revealed they will party and do his work. Some thing they will win and overcome The Lamb. Fools.

    It will not be much longer before those workers receive the plagues, calling out for rocks to fall upon them.

    “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts” (Malachi 4:2-4).

    Psalm 27

  289. Ok good post, I see what you mean, take care, I know they like to turn up at all the meetings and cause discord and sow error, I did notice one time a bloke who seemed to curse someone so he couldn’t continue talking (me unfortunately) it looked so obvious everyone must have noticed the ‘coincidence’ But I thought it might look like God was vindicating him, But I also thought that I might have been making myself vulnerable by my careless talk and pride that only I could see, at the time too. I never mentioned it to any present I guess they all took from it what they would, But I thought I must have left myself open somehow to the attack, so I think I put the emphasis on keeping myself right. perhaps you see more because you are more in prayer and more in attack, but I also think that if they are able to stab you then you must be vulnerable at some levels, the only one I can guess from what you have said to me is that if you are trusting in ‘holy’ objects and ‘things’ ‘feasts’ then that is old covenant thinking and might seem to work due to the craft of the enemy, but in reality isn’t of the pure faith, I’m basing that mostly on the Letter to the Galatians and Romans

  290. DJ Hello Hope you are well. Iron sharpens Iron.

    “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts” (Malachi 4:2-4).

    An interesting Vesrse which I think might go with that pasage is:-

    2 Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:


  291. Brothers in Christ

    This is serious stuff and we need to forgive them otherwise we will not be blessed. This is the difficult part and also satan always acuses us when we act upon these things. We should always intercede for the churches. There are so many innocent weaker worshippers present and they need our prayers to avoid the tentacles of satan and his cohorts.
    Pray also for me to be restored in pure intercession (the lack of it, a result of this bewitching still).
    Let’s lift up the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth by His grace, preparing those not saved, or halve saved, for His return, actully just for the joy of serving the great I AM.

  292. hester,

    Amen and amen.

    Matthew 5:44


  294. Amen, an invocation of Amen Ra. You people even bother researching original languages?

  295. God, a pagan deity. You are the kind pour a drink offering for Gad (pronounced God), and Meni. Study scripture much? Guess not:

  296. I believe the gang stalking but why even be born if we are going to victims of cruel people? My experiences have made me feel like garbage. I feel worthless. If I wasn’t afraid of hell, I think I would be gone long ago.

    • i can understand your feelings… I have felt like that at times.

      • Thanks for relating to me. I just don’t understand. Studies have shown that bullying in childhood and adulthood can lead to mental illness and anxiety disorders. So, I think that to not get depressed about it is kinda of hard. I hate being persecuted and hate that it was the card that life dealt me. Rejection by nearly everyone is not easy to deal with. Sometimes, the only hope I have is that my life in heaven will be better than this crazy, pathetic world we live in.

    • Kiki – When I was a “Christian” (name should be “Paulian”) I felt the same, but I discovered that this too is a demonic trick. See, HaShatan (satan) has a multitude of tricks up his sleeve to keep people away from the truth and in doing so he has made it look like he is leading people against something that he really doesn’t mind people going towards – it appears like it is World (inc false religions, atheism etc) VS Christianity – making it appear so much that being a born again christian is ABSOLUTELY the truth that he is trying to keep you from, when really he doesn’t care, for as long as the lawful people (Jews) ignore the messiah who is their sacrificial lamb and temple necessary for atonement, and for as long as the believers in the messiah (although they give him the pagan name of Christ, Kristos, Krishna) and accept many false writings about him in the bible, mainly John, Luke and Paul’s writings that allow him to be hellenised, Mithraised and Paganised beyond recognition (the 11 true apostles would be HORRIFIED to see what christianity has become – in fact the word christianity was a play on words using the word Kristos and cretin, and was an insult that Paul lapped up in his bid to destroy the Natzarim/Saints of the messiah), the whole dispensationalism of “Jesus took all your sins and nailed the law to the cross so you can eat bacon and forget the true sabbath” is the way that “The great dragon deceived the whole world” (revelation) and Paul was the “antichrist” that the messiah warned of in Matthew and Mark, paul of course makes it look like one is coming in the future… In revelation the one that we must fear is the “Beast” which is the church system (the whore of babylon = catholic church/vatican, her slutty daughters = the protestant churches) which teach an abomination (A trinity, a godman, a lawless krishna/christ who took away the law), and revelation shows that in the last days the lawful followers of the messiah will return and grow in number and satan, knowing his days are short will go all out against us.

      When you keep the law of our Father (I don’t believe that YHVH is His name as it is used in black magic/kabballah and is possibly a name for HaShatan grafted into the parchments-but this is besides the point – the messiah will restore His verbal name, for now we must keep His name as in His reputation sacred) you find that your world will change – people no longer hate you on sight, as this is ineffective for turning you away from the law, you will find that people, in all their kindness will try and use peer pressure to force you to sin, they will always arrange things for friday night/Saturday, people will try and involve you in talking behind people’s backs, they will always order foods with pork or seafood, they will want to do things with you on the biblical feast days etc etc, keeping the law AND accepting the mashiach is the narrow and difficult path that the messiah spoke of in Matthew, you must do MUCH MORE than just believe unless you want to be one of the workers of lawlessness shouting “LORD, LORD!” on his return.

      When I first discovered the importance of keeping the laws, at least the ones that apply to me (there are NOT 613, unless you can be a farmer, a man a woman, a rabbi and more all at once, and even then the pharisees kind of invented a few through twisting the words, there are like 80, and most of those are just different definitions of incest that is forbidden) , my job changed its weekend days to be Sunday and Monday so that I had to work Saturdays for 6 weeks, then a few times that I ordered food from online places such as Subway or Asda they mistakenly sent me pork products instead of what I’d ordered, and the first time I actually sinfully just ate what was ordered, then realised what I’d done and turned away from it.

      There are false teachers everywhere “The messiah taught that not washing your hands before eating your food cannot defile you… That means he declared all foods clean, it even says it in brackets, thanks to translators adding it, look!” No he didn’t ever declare the food laws dead.
      In the very passage that the messiah states that the law is forever, and that he came to fulfill (teach them and live by them) the law and not destroy it, false teachers teach that he fulfilled it and negated it…

      My life has never been so fulfilled since realising this and keeping the true feasts such as Rosh Hashanah from the Torah and keeping the law, I am so much healthier and happier and people like me more, the problem is that Christians AND Jews now hate me in the same way that the Pharisees hated the messiah – they tell me “You are a christian because you accept Jesus so stop pretending to be a jew” and get really vicious with it, but the average person is actually very interested in learning about it rather than hating on it, you really learn how christians are truly paul worshipers when they counteract every truth of the messiah that you show them with a quote from Paul who never met the messiah and was commissioned by the romans to destroy his followers… The sword wasnt effective so he used a pen, followed illiterate Peter and James around and wrote their teachings as his own (including 1 and 2 Peter, clearly his work) and added his own twist on them to poison them,
      99% milk and 1%poison is still poison.

      Get this – Paul penned 66.6% of the new testament.

      • messianic jew

        YHVH is the name of Gd… is all through the bible….!

      • Messianic Jew,

        I am Messianic also, but not a Jew. I had been a Christian most of my life, but in 2007 my eyes were opened and I came to the understanding that having the testimony of Messiah and keeping the Torah was true and complete salvation, which is basically Messiah- His atoning blood and His Word (Torah).

        Regarding Paul, I understand what you are saying. It is hard to go there. But with that being said, I have a version of the Renewed Covenant, and a version of scripture that includes both the Tanakh and the Renewed Covenant, both written by Messianic Jews. Both approach Paul’s writings as having been basically perverted through the Greek language and secondly, misunderstood due to the fact that it was written from a Hebraic viewpoint, causing it to seemingly say something it really wasn’t saying, especially in the ears of the Gentiles and even to many of the Jews. I know that I struggle with it a lot. I have found that the commentary in the two versions of scripture I mentioned above, turns all of the seeming misunderstanding of Paul’s writings into an affirmation that Paul was a Jew who had been brought to salvation through Messiah and was 100% Torah observant and overturns and explains all the misunderstandings the Christians have about Paul’s writings. In all of that, at least for the most part, I don’t believe Paul is a false prophet, but it is hard to say that with 100% certainty! A hard place to be in.

        I do have a question for you. Who do you see the Christian Church as being, in relation to Yah and His people Israel?

      • Thanks for information. I will look in to it.

      • We should keep Torah as much as possible. But that’s not the focus. The Holy Spirit tells you to stop watching tv and listening to hip hop not the Torah.

  297. Kiki my dear

    Please take my advice and go to this site – Demon Hit List Home Page –

    then select Appendix C ‘Recover from all seven forms of abuse’. Let the Holy Spirit work in your heart and you will discover many things. Then pray the prayer of deliverance. It works wonders. It did that in my life and is doing that in my family’s.
    God bless you and give you strength.

  298. […] Hatred by the wicked Left is a mark of righteousness […]

  299. Oh my god this has happend to me all my life.lm a very pretty and outgoing honest loving girl.l have good looks great body as well as a kind gentle personality so this does not happen to just unattractive people with social issues or who are different ect.what has always hurt me in the past was no matter how good l am to other people mostly females males are good l give l share l am honest loving kind & YET these females hate despise and envy me so much for no reason that l know.l am also modest as well so l dont expose myself and l respect myself.each female would pretend give me fake face but l know they truly despise envy me simply for been kind caring to them..l have done much research and even before l read this page l knew somehow all these people female have demons inside them & yes no joke they do see something some light inside you that has not been corrupted by the evil of this satanic world.and yes thats one reason they hate you without even knowing you or in my case they know me but despise me for my inner strength for my undependence for my looks and the fact that l grovel to no one and follow no no sheep l refuse to be part of the herd cattle that call themselves people now days.l am not fooled by their fake masks and l would rather be on my own then be with a bunch of users and pretenders who are filled with hate and wish me nothing good for me.l would never tell this to anyone but this is the net so l share this with you all not alone.this world is going down its satans playground evil is all around us filth porn lack of decency no morals is the norm and kindness purity is not and is despised and if you have any spiritual purity left your well be despised for it! Make no mistake my dear people theres a spiritual warfare going on this world for your mind your soul.wake up turn off the damn t.v and read a bloody book.the end is coming and if you think its a joke then go back to sleep and listen to the demonic music that is pop culture watch the porn filth that is tv show and sweet dreams to you honey..

    • jasmine

      You got it right. People do not hate us based on what we look like, and can even hate us more if we are attractive. They hate us because we belong to God. Hang in there, and keep the faith. Satan is loose now and trying to steal, kill and destroy everyone and everything.

    • “and if you have any spiritual purity left you well be despised for it!”

      u better preach girl! That is exactly what i go thru. I too, dress modest, do not engage in sexual activity. Gave up a lot of my sins. And anytime I do sin like accidentally swear or something I repent and ask for forgiveness. The more you turn from sin, the more hate you’ll get.

      Also, the reason you knew that those females had demons in them is because the Holy Spirit opened that wisdom up in you. When God sees us living continually for Him he opens our eyes to stuff we might not have even RESEARCHED about. God, too, told me about demons before I knew they even existed. All I had the knowledge of at that point was that I believed in God. I never knew anything spiritual yet. It’s not until I grew/walked/matured in Christ that my eyes slowly became open.

      And yes it’s not our looks. It’s our heart. The spiritual realm can see all our holy glory shrouding around us; our angels; our light; our armor; the blood of Jesus….it’s no wonder they hate us, their trembling in pain. We’re protected by the most High AND living for Him. Not the filth of this world. There are 2 types of people in this world. People whose actions are influenced by Jesus, or peoples whose actions are influenced by the devil.

      These people who are evil to us don’t know anything about us yet they hate us, why? because their demons hate us first and it influences the person to hate us. Just like in Marianne’s diagram above.

      Please pray for me also, I have sleep paralysis and I know it’s demonic attacks.

      Bless ❤

  300. Jasmine and Jaira,
    Next time people act funny to you get ‘enbolded’ by the Holy Spirit and walk up to them and with the love of Jesus Christ say to them “the Lord blesses you!” then you are set free from the curses and you spread the message.
    Start to praise the Lord all the day – Satan wants our eyes off the glorification of our Lord. Go back to Jerusalem! the city of Hope and our Lord. Listen to Michael ben David on youtube. We are all going to live in that city when Jesus comes!!!!!
    Together we stand in Christ, Amen, Shalom

  301. Thank you, this is an enlightening post and made me aware that there are people who feel and experience the same as me. I once told my sibling and a best friend about this, but they didn’t seem to understand/agree and believed that it’s all just me. So, I kept quite and never told anyone again. I believed this problem had a spiritual root although how, I didn’t know. I just took it that I could feel the mental/emotional vibes of others. I have this problem too eventhough I am a friendly person. It’s like when I meet people for the first time, I just get ‘vibes’ off these people. Most are good vibes and I enjoyed their companies. There are people who I get the ‘neutral’ vibes, of course. But there were some who really give vibes that there was something ‘off’ with them. Like they were hiding something ‘not right’ in their heart/mind. These people usually seemed to sense that I sensed this and somehow ‘dislike’ me at first sight. These people are the type that I’ll ignore if they’re not people I have to face everyday, though I always am cordial whenever we came across each other. There’s no point in messing things up simply because we dislike certain people, is there? But there were also some people who give off very intense negative vibe at our first meeting. This type usually very obviously and blatantly look at me with contempt and such undue hatred. As if I’d gone and murdered their beloved pets or robbed them sometime in the past. Boggles my mind everytime. This type is the one I usually avoid at all cost for my own peace of mind. I’m no saint but I’m no loser either. I’m just a human being. So, I don’t back down from standing for myself. I usually do this after I exhaust all other diplomatic options. So faced with people who hold me in utter contempt/intense dislike/undue hatred which stems from nothing at all, things can get worse. I had many experience where the people who disliked/hated me at first sight and whom I felt the ‘off’ vibes turned out exactly how I felt them. I don’t know how to explain to others clearly except that this situation ~ being disliked/hated at first sight and for no obvious reasons ~ exists. Literally. Like in the first second. When I meet people who give me ‘bad vibe’, I usually pray for protection. I feel that sometimes God answers me. Other times, he let me face it because I think it’s a cross that I must bear or trial I must undertake for further spiritual growth. Oh, and I often pray regardless of time or place. If I feel like I need a prayer, for me or for someone else, I pray. Even in the middle of doing my job. I’m just one of those people who think that you don’t need a specific place or time to pray, although it’s better if you do. I think I still need a guidance on praying the rightly and effectively. For the time being, I go by the feel.

  302. I always had a feeling it was a negative force of some kind. I never actually ever admitted it to anyone though. I knew something was up with so much hatred targetted my way from people that i dont know from a bar of soap.

    , however the positive thing is that I am near immune to any type of negative criticism and laugh off their hatred (it must piss this demons off to i bet ha ha).
    Im pretty happy with everything actually and personally dont give a flying flip whether someone hates me or loves me but know in my heart that god always wins. the power of good does help you ladies and gentlemen.
    Think happy thoughts and laugh at those demon possessed people.

  303. So, this feeling is quite common. I now get that “I’m not alone.” But one thing that puzzles me. Do the -ve people also have this type of feeling like the +ve ones. If so, then do I belong to the +ve ones or -ve ones? And if so many people feel this way, then are they all +ve ? ; and if most people in world are +ve ones , then why do they feel “Hated at a sight”. ??? ( MAY GOD HELP US ALL) o.O

    • dear Pan Ko

      I am not sure what you are asking. Usually the “feeling” is independent of how you see people. People who seem to be nice and positive can also hate you for no reason.. They do not realize the demonic influence on them to reject you. they are ignorant, and may not mean to be evil, but they can still can damage to you, since they sincerely think they are right about you.

  304. Hi Marriane,

    Thank you for this message. It makes sense. My problem is that it’s hard for me to ignore this. I see it all around, every second, by everyone and I try to take my mind off of it, but it happens so much that I pay attention to it.

    It causes me to ignore friends who are talking to me and get distracted easily and in return my friends get offended thinking im ignoring them. I can’t help it. It’s hard when I am in a conversation, then I see about 10-12 people gawking evilly as if they know who I am; As if they have heard all about me. It’s hard when I am eating at a table and I see about 6 people at the other table watching me as if they know something about me. Keep in mind, these are all strangers. How is it that these people are able to abruptly stop whatever it is they’re doing(them eating as well) to even watch me do things?

    My fault is that, a part of me wants to make it right with these people, this is where me getting distracted comes in, but I know I never will for you cannot reason with a demon. So I wish I could just ignore it! It takes a tole on my life because it’s strenuous and it gives me a severe stress headache. How can I ignore the stares? How can I NOT pay attention to someone emotionlessly staring me down for what seems to be hours upon hours, while I am in a conversation, or out in public just running some errands, or at a table eating, etc. If this didn’t bother me, it would still happen, but I would pay less attention to it. I want to get to that point. I know there is demonic activity behind it, yet It’s still hard for me to ignore. I’m getting a headache just even talking about it. The worse part is that, once these people see or sense that it bothers you, they continue to do it. Like their getting some sort of power trip. What is your advice to ignoring this?? 😥

    • lynn

      If they are saying nothing to you, ask them what their problem is, that they are staring at you.

      If they say something negative, then stand up for yourself.

      I have had this happen recently with a lawyer I hired to help a friend. He was resistant to me, and violently blasted me for “controlling” him when I tried to explain the case to him. He then told me he would not accept any communication from me….amazing….he thinks I was trying to tell him what to do when I am the one hiring him, and I am the only one to explain the case to him…..definitely a demonic spirit…sadly, he is the only attorney available.

  305. May I ask another question? What is the case then, when you have a friend who you get along with so well, and you see that she is more accepted by the world. Even though you are both Christians. She is a Jehovah Witness Christian and I am just a regular Christian who follows the Bible, not of any denomination. She gets smiled at all the time, guys like her, no one is ever mean to her, at least not from what I see, people talk to her. Is it because she is a pretty Brazilian? Do pretty looks help cancel the attacks?

    Then there is me who probably has experienced every single one of these attacks mentioned on this website. In fact, there isn’t a day that goes by where I’m not maltreated.

    She is the first friend that’s ever been super nice to me and she is so encouraging, but if she is more accepted by the world, then how does she get along so well with me?

  306. I often wonder if we can ask questions when we get to heaven (Though we we will be so glad to be there…we probably won’t think about Because, I really want to know why I faced so many difficulties with people in life. It’s like my presence causes an uproar in people when they know nothing about me.



    • I think those in the church are the worst ones.

      • I couldn’t agree more with you,people do it in church….sometimes it is disguised as a pastor claiming they “see” something or saying about you something God did not say,just to get attention,not knowing there are people sitting in church who can discern demonic spirits

    • I can definitely discern demonic spirits in the church, and there – are – many.

      Demons look right at me through people. So I barely have to do much discernment because the demons within the person gives themselves away; either with an evil piercing glare or I can sense the darkness around them, and the fact they can’t even be around my presence. They usually get really stiff around me or get angry and walk away.

      I’m not sure if these are demons(possessed people) or just influential demons around the person looking at me that the person hasn’t repented of…..either way, I can usually tell when someone is not right; which is pretty much everyone I encounter.

  308. I’m so glad to have stumbled across this blog! there are so many people that I come across you just see me and just start hustling up and talking about me when I’m at work for no reason and try to make it hey very unpleasant experience when I first encountered is, I was working at a black eyed pea restaurant and was totally terrified of the situation because I thought I had done something wrong and I tried to negotiate with you the wrong babe negotiation opens doors for the demons.I stood and I faught for what I believe, I was the one who got fired while the person possessed with the demon ran free….she got fired too but the funny thing is that she taunted me in my face that was the most hurtful and distressing thing.but because of God strengthen me through Jesus Christ, I am experiencing that same thing times 10 just I work at dennys and now it doesn’t even phase me like it used to now I can identify what spirit is behind a person and eradicate the negativity by pleading the blood of Jesus over myself.and also is a negatively influenced person cannot get next to you they will try to get close to someone that you are close to just so they can tap into your heart mind or emotions please don’t think that everyone around you can be trusted ask God to show you the snakes at your workplace home Exedra and I promise he will….so now I am being attacked financially because the enemy no longer can attack my mind please pray for my finances and God bless you so much I will very much come out of this on top as well as others around me covering me in prayer…god bless those who say a prayer for me

    • karen

      May God watch over you and help you in your battles.

      • Hello everyone, I just found this blog. I found it because, for the past few years I’ve been trying to understand god and this world. And the reason I’m trying to understand, is because I have fallen from the kind of grace that is adored by most people of this world. Most people here adore Confident (The hidden word for arrogant and cocky) and Out-Going people (Usually are the mean spirited and negative people.) In the past I bullied people. Because I wanted people to like me, I wanted to be special. Because in my family I was never the special one. I was frowned upon, seen as the undeserving one. Even my mother let others devalue me. But at school, people thought of me as cool, beautiful, and exceptional. I was able to be confident and out-going. As time went by, more female students came. And they were prettier and more confident. My friends and the people I knew around me opened their arms to them. And that spark inside of me was slowly dissolving for them. I lost everything. It seems as though the more kinder and understanding I became the more inferior I seemed to people.

        I became kinder and understanding, because I wanted to so desperately to repent for my past actions. I accepted the hurt as something I deserved for my past of bullying others. But then one day it occurred to me how long does karma last? I haven’t bullied others no where near as long as I’ve been bullied. And I was under the age of 10 at the time. I am 21 years old now….going on 22. And people still pick on me for no reason. I don’t bother anyone. I just live my life and yet others try so hard to ruin mine. For so long I’ve wondered why. There are times in my life were people disliked me, because I was quite and not wild. Other times people automatically have decided that I am to be the person they bother without me even breathing in their direction. So from these experiences I wondered. Why did people like me when I was mean, but hated me when I became nicer and understanding to others hardships. I began to wonder, why are people so against quiet and those who generally don’t like to cause trouble. Why do people hate left- handed people, and ones who like to see other’s happy than sad. Why do people not like people who are aware of their flaws as much as their strengths. Why does this world hate people, who are trying to be and deal as best as they can? Why does this world hate people who care about something? Why does it hate sensitive people? and people who change?

        At first I believed it was god punishing me for my past. For a while I accepted this. But the longer I suffered, I wondered was I still a bad person in god’s eyes? I was confused because I really did change my shallow ways. I really do want to see others succeed and happy. I have truly become the kind of person that thinks of others having their own special and unique abilities. I then rejected god, for the 10+ years of bullying. This all happened as I was very young. I had an advanced mind at a young age. Due to my very immature mother. Me and my brothers had to develop our own minds. The woman stole our youth away from us. But that’s a story for another time. Anywho, I stopped praying believing….there is no way to repent, and god already hates me and would never forgive me. So why bother at all with anything. Now that I found this blog everything makes so much sense. God doesn’t hate me, he didn’t abandon me, he had already forgiven me. All this time, People have mistreated not just because of karma. But because, I did not loose myself to this world the way they have. And, because positive energy was with me the whole time, He was with me.

        • dear anon

          Karma is not at work here. This is a fallen world, and is controlled now by evil spirits in high places. It calls good evil, and evil good.

          Therefore, when you were wrong, people liked you, because your negative behavior matched theirs.

          When you are good, it reflects back on the bad people who do not want to change from their negative ways.

          Their demons hate your good spirit.

          This battle has been going on for several thousand years, but will end soon, praise God.

          Just keep doing what is right and trust God when bad things happen. And all those who hate you will disappear, and you will make it through the bad times to the good times.

  309. Thanks…kindred in Christ!!! Father God made all this!!!
    The lost, the “sleepers”, he loves as well. Jesus Christ, what a task He has given us!!!
    Holy shit….a true test of our faith in Him that reigns forever and ever…Amen and Amen!!!!
    To Love continually…

  310. I’ve posted on here before, but it’s gotten WORSE! I DON’T EVEN LEAVE MY HOUSE NOW EXCEPT to go to the store, and three out of my ELEVEN neighbors whom I all know, are doing EVERYTHING in their power to make my life miserable. We JUST bought my middle son a used car for when he gets his license, and it’s a nice car, a 2002 Buick Rivera, it’s not new, We’d be fools if we bought him an expensive car for his FIRST car, now he’s ONLY 14, about to be 15, but we go with him to parking lots and let him “test drive” the car with the owners permission, he CAN’T WAIT to turn 16, get his license and get that car, but we got a GOOD DEAL on it, AND THAT’S the car we take him “test driving” in so he can get use to it. It has ALL it’s legal tags, registration, insurance, etc… and we don’t allow him to drive AT all except when we’re with him in the abandoned parking lot . So anyway THAT car is in our driveway (not in the double garage where we keep OUR cars). We got a ticket on THAT for “an abandoned/JUNK car” – BOOM – $150.00! THEN, TWO DAYS LATER, in the am of the morning, my husband’s work vans transmission went out! I took MY Dodge Magnum over there to his van, let him put ALL his tools in there, and took them to OUR driveway, set them in front of the driveway, and kept making trips like that – I only made THREE trips transferring tools from his van to my Magnum, then dropping them off in my driveway – we did all that because we had to have my hubands WORK VAN towed to a transmission shop to have a new trans put in! Anyway, THE NEXT DAY (two days from our JUNK CAR TICKET) we get ANOTHER ticket from the city citing a “junk in the yard”! It wasn’t in the yard, it was in the driveway because my husbands van had to be fixed, AND TWO DAYS AFTER THAT, everything was back nice and neat in his van. What I’m getting at is, I USE to work for “codes enforcement” so I went up there, and THEY SAID, BOTH TIMES, the same TWO neighbors had called and complained about “our yard”. He said he didn’t like writing us the ticket, but as long as we SHOW that it’s not there anymore we won’t have to pay it. As far as the car thing went, he said IT WAS THE SAME TWO PEOPLE. He SAID he told them (at codes enforcement) that those two different neighbors were freinds WITH EACH OTHER, and that he KNEW FOR A FACT they didn’t like us, he told his boss to look up THEIR records, AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM ARE ON PROBATION for “manufacturing meth”, and his boss just said, “tell them to show up in court and the charges will be dismissed without them having to pay.” BUT STILL, THIS is HOW my neighbors treat us! We HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM as they ARE methamphetamine users AND MAKERS, and we’re a wholesome family just trying to live right! But being held prisoner in my own home is quite enough! They USE to just do black magick spells, now they’re resorting to trying to make us pay out the ying yang for tickets we DON’T DESERVE, and THANK GOD the Codes Enforcement Officer KNEW US! He just said, since they complained SO MANY times, that THEY HAD to write a ticket, but that it would be dismissed in court. But YAAAAYYYY! WE HAVE TO GO TO COURT STILL! I am AT MY WITS END! TO ME, being nice is just not engaging AT ALL with them, AND SO I DON’T GO OUTSIDE except to get in my car and LEAVE, yet they’re STILL doing EVERYTHING, including the spells, TO MESS US UP! And I have to tell ya, being human, I’m about ready to go over there and punch them IN THEIR FACE! I KNOW I would be lowering myself to their standards, but this has been going on for years! I”ve posted before about their bullying and abuse toward us! THEY ARE PURE EVIL, and it’s even easier NOW because the “parents” of the house have both died in the past year, and so NOW they ALL have free reign over there! What’s PATHETIC is NOT ONE OF THEM have a drivers license (they’re all revoked), NOT ONE OF THEM own a car, there’s about FIVE people LIKE THAT living over there, AND THEY’RE ALL OVER 40 YEARS OLD! THAT is what’s pathetic! Oh, AND THEY ALL are on probation AND/OR parole for manufacturing meth -amphetamine! And that whole little clan hang out together! The rest of my neighbors tell me to ignore them and they’ll stop – I HAVE and they HAVE NOT stopped! What the hell do I have to do OTHER than JUST STAY IN MY HOUSE TO IGNORE THEM? I ALREADY feel like I’m in prison BECAUSE OF THEM! AND NOW, my cat has not been home since the day before yesterday – and usually she leaves at night and is at home waiting to be fed the next morning, but it’s going on the SECOND night she’s gone and I haven’t seen her – I’m scared they killed her,as they USE to hurt and cut her ALL THE TIME, so I had stopped letting her out, but when I thought they were all gone, AFTER the parents died, I started letting Isis (my cat) back out again – NOW SHE’S GONE! They even TOLD ME they were the ones cutting chunks of skin outa her when they were! And when I reported them, they denied it and told the cops I was making it up! I called the humane society on them to! BUT one of their relatives owns a vetinary, so they the cops told me that THAT family LOVED animals TOO MUCH to do that to them, even though MY VET was saying, a straight blade had made those wounds on Isis! I’m gonna tell ALL OF YOU THIS NOW – IF MY CAT ISIS DON’T COME HOME TOMORROW, I’M GOING OVER THERE AND BUSTING THEM IN THEIR FACE! SHE BETTER come home, like by morning, and I probably won’t even get any sleep tonight BECAUSE she’s NEVER gone two nights in a row – NEVER! So forgive me if I sound harsh, but I’ve had ENOUGH! AND MY HUSBAND WILL bail me outa jail if I DO go over there and bust one of em in their mouth! Hell, my husband WORKS for THREE attorneys and FOUR Judges in this town – if I DID bust em in their mouth, the attorneys AND THE JUDGES would say, “well then, they had it comin!” because we break bread with them OFTEN,and I can promise you the charges WILL be dropped! I KNOW that kind of behavior isn’t nice BUT NEITHER is the way they’ve treated us, AND IF THEY HURT MY CAT – well, I know they wouldn’t admit to it, but I’ll get the satisfaction of at least BUSTING ONE OF EM IN THEIR FACE! I have been GOOD, up to now, and I say YEARS of this sort of CRAP is enough – IT’S TIME TO SHOW THEM I’M NOT SCARED OF THEM, and ANYTHING THEY CAN DO, I BET I can do better AND WITH MORE SUPPORT from people high up than they could EVER DREAM OF HAVING! They only THINK they don’t like me NOW, wait til I’m done with em! THEN AND ONLY THEN WILL THEY HAVE A VALID REASON TO NOT LIKE ME, and frankly I don’t care one way or the other, I just want them leave me and my family alone, and STOP trying to instigate us and get us in trouble! AND THEY BETTER PRAY ISIS IS HOME BY MORNING! And you guys PLEASE pray to, because I REALLY don’t wanna have to go over there! I just have a feeling that they killed her, but lets see FIRST if she comes home by morning. Isis is LIKE MY KID! And I’ve BEEN TELLING my husband NOT to let her out since I realized those people were living back over there – AND HE DID! And his excuse was, “well, she wanted to go out!” We ARE ALL SUPPOSE to get along and be kind to one another! WTH? LIKE JUST NOW, I had to get up for a few minutes because I caught ONE OF THOSE SCUMBAGS in my yard! And she said, “I”m looking for my dog, he ran off.” Her dog is a rottweiler, and while I don’t have anything against that breed, I KNOW FOR A FACT they tie a triple knotted THICK METAL CHAIN around it’s neck and then put a piece of raw meat in tree about 8 feet off the ground and make it jump for the raw meat – and it gets it EVERYTIME! So the dog IS dangerously STRONG! And now they’re saying he ran off! GREAT! I’m sorry for having such a BAD attitude but I NEED for God to step up and help me out some here! HE KNOWS ME AND MY FAMILY ARE SUFFERING, and yet this stuff STILL COMES at us DAILY! AND I DON’T EVEN LEAVE THE HOUSE MUCH ANYMORE, much less go outside! People hate me, and guess what? I HATE THIS SO CALLED LIFE JUST AS MUCH! Sorry so long, I’ve just had enough! ENOUGH!!!! WHAT do I have to do to make these thug acting P.O.S. leave me and mine ALONE? WHAT? CAUSE ignoring them, IS NOT helping! I TRY to keep a postive attitude while I’m locked here in my home, but I’m an Aries, AND I’m READY to go pay them ANOTHER VISIT. Oh, and I asked them if they saw Isis, that WITCH said, “no but I hope Shadow (HER DOG) don’t find her first!” I SAID, “NO, YOU better hope REAL HARD your dog don’t find her first!” She ALMOST wanted to challenge me right there, I could tell! But that’s not how that COWARDLY FAMILY works. She’s probably gonna call the cops on me now and say I threatened her! I guess we’ll see in about 15-20 minutes, cause that’s about the response time it takes for the cops to get here! HOPEFULLY they’ll send someone I know, because I USE to write my own newspaper and have dealt with ALOT of the Sheriff’s Departments cops who know me, if it’s city boys – I’M SCREWED:( They seem to go with the “bad ones”.

    • robin

      It sounds like you need to get one of them alone, and arrange an accident. maybe their dog needs to disappear…I don’t know…

      you have a legal issue here…maybe consult an attorney before acting, and see if there is something an attorney can recommend.

  311. Yeah, me and my husband went and saw a detective we know today. And my husband does work for FOUR different attorneys, so I’m confident we’ll have the lead in this. I just can’t wrap around my head WHY SOME people are propelled to be so evil acting toward others. I don’t understand it. My pets ARE JUST LIKE MY KIDS, I love them with all my heart, and I can’t sleep, eat, rest, etc… until MY CAT is back. I’m SO SCARED they killed her. I told that detective if ANY OF THEM HAD tried to, OR KILLED Isis, that whoever did it would have scratches on them FOR SURE, because she wasn’t really a very friendly cat anyway toward others. I’m the only one HERE who can handle her, and even I get scratched and bit sometimes. But I REALLY FEEL like SHE is feeling all this negative energy in this neighborhood from these people – AND THAT is why she is so aggressive. But I told the detective to LOOK for scratches on those ALL of those people, because she WOULD HAVE fought them if she knew they were trying to hurt her – AND SHE WOULD HAVE KNOWN. I’m really not sure WHAT I”m gonna do IF I DO find out someone over their killed her. I can’t imagine me leaving it alone. But I CAN SEE me going off on ONE OF THEM. I NEVER judge someone else, as it’s not my place, but THOSE PEOPLE ARE TRASH like I’ve never seen before. And today around 4:30pm, there was a truck that kept going around the block, BUT they would stop right in front of our house and just sit there for like 2 minutes. I started taking pictures, and the guy in the truck saw me, and he leaned out the window and flipped me off AS I TOOK THE PICURE! I THINK someone from that trash family was getting them to do that because I have seen that truck over there before. But this is really getting kind of scary after that happened today, and Isis not coming home FOR TWO NIGHTS, THIS WILL BE HER THIRD, OMG! So anyway, I called that detective BACK, sent him the pictures I had, and within FIVE MINUTES the cops were here, but of course that truck must’ve seen OR KNOWN they were coming because the cops couldn’t find them HERE, BUT with my photos, I had the license plate number, so last I heard from him, he was going to the address that truck was registered under. I cut my ringer off after THAT because I’m tired of drama and I don’t know HOW much more I can take. He’s probably called. I’ll call him back tomorrow, as I HOPE to get a little bit of sleep tonight WITHOUT being angry from whatever he MIGHT tell me. And so you all must see it’s already 2:30 am and i’m still awake. I keep hoping Isis will come home and scratch on my office window like she usually does. Today, I washed her bed to get it all clean for her for when she comes home, I PRAY she comes home.

    • robin

      I understand. I had some neighbors once who shot my dog. I got mad and went over and broke their door. Ended up in court over it.

      their brains are gone because their brains have been destroyed by drugs.

      Keep the surveillance up and use the law the best you can.

  312. OMG! I found Isis (my cat), and you know what? THIS MORNING I did the same thing YOU DID, here’s what happened though – I was outside calling for her, and all of the sudden, I SAW HER JUMP UP IN THEIR WINDOW – so I KNOCKED on the door FIRST, but they wouldn’t open it and I could hear them in there laughing – I KICKED THAT DOOR IN – and my cat ran and JUMPED staight UP IN MY ARMS, ONLY THEY got arrested BECAUSE, Isis had SEVERAL slash wounds on her body, (they charged them with animal cruelty) but they’ll be out in a couple to a few hours AND BACK OVER THERE. They had my cat up in there, torturing her, JUST BECAUSE they don’t like me. But the vet was also scared that they had fed her some sort of poison because of the way she was acting, so he wants to keep her over night. I”ll get her back tomorrow. But me AND MY HUSBAND are STILL LIVID over this. since that happened though, the cops have been up in their house like they’re searching it, and if they are, they WILL find drugs, and probably where they’ve been making them. So I’m HOPING they’ll ALL see jail time at least from the drugs. I’m not so sure if they’d see any jail time from stealing my cat and torturing her, but the vet SAID, if Isis’s toxicology test comes back positive for ANYTHING that could make her suffer to death, that THEN I could get the humane society involved, and they would FOR SURE see jail time then. Now, I’m just hoping and praying they didn’t give her poison, cause if they did, she might die, right? The vet would NEVER answer that question straight forward with me. AND I KNOW when someone is trying to avoid the subject. So I’m STILL on pins and needles waiting for them to open their doors in the morning. I bet I beat ALL of them there, but he did say that as he checked on her during the night, if anything WERE wrong, he’d call me. I’m just waiting. But I still don’t understand people and why or how they could do that to an animal.
    At first, I was SO SCARED the cops were gonna arrest ME for kicking down their door, BUT since we had told that detective what had been going on, THAT was my saving grace. THAT and I was video recording with my phone as I looked for her, and I actually GOT her sitting in THEIR window AND could prove I knocked FIRST before I kicked in the door. Thank God, I listened to God’s voice when he told me to talk to our friend (the detective)! Otherwise, I’d probably be locked up RIGHT BESIDE THEM.

  313. Marriane, what is your best advice for when I go into a store and the other customers get helped right away and a nice warm hello or smile, but with me it’s very cautious, do I approach her, do I not? What is she? Who is she? Why is she here? What does she want? type of vibe. Then their fear alerts the other people in the store to fear me, and then the security guard gets involved and they start making rounds in the store or watching me closely for no reason. Then the customers in line start looking at me strangely, then the cashiers and even the people who enter the store……within a matter of 3-5 seconds of me entering the store, the entire store is against me already.

    One time a security guard was busy watching me that some guy ended up stealing something. So for some reason I was on his “watch her” list and the guy who actually stole something was not. So I raise all this ruckus whenever I enter any establishment when I’m there for the same reason everyone else is there, to shop.

    I am aware that it is the demons within the people that are against Jesus in me, but if they get in my way on purpose, or if I need help and the associates run away from me, what am I to do?

    • jaira

      It could be that you are so aware of them that your body language shows it. so try to go about as if nothing is wrong….do not act self conscious, or act any different than you usually do …..when you send a signal back that you feel like you are being watched, then they just watch harder…

      .if you are there to buy tomatoes or a dress, just do it and leave… do not go overboard to act too friendly, and do not act shy….just do your business and leave…..

      you can also pray a blessing over yourself before you go in a place…

      • Thanks hun, this is exactly it. I am so spiritually aware of them, but it’s to a point where I can’t even help it because I have spiritual discernment. So it just happens automatically. Spiritual discernment is not something I can just turn off or ignore. I see spiritual activity in people and I can feel it. I think this is why people are uncomfortable or scared of me because they know I can sense them and read them deeper than they appear to be.

        However, I guess I’m watching and waiting for their negative reactions as well. I also am too self conscious…constantly wondering what people think of me or how they will react to me. It makes me look angst and stiff and “abnormal” …. it’s funny how the world doesn’t accept people who are shy. We’re all just supposed to be born confident I guess.

        Anyways, Marianne, I have a personal question. Given the fact that I am an outcast because of the diagram above, and that I choose to follow Christ, it makes me think that marriage is not optional for me because everyone has this on sight (you scare me or I cannot be around you) reaction towards me and if they don’t have it on sight, it happens sooner or later. I notice that you go through this as well, so how is it that your husband (when you guys first met) didn’t have this reaction towards you? It gives me hope that one day I will get married being the outcast that I am because it happened for you.

        How did it happen for you, without him having this negative reaction towards you??

        • hi jaira

          This awareness was always there, but at first I thought I was the problem.

          Hence, I got married but did not trust my instincts enough to realize it was a mistake.

          The experience was tragic. I have been alone again for 30 years.

          So I understand what other people are going through.

          The discernment, getting older, high moral standards in a failed society, and 2 children seemed to deter any other relationship.

          I do believe it is possible to find a good man, who is dedicated to the Lord. You have to seek, to find. And if you have no children, and have never been married, that will help a lot.

  314. We have so much in common!
    I know your struggle. Just a little while longer and we shall return to our original state of love and bliss.
    Most people hate me because of Christ that lives in me. It is not a personal fault of theirs. The false prophet or the father of lies lives in their head. People do not know the truth. We are here for them! Our life is not our own. I do all I can to bring truth to those who are dying of this mental calamity. It’s not all love and roses…sometimes I want to take there head off. It is not their fault! They are trapped in the head, and have departed from the heart, where God lives always…right now…in this moment. When they are trapped in the mind..people always project into a future moment that does not exist. They forsake the connection with God in their heart,, all that ever is, for a future moment that never comes…it is a lie! I suffered this way myself…till Christ Himself taught me correct discernment.

  315. I remember I got along with most people until I was in college. I never had many friends but people just kind of left me alone. Then around 2007, I started to get treated horrendously terrible by people. I have random people be mean to me especially women. I would be in class in college and people would just start laughing and making jokes about me, targeting me. I didn’t understand why. Everywhere I begin to go. The pattern of hatred would continue. I have problems with everyone I almost encounter now. People may say I’m paranoid. I am not. People are really this cruel to me. A lot of people are different than me. They like drinking, cussing, smoking weed. I don’t partake in those things. I feel like a people hate magnet. I am only in my twenties and I stay home. I really only have my dog as a friend.

    • kiki

      I understand. I had the same problem, and I do not associate with many now either.

      It is not you.

      The hate, and godlessness is increasing rapidly in this world. the bible predicted that the “love of many would wax cold.” you are experiencing this.

      Darkness hates the light.

      evil hates good.

      they cannot associate with each other.

      there are still pockets of light around you somewhere. look for christian groups, or even jewish groups for fellowship.

      go online and find christians on websites and discuss the lord with them….this website is an example…..people have met other here and made friends….

      but look also in your immediate area….type in a search…..

      in the meantime, you must pray God’s protection and blessing over you each day…..and cancel any curses spoken against you, and ask that blessings on you be made instead.

      I can send you some prayers that you can print out and modify to fit your situation…..say them each day. I will be in agreement with you.

      • Marianne,

        Yes you are right! The hate in this world is increasing. Unfortunately, most people will not admit that it is and just say it is something we throw off to make others dislike us. It’s hard living in a world like this. That’s why I appreciate this blog to meet others experiencing the same thing.

        I often make friends on online forums and your website. They are often very sweet people. I wish I did have friends in real life though.

        I’ll hate to admit it but being treated like this often makes me question my own existence and I feel forgotten by God. It takes a toll on a person mentally and physically. I often feel cursed. I hate that I now have to resort to antidepressants to feel better. 😦

        Thanks for the prayers. I will continue to pray for you too as we endure this wicked world everyday.

  316. Dear God,
    Get people at my job away from me talking bad or bad stuff about me. I need to be away from them. Get them to really love me. I am trying to dress better and be better.

  317. Today I had to pick up a package in my mailbox here on campus and as soon as I got in line (keep in mind I was like the 6th person in line) the lady taking the package slips, head shot up right towards me. The thing is, she was in the middle of doing something, but she looked up at me as if, someone, something DIFFERENT, just entered, like her head just shot up automatically and knew exactly who to look at, me. Minus all the OTHER 5 people ahead of me, she knew exactly and directly where I was at.

    THEN one girl in line did it and her head turned EXACTLY to my spot in line looking at me. Then this boy in front of me did it. Then pretty soon everyone in there had looked at me at least once. It’s like EVERYONE in that room had a hidden communication going on and knew directly who the cause of it was.

    It sends chills down my spine when I am directly, precisely, accurately spotted out by someone who had no idea I was even there AND amongst other people in that room.

    So thanks to my morning devotions i’ve been doing. Having God be the start of my day. I remained calm and just…..smiled.

    And the minute I smiled, their gaze quickly jolted away from me and back to what they were doing as if NOTHING happened, as if they had NO recollection of the fact they were just eerily peering into the depth of my soul.

    SINCE I know this negative reaction will happen and has happened with every single person I encounter, I just keep a smile on my face when I know I’m about to encounter people. And I’m telling you, it’s like a shield. It just ricochets all evil off of me.

    Why does a smile cancel it??

    • Also, the reason I know it’s EVIL behind when someone automatically stares at you with hatred and dislike for no reason, is because evil is influencing or controlling them to do it. There have been times I’m around people, and I can already see someone is turning their head around to look at me (because evil knows when light has shown up), so I smile anyway before they look at me, and it immediately jolts their attention back on to what they were doing.

      Whatever evil was about to make them look at me, my smile canceled it. This tells me they had no plans of looking at me, but the evil makes or influences them to do it.

      But why does a smile cancel it though Marianne, and has this ever happened to you? Where you knew someone was about to stare at you evilly, but before the stare got to you, you canceled it with a smile. So they end up not looking at you?

  318. People turn to hate me all the time because I dont practice witchcraft,almost all people I encounter practice witchcraft-thats because I live in Africa,please help me.

  319. My colleagues hate me,please help me,I need prayers.

  320. Hi Marianne! At what age did you realize that it was demons causing the hate and not you? Do your kids experience the same thing?

    • it went on most of my life, and still does.

      I did not get clued in until late….my 40s

      my kids are too much part of the world, so they do not have this experience

      • Wow….I guess it’s better to find out late than never. There is probably people who still don’t know why this experience happens to them. I am glad I found out while I am still somewhat young (in my late twenties).

        I understand how it feels to not have other family members have the experience of this demonic hate. But, like you said they are part of the world so the demons don’t mess with them like us.

      • Marianne,

        I notice that sometimes the demons do not see me, therefore the person doesn’t see me. In a way it’s like I’m invisible to them. Sometimes the person even bumps into me and it is not until they feel the bump that they see me, they may apologize like ‘Oh!!!! sorry”…. or some don’t.

        I notice that I am ‘invisible’ to these demons/people when I have no fear of them. But it takes A LOT of energy for me to not have fear since I struggle with it. But as long as I fear or am intimidated by people, I am an imminent target to them. But the days I don’t have fear, I am invisible to them and they leave me alone and it’s glorious.

        My fear was in me long before I knew what fear was, so it’s a generational curse which I don’t know how to even go about breaking. What I really need is deliverance.

        • Jaria

          God has not given you a spirit of fear, but one of peace, and a sound mind.

          Stay strong… demons are freaks, and nothing against the power of the blood of jesus and the authority of the believer.

          Pray to god and ask to help remove the fear,…..affirm each day who you are in christ….you are strong, you are not afraid, you are the heart and praise of God, you are the apple of his eye….

          and the devil is dirt under your feet….crush him, and declare victory over him, and rebuke him in jesus name.

          no weapon formed against you shall hurt you.

  321. Hello Marianne,
    Hope this message finds you well. What great courage to put this site up. And thank You. I have been dealing with this for some time now. It seem to be accelerating like the rest of the world. This makes sense to me, and explains a lot.

  322. Since I was a child my father and mother treated me very cold. My father was always belittling me and my mother did nothing about it. I have two younger sisters who always treated me unkindly. I had to educate my self because I had no help from my parents. When was at school I was bullied for no reason and was not popular. As I grew up I decided to make something of myself. I got healthier, better looking, got a top job – but this did not make people like me – especially my family – they got more jealous.
    When I got married I thought things would change – but my family and people still treated me as an outcast.

    I don’t cause trouble and I am very honest. I have helped a lot of people – but this did not make my family and people like me – they only wanted to get what they wanted out of me.

    I can sense there is something wrong in people (not all the time) when they are aggressive/cold to me. I believe in Jesus and God – thank you for all your comments – I feel that I am not the only one who has this problem – I hate to say that I wonder what would my family and people react if I treated them they way they treat me. I can hold my head up high – I have noting to be ashamed about. – they have the problem.

    • dear lynette

      I am sad to hear your story but glad to hear you have made this progress. the enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy, and he usually uses those close to us to attack us.

      do not give up. keep going….find other like minded people to associate with, even if they are rare and hard to find….they are out there…..

      we are not on the wide path that leads to destruction….we are on the narrow path

      I pray god keeps you, blesses you and gives you comfort, and provides love where you have had hate before.

  323. Thank you for your concern – after reading other people’s comments I feel that I am not alone in this world with simular problems. People in this world in general are like sheep – they do what other people do even if they don’t really want to – just to keep in with the crowd. I have always done what I feel is right for me and it has paid off. My Grandfather said that you make your bed when you are young and you have to lie on it when you get older – so true.

  324. I have met very few people that did not like me without knowing me , but 1 person in my life stands out they don’t like me since birth. That is my own Aunt who has caused much pain and suffering for me and for those in my family who sided with me and protected me, at this time those relatives are all deceased only my dad remains and he too is a victim of hers.The other relatives side with her I have never done anything to them or her , I am a sociable person have good looks no facial imperfections mild personality so not a social outcast in any way ,my aunt she has put labels on me that I am no good and useless I am crazy , My own Dad used to follow her but he also ended up stabbed in the back and in the heart by her cruel selfish and greedy ways. There is much more to tell but I am not comfortable talking about this in the open , I wish there was someone I could talk to more about it where I could tell a larger part of my story.

  325. It is hard to take that someone can be so cruel, selfish, greedy and say false things about you. I have had similar problems and I know what it is like to be treated like that. I have an Aunt who is very cruel, selfish, greedy and says false things about me and other relatives. One of my cousins and his wife were a couple who were good looking, excellent personalities and would not hurt a sole – they were hated and looked down upon because they had to get married by my Aunt for years. I looked up in the family bible my grandfather had and I calculated that my Aunt’s daughter was conceived out of wedlock and she was 3 months pregnant when she got married and the picture of her and her husband in wedding attire was not their marriage photo (brides maid and groomsman at my mother’s wedding). My Aunt got married in a Registry Office I was told by my mother. I told my cousin and his wife about my Aunt’s marriage and child out of wedlock. My cousin and his wife realised that my Aunt was very jealous and had a lot of personal things to hide from people.

    Generally, you find that there is some kind of jealousy with your Aunt – she probably did not have a son as good as you and has a lot to hide from people

    • lynnette

      It is sad when people take mistakes from our past and torment us with them. People need to forgive and move on with their lives.

    • sounds somewhat similar the differences are that my aunt took advantage of people who are disabled and has not ever married no kids ,even hurt her own parents both in realy bad ways, I am close to losing my mind and my home because of her greed and hatred for us.

      • joseph

        do not let anyone drag you down with THEIR sins.

        her hatred will only get her sent to hell….

        ignore her or tell her off.

        • Joseph, never let anyone put you down – I know it hurts – this Aunt enjoys seeing people suffer – especially you and your family.  Play her game – outsmart her by not reacting to her – an old saying goes – war is won not by the fighting but by outsmarting the enemy.  Don’t let her control you, your home or anything else – get legal advice if you need it.

  326. I no longer speak to her because the way she is with her tongue , I still suffer due to the control she has where I live , and the house I live in for over 47 years (some evil things were done for her to gain control of it) Its making my father suffer his pain and sadness of what can happen to be removed by force of a place that his parents told him its your place to live and to have a sister take it all and break the law to gain it.
    as I a child I was put down often by her as an adult she has never stopped doing that and continues ,she tells others who don’t know me and makes up things to ruin my credibility and has ruined my relationship with other family who are not wise enough to find out if what she says is true or not
    I believe in facts and I have done nothing to merit all that has happened and happening , perhaps my sin was because I was afraid of her and hesitated in taking action against her , it was in the back of my mind that so many wrongs were done by her and my family is unable to face her , I had to take upon myself to be the one who fights the most evil person I have ever met.

  327. I can understand you cannot face her because she has put you down for years. I would get a solicitor to write a letter (if you can’t face her) stating facts and asking questions and demand a reply and you can put her up for deformation of character and I would take legal action against her.

    • she is someone that once she gets going with her tongue you can not get a word in and she is totally irrational so I don’t bother with someone who wont listen its a 1 way thing with her its her way or no way.

  328. Jut pray to God that he will give you strength and to make her tongue quiet

  329. Wow the pass for days were………Jesus must be really trying to get my attention . Because of this ecceleration of abuse and insanity by others has hit an all time high. It really pushed me into reading , reading,reading the WORD and to BE Still.

  330. I know that Heaven is a glorious place. But, I tell God every single day that I want happy times in this life too. Dealing with these evil people is making it nearly impossible. As must as I hate to say it, sometimes I just can’t take it much long. I wonder what is the point of all of this as it really takes a toll on a person.

    • I feel same way its been lots of bad times and been so few of happy times
      I wonder why things are so bad for some people who seem to be good and decent and others have lots of those so called happy times you may notice them that everything is working for them but not for others who have done nothing wrong.

      • bad people get the devil’s favor, but not god’s….

        but this will change….stay firm in your faith…. you will see things get worse for the wicked ones.

    • kiki

      the bible says that in the end times, the devil will wear out the saints….you just have to hang in there….I wish I could help…stay in prayer for strength… and get out some, stay in touch with nature.

      • Thanks. I am trying. I will pray your strength and you pray mine. I am definitely worn out. It’s no nice people anymore or they are very rare. Neighbors, church members,etc. are among the evil ones.

  331. Wow! This all makes sense. I’m so happy I’m not alone. God has given me the talent of not only reading people, but I can be sensitive on the presence of evil. I am so use to doing things alone, or going places alone. I can feel when people are wondering why I am alone and don’t have any friends. I realized it is because I think for myself and my eyes are somewhat open. I don’t follow the social rules per say. It is hard to explain. Yes I believe in the bible & God, however I am extremely cautious of churches. Some of these so called goody too shoes Christians I can feel have been brainwashed and I don’t like the presence. It is rare when I can feel a true Christian. With my beliefs and the presence of God I believe this is what makes people uncomfortable around me. & I don’t care because I will always believe in God & the bible! So happy to hear their are others out there!!

  332. I have learned three things in life – never completely trust people – they will let you down – doesn’t matter who they are and the second thing is be friendly with people – but keep your personal things to yourself and thirdly never have your heart on your sleeve – you will get hurt. I am cautious of churches also – but find a church that treats you with respect and also people who treat you with respect. The only person you can trust in this world 100% is God.

  333. Hi,
    Just want to comment. I went to Google to see if someone had the same issue as me, and I found this site. After spending all night reading the comments, I woke up feeling better about my situation. I too can sense when someone doesn’t like me. It doesn’t come in the form of staring, but how people treat me. If any one of those people accept me, I know that it’s because God is shielding me from them, and wants me to minister to them for a season. Once the season is up, I am suddenly repulsive to them. It’s really a lonely life…I too give my all, only to have people to mistreat me. But it’s something that I have gotten used to. On my job, I know that when my boss starts nit-picking, that it is time for me to go. Everything is a season with me. My mom really doesn’t care for me, neither does my pastor, so it’s really hard to find someone in leadership that can counsel me. But I do stay in my Word, and I read a lot. I attended a bible college, and even the professors appeared demonic to me, but I would only get what I came there for.

    I truthfully tried to hide my spirituality growing up. I knew I had a calling and I would sneak and read the bible at 6 and 7 years old because it fascinated me, and bible reading wasn’t part of my household. But I do remember my mom and dad being casually into voodoo and astrology, mentioning that I was the 7th child of the 7th child, and had me sticking needles in dolls in my youth. Now that I’m older I steer clear away from any type of witchcraft. It makes me literally sick to be in the presence of someone who practices. As far as discernment, people tend to discern me before I could even discern them. I have had on numerous occasions where random people would approach me and say, “You’re a religious person aren’t you…Yes, I can tell.” “You have a good soul.” I remember being at Mardi Gras for the first (and last) time, when a random guy grabbed me and told me that “I shouldn’t be out there, this is not where I belong. God has favor on my life, etc, etc.” I ended up going back to the room for the remainder of the trip, wondering why did he chose me out of all those people.

    No amount of praying really helps me with this situation, because it is a lonely life. My bones hurt from loneliness. My family abhors me, and it hurts to know that everyone has someone except me. I see others with their families, and I understand that having a family of my own may not be something that I may not attain in life, and I am accepting that it may not happen for me, because of the level of spirituality involved with having and producing a family. Even some of the world’s most notorious criminals have someone in their corner, loving them and supporting them.

    I have a good life apart from the people and family. God has blessed me with an education and a nice home and car, and plenty of money to take care of myself. He has moved me to work from home, which is great because I was literally seeing demons in people at work and I just couldn’t take it anymore. But as far as relationships, in my last relationship, one of the last things he said to me was, “I know I have to step up with you.” And started backing away. It hurt because that was 3 years ago, and I really wanted to be with him, and could see myself being with him. I never get an answer when I pray about him, but God answers everything else very clearly, he gives me distinct direction, but with this guy, it has been silence. God knows I will not move forward or backward without His guidance, but the door is closed and I’m just here looking at it. My adjacent neighbors hate me. I am in the biggest house on the block, with no family. God put me here, and I am here with no apologies. I am not reactive to them, God has already told me via scripture that he will handle any neighbor that maligns me.

    And that’s the way my life goes. God protects me from everything, and sets me up where people see me being blessed, and God doing the impossible for me. They don’t like it, and I’m just here like a puppet, letting Him have his way. I thank him for the gift of discernment because I have been able to get myself and others out of situations before it even happens. Someone told me, that if God tells me to speak, I need to speak otherwise their blood will be on my hands. So I do share knowledge as God reveals it to me to others, and the saved and unsaved alike have been blessed. Apparently I’m just a vessel, and other’s are prospering off me. And I’ve gotten used to the idea that that’s probably all I’m here on earth for.

    Anyhoo, thanks for listening and letting me tell my story. Marianne, I really hope you try the book thing again. There’s a timing and a season for everything, and I know I’ve Googled this situation many times, but this is the first time I have ever run across this. So many people would benefit, and yes, maybe you were to give out free information for a season, but hopefully during that time with all the fantastic stories here on your blog, that you were using these examples to help develop your book. I can’t wait to see you on the shelf…if any books are left.

    Be blessed!

    • thank you china doll

      I can relate to your isolation. I have that also in my life, and yes, it is very difficult, and something on a daily basis that has to be faced. you will make it. know that the Lord loves you and will help you on this lonely path of holiness.

    • I can so relate to everything you said. There have been times where I was in places and people would tell me or they just knew I didn’t belong. One guy told me “I can tell you are Christian because I can see it in your eyes”

      So they KNOW us….but instead of being vocal about it most people stare. That is the case with me….only bold people come up to me and tell me things. Most of the time people just stare. The reason they know us is because demons KNOW Jesus Christ and who do we have? Jesus Christ in us!

      So peoples demons that are influencing them KNOW that we have Jesus Christ…..but other times they don’t.

      Anyways, I realized that this is all I’m pretty much here for too. Is to just be a light and that’s it. I’m not even sure I’m supposed to get married or have children or anything….but God says he does give us the desires of our hearts so I’m sure He will. But I don’t want anything that’s gonna take me away from Christ….so ill be patient. He knows what I need.

      Also, I’ve come to the realization that everywhere I go everyone who encounters me will be fixated on me. Just keep in your mind all these people have nothing going on in their lives because they don’t have God…so OF COUUUURSE they have time to bother you and stare at you for hours upon hours.

      It does get overwhelming because it’s literally every single person. So imagine being attacked every second of your life…this is how it is for me. Just so many people against me and the spirits communicate with each other so fast so a new person who walks in picks up the spirit and starts attacking you in the same manner or anyone who’s around that person will also take on the spirit and attack you the same way.

      • dear dalphiebug

        I wish it were not so, but you are right about people. Unfortunately, believers are in the minority, so we are considered weird and awful to others. I am glad to hear you have a good understanding of it. May God guide you, protect and provide for you, and help you through all the stares.

      • Hi Dalphiebug,
        Since I have seen this site, and seen the issues and my mentality towards the situation, I have been declaring to these demons, “I BELONG HERE! The earth is the Lord’s AND the fullness thereof! Therefore I belong here! I am in the world not of it! The Lord is with ME…not you!!!”
        I read this book by John Bevere called Breaking Intimidation, and I am stronger, I will not be moved. I will no longer be intimidated. Demons will scatter in HIS name. And if any one accepts me, then I have determined that I will give them all the God I have in me so that they may be saved too. But I will NO longer be intimidated by the devil or his imps! I am going to live, and live OUTLOUD! I am going to LIVE, in Jesus’ name!

        Be blessed. 🙂

  334. Anointed ChinaDoll,

    Yes, you are indeed!

    God is with you (Joshua 1:6-9).

    Please read Psalm 19 as it is written for you too. I believe you are being prepared for His service in a very unique, personal way.

    You’re reply/comment is a special blessing to me.

    Psalm 20

  335. Does anyone else deal with strangers/ random people bullying you or calling you names?

  336. I was told by a Minister that I had “a spirit of discernment” and I should not look people in the eye – especially going for a job interview – this upsets the people who are interviewing. I can sense that there is something wrong with people (not all of the time) and I have a good memory what people have said to me and I can tell if they have something to hide (not all of the time). I get a heavy feeling inside of me if there is something wrong. I am not popular with people – but when they need help – they come to me. It is a sad thing in this world – when you are not liked by a lot of people when you do the right thing.

    • lynnette

      It is always hard to hear how other believers are treated. yes it is sad….but I pray God give you strength, peace, protection, and his presence even stronger, so that you can succeed in any situation.

  337. Wow this makes so much sense. Anytime I would join a conversation with women they would immediately snap at any comment I would make no matter how big or small. It was as though they hated me already. I can really relate to this. Im so happy to know why this happens to me. Praise the LORD for leading me to this information.

  338. hmm.. this is all very interseting to me. I googled this because I was looking for ways to cope with where I live. I too have dealt with mys hare of being “hated on site.” Was I Christian? I don’t know. I was raised Catholic and my family let go of Catholicism as my mom was discovering new things about the validity of the Church. I have tried all kinds of spiritual venues and had some freaky, and when I say freaky, I mean FREAKY stuff happen to me. I have sinned greatly in the past six months. I feel persectued for a million reasons, the least of which has to do with Godliness. I do seek God, but I am so uncertain about Christianity. And all of the religious stuff.
    I have been loved on site too. I feel like a lot of this stuff has to do with the self hatred and competitiveness women have been taught since birth. As for nurses, I have heard that that is a profession which is undervalued and underpaid. So women take that out on each other? Could that be it?
    I feel like if you seem “too nice” and like you don’t have boundaries, the primate in people will get them to test you and hurt you. I am black. When I see contempt in people’s eyes, (who are not black and sometimes who are) I assume it has something to do with an ingrained, unconscious racism. So I buck up my boundaries and don’t “take it in.” I also give people’s stuff back to them. You’d be surprised how much respect people have for you if they know you are not going to take their crap. If II see contempt in people’s eyes, I usually assume they are jealous, intimidated, racist, sexist or have really big egos. Taking it on and trying to “friend” people out of their crap is pointless. I also get people straight and watch my own behavior. Am I being the “bottom dog” in any way? Am I being submissive or afraid? If you have any kind of power, beauty, intelligence or a sense of happiness, it will piss status hungry people off. But if you stay centered, let them know what your boundaries are and refuse to take crap, they usually end up liking you or leaving you alone.

    I have been under witchcraft and psychic attack. I prayed a lot about this, but finally ended mentally kicking the a** of the people invading my psychic space. So I guess, Jesus has no time for me. Doing so, however, has made my life slightly better. I was waiting and waitng for Jesus to come and help me. I got the impression that he sort of hated me, too! I guess I am a sinner, but I just feel like this world is nothing but crime and punishment. Some people messed with me, I fought back and now Jesus is going to leave me behind because I did not “turn the other cheek.” I had this “vision” that in a past life, two thousand years ago, I was a roman who was violent a soldier working under Nero. I discarded this however, believing that it was demonic activity in my life. I also had visions of the woman who was like a grandmother to me, telling me that I needed to die in a horrible way out of karma. Before she died her husband appeared to be abusing her in front of me, and I instinctively knocked his glasses off. I was young then. My mother suggested that maybe my godfather’s rage caused my godmother’s subsequent heart attack. So now, this entity, claiming to be my godmother, says that I am owed a terrible death. I just think this is a demon or an unconscious manifestation of my own hidden guilt about having almost hit my godfather and her dying within the next few days. Anyway, it’s all pretty whacky. I wish someone could “read” me and see what there is around me. And I wish it was a Christian. I used to go to al ot of psychics. The last person to whom I went , a Wiccan, was so frightening to me I could not stop shivering in her presence. I was so young and stupid. Why didn’t I leave that place? My body was telling me that she was evil. Anyway, if anyone can read someone from onlne writing, what do you see around me? I feel like I might be going to hell because of my tools of psychic self defense. But I have a child to raise, I can’t keep taking this crap. If it is actually pscyhic. If it’s psychological, mightn’t it be good to be a Ninja in your brain and fight, imaginatively, people who bring you down? Jesus keeps appearing to me as a way he could not have looked. The uncle of Da vinci, I believe, who migth have been gay. Or was that Da Vinci or Michelangelo? The point is, I also feel like unseen elements in the universe want us all to have one monolithic vision of Jesus, so that they can stage a false second coming. I know this is a lot. Sorry. Anyway, I do think “hated on sight” is about perception. I get a lot of catty women around me. I know I am fun and sweet and charming and supportive, but I don’t “internalize” that crap. People can see you are vulnerable and need to try to feel better by lording stuff over you. There are lot of bullies, stand up to them, affirm your worth, and realize many adults are dysfunctional children playing “grown up.”

    • dear angela

      It sounds like you have had a mixture of demonic spirit cursing your life.

      As a child, you would not have been responsible for what the adults were doing in your life, but what they did, and believed, affected you.

      This caused scars in you. Also weak points, because subconsciously, you were injured, and felt you needed to fight your way through life.

      maybe some of it was racism, and maybe some of it was not….but this is the way you perceived it.

      your mother did not give you a strong faith to rely on, so some of your spiritual concepts are confused.

      you went to psychics, looking for help, but even being around them drew more demonic spirits to you,….going to the psychics opened the door for more curses to come in….so you got buried in more affliction.

      you mentioned nurses…are you one?

      there is a lot of witchcraft in nursing now, as well as other professions….the focus in some circles is on patient control, not patient care….any sweetness toward others or patients is seen as weakness and immaturity…..a more “objective” approach is to be distant, cold, and critical of the patient as being somehow deficient in some way, and in need of control……caring or emotional tenderness is considered unprofessional. …. I can say this after attending one of the most witchcraft oriented nursing schools in my country.

      Jesus does have time for you, but his help is blocked by your general unbelief, and lack of commitment to him.

      so what you have to do is first established a more solid relationship with him, have more faith, and rest in him….right now you are stressed out too much.

      as for being attacked, you have just enough of god in you to antagonize those who are under the influence of witch and demonic spirits…..this “little piece of god” in you has come from your attempt at prayer, and a calling on your life that god put there, that you have not recognized yet…….this “little piece of god” makes you an automatic enemy of any witch.

      you have the good fight in you….you are willing to fight back…..what you need to do is make a committed step to finalize your inner potential….and make your relationship with god more solid….you need the assurance of salvation

      .what you need to do is first, like ALL of us, have to repent of any sins i your life, including visiting psychics, feeling unbelief, bitterness, and any other sin that you may have done…..then ask for forgiveness for the mistakes you have made in life, and ask for strength and divine protection…….

      plead the blood of jesus over you..and take authority over any demons trying to afflict you….no demon has more authority than a believer in Jesus as savior.

      I am sending you some prayers for deliverance and salvation to help strengthen you and give you better “fighting tools” for what is in the spirit realm around you. pray also for your child to be protected…..

      I am also sending a list of sins and the 10 commandments to help you do a review of conscience.

      print out what I send and say the prayers each day…. I will be in agreement with you in prayer.

  339. And not that I am putting down gay, but I mean effeminate. I don’t know if Jesus was like that, but why portray him at all?

  340. Hello Marianne,
    I want to thank you for sharing your wisdom. I have been following your different sites here and listening to some great stuff on derek prince’s u-tube. Wow and wow and wow. Prayers of gratitude for You and Derek Prince.

  341. Great testimony!

    Proclaim the Word as a sword and the enemy must submit.

    Proclaim blessings too!

    “Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me – bless His holy name.”

    Psalm 20

  342. Marianne,

    I recently told a Christian about how this happens in my life…and he said that it’s not Jesus’ spirit causing it, but the spirit of rejection on people that inhibits them from accommodating us. He said that perhaps I have a generational curse of some sort and the key is to break that generational curse or soul tie….he said that some people will treat me like this, but not everyone is supposed to. So he thinks it is the spirit of rejection…

    How would you negate this?

    • jaira

      The spirit of rejection comes from others, not yourself.

      so it is still an attack from outside your spirit.

      it is still their hate, not your fault

      true believers would not reject you….

      • I have the holy spirit and on top of that I am black, and there is a strong demonic spirit of racism in a lot of people too…..I was in Target and this lady just clutched on to her purse tightly and I wasn’t even looking at it or her, but the abruptness of her grabbing her bag caught my attention. I knew for a fact she held on to it tighter because she didn’t want me to snatch it. When I certainly would not have.

        I think what draws people to me is not only the holy spirit, but then when they get drawn to me, they also see I am black, which I guess makes them even more suspicious of me…..

        Do you think it’s even worse when the person is african american?….

        • jaira

          I cannot comment on why the woman clutched her purse.

          it may or may not be racially motivated. I would be careful not to read into other peoples behavior as racist.

          I see too much of that.already..:

          he is white…. so he is racist
          she is black….so she is racist


          I do not want you to focus on this, because I do not want you to develop a victim mentality, which will make you more vulnerable to attack.

          People are either godly or they aren’t.

          Which demon influences them is secondary to the fact that they are godless in spirit.

          I would say at least 60% of society is godless now, irregardless of their religious claims. in fact, the religious ones are the worst!

          Focus on asking God to bless you and make you strong… if anyone acts crazy around you, then you send a definite message through body language or speech that this is THEIR problem, not yours, and that their evil cannot bring you down.

        • People are don’t like people who are different to them what ever your colour.  I am a white person and I get treated with contempt by people who don’t even know me who are white.  Being black does not help – I have seen people who are Asian, European, Middle Eastern and Indian get the same treatment as you.  People can be against you not only for your colour but for your looks, the way you dress, your education and your job.  So don’t take it personally, they are the ones who have the problem – not you.

  343. Amazing website that explains the evil behavior of the majority of hateful envious people l have encountered my whole life including from my so called sicopath family.
    l have never known real joy real happiness nor had a real friendship with anyone.its all fake an pretty slim lovely kind respectful person.yet my whole life l have met and attracted only vile nasty fake faced envious people who set out to destroy me in everyway and bring me down for no reason.people i dont even know some times give me evil looks but.l get many hatred and envy from females only.they envy me yet secretly try to copy everything l matter how kind and loving am towards serpents they only have hate for me but pretend and give me fake face.
    My life has been a nightmare and is still.
    I’m trying so hard to ignore the wicked and the sick evil that exists within so called human beings.l have never meet a person who helps me supports me as a person. Never they only try to destroy me and break me down.

    • hi tiffany

      that is why I put this page here. to let good people know it is not them, but the hateful people around them. I have gone through the same thing

      the bible says it would get this bad, and then even worse…which makes the good ones cry for heaven.

      stand your ground, and trust the Lord for strength….this evil world is going to be destroyed soon, and we will be finished testing, and on our way to heaven

  344. You are not the only one – I have similar things happen to me. I just get fed up with sick, envious people who only want to use me and try to get what they want out of me – after they befriended me – includes my family. Have you ever seen the DVD of Catherine Cookson’s novel “Tilly Trotter” – she had a very hard time people called her a “witch” for no reason.- this is in the Catherine Cookson Collection of DVDs – I recommend seeing it – it just shows how people can be so cruel and injust and how the person who is a victim overcame this. I know it is only a picture – but the moral of the storey is that goodness overrules evil in the long run.

    I have cried a lot over people who have mistreated me over the years and I have realised that they have the problem not me. Don’t worry or get upset overpeople – the devil likes that – say to yourself “I am as good if not better than the rest of them – if they don’t like me – just too bad – it is their problem not mine”. The devil does this to Christian people – to make them upset.

  345. Does this happen to anyone: People will just be evil toward me and so discreet that no one notices it but me. Then I look like I am crazy when actually no one caught it but me. I’ll give an example, a few years ago I worked at a job. There was a so-called Christian working there and ever since the first day she hated me. She would do little evil sneaky things like give me evil glares and talk about my hair. Yet when I brought it to someone’s attention they would say, “She wouldn’t do that. She’s a sweet person and goes to church too.” I know I am not paranoid but this person was evil and no one could see through her. Another time, a cousin badmouthed me in a room full of people but discretely. I asked my mom and sister and they said they didn’t hear it. This type of stuff has happened in just about every setting I have been in since childhood. There will be an evil person everyone will love that I can not get along with. It makes it seem like I am paranoid when the person or people are slick, sneaky and mean.

    • kiki

      you have discussed this a lot but it seems to be on your mind, and still bothers you. remember we cannot change others, only our response to their behavior.

      • Yes you’re right. I just wish I didn’t have to experience it so much and that it didn’t hurt so much .

    • Be careful of how much you verbally talk about something that bothers you. Remember, Jesus is not the only one listening…satan listens too. Satan cannot read our thoughts, so if there is something bothering you, try to keep it to yourself and between you and God as much as possible in your head.

      I also believe satan can read what we type as well……the only thing he cannot understand is if someone is speaking in tongues(giving as a gift by the Lord) because it’s Jesus’ language and if someone is talking in the mind. Everything else he sees and hears….then tries to tempt you with it the very next day. Ever notice when you say “i can’t STAND when so and so does this or when that happens” then that very thing happens sooner or later? that’s because it’s a temptation at your weakness.

    • Yes! Exactly this happens to me all the time! And then it was “a joke” or I’m taking things “too seriously”. Sorry for not taking insults lightly. People are mean.

  346. Yes I have had similar experience with people who suppose to be Christians and people who make fun of me behind my back ever since childhood. They have the problem, not you – you have a discerning spirit and can see the evil in people – they don’t like that. I have a discerning spirit and I can see the evil in people (not all of the time) – and people don’t like that in me. A Church Minister told me that I have a discerning spirit in me and the demons in people don’t like that in me. Jesus was hated because he had a discerning spirit in him that could see straight through people which is more powerful than our discerning spirit. Trust in God or Jesus not in other people – they will let you down. You are lucky you have a discerning spirit – you can see through the evil people are doing – take it as a gift from God.

  347. Since I was young,people just hate me with no apparent reason. When we are together with colleagues,they won’t even listen at what I am saying. The only thing I will see people looking at each other and laughing at what I am saying. People I think are my friends ,will just change and accuse me of things I have not done .Even if a person can say something bad to me but I am the one who is going to be accused ! Help me please!I am sick and tired of this life!!

    • dear shado

      this is their sin, not yours. the world is evil and hates good people…..find just a few people who are really nice and stick with them. read also what lynnette said as well.

      stick up for yourself…ask them what their problem is.

      I am also sending you a prayer against witchcraft and curses…print it out and say it each day….

  348. I am 62 yeas of age and I have had a similar problem with people when I was young and also when I was older. I cried a lot when I was young and a teenager and also in my 20s and 30s behind closed doors because of how people treated me always laughing behind my back or in front of me for no apparent reason.. Then one day a Church Minister counselled me and told me that I have a “discerning spirit” in me that the demons in people just do not like. Jesus had a very powerful “discerning spirit” in him and people hated him. Take this “discerning spirit” as a gift from God. These people who laugh and make fun of you – keep well away from them. They have the problem not you. They laugh and make fun of you to hide their problems and the truth about themselves – most of them have something to hide about themselves. I have found out a lot of truth about people over the years who made fun of me and I realised it is not me who has the problem it is them. Don’t tell people your personal information who you do not trust and never wear your heart on your sleeve. Trust in God not in people – because people will let you down does not matter who they are – they are human with faults. Demons in people don’t like people who are Godly and the demons in them like seeing you upset all the time especially when they make fun of you. You are a child of God and God loves you for what you are. Be strong and ask God or Jesus to give you confidence in yourself. When people can see you don’t care what they say about you – they will leave you alone.

  349. The world is getting more wicked – people are suffering more than a few years ago. The Devil is trying his hardest to bring people and nations down for example that plane that is missing from Malaysian Airlines with 239 people on board – image what their families are suffering when they don’t know what has happened to the plane. We have to trust God more now than we ever had to before – the last days are coming.

  350. I have noticed people staring and attacking me eversince I been born again… It’s not your imagination… it happened today as soon as I step in starbucks and I felt this ladies eye’s piercing through me with out a smile on her face and I said what’s up with a hand jesture and then turned my back on her… After ordering my drink I noticed she went back to her business…I also binded some spirits under my breath…

    • dear sonny

      that is good. keep taking authority!

    • Isn’t it crazy how demons don’t do anything new under the sun. Satan has the same old bag of tricks he’s been using since the beginning. A friend and I had just came from church and I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like you shine a little bit brighter after you’ve came from church and been cleansed by the Word. Just like Moses’ face was glowing after he saw Jesus transform.

      So anyways, a friend and I went to eat after church. Now, we were at our table minding our own business, having a good laughing time. All of a sudden I look over and see this woman giving us the most evil look as if we did something WRONG. Lol, as if it was her restaurant and we weren’t invited in. I wanted to be like excuse me, we have a right to eat here…don’t look at us like segregation laws haven’t been lifted thanks. I should’ve told her, if you’re trying to find the menu you’re not gonna find it looking at us. But I just looked away from her and back to what my friend was saying. Her presence was not worth my time.

      I mean this woman’s eye were wide and wicked. She didn’t even BUY anything! It’s like satan sent her in there specifically to bother us. But it didn’t work cuz we ignored her like she didn’t exist. Then guess what? She walked out and while she walked out her head rotated 90 degrees toward my direction with that same piercing wicked look.

      It’s sad that people whose lives aren’t filled with Christ are tossed around by Satans control and he uses them tossing them about like the ball in a game of pinball. They end up looking so ridiculous too because she came in there just to get her glare on and then left out…I mean, if ur gonna walk into an establishment at least have the decency to buy something.

      Lol…sometimes you have to laugh at these immature demons.

      • dalphie

        The next time, you and your girlfriend BOTH get up and go over to the moron bothering you, and ask her what her problem is….and if she wants you to cast the devil out of her….that should fix her.

        if you are alone, then do it yourself…it will probably freak them out.

        • My friend didn’t notice it, but I did. I am more in tune of the spiritual world than she is, I can tell. Plus, she has no use in noticing it because people LIKE her and talk to her and smile and are so friendly to her wherever she goes……..I’m the one that is pretty much hated by everyone off sight.

          I think what I’m gonna start doing is giving these demons tracts about Jesus Christ. Clearly God wants me to see peoples spirits right off the bat rather than the actual person.

          I 100% do not get peoples human personality anymore. I only get their demons….their demons take over the actual human being and do not allow them to be friendly to me.

          The minute someone evilly stares at me, I’m gonna give them a tract and walk off. When people give you guys evil glares it’s because they are trying to make you feel like crap because they are ashamed of their own sin.

          Matthew 6:22 Our EYES are the lamp of the body. So our eyes are light and when light is shown on darkness(demons) they are exposed and notice you for it and hate you because you’re exposing their evil deeds.

  351. Yes I have been hated and blamed for something that I have not done in the church and outside the church over the years. I am 62 years of age and have experienced a lot of dislike and blame from people I hardly know or been involved with. The Devil uses our weakness to make us upset and our weakness is that we are very sensitive to what people say about us. Put the power of Jesus blood on your forehead by placing your hand and say “I receive the power of Jesus blood that heals my hurts and Satan get behind me”

  352. I have been asking God quite some time to protect me and he does ,now New tricks the devil is trying to play,a co worker who hates me tells all the new co workers who come in not to talk to me or they will become like me….I sure hope they become like me because I’m so blessed….but the drama really hurts me so much

    • dear karenad

      the bible says that the devil will wear the saints out in the last days, which is what he is doing.

      replace hate with joy. that one coworker is a bad egg. when you come to work, show others your joy and love, and they will find you nicer company than the bad egg.

  353. Thank u god o

  354. Greetings Marianne!

    This writing struck a nerve of revelation and spiritual enlightenment for me. It is very liberating mentally, with knowledge I have needed for my journey. I I( sense after all these years this is God’s timing to add the understanding necessary to victoriously continue on. Adversities seems to be on the rise and the adversary working through those never imagined.

    I can’t say exactly how your blog presented itself on yesterday as I was perusing the net researching something all together different from this, but this particular blog is key and plain to comprehend, as I look in hindsight!

    God by his Spirit has truly been my shield of protection. All praise, glory and honor belong to him!

    May his blessings continually be yours!!!

    • hi Mariam

      Thank you for your kind words. I think this is a topic that many people wonder about but never think it through on a spiritual level.

      I have had this happen to me too many times, so I began to make an effort to understand it.

      we go through life with so much condemnation, most of which is not deserved.

      we have an enemy that wants to steal, kill and destroy.

      and it is wise to know his devices.

      most people are not saved and will respond to a demonic influence, and think it is their own thought processes or opinion…and of course, they think their negative attitude is OUR fault, not theirs.

      we need to assert ourselves in the face of this, and keep a hedge of protection around us…

      we must show ourselves as unshaken, and above what they think of us….which does not matter to God anyhow…,he has his own opinion, and his is the only one that matters.

      stay strong, and god bless you

      • Here lately the Spirit has been quickening me to keep moving in this wise. It has become so obvious the onslaughts are from the enemy and what I’m getting these days is to stand firm in the Liberty wherein Christ has made me free and to be not entangled AGAIN…as if to say, it’s the same devil with the same type of circumstance…keep moving.

        The points you make are so key to continual victory. The people of the Lord are being destroyed for lack of it. I am so grateful that there are those such as yourself writing clear messages for such of time as this!

        What I have read thus far is spiritual soul food! 🙂

  355. I worked for a man (boss) that hated Christians because they have the “turn the other cheek” mentality. Also they were happy, even on bad days. He couldn’t stand the strength, kindness and compassion they got from the Lord. He clearly stated this verbally. He did like people just like himself, drug addicted, lying, greedy, those people were his best friends. He would have been better off with Christian friends, they treat people better. It comes down to him not wanting to honor God or obey God. And the example of Christians made him feel guilty. So he hates us. But on Judgement Day which group will he want to be in?

  356. You are right – the demons in him don’t like God’s spirit in you and other Christians. I have noticed lately that the demons in people are becoming more obvious than before. People are doing more evil things to other people in general. I have noticed especially when I go for a job interview – I can tell that they don’t like me for some reason – by their body language. I answer their questions extremely well at the interview and I give excellent examples – but I don’ get the job. Not because I am not well presented or have not got the qualifications – it is because they can see that I am a dedicated and caring person and they don’t like that in me. The demons in them don’t like my dedicated and caring attitude. You would think that they would employ someone with the right attitude – they don’t especially if they have the wrong attitude or feel that you are threat to them. It says in the Bible that in the last days – people who don’t follow Jesus will become more evil.

    • Yeah I’ve been in interviews where the persons demons was at constant battle with my holy spirit……you can see it in their face, them trying to fight the disgust, the only reason she went on trying to pretend to be nice was cuz she had to keep it professional. But I already sensed the spiritual discord….didn’t get the job. It’s crazy how demons own shops, they work right in your grocery stores, serve your food at restaurants, they are even your mailmen and public transportation drivers……and NOTHING you do no matter what, changes it. You can smile all you want, but when that spirit in them takes over it’s pretty much a done deal. And they have to obey all the lies it’s feeding them about you.

      • do your best to submit to God, then resist the devil…..he has to flee from you when you do that correctly

      • No mater the environment or location – snakes and scorpions are under the feet of a Believer who applies the Word. It is never the person but the demon oppressing or manipulating the person.

        If a Believer does not apply the Word – they (demonic oppression) bit and sting repeatedly, which is what we see in their eyes, spoken words or behavior/actions of the person.

        Smile? Sure, be polite.

        Quietly, discreetly say – “I rebuke you demon in the name of Jesus. You are under the authority of my Lord and He gives me that authority too. Do not show yourself in my presence. Thank you Lord.”

        Psalm 27

  357. Lynette,

    As a former HR executive (30 years of experience) I appreciate your comments.

    It was not until 4 years ago that I began to comprehend that I have been given the Keys to the Kingdom. Snakes and scorpions are under my feet – if I apply the Word.

    If I don’t apply the authority graciously given to me (thank you Lord), then those snakes and scorpions keep on “biting” and “stinging” me.

    In the past 2 years, I have applied the Word and the snakes and scorpions submit.

    It is not the person submitting to me but the demonic oppression upon them (Jezebel, Leviathan, Wormwood spirits or adverse personality spirits such as anger, control, hate, and the like) that submit. Then, there is a different relationship established between me and the other person.

    I want you to ask Father God for the spirit of power, love and of sound mind (2nd Timothy 1:7). I ask that you proclaim – “I rebuke the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus” when ever you sense “fear” or get those looks that are intended to bring fear or apprehension upon you. You don’t need to yell or scream “I rebuke you!” Just say it very quietly, discreetly.

    Please do this, knowing that you just received what you said from Father God. Also know that demons must submit to your rebuke in the name of Jesus and stop harassing and oppressing you.

    You will need to speak the rebuke written above any time you feel fearful, afraid, apprehensive, or threatened by a spirit of fear or anger. Just do it quietly, softly. It’s your words not the volume by which they are spoken.

    What I am suggesting (can’t tell you what to do), is directed at the actions/behavior that are effecting you, coming from anyone. Do not confront the person because you don’t need to confront. If you confront be as wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove (Matthew 10:16).

    I suggest you “pray up” and also “read up” on Scriptures, which explain and provides confidence that the Word of God is powerful when spoken by believer. See the Psalms listed below.

    You are given what you need – so prepare. Then, say it like you know it is truth, realizing you have a Sword of the Lord with your words and you know exactly what you say to the enemy hurts them (the enemy not the person). The person actually benefits from the rebuke.

    You do not need to yell, shout or make a fuss. The demons hear you when you whisper – they do hear you. It is the words you use and the belief that what you say is true with the power of His authority. It is similar to addressing, speaking to a little dog.

    I suggest you read to comprehend the verses of Armor of God, then speak the prayer within the link below. The more you read this prayer (and the verses referenced) the better your armor will fit you.

    You need to keep building your spiritual strength in the Lord, which is the Word. Reading the Word and reading aloud (quietly) is powerful. The demons hate it and loose “power”, leaving over time.

    Armor of God Prayer

    I have a boss that was very angry and hard to work with every day for the first 2 weeks. Everyone who worked with her said the same thing about her too. It was not just me vs. her.

    Then, after 2 weeks of her behavior, I’d had enough.

    I applied what I’m going to share with you.

    First, I began to pray for her, she was a lost soul. But, I spoke with authority against what was oppressing her – “snakes and scorpions” (demonic oppression) – anger, control and “Jezebel”.

    My boss did not need to ear me when I spoke against those demons (snakes/scorpions).

    I was not going to let her hear me either because if she did – I would loose my job, fired.

    I did not need to get into her face, speak into her ear, or speak loudly.

    It is the authority given Believers in the name of Jesus.

    You can look away, pretend to be reading and whisper these words. The demons will hear you and that is to whom you are addressing with your spoken words, under His authority.

    What I spoke regarding my boss is close to what you read below. This was said when we were in the same room or when she nearby but the background noise would cloud her conscious hearing but what was said quietly was directly to the “snakes and scorpions”.

    When a person is far away (other side of a large room) and no one is around – speak up in a more conversational voice. The snakes and scorpions will hear it clearly.

    This is what I said, “I am a child of God, covered by the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is my breast plate and my helmet. He is my shield and strength. Do you hear me demons? I’m talking to you. Yes, you can hear me and you now know that the Lord is with me. Listen up demons, pay attention!

    I rebuke you spirit of [now here is where you insert the behavior that you see exhibited for that is the manifestation of a demon: ‘anger’, ‘control’, ‘Jezebel’ or maybe ‘obscene/cursing language’]. I rebuke you spirit of Jezebel and anger in the name of Jesus.

    By the Word of God and the name of Jesus – you are under my authority. This person is not under my authority but you are under my feet. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. Leave me alone. Do not show yourselves in my presence.

    The blood of Jesus covers me and the shield of faith protects me from your fiery darts. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord.”

    Do the above as often as needed and frequently is preferred to torment the demons, putting them down under your feet. Those who exhibit behavior or actions need not hear a word or know. It will take days, weeks – because the demons are stubborn and will challenge what you know, testing you.

    Do this like you are on a mission (CIA), knowing the Lord is with you and the words you speak are effective to those who apply the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word.

    Yes the evil we experience is amping up. Do not fear or be timid. You are given the Sword so apply.

    That boss changed within days, improving over the following weeks and months. Today, I am talking with her about salvation and deliverance!

    My co-workers are working in peace, thank you Lord. The light of heaven is shining down upon my workplace as I seek to save souls and advance the Kingdom.

    I will pray that you seek the Lord, continue meditating on His word, then applying the authority He already gave you.

    The Lord is with you.

    Psalm 18, 25, 27 34, 91, and 103

    • good advice….we have to consider the situation we are in before we act.

      there can be direct confrontation, or approaches more subtle.

      for example, someone in our home, who is on our level is responded to in a different manner than our boss at work.

      we pray, but how we pray depends on the circumstances….

  358. So, an explanation and clarification is offered, which may be helpful.

    My reply was a for workplace setting, which is a completely different environment than the home surrounded by family. Living with someone under the same roof is different than seated or working with others where polices, procedures and workplace laws are in force.

    My workplace violence and confrontation experiences, mediation and discharge actions are to numerous and varied to incorporate in written replies. Most of those experiences do not include spiritual warfare preparation or application. The Lord was with me, covering me no doubt.

    The home example of a conflict with a demonic spirit was given under page “Prayer for a House” where I replied to a husband/wife issue. Been there and done that too.

    However, the application of applying the Word and spiritual authority remains the same.

    Prayer and the Sword of the Word are weapons of a Believer – any time and anywhere. The standing up occurs out of this spiritual position and the standing come with grace and ease.

    To be “as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove” expresses wisdom and discernment in action. The action, behavior of a dove is the advice of the Lord.

    I don’t think doves stand up and confront.

    Wolves, serpents and scorpions do rise up and confront, ready to strike (Maserati commercial). These wolf, serpent, scorpion are about to strike as we will see beginning with the 4th seal.

    No mater the environment or location – snakes and scorpions are under the feet of a Believer who applies the Word. However, if a Believer does not apply the Word – they bit and sting repeatedly.

    Home or office – standing up to a Jezebel spirit may (usually) leads to a figurative dagger in the back, which is what the demonic spirit of Jezebel seeks – continued confrontation.

    I have learned be wise as a serpent in knowing their ways and demonic weakness, which is spiritual warfare.

    The example of confronting and bringing down Jezebel was the authority Jehu excited when he spoke, “Who is on my side? Who?!”

    Jehu did not address Jezebel directly. He did not confront her at all.

    Jehu knew his authority before he spoke. Those who heard him – understood the authority he spoke. The court of Jezebel threw her off the balcony. He had assistance.

    Did Jehu avoid her? No.

    Jehu was spiritually (literal in voice), seeking assistance to cast Jezebel down from her place above him. He literally put her under his feet (horse’s hooves). That is the account in a spiritual context with practical application. She was cast down under his feet, killing her literally, dramatically.

    Ahab could not stand up to Jezebel and he would have suffered for it. A weak knee, weak arm Believer would not be able to do so either. One must be prepared to do so (Psalms 18:34).

    A confrontation (work or home) approach with statements like “stand up for yourself” are best with much time in quite, prayer time. Quite means – do not speak the prayer but “think” the prayer. It is the most private conversation, lifting up your request just between you and Adonai.

    It is critical to desire, seeking Father God to make the way straight, preparing the message (tone and posture) and the hearing of the message given. In addition, suggesting that someone “stand up for yourself” is done at the appropriate time/place. All of this must be prepared, made ready by Father God and in His name.

    At the same time – proclaim the authority graciously given a Believer as I wrote above.

    Lord help us. The spiritual warfare is only going to intensity and increase in severity.

    As for prayer –

    “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.…”(1st Thessalonians 5:17).

    “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18).

    “And this [we] pray, that [our] love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that [we] may approve the things that are excellent, that [we] may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11, NKJV).

    All what I shared is very late in the hour we live. The next few months/years remaining will be spiritual hand-to-hand combat (Ephesians 6) amplified and dramatically visible.

    Honestly, thank you for offering an open forum blog, willing to exchange with guests and those who reply. God bless you!

    Psalm 20

    • Thank you DJ for your good and well needed advice. I will keep my sword sharp (in the Word), while remaining gentle as a dove, while rebuking satin in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  359. Thank you for your e-mail about wolves etc. in the workforce. I have dealt with those kind of people over 30 years and in the people who have done evil to me something always happens to them later on.

    It is true that the next few months/years remaining will be spiritual hand-to-hand combat (Ephesians 6) amplified and dramatically visible. I have noticed it lately with people in general.

  360. Thank you for this wisdom. This page has helped me realize how spiritual warfare is played out in everyday life. I face these attacks at my workplace. I’m an assistant teacher and certain coworkers and parents are immediately hostile to me in a cold, dead way. They ignore me on purpose, won’t make eye contact, they will be friendly to everyone else in the room, won’t acknowledge me at all. But at the same time, they will be hyper aware of me, always watching my every move and listening to every word I saw. It happened to me again today, where I greeted a mother, I was ignored then I went about my business to speak to a coworker, that same mother was listening keenly to what I saying. I’ve had this happen many times since starting this job. It’s bizarre. I can understand that a lot of people won’t like me, but do they focus on me so intently, if I’m not worth speaking too?

    • oceanspray

      you ARE worth talking to.

      respond to each person with confidence and assurance that all is well with you.

      be calm and believe in yourself.

      if the other person rejects this, then they are responsive for their own reaction, not you.

      leave it in God’s hands.

  361. I get a similar deal with people in the workplace over the years and also outside the workplace. I am very honest and straight forward in what I say and I think that people don’t like that in me because it shows up the dishonesty in them. They listen to what you say and watch behind your back because you tell the truth of what is going on. They cannot face you because they have a social personality and a different personality at home. Your personality I gather is the same socially and at home. People of the same kind like people of the same kind – it is a known fact.

    People who have to put on a social front have “a lot of skeletons in the closet” – what they make out to be and what they are, are two different people.

    I can see that you are fully aware what is going on and I say that you have a “discerning spirit” – they don’t like it – it makes them feel uncomfortable. I have a “discerning spirit” and I can sense when people are not honest or doing right. People don’t like that in me.

    Don’t worry, I know it is not easy – just look to Jesus – and put a smile on your face and trust in him. This will upset them when they see that you are happy and could not care about what they say.

  362. Hi there, my name is Carmen for the first eighteen years of my life I was made to feel inferior I felt like I was living in the shadows of my eldest brother and his peers and close associates it is only been this year alone I have finally came into my own I am 28 now. so at the end of the day I understand people dynamics very well.

  363. The law, or old covenant exposes our old nature that will be in our fleshly bodies as long as we are alive in the body that we were born with. That’s why Jesus said, “you MUST be born again.” If we are born again, then the old is past for real. What we MUST understand is that our old nature is still with us, and continues to make the law weak. This weakness in our bodies will continue to be an influence of carnal persuasion and lawlessness fighting against our new birth. Until that happens our flesh is dead since the day we were born into sin. The newness comes when we are born of the Spirit, yet we still struggle with the lusts of the flesh. When we understand this concept that is clearly defined in the Word of God, we are looking into the perfect law of liberty as James’ writings define. Also in James we can read about looking in a mirror, and then walking away and forgetting what we have seen of ourselves. The old covenant is the mirror that reflects back to us our old nature that we are born with. In essence, we are born into death. The sad thing is that Christians, for the most part, don’t want to see themselves as they really are through the old covenant. Therefore it is rejected as inert by most denominations. In reading Romans chapter 7, Paul defines the struggle between the old and the new. What he is actually telling us is that the law is good from God’s end but it is weak because of the human nature we are born with.

    When we as professing Christians desire to neglect and refuse this mirror that God has given us, we inadvertently do exactly what we claim we shouldn’t do, and that is being justified by works, saying we are completely dead to the law. Henceforth, we become lawless, refusing to look at the reality of human nature that will be with all people until the day they die or are changed. Sad thing when people claim salvation and refuse to understand the need for it because they refuse the mirror that God has given to bring us to an everlasting life through Christ Jesus.

  364. I often wonder what life lessons are learned from these experiences. You know how people say there is something you learn through your trials and tribulations. These experiences have made me so bitter towards people. I just hang alone or with my immediate family. Who wants to deal with evilness everywhere they go? I guess the only thing I’m learning is to trust in God more since people keep failing me. But I am so drained by all of these. I think it has been the root cause of my chromic pain and I’m only in my twenties.

  365. And one more thing. I’m tired of people who bullied me at work or school steady succeeding. They are so evil yet they are the ones getting promoted, getting married, going on lavish trips, buying cars, etc. while I am unemployed and still damaged by the hurt they caused me. It’s not fair. It appears the good people end up with the short end of the stick nowadays. I want God to come through for us, the nice and caring people.

    • kiki

      those successful people are going to be destroyed soon. the good people now who are enduring so much are part of the last generation…..

      in previous times, good people DID succeed…but now they don’t.

      so we are not doing anything wrong

      this is one of the signs of the end times, that evil would increase to the point where God will decide to destroy the earth.

      revelation tells how the saints will be martyred as well…..I have thought about this, and how jesus said to endure to the end, and have decided to pray for the protection, provision, peace, power and presence of God in my life… help shelter me from what is to come.

      the people you are bitter toward now will be destroyed by god later…..

      yes it is draining….which is why jesus said to endure to the end, and we would be saved….he is our only strength.

      and if you and I were a success in the world right now, it would mean we fit in WITH the world, which is sinful, and we would be destroyed also.

      example…I just read yesterday where the archbishop of canterbury has declared to school children that sodomy is ok and they should expect to be sodomized so they can experience diversity…in the USA, they are teaching sexual perversion in the elementary schools now in many states….do you want to be a successful teacher in today’s world? then you would have to agree to the perversion of children to keep a job….is this what you want ? if yes, then you can have all the money and houses and cars…

      god has drawn a line in the sand………we are either on one side or the other…..

      we will experience loss in this world for our choice to follow the Lord, but the rewards are everlasting….

      if we chose the world, and its perversions now, then our rewards are short lived, and we will experience hell in the after life.

      this world is just not worth it anymore.

      instead of begin bitter, try to comfort yourself in the Lord, and share him with others who are hurting…. you will start to feel better

      • Thanks for the encouragement Marianne. I agree with everything you said. I look forward to the day when Jesus comes back. I’m trying to hang in thetre. 🙂

  366. Teresa,


    The enemy hears every soft, very quiet Word (in the name of Jesus) spoken in rebuke, while the person oppressed by the scorpion/snake need not hear a word.

    Since we exchanged messages a local friend applied/practiced the rebuke at his community college with success. In a large lounge area.

    The enemy (demonic oppression not the people) was put under his feet and he experienced a positive change – peace/quiet not confusion/noise.

    Another friend, 60 miles down the highway, also applied the Word.

    These two do not know each other – but applied the same precepts from the Word.

    The enemy does not want His sheep to know and apply their position in Christ and so not many are aware of the power of His name.

    Suggestion – purchase “Rules of Engagement” – “Secrets of a Prayer Warrior” by Derek Prince ( new or even “used” on Amazon). These will give you more Scriptures to consider and apply your faith.

    Always remember and apply James 2:17 – “faith without works (action in word or deed) is dead (worthless).

    God bless you!
    Psalm 27

  367. Very good!

    The work of Dan is in plain.

    Did you know Joseph Smith (Mormon founder) and many members of his inner circle had degrees?

    Yes. 33 degrees.

    Did you know that the work of Templars (founders of those 33 degrees) spread throughout all of Europe? France, Bavaria and all around Europe where banking/commerce is vital to modern civilization, governance and order.

    The Pope was jealous of their growing power and influence. He squashed the public/visible leadership but the secret society remains under a different name.


    The efforts of the tribe of Dan is at work in many secret societies, including religious, social, and political institutions.

    The Catholic church is filled with the same source of illumination.

    Ephraim is a little more subtitle, which is part of the present problem.


  368. In this case, I think physical (people) and spiritual (soul/spirit) are one in the same.

    I think we can lean more about the 144k when we understand who is not included on the list of 12 tribes (Rev. 7) and why they are not sealed during the last days.

    Those teaching/educated on “Rapture” really narrowed the 144k to just Jews, living in Israel and then running into the wilderness. “Woe to those who are pregnant in those days” (Matthew 24).

    Those who do understand/believe in a pre-trib rapture maybe represented by Ephraim. But, those folks of course would never see it that way and could not be convinced otherwise. Why try?

    Isaiah 28 is part parable language and other portions are very easy to understand (pride, verse 1).

    Maybe Al can contribute to the Isaiah 28 passage, giving his thoughts on Ephraim.

    Time will tell.

    I’ll drop this thread because it does not fit this page topic but continues over on the Economic and Antichrist page.


  369. Hi Greg,

    No, I’m not really interested in extending the discourse much more or much longer.

    Please share what you think.

    It does seem rather simple –

    1). Apply the quotation from Ephesians 1:13 and Believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit.

    2). Gentile who accept Jesus as their Messiah are grafted into the tree (Romans 11:17-18). Therefore, a Believers is a member of the “family tree”.

    3). We are in the last days (you know my interpretation).

    4). 144,000 is not a literal number but a numerical representation of followers of Christ, the Lamb God, King of the Jews (Judah) who are a part of the family tree.

    If there were only 144,000 (literally) who are sealed, then a whole lot of Belivers would be left out because the Jehovah’s Witnesses are already accounting for those seats and more are standing in line.

    I don’t think there is a Pre-trib rapture, leavening just 144,000 Hebrew male virgins behind to serve and witness in the last days.

    I could explain more and maybe I did so on another page. This is just an outline, capturing some key points.

    5). These are not literal “virgins” but spiritually pure (by the blood of Jesus), just as the 10 virgins in the house within the passage of Matthew 25 are also not literal but spiritual virgins.

    10 is a representation of an assembly of Believers. 144,000 is also a numerical representation of a very large group of Believers not under one roof, behind one door.

    If the 10 were literal virgins – well then, who would enter the Kingdom? Little children or those with faith like a little child?

    6). The 12 Tribes listed in Rev. 7 are not the same 12 tribes listed in the OT because Dan and Ephriam are not included in Rev. Chapter 7.

    The leaving off of Dan and Ephraim within Rev. Chapter 7 is of interest right now.

    Your turn. What so you think?

    • Hi DJ,

      Thanks for your response.

      Well I happen to believe that the numbers expressed are literal, and that this 144,000 consist of what the Word says that they consist of, and what Yeshua told John to write and record.

      That they are Jews from each particular tribe that is mentioned, that God will use to preach the truth of Yeshua Messiah to those of Israel and the world at that time. I believe that the 144,000 are more of the restoration of Israel and that they consist of another remnant, rather than having anything to do with the New Man Church, (Jew and Gentile).

      I think that, (Revelation 7:3-8) describes the fulfillment of Isaiah 66:7,8.?

      “Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.”

      And is then also connected with Revelation 12.

      Which would also then be possibly relevant to what Paul says within Romans 10:14-16.;

      “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, “Lord, who hath believed our report”?”

      Above Paul is referring to Isaiah 66:7,8., and the verse would have duplicity of fulfillments.

      Paul also states in Romans 9:27.;

      “Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:”

      Paul is quoting Isaiah 10:22.;

      “For though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, A remnant of them will return; The destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness.”

      I thank you for your response, but I’m not convinced of your premise.

      I think that much of Gods Word should be taken within its literal context, because if one doesn’t…. we end up with what any person may think that Scripture is saying, …… rather than what it is that it’s actually saying.

      And just look at where “that” has taken us so far?

      Be blessed in Yeshua.

    • DJ,

      This is in response to your questions concerning Ephraim.

      Genesis 49
      Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

      1 (iv) Then Ya‘akov called for his sons and said, “Gather yourselves together, and I will tell you what will happen to you in the acharit-hayamim (last days)

      16 “Dan will judge his people as one of the tribes of Isra’el. 17 Dan will be a viper on the road, a horned snake in the path that bites the horse’s heels so its rider falls off backward. 18 I wait for your deliverance, ADONAI.

      Genesis 48

      15 Then he (Jacob) blessed Yosef: “The God in whose presence my fathers Avraham and Yitz’chak lived, the God who has been my own shepherd all my life long to this day, 16 the angel who has rescued me from all harm, bless these boys. May they remember who I am and what I stand for, and likewise my fathers Avraham and Yitz’chak, who they were and what they stood for. And may they grow into teeming multitudes on the earth.”
      (iii) 17 When Yosef saw that his father was laying his right hand on Efrayim’s head, it displeased him, and he lifted up his father’s hand to remove it from Efrayim’s head and place it instead on M’nasheh’s head. 18 Yosef said to his father, “Don’t do it that way, my father; for this one is the firstborn. Put your right hand on his head.” 19 But his father refused and said, “I know that, my son, I know it. He too will become a people, and he too will be great; nevertheless his younger brother will be greater than he, and his descendants will grow into many nations.” 20 Then he added this blessing on them that day: “Isra’el will speak of you in their own blessings by saying, ‘May God make you like Efrayim and M’nasheh.’” Thus he put Efrayim ahead of M’nasheh.

      I am going to show, beginning with the Tribe of Dan, how Dan and Ephraim fell into such an idolatrous state. The following is the blessing of Dan from Jacob, with commentary, bringing it all together.

      A serpent (Dan) hiding on the path- the way (the Way of Yah) to Bethel (Beit=house, El=God= house of God), bites the heel of the (white) horse causing the Rider (Messiah) to fall backwards, suspending the Salvation of Ephraim to be put off until the time of the end ( I wait for your deliverance, Adonai).

      -We know the serpent on the path is Dan and one of the Ten Tribes that makes up Ephraim.

      -We know that The Way is the teaching from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-The Way of Yah.

      -We know the serpent bites the heel of the horse, causing the Rider to fall backwards (Messiah).

      -We know that Ephraim is the name given for the 10 Northern Tribes of Israel and is also son of Joseph who received the double blessing of the first born from Jacob, over all of his brothers.

      -We know that Yah made Jeroboam (of Ephraim) king over the ten Northern Tribes-The House of Israel.

      -We know that Ephraim (which includes Dan) turns to idolatry, which is what suspends Ephraim’s deliverance until the time of the end.

      -We know that Jeroboam set up two golden calves (idols) one in the Tribe of Dan and the other in the town of Bethel (House of God). Both in Ephraim.

      -We know that Jeroboam set up his own feast days and required the people to worship the golden calves in Dan and Bethel on those feast days.

      -We know that Jeroboam would not allow those of Ephraim (the ten Northern Tribes) to travel to Yerushalayim for the Feast days of Yah as was the command.

      -We know that Dan, Ephraim (the 10 Northern Tribes), and Bethel (the House of God of Ephraim) were compromised with the sin of idolatry, as it is still, for the most part to this day.

      -We know that Dan and Ephraim are not listed among the virgins of Israel, in the book of The Revelation, due to their idolatry.

      -We know that in Ezekiel 48 that both the tribes of Dan and Ephraim will be given their allotment of land at the beginning of the Millennial Reign of Messiah.

      -We know that since just before 1948 Judah has been finding their Messiah-the Lamb, while those of Ephraim have been finding their Messiah-the Word. May it continue until we all be reconciled one to the other.


      • al

        where did you get that last paragraph?

        “We know that since just before 1948 Judah has been finding their Messiah-the Lamb, while those of Ephraim have been finding their Messiah-the Word. May it continue until we all be reconciled one to the other.”

        • Marianne,

          This was a general statement made from many of the articles I have read over time. Below is an article I have recently found. I will just send part of it as it is written and I will also send the link to the entire article.

          “The Re-Birth of Messianic Judaism”

          “The concept of Messianic congregations lay dormant from the 1920’s to the 1960’s. But the idea never died. The dream was to be revived in the late 1960’s by a remarkable man named Martin Chernoff. Marty, as he was called, was born of Russian immigrant parents in Toronto, Canada in 1920. In 1941 he accepted Jesus as his Messiah after reading Charles Finney’s Revival Lectures. As a new Christian, he hit the ground running, convinced that he could “pray down revival” just like Finney.

          Marty and Yohanna Chernoff

          Marty went to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and did additional study at Toronto Baptist Seminary. In 1948 he was invited to join the staff of a mission called the Southern Witness to Israel, based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. That same year he experienced the first of three visions that would change his life and ultimately lead to the re-establishment of Messianic Judaism.

          The vision was of a vast and endless orchard spread out across the land. The trees were loaded with fruit. The finger of God was stirring the leaves of the trees, and the branches were shaking. Marty interpreted this vision to mean that a great multitude of Jewish people were ready to be saved, and he was to pray for revival.26

          The next year, while on a speaking tour at the University of Tennessee, Marty met a young woman whom he married later that year. Her name was Joanna. She was a Gentile with a Jewish heart, and she shared Marty’s zeal to reach Jews with the good news that Yeshua was their Messiah. They were to become a remarkably effective team of evangelists.

          In 1953 the Chernoffs felt called of God to move north. After much prayer they decided to move to Cincinnati, Ohio in 1954. About a year after their arrival, Marty was offered a full time position with the American Association of Jewish Evangelism (AAJE). Marty continued with this mission for five years until 1960. All the time he was conflicted within because he had nursed a yearning for years to break away from the Gentilized Hebrew-Christian world and establish a true Messianic outreach that would encourage Jewish believers to keep their Jewish identity
          and culture.
          After his resignation from the AAJE, Marty found that trying to support his family on his own proved overwhelming. Marty’s health broke, and he suffered a series of serious ailments. He was diagnosed with emphysema, but in 1963 he experienced a miraculous healing. That same year he decided to go back to work for the AAJE. Shortly after that he experienced his second vision.

          This time he saw multitudes of joyful Jewish people singing and laughing and streaming into God’s Kingdom from every direction. To Marty’s amazement, they were all young and shabby — unkempt and dressed in rags. As he puzzled over this dramatic vision, Marty heard the Lord say, “These are my ragged, righteous remnant.”27

          In 1965 Marty decided to join the staff of the HCAA, the largest mission organization in America at that time. Two years later in 1967 the turning point came for the creation of the modern Messianic Movement. It was the Six Day War in Israel. The stunning victory of the Israelis opened the eyes of Jewish believers to the fact that the hand of God was upon Israel and that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled (Luke 21:24). They were filled with a renewed pride in their Jewishness and this, in turn, stimulated a desire to express their Christian faith in a more Jewish style.

          That same year the Chernoffs established a home church, and Joanna began to write Messianic music to be used in the worship services. Many young Jews from the 1960’s counter-culture movement were attracted to this home group, and it began to grow in size. It also began to take on a more Jewish identity that was characteristic of Hebrew-Christian churches. This trend prompted the HCAA to issue warnings about “rocking the boat” and becoming “too Jewish.” They were even accused of “building up a middle wall of partition.”28

          In early 1970 Marty received his third vision. His wife described it as “two electrifying, simple words stretched across the sky in the form of a banner, bringing into focus and confirming what we had been sensing over the years: MESSIANIC JUDAISM.” 29 Marty and Joanna were driven to fervent prayer, knowing that if they followed the Lord’s clear leading, it would mean the end of their support from the HCAA.

          In October of 1970, Marty resigned from the HCAA and incorporated Congregation Beth Messiah in Cincinnati, thus creating the very first Messianic Jewish congregation in the United States. It was the same congregation I was to visit in the early 1980’s.

          Over the next few years the Chernoffs began to shape their congregation to be more Jewish in nature. They started using the true name of the Messiah — Yeshua — rather than the anglicized-Greek version, Jesus. They referred to His title as Messiah rather than Christ. They used the term synagogue instead of church. In talking of the crucifixion, they spoke of the execution tree instead of the cross. They were immersed or mikvahed instead of baptized. They dropped the designation of Hebrew-Christians and started referring to themselves as Messianic Jews. And Joanna legally changed her name to the Hebrew form, Yohanna.30

          The Criticisms of Messianic Judaism

          Criticism came fast and furious, some from Evangelicals, but the most biting from Hebrew-Christians. They were reminded that in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek (Galatians 3:28). And, as always, they were accused of rebuilding “the wall of partition” between Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 2:14).

          These criticisms, which are still hurled at Messianic Jews today, are unjustified. Galatians 3:28 simply states the spiritual truth that all who have put their faith in Jesus are one in Him whether they be Jew or Greek, male or female, slave or free. A woman who puts her faith in Jesus still remains a woman, and in like manner, a Jew who accepts Yeshua as his Messiah, continues to be a Jew. With regard to Ephesians 2:14, constructing a Jewish expression of Christianity is not the same as rebuilding the “dividing wall” mentioned in that verse. Messianic Jews are not adding to salvation. They are simply continuing to live as Jews, practicing circumcision, observing the Sabbath, and celebrating the feasts. Romans 14:1-13 makes it clear that we have the freedom in Christ to observe (or not to observe) any of these rituals, as long as we do not try to erect them as conditions of salvation.

          Christianity is not a cultural religion like Orthodox Judaism and Islam. In Orthodox Judaism, the diet and style of dress, among many other things, are prescribed for its adherents. Islam attempts to return its followers to the culture of the 7th Century with regard to all aspects of life. Christianity, in contrast, is not a religion of cultural laws. Rather, it is a personal relationship with a resurrected Savior.

          Anyone who has traveled worldwide knows that there are unique cultural expressions of Christianity that vary from country to country. Only the Jewish people have been prohibited historically from developing a cultural expression of their faith. They, and they alone, have been forced to give up their ethnic and cultural identity in order to place their faith in Jesus. There is no biblical justification for this.

          The attitude that a Jew must become a Gentile in order to be a Christian has been one of the greatest barriers to Jewish evangelism throughout history. When that attitude was changed in 1970, it opened the floodgates for Jews to turn to Jesus, and more Jews have accepted Yeshua since that time than in all the years of Christian history up to that time.


          • I do not see how that answered my question

            • Marianne,

              I think I misunderstood what you were asking. I thought you were having an issue with the comment made about 1948, which I answered, but didn’t satisfy what you were asking. With that said, there is only one thing left and that is my reference to Messiah the Word and Messiah the Lamb. John sums it up nicely. If that still doesn’t answer what is being said, I would be happy to go further with it.

              John 1

              New International Version (NIV)
              The Word Became Flesh

              1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
              6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
              9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
              14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

              John 1

              John Testifies About Jesus

              29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ 31 I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.”

              He is the “light as Messiah the Word”

              He is our “sin sacrifice as Messiah the Lamb”


  370. Greg,

    You know my opinion/interpretation on “rapture” – I expect to overcome and endure until He returns at the last trumpet.

    Pre-tribulation rapture – no.

    Mid-tribulation rapture – no.

    After the 6th seal but before the 7th seal opens – no.

    At the sound of the last trumpet – then He returns, gathering us unto Him (Matthew 24:29-31 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).

    I don’t know if this last trumpet sounds after the 6th seal or if during some day during the 7th seal.

    The Lord does return at the last trumpet.

    So now, let’s consider 1st Thess. 5:4-10.

    Do we understand the difference between sober and drunk?

    What is the difference between light (Day) and darkness (Night)?

    What “Day” is Paul referring to in the passage below?

    He is referencing – The Day of The Lord.

    Paul is saying that we should not be taken by surprise as to when The Day of The Lord occurs, because we are to be sober and waking in the light.

    Here is the passage from 1st Thess. Chapter 5;

    “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day.

    We are not of the night nor of darkness.

    Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.

    For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.

    But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.

    For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him (1st Thessalonians 5:4-10, NKJV).

    Okay, after reading Isaiah 28 and the passage above maybe you can see reasons why Ephraim is not listed within the 12 tribes of Rev. Chapter 7.

    I’m still looking this over and working through Scriptures.

    Those folks (Ephraim and Dan) are not sealed – being left out to experience The Day of The Lord, just like the foolish virgins are left outside, knocking at the door (Matthew 25).

    I expect to be sealed unto the day of redemption (144,000), understanding the difference between foolish and wise virgins so that I am prepared within the house, while He punishes the inhabitants of the earth (Isaiah 26:20-21), and then meeting the Lord at the sound of the last trumpet.

    The helmet of salvation and breastplate of righteousness are my covering, which is the blood of Jesus (spiritually). Love also comes from the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I would be a son of the light and sober with my armor on and prepared (Ephesians 6).

    Without Him – my righteousness is but filthy rages.

    Without Him – I have no armor.

    Without my faith in Christ, filled with the Spirit, I would be walking in darkness, exposed to the plagues of Revelation just as the Egyptians so long ago as we read in Scriptures.


    Wrath comes upon the sons of disobedience and those who walk in darkness (Ephesians 5:1-21 and Romans chapters 2:5-11).

    Paul tells me to be wise and not foolish. He is referencing the virgins of Matthew 25, making sure his flock are wise, remaining within the house.

    John tells me to walk in the light as He is in the light (1st John 1:7-10).

    John says we overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11).

    What do you think?

    • dj

      are you aware of the set of trumpet blasts that occur during the high holy days ( 10 days of awe) during the fall?

      • Marianne,

        I understand the trumpet is sounded during Feasts of Trumpets and Day of Atonement.

        “The shofar (ram’s horn) is the most-mentioned musical instrument in the Scriptures. It is blasted at least 100 times during a typical Rosh Hashanah service, thus satisfying the commandment to make Teru’ah (“noise”) on this day. (There is a “darker” tradition that says the 100 blasts symbolize the the number of letters in Sisera’s mother’s lament for her son as recorded in the “Song of Deborah” (Judges 5:28). According to some of the rabbis, it is suggested that sounding the 100 blasts “nullifies” all of the letters corresponding to her thoughts but one — the sorrow of a grieving mother.) The sound of the shofar, then, is meant to stir the heart to fear and to inspire teshuvah (repentance): “When the shofar is blown in the city, don’t the people tremble? (Amos 3:6), (Hebrew4Children, John Parsons).

        Regarding the start of the Jubilee:

        “And you shall count seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years; and the time of the seven sabbaths of years shall be to you forty-nine years. Then you shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement you shall make the trumpet to sound throughout all your land” (Leviticus 25:8-9, NKJV).

        More from John Parsons –

        “According to later rabbinical tradition, on Rosh Hashanah the destiny of the righteous, the tzaddikim, are written in the Book of Life, and the destiny of the wicked, the resha’im, are written in the Book of Death. Most people, however, won’t be inscribed in either book, but are given ten days — until Yom Kippur — to repent before sealing their fate. On Yom Kippur, then, everyone’s name will be sealed in one of the two books. The ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are therefore called Aseret Yemei Teshuvah – the “Ten Days of Repentance” – because personal repentance can affect the divine decree for good….

        As Messianic believers, we maintain that Judgment Day has come and justice was served through the sacrificial offering of Yeshua for our sins (2 Cor. 5:21). He is the perfect fulfillment of the Akedah of Isaac. Our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, or Sefer HaChayim (Rev. 13:8). We do not believe that we are made acceptable in God’s sight by means of our own works of righteousness (Titus 3:5-6), but that does not excuse us from being without such works (as fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives). The Scriptures clearly warn that on the Day of Judgment to come, anyone’s name not found written in the Book of Life will be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15).”

        Psalm 27

        • the reason i mentioned this… because there is the last trump for the high holidays…..and there is the last trump in the set of 7 trumpet blasts in revelation….so which is the last trump jesus was referring to?

    • Hi D.J.

      What do I think?
      Hmmm, Well I think that we agree on some aspects and are at polar opposites in others.
      We agree that any Victory that we have, or can ever attain whatsoever, is through Yeshua.

      Initially, when I had read your response, I had wondered how my question to you being a part of the 144,000 had now become relevant to the rapture?
      But now realize that for you, your position regarding the 144,000 is based upon your belief that there simply isn’t one until the absolute very end.

      So to touch on that, by what you’ve written above, you’re apparently basing your opinion and theology in that the “last Trumpet” that Paul refers to in 1 Corinthians 15:52. as being the same as the Seventh and last Trumpet of Revelation 11:15?
      Well I sincerely hope that isn’t the case, and that you will instead find yourself pleasantly surprised. 🙂
      Seriously brother I do.

      For what it is worth, please consider the following;
      When was the “first Trumpet”?

      I believe that it was on Shavu’ot at Sinai….. Correct? (See Exodus 19:13., and especially 19:16.)

      And on what day was the church or assembly formed? (Shavu’ot again.)

      So there is the distinct possibility that “on the third day” the “last (in a temporal succession) Trump, could very well also be on Shavu’ot.

      In 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Paul states;
      “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”

      There is nothing conclusive within that above verse that would indicate whether or not this would correlate with the last or Seventh Trumpet of Revelation 11:15. other than mere speculation. As would be what I have stated above as well.

      However you are well aware that I could provide you with far more information based upon the written Word to support what I happen to believe.
      This is Gods Trump for a specific event to be blown at a time of His choosing, and we will all have to wait and see as to how His plan plays out.

      You say above that you don’t even believe that a “gathering resurrection” happens “After the 6th. seal, but before the 7th. opens”?
      Well I ask you “How much clearer of a text do you require “before” you would believe?”

      I am also confused as to what it is that you think that the Day of the Lord consists of?
      Do you believe that it consists of one 24 hour period? Sunset to Sunset?

      Scripture would indicate that it will take some time to “place all things under Yeshua’s feet.”
      See 1 Corinthians 15:23-28.
      Because in verses 23 and 24 Paul says;
      “But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. “THEN COMETH THE END”, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.”

      DJ, I truly believe that you love Yeshua and God with all of your heart, but I don’t even know as to where to start, or how you ended up where you are at?
      Perhaps it’s because you place such a spiritual application upon everything rather than taking the Word at face value at times?

      Please consider this…..
      Now I’m not going to break down the original Greek text and provide you with the definitions of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10. and explain what appears to be some conflicting information, because I know that this bothers you, but also because it isn’t even necessary if one looks at it logically.

      In 2 Thessalonians 2 we have Paul comforting those Thessalonians, because they believed that they had somehow “missed the gathering”, (because they had received a counterfeit letter that had told them that they had). Paul had told them all about this “resurrection gathering” face to face while he had been with them, and had briefly reiterated that message within the text of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

      Now if we apply what you believe, (that the last trumpet is the Seventh Trumpet), then how is it possible for the Thessalonians to have been deceived into thinking that they had somehow missed it?

      Paul had been “caught up” to the 3rd. heaven and had during that time, received a wealth of knowledge, (2 Corinthians 12:1-4.), and the other Apostle’s, (by what is contained within the text of their epistle’s), were also well aware that Judgement and Wrath awaited the world.

      So if Paul had spoken to the Thessalonians face to face during their first time together, don’t you think that he would have informed them of that?
      So if that sounds reasonable, then since they hadn’t seen all the deaths, famine’s, and plagues, nor the beast, false prophet or “abomination of desolation” yet…….. then “how possibly could they think that they had somehow missed this gathering”?

      If what you believe is correct, they couldn’t ever have been deceived because as those things began to actually happen, then they would know that the time of the Lords return was coming soon. Therefore, since they were deceived, that can only leave one logical conclusion, which is…..
      That this “gathering resurrection” must take place “prior” to these things happening!

      I could elaborate further regarding this, but I know that it is difficult for anyone to change what they happen to believe, so I just ask you to mull that over for awhile. However, if something clicks and you can grasp and comprehend the above as making logical sense, then perhaps it will lead you to understand that the 144,000 have nothing to do with Gentiles at all. A “remnant” of the Church is taken first. The rest are then given a second chance and those that are victorious then during the Tribulation, are the ones that are expressed within Revelation 7:9-17.

      Be Blessed in Yeshua.

      Oh and D.J. not to be snide, (so please don’t take it that way), but I thought that I’d touch upon this as well, because I’ve noticed that you keep on mentioning Mathew 24:19. in your posts, and applying your own personal thoughts as to what Yeshua meant when He said that.

      You say above in one of your posts;
      “Those teaching/educated on “Rapture” really narrowed the 144k to just Jews, living in Israel and then running into the wilderness. “Woe to those who are pregnant in those days” (Matthew 24).”

      Matthew 24:19. states; “And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!”

      Yeshua says in Luke 21:20-24

      “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”

      Is it any wonder that many narrow the 144,000 to being just Jews, living in Israel that then happen to run into the wilderness?
      Wouldn’t it be wise to simply take Yeshua our Lord at His word?

      And wouldn’t that simply be confirmed within Revelation 12?

      Revelation 12:6.;
      “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”

      Revelation 12:14.;
      “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.”

      If we look at Isaiah 46:9,10.;
      “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”

      Then we can simply realize that history is repeating itself for what will be the very last time.

      All just my opinion, based upon the text and what it says within Gods Word.

      Be Blessed.

      • Greg,

        I think “The Day of the Lord” is longer than a 24 hour day and shorter than a thousand years.

        “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day” (2 Peter 3:8).

        The Great Jubilee (God’s rest) is for 1000 years, when Christ rules and reigns, while Satan is bound up along with his demons (principalities and powers).

        Considering Daniel’s week (7 years) – most folks understand that each day of that prophetic week equals one year.

        Considering that during creation week – on the 6th day, God created humanity (“666”), including Adam (God’s chosen family/genealog) as we read in Gen.5:1-2).

        I think there is something unique to the 6th day of Daniel’s week too.

        This 6th day of Daniel’s prophetic week may just be the Day of the Lord, dealing with “666” and all those walking in darkness.

        Of course the 7th day is a day of rest, during creation week and Daniel’s week too.

        I don’t expect any plagues or wrath occurring the 7th year of the Tribulation period (7 years). All seals will be opened and the last trumpet sounds at the end of the 6th day. God’s rest is the 7th year of Daniel’s week.

        Psalm 27

        • Hi DJ,

          Thanks for taking the time to respond.

          We all have so many different theories and interpretations regarding the Word, and personally when it comes to prophecy, I’m so glad that God will judge us on our hearts for Him and the belief in His Son our King, rather than perhaps being right regarding our thoughts on prophecy.

          Though you and I may disagree on many aspects in how future events will unfold, I wish you the Lords Blessings in your life nonetheless.

          Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

  371. u r all a bunch by clowns !!! and this whole idea is a mental disorder!!! please get help from a doctor or shrink

  372. Marianne,

    There are many blasts of the trumpet during Feasts of Trumpets. Pick one?

    Also – the sign in the heavens (Rev. 12:1-5) occurred on Feast of Trumpets, 2011. Yet, that event was not one of the events related to the 7 trumpets of Revelation. That particular Feast of Trumpets may have been the sign that Daniel’s week began. Some think Daniel’s week began Pentecost, 2010 (Dewy Burton).

    Please see Revelation 11:15-18 for what I think occurs as the sound of the last trumpet is heard.

    The series of seven trumpets (Revelation events), could stretch out over one year or they could occur between Feasts of Trumpets and Day of Atonement within one fall season.

    I think the 7 trumpets occur over a year.

    Either way, the and 7th trumpet sound seems to occur on the Feast, Day of Atonement.

    This last blast of the shofar (7th Trumpet) is one that seems to fit with the well established events of Day of Atonement, which is a 25 hour (covering 2 days). It is a 25 hour Feast day, suggesting that we would not know the day or the hour.


  373. Al,

    Thank you! Very helpful to my oversell understanding of Dan and Ephraim.

    So now, please consider Isaiah 28 and the issues within Ephraim.

    What do you see? What is their spiritual condition as you read the text?

    You consider Ephraim to be incorporated within the entire northern kingdom, yes? (See the accounts of Judges including the issues with Benjamin, focusing on Judges 21:25).

    From your reading of Isaiah 28, Ephraim is symbolic or a representation of the evangelical church, yes/no?

    The 10 virgins (Matthew 25) are a micro representation of The Church (assembly of Christians) as the 144,000 are a macro representation of His Church, yes?

    His Church is the Bride (wise virgin; vessel filled with the fuel of the Kingdom, speaking truth, clothed in white by the washing of the Word and made righteous by the blood of the Lamb).

    So then, do you think Ephraim are foolish (5 of the 10 members of the assembly) or are they wise virgins (Matthew 25)?

    It is one or the other (5 foolish/5 wise), because there is no third option with the Lord.

    These 144,000 as a representation of the assembly of Believers who are all wise virgins. Dan is not within the list of “tribes” and Ephraim is not named either.

    I think Ephraim is a representation of the foolish (Matthew 25 a and Isaiah 28). Therefore, they are left outside the door and do not enter into His rest.

    Not all Hebrews and Jews will enter into His rest and/or enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The same applies to “Christians” for the same reasons, they do not know Him.

    Last question – can a foolish virgin not enter into the 1000 year reign and still enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, eternal life with Father God and our Lord?

    Psalm 25

    • DJ,

      Here are my responses to your questions, to the best of my ability to answer them:

      So now, please consider Isaiah 28 and the issues within Ephraim.

      What do you see? What is their spiritual condition as you read the text?

      -A people who are unaware and consumed with the pleasures of the world. There is no watchfulness or sobriety, only ease, slothfulness, and laziness. Basically, the result of a prosperous powerful nation that is spiritually lawless.

      You consider Ephraim to be incorporated within the entire northern kingdom, yes? (See the accounts of Judges including the issues with Benjamin, focusing on Judges 21:25).

      -Yes! When Yah “scattered” Ephraim-the ten northern tribes, He “sowed” them among the nations (scattered also meaning sowed as a seed) to receive a harvest. They lost their identity and ethnicity as Israel and became known as Gentiles-Samaritans-Christians. They mixed their salvation through Messiah the Lamb with the paganism of the world. I think it is interesting that both Jew and Gentile, following the resurrection of Messiah worshipped together in the salvation of Messiah and keeping the commandments. That went on until the third century AD, when the Roman Emperor Constantine gave the assembly of believers the choice of giving up their Jewish practices and living in peace, or continue their Jewish ways and stay under the persecution and death of Rome. They chose to compromise and the Roman Christian Church was born. Our culture today has still made that same choice. They, in part, don’t do it in the name of Rome, but it is still here. It is really quite chilling to think that what Constantine put forth is what the modern Christian Church, without any duress, willingly puts forth. It appears that the Christian Church identifies itself more with the ideals Rome than with Israel, when you get right down to it. Such is the state of Ephraim.

      From your reading of Isaiah 28, Ephraim is symbolic or a representation of the evangelical church, yes/no?

      -They are the same now-both holding fast to Messiah the Lamb while rejecting Messiah the Word

      The 10 virgins (Matthew 25) are a micro representation of The Church (assembly of Christians) as the 144,000 are a macro representation of His Church, yes?

      -Not necessarily. Of the 10 virgins 5 are wise and 5 are foolish, which doesn’t fully represent the Christian Church. Only partially. On the other hand, the 144,000 are united as one, with no division. While Dan and Ephraim are not mentioned, Joseph (the father of Ephraim) is, who represents those, from the nations, who have not spiritually defiled themselves through idolatry.

      His Church is the Bride (wise virgin; vessel filled with the fuel of the Kingdom, speaking truth, clothed in white by the washing of the Word and made righteous by the blood of the Lamb).

      -I agree with what you have said if that is the actual condition of His assembly.

      So then, do you think Ephraim are foolish (5 of the 10 members of the assembly) or are they wise virgins (Matthew 25)?

      -You defined what a wise virgin was in you last statement above. It is my belief there will be wise virgins and foolish virgins from both Ephraim and Judah. Our ethnicity does not play a part in this. It is not one group or the other. This is an individual matter. We tend to classify by general terms, and for the most part the pattern holds, but not in this. Much about the end of days is about the restoration of all things with one of the biggest parts of that being the restoration of all Israel-the Northern and Southern kingdoms as One with Messiah ruling over them as King and Lord!

      It is one or the other (5 foolish/5 wise), because there is no third option with the Lord.

      These 144,000 as a representation of the assembly of Believers who are all wise virgins. Dan is not within the list of “tribes” and Ephraim is not named either.

      -They are not listed as virgins, but they are listed in Ezekiel for the allotment of land to all 12 tribes of Israel at the beginning of the Millennial Reign.

      I think Ephraim is a representation of the foolish (Matthew 25 a and Isaiah 28). Therefore, they are left outside the door and do not enter into His rest.

      -I believe there will be foolish virgins from Ephraim and Judah. I also believe there will be wise virgins from both Ephraim and Judah. That middle ground between the Word and the Lamb, where we possess both, is the place of wisdom. To hold to one and reject the other is a place of foolishness and loss.

      Not all Hebrews and Jews will enter into His rest and/or enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The same applies to “Christians” for the same reasons, they do not know Him.

      -I agree

      Last question – can a foolish virgin not enter into the 1000 year reign and still enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, eternal life with Father God and our Lord?

      -What we do know is that the Book of life is closed on Feast of Trumpets when His bride is caught up for the marriage supper of the Lamb. But the Book of Life is not sealed until 10 days later on Yom Kippur, allowing those who have washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb (unto death) during the 10 days of tribulation, to enter the Kingdom. Messiah will do what He will do, but I would not under any circumstance hold to an idea of salvation beyond the last Yom Kippur when He sets foot on the Mount of Olives.

      One last thing. We are finding now and have been for a while, those of the Christian Church who realize they are Ephraim (in the pure sense of the term) and brothers with those of Judah: Having the testimony of Yahshua and walking in the commandments. Do you realize that since the 3rd century AD it has not been this way. It is definitely a special time in the body of Messiah. The unfortunate thing is that most of Ephraim-the Christian Church will not see it and many who call themselves Jews will not see it.

      On another note, all of this we have been looking into concerning the tribe of Dan goes much further than we think. There is much to be discussed about all of this that is extremely important. Things are not as they seem!
      I will leave it at that until later.


      • Hi Al,

        Long time in not talking to you.
        I pray that you are well.
        I have a short question for you.

        Above you say, ” I think it is interesting that both Jew and Gentile, following the resurrection of Messiah worshipped together in the salvation of Messiah and keeping the commandments.”

        Is it possible for you to take the time to provide verses within New Covenant text that would substantiate that statement for me?

        This would be within the epistle’s of the Apostle’s of course, after the Gentiles, (Cornelius and his family) entered into the fold.

        Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

        • Hey Gregg,

          I would greet you with “hope all is well with you”, but…..

          The sheer chaos that has ensued here in just the past little bit is incredible. I honestly do hope for you only the best, but I choose not to even tip toe anywhere near any of this. I haven’t followed any of what is going on, which is my choosing. One thing is for sure, it is nothing but counter productive. I only address this to you now since you are the one that contacted me. It is nothing personal. What I said above would apply to the other-others as well.


    • DJ,

      I have a question for you. On the fulfillment of Passover by Messiah, why was Pentecost chosen as the day to impart, with power, Ruach HaKodesh to His followers? There is a reason!

      Shalom my brother

  374. Amen Greg.

    You applied the word “In” with purpose.

    As someone who seeks to overcome and endure (Rev. 12:11), during the time of Great Testing, I consider being “In Christ” to apply this way: He is my Ark in these last days as it was in the days of Noah.

    Now maybe you can understand how I read Malachi chapter 4:

    “‘For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day [The Day of the Lord], which is coming shall burn them up,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘That will leave them neither root nor branch.

    But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise
    with healing in His wings; And you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

    Psalm 25

    • Hi DJ,

      Yes Sir, I placed “IN” with intention, because I believe that it is to be Known by Him “IN” Intimate Relationship as being vitally important.

      I’m still not sure as to how you personally interpret Malachi above there, but could you possibly provide me with something?

      Within the New Covenant texts I see nothing which would even remotely imply to a teaching regarding either Ephraim or Dan?
      To me it is all regarding “we” the “believer and follower” of Yeshua the Annointed Savior, as the “kainos ktisos” or “new creation”.

      As Paul states in 2 Corinthians 5:17.;
      “Therefore if any man be “in Christ”, he is a “new creature”: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

      So could you please fill me in on this, and where this teaching is provided within the New Covenant texts.
      And if it isn’t provided within them…..
      Could you explain as to “why not”?

      Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

  375. Al,

    A quick – thank you!

    As the fish are dying many fish are waking up.

    Psalm 25

  376. Al,

    The next significant date/event after Pentecost is the 17th of Tammuz (or Tamuz).

    This date (17th of Tamuz) has significance in the history of God’s people (we are grafted into the tree), and it may be significant in our time too.

    Not many evangelicals know about this date or it’s significance with the Lord’s time/walk upon the earth.

    This is not a “rapture” date, but maybe another significant date in these last days. Just as the Spring and Fall Feasts are significant – I thing this is too.

    Let’s keep each other in prayer as Paul prayed in Colossians chapter 1.

    Psalm 25

  377. DJ,

    “Let’s keep each other in prayer as Paul prayed in Colossians chapter 1.”

    I agree and will do the same.

    Shalom my brother

    • Hi Al & DJ,
      I would think that this prayer would be a nice prayer for all brothers and sisters, (unless this is just an online bromance of sorts)?
      Just Kidding!

      I will capitalize the most important points of Colossians 1:19-23.

      “For it pleased the Father that in Him (Messiah) ALL THE FULNESS should dwell, and BY HIM TO RECONCILE ALL THINGS to Himself, BY HIM, whether things on earth or things in heaven, HAVING MADE PEACE through the BLOOD OF HIS CROSS. And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now HE HAS RECONCILED IN THE BODY OF HIS FLESH THROUGH DEATH, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— IF INDEED YOU CONTINUE IN THE FAITH, GROUNDED AND STEADFAST, AND ARE NOT MOVED AWAY FROM THE HOPE OF THE GOSPEL WHICH YOU HEARD, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.”

      Galatians 1:3-9.
      “Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, WHO GAVE HIMSELF FOR OUR SINS, that HE MIGHT DELIVER US from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
      I MARVEL that you are TURNING AWAY so soon FROM HIM WHO CALLED YOU IN THE GRACE OF CHRIST, to a DIFFERENT GOSPEL, which is not THE SAME; but there are some who trouble you and want to PERVERT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST.
      But even if we, or an angel from heaven, PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL TO YOU THAN WHAT WE HAVE PREACHED TO YOU, let him be accursed.
      As we have said before, so now I say again, if ANYONE PREACHES ANY OTHER GOSPEL TO YOU THAN WHAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED, let him be accursed.”

      So above in Colossians 1:23., Paul says;

      Yet in Galatians 1:6., he says;
      “I MARVEL that you are TURNING AWAY so soon FROM HIM WHO CALLED YOU IN THE GRACE OF CHRIST, to a DIFFERENT GOSPEL, which is not THE SAME; but there are some who trouble you and want to PERVERT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST.”

      So what was it that the Galatians had done that was in actuality, “TURNING AWAY FROM HIM WHO CALLED YOU IN THE GRACE OF CHRIST, to a DIFFERENT GOSPEL” to the point that Paul accused them listening to others that wanted to “PERVERT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST”?

      Well apparently the Galatians were being bewitched (3:1.) into following the Law by “observing days and months, seasons and years” (4:10.) and becoming circumcised, (5:2,3.), rather than living “solely” by Faith in Yeshua as their Savior and Redeemer.

      What Paul’s Gospel consists of, (which was revealed to him by Yeshua Himself, (Galatians 1:11,12. and 2 Corinthians 12:1-5.) since Yeshua chose Paul Himself, (Acts 9:15,16. Malachi 2:7.) is that God the Father is progressive, and that through Yeshua a “new creature” has been created consisting of both Jew and Gentile, (not Gentiles becoming Jews).

      Paul is both literally and spiritually, the Moses of the New Covenant.

      Though this “new creature” that has been created through Yeshua and His death to establish His New Covenant, must also separate themselves from the evils that are in the world, (as Paul warns all of us to do within his epistle’s), all that is required of Yeshua’s “new creature” is to “walk in Love for others in Spirit”.

      For Paul says that “Love Fulfills the Law, (Romans 13:8. 10. Galatians 5:14.)

      As does James in James 2:8. and implied in 1:27. and 2:14-17.

      As does Peter in 1 Peter 1:22,23., 2:17., 3:8,9., 4:8., and implied in 5:5. And in 2 Peter 1:7.

      As does John in 1 John 1:3-11., 3:10,11 and 14. 3:16-24., 4:7-21., 5:1-3.
      And especially 2 John 1:4-6., (for those that may misunderstand the context of the content of 1 John).

      As does Yeshua in Matthew 5:44., Matthew 7:12., Matthew 19:19., Matthew 22:37-40.
      Implied in Matthew 23:11,12., and 23. In Matthew 24:12., 25:35-40., etc. etc., (as well as all that is written within Mark and Luke).

      And then there are the Commandments of Yeshua’s that are written in the Gospel of John;
      John 13:34,35., 14:15., 14:21., 14:23., 15:7-10 and especially 12.

      There is so very much more that I could add to the above regarding this, and I don’t believe that Paul is necessarily misunderstood by the western body of Yeshua, but that his teachings, (being chosen by Yeshua Himself to teach), couldn’t be any clearer.

      Be Blessed “In” Yeshua our Fulness, our Completeness…

      Our absolute Everything.

      • amen for the day

      • Hi Al & DJ,

        It is my hope that you will take into consideration the simplicity of the following post.

        Above I had requested for both of you to kindly provide me with answers for two questions.

        Respectively, I had asked you Al after you had made the following statement,…. “I think it is interesting that both Jew and Gentile, following the resurrection of Messiah worshipped together in the salvation of Messiah and keeping the commandments.”…. If it was possible for you to take the time to provide verses within New Covenant text that would substantiate that statement for me?
        (Please see post number 305935 above.)

        I had asked you DJ a question regarding the teaching of Ephraim and Dan within New Covenant texts, by stating the following.

        “Within the New Covenant texts I see nothing which would even remotely imply to a teaching regarding either Ephraim or Dan?
        To me it is all regarding “we” the “believer and follower” of Yeshua the Annointed Savior, as the “kainos ktisos” or “new creation”.
        As Paul states in 2 Corinthians 5:17.;
        “Therefore if any man be “in Christ”, he is a “new creature”: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
        So could you please fill me in on this, and where this teaching is provided within the New Covenant texts.
        (Please see comment number 305847 above.)

        However, neither of you addressed these questions by providing any information regarding my requests?
        To which I wasn’t surprised in the least.
        Do you know why I wasn’t surprised?

        Well, I wasn’t surprised because you can’t provide what simply doesn’t exist.

        This then begs the question,
        “Would God the Father allow for His only begotten Son to die in vain?”
        Where the answer to the above would be, “Of course not!”

        So let’s simply look at this logically and with simple common sense.

        Luke testifies in Acts 9:15,16, and witnesses the witness of Ananias, that Yeshua had chosen Paul as a vessel to bear His Name to the Gentiles.
        And Paul receives the revelation of the Gospel directly from Yeshua Himself when he is caught up to the third heaven.
        (Galatians 1:11,12.- 2 Corinthians 12:1-5.)

        Therefore the questions become, “Did Yeshua make a mistake?”
        And did Paul travel a significant portion of the known world, and forget to mention Ephraim and Dan, and the necessity of following the Law of Moses to many that would have no idea as to what either of them consisted of?”

        If either Ephraim and Dan, or the Law was significant to that of the Assembly or Church, then wouldn’t New Covenant Scripture teach and expound upon these necessities?
        (Or did Yeshua die for only those that would discover them, though they aren’t mentioned at all by any Apostle within New Covenant text?)

        Not once is any teaching regarding Ephraim or Dan mentioned by any Apostle.
        And regarding the Law of Moses, there is far more mentioned that states that this “New Creature” is not subject to the Law.

        For those that believe that the following of Torah, (or simply eating only of a kosher diet), the author of Hebrews says;
        “Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them. We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat.”
        Hebrews 13:9,10.

        Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua our Everything!

  378. Greg,

    This is the prayer I am referring to in Colossians. I would not mind (Al probably does not mind either) if you and every readier of Heaven Awaits offers up Paul’s prayer as their own.

    “Father God, in the name of Jesus, I ask that I may be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

    I ask that I may walk worthy of my Lord and Savior, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge Father God.

    Father, strengthened me with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy.

    I give thanks to You, Father God, because You qualified me to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

    Jesus, you have delivered me from the power of darkness and given unto me the kingdom of Your love. In You Jesus, I have redemption through Your blood, the forgiveness of all my sins.”

    Father God, thank you for hearing and answering this prayer that comes from Your word as written by Paul.

    In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

    (Colossians 1:9-14, NKJV).

  379. Greg,

    You wrote in one of your replies, “So let’s simply look at this logically and with simple common sense.”

    Sorry, I can’t do what you requested above when I just offered the prayer from Colossians chapter 1.

    My prayer is for spiritual wisdom, knowledge, understanding that is not of “the flesh” (logic and common sense) when reading the Word.

    Proverbs chapters 3 applies.;EXB

    BTW- this video link below should give clear evidence of how we did not apply logic and common sense when watching TV news on and the days after 9/11.

    God help us (Colossians prayer) – we are being fed lies and deceptive messages by the media regularly. Certainly, the powers of darkness are working within the world ever more 13 years later.

    Psalm 25

    • I think if the truth is hidden, then it is not really possible to apply common sense.

    • DJ,

      So you can’t personally use any logic or common sense in making any Biblical determination?

      Well Paul lists 9 Spiritual Gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10., and the first 2 are expounded on below;
      1 Corinthians 12:8.;
      “For to one is given by the Spirit the word of WISDOM; to another the word of KNOWLEDGE by the same Spirit;”

      “Wisdom” being derived from the Greek “σοφία” transliterated as “sophia”, (Strong’s 4678).

      “Sophia” is primarily defined as….
      1- wisdom, broad and full of intelligence; used of the knowledge of very diverse matters.
      A- the wisdom which belongs to men.
      A1- spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and proverbs.
      A2- the science and learning.
      A3- the act of interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice.
      A4- the intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some mysterious number or vision.
      A5- skill in the management of affairs.
      A6- devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth.
      A7- the knowledge and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living.

      “Knowledge” being derived from the Greek “γνῶσις”, transliterated as “gnōsis”, (Strong’s 1108).

      “Gnōsis” is primarily defined as…
      1- knowledge signifies in general intelligence, understanding.
      A- the general knowledge of Christian religion.
      B- the deeper more perfect and enlarged knowledge of this religion, such as belongs to the more advanced.
      C- esp. of things lawful and unlawful for Christians.
      D- moral wisdom, such as is seen in right living.

      Both of the above would suggest that we should utilize our God given brains, (logic and common sense included, rather than sign up for a lobotomy), when reading and then comprehending God’s Word.

      The fact remains (whether one uses their brain or not), that no answers regarding my questions can be provided within New Covenant Scripture.

      Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua our Everything.

      • Good mornng Greg!


        What is this “New Covenant Scriptures” language?

        So, you want me to limit the resources of the living Word to the New Covenant Scriptures because the “Old” has passed away (no longer valid or whatever)?

        Okay, I’ll admit we think logically and will attempt to do so below.

        How do you think the early Church operated in their “mid-week Bible study” like Baptist do today?

        Oh! They read the “Old” Covenant Scriptures.

        But wait! They lived in and under the New Covenant.


        These first century Believers (mostly Hebrews, under the New Covenant) were not under the law or the judges, or guided by the prophets – yet, the searched the “Old” Covenant Scriptures.

        What in the world were they doing?!

        “You carefully study [search; examine] the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. They do in fact tell [testify; witness] about me [concerning me; on my behalf]… For if you really believed Moses, you would believe me, because Moses wrote about me [C in the Torah, the first five books of the OT; for example, Deut. 18:15 quoted in Acts 3:22]. But if you don’t believe what Moses wrote, how can you believe what I say?” (John 5:39, 46-47, Expanded Translation).

        Greg, let’s say it is 60 AD and we only have one of the Gospels (Matthew) and maybe only a few letters (Hebrews (whoever the author), John’s and Peter’s), but also had access to the “Old” Covenant Scriptures – this is what I would come to understand:

        Ephraim is a “representation” of a wayward Church. I do not want to be in such a “tribe” (group of people led by pastors with such a spiritual condition).

        So now – let’s say it is 110 AD and we have the book of Revelation in our collection within a local assembly of Believers. I now have Matthew, some letters (adding Ephesians, Galatians) and Revelation.

        Do you see any similarities between Ephraim (Isaiah 28) and 6 of the 7 churches listed in Revelation?

        What (if any) similarities do you see between want you read in Isaiah 28 and the spiritual condition of those churches in Revelation?

        Dan no included in the tribes of Revelation chapter 7 is a “representation” of a people (tribe, groups of Hebrew people) who rejected God’s redemptive work (both the Old and New Covenant). These people (tribe of Dan, mindset and spiritual condition) are pursuing the things of this world, led by the Prince of this world (knowingly or unknowingly).

        I think the number 144,000 is a representation of the totality of “virgins” (not defiled by The woman), are represented as “wise virgins” who are grouped together as 12 tribes (children of God) upon the earth. All races, nations and “tribes” (people groups) who are wise virgins are represented by Hebrew tribes with a number 12 x 12 x 10.

        After few more days of considering Ephraim and Dan – I continue to see the “representations” as valid. Here is just one piece of evidence external to Scriptures.

        Take a few minute and explore this page (along with this others within this website), which is not based on Scriptures and is a more secular observation.

        One for you, Gregory.

        Virgins (Matthew 25) are a “representation” of Christians (Believers), right?

        Virgins are under the New Covenant, right?

        Tell me – do you see any similarity between the foolish virgins and Ephraim (Isaiah 28)?

        Why are virgins (foolish) left outside the door? They are Christians (virgins) and have oil, but not enough, right? They have oil – but not enough, making themselves “foolish” in the eyes of the Lord.

        When answering my questions you can only apply Matthew and those particular letters (above as if 110 AD) along with the “Old” Covenant Scriptures. No dictionary reading or references either.

        Are these “virgins” going to hell as a result of being left outside the door? What does the passage tell us? What happens to them? How could this be? They are “virgins” but don’t have enough oil, right?

        Psalm 25 (Please, notice the Old Covenant reference,and what the passage communicates to a virgin.)

        • isaiah does not compare Ephraim to foolish ??? they don’t act like them either!

          how do you compare not having enough oil to drunkeness, staggering from wine, vomit on the table, filth everywhere, stumbling when rendering decisions, strange rules, entering into a covenant with death, mocking, getting beaten down….etc?

          at least the virgins had some oil, they did not plan well…

        • Hi DJ,

          Well I appreciate you taking the time to respond and to express your views regarding this topic.

          Here is how I see things based upon my interpretation, (which I pray to the Father consists of His truth), for it is my deepest fear that I express anything here on this site that may not be correct, and would lead anyone astray from His truth.
          However with that said, lets continue to utilize both our God given “logic and common sense” to address this topic, and in doing so also realize and comprehend that the Father is “progressive”, in that, (though He Himself is not restrained by a linear time frame), He has constructed one for us with a “beginning and end”.

          I will agree fully that within the initial conception of the Assembly or Church, that Scripture itself was limited to that of the Tanakh, and Old Covenant.
          And that what is contained within that Scripture also has relevance to the Assembly. However, wherein the difficulty lies, is in being able to discern and differentiate what is strictly applicable to that of Israel itself or that of the Assembly.

          Now I by no means claim to have figured all of that out, (and believe that anyone who claims that they have, do be just a tad delusional), however, with the Father being progressive, He has provided us today, with far more information than what the early church had at it’s disposal regarding Scripture.
          The early Assembly had one distinct advantage over us though, and that was that they had at their disposal the actual Apostle’s to speak to face to face with, and to clarify any questions that any of them may have had.

          We unfortunately, don’t have this advantage, yet the Father has left us New Covenant Scripture on their behalf, inspired by His Spirit, to reveal and explain to us what this New Covenant consists of more clearly.

          So to answer your initial question, this is what I mean by the “language” of “New Covenant” Scripture.
          God the Father has provided us this New Covenant Scripture to further explain the changes that have been made, and to help us understand “who is a people”, (those that have accepted Yeshua as their Savior and are a part of His Assembly), and those “who are not a people”, (those that haven’t yet).

          1 Peter 2:7-10.

          “Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient,
          “The stone which the builders rejected
          Has become the chief cornerstone,”
          “A stone of stumbling
          And a rock of offense.”

          But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.
          They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.”

          (To be continued tomorrow….)

          Be Blessed “in” Yeshua our Everything.

          • (Continued from above to DJ,)

            Now regarding Ephraim as being “symbolic” and being the Assembly of Yeshua’s or not?

            Though I would agree that many of the characteristics that are described within Isaiah 28 regarding Ephraim, could also describe the same characteristics demonstrated by those of the Assembly of Laodicea, (and as well, of those that didn’t overcome within the seven epistles of Revelation so therefore fell within the category of Laodicea), I don’t believe it is representing the Assembly for the following reasons.

            “Ephraim itself, is only mentioned once in John 11:54., and is only referred to “one other time” in Acts 7:16., where “Sychem” (which is a city within Ephraim) is mentioned.” Ephraim is not mentioned once, by any Apostle or in any epistle after that.

            Therefore since from Genesis 3:15., all of the Torah, Prophets and Writings “point to Yeshua” and that of His Assembly, and that Ephraim isn’t once associated or even implied within any New Covenant Scripture as being that Church, then I believe it is safe to conclude that it isn’t.

            Ephraim is Ephraim and the Assembly or Church is the Assembly or Church!

            Now you may then bring up the 144,000 and question me as to why Ephraim isn’t mentioned once within Revelation 7:5-8.?
            And my response to you would be “Read Isaiah 28”!
            There is, by what is written within that chapter, reasons why they, (Ephraim), wouldn’t be sealed and that the 12 tribes that were chosen to be were instead. Remember, only a remnant of natural Israel will be saved, this fact is expressed throughout Old and New Covenant text.

            Ephraim could indeed be a foreshadowing or type of Laodicea however, since the Church, (ekklēsia) isn’t mentioned once past Revelation 3:22., (other than in Revelation 22:16. where Yeshua says that He has sent His angel to explain and testify of these things to the Churches), one should, by using logic and common sense understand that these 12 tribes in no way represent the Church but are rather, representing God fulfilling His promises to the fathers and to Israel.

            Regarding Matthew 25;1-13., and the parable of the 10 virgins;
            As you know, I have previously done an in depth study regarding this parable which I have posted a couple of times somewhere on this site.
            The difference here is, that though God the Father rested His Spirit upon, and dwelt within certain individuals within the past, it was only after Yeshua had been glorified that the Spirit, (the Living Waters), became available to all that believed upon Him, (John 7:39.).
            Those within the parable of Matthew 25:1-13. all had the “oil”, whereas those of Ephraim didn’t, (because of John 7:39.).

            However that doesn’t negate that Isaiah 28 isn’t a possible foreshadowing.

            Let’s take Isaiah 46:9,10. into consideration for a second.
            “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”

            What I believe the Father is saying here is, “That what has happened before, will happen again, and that history will repeat itself.”
            Would you agree with that?

            Well if you do, wouldn’t that also possibly be in regards to the Assembly or Church as well?

            Let’s look at Deuteronomy 28, which consists of “conditions” where if they are kept there are blessings, and if they are not, there are dire consequences.
            Though within the Old Covenant the only way that God had allowed for man to attain “righteousness” before Him was that of obeying each and every aspect of the Mosaic Law, (Deuteronomy 6:25.),

            However, We as believers in Yeshua partake of His Righteousness. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

            Now if there isn’t conditions within Yeshua’s Assembly, then why do the New Covenant Scriptures warn us of things that we are not to partake in?

            The parable of Luke 12:37-48., being just one example of “conditionality” and is a shorter mirror image of sorts to that of Deuteronomy 28 itself.
            And why does Yeshua warn us again within John 15:1-6., with verse 6 expressing the consequences of not abiding in Him?
            Do we simply disregard these warnings knowing that we are under Yeshua’s Grace?

            I don’t believe so.
            I believe that “we” are held to a higher standard, (because we have the Spirit), than those of the past by what is stated within Luke 12:48.;
            “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”
            Those that are the 10 foolish virgins have quenched and grieved the Spirit and placed Him on the back burner being more concerned with themselves and their lives, rather than serving God the Father.

            1 Peter 4:17., states;
            “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”

            Common sense would tell us that to have “judgment” one must have “criteria and conditions” to “establish parameters” for that judgment.
            And if there is to be “judgment” that starts within the Church, then wouldn’t there also be both “blessings for some”, (Revelation 3:7-12.), and “consequences for others”, (Revelation 3:14-19)?

            Therefore, this is why I believe what I believe regarding what is stated within New Covenant Scripture.
            We are the “New Creature” of “Yeshua’s New Covenant” and we are “born of the Spirit”.
            We are not under or subjected to the Mosaic Law to attain our own righteousness, but if we abide in Him, we partake of His Righteousness.
            His Finished work!
            It is all about our heart and relationship in abiding in Him now as the “Rock of our foundation”, and has nothing to do with abstaining from certain foods.

            This would explain as to why the New Covenant Scripture isn’t jam packed full of the Mosaic Law as being a necessity to be a disciple of His for the multitude’s of Gentiles that would come to believe in Him that would have no idea as to what these Laws consist of.
            (Or as questioned above… “Would God allow for His only begotten Son to die in Vain? And did Yeshua make a mistake in choosing Paul?”)

            This would also explain why Paul in Galatians, said what he had to say.
            Because if you choose to partake in the Law, then you choose to attain your own righteousness, and you must fulfill the whole law or you are guilty of breaking the whole law. This is confirmed again within James 2:10.;
            “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”

            But God the Father knows that we aren’t perfect and in no way could we ever attain our own righteousness before Him through the Law, (Psalms 14:3. Psalms 53:3. and Romans 3:10 and 12.), so as long as our hearts are abiding in Yeshua and we confess our sins and transgression’s to Him, He is faithful and just and forgives us of our sins and holds us within His Grace.

            He knows our hearts for Him, (1 Chronicles 28:9., Romans 8:27.). And knows whether we are really seeking Him and trying to serve Him as best as we can.

            Therefore since Yeshua’s Assembly or Church is still being added to on a daily basis, this judgement that Peter expresses in 1 Peter 4:17. can’t have possibly taken place yet. So that is why I have difficulty in accepting your view that the seals have been opened and the sign of Revelation 12 has already taken place.

            It is my opinion that this judgement of the Church must take place first, (which is expressed within the criteria of the seven epistle’s of Revelation), and that this “judgement” is the catalyst to all that will follow within the Book of Revelation from verse 4:1 on.

            Can’t prove it, and we will all have to wait and see.
            But I see nothing within New Covenant Scripture that would even suggest that Ephraim is the Church, and I see nothing within the writings of Paul, (or any other Apostle), that would state that we are “under that of the Mosaic Law” either.

            I will trust in Yeshua alone as the Rock of my foundation and in His choice to pick Paul for a specific and revealed mission.

            Be Blessed ”IN” Yeshua our Everything.
            Our Savior and Redeemer.
            Exalted Alone and without equal.

            I pray Father that I haven’t misinterpreted Your Holy Word.
            Forgive please in the Blood of your Son my King if I have.

            • Well I have no idea whatsoever as to whether or not any of the above made anyone reconsider their beliefs, however, all I can add is that you trust solely in Yeshua.

              He will “come like a thief”, (so don’t let Him find you with your lamp out and not ablaze “in” Him).

              It is my deepest hope that all that are here, all that seek Him with all of their heart, will all be accounted worthy “in” Him, and be able to enter through that open door.

              And I wish you all, His Grace and His Blessings.

          • Gregg,

            You made an interesting statement that drew me in. I am not going to deal with specifics due to the fact that we don’t even agree on foundational issues and that is what I am going to address here. All of these discussions back and forth are destined to failure-WE ARE NOT ON THE SAME PAGE!!

            This is a comment from one of your posts that clearly defines the problem:

            “However with that said, lets continue to utilize both our God given “logic and common sense” to address this topic, and in doing so also realize and comprehend that the Father is “progressive”, in that, (though He Himself is not restrained by a linear time frame), He has constructed one for us with a “beginning and end”.

            The above statement you made explains everything and is the basic reason I do not engage people in too much of what they say. Yah is cyclical, not linear or “progressive” as you and the majority of the Christian community see Him. The creation is cyclical, with a time to sow, a time to water and cultivate, and a time to reap. Every year it is the same, with only time being progressive, one year upon another bringing us cycles of millennia, centuries, and decades. Nothing but a method of marking out the 7000 years man will spend on this earth. But even in that time, in each year are the cycles (or seasons if you choose), of months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Embedded in these seasons, (cycles), are the feasts of Yah, set according to the seasons of the different agricultural crops, wherein is the planting, watering and cultivating, reaping and harvesting.

            Spiritually in that, is the foundation of everything we believe in (for Israel, their relationship with Yah was incorporated and integrated fully into their daily routine. When they looked out their windows they saw their relationship with Yah being lived out in everything they did and saw. Their spiritual lives were embedded in their physical lives).

            This yearly cycle of seasons are called moedim (a rehearsal-appointed time for us to come before Yah). We go through these cycles year by year, with each in its time being fulfilled through the span of this 7000 year period. We continue to keep these appointed times (feasts) that have been fulfilled, remembering where we have come from and giving thanks while we look to those moedim ahead of us that have yet to be fulfilled. It is all tied together. Nothing goes away and drops off like a useless appendage, as you would have all to believe.

            Here is the thing, in the last year of this 7000 year course we are on, that last year will contain the cycles and seasons as it was from the beginning. He gave all of this from the beginning for all mankind, and not just those at the end. He doesn’t love you anymore than he loved those at the beginning. You have no more truth than they had in the beginning. That is why He gave these things out of “Breshit”-Genesis-the beginning. In fact if truth be known, we have less understanding now than ever. Instead of living and walking out our daily lives surrounded by the truth (because we have cast off from ourselves those things given from the beginning) we are left with the purveyors of Systematic Theology to tell us how to find God! How fortunate for all of us.

            One last thing; the Hebrew word Teshuvah carries the meaning of turning around and (remembering) returning to that which we have departed from, that which was given from the beginning. I know your Greek rendition states a different concept. That of saying I am sorry and keep going forward in your PROGRESSIVISM. Good luck on that one. If I remember correctly we have had that discussion in the past which was never finished.

            As I said before, I wish you no ill will. Just to the point, straight talk between two brothers walking two different paths from two polar opposite view points, while both of us claiming to be going to the same place. Is it the same place????? Unfortunately, probably not, which is why scripture says to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”

            This is the ultimate outcome when man tries to divide the Word of Yah into that which is relevant and that which is not according to what makes sense to them.

            Shalom-be well my brother

        • I don’t think I understand this comparison..about the virgins and ephraim…..perhaps you can explain……

  380. Hi Marianne,

    I know that we are called to shed light on dark places, but how is it that I am around soooo many of those that are either not saved or not true Christians. No matter how much blood I pray over me or armor I pray over me, the demons still notice me! I don’t want them to notice me. I am so tired of being around unbelievers or lukewarm Christians that it would be a rare breath of fresh air to meet someone who was my age and a true servant of God. I don’t even get that in the church or in Christian organizations. I can very well discern when someone is a true follower of Christ because they are comfortable around me and receive me well. I’ve ONLY met 3 people in my entire life that have received me well with a smile and strong eye contact; void of all demonic influence.

    I was taking the transportation and this one lady could not and would not stop looking at me. It’s like how many times must she look at me before she gets tired of doing it? I wasn’t bothering her at all, just sitting on the transportation just as she was, but my peripheral saw her glaring for what felt like hours of her eyes beaming down on me.

    Marianne, what are demons intentions when they make someone glare at you on and off for like 5-20 seconds a piece?? And what can i do to make them STOP? Like i said no matter how much blood i plead over me or armor I wear or angels I ask God to surround me with, they still throw those fiery darting stares.

    • I also was at the transportation stop, and a lot of people surrounded me giving me mean looks and some of their eyebrows raised in fear at me as if I was about to do something and all I was doing was waiting at the stop like they were. I felt like they were surrounding me getting ready to stone me. And then when one of them does it multiple others do it with the same vileness. I’m tired of demons looking at me and spotting me out of crowds even from far far away, what can I do to get them to leave me the HELL alone?

    • jaira

      fight back.

      ask them what their problem is…..

      “Hey —-what are you staring at me for?”

      What is your problem?

      Get away from me!”

      let them know you are onto them.

      they are just trying to annoy you, so annoy them back

      you got nothing to lose…they don’t even know you

      • You’re right, they are doing it to annoy me. But they end up winning because I fear people’s judgement. And the enemy instantly picks up on fear and nervousness. When I am confident, they try to bother me, but it doesn’t work because I don’t let it affect me and guess what? they end up getting up and moving their seats because that’s all they wanted to do was try and stir me up. Satan literally sends people to try and bother me and I know it’s from him because once it doesn’t work, and I resist them, they literally angrily storm away from me.

        Clearly since you wrote this article, something similar happens to you, what do you do to get them to leave you alone? So I can do it to? and also, do you get stared at a lot by people Marianne?

        • jaira

          I already told you….talk back to them and annoy them back..let them know you can fight back

        • Jaira,
          Here is what the Bible says…it works!!
          14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. 17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

  381. Greg,

    Thanks for sharing your perspective.

    Blessings to you.

    • DJ,
      My fear for others, (and my only motivation for returning) is this,
      Isaiah 46:9,10. and then Acts 15:1 and 5. as well as Galatians 2:4.
      History is repeating itself.

      Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua our KING.

  382. Marianne,

    What do you think (believe) the oil represents?

    I recall you wrote that the foolish simply did not prepare. Please explain.

    Maybe there are foolish virgins reading this thread?!

    Then once we address the oil issue we can turn to the imagery of Isaiah 28.

    Psalm 25

    • In my opinion the “oil” in the parable of the Ten Virgins, (Matthew 25:11-13.), is symbolically representing the Holy Spirit.

      As I believe that it is with Psalm 45:6,7.;
      “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
      You love righteousness and hate wickedness;
      Therefore God, Your God, “has anointed You with the oil of gladness” more than Your companions.”

      Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

      • DJ,
        Here’s a couple of questions for you regarding the parable of the Ten Virgins, (Matthew 25:11-13.)…….

        What “event” do you believe that this parable is describing?

        Do you believe that the five foolish virgins are cast into the lake of fire?

        (Because if you don’t believe that these five virgins are cast into the lake of fire, then I’m pretty sure that you’re going to have to make an adjustment on your determination regarding as to when the “last trump” is, and when the “gathering or rapture” takes place.)

        Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

    • Dj

      I think the oil is the holy spirit……but note that they are also virgins….so they seem to be saved, maybe, but do not possess all that is available to them..they have SOME oil, but it runs out….

      so it seems they are somewhat lacking in their strength and closeness to God….they run out of fuel… many will in the end times….they will not be able to make it through the testing.

      • Marianne,

        Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

        We agree that the oil is a representation of the Holy Spirit.

        As Greg quoted, Psalm 45:6,7 – “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, ‘has anointed You with the oil of gladness’ more than Your companions.”

        David wrote “You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5).

        So then, the foolish Christians (virgins) don’t have enough of the Holy Spirit?

        I think Christians need to be “filled up” with the Holy Spirit.

        The wise have vessels that are filled and the foolish have vessels (which they abruptly and urgently realize are not full) when they all are awakened from sleeping within a house (fellowship of Believers).

        Key Verse:

        “So don’t be foolish with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, which will ruin your life, but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:17-18, ESV).

        Marianne, you think it us because the foolish virgins are not walking close with God, making their vessels’ less full or lacking “strength” during the time of testing.

        I agree in part. It is extremely very important for Christians (virgins) to understand this too.

        A key word you wrote was “strength” or “might” within the vessel of a wise virgin.

        Where does this strength or might come from?

        The Ephesian 5:17-18 verses are critical to understanding foolish virgins, the Ephraim passage, the foolishness of the flesh, not being drunk but to be “sober” (attune to the ways of the enemy).

        When a virgin is filled with the Spirit they are considered a “wise virgin.”


        What is a vessel filled with? (Ephesians 5:18)

        What is filling them up?

        The manifestations (fruit) of the Spirit is not what I’m asking in this particular question.

        This “oil” must be more than just “Oil = The Holy Spirit” because the Holy Spirit comes to a virgin/Christian (foolish and wise).

        Both have oil (Holy Spirit), yes?

        What makes a vessel filled?

        Marianne – you identified “strength” within the wise to endure, overcome in the last days.


        Now, please read Colossians 1:9-14 and see what Paul is praying on their behalf. He is praying that these virgins (Christians) be “filled” and you will see keys words pop out of this prayer:

        “Since the day we heard these things about you, we have continued praying for you. This is what we pray:

        asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

        May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the light…” (Colossians 1:9-14, ESV).


        The foolish seek oil for their lamps and are told to go obtain what is needed for themselves because the oil is very precious and valuable to the wise virgins. Please see Matthew 13:44.

        The wise virgins know the value of the oil they hold within their vessel.

        Proverbs 23:23 holds the answer:

        “Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding” (ESV).

        “Learn [Buy; Acquire] the truth and never reject [sell] it. Get [Buy; Acquire] wisdom, self-control [instruction; discipline], and understanding” (Expanded Translation).

        “Buy the truth and sell it not; not only that, but also get discernment and judgment, instruction and understanding” (Amplified).

        Buy truth?

        Oh! The Spirit of Truth (John 16:13).

        What does the Spirit of Truth bring?

        Return to Paul’s prayer for the virgins (every Christian) to be “filled” knowing that the fullness of a vessel making the lamp burn bright is this:

        The 7 Spirits of a God:

        The Spirit of the Lord
        Fear of the Lord.

        “His delight is in the fear of the Lord…” (Isaiah 11:2-3, NKJV).

        I think that covers my understanding of the 5 foolish and 5 wise virgins. The oil is very valuable. But, “The fear of the Lord is His treasure” (Isaiah 33:6).

        Key to the parable of those wise virgins, remaining in the house is this:

        “There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise [virgin], but a foolish man [virgin] swallows it up” (Proverbs 21:20, NASB).

        In a couple of days I’ll reply/comment on the imagery of Isaiah 28 and Ephraim. Then, I address some of those churches within Revelation.



        Psalm 25

        • DJ

          WE get filled and stay filled different ways.

          1. study of the Word of God

          2. a direct baptism of the holy spirit – direct infilling or empowerment….which is above and beyond the presence of the holy spirit at salvation.

          3. daily prayer and communion with God

          4. fellowship with other believers, learning from them

          new converts lack this…..they must endeavor to have MORE of God, and not just “be saved”

          new converts cannot defend their faith well yet, they are still learning. so it would be easy for the enemy to deceive them and get them off track.

          Those that are filled are stronger and more useful to the purpose of the gospel. they know the Word, and cannot be easily deceived.

    • DJ,

      I wanted to ask a favor of you. I am going to be writing something in the very near future that I would like your personal thoughts on, before I post it on HA. If you would have the time and interest, when it is complete, I would like to send it to you personally to read, consider, and even critique if you feel the need, before I post it. The only thing I ask is that you are 100% honest with me, one way or the other, which I know is what I will get. It is why I am asking you.

      Let me know if you are willing.

      Shalom my brother

  383. Greg,

    Thanks for contributing but I’m exchanging with Marianne on this, waiting for her to answer.

    Please let me continue with a line/set of questions so that we all can stay on the same page.

    No need for distractions, venturing off on one of many trails, or getting lost in translation. You are welcome to reply/comment but I’m going to wait for her.

    She has already said a mouth full –

    1) “Isaiah does not compare Ephraim to foolish ??? they don’t act like them either!

    2) how do you compare not having enough oil to drunkeness, staggering from wine, vomit on the table, filth everywhere, stumbling when rendering decisions, strange rules, entering into a covenant with death, mocking, getting beaten down….etc?

    3) at least the virgins had some oil, they did not plan well…”

    With all of the above (commentary and questions), I need to slow down and break it down to manageable bite sizes.

    I’ve asked her the following and this is even more clearly presented below:

    1) What do you think (believe) the oil represents?

    2) Please explain your comment: “the foolish simply did not plan well…”


    Do you realize that 5/10 within a household of virgins (Christians) think they are wise when they may be foolish?

    Virgins = Christians/Believers (I hope we agree on this equation.)

    10 = Assembly of Christians/Believers (I hope we all understand this to be a microcosm of The Church).

    Microcosm: noun; A small, representative system having analogies to a larger system in constitution, configuration, or development.

    Many Christians think this parable (Matthew 25:1-11), includes a description of “the rapture” where the foolish are “left behind” while the wedding feast is going on inside the house that includes only the wise virgins and the Lord.

    Many Christians don’t realize what the oil is and why the foolish don’t have enough in their vessel, seeking to obtain more of what they don’t have and fill up their depleted vessels from what the wise virgins hold.

    The foolish virgins have much in common with Ephraim.

    I await Marianne’s reply. She may be busy.


    • dj

      just answered, right above your comment in the string….

      Do people hate you on sight?

      it seems that if they ran out of oil and went looking for more, they can’t be all bad…they are just foolish and can’t do the math ( how much they needed)..they have fallen short.

    • DJ,

      I can respect your desire to have a discussion with Marianne, yet at the same time while you are waiting for her responses could you please consider this.

      I have read the last post that you have made and agree with how you came to your determination regarding the “Holy Spirit” equalling the “Oil” within the parable of the Ten Virgins, (Matthew 25:1-13. sorry for the typo above), by utilizing the fullness of New Covenant text.

      However, I must still hold fast to my belief that Ephraim is not the Assembly or the Church for the reasons listed above as well.
      Also, because of Isaiah 46:9,10.
      Because Israel took for granted their blessings and responsibilities, developed different factions and sects, and had become disobedient in following the requirements that had been stipulated to them by God.

      So is it any wonder that the Church has clearly done the same?
      Ephraim and the Assembly or Church, are completely different entities that have unfortunately, followed the same path by repeating history.

      I know many that profess as to being Christians, but live a life style no different than that of the secular population, (which is exactly what the Jews had been guilty of doing over and over again within the past).

      All of the New Covenant text is addressed to what is now at this time, “God’s People”, (the “New Creature” consisting of both Jew and Gentile).
      See 1 Peter 2:1-10., again and especially verse 10 to confirm that.
      And the difference between Ephraim and all of the Ten Virgins is that they all possessed “Oil”, whereas the Tribe, (or category) of Ephraim did not.

      So lets go over what we fully agree upon here…..

      Yes, the “Oil” is symbolically representing the “Holy Spirit”.
      Yes, the Ten Virgins” are all Christian’s and believe that Yeshua is their Savior and Messiah.
      Yes, that the parable suggests that only “half” of these Christian’s are actually prepared to walk through that “open door”.
      (Hence that is why I have referred to those that are able, as being only a “remnant” in some of my previous posts.)

      DJ, you say above, “Many Christians think this parable (Matthew 25:1-13), includes a description of “the rapture” where the foolish are “left behind” while the wedding feast is going on inside the house that includes only the wise virgins and the Lord.”

      Well I am one of those that believes that, based upon the following….

      Clearly Yeshua is the “Bridegroom” within this parable that is coming for His bride in which He chooses carefully, and this parable is describing His return.

      Now you have derived your determination regarding the “Oil as being representative to that of the Holy Spirit” by making thematic connections within the New Covenant text. Please consider the following to having been derived the same way.
      I will list just chapter and verse(s) here, so that the length of this post isn’t ridiculous. However I pray that you take the time to research them.

      Matthew 25:1-13., is describing an obvious “event” where some Christians will go through that “open door” with Yeshua upon His return, and others will find the door shut.

      Now read, “Matthew 7:21-23.” then continue with the parable of “Matthew 7:24-27.”
      Then go directly to “Luke 6:46,47.” and read it.
      Then to “Matthew 25:1-13.” again, paying particular attention to verses 10 through 12, then to “Luke 13:24-30.”

      Having done that consider the following;
      These other chapters and verses also express the same “event”, where some “Christian’s” will be chosen by Yeshua and will be allowed to enter through that “open door” and other “Christians” will be “left” pleading their case, yet will hear from the Lord, “I do not know you.”

      So what and Who is that “open door” that we as Christian’s need to “know intimately”?
      Read the two parables of John 10:11 through 14., especially the verses 1 through 4, 7, 9, and 14.

      Now, where else in New Covenant text do we have an “open door” mentioned, where some Christian’s who have “overcome” will be able to walk through, and others will unfortunately not be able to?

      Well within the Book of Revelation we have the “criteria and parameters” (expressed to John by Yeshua) for the “judgement” of this “event”.
      Peter says in 1 Peter 4:17., that this judgement will take place first.

      Within the first FIVE (5) letters to the churches we have those Christian’s that will “overcome” (the Wise), and those Christian’s that won’t, (the Foolish).
      And we are also provided with either the “resulting blessings” or the “resulting consequences”.

      Those Christian’s that have “overcome” from those FIVE (5) churches, (a Wise remnant), receive their white garments, (Rev. 3:4,5.), and fall into the category of the Assembly of Brotherly Love, (John 13:34,35. or Philadelphia), and are allowed to walk through that “open door”, (Rev. 3:8.), and are not subjected to the “trial” which shall come upon the whole world, (Rev. 3:10.).

      Those that have not “overcome” and would then be told “I do not know you” are left behind, and are given a second chance to “earn” their white garments, by being subjected to the “trial” which shall come upon the whole world, (Rev. 3:14-19.).

      It all ties together doesn’t it?

      Be Blessed in Yeshua our Everything.

      • It seems like the 10 virgins story refers to the rapture, or second coming, or one of the two, unless they are the same thing

        • Hi Marianne,

          Well I believe that this “event” is and isn’t the Second Coming.
          Yeshua stays in the clouds, (1 Thess. 4:17., and those that are chosen and accounted worthy go to meet Him), rather than He returning at this time to establish His Kingdom and Reign on earth.

          All of the Virgins having the Holy Spirit heard the “cry”, (Matthew 25:6.), but only half were allowed or accounted worthy to go with Him.
          Those that weren’t allowed would be more than aware that they haven’t been allowed and would definitely experience, sorrow, disappointment and grief, or the “WEEPING and GNASHING of TEETH”.

          Matthew 8:12. which in context regarding Israel, may finally open the eyes of some and “provoke them to jealousy”.
          (Whereas as it stands now, they believe that we are following a false Messiah.)

          The same context would apply within the parable of the “Wedding Feast” of Matthew 22:1-14., (and would also imply the Church with verse 14.)

          Matthew 24:45-51., is specifically addressing the Church, with the parable of “Faithful and Evil Servant”….. “Who then is a Faithful and WISE servant….
          And a separation between the WISE and the FOOLISH is described within verse 51 as being hypocrites.

          Matthew 25:14-30. is also addressing the Church with the parable of the “Talents”, which again expresses a separation within verses 29 and 30, by taking away what they had previously had.

          It’s all there in the Holy text.
          Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua our Everything.

          • Again…..

            In within the first Five (5) epistle’s to the Churches within Revelation, those that “overcome” (being worthy), RECEIVE their white garments.
            Revelation 3:4,5.
            They then fall into the category of the Church of Brotherly Love or Philadelphia.

            Those that haven’t “overcome” have been “spit out” and must now “earn” those same garments, (Revelation 3:18.)
            (Those fall into the Church of Laodicea.)

            Those that do accomplish this are then “caught up” (before the wrath of God, Romans 5:9., 1 Thess. 5:9.) in Revelation 7:9-17.

            They have now “washed” the stains from their garments, (Revelation 7:14.).

            This is the only time within New Covenant Scripture that the Greek word “πλύνω”, transliterated as “plynō” and translated as “have washed” is utilized.
            So logically, it must signify a very specific “one time” event.

            Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

          • so the foolish virgins who had oil, ran out, and went to get more are actually tares to be destroyed?

            • ???
              (How did you come to that conclusion from the above?)

              No they are not tares!
              The “Foolish Virgins” are still loved, (Revelation 3:19.), however they did not demonstrate their Faith by loving and caring for others as they should have within their life time when this “event” occurs. So they are being “chastised” for that.

              They ran out of “Oil” by quenching and grieving the Spirit, rather than walking in Him.
              They, (as expressed within the text) are, “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” rather than what they think that they are.

              But because they are loved, they are given another opportunity within the time of the Tribulation or trial or testing that comes upon the whole world to earn their worthiness.
              (Look at Revelation 6:9-11. These martyrs obviously have witnessed for Yeshua and have been killed for not worshipping the beast, the number of his name, or accepted the mark, during the tribulation, (Revelation 13:15.). But it is only then that they receive their white garments.)

              Some that will still be alive when this “event” occurs, have been chosen to be worthy of not having to go through this tribulation, and will instead be granted access to walk through that “open door”, (Revelation 3:8.) These would be the WISE.

              Those that are the “Foolish” have to now “earn their worthiness” and are given the opportunity to do so during the tribulation, (Rev. 14:13.).
              They would be part of the multitude within Revelation 7:9-17. that are caught up at that particular time.

              The following is just speculation on my part but, that multitude probably consists of many of these foolish virgins that finally proved their worthiness, (didn’t worship the beast or accept the mark etc.), and those that came to the Faith of Yeshua as being the Savior Messiah during the tribulation.

              But “No” the foolish virgins are not tares.

              Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua

              • Greg,

                You wrote this above, regarding the foolish lacking enough oil for their vessel, during the days of Great Tribulation:

                “The ‘Foolish Virgins’ are still loved, (Revelation 3:19.), however they did not demonstrate their Faith by loving and caring for others as they should have within their life time when this “event” occurs.

                So they are being “chastised” for that. They ran out of ‘Oil’ by quenching and grieving the Spirit, rather than walking in Him.

                They, (as expressed within the text) are, “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” rather than what they think that they are.”

                Here is the answer to wise and foolish from Scriptures:

                “There is precious treasure [see Isaiah 33:6] and oil in the dwelling of the wise [virgin], but a foolish [virgin] swallows it up” (Proverbs 21:20, NASB).

                The foolish waist the opportunity given them.

                The problem (in my opinion) or the trick as you put it – is in grieving the Spirit.


                We are to stay away from those who “have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5).

                What is this “denying the power” of the Spirit?

                Ephraim [Isaiah 28] deny the power of the Spirit for they prefer to drink and be drunk on wine. They waist the treasure and oil on living in and as apart of the world.

                “So don’t be foolish [virgins] with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine [Ephraim, Isaiah 28], which will ruin your life, but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:17-18, ESV).

                As for grieving and denims the power thereof (both referencing the Spirit) – Evangelicals are quick to express the attribute of “counsel/advisor” to the Holy Spirit but negate and deny the might/power of the Spirit. They don’t seem to preach or practice “the fear of The Lord” either.

                This denial of the power (might) would grieve the Spirit.

                The Spirit wants to fill up the vessels with knowledge and understanding in order to discern good/evil.

                But the denial of His power (might) along with a genuine “fear of the Lord” are egregious.



                In my opinion – in order to be filled with the Spirit it is imperative to graciously acknowledge (not deny, dismiss, negate) His power (might) and other attributes (7 Spirits of God).

                The Spirit desires to bestow, filling us up with what Paul is praying the Believer receive in full measure in Colossians.

                The foolish will be exposed, outside the house, which is filled with the treasure and oil (Proverbs 21:20).

                Psalm 25

        • Marianne,

          You left off 2 another options in your reply to the meaning of the 10 Virgins:

          All of the above
          None of the above

          • 🙂

            i guess there is also….who knows for sure? 🙂

            • Marianne,

              Who knows for sure?

              “So don’t be foolish [virgins] with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, which will ruin your life [Ephraim], but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:17-18, ESV).

              “There is desirable treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise,
              but a foolish man squanders it” (Proverbs 21:20).

              There is an answer to the multiple choices you offered above.

              There is also a valid, critically important need to pursue the treasure and be filled with oil now, urgently before the cry is heard.

              What then, “The foolish can’t do the math?”

              Goodness gracious, what a waist (squander).

              Now back to news about franking in the fields when there is a filed to purchase holding precious treasure and a vessel to be filled with oil in the last days.

              Thank you for keeping this an open forum.

              Psalm 27

  384. Greg,

    Jesus’s says – “I don’t know you” (Matthew 25:12), while keeping the door closed.

    What does that mean?

    I don’t know, yet. But I pray for clarification, led by the Spirit of Truth.

    Seems to be more important to comprehend being identified as a “wise” virgins.

    I’ll post more on this later this morning.

    Marianne missed the “value” and applied fundamentalism principles in her summation comment/reply.

    Psalm 25

    • DJ,

      I wish from the bottom of my heart that I could honestly and definitively answer that question for you, but I can’t.
      Simply because I don’t know either.

      And I hope that you, (or others), don’t think that I would even ever consider myself to be included within that “wise” category.
      Only God and Yeshua know the answer regarding that.
      I am simply a seeker, striving to understand to the best of my God given ability like all of the rest of us.

      Linguistically, in Matthew 25:12., it is written that Yeshua utilizes the transliterated word, “eidō”.

      In Luke 13:25 and 27., “eidō” is used again.

      However, within John 5:42., where He is chastising the Jews that had been seeking to kill Him, (and where He says that He does know them), He uses the word “ginōskō”.

      For convenience “eidō” definitions are below.

      For “ginōskō” see below.

      Yet there are still 9 other Greek words that could have been utilized that weren’t at all?

      Though you and I see many things differently based upon the Word, I know that you are seeking the Lord and His truth through the Spirit the same as I am.
      And I find it so very frustrating that He apparently allows for us to be all over the map, rather than being of one accord, as one flock with One Shepard.

      Being “known” by Yeshua in a positive way, is vitally important for all of us.
      I wish for all of us to be blessed with the complete understanding as to how we can accomplish that.

      Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

      • DJ,

        Having had some time to contemplate the questions posed above, I suspect that the most obvious answer as to how “to be Known by Him”, (and therefore to be Wise), would be to not take for granted, or be indifferent, but instead, respect fully and humbly Yeshua dying and shedding His blood on our behalf.

        Then, having understood the magnitude of that act, (and as to how precious this Gift is that He freely offers to us is), do our utmost to serve God by listening to Yeshua, (Matthew 17:5. John 10:1-4.), then doing what He says to do, (Luke 6:46-49).

        The trick and where the difficulty appears to lie, is in understanding the fulness of what this New Covenant consists of, and that it is different than that of the Mosaic one, (Jeremiah 31:31-34. which is still in the process of being fulfilled within its entirety), and utilizing that discernment to now walk in the Spirit, rather than in the letter.

        That’s about as concise as I could provide an answer those questions.

        Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

        • Greg,

          To “know Him” is not sufficient to be a wise virgin in the last days (context Matthew 24-25).

          This is the time of great testing like never before in the history of the world, requiring a filled vessel (wise virgin).

          With humility I can write and say:

          I’m a wise virgin as defined within Scripture, thank you Lord.

          “So don’t be foolish [virgins] with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, which will ruin your life, but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:17-18, ESV).

          This drunk with wine is not abstaining form Kendal Jackson or getting drunk on wine (literal). Fundamentalism teaching is reading Scriptures more literally over “seeing” them spiritually (Please see Proverbs 20:12).

          “Buy the truth and sell it not; not only that, but also get discernment and judgment, instruction and understanding” (Proverbs 23:23, Amplified).

          This is not literally buying the Spirit of Truth. (Please, read Isaiah 11:2-3).

          “And He will be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the LORD is his treasure (Isaiah 33:6).

          There is precious treasure [see Isaiah 33:6] and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish [virgin] swallows it up” (Proverbs 21:20, NASB).

          Being a wise virgin includes possessing His treasure.

          I am sealed – as defined by Scripture, thank you Lord.

          “And do not make the Holy Spirit sad [grieve/bring sorrow to the Holy Spirit]. The Spirit is God’s proof that you belong to him and he will make you free when the final day comes […by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption]” (Ephesians 4:30, Expanded Translation).

          Grieve the Holy Spirit could mean to diminish, advocate the fullness of His power. This is to say – a vessel that is not filled with enough oil. Savvy?

          I am a child of God and one who belongs to the day/light.

          “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:9-14, ESV).

          “But you, brothers and sisters, are not living in darkness. And so that day [Day of The Lord] will not surprise you like a thief.

          You are all people who belong to the light. You belong to the day. We don’t belong to the night or to darkness.

          So we should not be like other people. We should not be sleeping. We should be awake and have self-control. People who sleep, sleep at night.

          People who drink too much, drink at night [Ephraim included in this crowd].

          But we belong to the day, so we should control ourselves. We should wear faith and love to protect us. And the hope of salvation should be our helmet” (1 Thess. 5:4-8, Easy-to-Read).

          Ephraim (Isaiah 28) is a representation of foolish virgins and the evangelist church leaders – filled with “wine and strong drink” because they do not know His treasure or the contents of the oil, being filled (within Ephesians 5:17-18) as those wise virgins’ vessels.

          These Ephesian “priests and prophets” (church leaders) are described as follows.

          I hope you can translate drunk with wine, seeing that they are not “filled” with the Spirit.

          Remember – being filled with the Spirit is found in Isaiah 11:2-3. The details of being filled are within Proverbs 3 and other passages.

          Ephraim (foolish virgins and their spiritual leaders included):

          “The priests and prophets are drunk [stagger] with beer [strong drink] and are filled with [swallowed by; or confused because of] wine.They stumble from too much beer [strong drink].

          The prophets are drunk [stagger] when they see their visions; the judges [they] stumble when they make their decisions [in judgment]” (Isaiah 28:7, Expanded Translation).

          Ephraim (foolish virgins) don’t know their position in Christ, the power of His name (authority) or the power of His blood (spiritual and literal).

          They do not know what it means to be filled with the Spirit.

          They have the appearance of godliness but deny (abdicate) the power thereof (Might/Strength of the Spirit). Therefore, they grieve the Holy Spirit and their vessel is not full. Savvy?

          They lack wisdom, understanding and knowledge (given by the Spirit, which would fill their vessel with spiritual discernment).

          These don’t comprehend binding/casting out demons in His name.

          How do they expect to overcome when faced with a tremendous demonic presence manifested on earth?

          Therefore, Ephraim do not comprehend Revelation 12:11 and by their own “drunkenness” and lack of “wisdom, knowledge and understanding (given by the Spirit) they left outside the door without His stability (Isaiah 33:6), during the time of a great storm (tribulation). A house built upon the Rock.

          Ephraim is not listed in the 144,000 (tribes), replacing the tribes Dan and Levy (idolatry, worshiping The Beast) for a reason.

          Ephraim, their teachers and others foolish virgins, think they will be a “rapture” to escape (removed from the earth) at the time of great testing of faith, hope and love – they are not prepared to overcome and endure when they awaken. The Day will come upon them as a thief in the night.

          They are not prepared because I think they awaken from sleeping (spiritually not literally), finding that they don’t have enough oil to overcome and endure until He returns (Matthew

          Psalm 25

          • DJ,

            Thank You for your response above.

            I will say this first.

            You have far more courage than I do to express the confidence that you have in yourself regarding your “Sealing and Salvation”.

            It has been my personal experience, (that in drawing closer to God the Father over the years), just how unworthy I am to be in His presence, and how Gracious He is to allow for me to come humbly before Him through nothing but His Son.

            That realization actually magnifies the preciousness of this free Gift, a Gift that I do not take for granted.

            However, I don’t have the same confidence that you do to be able to say that I am “Wise”, and I will leave that all in the hands of the One that will perform that Judgement.

            Where you quote Ephesians 5:17,18. above I believe that what Paul is stating is to be understood both literally and spiritually, rather than just one way and not also considering the other.

            I also agree with the other texts that you have quoted, taken within their literal and spiritual meanings.

            However there is nothing that you could provide speculatively, (not based upon Scripture) that could convince me that Ephraim is somehow the Assembly or Church. It could very well represent a type, or be a foreshadowing, but for the reasons that I’ve stated above in my other posts, I do not believe that Ephraim is the Church and Body of Yeshua, though indeed they are foolish. (Whereas all of the Tribes have been foolish at one point or another throughout history.)

            I happen to believe in a “gathering and rapture”, and you don’t.

            My belief in that particular event is based upon way more Scripture than you could provide to substantiate your Ephraim theory, (you can’t provide any Scripture whatsoever either form the Tanakh or from the New Covenant text that would substantiate this speculation).

            However, I don’t call you “foolish” and categorize you as being a “foolish virgin”.

            We are in a brand New Covenant which is all about the Spirit, our heart relationship, and how we demonstrate our love for others now.

            And I will accept whatever the Judgement that our Righteous Judge makes regarding me.

            You don’t hold that position of judge, and the above response to me sounds more like the parable of Luke 18:9-14. than anything else.

            Nonetheless, Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua our Everything.

            • DJ,

              You appear to respect John’s writings, (though he must also be a foolish virgin, being a believer in a gathering as well), but maybe you should read this?


              Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.

            • Greg,

              You said above –

              “However, I don’t have the same confidence that you do to be able to say that I am “Wise”, and I will leave that all in the hands of the One that will perform that Judgement.”


              Well then, “Oh brother, where art thou?”

              You are either going to wake up wise or foolish.

              Now you suggest that I have courage to make the proclaim that I am a wise virgin?

              It is faith.

              If you are “in Christ” then you should know (be assured) that you are a wise virgin within the house not sent running around outside seeking oil for your vessel.

              Scripture tells us who is wise and to be wise not be foolish.

              It made plain, discerning wise from foolish within Scriptures. This is one of the reasons for the foolish to be put out of the house. The foolish don’t know the Scriptures and therefore do not know the Word made flesh.

              Paul explains over and over. John also expresses this over and over.

              The book of Proverbs chapters 2-4 and more.

              The Scriptures provides the Believer with enough information/insight to be confident in who they are: Children of God (Day/Light), wise virgins, servants of the Lord, and disciples (followers) of the Lord.

              So don’t be foolish [virgins] with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine [Ephraim, Isaiah 28], which will ruin your life, but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:17-18, ESV).

              The above verse is about as direct a correlation between the Ephraim (Isaiah 28) and the foolish virgins as I can present.

              I want to grow, learning more because I am a work in progress.

              However, in this I have confidence – my house is built upon the Rock. He is my light. I know what the oil is within my vessel and I seek to be filled.

              “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44).

              I found that treasure recently, thank you Lord.

              Did you even watch this message?

              Derek Prince actually binds/expels demons – so he must be a disciple (Mark 16:17-18).

              If you want to comprehend the treasure in the field and The Lord’s Treasure, then please watch this message. This is critical to being a wise virgin.

              So then, I can draw near with confidence before the Thrown, knowing my position.

              “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:15-16).

              I’m humbled by the mercy and grace given to me, because my righteousness is filthy rages.

              My confidence is knowing that He bestowed and is capable of filling me with the Spirit of Truth. I must seek the living water and drink it up. He leads me beside the still water (Psalm 23:1-3) so that I may drink. He does not force me to drink.

              So I pray – Colossians 1:9-14, praying to be “filled” to the brim with the precious oil:

              “Since the day we heard these things about you, we have continued praying for you (ongoing, perpetual).

              This is what we pray: asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

              May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light…(Colossians 1:9-14, ESV).

              Psalm 25

  385. Al,

    I’m looking forward to reading your e-mail message. You know my address, yes?

    Please – reply here/below, letting me know that you sent the e-mail.

    Then, after seeing your reply on Heaven Awaits, I’ll know you have sent the message and I’ll open that particular aol mail box.

    Proverbs 21:20

  386. DJ,

    This is in reply to your post. I believe I remember your e-mail address. I will try and access it later today.

  387. Al,

    I didn’t see a message from you.

    Let’s try again.

    BTW – Does your last name begin with the letter S ?

  388. Greg,

    I’m just now reading all email messages since my last post. So, I’ll reply to some of your thoughtful comments. (They are all thoughtful).

    “The trick and where the difficulty appears to lie, is in understanding the fullness of what this New Covenant consists of, and that it is different than that of the Mosaic one, (Jeremiah 31:31-34. which is still in the process of being fulfilled within its entirety), and utilizing that discernment to now walk in the Spirit, rather than in the letter.”

    Greg, we are not to lean (rely) on our own understanding – but to lean/rely upon His.

    Understanding comes from the Spirit.

    Understanding is one of the 7 Spirits of God (Isaiah 11:2-3).

    His understanding Is explained within Proverbs chapters 2-4 and other passages.


    Truth as in – “I the Way, the Truth and the Life” – is contained within the fullness of the 7 Spirits of God. It is the fullness of the Spirit.

    The “fullness” of the New Covenant (new and better promise) that you write about is found in Jeremiah 31:31-34.

    He offers this New Covenant through the shed blood of His Son. His blood is the atonement upon the altar, which supersedes the Old Covenant.

    The relationship with God is offered by God through the Son – my personal Messiah. I choose to accept His mercy and grace, thank you Lord.

    What is there to discern about the New Covenant?

    It is amazing Grace – “how sweet the sound”.

    The problem (in my opinion) or the trick as you put it – is in grieving the Spirit.

    We are to stay away from those who “have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5).

    What is it about denying the power (might) of the Spirit?

    Ephraim, evangelicals, deny the power of the Spirit all the time!

    Evangelicals are quick to express the attribute of “counsel/advisor” to the Holy Spirit but negate the might/power and comprehending the fear of the Lord.

    This denial of the power (might) also grieves the Spirit.

    The Spirit wants to fill up the vessels with knowledge and understanding in order to discern. But, denial of His power (might) along with a genuine “fear of the Lord” are egregious.

    In my opinion – in order to be filled with the Spirit it is imperative to graciously acknowledge (not deny, dismiss, negate) His power (might) and other attributes (7 Spirits of God) that He is capable of filling within me.

    The Spirit desires to bestow, filling Believers up with what Paul offers within his prayer. It is a prayer for the Believer to receive in full measure, continually.

    What is the will of the Lord? To be filled with the Spirit!

    Why? To know the Truth and all that is available to us by the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13).

    What is Paul praying for to occur in Believers?

    “Since the day we heard these things about you, we have continued praying for you (ongoing, perpetual).

    This is what we pray: asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

    May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light…(Colossians 1:9-14, ESV).

    Psalm 27

    • DJ,

      Marianne hit the nail on the head with her comment above.
      That’s rather amusing that you didn’t comprehend that simple message within my post, (especially when I had provided the parable of Luke 18:9-14. for you to take into consideration.)

      Personally I approach the Father in awe, reverence, and with a humble heart, knowing that though His Son’s sacrifice for me is my Salvation and Reconciliation, being flesh myself, I could possibly blow it at any time. Therefore I just don’t count my chickens before they’re hatched.
      Yeshua is my Hope, not my “I’ve already attained perfection”.

      You say above, “Derek Prince actually binds/expels demons – so he must be a disciple (Mark 16:17-18).”
      Now I am not referring to Mr. Prince here within the following example per se, but have you considered the following regarding your determination that “binding and casting out demons makes one a disciple”, rather than it is more the Power of Yeshua’s Name, instead of the “vessel” being wise?

      “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?” (Matthew 7:22.)
      Though these will say that they have casted out devils, they will still hear the Lord say to them, “I never knew you. Depart from me you that work iniquity.”

      Regarding your question as to whether or not I had watched Mr. Prince’s message that you had posted. Nope!
      And I don’t believe that his message “is any way more critical” to becoming “wise” than what is recorded within Scripture.
      As you yourself say, “The Scriptures provides the Believer with enough information/insight to be confident in who they are: Children of God (Day/Light), wise virgins, servants of the Lord, and disciples (followers) of the Lord.”
      But then you contradict yourself a few sentences later, by saying that Mr. Prince’s message is “critical to being a wise virgin”. (?)

      Wherein the problem lies, is in “understanding that Scripture”.

      You say that you have confidence….. Well so do the JW’s, and Mormon’s etc.
      However they believe in a different Gospel other than what Paul taught, yet they have “faith” too, (just as you do).
      You say above that “your house is built upon the Rock”.
      Is it?
      Are Nathan’s hot dogs a part of that foundation according to Paul?
      Perhaps it would be “wise” to familiarize yourself again with Galatians 1:6-9. again?

      In respects to your last post above…..
      To me it appears that you have developed almost a “replacement theology” around Ephraim, rather than accepting what is stated within the text itself as being those from Israel during end times.
      It is like debating with Tom who believes that the giving of the Holy Spirit was the actual return of Yeshua.
      So I have no further comment.

      You believe what you wish to believe, and I’ll do the same. And we will both leave the judgement up to God.

      Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua.
      He is All that is necessary.

      • you may be referring to us all as uncompleted works, not looking behind, but striving toward the mark

        Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, Phl 3:13

        I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phil 3:14

      • DJ,

        I’ll leave you with this…..
        What if, (and by “what if” I mean, contemplate, take into account, use some common sense), what if you are possibly not the oracle of knowledge regarding Gods Word that you perceive yourself to be? What if you haven’t understood the Gospel message at all?

        Facts to consider that can be Biblically substantiated;

        (1) Yeshua chose Paul for a specific commission. (Acts 9:15,16.)

        (2) Luke testifies, and witnesses the witness of Ananias, that Yeshua had chosen Paul as a vessel to bear His Name to the Gentiles. (Acts 9:15,16.)

        (3) Paul receives the revelation of the Gospel directly from Yeshua Himself when he is “caught up” to the third heaven.
        (Galatians 1:11,12.- 2 Corinthians 12:1-5., Ephesians 3:3.)

        Therefore from the above, a another “common sense fact” can be established which is,….
        Since neither God nor Yeshua would desire that this commission be jeopardized is any way, (and possibly place the death of Yeshua in vain), They picked the perfect individual, and equipped Paul fully with the necessary information to spread the word of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

        Now, this would mean that in Paul’s epistle’s he is clarifying and instructing those new believers.
        Within many of these epistle’s he is answering questions that they had posed and is providing further instructions as to how to walk in their new found faith.

        Paul even states in Ephesians 3:1-5.;

        “For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles—if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already, BY WHICH, WHEN YOU READ, YOU MAY UNDERSTAND MY KNOWLEDGE IN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST), which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets:”

        And again within 2 Corinthians 1:13., Paul say’s;

        “Yes” the Scriptures were also meant for us, (those that were drawn by God and came to believe years after His death).
        God has provided us with the Scriptures for our understanding too, but the first century Church was uneducated and surrounded by false religions, therefore it was imperative for Paul to make them understand the “truth” to fulfill his commission and to serve God.
        Therefore much of that “truth” is expressed “literally”, and not spiritually, so that this “truth” simply can’t be misconstrued.

        However when someone feels that it’s necessary to put a spiritual “twist” upon text that was meant to be literal, then is it any wonder that they end up all over the map theologically?

        It is my suggestion that you contemplate those verses above in their literal sense and at face value, then re-evaluate that which you believe.
        For if ones theology doesn’t fully line up with Paul’s Gospel, then they not only do not fully understand it, but they are also questioning the Fathers and the Sons choice regarding Paul as well.

        “Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which “untaught and unstable people twist” to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. 2 Peter 3:14-16.

        Be Blessed “IN” Yeshua our Everything.

  389. My Name is Sarah, From United Kingdom. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr.Sammy has just done for me,this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called Mr.Kenny we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email:( then you won’t believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr.Sammy for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

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  390. I have noticed that people as soon they hear my voice they start laughing stupid.and they changed seat as they

  391. Hi,I am Tulika,i have been facing rejections,hatred since i was a little kid without any reason from my teachers and peers .Despite i was a shy ,innocent and honest girl everyone used to tease me and bully me in every manner.till today when i am grown up with good speaking capability,a friendly personality and good educational skills still i feel lonely and rejected anywhere i go.I am very helpful and hold the ability to be a true friend,i love animals,i follow rules and disciplines but still i feel rejected,no one understands me,no one loves me.I was always looking for an answer to this situation of my life but now this article has satisfied my quest.THANKYOU SO MUCH!

    • dear Tulika

      You sound like you still carry a spirit of rejection over you from the curses spoken to you as a child.

      this spirit will cause others to continue to reject you, as they “see something wrong with you” but don’t know what it is. people will avoid others that confuse them like this.

      You first need to love yourself, and speak blessings over yourself, cancelling any curses over you.

      rededicate yourself to the Lord Jesus by saying the salvation prayer out loud, so any spirits can hear you. remember he loves you very much, and it is HIS opinion of you that counts, not others, although the goal is to win favor with other people.

      I am sending you some prayers for deliverance against curses, prayers for blessing and prayers for strength. print them out and say them each day. I will be in agreement with you.

  392. I haven’t posted here in a while. But my mind is always thinking about this blog post when I am interacting with some rude people on a daily basis. But I am glad now to have a few good friends at church who are sweet. Anyway, it causes me frustration that some of my relatives or other people think I am doing something to provoke so many people to dislike me. I’m honestly just being my normal self. I’m friendly to people and 90% of the time the people are just mean for no reason. My question to Maryann is, what can I do to make my relatives see that you don’t have to say or do anything to anyone for them to hate you? I’m sick of people thinking I provoke it.

  393. Greater is He!
    It’s like a lightbulb went on in my head…………awwwwww…… So that’s why?
    Makes sense to me!!!

  394. Marianne, (please excuse my English, I’m French)
    I knew I was persecuted but this makes so much sens to me now! It’s so comforting to know that a lot of real Christians experience the same thing. From time to time some people even spit on the sidewalk when they pass next to me or look at me with disgust, after many years of this now I find it funny. I must say that God blessed me with a nice face and figure so obviously people are not rejecting me because of the way I look. In the same way, some people stick to me, want to hug me or want me around all the time as if I was providing them with something they absolutely need. In spite of this I’ve lived a very lonely life because after a while most of them realize I can see through them and they start feeling guilty around me. I think persecuted Christians are the true Church and we’ll all meet in heaven someday. Praise the Lord!

    • dear MJ

      If God made you attractive, then that is a blessing and a gift, and you should not be harmed for this.

      neither should you be ashamed.

      so people either use you or hate you.

      this was not what god intended.

      but then, this world is not what it should be…so this is the fault of the world around you, and not your fault

      continue to lead your life with self confidence and self respect.

      I pray God sends along some good people to fill your life…you do not need a mob of people…just a few good ones who love you for who you are.

      I am also sending a few prayers for strength..and against curses that people speak. print them out and say each day…. I will be in agreement with you.

  395. My take on this has nothing to do with demons. I could tell you from experience that there are people that I didn’t like just looking into their eyes. You have to remember that the eyes are the windows to the soul and if you are “sensitive” enough to see it, you will see a lot about a person that way. I have found people who think they are so attractive with ugly souls. Even unattractive people have unattractive souls as well. I’ve seen unattractive and attractive people with beautiful souls. Humans are animals and we do pick up with a sixth sense which tells us if someone is not good for us to be around. Even animals like dogs have that instinct much better than we do. If they growl at someone, pay attention!

    • This is to Aventador from July 2014….I am a born-again Christian
      who loves God and loves people. I have the Holy Spirit inside of
      me. For many years I’ve had people come against me for NO
      reason. I’m not crazy….I know I’ve done nothing to warrant this
      reaction from them. I know I’m not perfect but no human being
      is perfect. I try to see everyone as someone that Jesus
      loves. I try to look beyond appearance and even behavior to
      see their potential and their value to God. How is that you think
      that you can see “unattractive souls”? Are you even a Christian?
      And if not, why did you even visit this site? As a true Christian
      when I see someone suffering or looking sad, or lonely, that
      causes me to want to kind to them. By the way, dogs and other
      animals love me….If no one ever comes against you for
      absolutely NO reason, you might want to question why. Or maybe
      you are one that judges people on sight and are trying to find
      ways to justify your behavior.

  396. Jusy read this and I must say, what a load of rubbish this article is. The first paragraph pulled me in but the second one made me choke. Demons? The hell?

  397. I am sorry to say this is not rubbish – that I have experienced this happen to me quiet a lot and it also Jesus experienced being hated for no reason except doing the right thing by the Jewish priests and I can say other people in this world have experienced being hated for no apparent reason.

  398. IfIDidIt,

    Maybe you should watch movies like “Ghost Busters” and “The Matrix” to better appreciate spiritual warfare.

    Ghost Busters is very funny – I enjoy the same work without a backpack power source. Those weapons/backpacks are very creative props with dramatic visual affects.

    Ghost are demons: “They’re real. They’re mean. They’re here.”

    It is a very funny movie. However, the reality of demonic spirits is not so funny.

    The “Matrix” is what the Bible identifies as “The Beast”.

    “Smiths” are a creative interpretation of demonic spirits controlling an individual. Smiths (demons) are influential enough to manipulate a society.

    How about “Poltergeist” – another flick with some insights into the powers of darkness. Those are spiritual portals – openings for demonic spirits. Yup – it’s real and they are mean.

    The writers/producers of these and other movies understand the concepts and realities, making a good profit.

    Demons (ghosts, evil spirits, powers of darkness) affect an individual’s thinking, behavior and actions. That is why we are to put on the Armor of God.

    Armor of God Prayer

    Let me know if you have any questions or need any other information.


  399. I Think Only 88% Of People Who Hate Me Because I Am Sometimes Get
    Into A Big Trouble With People That Always Get Me Into More Trouble Wi
    th Everything I Do That Made People Hate Me!

    PS I Don’t Care!

  400. Excellent ..ty

  401. I am so over joyed that I searched this topic today! It has been eye opening. I’ve thought for years and years that there was something repulsive or deformed about me that made people ignore me, give me dirty looks, stare at me, even ‘friends’ to turn away from me, even so called Christian friends. My story is a long one of rejection. My daughter experiences the same treatment that I do and when we’re together it’s even worse, daggers fly at us. I was raised in a Christian church/home as was my daughter. I was baptized at 14 and that’s when the attacks really began for me, teen years that was really bad timing. For my daughter it started even younger, she was bullied and picked on to the point that I had to intervene on her behalf. But the only explanation I had for her was that people were envious of her. We are both athletic and petite she blond blue eyed and me brunette and brown eyed. I have been mystified by the treatment we both receive since I believe my mom to be the purest of heart and mind on earth and EVERYONE loves her, mind you she is petite as well and her spirit shines bright, bright, bright! I always told my daughter that other women/girls are/were envious of her but believed in my heart that there must be something more to it and that there is fundamentally wrong with me; i don’t believe any of this treatment has to do with appearances. Although I wasn’t really quite sure why I’ve been treated so rudely until today. We are both very perceptive of people’s personalities, auras and spirit and don’t let people get by with being mean and rude to us, but it is still hurtful. Last week, I was checking out at a local shop, the clerk never looked up at me, kept her eyes lowered the entire time, never smiled nothing until the very last moment, handing me my purchase she glared at me as if to say ‘I hate you and the fact that you’re in my presence’. She had treated the patron before me entirely differently she was chatty and friendly to her. I was so perplexed! I was on a cruise a couple years ago and there was one woman that I would know immediately when she entered the same room/area I was in, I wouldn’t even have to see her, I now believe the holy spirit of God with me alarmed her and the demon with her.
    It’s sad but I am surprised when someone I don’t know is nice to me. Thank the Lord for my family or I would be a lonely recluse, I dread going out because I know how I will be treated and stared at. I have always known that God has a plan for me and believe all that I’ve been through is just preparation. Now I will see this treatment in a totally different light. Thanks!

    • hi tina

      unfortunately, most people are negative now.

      stick close to those with a pure spirit, and use this, along with god’s love, for strength…

  402. I thought that if people don’t like you, they ignore you and leave you alone. Why do they have to make an effort and go out of their way to SHOW me they don’t like me? I don’t mind sitting at a table and being by myself, but when another group of people(like 4-5) are staring at my table and continue looking at me, then that’s when it’s bothersome.

    It’s like, if you don’t like me, why are you taking all the time out your life and day to bother me?

    • jaira

      they have demons… they will not act normal….

      • Marianne, a severe problem I have is ignoring them. Like when I see someone in line giving me a mean look out of everyone else, I feel obligated to challenge them and give them a mean stand-my-ground i’m-not-scared-of-you look back. Then i end up with a throbbing headache because I’m trying to ward all these demons from bothering me so I won’t feel weak. But it’s soo many of them and it doesn’t even work, they continue to do it and even if they’ve stopped bothering me they start up again seconds later.

        How do I just plain IGNORE them…..this is my problem. I don’t ignore because I can’t stand the fact that I have to turn the other way and let the demon have the glory of winning. I could of course look at my phone or just look another direction but then I’d feel defeated…like I let this stupid demon win.

        I was walking to class and this person just automatically turned their head up at me as if they had a problem with me and just stared which also caused their posse of friends to stare too. So I just stood there staring back until they stopped then I went on into class.

        Should I ignore or continue standing my ground and just risk a migraine-like headache? And if I am to ignore, please tell me how to do it? It’s really hard to ignore people/demons who are always in your face bothering you.


        • Jaira

          To ignore them is to give them victory. you have to face them. ask them what they want, or what is wrong with them.

          bible says to bless those that curse you, so bless them out loud…that will surprise them, and just show you are being positive….

          say how can I help you, god bless you today…..see what happens next….I am guessing they will get mad and walk away, but that also means you won. 🙂

  403. Hello, If a person is walking with satan satan doesn’t bother him on certain levels. Reading this article I said to myself that sounds like me. And it is a lonely place. But the Holy Spirit had already told me why this was happening. And it was confirmed here. Everyone has an opinion and that’s fine. One thing that struck me and brought joy to my heart was that God will put a hedge around you. He revealed it to me one day. It looked like a moon bean. When He revealed it to me I could not hear anything. also, I saw the words coming out of the person’s mouth in the form of a mist. I saw it strike the shield and bounce off causing a streak. I was over joyed, too, at the confirmation that God sends angels to protect you. Every night when I would lay down to go to sleep I would feel a squeezing on my heart. But I would always manage to sit up and pray…”My heart is alright with the Lord” I would keep saying it until the squeezing would stop. But this night as I lay there waiting for it to happen..I glanced over my head and saw a demon. I had seen him before. And when he saw that I could see him he walked hurriedly to the door into the light coming into the hallway from the bathroom (I can only see them in the dark and semi dark. That’s why I sleep with a light on.) As he reached the door I my right a cloaked figure flying thru the air with his right arm extended as if he were carrying a sword or something. They reached the door at the same time. In the light I couldn’t see either of them..but I heard them clashing very loudly. There are so many other incidences that have happened to me..and I want you all to know…The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob exists. He sent an angel to walk me home late one night when my friend abandon me. Angels are very tall. I’ve seen so much of the Lord revealing Himself to me. But, they are all covered up from head to toe. He speaks to me..He chastises me. I asked “How will I know when you are speaking to me?” He says “You will know. ” “But, How will I know?” He says “You will know.” And when I was about to ask again the question left me and I felt a sprinkling coming over me. I had felt this sprinkling another time when I had talked to Him. In closing I want to say this before I leave. I said “Lord, maybe I need to go to a theologian school before I try to talk to people about these things.” He gave Me 1st John 2nd C. 27th verse: “But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you and you need not that any man teach you; but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him.” So, that freed me to stop worrying that I would say ‘He said’ when ‘He really had not said’. God Loves us so much….give Him a chance (give yourself a chance) get to know Him. Did you know we make the Holy Spirit grieve..He told me we did. My prayers be with you all.

  404. mai77,


    Psalm 70:4

    “Let all those that seek you rejoice and be glad in you: and let such as love your salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.”

    Psalm 5:11 But let all those that put their trust in you rejoice: let them ever…
    Psalm 35:27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: …

    Psalm 40:16 Let all those that seek you rejoice and be glad in you: let such…

    Psalm 97:12 Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance …

    Isaiah 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my…

    Isaiah 65:13 Therefore thus said the Lord GOD, Behold, my servants shall eat, …

    Lamentations 3:25 The LORD is good to them that wait for him, to the soul that seeks him.

    John 16:20 Truly, truly, I say to you, That you shall weep and lament, but the…

    BTW –

    It is not knowledge of the Lord that is important but acknowledging Him as Lord.

    His treasure is the Fear of The Lord (Isaiah 33:6), which is reverence and awe of Him.

    Now, maybe we can understand, appreciate the parable of the treasure buried in the field?

    Blessings to you!
    Psalm 20

  405. I do not know how i came across this site really but i have gone through this as long as i can remember. I remember when i was young some members of our church came over to visit with my grandmother and as i greeted them they looked at me like, i can not describe it but i felt like something was wrong with me. Once when i was trying to go to sleep something scratched my legs something big and i started kicking and screaming, my mom came in my room and said it was just a dream but i was not sleeping. I have had strange things happen all my life along with no one liking me not even some relatives. When i was a teenager two relatives told me when i look at someone it feels like i could see everything they had just done, I had no idea what that meant, it made me feel bad though. This is very strange but sometimes i see people with very dark eyes and they focus on me it’s like i am living in a horror movie. Am i bad or evil, i must be because why else would these things be happening to me?

    • Rosa

      It sounds like you have had negative things and people around you, which can bring bad spirits around you. And you are sensitive, and can feel this presence.

      Do you have large eyes? just curious, because people with large eyes tend to give the impression that they can pierce into people’s souls…my daughter has large eyes….so I know.

      you are not bad or evil just because you can feel evil around you.

      I am sending you a prayer covering for your life. print it out and say it each day. I will be in agreement with you.

      • Thank you Marianne for your reply, my eyes are not large but i seem to really freak some people. I just go on about my business and avoid them as much as possible, oh and thank you for the prayer!

  406. Rosa , you are not the only one. When I was a young child I use to have dreams about snakes and black panthers. I dreamed that the snake went under me and the panther was outside. This went on for years not all the time and I had trouble with people and relatives who gave me a hard time. Some one said it was a fear of danger or evil. Some relatives and people from the Church did not like me. I could see through them for what they were. When something is wrong with a person or situation, I get a sharp dole pain in my chest just for a few seconds and it turns out to be something wrong – not straight away it might happen a few days later with that person or situation. A Paster from a Church in which I was going to, told me that I had a discerning spirit in me and people can sense that and they don’t like it – especially if they are up to no good. I am 62 years of age and I still get a dole, sharp pain when something is not right.

    I think that you have a discerning spirit in you when you can see people with very dark eyes sometimes. People don’t like that – the demons in them don’t like your discerning spirit. Also, that big thing that was scratching your legs when you were young could be a demon who did not like your discerning spirit.

  407. Oh my God, Thank you for your reply. I am 61 now and my ears ring and then something wrong happens. you can not tell people about what you are going through because they think you are losing it! It is good to know i am not the only one, and there is nothing wrong with me.

  408. Rosa, it is very hard in one sense living with a discerning spirit – but good in another – you can get a warning. When I am with a group of people – say at work or at Church sometimes – they have a tendency to avoid me and only want me if they think they can get something out of me. I get a heaving feeling inside of me when this happens – does this happen to you? I have only a few close friends who excepts me for what I am – does this happen to you?

  409. Thanks for a special lesson,my mind has been opened,because I have known the spiritual truth.

  410. So pleased to hear this. It’ s true & timeless. But if we aren’t told this we can blindly go through life not understanding why we are picked on, excluded, blamed, scapegoated, ignored, unappreciated ect. This explains it.

  411. I respect the opinion of everyone in this forum. I believe in God, because I see Him through the complexity of my body and this universe that we are all trapped in. God did not talk to us. He could but did not. This is entirely my opinion, if you never hurt any other human being, avoid evil things like pornification, never abuse your wife and children and respect your neighbors, I don’t see why you will not go to heaven.

    You see, religion is a major business today. These preachers who are basically in business try to tell you the sky is falling as though they are plugged into God, when in reality, the source of their preaching is from a collection of historical documents that were written, rewritten and rewritten by men of their time. Just go back in history and count how many people died because everyone wanted his opinion or what he claimed that he heard from Jesus be included in the bible. Blood was shed to force people believe what these men under the order of kings and emperors, wrote in the books we call today “Bible”. Yet, people think they are reading the words of God. Men are fallible, God is not.

    Christians used Paul’s words to justify lynching Blacks. “Christians” sang hymns at the lynchings of Blacks for the crime of being Black…all based on the interpretation of the Bible, and all of them going home feeling holier. When did the Bible change? No wonder the Church is dying off.

    Paul was 100% sure that Jesus will come back during his time, and yet we are still here and no sign of Jesus coming back. Jesus was a Prophet and a good man of his time. He always preached to do good things and ask God forgiveness. Never did he say that he was the son of God or he will die for us. He knew that he could not save anybody nor was he able to save his own life. All of these buzz words you are hearing today from preachers are fabrications added into these hundreds of different bibles flying everywhere and written by wicked people of different agenda. Preachers don’t make the truth. They either report it or distort it.

    • tony

      as you know, opinion is easy to come by, but I think you would agree is what is actually true is what is important.

      yes, about 90% of ALL people are fake, or wrong, or evil, or there is just something wrong with them

      so why listen to them?

      what matter is what does God say is true.?….if you cannot believe him, then you cannot believe anyone, even yourself

      forget history and the people around you, especially anyone rich who is on TV.

      paul anticipated the return of the Lord, but he had no proof when that would happen. John described the return of the Lord and the conditions of the world when it would happen. this is the book of revelation….a book I have been reading and re reading for 40 years.

      I suggest you read it. it may open your eyes…if you are really looking for truth, the holy spirit will show you that the times prophesied 2000 years ago match the times we are in right now….and that there are things in there that have not happened yet, but they are getting ready to happen….

      do not go to man for truth…go to God.

      read the book of John, and then the book of revelation…and ask god to give you discernment as to the interpretation….I would be glad to answer questions ….

  412. Please for God’s sake help me.the house I live in has been overrun with such evil that every time I close my eyes I see disgusting evil dirty things. I have prayed all my life but it doesn’t work and now I’m totally surrounded. The devil sent evil people pretending to be good and my neighbour who stalks me and watches me and when I rang the police they said he’s mental health and we can’t do anything and he does it to others as well.the incredible evil from his flat comes into mine and I have nightmares every night
    He took over the house from his dead girlfriend who used to scream every night and then died of cancer and I fear I’m next. For a few days he’s been killing my spirit and coming into my body. I want to leave but it’s government housing and a transfer takes years or a long time or never. I have been to mental health myself but most people in there are evil too and the doctors are often atheists and cold as ice for God’s sake help me because I have got a chemical, hormone in my blood that alludes to cancer and I have been targeted by evil since i was a child. I have no peace I am falling

    • dear ARI

      are you a christian? you say you pray but what faith are you?

      there are some who have been raised in a church and are called christians but there are still not saved by the blood of jesus. this takes repentance and getting forgiveness for their sins. have you done this?

      if you have sin in your life, evil has more power to hurt you.

      it sounds like you have more fear than faith.

      a born again christian knows their authority in christ, and takes command over demons.

      are you born again? or would you like to be?

      once a person is born again, he has more chance of being successful in fighting evil around him. it won’t matter if there are crazy people around you. you will be able to handle them, stand up to them, and rebuke all their curses and demons.

      it is also possible that you are a christian but you are ignorant.

      please let me know your status and answer my questions….then we can go further with this.

  413. It’s very sad my life’ I stay at my moms and one morning I woke up and found that my hair had been cut!! I told her! And ask who cut my hair’ she replied ‘ it wasn’t me’ really calm . She didn’t even show no concern ‘ I noticed that when she touches me like my back or slap my leg I feel like it’s her doing these bad things to me’ and I have two brothers whom are married to witches’ and I have felt so weird around them as well’ and to top it off my husband has had a affair’ that made him to be so bad’ blasting God & Jesus , and the Holy Spirit .. Now when I tKe pictures of my husband there is another demon face on his so I’m in a Spiritual battle so keep me in prayer plz

  414. Lisa

    You have a discerning spirit and people and relatives don’t like this because you can see the demon in them. I can’t see demons in people, but I get a heavy feeling in my heart when something is not right or a person is not telling the truth or up to no good.

    I asked my mother to come for Christmas Lunch and she made an excuse and I new she was lying. I told me brother in law what had happened and he could see that she did not want to spend Christmas with me. But my sister and brother in law and their daughter invited me for Christmas Dinner and asked me to stay for Boxing Day for Lunch.

    Pray for the protection of Jesus and that his blood will wash the evil demons away attacking you. The Devil is giving people hard times at the moment – just look what is happening in the world today – all the crimes that are happening.

    If you get upset – the demon in people have got you – just smile and get on with your life – this will upset them more because you did not react. I know it is hard – strong character people uplift other people – weak character people put other people down. I can see that you are a strong person.

  415. Thank you very much! It got persecuted all my young life, and never understood why. I didn’t know anything about demon posession. And I picked up that BAD vibe so strongly that the fear showed on my face. I was already protected by the Holy Spirit! Amen. God Bless You for your information. Juls.

  416. Dear Juliana Patrick

    I never understood why until my late forties that I had a discerning spirit only when I told a Anglican Minister who was filled with the spirit, that every time there was something wrong or people were lying that I had a heavy feeling in my heart. He said that I had a discerning spirit and people don’t like me for that reason. Apparently, he had similar things happen to him. Your lucky that God gave you a discerning spirit it comes in handy when things are not right – but the backlash is that people avoid you or don’t like you for that reason.

  417. Hello, yes people hate me on sight. People also insult me for no reason. An Instructor will glance over the netire class pause when he reaches me and frown or give me a dirty look. Every new class or instructor I get. I seem to have so-called resting bitch face, but even when I’m outgoing and go the extra mile for people to treat me at least humanely they still exchange glances when I talk or smile the evil smile. Like don’t they know I see that, do they think they look smart doing that, no they look embarrassing.
    I am a good person I never harbored ill intentions or jealousy and as I got older I realized that 90% of people love to wallow in jealousy and malevolence, they really sit at home an scheme how to be mean. I never had that evilness in me and why should I? I go my way, live my life and don’t wish people bad luck. Why are others so corrupt?
    And I can’t stand to be around bad people, my instincts tell me to keep my distance, that uneasy feeling. But unfortunately evil people can hide their evilness when it suits them, so my parents make me continue to hang out with evil relatives or the like. Even when I explain the situation that I don’t want to spend my time with people who don’t appreciate me because I can’t stand the negative energy (rolling eyes, evil green when something bad happens to me and all over not on the same wavelength) because it drains me, they say things like “don’t judge other people”. NO I’m not judging, I am reacting. Evil people don’t like niceness, I could be the nicest person walking the earth, they still don’t like me.
    Since I am a nice person, honest and loyal I’ve made a lifelong group of like-minded friends who appreciate me but I made the mistake of introducing an evil/toxic friend into that group of friends because I’m too nice despite my instincts telling me not to and it came back biting me in the behind. My friends have welcomed the toxic friend despite her not fitting in, because they’re open-minded and respectful and give everyone a chance. Whenever she used to introduce me to her friends, with whom she’s fallen out of course, they excluded me or made it clear they don’t like me by the way. Now the evil friend is bringing her evilness into the group of friends and tries to pit my friends against me. Instead of being thankful or at least content that I’ve taken her into my social circle when she had no one, she continues her evil ways against me. Like what do I have to do for her to see that I don’t wish her anything bad? Why is she so spiteful for no reason?!
    Here’s the creepy thing now. Apart from my life being an endless serious of unfortunate events I noticed that when I take a great, great liking to a person which only ever happened twice in my life, something bad happens to them. Not in a romantic way either, it’s an instant connection where I see that they have a good soul and not a bit of evil in them. I develop an attachment or sincere love for them. I think I’m one of those persons who’s extra sensitive or have deep emotions. Anyway all of a sudden something bad happens to those persons. Not right away but later. I think fond memories of them and months or years down the road it happens.
    Am I cursed? Do I unintentionally cast an evil eye on them? Why them of all people?

    • tina

      you are not cursing anyone…someone else is….and they are cursing you also

      the world is full of evil now…

      you need to do 2 things

      take action against those you KNOW are evil

      I am sending you some prayers against spirits, curses and witchcraft..and for strength….print them out and say them each day… I will be in agreement with you.

      then confront the evil person and tell them you know what they are doing…that they are evil. and you will pray against them.

      then tell your good friends that they are evil and to shun the evil person..that this is nothing but trouble and the evil person is a LIAR and a witch..

      stand up for your self…get in people’s faces and confront them….

      anticipate back stabbing and counter act it…if there are lies, then you tell them the truth.

      let people know you do not tolerate negative behavior, and that includes your family…. you are old enough to choose who you associate with now and if a family member is negative you will ignore them until they improve their behavior.

    • I sent you an email but it came back.

      • Oops, my bad. Could you send it again to this address? Thank you very much for your advice. Yes, I’m starting to learn to stand up for myself and if I’m the “bad guy” because I won’t play a doormat anymore, so be it, at least people learn that you won’t let yourself be disrespected.
        wish you all the best.

  418. Hi Marianne,

    I notice people tend to give me double looks. You know how you look at something, look away, then look back at it again, but this time more intense?

    That happens to me aaaaaaaaaaa LOT……so what I want to know is what is it that people see? They must see SOMETHING right? People literally break their necks to look at me…..what do they seeeee? Is there some orb around me, am I glowing, do they see angels, can they see something supernatural around me?? I’m average, I’m no miss America. I’ve been around beautiful ppl, and they get compliments left and right. I don’t. So, it’s not a looks thing. What is it they see that causes them to either double look or just full on stare? How can they see it? Is it even the person looking at me, or something else ?? Do I not look human to them??? What is it!!!?

    • etali

      the post explains this. read above.

      • Ok. Can you explain something that isn’t up there? I get way better treatment when I’m wearing a hat. It doesn’t matter what type of hat. I don’t wear them for stylish purposes, but either cuz it’s cold, or I want shade from the sun. When I’m wearing a hat, people smile at me, say hello to me, they aren’t afraid to talk to me or approach me. Guys stare at me while smiling or try to flirt, people are much nicer to me. People like me all cuz of a stupid hat. It’s almost like I’m one of them. The treatment I get from no hat to a hat is like night and day. And when I’m not wearing a hat, or covering my head up, it’s back to the treatment you explained above. Hateful, cold looks, negative treatment, no smiles from women or men, ppl ticked off at me for reason, etc……

        Why is this?? What is it about a hat or lack thereof that determines how I’ll get treated?

        • Well, I was serious about that question, but you don’t have to answer. It’s fine.


          God Bless

          • etali

            a hat has nothing to do with it. it is how you project yourself.

            it seems that when you wear a hat, you feel different, and this effects the response of people. they are still reacting to your spirit.

            you are getting superstitious about your hat, however.

            but if it helps you, then wear one.

  419. I can relate to all of this. Every bit of it rings true for me. Its been happening my whole life but the last four years have been so bad. Its like I’ve been cu*#@d. I reject all of this in the name of Jesus regularly.

    I couldn’t understand why my life had taken on such a burden and that it was not lifting. I thought there was something wrong with me. Like my body doing things I’m not aware of that made people hate me. Then I thought, that is such a strong emotion for mere strangers. People who have not even had a chance to know who you are or what you believe… I make an extra effort to be at peace with them. It doesn’t work. Only rebuking the devil in the name of Jesus works by keeping you out of the limelight and at peace in the Lord. When I have to deal with people there is still the animosity steaming from them. Though they seem resigned to not take things further. These experiences remind me of those in that movie with Denzel Washington where a demon taunted him, passing from person to person as he walked down a busy street.

    Something is amiss in the world. Something purely evil and its getting stronger. I have felt it from time to time especially recently. Just a general bad feeling of dread and sadness that comes and goes without warning. Sleep disruption. It is like a depression/anxiety episode. When I turned on the news my feeling corresponded to events that were happening in the world at the time. Mind you there is always something bad going on. But certain events are worse than others and effect people accordingly. The whole world clamors together.

    I am not a bad person. I have suffered a lot of misfortune do to trusting the wrong people and unwise choices in general but I don’t think I deserve this. Others I know going through the same things are truly good people. Not by their own but through the grace of God. You can see that they are blessed by the Most High. They are holy and share God’s love so widely yet they are always targeted by mean people. It is so sad to watch and makes me feel sick. I hate to see anyone suffer though.

    I think that the forces of evil have been allowed more ground by the sin that has increased exponentially in the world. Their influence is much more direct than it has been. People are allowing themselves to be infiltrated by tacit acceptance of the widespread immoral culture these days. I try to warn those close to me to refer back to the word of God but people that are Christians say I am negative and just to go with it because there is no real harm being done to anyone. Chasing after fame and fortune, worshipping celebrities, accepting sexual immorality, not caring what happens to your brother, trying to move up the ladder of worldly success…they are blinded to the very things we have been warned against. All we can do is try our best to remain pure or clean ourselves up where we’ve fallen astray. Pray for the Holy Spirit to keep us through these times. It will only get worse. Stay prayed up saints.

    • neesa

      I wish you peace and healing for all that you have suffered. this has happened because of who you are in christ, and that the devil wants to oppress the saints. it says in scripture that he “wears them out.”

      this evil we have to confront. we may suffer many wounds, but the battle belongs to the Lord.

      in the end, we will have crowns to cast at his majesty’s feel…it will be such a great relief to finally see him face to face….and rejoice in his presence.

      he know what we go through…. he will make things right for us.

      who knows how we would have turned out if we had not suffered. it must have been a blessing in disguise, even though it hurt.

      we keep our eyes on Him and Him alone…and we can survive anything, and get victory in the end.

  420. I keep coming back to this article over the years for peace of mind because this has been happening to me on a DAILY basis since I was a teen! Every once in a while it does get me down. As a true follower of Jesus I am often in isolation. Really I should rejoice as I’m not of this world! I would appreciate any prayers. I’m going to share a link to this article on my new blog.

  421. Some police here in my community of winnemucca. Nevada. They all ways turn their. Backs on me and they glare at me I have once got a officer. In trouble because. He was saying. Bad words to me and threatened. Me. So please. Help me. I’ve. Cried so many times.I know the Lord he is my savior. Pray for them.

  422. This does Actually make alot of sense.

  423. Miranda – you are in a snake pit – get out of this community and move somewhere else that has a reputation for good police work.

    The best way to avoid people like that is to not react even if you are boiling inside your self. When you react they have got you – smile, turn what they say into a joke and tell them that they are lovely people (even if you can’t stand them at all). This takes a lot of effort to do this – pray to God that he will give you strength to not react. I am a trainer and if I get students who try to give me a hard time – I don’t react and what they say I turn it into a joke and tell them that I care about them and I am here to help them.

    You will probably find it is one bad person who is behind all of this and the group follows – this person is probably jealous of you for some unknown reason or just trying to make out he/she is a “big shot”.

  424. My neighbors hate that I am into some of the same things as them, hates science, is into history and news channel I learned that the other neighbor hates all my hobbies too. One neighbor looks in my windows and is the neighborhood gossip girl. And one of the neighbors is mad with me all the other people surrounding in other houses start saying the same thing. She also said things to subtly talk down to me, I was up all night using the bathroom cause I had overdosed on sodium, she looked in my bathroom through a semi see through window, talked sarcastically to me insulting me when I was in the bathroom again in the morning. One neighbor was fighting me for his religion (even though I said nothing bad about it) he seemed happy and he asked how long I’m staying here (he just met me) and he said is was good if I move away.

    • natalie

      file a police complaint on the gossip girl for stalking you, and being a peeping tom.

      get thick curtains so no one can see in

      do not discuss religion with anyone.

      report the religion guy for threatening you about religion

      get restraining orders on both the gossip girl and religion guy..

      some people are just crazy…

  425. When I first got married my husband and I moved into a very small country town. We decided to pay off our house first as quickly as possible because my husband’s job was not very secure. So we decided to have the minimum essentials for furniture and furnishings until we have enough money to fix up the house. Neighbours made fun of us and called us the poor neighbours and I had out of 3 children – twins with disabilities and the parents told their children not to play with them.

    When I got very sick, after having the twins, my eyes were glassy and dark and neighbours were saying that I was a drug addict. I had pelvic floor infection and after the operation the glassy eyes and dark rings under my eyes went away.

    I understand what you are going through, petty gossip – it is like the words in the song “Harper Valley PTA”. Neighbours who like to big note themselves and have very little to do. – these people are small minded and make judgement on what they don’t understand. Keep away from these people and keep your private matters to yourself. I do this in my town and I only talk only to people who are caring for my family. Nothing good comes out of evil.

  426. well, lol, let’s just avoid speaking about body language, facial looks, facial expressions, body shape etcetera uh? Let’s talk about some untangible stuff like demons and souls lol.

  427. Thank you for this blog. Sometimes I forget that all the drama is spiritual warfare. I keep personalizing it and feel so damaged. I too have people surrounding me accusing me of hurting them, cold stares, & immediate hatred. Nothing I do is right anymore. My character has been assassinated for years. The only funny part of the character assassination is that they can’t accuse me of stealing a dime. I’m pretty sure they have tried and failed over and over again.

    I’ve been a target all of my life but the attacks got really bad when I was born again in 2008. Recently, the attacks have been upped another notch in the last six months especially at work. I’m to the point that I don’t even know who I am anymore. It can be so hard sometimes to hold on to the tiny shred of dignity that I have left. I just want to hide most days.

    I don’t even go to church anymore for this reason and also the recent leadership changed to people that don’t like me at all. We’ve had some pretty serious medical issues in the last few years and it was impossible to make it on the prayer list. This was after serving in the childrens ministry, card ministry, and giving serious money to various causes. Our needs were literally ignored when asking for simple prayer. We never asked for anything there but a prayer. It’s all so discouraging.

    I won’t even go into my in-laws reaction to my salvation and the abuse that followed. This is from my FIL who was serving as a deacon in his church. The MIL has been just awful. I pray that they will find a saving faith soon. All of this has hurt my little girl so very much.

    It’s so bad that I’m hanging on by a thread some days. The attacks get worse when I’m doing bible studies and am immersed in the word. I haven’t been doing them in the last few years so I guess I should get back into the word and let the chips fall where they may. : ) I don’t think I can stay at this job much longer with all the volatility every single day.

    The days are darker and getting tougher to endure by the day. Thank you so much for helping me realize again I’m not who they say I am. I needed this!
    Your sister,

    • connie

      I have been going through the same thing.

      I asked the Lord would I always have to be alone, and he ended up giving me a dog.

      that showed me what He thought of the people around me.

      the dog is nice, but it is still not human company, and I understand feeling isolated.

  428. To add to my post above. I’m a property manager. There have been so so many fiery trials. I cannot believe my husband, who is not saved, is sticking with me.

    As soon as I got saved, I have had a rather large mean bully try to play car chicken with me and then he said I tried to make him have sex with him. This man was at least 230lbs and 6’6″. I’m 5’2″. His girlfriend was vouching for him. All this to set me up for a lawsuit. After fighting that off and winning his ex-wife supeonaed me into her court case against him. The ex-wife didn’t even have the decency to say thank you for going to considerable lengths to appear at courtl. I could have simply stated I would be hostile witness and left but I stayed for the child involved.

    The owner’s aunt who is a malignant narcissist or demon possessed has relentlessly pursued my destruction for ten years. This after I managed her properties for free for five years! The aunt and another employee ganged up on me five years ago in a coo. When that failed the aunt has continued the assault always undermining me every chance she gets. The woman has gotten rid of the owner’s wife and his girlfriend. I’m next.

    The owner has gotten into some weird stuff and probably drugs. He now defends the crazy stuff the aunt does that hurts the other tenants. The aunt and one of her tenants picked on a really nice lady until she literally fled the community. They even accused her of killing a dog. The aunt never stops. I’m literally fighting her off every single day. Now that the owner is now defending his aunt, (against me who represents him) who has been caught red handed causing tons of drama and costing us money, I’ve realized it’s is definitely time for me to go.

    I’m working on preparing financially and am stuck for up to a year. Yuck. I have some pure misery in store for me. We’ll see if I can make it a year. : )

    • connie

      you have a hostile workplace. I had one too. they tried to get me fired after I saved them 1 million dollars. reason was….I could do where they failed.

      hang in there. and document heavily everything you do.

  429. I’m glad you have a dog to help you through. I’ll pray for you.

    On the upside, I have run into other Christians who know immediately I’m a Christian and will talk to me in church lingo without checking to see if I’m saved. They just know. : ) I’m praying now for a sweet lady I ran into at a convenience store. She’s in the thick of it too.

    Take care

  430. If your aunt can see that you are upset – she has got you. Don’t react even if you are boiling underneath. The more you react the more she does this to you. Laugh in her face and make a joke out of what she has said to you – be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.

    This aunt of yours is an opportunist who do anything to get control of people I have worked with that sort of person. I have learned that happiness is the state of mind if you let your aunt’s demons make you unhappy they have won. Jesus was tempted by the devil and his demons so you are not the only one. Try to keep well away or try to avoid your aunt – tell her that you are too busy or in a hurray to talk – just say Hi and goodbye. You can’t reason with this sort of person no matter what you say or do.

    I understand the pain that you are going through – but I tell you that type of person loves setting up people to upset them so people will leave – leave when you are financially ready if you cannot stand it any longer. All the best.

    • Thank you Lynnette. It is so nice to speak to someone that understands exactly what I am dealing with. Very few people get it.

      She hates it when she doesn’t get a reaction and I swear that makes her try even harder. : ) What upsets her even more is my continued employment there. She is used to having her way on everything her whole life and getting someone fired is usually a piece of cake for her. These people never take a break or meds for their condition. Their endurance in pursuing the lies and their target is supernatural. It has to be.

      Thank you for the encouragement and reminder. It’s a tough way to live.

  431. Yes it is not easy dealing with that kind of person – but in this world there are people like that in one way or another. I have dealt with about a dozen people similar to her over the years working. Always backup your information at work especially on the computer and don’t tell anyone you have done this. Always keep your backup information on you all the time and never leave personal information lying around your work station. These kind of people will try to get you fired by sabotaging your work they have done this to me as a last resort.

    Plan what you are going to do for the day or week and be one step ahead. I hope this helps.

  432. This was good teaching for me I go through this a lot because of the anointing on my life I am a seer

  433. It all started at two for me. Now this article either means I come out as negative or positive after today. But it’s worded strangely to confuse me in what I’m thinking today. I met the positive person today but I’m sure they are the positive and the negative. Trying to hurt the negative, because the positive was born to survive and the negative was born, not to survive. In the end of the day, the negative, believes the transfer didn’t happen, but who knows for sure. We never know what the positive person might be hiding while under his armour, because they say, only the devil keeps secrets. So why is the positive still under the armour, and the negative is being harassed. And if the negative becomes the positive, should the positive still be allowed to stand tall and continue to thrive. But you have to hand it to them, war is war, and there are victims.

  434. Ever since i believed that jesus christ is lord our god, and got myself baptised in him, everything changed, Thus how i feel about people emotionally. But i could realise that when I was in the world, it was never like that, when someone dare offend me, i talk my mide and say all sort of insult and go my way, see him or her some other time and wont be anxious of anything, but when i came into christ i became anxious of anything call sin and everything ungodly, yet tho, I’ve dared reconciling with all of them but looks as if it is not working, i greet, talk(saying hi ) to them, but im always feeling a discomfort when i see them approaching, my heart beats so fast as if I’m being chased by something, most at time i ponse over it because it bulges down to a disease, peharps pressure. Some of them hated me from day one, and yet they still hate me. And i thinks what i just red here might be the answer, because circumstances of my life have been god even when i was in the world, life times that i deserve to die, i never died, something can bulge in unfortunately and save my life. God has been with me from day one, because some of my friends are dead but I’m still alive this means better things are yet unborn in christ god for me, his name be forever and ever by my body and soul,amen!!! I’ve in search of remedy for this my problem but looks as if this article is really helpful, thank you for everything and God through our lord JÉSUS CHRIST bless you. Please reply….

    • jay

      the devil does not attack his friends….

      if you belong to god, then expect this but fight back with the power of prayer and blessing yourself each day.

      cancel all curses in jesus name!

  435. I can see whoever this is, is anointed by the father, as I am. As I have spoken the exact same way… That only comes from God’s training.

    Yup I am a full fledged employee of Heaven, anointed by God’s holy hand in 1991. I did something I shouldn’t have done and he accepted my gift. My flesh burned on the altar, from that day, I belonged solely to the Father and Heaven. It has been a rough rough road. Most of the times I am living in complete lack, but I am sustained. Until 2007 when I found an amazing job and made amazing money. That all ended when I stepped foot in this house, a house that is more haunted than any house you will ever see or read about. That if I was not who I am, I would be dead, my children dead, my GF dead. But through faith I BIND whatever is here and what is here is pure evil. It has the power to manipulate water, air, earth and fire. It uses these elements to touch me, hurt me, as it is UNABLE to touch me itself, for to do so, it touches Christ inside me. But it hurts me just the same. I have lost everything while being here. Every door of prosperity that is opened to me, is immediately slammed in my face two seconds later. My children hate my guts (for no reason) I have never done anything to them but protect them from a true abuser their mother) this entity (see instagram) had turned the entire world against me. Everything I touch turns to crap in my hands. It has also surrounded me with the people in my life and has made them hate me as well. Me and my Gf do not even kiss or touch in any way. Even my cat attacks me as I walk by. It is trying everything it’s power to make I do not even know. I can’t kill myself, I can fail, I can quit. Since April 1st 2010 2:38pm (I know the year, the month, the hour, the second,) that God removed his hand from my life. I am the 21st century JOB. I have experienced more sickness and disease here than I have ever. I hurt myself about 25X a day. In the beginning it was like 150X a day. I learned to watch all my sides so that when this thing uses an element to attack me, I am on GUARD! and I avoid it. I actually told God once (if you have guardian angels watching over me)? (see instagram picture you will see them) then they suck at their job lol. After that day, I was far more protected than ever.

    You have no idea what it’s like to live like this and no one cares, in fact, they laugh at you, call you crazy, and they LIVE in the house with you! lol that is the hold this bastard has on everyone here. My eldest daughter treated me so badly, so mean, so cruel, would literally laugh in my face when she saw I was in pain.

    Then we have the souls in this house, something really really bad happened here. So many that have passed on, like a 100 or so. I have the video to prove it. Anytime I reach out to someone for help they turn against me. They are so nasty, extra nasty. When I walk in the streets the looks people give me, worse than ever before. But, children look at me and smile. I KNOW they see Christ inside me. You can’t lie to children, they see it all.

    I have been visited by Lucifer himself (see instagram) I am not afraid… I have tried to show this thing to the media, they HIDE from me. I am cursed literally cursed. No good thing has come to me since 2010. I have NO favor whatsoever and I am surrounded by hate and disgust, just as JOB with his wife Sarah. Needless to say I am pissed at the Father for suffering me like this. I am cursed and my ex wife who is truly evil is blessed.

    I just want my life back! I am in HELL and I can’t get out! I have the POWER and AUTHORITY to exercise whatever is here into OBLIVION and I can’t! In fact the more I pray the HARDER it gets. The souls in the house the write all over my ceilings it’s insane. Symbols, words, letters, pictures, all over the walls.

    I need help! because for some reason I am powerless to help myself. 😦 and I am not too proud to admit it. The souls talk to me, they say I have to do this myself or the demon will lose respect for me. But I can’t do it myself…

    The evidence I have (which is conclusive) proves life after death, the paranormal, demons, etc) and I can’t get one media person to sit down with me. 😦 I am all alone, I have no one, even God has abandoned me.

    I can be reached at if anyone wants to talk, give me some advise, something. I can’t live like this anymore.

    Thank you for reading…

    PS: I am such a good and kind person, I do not swim in sin, I avoid sin… I don’t bother anyone Ecclesiastes 10-8 and this is happening to me and it seems as if it will never stop. † DOTC The funny thing is, as I say I quit, as I go to drop to my knees and lay down and die, that is when God shows up and grabs me in mid air and places me back on my feet and it all begins again! 😦

    • One other thing, even people that believe in the paranormal do not believe me! So I get it from all sides. I am convinced I am fighting Lucifer himself. There is only TWO spiritual beings I know that wields this kind of power to interfere with earthly affairs, God and Him, and I know that God doesn’t, as it violates his laws, so it’s the devil.

    • mark

      I guess the first logical question is why do you stay in a haunted house? why don’t you leave?

      the instagrams look valid but the video of the mirror is questionable….the mirror is reflecting the image of the candle in front of it that has two wicks in it….I think you are trying so hard to find things that you are becoming obsessed with it.

      if you look for trouble it will find you

      your searches attract demons, and thus some of your problems

      I can send you some prayers against witchcraft and for strength, but I think you first need to change your environment.

      you need a fresh start.

      • First: The candles or not on. There is no light on the candles, and even if there was, WHY would faces manifest themselves inside the mirror? That kills me how everyone says about light, but can’t explain evil faces in the mirror.

        As for not leaving? LOL!!! I have NOTHING to leave with. As I wrote in my comments, any door of prosperity that opens to me is immediately slammed in my face two seconds late.

        You know whatever, I am ALONE in this… You see light I see faces. I have shown it to other people they see faces, you see nothing. Ok…

        Thank you for your comment…

        How about this one, the face of a child manifests itself in the mirror, also light?

        • mark

          how are you paying rent?

          i did not say the candles were lit

          I was noticing the specks in the candle in front of the mirror.

          the mirror reflects what is in front of it.

    • You poor thing I feel SOOOOOOOO bad for you! I can feel your torment and pain from the words you wrote. I think at this point the only thing you can do is BEG for mercy.

  436. With all due respect and I mean no disrespect but what does it matter (a question you seem to be avoiding) what light is on what, FACES are materializing in the mirror… Well??? Please answer that question?

    As for paying rent? Barely, as I said in my comment ( I am sustained ) ALL who are tested by God are sustained. My rent is paid, I have food, I survive nothing more.

    The mirror reflects what’s in front of it? So there are faces of children in front of it then right?

    If you lived in NYC? I could meet with you and show something I caught while taking selfie pictures of myself, you would believe me then. Because this can’t be made up.

    it’s not your fault, most of the world are universal puppets, controlled, I am fighting some serious supernatural forces and they just make it impossible for anyone to see what I see. To make me seem crazy. However, the house has been picked up to be on a haunted reality show so that producer who is HUGE believes in what I sent him.

    I thank you for your time, and have a nice day. †

    • mark

      I believe your story

      I was just noting that the dots in the middle candle make a face that is reflected in the mirror.

      look at the shortest middle candle

      so, if god can sustain you there, he can sustain you if you leave.

      since you are in brooklyn, I would suggest moving… is going to be destroyed soon

      • No you don’t… at least be honest with that. No one believes it… They believe the lie. They believe the con, they believe the idea of the paranormal, but NO ONE wants to believe it fully. No one wants proof of life after death. They want the illusion not the proof. Just for the record? I know everything there is to know about God ( I work for the man! ) and just to be correct, God is always capitalized.

        In every comment I have written I have mentioned I have NO money, so therefore, how can someone move if they have no money? No job, nothing??? huh???

        If you would riddle me this? If the candles are forming the eyes (which is ludicrous) please explain how the mouth, nose, face, teeth, ears, hair, is being formed? Huh? Love to hear that one. lol

        How about the symbols, pictures, words, letters, numbers, all over my ceiling? Care to explain that? Also, as you look at the video the face changes! Candles right?

        Sorry like I said I mean no disrespect… but enough is enough. I mean do you people really believe what you say? Because three candles are sitting there that causes faces to come into the mirror? Really? lol

        • I am sending you pictures of what I see

          you already said god provided for you where you are at, so that means he will provide for you somewhere else

  437. You’re a religious BIGOT. Psychics do not heed information from demons. EVERYONE is a psychic!! For animals it’s known as instinct & for humans it’s known as intuition. Everyone in life, benefits from an eventual awakened SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA which relates to our gut feelings / instincts / intuition. As for the other chakra centers in our bodies they don’t occur naturally at all. Decided to elaborate so you can’t excuse, your religiously judgemental self to blindside yourself / others any longer.

  438. I was searching the internet trying to find out how to deal with someone’s hatred towards me. Long story, but this is someone who is supposedly a christian also, but has been severely hurt in her own life. She was rejected by her mother and dumped into the foster care system at the age of 10. She never had a real mother. After she was dumped out of the foster care system at the age of 18 even though she has cystic fibrosis so we took her into our home so she would not be homeless. Literally provided everything for her – a home and a real loving family. She ended up marrying our oldest son, but for whatever reason never had any gratitude towards us for all we did for her, but worked instead to create division and even grew to hate us after they moved out of the house into their own place. This is hatred for no real reason. I have never understood this and this has really hurt me. I make sure I get rid of any resentment if it pops up. This bothers me so much because I literally loved her like my own daughter, yet she rejected it and despised me for it! I’m sorry, this may be off topic. I’m just at a loss. It truly breaks my heart. But at the same time I can feel her bitterness and hatred towards us and feel I need to block her ill feelings towards us.

    • Jannifer

      I wish I could say love heals everything, but it doesn’t

      what happened is you had a child with too much damage, and now she is manifesting, as an adult, the same rejection toward others that she received as a child.

      it is her way of blocking more rejection for herself.

      also abused children have lost control of their environment, and they will try to control everything at every chance they get.

      can you try to talk to your son, or is he swayed by her?

      if he gives into her, then there is a big problem.

      if he is willing to help the healing process, it would be a great help.

      she may consider you a threat to her, as she might feel your son’s love for you, and your love for him, will prevent her from being loved, so she moved out of house to keep the love of your son all for herself.

      she needs to understand that both relationships are good and not a threat to her… your son can have both you and her, and she will not be slighted.

      • Thank you so much for the response! What you are saying makes perfect sense! I have felt so much compassion for this poor girl, but she just does not seem to be able to receive love. She is so easily offended that I can’t do anything without her finding a way to be offended. The last thing that happened was that I didn’t take her shopping (long story, but I could not afford to). I have been given the silent treatment ever since then and she is in a state of being constantly offended.
        I tried to get my son to intervene, but he has a bad habit of sticking his head in the sand and gets overwhelmed if he needs to deal with problems. So, he gets upset and tells me to stop talking about it. He has been this way since he was a teenager. He just turned 24 and has actually improved since his teenage years, but he is still bad about not wanting to deal with things. He gets such terrible anxiety that I leave him alone, so I don’t stress him out more.
        He does have a tendency to give in to her and be swayed by her, which keeps problems in tact. She does seem to thrive on generating division, which prevents any resolution. He married her because he wanted to rescue someone and take care of someone. He has godly intentions, but I worry about him being taking advantage of or controlled.
        At this point, my son does not want us to reconcile with her, but he wants to just have a relationship with her without us being included (his way of hiding from problems). This makes her happy most likely, as she wants our son to herself without us in the picture. I know this will continue to cause problems in the future, especially if they have children. She will forbid us from being in their lives.
        At this point, I feel the only thing I can do is step away and place the daughter-in-law in God’s hands and do nothing more to try to reconcile or fix anything. There just does not seem to ever be anything I can do to please her.
        The things you said were incredibly insightful and gave me a lot more understanding into this situation. THANK YOU!!!

        • I could not find a way to edit my comment, but I wanted to clarify that my son wants to have a relationship with his wife without us in the picture with her and have a separate relationship with us without her in the picture with us (hope that makes sense).

        • jannifer

          I think dealing with one of them at a time is enough for now.

          I would first work with your son to maintain your relationship. if you can do that, then he will be open for discussion when he is comfortable about how to proceed with wife and future children issues.

          the wife is really out there…so yes, only god can help her.

          focus on your son for now….for some reason there is a weak spot in him which allows him to tolerate such negative behavior out of the wife….this needs to be explored….why is he such a doormat?

          he needs to find his inner strength as a male, get in touch with his male hormones, and use his spiritual authority as head of his household.

          if he would do this, he would himself put the wife in her place.

          and this does not mean a negative relationship with her as a slave as some men think.

          but the husband is to be the head, and the wife is to be the heart.

          and this way they work together, not one ruling over the other.

          he needs to be the one to put his foot down, and require respect, not just for himself but for you also, as you are all family, and she needs to respect that, and learn to get along with others.

          she has a spirit of offence, and she pushes people away.

          she needs to explore her issue , get to its root, and start to heal…and be nice to others.

          she needs to realize that she is WRONG….and the problems come from her, not you.

          and her husband needs to point this out to her, and not submit to this offensive behavior.

          but , again, he needs to figure out why he cannot do this now, so that is why his healing needs to come first, before she can be helped.

  439. Am amazed upon this fact. I work everyday to make sure my family has a good future that lays towards them. Left my job in the healthcare field cause I was tired of seeing betrayal/ neglection/ death situation that I had to help with certain of the families I’ve assisted with do got to admit drained me for 3yrs without even spending time with my own family. Now I am in the restaurant field so that I could work at least 40 hours a week just to be around my family & sign up to school. Cause when I worked in the medical field I worked over 63hours a week doing payrolls scheduling & on call first response to my clients. Now that I switch jobs to a different environment its a big change just to spend time with my family. This job that I am in only been there for 3 1/2month and every fact on this page is happening towards me at this work place that I work at. It’s sad that I have to face this. It’s like it’s a never ending hatred around me. That I definitely need to push away cause my family comes 1st aswell my health.

    • marylou

      the world is getting like that in every profession, in every neighborhood, and in almost every family

      we have to use wisdom and be careful in our surroundings.

      we are in the times before the Lords’ return and there is a lot of spiritual darkness there, even when people seem to be superficially pleasant.

      keep your confidence, and do not let anyone fluster you. people with negative spirits are looking for a reaction out of you so they can attack back…

      so just act like you like them and keep going.

      say a prayer before each work day to give you protection and wisdom for the day.

      I am sending you the armor of god prayer. it is to strengthen you.

      and remember God loves you and sees all.

      print if out and say each day.

      I will be in agreement with you in prayer.

    • oops forgot the prayer.     see attachment From: Heaven Awaits To: Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 5:33 AM Subject: [Heaven Awaits] Comment: “Do people hate you on sight?” #yiv8349622031 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv8349622031 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv8349622031 a.yiv8349622031primaryactionlink:link, #yiv8349622031 a.yiv8349622031primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv8349622031 a.yiv8349622031primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv8349622031 a.yiv8349622031primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv8349622031 | | |

  440. hi im from asia, heres my story, people mocked me everyday, i dont fit in everybody, my friends hated me, family, relatives, neighboors, all of them, im alone, ever since i became a christian everybody hated me, they always mocked me saying all kinds of bad things, im not rightoues im a sinner i do drugs but still i call for the lords help everyday, now im nothing, poeple are so cold to me, maybe i did something but everyday im begging from my sin because the hatred is so heavy that i felt like i dont want to live, i live alone only my bible and my god as a companion in everyday suffering until now. i lose hope, and im getting weak, they mocked me everyday, in every corner in every streets, they say they dont understand me. i live in a dark box as if when i go out people will attack me with their tongue, but i remain silent, i cant bare the pain anymore so heavy that i wanted to be dead but i cant.. i cannot get out of here

    • dear alone

      you are in asia, but there are a lot of christians in your country.

      you need to contact a local church and make some friends

      I will send you a list of churches.

  441. I understand how you feel – I have experienced this for years and still do today. No one in this world is worth getting upset about – especially people who do evil against you. They don’t hate you for what you are – they hate you because you have the Holy Spirit in you and you have probably a discerning spirit in you where you can see through them. They don’t like this. Satan is trying his hardest to turn people against Christians – why? because they have the holy spirit in them if they are dedicated to Christ. You are trying to deal with people in your own strength not the Lord’s. Ask the Lord to give your strength. The best way to deal with people like that, is to smile at them and ask them’ have you got a problem with me – tell me what is your problem”. Find other Christians in churches and make friends with them – you should not be alone – you need support.

  442. i cant go to church, church nowadays its like a cult, and they worshipping wood, stones, and metals, and have different rituals,

    im always talking to the lord everyday every night, you see i dont have anything, family hated me, relatives hated me, friends hated me, neigboors hated me, god is where i take my strength but it is not enough, im tired of everyday mockery, even if a person who sees me in the first time will hate me for no reason, the worst thing that they say to me is im crazy, gay(im not gay), weak person, i came here to find answers, and i know that the world hated me its just so heavy that i cant stand against all my enemies. but i forgive them no matter how hard they treat me, still im here in my house in the middle of mocking people left and right, does god is punishing me until i die and still punish me in the judgement day, i still hold on to the lord because my enemy is too great that i cant hardly speak or walk, im weak i dont know if god has a purpose for me,

  443. people here in my country they worshipping a BLACK COLOR STATUE OF JESUS, they worshipping MAMA MARY, they even worshipping the POPE, and worshipping STONES,METAL and WOOD statue, they worshipping a SAINT STATUE made by hand, they eat BLOOD, i tried to join in christian community and they rejected me, you can say im crazy for thinking so much because today im searching for the two witnesses in the revelation if they are here now in this world, just a sign, because i witness the birth pains in our todays generation, signs in nature, and principalities, against powers, hatred, adultery, and many more, i am very sensitive person, i cant live in a world like this, i hope all sufferings ends soon..

  444. if i am wrong please correct me

  445. i think the main reason of this site is to answer why people hated us on sight to have a answers and insight to a very difficult problem that we cant hardly explain why and only god can enlighten us so we can hep each other, i guess even in this site im all alone and different. thank you

    • alone

      I already know why evil people hate you

      I am trying to get you to be around GOOD people who do NOT hate you, and will love you instead.

      this will help you,

  446. i really want to find a answer why we are hated by everyone and god said we will be hated by all because of him but still i want more deeper explanation an insight to ease this burden someone who has a terrible experience to answer and how to deal with it or to just give your life to christ if that is the answer to suffer, i want an answer from someone who has lost everything someone who is very unfortunate, someone who is very poor in spirit and in life, someone who is hated by the world, people having a good family or a job having a good life cannot answer this and they say because someone hated them does not mean that the world is hated them they do not know what HATE means so they cannot answer this, the suffering is too great for us many christians are getting beheaded or murdered because of hate i want someone who has a experience and seen hell in their own eyes, i dont want an answer to people who just want to ease our burdens but not experiencing the root of hatred except they livin in a great life who is he/she to answer such a situation, the suffering is too much that it is better for some of us to not to live but we are still here, the only thing i can say to you all and its base on my experiences about hatred and persecution, mockery, wherever you will go people will hated you, theres no place to go and theres no place to hide and you will be draw closer to god even more because of this hatred, and you will find him and call him everyday because of this world hatred, do not think that if one hated you or two people hated you means the world hate you NO, i think the world hated you means is EVERYONE will hate you no matter what you do no matter how good you hide, no matter how you run they will find you and this is how the world hated you for no reason not some little things that they think its big like the world hated them, my heart is full of sorrow because of the people in middle east that gets beheaded and murdered and that is what hate means!!!!

    i cannot join in any church or organization, i think for this generation is to better study the bible alone and if something bothers or need to find an answer we will seek and then you will ask and to know if this is gods word or not and to trust the bible and your instinct that god will guide your foot,
    its better to be alone than with a group a group with a false prophet or preacher, a group leading by a blind guides, and when they are alone their mouth speak all kinds of evil, its better to be alone and not in a group, if you are alone only you will fall and you not let others join your doom
    , but if your in a group with a blind guides all of you will fall

    • alone

      I really am trying to help. I wrote this page because it is something i experienced personally, not just once but over a lifetime.

      I am also alone.

      It is true that we must draw close to God during this solitude, but it is also true we must reach out to others who are in the same situation.

      that is where the love comes in…..finding others like ourselves, and bonding with them

      that is why i hoped you would at least try to find someone locally to bond with, to help ease the isolation you feel.

      I am isolated physically now, but not really alone, because I have this website…it is a gift from god to me to provide an opportunity to spread the gospel, and receive friendship from others.

      there must be others around you going through the same thing….I hope you can find them and you can comfort each other in the Lord.

    • Many answers…
      One answer: the devil is clever. It can poison your food that affects you mentally, so that it will destroy your focus to God, and make you act differently. Dont use much internet so the devils cant follow you, or change your network. Try to change the restaurant you go. Eat simple foods and change the groceries you go. Boil 7 guava leaves in 1 liter water and drink slowly the whole day but guard it. Guard your food, keep them lock them. Change your place and start anew. But most of all keep firm to God no matter what.

      • The devil poisons you so that you will act and look weird, so people you meet will think you are weird and bad, and not of God, and people will hate you.
        There is a saying: “there are many ways to kill a rat”.
        The devil is clever and has many ways to make you appear that you are not of God.
        Some devil poisons make you mean, some makes you paranoid, dome makes you timid, etc etc.
        The devil poisons nowadays are hitech.
        And the devil is so clever that it can poison you thru other person and in the hiding.
        So just be quiet and elude them, and keep firm to God.
        You will slowly get healed, and you will realize that people also hated Jesus, and you will be enlightened, and you will accept being hated, but you will be strong and will feel big, because you know that God is always with you. You will be alone, but never alone.

  447. well it seems i was hated by my parents growing up ,even up till now ,is it there immaturity or what im 40s ,but no care or support

    • dean

      I am sorry to hear your parents hated you

      please know that GOd does love you, and wants you to be with him someday.

      look around…there are others like you that need a friend….be friends with them and get the love you deserve.

  448. It makes sense. I’ve noticed how people have looked strangely at me when I don’t even know them. Sometimes random people will shout at me from car Windows and I wouldn’t even know them. I can detect if a person is good or or bad. I was thinking it was social phobia that I had. Science hasn’t found out what causes social phobia. So there may not be social phobia or anxiety that exists, and the discomfort from being around people could just be about the – and + about them that can be detected

  449. Did you do any personal research on demons ? I want you to know that a Demon is a convict with no chance of reconciliation. A dead or death row inmate. I could build a prison to house them and they couldn’t get away. Do you really think that God would allow a bunch of death row inmates to live with you, rape and pilage your wives and daughter’s. Just hold the Holy Guardian Angel accountable for the crime. God said that he loves you and your family. Fear no evil. That means you and God failed. When God fails it’s because an Angel failed. The first person to say the name Jeffrey William Larson to God will be blessed forever.

  450. Did you do any personal research on demons ? I want you to know that a Demon is a convict with no chance of reconciliation. A dead or death row inmate. I could build a prison to house them and they couldn’t get away. Do you really think that God would allow a bunch of death row inmates to live with you, rape and pilage your wives and daughter’s. Just hold the Holy Guardian Angel accountable for the crime. God said that he loves you and your family. Fear no evil. That means you and God failed. When God fails it’s because an Angel failed. The first person to say the name Jeffrey William Larson to God will be blessed forever.

  451. You talk about people ‘they’ ‘you’ etc. but there is a difference between the body and the consciousness which is within the body — spirit, soul or whatever — consciousness is a symptom of the soul within the body. And that is the thing that activates the body. The body is matter — blood, skin, bone, bile etc. It can’t do anything on its own. Needs the powerful soul to activate it. So what a lot of this aversion relates to is SCAPEGOATING — do whatever you like in this world — any godless thing which goes against nature — sin or unnatural actions, whatever. People commit so many wrong acts — just read the so-called ‘news’ papers — and then because they can’t live with it, it piles too much so they have to offload, can’t face themselves and what they do or what they have done, they look for someone to ‘offload’ or in other words a scapegoat. There is no such thing as a scapegoat and people are going to get a shock at the time of so-called death when they have to face everything they have done. People look at others with hate, anger, envy because those others are on a spiritual journey to get out of this material world (matter) and like in a jail or prison people get angry, envious when someone else gets released. Don’t waste time with spiritually UNENLIGHTENED people because they will drag you down with them and have a smile (honey) on their face while doing it. Go for association with honest sincere seekers of the truth. You’ll find them if you stop concentrating and giving attention to the problem of why people hate you which is simply wasting your god-given human form. It is a good forum and good to bring these things to the surface for discussion.

    • green

      it helps most people who are irrationally hated to understand why this is so. many innocent people assume guilt and feel like there is something wrong with them, and this drags them down. they need to understand it is not their fault.

  452. Thank you. Ive been thinking it was me. But i would appreciate your prayers . And thanks to Father God in Jesus name amen

    • laura

      I am sending you a prayer for blessing…..blessings from god cancel all curses….if we just trust in him.

      print out and say each day….

      I will be in agreement with you in prayer.

      god bless you and keep you always.

  453. Eh, something is not right about this article.

    Sure, sometime some people are just “not fit” to you even if you saw them the very first time (at least if you think it that way) but that’s not the case.

    This word “demon” so lost, so much misuse, misinformation. What it is so called “demon”, no one truly knows, unless some heavy etymology invovled, and even after that… no no no. Using words that lost their meaning is bad for ya, folks, it’s like trying change some programm without knowledge of the programming language, things will going bad, fast… or slow.

    Same thing can be said about “holy spirit”.

    Personal vision is the only truth, because it’s is hardly ever changed but when it does (for good) it means one learned some useful lesson/got knowledge.

    Fear demons, give youself to some “god”, riiight, great idea…

    Simple question(s):
    What is worse, that it is those “demons” make people do some, lets say horrible act, or it’s because some (human) beings just like that, and nothing less/more? And if beings gives themselvs to those so called “demons” it means s/he is weak/corrupted so what the difference?

    This is wrong.

  454. There are times when I’ll be walking in a store and people look at me Like I’m strange. I can also cents evil is present. I also have visions of who they are.

  455. N/A, but I promise datt I still love my lost Sistaz, Sisters, Bruhthaz, and Brothers in Jesus Christ!! No f*cking body is muhtha luving perfect!!! Yuhpp!! I still luvv you, Mr. L.W., Mr. S.C., Ms. Knolls, Mr. Jakes, Ms/(Mrs.) Meyers/Myers, Mr. “Cope”land, Mr. J.E.B.!!!…, Mrs. Whitman-Mr. Christie, Mr. Kingfield, Mr. Sheers, Ms. Balicki, Mr.Weisgerber, Mr. Castner, Mr. Castner, Mr. Grant, Mr. Or, Mr. Nelson (You probably a’ready, Sir!!!( witt base…)), Mr. Mundo Coral, Mr, Break obum, and co., Mr. Ink gone Uhhh, and whatevah freaking human beings I reasonably & logicly choose 2 half-bake mention, Putos. Orale a Dios, Homes!!

  456. Prayer
    Husband cheaos and somethings wrong with his spirit. Help me i have not caught him yet
    I feel it deep down

  457. What I’m trying to find out is when your standing in faith on somethIng its best not to tell just everyone for those who’s faith is not on your level may speak don’t and negative which can interference with what your believing for .. there is a scripture that kinda warns us not to tell everything that somethpings should just be you and God.

    • billie jess

      you are right..

      only someone on the same level as you will understand what you are going through.

      so just keep your issues to yourself, and work on them with God’s help

  458. People do not like me at all, my whole life. Now I understand why. This makes so much sense. Ever since I was a little girl I have had difficulty making friends. I am very blessed and have a lot of light shone on me from above.
    I deal with my own demon constantly. We’ve conversed and have had scuffles with him attacking my spiritual me. I work in an environment where there are allot of negativity. I have to watch what I say because he always hangs around there and will converse with other demons. That’s why I haven’t been able to make money. Because those people will ignore me and I never understood why. But I do now. This is amazing that I finally found the answer. Btw I work in a strip club. I was led there to bring light to people are are lost.

    • liz

      get a different job…it sounds like it has an effect on you, but you are not having an effect on it.

      you should not have to have ANY conversations with demons…. you have opened a door and need to close it.

    • Liz,

      God bless you and your ministry.

      For several years I made regular visits at a few clubs in Phoenix and Scottsdale. My visits were not to share the Good News. Today, I could not go and share the Good News because they would think I was a guy playing a game as a “guest.”

      Here is a prayer for you to contemplate and find your own words – making the similar prayer request. The Lord knows your heart.

      “Almighty God, I give You all the glory and praise for Your loving-kindness. You are so gracious and full of mercy to me. You sent Your Son so that He would be my righteousness for my righteousness is but filthy rages (Isaiah 64:6).

      Thank you Lord, for I am now clothed in a robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10). Thank you Lord because You are my deliverer (Psalm 140).

      Father God, with confidence I draw near to the throne of grace so that I may receive mercy and find grace, helping me in this hour need (Hebrews 4:14-16).

      “You are my lamp, O Lord” (2nd Samuel 22:29). Send out Your light and Your truth! Your word is Truth (Psalm 43:3).

      I put on the Armor of Light with gratitude because I’m a child of the light” (1st Thessalonians 5:5). Thank you Father God.

      Father, the Word tells me, “the Gospel is veiled to those who are perishing” because “the god of this world has blinded their minds, keeping them from seeing the light of the gospel of the Glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2nd Corinthians 4:1-6).

      Father God, I earnestly pray that the Light of eternal Glory, the Light that overcomes darkness shine down upon (person’s name), dispelling the oppressive god of this world, keeping them from hearing the gospel.

      I say this believing that the spiritual Light of Heaven will shine 24/7 upon them, driving the demonic oppression away, allowing their ears to be open to the message of the Gospel.

      In the might name of Jesus, I rebuke the workers of darkness and advance Your Kingdom and the Gospel.

      I pray the heavenly Light of Glory shine down, filling (name the home, “club” or office, church or classroom), where my dear (family member, co-workers, or friend) resides so that they may experience peace of mind and soul, opening that specific place to the work of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:17).

      The Word says, “but if anyone who follows the true way comes to the light. Then the light will show that whatever they have done was done through God” (John 3:16-21). Therefore, I pray that they (name of person or those is a specified location), follow the way and come into the Light.

      Please, give me the words to speak to them when the Spirit opens a conversation at His appointed time. Lord, thank You for sending the Spirit, my helper and counsel (John 15:26, 16:13 & 1st Corinthians 12:11).

      In Jesus name, amen.

      Liz, you may not see results quickly. I did see results quickly one time. Know that it is His timing. But, I do believe that in the near future – you will see results.

      Armor of Light in Days of Darkness

    • Liz,

      Based on my experiences with spirutual warfare (Light vs. Darkness), say or read your prayer at work. No need to yell or speak loudly. Just in a wisper so no individual hears your words.

      The powers of darkened will hear you, realizing you mean business. 😇 Then, you must expect to see the Lord’s Angels will do their work. The powers of darkness are Stubbern! You will need to speak your prayer every time you are there. God bless you (Psalm 20 and 56).;ERV;NKJV

  459. Thank you I’m glad I stumbled across this.thus often happens matter fafact I recently publicalpublicaly asked prayer warriors to pray because this one praticular person acts this way with me and funny thing is she’s in church.we use to go to the same church and even praised danced together ,but her spirit was weighing me down and making me feel like I should be less something I mean it was weird she seemed to always be competing with me and against anything I came up with I prayed bout it and I tried hard to befriend her and do anything to make her comfortable around me it didn’t work I soon left that church home because it was her family church our pastor there was her first cousin so I never discussed it with him

    • fannie

      if the pastor allows this behavior, the case is lost anyhow.

      so I am glad you quit the church.

      find better people to associate with.

  460. Please pray for me

  461. YES! this phenomena is very real, it’s not all in your head and there is nothing wrong with you! Jesus warned us this would happen, He said not only will people not like us, but they will kill us as well. Christianity is not for the faint of heart, it’s a spiritual war zone out there! Feeling defeated is a sign you are not reading your bible enough. The bible also says people who are popular and loved by the world are enemies of God. Read your bibles and take every word seriously, He means what He says!

  462. Very interesting, now i know why am hated.

    • This is the real world from ancient times till now we have 2 choices the high road or the low road. It is written the only way to my father his thru me. There are dark clouds in many eyes today. I noticed a few comments one woman mentioned maybe you are not likable, or perhaps your just a unlikable person, are words of disrespect, do we judge people because they look a certain way, some do. unless we can free our selves of hatred and judgements of others with out speaking to them, in no way should we hate them for just a look. I work with the public i see this in peoples eyes daily, they are faithless godless and haters of man, an woman what comes out of their mouths is not god like but filth, it is written , it is not what goes into your mouth that makes you unclean, but the words of filth that come out of it .. thank god i am a christian .. some will like us some will love us, and the ones that do not know us and choose the low road, these are the haters of the world, the haters of you and me, because we are Christians and they are not. This does not mean all non Christians are bad, just the really rotten arrogant mean people that choose to hate ridicule, and bring bad vibes to people and try to succeed in making good people feel bad. I have learned i never fuel their fire, it bounces off and they get furious.. good for them they chose the low road their choice, we all have choices.

  463. I feel as though I have never been liked. I do as much as possible for people and still feel rejected. People say, ‘you are so talented’, ‘wish I could be more like you’ as well as other kind statements. Yet, I feel worthless. Someone yelled at the top of his lungs at me the other day because I have a different political leaning than him. Yelled and demanded I leave his presence. I left. I hurt. I don’t feel like breathing anymore. I can pretend to be happy. I can smile and laugh on command. But inside I am dying. Not sure if anyone gives a damn about me. Selfish to think that way I suppose. Almost 70, kids grown, tons of grandkids and even great grandkids. Still no joy. I am stuck here. Punishment for something I did?. Molested as child. First baby a product of rape. Beaten up by a husband. I must be so worthless in the eyes of so many. Would like this life to be over so I can move on.

    • susan

      you are not worthless….this life is.

      i am guessing that the person who yelled at you is a democrat.

      political views are getting to be a sign of morality vs immorality

      evil is good and good is evil now

      the love of most has grown cold,

      it is normal to feel alone and joyless in an environment like this.

      but what is important is what god thinks of you, not man….man did not create you, and breathe life into you, god did.

      he is holy, and man is corrupt

      so just put your trust in the Lord and he will sustain you.

      soon, those who were cold to you will despair, as the wrath of god will come to punish them

      and finally, you will be in the arms of the Lord who is coming for you, as long as you give your heart to him, he has given his heart to you, and will not fail you

    • Susan Andrade,
      what you you stated makes me so sad.
      first of all let me say you are 70! WOW
      what an amazing accomplishment, and YES you where ment to be here
      every agonizing moment of this world good or bad!
      Im in my 20s personally and I cant imagine what it would be like to live threw the things you have been threw. And I know all about abuse had an abusive father and then unknowingly married an abuse husband who turned out to be a raging crack head.
      all those babys and grand babys you have , your an amazing women to birth your fist born!
      I know WAY to many young girls my age who have abortions like its in style from men they wana marry. SO your amazing just giving that.
      I would say when I was really down After I left my crack head husband who literally stone cold knocked me out one night after I stole our money back that I had found out he was going to buy crack with I was in a bad place.
      the only thing that help after I left his was helping other people
      started packing lunches for children who need food to be sent home on the week, when I was on food stamps myself. I had to humble myself to find that ALOT of people need help and ALOT of people nee a friend.
      Like I told my grandma who has been become complasive within the church us YOUNG people need you. If you see us be a visitor make a bee line to say hi! because if they walked in the door there is a reason they are there they need your friendship and its an easy way to do it. and dont worry about being rejected youll have a clean mind knowing you knocked your role out of the park!

    • susan,
      its me again I just forgot one important part.
      That fool who yelled at you about political views
      is a sad person and dont let there sadness make you
      miserable. They obviously dont have respect for you
      at all cause any note worthy person wouldnt act to another
      person like that even over political views.
      That person Obviously never read the part of the bible respect
      elders obviously and clearly has no meaningful relationships
      with family members. I wouldnt talk to ugly to a drunk sitting on the
      side walk cussing me out. No respect and im sorry you had to
      encounter such an ugly individual. and talk to a lady of your stature.

  464. Susan,

    Luk 10:16 “He that hearth you hearth me, and he that rejecteth you rejecteth me; and he that rejecteth you rejecteth me; and he that rejecteth me rejecteth him that sent me.”

    1 TH 4: Therefore he that rejecteth, rejecteth not man, but God, who giveth his Holy Spirit unto you.

    Also please forgive all those who hurt you from the heart and plea the blood of Jesus against that Spirit of Rejection. Bind that evil spirit and cast it off in the Name of Jesus Christ. I’m sure Marianne can send some prayers against it too.

    I will send prayers your way to rid you of that spirit.

    Peace to you

  465. Good night everyone. This is my very first time on this site, however, I am so pleased to be here and read most of what you guys had to say. Seem like we have similar events happened in our lives. I am not here to criticize anyone, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Nonetheless; I must agree with Jan, who posted her comments on July 19, 2011, Jerri who posted on July 22, 2015, Pauline who posed on January 15, 2015, and girl Yolanda you must be my twin sister. Truly, truly it is “eye opening” to me as well. As I read all of your postings, tears came to my eyes to see how I have been going through the same identical stuff all my life, and I wondered why.

    However this evening I asked God “WHY” I have been going through like this after all these years and here I am on your site. Honestly I cannot say how I got here, but I look at this as the answer to my prayers.

    To all those who don’t believe it and think that some people just have a bad attitude and all the other negative stuff. Well like Pauline, I am the nicest person you would want to meet, I don’t need to ask anyone if am nice, I know I am. Love people, and have a heart to live peaceable with all man. If I could I would give my heart to save someone’s life, but from I knew myself these awful stuff have been happening to me as well. No one has the prerogative to “DEFINE” me, I am quite aware of who I am, and whose I am. However it do happen, and I do believe that it happens exactly the way Marianne said. So thank you Marianne for your words of wisdom, I honestly don’t have to search and research as to why I have been treated this way. Now I know!!! Even though it has been very frustrating and causes you to become angry and bitter at times

    I have had incidents on my job for years now, even with my so call husband, friends and family, and ESPECIALLY IN THE CHURCH, yes in the CHURCH. It is like a “LIGHT” is always shining on me, and I am being TARGETED. ALL MY LIFE!!! It has even happened to my children. It is like a spirit of jealousy, coming from some people all my life. I have even had a church member who friends up with me, and investigating me because of something she heard. I mean to see the way church folk treat you, it is despicable. So I know what you are saying sisters and brothers. I feel like I’ve just found my real family.

    I concur with Carol Pritchett who posted on August 14, 2015, just a month ago. Sister love be encouraged, I have been facing the exact same demise. I have been trying to get one (1) degree, and every time I get so far in the class or about to sit the exam something happen.

    One time I took a Certified Professional Secretary course, was the first to pay for my exam, the people couldn’t find my money, or receipt. However, I was allowed to go back in class free of charge. I sat the exam but (according to them I did not pass). I went privately with 2 other person and 2 different occasions and still did not pass it, even though I dreamt I saw my name that I was a Certified Professional Secretary. Must I go on??

    Years later, I attempted an Associate Degree. At first I was doing very well, an just as I thought I was enjoying the course, I dreamt again I saw my name that I had passed a certain subject. The passing mark was 70% and I saw my name on the paper – 88%. Sisters and brothers it has been so discouraging I dropped the course and just like the Certified Professional Secretary course, I ended up paying all that money back with no “PAPER” in my hand. That is called FAILURE AT THE EDGE OF BREAKTHROUGH” SMT!!! Frustrated as hell!!!

    That’s why anything you wish to know that’s been going on in your life, just asks God, He will tell you in some way or another. Thank You Lord for this revelation. God is good and He is worthy to be praised.

    Please let us keep in contact with each other, because we are SPECIAL PEOPLE, not everybody have these encounters, so we are set aside and we are special. Honestly Marianne, I could write all night of encounters that occurred in my life, but I will stop here for the time being.

    Love you all and God bless.

  466. Hey everyone on this blog here!
    Howdy y’all hehe
    Good day to all (: i am living with my partner right life has its ups and downs but i am a good kind hearted soul/being who just wants to make a big difference in this world we call earth and i absolutely LOVEEE HELPINGG OTHERS it makes my heart fly beyond the stars but my partner has been physically emotionally and verbally mentally every way hurt my heart. And i havent been perfect either but from another person his words and actions have cut way deep and everytime i see his family and their friends they are nice but i get weird looks rejections. I am glowing i feel because i am close to God i want to do right and most people see me as lazy because i moved in with my partner and am not working but am looking so HARD for work but also doing what i can in the meantime to improve myself. I have this dream of pursuing a singing and dancing acting career because through this outlet i can express my deepest emotions and dreams with others and spread love beyond this world WHAT GOD wanted peace and love and kindness but fearless children of God but i feel absolutely stuck at times i get purposly picked on by his family members but he is adopted by a different family when he was a baby i understand him and forgive him and the people on his side.. his family and their friends and so forth but the closer family i am kind to them to my partner and always help always talk and inspire but my partner has a cousin and he is so mean hes rude and is so condescending to me speaks to me like i am low all these people look down upon my YOUTH but i have been through very much a lot of long-suffering which is worth it through GODS eyes but why do these people stare and make me feel uncomfortable yet they dont know what my boyfriend does to me they all reject and its also a spirtual feeling i am young he is 33 and i am 23 but a very mature one and our relationship has gotten better through 2 years of the most extreme then to the best of times i fouuught for this RELATIONSHIP everytime i get hurt by him or others i cry and lock myself in my room in his house and cry and dont come out and pray and cry and pray to the lord but then slumber arises upon my soul and i fall straight asleep.
    Excuse my grammar, just want to explain it as it comes to mind and just let my words be spoken as it comes (: thank youuuu for reading everyone

    But yeah these people i feel they hate me on sight i met them a few times but i dont know what happens people talk but people think i am a b word for female a bitch and do not shutup but i need to stand up for myself they bully me make me feel inferior and no matter how hard i try with my partner his friends family their friends wow it doesnt fade it takes a while to fight it but these people are nice to some extent but its their aura the vibes stares at me people hate because i stand up to people i do feel spirtually weak and everything else follows.
    I know suffering is needed but wow i hate feeling insecure it just comes i want to have a nice day but even those these people appear lovely on the outside why do they act so rude and try and make me feel small im young noooo because i speak up to them when they subtlely try to humiliate me!!!
    I am sorry God bless all people but honestly i feel so weak and tired all the time these people draaaain my happiness awaaay i loose hope fears overcome like a storm when these people are near. They look normal but if we shut our eyes to this world and look carefully the spirtually warefare behind it all.
    It really is true and people can disbelief all they like there is a GOD! If you seek you shall find.
    But i mean i do not want to live like this being nervous and always shaking my soul shakes i shiver my words crumble around these people when i speak GOOD they shut me out when i have but one word to speak they destroy me with their negative energy )’: i try and believe its normal and that people are people or i am imagining things but nooooo it FEEEELS HORRIBLE!!! pleaaaase anyone pray for me i appreciate it sooo much (:
    I mean people have no idea how strong i am spirtually and i hide it i am MEEK AND HUMBLE but i fight for THE GOOD i fight the good fight why does even his mother and all these other people look down upon me but i even have but there to support the people on his side why do they still act so cruel toward me after kindness even when i share my accomplishments or ideas they bring up the past and blame me for being so on and so forth i clean i cook and wash and do what i am told i am considerate to nature and others but it hurrrtss the waaaay people areee ):

    Thanks everyone AMENNNN
    SPREAAAD the loove and peace

    • empowered

      you are very idealistic, and a little misguided.

      you are with someone who hurts you, and his family hurts you.

      you love god and he doesn’t.

      you should not be in this relationship.

      you are not equally yoked….that means you do not match

      you love god but also do not understand what pleases god and what doesn’t….i do not think you understand god’s will…so I will explain

      you are living in sin with this man… it is against god’s law to live with a man you are not married to.

      this opens you to being abused, as his family do not respect you.

      please consider leaving him, at least for now, and move back in with your family, or friends, and at least long enough to learn more about what god wants for your life, and until you can get a job and move out on your own

      stay pure before marriage, and look for someone who will respect you and treat you like a princess, and not his victim.

  467. I am rejected by all those I love. I am a very kind n compassionate person. Most people are drawn to me except for my immediate family. My mother rejected me twice when I went to visit her before she died. My husband of 30 yr someone I knew for 39 yes turned out to be a sociopath n used me n than discarded me taking everything I ever accomplished. All 5 of my children cld careless if I’m dead or alive because they do not even acknowledge me. My husband has lied, degraded, humiliated me for yes to where many people have chosen to look at me as the bad one. It amazes me how blind people are. His actions towards me in front of people show his hatred, show he has no compassion towards me, show he has no dignity, that he is not a man of his word, shows he has no loyalty and yet than continue to not see this man for who he truly is. No matter what he does lying, getting a restraining order,saying I abused my 17 yr old son, saying I m on drugs n even calling the police on me when I walked in on our business that I managed alone n made very successful n still my children made me out to be the bad one. But three it all I am a much better person today n feel more loved than I did when I wasn’t so rejected because I have given my entire self to Jesus Christ. I was touched by the Holy Spirit 5 yes ago n I have totally lost all desire to fight back. No matter what this man does to me or what anyone does to me I feel no hatred. That feeling just does not exist anymore. I feel the a Holy Spirit, I listen to the Holy Spirit n I know I am taking care of. Oh yes I hurt n I struggle but I know that I will never lose this battle. No demons can ever win against the blood of Jesus Christ. Trust me for yrs the demons fought me n for anyone who does not believe in Satan I can tell u of 3 chilling instances where it made itself known to me in a personal way. The piece of shit who is the dumbest creature of all to actually believe he cld ever defeat its master, no longer can touch me. So many people just get up n go about their day given God n I am being generous maybe 80 mins a week including going to church , having no idea about the true battle they are in. They are ignorant to what is really going on between God n Satan n when u do become aware its so obvious. For those who don’t believe my heart hurts for them because they are missing out on the most awesome superior feeling of Love they cld ever imagine. Jesus Christ is truly my best friend. Everything I do I try to do in His name but I fail at times. I am human. But I try each and everyday. I wish everyone cld feel the hat I feel. His love is felt by you in ways u can not truly explain. The feeling of His love is undeniable. People please take the time n read about Jesus even if u are unable to read the Bible. Get to know Jesus He actually is extremely cool. God Bless each and everyone of u who reads this and may u too one day feel what I feel. At least make an effort to try. Take care

  468. I have met a Lady that has just started coming to our church and everywhere she goes she speaks in tongues and claims to be walking in the Spirit of God 24/7 . She claimed to see demons and angels. And the other church she attended the Pastor asked her to leave the church and that they turned her son against her,by telling him that she was crazy and some said she was to spiritual to stay there. She believes it’s her right to tell the Pastor what he should be preaching on. And why are they not telling people about demons. Everywhere she goes she speaks in tongues and people look at her strange. She said she is so Spiritual she can see demons and angels. But at times she gets so angry at people and think their love is fake, because of the way they look at her and the easy the hug her with one arm . She bought up a statment saying that demons have to go back and repair everything they have torn up in a person’s life after they are cast out . The Bible Study teacher told her that the devil and his demons don’t repair anything only God restores us. After this she got frustrated and said she had a snake in her head and she wanted it to leave. Of course some of them were shocked when she said that. So the Bible study teacher asked some of the ladies to take her out and pray for her, so I went too. When we got back there with her and she sat in a chair for us to pray. The other ladies started praying. I laid my hands on her head being lead by the Holy Spirit and I heard Him say that a snake represents deciever and I also heard him say it was a demon called leviathan but I did not tell her that. But it stayed on my heart the whole night to tell her that after I got home.But as we prayed for her, her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she was shaking, so we commanded the demons to leave her in the name of Jesus Christ. I lead her to command the demons to come and in the name of Jesus Christ. And to say that Jesus is Lord. She is so mad at Church people that she thinks their love is so fake and that she is so spitiual then everyone else and she don’t understand why people don’t see what she sees and if they knew they would be giving her praise. I tried to explain to her that people have their own relationship with the Lord and operates in Him according the leading of the Holy Spirit. She said they are just religious and need to see things the way she sees them. She don’t care what the Bible says because there are things that God has revealed to her that is not in the Bible. And she is just tired of Religious Church people. And sometimes she uses bad language. She told me she was angry at God for taking her sister away before she could say good bye to her, but she ask God to forgive her for being angry at Him. She is still angry at the people at the other church Pastor and the congrgation that told her to get out. And she gets on to her son for being on his phone and not praying for her. Please pray for her and tell me what you think is going on with her. Because she stays confused at the Bible Study and she don’t understand why people always put a time limit on when they have to end church service or bible study and she believes they are grieving the Holy Spirit. I need prayer on how to deal with this. I am thinking in my spirit to stay away from her. God bless you.

    • Ira

      there could be different things going on, from what you said.

      I have not met her, of course, so I will just give possibilities

      1. she is undoubtedly a lonely woman, hurt by others and grieving over the loss of a loved one. she is looking for something to fill her life with purpose.

      2. IF she has ever had the baptism of the holy spirit, she is using this to gain recognition and acceptance, and sort of uses it as a crutch to impress others with her new found spirituality. if this is true, she is fascinated with the tongues, and assumes others will find her fascinating also, and honor and respect her opinion. If true, she is off balance and does not understand why she has the tongues to begin with

      3. she has counterfeit tongues, which is a deception, and keeps her in bondage to it, where she cannot control herself.

      and yes, in this case demons should be commanded to leave, but this needs her cooperation. if she does not believe she has a counterfeit version of tongues, she will not be open to deliverance, and she will stay the way she is

      4. I would suggest having her review how she got the tongues to begin with. and review with her all the emotional injury she went through BEFORE she got the tongues. appeal to her need to be with God. let her know that the enemy can deceive us with the counterfeit so he can hurt us more, and keep us from the peace of the holy spirit…..have her see she is NOT at peace, and is restless, and that the enemy MAY have taken advantage of her hurt condition, and given her the counterfeit. if she rejects the counterfeit, then she is open to receive the real thing, and she will be much happier ( and so will others around her 🙂 )

      5. to do this, you will have to show love and acceptance, to win her trust. otherwise she will cling to what she has, and not be willing to change.

  469. People hate me for no reason I need help pray

    • ribka

      are you saved? born again?

      those who are have access to the authority of Jesus to pray against all spirits, curses, and witchcraft.

      if not, let me know and we will have to work on your salvation first.

      because without the protection of god, you are an easy victim.

      so, first of all understand, that unless you have done something wrong, this is a spiritual situation.

      the negative spirits, demons, that surround the other people just hate you because that is the way they are, evil

      they curse you just because that is their nature…it would not be your fault

      I am sending you prayers against witchcraft and curses, and some for strength…also the prayer of salvation, in case this applies to you

      print out and say each day

      I will agree with you in prayer.

  470. Hey Marianne and fellow readers! It’s Kiki. I haven’t posted on here in ages. But, I would like to say that I have been getting a better response from most people lately. Since I have become more friendly and open, most people are welcoming and don’t experience the horrible disdain and evilness from people that I use too. I really don’t know what changed but most people seem nicer than a few years back. I am a Christian and I still go to church almost every Sunday. I’m just wondering what caused this sudden change of niceness from people? I still do encounter mean people but it happens less often. At one point in my life, I thought nobody liked me. Anyway, just wanted to give my update. Also, should I be concerned about this sudden positive change from people?

    • kiki

      just enjoy your time.

      it may be god’s favor on you.

      if these people are pretending, it will eventually become obvious, and then act then to dismiss them from your life

      but for now, just enjoy the fellowship

  471. As a witness to God I’ve experienced this ever since I was baptized by spirit but in recent years it has indeed gotten much worse. In fact it had gotten so bad I’ve just moved from the USA. It should be noted that this really takes place within the USA and not really so much outside of it. The USA is Mystery Babylon and is filled with demons to the brim. I won’t go back to the USA again and where I’m at now is peaceful and friendly and nobody bothers me. But in the USA it’s non-stop never ending dirty looks and harassment and people wanting to fight. You are right about the spiritual warfare taking place and that these people have demons and they know who we are……God & Christ bless……David

  472. I’ve been noticing an attacks such as this like never before please pray for me,cover me,back me up

    • I feel and have experienced the same things just like David said it’s right on… I don’t know where to move to but want out of Southern Calif or USA

    • sonny

      you certainly have my love and prayers

      I am sending you prayers against witchcraft and for strength and blessing.

      print out ( you can change them to fit your situation), and say each day

      I will agree in prayer with you

  473. Yes i have been rejected most of my life in school when growing up kids and teachers didn’t like me i have always believed that Jesus is Gods son so even at my job im picked on or people dont like me and now i know why ive been called weird because i dont go out im pretty much stay out of wordly things i do need a hedge of protection around me and a vale.

    • pamela

      it always hurts to read words like yours.

      this is a very unkind world, that does not know or care about god

      we are strangers in a strange land.

      we have to take heart that this world is only temporary, and do what jesus advised….to endure to the end

      I love you, and so does every true believer, and mostly jesus loves you.

      keep this as your focus, and stay faithful

      be wise, do not throw your pearls before swine….most people disrespect a person of faith.

      I am sending you a prayer for blessing

      print it out and put your own notes on it

      while saying it, include a request for favor with others, and also the hedge of protection by god

      this does not mean you bend to them, but that your interaction with them is tolerable, so you can function.

      I pray that you receive the favor of man, but mostly the favor of God.

  474. I b left a comment about my present situation of attack can’t see people in my presence they take thing right out my hands pockets personal items missing hair toe an fingernails socks briefs pictures and so on my clothes are being altered like female Underpants sewn in my clothes the lining of my hats an show insoles be tampered I have fish oder an so on help me ..and all my data was deleted from phone but I live in west palm fl..I black out under attack I really need THE BLOOD OF JESUS ..Having suicidal thoughts.. THE DEVIL IS a LIE..I CONFESS WITH MY MOUTH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR AND HE DIED FOR MY SALVATION AND THAT GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD…

  475. Very powerful indeed. It has helped me alot.

  476. I feel too that I had theses experiences. I have multiple things such as this from young to adult hood. Just one that sticks out to me is last year we went as a family to a Christmas tree farm to get a tree. and when we went as a family to pay for the tree there was this older lady who kept looking at me I smiled polity and she just gave me that look like die..but I shruged it off but it was my mother who was really upset she couldnt understand why this lady was being so ugly to me. she was like do you know her. Never saw the lady in my life. I have always had trouble fitting in not because I wasnt athletic enough or popular I was friends with anyone and kind to ones who needed it but I swear my life was made harder because of it. I have a sister and we look alot alike but I have always struggled to date and find dates. when my sister has men hollering at her when she steps out of the car at the gas station. She had men flock towards her now since we look so much alike wheres my flock of men, my friends say mabye its the way I carry myself well Ihave had goodnights and looking good but its not the same. my whole life I have felt that there is a sign on my head that says be mean to me or something. cause i feel the person who goes to fastfood places and im the person they get to then go to the back and never come back to im so usted to this behavior I always have a back up food place to go. my friends that know me know I have some weird mojo going on. just today my parents had new couches delivered to our house of course I was the only one to be home to let them in they rang the door. I went to the door and the men where back at there truck doing whatever as I approached them I didnt get a good afternnoon or hello. I was completely ignored as I tried to talk to the men dropping off my couch.akward they acted as if I had inconvenienced there day.And I get it they probley hate there job but If I walk up to you and say hello and u arrive at my house say hello back dont shun me as if im not there. Its crazy and bizarre but I on the daily find myself in these situations where im here and people are forced to interact with me but as soon as I look at them or say hello as another human would its like im invisible. I have a kind heart and extreme compassion for any life so i dont get it. I dont like to kill stay bugs cause I think what if I was to play God and mush a bug because he was smart enough to make my house a home.Im a great listener and sympathizer to thoses who need it. when they are sad I am sad and im mean heart hurts kind of sad. so I know Im not a bad person, I wish there where more people like me. I can see the evil in the world and I can see the mass who follow along with the evil unintentionally. Here recently I have been wondering why I feel and think so diffrently then most my age and time I find my self in but I do believe that this could be a start. I had a friend(not really my friend) come to be ,who was an atheist who was best friends with my boyfriend long story short on that as soon as they saw I was happy with him. He was no longer my friend because he didnt want us to be together he was one of those people who acted like oh yea brit and trav are together but really but that so called friend was always lying to me and my boyfriend about stuff we had/hadnt said and it was just a weird vibe. that person was literally the reason that relationship ended. I constantly feel as if im fighting the world and sometimes I think mabye if I went along with worldly things that my life would be perfect WORLDLY perfect. but I know that I wouldnt be happy with myself to knowingly giving to the worlds ways or what the world would want me to be. my sitter is far more wordly than I, shes constantly on social media and permitting her social life, but yet she does things my character couldnt be ok with. BUT i cant help but to think if mabye I followed her act. I would have fun like her and have and endless supply of men…but I only want on man…not many men.

    • brit

      You are set apart by god, so negative people do not like you. this is a dark world now, and most people are not for you, which makes it hard

      it will be a task, since is it a small group, but seek others who are like you, and draw close to god, and god will give you the right man for you

      I am going to send you a prayer for strength

      print out and say each day

      I will agree with you in prayer for strength and your needs

  477. I find that most things I have learned do not fit into one box from my observation and people can be brainwashed to be confused and believe conflicting theories. I find that evil people will support evil while pretending to support you and will tell each other how evil you are. Most people around me like to gossip covertly bully people with god in them and annoy other people, non stop. The Christians I met seem to have some weird ideas as it is the fault of those god bore into families of satanic people and that it is the fault of those who cannot standup under total oppression for not being happy and they will not make it into heaven (this is a bible verse). Last time I go to a Christian meeting.

  478. had an experience once where a friend and I were in line in a large grocery store and we noticed a bearded fellow a few lines over starting at us intently with undisguised hatred; he clearly wanted to attack us but was restrained somehow perhaps because it was a public place or perhaps because of God, but we both knew instantly that he was demonized and he knew what we were, that we were Christians.

    Conversely, areas where we have entered into agreement with the enemy somehow can also create an opening in our lives for people to feel free to attack us., as can things like sexual abuse. Had a friend who had been molested and it was as if she had a red light over her head that drew creeps to her and/or caused people to mistakenly assume she was a tramp and was open to sleazy activity. They were correctly sensing something sexual but incorrectly interpreting its meaning, as well as her motives and level of responsibility in the matter. Christians can be the worst when dealing with another christian who has a spiritual door open in their lives like this and actually be quick to agree with the devil’s work in that person’s life and conclude that they are wholeheartedly in agreement with sin when that is not the case, they are in need to help to get free. Always best to ask God for discernment before reaching conclusions about appearances.

  479. Im a born again believer in Jesus and have always been and the people at work do not like me its like i have had this problem since i was a child up unto this day i can walk in a grocery store and people will look at me but the people i work with have seemed to reject me and they have no reason other then the demons causing problems and discord its actually hurting me at my work and being in this situation can cause me to loose my job which i have been at for 30 yrs i pray every morning for protection from God and through out the day but these people try to hurt me in every way and i know i have to forgive them and love them

    • pamele

      it sounds like word curses have been spoken over you, and they stuck, so this is what people see and respond to

      the curses have to be broken, first by praying against any kind of witchcraft or spirit, and second, praying blessings over your life to break the curses, and replace them with something positive.

      i am sending you prayers against witchcraft and one for blessing, one also for strength

      print out and say each day

      I will be in agreement with you in prayer

  480. Thank you so much for your prayers and love i need my christian brothers and sisters to pray for me

  481. I knew it!!! 😀 Most people I see hate me on sight, but the ones who don’t are amazing people to me.
    Even some of my family members feel repulsion towards me.

  482. I have given up I don’t want to fight any longer the battle has wore me down. It’s time to end all and let everyone be happy. Maybe one loss will get people to stop and think about how they act

    • brad

      we are all worn out. you are not alone. ending things will not make people think, if they were not thinking to begin with.

      let god handle things., not you. you are tired, so just put yourself in his hands, and let him comfort you.

      the lord is coming soon….and he will take you away, if you believe in him

  483. This is true. I have neighbors that are loud and disrepectful. They sell and do drugs right in public. They allow there company to park and play music right in front of our house. And when they see you they stare real hard whispering to others unkindly words. These are grown men and women.

  484. I’m really thankful for this site it helps a lot and I was the prayers after you please pray for me because I’m being attacked by many which is it does say in the bible that the profit in their own and will not be respected if it’s written they should understand people believe morning you wanted me to the good therefore I’m being tardy in pain is the witch because they don’t want me to tell the truth I know when bad they’re just like everyone dies I’ve been alone my whole life because of this property is vision this site which I wouldn’t give up I rather be alone to be with got it be a part of fiction evil evil world maybe god will come back soon enough that way the evil would not be in this world anymore pray for us lady JOA. MrE me and her son.

  485. The world is getting more wicked day by day and the innocent people suffer because of this. The end of the world in coming. It is predicted in the Bible. Don’t take things that are happening to you to heart – people like to see you upset who are evil and so does the devil. Pray for the protection of Jesus blood over yourself. Evil people are tricky and so is the devil – look how the devil tempted Adam and Eve.

    If I had neighbors who are disrespectful and threw trash everywhere and were loud I would report them to your City Council and the police without your name been known and address because the evil ones can get back to you.

    • lynnette

      I can understand neighbors who are disrespectful and throw trash. I told the kids to pick it up and one told me it was their business, not mine. I confronted them once,, next time I report them. but they will most likely suspect it was me.

  486. As far as meeting the right man – an old saying goes “people of the same kind like people of the same kind”. When I was young I had the same problem with men – they didn’t want to know me. – only as a friend My sisters could get the men. I prayed to God when I was about 25 years of age that I was lonely and I needed a sole partner. About 8 months later a guy came to my parent’s door asking for me. I ended up marrying him a year and a half later and I knew he was the right man for me – we had so much in common and we were married for 33 years until he died from a brain tumour.

    I have learned from my experience and seeing others – if you marry or have a relationship with the wrong person it can be hell on earth – you are better off being single then putting up with a man who you have nothing in common with. How do you know if the person is the right one for you – you have a warmth feeling inside of you when you are with the right man. – I was told this by a old tea lady were I worked – and she was right. The right man is your best friend and lover.

  487. As far as working with people who do not like you – I have had the same problem for over 40 years – people have tried to set me up, stab me in the back for no reason at all. I got very upset – but I have learned one thing you tell one person about your problem – everyone in the workplace knows. The best way to protect yourself is to tell a friend of that person who is doing wrong by you that you know what they are up to and they would not like to see the other side of you and you are taking notes on what they are doing. This will get back to the person who is doing wrong by you. I have done this and it worked – the person stopped doing wrong by me.

    Also, I have learned not to put my heart on my sleeve – the world is a concrete jungle and so is the workplace. The people who do wrong by you have a problem – not you. If you do a good job people don’t like this – it is called “tall poppy syndrome” . Here in Australia, it is full of “tall poppy syndrome” people – that is why Australia is going down hill compared to what it use to be years ago.

  488. yes, this is all true, same thing. People just hate me- many do. I assume they were possessed and I guess they are. But I can read them now and try to avoid them but they still try to attack me. Some get crazy and start yelling and going nuts.

  489. This is happening to me, I can’t go out in public very often, I went to 2 stores today same reaction, the clerk’s won’t like me in the eye, and always rushing me through, but are nice to the person behind me, or whoever else is nearby, I can hear people talking, and giving me dirty looks, sometimes I’m brave and look right at them, they turn away won’t look at me, women walk by behind me and say snarky remarks & when I turn around their gone, some people are nice, but it’s very few, after reading this article I think I know what’s going on, I went to see a Deity in Las Vegas and asked for help, to let me see the bad people right away!!!
    I live in Las Vegas for the energy.
    I do the protection bubble before I leave the house, it’s not working! I need help, to many bad people at once are coming my way.
    Whatever you know that could help
    me, I would appreciate any feedback!

    • deanna

      you seem very sincere, but you are definitely going in the wrong direction.

      the whole los vegas atmosphere and region is demonic, including the “deity” you saw there. that is a demon from hell, no matter how dressed up it is.

      you do not understand the “energy” you seek or may already experience.

      it is not from God, but from satanic forces that hover over the entire area.

      the real god is yahweh….the creator of this world and father to the Lord Jesus

      this occult influence over you has you cursed with a demonic covering, that others find repulsive and disgusting…that is why you are being rejected…

      the rejection of a person can be from 2 sources – positive or negative.

      if you are positive, negative people will reject you, but positive people will accept you

      if you are negative, positive people will reject you, but negative people will accept you, or maybe not, if they think you are not as negative as they are

      if you are accepted, which is what you really seek, you need to have that acceptance be for the right reason.

      You need to get away from that whole occult environment, find Jesus in your life, and get born again….saved by the blood of jesus which was shed for your sins on the cross……when evil comes, he will protect you…if you do not belong to him, then he won’t protect.

      this world has both good and evil in it….the evil is very deceptive and looks good but it isn’t…….and you will suffer for this eventually.

      the good will bless you and help you, while the evil may try to harm you….but god will protect his own.

      I suggest you find and open a bible and read the book of john…then the rest of the new testament….when you read the last book of revelation, you will find the prophecies regarding the times we are in now.

      serious danger is coming to this world due to sin and evil…if you are not under god’s protection…… please consider going in a holy direction, and leaving the “deity” and “energy” stuff behind you as a big mistake….

      yahweh god and his son jesus loves you…and belonging to them will produce eternal happiness in heaven

      • For some reason you have misunderstood me, I read my Bible almost everyday, I’m very much a Godly person, we Travel for a living and Vegas is our base, so however you don’t know me, and assume I’m EVIL!!
        Your not the person I need!!!!

        • deanna

          I went by what you said… spoke in new age terminology about energy levels.

          I do not think you are evil. just confused.

          why would you “visit” or see a “Diety” in vegas?

          did you mean this place?, this is where people “visit”:

          the God of the bible Yahweh does not have a visiting center in vegas, so which god / diety were you referring to?


          • Yes, the Sekhmet Temple!
            Why? I told you, not only do I see the unkind people I feel the negative energy, only kind people that are at peace with themselves are the ones that I can feel the positive reaction.
            I was staying by myself waiting to join my husband in Hawaii, I could feel my neighbors and management in the office change as soon as my husband left me there.
            I would go check into hotels so I wouldn’t have to stay there, anyway that’s when I started going to that Temple!

            • I don’t say exactly where, because I don’t know you!

              • These kinds of people are everywhere!!!!
                I know what they’re thinking just by the look on their faces, my husband had the same challenges at work also, I know it comes with success!

                • I believe that we are going through Spiritual warfare Jesus is coming soon its getting worse and worse we are not of this world the devil is trying to hurt us through people we just have to discern ask and call upon Jesus

            • deanna

              you are right about people…..they either belong to the Lord yahweh or they don’t….the ones that don’t act like what you are talking about. they are jealous or just negative.

              but I was also commenting on the mixed spirituality that you have….you are in between the pagan world and the kingdom of Yahweh God.

              the temple is a monument to the mother goddess….it is pagan and against the law of Yahweh to worship or honor other gods…he is the only true God, so if you want peace or help, go to him, not a false god.

              this mixing spirituality of what you do is what I want you to understand

              light and darkness cannot coexist… you have to either choose the light o Yahweh GOd or choose the darkness of false pagan gods.

  490. I have been reading these posts and have experienced so much myself. I consider myself a kind woman in my early 50’s. I am a Christian and I do believe this is a spiritual battle…it is true. What I struggle with is the fact that it is getting worse…even in Christian groups. I feel it every day….I feel no one care about others and it scares me. I have nrbet been mean, but, feel that there have been individual’s that would laugh and be condescending on purpose. How does one continue to face it. AAnd why would The Lord allow it?

    • cheryl

      you are experiencing the great falling away…most become cold in heart, and only care about themselves….

      they do not have enough love in them to be kind to good people, and they actually prefer others like themselves.

      think about it, sin is legal now, and holiness is illegal in society.

      this all has to come to pass, the Lord is letting the worldly people hang themselves, in a sense, because he is coming soon to chastise them.

      it will be lonely, but distance yourself from heartless people,

      the Lord knows your trouble and patience..stay close to him.

  491. Pray for me and my family my mother does witch craft and my daughter and her husband live there, when I stayed there I haven’t been the same that been been 2007 its 2016 my name is Geraline thanks for listening

    • geraline

      I am sending you prayers to protect your family and prayers against witchcraft.

      stay away from there. and pray from a distance

      I will agree with you in prayer

  492. Hello could you please pray for me and my husband and family for protection from evil ?thank you, Valerie

  493. I have people I’ve never met before look at me like they could rip my throat out all the time. I figured it was something like that. Nice to have conformation. Thank you, God bless.

  494. Hello all…. since I can recall, I have been hated on if you will. I’d go places, some for the very first time and I would get the dirtiest looks. Some even to the point they would want to fight with me. Now, as a full grown person, I experience this every time I go to church! I get some nasty looks. Cold shoulder. Ignored by a lot of people. Some people have gone to the point, where they feel it’s ok to want to put me down in front of others or want to fight me at church! I have been wanting to ask did I do something to them? I see a lot of this hate coming from pastors all the way down to regular attendees. Man this sucks. I keep attending this church, because my family loves it there and they are treated with love.

    • george

      if you are mistreated there, do not go.

      your family can be happy in other places.

      they can adjust.

      go somewhere, where you are respected.

      maybe meet with the pastor first, and share yourself and thoughts with him, so you can establish a good relationship before making a commitment to his church.

      that way, if the pastor likes you, then others will too.

      maybe you are shy, or too quiet, and people think you are unfriendly

  495. Hi all I’ve went out for a day as I saw Seine that went to church with me before as she say hello to me an talk to me and I’m like nervous towards her!I felt so weird. I let the church cos its seems like i be heard about myself that they were talking about me,I vent my story so I fought I can trust this person but I notice in the end that a running there mouth about my family! But I want to knowledge, advice in good not in negative way an talk about me to others! Don’t seem the truth from Christian people! I believe in god but its doesn’t make No different to them.I’m learning not full bible reader.
    What happen if you felt nervous seem people from your old church! Well I change my church

  496. I had this weird dream that I was leaving my old elementary school and the more I walked the more everything started to look different and before i knew it i was in a different world. I came across huge life size white and tan houses and each house looked the same. They kind of looked like town houses but they were not. In between the houses a dog bit me and I could feel it in my dream. I think it was lucid dreaming. I was lost and i was trying to find my way back home and then I seen like a big square looking dome hovering us and there were four pillars. Each pillar represented the bus routes where you stand to wait for the bus.I seen people that i think were teens and they had their school bags and i’ve never seen them before but i asked one girl which pillar did i have to stand at to wait for the bus and she told me i think i have to stand at 35b and 35. It seemed like my dream was like a meeting place where everyone goes to usually and all there were were houses with no backyards just grass with like hills as well. The weird part was I recognized Luke hemmings who’s an australian singer i’m from Canada by the way. He’s in his teens and he was waiting for a bus. I didnt speak to him but I could see that it seemed like he usually comes to different world and I think I seen one bus that came it was dark blue and it looked like a party bus but my dream ended there. When I woke up i started feeling groggy. Thought I could share dreams are real. I met people i didn’t even know which i though was pretty cool.

  497. My whole life has been like this. Since I can remember from even as young as 2/3 years old I was always treated badly. My Grandmother hated me. She would hit me numerous times a day, sometimes for no reason coz I was naughty?? I was only TWO!! 😦 At family gatherings I was always the kid who was left out, picked on, bullied on and just laughed and ridiculed at because of the way I looked, acted or the colour of my skin. I really couldn’t understand why people hated me for no reason whatsoever. I didn’t have to open my mouth and already I am judged. 40 years later IT HAS NOT CHANGED! I struggle to make female friends coz they end up hating on me or ALWAYS TRY to copy what I’m into,dress like me and even sound and use the same words I use! Its crazy coz I’m a mature aged women. I thought this only happened in high school. Anyways I stumbled on your site and low and behold.. IT ALL MAKES SENSE!! I am the kindest person you will ever meet and I GIVE like REALLY GIVE and help people coz that has been my passion since childhood. always there to help… so I couldn’t really understand now that I’m a grown women?? people still HATE ME WITH A PASSION! I need prayers because I seriously wanna see this part of my life change. It gets real LONELY from where I’m sitting NO JOKE! help!!!!

    • lonely

      I am always sorry to hear sad stories.

      the devil is in most people now, and he hates those that are set apart by god.

      remember jesus was perfect and loving, and he was crucified

      seek refuge in the Lord, and he will comfort you. get to know him better. read his Word, and talk to him daily

      ask god each day to bless you and pray against curses people put on you…

      I am sending you some prayers for blessing, some against curses, and one for strength…

      this way the darts of the enemy will not sting, and you will feel the comfort of the lord until he returns.

      I suggest you print the prayers out and say them each day

      I will agree with you in prayer

  498. Wow! I could of written thatabout me. I feel so broken lstely as i have gone through this. Most recently had a close friend ssnd her friend tell me that i am not parenting my daughter correctly…they were angry about it and arrogant. I see them 2 days out of the year…and it had a very angry religious spirit. Prior to this I felt anger on me and i spoke about how many times Christ spoke of Love…my friend got angrier aand she is a Christian! I have had major loses in my life in the last 3 years…I am 50 now and sometimes life can beat you down…but I also have joy…slot of joy. I have seen my loved ones walk through on their way to meet the Lord with suffering and joy.

    We can have a wounded spirit lonely Christian but I was just reading yesterday that if we are wounded we need someone else to lift us. I will pray for you and pray someone lifts you. Please pray for me to get through this with my friend…I forgive but still have moments if hurt….I did tell her she hurt me but no apology…she believes she needed to warn me but she and her friend had a lot of anget towards me and my family

    • doodle

      rest in the assurance that the Lord has seen what has gone on, and he keeps records of it too.

      your faithfulness will be rewarded, and the presence of the Lord will always be with you, and denied to those that abuse you.

      god bless you and keep you

  499. God Bless you and count it as joy when we go through trials the only one that matters in your life is Jesus it doesnt matter what others think your Gods child and He does our battles we stand firm knowing He will take care of things also keep in mind Jesus will come soon pleasr pray to Him

  500. Thank you lovely ladies for your uplifting words of encouragement and prayers. I couldn’t help but break down while reading your messages…Suffering in silence can take a toll on the mind and soul 😥 Spiritual support can go a loooong way when a person is down 😥 THANK YOU so much everyone and God bless you all xoxox

  501. Hi Doodle, I too lost a close friend, my best friend actually. I have learned that everything happens for a reason. And even God can intervene to uncover the true personality of a dear friend close to our hearts. What we see as heartbreak and loss? God sees as protection on his part over us! I hope this helps… Ultimately God is in control, through the good, bad and even the ugly. God knows best xox

  502. I agree somewhat but for me its like the opposite its like i have the demons or bad attitude because i try to fit in at church and stuff and i dont belong i stick out the adults try but the kids my age and somewhere around there just dont like me everywhere i go i mess up everbodys day and i dont even realize it and i realize that the only thing i can do is ruin someones day and i dont know why im even here . im going to use a fake name because i dont want people i know reading this

    • person

      I do not think you have demons. but someone or some people have mistreated you to the point that you are very self conscious around others. this may bring attacks from negative people, and confusion from people with better intentions.

      I think you should ask god each day to bless you and help you find favor with others.

      I am sending you a prayer for blessing.

      I suggest you print it out and say it each day

      I will agree with you in prayer

  503. I want you to know its not you.i have been going through what you are going through since i was a child now im 63 and retired early because of years of this same thing until i realized the reason im a believer and have been so im Gods child such as you are the demons in these people know the spirit in you just pray to your Father God to place protection around you and Jesus blood on you and it works Jesus is coming and the demons are working harder then ever on believers so just pray focus on Jesus every day it matters what God thinks of you not people God Bless you and keep running the race and turn your radio on to Klove 87.7

  504. I haven’t posted in a while on here. But, I was wondering if anyone here ever experienced this. Every time, I leave a job, I never ever receive a going away party, cake or farewell card. I’m not trying to sound petty. But, when ever other coworkers left to go on to another job, they at least got a card. I never received anything from any job I ever had when I left like others did. Also, people always talked badly about the other coworkers yet they got a party. Again, I’m not trying to come of as petty. But, this is another instance of when I felt rejected.

    • kik

      that can certainly hurt

      I cannot explain why from your position, but maybe you just work with people who just don’t care about others that much

      remember, this is their behavior, not yours…so do not take on the guilt there

      just do your job, and when time to leave, look forward to the change, and ask god to bless you

  505. I have seen this reaction, in work and in interactions with people who are not walking in the light.
    I was interested in learning about energy healing reiki. So I took an introduction class. I prayed before and prayed this was God pleasing. I am a prayer warrior and have had some gifts of healing with touch. With Jesus directing the healing. Reiki is not that. The instructor was uneasy around me and one lady said I gave her headaches. I continued to go to class. I realized God had a message for the instructor to let go of her anger and forgive others and come back to Jesus. I never went back. Also I try to avoid reiki massages and people…some can be filled with spirits that do not serve our Lord. There is a spiritual battle and the answer is read your bible pray for a hedge of protection from the blood of Christ. Rebuke evil and test the spirits. Also avoid evil and temptations. This may be the hardest as tv and movies expose and desensitize us to evil. God bless and please pray for peace and protection.

  506. A few weeks ago, I went to the bank in the morning and I was waiting outside since it hadn’t opened yet and this Lady who worked there arrived and said we were blocking the way, seen me and a few other elderly people and chose to ignore me even though she knew I seen her and decided to have a conversation with the elderly guy saying good morning. I’m 20 years old now and my sis is 15 and we always have this hot and cold feeling with everyone. They either choose to ignore me or talk to me if i asked them a question other than that I’m usually by myself at home doing the usual and going to be studying commerce degree at home to to get into fashion buying. I’m fine with not having any friends since I’m pretty independent but it could get kind of annoying when people ignore your presence or talk to you when you talk to them first or just stare at you. It’s happening everywhere in Canada. People are really soulless. Even when I was in school there were a few people that had a crush on me but wouldn’t bother to talk to me because they have a bad spirit and are following the agenda and when i took a reliance home comfort customer service training course online strangers that I didn’t even know also seemed like they were ignoring me when they seen my name only the instructor and a few others talked to me because they had to since it’s their job so I just left it. As long as I’m following the Lord nothing matters in life.

    • anastasia

      you are describing the world as we know it now.

      it says in the bible that the love of many would wax cold.

      cold hearted people.

    • Don’t let it get to you. Just pray for them. I know it hurts and I’ve dealt with a lot of soulless people for years. It’s really satan working through folks. You seem like a truly sweet, wonderful person. Have compassion for them. I got it a lot from most celebrities I used to follow on Twitter. I know they have a ton of followers but I always sensed a certain disdain for myself from them even though they did talk to certain other non famous followers. Not that I idolize anyone. I only serve Jesus. But celebs are very under satan’s control. Even the one’s pretending to be Christians. We have to pray for them and forgive.

  507. What you said is quite accurate. And the sad thing is I’ve dealt with it from a lot of “Pastors”. The most infamous incident was with “Pastor Dean”(Dean Sweetman) from Calvary Christian Church in Georgia. He hated on me during a service after I complimented him on his church. He even went so far as to accuse ME of not being saved. His wife Jill did too. He said before the entire congregation: “Some people have nasty personalities and it’s hard to tell if they’re saved.” I was so hurt and humiliated I left before the service was over and stayed away for months. I came back for one service months later and decided to NEVER go back. This is the reason I’m now a NON-Church going Christian and never will be one again. No thanks. The Holy Spirit does an awesome job teaching me the bible at home. Apostasy is everywhere.

    • Been hated all my life. I cry alone. Sent from my Jitterbug

      • susan

        you have been around too many bad people.

        try looking for good kind people….they are rare, but they are still around.

        earlier, you may not have had much choice who you were stuck with, but as you get older, you should be able to have more control over your surroundings and associates.

        do not give up. loving people are really out there.

        may god comfort and bless you with new friends.

    • bonita

      this pastor dean sounds like a real jerk I am glad you dumped him

      safer at home, chatting with real christians….and it is free too. 🙂

  508. I have dealt with hate for 40years.the people hated me for no reason.yet they wanted my music.these people steal like everything belongs to them.I want the men to experience 40years of nothing and nobody they thought it was funny when done to me.I want to pass the laughter and humor their way.I was denied being able to have a child.40years.

    • james

      we all have hate to deal with. those men should not have stolen your music.

      people have stolen from me also.

      sometimes we learn the hard way who we can trust, and who we can’t

      I pray god comforts you and helps you find some positive people to be around…..people who can be kind to you.

  509. This is a wonderful page..very insightful and beneficial to anyone suffering persecution and affliction for Christ sake. It also brings comfort to those who have been rejected by family, friend’s, ect.. and have never known why. I can relate to much of what is being shared on this page. God bless the person who created this page and praise God!! for leading me to it.

  510. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. People who are demon afflicted, the world and even some Christians, will automatically hate you because we are in a war of power.
    If the person feels insecure intensely after being hated on, it is for sure a rejection spirit that the believer is suffering from. I had one. I got deliverance.
    The holy spirit himself empowers us to love these types who hate us. We don’t shake or tremble. We are not insecure nor threatened by an immediate hatred, which usually and quickly goes away once they experience your light of Christ.
    If it lingers and things get worse, you are insecure and self hating, that is a rejection spirit and u need to wrestle it and break it’s assignment until u are whole and unthreatendx by rejection.
    Rejection is a strong spirit because Satan was first rejected and wants others to feel what he felt when he displeased God.
    Pray hard
    Otherwise this tendency towards insecurity and a pathetic nature will follow you until u smother it.
    Perhaps God is allowing those situations to cleanse you of self rejection, to the point you read this page to find out your problem.
    God bless

    • Very well said..may Jehovah God’s anointing continue to flow in your life and may his holy spirit continually guide and direct you in Jesus mighty name!! I can definitely relate to what you said. Jehovah God has a heavy anointing upon my life..and I have experienced much rejection over the years..but once your walking in God’s anointing for your life and accepted his only begotten son the lord and savior Yeshua Jesus Christ. There is no need to’s also imperative we plead the blood of Yeshua over our lives and claim victory in his name daily. God bless you my sister in Christ and keep doing the Lord’s work!!

  511. This explains why I just can’t stand some people no matter how much I try.

  512. This explains why I just can’t stand some people no matter how much I try. They’re not Christians and I am. I hate the smell of their incense to the point that my blood boils. I know I should care for them but I just have this inner hateful feeling towards them that wouldn’t go away.

  513. I’m a christian and I try my best to be one as much as I can. I know that we’re supposed to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. I have a dilemma here. No matter how much I try, I just can’t seem to love and have the heart to look forward to being with my parents-in-law. Sure, I backslid years ago and married a Hindu guy instead. I was too young and selfish to think of the consequences of being in an interracial marriage. I was to preoccupied with me not getting married at the right age and having children before it’s too late now. Did I love my husband before getting married? My answer is a resounding “No”. I didn’t love my husband that much but I was too scared and selfish to be single for the rest of my life. We’ve got two kids now. I love them to pieces and they’re Christians. I’ve been so blessed enough to raise them in the fear of the Lord. My husband isn’t yet but we’re praying every night for his salvation.

    To cut my story short, I’ve got a very big dilemma in my heart right now. My husband being the youngest in the family, would like to bring his parents so “we” could after them as they’re getting older. His mom’s 70 and his dad’s 74. Sure thing they’re still strong because they travel overseas by themselves. Being Hindus, it is customary that they live with one of their sons. Their daughter lives in America and they lived there for a month or two but refused to permanently live with her. They have another son also in America but his wife is such mean person. And so no, they can’t live with their son. That leaves my husband to care for them. I have not problem with in-laws living with us because I grew up in an extended family. My maternal grandmother live with us along with some of my mom’s brothers and other relatives. I’m used to that. My problem is, no matter how much I try, I just can’t seem to like let alone love them.

    I have this profound hatred towards them that I just can’t explain. I hate them from the bottom of my heart. I try to be nice to them but that’s all I can do. Being a Christian, it irritates me whenever my father-in-law tries to make my children say his Hindu greeting which declares that, “I”m going to the god within you”. HELLOOOOOOO!!! My children have already been offered to the Lord and no, they’re NEVER going to his gods. Never!!! In Jesus’ name. We went to their place for a vacation a few years ago and every morning, his dad would burn this incense for a prayer. Honestly, those were the worse mornings of my life. No matter what I tried, I just hated the smell of the incense. My blood would boil and my head would ache. I had this instant dislike and disapproval towards the incense. My husband said I was being so stupid because it was apparently fragrant. But no, it wasn’t. It was revolting!!!

    Now back to the topic of him bringing his parents home. I don’t want them here. I can’ stand the idea of having more unbelievers in my house. His father is very intrusive and fanatic especially when it comes to his religion. I don’t want him here. His mom keeps on sending and giving my husband little idols for our home. My husband is so upset about me being so abrupt and straight forward when I said that I don’t want them here. But I had to be honest with him about what I really feel inside rather than keeping my feelings inside. I can’t commit to looking after them at home. Who knows how long they’ll live in this world. What if they’ll live for another 15 years or more? Shall I put up with them for those number of years and forever hold my resentment inside my heart? Just the thought of them coming here gives me a panic attack. We fought quite a few times already. He said we can get divorced and I can take the kids but he’ll look after them. I admire my husband’s devotion to his parents. And I know that as a Christian, it is our duty to look after our household. But what can you do if your spirit inside you despises the spirits they have?

    • Ella

      you and your husband will have to compromise somehow with each other.

      you cannot accept the practice of hinduism in your home, and they represent the demonic aspect of this false religion.

      while they are unbelievers, there must be some other reason for hating them…figure out why…it cannot just be the incense….are they nice to you? or bad to you?

      if they are bad to you, then you cannot live together.

      if they are nice to you but carry strong demonic spirits, then that will not work either.

      maybe you can arrange for an apartment near your house for them?

      if they are nice, and do not act like they carry demons, then maybe there can be an agreement that they refrain from incense and other religious practices in your home….after all, it is your home, not theirs.

      if they remain fanatics, then someone – you or them – cannot stay there.

      just some thoughts..think about it some more.

  514. My heart was heavy last night as I asked myself what in the world is wrong with me. I came upon your website and started to read, my phone went blank and would not return to the page. Today, I promised myself that I would try again and glad to say it was a success. Scrambling to see what you had to say, I was glad to read the stories and learn that I’m not alone. I’m the youngest of 12 children and the most hated. Even though whenever someone needs something they will call me. My own mother used to be verbally abusive calling me vile names and looking at me with nothing but hate in her eyes. My father, who was a pastor, was never a fan of mine as well.

    Around 7yrs ago, my mother was ill so I relocated back to m hometown to take care of her. While staying there, she was still her old self. Even though I made sure her house ran well and bent over backwards to get her what she needed. There would be days when 2 of my sisters would sit in the living room of my mother’s house an never utter a word to me. I would pray and ask God to please reveal my faults because I just knew that I had to be doing something wrong. Because everyone was always mad at me and I never knew why. Upon the many talks with my long tome prayer partner, she told me that I was very special and God had His eye on me. It helped me feel better for a while. Then after my mother healed and my sister moved back in, I relocated 40mins away. The word I received was the entire family was mad at me. I called my brother who made this statement and asked him what I had done. All he could do was stutter. But I knew that God had me so I stayed strong. In April of 2006, we were told that my dad’s health was getting worse. During the visits, he would only make small talk with me because he was still angry with me for telling a family friend how we went hungry, without power,etc, as children while he took care of another family. On 6/25, I visited him at hospice where he had only been for 2 days. He was asleep when i walked in so I just sat with others and talked. About 2hrs into my time there, we were told that he was beginning to show the final signs. His co-pastor pulled me aside and asked which one of the children had not been there yet because my dad was waiting on someone. I explained this was my first visit and I had 2 brothers that had not come as of yet. As everyone planned to leave i got comfortable in the family ]room but went on back to sit with my dad in his room. Sitting there I watched his breathing pattern and a nurse came in to time his breaths. As she left the room I looked down at my phone. I saw a bright light and saw an angel. All I said was ok, I already know that you are here. As I looked back down at my phone, something nudged me to look over at my dad. I looked for him to breath and he never did. He was gone. God explained to me that my dad wanted me with him at that time. And when his co-pastor returned, he looked at me and said that it was me my dad was waiting for. After this happened, no one came to me and asked if I was ok. It was tough

    There are times when I never hear from anyone. I told someone that if I died today my family wouldn’t know for weeks because I never hear from them. I always do the calling. Please forgive me for the long comment
    but just getting confirmation on God’s word that I’m not this awful person makes my heart sing. I do what I can for anyone and try to treat everyone as God has treated me. But it’s been hard when all you get is meanness and negativity for no reason. Just the other night I was questioning myself and trying my best to see what I may be doing. Thank you again for the eye opening words and may the Creator continue to bless your life and family.

    • teresa

      you have had a hard life, with out the love and acceptance you needed.

      this is a special cross to bear, for those chosen by God, to feel the pain of jesus, who also suffers rejection and hate from people

      when your time comes to leave this life, you will share in his joy, and intimacy, as you have shared in his sufferings in this life.

      so take heart, it was all NOT for nothing. your reward is waiting for you in heaven

  515. Thank you Marianne for your kind words. And please forgive me if I seemed to complain. At the end of the day I realize that we are all human and have human reactions. But it helps when a true woman of God cares enough to take the time to respond to numerous emails when someone is in pain. I realized a long time ago that people do not have to take the time out of their life for you. And when I encounter a spirit that strives to help with healing, I’m more than impressed. Again, I thank you.

    • teresa

      we all are sisters in the Lord

      I remember a long time ago, there was a song called “they will know we are christians by our love”

      i was just a teenager, but it made a big impact on me, I would cry when I heard it.

      so, it is the love that unifies us together…..

      god bless you always, and come back as much as you please.

  516. If a guy has the holy spirit but really cares for a girl that has demons can she ever love him back.

    • james

      that is a question that would naturally cause concern

      why would you be attracted to a girl with demons?

      while marriages do occur and last between unsaved people, I see only stress and problems with someone who has demons.

      she may love you in some way, but it won’t be the way you really want it.

      if you care for her, then encourage her to first seek salvation and deliverance, and see if she then feels the same way about you.

      demons affect the personality, and after deliverance, the personality will change….

      do not make any commitments until you are both spiritually equal, ie both saved and feel the same way about each other

  517. Thank u it was an eye opener wow ! I’m on YouTube HenryHerrin check out my videos this is all you need to go to Heaven n get your white Robe GOD gives all believers John 3:16/17

  518. So I need to have a shower in wine? Or do I summon Jesus and kill him and bathe in his actual blood?

  519. I just can’t wrap my finger around why people will treat someone who exhibits kindness with such disdain and hate yet someone who is mean and hateful they will seek their approval. Such a disgusting and pathetic world we live in. I have gone out of my way to make friends and treat people justly but they still gravitate to the cruel people. It’s just sad and frustrating how depressed I am about this and how many others are suffering like me. I have a sprit of rejection around me and every relationship seems to crumble. Tired of hearing “It must be something you are doing wrong for ALL these people to hate you and disrespect you.” That is far from the truth. I can be minding my business and going about my day and seems like they will show their evilness for no reason at all. I feel this world just caters to bullies nowadays which is so unfair. I just keep asking God to help me deal with the rejection and evilness.

    • nik

      as the holy spirit said to me once:

      it is not you, it’s them
      it is their sin, not yours!

      the world is corrupt and full of godless stupid people, including the “religious” ones

      do not accept blame for their behavior toward you.

      keep your wits about you, and your head high….do not let them bring you down….

      pray each day for strength to ignore their mess and get on with your life.

      do your best. that is all god wants. he knows what they are doing and they will have to PAY for their behavior they SEEM to be getting away with now.

      keep your nose in the bible, pray, study, listen to uplifting music and keep going.

      they will drag you down, but you get right back up again.

      I am sending you prayers against curses.

      best to print out and say each day

      I will agree with you in prayer

      reject their rejection! do not accept it!

      pray that god blesses you in spite of them!

      fight back in the spirit ( not flesh)

  520. I am 50. Since I was very young I felt and knew my mother disliked me, my older brother disliked me. I was born into being disliked. My father and one older sister liked me. My entire life experience has been having to cope with persons who instantly disliked me, for me it is even my presence. I don’t have to be saying anything for them to dislike me. I work at a school. When I worked at their preschool, I was liked. I was promoted to work at the elementary school and immediately felt that I was placed in a pit of very challenging personalities. The principal, the bookkeeper, a program coordinator and some parents completely and irrevocably despise me. It has been the most challenging and difficult period in my life that I have ever experienced…very dark, mind-bending. Filled with self-doubt, self-hatred, and self-disappointment I feel sometimes that I am broken, my soul broken. Then, two contracted employees step into my life at work for a project I was needing help with and my life turned-around. Without me saying anything, they confirmed that I was being mistreated, taken advantage of and performing multiple duties beyond any human possibility. I thank you whole heartedly for this article you wrote. I understand things much better. I am going to arm myself with a bible and begin reading and praying. Thank you. I would like to know, which bible is the best, purest of word that I you recommend? I appreciate your time and efforts, god bless.

    • angelica

      as the holy spirit told me once, when I was deeply thinking about all the abuse and hate i took:

      it is THEIR sin, not yours…..

      sometimes we accept guilt from negative people because we seem outnumbered, and the group effect makes us feel that if ALL of them hate us, then we must be wrong. the majority rules.

      but the majority of people in this life are actually wrong, not right

      the fraction of those committed to god, obey his laws, and have the heart of christ is small, not large

      they may carry the name christian, but their works are bad fruit, or their fruit is non existent….

      the remnant is a small group. they are out there but sometimes hard to find..but god can make a way for good people to meet

      this is a dark world now…do not accept the darkness as superior to your own spirit.

      go inside, meet the god within, and connect with the joy and/or peace you find there…..

      let this radiate outward, and do not let the dark discourage you.

      the eternal reward does not come from man approving you, although it would be a nice relief…

      the reward for all your efforts is from god, and he is faithful to keep his covenant with us.

      pray that god blesses you every day with the grace and strength to keep going….and to resist the negative around you

      you have dealt, and keep dealing with lost souls who hurt others with their coldness….pray for their salvation.

      you are going to be ok. god loves you. pray. read the bible, stay smart and strong.

      I use the new king james version…i think it is ok…I also have other versions….

  521. If my spirit is Jesus Christ &their’s thedevil,why am I in danger?I know I am covered by the blood of Jesus and I will not falter!.

    • rhonda

      we may all be attacked, but because of the blood of jesus, we can also have victory.

      stay strong in your faith, the devil will be defeated soon…and the Lord will return

      god bless you

  522. I have seen The “Holy” Ghost who IS my Mother’s “Inward Man” in 2010′ and she LOOKS exactly like herself and The SUN (Word) is with her. She is the God of Israel. Come Hear my Pastor and King of Israel; Chosen in THIS Day and Generation to Lead and Guide His People Israel.

    The Spiritual Israel Church And Its Army
    9375 Amity
    Detroit, Michigan 48214
    “General Assembly Church of the First Born which are written in Heaven (Written in the heart) and not up in the sky.)

    She IS “THE TRUE ISRAEL LIGHT OF GOD” AND SHE IS THE LIGHT “THE CHRIST” OF OUR FATHER. We are Spiritual Ethiopian Israelites having the Light of Our Father Carbon Atom whom was in that Jesus (Acts 5: 30_KJV) who was (Matthew 15: 24_KJV), who’s Father was (Romans 11: 1_KJV) who has NEVER died (But) was in that black Jesus (Jesus’s) THE TRUE SON OF GOD…whom ye forefathers chose evil over good when they raised their hands to take a life that wasn’t theirs to take.

    This is HOW GOD KNOWS:

    1 John 5: 7_KJV (Bear Witness in Heaven…THREE “ARE” ONE (GOD)

    1 John 5: 8_KJV (Bear witness on earth…THREE “AGREE” in one (Men)

    Heaven is in the heart…where that Spirit was in That Black well Loved King that was deceived by an evil heart of unbelief…and what was in him was Holy and that Spirit entered into the body of the white man (because he was white) and THAT HOLY SPIRIT KNEW THE INTENTS OF THEIR EVIL HEARTS FOR HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL.

    This Serves as an Invitation and you being able to SEE Spirit’s SHALL see The Holy Ghost (Dressed in her raimant) and Her SUN (WORD, for GOD is NOT a man that He would lie…GOD is a Spirit and they who WORSHIP HIM “MUST” Worship Him in Spirit and IN truth….for THE Spirit of TRUTH; cannot lie. I do not decent spirit’s, Spirit’s or SPIRIT’S I’m just friendly and THE GOD OF ISRAEL (Does the Descerning of spirit’s.)

    Hope to meet you soon!
    Come SEE The ONE and ONLY True and LIVING GOD “THE CARBON ATOM” _ MOTHER AND FATHER OF “ALL” LIVING; and NOT the God of the dead. (Having NO light IN them)

    Spiritual Israel (Your invitation) to be TAUGHT of THIS LIVING GOD and the OPPORTUNITY to; Isaiah 44: 5_KJV.


  523. The people that hates me more is most pastors and their followers. I have no real friends. I’m a born again believer has been for now 27yrs, but to look at my life I can’t tell.
    I just want to die. I’m homeless and without.

    • peggie

      I am so sorry to hear of you homeless.

      keep your chin up and keep going with the Lord

      you have witnessed the “great falling away” of the church predicted in scripture

      God will judge those who have done this, and hurt people like you

      I pray for the homeless every night, that they find food and shelter.

      winter will be very cold this year, so I pray you overcome this situation and find the right place to help you

      in my area, the rescue mission seems helpful…..try the one in your area, here is some information, unless you are already familiar with it

      check here for help:

  524. I hope god the father gets raped by a man vaginally and gets pregnant with a devil that already exists that hates him. Then he gets possessed by way more demons that he sent to possess me that hates him a lot.

    • Anonymous

      that will never happen.

      but you sound angry and hurt, and where you live is demonic, so I can see this happening to you.

      are you a government mind control slave?

      if there is anything I can do to help or comfort you, I will try.

      you need to get born again…repent of anything you have done wrong, repent of even the anger you have, forgive, and ask Jesus into your heart.

      Jesus gives the strength and power to break curses and the power of satan

      you also need to get away from where you are, and find a new start.

      I am sending you prayers for salvation, and to cast out the devils that afflict you

  525. Wow. This is one of the only posts I can find on the internet about this. I was so curious to see if any other Christians were going through this. I have been going through this my whole life. I’ve had friends when I was living worldly, but as soon as I came back to Jesus they were gone at the blink of an eye. I met some friends who were “Christians” but basically shunned me for getting married and doing Gods will for my life. We are now left with no friends whatsoever. Maybe we have like 3 or 4 friends… I mean I have prayed and prayed and tried to figure it out. And the only thing I have heard the Homy Spirit tell me is that it’s not you, it’s the spirit that you bring to people. I think as Christians, if we are truly His chosen ones, that we bring the darkness to light when we walk into a place. I honestly feel like the spirit of light makes the darkness in others uncomfortable, so they automatically do not like us. Because I will be in the grocery store, or in a restaurant and people just glare at me. For absolutely no reason. It’s always really bothered me… But I Try not to be bothered Anymore. Because I know as His child, I do carry the Holy Spirit with me, and He exposes all truth. He will bring all darkness to the light! And I think of this:

    Matthew 5:11-12New International Version (NIV)

    11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

    And there you have it… All I ask is one favor. Please, LOVE your fellow believers with open arms and acceptance. We need it so bad.., I think I would break down and cry if just ONE loving believer would walk up to me and say I love you, I am here for you. So please be that person to someone. We are lonely and we need each other. God bless you all.

    • j

      well I can say it to you….. I love you, I am here for you.

      that is why I am here. I went through this my whole life also….

      there is much darkness in the world now. I never thought I would live to see it this bad.

      especially with all the influx of jihadists into this country

      stay safe, prepare for famine and war….food and water and self defense

      stay faithful…..

  526. This describes what I’m feeling about these ppl at church. How do I tell my pastor? He doesn’t feel what I’m feeling and has the same gift as me.

    • Chelsi-Anna

      if people hate you at church and the pastor sees nothing wrong then it would be best to leave there. if someone attacks you there is no one to defend you

  527. Where does it say in the bible to plead the blood of jesus over ourselves?

    • sean

      “Pleading the blood” is actually a legal term. Think of it like a lawyer pleading his case before the judge. He presents evidence and facts to support his case. We have examples of this term in the Old Testament (1 Samuel 24:15; Psalm 43:1).

      When the accuser says we’re guilty, our plea before God, the Righteous Judge, is the blood of Jesus. It changed everything. The blood of Jesus established a new and better covenant between us and a holy God (Hebrews 8:6-7, 9:11-14, 22, 12:24). The blood is our defense. It declares we are not guilty but free from all penalty of sin. The blood also gives us the authority and dominion to resist Satan and put him out of all the affairs of our lives and our families’ lives.

      Because of Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary, the devil has no legal right to interfere in our lives anymore. He says we’re guilty; we “plead the blood!” (James 4:7; 1 John 3:8; Luke 10:19). We have every right and provision to walk in victory through the precious blood of the Lamb.

      Every day you have the right to exercise that authority by pleading what the blood of Jesus has done for you. Refuse to give the enemy even one small inch of territory. Satan is a defeated foe and through the precious blood of Jesus we are victorious!

  528. Why so many Christians out there hate witchcraft in genral

    • courtney

      because witchcraft is evil, does harm, curses others, and even harms the witch.

      it also controls people, destroying free will and freedom

      god forbids it

  529. Oh how I wish I had read this before. I experience this on a daily basis and never understood what was going on. Now I know! Thank you for writing this. God bless 🙏

  530. Thanks for the info as a matter of fact 100% of Christian and non Christian unsaved people do atomaticly hate me for no logical reason and i am never giving them a reason to hate me and have for 27 years that i have been alive yes at first 👀👀 sight only 1% change their minds about hating me at first👀👀or even just 👂👂 hearing my voice often lieing about me and scapegoating black maling stocking me this has happened to me for the full 27 years I have been alive so thanks again for the article it is helpful

    • john

      I suggest you fight back in the spirit

      I am sending you prayers against curses and witchcraft

      I am also sending some positive prayers

      print out and say each day

      I will agree with you in prayer

  531. Hey Marianne. Are you still there? I would like to post about my experience too. Seems like I am also facing the same issues. And seems that only you can relate to me because the people surrounding me are oblivious. To keep things short. I feel that Satan is pretty much in control right now. It’s like people really ignore and dislike me for pretty much no reason. One good example is the drink stall lady. Basically she would serve the others first and then she did not even respond to my order until she served the others when in most cases you would at least expect an acknoledgement. Even in my office place, people just ignore me for no reason. Sometimes people just give me that weird look when i give them a simple greeting. I never had this kind of experience before since say 1-2 years ago. Also last year, a “coincidence” happened. The bond that I bought defaulted. But then it was the only bond that defaulted in Singapore out of many. Satan also seem to make my life difficult like physically. Things just happen. It’s incredible, really. It seems that things just happen if you know what I mean. I cry and pray almost everyday hoping for deliverance and even hoping sometimes that God will just take me away. I feel that the end times are near but then sometimes I really cannot take it anymore. It seems that we are being punished for our righteousness.

    • ong

      yes I am still here.

      I am sorry to hear of all this trouble.

      the enemy gets stronger when you do not fight back, although the enemy is basically evil, and will always hate good people

      at work, you may ask people what is wrong….be confident and friendly, show you want to be friends and are sincerely interested in how you can make things better.

      when ordering food, if someone is rude to you, call them on it, and ask why they are ignoring you, and if they do not adjust their behavior, report them to their boss.

      these are small ways to “fight back.” show yourself as one who is NOT guilty of whatever they are thinking is wrong.

      the enemy must be confronted….most people are not saved by Jesus so they listen to what satan says, which is usually AGAINST common sense and what is true

      if you are shy around the enemy, or people listening to him, then the enemy will attack harder, thinking he is winning

      the main way to fight back is through prayer

      I am sending you prayers against curses and witchcraft

      I am also sending some positive prayers

      print out and say each day

      I will agree with you in prayer

      • To be honest. Marianne. It’s much more complicated then that. But then you are the only site that talks about this. Maybe that’s the reason there’s so many comments because this is a common phenomenon among those who are God’s Children but for some reason, pastors dun even talk about it. I mean of course pastor do talk about we being hated because we spread the word of God, but you do go a little bit deeper as in there’s a spiritual connection. Strange that other sites do not talk about this.

        What you are suggesting works, if the attacks were not spiritual in nature. The thing is, as someone mention before, you really have to pray about it and let God lift the hedge away from you. Many a times, those people do not even realize that they hate you or even that they did something wrong to you. It is just that they have this kind of negative feelings against you that may eventually lead to hatred. So if you ask them what is wrong, they may be shocked because they probably did not even realize that they hate you. In fact calling them on that may make them think that you are too sensitive and they may even be more careful when talking to you. Of course, you can try being nice and going out with people but then the fact of the matter is, even if you do manage to talk with them, the relationship is superficial. There will never ever be this rapport. And eventually, ppl will get tired of this superficiality and just ignore you in the end. It gets more then that actually. For example, when you ask help from others. You may get minimal help from people who do not like you that much. When there is a superficial kind of relationship, even if your colleague help you, it will be the kind whereby it’s a minimal help. You probably know what I mean.

        This kind of thing can only be solve through prayer. We are bound to be hated because of our relationship with God but then God can definitely do something like say put a hedge of protection around us. When this happens, things will get easier for us but then do not expect the same kind of relationship with people who are not meant to be. If you look at the old testament, everytime when God is being seek, the problem goes away. But once Israel left God, the problem comes back again. It’s the same with us. Trying to solve the problem espacially a spiritual one using our own strength will end of with very little effect.

        Of course there are some people who tends to like you a lot as well. I guess this is also because they have some inner desire to know the truth and since you do emit those kind of signals as being the source of wisdon by virtue of being God’s children, they love to talk to you as well. They may not be Christians initially but then they sense something in you to like you.

        One thing I like about the Charismatic movement in a way is that you see the spiritual side of things more intently as compared to the other denomination. Yes, the world is controlled by Satan at the moment. But then, you guys tend to overemphasize the spiritual side of things as well. I believe that as a child of God and a born again believer, I am no longer under the bondage of curses and witchcraft anymore. That’s because I am a new creation. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and thus I am being cleanse from those things.

        Do you have a facebook account? Maybe we can chat over there. My facebook id is the email in my details.

  532. nobody influences me but the FATHER in heaven… i rely on HIS power and JESUS through the HOLY SPIRIT… i call for help from the HOLY SPIRIT to hunt those devils who are hurting me and my family, to whack them if they persist… it is the HOLY SPIRIT who can see these hipocrit devils, masking as if they are of GOD, as if they are righteous… i cannot tell, so i rely for help from the HOLY SPIRIT to hunt and whack these hiding devils who are back stabbers… Why do i do this? Because JESUS is our model, people hate JESUS, but JESUS wants us to follow HIM to remain focused to the FATHER, to be the winner, to live forever, and the devil to be tortured alive in hell forever… Matthew 24:13 “but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”.

  533. I’m a good person I’m happy for leisure success in life I try to be nice but I always land up getting burned AMD hurt no one understands m they think I just believe I worked hard all my like I had a tuff life when I was a child AMD still I’m happy for people to better their self I’m like alone km this world even my family says I remember everything so they hate me cause I don’t pay rent that’s hurtful to know but why
    Do they hate me cause I’m happy and because I got mow they think taking from me is OK after I give a thing or two to them why?Melinda Parada

  534. 161106 Thank the FATHER for the power of life around us, for the power of JESUS CHRIST and the power of the HOLY SPIRIT the FATHER sent to us. Then request JUSUS our healer our model to heal the backstabber traitor hipocrit coward devils who are hurting us in the hiding, so that they be given the chance to go back to the FATHER. Then if they are stubborn, request the HOLY SPIRIT to whack the stubborn devils sooner and for sure on the judgement day, being burned alive in eternal pain. This prayer let you heal the bad and give them the chance to go back to the FATHER, or whack the stubborn ones if they continue hurting us. The FATHER loves those who cares, and loves those who side HIM in fighting against the devils. The devils are spirits with no death, but their problem is, they gonna be burned alive with no death eternally in hell. They will cry in pain, they will call the FATHER to rather put them to death in lieu of the burning pain. But the FATHER said: “before I was calling you, you did not listen, now you are calling me? I will not listen.”.

  535. I have a problem….we just moved back to my hometown and my brother has started a church, he also has a new wife. Being polite, although we do not share their belief system we attended because we are living with and taking care of my elderly parents (who insisted we go to church there and take them). After attending a few times he started preaching about me and how evil I was. My youngest brother who is part of this ministry caught my younger son and his family in a walmart recently and told him to stay away from me (his mother), my mother (his grandmother) and my oldest daughter (his older sister….whom my brother’s seldom see). Apparently the pastor’s wife has decerned that the 3 of us women are possessed by a demon and are demonic. I posted on FB that I was concerned that this church is tearing this family apart. I stated that the preacher is preaching at, stompin on, calling out and tearing apart our family. He is NOT giving a sermon or teaching from the Holy Bible. Then the next morning after my FB post my mother got a phone call on her caption call phone which was on speaker and it was my brother “Troy the preacher” and he screamed “is Melissa there (I could hear his anger). My mom yelled for me and I got my husband to come listen to the conversation. When I got on phone he immediately went into a rage. He informed me that I had better keep my mouth off of his church and THAT I BETTER GET OUR STUFF PACKED UP FAST…. BECAUSE HE WOULD BE AT MOM & DAD’S HOUSE AS SOON AS HE GOT OFF OF WORK AND I WOULD BE GONE, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER BY THE END OF THE DAY. I am still stunned and frustrated. But what is worse is that my mother insisted that we go to church 3 days later on Sunday morning. I told her there was no way I was going back there and that I didn’t feel she should either. So although Dad (80 yrs old with alzheimers) is not to drive according to the doctors, put my my Mom (who is totally paralyzed on her right side due to stroke 9 yrs ago) and drove her 25 miles one way to go to church. I am at a loss for how to handle this. Anyhow, the pastor’s wife is the one who let Troy know that we are demonic. So how she came to her conclusion that we have a demon in us has caused the entire family to divide just before the holidays. We have decided not to return to their church and that if my parents insist on going we are no longer going to live here and be their pa, cook, laundry and housekeeper, land scaper, medi cab. Moving back to my home town has turned out to be a huge mistake. But what I want to know is HOW CAN SHE JUST LOOK AT US AND DETERMINE THAT WE ARE DEMONIC??? If anyone reading this has any biblical knowledge that could help me understand, PLEASE SHARE IT WITH ME @ Please help me and send my any advice you have. Thanks and God Bless ❤

    • Well. To me this is not really a big issue. At least what those people did to you are predictable. To cut the large story short. Those people think that you are a threat and so decided to bad mouth you. You have a choice not to go to that church. Anyway. if your parents decided to go, that’s their decision. Jesus came to seperate anyway. To me. This is pretty straightforward anyway at least compared to my situation.

    • tom and melanie

      the devil is the accuser of the brethren…. demons falsely accuse others all the time…it is a way to control you

      from what you are telling me, THEY are demonic, totally flipped out, not you

      it sounds like a case of religious spirits, and ahab/ jezebel team

      they accuse you bc they feel threatened by you (you are normal, they aren’t)

      they are just falsely accusing you, do not take this seriously, unless they become violent or slander you and hurt your reputation… then take legal action

      you are right to stay away from them

      did you record the conversation? they are communicating a verbal threat, which is a criminal offense. you can get a restraining order to keep them away from you

      let your parents make their own mistakes….sick or not, they are still grown… you do not have to join them in it….if you are concerned about the driving, tell them to get a cab or another driver

  536. I am Holy Spirit filled and have the gift of prophecy (which isn’t what people think it is really). Anyway from the moment I was powerfully Spirit filled, trouble came to me. It’s over 30 years down the track and it only gets worse. I have lived an extremely lonely life although I have done much good to people. It’s so strange. If I move somewhere, the worst of the worst of the worst people will move next to me. It happens everywhere I go. Insane and vicious people make a bee line for me. I have recently been told in detail how my neighbours are going to murder me. I was trying to save a small dog that was being hit and kicked. People look for every excuse to attack me even though I have only been kind and generous to them. It is constant attack after attack after attack and I am completely alone and unprotected. I now look at all the spiritual warfare stuff and realise that there is no protection. Jesus life is classic. He was the most powerful and sinless and yet look what they did to him. The world also is getting much much worse and people are definitely in an ‘evil’ or ‘good’ category and there are so few good people. The evil people are completely blind. It’s like the chaff are being sorted from the wheat. There is no relief. Even authorities protect the evil ones. Honestly there are so few good people. I have been forced to live in a tiny isolated town (this was also the result of doing good work – the persecution is unrelenting) and there are no Christians here. One of the worst women is the one who leads the local Catholic church – she is filled with a truly vicious spirit particularly towards me. Again I did nothing but offer good. Family is the same. I am the only female and three of the males (all of whom I have helped and prayed for, viciously attack me). One said to me “I’m just trying to work out why everybody hates you.” I did so much for him. His attacks on me reached a point recently where I have had to say no more and cut him out of my life. Evil people are also as I said extremely blind.

    I have thought about this issue and it can only be spiritual as you have said, there is no other explanation but that spiritually we are reading each other and evil does instantly not just hate, but actually attack those who are aligned with God. It is frightening to see but you have to be the bravest person in the world. We do not belong here AT ALL.

    • gods child

      yes we do not belong here at all, in an evil world, which hates us

      unbelieving, or non spirit filled people are easily led and deceived by demons….but they think it is their own thoughts against you, or you, not them, have something wrong.

      like me, you were never trained in spiritual warfare..

      first of all, when someone attacks you, tell them they are wrong, and are hateful, and they need to repent….

      that will make no difference to them, but at least you have shown you oppose their hate. always stick up for yourself….do not shrink away, as that will identify you as a good target.

      then pray against their curses and actions against you….

      I am sending you some prayers against witchcraft and spirits, and curses….

      also some for strength and blessing

      print them out and say each day

      I will agree with you in prayer

      • Hi Marianne. Thank you but you read me incorrectly. I am FULLY trained in spiritual warfare. I wear the full armor of God and know all the prayers and actions of spiritual warfare. The thing is, the closer to God you are, the more you do right, the worse the attacks become. Also I received a powerful amount of the Holy Spirit and from that moment the attacks began. I’ll give you an example. I had told a priest friend of mine in the early days the things that were happening and that insane people came to me like I was a magnet. One day we were sitting in the big open town square. We were sitting at a table outside in the square. The square is huge with many shops on the outside of the square. A woman came into the square at the far end. I saw her, she was crazy it was obvious from the way she looked and she was talking to herself. I said to the priest ”I told you what happens. Watch this.” I did not look at her from then on and she had not seen me.” There were many, many people in the square. She slowly made a bee line directly for me and she came up to me and stared right into my face and grabbed my long hair and said “YOU Catholic with blond hair disease!” She raved on and on calling me various things and staring at me in the face. I never said a single word to her. I never responded. She eventually put down my hair and wandered away. She did not approach another person in the square only me. My priest friend just stared at me shocked and said that it was one of the most horrifying things he had ever seen and I said “It happens all the time.” So too does the moving towards me of the most horrible, sadistic, lying, vicious people imaginable. It can ONLY be a spiritual phenomenon and it started the moment I was filled with the Holy Spirit and has not stopped at all. In fact it is getting worse all the time. I know all the prayers. I have decades of study behind me now on all matters Christian and spiritual. I bring people back to God and I interpret dreams. The amount of attacks and the strange complicated manner of them also opens me to attacks by Christians and others saying I must do something to deserve these things. Quite the opposite. I fight evil and wrong doing and I do good all the time. As you get older, if you have been with God a long time, you are taught and corrected all the time and you get it more and more right. The more right you do, the more people accuse you of doing wrong. It’s a strange phenomenon. It was very good to see your page and someone who actually knows this phenomenon. Thank you for having the courage to put it up. As you can see, nasty people like ‘Judy’ see fit to attack. New Christians and ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus’ Christians are some of the worst people for doing this. And non-Christians of course. Genuinely being devoted and fully submitted to God is actually a very rare thing – even in Charismatic churches there are many who pretend to filled with the Holy Spirit. I have even seen a pastor’s wife who, to me, was clearly lying and pretending to speak in tongues. True believers and devotees are very rare. People who are Satan’s servants and who don’t even know it but would not care if they did, are everywhere. It’s true. The level of evil, since the beginning of 2013 has ramped up exponentially. We are in a battle there is no doubt and we must keep fighting to the end of our lives. Thank you again for your page and for your reply.

        • PS. I’m not Catholic.

        • gods child

          thank you for clarifying that, sorry I did not understand better.

          since your first comment had less detail, I misunderstood

          yes these are bad times, and I have had experiences like yours.

          the attacks are vicious, as if they want to see us die

          I have seen this steadily increasing for the past 10 years. It was bad enough before that as well.

          right now, it has become a national phenomenon, especially after this last presidential election in the USA.

          at first I was silent, trying to take it all in, and trying to determine what to do

          then I became more vocal and more resistant…the bible says to submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee…so that is what I do.

          I wish you the best, and the continued presence of God, and victory over all this evil coming our way

          • Thank you very much Marianne. I really appreciate your site and your responses. Yes the world sees what is happening to Americans and that it is very bad. I was very happy for you when President Trump was elected because he seems to be the only one who cares what is happening to you. The world watched horrified as George W left Americans to die in the streets after Hurricane Katrina. Australia always follows America and we also have lost all our jobs and the government mocks those who are now poor and homeless because of their actions. We had a psychopath, Tony Abbott, in power for a while and then the whole world seemed to have gone mad. We now have Malcolm Turnbull who prides himself on his charm but he is exactly the same. Australia is in a terrible mess economically.

            Yes I too do what the bible says. The end times are said to be very difficult so this is probably just the beginning.

  537. Hi, I really appreciate what you said here. By the grace of the Lord, I was born again almost 3 years ago through a very difficult experience. Leading up to that time and since I’ve had almost everyone in my life betray me or reject/abandon me and almost everyone I come across that doesn’t know me seems to really dislike me or flat out hate me. I’m used to it as people have seemed to be this way toward me since I was a kid. I’m now age 34.
    It really seems that when one is truly born again that we are really ripped from this world spiritually. I don’t have anybody else’s experience to go on, I don’t know a lot of Christians who’ve gone through this or anyone for that matter, only from people I’ve read about like you.
    I’d like to ask you, what is it exactly that causes one to go through this complete overhaul in their life, where everyone that they love and care about betrays or rejects them? Or hates them so vehemently? In the original post it is explained and I do understand that the demonic forces can sense the Holy Spirit. I understand that, I just am going through this time of still being very amazed as to how people that I’ve believed in could do what they’ve done and why God would allow bad things to happen? I know that all things work out for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, but it’s just hard. It’s hard to have a whole life as I knew it be ripped up from under me by no doing of my own. I definitely see demonic forces at work in people around me, whether in my family or people I just come into contact with and I understand that it’s not me. It’s just hard to be constantly hated and or rejected by people that I’ve loved so deeply. But I know that Jeaus went through it all so if He can withstand it I must as well. Blessings to you.

    • beccamama

      we go through this because we are in a fallen world, and people are slaves to the devil, whether they know it or not.

      your spiritual eyes have been opened…you are seeing the dark forces affecting people you know that have been affecting them all along, but before you did not notice….there was a veil over your eyes until you were born again, and could see.

      we have to be awake to this and tested by it. no one can go to heaven without being tested, …if no testing, we could end up like the fallen angels.

      the ripping away of a world where we felt secure is very hard…but the rewards will be there in the next life… we cannot be tainted with this world…..Jesus wants a pure bride, spotless, undefiled by anything material or negative.

      jesus told us we would have trouble, but he also assured us that he had overcomed the world, and we could endure to the end, if we trusted in him.

      so stay strong and close to God, and you will make it through all this

    • beccamama. Welcome to the family! You are only a baby in spiritual terms and as well as you becoming the object of persecution spiritually, God will also be working on your life. If you were brought up in an abusive way perhaps you will not know and you may have surrounded yourself with others who are also a bad influence or treat you badly. You actually know none of that but God will deal with it all. When I was Spirit filled many years ago, I viewed my life as a chessboard and it was as if God wiped the entire chess board clean. It depends what he has in store for you but if you are filled with the Holy Spirit you are being prepared for a certain ministry (that is what the gift you receive is for) and some ministries take a long, long time to prepare for and they are very difficult. I find that the only way to handle my life and to stay alive is to have a ‘Kingdom’ view. We are after all, eternal beings as much as we may have a role here on earth, our preparation is for God’s eternal Kingdom. There is soooooooo much to learn you just won’t believe it. Just remember NEVER STOP TALKING TO GOD. Even if you’re angry don’t ever ever ever ever leave Him. He knows best even though we cannot understand that. One day we will all be together and we will be rejoicing. It’s very hard to see that in this life. Remembering and always believing that God is GOOD is the most important thing in the world. Satan can lead you into churches where you can get horribly wounded and will be tempted to blame God. Remember that Satan masquerades as God and he often does it through religious people. That is the hardest lesson you will ever learn. Please remember what I am saying because it will protect you. You are the apple of God’s eye and that will never change no matter what people say about or do to you. God bless you.

  538. This is a video I believe that all Christians should see. There is so much deception in the world now and the church is no different.

  539. Is this why so many Caucasians give me nasty glances?

  540. i thank God for this…For me i wondered why my fellow women/my neibours don’t even look straight in my eyes…they hate me without any reason even at my work place my bosses cant speak good of me

  541. I just woke up from a horrible dream. In the dream I am dispised and hated by people in public. They just hate me for no reason and think I have done something terribly wrong. I try to tell them I am kind and should be no concern to them but just talking to them infuriates them. I run from them trying to get away. I find myself on a carousel with children as we spin a heavenly beautiful singing voice of a boy breaks out and encompasses everything. He sings “Save me I walk across the cloud. Oooooh oh oh ooooh”, “Help me I walk across the cloud. Oooooh oh oh.” His voice is so pure and beautiful and then I woke up. I too know very well the feeling Of being cast out and despised by people for no apparent reason. I dream like this all the time in different ways. It hurts so bad to feel unloved and hated in this world.

  542. This has happened all my life. I have a huge heart and care very deeply but always for no apparent reason despised and hated by people. It is living a hell for sure. Not sure I can go on much longer been dealing with it for 50 years.

    • sean

      what is happening to you and to many people, including me, especially in the past, is that you are being attacked but you do not know how to fight back.

      as long as the demons in others, and in the world, see that you do not fight back, they keep attacking….you are a good target

      you can turn this around with prayer and a strong attitude.

      understand that this is NOT your fault, it is their sin, not yours

      most people are wicked and need to be put in their place

      the little boy in the dream is you..that is your child like soul….you are pure before god, and this angers the devil, and those that belong to him

      I am sending you prayers against witchcraft and curses, and some prayers to protect yourself

      pray them daily, this, for all of us, is an ongoing effort

      I will agree with you in prayer

      you are going to be ok

      • Marianne,

        I agree with you on everything except the one about fighting back. That I have always done. But it accomplishes only one thing and that is for to give them amo to further use against me. It does not put anyone in their place. The world seems to have more people possessed by demons then angels. The odds are way in their favor and they work as an army each of them and there people banding together. Best I think o am capable of doing is keeping my heart and doing good and fighting for others that are vulnerable. Thank you for the reply I enjoyed your article. It maps very closely to what I feel is happening.

        God be with you.


        • sean

          if you fight back in the physical, you really have to be prepared and know what to do. this may take a long time to get this advanced.

          it took me decades to get good at this, I would win, but at some cost

          the satisfaction came when I saw them defeated.

          you can always fight back in the spirit, with prayer

  543. Agree on this subject it’s the words are taken from the Holy Bible every minutes someone meet such people and from their act and looks before they start their demonic work you might guess their negative signs my work is mostly traveling on the roads to meet customers on offices and so I can tell you frankly every day I meet those demons sometimes you can’t count their numbers but the Rosary always protect me and the Holy Blood of the Lord always defend me remember what they did to Jesus before us how they mocked and tortured him till they Crucify him the Son of God with no sin at all paid all the price of our sins to save us so who are we ? To complain while we are sinners but because he still loves us he will always protects us Amen

  544. What? I just figured they saw something evil in me, for that I’m foolish, crazy. That’s what they always say.
    I loved people that secretly hated me, and found out the hard way, the painful way.

  545. It’s simple. All the people in our lives don’t actually hate us. They are just playing the game/ agenda and the one’s who wanna stay truthful aren’t and get treated like crap. I find this whole thing dumb. I used to believe in Christianity but don’t anymore. Just people who want to take control of the world the way they want to.

    • anastasia

      it is not a game. hate is real. and hate kills.

      it is not the fault of Christianity, although there are fake christians who refuse to love others

      rise above it all. stay close to god and trust in him

  546. Because niggers…

  547. Thank you for sharing it really shines a light on me I’ve had people who didn’t know me but I’ve turned my life to jesus christ evenot though I don’t have any friends I know I will always have my heavenly Father. God bless you all.

  548. I know From Experience…. I have a Gift/Curse in which I can Actually Hear the Spirit Entities…. Both Good and Bad……

    But I seem to notice that the Bad have alot more To say (Negative things)…. The Good usually don’t Speak much unless…. it is to encourage you….

    I know from experience that this is True…..

    The Reason we Merit Hatred from the Demons and in turn the Demon influenced humans…. Is really cause the Demons are Very Jealous… Because the demons were once Angels in Heaven… But they fell from Grace because of their Selfish Desire to Have sex with Women in Noah’s Day…. their Disobedience caused them to be Outcasts in Heaven…. when they were Forced to Return when the Flood occured….. In those day’s the Angel’s were Able to Materialize Human Bodies for themselves…. But now God has Imposed a Restriction on this Ability… that is why the Demons Now have to Rely on Demonic Possesion…(Hijacking a Human body) to do their Bidding….. Because God’s Greatest Expression of Love to us…. Jesus Christ Dying in the Flesh for us as a ransom Sacrifice to Buy us back from the Kingdom of Darkness under sin and Opression… to Be Heirs with him and be Children of Light…. in the Kingdom of the Heavens….. Because of this Satan and the Demons are called “Accusers” They want to “Sift us as they would Wheat” They want to find anything Dirty or Bad about us and Magnify it or tempt us to Do Bad…. to make us Undesirable to God……. Because “Anyone Wicked hates Anyone Faultless”

    The Demons don’t think we Deserve God’s Love and Mercy…. they Want us Sacrificed….. But Jesus Know’s the Father and he said to the Pharisees…..”If You had known what this means “I want Mercy, Not Sacrifice” You would not have Condemned the Guiltless ones….”

    Therefore, Keep your Innocence…. Be Humble as Young Children with regards to anything Bad…. But Fully Grown and Mature in knowing what is Right….

    God Bless You All

  549. Hello everyone. Please visit this guy’s channel He has animations about the spirit realm!!!😊😊😊

  550. Not to brag or to lie but uh, I have experienced this very thing [and then some] for so long, I could be a counselor regarding this subject or write a short biography on it. When I was younger, my mom used to refer to me as an “indigo” child. I didn’t really understand what the heck she meant by that then, but somehow I believe that indigo thing is part of the reason that I have become such a target for unwarranted attack from evil in pretty much the past 10 years of my life.

    Sigh… “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” is indeed among us- and for some time now. It’s hard to believe that I am even living in real life because I feel like everyday of my life has been a science fiction movie since the mid to late 2000’s. Well, I have been suffering from this since at least 2007-08. I can remember people in society were beginning to change. It slowly began when I would notice certain people (that didn’t even know me that well) would give me strange looks. One or two people would walk near me and laugh loudly sometimes- almost like a witch from a fairytale or a villain from a comic book. Within months, more and of the people just seemed like they were all communicating with each other about something- seemingly ME. It was almost as everyone may have been talking about me behind my back. Sometimes I used to ask some people if someone was spreading rumors about me and people would tell me “you’re paranoid”, “Everything is not all about you” or “These people have their own lives, why would they be thinking about you?”. This kind of thing was happening to me from about 2008-2010. In 2011, I even had people try to play mean tricks on me. Some people that I thought I could trust would seem to betray me or at least, things were engineered to SEEM that way.

    In summer 2011, a so called co-worker invites me to drive with him to a nearby bar to relax after work. I go with him and I sip on a Dr. Pepper soda, plain and simple. At the time, I was driving an 80’s Mazda coupe that bought I later found out had some moderately serious electrical issues. After my Dr Pepper and a nice game of pool, My co-worker parted and and we went our separate ways. About a third of the way, my car is struggling to stay idle at intersections and stop signs. I keep my foot gently pressed on the gas at idle at red lights to keep RPM’s up and to keep the car from cutting off. Once the car was off it would not start for for a while. So, I made it to the street in front of the parking lot where I live and where I park my car and the car shuts off in the street. The battery is low because the key will not turn the engine over. I’m setting there trying to think of what to do next. The good news was that it was later at night and this was not a busy street. The bad news that all of a sudden, there came 2 flashing police cars on the scene. I was thinking they would ask if I needed any help, but they asked me for my license and registration. To my confusion and embarrassment, I was then asked to step out, do a straight line walk/balance test and then I cooperated further with them in doing a Breathalyzer test. HE was shocked to see a clean reading, I was NOT. I decided to ask why the officers were doing this and the officer said that someone called them and told them someone was drunk and passed out in car in the middle of the street. In short, someone tried to “set me up”. What I WANTED to ask the officer was who made that call so that I could see the person in court if things did happen to get awry for me because of this ordeal. But, I let it go and instead asked one of the officers to help me push my crippled vehicle into a nearby space of the parking lot. After all, I told them when they first came that it was the car that was “drunk”, not I… The strange thing that happened about a month later was the fact that the coworker that invited me to the bar with him that night ended up being losing his position due to a random drug test that tested positive for marijuana. I am still not sure if THIS coworker was actually the one that phoned the police on me that night or if it could have been anyone else in the attempted setup.

    I do know this ladies and gents, we are dealing with an intelligent force of evil that is very new in the experiences of our current generation. I did not realize this until 2012. One of the strange things that I noticed in early 2012, was that people were able to read my mind, feelings and thoughts. Pretty much anyone could do this. Again, I would talk openly about these things which I thought were quite strange to certain people only to be met with no real answer. So, by now, I had been used to hearing that routine of responses like “I’m being paranoid”, “I have identity –something– disorder” and all this $–+ until I learned to just be more antisocial and avoid most people because schizophrenia does not run in my family. These demon possessed morons can only gaslight their way out of wrongdoing so many Times before the instincts kick in. Our instincts ARE the Holy Spirit warning and guiding us. People choose to ignore those instincts we were given and listen to what parents, professors, church leaders, friends, coworkers… and other humans tell them. This is why many people are not equipped to deal with the evil force that is a silent, covert, cowardly army of demons using people as it’s hive mind agents and “programming” them to fight against you in some weird pod people sneak attack. Others may refer to this as “gang stalking”. Hey, I have been a TI (targeted Individual) too. Have cars occasionally tailgated you at night/day? Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night feeling like you were being cooked in a microwave before? Have people ever walked past you and made sick or vile comments, gestures or noises (sometimes indirect THREATS) towards you but not TO/AT you? Ever had your computer eavesdropped/spied on? Rude drivers ever harass you sometimes/many times? Ever been “set-up” or framed for something you didn’t do (similar to my story above)? The list goes on for many other people and somewhat for myself as well. The main idea of this is to illustrate to you that this IS indeed a coordinated effort of fear, threats, coercion etc.. to spiritually and psychologically “break” you and make you crazy so that the demons will inhabit your mind (IF and when you finally lose it) and then your soul. This is why I believe that many people have succumbed TO IT. Also, don’t make the same mistake I did of thinking that these are just poor misguided souls doing “mean” things. Remember when people do these things, they ARE NOT people- at least at that moment, or maybe not at all anymore. These are demons INSIDE a human flesh sack ok? It’s like another familiar movie with Denzel Washington called FALLEN. In the movie Denzel’s character comes into contact with a demon that transfers from person to person by touch.

    The demons in THIS society can jump freely from person to person of their own behest in almost the exact same way- WITHOUT touch! This “dark side”, “body snatcher” or invasive spirit can seemingly come over and possess just about anyone now- at one time or another, some more than others. These demons can jump in/out of and program people from every walk of life (even the church) as well as your close friends and your family. If anyone on this site can TRUTHFULLY say that even your own mother, brother, father sister or other family is not the same as they once were, then at LEAST you are willing to accept the truth. I say this because if anyone you know has changed in the last decade to the point where they don’t even seem like your loved ones anymore, then they probably aren’t! Perhaps there are others of you who may remember that in the mid 2000-s (2007ish for me) people seemed to have begin changing. As of now, it is just like the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” where there seems to be a sad new “calm” after the mass assimilation and give-in of society. You will know when your friends aren’t the same: your neighbors that you knew since childhood never really look at you the same anymore, your wife or girlfriend has developed some new Jezebel tart complex she never had years before, or your boyfriend or husband seems to have become equally evil and zombie like, lacking his once ‘true’ personality from some years back… hey, it’s another world now! People are possessed! There is a huge difference between being just a simple sinner and being a person who has a non-human, dark archontic force entity animating their mind and body. This is all real too. Some people refer to these demons as archons, because they are a type of 4th dimensional “psychic energy parasite” (not seen with the naked human eye unless gifted by God) that feeds on the emotional suffering, sickness, pain and all other sources of negative energy (+ ions) in the universe. David Icke is a well known authority on this phenomenon. Please research his speeches and information to gain more perspective on the “archontic force” plaguing our world.

    For those people whom the demons CANT possess (I believe myself to be in this category, thank God) they will simply inhabit, control and program the others AROUND you to do stupid things, harass, attack or simply ignore & deny you. It is through THIS method that I have been unemployed and living with my mom and dad for the past 4 out of 5 years. This comes on top of the fact that the economy has not really been in the “recovery” that the press has talked it up to be. Personally, I think things are still bad for others as well. I have to constantly hear from some people who treat me as if I am some kind of chronic lazy person who just “does not want to work”. The phrase “mom’s basement” has been unjustly thrown around beyond proportion in popular media, used as a psychological/spiritual weapon against so many young people (mostly millennials) who have been disenfranchised and left for scrap. What a way to further destroy and damage a generation who have already been sold off into slavery. I say this because only now are people finally waking up and realizing how the enormous national debts (including over-inflated tuition/student loans) have all become a financial trap for mostly, the younger among us- right down to the generation of our very grandchildren. The only way I was able to pay off my $50,000+ debts in college education was from saving the pay and whatever bonuses I received while serving in the Army, including the dangerous duty pays received while on duty for a year in Iraq. I In reality, I probably have it harder (long term) than many of the people who think they have all their 9 to 5 bragging rights. At least someone ALLOWED them to be employed and actively involved in society. I don’t want to hear the guilt trips anymore. I just want things to go back to normal in society. Remember in the 1980’s and 1990’s when you DID apply for a job somewhere (especially a big company), you usually got a call for an interview AND were likely subsequently hired within the next few days. Well, it’s certainly not my poor little fault that a new world order has taken all of the jobs out of our country. Eventually, people get exhausted in the time consuming task of being led in circles with job searching and applications- only to be pretty much ignored in most cases. People give up because they are wasting time and energy on something that will often grant them nothing for their efforts and likely even begin to deplete what little resources they DO have on hand. What a waste of time. These demons can control other people so easily that, if necessary, they can pretty much take away your own God given ability to provide for yourself (materially at least). It doesn’t matter that I had a bachelor’s degree in business administration since 2005, or if I served in the Army and I am a veteran with an honorable discharge. It also does not seem to matter that I have never been arrested or never had a drug history or anything else similar. It doesn’t matter that I worked hard like a slave at every job I had in the past and was reliable. The only job I have ever been fired from was last year (2016) which was doing funerals in a cemetery. It doesn’t take a degree to dig graves and bury people anyways, but I did my best and hung in there for at least a year until I had an argument with my manager. I never could appreciate my manager letting his son harass myself and the other workers in 90+ degree summer heat. This kid got OVER-time pay even on many days when HE WAS NOT EVEN AT WORK! The owner of the company said no overtime for anyone! My manager and his son DID NOT own the business and were simply workers there like the rest of us. Looking at the time cards to see Papa bear overpaying his lazy brat son 48 hours/week and spoiling him rotten for goofing off at home was a disgrace before the other employees and myself like slaves (unfairly). I mean, myself and two other guys did most of the heavier work, manual labor and most of the standing on our feet a lot more often than the manager, his son and the manager’s long time friend. Now, imagine if things are like this (or similar to this) all across our society. There will be many problems for many people, great anguish and strain. It would not matter how excellent out president is- or not.

    The point is that- right now there is evil being allowed to roam free in our society. Things have now gotten to the point where only those who are controlled BY evil (or those who resonate WITH evil’s vibrations) are allowed be successful & comfortable. Those of us that do not acquiesce to the evil are simply left to our own devices and are destitute, unmarried, forgotten, ignored, struggling, childless and unhappy. If the demons cant literally possess you, they will simply possess the people around you and cause them to treat you unfairly and or simply ignore you as if you don’t really exist in this world, thus suppressing your relationships, your potential, your success, your future, your resources, your quality of life and your life force. Many people may not be aware of this covert war even going on, but believe me, there is one in progress. You wont find the evidence of this war on television, in the newspapers, or even in the churches. Just know this- people that are good and people that do have the Holy Spirit in them are going to continuously suffer in today’s world. Many churches will have you fooled into thinking that being a Christian or a child of the Lord means your life will be full of “blessings, providence, abundance”… Ha! That couldn’t be further from the truth! Perhaps you will see those blessings in the next life but it is not likely in this current life. In an evil world like the one of today, the REAL Christians are the ones who are more likely unhappy, uncomfortable, frustrated exhausted and in this case, outnumbered. This is just the reality of true human nature. People talk a lot about being positive and staying hopeful, but in reality being under constant spiritual attack eventually can cause burnout among the toughest of the tough guys. Like I said earlier, this in an INTELLIGENT evil force, especially when it comes to psychological & spiritual warfare, manipulation and deception.

    Since having do deal with this kind of position in life, it has made me somewhat warlike in a sense with a prepper/survivalist like mindset. I’ve acquired seeds, water purifiers, bought a small plot of prepper land away from the cities. I know how to create fire. It will also be good to know make a garden greenhouse from plastic sheeting, how to find edible plants in the woods and how to build a mud brick earthen home or log cabin from scratch. God’s remnant must prepare for times when we may not be able have a job or have to depend on the enemy (the coming beast system) to buy and sell. Know how to live and survive the way the aboriginal (native Americans) lived. We’ve been taught to be someone else’s 9-5 slave all our lives so long that many people in the large cities couldn’t survive without the grocery store being fully stocked, the gas station always being open, and the electricity, internet and water working. We have to realize that things in our society ARE GOING to deteriorate even further before Christ’s return. Become self sufficient and self reliant so that you will be a guiding light and perhaps even an “underground railroad” to others when life gets even more difficult and more persecutory than it already is now. Prayer is fine, but I see so many people saying pray, pray and suggesting that that is ALL you can do. So many churches have taught Christians to pray, give up and simply hide from evil when things get bad. NO. Stay the course and keep fighting for what is good and right in life.

    There may be weapons to defeat evil “physically” and many people suffering through the evils of this world may not realize this. Orgone energy may be that type of weapon. For those who think orgone energy is a “new age” cult fantasy or try to pass it off as divination, spiritism or the occult as a reason for not learning about it- guess again! Look for the book titled: “Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy” by Ola Raknes. I found it on Amazon and read the entire thing. This book is an amazing explanation of the creative force of the universe dubbed by some Christians as “God’s Breath”. This book may change your understanding about holy energies and the actual conscious, physical existence of creative force of what we know as the Holy Spirit. There are people creating something called “orgonite” which is being sold by many vendors. This is a simple device that allows this wonderful energy to accumulate in your very presence. I understand that there are all kinds of gimmicks being sold as Orgonite on the internet, but I would first read the book and then do basic research on how the materials in the orgone accumulator gave rise to “orgonite”, created by Karl Welz which was further researched and improved by Don and Carrol Croft. The energy is like a silver bullet for many evils and 1000 blessings in one package. I have experienced it before and I do agree that this is a powerful energy. However, not everyone out there knows how to make orgonite to where is is most effective in all the situations it could be used in. Many things factor into how well orgonite functions. Orgone is made of something referred to as “orgone matrix material”. This is what made Wilhelm Reich’s famous orgone accumulators a marvel of science. More interestingly, this man, like many of us today, was persecuted for his brilliant research and discoveries. He died in prison in 1957. I encourage everyone to read the book “Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy” and to also read about the early field orgonite projects of Don and Carol Croft. There are other resources on the internet which go more into “energy resonances” of materials like minerals, stones, colors and sounds and so on. I do not want to give any obvious specific websites because the enemy likes to attack or shut off these resources if, by chance, these tools are proven to help turn the tide of things in our world. I encourage you to do your own research on orgone energy and orgonite devices. Focus your search mainly on these things: how the material is made, the variation in the combination of different sizes of the ingredients involved, the different types of materials used in the material and From what I know, if orgonite is constructed a certain way, it can be more efficient in function than certain other units constructed in a different manner. In other words, there is more or less a right and wrong way to create orgonite- depending on how you need it to work. Some people will make orgonite and then say that it does not work because they can’t get it to release energy at the capacity in which they made it. They may have made the orgonite too dense or not dense enough. I myself have had this problem- getting rid of orgonite, thinking that it doesn’t work. Pretty much ALL orgonite works, its just that some pieces are more suited for passive use and others need MUCH more EMF/(+ions) to stimulate them to produce the orgone energy. Orgonite basically works by converting positive ions (+ ions) to negative ions (-ions) in a simple definition. You simply continue to make other pieces and change the density and or materials of the orgone material until you feel the power of the energy. Once you become more familiar how orgonite “behaves” as a an etheric energy transformer, you will be better able to deploy and use it to heal people, places and things anywhere. Again, do the research- there are reputable resources on the internet for learning about orgone energy. Some people choose to fight back against this evil and that is good! Of course you won’t win every battle, but you will gain more confidence through it all by standing your ground. As flesh beings, we certainly cant fight and win EVERY battle, all by ourselves, against an gang of thugs with telepathic/ESP/psychic (4th dimensional) powers literally from hell. Orgone energy is a weapon that can operate on all dimensions and the good thing about this energy is that it discriminates. What I mean is that orgone will, in theory, burn these negative entities- sort of like the holy energy frequencies that are infused into holy water (remember the exorcism in movie “The EXORCIST”?). Powerful orgone fields will burn demons, but leave normal humans untouched- actually HEALING them as a matter of fact. Remember, this world was STILL made for us as WE were made in God’s image and were also bought for a price, thus saved by the sacrifice of Christ. Demons are condemned entities and they must KNOW that they ARE going to hell eventually for rebelling against God and assaulting his creation (man/woman). Live your life like you know this, keep surviving and hold your head up- rather than lowering it in fear. These things ARE going to be condemned and that’s that!

    For those of us who ARE still human, we must continue to BE human, BE strong and not change, give in or compromise for anything. I tell you what, Christ will eventually bring justice either way.

    Stay strong everyone.
    The King of Kings will soon deploy his cavalries of the white horses!
    The Lord’s infantry will arrive soon!

  551. Chad – I agree with what you have said. The demons are very cunning and smart they make things look good or bad to trap you and we have to be strong and do not compromise for anything and hold our heads up high rather than lowering it in fear.

  552. I believe this caused so much distress. I am soooo drained. The treatment from people has made me hate myself. I suffer with manic depression and I have chronic pain. I really don’t understand how God could create someone just to be mocked, ridiculed and rejected. It’s just not right and just don’t understand how you can accomplish anything if these demons are hard at work, church, your neighborhood, mall, etc. Last week, I was at the mall instead of the employees greeting me they rolled their eyes at me and didn’t assist me. This happened in multiple stores. My paranoia is so bad that I don’t want to be anywhere thinking these evil people are after me.

    • dear want

      this is an evil world now, and mean and rejecting behavior is common.

      god is not doing this, satan is

      god made you to be loved and accepted, to be productive and happy

      the devil hates this, so he attacks, usually through influencing other people

      he wants you to be a victim and blame God

      the saints are all being attacked right now…….look at the persecution and beheadings of christians

      look at how so many are attacking president trump

      you need to strengthen yourself in the Lord..pray for protection, read the bible, pray ( you can use the psalms) , reject all curses ( I am sending you some prayers), and give god glory each day for what you do have

      you have to fight back in the spirit…we are all being tested….we bind and rebuke the works of satan and declare our own victories over him

      if you don’t know Jesus as your personal savior, consider this….he only helps those that belong to him

  553. Chad – don’t hate yourself – that is why you suffer with manic depression – you feel broken inside I bet. I am 65 years old and I have been through a lot of nasty people in this world which includes some of my family members. I have cried and felt what is the point of living. But over the years a pastor has helped me understand that it is not me who has the problem it is the other people who are so horrible. I asked him why they hate me and he said that you have a discerning spirit in you and you can see what sort of person they are. They don’t like that – that is why they don’t like you.

    You have probably a discerning spirit in you . I have learned not to look at those people straight in the eye – the eye is the mirror of the soul.
    So if you are in the mall – try not to look at people straight in the eye – smile at them and say how are you? or good morning etc.

    The pastor said – put your index finger on your forehead or the area of pain and say to yourself “I minister the healing blood of Jesus to my mind etc.” Do this every time you feel hurt or in pain. This pastor is now 88 years of age and he has been through a lot of hurt and pain and has overcome his troubles.

    The devil is getting more people unhappy and dieing through sickness and tragedy in this world as never before. People rich and famous are suffering too.

    Jesus was mocked and rejected by people and he was a perfect man. We are not perfect but we have Jesus’s blood in us – people of the same kind like people of the same kind – remember this.

  554. I have an innate ability to predict / speak things into reality and have the education level of a 5 th grader however 70 % of my vocabulary are large words that I know how to use in a sentence without even knowing the definition or how with multiple live audience is this witchcraft .I am scared

    • christin

      how did this start?

      how old are you?

      what type of things do you “speak out?” good or bad?

      this is either due to one of three things:

      you are gifted

      you have learned to do this, but may or may not remember the learning experience


      you are operating under witchcraft because you are open to it. in that case, you should be scared, as this will send you to eternal hell, which is not a party.

      your email address is suggestive of a fascination with what is wrong.

      you need to have jesus as your savior to really get the help you need.

      to do this, you have to first repent of and reject all wrongdoing. if you do not know what is right vs wrong, I can explain it to you, but to begin with, start with the 10 commandments

      write back and answer my questions first, then we can evaluate your situation better.

    • I recall wondering what was wrong with me or did I create it when I could see illness before it happened or before the patient knew they were ill. I stopped looking at people for long time. Then I became sick by holding it in. I had to heal myself because no doctors knew what was wrong with me, before I could start to see it again and know that I wasn’t creating it. But i can now create good things when i need them. It takes practice and control and prayer and love to get to that amazing place of conscious beautiful creation. ❤ you have found your tribe.

  555. Ok … To must people all this
    Sound so Crazy but let met tell
    you it’s all very real I thank God
    For this vision to be able to Understand the true the things we don’t see
    I’m so glad I came to this
    Page 👍 🙏

  556. This reason is why I stay to myself and I have a problem trusting people. Especially other women. It’s like I see the whispers and stares but yet I’m made to be the crazy one. In fact, sometimes people tell me I’m hallucinating especially doctors. I know what’s happening is true. I work at home and I go to few social events because I just don’t want to be bothered with this happening over and over again. It’s frustrating and draining. Here’s some scenarios: 1) started several jobs in the past – bullied and mobbed to no end 2) went to a family event around people I never met – automatically hated by a cousin I never met before and rumors spread 3) neighbors aren’t friendly

    • candy

      we are surrounded by evil in our every day life.

      long ago, it was not this bad, but satan’s time is short. so more and more people are having the experience you describe.

      work on positive solutions:

      put on the armor of god daily

      stay close to god

      try to find positive friends, local to you is good, but there also really nice people on the internet

      pray and read the psalms daily

      I am going to send you some prayers for strength and against any curses you feel people put on you to hamper you

      I will agree with you in prayer

  557. Candy, Yes I have a similar problem and so does my daughter with people. There are people out in this world who are out to destroy people for no reason except for their own self gain but there are some people who have a caring and loving attitude. Stick with people who are positive and caring and be reserved with your personal information – just tell people things that they need to know not give them all your secrets and personal information so they can talk about you. It says in the bible do not cast your pearls before swine. Human nature loves to talk about people who have problems or have gained something. Be strong and only trust in God 100% not people 100% only 90% if you can trust them.

    • Positive people are the ones that most likely will give you problems. There’s a difference between positive people and sincere people espacially in toda’y

      • Yes I should have said sincere people who are positive. That is what I meant – used the wrong words. If people are not sincere forget about them.

    • good advice

  558. I had an opportunity this week to experiment with this situation. I was at a luncheon and was in the kitchen helping out a bunch of ladies putting the lunch together one woman kept walking right in front of me. It didn’t matter where I was going she would cut me off every time. So I decided to try something. I just stood still I leaned against a counter and didn’t move she kept coming straight at me she would step directly over my feet even if there was 5 feet of clear space in front of me she would come right at me. I could tell she was getting very frustrated that I wasn’t being a victim for her any longer.

  559. […] […]

  560. This is intolerable. Nice work.

  561. Things are getting worse and worse for me. The more I read the Bible and the more I pray, the worse my relationships with people become. I can only be around people for a limited amount of time. Everyone I seem to interact with seems to push my buttons. I hate being lonely but I hate dealing with people.

    • candy

      same here……hang in there.

      Jesus really is coming soon.

      • But it’s just so hard. I literally have to walk out of stores to get away from people before an argument or physical fight breaks out. I don’t even get along with my immediate nor extended family any more. Everyone is trying to hurt me when even when I try hard to get along. I’m going insane. I get along with nobody.

  562. I’m really not doing well at all dealing with all this hatred. It’s driving me insane. I have no friends, no family and never had a romantic relationship. I am now in my thirties. I just don’t understand the point of life if I’ll be lonely forever and constantly getting rejected. My whole life has been filled with severe bullying and rejection. I’m crying as I write this.

    • Lea

      my heart goes out to you. I have been where you are at. this is an evil world now, and this evil makes life seem useless. but the challenge is to find the good in life, and get close to it.

      god is real and this life is temporary, we have to keep our chin up and our spirit in a positive mode, so we can draw others who are positive and also be open to the presence of god.

      there is hope in this life. but life is a constant challenge so it does take work to find the good in it. the good news is there is good in life, but it is a rare flower to cherish. do not give up. search for the positive, godly people.

      i am not near you, but I want to send you a ‘hug.”

      I pray that you experience the tangible presence of god, and feel the love you need to feel to be strong in life.

    • Lea my name is Lynnette and I am 65 years old. Throughout my life I have been rejected and bullied by people, so called friends and relatives. I use to cry just about every night in my till I was told by my pastor that I have a spirit of discernment that is why people don’t like me and my daughter who is nearly 32 years old has similar problems including no relationship.

      I tell my daughter that the only person who you can 100% trust is God. People in this world are not perfect and born sinners. You cannot 100% depend on people. This is hard facts but it is the truth. You are a child of God and you have gifts. Your gifts are like a bowl of fruit some fruit is green, some are not so green, some are ripe and some are very ripe. It does not mean the fruit is green is no good just takes time to ripen.

      Use your gifts to fulfil your life by helping someone and achieving something. If you want a relationship you have to find someone who you can be your friend and is willing to work with you in achieving your goals in life (not just sex). This is done by showing them respect and being loving and kind to them.

      When Jesus was alive evil people hated him and they crucified him and he was 100% perfect. The spirit in Evil people can sense that you are not like them that is why they don’t like you and that is why they don’t like people who are caring, loving and respectful to each other.

      Satin is in his last days and he is trying his best to destroy people lives. You are still young be strong in the Lord by trusting him no matter what happens in this world.

  563. Hey Marrianne! Praise the Lord! Thank you so much for the valuable piece of information, that you’ve provided, on this blessed blog! God bless you sister. As a matter of fact, I’ve been wanting to know about this (the problem that I’ve been dealing with pertaining to people around me, detesting my presence and looking down on me for whatsoever reason) for a long time now and I am grateful to God, for this blessed blog of yours, through which God Almighty, has spoken to me, in a divine way.

    I feel blessed and at-peace, right now. I’ve been anxious to know as to WHY, I end up getting these negative vibes and uncomfortable signals from within, for quite sometime now…but today, I can confidently declare that I am at-peace, with my inner self, finally!

    Praise Jesus!

    In Christ
    Bro. Lee (India)

    P.s : would love to stay connected with you via email. Wondering how to make that possible since I don’t have your e-mail id yet.

    • brother lee

      you can subscribe to my blog, which I think you have done,

      when I answer comments I sometimes send an email, and my address is part of that response.

      I am glad this post helped you. I had the same problem for a long time….

    • Dear Brother Lee I am glad that this website has helped you understand why people do not like you. This website has helped other people beside myself.

  564. This is a Christmas and New Years message to everyone: It does not matter who you are whether you are rich or poor, famous or non famous you will be remembered by your family members, work colleagues, friends and church people on how you treat them and other people. So, for 2018 resolution treat other people who are genuine who need help and friendship the way you would like to be treated yourself and show your community the love of Christ.

  565. I’ve been a christian since 1997 and since then I’ve been attacked, rejected and disliked by people for no apparent reason, predominantly by women. I’ve learned to pray, trust God and just live with it. I have no friends, I have no male relationships, yes I’m a loner too, however my relationship with God is tight. Yes loneliness has a purpose too. I know For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We are of God, so marvel not that the world hates you, yet we know JESUS has overcome the world. In my time I’ve witnessed these same people who hate me without cause either repent, be judged by God or God moved me. Our job is to pray for them, But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. When we obey, although the opposition is long because of God’s grace toward our enemies, He will vindicate us and restore ALL. Remember, chase no one for acknowledgments or friendships if its a blessing it will come after you and chase you down in due season. Be blessed, praise God in the midst of it and remain confident in JESUS!

    • charise

      well put. you are a strong person. and god will provide some company for you in some form…I am the same way. sometimes it is a nice interaction in a store, or a friendly phone call, or my dog cuddles me. keep looking up!

    • Want To Find Your Mate? Bible Study

      Bethany and Lucas Scanlon

    • Charise my daughter who has just turned 32 has a similar problem to you. I tell her to put faith in God to find a male and female friend who likes her for what she is and not what that person can get out of her. She has been used by male and female so called friends mainly because she has a car and she is kind hearted to them financially.

      I will pray for you and my daughter to find a male and female friend who likes you for what you are so you both will not be lonely.

      • thank you

      • Thank you so much Lynnette! Let your daughter know that if shes in Christ she will always be on the winning side even when people take advantage. Why? Because God always reward the cheerful giver. Be encouraged and I will keep all in prayer.

  566. Want To Find Your Mate? Bible Study

    “But I clearly remember thinking in my mind and realizing in my spirit that Bethany very much believed in the effectiveness and results of her prayers for one’s mate. Actually, she warned us that we should be serious about really wanting a mate because her prayers got answers in this area!”

    Bethany Scanlon

  567. All my life I’ve been accused of thinking I’m better, conceited or stuck up by people. From school days to workplaces, It’s like they don’t get to know me and make harsh judgements and spread rumors, especially other women. It’s like my presence makes them angry. So frustrating! I have no friends. I pray about it yet I’m still continuously rejected. Why does God not send good people in my life? I meet some people they seem nice then their true colors come out. I have no friends, family or romantic relationship. I’m a complete loner.

    • candy

      the problem is them, not you

      this world has become increasingly stupid, and evil. so people are jealous of the intelligence and gifts you were born with and cultivated. they hate anyone who achieves more than them, or who can think at all, while their mind programming keeps them in a cage.

      good people are hard to find. seek out like minded people, rather than hoping just anyone near you will like you. scrutinize everyone that comes along. the gem will be a needle in a haystack. get online. someone like you is out there somewhere.

      do not give up.

      go to christian websites and see how people behave and connect with them. there are those, for example, who come here and post and leave comments for others, and they start a conversation. later, they ask for each others email addresses or phone numbers.

      re read this post, it will explain things.

      I am assuming you are christian, but maybe you are not. so if not, consider that as well.

  568. Hi, thank you for the insight… I have always experienced the same and I thought something was wrong with me, that’s why these things happen but now I know, thank you.

    • Dear Candy and Lady Grace

      People who “mudsling” other people who are either rich or poor have no class. Their ethics, and Christian principles and how they treat other people are very low. Being rich does not mean you have class. For example a poor person who has just won a large sum of money does not mean they have class it is achieved by having ethics and Christian principles and how you treat other people.

      People who “mudsling” other people do not like people who don’t “mudsling” other people.

  569. Cool thank u…i get alott of reactions and rejection just like u described …i always felt cursed …and at times felt the call of 666…and find my self stuck between hate of others and goin back to god

    • jim

      go back to god, he is a lot nicer ………do not waste your energy on hateful people, or on stupid 666 stuff.

    • Trust in God 100% not in people 100% because human nature will let you down and it does not matter who they are because they are not perfect only God is.

  570. You guys should look into gangstalking and organized bullying and harassment since some of y‘all are most likely targeted individuals selected as your evil town‘s scapegoat victim and are being messed with in an organized manner unbeknownst to yourself

  571. This can be true, I was a victim of organised bullying in the workforce in Australia, but I got evidence which took me a few years and I got the main person (a director of a company) who was behind all of this by reporting to the head authorities against corruption. The person (a director of a company) was fired from their position plus the company was in big trouble with the head authorities against corruption. Nothing good comes out from evil. People of the same kind (mudslingers) like people of the same kind (mudslingers). People who have class and ethics don’t mud sling other people..

  572. I am having a hard time as I am severely lonely. I come to this website for comfort. I am in my thirties and I am struggling with all my relationships. It’s hard for me to date and I have no friends. This year alone, I’ve been on several dates and tried to make friends but I still remain alone. Nobody seems to care about me or want me as a friend or as a romantic interest. I cry every night due to my loneliness. I’ve been mocked, bullied and ostracized my whole life.

    • Dear Ty I am 66 years of age, retired and I am now a widow. One thing I have learned in my life is not to rely on people only God. Ty you could be married with children and still be lonely. Loneliness is when you can’t communicate with a person/persons. You could be in a crowd and still be lonely or you find it hard to communicate with your husband and still be lonely and I know a few people in that situation.

      When my husband died 5 years ago, I found life was boring just staying home doing domestic work and chatting to a few people on the phone. I decided to do volunteer work by helping people in the community. This work has made me feel happier and not lonely. When you help other people your life gets uplifted. Pray to God that you will meet someone who is lonely like you who needs a friend and a relationship.

      People who mud-sling other people have no ethics or class. If people bully you say to them ” that you can’t talk to me as a person, you only enjoy mud-slinging me – people who mud-sling have no ethics or class”.

      Ty, God loves you and look to him for strength to carry on in life not people.

    • ty

      I think what Lynnette said is very good advice. So read that.

      I need to ask, are you saved? born again? christian?

      try to reach out in circles that match who you are. I would start out with groups, even charities, and then progress to individual relationships.

      you are still young with a lot of energy and purpose to contribute. what are your strong points? find others who need those strong points in their lives.

      give yourself to the Lord and let Him guide you. He loves you and wants the best for you.

  573. I have something to share that has been happening at my work. There is a guy who talks about astral projection like it is playing Nintendo or something. Other people have shown me crystals and other objects that apparently are doing something with at work as well. It’s a lot of darkness there, though one of them are no longer with the company at this point.

    This Astral projection guy will literally try to interrogate if I am fasting in secret. The guy just knows and starts freaking out with his questions. “Hey, have you eaten today?” “When’s the last time you had food?” I joked that anytime I fasted, I would be offered free food and knew who of some of the people there would do it too. Like clockwork, I’d fast in secrete and not on a pattern, and someone would offer me free food. It’s definitely some legit spiritual warfare in a different form.

    What has been happening lately though falls in line with this article. People I have never met before will walk near me and all he sudden get nervous. I have seen some of them walking by also, and pointing at finger at me on the sly, quickly jerking away if I look in their direction. This has been going on for a couple of months now. Lately, some have also being mumbling curse words under their breath as they walk past me working.

    I pray that they repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I come against the spirits in private. I think it all falls in line with your article here. This has helped me, and I will continue to pray. I don’t like the idea of demons being able to go off on us like they are safe like that, but not sure of any other way to handle the situation besides prayer and spiritual warfare in private.

    Any suggestions?

  574. hello Marianne,

    i’m trying to contact you, due to a personal situation i’m in, through email but it is bouncing back as disabled…. how can i reach you otherwise? ty for your help!

  575. Hello everyone and may Gdd keep all of us during these trying times. I commented some time ago on this post and I am still experiencing the hostility and dislike from others who dont know me, or have have any interactions. I get this hostility especially from women, whether they come from other countries or are native to this country. Since I was a little I have experienced this among family members, however I still seem to have had friends, until I became a christian.Those friendships died out, since I have experienced loneliness, rejection, opposition, from folks I dont know, even church folk.Today’s men are so arrogant and belittling that they automatically reject me. I discerned that the atmosphere is filled with witchcraft, which is a form of rebellion. The world is under the sway of this spirit. Reason theres so much hostility. I’ve accepted that I will never be received by the world and those who walk in rebellion. I do believe in due season God will lead all of us to those who are like Him, but we first need to be alone with God and be content with Him. In reality we are not alone. In the end Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us into ALL TRUTH, if the same spirit resides in us all. So praise God in the midst of it all for He is doing something marvelous although it’s taking time to manifest. Be encouraged!


      It is always sad for me to hear such testimonies.

      we can no longer expect approval from the world

      we must focus on the approval God has for us, and the heavenly place of peace and joy that awaits us

      be blessed and stay strong. time of joy will follow all these heartaches.

      • Dont be sad! God is using all these these fie our greater good. There are people that just dobt deserve our friendship, although many were sent to try. Rejection is not a bad thing if we understood it. In all thy getting get understanding. Darkness could never comprehend the light, however were sent to be the light of the world. Unfortunately for those that reject without cause, God will deal with them.

  576. Please pray for me. People hate me wherever I go. Big city or small town. Strangers. Family. It hurts my feelings so bad I wish Jesus would just come hold my hand and stand next to me. I don’t know what’s so wrong with me.

    • kris

      there is nothing wrong with you. the spirit of the world is evil now, and hates those who are righteous. the good people are being persecuted and rejected. know that God loves you and you will be with Him soon, when the Lord Jesus comes to get us. you have my prayers for strength of comfort , and to experience the presence of God.

      • Dear Kris People who have integrity are the same in the public as well as in private.  Not many people in this world have integrity the world is getting more evil by the day.  People of the same kind like people of the same kind.   I am 69 years of age and have 3 children who are 35 years old (twins) and 39 years old and we have experienced being persecuted and rejected by family and people especially in the workforce.  We have all learned to trust Jesus and not 100% rely on other people for love and friendship because people are not perfect. God has given you gift/gifts personally and our gifts are like a bowl of fruit some are ripe, some are a bit green, some are very green.  It does not mean that the fruit which is green is no good it takes a while to ripen.  Use your gift/gifts and do not 100% rely on people only 100% on Jesus and you will find peace within your heart.  Don’t give a “dam” (couldn’t care less – Australian slang) about people who are nasty to you.  They are not worth thinking about little known being a friend.  Be proud and love yourself for what you are and look to Jesus.  My children and I have learnt this in our lives as we have got older. I bet you are a wonderful, loving person.

    • Dear Kris, we are living in the end times, the rapture and the 7year Tribulation are right around the corner. We can feel that the “Great Seperation” as we call it is taking place. Born again Christians are rejected pretty much everywhere, especially actively witnessing Christians. Please make sure you don’t give demons a foothold, don’t keep any occult items and symbols in your home, destroy them! You can find lists of these items online. Pease read the Bible, listen to great evangelists like Dr. John Ankerberg and Lamb and Lion Ministries.
      Love and prayers from Canada, Gordon and wifey!

      • Dear gord and K. May God bless you for showing such kindness and love to another believer. And encouraging them. I pray we all stick together in these final times and support each other.

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